Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Armadillo Knight.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #26359

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)








Game Over

Click to Continue

Click to Continue

Click to Continue






(Press X)

Hey, you're a Knight of Serenity right?  Thank goodness you're here!  You've got to help us!

Hey, you're a Knight of Serenity right?  Thank goodness you're here!  You've got to help us!





ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
_root.count1 = Math.round((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100); setProperty("load.g", _xscale , _root.count1);
Frame 2
if (_root.getBytesLoaded() == _root.getBytesTotal()) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Frame 3
_root.m.s.setVolume(100); _root.m.s.start(); gotoAndPlay (4);
Frame 4
function continueNow() { _root.jukebox.snd.stop(); gotoAndPlay (3); } stop();
Instance of Symbol 29 MovieClip "jukebox" in Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { snd.stop(); _root.jukebox.gotoAndPlay(4); } snd = new Sound(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } }
Instance of Symbol 61 MovieClip "tBoard" in Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "bossGage" in Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "dWindow" in Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) { function open(port, msg) { action = "open"; message = msg; portrait.gotoAndStop(port); = true;; this._visible = true; this._y = targetY; this._xscale = 0; this._yscale = 0; } function close() { = false; if ( == "stand") {"stand"); = "stand"; } else { = "bleh"; = "ko"; } this._visible = false; this._y = -200; action = "done"; if ( { _root.jukebox.gotoAndPlay(2); = false; } _root.jukebox.snd.setVolume(100); } action = "none"; this._visible = false; targetY = this._y; this._y = -200; scaleStep = 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._visible) { if (Key.isDown(88)) { action = "close"; } } if (action == "open") { if (this._xscale < 100) { this._xscale = this._xscale + scaleStep; this._yscale = this._yscale + scaleStep; } else { action = "none"; } } if (action == "close") { if (0 < this._xscale) { this._xscale = this._xscale - scaleStep; this._yscale = this._yscale - scaleStep; } else { close(); } } }
Instance of Symbol 90 MovieClip in Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ( == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 249 MovieClip "world" in Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) { safeY = 850; startX = this._x; startY = this._y; this._quality = "LOW"; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Frame 5
function continueNow() { _root.jukebox.snd.stop(); gotoAndPlay (3); } stop();
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "world" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) { safeY = 850; startX = this._x; startY = this._y; this._quality = "LOW"; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Frame 6
function continueNow() { _root.jukebox.snd.stop(); gotoAndPlay (3); } stop();
Instance of Symbol 298 MovieClip "world" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { safeY = 850; startX = this._x; startY = this._y; this._quality = "LOW"; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Instance of Symbol 301 MovieClip "world" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { safeY = -600; }
Symbol 29 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 29 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 29 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 38 Button
on (release) { getURL ("doneDonate.html"); }
Symbol 45 Button
on (release) { _root.continueNow(); }
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 1
fadeType = "cont"; resetFlag = false;
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 11
stop(); this._visible = false;
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 12
this._visible = true;
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 37
if (fadeType == "cont") { resetFlag = true; }
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 39
resetFlag = false;
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 52
if (fadeType == "cont") { gotoAndPlay (1); } if (fadeType == "game") { gotoAndPlay (53); }
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 53
Symbol 52 Button
on (release) { _quality = "MEDIUM"; loadMovie ("PL2.swf", _level0); }
Symbol 77 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 10
this._y =;
Symbol 118 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 118 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 118 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 18
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 37
attacking = false; goFight = false;
Symbol 155 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 155 MovieClip Frame 19
this._y =; curing = false;
Symbol 155 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 18
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 37
attacking = false; goFight = false;
Symbol 160 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 160 MovieClip Frame 19
this._y =; curing = false;
Symbol 160 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 166 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 166 MovieClip Frame 20
this._y =; stop();
Symbol 173 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_parent.arrows == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; }
Symbol 175 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_parent.arrows == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; }
Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 24
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 25
doneAttack = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "attMask" in Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }
Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 30
stop(); doneAttack = true;
Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 32
doneShoot = false; if (0 < this._xscale) { _parent.arrow1.activateRight(); } else { _parent.arrow1.activateLeft(); }
Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 40
stop(); doneShoot = true;
Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 41
Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 50
gotoAndPlay (42);
Symbol 234 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 234 MovieClip Frame 30
Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.getHit(100, this._x, 0, false); _parent.player.die(); _parent.player._y = _parent.player._y + this._height; } }
Instance of Symbol 97 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.vLock = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "fireBall" in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function activate(xLoc, yLoc, direc) { s.start(); this._x = xLoc; this._y = yLoc;; active = true; moveX = direc; } function explode() { _parent.explosion._x = this._x; _parent.explosion._y = this._y; _parent.explosion.gotoAndPlay(2); this._y =; this.stop(); active = false; } moveY = 20; moveX = -20; s = new Sound(); s.attachSound("breathe"); active = false; this.stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (active) { this._x = this._x + moveX; this._y = this._y + moveY; if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(20, this._x, 10, false); } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { explode(); } } }
Instance of Symbol 118 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 118 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 120 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop (1); active = false; s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("flag"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _root.arrowPass = _parent.player.arrows; _root.lifePass = _parent.player.lives; _root.hpPass = _parent.player.hp; _root.scorePass = _parent.player.score; _root.nextFrame(); } }
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.invincible = true; s.start(); this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Instance of Symbol 148 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { prevPose = ""; pose = "jump"; attackPwr = 20; touchAttack = 8; hp = 60; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 6; speed = 6; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; attacking = false; waitTimer = 58; waitDelay = 60; goFight = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 600; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 10; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -10; grounded = false; } } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -100; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (waitTimer == waitDelay) { waitTimer = 0; goFight = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else { waitTimer++; } prevPose = pose; if (grounded) { if (goFight) { if (attacking) { pose = "attack"; } else { pose = "run"; if (this._xscale == 100) { this.hVelocity = speed * -1; } if (this._xscale == -100) { this.hVelocity = speed; } } } else { pose = "stand"; hVelocity = 0; stunned = false; } } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { pose = "wince"; _parent.spang._y =; } else { pose = "jump"; } } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { if (attacking) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); } else { _parent.player.getHit(touchAttack, this._x, 14, true); } if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (goFight && (grounded)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 200) { attacking = true; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 148 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { prevPose = ""; pose = "jump"; attackPwr = 20; touchAttack = 8; hp = 60; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 6; speed = 6; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; attacking = false; waitTimer = 58; waitDelay = 60; goFight = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 600; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 10; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -10; grounded = false; } } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -100; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (waitTimer == waitDelay) { waitTimer = 0; goFight = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else { waitTimer++; } prevPose = pose; if (grounded) { if (goFight) { if (attacking) { pose = "attack"; } else { pose = "run"; if (this._xscale == 100) { this.hVelocity = speed * -1; } if (this._xscale == -100) { this.hVelocity = speed; } } } else { pose = "stand"; hVelocity = 0; stunned = false; } } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { pose = "wince"; _parent.spang._y =; } else { pose = "jump"; } } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { if (attacking) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); } else { _parent.player.getHit(touchAttack, this._x, 14, true); } if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (goFight && (grounded)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 200) { attacking = true; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 148 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { prevPose = ""; pose = "jump"; attackPwr = 20; touchAttack = 8; hp = 60; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 6; speed = 6; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; attacking = false; waitTimer = 58; waitDelay = 60; goFight = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 600; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 10; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -10; grounded = false; } } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -100; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (waitTimer == waitDelay) { waitTimer = 0; goFight = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else { waitTimer++; } prevPose = pose; if (grounded) { if (goFight) { if (attacking) { pose = "attack"; } else { pose = "run"; if (this._xscale == 100) { this.hVelocity = speed * -1; } if (this._xscale == -100) { this.hVelocity = speed; } } } else { pose = "stand"; hVelocity = 0; stunned = false; } } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { pose = "wince"; _parent.spang._y =; } else { pose = "jump"; } } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { if (attacking) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); } else { _parent.player.getHit(touchAttack, this._x, 14, true); } if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (goFight && (grounded)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 200) { attacking = true; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 148 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { prevPose = ""; pose = "jump"; attackPwr = 20; touchAttack = 8; hp = 60; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 6; speed = 6; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; attacking = false; waitTimer = 58; waitDelay = 60; goFight = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 600; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 10; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -10; grounded = false; } } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -100; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (waitTimer == waitDelay) { waitTimer = 0; goFight = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else { waitTimer++; } prevPose = pose; if (grounded) { if (goFight) { if (attacking) { pose = "attack"; } else { pose = "run"; if (this._xscale == 100) { this.hVelocity = speed * -1; } if (this._xscale == -100) { this.hVelocity = speed; } } } else { pose = "stand"; hVelocity = 0; stunned = false; } } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { pose = "wince"; _parent.spang._y =; } else { pose = "jump"; } } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { if (attacking) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); } else { _parent.player.getHit(touchAttack, this._x, 14, true); } if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (goFight && (grounded)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 200) { attacking = true; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 148 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { prevPose = ""; pose = "jump"; attackPwr = 20; touchAttack = 8; hp = 60; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 6; speed = 6; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; attacking = false; waitTimer = 58; waitDelay = 60; goFight = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 600; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 10; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -10; grounded = false; } } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -100; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (waitTimer == waitDelay) { waitTimer = 0; goFight = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else { waitTimer++; } prevPose = pose; if (grounded) { if (goFight) { if (attacking) { pose = "attack"; } else { pose = "run"; if (this._xscale == 100) { this.hVelocity = speed * -1; } if (this._xscale == -100) { this.hVelocity = speed; } } } else { pose = "stand"; hVelocity = 0; stunned = false; } } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { pose = "wince"; _parent.spang._y =; } else { pose = "jump"; } } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { if (attacking) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); } else { _parent.player.getHit(touchAttack, this._x, 14, true); } if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (goFight && (grounded)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 200) { attacking = true; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 118 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 118 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 118 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 155 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vreset() { this.gotoAndStop(1); curePower = 100; this._x = startX; this._y = startY; curing = false; } function cure() { curing = true; s.start(); this.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.player.hp = _parent.player.hp + curePower; if (100 < _parent.player.hp) { _parent.player.hp = 100; } = _parent.player.hp; } s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("sparkle"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; vreset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (curing == false)) { cure(); } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vreset(); } if (curing == true) { this._x = _parent.player._x; this._y = _parent.player._y; } }
Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { prevPose = ""; pose = "jump"; attackPwr = 20; touchAttack = 8; hp = 60; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 6; speed = 6; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; attacking = false; waitTimer = 58; waitDelay = 60; goFight = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 600; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 10; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -10; grounded = false; } } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -100; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (waitTimer == waitDelay) { waitTimer = 0; goFight = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else { waitTimer++; } prevPose = pose; if (grounded) { if (goFight) { if (attacking) { pose = "attack"; } else { pose = "run"; if (this._xscale == 100) { this.hVelocity = speed * -1; } if (this._xscale == -100) { this.hVelocity = speed; } } } else { pose = "stand"; hVelocity = 0; stunned = false; } } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { pose = "wince"; _parent.spang._y =; } else { pose = "jump"; } } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { if (attacking) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); } else { _parent.player.getHit(touchAttack, this._x, 14, true); } if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (goFight && (grounded)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 200) { attacking = true; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 118 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 118 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 118 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 118 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { prevPose = ""; pose = "jump"; attackPwr = 20; touchAttack = 8; hp = 60; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 6; speed = 6; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; attacking = false; waitTimer = 58; waitDelay = 60; goFight = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 600; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 10; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -10; grounded = false; } } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -100; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (waitTimer == waitDelay) { waitTimer = 0; goFight = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else { waitTimer++; } prevPose = pose; if (grounded) { if (goFight) { if (attacking) { pose = "attack"; } else { pose = "run"; if (this._xscale == 100) { this.hVelocity = speed * -1; } if (this._xscale == -100) { this.hVelocity = speed; } } } else { pose = "stand"; hVelocity = 0; stunned = false; } } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { pose = "wince"; _parent.spang._y =; } else { pose = "jump"; } } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { if (attacking) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); } else { _parent.player.getHit(touchAttack, this._x, 14, true); } if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (goFight && (grounded)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 200) { attacking = true; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.getHit(100, this._x, 0, false); _parent.player.die(); _parent.player._y = _parent.player._y + this._height; } }
Instance of Symbol 97 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.vLock = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 160 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vreset() { this.gotoAndStop(1); curePower = 25; this._x = startX; this._y = startY; curing = false; } function cure() { curing = true; s.start(); this.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.player.hp = _parent.player.hp + curePower; if (100 < _parent.player.hp) { _parent.player.hp = 100; } = _parent.player.hp; } s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("sparkle"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; vreset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (curing == false)) { cure(); } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vreset(); } if (curing == true) { this._x = _parent.player._x; this._y = _parent.player._y; } }
Instance of Symbol 162 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.maxRun = 15; _parent.player.jumpPwr = 58; s.start(); this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.invincible = true; s.start(); this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.invincible = true; s.start(); this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Instance of Symbol 118 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 166 MovieClip "deathEffect" in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("swoosh2"); }
