Frame 1
function errorfunc() {
if ((_root.player1._y < _root.levelup) && (_root._currentframe != 45)) {
_root.vcam.infobar("ERROR OMG! BSOD! Congrats you ", 10000);
_root.vcam.infobar("found a glitch that I was", 10000);
_root.vcam.infobar("to lazy to fix!", 10000);
_root.vcam.infobar("Keep on moving right/left", 10000);
_root.vcam.infobar("you fucking cheater!", 10000);
function itemHandler1(obj, item) {
getURL ("", "blank");
function itemHandler2(obj, item) {
getURL ("", "blank");
function itemHandler3(obj, item) {
function itemHandler4(obj, item) {
_root.transparency = 0;
_root.headsize = 1;
setInterval(errorfunc, 20000);
var myMenu = new ContextMenu();
myMenu.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Visit Me!", itemHandler1));
myMenu.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Play More Games!", itemHandler2));
myMenu.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("This is Madness", itemHandler3));
myMenu.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Jeffrey Louie 2007", itemHandler4));
myMenu.customItems[2].separatorBefore = true; = myMenu;
function firebullet(n, accuracy, damage, knockdown) {
if (_root["player" + n].weapon._currentframe == 8) {
fadetime = 5;
thickness = 2;
pass = false;
} else if (_root["player" + n].weapon._currentframe == 12) {
fadetime = 5;
thickness = 5;
pass = true;
} else {
fadetime = 35;
thickness = 2;
pass = false;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("btest", 60);
btest.go = true;
btest.spd = random(5) + 10;
btest.angle = random(accuracy) - (accuracy / 2);
if (_root["player" + n].weapon._xscale > 0) {
btest.xspd = Math.cos((((_root["player" + n].weapon._rotation + btest.angle) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * btest.spd;
btest.yspd = Math.sin((((_root["player" + n].weapon._rotation + btest.angle) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * btest.spd;
initialx = (_root["player" + n]._x + _root["player" + n].weapon._x) + (Math.cos((((_root["player" + n].weapon._rotation - 15) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 10);
initialy = (_root["player" + n]._y + _root["player" + n].weapon._y) + (Math.sin((((_root["player" + n].weapon._rotation - 15) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 10);
} else {
btest.xspd = (-Math.cos((((_root["player" + n].weapon._rotation + btest.angle) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360)) * btest.spd;
btest.yspd = (-Math.sin((((_root["player" + n].weapon._rotation + btest.angle) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360)) * btest.spd;
initialx = (_root["player" + n]._x + _root["player" + n].weapon._x) + (Math.cos((((_root["player" + n].weapon._rotation + 15) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * -10);
initialy = (_root["player" + n]._y + _root["player" + n].weapon._y) + (Math.sin((((_root["player" + n].weapon._rotation + 15) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * -10);
btest._x = initialx;
btest._y = initialy;
if (knockdown > 0) {
btest.potent = true;
} = 0;
while (btest.go) {;
if (n != 1) {
if (_root.player1.hitTest(btest._x, btest._y)) {
if ((btest.xspd > 0) && (_root.player1.alive)) { = - damage;
if ( <= 0) {
_root.player1.alive = false;
_root.player1.kd(1, 0.5 + (random(20) / 100));
} else if ( < knockdown) {
_root.player1.kd(1, 0.7 + (random(20) / 100));
} else if (_root.player1.alive) { = - damage;
if ( <= 0) {
_root.player1.alive = false;
_root.player1.kd(-1, 0.5 + (random(20) / 100));
} else if ( < knockdown) {
_root.player1.kd(-1, 0.7 + (random(20) / 100));
_root.damage(1, btest._y, "bullet");
_root.bloodspatter(btest._x, btest._y, this.xspd);
if (_root.player1.alive) {
if (!pass) {
btest.go = false;
} else {
k = 2;
while (k <= 15) {
if ((_root["player" + k].body.hitTest(btest._x, btest._y) && (!_root["player" + k].alive)) || (_root["player" + k].hitTest(btest._x, btest._y) && (_root["player" + k].alive))) {
if ((btest.xspd > 0) && (_root["player" + k].alive)) {
_root["player" + k].health = _root["player" + k].health - damage;
if (_root["player" + k].health <= 0) {
_root["player" + k].alive = false;
_root["player" + k].kd(1, 0.5 + (random(20) / 100));
if (_root["player" + k].stype != "spawn") {
_root.spawnitem(btest._x, btest._y, btest.xspd / 3, btest.yspd / 3, _root["player" + k].weapon._currentframe);
} else {
} else if ( < knockdown) {
_root["player" + k].kd(1, 0.7 + (random(20) / 100));
} else if (_root["player" + k].alive) {
_root["player" + k].health = _root["player" + k].health - damage;
if (_root["player" + k].health <= 0) {
_root["player" + k].alive = false;
_root["player" + k].kd(-1, 0.5 + (random(20) / 100));
if (_root["player" + k].stype != "spawn") {
_root.spawnitem(btest._x, btest._y, btest.xspd / 3, btest.yspd / 3, _root["player" + k].weapon._currentframe);
} else {
} else if ( < knockdown) {
_root["player" + k].kd(-1, 0.7 + (random(20) / 100));
_root.damage(k, btest._y, "bullet");
_root.bloodspatter(btest._x, btest._y, btest.xspd);
if (_root["player" + k].alive) {
if (!pass) {
btest.go = false;
if (_root.level.hitTest(btest._x, btest._y, true)) {
_root.wallshrapnel(btest._x, btest._y, btest.xspd);
btest.go = false;
if ((((btest._x > (_root.vcam._x + 325)) || (btest._x < (_root.vcam._x - 325))) || (btest._y > (_root.vcam._y + 250))) || (btest._y < (_root.vcam._y - 250))) {
btest.go = false;
btest._x = btest._x + btest.xspd;
btest._y = btest._y + btest.yspd;
targetx = btest._x;
targety = btest._y;
if (bn >= 100) {
bn = 0;
createEmptyMovieClip("bullet" + bn, 1200 + bn);
if (n == 1) {
_root["bullet" + bn].lineStyle(thickness, 16755592, 30);
} else {
_root["bullet" + bn].lineStyle(thickness, 12123921, 30);
_root["bullet" + bn].moveTo(initialx, initialy);
_root["bullet" + bn].lineTo(targetx, targety);
_root["bullet" + bn].onEnterFrame = function () {
this._alpha = this._alpha - fadetime;
if (this._alpha <= 0) {
function firebull3et(n, accuracy, damage, knockdown) {
if (bn >= 100) {
bn = 0;
_root.attachMovie("bullet", "bullet" + bn, 1200 + bn);
_root["bullet" + bn].n = n;
_root["bullet" + bn].damage = damage;
_root["bullet" + bn].bspd = (random(20) / 10) + 9;
if (knockdown > 0) {
_root["bullet" + bn].pcount = 0;
_root["bullet" + bn].potent = true;
_root["bullet" + bn].knockdown = knockdown;
_root["bullet" + bn].bspd = (random(20) / 10) + 12;
_root["bullet" + bn]._x = _root["player" + n]._x + _root["player" + n].weapon._x;
_root["bullet" + bn]._y = _root["player" + n]._y + _root["player" + n].weapon._y;
if (_root["player" + n].weapon._xscale > 0) {
_root["bullet" + bn].xspd = Math.cos(((((_root["player" + n].weapon._rotation + (random(accuracy * 10) / 10)) - (accuracy / 2)) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * _root["bullet" + bn].bspd;
_root["bullet" + bn].yspd = Math.sin(((((_root["player" + n].weapon._rotation + (random(accuracy * 10) / 10)) - (accuracy / 2)) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * _root["bullet" + bn].bspd;
} else {
_root["bullet" + bn].xspd = (-Math.cos(((((_root["player" + n].weapon._rotation + (random(accuracy * 10) / 10)) - (accuracy / 2)) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360)) * _root["bullet" + bn].bspd;
_root["bullet" + bn].yspd = (-Math.sin(((((_root["player" + n].weapon._rotation + (random(accuracy * 10) / 10)) - (accuracy / 2)) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360)) * _root["bullet" + bn].bspd;
_root["bullet" + bn].onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.potent) {
if (this.pcount > this.knockdown) {
this.potent = false;
this._x = this._x + this.xspd;
this._y = this._y + this.yspd;
if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
_root.wallshrapnel(this._x, this._y, this.xspd);
if ((this._x < (_root.vcam._x - 325)) || (this._x > (_root.vcam._x + 325))) {
if (this.n != 1) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1)) {
if ((this.xspd > 0) && (_root.player1.alive)) { = - this.damage;
if ( <= 0) {
_root.player1.alive = false;
_root.player1.kd(1, 0.5 + (random(20) / 100));
} else if (this.potent) {
_root.player1.kd(1, 0.7 + (random(20) / 100));
} else if (_root.player1.alive) { = - this.damage;
if ( <= 0) {
_root.player1.alive = false;
_root.player1.kd(-1, 0.5 + (random(20) / 100));
} else if (this.potent) {
_root.player1.kd(-1, 0.7 + (random(20) / 100));
_root.damage(1, this._y, "bullet");
_root.bloodspatter(this._x, this._y, this.xspd);
if (_root.player1.alive) {
} else {
k = 0;
while (k < 15) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["player" + k]) && (k != n)) {
if ((this.xspd > 0) && (_root["player" + k].alive)) {
_root["player" + k].health = _root["player" + k].health - this.damage;
if (_root["player" + k].health <= 0) {
_root["player" + k].alive = false;
_root["player" + k].kd(1, 0.5 + (random(20) / 100));
} else if (this.potent) {
_root["player" + k].kd(1, 0.7 + (random(20) / 100));
} else if (_root["player" + k].alive) {
_root["player" + k].health = _root["player" + k].health - this.damage;
if (_root["player" + k].health <= 0) {
_root["player" + k].alive = false;
_root["player" + k].kd(-1, 0.5 + (random(20) / 100));
} else if (this.potent) {
_root["player" + k].kd(-1, 0.7 + (random(20) / 100));
_root.damage(k, this._y, "bullet");
_root.bloodspatter(this._x, this._y, this.xspd);
if (_root["player" + k].alive) {
function firegrenade(n, power) {
if (bn >= 100) {
bn = 0;
_root.attachMovie("grenade", "grenade" + bn, 1200 + bn);
_root["grenade" + bn]._x = _root["player" + n]._x + _root["player" + n].weapon._x;
_root["grenade" + bn]._y = _root["player" + n]._y + _root["player" + n].weapon._y;
if (_root["player" + n].weapon._xscale > 0) {
_root["grenade" + bn].xspd = Math.cos(((_root["player" + n].weapon._rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * power;
_root["grenade" + bn].yspd = Math.sin(((_root["player" + n].weapon._rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * power;
} else {
_root["grenade" + bn].xspd = (-Math.cos(((_root["player" + n].weapon._rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360)) * power;
_root["grenade" + bn].yspd = (-Math.sin(((_root["player" + n].weapon._rotation * 2) * Math.PI) / 360)) * power;
_root["grenade" + bn].bouncecount = 0;
_root["grenade" + bn].rotspd = random(40) - 20;
_root["grenade" + bn].onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = this._x + this.xspd;
this._y = this._y + this.yspd;
if (this.yspd < 10) {
this.yspd = this.yspd + 0.5;
this.desrot = ((Math.atan2(this.yspd, this.xspd) * 360) / 2) / Math.PI;
this._rotation = this._rotation - this.rotspd;
if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
this.rotspd = random(40) - 20;
this.speed = Math.abs(Math.sqrt((this.xspd * this.xspd) + (this.yspd * this.yspd)));
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("gtest1", 50);
_root.gtest1._x = this._x + (Math.cos((((this.desrot + 90) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 1.5);
_root.gtest1._y = this._y + (Math.sin((((this.desrot + 90) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 1.5);
while (_root.level.hitTest(_root.gtest1._x, _root.gtest1._y, true)) {
_root.gtest1._x = _root.gtest1._x + (Math.cos((((this.desrot + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 0.2);
_root.gtest1._y = _root.gtest1._y + (Math.sin((((this.desrot + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 0.2);
while (!_root.level.hitTest(_root.gtest1._x, _root.gtest1._y, true)) {
_root.gtest1._x = _root.gtest1._x + (Math.cos(((this.desrot * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 0.2);
_root.gtest1._y = _root.gtest1._y + (Math.sin(((this.desrot * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 0.2);
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("gtest2", 51);
_root.gtest2._x = this._x + (Math.cos((((this.desrot - 90) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 1.5);
_root.gtest2._y = this._y + (Math.sin((((this.desrot - 90) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 1.5);
while (_root.level.hitTest(_root.gtest2._x, _root.gtest2._y, true)) {
_root.gtest2._x = _root.gtest2._x + (Math.cos((((this.desrot + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 0.2);
_root.gtest2._y = _root.gtest2._y + (Math.sin((((this.desrot + 180) * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 0.2);
while (!_root.level.hitTest(_root.gtest2._x, _root.gtest2._y, true)) {
_root.gtest2._x = _root.gtest2._x + (Math.cos(((this.desrot * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 0.2);
_root.gtest2._y = _root.gtest2._y + (Math.sin(((this.desrot * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * 0.2);
this.wallx = _root.gtest2._x - _root.gtest1._x;
this.wally = _root.gtest2._y - _root.gtest1._y;
this.wallangle = ((Math.atan2(this.wally, this.wallx) * 360) / 2) / Math.PI;
if (this.wallangle > 0) {
this.wallangle = this.wallangle - 90;
} else {
this.wallangle = this.wallangle + 90;
this.desrot = (180 + (2 * this.wallangle)) - this.desrot;
this.xspd = (Math.cos(((this.desrot * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * this.speed) / 1.5;
this.yspd = (Math.sin(((this.desrot * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * this.speed) / 1.5;
this._x = this._x + (this.xspd / 2);
this._y = this._y + (this.yspd / 2);
i = 0;
while (i <= 15) {
if (_root["player" + i].hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
this.wallx = 2;
this.wally = 0;
this.bouncecount = 100;
if (this.bouncecount > 2) {
_root.explosion(this._x, this._y, ((Math.atan2(this.wally, this.wallx) * 360) / 2) / Math.PI);
function firelaser(n) {
i = 1;
while (i <= 12) {
_root["weapon" + i] = false;
weapon1 = true;
weapon3 = true;
lastammo3 = 70;
lastammo4 = 70;
lastammo5 = 120;
lastammo6 = 120;
lastammo7 = 20;
lastammo8 = 20;
lastammo9 = 200;
lastammo10 = 20;
lastammo11 = 20;
lastammo12 = 7;
lastweapon = 3;
maxammo3 = 70;
maxammo4 = 70;
maxammo5 = 120;
maxammo6 = 120;
maxammo7 = 20;
maxammo8 = 20;
maxammo9 = 200;
maxammo10 = 20;
maxammo11 = 20;
maxammo12 = 7;
ammosize3 = 20;
ammosize4 = 30;
ammosize5 = 50;
ammosize6 = 50;
ammosize7 = 10;
ammosize8 = 10;
ammosize9 = 100;
ammosize10 = 10;
ammosize11 = 15;
ammosize12 = 7;
droptext3 = "pistol ammo +20";
droptext4 = "revolver ammo +30";
droptext5 = "smg ammo +40";
droptext6 = "M4A1 ammo +40";
droptext7 = "shotgun ammo +10";
droptext8 = "sniper rifle ammo +10";
droptext9 = "automatic rifle ammo +100";
droptext10 = "grenade +10";
droptext11 = "grenade launcher ammo +15";
droptext12 = "laser charge +7";
bn = 0;
function bloodspatter(xpos, ypos, xspd) {
i = 0;
while (i < Math.round(5 * _root.fxmult)) {
if (fn > 300) {
fn = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["obj" + fn]);
_root.attachMovie("blood_g", "obj" + fn, 1300 + fn);
_root["obj" + fn]._x = (xpos + random(6)) - 3;
_root["obj" + fn]._y = (ypos + random(6)) - 3;
if (xspd > 0) {
_root["obj" + fn].xspd = random(30) / 10;
} else {
_root["obj" + fn].xspd = (-random(30)) / 10;
_root["obj" + fn]._xscale = random(50) + 25;
_root["obj" + fn]._yscale = random(50) + 25;
_root["obj" + fn].yspd = (random(30) / 10) - 6;
_root["obj" + fn].onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = this._x + this.xspd;
this._y = this._y + this.yspd;
this.yspd = this.yspd + 0.8;
if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
function blooddecal(n) {
if (fn > 300) {
fn = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["obj" + fn]);
_root.attachMovie("blooddecal", "obj" + fn, 300 + fn);
_root["obj" + fn]._x = (_root["player" + n]._x + random(8)) - 4;
_root["obj" + fn]._y = ((_root["player" + n]._y - 15) + random(8)) - 4;
_root["obj" + fn]._xscale = random(50) + 25;
_root["obj" + fn]._yscale = random(50) + 25;
_root["obj" + fn]._rotation = random(360);
_root["obj" + fn].gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
function ejectshell(n) {
if (fn > 300) {
fn = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["obj" + fn]);
_root.attachMovie("shell", "obj" + fn, 1300 + fn);
_root["obj" + fn]._x = _root["player" + n]._x + _root["player" + n].weapon._x;
_root["obj" + fn]._y = _root["player" + n]._y + _root["player" + n].weapon._y;
if (_root["player" + n].weapon._xscale > 0) {
_root["obj" + fn].xspd = (-random(30)) / 20;
} else {
_root["obj" + fn].xspd = random(30) / 20;
_root["obj" + fn].yspd = (random(30) / 10) - 6;
_root["obj" + fn].rotspd = random(90) - 45;
_root["obj" + fn].onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = this._x + this.xspd;
this._y = this._y + this.yspd;
this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotspd;
this.yspd = this.yspd + 0.8;
if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
function ejectcase(n) {
if (fn > 300) {
fn = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["obj" + fn]);
_root.attachMovie("bigshell", "obj" + fn, 1300 + fn);
_root["obj" + fn]._x = _root["player" + n]._x + _root["player" + n].weapon._x;
_root["obj" + fn]._y = _root["player" + n]._y + _root["player" + n].weapon._y;
if (_root["player" + n].weapon._xscale > 0) {
_root["obj" + fn].xspd = (-random(30)) / 20;
} else {
_root["obj" + fn].xspd = random(30) / 20;
_root["obj" + fn].yspd = (random(30) / 10) - 6;
_root["obj" + fn].rotspd = random(90) - 45;
_root["obj" + fn].onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = this._x + this.xspd;
this._y = this._y + this.yspd;
this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotspd;
this.yspd = this.yspd + 0.8;
if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
function wallshrapnel(xpos, ypos, xspd) {
i = 0;
while (i < Math.round(3 * _root.fxmult)) {
if (fn > 300) {
fn = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["obj" + fn]);
_root.attachMovie("shrapnel", "obj" + fn, 1300 + fn);
_root["obj" + fn]._x = (xpos + random(4)) - 2;
_root["obj" + fn]._y = (ypos + random(4)) - 2;
if (xspd < 0) {
_root["obj" + fn].xspd = random(20) / 10;
} else {
_root["obj" + fn].xspd = (-random(20)) / 10;
_root["obj" + fn]._x = _root["obj" + fn]._x + (2 * _root["obj" + fn].xspd);
_root["obj" + fn].origy = _root["obj" + fn]._y;
_root["obj" + fn].yspd = (random(20) / 10) - 4;
_root["obj" + fn]._xscale = random(30) + 15;
_root["obj" + fn]._yscale = _root["obj" + fn]._xscale;
_root["obj" + fn].onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = this._x + this.xspd;
this._y = this._y + this.yspd;
this.yspd = this.yspd + 0.8;
if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true) && (this._y < (this.origy - 10))) {
function explosion(xpos, ypos, dir) {
i = 0;
while (i < Math.round(6 * _root.fxmult)) {
if (fn > 300) {
fn = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["obj" + fn]);
_root.attachMovie("shrapnel", "obj" + fn, 1300 + fn);
_root["obj" + fn]._x = xpos;
_root["obj" + fn]._y = ypos;
_root["obj" + fn].xspd = ((Math.sin(((dir * 2) * Math.PI) / 360) * (random(4) + 8)) + random(10)) - 5;
_root["obj" + fn].yspd = (((-Math.cos(((dir * 2) * Math.PI) / 360)) * (random(4) + 11)) + random(8)) - 4;
_root["obj" + fn].rotspd = random(90) - 45;
_root["obj" + fn]._xscale = random(75) + 150;
_root["obj" + fn]._yscale = random(75) + 150;
_root["obj" + fn].onEnterFrame = function () {
if (random(Math.round(15 / _root.fxmult)) == 1) {
_root.wallshrapnel(this._x, this._y, this.xspd);
this._xscale = this._xscale - 20;
this._yscale = this._yscale - 20;
this._xscale = this._xscale - 2;
this._yscale = this._yscale - 2;
this._x = this._x + this.xspd;
this._y = this._y + this.yspd;
this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotspd;
this.yspd = this.yspd + 2;
if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
if (fn > 300) {
fn = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["obj" + fn]);
_root.attachMovie("explosion", "obj" + fn, 1300 + fn);
_root["obj" + fn]._x = xpos;
_root["obj" + fn]._y = ypos;
_root["obj" + fn]._xscale = 75;
_root["obj" + fn]._yscale = 75;
_root["obj" + fn]._alpha = 50;
_root["obj" + fn]._rotation = dir;
_root["obj" + fn].onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._currentframe == 9) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 15) {
if (_root["obj" + fn].hitTest(_root["player" + i])) {
_root["obj" + fn].distance = _root["player" + i]._x - _root["obj" + fn]._x;
_root["obj" + fn].power = 1 - (Math.abs(_root["obj" + fn].distance) / 50);
if (_root["obj" + fn].power < 0) {
_root["obj" + fn].power = 0.1;
_root["player" + i].health = _root["player" + i].health - (_root["obj" + fn].power * 50);
_root.damage(i, 0, "explosion");
if (_root["obj" + fn].power < 0.2) {
_root["obj" + fn].power = 0.2;
if (_root["obj" + fn].distance < 0) {
_root["player" + i].kd(-1, Math.abs(_root["obj" + fn].power));
} else {
_root["player" + i].kd(1, Math.abs(_root["obj" + fn].power));
if ((_root["player" + i].health <= 0) && (_root["player" + i].alive)) {
_root["player" + i].alive = false;
if (i == 1) {
if (_root["obj" + fn].distance < 0) {
if (i != 1) {
if (_root["player" + k].stype != "spawn") {
_root.spawnitem(_root["player" + i]._x, _root["player" + i]._y, -7, -4, _root["player" + i].weapon._currentframe);
} else {
_root["player" + i].kd(-1, 1);
} else {
if (i != 1) {
if (_root["player" + k].stype != "spawn") {
_root.spawnitem(_root["player" + i]._x, _root["player" + i]._y, 7, -4, _root["player" + i].weapon._currentframe);
} else {
_root["player" + i].kd(1, 1);
function damage(n, ypos, type) {
if (_root["player" + n].alive) {
_root["player" + n].weapon._rotation = _root["player" + n].weapon._rotation + (random(10) - 5);
_root["player" + n].head._rotation = _root["player" + n].head._rotation + (random(40) - 20);
_root["player" + n].damnum++;
if (_root["player" + n].damnum > 8) {
_root["player" + n].damnum = 5;
if ((type == "bullet") && ((ypos - _root["player" + n]._y) > -20)) {
removeMovieClip(_root["player" + n]["damage" + _root["player" + n].damnum]);
_root["player" + n].attachMovie("damage", "damage" + _root["player" + n].damnum, _root["player" + n].damnum);
_root["player" + n]["damage" + _root["player" + n].damnum].gotoAndStop(random(5));
_root["player" + n]["damage" + _root["player" + n].damnum]._y = ypos - _root["player" + n]._y;
if (_root["player" + n]["damage" + _root["player" + n].damnum]._y > 0) {
_root["player" + n]["damage" + _root["player" + n].damnum]._y = 0;
_root["player" + n]["damage" + _root["player" + n].damnum]._x = random(6) - 3;
