Frame 1
ifFrameLoaded (10) {
gotoAndPlay (3);
Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Frame 3
myArray = new Array();
myArray[0] = "red";
myArray[1] = "yellow";
myArray[2] = 1;
if (myArray[2] == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Frame 4
Frame 108
s = new Sound();
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "LoadingBar" in Frame 108
onClipEvent (load) {
var totalbytes = 1326125;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var bytesloaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
var percentage = (bytesloaded / totalbytes);
_root.LoadingBar.Loaded.Percent.Loaded = int(percentage * 100);
if ((20 < _root.LoadingBar.Loaded.Percent.Loaded) and (Passe20 != true)) {
Passe20 = true;
tellTarget ("_root.LoadingBar") {
gotoAndPlay ("20");
if ((30 < _root.LoadingBar.Loaded.Percent.Loaded) and (Passe30 != true)) {
Passe30 = true;
tellTarget ("_root.LoadingBar") {
gotoAndPlay ("30");
if ((40 < _root.LoadingBar.Loaded.Percent.Loaded) and (Passe40 != true)) {
Passe40 = true;
tellTarget ("_root.LoadingBar") {
gotoAndPlay ("40");
if ((50 < _root.LoadingBar.Loaded.Percent.Loaded) and (Passe50 != true)) {
Passe50 = true;
tellTarget ("_root.LoadingBar") {
gotoAndPlay ("50");
if ((60 < _root.LoadingBar.Loaded.Percent.Loaded) and (Passe60 != true)) {
Passe60 = true;
tellTarget ("_root.LoadingBar") {
gotoAndPlay ("60");
if ((70 < _root.LoadingBar.Loaded.Percent.Loaded) and (Passe70 != true)) {
Passe70 = true;
tellTarget ("_root.LoadingBar") {
gotoAndPlay ("70");
if ((80 < _root.LoadingBar.Loaded.Percent.Loaded) and (Passe80 != true)) {
Passe80 = true;
tellTarget ("_root.LoadingBar") {
gotoAndPlay ("80");
if ((90 < _root.LoadingBar.Loaded.Percent.Loaded) and (Passe90 != true)) {
Passe90 = true;
tellTarget ("_root.LoadingBar") {
gotoAndPlay ("90");
if ((99 < _root.LoadingBar.Loaded.Percent.Loaded) and (Passe100 != true)) {
Passe100 = true;
tellTarget ("_root.LoadingBar") {
gotoAndPlay ("100");
ifFrameLoaded (537) {
if (/:Instru != true) {
tellTarget ("_root.InstructionButton") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (99 < _root.LoadingBar.Loaded.Percent.Loaded) {
_root.LoadingBar.Loaded.Percent.Loaded = 100;
Frame 517
Frame 519
Frame 521
Frame 523
Frame 525
Frame 527
Frame 529
Frame 531
Frame 533
Frame 534
Frame 537
Set("/:Instru", true);
Frame 538
Frame 539
Frame 540
Frame 541
Frame 542
Frame 543
Frame 544
Frame 556
Frame 557
Frame 690
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=7&stage=1", 0);
Frame 691
s = new Sound();
Frame 696
gotoAndPlay (698);
Frame 698
setProperty("/Gts", _visible , 1);
Set("/Variables:From", "Debut");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P1");
Set("/Variables:DistanceX", -1 * (getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _x) - getProperty("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination, _x)));
Set("/Variables:DistanceY", -1 * (getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _y) - getProperty("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination, _y)));
if (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceX) >= Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceY)) {
if (/Variables:DistanceX < 0) {
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:Vitesse * -1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:Vitesse);
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:DistanceY / (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceX) / /Variables:Vitesse));
} else {
if (/Variables:DistanceY < 0) {
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:Vitesse * -1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:Vitesse);
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:DistanceX / (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceY) / /Variables:Vitesse));
gotoAndPlay (699);
Frame 700
tellTarget ("_root.Gts") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (/Variables:HelicoTourne == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Gts.Helico") {
Set("/Variables:Grimpe", false);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
Set("/Variables:Decale", 0.05);
Set("/Variables:EtatVide", "Tab1Stoppe");
Set("/Variables:EtatActif", "Tab1");
if (/Variables:From == "FalaiseTab2") {
Set("/Variables:DeltaTombe", 3);
Set("/Variables:GrosBobo", true);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 124);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , -85);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Tombe");
if (/Variables:From == "Tab5") {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 536);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 340);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (/Variables:From == "Tab2") {
gotoAndStop (715);
if (/Variables:From == "Debut") {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 30);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 387);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 2135 MovieClip in Frame 700
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
if (/Variables:Stoppe != true) {
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
if (((_root.CacheSac.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:CordeRamasse == false)) and Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) and (/Variables:GardeEcrase == true)) {
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=7&stage=8", 0);
tellTarget ("_root.Sac") {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndRamasse");
tellTarget ("_root.RochesDerriere.Corde") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Set("/Variables:InvNb", /Variables:InvNb + 1);
Set("/Variables:InvObjet" + /Variables:InvNb, 3);
tellTarget ("_root.Inventaire.ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop (4);
Set("/Variables:CordeRamasse", true);
if (_root.CacheVersTab5.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab5Ini");
if ((_root.CacheGrenade.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and Key.IsDown(Key.Space)) and (/Variables:GrenadePlace == true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("ExploseRocher");
if ((_root.CacheGrimpe.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and Key.IsDown(Key.Space)) and (/Variables:ObjetSelect == 5)) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("StepGrimpeTab1");
if ((_root.CacheGrimpe2.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and Key.IsDown(Key.Space)) and (/Variables:ObjetSelect == 5)) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("StepGrimpeTab1Haut");
if (_root.CacheZoneTir.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true) and (/Variables:GardeTir == false)) {
Set("/Variables:GardeTir", true);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeTir") {
} else if (!_root.CacheZoneTir.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (((((!Key.isDown(Key.Down)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) and (Idle == false)) {
Idle = true;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Idle");
if (Key.isDown(Key.SHIFT)) {
Set("/Variables:Run", true);
} else {
Set("/Variables:Run", false);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) and (!Key.isDown(Key.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.DOWN))) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Right");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Right");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) and (!Key.isDown(Key.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.DOWN))) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Left");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Left");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Up");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.DOWN) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Down");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DOWN");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and Key.isDown(Key.Right)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("UpRight");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and Key.isDown(Key.Left)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("UpLeft");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.Down) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and Key.isDown(Key.Left)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DownLeft");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.Down) and Key.isDown(Key.Right)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DownRight");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if ((((Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
if (Trou.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) == true) {
Set("/Variables:DeltaTombe", /Trou:Niveau);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Tombe");
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
if ((/Variables:HelicoPet == false) and (/Variables:HelicoTourne == false)) {
setProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _x , getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _x) + /Variables:MoveX);
setProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _y , getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _y) + /Variables:MoveY);
if (_root.Gts.Helico.hitTest(_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace) and (/Variables:HelicoSonArrive != true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.SonsHelico") {
gotoAndPlay ("HelicoPasse");
} else if (!_root.Gts.Helico.hitTest(_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace)) {
Set("/Variables:HelicoSonArrive", false);
if (_root.Gts.Helico.hitTest("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination)) {
if (/Variables:Destination eq "P1") {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 33) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P2");
} else if (Random < 66) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P11");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P2") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P3");
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P3") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P4");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P2");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P4") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P3");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P5") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
if (/Variables:TableauStep == 2) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 70) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 45) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else if (/Variables:TableauStep == 2) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 70) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P4");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 45) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P4");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P6") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P7");
} else if (/Variables:TableauStep == 2) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 70) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 45) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P7") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P8");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P8") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P9");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P7");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P9") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P10");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P8");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P10") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P11");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P9");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P11") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P10");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P12") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 65) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P2");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 65) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P11");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P13") {
if (/Variables:MoveY < 0) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 50) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else {
Random = random(100);
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
if (Random < 50) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:DistanceX", -1 * (getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _x) - getProperty("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination, _x)));
Set("/Variables:DistanceY", -1 * (getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _y) - getProperty("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination, _y)));
if (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceX) >= Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceY)) {
if (/Variables:DistanceX < 0) {
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:Vitesse * -1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:Vitesse);
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:DistanceY / (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceX) / /Variables:Vitesse));
} else {
if (/Variables:DistanceY < 0) {
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:Vitesse * -1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:Vitesse);
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:DistanceX / (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceY) / /Variables:Vitesse));
} else if (/Variables:HelicoTourne == false) {
setProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _visible , 0);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
Frame 701
Set("/Variables:Grimpe", false);
Frame 710
Set("/Variables:Grimpe", true);
if (250 < getProperty("_root.Meg", _y)) {
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x));
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y));
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _xscale , getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale));
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _yscale , getProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 0);
} else {
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x));
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) + 60);
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _xscale , getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale));
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _yscale , getProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 0);
if ((/Variables:GardeArrive == true) and (/Variables:GardeEcrase == false)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeTir") {
Instance of Symbol 2143 MovieClip in Frame 710
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
if (/Variables:Stoppe != true) {
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
if (_root.CacheNeige.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("AvalancheTab1");
if (/Variables:GardeArrive == true) {
if ((_root.CacheZoneTir.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true) and (/Variables:GardeTir == false)) and (/Variables:GardeEcrase == false)) {
Set("/Variables:GardeTir", true);
tellTarget ("_root.GardeTir") {
} else if (!_root.CacheZoneTir.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if ((/Variables:HelicoPet == false) and (/Variables:HelicoTourne == false)) {
setProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _x , getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _x) + /Variables:MoveX);
setProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _y , getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _y) + /Variables:MoveY);
if (_root.Gts.Helico.hitTest(_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace) and (/Variables:HelicoSonArrive != true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.SonsHelico") {
gotoAndPlay ("HelicoPasse");
} else if (!_root.Gts.Helico.hitTest(_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace)) {
Set("/Variables:HelicoSonArrive", false);
if (_root.Gts.Helico.hitTest("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination)) {
if (/Variables:Destination eq "P1") {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 33) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P2");
} else if (Random < 66) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P11");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P2") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P3");
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P3") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P4");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P2");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P4") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P3");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P5") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
if (/Variables:TableauStep == 2) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 70) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 45) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else if (/Variables:TableauStep == 2) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 70) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P4");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 45) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P4");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P6") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P7");
} else if (/Variables:TableauStep == 2) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 70) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 45) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P7") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P8");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P8") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P9");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P7");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P9") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P10");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P8");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P10") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P11");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P9");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P11") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P10");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P12") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 65) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P2");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 65) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P11");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P13") {
if (/Variables:MoveY < 0) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 50) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else {
Random = random(100);
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
if (Random < 50) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:DistanceX", -1 * (getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _x) - getProperty("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination, _x)));
Set("/Variables:DistanceY", -1 * (getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _y) - getProperty("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination, _y)));
if (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceX) >= Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceY)) {
if (/Variables:DistanceX < 0) {
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:Vitesse * -1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:Vitesse);
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:DistanceY / (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceX) / /Variables:Vitesse));
} else {
if (/Variables:DistanceY < 0) {
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:Vitesse * -1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:Vitesse);
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:DistanceX / (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceY) / /Variables:Vitesse));
} else if (/Variables:HelicoTourne == false) {
setProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _visible , 0);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
Frame 715
Set("/Variables:Grimpe", true);
if (/Variables:From eq "Tab2") {
Set("/Variables:From", "");
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _x , 105);
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _y , 34);
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _xscale , getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale));
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _yscale , getProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 0);
} else {
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x));
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y));
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _xscale , getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale));
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _yscale , getProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 0);
Instance of Symbol 2195 MovieClip in Frame 715
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
if (/Variables:Stoppe != true) {
if ((/Variables:HelicoPet == false) and (/Variables:HelicoTourne == false)) {
setProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _x , getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _x) + /Variables:MoveX);
setProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _y , getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _y) + /Variables:MoveY);
if (_root.Gts.Helico.hitTest(_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace) and (/Variables:HelicoSonArrive != true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.SonsHelico") {
gotoAndPlay ("HelicoPasse");
} else if (!_root.Gts.Helico.hitTest(_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace)) {
Set("/Variables:HelicoSonArrive", false);
if (_root.Gts.Helico.hitTest("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination)) {
if (/Variables:Destination eq "P1") {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 33) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P2");
} else if (Random < 66) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P11");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P2") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P3");
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P3") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P4");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P2");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P4") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P3");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P5") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
if (/Variables:TableauStep == 2) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 70) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 45) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else if (/Variables:TableauStep == 2) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 70) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P4");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 45) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P4");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P6") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P7");
