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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Absalom RPG (Flash 5).swf

This is the info page for
Flash #26394

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


This Flash RPG requires the use of








There's a big early hump in the load to get
over - hang in there, it'll speed up!



<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE="18" COLOR="#FFFFFF">Testing...</FONT></P>

Party One Line

Party Two Line

Party Three Line

Gold: X




your gold: x GP

healing potion - 1GP
restores 20 HP.

power token - 2GP
improves damage
for one fight.

iron token - 2GP
improves defense
for one fight.




auto pick

Each card = value + 1D

To Hit, Damage,
or Defense

Swap out for a fight

Remembers last choices

Combat Setup


* Add +1D to a stat
* There are core trumps
and move trumps


* Beat opponent's 'Defense'
with your 'ToHit' score.
* Initiative = ToHit + Defense
* Defense halves after your turn.


Chapter One

To Be Continued




Card: 1/5

To Hit: 0+0D

Damage: 0+0D

Defense: 0+0D

Combat Setup





auto pick

Attack Name

To Hit: X

Damage: X

Defense: X

Defense: X

Defense: X





Blah Blah Blah Blah La Dee Da



<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="MarvelScript" SIZE="14" COLOR="#FFFFFF">Emma, you got 6 XP.</FONT></P>

You Win!





ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 2
function CSElement(thetitle, thetext, theframe) { this.title = thetitle; this.text = thetext; this.frame = theframe; } function addcs(thetitle, thetext, theframe) { _root.cs.push(new CSElement(thetitle, thetext, theframe)); } function Card() { this.score = random(6) + 3; this.suit = random(4) + 1; this.assignment = 0; } function Technique(thename, theicon, thehita, thedama, thedefa, thetrump, thetrumpk, therule) { = thename; this.icon = theicon; this.hita = thehita; this.dama = thedama; this.defa = thedefa; this.trump = thetrump; this.trumpk = thetrumpk; this.rule = therule; } function Attack(thename, theicon, thehitp, thehitd, thedamp, thedamd, thedefp, thedefd, therule) { = thename; this.icon = theicon; this.hitp = thehitp; this.hitd = thehitd; this.damp = thedamp; this.damd = thedamd; this.defp = thedefp; this.defd = thedefd; this.rule = therule; } function Monster(thename, thelevel, thehp, thefullicon, theidleicon, thekoicon) { = thename; this.attacks = new Array(); this.level = thelevel; this.hp = thehp; this.fullicon = thefullicon; this.idleicon = theidleicon; this.koicon = thekoicon; } function Encounterite(thename, thehp, themaxhp, thelevel, thefullicon, theidleicon, thekoicon, theisgood) { = thename; this.hp = thehp; this.maxhp = themaxhp; this.level = thelevel; this.fullicon = thefullicon; this.idleicon = theidleicon; this.koicon = thekoicon; this.attacks = new Array(); this.intention = -1; = -1; this.ispup = 0; this.ispoisoned = 0; this.isstunned = false; this.hitdown = 0; this.damdown = 0; this.defdown = 0; this.isgood = theisgood; this.went = false; } function Character(thename, thelevel, thebase, thetrump, thefullicon, theidleicon, thekoicon, theinparty) { = thename; = new Array(); var i; i = 1; while (((5 + thelevel) - 1) >= i) { Card()); if ( == 8) { break; } i++; } this.basetohit = 0; this.basetodam = 0; this.basetodef = 0; if (4 < thelevel) { this.basetohit = this.basetohit + (3 * (thelevel - 4)); this.basetodam = this.basetodam + (3 * (thelevel - 4)); this.basetodef = this.basetodef + (3 * (thelevel - 4)); } this.level = thelevel; this.currenthp = 40 + (this.level * 10); this.maxhp = this.currenthp; this.exp = 0; i = 1; while (this.level >= i) { if (1 < i) { this.exp = this.exp + (10 * (i - 1)); } this.nextlevel = this.nextlevel + (10 * i); i++; } if (thebase == 1) { this.basetohit = this.basetohit + 4; } if (thebase == 2) { this.basetodam = this.basetodam + 4; } if (thebase == 3) { this.basetodef = this.basetodef + 4; } this.trump = thetrump; this.techniques = new Array(); this.fullicon = thefullicon; this.idleicon = theidleicon; this.koicon = thekoicon; this.isinparty = theinparty; this.ptoken = 0; this.itoken = 0; } stop(); fscommand ("showmenu", "false"); _root.musicplaying = ""; _root.mapname = "Castle"; _root.mapx = -9999; _root.backto = "Travelling"; _root.cs = new Array(); _root.enc = new Array(); _root.plotpoint = 0; _root.healpotions = 1; _root.itokens = 0; _root.ptokens = 0; = 2; _root.addcs(null, null, "Absalom"); _root.addcs("Music", "Castle", "Castle"); _root.addcs("", "In the northern hills of the world, lies a small kingdom.", "Opening01"); _root.addcs("", "Consisting of but a few towns and the castle over them, its name is Nordin.", "Opening01"); _root.addcs("", "It is often preyed upon by thieves and warlords, but is protected..", "Opening01"); _root.addcs("", "..By the brave efforts of the king's guard.", "Opening01"); _root.addcs("", "Here, the story of the newest member of this guard is about to begin.", "Opening02"); _root.addcs("King Leonard", "Good morning, Emma - it speaks well of you to have come so quickly.", "Opening03"); _root.addcs("King Leonard", "Though this is your first mission, it is serious enough to force me..", "Opening05"); _root.addcs("King Leonard", "..To test you severely from the very beginning.", "Opening05"); _root.addcs("King Leonard", "Bandits have often grieved this tiny kingdom. However, in recent times..", "Opening04"); _root.addcs("King Leonard", "They have grown larger in number and stronger in force.", "Opening04"); _root.addcs("King Leonard", "If left unchecked, they will soon overrun the capital of Nordin Town.", "Opening04"); _root.addcs("King Leonard", "We will not allow this to continue any longer. Emma, I charge you this:", "Opening03"); _root.addcs("King Leonard", "Find the main bandit camp in the forests, and cut out the heart of their forces!", "Opening03"); _root.addcs("Emma", "I understand, your majesty!", "Opening06"); _root.addcs("Emma", "I won't allow it to continue anymore, either.", "Opening06"); _root.addcs("Emma", "I'll find their camp and scatter them justly!", "Opening06"); _root.combatlist = new Array(); = new Array(); Character("Emma", 1, 1, 1, "Emma", "EmmaIdle", "EmmaKO", true)); Character("Marthanne", 2, 3, 2, "Marthanne", "MarthanneIdle", "MarthanneKO", false)); Character("Hiro", 4, 2, 3, "Hiro", "HiroIdle", "HiroKO", false));[0].techniques.push(new Technique("Rush Attack", "Emma01", -1, 2, 0, 4, 3, 0));[0].techniques.push(new Technique("Cutter", "Emma02", 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0));[0].techniques.push(new Technique("Poke", "Emma03", 0, -1, 2, 3, 4, 0));[0].techniques.push(new Technique("Splendid", "Emma04", 0, 3, -3, 1, 3, 0));[1].techniques.push(new Technique("Martial A", "Marthanne01", 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0));[1].techniques.push(new Technique("Heal", "Marthanne02", 0, 0, 0, 2, 4, 1));[1].techniques.push(new Technique("Martial B", "Marthanne03", 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 0));[1].techniques.push(new Technique("Blitz Dance", "Marthanne04", 0, 3, -3, 2, 3, 0));[2].techniques.push(new Technique("Gunfire", "Hiro01", 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 0));[2].techniques.push(new Technique("Sharp Shot", "Hiro02", 0, 0, 0, 4, 2, 0));[2].techniques.push(new Technique("Full Shot", "Hiro03", 0, 4, -6, 0, 0, 8));[2].techniques.push(new Technique("Power Up", "Hiro04", 0, 0, -2, 4, 3, 9)); _root.monsters = new Array(); _root.monsters[0] = new Monster("Mushroom", 2, 35, "Mushroom", "MushroomIdle", "MushroomKO"); _root.monsters[0].attacks.push(new Attack("Box", "Mushroom01", 10, 2, 10, 2, 10, 1, 0)); _root.monsters[0].attacks.push(new Attack("Box", "Mushroom01", 10, 2, 10, 2, 10, 1, 0)); _root.monsters[0].attacks.push(new Attack("Uppercut", "Mushroom02", 10, 1, 10, 3, 10, 1, 0)); _root.monsters[1] = new Monster("EvilShroom", 4, 60, "EvilMushroom", "EvilMushroomIdle", "EvilMushroomKO"); _root.monsters[1].attacks.push(new Attack("Evil Box", "EvilMushroom01", 15, 4, 15, 2, 15, 2, 0)); _root.monsters[1].attacks.push(new Attack("Dark Blow", "EvilMushroom02", 15, 2, 15, 4, 15, 1, 0)); _root.monsters[1].attacks.push(new Attack("Stun Blow", "EvilMushroom02", 15, 2, 15, 3, 15, 1, 4)); _root.monsters[2] = new Monster("Bandit", 1, 30, "Bandit", "BanditIdle", "BanditKO"); _root.monsters[2].attacks.push(new Attack("Stab", "Bandit01", 10, 1, 5, 1, 10, 1, 0)); _root.monsters[3] = new Monster("Assassin", 6, 100, "Assassin", "AssassinIdle", "AssassinKO"); _root.monsters[3].attacks.push(new Attack("Thrust", "Assassin01", 12, 3, 12, 4, 12, 2, 0)); _root.monsters[3].attacks.push(new Attack("Thrust", "Assassin01", 12, 3, 12, 3, 12, 3, 0)); _root.monsters[3].attacks.push(new Attack("Poison Smoke", "Assassin02", 20, 4, 1, 0, 12, 1, 3)); _root.monsters[4] = new Monster("MadDog", 2, 30, "MadDog", "MadDogIdle", "MadDogKO"); _root.monsters[4].attacks.push(new Attack("Lunge", "MadDog01", 10, 2, 10, 2, 8, 1, 0)); _root.monsters[4].attacks.push(new Attack("Savage", "MadDog02", 0, 5, 0, 5, 5, 0, 0)); _root.monsters[5] = new Monster("Cryptos", 4, 60, "Cryptos", "CryptosIdle", "CryptosKO"); _root.monsters[5].attacks.push(new Attack("Zombie Strike", "Cryptos01", 15, 3, 15, 2, 15, 2, 0)); _root.monsters[5].attacks.push(new Attack("Cough", "Cryptos02", 15, 2, 10, 0, 15, 2, 3)); _root.monsters[6] = new Monster("Skarab", 3, 45, "Skarab", "SkarabIdle", "SkarabKO"); _root.monsters[6].attacks.push(new Attack("Bite", "Skarab01", 10, 2, 10, 3, 10, 3, 0)); _root.monsters[7] = new Monster("Golem", 6, 200, "Golem", "GolemIdle", "GolemKO"); _root.monsters[7].attacks.push(new Attack("Fist", "Golem01", 20, 3, 20, 3, 20, 3, 0)); _root.monsters[7].attacks.push(new Attack("Foot", "Golem02", 20, 3, 20, 4, 20, 2, 0));
Frame 4
function nextscene() { gotoAndPlay (7); } fscommand ("showmenu", "false"); pretext = ""; pretext = pretext + "<P>"; pretext = pretext + "Welcome to Absalom..<BR>The SECOND true RPG to hit Newgrounds!</P>"; pretext = pretext + "<P> </P>"; pretext = pretext + "<P>"; pretext = pretext + "Yes, the second one. It's a little known fact that the first Newgrounds Flash RPG is an obscure entry called "; pretext = pretext + "Merc For Hire. Well, sort of. It owed a lot to graphic adventures, and had fixed encounters, but it did appear to have a coherent "; pretext = pretext + "system to it, and a fairly lengthy scenario."; pretext = pretext + "</P>"; pretext = pretext + "<P> </P>"; pretext = pretext + "<P>"; pretext = pretext + "But I am happy to claim that Absalom is the game that will quench the fires of RPG desire in Newgrounds! "; pretext = pretext + "It took a lot of hard work, perhaps too much, but Flash 5 is powerful enough to support a full-fledged RPG engine; "; pretext = pretext + "and now you have it, loading in your browser window."; pretext = pretext + "</P>"; pretext = pretext + "<P> </P>"; pretext = pretext + "<P>"; pretext = pretext + "But to be fair, here's a ceveat:<BR>"; pretext = pretext + "This RPG is going to have to be broken up into chapters. What you'll be playing here is Chapter 1. "; pretext = pretext + "I didn't want to do this -- goodness knows Newgrounds gets upset over 'incomplete' entries -- but the fact is, Flash 5 "; pretext = pretext + "starts to creak and groan once you get a few thousand lines of code in it, and if I didn't break the game up into chapters, "; pretext = pretext + "I'd be looking forward to waiting 20 seconds for my Actions window to pop up when I wanted to write code."; pretext = pretext + "</P>"; pretext = pretext + "<P> </P>"; pretext = pretext + "<P>"; pretext = pretext + "So you'll be getting this RPG in parts, with a password system linking the chapters together. "; pretext = pretext + "Feel free to dump on me as much as you like for this shortfall. :)"; pretext = pretext + "</P>"; pretext = pretext + "<P> </P>"; pretext = pretext + "<P>"; pretext = pretext + "Special thanks first to Macromedia (the new scripting features are by far Flash 5's best part.) and Jester Interactive "; pretext = pretext + "(who wrote MTV Music Generator, which for $20 is by far a better deal than anything can give you.)"; pretext = pretext + "</P>"; pretext = pretext + "<P> </P>"; pretext = pretext + "<P>"; pretext = pretext + "And thanks to Newgrounds too! It was your RPG fever that motivated me to make something cool with Flash, and all you pessimists saying "; pretext = pretext + "such a thing would never exist served to renew my desire whenever I got tired - yes, the naysayers had an important role in this!"; pretext = pretext + "</P>"; pretext = pretext + "<P> </P>"; pretext = pretext + "<P>"; pretext = pretext + "The game will teach you the details of fighting and such. In order to move around and adventure, either click on "; pretext = pretext + "the movement controls at the bottom of the viewing window, or click on various interesting things or people."; pretext = pretext + "</P>"; pretext = pretext + "<P> </P>"; pretext = pretext + "<P>"; pretext = pretext + "Please enjoy Absalom!<BR>"; pretext = pretext + "<BR>"; pretext = pretext + "-Sean Givan"; pretext = pretext + "</P>";
Frame 5
function switchMap(iname, lorr) { map.removeMovieClip(); trace("enc had been " + _root.enc); map.attachMovie(iname, "themap", 0); if (lorr == "left") { map._x = 0 + int(map._width / 2); } else { map._x = 550 - int(map._width / 2); } _root.mapname = iname; trace("enc is now now " + _root.enc); } function gotoFightScene() { stopAllSounds(); _root.musicplaying = ""; gotoAndPlay (10); } function gotoCutScene() { gotoAndPlay (7); } function gotoShop() { gotoAndPlay (6); } function renderStats() { var partysofar; partysofar = 0; _root.pt1._visible = false; _root.pt2._visible = false; _root.pt3._visible = false; _root.it1._visible = false; _root.it2._visible = false; _root.it3._visible = false; var z; z = 0; while (z < { if ([z].isinparty == true) { partysofar++; Set("party" + partysofar, ((((([z].name + ": L") +[z].level) + " HP ") +[z].currenthp) + "/") +[z].maxhp); if (0 <[z].ptoken) { eval ("" + partysofar)._visible = true; } if (0 <[z].itoken) { eval ("" + partysofar)._visible = true; } } z++; } } if (_root.mapx != -9999) { map.removeMovieClip(); map.attachMovie(_root.mapname, "themap", 0); map._x = _root.mapx; } else { _root.switchMap(_root.mapname, "left"); } party1 = ""; party2 = ""; party3 = ""; renderStats();
Instance of Symbol 168 MovieClip "mpanel" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) { sstop = 0; left = -5; farleft = -9; right = 5; farright = 9; } onClipEvent (load) { function onSet(amt) { mvalue = amt; if (amt == 0) { _root.walker.stop(); _root.itempanel._visible = true; } else {; _root.itempanel._visible = false; } } mvalue = 0; _root.itempanel._visible = true; _root.walker.stop(); }
Frame 6
goldcount = ("your gold: " + + " gp"; stop();
Frame 7
bluemask._visible = false; marktheframe = ""; cutscenetitle = ""; cutscenetext = ""; specflag = 0;
Frame 8
var cevent; specflag = 0; if (_root.cs.length == 0) { gotoAndPlay (5); } trace("Processing.."); if (_root.cs[0].title == "Combat") { trace("Combat event detected."); cevent = _root.cs.shift(); delete cevent; specflag = 1; gotoAndPlay (9); } if ((_root.cs[0].title == "Music") && (specflag == 0)) { trace("Music event detected."); cevent = _root.cs.shift(); _root.musicbox.playMusic(cevent.text); delete cevent; specflag = 2; gotoAndPlay (9); } if ((_root.cs[0].title == "EOF") && (specflag == 0)) { trace("EOF event detected."); cevent = _root.cs.shift(); delete cevent; specflag = 3; gotoAndPlay (9); } if (specflag == 0) { trace("Normal event detected."); cevent = _root.cs.shift(); trace(cevent.text); if (cevent.title != null) { cutscenetitle = cevent.title; } else { cutscenetitle = ""; } if (cevent.text != null) { cutscenetext = cevent.text; } else { cutscenetext = ""; } if ((cevent.title != null) || (cevent.text != null)) { bluemask._visible = true; } else { bluemask._visible = false; } if ((cevent.frame != null) && (cevent.frame != marktheframe)) { _root.csplayer.gotoAndPlay(cevent.frame); marktheframe = cevent.frame; } delete cevent; } stop();
Frame 9
if (specflag == 1) { trace("About to leave for combat."); stopAllSounds(); _root.musicplaying = ""; gotoAndPlay (10); } if (specflag == 3) { trace("About to go to final scene."); stopAllSounds(); _root.musicplaying = ""; gotoAndPlay (189); } if ((specflag == 0) || (specflag == 2)) { trace("About to return to frame 2."); gotoAndPlay (8); }
Frame 35
goodnames1 = ""; evilnames1 = ""; goodnames2 = ""; evilnames2 = ""; goodnames3 = ""; evilnames3 = ""; goodnames1a = ""; goodnames2a = ""; goodnames3a = ""; evilnames1a = ""; evilnames2a = ""; evilnames3a = ""; var goodsofar; var evilsofar; goodsofar = 0; evilsofar = 0; good1._visible = false; good2._visible = false; good3._visible = false; evil1._visible = false; evil2._visible = false; evil3._visible = false; var z; z = 0; while (z < _root.combatlist.length) { if (_root.combatlist[z].isgood == true) { goodsofar++; Set("goodnames" + goodsofar, eval ("goodnames" + goodsofar) + _root.combatlist[z].name); Set(("goodnames" + goodsofar) + "a", eval (("goodnames" + goodsofar) + "a") + _root.combatlist[z].name); eval ("good" + goodsofar)._visible = true; eval ("good" + goodsofar).gotoAndStop(_root.combatlist[z].fullicon); } else { evilsofar++; Set("evilnames" + evilsofar, eval ("evilnames" + evilsofar) + _root.combatlist[z].name); Set(("evilnames" + evilsofar) + "a", eval (("evilnames" + evilsofar) + "a") + _root.combatlist[z].name); eval ("evil" + evilsofar)._visible = true; eval ("evil" + evilsofar).gotoAndStop(_root.combatlist[z].fullicon); } z++; }
Frame 94
