Frame 1 (356 B)
function itemHandler1(obj, item) {
getURL ("");
var menuBeep = new Sound();
var myMenu = new ContextMenu();
item1 = new ContextMenuItem("Fickludd's Homepage", itemHandler1);
myMenu.customItems.push(item1); = myMenu;
gotoAndPlay ("Startup");
Frame 30 (12 B)
Frame 31 (7.89 KiB) ● ●
_global.Cypher = new Object(); = 263;
_global.Cypher.maxHP = 263;
_global.Cypher.mana = 33;
_global.Cypher.maxMP = 33;
_global.Cypher.sta = [0, 0, 0, 0];
_global.Cypher.accuracy = 8;
_global.Cypher.defence = 3;
_global.Cypher.strength = 8;
_global.Cypher.HPExp = 0;
_global.Cypher.skillExp = 0;
_global.Cypher.strExp = 0;
_global.Cypher.accExp = 0;
_global.Cypher.defExp = 0;
_global.Cypher.rHand = "Pistol SpecOps";
_global.Cypher.lHand = "Steel Shield";
_global.Cypher.skills = new Array("First Aid", "", "", "");
_global.Cypher.skillsTotal = new Array("First Aid");
_global.Cypher.job = "U.N. special agent";
_global.Irina = new Object(); = 311;
_global.Irina.maxHP = 311;
_global.Irina.mana = 45;
_global.Irina.maxMP = 30;
_global.Irina.sta = [0, 0, 0, 0];
_global.Irina.accuracy = 9;
_global.Irina.defence = 5;
_global.Irina.strength = 10;
_global.Irina.HPExp = 0;
_global.Irina.skillExp = 0;
_global.Irina.strExp = 0;
_global.Irina.accExp = 0;
_global.Irina.defExp = 0;
_global.Irina.rHand = "Revolver";
_global.Irina.lHand = "Carbon Shield";
_global.Irina.skills = new Array("Psychic Blast", "First Aid", "", "");
_global.Irina.skillsTotal = new Array("Psychic Blast", "First Aid");
_global.Irina.job = "U.N. Ambassador";
_global.misc = new Object(); = new Array("Cypher");
_global.misc.inventory = new Array(["First Aid kit", 5], ["Antidote", 5], ["W Maintenance", 1], ["Energizer", 1]); = new Array("Steel Fist");
_global.misc.mission = "";
_global.misc.battlefield = new Array("BGforest", "", "", "FGforest");
_global.misc.currentLoc = new Array("chap1", 0, 0);
_global.misc.defeat = "Game Over";
_global.misc.battletype = new Array(1, 2, [["Clawer", "Clawer"]], false); = new Date();
_global.misc.clock = 0;
_global.sound = new Object();
_global.sound.worldMusicPos = 0;
_global.sound.worldMusic = new Sound();
_global.sound.worldMusic.attachSound("Hoke Forrest");
_global.sound.battleMusic = new Sound();
_global.sound.bossMusic = new Sound();
_global.sound.victoryMusic = new Sound();
_global.sms = function (arr) {
_root.attachMovie("sms", "sms_mc", 1950);
_root.smsBool = true;
_root.sms_mc.story = arr;
_root.sms_mc.point = 0;
_root.sms_mc.who_txt.text = arr[0][0];
_root.sms_mc.sms_txt.text = arr[0][1];
_global.LED = function (arr) {
_root.attachMovie("LED", "led_mc", 1949);
_root.led_mc.story = arr;
_root.led_mc.point = 0;
_root.led_mc.who_txt.text = arr[0][0];
_root.led_mc.led_txt.text = arr[0][1];
ledInterval = setInterval(function () {
}, 3000);
_global.goto = function () {
_root.player_mc._x = _global.misc.currentLoc[1];
_root.xPos = _global.misc.currentLoc[1];
_root.player_mc._y = _global.misc.currentLoc[2];
_root.yPos = _global.misc.currentLoc[2];
if (_global.misc.battletype[3]) {
var _local3 = _global.misc.battletype[0] + Math.floor(Math.random() * _global.misc.battletype[1]);
_root.enemyInterval = setInterval(function () {
if ((!_root.smsBool) && (_root.walked)) {
_global.misc.currentLoc = [_root.frame, _root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y];
_global.sound.worldMusicPos = _global.sound.worldMusic.position;
_global.sound.battleMusic.start(0, 999);
_root.attachMovie("BattleIntro", "bi_mc", 3000);
_root.walked = false;
}, _local3);
_global.sound.worldMusic.start(0, 999);
_root.watchKeyBoard = new Object();
_root.watchKeyBoard.onKeyDown = function () {
if (Key.getAscii() == 120) {
if (_root.smsBool) {
} else {
i = 0;
while (i < _root.doors.length) {
if (_root.doors[i].hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
} else if ((Key.getAscii() == 115) && (!_root.smsBool)) {
_root.attachMovie("Menu", "menu_mc", 2300);
_global.removeFromArr = function (arr, who) {
kalle = 0;
while (kalle < arr.length) {
if (arr[kalle]._name == who) {
arr.splice(kalle, 1);
_global.removeFromInv = function (thing) {
iN = 0;
while (iN < _global.misc.inventory.length) {
if (thing == _global.misc.inventory[iN][0]) {
if (_global.misc.inventory[iN][1] == 0) {
_global.misc.inventory.splice(iN, 1);
_global.addToInv = function (thing) {
iN = 0;
while (iN < _global.misc.inventory.length) {
if (thing == _global.misc.inventory[iN][0]) {
_global.misc.inventory.push([thing, 1]);
var menuBeep = new Sound();
var menuError = new Sound();
var menuRight = new Sound();
var menuClick = new Sound();
home_btn.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
NG_btn.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
pmg_btn.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
credits_btn.onRelease = function () {
_root.attachMovie("Blackscreen", "b_mc", 1);
_root.b_mc._alpha = 70;
_root.attachMovie("Credits", "c_mc", 2);
_root.attachMovie("Back button", "back_mc", 3);
_root.back_mc._x = 510;
_root.back_mc._y = 310;
_root.back_mc.onRollOver = function () {
_root.back_mc.onRollOut = function () {
_root.back_mc.onRelease = function () {
controls_btn.onRelease = function () {
_root.attachMovie("Blackscreen", "b_mc", 1);
_root.b_mc._alpha = 70;
_root.attachMovie("Controls", "c_mc", 2);
_root.attachMovie("Back button", "back_mc", 3);
_root.back_mc._x = 510;
_root.back_mc._y = 310;
_root.back_mc.onRollOver = function () {
_root.back_mc.onRollOut = function () {
_root.back_mc.onRelease = function () {
play_btn.onRelease = function () {
_global.misc.currentLoc = new Array("chap1", 150, 150);
bug_btn.onRelease = function () {
_global.misc.currentLoc = new Array("1.10", 150, 150);
addToInv("Fusion Stone");
addToInv("W Maintenance");
addToInv("W Maintenance");
addToInv("Old Electronics");
addToInv("Chitin Plate");
addToInv("Chitin Plate");
addToInv("Chitin Plate");
addToInv("Chitin Plate");
load_btn.onRelease = function () {
_root.attachMovie("loadMenu", "loadMenu_mc", 2);
l_btn.onRelease = function () {
_root._quality = "LOW";
m_btn.onRelease = function () {
_root._quality = "MEDIUM";
h_btn.onRelease = function () {
_root._quality = "HIGH";
Frame 40 (17 B)
Frame 117 (80 B)
back_btn.onRelease = function () {
Frame 119 (1.36 KiB) ●
_global.sound.worldMusicPos = 0;
_global.sound.worldMusic = new Sound();
var i = 1;
var xPos;
var yPos;
var map = [[], [false, false], [false, false, false], [false, false, false], [], [false, false], [], [], [false, false, false, false], [false, false, false, false, false], [false], [false, false, false, false, false], [], [false, false], [false], [false, false], [], [false, false], []];
var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("ArtifissionChapter0", "/384000/384700_ArtifissionChapter0100.swf/");
if ( != undefined) {
map[8][0] =[1];
map[8][1] =[2];
map[9][0] =[3];
} else {
savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("ArtifissionChapter0", "/");
if ( != undefined) {
map[8][0] =[1];
map[8][1] =[2];
map[9][0] =[3];
var skipIt = new Object();
_root.skipIt.onKeyDown = function () {
if (Key.getAscii() == 115) {
_root.smsBool = false;
gotoAndPlay (600);
} else if (Key.getAscii() == 120) {
if (_root.smsBool) {
Frame 120 (220 B)
sms([["INFO", "When you see dialogue like this, you have to press 'X' on the keyboard to continue."]]);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!smsBool) {;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
Frame 256 (1.08 KiB) ●
sms([["OP 1", "Lost emergency signal from XD143.\rShifting XD143 to top priority."], ["OP 2", "Investigating possible actions from political perspectives."], ["OP 1", "Investigating possible actions from tactical perspectives."], ["OP 2", "Politically no direct action would be advisable, what are the potential losses?"], ["OP 1", "Accessing U.N. database..."], ["o", "...XD143 is a Transporter specialized in diplomatic personnel. Cargo info denied at security level 17."], ["OP 2", "Decition not possible with available data. Requesting orders from high command."], ["OP 1", "A small drop pod launched operation possible within 4 hours in a time gap of 26 seconds. Next passage of target area after that in 19 hours. A larger operation will take a minimum of 48 hours."], ["OP 2", "Received orders from high command. Orders are: Retrieve XD143 with cargo by any means necessary."], ["OP 1", "Affirmative. Informing special agent Cypher and commencing more accurate drop calculations."]]);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!smsBool) {;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
Frame 603 (33 B)
Frame 670 (8 B)
Frame 677 (244 B)
_global.sound.worldMusicPos = 0;
_global.sound.worldMusic = new Sound();
_global.sound.worldMusic.attachSound("Hoke Forrest");
_global.sound.worldMusic.start(0, 999);
Frame 678 (645 B)
var frame = "1.1";
player_mc._x = xPos;
player_mc._y = yPos;
l_mc._visible = false;
BG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
BG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
doors = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
_root[("d" + i) + "_mc"]._visible = false;
doors[i] = _root[("d" + i) + "_mc"];
d4_mc._visible = true;
if (![1][1]) {
_global.misc.mission = "-Find and rescue transporter XD143 and his cargo.\r-Investigate the Heggensmoen incident.";[1][1] = true;
sms([["Breif", "*beep*"], ["b", "Mission Objectives:\r-Find and rescue transporter XD143 and his cargo.\r-Investigate the Heggensmoen incident."]]);
Instance of Symbol 1328 MovieClip "d0_mc" in Frame 678 (105 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
sms([["Cypher", "(I've got everything, let's go!)"]]);
Instance of Symbol 1330 MovieClip "d2_mc" in Frame 678 (226 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = 630;
_root.yPos = -470;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1332 MovieClip "d1_mc" in Frame 678 (267 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.player_mc._y = _root.player_mc._y + 10;
sms([["Cypher", "(Wrong way, follow the tracks south.)"]]);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1334 MovieClip "d3_mc" in Frame 678 (331 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
if (![1][0]) {
sms([["Cypher", "(According to intelligence I just have to follow these tracks south to get to Heggelsmoen.)"]]);[1][0] = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 965 MovieClip [Cypher_walk] "player_mc" in Frame 678 (2.72 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
var speed = 4;
var optimisation = 1;
var dist = new Array(1, 200);
onClipEvent (load) {
var dir = 0;
var better = Math.floor((dist[1] - this._y) * 0.1);
var t = Math.pow(dist[0], better);
var s;
var i = 0;
this._xscale = 100 * t;
this._yscale = 100 * t;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!_root.smsBool) {
if (i == optimisation) {
better = Math.floor((dist[1] - this._y) * 0.1);
t = Math.pow(dist[0], better);
s = speed * t;
this._xscale = 100 * t;
this._yscale = 100 * t;
i = 0;
} else {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
dir = dir + 1;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x, this._y - s, true)) {
this._y = this._y - s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.6 * s), this._y - (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.4 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.6 * s), this._y - (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.4 * s);
} else if (Key.isDown(40)) {
dir = dir + 2;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x, this._y + s, true)) {
this._y = this._y + s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.6 * s), this._y + (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.4 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.6 * s), this._y + (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.4 * s);
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
dir = dir + 10;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + s, this._y, true)) {
this._x = this._x + s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.4 * s), this._y + (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.6 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.4 * s), this._y - (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.6 * s);
} else if (Key.isDown(37)) {
dir = dir + 20;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - s, this._y, true)) {
this._x = this._x - s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.4 * s), this._y + (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.6 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.4 * s), this._y - (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.6 * s);
if (dir == 0) {
} else if (dir == 1) {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("up");
} else if (dir == 2) {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("down");
} else if ((dir > 9) && (dir < 20)) {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("right");
} else {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("left");
dir = 0;
} else {
dir = 0;
Instance of Symbol 1336 MovieClip "vCam_mc" in Frame 678 (683 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.player_mc._y < 175) {
this._y = 175;
} else if (_root.player_mc._y > 225) {
this._y = 225;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < 275) {
this._x = 275;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 700) {
this._x = 700;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.player_mc._y < 175) {
this._y = 175;
} else if (_root.player_mc._y > 225) {
this._y = 225;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < 275) {
this._x = 275;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 700) {
this._x = 700;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
Frame 682 (8 B)
Frame 688 (1.12 KiB) ●
var frame = "1.2";
player_mc._x = xPos;
player_mc._y = yPos;
l_mc._visible = false;
BG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
BG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
FG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
FG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
doors = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 6) {
_root[("d" + i) + "_mc"]._visible = false;
doors[i] = _root[("d" + i) + "_mc"];
_global.misc.battlefield = new Array("BGforest", "", "", "FGforest");
_global.misc.battletype = new Array(9000, 12000, [["PoisonBug", "PoisonBug"], ["IceFairy"]], true);
if (_global.misc.battletype[3]) {
var encounter = (_global.misc.battletype[0] + Math.floor(Math.random() * _global.misc.battletype[1]));
_root.enemyInterval = setInterval(function () {
if ((!_root.smsBool) && (_root.walked)) {
_global.misc.currentLoc = [_root.frame, _root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y];
_global.sound.worldMusicPos = _global.sound.worldMusic.position;
_global.sound.battleMusic.start(0, 999);
_root.attachMovie("BattleIntro", "bi_mc", 3000);
_root.walked = false;
}, encounter);
Instance of Symbol 1352 MovieClip "d0_mc" in Frame 688 (225 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = 700;
_root.yPos = 310;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1354 MovieClip "d2_mc" in Frame 688 (205 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
if (![2][3]) {
sms([["ITEM", "Found:\r1 First Aid kit"]]);
addToInv("First Aid kit");;[2][3] = true;
Instance of Symbol 1356 MovieClip "d3_mc" in Frame 688 (245 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
if (![2][2]) {
sms([["ITEM", "Found:\r3 Antidote"]]);
addToInv("Antidote");;[2][2] = true;
Instance of Symbol 1358 MovieClip "d4_mc" in Frame 688 (225 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = 1000;
_root.yPos = 30;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1361 MovieClip "c1_mc" in Frame 688 (70 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if ([2][0]) {
gotoAndStop (120);
Instance of Symbol 1361 MovieClip "c2_mc" in Frame 688 (70 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if ([2][3]) {
gotoAndStop (120);
Instance of Symbol 1363 MovieClip "d1_mc" in Frame 688 (235 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
if (![2][0]) {
sms([["ITEM", "Found:\r2 First Aid kit"]]);
addToInv("First Aid kit");
addToInv("First Aid kit");;[2][0] = true;
Instance of Symbol 1365 MovieClip "d5_mc" in Frame 688 (383 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
if (![2][1]) {
sms([["Cypher", "!?!"], ["c", "(Something seems to have broken the ice, so much for intelligence.)"], ["c", "(I have to find somewhere else to cross the river.)"]]);[2][1] = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 609 MovieClip "c3_mc" in Frame 688 (70 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if ([2][2]) {
gotoAndStop (120);
Instance of Symbol 1336 MovieClip "vCam_mc" in Frame 688 (571 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.player_mc._y < -350) {
this._y = -350;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < -260) {
this._x = -260;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 900) {
this._x = 900;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.player_mc._y < -350) {
this._y = -350;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < -260) {
this._x = -260;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 900) {
this._x = 900;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
Frame 698 (1.33 KiB) ●
var frame = "1.3";
var LOC = "Hoke Forrest";
if (_global.misc.mission == undefined) {
_global.misc.mission = "-Find and rescue transporter XD143 and his cargo.\r-Investigate the Heggensmoen incident.";
player_mc._x = xPos;
player_mc._y = yPos;
l_mc._visible = false;
BG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
BG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
FG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
FG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
doors = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 6) {
_root[("d" + i) + "_mc"]._visible = false;
doors[i] = _root[("d" + i) + "_mc"];
d4_mc._visible = true;
_global.misc.battlefield = new Array("BGforest", "", "", "FGforest");
_global.misc.battletype = new Array(9000, 12000, [["IceFairy", "IceFairy"], ["Gorilla"]], true);
if (_global.misc.battletype[3]) {
var encounter = (_global.misc.battletype[0] + Math.floor(Math.random() * _global.misc.battletype[1]));
_root.enemyInterval = setInterval(function () {
if ((!_root.smsBool) && (_root.walked)) {
_global.misc.currentLoc = [_root.frame, _root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y];
_global.sound.worldMusicPos = _global.sound.worldMusic.position;
_global.sound.battleMusic.start(0, 999);
_root.attachMovie("BattleIntro", "bi_mc", 3000);
_root.walked = false;
}, encounter);
Instance of Symbol 1375 MovieClip "d0_mc" in Frame 698 (226 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = -440;
_root.yPos = -10;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1377 MovieClip "d1_mc" in Frame 698 (205 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
if (![3][0]) {
sms([["ITEM", "Found:\r1 First Aid kit"]]);
addToInv("First Aid kit");;[3][0] = true;
Instance of Symbol 1379 MovieClip "d2_mc" in Frame 698 (205 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
if (![3][1]) {
sms([["ITEM", "Found:\r1 First Aid kit"]]);
addToInv("First Aid kit");;[3][1] = true;
Instance of Symbol 1381 MovieClip "d3_mc" in Frame 698 (225 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = 55;
_root.yPos = -515;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1387 MovieClip "c2_mc" in Frame 698 (70 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if ([3][1]) {
gotoAndStop (120);
Instance of Symbol 1389 MovieClip "d5_mc" in Frame 698 (1.02 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_global.misc.currentLoc = ["1.4", 70, -440];
_global.misc.battlefield = new Array("BGriver", "", "", "");
_global.misc.battletype = new Array(8000, 12000, [["FishBossSmall"]], false);
sms([["Cypher", "Great, this fallen tree takes me right over the river."], ["c", "Ooh, look what a stupid little fish! Wouldn't eat that if it was the last food on the planet, hehe."], ["c", "Wonder why the ice is broken, it should be frozen solid..."], ["c", "...maybe it's this fish?"], ["c", "That's a bad fish!\r*hits fish with a stick*\rBad fish!"], ["c", "..."], ["c", "Hey, stop staring like that."]]);[3][2] = true;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!_root.smsBool) {
_global.sound.bossMusic.start(0, 999);
_root.attachMovie("BattleIntro", bi_mc, 3000);
delete _root.onEnterFrame;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true) && (![3][2])) {
Instance of Symbol 609 MovieClip "c1_mc" in Frame 698 (70 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if ([3][0]) {
gotoAndStop (120);
Instance of Symbol 1336 MovieClip "vCam_mc" in Frame 698 (687 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.player_mc._y < -280) {
this._y = -280;
} else if (_root.player_mc._y > 680) {
this._y = 680;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < -50) {
this._x = -50;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 830) {
this._x = 830;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.player_mc._y < -280) {
this._y = -280;
} else if (_root.player_mc._y > 750) {
this._y = 750;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < -50) {
this._x = -50;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 830) {
this._x = 830;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
Frame 708 (1.13 KiB) ●
var frame = "1.4";
player_mc._x = xPos;
player_mc._y = yPos;
l_mc._visible = false;
BG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
BG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
FG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
FG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
doors = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 4) {
_root[("d" + i) + "_mc"]._visible = false;
doors[i] = _root[("d" + i) + "_mc"];
_global.misc.battlefield = new Array("BGforest", "", "", "FGforest");
_global.misc.battletype = new Array(9000, 12000, [["IceFairy", "IceFairy"], ["IceFairy", "Gorilla"]], true);
if (_global.misc.battletype[3]) {
var encounter = (_global.misc.battletype[0] + Math.floor(Math.random() * _global.misc.battletype[1]));
_root.enemyInterval = setInterval(function () {
if ((!_root.smsBool) && (_root.walked)) {
_global.misc.currentLoc = [_root.frame, _root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y];
_global.sound.worldMusicPos = _global.sound.worldMusic.position;
_global.sound.battleMusic.start(0, 999);
_root.attachMovie("BattleIntro", "bi_mc", 3000);
_root.walked = false;
}, encounter);
Instance of Symbol 1397 MovieClip "d0_mc" in Frame 708 (226 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = -140;
_root.yPos = 835;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1399 MovieClip "d1_mc" in Frame 708 (225 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = -135;
_root.yPos = 90;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1336 MovieClip "vCam_mc" in Frame 708 (687 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.player_mc._y < -400) {
this._y = -400;
} else if (_root.player_mc._y > 180) {
this._y = 180;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < 155) {
this._x = 155;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 695) {
this._x = 695;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.player_mc._y < -400) {
this._y = -400;
} else if (_root.player_mc._y > 180) {
this._y = 180;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < 155) {
this._x = 155;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 695) {
this._x = 695;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
Frame 718 (1.12 KiB) ●
var frame = "1.5";
player_mc._x = xPos;
player_mc._y = yPos;
l_mc._visible = false;
BG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
BG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
FG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
FG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
doors = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 4) {
_root[("d" + i) + "_mc"]._visible = false;
doors[i] = _root[("d" + i) + "_mc"];
_global.misc.battlefield = new Array("BGforest", "", "", "FGforest");
