Frame 1
Stage.showMenu = false;
attachMovie("stagemask", "stagemask", 1000);
Frame 2
function powercontrol() {
if (pausing == false) {
if (Key.isDown(_root.a)) {
_root.p1power = _root.p1power + p1initialpower;
if (Key.isDown(_root.d)) {
_root.p1power = _root.p1power + p1initialpower;
if (Key.isDown(_root.s)) {
_root.p1power = _root.p1power + p1initialpower;
if (p1power >= 200) {
p1power = 200;
function powercancel() {
if (pausing == false) {
p1power = p1power - 10;
p1initialpower = 0;
if (p1power <= 0) {
p1power = 0;
function charamove() {
if (pausing == false) {
p1movespeed = p1power + rainspeed;
if (p1movespeed >= 13) {
p1movespeed = 13;
} = + (Math.cos(((90 - * Math.PI) / 180) * p1movespeed); = - (Math.sin(((90 - * Math.PI) / 180) * p1movespeed);
function ballmove() {
if (pausing == false) { = true;
ballmovespeed = p1movespeed / 5;
function checklfpower() {
if (pausing == false) {
if (p1power <= 100) {"power1");
if ((p1power > 100) && (p1power <= 130)) {"power2");
if ((p1power > 130) && (p1power <= 160)) {"power3");
if ((p1power > 160) && (p1power <= 200)) {"power4");
function checkrfpower() {
if (pausing == false) {
if (p1power <= 80) {"power1");
if ((p1power > 80) && (p1power <= 120)) {"power2");
if ((p1power > 120) && (p1power <= 160)) {"power3");
if ((p1power > 160) && (p1power <= 200)) {"power4");
function scrollbg(bally) {
if (bally < 250) { = + (ballmovespeed +;
if (bally > 250) { = - (ballmovespeed +;
if ( > 700) { = 700;
if ( < -100) { = -100;
if ( > 350) { = 350;
ballmovespeed = ballmovespeed * -1.1;
if ( < -600) { = -600;
ballmovespeed = ballmovespeed * -1.1;
var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("dmhe");
if ( == undefined) { = 1; = 0; = false;
var step = new Sound();
var kick = new Sound();
var delline = new Sound();
var stickhit = new Sound();
var btnover = new Sound();
var mainbgm = new Sound();
var coinsound = new Sound();
var hitball = new Sound();
var fadesound = new Sound();
var winsound = new Sound();
var impact = new Sound();
var congratbgm = new Sound();
var endbgm = new Sound();
var alarmsound = new Sound();
var spiderdeadsound = new Sound();
var pumpinbroken = new Sound();
_root.attachMovie("cursor", "", 2000);
a = 65;
d = 68;
p = 80;
_root.mainbgm.onSoundComplete = function () {
MovieClip.prototype.hitAndShake = function (rangeX, rangeY) {
if (rangeX > 10) {
if (this.basex == null) {
this.basex = this._x;
if (this.basey == null) {
this.basey = this._y;
if (rangeX == null) {
this.rangeX = 20;
} else {
this.rangeX = int(rangeX);
if (rangeY == null) {
this.rangeY = 20;
} else {
this.rangeY = int(rangeY);
this._x = (this.basex - (this.rangeX / 2)) + (this.rangeX * Math.random());
this._y = (this.basey - this.rangeY) + ((2 * this.rangeY) * Math.random());
if (funcCall == null) {
this.funcCall = null;
} else {
this.funcCall = funcCall;
this.shakeTimeCount = 0;
if (this.oldOnEnterFrameFunc != undefined) {
if (this.onEnterFrame != null) {
this.oldOnEnterFrameFunc = this.onEnterFrame;
} else {
this.oldOnEnterFrameFunc = function () {
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
this.shakeTimeCount = this.shakeTimeCount + 0.5;
this._x = this._x + (1.7 * (this.basex - this._x));
this._y = this._y + (1.7 * (this.basey - this._y));
if (this.shakeTimeCount == 10) {
MovieClip.prototype.cancelHitAndShake = function () {
if (this.oldOnEnterFrameFunc == undefined) {
this._x = this.basex;
this._y = this.basey;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
this.onEnterFrame = this.oldOnEnterFrameFunc;
delete this.oldOnEnterFrameFunc;
Frame 3
pdvisible = false;
tutorialappeared = false;
Instance of Symbol 451 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 100;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (timer == 90) {
if (timer == 0) {
_root.attachMovie("fadeinmc", "fadeinmc", 998);
_root.fadeinmc.goal = 4;
Frame 4
total0 = (total1 = (total2 = (total3 = (total4 = (total5 = 0)))));
if ( != undefined) {
pname0 =;
if ( != undefined) {
pname1 =;
if ( != undefined) {
pname2 =;
if ( != undefined) {
pname3 =;
if ( != undefined) {
pname4 =;
if ( != undefined) {
pname5 =;
if ( != undefined) {
total0 =;
if ( != undefined) {
total1 =;
if ( != undefined) {
total2 =;
if ( != undefined) {
total3 =;
if ( != undefined) {
total4 =;
if ( != undefined) {
total5 =;
totalArray = [total0, total1, total2, total3, total4, total5];
if (( != true) && (tutorialappeared == false)) {
attachMovie("readtutorialfirstmc", "readtutorialfirstmc", 800);
tutorialappeared = true;
Instance of Symbol 520 MovieClip in Frame 4
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Frame 5
p1color = 1;
p1head = 1;
total = 0;
continuegame = false;
lastlevel =;
if (lastlevel > 30) { = 1; = 0;
lastlevel = 1;
stage = 1;
stage = 1;
Frame 7
if (continuegame == true) {
stage =;
exlevel = "Level " + stage;
rainspeed = 0;
Instance of Symbol 563 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if (_root.fadeinmc._name != "fadeinmc") {
_root.attachMovie("fadeinmc", "fadeinmc", 998);
_root.fadeinmc.goal = 8;
Frame 8
p1power = 0;
p1initialpower = 0;
p1dir = 1;
p1movespeed = 0;
p1hittedfoot = null;
ballmovespeed = 0;
resulton = false;
pausing = false;
timeon = true;
totaltime = 0;
sectimer = 20;
sec1 = 0;
sec2 = 0;
mom = 0;
route = 0;
kicks = 0;
win = null;
hitcount = 0;
countstart = false;
randomfield = random(5);
field = randomfield;
leveltext = "Level " + stage;
score = 0;
totalstick = 0;
unlucky = false;
attachMovie("desktop", "desktop", 900);
attachMovie("darkeffect", "darkeffect", 149);
delete onEnterFrame;
onEnterFrame = function () {
scoretext = "Score:" + score;
sticklefttext = totalstick;
if (totalstick < 0) {
totalstick = 0;
if ((((totalstick == 0) && (win == null)) && (resulton == false)) && ( == false)) {
win = true;
_root.attachMovie("resulttext", "resulttext", 992);
resulton = true;
pausing = true;
if ((((totalstick != 0) && (win == false)) && (resulton == false)) && ( == false)) {
_root.attachMovie("resulttext", "resulttext", 992);
resulton = true;
pausing = true;
if ((((totalstick == 0) && (win == false)) && (resulton == false)) && ( == false)) {
_root.attachMovie("resulttext", "resulttext", 992);
resulton = true;
pausing = true;
if (((( > 240) || ( < -240)) && (resulton == false)) && ( == false)) {
timeon = false;
win = false;
_root.attachMovie("resulttext", "resulttext", 992);
resulton = true;
pausing = true;
if (score <= 0) {
score = 0;
if ((timeon == true) && (pausing == false)) {
if (sectimer == 0) {
sectimer = 20;
if (sec1 == 10) {
sec1 = 0;
if (sec2 == 6) {
sec2 = 0;
if (mom == 3) {
timeon = false;
win = false;
_root.attachMovie("resulttext", "resulttext", 992);
resulton = true;
timertext = ((("Time:" + mom) + ":") + sec2) + sec1;
totaltime = ((mom * 60) + (sec2 * 10)) + sec1;
if ((Key.isDown(p) && (pausing == false)) && (totalstick > 0)) {
_root.attachMovie("pausemc", "pausemc", 901);
if ((hitcount >= 2) && (combomc._name != "combomc")) {
_root.attachMovie("combomc", "combomc", 890);
if (countstart == false) {
hitcount = 0;
counttimer = 15;
if (countstart == true) {
if (counttimer < 0) {
combomc.fadeout = true;
countstart = false;
if (totaltime == 60) {
attachMovie("timeleft", "timeleft", 150);
if (totaltime == 120) {
attachMovie("timeleft", "timeleft", 150);
if (totaltime == 170) {
attachMovie("timeleft", "timeleft", 150);
Frame 9
delete onEnterFrame;
_root.stage = _root.stage + 1;
exlevel = "Level " + stage;
timer = 100;
inall = 0;
fscore = score * 5;
ftime = (180 - totaltime) * (stage - 1);
froute = (-route) * (stage - 1);
fkicks = (-kicks) * (stage - 1);
if (_root.stage > { = _root.stage; = true;
if (continuegame == true) { = + (((fscore + ftime) + froute) + fkicks); = true;
exscore = " ";
extime = " ";
exroute = " ";
exkicks = " ";
exinall = " ";
extotal = total;
okbtnmc._alpha = 0;
okbtnmc.okbtn.enabled = false;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (timer == 80) {
exscore = "score x 5 = " + fscore;
inall = inall + fscore;
if (timer == 60) {
extime = "lefts x lv = " + ftime;
inall = inall + ftime;
if (timer == 40) {
exroute = "route x lv = " + froute;
inall = inall + froute;
if (timer == 20) {
exkicks = "kicks x lv = " + fkicks;
inall = inall + fkicks;
if (timer == 0) {
if (inall < 0) {
inall = 10;
exinall = inall;
if (timer == -20) {
extotal = total + inall;
total = extotal;
okbtnmc._alpha = 100;
okbtnmc.okbtn.enabled = true;
delete onEnterFrame;
Frame 11
_root.attachMovie("caitiaoqi", "caitiaoqi", 1);
congratbgm.onSoundComplete = function () {
_root.attachMovie("fadeinmc", "fadeinmc", 998);
_root.fadeinmc.goal = 12;
_root.myname = "Here For Enter";
Instance of Symbol 596 MovieClip "model" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_alpha = (_alpha + 5);
if (_alpha >= 100) {
_alpha = 100;
Frame 12
endbgm.onSoundComplete = function () {
Frame 13
scorerate = 0;
var i = 0;
while (i <= 5) {
if (total > totalArray[i]) {
_root.totalArray.splice(i, 0, total);
_root["pname" + i] = myname;
_root["total" + i] = totalArray[i];
scorerate = i;
_root.attachMovie("scorerate", "scorerate", 900);
if ((total < totalArray[i]) && (i == 5)) {
scorerate = 6;
_root.attachMovie("scorerate", "scorerate", 900);
} = pname0; = pname1; = pname2; = pname3; = pname4; = pname5; = totalArray[0]; = totalArray[1]; = totalArray[2]; = totalArray[3]; = totalArray[4]; = totalArray[5]; = true;
Frame 14 = true; = true;
Symbol 37 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 38 MovieClip [spider] Frame 1
this._rotation = random(360);
changetime = 50;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.pausing == false) {
