Frame 81 = new Sound();"rap");, 60000);
_global.jestmuza = 1;
Frame 82
function game() {
gotoAndStop (84);
function _game(f) {
gotoAndStop(f +83);
function instr() {
gotoAndStop (83);
function starting() {
gotoAndStop (82);
function win() {
gotoAndStop (82);
function hof(f) {
gotoAndStop(f +86);
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Frame 82
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
label = "Play Game";
wide = 99;
c1 = 160;
c2 = 0;
c3 = 0;
hc1 = 180;
hc2 = 0;
hc3 = 0;
baseMode = false;
widthMode = false;
rgb = 10485760 /* 0xA00000 */;
rb = 255;
gb = 255;
bb = 255;
hilitergb = 11796480 /* 0xB40000 */;
on (press) {;
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Frame 82
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
label = "Instructions";
wide = 101;
c1 = 160;
c2 = 0;
c3 = 0;
hc1 = 180;
hc2 = 0;
hc3 = 0;
baseMode = false;
widthMode = false;
rgb = 10485760 /* 0xA00000 */;
rb = 255;
gb = 255;
bb = 255;
hilitergb = 11796480 /* 0xB40000 */;
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Frame 82
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
label = "GO";
wide = 75;
c1 = 0;
c2 = 153;
c3 = 0;
hc1 = 0;
hc2 = 200;
hc3 = 0;
baseMode = true;
widthMode = true;
rgb = 39168;
rb = 255;
gb = 255;
bb = 255;
hilitergb = 51200;
on (press) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Frame 83
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
label = "Play Game";
wide = 99;
c1 = 160;
c2 = 0;
c3 = 0;
hc1 = 180;
hc2 = 0;
hc3 = 0;
baseMode = false;
widthMode = false;
rgb = 10485760 /* 0xA00000 */;
rb = 255;
gb = 255;
bb = 255;
hilitergb = 11796480 /* 0xB40000 */;
on (press) {;
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Frame 83
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
label = "Instructions";
wide = 101;
c1 = 160;
c2 = 0;
c3 = 0;
hc1 = 180;
hc2 = 0;
hc3 = 0;
baseMode = false;
widthMode = false;
rgb = 10485760 /* 0xA00000 */;
rb = 255;
gb = 255;
bb = 255;
hilitergb = 11796480 /* 0xB40000 */;
on (press) {
Frame 84
_global.sho = new Sound();
_global.hits = new Sound();
_global.deadz = new Sound();
_global.dead = new Sound();
Instance of Symbol 137 MovieClip "flimbo" in Frame 84
onClipEvent (load) { = 100;
_global.level = 0;
_global.nowylevel = 0;
_global.ilezelkow = 0;
_global.score = 0;
_global.liczniklev = 0;
_global.lives = 3;
_global.trup = 0;
_global.wielapazuza = 0;
_global.shotpower = 1;
_global.tarcza = 0;
_global.jedziemydalej = 1;
_global.pauzamain = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.pauzamain == 0) {
_root.temp.htmlText = _global.ilezelkow;
if (_global.wielkapauza == 1) {
z = 2000;
while (z < 2201) {
_global["pauza" + z] = 10;
if (_global.licznikpauzy > 100) {
_global.licznikpauzy = 0;
_global.wielkapauza = 0;
z = 2000;
while (z < 2201) {
_global["pauza" + z] = 0;
_root.punkty.htmlText = _global.score;
_root.zycia.htmlText = _global.lives;
if (this._x < 0) {
this._x = 0;
if ((this._x > 550) and (_global.trup == 0)) {
this._x = 550;
if ((((((((((_root.enemies.hitTest(this._x + 20, this._y, true) == true) or (_root.enemies.hitTest(this._x - 20, this._y, true) == true)) or (_root.enemies.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true) == true)) or (_root.enemies.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true) == true)) or (_root.enemies.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 10, true) == true)) or (_root.enemies.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 10, true) == true)) or (_root.enemies.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 20, true) == true)) or (_root.enemies.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true) == true)) or (_root.enemies.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 20, true) == true)) or (_root.enemies.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 30, true) == true)) {
_global.dead.start(0, 1);
_root.deadflimbo._x = this._x;
_root.deadflimbo._y = this._y + 25;
_global.trup = 1;
z = 2000;
while (z < 2201) {
if (_root.enemies["jelly" + z].hitTest(this) == true) {
_root.enemies["jelly" + z]._x = _root.deadflimbo._x + 5;
_root.enemies["jelly" + z]._y = _root.deadflimbo._y;
_root.enemies["jelly" + z].gotoAndStop(2);
_global["zx" + z] = 0;
_global["zy" + z] = 0;
_global["pauza" + z] = 2000;
this._x = 1000;
if (trup == 0) {
_global.speed = Math.abs(_root._xmouse - this._x) / 10;
