[Tools][Expand/Collapse All]Note that automatic extraction of ActionScript 3 is still pretty much unsupported by swfchan. AS1/AS2 works okay most of the time.Frame 2 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 38 MovieClip in Frame 2 (938 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
version = 6;
revision = {};
revision.WIN = "0,21,0";
revision.MAC = "0,21,0";
revision.autre = 0;
warning = {};
warning.english = "This game needs the version # of the Flash player and you only use the version @, please click on the logo to download the latest version";
warning.french = "Ce jeu n\u00E9cessite la version # du lecteur Flash et vous ne disposez que de la version @, cliquez sur le logo pour t\u00E9l\u00E9charger la derni\u00E8re version.";
warning.korean = "";
warning.japanese = "";
warning.swedish = "";
warning.german = "";
warning.spanish = "";
warning.italian = "";
warning.taiwan = "";
warning.portuguese = "";
warning.polish = "";
warning.hungarian = "";
warning.czech = "";
warning.turkish = "";
warning.finnish = "";
warning.danish = "";
warning.norwegian = "";
warning.dutch = "";
warning.russian = "";
label = 5;
gotoAnd = "Stop";
Frame 5 (156 B)
_focusrect = false;
Stage.showMenu = false;
yamz.System = new LoadVars();
yamz.System.mainPath = asseturl;
yamz.System.ep2url = nextlevelurl;
Instance of Symbol 20 MovieClip [YamzPreload] "mcPreMe" in Frame 5 (244 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
url = "";
_targetInstanceName = "";
startLoading = true;
action = "gotoAndStop";
label = "20";
endValue = 100;
endType = "%";
idGraphic = "";
version = false;
group = "";
order = 0;
Instance of Symbol 41 MovieClip in Frame 10 (135 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
url = "http://www.yamago.net";
target = "_top";
gotoAnd = "Stop";
label = "20";
Instance of Symbol 45 MovieClip in Frame 15 (117 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
label = 25;
gotoAnd = "Stop";
iterations = 2;
timeout = 4000;
Instance of Symbol 27 MovieClip [yamzConfig] in Frame 20 (138 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
config = "config.swf";
gotoAnd = "Stop";
label = "30";
NetDebugTarget = "_level0";
Frame 25 (1.32 KiB) ●
if (Language == undefined) {
_level0.createEmptyMovieClip("Language", 2000000);
_global.Language = _level0.Language;
Language.load = function (pLanguage, pUrl) {
if (pLanguage == undefined) {
pLanguage = System.capabilities.language.substring(0, 2);
var i = 0;
while (i < this.available.length) {
if (pLanguage == this.available[i]) {
if (i == this.available.length) {
pLanguage = this.available[0];
this.vName = pLanguage;
if ((pUrl.length > 0) && (pUrl.substring(pUrl.length - 1) != "/")) {
pUrl = pUrl + "/";
this.loadVariables((pUrl + this.vName) + ".txt");
Language.get = function (pInit) {
return((pInit ? (System.capabilities.language.substring(0, 2)) : (this.vName)));
Language.available = ["en", "fr"];
} else {
trace("objet LANGUAGE: message d'erreur");
trace("Attention vous tentez de cr\u00E9er un deuxi\u00E8me objet");
trace("Language ou vous avez d\u00E9fini une variable du m\u00EAme");
trace("Pour r\u00E9soudre le probl\u00E8me, choisissez un autre nom");
trace("pour votre variable");
Language.onData = function () {
gotoAndStop (30);
Frame 30 (859 B)
function launch() {
gotoAndStop (40);
debug("url = " + mainUrl);
debug("mainPath = " + yamz.System.mainPath);
var lPG = (new yamz.Preloadgroup());
attachMovie("YamzPreloadGroup", "mcPreloadG", 10, {group:lPG, _x:320, _y:300});
createEmptyMovieClip("mcSonInterface", 0);
attachMovie("YamzPreload", "mcPreSound", 1, {url:"sound/sound0.swf", target:mcSonInterface, order:0, group:lPG});
