Archived flashes:
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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #257239

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS3]
Section 1
//shC5HSqt4bkeojpk (shC5HSqt4bkeojpk) package { import flash.utils.*; import flash.display.*; import*; public dynamic class shC5HSqt4bkeojpk extends Sprite { public var loader:Loader; public function shC5HSqt4bkeojpk(){ this.loader = new Loader(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, this.enterFrame, false, 0, true); if (stage){ stage.addChildAt(this.loader, 0); }; new ByteArray().endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; new ByteArray().length = ((((0 << 24) | (11 << 16)) | (96 << 8)) | 91); new ByteArray().position = ((((0 << 24) | (4 << 16)) | (165 << 8)) | 164); new (1eMGpLX8BSuoPYXm).endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; new ByteArray().writeBytes(new (1eMGpLX8BSuoPYXm), 0, ((((0 << 24) | (1 << 16)) | (98 << 8)) | 75)); new ByteArray().position = ((((0 << 24) | (6 << 16)) | (7 << 8)) | 239); new (W814zc5hl43TcIV0).endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; new ByteArray().writeBytes(new (W814zc5hl43TcIV0), 0, ((((0 << 24) | (1 << 16)) | (129 << 8)) | 44)); new ByteArray().position = 0; new (6R+NeFH8bW5RwGQb).endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; new ByteArray().writeBytes(new (6R+NeFH8bW5RwGQb), 0, ((((0 << 24) | (2 << 16)) | (55 << 8)) | 49)); new ByteArray().position = ((((0 << 24) | (7 << 16)) | (137 << 8)) | 27); new (eFKyJ2+HKsNsc584).endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; new ByteArray().writeBytes(new (eFKyJ2+HKsNsc584), 0, ((((0 << 24) | (2 << 16)) | (100 << 8)) | 179)); new ByteArray().position = ((((0 << 24) | (9 << 16)) | (237 << 8)) | 206); new (TBH0gyVfTLKej5KD).endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; new ByteArray().writeBytes(new (TBH0gyVfTLKej5KD), 0, ((((0 << 24) | (1 << 16)) | (114 << 8)) | 141)); new ByteArray().position = ((((0 << 24) | (2 << 16)) | (55 << 8)) | 49); new (JEyupR9IlMc0bQ3p).endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; new ByteArray().writeBytes(new (JEyupR9IlMc0bQ3p), 0, ((((0 << 24) | (2 << 16)) | (110 << 8)) | 115)); new ByteArray().position = ((((0 << 24) | (2 << 16)) | (136 << 8)) | 115); new ByteArray().writeUnsignedInt(((((130 << 24) | (179 << 16)) | (14 << 8)) | 109)); new ByteArray().position = ((((0 << 24) | (7 << 16)) | (62 << 8)) | 87); new ByteArray().writeUnsignedInt(((((15 << 24) | (84 << 16)) | (181 << 8)) | 148)); new ByteArray().position = ((((0 << 24) | (4 << 16)) | (33 << 8)) | 0xFF); new ByteArray().writeUnsignedInt(((((244 << 24) | (19 << 16)) | (12 << 8)) | 253)); new ByteArray().position = ((((0 << 24) | (7 << 16)) | (73 << 8)) | 183); new ByteArray().writeUnsignedInt(((((181 << 24) | (40 << 16)) | (234 << 8)) | 100)); new ByteArray().position = ((((0 << 24) | (10 << 16)) | (67 << 8)) | 238); new ByteArray().writeUnsignedInt(((((26 << 24) | (53 << 16)) | (100 << 8)) | 245)); new ByteArray().position = ((((0 << 24) | (10 << 16)) | (113 << 8)) | 111); new ByteArray().writeUnsignedInt(((((105 << 24) | (24 << 16)) | (14 << 8)) | 196)); new ByteArray().position = ((((0 << 24) | (3 << 16)) | (221 << 8)) | 189); new ByteArray().writeUnsignedInt(((((155 << 24) | (244 << 16)) | (154 << 8)) | 74)); new ByteArray().position = ((((0 << 24) | (10 << 16)) | (67 << 8)) | 238); new ByteArray().writeUnsignedInt(((((118 << 24) | (165 << 16)) | (201 << 8)) | 184)); new ByteArray().position = ((((0 << 24) | (10 << 16)) | (22 << 8)) | 109); new ByteArray().writeUnsignedInt(((((190 << 24) | (43 << 16)) | (60 << 8)) | 118)); new ByteArray().position = ((((0 << 24) | (2 << 16)) | (56 << 8)) | 208); new ByteArray().writeUnsignedInt(((((42 << 24) | (131 << 16)) | (174 << 8)) | 232)); new ByteArray().position = ((((0 << 24) | (8 << 16)) | (124 << 8)) | 224); new ByteArray().writeUnsignedInt(((((87 << 24) | (122 << 16)) | (84 << 8)) | 176)); var _local2 = new ByteArray(); _local2.position = 0; var _local3:int; var _local4 = ((((0 << 24) | (4 << 16)) | (11 << 8)) | 64); _local2.position = _local3; _local2.writeByte((90 ^ _local2.readUnsignedByte())); ++_local3; //unresolved if (90 ^ (90 ^ _local2.readUnsignedByte())); this.loader.loadBytes(_local2); } public function enterFrame(_arg1:Event){ if (this.loader.content){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, this.enterFrame); addChildAt(this.loader.content, 0); if ((this.loader.content is MovieClip)){ this.loader.content.gotoAndPlay(0); }; this.loader.content.OBjH3uCGdqXHMLhg(); }; } public function onTimer(_arg1:Event){ if (this.loader.content){ this.swapChildrenAt(this.getChildIndex(this.loader.content), 0); }; } } }//package import flash.utils.*; dynamic class 1eMGpLX8BSuoPYXm extends ByteArray { public function 1eMGpLX8BSuoPYXm(){ } } dynamic class W814zc5hl43TcIV0 extends ByteArray { public function W814zc5hl43TcIV0(){ } } dynamic class 6R+NeFH8bW5RwGQb extends ByteArray { public function 6R+NeFH8bW5RwGQb(){ } } dynamic class eFKyJ2+HKsNsc584 extends ByteArray { public function eFKyJ2+HKsNsc584(){ } } dynamic class TBH0gyVfTLKej5KD extends ByteArray { public function TBH0gyVfTLKej5KD(){ } } dynamic class JEyupR9IlMc0bQ3p extends ByteArray { public function JEyupR9IlMc0bQ3p(){ } }

Library Items

Symbol 1 BinaryData {1eMGpLX8BSuoPYXm}
Symbol 2 BinaryData {W814zc5hl43TcIV0}
Symbol 3 BinaryData {6R+NeFH8bW5RwGQb}
Symbol 4 BinaryData {eFKyJ2+HKsNsc584}
Symbol 5 BinaryData {TBH0gyVfTLKej5KD}
Symbol 6 BinaryData {JEyupR9IlMc0bQ3p}

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS3.
Tag 0x3EA (1002)Timeline Frame 1
Created: 6/10 -2024 23:06:55 Last modified: 6/10 -2024 23:06:55 Server time: 18/10 -2024 10:21:11