| STORY LOOP FURRY PORN GAMES • C • SERVICES [?] [R] RND POPULAR | Archived flashes: 229962 |
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Speedy Shooter is a game of the classic Bubble Shooter kind. We've taken all the best stuff from similar games, so now you've got a unique game that has no analogues. There are 4 games in one, not 1 of 2. Common description of the games The point of every game is to break a wall that consists of different-colored bubbles. The trajectory of the bubble about to be shot is defined with mouse cursor. After pressing left mouse button, the bubble starts to move and keeps flying until it collides with other bubbles obscuring its way. If the new-formed bunch appears to be a chain of 3 or more bubbles of the same color, these bubbles explode, leaving some space for further shooting. If the flying bubble collides with left or right wall, it reflects symmetrically, allowing you to hit areas that may seem very difficult to reach. If your sharp-shooting causes a bunch of bubbles not connected to ceiling, these bubbles fall down because of gravity, bringing you even more points, than exploded ones. Every of the four games has following difficulty levels: -very easy -easy -normal -hard -very hard You may choose game difficulty according to your skills and experience with "OPTIONS" section of the menu. Within the same section you can change volume levels of the sounds and melodies playing during the game. You can also change the game speed in this section. Depending of game difficulty, at the right lower corner you'll see from 1 to 5 bubbles. During the game these bubbles disappear, and when they are all gone, a new line of bubbles is added to bubble wall, and the other bubbles are lowered by one line. If one of the bubbles of the wall crosses the dark-blue line at the game field - you lose. Don't stop at that point and start the game again or choose the other game and try again. During the game at the left lower corner you'll notice the order of next bubbles for further shooting. The number of these bubbles may vary from 1 to 5 depending of selected game difficulty. Strategy game The game based on adding new bubble lines depending of number of shots you made. In this game you have unlimited time to count the cost and make the best shot. This game meant to raise player's logic thought. Arcade game The game based on adding new bubble lines depending of time counter. In this game your time is limited. The faster and sharper you shoot - the more chances you've got to gain a top score. This game meant to raise player's reaction and ability to decide really swift and right. Speedy game Main feature of this game and it's difference from classic game is the addition of SPEEDY bubbles of 2 types: - explodes all bubbles around when hit - can be removed with SpeedyBubble1 only. Besides, the function of moving the shooting bubble with "left arrow" and "right arrow" cursor keys is available in this kind of game. Scoring and Bonuses For every exploded bubble you gain 10 points. For every fallen bubble - 15 points. If a long chain of exploded and fallen bubbles generates, you gain bonus points from 25 to 50000. Bonuses are calculated for exploded and fallen bubbles separately with bonus for its sum added. Controls To control the game, use standard mouse and keyboard cursor keys "left arrow" and "right arrow". "Right mouse" - move window "ENTER" - BOSS.... "P" - Pause Play and enjoy! |
Volume |
sound |
music |
Volume |
sound |
music |
Game |
normal |
very hard |
very easy |
hard |
easy |
speed |
Game |
normal |
very hard |
very easy |
hard |
easy |
speed |
Strategy |
Arcade |
Strategy |
Arcade |
Skill |
Skill |
Score |
Score |
ActionScript [AS1/AS2] (74.78 KiB)
Frame 2 (2.38 KiB)●_quality = "BEST"; optionBtn._visible = false; helpBtn._visible = false; topScoreBtn._visible = false; quitBtn._visible = false; pauseBtn._visible = false; lockButtons = function (how) { how = !how; optionBtn.btn.enabled = how; optionBtn.btn.onRollOut(); helpBtn.btn.enabled = how; helpBtn.btn.onRollOut(); topScoreBtn.btn.enabled = how; topScoreBtn.btn.onRollOut(); quitBtn.btn.enabled = how; quitBtn.btn.onRollOut(); pauseBtn.btn.enabled = how; pauseBtn.btn.onRollOut(); }; saveTopScore = function (fileName, cont) { newFileName = fileName; contentFile = cont; fscommand ("flashstudio.savetofile", "newFileName,contentFile"); }; ini = function () { _global.effectValue = 50; _global.musicValue = 50; _global.levelGame = 4; _global.speedGame = 10; }; selectGame = function () { trace("SELECT GAME"); if (this.gameTypeForm == undefined) { index = this.getNextHighestDepth(); this.attachMovie("gameType", "gameTypeForm", index); } optionBtn._visible = true; helpBtn._visible = true; topScoreBtn._visible = true; topScoreBtn._visible = true; quitBtn._visible = true; }; questionGame = function (how) { if (this.questionForm == undefined) { index = this.getNextHighestDepth(); this.attachMovie("FQuestion", "questionForm", index, {option:how}); } }; optionGame = function (how) { if (this.optionGameForm == undefined) { index = this.getNextHighestDepth(); this.attachMovie("FOptionControl", "optionGameForm", index, {option:how}); } }; helpGame = function (how) { if (this.helpForm == undefined) { index = this.getNextHighestDepth(); this.attachMovie("FHelp", "helpForm", index, {option:how}); } }; topScoreGame = function (typeGame, level, newResult, how) { if (this.topScoreForm == undefined) { index = this.getNextHighestDepth(); obj = new Object(); obj.typeGame = typeGame; obj.level = level; obj.newResult = newResult; obj.option = how; this.attachMovie("FTopScore", "topScoreForm", index, obj); } }; purchaseGame = function (how) { if (this.purchaseForm == undefined) { index = this.getNextHighestDepth(); this.attachMovie("FBuy", "purchaseForm", index, {option:how}); } }; ini(); selectGame(); _global.boobleI_max = 16; _global.boobleJ_max = 17; _global.boobleDx = 30; _global.boobleDy = Math.round(_global.boobleDx * 0.866025403784439) + 2.7; _global.kofKoleb = 0; stop();Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)stop();Symbol 19 MovieClip [FBonus] Frame 1 (411 B)#initclip 5 function FBonusClass() { this.stop(); this._visible = false; } FBonusClass.prototype = new MovieClip(); Object.registerClass("FBonus", FBonusClass); FBonusClass.prototype.activate = function (x, y, bonus) { if (x < 70) { x = 70; } this._x = x; this._y = y; this.play(); trace("COOL"); this._visible = true; this.bon.gotoAndStop("b" + String(bonus)); }; #endinitclipSymbol 19 MovieClip [FBonus] Frame 25 (23 B)removeMovieClip(this);Symbol 29 Button (72 B)on (press) { getURL ("http://www.gamezhero.com/?from=speedyBubbles"); }Symbol 36 MovieClip Frame 1 (107 B)btn.onRelease = function () { _root.soundArc.playSound("click", 0); this._parent._parent.remove(); };Symbol 45 MovieClip Frame 1 (443 B)btn.onRelease = function () { _root.soundArc.playSound("click", 0); this._parent._parent.remove(); if (((_level0.regNow == "") || (_level0.regNow == undefined)) || (_level0.regNow == "speedyGames")) { getURL ("http://www.speedygames.com/speedyShooterPurchase.php?url=" + _url, "buy", "GET"); } else { getURL ("https://www.regnow.com/softsell/nph-softsell.cgi?item=10976-1&affiliate=" + _level0.regNow, "buy", "GET"); } };Symbol 58 MovieClip Frame 1 (204 B)btn.onRelease = function () { _root.soundArc.playSound("click", 0); getURL ("http://www.speedygames.com/download-free-speedy-shooter.php?play%20puzzle&jigsaw&collaps", "download", "GET"); };Symbol 59 MovieClip [FBuy] Frame 1 (1.14 KiB)●#initclip 8 function FBuyClass() { this._x = 85; this._y = 60; this._xscale = 80; this._yscale = 80; this.bg.useHandCursor = false; this._parent.gameTypeForm.enabledTypeGame(false); if (_global.action == "game") { this._parent.bubbleShooter.pauseGameFunc(true); this._parent.pauseBtn._visible = false; } this._parent.lockButtons(true); this.posGol = 60; } FBuyClass.prototype = new MovieClip(); FBuyClass.prototype.remove = function () { this._parent.lockButtons(false); this._parent.gameTypeForm.enabledTypeGame(true); trace(((">>>> " + this.option) + " ") + _global.action); if ((this.option == "game") && (_global.action == "pause")) { this._parent.bubbleShooter.pauseGameFunc(false); this._parent.pauseBtn._visible = true; } trace(((">>>> " + this.option) + " ") + _global.action); if (this.option == "gameover") { this._parent.selectGame(); } this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha = this._alpha - 100; if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.onEnterFrame = null; this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; Object.registerClass("FBuy", FBuyClass); #endinitclipSymbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1 (141 B)btn.onRelease = function () { _root.soundArc.playSound("click", 0); this._parent._parent.remove(); fscommand ("flashstudio.exit"); };Symbol 63 MovieClip Frame 1 (172 B)btn.onRelease = function () { _root.soundArc.playSound("click", 0); this._parent._parent.remove(); this._parent._parent._parent.bubbleShooter.gameOverFastFunc(); };Symbol 66 MovieClip [FQuestion] Frame 1 (2.14 KiB)●#initclip 6 function FQuestionClass() { this._x = 85; this._y = 110; this._xscale = 80; this._yscale = 80; this.bg.useHandCursor = false; this._parent.gameTypeForm.enabledTypeGame(false); if (_global.action == "game") { this._parent.bubbleShooter.pauseGameFunc(true); this._parent.pauseBtn._visible = false; } this._parent.lockButtons(true); this.posGol = 60; this.up_mc.onRelease = function () { this._parent.posGol = this._parent.posGol + 60; this._parent.onEnterFrame = this._parent.moveCont; }; this.down_mc.onRelease = function () { this._parent.posGol = this._parent.posGol - 60; this._parent.onEnterFrame = this._parent.moveCont; }; this.up_mc.onRollOver = (this.down_mc.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }); this.up_mc.onReleaseOutside = (this.up_mc.onRollOut = (this.down_mc.onReleaseOutside = (this.down_mc.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }))); } FQuestionClass.prototype = new MovieClip(); FQuestionClass.prototype.moveCont = function () { if (this.posGol > 60) { this.posGol = 60; } if (this.posGol < (60 - (this.helpCont._height - 352))) { this.posGol = 60 - (this.helpCont._height - 352); } if (Math.abs(this.posGol - this.helpCont._y) < 1) { this.helpCont._y = this.posGol; this.onEnterFrame = null; } else { this.helpCont._y = this.helpCont._y + ((this.posGol - this.helpCont._y) / 7); } }; FQuestionClass.prototype.remove = function () { this._parent.lockButtons(false); this._parent.gameTypeForm.enabledTypeGame(true); trace(((">>>> " + this.option) + " ") + _global.action); if ((this.option == "game") && (_global.action == "pause")) { this._parent.bubbleShooter.pauseGameFunc(false); this._parent.pauseBtn._visible = true; } trace(((">>>> " + this.option) + " ") + _global.action); if (this.option == "gameover") { this._parent.selectGame(); } this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha = this._alpha - 100; if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.onEnterFrame = null; this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; Object.registerClass("FQuestion", FQuestionClass); #endinitclipSymbol 72 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)stop();Symbol 87 MovieClip [FHelp] Frame 1 (2.14 KiB)●#initclip 9 function FHelpClass() { this._x = 85; this._y = 12; this._xscale = 80; this._yscale = 80; this.bg.useHandCursor = false; this._parent.gameTypeForm.enabledTypeGame(false); if (_global.action == "game") { this._parent.bubbleShooter.pauseGameFunc(true); this._parent.pauseBtn._visible = false; } this._parent.lockButtons(true); this.posGol = 60; this.up_mc.onRelease = function () { this._parent.posGol = this._parent.posGol + 60; this._parent.onEnterFrame = this._parent.moveCont; }; this.down_mc.onRelease = function () { this._parent.posGol = this._parent.posGol - 60; this._parent.onEnterFrame = this._parent.moveCont; }; this.up_mc.onRollOver = (this.down_mc.