} else if (type == "explosion") {
removeMovieClip(_root["player" + n]["damage" + _root["player" + n].damnum]);
_root["player" + n].attachMovie("damage", "damage" + _root["player" + n].damnum, _root["player" + n].damnum);
_root["player" + n]["damage" + _root["player" + n].damnum].gotoAndStop(random(4) + 5);
_root["player" + n]["damage" + _root["player" + n].damnum]._y = -7 - random(5);
_root["player" + n]["damage" + _root["player" + n].damnum]._x = random(4) - 2;
} else if (type == "slash") {
removeMovieClip(_root["player" + n]["damage" + _root["player" + n].damnum]);
_root["player" + n].attachMovie("damage", "damage" + _root["player" + n].damnum, _root["player" + n].damnum);
_root["player" + n]["damage" + _root["player" + n].damnum].gotoAndStop(random(4) + 9);
_root["player" + n]["damage" + _root["player" + n].damnum]._y = -7 - random(5);
_root["player" + n]["damage" + _root["player" + n].damnum]._x = random(4) - 2;
_root["player" + n]["damage" + _root["player" + n].damnum]._rotation = random(20) - 10;
_root["player" + n]["damage" + _root["player" + n].damnum]._alpha = 50;
function spawngold(xpos, ypos) {
if (sn > 50) {
sn = 1;
_root.attachMovie("goldpiece", "item" + sn, sn + 700);
_root["item" + sn].stop();
_root["item" + sn]._x = xpos;
_root["item" + sn]._y = ypos;
_root["item" + sn].onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((this._currentframe == 1) && (this.hitTest(_root.player1))) {
_root.sparks(this._x, this._y);;
} else if (this._currentframe == 12) {
function increasekc() {
_root.vcam.infobar("kills: " + killcount, 3000);
function spawnitem(xpos, ypos, xspd, yspd, method) {
if (method > 0) {
_root.vcam.infobar("kills: " + killcount, 3000);
if (random(100) <= _root.dropchance) {
if (sn > 50) {
sn = 1;
if (_root["weapon" + method] && (method > 2)) {
if (random(4) == 1) {
_root.attachMovie("healthdrop", "item" + sn, 700 + sn);
_root["item" + sn].dtype = "health";
} else {
_root.attachMovie("ammodrop", "item" + sn, 700 + sn);
_root["item" + sn].dtype = "ammo";
if (method <= 4) {
_root["item" + sn].gotoAndStop(1);
} else if (method <= 8) {
_root["item" + sn].gotoAndStop(2);
} else {
_root["item" + sn].gotoAndStop(3);
} else if (random(4) == 1) {
_root.attachMovie("ammodrop", "item" + sn, 700 + sn);
_root["item" + sn].dtype = "ammo";
method = random(10) + 3;
i = 0;
while (i <= 7) {
if (_root.player1["ammo" + method] == _root["maxammo" + method]) {
method = random(10) + 3;
while (_root["weapon" + method] == false) {
method = random(10) + 3;
if (method <= 4) {
_root["item" + sn].gotoAndStop(1);
} else if (rw <= 8) {
_root["item" + sn].gotoAndStop(2);
} else {
_root["item" + sn].gotoAndStop(3);
} else {
_root.attachMovie("healthdrop", "item" + sn, 700 + sn);
_root["item" + sn].dtype = "health";
_root["item" + sn]._x = xpos;
_root["item" + sn]._y = ypos;
_root["item" + sn].xspd = (xspd + random(4)) - 2;
_root["item" + sn].yspd = (yspd + random(4)) - 2;
if (_root["item" + sn].xspd == 0) {
_root["item" + sn].xspd = 1;
if (_root["item" + sn].yspd == 0) {
_root["item" + sn].yspd = 1;
_root["item" + sn].onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.yspd != 0) {
this._x = this._x + this.xspd;
this._y = this._y + this.yspd;
this.yspd = this.yspd + 1.01;
if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true) && (this.yspd > 0)) {
this.yspd = (-this.yspd) / 2;
this.xspd = this.xspd / 1.5;
if (Math.abs(this.yspd) < 2) {
this.yspd = 0;
this.xspd = 0;
if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 5, this._y - 3, true) && (this.xspd > 0)) {
this.xspd = (-this.xspd) / 1.5;
if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 5, this._y - 3, true) && (this.xspd < 0)) {
this.xspd = (-this.xspd) / 1.5;
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1.body)) {
if (this.dtype == "ammo") {
if (_root.player1["ammo" + method] < _root["maxammo" + method]) {
_root.ammopu.start(0, 1);
_root.player1["ammo" + method] = _root.player1["ammo" + method] + _root["ammosize" + method];
if (_root.player1["ammo" + method] > _root["maxammo" + method]) {
_root.player1["ammo" + method] = _root["maxammo" + method];
_root.vcam.infobar(_root["droptext" + method], 5000);
if (_root.player1.deswpn > 2) {
_root.vcam.ammo.text = _root.player1["ammo" + _root.player1.deswpn];
} else if ( < _root.maxhealth) {
_root.beep.start(0, 1);
_root.vcam.infobar("health +30", 5000); = + 30;
if ( > _root.maxhealth) { = _root.maxhealth;
function sparks(xpos, ypos) {
_root.beep.start(0, 1);
if (_root._currentframe < 35) {
} else {
_root.points = _root.points + 2;
if ((_root.agold >= _root.tgold) && (_root.level.exit._currentframe == 1)) {;
_root.vcam.infobar((tgold + "/") + tgold, 3000);
_root.vcam.infobar("door open", 3000);
} else if (agold < tgold) {
_root.vcam.infobar((agold + "/") + tgold, 3000);
fxmult = 0.6;
_quality = "MEDIUM";
fn = 0;
sn = 1;
function spawnplayer(n, xpos, ypos) {
_root.attachMovie("hero", "player" + n, 1100 + n);
_root["player" + n]._x = xpos;
_root["player" + n]._y = ypos;
_root["player" + n].xspd = 0;
_root["player" + n].yspd = 0;
_root["player" + n].health = _root.lasthealth;
_root["player" + n].alive = true;
_root["player" + n].n = n;
_root["player" + n].onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((Key.isDown(68) && (!this.knockdown)) && (this.alive)) {
this.keyright = true;
this.keyleft = false;
if (this.xspd < (_root.pspd * 1)) {
if (this.jump) {
this.xspd = this.xspd + 1;
} else {
this.xspd = this.xspd + 2;
} else if ((Key.isDown(65) && (!this.knockdown)) && (this.alive)) {
this.keyright = false;
this.keyleft = true;
if (this.xspd > ((-_root.pspd) * 1)) {
if (this.jump) {
this.xspd = this.xspd - 1;
} else {
this.xspd = this.xspd - 2;
} else if (!this.jump) {
this.keyright = false;
this.keyleft = false;
this.xspd = this.xspd / 1.5;
i = 10;
while (i < 30) {
if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y - i, true) && (this.xspd > 0)) {
this.xspd = (-this.xspd) / 2.2;
if (Math.abs(this.xspd) <= 2.5) {
this.xspd = 0;
} else if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y - i, true) && (this.xspd < 0)) {
this.xspd = (-this.xspd) / 2.2;
if (Math.abs(this.xspd) <= 2.5) {
this.xspd = 0;
i = i + 10;
this._x = this._x + this.xspd;
this._y = this._y + this.yspd;
while (((_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 3, true) && (this.yspd >= -3)) && (!this.jump)) && (!_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 15, true))) {
this.jump = false;
if (this.jump) {
if (this.yspd < 20) {
} else if ((Key.isDown(87) && (!this.knockdown)) && (this.alive)) {
this.yspd = -_root.pjumpspd;
this.jump = true;
if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true) && (this.yspd > 0)) {
this.jump = false;
if (!this.knockdown) {
this.yspd = 0;
} else {
this.yspd = (-this.yspd) / 3;
if (Math.abs(this.yspd) <= 3) {
this.yspd = 0;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("gtest1", 50);
_root.gtest1._x = this._x + 5;
_root.gtest1._y = this._y - 10;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("gtest2", 51);
_root.gtest2._x = this._x - 5;
_root.gtest2._y = this._y - 10;
while (!_root.level.hitTest(_root.gtest1._x, _root.gtest1._y, true)) {
_root.gtest1._y = _root.gtest1._y + 1;
while (!_root.level.hitTest(_root.gtest2._x, _root.gtest2._y, true)) {
_root.gtest2._y = _root.gtest2._y + 1;
this.gslope = ((Math.atan2(_root.gtest1._y - _root.gtest2._y, 10) * 360) / 2) / Math.PI;
} else {
this.jump = true;
while (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 30, true) && (!_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 15, true))) {
if (this.yspd < 0) {
this.yspd = (-this.yspd) / 2;
while (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 2, true)) {
this.jump = false;
points = 5;
pspd = 8;
pjumpspd = 10;
onMouseDown = function () {
player1.attacking = true;
if (((((!player1.knockdown) && (!player1.fireto)) && (!player1.reload)) && (player1.alive)) && (!_root.trans)) {
onMouseUp = function () {
if (!_root.trans) {
player1.attacking = false;
var mouseListener = new Object();
mouseListener.onMouseWheel = function (delta) {
if (player1.alive && (!_root.trans)) {
if (delta > 0) {
player1.deswpn = player1.deswpn + 1;
if (player1.deswpn >= 13) {
player1.deswpn = 1;
while (_root["weapon" + player1.deswpn] == false) {
player1.deswpn = player1.deswpn + 1;
if (player1.deswpn >= 13) {
player1.deswpn = 1;
} else {
player1.deswpn = player1.deswpn - 1;
if (player1.deswpn <= 0) {
player1.deswpn = 12;
while (_root["weapon" + player1.deswpn] == false) {
player1.deswpn = player1.deswpn - 1;
if (player1.deswpn <= 0) {
player1.deswpn = 12;
player1.wpncheck = setInterval(player1.wpnfunc, 75);
var keylistener = new Object();
keylistener.onKeyUp = function () {
if (player1.alive && (!_root.trans)) {
if (Key.getCode() == 81) {
player1.deswpn = player1.deswpn - 1;
if (player1.deswpn <= 0) {
player1.deswpn = 12;
while (_root["weapon" + player1.deswpn] == false) {
player1.deswpn = player1.deswpn - 1;
if (player1.deswpn <= 0) {
player1.deswpn = 12;
player1.wpncheck = setInterval(player1.wpnfunc, 75);
} else if (Key.getCode() == 69) {
player1.deswpn = player1.deswpn + 1;
if (player1.deswpn >= 13) {
player1.deswpn = 1;
while (_root["weapon" + player1.deswpn] == false) {
player1.deswpn = player1.deswpn + 1;
if (player1.deswpn >= 13) {
player1.deswpn = 1;
player1.wpncheck = setInterval(player1.wpnfunc, 75);
} else if (Key.getCode() == 90) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 20) {
_root.vcam["text" + i].desy = 300;
clearInterval(_root.vcam["tint" + i]);
_root.vcam.infobar("current health - " +, 4800);
_root.vcam.infobar("max health - " + _root.maxhealth, 4900);
_root.vcam.infobar("kill count - " + _root.killcount, 5000);
_root.vcam.infobar("death count - " + _root.deathcount, 5100);
_root.vcam.infobar("points - " + _root.points, 5200);
} else if (Key.getCode() == 88) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 20) {
_root.vcam["text" + i].desy = 300;
clearInterval(_root.vcam["tint" + i]);
_root.vcam.infobar("current ammo - " + _root.player1["ammo" + _root.player1.deswpn], 4800);
_root.vcam.infobar("max ammo - " + _root["maxammo" + _root.player1.deswpn], 4900);
_root.vcam.infobar("fire speed - " + _root.player1.weapon.timeout, 5000);
_root.vcam.infobar("weapon damage - " + _root.player1.weapon.damage, 5100);
function spawncam() {
_root.attachMovie("vcam", "vcam", 1999);
_root.vcam._x = _root.player1._x;
_root.vcam._y = _root.player1._y;
_root.vcam.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!_root.manualcontrol) {
if (_root.player1._x < (_root.levelleft + 275)) {
this.desx = (-_root.levelleft) - 275;
} else if (_root.player1._x > (_root.levelright - 275)) {
this.desx = (-_root.levelright) + 275;
} else {
this.desx = -_root.player1._x;
if (_root.player1._y < (_root.levelup + 200)) {
this.desy = (-_root.levelup) - 200;
} else if (_root.player1._y > (_root.leveldown - 200)) {
this.desy = (-_root.leveldown) + 200;
} else {
this.desy = -_root.player1._y;
_root._x = _root._x - ((_root._x - (this.desx + 275)) / 2);
this._x = (-_root._x) + 275;
_root._y = _root._y - ((_root._y - (this.desy + 200)) / 2);
this._y = (-_root._y) + 200;
function playerdeath() {
_root.trans = false;
function spawnmelee(n, xpos, ypos, type, weapon) {
if (type == "zombie") {
_root.attachMovie("slowzombie", "player" + n, 1100 + n);
if (weapon == 0) {
_root["player" + n].ptype = "szombie";
_root["player" + n].spd = 3;
} else {
_root["player" + n].ptype = "fzombie";
_root["player" + n].spd = 6;
_root["player" + n].attackdis = 100;
} else {
_root.attachMovie("grunt", "player" + n, 1100 + n);
_root["player" + n].weapon.gotoAndStop(weapon);
_root["player" + n].ptype = type;
_root["player" + n].spd = 5;
if (weapon < 3) {
_root["player" + n].attackdis = 70;
} else {
_root["player" + n].attackdis = 200;
_root["player" + n]._x = xpos;
_root["player" + n]._y = ypos;
if (type == "zombie") {
_root["player" + n].health = 100;
} else if (type == "grunt") {
_root["player" + n].health = 60;
} else if (type == "agent") {
_root["player" + n].health = 120;
_root["player" + n].alive = true;
_root["player" + n].n = n;
_root["player" + n].xspd = 0;
_root["player" + n].yspd = 0;
_root["player" + n].randomx = random(450) + 50;
_root["player" + n].attack = false;
_root["player" + n].onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((((Math.abs(this._y - _root.player1._y) > 75) && (!this.knockdown)) && (this.alive)) || ((((!_root.player1.alive) && (!this.knockdown)) && (this.alive)) && (this.ptype == "szombie"))) {
this.attack = false;
if (this.desx > (this._x + 30)) {
this.keyright = true;
this.keyleft = false;
this.xspd = 2;
} else if (((this.desx < (this._x - 30)) && (!this.knockdown)) && (this.alive)) {
this.keyright = false;
this.keyleft = true;
this.xspd = -2;
} else if (!this.jump) {
this.xspd = this.xspd / 1.5;
this.keyright = false;
this.keyleft = false;
} else if (((_root.player1._x > (this._x + 20)) && (!this.knockdown)) && (this.alive)) {
this.attack = false;
this.keyright = true;
this.keyleft = false;
if (this.xspd < this.spd) {
this.xspd = this.xspd + 2;
} else if (((_root.player1._x < (this._x - 20)) && (!this.knockdown)) && (this.alive)) {
this.attack = false;
this.keyright = false;
this.keyleft = true;
if (this.xspd > (-this.spd)) {
this.xspd = this.xspd - 2;
} else if (!this.jump) {
if ((this.alive && (_root.player1.alive)) || ((this.ptype == "szombie") && (this.alive))) {
this.attack = true;
if ((_root.player1._x < this._x) && (this.head._xscale < 0)) {
this.keyleft = true;
this.keyright = false;
} else if ((_root.player1._x > this._x) && (this.head._xscale > 0)) {
this.keyright = true;
this.keyleft = false;
} else {
this.keyright = false;
this.keyleft = false;
} else {
this.keyright = false;
this.keyleft = false;
this.xspd = this.xspd / 1.5;
if ((Math.abs(this._x - _root.player1._x) < this.attackdis) && (Math.abs(this._y - _root.player1._y) < 50)) {
this.attack = true;
i = 10;
while (i < 30) {
if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y - i, true) && (this.xspd > 0)) {
this.xspd = (-this.xspd) / 2;
if (Math.abs(this.xspd) <= 2.5) {
this.xspd = 0;
} else if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y - i, true) && (this.xspd < 0)) {
this.xspd = (-this.xspd) / 2;
if (Math.abs(this.xspd) <= 2.5) {
this.xspd = 0;
i = i + 10;
this._x = this._x + this.xspd;
this._y = this._y + this.yspd;
while (((_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 3, true) && (this.yspd >= -3)) && (!this.jump)) && (!_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 15, true))) {
this.jump = false;
if (this.jump) {
if (this.yspd < 20) {
} else if (((((this.ptype == "fzombie") && (!this.knockdown)) && (this.alive)) && (random(10) == 0)) && (Math.abs(_root.player1._x - this._x) > 20)) {
this.yspd = -4;
this.jump = true;
if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true) && (this.yspd > 0)) {
this.jump = false;
if (!this.knockdown) {
this.yspd = 0;
} else {
this.yspd = (-this.yspd) / 3;
if (Math.abs(this.yspd) <= 3) {
this.yspd = 0;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("gtest1", 50);
_root.gtest1._x = this._x + 5;
_root.gtest1._y = this._y - 10;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("gtest2", 51);
_root.gtest2._x = this._x - 5;
_root.gtest2._y = this._y - 10;
while (!_root.level.hitTest(_root.gtest1._x, _root.gtest1._y, true)) {
_root.gtest1._y = _root.gtest1._y + 1;
while (!_root.level.hitTest(_root.gtest2._x, _root.gtest2._y, true)) {
_root.gtest2._y = _root.gtest2._y + 1;
this.gslope = ((Math.atan2(_root.gtest1._y - _root.gtest2._y, 10) * 360) / 2) / Math.PI;
} else {
this.jump = true;
while (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 30, true) && (!_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 15, true))) {
if (this.yspd < 0) {
this.yspd = (-this.yspd) / 2;
while (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 2, true)) {
this.jump = false;
function spawnwanderer(n, xpos, ypos, type, weapon) {
_root.attachMovie("grunt", "player" + n, 1100 + n);
_root.attachMovie("grunt", "player" + n, 1100 + n);
_root["player" + n]._x = xpos;
_root["player" + n]._y = ypos;
if (type == "grunt") {
_root["player" + n].health = 60;
} else if (type == "agent") {
_root["player" + n].health = 120;
_root["player" + n].alive = true;
_root["player" + n].n = n;
_root["player" + n].ptype = type;
_root["player" + n].xspd = 0;
_root["player" + n].yspd = 0;
_root["player" + n].desx = xpos;
_root["player" + n].weapon.gotoAndStop(weapon);
_root["player" + n].onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((((((((((!this.knockdown) && (!this.fireto)) && (!this.reload)) && (this.alive)) && (_root.player1.alive)) && (!_root.trans)) && (this._x < (_root.vcam._x + 275))) && (this._x > (_root.vcam._x - 275))) && (this._y < (_root.vcam._y + 200))) && (this._y > (_root.vcam._y - 200))) {
if (random(_root.efirerate) == 0) {
if (((this.desx > (this._x + 25)) && (!this.knockdown)) && (this.alive)) {
this.attack = false;
this.keyright = true;
this.keyleft = false;
if (this.xspd < 3) {
this.xspd = this.xspd + 2;
} else if (((this.desx < (this._x - 25)) && (!this.knockdown)) && (this.alive)) {
this.attack = false;
this.keyright = false;
this.keyleft = true;
if (this.xspd > -3) {
this.xspd = this.xspd - 2;
} else if (!this.jump) {
if (this.alive) {
if ((_root.player1._x < this._x) && (this.head._currentframe != 1)) {
this.keyleft = true;
this.keyright = false;
} else if ((_root.player1._x > this._x) && (this.head._currentframe != 3)) {
this.keyright = true;
this.keyleft = false;
} else {
this.keyright = false;
this.keyleft = false;
} else {
this.keyright = false;
this.keyleft = false;
this.xspd = this.xspd / 1.5;
i = 10;
while (i < 30) {
if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y - i, true) && (this.xspd > 0)) {
this.xspd = (-this.xspd) / 2;
if (Math.abs(this.xspd) <= 2.5) {
this.xspd = 0;
this.rightkey = false;
} else if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y - i, true) && (this.xspd < 0)) {
this.xspd = (-this.xspd) / 2;
if (Math.abs(this.xspd) <= 2.5) {
this.xspd = 0;
this.leftkey = false;
i = i + 10;
this._x = this._x + this.xspd;
this._y = this._y + this.yspd;
while (((_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 3, true) && (this.yspd >= -3)) && (!this.jump)) && (!_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 15, true))) {
this.jump = false;
if (this.jump) {
if (this.yspd < 20) {
if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true) && (this.yspd > 0)) {
this.jump = false;
if (!this.knockdown) {
this.yspd = 0;
} else {
this.yspd = (-this.yspd) / 3;
if (Math.abs(this.yspd) <= 3) {
this.yspd = 0;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("gtest1", 50);
_root.gtest1._x = this._x + 5;
_root.gtest1._y = this._y - 10;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("gtest2", 51);
_root.gtest2._x = this._x - 5;
_root.gtest2._y = this._y - 10;
while (!_root.level.hitTest(_root.gtest1._x, _root.gtest1._y, true)) {
_root.gtest1._y = _root.gtest1._y + 1;
while (!_root.level.hitTest(_root.gtest2._x, _root.gtest2._y, true)) {
_root.gtest2._y = _root.gtest2._y + 1;
this.gslope = ((Math.atan2(_root.gtest1._y - _root.gtest2._y, 10) * 360) / 2) / Math.PI;
} else {
this.jump = true;
while (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 30, true) && (!_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 15, true))) {
if (this.yspd < 0) {
this.yspd = (-this.yspd) / 2;
while (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 2, true)) {
this.jump = false;
function spawnsniper(n, xpos, ypos, type, weapon) {
_root.attachMovie("grunt", "player" + n, 1100 + n);
_root["player" + n]._x = xpos;
_root["player" + n]._y = ypos;
if (type == "grunt") {
_root["player" + n].health = 60;
} else if (type == "agent") {
_root["player" + n].health = 120;
_root["player" + n].alive = true;
_root["player" + n].n = n;
_root["player" + n].ptype = type;
_root["player" + n].xspd = 0;
_root["player" + n].yspd = 0;
_root["player" + n].weapon.gotoAndStop(weapon);
_root["player" + n].onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((((((((((!this.knockdown) && (!this.fireto)) && (!this.reload)) && (this.alive)) && (_root.player1.alive)) && (!_root.trans)) && (this._x < (_root.vcam._x + 275))) && (this._x > (_root.vcam._x - 275))) && (this._y < (_root.vcam._y + 200))) && (this._y > (_root.vcam._y - 200))) {
if ((random(_root.efirerate) == 0) && (Math.abs(this.weapon._x) > 5)) {
if (((this.weapon._rotation > -50) && (this.weapon._xscale < 0)) || ((this.weapon._rotation < 50) && (this.weapon._xscale > 0))) {
if (!this.jump) {
if (this.alive) {
if ((_root.player1._x < this._x) && (this.head._currentframe != 1)) {
this.keyleft = true;
this.keyright = false;
} else if ((_root.player1._x > this._x) && (this.head._currentframe != 3)) {
this.keyright = true;
this.keyleft = false;
} else {
this.keyright = false;
this.keyleft = false;
} else {
this.keyright = false;
this.keyleft = false;
this.xspd = this.xspd / 1.5;
i = 10;
while (i < 30) {
if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y - i, true) && (this.xspd > 0)) {
this.xspd = (-this.xspd) / 2;
if (Math.abs(this.xspd) <= 2.5) {
this.xspd = 0;
this.rightkey = false;
} else if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y - i, true) && (this.xspd < 0)) {
this.xspd = (-this.xspd) / 2;
if (Math.abs(this.xspd) <= 2.5) {
this.xspd = 0;
this.leftkey = false;
i = i + 10;
this._x = this._x + this.xspd;
this._y = this._y + this.yspd;
while (((_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 3, true) && (this.yspd >= -3)) && (!this.jump)) && (!_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 15, true))) {
this.jump = false;
if (this.jump) {
if (this.yspd < 20) {
if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true) && (this.yspd > 0)) {
this.jump = false;
if (!this.knockdown) {
this.yspd = 0;
} else {
this.yspd = (-this.yspd) / 3;
if (Math.abs(this.yspd) <= 3) {
this.yspd = 0;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("gtest1", 50);
_root.gtest1._x = this._x + 5;
_root.gtest1._y = this._y - 10;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("gtest2", 51);
_root.gtest2._x = this._x - 5;
_root.gtest2._y = this._y - 10;
while (!_root.level.hitTest(_root.gtest1._x, _root.gtest1._y, true)) {
