Frame 1
Set("/:unit", 50);
Set("/:vis", 1);
Set("/:pte", "");
Symbol 18 Button
on (release) {
Set("/:character", "kitaro");
gotoAndPlay (68);
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndPlay (50);
Symbol 19 Button
on (release) {
Set("/:character", "gaho");
gotoAndPlay (68);
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndPlay (59);
Symbol 20 Button
on (release) {
Set("/:character", "natsuki");
gotoAndPlay (68);
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndPlay (41);
on (keyPress "<Right>") {
gotoAndPlay (59);
shownext = "gaho";
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
gotoAndPlay (50);
shownext = "kitaro";
on (keyPress "<Enter>") {
Set("/:character", "natsuki");
gotoAndPlay (68);
Symbol 22 Button
on (release) {
Set("/:character", "kitaro");
gotoAndPlay (68);
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 23 Button
on (release) {
Set("/:character", "gaho");
gotoAndPlay (68);
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 24 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") {
Set("/:character", "natsuki");
gotoAndPlay (68);
on (rollOut, dragOut, releaseOutside) {
on (keyPress "<Right>") {
shownext = "gaho";
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
shownext = "kitaro";
Symbol 29 Button
on (rollOut, dragOut, releaseOutside) {
on (keyPress "<Right>") {
shownext = "natsuki";
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
shownext = "gaho";
Symbol 30 Button
on (release) {
Set("/:character", "natsuki");
gotoAndPlay (68);
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 39 Button
on (rollOut, dragOut, releaseOutside) {
on (keyPress "<Right>") {
shownext = "kitaro";
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
shownext = "natsuki";
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 29
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 36
shownext = "none";
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 45
Set("/:character", "natsuki");
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 49
if (shownext ne "none") {
shownext = "none";
} else {
gotoAndStop (36);
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 54
Set("/:character", "kitaro");
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 58
if (shownext ne "none") {
shownext = "none";
} else {
gotoAndStop (36);
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 63
Set("/:character", "gaho");
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 67
if (shownext ne "none") {
shownext = "none";
} else {
gotoAndStop (36);
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 80
_quality = "LOW";
Set("../:gogame", 1);
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/:keynumber", Key.getCode());
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
Set("/:left", 1);
} else {
Set("/:left", 0);
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
Set("/:up", 1);
} else {
Set("/:up", 0);
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
Set("/:right", 1);
} else {
Set("/:right", 0);
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
Set("/:down", 1);
} else {
Set("/:down", 0);
if (Key.isDown(17)) {
Set("/:strg", 1);
} else {
Set("/:strg", 0);
if (Key.isDown(16)) {
Set("/:shift", 1);
} else {
Set("/:shift", 0);
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
Set("/:space", 1);
} else {
Set("/:space", 0);
if (Key.isDown(27)) {
Set("/:esc", 1);
} else {
Set("/:esc", 0);
if (Key.isDown(13)) {
Set("/:return", 1);
} else {
Set("/:return", 0);
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 49 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 49 MovieClip Frame 4
if (wait < 6) {
wait = wait + 1;
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
wait = 0;
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 52 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/:pause != 1) {
if (0 < /:combomulti1) {
Set("/:combomulti1", /:combomulti1 - 0.04);
} else {
Set("/:combomulti1", 0);
Set("/:combomulti", int(_root.combomulti1));
oldscore = score;
score = int(/:pte / 20000) * 20000;
if (oldscore < score) {
Set("/:lifes", /:lifes + 1);
if ((/:lifes - oldlifes) == 1) {
oldlifes = /:lifes;
Symbol 52 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 56 Button
on (release) {
Set("/:level", 5);
gotoAndPlay (10);
Symbol 58 Button
on (release) {
Set("/:level", 5);
gotoAndStop("level" + /:level);
Symbol 59 Button
on (release) {
Set("/:level", 2);
gotoAndPlay (10);
Symbol 60 Button
on (release) {
Set("/:level", 1);
gotoAndPlay (10);
Symbol 61 Button
on (release) {
Set("/:level", 4);
gotoAndPlay (10);
Symbol 62 Button
on (release) {
Set("/:level", 3);
gotoAndPlay (10);
Symbol 82 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndStop(/:level + 1);
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 36
gotoAndPlay (37);
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 51
gotoAndPlay (37);
Symbol 107 MovieClip Frame 26
Symbol 108 MovieClip Frame 41
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 113 MovieClip Frame 1
_name = "controller";
_visible = 0;
Symbol 113 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_parent.death != 1) {;
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 116 MovieClip Frame 1
if (ini != 1) {
track = Number(_parent._name);
_visible = 0;
axis = _parent.axis;
elevator = _parent.elevator;
damage = _parent.damage;
myx = int(_parent._x);
myy = int(_parent._y);
urx = myx;
ury = myy;
maxx = myx + track;
maxy = myy + track;
right = 1;
down = 1;
_parent._parent.nmecount = _parent._parent.nmecount + 1;
mynumber = _parent._parent.nmecount;
_name = "controller";
setProperty("_parent", _name , "nme" + mynumber);
ini = 1;
if (/:pause != 1) {
if (axis eq "h") {
if (right == 1) {
stepx = _parent.speed;
} else {
stepx = -_parent.speed;
myx = myx + stepx;
if (maxx < myx) {
right = 0;
if (myx < urx) {
right = 1;
if (elevator == 1) {
if (((myx - /:unit) < _parent._parent.player.myx) and (_parent._parent.player.myx < (myx + (/:unit * 2)))) {
if (((_parent._parent.player.myy < myy) and ((myy - (/:unit * 1.5)) < _parent._parent.player.myy)) and (/:up != 1)) {
_parent._parent.force_stepx = stepx;
_parent._parent.forcey = myy - /:unit;
} else {
if (down == 1) {
stepy = 2;
} else {
stepy = -2;
myy = myy + stepy;
if (maxy < myy) {
down = 0;
if (myy < ury) {
down = 1;
if (elevator == 1) {
if (((myx - /:unit) < _parent._parent.player.myx) and (_parent._parent.player.myx < (myx + (/:unit * 2)))) {
if (((_parent._parent.player.myy < myy) and ((myy - (/:unit * 1.5)) < _parent._parent.player.myy)) and (/:up != 1)) {
_parent._parent.forcey = myy - 40;
setProperty("_parent", _x , myx);
setProperty("_parent", _y , myy);
if (damage == 1) {
if (_parent.hitTest(_parent._parent.player.myx + _parent._parent.camerax, _parent._parent.player.myy + _parent._parent.cameray, true) eq "true") {
_parent._parent.player.hit = 1;
Symbol 116 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 117 MovieClip Frame 1
axis = "v";
speed = 3;
elevator = 0;
damage = 1;
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 5
_parent._parent.scount = _parent._parent.scount - 1;
Set(("_parent._parent.s" + + "active", 0);
Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((/:pause != 1) and (_name ne "ur_shot")) {
myx = myx + stepx;
myy = myy + stepy;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
thisx = int((myx + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
thisy = int(myy / /:unit) * /:unit;
field = eval ((("_parent.f" + thisx) + "and") + thisy);
if (((_parent.pixels.hitTest(myx + _parent.camerax, myy + _parent.cameray, true) eq "true") or (1 < field)) or (off == 1)) {
plxdist = _parent.player.screencenter_x - myx;
if (/:wakeup_x_limit < (plxdist * plxdist)) {
Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 150 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 150 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 150 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 150 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 150 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 151 MovieClip Frame 1
if (ini != 1) {
name_id = _name.substr(0, 2);
if (name_id eq "ur") {
} else {
goforit = 1;
ini = 1;
if ((/:pause != 1) and (goforit == 1)) {
if (ballistic == 1) {
stepy = stepy + mygrav;
if (aerodynamic == 1) {
radian1 = Math.atan2(stepx, stepy);
angle1 = (radian1 / (Math.PI/180)) + 90;
_rotation = (-angle1);
myx = myx + stepx;
myy = myy + stepy;
thisx = int((myx + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
thisy = int(myy / /:unit) * /:unit;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
count = count + 1;
if (_parent.player.hitTest(myx + _parent.camerax, myy + _parent.cameray, true) eq "true") {
_parent.player.hit = 1;
off = 1;
field = eval ((("_parent.f" + thisx) + "and") + thisy);
if (((_parent.pixels.hitTest(myx + _parent.camerax, myy + _parent.cameray, true) eq "true") or (1 < field)) or (off == 1)) {
plxdist = _parent.player.screencenter_x - myx;
if (100000 < (plxdist * plxdist)) {
if (/:bigbomb == 1) {
if (_parent.bigbomb.hitTest(myx + _parent.camerax, myy + _parent.cameray, true) eq "true") {
Symbol 151 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 154 MovieClip Frame 2
Set("/:cam_y_limit", _y - /:screenheight);
Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 159 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 160 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/:pause != 1) {
if (ini != 1) {
active = 1;
name_id = _name.substr(0, 2);
maxrocks = 5;
if (name_id eq "ur") {
} else {
_parent.rockcount = _parent.rockcount + 1;
if (maxrocks >= _parent.rockcount) {
_parent.nmecount = _parent.nmecount + 1;
mynumber = _parent.nmecount;
goforit = 1;
if (shot != 1) {
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
thisx = myx;
thisy = myy;
} else {
myy = myy - /:unit;
thisx = int((myx + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
thisy = int((myy + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
_name = ((("carry" + thisx) + "and") + thisy);
pushspeed = 2;
pushtime = int(/:unit / pushspeed);
plxdist = _parent.player.screencenter_x - myx;
plydist = _parent.player.screencenter_y - myy;
pldist = (plxdist * plxdist) + (plydist * plydist);
if (((/:wakeup_x_limit < (plxdist * plxdist)) or (/:wakeup_y_limit < (plydist * plydist))) and (name_id ne "es")) {
ini = 1;
anim = "normal";
if (goforit == 1) {
if (shot != 1) {
Set((("_parent.f" + thisx) + "and") + thisy, 0);
thisx = int((myx + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
thisy = int(myy / /:unit) * /:unit;
if (standing != 1) {
stepy = stepy + /:grav;
if (/:maxyspeed < stepy) {
stepy = /:maxyspeed;
myy = myy + stepy;
} else if (carried != 1) {
myy = thisy;
if (carried != 1) {
if (push ne oldpush) {
field_right = eval ((("_parent.f" + (thisx + /:unit)) + "and") + thisy);
field_left = eval ((("_parent.f" + (thisx - /:unit)) + "and") + thisy);
if ((push eq "right") and (field_right < 1)) {
Set((("_parent.f" + (thisx + /:unit)) + "and") + thisy, 5);
pushwait = pushtime;
if ((push eq "left") and (field_left < 1)) {
Set((("_parent.f" + (thisx - /:unit)) + "and") + thisy, 5);
pushwait = pushtime;
myx = thisx;
if (standing != 1) {
_parent.hitmaker = 1;
_parent.hitmaker_x = myx;
_parent.hitmaker_y = myy;
if (0 < pushwait) {
pushwait = pushwait - 1;
if (push eq "right") {
anim = "rollright";
if (Number(field_right) < 1) {
myx = myx + pushspeed;
if (push eq "left") {
anim = "rollleft";
if (Number(field_left) < 1) {
myx = myx - pushspeed;
} else {
push = "";
if (shot == 1) {
myx = myx + stepx;
} else {
myx = thisx;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
oldpush = push;
field = eval ((("_parent.f" + thisx) + "and") + (thisy + /:unit));
standing = 0;
if (0 < field) {
carried = 0;
standing = 1;
if ((shot == 1) and (maxrocks < _parent.rockcount)) {
_parent.rockcount = _parent.rockcount - 1;
anim = "break";
death = 1;
shot = 0;
} else {
Set((("_parent.f" + thisx) + "and") + thisy, 5);
shot = 0;
if (carried != 1) {
myy = thisy;
_y = myy;
stepy = 0;
_name = ((("carry" + thisx) + "and") + thisy);
if (0 < mynumber) {
plxdist = _parent.player.screencenter_x - myx;
plydist = _parent.player.screencenter_y - myy;
pldist = (plxdist * plxdist) + (plydist * plydist);
if ((/:wakeup_x_limit < (plxdist * plxdist)) or (/:wakeup_y_limit < (plydist * plydist))) {
controller.myx = myx;
controller.myy = myy;
_name = ("nme" + mynumber);
_parent.rockcount = _parent.rockcount - 1;
active = 0;
_visible = 0;
} else {
if (active != 1) {
_parent.rockcount = _parent.rockcount + 1;
active = 1;
_visible = 1;
Symbol 160 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 165 MovieClip Frame 1
if (ini != 1) {
name_id = _name.substr(0, 2);
if (name_id eq "ur") {
} else {
goforit = 1;
ini = 1;
if ((/:pause != 1) and (goforit == 1)) {
if (ballistic == 1) {
stepy = stepy + mygrav;
if (aerodynamic == 1) {
radian1 = Math.atan2(stepx, stepy);
angle1 = (radian1 / (Math.PI/180)) + 90;
_rotation = (-angle1);
myx = myx + stepx;
myy = myy + stepy;
thisx = int((myx + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
thisy = int(myy / /:unit) * /:unit;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
count = count + 1;
if ((../player:anim ne "fight_standing_fastleft") and (../player:anim ne "fight_standing_fastright")) {
if (_parent.player.hitTest(myx + _parent.camerax, myy + _parent.cameray, true) eq "true") {
_parent.player.hit = 1;
off = 1;
field = eval ((("_parent.f" + thisx) + "and") + thisy);
if (((_parent.pixels.hitTest(myx + _parent.camerax, myy + _parent.cameray, true) eq "true") or (1 < field)) or (off == 1)) {
plxdist = _parent.player.screencenter_x - myx;
if (100000 < (plxdist * plxdist)) {
if (/:bigbomb == 1) {
if (_parent.bigbomb.hitTest(myx + _parent.camerax, myy + _parent.cameray, true) eq "true") {
Symbol 165 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_parent.hitmaker == 1) {
_visible = 0;
_x = _parent.hitmaker_x;
_y = _parent.hitmaker_y;
} else {
_x = 0;
_y = -10000;
_parent.hitmaker = 0;
Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 2
Set("/:cam_x_limit", _x - /:screenwidth);
Symbol 175 MovieClip Frame 1
name_id = _name.substr(0, 2);
if (name_id eq "ur") {
} else if (_yscale < 10) {
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 175 MovieClip Frame 2
if (random(20) < 10) {
gotoAndPlay (16);
Symbol 175 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 175 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 175 MovieClip Frame 45
Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 5
setProperty("_parent", _x , -100000);
Symbol 179 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((/:pause != 1) and (/:missilelaunch == 1)) {
myx = myx + stepx;
myy = myy + stepy;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
thisx = int((myx + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
thisy = int(myy / /:unit) * /:unit;
if (aim ne "") {
aimx = eval (("_parent." + aim) + ".controller.myx");
aimy = eval (("_parent." + aim) + ".controller.myy");
if (myx < aimx) {
stepx = stepx + (accel_x * 0.5);
} else {
stepx = stepx - accel_x;
} else {
aimy = _parent.player.myy;
stepx = stepx + accel_x;
stepy = stepy * 0.9;
if (myy < aimy) {
stepy = stepy + accel_y;
} else {
stepy = stepy - accel_y;
radian1 = Math.atan2(stepx, stepy);
oldangle = angle1;
angle1 = (radian1 / (Math.PI/180)) + 90;
_rotation = (-angle1);
if (0 < smokewait) {
smokewait = smokewait - 1;
} else {
_parent.layercount = _parent.layercount + 1;
duplicateMovieClip ("_parent.smoke", "smoke" + _parent.layercount, _parent.layercount);
setProperty("_parent.smoke" + _parent.layercount, _x , myx);
setProperty("_parent.smoke" + _parent.layercount, _y , myy);
setProperty("_parent.smoke" + _parent.layercount, _rotation , -oldangle);
smokedist = (stepx * stepx) + (stepy * stepy);
smoke_length = Math.sqrt(smokedist);
setProperty("_parent.smoke" + _parent.layercount, _xscale , smoke_length);
field = eval ((("_parent.f" + thisx) + "and") + thisy);
if (((_parent.pixels.hitTest(myx + _parent.camerax, myy + _parent.cameray, true) eq "true") or (1 < field)) or (off == 1)) {
off = 0;
myx = -100000;
aim = "";
plxdist = _parent.player.myx - myx;