attachMovie("YamzPreload", "mcPreKernel", 2, {url:"kernel_inter.swf", target:mcKernel, order:1, group:lPG});
attachMovie("YamzPreload", "mcPreInterf", 3, {url:"interface.swf", target:mcInterface, order:2, group:lPG});
lPG.onLoadComplete = function () {
debug("chargement de l'interface termin\u00E9");
yamz.polo.main.launchInterface(mcInterface, launch, 0);
Symbol 10 MovieClip Frame 1 (512 B)
mcBar._xscale = (mcTotalBar._xscale = 0);
this._parent.onLoadProgress = function (pCurrent, pCurrentLoaded, pCurrentTotal, pLoaded, pTotal, pSpeed, pCurrentTime, pTime) {
speed = pSpeed + "kb/s";
time = pTime + "s";
file = pCurrent;
currentLoading = ((((pCurrentLoaded + "/") + pCurrentTotal) + " [") + pCurrentTime) + "s]";
loading = ((((pLoaded + "/") + pTotal) + " [") + pTime) + " s]";
mcBar._xscale = 100 * (pCurrentLoaded / pCurrentTotal);
mcTotalBar._xscale = 100 * (pLoaded / pTotal);
Symbol 11 MovieClip [YamzPreloadQ] Frame 1 (6.69 KiB) ● ●
#initclip 2
if (_level0.yamz == undefined) {
_level0.yamz = {};
if (_global.yamz == undefined) {
_global.yamz = _level0.yamz;
if (yamz.PreloadQ == undefined) {
yamz.PreloadQ = function () {
if (this.stopWhenLoading == undefined) {
this.stopWhenLoading = true;
this.serverGet = false;
if (this.version == undefined) {
this.version = false;
this.vLoader = new LoadVars();
var lParent = this;
this.vLoader.onData = function () {
if (this.getBytesTotal() == undefined) {
lParent.onLoadError({level:"error", description:"fichier inexistant: " + lParent.current, code:0});
if (this.stopWhenLoading && (yamz.Preload == undefined)) {
this.onLoadError({level:"warning", description:"classe yamz.Preload non d\u00E9finie, support stopWhenLoading d\u00E9sactiv\u00E9" + lParent.current, code:2});
if (this.startLoading) {
Object.registerClass("yamzPreloadQ", yamz.PreloadQ);
yamz.PreloadQ.prototype = new MovieClip();
yamz.PreloadQ.__getURL = function (pUrl, pVersion) {
var lPath = yamz.System.mainPath;
if (((pUrl.indexOf("://") != -1) || (lPath == undefined)) || (lPath == "")) {
var lUrl = pUrl;
} else {
var lLength = (lPath.length - 1);
if (lPath.charAt(lLength) == "/") {
lPath = lPath.substring(0, lLength);
if (!lPath.indexOf("..")) {
var lUrl = ((lPath + "/") + pUrl);
} else {
var lLength = (lPath.length - 1);
if (lPath.charAt(lLength) == "/") {
lPath = lPath.substring(0, lLength);
var lParent = pUrl.split("../");
lLength = lParent.length - 1;
var lUrl = lPath.split("/");
lUrl = lUrl.slice(0, lUrl.length - lLength).join("/");
if (lUrl != "") {
lUrl = lUrl + "/";
lUrl = lUrl + lParent[lLength];
return((((MMSave == undefined) && (pVersion)) ? ((lUrl + "?") + yamz.System.version) : (lUrl)));
yamz.PreloadQ.prototype.loadProgress = function () {
if (!this.files.length) {
this.loading = false;
if (this.getDepth() < 0) {
if (this.stopWhenLoading && (yamz.Preload.loading)) {
this.loading = false;
this.current = yamz.PreloadQ.__getURL(this.files.shift(), this.version);
this.loading = true;
var lStartTime = getTimer();
return(function () {
var lCurrentLoaded = this.vLoader.getBytesLoaded();
var lCurrentTotal = this.vLoader.getBytesTotal();
var lCurrentProgress = (lCurrentLoaded / lCurrentTotal);
if (isNaN(lCurrentProgress)) {
lCurrentProgress = 0;
var lLoaded = (this.serverGet ? (this.vLoaded + lCurrentLoaded) : (((this.vTotal - 1) - this.files.length) + lCurrentProgress));
if (lCurrentTotal > 0) {
var lTime = (getTimer() - this.vStartTime);
var lCurrentTime = (getTimer() - lStartTime);
var lSpeed = (this.serverGet ? (lLoaded / lTime) : (lCurrentLoaded / lCurrentTime));
var lCurrentTimeLeft = Math.ceil((lCurrentTotal - lCurrentLoaded) / (lSpeed * 1000));
var lTimeLeft = (this.serverGet ? (Math.ceil((this.vTotal - lLoaded) / (lSpeed * 1000))) : "?");