if (trup == 1) {
_global.speed = 0;
if ((_root._xmouse > 0) and (_root._xmouse < 550)) {
if (this._x < _root._xmouse) {
if ((_root._xmouse - this._x) < _global.speed) {
this._x = this._x + (_root._xmouse - this._x);
} else {
this._x = this._x + _global.speed;
if (this._x > _root._xmouse) {
if ((this._x - _root._xmouse) < _global.speed) {
this._x = this._x - (this._x - _root._xmouse);
} else {
this._x = this._x - _global.speed;
if (_root._xmouse > 500) {
this._x = this._x + _global.speed;
if (_root._xmouse < 50) {
this._x = this._x - _global.speed;
_global.a = -(this._y - _root._ymouse);
_global.b = this._x - _root._xmouse;
_global.kat = Math.atan(_global.b / _global.a) / (Math.pi / 180);
if ((_global.kat > 0) and (_root.flimbo._x > _root._xmouse)) {
_global.kat = -85;
if ((_global.kat < 0) and (_root.flimbo._x < _root._xmouse)) {
_global.kat = 85;
this.head._rotation = _global.kat;
this.rekap._rotation = _global.kat;
this.rekap2._rotation = _global.kat + 180;
if (_root._ymouse >= _root.flimbo._y) {
if (this._x > _root._xmouse) {
this.head._rotation = -80;
if (this._x < _root._xmouse) {
this.head._rotation = -290;
this.rekap._rotation = 90;
this.rekap2._rotation = 90;
Instance of Symbol 139 MovieClip in Frame 84
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.bombarduj == 1) {
_global.dalej = 0;
zedy = 2000;
while (zedy < 2201) {
if (_root.enemies["jelly" + zedy]._xscale > 30) {
if (_global.jdepth > 2200) {
_global.jdepth = 2000;
_root.enemies.attachMovie("enemy", "jelly" + _global.jdepth, _global.jdepth);
_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth].jellyin.gotoAndPlay(12);
_global["zx" + _global.jdepth] = -_global["zx" + zedy];
_global["zy" + _global.jdepth] = -10;
_global["zy" + zedy] = -10;
_global["en" + zedy] = 10;
_global["pauza" + zedy] = 0;
_global["pauza" + _global.jdepth] = 0;
_global["en" + _global.jdepth] = 10;
_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]._x = _root.enemies["jelly" + zedy]._x - 10;
_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]._y = _root.enemies["jelly" + zedy]._y;
_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]._xscale = _root.enemies["jelly" + zedy]._xscale - 10;
_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]._yscale = _root.enemies["jelly" + zedy]._yscale - 10;
_root.enemies["jelly" + zedy]._xscale = _root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]._xscale;
_root.enemies["jelly" + zedy]._yscale = _root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]._yscale;
_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth].onEnterFrame = function () {
glebia = this.getDepth();
if (_global["pauza" + glebia] > 0) {
_global["pauza" + glebia]--;
if (_global["pauza" + glebia] == 0) {
_global["zy" + glebia]++;
this._x = this._x + _global["zx" + glebia];
this._y = this._y + _global["zy" + glebia];
if ((this._y > 350) and (_global["zy" + glebia] > 0)) {
_global["zy" + glebia] = (-random(10)) - 20;
_global["pauza" + glebia] = 10;
if ((this._x < 3) and (_global["zx" + glebia] < 0)) {
_global["zx" + glebia] = -_global["zx" + glebia];
if ((this._x > 540) and (_global["zx" + glebia] > 0)) {
_global["zx" + glebia] = -_global["zx" + glebia];
if (_global["zy" + glebia] > 0) {
if (_global["zy" + glebia] < 0) {
if (_root.enemies["jelly" + zedy]._xscale > 30) {
_global.dalej = 1;
if (_global.dalej == 0) {
_global.bombarduj = 0;
if ((_global.ilezelkow == 0) and (_global.nowylevel == 0)) {
_root.pressf._x = 170;
_root.pressf._y = 100;
levelpisz = _global.level + 1;
_root.napis.htmlText = "Level " + levelpisz;
if ((_global.liczniklev > 50) and (_global.nextlev == 1)) {
_root.pressf._x = -100;
_root.pressf._y = -200;
_root.napis.htmlText = " ";
_global.nowylevel = 1;
_global.liczniklev = 0; = 100;
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip in Frame 84
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.liczniktrup = 0;
_global.koniec = 0;
_global.klik = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.trup == 1) {
removeMovieClip(_root.mc10000); = 100;
_global.shotpower = 1;
if ((_global.lives == 0) and (_global.koniec == 0)) {
_root.gameoverscreen._x = 275;
_root.gameoverscreen._y = 200;
_global.koniec = 1;
if ((_global.klik == 0) and (_global.koniec == 0)) {
if (_global.klik == 1) {
_global.klik = 0;
if (_global.lives == 0) {
_root.gameoverscreen._x = 275;
_root.gameoverscreen._y = 200;
