Frame 1 (1.18 KiB) ●
fscommand ("allowscale", "false");
totalBytes = Math.round(getBytesTotal() / 1024);
loadedBytes = Math.round(getBytesLoaded() / 1024);
percentDone = Math.round((loadedBytes / totalBytes) * 100);
if (_root._framesloaded >= _root._totalframes) {
gotoAndPlay ("start");
function onCreateAudio(soundName, soundID) {
mySoundComplete = function () {
this.onSoundComplete = function () {
this.createEmptyMovieClip("target" + soundDepth, soundDepth);
_root[soundName] = new Sound("target" + soundDepth);
_root[soundName]._name = soundName;
function onPlaySound(theSoundName, theVolume, theLoops) {
if (!_root[theSoundName].played) {
trace((("play sound " + theSoundName) + " - played=") + _root[theSoundName].played);
_root[theSoundName].start(0, theLoops);
_root[theSoundName].played = true;
function onResetSound(theSoundName) {
_root[theSoundName].played = false;
function onStopSound(theSoundName) {
Instance of Symbol 19 MovieClip in Frame 1 (63 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._xscale = _root.percentDone;
Instance of Symbol 21 MovieClip in Frame 1 (1.01 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.soundDepth = 99;
_root.onCreateAudio("aagh1SFX", "aagh1.wav");
_root.onCreateAudio("aagh2SFX", "aagh2.wav");
_root.onCreateAudio("applauseSFX", "applause2.wav");
_root.onCreateAudio("arriveSFX", "arrive.wav");
_root.onCreateAudio("boingSFX", "boing.wav");
_root.onCreateAudio("driveoffSFX", "driveoff.wav");
_root.onCreateAudio("honkSFX", "honk.wav");
_root.onCreateAudio("laundrySFX", "laundry.wav");
_root.onCreateAudio("aaghLongSFX", "aagh_long.wav");
_root.onCreateAudio("splatSFX", "splat.wav");
_root.onCreateAudio("zipSFX", "zip.wav");
_root.onCreateAudio("clickSFX", "click.wav");
Frame 2 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (1);
Frame 3 (981 B)
function offScreen(theMC) {
theMC._x = -999;
theMC._y = -999;
function checkParamsLoaded() {
if (_root.done == undefined) {
if (getTimer() > (startLoadTime + _root.scoreLoadTimeout)) {
_root.loadingText1.text = "Unable to load scores";
_root.loadingText2.text = "Unable to load scores";
} else {
_root.done = undefined;
_root.onlineReadout.text = "players online: " +;
var gotoFrame = 0;
var scoreLoadTimeout = 12000;
x = 0;
while (x < 10) {
_root["name" + x] = "";
_root["score" + x] = "";
_root["name_allTime" + x] = "";
_root["score_allTime" + x] = "";
_root.done = undefined;
startLoadTime = getTimer();
var param_interval = setInterval(checkParamsLoaded, 100);
Frame 4 (1.41 KiB) ●
function mouseOverClown() {
overClown = 0;
margin = 30;
theClown = 1;
while (theClown <= _root.clownsTotal) {
if ((((_root.hand._x > (_root.clowns["clown" + theClown]._x - margin)) and (_root.hand._x < (_root.clowns["clown" + theClown]._x + margin))) and (_root.hand._y > ((_root.clowns["clown" + theClown]._y - 20) - margin))) and (_root.hand._y < ((_root.clowns["clown" + theClown]._y - 20) + margin))) {
if (_root.clowns["clown" + theClown].myStatus == "walking") {
overClown = theClown;
MovieClip.prototype.flipX = function (doFlip) {
switch (doFlip) {
case 1 :
this._xscale = -Math.abs(this._xscale);
case 0 :
this._xscale = Math.abs(this._xscale);
_root.wire_dummy._visible = 0;
var clownsTotal = 8;
var floor_y = 403;
var leftWall_x = (_root.wall._x + 10);
var rightWall_x = 488;
var wallTop_y = _root.wall._y;
var truck_y = 310;
var truckLeft_x = -210;
