Frame 1
_root.VolumeOff = false;
Stage.showMenu = false;
_root.FirstTimer = 0;
Frame 2
if (_root.getBytesLoaded() != _root.getBytesTotal()) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Frame 3
_root.cableSound = new Sound();
Frame 10
function Initialize() {
var _local1 = _root;
MasterVolume = 70;
cheat = false;
playagain = false;
_local1.cheatcount = 0;
imageLevel = 1;
_local1.splash._y = 230;
WaitSwitch = 0;
_local1.MenBox._x = 742;
_local1.MenBox._y = 40;
MasterLevel = new Array();
_local1.LevelBox._y = 40;
_local1.Men._xscale = 100;
_local1.Men._yscale = 100;
_local1.Level1._x = 400;
_local1.Level1._y = 300;
_local1.men10._visible = false;
initial = 0;
done = false;
RX = 19;
crashed = false;
bumLive = false;
spin = false;
men = 9;
publishedLevel = 1;
runcount = 24;
RY = 152;
bumcrash = false;
Speed = 5;
crashcount = 0;
keyjump = 0;
once = 0;
bigjump = 0;
_local1.smalldown = 0;
_local1.bigdown = 0;
sendScale = 100;
lvlfinished = false;
one = 30;
rot = 0;
wait = true;
level = 1;
pause = 15;
gullLive = false;
gulltime = 0;
insideLevel = 1;
_local1.Level2._y = 2000;
_local1.Level3._y = 2000;
_local1.Level4._y = 2000;
_local1.Level5._y = 2000;
_local1.Level6._y = 2000;
_local1.Level7._y = 2000;
_local1.Level8._y = 2000;
_local1.Level9._y = 2000;
_local1.Level10._y = 2000;
_local1.Level11._y = 2000;
_local1.Level12._y = 2000;
_local1.Level13._y = 2000;
_local1.Level14._y = 2000;
_local1.Level15._y = 2000;
_local1.Level16._y = 2000;
MasterLevel[1] = Level1;
MasterLevel[2] = Level2;
MasterLevel[3] = Level3;
MasterLevel[4] = Level4;
MasterLevel[5] = Level5;
MasterLevel[6] = Level6;
MasterLevel[7] = Level7;
MasterLevel[8] = Level8;
MasterLevel[9] = Level9;
MasterLevel[10] = Level10;
MasterLevel[11] = Level11;
MasterLevel[12] = Level12;
MasterLevel[13] = Level13;
MasterLevel[14] = Level14;
MasterLevel[15] = Level15;
MasterLevel[16] = Level16;
_local1.Runner._visible = true;
gullwait = false;
hornSound = new Sound();
runningSound = new Sound();
ouchSound = new Sound();
clapSound = new Sound();
SeagullSound = new Sound();
cashSound = new Sound();
changeSound = new Sound();
SoundOffButton._x = 685;
SoundOffButton._y = 29;
function Running() {
var _local1 = _root;
if (((speed == 5) and (smalldown == 0)) and (bigdown == 0)) {
if ((runcount > 25) and (WaitSwitch == 0)) {
runcount = 0;
if (wait == true) {
speed = 0;
pause = pause - 1;
if (pause > 0) {
speed = 0;
if ((pause < 0) and (wait == false)) {
pause = 0;
speed = 5;
if (bumcrash == true) {
speed = 0;
if ((WaitSwitch == 0) and (crashed == false)) {
RX = RX + speed;
if (RX > 775) {
if (publishedLevel < 64) {
men = men + 1;
lvlfinished = true;
_local1.Runner._x = RX;
_local1.Runner._y = RY;
function JumpEngine() {
var _local1 = _root;
if (((lvlfinished == false) and (pause < 1)) and (crashed == false)) {
if ((smalldown > 0) or (bigdown > 0)) {
if (crashed == false) {
RY = RY - loft;
loft = loft - gravity;
_local1.Runner._visible = false;
_local1.Jumper._alpha = 100;
_local1.Jumper._x = RX;
_local1.Jumper._y = RY;
_local1.Jumper._visible = true;
if (spin == true) {
_local1.Jumper._rotation = _local1.Jumper._rotation + 11;
if (RY >= startRY) {
RY = startRY;
_local1.smalldown = 0;
_local1.bigdown = 0;
loft = 0;
_local1.Jumper._visible = false;
_local1.Runner._x = RX;
_local1.Runner._y = RY;
runcount = 30;
_local1.Runner._visible = true;
spin = false;
function CollisionCheck() {