} else if (/Variables:TableauStep == 2) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 70) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 45) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P7") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P8");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P8") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P9");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P7");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P9") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P10");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P8");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P10") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P11");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P9");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P11") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P10");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P12") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 65) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P2");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 65) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P11");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P13") {
if (/Variables:MoveY < 0) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 50) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else {
Random = random(100);
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
if (Random < 50) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:DistanceX", -1 * (getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _x) - getProperty("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination, _x)));
Set("/Variables:DistanceY", -1 * (getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _y) - getProperty("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination, _y)));
if (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceX) >= Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceY)) {
if (/Variables:DistanceX < 0) {
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:Vitesse * -1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:Vitesse);
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:DistanceY / (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceX) / /Variables:Vitesse));
} else {
if (/Variables:DistanceY < 0) {
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:Vitesse * -1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:Vitesse);
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:DistanceX / (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceY) / /Variables:Vitesse));
} else if (/Variables:HelicoTourne == false) {
setProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _visible , 0);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
Frame 721
Set("/Variables:HelicoArrive", false);
Set("/Variables:HelicoAction", false);
Set("/Variables:HelicoFlip", false);
Set("/Variables:HelicoPositionTir", false);
Set("/Variables:GardeRegarde", "Devant");
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=7&stage=9", 0);
Frame 722
tellTarget ("_root.Gts") {
gotoAndStop (4);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
Set("/Variables:Decale", 0.05);
Set("/Variables:EtatVide", "Tab2Stoppe");
Set("/Variables:EtatActif", "Tab2");
if (/Variables:From == "Tab1") {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 198);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 382);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (6);
if (/Variables:From == "Tab3") {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 555);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 219);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (4);
Instance of Symbol 2238 MovieClip in Frame 722
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
if (/Variables:Stoppe != true) {
if (_root.CacheCachette.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
setProperty("_root.CachetteGrotte", _visible , 1);
} else {
setProperty("_root.CachetteGrotte", _visible , 0);
if ((/Variables:HelicoArrive == true) and (/Variables:HelicoPet == false)) {
if (/Variables:HelicoAction == false) {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:HelicoCours", "HelicoGauche");
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoGauche") {
} else {
Set("/Variables:HelicoCours", "HelicoDroite");
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoDroite") {
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
if ((_root.CacheGrimpe.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and Key.IsDown(Key.Space)) and (/Variables:ObjetSelect == 5)) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("StepGrimpeTab2");
if ((_root.CacheTireCorde.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and Key.IsDown(Key.Space)) and (/Variables:CordePris == true)) {
if (/Variables:HelicoArrive == true) {
Set("/Variables:FrameHelico1", getProperty("_root.HelicoGauche", _currentframe));
Set("/Variables:FrameHelico2", getProperty("_root.HelicoDroite", _currentframe));
Set("/Variables:GardeRegarde", "Devant");
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoGauche") {
gotoAndStop ("Arret");
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoDroite") {
gotoAndStop ("Arret");
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("TireCordePris");
if ((_root.CacheTireCorde.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and Key.IsDown(Key.Space)) and (/Variables:CordePris != true)) {
if (/Variables:HelicoArrive == true) {
Set("/Variables:FrameHelico1", getProperty("_root.HelicoGauche", _currentframe));
Set("/Variables:FrameHelico2", getProperty("_root.HelicoDroite", _currentframe));
Set("/Variables:GardeRegarde", "Devant");
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoGauche") {
gotoAndStop ("Arret");
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoDroite") {
gotoAndStop ("Arret");
if (/Variables:ChariotRamenne != true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("Traverse");
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("TraverseSuite");
if (((_root.CacheCorde.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and Key.IsDown(Key.Space)) and (/Variables:StepAttache != true)) and (/Variables:ObjetSelect == 3)) {
if (/Variables:HelicoArrive == true) {
Set("/Variables:FrameHelico1", getProperty("_root.HelicoGauche", _currentframe));
Set("/Variables:FrameHelico2", getProperty("_root.HelicoDroite", _currentframe));
Set("/Variables:GardeRegarde", "Devant");
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoGauche") {
gotoAndStop ("Arret");
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoDroite") {
gotoAndStop ("Arret");
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("StepAttache");
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 0);
tellTarget ("_root.Inventaire.ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("_root.Corde") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
LongueurCorde = Math.sqrt(((getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - getProperty("_root.Corde", _x)) * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - getProperty("_root.Corde", _x))) + (((getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - 26) - getProperty("_root.Corde", _y)) * ((getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - 26) - getProperty("_root.Corde", _y))));
setProperty("_root.Corde", _xscale , (LongueurCorde * 100) / 145);
setProperty("_root.Corde", _yscale , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - getProperty("_root.Corde", _x));
setProperty("_root.Corde", _rotation , (Math.atan2((getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - 26) - getProperty("_root.Corde", _y), getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - getProperty("_root.Corde", _x)) * 180) / Math.PI);
if (_root.CacheVersTab1.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
Set("/Variables:From", "Tab2");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab1Ini");
if (_root.CacheVersTab3.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
Set("/Variables:From", "Tab2");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab3Ini");
if (((((!Key.isDown(Key.Down)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) and (Idle == false)) {
Idle = true;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Idle");
if (Key.isDown(Key.SHIFT)) {
Set("/Variables:Run", true);
} else {
Set("/Variables:Run", false);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) and (!Key.isDown(Key.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.DOWN))) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Right");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Right");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) and (!Key.isDown(Key.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.DOWN))) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Left");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Left");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Up");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.DOWN) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Down");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DOWN");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and Key.isDown(Key.Right)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("UpRight");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and Key.isDown(Key.Left)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("UpLeft");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.Down) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and Key.isDown(Key.Left)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DownLeft");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.Down) and Key.isDown(Key.Right)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DownRight");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if ((((Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
if (Trou.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) == true) {
Set("/Variables:DeltaTombe", /Trou:Niveau);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Tombe");
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
if ((/Variables:HelicoPet == false) and (/Variables:HelicoTourne == false)) {
if (/Variables:HelicoArrive == false) {
if (_root.Gts.Helico.hitTest(_root.Gts.P13) and (/Variables:Destination eq "P13")) {
Set("/Variables:HelicoArrive", true);
} else if (_root.Gts.Helico.hitTest("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination)) {
if (/Variables:Destination eq "P1") {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 33) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P2");
} else if (Random < 66) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P11");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P2") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P3");
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P3") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P4");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P2");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P4") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P3");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P5") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
if (/Variables:TableauStep == 2) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 70) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 45) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else if (/Variables:TableauStep == 2) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 70) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P4");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 45) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P4");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P6") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P7");
} else if (/Variables:TableauStep == 2) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 70) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 45) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P7") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P8");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P8") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P9");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P7");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P9") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P10");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P8");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P10") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P11");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P9");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P11") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P10");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P12") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 65) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P2");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 65) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P11");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P13") {
if (/Variables:MoveY < 0) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 50) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else {
Random = random(100);
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
if (Random < 50) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:DistanceX", -1 * (getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _x) - getProperty("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination, _x)));
Set("/Variables:DistanceY", -1 * (getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _y) - getProperty("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination, _y)));
if (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceX) >= Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceY)) {
if (/Variables:DistanceX < 0) {
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:Vitesse * -1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:Vitesse);
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:DistanceY / (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceX) / /Variables:Vitesse));
} else {
if (/Variables:DistanceY < 0) {
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:Vitesse * -1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:Vitesse);
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:DistanceX / (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceY) / /Variables:Vitesse));
} else {
setProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _x , getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _x) + /Variables:MoveX);
setProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _y , getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _y) + /Variables:MoveY);
} else if (/Variables:HelicoTourne == false) {
setProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _visible , 0);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
Frame 723
Frame 733
if (193 < getProperty("_root.Meg", _y)) {
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x));
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y));
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _xscale , getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale));
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _yscale , getProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 0);
} else {
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x));
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) + 60);
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _xscale , getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale));
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _yscale , getProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 0);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _x));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _y));
Set("/Variables:Grimpe", true);
Instance of Symbol 2243 MovieClip in Frame 733
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (/Variables:Stoppe != true) {
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
if (((_root.CacheCordePris.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true) and Key.IsDown(Key.Space)) and (/Variables:ObjetSelect == 1)) and (/Variables:CordePris == true)) {
if (/Variables:HelicoArrive == true) {
Set("/Variables:FrameHelico1", getProperty("_root.HelicoGauche", _currentframe));
Set("/Variables:FrameHelico2", getProperty("_root.HelicoDroite", _currentframe));
Set("/Variables:GardeRegarde", "Devant");
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoGauche") {
gotoAndStop ("Arret");
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoDroite") {
gotoAndStop ("Arret");
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("CordeDepris");
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
LongueurCorde = Math.sqrt(((getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - getProperty("_root.Corde", _x)) * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - getProperty("_root.Corde", _x))) + (((getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - 26) - getProperty("_root.Corde", _y)) * ((getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - 26) - getProperty("_root.Corde", _y))));
setProperty("_root.Corde", _xscale , (LongueurCorde * 100) / 145);
setProperty("_root.Corde", _yscale , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - getProperty("_root.Corde", _x));
setProperty("_root.Corde", _rotation , (Math.atan2((getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - 26) - getProperty("_root.Corde", _y), getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - getProperty("_root.Corde", _x)) * 180) / Math.PI);
if ((/Variables:HelicoArrive == true) and (/Variables:HelicoPet == false)) {
if (/Variables:HelicoAction == false) {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:HelicoCours", "HelicoGauche");
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoGauche") {
} else {
Set("/Variables:HelicoCours", "HelicoDroite");
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoDroite") {
if ((/Variables:HelicoPet == false) and (/Variables:HelicoTourne == false)) {
if (/Variables:HelicoArrive == false) {
if (_root.Gts.Helico.hitTest(_root.Gts.P13) and (/Variables:Destination eq "P13")) {
Set("/Variables:HelicoArrive", true);
} else if (_root.Gts.Helico.hitTest("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination)) {
if (/Variables:Destination eq "P1") {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 33) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P2");
} else if (Random < 66) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P11");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P2") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P3");
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P3") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P4");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P2");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P4") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P3");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P5") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
if (/Variables:TableauStep == 2) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 70) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 45) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else if (/Variables:TableauStep == 2) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 70) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P4");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 45) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P4");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P6") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P7");
} else if (/Variables:TableauStep == 2) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 70) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 45) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P7") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P8");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P8") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P9");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P7");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P9") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P10");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P8");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P10") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P11");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P9");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P11") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P10");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P12") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 65) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P2");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 65) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P11");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P13") {
if (/Variables:MoveY < 0) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 50) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else {
Random = random(100);
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
if (Random < 50) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:DistanceX", -1 * (getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _x) - getProperty("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination, _x)));
Set("/Variables:DistanceY", -1 * (getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _y) - getProperty("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination, _y)));
if (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceX) >= Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceY)) {
if (/Variables:DistanceX < 0) {
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:Vitesse * -1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:Vitesse);
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:DistanceY / (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceX) / /Variables:Vitesse));
} else {
if (/Variables:DistanceY < 0) {
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:Vitesse * -1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:Vitesse);
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:DistanceX / (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceY) / /Variables:Vitesse));
} else {
setProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _x , getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _x) + /Variables:MoveX);
setProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _y , getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _y) + /Variables:MoveY);
} else if (/Variables:HelicoTourne == false) {
setProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _visible , 0);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
Frame 740
Set("/Variables:HelicoArrive", false);
Set("/Variables:HelicoAction", false);
Set("/Variables:HelicoFlip", false);
Set("/Variables:HelicoPositionTir", false);
Set("/Variables:GardeRegarde", "Devant");
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=7&stage=14", 0);
Frame 741
tellTarget ("_root.Gts") {
gotoAndStop (6);