var truckRight_x = -15;
var truckLeftSide = 60;
var clownInHand = 0;
var startSpread = 25;
var startMargin = 20;
mouseTrack = new Object();
mouseTrack.x = 0;
mouseTrack.y = 0;
lastMouseTrack = new Object();
lastMouseTrack.x = 0;
lastMouseTrack.y = 0;
var gravity = 2.3;
var startTime = getTimer();
var timeLimit = 60000;
var score = 0;
var hasWon = false;
var playerName = "";
var defaultVolume = 90;
Instance of Symbol 184 MovieClip "clothes" in Frame 4 (384 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
var myStatus = "offScreen";
var myFrame = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
function doSplash(xPos) {
myFrame = 1;
this._x = xPos;
this._y = 311;
myStatus = "splashing";
if (!(myStatus === "splashing")) {
} else {
if (myFrame > 10) {
myStatus = "offScreen";
Instance of Symbol 192 MovieClip "van" in Frame 4 (1.68 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
var myStatus = "entering";
var enterDur = 70;
var leaveDur = 100;
var bumpDur = 4;
var bumpDistance = 0.6;
var theFrame = 1;
this._y = _root.truck_y;
this._x = _root.truckLeft_x;
this.dummy._visible = 0;
this.vanFront_dummy._visible = 0;
this.vanBack_dummy._visible = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
function setOff() {
myStatus = "leaving";
theFrame = 1;
function rev() {
_root.onPlaySound("honkSFX", 70, 0);
_root.onPlaySound("driveoffSFX", 80, 0);
myStatus = "revving";
theFrame = 1;
switch (myStatus) {
case "entering" :
if (theFrame <= enterDur) {
xRatio = (theFrame++) / enterDur;
distance = _root.truckRight_x - _root.truckLeft_x;
newX = _root.truckLeft_x + (Math.sin(xRatio * (Math.PI/2)) * distance);
yRatio = theFrame / bumpDur;
newY = _root.truck_y + (Math.sin(yRatio * (Math.PI*2)) * bumpDistance);
this._x = newX;
this._y = newY;
if ((xRatio > 0.1) and (!_root.arriveSFX.played)) {
_root.onPlaySound("arriveSFX", 90, 0);
} else {
myStatus = "stopped";
case "revving" :
yRatio = (theFrame++) / bumpDur;
newY = _root.truck_y + (Math.sin(yRatio * (Math.PI*2)) * bumpDistance);
this._y = newY;
case "leaving" :
if (theFrame <= leaveDur) {
xRatio = (theFrame++) / leaveDur;
distance = _root.truckRight_x - _root.truckLeft_x;
newX = _root.truckLeft_x + (Math.sin((1 - xRatio) * (Math.PI/2)) * distance);
yRatio = theFrame / bumpDur;
newY = _root.truck_y + (Math.sin(yRatio * (Math.PI*2)) * bumpDistance);
this._x = newX;
this._y = newY;
} else {
Instance of Symbol 195 MovieClip "timeBar" in Frame 4 (461 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
maxWidth = this._width;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.scoreText.text = _root.score;
if (_root.van.myStatus != "leaving") {
timeRatio = (_root.timeLimit - (getTimer() - _root.startTime)) / _root.timeLimit;
if (timeRatio > 0) {
this._width = timeRatio * maxWidth;
if ((_root.van.myStatus == "stopped") and (timeRatio < 0.06)) {
} else {
this._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 206 MovieClip "hand" in Frame 4 (1.07 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
newX = _root._xmouse;
newY = _root._ymouse;
if (newX < _root.leftWall_x) {
newX = _root.leftWall_x;;
if (newY < _root.wallTop_y) {
newY = _root.wallTop_y;;
if ((newX == _root._xmouse) and (newY == _root._ymouse)) {
this._x = newX;
this._y = newY;
if (!_root.clownInHand) {
if (_root.mouseOverClown()) {
} else {
if (_root.clownInHand) {
_root.lastMouseTrack.x = _root.mouseTrack.x;
