| STORY LOOP FURRY PORN GAMES C SERVICES [?] [R] RND POPULAR | Archived flashes: 229923 |
/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2598 · P5196 |
![]() | This is the info page for Flash #26729 |
The67.com Crazy Adult Flash Games |
Booby Punch! press here |
ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Instance of Symbol 5 MovieClip [Loader] in Frame 1//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { SlideWidth = 100; SlideHeight = 10; scolor = 10066329 /* 0x999999 */; bcolor = 3355443 /* 0x333333 */; fname = "Times New Roman"; fsize = 10; }Frame 2this.onEnterFrame = function () { slap.onPress = function () { girl.gotoAndPlay(23); slap.gotoAndStop(2); }; }; stop();Symbol 5 MovieClip [Loader] Frame 1#initclip 1 function LoaderClass() { this.slideColor = new Color(this.slide); this.bordColor = new Color(this.bord); this.update(); } LoaderClass.prototype = new MovieClip(); LoaderClass.prototype.update = function () { this.slideColor.setRGB(this.scolor); this.bordColor.setRGB(this.bcolor); this.bord._width = this.SlideWidth + 4; this.slide._width = this.SlideWidth; this.bord._height = this.SlideHeight + 4; this.slide._height = this.SlideHeight; this.createTextField("mytext", 1, this.bord._x, this.bord._y, 300, 40); delete this.mtextFormat; this.mtextFormat = new TextFormat(this); this.mTextFormat.font = this.fname; this.mTextFormat.color = this.bcolor; this.mTextFormat.size = this.fsize; this.mytext.text = ""; this.mytext.setTextFormat(this.mtextFormat); }; LoaderClass.prototype.setSlideWidth = function (b) { this.SlideWidth = b; this.update(); }; LoaderClass.prototype.getSlideWidth = function () { return(this.SlideWidth); }; LoaderClass.prototype.setSlideHeight = function (h) { this.SlideHeight = h; this.update(); }; LoaderClass.prototype.getSlideHeight = function () { return(this.SlideHeight); }; LoaderClass.prototype.setTintColor = function (c) { this.tcolor = c; this.update(); }; LoaderClass.prototype.turnOnTint = function () { this.applyTint = true; this.update(); }; Object.registerClass("Loader", LoaderClass); #endinitclipInstance of Symbol 2 MovieClip "slide" in Symbol 5 MovieClip [Loader] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.stop(); this.topScale = this._width; this._xscale = 0; ft = int(_root.getBytesTotal() / 1024); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { fl = int(_root.getBytesLoaded() / 1024); this._xscale = (fl / ft) * this.topScale; _parent.mytext.text = ((("LOADING " + fl) + " KB OF ") + ft) + " KB"; _parent.mytext.setTextFormat(_parent.mtextFormat); if (fl == ft) { _root.gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 1); play(); } }Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 13gotoAndPlay (1);Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 41gotoAndPlay (1);Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 2stop();
Library Items
Symbol 1 Graphic | Used by:2 | |
Symbol 2 MovieClip | Uses:1 | Used by:5 |
Symbol 3 Graphic | Used by:4 | |
Symbol 4 MovieClip | Uses:3 | Used by:5 |
Symbol 5 MovieClip [Loader] | Uses:2 4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 6 Bitmap | Used by:7 | |
Symbol 7 Graphic | Uses:6 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 8 Bitmap | Used by:9 | |
Symbol 9 Graphic | Uses:8 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 10 Bitmap | Used by:11 | |
Symbol 11 Graphic | Uses:10 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 12 Bitmap | Used by:13 | |
Symbol 13 Graphic | Uses:12 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 14 Bitmap | Used by:15 | |
Symbol 15 Graphic | Uses:14 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 16 Bitmap | Used by:17 | |
Symbol 17 Graphic | Uses:16 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 18 Bitmap | Used by:19 | |
Symbol 19 Graphic | Uses:18 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 20 Bitmap | Used by:21 | |
Symbol 21 Graphic | Uses:20 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 22 Bitmap | Used by:23 | |
Symbol 23 Graphic | Uses:22 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 24 Bitmap | Used by:25 | |
Symbol 25 Graphic | Uses:24 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 26 Bitmap | Used by:27 | |
Symbol 27 Graphic | Uses:26 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 28 Bitmap | Used by:29 | |
Symbol 29 Graphic | Uses:28 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 30 Bitmap | Used by:31 | |
Symbol 31 Graphic | Uses:30 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 32 Bitmap | Used by:33 | |
Symbol 33 Graphic | Uses:32 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 34 Bitmap | Used by:35 | |
Symbol 35 Graphic | Uses:34 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 36 Bitmap | Used by:37 | |
Symbol 37 Graphic | Uses:36 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 38 Bitmap | Used by:39 | |
Symbol 39 Graphic | Uses:38 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 40 Bitmap | Used by:41 | |
Symbol 41 Graphic | Uses:40 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 42 Bitmap | Used by:43 | |
Symbol 43 Graphic | Uses:42 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 44 Bitmap | Used by:45 | |
Symbol 45 Graphic | Uses:44 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 46 Bitmap | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 47 Graphic | Uses:46 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 48 Sound | Used by:71 | |
Symbol 49 Bitmap | Used by:50 | |
Symbol 50 Graphic | Uses:49 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 51 Bitmap | Used by:52 | |
Symbol 52 Graphic | Uses:51 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 53 Bitmap | Used by:54 | |
Symbol 54 Graphic | Uses:53 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 55 Bitmap | Used by:56 | |
Symbol 56 Graphic | Uses:55 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 57 Bitmap | Used by:58 | |
Symbol 58 Graphic | Uses:57 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 59 Bitmap | Used by:60 | |
Symbol 60 Graphic | Uses:59 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 61 Bitmap | Used by:62 | |
Symbol 62 Graphic | Uses:61 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 63 Bitmap | Used by:64 | |
Symbol 64 Graphic | Uses:63 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 65 Bitmap | Used by:66 | |
Symbol 66 Graphic | Uses:65 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 67 Bitmap | Used by:68 | |
Symbol 68 Graphic | Uses:67 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 69 Bitmap | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 70 Graphic | Uses:69 | Used by:71 |
Symbol 71 MovieClip | Uses:7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 72 Graphic | Used by:75 | |
Symbol 73 Font | Used by:74 | |
Symbol 74 Text | Uses:73 | Used by:75 |
Symbol 75 MovieClip | Uses:72 74 | Used by:76 |
Symbol 76 MovieClip | Uses:75 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 77 Graphic | Used by:83 | |
Symbol 78 Font | Used by:79 80 82 | |
Symbol 79 EditableText | Uses:78 | Used by:83 |
Symbol 80 EditableText | Uses:78 | Used by:83 |
Symbol 81 Graphic | Used by:83 | |
Symbol 82 EditableText | Uses:78 | Used by:83 |
Symbol 83 MovieClip | Uses:77 79 80 81 82 | Used by:Timeline |
Instance Names
"girl" | Frame 2 | Symbol 71 MovieClip |
"logo" | Frame 2 | Symbol 76 MovieClip |
"slap" | Frame 2 | Symbol 83 MovieClip |
"slide" | Symbol 5 MovieClip [Loader] Frame 1 | Symbol 2 MovieClip |
"bord" | Symbol 5 MovieClip [Loader] Frame 1 | Symbol 4 MovieClip |
Special Tags
Protect (24) | Timeline Frame 1 | 0 bytes "" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 5 as "Loader" |