_global.misc.battletype = new Array(9000, 12000, [["Gorilla"], ["PoisonBug", "PoisonBug"]], true);
if (_global.misc.battletype[3]) {
var encounter = (_global.misc.battletype[0] + Math.floor(Math.random() * _global.misc.battletype[1]));
_root.enemyInterval = setInterval(function () {
if ((!_root.smsBool) && (_root.walked)) {
_global.misc.currentLoc = [_root.frame, _root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y];
_global.sound.worldMusicPos = _global.sound.worldMusic.position;
_global.sound.battleMusic.start(0, 999);
_root.attachMovie("BattleIntro", "bi_mc", 3000);
_root.walked = false;
}, encounter);
Instance of Symbol 1406 MovieClip "d2_mc" in Frame 718 (226 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = 1455;
_root.yPos = 290;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1408 MovieClip "d0_mc" in Frame 718 (225 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = 880;
_root.yPos = 160;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1410 MovieClip "d1_mc" in Frame 718 (205 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
if (![5][0]) {
sms([["ITEM", "Found:\r1 First Aid kit"]]);
addToInv("First Aid kit");;[5][0] = true;
Instance of Symbol 1412 MovieClip "d3_mc" in Frame 718 (205 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
if (![5][1]) {
sms([["ITEM", "Found:\r1 First Aid kit"]]);
addToInv("First Aid kit");;[5][1] = true;
Instance of Symbol 1387 MovieClip "c1_mc" in Frame 718 (70 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if ([5][0]) {
gotoAndStop (120);
Instance of Symbol 1387 MovieClip "c3_mc" in Frame 718 (70 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if ([5][1]) {
gotoAndStop (120);
Instance of Symbol 1336 MovieClip "vCam_mc" in Frame 718 (567 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.player_mc._y > 165) {
this._y = 165;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < 130) {
this._x = 130;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 1000) {
this._x = 1000;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.player_mc._y > 165) {
this._y = 165;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < 130) {
this._x = 130;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 1000) {
this._x = 1000;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
Frame 728 (271 B)
var frame = "1.6";
player_mc._x = xPos;
player_mc._y = yPos;
l_mc._visible = false;
doors = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 4) {
_root[("d" + i) + "_mc"]._visible = false;
doors[i] = _root[("d" + i) + "_mc"];
Instance of Symbol 1415 MovieClip in Frame 728 (285 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this._x = _root.vCam_mc._x - (_root.vCam_mc._width / 2);
this._y = _root.vCam_mc._y - (_root.vCam_mc._height / 2);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = _root.vCam_mc._x - (_root.vCam_mc._width / 2);
this._y = _root.vCam_mc._y - (_root.vCam_mc._height / 2);
Instance of Symbol 1426 MovieClip "d1_mc" in Frame 728 (430 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_global.sound.worldMusicPos = 0;
_global.sound.worldMusic = new Sound();
_global.sound.worldMusic.start(0, 999);
_root.xPos = 275;
_root.yPos = -110;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1427 MovieClip "d0_mc" in Frame 728 (226 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = 1100;
_root.yPos = 285;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1336 MovieClip "vCam_mc" in Frame 728 (371 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.player_mc._x < 280) {
this._x = 280;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 1250) {
this._x = 1250;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.player_mc._x < 280) {
this._x = 280;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 1250) {
this._x = 1250;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
Frame 738 (290 B)
var frame = "1.7";
player_mc._x = xPos;
player_mc._y = yPos;
l_mc._visible = false;
s0_mc._visible = false;
s1_mc._visible = false;
doors = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 4) {
_root[("d" + i) + "_mc"]._visible = false;
doors[i] = _root[("d" + i) + "_mc"];
Instance of Symbol 1435 MovieClip "d1_mc" in Frame 738 (226 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = 120;
_root.yPos = -190;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1437 MovieClip "d0_mc" in Frame 738 (435 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_global.sound.worldMusicPos = 0;
_global.sound.worldMusic = new Sound();
_global.sound.worldMusic.attachSound("Hoke Forrest");
_global.sound.worldMusic.start(0, 999);
_root.xPos = 110;
_root.yPos = 290;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1439 MovieClip "d2_mc" in Frame 738 (117 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = 105;
_root.yPos = 200;
Instance of Symbol 1441 MovieClip "s0_mc" in Frame 738 (820 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
sms([["Cypher", "(Okey, here we are...)"], ["c", "Start recording file 00Heggensmoen."], ["c", "This is Agent Cypher, investigating SOS from Heggensmoen."], ["c", "To my left stands a band wagon, supposedly used by XD143 and cargo to get here because it's not yet snow covered. There are marks of battle from here leading in to the village."], ["c", "Marks on the ground would suggest some form of power weapon and light and medium arms."], ["c", "In front of me are two buildings, of which one has been attacked by explosive weapons."], ["c", "I'm now closing in to that building for a closer look."]]);[7][0] = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true) && (![7][0])) {
Instance of Symbol 1443 MovieClip "s1_mc" in Frame 738 (533 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
sms([["Cypher", "Now standing next to the ravaged building."], ["c", "It has definitely been attacked by a ranged explosive weapon, possibly napalm, as it's completely burnt out."], ["c", "Anything in there at the time would have been completely incinerated."], ["c", "The battle marks continue into the village."]]);[7][1] = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true) && (![7][1])) {
Instance of Symbol 965 MovieClip [Cypher_walk] "player_mc" in Frame 738 (2.73 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
var speed = 5;
var optimisation = 1;
var dist = new Array(0.991, 330);
onClipEvent (load) {
var dir = 0;
var better = Math.floor((dist[1] - this._y) * 0.1);
var t = Math.pow(dist[0], better);
var s;
var i = 0;
this._xscale = 100 * t;
this._yscale = 100 * t;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!_root.smsBool) {
if (i == optimisation) {
better = Math.floor((dist[1] - this._y) * 0.1);
t = Math.pow(dist[0], better);
s = speed * t;
this._xscale = 100 * t;
this._yscale = 100 * t;
i = 0;
} else {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
dir = dir + 1;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x, this._y - s, true)) {
this._y = this._y - s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.6 * s), this._y - (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.4 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.6 * s), this._y - (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.4 * s);
} else if (Key.isDown(40)) {
dir = dir + 2;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x, this._y + s, true)) {
this._y = this._y + s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.6 * s), this._y + (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.4 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.6 * s), this._y + (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.4 * s);
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
dir = dir + 10;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + s, this._y, true)) {
this._x = this._x + s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.4 * s), this._y + (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.6 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.4 * s), this._y - (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.6 * s);
} else if (Key.isDown(37)) {
dir = dir + 20;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - s, this._y, true)) {
this._x = this._x - s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.4 * s), this._y + (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.6 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.4 * s), this._y - (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.6 * s);
if (dir == 0) {
} else if (dir == 1) {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("up");
} else if (dir == 2) {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("down");
} else if ((dir > 9) && (dir < 20)) {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("right");
} else {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("left");
dir = 0;
} else {
dir = 0;
Instance of Symbol 1336 MovieClip "vCam_mc" in Frame 738 (247 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.player_mc._y < 175) {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
} else {
this._y = 175;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.player_mc._y < 175) {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
} else {
this._y = 175;
Frame 748 (241 B)
var frame = "1.10";
player_mc._x = xPos;
player_mc._y = yPos;
l_mc._visible = false;
doors = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 4) {
_root[("d" + i) + "_mc"]._visible = false;
doors[i] = _root[("d" + i) + "_mc"];
Instance of Symbol 1454 MovieClip "d0_mc" in Frame 748 (116 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = 350;
_root.yPos = 275;
Instance of Symbol 1456 MovieClip "d2_mc" in Frame 748 (188 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.makeArr = ["Steel Fist", "Shock Fist", "Serum Inplant", "Energizer"];
_root.attachMovie("workshopMenu", "workshopMenu_mc", 3000);
Instance of Symbol 1458 MovieClip "d1_mc" in Frame 748 (404 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
if (![10][0]) {
sms([["ITEM", "Found:\r3 First Aid kit\r5 Antidote"]]);
addToInv("First Aid kit");
addToInv("First Aid kit");
addToInv("First Aid kit");
addToInv("Antidote");;[10][0] = true;
Instance of Symbol 965 MovieClip [Cypher_walk] "player_mc" in Frame 748 (2.72 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
var speed = 5;
var optimisation = 1;
var dist = new Array(1, 200);
onClipEvent (load) {
var dir = 0;
var better = Math.floor((dist[1] - this._y) * 0.1);
var t = Math.pow(dist[0], better);
var s;
var i = 0;
this._xscale = 100 * t;
this._yscale = 100 * t;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!_root.smsBool) {
if (i == optimisation) {
better = Math.floor((dist[1] - this._y) * 0.1);
t = Math.pow(dist[0], better);
s = speed * t;
this._xscale = 100 * t;
this._yscale = 100 * t;
i = 0;
} else {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
dir = dir + 1;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x, this._y - s, true)) {
this._y = this._y - s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.6 * s), this._y - (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.4 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.6 * s), this._y - (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.4 * s);
} else if (Key.isDown(40)) {
dir = dir + 2;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x, this._y + s, true)) {
this._y = this._y + s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.6 * s), this._y + (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.4 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.6 * s), this._y + (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.4 * s);
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
dir = dir + 10;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + s, this._y, true)) {
this._x = this._x + s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.4 * s), this._y + (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.6 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.4 * s), this._y - (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.6 * s);
} else if (Key.isDown(37)) {
dir = dir + 20;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - s, this._y, true)) {
this._x = this._x - s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.4 * s), this._y + (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.6 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.4 * s), this._y - (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.6 * s);
if (dir == 0) {
} else if (dir == 1) {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("up");
} else if (dir == 2) {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("down");
} else if ((dir > 9) && (dir < 20)) {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("right");
} else {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("left");
dir = 0;
} else {
dir = 0;
Frame 758 (406 B)
var frame = "1.8";
player_mc._x = xPos;
player_mc._y = yPos;
l_mc._visible = false;
s0_mc._visible = false;
s1_mc._visible = false;
BG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
BG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
FG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
FG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
doors = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
_root[("d" + i) + "_mc"]._visible = false;
doors[i] = _root[("d" + i) + "_mc"];
Instance of Symbol 1465 MovieClip "d0_mc" in Frame 758 (225 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = 300;
_root.yPos = 300;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1467 MovieClip "d1_mc" in Frame 758 (203 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
if (![8][0]) {
sms([["ITEM", "FOUND:\rW Maintenance"]]);
addToInv("W Maintenance");;[8][0] = true;
Instance of Symbol 1469 MovieClip "d3_mc" in Frame 758 (224 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = 455;
_root.yPos = 65;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1471 MovieClip "d2_mc" in Frame 758 (180 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
if (![8][1]) {
sms([["ITEM", "FOUND:\rW Maintenance"]]);
addToInv("W Maintenance");[8][1] = true;
Instance of Symbol 1473 MovieClip "s0_mc" in Frame 758 (588 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
sms([["Cypher", "Further into the village lies two soldier bodies."], ["c", "The soldiers are dead, cut down by a large power weapon. One of them is literally cut in two."], ["c", "They are not carrying any marks of identity or nationality, which means that this could be done by either side."], ["c", "The attackers were in a hurry if they left their dead like this."]]);[8][2] = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true) && (![8][2])) {
Instance of Symbol 1361 MovieClip "c1_mc" in Frame 758 (70 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if ([8][0]) {
gotoAndStop (120);
Instance of Symbol 1478 MovieClip "d4_mc" in Frame 758 (429 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
if ([11][4] && (![8][3])) {
_root.xPos = 235;
_root.yPos = 320;[8][3] = true;
_root.gotoAndStop("tunnel movie");
} else if ([8][3]) {
_root.xPos = 235;
_root.yPos = 320;
} else {
sms([["Cypher", "A good looking civilian snow tunneler. Maybe used by those two fellows..."]]);
Instance of Symbol 965 MovieClip [Cypher_walk] "player_mc" in Frame 758 (2.72 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
var speed = 5;
var optimisation = 2;
var dist = new Array(1, 100);
onClipEvent (load) {
var dir = 0;
var better = Math.floor((dist[1] - this._y) * 0.1);
var t = Math.pow(dist[0], better);
var s;
var i = 0;
this._xscale = 100 * t;
this._yscale = 100 * t;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!_root.smsBool) {
if (i == optimisation) {
better = Math.floor((dist[1] - this._y) * 0.1);
t = Math.pow(dist[0], better);
s = speed * t;
this._xscale = 100 * t;
this._yscale = 100 * t;
i = 0;
} else {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
dir = dir + 1;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x, this._y - s, true)) {
this._y = this._y - s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.6 * s), this._y - (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.4 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.6 * s), this._y - (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.4 * s);
} else if (Key.isDown(40)) {
dir = dir + 2;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x, this._y + s, true)) {
this._y = this._y + s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.6 * s), this._y + (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.4 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.6 * s), this._y + (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.4 * s);
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
dir = dir + 10;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + s, this._y, true)) {
this._x = this._x + s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.4 * s), this._y + (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.6 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.4 * s), this._y - (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.6 * s);
} else if (Key.isDown(37)) {
dir = dir + 20;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - s, this._y, true)) {
this._x = this._x - s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.4 * s), this._y + (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.6 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.4 * s), this._y - (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.6 * s);
if (dir == 0) {
} else if (dir == 1) {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("up");
} else if (dir == 2) {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("down");
} else if ((dir > 9) && (dir < 20)) {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("right");
} else {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("left");
dir = 0;
} else {
dir = 0;
Instance of Symbol 1336 MovieClip "vCam_mc" in Frame 758 (691 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.player_mc._y < -150) {
this._y = -150;
} else if (_root.player_mc._y > 575) {
this._y = 575;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < -423) {
this._x = -423;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 530) {
this._x = 530;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.player_mc._y < -100) {
this._y = -100;
} else if (_root.player_mc._y > 650) {
this._y = 650;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < -430) {
this._x = -430;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 510) {
this._x = 510;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
Frame 768 (710 B)
var frame = "1.9";
player_mc._x = xPos;
player_mc._y = yPos;
l_mc._visible = false;
s0_mc._visible = false;
s1_mc._visible = false;
s2_mc._visible = false;
BG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
BG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
FG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
FG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
doors = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 4) {
_root[("d" + i) + "_mc"]._visible = false;
doors[i] = _root[("d" + i) + "_mc"];
ha._visible = false;
h._alpha = 0;
ha.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc)) {
if (_root.h._alpha <= 100) {
_root.h._alpha = _root.h._alpha + 20;
} else if (_root.h._alpha >= 0) {
_root.h._alpha = _root.h._alpha - 20;
Instance of Symbol 1489 MovieClip "d0_mc" in Frame 768 (226 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = -560;
_root.yPos = 380;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1491 MovieClip "d2_mc" in Frame 768 (207 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
if (![9][0]) {
sms([["ITEM", "FOUND:\rOld Electronics"]]);
addToInv("Old Electronics");;[9][0] = true;
Instance of Symbol 1493 MovieClip "d1_mc" in Frame 768 (115 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = 450;
_root.yPos = 0;
Instance of Symbol 1496 MovieClip "d3_mc" in Frame 768 (1.33 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
if (![9][1]) {
var _local3 = ["", "", "Pistol SpecOps", ""];
var _local4 = SharedObject.getLocal("ArtifissionChapter0", "/384000/384700_ArtifissionChapter0100.swf/");
if ( == undefined) {
_local4 = SharedObject.getLocal("ArtifissionChapter0", "/");
if ([0]) {
_local3[0] = "\rNano Bots";
addToInv("Nano Bots");
if ([1]) {
_local3[1] = "\rW Maintenance";
addToInv("W Maintenance");
if ([2]) {
_local3[2] = "Revolver";
if ([3]) {
_local3[3] = "\rOld Electronics";
addToInv("Old Electronics");
} else {
if ([0]) {
_local3[0] = "\rNano Bots";
addToInv("Nano Bots");
if ([1]) {
_local3[1] = "\rW Maintenance";
addToInv("W Maintenance");
if ([2]) {
_local3[2] = "Revolver";
if ([3]) {
_local3[3] = "\rOld electronics";
addToInv("Old electronics");
sms([["ITEM", ((("FOUND: \r" + _local3[2]) + _local3[0]) + _local3[1]) + _local3[3]]]);[2]);[9][1] = true;
Instance of Symbol 1387 MovieClip "c2_mc" in Frame 768 (70 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if ([9][0]) {
gotoAndStop (120);
Instance of Symbol 1498 MovieClip "s0_mc" in Frame 768 (398 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
sms([["Cypher", "Marks of battle are continuing in the village square, leading to the village main hall."], ["c", "It appears XD143 has been giving them some serious resistance."]]);[9][2] = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true) && (![9][2])) {
Instance of Symbol 1500 MovieClip "s1_mc" in Frame 768 (443 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
sms([["Cypher", "I'm now standing next to the main hall."], ["c", "To my front is a LARGE burn scar in the ground, say 10 times 4 meters."], ["c", "Also according to the marks here seems to have been some intense fighting."]]);[9][3] = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true) && (![9][3])) {
Instance of Symbol 1502 MovieClip "s2_mc" in Frame 768 (805 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
sms([["Cypher", "!!!"], ["c", "In the middle of the burn scar lies a body in a U.N. uniform."], ["c", "DNA matches XD143. He's dead. Cause of death: Internal injuries."], ["c", "Rest in Peace."], ["Brief", "*beep*"], ["b", "Changed Mission Objectives: \r-Find and rescue XD143's cargo.\r-Investigate the Heggensmoen incident."], ["Cypher", "Did XD143 fight his way all the way here through the village? Why?"], ["c", "There's nothing past the main hall, so the answer should be there."]]);[9][4] = true;
_global.misc.mission = "-Find and rescue XD143's cargo.\r-Investigate the Heggensmoen incident.";
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true) && (![9][4])) {
Instance of Symbol 965 MovieClip [Cypher_walk] "player_mc" in Frame 768 (2.72 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
var speed = 5;
var optimisation = 1;
var dist = new Array(1, 200);
onClipEvent (load) {
var dir = 0;
var better = Math.floor((dist[1] - this._y) * 0.1);
var t = Math.pow(dist[0], better);
var s;
var i = 0;
this._xscale = 100 * t;
this._yscale = 100 * t;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!_root.smsBool) {
if (i == optimisation) {
better = Math.floor((dist[1] - this._y) * 0.1);
t = Math.pow(dist[0], better);
s = speed * t;
this._xscale = 100 * t;
this._yscale = 100 * t;
i = 0;
} else {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
dir = dir + 1;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x, this._y - s, true)) {
this._y = this._y - s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.6 * s), this._y - (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.4 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.6 * s), this._y - (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.4 * s);
} else if (Key.isDown(40)) {
dir = dir + 2;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x, this._y + s, true)) {
this._y = this._y + s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.6 * s), this._y + (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.4 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.6 * s), this._y + (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.4 * s);
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
dir = dir + 10;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + s, this._y, true)) {