Instance of Symbol 168 MovieClip "arrow1" in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function activateRight() { if (active == false) { bearing = "right"; this._xscale = 80; originX = _parent.player._x + 100; originY = _parent.player._y - 29; this._x = originX; this._y = originY; active = true; } } function activateLeft() { if (active == false) { bearing = "left"; this._xscale = -80; originX = _parent.player._x + 100; originY = _parent.player._y - 29; this._x = originX - 200; this._y = originY; active = true; } } function deactivate() { active = false; this._x = returnX; this._y = returnY; _parent.player.arrows--; if (_parent.player.arrows < 0) { _parent.player.arrows = 0; } } range = 500; speed = 60; returnX = 0; returnY =; originX = _parent.player._x + 100; originY = _parent.player._y - 49; active = false; bearing = right; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (active) { if (bearing == "right") { this._x = this._x + speed; if ((originX + range) < this._x) { deactivate(); } } else { this._x = this._x - speed; if (this._x < ((originX - 200) - range)) { deactivate(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 208 MovieClip "player" in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { _root.jukebox.snd.stop(); _root.jukebox.gotoAndPlay(4); arrows = 0; bow._visible = false; score = prevScore; prevPose = ""; vLock = false; screenNudge = 0; maxNudge = 160; dead = false; actionLock = false; invincible = false; invMax = 450; invCount = invMax; = false; = 100; vVelocity = 0; hVelocity = 0; grounded = false; this._x = startX; this._y = startY; hp = 100; maxRun = 10; attackPwr = 20; arrowPwr = 8; jumpPwr = 40; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; doneAttack = true; doneShoot = true; countAttack = 0; countShoot = 0; countJump = 0; wincing = false; winceCount = 0; winceDelay = 60; wincePose = false; this._alpha = 100; } function getHit(damage, xoffset, knockBack, defensible) { if (dead == false) { if (pose == "roll") { if (defensible) { damage = 0; } if (invincible) { damage = 0; knockBack = 0; } } this.hp = this.hp - damage; if (hp < 0) { hp = 0; } this.vVelocity = -10; grounded = false; if (_parent.player._x < xoffset) { this.hVelocity = knockBack * -1; } else { this.hVelocity = knockBack; } = hp; if (0 < damage) { wincing = true; winceTmp = 1; u.start(); wincePose = true; } else { p.start(); } } } function die() { = 100; dead = true;"ko"); lives--; if (lives >= 0) { _root.fader.fadeType = "cont"; } else { _root.fader.fadeType = "game"; lives++; } _root.fader.gotoAndPlay("fadeOut"); } u = new Sound(this); u.attachSound("urg"); p = new Sound(this); p.attachSound("tink"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; prevScore = 0; score = 0; lives = 3; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (actionLock == false)) { if (invincible) { if (invCount == invMax) { = true; } invCount--; = (invCount / invMax) * 100; if (0 >= invCount) { invincible = false; = false; = 100; invCount = invMax; } } if (wincing == true) { this._alpha = 75; winceCount++; if (winceCount == winceDelay) { wincing = false; winceCount = 0; this._alpha = 100; } } if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) { _xscale = -80; } if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) { _xscale = 80; } if (Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) { countAttack++; if (2 < countAttack) { countAttack = 2; } } else { countAttack = 0; } if (Key.isDown(65)) { countShoot++; if (2 < countShoot) { countShoot = 2; } } else { countShoot = 0; } if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) { countJump++; if (2 < countJump) { countJump = 2; } } else { countJump = 0; } prevPose = pose; pose = "stand"; if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) { if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) || (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT))) { pose = "roll"; } else { pose = "duck"; } } else { if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) || (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT))) { pose = "run"; } if (vVelocity < 0) { pose = "jumpUp"; } if (0 < vVelocity) { pose = "jumpDown"; } if (0 < arrows) { if ((countShoot == 1) || (doneShoot == false)) { pose = "shoot"; } } if ((countAttack == 1) || (doneAttack == false)) { pose = "attack"; } if (wincePose) { pose = "wince"; } if (dead) { pose = "ko"; } } if (invincible) { pose = "roll"; } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) { if ((maxRun * -1) < hVelocity) { hVelocity--; } if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) { hVelocity++; } } if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) { if (hVelocity < maxRun) { hVelocity++; } } if ((countJump == 1) && (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN) == false)) { if (grounded) { vVelocity = jumpPwr * -1; grounded = false; } } if (Key.isDown(80)) {, "PAUSE!"); _root.jukebox.snd.setVolume(0); } if (Key.isDown(100)) { if ((maxNudge * -1) < screenNudge) { screenNudge = screenNudge - 20; = + 20; } } if (Key.isDown(102)) { if (screenNudge < maxNudge) { screenNudge = screenNudge + 20; = - 20; } } if (Key.isDown(101)) { = + screenNudge; screenNudge = 0; } if ((Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) == false) && (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) == false)) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity++; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity--; } } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; = + (hVelocity * -1); } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } if (hp == 0) { die(); } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { die(); } if (vLock == false) { if (340 < (this._y + _parent._y)) { = - 15; } if ((this._y + _parent._y) < 130) { = + 10; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 210 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { active = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_parent.player._x + 10) < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } if (this._x < (_parent.player._x - 10)) { this._xscale = -100; } if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this) && (active)) {, "Hey, you're a Knight of Serenity right? Our village is under attack! Please help us!"); active = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 212 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { active = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_parent.player._x + 10) < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } if (this._x < (_parent.player._x - 10)) { this._xscale = -100; } if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this) && (active)) {, "I saw something flying overhead just before the attack. What was it?"); active = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { active = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_parent.player._x + 10) < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } if (this._x < (_parent.player._x - 10)) { this._xscale = -100; } }
Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.getHit(100, this._x, 0, false); _parent.player.die(); _parent.player._y = _parent.player._y + this._height; } }
Instance of Symbol 97 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.vLock = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 217 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.arrows = _parent.player.arrows + 15; s.start(); _parent.player.bow._visible = true; _parent.player.doneShoot = true; this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Instance of Symbol 219 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("sparkle"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.lives++; s.start(); this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { bridgeRotation = 0; _parent.ground.bridge1._rotation = 0; goRotate = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); goRotate = true; } if (goRotate) { _parent.ground.bridge1._rotation = _parent.ground.bridge1._rotation + 3; if (_parent.ground.bridge1._rotation == 90) { goRotate = false; } } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } }
Instance of Symbol 235 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop (1); active = false; s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("flag"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { if (active == false) { gotoAndStop (2); _parent.startX = _parent._x + _parent.player.screenNudge; _parent.startY = _parent._y; _parent.player.startX = this._x; _parent.player.startY = this._y - 500; _parent.player.prevScore = _parent.player.score; s.start(); active = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 217 MovieClip in Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.arrows = _parent.player.arrows + 15; s.start(); _parent.player.bow._visible = true; _parent.player.doneShoot = true; this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Symbol 252 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 252 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 252 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 24
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 25
doneAttack = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "attMask" in Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }
Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 30
stop(); doneAttack = true;
Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 32
doneShoot = false; if (0 < this._xscale) { _parent.arrow1.activateRight(); } else { _parent.arrow1.activateLeft(); }
Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 40
stop(); doneShoot = true;
Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 41
Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 50
gotoAndPlay (42);
Symbol 259 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 259 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 261 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 261 MovieClip Frame 30
Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.getHit(100, this._x, 0, false); _parent.player.die(); _parent.player._y = _parent.player._y + this._height; } }
Instance of Symbol 97 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.vLock = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.getHit(100, this._x, 0, false); _parent.player.die(); _parent.player._y = _parent.player._y + this._height; } }
Instance of Symbol 97 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.vLock = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.getHit(100, this._x, 0, false); _parent.player.die(); _parent.player._y = _parent.player._y + this._height; } }
Instance of Symbol 97 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.vLock = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "fireBall" in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function activate(xLoc, yLoc, direc) { s.start(); this._x = xLoc; this._y = yLoc;; active = true; moveX = direc; } function explode() { _parent.explosion._x = this._x; _parent.explosion._y = this._y; _parent.explosion.gotoAndPlay(2); this._y =; this.stop(); active = false; } moveY = 20; moveX = -20; s = new Sound(); s.attachSound("breathe"); active = false; this.stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (active) { this._x = this._x + moveX; this._y = this._y + moveY; if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(20, this._x, 10, false); } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { explode(); } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 120 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop (1); active = false; s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("flag"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _root.arrowPass = _parent.player.arrows; _root.lifePass = _parent.player.lives; _root.hpPass = _parent.player.hp; _root.scorePass = _parent.player.score; _root.nextFrame(); } }
Instance of Symbol 155 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vreset() { this.gotoAndStop(1); curePower = 100; this._x = startX; this._y = startY; curing = false; } function cure() { curing = true; s.start(); this.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.player.hp = _parent.player.hp + curePower; if (100 < _parent.player.hp) { _parent.player.hp = 100; } = _parent.player.hp; } s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("sparkle"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; vreset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (curing == false)) { cure(); } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vreset(); } if (curing == true) { this._x = _parent.player._x; this._y = _parent.player._y; } }
Instance of Symbol 155 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vreset() { this.gotoAndStop(1); curePower = 100; this._x = startX; this._y = startY; curing = false; } function cure() { curing = true; s.start(); this.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.player.hp = _parent.player.hp + curePower; if (100 < _parent.player.hp) { _parent.player.hp = 100; } = _parent.player.hp; } s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("sparkle"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; vreset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (curing == false)) { cure(); } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vreset(); } if (curing == true) { this._x = _parent.player._x; this._y = _parent.player._y; } }
Instance of Symbol 219 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("sparkle"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.lives++; s.start(); this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { } }
Instance of Symbol 217 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.arrows = _parent.player.arrows + 15; s.start(); _parent.player.bow._visible = true; _parent.player.doneShoot = true; this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Instance of Symbol 160 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vreset() { this.gotoAndStop(1); curePower = 25; this._x = startX; this._y = startY; curing = false; } function cure() { curing = true; s.start(); this.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.player.hp = _parent.player.hp + curePower; if (100 < _parent.player.hp) { _parent.player.hp = 100; } = _parent.player.hp; } s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("sparkle"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; vreset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (curing == false)) { cure(); } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vreset(); } if (curing == true) { this._x = _parent.player._x; this._y = _parent.player._y; } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 253 MovieClip "player" in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function sReset() { arrows = _root.arrowPass; if (arrows == 0) { bow._visible = false; } lives = _root.lifePass; score = _root.scorePass; prevScore = score; prevPose = ""; vLock = false; screenNudge = 0; maxNudge = 160; dead = false; actionLock = false; invincible = false; invMax = 450; invCount = invMax; = false; = _root.hpPass; vVelocity = 0; hVelocity = 0; grounded = false; this._x = startX; this._y = startY; hp = _root.hpPass; maxRun = 10; attackPwr = 20; arrowPwr = 8; jumpPwr = 40; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; doneAttack = true; doneShoot = true; countAttack = 0; countShoot = 0; countJump = 0; wincing = false; winceCount = 0; winceDelay = 60; wincePose = false; this._alpha = 100; } function vReset() { arrows = 0; bow._visible = false; score = prevScore; prevPose = ""; vLock = false; screenNudge = 0; maxNudge = 160; dead = false; actionLock = false; invincible = false; invMax = 450; invCount = invMax; = false; = 100; vVelocity = 0; hVelocity = 0; grounded = false; this._x = startX; this._y = startY; hp = 100; maxRun = 10; attackPwr = 20; arrowPwr = 8; jumpPwr = 40; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; doneAttack = true; doneShoot = true; countAttack = 0; countShoot = 0; countJump = 0; wincing = false; winceCount = 0; winceDelay = 60; wincePose = false; this._alpha = 100; } function getHit(damage, xoffset, knockBack, defensible) { if (dead == false) { if (pose == "roll") { if (defensible) { damage = 0; } if (invincible) { damage = 0; knockBack = 0; } } this.hp = this.hp - damage; if (hp < 0) { hp = 0; } this.vVelocity = -10; grounded = false; if (_parent.player._x < xoffset) { this.hVelocity = knockBack * -1; } else { this.hVelocity = knockBack; } = hp; if (0 < damage) { wincing = true; winceTmp = 1; u.start(); wincePose = true; } else { p.start(); } } } function die() { = 100; dead = true;"ko"); lives--; if (lives >= 0) { _root.fader.fadeType = "cont"; } else { _root.fader.fadeType = "game"; lives++; } _root.fader.gotoAndPlay("fadeOut"); } u = new Sound(this); u.attachSound("urg"); p = new Sound(this); p.attachSound("tink"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; sReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (actionLock == false)) { if (invincible) { if (invCount == invMax) { = true; } invCount--; = (invCount / invMax) * 100; if (0 >= invCount) { invincible = false; = false; = 100; invCount = invMax; } } if (wincing == true) { this._alpha = 75; winceCount++; if (winceCount == winceDelay) { wincing = false; winceCount = 0; this._alpha = 100; } } if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) { _xscale = -80; } if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) { _xscale = 80; } if (Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) { countAttack++; if (2 < countAttack) { countAttack = 2; } } else { countAttack = 0; } if (Key.isDown(65)) { countShoot++; if (2 < countShoot) { countShoot = 2; } } else { countShoot = 0; } if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) { countJump++; if (2 < countJump) { countJump = 2; } } else { countJump = 0; } prevPose = pose; pose = "stand"; if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) { if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) || (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT))) { pose = "roll"; } else { pose = "duck"; } } else { if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) || (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT))) { pose = "run"; } if (vVelocity < 0) { pose = "jumpUp"; } if (0 < vVelocity) { pose = "jumpDown"; } if (0 < arrows) { if ((countShoot == 1) || (doneShoot == false)) { pose = "shoot"; } } if ((countAttack == 1) || (doneAttack == false)) { pose = "attack"; } if (wincePose) { pose = "wince"; } if (dead) { pose = "ko"; } } if (invincible) { pose = "roll"; } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) { if ((maxRun * -1) < hVelocity) { hVelocity--; } if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) { hVelocity++; } } if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) { if (hVelocity < maxRun) { hVelocity++; } } if ((countJump == 1) && (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN) == false)) { if (grounded) { vVelocity = jumpPwr * -1; grounded = false; } } if (Key.isDown(80)) {, "PAUSE!"); _root.jukebox.snd.setVolume(0); } if (Key.isDown(100)) { if ((maxNudge * -1) < screenNudge) { screenNudge = screenNudge - 20; = + 20; } } if (Key.isDown(102)) { if (screenNudge < maxNudge) { screenNudge = screenNudge + 20; = - 20; } } if (Key.isDown(101)) { = + screenNudge; screenNudge = 0; } if ((Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) == false) && (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) == false)) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity++; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity--; } } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; = + (hVelocity * -1); } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } if (hp == 0) { die(); } } } this._y = newY; if (vLock == false) { if (340 < (this._y + _parent._y)) { = - 15; } if ((this._y + _parent._y) < 130) { = + 10; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 148 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { prevPose = ""; pose = "jump"; attackPwr = 20; touchAttack = 8; hp = 60; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 6; speed = 6; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; attacking = false; waitTimer = 58; waitDelay = 60; goFight = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 600; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 10; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -10; grounded = false; } } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -100; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (waitTimer == waitDelay) { waitTimer = 0; goFight = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else { waitTimer++; } prevPose = pose; if (grounded) { if (goFight) { if (attacking) { pose = "attack"; } else { pose = "run"; if (this._xscale == 100) { this.hVelocity = speed * -1; } if (this._xscale == -100) { this.hVelocity = speed; } } } else { pose = "stand"; hVelocity = 0; stunned = false; } } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { pose = "wince"; _parent.spang._y =; } else { pose = "jump"; } } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { if (attacking) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); } else { _parent.player.getHit(touchAttack, this._x, 14, true); } if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (goFight && (grounded)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 200) { attacking = true; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 162 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.maxRun = 15; _parent.player.jumpPwr = 58; s.start(); this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.invincible = true; s.start(); this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Instance of Symbol 166 MovieClip "deathEffect" in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("swoosh2"); }
Instance of Symbol 168 MovieClip "arrow1" in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function activateRight() { if (active == false) { bearing = "right"; this._xscale = 80; originX = _parent.player._x + 100; originY = _parent.player._y - 29; this._x = originX; this._y = originY; active = true; } } function activateLeft() { if (active == false) { bearing = "left"; this._xscale = -80; originX = _parent.player._x + 100; originY = _parent.player._y - 29; this._x = originX - 200; this._y = originY; active = true; } } function deactivate() { active = false; this._x = returnX; this._y = returnY; _parent.player.arrows--; if (_parent.player.arrows < 0) { _parent.player.arrows = 0; } } range = 500; speed = 60; returnX = 0; returnY =; originX = _parent.player._x + 100; originY = _parent.player._y - 49; active = false; bearing = right; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (active) { if (bearing == "right") { this._x = this._x + speed; if ((originX + range) < this._x) { deactivate(); } } else { this._x = this._x - speed; if (this._x < ((originX - 200) - range)) { deactivate(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 254 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { active = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_parent.player._x + 10) < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } if (this._x < (_parent.player._x - 10)) { this._xscale = -100; } if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this) && (active)) {, "I saw a young armadillo with a lance run up ahead. Is he with you?"); active = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 235 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop (1); active = false; s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("flag"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { if (active == false) { gotoAndStop (2); _parent.startX = _parent._x + _parent.player.screenNudge; _parent.startY = _parent._y; _parent.player.startX = this._x; _parent.player.startY = this._y - 500; _parent.player.prevScore = _parent.player.score; s.start(); active = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 256 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { active = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_parent.player._x + 10) < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } if (this._x < (_parent.player._x - 10)) { this._xscale = -100; } if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this) && (active)) {, "A kid my size just went by. He better be careful!"); active = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 257 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { active = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_parent.player._x + 10) < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } if (this._x < (_parent.player._x - 10)) { this._xscale = -100; } }
Instance of Symbol 258 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { active = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_parent.player._x + 10) < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } if (this._x < (_parent.player._x - 10)) { this._xscale = -100; } if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this) && (active)) {, "Tiago is safe!? Oh, thank you Sir Knight!"); active = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 259 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { bridgeRotation = 0; _parent.ground.bridge4._rotation = 0; goRotate = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); goRotate = true; } if (goRotate) { _parent.ground.bridge4._rotation = _parent.ground.bridge4._rotation + 3; if (_parent.ground.bridge4._rotation == 90) { goRotate = false; } } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } }
Instance of Symbol 260 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { active = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_parent.player._x + 10) < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } if (this._x < (_parent.player._x - 10)) { this._xscale = -100; } if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this) && (active)) {, "Thanks for saving me mister! My name's Tiago. If you see my mom, tell her I'm OK."); active = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 160 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vreset() { this.gotoAndStop(1); curePower = 25; this._x = startX; this._y = startY; curing = false; } function cure() { curing = true; s.start(); this.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.player.hp = _parent.player.hp + curePower; if (100 < _parent.player.hp) { _parent.player.hp = 100; } = _parent.player.hp; } s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("sparkle"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; vreset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (curing == false)) { cure(); } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vreset(); } if (curing == true) { this._x = _parent.player._x; this._y = _parent.player._y; } }