this.onLoadProgress(this.current, lCurrentLoaded, lCurrentTotal, lLoaded, this.vTotal, Math.round(lSpeed), lCurrentTimeLeft, lTimeLeft);
if (lCurrentLoaded >= lCurrentTotal) {
this.vLoaded = this.vLoaded + lCurrentTotal;
this.onEnterFrame = this.loadProgress();
yamz.PreloadQ.prototype.load = function (pFiles, pVersion) {
if (pFiles != undefined) {
this.files = pFiles;
if (pVersion != undefined) {
this.version = pVersion;
if ((typeof(this.files) == "string") && (this.files != "")) {
this.files = [this.files];
} else if ((this.files instanceof Array) && (this.files.length)) {
this.files = this.files.slice();
} else {
this.onLoadError({level:"error", description:"cible non d\u00E9finie", code:1});
this.total = this.files.length;
this.vStartTime = getTimer();
this.vLoaded = 0;
this.vTotal = 0;
this.mcGraphic._visible = true;
if (this.serverGet) {
var getFile = new LoadVars();
getFile.files = this.files.join("|");
var lThis = this;
getFile.onLoad = function () {
if (this.total != undefined) {
lThis.vTotal = Number(this.total);
} else {
lThis.onLoadError({level:"warning", description:"calcul du poids total impossible", code:1});
lThis.vTotal = lThis.files.length;
lThis.serverGet = false;
lThis.onEnterFrame = lThis.loadProgress();
getFile.sendAndLoad("gettotalsize.php", getFile);
} else {
this.vTotal = this.files.length;
this.onEnterFrame = this.loadProgress();
yamz.PreloadQ.prototype.setGraphic = function (pId) {
if ((arguments.length > 0) && (!(pId === undefined))) {
this.idGraphic = pId;
if ((pId == null) || (pId != "")) {
if (this.mcGraphic != undefined) {
if (pId != "") {
this.attachMovie(pId, "mcGraphic", 0);
this.mcGraphic._visible = false;
yamz.PreloadQ.prototype.onLoadError = function (pError) {
if (yamz.System.netDebug) {
debug("yamz.PreloaQ Erreur", pError);
} else {
trace("==== yamz.PreloadQ ERREUR ====");
for (var z in pError) {
trace((z + ": ") + pError[z]);
yamz.PreloadQ.prototype.onLoadProgress = function (pCurrent, pCurrentLoaded, pCurrentTotal, pLoaded, pTotal, pSpeed, pCurrentTimeLeft, pTimeLeft) {
if (yamz.System.netDebug) {
debug(((((((((((((((pCurrent + ": ") + pCurrentLoaded) + "/") + pCurrentTotal) + " | ") + pLoaded) + "/") + pTotal) + " [") + pSpeed) + "kb/s] [") + pCurrentTimeLeft) + "s | ") + pTimeLeft) + "s]");
} else {
trace(((((((((((((((pCurrent + ": ") + pCurrentLoaded) + "/") + pCurrentTotal) + " | ") + pLoaded) + "/") + pTotal) + " [") + pSpeed) + "kb/s] [") + pCurrentTimeLeft) + "s | ") + pTimeLeft) + "s]");
yamz.PreloadQ.prototype.onCurrentLoadComplete = function (pCurrent) {
if (yamz.System.netDebug) {
debug(pCurrent + ": chargement termin\u00E9");
} else {
trace(pCurrent + ": chargement termin\u00E9");
yamz.PreloadQ.prototype.onLoadComplete = function () {
if (yamz.System.netDebug) {
debug(this._name + ": chargement complet termin\u00E9");
} else {
trace(this._name + ": chargement complet termin\u00E9");
Symbol 15 MovieClip [YamzPreloadGroup] Frame 1 (661 B)
mcBar._xscale = (mcTotalBar._xscale = 0);
var lThis = this;
this.group.onLoadProgress = function (pCurrent, pCurrentLoaded, pCurrentTotal, pLoaded, pTotal, pSpeed, pCurrentTime, pTime) {
speed = pSpeed + "kb/s";
time = pTime + "s";
file = pCurrent;
currentLoading = ((((pCurrentLoaded + "/") + pCurrentTotal) + " [") + pCurrentTime) + "s]";
loading = ((((pLoaded + "/") + pTotal) + " [") + pTime) + " s]";
mcBar._xscale = 100 * (pCurrentLoaded / pCurrentTotal);
mcTotalBar._xscale = 100 * (pLoaded / pTotal);
if (pLoaded >= pTotal) {
if (lThis.getDepth() < 0) {
Symbol 19 MovieClip Frame 1 (229 B)
mcBar._xscale = 0;
this._parent.onLoadProgress = function (pLoaded, pTotal, pSpeed, pTime) {
speed = pSpeed + "kb/s";
time = pTime + "s";