this._x = this._x + s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.4 * s), this._y + (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.6 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.4 * s), this._y - (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.6 * s);
} else if (Key.isDown(37)) {
dir = dir + 20;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - s, this._y, true)) {
this._x = this._x - s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.4 * s), this._y + (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.6 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.4 * s), this._y - (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.6 * s);
if (dir == 0) {
} else if (dir == 1) {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("up");
} else if (dir == 2) {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("down");
} else if ((dir > 9) && (dir < 20)) {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("right");
} else {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("left");
dir = 0;
} else {
dir = 0;
Instance of Symbol 1336 MovieClip "vCam_mc" in Frame 768 (567 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.player_mc._y > 605) {
this._y = 605;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < -210) {
this._x = -210;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 295) {
this._x = 295;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.player_mc._y > 605) {
this._y = 605;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < -210) {
this._x = -210;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 295) {
this._x = 295;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
Frame 778 (859 B)
var frame = "1.11";
player_mc._x = xPos;
player_mc._y = yPos;
l_mc._visible = false;
s0_mc._visible = false;
s1_mc._visible = false;
s2_mc._visible = false;
s3_mc._visible = false;
BG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
BG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
FG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
FG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
doors = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 4) {
_root[("d" + i) + "_mc"]._visible = false;
doors[i] = _root[("d" + i) + "_mc"];
ha._visible = false;
h._alpha = 100;
ha.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc)) {
if (_root.h._alpha > 0) {
_root.h._alpha = _root.h._alpha - 20;
ha2._visible = false;
h2._alpha = 100;
ha2.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc)) {
if (_root.h2._alpha > 0) {
_root.h2._alpha = _root.h2._alpha - 20;
Instance of Symbol 1520 MovieClip "d0_mc" in Frame 778 (225 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = 190;
_root.yPos = 630;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1522 MovieClip "d1_mc" in Frame 778 (542 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
sms([["Cypher", "There are a set of snow tunneler tracks leading to the mountains."], ["c", "XD143's cargo seems to have hidden a tunneler here right outside, and when the attack started exploded the back wall and made a swift escape."], ["c", "However the attackers can't be far behind, I can see their tracks setting of after him."], ["c", "There might still be time, but I can't carry on by foot..."]]);
_root.attachMovie("EscapeView", "escapeView_mc", 1000);[11][4] = true;
Instance of Symbol 1524 MovieClip "s0_mc" in Frame 778 (439 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
sms([["Cypher", "I'm now standing in the hallway of the main hall."], ["c", "The front door has been blasted in and is covering the floor."], ["c", "The next door is also forcibly opened."], ["c", "Continuing inward."]]);[11][0] = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true) && (![11][0])) {
Instance of Symbol 1526 MovieClip "s1_mc" in Frame 778 (359 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
sms([["Cypher", "From the hallway I've entered what seems to be the main room."], ["c", "Apart from the forced door here is quite clean."]]);[11][1] = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true) && (![11][1])) {
Instance of Symbol 1528 MovieClip "s2_mc" in Frame 778 (693 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
sms([["Cypher", "In the room stands an opened crate with some supplies and a recently used sleeping bag."], ["c", "No signs of battle."], ["c", "So someone has been living here, perhaps XD143's cargo?"], ["c", "But here is no body, and something else is strange to..."], ["c", "Here are no bags, clothes and such..."], ["c", "Even if this person was dragged away instead of killed, and the attackers were is such a hurry, there would be more stuff left."], ["c", "Hmm..."]]);[11][2] = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true) && (![11][2])) {
Instance of Symbol 1530 MovieClip "s3_mc" in Frame 778 (349 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
sms([["Cypher", "Aha!"], ["c", "The back wall of the toilet's blown open."], ["c", "A clue! Wonder what that hole will show..."]]);[11][3] = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true) && (![11][3])) {
Instance of Symbol 1336 MovieClip "vCam_mc" in Frame 778 (679 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.player_mc._y > 580) {
this._y = 580;
} else if (_root.player_mc._y < 80) {
this._y = 80;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < -50) {
this._x = -50;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 390) {
this._x = 390;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.player_mc._y > 580) {
this._y = 580;
} else if (_root.player_mc._y < 80) {
this._y = 80;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < -50) {
this._x = -50;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 390) {
this._x = 390;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
Frame 788 (370 B)
var skipIt = new Object();
_root.skipIt.onKeyDown = function () {
if (Key.getAscii() == 115) {
_root.smsBool = false;
} else if (Key.getAscii() == 120) {
if (_root.smsBool) {
Frame 789 (8 B)
Frame 793 (366 B)
sms([["Cypher", "(Damn! It's starting to snow!)"], ["c", "(Here's the escaping snow tunneler, they can't go on mountains.)"], ["c", "(Hunted on foot in the mountains, and it's starting to snow. I'll have to hurry if I'm gonna retrieve anybody!)"]]);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!smsBool) {;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
Frame 797 (73 B)
Frame 798 (2.62 KiB) ●
function startSnow() {
snowInterval = setInterval(function () {
}, 1000 / frequency);
function makeFlake() {
if (c > 800) {
c = 500;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("flake" + c, c);
with (_root["flake" + c]) {
lineStyle(20, 16777215, 100);
lineTo(1, 0);
_x = ((Math.floor(Math.random() * SW) - (_root.Bord / 2)) + _root.vCam_mc._x) - (_root.vCam_mc._width / 2);
_y = ((Math.floor(Math.random() * SH) - (_root.Bord / 2)) + _root.vCam_mc._y) - (_root.vCam_mc._height / 2);
_alpha = 0;
_root["flake" + c].spd = ((Math.random() * speed) / 2) + (speed / 2);
_root["flake" + c].onEnterFrame = function () {
with (this) {
spd = spd / (1 + (_root.accel / 1000));
_width = _width / ((1 + (_root.accel / 500)) * (1 + (_root.accel / 500)));
_height = _height / ((1 + (_root.accel / 500)) * (1 + (_root.accel / 500)));
_alpha = _alpha + 5;
_y = _y + spd;
if (((((_x < ((((-_width) - (_root.Bord / 2)) + _root.vCam_mc._x) - (_root.vCam_mc._width / 2))) || (_x > ((((_width + SW) - (_root.Bord / 2)) + _root.vCam_mc._x) - (_root.vCam_mc._width / 2)))) || (_y > ((((_width + SH) - (_root.Bord / 2)) + _root.vCam_mc._y) - (_root.vCam_mc._height / 2)))) || (_y < ((((-_width) - (_root.Bord / 2)) + _root.vCam_mc._y) - (_root.vCam_mc._height / 2)))) || (spd < 0.1)) {
function clearSnow() {
i = 500;
while (i < 801) {
_root["flake" + i].removeMovieClip();
var frame = "1.12";
_root.LOC = "Mountains";
if (_global.misc.mission == undefined) {
_global.misc.mission = "-Find and rescue XD143's cargo.\r-Investigate the Heggensmoen incident.";
_global.sound.worldMusicPos = 0;
_global.sound.worldMusic = new Sound();
_global.sound.worldMusic.attachSound("Frozen Mountain");
_global.sound.worldMusic.start(0, 999);
player_mc._x = xPos;
player_mc._y = yPos;
l_mc._visible = false;
BG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
BG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
FG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
FG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
doors = new Array();
d1_mc._visible = false;
d2_mc._visible = false;
doors[0] = d0_mc;
doors[1] = d1_mc;
doors[2] = d2_mc;
ha._visible = false;
h._alpha = 100;
ha.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc)) {
if (_root.h._alpha > 0) {
_root.h._alpha = _root.h._alpha - 20;
var frequency = 50;
var speed = 2;
var accel = 10;
var Bord = 100;
var SW = (Stage.width + Bord);
var SH = (Stage.height + Bord);
var c = 500;
Instance of Symbol 1563 MovieClip "d1_mc" in Frame 798 (226 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = -25;
_root.yPos = 680;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1384 MovieClip "d0_mc" in Frame 798 (47 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
this.LOC = "Mountains";
Instance of Symbol 1565 MovieClip "d2_mc" in Frame 798 (341 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_global.sound.worldMusicPos = 0;
_global.sound.worldMusic = new Sound();
_global.sound.worldMusic.start(0, 999);
_root.xPos = 475;
_root.yPos = 540;
Instance of Symbol 965 MovieClip [Cypher_walk] "player_mc" in Frame 798 (2.72 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
var speed = 5;
var optimisation = 1;
var dist = new Array(1, 200);
onClipEvent (load) {
var dir = 0;
var better = Math.floor((dist[1] - this._y) * 0.1);
var t = Math.pow(dist[0], better);
var s;
var i = 0;
this._xscale = 100 * t;
this._yscale = 100 * t;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!_root.smsBool) {
if (i == optimisation) {
better = Math.floor((dist[1] - this._y) * 0.1);
t = Math.pow(dist[0], better);
s = speed * t;
this._xscale = 100 * t;
this._yscale = 100 * t;
i = 0;
} else {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
dir = dir + 1;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x, this._y - s, true)) {
this._y = this._y - s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.6 * s), this._y - (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.4 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.6 * s), this._y - (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.4 * s);
} else if (Key.isDown(40)) {
dir = dir + 2;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x, this._y + s, true)) {
this._y = this._y + s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.6 * s), this._y + (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.4 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.6 * s), this._y + (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.4 * s);
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
dir = dir + 10;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + s, this._y, true)) {
this._x = this._x + s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.4 * s), this._y + (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.6 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.4 * s), this._y - (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.6 * s);
} else if (Key.isDown(37)) {
dir = dir + 20;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - s, this._y, true)) {
this._x = this._x - s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.4 * s), this._y + (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.6 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.4 * s), this._y - (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.6 * s);
if (dir == 0) {
} else if (dir == 1) {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("up");
} else if (dir == 2) {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("down");
} else if ((dir > 9) && (dir < 20)) {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("right");
} else {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("left");
dir = 0;
} else {
dir = 0;
Frame 808 (1.17 KiB) ●
var frame = "1.13";
player_mc._x = xPos;
player_mc._y = yPos;
l_mc._visible = false;
BG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
BG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
FG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
FG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
doors = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 7) {
_root[("d" + i) + "_mc"]._visible = false;
doors[i] = _root[("d" + i) + "_mc"];
_global.misc.battlefield = new Array("BGMountains", "BGSnow", "BGSnow", "FGMountains");
_global.misc.battletype = new Array(9000, 12000, [["Beerd"], ["Goat", "Goat"], ["Yeti"]], true);
if (_global.misc.battletype[3]) {
var encounter = (_global.misc.battletype[0] + Math.floor(Math.random() * _global.misc.battletype[1]));
_root.enemyInterval = setInterval(function () {
if ((!_root.smsBool) && (_root.walked)) {
_global.misc.currentLoc = [_root.frame, _root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y];
_global.sound.worldMusicPos = _global.sound.worldMusic.position;
_global.sound.battleMusic.start(0, 999);
_root.attachMovie("BattleIntro", "bi_mc", 3000);
_root.walked = false;
}, encounter);
Instance of Symbol 1567 MovieClip in Frame 808 (145 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = _root.vCam_mc._x - (_root.vCam_mc._width / 2);
this._y = _root.vCam_mc._y - (_root.vCam_mc._height / 2);
Instance of Symbol 1574 MovieClip "d0_mc" in Frame 808 (225 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = 281;
_root.yPos = 20;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1574 MovieClip "d6_mc" in Frame 808 (197 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
if (![13][1]) {
sms([["ITEM", "FOUND:\rEnergizer"]]);
addToInv("Energizer");;[13][1] = true;
Instance of Symbol 1574 MovieClip "d2_mc" in Frame 808 (146 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.attachMovie("jump", "jump_mc", 1000);
_root.jump_mc.x1 = 150;
_root.jump_mc.y1 = 278;
Instance of Symbol 1576 MovieClip "d4_mc" in Frame 808 (146 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.attachMovie("jump", "jump_mc", 1000);
_root.jump_mc.x1 = 380;
_root.jump_mc.y1 = 510;
Instance of Symbol 1576 MovieClip "d3_mc" in Frame 808 (145 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.attachMovie("jump", "jump_mc", 1000);
_root.jump_mc.x1 = 60;
_root.jump_mc.y1 = 290;
Instance of Symbol 1576 MovieClip "d5_mc" in Frame 808 (146 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.attachMovie("jump", "jump_mc", 1000);
_root.jump_mc.x1 = 270;
_root.jump_mc.y1 = 510;
Instance of Symbol 1574 MovieClip "d1_mc" in Frame 808 (205 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
if (![13][0]) {
sms([["ITEM", "FOUND:\rFirst Aid kit"]]);
addToInv("First Aid kit");;[13][0] = true;
Instance of Symbol 1574 MovieClip "d7_mc" in Frame 808 (227 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = -315;
_root.yPos = 275;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1387 MovieClip "c1_mc" in Frame 808 (71 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if ([13][0]) {
gotoAndStop (120);
Instance of Symbol 965 MovieClip [Cypher_walk] "player_mc" in Frame 808 (2.72 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
var speed = 4;
var optimisation = 1;
var dist = new Array(1, 200);
onClipEvent (load) {
var dir = 0;
var better = Math.floor((dist[1] - this._y) * 0.1);
var t = Math.pow(dist[0], better);
var s;
var i = 0;
this._xscale = 100 * t;
this._yscale = 100 * t;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!_root.smsBool) {
if (i == optimisation) {
better = Math.floor((dist[1] - this._y) * 0.1);
t = Math.pow(dist[0], better);
s = speed * t;
this._xscale = 100 * t;
this._yscale = 100 * t;
i = 0;
} else {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
dir = dir + 1;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x, this._y - s, true)) {
this._y = this._y - s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.6 * s), this._y - (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.4 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.6 * s), this._y - (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.4 * s);
} else if (Key.isDown(40)) {
dir = dir + 2;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x, this._y + s, true)) {
this._y = this._y + s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.6 * s), this._y + (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.4 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.6 * s), this._y + (0.4 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.6 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.4 * s);
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
dir = dir + 10;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + s, this._y, true)) {
this._x = this._x + s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.4 * s), this._y + (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.6 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x + (0.4 * s), this._y - (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x + (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.6 * s);
} else if (Key.isDown(37)) {
dir = dir + 20;
if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - s, this._y, true)) {
this._x = this._x - s;
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.4 * s), this._y + (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y + (0.6 * s);
} else if (!_root.l_mc.hitTest(this._x - (0.4 * s), this._y - (0.6 * s), true)) {
this._x = this._x - (0.4 * s);
this._y = this._y - (0.6 * s);
if (dir == 0) {
} else if (dir == 1) {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("up");
} else if (dir == 2) {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("down");
} else if ((dir > 9) && (dir < 20)) {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("right");
} else {
_root.walked = true;
gotoAndStop ("left");
dir = 0;
} else {
dir = 0;
Instance of Symbol 609 MovieClip "c6_mc" in Frame 808 (71 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if ([13][1]) {
gotoAndStop (120);
Instance of Symbol 1336 MovieClip "vCam_mc" in Frame 808 (567 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.player_mc._y > 550) {
this._y = 550;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < -180) {
this._x = -180;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 520) {
this._x = 520;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.player_mc._y > 550) {
this._y = 550;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < -180) {
this._x = -180;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 520) {
this._x = 520;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
Frame 818 (411 B)
var frame = "1.14";
player_mc._x = xPos;
player_mc._y = yPos;
l_mc._visible = false;
BG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
BG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
FG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
FG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
FG2_mc._visible = false;
doors = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
_root[("d" + i) + "_mc"]._visible = false;
doors[i] = _root[("d" + i) + "_mc"];
Instance of Symbol 1361 MovieClip "c1_mc" in Frame 818 (71 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if ([14][0]) {
gotoAndStop (120);
Instance of Symbol 1574 MovieClip "d0_mc" in Frame 818 (226 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = 695;
_root.yPos = -92;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1574 MovieClip "d4_mc" in Frame 818 (227 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = -325;
_root.yPos = 440;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1574 MovieClip "d1_mc" in Frame 818 (273 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
if (![14][0]) {
sms([["ITEM", "FOUND:\rSteel Fist"]]);"Steel Fist");;[14][0] = true;
Instance of Symbol 1574 MovieClip "d3_mc" in Frame 818 (131 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
_root.FG2_mc._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1584 MovieClip "d2_mc" in Frame 818 (167 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!_root.FG2_mc._visible) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
_root.FG2_mc._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 1336 MovieClip "vCam_mc" in Frame 818 (567 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.player_mc._y > 205) {
this._y = 205;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < -130) {
this._x = -130;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 860) {
this._x = 860;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.player_mc._y > 205) {
this._y = 205;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < -130) {
this._x = -130;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 860) {
this._x = 860;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
Frame 828 (385 B)
var frame = "1.15";
player_mc._x = xPos;
player_mc._y = yPos;
l_mc._visible = false;
BG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
BG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
FG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
FG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
doors = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 4) {
_root[("d" + i) + "_mc"]._visible = false;
doors[i] = _root[("d" + i) + "_mc"];
Instance of Symbol 1574 MovieClip "d0_mc" in Frame 828 (226 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = 1100;
_root.yPos = 10;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1574 MovieClip "d1_mc" in Frame 828 (201 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
if (![15][0]) {
sms([["ITEM", "FOUND:\rChitin Core"]]);
addToInv("Chitin Core");;[15][0] = true;
Instance of Symbol 1361 MovieClip "c1_mc" in Frame 828 (71 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if ([15][0]) {
gotoAndStop (120);
Instance of Symbol 1594 MovieClip "d2_mc" in Frame 828 (348 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.attachMovie("cypherFall", "fall_mc", 100);
_root.fall_mc._x = _root.player_mc._x;
_root.fall_mc._y = _root.player_mc._y;[15][1] = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true) && (![15][1])) {
Instance of Symbol 1336 MovieClip "vCam_mc" in Frame 828 (675 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.player_mc._y > 325) {
this._y = 325;
} else if (_root.player_mc._y < 5) {
this._y = 5;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < -90) {
this._x = -90;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 225) {
this._x = 225;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.player_mc._y > 325) {
this._y = 325;
} else if (_root.player_mc._y < 5) {
this._y = 5;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < -90) {
this._x = -90;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 225) {
this._x = 225;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
Frame 838 (1.24 KiB) ●
var frame = "1.16";
_global.sound.worldMusic.start(0, 999);
player_mc._x = xPos;
player_mc._y = yPos;
l_mc._visible = false;
BG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
BG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
FG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
FG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
doors = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 4) {
_root[("d" + i) + "_mc"]._visible = false;
doors[i] = _root[("d" + i) + "_mc"];
_global.misc.battlefield = new Array("BGCave", "", "", "FGCave");
_global.misc.battletype = new Array(9000, 12000, [["IceFairy", "IceFairy", "IceFairy"], ["Yeti"], ["Clawer", "Clawer"]], true);
if (_global.misc.battletype[3]) {
var encounter = (_global.misc.battletype[0] + Math.floor(Math.random() * _global.misc.battletype[1]));
_root.enemyInterval = setInterval(function () {
if ((!_root.smsBool) && (_root.walked)) {
_global.misc.currentLoc = [_root.frame, _root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y];
_global.sound.worldMusicPos = _global.sound.worldMusic.position;
_global.sound.battleMusic.start(0, 999);
_root.attachMovie("BattleIntro", "bi_mc", 3000);