goodnames1 = ""; evilnames1 = ""; goodnames2 = ""; evilnames2 = ""; goodnames3 = ""; evilnames3 = ""; goodnames1a = ""; goodnames2a = ""; goodnames3a = ""; evilnames1a = ""; evilnames2a = ""; evilnames3a = ""; var goodsofar; var evilsofar; goodsofar = 0; evilsofar = 0; good1._visible = false; good2._visible = false; good3._visible = false; evil1._visible = false; evil2._visible = false; evil3._visible = false; var z; z = 0; while (z < _root.combatlist.length) { if (_root.combatlist[z].isgood == true) { goodsofar++; Set("goodnames" + goodsofar, eval ("goodnames" + goodsofar) + _root.combatlist[z].name); Set(("goodnames" + goodsofar) + "a", eval (("goodnames" + goodsofar) + "a") + _root.combatlist[z].name); eval ("good" + goodsofar)._visible = true; eval ("good" + goodsofar).gotoAndStop(_root.combatlist[z].fullicon); } else { evilsofar++; Set("evilnames" + evilsofar, eval ("evilnames" + evilsofar) + _root.combatlist[z].name); Set(("evilnames" + evilsofar) + "a", eval (("evilnames" + evilsofar) + "a") + _root.combatlist[z].name); eval ("evil" + evilsofar)._visible = true; eval ("evil" + evilsofar).gotoAndStop(_root.combatlist[z].fullicon); } z++; }
Frame 101
gotoAndPlay (102);
Instance of Symbol 368 MovieClip "thecard" in Frame 102
onClipEvent (load) { _root.thecard.setSuit([partyindex].cards[cardindex].suit); _root.thecard.setValue([partyindex].cards[cardindex].score); }
Frame 103
function new_char(thename) { var z; z = 0; while (z < { if ([z].name == thename) { partyindex = z; } z++; } cardindex = 0; hitnum =[partyindex].basetohit; hitdice = 0; damnum =[partyindex].basetodam; damdice = 0; defnum =[partyindex].basetodef; defdice = 0; thetrump =[partyindex].trump; if (0 <[partyindex].ptoken) { damdice = damdice +[partyindex].ptoken;[partyindex].ptoken = 0; } if (0 <[partyindex].itoken) { defdice = defdice +[partyindex].itoken;[partyindex].itoken = 0; } _root.picture.gotoAndStop([partyindex].fullicon); _root.trumpsuit.gotoAndStop(thetrump); tfName =[partyindex].name; tfToHit = _root.render_formula("To Hit", hitnum, hitdice); tfDam = _root.render_formula("Damage", damnum, damdice); tfDef = _root.render_formula("Defense", defnum, defdice); _root.thecard.setSuit([partyindex].cards[cardindex].suit); _root.thecard.setValue([partyindex].cards[cardindex].score); tfCardNo = (("Card: " + (cardindex + 1)) + "/") +[partyindex].cards.length; check_auto(); } function check_auto() { tfAuto = "auto pick"; _root.greymark._visible = false; var z; z = 0; while (z <[partyindex].cards.length) { if (([partyindex].cards[z].assignment < 2) || (4 <[partyindex].cards[z].assignment)) { tfAuto = "no auto"; _root.greymark._visible = true; } z++; } } function auto_pick() { var z; z = 0; while (z <[partyindex].cards.length) { var assign; assign =[partyindex].cards[z].assignment; if (assign == 1) {[partyindex].cards[z] = new _root.Card(); } if (assign == 2) { hitnum = hitnum +[partyindex].cards[z].score; hitdice++; if (thetrump ==[partyindex].cards[z].suit) { hitdice++; } tfToHit = _root.render_formula("To Hit", hitnum, hitdice); } if (assign == 3) { damnum = damnum +[partyindex].cards[z].score; damdice++; if (thetrump ==[partyindex].cards[z].suit) { damdice++; } tfDam = _root.render_formula("Damage", damnum, damdice); } if (assign == 4) { defnum = defnum +[partyindex].cards[z].score; defdice++; if (thetrump ==[partyindex].cards[z].suit) { defdice++; } tfDef = _root.render_formula("Defense", defnum, defdice); } z++; } play(); } function card_set(assign) { if (assign == 1) {[partyindex].cards[cardindex] = new _root.Card(); } if (assign == 2) { hitnum = hitnum +[partyindex].cards[cardindex].score; hitdice++; if (thetrump ==[partyindex].cards[cardindex].suit) { hitdice++; } tfToHit = _root.render_formula("To Hit", hitnum, hitdice); } if (assign == 3) { damnum = damnum +[partyindex].cards[cardindex].score; damdice++; if (thetrump ==[partyindex].cards[cardindex].suit) { damdice++; } tfDam = _root.render_formula("Damage", damnum, damdice); } if (assign == 4) { defnum = defnum +[partyindex].cards[cardindex].score; defdice++; if (thetrump ==[partyindex].cards[cardindex].suit) { defdice++; } tfDef = _root.render_formula("Defense", defnum, defdice); }[partyindex].cards[cardindex].assignment = assign; cardindex++; if (cardindex ==[partyindex].cards.length) { play(); } else { tfCardNo = (("Card: " + (cardindex + 1)) + "/") +[partyindex].cards.length; _root.thecard.setSuit([partyindex].cards[cardindex].suit); _root.thecard.setValue([partyindex].cards[cardindex].score); } } function char_finalize() { var w; w = 0; while (w < _root.combatlist.length) { if ([partyindex].name == _root.combatlist[w].name) { var x; x = 0; while (x <[partyindex].techniques.length) { var a = (new _root.Attack("", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); =[partyindex].techniques[x].name; a.icon =[partyindex].techniques[x].icon; a.hitp = hitnum; a.hitd = hitdice; a.hitd = a.hitd +[partyindex].techniques[x].hita; a.damp = damnum; a.damd = damdice; a.damd = a.damd +[partyindex].techniques[x].dama; a.defp = defnum; a.defd = defdice; a.defd = a.defd +[partyindex].techniques[x].defa; a.rule =[partyindex].techniques[x].rule; var cc; cc = 0; while (cc <[partyindex].cards.length) { if (([partyindex].cards[cc].suit ==[partyindex].techniques[x].trump) && ([partyindex].cards[cc].assignment ==[partyindex].techniques[x].trumpk)) { if ([partyindex].techniques[x].trumpk == 2) { a.hitd++; } if ([partyindex].techniques[x].trumpk == 3) { a.damd++; } if ([partyindex].techniques[x].trumpk == 4) { a.defd++; } } cc++; } _root.combatlist[w].attacks.push(a); x++; } } w++; } } function test_character() { var y; var nam; nam = null; y = 0; while (y < _root.combatlist.length) { if (combatlist[y].attacks.length == 0) { nam = combatlist[y].name; break; } y++; } if (nam != null) { new_char(nam); } else { move_to_combat(); } } function render_formula(title, num, dice) { var thestring; thestring = title + ": "; thestring = thestring + num; if (dice >= 0) { thestring = thestring + "+"; } thestring = thestring + dice; thestring = thestring + "D"; return(thestring); } function move_to_combat() { gotoAndPlay (115); } stop(); hitnum = 0; hitdice = 0; damnum = 0; damdice = 0; defnum = 0; defdice = 0; thetrump = 0; cardindex = 0; partyindex = 0; buttonson = true; test_character();
Frame 104
buttonson = false;
Frame 114
char_finalize(); gotoAndStop (103);
Frame 115
function chose_intention(tech, tgt) { trace("Inside chose_intention"); _root.combatlist[currentperson].intention = tech; _root.combatlist[currentperson].target = tgt; gotoAndPlay (118); } _root.intentionconsole._visible = false; tpHPleft = ""; tpHPright = ""; _root.iconleft._visible = false; _root.iconright._visible = false; _root.fullleft._visible = false; _root.fullright._visible = false; tfleft1 = ""; tfleft2 = ""; tfleft3 = ""; tfleft4 = ""; tfright1 = ""; tfright2 = ""; tfright3 = ""; currentperson = 0; thisonegoes = 0; blowlanded = false; asuffix = "left"; tsuffix = "right";
Frame 116
currentperson = 0; _root.intentionconsole._visible = false; tfHPleft = ""; tfHPright = ""; _root.iconleft._visible = false; _root.iconright._visible = false; _root.fullleft._visible = false; _root.fullright._visible = false; tfleft1 = ""; tfleft2 = ""; tfleft3 = ""; tfleft4 = ""; tfright1 = ""; tfright2 = ""; tfright3 = ""; var y; y = 0; while (y < _root.combatlist.length) { _root.combatlist[y].went = false; y++; }
Frame 117
if ((0 >= _root.combatlist[currentperson].hp) || (_root.combatlist[currentperson].isstunned == true)) { _root.combatlist[currentperson].intention = 0; _root.combatlist[currentperson].went = true; _root.combatlist[currentperson].isstunned = false; } else if (_root.combatlist[currentperson].isgood == true) { _root.intentionconsole._visible = true; _root.fullleft._visible = true; _root.fullleft.gotoAndStop(_root.combatlist[currentperson].fullicon); _root.intentionconsole.new_index(currentperson, 0); stop(); } else { _root.fullleft._visible = false; var choosables = new Array(); var z; z = 0; while (z < _root.combatlist.length) { if ((_root.combatlist[z].isgood == true) && (0 < _root.combatlist[z].hp)) { choosables.push(z); } z++; } var choice; choice = random(choosables.length); _root.combatlist[currentperson].intention = random(_root.combatlist[currentperson].attacks.length); _root.combatlist[currentperson].target = choosables[choice]; }
Frame 118
trace("At Frame 4"); _root.intentionconsole._visible = false; currentperson++; trace((("Currentperson:" + currentperson) + " _root.combatlist.length ") + _root.combatlist.length); if (currentperson == _root.combatlist.length) { gotoAndPlay (119); } else { gotoAndPlay (117); }
Frame 119
trace("At frame 5"); trace("Overview:"); var tz; tz = 0; while (tz < _root.combatlist.length) { trace(_root.combatlist[tz].name); trace((("Intention:" + _root.combatlist[tz].intention) + " ") + _root.combatlist[tz].attacks[_root.combatlist[tz].intention].name); trace("Target:" + _root.combatlist[tz].target); tz++; } var z; var highest; highest = 0; z = 0; while (z < _root.combatlist.length) { var thisonetarget; thisonetarget = _root.combatlist[z].target; trace("Testing initiative score."); trace(_root.combatlist[z].name); trace("Went:" + _root.combatlist[z].went); trace("HP:" + _root.combatlist[z].hp); trace("Target HP:" + _root.combatlist[thisonetarget].hp); trace("Stunned:" + _root.combatlist[z].isstunned); if ((((_root.combatlist[z].went != true) && (0 < _root.combatlist[z].hp)) && (0 < _root.combatlist[thisonetarget].hp)) && (_root.combatlist[z].isstunned == false)) { var myscore; var thisintention; thisintention = _root.combatlist[z].intention; myscore = _root.combatlist[z].attacks[thisintention].hitp; myscore = myscore + (_root.combatlist[z].attacks[thisintention].hitd * 3); myscore = myscore + _root.combatlist[z].attacks[thisintention].defp; myscore = myscore + (_root.combatlist[z].attacks[thisintention].defd * 3); trace("Init:" + myscore); if (highest < myscore) { highest = myscore; thisonegoes = z; } } z++; } if (highest == 0) { trace("Going to end of round"); gotoAndPlay (186); }
Frame 120
_root.iconleft._visible = false; _root.iconright._visible = false; _root.fullleft._visible = false; _root.fullright._visible = false; tfleft1 = ""; tfleft2 = ""; tfleft3 = ""; tfleft4 = ""; tfright1 = ""; tfright2 = ""; tfright3 = ""; tfHPleft = ""; tfHPright = "";
Frame 121
_root.iconleft._visible = true; _root.iconright._visible = true; _root.fullleft._visible = true; _root.fullright._visible = true; var thistarget; var thisintent; var hisintent; thistarget = _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].target; thisintent = _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].intention; hisintent = _root.combatlist[thistarget].intention; if (_root.combatlist[thisonegoes].isgood == true) { asuffix = "left"; tsuffix = "right"; } else { asuffix = "right"; tsuffix = "left"; } Set("tfHP" + asuffix, "HP: " + _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].hp); Set("tfHP" + tsuffix, "HP: " + _root.combatlist[thistarget].hp); eval ("_root.full" + asuffix).gotoAndStop(_root.combatlist[thisonegoes].fullicon); eval ("_root.full" + tsuffix).gotoAndStop(_root.combatlist[thistarget].fullicon); eval ("_root.icon" + tsuffix).gotoAndStop(_root.combatlist[thistarget].idleicon); eval ("_root.icon" + asuffix).gotoAndStop(_root.combatlist[thisonegoes].idleicon); Set(("tf" + asuffix) + "1", _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].attacks[thisintent].name); Set(("tf" + asuffix) + "2", _root.render_formula("To Hit", _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].attacks[thisintent].hitp, _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].attacks[thisintent].hitd)); Set(("tf" + asuffix) + "3", _root.render_formula("Damage", _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].attacks[thisintent].damp, _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].attacks[thisintent].damd)); if (0 < _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].hitdown) { Set(("tf" + asuffix) + "2", eval (("tf" + asuffix) + "2") + "-"); Set(("tf" + asuffix) + "2", eval (("tf" + asuffix) + "2") + _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].hitdown); } if (0 < _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].damdown) { Set(("tf" + asuffix) + "3", eval (("tf" + asuffix) + "3") + "-"); Set(("tf" + asuffix) + "3", eval (("tf" + asuffix) + "3") + _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].damdown); } Set(("tf" + tsuffix) + "1", _root.render_formula("Defense", _root.combatlist[thistarget].attacks[hisintent].defp, _root.combatlist[thistarget].attacks[hisintent].defd)); if ((_root.combatlist[thistarget].went == true) && (_root.combatlist[thistarget].isstunned != true)) { Set(("tf" + tsuffix) + "1", eval (("tf" + tsuffix) + "1") + " / 2"); } if (_root.combatlist[thistarget].isstunned == true) { Set(("tf" + tsuffix) + "1", "Defense: 0"); } if ((_root.combatlist[thistarget].isstunned == false) && (0 < _root.combatlist[thistarget].defdown)) { Set(("tf" + tsuffix) + "1", eval (("tf" + tsuffix) + "1") + "-"); Set(("tf" + tsuffix) + "1", eval (("tf" + tsuffix) + "1") + _root.combatlist[thistarget].defdown); } Set(("tf" + tsuffix) + "2", ""); Set(("tf" + tsuffix) + "3", "");
Frame 137
var thisintent; thisintent = _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].intention; eval ("_root.icon" + asuffix).gotoAndStop(_root.combatlist[thisonegoes].attacks[thisintent].icon); _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].went = true;
Frame 152
blowlanded = false; var thistarget; thistarget = _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].target; var thisintention; thisintention = _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].intention; var hisintention; hisintention = _root.combatlist[thistarget].intention; var thisrule; thisrule = _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].attacks[thisintention].rule; var attackscore; var defensescore; var damagescore; attackscore = _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].attacks[thisintention].hitp; var z; z = 0; while (z < Math.abs(_root.combatlist[thisonegoes].attacks[thisintention].hitd)) { if (0 < _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].attacks[thisintention].hitd) { attackscore = attackscore + (random(6) + 1); } else { attackscore = attackscore - (random(6) + 1); } z++; } attackscore = attackscore - _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].hitdown; damagescore = _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].attacks[thisintention].damp; var y; y = 0; while (y < Math.abs(_root.combatlist[thisonegoes].attacks[thisintention].damd)) { if (0 < _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].attacks[thisintention].damd) { damagescore = damagescore + (random(6) + 1); } else { damagescore = damagescore - (random(6) + 1); } y++; } damagescore = damagescore - _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].damdown; defensescore = _root.combatlist[thistarget].attacks[hisintention].defp; var x; x = 0; while (x < Math.abs(_root.combatlist[thistarget].attacks[hisintention].defd)) { if (0 < _root.combatlist[thistarget].attacks[hisintention].defd) { defensescore = defensescore + (random(6) + 1); } else { defensescore = defensescore - (random(6) + 1); } x++; } if (_root.combatlist[thistarget].went == true) { if (0 < defensescore) { defensescore = int(defensescore / 2); } else { defensescore = int(defensescore * 1.5); } } defensescore = defensescore - _root.combatlist[thistarget].defdown; if (_root.combatlist[thistarget].isstunned == true) { defensescore = 0; } if ((thisrule != 1) && (thisrule != 9)) { if (defensescore >= attackscore) { eval ("_root.dam" + tsuffix).purple_show("MISS"); } else { blowlanded = true; if (0 < _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].ispup) { damagescore = damagescore + _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].ispup; _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].ispup = 0; } eval ("_root.dam" + tsuffix).red_show(damagescore); _root.combatlist[thistarget].hp = _root.combatlist[thistarget].hp - damagescore; Set("tfHP" + tsuffix, "HP: " + _root.combatlist[thistarget].hp); if (0 >= _root.combatlist[thistarget].hp) { eval ("_root.icon" + tsuffix).gotoAndStop(_root.combatlist[thistarget].koicon); } } } if (thisrule == 1) { var healamt; healamt = 5 * _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].level; eval ("_root.dam" + tsuffix).green_show(healamt); _root.combatlist[thistarget].hp = _root.combatlist[thistarget].hp + healamt; if (_root.combatlist[thistarget].maxhp < _root.combatlist[thistarget].hp) { _root.combatlist[thistarget].hp = _root.combatlist[thistarget].maxhp; } Set("tfHP" + tsuffix, "HP: " + _root.combatlist[thistarget].hp); } if (thisrule == 9) { if (0 < _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].ispup) { damagescore = 1; } else { damagescore = damagescore + (3 * _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].level); } eval ("_root.dam" + asuffix).purple_show("D+" + damagescore); _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].ispup = _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].ispup + damagescore; }
Frame 167