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }); this.up_mc.onReleaseOutside = (this.up_mc.onRollOut = (this.down_mc.onReleaseOutside = (this.down_mc.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }))); } FHelpClass.prototype = new MovieClip(); FHelpClass.prototype.moveCont = function () { if (this.posGol > 60) { this.posGol = 60; } if (this.posGol < (60 - (this.helpCont._height - 352))) { this.posGol = 60 - (this.helpCont._height - 352); } if (Math.abs(this.posGol - this.helpCont._y) < 1) { this.helpCont._y = Math.round(this.posGol); this.onEnterFrame = null; } else { this.helpCont._y = this.helpCont._y + Math.round((this.posGol - this.helpCont._y) / 7); } }; FHelpClass.prototype.remove = function () { this._parent.lockButtons(false); this._parent.gameTypeForm.enabledTypeGame(true); trace(((">>>> " + this.option) + " ") + _global.action); if ((this.option == "game") && (_global.action == "pause")) { this._parent.bubbleShooter.pauseGameFunc(false); this._parent.pauseBtn._visible = true; } trace(((">>>> " + this.option) + " ") + _global.action); if (this.option == "gameover") { this._parent.selectGame(); } this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha = this._alpha - 100; if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.onEnterFrame = null; this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; Object.registerClass("FHelp", FHelpClass); #endinitclipSymbol 91 MovieClip [FButtonControl] Frame 1 (1.59 KiB)●#initclip 3 function FButtonControlClass() { this.mainBg.onRollOver = function () { if (this._parent.action != -1) { newCol = new Color(this._parent.mainBg); newCol.setRGB(this._parent.overColor); } }; this.mainBg.onRollOut = function () { this._parent.update(); }; this.mainBg.onPress = function () { if (this._parent.action != -1) { newCol = new Color(this._parent.mainBg); newCol.setRGB(this._parent.activeColor); if (this._parent.type == "check") { this._parent.action = !this._parent.action; } } }; this.mainBg.onRelease = function () { if (this._parent.action != -1) { eval ("this._parent._parent." + this._parent.handler).call(this._parent._parent, this._parent, this._parent.value); this._parent.update(); } }; this.update(); } FButtonControlClass.prototype = new MovieClip(); FButtonControlClass.prototype.setAction = function (action) { this.action = action; this.update(); }; FButtonControlClass.prototype.getAction = function () { return(this.action); }; FButtonControlClass.prototype.update = function () { newCol = new Color(this.mainBg); if (this.action == 0) { newCol.setRGB(this.enabledColor); this._parent[this.goal].gotoAndStop(2); } if (this.action == -1) { newCol.setRGB(this.disabledColor); this.mainBg.useHandCursor = false; this._parent[this.goal].gotoAndStop(3); } if (this.action == 1) { newCol.setRGB(this.activeColor); this.mainBg.useHandCursor = true; this._parent[this.goal].gotoAndStop(1); } }; Object.registerClass("FButtonControl", FButtonControlClass); #endinitclipSymbol 106 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)stop();Symbol 106 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)stop();Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 1 (284 B)selectGameFunc = function (what, Lvalue) { item1_btn.setAction(false); item2_btn.setAction(false); item3_btn.setAction(false); item4_btn.setAction(false); item5_btn.setAction(false); this=what;//parameter overwritten this.setAction(1); _global.levelGame = Lvalue; };Instance of Symbol 91 MovieClip [FButtonControl] "item5_btn" in Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 1 (299 B)//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { goal = "icon1"; action = 0; disabledColor = 10066329 /* 0x999999 */; enabledColor = 13421772 /* 0xCCCCCC */; activeColor = 7508427 /* 0x7291CB */; overColor = 10795229 /* 0xA4B8DD */; handler = "selectGameFunc"; type = "button"; value = 5; }Instance of Symbol 91 MovieClip [FButtonControl] "item4_btn" in Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 1 (299 B)//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { goal = "icon2"; action = 0; disabledColor = 10066329 /* 0x999999 */; enabledColor = 13421772 /* 0xCCCCCC */; activeColor = 7508427 /* 0x7291CB */; overColor = 10795229 /* 0xA4B8DD */; handler = "selectGameFunc"; type = "button"; value = 4; }Instance of Symbol 91 MovieClip [FButtonControl] "item3_btn" in Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 1 (299 B)//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { goal = "icon3"; action = 0; disabledColor = 10066329 /* 0x999999 */; enabledColor = 13421772 /* 0xCCCCCC */; activeColor = 7508427 /* 0x7291CB */; overColor = 10795229 /* 0xA4B8DD */; handler = "selectGameFunc"; type = "button"; value = 3; }Instance of Symbol 91 MovieClip [FButtonControl] "item2_btn" in Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 1 (299 B)//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { goal = "icon4"; action = 0; disabledColor = 10066329 /* 0x999999 */; enabledColor = 13421772 /* 0xCCCCCC */; activeColor = 7508427 /* 0x7291CB */; overColor = 10795229 /* 0xA4B8DD */; handler = "selectGameFunc"; type = "button"; value = 2; }Instance of Symbol 91 MovieClip [FButtonControl] "item1_btn" in Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 1 (299 B)//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { goal = "icon5"; action = 0; disabledColor = 10066329 /* 0x999999 */; enabledColor = 13421772 /* 0xCCCCCC */; activeColor = 7508427 /* 0x7291CB */; overColor = 10795229 /* 0xA4B8DD */; handler = "selectGameFunc"; type = "button"; value = 1; }Symbol 122 MovieClip [FOptionControl] Frame 1 (4.62 KiB)●#initclip 7 function FOptionControlClass() { this.bg.useHandCursor = false; this._alpha = 0; this._x = 78; this._y = 40; this._xscale = 80; this._yscale = 80; this._alpha = 100; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.iniOption(); this.onEnterFrame = null; }; this._parent.lockButtons(true); trace("GAME AGAIN 1 " + this.option); if (_global.action == "game") { this._parent.bubbleShooter.pauseGameFunc(true); this._parent.pauseBtn._visible = false; } this._parent.gameTypeForm.enabledTypeGame(false); this.setSpeedPos(); this.setSoundPos(); this.setMusicPos(); this.speedBegun_mc.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.speedBegun_mc.onRollOut = (this.speedBegun_mc.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); this.onRelease(); }); this.speedBegun_mc.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(false, 90, this._y, 310, this._y); obj = new Object(); obj._parent = this; obj.onMouseMove = function () { this=this._parent;//parameter overwritten this._parent; _global.speedGame = 5 + Math.round(20 - ((20 * (this._x - 90)) / 220)); trace(_global.speedGame); }; Mouse.addListener(obj); }; this.speedBegun_mc.onRelease = function () { this.stopDrag(); Mouse.removeListener(obj); }; this.soundBegun_mc.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.soundBegun_mc.onRollOut = (this.soundBegun_mc.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); this.onRelease(); }); this.soundBegun_mc.onPress = function () { this._parent.soundArc.playMusic(); this._parent.sound.start(); this.startDrag(false, 90, this._y, 310, this._y); obj = new Object(); obj._parent = this; obj.onMouseMove = function () { this=this._parent;//parameter overwritten this._parent; _global.effectValue = Math.round((100 * (this._x - 90)) / 220); _root.soundArc.setValume(_global.effectValue); this._parent.sound.setVolume(_global.effectValue); }; Mouse.addListener(obj); }; this.soundBegun_mc.onRelease = function () { this._parent.sound.stop(); this.stopDrag(); Mouse.removeListener(obj); }; this.musicBegun_mc.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.musicBegun_mc.onRollOut = (this.soundBegun_mc.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); this.onRelease(); }); this.musicBegun_mc.onPress = function () { this._parent.music.start(); this.startDrag(false, 90, this._y, 310, this._y); obj = new Object(); obj._parent = this; obj.onMouseMove = function () { this=this._parent;//parameter overwritten this._parent; _global.musicValue = Math.round((100 * (this._x - 90)) / 220); _root.musicArc.setValume(_global.musicValue); this._parent.music.setVolume(_global.musicValue); }; Mouse.addListener(obj); }; this.musicBegun_mc.onRelease = function () { this._parent.music.stop(); this.stopDrag(); Mouse.removeListener(obj); }; this.createEmptyMovieClip("snd", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.createEmptyMovieClip("mnd", this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.sound = new Sound(this.snd); this.sound.setVolume(_global.effectValue); this.sound.attachSound("boom"); this.sound.onSoundComplete = function () { this.start(); }; this.music = new Sound(this.mnd); this.music.setVolume(_global.musicValue); this.music.onSoundComplete = function () { this.start(); }; this.music.attachSound("m1"); } FOptionControlClass.prototype = new MovieClip(); FOptionControlClass.prototype.remove = function () { this._parent.saveIni(); this._parent.lockButtons(false); this._parent.gameTypeForm.enabledTypeGame(true); trace("GAME AGAIN 2 " + this.option); if ((this.option == "game") && (_global.action == "pause")) { this._parent.bubbleShooter.pauseGameFunc(false); this._parent.pauseBtn._visible = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha = this._alpha - 100; if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.onEnterFrame = null; this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; FOptionControlClass.prototype.iniOption = function () { this.skillForm[("item" + _global.levelGame) + "_btn"].setAction(true); }; FOptionControlClass.prototype.setSoundPos = function () { this.soundBegun_mc._x = 90 + Number((_global.effectValue * 220) / 100); }; FOptionControlClass.prototype.setMusicPos = function () { this.musicBegun_mc._x = 90 + Number((_global.musicValue * 220) / 100); }; FOptionControlClass.prototype.setSpeedPos = function () { this.speedBegun_mc._x = 310 - Number(((_global.speedGame - 5) * 220) / 20); }; Object.registerClass("FOptionControl", FOptionControlClass); #endinitclipSymbol 141 MovieClip Frame 1 (34 B)if (mogno != true) { stop(); }Symbol 146 MovieClip Frame 1 (34 B)if (mogno != true) { stop(); }Symbol 146 MovieClip Frame 35 (17 B)gotoAndPlay (1);Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 1 (361 B)playGame.onRollOver = function () { this._parent.demo.mogno = true; this._parent.demo.play(); }; playGame.onRollOut = function () { this._parent.demo.mogno = false; }; playGame.onRelease = function () { _root.soundArc.playSound("click", 0); this.enabled = false; this._parent._parent.gameTipeNum = 1; this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay(22); };Symbol 150 MovieClip Frame 1 (34 B)if (mogno != true) { stop(); }Symbol 151 MovieClip Frame 1 (376 B)playGame.onRollOver = function () { this._parent.demo.mogno = true; this._parent.demo.play(); trace(this); }; playGame.onRollOut = function () { this._parent.demo.mogno = false; }; playGame.onRelease = function () { _root.soundArc.playSound("click", 0); this.enabled = false; this._parent._parent.gameTipeNum = 4; this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay(22); };Symbol 152 MovieClip Frame 1 (34 B)if (mogno != true) { stop(); }Symbol 152 MovieClip Frame 35 (17 B)gotoAndPlay (1);Symbol 153 MovieClip Frame 1 (368 B)playGame.onRollOver = function () { this._parent.demo.mogno = true; this._parent.demo.play(); trace(this); }; playGame.onRollOut = function () { this._parent.demo.mogno = false; }; playGame.onRelease = function () { _root.soundArc.playSound("click", 0); this._parent.demo.mogno = false; this._parent._parent._parent.purchaseGame(_global.action); };Symbol 