[Tools][Expand/Collapse All]Note that automatic extraction of ActionScript 3 is still pretty much unsupported by swfchan. AS1/AS2 works okay most of the time.Frame 1 (241 B)
if ("4" < _framesloaded) {
hs_loaded = "false";
loadVariablesNum ("http://www.odie.cc/reel_fishing/high_scores.txt?" add random("99999"), "0");
hs_loaded = "true";
gotoAndPlay (5);
} else {
load_text = "Loading Background";
Frame 4 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (1);
Frame 5 (124 B)
if ("8" < _framesloaded) {
gotoAndPlay (9);
} else {
load_text = "Loading Swimming Fish and Water Disturbances";
Frame 8 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (5);
Frame 9 (149 B)
if ("12" < _framesloaded) {
gotoAndPlay (13);
} else {
load_text = "Loading Fisherman, Fisherman's Shadow, Fisherman's Speech, and Boat";
Frame 12 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (9);
Frame 13 (291 B)
rotation = "315";
setProperty("/fisherman", _rotation , rotation);
setProperty("/fisherman_shadow", _rotation , rotation);
setProperty("/fisherman/fisherman_left_arm", _alpha , "0");
if ("16" < _framesloaded) {
gotoAndPlay (17);
} else {
load_text = "Loading Blacktip Shark";
Frame 16 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (13);
Frame 17 (139 B)
setProperty("/blacktip", _visible , "0");
if ("20" < _framesloaded) {
gotoAndPlay (21);
} else {
load_text = "Loading Tarpon";
Frame 20 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (17);
Frame 21 (137 B)
setProperty("/tarpon", _visible , "0");
if ("24" < _framesloaded) {
gotoAndPlay (25);
} else {
load_text = "Loading Permit";
Frame 24 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (21);
Frame 25 (136 B)
setProperty("/permit", _visible , "0");
if ("28" < _framesloaded) {
gotoAndPlay (29);
} else {
load_text = "Loading Cobia";
Frame 28 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (25);
Frame 29 (135 B)
setProperty("/cobia", _visible , "0");
if ("32" < _framesloaded) {
gotoAndPlay (33);
} else {
load_text = "Loading Snook";
Frame 32 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (29);
Frame 33 (137 B)
setProperty("/snook", _visible , "0");
if ("36" < _framesloaded) {
gotoAndPlay (37);
} else {
load_text = "Loading Redfish";
Frame 36 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (33);
Frame 37 (148 B)
setProperty("/redfish", _visible , "0");
if ("40" < _framesloaded) {
gotoAndPlay (41);
} else {
load_text = "Loading Spotted Seatrout";
Frame 40 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (37);
Frame 41 (146 B)
setProperty("/trout", _visible , "0");
if ("44" < _framesloaded) {
gotoAndPlay (45);
} else {
load_text = "Loading Spanish Mackeral";
Frame 44 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (41);
Frame 45 (142 B)
setProperty("/mackeral", _visible , "0");
if ("48" < _framesloaded) {
gotoAndPlay (49);
} else {
load_text = "Loading Barracuda";
Frame 48 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (45);
Frame 49 (169 B)
setProperty("/barracuda", _visible , "0");
if ("52" < _framesloaded) {
gotoAndPlay (53);
} else {
load_text = "Loading Jack Crevalle, Scroller, and Meters";
Frame 52 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (49);
Frame 53 (2.32 KiB) ●
setProperty("/distance_meter", _visible , "0");
setProperty("/drag_meter", _visible , "0");
setProperty("/drag_meter", _xscale , "3");
setProperty("/jack", _visible , "0");
if ((_framesloaded == _totalframes) and (hs_loaded eq "true")) {
blacktip_caught = "none";
tarpon_caught = "none";
permit_caught = "none";
cobia_caught = "none";
snook_caught = "none";
redfish_caught = "none";
trout_caught = "none";
mackeral_caught = "none";
barracuda_caught = "none";
jack_caught = "none";
total_points = "0";
instructions = ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((("Instructions" add "\r") add "--------------------") add "\r") add "Turning:") add "\r") add "Use the left and right arrow keys to turn.") add "\r") add "--------------------") add "\r") add "Casting:") add "\r") add "Tap the up arrow key to begin your cast. When the distance meter has reached the desired distance, tap the up arrow key again. Be careful not to cast into the rocks!") add "\r") add "--------------------") add "\r") add "Reeling:") add "\r") add "Use the down arrow to reel in your lure.") add "\r") add "--------------------") add "\r") add "Hooking and Fighting Fish:") add "\r") add "Cast your lure near a fish to hook it. When the fish takes the lure, use the down arrow to bring it to the boat. Keep the pressure on the fish to tire it out, but be careful not to put too much pressure on, or the line may snap (keep your eye on the drag pressure meter). Keep the fish out of the rocks and out from under the boat, or you'll lose the lure and the fish!") add "\r") add "--------------------") add "\r") add "Goal:") add "\r") add "This game has no traditional goal or ending. Instead, you fight the fish and try to bring as many to the boat as you can. You recieve points based on the species and size of the fish you catch. The game is over when you run out of lures.") add "\r") add "--------------------";
about = ((((("About" add "\r") add "--------------------") add "\r") add "Reel Fishing Online was created to be a simple distraction for people to waste their time with. The concept, code, artwork, and all other aspects were developed by Cooper Faust.") add "\r") add "--------------------";
game_over = "false";
high_score = "false";
gotoAndStop (57);
} else {