if (changetime == 10) {
angel = Math.round(Math.random() * -8) + 4;
if ((changetime < 10) && (changetime > -10)) {
_rotation = (_rotation + angel);
if (changetime == -20) {
changetime = 50;
_x = (_x + (Math.cos(((90 - this._rotation) * Math.PI) / 180) * 0.5));
_y = (_y - (Math.sin(((90 - this._rotation) * Math.PI) / 180) * 0.5));
if ( && ( == true)) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 38 MovieClip [spider] Frame 2
delete onEnterFrame;
attachMovie("bonus", "bonus", this.getNextHighestDepth());
Symbol 43 MovieClip [fadeface] Frame 1
this._x = 250;
this._y = 250;
_alpha = 0;
onEnterFrame = function () {
_alpha = (_alpha + 10);
if (_alpha >= 100) {
_alpha = 100;
delete onEnterFrame;
Symbol 43 MovieClip [fadeface] Frame 38
Symbol 46 MovieClip [addbonus] Frame 1
this._x = 550;
this._y = 200;
timer = 70;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((timer < 70) && (timer > 50)) {
this._x = this._x - 5;
if (timer < 0) {
this._x = this._x + 5;
this._alpha = this._alpha - 5;
if (this._x > 550) {
Instance of Symbol 48 MovieClip "ctq" in Symbol 49 MovieClip [caitiaoqi] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root._currentframe == 8) {
(n = 90);
(caitiaotimer = 100);
} else {
n = 300;
caitiaotimer = 1000;
deleteonenterframetimer = caitiaotimer + 100;
var i = 1;
while (i <= n) {
attachMovie("caitiao", "caitiao" + i, i + 10000);
var a = Math.round((200 * Math.random()) + 6);
with (this["caitiao" + i]) {
_x = 500 * Math.random();
_y = 500 * Math.random();
_xscale = a;
_yscale = a;
_rotation = a;
this["caitiao" + i].x = Math.cos(Math.PI * Math.random());
this["caitiao" + i].y = 5 + (5 * Math.random());
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var i = 1;
while (i <= n) {
with (this["caitiao" + i]) {
_x = _x + x;
_y = _y + y;
_rotation = _rotation + y;
if (_y > 500) {
if (caitiaotimer > 0) {
_y = 0;
if (caitiaotimer < 0) {
} else if (_x > 500) {
if (caitiaotimer > 0) {
_x = 0;
if (caitiaotimer < 0) {
} else if (_x < 0) {
if (caitiaotimer > 0) {
_x = 500;
if (caitiaotimer < 0) {
if (deleteonenterframetimer < 0) {
Symbol 56 MovieClip [caitiao] Frame 1
gotoAndStop(random(6) + 1);
Symbol 62 MovieClip [coineffect] Frame 11
Symbol 75 MovieClip [dustmc] Frame 1
this._x =;
this._y =;
this._xscale = 90;
this._yscale = 90;
Symbol 75 MovieClip [dustmc] Frame 17
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 96 MovieClip Frame 1
this._visible = _root.pdvisible;
Symbol 97 MovieClip [ball] Frame 1
moveon = false;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.pausing == false) {
if (pd.hitTest( {
_root.p1hittedfoot = "leftfoot";
addspeed = (_root.p1power / 5) + _root.rainspeed;, obj);
_root.hitAndShake(addspeed, addspeed);
if (addspeed > 5) {
if (pd.hitTest( {
_root.p1hittedfoot = "rightfoot";
addspeed = (_root.p1power / 5) + _root.rainspeed;, obj);
_root.hitAndShake(addspeed, addspeed);
if (addspeed > 5) {
if (moveon == true) {
addspeed = addspeed - 0.5;
if (addspeed <= 0) {
addspeed = 0;
moveon = false;
if (_root.p1hittedfoot == "leftfoot") {
_x = (_x + (Math.cos(((90 - * Math.PI) / 180) * (_root.ballmovespeed + addspeed)));
_y = (_y - (Math.sin(((90 - * Math.PI) / 180) * (_root.ballmovespeed + addspeed)));
if (_root.p1hittedfoot == "rightfoot") {
_x = (_x + (Math.cos(((90 - * Math.PI) / 180) * (_root.ballmovespeed + addspeed)));
_y = (_y - (Math.sin(((90 - * Math.PI) / 180) * (_root.ballmovespeed + addspeed)));
var _local4 = {x:this._x, y:this._y};
Instance of Symbol 94 MovieClip in Symbol 97 MovieClip [ball] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.moveon == false) {
timer = _parent.addspeed * 0.5;
if (_parent.moveon == true) {
if (timer >= 3) {
timer = _parent.addspeed * 0.5;
if (_root.p1hittedfoot == "leftfoot") {
_parent._rotation = _parent._rotation +;
if (_root.p1hittedfoot == "rightfoot") {
_parent._rotation = _parent._rotation +;
if (_parent._rotation > 0) {
if (_parent._rotation < 0) {
Symbol 100 MovieClip [cursor] Frame 1
this._x = -100;
this._y = -100;
onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = _root._xmouse;
this._y = _root._ymouse;
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 1
if (((_root.totaltime < 180) && (( > 240) || ( < -240))) && (_root.unlucky == false)) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.totaltime == 180) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if ((_root.totaltime < 180) && (_root.unlucky == true)) {
gotoAndStop (4);
Symbol 124 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () {
if ( == true) {
if (_root.totaltime <= 30) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if ((_root.totaltime > 30) && (_root.totaltime <= 60)) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if ((_root.totaltime > 60) && (_root.totaltime <= 150)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if ((_root.totaltime > 150) && (_root.totaltime <= 180)) {
gotoAndStop (4);
delete onEnterFrame;
if ( == false) {
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 5);
delete onEnterFrame;
Symbol 125 MovieClip [resulttext] Frame 1
this._x = 80;
this._y = 150;
_root.timeon = false;
_root.attachMovie("resultbackmc", "resultbackmc", 990);
Symbol 125 MovieClip [resulttext] Frame 25
timer = 60;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (( == true) && (timer == 0)) {
_root.attachMovie("fadeinmc", "fadeinmc", 998);
_root.fadeinmc.goal = 9;
if (( == false) && (timer == 50)) {
_root.attachMovie("retrymc", "retrymc", 991);
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 1
if ( == false) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 129 MovieClip [resultbackmc] Frame 1
this._width = 500;
this._height = 500;
Symbol 129 MovieClip [resultbackmc] Frame 15
Symbol 131 MovieClip [fadeinmc] Frame 1
function gotogoal(goal) {
this._width = 500;
this._height = 500;
_root.attachMovie("fadeface", "fadeface", 999);
_alpha = 0;
fade = "in";
timer = 30;
if (_root._currentframe == 4) {
with (_root.btngroup) {
btn1.enabled = false;
btn2.enabled = false;
btn3.enabled = false;
btn4.enabled = false;
if (_root._currentframe == 5) {
with (_root.editp1unit) {
headprev.enabled = false;
headnext.enabled = false;
bootprev.enabled = false;
bootnext.enabled = false;
backbtn.enabled = false;
okbtn.enabled = false;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (fade == "in") {
_alpha = (_alpha + 10);
if (_alpha >= 100) {
_alpha = 100;
if (timer == 0) {
fade = "out";
if (fade == "out") {
_alpha = (_alpha - 10);
if (_alpha <= 0) {
_alpha = 0;
if (timer == 10) {
if (_root._currentframe == 4) {
if (_root._currentframe == 8) {;
if (_root._currentframe == 11) {
Instance of Symbol 94 MovieClip in Symbol 131 MovieClip [fadeinmc] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._xscale = 15;
this._yscale = 15;
this._x = _root._xmouse / 10;
this._y = (_root._ymouse / 10) - 20;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Symbol 138 MovieClip [stone] Frame 1
hitonce = false;
timer = 30;
timerstart = false;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if ( && (hitonce == false)) {
if ( == true) {
hitonce = true;
attachMovie("bonus", "bonus", getNextHighestDepth() + 30);
_root.ballmovespeed = _root.ballmovespeed * -1;
if ( >= this._x) { = + 10;
if ( < this._x) { = - 10;
if ( >= this._y) { = + 10;
if ( < this._y) { = - 10;
timerstart = true;
if (timerstart == true) {
if (timer < 0) {
timer = 30;
hitonce = false;
timerstart = false;
Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.score = _root.score - 10;
Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.score = _root.score + 10;
Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Symbol 146 MovieClip [bonus] Frame 20
Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 200
Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 149 MovieClip "bar" in Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Symbol 173 MovieClip [desktop] Frame 1
this._x = 250;
this._y = 250;
Symbol 177 Button
on (rollOver) {
btnname = "retrybtn";
on (rollOut) {
btnname = "retrybtn";
on (release) {
retrybtn.enabled = false;
quitbtn.enabled = false;
Symbol 178 Button
on (rollOver) {
btnname = "quitbtn";
on (rollOut) {
btnname = "quitbtn";
on (release) {
_root.attachMovie("areyousuremc", "areyousuremc", 993);
quitbtn.enabled = false;
retrybtn.enabled = false;
Symbol 182 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 184 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 184 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 185 MovieClip [retrymc] Frame 1
function btnrollover(btnname) {
this[btnname + "effect"].gotoAndPlay(2);
function btnrollout(btnname) {
this[btnname + "effect"].gotoAndPlay(12);
function btnrelease(goal) {
_root.attachMovie("fadeinmc", "fadeinmc", 998);
_root.fadeinmc.goal = goal;
_alpha = 0;
this._x = 250;
this._y = 300;
onEnterFrame = function () {
_alpha = (_alpha + 10);
if (_alpha >= 100) {
_alpha = 100;
delete onEnterFrame;
Symbol 188 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (release) {
_root.attachMovie("fadeinmc", "fadeinmc", 998);
_root.fadeinmc.goal = 4;
Symbol 189 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (release) {
_root.retrymc.quitbtn.enabled = true;
_root.retrymc.retrybtn.enabled = true;
_root.pausemc.resumebtn.enabled = true;
_root.pausemc.optionsbtn.enabled = true;
_root.pausemc.quitbtn.enabled = true;
Symbol 190 MovieClip [areyousuremc] Frame 1
this._x = 250;
this._y = 250;
_alpha = 0;
onEnterFrame = function () {
_alpha = (_alpha + 10);
if (_alpha >= 100) {
_alpha = 100;
delete onEnterFrame;