154 MovieClip Frame 1 (368 B)playGame.onRollOver = function () { this._parent.demo.mogno = true; this._parent.demo.play(); trace(this); }; playGame.onRollOut = function () { this._parent.demo.mogno = false; }; playGame.onRelease = function () { _root.soundArc.playSound("click", 0); this._parent.demo.mogno = false; this._parent._parent._parent.purchaseGame(_global.action); };Symbol 155 MovieClip [gameType] Frame 1 (352 B)_alpha = 0; _x = 35; _y = 29; stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _alpha = 100; this.onEnterFrame = null; play(); }; enabledTypeGame = function (how) { this.how = how; g1.playGame.enabled = how; g2.playGame.enabled = how; g3.playGame.enabled = how; g4.playGame.enabled = how; }; this._xscale = 80; this._yscale = 80;Symbol 155 MovieClip [gameType] Frame 21 (48 B)stop(); if (!how) { enabledTypeGame(how); }Symbol 155 MovieClip [gameType] Frame 23 (74 B)this._parent.bubbleShooter.newGame(gameTipeNum); this.removeMovieClip();Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 12 (17 B)gotoAndPlay (1);Symbol 160 MovieClip Frame 12 (17 B)gotoAndPlay (1);Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 12 (17 B)gotoAndPlay (1);Symbol 162 MovieClip [pauseMsg] Frame 1 (505 B)_alpha = 0; _x = 117; _y = 190; b1.gotoAndPlay(random(10)); b2.gotoAndPlay(random(10)); b3.gotoAndPlay(random(10)); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _alpha = (_alpha + 20); if (_alpha >= 100) { this.onEnterFrame = null; } }; this.onPress = function () { this._parent.pauseGameFunc(false); }; remove = function () { this.onEnterFrame = function () { _alpha = (_alpha - 20); if (_alpha <= 0) { this.onEnterFrame = null; this.removeMovieClip(); } }; };Symbol 164 MovieClip [gameOver] Frame 1 (346 B)_alpha = 0; _x = 77; _y = 190; this.onEnterFrame = function () { _alpha = (_alpha + 20); if (_alpha >= 100) { this.onEnterFrame = null; } }; remove = function () { this.onEnterFrame = function () { _alpha = (_alpha - 10); if (_alpha <= 0) { this.onEnterFrame = null; this.removeMovieClip(); } }; };Symbol 165 MovieClip [soundClass] Frame 1 (71 B)#initclip 4 Object.registerClass("soundClass", FMusic); #endinitclipSymbol 182 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)stop();Symbol 183 MovieClip Frame 1 (46 B)this._parent.stop(); Stage.showMenu = false;Symbol 183 MovieClip Frame 2 (197 B)p = Math.round(100 * (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal())); proc.gotoAndStop(p); trace(p); if (_root.getBytesLoaded() == _root.getBytesTotal()) { this._parent.play(); stop(); }Symbol 183 MovieClip Frame 3 (17 B)gotoAndPlay (2);Symbol 233 MovieClip [__Packages.FMusic] Frame 0 (3.31 KiB)●class FMusic extends MovieClip { var music_arr, activeMusic, valume, countLoop, indexSound, getNextHighestDepth, createEmptyMovieClip, currentLoop, v0, onEnterFrame; function FMusic () { super(); music_arr = new Array(); activeMusic = 0; valume = 50; countLoop = 4; indexSound = 0; } function setLoop(loop) { countLoop = loop; } function addMusic(links) { for (var _local5 in links) { var _local2 = getNextHighestDepth(); createEmptyMovieClip("mc" + _local2, _local2); var _local3 = new Sound(this["mc" + _local2]); _local3.attachSound(links[_local5]); music_arr.push(_local3); } } function setValume(val) { valume = val; music_arr[activeMusic].setVolume(valume); } function playSound(sound, pan) { if (valume > 0) { indexSound++; var _local2 = createEmptyMovieClip("mc" + indexSound, getNextHighestDepth()); _local2.sn = new Sound(_local2); _local2.sn.attachSound(sound); _local2.sn.setVolume(valume); _local2.sn.setPan(pan); _local2.sn._parent = this; _local2.sn.mc = _local2; _local2.sn.indexSound = indexSound; _local2.sn.onSoundComplete = function () { this.mc.removeMovieClip(); }; _local2.sn.start(); if (((_local2.sn.duration == 0) || (_local2.sn.duration == undefined)) || (_local2.sn.duration == _local2.sn.position)) { _local2.removeMovieClip(); } this["mc" + (indexSound - 10)].removeMovieClip(); } } function playMusic(index) { if (((index >= music_arr.length) || (index < 0)) || (index == undefined)) { index = 0; } currentLoop = countLoop; activeMusic = index; v0 = 0; music_arr[activeMusic].stop(); music_arr[activeMusic].setVolume(0); onEnterFrame = function () { this.v0++; if (this.v0 > this.valume) { this.onEnterFrame = null; } this.v0 = this.valume; this.music_arr[this.activeMusic].setVolume(this.v0); }; if (valume > 0) { music_arr[activeMusic].start(); } music_arr[activeMusic]._parent = this; music_arr[activeMusic].onSoundComplete = function () { this=this._parent;//parameter overwritten this._parent; this.currentLoop--; if (this.currentLoop > 0) { this.music_arr[this.activeMusic].start(); } else { this.music_arr[this.activeMusic].start(); this.v0 = this.valume; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.v0--; this.music_arr[this.activeMusic].setVolume(this.v0); if (this.v0 == 0) { this.music_arr[this.activeMusic].stop(); this.onEnterFrame = null; this.playMusic(this.activeMusic + 1); } }; this.music_arr[this.activeMusic].onSoundComplete = null; } }; } function stopMusic() { v0 = valume; onEnterFrame = function () { this.v0 = this.v0 - 5; this.music_arr[this.activeMusic].setVolume(this.v0); if (this.v0 <= 0) { this.music_arr[this.activeMusic].stop(); this.activeMusic = 0; this.onEnterFrame = null; } }; } function pauseMusic(how) { if (how) { v0 = valume; onEnterFrame = function () { this.v0 = this.v0 - 5; this.music_arr[this.activeMusic].setVolume(this.v0); if (this.v0 <= 0) { this.music_arr[this.activeMusic].stop(); this.onEnterFrame = null; } }; } else { playMusic(activeMusic); } } }Symbol 234 MovieClip [__Packages.FSequence] Frame 0 (1.31 KiB)●class FSequence { var actions_arr, value, startInterval; function FSequence () { actions_arr = new Array(); } function addAction(goal, action, delay, param) { var _local2 = new Object(); _local2.goal = goal; _local2.action = action; _local2.delay = delay; _local2.param = new Array(); _local2.param = param; actions_arr.push(_local2); if (actions_arr.length == 1) { startActions(); } } function setValue(val) { value = val; } function getValue() { return(actions_arr.length); } function pauseSequence(how) { if (how) { clearInterval(startInterval); delete startInterval; } else { startActions(); } } function clearSequence() { clearInterval(startInterval); delete startInterval; while (actions_arr.length > 0) { actions_arr.shift(); } } function deleteItem(who) { this = who; eval ((actions_arr[0].goal + ".") + actions_arr[0].action).apply(actions_arr[0].goal, actions_arr[0].param); actions_arr.shift(); startActions(); } function startActions() { clearInterval(startInterval); delete startInterval; if (actions_arr.length != 0) { if (startInterval == undefined) { clearInterval(startInterval); startInterval = setInterval(deleteItem, Number(actions_arr[0].delay), this); } } } }Symbol 192 MovieClip [FNextBubble] Frame 1 (5.64 KiB)●●#initclip 12 function FNextBubbleClass() { this.newBubbles = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); this.visibleBubbles = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); this.kidkovMax = 10; this.kidkov = 0; this.clearAll(); this.action = "stop"; } FNextBubbleClass.prototype = new MovieClip(); FNextBubbleClass.prototype.clearAll = function () { this.it0._visible = false; this.it1._visible = false; this.it2._visible = false; this.it3._visible = false; this.it4._visible = false; i = 0; while (i < 5) { this["it" + i]._visible = true; this["it" + i]._xscale = 90; this["it" + i]._yscale = 90; this["it" + i].gotoAndStop(8); this["item" + i]._visible = true; this["item" + i].gotoAndStop(8); i++; } this.beginArcadeGame(false); this.action = "stop"; }; FNextBubbleClass.prototype.setCount = function (count) { this.count = count; i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (i >= count) { this.visibleBubbles[i] = 0; } else { this.visibleBubbles[i] = 1; } i++; } this.previewNewBubbles(); }; FNextBubbleClass.prototype.previewNewBubbles = function () { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (this.newBubbles[i] == 0) { if (_global.speedyGame) { this.newBubbles[i] = random(6) + 1; } else { this.newBubbles[i] = random(5) + 1; } } if (this.visibleBubbles[i] != 0) { this["item" + i].gotoAndStop(this.newBubbles[i]); } else { this["item" + i].gotoAndStop(8); } i++; } }; FNextBubbleClass.prototype.randomBubble = function (n) { if (n == 7) { return(7); } return(random(5) + 1); }; FNextBubbleClass.prototype.getNewBubble = function (how) { if (how) { num = this.newBubbles[0]; i = 0; while (i < 4) { this.newBubbles[i] = this.newBubbles[i + 1]; i++; } if (_global.speedyGame) { this.newBubbles[4] = random(6) + 1; } else { this.newBubbles[4] = random(5) + 1; } this.previewNewBubbles(); return(num); } if (_global.speedyGame) { return(this.randomBubble(random(11))); } return(random(5) + 1); }; FNextBubbleClass.prototype.beginArcadeGame = function (how) { trace((("BEGIN ARCADE GAM = " + how) + " ") + this.updateArcadeInterval); if (this.action == "play") { if (how) { if (this.updateArcadeInterval == undefined) { this.updateArcadeInterval = setInterval(this, "addArcadeBubble", 2500); } } else { clearInterval(this.updateArcadeInterval); delete this.updateArcadeInterval; this.onEnterFrame = null; } } }; FNextBubbleClass.prototype.newArcadeGame = function (level) { trace("NEW ARCADE GAME = " + level); this.action = "play"; this.level = level; this.setCount(level); this.countShoot = 3; this.currentLevelGame = level; this.kidkovMax = this.countShoot * this.currentLevelGame; this.kidkov = 0; this.updateArcadeGame(); this.beginArcadeGame(true); }; FNextBubbleClass.prototype.addArcadeBubble = function () { this.kidkov++; this.newArcadeLine(); }; FNextBubbleClass.prototype.updateArcadeGame = function () { kof = this.currentLevelGame - (this.kidkov / this.countShoot); i = 0; while (i < 5) { this["it" + i]._visible = false; if (i < Math.ceil(kof)) { this["it" + i]._visible = true; this["it" + i]._xscale = 90; this["it" + i]._yscale = 90; ii1 = i; } i++; } ii = ii1 + 1; proc = (90 * (this.countShoot - (Number(ii * this.countShoot) - Number(Number(this.kidkovMax - this.kidkov))))) / this.countShoot; this["it" + ii1]._yscale = proc; this["it" + ii1]._xscale = proc; trace((((ii + " ") + Number(this.countShoot - Number(ii * this.countShoot))) + " - ") + Number(this.kidkovMax - this.kidkov)); }; FNextBubbleClass.prototype.newArcadeLine = function (level) { if (this.kidkov >= this.kidkovMax) { this.kidkov = 0; this.currentLevelGame--; if (this.currentLevelGame < 1) { this.currentLevelGame = this.level; } this.kidkovMax = this.countShoot * this.currentLevelGame; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.gameAction != "lock") { this._parent.bubbleShooter.nextLines(); this.onEnterFrame = null; } }; } this.updateArcadeGame(); }; FNextBubbleClass.prototype.newStrategyGame = function (level) { this.level = level; this.setCount(this.level); this.countShoot = 3; this.currentLevelGame = this.level; this.kidkovMax = this.countShoot * this.currentLevelGame; this.kidkov = 0; this.updateSrategyGame(); }; FNextBubbleClass.prototype.addStrategyBubble = function () { this.kidkov++; this.updateSrategyGame(); }; FNextBubbleClass.prototype.updateSrategyGame = function () { kof = this.currentLevelGame - (this.kidkov / this.countShoot); i = 0; while (i < 5) { this["it" + i]._visible = false; if (i < Math.ceil(kof)) { this["it" + i]._visible = true; this["it" + i]._xscale = 90; this["it" + i]._yscale = 90; ii1 = i; } i++; } ii = ii1 + 1; proc = (90 * (this.countShoot - (Number(ii * this.countShoot) - Number(Number(this.kidkovMax - this.kidkov))))) / this.countShoot; this["it" + ii1]._yscale = proc; this["it" + ii1]._xscale = proc; trace((((ii + " ") + Number(this.countShoot - Number(ii * this.countShoot))) + " - ") + Number(this.kidkovMax - this.kidkov)); }; FNextBubbleClass.prototype.newStrategyLine = function () { if (this.kidkov >= this.kidkovMax) { this.kidkov = 0; this.currentLevelGame--; if (this.currentLevelGame < 1) { this.currentLevelGame = this.level; } this.kidkovMax = this.countShoot * this.currentLevelGame; this.updateSrategyGame(); return(true); } return(false); }; Object.registerClass("FNextBubble", FNextBubbleClass); #endinitclipSymbol 194 Button (72 B)on (press) { getURL ("http://www.gamezhero.com/?from=speedyBubbles"); }Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)stop();Symbol 205 MovieClip Frame 1 (369 B)setSkill = function (num) { switch (num) { case 1 : speedGame.text = "very hard"; break; case 2 : speedGame.text = "hard"; break; case 3 : speedGame.text = "normal"; break; case 4 : speedGame.text = "easy"; break; case 5 : speedGame.text = "very easy"; break; default : speedGame.text = ""; } };Symbol 213 MovieClip Frame 1 (536 B)b.stop(); stop(); b.gotoAndStop(1); b._visible = false; btn.onRollOver = function () { b._visible = true; }; btn.onRollOut = (btn.onReleaseOutside = function () { b._visible = false; }); btn.onRelease = function () { _root.soundArc.playSound("click", 0); if (_global.action == "game") { this._parent._parent.bubbleShooter.pauseGameFunc(true); this._parent.