load_text = "Loading Title Screen, Interface, Game Control, Records, and End Screen";
Frame 56 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (53);
Frame 57 (8 B)
Frame 58 (8 B)
Frame 59 (6.69 KiB) ● ●
if ("34" < getProperty("/fisherman", _currentframe)) {
if ("0" < distance) {
tellTarget ("/fisherman") {
distance = distance - "1";
} else if ((distance == "0") and (getProperty("/fisherman/cast_lure", _currentframe) == "1")) {
setProperty("/fisherman/fisherman_left_arm", _visible , "100");
setProperty("/fisherman/fisherman_left_arm", _alpha , "100");
tellTarget ("/fisherman/cast_lure") {
gotoAndPlay ("splash");
tellTarget ("/fisherman_shadow") {
gotoAndStop ("reel");
} else if ((distance == "0") and ("1" < getProperty("/fisherman/cast_lure", _currentframe))) {
if (rotation < "0") {
rotation = rotation + "360";
} else if ("360" < rotation) {
rotation = rotation - "360";
if ((rotation >= "0") and (rotation < "90")) {
lure_x = getProperty("/angle_lookup", _x) + getProperty("/angle_lookup", _width);
lure_y = (getProperty("/angle_lookup", _y) + getProperty("/angle_lookup", _height)) + "10";
} else if ((rotation >= "90") and (rotation < "180")) {
lure_x = getProperty("/angle_lookup", _x) - getProperty("/angle_lookup", _width);
lure_y = getProperty("/angle_lookup", _y) + getProperty("/angle_lookup", _height);
} else if ((rotation >= "180") and (rotation < "270")) {
lure_x = getProperty("/angle_lookup", _x) - getProperty("/angle_lookup", _width);
lure_y = getProperty("/angle_lookup", _y) - getProperty("/angle_lookup", _height);
} else {
lure_x = (getProperty("/angle_lookup", _x) + getProperty("/angle_lookup", _width)) - "5";
lure_y = getProperty("/angle_lookup", _y) - (getProperty("/angle_lookup", _height) + "5");
setProperty("/angle_lookup/angle_line", _xscale , getProperty("/fisherman/line", _width) + "70");
if ((("500" < lure_x) and (lure_y < "110")) or (("540" < lure_x) and (lure_y < "160"))) {
setProperty("/angle_lookup/angle_line", _xscale , "100");
setProperty("/fisherman/fisherman_left_arm", _alpha , "0");
tellTarget ("/speech") {
gotoAndPlay ("rocks");
tellTarget ("/fisherman/cast_lure") {
gotoAndStop ("blank");
tellTarget ("/fisherman") {
gotoAndStop ("blank");
tellTarget ("/fisherman_shadow") {
gotoAndStop ("blank");
tellTarget ("/lures_left") {
} else if ((((((((getProperty("/swim_fish", _x) - "50") < lure_x) and (lure_x < (getProperty("/swim_fish", _x) + "50"))) and (((getProperty("/swim_fish", _y) - "50") < lure_y) and (lure_y < (getProperty("/swim_fish", _y) + "50")))) and ("15" < getProperty("/swim_fish", _x))) and (getProperty("/swim_fish", _x) < "585")) and (getProperty("/swim_fish", _y) < "285")) and ("15" < getProperty("/swim_fish", _y))) {
fish_bite_check = random("5");
if (fish_bite_check == "0") {
setProperty("/water_disturbance", _x , getProperty("/swim_fish", _x));
setProperty("/water_disturbance", _y , getProperty("/swim_fish", _y));
water_disturbance_rotate = random("36") * "10";
setProperty("/water_disturbance", _rotation , water_disturbance_rotate);
tellTarget ("/water_disturbance") {
gotoAndPlay ("spook");
tellTarget ("/speech") {
gotoAndPlay ("spook");
tellTarget ("/swim_fish") {
gotoAndPlay ("blank");
} else {
rotation = "315";
setProperty("/fisherman", _rotation , rotation);
setProperty("/fisherman_shadow", _rotation , rotation);
setProperty("/water_disturbance", _x , getProperty("/swim_fish", _x));
setProperty("/water_disturbance", _y , getProperty("/swim_fish", _y));
water_disturbance_rotate = random("36") * "10";
setProperty("/water_disturbance", _rotation , water_disturbance_rotate);
setProperty("/angle_lookup/angle_line", _xscale , "100");
setProperty("/drag_meter", _xscale , "3");
tellTarget ("/speech") {
gotoAndPlay ("hook");
tellTarget ("/water_disturbance") {
gotoAndPlay ("hook");
tellTarget ("/fisherman") {
gotoAndStop ("straight");
tellTarget ("/fisherman_shadow") {
gotoAndStop ("hook_set");
tellTarget ("/swim_fish") {
gotoAndPlay ("fish_fight_swim");
tellTarget ("/swim_fish/fish_shadow") {
gotoAndStop ("fish_hooked");
if ("99" < getProperty("/fisherman", _currentframe)) {
if ("0" < drag) {
if (((drag / drag_max) * "100") < "3") {
setProperty("/drag_meter", _xscale , "3");
} else {
setProperty("/drag_meter", _xscale , (drag / drag_max) * "100");
drag = drag - (drag_max / "500");
if ((getProperty("/swim_fish", _x) < "57") and (getProperty("/swim_fish", _y) < "257")) {
setProperty("/fish_fight_line", _xscale , "57" - getProperty("/swim_fish", _x));
setProperty("/fish_fight_line", _yscale , "257" - getProperty("/swim_fish", _y));
tellTarget ("/fish_fight_line") {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else if ((getProperty("/swim_fish", _x) == "57") and (getProperty("/swim_fish", _y) < "257")) {
setProperty("/fish_fight_line", _yscale , "257" - getProperty("/swim_fish", _y));
tellTarget ("/fish_fight_line") {
gotoAndStop (3);
} else if (("57" < getProperty("/swim_fish", _x)) and (getProperty("/swim_fish", _y) < "257")) {
setProperty("/fish_fight_line", _xscale , getProperty("/swim_fish", _x) - "57");
setProperty("/fish_fight_line", _yscale , "257" - getProperty("/swim_fish", _y));
tellTarget ("/fish_fight_line") {
gotoAndStop (4);
} else if (("57" < getProperty("/swim_fish", _x)) and (getProperty("/swim_fish", _y) == "257")) {
setProperty("/fish_fight_line", _xscale , getProperty("/swim_fish", _x) - "57");
tellTarget ("/fish_fight_line") {
gotoAndStop (5);
} else if (("57" < getProperty("/swim_fish", _x)) and ("257" < getProperty("/swim_fish", _y))) {
