Frame 1
Frame 2
function wait() {
_root.mySecondHand._rotation = _root.mySecondHand._rotation + 6;
_root.myMinuteHand._rotation = _root.myMinuteHand._rotation + 0.1;
if (mySeconds == 60) {
mySeconds = 0;
if (mySeconds < 10) {
myZero = 0;
} else {
myZero = "";
if (_root.mytexts.length < 1) {
_root.mytexts = "new dragon";
if (_root.mycode.length < 1) {
_root.mycode = "aram";
_root.levelcode = _root.mycode;
mycode2 = "aaaa";
myMinute = 0;
myTimer = setInterval(wait, 1000);
var hits = 0;
var gforce = 0.08;
turnforce = 13;
antigforce = 3;
xjump = 0;
gravity = 1;
dir = "right";
bump = 0;
ycor = 0;
xcor = 0;
xd1 = -45;
yd1 = 5;
xd2 = 25;
yd2 = 15;
xd3 = 0;
yd3 = 20;
xd4 = -35;
yd4 = -5;
xd5 = 20;
yd5 = 0;
timer = 100;
score = 0;
lives = 2;
hd = "";
var snd = new Sound();
var rif = new Sound();
passes = [["aram"], ["beam"], ["ceta"], ["date"], ["eoco"], ["fock"], ["goto"], ["hara"], ["ioso"], ["jeta"]];
Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 74 MovieClip "border" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "dragon" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
function posrestore() {
_root.erase._x = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
_root.erase._y = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
_root.erase2._x = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
_root.erase2._y = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
_root.erase3._x = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
_root.erase3._y = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
_root.erase4._x = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
_root.erase4._y = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
_root.erase5._x = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
_root.erase5._y = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
deadscene = "off";
appearscene = "on";
playscene = "off";
hitscene = "off";
wait = "off";
gameoverscene = "off";
waiting = 0;
notwaiting = 0;
todo = 0;
xx = 0;
xy = 0;
totallevels = 2;
musicplaying = "no";
timer = 1000;
level = _root.levelinput;
keytaken = "off";
nextscene = "off";
nextscene2 = "off";
timecounter = "off";
_root.lifebar.gotoAndPlay(_root.lives + 1);
_root.levelcode = _root.passes[level - 1];
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (wait == "on") {
phase = "waiting";
if (todo > 1) {
phase = "waiting and doing";
todob = todo;
todo = 0;
gotoAndPlay(todob +1);
} else if (appearscene == "on") {
phase = "appearscene";
wait = "on";
appearscene = "off";
todo = "50";
} else if (gameoverscene == "on") {
phase = "gameoverscene";
wait = "on";
gameoverscene = "ok";
todo = "100";
} else if (gameoverscene == "ok") {
tellTarget (_root) {
gotoAndPlay (60);
} else if (nextscene == "on") {
musicplaying = "no";
phase = "nextscene";
wait = "on";
timecounter = "on";
nextscene = "off";
nextscene2 = "on";
} else if ((timecounter == "off") && (nextscene2 == "on")) {
nextscene = "off";
nextscene2 = "off";
level = level + 1;
_root.levelcode = _root.passes[level - 1];
timer = 1000;
_root.gforce = 0.08;
_root.turnforce = 13;
_root.antigforce = 3;
_root.xjump = 0;
_root.gravity = 1;
_root.gotoAndPlay(level * 2);
wait = "off";
appearscene = "on";
} else if (_root.bump > 0) {
phase = "just hit";
musicplaying = "no";
_root.gforce = 0.08;
_root.turnforce = 13;
_root.antigforce = 3;
_root.xjump = 0;
_root.gravity = 1;
_root.snd.start(0, 1);
_root.lives = _root.lives - 1;
_root.lifebar.gotoAndPlay(_root.lives + 1);
wait = "on";
if (_root.lives < 1) {
gameoverscene = "on";
} else {
appearscene = "on";
} else if (_root.bump < 1) {
phase = "normal";
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.gravity = _root.gravity - ((_root.gforce * _root.antigforce) / 1);
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_root.gravity = _root.gravity + ((_root.gforce * _root.antigforce) / 2);
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if (_root.dir != 1) {
_root.dir = 1;
_root.xjump = _root.xjump + (_root.antigforce / _root.turnforce);
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if (_root.dir != 2) {
_root.dir = 2;
_root.xjump = _root.xjump - (_root.antigforce / _root.turnforce);
if (musicplaying == "no") {
musicplaying = "yes";
_root.rif.start(0, 99);
_root.gravity = _root.gravity + _root.gforce;
_root.dragon._y = _root.dragon._y + _root.gravity;
_root.dragon._x = _root.dragon._x + (_root.xjump * 2);
_root.dragon._rotation = _root.xjump * 2;
xx = _root.dragon._x;
xy = _root.dragon._y;
timer = timer - 1;
if (timer < 1) {
timer = 1000;
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 146 MovieClip "door" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
if (_root.dragon.keytaken == "on") {
_root.dragon.keytaken = "off";
_root.dragon.nextscene = "on";
Instance of Symbol 161 MovieClip "key" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
_root.dragon.keytaken = "on";
Instance of Symbol 146 MovieClip "door" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
if (_root.dragon.keytaken == "on") {
_root.dragon.keytaken = "off";
_root.dragon.nextscene = "on";
Instance of Symbol 161 MovieClip "key" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