_global.koniec = 1;
z = 2000;
while (z < 2201) {
removeMovieClip(_root.enemies["jelly" + z]);
if (_global.koniec == 0) {
_global.liczniktrup = 0;
_global.trup = 0;
_root.deadflimbo._x = 1000;
_global.ilezelkow = 0;
_global.nowylevel = 0;
_root.flimbo._x = 100;
_root.flimbo._y = _root.deadflimbo._y - 25;
Instance of Symbol 146 MovieClip "addlive" in Frame 84
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._y > -5) {
if (this._y < 345) {
this._y = this._y + 12;
if (this.hitTest(_root.flimbo) == true) {
Instance of Symbol 148 MovieClip "addenergy" in Frame 84
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._y > -5) {
if (this._y < 345) {
this._y = this._y + 12;
if (this.hitTest(_root.flimbo) == true) { = 100;
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "freeze" in Frame 84
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._y > -5) {
if (this._y < 345) {
this._y = this._y + 12;
if (this.hitTest(_root.flimbo) == true) {
_global.wielkapauza = 1;
_global.licznikpauzy = 0;
Instance of Symbol 152 MovieClip "addpower" in Frame 84
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._y > -5) {
if (this._y < 345) {
this._y = this._y + 12;
if (this.hitTest(_root.flimbo) == true) {
if (_global.shotpower < 9) {
Instance of Symbol 154 MovieClip "bomb" in Frame 84
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._y > -5) {
if (this._y < 345) {
this._y = this._y + 12;
if (this.hitTest(_root.flimbo) == true) {
_global.bombarduj = 1;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip "shield" in Frame 84
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.tarcza == 1) {
this._x = _root.flimbo._x;
this._y = _root.flimbo._y - 10;
} else {
this._x = -300;
Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip in Frame 84
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._y > -5) {
this._x = _root.shield._x;
this._y = _root.shield._y - 50;
if (((((((((_root.enemies.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true) == true) or (_root.enemies.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y, true) == true)) or (_root.enemies.hitTest(this._x - 23, this._y, true) == true)) or (_root.enemies.hitTest(this._x - 36, this._y + 10, true) == true)) or (_root.enemies.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y, true) == true)) or (_root.enemies.hitTest(this._x + 23, this._y, true) == true)) or (_root.enemies.hitTest(this._x + 36, this._y + 10, true) == true)) or (_root.enemies.hitTest(this._x - 49, this._y + 20, true) == true)) or (_root.enemies.hitTest(this._x + 49, this._y + 20, true) == true)) {
i = 2000;
while (i < 2201) {
if (_root.enemies["jelly" + i].hitTest(this) == true) {
_global.tarcza = 0;
trafiony = i;
_root.enemies["jelly" + i].jellyin.gotoAndPlay(12);
_root.enemies["jelly" + i].jellyinup.gotoAndPlay(12);
_global.score = _global.score + 10;
if (_global.jdepth > 2200) {
_global.jdepth = 2000;
_root.enemies.attachMovie("enemy", "jelly" + _global.jdepth, _global.jdepth);
zed = trafiony;
_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth].jellyin.gotoAndPlay(12);
_global["zx" + _global.jdepth] = -_global["zx" + zed];
_global["zy" + _global.jdepth] = -10;
_global["zy" + zed] = -10;
_global["en" + zed] = 10;
_global["pauza" + zed] = 0;
_global["pauza" + _global.jdepth] = 0;
_global["en" + _global.jdepth] = 10;
_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]._x = _root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._x - 10;
_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]._y = _root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._y;
_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]._xscale = _root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._xscale - 10;
_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]._yscale = _root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._yscale - 10;
_root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._xscale = _root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]._xscale;
_root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._yscale = _root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]._yscale;
if (_root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._yscale < 30) {
_root.prysk._x = _root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._x;
_root.prysk._y = _root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._y;