var _local1 = _root;
if (cheat == false) {
if (_local1.MasterLevel[imageLevel].hitTest(RX + 12, RY - 1, true)) {
if (_local1.MasterLevel[imageLevel].hitTest(RX + 8, RY - 24, true)) {
if (_local1.MasterLevel[imageLevel].hitTest(RX - 10, RY - 14, true)) {
if (_local1.MasterLevel[imageLevel].hitTest(RX - 8, RY - 1, true)) {
function Crash() {
var _local1 = _root;
if (crashed == false) {
WhichCrash = random(3);
cx = rx;
cy = ry;
if (bumcrash == true) {
_local1.crashed = true;
_local1.speed = 0; = 0;
_local1.pause = 15;
_local1.Runner._alpha = 50;
_local1.Jumper._alpha = 30;
if (whichcrash == 0) {
_local1.crash1._x = cX;
_local1.crash1._y = cY;;
if (whichcrash == 1) {
_local1.crash2._x = cX;
_local1.crash2._y = cY;;
if (whichcrash == 2) {
_local1.crash3._x = cX;
_local1.crash3._y = cY;;
function SendBack() {
var _local1 = _root;
waitswitch = 0;
_local1.waitman._visible = false;
_local1.MenBox._visible = true;
_local1.MenBox._xscale = 150;
_local1.MenBox._yscale = 150;
_local1.Runner._visible = false;
_local1.Jumper._x = RX;
_local1.Jumper._y = RY;
_local1.Jumper._visible = true;
speed = 0;
RX = RX - 20;
RY = RY + 3.75;
rot = rot + 14;
Sendscale = SendScale + one;
if (RX < 400) {
one = -30;
_local1.Jumper._xscale = SendScale;
_local1.Jumper._yscale = sendScale;
_local1.Jumper._rotation = 0;
_local1.Jumper._x = RX;
_local1.Jumper._y = RY;
if (RX < 25) {
function NextLevel() {
var _local1 = _root;
pause = 15;
level = level + 1;
_local1.Jumper._visible = false;
RX = 19;
lvlfinished = false;
_local1.Jumper._rotation = 0;
one = 30;
rot = 0;
_local1.smalldown = 0;
_local1.bigdown = 0;
_local1.startRY = _local1.RY;
_local1.menBox._xscale = 100;
_local1.menBox._yscale = 100;
_local1.MenBox._x = 742;
_local1.MenBox._y = 40;
runcount = 30;
_local1.Runner._x = rx;
_local1.Runner._y = ry;
_local1.Runner._visible = true;
if (bumLive == false) {
function BumLaunch() {
var _local1 = _root;
rb = random(6);
if (rb == 1) {
bumspeed = random(3) + 1;
_local1.bum._x = 780;
_local1.bum._y = ry;
bumlive = true;
_local1.bum._visible = true;;
function BumEngine() {
var _local1 = _root;
if ((bumcrash == false) and (lvlfinished == false)) {
_local1.Bum._x = _local1.Bum._x - bumspeed;
if (_local1.Bum._x < 105) {
bumlive = false;
_local1.bum._visible = false;
if (_local1.Bum.hitTest(_local1.Runner)) {
bumcrash = true;
} else if (_local1.Bum.hitTest(_local1.Jumper)) {
bumcrash = true;
function FindLevel() {
if (level == 1) {
RY = 152;
if (level == 2) {
RY = 290;
if (level == 3) {
RY = 435;
if (level == 4) {
RY = 580;
function NewScreen() {
var _local1 = _root;
_local1.MasterLevel[imageLevel - 1]._y = 2000;
_local1.MasterLevel[imageLevel]._visible = true;
_local1.MasterLevel[imageLevel]._x = 400;
_local1.MasterLevel[imageLevel]._y = 300;
SoundOffButton._x = 750;
SoundOffButton._y = 6;
if (insideLevel >= 64) {
_local1.MasterLevel[imageLevel - 1]._y = 2000;
imageLevel = 1;
_local1.MasterLevel[imageLevel]._visible = true;
_local1.MasterLevel[imageLevel]._x = 400;
_local1.MasterLevel[imageLevel]._y = 300;
insideLevel = 0;
_local1.NoFreeMen._y = 33;
lvlfinished = false;
level = 1;
_local1.Jumper._visible = false;
RX = 19;
_local1.Runner._xscale = 100;
_local1.Runner._yscale = 100;
_local1.Jumper._rotation = 0;
one = 30;
rot = 0;
_local1.smalldown = 0;
_local1.bigdown = 0;
_local1.startRY = _local1.RY;
_local1.Runner._visible = true;
_local1.wait = true;