setProperty("/fish_fight_line", _xscale , getProperty("/swim_fish", _x) - "57");
setProperty("/fish_fight_line", _yscale , getProperty("/swim_fish", _y) - "257");
tellTarget ("/fish_fight_line") {
gotoAndStop (6);
} else {
tellTarget ("/fish_fight_line") {
gotoAndStop ("blank");
if ((("257" - getProperty("/swim_fish", _y)) * "4") < (getProperty("/swim_fish", _x) + "57")) {
tellTarget ("/fisherman") {
gotoAndStop ("left");
} else if ((getProperty("/swim_fish", _x) + "57") < ("257" - getProperty("/swim_fish", _y))) {
tellTarget ("/fisherman") {
gotoAndStop ("right");
} else {
tellTarget ("/fisherman") {
gotoAndStop ("straight");
Frame 60 (70 B)
if (game_over eq "true") {
} else {
gotoAndPlay (59);
Frame 61 (454 B)
fish_information_text = ((((fish_size add " lb. ") add fish_name) add " - ") add points) add " points";
total_points = total_points + points;
if (eval (fish_type add "_caught") eq "none") {
Set(fish_type add "_caught", (((fish_size add " lbs.") add " - ") add points) add " points");
} else {
Set(fish_type add "_caught", (((((eval (fish_type add "_caught") add "\r") add fish_size) add " lbs.") add " - ") add points) add " points");
Frame 62 (428 B)
setProperty("/distance_meter", _visible , "0");
setProperty("/drag_meter", _visible , "0");
setProperty("/drag_meter", _xscale , "3");
setProperty("/fisherman", _visible , "0");
setProperty("/fisherman_shadow", _visible , "0");
setProperty("/fisherman/fisherman_left_arm", _alpha , "0");
rotation = "315";
setProperty("/fisherman", _rotation , rotation);
setProperty("/fisherman_shadow", _rotation , rotation);
Symbol 6 MovieClip Frame 1 (37 B)
Set("../..:fish_size", "");
Symbol 6 MovieClip Frame 2 (468 B)
fish_size_choose = random("10");
if (fish_size_choose == "0") {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("70") + "211");
} else if ((fish_size_choose == "1") or (fish_size_choose == "2")) {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("70") + "140");
} else if (("2" < fish_size_choose) and (fish_size_choose < "6")) {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("70") + "70");
} else {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("60") + "10");
Set("../..:points", ../..:fish_size * "10");
Symbol 6 MovieClip Frame 3 (467 B)
fish_size_choose = random("10");
if (fish_size_choose == "0") {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("70") + "211");
} else if ((fish_size_choose == "1") or (fish_size_choose == "2")) {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("70") + "140");
} else if (("2" < fish_size_choose) and (fish_size_choose < "6")) {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("70") + "70");
} else {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("60") + "10");
Set("../..:points", ../..:fish_size * "9");
Symbol 6 MovieClip Frame 4 (464 B)
fish_size_choose = random("10");
if (fish_size_choose == "0") {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("14") + "43");
} else if ((fish_size_choose == "1") or (fish_size_choose == "2")) {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("14") + "28");
} else if (("2" < fish_size_choose) and (fish_size_choose < "6")) {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("14") + "14");
} else {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("10") + "4");
Set("../..:points", ../..:fish_size * "8");
Symbol 6 MovieClip Frame 5 (466 B)
fish_size_choose = random("10");
if (fish_size_choose == "0") {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("35") + "106");
} else if ((fish_size_choose == "1") or (fish_size_choose == "2")) {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("35") + "70");
} else if (("2" < fish_size_choose) and (fish_size_choose < "6")) {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("35") + "35");
} else {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("25") + "10");
Set("../..:points", ../..:fish_size * "7");
Symbol 6 MovieClip Frame 6 (464 B)
fish_size_choose = random("10");
if (fish_size_choose == "0") {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("15") + "46");
} else if ((fish_size_choose == "1") or (fish_size_choose == "2")) {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("15") + "30");
} else if (("2" < fish_size_choose) and (fish_size_choose < "6")) {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("15") + "15");
} else {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("10") + "5");
Set("../..:points", ../..:fish_size * "6");
Symbol 6 MovieClip Frame 7 (464 B)
fish_size_choose = random("10");
if (fish_size_choose == "0") {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("20") + "61");
} else if ((fish_size_choose == "1") or (fish_size_choose == "2")) {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("20") + "40");
} else if (("2" < fish_size_choose) and (fish_size_choose < "6")) {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("20") + "20");
} else {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("15") + "5");
Set("../..:points", ../..:fish_size * "5");
Symbol 6 MovieClip Frame 8 (458 B)
fish_size_choose = random("10");
if (fish_size_choose == "0") {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("4") + "13");
} else if ((fish_size_choose == "1") or (fish_size_choose == "2")) {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("4") + "8");
} else if (("2" < fish_size_choose) and (fish_size_choose < "6")) {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("4") + "4");
} else {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("2") + "2");
