[Tools][Expand/Collapse All]Note that automatic extraction of ActionScript 3 is still pretty much unsupported by swfchan. AS1/AS2 works okay most of the time.Frame 1 (63 B)
Stage.showMenu = false;
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Instance of Symbol 27 MovieClip in Frame 1 (296 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
loading = _parent.getBytesLoaded();
total = _parent.getBytesTotal();
percent = percent - ((percent - ((loading / total) * 100)) * 0.25);
per = int(percent);
percentage = per + "%";
loadBar._width = per;
if (percent > 99) {
Frame 3 (104.29 KiB) ● ● ● ●
_root.nofw = 10;
_root.gameplay = false;
_root.pause = false;
_root.mode = "1 player";
_root.difficulty = "beginner";
_root.depth = 1;
_root.smallerxval = 6;
_root.menubtn.enabled = false;
_root.score = 0;
_root.thump = new Sound(thump);
_root.sidehit = new Sound(sidehit);
_root.fire = new Sound(fire);
_root.power = new Sound(power);
_root.phit = new Sound(phit);
_root.rover = new Sound(rover);
_root.rover2 = new Sound(rover2);
_root.loop = new Sound(loop);
_root.loop.onSoundComplete = function () {
_root.globalsoundcontrol = "play";
_root.fade = "in";
_root.weaponarray = new Array("bigger", "smaller", "yswitch", "xswitch", "faster", "slower", "gun", "triple", "homing", "pychange");
_root.rweaponarray = new Array("none", "none", "none");
_root.lweaponarray = new Array("none", "none", "none");
_root.bulletarray = new Array();
_root.upkey1 = 38;
_root.downkey1 = 40;
_root.launchkey1 = 37;
_root.w1key1 = 74;
_root.w2key1 = 75;
_root.w3key1 = 76;
_root.upkey2 = 81;
_root.downkey2 = 65;
_root.launchkey2 = 83;
_root.w1key2 = 88;
_root.w2key2 = 67;
_root.w3key2 = 86;
_root.pausekey = 80;
_root.musickey = 79;
_root.topBorder = (_root.stage._y - (_root.stage._height / 2)) + 8;
_root.bottomBorder = _root.stage._y + ((_root.stage._height / 2) - 8);
_root.leftborder = (_root.stage._x - (_root.stage._width / 2)) + 25;
_root.rightBorder = (_root.stage._x + (_root.stage._width / 2)) - 25;
_root.bulletmovement = function () {
i = 0;
while (i < _root.bulletarray.length) {
_root.bulletarray[i]._x = _root.bulletarray[i]._x + _root.bulletarray[i].xvalue;
_root.bulletarray[i]._y = _root.bulletarray[i]._y + _root.bulletarray[i].yvalue;
if ((_root.bulletarray[i]._x < (_root.leftborder - _root.bulletarray[i]._width)) or (_root.bulletarray[i]._x > (_root.rightborder + _root.bulletarray[i]._width))) {
_root.bulletarray.splice(i, 1);
if (_root.bulletarray[i].movement == "homing") {
if (_root.bulletarray[i].xvalue > 0) {
_root.bulletarray[i]._y = _root.bulletarray[i]._y + ((_root.rpaddle._y - _root.bulletarray[i]._y) / 10);
} else if (_root.bulletarray[i].xvalue < 0) {
_root.bulletarray[i]._y = _root.bulletarray[i]._y + ((_root.lpaddle._y - _root.bulletarray[i]._y) / 10);
if (_root.bulletarray[i].xvalue < 0) {
if (_root.bulletarray[i].hitTest(_root.lpaddle)) {
if (_root.bulletarray[i].shottype == "bigger") {
_root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale = _root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale + 20;
_root.ck = 70 / ((_root.lpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
} else if (_root.bulletarray[i].shottype == "smaller") {
_root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale = _root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale - 20;
_root.ck = 70 / ((_root.lpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
} else if (_root.bulletarray[i].shottype == "faster") {
_root.lpspeed = _root.lpspeed + 1;
} else if (_root.bulletarray[i].shottype == "slower") {
_root.lpspeed = _root.lpspeed - 1;
} else if (_root.bulletarray[i].shottype == "gun") {
_root.lhealth = _root.lhealth - 3;
_root.life1.mask._xscale = (_root.lhealth / _root.ltotalhealth) * 100;
} else if (_root.bulletarray[i].shottype == "pychange") {
_root.lpspeed = -_root.lpspeed;
_root.bulletarray.splice(i, 1);
if (_root.bulletarray[i].xvalue > 0) {
if (_root.bulletarray[i].hitTest(_root.rpaddle)) {
if (_root.bulletarray[i].shottype == "bigger") {
_root.rpaddle.paddle._yscale = _root.rpaddle.paddle._yscale + 20;
_root.k = 70 / ((_root.rpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
} else if (_root.bulletarray[i].shottype == "smaller") {
_root.rpaddle.paddle._yscale = _root.rpaddle.paddle._yscale - 20;
_root.k = 70 / ((_root.rpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
} else if (_root.bulletarray[i].shottype == "faster") {
_root.rpspeed = _root.rpspeed + 1;
} else if (_root.bulletarray[i].shottype == "slower") {
_root.rpspeed = _root.rpspeed - 1;
} else if (_root.bulletarray[i].shottype == "gun") {
_root.rhealth = _root.rhealth - 3;
_root.life2.mask._xscale = (_root.rhealth / _root.rtotalhealth) * 100;
} else if (_root.bulletarray[i].shottype == "pychange") {
_root.rpspeed = -_root.rpspeed;
_root.bulletarray.splice(i, 1);
_root.reset = function () {
_root.gameplay = false;
if (_root.mode == "1 player") {
_root.lplayer = "Computer";
_root.rplayer = "Player 1";
} else if (_root.mode == "2 player") {
_root.lplayer = "Player 2";
_root.rplayer = "Player 1";
_root.speed = 12;
_root.angle = random(30);
_root.xdir = 1;
_root.ydir = 1;
_root.k = 70 / ((_root.rpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
_root.ck = 70 / ((_root.lpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
_root.ball._x = _root.stage._x;
_root.ball._y = _root.stage._y;
_root.rpspeed = 12;
_root.lpspeed = _root.ailevel;
_root.lpspeedcounter = 0;
_root.ltotalhealth = (_root.rtotalhealth = (_root.lhealth = (_root.rhealth = 30)));
_root.life1.mask._xscale = (_root.lhealth / _root.ltotalhealth) * 100;
_root.life2.mask._xscale = (_root.rhealth / _root.rtotalhealth) * 100;
_root.rpaddle.paddle._yscale = 100;
_root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale = 100;
_root.rpaddle._y = _root.stage._y;
_root.lpaddle._y = _root.stage._y;
_root.rweaponarray = new Array("none", "none", "none");
_root.lweaponarray = new Array("none", "none", "none");
i = _root.bulletarray.length - 1;
while (i >= 0) {
_root.beginnerai = function () {
if (_root.lpspeed < 0) {
if (_root.lpspeedcounter == 75) {