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
_quality = "MEDIUM";
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 2
_quality = "HIGH";
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 3
_quality = "LOW";
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 203 Button
on (press) {
on (release) {
on (releaseOutside) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 204 MovieClip Frame 1
function mystart_s() {
this.startDrag(false, 0, _y, 105, _y);
Symbol 205 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 206 Button
on (release) {
drager._x = 50;
Symbol 207 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (release) {
if (_root._currentframe == 4) {
with (_root.btngroup) {
btn1.enabled = true;
btn2.enabled = true;
btn3.enabled = true;
btn4.enabled = true;
_root.pausemc.resumebtn.enabled = true;
_root.pausemc.optionsbtn.enabled = true;
_root.pausemc.quitbtn.enabled = true;
Symbol 208 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (release) {
_quality = optionstartquality;
if (_root._currentframe == 4) {
with (_root.btngroup) {
btn1.enabled = true;
btn2.enabled = true;
btn3.enabled = true;
btn4.enabled = true;
_root.pausemc.resumebtn.enabled = true;
_root.pausemc.optionsbtn.enabled = true;
_root.pausemc.quitbtn.enabled = true;
Symbol 209 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 209 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 210 MovieClip [optionsmc] Frame 1
function value() {
this._x = 250;
this._y = 250;
optionstartquality = _quality;
optionstartvolume = _root.btnover.getVolume();
_alpha = 0;
onEnterFrame = function () {
_alpha = (_alpha + 10);
if (_alpha >= 100) {
_alpha = 100;
delete onEnterFrame;
Instance of Symbol 199 MovieClip "qualitymc" in Symbol 210 MovieClip [optionsmc] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 204 MovieClip "drager" in Symbol 210 MovieClip [optionsmc] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._x = _root.btnover.getVolume();
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Symbol 213 Button
on (release) {
_root.pausing = false;;
Symbol 214 Button
on (release) {
_root.attachMovie("optionsmc", "optionsmc", 999);
resumebtn.enabled = false;
optionsbtn.enabled = false;
quitbtn.enabled = false;
Symbol 215 Button
on (release) {
_root.attachMovie("areyousuremc", "areyousuremc", 993);
resumebtn.enabled = false;
optionsbtn.enabled = false;
quitbtn.enabled = false;
Symbol 216 MovieClip [pausemc] Frame 1
this._x = 250;
this._y = 250;
_root.pausing = true;
_alpha = 0;
onEnterFrame = function () {
_alpha = (_alpha + 10);
if (_alpha >= 100) {
_alpha = 100;
delete onEnterFrame;
Symbol 220 MovieClip [combomc] Frame 1
this._x = 550;
this._y = 200;
timer = 70;
fadeout = false;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((timer < 70) && (timer > 50)) {
this._x = this._x - 5;
if (fadeout == false) {
hits = _root.hitcount;
if (fadeout == true) {
this._x = this._x + 5;
this._alpha = this._alpha - 5;
if (this._x > 550) {
_root.score = _root.score + (hits * 10);
_root.attachMovie("addbonus", "addbonus", 895);
_root.addbonus.bonustext = "Bonus +" + (hits * 10);
Symbol 225 Button
on (rollOver) {
btnname = "okbtn";
on (rollOut) {
btnname = "okbtn";
on (release) {
Symbol 226 MovieClip Frame 1
function btnrollover(btnname) {
this[btnname + "effect"].gotoAndPlay(2);
function btnrollout(btnname) {
this[btnname + "effect"].gotoAndPlay(12);
function btnrelease() {
okbtn.enabled = false;
with (_root.btngroup) {
btn1.enabled = true;
btn2.enabled = true;
btn3.enabled = true;
btn4.enabled = true;
Symbol 240 MovieClip [highscoremc] Frame 1
this._x = 250;
this._y = 250;
with (_root.btngroup) {
btn1.enabled = false;
btn2.enabled = false;
btn3.enabled = false;
btn4.enabled = false;
_alpha = 0;
onEnterFrame = function () {
_alpha = (_alpha + 10);
if (_alpha >= 100) {
_alpha = 100;
delete onEnterFrame;
Symbol 249 MovieClip [scorerate] Frame 1
this._x = 250;
this._y = 100;
if (_root.scorerate <= 5) {
gotoAndStop(_root.scorerate + 2);
if (_root.scorerate > 5) {
gotoAndStop (8);
_alpha = 0;
timer = 100;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (timer > 70) {
_alpha = (_alpha + 10);
if (_alpha >= 100) {
_alpha = 100;
this._y = this._y + 5;
if (this._y >= 200) {
this._y = 200;
if (timer < 20) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 5);
if (_alpha <= 0) {
_alpha = 0;
_root.attachMovie("thanks", "thanks", 991);
this._y = this._y + 5;
Symbol 254 MovieClip [thanks] Frame 1
this._x = 250;
this._y = 200;
Symbol 254 MovieClip [thanks] Frame 291
_root.attachMovie("fadeinmc", "fadeinmc", 998);
_root.fadeinmc.goal = 4;
Symbol 256 MovieClip [stagemask] Frame 1
this._x = 250;
this._y = 250;
Symbol 261 Button
on (rollOver) {
btnname = "surebtn";
on (rollOut) {
btnname = "surebtn";
on (release) {
surebtn.enabled = false;
cancelbtn.enabled = false;
Symbol 262 Button
on (rollOver) {
btnname = "cancelbtn";
on (rollOut) {
btnname = "cancelbtn";
on (release) {
Symbol 263 MovieClip [readtutorialfirstmc] Frame 1
function btnrollover(btnname) {
this[btnname + "effect"].gotoAndPlay(2);
function btnrollout(btnname) {
this[btnname + "effect"].gotoAndPlay(12);
function btnrelease(goal) {
_root.attachMovie("fadeinmc", "fadeinmc", 998);
_root.fadeinmc.goal = goal;
function fadeout() {
surebtn.enabled = false;
cancelbtn.enabled = false;
onEnterFrame = function () {
_alpha = (_alpha - 10);
if (_alpha <= 0) {
_alpha = 0;
with (_root.btngroup) {
btn1.enabled = true;
btn2.enabled = true;
btn3.enabled = true;
btn4.enabled = true;
this._x = 250;
this._y = 250;
with (_root.btngroup) {
btn1.enabled = false;
btn2.enabled = false;
btn3.enabled = false;
btn4.enabled = false;
Symbol 270 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.totaltime == 120) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.totaltime == 170) {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 271 MovieClip [timeleft] Frame 1
this._x = 200;
this._y = 150;
Symbol 271 MovieClip [timeleft] Frame 3
Symbol 271 MovieClip [timeleft] Frame 48
Symbol 273 MovieClip [darkeffect] Frame 1
_alpha = 0;
_width = 500;
_height = 500;
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
adding = true;
reducing = false;
black = random(100);
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.pausing == false) {
if (adding == true) {
_alpha = (_alpha + 0.5);
if (_alpha >= black) {
_alpha = black;
reducing = true;
adding = false;
black = random(100);
if (reducing == true) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 0.5);
if (_alpha <= 0) {
_alpha = 0;
reducing = false;
adding = true;
Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 312 MovieClip Frame 37
Symbol 313 MovieClip Frame 37
Symbol 314 MovieClip [pumpin] Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () {
if ( {
gotoAndPlay (2);
if ( == true) {
if (_root.ballmovespeed > 2.5) {
gotoAndStop (20);
_root.ballmovespeed = _root.ballmovespeed * -2;
if ( >= this._x) { = + 20;
if ( < this._x) { = - 20;
if ( >= this._y) { = + 20;
if ( < this._y) { = - 20;
Symbol 314 MovieClip [pumpin] Frame 2
delete onEnterFrame;
Symbol 314 MovieClip [pumpin] Frame 19
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 314 MovieClip [pumpin] Frame 20
delete onEnterFrame;
_root.hitAndShake(100, 100);
attachMovie("bonus", "bonus", this.getNextHighestDepth());
randomc = random(4) + 1;
randomz = random(2) + 1;
randomthing = random(5);
if (randomthing != 3) {
_root.attachMovie("lightermc", "darkeffect", 149);
if (randomthing == 0) {
c = 1;
while (c <= randomc) {
_parent.attachMovie("coin", "coinex" + c, 380 + c);
_parent.coinex1._x = this._x;
_parent.coinex1._y = this._y;
_parent.coinex2._x = _parent.coinex1._x + 20;
_parent.coinex2._y = _parent.coinex1._y;
_parent.coinex3._x = _parent.coinex1._x;
_parent.coinex3._y = _parent.coinex1._y + 20;
_parent.coinex4._x = _parent.coinex1._x + 20;
_parent.coinex4._y = _parent.coinex1._y + 20;
if (randomthing == 1) {
z = 1;
while (z <= randomz) {
_parent.attachMovie("spider", "zzex" + z, 285 + z);
_parent.zzex1._x = this._x;
_parent.zzex1._y = this._y;
_parent.zzex2._x = _parent.zzex1._x + 20;
_parent.zzex2._y = _parent.zzex1._y;
if (randomthing == 2) {
_parent.attachMovie("stone", "stoneex", 380);
_parent.stoneex._x = this._x;
_parent.stoneex._y = this._y;
if (randomthing == 3) {
_root.unlucky = true; = false;
if (randomthing == 4) {
skull = 1;
while (skull <= 20) {
_parent["stone" + skull].removeMovieClip();
Symbol 331 MovieClip [coin] Frame 1
gotoAndPlay(random(14) + 2);
Symbol 331 MovieClip [coin] Frame 2
hitonce = false;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if ( && (hitonce == false)) {
hitonce = true;
_root.countstart = true;
_root.counttimer = 15;
_parent.attachMovie("coineffect", "coineffect", getNextHighestDepth() + 20);
_parent.coineffect._x = this._x;
_parent.coineffect._y = this._y;
_parent.attachMovie("bonus", "bonus", getNextHighestDepth() + 21);
_parent.bonus._x = this._x;
_parent.bonus._y = this._y;
Symbol 331 MovieClip [coin] Frame 16
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 336 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 336 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 337 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 338 MovieClip [stick] Frame 1
function linefadeout() {
linemc._alpha = linemc._alpha - 10;
linemc._xscale = linemc._xscale - 10;
linemc._yscale = linemc._yscale - 10;
if (linemc._alpha <= 0) {
this.createEmptyMovieClip("linemc", this.getNextHighestDepth());
if (this._name == "g1") {
var myPoint = {x:_parent.g2._x, y:_parent.g2._y};
if (this._name == "g2") {