_global.score = _global.score + 100;
_global.killsound = 1;
removeMovieClip(_root.enemies["jelly" + zed]);
if (_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]._yscale < 30) {
removeMovieClip(_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]);
_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth].onEnterFrame = function () {
glebia = this.getDepth();
if (_global["pauza" + glebia] > 0) {
_global["pauza" + glebia]--;
if (_global["pauza" + glebia] == 0) {
_global["zy" + glebia]++;
this._x = this._x + _global["zx" + glebia];
this._y = this._y + _global["zy" + glebia];
if ((this._y > 450) and (_global["zy" + glebia] > 0)) {
_global["zy" + glebia] = (-random(10)) - 20;
_global["pauza" + glebia] = 10;
if ((this._x < 3) and (_global["zx" + glebia] < 0)) {
_global["zx" + glebia] = -_global["zx" + glebia];
if ((this._x > 540) and (_global["zx" + glebia] > 0)) {
_global["zx" + glebia] = -_global["zx" + glebia];
if (_global["zy" + glebia] > 0) {
if (_global["zy" + glebia] < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 160 MovieClip "addshield" in Frame 84
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._y > -5) {
if (this._y < 345) {
this._y = this._y + 12;
if (this.hitTest(_root.flimbo) == true) {
_global.tarcza = 1;
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Frame 84
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.punktydobonusa >= 700) {
_global.punktydobonusa = 0;
szansa = random(6);
if (szansa == 0) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.addlive, "mc" + z, z);
_root["mc" + z]._x = 250;
_root["mc" + z]._y = 0;
if (szansa == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.addenergy, "mc" + z, z);
_root["mc" + z]._x = 250;
_root["mc" + z]._y = 0;
if (szansa == 2) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.addpower, "mc" + z, z);
_root["mc" + z]._x = 250;
_root["mc" + z]._y = 0;
if (szansa == 3) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.addenergy, "mc" + z, z);
_root["mc" + z]._x = 250;
_root["mc" + z]._y = 0;
if (szansa == 4) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.freeze, "mc" + z, z);
_root["mc" + z]._x = 250;
_root["mc" + z]._y = 0;
if ((szansa == 5) and (_global.level < 5)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.bomb, "mc" + z, z);
_root["mc" + z]._x = 250;
_root["mc" + z]._y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 168 MovieClip in Frame 84
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.depthshot = 1000;
_global.nextlev = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.trup == 1) {
if ((_global.strzelaj == 1) and (_global.pauzamain == 0)) {
if ( > 0) {
if (_global.licznik > 2) {
_global.licznik = 0; = - 3;
if (_global.depthshot > 1100) {
_global.depthshot = 1000;
if (_global.trup == 0) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "shot" + depthshot, depthshot);
_global.sho.start(0, 1);
aa = Math.abs(_root.flimbo._x - _root._xmouse);
bb = Math.abs(_root.flimbo._y - _root._ymouse);
strzalkats = Math.atan(aa / bb);
strzalkatsrot = strzalkats;
if (_root._xmouse < _root.flimbo._x) {
strzalkatsrot = -strzalkatsrot;
_global["katcik" + _global.depthshot] = strzalkats;
_global["rotacja" + _global.depthshot] = strzalkatsrot;
dodatek = 0;
dodatek = -10;
if (Math.abs((strzalkatsrot * 180) / Math.PI) < 45) {
dodatek = 5;
if (Math.abs((strzalkatsrot * 180) / Math.PI) < 13) {
dodatek = dodatek + 5;
if (_root._xmouse <= _root.flimbo._x) {
_root["shot" + depthshot]._x = _root.flimbo._x + dodatek;
} else {
_root["shot" + depthshot]._x = _root.flimbo._x - dodatek;
_root["shot" + depthshot]._y = _root.flimbo._y - 10;
_root["shot" + depthshot]._alpha = 0;
_global["sshot" + _global.depthshot] = 1;
if ((_global.strzelaj == 0) and (_global.pauzamain == 0)) {
_global.shotsound = 0;
if ( < 100) { = + 2;
_global.licznik = 0;
} =;
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
if (_global.trup == 0) {
_global.strzelaj = 1;
_global.shotsound = 1;
_global.nextlev = 1;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
_global.strzelaj = 0;
_global.nextlev = 0;
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip "shot" in Frame 84
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((this._y > -5) and (_global.pauzamain == 0)) {
if (_global.shotpower == 1) {
if (_global.shotpower == 2) {
if (_global.shotpower == 3) {