_root.gtest1._y = _root.gtest1._y + 1;
while (!_root.level.hitTest(_root.gtest2._x, _root.gtest2._y, true)) {
_root.gtest2._y = _root.gtest2._y + 1;
this.gslope = ((Math.atan2(_root.gtest1._y - _root.gtest2._y, 10) * 360) / 2) / Math.PI;
} else {
this.jump = true;
while (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 30, true) && (!_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 15, true))) {
if (this.yspd < 0) {
this.yspd = (-this.yspd) / 2;
while (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 2, true)) {
this.jump = false;
function startlevel() {
_root.attachMovie("transition", "transition", 2000);
_root.transition._x = _root.player1._x;
_root.transition._y = _root.player1._y;
function levelcheck(xpos, dir) {
if ((dir > 0) && (_root.player1._x > xpos)) {
} else if ((dir < 0) && (_root.player1._x < xpos)) {
function nextlevel() {;
_root.attachMovie("blacktrans", "blacktrans", 2000);
_root.trans = true;
_root.blacktrans._alpha = 0;
_root.blacktrans._xscale = 1000;
_root.blacktrans._yscale = 1000;
_root.blacktrans.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.fadeout) {
this._alpha = this._alpha - 4;
if (this._alpha <= 0) {
_root.trans = false;
} else if (this._alpha >= 100) {
if (_root.desmenu) {
_root.lasthealth = _root.maxhealth;
_root.deslevel = 6;
_root.desmenu = false;
} else if (_root.player1.alive) {
_root.lasthealth =;
_root.deslevel = _root._currentframe + 1;
i = 3;
while (i <= 12) {
_root["lastammo" + i] = _root.player1["ammo" + i];
} else {
_root.lasthealth = _root.maxhealth;
_root.deslevel = _root._currentframe;
_root.lastweapon = _root.player1.weapon._currentframe;
i = 0;
while (i <= 10) {
removeMovieClip(_root["thing" + i]);
if ((!_root.vcam) && (_root._currentframe > 6)) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 100) {
removeMovieClip(_root["bullet" + i]);
removeMovieClip(_root["grenade" + i]);
i = 0;
while (i <= 25) {
removeMovieClip(_root["player" + i].damage5);
removeMovieClip(_root["player" + i].damage6);
removeMovieClip(_root["player" + i].damage7);
removeMovieClip(_root["player" + i].damage8);
clearInterval(_root["player" + i].weapon.fireint);
clearInterval(_root["player" + i].kdint);
clearInterval(_root["player" + i].termint);
clearInterval(_root["player" + i].bodyint);
clearInterval(_root["player" + i].randomxint);
clearInterval(_root["player" + i].randomyint);
clearInterval(_root["player" + i].wpncheck);
removeMovieClip(_root["player" + i]);
i = 0;
while (i <= 300) {
removeMovieClip(_root["item" + i]);
removeMovieClip(_root["obj" + i]);
this.fadeout = true;
_root.spawnok = false;
} else {
this._alpha = this._alpha + 4;
this._x = _root.vcam._x;
this._y = _root.vcam._y;
function mastertrans() {
i = 0;
while (i <= 20) {
removeMovieClip(_root.vcam["text" + i]);
clearInterval(_root.vcam["tint" + i]);
function spawnsheriff1(n, xpos, ypos, type, weapon) {
_root.attachMovie("sheriff", "player" + n, 1100 + n);
_root["player" + n]._x = xpos;
_root["player" + n]._y = ypos;
if (_root._currentframe < 20) {
_root["player" + n].maxhealth = 500;
} else {
_root["player" + n].maxhealth = 900;
_root["player" + n].health = _root["player" + n].maxhealth;
_root["player" + n].alive = true;
_root["player" + n].n = n;
_root["player" + n].ptype = type;
_root["player" + n].xspd = 0;
_root["player" + n].yspd = 0;
_root["player" + n].weapon.gotoAndStop(weapon);
_root["player" + n].onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!this.alive) {
this.keyright = true;
this.keyleft = false;
if (this.xspd < 9) {
this.xspd = this.xspd + 2;
if (_root.level.exit._currentframe < 11) {;
} else if (this.body.hitTest(_root.player1.body)) {
if (((((!this.fireto) && (!this.reload)) && (this.alive)) && (_root.player1.alive)) && (!_root.trans)) {
if (random(20) == 0) {
if (this.keyright && (this.xspd < 5)) {
this.xspd = this.xspd + 2;
} else if (this.keyleft && (this.xspd > -5)) {
this.xspd = this.xspd - 2;
i = 10;
while (i < 30) {
if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 10, this._y - i, true) && (this.xspd > 0)) {
this.xspd = (-this.xspd) / 2;
if (Math.abs(this.xspd) <= 2.5) {
this.xspd = 0;
this.rightkey = false;
} else if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 10, this._y - i, true) && (this.xspd < 0)) {
this.xspd = (-this.xspd) / 2;
if (Math.abs(this.xspd) <= 2.5) {
this.xspd = 0;
this.leftkey = false;
i = i + 10;
this._x = this._x + this.xspd;
this._y = this._y + this.yspd;
while (((_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 3, true) && (this.yspd >= -3)) && (!this.jump)) && (!_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 15, true))) {
this.jump = false;
if (this.jump) {
if (this.yspd < 20) {
if (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true) && (this.yspd > 0)) {
this.jump = false;
if (!this.knockdown) {
this.yspd = 0;
} else {
this.yspd = (-this.yspd) / 3;
if (Math.abs(this.yspd) <= 3) {
this.yspd = 0;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("gtest1", 50);
_root.gtest1._x = this._x + 5;
_root.gtest1._y = this._y - 10;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("gtest2", 51);
_root.gtest2._x = this._x - 5;
_root.gtest2._y = this._y - 10;
while (!_root.level.hitTest(_root.gtest1._x, _root.gtest1._y, true)) {
_root.gtest1._y = _root.gtest1._y + 1;
while (!_root.level.hitTest(_root.gtest2._x, _root.gtest2._y, true)) {
_root.gtest2._y = _root.gtest2._y + 1;
this.gslope = ((Math.atan2(_root.gtest1._y - _root.gtest2._y, 10) * 360) / 2) / Math.PI;
} else {
this.jump = true;
while (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 30, true) && (!_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 15, true))) {
if (this.yspd < 0) {
this.yspd = (-this.yspd) / 2;
while (_root.level.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 2, true)) {
this.jump = false;
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip "player1" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
health = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
alive = true;
ammo3 = _root.lastammo3;
ammo4 = _root.lastammo4;
ammo5 = _root.lastammo5;
ammo6 = _root.lastammo6;
ammo7 = _root.lastammo7;
ammo8 = _root.lastammo8;
ammo9 = _root.lastammo9;
ammo10 = _root.lastammo10;
ammo11 = _root.lastammo11;
ammo12 = _root.lastammo12;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = _root._xmouse;
_y = _root._ymouse;
Frame 2
_root.efirerate = 25;
_root.eaimspd = 7;
function deathsound() {
_root.deaths.start(0, 1);
if (random(2) == 0) {
_root.fd1.start(0, 1);
} else {
_root.fd2.start(0, 1);
function changesong() {
if (cursong == 1) {
bg2.start(0, 9999);
cursong = 2;
} else if (cursong == 2) {
bg3.start(0, 9999);
cursong = 3;
} else {
bg1.start(0, 9999);
cursong = 1;
this.createEmptyMovieClip("s1", 15300);
var ammopu = new Sound(s1);
this.createEmptyMovieClip("s2", 15301);
var beep = new Sound(s2);
this.createEmptyMovieClip("s3", 15302);
var fd1 = new Sound(s3);
this.createEmptyMovieClip("s4", 15303);
var fd2 = new Sound(s4);
this.createEmptyMovieClip("s5", 15304);
var deaths = new Sound(s5);
this.createEmptyMovieClip("s6", 15305);
var bg1 = new Sound(s6);
this.createEmptyMovieClip("s7", 15306);
var bg2 = new Sound(s7);
this.createEmptyMovieClip("s8", 15307);
var bg3 = new Sound(s8);
bg1.start(0, 9999);
cursong = 1;
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 393 MovieClip "thing1" in Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "agent";
weapon = 9;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 6;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 2;
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip "player1" in Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
health = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
alive = true;
ammo3 = _root.lastammo3;
ammo4 = _root.lastammo4;
ammo5 = _root.lastammo5;
ammo6 = _root.lastammo6;
ammo7 = _root.lastammo7;
ammo8 = _root.lastammo8;
ammo9 = _root.lastammo9;
ammo10 = _root.lastammo10;
ammo11 = _root.lastammo11;
ammo12 = _root.lastammo12;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = _root._xmouse;
_y = _root._ymouse;
Frame 3
pns = 3;
_root.spawnsheriff1(2, 300, 200, "sheriff", 3);
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.player2.alive) {
if (_root.trigger1.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 1)) {
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
_root.player2.keyright = true;
if (!_root.player2.jump) {
_root.player2.jump = true;
_root.player2.yspd = -11;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 1;
} else if (_root.trigger2.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 2)) {
if ((random(4) != 2) || (_root.player1._x > _root.player2._x)) {
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
_root.player2.keyright = true;
if ((random(2) == 0) && (!_root.player2.jump)) {
_root.player2.jump = true;
_root.player2.yspd = -11;
} else {
_root.player2.keyleft = true;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 2;
} else if (_root.trigger3.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 3)) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_root.player2.keyleft = true;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
if ((random(2) == 0) && (!_root.player2.jump)) {
_root.player2.jump = true;
_root.player2.yspd = -11;
} else {
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
_root.player2.keyright = true;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 3;
} else if (_root.trigger4.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 4)) {
if (random(3) != 2) {
_root.player2.keyleft = true;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
if ((_root.player1._y > _root.player2._y) && (!_root.player2.jump)) {
_root.player2.jump = true;
_root.player2.yspd = -11;
} else {
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
_root.player2.keyright = true;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 4;
} else if (_root.trigger5.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 5)) {
if (random(3) != 2) {
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
_root.player2.keyright = true;
if ((random(3) != 2) && (!_root.player2.jump)) {
_root.player2.jump = true;
_root.player2.yspd = -11;
} else {
_root.player2.keyleft = true;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 5;
} else if (_root.trigger6.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 6)) {
if (random(3) != 2) {
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
_root.player2.keyright = true;
if ((random(3) != 2) && (!_root.player2.jump)) {
_root.player2.jump = true;
_root.player2.yspd = -11;
} else {
_root.player2.keyleft = true;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 6;
} else if (_root.trigger7.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 7)) {
if ((random(3) != 2) || (_root.player1._x < _root.player2._x)) {
_root.player2.keyleft = true;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
if ((random(3) != 2) && (!_root.player2.jump)) {
_root.player2.jump = true;
_root.player2.yspd = -11;
} else {
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
_root.player2.keyright = true;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 7;
} else if (_root.trigger8.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 8)) {
if (random(2) == 0) {
setTimeout(sheriffmove, 2000, 1);
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
_root.player2.xspd = 0;
} else if (random(2) == 0) {
setTimeout(sheriffmove, 2000, -1);
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
_root.player2.xspd = 0;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 8;
} else if (_root.trigger9.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 9)) {
_root.player2.keyleft = true;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
if (!_root.player2.jump) {
_root.player2.jump = true;
_root.player2.yspd = -11;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 9;
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip "player1" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
health = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
alive = true;
ammo3 = _root.lastammo3;
ammo4 = _root.lastammo4;
ammo5 = _root.lastammo5;
ammo6 = _root.lastammo6;
ammo7 = _root.lastammo7;
ammo8 = _root.lastammo8;
ammo9 = _root.lastammo9;
ammo10 = _root.lastammo10;
ammo11 = _root.lastammo11;
ammo12 = _root.lastammo12;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = _root._xmouse;
_y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 4;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 6;
Instance of Symbol 404 MovieClip "thing1" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
Frame 4
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 422 MovieClip "thing1" in Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 0;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 0;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 11;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 1;
Frame 5
deathcount = 0;
maxhealth = 300;
killcount = 0;
lasthealth = 300;
manualcontrol = false;
gotoAndStop (6);
Frame 6
levelleft = -150;
levelright = 950;
levelup = 0;
leveldown = 400;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 975, 1);
spawnplayer(1, 290, 200);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 445 MovieClip "menu1" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x - ((_x - desx) / 7));
Instance of Symbol 453 MovieClip "menu2" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x - ((_x - desx) / 7));
Instance of Symbol 459 MovieClip "menu3" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x - ((_x - desx) / 6));
Instance of Symbol 274 MovieClip [goldpiece] in Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1)) {
_root.menu1.desx = 0;
} else {
_root.menu1.desx = -300;
Instance of Symbol 274 MovieClip [goldpiece] in Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1)) {
_root.menu2.desx = 0;
} else {
_root.menu2.desx = -250;
Instance of Symbol 274 MovieClip [goldpiece] in Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1)) {
_root.menu3.desx = 855;
} else {
_root.menu3.desx = 1200;
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip in Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1) && (!activated)) {
activated = true;
_root.vcam.infobar("W,S,A,D to move/jump", 10000);
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip in Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1) && (!activated)) {
activated = true;
_root.vcam.infobar("mouse to shoot/change weapon", 10000);
Frame 7
_root.efirerate = 25;
_root.eaimspd = 9;
_root.dropchance = 100;
levelleft = -200;
levelright = 1600;
levelup = 100;
leveldown = 500;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 1550, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -200, 300);
pns = 1;
vcam.largeinfobar("NEW COMPETITOR");
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 4;
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1) && (!activated)) {
activated = true;
_root.vcam.infobar("Collect gold to open door", 10000);
_root.vcam.infobar("Kill enemies to earn gold", 10000);
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1) && (!activated)) {
activated = true;
_root.vcam.infobar("scroll wheel or Q/E", 10000);
_root.vcam.infobar("to change weapon", 10000);
Frame 8
levelleft = -200;
levelright = 450;
levelup = -50;
leveldown = 400;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 450, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -200, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "agent";
weapon = 5;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 1;
Frame 9
levelleft = -200;
levelright = 1000;
levelup = -950;
leveldown = 330;
tgold = 6;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 1000, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -200, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 467 MovieClip "level" in Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndPlay (100);
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 4;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "agent";
weapon = 5;
Instance of Symbol 472 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
pn = 7;
desx = 800;
desy = -200;
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
gox = 800;
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1) && (!activated)) {
activated = true;
_root.vcam.infobar("kill people and collect gold", 10000);
_root.vcam.infobar("to earn weapons/upgrades", 10000);
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1) && (!activated)) {
activated = true;
_root.vcam.infobar("Z/X to view information", 10000);
Frame 10
levelleft = -200;
levelright = 825;
levelup = 0;
leveldown = 400;
tgold = 5;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 825, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -200, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 10
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "agent";
weapon = 6;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 10
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 2;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 10
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 479 MovieClip in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 5) {
if (_root["player" + i].body.hitTest(_x, _y) && (_visible)) {
_root.explosion(_x, _y, _rotation);
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 479 MovieClip in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 5) {
if (_root["player" + i].body.hitTest(_x, _y) && (_visible)) {
_root.explosion(_x, _y, _rotation);
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 479 MovieClip in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 5) {
if (_root["player" + i].body.hitTest(_x, _y) && (_visible)) {
_root.explosion(_x, _y, _rotation);
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 479 MovieClip in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 5) {
if (_root["player" + i].body.hitTest(_x, _y) && (_visible)) {
_root.explosion(_x, _y, _rotation);
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 479 MovieClip in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 5) {
if (_root["player" + i].body.hitTest(_x, _y) && (_visible)) {
_root.explosion(_x, _y, _rotation);
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 479 MovieClip in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 5) {
if (_root["player" + i].body.hitTest(_x, _y) && (_visible)) {
_root.explosion(_x, _y, _rotation);
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 479 MovieClip in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 5) {
if (_root["player" + i].body.hitTest(_x, _y) && (_visible)) {
_root.explosion(_x, _y, _rotation);
_visible = false;
Frame 11
levelleft = -300;
levelright = 250;
levelup = 50;
leveldown = 450;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 250, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -250, 300);
pns = 1;
Frame 12
levelleft = -200;
levelright = 1425;
levelup = 50;
leveldown = 450;
tgold = 5;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 1450, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -200, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 12
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 4;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 12
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "agent";
weapon = 5;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 12
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 6;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 12
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 395 MovieClip in Frame 12
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1) && (! { = true;
_root.spawnmelee(7, 575, 200, "grunt", 1);
_root.spawnmelee(8, 1000, 300, "grunt", 1);
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 12
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 395 MovieClip in Frame 12
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1)) {
Frame 13
levelleft = -200;
levelright = 1200;
levelup = -200;
leveldown = 350;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 1190, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -200, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 4;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 6;
Frame 14
levelleft = -200;
levelright = 800;
levelup = -100;
leveldown = 350;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 850, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -200, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 14
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 14
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 14
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "agent";
weapon = 6;
Frame 15
levelleft = -200;
levelright = 1300;
levelup = 0;
leveldown = 400;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 1325, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -200, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1)) {
if (!activated) {
activated = true;
_root.manualcontrol = true;
_root.trans = true;
_root.vcam.desx = -1025;
_root.vcam.desy = -200;;
} else if (_root.cutscene._currentframe < 65) {
_root.player1._x = 0;
Instance of Symbol 500 MovieClip "cutscene" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 2;
while (i <= 7) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["player" + i])) {
_root["player" + i].desx = (_root.player1._x + random(400)) - 200;
Frame 16
Instance of Symbol 508 MovieClip "player1" in Frame 16
onClipEvent (load) {
alive = true;
ammo3 = _root.lastammo3;
ammo4 = _root.lastammo4;
ammo5 = _root.lastammo5;
ammo6 = _root.lastammo6;
ammo7 = _root.lastammo7;
ammo8 = _root.lastammo8;
ammo9 = _root.lastammo9;
ammo10 = _root.lastammo10;
ammo11 = _root.lastammo11;
ammo12 = _root.lastammo12;
health = _root.lasthealth;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
lookdir = _root.thing1._x - _x;
if (lookdir < -150) {
lookdir = -150;
} else if (lookdir > 150) {
lookdir = 150;
head.gotoAndStop(Math.round((lookdir + 150) / 3));
Instance of Symbol 268 MovieClip [ammodrop] in Frame 16
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 268 MovieClip [ammodrop] in Frame 16
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 268 MovieClip [ammodrop] in Frame 16