var myPoint = {x:_parent.g3._x, y:_parent.g3._y};
if (this._name == "g3") {
var myPoint = {x:_parent.g4._x, y:_parent.g4._y};
if (this._name == "g4") {
var myPoint = {x:_parent.g5._x, y:_parent.g5._y};
if (this._name == "g5") {
var myPoint = {x:_parent.g6._x, y:_parent.g6._y};
if (this._name == "g6") {
var myPoint = {x:_parent.g7._x, y:_parent.g7._y};
if (this._name == "g7") {
var myPoint = {x:_parent.g8._x, y:_parent.g8._y};
if (this._name == "g8") {
var myPoint = {x:_parent.g9._x, y:_parent.g9._y};
if (this._name == "g9") {
var myPoint = {x:_parent.g10._x, y:_parent.g10._y};
if (this._name == "g10") {
var myPoint = {x:_parent.g11._x, y:_parent.g11._y};
if (this._name == "g11") {
var myPoint = {x:_parent.g12._x, y:_parent.g12._y};
if (this._name == "g12") {
var myPoint = {x:_parent.g13._x, y:_parent.g13._y};
if (this._name == "g13") {
var myPoint = {x:_parent.g14._x, y:_parent.g14._y};
if (this._name == "g14") {
var myPoint = {x:_parent.g15._x, y:_parent.g15._y};
linemc.lineStyle(10, 0, 70);
linemc.moveTo(0, 0);
linemc.lineTo(myPoint.x, myPoint.y);
deleteline = false;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if ( && (deleteline == false)) {
_root.countstart = true;
_root.counttimer = 15;
_root.score = _root.score + (2 * _root.stage);
_root.totalstick = _root.totalstick - 1;
deleteline = true;
if (deleteline == true) {, obj);
Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip "pd" in Symbol 338 MovieClip [stick] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ( {
_root.ballmovespeed = _root.ballmovespeed * -1;
if ( >= this._x) { = + 5;
if ( < this._x) { = - 5;
if ( >= this._y) { = + 5;
if ( < this._y) { = - 5;
} = false;
Symbol 353 MovieClip [field] Frame 1
Symbol 353 MovieClip [field] Frame 3
_root.rainspeed = 3;
Symbol 359 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root._currentframe == 3) {
delete onEnterFrame;
Symbol 360 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 360 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.step.start();, obj);
Symbol 360 MovieClip Frame 8"dustmc", "", Math.round(Math.random() * -29) + 49);
Symbol 360 MovieClip Frame 9
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 360 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 360 MovieClip Frame 18
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 360 MovieClip Frame 26
Symbol 360 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 360 MovieClip Frame 32
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 360 MovieClip Frame 44
Symbol 360 MovieClip Frame 51
Symbol 360 MovieClip Frame 52
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 390 MovieClip Frame 1
a = random(2);
if (a == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (40);
if (a == 2) {
gotoAndPlay (71);
Symbol 390 MovieClip Frame 38
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 390 MovieClip Frame 69
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 406 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root._currentframe == 3) {
delete onEnterFrame;
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 18
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 32
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 52
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 410 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 410 MovieClip Frame 18
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 410 MovieClip Frame 32
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 410 MovieClip Frame 52
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 411 MovieClip [p1] Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (Key.isDown(_root.a)) {, obj);, obj);
} else if (Key.isDown(_root.d)) {, obj);, obj);
} else {, obj);
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
head._rotation = head._rotation - 5;
leftfoot._rotation = leftfoot._rotation - 5;
rightfoot._rotation = rightfoot._rotation - 5;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
head._rotation = head._rotation + 5;
leftfoot._rotation = leftfoot._rotation + 5;
rightfoot._rotation = rightfoot._rotation + 5;
if ((!Key.isDown(37)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
head._rotation = head._rotation + 5;
leftfoot._rotation = leftfoot._rotation + 5;
rightfoot._rotation = rightfoot._rotation + 5;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
head._rotation = head._rotation - 5;
leftfoot._rotation = leftfoot._rotation - 5;
rightfoot._rotation = rightfoot._rotation - 5;
_root.p1dir = Math.abs(head._rotation);
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "rightfootpd" in Symbol 411 MovieClip [p1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = _parent.rightfoot._rotation;
Instance of Symbol 410 MovieClip "leftfootpd" in Symbol 411 MovieClip [p1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = _parent.leftfoot._rotation;
Symbol 426 Button
on (release) {;
Symbol 427 MovieClip Frame 1
PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100;
if (PercentLoaded != 100) {
setProperty(bar, _xscale , PercentLoaded);
} else {
gotoAndStop ("loaded");
Symbol 427 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 441 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 442 MovieClip Frame 95;;
Symbol 450 MovieClip Frame 1
var breezzzelogointro = new Sound();
Symbol 450 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 450 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 451 MovieClip Frame 23
Symbol 462 Button
on (rollOver) {
btnname = "btn1";
on (rollOut) {
btnname = "btn1";
on (release) {
Symbol 463 Button
on (rollOver) {
btnname = "btn2";
on (rollOut) {
btnname = "btn2";
on (release) {
_root.attachMovie("highscoremc", "highscoremc", 990);
Symbol 464 Button
on (rollOver) {
btnname = "btn3";
on (rollOut) {
btnname = "btn3";
on (release) {
_root.attachMovie("optionsmc", "optionsmc", 200);
btn1.enabled = false;
btn2.enabled = false;
btn3.enabled = false;
btn4.enabled = false;
Symbol 465 Button
on (rollOver) {
btnname = "btn4";
on (rollOut) {
btnname = "btn4";
on (release) {
Symbol 467 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 467 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 468 MovieClip Frame 1
function btnrollover(btnname) {
this[btnname + "effect"].gotoAndPlay(2);
function btnrollout(btnname) {
this[btnname + "effect"].gotoAndPlay(12);
function btnrelease(goal) {
_root.attachMovie("fadeinmc", "fadeinmc", 998);
_root.fadeinmc.goal = goal;
Symbol 471 MovieClip Frame 41
gotoAndPlay (21);
Symbol 535 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndStop (12);
Symbol 535 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.p1head = 2;
Symbol 535 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.p1head = 3;
Symbol 535 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.p1head = 4;
Symbol 535 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.p1head = 5;
Symbol 535 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.p1head = 6;
Symbol 535 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.p1head = 7;
Symbol 535 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.p1head = 8;
Symbol 535 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.p1head = 9;
Symbol 535 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.p1head = 10;
Symbol 535 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.p1head = 11;
Symbol 535 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.p1head = 1;
Symbol 535 MovieClip Frame 13
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 541 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndStop (6);
Symbol 541 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.p1color = 2;
Symbol 541 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.p1color = 3;
Symbol 541 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.p1color = 4;
Symbol 541 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.p1color = 5;
Symbol 541 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.p1color = 1;
Symbol 541 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 543 Button
on (rollOver) {
btnname = "backbtn";
on (rollOut) {
btnname = "backbtn";
on (release) {
Symbol 544 Button
on (rollOver) {
btnname = "okbtn";
on (rollOut) {
btnname = "okbtn";
on (release) {
Symbol 545 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 546 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 547 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 548 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 550 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 551 MovieClip Frame 1
function btnrollover(btnname) {
this[btnname + "effect"].gotoAndPlay(2);
function btnrollout(btnname) {
this[btnname + "effect"].gotoAndPlay(12);
function btnrelease(goal) {
_root.attachMovie("fadeinmc", "fadeinmc", 998);
_root.fadeinmc.goal = goal;
Symbol 554 Button
on (rollOver) {
btnname = "continuebtn";
on (rollOut) {
btnname = "continuebtn";
on (release) {
_root.continuegame = true;
continuebtn.enabled = false;
startbtn.enabled = false; =;
Symbol 555 Button
on (rollOver) {
btnname = "startbtn";
on (rollOut) {
btnname = "startbtn";
on (release) {
_root.continuegame = false;
continuebtn.enabled = false;
startbtn.enabled = false;
Symbol 559 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 559 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 560 MovieClip Frame 1
function btnrollover(btnname) {
this[btnname + "effect"].gotoAndPlay(2);
function btnrollout(btnname) {
this[btnname + "effect"].gotoAndPlay(12);
function btnrelease(goal) {
_root.attachMovie("fadeinmc", "fadeinmc", 998);