_root.dragon.keytaken = "on";
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Frame 5
Instance of Symbol 146 MovieClip "door" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
if (_root.dragon.keytaken == "on") {
_root.dragon.keytaken = "off";
_root.dragon.nextscene = "on";
Instance of Symbol 161 MovieClip "key" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
_root.dragon.keytaken = "on";
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 184 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Frame 7
Instance of Symbol 146 MovieClip "door" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
if (_root.dragon.keytaken == "on") {
_root.dragon.keytaken = "off";
_root.dragon.nextscene = "on";
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 161 MovieClip "key" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
_root.dragon.keytaken = "on";
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 184 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 184 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 190 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Frame 9
Instance of Symbol 146 MovieClip "door" in Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
if (_root.dragon.keytaken == "on") {
_root.dragon.keytaken = "off";
_root.dragon.nextscene = "on";
Instance of Symbol 161 MovieClip "key" in Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
_root.dragon.keytaken = "on";
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 184 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Frame 11
Instance of Symbol 146 MovieClip "door" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
if (_root.dragon.keytaken == "on") {
_root.dragon.keytaken = "off";
_root.dragon.nextscene = "on";
Instance of Symbol 161 MovieClip "key" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
_root.dragon.keytaken = "on";
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 184 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 190 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Frame 13
Instance of Symbol 146 MovieClip "door" in Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
if (_root.dragon.keytaken == "on") {
_root.dragon.keytaken = "off";
_root.dragon.nextscene = "on";
Instance of Symbol 161 MovieClip "key" in Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
_root.dragon.keytaken = "on";
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 184 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 190 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Frame 15
Instance of Symbol 146 MovieClip "door" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
if (_root.dragon.keytaken == "on") {
_root.dragon.keytaken = "off";
_root.dragon.nextscene = "on";
Instance of Symbol 161 MovieClip "key" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
_root.dragon.keytaken = "on";
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 184 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 190 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 190 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 190 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Frame 17
Instance of Symbol 146 MovieClip "door" in Frame 17
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
if (_root.dragon.keytaken == "on") {
_root.dragon.keytaken = "off";
_root.dragon.nextscene = "on";
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 161 MovieClip "key" in Frame 17
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
_root.dragon.keytaken = "on";
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 190 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 190 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 190 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 197 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Frame 19
Instance of Symbol 190 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 190 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 190 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 190 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 184 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 184 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 184 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 184 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 184 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 184 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 199 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 200 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 146 MovieClip "door" in Frame 19
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
if (_root.dragon.keytaken == "on") {
_root.dragon.keytaken = "off";
_root.dragon.nextscene = "on";
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 161 MovieClip "key" in Frame 19
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
_root.dragon.keytaken = "on";
Frame 21
Instance of Symbol 146 MovieClip "door" in Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
if (_root.dragon.keytaken == "on") {
_root.dragon.keytaken = "off";
_root.dragon.nextscene = "on";