Instance of Symbol 261 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { bridgeRotation = 0; _parent.ground.bridge3._rotation = 0; goRotate = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); goRotate = true; } if (goRotate) { _parent.ground.bridge3._rotation = _parent.ground.bridge3._rotation + 3; if (_parent.ground.bridge3._rotation == 90) { goRotate = false; } } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } }
Instance of Symbol 235 MovieClip in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop (1); active = false; s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("flag"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { if (active == false) { gotoAndStop (2); _parent.startX = _parent._x + _parent.player.screenNudge; _parent.startY = _parent._y; _parent.player.startX = this._x; _parent.player.startY = this._y - 500; _parent.player.prevScore = _parent.player.score; s.start(); active = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 262 MovieClip "endBlock" in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { _root.jukebox.gotoAndStop(1); egStart = false; tally = false; active = true; s1 = 0; s2 = 0; s3 = 0; st = 0; sr = "Paladin"; scoreDone = 0; lifeDone = 0; healthDone = 0; si = 1300; scorePlay = false; } vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y)) { _root.bossGage._visible = true; if (active) {, "Aaah! Gallan look out! There's a d..d..d..DRAGON!"); _root.jukebox.snd.stop(); egStart = true; active = false; } } if (tally) { if (scorePlay == false) { _root.jukebox.snd.stop(); _root.jukebox.gotoAndPlay(3); scorePlay = true; _quality = "MEDIUM"; } if (((scoreDone + lifeDone) + heathDone) != 3) { _root.tboard._visible = true; _parent.player.actionLock = true; _parent.player.stop(); if (s1 < _parent.player.score) { s1 = s1 + 50; } else { scoreDone = 1; } if (s2 < ((_parent.player.lives - 1) * 1000)) { s2 = s2 + 50; } else { lifeDone = 1; } if (s3 < (_parent.player.hp * 10)) { s3 = s3 + 5; } else { healthDone = 1; } st = (s1 + s2) + s3; if (st < si) { sr = "Page"; } if ((st >= si) && (st < (si * 2))) { sr = "Squire"; } if ((st >= (si * 2)) && (st < (si * 3))) { sr = "Knight"; } if ((st >= (si * 3)) && (st < (si * 4))) { sr = "Hero"; } if (st >= (si * 4)) { sr = "Paladin"; } } st = (s1 + s2) + s3; } }
Symbol 287 MovieClip Frame 7
if (fireBreath) { gotoAndPlay (15); }
Symbol 287 MovieClip Frame 14
if (fireBreath == false) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 287 MovieClip Frame 33
fireCount++; _parent.fireBall.activate(this._x - 248, this._y + 66, -20);
Symbol 287 MovieClip Frame 39
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 24
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 25
doneAttack = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "attMask" in Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }
Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 30
stop(); doneAttack = true;
Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 32
doneShoot = false; if (0 < this._xscale) { _parent.arrow1.activateRight(); } else { _parent.arrow1.activateLeft(); }
Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 40
stop(); doneShoot = true;
Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 41
Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 50
gotoAndPlay (42);
Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.getHit(100, this._x, 0, false); _parent.player.die(); _parent.player._y = _parent.player._y + this._height; } }
Instance of Symbol 97 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.vLock = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.getHit(100, this._x, 0, false); _parent.player.die(); _parent.player._y = _parent.player._y + this._height; } }
Instance of Symbol 97 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.vLock = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 270 MovieClip "fireBall" in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function activate(xLoc, yLoc, direc) { s.start(); this._x = xLoc; this._y = yLoc;; active = true; moveX = direc; } function explode() { _parent.explosion._x = this._x; _parent.explosion._y = this._y; _parent.explosion.gotoAndPlay(2); this._y =; this.stop(); active = false; } moveY = 20; moveX = -20; s = new Sound(); s.attachSound("breathe"); active = false; this.stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (active) { this._x = this._x + moveX; this._y = this._y + moveY; if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(20, 20000, 14, false); } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { explode(); } } }
Instance of Symbol 155 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vreset() { this.gotoAndStop(1); curePower = 100; this._x = startX; this._y = startY; curing = false; } function cure() { curing = true; s.start(); this.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.player.hp = _parent.player.hp + curePower; if (100 < _parent.player.hp) { _parent.player.hp = 100; } = _parent.player.hp; } s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("sparkle"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; vreset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (curing == false)) { cure(); } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vreset(); } if (curing == true) { this._x = _parent.player._x; this._y = _parent.player._y; } }
Instance of Symbol 287 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; = 100; _root.bossGage._visible = false; attackPwr = 20; gotoAndPlay (1); fireBreath = false; fireLimit = 3; fireCount = 0; dead = false; active = true; hp = 140; wincing = false; winceTmp = 0; winceDelay = 30; flySpeed = 5; seek = true; dive = false; diveTimer = 0; hVelocity = 0; vVelocity = 0; } function getHit(damage, xOffset) { hp = hp - damage; wincing = true; winceTmp = 0; = (this.hp / 160) * 100; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } } function die() { active = false; fireBreath = false; dead = true; _parent.spang._y =; this.gotoAndStop("wince"); stop(); _root.bossGage._visible = false; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 100; } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if (dead && (this._y < (_parent.player._y + 1500))) { this._y = this._y + 20; } if (dead && (this._y >= (_parent.player._y + 1500))) { _parent.endBlock.tally = true; } if (_parent.player.dead) { this.stop(); } if (active && (dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 900) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (_parent.player.dead == false) { if (wincing) { this.gotoAndStop("wince"); winceTmp++; if (winceTmp == winceDelay) { wincing = false; this.gotoAndPlay("fly"); } if (winceTmp == 2) { _parent.spang._y =; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask) && (wincing == false)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y; _parent.spang._x = this._x - (this._width / 2); getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr / 2, _parent.player._x); } fireBreath = false; if (fireCount == fireLimit) { fireCount = 0; seek = false; hVelocity = 0; vVelocity = 0; dive = true; } if (seek) { if (_parent.player._x < (this._x - 275)) { hVelocity = (flySpeed * -1) - 3; fireBreath = false; } if (_parent.player._x >= (this._x - 200)) { hVelocity = flySpeed; fireBreath = false; } if (((this._x - 275) < _parent.player._x) && (_parent.player._x < (this._x - 200))) { hVelocity = 0; fireBreath = true; } if (_parent.player._y < (this._y + 150)) { vVelocity = flySpeed * -1; } if (_parent.player._y >= (this._y + 200)) { vVelocity = flySpeed; } if (((this._y + 200) < _parent.player._y) && (_parent.player._y < (this._y + 150))) { vVelocity = 0; } } if (wincing) { hVelocity = flySpeed; vVelocity = flySpeed * -1; } if (dive) { if ((-400 < this._y) && (diveTimer == 0)) { hVelocity = 0; vVelocity = flySpeed * -2; } if (-400 >= this._y) { diveTimer = 1; } if (diveTimer == 1) { this._y = _parent.player._y - 40; this._x = _parent.player._x + 600; this.gotoAndStop("dive"); hVelocity = flySpeed * -8; vVelocity = 0; diveTimer = 2; } if ((diveTimer == 2) && (this._x < (_parent.player._x - 600))) { this._y = _parent.player._y - 400; this._x = _parent.player._x + 600; seek = true; this.gotoAndPlay("fly"); diveTimer = 0; dive = false; } if (diveTimer == 2) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, 20000, 14, true); } } } this._x = this._x + hVelocity; this._y = this._y + vVelocity; } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 148 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { prevPose = ""; pose = "jump"; attackPwr = 20; touchAttack = 8; hp = 60; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 6; speed = 6; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; attacking = false; waitTimer = 58; waitDelay = 60; goFight = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 600; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 10; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -10; grounded = false; } } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -100; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (waitTimer == waitDelay) { waitTimer = 0; goFight = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else { waitTimer++; } prevPose = pose; if (grounded) { if (goFight) { if (attacking) { pose = "attack"; } else { pose = "run"; if (this._xscale == 100) { this.hVelocity = speed * -1; } if (this._xscale == -100) { this.hVelocity = speed; } } } else { pose = "stand"; hVelocity = 0; stunned = false; } } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { pose = "wince"; _parent.spang._y =; } else { pose = "jump"; } } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { if (attacking) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); } else { _parent.player.getHit(touchAttack, this._x, 14, true); } if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (goFight && (grounded)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 200) { attacking = true; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.invincible = true; s.start(); this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 288 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { active = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this) && (active)) {, "Well, sounds like Milo DIDN'T wait for me like I asked. I hope he's allright..."); active = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 289 MovieClip "player" in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function sReset() { arrows = _root.arrowPass; if (arrows == 0) { bow._visible = false; } lives = _root.lifePass; score = _root.scorePass; prevScore = score; prevPose = ""; vLock = false; screenNudge = 0; maxNudge = 160; dead = false; actionLock = false; invincible = false; invMax = 250; invCount = invMax; = false; = _root.hpPass; vVelocity = 0; hVelocity = 0; grounded = false; this._x = startX; this._y = startY; hp = _root.hpPass; maxRun = 10; attackPwr = 20; arrowPwr = 8; jumpPwr = 40; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; doneAttack = true; doneShoot = true; countAttack = 0; countShoot = 0; countJump = 0; wincing = false; winceCount = 0; winceDelay = 60; wincePose = false; this._alpha = 100; } function vReset() { arrows = 0; bow._visible = false; score = prevScore; prevPose = ""; vLock = false; screenNudge = 0; maxNudge = 160; dead = false; actionLock = false; invincible = false; invMax = 450; invCount = invMax; = false; = 100; vVelocity = 0; hVelocity = 0; grounded = false; this._x = startX; this._y = startY; hp = 100; maxRun = 10; attackPwr = 20; arrowPwr = 8; jumpPwr = 40; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; doneAttack = true; doneShoot = true; countAttack = 0; countShoot = 0; countJump = 0; wincing = false; winceCount = 0; winceDelay = 60; wincePose = false; this._alpha = 100; } function getHit(damage, xoffset, knockBack, defensible) { if (dead == false) { if (pose == "roll") { if (defensible) { damage = 0; } if (invincible) { damage = 0; knockBack = 0; } } this.hp = this.hp - damage; if (hp < 0) { hp = 0; } this.vVelocity = -10; grounded = false; if (_parent.player._x < xoffset) { this.hVelocity = knockBack * -1; } else { this.hVelocity = knockBack; } = hp; if (0 < damage) { wincing = true; winceTmp = 1; u.start(); wincePose = true; } else { p.start(); } } } function die() { = 100; dead = true;"ko"); lives--; if (lives >= 0) { _root.fader.fadeType = "cont"; } else { _root.fader.fadeType = "game"; lives++; } _root.fader.gotoAndPlay("fadeOut"); } u = new Sound(this); u.attachSound("urg"); p = new Sound(this); p.attachSound("tink"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; sReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (actionLock == false)) { if (invincible) { if (invCount == invMax) { = true; } invCount--; = (invCount / invMax) * 100; if (0 >= invCount) { invincible = false; = false; = 100; invCount = invMax; } } if (wincing == true) { this._alpha = 75; winceCount++; if (winceCount == winceDelay) { wincing = false; winceCount = 0; this._alpha = 100; } } if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) { _xscale = -80; } if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) { _xscale = 80; } if (Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) { countAttack++; if (2 < countAttack) { countAttack = 2; } } else { countAttack = 0; } if (Key.isDown(65)) { countShoot++; if (2 < countShoot) { countShoot = 2; } } else { countShoot = 0; } if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) { countJump++; if (2 < countJump) { countJump = 2; } } else { countJump = 0; } prevPose = pose; pose = "stand"; if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) { if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) || (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT))) { pose = "roll"; } else { pose = "duck"; } } else { if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) || (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT))) { pose = "run"; } if (vVelocity < 0) { pose = "jumpUp"; } if (0 < vVelocity) { pose = "jumpDown"; } if (0 < arrows) { if ((countShoot == 1) || (doneShoot == false)) { pose = "shoot"; } } if ((countAttack == 1) || (doneAttack == false)) { pose = "attack"; } if (wincePose) { pose = "wince"; } if (dead) { pose = "ko"; } } if (invincible) { pose = "roll"; } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) { if ((maxRun * -1) < hVelocity) { hVelocity--; } if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) { hVelocity++; } } if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) { if (hVelocity < maxRun) { hVelocity++; } } if ((countJump == 1) && (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN) == false)) { if (grounded) { vVelocity = jumpPwr * -1; grounded = false; } } if (Key.isDown(80)) {, "PAUSE!"); _root.jukebox.snd.setVolume(0); } if (Key.isDown(100)) { if ((maxNudge * -1) < screenNudge) { screenNudge = screenNudge - 20; = + 20; } } if (Key.isDown(102)) { if (screenNudge < maxNudge) { screenNudge = screenNudge + 20; = - 20; } } if (Key.isDown(101)) { = + screenNudge; screenNudge = 0; } if ((Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) == false) && (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) == false)) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity++; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity--; } } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; = + (hVelocity * -1); } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } if (hp == 0) { die(); } } } this._y = newY; if (vLock == false) { if (340 < (this._y + _parent._y)) { = - 15; } if ((this._y + _parent._y) < 130) { = + 10; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 148 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { prevPose = ""; pose = "jump"; attackPwr = 20; touchAttack = 8; hp = 60; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 6; speed = 6; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; attacking = false; waitTimer = 58; waitDelay = 60; goFight = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 600; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 10; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -10; grounded = false; } } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -100; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (waitTimer == waitDelay) { waitTimer = 0; goFight = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else { waitTimer++; } prevPose = pose; if (grounded) { if (goFight) { if (attacking) { pose = "attack"; } else { pose = "run"; if (this._xscale == 100) { this.hVelocity = speed * -1; } if (this._xscale == -100) { this.hVelocity = speed; } } } else { pose = "stand"; hVelocity = 0; stunned = false; } } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { pose = "wince"; _parent.spang._y =; } else { pose = "jump"; } } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { if (attacking) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); } else { _parent.player.getHit(touchAttack, this._x, 14, true); } if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (goFight && (grounded)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 200) { attacking = true; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 148 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { prevPose = ""; pose = "jump"; attackPwr = 20; touchAttack = 8; hp = 60; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 6; speed = 6; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; attacking = false; waitTimer = 58; waitDelay = 60; goFight = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 600; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 10; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -10; grounded = false; } } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -100; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (waitTimer == waitDelay) { waitTimer = 0; goFight = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else { waitTimer++; } prevPose = pose; if (grounded) { if (goFight) { if (attacking) { pose = "attack"; } else { pose = "run"; if (this._xscale == 100) { this.hVelocity = speed * -1; } if (this._xscale == -100) { this.hVelocity = speed; } } } else { pose = "stand"; hVelocity = 0; stunned = false; } } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { pose = "wince"; _parent.spang._y =; } else { pose = "jump"; } } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { if (attacking) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); } else { _parent.player.getHit(touchAttack, this._x, 14, true); } if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (goFight && (grounded)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 200) { attacking = true; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 148 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { prevPose = ""; pose = "jump"; attackPwr = 20; touchAttack = 8; hp = 60; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 6; speed = 6; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; attacking = false; waitTimer = 58; waitDelay = 60; goFight = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 600; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 10; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -10; grounded = false; } } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -100; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (waitTimer == waitDelay) { waitTimer = 0; goFight = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else { waitTimer++; } prevPose = pose; if (grounded) { if (goFight) { if (attacking) { pose = "attack"; } else { pose = "run"; if (this._xscale == 100) { this.hVelocity = speed * -1; } if (this._xscale == -100) { this.hVelocity = speed; } } } else { pose = "stand"; hVelocity = 0; stunned = false; } } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { pose = "wince"; _parent.spang._y =; } else { pose = "jump"; } } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { if (attacking) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); } else { _parent.player.getHit(touchAttack, this._x, 14, true); } if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (goFight && (grounded)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 200) { attacking = true; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 162 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.maxRun = 15; _parent.player.jumpPwr = 58; s.start(); this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.invincible = true; s.start(); this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Instance of Symbol 166 MovieClip "deathEffect" in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("swoosh2"); }
Instance of Symbol 168 MovieClip "arrow1" in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function activateRight() { if (active == false) { bearing = "right"; this._xscale = 80; originX = _parent.player._x + 100; originY = _parent.player._y - 29; this._x = originX; this._y = originY; active = true; } } function activateLeft() { if (active == false) { bearing = "left"; this._xscale = -80; originX = _parent.player._x + 100; originY = _parent.player._y - 29; this._x = originX - 200; this._y = originY; active = true; } } function deactivate() { active = false; this._x = returnX; this._y = returnY; _parent.player.arrows--; if (_parent.player.arrows < 0) { _parent.player.arrows = 0; } } range = 500; speed = 60; returnX = 0; returnY =; originX = _parent.player._x + 100; originY = _parent.player._y - 49; active = false; bearing = right; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (active) { if (bearing == "right") { this._x = this._x + speed; if ((originX + range) < this._x) { deactivate(); } } else { this._x = this._x - speed; if (this._x < ((originX - 200) - range)) { deactivate(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 290 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { active = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_parent.player._x + 10) < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } if (this._x < (_parent.player._x - 10)) { this._xscale = -100; } if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this) && (active)) {, "You better take these arrows, I saw something big up ahead..."); active = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 291 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { active = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_parent.player._x + 10) < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } if (this._x < (_parent.player._x - 10)) { this._xscale = -100; } if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this) && (active)) {, "Please take this fruit, to recover your strength!"); active = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 235 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop (1); active = false; s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("flag"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { if (active == false) { gotoAndStop (2); _parent.startX = _parent._x + _parent.player.screenNudge; _parent.startY = _parent._y; _parent.player.startX = this._x; _parent.player.startY = this._y - 500; _parent.player.prevScore = _parent.player.score; s.start(); active = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 217 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.arrows = _parent.player.arrows + 15; s.start(); _parent.player.bow._visible = true; _parent.player.doneShoot = true; this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Instance of Symbol 235 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop (1); active = false; s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("flag"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { if (active == false) { gotoAndStop (2); _parent.startX = _parent._x + _parent.player.screenNudge; _parent.startY = _parent._y; _parent.player.startX = this._x; _parent.player.startY = this._y - 500; _parent.player.prevScore = _parent.player.score; s.start(); active = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 261 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { bridgeRotation = 0; _parent.ground.bridge3._rotation = 0; goRotate = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); goRotate = true; } if (goRotate) { _parent.ground.bridge3._rotation = _parent.ground.bridge3._rotation + 3; if (_parent.ground.bridge3._rotation == 90) { goRotate = false; } } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } }
Instance of Symbol 235 MovieClip in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop (1); active = false; s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("flag"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { if (active == false) { gotoAndStop (2); _parent.startX = _parent._x + _parent.player.screenNudge; _parent.startY = _parent._y; _parent.player.startX = this._x; _parent.player.startY = this._y - 500; _parent.player.prevScore = _parent.player.score; s.start(); active = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 292 MovieClip "endBlock" in Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { _root.jukebox.gotoAndStop(1); egStart = false; tally = false; active = true; s1 = 0; s2 = 0; s3 = 0; st = 0; sr = "Paladin"; scoreDone = 0; lifeDone = 0; healthDone = 0; si = 4000; scorePlay = false; } vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y)) { _root.bossGage._visible = true; if (active) {, "Aaah! Gallan look out! There's a d..d..d..DRAGON!"); _root.jukebox.snd.stop(); egStart = true; active = false; } } if (tally) { if (scorePlay == false) { _root.jukebox.snd.stop(); _root.jukebox.gotoAndPlay(3); scorePlay = true; _quality = "MEDIUM"; } if (((scoreDone + lifeDone) + heathDone) != 3) { _root.tboard._visible = true; _parent.player.actionLock = true; _parent.player.stop(); if (s1 < _parent.player.score) { s1 = s1 + 100; } else { scoreDone = 1; } if (s2 < ((_parent.player.lives - 1) * 1000)) { s2 = s2 + 50; } else { lifeDone = 1; } if (s3 < (_parent.player.hp * 10)) { s3 = s3 + 5; } else { healthDone = 1; } st = (s1 + s2) + s3; if (st < si) { sr = "Page"; } if ((st >= si) && (st < (si * 2))) { sr = "Squire"; } if ((st >= (si * 2)) && (st < (si * 3))) { sr = "Knight"; } if ((st >= (si * 3)) && (st < (si * 4))) { sr = "Hero"; } if (st >= (si * 4)) { sr = "Paladin"; } } st = (s1 + s2) + s3; } }
Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.getHit(100, this._x, 0, false); _parent.player.die(); _parent.player._y = _parent.player._y + this._height; } }
Instance of Symbol 97 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.vLock = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.getHit(100, this._x, 0, false); _parent.player.die(); _parent.player._y = _parent.player._y + this._height; } }
Instance of Symbol 97 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.vLock = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.getHit(100, this._x, 0, false); _parent.player.die(); _parent.player._y = _parent.player._y + this._height; } }
Instance of Symbol 97 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.vLock = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "fireBall" in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function activate(xLoc, yLoc, direc) { s.start(); this._x = xLoc; this._y = yLoc;; active = true; moveX = direc; } function explode() { _parent.explosion._x = this._x; _parent.explosion._y = this._y; _parent.explosion.gotoAndPlay(2); this._y =; this.stop(); active = false; } moveY = 20; moveX = -20; s = new Sound(); s.attachSound("breathe"); active = false; this.stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (active) { this._x = this._x + moveX; this._y = this._y + moveY; if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(20, this._x, 10, false); } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { explode(); } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 120 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop (1); active = false; s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("flag"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _root.arrowPass = _parent.player.arrows; _root.lifePass = _parent.player.lives; _root.hpPass = _parent.player.hp; _root.scorePass = _parent.player.score; _root.nextFrame(); } }
Instance of Symbol 155 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vreset() { this.gotoAndStop(1); curePower = 100; this._x = startX; this._y = startY; curing = false; } function cure() { curing = true; s.start(); this.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.player.hp = _parent.player.hp + curePower; if (100 < _parent.player.hp) { _parent.player.hp = 100; } = _parent.player.hp; } s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("sparkle"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; vreset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (curing == false)) { cure(); } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vreset(); } if (curing == true) { this._x = _parent.player._x; this._y = _parent.player._y; } }
Instance of Symbol 155 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vreset() { this.gotoAndStop(1); curePower = 100; this._x = startX; this._y = startY; curing = false; } function cure() { curing = true; s.start(); this.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.player.hp = _parent.player.hp + curePower; if (100 < _parent.player.hp) { _parent.player.hp = 100; } = _parent.player.hp; } s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("sparkle"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; vreset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (curing == false)) { cure(); } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vreset(); } if (curing == true) { this._x = _parent.player._x; this._y = _parent.player._y; } }
Instance of Symbol 219 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("sparkle"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.lives++; s.start(); this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { } }
Instance of Symbol 217 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.arrows = _parent.player.arrows + 15; s.start(); _parent.player.bow._visible = true; _parent.player.doneShoot = true; this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Instance of Symbol 160 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vreset() { this.gotoAndStop(1); curePower = 25; this._x = startX; this._y = startY; curing = false; } function cure() { curing = true; s.start(); this.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.player.hp = _parent.player.hp + curePower; if (100 < _parent.player.hp) { _parent.player.hp = 100; } = _parent.player.hp; } s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("sparkle"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; vreset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (curing == false)) { cure(); } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vreset(); } if (curing == true) { this._x = _parent.player._x; this._y = _parent.player._y; } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 253 MovieClip "player" in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function sReset() { arrows = _root.arrowPass; if (arrows == 0) { bow._visible = false; } lives = _root.lifePass; score = _root.scorePass; prevScore = score; prevPose = ""; vLock = false; screenNudge = 0; maxNudge = 160; dead = false; actionLock = false; invincible = false; invMax = 450; invCount = invMax; = false; = _root.hpPass; vVelocity = 0; hVelocity = 0; grounded = false; this._x = startX; this._y = startY; hp = _root.hpPass; maxRun = 10; attackPwr = 20; arrowPwr = 8; jumpPwr = 40; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; doneAttack = true; doneShoot = true; countAttack = 0; countShoot = 0; countJump = 0; wincing = false; winceCount = 0; winceDelay = 60; wincePose = false; this._alpha = 100; } function vReset() { arrows = 0; bow._visible = false; score = prevScore; prevPose = ""; vLock = false; screenNudge = 0; maxNudge = 160; dead = false; actionLock = false; invincible = false; invMax = 450; invCount = invMax; = false; = 100; vVelocity = 0; hVelocity = 0; grounded = false; this._x = startX; this._y = startY; hp = 100; maxRun = 10; attackPwr = 20; arrowPwr = 8; jumpPwr = 40; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; doneAttack = true; doneShoot = true; countAttack = 0; countShoot = 0; countJump = 0; wincing = false; winceCount = 0; winceDelay = 60; wincePose = false; this._alpha = 100; } function getHit(damage, xoffset, knockBack, defensible) { if (dead == false) { if (pose == "roll") { if (defensible) { damage = 0; } if (invincible) { damage = 0; knockBack = 0; } } this.hp = this.hp - damage; if (hp < 0) { hp = 0; } this.vVelocity = -10; grounded = false; if (_parent.player._x < xoffset) { this.hVelocity = knockBack * -1; } else { this.hVelocity = knockBack; } = hp; if (0 < damage) { wincing = true; winceTmp = 1; u.start(); wincePose = true; } else { p.start(); } } } function die() { = 100; dead = true;"ko"); lives--; if (lives >= 0) { _root.fader.fadeType = "cont"; } else { _root.fader.fadeType = "game"; lives++; } _root.fader.gotoAndPlay("fadeOut"); } u = new Sound(this); u.attachSound("urg"); p = new Sound(this); p.attachSound("tink"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; sReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (actionLock == false)) { if (invincible) { if (invCount == invMax) { = true; } invCount--; = (invCount / invMax) * 100; if (0 >= invCount) { invincible = false; = false; = 100; invCount = invMax; } } if (wincing == true) { this._alpha = 75; winceCount++; if (winceCount == winceDelay) { wincing = false; winceCount = 0; this._alpha = 100; } } if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) { _xscale = -80; } if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) { _xscale = 80; } if (Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) { countAttack++; if (2 < countAttack) { countAttack = 2; } } else { countAttack = 0; } if (Key.isDown(65)) { countShoot++; if (2 < countShoot) { countShoot = 2; } } else { countShoot = 0; } if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) { countJump++; if (2 < countJump) { countJump = 2; } } else { countJump = 0; } prevPose = pose; pose = "stand"; if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) { if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) || (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT))) { pose = "roll"; } else { pose = "duck"; } } else { if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) || (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT))) { pose = "run"; } if (vVelocity < 0) { pose = "jumpUp"; } if (0 < vVelocity) { pose = "jumpDown"; } if (0 < arrows) { if ((countShoot == 1) || (doneShoot == false)) { pose = "shoot"; } } if ((countAttack == 1) || (doneAttack == false)) { pose = "attack"; } if (wincePose) { pose = "wince"; } if (dead) { pose = "ko"; } } if (invincible) { pose = "roll"; } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) { if ((maxRun * -1) < hVelocity) { hVelocity--; } if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) { hVelocity++; } } if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) { if (hVelocity < maxRun) { hVelocity++; } } if ((countJump == 1) && (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN) == false)) { if (grounded) { vVelocity = jumpPwr * -1; grounded = false; } } if (Key.isDown(80)) {, "PAUSE!"); _root.jukebox.snd.setVolume(0); } if (Key.isDown(100)) { if ((maxNudge * -1) < screenNudge) { screenNudge = screenNudge - 20; = + 20; } } if (Key.isDown(102)) { if (screenNudge < maxNudge) { screenNudge = screenNudge + 20; = - 20; } } if (Key.isDown(101)) { = + screenNudge; screenNudge = 0; } if ((Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) == false) && (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) == false)) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity++; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity--; } } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; = + (hVelocity * -1); } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } if (hp == 0) { die(); } } } this._y = newY; if (vLock == false) { if (340 < (this._y + _parent._y)) { = - 15; } if ((this._y + _parent._y) < 130) { = + 10; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 148 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { prevPose = ""; pose = "jump"; attackPwr = 20; touchAttack = 8; hp = 60; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 6; speed = 6; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; attacking = false; waitTimer = 58; waitDelay = 60; goFight = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 600; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 10; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -10; grounded = false; } } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -100; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (waitTimer == waitDelay) { waitTimer = 0; goFight = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else { waitTimer++; } prevPose = pose; if (grounded) { if (goFight) { if (attacking) { pose = "attack"; } else { pose = "run"; if (this._xscale == 100) { this.hVelocity = speed * -1; } if (this._xscale == -100) { this.hVelocity = speed; } } } else { pose = "stand"; hVelocity = 0; stunned = false; } } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { pose = "wince"; _parent.spang._y =; } else { pose = "jump"; } } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { if (attacking) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); } else { _parent.player.getHit(touchAttack, this._x, 14, true); } if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (goFight && (grounded)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 200) { attacking = true; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 162 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.maxRun = 15; _parent.player.jumpPwr = 58; s.start(); this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.invincible = true; s.start(); this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Instance of Symbol 166 MovieClip "deathEffect" in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("swoosh2"); }
Instance of Symbol 168 MovieClip "arrow1" in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function activateRight() { if (active == false) { bearing = "right"; this._xscale = 80; originX = _parent.player._x + 100; originY = _parent.player._y - 29; this._x = originX; this._y = originY; active = true; } } function activateLeft() { if (active == false) { bearing = "left"; this._xscale = -80; originX = _parent.player._x + 100; originY = _parent.player._y - 29; this._x = originX - 200; this._y = originY; active = true; } } function deactivate() { active = false; this._x = returnX; this._y = returnY; _parent.player.arrows--; if (_parent.player.arrows < 0) { _parent.player.arrows = 0; } } range = 500; speed = 60; returnX = 0; returnY =; originX = _parent.player._x + 100; originY = _parent.player._y - 49; active = false; bearing = right; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (active) { if (bearing == "right") { this._x = this._x + speed; if ((originX + range) < this._x) { deactivate(); } } else { this._x = this._x - speed; if (this._x < ((originX - 200) - range)) { deactivate(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 254 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { active = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_parent.player._x + 10) < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } if (this._x < (_parent.player._x - 10)) { this._xscale = -100; } if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this) && (active)) {, "I saw a young armadillo with a lance run up ahead. Is he with you?"); active = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 235 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop (1); active = false; s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("flag"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { if (active == false) { gotoAndStop (2); _parent.startX = _parent._x + _parent.player.screenNudge; _parent.startY = _parent._y; _parent.player.startX = this._x; _parent.player.startY = this._y - 500; _parent.player.prevScore = _parent.player.score; s.start(); active = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 256 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { active = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_parent.player._x + 10) < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } if (this._x < (_parent.player._x - 10)) { this._xscale = -100; } if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this) && (active)) {, "A kid my size just went by. He better be careful!"); active = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 257 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { active = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_parent.player._x + 10) < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } if (this._x < (_parent.player._x - 10)) { this._xscale = -100; } }
Instance of Symbol 258 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { active = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_parent.player._x + 10) < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } if (this._x < (_parent.player._x - 10)) { this._xscale = -100; } if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this) && (active)) {, "Tiago is safe!? Oh, thank you Sir Knight!"); active = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 259 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { bridgeRotation = 0; _parent.ground.bridge4._rotation = 0; goRotate = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); goRotate = true; } if (goRotate) { _parent.ground.bridge4._rotation = _parent.ground.bridge4._rotation + 3; if (_parent.ground.bridge4._rotation == 90) { goRotate = false; } } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } }
Instance of Symbol 260 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { active = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_parent.player._x + 10) < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } if (this._x < (_parent.player._x - 10)) { this._xscale = -100; } if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this) && (active)) {, "Thanks for saving me mister! My name's Tiago. If you see my mom, tell her I'm OK."); active = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 160 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vreset() { this.gotoAndStop(1); curePower = 25; this._x = startX; this._y = startY; curing = false; } function cure() { curing = true; s.start(); this.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.player.hp = _parent.player.hp + curePower; if (100 < _parent.player.hp) { _parent.player.hp = 100; } = _parent.player.hp; } s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("sparkle"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; vreset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (curing == false)) { cure(); } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vreset(); } if (curing == true) { this._x = _parent.player._x; this._y = _parent.player._y; } }
Instance of Symbol 261 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { bridgeRotation = 0; _parent.ground.bridge3._rotation = 0; goRotate = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); goRotate = true; } if (goRotate) { _parent.ground.bridge3._rotation = _parent.ground.bridge3._rotation + 3; if (_parent.ground.bridge3._rotation == 90) { goRotate = false; } } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } }
Instance of Symbol 235 MovieClip in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop (1); active = false; s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("flag"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { if (active == false) { gotoAndStop (2); _parent.startX = _parent._x + _parent.player.screenNudge; _parent.startY = _parent._y; _parent.player.startX = this._x; _parent.player.startY = this._y - 500; _parent.player.prevScore = _parent.player.score; s.start(); active = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 262 MovieClip "endBlock" in Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { _root.jukebox.gotoAndStop(1); egStart = false; tally = false; active = true; s1 = 0; s2 = 0; s3 = 0; st = 0; sr = "Paladin"; scoreDone = 0; lifeDone = 0; healthDone = 0; si = 1300; scorePlay = false; } vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y)) { _root.bossGage._visible = true; if (active) {, "Aaah! Gallan look out! There's a d..d..d..DRAGON!"); _root.jukebox.snd.stop(); egStart = true; active = false; } } if (tally) { if (scorePlay == false) { _root.jukebox.snd.stop(); _root.jukebox.gotoAndPlay(3); scorePlay = true; _quality = "MEDIUM"; } if (((scoreDone + lifeDone) + heathDone) != 3) { _root.tboard._visible = true; _parent.player.actionLock = true; _parent.player.stop(); if (s1 < _parent.player.score) { s1 = s1 + 50; } else { scoreDone = 1; } if (s2 < ((_parent.player.lives - 1) * 1000)) { s2 = s2 + 50; } else { lifeDone = 1; } if (s3 < (_parent.player.hp * 10)) { s3 = s3 + 5; } else { healthDone = 1; } st = (s1 + s2) + s3; if (st < si) { sr = "Page"; } if ((st >= si) && (st < (si * 2))) { sr = "Squire"; } if ((st >= (si * 2)) && (st < (si * 3))) { sr = "Knight"; } if ((st >= (si * 3)) && (st < (si * 4))) { sr = "Hero"; } if (st >= (si * 4)) { sr = "Paladin"; } } st = (s1 + s2) + s3; } }
Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.getHit(100, this._x, 0, false); _parent.player.die(); _parent.player._y = _parent.player._y + this._height; } }
Instance of Symbol 97 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.vLock = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.getHit(100, this._x, 0, false); _parent.player.die(); _parent.player._y = _parent.player._y + this._height; } }
Instance of Symbol 97 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.vLock = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 270 MovieClip "fireBall" in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function activate(xLoc, yLoc, direc) { s.start(); this._x = xLoc; this._y = yLoc;; active = true; moveX = direc; } function explode() { _parent.explosion._x = this._x; _parent.explosion._y = this._y; _parent.explosion.gotoAndPlay(2); this._y =; this.stop(); active = false; } moveY = 20; moveX = -20; s = new Sound(); s.attachSound("breathe"); active = false; this.stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (active) { this._x = this._x + moveX; this._y = this._y + moveY; if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(20, 20000, 14, false); } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { explode(); } } }
Instance of Symbol 155 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vreset() { this.gotoAndStop(1); curePower = 100; this._x = startX; this._y = startY; curing = false; } function cure() { curing = true; s.start(); this.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.player.hp = _parent.player.hp + curePower; if (100 < _parent.player.hp) { _parent.player.hp = 100; } = _parent.player.hp; } s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("sparkle"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; vreset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (curing == false)) { cure(); } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vreset(); } if (curing == true) { this._x = _parent.player._x; this._y = _parent.player._y; } }