if (_global.shotpower == 4) {
if (_global.shotpower == 5) {
dx = Math.abs(_root.flimbo._x - this._x);
dy = Math.abs(_root.flimbo._y - this._y);
if (Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) > 10) {
this._alpha = 100;
if (_global["sshot" + this.getDepth()] == 1) {
_global["sshot" + _global.depthshot] = 0;
this._rotation = 90;
if (_root._ymouse <= _root.flimbo._y) {
katsrot = _global["katcik" + this.getDepth()];
this._rotation = (_global["rotacja" + this.getDepth()] * 180) / Math.pi;
zmianax = -20 * Math.sin(katsrot);
zmianay = -20 * Math.cos(katsrot);
if (_root.flimbo._currentframe == 1) {
zmianax = -zmianax;
} else {
if (_root.flimbo._currentframe == 1) {
zmianax = 20;
} else {
zmianax = -20;
this._rotation = -90;
zmianay = 0;
this._y = this._y + zmianay;
this._x = this._x + zmianax;
if (((_root.enemies.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true) == true) or (_root.enemies.hitTest(this._x - 5, this._y, true) == true)) or (_root.enemies.hitTest(this._x + 5, this._y, true) == true)) {
i = 2000;
while (i < 2201) {
if (_root.enemies["jelly" + i].hitTest(this) == true) {
_global.hits.start(0, 1);
trafiony = i;
_root.enemies["jelly" + i].jellyin.gotoAndPlay(12);
_root.enemies["jelly" + i].jellyinup.gotoAndPlay(12);
_global["en" + i] = _global["en" + i] - _global.shotpower;
if (_global["en" + i] <= 0) {
_global.score = _global.score + 10;
_global.punktydobonusa = _global.punktydobonusa + 10;
if (_global.jdepth > 2200) {
_global.jdepth = 2000;
_root.enemies.attachMovie("enemy", "jelly" + _global.jdepth, _global.jdepth);
zed = trafiony;
_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth].jellyin.gotoAndPlay(12);
_global["zx" + _global.jdepth] = -_global["zx" + zed];
_global["zy" + _global.jdepth] = -10;
_global["zy" + zed] = -10;
_global["en" + zed] = 10;
_global["pauza" + zed] = 0;
_global["pauza" + _global.jdepth] = 0;
_global["en" + _global.jdepth] = 10;
_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]._x = _root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._x - 10;
_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]._y = _root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._y;
_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]._xscale = _root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._xscale - 10;
_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]._yscale = _root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._yscale - 10;
_root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._xscale = _root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]._xscale;
_root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._yscale = _root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]._yscale;
if (_root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._yscale < 30) {
_root.prysk._x = _root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._x;
_root.prysk._y = _root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._y;
_global.score = _global.score + 100;
_global.punktydobonusa = _global.punktydobonusa + 100;
_global.killsound = 1;
z = 10000;
szansa = random(100);
if (szansa < 30) {
szansa = random(6);
if (szansa == 0) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.addlive, "mc" + z, z);
_root["mc" + z]._x = _root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._x;
_root["mc" + z]._y = _root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._y;
if (szansa == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.addenergy, "mc" + z, z);
_root["mc" + z]._x = _root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._x;
_root["mc" + z]._y = _root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._y;
if (szansa == 2) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.addpower, "mc" + z, z);
_root["mc" + z]._x = _root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._x;
_root["mc" + z]._y = _root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._y;
if (szansa == 3) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.addenergy, "mc" + z, z);
_root["mc" + z]._x = _root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._x;
_root["mc" + z]._y = _root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._y;
if (szansa == 4) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.freeze, "mc" + z, z);
_root["mc" + z]._x = _root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._x;