_local1.anykey._y = 300;
runcount = 24;
_local1.SeaGullL._visible = false;
_local1.SeaGullR._visible = false;
gullLive = false;
gullwait = false;
bumlive = false;
bum._visible = false;
function Main() {
var _local1 = _root;
if (_local1.done == false) {
if (bumlive == true) {
if (crashed == true) {
if (lvlfinished == true) {
if (level == 4) {
} else {
if (_local1.done == true) {
_local1.bum._visible = false;
_local1.gull._visible = false;
_local1.Runner._visible = false;
function CrashEngine() {
var _local1 = _root;
if (whichcrash == 0) {
if ((smalldown > 0) or (bigdown > 0)) {
cY = cY + 4;
_local1.crash1._x = cX;
_local1.crash1._y = cY;
if (cY >= startRY) {
cY = startRY;
_local1.smalldown = 0;
_local1.bigdown = 0;
loft = 0;
runcount = 30;
spin = false;
if (whichcrash == 1) {
if ((smalldown > 0) or (bigdown > 0)) {
cY = cY + 4;
_local1.crash2._x = cX;
_local1.crash2._y = cY;
if (cY >= startRY) {
cY = startRY;
_local1.smalldown = 0;
_local1.bigdown = 0;
loft = 0;
runcount = 30;
spin = false;
if (whichcrash == 2) {
if ((smalldown > 0) or (bigdown > 0)) {
cY = cY + 4;
_local1.crash3._x = cX;
_local1.crash3._y = cY;
if (cY >= startRY) {
cY = startRY;
_local1.smalldown = 0;
_local1.bigdown = 0;
loft = 0;
runcount = 30;
spin = false;
function InitGull() {
var _local1 = _root;
if (gullwait == false) {
GullLive = true;
GullX = random(700) + 50;
GullY = (random(500) + RY) - 100;
if (GullY > 580) {
GullLive = false;
} else {
GUllTime = random(350) + 100;
rightgull = true;
_local1.SeaGullR._visible = true;
_local1.SeaGullR._x = GullX;
_local1.SeaGullR._y = GullY;
function Gull() {
var _local1 = _root;
r = random(300);
if (((((r == 1) and (wait == false)) and (insideLevel > 4)) and (waitswitch == 0)) and (gullLive == false)) {
if (gullLive == true) {
GullTime = Gulltime - 1;
rr = random(90);
if (rr == 1) {
if (rightgull == true) {
_local1.SeaGullR._visible = false;
_local1.SeaGullL._x = GullX;
_local1.SeaGullL._y = GullY;
_local1.SeaGullL._visible = true;
rightgull = false;
} else {
_local1.SeaGullL._visible = false;
_local1.SeaGullR._x = GullX;
_local1.SeaGullR._y = GullY;
_local1.SeaGullR._visible = true;
rightgull = true;
if (GullTime < 0) {
GullLive = false;
_local1.SeaGullR._visible = false;
_local1.SeaGullL._visible = false;
if (pause < 1) {
if (_local1.SeaGullR.hitTest(_local1.Runner)) {
if (_local1.SeaGullR.hitTest(_local1.Jumper)) {
if (_local1.SeaGullL.hitTest(_local1.Runner)) {
if (_local1.SeaGullL.hitTest(_local1.Jumper)) {
function Cash() {
var _local1 = _root;
if ((pause < 1) and (gullLive == true)) {
pause = 30;
_local1.men10._x = 720;
_local1.men10._y = 60;
_local1.men10._visible = true;;
men = men + 5;
gullLive = false;
gullwait = true;
if (initial < 1) {
if ((_root.FirstTimer == 0) and (stolen == true)) {
_root.PlayingFromNL._x = 676;
} else {
_root.PlayingFromNL._x = 2000;
if ((initial > 1) and (lvlfinished == false)) {
if (_root.PlayAgain == true) {
initial = 0;
splash._visible = false;
PlayAgain = false;
_root.anykey._y = 300;
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip "mouse" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (keyDown) {
if (_root.pause < 1) {
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
if ((_root.bigdown == 0) and (_root.smalldown == 0)) {
_root.Runner._visible = false;
_root.WaitMan._x = _root.RX;
_root.WaitMan._y = _root.RY;
_root.WaitMan._visible = true;