loading = (pLoaded + "/") + pTotal;
mcBar._xscale = 100 * (pLoaded / pTotal);
Symbol 20 MovieClip [YamzPreload] Frame 1 (13.2 KiB) ● ●
#initclip 1
if (_level0.yamz == undefined) {
_level0.yamz = {};
if (_global.yamz == undefined) {
_global.yamz = _level0.yamz;
if (yamz.PreloadGroup == undefined) {
yamz.PreloadGroup = function (pStartLoading, pAction, pLabel, pEndValue, pEndType, pGraphic, pVersion, pServerGet, pVisible) {
this.startLoading = pStartLoading;
this.action = pAction;
this.label = pLabel;
this.endValue = ((pEndValue == undefined) ? 100 : (pEndValue));
this.endType = pEndType;
this.endValue = pEndValue;
this.serverGet = false;
this.version = ((pVersion == undefined) ? false : (pVersion));
this.visible = ((pVisible == undefined) ? false : (pVisible));
this.vCurrentTotal = 0;
this.idGraphic = pGraphic;
this.list = [];
yamz.PreloadGroup.prototype.loadProgress = function (pCurrent, pCurrentLoaded, pCurrentTotal, pCurrentTimeLeft) {
var lCurrentLoaded = (this.serverGet ? (Math.floor(pCurrentLoaded * (this.vCurrentTotal / pCurrentTotal))) : (pCurrentLoaded / pCurrentTotal));
var lLoaded = (this.serverGet ? (this.loaded + lCurrentLoaded) : (((this.vTotal - 1) - this.list.length) + lCurrentLoaded));
var lTime = (getTimer() - this.vStartTime);
var lSpeed = (this.serverGet ? (lLoaded / lTime) : (pCurrentLoaded / pCurrentTime));
var lTimeLeft = (this.serverGet ? (Math.ceil((this.vTotal - lLoaded) / (lSpeed * 1000))) : "?");
this.onLoadProgress(pCurrent, pCurrentLoaded, pCurrentTotal, lLoaded, this.vTotal, Math.round(lSpeed), pCurrentTimeLeft, lTimeLeft);
yamz.PreloadGroup.prototype.initOrder = function (pTarget) {
this.list[pTarget.order] = pTarget;
yamz.PreloadGroup.prototype.load = function (pPrevTotal) {
this.loaded = this.loaded + this.vCurrentTotal;
this.vCurrentTotal = Number(this.vFileSize.shift());
while (this.list.length) {
var lRef = this.list.shift();
if (lRef instanceof yamz.Preload) {
this.current = lRef;
yamz.Preload.loading = false;
yamz.PreloadGroup.prototype.loadGroup = function (pVisible, pVersion, pServerGet) {
if (pVisible != undefined) {
this.visible = pVisible;
if (pServerGet != undefined) {
this.serverGet = pServerGet;
if (pVersion != undefined) {
this.version = pVersion;
var lNbFiles = this.list.length;
if (this.serverGet) {
var getFile = new LoadVars();
getFile.files = [];
var i = 0;
while (i < lNbFiles) {
getFile.files = getFile.files.join("|");
var lThis = this;
getFile.onLoad = function (pSuccess) {
if (this.total != undefined) {
lThis.vTotal = Number(this.total);
lThis.vFileSize = this.fileSize.split("|");
lThis.vStartTime = getTimer();
lThis.loaded = 0;
} else {
lThis.onLoadError({level:"warning", description:"calcul du poids total impossible", code:1});
lThis.serverGet = false;
lThis.vTotal = lNbFiles;
getFile.sendAndLoad("gettotalsize.php", getFile);
} else {
this.vTotal = lNbFiles;
yamz.PreloadGroup.prototype.onLoadError = function (pError) {
if (yamz.System.netDebug) {
debug("yamz.PreloadGroup ERREUR", pError);
} else {
trace("==== yamz.PreloadGroup ERREUR ====");
for (var z in pError) {
trace((z + ": ") + pError[z]);
yamz.PreloadGroup.prototype.onLoadProgress = function (pCurrent, pCurrentLoaded, pCurrentTotal, pLoaded, pTotal, pSpeed, pCurrentTimeLeft, pTimeLeft) {
if (yamz.System.netDebug) {
debug(((((((((((((((pCurrent + "(groupe): ") + pCurrentLoaded) + "/") + pCurrentTotal) + " | ") + pLoaded) + "/") + pTotal) + " [") + pSpeed) + "kb/s] [") + pCurrentTimeLeft) + "s | ") + pTimeLeft) + "s]");
trace(((((((((((((((pCurrent + "(groupe): ") + pCurrentLoaded) + "/") + pCurrentTotal) + " | ") + pLoaded) + "/") + pTotal) + " [") + pSpeed) + "kb/s] [") + pCurrentTimeLeft) + "s | ") + pTimeLeft) + "s]");