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (_global.action == "pause") { this._parent._parent.bubbleShooter.pauseGameFunc(false); this._parent.gotoAndStop(1); } };Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 1 (374 B)b.stop(); b.gotoAndStop(2); b._visible = false; btn.onRollOver = function () { b._visible = true; }; btn.onRollOut = (btn.onReleaseOutside = function () { b._visible = false; }); btn.onRelease = function () { _root.soundArc.playSound("click", 0); b._visible = false; trace("RELEASE" + _global.action); this._parent._parent.optionGame(_global.action); };Symbol 217 MovieClip Frame 1 (313 B)b.stop(); b.gotoAndStop(4); b._visible = false; btn.onRollOver = function () { b._visible = true; }; btn.onRollOut = (btn.onReleaseOutside = function () { b._visible = false; }); btn.onRelease = function () { _root.soundArc.playSound("click", 0); this._parent._parent.helpGame(_global.action); };Symbol 219 MovieClip Frame 1 (473 B)b.stop(); b.gotoAndStop(3); b._visible = false; btn.onRollOver = function () { b._visible = true; }; btn.onRollOut = (btn.onReleaseOutside = function () { b._visible = false; }); btn.onRelease = function () { _root.soundArc.playSound("click", 0); b._visible = false; trace("RELEASE" + _global.action); this._parent._parent.purchaseGame(_global.action); trace((((((undefined + " ") + _global.levelGame) + " ") + undefined) + " ") + _global.action); };Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 1 (435 B)b.stop(); b.gotoAndStop(5); b._visible = false; btn.onRollOver = function () { b._visible = true; }; btn.onRollOut = (btn.onReleaseOutside = function () { b._visible = false; }); btn.onRelease = function () { _root.soundArc.playSound("click", 0); if ((_global.action == "game") || (_global.action == "pause")) { this._parent._parent.questionGame(_global.action); } else { fscommand ("flashstudio.exit"); } };Symbol 227 MovieClip [FScore] Frame 1 (499 B)#initclip 10 function FScoreClass() { this.clearScore(); } FScoreClass.prototype = new MovieClip(); FScoreClass.prototype.getScore = function () { return(Number(this.topScore_txt.text)); }; FScoreClass.prototype.clearScore = function () { this.score = 0; this.topScore_txt.text = this.score; }; FScoreClass.prototype.addToScore = function (num) { this.score = this.score + num; this.topScore_txt.text = this.score; }; Object.registerClass("FScore", FScoreClass); #endinitclipSymbol 231 MovieClip [FBooble] Frame 1 (11.91 KiB)●●#initclip 11 function FBoobleClass() { this.kof = 0.7; this.step2 = 10; this.alpha = 0; this.s = 0; this.a = 0; this.dxSp = 0; this.howSpeedy = true; this.stop(); this.iArr = new Array(0, -1, -1, 0); this.jArrChet = new Array(-1, -1, 0, 1); this.jArrNechet = new Array(-1, 0, 1, 1); this.createBubble(this.how); this.bonusFlag = new Array(); } FBoobleClass.prototype = new MovieClip(); Object.registerClass("FBooble", FBoobleClass); FBoobleClass.prototype.clearAllIntervals = function () { clearInterval(this.nextLineInterval); delete this.nextLineInterval; clearInterval(this.colebInterval); delete this.colebInterval; }; FBoobleClass.prototype.setBonus = function (typeBonus) { this.bonusFlag.push(typeBonus); }; FBoobleClass.prototype.setPause = function (how) { if (how) { this.bubble.gotoAndStop("pause"); } else { this.bubble.gotoAndStop((("sk" + String(this.bubbleSkin)) + "_") + String(this.bubbleType)); } }; FBoobleClass.prototype.bonus = function () { i = 0; while (i < this.bonusFlag.length) { index = this._parent.getNextHighestDepth(); this._parent.attachMovie("FBonus", "bonus" + index, index); this._parent["bonus" + index].activate(this._x, this._y, this.bonusFlag[i]); this._parent._parent.topScoreArea.addToScore(this.bonusFlag[i]); _root.soundArc.playSound("bonus", this.getPanFunc()); i++; } }; FBoobleClass.prototype.nextLine = function (how) { this.clearAllIntervals(); if (how) { _root.soundArc.playSound("newLine", this.getPanFunc()); } clearInterval(this.colebInterval); delete this.colebInterval; this.iPos = this.iPos + 1; this.x = this.getX(); this.y = this.getY(); if (_global.allObject[this.iPos][this.jPos] == undefined) { _global.allObject[this.iPos][this.jPos] = new Object(); } _global.allObject[this.iPos][this.jPos].name = this._name; _global.allObject[this.iPos][this.jPos].deleteID = _global.allObject[this.iPos - 1][this.jPos].deleteID; _global.allObject[this.iPos - 1][this.jPos].name = undefined; _global.allObject[this.iPos - 1][this.jPos].deleteID = 0; this.dx = (this.x - this._x) / 2; this.dy = (this.y - this._y) / 2; FBoobleClass.prototype.nextLineNow = function () { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((Math.abs(this._x - this.x) <= 1) && (Math.abs(this._y - this.y) <= 1)) { this._x = this.x; this._y = this.y; clearInterval(this.nextLineInterval); delete this.nextLineInterval; } }; this.nextLineInterval = setInterval(this, "nextLineNow", 40); }; FBoobleClass.prototype.setType = function (skin, type, id) { this.bubbleType = type; this.bubbleSkin = skin; this.bubbleID = id; this.bubble.gotoAndStop((("sk" + String(this.bubbleSkin)) + "_") + String(this.bubbleType)); }; FBoobleClass.prototype.getX = function () { if (Math.round(this.iPos / 2) == (this.iPos / 2)) { return((((_global.boobleDx * 3) / 4) + (_global.boobleDx * this.jPos)) - (_global.boobleDx / 4)); } return((((_global.boobleDx * 3) / 4) + (_global.boobleDx * this.jPos)) + (_global.boobleDx / 4)); }; FBoobleClass.prototype.getY = function () { return((_global.boobleDy * this.iPos) + (_global.boobleDx / 2)); }; FBoobleClass.prototype.setPos = function (i, j) { this.iPos = i; this.jPos = j; this.x = this.getX(); this.y = this.getY(); this._x = this.x; this._y = this.y; this.x = this._x; this.y = this._y; if (_global.allObject[this.iPos][this.jPos] == undefined) { _global.allObject[this.iPos][this.jPos] = new Object(); } _global.allObject[this.iPos][this.jPos].name = this._name; _global.allObject[this.iPos][this.jPos].deleteID = -1; }; FBoobleClass.prototype.opredGoal = function () { this.s = this.s * this.kof; this.a = this.a + 180; this.x_goal = this.x + (this.s * Math.cos((this.a * Math.PI) / 180)); this.y_goal = this.y - (this.s * Math.sin((this.a * Math.PI) / 180)); if ((Math.abs(this.x - this.x_goal) < 0.5) && (Math.abs(this.y - this.y_goal) < 0.5)) { this.x_goal = this.x; this.y_goal = this.y; } }; FBoobleClass.prototype.angel = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { return(Math.round((180 * Math.atan2(y1 - y2, x2 - x1)) / Math.PI)); }; FBoobleClass.prototype.createBubble = function (how) { _root.soundArc.playSound("newLine", this.getPanFunc()); this.clearAllIntervals(); this._alpha = 0; this._xscale = 0; this._yscale = 0; this._rotation = 0; FBoobleClass.prototype.createNow = function () { this._alpha = this._alpha + 34; this._xscale = this._xscale + 34; this._yscale = this._yscale + 34; if (this._alpha >= 100) { this._alpha = 100; this._xscale = 100; this._yscale = 100; clearInterval(this.createInterval); delete this.createInterval; } }; this.createInterval = setInterval(this, "createNow", 40); }; FBoobleClass.prototype.down = function () { _root.soundArc.playSound("down", this.getPanFunc()); this.clearAllIntervals(); _global.allObject[this.iPos][this.jPos].name = undefined; _global.allObject[this.iPos][this.jPos].deleteID = 0; this.bonus(); FBoobleClass.prototype.downNow = function () { this._alpha = this._alpha - 15; this._y = this._y + 15; if (this._alpha <= 0) { this._parent._parent.topScoreArea.addToScore(_global.scoreForDown); clearInterval(this.downInterval); delete this.downInterval; this.removeMovieClip(); } }; this.onEnterFrame = null; this.downInterval = setInterval(this, "downNow", 35); }; FBoobleClass.prototype.gameOverBubble = function () { this.clearAllIntervals(); _global.allObject[this.iPos][this.jPos].name = undefined; _global.allObject[this.iPos][this.jPos].deleteID = 0; FBoobleClass.prototype.gameOverNow = function () { this._alpha = this._alpha - 20; this._y = this._y + (-10 + random(20)); this._x = this._x + (-10 + random(20)); if (this._alpha <= 0) { clearInterval(this.gameOverInterval); delete this.gameOverInterval; this.removeMovieClip(); } }; this.onEnterFrame = null; this.gameOverInterval = setInterval(this, "gameOverNow", _global.speedGame + 20); }; FBoobleClass.prototype.metkaBoom = function () { _global.allObject[this.iPos][this.jPos].name = undefined; _global.allObject[this.iPos][this.jPos].deleteID = 0; }; FBoobleClass.prototype.metkaExist = function (i, j) { if (_global.allObject[i][j] == undefined) { _global.allObject[this.iPos][this.jPos] = new Object(); } _global.allObject[i][j].name = this._name; _global.allObject[i][j].deleteID = -1; }; FBoobleClass.prototype.getPanFunc = function () { dx = 495; p = -100 + Math.round((this._x * 200) / 495); return(p); }; FBoobleClass.prototype.boom = function (imp) { _root.soundArc.playSound("boom", this.getPanFunc()); this.clearAllIntervals(); this.s = imp; _global.allObject[this.iPos][this.jPos].name = undefined; _global.allObject[this.iPos][this.jPos].deleteID = 0; this.bonus(); FBoobleClass.prototype.boomNow = function () { this._alpha = this._alpha - 34; this._xscale = this._xscale + 34; this._yscale = this._yscale + 34; if (this._alpha <= 0) { this._parent._parent.topScoreArea.addToScore(_global.scoreForBoom); clearInterval(this.boomInterval); delete this.boomInterval; this.removeMovieClip(); } }; this.boomInterval = setInterval(this, "boomNow", 35); }; FBoobleClass.prototype.checkPos = function (alpha, g_mc) { angelFromObject = Math.abs(this.angel(this._x, this._y, g_mc._x, g_mc._y) - alpha); sFromObject = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - g_mc._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - g_mc._y, 2)); dopusk = Math.abs(sFromObject * Math.sin((angelFromObject * Math.PI) / 180)); if (Math.round(dopusk) <= 20) { return(false); } return(true); }; FBoobleClass.prototype.setPos2 = function () { this.iPos = Math.round((this._y - (_global.boobleDx / 2)) / _global.boobleDy); if (Math.round(this.iPos / 2) == (this.iPos / 2)) { chet = 1; this.jPos = Math.round(((this._x + (_global.boobleDx / 4)) - ((_global.boobleDx * 3) / 4)) / _global.boobleDx); } else { chet = 0; this.jPos = Math.round(((this._x - (_global.boobleDx / 4)) - ((_global.boobleDx * 3) / 4)) / _global.boobleDx); } if (this.jPos < 0) { this.jPos = 0; } else if (this.jPos >= _global.boobleJ_max) { this.jPos = _global.boobleJ_max - 1; } if (this.iPos == 0) { return(-1); } if ((_global.allObject[this.iPos][this.jPos].name != undefined) && (_global.allObject[this.iPos][this.jPos].name != this._name)) { this.iPos = this.iOld; this.jPos = this.jOld; chet = -1; } return(chet); }; FBoobleClass.prototype.polet = function (who) { this._x = this._x + this.dxPolet; this._y = this._y + this.dyPolet; if (this._x <= 16) { _root.soundArc.playSound("boing", this.getPanFunc()); this.angelPolet = 180 - this.angelPolet; this.dxPolet = -this.dxPolet; } if (this._x >= ((_global.boobleJ_max * _global.boobleDx) - 3)) { _root.soundArc.playSound("boing", this.getPanFunc()); this.angelPolet = 180 - this.angelPolet; this.dxPolet = -this.dxPolet; } if ((this.iOld != this.iPos) || (this.jOld != this.jPos)) { this.iOld = this.iPos; this.jOld = this.jPos; } chet = this.setPos2(); if (chet != -1) { z = 0; while (z < 4) { i = this.iPos + this.iArr[z]; j = this.jPos + (chet ? (this.jArrChet[z]) : (this.jArrNechet[z])); g_mc = this._parent[_global.allObject[i][j].name]; if ((g_mc != undefined) && (g_mc != this)) { if (this.checkPos(this.angelPolet, g_mc) == false) { clearInterval(this.poletInterval); delete this.poletInterval; this.setPos(this.iPos, this.jPos); if (this.bubbleType == 6) { _root.soundArc.playSound("speedy", this.getPanFunc()); this._parent.deleteSpeeduBubbles(this.iPos, this.jPos); } else { _root.soundArc.playSound("stop", this.getPanFunc()); this._parent.deleteBubbles(this.iPos, this.jPos); } break; } } z++; } } else { clearInterval(this.poletInterval); delete this.poletInterval; this.setPos(this.iPos, this.jPos); if (this.bubbleType == 6) { _root.soundArc.playSound("speedy", this.getPanFunc()); this._parent.deleteSpeeduBubbles(this.iPos, this.jPos); } else { _root.soundArc.playSound("stop", this.getPanFunc()); this._parent.deleteBubbles(this.iPos, this.jPos); } } updateAfterEvent(); }; FBoobleClass.prototype.startPolet = function (x, y) { _root.soundArc.playSound("fire", this.getPanFunc()); this.angelPolet = this.angel(this._x, this._y, x, y); step = _global.boobleDx / 2; this.dyPolet = (-step) * Math.sin((this.angelPolet * Math.PI) / 180); this.dxPolet = step * Math.cos((this.angelPolet * Math.PI) / 180); if (this.dyPolet > 0) { this.dyPolet = -0.1; } this.dxSp = 0; clearInterval(this.speedyInterval); delete this.speedyInterval; this.poletInterval = setInterval(this, "polet", _global.speedGame - 5); _global.allObject[this.iPos][this.jPos].name = undefined; _global.allObject[this.iPos][this.jPos].deleteID = 0; }; FBoobleClass.prototype.goSpeedy = function () { this._x = this._x + this.dxSp; if (this._x <= 16) { this._x = 16; } if (this._x >= ((_global.boobleJ_max * _global.boobleDx) - 3)) { this._x = (_global.boobleJ_max * _global.boobleDx) - 3; } if (Math.abs(this.dxSp) <= 0.1) { this.dxSp = 0; clearInterval(this.speedyInterval); delete this.speedyInterval; this.howSpeedy = true; } else { this.dxSp = this.dxSp - (this.dxSp / 20); } updateAfterEvent(); }; FBoobleClass.prototype.setSpeedy = function (dx) { if (dx > 0) { this.dxSp = (this.dxSp + Math.abs(this.dxSp * 2)) + 1; if (this.dxSp > 5) { this.dxSp = 5; } } else { this.dxSp = (this.dxSp - Math.abs(this.dxSp * 2)) - 1; if (this.dxSp < -5) { this.dxSp = -5; } } if (this.howSpeedy) { this.speedyInterval = setInterval(this, "goSpeedy", _global.speedGame - 5); this.howSpeedy = false; } }; #endinitclipSymbol 232 MovieClip Frame 1 (21.79 KiB)●●●item._visible = false; z = 0; _global.scoreForBoom = 10; _global.scoreForDown = 15; _global.musicValue = 50; _global.effectValue = 50; _global.action = "stop"; _global.pauseGameVar = false; _global.nextBubble = null; _global.speedyGame = false; var sequence = new FSequence(); var boomSquence = new FSequence(); var boomRec = new FSequence(); var deleteRec = new FSequence(); var deleteRec2 = new FSequence(); var sequenceNextLine = new FSequence(); var sequenceGameOver = new FSequence(); _root.attachMovie("soundClass", "musicArc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.attachMovie("soundClass", "soundArc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.musicArc.setValume(_global.musicValue); _root.soundArc.setValume(_global.effectValue); _root.musicArc.addMusic(["m1", "m1"]); pauseAllSequence = function (how) { sequence.pauseSequence(how); boomSquence.pauseSequence(how); boomRec.pauseSequence(how); deleteRec.pauseSequence(how); deleteRec2.pauseSequence(how); sequenceNextLine.pauseSequence(how); sequenceGameOver.pauseSequence(how); }; clearAllSequence = function (how) { sequence.clearSequence(); boomSquence.clearSequence(); boomRec.clearSequence(); deleteRec.clearSequence(); deleteRec2.clearSequence(); sequenceNextLine.clearSequence(); sequenceGameOver.clearSequence(); }; checkGameOver = function () { cc = false; j = 0; while (j < _global.boobleJ_max) { if (this[_global.allObject[_global.boobleI_max - 2][j].name] != undefined) { cc = true; } j++; } if (cc) { gameOverFunc(); } return(!cc); }; deleteAllObj = function () { for (i in this) { if (i != "item") { this[i].removeMovieClip(); } } }; pauseBubbleFunc = function (how) { for (i in this) { this[i].setPause(how); } }; pauseGameFunc = function (how) { _root.musicArc.pauseMusic(how); _global.pauseGameVar = how; pauseBubbleFunc(how); pauseAllSequence(how); this._parent.pauseBtn.gotoAndStop((how ? 2 : 1)); if (how) { _global.action = "pause"; if (this.pauseMsg == undefined) { index = this.getNextHighestDepth(); this.attachMovie("pauseMsg", "pauseMsg", index); this.pauseMsg._alpha = 0; } } else { _global.action = "game"; this.pauseMsg.remove(); } if (_global.typeGame == "arcade") { _parent.nextBubbleMc.beginArcadeGame(!how); } }; gameOverFastFunc = function () { _root.musicArc.stopMusic(); _root.soundArc.playSound("gover", 0); clearAllSequence(); this._parent.playInGame.gotoAndStop(1); this._parent.pauseBtn._visible = false; _global.action = "gameover"; _parent.nextBubbleMc.clearAll(); sequenceGameOver.addAction(this["gameOver" + index], "remove", 10); sequenceGameOver.addAction(this, "deleteAllObj", 100); scr = this._parent.topScoreArea.getScore(); if (scr == 0) { scr = undefined; } if (this.option == "gameover") { this._parent.selectGame(); } sequenceGameOver.addAction(this._parent, "selectGame", 200); }; gameOverFunc = function () { _root.musicArc.stopMusic(); _root.soundArc.playSound("gover", 0); clearAllSequence(); this._parent.playInGame.gotoAndStop(1); this._parent.pauseBtn._visible = false; _global.action = "stop"; _global.nextBubble = null; index = this.getNextHighestDepth(); this.attachMovie("gameOver", "gameOver" + index, index); this["gameOver" + index]._alpha = 0; fscommand ("flashstudio.shake", "\"10\""); if (_global.action != "gameover") { _global.action = "gameover"; i = _global.boobleI_max - 1; while (i >= 0) { j = 0; while (j < _global.boobleJ_max) { if (this[_global.allObject[i][j].name] != undefined) { sequenceGameOver.addAction(this[_global.allObject[i][j].name], "gameOverBubble", _global.speedGame); } j++; } i--; } } _parent.nextBubbleMc.clearAll(); sequenceGameOver.addAction(this["gameOver" + index], "remove", 50); sequenceGameOver.addAction(this, "deleteAllObj", 100); scr = this._parent.topScoreArea.getScore(); if (scr == 0) { scr = undefined; } sequenceGameOver.addAction(this._parent, "selectGame", 200); }; Set("newLine", function (i, how) { j = 0; while (j < _global.boobleJ_max) { sequence.addAction(this, "createBubble", _global.speedGame + 15, [i, j]); j++; } if (how) { _root.soundArc.playSound("nextLine", 0); sequence.addAction(this, "deleteDown", 150); } }); nextLine = function (i) { if (_global.typeGame == "strategy") { _parent.nextBubbleMc.minusStrategyLine(); } j = 0; while (j < _global.boobleJ_max) { if (this[_global.allObject[i][j].name] != undefined) { g = this[_global.allObject[i][j].name]; g.nextLine(false); } j++; } }; nextLines = function () { gameLock(true); firs = true; i = _global.boobleI_max - 2; while (i >= 0) { cc = true; cc2 = true; j = 0; while (j < 5) { cc = 5 + _global.speedGame; if (this[_global.allObject[i][j].name] != undefined) { sequenceNextLine.addAction(this[_global.allObject[i][j].name], "nextLine", cc, [cc2]); cc = 0; cc2 = false; } if (this[_global.allObject[i][5 + j].name] != undefined) { sequenceNextLine.addAction(this[_global.allObject[i][5 + j].name], "nextLine", cc, [cc2]); cc = 0; cc2 = false; } if (this[_global.allObject[i][10 + j].name] != undefined) { sequenceNextLine.addAction(this[_global.allObject[i][10 + j].name], "nextLine", cc, [cc2]); cc = 0; cc2 = false; } if (this[_global.allObject[i][15 + j].name] != undefined) { sequenceNextLine.addAction(this[_global.allObject[i][15 + j].name], "nextLine", cc, [cc2]); cc = 0; cc2 = false; } j++; } i--; } sequenceNextLine.addAction(this, "newLine", 150, [0, true]); }; newBubble = function () { if (_global.action == "pause") { pauseGameFunc(true); } else { _global.action = "game"; } if (checkGameOver()) { if ((_global.nextBubble == null) || (String(_global.nextBubble) == "")) { _global.nextBubble = createBubble(_global.boobleI_max - 1, 8, true); } gameLock(false); } }; createBubble = function (i, j, how) { z++; item.duplicateMovieClip("b" + z, this.getNextHighestDepth()); this["b" + z].setPos(i, j); tb = _parent.nextBubbleMc.getNewBubble(how); this["b" + z].setType(1, tb, z); this["b" + z].deleteID = deleteID; return(this["b" + z]); }; newGame = function (typeg) { _level0.demoTime = 4; _root.musicArc.setValume(_global.musicValue); _root.soundArc.setValume(_global.effectValue); pauseBubbleFunc(true); _root.musicArc.playMusic(); _root.soundArc.playSound("new", 0); this._parent.topScoreArea.clearScore(); this._parent.playInGame.gotoAndStop(typeg + 1); this._parent.skillGameForm.setSkill(_global.levelGame); this.level = _global.levelGame; this._parent.pauseBtn._visible = true; _global.action = "game"; this.typeg = typeg; if (typeg == 1) { _global.speedyGame = false; _global.typeGame = "strategy"; } if (typeg == 2) { _global.speedyGame = false; _global.typeGame = "arcade"; } if (typeg == 3) { _global.speedyGame = true; _global.typeGame = "strategy"; } if (typeg == 4) { _global.speedyGame = true; _global.typeGame = "arcade"; } deleteID = 1; _global.allObject = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < _global.boobleI_max) { _global.allObject[i] = new Array(); i++; } i = 0; while (i < _global.boobleI_max) { j = 0; while (j < _global.boobleJ_max) { if (i < (6 + Math.round(this.level / 2))) { this.newLine(i); } j++; } i++; } if (_global.typeGame == "strategy") { sequence.addAction(_parent.nextBubbleMc, "newStrategyGame", 50, [_global.levelGame]); } if (_global.typeGame == "arcade") { sequence.addAction(_parent.nextBubbleMc, "newArcadeGame", 50, [_global.levelGame]); } sequence.addAction(this, "newBubble", 50); pauseBubbleFunc(false); }; gameLock = function (how) { gameBg.enabled = !how; if (how) { _global.gameAction = "lock"; } else { _global.gameAction = "unlock"; } }; gameBg.onPress = function () { this=this._parent;//parameter overwritten this._parent; if (_global.action == "game") { _global.nextBubble.startPolet(this._xmouse, this._ymouse); _global.nextBubble.onEnterFrame = null; _global.nextBubble = null; if (_global.typeGame == "strategy") { _parent.nextBubbleMc.addStrategyBubble(); } gameLock(true); } }; keyDownObj = new Object(); stepSpeedy = 0; keyDownObj.onKeyDown = function () { if ((_global.action == "game") && (_global.speedyGame)) { trace((_global.nextBubble + " ") + Key.getCode()); if (_global.nextBubble != null) { if (Key.getCode() == 39) { _global.nextBubble.onEnterFrame = function () { _global.nextBubble.setSpeedy(1); trace("left " + _global.nextBubble); }; } else if (Key.getCode() == 37) { _global.nextBubble.onEnterFrame = function () { trace("right " + _global.nextBubble); _global.nextBubble.setSpeedy(-1); }; } } } if ((_global.action == "game") || (_global.action == "pause")) { if (Key.getCode() == 80) { _global.pauseGameVar = !