if (_root.WaitSwitch == 2) {
_root.WaitSwitch = 0;
_root.WaitMan._visible = false;
_root.Runner._visible = true;
if (Key.isDown(37) and (_root.bigdown == 0)) {
if (_root.WaitSwitch == 0) {
_root.smalldown = _root.smalldown + 1;
if (_root.smalldown == 1) {
_root.startRY = _root.RY; = 8;
_root.gravity = 0.6;
_root.Jumper._rotation = 0;
_root.spin = false;
r = random(36);
if (r == 1) {
_root.spin = true;
if (Key.isDown(39) and (_root.smalldown == 0)) {
if (_root.WaitSwitch == 0) {
_root.bigdown = _root.bigdown + 1;
if (_root.bigdown == 1) {
_root.startRY = _root.RY; = 10.5;
_root.gravity = 0.6;
_root.Jumper._rotation = 0;
_root.spin = false;
r = random(36);
if (r == 1) {
_root.spin = true;
Instance of Symbol 251 MovieClip "AnyKey" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (keyDown) {
if (_root.wait == true) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
_root.wait = false;
_root.anykey._y = 2000;
_root.speed = 5;
_root.pause = 15;
_root.scoretable._visible = false;
if (_root.initial == 0) {
_root.splash._visible = false;
_root.initial = 2;
Frame 11
Frame 12
function encode(str, hash) {
var _local1 = hash;
var _local2 = str;
i = 0;
result = "";
len = _local2.length;
x = 0;
while (x < len) {
if (x > 0) {
result = result + "-";
i = (i % _local1.length) + 1;
result = result + Number(_local2.charCodeAt(x) ^ _local1.charCodeAt(i - 1));
function makechecksum(str) {
var _local1 = str;
result = 0;
len = _local1.length;
x = 0;
while (x < len) {
result = result + Number(_local1.charCodeAt(x));
swear = false;
if (_root.publishedlevel < 20) {
_root.NeedHighScore._x = 380;
_root.NeedHighScore._y = 400;
submitButton.onRelease = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
user = _local1.playerInput.text;
score = _local1.publishedlevel;
ran = random(10000) + 5000;
if ((user.indexOf("fuck") != -1) or (user.indexOf("shit") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("fuk") != -1) or (user.indexOf("pussy") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("bitch") != -1) or (user.indexOf("cunt") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("nigg") != -1) or (user.indexOf("ass") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("dick") != -1) or (user.indexOf("cock") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("butthole") != -1) or (user.indexOf("piss") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("penis") != -1) or (user.indexOf("vagina") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("hitler") != -1) or (user.indexOf("jewish") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("mother") != -1) or (user.indexOf("f*") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("f.u.") != -1) or (user.indexOf("dik") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("FUCK") != -1) or (user.indexOf("SHIT") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("FUC") != -1) or (user.indexOf("Fuck") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("Bitch") != -1) or (user.indexOf("Cunt") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("Nigg") != -1) or (user.indexOf("Ass") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("Dick") != -1) or (user.indexOf("Cock") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("Butthole") != -1) or (user.indexOf("fUc") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("FuC") != -1) or (user.indexOf("fUC") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("CUNT") != -1) or (user.indexOf("F*") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("Mother") != -1) or (user.indexOf("NIGG") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("F.U.") != -1) or (user.indexOf("f.U.") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("Negro") != -1) or (user.indexOf("NEGRO") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("F. U.") != -1) or (user.indexOf("F U") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("F U") != -1) or (user.indexOf("F u") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("F u") != -1) or (user.indexOf("f u") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("f u") != -1) or (user.indexOf("f u") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("F. u") != -1) or (user.indexOf("F. U") != -1)) {
swear = true;
if ((user.indexOf("ff") != -1) or (user.indexOf("FF") != -1)) {
swear = true;
rscore = Number(Number(ran) + Number(score));
checkString = (user + rscore.toString()) + ran.toString();
checksum = makechecksum(checkString);
encScore = encode(rscore.toString(), "ScorePass");
encUser = encode(user, "UserPass");
encRan = encode(ran.toString(), "RandomPass");
encCheckSum = encode(checkSum.toString(), "CheckPass");
sendData = new LoadVars();
sendData.playerOutput = user;
sendData.vers = 1;
sendData.score = score.toString();
sendData.user = user;
sendData.e1 = encRan;
sendData.e2 = encScore;
sendData.e3 = encUser;
sendData.e4 = encCheckSum;
sendData.cache = random(10000);
statusText.text = "Sending Data...\nPlease wait.";
sendData.onLoad = function () {
if (sendData.result == "added") {
statusText.text = "Player Score Added.";
_root.playerInput.text = "";
_root.scoreInput.text = "";
} else {
statusText.text = "Error adding score.";
if (swear == true) {
swearMovie._x = 360;
if (swear == false) {
sendData.sendAndLoad("", sendData, "POST");
_local1.submitButton._visible = false;
Frame 13
gotoAndPlay ("gameOver");
Frame 14
_root.scoretable._visible = false;
loadData = new LoadVars();
statusText.text = "Loading scoreboard\nPlease wait...";
loadData.onLoad = function () {
if (loadData.result == "okay") {
statusText.text = "";
var _local1 = 0;
while (_local1 <= 29) {
positionText.text = positionText.text + ((_local1 + 1) + newline);
playerText.text = playerText.text + (loadData["player" + _local1] + newline);
scoreText.text = scoreText.text + (loadData["score" + _local1] + newline);
} else if (_root.done == false) {
statusText.text = "Highscores not loading?\nMake sure you are playing\nCity Jumper from NationLocation.";
loadData.load("" + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000));
Instance of Symbol 312 MovieClip "OurOtherGames" in Frame 14
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Frame 15
Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 1
setProperty(this, _xscale , (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100);
Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.crash1._visible = true;
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 30
_root.RX = 19;
_root.smalldown = 0;
_root.bigdown = 0;
_root.Speed = 5;
_root.Jumper._visible = false; = - 1;;
_root.crashcount = 0;
_root.crashed = false;
if (( < 0) and (_root.playagain == false)) {
_root.done = true;
_root.speed = 0;
_root.wait = true;
_root.Runner._alpha = 100;
_root.crash1._visible = false;
_root.Runner._x = RX;