if ((blowlanded == false) && (_root.combatlist[thisonegoes].ispoisoned == false)) { gotoAndPlay (174); } var thistarget; thistarget = _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].target; var thisintention; thisintention = _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].intention; var hisintention; hisintention = _root.combatlist[thistarget].intention; var thisrule; thisrule = _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].attacks[thisintention].rule; if ((0 < _root.combatlist[thistarget].hp) && (blowlanded == true)) { if (thisrule == 3) { _root.combatlist[thistarget].ispoisoned = _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].level * 2; eval ("_root.dam" + tsuffix).purple_show("POISON"); } if (thisrule == 4) { if (random(4) == 0) { _root.combatlist[thistarget].isstunned = true; eval ("_root.dam" + tsuffix).purple_show("STUN"); } } if (thisrule == 5) { _root.combatlist[thistarget].hitdown = _root.combatlist[thistarget].hitdown + _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].level; eval ("_root.dam" + tsuffix).purple_show("HITDOWN"); } if (thisrule == 6) { _root.combatlist[thistarget].damdown = _root.combatlist[thistarget].damdown + _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].level; eval ("_root.dam" + tsuffix).purple_show("DAMDOWN"); } if (thisrule == 7) { _root.combatlist[thistarget].defdown = _root.combatlist[thistarget].defdown + _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].level; eval ("_root.dam" + tsuffix).purple_show("DEFDOWN"); } if (thisrule == 8) { if (random(4) == 0) { _root.combatlist[thistarget].hp = 1; Set("tfHP" + tsuffix, "HP: 1"); eval ("_root.dam" + tsuffix).red_show("CRITICAL"); } } } if (0 < _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].ispoisoned) { _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].hp = _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].hp - _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].ispoisoned; Set("tfHP" + asuffix, "HP: " + _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].hp); if (0 >= _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].hp) { eval ("_root.icon" + asuffix).gotoAndStop(_root.combatlist[thisonegoes].koicon); } eval ("_root.dam" + asuffix).red_show("P " + _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].ispoisoned); _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].ispoisoned = _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].ispoisoned - random(6); if (_root.combatlist[thisonegoes].ispoisoned < 0) { _root.combatlist[thisonegoes].ispoisoned = 0; } }
Frame 183
gotoAndPlay (119);
Frame 186
var goodwins; var letscontinue; goodwins = null; letscontinue = false; var z; z = 0; while (z < _root.combatlist.length) { if (0 < _root.combatlist[z].hp) { if (goodwins == null) { goodwins = _root.combatlist[z].isgood; } else if (_root.combatlist[z].isgood != goodwins) { letscontinue = true; } } z++; } if ((letscontinue == true) && (goodwins != null)) { gotoAndPlay (116); } else if (goodwins == true) { gotoAndPlay (188); } else { gotoAndPlay (187); }
Frame 187
function backtostart() { gotoAndPlay (1); } stop(); stopAllSounds();
Frame 188
stop(); stopAllSounds(); var z; var xppool; xppool = 0; earners = 0; z = 0; while (z < _root.combatlist.length) { if (_root.combatlist[z].isgood == false) { xppool = xppool + _root.combatlist[z].level; } if ((_root.combatlist[z].isgood == true) && (0 < _root.combatlist[z].hp)) { earners++; } z++; } xppool = int((xppool * 2) / earners); if (0 >= xppool) { xppool = 1; } tfResults = ""; if (random(10) < 6) { tfResults = tfResults + "<P>the party got a gold piece!</P>";; } z = 0; while (z < _root.combatlist.length) { if (_root.combatlist[z].isgood == true) { var y; y = 0; while (y < { if (_root.combatlist[z].name ==[y].name) {[y].currenthp = _root.combatlist[z].hp; } y++; } } z++; } var mvp; var mvphp; mvp = 0; mvphp =[0].currenthp; z = 0; while (z < { if ((0 <[z].currenthp) && ([z].isinparty == true)) { if (mvphp <[z].currenthp) { mvp = z; mvphp =[z].currenthp; } tfResults = tfResults + "<P>"; tfResults = tfResults + ((([z].name + ", you got ") + xppool) + " xp.<BR>");[z].exp =[z].exp + xppool; if ([z].exp >=[z].nextlevel) {[z].level++; tfResults = tfResults + (("you reached level " +[z].level) + "!<BR>");[z].nextlevel =[z].nextlevel + (10 *[z].level); tfResults = tfResults + (((("you need " + ([z].nextlevel -[z].exp)) + " more xp to reach level ") + ([z].level + 1)) + ".<BR>");[z].maxhp =[z].maxhp + 10; if ([z].cards.length < 8) {[z].cards.push(new _root.Card()); tfResults = tfResults + "you got an extra card!<BR>"; } else {[z].basetohit =[z].basetohit + 3;[z].basetodam =[z].basetodam + 3;[z].basetodef =[z].basetodef + 3; tfResults = tfResults + "you got +3/+3/+3 to your stats!<BR>"; } } tfResults = tfResults + "</P>"; } if (0 >=[z].currenthp) {[z].currenthp = 1; } z++; } _root.vpic.gotoAndStop(mvp + 1);
Frame 189
function set_password() { var emmatable; var marthtable; var goldtable; emmatable = ["IP", "LO", "MK", "YU", "HG", "RE", "KL", "ZC", "QA", "HH", "FD", "IK"]; marthtable = ["BN", "ZS", "EE", "UI", "WR", "TY", "JF", "DS", "MA", "PS", "XX", "TQ"]; goldtable = ["H", "V", "X", "L", "T", "G", "U", "K", "C", "O"]; var el =[0].level; var ml =[1].level; = + _root.healpotions; = + (_root.ptokens * 2); = + (_root.itokens * 2); if (99 < { = 99; } if (12 < el) { el = 12; } if (12 < ml) { ml = 12; } var gten = Math.floor( / 10); var gone = ( - (gten * 10)); password = emmatable[el - 1]; password = password + marthtable[ml - 1]; password = password + goldtable[gten]; password = password + goldtable[gone]; } function backtostart() { gotoAndPlay (1); } stop(); stopAllSounds(); _root.set_password();
Symbol 5 Button
on (rollOver) { _parent.TextField6 = _parent.destination; } on (rollOut) { _parent.TextField6 = ""; } on (release) { _root.switchMap(_parent.mapname, _parent.leftorright); }
Symbol 9 MovieClip Frame 1
this.TextField6 = ""; hab._rotation = this.rotated;
Symbol 11 Button
on (release) { this.onClick(); }
Symbol 13 MovieClip [RedForest] Frame 1
trace("ORedForest - Adjusting EM.enc"); while (_root.enc.length != 0) { _root.enc.pop(); } _root.enc.push([1]); _root.enc.push([2, 2]); _root.enc.push([2, 4]); _root.musicbox.playMusic("Adventure2"); if (_root.plotpoint == 2) { bcamp._visible = false; } trace("ORedForest - Adjusting EM.enc Complete");
Instance of Symbol 9 MovieClip in Symbol 13 MovieClip [RedForest] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { leftorright = "right"; mapname = "Forest1"; rotated = 180; destination = "Forest"; }
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip "bcamp" in Symbol 13 MovieClip [RedForest] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function onClick() { this._visible = false; _root.plotpoint = 2;[1].isinparty = true; _root.addcs("Assassin", "So.. one of the running dogs of King Leonard have come to crash our party.", "Camp02"); _root.addcs("Girl", "H-hey!", "Camp03"); _root.addcs("Girl", "Aren't you one of the Nordin king's guard? You don't suppose you could give me a hand here?", "Camp03"); _root.addcs("Emma", "I've finally tracked you all down. By orders of the king, I've been sent to take care of you all..", "Camp01"); _root.addcs("Emma", "..once and for all, for the sake of Nordin!", "Camp01"); _root.addcs("Assassin", "Is that so?", "Camp05"); _root.addcs("Assassin", "This is just the attitude I'd expect from a young, ignorant novice.", "Camp05"); _root.addcs("Assassin", "Tell me, oh great soldier of the king..", "Camp05"); _root.addcs("Assassin", "Are you quite so certain that you are in the right here?", "Camp05"); _root.addcs("Assassin", "Surely one who has lived in royal company for so long cannot truly understand a bandit's nature.", "Camp04"); _root.addcs("Assassin", "To kill everyone here is a bold action indeed. Are you completely certain of our wrongdoing?", "Camp05"); _root.addcs("Assassin", "In fact, can you tell the difference between righteous killing and simple murder?", "Camp05"); _root.addcs("Emma", "I..", "Camp06"); _root.addcs("Emma", "I don't really know what to say. It's true I'm not a bandit myself.", "Camp06"); _root.addcs("Emma", "And it's true I don't want to kill without reason, but.. but..", "Camp07"); _root.addcs("Assassin", "GRAA!", "Camp08"); _root.addcs("Emma", "!!!", "Camp09"); _root.addcs("Girl", "Hi-YA!", "Camp10"); _root.addcs("Girl", "Why don't you try sweet talking the girl you tied up, creep!", "Camp10"); _root.addcs("Girl", "You there! Keep an eye on your back. They're tricky, but I'll help.", "Camp11"); _root.addcs("Girl", "By the way, my name's Marthanne.", "Camp11"); _root.addcs("Emma", "Thank you. My name's Emma. Here they come!", "Camp11"); _root.addcs("Combat", "", ""); _root.addcs("Music", "Adventure2", "Adventure2"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "Whew. I think that's all of them.", "Camp11"); _root.addcs("Emma", "Yeah. Wow, this isn't how I pictured my first mission would go.", "Camp11"); _root.addcs("Emma", "Those clothes of yours.. you're not from around here, are you?", "Camp12"); _root.addcs("Emma", "You must be from Greco, down south of here.", "Camp12"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "That's right. I'm the messenger of the president.", "Camp12"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "I was delivering to King Leonard when these bandits caught me.", "Camp12"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "And on that note, here's a question for you!", "Camp13"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "What were you thinking, putting so much faith in the words of that cretin?", "Camp13"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "Haven't you heard the expression, 'A spade is a spade?'", "Camp13"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "If I wasn't here or was a bit slower, you would have died for no reason at all!", "Camp13"); _root.addcs("Emma", "Sigh..", "Camp13"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "Um..", "Camp14"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "Of course, I hope you're not taking this too personally!", "Camp14"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "'Cause I think I might want an escort back to Nordin..", "Camp14"); _root.addcs("Emma", "No, it's all right. Let's go, Marthanne.", "Camp14"); _root.addcs("Emma", "We need to report back to King Leonard.", "Camp14"); while (0 < _root.combatlist.length) { var trash; trash = _root.combatlist.pop(); delete trash; } var m = _root.monsters[3]; _root.combatlist.push(new _root.Encounterite(, m.hp, m.hp, m.level, m.fullicon, m.idleicon, m.koicon, false)); var j; j = 0; while (j < m.attacks.length) { _root.combatlist[_root.combatlist.length - 1].attacks.push(m.attacks[j]); j++; } m = _root.monsters[2]; _root.combatlist.push(new _root.Encounterite(, m.hp, m.hp, m.level, m.fullicon, m.idleicon, m.koicon, false)); j = 0; while (j < m.attacks.length) { _root.combatlist[_root.combatlist.length - 1].attacks.push(m.attacks[j]); j++; } m = _root.monsters[2]; _root.combatlist.push(new _root.Encounterite(, m.hp, m.hp, m.level, m.fullicon, m.idleicon, m.koicon, false)); j = 0; while (j < m.attacks.length) { _root.combatlist[_root.combatlist.length - 1].attacks.push(m.attacks[j]); j++; } i = 0; while (i < { if ([i].isinparty == true) { var c =[i]; _root.combatlist.push(new _root.Encounterite(, c.currenthp, c.maxhp, c.level, c.fullicon, c.idleicon, c.koicon, true)); } i++; } _root.mapx =; _root.gotoCutScene(); } }
Symbol 15 MovieClip Frame 1
this.TextField6 = ""; hab._rotation = this.rotated;
Symbol 17 Button
on (release) { if (_root.plotpoint < 2) { _root.addcs("Fireside Man", "Looking for the bandit camp, are you? Well..", "Fireside"); _root.addcs("Fireside Man", "They're not easy to find, unless you know where to look.", "Fireside"); if (2 <[0].level) { _root.plotpoint = 1; _root.addcs("Fireside Man", "There's a secret place between the crook of two trees where the bandits hide.", "Fireside"); } else { _root.addcs("Fireside Man", "But then again.. you don't look very strong to me.", "Fireside"); _root.addcs("Fireside Man", "I won't risk telling you yet. Go and gain some experience.", "Fireside"); } _root.addcs("Fireside Man", "By the way, I think they took a prisoner a while ago. Poor girl..", "Fireside"); } else { _root.addcs("Fireside Man", "So, it looks like you took care of the bandit camp. Not bad.", "Fireside"); _root.addcs("Fireside Man", "No need to come back and thank me. I was just being a good samaritan.", "Fireside"); _root.addcs("Fireside Man", "You best get back to town.", "Fireside"); } _root.mapx =; _root.gotoCutScene(); }
Symbol 18 MovieClip [Forest2] Frame 1
trace("OMapForest - Adjusting em.enc"); while (_root.enc.length != 0) { _root.enc.pop(); } _root.enc.push([2, 2, 2]); _root.enc.push([4, 4]); _root.enc.push([2]); _root.enc.push([0]); _root.enc.push([4, 0]); _root.musicbox.playMusic("Adventure1"); trace("OMapForest - Adjusting em.enc complete");
Instance of Symbol 15 MovieClip in Symbol 18 MovieClip [Forest2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { leftorright = "right"; mapname = "Forest1"; rotated = 180; destination = "Forest"; }
Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 1
this.TextField6 = ""; hab._rotation = this.rotated;
Symbol 21 MovieClip Frame 1
this.TextField6 = ""; hab._rotation = this.rotated;
Symbol 22 MovieClip Frame 1
this.TextField6 = ""; hab._rotation = this.rotated;
Symbol 23 MovieClip [Forest1] Frame 1
trace("OMapForest - Adjusting em.enc"); while (_root.enc.length != 0) { _root.enc.pop(); } _root.enc.push([0]); _root.enc.push([2]); _root.enc.push([2, 4]); _root.enc.push([4]); _root.enc.push([2, 2]); _root.enc.push([2]); _root.enc.push([4]); _root.enc.push([0]); special._visible = false; if (0 < _root.plotpoint) { special._visible = true; } _root.musicbox.playMusic("Adventure1"); trace("OMapForest - Adjusting em.enc complete");
Instance of Symbol 20 MovieClip in Symbol 23 MovieClip [Forest1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { leftorright = "right"; mapname = "Town"; rotated = 180; destination = "Nordin"; }
Instance of Symbol 21 MovieClip in Symbol 23 MovieClip [Forest1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { leftorright = "left"; mapname = "Forest2"; rotated = 0; destination = "More Forest"; }
Instance of Symbol 22 MovieClip "special" in Symbol 23 MovieClip [Forest1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { leftorright = "left"; mapname = "RedForest"; rotated = 270; destination = "Secret"; }
Symbol 29 Button
on (release) { _root.addcs("Emma", "This fountain is a little cliched, but the water is soothing to look at.", "TownFountain"); _root.mapx =; _root.gotoCutScene(); }
Symbol 31 Button
on (release) { _root.addcs("InnKeeper", "Good evening! Why don't you stay a night and rest, for free?", "InnKeep"); _root.addcs("", "You have a peaceful sleep.", "BlackScreen"); _root.addcs("InnKeeper", "Best of luck to you on your quest!", "InnKeep"); var z; z = 0; while (z < {[z].currenthp =[z].maxhp; z++; } _root.mapx =; _root.gotoCutScene(); }
Symbol 33 Button
on (release) { _root.mapx =; _root.gotoShop(); }
Symbol 35 Button
on (release) { _root.mapx =; if (_root.plotpoint == 2) { _root.addcs("Townsman", "Great job on taking care of the bandits, Emma!", "Bystander01"); _root.addcs("Townsman", "And who's the babe you brought along? Yowza!", "Bystander01"); } else { _root.addcs("Townsman", "When you enter the forest, watch out! There's more than bandits out there!", "Bystander01"); _root.addcs("Townsman", "Play it safe and don't stray far until you've gone up a few levels.", "Bystander01"); _root.addcs("Townsman", "Encounters occur when you're moving around in dangerous zones.", "Bystander01"); _root.addcs("Townsman", "If you stop moving, say to use an item or investigate something, you'll be safe from encounters.", "Bystander01"); _root.addcs("Townsman", "For some fights it's pretty obvious you're going to enter them. When you see trouble, prepare yourself first!", "Bystander01"); _root.addcs("Townsman", "Don't be afraid to visit our inn and shop often. That's what they're here for!", "Bystander01"); _root.addcs("Townsman", "Best of luck!", "Bystander01"); } _root.gotoCutScene(); }
Symbol 37 Button
on (release) { var z; z = random(4); if (z == 0) { _root.addcs("Old Man", "People think I have no fashion sense. Actually, I'm just senile!", "Bystander03"); } if (z == 1) { _root.addcs("Old Man", "I used to be an adventurer, you know. Bernie the Mushroom Killer, they called me!", "Bystander03"); } if (z == 2) { _root.addcs("Old Man", "This fountain's just about the only joy left in my life. (Sigh.)", "Bystander03"); } if (z == 3) { _root.addcs("Old Man", "Young lady, don't be afraid of life. I never was, and look at me now!", "Bystander03"); } _root.mapx =; _root.gotoCutScene(); }
Symbol 39 Button
on (release) { if (_root.plotpoint < 2) { _root.addcs("Town Lady", "Please help us, Emma! The bandits are such a nuisance!", "Bystander02"); } else { _root.addcs("Town Lady", "Thank you for getting rid of the bandits, Emma! I wish I could fight like you.", "Bystander02"); } _root.mapx =; _root.gotoCutScene(); }
Symbol 40 MovieClip Frame 1
this.TextField6 = ""; hab._rotation = this.rotated;
Symbol 41 MovieClip Frame 1
this.TextField6 = ""; hab._rotation = this.rotated;
Symbol 42 MovieClip [Town] Frame 1
while (_root.enc.length != 0) { _root.enc.pop(); } _root.musicbox.playMusic("Town");
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip in Symbol 42 MovieClip [Town] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { leftorright = "left"; mapname = "Forest1"; rotated = 0; destination = "Forest"; }
Instance of Symbol 41 MovieClip in Symbol 42 MovieClip [Town] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { leftorright = "right"; mapname = "Castle"; rotated = 180; destination = "Castle"; }
Symbol 45 Button