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 268 MovieClip [ammodrop] in Frame 16
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 268 MovieClip [ammodrop] in Frame 16
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 510 MovieClip "thing1" in Frame 16
onClipEvent (load) {
this.xspd = 0;
this.yspd = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(68)) {
this.keyright = true;
this.keyleft = false;
if (this.xspd < 7) {
this.xspd = this.xspd + 2;
} else if (Key.isDown(65)) {
this.keyright = false;
this.keyleft = true;
if (this.xspd > -7) {
this.xspd = this.xspd + -2;
} else {
this.keyright = false;
this.keyleft = false;
if (Math.abs(this.xspd) > 1) {
this.xspd = this.xspd / 2;
} else {
this.xspd = 0;
if (Key.isDown(87)) {
this.keyup = true;
this.keydown = false;
if (this.yspd > -4) {
this.yspd = this.yspd - 2;
} else if (Key.isDown(83)) {
this.keyup = false;
this.keydown = true;
if (this.yspd < 4) {
this.yspd = this.yspd + 2;
} else {
this.keyup = false;
this.keydown = false;
if (Math.abs(this.yspd) > 2) {
this.yspd = this.yspd / 3;
} else {
this.yspd = 0;
if ((!_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 15, this._y, true)) && (this.xspd < 0)) {
this._x = this._x + this.xspd;
} else if ((!_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 15, this._y, true)) && (this.xspd > 0)) {
this._x = this._x + this.xspd;
} else {
this.xspd = 0;
if (((!_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 9, this._y + 7, true)) && (!_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 9, this._y + 7, true))) && (this.yspd > 0)) {
this._y = this._y + this.yspd;
} else if (((!_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 9, this._y - 7, true)) && (!_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 9, this._y - 7, true))) && (this.yspd < 0)) {
this._y = this._y + this.yspd;
} else {
this.yspd = 0;
i = 2;
while (i <= 6) {
if (this._y < _root["thing" + i]._y) {
_root["thing" + i]._visible = true;
} else {
_root["thing" + i]._visible = false;
this._xscale = 130 - ((400 - this._y) / 4);
this._yscale = this._xscale;
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip in Frame 16
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.thing1)) {
_root.wpntxt.desy = 0;
} else {
_root.wpntxt.desy = -450;
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip in Frame 16
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.thing1) && (!activated)) {
activated = true;
Frame 17
_root.efirerate = 17;
_root.eaimspd = 15;
function sheriffmove(dir) {
if (dir == 1) {
_root.player2.keyright = true;
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
} else {
_root.player2.keyleft = true;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
levelleft = -200;
levelright = 800;
levelup = -50;
leveldown = 350;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 825, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -200, 300);
pns = 1;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.player2.alive) {
if (_root.trigger1.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 1)) {
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
_root.player2.keyright = true;
if (!_root.player2.jump) {
_root.player2.jump = true;
_root.player2.yspd = -11;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 1;
} else if (_root.trigger2.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 2)) {
if ((random(4) != 2) || (_root.player1._x > _root.player2._x)) {
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
_root.player2.keyright = true;
if ((random(2) == 0) && (!_root.player2.jump)) {
_root.player2.jump = true;
_root.player2.yspd = -11;
} else {
_root.player2.keyleft = true;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 2;
} else if (_root.trigger3.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 3)) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_root.player2.keyleft = true;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
if ((random(2) == 0) && (!_root.player2.jump)) {
_root.player2.jump = true;
_root.player2.yspd = -11;
} else {
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
_root.player2.keyright = true;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 3;
} else if (_root.trigger4.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 4)) {
if (random(3) != 2) {
_root.player2.keyleft = true;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
if ((_root.player1._y > _root.player2._y) && (!_root.player2.jump)) {
_root.player2.jump = true;
_root.player2.yspd = -11;
} else {
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
_root.player2.keyright = true;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 4;
} else if (_root.trigger5.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 5)) {
if (random(3) != 2) {
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
_root.player2.keyright = true;
if ((random(3) != 2) && (!_root.player2.jump)) {
_root.player2.jump = true;
_root.player2.yspd = -11;
} else {
_root.player2.keyleft = true;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 5;
} else if (_root.trigger6.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 6)) {
if (random(3) != 2) {
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
_root.player2.keyright = true;
if ((random(3) != 2) && (!_root.player2.jump)) {
_root.player2.jump = true;
_root.player2.yspd = -11;
} else {
_root.player2.keyleft = true;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 6;
} else if (_root.trigger7.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 7)) {
if ((random(3) != 2) || (_root.player1._x < _root.player2._x)) {
_root.player2.keyleft = true;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
if ((random(3) != 2) && (!_root.player2.jump)) {
_root.player2.jump = true;
_root.player2.yspd = -11;
} else {
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
_root.player2.keyright = true;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 7;
} else if (_root.trigger8.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 8)) {
if (random(2) == 0) {
setTimeout(sheriffmove, 2000, 1);
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
_root.player2.xspd = 0;
} else if (random(2) == 0) {
setTimeout(sheriffmove, 2000, -1);
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
_root.player2.xspd = 0;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 8;
} else if (_root.trigger9.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 9)) {
_root.player2.keyleft = true;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
if (!_root.player2.jump) {
_root.player2.jump = true;
_root.player2.yspd = -11;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 9;
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
itemtimer = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1) && (!activated)) {
activated = true;
_root.spawnsheriff1(2, 630, 275, "sheriff", 3);
if ((activated && (_root.player1.alive)) && (_root.player2.alive)) {
if (itemtimer > 190) {
itemtimer = 0;
_root.spawnitem(200 + random(300), 20, random(8) - 4, random(4) - 2, 0);
Frame 18
_root.efirerate = 23;
_root.eaimspd = 8;
_root.dropchance = 85;
levelleft = -200;
levelright = 600;
levelup = -100;
leveldown = 450;
tgold = 4;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 650, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -200, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 10;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 4;
Instance of Symbol 479 MovieClip in Frame 18
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 5) {
if (_root["player" + i].body.hitTest(_x, _y) && (_visible)) {
_root.explosion(_x, _y, _rotation);
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 479 MovieClip in Frame 18
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 5) {
if (_root["player" + i].body.hitTest(_x, _y) && (_visible)) {
_root.explosion(_x, _y, _rotation);
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 479 MovieClip in Frame 18
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 5) {
if (_root["player" + i].body.hitTest(_x, _y) && (_visible)) {
_root.explosion(_x, _y, _rotation);
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 479 MovieClip in Frame 18
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 5) {
if (_root["player" + i].body.hitTest(_x, _y) && (_visible)) {
_root.explosion(_x, _y, _rotation);
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 472 MovieClip in Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
pn = 6;
desx = -50;
desy = 250;
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
gox = 800;
Frame 19
levelleft = -300;
levelright = 250;
levelup = 50;
leveldown = 450;
tgold = 2;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 250, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -250, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 1;
Frame 20
levelleft = -200;
levelright = 1100;
levelup = 100;
leveldown = 750;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 1100, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -200, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 20
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 20
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 20
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Frame 21
levelleft = -200;
levelright = 700;
levelup = -450;
leveldown = 300;
tgold = 4;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 750, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -200, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 575 MovieClip "level" in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndPlay (120);
Instance of Symbol 395 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1) && (! { = true;
_root.spawnwanderer(8, 300, 200, "agent", 6);
Instance of Symbol 395 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1) && (! { = true;
_root.spawnwanderer(6, 50, 250, "grunt", 3);
_root.spawnwanderer(7, 250, 200, "agent", 6);
Instance of Symbol 395 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1) && (! { = true;
_root.spawnwanderer(4, 400, 250, "grunt", 3);
_root.spawnwanderer(5, 500, 250, "agent", 5);
Frame 22
levelleft = -200;
levelright = 450;
levelup = 0;
leveldown = 400;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 400, 1);
spawnok = true;
spawnplayer(1, -200, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 584 MovieClip in Frame 22
onClipEvent (load) {
despt = 3;
interval = 400;
xspn = -175;
yspn = 130;
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
weaponrand = 2;
xloc = 100;
xrand = 500;
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip in Frame 22
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1) && (_root.spawnok)) {
_root.spawnok = false;;
Frame 23
levelleft = -200;
levelright = 650;
levelup = 0;
leveldown = 400;
tgold = 2;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 650, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -200, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "agent";
weapon = 4;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 5;
Frame 24
levelleft = -275;
levelright = 275;
levelup = -200;
leveldown = 350;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 300, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -200, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 24
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 4;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 24
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 24
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 24
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "agent";
weapon = 5;
Frame 25
levelleft = -200;
levelright = 475;
levelup = 0;
leveldown = 400;
tgold = 2;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 475, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -200, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Frame 26
Instance of Symbol 508 MovieClip "player1" in Frame 26
onClipEvent (load) {
alive = true;
ammo3 = _root.lastammo3;
ammo4 = _root.lastammo4;
ammo5 = _root.lastammo5;
ammo6 = _root.lastammo6;
ammo7 = _root.lastammo7;
ammo8 = _root.lastammo8;
ammo9 = _root.lastammo9;
ammo10 = _root.lastammo10;
ammo11 = _root.lastammo11;
ammo12 = _root.lastammo12;
health = _root.lasthealth;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
lookdir = _root.thing1._x - _x;
if (lookdir < -150) {
lookdir = -150;
} else if (lookdir > 150) {
lookdir = 150;
head.gotoAndStop(Math.round((lookdir + 150) / 3));
Instance of Symbol 268 MovieClip [ammodrop] in Frame 26
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 268 MovieClip [ammodrop] in Frame 26
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 268 MovieClip [ammodrop] in Frame 26
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 268 MovieClip [ammodrop] in Frame 26
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 268 MovieClip [ammodrop] in Frame 26
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 510 MovieClip "thing1" in Frame 26
onClipEvent (load) {
this.xspd = 0;
this.yspd = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(68)) {
this.keyright = true;
this.keyleft = false;
if (this.xspd < 7) {
this.xspd = this.xspd + 2;
} else if (Key.isDown(65)) {
this.keyright = false;
this.keyleft = true;
if (this.xspd > -7) {
this.xspd = this.xspd + -2;
} else {
this.keyright = false;
this.keyleft = false;
if (Math.abs(this.xspd) > 1) {
this.xspd = this.xspd / 2;
} else {
this.xspd = 0;
if (Key.isDown(87)) {
this.keyup = true;
this.keydown = false;
if (this.yspd > -4) {
this.yspd = this.yspd - 2;
} else if (Key.isDown(83)) {
this.keyup = false;
this.keydown = true;
if (this.yspd < 4) {
this.yspd = this.yspd + 2;
} else {
this.keyup = false;
this.keydown = false;
if (Math.abs(this.yspd) > 2) {
this.yspd = this.yspd / 3;
} else {
this.yspd = 0;
if ((!_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 15, this._y, true)) && (this.xspd < 0)) {
this._x = this._x + this.xspd;
} else if ((!_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 15, this._y, true)) && (this.xspd > 0)) {
this._x = this._x + this.xspd;
} else {
this.xspd = 0;
if (((!_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 9, this._y + 7, true)) && (!_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 9, this._y + 7, true))) && (this.yspd > 0)) {
this._y = this._y + this.yspd;
} else if (((!_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 9, this._y - 7, true)) && (!_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 9, this._y - 7, true))) && (this.yspd < 0)) {
this._y = this._y + this.yspd;
} else {
this.yspd = 0;
i = 2;
while (i <= 6) {
if (this._y < _root["thing" + i]._y) {
_root["thing" + i]._visible = true;
} else {
_root["thing" + i]._visible = false;
this._xscale = 130 - ((400 - this._y) / 4);
this._yscale = this._xscale;
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip in Frame 26
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.thing1)) {
_root.wpntxt.desy = 0;
} else {
_root.wpntxt.desy = -450;
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip in Frame 26
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.thing1) && (!activated)) {
activated = true;
Frame 27
levelleft = -200;
levelright = 575;
levelup = -50;
leveldown = 350;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 600, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -200, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "agent";
weapon = 5;
Instance of Symbol 472 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
pn = 5;
desx = 450;
desy = 200;
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
gox = 300;
Frame 28
levelleft = -200;
levelright = 1100;
levelup = -175;
leveldown = 400;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 1125, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -200, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 28
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 10;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 28
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 479 MovieClip in Frame 28
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 5) {
if (_root["player" + i].body.hitTest(_x, _y) && (_visible)) {
_root.explosion(_x, _y, _rotation);
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 479 MovieClip in Frame 28
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 5) {
if (_root["player" + i].body.hitTest(_x, _y) && (_visible)) {
_root.explosion(_x, _y, _rotation);
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 479 MovieClip in Frame 28
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 5) {
if (_root["player" + i].body.hitTest(_x, _y) && (_visible)) {
_root.explosion(_x, _y, _rotation);
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 479 MovieClip in Frame 28
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 5) {
if (_root["player" + i].body.hitTest(_x, _y) && (_visible)) {
_root.explosion(_x, _y, _rotation);
_visible = false;
Frame 29
_root.efirerate = 17;
_root.eaimspd = 13;
function sheriffmove(dir) {
if (dir == 1) {
_root.player2.keyright = true;
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
} else {
_root.player2.keyleft = true;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
levelleft = -200;
levelright = 600;
levelup = -175;
leveldown = 400;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 1125, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -200, 300);
pns = 1;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.player2.alive) {
if (_root.trigger1.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 1)) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
setTimeout(sheriffmove, 2000, 1);
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
_root.player2.xspd = 0;
} else {
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
_root.player2.keyright = true;
if (!_root.player2.jump) {
_root.player2.jump = true;
_root.player2.yspd = -11;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 1;
} else if (_root.trigger2.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 2)) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
setTimeout(sheriffmove, 2000, 1);
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
_root.player2.xspd = 0;
} else if ((random(4) != 2) || (_root.player1._x > _root.player2._x)) {
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
_root.player2.keyright = true;
} else {
_root.player2.keyleft = true;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 2;
} else if (_root.trigger3.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 3)) {
if (_root.player2.keyleft) {
_root.player2.jump = true;
_root.player2.yspd = -11;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 3;
} else if (_root.trigger4.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 4)) {
if (random(3) != 2) {
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
_root.player2.keyright = true;
if (!_root.player2.jump) {
_root.player2.jump = true;
_root.player2.yspd = -11;
} else {
_root.player2.keyleft = true;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 4;
} else if (_root.trigger5.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 5)) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
setTimeout(sheriffmove, 2000, -1);
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
_root.player2.xspd = 0;
} else if (random(3) == 2) {
_root.player2.keyleft = false;
_root.player2.keyright = true;
} else {
_root.player2.keyleft = true;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 5;
} else if (_root.trigger6.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 6)) {
if (_root.player2.keyright) {
_root.player2.jump = true;
_root.player2.yspd = -11;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 6;
} else if (_root.trigger7.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 7)) {
_root.player2.keyleft = true;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
if ((random(3) != 2) && (!_root.player2.jump)) {
_root.player2.jump = true;
_root.player2.yspd = -11;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 7;
} else if (_root.trigger8.hitTest(_root.player2) && (_root.player2.lasttrig != 8)) {
_root.player2.keyleft = true;
_root.player2.keyright = false;
_root.player2.lasttrig = 8;
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1) && (!activated)) {
activated = true;
_root.spawnok = true;
_root.spawnsheriff1(2, 600, -50, "sheriff", 3);
_root.player2.keyleft = true;
} else if (((!_root.player2.alive) && (activated)) && (_root.spawnok)) {;
_root.spawnok = false;
Instance of Symbol 584 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
despt = 3;
interval = 500;
xspn = -225;
yspn = 0;
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
weaponrand = 2;
xloc = -100;
xrand = 500;
Frame 30
_root.efirerate = 25;
_root.eaimspd = 7;
levelleft = -200;
levelright = 875;
levelup = -50;
leveldown = 350;
tgold = 2;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 880, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -200, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "agent";
weapon = 8;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 4;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 5;
Instance of Symbol 472 MovieClip in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
pn = 6;
desx = 775;
desy = 200;
char = "grunt";
weapon = 4;
gox = 700;
Frame 31
levelleft = -200;
levelright = 550;
levelup = 100;
leveldown = 500;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 550, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -200, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 7;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 472 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
pn = 5;
desx = -25;
desy = 300;
char = "agent";
weapon = 6;
gox = 80;
Frame 32
levelleft = -150;
levelright = 400;
levelup = 50;
leveldown = 450;
tgold = 1;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 450, 1);
spawnsheriff1(2, 50, 300, "sheriff", 3);
player2.keyright = true;
player2.alive = false;
manualcontrol = true;
vcam.desx = -125;
vcam.desy = -250;
pns = 2;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 32
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "agent";
weapon = 2;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 32