Set("../..:points", ../..:fish_size * "4");
Symbol 6 MovieClip Frame 9 (458 B)
fish_size_choose = random("10");
if (fish_size_choose == "0") {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("3") + "10");
} else if ((fish_size_choose == "1") or (fish_size_choose == "2")) {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("3") + "6");
} else if (("2" < fish_size_choose) and (fish_size_choose < "6")) {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("3") + "3");
} else {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("2") + "2");
Set("../..:points", ../..:fish_size * "3");
Symbol 6 MovieClip Frame 10 (464 B)
fish_size_choose = random("10");
if (fish_size_choose == "0") {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("15") + "46");
} else if ((fish_size_choose == "1") or (fish_size_choose == "2")) {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("15") + "30");
} else if (("2" < fish_size_choose) and (fish_size_choose < "6")) {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("15") + "15");
} else {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("10") + "5");
Set("../..:points", ../..:fish_size * "2");
Symbol 6 MovieClip Frame 11 (458 B)
fish_size_choose = random("10");
if (fish_size_choose == "0") {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("14") + "43");
} else if ((fish_size_choose == "1") or (fish_size_choose == "2")) {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("14") + "28");
} else if (("2" < fish_size_choose) and (fish_size_choose < "6")) {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("14") + "14");
} else {
Set("../..:fish_size", random("10") + "4");
Set("../..:points", ../..:fish_size);
Symbol 6 MovieClip Frame 12 (57 B)
Set("../..:drag_max", "300" - ../..:fish_size);
Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 1 (31 B)
_x = (-"50");
_y = (-"50");
Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 2 (1.88 KiB) ●
fish_choose = random("55");
if (fish_choose == "0") {
tellTarget ("fish_shadow") {
gotoAndStop ("blacktip");
Set("..:fish_type", "blacktip");
Set("..:fish_name", "Blacktip Shark");
} else if ((fish_choose == "1") or (fish_choose == "2")) {
tellTarget ("fish_shadow") {
gotoAndStop ("tarpon");
Set("..:fish_type", "tarpon");
Set("..:fish_name", "Tarpon");
} else if (("2" < fish_choose) and (fish_choose < "6")) {
tellTarget ("fish_shadow") {
gotoAndStop ("permit");
Set("..:fish_type", "permit");
Set("..:fish_name", "Permit");
} else if (("5" < fish_choose) and (fish_choose < "10")) {
tellTarget ("fish_shadow") {
gotoAndStop ("cobia");
Set("..:fish_type", "cobia");
Set("..:fish_name", "Cobia");
} else if (("9" < fish_choose) and (fish_choose < "15")) {
tellTarget ("fish_shadow") {
gotoAndStop ("snook");
Set("..:fish_type", "snook");
Set("..:fish_name", "Snook");
} else if (("14" < fish_choose) and (fish_choose < "21")) {
tellTarget ("fish_shadow") {
gotoAndStop ("redfish");
Set("..:fish_type", "redfish");
Set("..:fish_name", "Redfish");
} else if (("20" < fish_choose) and (fish_choose < "28")) {
tellTarget ("fish_shadow") {
gotoAndStop ("trout");
Set("..:fish_type", "trout");
Set("..:fish_name", "Spotted Seatrout");
} else if (("27" < fish_choose) and (fish_choose < "36")) {
tellTarget ("fish_shadow") {
gotoAndStop ("mackeral");
Set("..:fish_type", "mackeral");
Set("..:fish_name", "Spanish Mackeral");
} else if (("35" < fish_choose) and (fish_choose < "45")) {
tellTarget ("fish_shadow") {
gotoAndStop ("barracuda");
Set("..:fish_type", "barracuda");
Set("..:fish_name", "Barracuda");
} else {
tellTarget ("fish_shadow") {
gotoAndStop ("jack");
Set("..:fish_type", "jack");
Set("..:fish_name", "Jack Crevalle");
Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 3 (464 B)
fish_start = random("4");
if (fish_start == "0") {
_x = (random("410") + "30");
_y = (-"50");
rotation_current = "90";
} else if (fish_start == "1") {
_x = "650";
_y = (random("60") + "210");
rotation_current = "180";
} else if (fish_start == "2") {
_x = (random("490") + "80");
_y = "350";
rotation_current = "270";
} else {
_x = (-"50");
_y = (random("190") + "30");
rotation_current = "0";
_rotation = rotation_current;
Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 4 (763 B)
if (rotation_current == "0") {
fish_swim_x = "1.5";
fish_swim_y = "0";
} else if (rotation_current == "45") {
fish_swim_x = "1.2";
fish_swim_y = "1.2";
} else if (rotation_current == "90") {
fish_swim_x = "0";
fish_swim_y = "1.5";
} else if (rotation_current == "135") {
fish_swim_x = -"1.2";
fish_swim_y = "1.2";
} else if (rotation_current == "180") {
fish_swim_x = -"1.5";
fish_swim_y = "0";
} else if (rotation_current == "225") {
fish_swim_x = -"1.2";
fish_swim_y = -"1.2";
} else if (rotation_current == "270") {
fish_swim_x = "0";
fish_swim_y = -"1.5";
} else if (rotation_current == "315") {
fish_swim_x = "1.2";
fish_swim_y = -"1.2";
} else {
fish_swim_x = "1.5";
fish_swim_y = "0";
fish_swim_count = "0";
Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 5 (561 B)
if ((((_x < (-"60")) or ("660" < _x)) or ("360" < _y)) or (_y < (-"60"))) {
_x = "0";
_y = (-"50");
gotoAndPlay (1);
} else if (((_x < "60") and ("240" < _y)) or (("470" < _x) and (_y < "180"))) {
_x = (_x - (fish_swim_x * "1.1"));
_y = (_y - (fish_swim_y * "1.1"));
rotation_goal = rotation_current + "45";
if ("360" < rotation_goal) {
rotation_goal = rotation_goal - "360";
rotation_current = rotation_goal - "45";
gotoAndPlay (8);
} else {
_x = (_x + fish_swim_x);
_y = (_y + fish_swim_y);
Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 6 (98 B)
if (fish_swim_count < "25") {
gotoAndPlay (5);
fish_swim_count = fish_swim_count + "1";
Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 7 (2.08 KiB) ●
if (rotation_current == "0") {
rotation_choose = random("3");
if (rotation_choose == "0") {
rotation_current = "360";
rotation_goal = "315";
} else if (rotation_choose == "1") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else {
rotation_goal = "45";
} else if (rotation_current == "45") {
rotation_choose = random("3");
if (rotation_choose == "0") {
rotation_goal = "0";
} else if (rotation_choose == "1") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else {
rotation_goal = "90";
} else if (rotation_current == "90") {
rotation_choose = random("3");
if (rotation_choose == "0") {
rotation_goal = "45";
} else if (rotation_choose == "1") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else {
rotation_goal = "135";
} else if (rotation_current == "135") {
rotation_choose = random("3");
if (rotation_choose == "0") {
rotation_goal = "90";
} else if (rotation_choose == "1") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else {
rotation_goal = "180";
} else if (rotation_current == "180") {
rotation_choose = random("3");
if (rotation_choose == "0") {
rotation_goal = "135";
} else if (rotation_choose == "1") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else {
rotation_goal = "225";
} else if (rotation_current == "225") {
rotation_choose = random("3");
if (rotation_choose == "0") {
rotation_goal = "180";
} else if (rotation_choose == "1") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else {
rotation_goal = "270";
} else if (rotation_current == "270") {
rotation_choose = random("3");
if (rotation_choose == "0") {
rotation_goal = "225";
} else if (rotation_choose == "1") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else {
rotation_goal = "315";
} else if (rotation_current == "315") {
rotation_choose = random("3");
if (rotation_choose == "0") {
rotation_goal = "270";
} else if (rotation_choose == "1") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else {
rotation_goal = "360";
} else {
rotation_current = "0";
rotation_choose = random("3");
if (rotation_choose == "0") {
rotation_current = "360";
rotation_goal = "315";
} else if (rotation_choose == "1") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else {
rotation_goal = "45";
Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 8 (282 B)
if (rotation_goal < rotation_current) {
rotation_current = rotation_current - "3";
_rotation = rotation_current;
} else if (rotation_current < rotation_goal) {
rotation_current = rotation_current + "3";
_rotation = rotation_current;
} else {
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 9 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (8);
Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 10 (763 B)
if (rotation_current == "0") {
fish_swim_x = "2.7";
fish_swim_y = "0";
} else if (rotation_current == "45") {
fish_swim_x = "1.8";
fish_swim_y = "1.8";
} else if (rotation_current == "90") {
fish_swim_x = "0";
fish_swim_y = "2.7";
} else if (rotation_current == "135") {
fish_swim_x = -"1.8";
fish_swim_y = "1.8";
} else if (rotation_current == "180") {
fish_swim_x = -"1.8";
fish_swim_y = "0";
} else if (rotation_current == "225") {
fish_swim_x = -"1.8";
fish_swim_y = -"1.8";
} else if (rotation_current == "270") {
fish_swim_x = "0";
fish_swim_y = -"2.7";
} else if (rotation_current == "315") {
fish_swim_x = "1.8";
fish_swim_y = -"1.8";
} else {
fish_swim_x = "2.7";
fish_swim_y = "0";
fish_swim_count = "0";
Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 11 (1.35 KiB) ●
if ((((_x < "15") or ("585" < _x)) or ("285" < _y)) or (_y < "15")) {
_x = (_x - fish_swim_x);
_y = (_y - fish_swim_y);
rotation_current = rotation_current + "180";
gotoAndPlay (13);
} else {
_x = (_x + fish_swim_x);
_y = (_y + fish_swim_y);
if ((_x < "50") and ("250" < _y)) {
setProperty("../fisherman/fisherman_left_arm", _alpha , "0");
setProperty("../drag_meter", _xscale , "3");
Set("..:drag", "0");
tellTarget ("../speech") {
gotoAndPlay ("cutoff_boat");
tellTarget ("../lures_left") {
tellTarget ("../fisherman") {
gotoAndStop ("blank");
tellTarget ("../fisherman_shadow") {
gotoAndStop ("blank");
tellTarget ("../fish_fight_line") {
gotoAndStop ("blank");
gotoAndPlay (1);
} else if (("480" < _x) and (_y < "170")) {
setProperty("../fisherman/fisherman_left_arm", _alpha , "0");
setProperty("../drag_meter", _xscale , "3");
Set("..:drag", "0");
tellTarget ("../speech") {
gotoAndPlay ("cutoff_rocks");
tellTarget ("../lures_left") {
tellTarget ("../fisherman") {
gotoAndStop ("blank");
tellTarget ("../fisherman_shadow") {
gotoAndStop ("blank");
tellTarget ("../fish_fight_line") {
gotoAndStop ("blank");
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 12 (99 B)
if (fish_swim_count < "20") {
gotoAndPlay (11);
fish_swim_count = fish_swim_count + "1";
Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 13 (2.17 KiB) ●
if (rotation_current == "0") {
rotation_choose = random("3");
if (rotation_choose == "0") {
rotation_goal = "315";
} else if (rotation_choose == "1") {
gotoAndPlay (10);
} else {
rotation_goal = "45";
} else if (rotation_current == "45") {
rotation_choose = random("3");
if (rotation_choose == "0") {
rotation_goal = "0";
} else if (rotation_choose == "1") {
gotoAndPlay (10);
} else {
rotation_goal = "90";
} else if (rotation_current == "90") {
rotation_choose = random("4");