_root.Runner._alpha = 100;
_root.Jumper._y = 2000;
_root.Runner._visible = true;
if (_root.bumcrash == true) {
_root.bumcrash = false;
_root.bumlive = false;
_root.bum._visible = false;
Symbol 114 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.crash2._visible = true;
Symbol 114 MovieClip Frame 32
_root.RX = 19;
_root.smalldown = 0;
_root.bigdown = 0;
_root.Speed = 5;
_root.Jumper._visible = false; = - 1;;
_root.crashcount = 0;
_root.crashed = false;
if (( < 0) and (_root.playagain == false)) {
_root.done = true;
_root.speed = 0;
_root.wait = true;
_root.crash2._visible = false;
_root.Runner._x = RX;
_root.Runner._visible = true;
_root.Jumper._y = 2000;
_root.Runner._alpha = 100;
if (_root.bumcrash == true) {
_root.bumcrash = false;
_root.bumlive = false;
_root.bum._visible = false;
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.crash3._visible = true;
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 59
_root.RX = 19;
_root.smalldown = 0;
_root.bigdown = 0;
_root.Speed = 5;
_root.Jumper._visible = false; = - 1;;
_root.crashcount = 0;
_root.crashed = false;
if (( < 0) and (_root.playagain == false)) {
_root.done = true;
_root.speed = 0;
_root.wait = true;
_root.crash3._visible = false;
_root.Runner._x = RX;
_root.Runner._visible = true;
_root.Jumper._y = 2000;
_root.Runner._alpha = 100;
if (_root.bumcrash == true) {
_root.bumcrash = false;
_root.bumlive = false;
_root.bum._visible = false;
Symbol 126 MovieClip Frame 30
_root.men10._visible = false;
speed = 5;
_root.SeaGullL._visible = false;
_root.SeaGullR._visible = false;
Symbol 148 Button
on (release) {
_root.loadinginfo._visible = true;
_root.scoretable.filename = "scores/demo.sco";
_root.scoretable.scoresize = 20;
_root.scoretable.action = "INSERT";
_root.scoretable.viewtype = "FLASH";
_root.scoretable.winname =;
_root.scoretable.winscore = _root.publishedlevel;
_root.scoretable.loadVariables("", "GET");
_root.scoretable._visible = true;
_root.deadsplash._visible = false;
_root.splash._visible = true;
_root.splash._y = 230;
_root.MenBox._x = 742;
_root.MenBox._y = 40;
_root.LevelBox._y = 40;
_root.Men._xscale = 100;
_root.Men._yscale = 100;
_root.Level1._x = 400;
_root.Level1._y = 300;
_root.initial = 0;
Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.Runner._visible = false;
_root.Jumper._visible = false;
Symbol 167 Button
on (release) {
_root.wait = false;
_root.anykey._y = 2000;
_root.speed = 5;
_root.pause = 30;
_root.splash._visible = false;
_root.initial = 2;
_root.Runner._visible = true;
_root.scoretable._visible = false;
_root.scoreload._visible = false;
_root.refreshmovie._visible = false;
_root.stolen = false;
_root.PlayingFromNL._visible = false;
unloadMovie (_root.scoreload);
unloadMovie (_root.refreshmovie);
Symbol 184 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Symbol 198 Button
on (press) {
positiontext.scroll = positiontext.scroll - 1;
playertext.scroll = playertext.scroll - 1;
scoretext.scroll = scoretext.scroll - 1;
_root.ScrollUp = true;
on (release) {
_root.ScrollUp = false;
Symbol 202 Button
on (press) {
positiontext.scroll = positiontext.scroll + 1;
playertext.scroll = playertext.scroll + 1;
scoretext.scroll = scoretext.scroll + 1;
_root.ScrollDown = true;
on (release) {
_root.ScrollDown = false;
Symbol 203 MovieClip Frame 1
loadData = new LoadVars();
statusText.text = "Loading highscores\nPlease wait...";