on (release) { if (_root.plotpoint < 2) { _root.mapx =; _root.addcs("Emma", "King Leonard left after he gave his orders to me.", "Opening02"); _root.addcs("Emma", "He wouldn't want me to return until my task was completed, anyhow.", "Opening02"); } else { _root.mapname = "Greco"; _root.mapx =; _root.addcs("Emma", "Mission completed, your majesty! The bandits are defeated.", "Opening06"); _root.addcs("King Leonard", "Excellent work, royal guard. And I see you've brought a messenger from Greco, as well.", "Opening03"); _root.addcs("King Leonard", "Speak, messenger. What does your president have to tell me?", "Opening03"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "Your majesty! The president requests your assistance in a recent matter that's come up.", "Revisit01"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "An old ruin has revealed itself in the mountains nearby our capital.", "Revisit02"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "Such ruins have always had dangers lurking inside. Greco is not a military nation..", "Revisit02"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "We ask of you to send aid to help us explore and neutralize the ruin.", "Revisit01"); _root.addcs("King Leonard", "I would be happy to help. In fact.. Emma!", "Opening03"); _root.addcs("King Leonard", "Why don't you go with this young lady to Greco and help her out?", "Opening05"); _root.addcs("Emma", "Yes, your majesty! I'd be honored to go!", "Opening06"); _root.addcs("King Leonard", "Excellent. You'll start imediately. You are both dismissed.", "Opening03"); _root.addcs("Emma", "Phew.. from one mission right to the next..", "Revisit03"); _root.addcs("Emma", "My majesty keeps me so busy..", "Revisit04"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "Wow, isn't the secenery beautiful this afternoon?", "Quiet01"); _root.addcs("Emma", "Um.", "Quiet01"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "Usually, I'm running at top speed through these forests, to deliver messages.", "Quiet01"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "But with you tagging along, I can take my time and look at everything!", "Quiet01"); _root.addcs("Emma", "Mm.", "Quiet01"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "...", "Quiet01"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "You're not very talkative, are you?", "Quiet01"); _root.addcs("Emma", "I'm not a chatty person. I'm sorry.", "Quiet01"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "Hmm, what to talk about, what to talk about..", "Quiet01"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "...", "Quiet01"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "Hey, you've got a crush on King Leonard, don't you?", "Quiet01"); _root.addcs("Emma", "W-what?!", "Quiet02"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "Oh, I saw that little blush of yours!", "Quiet02"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "After all, I'm a 'Heart'! Nothing like that ever gets by me!", "Quiet02"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "That is so cool! So, when's the first date? Where do kings take girls for dates, anyway?", "Quiet02"); _root.addcs("Emma", "Marthanne! I- I can't tell King Leonard that I'm -- you know!", "Quiet02"); _root.addcs("Emma", "I'm just a royal guard. I'm not worthy of doing any courting with him.", "Quiet02"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "No way! You have as much chance as anybody else!", "Quiet02"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "Of course, maybe you're just being shy..", "Quiet02"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "Hiding behind all your salutes and 'Yes, your majesties!' and your sense of duty.", "Quiet02"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "Because you are a 'Diamond', after all..", "Quiet02"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "Diamonds get embarassed about expressing their feelings to others.", "Quiet02"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "And they think too much with their head instead of their heart.", "Quiet02"); _root.addcs("Emma", "How I behave with the king is my own business - and that's that!", "Quiet03"); _root.addcs("Emma", "Anyway, you're getting too personal. I just met you a few hours ago.", "Quiet03"); _root.addcs("Emma", "I don't want to talk about it for now.", "Quiet03"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "Hmmm...", "Quiet03"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "Well, we're almost at Greco's capital now. We'll just get to our mission.", "Quiet01"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "But I hope what we're not talking about anymore goes all right for you, Emma!", "Quiet01"); _root.addcs("Emma", "...", "Quiet01"); } _root.gotoCutScene(); }
Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 1
this.TextField6 = ""; hab._rotation = this.rotated;
Symbol 48 Button
on (release) { _root.addcs("Master Peter", "Well! My student has finally been given her first mission.", "Tutorial01"); _root.addcs("Emma", "Master Peter!", "Tutorial02"); _root.addcs("Emma", "Did you come to see me off?", "Tutorial02"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "That's right. I'm impressed you've been admitted to the king's guard at such a young age.", "Tutorial01"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "Before you go, I thought I'd give you some pointers on how to fight.", "Tutorial01"); _root.addcs("Emma", "Master, really! You've drilled it in my head hundreds of times already.", "Tutorial03"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "Nonetheless, I'm sure a refresher would be useful. Here goes!", "Tutorial04"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "When you get into a fight, the first thing you'll have to do is distribute your 'cards'.", "Tutorial05"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "You start with five cards, and you'll need to split them up between your three stats.", "Tutorial05"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "Your three stats are 'ToHit', which determines your chances of landing a blow..", "Tutorial05"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "'Damage', which determines how much damage you'll cause..", "Tutorial05"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "And 'Defense', which determines your chance of avoiding a blow.", "Tutorial05"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "Each card you give to a stat adds its value, plus one die roll to that stat.", "Tutorial05"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "Make sure you divide up your cards properly, giving each stat a proper score!", "Tutorial05"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "You won't have to distribute your cards every fight. If you know where you want them to go..", "Tutorial05"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "You can click on 'Auto Pick' to distribute them the same way you did last fight.", "Tutorial05"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "Finally, if you think you have some bad cards that really need improving on..", "Tutorial05"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "You can click on 'Change' instead of a stat, to swap the card and get a new one in your next fight.", "Tutorial05"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "Of course, that card won't go into your stats for the current fight, so be careful.", "Tutorial05"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "Another wrinkle in choosing your cards is due to something called 'Trumps'.", "Tutorial06"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "The suit of your card can be very important to your combat performance!", "Tutorial06"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "Emma, your 'core trump' is Diamonds. The suit befits your sharp and clear-thinking mind.", "Tutorial06"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "So where you place a Diamond card, that stat goes up two dice instead of one.", "Tutorial06"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "There's also 'move trumps'. Each of your techniques has a certain suit-stat combination..", "Tutorial06"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "Which will award extra dice if you place the right suit in the right stat.", "Tutorial06"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "Finally, fighting itself. The basic rules are this:", "Tutorial07"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "If your 'ToHit' roll beats your opponent's 'Defense' roll, you hit and roll on your 'Damage'.", "Tutorial07"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "Easy, huh? Of course, the technique you choose will have some wrinkles of its own, but that's basically it.", "Tutorial07"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "Your 'ToHit' and 'Defense' added together determines when in the round you'll get to make your move.", "Tutorial07"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "A high score lets you go first - but you might not always want to!", "Tutorial07"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "This is because after you make your move, your 'Defense' score is halved for the rest of the round.", "Tutorial07"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "Try to balance all these factors as best you can when you fight.", "Tutorial04"); _root.addcs("Emma", "Thanks, Master. I guess it's useful to hear all that one more time.", "Tutorial03"); _root.addcs("Master Peter", "Good luck, Emma. I know you'll do well.", "Tutorial01"); _root.mapx =; _root.gotoCutScene(); }
Symbol 49 MovieClip [Castle] Frame 1
while (_root.enc.length != 0) { _root.enc.pop(); } _root.musicbox.playMusic("Castle");
Instance of Symbol 46 MovieClip in Symbol 49 MovieClip [Castle] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { leftorright = "left"; mapname = "Town"; rotated = 0; destination = "Nordin Town"; }
Symbol 51 Button
on (release) { _root.mapx =; _root.addcs("Town Lady", "Now that the bandits are gone, I expanded my business!", "Bystander02"); _root.addcs("Town Lady", "Everyone loves the Nordic look around here, it seems!", "Bystander02"); _root.addcs("Town Lady", "Come stop by my shop anytime!", "Bystander02"); _root.gotoCutScene(); }
Symbol 53 Button
on (release) { _root.mapx =; _root.addcs("President", "The cave was opened up after an avalanche a few days ago.", "Greco01"); _root.addcs("President", "We believe it to be an ancient ruin. If so, there's going to be trouble.", "Greco01"); _root.addcs("President", "Ancient ruins contain evil secrets that will haunt and torment this small country.", "Greco01"); _root.addcs("President", "Please explore the ruin and tell us what you find.", "Greco01"); _root.addcs("Emma", "Yes, sir! I'll take care of it!", "Opening06"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "And I'll help too, Mr. President! There's nothing to worry about!", "Greco04"); _root.gotoCutScene(); }
Symbol 55 Button
on (release) { _root.addcs("Ellis", "Marthanne! Are you going on an adventure?", "Greco02"); _root.addcs("Ellis", "Hey, stay the night over here! You'll need a good rest before you start.", "Greco02"); _root.addcs("", "You have a peaceful sleep.", "BlackScreen"); _root.addcs("Ellis", "Go kick some ass, guys!", "Greco02"); var z; z = 0; while (z < {[z].currenthp =[z].maxhp; z++; } _root.mapx =; _root.gotoCutScene(); }
Symbol 57 Button
on (release) { _root.mapx =; _root.addcs("Greconian", "I would be exploring that mysterious cave myself..", "Greco03"); _root.addcs("Greconian", "But my father won't let me just because he's the president!", "Greco03"); _root.addcs("Greconian", "This sucks.", "Greco03"); _root.gotoCutScene(); }
Symbol 58 MovieClip Frame 1
this.TextField6 = ""; hab._rotation = this.rotated;
Symbol 59 MovieClip [Greco] Frame 1
while (_root.enc.length != 0) { _root.enc.pop(); } _root.musicbox.playMusic("Town");
Instance of Symbol 58 MovieClip in Symbol 59 MovieClip [Greco] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { leftorright = "left"; mapname = "Ruin1"; rotated = 135; destination = "Inside"; }
Symbol 63 Button
on (release) { _root.addcs("Emma", "This is the last door in the ruins. It's so huge..", "Golem01"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "And it's made of shiny new metal. Something's not right about this, Emma.", "Golem01"); _root.addcs("Emma", "H-hey! What's going on?", "Golem02"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "Ohmigod, I hope it's not an earthquake!", "Golem02"); _root.addcs("Emma", "No, it's not! Look! The doors are opening!", "Golem03"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "!!!", "Golem04"); _root.addcs("Emma", "WHAT IS THAT?!", "Golem04"); _root.addcs("Combat", "", ""); _root.addcs("Music", "Eerie", "Eerie"); _root.addcs("Woman", "My lord.. I have some good news and bad news to tell.", "Finale01"); _root.addcs("Man", "I see.", "Finale02"); _root.addcs("Man", "Bad news first.", "Finale02"); _root.addcs("Woman", "One of our crypts in Greco has been breached. They will soon begin suspecting things.", "Finale03"); _root.addcs("Man", "Hrm..", "Finale04"); _root.addcs("Man", "The Spade Council will not be pleased to hear this.", "Finale04"); _root.addcs("Man", "And your good news?", "Finale04"); _root.addcs("Woman", "One of the adventurers who broke into the compound..", "Finale03"); _root.addcs("Woman", "Our oracles have given us reason to believe that she is a 'Diamond'.", "Finale03"); _root.addcs("Man", "A Diamond.. who is an adventurer?", "Finale04"); _root.addcs("Woman", "She's a royal guard of Nordin, Lord Hector.", "Finale03"); _root.addcs("Lord Hector", "Well then. This changes absolutely everything.", "Finale05"); _root.addcs("Lord Hector", "Absolutely EVERYTHING. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!", "Finale05"); _root.addcs(null, null, "ToBeContinued"); _root.addcs("EOF", "", ""); while (0 < _root.combatlist.length) { var trash; trash = _root.combatlist.pop(); delete trash; } var m = _root.monsters[7]; _root.combatlist.push(new _root.Encounterite(, m.hp, m.hp, m.level, m.fullicon, m.idleicon, m.koicon, false)); var j; j = 0; while (j < m.attacks.length) { _root.combatlist[_root.combatlist.length - 1].attacks.push(m.attacks[j]); j++; } i = 0; while (i < { if ([i].isinparty == true) { var c =[i]; _root.combatlist.push(new _root.Encounterite(, c.currenthp, c.maxhp, c.level, c.fullicon, c.idleicon, c.koicon, true)); } i++; } _root.mapx =; _root.gotoCutScene(); }
Symbol 64 MovieClip Frame 1
this.TextField6 = ""; hab._rotation = this.rotated;
Symbol 65 MovieClip [Ruin5] Frame 1
while (_root.enc.length != 0) { _root.enc.pop(); } _root.enc.push([6, 5, 6]); _root.enc.push([5, 5]); _root.enc.push([1, 5]); _root.enc.push([1, 1]); _root.musicbox.playMusic("Eerie");
Instance of Symbol 64 MovieClip in Symbol 65 MovieClip [Ruin5] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { leftorright = "right"; mapname = "Ruin3"; rotated = 180; destination = "Up"; }
Symbol 69 Button
on (release) { this.onClick(); }
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 1
this.TextField6 = ""; hab._rotation = this.rotated;
Symbol 80 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 81 MovieClip [Ruin4] Frame 1
while (_root.enc.length != 0) { _root.enc.pop(); } _root.enc.push([6]); _root.enc.push([6]); _root.enc.push([6]); _root.enc.push([6]); _root.enc.push([6, 6]); _root.musicbox.playMusic("Adventure2"); if (_root.plotpoint == 3) { zgroup._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 70 MovieClip "zgroup" in Symbol 81 MovieClip [Ruin4] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function onClick() { _root.plotpoint = 3; _root.addcs("Combat", "", ""); _root.addcs("Music", "Adventure2", "Adventure2"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "There! I've pulled the switch.", "Switch"); _root.addcs("Emma", "It seems so odd..", "Switch"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "What's odd?", "Switch"); _root.addcs("Emma", "This dungeon seems so.. modern. Gates, metal switches..", "Switch"); _root.addcs("Marthanne", "And the torches are still burning.. yeah, weird!", "Switch"); while (0 < _root.combatlist.length) { var trash; trash = _root.combatlist.pop(); delete trash; } var m = _root.monsters[5]; _root.combatlist.push(new _root.Encounterite(, m.hp, m.hp, m.level, m.fullicon, m.idleicon, m.koicon, false)); var j; j = 0; while (j < m.attacks.length) { _root.combatlist[_root.combatlist.length - 1].attacks.push(m.attacks[j]); j++; } m = _root.monsters[5]; _root.combatlist.push(new _root.Encounterite(, m.hp, m.hp, m.level, m.fullicon, m.idleicon, m.koicon, false)); j = 0; while (j < m.attacks.length) { _root.combatlist[_root.combatlist.length - 1].attacks.push(m.attacks[j]); j++; } m = _root.monsters[5]; _root.combatlist.push(new _root.Encounterite(, m.hp, m.hp, m.level, m.fullicon, m.idleicon, m.koicon, false)); j = 0; while (j < m.attacks.length) { _root.combatlist[_root.combatlist.length - 1].attacks.push(m.attacks[j]); j++; } i = 0; while (i < { if ([i].isinparty == true) { var c =[i]; _root.combatlist.push(new _root.Encounterite(, c.currenthp, c.maxhp, c.level, c.fullicon, c.idleicon, c.koicon, true)); } i++; } _root.mapx =; _root.gotoCutScene(); } }
Instance of Symbol 71 MovieClip in Symbol 81 MovieClip [Ruin4] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { leftorright = "right"; mapname = "Ruin2"; rotated = 0; destination = "Up"; }
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 1
this.TextField6 = ""; hab._rotation = this.rotated;
Symbol 86 MovieClip Frame 1
this.TextField6 = ""; hab._rotation = this.rotated;