_root["mc" + z]._y = _root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._y;
if ((szansa == 5) and (_global.level < 5)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.bomb, "mc" + z, z);
_root["mc" + z]._x = _root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._x;
_root["mc" + z]._y = _root.enemies["jelly" + zed]._y;
removeMovieClip(_root.enemies["jelly" + zed]);
if (_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]._yscale < 30) {
removeMovieClip(_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]);
_global.deadz.start(0, 1);
_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth].onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_global.pauzamain == 0) {
glebia = this.getDepth();
if (_global["pauza" + glebia] > 0) {
_global["pauza" + glebia]--;
if (_global["pauza" + glebia] == 0) {
_global["zy" + glebia]++;
this._x = this._x + _global["zx" + glebia];
this._y = this._y + _global["zy" + glebia];
if ((this._y > 350) and (_global["zy" + glebia] > 0)) {
_global["zy" + glebia] = (-random(7)) - 20;
_global["pauza" + glebia] = 10;
if ((this._x < 3) and (_global["zx" + glebia] < 0)) {
_global["zx" + glebia] = -_global["zx" + glebia];
if ((this._x > 540) and (_global["zx" + glebia] > 0)) {
_global["zx" + glebia] = -_global["zx" + glebia];
if (_global["zy" + glebia] > 0) {
if (_global["zy" + glebia] < 0) {
if ((this._y < 0) and (this._x > 0)) {
Instance of Symbol 13 MovieClip [enemy] "jelly" in Frame 84
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.zxe1 = 2;
_global.zye1 = 8;
_global.postrzale1 = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._y > 0) {
if (_global.postrzale1 > 0) {
if (_global.zye1 < 0) {
_global.postrzale1 = 0;
this._x = this._x + _global.zxe1;
this._y = this._y + (_global.zye1 - _global.postrzale1);
if (this.hitTest(_root.ground) == true) {
_global.zye1 = -_global.zye1;
if ((this._x > 500) and (_global.zxe1 > 0)) {
_global.zxe1 = -_global.zxe1;
if ((this._x < 0) and (_global.zxe1 < 0)) {
_global.zxe1 = -_global.zxe1;
if ((this._y < 5) and (_global.zye1 < 0)) {
_global.zye1 = -_global.zye1;
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip in Frame 84
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.jdepth = 2000;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.nowylevel == 1) {
_global.nowylevel = 0;
if (_global.level == 1) {
_global.wielkosc = 50;
_global.ilezelkow = 4;
if (_global.level == 2) {
_global.wielkosc = 60;
_global.ilezelkow = 8;
if (_global.level == 3) {
_global.wielkosc = 60;
_global.ilezelkow = 8;
if (_global.level == 4) {
_global.wielkosc = 70;
_global.ilezelkow = 16;
if (_global.level == 5) {
_global.wielkosc = 70;
_global.ilezelkow = 16;
if (_global.level == 6) {
_global.wielkosc = 80;
_global.ilezelkow = 32;
if (_global.level == 7) {
_global.wielkosc = 80;
_global.ilezelkow = 32;
if (_global.level == 8) {
_global.wielkosc = 90;
_global.ilezelkow = 64;
if (_global.level == 9) {
_global.wielkosc = 90;
_global.ilezelkow = 64;
if (_global.level == 10) {
_global.wielkosc = 90;
_global.ilezelkow = 64;
if (_global.level == 11) {
_global.wielkosc = 100;
_global.ilezelkow = 128;
if (_global.level == 12) {
_global.wielkosc = 100;
_global.ilezelkow = 128;
if (_global.level == 13) {
_global.wielkosc = 100;
_global.ilezelkow = 128;
if (_global.level == 14) {
_global.wielkosc = 110;
_global.ilezelkow = 256;
_root.enemies.attachMovie("enemy", "jelly" + _global.jdepth, _global.jdepth);
_global["zx" + _global.jdepth] = 2;
_global["zy" + _global.jdepth] = 8;
_global["en" + _global.jdepth] = 10;
_global["pauza" + _global.jdepth] = 0;
_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]._x = 100;
_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]._y = 1;
_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]._xscale = _global.wielkosc;
_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth]._yscale = _global.wielkosc;
_root.enemies["jelly" + _global.jdepth].onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_global.pauzamain == 0) {
glebia = this.getDepth();
if (_global["pauza" + glebia] > 0) {
_global["pauza" + glebia]--;
if (_global["pauza" + glebia] == 0) {
_global["zy" + glebia]++;
this._x = this._x + _global["zx" + glebia];
this._y = this._y + _global["zy" + glebia];
if ((this._y > 350) and (_global["zy" + glebia] > 0)) {
_global["zy" + glebia] = (-random(7)) - 20;