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "agent";
weapon = 6;
Frame 33
levelleft = -300;
levelright = 250;
levelup = 50;
leveldown = 450;
tgold = 2;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 250, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -250, 300);
pns = 1;
Frame 34
levelleft = -200;
levelright = 1200;
levelup = -100;
leveldown = 350;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 1250, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -200, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 34
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 34
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 4;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 34
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 4;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 34
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 5;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 34
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 472 MovieClip in Frame 34
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
pn = 7;
desx = 500;
desy = 150;
char = "grunt";
weapon = 5;
gox = 500;
Frame 35
levelleft = -200;
levelright = 550;
levelup = -50;
leveldown = 350;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 575, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -200, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 35
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 6;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 35
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "agent";
weapon = 6;
Frame 36
levelleft = -200;
levelright = 650;
levelup = 0;
leveldown = 400;
tgold = 4;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 675, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -200, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 36
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "agent";
weapon = 4;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 36
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 36
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 5;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 36
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "agent";
weapon = 8;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 36
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Frame 37
levelleft = -300;
levelright = 250;
levelup = 50;
leveldown = 450;
tgold = 2;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 250, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -250, 300);
pns = 1;
Frame 38
levelleft = -350;
levelright = 400;
levelup = -50;
leveldown = 350;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, -375, -1);
spawnplayer(1, -150, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 38
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 5;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 38
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 4;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 38
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Frame 39
levelleft = -50;
levelright = 700;
levelup = -50;
leveldown = 350;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, -75, -1);
spawnplayer(1, 700, 200);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 39
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "wander";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Frame 40
levelleft = -100;
levelright = 750;
levelup = -375;
leveldown = 350;
tgold = 4;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 800, 1);
spawnplayer(1, 700, 200);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 40
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "agent";
weapon = 6;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 40
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 40
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 40
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 5;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 40
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 479 MovieClip in Frame 40
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 5) {
if (_root["player" + i].body.hitTest(_x, _y) && (_visible)) {
_root.explosion(_x, _y, _rotation);
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 479 MovieClip in Frame 40
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 5) {
if (_root["player" + i].body.hitTest(_x, _y) && (_visible)) {
_root.explosion(_x, _y, _rotation);
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 479 MovieClip in Frame 40
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 5) {
if (_root["player" + i].body.hitTest(_x, _y) && (_visible)) {
_root.explosion(_x, _y, _rotation);
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 479 MovieClip in Frame 40
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 5) {
if (_root["player" + i].body.hitTest(_x, _y) && (_visible)) {
_root.explosion(_x, _y, _rotation);
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 479 MovieClip in Frame 40
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 5) {
if (_root["player" + i].body.hitTest(_x, _y) && (_visible)) {
_root.explosion(_x, _y, _rotation);
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 479 MovieClip in Frame 40
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 5) {
if (_root["player" + i].body.hitTest(_x, _y) && (_visible)) {
_root.explosion(_x, _y, _rotation);
_visible = false;
Frame 41
Instance of Symbol 508 MovieClip "player1" in Frame 41
onClipEvent (load) {
alive = true;
ammo3 = _root.lastammo3;
ammo4 = _root.lastammo4;
ammo5 = _root.lastammo5;
ammo6 = _root.lastammo6;
ammo7 = _root.lastammo7;
ammo8 = _root.lastammo8;
ammo9 = _root.lastammo9;
ammo10 = _root.lastammo10;
ammo11 = _root.lastammo11;
ammo12 = _root.lastammo12;
health = _root.lasthealth;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
lookdir = _root.thing1._x - _x;
if (lookdir < -150) {
lookdir = -150;
} else if (lookdir > 150) {
lookdir = 150;
head.gotoAndStop(Math.round((lookdir + 150) / 3));
Instance of Symbol 268 MovieClip [ammodrop] in Frame 41
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 268 MovieClip [ammodrop] in Frame 41
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 268 MovieClip [ammodrop] in Frame 41
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 268 MovieClip [ammodrop] in Frame 41
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 268 MovieClip [ammodrop] in Frame 41
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 510 MovieClip "thing1" in Frame 41
onClipEvent (load) {
this.xspd = 0;
this.yspd = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(68)) {
this.keyright = true;
this.keyleft = false;
if (this.xspd < 7) {
this.xspd = this.xspd + 2;
} else if (Key.isDown(65)) {
this.keyright = false;
this.keyleft = true;
if (this.xspd > -7) {
this.xspd = this.xspd + -2;
} else {
this.keyright = false;
this.keyleft = false;
if (Math.abs(this.xspd) > 1) {
this.xspd = this.xspd / 2;
} else {
this.xspd = 0;
if (Key.isDown(87)) {
this.keyup = true;
this.keydown = false;
if (this.yspd > -4) {
this.yspd = this.yspd - 2;
} else if (Key.isDown(83)) {
this.keyup = false;
this.keydown = true;
if (this.yspd < 4) {
this.yspd = this.yspd + 2;
} else {
this.keyup = false;
this.keydown = false;
if (Math.abs(this.yspd) > 2) {
this.yspd = this.yspd / 3;
} else {
this.yspd = 0;
if ((!_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 15, this._y, true)) && (this.xspd < 0)) {
this._x = this._x + this.xspd;
} else if ((!_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 15, this._y, true)) && (this.xspd > 0)) {
this._x = this._x + this.xspd;
} else {
this.xspd = 0;
if (((!_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 9, this._y + 7, true)) && (!_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 9, this._y + 7, true))) && (this.yspd > 0)) {
this._y = this._y + this.yspd;
} else if (((!_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 9, this._y - 7, true)) && (!_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 9, this._y - 7, true))) && (this.yspd < 0)) {
this._y = this._y + this.yspd;
} else {
this.yspd = 0;
i = 2;
while (i <= 6) {
if (this._y < _root["thing" + i]._y) {
_root["thing" + i]._visible = true;
} else {
_root["thing" + i]._visible = false;
this._xscale = 130 - ((400 - this._y) / 4);
this._yscale = this._xscale;
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip in Frame 41
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.thing1)) {
_root.wpntxt.desy = 0;
} else {
_root.wpntxt.desy = -450;
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip in Frame 41
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.thing1) && (!activated)) {
activated = true;
Frame 42
_root.efirerate = 20;
_root.eaimspd = 8;
_root.dropchance = 75;
levelleft = -300;
levelright = 250;
levelup = 50;
leveldown = 450;
tgold = 2;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 250, 1);
spawnplayer(1, -250, 300);
pns = 1;
Frame 43
levelleft = -250;
levelright = 425;
levelup = 0;
leveldown = 400;
tgold = 2;
agold = 0;
spawnplayer(1, -250, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 656 MovieClip "level" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "agent";
weapon = 5;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "agent";
weapon = 5;
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip in Frame 43
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((this.hitTest(_root.player1) && (!_root.player2.alive)) && (!_root.player3.alive)) && (_root.player1.alive)) {
_root.player1.alive = false;;
Frame 44
levelleft = -275;
levelright = 275;
levelup = -150;
leveldown = 250;
tgold = 0;
agold = 0;
spawnplayer(1, 0, 50);
pns = 1;
Frame 45
levelleft = -300;
levelright = 800;
levelup = 150;
leveldown = 550;
tgold = 2;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, -300, -1);
spawnplayer(1, 250, 100);
player1.alive = false;
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 45
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 0;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 45
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 0;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 45
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 0;
Frame 46
levelleft = -950;
levelright = 700;
levelup = -150;
leveldown = 275;
tgold = 4;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, -975, -1);
spawnok = true;
spawnplayer(1, 700, 200);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 584 MovieClip in Frame 46
onClipEvent (load) {
despt = 7;
interval = 150;
xspn = -850;
yspn = 250;
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 0;
weaponrand = 1;
xloc = -700;
xrand = 300;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 46
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "agent";
weapon = 8;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 46
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 46
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 0;
Frame 47
levelleft = -450;
levelright = 700;
levelup = -100;
leveldown = 300;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, -450, -1);
spawnplayer(1, 700, 200);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 47
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 0;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 47
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 0;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 47
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 0;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 47
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 7;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 47
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Frame 48
levelleft = -450;
levelright = 700;
levelup = 0;
leveldown = 400;
tgold = 4;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, -450, -1);
spawnok = true;
spawnplayer(1, 700, 200);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 48
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 4;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 48
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 48
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 6;
Instance of Symbol 584 MovieClip in Frame 48
onClipEvent (load) {
despt = 7;
interval = 150;
xspn = -260;
yspn = 350;
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 0;
weaponrand = 1;
xloc = -200;
xrand = 400;
Frame 49
levelleft = 0;
levelright = 700;
levelup = 0;
leveldown = 400;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 0, -1);
spawnok = true;
spawnplayer(1, 650, 200);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 4;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "agent";
weapon = 5;
Instance of Symbol 584 MovieClip in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) {
despt = 7;
interval = 100;
xspn = 560;
yspn = 325;
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 0;
weaponrand = 1;
xloc = -200;
xrand = 300;
Frame 50
levelleft = -300;
levelright = 250;
levelup = 50;
leveldown = 450;
tgold = 2;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, -275, -1);
spawnplayer(1, 250, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 50
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 0;
Frame 51
_root.efirerate = 20;
_root.eaimspd = 6;
levelleft = 100;
levelright = 650;
levelup = -50;
leveldown = 350;
tgold = 2;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 50, -1);
spawnplayer(1, 650, 200);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 693 MovieClip "player2" in Frame 51
onClipEvent (load) {
maxhealth = 850;
health = 850;
ptype = "zombie";
xspd = 0;
yspd = 0;
n = 2;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (alive && (_root.player1.alive)) {
if ((_x < desx) && (xspd < 10)) {
} else if ((_x > desx) && (xspd > -10)) {
if ((_y < desy) && (yspd < 8)) {
} else if ((_y > desy) && (yspd > -8)) {
_x = (_x + xspd);
_y = (_y + yspd);
if (random(40) == 0) {
if (_x > _root.player1._x) {
keyleft = true;
keyright = false;
} else {
keyleft = false;
keyright = true;
} else if ((_root.trig.activated && (!alive)) || (!_root.player1.alive)) {
if ((!activated) && (_root.player1.alive)) {;
activated = true;
alive = false;
desx = 350;
if (Math.abs(_x - 350) < 25) {
desy = -100;
_x = (_x - ((_x - desx) / 10));
_y = (_y - ((_y - desy) / 10));
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip "trig" in Frame 51
onClipEvent (load) {
itemtimer = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1) && (!activated)) {
_root.player2.alive = true;
_root.player2.desx = 350;
_root.player2.desy = 150;
activated = true;
} else if ((activated && (_root.player1.alive)) && (_root.player2.alive)) {
if (itemtimer > 200) {
itemtimer = 0;
_root.spawnitem(150 + random(400), 50, random(8) - 4, random(4) - 2, 0);
Frame 52
_root.efirerate = 18;
_root.eaimspd = 7;
_root.dropchance = 60;
levelleft = -300;
levelright = 250;
levelup = 50;
leveldown = 450;
tgold = 2;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, -250, -1);
spawnplayer(1, 250, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 52
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 0;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 52
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 0;
Frame 53
Instance of Symbol 508 MovieClip "player1" in Frame 53
onClipEvent (load) {
alive = true;
ammo3 = _root.lastammo3;
ammo4 = _root.lastammo4;
ammo5 = _root.lastammo5;
ammo6 = _root.lastammo6;
ammo7 = _root.lastammo7;
ammo8 = _root.lastammo8;
ammo9 = _root.lastammo9;
ammo10 = _root.lastammo10;
ammo11 = _root.lastammo11;
ammo12 = _root.lastammo12;
health = _root.lasthealth;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
lookdir = _root.thing1._x - _x;
if (lookdir < -150) {
lookdir = -150;
} else if (lookdir > 150) {
lookdir = 150;
head.gotoAndStop(Math.round((lookdir + 150) / 3));
Instance of Symbol 268 MovieClip [ammodrop] in Frame 53
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 268 MovieClip [ammodrop] in Frame 53
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 268 MovieClip [ammodrop] in Frame 53
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 268 MovieClip [ammodrop] in Frame 53
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 268 MovieClip [ammodrop] in Frame 53
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 510 MovieClip "thing1" in Frame 53
onClipEvent (load) {
this.xspd = 0;
this.yspd = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(68)) {
this.keyright = true;
this.keyleft = false;
if (this.xspd < 7) {
this.xspd = this.xspd + 2;
} else if (Key.isDown(65)) {
this.keyright = false;
this.keyleft = true;
if (this.xspd > -7) {
this.xspd = this.xspd + -2;
} else {
this.keyright = false;
this.keyleft = false;
if (Math.abs(this.xspd) > 1) {
this.xspd = this.xspd / 2;
} else {
this.xspd = 0;
if (Key.isDown(87)) {
this.keyup = true;
this.keydown = false;
if (this.yspd > -4) {
this.yspd = this.yspd - 2;
} else if (Key.isDown(83)) {
this.keyup = false;
this.keydown = true;
if (this.yspd < 4) {
this.yspd = this.yspd + 2;
} else {
this.keyup = false;
this.keydown = false;
if (Math.abs(this.yspd) > 2) {
this.yspd = this.yspd / 3;
} else {
this.yspd = 0;
if ((!_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 15, this._y, true)) && (this.xspd < 0)) {
this._x = this._x + this.xspd;
} else if ((!_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 15, this._y, true)) && (this.xspd > 0)) {
this._x = this._x + this.xspd;
} else {
this.xspd = 0;
if (((!_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 9, this._y + 7, true)) && (!_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 9, this._y + 7, true))) && (this.yspd > 0)) {
this._y = this._y + this.yspd;
} else if (((!_root.level.hitTest(this._x - 9, this._y - 7, true)) && (!_root.level.hitTest(this._x + 9, this._y - 7, true))) && (this.yspd < 0)) {
this._y = this._y + this.yspd;
} else {
this.yspd = 0;
i = 2;
while (i <= 6) {
if (this._y < _root["thing" + i]._y) {
_root["thing" + i]._visible = true;
} else {
_root["thing" + i]._visible = false;
this._xscale = 130 - ((400 - this._y) / 4);
this._yscale = this._xscale;
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip in Frame 53
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.thing1)) {
_root.wpntxt.desy = 0;
} else {
_root.wpntxt.desy = -450;
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip in Frame 53
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.thing1) && (!activated)) {
activated = true;
Frame 54
levelleft = -600;
levelright = 675;
levelup = -50;
leveldown = 350;
tgold = 4;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, -625, -1);
spawnplayer(1, 650, 200);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 54
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 7;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 54
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 0;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 54
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 54
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 0;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 54
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 1;
Instance of Symbol 472 MovieClip in Frame 54
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
pn = 7;
desx = 100;
desy = 100;
char = "zombie";
weapon = 1;
gox = -300;
Frame 55
levelleft = -300;
levelright = 675;
levelup = -50;
leveldown = 350;
tgold = 4;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, -300, -1);
spawnplayer(1, 650, 200);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 6;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 5;
Frame 56
spawnok = true;
levelleft = -400;
levelright = 675;
levelup = -50;
leveldown = 350;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, -425, -1);
spawnplayer(1, 650, 200);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 56
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 8;
Instance of Symbol 584 MovieClip in Frame 56
onClipEvent (load) {
despt = 7;
interval = 150;
xspn = -340;
yspn = 275;
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 0;
weaponrand = 1;
xloc = -250;
xrand = 400;
Frame 57
spawnok = true;
levelleft = -25;
levelright = 675;
levelup = -450;
leveldown = 350;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, -50, -1);
spawnplayer(1, 650, 200);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 57
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 10;
Instance of Symbol 584 MovieClip in Frame 57
onClipEvent (load) {
despt = 7;
interval = 150;
xspn = 70;
yspn = 275;
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 0;
weaponrand = 1;
xloc = 125;
xrand = 125;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 57
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 10;
Frame 58
levelleft = -150;
levelright = 675;
levelup = -100;
leveldown = 350;
tgold = 2;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, -200, -1);
spawnplayer(1, 650, 200);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 58
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 58
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 0;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 58
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 58
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 0;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 58
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 58
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 5;
Instance of Symbol 472 MovieClip in Frame 58
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
pn = 8;
desx = 550;
desy = 150;
char = "agent";
weapon = 6;
gox = 550;
Frame 59
levelleft = -350;
levelright = 675;
levelup = -100;
leveldown = 400;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, -360, -1);
spawnplayer(1, 650, 200);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 59
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 0;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 59
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 1;
Instance of Symbol 472 MovieClip in Frame 59
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
pn = 7;
desx = 550;
desy = 175;
char = "grunt";
weapon = 7;
gox = 550;
Frame 60
levelleft = 100;