yamz.PreloadGroup.prototype.onLoadComplete = function () {
if (yamz.System.netDebug) {
debug("chargement de l'ensemble du groupe termin\u00E9");
trace("chargement de l'ensemble du groupe termin\u00E9");
if (yamz.Preload == undefined) {
yamz.Preload = function () {
if (this.group == "") {
this.group = null;
if ((this.group != undefined) && (this.order == undefined)) {
yamz.Preload.loading = false;
this.onLoadError({level:"error", description:this._name + ": manque l'ordre dans le groupe", code:2});
if (this.group != null) {
if (!(this.group instanceof yamz.PreloadGroup)) {
var lTempGroup = this.group.split(".");
var lEndGroup = lTempGroup.pop();
var lBeginGroup = (lTempGroup.length ? (eval ("this._parent." + lTempGroup.join("."))) : (this._parent));
if (lBeginGroup[lEndGroup] instanceof yamz.PreloadGroup) {
this.group = lBeginGroup[lEndGroup];
} else {
this.group = (lBeginGroup[lEndGroup] = new yamz.PreloadGroup(true));
if (this.group != undefined) {
this.startLoading = ((this.order === 0) ? (this.group.startLoading) : false);
if (this.version == undefined) {
this.version = ((this.group != undefined) ? (this.group.version) : false);
if ((this.action == undefined) || (this.action == "")) {
if (this.group == undefined) {
} else {
this.setAction(this.group.action, this.group.label);
} else {
this.setAction(this.action, this.label);
if ((this.group == undefined) || (this.group.idGraphic === undefined)) {
} else {
if (((this.group == undefined) || (this.group.endValue === undefined)) || (this.group.endType === undefined)) {
this.setLoadingEnd(this.endValue, this.endType);
} else {
this.setLoadingEnd(this.group.endValue, this.group.endType);
if (this.startLoading) {
if (this.group != undefined) {
this.group.list[this.order] = undefined;
Object.registerClass("YamzPreload", yamz.Preload);
yamz.Preload.prototype = new MovieClip();
yamz.Preload.loading = false;
yamz.Preload.__getURL = function (pUrl, pVersion) {
debug("__getUrl = " + yamz.System.version);
var lPath = yamz.System.mainPath;
if (((pUrl.indexOf("://") != -1) || (lPath == undefined)) || (lPath == "")) {
var lUrl = pUrl;
} else {
var lLength = (lPath.length - 1);
if (lPath.charAt(lLength) == "/") {
lPath = lPath.substring(0, lLength);
if (!lPath.indexOf("..")) {
var lUrl = ((lPath + "/") + pUrl);
} else {
var lLength = (lPath.length - 1);
if (lPath.charAt(lLength) == "/") {
lPath = lPath.substring(0, lLength);
var lParent = pUrl.split("../");
lLength = lParent.length - 1;
var lUrl = lPath.split("/");
lUrl = lUrl.slice(0, lUrl.length - lLength).join("/");
if (lUrl != "") {
lUrl = lUrl + "/";
lUrl = lUrl + lParent[lLength];
return((((MMSave == undefined) && (pVersion)) ? ((lUrl + "?") + yamz.System.version) : (lUrl)));
yamz.Preload.prototype.initLevel = function () {
yamz.Preload.loading = true;
if (this["_level" + this._targetInstanceName]) {
this.target = this["_level" + this._targetInstanceName];
this.onEnterFrame = this.loadProgress();
yamz.Preload.prototype.initClip = function () {
yamz.Preload.loading = true;
if (this.target.getBytesTotal() === 0) {
this.onEnterFrame = this.loadProgress();
yamz.Preload.prototype.loadProgress = function () {
var lStartTime = getTimer();
if ((this.group != undefined) && (this.visible == undefined)) {
this.mcGraphic._visible = this.group.visible;
} else if (this.visible != undefined) {
this.mcGraphic._visible = this.visible;
} else {
this.mcGraphic._visible = true;
return(function () {
yamz.Preload.loading = true;
var lLoaded = this.target.getBytesLoaded();
var lTotal = this.target.getBytesTotal();
if (this.endType == "image") {
var lTypeLoaded = this.target._framesloaded;
var lTypeTotal = this.endValue;
} else {