if (/Variables:HelicoTourne == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Gts.Helico") {
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
Set("/Variables:Decale", 0.05);
Set("/Variables:EtatVide", "Tab3Stoppe");
Set("/Variables:EtatActif", "Tab3");
if (/Variables:From == "Tab2") {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 169);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 353);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (7);
if (/Variables:From == "Tab4") {
gotoAndStop (750);
Instance of Symbol 2268 MovieClip in Frame 741
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
if (/Variables:Stoppe != true) {
if ((/Variables:HelicoArrive == true) and (/Variables:HelicoPet == false)) {
if (/Variables:HelicoAction == false) {
Set("/Variables:HelicoCours", "HelicoGauche");
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoGauche") {
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
if (164 < getProperty("_root.Meg", _y)) {
setProperty("_root.ColonneDevant", _visible , "0");
setProperty("_root.CordageDevant", _visible , "0");
} else {
setProperty("_root.ColonneDevant", _visible , "1");
setProperty("_root.CordageDevant", _visible , "1");
if (_root.CacheVersTab2.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
Set("/Variables:From", "Tab3");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab2Ini");
if ((_root.CacheNeigeMolle1.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) or _root.CacheNeigeMolle2.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) or _root.CacheNeigeMolle3.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
if (/Variables:HelicoArrive == true) {
Set("/Variables:FrameHelico1", getProperty("_root.HelicoGauche", _currentframe));
Set("/Variables:FrameHelico2", getProperty("_root.HelicoDroite", _currentframe));
Set("/Variables:GardeRegarde", "Devant");
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoGauche") {
gotoAndStop ("Arret");
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoDroite") {
gotoAndStop ("Arret");
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("DefonceNeige");
if (((_root.CacheActionCorde.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and Key.IsDown(Key.Space)) and (/Variables:ObjetSelect == 1)) and (/Variables:PioletAttache == false)) {
if (/Variables:HelicoArrive == true) {
Set("/Variables:FrameHelico1", getProperty("_root.HelicoGauche", _currentframe));
Set("/Variables:FrameHelico2", getProperty("_root.HelicoDroite", _currentframe));
Set("/Variables:GardeRegarde", "Devant");
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoGauche") {
gotoAndStop ("Arret");
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoDroite") {
gotoAndStop ("Arret");
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("AttachePiolet");
if ((((_root.CacheActionPiolet.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and Key.IsDown(Key.Space)) and (/Variables:HelicoAttache == true)) and (/Variables:PioletAttache == true)) and (/Variables:PassageOuvertTab3 == false)) {
if (/Variables:HelicoArrive == true) {
Set("/Variables:FrameHelico1", getProperty("_root.HelicoGauche", _currentframe));
Set("/Variables:FrameHelico2", getProperty("_root.HelicoDroite", _currentframe));
Set("/Variables:GardeRegarde", "Devant");
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoGauche") {
gotoAndStop ("Arret");
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoDroite") {
gotoAndStop ("Arret");
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("HelicoPet");
if (((_root.CacheGrimpe.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and Key.IsDown(Key.Space)) and (/Variables:PassageOuvertTab3 == true)) and (/Variables:ObjetSelect == 5)) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("StepGrimpeTab3");
if (((((!Key.isDown(Key.Down)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) and (Idle == false)) {
Idle = true;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Idle");
if (Key.isDown(Key.SHIFT)) {
Set("/Variables:Run", true);
} else {
Set("/Variables:Run", false);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) and (!Key.isDown(Key.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.DOWN))) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Right");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Right");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) and (!Key.isDown(Key.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.DOWN))) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Left");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Left");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Up");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.DOWN) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Down");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DOWN");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and Key.isDown(Key.Right)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("UpRight");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and Key.isDown(Key.Left)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("UpLeft");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.Down) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and Key.isDown(Key.Left)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DownLeft");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.Down) and Key.isDown(Key.Right)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DownRight");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if ((((Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
if (Trou.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) == true) {
Set("/Variables:DeltaTombe", /Trou:Niveau);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Tombe");
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
if ((/Variables:HelicoPet == false) and (/Variables:HelicoTourne == false)) {
if (/Variables:HelicoArrive == false) {
if (_root.Gts.Helico.hitTest(_root.Gts.P7) and (/Variables:Destination eq "P7")) {
Set("/Variables:HelicoArrive", true);
} else if (_root.Gts.Helico.hitTest("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination)) {
if (/Variables:Destination eq "P1") {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 33) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P2");
} else if (Random < 66) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P11");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P2") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P3");
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P3") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P4");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P2");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P4") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P3");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P5") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
if (/Variables:TableauStep == 2) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 70) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 45) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else if (/Variables:TableauStep == 2) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 70) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P4");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 45) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P4");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P6") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P7");
} else if (/Variables:TableauStep == 2) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 70) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 45) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P7") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P8");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P8") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P9");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P7");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P9") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P10");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P8");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P10") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P11");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P9");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P11") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P10");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P12") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 65) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P2");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 65) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P11");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P13") {
if (/Variables:MoveY < 0) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 50) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else {
Random = random(100);
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
if (Random < 50) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:DistanceX", -1 * (getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _x) - getProperty("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination, _x)));
Set("/Variables:DistanceY", -1 * (getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _y) - getProperty("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination, _y)));
if (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceX) >= Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceY)) {
if (/Variables:DistanceX < 0) {
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:Vitesse * -1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:Vitesse);
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:DistanceY / (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceX) / /Variables:Vitesse));
} else {
if (/Variables:DistanceY < 0) {
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:Vitesse * -1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:Vitesse);
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:DistanceX / (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceY) / /Variables:Vitesse));
} else {
setProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _x , getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _x) + /Variables:MoveX);
setProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _y , getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _y) + /Variables:MoveY);
} else if (/Variables:HelicoTourne == false) {
setProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _visible , 0);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
Frame 742
Frame 750
Set("/Variables:Grimpe", true);
if (/Variables:From == "Tab4") {
Set("/Variables:From", "");
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _x , 312);
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _y , 45);
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _xscale , getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale));
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _yscale , getProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 0);
} else {
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x));
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y));
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _xscale , getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale));
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _yscale , getProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 0);
Frame 756
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=7&stage=18", 0);
if (/Variables:GtsOuvert == true) {
setProperty("_root.Gts", _visible , 1);
} else {
setProperty("_root.Gts", _visible , 0);
Frame 757
tellTarget ("_root.Gts") {
gotoAndStop (8);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
Set("/Variables:Decale", 0.05);
Set("/Variables:EtatVide", "Tab4Stoppe");
Set("/Variables:EtatActif", "Tab4");
if (/Variables:From == "Tab3") {
gotoAndStop (767);
} else {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 330);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 275);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (7);
Instance of Symbol 2379 MovieClip in Frame 757
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
if (/Variables:Stoppe != true) {
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
if (_root.CamionDerriere.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:Avalanche == false)) {
setProperty("_root.CamionDevant", _visible , 1);
} else {
setProperty("_root.CamionDevant", _visible , 0);
if ((getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) < 263) and (/Variables:Avalanche == false)) {
setProperty("_root.Roche1Devant", _visible , 1);
setProperty("_root.Roche2Devant", _visible , 1);
} else {
setProperty("_root.Roche1Devant", _visible , 0);
setProperty("_root.Roche2Devant", _visible , 0);
if ((_root.CacheGrimpe.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and Key.IsDown(Key.Space)) and (/Variables:ObjetSelect == 5)) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("StepGrimpeTab4");
if ((_root.CacheBoite.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and Key.IsDown(Key.Space)) and (/Variables:GrenadeRamasse == false)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("PrendGrenade");
if ((_root.CacheLanceGrenade.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and Key.IsDown(Key.Space)) and (/Variables:ObjetSelect == 4)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("LanceGrenade");
if (_root.CacheVersFinale.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Finale");
if (_root.Garde2.ZoneTir.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:Avalanche == false)) {
if (/Variables:GardeTir2 == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Garde2") {
if ((/Variables:Garde2Action == false) and (/Variables:GardeTir2 == true)) {
if (_root.Garde2.GardeTir.CacheE.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Garde2.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("E");
if (_root.Garde2.GardeTir.CacheNE.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Garde2.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("NE");
if (_root.Garde2.GardeTir.CacheN.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Garde2.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("N");
if (_root.Garde2.GardeTir.CacheNO.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Garde2.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("NO");
if (_root.Garde2.GardeTir.CacheO.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Garde2.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("O");
if (_root.Garde2.GardeTir.CacheSO.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Garde2.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("SO");
if (_root.Garde2.GardeTir.CacheS.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Garde2.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("S");
if (_root.Garde2.GardeTir.CacheSE.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Garde2.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("SE");
} else if ((/Variables:Avalanche == false) and (/Variables:GardeTir2 == true)) {
Set("/Variables:GardeTir2", false);
tellTarget ("_root.Garde2") {
if (_root.Garde1.ZoneTir.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:Avalanche == false)) {
if (/Variables:GardeTir1 == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Garde1") {
if ((/Variables:Garde1Action == false) and (/Variables:GardeTir1 == true)) {
if (_root.Garde1.GardeTir.CacheE.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Garde1.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("E");
if (_root.Garde1.GardeTir.CacheNE.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Garde1.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("NE");
if (_root.Garde1.GardeTir.CacheN.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Garde1.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("N");
if (_root.Garde1.GardeTir.CacheNO.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Garde1.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("NO");
if (_root.Garde1.GardeTir.CacheO.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Garde1.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("O");
if (_root.Garde1.GardeTir.CacheSO.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Garde1.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("SO");
if (_root.Garde1.GardeTir.CacheS.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Garde1.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("S");
if (_root.Garde1.GardeTir.CacheSE.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Garde1.GardeTir") {
gotoAndStop ("SE");
} else if ((/Variables:Avalanche == false) and (/Variables:GardeTir1 == true)) {
Set("/Variables:GardeTir1", false);
tellTarget ("_root.Garde1") {
if (((((!Key.isDown(Key.Down)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) and (Idle == false)) {
Idle = true;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Idle");
if (Key.isDown(Key.SHIFT)) {
Set("/Variables:Run", true);
} else {
Set("/Variables:Run", false);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) and (!Key.isDown(Key.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.DOWN))) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Right");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Right");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) and (!Key.isDown(Key.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.DOWN))) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Left");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Left");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Up");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.DOWN) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Down");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DOWN");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and Key.isDown(Key.Right)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("UpRight");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and Key.isDown(Key.Left)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("UpLeft");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.Down) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and Key.isDown(Key.Left)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DownLeft");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.Down) and Key.isDown(Key.Right)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DownRight");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if ((((Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
if (Trou.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) == true) {
Set("/Variables:DeltaTombe", /Trou:Niveau);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Tombe");
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
if (/Variables:J2 == true) {
if ((/Variables:VersEntree2 == 0) and (/Variables:VersEntree3 == 0)) {
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) + 1)) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) + 1))) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x));
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y));
if (getProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible) == 1) {
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 0);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 1);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau);
if (/Variables:BebitteCours eq "BebitteEntree2") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree2", 1);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree21");
} else if (/Variables:BebitteCours eq "BebitteEntree3") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree3", 1);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree31");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen");
} else {
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 1);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte");
Set("/Variables:Tableau", /Variables:TableauTemp);
} else if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) + 20)) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) + 20))) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
tellTarget ("/Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MokoBouffe");
} else if (/Variables:VersEntree2 == 1) {
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) + 1)) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) + 1))) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x));
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y));
if (/Variables:TableauTemp eq "Entree2") {
if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree21") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree22");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree22") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree23");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree23") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree24");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if ((/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree24") and (getProperty("/Gts", _currentframe) == 3)) {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen");
Set("/Variables:Direction", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree2") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree2", 0);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 1);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte");
Set("/Variables:Tableau", /Variables:TableauTemp);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree21") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree2");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree22") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree21");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree23") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree22");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree24") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree23");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
Set("/Variables:Direction", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree24");
} else if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) + 20)) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) + 20))) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
tellTarget ("/Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MokoBouffe");
} else if (/Variables:VersEntree3 == 1) {
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) + 1)) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) + 1))) and ((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - 1) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x));
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y));
if (/Variables:TableauTemp eq "Entree3") {
if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree31") {
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen");
Set("/Variables:Direction3", 1);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree3") {
Set("/Variables:VersEntree3", 0);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte", _visible , 1);
setProperty("/Gts/Bebitte" + /Variables:Tableau, _visible , 0);
Set("/Variables:BebitteCours", "Bebitte");
Set("/Variables:Tableau", /Variables:TableauTemp);
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "Entree31") {
Set("/Variables:Direction3", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree3");