_root.lastMouseTrack.y = _root.mouseTrack.y;
_root.mouseTrack.x = this._x;
_root.mouseTrack.y = this._y;
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
theVictim = _root.mouseOverClown();
if (theVictim) {
_root.clownInHand = theVictim;
_root.clowns["clown" + theVictim].pickMeUp();
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if (_root.clownInHand) {
_root.onPlaySound("zipSFX", _root.defaultVolume, 0);
_root.clowns["clown" + _root.clownInHand].dropMe();
_root.clownInHand = 0;
Frame 5 (36 B)
Instance of Symbol 192 MovieClip "van" in Frame 5 (1.68 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
var myStatus = "entering";
var enterDur = 70;
var leaveDur = 100;
var bumpDur = 4;
var bumpDistance = 0.6;
var theFrame = 1;
this._y = _root.truck_y;
this._x = _root.truckLeft_x;
this.dummy._visible = 0;
this.vanFront_dummy._visible = 0;
this.vanBack_dummy._visible = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
function setOff() {
myStatus = "leaving";
theFrame = 1;
function rev() {
_root.onPlaySound("honkSFX", 70, 0);
_root.onPlaySound("driveoffSFX", 70, 0);
myStatus = "revving";
theFrame = 1;
switch (myStatus) {
case "entering" :
if (theFrame <= enterDur) {
xRatio = (theFrame++) / enterDur;
distance = _root.truckRight_x - _root.truckLeft_x;
newX = _root.truckLeft_x + (Math.sin(xRatio * (Math.PI/2)) * distance);
yRatio = theFrame / bumpDur;
newY = _root.truck_y + (Math.sin(yRatio * (Math.PI*2)) * bumpDistance);
this._x = newX;
this._y = newY;
if ((xRatio > 0.3) and (!_root.arriveSFX.played)) {
_root.onPlaySound("arriveSFX", 70, 0);
} else {
myStatus = "stopped";
case "revving" :
yRatio = (theFrame++) / bumpDur;
newY = _root.truck_y + (Math.sin(yRatio * (Math.PI*2)) * bumpDistance);
this._y = newY;
case "leaving" :
if (theFrame <= leaveDur) {
xRatio = (theFrame++) / leaveDur;
distance = _root.truckRight_x - _root.truckLeft_x;
newX = _root.truckLeft_x + (Math.sin((1 - xRatio) * (Math.PI/2)) * distance);
yRatio = theFrame / bumpDur;
newY = _root.truck_y + (Math.sin(yRatio * (Math.PI*2)) * bumpDistance);
this._x = newX;
this._y = newY;
} else {
Frame 6 (729 B)
function offScreen(theMC) {
theMC._x = -999;
theMC._y = -999;
function checkParamsLoaded() {
if (_root.done == undefined) {
trace("not yet.");
if (getTimer() > (startLoadTime + _root.scoreLoadTimeout)) {
trace("getTimer: " + getTimer());
trace("target: " + (startLoadTime + _root.scoreLoadTimeout));
} else {
trace("done: " + _root.done);
startLoadTime = getTimer();
trace("done: " + _root.done);
var param_interval = setInterval(checkParamsLoaded, 100);
Frame 7 (977 B)
_root.scoreboard.scoreReadout.text = _root.score;
messageText = " ";
_root.hasWon = false;
if (_root.done != undefined) {
if (_root.score > int(_root.score9)) {
messageText = "Well done - you've performed one of today's biggest clown-rescues!";
_root.hasWon = true;
if (_root.score > int(_root.score0)) {
messageText = "Well done - you've performed today's biggest clown-rescue!";
_root.hasWon = true;
if (_root.score > int(_root.score_allTime9)) {
messageText = "Well done - you've performed one of the all-time biggest clown-rescues!";
_root.hasWon = true;
if (_root.score > int(_root.score_allTime0)) {
messageText = "Well done - you've performed the biggest clown-rescue EVER!!";
_root.hasWon = true;
if (_root.hasWon) {
_root.scoreboard.panel._x = 35;
_root.scoreboard.panel._y = 270;