_root.lpspeedcounter = 0;
_root.lpspeed = -_root.lpspeed;
if (_root.xdir == -1) {
if (_root.choose == true) {
randangle = random(140) - 70;
_root.choose = false;
desty = (randangle / _root.ck) + _root.ball._y;
if (_root.lpaddle._y < desty) {
if (Math.abs(_root.lpaddle._y - desty) < _root.lpspeed) {
_root.lpaddle._y = desty;
} else {
_root.lpaddle._y = _root.lpaddle._y + _root.lpspeed;
} else if (_root.lpaddle._y > desty) {
if (Math.abs(_root.lpaddle._y - desty) < _root.lpspeed) {
_root.lpaddle._y = desty;
} else {
_root.lpaddle._y = _root.lpaddle._y - _root.lpspeed;
} else if (_root.xdir == 1) {
if (Math.abs(_root.lpaddle._y - _root.topborder) < ((_root.lpaddle._height / 2) + 20)) {
_root.lpaddle._y = _root.lpaddle._y + (_root.lpspeed / 2);
} else if (Math.abs(_root.lpaddle._y - _root.bottomborder) < ((_root.lpaddle._height / 2) + 20)) {
_root.lpaddle._y = _root.lpaddle._y - (_root.lpspeed / 2);
if (_root.lweaponarray[0] != "none") {
if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "bigger") {
_root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale = _root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale + 20;
_root.ck = 70 / ((_root.lpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "smaller") {
_root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale = _root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale - 20;
_root.ck = 70 / ((_root.lpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "yswitch") {
_root.ydir = -1 * _root.ydir;
lastside = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "xswitch") {
_root.xdir = -1 * _root.xdir;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "faster") {
_root.lpspeed = _root.lpspeed + 1;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "slower") {
_root.lpspeed = _root.lpspeed - 1;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "gun") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "triple") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = -20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = 20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "homing") {
_root.attachMovie("homing", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth].movement = "homing";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 1.5 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "pychange") {
_root.lpspeed = -_root.lpspeed;
_root.lweaponarray[0] = "none";
_root.normalai = function () {
if (_root.lpspeed < 0) {
if (_root.lpspeedcounter == 50) {
_root.lpspeedcounter = 0;
_root.lpspeed = -_root.lpspeed;
if (_root.xdir == -1) {
if (_root.choose == true) {
randdesty = random(6);
if (randdesty == 0) {
bdestx = _root.pu1._x;
bdesty = _root.pu1._y;
} else if (randdesty == 1) {
bdestx = _root.pu2._x;
bdesty = _root.pu2._y;
} else if (randdesty == 2) {
bdestx = _root.pu3._x;
bdesty = _root.pu3._y;
} else if (randdesty == 3) {
bdestx = _root.pu4._x;
bdesty = _root.pu4._y;
} else if (randdesty == 4) {
bdesty = _root.topborder;
bdestx = _root.rightborder;
} else if (randdesty == 5) {
bdesty = _root.bottomborder;
bdestx = _root.rightborder;
_root.choose = false;
randangle = (Math.atan2(diffy, diffx) * 180) / Math.PI;
if ((randangle >= 90) and (randangle <= 180)) {
randangle = -1 * (randangle - 180);
} else if ((randangle <= -90) and (randangle > -180)) {
randangle = -1 * (180 + randangle);
desty = (randangle / _root.ck) + _root.ball._y;
if (_root.lpaddle._y < desty) {
if (Math.abs(_root.lpaddle._y - desty) < _root.lpspeed) {
_root.lpaddle._y = desty;
} else {
_root.lpaddle._y = _root.lpaddle._y + _root.lpspeed;
} else if (_root.lpaddle._y > desty) {
if (Math.abs(_root.lpaddle._y - desty) < _root.lpspeed) {
_root.lpaddle._y = desty;
} else {
_root.lpaddle._y = _root.lpaddle._y - _root.lpspeed;
} else if (_root.xdir == 1) {
if (Math.abs(_root.lpaddle._y - _root.topborder) < ((_root.lpaddle._height / 2) + 20)) {
_root.lpaddle._y = _root.lpaddle._y + (_root.lpspeed / 2);
} else if (Math.abs(_root.lpaddle._y - _root.bottomborder) < ((_root.lpaddle._height / 2) + 20)) {
_root.lpaddle._y = _root.lpaddle._y - (_root.lpspeed / 2);
if (_root.lweaponarray[0] != "none") {
if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "bigger") {
_root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale = _root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale + 20;
_root.ck = 70 / ((_root.lpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "smaller") {
_root.attachMovie("smaller", "smaller" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["smaller" + _root.depth].shottype = "smaller";
_root["smaller" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["smaller" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["smaller" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["smaller" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "yswitch") {
_root.ydir = -1 * _root.ydir;
lastside = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "xswitch") {
_root.xdir = -1 * _root.xdir;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "faster") {
_root.lpspeed = _root.lpspeed + 1;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "slower") {
_root.attachMovie("speed", "slower" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["slower" + _root.depth].shottype = "slower";
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._rotation = 180;
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["slower" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["slower" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "gun") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "triple") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = -20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = 20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "homing") {
_root.attachMovie("homing", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth].movement = "homing";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 1.5 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "pychange") {
_root.attachMovie("pychange", "pychange" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["pychange" + _root.depth].shottype = "pychange";