Symbol 89 Button
on (release) { lightswap(light1); lightswap(light5); lightswap(light2); lightconfirm(); }
Symbol 90 Button
on (release) { lightswap(light1); lightswap(light2); lightswap(light3); lightconfirm(); }
Symbol 91 Button
on (release) { lightswap(light2); lightswap(light3); lightswap(light4); lightconfirm(); }
Symbol 92 Button
on (release) { lightswap(light3); lightswap(light4); lightswap(light5); lightconfirm(); }
Symbol 93 Button
on (release) { lightswap(light1); lightswap(light4); lightswap(light5); lightconfirm(); }
Symbol 96 MovieClip [Ruin3] Frame 1
function lightswap(obj) { if (obj._visible == false) { obj._visible = true; } else { obj._visible = false; } } function lightconfirm() { if (((((light1._visible == true) && (light2._visible == true)) && (light3._visible == true)) && (light4._visible == true)) && (light5._visible == true)) { pitbridge._visible = true; inbridge._visible = true; } else { pitbridge._visible = false; inbridge._visible = false; } } while (_root.enc.length != 0) { _root.enc.pop(); } _root.enc.push([1, 0]); _root.enc.push([1]); _root.enc.push([1, 5]); _root.musicbox.playMusic("Eerie"); pitbridge._visible = false; inbridge._visible = false; light1._visible = false; light2._visible = false; light3._visible = false; light4._visible = false; light5._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 85 MovieClip "inbridge" in Symbol 96 MovieClip [Ruin3] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { leftorright = "left"; mapname = "Ruin5"; rotated = 0; destination = "In"; }
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip in Symbol 96 MovieClip [Ruin3] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { leftorright = "right"; mapname = "Ruin2"; rotated = 180; destination = "Back"; }
Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 1
this.TextField6 = ""; hab._rotation = this.rotated;
Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 1
this.TextField6 = ""; hab._rotation = this.rotated;
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 1
this.TextField6 = ""; hab._rotation = this.rotated;
Symbol 103 MovieClip [Ruin2] Frame 1
while (_root.enc.length != 0) { _root.enc.pop(); } _root.enc.push([5, 5]); _root.enc.push([5, 6]); _root.enc.push([4, 6]); _root.enc.push([1]); _root.enc.push([0, 0]); _root.musicbox.playMusic("Adventure2"); if (_root.plotpoint == 3) { gateopen._visible = true; gate._visible = false; } else { gateopen._visible = false; gate._visible = true; }
Instance of Symbol 98 MovieClip in Symbol 103 MovieClip [Ruin2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { leftorright = "right"; mapname = "Ruin4"; rotated = 0; destination = "Deeper"; }
Instance of Symbol 99 MovieClip in Symbol 103 MovieClip [Ruin2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { leftorright = "right"; mapname = "Ruin1"; rotated = 0; destination = "Outward"; }
Instance of Symbol 100 MovieClip "gateopen" in Symbol 103 MovieClip [Ruin2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { leftorright = "left"; mapname = "Ruin3"; rotated = 0; destination = "Downward"; }
Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 1
this.TextField6 = ""; hab._rotation = this.rotated;
Symbol 106 MovieClip Frame 1
this.TextField6 = ""; hab._rotation = this.rotated;
Symbol 107 MovieClip [Ruin1] Frame 1
while (_root.enc.length != 0) { _root.enc.pop(); } _root.enc.push([0, 0]); _root.enc.push([6]); _root.enc.push([0, 6]); _root.enc.push([4, 6]); _root.enc.push([6, 6]); _root.musicbox.playMusic("Adventure2");
Instance of Symbol 105 MovieClip in Symbol 107 MovieClip [Ruin1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { leftorright = "right"; mapname = "Greco"; rotated = 350; destination = "Greco"; }
Instance of Symbol 106 MovieClip in Symbol 107 MovieClip [Ruin1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { leftorright = "left"; mapname = "Ruin2"; rotated = 0; destination = "Deeper"; }
Symbol 117 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 1
ifFrameLoaded (4) { _root.gotoAndStop(3); }
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 126 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (4); }
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.loading.setPercentage(int((_root._framesloaded / _root._totalframes) * 100));
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 133 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 138 Button
on (release) { _root.nextscene(); }
Symbol 139 MovieClip Frame 1
function setPercentage(amt) { this.TextField = ("LOADING: " + amt) + "%"; if (amt == 100) { gotoAndStop (2); } } stop();
Symbol 146 Button
on (release) { pretext.scroll = pretext.scroll - 2; }
Symbol 147 Button
on (release) { pretext.scroll = pretext.scroll + 2; }
Symbol 155 Button
on (release) { this.onSet(this.left); }
Symbol 158 Button
on (release) { this.onSet(this.farleft); }
Symbol 161 Button
on (release) { this.onSet(this.sstop); }
Symbol 164 Button
on (release) { this.onSet(this.farright); }
Symbol 167 Button
on (release) { this.onSet(this.right); }
Symbol 176 Button
on (release) { if (0 < _root.healpotions) { _root.healpotions--; itemusage = 1; gotoAndStop (5); } }
Symbol 178 Button
on (release) { if (0 < _root.ptokens) { _root.ptokens--; itemusage = 2; gotoAndStop (5); } }
Symbol 180 Button
on (release) { if (0 < _root.itokens) { _root.itokens--; itemusage = 3; gotoAndStop (5); } }
Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 200 Button
on (release) { trace("Click."); if (this.target1._visible == true) { trace("Test is true."); this.activate_item(itemusage, thetarget1); } }
Symbol 201 Button
on (release) { if (this.target2._visible == true) { this.activate_item(itemusage, thetarget2); } }
Symbol 202 Button
on (release) { if (this.target3._visible == true) { this.activate_item(itemusage, thetarget3); } }
Symbol 203 MovieClip Frame 1
function activate_item(it, pindex) { trace("Reached activate_item."); trace("it is:" + it); trace("Char is:" +[pindex].name); if (it == 1) {[pindex].currenthp =[pindex].currenthp + 20; if ([pindex].maxhp <[pindex].currenthp) {[pindex].currenthp =[pindex].maxhp; } _root.renderStats(); } if (it == 2) {[pindex].ptoken =[pindex].ptoken + (2 *[pindex].level); _root.renderStats(); } if (it == 3) {[pindex].itoken =[pindex].itoken + (2 *[pindex].level); _root.renderStats(); } trace("About to enter gotoAndStop"); gotoAndStop (1); } stop(); this.itemusage = 0; tfGoldCount = "Gold: " +; tfHealPotions = _root.healpotions; tfPTokens = _root.ptokens; tfITokens = _root.itokens;
Symbol 203 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); this.target1._visible = false; this.target2._visible = false; this.target3._visible = false; this.thetarget1 = -1; this.thetarget2 = -1; this.thetarget3 = -1; partysofar = 0; var z; z = 0; while (z < { if ([z].isinparty == true) { partysofar++; eval ("" + partysofar)._visible = true; eval ("" + partysofar).gotoAndStop([z].fullicon); Set("this.thetarget" + partysofar, z); } z++; }
Symbol 205 MovieClip Frame 1
var a; var truex; a = _root.mpanel.mvalue; = - a; truex = - int( / 2); if (-1 < truex) { = int( / 2); _root.mpanel.onSet(0); } if (551 >= (truex + { = 550 - int( / 2); _root.mpanel.onSet(0); } if ((a < 0) && (0 < _root.walker._xscale)) { _root.walker._xscale = _root.walker._xscale * -1; } if ((a >= 0) && (_root.walker._xscale < 0)) { _root.walker._xscale = _root.walker._xscale * -1; }
Symbol 205 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 1
if (((random(12) == 1) && (_root.mpanel.mvalue != 0)) && (_root.enc.length != 0)) { var encno; encno = random(_root.enc.length); trace(encno); trace(_root.enc[encno]); while (0 < _root.combatlist.length) { var trash; trash = _root.combatlist.pop(); delete trash; } var i; i = 0; while (i < _root.enc[encno].length) { var m = _root.monsters[_root.enc[encno][i]]; _root.combatlist.push(new _root.Encounterite(, m.hp, m.hp, m.level, m.fullicon, m.idleicon, m.koicon, false)); trace("Add monster:" +; var j; j = 0; while (j < m.attacks.length) { _root.combatlist[_root.combatlist.length - 1].attacks.push(m.attacks[j]); j++; } i++; } i = 0; while (i < { if ([i].isinparty == true) { var c =[i]; _root.combatlist.push(new _root.Encounterite(, c.currenthp, c.maxhp, c.level, c.fullicon, c.idleicon, c.koicon, true)); trace("Add char:" +; } i++; } var z; trace("Combatlist Length: " + _root.combatlist.length); z = 0; while (z < _root.combatlist.length) { var aname = _root.combatlist[z].name; trace("Combatlist Name: " + aname); z++; } _root.mapx =; _root.backto = "Travelling"; _root.gotoFightScene(); }
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 1
function playMusic(title) { if (title != _root.musicplaying) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(title); _root.musicplaying = title; } } stop();
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 220 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 2) { = - 2; _root.itokens++; } goldcount = ("your gold: " + + " gp"; }
Symbol 221 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 2) { = - 2; _root.ptokens++; } goldcount = ("your gold: " + + " gp"; }
Symbol 222 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 1) {; _root.healpotions++; } goldcount = ("your gold: " + + " gp"; }
Symbol 226 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 246 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 247 MovieClip Frame 1
function setSuit(type) { this.suit._visible = true; this.suit.gotoAndStop(type); } function setValue(amt) { this.TextField0 = amt; } this.suit._visible = false; this.TextField0 = " ";
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 13
democard.setSuit(1); democard.setValue(6); stop();
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 55
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 56
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 57
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 58
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 59
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 100
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 101
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 102
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 103
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 130
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 131
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 155
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 156
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 210
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 211
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 212
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 240
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 241
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 242
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 243
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 270
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 271
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 272
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 273
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 274
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 275
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 276
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 277
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 278
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 279
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 340
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 341
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 343
gotoAndPlay (342);
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 390
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 430
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 455
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 456
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 457
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 458
Symbol 336 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 337 MovieClip Frame 1
function playMusic(title) { if (title != _root.musicplaying) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(title); _root.musicplaying = title; } } stop();
Symbol 337 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 337 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 337 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 337 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 337 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 368 MovieClip Frame 1
function setSuit(type) { this.suit._visible = true; this.suit.gotoAndStop(type); } function setValue(amt) { this.TextField0 = amt; } this.suit._visible = false; this.TextField0 = " ";
Symbol 374 Button
on (release) { if (buttonson == true) { _root.card_set(1); tfAuto = "no auto"; _root.greymark._visible = true; } }
Symbol 375 Button
on (release) { if (buttonson == true) { _root.card_set(3); tfAuto = "no auto"; _root.greymark._visible = true; } }
Symbol 376 Button
on (release) { if (buttonson == true) { _root.card_set(2); tfAuto = "no auto"; _root.greymark._visible = true; } }
Symbol 377 Button
on (release) { if (buttonson == true) { _root.card_set(4); tfAuto = "no auto"; _root.greymark._visible = true; } }
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 379 Button
on (release) { if (buttonson == true) { if (tfAuto == "auto pick") { _root.auto_pick(); } } }
Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndStop(random(3) + 11);
Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 15
gotoAndStop(random(2) + 16);
Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 50
Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 56
Symbol 465 MovieClip Frame 1
function setMessage(msg) { trace("At setMessage"); message = msg; message2 = msg; }
Symbol 466 MovieClip Frame 1
function red_show(msg) { trace("At Red show"); this.messageholder.setMessage(msg); gotoAndPlay (2); } function green_show(msg) { trace("At Green Show"); this.messageholder.setMessage(msg); gotoAndPlay (13); } function purple_show(msg) { trace("At purple show"); this.messageholder.setMessage(msg); gotoAndPlay (24); } this.messageholder.setMessage(""); stop();
Symbol 466 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 466 MovieClip Frame 23
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 466 MovieClip Frame 24
this.messageholder.message2 = "";
Symbol 466 MovieClip Frame 34
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 474 Button
on (release) { this.techindex--; if (this.techindex < 0) { this.techindex = 0; } this.new_index(_root.currentperson, this.techindex); }
Symbol 475 Button
on (release) { this.techindex++; if (this.techindex == _root.combatlist[_root.currentperson].attacks.length) { this.techindex--; } this.new_index(_root.currentperson, this.techindex); }
Symbol 476 Button
on (release) { trace("Clicked button 1."); if (this.target1._visible == true) { _root.chose_intention(this.techindex, tvar1); } }
Symbol 477 Button
on (release) { if (this.target2._visible == true) { _root.chose_intention(this.techindex, tvar2); } }
Symbol 478 Button
on (release) { if (this.target3._visible == true) { _root.chose_intention(this.techindex, tvar3); } }
Symbol 479 MovieClip Frame 1
function new_index(person, tech) { this.personindex = person; this.techindex = tech; var thename; thename = _root.combatlist[person].name; var partyindex; partyindex = 0; var y; y = 0; while (y < { if ([y].name == thename) { partyindex = y; } y++; } var tek; tek =[partyindex].techniques[tech]; this.tfTechName =; if (tek.trump != 0) { this.techsuit.gotoAndStop(tek.trump); this.techsuit._visible = true; } else { this.techsuit._visible = false; } this.tfHowTrump = "No Trump"; if (tek.trumpk == 2) { this.tfHowTrump = "To Hit"; } if (tek.trumpk == 3) { this.tfHowTrump = "Damage"; } if (tek.trumpk == 4) { this.tfHowTrump = "Defense"; } tfTechNotes = ""; if (tek.hita != 0) { if (0 < tek.hita) { tfTechNotes = tfTechNotes + "+"; } tfTechNotes = tfTechNotes + (tek.hita + "D To Hit."); } if (tek.dama != 0) { if (0 < tek.dama) { tfTechNotes = tfTechNotes + "+"; } tfTechNotes = tfTechNotes + (tek.dama + "D Damage."); } if (tek.defa != 0) { if (0 < tek.defa) { tfTechNotes = tfTechNotes + "+"; } tfTechNotes = tfTechNotes + (tek.defa + "D Defense."); } if (tek.rule == 1) { tfTechNotes = tfTechNotes + "Heals."; } if (tek.rule == 3) { tfTechNotes = tfTechNotes + "Can Poison."; } if (tek.rule == 4) { tfTechNotes = tfTechNotes + "Can Stun."; } if (tek.rule == 5) { tfTechNotes = tfTechNotes + "Reduces ToHit."; } if (tek.rule == 6) { tfTechNotes = tfTechNotes + "Reduces Damage."; } if (tek.rule == 7) { tfTechNotes = tfTechNotes + "Reduces Defense."; } if (tek.rule == 8) { tfTechNotes = tfTechNotes + "Can Critical."; } if (tek.rule == 9) { tfTechNotes = tfTechNotes + "Powers Up."; } var seekinggood; if (tek.rule == 1) { seekinggood = true; } else { seekinggood = false; } var tsofar = 0; var z; target1._visible = false; target2._visible = false; target3._visible = false; this.tvar1 = -1; this.tvar2 = -1; this.tvar3 = -1; z = 0; while (z < _root.combatlist.length) { if ((_root.combatlist[z].isgood == seekinggood) && (0 < _root.combatlist[z].hp)) { tsofar++; eval ("target" + tsofar)._visible = true; eval ("target" + tsofar).gotoAndStop(_root.combatlist[z].idleicon); Set("tvar" + tsofar, z); } z++; } } this.personindex = 0; this.techindex = 0; this.tvar1 = -1; this.tvar2 = -1; this.tvar3 = -1; new_index(_root.currentperson, 0);
Symbol 481 Button
on (release) { _root.backtostart(); }
Symbol 485 Button
on (release) { if (_root.cs.length == 0) { gotoAndStop (5); } else { gotoAndPlay (7); } }