if (/:wakeup_x_limit < (plxdist * plxdist)) {
off = 0;
myx = -100000;
aim = "";
} else {
Symbol 179 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 181 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 183 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 187 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 187 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/:pause != 1) {;
} else {
Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 190 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 190 MovieClip Frame 30
gotoAndStop (1);
Set("/:bigbomb", 0);
Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
do {
Set((("_parent.f" + myx) + "and") + (myy + (count * /:unit)), 2);
count = count + 1;
} while (count < 20);
_visible = /:vis;
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
do {
Set((("_parent.f" + (myx + (count * /:unit))) + "and") + myy, 1);
count = count + 1;
} while (count < 3);
_visible = /:vis;
Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
_name = ((("obj" + myx) + "and") + myy);
Set((("_parent.f" + myx) + "and") + myy, 2);
Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 12
Set((("_parent.f" + myx) + "and") + myy, 0);
_name = "none";
Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 13
thisx = myx;
thisy = int((myy + (/:unit * 1.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
stepy = stepy + /:grav;
if (/:maxyspeed < stepy) {
stepy = /:maxyspeed;
myy = myy + stepy;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
field = eval ((("_parent.f" + thisx) + "and") + thisy);
if (0 < field) {
_y = (thisy - /:unit);
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2);
Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 14
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 220 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
if (0 < myx) {
_parent._parent.bonuscount = _parent._parent.bonuscount + 1;
mynumber = _parent._parent.bonuscount;
if (eval ("_parent._parent.bonustaken" + mynumber) == 1) {
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
_name = ((("bonus" + myx) + "and") + myy);
Symbol 220 MovieClip Frame 2
_name = "none";
Set("_parent._parent.bonustaken" + mynumber, 1);
Set("/:lifes", /:lifes + 1);
Symbol 220 MovieClip Frame 19
_visible = 0;
_name = "";
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
if (0 < myx) {
_parent._parent.bonuscount = _parent._parent.bonuscount + 1;
mynumber = _parent._parent.bonuscount;
if (eval ("_parent._parent.bonustaken" + mynumber) == 1) {
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
_name = ((("bonus" + myx) + "and") + myy);
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 2
_name = "none";
Set("_parent._parent.bonustaken" + mynumber, 1);
Set("/:pte", int(int(/:pte) + 100));
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 19
_visible = 0;
_name = "";
Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
if (0 < myx) {
_parent._parent.bonuscount = _parent._parent.bonuscount + 1;
mynumber = _parent._parent.bonuscount;
if (eval ("_parent._parent.bonustaken" + mynumber) == 1) {
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
_name = ((("bonus" + myx) + "and") + myy);
Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 2
_name = "none";
Set("_parent._parent.bonustaken" + mynumber, 1);
Set("/:energy", /:preset_energy);
Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 19
_visible = 0;
_name = "";
Symbol 231 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
if (0 < myx) {
_parent._parent.bonuscount = _parent._parent.bonuscount + 1;
mynumber = _parent._parent.bonuscount;
if (eval ("_parent._parent.bonustaken" + mynumber) == 1) {
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
_name = ((("bonus" + myx) + "and") + myy);
Symbol 231 MovieClip Frame 2
_name = "none";
Set("_parent._parent.bonustaken" + mynumber, 1);
if (/:missiles < 6) {
Set("/:missiles", /:missiles + 2);
Symbol 231 MovieClip Frame 19
_visible = 0;
_name = "";
Symbol 233 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
if (0 < myx) {
_parent._parent.bonuscount = _parent._parent.bonuscount + 1;
mynumber = _parent._parent.bonuscount;
if (eval ("_parent._parent.bonustaken" + mynumber) == 1) {
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
_name = ((("bonus" + myx) + "and") + myy);
Symbol 233 MovieClip Frame 2
_name = "none";
Set("_parent._parent.bonustaken" + mynumber, 1);
if (/:cannons < 2) {
Set("/:cannons", /:cannons + 1);
Symbol 233 MovieClip Frame 19
_visible = 0;
_name = "";
Symbol 235 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
if (0 < myx) {
_parent._parent.bonuscount = _parent._parent.bonuscount + 1;
mynumber = _parent._parent.bonuscount;
if (eval ("_parent._parent.bonustaken" + mynumber) == 1) {
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
_name = ((("bonus" + myx) + "and") + myy);
Symbol 235 MovieClip Frame 2
_name = "none";
Set("_parent._parent.bonustaken" + mynumber, 1);
if (/:shotpower < 6) {
Set("/:shotpower", /:shotpower + 1);
Symbol 235 MovieClip Frame 19
_visible = 0;
_name = "";
Symbol 237 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
if (0 < myx) {
_parent._parent.bonuscount = _parent._parent.bonuscount + 1;
mynumber = _parent._parent.bonuscount;
if (eval ("_parent._parent.bonustaken" + mynumber) == 1) {
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
_name = ((("bonus" + myx) + "and") + myy);
Symbol 237 MovieClip Frame 2
_name = "none";
Set("_parent._parent.bonustaken" + mynumber, 1);
if (/:smartbombs < 5) {
Set("/:smartbombs", /:smartbombs + 1);
Symbol 237 MovieClip Frame 19
_visible = 0;
_name = "";
Symbol 239 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
if (0 < myx) {
_parent._parent.bonuscount = _parent._parent.bonuscount + 1;
mynumber = _parent._parent.bonuscount;
if (eval ("_parent._parent.bonustaken" + mynumber) == 1) {
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
_name = ((("bonus" + myx) + "and") + myy);
Symbol 239 MovieClip Frame 2
_name = "none";
Set("_parent._parent.bonustaken" + mynumber, 1);
_parent.player.shield = 100;
Symbol 239 MovieClip Frame 19
_visible = 0;
_name = "";
Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
if (ini != 1) {
ini = 1;
if (/:pause != 1) {
stepy = stepy + grav;
radian1 = Math.atan2(stepx, stepy);
angle1 = (radian1 / (Math.PI/180)) + 90;
_rotation = (-angle1);
myx = myx + stepx;
myy = myy + stepy;
thisx = int((myx + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
thisy = int(myy / /:unit) * /:unit;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
field = eval ((("_parent.f" + thisx) + "and") + thisy);
if (((_parent.pixels.hitTest(myx + _parent.camerax, myy + _parent.cameray, true) eq "true") or (1 < field)) or (off == 1)) {
_x = -100000;
myx = -100000;
plxdist = _parent.player.screencenter_x - myx;
if (100000 < (plxdist * plxdist)) {
_x = -100000;
myx = -100000;
Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 251 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
do {
Set((("_parent.f" + (myx + (count * /:unit))) + "and") + myy, 2);
count = count + 1;
} while (count < 20);
_visible = /:vis;
Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
do {
Set((("_parent.f" + myx) + "and") + (myy + (count * /:unit)), 2);
count = count + 1;
} while (count < 3);
_visible = /:vis;
Symbol 255 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
do {
Set((("_parent.f" + (myx + (count * /:unit))) + "and") + myy, 2);
count = count + 1;
} while (count < 10);
_visible = /:vis;
Symbol 257 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
do {
Set((("_parent.f" + (myx + (count * /:unit))) + "and") + myy, 2);
count = count + 1;
} while (count < 2);
_visible = /:vis;
Symbol 259 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
do {
Set((("_parent.f" + (myx + (count * /:unit))) + "and") + myy, 2);
count = count + 1;
} while (count < 5);
_visible = /:vis;
Symbol 261 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
do {
Set((("_parent.f" + myx) + "and") + (myy + (count * /:unit)), 2);
count = count + 1;
} while (count < 5);
_visible = /:vis;
Symbol 263 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
do {
Set((("_parent.f" + myx) + "and") + (myy + (count * /:unit)), 3);
count = count + 1;
} while (count < 10);
_visible = /:vis;
Symbol 265 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
do {
Set((("_parent.f" + myx) + "and") + (myy + (count * /:unit)), 2);
count = count + 1;
} while (count < 2);
_visible = /:vis;
Symbol 267 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
do {
Set((("_parent.f" + myx) + "and") + (myy + (count * /:unit)), 2);
count = count + 1;
} while (count < 10);
_visible = /:vis;
Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
do {
Set((("_parent.f" + (myx + (count * /:unit))) + "and") + myy, 2);
count = count + 1;
} while (count < 3);
_visible = /:vis;
Symbol 271 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
do {
Set((("_parent.f" + myx) + "and") + (myy + (count * /:unit)), 3);
count = count + 1;
} while (count < 2);
_visible = /:vis;
Symbol 273 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
do {
Set((("_parent.f" + myx) + "and") + (myy + (count * /:unit)), 3);
count = count + 1;
} while (count < 5);
_visible = /:vis;
Symbol 275 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
do {
Set((("_parent.f" + (myx + (count * /:unit))) + "and") + myy, 4);
count = count + 1;
} while (count < 2);
_visible = /:vis;
Symbol 277 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
do {
Set((("_parent.f" + (myx + (count * /:unit))) + "and") + myy, 4);
count = count + 1;
} while (count < 5);
_visible = /:vis;
Symbol 280 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/:pause != 1) {
if (ini != 1) {
_alpha = 0;
myx = _x;
myy = _y;
ini = 1;
if (_parent.player.hitTest(this) eq "true") {
test = 1;
_parent._parent.xbackup = myx;
_parent._parent.ybackup = myy;
Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
do {
Set((("_parent.f" + (myx + (count * /:unit))) + "and") + myy, 1);
count = count + 1;
} while (count < 2);
_visible = /:vis;
Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
Set((("_parent.f" + myx) + "and") + myy, 1);
_visible = /:vis;
Symbol 291 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
if (0 < myx) {
_parent._parent.bonuscount = _parent._parent.bonuscount + 1;
mynumber = _parent._parent.bonuscount;
if (eval ("_parent._parent.bonustaken" + mynumber) == 1) {
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
_name = ((("bonus" + myx) + "and") + myy);
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 2
_name = "none";
Set("_parent._parent.bonustaken" + mynumber, 1);
Set("../:powerweapon", 1);
Set("/:shotpower", 1.5);
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 19
_visible = 0;
_name = "";
Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
myx = int((_x + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
myy = int((_y + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
if (0 < myx) {
_parent._parent.bonuscount = _parent._parent.bonuscount + 1;
mynumber = _parent._parent.bonuscount;
if (eval ("_parent._parent.bonustaken" + mynumber) == 1) {
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
_name = ((("bonus" + myx) + "and") + myy);
Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 2
_name = "none";
Set("_parent._parent.bonustaken" + mynumber, 1);
Set("/:lifes", /:lifes + 1);
Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 19
_visible = 0;
_name = "";
Symbol 306 MovieClip Frame 1
if (ini != 1) {
ini = 1;
myx = getProperty("../yoyo", _x);
myy = getProperty("../yoyo", _y);
yoffset = 20;
if ((/:pause != 1) and (/:character eq "natsuki")) {
if (1 < ../:yoyodelay) {
Set("../:yoyodelay", ../:yoyodelay - 0.25);
stepy = stepy + 2;
} else {
Set("../:yoyodelay", 1);
if (../:yoyo_koords != 1) {
Set("../:yoyodelay", 10);
xaim = xaim + ((xhaim - xaim) * 0.1);
yaim = yhaim;
} else {
xaim = xaim + ((../:yoyo_x - xaim) * delay);
yaim = ../:yoyo_y - yoffset;
stepxaim = xaim - myx;
stepyaim = stepyaim + (((yaim - myy) - stepyaim) * delay);
delay = 1 / ../:yoyodelay;
stepx = stepx + ((stepxaim - stepx) * delay);
stepyaim2 = stepyaim * delay;
stepy = stepy + ((stepyaim2 - stepy) * delay);
thisx = int(((myx + stepx) + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
thisy = int(((myy + stepy) + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
nextxfield = eval ((("_parent.f" + thisx) + "and") + oldthisy);
nextyfield = eval ((("_parent.f" + oldthisx) + "and") + thisy);
if (../:yoyodelay != 1) {
if ((0 < nextyfield) and (0 < stepy)) {
stepy = (-stepy) * 1.2;
if (_parent.pixels.hitTest(myx + _parent.camerax, (myy + _parent.cameray) + 20, true) eq "true") {
stepy = -7;
oldthisx = thisx;
oldthisy = thisy;
myx = myx + stepx;
myy = myy + stepy;
setProperty("../yoyo", _x , myx);
setProperty("../yoyo", _y , myy + yoffset);
if ((../player:dir eq "right") or (../player:dir eq "fastright")) {
xhaim = ((getProperty("../player", _x) + getProperty("../player/anims", _x)) + getProperty("../player/anims/figur", _x)) + getProperty("../player/anims/figur/hand", _x);
} else {
xhaim = ((getProperty("../player", _x) + getProperty("../player/anims", _x)) + getProperty("../player/anims/figur", _x)) - getProperty("../player/anims/figur/hand", _x);
yhaim = ((getProperty("../player", _y) + getProperty("../player/anims", _y)) + getProperty("../player/anims/figur", _y)) + getProperty("../player/anims/figur/hand", _y);
xdistance = myx - xhaim;
ydistance = (myy + yoffset) - yhaim;
if (100 < ((xdistance * xdistance) + (ydistance * ydistance))) {
myx = myx + ((xaim - myx) / 10);
myy = myy + ((yaim - myy) / 10);
if ((stepx * stepx) < 0.1) {
stepx = 0;
if ((stepy * stepy) < 0.1) {
stepy = 0;
xrot = stepx * xdistance;
yrot = stepy * ydistance;
setProperty("../faden", _x , xhaim);
setProperty("../faden", _y , yhaim);
if (xdistance != 0) {
setProperty("../faden", _xscale , xdistance);
if (ydistance != 0) {
setProperty("../faden", _yscale , ydistance);
Set("../:yoyo_koords", 0);
rot = rot + (xrot + yrot);
setProperty("../yoyo/anim", _rotation , rot);
setProperty("../yoyo/anim", _xscale , 100);
setProperty("../yoyo/anim", _yscale , 100);
if (../:powerweapon == 1) {
} else {
if (/:character ne "natsuki") {
_x = -10000;
_name = "none";
Symbol 306 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 308 MovieClip Frame 1
_x = /:hitx;
_y = /:hity;
_alpha = 0;
_xscale = /:hitxscale;
_yscale = /:hityscale;
Set("/:hitx", -10000);
Set("/:hity", -10000);
Symbol 308 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 310 MovieClip Frame 1
_x = /:holdx;
_alpha = 0;
_y = /:holdy;
_xscale = /:holdxscale;
_yscale = /:holdyscale;
Set("/:holdx", -10000);
Set("/:holdy", -10000);
Symbol 310 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 313 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 319 MovieClip Frame 1
if (ini != 1) {
_visible = 0;
ini = 1;
if ((../../../:dir eq "right") or (../../../:dir eq "fastright")) {
Set("../../../../:yoyo_x", ((_x + getProperty("../", _x)) + getProperty("../../", _x)) + getProperty("../../../", _x));
} else {
Set("../../../../:yoyo_x", (((-_x) + getProperty("../", _x)) + getProperty("../../", _x)) + getProperty("../../../", _x));
Set("../../../../:yoyo_y", ((_y + getProperty("../", _y)) + getProperty("../../", _y)) + getProperty("../../../", _y));
Set("../../../../:yoyo_koords", 1);
Symbol 319 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 321 MovieClip Frame 1
if (ini != 1) {
ini = 1;
_visible = 0;
if ((../../../:dir eq "right") or (../../../:dir eq "fastright")) {
handx = (((_x + getProperty("../", _x)) + getProperty("../../", _x)) + getProperty("../../../", _x)) + ../../../:stepx;
} else {
handx = ((((-_x) + getProperty("../", _x)) + getProperty("../../", _x)) + getProperty("../../../", _x)) + ../../../:stepx;
handy = (((_y + getProperty("../", _y)) + getProperty("../../", _y)) + getProperty("../../../", _y)) + ../../../:stepy;
Set("../../../../:hand_x", handx);
Set("../../../../:hand_y", handy);
Symbol 321 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 322 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/:pause != 1) {
tellTarget ("../") {