_root["pychange" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["pychange" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["pychange" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["pychange" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.lweaponarray[0] = "none";
_root.expertai = function () {
if (_root.lpspeed < 0) {
if (_root.lpspeedcounter == 50) {
_root.lpspeedcounter = 0;
_root.lpspeed = -_root.lpspeed;
if (_root.xdir == -1) {
if (_root.choose == true) {
_root.movedelay = 0;
randdesty = random(6);
if (randdesty == 0) {
bdestx = _root.pu1._x;
bdesty = _root.pu1._y;
} else if (randdesty == 1) {
bdestx = _root.pu2._x;
bdesty = _root.pu2._y;
} else if (randdesty == 2) {
bdestx = _root.pu3._x;
bdesty = _root.pu3._y;
} else if (randdesty == 3) {
bdestx = _root.pu4._x;
bdesty = _root.pu4._y;
} else if (randdesty == 4) {
bdesty = _root.topborder;
bdestx = _root.rightborder;
} else if (randdesty == 5) {
bdesty = _root.bottomborder;
bdestx = _root.rightborder;
_root.choose = false;
diffx = _root.ball._x - bdestx;
diffy = _root.ball._y - bdesty;
randangle = (Math.atan2(diffy, diffx) * 180) / Math.PI;
if ((randangle >= 90) and (randangle <= 180)) {
randangle = -1 * (randangle - 180);
} else if ((randangle <= -90) and (randangle > -180)) {
randangle = -1 * (180 + randangle);
desty = (randangle / _root.ck) + _root.ball._y;
if (_root.lpaddle._y < desty) {
if (Math.abs(_root.lpaddle._y - desty) < _root.lpspeed) {
_root.lpaddle._y = desty;
} else {
_root.lpaddle._y = _root.lpaddle._y + _root.lpspeed;
} else if (_root.lpaddle._y > desty) {
if (Math.abs(_root.lpaddle._y - desty) < _root.lpspeed) {
_root.lpaddle._y = desty;
} else {
_root.lpaddle._y = _root.lpaddle._y - _root.lpspeed;
} else if (_root.xdir == 1) {
_root.avoidnumber = 0;
if (_root.movedelay < 5) {
if (_root.bulletarray.length > 0) {
i = _root.bulletarray.length - 1;
while (i >= 0) {
if (_root.bulletarray[i].xvalue < 0) {
_root.avoidy = _root.bulletarray[i]._y;
_root.avoidx = _root.bulletarray[i]._x;
_root.avoidh = _root.bulletarray[i]._height;
_root.avoidtype = _root.bulletarray[i].movement;
if (_root.avoidnumber > 0) {
if (_root.avoidtype != "homing") {
if ((_root.avoidy - _root.stage._y) >= 0) {
if ((((_root.lpaddle._y + (_root.lpaddle._height / 2)) + (_root.avoidh / 2)) + 30) > _root.avoidy) {
_root.lpaddle._y = _root.lpaddle._y - _root.lpspeed;
} else if ((((_root.lpaddle._y - (_root.lpaddle._height / 2)) - (_root.avoidh / 2)) - 30) < _root.avoidy) {
_root.lpaddle._y = _root.lpaddle._y - _root.lpspeed;
} else if ((_root.avoidx - _root.lpaddle._x) < 150) {
if ((_root.bottomborder - _root.lpaddle._y) > _root.stage.heigth) {
_root.lpaddle._y = _root.lpaddle._y + _root.lpspeed;
} else {
_root.lpaddle._y = _root.lpaddle._y - _root.lpspeed;
} else if (_root.movedelay >= 5) {
if (_root.lpaddle._y < _root.stage._y) {
if ((_root.stage._y - _root.lpaddle._y) >= _root.lpspeed) {
_root.lpaddle._y = _root.lpaddle._y + (_root.lpspeed / 3);
} else {
_root.lpaddle._y = _root.stage._y;
} else if (_root.lpaddle._y > _root.stage._y) {
if ((_root.lpaddle._y - _root.stage._y) >= _root.lpspeed) {
_root.lpaddle._y = _root.lpaddle._y - (_root.lpspeed / 3);
} else {
_root.lpaddle._y = _root.stage._y;
if (_root.lweaponarray[0] != "none") {
if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "bigger") {
if (_root.lpaddle._yscale < 180) {
_root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale = _root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale + 20;
_root.ck = 70 / ((_root.lpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
_root.lweaponarray[0] = "none";
} else {
_root.attachMovie("bigger", "bigger" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["bigger" + _root.depth].shottype = "bigger";
_root["bigger" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["bigger" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["bigger" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["bigger" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.lweaponarray[0] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "smaller") {
if (_root.lpaddle._yscale < 180) {
_root.attachMovie("smaller", "smaller" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["smaller" + _root.depth].shottype = "smaller";
_root["smaller" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["smaller" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["smaller" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["smaller" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.lweaponarray[0] = "none";
} else {
_root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale = _root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale - 20;
_root.ck = 70 / ((_root.lpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
_root.lweaponarray[0] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "yswitch") {
if (((_root.rightborder - _root.ball._x) < 80) and (_root.xdir == 1)) {
_root.ydir = -1 * _root.ydir;
lastside = "none";
_root.lweaponarray[0] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "xswitch") {
if (((_root.rightborder - _root.ball._x) > 100) and (_root.xdir == -1)) {
_root.xdir = -1 * _root.xdir;
_root.lweaponarray[0] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "faster") {
_root.lpspeed = _root.lpspeed + 1;
_root.lweaponarray[0] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "slower") {
_root.attachMovie("speed", "slower" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["slower" + _root.depth].shottype = "slower";
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._rotation = 180;
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["slower" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["slower" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.lweaponarray[0] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "gun") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.lweaponarray[0] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "triple") {