_root.walked = false;
}, encounter);
Instance of Symbol 1604 MovieClip "d0_mc" in Frame 838 (227 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = -415;
_root.yPos = 290;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1336 MovieClip "vCam_mc" in Frame 838 (563 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.player_mc._y > 335) {
this._y = 335;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < 210) {
this._x = 210;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 310) {
this._x = 310;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.player_mc._y > 335) {
this._y = 335;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < 210) {
this._x = 210;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 310) {
this._x = 310;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
Frame 848 (609 B)
var frame = "1.17";
_root.LOC = "Ice Caves";
_global.sound.worldMusic = new Sound();
player_mc._x = xPos;
player_mc._y = yPos;
l_mc._visible = false;
BG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
BG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
FG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
FG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
doors = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 6) {
_root[("d" + i) + "_mc"]._visible = false;
doors[i] = _root[("d" + i) + "_mc"];
doors[6] = _root.d6_mc;
Instance of Symbol 1612 MovieClip "d0_mc" in Frame 848 (224 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = 570;
_root.yPos = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1614 MovieClip "d1_mc" in Frame 848 (203 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
if (![17][0]) {
sms([["ITEM", "FOUND:\rFusion Stone"]]);
addToInv("Fusion Stone");;[17][0] = true;
Instance of Symbol 1616 MovieClip "d2_mc" in Frame 848 (146 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.attachMovie("jump", "jump_mc", 1000);
_root.jump_mc.x1 = 845;
_root.jump_mc.y1 = 390;
Instance of Symbol 1616 MovieClip "d3_mc" in Frame 848 (146 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.attachMovie("jump", "jump_mc", 1000);
_root.jump_mc.x1 = 720;
_root.jump_mc.y1 = 410;
Instance of Symbol 1618 MovieClip "d4_mc" in Frame 848 (267 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
if (![17][1]) {
sms([["ITEM", "FOUND:\r3 First Aid kit"]]);
addToInv("First Aid kit");
addToInv("First Aid kit");
addToInv("First Aid kit");;[17][1] = true;
Instance of Symbol 1620 MovieClip "d5_mc" in Frame 848 (227 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = -345;
_root.yPos = 180;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 609 MovieClip "c4_mc" in Frame 848 (71 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if ([17][1]) {
gotoAndPlay (120);
Instance of Symbol 1387 MovieClip "c1_mc" in Frame 848 (71 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if ([17][0]) {
gotoAndPlay (120);
Instance of Symbol 1336 MovieClip "vCam_mc" in Frame 848 (567 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.player_mc._y > 575) {
this._y = 575;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < -180) {
this._x = -180;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 800) {
this._x = 800;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.player_mc._y > 575) {
this._y = 575;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < -180) {
this._x = -180;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 800) {
this._x = 800;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
Frame 858 (388 B)
var frame = "1.18";
player_mc._x = xPos;
player_mc._y = yPos;
l_mc._visible = false;
BG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
BG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
FG_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
FG_mc.scrollRect = vCam_mc;
doors = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 4) {
_root[("d" + i) + "_mc"]._visible = false;
doors[i] = _root[("d" + i) + "_mc"];
Instance of Symbol 1620 MovieClip "d0_mc" in Frame 858 (228 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {
_root.xPos = 1000;
_root.yPos = -220;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
Instance of Symbol 1630 MovieClip "d1_mc" in Frame 858 (830 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
doIt = function () {;"Irina");
_global.misc.currentLoc = ["outro", 70, -440];
_global.misc.battlefield = new Array("BGCave", "", "", "FGCave");
_global.misc.battletype = new Array(8000, 12000, [["BaddieBoss1"]], false);
sms([["Cypher", "!!!"], ["c", "(That's my man... or rather: woman.\r They could have told me.)"], ["c", "Need a hand?"]]);[18][1] = true;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!_root.smsBool) {
_global.sound.bossMusic.start(0, 999);
_root.attachMovie("BattleIntro", bi_mc, 3000);
delete _root.onEnterFrame;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true) && (![18][1])) {
Instance of Symbol 1336 MovieClip "vCam_mc" in Frame 858 (679 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.player_mc._y > 350) {
this._y = 350;
} else if (_root.player_mc._y < 0) {
this._y = 0;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < -110) {
this._x = -110;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 305) {
this._x = 305;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.player_mc._y > 350) {
this._y = 350;
} else if (_root.player_mc._y < 0) {
this._y = 0;
} else {
this._y = _root.player_mc._y;
if (_root.player_mc._x < -110) {
this._x = -110;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 305) {
this._x = 305;
} else {
this._x = _root.player_mc._x;
Frame 868 (1.05 KiB) ●
_global.sound.worldMusicPos = 0;
_global.sound.worldMusic = new Sound();
sms([["Cypher", "Good fighting there. I'm U.N. Agent Cypher, sent to save you."], ["???", "It's a miracle you found me, good work!"], ["Cypher", "You could say I got lucky."], ["c", "Who are you?"], ["???", "You can call me Irina."], ["Cypher", "I'm on a need to know basis huh? Well we need to get you out of here, and I need all the information I can get. Tell me all you can about the attack!"], ["Irina", "Me and my transporter were situated in Heggensmoen. He had set me in the main hall, the deceiving bastard, and with holograms set up the image of me being in the workshop."], ["i", "There I had a snow tunneler that I would escape with in case of an attack. Which I did when the fighting started. Uhm, is he... "], ["Cypher", "*nods*"], ["Irina", "Damn!"]]);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!smsBool) {;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
Frame 908 (601 B)
sms([["Cypher", "Do continue."], ["Irina", "Well I don't know what happened in the village apart from that. The attackers must have caught on quite fast, I could see them on the field when I got to the mountain."], ["i", "I tried hiding in these glacier caves. It didn't work. You know the rest."], ["Cypher", "Did XD143-"], ["Irina", "Simon."], ["Cypher", "-Simon also tell you to blow a hole in the wall at the back of the toilet?"], ["Irina", "Sometimes you have to improvise."]]);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!smsBool) {;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
Frame 946 (836 B)
sms([["Cypher", "You know anything about this monstrous machine?"], ["Irina", "Not a thing. They seem to be quite intelligent and I haven't heard of either of the sides having them, or anyone else for that matter."], ["Cypher", "Hmm... And that's another thing: No marks of identity or nationality on the soldiers. Comment?"], ["Irina", "No. But I think it's as worrying as you do."], ["Cypher", "Right..."], ["c", "So where can we get you safe without getting slaughtered by a industrial sized killing machine?"], ["Irina", "West's Military base in Narvik. The bases commander is informed about my mission."], ["Cypher", "So be it. We shouldn't be in any immediate danger down here. Let's rest a bit while we can."]]);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!smsBool) {;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
Frame 947 (47 B)
Frame 1308 (237 B)
frame = "Startup";
_root.LOC = "End of Chapter 1";
attachMovie("saveMenu", "saveMenu_mc", 3000);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.saveMenu_mc == undefined) {;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
Frame 1312 (59 B)
gotoAndPlay ("Startup");
Frame 1313 (8.26 KiB) ● ●
function nextTurn() {
if (turn >= orderOfAction.length) {
turn = 0;
function whosTurn(t) {
if (orderOfAction[t]._name.substr(0, 6) == "baddie") {
gotoAndPlay ("monster");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("player");
function clearUp() {
i = 0;
while (i < enemies.length) {
i = 0;
while (i < {
this[[i] + "Info_mc"].removeMovieClip();
function attack(d, r, right) {
var _local9;
var _local8;
var _local10;
if (d._name.substr(0, 6) == "baddie") {
_local9 = r.shdArmor + _global[r.myName].defence;
_local8 = r.shdArmorProcent;
var _local6 = Math.floor(((d.damage() - _local9) * (100 - _local8)) / 100);
_global[r.myName].health = _global[r.myName].health - _local6;
r.HPExp = r.HPExp + _local6;
_root.numberDmg(r, _local6, 1);
} else {
_local9 = r.armor;
_local8 = r.armorProcent;
d.who = r;
var _local5;
if (right) {
_local10 = d.rhWeapon_mc.nbrOfAttacks;
var _local7 = 0;
while (_local7 < _local10) {
_local5 = d.rhWeapon_mc.damage() * _global[d.myName].strength;
var _local6 = Math.floor(((_local5 - _local9) * (100 - _local8)) / 100); = - _local6;
_root.numberDmg(r, _local6, 0);
} else {
_local10 = d.lhWeapon_mc.nbrOfAttacks;
var _local7 = 0;
while (_local7 < _local10) {
_local5 = (d.lhWeapon_mc.damage() * _global[d.myName].strength) * 0.75;
var _local6 = Math.floor(((_local5 - _local9) * (100 - _local8)) / 100); = - _local6;
_root.numberDmg(r, _local6, 0);
function range(d, r, l, m) {
var _local8;
var _local9;
if (d._name.substr(0, 6) == "baddie") {
_local8 = r.shdArmor + _global[r.myName].defence;
aProcent = r.shdArmorProcent;
d.who = r;
var _local5 = Math.floor((((d.damage() - _local8) * (100 - aProcent)) / 100) * m);
_global[r.myName].health = _global[r.myName].health - _local5;
r.HPExp = r.HPExp + _local5;
_root.numberDmg(r, _local5, 1);
} else {
_local8 = r.armor;
aProcent = r.armorProcent;
if (l) {
_local9 = d.lhWeapon_mc.nbrOfAttacks;
var _local6 = 0;
while (_local6 < _local9) {
d.who = r;
var _local7 = d.lhWeapon_mc.damage() * _global[d.myName].accuracy;
var _local5 = Math.floor((((_local7 - _local8) * (100 - aProcent)) / 100) * m);
_root.numberDmg(r, _local5, 0); = - _local5;
} else {
_local9 = d.rhWeapon_mc.nbrOfAttacks;
var _local6 = 0;
while (_local6 < _local9) {
d.who = r;
var _local7 = d.rhWeapon_mc.damage() * _global[d.myName].accuracy;
var _local5 = Math.floor((((_local7 - _local8) * (100 - aProcent)) / 100) * m);
_root.numberDmg(r, _local5, 0); = - _local5;
function numberDmg(who, n, c) {
this.attachMovie("damageNbr", "nbr" + _root.numberDepth, _root.numberDepth);
this["nbr" + _root.numberDepth]._x = who._x + Math.floor((Math.random() * 20) - 10);
this["nbr" + _root.numberDepth]._y = who._y + Math.floor((Math.random() * 20) - 10);
if (c < 0) {
_root["nbr" + _root.numberDepth].gotoAndPlay("green");
} else if (c > 0) {
_root["nbr" + _root.numberDepth].gotoAndPlay("red");
this["nbr" + _root.numberDepth].f.f_txt.text = n;
if (numberDepth > 1750) {
numberDepth = 1700;
function customText(who, what) {
who.attachMovie("customText", "customText_mc", 110);
who.customText_mc.what = what;
who.customText_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
t.text = what;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
led_mc._x = 0;
led_mc._y = 0;
watchKeyBoard = new Object();
var userInput = false;
var orderOfAction = new Array();
var turn = 0;
var enemies = new Array();
var maxNbrOfEnemies = 2;
var players = new Array();
var tempArray = new Array();
var tempChoise = "empty";
var playerChoises = new Array();
var happening = false;
var vd = false;
var pointVis = false;
var spoils = new Array();
this.attachMovie(_global.misc.battlefield[0], "background_mc", 1);
this.attachMovie(_global.misc.battlefield[1], "bgEffekt_mc", 2);
bgEffekt_mc._yscale = 50;
bgEffekt_mc._alpha = 50;
this.attachMovie(_global.misc.battlefield[2], "fgEffekt_mc", 500);
this.attachMovie(_global.misc.battlefield[3], "foreground_mc", 1000);
background_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
foreground_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
var rSet = Math.floor(Math.random() * _global.misc.battletype[2].length);
var tArr = _global.misc.battletype[2][rSet];
if (tArr.length == 1) {
this.attachMovie(tArr[0], "baddieBoss_mc", 50);
baddieBoss_mc._x = 400;
baddieBoss_mc.posX = baddieBoss_mc._x;
baddieBoss_mc._y = 150;
baddieBoss_mc.posY = baddieBoss_mc._y;
baddieBoss_mc.posD = 50;
baddieBoss_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { = this.maxHP;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
} else {
i = 0;
while (i < tArr.length) {
this.attachMovie(tArr[i], ("baddie" + i) + "_mc", 50 + (i * 2));
this[("baddie" + i) + "_mc"]._x = (400 + ((80 / (tArr.length - 1)) * i)) + Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) - 5);
this[("baddie" + i) + "_mc"].posX = this[("baddie" + i) + "_mc"]._x;
this[("baddie" + i) + "_mc"]._y = (130 + ((40 / (tArr.length - 1)) * i)) + Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) - 5);
this[("baddie" + i) + "_mc"].posY = this[("baddie" + i) + "_mc"]._y;
this[("baddie" + i) + "_mc"].posD = 50 + (i * 2);
this[("baddie" + i) + "_mc"].idle.gotoAndPlay(Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + (i * 20));
this[("baddie" + i) + "_mc"].onEnterFrame = function () { = this.maxHP;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
tempArray.push(_root[("baddie" + i) + "_mc"]);
enemies.push(_root[("baddie" + i) + "_mc"]);
i = 0;
while (i < {
var myName =[i];
this.attachMovie(myName + "_battle", myName, 120 - (i * 2));
this[myName]._x = 50 + (50 * i);
this[myName].posX = this[myName]._x;
this[myName]._y = 150 - (30 * i);
this[myName].posY = this[myName]._y;
this[myName].posD = 120 - (i * 2);
this[myName].myName = this.myName;
this[myName].skillExp = 0;
this[myName].HPExp = 0;
this[myName].strExp = 0;
this[myName].accExp = 0;
this[myName].defExp = 0;
this[myName].attachMovie(_global[myName].lHand, "lhWeapon_mc", 1);
this[myName].attachMovie(_global[myName].rHand, "rhWeapon_mc", 4);
_root.attachMovie("BattleInfo", myName + "Info_mc", 1890 + i);
_root[myName + "Info_mc"].currchar = myName;
_root[myName + "Info_mc"]._x = 300;
_root[myName + "Info_mc"]._y = 300 - (55 * i);
while (tempArray.length > 0) {
r = Math.floor(Math.random() * tempArray.length);
tempArray.splice(r, 1);
watchKeyBoard.onKeyDown = function () {
if (userInput) {
if (Key.getCode() == 38) {
if (Key.getCode() == 40) {
if (Key.getAscii() == 120) {
if (vd) {
} else {
if (Key.getAscii() == 97) {
if ((_root.pointer_mc.currentArr == _root.skillsMenu_mc.skillsList) || (_root.pointer_mc.currentArr == _root.itemsMenu_mc.invArr)) {
} else if (_root.pointer_mc.currentArr != _root.playerChoises) {
_root.tempChoise = "cancel";
var numberDepth = 1700;
Frame 1314 (1.95 KiB) ●
userInput = true;
_root[orderOfAction[turn]._name + "Info_mc"].BG_mc.gotoAndStop(2);
attachMovie("activatePointer", "actPoint_mc", 853);
actPoint_mc._x = orderOfAction[turn]._x;
actPoint_mc._y = orderOfAction[turn]._y - 60;
if (_global[orderOfAction[turn]._name].sta[1] > 1) {
orderOfAction[turn].panic_mc.t.text = "! " + _global[orderOfAction[turn]._name].sta[1];
userInput = false;
shortInterval = setInterval(function () {
}, 2000);
} else if (_global[orderOfAction[turn]._name].sta[1] == 1) {
_global[orderOfAction[turn]._name].sta[1] = 0;
if (orderOfAction[turn].shielder == orderOfAction[turn]) {
orderOfAction[turn].shdArmor = 0;
orderOfAction[turn].shdArmorProcent = 0;
orderOfAction[turn].shielder = undefined;
orderOfAction[turn].who.shdArmor = 0;
orderOfAction[turn].who.shdArmorProcent = 0;
orderOfAction[turn].who.shielder = undefined;
attachMovie("Choise_menu", "choiseMenu_mc", 1900);
choiseMenu_mc._x = 15;
choiseMenu_mc._y = 220;
var temp = orderOfAction[_root.turn].rhWeapon_mc.action;
choiseMenu_mc.choise0_mc.attachMovie(temp, "action", 1);
temp = _root.orderOfAction[_root.turn].lhWeapon_mc.action;
choiseMenu_mc.choise1_mc.attachMovie(temp, "action", 1);
temp = "Skills";
choiseMenu_mc.choise2_mc.attachMovie(temp, "action", 1);
temp = "Items";
choiseMenu_mc.choise3_mc.attachMovie(temp, "action", 1);
i = 0;
while (i < 4) {
_root.playerChoises[i] = _root.choiseMenu_mc[("choise" + i) + "_mc"];
attachMovie("Pointer", "pointer_mc", 2000);
pointer_mc._x = _root.choiseMenu_mc._x + _root.choiseMenu_mc.choise0_mc._x;
pointer_mc._y = _root.choiseMenu_mc._y + _root.choiseMenu_mc.choise0_mc._y;
pointer_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
Frame 1320 (254 B)
choiseMenu_mc._visible = false;
skillsMenu_mc._visible = false;
pointer_mc._visible = false;
_root[orderOfAction[turn]._name + "Info_mc"].BG_mc.gotoAndStop(1);
if (pointVis) {
pointer_mc._visible = true;
Frame 1327 (41 B)
Frame 1334 (703 B)
var deaths = 0;
_root[orderOfAction[turn]._name + "Info_mc"].BG_mc.gotoAndStop(1);
i = 0;
while (i < enemies.length) {
if (enemies[i].health <= 0) {
removeFromArr(_root.orderOfAction, enemies[i]._name);
removeFromArr(_root.enemies, enemies[i]._name);
i = 0;
while (i < players.length) {
if (_global[players[i].myName].health <= 0) {
removeFromArr(_root.orderOfAction, players[i]._name);
removeFromArr(_root.players, players[i]._name);
_root[orderOfAction[turn]._name + "Info_mc"].BG_mc.gotoAndStop(1);
Frame 1335 (8 B)
Frame 1336 (91 B)
if ((deaths <= 0) && (!happening)) {
} else {
Frame 1337 (1.29 KiB) ●
if (orderOfAction[turn]._name.substr(0, 6) == "baddie") {
if (orderOfAction[turn].sta[2] > 0) {
var damage = Math.floor(((orderOfAction[turn].maxHP * (2 * orderOfAction[turn].sta[2])) / 100) + (Math.random() * 4));
orderOfAction[turn].health = orderOfAction[turn].health - damage;
_root.numberDmg(orderOfAction[turn], damage, 0);
} else if (_global[orderOfAction[turn]._name].sta[2] > 0) {
var damage = Math.floor(((_global[orderOfAction[turn]._name].maxHP * (2 * _global[orderOfAction[turn]._name].sta[2])) / 100) + (Math.random() * 4));
_global[orderOfAction[turn]._name].health = _global[orderOfAction[turn]._name].health - damage;
_root.numberDmg(orderOfAction[turn], damage, 1);
if (_global[[0]].health <= 0) {
if (( == 2) && (_global[[1]].health <= 0)) {
gotoAndPlay ("defeat");
} else if ( == 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("defeat");
} else if (enemies.length <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("victory");
} else {
Frame 1340 (197 B)
_global.sound.victoryMusic.start(0, 999);
userInput = true;
attachMovie("Victory-Defeat", "vd_mc", 3000);
vd = true;
Frame 1346 (364 B)
b_mc._alpha = 0;
b_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._alpha < 98) {
_global.sound.battleMusic.setVolume(_global.sound.battleMusic.getVolume() - 2);
this._alpha = this._alpha + 2;
} else {
this._alpha = 100;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
Frame 1432 (183 B)
Symbol 5 MovieClip [Attack] Frame 1 (109 B)
var monster;
doIt = function () {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 5 MovieClip [Attack] Frame 2 (299 B)
if (_root.tempChoise == "cancel") {
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if (_root.tempChoise.substr(0, 6) == "baddie") {
monster = _root.tempChoise;
_root.userInput = false;
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 5 MovieClip [Attack] Frame 3 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 5 MovieClip [Attack] Frame 4 (160 B)
hero = _root.orderOfAction[_root.turn];
hero.who = _root[monster];
Symbol 8 MovieClip [Range] Frame 1 (109 B)
var monster;
doIt = function () {
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 8 MovieClip [Range] Frame 3 (299 B)
if (_root.tempChoise == "cancel") {
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if (_root.tempChoise.substr(0, 6) == "baddie") {
monster = _root.tempChoise;
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
_root.userInput = false;
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 8 MovieClip [Range] Frame 4 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 8 MovieClip [Range] Frame 5 (365 B)
hero = _root.orderOfAction[_root.turn];
hero.who = _root[monster];
hero.otherHand = false;
if (hero.rhWeapon_mc.action == "Range") {
if (hero.lhWeapon_mc.action == "Range") {
hero.otherHand = true;
gotoAndPlay (7);
} else {
Symbol 8 MovieClip [Range] Frame 7 (221 B)
if (_root.tempChoise.substr(0, 6) == "baddie") {
monster = _root.tempChoise;
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
_root.userInput = false;
_root.pointer_mc._visible = false;
_root.pointVis = false;
gotoAndPlay (9);
Symbol 8 MovieClip [Range] Frame 8 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (7);
Symbol 8 MovieClip [Range] Frame 9 (68 B)
hero.who = _root[monster];
Symbol 11 MovieClip [Shield] Frame 1 (106 B)
var ally;
doIt = function () {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 11 MovieClip [Shield] Frame 2 (301 B)
if (_root.tempChoise == "cancel") {
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if ((_root.tempChoise != "empty") && (_root.tempChoise.length > 3)) {
ally = _root.tempChoise;
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 11 MovieClip [Shield] Frame 3 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 11 MovieClip [Shield] Frame 4 (942 B)
var armProcent = 0;
var arm = 0;
hero = _root.orderOfAction[_root.turn];
if (hero.lhWeapon_mc.action == "Shield") {
arm = arm + hero.lhWeapon_mc.armor;
armProcent = armProcent + hero.lhWeapon_mc.armorProcent;
if (hero.rhWeapon_mc.action == "Shield") {
arm = arm + (hero.rhWeapon_mc.armor / 2);
if (hero.rhWeapon_mc.armorProcent > hero.lhWeapon_mc.armorProcent) {
armProcent = hero.rhWeapon_mc.armorProcent;
var arm2 = Math.floor(arm);
var arm2Procent = Math.floor(armProcent);
hero.who = _root[ally];
hero.shdArmor = arm2;
hero.shdArmorProcent = arm2Procent;
hero.shielder = hero;
_root[ally].shdArmor = arm2;
_root[ally].shdArmorProcent = arm2Procent;
_root[ally].shielder = hero;
_root.choiseMenu_mc._visible = false;
_root.skillsMenu_mc._visible = false;
_root.pointer_mc._visible = false;
Symbol 14 MovieClip [Skills] Frame 1 (558 B)
doIt = function () {
_root.attachMovie("Choise_menu", "skillsMenu_mc", 1930);
_root.skillsMenu_mc._x = 30;
_root.skillsMenu_mc._y = 230;
_root.skillsMenu_mc.skillsList = new Array();
var _local3;
i = 0;
while (i < 4) {
_local3 = _global[_root.orderOfAction[_root.turn].myName].skills[i];
_root.skillsMenu_mc[("choise" + i) + "_mc"].attachMovie(_local3, "action", 1);
_root.skillsMenu_mc.skillsList[i] = _root.skillsMenu_mc[("choise" + i) + "_mc"];
Symbol 16 MovieClip [Schmasch] Frame 1 (424 B)
function doIt() {
var _local4 = 1;
var _local3;
i = 0;
while (i < 4) {
_local3 = _global[_root.orderOfAction[_root.turn].myName].skills[i];
_root.choiseMenu_mc[("choise" + i) + "_mc"].attachMovie(_local3, _local3 + "_mc", _local4++);
_root.choiseMenu_mc[("choise" + i) + "_mc"].action = _root.choiseMenu_mc[("choise" + i) + "_mc"][_local3 + "_mc"];
_root.pointer_mc.point = 0;
Symbol 24 MovieClip [First Aid] Frame 1 (302 B)
var ally;
var hero = _root.orderOfAction[_root.turn];
if (_global[hero.myName].mana < 6) {
gotoAndStop ("no mana");
doIt = function () {
if (_global[hero.myName].mana > 5) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
trace("no mana");
Symbol 24 MovieClip [First Aid] Frame 2 (266 B)
if (_root.tempChoise == "cancel") {
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if (_root.tempChoise != "empty") {
ally = _root.tempChoise;
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 24 MovieClip [First Aid] Frame 3 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 24 MovieClip [First Aid] Frame 4 (62 B)
Symbol 24 MovieClip [First Aid] Frame 5 (87 B)
if (_root.tempChoise == "skill") {
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndPlay (7);
Symbol 24 MovieClip [First Aid] Frame 6 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 24 MovieClip [First Aid] Frame 7 (349 B)
var heal = ((_global[hero.myName].maxMP * 4) + Math.floor(Math.random() * 6));