_global.pauseGameVar; pauseGameFunc(_global.pauseGameVar); } } if (Key.getCode() == 13) { trace("ESC"); if (_global.action == "game") { pauseGameFunc(true); } fscommand ("flashstudio.minimize"); } }; keyDownObj.onKeyUp = function () { trace("NULL"); _global.nextBubble.onEnterFrame = null; }; Key.addListener(keyDownObj); gameBg._focusrect = false; gameBg.useHandCursor = false; recurseBoom = function (i, j, bubbleType, bubbleID, how) { countElements++; _global.allObject[i][j].bubbleID = bubbleID; g_mc = this[_global.allObject[i][j].name]; boomArr.push(_global.allObject[i][j].name); if (opredChet(i)) { i_temp = i - 1; j_temp = j; g_mc = this[_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].name]; if ((g_mc.bubbleType == bubbleType) && (bubbleID != _global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].bubbleID)) { recurseBoom(i_temp, j_temp, bubbleType, bubbleID); } i_temp = i; j_temp = j + 1; g_mc = this[_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].name]; if ((g_mc.bubbleType == bubbleType) && (bubbleID != _global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].bubbleID)) { recurseBoom(i_temp, j_temp, bubbleType, bubbleID); } i_temp = i + 1; j_temp = j; g_mc = this[_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].name]; if ((g_mc.bubbleType == bubbleType) && (bubbleID != _global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].bubbleID)) { recurseBoom(i_temp, j_temp, bubbleType, bubbleID); } i_temp = i + 1; j_temp = j - 1; g_mc = this[_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].name]; if ((g_mc.bubbleType == bubbleType) && (bubbleID != _global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].bubbleID)) { recurseBoom(i_temp, j_temp, bubbleType, bubbleID); } i_temp = i; j_temp = j - 1; g_mc = this[_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].name]; if ((g_mc.bubbleType == bubbleType) && (bubbleID != _global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].bubbleID)) { recurseBoom(i_temp, j_temp, bubbleType, bubbleID); } i_temp = i - 1; j_temp = j - 1; g_mc = this[_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].name]; if ((g_mc.bubbleType == bubbleType) && (bubbleID != _global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].bubbleID)) { recurseBoom(i_temp, j_temp, bubbleType, bubbleID); } } else { i_temp = i - 1; j_temp = j + 1; g_mc = this[_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].name]; if ((g_mc.bubbleType == bubbleType) && (bubbleID != _global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].bubbleID)) { recurseBoom(i_temp, j_temp, bubbleType, bubbleID); } i_temp = i; j_temp = j + 1; g_mc = this[_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].name]; if ((g_mc.bubbleType == bubbleType) && (bubbleID != _global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].bubbleID)) { recurseBoom(i_temp, j_temp, bubbleType, bubbleID); } i_temp = i + 1; j_temp = j + 1; g_mc = this[_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].name]; if ((g_mc.bubbleType == bubbleType) && (bubbleID != _global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].bubbleID)) { recurseBoom(i_temp, j_temp, bubbleType, bubbleID); } i_temp = i + 1; j_temp = j; g_mc = this[_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].name]; if ((g_mc.bubbleType == bubbleType) && (bubbleID != _global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].bubbleID)) { recurseBoom(i_temp, j_temp, bubbleType, bubbleID); } i_temp = i; j_temp = j - 1; g_mc = this[_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].name]; if ((g_mc.bubbleType == bubbleType) && (bubbleID != _global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].bubbleID)) { recurseBoom(i_temp, j_temp, bubbleType, bubbleID); } i_temp = i - 1; j_temp = j; g_mc = this[_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].name]; if ((g_mc.bubbleType == bubbleType) && (bubbleID != _global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].bubbleID)) { recurseBoom(i_temp, j_temp, bubbleType, bubbleID); } } }; recurseDown = function (i, j, delID, rec) { this[_global.allObject[i][j].name].tt.text = delID; _global.allObject[i][j].deleteID = delID; if (opredChet(i)) { i_temp = i; j_temp = j + 1; if (((_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].name != undefined) && (_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].deleteID != delID)) && (_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].deleteID != 0)) { recurseDown(i_temp, j_temp, delID, rec); } i_temp = i + 1; j_temp = j; if (((_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].name != undefined) && (_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].deleteID != delID)) && (_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].deleteID != 0)) { recurseDown(i_temp, j_temp, delID, rec); } i_temp = i + 1; j_temp = j - 1; if (((_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].name != undefined) && (_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].deleteID != delID)) && (_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].deleteID != 0)) { recurseDown(i_temp, j_temp, delID, rec); } i_temp = i; j_temp = j - 1; if (((_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].name != undefined) && (_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].deleteID != delID)) && (_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].deleteID != 0)) { recurseDown(i_temp, j_temp, delID, rec); } i_temp = i - 1; j_temp = j - 1; if (((_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].name != undefined) && (_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].deleteID != delID)) && (_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].deleteID != 0)) { recurseDown(i_temp, j_temp, delID, rec); } i_temp = i - 1; j_temp = j; if (((_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].name != undefined) && (_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].deleteID != delID)) && (_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].deleteID != 0)) { recurseDown(i_temp, j_temp, delID, rec); } } else { i_temp = i; j_temp = j + 1; if (((_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].name != undefined) && (_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].deleteID != delID)) && (_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].deleteID != 0)) { recurseDown(i_temp, j_temp, delID, rec); } i_temp = i + 1; j_temp = j + 1; if (((_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].name != undefined) && (_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].deleteID != delID)) && (_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].deleteID != 0)) { recurseDown(i_temp, j_temp, delID, rec); } i_temp = i + 1; j_temp = j; if (((_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].name != undefined) && (_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].deleteID != delID)) && (_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].deleteID != 0)) { recurseDown(i_temp, j_temp, delID, rec); } i_temp = i; j_temp = j - 1; if (((_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].name != undefined) && (_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].deleteID != delID)) && (_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].deleteID != 0)) { recurseDown(i_temp, j_temp, delID, rec); } i_temp = i - 1; j_temp = j; if (((_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].name != undefined) && (_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].deleteID != delID)) && (_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].deleteID != 0)) { recurseDown(i_temp, j_temp, delID, rec); } i_temp = i - 1; j_temp = j + 1; if (((_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].name != undefined) && (_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].deleteID != delID)) && (_global.allObject[i_temp][j_temp].deleteID != 0)) { recurseDown(i_temp, j_temp, delID, rec); } } }; deleteLineFree = function (i, delID) { j = 0; while (j < _global.boobleJ_max) { if (((_global.allObject[i][j].deleteID != delID) && (_global.allObject[i][j].name != undefined)) && (this[_global.allObject[i][j].name] != _global.nextBubble)) { downArr.push(_global.allObject[i][j].name); } j++; } }; deleteAllFree = function (delID) { i = _global.boobleI_max - 1; while (i >= 0) { deleteRec.addAction(this, "deleteLineFree", 0, [i, delID]); i--; } deleteRec.addAction(this, "deleteAllBoom", 0); }; deleteDown = function () { deleteID++; countElements = 0; rec = 0; j = 0; while (j < _global.boobleJ_max) { if ((_global.allObject[0][j].deleteID != deleteID) && (_global.allObject[0][j].name != undefined)) { recurseDown(0, j, deleteID, rec); } j++; } deleteRec.addAction(this, "deleteAllFree", 10, [deleteID]); }; addToBoom = function (how) { if ((boomArr.length >= 3) || (how)) { boomSquence.addAction(this[boomArr[0]], "boom", 0, [_global.kofKoleb]); i = 1; while (i < boomArr.length) { this[boomArr[i]].metkaBoom(_global.kofKoleb); i++; } boomSquence.addAction(this, "deleteDown", 10); } else { boomArr = new Array(); if (_parent.nextBubbleMc.newStrategyLine()) { boomSquence.addAction(this, "nextLines", 0); } else { newBubble(); } } }; deleteAllBoom = function () { i = 1; while (i < boomArr.length) { boomSquence.addAction(this[boomArr[i]], "boom", 30 + (_global.speedGame * 2), [_global.kofKoleb]); i++; } goBonus(boomArr); i = 0; while (i < downArr.length) { boomSquence.addAction(this[downArr[i]], "down", 30 + (_global.speedGame * 2)); i++; } goBonus(downArr); boomArr = boomArr.concat(downArr); goBonus(boomArr); lengArr = boomArr.length; boomArr = new Array(); downArr = new Array(); if (_global.typeGame == "strategy") { if (_parent.nextBubbleMc.newStrategyLine()) { boomSquence.addAction(this, "nextLines", lengArr * (30 + (_global.speedGame * 2))); } else { boomSquence.addAction(this, "newBubble", 0); } } if (_global.typeGame == "arcade") { boomSquence.addAction(this, "newBubble", 0); } }; opredChet = function (i) { if (Math.round(i / 2) == (i / 2)) { return(true); } return(false); }; deleteSpeeduBubbles = function (i, j) { boomArr = new Array(); downArr = new Array(); countElements = 0; trace("SPEEDY BOMM"); downArr.push(_global.allObject[i][j].name); if (opredChet(i)) { trace("CHET"); if (_global.allObject[i - 1][j].name != undefined) { boomArr.push(_global.allObject[i - 1][j].name); } if (_global.allObject[i][j + 1].name != undefined) { boomArr.push(_global.allObject[i][j + 1].name); } if (_global.allObject[i + 1][j].name != undefined) { boomArr.push(_global.allObject[i + 1][j].name); } if (_global.allObject[i + 1][j - 1].name != undefined) { boomArr.push(_global.allObject[i + 1][j - 1].name); } if (_global.allObject[i][j - 1].name != undefined) { boomArr.push(_global.allObject[i][j - 1].name); } if (_global.allObject[i - 1][j - 1].name != undefined) { boomArr.push(_global.allObject[i - 1][j - 1].name); } } else { trace("NE CHET"); if (_global.allObject[i - 1][j + 1].name != undefined) { boomArr.push(_global.allObject[i - 1][j + 1].name); } if (_global.allObject[i][j + 1].name != undefined) { boomArr.push(_global.allObject[i][j + 1].name); } if (_global.allObject[i + 1][j + 1].name != undefined) { boomArr.push(_global.allObject[i + 1][j + 1].name); } if (_global.allObject[i + 1][j].name != undefined) { boomArr.push(_global.allObject[i + 1][j].name); } if (_global.allObject[i][j - 1].name != undefined) { boomArr.push(_global.allObject[i][j - 1].name); } if (_global.allObject[i - 1][j].name != undefined) { boomArr.push(_global.allObject[i - 1][j].name); } } trace(boomArr); addToBoom(true); }; deleteBubbles = function (i, j) { boomArr = new Array(); downArr = new Array(); countElements = 0; recurseBoom(i, j, this[_global.allObject[i][j].name].bubbleType, this[_global.allObject[i][j].name].bubbleID, true); addToBoom(); }; goBonus = function (arr) { i = arr.length; if (i >= 45) { g = this[arr[i - 1]]; g.setBonus(50000); } else if (i >= 40) { g = this[arr[i - 1]]; g.setBonus(25); g = this[arr[(i - 1) - 5]]; g.setBonus(25000); } else if (i >= 35) { g = this[arr[i - 1]]; g.setBonus(25000); } else if (i >= 30) { g = this[arr[i - 1]]; g.setBonus(25); g = this[arr[(i - 1) - 5]]; g.setBonus(2500); } else if (i >= 25) { g = this[arr[i - 1]]; g.setBonus(2500); } else if (i >= 20) { g = this[arr[i - 1]]; g.setBonus(25); g = this[arr[(i - 1) - 5]]; g.setBonus(250); } else if (i >= 15) { g = this[arr[i - 1]]; g.setBonus(250); } else if (i >= 10) { g = this[arr[i - 1]]; g.setBonus(25); g = this[arr[(i - 1) - 5]]; g.setBonus(25); } else if (i >= 5) { g = this[arr[i - 5]]; g.setBonus(25); } }; demoFunc = function (t) { this=t;//parameter overwritten if ((_global.action == "game") || (_global.action == "pause")) { this._parent.purchaseGame(_global.action); trace("INTRVAL " + this); } _level0.demoTime--; if (_level0.demoTime < 1) { _level0.demoTime = 1; } else { clearInterval(demoInterval); demoInterval = setInterval(demoFunc, (_level0.demoTime * 60) * 1000, this); } }; _level0.demoTime = 3; clearInterval(demoInterval); demoInterval = setInterval(demoFunc, (_level0.demoTime * 60) * 1000, this);