_root.done = undefined;
_root.scoreboard.messageReadout.text = messageText;
Frame 8 (530 B)
function checkParamsLoaded() {
if (_root.done == undefined) {
if (getTimer() > (startLoadTime + _root.scoreLoadTimeout)) {
gotoAndStop ("start");
} else {
_root.done = undefined;
gotoAndStop ("start");
startLoadTime = getTimer();
_root.loadVariables((((("highscore.php?" + _root.playerName) + "&") + _root.score) + "&test=") + random(99999), "POST");
var param_interval = setInterval(checkParamsLoaded, 100);
Symbol 42 Button (117 B)
on (release) {
_root.onPlaySound("clickSFX", 100, 0);
Symbol 44 Button (121 B)
on (release) {
_root.onPlaySound("clickSFX", 100, 0);
Symbol 173 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 174 MovieClip Frame 1 (148 B)
k = 2;
do {
clown1.duplicateMovieClip("clown" + k, 20 + k, {myNum:k});
} while (k <= _root.clownsTotal);
clown1.myNum = 1;
Instance of Symbol 173 MovieClip "clown1" in Symbol 174 MovieClip Frame 1 (7.09 KiB) ● ●
onClipEvent (load) {
this._x = 500 + (((Math.random() * _root.startSpread) + _root.startMargin) * this.myNum);
this._y = _root.floor_y + 2;
var walkSpeed = (2 + (Math.random() * 1.5));
var walkDir = "left";
var myStatus = "entering";
var myFrame = (random(16) + 1);
myLoc = new Object();
myLoc.x = 0;
myLoc.y = 0;
myLastLoc = new Object();
myLastLoc.x = 0;
myLastLoc.y = 0;
myStart = new Object();
myStart.x = 0;
myStart.y = 0;
mySpeed = new Object();
mySpeed.x = 0;
mySpeed.y = 0;
this.myRotateSpeed = 0;
this._rotation = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
function pickMeUp() {
_root.offScreen(_root.clowns["clown" + myNum]);
this.myStatus = "grabbed";
function dropMe() {
this._x = _root.hand._x;
this._y = _root.hand._y;
myLoc.x = this._x;
myLoc.y = this._y;
myStart.x = _root.mouseTrack.x;
myStart.y = _root.mouseTrack.y;
mySpeed.x = _root.mouseTrack.x - _root.lastMouseTrack.x;
mySpeed.y = _root.mouseTrack.y - _root.lastMouseTrack.y;
if ((Math.abs(mySpeed.x) + Math.abs(mySpeed.y)) > 14) {
maxRotate = 60;
minRotate = 12;
myRotateSpeed = (Math.random() * maxRotate) - (maxRotate / 2);
if ((myRotateSpeed > 0) and (myRotateSpeed < minRotate)) {
myRotateSpeed = minRotate;
} else if ((myRotateSpeed < 0) and (myRotateSpeed > (-minRotate))) {
myRotateSpeed = -minRotate;
if (mySpeed.y < -60) {
trace("long scream");
_root.onPlaySound("aaghLongSFX", _root.defaultVolume, 0);
} else {
choice = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
trace("yes/no choice: " + choice);
if (choice == 1) {
screamChoice = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
trace("screamchoice: " + screamChoice);
switch (screamChoice) {
case 1 :
_root.onPlaySound("aagh1SFX", _root.defaultVolume, 0);
case 2 :
_root.onPlaySound("aagh2SFX", _root.defaultVolume, 0);
this.myStatus = "flying";
if ((myStatus == "walking") or (myStatus == "entering")) {
myFrame = (myFrame % 16) + 1;
if (myNum == 1) {
switch (myStatus) {
case "entering" :
this._x = this._x - walkSpeed;
if (this._x < _root.rightWall_x) {
myStatus = "walking";
case "walking" :
switch (walkDir) {
case "left" :
this._x = this._x - walkSpeed;
case "right" :
this._x = this._x + walkSpeed;
if ((walkDir == "left") and (this._x < (_root.leftWall_x + 6))) {
walkDir = "right";
} else if ((walkDir == "right") and (this._x > _root.rightWall_x)) {
walkDir = "left";
case "flying" :
myLastLoc.x = myLoc.x;
myLastLoc.y = myLoc.y;