if (Math.abs(_root.lpaddle._y - _root.stage._y) < 50) {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = -20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = 20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.lweaponarray[0] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "homing") {
_root.attachMovie("homing", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth].movement = "homing";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 1.5 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.lweaponarray[0] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "pychange") {
if (_root.lpspeed > 0) {
_root.attachMovie("pychange", "pychange" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["pychange" + _root.depth].shottype = "pychange";
_root["pychange" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["pychange" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["pychange" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["pychange" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.lweaponarray[0] = "none";
} else {
_root.lpspeed = -_root.lpspeed;
_root.lweaponarray[0] = "none";
if (_root.lweaponarray[1] != "none") {
if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "bigger") {
if (_root.lpaddle._yscale < 180) {
_root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale = _root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale + 20;
_root.ck = 70 / ((_root.lpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
_root.lweaponarray[1] = "none";
} else {
_root.attachMovie("bigger", "bigger" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["bigger" + _root.depth].shottype = "bigger";
_root["bigger" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["bigger" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["bigger" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["bigger" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.lweaponarray[1] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "smaller") {
if (_root.lpaddle._yscale < 180) {
_root.attachMovie("smaller", "smaller" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["smaller" + _root.depth].shottype = "smaller";
_root["smaller" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["smaller" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["smaller" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["smaller" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.lweaponarray[1] = "none";
} else {
_root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale = _root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale - 20;
_root.ck = 70 / ((_root.lpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
_root.lweaponarray[1] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "yswitch") {
if (((_root.rightborder - _root.ball._x) < 80) and (_root.xdir == 1)) {
_root.ydir = -1 * _root.ydir;
lastside = "none";
_root.lweaponarray[1] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "xswitch") {
if (((_root.rightborder - _root.ball._x) > 100) and (_root.xdir == -1)) {
_root.xdir = -1 * _root.xdir;
_root.lweaponarray[1] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "faster") {
_root.lpspeed = _root.lpspeed + 1;
_root.lweaponarray[1] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "slower") {
_root.attachMovie("speed", "slower" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["slower" + _root.depth].shottype = "slower";
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._rotation = 180;
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["slower" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["slower" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.lweaponarray[1] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "gun") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.lweaponarray[1] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "triple") {
if (Math.abs(_root.lpaddle._y - _root.stage._y) < 50) {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = -20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = 20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.lweaponarray[1] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "homing") {
_root.attachMovie("homing", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth].movement = "homing";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 1.5 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.lweaponarray[1] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "pychange") {
if (_root.lpspeed > 0) {
_root.attachMovie("pychange", "pychange" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["pychange" + _root.depth].shottype = "pychange";
_root["pychange" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["pychange" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["pychange" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["pychange" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.lweaponarray[1] = "none";
} else {
_root.lpspeed = -_root.lpspeed;
_root.lweaponarray[1] = "none";
if (_root.lweaponarray[2] != "none") {
if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "bigger") {
if (_root.lpaddle._yscale < 180) {
_root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale = _root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale + 20;
_root.ck = 70 / ((_root.lpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
_root.lweaponarray[2] = "none";
} else {
_root.attachMovie("bigger", "bigger" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["bigger" + _root.depth].shottype = "bigger";
_root["bigger" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["bigger" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["bigger" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["bigger" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.lweaponarray[2] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "smaller") {
if (_root.lpaddle._yscale < 180) {
_root.attachMovie("smaller", "smaller" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["smaller" + _root.depth].shottype = "smaller";