Library Items (15.88 KiB)
Symbol 1 Sound [gover] | ||
Symbol 2 Sound [down] | ||
Symbol 3 Sound [m1] | ||
Symbol 4 Sound [click] | ||
Symbol 5 Sound [stop] | ||
Symbol 6 Sound [boom] | ||
Symbol 7 Sound [nextLine] | ||
Symbol 8 Sound [boing] | ||
Symbol 9 Sound [bonus] | ||
Symbol 10 Sound [fire] | ||
Symbol 11 Sound [speedy] | ||
Symbol 12 Sound [newLine] | ||
Symbol 13 Graphic | Used by:18 | |
Symbol 14 Graphic | Used by:18 | |
Symbol 15 Graphic | Used by:18 | |
Symbol 16 Graphic | Used by:18 | |
Symbol 17 Graphic | Used by:18 | |
Symbol 18 MovieClip | Uses:13 14 15 16 17 | Used by:19 |
Symbol 19 MovieClip [FBonus] | Uses:18 | |
Symbol 20 Graphic | Used by:21 | |
Symbol 21 Button | Uses:20 | Used by:59 66 |
Symbol 22 Graphic | Used by:23 | |
Symbol 23 MovieClip | Uses:22 | Used by:59 |
Symbol 24 Graphic | Used by:29 | |
Symbol 25 Graphic | Used by:29 194 | |
Symbol 26 Font | Used by:27 28 | |
Symbol 27 Text | Uses:26 | Used by:29 194 |
Symbol 28 Text | Uses:26 | Used by:29 194 |
Symbol 29 Button | Uses:24 25 27 28 | Used by:59 |
Symbol 30 Graphic | Used by:34 | |
Symbol 31 Graphic | Used by:34 | |
Symbol 32 Graphic | Used by:34 | |
Symbol 33 Graphic | Used by:34 | |
Symbol 34 Button | Uses:30 31 32 33 | Used by:36 61 |
Symbol 35 Graphic | Used by:36 | |
Symbol 36 MovieClip | Uses:34 35 | Used by:59 66 87 122 |
Symbol 37 Graphic | Used by:41 | |
Symbol 38 Graphic | Used by:41 | |
Symbol 39 Graphic | Used by:41 | |
Symbol 40 Graphic | Used by:41 | |
Symbol 41 Button | Uses:37 38 39 40 | Used by:45 58 63 |
Symbol 42 Font | Used by:43 44 56 57 64 65 202 204 224 226 | |
Symbol 43 Text | Uses:42 | Used by:45 |
Symbol 44 Text | Uses:42 | Used by:45 |
Symbol 45 MovieClip | Uses:41 43 44 | Used by:59 |
Symbol 46 Graphic | Used by:50 | |
Symbol 47 Font | Used by:48 49 96 97 98 99 100 101 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 125 142 195 196 203 225 | |
Symbol 48 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:50 |
Symbol 49 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:50 |
Symbol 50 MovieClip | Uses:46 48 49 | Used by:59 |
Symbol 51 Graphic | Used by:52 | |
Symbol 52 MovieClip | Uses:51 | Used by:59 Timeline |
Symbol 53 Graphic | Used by:59 72 85 106 141 146 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 191 197 Timeline | |
Symbol 54 Graphic | Used by:59 72 106 149 151 153 154 155 178 197 Timeline | |
Symbol 55 Graphic | Used by:59 149 151 153 154 155 197 Timeline | |
Symbol 56 Text | Uses:42 | Used by:58 |
Symbol 57 Text | Uses:42 | Used by:58 |
Symbol 58 MovieClip | Uses:41 56 57 | Used by:59 |
Symbol 59 MovieClip [FBuy] | Uses:21 23 29 36 45 50 52 53 54 55 58 | |
Symbol 60 Graphic | Used by:61 | |
Symbol 61 MovieClip | Uses:34 60 | Used by:66 |
Symbol 62 Graphic | Used by:63 | |
Symbol 63 MovieClip | Uses:41 62 | Used by:66 |
Symbol 64 Text | Uses:42 | Used by:66 |
Symbol 65 Text | Uses:42 | Used by:66 |
Symbol 66 MovieClip [FQuestion] | Uses:21 36 61 63 64 65 | |
Symbol 67 Graphic | Used by:68 | |
Symbol 68 Button | Uses:67 | Used by:87 |
Symbol 69 Graphic | Used by:87 | |
Symbol 70 Graphic | Used by:87 | |
Symbol 71 Graphic | Used by:72 106 161 | |
Symbol 72 MovieClip | Uses:53 71 54 | Used by:87 122 |
Symbol 73 Graphic | Used by:87 149 151 153 154 155 | |
Symbol 74 Graphic | Used by:85 | |
Symbol 75 Font | Used by:79 | |
Symbol 76 Font | Used by:79 | |
Symbol 77 Font | Used by:79 | |
Symbol 78 Font | Used by:79 | |
Symbol 79 Text | Uses:75 76 77 78 | Used by:85 |
Symbol 80 Graphic | Used by:85 141 146 150 152 191 | |
Symbol 81 Bitmap | Used by:82 | |
Symbol 82 Graphic | Uses:81 | Used by:85 150 191 |
Symbol 83 Bitmap | Used by:84 | |
Symbol 84 Graphic | Uses:83 | Used by:85 146 150 191 |
Symbol 85 MovieClip | Uses:74 79 53 80 82 84 | Used by:87 |
Symbol 86 Graphic | Used by:87 | |
Symbol 87 MovieClip [FHelp] | Uses:68 36 69 70 72 73 85 86 | |
Symbol 88 Graphic | Used by:91 | |
Symbol 89 Graphic | Used by:90 | |
Symbol 90 MovieClip | Uses:89 | Used by:91 |
Symbol 91 MovieClip [FButtonControl] | Uses:88 90 | Used by:121 |
Symbol 92 Graphic | Used by:93 | |
Symbol 93 MovieClip | Uses:92 | Used by:122 |
Symbol 94 Graphic | Used by:122 | |
Symbol 95 Graphic | Used by:103 | |
Symbol 96 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:103 |
Symbol 97 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:103 |
Symbol 98 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:103 |
Symbol 99 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:103 |
Symbol 100 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:103 |
Symbol 101 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:103 |
Symbol 102 Graphic | Used by:103 121 | |
Symbol 103 MovieClip | Uses:95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 | Used by:122 |
Symbol 104 Graphic | Used by:121 | |
Symbol 105 Graphic | Used by:106 | |
Symbol 106 MovieClip | Uses:105 53 54 71 | Used by:121 |
Symbol 107 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:121 |
Symbol 108 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:121 |
Symbol 109 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:121 |
Symbol 110 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:121 |
Symbol 111 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:121 |
Symbol 112 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:121 |
Symbol 113 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:121 |
Symbol 114 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:121 |
Symbol 115 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:121 |
Symbol 116 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:121 |
Symbol 117 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:121 |
Symbol 118 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:121 |
Symbol 119 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:121 |
Symbol 120 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:121 |
Symbol 121 MovieClip | Uses:104 106 91 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 102 | Used by:122 |
Symbol 122 MovieClip [FOptionControl] | Uses:93 94 103 121 72 36 | |
Symbol 123 Graphic | Used by:124 | |
Symbol 124 Button | Uses:123 | Used by:149 151 153 154 155 |
Symbol 125 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:149 153 155 197 |
Symbol 126 Graphic | Used by:149 154 155 197 | |
Symbol 127 Graphic | Used by:149 154 155 197 | |
Symbol 128 Graphic | Used by:141 146 150 152 | |
Symbol 129 Graphic | Used by:141 146 150 152 | |
Symbol 130 Bitmap | Used by:131 | |
Symbol 131 Graphic | Uses:130 | Used by:141 146 150 152 191 |
Symbol 132 Bitmap | Used by:133 | |
Symbol 133 Graphic | Uses:132 | Used by:141 146 150 152 191 |
Symbol 134 Bitmap | Used by:135 | |
Symbol 135 Graphic | Uses:134 | Used by:141 146 150 152 191 |
Symbol 136 Bitmap | Used by:137 | |
Symbol 137 Graphic | Uses:136 | Used by:141 146 150 152 191 |
Symbol 138 Graphic | Used by:141 150 | |
Symbol 139 Graphic | Used by:141 150 | |
Symbol 140 Graphic | Used by:141 150 | |
Symbol 141 MovieClip | Uses:128 129 53 80 131 133 135 137 138 139 140 | Used by:149 155 |
Symbol 142 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:151 154 155 197 |
Symbol 143 Graphic | Used by:151 153 155 197 | |
Symbol 144 Graphic | Used by:146 152 | |
Symbol 145 Graphic | Used by:146 152 | |
Symbol 146 MovieClip | Uses:128 129 53 80 133 131 135 84 137 144 145 | Used by:151 155 |
Symbol 147 Graphic | Used by:151 153 155 | |
Symbol 148 Graphic | Used by:151 153 155 | |
Symbol 149 MovieClip | Uses:124 125 126 53 54 55 127 141 73 | Used by:155 |
Symbol 150 MovieClip | Uses:128 129 53 80 133 131 135 84 137 82 138 139 140 | Used by:153 155 |
Symbol 151 MovieClip | Uses:124 142 143 53 54 55 146 73 147 148 | Used by:155 |
Symbol 152 MovieClip | Uses:128 129 53 80 133 131 135 137 144 145 | Used by:154 155 |
Symbol 153 MovieClip | Uses:124 125 143 53 54 55 150 73 147 148 | Used by:155 |
Symbol 154 MovieClip | Uses:124 142 126 53 54 55 127 152 73 | Used by:155 |
Symbol 155 MovieClip [gameType] | Uses:124 125 126 53 54 55 127 141 73 142 143 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 | |
Symbol 156 Graphic | Used by:162 | |
Symbol 157 Graphic | Used by:158 178 | |
Symbol 158 MovieClip | Uses:157 | Used by:162 |
Symbol 159 Graphic | Used by:160 | |
Symbol 160 MovieClip | Uses:159 | Used by:162 |
Symbol 161 MovieClip | Uses:71 | Used by:162 |
Symbol 162 MovieClip [pauseMsg] | Uses:156 158 160 161 | |
Symbol 163 Graphic | Used by:164 | |
Symbol 164 MovieClip [gameOver] | Uses:163 | |
Symbol 165 MovieClip [soundClass] | ||
Symbol 166 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 167 Graphic | Used by:178 | |
Symbol 168 Graphic | Used by:173 | |
Symbol 169 Graphic | Used by:173 | |
Symbol 170 Graphic | Used by:173 | |
Symbol 171 Graphic | Used by:173 | |
Symbol 172 Graphic | Used by:173 | |
Symbol 173 MovieClip | Uses:168 169 170 171 172 | Used by:178 |
Symbol 174 Graphic | Used by:178 | |
Symbol 175 Graphic | Used by:178 | |
Symbol 176 Graphic | Used by:178 | |
Symbol 177 Graphic | Used by:178 | |
Symbol 178 MovieClip | Uses:167 173 174 175 157 176 54 177 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 179 Graphic | Used by:182 | |
Symbol 180 ShapeTweening | Used by:182 | |
Symbol 181 Graphic | Used by:182 | |
Symbol 182 MovieClip | Uses:179 180 181 | Used by:183 |
Symbol 183 MovieClip | Uses:182 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 233 MovieClip [__Packages.FMusic] | ||
Symbol 234 MovieClip [__Packages.FSequence] | ||
Symbol 184 Bitmap | Used by:185 | |
Symbol 185 Graphic | Uses:184 | Used by:192 |
Symbol 186 Bitmap | Used by:187 | |
Symbol 187 Graphic | Uses:186 | Used by:191 |
Symbol 188 Graphic | Used by:191 | |
Symbol 189 Bitmap | Used by:190 | |
Symbol 190 Graphic | Uses:189 | Used by:191 |
Symbol 191 MovieClip | Uses:53 80 131 137 135 133 187 82 84 188 190 | Used by:192 213 215 217 219 221 231 |
Symbol 192 MovieClip [FNextBubble] | Uses:185 191 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 193 Graphic | Used by:194 | |
Symbol 194 Button | Uses:193 25 27 28 | Used by:197 |
Symbol 195 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:197 |
Symbol 196 Text | Uses:47 | Used by:197 |
Symbol 197 MovieClip | Uses:194 126 53 54 55 127 195 125 196 142 143 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 198 Graphic | Used by:199 | |
Symbol 199 MovieClip | Uses:198 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 200 Bitmap | Used by:201 | |
Symbol 201 Graphic | Uses:200 | Used by:205 |
Symbol 202 Text | Uses:42 | Used by:205 |
Symbol 203 EditableText | Uses:47 | Used by:205 |
Symbol 204 Text | Uses:42 | Used by:205 |
Symbol 205 MovieClip | Uses:201 202 203 204 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 206 Bitmap | Used by:207 | |
Symbol 207 Graphic | Uses:206 | Used by:210 |