} else if (/Variables:Tableau eq "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
Set("/Variables:Direction3", 0);
Set("/Variables:Tableau", "Entree31");
} else if ((((getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) + 20)) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x))) and (getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) < (((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) + 20))) and ((((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - 20) < getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y))) {
tellTarget ("/Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("MokoBouffe");
if (/Variables:Tableau ne "ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen") {
DistanceX = getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _x) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x);
DistanceY = getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:Tableau, _y) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y);
} else {
DistanceX = ((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _x) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _xscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _x)) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x);
DistanceY = ((getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace/GtsSteppen", _y) * (getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _yscale) / 100)) + getProperty("/Gts/ZoneDeplace", _y)) - getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y);
if (Math.abs(DistanceY) < Math.abs(DistanceX)) {
MoveX = (DistanceX / Math.abs(DistanceX)) / 2;
MoveY = (DistanceY / Math.abs(DistanceX)) / 2;
} else {
MoveY = (DistanceY / Math.abs(DistanceY)) / 2;
MoveX = (DistanceX / Math.abs(DistanceY)) / 2;
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _x) + MoveX);
setProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y , getProperty("/Gts/" + /Variables:BebitteCours, _y) + MoveY);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
Frame 758
Frame 767
if (/Variables:From == "Tab3") {
Set("/Variables:From", "");
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _xscale , getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale));
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _yscale , getProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 0);
} else {
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x));
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y));
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _xscale , getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale));
setProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _yscale , getProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 0);
Frame 775
tellTarget ("_root.Gts") {
gotoAndStop (10);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
Set("/Variables:Decale", 0);
Set("/Variables:EtatVide", "Tab5Stoppe");
Set("/Variables:EtatActif", "Tab5");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (7);
Instance of Symbol 2390 MovieClip in Frame 775
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
if (/Variables:Stoppe != true) {
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
if (_root.CacheVersTab1.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) or _root.CacheVersTab1b.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
Set("/Variables:From", "Tab5");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab1Ini");
if ((_root.CachePic.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:PicRamasse == false)) and Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) {
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=7&stage=3", 0);
tellTarget ("_root.Pic") {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndRamasse");
Set("/Variables:InvNb", /Variables:InvNb + 1);
Set("/Variables:InvObjet" + /Variables:InvNb, 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Inventaire.ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Set("/Variables:PicRamasse", true);
if ((_root.CacheGrapin.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) and (/Variables:GrapinRamasse == false)) and Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) {
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=7&stage=2", 0);
tellTarget ("_root.Grapin") {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndRamasse");
Set("/Variables:InvNb", /Variables:InvNb + 1);
Set("/Variables:InvObjet" + /Variables:InvNb, 2);
tellTarget ("_root.Inventaire.ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop (3);
Set("/Variables:GrapinRamasse", true);
if (((((!Key.isDown(Key.Down)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) and (Idle == false)) {
Idle = true;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Idle");
if (Key.isDown(Key.SHIFT)) {
Set("/Variables:Run", true);
} else {
Set("/Variables:Run", false);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) and (!Key.isDown(Key.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.DOWN))) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Right");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Right");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) and (!Key.isDown(Key.UP))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.DOWN))) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Left");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Left");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Up");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if ((Key.isDown(Key.DOWN) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Down");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DOWN");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and Key.isDown(Key.Right)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("UpRight");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.UP) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and Key.isDown(Key.Left)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("UpLeft");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.Down) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and Key.isDown(Key.Left)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Left");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DownLeft");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (((Key.isDown(Key.Down) and Key.isDown(Key.Right)) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Set("/Variables:Dir", "Right");
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL)) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
} else {
if (Idle == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Idle = false;
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("DownRight");
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
if (Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 7);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if ((((Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Down))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Right))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Left))) and (!Key.isDown(Key.Up))) {
Idle = false;
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg/Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Saute");
if (Trou.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true) == true) {
Set("/Variables:DeltaTombe", /Trou:Niveau);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop ("Tombe");
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
if (/Variables:HelicoTourne == false) {
setProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _x , getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _x) + /Variables:MoveX);
setProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _y , getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _y) + /Variables:MoveY);
if (_root.Gts.Helico.hitTest(_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace) and (/Variables:HelicoSonArrive != true)) {
tellTarget ("_root.SonsHelico") {
gotoAndPlay ("HelicoPasse");
} else if (!_root.Gts.Helico.hitTest(_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace)) {
Set("/Variables:HelicoSonArrive", false);
if (_root.Gts.Helico.hitTest("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination)) {
if (/Variables:Destination eq "P1") {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 33) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P2");
} else if (Random < 66) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P11");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P2") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P3");
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P3") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P4");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P2");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P4") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P3");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P5") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
if (/Variables:TableauStep == 2) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 70) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 45) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else if (/Variables:TableauStep == 2) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 70) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P4");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 45) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P4");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P6") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P7");
} else if (/Variables:TableauStep == 2) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 70) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 45) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P7") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P8");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P8") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P9");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P7");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P9") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P10");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P8");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P10") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P11");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P9");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P11") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P10");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P12") {
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Droite") {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 65) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P2");
} else {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 65) {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P13");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P11");
} else if (/Variables:Destination eq "P13") {
if (/Variables:MoveY < 0) {
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 50) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P6");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P5");
} else {
Random = random(100);
Set("/Variables:Destination", "P12");
if (Random < 50) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:DistanceX", -1 * (getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _x) - getProperty("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination, _x)));
Set("/Variables:DistanceY", -1 * (getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _y) - getProperty("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination, _y)));
if (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceX) >= Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceY)) {
if (/Variables:DistanceX < 0) {
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:Vitesse * -1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:Vitesse);
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:DistanceY / (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceX) / /Variables:Vitesse));
} else {
if (/Variables:DistanceY < 0) {
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:Vitesse * -1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:Vitesse);
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:DistanceX / (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceY) / /Variables:Vitesse));
Frame 776
Frame 785
gotoAndPlay (808);
Frame 792
gotoAndPlay (808);
Frame 803
gotoAndPlay (878);
Frame 808
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=7&stage=23", 0);
Frame 877
Frame 878
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=7&stage=21", 0);
Frame 1711
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=7&stage=22", 0);
Frame 1740
Symbol 6 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_self");
Symbol 10 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 39
Symbol 45 MovieClip Frame 80
Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 67 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget ("/") {
gotoAndPlay ("Commence");
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 23
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 35
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 48
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 62
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 76
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 90
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 104
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 105
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 106
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 107
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 108
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 109
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 110
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 111
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 112
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 113
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 114
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 115
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 116
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 117
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 118
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 119
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 120
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 121
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 122
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 123
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 124
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 125
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 126
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 142
Symbol 72 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Instructions");
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/:ViewInst == true) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 2
Set("/:ViewInst", true);
Symbol 96 MovieClip Frame 80
Symbol 150 MovieClip Frame 69
Symbol 153 Button
on (release) {
Set("/:Instru", false);
gotoAndPlay (109);
Symbol 164 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 173 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 199 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (691);
Symbol 427 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 431 MovieClip Frame 1
Fleche = 1;
Set("/:Idle", false);
InventaireOuvert = false;
LargeurObjet = 60;
InvNb = 0;
InvNbMax = 10;
InvObjetSelect = 0;
Instructions = "RULES\r\nIn Steppenwolf: The X-Creatures Project, you guide Meg Crimson and the Steppenwolf himself through a series of action- and logic-based interactive puzzles. \r\nThere are two major components to this application: the Main Game screen, where all the action takes place, and the Inventory page, where the player can stop to think, access stored information and manipulate a variety of items.\r\n\r\n1. The Main Game Screen\r\nCareful manipulation of the character and of the interactive environment is the key to success in this game. The following keyboard commands are available:\r\nUp, Down, Left and Right Arrows: walk in the appropriate direction\r\nUp/Right, Up/Left, Down/Left, Down/Right Arrow combinations: walk along diagonals\r\nHold SHIFT while pressing on a directional arrow combination: run in the appropriate direction\r\nCTRL: jump in the current direction of movement (not available in episode 1)\r\nSPACE: Context-sensitive \"Action Key\", which depends on the interactive element closest to the character's current position. Examples include opening a door, picking up a statue and storing it in the character's inventory, untying a knot to free a hostage, etc.\r\n\r\nThe game's on-screen interface items are very simple:\r\nThe Life Gauge located in the top-left corner measures the hero's current health level. Don't let it fall to zero, or the game is over. \r\nThe special icon located in the top-right corner gives you access to the Inventory screen. It will look like an electronic bracelet when Steppenwolf is the active character, and like a palmtop computer when Meg is in charge.\r\n\r\nFinally, three short-cut keys give quick access to the inventory: \r\nI: Open the inventory\r\nRight/Left arrows: to scroll the item list while the inventory is opened\r\nO: Close the inventory\r\nT: Store the active object and replace it with its successor.\r\n\r\n2.The Inventory Screen\r\nThis page contains four buttons, a slider which allows you to set the sound volume, and a display window whose contents depend on the state of the MAIL and ITEMS buttons.\r\na) MAIL and ITEMS buttons: Click on these buttons to toggle between MAIL and ITEMS mode. \r\nWhen MAIL is active, the display window shows a list of the recent email messages received by the hero. Click on the (underlined) sender's name to read a message; some messages also come with visual attachments, which can be accessed by clicking on the paper clip icon next to the sender's name. \r\nWhen ITEMS is active, a small area at the bottom of the display window is reserved to a scrolling list of the objects picked up by the characters since the beginning of the episode. Roll over the side edges of this area to scroll the list. Click on one of the objects to make it active; a detailed description will appear in the larger area of the display window. \r\nSome inventory items are components which can be assembled into more elaborate objects. For example, making an antidote potion may require several ingredients. If you drag a different object to the main display window while it's already showing something else, the two will automatically merge into one if appropriate. (Otherwise, the new item simply replaces the old one as active object.)\r\nb) OK button: returns to the main game screen\r\nc) HELP button: read the game's instructions\r\nd) QUIT button: leave the current episode and return to the series' main menu.\r\ne) IMAGE QUALITY buttons: if the animation is choppy or slow on your computer, select a lower image quality.\r\n\r\nMinimum system requirements:\r\nWindows 95/98/NT/2000\r\nMinimum 200MHz processor, Windows compatible sound card, 24 bit display.\r\nMacintosh OS\r\nMinimum 200MHz PowerPC processor, 24 bit display.\r\n";
InvObjet1 = 0;
InvObjet2 = 0;
InvObjet3 = 0;
InvObjet4 = 0;
InvObjet5 = 0;
InvObjet6 = 0;
InvObjet7 = 0;
InvObjet8 = 0;
InvObjet9 = 0;
InvObjet10 = 0;
InvMail = 0;
InvMailMax = 6;
InvMail1 = 1;
InvMail2 = 2;
InvMail3 = 0;
InvMail4 = 0;
InvMail5 = 0;
InvMail6 = 0;
Mail1 = "Meg, \r\nAs your first Secrets of the Wild assignment, you must seek out, find and film a legendary African creature known as the Mokele Mbembe. \r\nReportedly, this creature is as big as an elephant and can knock down trees with a single blow of its long and powerful tail. I say reportedly, because we have no formal proof that it exists: several scientific expeditions have visited the area since 1980, but failed to produce any conclusive evidence. However, given that legends concerning the monster have turned up all over central Africa, and that the local population is utterly terrified of the creature, we do believe that it is there, probably deep in the marshes beyond the source of the Congo river. \r\nA veteran cameraman by the name of Derek Murphy will assist you in this assignment. Don't be put off by his personality quirks; he's the best I've ever seen at what he does. We expect daily reports, which Derek will send us via satellite and which will be published on the World Geographic web site. We have already signed up over one hundred thousand subscribers; failure is not an option. \r\nAs I mentioned earlier when we talked in my office, you may want to contact a man known as the Steppenwolf. I know little about this guy, especially not whether he'll be of any help to you; all that my sources tell me is that he is a paleo-biologist and a self-proclaimed expert in the study of mythical and improbable animals. If that's true, he probably knows as much about the Mokele Mbembe as anyone. Apparently, he lives as a recluse, somewhere in the jungle near your destination, and he hasn't talked to anyone outside of the local tribe in years, so you'll have to be very convincing to squeeze any information out of him. For what it's worth, I have attached an old photograph of the man to this message. \r\nTime to get to work, now. A boat is waiting for you in Kisangani harbor. It will take you up the river, to the heart of the jungle. From then on, you're on your own. \r\nSincerely, \r\nMcAllister \r\n";
Mail2 = "Hey Meg,\r\nI hope that everything is nice and cozy for you in Africa. Have you met the Steppenwolf yet? Is he cooperative?\r\nWe're all looking forward to your first report. When do you think you'll be able to send it in?\r\nTalk to you soon,\r\nMcA";
GrimpeCentre = false;
Vie = 100;
PicRamasse = false;
GrapinRamasse = false;
CordeRamasse = false;
GrenadeRamasse = false;
Vitesse = 2;
FrameHelico1 = 0;
FrameHelico2 = 0;
HelicoArrive = false;
HelicoAction = false;
HelicoFlip = false;
HelicoPositionTir = false;
HelicoPet = false;
DirectionHelico = "Gauche";
GardeRegarde = "Devant";
GardeArrive = false;
GardeTir = false;
GardeEcrase = false;
GrenadePlace = false;
CordePris = true;
PioletAttache = false;
PassageOuvertTab3 = false;
HelicoAttache = false;
HelicoTourne = false;
Avalanche = false;
Symbol 441 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/Variables:HelicoTourne", false);
Symbol 441 MovieClip Frame 2
Set("/Variables:HelicoTourne", true);
Symbol 441 MovieClip Frame 124
if ((/Variables:EtatActif eq "Tab2") and (/Variables:HelicoArrive == true)) {
Symbol 441 MovieClip Frame 213
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 441 MovieClip Frame 214
Set("/Variables:HelicoTourne", true);
Symbol 441 MovieClip Frame 396
if ((/Variables:EtatActif eq "Tab2") and (/Variables:HelicoArrive == true)) {
Symbol 441 MovieClip Frame 470
Set("/Variables:HelicoTourne", false);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 2
Set("/Variables:TableauStep", 1);
Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 3
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 4
Set("/Variables:TableauStep", 2);
Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 5
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 6
Set("/Variables:TableauStep", 3);
Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 7