_root["smaller" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["smaller" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["smaller" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["smaller" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.lweaponarray[2] = "none";
} else {
_root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale = _root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale - 20;
_root.ck = 70 / ((_root.lpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
_root.lweaponarray[2] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "yswitch") {
if (((_root.rightborder - _root.ball._x) < 80) and (_root.xdir == 1)) {
_root.ydir = -1 * _root.ydir;
lastside = "none";
_root.lweaponarray[2] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "xswitch") {
if (((_root.rightborder - _root.ball._x) > 100) and (_root.xdir == -1)) {
_root.xdir = -1 * _root.xdir;
_root.lweaponarray[2] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "faster") {
_root.lpspeed = _root.lpspeed + 1;
_root.lweaponarray[2] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "slower") {
_root.attachMovie("speed", "slower" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["slower" + _root.depth].shottype = "slower";
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._rotation = 180;
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["slower" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["slower" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.lweaponarray[2] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "gun") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.lweaponarray[2] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "triple") {
if (Math.abs(_root.lpaddle._y - _root.stage._y) < 50) {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = -20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = 20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.lweaponarray[2] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "homing") {
_root.attachMovie("homing", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth].movement = "homing";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 1.5 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.lweaponarray[2] = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "pychange") {
if (_root.lpspeed > 0) {
_root.attachMovie("pychange", "pychange" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["pychange" + _root.depth].shottype = "pychange";
_root["pychange" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["pychange" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["pychange" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["pychange" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.lweaponarray[2] = "none";
} else {
_root.lpspeed = -_root.lpspeed;
_root.lweaponarray[2] = "none";
_root.rpfire1 = function () {
if (Key.isDown(_root.launchkey1)) {
if (_root.rweaponarray[0] == "bigger") {
_root.attachMovie("bigger", "bigger" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["bigger" + _root.depth].shottype = "bigger";
_root["bigger" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["bigger" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["bigger" + _root.depth].xvalue = -_root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["bigger" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[0] == "smaller") {
_root.attachMovie("smaller", "smaller" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["smaller" + _root.depth].shottype = "smaller";
_root["smaller" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["smaller" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["smaller" + _root.depth].xvalue = -_root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["smaller" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[0] == "yswitch") {
_root.ydir = -1 * _root.ydir;
lastside = "none";
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[0] == "xswitch") {
_root.xdir = -1 * _root.xdir;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[0] == "faster") {
_root.attachMovie("speed", "faster" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["faster" + _root.depth].shottype = "faster";
_root["faster" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["faster" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["faster" + _root.depth].xvalue = -_root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["faster" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[0] == "slower") {
_root.attachMovie("speed", "slower" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["slower" + _root.depth].shottype = "slower";
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._rotation = 180;
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["slower" + _root.depth].xvalue = -_root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["slower" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[0] == "gun") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = -2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[0] == "triple") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = -2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = 20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = -20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[0] == "homing") {
_root.attachMovie("homing", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth].movement = "homing";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = -1.5 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[0] == "pychange") {
_root.attachMovie("pychange", "pychange" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["pychange" + _root.depth].shottype = "pychange";
_root["pychange" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["pychange" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["pychange" + _root.depth].xvalue = -_root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["pychange" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[0] == "bigger") {
_root.rpaddle.paddle._yscale = _root.rpaddle.paddle._yscale + 20;
_root.k = 70 / ((_root.rpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[0] == "smaller") {
_root.rpaddle.paddle._yscale = _root.rpaddle.paddle._yscale - 20;