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:13
Symbol 2 GraphicUsed by:5
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:5
Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:5
Symbol 5 ButtonUses:2 3 4Used by:6
Symbol 6 MovieClipUses:5Used by:9 15 20 21 22 40 41 46 58 64 71 85 86 98 99 100 105 106
Symbol 7 FontUsed by:8 381 382 383 384 385 483 486
Symbol 8 EditableTextUses:7Used by:9 15 20 21 22 40 41 46 58 64 71 85 86 98 99 100 105 106
Symbol 9 MovieClipUses:6 8Used by:13
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:11 196 331
Symbol 11 ButtonUses:10Used by:12
Symbol 12 MovieClipUses:11Used by:13
Symbol 13 MovieClip [RedForest]Uses:1 9 12
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:18
Symbol 15 MovieClipUses:6 8Used by:18
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:17 331
Symbol 17 ButtonUses:16Used by:18
Symbol 18 MovieClip [Forest2]Uses:14 15 17
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 20 MovieClipUses:6 8Used by:23
Symbol 21 MovieClipUses:6 8Used by:23
Symbol 22 MovieClipUses:6 8Used by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClip [Forest1]Uses:19 20 21 22
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:42
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:42 331
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:42 331
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:42 331
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:29 331
Symbol 29 ButtonUses:28Used by:42
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:31
Symbol 31 ButtonUses:30Used by:42
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:33
Symbol 33 ButtonUses:32Used by:42 59
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:35 331
Symbol 35 ButtonUses:34Used by:42
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:37 331
Symbol 37 ButtonUses:36Used by:42
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:39 51 331  Timeline
Symbol 39 ButtonUses:38Used by:42
Symbol 40 MovieClipUses:6 8Used by:42
Symbol 41 MovieClipUses:6 8Used by:42
Symbol 42 MovieClip [Town]Uses:24 25 26 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 40 41
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:49
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 45 ButtonUses:44Used by:49
Symbol 46 MovieClipUses:6 8Used by:49
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:48 331
Symbol 48 ButtonUses:47Used by:49
Symbol 49 MovieClip [Castle]Uses:43 45 46 48
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:59
Symbol 51 ButtonUses:38Used by:59
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:53 331
Symbol 53 ButtonUses:52Used by:59
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:55 331
Symbol 55 ButtonUses:54Used by:59
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:57 331
Symbol 57 ButtonUses:56Used by:59
Symbol 58 MovieClipUses:6 8Used by:59
Symbol 59 MovieClip [Greco]Uses:50 33 51 53 55 57 58
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:65 81 96 103 107
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 63 ButtonUses:62Used by:65
Symbol 64 MovieClipUses:6 8Used by:65
Symbol 65 MovieClip [Ruin5]Uses:60 61 63 64
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:69
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:69 196
Symbol 69 ButtonUses:67 68Used by:70
Symbol 70 MovieClipUses:69Used by:81
Symbol 71 MovieClipUses:6 8Used by:81
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:80
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:80
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:80
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:80
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:80
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:80
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:80
Symbol 79 GraphicUsed by:80
Symbol 80 MovieClipUses:72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79Used by:81 103 107
Symbol 81 MovieClip [Ruin4]Uses:66 61 70 71 80
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:96
Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:84
Symbol 84 MovieClipUses:83Used by:96
Symbol 85 MovieClipUses:6 8Used by:96
Symbol 86 MovieClipUses:6 8Used by:96
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:96
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:89 90 91 92 93
Symbol 89 ButtonUses:88Used by:96
Symbol 90 ButtonUses:88Used by:96
Symbol 91 ButtonUses:88Used by:96
Symbol 92 ButtonUses:88Used by:96
Symbol 93 ButtonUses:88Used by:96
Symbol 94 GraphicUsed by:95
Symbol 95 MovieClipUses:94Used by:96
Symbol 96 MovieClip [Ruin3]Uses:82 61 84 85 86 87 89 90 91 92 93 95
Symbol 97 GraphicUsed by:103 107
Symbol 98 MovieClipUses:6 8Used by:103
Symbol 99 MovieClipUses:6 8Used by:103
Symbol 100 MovieClipUses:6 8Used by:103
Symbol 101 GraphicUsed by:102
Symbol 102 MovieClipUses:101Used by:103
Symbol 103 MovieClip [Ruin2]Uses:97 61 98 99 100 102 80
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:107
Symbol 105 MovieClipUses:6 8Used by:107
Symbol 106 MovieClipUses:6 8Used by:107
Symbol 107 MovieClip [Ruin1]Uses:97 104 61 105 106 80
Symbol 108 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 109 FontUsed by:110 111 112 114 122 123 124 125 137 141 170 171 172 174 181 182 183 257 259 261 339 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 369 380 463 464 480 482 484 487 488 489
Symbol 110 TextUses:109Used by:Timeline
Symbol 111 TextUses:109Used by:Timeline
Symbol 112 TextUses:109Used by:Timeline
Symbol 113 GraphicUsed by:117
Symbol 114 TextUses:109Used by:117
Symbol 115 GraphicUsed by:117
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:117
Symbol 117 MovieClipUses:113 114 115 116Used by:Timeline
Symbol 118 GraphicUsed by:120
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:120
Symbol 120 MovieClipUses:118 119Used by:Timeline
Symbol 121 GraphicUsed by:126 138
Symbol 122 TextUses:109Used by:126 138
Symbol 123 TextUses:109Used by:126 138
Symbol 124 TextUses:109Used by:126 138
Symbol 125 TextUses:109Used by:126 138
Symbol 126 ButtonUses:121 122 123 124 125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 127 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:129
Symbol 129 MovieClipUses:128Used by:Timeline
Symbol 130 GraphicUsed by:133
Symbol 131 GraphicUsed by:133
Symbol 132 GraphicUsed by:133
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Symbol 165 GraphicUsed by:167
Symbol 166 GraphicUsed by:167
Symbol 167 ButtonUses:165 166Used by:168
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Symbol 171 EditableTextUses:109Used by:Timeline
Symbol 172 EditableTextUses:109Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 190 GraphicUsed by:196
Symbol 191 GraphicUsed by:196
Symbol 192 GraphicUsed by:196 331
Symbol 193 GraphicUsed by:196
Symbol 194 GraphicUsed by:196
Symbol 195 GraphicUsed by:196
Symbol 196 MovieClipUses:184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 10 193 68 194 195Used by:203  Timeline
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Symbol 201 ButtonUses:197 198 199Used by:203
Symbol 202 ButtonUses:197 198 199Used by:203
Symbol 203 MovieClipUses:173 174 176 178 180 181 182 183 196 200 201 202Used by:Timeline
Symbol 204 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 205 MovieClipUses:204Used by:Timeline
Symbol 206 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 207 MovieClipUses:206Used by:Timeline
Symbol 208 MovieClipUses:177Used by:Timeline
Symbol 209 MovieClipUses:179Used by:Timeline
Symbol 210 GraphicUsed by:216 337
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Symbol 212 SoundUsed by:216 337
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Symbol 215 SoundUsed by:216 337
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Symbol 221 ButtonUses:177Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 224 TextUses:218Used by:Timeline
Symbol 225 TextUses:218Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 230 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 231 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 232 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 233 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 234 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 235 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 236 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 237 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 238 GraphicUsed by:331
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Symbol 249 TextUses:218Used by:331
Symbol 250 TextUses:218Used by:331
Symbol 251 TextUses:218Used by:331
Symbol 252 FontUsed by:253 254 255 256 260
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Symbol 254 TextUses:252Used by:331
Symbol 255 TextUses:252Used by:331
Symbol 256 TextUses:252Used by:331
Symbol 257 TextUses:109Used by:331
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Symbol 259 TextUses:109Used by:331
Symbol 260 TextUses:252Used by:331
Symbol 261 TextUses:109Used by:331
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Symbol 265 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 266 GraphicUsed by:331
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Symbol 269 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 270 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 271 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 272 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 273 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 274 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 275 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 276 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 277 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 278 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 279 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 280 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 281 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 282 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 283 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 284 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 285 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 286 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 287 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 288 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 289 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 290 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 291 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 292 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 293 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 294 FontUsed by:142 295 296 324 457 458 459 460 461 462 472 473
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Symbol 296 TextUses:294Used by:331
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Symbol 298 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 299 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 300 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 301 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 302 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 303 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 304 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 305 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 306 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 307 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 308 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 309 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 310 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 311 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 312 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 313 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 314 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 315 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 316 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 317 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 318 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 319 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 320 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 321 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 322 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 323 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 324 TextUses:294Used by:331
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Symbol 326 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 327 GraphicUsed by:331
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Symbol 331 MovieClipUses:227 228 34 38 36 229 230 231 28 232 16 233 47 234 235 236 237 238 247 248 249 250 251 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 263 264 25 26 27 265 266 267 268 192 269 270 271 272 273 10 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 295 296 297 52 298 54 299 56 185 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 150 327 328 329 330Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 341 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 342 TextUses:109Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 344 EditableTextUses:109Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 359 EditableTextUses:109Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 371 EditableTextUses:134Used by:Timeline
Symbol 372 EditableTextUses:134Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 375 ButtonUses:143 144 145Used by:Timeline
Symbol 376 ButtonUses:143 144 145Used by:Timeline
Symbol 377 ButtonUses:143 144 145Used by:Timeline
Symbol 378 MovieClipUses:242 243 244 245Used by:479  Timeline
Symbol 379 ButtonUses:143 144 145Used by:Timeline
Symbol 380 TextUses:109Used by:Timeline
Symbol 381 TextUses:7Used by:Timeline
Symbol 382 TextUses:7Used by:Timeline
Symbol 383 TextUses:7Used by:Timeline
Symbol 384 TextUses:7Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 392 GraphicUsed by:456
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Symbol 396 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 397 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 398 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 399 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 400 GraphicUsed by:456
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Symbol 402 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 403 GraphicUsed by:456
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Symbol 405 GraphicUsed by:456
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Symbol 408 GraphicUsed by:456
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Symbol 415 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 416 GraphicUsed by:456
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Symbol 418 GraphicUsed by:456
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Symbol 422 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 423 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 424 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 425 GraphicUsed by:456
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Symbol 427 GraphicUsed by:456
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Symbol 436 GraphicUsed by:456
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Symbol 438 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 439 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 440 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 441 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 442 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 443 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 444 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 445 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 446 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 447 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 448 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 449 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 450 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 451 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 452 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 453 GraphicUsed by:456
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Symbol 455 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 456 MovieClipUses:390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455Used by:479  Timeline
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Symbol 459 EditableTextUses:294Used by:Timeline
Symbol 460 EditableTextUses:294Used by:Timeline
Symbol 461 EditableTextUses:294Used by:Timeline
Symbol 462 EditableTextUses:294Used by:Timeline
Symbol 463 EditableTextUses:109Used by:465
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Symbol 465 MovieClipUses:463 464Used by:466
Symbol 466 MovieClipUses:465Used by:Timeline
Symbol 467 EditableTextUses:134Used by:Timeline
Symbol 468 EditableTextUses:134Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 472 EditableTextUses:294Used by:479
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Symbol 474 ButtonUses:143 144 145Used by:479
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Symbol 476 ButtonUses:197 198 199Used by:479
Symbol 477 ButtonUses:197 198 199Used by:479
Symbol 478 ButtonUses:197 198 199Used by:479
Symbol 479 MovieClipUses:469 456 378 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478Used by:Timeline
Symbol 480 TextUses:109Used by:Timeline
Symbol 481 ButtonUses:143 144 145Used by:Timeline
Symbol 482 TextUses:109Used by:Timeline
Symbol 483 EditableTextUses:7Used by:Timeline
Symbol 484 TextUses:109Used by:Timeline
Symbol 485 ButtonUses:143 144 145Used by:Timeline
Symbol 486 TextUses:7Used by:Timeline
Symbol 487 TextUses:109Used by:Timeline
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Instance Names