_global["pauza" + glebia] = 10;
if ((this._x < 3) and (_global["zx" + glebia] < 0)) {
_global["zx" + glebia] = -_global["zx" + glebia];
if ((this._x > 540) and (_global["zx" + glebia] > 0)) {
_global["zx" + glebia] = -_global["zx" + glebia];
if (_global["zy" + glebia] > 0) {
if (_global["zy" + glebia] < 0) {
Frame 85
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Frame 85
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
label = "Continue";
wide = 85;
c1 = 160;
c2 = 0;
c3 = 0;
hc1 = 180;
hc2 = 0;
hc3 = 0;
baseMode = false;
widthMode = false;
rgb = 10485760 /* 0xA00000 */;
rb = 255;
gb = 255;
bb = 255;
hilitergb = 11796480 /* 0xB40000 */;
on (press) {
_global.klik = 1;
_global.liczniktrup = 200;
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Frame 85
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
label = "GO";
wide = 75;
c1 = 0;
c2 = 153;
c3 = 0;
hc1 = 0;
hc2 = 200;
hc3 = 0;
baseMode = true;
widthMode = true;
rgb = 39168;
rb = 255;
gb = 255;
bb = 255;
hilitergb = 51200;
on (press) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Frame 86
_root.hoff._visible = false;
_root.r = 0;
_root.onData = function () {
if (s == 1) {
_root.hoff._visible = true;
_root.scr = _global.score;
_root.loadVariables("hof.php?s=" + _root.wyn);
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Frame 86
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
label = "Play Again";
wide = 112;
c1 = 160;
c2 = 0;
c3 = 0;
hc1 = 180;
hc2 = 0;
hc3 = 0;
baseMode = false;
widthMode = true;
rgb = 10485760 /* 0xA00000 */;
rb = 255;
gb = 255;
bb = 255;
hilitergb = 11796480 /* 0xB40000 */;
on (press) {
_global.koniec = 0;
_global.trup = 0;
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Frame 86
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
label = "Hall Of Fame";
wide = 112;
c1 = 160;
c2 = 0;
c3 = 0;
hc1 = 180;
hc2 = 0;
hc3 = 0;
baseMode = false;
widthMode = false;
rgb = 10485760 /* 0xA00000 */;
rb = 255;
gb = 255;
bb = 255;
hilitergb = 11796480 /* 0xB40000 */;
on (press) {
Frame 87
if (_root.r == 1) {
if (_root.s == 1) {
} else {
} else {
_root.onData = function () {
if (_root.s == 1) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Frame 87
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
label = "Cancel";
wide = 112;
c1 = 160;
c2 = 0;
c3 = 0;
hc1 = 180;
hc2 = 0;
hc3 = 0;
baseMode = false;
widthMode = true;
rgb = 10485760 /* 0xA00000 */;
rb = 255;
gb = 255;
bb = 255;
hilitergb = 11796480 /* 0xB40000 */;
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Frame 88
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
label = "Yes";
wide = 112;
c1 = 160;
c2 = 0;
c3 = 0;
hc1 = 180;
hc2 = 0;
hc3 = 0;
baseMode = false;
widthMode = true;
rgb = 10485760 /* 0xA00000 */;
rb = 255;
gb = 255;
bb = 255;
hilitergb = 11796480 /* 0xB40000 */;
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Frame 88
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
label = "No";
wide = 112;
c1 = 160;
c2 = 0;
c3 = 0;
hc1 = 180;
hc2 = 0;
hc3 = 0;
baseMode = false;
widthMode = true;
rgb = 10485760 /* 0xA00000 */;
rb = 255;
gb = 255;
bb = 255;
hilitergb = 11796480 /* 0xB40000 */;
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Frame 89
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
label = "Play Again";
wide = 112;
c1 = 160;
c2 = 0;
c3 = 0;
hc1 = 180;
hc2 = 0;
hc3 = 0;
baseMode = false;
widthMode = true;
rgb = 10485760 /* 0xA00000 */;
rb = 255;
gb = 255;
bb = 255;
hilitergb = 11796480 /* 0xB40000 */;
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Frame 90
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
label = "Sign In";
wide = 112;
c1 = 160;
c2 = 0;
c3 = 0;
hc1 = 180;
hc2 = 0;
hc3 = 0;
baseMode = false;
widthMode = true;
rgb = 10485760 /* 0xA00000 */;
rb = 255;
gb = 255;
bb = 255;
hilitergb = 11796480 /* 0xB40000 */;
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Frame 91
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
label = "Send";
wide = 112;
c1 = 160;
c2 = 0;
c3 = 0;
hc1 = 180;
hc2 = 0;
hc3 = 0;
baseMode = false;
widthMode = true;
rgb = 10485760 /* 0xA00000 */;
rb = 255;
gb = 255;
bb = 255;
hilitergb = 11796480 /* 0xB40000 */;
on (press) {
_root.r = 0;
_root.loadVariables((("addme.php?s=" + _root.scr) + "&n=") + escape(_root.nam));
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Frame 91
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