levelright = 650;
levelup = -250;
leveldown = 300;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 80, -1);
spawnplayer(1, 650, 200);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 60
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "agent";
weapon = 4;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 60
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 60
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 60
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 0;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 60
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Frame 61
levelleft = -300;
levelright = 250;
levelup = 50;
leveldown = 450;
tgold = 2;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, -250, -1);
spawnplayer(1, 250, 300);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 1;
Frame 62
levelleft = 0;
levelright = 650;
levelup = -100;
leveldown = 300;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 0, -1);
spawnplayer(1, 650, 200);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 62
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "agent";
weapon = 4;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 62
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 62
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 0;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 62
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 6;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 62
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 3;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 62
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 1;
Frame 63
levelleft = 175;
levelright = 725;
levelup = -100;
leveldown = 300;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, 125, -1);
spawnplayer(1, 650, 200);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 63
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "agent";
weapon = 8;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 63
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "grunt";
weapon = 5;
Frame 64
levelleft = -625;
levelright = 675;
levelup = -50;
leveldown = 350;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, -650, -1);
spawnplayer(1, 650, 200);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 64
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 64
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 0;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 64
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 1;
Instance of Symbol 399 MovieClip in Frame 64
onClipEvent (load) {
type = "sniper";
char = "agent";
weapon = 6;
Frame 65
spawnok = true;
levelleft = -75;
levelright = 675;
levelup = -50;
leveldown = 350;
tgold = 3;
agold = 0;
levelcheckint = setInterval(levelcheck, 500, -100, -1);
spawnplayer(1, 650, 200);
pns = 1;
Instance of Symbol 584 MovieClip in Frame 65
onClipEvent (load) {
despt = 7;
interval = 150;
xspn = 0;
yspn = 275;
type = "melee";
char = "zombie";
weapon = 1;
weaponrand = 1;
xloc = 100;
xrand = 400;
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip "trig" in Frame 65
onClipEvent (load) {
itemtimer = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1) && (!activated)) {
_root.player2.alive = true;
_root.player2.desx = 350;
_root.player2.desy = 150;
activated = true;
} else if ((activated && (_root.player1.alive)) && (_root.player2.alive)) {
if (itemtimer > 200) {
itemtimer = 0;
_root.spawnitem(50 + random(500), 50, random(8) - 4, random(4) - 2, 0);
Instance of Symbol 693 MovieClip "player2" in Frame 65
onClipEvent (load) {
maxhealth = 1000;
health = 1000;
ptype = "zombie";
xspd = 0;
yspd = 0;
n = 2;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (alive && (_root.player1.alive)) {
if ((_x < desx) && (xspd < 10)) {
} else if ((_x > desx) && (xspd > -10)) {
if ((_y < desy) && (yspd < 8)) {
} else if ((_y > desy) && (yspd > -8)) {
_x = (_x + xspd);
_y = (_y + yspd);
if (random(40) == 0) {
if (_x > _root.player1._x) {
keyleft = true;
keyright = false;
} else {
keyleft = false;
keyright = true;
} else if ((_root.trig.activated && (!alive)) || (!_root.player1.alive)) {
if ((!activated) && (_root.player1.alive)) {;
activated = true;
alive = false;
desx = 350;
if (Math.abs(_x - 350) < 25) {
desy = -100;
_x = (_x - ((_x - desx) / 10));
_y = (_y - ((_y - desy) / 10));
Frame 66
levelleft = -100;
levelright = 660;
levelup = -50;
leveldown = 425;
spawnplayer(1, 300, 100);
menubtn.onRelease = function () {
_root.desmenu = true;
Frame 100
Symbol 6 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.cursong == 1) {
_root.bg1.start(0, 9999);
} else if (_root.cursong == 2) {
_root.bg2.start(0, 9999);
} else {
_root.bg3.start(0, 9999);
Symbol 9 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 12 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 30 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 69 MovieClip [vcam] Frame 1
function changeweapon() {
weaponint = setInterval(weaponfunc, 35);
dw = _root.player1.deswpn;
if (dw <= 2) {
ammo.text = "-";
} else {
ammo.text = _root.player1["ammo" + dw];
if (dw <= 2) {
wpnhud.desx = -264;
if (dw == 1) {
wpnname = "combat knife";
} else {
wpnname = "axe";
} else if (dw <= 5) {
wpnhud.desx = -314;
if (dw == 3) {
wpnname = "pistol";
} else if (dw == 4) {
wpnname = "dual pistols";
} else if (dw == 5) {
wpnname = "smg";
} else if (dw <= 9) {
wpnhud.desx = -365;
if (dw == 6) {
wpnname = "assault rifle";
} else if (dw == 7) {
wpnname = "shotgun";
} else if (dw == 8) {
wpnname = "sniper rifle";
} else if (dw == 9) {
wpnname = "automatic rifle";
} else if (dw <= 11) {
wpnhud.desx = -415;
if (dw == 10) {
wpnname = "grenade";
} else {
wpnname = "grenade launcher";
} else {
wpnhud.desx = -466;
wpnname = "laser";
function weaponfunc() {
if ((Math.abs(wpnhud._x - wpnhud.desx) > 1) || (wpnhud[dw]._xscale < 100)) {
wpnhud._x = wpnhud._x - ((wpnhud._x - wpnhud.desx) / 5);
i = 1;
while (i <= 12) {
if ((i != dw) && (Math.abs(wpnhud[i]._xscale - (80 - (Math.abs(i - dw) * 20))) > 7)) {
wpnhud[i]._xscale = wpnhud[i]._xscale - ((wpnhud[i]._xscale - (50 - (Math.abs(i - dw) * 10))) / 7);
wpnhud[i]._yscale = wpnhud[i]._xscale;
if (wpnhud[dw]._xscale < 100) {
wpnhud[dw]._xscale = wpnhud[dw]._xscale - ((wpnhud[dw]._xscale - 100) / 7);
wpnhud[dw]._yscale = wpnhud[dw]._xscale;
} else {
i = 1;
while (i <= 12) {
wpnhud[i]._xscale = 20;
wpnhud[i]._yscale = 20;
function framerate() {
fr = fc;
fc = 0;
fc = 0;
fpscheck = setInterval(framerate, 1000);
function damagefunc() {
if ( < 0) { = 0;
damageint = setInterval(herodamage, 40);
function herodamage() {
healthborder._xscale = healthborder._xscale - ((healthborder._xscale - (_root.maxhealth / 4)) / 4);
healthred._xscale = healthred._xscale - ((healthred._xscale - ( / 4)) / 4);
if (Math.abs(healthred._xscale - ( / 2)) < 1) {
function infobar(info, to) {
if (n > 20) {
n = 0;
k = 0;
while (k <= 20) {
if (_root.vcam["text" + k].desy != 210) {
_root.vcam["text" + k].desy = _root.vcam["text" + k].desy - 15;
_root.vcam.createEmptyMovieClip("text" + n, n);
_root.vcam["text" + n]._x = 0;
_root.vcam["text" + n]._y = 210;
_root.vcam["text" + n].desy = 175;
_root.vcam["text" + n].createTextField("infotext", 1, -150, 0, 300, 15);
_root.vcam["text" + n].infotext.text = info;
_root.vcam["text" + n].infotext.selectable = false;
_root.vcam["text" + n].infotext.setTextFormat(myformat);
_root.vcam["text" + n].onEnterFrame = function () {
this._y = this._y - ((this._y - this.desy) / 5);
if (this._y >= 205) {
clearInterval(_root.vcam["tint" + n]);
_root.vcam["tint" + n] = setInterval(fadeout, to, n);
function fadeout(n) {
clearInterval(_root.vcam["tint" + n]);
_root.vcam["text" + n].desy = 210;
k = 0;
while (k <= 20) {
if (_root.vcam["text" + k]._y <= _root.vcam["text" + n]._y) {
_root.vcam["text" + k].desy = _root.vcam["text" + k].desy + 15;
function largeinfobar(info) {
_root.vcam.createEmptyMovieClip("ltext", 25);
_root.vcam.ltext._x = 0;
_root.vcam.ltext._y = -210;
_root.vcam.ltext.desy = -100;
_root.vcam.ltext.createTextField("infotext", 1, -400, 0, 800, 60);
_root.vcam.ltext.infotext.text = info;
_root.vcam.ltext.infotext.selectable = false;
_root.vcam.ltext.timer = 0;
_root.vcam.ltext.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._y = this._y - ((this._y - this.desy) / 5);
if (this.timer > 60) {
this.desy = -240;
} else {
if (this._y <= -230) {
n = 0;
var myformat = new TextFormat();
myformat.font = "Arial";
myformat.align = "center";
myformat.size = 10;
var lgformat = new TextFormat();
lgformat.font = "Century Gothic";
lgformat.align = "center";
lgformat.size = 16;
lgformat.bold = true;
function deathfunc() {
_root.spawnok = false;
_root.vcam.attachMovie("deathscreen", "deathscreen", 78);
_root.vcam.deathscreen._x = 0;
_root.vcam.deathscreen._y = 0;
function bosshealth() {
_root.vcam.attachMovie("bosshealth", "bh", 79); = 0; = -255.9; = 180; = _root.player2.maxhealth; = function () {
if (this._alpha < 100) {
this._alpha = this._alpha + 5;
if ( < 0) { = 0;
} = ( / this.maxhealth) * 100; = - (( - / 2);
function resetStage() {
var _local2 = {ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0};
_parent._xscale = 100;
_parent._yscale = 100;
_parent._x = 0;
_parent._y = 0;
this.onUnload = resetStage;
Symbol 82 MovieClip [damage] Frame 1
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((!_parent.keyright) && (!_parent.keyleft)) {
if (_parent.psize == "big") {
_parent.head._y = -60;
} else {
_parent.head._y = -20;
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent.head._y = _parent.head._y + 0.5;
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent.head._y = _parent.head._y + 0.5;
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 4
_parent.head._y = _parent.head._y + 0.5;
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 5
_parent.head._y = _parent.head._y - 0.5;
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 6
_parent.head._y = _parent.head._y - 0.5;
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 7
_parent.head._y = _parent.head._y - 0.5;
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 8
if ((!_parent.keyright) && (!_parent.keyleft)) {
if (_parent.psize == "big") {
_parent.head._y = -60;
} else {
_parent.head._y = -20;
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 9
_parent.head._y = _parent.head._y + 0.5;
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 10
_parent.head._y = _parent.head._y + 0.5;
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 11
_parent.head._y = _parent.head._y + 0.5;
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 12
_parent.head._y = _parent.head._y - 0.5;
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 13
_parent.head._y = _parent.head._y - 0.5;
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 14
_parent.head._y = _parent.head._y - 0.5;
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 15
if ((!_parent.keyright) && (!_parent.keyleft)) {
if (_parent.psize == "big") {
_parent.head._y = -60;
} else {
_parent.head._y = -20;
Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 106 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 111 MovieClip Frame 1
if (random(2) == 0) {
} else {
gotoAndStop (7);
Symbol 111 MovieClip Frame 3
if (_parent._parent.n != 1) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1.body)) { = - 10;
_root.bloodspatter(_parent._x + _parent._parent._x, _parent._y + _parent._parent._y, _parent._xscale);
_root.damage(i, 0, "slash");
if (( <= 0) && (_root.player1.alive)) {
_root.player1.alive = false;
if (_parent._xscale > 0) {
_root.player1.kd(1, 0.6);
} else {
_root.player1.kd(-1, 0.6);
} else {
i = 0;
while (i <= 15) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["player" + i].body) && (i != _parent._parent.n)) {
_root["player" + i].health = _root["player" + i].health - 10;
_root.bloodspatter(_parent._x + _parent._parent._x, _parent._y + _parent._parent._y, _parent._xscale);
_root.damage(i, 0, "slash");
if ((_root["player" + i].health <= 0) && (_root["player" + i].alive)) {
_root["player" + i].alive = false;
if (_parent._xscale > 0) {
_root["player" + i].kd(1, 0.6);
if (_root["player" + k].stype != "spawn") {
_root.spawnitem(_root["player" + i]._x, _root["player" + i]._y, 7, -4, _root["player" + i].weapon._currentframe);
} else {
} else {
_root["player" + i].kd(-1, 0.6);
if (_root["player" + k].stype != "spawn") {
_root.spawnitem(_root["player" + i]._x, _root["player" + i]._y, -7, -4, _root["player" + i].weapon._currentframe);
} else {
Symbol 111 MovieClip Frame 7
if (random(2) == 0) {
} else {
gotoAndStop (7);
Symbol 111 MovieClip Frame 10
if (_parent._parent.n != 1) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1.body)) { = - 10;
_root.bloodspatter(_parent._x + _parent._parent._x, _parent._y + _parent._parent._y, _parent._xscale);
_root.damage(i, 0, "slash");
if (( <= 0) && (_root.player1.alive)) {
_root.player1.alive = false;
if (_parent._xscale > 0) {
_root.player1.kd(1, 0.6);
} else {
_root.player1.kd(-1, 0.6);
} else {
i = 0;
while (i <= 15) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["player" + i].body) && (i != _parent._parent.n)) {
_root["player" + i].health = _root["player" + i].health - 10;
_root.bloodspatter(_parent._x + _parent._parent._x, _parent._y + _parent._parent._y, _parent._xscale);
_root.damage(i, 0, "slash");
if ((_root["player" + i].health <= 0) && (_root["player" + i].alive)) {
_root["player" + i].alive = false;
if (_parent._xscale > 0) {
_root["player" + i].kd(1, 0.6);
if (_root["player" + k].stype != "spawn") {
_root.spawnitem(_root["player" + i]._x, _root["player" + i]._y, 7, -4, _root["player" + i].weapon._currentframe);
} else {
} else {
_root["player" + i].kd(-1, 0.6);
if (_root["player" + k].stype != "spawn") {
_root.spawnitem(_root["player" + i]._x, _root["player" + i]._y, -7, -4, _root["player" + i].weapon._currentframe);
} else {
Symbol 111 MovieClip Frame 14
if (_parent._parent.n != 1) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1.body)) { = - 10;
_root.bloodspatter(_parent._x + _parent._parent._x, _parent._y + _parent._parent._y, _parent._xscale);
_root.damage(i, 0, "slash");
if (( <= 0) && (_root.player1.alive)) {
_root.player1.alive = false;
if (_parent._xscale > 0) {
_root.player1.kd(1, 0.6);
} else {
_root.player1.kd(-1, 0.6);
} else {
i = 0;
while (i <= 15) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["player" + i].body) && (i != _parent._parent.n)) {
_root["player" + i].health = _root["player" + i].health - 10;
_root.bloodspatter(_parent._x + _parent._parent._x, _parent._y + _parent._parent._y, _parent._xscale);
_root.damage(i, 0, "slash");
if ((_root["player" + i].health <= 0) && (_root["player" + i].alive)) {
_root["player" + i].alive = false;
if (_parent._xscale > 0) {
_root["player" + i].kd(1, 0.6);
if (_root["player" + k].stype != "spawn") {
_root.spawnitem(_root["player" + i]._x, _root["player" + i]._y, 7, -4, _root["player" + i].weapon._currentframe);
} else {
} else {
_root["player" + i].kd(-1, 0.6);
if (_root["player" + k].stype != "spawn") {
_root.spawnitem(_root["player" + i]._x, _root["player" + i]._y, -7, -4, _root["player" + i].weapon._currentframe);
} else {
Symbol 114 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 114 MovieClip Frame 3
if (_parent._parent.n != 1) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1.body)) { = - 18;
_root.bloodspatter(_parent._x + _parent._parent._x, _parent._y + _parent._parent._y, _parent._xscale);
_root.damage(1, 0, "slash");
if (( <= 0) && (_root.player1.alive)) {
_root.player1.alive = false;
if (_parent._xscale > 0) {
_root.player1.kd(1, 0.7);
} else {
_root.player1.kd(-1, 0.7);
if ((random(5) == 0) && (_root.player1.alive)) {
if (_parent._xscale > 0) {
_root.player1.kd(1, 0.7);
} else {
_root.player1.kd(-1, 0.7);
} else {
i = 0;
while (i <= 15) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["player" + i].body) && (i != _parent._parent.n)) {
_root["player" + i].health = _root["player" + i].health - 18;
_root.bloodspatter(_parent._x + _parent._parent._x, _parent._y + _parent._parent._y, _parent._xscale);
_root.damage(i, 0, "slash");
if ((_root["player" + i].health <= 0) && (_root["player" + i].alive)) {
_root["player" + i].alive = false;
if (_parent._xscale > 0) {
_root["player" + i].kd(1, 0.7);
if (_root["player" + k].stype != "spawn") {
_root.spawnitem(_root["player" + i]._x, _root["player" + i]._y, 7, -4, _root["player" + i].weapon._currentframe);
} else {
} else {
_root["player" + i].kd(-1, 0.7);
if (_root["player" + k].stype != "spawn") {
_root.spawnitem(_root["player" + i]._x, _root["player" + i]._y, -7, -4, _root["player" + i].weapon._currentframe);
} else {
if ((random(5) == 0) && (_root["player" + i].alive)) {
if (_parent._xscale > 0) {
_root["player" + i].kd(1, 0.7);
} else {
_root["player" + i].kd(-1, 0.7);
Symbol 124 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Symbol 124 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this.f1._rotation = random(30) - 15;
this.f2._rotation = random(30) - 15;
this.f1._yscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f1._xscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f2._yscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f2._xscale = 75 + random(25);
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this.f1._rotation = random(30) - 15;
this.f2._rotation = random(30) - 15;
this.f1._yscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f1._xscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f2._yscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f2._xscale = 75 + random(25);
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
this.f1._rotation = random(30) - 15;
this.f2._rotation = random(30) - 15;
this.f1._yscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f1._xscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f2._yscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f2._xscale = 75 + random(25);
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this.f1._rotation = random(30) - 15;
this.f2._rotation = random(30) - 15;
this.f1._yscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f1._xscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f2._yscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f2._xscale = 75 + random(25);
Symbol 134 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Symbol 134 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this.f1._rotation = random(30) - 15;
this.f2._rotation = random(30) - 15;
this.f1._yscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f1._xscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f2._yscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f2._xscale = 75 + random(25);
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this.f1._rotation = random(30) - 15;
this.f2._rotation = random(30) - 15;
this.f1._yscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f1._xscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f2._yscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f2._xscale = 75 + random(25);
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this.f1._rotation = random(30) - 15;
this.f2._rotation = random(30) - 15;
this.f1._yscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f1._xscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f2._yscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f2._xscale = 75 + random(25);
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.ammopu.start(0, 1);
Symbol 143 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Symbol 143 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this.f1._rotation = random(30) - 15;
this.f2._rotation = random(30) - 15;
this.f1._yscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f1._xscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f2._yscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f2._xscale = 75 + random(25);
Symbol 146 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 154 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Symbol 154 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this.f1._rotation = random(30) - 15;
this.f2._rotation = random(30) - 15;
this.f1._yscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f1._xscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f2._yscale = 75 + random(25);
this.f2._xscale = 75 + random(25);
Symbol 156 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 157 MovieClip Frame 1
function fireweapon() {;
timeout = " ";
damage = "10";
Symbol 157 MovieClip Frame 2
function fireweapon() {;
timeout = " ";
damage = "18";
Symbol 157 MovieClip Frame 3
function fireweapon() {
if (_parent.ammo3 > 0) {
_parent.ammo3 = _parent.ammo3 - 1;
_root.firebullet(_parent.n, 3, damage, 0);
if (_xscale > 0) {
_rotation = (_rotation - kickback);
_x = (_x - (kickback / 5));
} else {
_rotation = (_rotation + kickback);
_x = (_x + (kickback / 5));
_parent.fireto = true;
fireint = setInterval(allowplayerfire, timeout);
if (_parent._name == "player1") {
_root.vcam.ammo.text = _parent.ammo3;
function allowplayerfire() {
_parent.fireto = false;
autofire = false;
kickback = 20;
timeout = 200;
damage = 10;
Symbol 157 MovieClip Frame 4
function fireweapon() {
if (_parent.ammo4 > 0) {
_parent.ammo4 = _parent.ammo4 - 1;
_root.firebullet(_parent.n, 4, damage, 0);
if (_xscale > 0) {
_rotation = (_rotation - kickback);
_x = (_x - (kickback / 5));
} else {
_rotation = (_rotation + kickback);
_x = (_x + (kickback / 5));
_parent.fireto = true;
fireint = setInterval(allowplayerfire, timeout);
if (_parent._name == "player1") {
_root.vcam.ammo.text = _parent.ammo4;
function allowplayerfire() {
_parent.fireto = false;
autofire = false;
kickback = 15;
timeout = 170;
damage = 10;
Symbol 157 MovieClip Frame 5
function fireweapon() {
if (_parent.ammo5 > 0) {
_parent.ammo5 = _parent.ammo5 - 1;
if (_parent.accuracy < 50) {
_parent.accuracy = _parent.accuracy + 4;
_root.firebullet(_parent.n, _parent.accuracy, damage, 0);
if (_xscale > 0) {
_rotation = (_rotation - kickback);
_x = (_x - (kickback / 5));
} else {
_rotation = (_rotation + kickback);
_x = (_x + (kickback / 5));
_parent.fireto = true;
fireint = setInterval(allowplayerfire, timeout);
if (_parent._name == "player1") {
_root.vcam.ammo.text = _parent.ammo5;
function allowplayerfire() {