if ((rotation_choose == "0") or (rotation_choose == "1")) {
rotation_goal = "45";
} else if (rotation_choose == "2") {
gotoAndPlay (10);
} else {
rotation_goal = "135";
} else if (rotation_current == "135") {
rotation_choose = random("4");
if ((rotation_choose == "0") or (rotation_choose == "1")) {
rotation_goal = "90";
} else if (rotation_choose == "2") {
gotoAndPlay (10);
} else {
rotation_goal = "180";
} else if (rotation_current == "180") {
rotation_choose = random("5");
if ((rotation_choose == "0") or (rotation_choose == "1")) {
rotation_goal = "135";
} else if (rotation_choose == "2") {
gotoAndPlay (10);
} else {
rotation_goal = "225";
} else if (rotation_current == "225") {
rotation_choose = random("4");
if (rotation_choose == "0") {
rotation_goal = "180";
} else if (rotation_choose == "1") {
gotoAndPlay (10);
} else {
rotation_goal = "270";
} else if (rotation_current == "270") {
rotation_choose = random("4");
if (rotation_choose == "0") {
rotation_goal = "225";
} else if (rotation_choose == "1") {
gotoAndPlay (10);
} else {
rotation_goal = "315";
} else if (rotation_current == "315") {
rotation_choose = random("3");
if (rotation_choose == "0") {
rotation_goal = "270";
} else if (rotation_choose == "1") {
gotoAndPlay (10);
} else {
rotation_goal = "360";
} else {
rotation_choose = random("3");
if (rotation_choose == "0") {
rotation_goal = "315";
} else if (rotation_choose == "1") {
gotoAndPlay (10);
} else {
rotation_goal = "45";
rotation_current = rotation_goal;
_rotation = rotation_current;
gotoAndPlay (10);
Symbol 28 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 28 MovieClip Frame 25 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 37 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 37 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 37 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 41 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 41 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 20 (8 B)
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 21 (8 B)
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 13 (49 B)
setProperty("../distance_meter", _alpha , "80");
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 17 (49 B)
setProperty("../distance_meter", _alpha , "60");
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 21 (49 B)
setProperty("../distance_meter", _alpha , "40");
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 25 (49 B)
setProperty("../distance_meter", _alpha , "20");
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 29 (63 B)
tellTarget ("../distance_meter") {
gotoAndStop ("blank");
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 100 (8 B)
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 101 (8 B)
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 102 (8 B)
Symbol 86 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 50 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 99 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 148 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 197 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 246 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 294 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 342 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 390 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 391 (8 B)
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 34 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 134 Button (305 B)
on (release) {
if ((getProperty("../", _currentframe) == "51") or (getProperty("../", _currentframe) == "52")) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndPlay ("actions");
tellTarget ("../swim_fish") {
tellTarget ("../interface_bg") {
gotoAndStop ("blank");
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 140 Button (133 B)
on (press, dragOver) {
startDrag ("", false, "250", "10", "250", ("150" - _height) + "10");
on (release, dragOut) {
Symbol 144 Button (218 B)
on (press, dragOver) {
if ((getProperty("../up_arrow", _y) + getProperty("../up_arrow", _height)) < getProperty("../scrollbar", _y)) {
setProperty("../scrollbar", _y , getProperty("../scrollbar", _y) - "1");
Symbol 146 Button (221 B)
on (press, dragOver) {
if ((getProperty("../scrollbar", _y) + getProperty("../scrollbar", _height)) < getProperty("../down_arrow", _y)) {
setProperty("../scrollbar", _y , getProperty("../scrollbar", _y) + "1");
Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 6 (82 B)
if ("1" < text.maxscroll) {
gotoAndPlay (8);
} else {
gotoAndStop (7);
Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 7 (8 B)
Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 8 (478 B)
if ("160" < (getProperty("scrollbar", _y) + getProperty("scrollbar", _height))) {
setProperty("scrollbar", _y , "160" - getProperty("scrollbar", _height));
} else if (getProperty("scrollbar", _y) < "10") {
setProperty("scrollbar", _y , "10");
} else {
text.scroll = int(((getProperty("scrollbar", _y) - "10") / ("150" - getProperty("scrollbar", _height))) * (text.maxscroll + "1"));
setProperty("scrollbar", _yscale , ("9" / (text.maxscroll + "8")) * "100");
Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 9 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (8);
Symbol 153 Button (35 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (58);
Symbol 156 Button (1.24 KiB) ●
on (release) {