Instance of Symbol 163 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 161 MovieClip "key" in Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
_root.dragon.keytaken = "on";
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 190 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 190 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 190 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 190 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 190 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 190 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 190 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 190 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) && (already < 1)) {
already = already + 1;
gotoAndPlay (3);
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Instance of Symbol 184 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 184 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Instance of Symbol 202 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x1 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd1;
y1 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd1;
x2 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd2;
y2 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd2;
x3 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd3;
y3 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd3;
x4 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd4;
y4 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd4;
x5 = _root.dragon._x + _root.xd5;
y5 = _root.dragon._y + _root.yd5;
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((((hitTest(x1, y1, true) || (hitTest(x2, y2, true))) || (hitTest(x3, y3, true))) || (hitTest(x4, y4, true))) || (hitTest(x5, y5, true))) {
_root.bump = _root.bump + 1;
Frame 56
Frame 62
tellTarget (_root) {
gotoAndPlay ("scoretable");
Frame 63
Frame 64
var scoreboardname = "aragon";
String.prototype.addCommas = function () {
var len = this.length;
var str = "";
var i = 0;
while (i <= len) {
str = this.charAt(len - i) + str;
if ((((i % 3) == 0) && (i > 0)) && (i < len)) {
str = "," + str;
scoreboard_lv = new LoadVars();
if ((score > 0) && (_root.mytexts.length > 0)) {
scoreboard_lv.score = score; = _root.mytexts.toLowerCase();
} = scoreboardname;
var targ = ((_root.hd + "aragonscores.php?") + scoreboard_lv);
loadMovieNum (targ, 1);
targ2 = _root.hd + "aragonscore.swf";
loadMovieNum (targ2, 2);
Symbol 7 MovieClip [alien3] Frame 1
Symbol 7 MovieClip [alien3] Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 18 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 25 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 27 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget (_root) {
gotoAndPlay ("main");
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 1
bytesloaded = this.getBytesLoaded();
bytestotal = this.getBytesTotal();
this.loadingbar._height = (bytesloaded / bytestotal) * 100;
if (bytesloaded == bytestotal) {
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 19
_root.scores.createTextField("mytext2", 1, 20, 80, 100, 40);
mytext2.type = "input";
mytext2.multiline = false;
mytext2.wordWrap = true;
mytext2.border = true;
mytext2.bold = true;
mytext2.restrict = "A-Z 0-9.:\\-";
myformat2 = new TextFormat();
myformat2.bullet = false;
myformat2.maxChars = 12;
myformat2.size = 24;
myformat2.font = "Addled";
myformat2.color = 0;
Selection.setSelection(0, mytext2.text.length);
if (mytext2.text.length < 1) {
mytext2.text = _root.mycode;
ok_btn.onRelease = function () {
_root.mycode2 = mytext2.text;
ok_btn.onKeyDown = function () {
if (Key.getCode() == 13) {
_root.mycode2 = mytext2.text;
Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 20
if (_root.mycode2 == "BEAM") {
_root.dragon.level = 2;
_root.levelinput = 2;
} else if (_root.mycode2 == "CETA") {
_root.dragon.level = 3;
_root.levelinput = 3;
} else if (_root.mycode2 == "DATE") {
_root.dragon.level = 4;
_root.levelinput = 4;
} else if (_root.mycode2 == "EOCO") {
_root.dragon.level = 5;
_root.levelinput = 5;
} else if (_root.mycode2 == "FOCK") {
_root.dragon.level = 6;
_root.levelinput = 6;
} else if (_root.mycode2 == "GOTO") {
_root.dragon.level = 7;
_root.levelinput = 7;
} else if (_root.mycode2 == "HARA") {
_root.dragon.level = 8;
_root.levelinput = 8;
} else if (_root.mycode2 == "IOSO") {
_root.dragon.level = 9;
_root.levelinput = 9;
} else if (_root.mycode2 == "JETA") {
_root.dragon.level = 10;
_root.levelinput = 10;
} else {
_root.levelinput = 1;
Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 52
_root.gotoAndPlay(_root.levelinput * 2);
Symbol 64 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 64 MovieClip Frame 3
if (_root.dragon.timer > 1) {
if (_root.dragon.timer < 10) {
_root.dragon.timer = 10;
_root.dragon.timer = _root.dragon.timer - 10;
_root.score = _root.score + 10;
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
_root.dragon.wait = "off";
_root.dragon.timecounter = "off";
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 77 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 77 MovieClip Frame 3
if (_root.dragon.timer > 1) {
if (_root.dragon.timer < 10) {
_root.dragon.timer = 10;