_root.fadeinmc.goal = goal;
Symbol 563 MovieClip Frame 48
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.totalstick = null;
onEnterFrame = function () {
gotoAndStop(_root.stage + 1);
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.totalstick = 1;
i = 1;
while (i <= 2) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 150;
g1._y = 350;
g2._x = 200;
g2._y = 220;
z = 1;
while (z <= 2) {
attachMovie("spider", "zz" + z, 280 + z);
zz1._x = 50;
zz1._y = 250;
zz2._x = 180;
zz2._y = 300;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 250;
ng1._y = 50;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.totalstick = 1;
i = 1;
while (i <= 2) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 150;
g1._y = 80;
g2._x = 100;
g2._y = 50;
s = 1;
while (s <= 2) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 350;
stone1._y = 250;
stone2._x = 200;
stone2._y = 100;
z = 1;
while (z <= 2) {
attachMovie("spider", "zz" + z, 280 + z);
zz1._x = 80;
zz1._y = 350;
zz2._x = 280;
zz2._y = 100;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 210;
ng1._y = 150;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.totalstick = 2;
i = 1;
while (i <= 3) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 170;
g1._y = 230;
g2._x = 250;
g2._y = 200;
g3._x = 250;
g3._y = 50;
s = 1;
while (s <= 3) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 200;
stone1._y = 100;
stone2._x = 400;
stone2._y = 350;
stone3._x = 100;
stone3._y = 400;
z = 1;
while (z <= 1) {
attachMovie("spider", "zz" + z, 280 + z);
zz1._x = 100;
zz1._y = 250;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 150;
ng1._y = -50;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.totalstick = 3;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 100;
g1._y = 100;
g2._x = 160;
g2._y = 180;
g3._x = 190;
g3._y = 250;
g4._x = 230;
g4._y = 210;
s = 1;
while (s <= 3) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 150;
stone1._y = 160;
stone2._x = 300;
stone2._y = 50;
stone3._x = 250;
stone2._y = 300;
c = 1;
while (c <= 1) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 150;
coin1._y = 330;
z = 1;
while (z <= 3) {
attachMovie("spider", "zz" + z, 280 + z);
zz1._x = 250;
zz1._y = 250;
zz2._x = 180;
zz2._y = 300;
zz3._x = 300;
zz3._y = 300;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 280;
ng1._y = 150;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.totalstick = 4;
i = 1;
while (i <= 5) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 200;
g1._y = 300;
g2._x = 250;
g2._y = 250;
g3._x = 300;
g3._y = 170;
g4._x = 200;
g4._y = 150;
g5._x = 100;
g5._y = 150;
s = 1;
while (s <= 3) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 150;
stone1._y = 280;
stone2._x = 300;
stone2._y = 300;
stone3._x = 350;
stone3._y = 100;
c = 1;
while (c <= 4) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 100;
coin1._y = 200;
coin2._x = 240;
coin2._y = 600;
coin3._x = 100;
coin3._y = 250;
coin4._x = 100;
coin4._y = 300;
z = 1;
while (z <= 2) {
attachMovie("spider", "zz" + z, 280 + z);
zz1._x = 150;
zz1._y = 150;
zz2._x = 160;
zz2._y = 200;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 350;
ng1._y = -150;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.totalstick = 4;
i = 1;
while (i <= 5) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 250;
g1._y = 300;
g2._x = 250;
g2._y = 200;
g3._x = 300;
g3._y = 170;
g4._x = 200;
g4._y = 150;
g5._x = 180;
g5._y = 100;
s = 1;
while (s <= 2) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 250;
stone1._y = 300;
stone2._x = 100;
stone2._y = 200;
c = 1;
while (c <= 6) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 130;
coin1._y = 280;
coin2._x = 130;
coin2._y = 320;
coin3._x = 130;
coin3._y = 360;
coin4._x = 100;
coin4._y = 300;
coin5._x = 80;
coin5._y = 280;
coin6._x = 60;
coin6._y = 220;
z = 1;
while (z <= 4) {
attachMovie("spider", "zz" + z, 280 + z);
zz1._x = 50;
zz1._y = 250;
zz2._x = 180;
zz2._y = 300;
zz3._x = 40;
zz3._y = 100;
zz4._x = 200;
zz4._y = 320;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 90;
ng1._y = 150;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.totalstick = 4;
i = 1;
while (i <= 5) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 360;
g1._y = 100;
g2._x = 170;
g2._y = 100;
g3._x = 50;
g3._y = 80;
g4._x = 120;
g4._y = 350;
g5._x = 280;
g5._y = 200;
s = 1;
while (s <= 5) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 200;
stone1._y = 250;
stone2._x = 250;
stone2._y = 250;
stone3._x = 300;
stone3._y = 250;
stone4._x = 350;
stone4._y = 250;
stone5._x = 400;
stone5._y = 250;
c = 1;
while (c <= 5) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 230;
coin1._y = 280;
coin2._x = 150;
coin2._y = 120;
coin3._x = 330;
coin3._y = 300;
coin4._x = 300;
coin4._y = 50;
coin5._x = 80;
coin5._y = 200;
z = 1;
while (z <= 2) {
attachMovie("spider", "zz" + z, 280 + z);
zz1._x = 150;
zz1._y = 250;
zz2._x = 280;
zz2._y = 300;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 250;
ng1._y = 50;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.totalstick = 4;
i = 1;
while (i <= 5) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 100;
g1._y = 100;
g2._x = 200;
g2._y = 50;
g3._x = 250;
g3._y = 70;
g4._x = 270;
g4._y = 190;
g5._x = 450;
g5._y = 200;
s = 1;
while (s <= 5) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 120;
stone1._y = 80;
stone2._x = 250;
stone2._y = 40;
stone3._x = 300;
stone3._y = 220;
stone4._x = 350;
stone4._y = 180;
stone5._x = 400;
stone5._y = 220;
c = 1;
while (c <= 5) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 140;
coin1._y = 100;
coin2._x = 270;
coin2._y = 60;
coin3._x = 330;
coin3._y = 220;
coin4._x = 300;
coin4._y = 150;
coin5._x = 420;
coin5._y = 200;
z = 1;
while (z <= 2) {
attachMovie("spider", "zz" + z, 280 + z);
zz1._x = 250;
zz1._y = 250;
zz2._x = 180;
zz2._y = 100;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 150;
ng1._y = 150;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.totalstick = 4;
i = 1;
while (i <= 5) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 300;
g1._y = 150;
g2._x = 50;
g2._y = 50;
g3._x = 80;
g3._y = 100;
g4._x = 200;
g4._y = 200;
g5._x = 250;
g5._y = 250;
s = 1;
while (s <= 5) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 110;
stone1._y = 80;
stone2._x = 280;
stone2._y = 200;
stone3._x = 100;
stone3._y = 210;
stone4._x = 50;
stone4._y = 100;
stone5._x = 200;
stone5._y = 50;
c = 1;
while (c <= 8) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 120;
coin1._y = 300;
coin2._x = 370;
coin2._y = 160;
coin3._x = 430;
coin3._y = 450;
coin4._x = 300;
coin4._y = 250;
coin5._x = 300;
coin5._y = 200;
coin6._x = 350;
coin6._y = 250;
coin7._x = 20;
coin7._y = 280;
coin8._x = 320;
coin8._y = 300;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 150;
ng1._y = 350;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.totalstick = 5;
i = 1;
while (i <= 6) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 50;
g1._y = 0;
g2._x = 50;
g2._y = 150;
g3._x = 130;
g3._y = 170;
g4._x = 180;
g4._y = 200;
g5._x = 120;
g5._y = 230;
g6._x = 80;
g6._y = 250;
s = 1;
while (s <= 7) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 80;
stone1._y = 80;
stone2._x = 280;
stone2._y = 20;
stone3._x = 130;
stone3._y = 10;
stone4._x = 300;
stone4._y = -50;
stone5._x = 250;
stone5._y = 280;
stone6._x = 150;
stone6._y = 190;
stone7._x = 90;
stone7._y = 240;
c = 1;
while (c <= 8) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 140;
coin1._y = 200;
coin2._x = 370;
coin2._y = -10;
coin3._x = 430;
coin3._y = 10;
coin4._x = 350;
coin4._y = 30;
coin5._x = 200;
coin5._y = 80;
coin6._x = 150;
coin6._y = 250;
coin7._x = 20;
coin7._y = 280;
coin8._x = 20;
coin8._y = 300;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 170;
ng1._y = 90;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.totalstick = 5;
i = 1;
while (i <= 6) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 150;
g1._y = 30;
g2._x = 50;
g2._y = 80;
g3._x = 200;
g3._y = 170;
g4._x = 120;
g4._y = 150;
g5._x = 130;
g5._y = 190;
g6._x = 170;
g6._y = 250;
s = 1;
while (s <= 6) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 80;
stone1._y = 80;
stone2._x = 280;
stone2._y = 100;
stone3._x = 10;
stone3._y = 50;
stone4._x = 300;
stone4._y = 40;
stone5._x = 220;
stone5._y = 290;
stone6._x = 110;
stone6._y = 290;
c = 1;
while (c <= 15) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 160;
coin1._y = 200;
coin2._x = 300;
coin2._y = 0;
coin3._x = 400;
coin3._y = 10;
coin4._x = 350;
coin4._y = 50;
coin5._x = 200;
coin5._y = 100;
coin6._x = 150;
coin6._y = 280;
coin7._x = 80;
coin7._y = 280;
coin8._x = 100;
coin8._y = 300;
coin9._x = 350;
coin9._y = 130;
coin10._x = 200;
coin10._y = 200;
coin11._x = 150;
coin11._y = 250;
coin12._x = 320;
coin12._y = 290;
coin13._x = 120;
coin13._y = 350;
coin14._x = 130;
coin14._y = 280;
coin15._x = 110;
coin15._y = 300;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 350;
ng1._y = 50;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.totalstick = 5;
i = 1;
while (i <= 6) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 150;
g1._y = -30;
g2._x = 300;
g2._y = 80;
g3._x = 350;
g3._y = 230;
g4._x = 320;
g4._y = 200;
g5._x = 200;
g5._y = 130;
g6._x = 170;
g6._y = 250;
s = 1;
while (s <= 4) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 180;
stone1._y = 0;
stone2._x = 380;
stone2._y = 100;
stone3._x = 200;
stone3._y = 70;
stone4._x = 300;
stone4._y = 60;
c = 1;
while (c <= 15) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 150;
coin1._y = 150;
coin2._x = 210;
coin2._y = 10;
coin3._x = 400;