if (_currentframe == _totalframes) {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else {
gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1);
} else {
tellTarget ("../") {
Symbol 322 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 354 MovieClip Frame 7
if (../../:dir eq "right") {
if ((/:up == 1) and (../../:right_field_2 < 1)) {
Set("../../:myy", ../../:thisy0 - /:unit);
Set("../../:myx", ../../:thisx1 + (/:unit * 0.5));
} else if ((/:up == 1) and (../../:left_field_2 < 1)) {
Set("../../:myy", ../../:thisy0 - /:unit);
Set("../../:myx", ../../:thisx1 - (/:unit * 0.5));
Symbol 354 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 1
if (random(4) == 2) {
Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 385 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 385 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 403 MovieClip Frame 5
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 405 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 416 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 468 MovieClip Frame 1
frame = int(random(30) / 10) + 2;
Symbol 469 MovieClip Frame 7
if (../../:death != 1) {
Set("../../:shield", /:preset_shield);
Symbol 482 MovieClip Frame 31
Set("/:lifes", /:lifes - 1);
if (/:respawn != 1) {
Symbol 482 MovieClip Frame 35
_parent._parent.death = 0;
_parent._parent.shield = /:preset_shield;
_parent._parent.ini_collide = 0;
Set("/:energy", /:preset_energy);;
Symbol 483 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 484 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/:level == 2) {
setProperty("../", _x , getProperty("../", _x) - 22);
Symbol 484 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 485 MovieClip Frame 19
Set("/:lifes", /:lifes - 1);
if (/:respawn != 1) {
tellTarget ("../../../../") {
gotoAndPlay ("death");
Symbol 485 MovieClip Frame 35
_parent._parent.death = 0;
_parent._parent.ini_collide = 0;
Set("/:energy", /:preset_energy);
_parent._parent.shield = /:preset_shield;;
Symbol 492 MovieClip Frame 1
if (ini != 1) {
_visible = 0;
ini = 1;
if ((../../../:dir eq "right") or (../../../:dir eq "fastright")) {
Set("/:hitx", ((_x + getProperty("../", _x)) + getProperty("../../", _x)) + getProperty("../../../", _x));
} else {
Set("/:hitx", (((-_x) + getProperty("../", _x)) + getProperty("../../", _x)) + getProperty("../../../", _x));
Set("/:hity", ((_y + getProperty("../", _y)) + getProperty("../../", _y)) + getProperty("../../../", _y));
Set("/:hityscale", _yscale);
Set("/:hitxscale", _xscale);
Symbol 492 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 495 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 503 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 1
if (ini != 1) {
ini = 1;
Set("../:movecount", int(../:movecount + 1));
if ((/:strg == 1) and (oldstrg == 0)) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndPlay("move" + movecount);
if (((/:up == 1) or ((/:left == 1) and (../../../:dir eq "right"))) or ((/:right == 1) and (../../../:dir eq "left"))) {
Set("../../../:fighting", 0);
oldstrg = /:strg;
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 519 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("../../../:yoyodelay", 1);
Set("../../:fightspeed", 0);
Symbol 519 MovieClip Frame 19
gotoAndPlay (36);
Symbol 519 MovieClip Frame 21
if ((../../:dir eq "right") or (../../:dir eq "fastright")) {
Set("../../:fightspeed", 4);
} else {
Set("../../:fightspeed", -4);
Symbol 519 MovieClip Frame 25
Set("../../:fightspeed", 0);
Symbol 519 MovieClip Frame 33
Set("../../:fighting", 0);
Symbol 519 MovieClip Frame 34
Set("../../:fighting", 0);
Symbol 519 MovieClip Frame 38
Set("../../:fighting", 0);
Symbol 519 MovieClip Frame 39
Set("../../:fighting", 0);
Symbol 519 MovieClip Frame 40
Set("../../:fighting", 0);
Symbol 519 MovieClip Frame 41
Set("../../:fighting", 0);
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 551 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("../../../:yoyodelay", 0.5);
Set("../../:fightspeed", 0);
Symbol 551 MovieClip Frame 2
Set("../../:fightspeed", 0);
Symbol 551 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (60);
Symbol 551 MovieClip Frame 35
Set("../../:fighting", 0);
Symbol 551 MovieClip Frame 36
Set("../../:fighting", 0);
Symbol 551 MovieClip Frame 37
if (../../:dir eq "right") {
Set("../../:fightspeed", 8);
} else {
Set("../../:fightspeed", -8);
Symbol 551 MovieClip Frame 41
Set("../../:fightspeed", 0);
Symbol 551 MovieClip Frame 51
Set("../../:fighting", 0);
Symbol 551 MovieClip Frame 52
Set("../../:fighting", 0);
Symbol 551 MovieClip Frame 53
Set("../../:fighting", 0);
Symbol 551 MovieClip Frame 63
Set("../../:fighting", 0);
Symbol 551 MovieClip Frame 64
Set("../../:fighting", 0);
Symbol 551 MovieClip Frame 65
Set("../../:fighting", 0);
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 580 MovieClip Frame 21
Set("../../:fightspeed", 0);
Symbol 580 MovieClip Frame 32
Set("../../:fighting", 0);
Symbol 583 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("../../../:yoyodelay", 1);
Symbol 583 MovieClip Frame 12
Set("../../:fighting", 0);
Symbol 594 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 600 MovieClip Frame 1
if (ini != 1) {
_visible = 0;
ini = 1;
if ((../../../:dir eq "right") or (../../../:dir eq "fastright")) {
Set("/:holdx", ((_x + getProperty("../", _x)) + getProperty("../../", _x)) + getProperty("../../../", _x));
} else {
Set("/:holdx", (((-_x) + getProperty("../", _x)) + getProperty("../../", _x)) + getProperty("../../../", _x));
Set("/:holdy", ((_y + getProperty("../", _y)) + getProperty("../../", _y)) + getProperty("../../../", _y));
Set("/:holdyscale", _yscale);
Set("/:holdxscale", _xscale);
Symbol 600 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 613 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("../../../:yoyodelay", 0);
if (/:strg != 1) {
if (../../:longmove == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 613 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 613 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 613 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 613 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 613 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 613 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 613 MovieClip Frame 25
if (../../:dir eq "right") {
Set("../../:fightspeed", 8);
} else {
Set("../../:fightspeed", -8);
Symbol 613 MovieClip Frame 29
Set("../../:fightspeed", 0);
Symbol 613 MovieClip Frame 47
Set("../../:fighting", 0);
Set("../../:loadpower", 0);
Set("../../:longmove", 0);
Symbol 618 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("../../:fighting", 1);
Set("../../:left_press_time", 0);
Set("../../:left_no_press_time", 100);
Set("../../:right_press_time", 0);
Set("../../:right_no_press_time", 100);
if ((../../:dir eq "right") or (../../:dir eq "fastright")) {
Set("../../:fightspeed", 4);
Set("../../:dir", "right");
Set("../../:tempdir", "right");
} else {
Set("../../:fightspeed", -4);
Set("../../:dir", "left");
Set("../../:tempdir", "left");
Symbol 618 MovieClip Frame 12
if ((../../:dir eq "right") or (../../:dir eq "fastright")) {
Set("../../:fightspeed", 2);
} else {
Set("../../:fightspeed", -2);
Symbol 618 MovieClip Frame 20
Set("../../:fightspeed", 0);
Symbol 618 MovieClip Frame 27
Set("../../:fighting", 0);
Set("../../:plumps", 0);
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("../../:yoyodelay", 10);
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 34
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 47
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 61
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 77
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 87
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 100
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 110
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 121
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 136
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 154
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 169
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 185
Set("../:tempdir", "left");
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 193
Set("../:tempdir", "right");
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 202
Set("../:tempdir", "left");
Set("../:forcejumpspeed", -15);
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 212
Set("../:tempdir", "left");
Set("../:forcejumpspeed", 15);
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 226
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 239
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 253
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 263
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 273
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 286
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 304
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 319
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 335
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 347
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 360
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 367
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 376
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 387
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 399
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 410
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 422
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 434
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 446
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 461
Symbol 622 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/:carryobjects", 0);
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
_xscale = 1;
_visible = 0;
_yscale = 1;
_parent.full_playerheight = /:unit * 2;
_parent.playerheight = /:unit;
_parent.wings = 0;
_parent.unarmed = 0;
_parent.winglimit = 3;
_parent.jumppower = 14;
_parent.jumppower_low = 11;
_parent.hitjump = 8;
_parent.slide = 0;
_parent.y_view = 2 * /:unit;
_parent.ycampos = 25;
_parent.dir = "right";
_parent.kletterspeed = 3;
_parent.maxxspeed = 12;
_parent.normxspeed = 4;
_parent.normjumpspeed = 6;
Set("/:maxyspeed", /:unit * 0.3);
_parent.crouchxspeed = 3;
_parent.accel = 4;
_parent.grav = 1;
Set("/:grav", 1);
_parent.screenwidth = 540;
_parent.screenheight = 340;
_parent.maxshots = 6;
_parent.height_offset = -10;
_parent.perhit = 3;
_parent.shottime = 2;
_parent.shotspeed = 20;
_parent.y_spread = 5;
Set("/:energy", 3);
Set("/:maxenergy", /:energy);
_parent.hittime = 25;
Set("/:wakeup_x", 540);
Set("/:wakeup_y", 400);
Set("/:nowayback_x", 0);
Set("/:scrollspeed_x", 0);
Set("/:flyspeed_x", 0);
Set("/:rtype", 0);
Set("/:respawn", 0);
_parent.shield = 50;
_parent.waterlift = 0;
Symbol 623 MovieClip Frame 1
count = 0;
screencenter_x = (screenwidth * 0.5) - _parent.camerax;
screencenter_y = (screenwidth * 0.5) - _parent.cameray;
do {
count = count + 1;
wakecount = wakecount + 1;
nmexdist = eval (("_parent.nme" + wakecount) + ".controller.myx") - screencenter_x;
nmeydist = eval (("_parent.nme" + wakecount) + ".controller.myy") - screencenter_y;
if (((nmexdist * nmexdist) < /:wakeup_x_limit) and ((nmeydist * nmeydist) < /:wakeup_y_limit)) {
eval (("_parent.nme" + wakecount) + ".controller").play();
Set(("_parent.nme" + wakecount) + "", 1);
} else if (eval (("_parent.nme" + wakecount) + ".controller.path") != 1) {
eval (("_parent.nme" + wakecount) + ".controller").stop();
Set(("_parent.nme" + wakecount) + "", 0);
} while (count < 3);
count = 0;
if (_parent.nmecount < wakecount) {
wakecount = 0;
if (/:pause != 1) {
if (1 < /:bonusfactor) {
Set("/:bonusfactor", /:bonusfactor - 0.01);
if (startwait != 1) {
startwait = 1;
} else {
if (ini_collide != 1) {
scrollspeed_x = /:scrollspeed_x;
Set("/:wakeup_x_limit", /:wakeup_x * /:wakeup_x);
Set("/:leftlimit", 0);
Set("/:shotpower", 1);
Set("/:preset_energy", /:energy);
Set("/:preset_shield", shield);
Set("/:wakeup_y_limit", /:wakeup_y * /:wakeup_y);
Set("/:wakeuplimit", /:wakeup_x_limit + /:wakeup_y_limit);
setProperty(_parent._parent.parallax, _xscale , 100);
setProperty(_parent._parent.parallax, _yscale , 100);
setProperty(_parent, _xscale , 100);
setProperty(_parent, _yscale , 100);
_quality = "LOW";
_name = "player";
setProperty(_parent, _name , "level");
if (/:unit < full_playerheight) {
supersize = 1;
up_space = 1;
hitwait = hittime;
xtolerance = 1;
ytolerance = 2;
groundtolerance = 4;
maxlift = 10;
_parent.forcey = 0;
_parent.force_stepx = 0;
if ((0 < _parent._parent.xbackup) or (0 < _parent._parent.ybackup)) {
myx = _parent._parent.xbackup;
myy = _parent._parent.ybackup;
} else {
myx = _x;
myy = _y;
Set("/:screenwidth", screenwidth);
Set("/:screenheight", screenheight);
ini_collide = 1;
if (/:pause != 1) {
if (/:rtype != 1) {
jumpanim = 0;
oldthisx = thisx;
thisx = int((myx + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
thisx1 = int((myx + xtolerance) / /:unit) * /:unit;
thisx2 = int(((myx - xtolerance) + /:unit) / /:unit) * /:unit;
thisy = int(((myy + ytolerance) + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
thisy2 = int((((myy + ytolerance) - playerheight) + /:unit) / /:unit) * /:unit;
if (supersize == 1) {
thisy3 = int(((myy + ytolerance) - /:unit) / /:unit) * /:unit;
thisy0 = int((myy + ytolerance) / /:unit) * /:unit;
field_ontop_1 = eval ((("_parent.f" + thisx1) + "and") + (thisy - /:unit));
field_ontop_2 = eval ((("_parent.f" + thisx2) + "and") + (thisy - /:unit));
field_ontop_3 = eval ((("_parent.f" + thisx1) + "and") + (thisy - (/:unit * 2)));
field_ontop_4 = eval ((("_parent.f" + thisx2) + "and") + (thisy - (/:unit * 2)));
field_ontop_5 = eval ((("_parent.f" + thisx1) + "and") + (thisy3 - /:unit));
field_ontop_6 = eval ((("_parent.f" + thisx2) + "and") + (thisy3 - /:unit));
left_field_2 = eval ((("_parent.f" + (thisx - /:unit)) + "and") + thisy2);
right_field_2 = eval ((("_parent.f" + (thisx + /:unit)) + "and") + thisy2);
left_field_3 = eval ((("_parent.f" + (thisx - /:unit)) + "and") + thisy0);
right_field_3 = eval ((("_parent.f" + (thisx + /:unit)) + "and") + thisy0);
left_field = eval ((("_parent.f" + (thisx - /:unit)) + "and") + thisy);
right_field = eval ((("_parent.f" + (thisx + /:unit)) + "and") + thisy);
field_1 = eval ((("_parent.f" + thisx1) + "and") + (thisy + /:unit));
field_2 = eval ((("_parent.f" + thisx2) + "and") + (thisy + /:unit));
field_up_1 = eval ((("_parent.f" + thisx1) + "and") + thisy2);
field_up_2 = eval ((("_parent.f" + thisx2) + "and") + thisy2);
eval ((("_parent.bonus" + thisx) + "and") + thisy).nextFrame();
eval ((("_parent.bonus" + thisx) + "and") + thisy2).nextFrame();
if (supersize == 1) {
up_space = 0;
if ((/:down != 1) and ((((field_ontop_1 < 2) and (field_ontop_2 < 2)) and (pixelground != 1)) or ((((((field_ontop_1 < 2) and (field_ontop_2 < 2)) and (field_ontop_3 < 2)) and (field_ontop_4 < 2)) and (field_ontop_5 < 2)) and (field_ontop_6 < 2)))) {
up_space = 1;
crouch = 0;
if (crouch == 1) {
playerheight = full_playerheight * 0.5;
} else {
playerheight = full_playerheight;
hanging = 0;
if ((((left_field_3 == 3) and ((dir eq "left") or (dir eq "fastleft"))) or ((right_field_3 == 3) and ((dir eq "right") or (dir eq "fastright")))) and (myx == thisx)) {
if (death == 1) {
hanging = 0;
} else {
hanging = 1;
forcejumpspeed = 0;
if (oldhanging != hanging) {
fighting = 0;
crouch = 0;
stepy = 0;
winganim = 0;
if (/:up == 1) {
if (hanging != 1) {
if (((((0 < standing) or (elevator == 1)) or (wings == 1)) or (water == 1)) and (up_loose == 1)) {
wingflaps = wingflaps - 1;
if ((-1 < wingflaps) and (fighting != 1)) {
if ((dir ne "fastleft") and (dir ne "fastright")) {
stepy = -jumppower;
} else {
stepy = -jumppower_low;
winganim = 1;
jumpanim = 1;
_parent.forcey = 0;
_parent.force_stepx = 0;
hanging = 0;
} else if (((/:right == 1) and (left_field == 3)) or ((/:left == 1) and (right_field == 3))) {
stepy = -jumppower;
hanging = 0;
} else {
stepy = -kletterspeed;
up_loose = 0;
} else {
up_loose = 1;
if (death == 1) {
hanging = 0;
if (/:down == 1) {
if (hanging == 1) {
stepy = kletterspeed;
} else {
cam_y_offset = y_view;