_root.dragon.timer = _root.dragon.timer - 10;
_root.score = _root.score + 10;
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
_root.dragon.wait = "off";
_root.dragon.timecounter = "off";
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.yd1 = 10;
_root.xd1 = -25;
_root.yd2 = 15;
_root.xd3 = 0;
_root.xd5 = 20;
_root.yd5 = -5;
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if (_root.dir == 2) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.yd1 = 15;
_root.xd1 = -35;
_root.yd2 = 10;
_root.xd3 = -10;
_root.xd5 = 15;
_root.yd5 = -13;
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 10
if (_root.dragon.phase == "normal") {
if ((!_root.dir) || (_root.dir == 1)) {
gotoAndPlay (6);
} else if (_root.dir == 2) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
if ((_root.dragon.nextscene2 == "on") || (_root.dragon.nextscene == "on")) {
if (_root.dragon.xx > _root.door._x) {
gotoAndPlay (220);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (200);
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 43
_root.dragon.wait = "off";
_root.bump = 0;
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 53
_root.dragon._x = 250;
_root.dragon._y = 60;
_root.dragon._rotation = -10;
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 71
_root.dragon._x = 250;
_root.dragon._y = 60;
_root.dragon._rotation = -10;
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 83
_root.dragon.wait = "off";
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 104
_root.dragon._x = 250;
_root.dragon._y = 60;
_root.dragon._rotation = -10;
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 132
_root.dragon.gameoverscene = "ok";
_root.dragon.wait = "off";
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 201
_root.dragon._x = ((_root.dragon.xx * 1.6) + (_root.door._x * 0.4)) / 2;
_root.dragon._y = ((_root.dragon.xy * 1.6) + (_root.door._y * 0.4)) / 2;
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 202
_root.dragon._x = ((_root.dragon.xx * 1.2) + (_root.door._x * 0.8)) / 2;
_root.dragon._y = ((_root.dragon.xy * 1.2) + (_root.door._y * 0.8)) / 2;
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 203
_root.dragon._x = ((_root.dragon.xx * 0.8) + (_root.door._x * 1.2)) / 2;
_root.dragon._y = ((_root.dragon.xy * 0.8) + (_root.door._y * 1.2)) / 2;
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 204
_root.dragon._x = ((_root.dragon.xx * 0.4) + (_root.door._x * 1.6)) / 2;
_root.dragon._y = ((_root.dragon.xy * 0.4) + (_root.door._y * 1.6)) / 2;
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 205
_root.dragon._x = ((_root.dragon.xx * 0) + (_root.door._x * 2)) / 2;
_root.dragon._y = ((_root.dragon.xy * 0) + (_root.door._y * 2)) / 2;
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 219
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 221
_root.dragon._x = ((_root.dragon.xx * 1.6) + (_root.door._x * 0.4)) / 2;
_root.dragon._y = ((_root.dragon.xy * 1.6) + (_root.door._y * 0.4)) / 2;
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 222
_root.dragon._x = ((_root.dragon.xx * 1.2) + (_root.door._x * 0.8)) / 2;
_root.dragon._y = ((_root.dragon.xy * 1.2) + (_root.door._y * 0.8)) / 2;
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 223
_root.dragon._x = ((_root.dragon.xx * 0.8) + (_root.door._x * 1.2)) / 2;
_root.dragon._y = ((_root.dragon.xy * 0.8) + (_root.door._y * 1.2)) / 2;
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 224
_root.dragon._x = ((_root.dragon.xx * 0.4) + (_root.door._x * 1.6)) / 2;
_root.dragon._y = ((_root.dragon.xy * 0.4) + (_root.door._y * 1.6)) / 2;
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 225
_root.dragon._x = ((_root.dragon.xx * 0) + (_root.door._x * 2)) / 2;
_root.dragon._y = ((_root.dragon.xy * 0) + (_root.door._y * 2)) / 2;
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 240
Symbol 146 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 146 MovieClip Frame 17
_root.score = _root.score + 100;
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.score = _root.score + 200;
Symbol 176 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 176 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.score = _root.score + 100;
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.score = _root.score + 50;
Symbol 190 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 190 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.score = _root.score + 500;
Symbol 206 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 33
_root.scores.createTextField("mytext", 1, 0, 75, 250, 40);
mytext.type = "input";
mytext.multiline = false;
mytext.wordWrap = true;
mytext.border = true;
mytext.bold = true;
mytext.restrict = "A-Z a-z 0-9.:\\-";
myformat = new TextFormat();
myformat.bullet = false;
myformat.maxChars = 12;
myformat.size = 24;
myformat.font = "Addled";
myformat.color = 0;
if (mytext.text.length < 1) {
mytext.text = _root.mytexts;
ok_btn.onRelease = function () {
_root.mytexts = mytext.text;
ok_btn.onKeyDown = function () {
if (Key.getCode() == 13) {
_root.mytexts = mytext.text;
Symbol 214 Button
on (release) {
unloadMovieNum (1);
unloadMovieNum (2);
gotoAndPlay (1);