_parent.fireto = false;
if (((_parent.attacking && (!_parent.knockdown)) && (autofire)) && (!_root.trans)) {
autofire = true;
kickback = 5;
timeout = 120;
damage = 8;
Symbol 157 MovieClip Frame 6
function fireweapon() {
if (_parent.ammo6 > 0) {
_parent.ammo6 = _parent.ammo6 - 1;
if (_parent.accuracy < 40) {
_parent.accuracy = _parent.accuracy + 5;
_root.firebullet(_parent.n, _parent.accuracy, damage, 0);
if (_xscale > 0) {
_rotation = (_rotation - kickback);
_x = (_x - (kickback / 5));
} else {
_rotation = (_rotation + kickback);
_x = (_x + (kickback / 5));
_parent.fireto = true;
fireint = setInterval(allowplayerfire, timeout);
if (_parent._name == "player1") {
_root.vcam.ammo.text = _parent.ammo6;
function allowplayerfire() {
_parent.fireto = false;
if (((_parent.attacking && (!_parent.knockdown)) && (autofire)) && (!_root.trans)) {
autofire = true;
kickback = 4;
timeout = 150;
damage = 9;
Symbol 157 MovieClip Frame 7
function fireweapon() {
if (_parent.ammo7 > 0) {
_parent.ammo7 = _parent.ammo7 - 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 4) {
_root.firebullet(_parent.n, 20, damage, 7);
if (_xscale > 0) {
_rotation = (_rotation - kickback);
_x = (_x - (kickback / 5));
} else {
_rotation = (_rotation + kickback);
_x = (_x + (kickback / 5));
_parent.fireto = true;
fireint = setInterval(allowplayerfire, timeout);
if (_parent._name == "player1") {
_root.vcam.ammo.text = _parent.ammo7;
function allowplayerfire() {
_parent.fireto = false;
kickback = 15;
timeout = 650;
damage = 14;
Symbol 157 MovieClip Frame 8
function fireweapon() {
if (_parent.ammo8 > 0) {
_parent.ammo8 = _parent.ammo8 - 1;
_root.firebullet(_parent.n, 0, damage, 999);
if (_xscale > 0) {
_rotation = (_rotation - kickback);
_x = (_x - (kickback / 5));
} else {
_rotation = (_rotation + kickback);
_x = (_x + (kickback / 5));
_parent.fireto = true;
fireint = setInterval(allowplayerfire, timeout);
if (_parent._name == "player1") {
_root.vcam.ammo.text = _parent.ammo8;
function allowplayerfire() {
_parent.fireto = false;
kickback = 40;
timeout = 1500;
damage = 75;
Symbol 157 MovieClip Frame 9
function fireweapon() {
if (_parent.ammo9 > 0) {
_parent.ammo9 = _parent.ammo9 - 1;
if (_parent.accuracy < 30) {
_parent.accuracy = _parent.accuracy + 4;
_root.firebullet(_parent.n, _parent.accuracy, damage, 0);
if (_xscale > 0) {
_rotation = (_rotation - kickback);
_x = (_x - (kickback / 5));
} else {
_rotation = (_rotation + kickback);
_x = (_x + (kickback / 5));
_parent.fireto = true;
fireint = setInterval(allowplayerfire, timeout);
if (_parent._name == "player1") {
_root.vcam.ammo.text = _parent.ammo9;
function allowplayerfire() {
_parent.fireto = false;
if (((_parent.attacking && (!_parent.knockdown)) && (autofire)) && (!_root.trans)) {
autofire = true;
kickback = 2;
timeout = 80;
damage = 9;
Symbol 157 MovieClip Frame 10
function fireweapon() {
if (_parent.ammo10 > 0) {
_parent.ammo10 = _parent.ammo10 - 1;
_root.firegrenade(_parent.n, power);;
_parent.fireto = true;
fireint = setInterval(allowplayerfire, timeout);
if (_parent._name == "player1") {
_root.vcam.ammo.text = _parent.ammo10;
function allowplayerfire() {
_parent.fireto = false;
timeout = 1000;
power = 10;
damage = " ";
Symbol 157 MovieClip Frame 11
function fireweapon() {
if (_parent.ammo11 > 0) {
_parent.ammo11 = _parent.ammo11 - 1;
_root.firegrenade(_parent.n, power);
if (_xscale > 0) {
_rotation = (_rotation - kickback);
_x = (_x - (kickback / 5));
} else {
_rotation = (_rotation + kickback);
_x = (_x + (kickback / 5));
_parent.fireto = true;
fireint = setInterval(allowplayerfire, timeout);
if (_parent._name == "player1") {
_root.vcam.ammo.text = _parent.ammo11;
function allowplayerfire() {
_parent.fireto = false;
timeout = 500;
power = 16;
kickback = 15;
damage = " ";
Symbol 157 MovieClip Frame 12
function fireweapon() {
if (_parent.ammo12 > 0) {
_parent.ammo12 = _parent.ammo12 - 1;
_root.firebullet(_parent.n, 3, damage, 999);
if (_xscale > 0) {
_rotation = (_rotation - kickback);
_x = (_x - (kickback / 5));
} else {
_rotation = (_rotation + kickback);
_x = (_x + (kickback / 5));
_parent.fireto = true;
fireint = setInterval(allowplayerfire, timeout);
if (_parent._name == "player1") {
_root.vcam.ammo.text = _parent.ammo12;
function allowplayerfire() {
_parent.fireto = false;
kickback = 10;
timeout = 1000;
damage = 35;
Symbol 158 MovieClip [hero] Frame 1
function bodyfunc() {
if (accuracy > 0) {
if (keyright) {
if (weapon.getDepth() < body.getDepth()) {
weapon.desx = Math.abs(weapon.desx);
legs._xscale = 50;;
if (head._currentframe < 3) {
} else if (keyleft) {
if (weapon.getDepth() > body.getDepth()) {
weapon.desx = -Math.abs(weapon.desx);
legs._xscale = -50;;
if (head._currentframe > 1) {
weapon._x = weapon._x - ((weapon._x - weapon.desx) / 2);
weapon._y = weapon._y - ((weapon._y - weapon.desy) / 2);
if (weapon._x > 0) {
weapon._xscale = 100;
} else {
weapon._xscale = -100;
weapon._rotation = weapon._rotation - ((weapon._rotation - weapon.desrot) / 5);
function kd(dir, power) {
if ((!alive) && (!alreadydead)) {
alreadydead = true;
if (!knockdown) {
knockdown = true;
if (legs._xscale > 0) {
weapon.desx = 5;
} else {
weapon.desx = -5;
desrot = 90 * dir;
weapon.desy = -15;
xspd = (10 * power) * dir;
yspd = -7 * power;
kdint = setInterval(kdfunc, 40);
function kdfunc() {
_rotation = (_rotation - ((_rotation - (desrot + gslope)) / 4));
if ((((Math.abs(xspd) <= 1) && (Math.abs(yspd) <= 3)) && (knockdown)) && (alive)) {
desrot = 0;
gslope = 0;
knockdown = false;
} else if (((((Math.abs(xspd) <= 1) && (Math.abs(yspd) <= 3)) && (Math.abs(_rotation - (desrot + gslope)) < 20)) && (knockdown)) && (!alive)) {
xspd = 0;
yspd = 0;
knockdown = false;
if (((!knockdown) && (Math.abs(_rotation) < 1)) && (alive)) {
ammo3 = _root.lastammo3;
ammo4 = _root.lastammo4;
ammo5 = _root.lastammo5;
ammo6 = _root.lastammo6;
ammo7 = _root.lastammo7;
ammo8 = _root.lastammo8;
ammo9 = _root.lastammo9;
ammo10 = _root.lastammo10;
ammo11 = _root.lastammo11;
ammo12 = _root.lastammo12;
damnum = 5;
accuracy = 0;
bodyint = setInterval(bodyfunc, 40);
onMouseMove = function () {
if ((((!knockdown) && (!reload)) && (alive)) && (!_root.trans)) {
xdis = _x - _root._xmouse;
ydis = (_y - 15) - _root._ymouse;
weapon.desrot = ((Math.atan(ydis / xdis) * 360) / 2) / Math.PI;
head._rotation = weapon._rotation / 5;
weapon.desx = _root._xmouse - _x;
if (weapon.desx > 10) {
weapon.desx = 10;
} else if (weapon.desx < -10) {
weapon.desx = -10;
weapon.desy = _root._ymouse - _y;
if (weapon.desy > -10) {
weapon.desy = -10;
} else if (weapon.desy < -30) {
weapon.desy = -30;
function wpnfunc() {
if (weapon._currentframe != deswpn) {
if (!reload) {
if (head._currentframe < 2) {
weapon.desx = -5;
weapon.desy = -15;
weapon.desrot = 80;
} else {
weapon.desx = 5;
weapon.desy = -15;
weapon.desrot = -80;
reload = true;
if (Math.abs(weapon._rotation - weapon.desrot) < 50) {
reload = false;
fireto = false;
deswpn = _root.lastweapon;
Instance of Symbol 106 MovieClip "head" in Symbol 158 MovieClip [hero] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_xscale = (_xscale * _root.headsize);
_yscale = (_yscale * _root.headsize);
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 1
if (!_parent.attack) {
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 20
if (!_parent.attack) {
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 40
if (!_parent.attack) {
Symbol 169 MovieClip Frame 19
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 169 MovieClip Frame 23
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1.body)) { = - 5;
_root.bloodspatter(_x + _parent._x, _y + _parent._y, -_xscale);
_root.damage(1, 0, "slash");
if ( <= 0) {
if (_root.player1.alive) {
if (_xscale > 100) {
_root.player1.kd(1, 0.5);
} else {
_root.player1.kd(-1, 0.5);
_root.player1.alive = false;
} else if (random(10) == 0) {
if (_xscale > 100) {
_root.player1.kd(1, 0.5);
} else {
_root.player1.kd(-1, 0.5);
Symbol 169 MovieClip Frame 28
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1.body)) { = - 5;
_root.bloodspatter(_x + _parent._x, _y + _parent._y, -_xscale);
_root.damage(1, 0, "slash");
if ( <= 0) {
if (_root.player1.alive) {
if (_xscale > 100) {
_root.player1.kd(1, 0.5);
} else {
_root.player1.kd(-1, 0.5);
_root.player1.alive = false;
} else if (random(10) == 0) {
if (_xscale > 100) {
_root.player1.kd(1, 0.5);
} else {
_root.player1.kd(-1, 0.5);
Symbol 169 MovieClip Frame 32
if (!_parent.attack) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
} else if (random(2) == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (20);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (32);
Symbol 169 MovieClip Frame 35
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1.body)) { = - 5;
_root.bloodspatter(_x + _parent._x, _y + _parent._y, -_xscale);
_root.damage(1, 0, "slash");
if ( <= 0) {
if (_root.player1.alive) {
if (_xscale > 100) {
_root.player1.kd(1, 0.5);
} else {
_root.player1.kd(-1, 0.5);
_root.player1.alive = false;
} else if (random(10) == 0) {
if (_xscale > 100) {
_root.player1.kd(1, 0.5);
} else {
_root.player1.kd(-1, 0.5);
Symbol 169 MovieClip Frame 38
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1.body)) { = - 5;
_root.bloodspatter(_x + _parent._x, _y + _parent._y, -_xscale);
_root.damage(1, 0, "slash");
if ( <= 0) {
if (_root.player1.alive) {
if (_xscale > 100) {
_root.player1.kd(1, 0.5);
} else {
_root.player1.kd(-1, 0.5);
_root.player1.alive = false;
} else if (random(10) == 0) {
if (_xscale > 100) {
_root.player1.kd(1, 0.5);
} else {
_root.player1.kd(-1, 0.5);
Symbol 169 MovieClip Frame 42
if (!_parent.attack) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
} else if (random(2) == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (20);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (32);
Symbol 170 MovieClip [slowzombie] Frame 1
function bodyfunc() {
if (keyright) {
weapon._xscale = -100;
legs._xscale = 50;;
head._xscale = -50;
} else if (keyleft) {
weapon._xscale = 100;
legs._xscale = -50;;
head._xscale = 50;
if ((keyright && (attack)) || (keyleft && (attack))) {
if (!knockdown) {
weapon.xdis = _root.hero._x - _x;
weapon.ydis = _root.hero._y - _y;
weapon._rotation = ((Math.atan(weapon.ydis / weapon.xdis) * 360) / 2) / Math.PI;
head._rotation = weapon._rotation / 3;
if ((attack && (!_root.trans)) && (alive)) {;
if (weapon._currentframe < 20) {
function kd(dir, power) {
if (!knockdown) {
knockdown = true;
if (legs._xscale > 0) {
weapon.desx = 5;
} else {
weapon.desx = -5;
desrot = 90 * dir;
weapon.desy = -15;
xspd = (10 * power) * dir;
yspd = -7 * power;
gslope = 0;
kdint = setInterval(kdfunc, 45);
function kdfunc() {
_rotation = (_rotation - ((_rotation - (desrot + gslope)) / 5));
if ((((Math.abs(xspd) <= 1) && (Math.abs(yspd) <= 3)) && (knockdown)) && (alive)) {
desrot = 0;
gslope = 0;
knockdown = false;
} else if (((((Math.abs(xspd) <= 1) && (Math.abs(yspd) <= 3)) && (Math.abs(_rotation - (desrot + gslope)) < 20)) && (knockdown)) && (!alive)) {
xspd = 0;
yspd = 0;
attack = false;
knockdown = false;
termint = setInterval(termfunc, 10000);
if (((!knockdown) && (Math.abs(_rotation) < 1)) && (alive)) {
function termfunc() {
function randomxfunc() {
desx = (_x + random(300)) - 150;
damnum = 5;
body.body.gotoAndStop(5 + random(5));
bodyint = setInterval(bodyfunc, 45);
randomxint = setInterval(randomxfunc, 5000 + random(1000));
Symbol 175 MovieClip [blood_g] Frame 1
Symbol 190 MovieClip [explosion] Frame 9
Symbol 197 MovieClip [blooddecal] Frame 1
Symbol 198 MovieClip [grunt] Frame 1
function bodyfunc() {
if (((attack && (alive)) && (!_root.trans)) && (!fireto)) {
if (accuracy > 0) {
if (keyright) {
if (weapon.getDepth() < body.getDepth()) {
weapon.desx = Math.abs(weapon.desx);
legs._xscale = 50;;
if (head._currentframe < 3) {
} else if (keyleft) {
if (weapon.getDepth() > body.getDepth()) {
weapon.desx = -Math.abs(weapon.desx);
legs._xscale = -50;;
if (head._currentframe > 1) {
weapon._x = weapon._x - ((weapon._x - weapon.desx) / 7);
weapon._y = weapon._y - ((weapon._y - weapon.desy) / 7);
if (weapon._x > 0) {
weapon._xscale = 100;
} else {
weapon._xscale = -100;
weapon._rotation = weapon._rotation - ((weapon._rotation - weapon.desrot) / 20);
if (((!knockdown) && (!reload)) && (alive)) {
xdis = _x - _root.player1._x;
ydis = (_y - 15) - _root.player1._y;
weapon.desrot = ((Math.atan(ydis / xdis) * 360) / 2) / Math.PI;
head._rotation = weapon._rotation / _root.eaimspd;
weapon.desx = _root.player1._x - _x;
if (weapon.desx > 10) {
weapon.desx = 10;
} else if (weapon.desx < -10) {
weapon.desx = -10;
weapon.desy = _root.player1._y - _y;
if (weapon.desy > -10) {
weapon.desy = -10;
} else if (weapon.desy < -30) {
weapon.desy = -30;
function kd(dir, power) {
if ((!alive) && (!alreadydead)) {
alreadydead = true;
if (!knockdown) {
knockdown = true;
if (legs._xscale > 0) {
weapon.desx = 5;
} else {
weapon.desx = -5;
desrot = 90 * dir;
weapon.desy = -15;
xspd = (10 * power) * dir;
yspd = -7 * power;
kdint = setInterval(kdfunc, 40);
function kdfunc() {
_rotation = (_rotation - ((_rotation - (desrot + gslope)) / 4));
if ((((Math.abs(xspd) <= 1) && (Math.abs(yspd) <= 3)) && (knockdown)) && (alive)) {
desrot = 0;
gslope = 0;
knockdown = false;
} else if (((((Math.abs(xspd) <= 1) && (Math.abs(yspd) <= 3)) && (Math.abs(_rotation - (desrot + gslope)) < 20)) && (knockdown)) && (!alive)) {
xspd = 0;
yspd = 0;
knockdown = false;
termint = setInterval(termfunc, 10000);
if (((!knockdown) && (Math.abs(_rotation) < 1)) && (alive)) {
function termfunc() {
function randomxfunc() {
desx = (_x + random(300)) - 150;
i = 3;
while (i <= 12) {
this["ammo" + i] = 999999 /* 0x0F423F */;
damnum = 5;
accuracy = 0;
if (ptype == "agent") {
if (random(2) == 0) {
this.attachMovie("agenthead1", "head", 3);
} else {
this.attachMovie("agenthead2", "head", 3);
} else {
if (random(2) == 0) {
this.attachMovie("grunthead2", "head", 3);
} else {
this.attachMovie("grunthead3", "head", 3);
body.body.gotoAndStop(2 + random(3));
head._xscale = 38 * _root.headsize;
head._yscale = 38 * _root.headsize;
head._x = -0.3;
head._y = -19.2;
bodyint = setInterval(bodyfunc, 40);
randomxint = setInterval(randomxfunc, 3000 + random(1000));
Symbol 203 MovieClip [grunthead1] Frame 1
Symbol 208 MovieClip [grunthead2] Frame 1
Symbol 213 MovieClip [grunthead3] Frame 1
Symbol 217 MovieClip [agenthead1] Frame 1
Symbol 222 MovieClip [agenthead2] Frame 1
Symbol 234 MovieClip [transition] Frame 70
_root.trans = false;
Symbol 239 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 256 MovieClip [deathscreen] Frame 1
i = 0;
while (i <= 20) {
_root.vcam["text" + i].desy = 300;
clearInterval(_root.vcam["tint" + i]);
ressurect.onRollOver = function () {
if (_root.points >= 10) {
ressurect.onRollOut = function () {
this.onMouseDown = function () {
if (((Math.abs(this._xmouse - ressurect._x) < 25) && (Math.abs(this._ymouse - ressurect._y) < 15)) && (_root.points >= 15)) {
_root.points = _root.points - 15;
_root.vcam.infobar("-15 points", 5000);
_root.desmenu = false;
} else if ((Math.abs(this._xmouse - menubtn._x) < 25) && (Math.abs(this._ymouse - menubtn._y) < 15)) {
_root.desmenu = true;
menubtn.onRollOver = function () {
menubtn.onRollOut = function () {
function resetpos() {
dtitle.desy = -250;
stats.desy = 260;
ressurect.desx = -350;
menubtn.desx = 350;
Instance of Symbol 246 MovieClip "stats" in Symbol 256 MovieClip [deathscreen] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
desy = 120;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y - ((_y - desy) / 7));
Instance of Symbol 248 MovieClip "dtitle" in Symbol 256 MovieClip [deathscreen] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
desy = -100;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y - ((_y - desy) / 5));
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip "ressurect" in Symbol 256 MovieClip [deathscreen] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
desx = -100;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x - ((_x - desx) / 6));
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "menubtn" in Symbol 256 MovieClip [deathscreen] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
desx = 100;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x - ((_x - desx) / 6));
Symbol 259 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 260 MovieClip Frame 1
_visible = false;
Symbol 260 MovieClip Frame 2
_visible = true;
Symbol 261 MovieClip [sheriff] Frame 1
function bodyfunc() {
if ((!_root.player1.alive) && (alive)) {
keyright = false;
keyleft = false;
xspd = 0;
if ((attack && (alive)) && (!_root.trans)) {
if (accuracy > 0) {
if (keyright) {
if (weapon.getDepth() < body.getDepth()) {
weapon.desx = Math.abs(weapon.desx);
legs._xscale = 50;;
if (head._currentframe < 3) {
} else if (keyleft) {
if (weapon.getDepth() > body.getDepth()) {
weapon.desx = -Math.abs(weapon.desx);
legs._xscale = -50;;
if (head._currentframe > 1) {
weapon._x = weapon._x - ((weapon._x - weapon.desx) / 7);
weapon._y = weapon._y - ((weapon._y - weapon.desy) / 7);
if (weapon._x > 0) {
weapon._xscale = 100;
} else {
weapon._xscale = -100;
weapon._rotation = weapon._rotation - ((weapon._rotation - weapon.desrot) / 20);
if (((!knockdown) && (!reload)) && (alive)) {
xdis = _x - _root.player1._x;
ydis = (_y - 15) - _root.player1._y;
weapon.desrot = ((Math.atan(ydis / xdis) * 360) / 2) / Math.PI;
if (weapon.desrot > 75) {
weapon.desrot = 75;
} else if (weapon.desrot < -75) {
weapon.desrot = -75;
head._rotation = weapon._rotation / 5;
weapon.desx = _root.player1._x - _x;
if (weapon.desx > 10) {
weapon.desx = 10;
} else if (weapon.desx < -10) {
weapon.desx = -10;
weapon.desy = _root.player1._y - _y;
if (weapon.desy > -10) {
weapon.desy = -10;
} else if (weapon.desy < -30) {
weapon.desy = -30;
function throwgrenade() {
if (this._x < _root.player1._x) {
sideweapon._xscale = 100;
} else {
sideweapon._xscale = -100;
_root.firegrenade(2, 7);
function melee() {
if (this._x < _root.player1._x) {
sideweapon._xscale = 100;
_root.player1.kd(1, 0.5);
} else {
sideweapon._xscale = -100;
_root.player1.kd(-1, 0.5);
i = 3;
while (i <= 12) {
this["ammo" + i] = 999999 /* 0x0F423F */;
damnum = 5;
accuracy = 0;
bodyint = setInterval(bodyfunc, 45);
Symbol 274 MovieClip [goldpiece] Frame 1
Symbol 274 MovieClip [goldpiece] Frame 9
Symbol 314 Button
on (press) {
getURL ("", (target = "_blank"));
Symbol 323 MovieClip Frame 29
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 323 MovieClip Frame 65
gotoAndPlay ("ready_loop");
Symbol 323 MovieClip Frame 85
Symbol 330 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 1
PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100;
if (PercentLoaded != 100) {
bar._xscale = PercentLoaded;
} else {
gotoAndStop ("loaded");
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 335 MovieClip Frame 1
_alpha = _root.transparency;
Symbol 345 MovieClip Frame 1
function closecheck() {
if (_root.player1._x > ((_root.level._x + _x) + 100)) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
if (_name == "entrance") {;
doorint = setInterval(closecheck, 75);
} else {
onUnload = function () {
Symbol 345 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 345 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 350 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1);
Symbol 352 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 357 Button
on (release) {
i = 0;
while (i <= 100) {
removeMovieClip(_root["bullet" + i]);
removeMovieClip(_root["grenade" + i]);
i = 0;
while (i <= 25) {
removeMovieClip(_root["player" + i].damage5);
removeMovieClip(_root["player" + i].damage6);
removeMovieClip(_root["player" + i].damage7);
removeMovieClip(_root["player" + i].damage8);
clearInterval(_root["player" + i].weapon.fireint);
clearInterval(_root["player" + i].kdint);
clearInterval(_root["player" + i].termint);
clearInterval(_root["player" + i].bodyint);
clearInterval(_root["player" + i].randomxint);
clearInterval(_root["player" + i].randomyint);
clearInterval(_root["player" + i].wpncheck);
removeMovieClip(_root["player" + i]);
i = 0;
while (i <= 300) {
removeMovieClip(_root["item" + i]);
removeMovieClip(_root["obj" + i]);
this.fadeout = true;
_root.spawnok = false;
i = 0;
while (i <= 10) {
removeMovieClip(_root["thing" + i]);
Symbol 359 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 392 MovieClip Frame 90
Symbol 395 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.spawngold(Math.round(this._x), Math.round(this._y));
this._alpha = _root.transparency;
Symbol 399 MovieClip Frame 1
if (type == "wander") {
_root.spawnwanderer(_root.pns, _x, _y, char, weapon);
} else if (type == "sniper") {
_root.spawnsniper(_root.pns, _x, _y, char, weapon);
} else if (type == "melee") {
_root.spawnmelee(_root.pns, _x, _y, char, weapon);
_alpha = _root.transparency;
Symbol 403 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 404 MovieClip Frame 57
Symbol 408 MovieClip Frame 1
function closecheck() {
if (_root.player1._x < ((_root.level._x + _x) - 100)) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
if (_name == "entrance") {;
doorint = setInterval(closecheck, 75);
} else {
onUnload = function () {
Symbol 408 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 408 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 411 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndPlay(random(9) + 1);
Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay(random(9) + 1);
Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay(random(9) + 1);
Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndPlay(random(9) + 1);
Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 5
gotoAndPlay(random(9) + 1);
Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 6
gotoAndPlay(random(9) + 1);
Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndPlay(random(9) + 1);
Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndPlay(random(9) + 1);
Symbol 422 MovieClip Frame 235
k = 2;
while (k <= 10) {
_root["player" + k].alive = false;
_root["player" + k].alreadydead = true;
_root["player" + k].kd(1, 1);
Symbol 422 MovieClip Frame 284
Symbol 431 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 436 Button
on (release) {
_root._quality = "HIGH";
Symbol 437 Button
on (release) {
_root.fxmult = 1;
_root.menu1.b1._alpha = 100;
