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This is the info page for
Flash #257288

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

Post Main-Sequence Evolution of a 5 Solar Mass Star











Logarithm of Luminosity

Logarithm of Effective Surface Temperature (K)











The Zero-Age Main Sequence
(ZAMS) represents the star at
the time that it first enters the
main sequence.  From this
point the star is producing
most of its energy by burning
hydrogen in the core.  As a
result, the star is very stable in
temperature and luminosity.
















burning in

As the star evolves on the main
sequence it burns hydrogen in
a very stable way to helium in
its core because of the delicate
balance between pressure of
the hot gases and gravity.  The
star drifts very slowly almost
straight up in luminosity from
the ZAMS point.

Core exhaustion;

of hydrogen
shell source

When the star exhausts the
hydrogen fuel in its core the
fusion reactions shut down
because the temperature and
pressure outside the core are
not high enough for fusion.
The core begins to contract
because fusion reactions are
no longer balancing gravity.

As the core contracts, the
temperature and pressure
increase.  Eventually, in a ring
of hydrogen surrounding the
helium ash,  temperature and
pressure rise high enough to
ignite the hydrogen.  The star
begins to fuse hydrogen to
helium in this shell source.

As the star's core contracts the
temperature and pressure go
up.  Eventually, they become
large enough that the central
helium can begin to burn to
carbon through the triple-alpha

Narrowing of
shell source

As the hydrogen shell source
burns it produces helium ash.
This coupled with lower central
temperature narrows the
burning shell.  As this happens,
the surface temperature of the
star and luminosity decrease
and the star drifts down and to
the  right in the HR diagram.

The outer convective envelope
extends inward rapidly.  The
convective overturn of material
from deep inside that results
causes changes in surface
element abundances as the star
begins to halt its downward and
to the right drift on the HR

Rapid inward extension
of convective envelope;
changes in surface


As the deep interior contracts it
heats up by conversion of
gravitational energy.  The
outflow  of heat expands the
outer layers  and  luminosity
goes up rapidly because of the
increase in surface area.  The
star moves quickly into the red
giant region of the HR diagram.

Ignition of

Initial phase
helium core

The star now stabilizes as it
begins the initial phase of
helium burning in its core by
the triple-alpha process.  There
may also be simultaneously a
hydrogen shell source burning
in a concentric region outside
the central region where helium
is burning.

Deep convective
envelope gone,
rapid contraction

The deep convective envelope
that has been present in the
early red giant phase now
disappears because the rate of
interior energy production is
down.  The interior contracts,
heating surface layers.  Both
the  surface temperature and
the luminosity rise.

Major phase of
helium core

The star now  enters its major
phase of helium core burning.
For a time, it will be stable like
it was on the main sequence as
the pressure produced by
helium fusion almost exactly
balances the gravitational
forces trying to contract the
star.  But the end is near.

Helium and possibly
hydrogen shell sources;
core neutrino cooling

Central helium has become
exhausted; helium is burning in
a shell.  There may also be a
hydrogen shell source.  As
densities and temperatures  at
the center increase, emission
of neutrinos becomes the most
important method for cooling
the interior.

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 2
tellTarget ("/path1") { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Frame 60
Frame 112
Frame 138
Frame 175
Frame 264
stop(); tellTarget ("/path1") { stop(); }
Symbol 8 Button
on (release) { play(); tellTarget ("/path1") { play(); } }
Symbol 11 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/path1") { stop(); }; stop(); }
Symbol 14 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 60
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 113
stop(); stop();
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 138
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 175

Library Items

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Instance Names

"path1"Frame 2Symbol 68 MovieClip
Created: 19/10 -2024 02:11:40 Last modified: 19/10 -2024 02:11:40 Server time: 24/10 -2024 02:26:50