Instance of Symbol 287 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; = 100; _root.bossGage._visible = false; attackPwr = 20; gotoAndPlay (1); fireBreath = false; fireLimit = 3; fireCount = 0; dead = false; active = true; hp = 140; wincing = false; winceTmp = 0; winceDelay = 30; flySpeed = 5; seek = true; dive = false; diveTimer = 0; hVelocity = 0; vVelocity = 0; } function getHit(damage, xOffset) { hp = hp - damage; wincing = true; winceTmp = 0; = (this.hp / 160) * 100; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } } function die() { active = false; fireBreath = false; dead = true; _parent.spang._y =; this.gotoAndStop("wince"); stop(); _root.bossGage._visible = false; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 100; } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if (dead && (this._y < (_parent.player._y + 1500))) { this._y = this._y + 20; } if (dead && (this._y >= (_parent.player._y + 1500))) { _parent.endBlock.tally = true; } if (_parent.player.dead) { this.stop(); } if (active && (dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 900) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (_parent.player.dead == false) { if (wincing) { this.gotoAndStop("wince"); winceTmp++; if (winceTmp == winceDelay) { wincing = false; this.gotoAndPlay("fly"); } if (winceTmp == 2) { _parent.spang._y =; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask) && (wincing == false)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y; _parent.spang._x = this._x - (this._width / 2); getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr / 2, _parent.player._x); } fireBreath = false; if (fireCount == fireLimit) { fireCount = 0; seek = false; hVelocity = 0; vVelocity = 0; dive = true; } if (seek) { if (_parent.player._x < (this._x - 275)) { hVelocity = (flySpeed * -1) - 3; fireBreath = false; } if (_parent.player._x >= (this._x - 200)) { hVelocity = flySpeed; fireBreath = false; } if (((this._x - 275) < _parent.player._x) && (_parent.player._x < (this._x - 200))) { hVelocity = 0; fireBreath = true; } if (_parent.player._y < (this._y + 150)) { vVelocity = flySpeed * -1; } if (_parent.player._y >= (this._y + 200)) { vVelocity = flySpeed; } if (((this._y + 200) < _parent.player._y) && (_parent.player._y < (this._y + 150))) { vVelocity = 0; } } if (wincing) { hVelocity = flySpeed; vVelocity = flySpeed * -1; } if (dive) { if ((-400 < this._y) && (diveTimer == 0)) { hVelocity = 0; vVelocity = flySpeed * -2; } if (-400 >= this._y) { diveTimer = 1; } if (diveTimer == 1) { this._y = _parent.player._y - 40; this._x = _parent.player._x + 600; this.gotoAndStop("dive"); hVelocity = flySpeed * -8; vVelocity = 0; diveTimer = 2; } if ((diveTimer == 2) && (this._x < (_parent.player._x - 600))) { this._y = _parent.player._y - 400; this._x = _parent.player._x + 600; seek = true; this.gotoAndPlay("fly"); diveTimer = 0; dive = false; } if (diveTimer == 2) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, 20000, 14, true); } } } this._x = this._x + hVelocity; this._y = this._y + vVelocity; } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 148 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { prevPose = ""; pose = "jump"; attackPwr = 20; touchAttack = 8; hp = 60; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 6; speed = 6; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; attacking = false; waitTimer = 58; waitDelay = 60; goFight = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 600; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 10; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -10; grounded = false; } } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -100; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (waitTimer == waitDelay) { waitTimer = 0; goFight = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else { waitTimer++; } prevPose = pose; if (grounded) { if (goFight) { if (attacking) { pose = "attack"; } else { pose = "run"; if (this._xscale == 100) { this.hVelocity = speed * -1; } if (this._xscale == -100) { this.hVelocity = speed; } } } else { pose = "stand"; hVelocity = 0; stunned = false; } } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { pose = "wince"; _parent.spang._y =; } else { pose = "jump"; } } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { if (attacking) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); } else { _parent.player.getHit(touchAttack, this._x, 14, true); } if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (goFight && (grounded)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 200) { attacking = true; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.invincible = true; s.start(); this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 288 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { active = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this) && (active)) {, "Well, sounds like Milo DIDN'T wait for me like I asked. I hope he's allright..."); active = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 289 MovieClip "player" in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function sReset() { arrows = _root.arrowPass; if (arrows == 0) { bow._visible = false; } lives = _root.lifePass; score = _root.scorePass; prevScore = score; prevPose = ""; vLock = false; screenNudge = 0; maxNudge = 160; dead = false; actionLock = false; invincible = false; invMax = 250; invCount = invMax; = false; = _root.hpPass; vVelocity = 0; hVelocity = 0; grounded = false; this._x = startX; this._y = startY; hp = _root.hpPass; maxRun = 10; attackPwr = 20; arrowPwr = 8; jumpPwr = 40; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; doneAttack = true; doneShoot = true; countAttack = 0; countShoot = 0; countJump = 0; wincing = false; winceCount = 0; winceDelay = 60; wincePose = false; this._alpha = 100; } function vReset() { arrows = 0; bow._visible = false; score = prevScore; prevPose = ""; vLock = false; screenNudge = 0; maxNudge = 160; dead = false; actionLock = false; invincible = false; invMax = 450; invCount = invMax; = false; = 100; vVelocity = 0; hVelocity = 0; grounded = false; this._x = startX; this._y = startY; hp = 100; maxRun = 10; attackPwr = 20; arrowPwr = 8; jumpPwr = 40; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; doneAttack = true; doneShoot = true; countAttack = 0; countShoot = 0; countJump = 0; wincing = false; winceCount = 0; winceDelay = 60; wincePose = false; this._alpha = 100; } function getHit(damage, xoffset, knockBack, defensible) { if (dead == false) { if (pose == "roll") { if (defensible) { damage = 0; } if (invincible) { damage = 0; knockBack = 0; } } this.hp = this.hp - damage; if (hp < 0) { hp = 0; } this.vVelocity = -10; grounded = false; if (_parent.player._x < xoffset) { this.hVelocity = knockBack * -1; } else { this.hVelocity = knockBack; } = hp; if (0 < damage) { wincing = true; winceTmp = 1; u.start(); wincePose = true; } else { p.start(); } } } function die() { = 100; dead = true;"ko"); lives--; if (lives >= 0) { _root.fader.fadeType = "cont"; } else { _root.fader.fadeType = "game"; lives++; } _root.fader.gotoAndPlay("fadeOut"); } u = new Sound(this); u.attachSound("urg"); p = new Sound(this); p.attachSound("tink"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; sReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (actionLock == false)) { if (invincible) { if (invCount == invMax) { = true; } invCount--; = (invCount / invMax) * 100; if (0 >= invCount) { invincible = false; = false; = 100; invCount = invMax; } } if (wincing == true) { this._alpha = 75; winceCount++; if (winceCount == winceDelay) { wincing = false; winceCount = 0; this._alpha = 100; } } if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) { _xscale = -80; } if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) { _xscale = 80; } if (Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) { countAttack++; if (2 < countAttack) { countAttack = 2; } } else { countAttack = 0; } if (Key.isDown(65)) { countShoot++; if (2 < countShoot) { countShoot = 2; } } else { countShoot = 0; } if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) { countJump++; if (2 < countJump) { countJump = 2; } } else { countJump = 0; } prevPose = pose; pose = "stand"; if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) { if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) || (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT))) { pose = "roll"; } else { pose = "duck"; } } else { if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) || (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT))) { pose = "run"; } if (vVelocity < 0) { pose = "jumpUp"; } if (0 < vVelocity) { pose = "jumpDown"; } if (0 < arrows) { if ((countShoot == 1) || (doneShoot == false)) { pose = "shoot"; } } if ((countAttack == 1) || (doneAttack == false)) { pose = "attack"; } if (wincePose) { pose = "wince"; } if (dead) { pose = "ko"; } } if (invincible) { pose = "roll"; } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) { if ((maxRun * -1) < hVelocity) { hVelocity--; } if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) { hVelocity++; } } if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) { if (hVelocity < maxRun) { hVelocity++; } } if ((countJump == 1) && (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN) == false)) { if (grounded) { vVelocity = jumpPwr * -1; grounded = false; } } if (Key.isDown(80)) {, "PAUSE!"); _root.jukebox.snd.setVolume(0); } if (Key.isDown(100)) { if ((maxNudge * -1) < screenNudge) { screenNudge = screenNudge - 20; = + 20; } } if (Key.isDown(102)) { if (screenNudge < maxNudge) { screenNudge = screenNudge + 20; = - 20; } } if (Key.isDown(101)) { = + screenNudge; screenNudge = 0; } if ((Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) == false) && (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) == false)) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity++; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity--; } } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; = + (hVelocity * -1); } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } if (hp == 0) { die(); } } } this._y = newY; if (vLock == false) { if (340 < (this._y + _parent._y)) { = - 15; } if ((this._y + _parent._y) < 130) { = + 10; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 148 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { prevPose = ""; pose = "jump"; attackPwr = 20; touchAttack = 8; hp = 60; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 6; speed = 6; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; attacking = false; waitTimer = 58; waitDelay = 60; goFight = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 600; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 10; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -10; grounded = false; } } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -100; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (waitTimer == waitDelay) { waitTimer = 0; goFight = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else { waitTimer++; } prevPose = pose; if (grounded) { if (goFight) { if (attacking) { pose = "attack"; } else { pose = "run"; if (this._xscale == 100) { this.hVelocity = speed * -1; } if (this._xscale == -100) { this.hVelocity = speed; } } } else { pose = "stand"; hVelocity = 0; stunned = false; } } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { pose = "wince"; _parent.spang._y =; } else { pose = "jump"; } } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { if (attacking) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); } else { _parent.player.getHit(touchAttack, this._x, 14, true); } if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (goFight && (grounded)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 200) { attacking = true; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 148 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { prevPose = ""; pose = "jump"; attackPwr = 20; touchAttack = 8; hp = 60; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 6; speed = 6; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; attacking = false; waitTimer = 58; waitDelay = 60; goFight = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 600; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 10; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -10; grounded = false; } } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -100; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (waitTimer == waitDelay) { waitTimer = 0; goFight = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else { waitTimer++; } prevPose = pose; if (grounded) { if (goFight) { if (attacking) { pose = "attack"; } else { pose = "run"; if (this._xscale == 100) { this.hVelocity = speed * -1; } if (this._xscale == -100) { this.hVelocity = speed; } } } else { pose = "stand"; hVelocity = 0; stunned = false; } } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { pose = "wince"; _parent.spang._y =; } else { pose = "jump"; } } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { if (attacking) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); } else { _parent.player.getHit(touchAttack, this._x, 14, true); } if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (goFight && (grounded)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 200) { attacking = true; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 148 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { prevPose = ""; pose = "jump"; attackPwr = 20; touchAttack = 8; hp = 60; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 6; speed = 6; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; attacking = false; waitTimer = 58; waitDelay = 60; goFight = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 600; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 10; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -10; grounded = false; } } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -100; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (waitTimer == waitDelay) { waitTimer = 0; goFight = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else { waitTimer++; } prevPose = pose; if (grounded) { if (goFight) { if (attacking) { pose = "attack"; } else { pose = "run"; if (this._xscale == 100) { this.hVelocity = speed * -1; } if (this._xscale == -100) { this.hVelocity = speed; } } } else { pose = "stand"; hVelocity = 0; stunned = false; } } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { pose = "wince"; _parent.spang._y =; } else { pose = "jump"; } } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { if (attacking) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); } else { _parent.player.getHit(touchAttack, this._x, 14, true); } if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (goFight && (grounded)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 200) { attacking = true; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 252 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 162 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.maxRun = 15; _parent.player.jumpPwr = 58; s.start(); this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.invincible = true; s.start(); this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Instance of Symbol 166 MovieClip "deathEffect" in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("swoosh2"); }
Instance of Symbol 168 MovieClip "arrow1" in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function activateRight() { if (active == false) { bearing = "right"; this._xscale = 80; originX = _parent.player._x + 100; originY = _parent.player._y - 29; this._x = originX; this._y = originY; active = true; } } function activateLeft() { if (active == false) { bearing = "left"; this._xscale = -80; originX = _parent.player._x + 100; originY = _parent.player._y - 29; this._x = originX - 200; this._y = originY; active = true; } } function deactivate() { active = false; this._x = returnX; this._y = returnY; _parent.player.arrows--; if (_parent.player.arrows < 0) { _parent.player.arrows = 0; } } range = 500; speed = 60; returnX = 0; returnY =; originX = _parent.player._x + 100; originY = _parent.player._y - 49; active = false; bearing = right; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (active) { if (bearing == "right") { this._x = this._x + speed; if ((originX + range) < this._x) { deactivate(); } } else { this._x = this._x - speed; if (this._x < ((originX - 200) - range)) { deactivate(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 290 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { active = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_parent.player._x + 10) < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } if (this._x < (_parent.player._x - 10)) { this._xscale = -100; } if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this) && (active)) {, "You better take these arrows, I saw something big up ahead..."); active = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 291 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { active = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_parent.player._x + 10) < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } if (this._x < (_parent.player._x - 10)) { this._xscale = -100; } if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this) && (active)) {, "Please take this fruit, to recover your strength!"); active = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 235 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop (1); active = false; s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("flag"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { if (active == false) { gotoAndStop (2); _parent.startX = _parent._x + _parent.player.screenNudge; _parent.startY = _parent._y; _parent.player.startX = this._x; _parent.player.startY = this._y - 500; _parent.player.prevScore = _parent.player.score; s.start(); active = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 217 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.arrows = _parent.player.arrows + 15; s.start(); _parent.player.bow._visible = true; _parent.player.doneShoot = true; this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Instance of Symbol 235 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop (1); active = false; s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("flag"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { if (active == false) { gotoAndStop (2); _parent.startX = _parent._x + _parent.player.screenNudge; _parent.startY = _parent._y; _parent.player.startX = this._x; _parent.player.startY = this._y - 500; _parent.player.prevScore = _parent.player.score; s.start(); active = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 261 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { bridgeRotation = 0; _parent.ground.bridge3._rotation = 0; goRotate = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); goRotate = true; } if (goRotate) { _parent.ground.bridge3._rotation = _parent.ground.bridge3._rotation + 3; if (_parent.ground.bridge3._rotation == 90) { goRotate = false; } } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } }
Instance of Symbol 235 MovieClip in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop (1); active = false; s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("flag"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { if (active == false) { gotoAndStop (2); _parent.startX = _parent._x + _parent.player.screenNudge; _parent.startY = _parent._y; _parent.player.startX = this._x; _parent.player.startY = this._y - 500; _parent.player.prevScore = _parent.player.score; s.start(); active = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 292 MovieClip "endBlock" in Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { _root.jukebox.gotoAndStop(1); egStart = false; tally = false; active = true; s1 = 0; s2 = 0; s3 = 0; st = 0; sr = "Paladin"; scoreDone = 0; lifeDone = 0; healthDone = 0; si = 4000; scorePlay = false; } vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y)) { _root.bossGage._visible = true; if (active) {, "Aaah! Gallan look out! There's a d..d..d..DRAGON!"); _root.jukebox.snd.stop(); egStart = true; active = false; } } if (tally) { if (scorePlay == false) { _root.jukebox.snd.stop(); _root.jukebox.gotoAndPlay(3); scorePlay = true; _quality = "MEDIUM"; } if (((scoreDone + lifeDone) + heathDone) != 3) { _root.tboard._visible = true; _parent.player.actionLock = true; _parent.player.stop(); if (s1 < _parent.player.score) { s1 = s1 + 100; } else { scoreDone = 1; } if (s2 < ((_parent.player.lives - 1) * 1000)) { s2 = s2 + 50; } else { lifeDone = 1; } if (s3 < (_parent.player.hp * 10)) { s3 = s3 + 5; } else { healthDone = 1; } st = (s1 + s2) + s3; if (st < si) { sr = "Page"; } if ((st >= si) && (st < (si * 2))) { sr = "Squire"; } if ((st >= (si * 2)) && (st < (si * 3))) { sr = "Knight"; } if ((st >= (si * 3)) && (st < (si * 4))) { sr = "Hero"; } if (st >= (si * 4)) { sr = "Paladin"; } } st = (s1 + s2) + s3; } }
Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.getHit(100, this._x, 0, false); _parent.player.die(); _parent.player._y = _parent.player._y + this._height; } }
Instance of Symbol 97 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.vLock = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip "fireBall" in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function activate(xLoc, yLoc, direc) { s.start(); this._x = xLoc; this._y = yLoc;; active = true; moveX = direc; } function explode() { _parent.explosion._x = this._x; _parent.explosion._y = this._y; _parent.explosion.gotoAndPlay(2); this._y =; this.stop(); active = false; } moveY = 20; moveX = -20; s = new Sound(); s.attachSound("breathe"); active = false; this.stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (active) { this._x = this._x + moveX; this._y = this._y + moveY; if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(20, this._x, 10, false); } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { explode(); } } }
Instance of Symbol 118 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 118 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 120 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop (1); active = false; s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("flag"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _root.arrowPass = _parent.player.arrows; _root.lifePass = _parent.player.lives; _root.hpPass = _parent.player.hp; _root.scorePass = _parent.player.score; _root.nextFrame(); } }