coin3._y = 0;
coin4._x = 350;
coin4._y = -50;
coin5._x = 200;
coin5._y = -30;
coin6._x = 150;
coin6._y = 180;
coin7._x = 380;
coin7._y = 180;
coin8._x = 100;
coin8._y = -20;
coin9._x = 350;
coin9._y = 20;
coin10._x = 200;
coin10._y = 200;
coin11._x = 190;
coin11._y = 50;
coin12._x = 320;
coin12._y = 190;
coin13._x = 120;
coin13._y = 250;
coin14._x = 330;
coin14._y = 280;
coin15._x = 110;
coin15._y = 100;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 250;
ng1._y = 150;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.totalstick = 5;
i = 1;
while (i <= 6) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 130;
g1._y = 0;
g2._x = 250;
g2._y = 50;
g3._x = 50;
g3._y = 100;
g4._x = 20;
g4._y = 300;
g5._x = 50;
g5._y = 250;
g6._x = 20;
g6._y = 220;
s = 1;
while (s <= 6) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 180;
stone1._y = 230;
stone2._x = 380;
stone2._y = 200;
stone3._x = 200;
stone3._y = 270;
stone4._x = 70;
stone4._y = 260;
stone5._x = 230;
stone5._y = 70;
stone6._x = 100;
stone6._y = 60;
c = 1;
while (c <= 9) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 100;
coin1._y = 250;
coin2._x = 210;
coin2._y = 10;
coin3._x = 400;
coin3._y = 0;
coin4._x = 350;
coin4._y = 0;
coin5._x = 100;
coin5._y = 200;
coin6._x = 350;
coin6._y = 280;
coin7._x = 280;
coin7._y = 380;
coin8._x = 120;
coin8._y = 20;
coin9._x = 300;
coin9._y = 20;
z = 1;
while (z <= 2) {
attachMovie("spider", "zz" + z, 280 + z);
zz1._x = 150;
zz1._y = 50;
zz2._x = 120;
zz2._y = 300;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 170;
ng1._y = 90;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.totalstick = 6;
i = 1;
while (i <= 7) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 200;
g1._y = 0;
g2._x = 100;
g2._y = -50;
g3._x = 220;
g3._y = 30;
g4._x = 250;
g4._y = 80;
g5._x = 50;
g5._y = 250;
g6._x = 20;
g6._y = 120;
g7._x = 120;
g7._y = -20;
s = 1;
while (s <= 5) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 180;
stone1._y = 0;
stone2._x = 50;
stone2._y = 200;
stone3._x = 200;
stone3._y = 100;
stone4._x = 250;
stone4._y = 150;
stone5._x = 280;
stone5._y = 90;
c = 1;
while (c <= 8) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 200;
coin1._y = 350;
coin2._x = 10;
coin2._y = 320;
coin3._x = 30;
coin3._y = 300;
coin4._x = 50;
coin4._y = 280;
coin5._x = 80;
coin5._y = 200;
coin6._x = 250;
coin6._y = 180;
coin7._x = 180;
coin7._y = 380;
coin8._x = 320;
coin8._y = 220;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 150;
ng1._y = 400;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 16
_root.totalstick = 6;
i = 1;
while (i <= 7) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 350;
g1._y = 100;
g2._x = 330;
g2._y = 200;
g3._x = 250;
g3._y = 230;
g4._x = 270;
g4._y = 280;
g5._x = 340;
g5._y = 310;
g6._x = 360;
g6._y = 270;
g7._x = 300;
g7._y = 190;
s = 1;
while (s <= 5) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 280;
stone1._y = 0;
stone2._x = 250;
stone2._y = 100;
stone3._x = 300;
stone3._y = 10;
stone4._x = 350;
stone4._y = 50;
stone5._x = 380;
stone5._y = 90;
c = 1;
while (c <= 10) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 300;
coin1._y = 250;
coin2._x = 270;
coin2._y = 320;
coin3._x = 230;
coin3._y = 100;
coin4._x = 250;
coin4._y = 280;
coin5._x = 280;
coin5._y = 200;
coin6._x = 350;
coin6._y = 180;
coin7._x = 280;
coin7._y = 380;
coin8._x = 320;
coin8._y = 20;
coin9._x = 380;
coin9._y = 80;
coin10._x = 320;
coin10._y = 20;
z = 1;
while (z <= 1) {
attachMovie("spider", "zz" + z, 280 + z);
zz1._x = 150;
zz1._y = 200;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 250;
ng1._y = 150;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 17
_root.totalstick = 6;
i = 1;
while (i <= 7) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 280;
g1._y = 100;
g2._x = 130;
g2._y = 80;
g3._x = 170;
g3._y = 340;
g4._x = 370;
g4._y = 440;
g5._x = 400;
g5._y = 480;
g6._x = 360;
g6._y = 520;
g7._x = 300;
g7._y = 360;
s = 1;
while (s <= 7) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 80;
stone1._y = 200;
stone2._x = 250;
stone2._y = 300;
stone3._x = 300;
stone3._y = 410;
stone4._x = 390;
stone4._y = 450;
stone5._x = 380;
stone5._y = 290;
stone6._x = 270;
stone6._y = 410;
stone7._x = 310;
stone7._y = 120;
c = 1;
while (c <= 10) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 390;
coin1._y = 450;
coin2._x = 370;
coin2._y = 220;
coin3._x = 130;
coin3._y = 0;
coin4._x = 250;
coin4._y = 280;
coin5._x = 380;
coin5._y = 300;
coin6._x = 350;
coin6._y = 320;
coin7._x = 280;
coin7._y = 380;
coin8._x = 220;
coin8._y = 220;
coin9._x = 80;
coin9._y = 420;
coin10._x = 20;
coin10._y = 420; = -180; = -150; = -180; = -200;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 70;
ng1._y = 250;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 18
_root.totalstick = 6;
i = 1;
while (i <= 7) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 260;
g1._y = 270;
g2._x = 230;
g2._y = 200;
g3._x = 260;
g3._y = 130;
g4._x = 230;
g4._y = 60;
g5._x = 260;
g5._y = -10;
g6._x = 230;
g6._y = -80;
g7._x = 250;
g7._y = -130;
s = 1;
while (s <= 5) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 280;
stone1._y = 220;
stone2._x = 200;
stone2._y = 150;
stone3._x = 300;
stone3._y = 80;
stone4._x = 220;
stone4._y = -100;
stone5._x = 240;
stone5._y = -70;
c = 1;
while (c <= 10) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 200;
coin1._y = 250;
coin2._x = 270;
coin2._y = 220;
coin3._x = 230;
coin3._y = 100;
coin4._x = 250;
coin4._y = 180;
coin5._x = 280;
coin5._y = 200;
coin6._x = 250;
coin6._y = -80;
coin7._x = 280;
coin7._y = 80;
coin8._x = 320;
coin8._y = -120;
coin9._x = 280;
coin9._y = 80;
coin10._x = 320;
coin10._y = 220;
z = 1;
while (z <= 4) {
attachMovie("spider", "zz" + z, 280 + z);
zz1._x = 50;
zz1._y = 250;
zz2._x = 180;
zz2._y = 300;
zz3._x = 100;
zz3._y = 200;
zz4._x = 100;
zz4._y = 250;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 380;
ng1._y = 250;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 19
_root.totalstick = 7;
i = 1;
while (i <= 8) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 350;
g1._y = 250;
g2._x = 330;
g2._y = 200;
g3._x = 360;
g3._y = 230;
g4._x = 130;
g4._y = 260;
g5._x = 60;
g5._y = 0;
g6._x = 230;
g6._y = -80;
g7._x = 50;
g7._y = 300;
g8._x = 0;
g8._y = 100;
s = 1;
while (s <= 7) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 180;
stone1._y = 320;
stone2._x = 100;
stone2._y = 350;
stone3._x = 200;
stone3._y = 280;
stone4._x = 110;
stone4._y = -100;
stone5._x = 40;
stone5._y = 280;
stone6._x = 60;
stone6._y = 200;
stone7._x = 40;
stone7._y = 250;
c = 1;
while (c <= 15) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 100;
coin1._y = 250;
coin2._x = 170;
coin2._y = 320;
coin3._x = 80;
coin3._y = 100;
coin4._x = 150;
coin4._y = 180;
coin5._x = 220;
coin5._y = 200;
coin6._x = 250;
coin6._y = -80;
coin7._x = 190;
coin7._y = 80;
coin8._x = 320;
coin8._y = 320;
coin9._x = 200;
coin9._y = 80;
coin10._x = 120;
coin10._y = 220;
coin11._x = 250;
coin11._y = 20;
coin12._x = 80;
coin12._y = 80;
coin13._x = 220;
coin13._y = 320;
coin14._x = 280;
coin14._y = 80;
coin15._x = 320;
coin15._y = 220;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 280;
ng1._y = 150;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 20
_root.totalstick = 7;
i = 1;
while (i <= 8) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 330;
g1._y = 350;
g2._x = 300;
g2._y = 200;
g3._x = 220;
g3._y = 230;
g4._x = 130;
g4._y = 260;
g5._x = 60;
g5._y = 110;
g6._x = 90;
g6._y = 50;
g7._x = 180;
g7._y = -30;
g8._x = 100;
g8._y = -100;
s = 1;
while (s <= 7) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 380;
stone1._y = 360;
stone2._x = 200;
stone2._y = 250;
stone3._x = 200;
stone3._y = 280;
stone4._x = 110;
stone4._y = 200;
stone5._x = 40;
stone5._y = 280;
stone6._x = 60;
stone6._y = 100;
stone7._x = 250;
stone7._y = -100;
c = 1;
while (c <= 15) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 90;
coin1._y = 220;
coin2._x = 130;
coin2._y = 220;
coin3._x = 80;
coin3._y = 70;
coin4._x = 140;
coin4._y = 180;
coin5._x = 280;
coin5._y = 200;
coin6._x = 150;
coin6._y = 180;
coin7._x = 110;
coin7._y = 380;
coin8._x = 320;
coin8._y = 320;
coin9._x = 250;
coin9._y = 350;
coin10._x = 120;
coin10._y = 220;
coin11._x = 290;
coin11._y = 20;
coin12._x = 90;
coin12._y = 180;
coin13._x = 220;
coin13._y = 220;
coin14._x = 280;
coin14._y = 80;
coin15._x = 110;
coin15._y = 240;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 260;
ng1._y = 60;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 21
_root.totalstick = 8;
i = 1;
while (i <= 9) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 380;
g1._y = -50;
g2._x = 350;
g2._y = 0;
g3._x = 120;
g3._y = 130;
g4._x = 180;
g4._y = 360;
g5._x = 160;
g5._y = 420;
g6._x = 190;
g6._y = 450;
g7._x = 350;
g7._y = 400;
g8._x = 380;
g8._y = 350;
g9._x = 300;
g9._y = 100;
s = 1;
while (s <= 7) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 300;
stone1._y = 60;
stone2._x = 280;
stone2._y = 250;
stone3._x = 100;
stone3._y = 380;
stone4._x = 110;
stone4._y = 200;
stone5._x = 40;
stone5._y = 80;
stone6._x = 60;
stone6._y = -100;
stone7._x = 250;
stone7._y = -50;
c = 1;
while (c <= 15) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 190;
coin1._y = 20;
coin2._x = 330;
coin2._y = 320;
coin3._x = 80;
coin3._y = 70;
coin4._x = 140;
coin4._y = 180;
coin5._x = 280;
coin5._y = 300;
coin6._x = 150;
coin6._y = 180;
coin7._x = 110;
coin7._y = 380;
coin8._x = 100;
coin8._y = -120;
coin9._x = 250;
coin9._y = 50;
coin10._x = 120;
coin10._y = 20;
coin11._x = 290;