_global[_root[ally].myName].health = _global[_root[ally].myName].health + heal;
_global[hero.myName].mana = _global[hero.myName].mana - 6;
_root.numberDmg(_root[ally], heal, -1);
hero.skillExp = hero.skillExp + 6;
_root[ally].attachMovie("healFX", "heal_mc", 100);
Symbol 24 MovieClip [First Aid] Frame 8 (8 B)
Symbol 24 MovieClip [First Aid] Frame 16 (8 B)
Symbol 30 MovieClip [Psychic Blast] Frame 1 (303 B)
var who;
var hero = _root.orderOfAction[_root.turn];
if (_global[hero.myName].mana < 18) {
gotoAndStop ("no mana");
doIt = function () {
if (_global[hero.myName].mana > 17) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
trace("no mana");
Symbol 30 MovieClip [Psychic Blast] Frame 2 (265 B)
if (_root.tempChoise == "cancel") {
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if (_root.tempChoise != "empty") {
who = _root.tempChoise;
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 30 MovieClip [Psychic Blast] Frame 3 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 30 MovieClip [Psychic Blast] Frame 4 (62 B)
Symbol 30 MovieClip [Psychic Blast] Frame 5 (87 B)
if (_root.tempChoise == "skill") {
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndPlay (7);
Symbol 30 MovieClip [Psychic Blast] Frame 6 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 30 MovieClip [Psychic Blast] Frame 7 (314 B)
var dmg = ((_global[hero.myName].maxMP * 3) + Math.floor(Math.random() * 18));
_root[who].health = _root[who].health - dmg;
_global[hero.myName].mana = _global[hero.myName].mana - 18;
_root.numberDmg(_root[who], dmg, 0);
hero.skillExp = hero.skillExp + 18;
_root[who].attachMovie("PsychFX", "psych_mc", 100);
Symbol 30 MovieClip [Psychic Blast] Frame 8 (8 B)
Symbol 30 MovieClip [Psychic Blast] Frame 16 (8 B)
Symbol 36 MovieClip [Serum] Frame 1 (302 B)
var ally;
var hero = _root.orderOfAction[_root.turn];
if (_global[hero.myName].mana < 5) {
gotoAndStop ("no mana");
doIt = function () {
if (_global[hero.myName].mana > 4) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
trace("no mana");
Symbol 36 MovieClip [Serum] Frame 2 (266 B)
if (_root.tempChoise == "cancel") {
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if (_root.tempChoise != "empty") {
ally = _root.tempChoise;
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 36 MovieClip [Serum] Frame 3 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 36 MovieClip [Serum] Frame 4 (62 B)
Symbol 36 MovieClip [Serum] Frame 5 (87 B)
if (_root.tempChoise == "skill") {
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndPlay (7);
Symbol 36 MovieClip [Serum] Frame 6 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 36 MovieClip [Serum] Frame 7 (229 B)
_global[_root[ally].myName].sta[2] = 0;
_global[_root[ally].myName].sta[1] = 0;
_global[hero.myName].mana = _global[hero.myName].mana - 5;
hero.skillExp = hero.skillExp + 5;
_root[ally].attachMovie("healFX", "heal_mc", 100);
Symbol 36 MovieClip [Serum] Frame 8 (8 B)
Symbol 36 MovieClip [Serum] Frame 16 (8 B)
Symbol 38 MovieClip [Pointer] Frame 1 (1.96 KiB) ●
var point;
var sidePoint;
var allArrs;
var currentArr;
update = function () {
_x = xRoot(currentArr[point], 0);
_y = yRoot(currentArr[point], 0);
xRoot = function (a, i) {
if (i > 10) {
if (a != _root) {
return(a._x + xRoot(a._parent, i + 1));
yRoot = function (a, i) {
if (i > 10) {
if (a != _root) {
return(a._y + yRoot(a._parent, i + 1));
moveRight = function () {
if (allArrs.length > 1) {
if (sidePoint == allArrs.length) {
sidePoint = 0;
currentArr = allArrs[sidePoint];
if (point >= currentArr.length) {
point = currentArr.length - 1;
moveLeft = function () {
if (allArrs.length > 1) {
if (sidePoint < 0) {
sidePoint = allArrs.length - 1;
currentArr = allArrs[sidePoint];
if (point >= currentArr.length) {
point = currentArr.length - 1;
moveUp = function () {
if (point < 0) {
point = currentArr.length - 1;
moveDown = function () {
if (point == currentArr.length) {
point = 0;
takeAction = function () {
if (currentArr[point]._name.substr(0, 6) == "choise") {
} else {
_root.tempChoise = currentArr[point]._name;
newArr = function (arr) {
this.allArrs = new Array();
sidePoint = 0;
this.currentArr = arr;
this.point = 0;
Symbol 46 MovieClip [sms] Frame 1 (682 B)
_root.led_mc._visible = false;
sms_txt.selectable = false;
who_txt.selectable = false;
var story;
var point;
this._x = _root.vCam_mc._x - (_root.vCam_mc._width / 2);
this._y = _root.vCam_mc._y - (_root.vCam_mc._height / 2);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = _root.vCam_mc._x - (_root.vCam_mc._width / 2);
this._y = _root.vCam_mc._y - (_root.vCam_mc._height / 2);
nextText = function () {
if (point == story.length) {
_root.led_mc._visible = true;
_root.smsBool = false;
} else {
sms_txt.text = story[point][1];
if (story[point][0].length > 2) {
who_txt.text = story[point][0];
Symbol 52 MovieClip [LED] Frame 1 (502 B)
led_txt.selectable = false;
who_txt.selectable = false;
var story;
var point = 0;
this._x = _root.vCam_mc._x - (_root.vCam_mc._width / 2);
this._y = _root.vCam_mc._y - (_root.vCam_mc._height / 2);
nextText = function () {
if (point == story.length) {
point = 0;
led_txt.text = story[point][1];
if (story[point][0].length > 2) {
who_txt.text = story[point][0];
remove = function () {
Symbol 77 MovieClip Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 77 MovieClip Frame 13 (69 B)
_parent._x = _parent.who._x - 50;
_parent._y = _parent.who._y + 10;
Symbol 77 MovieClip Frame 21 (102 B)
_root.attack(_parent, _parent.who);
Symbol 77 MovieClip Frame 30 (55 B)
_parent._x = _parent.posX;
_parent._y = _parent.posY;
Symbol 77 MovieClip Frame 35 (55 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 1 (293 B)
if (_parent._parent.lhWeapon_mc.action == "Attack") {
this._visible = false;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
_parent._parent.lhWeapon_mc._x = this._x + _parent._x;
_parent._parent.lhWeapon_mc._y = this._y + _parent._y;
_parent._parent.lhWeapon_mc._rotation = this._rotation;
Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 1 (210 B)
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
_parent._parent.rhWeapon_mc._x = this._x + _parent._x;
_parent._parent.rhWeapon_mc._y = this._y + _parent._y;
_parent._parent.rhWeapon_mc._rotation = this._rotation;
Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 1 (82 B)
if ((_parent.shdArmor + _parent.shdArmorProcent) > 0) {
gotoAndPlay (10);
Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 6 (29 B)
Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 16 (34 B)
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 50 (57 B)
_root.tempChoise = "skill";
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 60 (55 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 45 (55 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 131 MovieClip [simon_battle] Frame 1 (69 B)
var who;
var shdArmorProcent = 0;
var shdArmor = 0;
var shielder;
Symbol 131 MovieClip [simon_battle] Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 131 MovieClip [simon_battle] Frame 10 (8 B)
Symbol 131 MovieClip [simon_battle] Frame 20 (8 B)
Symbol 131 MovieClip [simon_battle] Frame 30 (8 B)
Symbol 131 MovieClip [simon_battle] Frame 40 (8 B)
Symbol 131 MovieClip [simon_battle] Frame 50 (8 B)
Symbol 131 MovieClip [simon_battle] Frame 60 (8 B)
Symbol 131 MovieClip [simon_battle] Frame 70 (8 B)
Symbol 141 MovieClip [HitExplosion] Frame 9 (24 B)
Symbol 145 MovieClip [Choise] Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 145 MovieClip [Choise] Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 160 MovieClip [BattleInfo] Frame 1 (156 B)
var tempHP = _global[currchar].health;
var tempMP = _global[currchar].mana;
attachMovie(currchar + "Img", "pic_mc", 1);
pic_mc._x = -50;
pic_mc._y = 5;
Symbol 160 MovieClip [BattleInfo] Frame 2 (1.25 KiB) ●
attachMovie("staSymb", currchar, 2);
this[currchar]._x = 5;
this[currchar]._y = -17;
if (_global[currchar].health < 0) {
_global[currchar].health = 0;
} else if (_global[currchar].health > _global[currchar].maxHP) {
_global[currchar].health = _global[currchar].maxHP;
if (_global[currchar].mana < 0) {
_global[currchar].mana = 0;
} else if (_global[currchar].mana > _global[currchar].maxMP) {
_global[currchar].mana = _global[currchar].maxMP;
var diff = (tempHP - _global[currchar].health);
if (diff != 0) {
tempHP = tempHP - (diff / 10);
if (Math.abs(diff) < 0.1) {
tempHP = _global[currchar].health;
diff = tempMP - _global[currchar].mana;
if (diff != 0) {
tempMP = tempMP - (diff / 10);
if (Math.abs(diff) < 0.1) {
tempMP = _global[currchar].mana;
hp_txt.text = _global[currchar].health;
hpmax_txt.text = _global[currchar].maxHP;
healthbar_mc._xscale = (_global[currchar].health / _global[currchar].maxHP) * 100;
healthbar2_mc._xscale = (tempHP / _global[currchar].maxHP) * 100;
mp_txt.text = _global[currchar].mana;
mpmax_txt.text = _global[currchar].maxMP;
manabar_mc._xscale = (_global[currchar].mana / _global[currchar].maxMP) * 100;
manabar2_mc._xscale = (tempMP / _global[currchar].maxMP) * 100;
Symbol 160 MovieClip [BattleInfo] Frame 3 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 167 MovieClip [damageNbr] Frame 25 (24 B)
Symbol 167 MovieClip [damageNbr] Frame 50 (24 B)
Symbol 167 MovieClip [damageNbr] Frame 75 (24 B)
Symbol 169 MovieClip [Status] Frame 1 (203 B)
activate = function () {
_root.menu_mc.attachMovie("StatusWindow", "status_mc", 1);;
doIt = function () {
Symbol 171 MovieClip [Item] Frame 1 (241 B)
activate = function () {
_root.menu_mc.attachMovie("ItemWindow", "item_mc", 1);
doIt = function () {
_root.menu_mc.dArr[_root.menu_mc.d++] = _root.menu_mc.item_mc.invArr;
Symbol 173 MovieClip [Equip] Frame 1 (245 B)
activate = function () {
_root.menu_mc.attachMovie("EquipWindow", "equip_mc", 1);
doIt = function () {
_root.menu_mc.dArr[_root.menu_mc.d++] = _root.menu_mc.equip_mc.whoArr;
Symbol 174 MovieClip [Skill] Frame 1 (245 B)
activate = function () {
_root.menu_mc.attachMovie("SkillWindow", "skill_mc", 1);
doIt = function () {
_root.menu_mc.dArr[_root.menu_mc.d++] = _root.menu_mc.skill_mc.whoArr;
Symbol 178 MovieClip [skillsBG] Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 178 MovieClip [skillsBG] Frame 3 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 184 MovieClip [EquipWindow] Frame 1 (3.07 KiB) ●
var currchar =[0];
var invArr;
var equiped0 = new Array();
var equiped1 = new Array();
var equiped;
var whoArr = [choiseWho0_mc];
if ( == 2) {
updateInv = function () {
i = 0;
while (i < 100) {
this[("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc"].removeMovieClip();
invArr = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < {
attachMovie("thinChoise", ("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc", 50 + i);
this[("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc"]._x = 395;
this[("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc"]._y = 70 + (15 * i);
this[("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc"].attachMovie("equipmentAdder", "action", 1);
this[("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc"].action.t.text =[i];
invArr.push(this[("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc"]);
attachMovie("thinChoise", "choise0r_mc", 5);
this.choise0r_mc._x = 270;
this.choise0r_mc._y = 100;
this.choise0r_mc.attachMovie("equipmentRemover", "action", 1);
this.choise0r_mc.action.t.text = _global[[0]].rHand;
attachMovie("thinChoise", "choise0l_mc", 6);
this.choise0l_mc._x = 270;
this.choise0l_mc._y = 115;
this.choise0l_mc.attachMovie("equipmentRemover", "action", 1);
this.choise0l_mc.action.t.text = _global[[0]].lHand;
if ( == 2) {
attachMovie("equipWinBG", "eBG_mc", 9);
eBG_mc._x = 269;
eBG_mc._y = 167;
attachMovie("thinChoise", "choise1r_mc", 10);
this.choise1r_mc._x = 270;
this.choise1r_mc._y = 185;
this.choise1r_mc.attachMovie("equipmentRemover", "action", 1);
this.choise1r_mc.action.t.text = _global[[1]].rHand;
attachMovie("thinChoise", "choise1l_mc", 11);
this.choise1l_mc._x = 270;
this.choise1l_mc._y = 200;
this.choise1l_mc.attachMovie("equipmentRemover", "action", 1);
this.choise1l_mc.action.t.text = _global[[1]].lHand;
choiseWho0_mc.attachMovie([0] + "Img", "action", 1);
choiseWho0_mc.action.activate = function () {
_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.currchar =[0];
choiseWho0_mc.action.doIt = function () {
_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped = _root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped0;
_root.pointer_mc.allArrs[1] = _root.menu_mc.equip_mc.invArr;
_root.menu_mc.dArr[_root.menu_mc.d++] = _root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped;
choiseWho1_mc.attachMovie([1] + "Img", "action", 1);
choiseWho1_mc.action.activate = function () {
_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.currchar =[1];
choiseWho1_mc.action.doIt = function () {
_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped = _root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped1;
_root.pointer_mc.allArrs[1] = _root.menu_mc.equip_mc.invArr;
_root.menu_mc.dArr[_root.menu_mc.d++] = _root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped;
Symbol 185 MovieClip [StatusWindow] Frame 1 (250 B)
i = 0;
while (i < {
this.attachMovie("statusInfo",[i], i + 1);
this[[i]]._x = 180;
this[[i]]._y = 35 + (110 * i);
Symbol 185 MovieClip [StatusWindow] Frame 2 (44 B)
this.attachMovie("StatusHelp", "help", 10);
Symbol 185 MovieClip [StatusWindow] Frame 3 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 189 MovieClip [skillAdder] Frame 1 (685 B)
doIt = function () {
m = 0;
while (m < 4) {
if (_global[_root.menu_mc.skill_mc.currchar].skills[m] == t.text) {
m = 0;
while (m < 4) {
if (_global[_root.menu_mc.skill_mc.currchar].skills[m] == "") {
_global[_root.menu_mc.skill_mc.currchar].skills[m] = t.text;
_root.menu_mc.skill_mc.skillArr[m].action.t.text = t.text;
activate = function () {
_root.menu_mc.info_mc.attachMovie(t.text, "info", 1);"info");
deActivate = function () {;
Symbol 191 MovieClip [skillRemover] Frame 1 (370 B)
doIt = function () {
var _local4 = Number(_parent._name.charAt(7));
_global[_root.menu_mc.skill_mc.currchar].skills[_local4] = "";
t.text = "";
activate = function () {
_root.menu_mc.info_mc.attachMovie(t.text, "info", 1);"info");
deActivate = function () {;
Symbol 193 MovieClip [equipmentAdder] Frame 1 (2.26 KiB) ●
doIt = function () {
if (_global[_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.currchar].rHand == "") {
_global[_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.currchar].rHand = t.text;
_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped[0].action.t.text = t.text;
var _local6 = Number(_parent._name.charAt(9));[_local6] = "";
t.text = "";
} else if (_global[_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.currchar].lHand == "") {
_global[_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.currchar].lHand = t.text;
_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped[1].action.t.text = t.text;
var _local6 = Number(_parent._name.charAt(9));[_local6] = "";
t.text = "";
_root.attachMovie(_global[_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.currchar].rHand, "rHand_mc", 2291);
_root.attachMovie(_global[_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.currchar].lHand, "lHand_mc", 2290);
_root.rHand_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((_root.rHand_mc.action == "Shield") && (_root.lHand_mc.action != "Shield")) {
var _local4 = _root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped[0].action.t.text;
_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped[0].action.t.text = _root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped[1].action.t.text;
_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped[1].action.t.text = _local4;
_global[_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.currchar].rHand = _root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped[0].action.t.text;
_global[_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.currchar].lHand = _root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped[1].action.t.text;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
_root.lHand_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((_root.lHand_mc.action == "Attack") && (_root.rHand_mc.action != "Attack")) {
var _local4 = _root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped[0].action.t.text;
_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped[0].action.t.text = _root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped[1].action.t.text;
_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped[1].action.t.text = _local4;
_global[_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.currchar].rHand = _root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped[0].action.t.text;
_global[_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.currchar].lHand = _root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped[1].action.t.text;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
activate = function () {
_root.menu_mc.info_mc.attachMovie(t.text, "info", 1);"info");
deActivate = function () {;
Symbol 195 MovieClip [equipmentRemover] Frame 1 (2.25 KiB) ●
doIt = function () {
if (t.text != "") {
var _local4 = false;
m = 0;
while (m < {
if ([m] == "") {[m] = t.text;
_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.invArr[m].action.t.text = t.text;
_local4 = true;
if (!_local4) {;
var _local5 = _parent._name.charAt(7);
if (_local5 == "r") {
_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped[0].action.t.text = "";
} else {
_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped[1].action.t.text = "";
_global[_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.currchar][_local5 + "Hand"] = "";
_root.attachMovie(_global[_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.currchar].rHand, "ArHand_mc", 2293);
_root.attachMovie(_global[_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.currchar].lHand, "AlHand_mc", 2292);
_root.ArHand_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((_root.ArHand_mc.action == "Shield") && (_root.AlHand_mc.action != "Shield")) {
_global[_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.currchar].lHand = _global[_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.currchar].rHand;
_global[_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.currchar].rHand = "";
_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped[1].action.t.text = _global[_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.currchar].lHand;
_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped[0].action.t.text = _global[_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.currchar].rHand;
_root.AlHand_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((_root.AlHand_mc.action == "Attack") && (_root.ArHand_mc.action != "Attack")) {
_global[_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.currchar].rHand = _global[_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.currchar].lHand;
_global[_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.currchar].lHand = "";
_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped[0].action.t.text = _global[_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.currchar].rHand;
_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.equiped[1].action.t.text = _global[_root.menu_mc.equip_mc.currchar].lHand;
activate = function () {
_root.menu_mc.info_mc.attachMovie(t.text, "info", 1);"info");
deActivate = function () {;
Symbol 198 MovieClip [inventoryUser] Frame 1 (238 B)
activate = function () {
_root.menu_mc.info_mc.attachMovie(t.text, "info", 1);"info");
deActivate = function () {
doIt = function () {;
Symbol 206 MovieClip [Steel Fist] Frame 1 (207 B)
var d = 5;
damage = function () {
return(d + (Math.random() * 2));
var nbrOfAttacks = 1;
var action = "Attack";
var needs = [["W Maintenance", 1], ["Chitin Plate", 4]];
var equip = true;
Symbol 206 MovieClip [Steel Fist] Frame 6 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 206 MovieClip [Steel Fist] Frame 11 (8 B)
Symbol 206 MovieClip [Steel Fist] Frame 17 (8 B)
Symbol 211 MovieClip [Steel Shield] Frame 1 (72 B)
var armor = 4;
var armorProcent = 50;
var action = "Shield";
Symbol 211 MovieClip [Steel Shield] Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 211 MovieClip [Steel Shield] Frame 3 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 211 MovieClip [Steel Shield] Frame 11 (8 B)
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 10 (8 B)
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 11 (8 B)
Symbol 222 MovieClip [Pistol SpecOps] Frame 1 (129 B)
var d = 4;
damage = function () {
return(d + (Math.random() * 2));
var nbrOfAttacks = 1;
var action = "Range";
Symbol 222 MovieClip [Pistol SpecOps] Frame 7 (87 B)
_parent.who.attachMovie("shotHit", "FX_mc", 100);
Symbol 222 MovieClip [Pistol SpecOps] Frame 12 (270 B)
if (this._name == "rhWeapon_mc") {
_root.range(_parent, _parent.who, false, 1);
} else {
var m = (1 - (0.5 * _parent.otherHand));
_root.range(_parent, _parent.who, true, m);
Symbol 222 MovieClip [Pistol SpecOps] Frame 30 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 222 MovieClip [Pistol SpecOps] Frame 32 (8 B)
Symbol 227 MovieClip [shotHit] Frame 8 (24 B)
Symbol 236 MovieClip [PoisonHit] Frame 8 (24 B)
Symbol 241 MovieClip [PoisonHit2] Frame 8 (24 B)
Symbol 247 MovieClip [customText] Frame 1 (20 B)
t._visible = false;
Symbol 247 MovieClip [customText] Frame 7 (35 B)
t._visible = true;
t.text = what;
Symbol 247 MovieClip [customText] Frame 8 (20 B)
t._visible = false;
Symbol 247 MovieClip [customText] Frame 9 (19 B)
t._visible = true;
Symbol 247 MovieClip [customText] Frame 10 (20 B)
t._visible = false;
Symbol 247 MovieClip [customText] Frame 11 (19 B)
t._visible = true;
Symbol 247 MovieClip [customText] Frame 71 (24 B)
Symbol 249 MovieClip [First Aid kit] Frame 1 (849 B)
myName = "First Aid kit";
inv = function () {
_root.menu_mc.dArr[_root.menu_mc.d++] = _root.menu_mc.item_mc.invArr;
use = function (who) {
if (_global[who].health < _global[who].maxHP) {
_global[who].health = _global[who].health + 100;
if (_global[who].health > _global[who].maxHP) {
_global[who].health = _global[who].maxHP;
var _local4 = removeFromInv(myName);
if (_local4 == 0) {
_root.numberDmg(_root[who], 100, -1);
_root[who].attachMovie("itemFX", "itemFX_mc", 100);
battle = function () {
gotoAndPlay ("input");
Symbol 249 MovieClip [First Aid kit] Frame 7 (471 B)
if (_root.tempChoise ==[0]) {
_root.userInput = false;
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if (_root.tempChoise ==[1]) {
_root.userInput = false;
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if (_root.tempChoise == "cancel") {
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 249 MovieClip [First Aid kit] Frame 8 (13 B)
Symbol 254 MovieClip [ItemCharInfo] Frame 1 (105 B)
var currchar = this._name;
var tempHP = _global[currchar].health;
var tempMP = _global[currchar].mana;
Symbol 254 MovieClip [ItemCharInfo] Frame 2 (1.25 KiB) ●
attachMovie("staSymb", currchar, 1);
this[currchar]._x = 105;
this[currchar]._y = -17;
if (_global[currchar].health < 0) {
_global[currchar].health = 0;
} else if (_global[currchar].health > _global[currchar].maxHP) {
_global[currchar].health = _global[currchar].maxHP;
if (_global[currchar].mana < 0) {
_global[currchar].mana = 0;
} else if (_global[currchar].mana > _global[currchar].maxMP) {
_global[currchar].mana = _global[currchar].maxMP;
var diff = (tempHP - _global[currchar].health);
if (diff != 0) {
tempHP = tempHP - (diff / 10);
if (Math.abs(diff) < 0.1) {
tempHP = _global[currchar].health;
diff = tempMP - _global[currchar].mana;
if (diff != 0) {
tempMP = tempMP - (diff / 10);
if (Math.abs(diff) < 0.1) {
tempMP = _global[currchar].mana;
hp_txt.text = _global[currchar].health;
hpmax_txt.text = _global[currchar].maxHP;
healthbar_mc._xscale = (_global[currchar].health / _global[currchar].maxHP) * 100;
healthbar2_mc._xscale = (tempHP / _global[currchar].maxHP) * 100;
mp_txt.text = _global[currchar].mana;
mpmax_txt.text = _global[currchar].maxMP;
manabar_mc._xscale = (_global[currchar].mana / _global[currchar].maxMP) * 100;
manabar2_mc._xscale = (tempMP / _global[currchar].maxMP) * 100;
Symbol 254 MovieClip [ItemCharInfo] Frame 3 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 258 MovieClip [Antidote] Frame 1 (691 B)