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.invincible = true; s.start(); this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Instance of Symbol 148 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { prevPose = ""; pose = "jump"; attackPwr = 20; touchAttack = 8; hp = 60; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 6; speed = 6; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; attacking = false; waitTimer = 58; waitDelay = 60; goFight = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 600; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 10; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -10; grounded = false; } } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -100; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (waitTimer == waitDelay) { waitTimer = 0; goFight = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else { waitTimer++; } prevPose = pose; if (grounded) { if (goFight) { if (attacking) { pose = "attack"; } else { pose = "run"; if (this._xscale == 100) { this.hVelocity = speed * -1; } if (this._xscale == -100) { this.hVelocity = speed; } } } else { pose = "stand"; hVelocity = 0; stunned = false; } } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { pose = "wince"; _parent.spang._y =; } else { pose = "jump"; } } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { if (attacking) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); } else { _parent.player.getHit(touchAttack, this._x, 14, true); } if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (goFight && (grounded)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 200) { attacking = true; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 148 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { prevPose = ""; pose = "jump"; attackPwr = 20; touchAttack = 8; hp = 60; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 6; speed = 6; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; attacking = false; waitTimer = 58; waitDelay = 60; goFight = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 600; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 10; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -10; grounded = false; } } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -100; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (waitTimer == waitDelay) { waitTimer = 0; goFight = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else { waitTimer++; } prevPose = pose; if (grounded) { if (goFight) { if (attacking) { pose = "attack"; } else { pose = "run"; if (this._xscale == 100) { this.hVelocity = speed * -1; } if (this._xscale == -100) { this.hVelocity = speed; } } } else { pose = "stand"; hVelocity = 0; stunned = false; } } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { pose = "wince"; _parent.spang._y =; } else { pose = "jump"; } } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { if (attacking) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); } else { _parent.player.getHit(touchAttack, this._x, 14, true); } if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (goFight && (grounded)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 200) { attacking = true; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 148 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { prevPose = ""; pose = "jump"; attackPwr = 20; touchAttack = 8; hp = 60; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 6; speed = 6; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; attacking = false; waitTimer = 58; waitDelay = 60; goFight = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 600; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 10; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -10; grounded = false; } } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -100; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (waitTimer == waitDelay) { waitTimer = 0; goFight = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else { waitTimer++; } prevPose = pose; if (grounded) { if (goFight) { if (attacking) { pose = "attack"; } else { pose = "run"; if (this._xscale == 100) { this.hVelocity = speed * -1; } if (this._xscale == -100) { this.hVelocity = speed; } } } else { pose = "stand"; hVelocity = 0; stunned = false; } } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { pose = "wince"; _parent.spang._y =; } else { pose = "jump"; } } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { if (attacking) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); } else { _parent.player.getHit(touchAttack, this._x, 14, true); } if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (goFight && (grounded)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 200) { attacking = true; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 148 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { prevPose = ""; pose = "jump"; attackPwr = 20; touchAttack = 8; hp = 60; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 6; speed = 6; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; attacking = false; waitTimer = 58; waitDelay = 60; goFight = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 600; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 10; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -10; grounded = false; } } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -100; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (waitTimer == waitDelay) { waitTimer = 0; goFight = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else { waitTimer++; } prevPose = pose; if (grounded) { if (goFight) { if (attacking) { pose = "attack"; } else { pose = "run"; if (this._xscale == 100) { this.hVelocity = speed * -1; } if (this._xscale == -100) { this.hVelocity = speed; } } } else { pose = "stand"; hVelocity = 0; stunned = false; } } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { pose = "wince"; _parent.spang._y =; } else { pose = "jump"; } } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { if (attacking) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); } else { _parent.player.getHit(touchAttack, this._x, 14, true); } if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (goFight && (grounded)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 200) { attacking = true; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 148 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { prevPose = ""; pose = "jump"; attackPwr = 20; touchAttack = 8; hp = 60; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 6; speed = 6; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; attacking = false; waitTimer = 58; waitDelay = 60; goFight = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 600; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 10; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -10; grounded = false; } } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -100; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (waitTimer == waitDelay) { waitTimer = 0; goFight = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else { waitTimer++; } prevPose = pose; if (grounded) { if (goFight) { if (attacking) { pose = "attack"; } else { pose = "run"; if (this._xscale == 100) { this.hVelocity = speed * -1; } if (this._xscale == -100) { this.hVelocity = speed; } } } else { pose = "stand"; hVelocity = 0; stunned = false; } } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { pose = "wince"; _parent.spang._y =; } else { pose = "jump"; } } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { if (attacking) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); } else { _parent.player.getHit(touchAttack, this._x, 14, true); } if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (goFight && (grounded)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 200) { attacking = true; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { this.die(); } if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 118 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 118 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 118 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 155 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vreset() { this.gotoAndStop(1); curePower = 100; this._x = startX; this._y = startY; curing = false; } function cure() { curing = true; s.start(); this.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.player.hp = _parent.player.hp + curePower; if (100 < _parent.player.hp) { _parent.player.hp = 100; } = _parent.player.hp; } s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("sparkle"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; vreset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (curing == false)) { cure(); } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vreset(); } if (curing == true) { this._x = _parent.player._x; this._y = _parent.player._y; } }
Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { prevPose = ""; pose = "jump"; attackPwr = 20; touchAttack = 8; hp = 60; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 6; speed = 6; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; attacking = false; waitTimer = 58; waitDelay = 60; goFight = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 600; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 10; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -10; grounded = false; } } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -100; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (waitTimer == waitDelay) { waitTimer = 0; goFight = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else { waitTimer++; } prevPose = pose; if (grounded) { if (goFight) { if (attacking) { pose = "attack"; } else { pose = "run"; if (this._xscale == 100) { this.hVelocity = speed * -1; } if (this._xscale == -100) { this.hVelocity = speed; } } } else { pose = "stand"; hVelocity = 0; stunned = false; } } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { pose = "wince"; _parent.spang._y =; } else { pose = "jump"; } } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { if (attacking) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); } else { _parent.player.getHit(touchAttack, this._x, 14, true); } if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (goFight && (grounded)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 200) { attacking = true; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 118 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 118 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 118 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 118 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { prevPose = ""; pose = "jump"; attackPwr = 20; touchAttack = 8; hp = 60; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 6; speed = 6; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; attacking = false; waitTimer = 58; waitDelay = 60; goFight = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 600; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 10; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -10; grounded = false; } } slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -100; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if (stunned == false) { if (goFight) { hVelocity = speed; } } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (waitTimer == waitDelay) { waitTimer = 0; goFight = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else { waitTimer++; } prevPose = pose; if (grounded) { if (goFight) { if (attacking) { pose = "attack"; } else { pose = "run"; if (this._xscale == 100) { this.hVelocity = speed * -1; } if (this._xscale == -100) { this.hVelocity = speed; } } } else { pose = "stand"; hVelocity = 0; stunned = false; } } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { pose = "wince"; _parent.spang._y =; } else { pose = "jump"; } } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { if (attacking) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); } else { _parent.player.getHit(touchAttack, this._x, 14, true); } if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (goFight && (grounded)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 200) { attacking = true; } } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.getHit(100, this._x, 0, false); _parent.player.die(); _parent.player._y = _parent.player._y + this._height; } }
Instance of Symbol 97 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.vLock = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 160 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vreset() { this.gotoAndStop(1); curePower = 25; this._x = startX; this._y = startY; curing = false; } function cure() { curing = true; s.start(); this.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.player.hp = _parent.player.hp + curePower; if (100 < _parent.player.hp) { _parent.player.hp = 100; } = _parent.player.hp; } s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("sparkle"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; vreset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (curing == false)) { cure(); } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vreset(); } if (curing == true) { this._x = _parent.player._x; this._y = _parent.player._y; } }
Instance of Symbol 162 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.maxRun = 15; _parent.player.jumpPwr = 58; s.start(); this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.invincible = true; s.start(); this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.invincible = true; s.start(); this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Instance of Symbol 118 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { attackPwr = 12; hp = 20; vVelocity = 0; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; grounded = false; hVelocity = 0; maxSpeed = 9; this._x = startX; this._y = starty; stunned = false; speed = 8; jumpTimer = 0; jumpDelay = 20; goJump = false; dead = false; } function die() { _parent.deathEffect._x = this._x; _parent.deathEffect._y = this._y; _parent.deathEffect.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.deathEffect.s.start(); this._y =; _parent.spang._y =; _parent.player.score = _parent.player.score + 200; dead = true; } function getHit(damage, xoff) { hp = hp - damage; stunned = true; if (0 >= hp) { hp = 0; die(); } if (xoff < this._x) { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = 14; grounded = false; } else { this.vVelocity = -10; this.hVelocity = -14; grounded = false; } } r = new Sound(this); r.attachSound("raieetFast"); slash = new Sound(this); slash.attachSound("slash2"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (_parent.player.dead == false)) { if (Math.abs(_parent.player._x - this._x) < 500) { if (_parent.player.actionLock == false) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndStop(1); stunned = false; } if (grounded == false) { if (stunned) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.spang._y =; } if (stunned == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.hitMask) && (_parent.player.wincing == false)) { _parent.player.getHit(attackPwr, this._x, 14, true); if (_parent.player.invincible) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr * 2, _parent.player._x); } } if (jumpTimer == jumpDelay) { jumpTimer = 0; goJump = true; attackTarget = _parent.player._x; } else if (grounded) { hVelocity = 0; jumpTimer++; } if (attackTarget < this._x) { this._xscale = 80; if ((-500 < (attackTarget - this._x)) && ((attackTarget - this._x) < 0)) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed * -1; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } else { this._xscale = -80; if (((attackTarget - this._x) < 500) && (0 < (attackTarget - this._x))) { if ((grounded == false) && (stunned == false)) { hVelocity = speed; } } if (((this._x - 10) < attackTarget) && (attackTarget < (this._x + 10))) { hVelocity = 0; } } if (goJump && (grounded)) { grounded = false; vVelocity = -40; goJump = false; r.start(); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.attackPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.arrow1)) { slash.start(); _parent.spang._y = this._y - (this._height / 2); _parent.spang._x = this._x; getHit(_parent.player.arrowPwr, _parent.player._x); } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } } } this._y = newY; if (hVelocity != 0) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity = hVelocity + 1; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity = hVelocity - 1; } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 166 MovieClip "deathEffect" in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("swoosh2"); }
Instance of Symbol 168 MovieClip "arrow1" in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function activateRight() { if (active == false) { bearing = "right"; this._xscale = 80; originX = _parent.player._x + 100; originY = _parent.player._y - 29; this._x = originX; this._y = originY; active = true; } } function activateLeft() { if (active == false) { bearing = "left"; this._xscale = -80; originX = _parent.player._x + 100; originY = _parent.player._y - 29; this._x = originX - 200; this._y = originY; active = true; } } function deactivate() { active = false; this._x = returnX; this._y = returnY; _parent.player.arrows--; if (_parent.player.arrows < 0) { _parent.player.arrows = 0; } } range = 500; speed = 60; returnX = 0; returnY =; originX = _parent.player._x + 100; originY = _parent.player._y - 49; active = false; bearing = right; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (active) { if (bearing == "right") { this._x = this._x + speed; if ((originX + range) < this._x) { deactivate(); } } else { this._x = this._x - speed; if (this._x < ((originX - 200) - range)) { deactivate(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 208 MovieClip "player" in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { _root.jukebox.snd.stop(); _root.jukebox.gotoAndPlay(4); arrows = 0; bow._visible = false; score = prevScore; prevPose = ""; vLock = false; screenNudge = 0; maxNudge = 160; dead = false; actionLock = false; invincible = false; invMax = 450; invCount = invMax; = false; = 100; vVelocity = 0; hVelocity = 0; grounded = false; this._x = startX; this._y = startY; hp = 100; maxRun = 10; attackPwr = 20; arrowPwr = 8; jumpPwr = 40; gravity = 4; tVelocity = 30; doneAttack = true; doneShoot = true; countAttack = 0; countShoot = 0; countJump = 0; wincing = false; winceCount = 0; winceDelay = 60; wincePose = false; this._alpha = 100; } function getHit(damage, xoffset, knockBack, defensible) { if (dead == false) { if (pose == "roll") { if (defensible) { damage = 0; } if (invincible) { damage = 0; knockBack = 0; } } this.hp = this.hp - damage; if (hp < 0) { hp = 0; } this.vVelocity = -10; grounded = false; if (_parent.player._x < xoffset) { this.hVelocity = knockBack * -1; } else { this.hVelocity = knockBack; } = hp; if (0 < damage) { wincing = true; winceTmp = 1; u.start(); wincePose = true; } else { p.start(); } } } function die() { = 100; dead = true;"ko"); lives--; if (lives >= 0) { _root.fader.fadeType = "cont"; } else { _root.fader.fadeType = "game"; lives++; } _root.fader.gotoAndPlay("fadeOut"); } u = new Sound(this); u.attachSound("urg"); p = new Sound(this); p.attachSound("tink"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; prevScore = 0; score = 0; lives = 3; vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } if ((dead == false) && (actionLock == false)) { if (invincible) { if (invCount == invMax) { = true; } invCount--; = (invCount / invMax) * 100; if (0 >= invCount) { invincible = false; = false; = 100; invCount = invMax; } } if (wincing == true) { this._alpha = 75; winceCount++; if (winceCount == winceDelay) { wincing = false; winceCount = 0; this._alpha = 100; } } if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) { _xscale = -80; } if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) { _xscale = 80; } if (Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)) { countAttack++; if (2 < countAttack) { countAttack = 2; } } else { countAttack = 0; } if (Key.isDown(65)) { countShoot++; if (2 < countShoot) { countShoot = 2; } } else { countShoot = 0; } if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) { countJump++; if (2 < countJump) { countJump = 2; } } else { countJump = 0; } prevPose = pose; pose = "stand"; if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) { if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) || (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT))) { pose = "roll"; } else { pose = "duck"; } } else { if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) || (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT))) { pose = "run"; } if (vVelocity < 0) { pose = "jumpUp"; } if (0 < vVelocity) { pose = "jumpDown"; } if (0 < arrows) { if ((countShoot == 1) || (doneShoot == false)) { pose = "shoot"; } } if ((countAttack == 1) || (doneAttack == false)) { pose = "attack"; } if (wincePose) { pose = "wince"; } if (dead) { pose = "ko"; } } if (invincible) { pose = "roll"; } if (pose != prevPose) { gotoAndPlay(pose); } if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) { if ((maxRun * -1) < hVelocity) { hVelocity--; } if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) { hVelocity++; } } if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) { if (hVelocity < maxRun) { hVelocity++; } } if ((countJump == 1) && (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN) == false)) { if (grounded) { vVelocity = jumpPwr * -1; grounded = false; } } if (Key.isDown(80)) {, "PAUSE!"); _root.jukebox.snd.setVolume(0); } if (Key.isDown(100)) { if ((maxNudge * -1) < screenNudge) { screenNudge = screenNudge - 20; = + 20; } } if (Key.isDown(102)) { if (screenNudge < maxNudge) { screenNudge = screenNudge + 20; = - 20; } } if (Key.isDown(101)) { = + screenNudge; screenNudge = 0; } if ((Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) == false) && (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) == false)) { if (-1 >= hVelocity) { hVelocity++; } if (hVelocity >= 1) { hVelocity--; } } if (grounded == false) { vVelocity = vVelocity + gravity; if (tVelocity < vVelocity) { vVelocity = tVelocity; } } newX = this._x + hVelocity; newY = this._y + vVelocity; if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, (this._y + _parent._y) + 3, true) == false) { grounded = false; } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(newX + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, true)) { hVelocity = 0; } else { this._x = this._x + hVelocity; = + (hVelocity * -1); } if (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { if (0 < vVelocity) { while (_parent.ground.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, newY + _parent._y, true)) { newY--; } grounded = true; vVelocity = 0; if (wincePose) { wincePose = false; } if (hp == 0) { die(); } } } this._y = newY; if ( < this._y) { die(); } if (vLock == false) { if (340 < (this._y + _parent._y)) { = - 15; } if ((this._y + _parent._y) < 130) { = + 10; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 210 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { active = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_parent.player._x + 10) < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } if (this._x < (_parent.player._x - 10)) { this._xscale = -100; } if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this) && (active)) {, "Hey, you're a Knight of Serenity right? Our village is under attack! Please help us!"); active = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 212 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { active = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_parent.player._x + 10) < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } if (this._x < (_parent.player._x - 10)) { this._xscale = -100; } if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this) && (active)) {, "I saw something flying overhead just before the attack. What was it?"); active = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { active = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_parent.player._x + 10) < this._x) { this._xscale = 100; } if (this._x < (_parent.player._x - 10)) { this._xscale = -100; } }
Instance of Symbol 96 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.getHit(100, this._x, 0, false); _parent.player.die(); _parent.player._y = _parent.player._y + this._height; } }
Instance of Symbol 97 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.player._x + _parent._x, _parent.player._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.vLock = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 217 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.arrows = _parent.player.arrows + 15; s.start(); _parent.player.bow._visible = true; _parent.player.doneShoot = true; this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }
Instance of Symbol 219 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("sparkle"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.lives++; s.start(); this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { } }
Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function vReset() { bridgeRotation = 0; _parent.ground.bridge1._rotation = 0; goRotate = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } vReset(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitMask.hitTest(_parent.player.attMask)) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); goRotate = true; } if (goRotate) { _parent.ground.bridge1._rotation = _parent.ground.bridge1._rotation + 3; if (_parent.ground.bridge1._rotation == 90) { goRotate = false; } } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { vReset(); } }
Instance of Symbol 235 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop (1); active = false; s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("flag"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { if (active == false) { gotoAndStop (2); _parent.startX = _parent._x + _parent.player.screenNudge; _parent.startY = _parent._y; _parent.player.startX = this._x; _parent.player.startY = this._y - 500; _parent.player.prevScore = _parent.player.score; s.start(); active = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 217 MovieClip in Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { s = new Sound(this); s.attachSound("c"); startX = this._x; startY = this._y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.player.hitMask.hitTest(this._x + _parent._x, this._y + _parent._y, false)) { _parent.player.arrows = _parent.player.arrows + 15; s.start(); _parent.player.bow._visible = true; _parent.player.doneShoot = true; this._y =; } if (_root.fader.resetFlag) { this._x = startX; this._y = startY; } }