if ((supersize == 1) and (up_space != 1)) {
crouch = 1;
} else {
cam_y_offset = 0;
field_dist_x = (myx - thisx) * (myx - thisx);
free = 0;
pixelground = 0;
if ((_parent.pixels.hitTest(myx + _parent.camerax, (((myy + groundtolerance) + 8) + /:unit) + _parent.cameray, true) eq "true") and (hanging != 1)) {
pixelground = 1;
standing = 1;
if (((up_space != 1) and (crouch != 1)) and (supersize == 1)) {
crouch = 1;
count = 0;
do {
myy = myy - 1;
if (_parent.pixels.hitTest(myx + _parent.camerax, ((myy + groundtolerance) + /:unit) + _parent.cameray, true) ne "true") {
free = 1;
count = count + 1;
} while ((free != 1) and (count < maxlift));
myy = myy + groundtolerance;
} else if (((0 < (field_1 + field_2)) and (stepy >= 0)) and ((thisy - (/:unit * 0.3)) < myy)) {
standing = 1;
myy = thisy;
} else {
standing = 0;
if (((1 < field_up_1) or (1 < field_up_2)) and (stepy < 0)) {
stepy = -stepy;
eval ((("_parent.bon" + thisx1) + "and") + thisy2).nextFrame();
eval ((("_parent.bon" + thisx2) + "and") + thisy2).nextFrame();
if (standing < 1) {
if (hanging != 1) {
stepy = stepy + grav;
} else {
wingflaps = winglimit;
} else {
wingflaps = winglimit;
eval ((("_parent.obj" + thisx1) + "and") + (thisy + /:unit)).nextFrame();
eval ((("_parent.obj" + thisx2) + "and") + (thisy + /:unit)).nextFrame();
if (0 < stepy) {
stepy = 0;
if ((/:left + /:right) < 1) {
stepx = stepx + ((/:flyspeed_x - stepx) * (1 - slide));
forcejumpspeed = forcejumpspeed * 0.98;
if (/:left == 1) {
stepx = stepx - accel;
if (dir eq "fastleft") {
} else {
left_no_press_time = 0;
left_press_time = left_press_time + 1;
if (((oldleft != 1) and (left_triggered == 1)) and ((standing == 1) or (elevator == 1))) {
dir = "fastleft";
} else {
dir = "left";
} else {
if ((dir eq "fastleft") and ((standing == 1) or (elevator == 1))) {
dir = "left";
if (left_press_time < 4) {
left_triggered = 1;
left_press_time = 0;
if (left_no_press_time < 4) {
left_no_press_time = left_no_press_time + 1;
} else {
left_triggered = 0;
if (/:right == 1) {
stepx = stepx + accel;
if (dir eq "fastright") {
} else {
right_no_press_time = 0;
right_press_time = right_press_time + 1;
if (((oldright != 1) and (right_triggered == 1)) and ((standing == 1) or (elevator == 1))) {
dir = "fastright";
} else {
dir = "right";
} else {
if ((dir eq "fastright") and ((standing == 1) or (elevator == 1))) {
dir = "right";
if (right_press_time < 4) {
right_triggered = 1;
right_press_time = 0;
if (right_no_press_time < 4) {
right_no_press_time = right_no_press_time + 1;
} else {
right_triggered = 0;
if (fighting == 1) {
stepx = fightspeed;
crouch = fightcrouched;
if (forcejumpspeed != 0) {
if (standing == 1) {
forcejumpspeed = 0;
stepx = forcejumpspeed;
xblocked = 0;
if (field_dist_x < (stepx * stepx)) {
if (((((1 < left_field) or (1 < left_field_2)) or (1 < left_field_3)) and (stepx < 0)) or ((((1 < right_field) or (1 < right_field_2)) or (1 < right_field_3)) and (0 < stepx))) {
xblocked = 1;
stepx = 0;
forcejumpspeed = 0;
myx = thisx;
oldwater = water;
water = 0;
waterwait = waterwait - 1;
if ((field_up_1 == -1) or (field_up_2 == -1)) {
water = 1;
stepy = (stepy * 0.95) - waterlift;
if (((oldwater != water) and (waterwait < 0)) and (10 < (stepy * stepy))) {
waterwait = 3;
_parent.layercount = _parent.layercount + 1;
if ((crouch == 1) or (supersize != 1)) {
water_y = thisy;
} else {
water_y = thisy - /:unit;
duplicateMovieClip ("_parent.ur_spritzer", "spritzer" + _parent.layercount, _parent.layercount);
setProperty("_parent.spritzer" + _parent.layercount, _x , myx);
setProperty("_parent.spritzer" + _parent.layercount, _y , water_y);
setProperty("_parent.spritzer" + _parent.layercount, _yscale , stepy * stepy);
elevator = 0;
if (_parent.force_stepx != 0) {
wingflaps = winglimit;
stepy = 0;
standing = 1;
if (/:maxyspeed < stepy) {
stepy = /:maxyspeed;
if ((crouch == 1) and (standing == 1)) {
if (dir eq "fastright") {
dir = "right";
if (dir eq "fastleft") {
dir = "left";
speedlimit = crouchxspeed;
} else if ((dir eq "fastright") or (dir eq "fastleft")) {
speedlimit = maxxspeed;
} else {
speedlimit = normxspeed;
if (standing != 1) {
speedlimit = normjumpspeed;
if (/:feuerstoss != 1) {
if (fighting == 1) {
speedlimit = fightspeed;
if (fightspeed < 0) {
speedlimit = -fightspeed;
} else if ((forcejumpspeed != 0) and (xblocked != 1)) {
if (forcejumpspeed < 0) {
speedlimit = -forcejumpspeed;
} else {
speedlimit = forcejumpspeed;
stepx = forcejumpspeed;
if (speedlimit < stepx) {
stepx = speedlimit;
if (stepx < (-speedlimit)) {
stepx = -speedlimit;
if (_parent.forcey != 0) {
wingflaps = winglimit;
myy = _parent.forcey;
stepy = 0;
standing = 1;
elevator = 1;
} else {
myy = myy + stepy;
if (elevator == 1) {
forcejumpspeed = 0;
myx = (myx + stepx) + _parent.force_stepx;
_parent.forcey = 0;
_parent.force_stepx = 0;
} else {
thisx = int(myx / /:unit) * /:unit;
thisy = int(myy / /:unit) * /:unit;
field = eval ((("_parent.f" + thisx) + "and") + thisy);
if ((0 >= shield) and ((_parent.pixels.hitTest(myx + _parent.camerax, myy + _parent.cameray, true) eq "true") or (1 < field))) {
death = 1;
eval ((("_parent.bonus" + thisx) + "and") + thisy).nextFrame();
eval ((("_parent.bonus" + (thisx + /:unit)) + "and") + thisy).nextFrame();
if (/:up == 1) {
stepy = stepy - accel;
if (/:down == 1) {
stepy = stepy + accel;
if (((/:left == 1) and (fighting != 1)) and (forcejumpspeed == 0)) {
stepx = stepx - accel;
if (((/:right == 1) and (fighting != 1)) and (forcejumpspeed == 0)) {
stepx = stepx + accel;
if ((/:up + /:down) == 0) {
stepy = stepy * slide;
if ((/:left + /:right) == 0) {
stepx = stepx + ((/:flyspeed_x - stepx) * (1 - slide));
if (maxxspeed < stepy) {
stepy = maxxspeed;
if (stepy < (-maxxspeed)) {
stepy = -maxxspeed;
if (maxxspeed < stepx) {
stepx = maxxspeed;
if (stepx < (-maxxspeed)) {
stepx = -maxxspeed;
myx = myx + stepx;
myy = myy + stepy;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
if (scrollspeed_x != 0) {
xscrollpos = xscrollpos + /:scrollspeed_x;
camerax = xscrollpos;
} else {
camerax = ((-myx) + (0.5 * screenwidth)) + xscrollpos;
cameray = (((-myy) + (0.5 * screenheight)) - cam_y_offset) + ycampos;
if (cameray < (-/:cam_y_limit)) {
cameray = -/:cam_y_limit;
if (0 < cameray) {
cameray = 0;
if (camerax < (-/:cam_x_limit)) {
camerax = -/:cam_x_limit;
if (/:leftlimit < camerax) {
camerax = /:leftlimit;
camerax2 = camerax2 + ((camerax - camerax2) * 0.1);
cameray2 = cameray2 + ((cameray - cameray2) * 0.1);
_parent.camerax = int(camerax2);
_parent.cameray = int(cameray2);
if (/:nowayback_x == 1) {
if (cameraxold < _parent.camerax) {
_parent.camerax = cameraxold;
if (myx < ((-_parent.camerax) + (/:unit * 0.5))) {
myx = (-_parent.camerax) + (/:unit * 0.5);
if ((((-_parent.camerax) + screenwidth) - /:unit) < myx) {
myx = ((-_parent.camerax) + screenwidth) - /:unit;
setProperty(_parent, _x , _parent.camerax);
setProperty(_parent, _y , _parent.cameray);
if (_parent._parent.parallax.stopscrolling != 1) {
setProperty(_parent._parent.parallax, _x , _parent.camerax * 0.5);
setProperty(_parent._parent.parallax, _y , _parent.cameray * 0.5);
cameraxold = _parent.camerax;
oldhanging = hanging;
oldright = /:right;
oldleft = /:left;
if (/:pause != 1) {
if (/:carryobjects == 1) {
if (((standing == 1) or (/:down == 1)) and (carry == 1)) {
carry = 0;
Set(carryname + ".myy", thisy + /:unit);
Set(carryname + ".stepy", 0);
Set(carryname + ".carried", 0);;
if ((field_1 == 5) or (field_2 == 5)) {
if ((/:up == 1) and (upold != 1)) {
Set(((("_parent.carry" + thisx) + "and") + (thisy + /:unit)) + ".carried", 1);
Set((("_parent.f" + thisx) + "and") + (thisy + /:unit), 0);
carryname = (("_parent.carry" + thisx) + "and") + (thisy + /:unit);
carry = 1;
upold = /:up;
if (((right_field == 5) and (/:right == 1)) and (carry != 1)) {
Set(((("_parent.carry" + (thisx + /:unit)) + "and") + thisy) + ".push", "right");
if (((left_field == 5) and (/:left == 1)) and (carry != 1)) {
Set(((("_parent.carry" + (thisx - /:unit)) + "and") + thisy) + ".push", "left");
if (carry == 1) {
Set(carryname + ".myx", myx);
Set(carryname + ".myy", myy + /:unit);
if (ballern == 1) {
if (unarmed != 1) {
if (/:pause != 1) {
if (0 < shotwait) {
shotwait = shotwait - 1;
if ((/:strg == 1) and (strg_loose == 1)) {
fire = 1;
strg_loose = 0;
if (/:strg != 1) {
strg_loose = 1;
if (fire == 1) {
if (0 >= shotwait) {
perhitcount = perhitcount + 1;
if (perhit >= perhitcount) {
spreadcount = 0;
do {
spreadcount = spreadcount + 1;
if (maxshots >= _parent.scount) {
_parent.snumber = 0;
do {
_parent.snumber = _parent.snumber + 1;
} while ((eval (("_parent.s" + _parent.snumber) + "active") == 1) and ((maxshots + 1) >= _parent.snumber));
if (maxshots >= _parent.snumber) {
Set(("_parent.s" + _parent.snumber) + "active", 1);
shotwait = shottime;
_parent.scount = _parent.scount + 1;
_parent.layercount = _parent.layercount + 1;
duplicateMovieClip ("_parent.ur_shot", "s" + _parent.snumber, _parent.layercount);
Set(("_parent.s" + _parent.snumber) + ".myx", myx);
Set(("_parent.s" + _parent.snumber) + ".myy", (myy + height_offset) + ((crouch * /:unit) * 0.5));
if (spreadcount == 1) {
shot_stepy = 0;
} else if (spreadcount == 2) {
shot_stepy = -4;
} else if (spreadcount == 3) {
shot_stepy = 4;
if (dir eq "right") {
shot_stepx = shotspeed;
} else {
shot_stepx = -shotspeed;
if (hanging == 1) {
shot_stepx = -shot_stepx;
Set(("_parent.s" + _parent.snumber) + ".stepx", shot_stepx);
Set(("_parent.s" + _parent.snumber) + ".id", _parent.snumber);
Set(("_parent.s" + _parent.snumber) + ".stepy", shot_stepy);
} while (spreadcount < spreadamount);
} else {
fire = 0;
perhitcount = 0;
if (10000 < _parent.layercount) {
_parent.layercount = 1;
if ((((/:strg == 1) and (oldstrg != 1)) and (fighting != 1)) and (oldfighting != 1)) {
fighting = 1;
fightspeed = stepx;
fightdir = dir;
if ((/:strg == 1) and (standing == 1)) {
loadpower = loadpower + 1;
if (10 < loadpower) {
fighting = 1;
} else {
if (35 < loadpower) {
longmove = 1;
loadpower = 0;
if (standing != oldstanding2) {
if (anim eq "fight_jump_fastright") {
dir = "right";
fighting = 1;
plumps = 1;
} else if (anim eq "fight_jump_fastleft") {
dir = "left";
fighting = 1;
plumps = 1;
} else if ((fighting == 1) and (standing == 1)) {
dir = tempdir;
fighting = 0;
fightcrouched = 0;
fightspeed = 0;
if (fighting == 1) {
fightcrouched = crouch;
dir = fightdir;
oldfighting = fighting;
oldstrg = /:strg;
oldstanding2 = standing;
if (gotone == 1) {
if ((anim eq "fight_jump_fastleft") or (anim eq "fight_jump_fastright")) {
fighting = 0;
plumps = 0;
forcejumpspeed = 0;
fightspeed = 0;
stepx = 0;
if (dir eq "fastleft") {
dir = "left";
} else if (dir eq "fastright") {
dir = "right";
gotone = 0;
if ((/:pause != 1) and (death != 1)) {
if (0 < shield) {
damage = 0;
hit = 0;
shield = shield - 1;
if (50 < _alpha) {
_alpha = 30;
} else {
_alpha = 100;
} else {
_alpha = 100;
if ((((((((((left_field == 4) or (right_field == 4)) or (field_1 == 4)) or (field_2 == 4)) or (field_up_1 == 4)) or (field_up_2 == 4)) or (left_field_3 == 4)) or (right_field_3 == 4)) or (left_field_2 == 4)) or (right_field_2 == 4)) {
hit = 1;
if (0 < hitwait) {
hitwait = hitwait - 1;
hit = 0;
} else {
damage = 0;
if (hit == 1) {
if (/:rtype == 1) {
Set("/:energy", 0);
death = 1;
damage = 1;
Set("/:energy", /:energy - 1);
hitwait = hittime;
if (/:energy < 0) {
Set("/:energy", 0);
death = 1;
if (field_1 == -6) {
_visible = 1;
absturz = 1;
death = 1;
if ((hit == 1) and (oldhit != 1)) {
stepy = -hitjump;
oldhit = hit;
anim = "";
if (hanging == 1) {
if (dir eq "fastright") {
dir = "right";
} else if (dir eq "fastleft") {
dir = "left";
if ((((dir eq "left") and (left_field_3 == 3)) and (left_field_2 < 1)) or (((dir eq "right") and (right_field_3 == 3)) and (right_field_2 < 1))) {
if (/:down != 1) {
myy = thisy0;
anim = anim + "edge_";
} else {
anim = anim + "hanging_down_";
} else {
anim = anim + "hanging_";
if (/:up == 1) {
anim = anim + "up_";
if (/:down == 1) {
anim = anim + "down_";
} else if (standing == 1) {
if ((0 < (/:left + /:right)) or (2 < (stepx * stepx))) {
anim = anim + "moving_";
} else if (field_1 != field_2) {
if (field_2 < 1) {
if (((thisx1 + (/:unit * 0.25)) < myx) and (pixelground != 1)) {
if ((thisx1 + (/:unit * 0.5)) < myx) {
myx = thisx1 + /:unit;
anim = anim + "balanced_";
dir = "right";
} else {
anim = anim + "stopped_";
} else if (field_1 < 1) {
if ((myx < (thisx1 + (/:unit * 0.75))) and (pixelground != 1)) {
if (myx < (thisx1 + (/:unit * 0.5))) {
myx = thisx1;
anim = anim + "balanced_";
dir = "left";
} else {
anim = anim + "stopped_";
} else {
anim = anim + "stopped_";
} else {
anim = anim + "jump_";
if ((damage == 1) or (death == 1)) {
anim = "hit_";
if (crouch == 1) {
anim = anim + "crouch_";
if (((fighting == 1) and (hit != 1)) and (death != 1)) {
if (crouch == 1) {
anim = "fight_crouch_";
} else if (hanging == 1) {
anim = "fight_hanging_";
} else if (standing != 1) {
anim = "fight_jump_";
} else {
anim = "fight_standing_";
if (plumps == 1) {
anim = "plumps_";
left_press_time = 0;
left_no_press_time = 100;
right_press_time = 0;
right_no_press_time = 100;
right_triggered = 0;
left_triggered = 0;
if ((dir eq "right") or (dir eq "fastright")) {
dir = "right";
tempdir = "right";
} else {
dir = "left";
tempdir = "left";
if ((20 < loadpower) or (longmove == 1)) {
anim = "fight_longmove_";
if ((dir eq "right") or (dir eq "fastright")) {
dir = "right";
tempdir = "right";
} else {
dir = "left";
tempdir = "left";
if (jumpanim == 1) {
if (winganim == 1) {
if (anim eq "") {
anim = "stopped_";
if (absturz == 1) {
anim = "absturz_";
if (((death == 1) and (standing == 1)) and (absturz != 1)) {
anim = "death_";
anim = anim + dir;
hit = 0;
if (/:character ne "natsuki") {
_x = -10000;
_name = "none";
Symbol 623 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 636 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 639 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((/:pause != 1) and (active == 1)) {
if (0 >= protection) {
hit = 0;
do {
scount = scount + 1;
shotx = eval (("_parent._parent.s" + scount) + ".myx");
shoty = eval (("_parent._parent.s" + scount) + ".myy");
if (_parent.hitTest(shotx + _parent._parent.camerax, shoty + _parent._parent.cameray, true) eq "true") {
hit = 1;
hitpoints = hitpoints - /:shotpower;
if (turnaround == 1) {
if (_parent._parent.player.myx < myx) {
dir = -1;
} else {
dir = 1;
} while (scount < _parent._parent.scount);
scount = 0;
fight_hit = 0;
if (../:shapeflag == 1) {
if (_parent.hitTest(_root.hitx + _parent._parent.camerax, _root.hity + _parent._parent.cameray, true) eq "true") {
fight_hit = 1;
} else if (_parent._parent.hit_fight.hitTest(_parent) eq "true") {
fight_hit = 1;
if (fight_hit == 1) {
protection = ../:prottime;
if (_parent._parent.player.myx < myx) {
dir = -1;
} else {
dir = 1;
hit = 1;
hitpoints = hitpoints - /:shotpower;
if (hitpoints < 0) {
death = 1;
active = 0;
mynumber = 0;
} else {
protection = protection - 1;
if (/:pause != 1) {
if (ini_collide != 1) {
extra = _parent.extra;
bonusname = _parent._name;
active = 1;
_name = "controller";
dir = _parent.dir;
standing = 0;
path = _parent.path;
path_amount = _parent.path_amount;
path_frames = _parent.pathcontainer._totalframes;
path_time = _parent.path_time;
path_wait = path_time;
path_rot = _parent.path_rot;
jumper = _parent.jumper;
jump_power = _parent.jump_power;
jump_to_player = _parent.jump_to_player;
random_jump_dir = _parent.random_jump_dir;
jump_speed = _parent.jump_speed;
jump_time = _parent.jump_time;
jump_time_offset = _parent.jump_time_offset;
hitpoints = _parent.hitpoints;
groundtolerance = 4;
maxlift = 10;
xspeed = _parent.xspeed;
headforplayer = _parent.headforplayer;
fly =;
flyadd = xspeed / 30;
ghost = _parent.ghost;
myx = _parent._x;
myy = _parent._y;
ur_x = _parent._x;
ur_y = _parent._y;
thisx = int((myx + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
thisy = int((myy + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
_parent._parent.nmecount = _parent._parent.nmecount + 1;
mynumber = _parent._parent.nmecount;
setProperty("_parent", _name , "nme" + mynumber);
Set(("_parent._parent.nme" + mynumber) + "x", myx);
Set(("_parent._parent.nme" + mynumber) + "y", myy);
ini_collide = 1;
_visible = 0;