var lTypeLoaded = lLoaded;
if (this.endType == "%") {
var lTypeTotal = Math.floor((lTotal * this.endValue) / 100);
} else {
var lTypeTotal = (this.endValue * 1000);
if (lTotal > 0) {
var lTime = (getTimer() - lStartTime);
var lSpeed = (lTypeLoaded / lTime);
var lTimeLeft = Math.ceil((lTypeTotal - lTypeLoaded) / (lSpeed * 1000));
var lLoadBytes = Math.max(0, Math.min(lTypeLoaded, lTypeTotal));
if (this.group != undefined) {
this.group.loadProgress(this.url, lLoadBytes, lTypeTotal, lTimeLeft);
this.onLoadProgress(lLoadBytes, lTypeTotal, Math.round(lSpeed), lTimeLeft);
if (lTypeLoaded >= lTypeTotal) {
if (this.group != undefined) {
} else {
yamz.Preload.loading = false;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
if (this.getDepth() < 0) {
yamz.Preload.prototype.loadClip = function (pUrl, pTarget, pVersion) {
if (pTarget != undefined) {
if ((((pTarget instanceof MovieClip) || (pTarget instanceof Sound)) || (pTarget instanceof LoadVars)) || (pTarget instanceof XML)) {
this.target = pTarget;
} else {
this._targetInstanceName = pTarget;
if (pVersion != undefined) {
this.version = pVersion;
debug("version => " + this.version);
this.url = yamz.Preload.__getURL(((pUrl != undefined) ? (pUrl) : (this.url)), this.version);
debug("url => " + this.url);
if ((this.url == "") && (this._targetInstanceName == "")) {
this.target = this._parent;
this.onEnterFrame = this.loadProgress();
if (this.url == "") {
yamz.Preload.loading = false;
this.onLoadError({level:"error", description:"fichier \u00E0 charger non d\u00E9fini", code:0});
if ((this._targetInstanceName == "") && (!((((this.target instanceof MovieClip) || (this.target instanceof Sound)) || (this.target instanceof LoadVars)) || (this.target instanceof XML)))) {
yamz.Preload.loading = false;
this.onLoadError({level:"error", description:"cible non d\u00E9finie", code:1});
if (this.target instanceof Sound) {
yamz.Preload.loading = true;
this.target.loadSound(this.url, false);
this.onEnterFrame = this.loadProgress();
} else if ((this.target instanceof LoadVars) || (this.target instanceof XML)) {
yamz.Preload.loading = true;
this.onEnterFrame = this.loadProgress();
} else if (isNaN(parseInt(this._targetInstanceName)) || (this.target instanceof MovieClip)) {
if (!(this.target instanceof MovieClip)) {
this.target = eval ("this._parent." + this._targetInstanceName);
this.onEnterFrame = this.initClip;
} else {
var lTarget = parseInt(this._targetInstanceName);
loadMovieNum (this.url, lTarget);
this.onEnterFrame = this.initLevel;
yamz.Preload.prototype.setAction = function (pAction, pLabel) {
if (arguments.length > 0) {
if (pAction == null) {
this.runAction = null;
} else {
this.runAction = function () {
yamz.Preload.prototype.setGraphic = function (pId) {
if ((arguments.length > 0) && (!(pId === undefined))) {
this.idGraphic = pId;
if ((pId == null) || (pId != "")) {
if (this.mcGraphic != undefined) {
if (pId != "") {
this.attachMovie(pId, "mcGraphic", 0);
this.mcGraphic._visible = false;
yamz.Preload.prototype.setLoadingEnd = function (pValue, pType) {
if (((pType != "image") && (pType != "%")) && (pType != "kb")) {
pValue = 100;
pType = "%";
this.endValue = pValue;
this.endType = pType;
yamz.Preload.prototype.onLoadError = function (pError) {
if (yamz.System.netDebug) {
debug("yamz.Preload ERREUR", pError);
} else {
trace("==== yamz.Preload ERREUR ====");
for (var z in pError) {
trace((z + ": ") + pError[z]);
yamz.Preload.prototype.onLoadProgress = function (pLoadBytes, pTotalBytes, pSpeed, pTimeLeft) {
if (yamz.System.netDebug) {
debug(((((((((this.target + ": ") + pLoadBytes) + "/") + pTotalBytes) + " [") + pSpeed) + "kb/s] [") + pTimeLeft) + "s]");
} else {