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [urg]
Symbol 2 Sound [tink]
Symbol 3 Sound [swoosh2]
Symbol 4 Sound [sparkle]
Symbol 5 Sound [slash2]
Symbol 6 Sound [raieetFast]
Symbol 7 Sound [plop2]
Symbol 8 Sound [flag]
Symbol 9 Sound [c]
Symbol 10 Sound [breathe]
Symbol 11 Sound [ex3]Used by:105
Symbol 12 Sound [airSwish2]Used by:38 45 52 208 253 289
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:14
Symbol 14 MovieClipUses:13Used by:Timeline
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 16 FontUsed by:17
Symbol 17 EditableTextUses:16Used by:Timeline
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClipUses:18Used by:21
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:21
Symbol 21 MovieClipUses:19 20Used by:Timeline
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 23 GraphicUsed by:24
Symbol 24 MovieClipUses:23Used by:Timeline
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:29 40 96 97 124 193 262 288 292
Symbol 26 SoundUsed by:29
Symbol 27 SoundUsed by:29
Symbol 28 SoundUsed by:29
Symbol 29 MovieClipUses:25 26 27 28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:31 32 249 268 269 297 298 299 300 301
Symbol 31 MovieClipUses:30Used by:47
Symbol 32 MovieClipUses:30Used by:47
Symbol 33 FontUsed by:34 35 36 42 43 44 46
Symbol 34 TextUses:33Used by:38
Symbol 35 TextUses:33Used by:38
Symbol 36 TextUses:33Used by:38
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:38 45 52
Symbol 38 ButtonUses:34 35 36 37 12Used by:47
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 40 MovieClipUses:25Used by:47 105 208 247 253 268 287 289 297
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 42 TextUses:33Used by:45
Symbol 43 TextUses:33Used by:45
Symbol 44 TextUses:33Used by:45
Symbol 45 ButtonUses:42 43 44 37 12Used by:47
Symbol 46 TextUses:33Used by:47
Symbol 47 MovieClipUses:31 32 38 39 40 41 45 46Used by:Timeline
Symbol 48 FontUsed by:49 50 51
Symbol 49 EditableTextUses:48Used by:52
Symbol 50 EditableTextUses:48Used by:52
Symbol 51 EditableTextUses:48Used by:52
Symbol 52 ButtonUses:49 50 51 37 12Used by:61
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:61
Symbol 54 FontUsed by:55 56 57 58 59 69 70 71
Symbol 55 EditableTextUses:54Used by:61
Symbol 56 EditableTextUses:54Used by:61
Symbol 57 EditableTextUses:54Used by:61
Symbol 58 EditableTextUses:54Used by:61
Symbol 59 EditableTextUses:54Used by:61
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:61
Symbol 61 MovieClipUses:52 53 55 56 57 58 59 60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:68 287
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:68 287
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:68 287
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:66
Symbol 66 MovieClipUses:65Used by:68 87
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 68 MovieClipUses:62 63 64 66 67Used by:Timeline
Symbol 69 EditableTextUses:54Used by:79
Symbol 70 EditableTextUses:54Used by:79
Symbol 71 EditableTextUses:54Used by:79
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:77
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:77
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:77
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:77
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:77
Symbol 77 MovieClipUses:72 73 74 75 76Used by:79
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:79
Symbol 79 MovieClipUses:69 70 71 77 78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:87
Symbol 81 FontUsed by:82 83 88
Symbol 82 TextUses:81Used by:87
Symbol 83 EditableTextUses:81Used by:87
Symbol 84 FontUsed by:85
Symbol 85 TextUses:84Used by:87
Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:87
Symbol 87 MovieClipUses:80 66 82 83 85 86Used by:Timeline
Symbol 88 EditableTextUses:81Used by:90
Symbol 89 GraphicUsed by:90
Symbol 90 MovieClipUses:88 89Used by:Timeline
Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:92 114
Symbol 92 MovieClipUses:91Used by:249 269 298 299 300 301
Symbol 93 GraphicUsed by:94 95
Symbol 94 MovieClipUses:93Used by:249 298 300 301
Symbol 95 MovieClipUses:93Used by:249 269 298 299 300 301
Symbol 96 MovieClipUses:25Used by:249 269 298 299 300 301
Symbol 97 MovieClipUses:25Used by:249 269 298 299 300 301
Symbol 98 GraphicUsed by:105
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:100 101 105
Symbol 100 MovieClipUses:99Used by:105
Symbol 101 MovieClipUses:99Used by:105
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:105
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:105
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:105
Symbol 105 MovieClipUses:98 99 100 101 40 11 102 103 104Used by:249 269 298 299 300 301
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:110 111 270
Symbol 107 ShapeTweeningUsed by:110 111 270
Symbol 108 ShapeTweeningUsed by:110 111 270
Symbol 109 GraphicUsed by:110 111 270
Symbol 110 MovieClipUses:106 107 108 109Used by:249 269 299 301
Symbol 111 MovieClipUses:106 107 108 109Used by:249 298 300 301
Symbol 112 GraphicUsed by:113
Symbol 113 MovieClipUses:112Used by:234 249 259 261 269 294 298 299 300 301
Symbol 114 MovieClipUses:91Used by:249 301
Symbol 115 GraphicUsed by:118 252
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:118 252
Symbol 117 GraphicUsed by:118 252
Symbol 118 MovieClipUses:115 116 117Used by:249 301
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:120 235
Symbol 120 MovieClipUses:119Used by:249 269 299 301
Symbol 121 GraphicUsed by:122
Symbol 122 MovieClipUses:121Used by:249 269 298 299 300 301
Symbol 123 GraphicUsed by:148 158
Symbol 124 MovieClipUses:25Used by:148 158 208 234 253 259 261 287 289
Symbol 125 GraphicUsed by:148 158
Symbol 126 GraphicUsed by:148 158
Symbol 127 GraphicUsed by:148 158
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:148 158
Symbol 129 GraphicUsed by:148 158
Symbol 130 GraphicUsed by:148 158
Symbol 131 GraphicUsed by:148 158
Symbol 132 GraphicUsed by:148 158
Symbol 133 GraphicUsed by:148 158
Symbol 134 GraphicUsed by:148 158
Symbol 135 GraphicUsed by:148 158
Symbol 136 GraphicUsed by:148 158
Symbol 137 GraphicUsed by:148 158
Symbol 138 GraphicUsed by:148 158
Symbol 139 GraphicUsed by:148 158
Symbol 140 GraphicUsed by:148 158
Symbol 141 GraphicUsed by:148 158
Symbol 142 SoundUsed by:148 158
Symbol 143 GraphicUsed by:148 158
Symbol 144 GraphicUsed by:148 158
Symbol 145 GraphicUsed by:146
Symbol 146 MovieClipUses:145Used by:148 158
Symbol 147 GraphicUsed by:148 158
Symbol 148 MovieClipUses:123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 146 147Used by:249 269 298 299 300 301
Symbol 149 GraphicUsed by:155
Symbol 150 GraphicUsed by:151
Symbol 151 MovieClipUses:150Used by:155 160
Symbol 152 GraphicUsed by:155 160
Symbol 153 GraphicUsed by:155 160
Symbol 154 GraphicUsed by:155 160
Symbol 155 MovieClipUses:149 151 152 153 154Used by:249 269 298 299 300 301
Symbol 156 GraphicUsed by:157
Symbol 157 MovieClipUses:156Used by:249 269 298 299 300 301
Symbol 158 MovieClipUses:123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 146 147Used by:249 301
Symbol 159 GraphicUsed by:160
Symbol 160 MovieClipUses:159 151 152 153 154Used by:249 269 299 301
Symbol 161 GraphicUsed by:162
Symbol 162 MovieClipUses:161Used by:249 269 298 299 300 301
Symbol 163 GraphicUsed by:164
Symbol 164 MovieClipUses:163Used by:166
Symbol 165 GraphicUsed by:166
Symbol 166 MovieClipUses:164 165Used by:249 269 298 299 300 301
Symbol 167 GraphicUsed by:168
Symbol 168 MovieClipUses:167Used by:249 269 298 299 300 301
Symbol 169 GraphicUsed by:170
Symbol 170 MovieClipUses:169Used by:208 253 289
Symbol 171 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 172 GraphicUsed by:173 175
Symbol 173 MovieClipUses:172Used by:208 253 289
Symbol 174 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 175 MovieClipUses:172Used by:208 253 289
Symbol 176 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 177 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 178 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 179 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 180 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 181 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 182 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 183 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 184 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 185 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 186 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 187 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 188 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 189 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 190 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 191 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 192 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 193 MovieClipUses:25Used by:208 253 289
Symbol 194 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 195 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 196 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 197 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 198 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 199 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 200 SoundUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 201 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 202 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 203 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 204 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 205 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 206 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 207 GraphicUsed by:208 253 289
Symbol 208 MovieClipUses:170 171 124 173 174 175 176 177 178 40 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 12 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207Used by:249 301
Symbol 209 GraphicUsed by:210 213 254 257 290
Symbol 210 MovieClipUses:209Used by:249 301
Symbol 211 GraphicUsed by:212 258 291
Symbol 212 MovieClipUses:211Used by:249 301
Symbol 213 MovieClipUses:209Used by:249 301
Symbol 214 BitmapUsed by:215 236 237
Symbol 215 GraphicUses:214Used by:249 269 298 299 300 301
Symbol 216 GraphicUsed by:217
Symbol 217 MovieClipUses:216Used by:249 269 298 299 300 301
Symbol 218 GraphicUsed by:219
Symbol 219 MovieClipUses:218Used by:249 269 299 301
Symbol 220 BitmapUsed by:221
Symbol 221 GraphicUses:220Used by:244 247 249 268 269 297 298 299 300 301
Symbol 222 GraphicUsed by:223
Symbol 223 MovieClipUses:222Used by:234 259 261
Symbol 224 GraphicUsed by:234 259 261
Symbol 225 GraphicUsed by:234 259 261
Symbol 226 GraphicUsed by:234 259 261
Symbol 227 GraphicUsed by:234 259 261
Symbol 228 GraphicUsed by:234 259 261
Symbol 229 GraphicUsed by:234 259 261
Symbol 230 GraphicUsed by:234 259 261
Symbol 231 GraphicUsed by:234 259 261
Symbol 232 SoundUsed by:234 259 261
Symbol 233 GraphicUsed by:234 259 261
Symbol 234 MovieClipUses:124 223 224 113 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233Used by:249 301
Symbol 235 MovieClipUses:119Used by:249 269 298 299 300 301
Symbol 236 GraphicUses:214Used by:249 301
Symbol 237 GraphicUses:214Used by:249 301
Symbol 238 BitmapUsed by:239
Symbol 239 GraphicUses:238Used by:240
Symbol 240 MovieClipUses:239Used by:249 298 300 301
Symbol 241 GraphicUsed by:249 301
Symbol 242 GraphicUsed by:247
Symbol 243 GraphicUsed by:247
Symbol 244 MovieClipUses:221Used by:247 268 297
Symbol 245 GraphicUsed by:247
Symbol 246 GraphicUsed by:247
Symbol 247 MovieClipUses:40 242 221 243 244 245 246Used by:249 301
Symbol 248 GraphicUsed by:249 301
Symbol 249 MovieClipUses:92 94 95 96 97 105 110 111 113 114 118 120 122 148 155 157 158 160 162 166 168 208 210 212 213 215 217 219 221 234 235 30 236 237 240 241 247 248Used by:Timeline
Symbol 250 BitmapUsed by:251
Symbol 251 GraphicUses:250Used by:Timeline
Symbol 252 MovieClipUses:115 116 117Used by:269 298 299 300
Symbol 253 MovieClipUses:170 171 124 173 174 175 176 177 178 40 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 12 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207Used by:269 299
Symbol 254 MovieClipUses:209Used by:269 299
Symbol 255 GraphicUsed by:256 260
Symbol 256 MovieClipUses:255Used by:269 299
Symbol 257 MovieClipUses:209Used by:269 299
Symbol 258 MovieClipUses:211Used by:269 299
Symbol 259 MovieClipUses:124 223 224 113 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233Used by:269 299
Symbol 260 MovieClipUses:255Used by:269 299
Symbol 261 MovieClipUses:124 223 224 113 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233Used by:269 298 299 300
Symbol 262 MovieClipUses:25Used by:269 299
Symbol 263 GraphicUsed by:269 299
Symbol 264 GraphicUsed by:268
Symbol 265 GraphicUsed by:268
Symbol 266 GraphicUsed by:268
Symbol 267 GraphicUsed by:268
Symbol 268 MovieClipUses:30 40 221 244 264 265 266 267Used by:269 299
Symbol 269 MovieClipUses:92 95 96 97 105 110 252 120 155 219 217 160 253 148 157 162 122 166 168 254 235 215 256 257 258 259 260 113 221 30 261 262 263 268Used by:Timeline
Symbol 270 MovieClipUses:106 107 108 109Used by:298 300
Symbol 271 GraphicUsed by:287
Symbol 272 GraphicUsed by:287
Symbol 273 GraphicUsed by:287
Symbol 274 GraphicUsed by:287
Symbol 275 GraphicUsed by:287
Symbol 276 GraphicUsed by:287
Symbol 277 GraphicUsed by:287
Symbol 278 GraphicUsed by:287
Symbol 279 GraphicUsed by:287
Symbol 280 GraphicUsed by:287
Symbol 281 GraphicUsed by:287
Symbol 282 GraphicUsed by:287
Symbol 283 GraphicUsed by:287
Symbol 284 GraphicUsed by:287
Symbol 285 SoundUsed by:287
Symbol 286 GraphicUsed by:287
Symbol 287 MovieClipUses:62 63 64 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 124 285 286 40Used by:298 300
Symbol 288 MovieClipUses:25Used by:298 300
Symbol 289 MovieClipUses:170 171 124 173 174 175 176 177 178 40 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 12 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207Used by:298 300
Symbol 290 MovieClipUses:209Used by:298 300
Symbol 291 MovieClipUses:211Used by:298 300
Symbol 292 MovieClipUses:25Used by:298 300
Symbol 293 GraphicUsed by:294
Symbol 294 MovieClipUses:293 113Used by:298 300
Symbol 295 GraphicUsed by:297
Symbol 296 GraphicUsed by:297
Symbol 297 MovieClipUses:30 40 221 295 244 296Used by:298 300
Symbol 298 MovieClipUses:92 111 95 94 96 97 105 270 155 287 252 148 122 288 289 157 162 166 168 290 291 215 235 113 217 240 261 292 30 221 294 297Used by:Timeline
Symbol 299 MovieClipUses:92 95 96 97 105 110 252 120 155 219 217 160 253 148 157 162 122 166 168 254 235 215 256 257 258 259 260 113 221 30 261 262 263 268Used by:Timeline
Symbol 300 MovieClipUses:92 111 95 94 96 97 105 270 155 287 252 148 122 288 289 157 162 166 168 290 291 215 235 113 217 240 261 292 30 221 294 297Used by:Timeline
Symbol 301 MovieClipUses:92 94 95 96 97 105 110 111 113 114 118 120 122 148 155 157 158 160 162 166 168 208 210 212 213 215 217 219 221 234 235 30 236 237 240 241 247 248Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"m"Frame 1Symbol 14 MovieClip
"load"Frame 1Symbol 21 MovieClip
"jukebox"Frame 4Symbol 29 MovieClip
"fader"Frame 4Symbol 47 MovieClip
"tBoard"Frame 4Symbol 61 MovieClip
"bossGage"Frame 4Symbol 68 MovieClip
"dWindow"Frame 4Symbol 79 MovieClip
"life"Frame 4Symbol 87 MovieClip
"world"Frame 4Symbol 249 MovieClip
"world"Frame 5Symbol 269 MovieClip
"world"Frame 6Symbol 298 MovieClip
"world"Frame 7Symbol 299 MovieClip
"world"Frame 7Symbol 300 MovieClip
"world"Frame 7Symbol 301 MovieClip
"g"Symbol 21 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 19 MovieClip
"hitMask"Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 53Symbol 40 MovieClip
"bar"Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 66 MovieClip
"portrait"Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 77 MovieClip
"ibar"Symbol 87 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 66 MovieClip
"bar"Symbol 87 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 66 MovieClip
"hitMask"Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 40 MovieClip
"hitMask"Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 124 MovieClip
"attMask"Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 33Symbol 146 MovieClip
"hitMask"Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 124 MovieClip
"attMask"Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 33Symbol 146 MovieClip
"hitMask"Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 124 MovieClip
"bow"Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 173 MovieClip
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"hitMask"Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 4Symbol 40 MovieClip
"attMask"Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 27Symbol 193 MovieClip
"bow"Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 32Symbol 173 MovieClip
"hitMask"Symbol 234 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 124 MovieClip
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"explosion"Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 105 MovieClip
"fireBall"Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 110 MovieClip
"spang"Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 157 MovieClip
"deathEffect"Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 166 MovieClip
"arrow1"Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 168 MovieClip
"player"Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 208 MovieClip
"ground"Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 247 MovieClip
"hitMask"Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 124 MovieClip
"bow"Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 173 MovieClip
"bow"Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 175 MovieClip
"hitMask"Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 4Symbol 40 MovieClip
"attMask"Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 27Symbol 193 MovieClip
"bow"Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 32Symbol 173 MovieClip
"hitMask"Symbol 259 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 124 MovieClip
"hitMask"Symbol 261 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 124 MovieClip
"bridge4"Symbol 268 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 244 MovieClip
"bridge3"Symbol 268 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 244 MovieClip
"explosion"Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 105 MovieClip
"fireBall"Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 110 MovieClip
"player"Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 253 MovieClip
"spang"Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 157 MovieClip
"deathEffect"Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 166 MovieClip
"arrow1"Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 168 MovieClip
"endBlock"Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 262 MovieClip
"ground"Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 268 MovieClip
"hitMask"Symbol 287 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 124 MovieClip
"hitMask"Symbol 287 MovieClip Frame 41Symbol 40 MovieClip
"hitMask"Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 124 MovieClip
"bow"Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 173 MovieClip
"bow"Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 175 MovieClip
"hitMask"Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 4Symbol 40 MovieClip
"attMask"Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 27Symbol 193 MovieClip
"bow"Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 32Symbol 173 MovieClip
"bridge3"Symbol 297 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 244 MovieClip
"explosion"Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 105 MovieClip
"fireBall"Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 270 MovieClip
"player"Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 289 MovieClip
"spang"Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 157 MovieClip
"deathEffect"Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 166 MovieClip
"arrow1"Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 168 MovieClip
"endBlock"Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 292 MovieClip
"ground"Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 297 MovieClip
"explosion"Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 105 MovieClip
"fireBall"Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 110 MovieClip
"player"Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 253 MovieClip
"spang"Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 157 MovieClip
"deathEffect"Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 166 MovieClip
"arrow1"Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 168 MovieClip
"endBlock"Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 262 MovieClip
"ground"Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 268 MovieClip
"explosion"Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 105 MovieClip
"fireBall"Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 270 MovieClip
"player"Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 289 MovieClip
"spang"Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 157 MovieClip
"deathEffect"Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 166 MovieClip
"arrow1"Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 168 MovieClip
"endBlock"Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 292 MovieClip
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"explosion"Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 105 MovieClip
"fireBall"Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 110 MovieClip
"spang"Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 157 MovieClip
"deathEffect"Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 166 MovieClip
"arrow1"Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 168 MovieClip
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"ground"Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 247 MovieClip