Symbol 208 Bitmap | Used by:209 | |
Symbol 209 Graphic | Uses:208 | Used by:210 |
Symbol 210 Button | Uses:207 209 | Used by:213 215 217 219 221 |
Symbol 211 Graphic | Used by:213 | |
Symbol 212 Graphic | Used by:213 | |
Symbol 213 MovieClip | Uses:210 191 211 212 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 214 Graphic | Used by:215 | |
Symbol 215 MovieClip | Uses:210 214 191 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 216 Graphic | Used by:217 | |
Symbol 217 MovieClip | Uses:210 216 191 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 218 Graphic | Used by:219 | |
Symbol 219 MovieClip | Uses:210 218 191 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 220 Graphic | Used by:221 | |
Symbol 221 MovieClip | Uses:210 220 191 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 222 Bitmap | Used by:223 | |
Symbol 223 Graphic | Uses:222 | Used by:227 |
Symbol 224 Text | Uses:42 | Used by:227 |
Symbol 225 EditableText | Uses:47 | Used by:227 |
Symbol 226 Text | Uses:42 | Used by:227 |
Symbol 227 MovieClip [FScore] | Uses:223 224 225 226 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 228 Bitmap | Used by:229 | |
Symbol 229 Graphic | Uses:228 | Used by:230 |
Symbol 230 Button | Uses:229 | Used by:232 |
Symbol 231 MovieClip [FBooble] | Uses:191 | Used by:232 |
Symbol 232 MovieClip | Uses:230 231 | Used by:Timeline |
Instance Names (9.04 KiB)
"nextBubbleMc" | Frame 2 | Symbol 192 MovieClip [FNextBubble] |
"playInGame" | Frame 2 | Symbol 197 MovieClip |
"skillGameForm" | Frame 2 | Symbol 205 MovieClip |
"pauseBtn" | Frame 2 | Symbol 213 MovieClip |
"optionBtn" | Frame 2 | Symbol 215 MovieClip |
"helpBtn" | Frame 2 | Symbol 217 MovieClip |
"topScoreBtn" | Frame 2 | Symbol 219 MovieClip |
"quitBtn" | Frame 2 | Symbol 221 MovieClip |
"topScoreArea" | Frame 2 | Symbol 227 MovieClip [FScore] |
"bubbleShooter" | Frame 2 | Symbol 232 MovieClip |
"bon" | Symbol 19 MovieClip [FBonus] Frame 1 | Symbol 18 MovieClip |
"btn" | Symbol 36 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 34 Button |
"btn" | Symbol 45 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 41 Button |
"btn" | Symbol 58 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 41 Button |
"bg" | Symbol 59 MovieClip [FBuy] Frame 1 | Symbol 21 Button |
"bg2" | Symbol 59 MovieClip [FBuy] Frame 1 | Symbol 23 MovieClip |
"continueBtn" | Symbol 59 MovieClip [FBuy] Frame 1 | Symbol 36 MovieClip |
"continueBtn" | Symbol 59 MovieClip [FBuy] Frame 1 | Symbol 45 MovieClip |
"downloadBtn" | Symbol 59 MovieClip [FBuy] Frame 1 | Symbol 58 MovieClip |
"btn" | Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 34 Button |
"btn" | Symbol 63 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 41 Button |
"bg" | Symbol 66 MovieClip [FQuestion] Frame 1 | Symbol 21 Button |
"continueBtn" | Symbol 66 MovieClip [FQuestion] Frame 1 | Symbol 36 MovieClip |
"continueBtn" | Symbol 66 MovieClip [FQuestion] Frame 1 | Symbol 61 MovieClip |
"continueBtn" | Symbol 66 MovieClip [FQuestion] Frame 1 | Symbol 63 MovieClip |
"bg" | Symbol 87 MovieClip [FHelp] Frame 1 | Symbol 68 Button |
"continueBtn" | Symbol 87 MovieClip [FHelp] Frame 1 | Symbol 36 MovieClip |
"up_mc" | Symbol 87 MovieClip [FHelp] Frame 1 | Symbol 72 MovieClip |
"down_mc" | Symbol 87 MovieClip [FHelp] Frame 1 | Symbol 72 MovieClip |
"helpCont" | Symbol 87 MovieClip [FHelp] Frame 1 | Symbol 85 MovieClip |
"mainBg" | Symbol 91 MovieClip [FButtonControl] Frame 1 | Symbol 90 MovieClip |
"icon1" | Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 106 MovieClip |
"icon2" | Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 106 MovieClip |
"icon3" | Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 106 MovieClip |
"icon4" | Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 106 MovieClip |
"icon5" | Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 106 MovieClip |
"item5_btn" | Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 91 MovieClip [FButtonControl] |
"item4_btn" | Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 91 MovieClip [FButtonControl] |
"item3_btn" | Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 91 MovieClip [FButtonControl] |
"item2_btn" | Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 91 MovieClip [FButtonControl] |
"item1_btn" | Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 91 MovieClip [FButtonControl] |
"bg" | Symbol 122 MovieClip [FOptionControl] Frame 1 | Symbol 93 MovieClip |
"skillForm" | Symbol 122 MovieClip [FOptionControl] Frame 1 | Symbol 121 MovieClip |
"speedBegun_mc" | Symbol 122 MovieClip [FOptionControl] Frame 1 | Symbol 72 MovieClip |
"continueBtn" | Symbol 122 MovieClip [FOptionControl] Frame 1 | Symbol 36 MovieClip |
"soundBegun_mc" | Symbol 122 MovieClip [FOptionControl] Frame 1 | Symbol 72 MovieClip |
"musicBegun_mc" | Symbol 122 MovieClip [FOptionControl] Frame 1 | Symbol 72 MovieClip |
"playGame" | Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 124 Button |
"demo" | Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 141 MovieClip |
"playGame" | Symbol 151 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 124 Button |
"demo" | Symbol 151 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 146 MovieClip |
"playGame" | Symbol 153 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 124 Button |
"demo" | Symbol 153 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 150 MovieClip |
"playGame" | Symbol 154 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 124 Button |
"demo" | Symbol 154 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 152 MovieClip |
"playGame" | Symbol 155 MovieClip [gameType] Frame 1 | Symbol 124 Button |
"demo" | Symbol 155 MovieClip [gameType] Frame 1 | Symbol 141 MovieClip |
"playGame" | Symbol 155 MovieClip [gameType] Frame 6 | Symbol 124 Button |
"demo" | Symbol 155 MovieClip [gameType] Frame 6 | Symbol 146 MovieClip |
"g1" | Symbol 155 MovieClip [gameType] Frame 6 | Symbol 149 MovieClip |
"playGame" | Symbol 155 MovieClip [gameType] Frame 11 | Symbol 124 Button |
"demo" | Symbol 155 MovieClip [gameType] Frame 11 | Symbol 150 MovieClip |
"g4" | Symbol 155 MovieClip [gameType] Frame 11 | Symbol 151 MovieClip |
"playGame" | Symbol 155 MovieClip [gameType] Frame 16 | Symbol 124 Button |
"demo" | Symbol 155 MovieClip [gameType] Frame 16 | Symbol 152 MovieClip |
"g3" | Symbol 155 MovieClip [gameType] Frame 16 | Symbol 153 MovieClip |
"g2" | Symbol 155 MovieClip [gameType] Frame 21 | Symbol 154 MovieClip |
"b3" | Symbol 162 MovieClip [pauseMsg] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip |
"b2" | Symbol 162 MovieClip [pauseMsg] Frame 1 | Symbol 160 MovieClip |
"b1" | Symbol 162 MovieClip [pauseMsg] Frame 1 | Symbol 161 MovieClip |
"proc" | Symbol 183 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 182 MovieClip |
"item4" | Symbol 192 MovieClip [FNextBubble] Frame 1 | Symbol 191 MovieClip |
"item2" | Symbol 192 MovieClip [FNextBubble] Frame 1 | Symbol 191 MovieClip |
"item1" | Symbol 192 MovieClip [FNextBubble] Frame 1 | Symbol 191 MovieClip |
"item3" | Symbol 192 MovieClip [FNextBubble] Frame 1 | Symbol 191 MovieClip |
"item0" | Symbol 192 MovieClip [FNextBubble] Frame 1 | Symbol 191 MovieClip |
"it0" | Symbol 192 MovieClip [FNextBubble] Frame 1 | Symbol 191 MovieClip |
"it1" | Symbol 192 MovieClip [FNextBubble] Frame 1 | Symbol 191 MovieClip |
"it2" | Symbol 192 MovieClip [FNextBubble] Frame 1 | Symbol 191 MovieClip |
"it3" | Symbol 192 MovieClip [FNextBubble] Frame 1 | Symbol 191 MovieClip |
"it4" | Symbol 192 MovieClip [FNextBubble] Frame 1 | Symbol 191 MovieClip |
"speedGame" | Symbol 205 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 203 EditableText |
"btn" | Symbol 213 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 210 Button |
"b" | Symbol 213 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 191 MovieClip |
"btn" | Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 210 Button |
"b" | Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 191 MovieClip |
"btn" | Symbol 217 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 210 Button |
"b" | Symbol 217 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 191 MovieClip |
"btn" | Symbol 219 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 210 Button |
"b" | Symbol 219 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 191 MovieClip |
"btn" | Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 210 Button |
"b" | Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 191 MovieClip |
"topScore_txt" | Symbol 227 MovieClip [FScore] Frame 1 | Symbol 225 EditableText |
"bubble" | Symbol 231 MovieClip [FBooble] Frame 1 | Symbol 191 MovieClip |
"gameBg" | Symbol 232 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 230 Button |
"item" | Symbol 232 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 231 MovieClip [FBooble] |
Special Tags (3.01 KiB)
Protect (24) | Timeline Frame 1 | 0 bytes "" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 1 as "gover" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 2 as "down" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 3 as "m1" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 4 as "click" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 5 as "stop" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 6 as "boom" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 7 as "nextLine" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 8 as "boing" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 9 as "bonus" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 10 as "fire" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 11 as "speedy" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 12 as "newLine" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 19 as "FBonus" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 59 as "FBuy" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 66 as "FQuestion" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 87 as "FHelp" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 91 as "FButtonControl" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 91 as "FButtonControl" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 91 as "FButtonControl" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 91 as "FButtonControl" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 91 as "FButtonControl" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 91 as "FButtonControl" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 122 as "FOptionControl" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 155 as "gameType" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 162 as "pauseMsg" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 164 as "gameOver" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 165 as "soundClass" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 233 as "__Packages.FMusic" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 234 as "__Packages.FSequence" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 192 as "FNextBubble" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 227 as "FScore" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 231 as "FBooble" |
Labels (846 B)
"b25" | Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 1 |
"b250" | Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 2 |
"b2500" | Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 3 |
"b25000" | Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 4 |
"b50000" | Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 5 |
"sk1_1" | Symbol 191 MovieClip Frame 1 |
"sk1_2" | Symbol 191 MovieClip Frame 2 |
"sk1_3" | Symbol 191 MovieClip Frame 3 |
"sk1_4" | Symbol 191 MovieClip Frame 4 |
"sk1_5" | Symbol 191 MovieClip Frame 5 |
"sk1_6" | Symbol 191 MovieClip Frame 6 |
"sk1_7" | Symbol 191 MovieClip Frame 7 |
"pause" | Symbol 191 MovieClip Frame 8 |