label = "Cancel";
wide = 112;
c1 = 160;
c2 = 0;
c3 = 0;
hc1 = 180;
hc2 = 0;
hc3 = 0;
baseMode = false;
widthMode = true;
rgb = 10485760 /* 0xA00000 */;
rb = 255;
gb = 255;
bb = 255;
hilitergb = 11796480 /* 0xB40000 */;
on (press) {
Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 12 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 13 MovieClip [enemy] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 8 MovieClip "jellyin" in Symbol 13 MovieClip [enemy] Frame 1
/* no clip actions */
Symbol 13 MovieClip [enemy] Frame 2
Symbol 22 MovieClip Frame 1
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
fscommand ("trapallkeys", true);
Stage.showMenu = false; = [];
for (var i in this) {
if (this[i]._totalframes == 1) {[i]);
this[i]._alpha = 20;
this._tm = getTimer();
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
var ld = _root.getBytesLoaded();
var tt = _root.getBytesTotal();
this.bytes = ld;
this.procent = ((tt > 0) ? ((100 * ld) / tt) : 0);
this.time = (getTimer() - this._tm) / 1000;
this.transfer = this.bytes / this.time;
var pr = Math.floor(this.procent);
var i = 100;
while (i > (100 - pr)) {[i]._alpha = 40;
if (pr >= 100) {
this.onEnterFrame = null;;
Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 1
function sss(a) {
var v =;
if (v >= 100) {
} else { + 3);
} = new Sound(this);"muza");;, 100000); = setInterval(sss, 33, this);
Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 56
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 1
this.onPress = function () {
pressing = true;
i = 1;
while (i <= 3) {
buttonColor = new Color(eval ("piece" + i).colorchip);
lowColor = new Color(eval ("piece" + i).bottomhilite);
lowColorTransform = new Object();
lowColorTransform = {ra:"0", rb:"200", ga:"0", gb:"200", ba:"0", bb:"200", aa:"100", ab:"0"};
this.onRelease = function () {
pressing = false;
this.onReleaseOutside = function () {
pressing = false;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (pressing != true) {
i = 1;
while (i <= 3) {
buttonColor = new Color(eval ("piece" + i).colorchip);
lowColor = new Color(eval ("piece" + i).bottomhilite);
lowColorTransform = new Object();
lowColorTransform = {ra:"0", rb:hc1, ga:"0", gb:hc2, ba:"0", bb:hc3, aa:"100", ab:"0"};
with (piece2) {
_width = _parent.wide;
piece1._x = _x - (_width / 2);
piece3._x = _x + (_width / 2);
_parent.midshadow._width = _width;
_parent.leftshadow._x = _x - (_width / 2);
_parent.rightshadow._x = _x + (_width / 2);
label1.autoSize = "center";
label2.autoSize = "center";
Symbol 88 Button
on (press) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 89 Button
on (press) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 90 Button
on (press) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 91 Button
on (press) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip in Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 124 MovieClip Frame 2
if ((_root.flimbo._x < (_root._xmouse - 5)) and (_global.pauzamain == 0)) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 136 MovieClip Frame 2
if ((_root.flimbo._x > (_root._xmouse + 5)) and (_global.pauzamain == 0)) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 137 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 137 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 146 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 176 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 176 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 176 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 176 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 176 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 176 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 176 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 180 Button
on (press, keyPress "p") {
_global.takasobie = 1;
if ((_global.pauzamain == 0) and (_global.takasobie == 1)) {
_global.pauzamain = 1;
_global.takasobie = 0;
if ((_global.pauzamain == 1) and (_global.takasobie == 1)) {
_global.pauzamain = 0;
_global.takasobie = 0;
Symbol 182 Button
on (release) {
_global.pressed = 1;
if ((_global.jestmuza == 1) and (_global.pressed == 1)) {
_global.pressed = 0;
_global.jestmuza = 0;
if ((_global.jestmuza == 0) and (_global.pressed == 1)) {
_global.pressed = 0;, 60000);
_global.jestmuza = 1;
Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 9