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 8
Set("/Variables:TableauStep", 4);
Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 9
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 10
Set("/Variables:TableauStep", 5);
Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 11
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _x , _root.Meg._x);
setProperty("_root.Gts.ZoneDeplace.GtsSteppen", _y , _root.Meg._y);
Symbol 453 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 453 MovieClip Frame 2
Set("/Variables:MegCri", true);
if (50 < random(100)) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 453 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 453 MovieClip Frame 9
Set("/Variables:MegCri", false);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 453 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 453 MovieClip Frame 15
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 453 MovieClip Frame 17
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 453 MovieClip Frame 22
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 453 MovieClip Frame 25
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 453 MovieClip Frame 28
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 453 MovieClip Frame 29
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 453 MovieClip Frame 34
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 453 MovieClip Frame 35
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 453 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 453 MovieClip Frame 41
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 453 MovieClip Frame 46
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndStop(/Variables:ObjetSelect + 1);
Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 2
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 1);
Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 3
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 2);
Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 4
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 3);
Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 5
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 4);
Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 6
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 5);
Symbol 484 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/Variables:GageLargeur", _width);
Symbol 484 MovieClip Frame 2
setProperty("Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 490 Button
on (release) {
if (/Variables:AnimJoue != true) {
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
if (/Variables:Grimpe == false) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
Symbol 492 Button
on (keyPress "t") {
if (/Variables:InvObjet1 != 0) {
if (/Variables:InvObjetSelect == 12) {
Set("/Variables:InvObjetSelect", 1);
tellTarget ("ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop(/Variables:InvObjet1 + 1);
} else if (eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + (/Variables:InvObjetSelect + 1)) != 0) {
Set("/Variables:InvObjetSelect", /Variables:InvObjetSelect + 1);
tellTarget ("ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop(eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + /Variables:InvObjetSelect) + 1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:InvObjetSelect", 1);
tellTarget ("ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop(/Variables:InvObjet1 + 1);
on (keyPress "T") {
if (/Variables:InvObjet1 != 0) {
if (/Variables:InvObjetSelect == 12) {
Set("/Variables:InvObjetSelect", 1);
tellTarget ("ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop(/Variables:InvObjet1 + 1);
} else if (eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + (/Variables:InvObjetSelect + 1)) != 0) {
Set("/Variables:InvObjetSelect", /Variables:InvObjetSelect + 1);
tellTarget ("ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop(eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + /Variables:InvObjetSelect) + 1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:InvObjetSelect", 1);
tellTarget ("ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop(/Variables:InvObjet1 + 1);
on (keyPress "i") {
if (/Variables:AnimJoue != true) {
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
if (/Variables:Grimpe == false) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
on (keyPress "I") {
if (/Variables:AnimJoue != true) {
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
if (/Variables:Grimpe == false) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
Symbol 493 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 493 MovieClip Frame 2
i = 1;
while ((/Variables:InvNb >= i) and (eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + i) != /Variables:ObjetRemove)) {
if (eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + i) != /Variables:ObjetRemove) {
i = i + 1;
k = i;
while (/Variables:InvNb >= k) {
Set("/Variables:InvObjet" + k, eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + (k + 1)));
k = k + 1;
Set("/Variables:InvObjet" + /Variables:InvNb, 0);
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 0);
tellTarget ("_root.Inventaire.ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Set("/Variables:InvNb", /Variables:InvNb - 1);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 505 Button
on (press) {
startDrag ("", false, left, top, right, bottom);
dragging = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
dragging = false;
Symbol 517 Button
on (release) {
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
if (/Variables:Grimpe == false) {
tellTarget ("/") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 527 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 536 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("/web/steppenwolf/play.jsp?end=true");
Symbol 539 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 540 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 548 Button
on (release) {
Set("/Variables:TransMail", /Variables:Instructions);
if (_currentframe == 2) {
tellTarget ("InvSelection") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("MailMovie") {
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 559 Button
on (release) {
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 0);
Set("/Variables:TransMail", "");
tellTarget ("MailMovie") {
gotoAndStop (1);
setProperty("/Gts", _x , 183);
setProperty("/Gts", _y , 173);
setProperty("/Gts", _xscale , 40);
setProperty("/Gts", _yscale , 40);
Symbol 561 Button
on (press) {
if (3 < /Variables:InvNb) {
Set("/Variables:Deplace", -1 * /Variables:LargeurObjet);
tellTarget ("ControlFleche") {
gotoAndPlay ("Deplace2");
on (release) {
if (3 < /Variables:InvNb) {
tellTarget ("ControlFleche") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 562 Button
on (press) {
if (3 < /Variables:InvNb) {
Set("/Variables:Deplace", /Variables:LargeurObjet);
tellTarget ("ControlFleche") {
gotoAndPlay ("Deplace2");
on (release) {
if (3 < /Variables:InvNb) {
tellTarget ("ControlFleche") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 564 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 564 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 564 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 567 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 567 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 574 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 574 MovieClip Frame 2
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 1);
Symbol 574 MovieClip Frame 3
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 2);
Symbol 574 MovieClip Frame 4
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 3);
Symbol 574 MovieClip Frame 5
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 4);
Symbol 574 MovieClip Frame 6
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 5);
Symbol 577 Button
on (press) {
tellTarget ("../../MailMovie") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("../../InvArrete") {
gotoAndStop ("Arret");
Set("/Variables:Xposition", _x);
Set("/Variables:Yposition", _y);
startDrag ("");
on (release, releaseOutside) {
Set("/Variables:InvObjetSelect", int(substring(_name, 6, 2)));
tellTarget ("../../InvArrete") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
_x = /Variables:Xposition;
_y = /Variables:Yposition;
if ((_droptarget eq "/Inventaire/DropZone") and (/Variables:ObjetSelect == 2)) {
Set("/Variables:InvNb", /Variables:InvNb - 1);
Set("/Variables:Inv" + _name, 5);
Set("/Variables:ObjetCombine", 2);
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=7&stage=4", 0);
tellTarget ("../../ControlCombine") {
tellTarget ("../../InvSelection") {
gotoAndStop (6);
} else {
Set("/Variables:Frame", _currentframe);
tellTarget ("../../InvSelection") {
Symbol 578 Button
on (press) {
tellTarget ("../../MailMovie") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("../../InvArrete") {
gotoAndStop ("Arret");
Set("/Variables:Xposition", _x);
Set("/Variables:Yposition", _y);
startDrag ("");
on (release, releaseOutside) {
Set("/Variables:InvObjetSelect", int(substring(_name, 6, 2)));
tellTarget ("../../InvArrete") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
_x = /Variables:Xposition;
_y = /Variables:Yposition;
if ((_droptarget eq "/Inventaire/DropZone") and (/Variables:ObjetSelect == 1)) {
Set("/Variables:InvNb", /Variables:InvNb - 1);
Set("/Variables:Inv" + _name, 5);
Set("/Variables:ObjetCombine", 1);
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=7&stage=4", 0);
tellTarget ("../../ControlCombine") {
tellTarget ("../../InvSelection") {
gotoAndStop (6);
} else {
Set("/Variables:Frame", _currentframe);
tellTarget ("../../InvSelection") {
Symbol 579 Button
on (press) {
tellTarget ("../../MailMovie") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("../../InvArrete") {
gotoAndStop ("Arret");
Set("/Variables:Xposition", _x);
Set("/Variables:Yposition", _y);
startDrag ("");
on (release, releaseOutside) {
Set("/Variables:InvObjetSelect", int(substring(_name, 6, 2)));
tellTarget ("../../InvArrete") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
_x = /Variables:Xposition;
_y = /Variables:Yposition;
Set("/Variables:Frame", _currentframe);
tellTarget ("../../InvSelection") {
Symbol 580 Button
on (press) {
tellTarget ("../../MailMovie") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("../../InvArrete") {
gotoAndStop ("Arret");
Set("/Variables:Xposition", _x);
Set("/Variables:Yposition", _y);
startDrag ("");
on (release, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("../../InvArrete") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Set("/Variables:InvObjetSelect", int(substring(_name, 6, 2)));
_x = /Variables:Xposition;
_y = /Variables:Yposition;
Set("/Variables:Frame", _currentframe);
tellTarget ("../../InvSelection") {
Symbol 581 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndStop(eval ("/Variables:Inv" + _name) + 1);
Symbol 582 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndStop(eval ("/Variables:Inv" + _name) + 1);
Symbol 583 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/Variables:InvNb < 4) {
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../BorneGauche", _x) + (/Variables:LargeurObjet / 4));
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) - (3 * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + (3 * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
} else {
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../BorneGauche", _x) + (/Variables:LargeurObjet / 4));
if (_name eq "Chaine1") {
_x = (getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
} else if (_name eq "Chaine3") {
_x = (getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
Symbol 583 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 584 MovieClip Frame 1
if (3 < /Variables:InvNb) {
if (_root.Inventaire.ZoneMoveG.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
if ((/Variables:Acceleration < 1) and (/Variables:Acceleration >= 0)) {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", -1);
if ((((_root.Inventaire._xmouse - _root.Inventaire.BorneCentre._x) + 20) / 2) < /Variables:Acceleration) {
if (/Variables:Acceleration < 0) {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", /Variables:Acceleration + (/Variables:Acceleration / 2));
} else {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", /Variables:Acceleration - (/Variables:Acceleration / 2));
} else if (/Variables:Acceleration < 0) {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", /Variables:Acceleration - (/Variables:Acceleration / 2));
} else {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", /Variables:Acceleration + (/Variables:Acceleration / 2));
} else if (_root.Inventaire.ZoneMoveD.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
if ((-1 < /Variables:Acceleration) and (0 >= /Variables:Acceleration)) {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", 1);
if ((((_root.Inventaire._xmouse - _root.Inventaire.BorneCentre._x) - 20) / 2) < /Variables:Acceleration) {
if (0 < /Variables:Acceleration) {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", /Variables:Acceleration - (/Variables:Acceleration / 2));
} else {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", /Variables:Acceleration + (/Variables:Acceleration / 2));
} else if (0 < /Variables:Acceleration) {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", /Variables:Acceleration + (/Variables:Acceleration / 2));
} else {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", /Variables:Acceleration - (/Variables:Acceleration / 2));
} else if (1 < /Variables:Acceleration) {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", /Variables:Acceleration - (/Variables:Acceleration / 2));
} else if (/Variables:Acceleration < -1) {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", /Variables:Acceleration - (/Variables:Acceleration / 2));
} else {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", 0);
if (/Variables:Acceleration < -20) {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", -20);
} else if (20 < /Variables:Acceleration) {
Set("/Variables:Acceleration", 20);
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) - /Variables:Acceleration);
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) - /Variables:Acceleration);
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) - /Variables:Acceleration);
if (_root.Inventaire.ZoneMoveD.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
if ((getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet)) < getProperty("../BorneGauche", _x)) {
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
if ((getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet)) < getProperty("../BorneGauche", _x)) {
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
if ((getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet)) < getProperty("../BorneGauche", _x)) {
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
} else {
if (getProperty("../BorneDroite", _x) < (getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet))) {
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
if (getProperty("../BorneDroite", _x) < (getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet))) {
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
if (getProperty("../BorneDroite", _x) < (getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet))) {
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
Symbol 584 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 584 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 587 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 587 MovieClip Frame 2
a = 1;
while (eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + a) != /Variables:ObjetCombine) {
a = a + 1;
i = a;
while ((eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + i) != 0) and (i < /Variables:InvNbMax)) {
Set("/Variables:InvObjet" + i, eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + (i + 1)));
i = i + 1;
i = 1;
while (/Variables:InvNbMax >= i) {
tellTarget ("../Chaine1/Objet" + i) {
gotoAndStop(eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + i) + 1);
tellTarget ("../Chaine2/Objet" + i) {
gotoAndStop(eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + i) + 1);
tellTarget ("../Chaine3/Objet" + i) {
gotoAndStop(eval ("/Variables:InvObjet" + i) + 1);
i = i + 1;
if (/Variables:InvNb < 4) {
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../BorneGauche", _x) + (/Variables:LargeurObjet / 4));
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) - (3 * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + (3 * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
} else if ((getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) < getProperty("../Chaine2", _x)) and (getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) < getProperty("../Chaine1", _x))) {
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
} else if ((getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) < getProperty("../Chaine3", _x)) and (getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) < getProperty("../Chaine2", _x))) {
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
} else {
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
if ((/Variables:ObjetCombine == 1) or (/Variables:ObjetCombine == 2)) {
Set("/Variables:InvNb", /Variables:InvNb + 1);
Set("/Variables:InvObjet" + /Variables:InvNb, 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Inventaire.ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop (2);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 588 MovieClip Frame 1
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) and (3 < /Variables:InvNb)) {
Deplace = /Variables:LargeurObjet;
gotoAndPlay (3);
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) and (3 < /Variables:InvNb)) {
Deplace = -1 * /Variables:LargeurObjet;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 588 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 588 MovieClip Frame 3
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) + Deplace);
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + Deplace);
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) + Deplace);
if (Deplace < 0) {
if ((getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet)) < getProperty("../BorneGauche", _x)) {
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
if ((getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet)) < getProperty("../BorneGauche", _x)) {
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
if ((getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet)) < getProperty("../BorneGauche", _x)) {
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
} else {
if (getProperty("../BorneDroite", _x) < (getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet))) {
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
if (getProperty("../BorneDroite", _x) < (getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet))) {
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
if (getProperty("../BorneDroite", _x) < (getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet))) {
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
Symbol 588 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 588 MovieClip Frame 5
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) + /Variables:Deplace);
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + /Variables:Deplace);
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) + /Variables:Deplace);
if (/Variables:Deplace < 0) {
if ((getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet)) < getProperty("../BorneGauche", _x)) {
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
if ((getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet)) < getProperty("../BorneGauche", _x)) {
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
if ((getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet)) < getProperty("../BorneGauche", _x)) {
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) + (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
} else {
if (getProperty("../BorneDroite", _x) < (getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet))) {
setProperty("../Chaine1", _x , getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
if (getProperty("../BorneDroite", _x) < (getProperty("../Chaine2", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet))) {
setProperty("../Chaine2", _x , getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
if (getProperty("../BorneDroite", _x) < (getProperty("../Chaine3", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet))) {
setProperty("../Chaine3", _x , getProperty("../Chaine1", _x) - (/Variables:InvNb * /Variables:LargeurObjet));
Symbol 588 MovieClip Frame 6
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 600 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 601 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 603 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (4);
Symbol 605 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_quality == "LOW") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_quality == "MEDIUM") {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 605 MovieClip Frame 2
_quality = "LOW";
Symbol 605 MovieClip Frame 3
_quality = "MEDIUM";
Symbol 605 MovieClip Frame 4
_quality = "HIGH";
Symbol 606 Button
on (keyPress "o") {
if (/Variables:AnimJoue != true) {
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
if (/Variables:Grimpe == false) {
tellTarget ("/") {
gotoAndStop (1);
on (keyPress "O") {
if (/Variables:AnimJoue != true) {
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
if (/Variables:Grimpe == false) {
tellTarget ("/") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 614 Button
on (release) {
Set("/Variables:TransMail", /Variables:Mail1);
tellTarget ("../../") {
Symbol 616 Button
on (release) {
Set("/Variables:Attachement", substring(_name, 4, 1));
tellTarget ("../../../") {
gotoAndPlay ("Attachement");
Symbol 619 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndStop(eval ("/Variables:Inv" + _name) + 1);
Symbol 622 Button
on (press) {
tellTarget ("../FlechesRoue") {
gotoAndStop ("Down");
Set("/Variables:ScrollMail", -10);
tellTarget ("MailScroll") {
tellTarget ("../RoueScroll") {
on (release, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("../FlechesRoue") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("MailScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("../RoueScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 623 Button
on (press) {
tellTarget ("../FlechesRoue") {
gotoAndStop ("Up");
Set("/Variables:ScrollMail", 10);
tellTarget ("MailScroll") {
tellTarget ("../RoueScroll") {
on (release, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("../FlechesRoue") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("MailScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("../RoueScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 625 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 625 MovieClip Frame 3
if (0 < /Variables:ScrollMail) {
if (getProperty("../MailEnsemble", _y) < (getProperty("../MailHaut", _y) - /Variables:ScrollMail)) {
setProperty("../MailEnsemble", _y , getProperty("../MailEnsemble", _y) + /Variables:ScrollMail);
} else {
setProperty("../MailEnsemble", _y , getProperty("../MailHaut", _y));
tellTarget ("../../RoueScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (/Variables:ScrollMail < 0) {