Special Tags

Protect (24)Timeline Frame 131 bytes "..$1$Fd$Gh/Kg1KYwd7Yw5YuCTc1o1."
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 3 as "swoosh2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 4 as "sparkle"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 5 as "slash2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 6 as "raieetFast"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 7 as "plop2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 8 as "flag"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 9 as "c"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 10 as "breathe"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 11 as "ex3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 12 as "airSwish2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 12 as "airSwish2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 12 as "airSwish2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 12 as "airSwish2"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 12 as "airSwish2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 12 as "airSwish2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 12 as "airSwish2"


"board"Symbol 29 MovieClip Frame 1
"endGuy"Symbol 29 MovieClip Frame 2
"fadeIn"Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 1
"off"Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 11
"fadeOut"Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 12
"gameOver"Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 53
"stand"Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
"jump"Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 2
"wince"Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 3
"run"Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 4
"attack"Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 19
"stand"Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 1
"jump"Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 2
"wince"Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 3
"run"Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 4
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"stand"Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 1
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"jumpDown"Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 3
"wince"Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 4
"run"Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 5
"attack"Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 25
"ko"Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 31
"shoot"Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 32
"duck"Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 41
"roll"Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 42
"stand"Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 1
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"jumpDown"Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 3
"wince"Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 4
"run"Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 5
"attack"Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 25
"ko"Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 31
"shoot"Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 32
"duck"Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 41
"roll"Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 42
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"wince"Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 4
"run"Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 5
"attack"Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 25
"ko"Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 31
"shoot"Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 32
"duck"Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 41
"roll"Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 42

Dynamic Text Variables

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_root.dWindow.messageSymbol 70 EditableText"Hey, you're a Knight of Serenity right?  Thank goodness you're here!  You've got to help us!"
_root.dWindow.messageSymbol 71 EditableText"Hey, you're a Knight of Serenity right?  Thank goodness you're here!  You've got to help us!" 83 EditableText"3" 88 EditableText"00"
Created: 22/5 -2019 18:42:17 Last modified: 22/5 -2019 18:42:17 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:32:41