_root.k = 70 / ((_root.rpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[0] == "yswitch") {
_root.ydir = -1 * _root.ydir;
lastside = "none";
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[0] == "xswitch") {
_root.xdir = -1 * _root.xdir;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[0] == "faster") {
_root.rpspeed = _root.rpspeed + 1;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[0] == "slower") {
_root.rpspeed = _root.rpspeed - 1;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[0] == "gun") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = -2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[0] == "triple") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = -2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = 20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = -20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[0] == "homing") {
_root.attachMovie("homing", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth].movement = "homing";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = -1.5 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[0] == "pychange") {
_root.rpspeed = -_root.rpspeed;
_root.rweaponarray[0] = "none";
_root.rpfire2 = function () {
if (Key.isDown(_root.launchkey1)) {
if (_root.rweaponarray[1] == "bigger") {
_root.attachMovie("bigger", "bigger" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["bigger" + _root.depth].shottype = "bigger";
_root["bigger" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["bigger" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["bigger" + _root.depth].xvalue = -_root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["bigger" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[1] == "smaller") {
_root.attachMovie("smaller", "smaller" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["smaller" + _root.depth].shottype = "smaller";
_root["smaller" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["smaller" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["smaller" + _root.depth].xvalue = -_root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["smaller" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[1] == "yswitch") {
_root.ydir = -1 * _root.ydir;
lastside = "none";
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[1] == "xswitch") {
_root.xdir = -1 * _root.xdir;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[1] == "faster") {
_root.attachMovie("speed", "faster" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["faster" + _root.depth].shottype = "faster";
_root["faster" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["faster" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["faster" + _root.depth].xvalue = -_root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["faster" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[1] == "slower") {
_root.attachMovie("speed", "slower" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["slower" + _root.depth].shottype = "slower";
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._rotation = 180;
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["slower" + _root.depth].xvalue = -_root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["slower" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[1] == "gun") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = -2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[1] == "triple") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = -2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = 20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = -20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[1] == "homing") {
_root.attachMovie("homing", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth].movement = "homing";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = -1.5 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[1] == "pychange") {
_root.attachMovie("pychange", "pychange" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["pychange" + _root.depth].shottype = "pychange";
_root["pychange" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["pychange" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["pychange" + _root.depth].xvalue = -_root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["pychange" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[1] == "bigger") {
_root.rpaddle.paddle._yscale = _root.rpaddle.paddle._yscale + 20;
_root.k = 70 / ((_root.rpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[1] == "smaller") {
_root.rpaddle.paddle._yscale = _root.rpaddle.paddle._yscale - 20;
_root.k = 70 / ((_root.rpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[1] == "yswitch") {
_root.ydir = -1 * _root.ydir;
lastside = "none";
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[1] == "xswitch") {
_root.xdir = -1 * _root.xdir;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[1] == "faster") {
_root.rpspeed = _root.rpspeed + 1;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[1] == "slower") {
_root.rpspeed = _root.rpspeed - 1;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[1] == "gun") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = -2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[1] == "triple") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = -2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = 20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = -20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[1] == "homing") {
_root.attachMovie("homing", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth].movement = "homing";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = -1.5 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[1] == "pychange") {
_root.rpspeed = -_root.rpspeed;
_root.rweaponarray[1] = "none";
_root.rpfire3 = function () {
if (Key.isDown(_root.launchkey1)) {
if (_root.rweaponarray[2] == "bigger") {
_root.attachMovie("bigger", "bigger" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["bigger" + _root.depth].shottype = "bigger";