if ((getProperty("../MailBas", _y) + /Variables:ScrollMail) < (getProperty("../MailEnsemble", _y) + getProperty("../MailEnsemble", _height))) {
setProperty("../MailEnsemble", _y , getProperty("../MailEnsemble", _y) + /Variables:ScrollMail);
} else {
tellTarget ("../../RoueScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 632 Button
on (press) {
tellTarget ("../FlechesRoue") {
gotoAndStop ("Down");
Set("/Variables:Scroll", 1);
tellTarget ("ControlScroll") {
tellTarget ("../RoueScroll") {
on (release, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("../FlechesRoue") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("ControlScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("../RoueScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 633 Button
on (press) {
tellTarget ("../FlechesRoue") {
gotoAndStop ("Up");
Set("/Variables:Scroll", -1);
tellTarget ("ControlScroll") {
tellTarget ("../RoueScroll") {
on (release, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("../FlechesRoue") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("ControlScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("../RoueScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 636 Button
on (release) {
Set("/Variables:TransMail", "");
TexteMail = "";
if (getProperty("../", _currentframe) == 3) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
tellTarget ("../InvSelection") {
gotoAndStop(/Variables:ObjetSelect + 1);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 637 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 637 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent.TexteMail.scroll = _parent.TexteMail.scroll + /Variables:Scroll;
Symbol 641 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 641 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 642 Button
on (press) {
tellTarget ("../FlechesRoue") {
gotoAndStop ("Down");
Set("/Variables:ScrollMail", -10);
tellTarget ("ScrollAttachement") {
tellTarget ("../RoueScroll") {
on (release, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("../FlechesRoue") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("ScrollAttachement") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("../RoueScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 643 Button
on (press) {
tellTarget ("../FlechesRoue") {
gotoAndStop ("Up");
Set("/Variables:ScrollMail", 10);
tellTarget ("ScrollAttachement") {
tellTarget ("../RoueScroll") {
on (release, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("../FlechesRoue") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("ScrollAttachement") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("../RoueScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 644 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 644 MovieClip Frame 3
if (0 < /Variables:ScrollMail) {
if (getProperty("../Attachement", _y) < (getProperty("../AttHaut", _y) - /Variables:ScrollMail)) {
setProperty("../Attachement", _y , getProperty("../Attachement", _y) + /Variables:ScrollMail);
} else {
setProperty("../Attachement", _y , getProperty("../AttHaut", _y));
tellTarget ("../../RoueScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (/Variables:ScrollMail < 0) {
if ((getProperty("../AttBas", _y) + /Variables:ScrollMail) < (getProperty("../Attachement", _y) + getProperty("../Attachement", _height))) {
setProperty("../Attachement", _y , getProperty("../Attachement", _y) + /Variables:ScrollMail);
} else {
tellTarget ("../../RoueScroll") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 4
TexteMail = /Variables:TransMail;
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 646 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 648 Button
on (release) {
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
setProperty("/Gts", _x , 536);
setProperty("/Gts", _y , 357);
setProperty("/Gts", _xscale , 20);
setProperty("/Gts", _yscale , 20);
if (/Variables:Grimpe == false) {
tellTarget ("/") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 649 Button
on (release) {
setProperty("/Gts", _x , 536);
setProperty("/Gts", _y , 357);
setProperty("/Gts", _xscale , 20);
setProperty("/Gts", _yscale , 20);
Set("/Variables:TransMail", /Variables:Instructions);
if (_currentframe == 2) {
tellTarget ("InvSelection") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("MailMovie") {
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 656 Button
on (release) {
setProperty("/Gts", _x , 536);
setProperty("/Gts", _y , 357);
setProperty("/Gts", _xscale , 20);
setProperty("/Gts", _yscale , 20);
Set("/Variables:TransMail", "");
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 0);
tellTarget ("MailMovie") {
gotoAndStop (1);
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 659 Button
on (keyPress "o") {
if (/Variables:AnimJoue != true) {
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
setProperty("/Gts", _x , 536);
setProperty("/Gts", _y , 357);
setProperty("/Gts", _xscale , 20);
setProperty("/Gts", _yscale , 20);
tellTarget ("/") {
gotoAndStop (1);
on (keyPress "O") {
if (/Variables:AnimJoue != true) {
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
setProperty("/Gts", _x , 536);
setProperty("/Gts", _y , 357);
setProperty("/Gts", _xscale , 20);
setProperty("/Gts", _yscale , 20);
if (/Variables:Grimpe == false) {
tellTarget ("/") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 660 Button
on (release) {
setProperty("/Gts", _visible , 1);
Symbol 663 Button
on (release) {
setProperty("/Gts", _visible , 0);
Symbol 665 MovieClip Frame 1
if (getProperty("/Gts", _visible) == 1) {
Symbol 665 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 666 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/Variables:InventaireOuvert", false);
Symbol 666 MovieClip Frame 2
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 0);
Set("/Variables:InventaireOuvert", true);
if (/Variables:Grimpe == false) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
Instance of Symbol 506 MovieClip "BoutonVolume" in Symbol 666 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
top = _y;
left = _x - 110;
right = _x;
bottom = _y;
setProperty("_parent.BoutonVolume", _x , left + _root.s.getVolume());
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dragging == true) {
_root.s.setVolume(_x - left);
Symbol 666 MovieClip Frame 3
Set("/Variables:InventaireOuvert", true);
Instance of Symbol 506 MovieClip "BoutonVolume" in Symbol 666 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
top = _y;
left = _x - 110;
right = _x;
bottom = _y;
setProperty("_parent.BoutonVolume", _x , left + _root.s.getVolume());
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dragging == true) {
_root.s.setVolume(_x - left);
Symbol 729 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab1Stoppe");
Symbol 729 MovieClip Frame 54
Set("/Variables:GardeArrive", true);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab1");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 760 MovieClip Frame 1
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=7&stage=5", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab1Stoppe");
Symbol 760 MovieClip Frame 23
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop ("StepTombe");
Symbol 909 MovieClip Frame 1
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 0);
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=7&stage=7", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab1Stoppe");
Symbol 909 MovieClip Frame 55
Set("/Variables:GardeEcrase", true);
Set("/Variables:GrenadePlace", false);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 1);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab1");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 949 MovieClip Frame 1
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=7&stage=11", 0);
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Symbol 949 MovieClip Frame 29
Set("/Variables:CordePris", false);
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("StepTombeCorde");
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("StepTombe");
Symbol 980 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab2Stoppe");
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=7&stage=10", 0);
Symbol 980 MovieClip Frame 12
if (/Variables:HelicoPet == false) {
if (/Variables:FrameHelico1 != 1) {
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoGauche") {
Set("/Variables:FrameHelico1", 1);
if (/Variables:FrameHelico2 != 1) {
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoDroite") {
Set("/Variables:FrameHelico2", 1);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab2");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1036 MovieClip Frame 18
if (/Variables:StepMeurt == true) {
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=7&stage=6", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
} else {
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
if (/Variables:EtatActif eq "Tab2") {
Set("/Variables:From", "FalaiseTab2");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab1Ini");
} else {
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=7&stage=6", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("MegMeurt");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1128 MovieClip Frame 51
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
if (/Variables:HelicoPet == false) {
if (/Variables:FrameHelico1 != 1) {
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoGauche") {
Set("/Variables:FrameHelico1", 1);
if (/Variables:FrameHelico2 != 1) {
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoDroite") {
Set("/Variables:FrameHelico2", 1);
Set("/Variables:CordePris", false);
tellTarget ("_root.Neige") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("_root.CordeAttache") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1156 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab2Stoppe");
Symbol 1156 MovieClip Frame 17
if (/Variables:HelicoPet == false) {
if (/Variables:FrameHelico1 != 1) {
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoGauche") {
Set("/Variables:FrameHelico1", 1);
if (/Variables:FrameHelico2 != 1) {
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoDroite") {
Set("/Variables:FrameHelico2", 1);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab2");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1179 MovieClip Frame 1
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=7&stage=12", 0);
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab2Stoppe");
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 0);
Symbol 1179 MovieClip Frame 34
Set("/Variables:ChariotRamenne", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Chariot") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("_root.CordeAttache") {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (/Variables:HelicoPet == false) {
if (/Variables:FrameHelico1 != 1) {
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoGauche") {
Set("/Variables:FrameHelico1", 1);
if (/Variables:FrameHelico2 != 1) {
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoDroite") {
Set("/Variables:FrameHelico2", 1);
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Idle");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab2");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1186 MovieClip Frame 1
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=7&stage=13", 0);
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab2Stoppe");
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 0);
Symbol 1186 MovieClip Frame 21
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , 504);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , 219);
Set("/Variables:ChariotRamenne", "false");
tellTarget ("_root.Chariot") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("_root.CordeAttache") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (/Variables:HelicoPet == false) {
if (/Variables:FrameHelico1 != 1) {
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoGauche") {
Set("/Variables:FrameHelico1", 1);
if (/Variables:FrameHelico2 != 1) {
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoDroite") {
Set("/Variables:FrameHelico2", 1);
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Obj") {
gotoAndPlay ("Idle");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab2");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1230 MovieClip Frame 1
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=7&stage=16", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab3Stoppe");
Symbol 1230 MovieClip Frame 15
Set("/Variables:ObjetRemove", 1);
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 0);
tellTarget ("_root.Inventaire.ObjetRemove") {
Symbol 1230 MovieClip Frame 16
Set("/Variables:PioletAttache", true);
if (/Variables:HelicoPet == false) {
if (/Variables:FrameHelico1 != 1) {
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoGauche") {
Set("/Variables:FrameHelico1", 1);
tellTarget ("_root.PioletAttache") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab3");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1270 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=7&stage=15", 0);
Symbol 1270 MovieClip Frame 21
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
if (/Variables:EtatActif eq "Tab2") {
Set("/Variables:From", "FalaiseTab2");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab1Ini");
} else {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("MegMeurt");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1372 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 1367 MovieClip in Symbol 1372 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (/Variables:Stoppe != true) {
if ((/Variables:HelicoPositionTir == true) and (!_root.CacheCachette.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true))) {
if (/Variables:EtatActif eq "Tab3") {
if (/Variables:GardeRegarde eq "Devant") {
setProperty("../", _xscale , getProperty("../", _xscale) - (2 * getProperty("../", _xscale)));
Set("/Variables:GardeRegarde", "Derriere");
if (/Variables:EtatActif eq "Tab2") {
if (/Variables:HelicoFlip == true) {
if (/Variables:GardeRegarde eq "Devant") {
if (385 < getProperty("_root.Meg", _x)) {
setProperty("../", _xscale , getProperty("../", _xscale) - (2 * getProperty("../", _xscale)));
Set("/Variables:GardeRegarde", "Derriere");
if (/Variables:GardeRegarde eq "Derriere") {
if (getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) < 385) {
setProperty("../", _xscale , getProperty("../", _xscale) - (2 * getProperty("../", _xscale)));
Set("/Variables:GardeRegarde", "Devant");
} else {
if (/Variables:GardeRegarde eq "Devant") {
if (getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) < 385) {
setProperty("../", _xscale , getProperty("../", _xscale) - (2 * getProperty("../", _xscale)));
Set("/Variables:GardeRegarde", "Derriere");
if (/Variables:GardeRegarde eq "Derriere") {
if (385 < getProperty("_root.Meg", _x)) {
setProperty("../", _xscale , getProperty("../", _xscale) - (2 * getProperty("../", _xscale)));
Set("/Variables:GardeRegarde", "Devant");
if ((/Variables:HelicoPositionTir == true) and (!_root.CacheCachette.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true))) {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1372 MovieClip Frame 10
if (/Variables:Stoppe != true) {
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1372 MovieClip Frame 17
if (75 < random(100)) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 1416 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab3Stoppe");
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=7&stage=17", 0);
Symbol 1416 MovieClip Frame 89
Set("/Variables:HelicoPet", true);
Set("/Variables:PassageOuvertTab3", true);
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
tellTarget ("_root.Collider") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("_root.PioletAttache") {
gotoAndStop (3);
tellTarget ("_root.HelicoGauche") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("_root.Falaise") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab3");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1461 MovieClip Frame 1
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=7&stage=19", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab4Stoppe");
Symbol 1461 MovieClip Frame 29
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndRamasse");
Set("/Variables:InvNb", /Variables:InvNb + 1);
Set("/Variables:InvObjet" + /Variables:InvNb, 4);
tellTarget ("_root.Inventaire.ObjetAffiche") {
gotoAndStop (5);
Set("/Variables:GrenadeRamasse", true);
Symbol 1461 MovieClip Frame 30
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab4");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1486 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab4Stoppe");
Set("/Variables:ObjetRemove", 4);
Set("/Variables:ObjetSelect", 0);
loadVariablesNum ("/web/steppenwolf/tracking.jsp?episode=7&stage=20", 0);
tellTarget ("_root.Inventaire.ObjetRemove") {
Symbol 1486 MovieClip Frame 33
tellTarget ("_root.Avalanche") {
gotoAndStop (2);
tellTarget ("_root.Collider") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Set("/Variables:Avalanche", true);
Symbol 1486 MovieClip Frame 34
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndStop ("Tab4");
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1487 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
Set("/Variables:AnimJoue", false);
Symbol 1487 MovieClip Frame 2
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Set("/Variables:AnimJoue", true);
Symbol 1487 MovieClip Frame 3
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Set("/Variables:AnimJoue", true);
Symbol 1487 MovieClip Frame 4
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Set("/Variables:AnimJoue", true);
Symbol 1487 MovieClip Frame 5
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Set("/Variables:AnimJoue", true);
Symbol 1487 MovieClip Frame 6
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Set("/Variables:AnimJoue", true);
Symbol 1487 MovieClip Frame 7
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Set("/Variables:AnimJoue", true);
Symbol 1487 MovieClip Frame 8
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Set("/Variables:AnimJoue", true);
Symbol 1487 MovieClip Frame 9
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Set("/Variables:AnimJoue", true);
Symbol 1487 MovieClip Frame 10
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Set("/Variables:AnimJoue", true);
Symbol 1487 MovieClip Frame 11
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Set("/Variables:AnimJoue", true);
Symbol 1487 MovieClip Frame 12
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Set("/Variables:AnimJoue", true);
Symbol 1487 MovieClip Frame 13
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Set("/Variables:AnimJoue", true);
Symbol 1487 MovieClip Frame 14
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Set("/Variables:AnimJoue", true);
Symbol 1487 MovieClip Frame 15
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Set("/Variables:AnimJoue", true);
Symbol 1487 MovieClip Frame 16
tellTarget ("_root.Garde1") {
gotoAndStop ("PasLa");
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Garde2") {
gotoAndStop ("PasLa");
Set("/Variables:AnimJoue", true);
Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 2
if (/Variables:DirectionHelico eq "Gauche") {
gotoAndPlay (3);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (7);
Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 4
Set("/Variables:HelicoSonArrive", true);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1488 MovieClip Frame 8
Set("/Variables:HelicoSonArrive", true);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1493 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/Variables:CordeRamasse == true) {
Symbol 1497 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/Variables:GardeEcrase == true) {
Symbol 1507 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1507 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 1507 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 1507 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 1507 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 1514 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 1514 MovieClip Frame 2
tellTarget ("_root.StepGrimpe.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Symbol 1514 MovieClip Frame 8
if (random(100) < 20) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else {
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.StepGrimpe.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1514 MovieClip Frame 14
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.StepGrimpe.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1514 MovieClip Frame 20
tellTarget ("../../GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
tellTarget ("_root.StepGrimpe.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1516 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((/Variables:GardeArrive == true) and (/Variables:GardeEcrase == false)) {
Symbol 1516 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1516 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 1531 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/Variables:GrenadePlace", true);
Symbol 1531 MovieClip Frame 16
Set("/Variables:GrenadePlace", false);
Symbol 1531 MovieClip Frame 23
if (_root.CacheZoneGrenade.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true)) {
Distance = Math.sqrt(((getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - getProperty("_root.CacheGrenade", _x)) * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - getProperty("_root.CacheGrenade", _x))) + ((getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - getProperty("_root.CacheGrenade", _y)) * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - getProperty("_root.CacheGrenade", _y))));
Difference = 120 - Distance;
if (Difference < 0) {
Difference = 0;
if (80 < Difference) {
Difference = 80;
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - Difference);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 1535 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((/Variables:GardeArrive == true) and (/Variables:Gardeecrase == false)) {
Symbol 1535 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1535 MovieClip Frame 3
if ((random(100) < 70) or (!_root.CacheZoneGrenade.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y, true))) {
Symbol 1535 MovieClip Frame 60
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1659 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
Set("_root:Idle", false);
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1659 MovieClip Frame 3
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1659 MovieClip Frame 5
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1659 MovieClip Frame 7
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1659 MovieClip Frame 8
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1659 MovieClip Frame 11
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1659 MovieClip Frame 20
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1659 MovieClip Frame 22
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1659 MovieClip Frame 24
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1659 MovieClip Frame 26
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1659 MovieClip Frame 36
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