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
_xscale = 100;
_yscale = 100;
if (active == 1) {
if (path == 1) {
if ((remake != 1) and (dupl_count < path_amount)) {
if (0 < path_wait) {
path_wait = path_wait - 1;
} else {
path_wait = path_time;
dupl_count = dupl_count + 1;
if (dupl_count < path_amount) {
_parent._parent.layercount = _parent._parent.layercount + 1;
duplicateMovieClip ("_parent", "n" + _parent._parent.layercount, _parent._parent.layercount + 20000);
Set(("_parent._parent.n" + _parent._parent.layercount) + ".controller.remake", 1);
} else {;
x_path_offset = _parent.pathcontainer.path_dummy._x;
y_path_offset = _parent.pathcontainer.path_dummy._y;
myx = ur_x + x_path_offset;
myy = ur_y + y_path_offset;
setProperty("_parent", _x , myx);
setProperty("_parent", _y , myy);
if (path_rot == 1) {
setProperty("_parent", _rotation , _parent.pathcontainer.path_dummy._rotation);
if (_parent.pathcontainer._currentframe >= path_frames) {
path_end = 1;
setProperty("_parent", _name , "");
setProperty("_parent", _visible , 0);
} else {
dirchange = 0;
if (((standing == 1) and (headforplayer == 1)) and (thisy == _parent._parent.player.thisy)) {
if ((_parent._parent.player.myx < myx) and (0 < dir)) {
dir = -1;
} else if ((myx < _parent._parent.player.myx) and (dir < 0)) {
dir = 1;
thisx = int((myx + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
thisy = int((myy + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
field = eval ((("_parent._parent.f" + thisx) + "and") + (thisy + /:unit));
field_1 = eval ((("_parent._parent.f" + thisx) + "and") + thisy);
standing = 0;
if (_parent._parent.pixels.hitTest(myx + _parent._parent.camerax, (((myy + 8) + groundtolerance) + /:unit) + _parent._parent.cameray, true) eq "true") {
free = 0;
standing = 1;
if (fly == 1) {
stepy = -1;
} else {
do {
myy = myy - 1;
if (_parent._parent.pixels.hitTest(myx + _parent._parent.camerax, ((myy + groundtolerance) + /:unit) + _parent._parent.cameray, true) ne "true") {
free = 1;
count = count + 1;
} while ((free != 1) and (count < maxlift));
count = 0;
myy = myy + groundtolerance;
if ((((0 < field) and (stepy >= 0)) and ((thisy - (/:unit * 0.3)) < myy)) and (fly != 1)) {
standing = 1;
myy = thisy;
if ((standing < 1) or (fly == 1)) {
if (fly == 1) {
if (_parent._parent.player.myx < myx) {
stepx = stepx - flyadd;
} else {
stepx = stepx + flyadd;
if (_parent._parent.player.myy < myy) {
stepy = stepy - flyadd;
} else {
stepy = stepy + flyadd;
if ((xspeed * xspeed) < (stepx * stepx)) {
stepx = stepx * 0.8;
if ((xspeed * xspeed) < (stepy * stepy)) {
stepy = stepy * 0.8;
} else {
walkwait = 0;
if ((oldstanding == 1) and (stepy >= 0)) {
dir = -dir;
dirchange = 1;
if (((stepy + /:grav) < /:maxyspeed) and (oldstanding != 1)) {
stepy = stepy + /:grav;
} else {
stepy = 0;
jumping = 0;
if ((jumper == 1) and (fly != 1)) {
if (0 < jumpwait) {
jumpwait = jumpwait - 1;
} else {
jumping = 1;
if (random_jump_dir == 1) {
if (random(20) < 10) {
dir = -dir;
if (jump_to_player == 1) {
if (_parent._parent.player.myx < myx) {
dir = -1;
} else {
dir = 1;
jumpwait = jump_time + (random(jump_time_offset * 2) - jump_time_offset);
stepy = jump_power;
stepx = jump_speed * dir;
standing = 0;
if ((fly == 1) or ((standing != 1) and (oldstanding != 1))) {
nextx = int(((myx + stepx) + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
nexty = int(((myy + stepy) + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
nextxfield = eval ((("_parent._parent.f" + nextx) + "and") + thisy);
nextyfield = eval ((("_parent._parent.f" + thisx) + "and") + nexty);
if (1 < nextxfield) {
stepx = -stepx;
if (1 < nextyfield) {
stepy = -stepy;
} else {
if (0 < field1) {
stepy = 0;
if ((((1 < field_1) and (stepx != 0)) and (fly != 1)) and (dirchange != 1)) {
dir = -dir;
if (((((standing == 1) or (oldstanding == 1)) and (jumping != 1)) and (hit != 1)) and (0 >= protection)) {
stepx = xspeed * dir;
myy = myy + stepy;
if (0 < walkwait) {
walkwait = walkwait - 1;
if ((fly == 1) or (0 >= walkwait)) {
myx = myx + stepx;
if ((hold == 1) and (0 < /:holdx)) {
myx = /:holdx;
myy = /:holdy;
} else {
hold = 0;
setProperty(_parent, _x , myx);
setProperty(_parent, _y , myy);
if (((death != 1) and (hit != 1)) and (0 >= protection)) {
if (_parent.shapetest != 1) {
if (_parent.hitTest(_parent._parent.player.myx + _parent._parent.camerax, _parent._parent.player.myy + _parent._parent.cameray, true) eq "true") {
if ((0 < _parent._parent.player.stepy) and (_parent.jumpvulnerable == 1)) {
hitpoints = -1;
_parent._parent.player.stepy = -10;
} else if (_parent.harmless != 1) {
_parent._parent.player.hit = 1;
if (turnaround == 1) {
if (_parent._parent.player.myx < myx) {
dir = -1;
} else {
dir = 1;
} else if (_parent._parent.player.hitTest(myx + _parent._parent.camerax, myy + _parent._parent.cameray, true) eq "true") {
if ((0 < _parent._parent.player.stepy) and (_parent.jumpvulnerable == 1)) {
hitpoints = -1;
_parent._parent.player.stepy = -10;
} else if (_parent.harmless != 1) {
_parent._parent.player.hit = 1;
} else if (turnaround == 1) {
if (_parent._parent.player.myx < myx) {
dir = -1;
} else {
dir = 1;
oldstanding = standing;
} else if (path == 1) {
if (_parent.noweapon != 1) {
if ((/:pause != 1) and (active == 1)) {
if (ini_shoot != 1) {
forceshotspeed = _parent.forceshotspeed;
shot_stepx_ini = _parent.shot_stepx_ini;
shot_stepy_ini = _parent.shot_stepy_ini;
shottype = _parent.shottype;
aerodynamic = _parent.aerodynamic;
shottime = _parent.shottime;
firebyvision = _parent.firebyvision;
freezetime = _parent.freezetime;
aimtime = _parent.aimtime;
aimwait = aimtime;
shotspeed = _parent.shotspeed;
ballistic = _parent.ballistic;
shotgrav = _parent.shotgrav;
ss_hypo = (shotspeed * shotspeed) * 2;
turnaround = _parent.turnaround;
ini_shoot = 1;
shotwait = shottime;
if (0 < shotwait) {
shotwait = shotwait - 1;
} else {
if (((firebyvision != 1) or ((_parent._parent.player.myx < myx) and (stepx < 0))) or ((myx < _parent._parent.player.myx) and (0 < stepx))) {
preshooting = 1;
if (preshooting == 1) {
if (0 < aimwait) {
aimwait = aimwait - 1;
walkwait = 100;
} else {
aimwait = aimtime;
if (_parent.randomshots == 1) {
shotwait = random(_parent.maxtime - _parent.mintime) + _parent.mintime;
} else {
shotwait = shottime;
walkwait = freezetime;
preshooting = 0;
plxdist = _parent._parent.player.myx - myx;
plydist = _parent._parent.player.myy - myy;
pldist = (plxdist * plxdist) + (plydist * plydist);
_parent._parent.layercount = _parent._parent.layercount + 1;
duplicateMovieClip ("_parent._parent.ur_" + shottype, "es" + _parent._parent.layercount, _parent._parent.layercount);
Set(("" + _parent._parent.layercount) + ".myx", myx);
Set(("" + _parent._parent.layercount) + ".myy", myy);
ss_fac = Math.sqrt(ss_hypo) / Math.sqrt(pldist);
if (forceshotspeed == 1) {
shotstepx = shot_stepx_ini;
shotstepy = shot_stepy_ini;
} else if (ballistic != 1) {
shotstepx = plxdist * ss_fac;
shotstepy = plydist * ss_fac;
} else {
shotstepx = (plxdist * ss_fac) * 1.5;
shotstepy = (plydist * ss_fac) * 3;
if (-4 < shotstepy) {
shotstepy = -4;
Set(("" + _parent._parent.layercount) + ".mygrav", shotgrav);
Set(("" + _parent._parent.layercount) + ".stepx", shotstepx);
Set(("" + _parent._parent.layercount) + ".stepy", shotstepy);
Set(("" + _parent._parent.layercount) + ".aerodynamic", aerodynamic);
Set(("" + _parent._parent.layercount) + ".ballistic", ballistic);
Set(("" + _parent._parent.layercount) + ".shot", 1);
if ((active != 1) and (death != 1)) {
activenow = 0;
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop ("notactive");
} else {
if (activenow != 1) {
activenow = 1;
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop ("left");
if (/:pause != 1) {
if (death == 1) {
anim = "death";
_name = "";
setProperty(_parent, _name , "");
} else {
_parent._parent.snakeback.gotoAndStop(_parent._parent.snakeback._currentframe + 1);
if (hit == 1) {
anim = "hit";
do {
animsubcount = animsubcount + 1;
eval ("_parent.snake.s" + animsubcount).play();
} while (animsubcount < _parent.snake.count);
animsubcount = 0;;;;
} else {
do {
animsubcount = animsubcount + 1;
eval ("_parent.snake.s" + animsubcount).stop();
} while (animsubcount < _parent.snake.count);
animsubcount = 0;
if (/:pause != 1) {
bossdist = ((../../player:myx - myx) * (../../player:myx - myx)) + ((../../player:myy - myy) * (../../player:myy - myy));
if (bossdist < 150000) {
Set("/:leftlimit", -(myx - 400));
Set("/:mainvolume", 0.5);
Set("/:music", "metro");
Symbol 639 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 646 MovieClip Frame 1
if (ini != 1) {
ini = 1;
Set("../:count", ../:count + 1);
mynumber = ../:count;
_name = ("s" + mynumber);
frame = int((_x - _y) / 10) + 1;
if (frame < 1) {
frame = frame + _totalframes;
if (_totalframes < frame) {
frame = frame - _totalframes;
Symbol 647 MovieClip Frame 1
if (ini != 1) {
ini = 1;
red = (_x / 8) - 50;
green = (_x / 8) - 50;
blue = (_x / 8) - 50;
myColor = new Color(this);
myColorTransform = new Object();
myColorTransform = {rb:red, gb:green, bb:blue};
gotoAndPlay(int((_x - _y) / 10) + 1);
Symbol 648 MovieClip Frame 1
if (ini != 1) {
ini = 1;
red = (_x / 8) - 50;
green = (_x / 8) - 50;
blue = (_x / 8) - 50;
myColor = new Color(this);
myColorTransform = new Object();
myColorTransform = {rb:red, gb:green, bb:blue};
gotoAndPlay(int((_x - _y) / 10) + 1);
Symbol 649 MovieClip Frame 1
if (ini != 1) {
ini = 1;
Symbol 650 MovieClip Frame 1
if (ini != 1) {
ini = 1;
Symbol 656 MovieClip Frame 1
ran = random(50);
if ((30 < ran) or (../:bite == 1)) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop ("bite");
} else if ((10 < ran) or (../:spit == 1)) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop ("spit");
tellTarget ("../../pixels/welle") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("../../pixels/welle") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 660 MovieClip Frame 6
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop ("left");
Symbol 669 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 673 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("../../pixels/welle") {
gotoAndStop ("off");
Symbol 673 MovieClip Frame 55
_parent._parent._parent.xbackup = "";
_parent._parent._parent.ybackup = "";
tellTarget ("../../../") {
gotoAndPlay ("nextlevel");
Symbol 674 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("../../pixels/welle") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
if (../:bite == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (20);
} else {
Set("../:bite", 1);
Symbol 674 MovieClip Frame 26
Set("../:bite", 0);
Symbol 674 MovieClip Frame 40
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop ("left");
Symbol 699 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 700 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("../../pixels/welle") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
if (../:spit == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
} else {
Set("../:spit", 1);
Symbol 700 MovieClip Frame 25
Set("../:spit", 0);
Symbol 700 MovieClip Frame 40
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop ("left");
Symbol 701 MovieClip Frame 1
if (ini != 1) {
ini = 1;
prottime = 3;
shapeflag = 1;
shapetest = 0;
dir = -1;
hitpoints = 20;
harmless = 0;
noweapon = 1;
jumpvulnerable = 0;
shottype = "arrow";
forceshotspeed = 0;
shot_stepx_ini = -10;
shot_stepy_ini = -14;
shottime = 80;
randomshots = 1;
maxtime = 120;
mintime = 40;
shotspeed = 3;
aerodynamic = 1;
ballistic = 1;
shotgrav = 0.3;
freezetime = 10;
aimtime = 10;
firebyvision = 1;
turnaround = 1;
xspeed = 0;
headforplayer = 0;
jumper = 0;
jump_power = -12;
jump_speed = 4;
jump_time = 50;
jump_time_offset = 20;
jump_to_player = 0;
random_jump_dir = 1;
fly = 0;
ghost = 0;
path = 0;
path_amount = 7;
path_time = 10;
path_rot = 1;
extra = 0;
Symbol 713 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((/:pause != 1) and (active == 1)) {
if (0 >= protection) {
hit = 0;
do {
scount = scount + 1;
shotx = eval (("_parent._parent.s" + scount) + ".myx");
shoty = eval (("_parent._parent.s" + scount) + ".myy");
if (_parent.hitTest(shotx + _parent._parent.camerax, shoty + _parent._parent.cameray, true) eq "true") {
hit = 1;
hitpoints = hitpoints - /:shotpower;
if (turnaround == 1) {
if (_parent._parent.player.myx < myx) {
dir = -1;
} else {
dir = 1;
} while (scount < _parent._parent.scount);
scount = 0;
fight_hit = 0;
if (../:shapeflag == 1) {
if (_parent.hitTest(_root.hitx + _parent._parent.camerax, _root.hity + _parent._parent.cameray, true) eq "true") {
fight_hit = 1;
Set("/:combomulti1", /:combomulti1 + 1);
if (_parent.hitTest(_root.holdx + _parent._parent.camerax, _root.holdy + _parent._parent.cameray, true) eq "true") {
if (../:tooheavy != 1) {
hold = 1;
} else {
fight_hit = 1;
Set("/:combomulti1", /:combomulti1 + 1);
} else {
if (_parent._parent.hit_fight.hitTest(_parent) eq "true") {
fight_hit = 1;
Set("/:combomulti1", /:combomulti1 + 1);
if (_parent._parent.holder.hitTest(_parent) eq "true") {
if (../:tooheavy != 1) {
hold = 1;
} else {
fight_hit = 1;
Set("/:combomulti1", /:combomulti1 + 1);
if (fight_hit == 1) {
Set("../../player:gotone", 1);
protection = ../:prottime;
shotwait = shottime;
stepy = -5;
if (_parent._parent.player.myx < myx) {
stepx = 8;
dir = -1;
} else {
dir = 1;
stepx = -8;
hit = 1;
hitpoints = hitpoints - /:shotpower;
if (hitpoints < 0) {
death = 1;
active = 0;
mynumber = 0;
} else {
protection = protection - 1;
if ((/:pause != 1) and (active == 1)) {
if (/:rtype == 1) {
if (/:homingmissiles == 1) {
if (/:crosshairs == 1) {
targetwait = targetwait - 1;
if ((((fulltargeted != 1) and (_parent._parent.crosshairs.hitTest(myx + _parent._parent.camerax, myy + _parent._parent.cameray, true) eq "true")) and (targetwait < 0)) and (_parent._parent.crosshairs.targetcount < /:missiles)) {
targetwait = 6;
_parent._parent.crosshairs.targetcount = _parent._parent.crosshairs.targetcount + 1;
_parent._parent.crosshairs.gotone = 1;
tempcount = _parent._parent.crosshairs.targetcount;
Set(("_parent._parent.m" + tempcount) + ".aim", _parent._name);
mymissilehits = mymissilehits + /:missilehits;
if (mymissilehits >= hitpoints) {
fulltargeted = 1;
} else if (/:missilelaunch == 1) {
fulltargeted = 0;
subcount = 0;
do {
subcount = subcount + 1;
misx = eval (("_parent._parent.m" + subcount) + ".myx");
misy = eval (("_parent._parent.m" + subcount) + ".myy");
if (_parent.hitTest(misx + _parent._parent.camerax, misy + _parent._parent.cameray, true) eq "true") {
hit = 1;
hitpoints = hitpoints - /:missilehits;
Set(("_parent._parent.m" + subcount) + ".off", 1);
} while (subcount < 6);
if (0 < /:cannons) {
if (_parent._parent.cannon2shot.hitTest(myx + _parent._parent.camerax, myy + _parent._parent.cameray, true) eq "true") {
hit = 1;
hitpoints = hitpoints - /:cannonhits;
if (/:bigbomb == 1) {
if (_parent._parent.bigbomb.hitTest(myx + _parent._parent.camerax, myy + _parent._parent.cameray, true) eq "true") {
hit = 1;
hitpoints = hitpoints - /:smartbombhits;
if (/:player_arrows == 1) {
subcount = 0;
do {
subcount = subcount + 1;
misx = eval (("_parent._parent.playerarrow" + subcount) + ".myx");
misy = eval (("_parent._parent.playerarrow" + subcount) + ".myy");
if (_parent.hitTest(misx + _parent._parent.camerax, misy + _parent._parent.cameray, true) eq "true") {
hit = 1;
hitpoints = hitpoints - /:arrowhits;
Set(("_parent._parent.playerarrow" + subcount) + ".off", 1);
} while (subcount < 4);
if (/:feuerstoss == 1) {
if (_parent._parent.feuerstoss.hitTest(myx + _parent._parent.camerax, myy + _parent._parent.cameray, true) eq "true") {
hit = 1;
hitpoints = hitpoints - /:feuerhits;
if (/:pause != 1) {
if (ini_collide != 1) {
extra = _parent.extra;
bonusname = _parent._name;
active = 1;
_name = "controller";
dir = _parent.dir;
standing = 0;
path = _parent.path;
path_amount = _parent.path_amount;
path_frames = _parent.pathcontainer._totalframes;
path_time = _parent.path_time;
path_wait = path_time;
path_rot = _parent.path_rot;
jumper = _parent.jumper;
jump_power = _parent.jump_power;
jump_to_player = _parent.jump_to_player;
random_jump_dir = _parent.random_jump_dir;
jump_speed = _parent.jump_speed;
jump_time = _parent.jump_time;