myName = "Antidote";
var needs = [["Fairy Bones", 2]];
inv = function () {
_root.menu_mc.dArr[_root.menu_mc.d++] = _root.menu_mc.item_mc.invArr;
use = function (who) {
if (_global[who].sta[2] > 0) {
_global[who].sta[2] = 0;
var _local3 = removeFromInv(myName);
if (_local3 == 0) {
_root[who].attachMovie("itemFX", "itemFX_mc", 50);
battle = function () {
gotoAndPlay ("input");
Symbol 258 MovieClip [Antidote] Frame 8 (531 B)
if (_root.tempChoise ==[0]) {
_root.userInput = false;
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if (_root.tempChoise ==[1]) {
_root.userInput = false;
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if (_root.tempChoise == "cancel") {
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 258 MovieClip [Antidote] Frame 9 (13 B)
Symbol 258 MovieClip [Antidote] Frame 16 (8 B)
Symbol 260 MovieClip [W Maintenance] Frame 1 (88 B)
myName = "First Aid kit";
inv = function () {
use = function (who) {
Symbol 262 MovieClip [Old Electronics] Frame 1 (88 B)
myName = "First Aid kit";
inv = function () {
use = function (who) {
Symbol 270 MovieClip [itemMenu] Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 273 MovieClip [itemUser] Frame 1 (235 B)
activate = function () {
_root.attachMovie(t.text, "info", 999); = 500;"info");
deActivate = function () {
doIt = function () {;
Symbol 275 MovieClip [Items] Frame 1 (0.98 KiB)
doIt = function () {
_root.attachMovie("itemMenu", "itemsMenu_mc", 1930);
_root.itemsMenu_mc._x = 80;
_root.itemsMenu_mc._y = 150;
_root.itemsMenu_mc.invArr = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < _global.misc.inventory.length) {
_root.itemsMenu_mc.attachMovie("thinChoise", ("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc", 50 + i);
_root.itemsMenu_mc[("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc"]._x = 0;
_root.itemsMenu_mc[("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc"]._y = 8 + (15 * i);
_root.itemsMenu_mc[("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc"].attachMovie("itemUser", "action", 1);
_root.itemsMenu_mc[("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc"].action.t.text = _global.misc.inventory[i][0];
_root.itemsMenu_mc[("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc"].action.n.text = _global.misc.inventory[i][1];
_root.itemsMenu_mc.invArr.push(_root.itemsMenu_mc[("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc"]);
_root.itemsMenu_mc.invArr[0].action.onEnterFrame = function () {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
Symbol 281 MovieClip [itemFX] Frame 1 (30 B)
Symbol 281 MovieClip [itemFX] Frame 54 (53 B)
Symbol 290 MovieClip [staSymb] Frame 1 (111 B)
i = 0;
while (i < 4) {
if (_global[this._name].sta[i] == 0) {
this[i]._visible = false;
Symbol 301 MovieClip [IceAttack] Frame 6 (32 B)
Symbol 301 MovieClip [IceAttack] Frame 19 (32 B)
Symbol 301 MovieClip [IceAttack] Frame 33 (24 B)
Symbol 312 MovieClip [BlizAttack] Frame 25 (24 B)
Symbol 317 MovieClip [counterText] Frame 30 (24 B)
Symbol 334 MovieClip [BossBeam] Frame 2 (32 B)
Symbol 334 MovieClip [BossBeam] Frame 35 (32 B)
Symbol 334 MovieClip [BossBeam] Frame 43 (32 B)
Symbol 334 MovieClip [BossBeam] Frame 50 (32 B)
Symbol 334 MovieClip [BossBeam] Frame 51 (24 B)
Symbol 344 MovieClip [SaveSlot] Frame 1 (1.33 KiB) ●
s._visible = false;
activate = function () {
s._visible = true;
deActivate = function () {
s._visible = false;
doIt = function () {
save = function () {
var _local3 = SharedObject.getLocal("ArtifissionChapter1", "/");
var _local4 = new Date();
_global.misc.currentLoc = [_root.frame, _root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y];[_root.pointer_mc.point + "misc"] = _global.misc;[_root.pointer_mc.point + "map"] =;[_root.pointer_mc.point +[0]] = _global[[0]];[_root.pointer_mc.point +[1]] = _global[[1]];[_root.pointer_mc.point + "LOC"] = _root.LOC;
if ([_root.pointer_mc.point + "TIME"] == undefined) {[_root.pointer_mc.point + "TIME"] = new Date();[_root.pointer_mc.point + "TIME"].setTime(_local4.getTime() -;
} else {[_root.pointer_mc.point + "TIME"].setTime((_global.misc.clock + _local4.getTime()) -;
}[_root.pointer_mc.point + "ATR"] = (_global[[0]].strength + _global[[0]].defence) + _global[[0]].accuracy;
Symbol 346 MovieClip [Chem. Glands] Frame 1 (87 B)
myName = "Chem. Glands";
inv = function () {
use = function (who) {
Symbol 348 MovieClip [Chitin Plate] Frame 1 (88 B)
myName = "First Aid kit";
inv = function () {
use = function (who) {
Symbol 356 MovieClip [Back button] Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 356 MovieClip [Back button] Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 357 MovieClip [loadMenu] Frame 1 (2.23 KiB) ●
var loadArr = [choise0_mc, choise1_mc, choise2_mc];
var tempDate;
var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("ArtifissionChapter1", "/");
var i;
updateSaves = function () {
i = 0;
while (i < 3) {
this[("choise" + i) + "_mc"].attachMovie("SaveSlot", "action", 1);
this[("choise" + i) + "_mc"].nbr = i;
if ([i + "misc"] != undefined) {
trace("save defined");
tempDate =[i + "TIME"];
this[("choise" + i) + "_mc"].action.loc_txt.text =[i + "LOC"];
this[("choise" + i) + "_mc"].action.time_txt.text = (((tempDate.getUTCHours() + ":") + tempDate.getUTCMinutes()) + ":") + tempDate.getUTCSeconds();
this[("choise" + i) + "_mc"].action.atr_txt.text =[i + "ATR"];
this[("choise" + i) + "_mc"].action.attachMovie([i + "misc"].party[0] + "Img", "img1", 1);
this[("choise" + i) + "_mc"].action.attachMovie([i + "misc"].party[1] + "Img", "img2", 2);
this[("choise" + i) + "_mc"].action.img2._x = 60;
} else {
this[("choise" + i) + "_mc"].action.gotoAndStop(2);
i = 0;
while (i < 3) {
this[("choise" + i) + "_mc"].onRelease = function () {
i = this.nbr;
if ([i + "misc"] != undefined) {
trace("save defined");
_global.misc =[i + "misc"]; =[i + "map"];
_global[[0]] =[i +[0]];
_global[[1]] =[i +[1]]; = new Date();
_global.misc.clock =[i + "TIME"].getTime();
this[("choise" + i) + "_mc"].onRollOver = function () {
i = this.nbr;
_root.loadMenu_mc[("choise" + i) + "_mc"].action.s._visible = true;
this[("choise" + i) + "_mc"].onRollOut = function () {
i = this.nbr;
_root.loadMenu_mc[("choise" + i) + "_mc"].action.s._visible = false;
back_mc.onRollOver = function () {
back_mc.onRollOut = function () {
back_mc.onRelease = function () {
Symbol 359 MovieClip [workshopUser] Frame 1 (1.59 KiB) ●
activate = function () {
_root.workshopMenu_mc.info_mc.attachMovie(t.text, "info", 1);"make");
deActivate = function () {;
doIt = function () {
var _local3;
i = 0;
while (i < {
_local3 = false;
j = 0;
while (j < _global.misc.inventory.length) {
if (_global.misc.inventory[j][0] ==[i][0]) {
if (_global.misc.inventory[j][1] >=[i][1]) {
_local3 = true;
if (!_local3) {
i = 0;
while (i < {
j = 0;
while (j <[i][1]) {
if ( {
_root.workshopMenu_mc.attachMovie("newEquip", "note_mc", 200);
_root.workshopMenu_mc.note_mc.what = _root.makeArr[_root.pointer_mc.point];[_root.pointer_mc.point]);
} else {
_root.workshopMenu_mc.attachMovie("newItem", "note_mc", 200);
_root.workshopMenu_mc.note_mc.what = _root.makeArr[_root.pointer_mc.point];
Symbol 363 MovieClip [newEquip] Frame 1 (20 B)
t.text = this.what;
Symbol 367 MovieClip [newItem] Frame 1 (20 B)
t.text = this.what;
Symbol 373 MovieClip [EscapeView] Frame 1 (292 B)
this._x = _root.vCam_mc._x - (_root.vCam_mc._width / 2);
this._y = _root.vCam_mc._y - (_root.vCam_mc._height / 2);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!_root.smsBool) {
Symbol 374 MovieClip [jump] Frame 1 (118 B)
_root.smsBool = true;
var dX = ((this.x1 - _root.player_mc._x) / 6);
var dY = ((this.y1 - _root.player_mc._y) / 6);
Symbol 374 MovieClip [jump] Frame 9 (120 B)
if (dX >= 0) {
_root.player_mc.gotoAndStop("jump right");
} else {
_root.player_mc.gotoAndStop("jump left");
Symbol 374 MovieClip [jump] Frame 11 (103 B)
_root.player_mc._x = _root.player_mc._x + this.dX;
_root.player_mc._y = _root.player_mc._y + this.dY;
Symbol 374 MovieClip [jump] Frame 12 (103 B)
_root.player_mc._x = _root.player_mc._x + this.dX;
_root.player_mc._y = _root.player_mc._y + this.dY;
Symbol 374 MovieClip [jump] Frame 13 (103 B)
_root.player_mc._x = _root.player_mc._x + this.dX;
_root.player_mc._y = _root.player_mc._y + this.dY;
Symbol 374 MovieClip [jump] Frame 14 (103 B)
_root.player_mc._x = _root.player_mc._x + this.dX;
_root.player_mc._y = _root.player_mc._y + this.dY;
Symbol 374 MovieClip [jump] Frame 15 (103 B)
_root.player_mc._x = _root.player_mc._x + this.dX;
_root.player_mc._y = _root.player_mc._y + this.dY;
Symbol 374 MovieClip [jump] Frame 16 (103 B)
_root.player_mc._x = _root.player_mc._x + this.dX;
_root.player_mc._y = _root.player_mc._y + this.dY;
Symbol 374 MovieClip [jump] Frame 18 (159 B)
_root.smsBool = false;
if (dX >= 0) {
} else {
Symbol 383 MovieClip [Shock Fist] Frame 1 (252 B)
var d = 8;
damage = function () {
return(d + (Math.random() * 2));
var nbrOfAttacks = 1;
var action = "Attack";
var needs = [["W Maintenance", 2], ["Chitin Plate", 4], ["Fusion Stone", 1], ["Old Electronics", 1]];
var equip = true;
Symbol 383 MovieClip [Shock Fist] Frame 6 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 383 MovieClip [Shock Fist] Frame 11 (8 B)
Symbol 383 MovieClip [Shock Fist] Frame 17 (8 B)
Symbol 391 MovieClip [Revolver] Frame 1 (129 B)
var d = 6;
damage = function () {
return(d + (Math.random() * 2));
var nbrOfAttacks = 1;
var action = "Range";
Symbol 391 MovieClip [Revolver] Frame 7 (1 B)
Symbol 391 MovieClip [Revolver] Frame 8 (270 B)
if (this._name == "rhWeapon_mc") {
_root.range(_parent, _parent.who, false, 1);
} else {
var m = (1 - (0.5 * _parent.otherHand));
_root.range(_parent, _parent.who, true, m);
Symbol 391 MovieClip [Revolver] Frame 26 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 391 MovieClip [Revolver] Frame 28 (8 B)
Symbol 394 MovieClip [shotHit2] Frame 4 (24 B)
Symbol 399 MovieClip [Carbon Shield] Frame 1 (72 B)
var armor = 6;
var armorProcent = 57;
var action = "Shield";
Symbol 399 MovieClip [Carbon Shield] Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 399 MovieClip [Carbon Shield] Frame 3 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 399 MovieClip [Carbon Shield] Frame 11 (8 B)
Symbol 407 MovieClip [Boss1_spot] Frame 1 (75 B)
var maxHP = 300;
var armor = 5;
var armorProcent = 0;
var health = 300;
Symbol 407 MovieClip [Boss1_spot] Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 407 MovieClip [Boss1_spot] Frame 10 (8 B)
Symbol 407 MovieClip [Boss1_spot] Frame 15 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 407 MovieClip [Boss1_spot] Frame 20 (8 B)
Symbol 407 MovieClip [Boss1_spot] Frame 45 (25 B)
Symbol 411 MovieClip [panicCounter] Frame 1 (21 B)
t.text = "! " + nbr;
Symbol 420 MovieClip [windHit] Frame 9 (24 B)
Symbol 438 MovieClip Frame 17 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 445 MovieClip [cypherFall] Frame 1 (66 B)
_root.player_mc._visible = false;
_root.smsBool = true;
Symbol 445 MovieClip [cypherFall] Frame 18 (199 B)
_root.attachMovie("cypherLand", "land_mc", 110);
_root.land_mc._x = 240;
_root.land_mc._y = 315;
_root.xPos = 240;
_root.yPos = 315;
Symbol 455 MovieClip [cypherLand] Frame 1 (227 B)
_root.player_mc._visible = false;
_global.sound.worldMusicPos = 0;
_global.sound.worldMusic = new Sound();
Symbol 455 MovieClip [cypherLand] Frame 11 (10 B)
Symbol 455 MovieClip [cypherLand] Frame 26 (273 B)
_root.smsBool = false;
_root.player_mc._visible = true;
sms([["Cypher", "...ouch..."], ["c", "..."], ["c", "(I can hear fighting. Time to make a heroic rescue!)"]]);
Symbol 457 MovieClip [Fusion Stone] Frame 1 (87 B)
myName = "Fusion Stone";
inv = function () {
use = function (who) {
Symbol 459 MovieClip [Fairy Bones] Frame 1 (86 B)
myName = "Fairy Bones";
inv = function () {
use = function (who) {
Symbol 462 MovieClip [Energizer] Frame 1 (868 B)
myName = "Energizer";
var needs = [["Fairy Bones", 4]];
inv = function () {
_root.menu_mc.dArr[_root.menu_mc.d++] = _root.menu_mc.item_mc.invArr;
use = function (who) {
if (_global[who].mana < _global[who].maxMP) {
_global[who].mana = _global[who].mana + 50;
if (_global[who].mana > _global[who].maxMP) {
_global[who].mana = _global[who].maxMP;
var _local4 = removeFromInv(myName);
if (_local4 == 0) {
_root.numberDmg(_root[who], 50, -1);
_root[who].attachMovie("itemFX", "itemFX_mc", 100);
battle = function () {
gotoAndPlay ("input");
Symbol 462 MovieClip [Energizer] Frame 7 (471 B)
if (_root.tempChoise ==[0]) {
_root.userInput = false;
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if (_root.tempChoise ==[1]) {
_root.userInput = false;
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if (_root.tempChoise == "cancel") {
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 462 MovieClip [Energizer] Frame 8 (13 B)
Symbol 462 MovieClip [Energizer] Frame 16 (8 B)
Symbol 466 MovieClip [Serum Inplant] Frame 1 (881 B)
myName = "Serum Inplant";
var needs = [["Antidote", 5], ["Chem. Glands", 5]];
inv = function () {
_root.menu_mc.dArr[_root.menu_mc.d++] = _root.menu_mc.item_mc.invArr;
use = function (who) {
i = 0;
while (i < _global[who].skillsTotal.length) {
if (_global[who].skillsTotal[i] == "Serum") {
var _local4 = removeFromInv(myName);
if (_local4 == 0) {
_root.customText(_root[who], "learnt: Serum");
_root[who].attachMovie("itemFX", "itemFX_mc", 100);
battle = function () {
gotoAndPlay ("input");
Symbol 466 MovieClip [Serum Inplant] Frame 7 (471 B)
if (_root.tempChoise ==[0]) {
_root.userInput = false;
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if (_root.tempChoise ==[1]) {
_root.userInput = false;
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if (_root.tempChoise == "cancel") {
_root.tempChoise = "empty";
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 466 MovieClip [Serum Inplant] Frame 8 (13 B)
Symbol 466 MovieClip [Serum Inplant] Frame 16 (8 B)
Symbol 468 MovieClip [healFX] Frame 1 (30 B)
Symbol 468 MovieClip [healFX] Frame 54 (53 B)
Symbol 471 MovieClip [PsychFX] Frame 10 (53 B)
Symbol 473 MovieClip [Goat Horns] Frame 1 (85 B)
myName = "Goat Horns";
inv = function () {
use = function (who) {
Symbol 475 MovieClip [Chitin Core] Frame 1 (86 B)
myName = "Chitin Core";
inv = function () {
use = function (who) {
Symbol 477 MovieClip [Help] Frame 1 (149 B)
activate = function () {
_root.menu_mc.attachMovie("HelpWindow", "help_mc", 1);
doIt = function () {
Symbol 479 MovieClip [Mission] Frame 1 (118 B)
activate = function () {
_root.menu_mc.attachMovie("MissionWindow", "mission_mc", 1);
doIt = function () {
Symbol 492 MovieClip [PlusNumber] Frame 1 (20 B)
n.text = "+" + nbr;
Symbol 496 MovieClip [BGsnow] Frame 315 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 501 MovieClip [textureHolder] Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 522 MovieClip Frame 20 (8 B)
Symbol 523 MovieClip Frame 25 (8 B)
Symbol 559 MovieClip Frame 1 (14 B)
Symbol 559 MovieClip Frame 221 (16 B);
Symbol 566 MovieClip Frame 1 (63 B)
i = 0;
while (i++) {
i < 5;
Symbol 566 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 567 MovieClip in Symbol 570 MovieClip Frame 27 (21 B)
/* no clip actions */
Symbol 572 MovieClip Frame 1 (186 B)
PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100;
if (PercentLoaded != 100) {
bar._xscale = PercentLoaded;
} else {
gotoAndStop ("loaded");
Symbol 572 MovieClip Frame 2 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 572 MovieClip Frame 3 (81 B)
b_btn.onRelease = function () {
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 572 MovieClip Frame 4 (8 B)
Symbol 572 MovieClip Frame 154 (30 B)
Symbol 578 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 588 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 609 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 609 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 622 MovieClip [HelpWindow] Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 622 MovieClip [HelpWindow] Frame 10 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 637 MovieClip Frame 1 (73 B)
var strength = 3.68;
signal_txt.text = strength + (Math.random() / 18);
Symbol 637 MovieClip Frame 3 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 645 MovieClip [MissionWindow] Frame 1 (46 B)
obj_txt.text = _global.misc.mission;
Symbol 647 MovieClip Frame 51 (80 B)
delete _parent.onEnterFrame;
_parent._x = 0;
_parent._y = 0;
Symbol 647 MovieClip Frame 66 (47 B)
Symbol 648 MovieClip [BattleIntro] Frame 1 (514 B)
function jump() {
_root.smsBool = false;
_root.smsBool = true;
this._x = _root.vCam_mc._x - (_root.vCam_mc._width / 2);
this._y = _root.vCam_mc._y - (_root.vCam_mc._height / 2);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = _root.vCam_mc._x - (_root.vCam_mc._width / 2);
this._y = _root.vCam_mc._y - (_root.vCam_mc._height / 2);
Symbol 662 MovieClip [Victory-Defeat] Frame 1 (4.02 KiB) ●
function clearUp() {
i = 0;
while (i < {
this.attachMovie("Victory-Defeat-info",[i], i + 1);
this[[i]]._x = 191;
this[[i]]._y = 24 + (138 * i);
var who;
var strPlus = 0;
var accPlus = 0;
var defPlus = 0;
var HPPlus = 0;
var MPPlus = 0;
var tempDisp = "";
str = function () {
if (who.strExp > (who.strength * 3)) {
who.strExp = who.strExp - (who.strength * 3);
acc = function () {
if (who.accExp > (who.accuracy * 3)) {
who.accExp = who.accExp - (who.accuracy * 3);
def = function () {
if (who.defExp > (who.defence * 2)) {
who.defExp = who.defExp - (who.defence * 2);
HP = function () {
if (who.HPExp > who.maxHP) {
who.HPExp = who.HPExp - who.maxHP;
who.maxHP = who.maxHP + 13;
HPPlus = HPPlus + 13;
MP = function () {
if (who.skillExp > who.maxMP) {
who.skillExp = who.skillExp - who.maxMP;
who.maxMP = who.maxMP + 6;
MPPlus = MPPlus + 6;
i = 0;
while (i < {
who = _global[[i]];
who.strExp = who.strExp + _root[[i]].strExp;
who.accExp = who.accExp + _root[[i]].accExp;
who.defExp = who.defExp + _root[[i]].defExp;
who.HPExp = who.HPExp + _root[[i]].HPExp;
who.skillExp = who.skillExp + _root[[i]].skillExp;
this[[i]].gainedStrExp = _root[[i]].strExp;
this[[i]].gainedAccExp = _root[[i]].accExp;
this[[i]].gainedDefExp = _root[[i]].defExp;
this[[i]].gainedHPExp = _root[[i]].HPExp;
this[[i]].gainedMPExp = _root[[i]].skillExp;
if (strPlus > 0) {
this[[i]].attachMovie("PlusNumber", "p1_mc", 11);
this[[i]].p1_mc._x = this[[i]].expAT_mc._x;
this[[i]].p1_mc._y = this[[i]].expAT_mc._y;
this[[i]].p1_mc.nbr = strPlus;
strPlus = 0;
if (accPlus > 0) {
this[[i]].attachMovie("PlusNumber", "p2_mc", 12);
this[[i]].p2_mc._x = this[[i]].expRA_mc._x;
this[[i]].p2_mc._y = this[[i]].expRA_mc._y;
this[[i]].p2_mc.nbr = accPlus;
accPlus = 0;
if (defPlus > 0) {
this[[i]].attachMovie("PlusNumber", "p3_mc", 13);
this[[i]].p3_mc._x = this[[i]].expSH_mc._x;
this[[i]].p3_mc._y = this[[i]].expSH_mc._y;
this[[i]].p3_mc.nbr = defPlus;
defPlus = 0;
if (HPPlus > 0) {
this[[i]].attachMovie("PlusNumber", "p4_mc", 14);
this[[i]].p4_mc._x = this[[i]].expHP_mc._x;
this[[i]].p4_mc._y = this[[i]].expHP_mc._y;
this[[i]].p4_mc.nbr = HPPlus;
HPPlus = 0;
if (MPPlus > 0) {
this[[i]].attachMovie("PlusNumber", "p5_mc", 15);
this[[i]].p5_mc._x = this[[i]].expMP_mc._x;
this[[i]].p5_mc._y = this[[i]].expMP_mc._y;
this[[i]].p5_mc.nbr = MPPlus;
MPPlus = 0;
if (_root.spoils.length > 0) {
spoils_txt.text = "";
i = 0;
while (i < _root.spoils.length) {
spoils_txt.text = spoils_txt.text + (((_root.spoils[i][0] + " x") + _root.spoils[i][1]) + "\r");
j = 0;
while (j < _root.spoils[i][1]) {
Symbol 681 MovieClip Frame 17 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("high");
Symbol 681 MovieClip Frame 26 (21 B)
gotoAndPlay ("med");
Symbol 681 MovieClip Frame 38 (21 B)
gotoAndPlay ("low");
Symbol 696 MovieClip [Victory-Defeat-info] Frame 1 (1.72 KiB) ●
var currchar = this._name;
attachMovie(currchar + "Img", "pic_mc", 1);
pic_mc._x = 5;
pic_mc._y = 35;
name_txt.text = currchar;
job_txt.text = _global[currchar].job;
var hpOfMax = ((_global[currchar].health / _global[currchar].maxHP) * 100);
healthbar_mc._xscale = hpOfMax;
hp_txt.text = _global[currchar].health;
hpmax_txt.text = _global[currchar].maxHP;
mp_txt.text = _global[currchar].mana;
mpmax_txt.text = _global[currchar].maxMP;
manabar_mc._xscale = (_global[currchar].mana / _global[currchar].maxMP) * 100;
rHand_txt.text = _global[currchar].rHand;
lHand_txt.text = _global[currchar].lHand;
if (hpOfMax < 35) {
} else if (hpOfMax < 70) {
} else {
var str = _global[currchar].strength;
var acc = _global[currchar].accuracy;
var def = _global[currchar].defence;
var temp;
if (str > acc) {
temp = str;
} else {
temp = acc;
if (def > temp) {
temp = def;
statscale_txt.text = temp;
attackbar_mc._yscale = (str / temp) * 100;
rangebar_mc._yscale = (acc / temp) * 100;
shieldbar_mc._yscale = (def / temp) * 100;
if ((str / temp) < 0.4) {
attackText_mc._y = attackText_mc._y - ((str / temp) * 100);
if ((acc / temp) < 0.4) {
rangeText_mc._y = rangeText_mc._y - ((acc / temp) * 100);
if ((def / temp) < 0.4) {
shieldText_mc._y = shieldText_mc._y - ((def / temp) * 100);
var tempHP = (_global[currchar].HPExp - this.gainedHPExp);
var tempMP = (_global[currchar].skillExp - this.gainedMPExp);
var tempST = (_global[currchar].strExp - this.gainedStrExp);
var tempAC = (_global[currchar].accExp - this.gainedAccExp);
var tempDE = (_global[currchar].defExp - this.gainedDefExp);
Symbol 696 MovieClip [Victory-Defeat-info] Frame 2 (1.79 KiB) ●
if (tempHP < 0) {
tempHP = 0;
if (tempMD < 0) {
tempMD = 0;
if (tempST < 0) {
tempST = 0;
if (tempAC < 0) {
tempAC = 0;
if (tempDE < 0) {
tempDE = 0;
var diff = (_global[currchar].HPExp - tempHP);
if (diff != 0) {
tempHP = tempHP + (diff / 10);
if (Math.abs(diff) < 0.1) {
tempHP = _global[currchar].HPExp;
diff = _global[currchar].skillExp - tempMP;
if (diff != 0) {
tempMP = tempMP + (diff / 10);
if (Math.abs(diff) < 0.1) {
tempMP = _global[currchar].MPexp;
diff = _global[currchar].strExp - tempST;
if (diff != 0) {
tempST = tempST + (diff / 10);
if (Math.abs(diff) < 0.1) {
tempST = _global[currchar].strExp;
diff = _global[currchar].accExp - tempAC;
if (diff != 0) {
tempAC = tempAC + (diff / 10);
if (Math.abs(diff) < 0.1) {
tempAC = _global[currchar].accExp;
diff = _global[currchar].defExp - tempDE;
if (diff != 0) {
tempDE = tempDE + (diff / 10);
if (Math.abs(diff) < 0.1) {
tempDE = _global[currchar].defExp;
expAT2_mc._xscale = ((_global[currchar].strExp / _global[currchar].strength) / 3) * 100;
expAT_mc._xscale = ((tempST / _global[currchar].strength) / 3) * 100;
expRA2_mc._xscale = ((_global[currchar].accExp / _global[currchar].accuracy) / 3) * 100;
expRA_mc._xscale = ((tempAC / _global[currchar].accuracy) / 3) * 100;
expSH2_mc._xscale = ((_global[currchar].defExp / _global[currchar].defence) / 2) * 100;
expSH_mc._xscale = ((tempDE / _global[currchar].defence) / 2) * 100;
expHP2_mc._xscale = (_global[currchar].HPExp / _global[currchar].maxHP) * 100;
expHP_mc._xscale = (tempHP / _global[currchar].maxHP) * 100;
expMP2_mc._xscale = (_global[currchar].skillExp / _global[currchar].maxMP) * 100;
expMP_mc._xscale = (tempMP / _global[currchar].maxMP) * 100;
Symbol 696 MovieClip [Victory-Defeat-info] Frame 3 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 701 MovieClip [Menu] Frame 1 (2.37 KiB) ●
var dArr = new Array();
var d = 0;
_root.smsBool = true;
watchKeyBoard = new Object();
watchKeyBoard.onKeyDown = function () {
if (Key.getCode() == 38) {
if (Key.getCode() == 40) {
if (Key.getCode() == 39) {
if (Key.getCode() == 37) {
if (Key.getAscii() == 120) {
if (vd) {
} else {
if (Key.getAscii() == 97) {
if (d == 1) {
_root.smsBool = false;
_root.watchKeyBoard = new Object();
_root.watchKeyBoard = new Object();
_root.watchKeyBoard.onKeyDown = function () {
if (Key.getAscii() == 120) {
if (_root.smsBool) {
} else {
i = 0;
while (i < _root.doors.length) {
if (_root.doors[i].hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
} else if ((Key.getAscii() == 115) && (!_root.smsBool)) {
_root.attachMovie("Menu", "menu_mc", 2300);
} else {
_root.pointer_mc.newArr(dArr[d - 1]);
this._x = _root.vCam_mc._x - (_root.vCam_mc._width / 2);
this._y = _root.vCam_mc._y - (_root.vCam_mc._height / 2);
mainArr = new Array();
choise0_mc.attachMovie("Status", "action", 1);
choise1_mc.attachMovie("Item", "action", 1);
choise2_mc.attachMovie("Equip", "action", 1);
choise3_mc.attachMovie("Skill", "action", 1);