_root.menu1.b2._alpha = 25;
_root.menu1.b3._alpha = 25;
Symbol 438 Button
on (release) {
_root._quality = "MEDIUM";
Symbol 439 Button
on (release) {
_root.fxmult = 0.6;
_root.menu1.b1._alpha = 25;
_root.menu1.b2._alpha = 100;
_root.menu1.b3._alpha = 25;
Symbol 440 Button
on (release) {
_root._quality = "LOW";
Symbol 441 Button
on (release) {
_root.fxmult = 0.2;
_root.menu1.b1._alpha = 25;
_root.menu1.b2._alpha = 25;
_root.menu1.b3._alpha = 100;
Symbol 445 MovieClip Frame 1
function alphacheck() {
if (_root._quality == "HIGH") {
a1._alpha = 100;
a2._alpha = 25;
a3._alpha = 25;
} else if (_root._quality == "MEDIUM") {
a1._alpha = 25;
a2._alpha = 100;
a3._alpha = 25;
} else if (_root._quality == "LOW") {
a1._alpha = 25;
a2._alpha = 25;
a3._alpha = 100;
if (_root.fxmult == 1) {
b1._alpha = 100;
} else {
b1._alpha = 25;
if (_root.fxmult == 0.6) {
b2._alpha = 100;
} else {
b2._alpha = 25;
if (_root.fxmult == 0.2) {
b3._alpha = 100;
} else {
b3._alpha = 25;
Symbol 451 Button
on (release) {
if ((!_root.bhpurchased) && (_root.points >= 40)) {
_root.bhpurchased = true;
_root.points = _root.points - 40;
_root.headsize = 2;
_root.menu2.bighead.text = "Big Head Mode ON";
} else if (_root.bhpurchased && (_root.headsize == 2)) {
_root.headsize = 1;
_root.menu2.bighead.text = "Big Head Mode OFF";
} else if (_root.bhpurchased && (_root.headsize == 1)) {
_root.headsize = 2;
_root.menu2.bighead.text = "Big Head Mode ON";
Symbol 452 Button
on (release) {
if ((!_root.dvpurchased) && (_root.points >= 50)) {
_root.dvpurchased = true;
_root.points = _root.points - 50;
_root.transparency = 50;
_parent.devview.text = "Dev View Mode ON";
} else if (_root.dvpurchased && (_root.transparency == 50)) {
_root.transparency = 0;
_parent.devview.text = "Dev View Mode OFF";
} else if (_root.dvpurchased && (_root.transparency == 0)) {
_root.transparency = 50;
_parent.devview.text = "Dev View Mode ON";
Symbol 453 MovieClip Frame 1
if (!_root.bhpurchased) {
bighead.text = "Big Head Mode (40g)";
} else if (_root.bhpurchased && (_root.headsize == 2)) {
bighead.text = "Big Head Mode ON";
} else if (_root.bhpurchased && (_root.headsize == 1)) {
bighead.text = "Big Head Mode OFF";
if (!_root.dvpurchased) {
devview.text = "Dev View Mode (50g)";
} else if (_root.dvpurchased && (_root.transparency == 50)) {
devview.text = "Dev View Mode ON";
} else if (_root.dvpurchased && (_root.transparency == 0)) {
devview.text = "Dev View Mode OFF";
Symbol 456 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 457 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 458 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 463 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 469 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 472 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player1) && (!activated)) {
activated = true;
if (type == "wander") {
_root.spawnwanderer(pn, desx, desy, char, weapon);
_root["player" + pns].desx = gox;
} else if (type == "sniper") {
_root.spawnsniper(pn, desx, desy, char, weapon);
} else if (type == "melee") {
_root.spawnmelee(pn, desx, desy, char, weapon);
_alpha = _root.transparency;
Symbol 476 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 483 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 487 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 491 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 495 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 500 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.vcam.largeinfobar("NEW COMPETITOR");
_root.spawnsheriff1(2, 600, 300, "sheriff", 3);
_root.player2.keyright = true;
_root.player2.alive = false;
_root.spawnwanderer(3, 1050 + random(150), 250, "grunt", 3 + random(2));
_root.spawnwanderer(4, 1050 + random(150), 250, "agent", 3 + random(2));
_root.spawnwanderer(5, 1050 + random(150), 250, "grunt", 3 + random(2));
_root.spawnwanderer(6, 1050 + random(150), 250, "agent", 3 + random(2));
_root.spawnwanderer(7, 1050 + random(150), 250, "grunt", 3 + random(2)); = 35; = 50; = 35; = 50; = 35;
Symbol 500 MovieClip Frame 63
_root.manualcontrol = false;
_root.trans = false;
Symbol 500 MovieClip Frame 84
_root.vcam.largeinfobar("THE SHERIFF");
Symbol 500 MovieClip Frame 90
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 1
_visible = false;
Symbol 507 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 1
function bodyfunc() {
if (keyright) {
if (weapon.getDepth() < body.getDepth()) {
weapon.desx = Math.abs(weapon.desx);
legs._xscale = 145;;
if (head._currentframe < 3) {
} else if (keyleft) {
if (weapon.getDepth() > body.getDepth()) {
weapon.desx = -Math.abs(weapon.desx);
legs._xscale = -145;;
if (head._currentframe > 1) {
} else if (keyup || (keydown)) {;
weapon._x = weapon._x - ((weapon._x - weapon.desx) / 4);
weapon._y = weapon._y - ((weapon._y - weapon.desy) / 4);
if (weapon._x > 0) {
weapon._xscale = 325;
} else {
weapon._xscale = -325;
weapon._rotation = weapon._rotation - ((weapon._rotation - weapon.desrot) / 8);
psize = "big";
bodyint = setInterval(bodyfunc, 40);
onMouseMove = function () {
xdis = _x - _root._xmouse;
ydis = (_y - 30) - _root._ymouse;
weapon.desrot = ((Math.atan(ydis / xdis) * 360) / 2) / Math.PI;
head._rotation = weapon._rotation / 5;
weapon.desx = _root._xmouse - _x;
if (weapon.desx > 20) {
weapon.desx = 20;
} else if (weapon.desx < -20) {
weapon.desx = -20;
weapon.desy = _root._ymouse - _y;
if (weapon.desy > -25) {
weapon.desy = -25;
} else if (weapon.desy < -60) {
weapon.desy = -60;
Symbol 514 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((Math.abs(_root.thing1._x - this._x) > 75) && (doorg._y < 16.35)) {
doorg.desrot = 0;
doorg._y = doorg._y - ((doorg._y - 16.35) / 3);
} else if (doorg._y > -175) {
doorg.desrot = 15;
doorg._y = doorg._y - ((doorg._y - -175) / 3);
doorg._rotation = doorg._rotation - ((doorg._rotation - doorg.desrot) / 2);
Symbol 519 MovieClip Frame 1
desx = -139;
onEnterFrame = function () {
_x = (_x - ((_x - desx) / 2));
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () {
_y = (_y - ((_y - desy) / 2));
wpn1.onRollOver = function () {
wpn1.desx = wpn1.desx + 5;
wpn1.onRollOut = function () {
wpn1.desx = wpn1.desx - 5;
wpn2.onRollOver = function () {
wpn2.desx = wpn2.desx + 5;
wpn2.onRollOut = function () {
wpn2.desx = wpn2.desx - 5;
wpn2.onRelease = function () {
if ((!_root.weapon2) && (_root.points >= wc2)) {
_root.weapon2 = true;
_root.points = _root.points - wc2;
_root.ammopu.start(0, 1);
wpn3.onRollOver = function () {
wpn3.desx = wpn3.desx + 5;
_root.beep.start(0, 1);
wpn3.onRollOut = function () {
wpn3.desx = wpn3.desx - 5;
wpn3.onRelease = function () {
if ((_root.points >= ac3) && (_root.player1.ammo3 < _root.maxammo3)) {
_root.player1.ammo3 = _root.player1.ammo3 + _root.ammosize3;
if (_root.player1.ammo3 > _root.maxammo3) {
_root.player1.ammo3 = _root.maxammo3;
_root.points = _root.points - ac3;
_root.ammopu.start(0, 1);
wpn4.onRollOver = function () {
wpn4.desx = wpn4.desx + 5;
_root.beep.start(0, 1);
wpn4.onRollOut = function () {
wpn4.desx = wpn4.desx - 5;
wpn4.onRelease = function () {
if ((!_root.weapon4) && (_root.points >= wc4)) {
_root.weapon4 = true;
_root.points = _root.points - wc4;
_root.ammopu.start(0, 1);
} else if ((_root.points >= ac4) && (_root.player1.ammo4 < _root.maxammo4)) {
_root.player1.ammo4 = _root.player1.ammo4 + _root.ammosize4;
if (_root.player1.ammo4 > _root.maxammo4) {
_root.player1.ammo4 = _root.maxammo4;
_root.points = _root.points - ac4;
_root.ammopu.start(0, 1);
wpn5.onRollOver = function () {
wpn5.desx = wpn5.desx + 5;
_root.beep.start(0, 1);
wpn5.onRollOut = function () {
wpn5.desx = wpn5.desx - 5;
wpn5.onRelease = function () {
if ((!_root.weapon5) && (_root.points >= wc5)) {
_root.weapon5 = true;
_root.points = _root.points - wc5;
_root.ammopu.start(0, 1);
} else if ((_root.points >= ac5) && (_root.player1.ammo5 < _root.maxammo5)) {
_root.player1.ammo5 = _root.player1.ammo5 + _root.ammosize5;
if (_root.player1.ammo5 > _root.maxammo5) {
_root.player1.ammo5 = _root.maxammo5;
_root.points = _root.points - ac5;
_root.ammopu.start(0, 1);
wpn6.onRollOver = function () {
wpn6.desx = wpn6.desx + 5;
_root.beep.start(0, 1);
wpn6.onRollOut = function () {
wpn6.desx = wpn6.desx - 5;
wpn6.onRelease = function () {
if ((!_root.weapon6) && (_root.points >= wc6)) {
_root.weapon6 = true;
_root.points = _root.points - wc6;
_root.ammopu.start(0, 1);
} else if ((_root.points >= ac6) && (_root.player1.ammo6 < _root.maxammo6)) {
_root.player1.ammo6 = _root.player1.ammo6 + _root.ammosize6;
if (_root.player1.ammo6 > _root.maxammo6) {
_root.player1.ammo6 = _root.maxammo6;
_root.points = _root.points - ac6;
_root.ammopu.start(0, 1);
wpn7.onRollOver = function () {
wpn7.desx = wpn7.desx + 5;
_root.beep.start(0, 1);
wpn7.onRollOut = function () {
wpn7.desx = wpn7.desx - 5;
wpn7.onRelease = function () {
if ((!_root.weapon7) && (_root.points >= wc7)) {
_root.weapon7 = true;
_root.points = _root.points - wc7;
_root.ammopu.start(0, 1);
} else if ((_root.points >= ac7) && (_root.player1.ammo7 < _root.maxammo7)) {
_root.player1.ammo7 = _root.player1.ammo7 + _root.ammosize7;
if (_root.player1.ammo7 > _root.maxammo7) {
_root.player1.ammo7 = _root.maxammo7;
_root.points = _root.points - ac7;
_root.ammopu.start(0, 1);
wpn8.onRollOver = function () {
wpn8.desx = wpn8.desx + 5;
_root.beep.start(0, 1);
wpn8.onRollOut = function () {
wpn8.desx = wpn8.desx - 5;
wpn8.onRelease = function () {
if ((!_root.weapon8) && (_root.points >= wc8)) {
_root.weapon8 = true;
_root.points = _root.points - wc8;
_root.ammopu.start(0, 1);
} else if ((_root.points >= ac8) && (_root.player1.ammo8 < _root.maxammo8)) {
_root.player1.ammo8 = _root.player1.ammo8 + _root.ammosize8;
if (_root.player1.ammo8 > _root.maxammo8) {
_root.player1.ammo8 = _root.maxammo8;
_root.points = _root.points - ac8;
_root.ammopu.start(0, 1);
wpn9.onRollOver = function () {
wpn9.desx = wpn9.desx + 5;
_root.beep.start(0, 1);
wpn9.onRollOut = function () {
wpn9.desx = wpn9.desx - 5;
wpn9.onRelease = function () {
if ((!_root.weapon9) && (_root.points >= wc9)) {
_root.weapon9 = true;
_root.points = _root.points - wc9;
_root.ammopu.start(0, 1);
} else if ((_root.points >= ac9) && (_root.player1.ammo9 < _root.maxammo9)) {
_root.player1.ammo9 = _root.player1.ammo9 + _root.ammosize9;
if (_root.player1.ammo9 > _root.maxammo9) {
_root.player1.ammo9 = _root.maxammo9;
_root.points = _root.points - ac9;
_root.ammopu.start(0, 1);
wpn10.onRollOver = function () {
wpn10.desx = wpn10.desx + 5;
_root.beep.start(0, 1);
wpn10.onRollOut = function () {
wpn10.desx = wpn10.desx - 5;
wpn10.onRelease = function () {
if ((!_root.weapon10) && (_root.points >= wc10)) {
_root.weapon10 = true;
_root.points = _root.points - wc10;
_root.ammopu.start(0, 1);
} else if ((_root.points >= ac10) && (_root.player1.ammo10 < _root.maxammo10)) {
_root.player1.ammo10 = _root.player1.ammo10 + _root.ammosize10;
if (_root.player1.ammo10 > _root.maxammo10) {
_root.player1.ammo10 = _root.maxammo10;
_root.points = _root.points - ac10;
_root.ammopu.start(0, 1);
wpn11.onRollOver = function () {
wpn11.desx = wpn11.desx + 5;
_root.beep.start(0, 1);
wpn11.onRollOut = function () {
wpn11.desx = wpn11.desx - 5;
wpn11.onRelease = function () {
if ((!_root.weapon11) && (_root.points >= wc11)) {
_root.weapon11 = true;
_root.points = _root.points - wc11;
_root.ammopu.start(0, 1);
} else if ((_root.points >= ac11) && (_root.player1.ammo11 < _root.maxammo11)) {
_root.player1.ammo11 = _root.player1.ammo11 + _root.ammosize11;
if (_root.player1.ammo11 > _root.maxammo11) {
_root.player1.ammo11 = _root.maxammo11;
_root.points = _root.points - ac11;
_root.ammopu.start(0, 1);
wpn12.onRollOver = function () {
wpn12.desx = wpn12.desx + 5;
_root.beep.start(0, 1);
wpn12.onRollOut = function () {
wpn12.desx = wpn12.desx - 5;
wpn12.onRelease = function () {
if ((!_root.weapon12) && (_root.points >= wc12)) {
_root.weapon12 = true;
_root.points = _root.points - wc12;
_root.ammopu.start(0, 1);
} else if ((_root.points >= ac12) && (_root.player1.ammo12 < _root.maxammo12)) {
_root.player1.ammo12 = _root.player1.ammo12 + _root.ammosize12;
if (_root.player1.ammo12 > _root.maxammo12) {
_root.player1.ammo12 = _root.maxammo12;
_root.points = _root.points - ac12;
_root.ammopu.start(0, 1);
function weaponname() {
wpn1.wpnname.text = "knife - purchased";
if (!_root.weapon2) {
wpn2.wpnname.text = ("axe - " + wc2) + " g";
} else {
wpn2.wpnname.text = "axe - purchased";
if (_root.player1.ammo3 < _root.maxammo3) {
wpn3.wpnname.text = ("pistol ammo - " + ac3) + " g";
} else {
wpn3.wpnname.text = "pistol ammo - MAXED";
if (!_root.weapon4) {
wpn4.wpnname.text = ("revolvers - " + wc4) + " g";
} else if (_root.player1.ammo4 < _root.maxammo4) {
wpn4.wpnname.text = ("revolver ammo - " + ac4) + " g";
} else {
wpn4.wpnname.text = "revolver ammo - MAXED";
if (!_root.weapon5) {
wpn5.wpnname.text = ("smg - " + wc5) + " g";
} else if (_root.player1.ammo5 < _root.maxammo5) {
wpn5.wpnname.text = ("smg ammo - " + ac5) + " g";
} else {
wpn5.wpnname.text = "smg ammo - MAXED";
if (!_root.weapon6) {
wpn6.wpnname.text = ("rifle - " + wc6) + " g";
} else if (_root.player1.ammo6 < _root.maxammo6) {
wpn6.wpnname.text = ("rifle ammo - " + ac6) + " g";
} else {
wpn6.wpnname.text = "rifle ammo - MAXED";
if (!_root.weapon7) {
wpn7.wpnname.text = ("shotgun - " + wc7) + " g";
} else if (_root.player1.ammo7 < _root.maxammo7) {
wpn7.wpnname.text = ("shotgun ammo - " + ac7) + " g";
} else {
wpn7.wpnname.text = "shotgun ammo - MAXED";
if (!_root.weapon8) {
wpn8.wpnname.text = ("sniper - " + wc8) + " g";
} else if (_root.player1.ammo8 < _root.maxammo8) {
wpn8.wpnname.text = ("sniper ammo - " + ac8) + " g";
} else {
wpn8.wpnname.text = "sniper ammo - MAXED";
if (!_root.weapon9) {
wpn9.wpnname.text = ("chaingun - " + wc9) + " g";
} else if (_root.player1.ammo9 < _root.maxammo9) {
wpn9.wpnname.text = ("chaingun ammo - " + ac9) + " g";
} else {
wpn9.wpnname.text = "chaingun ammo - MAXED";
if (!_root.weapon10) {
wpn10.wpnname.text = ("grenade pack - " + wc10) + " g";
} else if (_root.player1.ammo10 < _root.maxammo10) {
wpn10.wpnname.text = ("grenades - " + ac10) + " g";
} else {
wpn10.wpnname.text = "grenades - MAXED";
if (!_root.weapon11) {
wpn11.wpnname.text = ("gren. launcher - " + wc11) + " g";
} else if (_root.player1.ammo11 < _root.maxammo11) {
wpn11.wpnname.text = ("launcher ammo - " + ac11) + " g";
} else {
wpn11.wpnname.text = "launcher ammo - MAXED";
if (!_root.weapon12) {
wpn12.wpnname.text = ("laser - " + wc12) + " g";
} else if (_root.player1.ammo12 < _root.maxammo12) {
wpn12.wpnname.text = ("laser ammo - " + ac12) + " g";
} else {
wpn12.wpnname.text = "laser ammo - MAXED";
wc1 = 0;
wc2 = 50;
wc3 = 0;
wc4 = 40;
wc5 = 70;
wc6 = 85;
wc7 = 100;
wc8 = 150;
wc9 = 200;
wc10 = 80;
wc11 = 120;
wc12 = 250;
ac1 = 0;
ac2 = 0;
ac3 = 7;
ac4 = 8;
ac5 = 11;
ac6 = 13;
ac7 = 13;
ac8 = 18;
ac9 = 30;
ac10 = 15;
ac11 = 25;
ac12 = 30;
function upgname() {
if (_root.maxhealth < 600) {
up1.wpnname.text = "maxhealth +10 - 10 g";
} else {
up1.wpnname.text = "maxhealth MAXED";
if ( < _root.maxhealth) {
up2.wpnname.text = "health +30 - 10 g";
} else {
up2.wpnname.text = "health MAXED";
if (_root.pspd < 10) {
up3.wpnname.text = "player speed ++ - 30 g";
} else {
up3.wpnname.text = "player speed MAXED";
if (_root.pjumpspd < 14) {
up4.wpnname.text = "player jump ++ - 30 g";
} else {
up4.wpnname.text = "player jump MAXED";
up1.onRollOver = function () {
up1.desx = up1.desx + 5;
_root.beep.start(0, 1);
up1.onRollOut = function () {
up1.desx = up1.desx - 5;
up1.onRelease = function () {
if ((_root.points >= 10) && (_root.maxhealth < 600)) {
_root.points = _root.points - 10;
_root.maxhealth = _root.maxhealth + 10;
_root.beep.start(0, 1);
up2.onRollOver = function () {
up2.desx = up2.desx + 5;
_root.beep.start(0, 1);
up2.onRollOut = function () {
up2.desx = up2.desx - 5;
up2.onRelease = function () {
if ((_root.points >= 10) && ( < _root.maxhealth)) {
_root.points = _root.points - 10; = + 30;
if ( > _root.maxhealth) { = _root.maxhealth;
_root.beep.start(0, 1);
up3.onRollOver = function () {
up3.desx = up3.desx + 5;
_root.beep.start(0, 1);
up3.onRollOut = function () {
up3.desx = up3.desx - 5;
up3.onRelease = function () {
if ((_root.points >= 30) && (_root.pspd < 10)) {
_root.points = _root.points - 30;
_root.pspd = _root.pspd + 0.5;
_root.beep.start(0, 1);
up4.onRollOver = function () {
up4.desx = up4.desx + 5;
_root.beep.start(0, 1);
up4.onRollOut = function () {
up4.desx = up4.desx - 5;
up4.onRelease = function () {
if ((_root.points >= 30) && (_root.pjumpspd < 14)) {
_root.points = _root.points - 30;
_root.pjumpspd = _root.pjumpspd + 1;
_root.beep.start(0, 1);
Symbol 569 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 573 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 577 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 345 MovieClip "extra" in Symbol 579 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop (11);
Symbol 581 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 584 MovieClip Frame 1
pc = 250;
pt = despt;
_alpha = _root.transparency;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((pc > interval) && (_root.spawnok)) {
pc = 0;
if (pt > (despt + 2)) {
pt = despt;
if (!_root["player" + pt].alive) {
removeMovieClip(_root["player" + pt].damage5);
removeMovieClip(_root["player" + pt].damage6);
removeMovieClip(_root["player" + pt].damage7);
removeMovieClip(_root["player" + pt].damage8);
clearInterval(_root["player" + pt].weapon.fireint);
clearInterval(_root["player" + pt].kdint);
clearInterval(_root["player" + pt].termint);
clearInterval(_root["player" + pt].bodyint);
clearInterval(_root["player" + pt].randomxint);
clearInterval(_root["player" + pt].wpncheck);
removeMovieClip(_root["player" + pt]);
if (type == "wander") {
_root.spawnwanderer(pt, xspn, yspn, char, weapon + random(weaponrand));
} else if (type == "melee") {
_root.spawnmelee(pt, xspn, yspn, char, weapon);
_root["player" + pt].stype = "spawn";
i = despt;
while (i <= (despt + 2)) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["player" + i])) {
_root["player" + i].desx = xloc + random(xrand);
Symbol 588 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 592 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 596 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 601 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 605 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 345 MovieClip "extra" in Symbol 607 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop (11);
Symbol 609 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 613 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 617 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 621 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 625 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 625 MovieClip "head" in Symbol 628 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 628 MovieClip Frame 43
gotoAndPlay (34);
Symbol 629 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.vcam.largeinfobar("NEW COMPETITOR");
Symbol 629 MovieClip Frame 34
_root.spawnplayer(1, -175, 300);
_root.manualcontrol = false;
Symbol 629 MovieClip Frame 70
_root.vcam.largeinfobar("THE SAVIOR");
Symbol 633 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 637 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 641 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 649 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 653 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 656 MovieClip Frame 92
_root.player1.alive = true;
Symbol 658 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 661 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 669 MovieClip Frame 259
Symbol 671 MovieClip Frame 88
_root.player1.alive = true;
Symbol 671 MovieClip Frame 111
Symbol 672 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 676 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 680 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 684 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 688 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 692 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 693 MovieClip Frame 1
function bodyfunc() {
if (accuracy > 0) {
if (keyright) {
if (weapon.getDepth() < body.getDepth()) {
weapon.desx = Math.abs(weapon.desx);
legs._xscale = 100;
if (head._currentframe < 3) {
} else if (keyleft) {
if (weapon.getDepth() > body.getDepth()) {
weapon.desx = -Math.abs(weapon.desx);
legs._xscale = -100;
if (head._currentframe > 1) {
weapon._x = weapon._x - ((weapon._x - weapon.desx) / 7);
weapon._y = weapon._y - ((weapon._y - weapon.desy) / 7);
if (weapon._x > 0) {
weapon._xscale = 100;
} else {
weapon._xscale = -100;
weapon._rotation = weapon._rotation - ((weapon._rotation - weapon.desrot) / 25);
if (((!knockdown) && (!reload)) && (alive)) {
xdis = _x - _root.player1._x;
ydis = (_y - 15) - _root.player1._y;
weapon.desrot = ((Math.atan(ydis / xdis) * 360) / 2) / Math.PI;
head._rotation = weapon._rotation / 5;
weapon.desx = _root.player1._x - _x;
if (weapon.desx > 10) {
weapon.desx = 10;
} else if (weapon.desx < -10) {
weapon.desx = -10;
weapon.desy = _root.player1._y - _y;
if (weapon.desy > -10) {
weapon.desy = -10;
} else if (weapon.desy < -30) {
weapon.desy = -30;
function termfunc() {
function randomxfunc() {
desx = 200 + random(300);
function randomyfunc() {
desy = 75 + random(75);
i = 3;
while (i <= 12) {
this["ammo" + i] = 999999 /* 0x0F423F */;
damnum = 5;
accuracy = 0;
bodyint = setInterval(bodyfunc, 45);
randomxint = setInterval(randomxfunc, 500 + random(1000));
randomyint = setInterval(randomyfunc, 500 + random(1000));
Symbol 698 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 702 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 706 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 710 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 714 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 718 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 726 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 730 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 625 MovieClip "head" in Symbol 731 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 732 MovieClip Frame 108
Symbol 736 MovieClip Frame 1