coin11._y = -20;
coin12._x = 90;
coin12._y = 380;
coin13._x = 320;
coin13._y = 220;
coin14._x = 280;
coin14._y = 80;
coin15._x = 110;
coin15._y = 0;
z = 1;
while (z <= 2) {
attachMovie("spider", "zz" + z, 280 + z);
zz1._x = 150;
zz1._y = 150;
zz2._x = 380;
zz2._y = 300;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 270;
ng1._y = 250;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.totalstick = 8;
i = 1;
while (i <= 9) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 280;
g1._y = -80;
g2._x = 150;
g2._y = -50;
g3._x = 320;
g3._y = 0;
g4._x = 80;
g4._y = 50;
g5._x = 130;
g5._y = 120;
g6._x = 190;
g6._y = 250;
g7._x = 250;
g7._y = 300;
g8._x = 350;
g8._y = 150;
g9._x = 300;
g9._y = 200;
s = 1;
while (s <= 5) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 300;
stone1._y = 60;
stone2._x = 380;
stone2._y = 50;
stone3._x = 200;
stone3._y = 480;
stone4._x = 310;
stone4._y = 300;
stone5._x = 350;
stone5._y = 180;
c = 1;
while (c <= 15) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 200;
coin1._y = -50;
coin2._x = 180;
coin2._y = -80;
coin3._x = 180;
coin3._y = -60;
coin4._x = 330;
coin4._y = 180;
coin5._x = 320;
coin5._y = 170;
coin6._x = 290;
coin6._y = 150;
coin7._x = 260;
coin7._y = 130;
coin8._x = 220;
coin8._y = 320;
coin9._x = 250;
coin9._y = 450;
coin10._x = 120;
coin10._y = -20;
coin11._x = 390;
coin11._y = -20;
coin12._x = 190;
coin12._y = 380;
coin13._x = 200;
coin13._y = 250;
coin14._x = 280;
coin14._y = 80;
coin15._x = 200;
coin15._y = 280;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 20;
ng1._y = 90;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 23
_root.totalstick = 8;
i = 1;
while (i <= 9) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 120;
g1._y = 200;
g2._x = 50;
g2._y = 140;
g3._x = 160;
g3._y = 180;
g4._x = 370;
g4._y = 250;
g5._x = 260;
g5._y = 300;
g6._x = 190;
g6._y = 320;
g7._x = 80;
g7._y = 220;
g8._x = 30;
g8._y = 110;
g9._x = 80;
g9._y = 50;
s = 1;
while (s <= 5) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 110;
stone1._y = 250;
stone2._x = 280;
stone2._y = 260;
stone3._x = 270;
stone3._y = 30;
stone4._x = 150;
stone4._y = 120;
stone5._x = 320;
stone5._y = 300;
c = 1;
while (c <= 12) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 160;
coin1._y = 30;
coin2._x = 180;
coin2._y = -60;
coin3._x = 200;
coin3._y = -40;
coin4._x = 20;
coin4._y = -120;
coin5._x = 10;
coin5._y = 400;
coin6._x = 90;
coin6._y = 310;
coin7._x = 70;
coin7._y = 430;
coin8._x = 70;
coin8._y = 330;
coin9._x = 30;
coin9._y = 200;
coin10._x = 380;
coin10._y = 150;
coin11._x = 20;
coin11._y = 300;
coin12._x = 80;
coin12._y = 50;
z = 1;
while (z <= 2) {
attachMovie("spider", "zz" + z, 280 + z);
zz1._x = 80;
zz1._y = 250;
zz2._x = 280;
zz2._y = 50;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 350;
ng1._y = 100;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.totalstick = 9;
i = 1;
while (i <= 10) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 420;
g1._y = 100;
g2._x = 100;
g2._y = 40;
g3._x = 120;
g3._y = 80;
g4._x = 300;
g4._y = 150;
g5._x = 350;
g5._y = 50;
g6._x = 170;
g6._y = 200;
g7._x = 50;
g7._y = 150;
g8._x = 20;
g8._y = 10;
g9._x = 40;
g9._y = -50;
g10._x = 80;
g10._y = -650;
s = 1;
while (s <= 10) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 10;
stone1._y = 150;
stone2._x = 280;
stone2._y = 60;
stone3._x = 170;
stone3._y = 30;
stone4._x = 150;
stone4._y = -50;
stone5._x = 260;
stone5._y = 100;
stone6._x = 300;
stone6._y = 200;
stone7._x = 30;
stone7._y = 30;
stone8._x = 150;
stone8._y = 290;
stone9._x = 180;
stone9._y = 350;
stone10._x = 180;
stone10._y = 300;
c = 1;
while (c <= 12) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 160;
coin1._y = 10;
coin2._x = 180;
coin2._y = -40;
coin3._x = 200;
coin3._y = -40;
coin4._x = 20;
coin4._y = -20;
coin5._x = 210;
coin5._y = 300;
coin6._x = 190;
coin6._y = 310;
coin7._x = 170;
coin7._y = 330;
coin8._x = 70;
coin8._y = 330;
coin9._x = 30;
coin9._y = 200;
coin10._x = 380;
coin10._y = 50;
coin11._x = 120;
coin11._y = 300;
coin12._x = 80;
coin12._y = 50;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 220;
ng1._y = -50;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.totalstick = 9;
i = 1;
while (i <= 10) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 320;
g1._y = 110;
g2._x = 50;
g2._y = 40;
g3._x = 30;
g3._y = 80;
g4._x = 80;
g4._y = 150;
g5._x = 230;
g5._y = 250;
g6._x = 170;
g6._y = 230;
g7._x = 50;
g7._y = 150;
g8._x = 20;
g8._y = 180;
g9._x = 40;
g9._y = -20;
g10._x = 80;
g10._y = -350;
s = 1;
while (s <= 10) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 70;
stone1._y = 150;
stone2._x = 280;
stone2._y = 60;
stone3._x = 170;
stone3._y = 80;
stone4._x = 150;
stone4._y = 20;
stone5._x = 190;
stone5._y = 10;
stone6._x = 300;
stone6._y = 300;
stone7._x = 30;
stone7._y = 30;
stone8._x = 150;
stone8._y = 890;
stone9._x = 130;
stone9._y = 250;
stone10._x = 180;
stone10._y = 430;
c = 1;
while (c <= 12) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 160;
coin1._y = 10;
coin2._x = 180;
coin2._y = -40;
coin3._x = 200;
coin3._y = -40;
coin4._x = 320;
coin4._y = -20;
coin5._x = 310;
coin5._y = 300;
coin6._x = 190;
coin6._y = 310;
coin7._x = 370;
coin7._y = 30;
coin8._x = 70;
coin8._y = 330;
coin9._x = 80;
coin9._y = 200;
coin10._x = 380;
coin10._y = -50;
coin11._x = 120;
coin11._y = 200;
coin12._x = 50;
coin12._y = 50;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 330;
ng1._y = 30;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 26
_root.totalstick = 10;
i = 1;
while (i <= 11) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 30;
g1._y = 140;
g2._x = 80;
g2._y = 140;
g3._x = 100;
g3._y = 30;
g4._x = 130;
g4._y = 150;
g5._x = 230;
g5._y = 250;
g6._x = 100;
g6._y = 230;
g7._x = 50;
g7._y = 90;
g8._x = 20;
g8._y = 70;
g9._x = 80;
g9._y = 20;
g10._x = 120;
g10._y = -200;
g11._x = 200;
g11._y = -300;
s = 1;
while (s <= 8) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 170;
stone1._y = 350;
stone2._x = 280;
stone2._y = 120;
stone3._x = 170;
stone3._y = 480;
stone4._x = 150;
stone4._y = 20;
stone5._x = 190;
stone5._y = 30;
stone6._x = 300;
stone6._y = 300;
stone7._x = 150;
stone7._y = 150;
stone8._x = 130;
stone8._y = 180;
c = 1;
while (c <= 12) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 160;
coin1._y = 200;
coin2._x = 180;
coin2._y = 300;
coin3._x = 200;
coin3._y = 370;
coin4._x = 320;
coin4._y = -20;
coin5._x = 310;
coin5._y = 300;
coin6._x = 190;
coin6._y = 310;
coin7._x = 370;
coin7._y = 30;
coin8._x = 70;
coin8._y = 330;
coin9._x = 210;
coin9._y = 50;
coin10._x = 140;
coin10._y = 0;
coin11._x = 120;
coin11._y = 170;
coin12._x = 180;
coin12._y = 200;
z = 1;
while (z <= 2) {
attachMovie("spider", "zz" + z, 280 + z);
zz1._x = 250;
zz1._y = 260;
zz2._x = 190;
zz2._y = 320;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 350;
ng1._y = 50;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 27
_root.totalstick = 11;
i = 1;
while (i <= 12) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 150;
g1._y = 150;
g2._x = 120;
g2._y = 200;
g3._x = 170;
g3._y = 70;
g4._x = 200;
g4._y = 50;
g5._x = 150;
g5._y = 0;
g6._x = 370;
g6._y = 60;
g7._x = 350;
g7._y = 0;
g8._x = 100;
g8._y = 300;
g9._x = 200;
g9._y = 250;
g10._x = 220;
g10._y = 350;
g11._x = 280;
g11._y = 400;
g12._x = 210;
g12._y = 450;
s = 1;
while (s <= 5) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 130;
stone1._y = 120;
stone2._x = 180;
stone2._y = 480;
stone3._x = 170;
stone3._y = 400;
stone4._x = 190;
stone4._y = 260;
stone5._x = 150;
stone5._y = 220;
c = 1;
while (c <= 6) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 230;
coin1._y = 230;
coin2._x = 300;
coin2._y = 80;
coin3._x = 170;
coin3._y = 330;
coin4._x = 230;
coin4._y = 300;
coin5._x = 280;
coin5._y = 180;
coin6._x = 150;
coin6._y = 130;
z = 1;
while (z <= 2) {
attachMovie("spider", "zz" + z, 280 + z);
zz1._x = 10;
zz1._y = 250;
zz2._x = 300;
zz2._y = 300;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 250;
ng1._y = 0;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 28
_root.totalstick = 12;
i = 1;
while (i <= 13) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 120;
g1._y = 100;
g2._x = 200;
g2._y = 200;
g3._x = 110;
g3._y = 70;
g4._x = 200;
g4._y = 50;
g5._x = 150;
g5._y = -40;
g6._x = 370;
g6._y = -60;
g7._x = 350;
g7._y = 0;
g8._x = 100;
g8._y = 100;
g9._x = 200;
g9._y = 250;
g10._x = 220;
g10._y = 350;
g11._x = 280;
g11._y = 310;
g12._x = 210;
g12._y = 300;
g13._x = 190;
g13._y = 100;
s = 1;
while (s <= 6) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 110;
stone1._y = 100;
stone2._x = 130;
stone2._y = 80;
stone3._x = 170;
stone3._y = 330;
stone4._x = 130;
stone4._y = 300;
stone5._x = 150;
stone5._y = 320;
stone6._x = 200;
stone6._y = 330;
c = 1;
while (c <= 7) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 230;
coin1._y = 330;
coin2._x = 200;
coin2._y = 280;
coin3._x = 170;
coin3._y = 230;
coin4._x = 130;
coin4._y = 200;
coin5._x = 80;
coin5._y = 170;
coin6._x = 50;
coin6._y = 100;
coin7._x = 100;
coin7._y = 40;
z = 1;
while (z <= 1) {
attachMovie("spider", "zz" + z, 280 + z);
zz1._x = 100;
zz1._y = 250;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 350;
ng1._y = 150;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 29
_root.totalstick = 13;
i = 1;
while (i <= 14) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 120;
g1._y = 180;
g2._x = 200;
g2._y = 200;
g3._x = 110;
g3._y = 180;
g4._x = 200;
g4._y = 50;
g5._x = 150;
g5._y = 40;
g6._x = 370;
g6._y = 200;
g7._x = 350;
g7._y = 250;