mySpeed.y = mySpeed.y + _root.gravity;
myLoc.x = myLoc.x + mySpeed.x;
myLoc.y = myLoc.y + mySpeed.y;
if ((((myLoc.x < (_root.wall._x + 28)) and (myLastLoc.x > (_root.wall._x - 28))) and (this._y > (_root.wall._y - 4))) and (mySpeed.x < 0)) {
if (Math.abs(mySpeed.x) > 4) {
_root.onPlaySound("boingSFX", _root.defaultVolume, 0);
mySpeed.x = -0.7 * mySpeed.x;
if (myRotateSpeed > 0) {
myRotateSpeed = myRotateSpeed * 1.3;
} else {
myRotateSpeed = Math.abs(myRotateSpeed);
myLoc.x = _root.wall._x + 28;
this._x = myLoc.x;
this._y = myLoc.y;
this._rotation = this._rotation + myRotateSpeed;
if (this._y < 0) {
_root["arrow" + myNum]._x = this._x;
_root["arrow" + myNum]._y = 16;
newScale = ((800 - Math.abs(this._y)) / 800) * 100;
if (newScale < 20) {
newScale = 20;
_root["arrow" + myNum]._xscale = newScale;
_root["arrow" + myNum]._yscale = newScale;
trace(((500 - Math.abs(this._y)) / 500) * 100);
} else {
_root.offScreen(_root["arrow" + myNum]);
if (this.hitTest(_root.wire_dummy) and (mySpeed.x < 0)) {
myFrame = 28;
myStatus = "splatting";
_root.onPlaySound("splatSFX", _root.defaultVolume, 0);
mySpeed.x = mySpeed.x / 3;
mySpeed.y = mySpeed.y / 3;
if (this._y > (_root.floor_y - 30)) {
if ((Math.abs(mySpeed.x) + Math.abs(mySpeed.y)) < 20) {
this._y = _root.floor_y + 2;
this._rotation = 0;
myStatus = "walking";
} else {
this._y = _root.floor_y - 19;
myFrame = 18;
this._rotation = 0;
myStatus = "crushing";
if ((this._x > -180) and (this._x < 680)) {
_root.onPlaySound("splatSFX", _root.defaultVolume, 0);
} else if (this.hitTest(_root.van.vanFront_dummy) or this.hitTest(_root.van.vanBack_dummy)) {
this._rotation = 0;
mySpeed.x = 0;
mySpeed.y = 0;
myFrame = 28;
mySpeed.x = mySpeed.x / 5;
mySpeed.y = mySpeed.y / 5;
myStatus = "splatting";
_root.onPlaySound("splatSFX", _root.defaultVolume, 0);
} else if (this.hitTest(_root.van.dummy)) {
_root.onPlaySound("laundrySFX", 100, 0);
if ((myLoc.x < _root.truckLeftSide) and (_root.van.myStatus != "leaving")) {
myLoc.x = _root.truckLeftSide;
this._x = myLoc.x;
myStatus = "landing";
case "landing" :
mySpeed.y = mySpeed.y + _root.gravity;
myLoc.x = myLoc.x + mySpeed.x;
myLoc.y = myLoc.y + mySpeed.y;
this._x = myLoc.x;
this._y = myLoc.y;
this._rotation = this._rotation + myRotateSpeed;
if (this._y > 265) {
myStatus = "resetting";
case "crushing" :
mySpeed.x = mySpeed.x / 1.5;
myLoc.x = myLoc.x + mySpeed.x;
this._x = myLoc.x;
if (myFrame > 27) {
myStatus = "resetting";
case "splatting" :
myLoc.x = myLoc.x + mySpeed.x;
myLoc.y = myLoc.y + mySpeed.y;
this._x = myLoc.x;
this._y = myLoc.y;
myLoc.x = myLoc.x + mySpeed.x;
this._x = myLoc.x;
if (myFrame > 34) {
myStatus = "resetting";
case "landing" :
mySpeed.y = mySpeed.y + _root.gravity;
myLoc.x = myLoc.x + mySpeed.x;
myLoc.y = myLoc.y + mySpeed.y;
this._x = myLoc.x;
this._y = myLoc.y;
this._rotation = this._rotation + myRotateSpeed;
if (this._x < _root.truckLeftSide) {
this._x = _root.truckLeftSide;
case "resetting" :
this._x = 500 + (((Math.random() * _root.startSpread) + _root.startMargin) * this.myNum);
this._y = _root.floor_y + 2;
var walkSpeed = (2 + (Math.random() * 1.5));
var walkDir = "left";
var myStatus = "entering";
var myFrame = (random(16) + 1);
myLoc.x = 0;
myLoc.y = 0;
myStart.x = 0;
myStart.y = 0;
mySpeed.x = 0;
mySpeed.y = 0;
this.myRotateSpeed = 0;
this._rotation = 0;
Symbol 184 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 205 MovieClip Frame 1 (1 B)