choise4_mc.attachMovie("Mission", "action", 1);
choise5_mc.attachMovie("Help", "action", 1);
attachMovie("StatusWindow", "status_mc", 1);
i = 0;
while (i < 6) {
mainArr[i] = this[("choise" + i) + "_mc"];
dArr[0] = mainArr;
_root.attachMovie("Pointer", "pointer_mc", 2401);
_root.pointer_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
Symbol 707 MovieClip [ItemWindow] Frame 1 (1.55 KiB) ●
var currchar =[0];
var invArr;
var whoArr = [choiseWho0_mc];
choiseWho0_mc.attachMovie([0] + "Img", "action", 1);
attachMovie("ItemCharInfo",[0], 1);
this[[0]]._x = 340;
this[[0]]._y = 97;
choiseWho0_mc.action.activate = function () {
choiseWho0_mc.action.doIt = function () {[0]);
if ( == 2) {
choiseWho1_mc.attachMovie([1] + "Img", "action", 1);
attachMovie("ItemCharInfo",[1], 2);
this[[1]]._x = 340;
this[[1]]._y = 215;
choiseWho1_mc.action.activate = function () {
choiseWho1_mc.action.doIt = function () {[1]);
updateInv = function () {
i = 0;
while (i < 100) {
this[("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc"].removeMovieClip();
invArr = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < _global.misc.inventory.length) {
attachMovie("thinChoise", ("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc", 50 + i);
this[("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc"]._x = 210;
this[("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc"]._y = 43 + (15 * i);
this[("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc"].attachMovie("inventoryUser", "action", 1);
this[("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc"].action.t.text = _global.misc.inventory[i][0];
this[("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc"].action.n.text = _global.misc.inventory[i][1];
invArr.push(this[("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc"]);
Symbol 709 MovieClip [saveMenu] Frame 1 (2.55 KiB) ●
this._x = _root.vCam_mc._x - (_root.vCam_mc._width / 2);
this._y = _root.vCam_mc._y - (_root.vCam_mc._height / 2);
_root.smsBool = true;
watchKeyBoard = new Object();
watchKeyBoard.onKeyDown = function () {
if (Key.getCode() == 38) {
if (Key.getCode() == 40) {
if (Key.getAscii() == 120) {
if (Key.getAscii() == 97) {
if (_root.pointer_mc.currentArr == _root.saveMenu_mc.saveArr) {
_root.smsBool = false;
_root.watchKeyBoard = new Object();
_root.watchKeyBoard.onKeyDown = function () {
if (Key.getAscii() == 120) {
if (_root.smsBool) {
} else {
i = 0;
while (i < _root.doors.length) {
if (_root.doors[i].hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
} else if ((Key.getAscii() == 115) && (!_root.smsBool)) {
_root.attachMovie("Menu", "menu_mc", 2300);
} else {
_root.tempChoise = "cancel";
var saveArr = [choise0_mc, choise1_mc, choise2_mc];
var tempDate;
updateSaves = function () {
var _local2 = SharedObject.getLocal("ArtifissionChapter1", "/");
i = 0;
while (i < 3) {
this[("choise" + i) + "_mc"].attachMovie("SaveSlot", "action", 1);
if ([i + "misc"] != undefined) {
tempDate =[i + "TIME"];
this[("choise" + i) + "_mc"].action.loc_txt.text =[i + "LOC"];
this[("choise" + i) + "_mc"].action.time_txt.text = (((tempDate.getUTCHours() + ":") + tempDate.getUTCMinutes()) + ":") + tempDate.getUTCSeconds();
this[("choise" + i) + "_mc"].action.atr_txt.text =[i + "ATR"];
this[("choise" + i) + "_mc"].action.attachMovie([i + "misc"].party[0] + "Img", "img1", 1);
this[("choise" + i) + "_mc"].action.attachMovie([i + "misc"].party[1] + "Img", "img2", 2);
this[("choise" + i) + "_mc"].action.img2._x = 60;
} else {
this[("choise" + i) + "_mc"].action.gotoAndStop(2);
_root.attachMovie("Pointer", "pointer_mc", 3001);
_root.pointer_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
Symbol 712 MovieClip [SkillWindow] Frame 1 (2.88 KiB) ●
var currchar =[0];
var skillTotArr;
var skillArr0 = new Array();
var skillArr1 = new Array();
var skillArr;
var whoArr = [choiseWho0_mc];
updateTot = function () {
i = 0;
while (i < 20) {
this[("choiseTot" + i) + "_mc"].removeMovieClip();
skillTotArr = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < _global[currchar].skillsTotal.length) {
attachMovie("thinChoise", ("choiseTot" + i) + "_mc", 50 + i);
this[("choiseTot" + i) + "_mc"]._x = 395;
this[("choiseTot" + i) + "_mc"]._y = 70 + (15 * i);
this[("choiseTot" + i) + "_mc"].attachMovie("skillAdder", "action", 1);
this[("choiseTot" + i) + "_mc"].action.t.text = _global[currchar].skillsTotal[i];
skillTotArr.push(this[("choiseTot" + i) + "_mc"]);
i = 0;
while (i < 4) {
attachMovie("thinChoise", ("choise0" + i) + "_mc", 5 + i);
this[("choise0" + i) + "_mc"]._x = 270;
this[("choise0" + i) + "_mc"]._y = 100 + (15 * i);
this[("choise0" + i) + "_mc"].attachMovie("skillRemover", "action", 1);
this[("choise0" + i) + "_mc"].action.t.text = _global[[0]].skills[i];
skillArr0.push(this[("choise0" + i) + "_mc"]);
choiseWho0_mc.attachMovie([0] + "Img", "action", 1);
choiseWho0_mc.action.activate = function () {
_root.menu_mc.skill_mc.currchar =[0];
choiseWho0_mc.action.doIt = function () {
_root.menu_mc.skill_mc.skillArr = _root.menu_mc.skill_mc.skillArr0;
_root.pointer_mc.allArrs[1] = _root.menu_mc.skill_mc.skillTotArr;
_root.menu_mc.dArr[_root.menu_mc.d++] = _root.menu_mc.skill_mc.skillArr;
if ( == 2) {
attachMovie("SkillsWinBG2", "sBG_mc", 1);
sBG_mc._x = 269;
sBG_mc._y = 167;
i = 0;
while (i < 4) {
attachMovie("thinChoise", ("choise1" + i) + "_mc", 10 + i);
this[("choise1" + i) + "_mc"]._x = 270;
this[("choise1" + i) + "_mc"]._y = 185 + (15 * i);
this[("choise1" + i) + "_mc"].attachMovie("skillRemover", "action", 1);
this[("choise1" + i) + "_mc"].action.t.text = _global[[1]].skills[i];
skillArr1.push(this[("choise1" + i) + "_mc"]);
choiseWho1_mc.attachMovie([1] + "Img", "action", 1);
choiseWho1_mc.action.activate = function () {
_root.menu_mc.skill_mc.currchar =[1];
choiseWho1_mc.action.doIt = function () {
_root.menu_mc.skill_mc.skillArr = _root.menu_mc.skill_mc.skillArr1;
_root.pointer_mc.allArrs[1] = _root.menu_mc.skill_mc.skillTotArr;
_root.menu_mc.dArr[_root.menu_mc.d++] = _root.menu_mc.skill_mc.skillArr;
Symbol 722 MovieClip [statusInfo] Frame 1 (1.48 KiB) ●
var currchar = this._name;
attachMovie(currchar + "Img", "pic_mc", 1);
pic_mc._y = 35;
attachMovie("staSymb", currchar, 2);
this[currchar]._x = 65;
this[currchar]._y = 40;
name_txt.text = currchar;
job_txt.text = _global[currchar].job;
var hpOfMax = ((_global[currchar].health / _global[currchar].maxHP) * 100);
healthbar_mc._xscale = hpOfMax;
hp_txt.text = _global[currchar].health;
hpmax_txt.text = _global[currchar].maxHP;
mp_txt.text = _global[currchar].mana;
mpmax_txt.text = _global[currchar].maxMP;
manabar_mc._xscale = (_global[currchar].mana / _global[currchar].maxMP) * 100;
rHand_txt.text = _global[currchar].rHand;
lHand_txt.text = _global[currchar].lHand;
if (hpOfMax < 35) {
} else if (hpOfMax < 70) {
} else {
var str = _global[currchar].strength;
var acc = _global[currchar].accuracy;
var def = _global[currchar].defence;
var temp;
if (str > acc) {
temp = str;
} else {
temp = acc;
if (def > temp) {
temp = def;
statscale_txt.text = temp;
attackbar_mc._yscale = (str / temp) * 100;
rangebar_mc._yscale = (acc / temp) * 100;
shieldbar_mc._yscale = (def / temp) * 100;
if ((str / temp) < 0.4) {
attackText_mc._y = attackText_mc._y - ((str / temp) * 100);
if ((acc / temp) < 0.4) {
rangeText_mc._y = rangeText_mc._y - ((acc / temp) * 100);
if ((def / temp) < 0.4) {
shieldText_mc._y = shieldText_mc._y - ((def / temp) * 100);
Symbol 729 MovieClip [workshopMenu] Frame 1 (2.21 KiB) ●
_root.smsBool = true;
this._x = _root.vCam_mc._x - (_root.vCam_mc._width / 2);
this._y = _root.vCam_mc._y - (_root.vCam_mc._height / 2);
watchKeyBoard = new Object();
watchKeyBoard.onKeyDown = function () {
if (Key.getCode() == 38) {
if (Key.getCode() == 40) {
if (Key.getAscii() == 120) {
if (_root.workshopMenu_mc.note_mc != undefined) {
} else {
if (Key.getAscii() == 97) {
_root.smsBool = false;
_root.watchKeyBoard = new Object();
_root.watchKeyBoard.onKeyDown = function () {
if (Key.getAscii() == 120) {
if (_root.smsBool) {
} else {
i = 0;
while (i < _root.doors.length) {
if (_root.doors[i].hitTest(_root.player_mc._x, _root.player_mc._y, true)) {
} else if (Key.getAscii() == 115) {
_root.attachMovie("Menu", "menu_mc", 2300);
var makeArr;
updateInv = function () {
i = 0;
while (i < 100) {
this[("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc"].removeMovieClip();
makeArr = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < _root.makeArr.length) {
attachMovie("thinChoise", ("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc", 50 + i);
this[("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc"]._x = 90;
this[("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc"]._y = 63 + (15 * i);
this[("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc"].attachMovie("workshopUser", "action", 1);
this[("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc"].action.t.text = _root.makeArr[i];
makeArr.push(this[("choiseInv" + i) + "_mc"]);
_root.attachMovie("Pointer", "pointer_mc", 3001);
_root.pointer_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
_root.workshopMenu_mc.info_mc.attachMovie(makeArr[0], "info", 1);"make");
Symbol 774 MovieClip Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 774 MovieClip Frame 49 (88 B)
_parent.who.attachMovie("IceAttack", "iceHit_mc", 100);
_parent.who.iceHit_mc._x = 10;
Symbol 774 MovieClip Frame 69 (74 B)
_root.range(_parent, _parent.who, false, 1);
Symbol 774 MovieClip Frame 88 (55 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 775 MovieClip Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 775 MovieClip Frame 55 (57 B)
_parent.who.attachMovie("BlizAttack", "iceHit_mc", 100);
Symbol 775 MovieClip Frame 80 (111 B)
_root.range(_parent, _parent.who, false, 1);
Symbol 775 MovieClip Frame 99 (55 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 777 MovieClip Frame 6 (29 B)
Symbol 787 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 787 MovieClip Frame 30 (8 B)
Symbol 787 MovieClip Frame 120 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 794 MovieClip Frame 99 (506 B)
_root.attachMovie("FishBoss", "baddieBoss2_mc", 52);
_root.baddieBoss2_mc._x = 400;
_root.baddieBoss2_mc.posX = _root.baddieBoss2_mc._x;
_root.baddieBoss2_mc._y = 150;
_root.baddieBoss2_mc.posY = _root.baddieBoss2_mc._y;
_root.baddieBoss2_mc.posD = 52;
_root.baddieBoss2_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { = this.maxHP;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
Symbol 795 MovieClip [FishBossSmall] Frame 1 (536 B)
function takeTurn() {
var _local2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.players.length);
who = _root.players[_local2];
_local2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
if (_local2 == 2) {
gotoAndPlay ("attacking2");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("attacking");
var maxHP = 240;
var nbrOfAttacks = 1;
var armor = 0;
var armorProcent = 0;
var who;
var health;
var sta = [0, 0, 0, 0];
damage = function () {
if (_currentframe == 20) {
return(30 + (Math.random() * 20));
return(42 + (Math.random() * 3));
Symbol 795 MovieClip [FishBossSmall] Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 795 MovieClip [FishBossSmall] Frame 10 (8 B)
Symbol 795 MovieClip [FishBossSmall] Frame 20 (8 B)
Symbol 795 MovieClip [FishBossSmall] Frame 30 (8 B)
Symbol 795 MovieClip [FishBossSmall] Frame 40 (8 B)
Symbol 804 MovieClip Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 804 MovieClip Frame 15 (113 B)
_parent._x = _parent.who._x + 90;
_parent._y = _parent.who._y;
_parent.swapDepths(_parent.who.getDepth() + 1);
Symbol 804 MovieClip Frame 33 (36 B)
Symbol 804 MovieClip Frame 37 (65 B)
_root.attack(_parent, _parent.who);
Symbol 804 MovieClip Frame 50 (90 B)
_parent._x = _parent.posX;
_parent._y = _parent.posY;
Symbol 804 MovieClip Frame 63 (55 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 808 MovieClip Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 808 MovieClip Frame 56 (111 B)
_root.range(_parent, _parent.who, false, 1);
Symbol 808 MovieClip Frame 79 (55 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 809 MovieClip Frame 45 (44 B)
Symbol 810 MovieClip Frame 6 (29 B)
Symbol 811 MovieClip [Goat] Frame 1 (906 B)
function takeTurn() {
var _local2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.players.length);
who = _root.players[_local2];
_local2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
if (_local2 == 2) {
gotoAndPlay ("attacking2");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("attacking");
var maxHP = 120;
var nbrOfAttacks = 1;
var armor = 2;
var armorProcent = 10;
var who;
var health;
var sta = [0, 0, 0, 0];
var r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2);
if (r == 1) {
_root.spoils.push(["Goat Horns", 1]);
damage = function () {
if (_currentframe == 20) {
var _local3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
if ((_local3 == 1) && (_global[who._name].sta[1] == 0)) {
_global[who._name].sta[1] = 2;
_root.customText(who, "panic");
who.attachMovie("panicCounter", "panic_mc", 90);
who.panic_mc.nbr = 2;
return(15 + (Math.random() * 7));
return(30 + (Math.random() * 5));
Symbol 811 MovieClip [Goat] Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 811 MovieClip [Goat] Frame 10 (8 B)
Symbol 811 MovieClip [Goat] Frame 20 (8 B)
Symbol 811 MovieClip [Goat] Frame 30 (8 B)
Symbol 811 MovieClip [Goat] Frame 40 (8 B)
Symbol 825 MovieClip Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 825 MovieClip Frame 24 (119 B)
_parent._x = _parent.who._x + 110;
_parent._y = _parent.who._y - 10;
_parent.swapDepths(_parent.who.getDepth() + 1);
Symbol 825 MovieClip Frame 41 (36 B)
Symbol 825 MovieClip Frame 45 (65 B)
_root.attack(_parent, _parent.who);
Symbol 825 MovieClip Frame 63 (90 B)
_parent._x = _parent.posX;
_parent._y = _parent.posY;
Symbol 825 MovieClip Frame 80 (55 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 827 MovieClip Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 827 MovieClip Frame 50 (106 B)
_root.happening = false;
_parent.mad = true;
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 24 (119 B)
_parent._x = _parent.who._x + 110;
_parent._y = _parent.who._y - 10;
_parent.swapDepths(_parent.who.getDepth() + 1);
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 41 (36 B)
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 45 (87 B)
_root.attack(_parent, _parent.who);
_parent.mad = false;
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 64 (90 B)
_parent._x = _parent.posX;
_parent._y = _parent.posY;
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 81 (55 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 831 MovieClip Frame 53 (44 B)
Symbol 832 MovieClip Frame 6 (95 B)
if (_parent.mad) {
} else {
Symbol 833 MovieClip [Gorilla] Frame 1 (739 B)
function takeTurn() {
var _local3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.players.length);
who = _root.players[_local3];
if (this._currentframe == 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("attacking2");
} else {
_local3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
if (_local3 == 2) {
gotoAndPlay ("madening");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("attacking");
var maxHP = 250;
var nbrOfAttacks = 1;
var armor = 0;
var armorProcent = 4;
var who;
var health;
var sta = [0, 0, 0, 0];
var mad = false;
var r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
if (r > 0) {
_root.spoils.push(["Chem. Glands", 1]);
damage = function () {
if (_currentframe == 40) {
return(55 + (Math.random() * 7));
return(20 + (Math.random() * 5));
Symbol 833 MovieClip [Gorilla] Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 833 MovieClip [Gorilla] Frame 10 (8 B)
Symbol 833 MovieClip [Gorilla] Frame 20 (8 B)
Symbol 833 MovieClip [Gorilla] Frame 30 (8 B)
Symbol 833 MovieClip [Gorilla] Frame 40 (8 B)
Symbol 833 MovieClip [Gorilla] Frame 50 (8 B)
Symbol 833 MovieClip [Gorilla] Frame 60 (8 B)
Symbol 841 MovieClip Frame 6 (29 B)
Symbol 842 MovieClip Frame 20 (23 B)
Symbol 842 MovieClip Frame 30 (44 B)
Symbol 843 MovieClip [IceFairy] Frame 1 (608 B)
function takeTurn() {
r = Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.players.length);
who = _root.players[r];
r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
if (r == 2) {
gotoAndPlay ("attacking2");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("attacking");
var maxHP = 85;
var nbrOfAttacks = 1;
var armor = 0;
var armorProcent = 0;
var who;
var health;
var sta = [0, 0, 0, 0];
var r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
if (r > 0) {
_root.spoils.push(["Fairy Bones", 1]);
damage = function () {
if (_currentframe == 20) {
return(10 + (Math.random() * 20));
return(17 + (Math.random() * 3));
Symbol 843 MovieClip [IceFairy] Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 843 MovieClip [IceFairy] Frame 10 (8 B)
Symbol 843 MovieClip [IceFairy] Frame 20 (8 B)
Symbol 843 MovieClip [IceFairy] Frame 30 (8 B)
Symbol 843 MovieClip [IceFairy] Frame 40 (8 B)
Symbol 849 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 849 MovieClip Frame 6 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 860 MovieClip Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 860 MovieClip Frame 31 (59 B)
_parent.who.attachMovie("PoisonHit", "poisonHit_mc", 100);
Symbol 860 MovieClip Frame 35 (111 B)
_root.range(_parent, _parent.who, false, 1);
Symbol 860 MovieClip Frame 50 (55 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 866 MovieClip Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 866 MovieClip Frame 51 (60 B)
_parent.who.attachMovie("PoisonHit2", "poisonHit_mc", 100);
Symbol 866 MovieClip Frame 55 (111 B)
_root.range(_parent, _parent.who, false, 1);
Symbol 866 MovieClip Frame 70 (55 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 867 MovieClip Frame 2 (11 B);
Symbol 867 MovieClip Frame 4 (11 B);
Symbol 867 MovieClip Frame 35 (44 B)
Symbol 868 MovieClip Frame 6 (29 B)
Symbol 869 MovieClip [PoisonBug] Frame 1 (971 B)
function takeTurn() {
var _local2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.players.length);
who = _root.players[_local2];
_local2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
if (_local2 == 2) {
gotoAndPlay ("attacking2");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("attacking");
var maxHP = 51;
var nbrOfAttacks = 1;
var armor = 10;
var armorProcent = 0;
var who;
var health;
var sta = [0, 0, 0, 0];
var r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
if (r > 0) {
_root.spoils.push(["Chitin Plate", 1]);
damage = function () {
if (_currentframe == 20) {
var _local3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2);
if (_local3 == 1) {
_global[who._name].sta[2] = 1;
_root.customText(who, "poisoned");
return(12 + (Math.random() * 3));
counter = function (d) {
var _local3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2);
if (_local3 == 1) {
attachMovie("counterText", "counter_mc", 100);
_global[d._name].sta[2] = 1;
_root.customText(d, "poisoned");
Symbol 869 MovieClip [PoisonBug] Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 869 MovieClip [PoisonBug] Frame 10 (8 B)
Symbol 869 MovieClip [PoisonBug] Frame 20 (8 B)
Symbol 869 MovieClip [PoisonBug] Frame 30 (8 B)
Symbol 869 MovieClip [PoisonBug] Frame 40 (8 B)
Symbol 882 MovieClip Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 882 MovieClip Frame 24 (119 B)
_parent._x = _parent.who._x + 110;
_parent._y = _parent.who._y - 10;
_parent.swapDepths(_parent.who.getDepth() + 1);
Symbol 882 MovieClip Frame 41 (36 B)
Symbol 882 MovieClip Frame 45 (65 B)
_root.attack(_parent, _parent.who);
Symbol 882 MovieClip Frame 63 (90 B)
_parent._x = _parent.posX;
_parent._y = _parent.posY;
Symbol 882 MovieClip Frame 80 (55 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 883 MovieClip Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 883 MovieClip Frame 57 (106 B)
_root.happening = false;
_parent.mad = true;
Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 24 (119 B)
_parent._x = _parent.who._x + 110;
_parent._y = _parent.who._y - 10;
_parent.swapDepths(_parent.who.getDepth() + 1);
Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 41 (36 B)
Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 45 (87 B)
_root.attack(_parent, _parent.who);
_parent.mad = false;
Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 64 (90 B)
_parent._x = _parent.posX;
_parent._y = _parent.posY;
Symbol 884 MovieClip Frame 81 (55 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 887 MovieClip Frame 53 (44 B)
Symbol 888 MovieClip Frame 6 (95 B)
if (_parent.mad) {
} else {
Symbol 889 MovieClip [Yeti] Frame 1 (738 B)
function takeTurn() {
var _local3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.players.length);
who = _root.players[_local3];
if (this._currentframe == 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("attacking2");
} else {
_local3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
if (_local3 == 2) {
gotoAndPlay ("madening");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("attacking");
var maxHP = 300;
var nbrOfAttacks = 1;
var armor = 0;
var armorProcent = 5;
var who;
var health;
var sta = [0, 0, 0, 0];
var mad = false;
var r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2);
if (r == 1) {
_root.spoils.push(["Chem. Glands", 1]);
damage = function () {
if (_currentframe == 40) {
return(77 + (Math.random() * 12));
return(35 + (Math.random() * 5));
Symbol 889 MovieClip [Yeti] Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 889 MovieClip [Yeti] Frame 10 (8 B)
Symbol 889 MovieClip [Yeti] Frame 20 (8 B)
Symbol 889 MovieClip [Yeti] Frame 30 (8 B)
Symbol 889 MovieClip [Yeti] Frame 40 (8 B)
Symbol 889 MovieClip [Yeti] Frame 50 (8 B)
Symbol 889 MovieClip [Yeti] Frame 60 (8 B)
Symbol 914 MovieClip [Cypher_battle] Frame 1 (144 B)
var who;
var shdArmorProcent = 0;
var shdArmor = 0;
var shielder;
var otherHand = false;
attachMovie("Cypher_idle", "a", 2);
a._y = -15;
Symbol 914 MovieClip [Cypher_battle] Frame 2 (58 B)
attachMovie("Cypher_idle", "a", 2);
a._y = -15;
Symbol 914 MovieClip [Cypher_battle] Frame 10 (58 B)
attachMovie("Cypher_attack", "a", 2);
a._y = 4;
Symbol 914 MovieClip [Cypher_battle] Frame 20 (63 B)
attachMovie("Cypher_shootingR", "a", 2);
a._y = -15;
Symbol 914 MovieClip [Cypher_battle] Frame 30 (63 B)
attachMovie("Cypher_shootingL", "a", 2);
a._y = -15;
Symbol 914 MovieClip [Cypher_battle] Frame 40 (63 B)
attachMovie("Cypher_shielding", "a", 2);
a._y = -15;
Symbol 914 MovieClip [Cypher_battle] Frame 50 (304 B)
if (shielder == this) {
attachMovie("Cypher_hurtingShield", "a", 2);
a._y = -15;
} else {
if ((shdArmorProcent + shdArmor) > 0) {
shielder._x = this._x + 50;
shielder._y = this._y;
attachMovie("Cypher_hurting", "a", 2);
a._y = -15;
Symbol 914 MovieClip [Cypher_battle] Frame 60 (63 B)
attachMovie("Cypher_conjuring", "a", 2);
a._y = -15;
Symbol 914 MovieClip [Cypher_battle] Frame 70 (59 B)
attachMovie("Cypher_dying", "a", 2);
a._y = -15;
Symbol 914 MovieClip [Cypher_battle] Frame 80 (8 B)
Symbol 917 MovieClip [Cypher_attack] Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 917 MovieClip [Cypher_attack] Frame 11 (118 B)
_parent._x = _parent.who._x - 50;
_parent._y = _parent.who._y + 10;
_parent.swapDepths(_parent.who.getDepth() + 1);
Symbol 917 MovieClip [Cypher_attack] Frame 16 (28 B);
Symbol 917 MovieClip [Cypher_attack] Frame 18 (79 B)
_root.attack(_parent, _parent.who, true);
Symbol 917 MovieClip [Cypher_attack] Frame 24 (113 B)
if (_parent.lhWeapon_mc.action != "Attack") {
gotoAndPlay ("back");
} else {;
Symbol 917 MovieClip [Cypher_attack] Frame 26 (80 B)
_root.attack(_parent, _parent.who, false);
Symbol 917 MovieClip [Cypher_attack] Frame 32 (28 B)
Symbol 917 MovieClip [Cypher_attack] Frame 38 (90 B)
_parent._x = _parent.posX;
_parent._y = _parent.posY;
Symbol 917 MovieClip [Cypher_attack] Frame 43 (55 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 922 MovieClip [Cypher_conjuring] Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 922 MovieClip [Cypher_conjuring] Frame 54 (28 B)
_root.tempChoise = "skill";
Symbol 922 MovieClip [Cypher_conjuring] Frame 81 (55 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 923 MovieClip [Cypher_dying] Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 923 MovieClip [Cypher_dying] Frame 45 (131 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 924 MovieClip [Cypher_hurting] Frame 6 (29 B)