Symbol 1659 MovieClip Frame 45
if (random(20) == 10) {
gotoAndPlay (47);
Symbol 1659 MovieClip Frame 46
if (/:Idle == false) {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (45);
Symbol 1659 MovieClip Frame 72
gotoAndPlay (45);
Symbol 1659 MovieClip Frame 77
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Symbol 1659 MovieClip Frame 78
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 5), _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 1659 MovieClip Frame 79
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 5), _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 1659 MovieClip Frame 80
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 5), _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 1659 MovieClip Frame 81
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 2), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 5), _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 1659 MovieClip Frame 84
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
_root:Idle == false;
Symbol 1659 MovieClip Frame 86
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1669 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1669 MovieClip Frame 4
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 25);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
Symbol 1669 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1674 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1674 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1781 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
Set("_root:Idle", false);
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1781 MovieClip Frame 3
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1781 MovieClip Frame 5
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1781 MovieClip Frame 7
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1781 MovieClip Frame 9
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1781 MovieClip Frame 11
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1781 MovieClip Frame 20
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1781 MovieClip Frame 22
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1781 MovieClip Frame 24
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1781 MovieClip Frame 26
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1781 MovieClip Frame 40
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
Symbol 1781 MovieClip Frame 45
if (random(20) == 10) {
gotoAndPlay (51);
Symbol 1781 MovieClip Frame 46
if (/:Idle == false) {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (45);
Symbol 1781 MovieClip Frame 73
gotoAndPlay (45);
Symbol 1781 MovieClip Frame 83
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Symbol 1781 MovieClip Frame 85
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 1781 MovieClip Frame 86
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 1781 MovieClip Frame 87
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 1781 MovieClip Frame 88
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 1781 MovieClip Frame 89
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y + (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y + /Variables:Delta) - (/Variables:Delta / 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale + /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale + /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 1781 MovieClip Frame 91
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
_root:Idle == false;
Symbol 1781 MovieClip Frame 92
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1903 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("_root:Idle", false);
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1903 MovieClip Frame 3
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1903 MovieClip Frame 5
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1903 MovieClip Frame 7
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1903 MovieClip Frame 9
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 1903 MovieClip Frame 11
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1903 MovieClip Frame 20
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1903 MovieClip Frame 22
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1903 MovieClip Frame 24
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1903 MovieClip Frame 26
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1903 MovieClip Frame 38
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
Symbol 1903 MovieClip Frame 45
if (random(20) == 10) {
gotoAndPlay (49);
Symbol 1903 MovieClip Frame 46
if (/:Idle == false) {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (45);
Symbol 1903 MovieClip Frame 68
gotoAndPlay (45);
Symbol 1903 MovieClip Frame 80
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Symbol 1903 MovieClip Frame 81
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 6), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 4));
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 6), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 4));
Symbol 1903 MovieClip Frame 82
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 6), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 4));
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 6), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 4));
Symbol 1903 MovieClip Frame 83
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 6), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 4));
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 6), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 4));
Symbol 1903 MovieClip Frame 84
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 6), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 4));
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 6), _root.Meg._y, true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 3));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 4));
Symbol 1903 MovieClip Frame 87
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
/:Idle == true;
Symbol 1903 MovieClip Frame 89
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2015 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
Set("_root:Idle", false);
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 2015 MovieClip Frame 3
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 2015 MovieClip Frame 5
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 2015 MovieClip Frame 7
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 2015 MovieClip Frame 9
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 2015 MovieClip Frame 11
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2015 MovieClip Frame 20
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2015 MovieClip Frame 22
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2015 MovieClip Frame 24
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2015 MovieClip Frame 26
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2015 MovieClip Frame 36
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
Symbol 2015 MovieClip Frame 41
if (random(20) == 10) {
gotoAndPlay (46);
Symbol 2015 MovieClip Frame 42
if (/:Idle == false) {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (41);
Symbol 2015 MovieClip Frame 73
gotoAndPlay (40);
Symbol 2015 MovieClip Frame 84
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Symbol 2015 MovieClip Frame 85
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 5), _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 2015 MovieClip Frame 86
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 5), _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 2015 MovieClip Frame 87
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 5), _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 2015 MovieClip Frame 88
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 5), _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 2015 MovieClip Frame 89
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x + (/Variables:Delta * 5), _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Right") {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x + /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x - (/Variables:Delta * 2), _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 8), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Dir == "Left") {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , _root.Meg._x - /Variables:Delta);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 2015 MovieClip Frame 93
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
_root:Idle == false;
Symbol 2015 MovieClip Frame 94
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2104 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
Set("_root:Idle", false);
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 2104 MovieClip Frame 3
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 2104 MovieClip Frame 5
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 2104 MovieClip Frame 7
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 2104 MovieClip Frame 9
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
Symbol 2104 MovieClip Frame 11
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2104 MovieClip Frame 20
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2104 MovieClip Frame 22
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2104 MovieClip Frame 24
if (/Variables:Run != true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2104 MovieClip Frame 26
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
gotoAndStop (20);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2104 MovieClip Frame 37
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
Symbol 2104 MovieClip Frame 45
if (random(20) == 10) {
gotoAndPlay (51);
Symbol 2104 MovieClip Frame 46
if (/:Idle == false) {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (45);
Symbol 2104 MovieClip Frame 80
gotoAndPlay (45);
Symbol 2104 MovieClip Frame 91
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", true);
Symbol 2104 MovieClip Frame 92
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 2104 MovieClip Frame 93
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 2104 MovieClip Frame 94
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 2104 MovieClip Frame 95
if (_root.Collider.hitTest(_root.Meg._x, _root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta * 5), true) == false) {
if (/Variables:Run == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Set("/Variables:Delta", _root.Meg._yscale / 6);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , (_root.Meg._y - (/Variables:Delta / 2)) - ((/Variables:Delta / 3) / 2));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale , _root.Meg._xscale - /Variables:Decale);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _yscale , _root.Meg._yscale - /Variables:Decale);
Symbol 2104 MovieClip Frame 99
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
_root:Idle == false;
Symbol 2104 MovieClip Frame 101
Set("/Variables:Stoppe", false);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2129 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/Variables:DeltaTombe != 0) {
if (/Variables:DeltaTombe == 6) {
Meurt = true;
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , _root.Meg._y + 50);
Set("/Variables:DeltaTombe", /Variables:DeltaTombe - 1);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 2129 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2129 MovieClip Frame 4
if (Meurt == true) {
Set("/Variables:StepMeurt", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndStepTombe");
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("StepTombe");
} else {
if (/Variables:GrosBobo == true) {
Set("/Variables:GrosBobo", false);
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 50);
} else {
Set("/Variables:Vie", /Variables:Vie - 10);
if (/Variables:Vie < 1) {
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegMeurt");
Set("/Variables:Vie", 0);
setProperty("/Inventaire/BarreVie2/BarreVie3/Gage2", _width , /Variables:GageLargeur * (/Variables:Vie / 100));
if (/Variables:MegCri == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("MegCri");
Set("/Variables:FinTrou", true);
tellTarget ("_parent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2130 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/Variables:FinTrou == true) {
Set("/Variables:FinTrou", false);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) + 50);
Symbol 2133 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/Variables:GardeEcrase == true) {
Symbol 2133 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2137 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/Variables:From eq "FalaiseTab2") {
Niveau = 3;
} else {
Niveau = 6;
Symbol 2176 MovieClip Frame 1
if (Bouge == true) {
setProperty("../", _y , getProperty("../", _y) - ((51.3 * (getProperty("../", _xscale) / 100)) * (_xscale / 100)));
if (/Variables:GrimpeCentre == true) {
setProperty("../", _y , getProperty("../", _y) + ((51.3 * (getProperty("../", _xscale) / 100)) * (_xscale / 100)));
gotoAndStop (12);
Instance of Symbol 2158 MovieClip in Symbol 2176 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((/Variables:Stoppe != true) and (/Variables:InventaireOuvert != true)) {
if (/Variables:GrimpeCentre == false) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
if (_root.CacheSortHaut.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true)) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _x));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _y) - 60);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Corde") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (/Variables:GardeArrive == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("GardeArrive");
} else {
tellTarget ("_root") {
} else if (_root.CacheSortHautTab2.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true)) {
Set("/Variables:From", "Tab1");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab2Ini");
} else if (_root.CacheSortHautTab3.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true)) {
Set("/Variables:From", "Tab3");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab4Ini");
} else if (!_root.CacheBloqueHaut.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("../") {
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndStop ("Bas");
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndStop ("Droit");
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndStop ("Gauche");
Symbol 2176 MovieClip Frame 3
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2176 MovieClip Frame 4
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2176 MovieClip Frame 5
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2176 MovieClip Frame 6
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2176 MovieClip Frame 7
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2176 MovieClip Frame 8
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 25) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndPiolet");
} else if (Random < 50) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndRoche1");
} else if (Random < 75) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndRoche2");
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndForce");
Symbol 2176 MovieClip Frame 9
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2176 MovieClip Frame 10
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2176 MovieClip Frame 12
Set("/Variables:GrimpeCentre", false);
Bouge = true;
Instance of Symbol 2175 MovieClip in Symbol 2176 MovieClip Frame 12
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((/Variables:Stoppe != true) and (/Variables:InventaireOuvert != true)) {
if (/Variables:GrimpeCentre == false) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
if (_root.CacheSortHaut.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true)) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _x));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _y) - 60);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 1);
tellTarget ("_root.Corde") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (/Variables:GardeArrive == false) {
tellTarget ("_root.Animatiques") {
gotoAndStop ("GardeArrive");
} else {
tellTarget ("_root") {
} else if (_root.CacheSortHautTab2.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true)) {
Set("/Variables:From", "Tab1");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab2Ini");
} else if (_root.CacheSortHautTab3.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true)) {
Set("/Variables:From", "Tab3");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab4Ini");
} else if (!_root.CacheBloqueHaut.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true)) {
tellTarget ("../") {
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndStop ("Bas");
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
Set("/Variables:GrimpeCentre", "monte");
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndStop ("Droit");
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
Set("/Variables:GrimpeCentre", "monte");
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndStop ("Gauche");
Symbol 2176 MovieClip Frame 13
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2176 MovieClip Frame 14
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2176 MovieClip Frame 15
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2176 MovieClip Frame 16
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2176 MovieClip Frame 17
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2176 MovieClip Frame 18
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2176 MovieClip Frame 19
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2176 MovieClip Frame 20
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2184 MovieClip Frame 1
if (Bouge == true) {
setProperty("../", _y , getProperty("../", _y) + ((51.3 * (getProperty("../", _xscale) / 100)) * (_xscale / 100)));
if (/Variables:GrimpeCentre == true) {
setProperty("../", _y , getProperty("../", _y) - ((51.3 * (getProperty("../", _xscale) / 100)) * (_xscale / 100)));
gotoAndStop (12);
Instance of Symbol 2177 MovieClip in Symbol 2184 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((/Variables:Stoppe != true) and (/Variables:InventaireOuvert != true)) {
if (/Variables:GrimpeCentre == false) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndStop ("Haut");
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
if (_root.CacheSortBas1.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true) or _root.CacheSortBas2.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true)) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _x));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _y) + 20);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 1);
tellTarget ("_root") {
} else if (_root.CacheSortBasTab4.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true)) {
Set("/Variables:From", "Tab4");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab3Ini");
} else if (!(_root.CacheBloqueBas.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true) or ((/Variables:StepAttache == true) and _root.CacheBloqueCorde2.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true)))) {
tellTarget ("../") {
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndStop ("Droit");
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndStop ("Gauche");
Symbol 2184 MovieClip Frame 3
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) + ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2184 MovieClip Frame 4
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) + ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2184 MovieClip Frame 5
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) + ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2184 MovieClip Frame 6
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) + ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2184 MovieClip Frame 7
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) + ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2184 MovieClip Frame 8
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) + ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2184 MovieClip Frame 9
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) + ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2184 MovieClip Frame 10
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) + ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2184 MovieClip Frame 12
Set("/Variables:GrimpeCentre", false);
Bouge = true;
Instance of Symbol 2178 MovieClip in Symbol 2184 MovieClip Frame 12
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((/Variables:Stoppe != true) and (/Variables:InventaireOuvert != true)) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
Set("/Variables:GrimpeCentre", true);
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndStop ("Haut");
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
if (_root.CacheSortBas1.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true) or _root.CacheSortBas2.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true)) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _x));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _y) + 20);
setProperty("_root.Meg", _visible , 1);
tellTarget ("_root") {
} else if (_root.CacheSortBasTab4.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true)) {
Set("/Variables:From", "Tab4");
tellTarget ("_root") {
gotoAndPlay ("Tab3Ini");
} else if (!(_root.CacheBloqueBas.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true) or ((/Variables:StepAttache == true) and _root.CacheBloqueCorde2.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true)))) {
tellTarget ("../") {
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
Set("/Variables:GrimpeCentre", "descent");
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndStop ("Droit");
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
Set("/Variables:GrimpeCentre", "descent");
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndStop ("Gauche");
Symbol 2184 MovieClip Frame 13
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) + ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2184 MovieClip Frame 14
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) + ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2184 MovieClip Frame 15
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) + ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2184 MovieClip Frame 16
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) + ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2184 MovieClip Frame 17
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) + ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2184 MovieClip Frame 18
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) + ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 25) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndPiolet");
} else if (Random < 50) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndRoche1");
} else if (Random < 75) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndRoche2");
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndForce");
Symbol 2184 MovieClip Frame 19
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) + ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2184 MovieClip Frame 20
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) + ((73 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 16));