trace(((((((((this.target + ": ") + pLoadBytes) + "/") + pTotalBytes) + " [") + pSpeed) + "kb/s] [") + pTimeLeft) + "s]");
yamz.Preload.prototype.onLoadComplete = function () {
if (yamz.System.netDebug) {
debug(this.target + ": chargement termin\u00E9");
} else {
trace(this.target + ": chargement termin\u00E9");
Instance of Symbol 20 MovieClip [YamzPreload] in Symbol 24 MovieClip [idClipLoad] Frame 1 (243 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
url = "";
_targetInstanceName = "";
startLoading = true;
action = "gotoAndStop";
label = "2";
endValue = 100;
endType = "%";
idGraphic = "";
version = false;
group = "";
order = 0;
Symbol 27 MovieClip [yamzConfig] Frame 1 (1.53 KiB) ●
var lThis = this;
NetDebugTarget = eval (NetDebugTarget);
if (_level0.yamz == undefined) {
_level0.yamz = {};
if (_global.yamz == undefined) {
_global.yamz = _level0.yamz;
if (yamz.System == undefined) {
yamz.System = new LoadVars();
yamz.System.onLoad = function (pSucces) {
if (pSucces) {
this.netDebug = this.netDebug == "true";
if (this.netDebug) {
if (yamz.Preload == undefined) {
trace("==== yamz.System ERREUR ====");
trace("classe inexistante: yamz.Preload");
} else {
var lPreload = lThis.attachMovie("YamzPreload", "mcPreload", 0);
var lNetDebug = lThis.NetDebugTarget.createEmptyMovieClip("NetDebug_mc", -1000);
lPreload.onLoadComplete = function () {
lPreload.loadClip("netDebug.swf", lNetDebug);
} else {
_global.debug = function () {
trace(arguments.join(" | "));
} else {
trace("==== yamz.System ERREUR ====");
trace("fichier inexistant:" + config);
next = function () {
var lLabel = (isNaN(parseInt(lThis.label)) ? (lThis.label) : (Number(lThis.label)));
lThis._parent["gotoAnd" + lThis.gotoAnd](lThis.label);
if (MMSave == undefined) {
var lPath = yamz.System.mainPath;
if ((lPath == undefined) || (lPath == "")) {
var lUrl = "";
} else {
var lUrl = lPath;
_parent.mainUrl = lUrl;
yamz.System.load(((lUrl + config) + "?") + new Date().getTime());
} else {
Symbol 33 Button (155 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash?Lang=english&P5_Language=english");
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 1 (68 B)
this._visible = false;
a = "ash";
gotoAndStop("fl" + a);
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 10 (2.61 KiB) ●
var lVersion = _level0.$version.split(" ");
this.os = lVersion[0];
lVersion = lVersion[1].split(",");
this.currentVersion = Number(lVersion[0]);
this.currentRevision = (((lVersion[1] + ",") + lVersion[2]) + ",") + lVersion[3];
var lCurrentRevision = ((Number(lVersion[1]) + (Number(lVersion[2]) / 100)) + (Number(lVersion[3]) / 10000));
delete lVersion;
if (this.currentVersion == 5) {
this._visible = true;
this.languages = {en:"English", fr:"French", ko:"Korean", ja:"Japanese", sv:"Swedish", de:"German", es:"Spanish", it:"Italian", tw:"Taiwan", pt:"Portuguese", pl:"Polish", hu:"Hungarian", cs:"Czech", tr:"Turkish", fi:"Finnish", da:"Danish", no:"Norwegian", nl:"Dutch", ru:"Russian"};
this.language = this.languages[System.capabilities.language.substring(0, 2)];
if ((this.os == "WIN") || (this.os == "MAC")) {
this.revision = this.revision[this.os];
} else {
this.revision = this.revision.autre;
if (this.version < 6) {
this.version = 6;
if (typeof(this.revision) == "number") {
this.revision = this.revision.toString();
var lRevision = this.revision.split(",");
this.revision = (((Number(lRevision[0]) + ",") + Number(lRevision[1])) + ",") + Number(lRevision[2]);
lRevision = (Number(lRevision[0]) + (Number(lRevision[1]) / 100)) + (Number(lRevision[2]) / 10000);
if ((this.currentVersion < this.version) || ((this.currentVersion == this.version) && (lCurrentRevision < lRevision))) {
this._visible = true;