_root["bigger" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["bigger" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["bigger" + _root.depth].xvalue = -_root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["bigger" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[2] == "smaller") {
_root.attachMovie("smaller", "smaller" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["smaller" + _root.depth].shottype = "smaller";
_root["smaller" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["smaller" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["smaller" + _root.depth].xvalue = -_root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["smaller" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[2] == "yswitch") {
_root.ydir = -1 * _root.ydir;
lastside = "none";
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[2] == "xswitch") {
_root.xdir = -1 * _root.xdir;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[2] == "faster") {
_root.attachMovie("speed", "faster" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["faster" + _root.depth].shottype = "faster";
_root["faster" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["faster" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["faster" + _root.depth].xvalue = -_root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["faster" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[2] == "slower") {
_root.attachMovie("speed", "slower" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["slower" + _root.depth].shottype = "slower";
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._rotation = 180;
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["slower" + _root.depth].xvalue = -_root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["slower" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[2] == "gun") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = -2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[2] == "triple") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = -2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = 20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = -20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[2] == "homing") {
_root.attachMovie("homing", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth].movement = "homing";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = -1.5 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[2] == "pychange") {
_root.attachMovie("pychange", "pychange" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["pychange" + _root.depth].shottype = "pychange";
_root["pychange" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["pychange" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["pychange" + _root.depth].xvalue = -_root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["pychange" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[2] == "bigger") {
_root.rpaddle.paddle._yscale = _root.rpaddle.paddle._yscale + 20;
_root.k = 70 / ((_root.rpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[2] == "smaller") {
_root.rpaddle.paddle._yscale = _root.rpaddle.paddle._yscale - 20;
_root.k = 70 / ((_root.rpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[2] == "yswitch") {
_root.ydir = -1 * _root.ydir;
lastside = "none";
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[2] == "xswitch") {
_root.xdir = -1 * _root.xdir;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[2] == "faster") {
_root.rpspeed = _root.rpspeed + 1;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[2] == "slower") {
_root.rpspeed = _root.rpspeed - 1;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[2] == "gun") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = -2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[2] == "triple") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = -2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = 20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = -20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[2] == "homing") {
_root.attachMovie("homing", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth].movement = "homing";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.rpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.rpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = -1.5 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[2] == "pychange") {
_root.rpspeed = -_root.rpspeed;
_root.rweaponarray[2] = "none";
_root.lpfire1 = function () {
if (Key.isDown(_root.launchkey2)) {
if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "bigger") {
_root.attachMovie("bigger", "bigger" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["bigger" + _root.depth].shottype = "bigger";
_root["bigger" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["bigger" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["bigger" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["bigger" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "smaller") {
_root.attachMovie("smaller", "smaller" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["smaller" + _root.depth].shottype = "smaller";
_root["smaller" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["smaller" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["smaller" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["smaller" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "yswitch") {
_root.ydir = -1 * _root.ydir;
lastside = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "xswitch") {
_root.xdir = -1 * _root.xdir;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "faster") {
_root.attachMovie("speed", "faster" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["faster" + _root.depth].shottype = "faster";
_root["faster" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["faster" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["faster" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["faster" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "slower") {
_root.attachMovie("speed", "slower" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["slower" + _root.depth].shottype = "slower";