jump_time_offset = _parent.jump_time_offset;
hitpoints = _parent.hitpoints;
groundtolerance = 4;
maxlift = 10;
xspeed = _parent.xspeed;
headforplayer = _parent.headforplayer;
fly =;
flyadd = xspeed / 30;
ghost = _parent.ghost;
myx = _parent._x;
myy = _parent._y;
ur_x = _parent._x;
ur_y = _parent._y;
thisx = int((myx + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
thisy = int((myy + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
_parent._parent.nmecount = _parent._parent.nmecount + 1;
mynumber = _parent._parent.nmecount;
setProperty("_parent", _name , "nme" + mynumber);
Set(("_parent._parent.nme" + mynumber) + "x", myx);
Set(("_parent._parent.nme" + mynumber) + "y", myy);
ini_collide = 1;
_visible = 0;
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
_xscale = 100;
_yscale = 100;
if (0 < zitterwait) {
zitterwait = zitterwait - 1;
if (active == 1) {
if (path == 1) {
if ((remake != 1) and (dupl_count < path_amount)) {
if (0 < path_wait) {
path_wait = path_wait - 1;
} else {
path_wait = path_time;
dupl_count = dupl_count + 1;
if (dupl_count < path_amount) {
_parent._parent.layercount = _parent._parent.layercount + 1;
duplicateMovieClip ("_parent", "n" + _parent._parent.layercount, _parent._parent.layercount + 20000);
Set(("_parent._parent.n" + _parent._parent.layercount) + ".controller.remake", 1);
} else {;
x_path_offset = _parent.pathcontainer.path_dummy._x;
y_path_offset = _parent.pathcontainer.path_dummy._y;
myx = ur_x + x_path_offset;
myy = ur_y + y_path_offset;
setProperty("_parent", _x , myx);
setProperty("_parent", _y , myy);
if (path_rot == 1) {
setProperty("_parent", _rotation , _parent.pathcontainer.path_dummy._rotation);
if (_parent.pathcontainer._currentframe >= path_frames) {
path_end = 1;
setProperty("_parent", _name , "");
setProperty("_parent", _visible , 0);
} else {
dirchange = 0;
if ((((standing == 1) and (headforplayer == 1)) and (thisy == _parent._parent.player.thisy)) and (0 >= zitterwait)) {
if ((_parent._parent.player.myx < myx) and (0 < dir)) {
dir = -1;
zitterwait = 10;
} else if ((myx < _parent._parent.player.myx) and (dir < 0)) {
dir = 1;
zitterwait = 10;
thisx = int((myx + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
thisy = int((myy + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
field = eval ((("_parent._parent.f" + thisx) + "and") + (thisy + /:unit));
field_1 = eval ((("_parent._parent.f" + thisx) + "and") + thisy);
standing = 0;
if (_parent._parent.pixels.hitTest(myx + _parent._parent.camerax, (((myy + 8) + groundtolerance) + /:unit) + _parent._parent.cameray, true) eq "true") {
free = 0;
standing = 1;
if (fly == 1) {
stepy = -1;
} else {
do {
myy = myy - 1;
if (_parent._parent.pixels.hitTest(myx + _parent._parent.camerax, ((myy + groundtolerance) + /:unit) + _parent._parent.cameray, true) ne "true") {
free = 1;
count = count + 1;
} while ((free != 1) and (count < maxlift));
count = 0;
myy = myy + groundtolerance;
if ((((0 < field) and (stepy >= 0)) and ((thisy - (/:unit * 0.3)) < myy)) and (fly != 1)) {
standing = 1;
myy = thisy;
if ((standing < 1) or (fly == 1)) {
if (fly == 1) {
if (_parent._parent.player.myx < myx) {
stepx = stepx - flyadd;
} else {
stepx = stepx + flyadd;
if (_parent._parent.player.myy < myy) {
stepy = stepy - flyadd;
} else {
stepy = stepy + flyadd;
if ((xspeed * xspeed) < (stepx * stepx)) {
stepx = stepx * 0.8;
if ((xspeed * xspeed) < (stepy * stepy)) {
stepy = stepy * 0.8;
} else {
walkwait = 0;
if ((oldstanding == 1) and (stepy >= 0)) {
dir = -dir;
dirchange = 1;
if (((stepy + /:grav) < /:maxyspeed) and (oldstanding != 1)) {
stepy = stepy + /:grav;
} else {
stepy = 0;
jumping = 0;
if ((jumper == 1) and (fly != 1)) {
if (0 < jumpwait) {
jumpwait = jumpwait - 1;
} else {
jumping = 1;
if (random_jump_dir == 1) {
if (random(20) < 10) {
dir = -dir;
if (jump_to_player == 1) {
if (_parent._parent.player.myx < myx) {
dir = -1;
} else {
dir = 1;
jumpwait = jump_time + (random(jump_time_offset * 2) - jump_time_offset);
stepy = jump_power;
stepx = jump_speed * dir;
standing = 0;
nextx = int(((myx + stepx) + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
nextxfield = eval ((("_parent._parent.f" + nextx) + "and") + thisy);
if ((fly == 1) or ((standing != 1) and (oldstanding != 1))) {
nexty = int(((myy + stepy) + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
nextyfield = eval ((("_parent._parent.f" + thisx) + "and") + nexty);
if (1 < nextxfield) {
dir = -dir;
stepx = -stepx;
if (1 < nextyfield) {
stepy = -stepy;
} else {
if (1 < nextxfield) {
dir = -dir;
stepx = 0;
if (0 < field_1) {
stepy = 0;
if ((((1 < field_1) and (stepx != 0)) and (fly != 1)) and (dirchange != 1)) {
dir = -dir;
if (((((standing == 1) or (oldstanding == 1)) and (jumping != 1)) and (hit != 1)) and (0 >= protection)) {
stepx = xspeed * dir;
myy = myy + stepy;
if (0 < walkwait) {
walkwait = walkwait - 1;
if ((fly == 1) or (0 >= walkwait)) {
myx = myx + stepx;
if ((hold == 1) and (0 < /:holdx)) {
myx = /:holdx;
myy = /:holdy;
Set("/:holdx", -100000);
} else {
hold = 0;
setProperty(_parent, _x , myx);
setProperty(_parent, _y , myy);
if (((death != 1) and (hit != 1)) and (0 >= protection)) {
if (_parent.shapetest != 1) {
if (_parent.hitTest(_parent._parent.player.myx + _parent._parent.camerax, _parent._parent.player.myy + _parent._parent.cameray, true) eq "true") {
if ((0 < _parent._parent.player.stepy) and (_parent.jumpvulnerable == 1)) {
hitpoints = -1;
_parent._parent.player.stepy = -10;
} else if (_parent.harmless != 1) {
_parent._parent.player.hit = 1;
if ((turnaround == 1) and (0 >= zitterwait)) {
if (_parent._parent.player.myx < myx) {
dir = -1;
zitterwait = 10;
} else {
dir = 1;
zitterwait = 10;
} else if (_parent._parent.player.hitTest(myx + _parent._parent.camerax, myy + _parent._parent.cameray, true) eq "true") {
if ((0 < _parent._parent.player.stepy) and (_parent.jumpvulnerable == 1)) {
hitpoints = -1;
_parent._parent.player.stepy = -10;
} else if (_parent.harmless != 1) {
_parent._parent.player.hit = 1;
} else if (turnaround == 1) {
if (_parent._parent.player.myx < myx) {
dir = -1;
} else {
dir = 1;
oldstanding = standing;
} else if (path == 1) {
if (_parent.noweapon != 1) {
if (((/:pause != 1) and (active == 1)) and (protection < 1)) {
if (ini_shoot != 1) {
forceshotspeed = _parent.forceshotspeed;
shot_stepx_ini = _parent.shot_stepx_ini;
shot_stepy_ini = _parent.shot_stepy_ini;
shottype = _parent.shottype;
aerodynamic = _parent.aerodynamic;
shottime = _parent.shottime;
firebyvision = _parent.firebyvision;
freezetime = _parent.freezetime;
aimtime = _parent.aimtime;
aimwait = aimtime;
shotspeed = _parent.shotspeed;
ballistic = _parent.ballistic;
shotgrav = _parent.shotgrav;
ss_hypo = (shotspeed * shotspeed) * 2;
turnaround = _parent.turnaround;
ini_shoot = 1;
shotwait = shottime;
if (0 < shotwait) {
shotwait = shotwait - 1;
} else {
if (((firebyvision != 1) or ((_parent._parent.player.myx < myx) and (stepx < 0))) or ((myx < _parent._parent.player.myx) and (0 < stepx))) {
preshooting = 1;
if (preshooting == 1) {
if (0 < aimwait) {
aimwait = aimwait - 1;
walkwait = 100;
} else {
aimwait = aimtime;
if (_parent.randomshots == 1) {
shotwait = random(_parent.maxtime - _parent.mintime) + _parent.mintime;
} else {
shotwait = shottime;
walkwait = freezetime;
preshooting = 0;
plxdist = _parent._parent.player.myx - myx;
plydist = _parent._parent.player.myy - myy;
pldist = (plxdist * plxdist) + (plydist * plydist);
_parent._parent.layercount = _parent._parent.layercount + 1;
duplicateMovieClip ("_parent._parent.ur_" + shottype, "es" + _parent._parent.layercount, _parent._parent.layercount);
if (dir < 0) {
shotoffsetx = -../:shotoffsetx;
} else {
shotoffsetx = ../:shotoffsetx;
Set(("" + _parent._parent.layercount) + ".myx", myx + shotoffsetx);
Set(("" + _parent._parent.layercount) + ".myy", myy + ../:shotoffsety);
ss_fac = Math.sqrt(ss_hypo) / Math.sqrt(pldist);
if (forceshotspeed == 1) {
shotstepx = shot_stepx_ini;
shotstepy = shot_stepy_ini;
} else if (ballistic != 1) {
shotstepx = plxdist * ss_fac;
shotstepy = plydist * ss_fac;
} else {
shotstepx = (plxdist * ss_fac) * 1.5;
shotstepy = (plydist * ss_fac) * 3;
if (-4 < shotstepy) {
shotstepy = -4;
Set(("" + _parent._parent.layercount) + ".mygrav", shotgrav);
Set(("" + _parent._parent.layercount) + ".stepx", shotstepx);
Set(("" + _parent._parent.layercount) + ".stepy", shotstepy);
Set(("" + _parent._parent.layercount) + ".aerodynamic", aerodynamic);
Set(("" + _parent._parent.layercount) + ".ballistic", ballistic);
Set(("" + _parent._parent.layercount) + ".shot", 1);
if (/:pause != 1) {
anim = "";
if (0 < walkwait) {
anim = anim + "shoot";
if (jumping == 1) {
anim = anim + "jump";
if (0 < dir) {
anim = anim + "right";
} else {
anim = anim + "left";
if (hit == 1) {
anim = anim + "hit";
if (hold == 1) {
if (0 < dir) {
anim = "holdright";
} else {
anim = "holdleft";
if (death == 1) {
anim = "death";
if (extra == 1) {
_parent._parent.layercount = _parent._parent.layercount + 1;
duplicateMovieClip ("_parent._parent.b_" + bonusname, "b" + _parent._parent.layercount, _parent._parent.layercount + 40000);
setProperty("_parent._parent.b" + _parent._parent.layercount, _x , myx);
setProperty("_parent._parent.b" + _parent._parent.layercount, _y , myy);
_name = "";
setProperty(_parent, _name , "");
} else {
Symbol 713 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 725 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 734 MovieClip Frame 1
frame = int(random(40) / 10) + 2;
Symbol 735 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 740 MovieClip Frame 1
combo = /:combomulti;
if (combo < 2) {
_visible = 0;
Symbol 740 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 744 MovieClip Frame 3
wait = wait + 1;
_x = (_x + 2);
if (wait < 10) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
} else {
Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 1
myscore = 20;
if (ini != 1) {
ini = 1;
prottime = 12;
shapeflag = 0;
shapetest = 0;
dir = -1;
hitpoints = 3;
harmless = 0;
noweapon = 0;
jumpvulnerable = 0;
shottype = "none";
forceshotspeed = 0;
shot_stepx_ini = -10;
shot_stepy_ini = -14;
shottime = 80;
randomshots = 1;
maxtime = 60;
mintime = 40;
shotspeed = 3;
aerodynamic = 1;
ballistic = 1;
shotgrav = 0.3;
freezetime = 10;
aimtime = 10;
firebyvision = 1;
turnaround = 1;
xspeed = 2;
headforplayer = 1;
jumper = 0;
jump_power = -12;
jump_speed = 4;
jump_time = 50;
jump_time_offset = 20;
jump_to_player = 0;
random_jump_dir = 1;
fly = 0;
ghost = 0;
path = 0;
path_amount = 7;
path_time = 10;
path_rot = 1;
extra = 0;
Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 38
myscore = 20;
Set("/:pte", (/:pte + myscore) + (myscore * /:combomulti));
Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 44
Set("/:pte", (/:pte + myscore) + (myscore * /:combomulti));
Symbol 745 MovieClip Frame 94
Set("/:pte", (/:pte + myscore) + (myscore * /:combomulti));
Symbol 759 MovieClip Frame 6
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 762 MovieClip Frame 20
Instance of Symbol 749 MovieClip in Symbol 762 MovieClip Frame 20
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 768 MovieClip Frame 1
frame = int(random(20) / 10) + 2;
Symbol 769 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 773 MovieClip Frame 3
wait = wait + 1;
_x = (_x + 2);
if (wait < 10) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
} else {
Symbol 774 MovieClip Frame 1
if (ini != 1) {
ini = 1;
prottime = 12;
shapeflag = 0;
shapetest = 0;
dir = -1;
hitpoints = 4;
harmless = 0;
noweapon = 0;
shotoffsetx = 40;
jumpvulnerable = 0;
shottype = "normshot";
forceshotspeed = 0;
shot_stepx_ini = -10;
shot_stepy_ini = -14;
shottime = 80;
randomshots = 1;
maxtime = 60;
mintime = 40;
shotspeed = 4;
aerodynamic = 1;
ballistic = 1;
shotgrav = 0.3;
freezetime = 10;
aimtime = 10;
firebyvision = 1;
turnaround = 1;
xspeed = 2;
headforplayer = 1;
jumper = 0;
jump_power = -12;
jump_speed = 4;
jump_time = 50;
jump_time_offset = 20;
jump_to_player = 0;
random_jump_dir = 1;
fly = 0;
ghost = 0;
path = 0;
path_amount = 7;
path_time = 10;
path_rot = 1;
extra = 0;
Symbol 774 MovieClip Frame 38
myscore = 30;
Set("/:pte", (/:pte + myscore) + (myscore * /:combomulti));
Symbol 774 MovieClip Frame 44
myscore = 30;
Set("/:pte", (/:pte + myscore) + (myscore * /:combomulti));
Symbol 774 MovieClip Frame 90
myscore = 30;
Set("/:pte", (/:pte + myscore) + (myscore * /:combomulti));
Set("/:pte", /:pte + 150);
Symbol 795 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 800 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 804 MovieClip Frame 3
wait = wait + 1;
_x = (_x + 2);
if (wait < 10) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
} else {
Symbol 805 MovieClip Frame 1
if (ini != 1) {
ini = 1;
prottime = 10;
shapeflag = 0;
shapetest = 0;
dir = -1;
hitpoints = 4;
harmless = 0;
noweapon = 1;
jumpvulnerable = 0;
shottype = "none";
forceshotspeed = 0;
shot_stepx_ini = -10;
shot_stepy_ini = -14;
shottime = 80;
randomshots = 1;
maxtime = 60;
mintime = 40;
shotspeed = 3;
aerodynamic = 1;
ballistic = 1;
shotgrav = 0.3;
freezetime = 10;
aimtime = 10;
firebyvision = 1;
turnaround = 1;
xspeed = 3;
headforplayer = 1;
jumper = 1;
jump_power = -6;
jump_speed = 10;
jump_time = 25;
jump_time_offset = 10;
jump_to_player = 1;
random_jump_dir = 0;
fly = 0;
ghost = 0;
path = 0;
path_amount = 7;
path_time = 10;
path_rot = 1;
extra = 0;
Symbol 805 MovieClip Frame 38
myscore = 35;
Set("/:pte", (/:pte + myscore) + (myscore * /:combomulti));
Symbol 805 MovieClip Frame 44
myscore = 35;
Set("/:pte", (/:pte + myscore) + (myscore * /:combomulti));
Symbol 805 MovieClip Frame 93
myscore = 35;
Set("/:pte", (/:pte + myscore) + (myscore * /:combomulti));
Set("/:pte", /:pte + 100);
Symbol 808 MovieClip Frame 1
axis = "v";
speed = 3;
elevator = 1;
damage = 0;
Symbol 809 MovieClip Frame 1
axis = "h";
speed = 3;
elevator = 1;
damage = 0;
Symbol 817 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((../../:weak != 1) and (/:pause != 1)) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 110);
_xscale = 100;
_yscale = 100;
Symbol 817 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 819 MovieClip Frame 1
if (../:weak == 1) {
Symbol 822 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 833 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((../../../:crashedsound != 1) and (../../../:shake == 1)) {
Set("../../../:crashedsound", 1);
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
Symbol 834 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 835 MovieClip Frame 1
if (../:shake != 1) {
Symbol 835 MovieClip Frame 12
_parent.fight_hit = 0;
Symbol 837 MovieClip Frame 1
if (ini != 1) {
ini = 1;
rot = random(30);
stepx = getProperty("../", _x) * 0.1;
stepy = -4 - random(11);
setProperty("../", _xscale , random(40) + 40);
setProperty("../", _yscale , random(40) + 40);
stepy = stepy + 1;
setProperty("../", _x , getProperty("../", _x) + stepx);
setProperty("../", _y , getProperty("../", _y) + stepy);
setProperty("../", _rotation , getProperty("../", _rotation) + rot);
if (15 < stepy) {
setProperty("../../", _visible , 0);
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 837 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 839 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 839 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 839 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 841 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((/:pause != 1) and (active == 1)) {
hit = 0;
_parent.fight_hit = 0;
if ((_parent._parent.player.myx < ((myx + (_parent._width * 0.5)) + 30)) and (((myx - (_parent._width * 0.5)) - 30) < _parent._parent.player.myx)) {
if (_parent._parent.hit_fight.hitTest(_parent) eq "true") {
_parent.fight_hit = 1;
damage = damage + 1;
if (_parent.hitTest(_parent._parent.player.myx + _parent._parent.camerax, (_parent._parent.player.myy + 55) + _parent._parent.cameray, true) eq "true") {
touchplayer = 1;
} else {
touchplayer = 0;
if (((touchplayer != oldtouchplayer) and (_parent._parent.player.stepy != 0)) and ((oldtouchplayer == 0) or (oldtouchplayer == 1))) {
_parent.fight_hit = 1;
oldtouchplayer = touchplayer;