high_scores = ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((("High Scores" add "\r") add "--------------------") add "\r") add "1) ") add hs_1) add " points - ") add hs_1_name) add "\r") add "--------------------") add "\r") add "2) ") add hs_2) add " points - ") add hs_2_name) add "\r") add "--------------------") add "\r") add "3) ") add hs_3) add " points - ") add hs_3_name) add "\r") add "--------------------") add "\r") add "4) ") add hs_4) add " points - ") add hs_4_name) add "\r") add "--------------------") add "\r") add "5) ") add hs_5) add " points - ") add hs_5_name) add "\r") add "--------------------") add "\r") add "6) ") add hs_6) add " points - ") add hs_6_name) add "\r") add "--------------------") add "\r") add "7) ") add hs_7) add " points - ") add hs_7_name) add "\r") add "--------------------") add "\r") add "8) ") add hs_8) add " points - ") add hs_8_name) add "\r") add "--------------------") add "\r") add "9) ") add hs_9) add " points - ") add hs_9_name) add "\r") add "--------------------") add "\r") add "10) ") add hs_10) add " points - ") add hs_10_name) add "\r") add "--------------------";
Set("/scroll:text", high_scores);
tellTarget ("/scroll") {
gotoAndPlay ("scroll");
Symbol 159 Button (100 B)
on (release) {
Set("/scroll:text", about);
tellTarget ("/scroll") {
gotoAndPlay ("scroll");
Symbol 162 Button (107 B)
on (release) {
Set("/scroll:text", instructions);
tellTarget ("/scroll") {
gotoAndPlay ("scroll");
Symbol 167 Button (698 B)
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") {
if (name eq "Please enter your name.") {
tellTarget ("/speech") {
gotoAndPlay ("enter_name");
} else {
name_verify_count = "1";
name_verify = substring(name, name_verify_count, "1");
while (name_verify ne "") {
name_verify = substring(name, name_verify_count, "1");
if (name_verify eq "&") {
name_verify = " ";
} else if (name_verify eq "+") {
name_verify = " ";
name_verified = name_verified add name_verify;
name_verify_count = name_verify_count + "1";
name = name_verified;
setProperty("/distance_meter", _visible , "100");
setProperty("/drag_meter", _visible , "100");
gotoAndPlay (59);
Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 2 (47 B)
setProperty("lure_4", _alpha , "20");
Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 3 (47 B)
setProperty("lure_3", _alpha , "20");
Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 4 (47 B)
setProperty("lure_2", _alpha , "20");
Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 5 (47 B)
setProperty("lure_1", _alpha , "20");
Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 6 (178 B)
Set("..:game_over", "true");
tellTarget ("../fisherman/cast_lure") {
gotoAndStop ("no_more_lures");
tellTarget ("../check_high_scores") {
gotoAndPlay ("hs_load");
Symbol 173 Button (3.77 KiB) ●
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
if (getProperty("/fisherman", _currentframe) == "1") {
rotation = rotation - "3";
setProperty("/fisherman", _rotation , rotation);
setProperty("/fisherman_shadow", _rotation , rotation);
setProperty("/angle_lookup/angle_line", _rotation , rotation);
on (keyPress "<Right>") {
if (getProperty("/fisherman", _currentframe) == "1") {
rotation = rotation + "3";
setProperty("/fisherman", _rotation , rotation);
setProperty("/fisherman_shadow", _rotation , rotation);
setProperty("/angle_lookup/angle_line", _rotation , rotation);
on (keyPress "<Up>") {
if ((getProperty("/fisherman", _currentframe) == "1") and (getProperty("/distance_meter", _currentframe) == "1")) {
setProperty("/distance_meter", _alpha , "100");
tellTarget ("/distance_meter") {
gotoAndPlay ("meter_play");
} else if ((getProperty("/fisherman", _currentframe) == "1") and ("1" < getProperty("/distance_meter", _currentframe))) {
tellTarget ("/distance_meter") {
distance = (getProperty("/distance_meter", _currentframe) - "1") * "2";
tellTarget ("/fisherman") {
gotoAndPlay ("cast");
on (keyPress "<Down>") {
if (((("34" < getProperty("/fisherman", _currentframe)) and (getProperty("/fisherman", _currentframe) < "100")) and (getProperty("/fisherman/cast_lure", _currentframe) == "20")) and (distance == "0")) {
tellTarget ("/fisherman") {
} else if (((getProperty("/fisherman", _currentframe) == "34") and (getProperty("/fisherman/cast_lure", _currentframe) == "20")) and (distance == "0")) {
setProperty("/fisherman/fisherman_left_arm", _alpha , "0");
tellTarget ("/fisherman") {
gotoAndStop ("blank");
tellTarget ("/fisherman/cast_lure") {
gotoAndStop ("blank");
tellTarget ("/fisherman_shadow") {
gotoAndStop ("blank");
} else if ("99" < getProperty("/fisherman", _currentframe)) {
if (drag_max < drag) {
setProperty("/angle_lookup/angle_line", _xscale , "100");
setProperty("/drag_meter", _xscale , "3");
drag = "0";
tellTarget ("/speech") {
gotoAndPlay ("snap");
tellTarget ("/lures_left") {
tellTarget ("/fisherman") {
gotoAndStop ("blank");
tellTarget ("/fisherman_shadow") {
gotoAndStop ("blank");
tellTarget ("/swim_fish") {
gotoAndPlay ("blank");
tellTarget ("/fish_fight_line") {
gotoAndStop ("blank");
setProperty("/fisherman/fisherman_left_arm", _alpha , "0");
} else {
drag = drag + "5";
drag_max = drag_max + "1";
if (getProperty("/swim_fish", _y) < "250") {
setProperty("/swim_fish", _y , getProperty("/swim_fish", _y) + "4");
} else if ("265" < getProperty("/swim_fish", _y)) {
setProperty("/swim_fish", _y , getProperty("/swim_fish", _y) - "4");
if (getProperty("/swim_fish", _x) < "50") {
setProperty("/swim_fish", _x , getProperty("/swim_fish", _x) + "4");
} else if ("65" < getProperty("/swim_fish", _x)) {
setProperty("/swim_fish", _x , getProperty("/swim_fish", _x) - "4");