g8._x = 320;
g8._y = 300;
g9._x = 400;
g9._y = 250;
g10._x = 100;
g10._y = 350;
g11._x = 220;
g11._y = 390;
g12._x = 20;
g12._y = 300;
g13._x = 120;
g13._y = 250;
g14._x = 130;
g14._y = 330;
s = 1;
while (s <= 8) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 110;
stone1._y = 300;
stone2._x = 130;
stone2._y = 300;
stone3._x = 170;
stone3._y = 330;
stone4._x = 130;
stone4._y = 300;
stone5._x = 150;
stone5._y = 320;
stone6._x = 320;
stone6._y = 150;
stone7._x = 70;
stone7._y = 180;
stone8._x = 330;
stone8._y = 290;
c = 1;
while (c <= 10) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 330;
coin1._y = 170;
coin2._x = 130;
coin2._y = 280;
coin3._x = 250;
coin3._y = 230;
coin4._x = 230;
coin4._y = 20;
coin5._x = 500;
coin5._y = 290;
coin6._x = 250;
coin6._y = 250;
coin7._x = 170;
coin7._y = 330;
coin8._x = 70;
coin8._y = 370;
coin9._x = 320;
coin9._y = 10;
coin10._x = 230;
coin10._y = 0;
z = 1;
while (z <= 2) {
attachMovie("spider", "zz" + z, 280 + z);
zz1._x = 250;
zz1._y = 250;
zz2._x = 180;
zz2._y = 300;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 350;
ng1._y = 0;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 30
_root.totalstick = 14;
i = 1;
while (i <= 15) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 150;
g1._y = 80;
g2._x = 200;
g2._y = 200;
g3._x = 110;
g3._y = 180;
g4._x = 200;
g4._y = 50;
g5._x = 250;
g5._y = 40;
g6._x = 370;
g6._y = 100;
g7._x = 350;
g7._y = 150;
g8._x = 320;
g8._y = 300;
g9._x = 400;
g9._y = 250;
g10._x = 300;
g10._y = 350;
g11._x = 290;
g11._y = 390;
g12._x = 200;
g12._y = 400;
g13._x = 120;
g13._y = 250;
g14._x = 130;
g14._y = 330;
g15._x = 110;
g15._y = 290;
s = 1;
while (s <= 5) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 170;
stone1._y = 150;
stone2._x = 250;
stone2._y = 180;
stone3._x = 150;
stone3._y = 220;
stone4._x = 320;
stone4._y = 250;
stone5._x = 70;
stone5._y = 280;
c = 1;
while (c <= 10) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 110;
coin1._y = 170;
coin2._x = 130;
coin2._y = 280;
coin3._x = 250;
coin3._y = 250;
coin4._x = 230;
coin4._y = 20;
coin5._x = 280;
coin5._y = 290;
coin6._x = 190;
coin6._y = 30;
coin7._x = 170;
coin7._y = 330;
coin8._x = 70;
coin8._y = 330;
coin9._x = 320;
coin9._y = 100;
coin10._x = 320;
coin10._y = 0;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 80;
ng1._y = 150;
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 31
_root.totalstick = 14;
i = 1;
while (i <= 15) {
attachMovie("stick", "g" + i, 300 + i);
g1._x = 50;
g1._y = 50;
g2._x = 100;
g2._y = 100;
g3._x = 130;
g3._y = 160;
g4._x = 200;
g4._y = 150;
g5._x = 350;
g5._y = 40;
g6._x = 390;
g6._y = 100;
g7._x = 350;
g7._y = 150;
g8._x = 320;
g8._y = 200;
g9._x = 400;
g9._y = 250;
g10._x = 350;
g10._y = 300;
g11._x = 290;
g11._y = 390;
g12._x = 200;
g12._y = 500;
g13._x = 160;
g13._y = 350;
g14._x = 130;
g14._y = 330;
g15._x = 90;
g15._y = 270;
s = 1;
while (s <= 8) {
attachMovie("stone", "stone" + s, 350 + s);
stone1._x = 170;
stone1._y = 200;
stone2._x = 280;
stone2._y = 180;
stone3._x = 170;
stone3._y = 190;
stone4._x = 100;
stone4._y = 200;
stone5._x = 150;
stone5._y = 220;
stone6._x = 300;
stone6._y = 200;
stone7._x = 70;
stone7._y = 280;
stone8._x = 190;
stone8._y = 380;
c = 1;
while (c <= 10) {
attachMovie("coin", "coin" + c, 360 + c);
coin1._x = 120;
coin1._y = 170;
coin2._x = 170;
coin2._y = 280;
coin3._x = 250;
coin3._y = 250;
coin4._x = 230;
coin4._y = 270;
coin5._x = 210;
coin5._y = 290;
coin6._x = 190;
coin6._y = 310;
coin7._x = 170;
coin7._y = 330;
coin8._x = 70;
coin8._y = 330;
coin9._x = 320;
coin9._y = 300;
coin10._x = 380;
coin10._y = 50;
z = 1;
while (z <= 3) {
attachMovie("spider", "zz" + z, 280 + z);
zz1._x = 350;
zz1._y = 350;
zz2._x = 200;
zz2._y = 200;
zz3._x = 100;
zz3._y = -100;
p = 1;
while (p <= 1) {
attachMovie("pumpin", "ng" + p, 290 + p);
ng1._x = 350;
ng1._y = 270;
Symbol 569 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x =;
this._rotation =;
var _local3 = {,};;
var _local4 = {x:_root._x, y:_root._y};;
if ((_local3.y < 530) && (_local3.y > -20)) {
this._visible = false;
if (_local3.y > 530) {
this._visible = true;
this._y = _local4.y + 350;
if (_local3.y < -20) {
this._visible = true;
this._y = _local4.y + 100;
Symbol 570 MovieClip Frame 1
this.attachMovie("ball", "ball", 51);
ball._x = 0;
ball._y = 100;
this.attachMovie("p1", "p1", 50);
p1._x = 0;
p1._y = ball._y + 50;
Instance of Symbol 353 MovieClip [field] "field" in Symbol 570 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ( < -650) { = -650;
if ( > 400) { = 400;
if ( < -280) { = -280;
if ( > 280) { = 280;
if ( == true) {
var fieldpos = {x:this._x, y:this._y};
if ((fieldpos.y > 350) && (_parent.fieldup._name != "fieldup")) {
_parent.attachMovie("field", "fieldup", 1);
_parent.fieldup._y = this._y - 500;
_parent.fieldup._x = this._x;
if ((fieldpos.y < 350) && (_parent.fielddown._name != "fielddown")) {
_parent.attachMovie("field", "fielddown", 1);
_parent.fielddown._y = this._y + 500;
_parent.fielddown._x = this._x;
Symbol 580 Button
on (rollOver) {
btnname = "okbtn";
on (rollOut) {
btnname = "okbtn";
on (release) {
if (_root.stage >= 31) {
_root.stage = 30;
} else {
Symbol 581 MovieClip Frame 1
function btnrollover(btnname) {
this[btnname + "effect"].gotoAndPlay(2);
function btnrollout(btnname) {
this[btnname + "effect"].gotoAndPlay(12);
function btnrelease(goal) {
okbtn.enabled = false;
_root.attachMovie("fadeinmc", "fadeinmc", 998);
_root.fadeinmc.goal = goal;
Symbol 584 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 584 MovieClip in Symbol 587 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Symbol 588 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 600 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 600 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 604 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 604 MovieClip Frame 42
Symbol 608 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 613 MovieClip Frame 35
Symbol 616 Button
on (rollOver) {
btnname = "okbtn";
on (rollOut) {
btnname = "okbtn";
on (release) {
Symbol 617 MovieClip Frame 1
function btnrollover(btnname) {
this[btnname + "effect"].gotoAndPlay(2);
function btnrollout(btnname) {
this[btnname + "effect"].gotoAndPlay(12);
function btnrelease(goal) {
okbtn.enabled = false;
_root.attachMovie("fadeinmc", "fadeinmc", 998);
_root.fadeinmc.goal = goal;
Symbol 620 MovieClip Frame 45
Symbol 625 Button
on (rollOver) {
btnname = "quitbtn";
on (rollOut) {
btnname = "quitbtn";
on (release) {
Symbol 626 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 626 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 627 MovieClip Frame 1
function btnrollover(btnname) {
this[btnname + "effect"].gotoAndPlay(2);
function btnrollout(btnname) {
this[btnname + "effect"].gotoAndPlay(12);
function btnrelease(goal) {
quitbtn.enabled = false;
_root.attachMovie("fadeinmc", "fadeinmc", 998);
_root.fadeinmc.goal = goal;
Symbol 649 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 649 MovieClip Frame 53
Symbol 649 MovieClip Frame 94
onEnterFrame = function () {
_root.model.player.leftfoot._rotation = _root.model.player.leftfoot._rotation - 5;
_root.model.player.rightfoot._rotation = _root.model.player.rightfoot._rotation - 5;
_root.model.player.head._rotation = _root.model.player.head._rotation - 5;
Symbol 649 MovieClip Frame 165
delete onEnterFrame;
Symbol 655 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent.backbtnmc._visible = false;
_parent.backbtnmc.backbtn.enabled = false;
_parent.nextbtnmc._visible = true;
_parent.nextbtnmc.nextbtn.enabled = true;
Symbol 655 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent.backbtnmc._visible = true;
_parent.backbtnmc.backbtn.enabled = true;
Symbol 655 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 655 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 655 MovieClip Frame 5
_parent.nextbtnmc._visible = true;
_parent.nextbtnmc.nextbtn.enabled = true;
Symbol 655 MovieClip Frame 6
_parent.nextbtnmc._visible = false;
_parent.nextbtnmc.nextbtn.enabled = false;
Symbol 661 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 661 MovieClip Frame 2
delete onEnterFrame;
Symbol 661 MovieClip Frame 3
timer = -4;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (timer == 1) {
timer = 2;
if (timer == 5) {
timer = -4;
if (timer >= 2) {
player.leftfoot._rotation = player.leftfoot._rotation - 5;
player.rightfoot._rotation = player.rightfoot._rotation - 5;
player.head._rotation = player.head._rotation - 5;
Symbol 661 MovieClip Frame 4
delete onEnterFrame;
player.leftfoot._rotation = 0;
player.rightfoot._rotation = 0;
player.head._rotation = 0;
timer = 100;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (timer == 80) {
if (timer == 60) {
if (timer == 40) {
if (timer == 20) {
timer = 100;
Symbol 661 MovieClip Frame 5
delete onEnterFrame;
Symbol 661 MovieClip Frame 6
delete onEnterFrame;
Instance of Symbol 94 MovieClip in Symbol 661 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 664 Button
on (rollOver) {
btnname = "backbtn";
on (rollOut) {
btnname = "backbtn";
on (release) {;
Symbol 665 MovieClip Frame 1
function btnrollover(btnname) {
this[btnname + "effect"].gotoAndPlay(2);
function btnrollout(btnname) {
this[btnname + "effect"].gotoAndPlay(12);
Symbol 668 Button
on (rollOver) {
btnname = "nextbtn";
on (rollOut) {
btnname = "nextbtn";
on (release) {;
Symbol 669 MovieClip Frame 1
function btnrollover(btnname) {
this[btnname + "effect"].gotoAndPlay(2);
function btnrollout(btnname) {
this[btnname + "effect"].gotoAndPlay(12);