if (_parent._parent.holder.hitTest(_parent) eq "true") {
_parent.fight_hit = 1;
damage = damage + 1;
if (/:pause != 1) {
if (ini_collide != 1) {
if (_parent._name eq "weak") {
weak = 1;
Set("../:weak", 1);
active = 1;
_name = "controller";
myx = _parent._x;
myy = _parent._y;
ur_x = _parent._x;
ur_y = _parent._y;
thisx = int((myx + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
thisy = int((myy + (/:unit * 0.5)) / /:unit) * /:unit;
_parent._parent.nmecount = _parent._parent.nmecount + 1;
mynumber = _parent._parent.nmecount;
setProperty("_parent", _name , "nme" + mynumber);
Set(("_parent._parent.nme" + mynumber) + "x", myx);
Set(("_parent._parent.nme" + mynumber) + "y", myy);
ini_collide = 1;
_visible = 0;
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
_xscale = 100;
_yscale = 100;
if (/:pause != 1) {
if ((_parent.fight_hit == 1) and (_parent.fight_hit != oldfighthit)) {
if ((3 < damage) and (weak == 1)) {
if (3 >= olddamage) {
} else if ((3 < damage) and (weak == 1)) {
if (3 >= olddamage) {
olddamage = damage;
oldfighthit = _parent.fight_hit;
Symbol 841 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 842 MovieClip Frame 1
shake = 0;
fight_hit = 0;
Symbol 842 MovieClip Frame 4
shake = 1;
Symbol 846 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 847 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/:letsroll", 0);
gogame = 0;
Set("/:bonusfactor", 30);
xbackup = "";
ybackup = "";
Set("/:lifes", 3);
Set("/:level", 0);
Set("/:bigbomb", 0);
Set("/:feuerstoss", 0);
_quality = "HIGH";
Symbol 847 MovieClip Frame 3
Set("/:bonusfactor", 30);
Set("/:pte", 0);
Set("/:letsroll", 0);
xbackup = "";
ybackup = "";
Set("/:lifes", 3);
Set("/:level", 0);
Set("/:bigbomb", 0);
Set("/:feuerstoss", 0);
_quality = "HIGH";
gotoAndPlay (10);
Symbol 847 MovieClip Frame 10
if (/:pause != 1) {
Set("/:letsroll", 0);
if (wait < 1) {
wait = wait + 1;
if (gogame == 1) {
wait = 0;
Set("/:pte", 0);
gotoAndPlay (22);
Set("/:bonusfactor", 30);
_quality = "low";
oldreturn = /:return;
Set("/:bigbomb", 0);
Set("/:feuerstoss", 0);
} else {
wait = 0;
Symbol 847 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 847 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndStop("level" + /:level);
Symbol 847 MovieClip Frame 22
if (/:pause != 1) {
Set("/:mainvolume", 0.3);
Set("/:changetime", 20);
Set("/:music", "choosefighters");
Set("/:letsroll", 1);
Set("/:bonusfactor", 30);
Set("/:shotpower", 1);
xbackup = 0;
ybackup = 0;
_quality = "HIGH";
wait = wait + 1;
if (0 < /:level) {
wait = 0;
gotoAndPlay (47);
} else if ((100 < wait) or ((oldreturn != 1) and (/:return == 1))) {
wait = 0;
Set("/:level", /:level + 1);
if (1 < /:level) {
gotoAndPlay (47);
} else {
gotoAndStop("level" + /:level);
_quality = "LOW";
oldreturn = /:return;
Set("/:bigbomb", 0);
Set("/:feuerstoss", 0);
Symbol 847 MovieClip Frame 23
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 847 MovieClip Frame 31
_quality = "HIGH";
if (0 >= /:lifes) {
gotoAndPlay (38);
} else if (/:pause != 1) {
wait = wait + 1;
if ((100 < wait) or ((oldreturn != 1) and (/:return == 1))) {
Set("/:shotpower", 1);
wait = 0;
bonuscount = 0;
gotoAndStop("level" + /:level);
_quality = "LOW";
oldreturn = /:return;
Set("/:bigbomb", 0);
Set("/:feuerstoss", 0);
Symbol 847 MovieClip Frame 32
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 847 MovieClip Frame 38
_quality = "HIGH";
if (/:pause != 1) {
wait = wait + 1;
if ((100 < wait) or ((oldreturn != 1) and (/:return == 1))) {
wait = 0;
Set("/:lifes", 0);
Set("/:level", 0);
tellTarget ("figuren") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
tellTarget ("/cover/hauptmenu") {
Set("/:next", "mainmenu");
Set("/:lastmenu", "mainmenu");
Set("/:lastmenu_sub", "mainmenu");
gotoAndStop (1);
oldreturn = /:return;
Set("/:bigbomb", 0);
Set("/:feuerstoss", 0);
Symbol 847 MovieClip Frame 39
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 847 MovieClip Frame 47
_quality = "HIGH";
if (/:pause != 1) {
wait = wait + 1;
if ((100 < wait) or ((oldreturn != 1) and (/:return == 1))) {
wait = 0;
Set("/:lifes", 0);
Set("/:level", 0);
tellTarget ("figuren") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
tellTarget ("/cover/hauptmenu") {
Set("/:next", "mainmenu");
Set("/:lastmenu", "mainmenu");
Set("/:lastmenu_sub", "mainmenu");
gotoAndStop (1);
oldreturn = /:return;
Set("/:bigbomb", 0);
Set("/:feuerstoss", 0);
Symbol 847 MovieClip Frame 48
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 847 MovieClip Frame 62
count = 0;
do {
count = count + 1;
Set("bonustaken" + count, "");
} while (count < bonuscount);
count = 0;
bonuscount = 0;
Symbol 847 MovieClip Frame 71
Set("/:vis", 0);
Set("/:mainvolume", 0.3);
Set("/:changetime", 20);
Set("/:music", "copsonfire");
Symbol 853 MovieClip Frame 1
percentage = ( / _root.maxenergy) * 100;
if (percentage < 1) {
percentage = 1;
_visible = 0;
} else {
_visible = 1;
_xscale = percentage;
Symbol 853 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 855 MovieClip Frame 1
percentage = _root.combomulti1 * 10;
if (percentage < 1) {
percentage = 1;
_visible = 0;
} else {
_visible = 1;
if (100 < percentage) {
percentage = 100;
_xscale = percentage;
Symbol 855 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 858 MovieClip Frame 1
if (0 < /:energy) {
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 858 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 858 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 862 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 862 MovieClip Frame 37
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 862 MovieClip Frame 72
gotoAndPlay (38);
Symbol 863 MovieClip Frame 1
if (ini != 1) {
myColor = new Color(this);
myColorTransform = new Object();
brightness = -random(40);
myColorTransform = {rb:brightness, gb:brightness, bb:brightness};
ini = 1;
myx = _x;
myy = _y;
xs = _xscale;
ys = _yscale;
scalespeedaim = 1.8;
rotaccel = (random(80) / 5) - 8;
accel = 0.3;
latency = 0.04;
if (0 < myx) {
dir = "backwards";
} else {
dir = "normal";
if (go == 1) {;
stepxaim = (-myx) * latency;
stepyaim = (-myy) * latency;
if (stepx < stepxaim) {
stepx = stepx + accel;
} else {
stepx = stepx - accel;
if (stepy < stepyaim) {
stepy = stepy + accel;
} else {
stepy = stepy - accel;
myx = myx + stepx;
myy = myy + stepy;
rotstep = rotstep + ((rotaccel - rotstep) * 0.1);
rot = rot + rotstep;
if (scalespeed < scalespeedaim) {
scalespeed = scalespeed + 0.2;
if (1 < xs) {
xs = xs - scalespeed;
} else {
_visible = 0;
_x = -10000;
if (1 < ys) {
ys = ys - scalespeed;
} else {
_visible = 0;
_rotation = rot;
_x = myx;
_y = myy;
_xscale = xs;
_yscale = ys;
brightness = brightness - 2;
myColorTransform = {rb:brightness, gb:brightness, bb:brightness};
} else if (_parent.kreis.hitTest(myx + _parent._x, myy + _parent._y, true) eq true) {
go = 1;
Symbol 863 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 865 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_xscale < 100) {
_xscale = (_xscale + 2);
_yscale = (_yscale + 2);
} else {
_visible = 0;
Symbol 865 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 866 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 866 MovieClip Frame 55
Set("/:bricksgone", 1);;
Symbol 867 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 872 Button
on (release) {
if (/:pause != 1) {
Set("/:pause", 1);
Symbol 873 Button
on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("../menu/menu") {
gotoAndStop (3);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 3
if (/:pause != 1) {
Set("/:pause", 1);
tellTarget ("../menu/menu") {
gotoAndStop (5);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 882 Button
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndStop (3);
on (release) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndPlay(Number(menu * 2) + 1);
Symbol 883 Button
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndStop (4);
on (release) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndPlay(Number(menu * 2) + 1);
Symbol 884 Button
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndStop (5);
on (release) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndPlay(Number(menu * 2) + 1);
Symbol 894 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndStop (5);
Symbol 894 MovieClip Frame 2
tellTarget ("../../logo") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Set("../:menu", 4);
Symbol 894 MovieClip Frame 3
Set("../:menu", 1);
tellTarget ("../../logo") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 894 MovieClip Frame 4
Set("../:menu", 2);
Symbol 894 MovieClip Frame 5
Set("../:menu", 3);
tellTarget ("../../logo") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 894 MovieClip Frame 6
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 898 Button
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndStop (2);
on (release) {
Set("/:pause", 0);
Set("/:theme", "mainmenu");
tellTarget ("/alles") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 899 Button
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndStop (3);
on (release) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 906 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 906 MovieClip Frame 2
Set("../:menu", 1);
Symbol 906 MovieClip Frame 3
Set("../:menu", 2);
Symbol 906 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 910 Button
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndStop (2);
on (release) {
fscommand ("quit");
Symbol 911 Button
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndStop (3);
on (release) {
if (Number(/:spielstart) == 1) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
} else {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 918 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 918 MovieClip Frame 2
Set("../:menu", 1);
Symbol 918 MovieClip Frame 3
Set("../:menu", 2);
Symbol 918 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 919 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((Number(/:up) == 1) and (Number(upold) != 1)) {
tellTarget ("menu") {
gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 1);
if ((Number(/:down) == 1) and (Number(downold) != 1)) {
tellTarget ("menu") {
gotoAndStop(Number(_currentframe) + 1);
if ((/:return == 1) and (returnold != 1)) {
if (Number(menu) != 4) {
if (Number(menu) == 3.5) {
tellTarget ("/alles") {
gotoAndStop ("levelselection");
gotoAndPlay (7);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(Number(menu * 2) + 1);
} else {
tellTarget ("../logo") {
gotoAndPlay (3);
upold = /:up;
downold = /:down;
returnold = /:return;
Symbol 919 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 919 MovieClip Frame 3
if ((Number(/:up) == 1) and (Number(upold) != 1)) {
tellTarget ("menu") {
gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 1);
if ((Number(/:down) == 1) and (Number(downold) != 1)) {
tellTarget ("menu") {
gotoAndStop(Number(_currentframe) + 1);
if ((/:return == 1) and (returnold != 1)) {
if (Number(menu) == 1) {
Set("/:pause", 0);
Set("/:theme", "mainmenu");
tellTarget ("/alles") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("/cover/hauptmenu") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);
upold = /:up;
downold = /:down;
returnold = /:return;
Symbol 919 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 919 MovieClip Frame 5
if ((Number(/:up) == 1) and (Number(upold) != 1)) {
tellTarget ("menu") {
gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 1);
if ((Number(/:down) == 1) and (Number(downold) != 1)) {
tellTarget ("menu") {
gotoAndStop(Number(_currentframe) + 1);
if ((/:return == 1) and (returnold != 1)) {
if (Number(menu) == 1) {
fscommand ("quit");
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);
upold = /:up;
downold = /:down;
returnold = /:return;
Symbol 919 MovieClip Frame 6
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 919 MovieClip Frame 7
Set("/:forcespace", 1);
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 920 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((Number(/:up) == 1) and (Number(upold) != 1)) {
tellTarget ("menu") {
gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 1);
if ((Number(/:down) == 1) and (Number(downold) != 1)) {
tellTarget ("menu") {
gotoAndStop(Number(_currentframe) + 1);
if ((/:return == 1) and (returnold != 1)) {
if (Number(menu) == 1) {
fscommand ("quit");
} else {
gotoAndStop (3);
upold = /:up;
downold = /:down;
returnold = /:return;
if (Number(/:spielstart) == 1) {
Set("/:pause", 0);
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 920 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 920 MovieClip Frame 3
Set("/:pause", 0);
tellTarget ("/alles/spiel") {
tellTarget ("/alles/spiel/player/grafik/figur") {
tellTarget ("/alles/spiel/player/grafik/figur/figur") {
tellTarget ("/hauptmenu/menu") {
gotoAndStop ("start");
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 925 Button
on (release) {
Set("/:pause", 0);
Set("/:error", 0);
tellTarget ("/cover/hauptmenu/menu") {
gotoAndStop ("start");
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 927 MovieClip Frame 1
code = /:CBG_Function_ErrorCode;
name = /:CBG_UserID;
error = /:CBG_Function_Message;
Set("/:pause", 1);
Symbol 927 MovieClip Frame 2
if ((/:return == 1) and (returnold != 1)) {
Set("/:pause", 0);
Set("/:error", 0);
tellTarget ("/cover/hauptmenu/menu") {
gotoAndStop ("start");
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop (1);
returnold = /:return;
Symbol 927 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 928 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/:pause", 0);
tellTarget ("../menu/control") {
tellTarget ("../menuintro") {
if ((((/:next ne "spiel_speichern") and (/:next ne "neuer_spieler")) and (/:next ne "id_optionen")) and (/:next ne "spieler_anmelden")) {
tellTarget ("../menu") {
gotoAndStop ("start");
setProperty("../menu/bigbutton", _x , -10000);
if (/:spielstart == 1) {
_quality = "LOW";
Symbol 928 MovieClip Frame 2
tellTarget ("logo") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("../menu/control") {
tellTarget ("../menu") {
tellTarget ("../menuintro") {
gotoAndStop (1);
setProperty("../menu/bigbutton", _x , 0);
tellTarget ("/keytest") {
_quality = "HIGH";
Symbol 928 MovieClip Frame 25
_quality = "HIGH";
if (Number(/:error) == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (44);
Set("/:error", 0);
} else if (Number(/:speichern) == 1) {
Set("/:speichern", 0);
gotoAndPlay (1);
} else if (Number(/:onlinereg) == 1) {
Set("/:onlinereg", 0);
gotoAndPlay (1);
} else if (Number(/:changeid) == 1) {
Set("/:changeid", 0);
gotoAndPlay (1);
} else if (/:spielstart != 1) {
gotoAndPlay (34);
Symbol 928 MovieClip Frame 33
Symbol 928 MovieClip Frame 42
Symbol 928 MovieClip Frame 52
Symbol 939 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 941 Button
on (rollOver) {
touch = 1;
on (rollOut, releaseOutside) {
touch = 0;
on (rollOut, release, releaseOutside) {
press1 = 0;
on (press) {
newpress = 1;
press1 = 1;
Symbol 942 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/:keynumber", Key.getCode());
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
Set("/:left", 1);
} else {
Set("/:left", 0);
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
Set("/:up", 1);
} else {
Set("/:up", 0);
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
Set("/:right", 1);
} else {
Set("/:right", 0);
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
Set("/:down", 1);
} else {
Set("/:down", 0);
if (Key.isDown(17)) {
Set("/:strg", 1);
} else {
Set("/:strg", 0);
if (Key.isDown(16)) {
Set("/:shift", 1);
} else {
Set("/:shift", 0);
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
Set("/:space", 1);
} else {
Set("/:space", 0);
if (Key.isDown(27)) {
Set("/:esc", 1);
} else {
Set("/:esc", 0);
if (Key.isDown(13)) {
Set("/:return", 1);
} else {
Set("/:return", 0);
if ((/:pause == 1) and (oldpause != 1)) {
oldpause = /:pause;
if (press1 == 1) {
if (newpress == 1) {
if (/:pause != 1) {
Set("/:pause", 1);
end = 0;
newpress = 0;
animwait = 10;
if ((press1 != 1) and (end == 1)) {
animwait = 0;
if (0 < animwait) {
animwait = animwait - 1;
anim = 3;
} else if (touch == 1) {
if (end == 1) {
anim = 3;
} else {
anim = 2;
} else {
anim = 1;
if (touch != 1) {
end = 0;