if (((("50" < getProperty("/swim_fish", _x)) and (getProperty("/swim_fish", _x) < "65")) and ("250" < getProperty("/swim_fish", _y))) and (getProperty("/swim_fish", _y) < "265")) {
setProperty("/" add fish_type, _visible , "100");
setProperty("/drag_meter", _xscale , "3");
drag = "0";
tellTarget ("/speech") {
gotoAndPlay ("catch");
tellTarget ("/fisherman") {
gotoAndStop ("blank");
tellTarget ("/fisherman_shadow") {
gotoAndStop ("blank");
tellTarget ("/fish_fight_line") {
gotoAndStop ("blank");
setProperty("/fisherman/fisherman_left_arm", _alpha , "0");
gotoAndStop (61);
Symbol 176 Button (2.35 KiB) ●
on (release) {
fish_caught = ("Fish Caught" add "\r") add "--------------------";
if (blacktip_caught ne "none") {
fish_caught = (((((fish_caught add "\r") add "Blacktip Shark(s):") add "\r") add blacktip_caught) add "\r") add "--------------------";
if (tarpon_caught ne "none") {
fish_caught = (((((fish_caught add "\r") add "Tarpon:") add "\r") add tarpon_caught) add "\r") add "--------------------";
if (permit_caught ne "none") {
fish_caught = (((((fish_caught add "\r") add "Permit:") add "\r") add permit_caught) add "\r") add "--------------------";
if (cobia_caught ne "none") {
fish_caught = (((((fish_caught add "\r") add "Cobia:") add "\r") add cobia_caught) add "\r") add "--------------------";
if (snook_caught ne "none") {
fish_caught = (((((fish_caught add "\r") add "Snook:") add "\r") add snook_caught) add "\r") add "--------------------";
if (redfish_caught ne "none") {
fish_caught = (((((fish_caught add "\r") add "Redfish:") add "\r") add redfish_caught) add "\r") add "--------------------";
if (trout_caught ne "none") {
fish_caught = (((((fish_caught add "\r") add "Spotted Seatrout:") add "\r") add trout_caught) add "\r") add "--------------------";
if (mackeral_caught ne "none") {
fish_caught = (((((fish_caught add "\r") add "Spanish Mackeral:") add "\r") add mackeral_caught) add "\r") add "--------------------";
if (barracuda_caught ne "none") {
fish_caught = (((((fish_caught add "\r") add "Barracuda(s):") add "\r") add barracuda_caught) add "\r") add "--------------------";
if (jack_caught ne "none") {
fish_caught = (((((fish_caught add "\r") add "Jack Crevalle(s):") add "\r") add jack_caught) add "\r") add "--------------------";
if (total_points <> "0") {
fish_caught = (((((fish_caught add "\r") add "Total Points: ") add "\r") add total_points) add "\r") add "--------------------";
if ((((((((((blacktip_caught eq "none") and (tarpon_caught eq "none")) and (permit_caught eq "none")) and (cobia_caught eq "none")) and (snook_caught eq "none")) and (redfish_caught eq "none")) and (trout_caught eq "none")) and (mackeral_caught eq "none")) and (barracuda_caught eq "none")) and (jack_caught eq "none")) {
fish_caught = (((fish_caught add "\r") add "None") add "\r") add "--------------------";
Set("/scroll:text", fish_caught);
tellTarget ("/scroll") {
gotoAndPlay ("scroll");
Symbol 179 Button (176 B)
on (release) {
if (getProperty("/check_high_scores", _currentframe) == "1") {
game_over = "true";
tellTarget ("/check_high_scores") {
gotoAndPlay ("hs_load");
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 2 (639 B)
Set("..:hs_loaded", "false");
loadVariablesNum ("http://www.odie.cc/reel_fishing/high_scores.txt?" add random("99999"), "0");
Set("..:hs_loaded", "true");
tellTarget ("../") {
setProperty("/blacktip", _visible , "0");
setProperty("/tarpon", _visible , "0");
setProperty("/permit", _visible , "0");
setProperty("/cobia", _visible , "0");
setProperty("/snook", _visible , "0");
setProperty("/redfish", _visible , "0");
setProperty("/trout", _visible , "0");
setProperty("/mackeral", _visible , "0");
setProperty("/barracuda", _visible , "0");
setProperty("/jack", _visible , "0");
gotoAndStop ("actions_return");
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 3 (134 B)
if (..:hs_loaded eq "true") {
gotoAndStop (6);
} else {
tellTarget ("../speech") {
gotoAndStop ("check_high_scores");
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 5 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 6 (728 B)
tellTarget ("../") {
hs_compare_count = "1";
while (hs_compare_count < "11") {
if (eval ("hs_" add hs_compare_count) < total_points) {
hs_update_count = "9";
while (hs_update_count >= hs_compare_count) {
Set("hs_" add (hs_update_count + "1"), eval ("hs_" add hs_update_count));
Set(("hs_" add (hs_update_count + "1")) add "_name", eval (("hs_" add hs_update_count) add "_name"));
hs_update_count = hs_update_count - "1";
high_score = "true";
Set("hs_" add hs_compare_count, total_points);
Set(("hs_" add hs_compare_count) add "_name", name);
hs_compare_count = "11";
} else {
hs_compare_count = hs_compare_count + "1";
gotoAndStop ("game_over");
Symbol 183 Button (110 B)
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") {
setProperty("/" add fish_type, _visible , "0");
gotoAndPlay (59);
Symbol 187 Button (619 B)
on (release) {
blacktip_caught = "none";
tarpon_caught = "none";
permit_caught = "none";
cobia_caught = "none";
snook_caught = "none";
redfish_caught = "none";
trout_caught = "none";
mackeral_caught = "none";
barracuda_caught = "none";
jack_caught = "none";
total_points = "0";
setProperty("/fisherman", _visible , "100");
setProperty("/fisherman_shadow", _visible , "100");
setProperty("/distance_meter", _visible , "100");
setProperty("/drag_meter", _visible , "100");
game_over = "false";
high_score = "false";
tellTarget ("/fisherman/cast_lure") {
gotoAndStop ("blank");
gotoAndPlay (59);