btnPlayer.onRelease = function () {
getURL ((("http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash?Lang=" + this._parent.language) + "&P5_Language=") + this._parent.language);
var lText = ((this.warning[this.language] != "") ? (this.warning[this.language]) : (this.warning.English));
var lVersion = ((((lText.substring(0, lText.indexOf("#", 0)) + this.version) + " revision ") + this.revision) + lText.substring(lText.indexOf("#", 0) + 1));
this.lastwarning = (((lversion.substring(0, lVersion.indexOf("@", 0)) + this.currentVersion) + " revision ") + this.currentRevision) + lVersion.substring(lVersion.indexOf("@", 0) + 1);
} else {
this._visible = false;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._parent._framesloaded >= this.label) {
if (this.label) {
if (this.gotoAnd == "Stop") {
} else {
} else if (this.gotoAnd == "Stop") {
} else {
Symbol 41 MovieClip Frame 1 (1.35 KiB) ●
this.createEmptyMovieClip("mcValid", 0);
var lMenu = Stage.showMenu;
Stage.showMenu = false;
yamzload = new LoadVars();
yamz = new LocalConnection();
yamzload.onData = function (pData) {
if (pData == undefined) {
if (url != undefined) {
getURL (url, target);
Stage.showMenu = lMenu;
} else {
onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((mcValid.getBytesTotal() > 0) && (mcValid.getBytesLoaded() >= mcValid.getBytesTotal())) {
delete onEnterFrame;
valid = function () {
mcValid.yamz = new LocalConnection();
var lResult = false;
if (yamz.domain() == mcValid.yamz.domain()) {
if (urls.length == undefined) {
lResult = true;
} else {
var i = 0;
while (i < urls.length) {
if (yamz.domain() == urls[i]) {
lResult = true;
if ((!lResult) && (url != undefined)) {
getURL (url, target);
} else if (lResult && (gotoAnd != undefined)) {
var lLabel = (isNaN(parseInt(label)) ? (label) : (Number(label)));
_parent["gotoAnd" + gotoAnd](label);
Stage.showMenu = lMenu;
Symbol 45 MovieClip Frame 1 (2.39 KiB) ●
bench = function () {
var lTotal = 0;
var lTempo;
var i = 0;
while (i < 100) {
lTempo = getTimer();
var j = 0;
while (j < 50) {
lTotal = lTotal + (getTimer() - lTempo);
var i = 0;
while (i < 100) {
lTempo = getTimer();
var j = 0;
while (j < 50) {
lTotal = lTotal + (getTimer() - lTempo);
var i = 0;
while (i < 100) {
lTempo = getTimer();
var j = 0;
while (j < 20) {
"bench de traitement de chaines".substring(5, 8);
lTotal = lTotal + (getTimer() - lTempo);
benchxml = "<root><node1>bench de parsing xml</node1><node1 type='bench' etat='test'/><node1><node2><node3 type='bench'>bench de parsing xml</node3></node2></node1></root>";
var i = 0;
while (i < 100) {
lTempo = getTimer();
var j = 0;
while (j < 5) {
new Xml(benchXml);
lTotal = lTotal + (getTimer() - lTempo);
stopBench = function () {
trace("fichier de stats inaccessible");
NetDebug.trace("fichier de stats inaccessible");
if (this.label) {
if (this.gotoAnd == "Stop") {
} else {
} else if (this.gotoAnd == "Stop") {
} else {
var i = 0;
while (i < iterations) {
total = total + bench();
total = total / iterations;
System.capabilities.benchCPU = total;
System.capabilities.estimCPU = Math.round(428452 * Math.pow(total, -1.029));
var infos = ("?cpu=" + (Math.floor(total / 5) * 5));
infos = infos + ("&version=" + System.capabilities.version);
infos = infos + ("&langue=" + System.capabilities.language);
infos = infos + ("&os=" + System.capabilities.os);
infos = infos + ("&hour=" + new Date().getHours());
infos = infos + ("&url=" + this._url);
infos = infos + ((("&cache=" + new Date().getDate()) + "-") + new Date().getMonth());
this.createEmptyMovieClip("bench_mc", 0);
this.idTime = setInterval(this, "stopBench", this.timeout);
this.bench_mc.loadMovie("http://ns234.ovh.net/~yamago/stats/stats.swf" + infos);