loadData.onLoad = function () {
var _local2 = _root;
if (loadData.result == "okay") {
statusText.text = "";
var _local1 = 0;
while (_local1 <= 99) {
positionText.text = positionText.text + ((_local1 + 1) + newline);
playerText.text = playerText.text + (loadData["player" + _local1] + newline);
scoreText.text = scoreText.text + (loadData["score" + _local1] + newline);
TextCounter.text = TextCounter.text + _local1;
_local2.Stolen = false;
} else {
if (_local2.done == false) {
statusText.text = "Highscores not loading?\nMake sure you are playing\nCity Jumper from NationLocation.";
_local2.Stolen = true;
loadData.load("" + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000));
Symbol 212 Button
on (press) {
positiontextAT.scroll = positiontextAT.scroll - 1;
playertextAT.scroll = playertextAT.scroll - 1;
scoretextAT.scroll = scoretextAT.scroll - 1;
_root.ScrollUpAT = true;
on (release) {
_root.ScrollUpAT = false;
Symbol 213 Button
on (press) {
positiontextAT.scroll = positiontextAT.scroll + 1;
playertextAT.scroll = playertextAT.scroll + 1;
scoretextAT.scroll = scoretextAT.scroll + 1;
_root.ScrollDownAT = true;
on (release) {
_root.ScrollDownAT = false;
Symbol 214 MovieClip Frame 1
loadData = new LoadVars();
statusText.text = "Loading scoreboard.\nPlease wait.";
loadData.onLoad = function () {
if (loadData.result == "okay") {
statusText.text = "";
var _local1 = 0;
while (_local1 <= 99) {
positionTextAT.text = positionTextAT.text + ((_local1 + 1) + newline);
playerTextAT.text = playerTextAT.text + (loadData["player" + _local1] + newline);
scoreTextAT.text = scoreTextAT.text + (loadData["score" + _local1] + newline);
TextCounterAT.text = TextCounterAT.text + _local1;
} else {
statusTextAT.text = "Highscores not loading? Play from";
loadData.load("" + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000));
Symbol 230 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Instance of Symbol 203 MovieClip "scoretable" in Symbol 234 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.ScrollDown == true) {
positiontext.scroll = positiontext.scroll + 1;
playertext.scroll = playertext.scroll + 1;
scoretext.scroll = scoretext.scroll + 1;
if (_root.ScrollUp == true) {
positiontext.scroll = positiontext.scroll - 1;
playertext.scroll = playertext.scroll - 1;
scoretext.scroll = scoretext.scroll - 1;
Instance of Symbol 214 MovieClip in Symbol 234 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.ScrollDownAT == true) {
positiontextAT.scroll = positiontextAT.scroll + 1;
playertextAT.scroll = playertextAT.scroll + 1;
scoretextAT.scroll = scoretextAT.scroll + 1;
if (_root.ScrollUpAT == true) {
positiontextAT.scroll = positiontextAT.scroll - 1;
playertextAT.scroll = playertextAT.scroll - 1;
scoretextAT.scroll = scoretextAT.scroll - 1;
Symbol 264 Button
on (release) {
_root.MasterVolume = 0;
_root.SoundOffButton._visible = false;
Symbol 296 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Symbol 304 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Symbol 305 Button
on (release) {
_root.PlayAgain = true;
_root.deadsplash._visible = false;
_root.splash._visible = true;
_root.splash._y = 230;
_root.AnyKey._y = 530;
_root.MenBox._x = 742;
_root.MenBox._y = 40;
_root.LevelBox._y = 40;
_root.Men._xscale = 100;
_root.Men._yscale = 100;
_root.Level1._x = 400;
_root.Level1._y = 300;
_root.stolen = false;
_root.PlayingFromNL._visible = false;