Symbol 2191 MovieClip Frame 1
if (Bouge == true) {
setProperty("../", _x , getProperty("../", _x) - ((38.6 * (getProperty("../", _xscale) / 100)) * (_xscale / 100)));
if (/Variables:GrimpeCentre eq "monte") {
Set("/Variables:GrimpeCentre", false);
setProperty("../", _y , getProperty("../", _y) - ((25.7 * (getProperty("../", _xscale) / 100)) * (_xscale / 100)));
} else if (/Variables:GrimpeCentre eq "descent") {
Set("/Variables:GrimpeCentre", false);
setProperty("../", _y , getProperty("../", _y) + ((25.7 * (getProperty("../", _xscale) / 100)) * (_xscale / 100)));
Instance of Symbol 2189 MovieClip in Symbol 2191 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((/Variables:Stoppe != true) and (/Variables:InventaireOuvert != true)) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndStop ("Haut");
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndStop ("Bas");
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndStop ("Droit");
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
if (!(_root.CacheBloqueGauche.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true) or _root.CacheBloqueGauche2.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true))) {
tellTarget ("../") {
Symbol 2191 MovieClip Frame 2
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _y));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2191 MovieClip Frame 3
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 25) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndPiolet");
} else if (Random < 50) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndRoche1");
} else if (Random < 75) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndRoche2");
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndForce");
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2191 MovieClip Frame 4
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2191 MovieClip Frame 5
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2191 MovieClip Frame 6
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2191 MovieClip Frame 7
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2191 MovieClip Frame 8
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2191 MovieClip Frame 9
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2191 MovieClip Frame 10
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2191 MovieClip Frame 11
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2191 MovieClip Frame 12
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2191 MovieClip Frame 13
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2191 MovieClip Frame 14
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2191 MovieClip Frame 15
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2191 MovieClip Frame 17
Bouge = true;
Symbol 2193 MovieClip Frame 1
if (Bouge == true) {
setProperty("../", _x , getProperty("../", _x) + ((38.6 * (getProperty("../", _xscale) / 100)) * (_xscale / 100)));
if (/Variables:GrimpeCentre eq "monte") {
Set("/Variables:GrimpeCentre", false);
setProperty("../", _y , getProperty("../", _y) - ((25.7 * (getProperty("../", _xscale) / 100)) * (_xscale / 100)));
} else if (/Variables:GrimpeCentre eq "descent") {
Set("/Variables:GrimpeCentre", false);
setProperty("../", _y , getProperty("../", _y) + ((25.7 * (getProperty("../", _xscale) / 100)) * (_xscale / 100)));
Instance of Symbol 2192 MovieClip in Symbol 2193 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((/Variables:Stoppe != true) and (/Variables:InventaireOuvert != true)) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndStop ("Haut");
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndStop ("Bas");
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
if (!((_root.CacheBloqueDroite.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true) or _root.CacheBloqueDroite2.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true)) or ((/Variables:StepAttache == true) and _root.CacheBloqueCorde.hitTest(_root.StepGrimpe._x, _root.StepGrimpe._y, true)))) {
tellTarget ("../") {
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
tellTarget ("../../") {
gotoAndStop ("Gauche");
Symbol 2193 MovieClip Frame 2
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _y , getProperty("_root.StepGrimpe", _y));
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) + ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2193 MovieClip Frame 3
Random = random(100);
if (Random < 25) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndPiolet");
} else if (Random < 50) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndRoche1");
} else if (Random < 75) {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndRoche2");
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.Sons") {
gotoAndPlay ("SndForce");
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) + ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2193 MovieClip Frame 4
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) + ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2193 MovieClip Frame 5
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) + ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2193 MovieClip Frame 6
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) + ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2193 MovieClip Frame 7
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) + ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2193 MovieClip Frame 8
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) + ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2193 MovieClip Frame 9
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) + ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2193 MovieClip Frame 10
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) + ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2193 MovieClip Frame 11
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) + ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2193 MovieClip Frame 12
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) + ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2193 MovieClip Frame 13
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) + ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2193 MovieClip Frame 14
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) + ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2193 MovieClip Frame 15
if (/Variables:StepAttache == true) {
setProperty("_root.Meg", _x , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) + ((53.9 * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _xscale) / 100)) / 14));
Symbol 2193 MovieClip Frame 17
Bouge = true;
Symbol 2194 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2194 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2194 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 2194 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 2201 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/Variables:CordePris == false) {
Symbol 2208 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/Variables:ChariotRamenne == true) {
Symbol 2211 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/Variables:StepAttache", false);
Symbol 2211 MovieClip Frame 2
Set("/Variables:StepAttache", true);
LongueurCorde = Math.sqrt(((getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - getProperty("_root.Corde", _x)) * (getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - getProperty("_root.Corde", _x))) + (((getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - 26) - getProperty("_root.Corde", _y)) * ((getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - 26) - getProperty("_root.Corde", _y))));
setProperty("_root.Corde", _xscale , (LongueurCorde * 100) / 145);
setProperty("_root.Corde", _yscale , getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - getProperty("_root.Corde", _x));
setProperty("_root.Corde", _rotation , (Math.atan2((getProperty("_root.Meg", _y) - 26) - getProperty("_root.Corde", _y), getProperty("_root.Meg", _x) - getProperty("_root.Corde", _x)) * 180) / Math.PI);
Symbol 2218 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/Variables:ChariotRammene == true) {
gotoAndStop (3);
} else if (/Variables:CordePris == false) {
Symbol 2234 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2234 MovieClip Frame 2
Set("/Variables:HelicoAction", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Gts.Helico") {
gotoAndPlay ("TourneDroite");
Symbol 2234 MovieClip Frame 135
Set("/Variables:HelicoFlip", true);
Symbol 2234 MovieClip Frame 172
Set("/Variables:HelicoPositionTir", true);
Symbol 2234 MovieClip Frame 218
Set("/Variables:HelicoPositionTir", false);
Set("/Variables:GardeRegarde", "Devant");
tellTarget ("_root.Gts.Helico") {
Symbol 2234 MovieClip Frame 243
Set("/Variables:HelicoAction", false);
Set("/Variables:HelicoFlip", false);
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
if (60 < random(100)) {
if (50 < random(100)) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:destination", "P5");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
Set("/Variables:destination", "P12");
Set("/Variables:DistanceX", -1 * (getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _x) - getProperty("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination, _x)));
Set("/Variables:DistanceY", -1 * (getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _y) - getProperty("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination, _y)));
if (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceX) >= Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceY)) {
if (/Variables:DistanceX < 0) {
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:Vitesse * -1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:Vitesse);
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:DistanceY / (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceX) / /Variables:Vitesse));
} else {
if (/Variables:DistanceY < 0) {
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:Vitesse * -1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:Vitesse);
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:DistanceX / (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceY) / /Variables:Vitesse));
Set("/Variables:HelicoArrive", false);
Symbol 2235 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2235 MovieClip Frame 2
Set("/Variables:HelicoAction", true);
tellTarget ("_root.Gts.Helico") {
gotoAndPlay ("TourneGauche");
Symbol 2235 MovieClip Frame 130
Set("/Variables:HelicoPositionTir", true);
Symbol 2235 MovieClip Frame 178
Set("/Variables:HelicoPositionTir", false);
Set("/Variables:GardeRegarde", "Devant");
tellTarget ("_root.Gts.Helico") {
Symbol 2235 MovieClip Frame 207
Set("/Variables:HelicoAction", false);
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:HelicoFlip", false);
if (60 < random(100)) {
if (50 < random(100)) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:destination", "P12");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
Set("/Variables:destination", "P6");
Set("/Variables:DistanceX", -1 * (getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _x) - getProperty("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination, _x)));
Set("/Variables:DistanceY", -1 * (getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _y) - getProperty("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination, _y)));
if (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceX) >= Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceY)) {
if (/Variables:DistanceX < 0) {
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:Vitesse * -1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:Vitesse);
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:DistanceY / (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceX) / /Variables:Vitesse));
} else {
if (/Variables:DistanceY < 0) {
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:Vitesse * -1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:Vitesse);
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:DistanceX / (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceY) / /Variables:Vitesse));
Set("/Variables:HelicoArrive", false);
Symbol 2237 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2255 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((/Variables:PioletAttache == true) and (/Variables:PassageOuvertTab3 == false)) {
} else if (/Variables:PassageOuvertTab3 == true) {
gotoAndStop (3);
} else {
Symbol 2256 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2256 MovieClip Frame 2
Set("/Variables:HelicoAction", true);
Set("/Variables:GardeRegarde", "Devant");
Symbol 2256 MovieClip Frame 41
Set("/Variables:HelicoAttache", true);
Symbol 2256 MovieClip Frame 57
Set("/Variables:HelicoPositionTir", true);
Symbol 2256 MovieClip Frame 95
Set("/Variables:HelicoPositionTir", false);
Set("/Variables:HelicoAttache", false);
Symbol 2256 MovieClip Frame 124
Set("/Variables:HelicoAction", false);
Set("/Variables:HelicoFlip", false);
Set("/Variables:GardeRegarde", "Devant");
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
if (60 < random(100)) {
if (50 < random(100)) {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Gauche");
Set("/Variables:destination", "P6");
} else {
Set("/Variables:DirectionHelico", "Droite");
Set("/Variables:destination", "P8");
Set("/Variables:DistanceX", -1 * (getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _x) - getProperty("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination, _x)));
Set("/Variables:DistanceY", -1 * (getProperty("_root.Gts.Helico", _y) - getProperty("_root.Gts." + /Variables:Destination, _y)));
if (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceX) >= Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceY)) {
if (/Variables:DistanceX < 0) {
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:Vitesse * -1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:Vitesse);
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:DistanceY / (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceX) / /Variables:Vitesse));
} else {
if (/Variables:DistanceY < 0) {
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:Vitesse * -1);
} else {
Set("/Variables:MoveY", /Variables:Vitesse);
Set("/Variables:MoveX", /Variables:DistanceX / (Math.abs(/Variables:DistanceY) / /Variables:Vitesse));
Set("/Variables:HelicoArrive", false);
Symbol 2260 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/Variables:PassageOuvertTab3 == true) {
Symbol 2267 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/Variables:PassageOuvertTab3 == true) {
Symbol 2287 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2296 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2296 MovieClip Frame 2
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Symbol 2296 MovieClip Frame 6
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2296 MovieClip Frame 7
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (22);
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2296 MovieClip Frame 11
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2296 MovieClip Frame 12
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (22);
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2296 MovieClip Frame 16
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2296 MovieClip Frame 17
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (22);
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2296 MovieClip Frame 21
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2296 MovieClip Frame 31
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2298 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2298 MovieClip Frame 2
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Symbol 2298 MovieClip Frame 7
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2298 MovieClip Frame 8
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2298 MovieClip Frame 13
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2298 MovieClip Frame 14
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2298 MovieClip Frame 19
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2298 MovieClip Frame 20
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2298 MovieClip Frame 25
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2298 MovieClip Frame 35
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 2
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 7
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 8
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 13
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 14
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 19
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 20
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 25
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 35
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2302 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2302 MovieClip Frame 2
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Symbol 2302 MovieClip Frame 7
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2302 MovieClip Frame 8
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2302 MovieClip Frame 13
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2302 MovieClip Frame 14
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2302 MovieClip Frame 19
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2302 MovieClip Frame 20
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2302 MovieClip Frame 25
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2302 MovieClip Frame 35
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2305 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2305 MovieClip Frame 2
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Symbol 2305 MovieClip Frame 7
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2305 MovieClip Frame 8
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2305 MovieClip Frame 13
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2305 MovieClip Frame 14
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2305 MovieClip Frame 19
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2305 MovieClip Frame 20
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2305 MovieClip Frame 25
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2305 MovieClip Frame 35
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2307 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2307 MovieClip Frame 2
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Symbol 2307 MovieClip Frame 7
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2307 MovieClip Frame 8
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2307 MovieClip Frame 13
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2307 MovieClip Frame 14
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2307 MovieClip Frame 19
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2307 MovieClip Frame 20
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2307 MovieClip Frame 25
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2307 MovieClip Frame 35
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2316 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2316 MovieClip Frame 2
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Symbol 2316 MovieClip Frame 7
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2316 MovieClip Frame 8
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2316 MovieClip Frame 13
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2316 MovieClip Frame 14
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2316 MovieClip Frame 19
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2316 MovieClip Frame 20
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2316 MovieClip Frame 25
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2316 MovieClip Frame 35
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2330 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2330 MovieClip Frame 2
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Symbol 2330 MovieClip Frame 7
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2330 MovieClip Frame 8
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2330 MovieClip Frame 13
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2330 MovieClip Frame 14
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2330 MovieClip Frame 19
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2330 MovieClip Frame 20
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
} else {
tellTarget ("_root.GunSon") {
Set("/Variables:Balle", random(10) + 1);
Symbol 2330 MovieClip Frame 25
tellTarget ("_root.Meg.Balle" + /Variables:Balle) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 2330 MovieClip Frame 35
if (random(100) < 50) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 1
Set("/Variables:GardeTir" + (substring(getProperty("_parent", _name), 6, 1)), true);
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 6
Set(("/Variables:" + getProperty("_parent", _name)) + "Action", false);
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 2340 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/Variables:Avalanche == true) {
gotoAndStop (205);
Set("/Variables:Garde2Action", false);
Set("/Variables:PositionGarde2", "Tir1");
Set("/Variables:GardeTir2", false);
Symbol 2340 MovieClip Frame 108
Set("/Variables:Garde2Action", true);
Symbol 2340 MovieClip Frame 125
Set("/Variables:PositionGarde2", "Tir2");
Symbol 2340 MovieClip Frame 126
Set("/Variables:Garde2Action", false);
Symbol 2340 MovieClip Frame 160
gotoAndPlay (162);
Symbol 2340 MovieClip Frame 161
Set("/Variables:Garde2Action", true);
Symbol 2340 MovieClip Frame 185
Set("/Variables:Garde2Action", true);
Symbol 2340 MovieClip Frame 202
gotoAndPlay (204);
Symbol 2340 MovieClip Frame 203
Set("/Variables:Garde2Action", true);
Symbol 2340 MovieClip Frame 204
Set("/Variables:Garde2Action", false);
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2340 MovieClip Frame 205
Symbol 2342 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/Variables:Avalanche == true) {
Symbol 2347 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/Variables:Avalanche == true) {
gotoAndStop (208);
Set("/Variables:Garde1Action", false);
Set("/Variables:PositionGarde1", "Tir1");
Set("/Variables:GardeTir1", false);
Symbol 2347 MovieClip Frame 64
Set("/Variables:Garde1Action", true);
Symbol 2347 MovieClip Frame 81
Set("/Variables:PositionGarde1", "Tir2");
Symbol 2347 MovieClip Frame 82
Set("/Variables:Garde1Action", false);
Symbol 2347 MovieClip Frame 143
gotoAndPlay (145);
Symbol 2347 MovieClip Frame 144
Set("/Variables:Garde1Action", true);
Symbol 2347 MovieClip Frame 188
Set("/Variables:Garde1Action", true);
Symbol 2347 MovieClip Frame 205
gotoAndPlay (207);
Symbol 2347 MovieClip Frame 206
Set("/Variables:Garde1Action", true);
Symbol 2347 MovieClip Frame 207
Set("/Variables:Garde1Action", false);
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2347 MovieClip Frame 208
Symbol 2378 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/Variables:Avalanche == true) {
Symbol 2383 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/Variables:GrapinRamasse == true) {
Symbol 2385 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/Variables:PicRamasse == true) {
Symbol 2389 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2415 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (691);
Symbol 2762 MovieClip Frame 94