Symbol 925 MovieClip [Cypher_hurtingShield] Frame 1 (40 B)
Symbol 925 MovieClip [Cypher_hurtingShield] Frame 3 (36 B)
Symbol 925 MovieClip [Cypher_hurtingShield] Frame 4 (40 B)
Symbol 925 MovieClip [Cypher_hurtingShield] Frame 5 (36 B)
Symbol 925 MovieClip [Cypher_hurtingShield] Frame 6 (90 B)
_parent._x = _parent.posX;
_parent._y = _parent.posY;
Symbol 926 MovieClip [Cypher_shielding] Frame 1 (159 B)
idle = function () {
Symbol 926 MovieClip [Cypher_shielding] Frame 70 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("loop");
Symbol 927 MovieClip [Cypher_shootingL] Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 927 MovieClip [Cypher_shootingL] Frame 15 (28 B);
Symbol 927 MovieClip [Cypher_shootingL] Frame 66 (55 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 928 MovieClip [Cypher_shootingR] Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 928 MovieClip [Cypher_shootingR] Frame 15 (28 B);
Symbol 928 MovieClip [Cypher_shootingR] Frame 67 (293 B)
if (_parent.otherHand && (_root.enemies.length > 0)) {
_root.pointVis = true;
_root.userInput = true;
} else {
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 952 MovieClip Frame 17 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 964 MovieClip Frame 17 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 965 MovieClip [Cypher_walk] Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 965 MovieClip [Cypher_walk] Frame 10 (8 B)
Symbol 965 MovieClip [Cypher_walk] Frame 20 (8 B)
Symbol 965 MovieClip [Cypher_walk] Frame 30 (8 B)
Symbol 965 MovieClip [Cypher_walk] Frame 39 (8 B)
Symbol 965 MovieClip [Cypher_walk] Frame 48 (8 B)
Symbol 970 MovieClip Frame 1 (293 B)
if (_parent._parent.lhWeapon_mc.action == "Attack") {
this._visible = false;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
_parent._parent.lhWeapon_mc._x = this._x + _parent._x;
_parent._parent.lhWeapon_mc._y = this._y + _parent._y;
_parent._parent.lhWeapon_mc._rotation = this._rotation;
Symbol 987 MovieClip Frame 1 (210 B)
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
_parent._parent.rhWeapon_mc._x = this._x + _parent._x;
_parent._parent.rhWeapon_mc._y = this._y + _parent._y;
_parent._parent.rhWeapon_mc._rotation = this._rotation;
Symbol 990 MovieClip [Irina_attack] Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 990 MovieClip [Irina_attack] Frame 11 (118 B)
_parent._x = _parent.who._x - 50;
_parent._y = _parent.who._y + 10;
_parent.swapDepths(_parent.who.getDepth() + 1);
Symbol 990 MovieClip [Irina_attack] Frame 16 (28 B);
Symbol 990 MovieClip [Irina_attack] Frame 18 (79 B)
_root.attack(_parent, _parent.who, true);
Symbol 990 MovieClip [Irina_attack] Frame 24 (113 B)
if (_parent.lhWeapon_mc.action != "Attack") {
gotoAndPlay ("back");
} else {;
Symbol 990 MovieClip [Irina_attack] Frame 26 (80 B)
_root.attack(_parent, _parent.who, false);
Symbol 990 MovieClip [Irina_attack] Frame 32 (28 B)
Symbol 990 MovieClip [Irina_attack] Frame 38 (90 B)
_parent._x = _parent.posX;
_parent._y = _parent.posY;
Symbol 990 MovieClip [Irina_attack] Frame 43 (55 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 991 MovieClip [Irina_battle] Frame 1 (144 B)
var who;
var shdArmorProcent = 0;
var shdArmor = 0;
var shielder;
var otherHand = false;
attachMovie("Cypher_idle", "a", 2);
a._y = -15;
Symbol 991 MovieClip [Irina_battle] Frame 2 (57 B)
attachMovie("Irina_idle", "a", 2);
a._y = -15;
Symbol 991 MovieClip [Irina_battle] Frame 10 (57 B)
attachMovie("Irina_attack", "a", 2);
a._y = 4;
Symbol 991 MovieClip [Irina_battle] Frame 20 (62 B)
attachMovie("Irina_shootingR", "a", 2);
a._y = -15;
Symbol 991 MovieClip [Irina_battle] Frame 30 (62 B)
attachMovie("Irina_shootingL", "a", 2);
a._y = -15;
Symbol 991 MovieClip [Irina_battle] Frame 40 (62 B)
attachMovie("Irina_shielding", "a", 2);
a._y = -15;
Symbol 991 MovieClip [Irina_battle] Frame 50 (302 B)
if (shielder == this) {
attachMovie("Irina_hurtingShield", "a", 2);
a._y = -15;
} else {
if ((shdArmorProcent + shdArmor) > 0) {
shielder._x = this._x + 50;
shielder._y = this._y;
attachMovie("Irina_hurting", "a", 2);
a._y = -15;
Symbol 991 MovieClip [Irina_battle] Frame 60 (62 B)
attachMovie("Irina_conjuring", "a", 2);
a._y = -15;
Symbol 991 MovieClip [Irina_battle] Frame 70 (58 B)
attachMovie("Irina_dying", "a", 2);
a._y = -15;
Symbol 991 MovieClip [Irina_battle] Frame 80 (8 B)
Symbol 995 MovieClip [Irina_conjuring] Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 995 MovieClip [Irina_conjuring] Frame 54 (28 B)
_root.tempChoise = "skill";
Symbol 995 MovieClip [Irina_conjuring] Frame 81 (55 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 996 MovieClip [Irina_dying] Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 996 MovieClip [Irina_dying] Frame 45 (131 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 997 MovieClip [Irina_hurting] Frame 6 (29 B)
Symbol 998 MovieClip [Irina_hurtingShield] Frame 1 (40 B)
Symbol 998 MovieClip [Irina_hurtingShield] Frame 3 (36 B)
Symbol 998 MovieClip [Irina_hurtingShield] Frame 4 (40 B)
Symbol 998 MovieClip [Irina_hurtingShield] Frame 5 (36 B)
Symbol 998 MovieClip [Irina_hurtingShield] Frame 6 (90 B)
_parent._x = _parent.posX;
_parent._y = _parent.posY;
Symbol 1000 MovieClip [Irina_shielding] Frame 1 (159 B)
idle = function () {
Symbol 1000 MovieClip [Irina_shielding] Frame 70 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("loop");
Symbol 1001 MovieClip [Irina_shootingL] Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 1001 MovieClip [Irina_shootingL] Frame 15 (28 B);
Symbol 1001 MovieClip [Irina_shootingL] Frame 66 (55 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 1002 MovieClip [Irina_shootingR] Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 1002 MovieClip [Irina_shootingR] Frame 15 (28 B);
Symbol 1002 MovieClip [Irina_shootingR] Frame 67 (293 B)
if (_parent.otherHand && (_root.enemies.length > 0)) {
_root.pointVis = true;
_root.userInput = true;
} else {
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 1018 MovieClip Frame 17 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1036 MovieClip Frame 17 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1048 MovieClip Frame 18 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1062 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 1062 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 1062 MovieClip Frame 25 (8 B)
Symbol 1062 MovieClip Frame 26 (8 B)
Symbol 1071 MovieClip Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 1071 MovieClip Frame 37 (36 B)
Instance of Symbol 216 MovieClip in Symbol 1071 MovieClip Frame 37 (41 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Instance of Symbol 216 MovieClip in Symbol 1071 MovieClip Frame 37 (41 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndPlay (10);
Symbol 1071 MovieClip Frame 41 (36 B)
Symbol 1071 MovieClip Frame 45 (36 B)
Symbol 1071 MovieClip Frame 49 (36 B)
Symbol 1071 MovieClip Frame 53 (36 B)
Symbol 1071 MovieClip Frame 57 (36 B)
Symbol 1071 MovieClip Frame 61 (36 B)
Symbol 1071 MovieClip Frame 65 (111 B)
_root.range(_parent, _parent.who, false, 1);
Symbol 1071 MovieClip Frame 105 (55 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 1073 MovieClip Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 1073 MovieClip Frame 36 (118 B)
_parent._x = _parent.who._x + 40;
_parent._y = _parent.who._y - 10;
_parent.swapDepths(_parent.who.getDepth() + 1);
Symbol 1073 MovieClip Frame 41 (36 B)
Symbol 1073 MovieClip Frame 61 (102 B)
_root.attack(_parent, _parent.who);
Symbol 1073 MovieClip Frame 77 (90 B)
_parent._x = _parent.posX;
_parent._y = _parent.posY;
Symbol 1073 MovieClip Frame 98 (55 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 1074 MovieClip Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 1074 MovieClip Frame 45 (208 B)
_root.attachMovie("Boss1_spot", "baddieSpot_mc", 52);
_root.baddieSpot_mc._x = (-27 + this._x) + _parent._x;
_root.baddieSpot_mc._y = (-37 + this._y) + _parent._y;
Symbol 1074 MovieClip Frame 58 (85 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 50 (8 B)
Symbol 1116 MovieClip Frame 1 (121 B)
_root.happening = true;
_parent.spotHP =;
Symbol 1116 MovieClip Frame 33 (83 B)
Symbol 1116 MovieClip Frame 37 (83 B)
Symbol 1116 MovieClip Frame 41 (83 B)
Symbol 1116 MovieClip Frame 45 (83 B)
Symbol 1116 MovieClip Frame 49 (83 B)
Symbol 1116 MovieClip Frame 53 (83 B)
Symbol 1116 MovieClip Frame 57 (83 B)
Symbol 1116 MovieClip Frame 61 (83 B)
Symbol 1116 MovieClip Frame 65 (83 B)
Symbol 1116 MovieClip Frame 69 (83 B)
Symbol 1116 MovieClip Frame 73 (83 B)
Symbol 1116 MovieClip Frame 77 (214 B)
_root.range(_parent, _root.players[0], false, 1);
_root.range(_parent, _root.players[1], false, 1);
Symbol 1116 MovieClip Frame 90 (25 B)
Symbol 1116 MovieClip Frame 119 (91 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 1117 MovieClip Frame 1 (284 B)
_root.happening = true;
if ( > 0) {
_root.numberDmg(_root.baddieSpot_mc, 300, -1);
_parent.spotHP = _root.baddieSpot_mc.maxHP;
} else {
_parent.spotHP = 0;
removeFromArr(_root.enemies, "baddieSpot_mc");
Symbol 1117 MovieClip Frame 37 (84 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 1118 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 1140 MovieClip Frame 25 (87 B)
removeFromArr(_root.enemies, "baddieSpot_mc");
Symbol 1140 MovieClip Frame 69 (53 B)
Symbol 1141 MovieClip Frame 13 (29 B)
Symbol 1142 MovieClip Frame 6 (30 B)
Symbol 1143 MovieClip [BaddieBoss1] Frame 1 (1.38 KiB) ●
function takeTurn() {
var _local2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.players.length);
who = _root.players[_local2];
if ((attack3 > 4) && (spotHP > 0)) {
if (!aText) {
LED([["ProtoA", "Target resisting conventional elimination"], ["t", "Switching to [PAW] Prototype Adaptive Weapon"]]);
aText = true;
_root.bossInterval = setInterval(function () {
gotoAndPlay ("on");
}, 5999);
} else if ( <= 100) {
LED([["ProtoA", "PAW damage level critical."], ["t", "Switching to conventional weaponry"]]);
aText = false;
attack3 = 0;
_root.bossInterval = setInterval(function () {
gotoAndPlay ("off");
}, 5999);
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("attacking");
} else {
_local2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2);
gotoAndPlay("attacking" + _local2);
var maxHP = 1200;
var spotHP = 300;
var nbrOfAttacks = 1;
var armor = 5;
var armorProcent = 0;
var who;
var health;
var attack3 = 0;
var aText = false;
damage = function () {
if (_currentframe == 10) {
return(98 + (Math.random() * 6));
if (_currentframe == 40) {
return(((attack3 - 4) * 20) + (Math.random() * 7));
return(76 + (Math.random() * 10));
Symbol 1143 MovieClip [BaddieBoss1] Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 1143 MovieClip [BaddieBoss1] Frame 9 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1143 MovieClip [BaddieBoss1] Frame 10 (8 B)
Symbol 1143 MovieClip [BaddieBoss1] Frame 20 (8 B)
Symbol 1143 MovieClip [BaddieBoss1] Frame 30 (8 B)
Symbol 1143 MovieClip [BaddieBoss1] Frame 40 (8 B)
Symbol 1143 MovieClip [BaddieBoss1] Frame 50 (8 B)
Symbol 1143 MovieClip [BaddieBoss1] Frame 60 (8 B)
Symbol 1143 MovieClip [BaddieBoss1] Frame 70 (8 B)
Symbol 1143 MovieClip [BaddieBoss1] Frame 80 (53 B)
if (aText) {
gotoAndPlay ("hurting2");
Symbol 1143 MovieClip [BaddieBoss1] Frame 90 (8 B)
Symbol 1165 MovieClip Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 1165 MovieClip Frame 18 (114 B)
_parent._x = _parent.who._x + 110;
_parent._y = _parent.who._y;
_parent.swapDepths(_parent.who.getDepth() + 1);
Symbol 1165 MovieClip Frame 22 (36 B)
Symbol 1165 MovieClip Frame 25 (65 B)
_root.attack(_parent, _parent.who);
Symbol 1165 MovieClip Frame 43 (90 B)
_parent._x = _parent.posX;
_parent._y = _parent.posY;
Symbol 1165 MovieClip Frame 58 (55 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 1167 MovieClip Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 1167 MovieClip Frame 46 (50 B)
_parent.who.attachMovie("windHit", "FX_mc", 100);
Symbol 1167 MovieClip Frame 51 (111 B)
_root.range(_parent, _parent.who, false, 1);
Symbol 1167 MovieClip Frame 82 (55 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 1168 MovieClip Frame 58 (44 B)
Symbol 1169 MovieClip Frame 6 (29 B)
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [Beerd] Frame 1 (701 B)
function takeTurn() {
var _local2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.players.length);
who = _root.players[_local2];
_local2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
if (_local2 == 2) {
gotoAndPlay ("attacking2");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("attacking");
var maxHP = 170;
var nbrOfAttacks = 1;
var armor = 15;
var armorProcent = 3;
var who;
var health;
var sta = [0, 0, 0, 0];
var r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5);
if (r == 4) {
_root.spoils.push(["Chitin Core", 1]);
} else if (r > 1) {
_root.spoils.push(["Chitin Plate", 1]);
damage = function () {
if (_currentframe == 20) {
return(35 + (Math.random() * 7));
return(30 + (Math.random() * 5));
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [Beerd] Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [Beerd] Frame 10 (8 B)
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [Beerd] Frame 20 (8 B)
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [Beerd] Frame 30 (8 B)
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [Beerd] Frame 40 (8 B)
Symbol 1192 MovieClip Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 1192 MovieClip Frame 38 (113 B)
_parent._x = _parent.who._x + 10;
_parent._y = _parent.who._y;
_parent.swapDepths(_parent.who.getDepth() + 1);
Symbol 1192 MovieClip Frame 44 (36 B)
Symbol 1192 MovieClip Frame 49 (36 B)
Symbol 1192 MovieClip Frame 54 (36 B)
Symbol 1192 MovieClip Frame 59 (36 B)
Symbol 1192 MovieClip Frame 64 (65 B)
_root.attack(_parent, _parent.who);
Symbol 1192 MovieClip Frame 67 (90 B)
_parent._x = _parent.posX;
_parent._y = _parent.posY;
Symbol 1192 MovieClip Frame 83 (55 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 1195 MovieClip Frame 40 (44 B)
Symbol 1196 MovieClip Frame 6 (29 B)
Symbol 1197 MovieClip [Clawer] Frame 1 (638 B)
function takeTurn() {
var _local2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.players.length);
who = _root.players[_local2];
gotoAndPlay ("attacking");
var maxHP = 71;
var nbrOfAttacks = 1;
var armor = 10;
var armorProcent = 0;
var who;
var health;
var sta = [0, 0, 0, 0];
var r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6);
if (r == 5) {
_root.spoils.push(["Fusion Stone", 1]);
damage = function () {
return(22 + (Math.random() * 3));
counter = function (d) {
var _local3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2);
if (_local3 == 1) {
attachMovie("counterText", "counter_mc", 100);
_root.attack(this, d, true);
Symbol 1197 MovieClip [Clawer] Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 1197 MovieClip [Clawer] Frame 10 (8 B)
Symbol 1197 MovieClip [Clawer] Frame 20 (8 B)
Symbol 1197 MovieClip [Clawer] Frame 30 (8 B)
Symbol 1199 MovieClip Frame 1 (23 B)
Symbol 1200 MovieClip Frame 1 (24 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 1200 MovieClip Frame 16 (118 B)
_parent._x = _parent.who._x + 40;
_parent._y = _parent.who._y - 10;
_parent.swapDepths(_parent.who.getDepth() + 1);
Symbol 1200 MovieClip Frame 27 (102 B)
_root.attack(_parent, _parent.who);
Symbol 1200 MovieClip Frame 36 (90 B)
_parent._x = _parent.posX;
_parent._y = _parent.posY;
Symbol 1200 MovieClip Frame 42 (55 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 1201 MovieClip Frame 1 (35 B)
_root.happening = true;;
Symbol 1201 MovieClip Frame 30 (105 B)
_root.happening = false;
Symbol 1202 MovieClip Frame 1 (23 B)
Symbol 1202 MovieClip Frame 63 (79 B)
Symbol 1203 MovieClip Frame 1 (48 B)
_root.happening = true;
Symbol 1203 MovieClip Frame 55 (10 B);
Symbol 1203 MovieClip Frame 87 (53 B)
_parent.who.attachMovie("BossBeam", "beam_mc", 100);
Symbol 1203 MovieClip Frame 122 (65 B)
_root.attack(_parent, _parent.who);
Symbol 1203 MovieClip Frame 151 (77 B)
_root.happening = false;
_parent.attack3 = 0;
Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 50 (44 B)
Symbol 1205 MovieClip Frame 6 (106 B)
if (_parent.attack3 > 0) {
} else {
Symbol 1206 MovieClip [FishBoss] Frame 1 (1.04 KiB) ●
function takeTurn() {
var _local2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.players.length);
who = _root.players[_local2];
if (attack3 == 3) {
gotoAndPlay ("attacking3");
} else if (attack3 > 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("shaking");
} else {
_local2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5);
if (_local2 == 4) {
gotoAndPlay ("opening");
} else if (_local2 <= 2) {
gotoAndPlay ("attacking");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("attacking");
var maxHP = 500;
var nbrOfAttacks = 1;
var armor = 5;
var armorProcent = 0;
var who;
var health;
var attack3 = 0;
var aText = false;
_root.spoils.push(["Fusion Stone", 1]);
damage = function () {
if (_currentframe == 20) {
return(17 + (Math.random() * 6));
if (_currentframe == 60) {
return(150 + (Math.random() * 7));
return(25 + (Math.random() * 10));
counter = function (d) {
if (attack3 == 0) {
attachMovie("counterText", "counter_mc", 100);
_global[d._name].sta[2] = 2;
_root.customText(d, "poisoned");
Symbol 1206 MovieClip [FishBoss] Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 1206 MovieClip [FishBoss] Frame 9 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1206 MovieClip [FishBoss] Frame 10 (8 B)
Symbol 1206 MovieClip [FishBoss] Frame 20 (8 B)
Symbol 1206 MovieClip [FishBoss] Frame 30 (8 B)
Symbol 1206 MovieClip [FishBoss] Frame 40 (8 B)
Symbol 1206 MovieClip [FishBoss] Frame 50 (8 B)
Symbol 1206 MovieClip [FishBoss] Frame 60 (8 B)
Symbol 1206 MovieClip [FishBoss] Frame 70 (8 B)
Symbol 1206 MovieClip [FishBoss] Frame 80 (8 B)
Symbol 1206 MovieClip [FishBoss] Frame 89 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1238 Button (125 B)
on (release) {
if (c_mc._currentframe == 9) {
} else {
Symbol 1292 MovieClip Frame 1 (19 B)
Symbol 1322 MovieClip Frame 90 (23 B);
Instance of Symbol 1298 MovieClip in Symbol 1323 MovieClip Frame 1 (270 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
var d = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < 6) {
j = 0;
while (j < 3) {
this.attachMovie("textureHolder", (("t" + i) + "-") + j, d++);
this[(("t" + i) + "-") + j]._x = 160 * i;
this[(("t" + i) + "-") + j]._y = 160 * j;
Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 1 (0.99 KiB)
function camControl() {
var _local5 = sX / this._width;
var _local4 = sY / this._height;
_parent._x = cX - (this._x * _local5);
_parent._y = cY - (this._y * _local4);
_parent._xscale = 100 * _local5;
_parent._yscale = 100 * _local4;
_root.led_mc._x = this._x - (this._width / 2);
_root.led_mc._y = this._y - (this._height / 2);
function resetStage() {
var _local2 = {ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0};
_parent._xscale = 100;
_parent._yscale = 100;
_parent._x = 0;
_parent._y = 0;
this._visible = false;
var oldMode = Stage.scaleMode;
Stage.scaleMode = "exactFit";
var cX = (Stage.width / 2);
var cY = (Stage.height / 2);
var sX = Stage.width;
var sY = Stage.height;
Stage.scaleMode = oldMode;
var camColor = new Color(this);
var parentColor = new Color(_parent);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
this.onUnload = resetStage;
Instance of Symbol 501 MovieClip [textureHolder] in Symbol 1340 MovieClip Frame 1 (272 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
var d = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < 12) {
j = 0;
while (j < 9) {
this.attachMovie("textureHolder", (("t" + i) + "-") + j, d++);
this[(("t" + i) + "-") + j]._x = 160 * i;
this[(("t" + i) + "-") + j]._y = -160 * j;
Symbol 1361 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 1361 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 501 MovieClip [textureHolder] in Symbol 1371 MovieClip Frame 1 (272 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
var d = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
j = 0;
while (j < 9) {
this.attachMovie("textureHolder", (("t" + i) + "-") + j, d++);
this[(("t" + i) + "-") + j]._x = 160 * i;
this[(("t" + i) + "-") + j]._y = -160 * j;
Symbol 1384 MovieClip Frame 1 (350 B)
s._visible = false;
doIt = function () {
i = 0;
while (i < {
var _local3 =[i];
_global[_local3].health = _global[_local3].maxHP;
_global[_local3].mana = _global[_local3].maxMP;
_global[_local3].sta = [0, 0, 0, 0];
_root.attachMovie("saveMenu", "saveMenu_mc", 3000);
Symbol 1387 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 1387 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 501 MovieClip [textureHolder] in Symbol 1393 MovieClip Frame 1 (270 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
var d = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < 9) {
j = 0;
while (j < 6) {
this.attachMovie("textureHolder", (("t" + i) + "-") + j, d++);
this[(("t" + i) + "-") + j]._x = 160 * i;
this[(("t" + i) + "-") + j]._y = 160 * j;
Instance of Symbol 501 MovieClip [textureHolder] in Symbol 1402 MovieClip Frame 1 (271 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
var d = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
j = 0;
while (j < 7) {
this.attachMovie("textureHolder", (("t" + i) + "-") + j, d++);
this[(("t" + i) + "-") + j]._x = 160 * i;
this[(("t" + i) + "-") + j]._y = 160 * j;
Instance of Symbol 1418 MovieClip in Symbol 1422 MovieClip Frame 1 (421 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.player_mc._x < 280) {
this._x = -710;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 1250) {
this._x = 165;
} else {
this._x = -710 + ((_root.player_mc._x - 280) * 0.903);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.player_mc._x < 280) {
this._x = -710;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 1250) {
this._x = 165;
} else {
this._x = -710 + ((_root.player_mc._x - 280) * 0.903);
Instance of Symbol 1420 MovieClip in Symbol 1422 MovieClip Frame 1 (421 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.player_mc._x < 280) {
this._x = -900;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 1250) {
this._x = -300;
} else {
this._x = -900 + ((_root.player_mc._x - 280) * 0.65);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.player_mc._x < 280) {
this._x = -900;
} else if (_root.player_mc._x > 1250) {
this._x = -270;
} else {
this._x = -900 + ((_root.player_mc._x - 280) * 0.65);
Instance of Symbol 501 MovieClip [textureHolder] in Symbol 1430 MovieClip Frame 1 (270 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
var d = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
j = 0;
while (j < 4) {
this.attachMovie("textureHolder", (("t" + i) + "-") + j, d++);
this[(("t" + i) + "-") + j]._x = 160 * i;
this[(("t" + i) + "-") + j]._y = 160 * j;
Instance of Symbol 501 MovieClip [textureHolder] in Symbol 1461 MovieClip Frame 1 (272 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
var d = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < 12) {
j = 0;
while (j < 12) {
this.attachMovie("textureHolder", (("t" + i) + "-") + j, d++);
this[(("t" + i) + "-") + j]._x = 160 * i;
this[(("t" + i) + "-") + j]._y = 160 * j;
Instance of Symbol 501 MovieClip [textureHolder] in Symbol 1483 MovieClip Frame 1 (271 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
var d = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < 8) {
j = 0;
while (j < 12) {
this.attachMovie("textureHolder", (("t" + i) + "-") + j, d++);
this[(("t" + i) + "-") + j]._x = 160 * i;
this[(("t" + i) + "-") + j]._y = 160 * j;
Instance of Symbol 1510 MovieClip in Symbol 1516 MovieClip Frame 1 (271 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
var d = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < 6) {
j = 0;
while (j < 6) {
this.attachMovie("textureHolder3", (("t" + i) + "-") + j, d++);
this[(("t" + i) + "-") + j]._x = 160 * i;
this[(("t" + i) + "-") + j]._y = 160 * j;
Symbol 1541 MovieClip Frame 114 (14 B);
Symbol 1549 MovieClip Frame 246 (14 B);
Symbol 1631 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 1631 MovieClip Frame 35 (24 B)
Symbol 1631 MovieClip Frame 40 (8 B)