Instance of Symbol 147 MovieClip "legL" in Symbol 205 MovieClip Frame 1 (479 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
var waveLengthMax = 20;
var waveLengthMin = 10;
var waveAmount = 10;
var waveLength = (waveLengthMin + (Math.random() * (waveLengthMax - waveLengthMin)));
var theFrame = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
theRatio = (theFrame++) / waveLength;
if (theFrame <= waveLength) {
this._rotation = Math.sin(theRatio * (Math.PI*2)) * waveAmount;
} else {
theFrame = 1;
waveLength = waveLengthMin + (Math.random() * (waveLengthMax - waveLengthMin));
Instance of Symbol 149 MovieClip "legR" in Symbol 205 MovieClip Frame 1 (479 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
var waveLengthMax = 20;
var waveLengthMin = 10;
var waveAmount = 10;
var waveLength = (waveLengthMin + (Math.random() * (waveLengthMax - waveLengthMin)));
var theFrame = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
theRatio = (theFrame++) / waveLength;
if (theFrame <= waveLength) {
this._rotation = Math.sin(theRatio * (Math.PI*2)) * waveAmount;
} else {
theFrame = 1;
waveLength = waveLengthMin + (Math.random() * (waveLengthMax - waveLengthMin));
Instance of Symbol 151 MovieClip "armL" in Symbol 205 MovieClip Frame 1 (479 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
var waveLengthMax = 20;
var waveLengthMin = 10;
var waveAmount = 10;
var waveLength = (waveLengthMin + (Math.random() * (waveLengthMax - waveLengthMin)));
var theFrame = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
theRatio = (theFrame++) / waveLength;
if (theFrame <= waveLength) {
this._rotation = Math.sin(theRatio * (Math.PI*2)) * waveAmount;
} else {
theFrame = 1;
waveLength = waveLengthMin + (Math.random() * (waveLengthMax - waveLengthMin));
Instance of Symbol 154 MovieClip "armR" in Symbol 205 MovieClip Frame 1 (479 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
var waveLengthMax = 20;
var waveLengthMin = 10;
var waveAmount = 10;
var waveLength = (waveLengthMin + (Math.random() * (waveLengthMax - waveLengthMin)));
var theFrame = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
theRatio = (theFrame++) / waveLength;
if (theFrame <= waveLength) {
this._rotation = Math.sin(theRatio * (Math.PI*2)) * waveAmount;
} else {
theFrame = 1;
waveLength = waveLengthMin + (Math.random() * (waveLengthMax - waveLengthMin));
Instance of Symbol 203 MovieClip in Symbol 205 MovieClip Frame 1 (508 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
var waveLengthMax = 24;
var waveLengthMin = 8;
var waveAmount = 0.8;
var defaultY = -98.9;
var waveLength = (waveLengthMin + (Math.random() * (waveLengthMax - waveLengthMin)));
var theFrame = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
theRatio = (theFrame++) / waveLength;
if (theFrame <= waveLength) {
this._y = defaultY + (Math.sin(theRatio * (Math.PI*2)) * waveAmount);
} else {
theFrame = 1;
waveLength = waveLengthMin + (Math.random() * (waveLengthMax - waveLengthMin));
Symbol 206 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 215 Button (45 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 221 Button (118 B)
on (release) {
_root.onPlaySound("clickSFX", 100, 0);
Symbol 233 Button (270 B)
on (release) {
_root.onPlaySound("clickSFX", 100, 0);
if (_root.hasWon) {
_root.playerName = _root.scoreboard.panel.inputText.text;
_root.done = undefined;
} else {