"ploading"Frame 1Symbol 117 MovieClip
"loading"Frame 4Symbol 139 MovieClip
"map"Frame 5Symbol 149 MovieClip
"walker"Frame 5Symbol 151 MovieClip
"mpanel"Frame 5Symbol 168 MovieClip
"itempanel"Frame 5Symbol 203 MovieClip
"em"Frame 5Symbol 207 MovieClip
"pt1"Frame 5Symbol 208 MovieClip
"pt2"Frame 5Symbol 208 MovieClip
"pt3"Frame 5Symbol 208 MovieClip
"it1"Frame 5Symbol 209 MovieClip
"it2"Frame 5Symbol 209 MovieClip
"it3"Frame 5Symbol 209 MovieClip
"musicbox"Frame 5Symbol 216 MovieClip
"csplayer"Frame 7Symbol 331 MovieClip
"bluemask"Frame 7Symbol 333 MovieClip
"musicbox"Frame 7Symbol 337 MovieClip
"good3"Frame 35Symbol 196 MovieClip
"good2"Frame 35Symbol 196 MovieClip
"good1"Frame 35Symbol 196 MovieClip
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"evil2"Frame 35Symbol 196 MovieClip
"evil1"Frame 35Symbol 196 MovieClip
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"trumpsuit"Frame 102Symbol 378 MovieClip
"greymark"Frame 102Symbol 387 MovieClip
"fullleft"Frame 115Symbol 196 MovieClip
"fullright"Frame 115Symbol 196 MovieClip
"iconleft"Frame 115Symbol 456 MovieClip
"iconright"Frame 115Symbol 456 MovieClip
"damleft"Frame 115Symbol 466 MovieClip
"damright"Frame 115Symbol 466 MovieClip
"intentionconsole"Frame 115Symbol 479 MovieClip
"vpic"Frame 188Symbol 133 MovieClip
"hab"Symbol 9 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip
"bcamp"Symbol 13 MovieClip [RedForest] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"hab"Symbol 15 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip
"hab"Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip
"hab"Symbol 21 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip
"hab"Symbol 22 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip
"special"Symbol 23 MovieClip [Forest1] Frame 1Symbol 22 MovieClip
"hab"Symbol 40 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip
"hab"Symbol 41 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip
"hab"Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip
"hab"Symbol 58 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip
"hab"Symbol 64 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip
"hab"Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip
"zgroup"Symbol 81 MovieClip [Ruin4] Frame 1Symbol 70 MovieClip
"hab"Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip
"hab"Symbol 86 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip
"pitbridge"Symbol 96 MovieClip [Ruin3] Frame 1Symbol 84 MovieClip
"inbridge"Symbol 96 MovieClip [Ruin3] Frame 1Symbol 85 MovieClip
"light1"Symbol 96 MovieClip [Ruin3] Frame 1Symbol 95 MovieClip
"light2"Symbol 96 MovieClip [Ruin3] Frame 1Symbol 95 MovieClip
"light3"Symbol 96 MovieClip [Ruin3] Frame 1Symbol 95 MovieClip
"light4"Symbol 96 MovieClip [Ruin3] Frame 1Symbol 95 MovieClip
"light5"Symbol 96 MovieClip [Ruin3] Frame 1Symbol 95 MovieClip
"hab"Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip
"hab"Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip
"hab"Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip
"gateopen"Symbol 103 MovieClip [Ruin2] Frame 1Symbol 100 MovieClip
"gate"Symbol 103 MovieClip [Ruin2] Frame 1Symbol 102 MovieClip
"hab"Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip
"hab"Symbol 106 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip
"target1"Symbol 203 MovieClip Frame 5Symbol 196 MovieClip
"target2"Symbol 203 MovieClip Frame 5Symbol 196 MovieClip
"target3"Symbol 203 MovieClip Frame 5Symbol 196 MovieClip
"suit"Symbol 247 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 246 MovieClip
"democard"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 12Symbol 247 MovieClip
"suit"Symbol 368 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 246 MovieClip
"messageholder"Symbol 466 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 465 MovieClip
"target1"Symbol 479 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 456 MovieClip
"target2"Symbol 479 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 456 MovieClip
"target3"Symbol 479 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 456 MovieClip
"techsuit"Symbol 479 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 378 MovieClip