Symbol 942 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 943 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 948 MovieClip Frame 1
if (Number(/:esc) == 1) {
if (Number(/:spielstart) == 1) {
Set("/:space", 1);
} else {
tellTarget ("../") {
Symbol 948 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 955 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 957 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 957 MovieClip Frame 11
tellTarget ("logo/logo") {
Symbol 957 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 960 MovieClip Frame 1
while (Number(count) < 100) {
count = Number(count) + 1;
duplicateMovieClip ("obj", "obj" add count, count);
Symbol 961 MovieClip Frame 50
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop(Number(_currentframe) + 1);
Symbol 971 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 972 MovieClip Frame 7
wait = Number(wait) + 1;
if (200 < Number(wait)) {
gotoAndPlay(Number(_currentframe) + 2);
Symbol 972 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 972 MovieClip Frame 14
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndPlay ("weiter");
Symbol 973 MovieClip Frame 1
if (Number(dargestellt) == 1) {
gotoAndStop (3);
} else {
dargestellt = 1;
duplicateMovieClip ("falte", "falte1", 999000);
setProperty("falte", _x , -10000);
duplicateMovieClip ("blatt", "blatt1", 999001);
setProperty("blatt", _visible , 0);
tellTarget ("blatt") {
if (Number(/:blaettern) == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
_highquality = 1;
Symbol 973 MovieClip Frame 3
if (/:debug == 1) {
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 1);
Symbol 973 MovieClip Frame 4
Set("/:stoptime", 0);
Set("/:rotatetime", 0);
Symbol 973 MovieClip Frame 29
_highquality = 1;
testtime1 = getTimer();
Symbol 973 MovieClip Frame 30
testtime2 = getTimer();
test = testtime2 - testtime1;
if (3500 < Number(test)) {
gotoAndStop (31);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (61);
Symbol 973 MovieClip Frame 32
Set("/:spielergeladen", 1);
Symbol 973 MovieClip Frame 61
Set("/:rotatetime", 1);
Symbol 973 MovieClip Frame 92
Symbol 975 MovieClip Frame 2
tellTarget ("/alles/figuren") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 975 MovieClip Frame 32
Set("/:blaettern", 1);
tellTarget ("../") {
Symbol 983 Button
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndStop (21);
on (release) {
Symbol 984 Button
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndStop (19);
on (release) {
Symbol 985 Button
on (release) {
Set("/:level", 1);
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndStop (18);
Symbol 986 Button
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndStop (20);
on (release) {
Symbol 988 MovieClip Frame 1
secure = Number(secure) + 1;
if (Number(/:keyscroll) == 0) {
if (Number(/:up) == 1) {
if (Number(upold) == 0) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 1);
} else {
upwait = Number(upwait) + 1;
} else {
upwait = 0;
if (Number(/:down) == 1) {
if (Number(downold) == 0) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop(Number(_currentframe) + 1);
} else {
downwait = Number(downwait) + 1;
} else {
downwait = 0;
if (10 < Number(upwait)) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 1);
upwait = 0;
if (10 < Number(downwait)) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop(Number(_currentframe) + 1);
downwait = 0;
if (((/:return == 1) and (/:returnold != 1)) and (2 < secure)) {
tellTarget ("../") {
tellTarget ("../anleitung") {
if (/:anleitungrichtung eq "back") {
gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 1);
if (/:anleitungrichtung eq "forward") {
gotoAndStop(Number(_currentframe) + 1);
if (Number(../:keypos) == 2) {
tellTarget ("../ids/id_" add ../ids:activenumber) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if ((/:seltest eq "_level0.hauptmenu.password") and (seltestold ne /:seltest)) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop ("pass2");
if (Number(../:passabfrage) == 1) {
if (../:password eq /:CBG_Pass) {
Set("/:passed", 1);
Set("../:nickname", /:CBG_Name);
Set("/:oldplayer", /:player);
Set("/:oldpass", /:CBG_Pass);
Set("/:oldname", /:CBG_Name);
if (Number(../:newprotection) == 0) {
Set("/:CBG_Pass", "");
tellTarget ("/comm") {
gotoAndPlay ("ModifyPlayer");
tellTarget ("../") {
if (Number(/:massivescroll) == 1) {
Set("/:massivescroll", 0);
if ((Number(/:left) == 1) and (Number(leftold) == 0)) {
tellTarget ("../") {
Set("/:keyscroll", 1);
gotoAndStop ("keyscroll");
if ((Number(/:right) == 1) and (Number(rightold) == 0)) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop ("online2");
Set("/:massivescroll", 0);
Set("/:returnold", /:return);
downold = /:down;
leftold = /:left;
rightold = /:right;
upold = /:up;
tabold = /:tab;
seltestold = /:seltest;
../:highscorescore.scroll = ../:highscore.scroll;
Symbol 988 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1005 MovieClip Frame 1
if (Number(dargestellt) == 1) {
gotoAndStop (18);
} else {
dargestellt = 1;
if (Number(/:blaettern) == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Set("/:lastmenu_sub", "mainmenu");
tellTarget ("blatt1") {
gotoAndPlay(getProperty("../", _currentframe));
Symbol 1005 MovieClip Frame 16
dargestellt = 1;
gotoAndStop(Number(_currentframe) + 2);
Symbol 1005 MovieClip Frame 17
gotoAndStop(Number(_currentframe) + 4);
Symbol 1005 MovieClip Frame 18
call("no top");
call("no low");
Set("/:next", "go");
Set("/:level", 1);
Symbol 1005 MovieClip Frame 19
call("no top");
call("no low");
Set("/:next", "anleitung");
Symbol 1005 MovieClip Frame 20
call("no top");
call("no low");
Set("/:next", "credits");
Symbol 1005 MovieClip Frame 21
call("no low");
Set("/:next", "empty");
Symbol 1005 MovieClip Frame 22
gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 4);
call("no top");
call("no low");
Set("/:next", "spiel_laden");
Symbol 1005 MovieClip Frame 25
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop ("spiel");
Symbol 1005 MovieClip Frame 28
setProperty("blatt", _visible , 1);
duplicateMovieClip ("blatt", "blatt1", 999001);
setProperty("blatt", _visible , 0);
tellTarget ("blatt") {
Symbol 1005 MovieClip Frame 45
Set("/:blaettern", 1);
tellTarget ("../") {
Symbol 1005 MovieClip Frame 46
if (/:CBG_UserID ne "") {
gotoAndPlay (28);
Symbol 1005 MovieClip Frame 47
Set("/:CBG_Function_Status", "ERR");
Set("/:CBG_Function_ErrorCode", 50);
tellTarget ("/messager") {
gotoAndStop ("errormessage");
Symbol 1005 MovieClip Frame 52
tellTarget ("../topbutton") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1005 MovieClip Frame 57
tellTarget ("../pausenmenu/logo") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1005 MovieClip Frame 62
Set("/:pause", 1);
Symbol 1005 MovieClip Frame 67
tellTarget ("/comm") {
gotoAndStop ("website");
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1032 Button
on (press) {
Set("../:drag", 1);
startDrag ("", false, 0, 0, 0, 50);
on (rollOut, release, dragOut, releaseOutside) {
Set("../:drag", 0);
Symbol 1034 MovieClip Frame 1
y = getProperty("drag", _y);
ypos = (((getProperty("../text1", _height) - 200) / 100) * (-y)) * 2;
setProperty("../text1", _y , ypos);
if ((up == 1) and (0 < getProperty("drag", _y))) {
setProperty("drag", _y , getProperty("drag", _y) - 2);
if ((down == 1) and (getProperty("drag", _y) < 100)) {
setProperty("drag", _y , getProperty("drag", _y) + 2);
Symbol 1034 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1042 Button
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndStop (18);
on (release) {
Symbol 1043 MovieClip Frame 1
if (Number(dargestellt) == 1) {
gotoAndStop (18);
} else {
dargestellt = 1;
if (Number(/:blaettern) == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
tellTarget ("blatt1") {
gotoAndPlay(getProperty("../", _currentframe));
Symbol 1043 MovieClip Frame 16
dargestellt = 1;
gotoAndStop(Number(_currentframe) + 2);
Symbol 1043 MovieClip Frame 17
gotoAndStop(Number(_currentframe) + 2);
Symbol 1043 MovieClip Frame 18
call("no top");
call("no low");
Set("/:next", "mainmenu");
Symbol 1043 MovieClip Frame 19
call("no top");
call("no low");
Symbol 1043 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 2);
Symbol 1043 MovieClip Frame 24
if (Number(getProperty("text", _y)) < 0) {
setProperty("text", _y , Number(getProperty("text", _y)) + 4);
Symbol 1043 MovieClip Frame 25
if ((up != 1) and (/:eval("return") == 0)) {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (24);
Symbol 1043 MovieClip Frame 27
if (Number(Number(-getProperty("text", _height)) + 100) < Number(getProperty("text", _y))) {
setProperty("text", _y , getProperty("text", _y) - 4);
Symbol 1043 MovieClip Frame 28
if ((down != 1) and (/:eval("return") == 0)) {
gotoAndStop (19);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (27);
Symbol 1043 MovieClip Frame 30
setProperty("blatt", _visible , 1);
duplicateMovieClip ("blatt", "blatt1", 999001);
setProperty("blatt", _visible , 0);
tellTarget ("blatt") {
Symbol 1043 MovieClip Frame 46
Set("/:blaettern", 1);
tellTarget ("../") {
Symbol 1043 MovieClip Frame 51
tellTarget ("../topbutton") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1043 MovieClip Frame 56
tellTarget ("../pausenmenu/logo") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1043 MovieClip Frame 61
Set("/:pause", 1);
Symbol 1043 MovieClip Frame 66
tellTarget ("/comm") {
gotoAndStop ("website");
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1050 Button
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndStop (19);
on (release) {
Symbol 1055 Button
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndStop (19);
on (release) {
Symbol 1056 MovieClip Frame 1
if (Number(dargestellt) == 1) {
gotoAndStop (19);
} else {
dargestellt = 1;
if (Number(/:blaettern) == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
tellTarget ("blatt1") {
gotoAndPlay(getProperty("../", _currentframe));
Symbol 1056 MovieClip Frame 17
dargestellt = 1;
gotoAndStop(Number(_currentframe) + 2);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip Frame 18
gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip Frame 19
call("no top");
call("no low");
Set("/:next", "mainmenu");
Symbol 1056 MovieClip Frame 20
tellTarget ("../pausenmenu/logo") {
gotoAndStop (2);
call("no top");
call("no low");
Symbol 1056 MovieClip Frame 21
gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 2);
Set("/:next", "down");
call("no top");
call("no low");
Symbol 1056 MovieClip Frame 25
if (Number(getProperty("text", _y)) < 0) {
setProperty("text", _y , Number(getProperty("text", _y)) + 4);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip Frame 26
if ((up != 1) and (/:eval("return") == 0)) {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (25);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip Frame 28
if (Number(Number(-getProperty("text", _height)) + 100) < Number(getProperty("text", _y))) {
setProperty("text", _y , getProperty("text", _y) - 4);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip Frame 29
if ((down != 1) and (/:eval("return") == 0)) {
gotoAndStop (21);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (28);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip Frame 31
setProperty("blatt", _visible , 1);
duplicateMovieClip ("blatt", "blatt1", 999001);
setProperty("blatt", _visible , 0);
tellTarget ("blatt") {
Symbol 1056 MovieClip Frame 46
Set("/:blaettern", 1);
tellTarget ("../") {
Symbol 1056 MovieClip Frame 53
tellTarget ("../topbutton") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip Frame 58
tellTarget ("../pausenmenu/logo") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip Frame 63
Set("/:pause", 1);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip Frame 68
tellTarget ("/comm") {
gotoAndStop ("website");
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1057 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/:music", "none");
Set("/:mainvolume", 0.3);
Set("/:changetime", 20);
loadMovie ("tabfix.swf", "tabfix");
tellTarget ("tabfix") {
Set("/:music", "none");
Set("/:mainvolume", 1);
Set("/:changetime", 1);
Symbol 1057 MovieClip Frame 3
Set("/:music", "choosefighters");
Set("/:mainvolume", 0.3);
Set("/:changetime", 20);
Symbol 1057 MovieClip Frame 6
if (/:bricksgone == 1) {
gotoAndStop (15);
} else {
Symbol 1057 MovieClip Frame 7
if ((/:spielergeladen == 1) or (/:debug == 1)) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 1);
} else {
Symbol 1057 MovieClip Frame 9
Set("maske:format", "normal");
tellTarget ("tabfix") {
tellTarget ("/alles") {
gotoAndStop (1);
_quality = "HIGH";
Set("/:spielstart", 0);
Set("/:lasttheme", "mainmenu");
Set("/:theme", "mainmenu");
Symbol 1057 MovieClip Frame 15
Set("/:music", "choosefighters");
Set("/:mainvolume", 0.3);
Set("/:changetime", 20);
Set("maske:format", "normal");
_quality = "high";
if (getProperty("/alles/figuren", _currentframe) == 1) {
tellTarget ("/alles/figuren") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
tellTarget ("tabfix") {
tellTarget ("/keytest") {
Set("/:spielstart", 0);
Set("/:lasttheme", "mainmenu");
Set("/:lastmenu", "mainmenu");
if (Number(/:firststart) < 1) {
Set("/:firststart", 1);
tellTarget ("/comm") {
gotoAndStop ("initialize");
Symbol 1057 MovieClip Frame 25
Set("maske:format", "hoch");
Set("maske:format", "hoch");
Symbol 1057 MovieClip Frame 53
if (/:pause != 1) {
Set("/:pause", 1);
tellTarget ("pausenmenu") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1057 MovieClip Frame 64
Set("/:spielstart", 1);
tellTarget ("tabfix") {
tellTarget ("/alles") {
gotoAndStop ("start");
Symbol 1060 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/:esc == 1) {
Set("/:space", 1);
if (((/:space == 1) and (/:oldspace != 1)) and (spacewait < 0)) {
spacewait = 5;
if (/:pause == 1) {
tellTarget ("/cover/hauptmenu/pausenmenu") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Set("/:pause", 0);
} else {
tellTarget ("/cover/hauptmenu") {
Set("/:pause", 1);
Set("/:oldspace", /:space);
spacewait = spacewait - 1;
Symbol 1060 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1062 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1062 MovieClip Frame 3
Set("/:error", 1);
Set("/:pause", 1);
tellTarget ("/cover/hauptmenu/pausenmenu") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1062 MovieClip Frame 5
Set("/:speichern", 1);
tellTarget ("/cover/hauptmenu/pausenmenu") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1062 MovieClip Frame 7
Set("/:onlinereg", 1);
tellTarget ("/cover/hauptmenu/pausenmenu") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1062 MovieClip Frame 9
Set("/:changeid", 1);
tellTarget ("/cover/hauptmenu/pausenmenu") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1075 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/:letsroll == 1) {
Symbol 1075 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1075 MovieClip Frame 5
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1075 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1075 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1077 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1134 MovieClip Frame 1
_visible = 0;
Symbol 1137 MovieClip Frame 1
if (ini != 1) {
Set("/:music", "none");
count = 1;
change = 0;
Set("/:mainvolume", 0);
Set("/:changetime", 10);
maxvol = 100;
track1 = new Sound(trackclip);
track1.start(0, 999);
vol_track1 = maxvol;
ini = 1;
if (0 >= change) {
if (/:music != oldmusic) {
prev_music = oldmusic;
count = count + 1;
duplicateMovieClip ("trackclip", "clip" + count, count);
change = /:changetime;
volstep = maxvol / _root.changetime;
vol_track2 = 0;
vol_track1 = maxvol;
Set("track" + count, new Sound(eval ("clip" + count)));
eval ("track" + count).attachSound(/:music);
eval ("track" + count).start(0, 999);
oldmusic = /:music;
if (0 < change) {
change = change - 1;
if (0 < vol_track1) {
vol_track1 = vol_track1 - volstep;
vol_track2 = vol_track2 + volstep;
if (vol_track1 < 2) {
eval ("track" + (count - 1)).stop(prev_music);
removeMovieClip("clip" + (count - 1));
} else {
eval ("track" + (count - 1)).setVolume(vol_track1 * /:mainvolume);
eval ("track" + count).setVolume(vol_track2 * /:mainvolume);
Symbol 1137 MovieClip Frame 2