Special Tags

ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 13 as "RedForest"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 42 as "Town"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 49 as "Castle"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 59 as "Greco"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 65 as "Ruin5"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 81 as "Ruin4"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 96 as "Ruin3"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 107 as "Ruin1"


"Emma"Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 1
"Marthanne"Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 2
"Hiro"Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 3
"Mushroom"Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 4
"EvilMushroom"Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 5
"Felicia"Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 6
"Bandit"Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 7
"Assassin"Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 8
"MadDog"Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 9
"Cryptos"Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 10
"Golem"Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 11
"Skarab"Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 12
"Adventure1"Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 5
"Adventure2"Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 6
"Castle"Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 7
"Town"Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 8
"Eerie"Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 9
"BlackScreen"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 1
"Bystander01"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 2
"Bystander02"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 3
"Bystander03"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 4
"InnKeep"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 5
"TownFountain"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 6
"Fireside"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 7
"Tutorial01"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 8
"Tutorial02"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 9
"Tutorial03"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 10
"Tutorial04"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 11
"Tutorial05"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 12
"Tutorial06"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 14
"Tutorial07"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 15
"Opening01"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 16
"Opening02"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 17
"Opening03"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 18
"Opening04"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 19
"Opening05"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 20
"Opening06"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 21
"Camp01"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 56
"Camp02"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 57
"Camp03"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 58
"Camp04"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 59
"Camp05"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 60
"Camp06"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 101
"Camp07"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 102
"Camp08"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 103
"Camp09"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 104
"Camp10"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 131
"Camp11"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 156
"Camp12"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 157
"Camp13"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 211
"Camp14"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 212
"Absalom"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 213
"Greco01"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 241
"Greco02"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 242
"Greco03"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 243
"Greco04"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 244
"Switch"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 271
"Revisit01"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 272
"Revisit02"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 273
"Revisit03"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 274
"Revisit04"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 275
"Finale01"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 276
"Finale02"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 277
"Finale03"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 278
"Finale04"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 279
"Finale05"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 280
"Golem01"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 341
"Golem02"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 342
"Golem03"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 344
"Golem04"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 391
"ToBeContinued"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 431
"Quiet01"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 456
"Quiet02"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 457
"Quiet03"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 458
"Adventure1"Symbol 337 MovieClip Frame 5
"Adventure2"Symbol 337 MovieClip Frame 6
"Castle"Symbol 337 MovieClip Frame 7
"Town"Symbol 337 MovieClip Frame 8
"Eerie"Symbol 337 MovieClip Frame 9
"Emma01"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 1
"Emma02"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 2
"EmmaIdle"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 3
"Emma04"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 5
"Emma03"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 6
"EmmaKO"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 7
"MarthanneIdle"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 8
"MarthanneKO"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 9
"Marthanne03"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 10
"Marthanne02"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 14
"Marthanne01"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 15
"Marthanne04"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 18
"HiroIdle"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 25
"HiroKO"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 26
"Hiro02"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 27
"Hiro03"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 28
"Hiro01"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 29
"Hiro04"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 30
"MushroomIdle"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 31
"Mushroom01"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 33
"Mushroom02"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 34
"MushroomKO"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 35
"EvilMushroomIdle"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 36
"EvilMushroom01"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 37
"EvilMushroom02"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 38
"EvilMushroomKO"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 39
"BanditIdle"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 40
"BanditKO"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 41
"Bandit01"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 42
"AssassinIdle"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 43
"AssassinKO"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 44
"Assassin01"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 45
"Assassin02"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 46
"MadDogIdle"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 47
"MadDogKO"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 48
"MadDog01"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 49
"MadDog02"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 50
"CryptosIdle"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 57
"CryptosKO"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 58
"Cryptos01"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 59
"Cryptos02"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 60
"SkarabIdle"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 61
"Skarab01"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 62
"SkarabKO"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 63
"GolemIdle"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 64
"GolemKO"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 65
"Golem01"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 66
"Golem02"Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 67

Dynamic Text Variables

TextField6Symbol 8 EditableText"test"
TextFieldSymbol 137 EditableText"LOADING: 0%"
pretextSymbol 142 EditableText"<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE="18" COLOR="#FFFFFF">Testing...</FONT></P>"
party1Symbol 170 EditableText"Party One Line"
party2Symbol 171 EditableText"Party Two Line"
party3Symbol 172 EditableText"Party Three Line"
tfGoldCountSymbol 174 EditableText"Gold: X"
tfHealPotionsSymbol 181 EditableText"1"
tfPTokensSymbol 182 EditableText"2"
tfITokensSymbol 183 EditableText"0"
goldcountSymbol 219 EditableText"your gold: x GP"
TextField0Symbol 241 EditableText"3"
cutscenetextSymbol 334 EditableText" "
cutscenetitleSymbol 335 EditableText""
goodnames1aSymbol 343 EditableText""
goodnames1Symbol 344 EditableText""
evilnames1aSymbol 345 EditableText""
evilnames1Symbol 346 EditableText""
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goodnames2Symbol 348 EditableText""
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goodnames3Symbol 350 EditableText""
evilnames2aSymbol 351 EditableText""
evilnames2Symbol 352 EditableText""
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goodnames1Symbol 356 EditableText""
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evilnames1Symbol 358 EditableText""
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goodnames2Symbol 360 EditableText""
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goodnames3Symbol 362 EditableText""
evilnames2aSymbol 363 EditableText""
evilnames2Symbol 364 EditableText""
evilnames3aSymbol 365 EditableText""
evilnames3Symbol 366 EditableText""
tfNameSymbol 369 EditableText"Emma"
tfCardNoSymbol 370 EditableText"Card: 1/5"
tfToHitSymbol 371 EditableText"To Hit: 0+0D"
tfDamSymbol 372 EditableText"Damage: 0+0D"
tfDefSymbol 373 EditableText"Defense: 0+0D"
tfAutoSymbol 385 EditableText"auto pick"
tfleft1Symbol 457 EditableText"Attack Name"
tfleft2Symbol 458 EditableText"To Hit: X"
tfleft3Symbol 459 EditableText"Damage: X"
tfright1Symbol 460 EditableText"Defense: X"
tfright2Symbol 461 EditableText"Defense: X"
tfright3Symbol 462 EditableText"Defense: X"
message2Symbol 463 EditableText""
messageSymbol 464 EditableText""
tfHPleftSymbol 467 EditableText"HP: XY"
tfHPrightSymbol 468 EditableText"HP:XYZ"
tfHowTrumpSymbol 471 EditableText"TO HIT"
tfTechNameSymbol 472 EditableText"NAME OF TECHNIQUE"
tfTechNotesSymbol 473 EditableText"Blah Blah Blah Blah La Dee Da"
tfResultsSymbol 483 EditableText"<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="MarvelScript" SIZE="14" COLOR="#FFFFFF">Emma, you got 6 XP.</FONT></P>"
passwordSymbol 489 EditableText"XXPOPOAFASDJKFJSD"
Created: 22/5 -2019 18:02:54 Last modified: 22/5 -2019 18:02:54 Server time: 20/09 -2024 22:18:27