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._rotation = 180;
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["slower" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["slower" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "gun") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "triple") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = -20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = 20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "homing") {
_root.attachMovie("homing", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth].movement = "homing";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 1.5 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "pychange") {
_root.attachMovie("pychange", "pychange" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["pychange" + _root.depth].shottype = "pychange";
_root["pychange" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["pychange" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["pychange" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["pychange" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "bigger") {
_root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale = _root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale + 20;
_root.ck = 70 / ((_root.lpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "smaller") {
_root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale = _root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale - 20;
_root.ck = 70 / ((_root.lpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "yswitch") {
_root.ydir = -1 * _root.ydir;
lastside = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "xswitch") {
_root.xdir = -1 * _root.xdir;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "faster") {
_root.lpspeed = _root.lpspeed + 1;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "slower") {
_root.lpspeed = _root.lpspeed - 1;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "gun") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "triple") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = -20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = 20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "homing") {
_root.attachMovie("homing", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth].movement = "homing";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 1.5 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "pychange") {
_root.lpspeed = -_root.lpspeed;
_root.lweaponarray[0] = "none";
_root.lpfire2 = function () {
if (Key.isDown(_root.launchkey2)) {
if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "bigger") {
_root.attachMovie("bigger", "bigger" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["bigger" + _root.depth].shottype = "bigger";
_root["bigger" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["bigger" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["bigger" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["bigger" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "smaller") {
_root.attachMovie("smaller", "smaller" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["smaller" + _root.depth].shottype = "smaller";
_root["smaller" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["smaller" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["smaller" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["smaller" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "yswitch") {
_root.ydir = -1 * _root.ydir;
lastside = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "xswitch") {
_root.xdir = -1 * _root.xdir;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "faster") {
_root.attachMovie("speed", "faster" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["faster" + _root.depth].shottype = "faster";
_root["faster" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["faster" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["faster" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["faster" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "slower") {
_root.attachMovie("speed", "slower" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["slower" + _root.depth].shottype = "slower";
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._rotation = 180;
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["slower" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["slower" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "gun") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "triple") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = -20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = 20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "homing") {
_root.attachMovie("homing", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth].movement = "homing";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 1.5 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "pychange") {
_root.attachMovie("pychange", "pychange" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["pychange" + _root.depth].shottype = "pychange";
_root["pychange" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["pychange" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["pychange" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["pychange" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "bigger") {
_root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale = _root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale + 20;
_root.ck = 70 / ((_root.lpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "smaller") {
_root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale = _root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale - 20;
_root.ck = 70 / ((_root.lpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "yswitch") {
_root.ydir = -1 * _root.ydir;
lastside = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "xswitch") {
_root.xdir = -1 * _root.xdir;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "faster") {
_root.lpspeed = _root.lpspeed + 1;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "slower") {
_root.lpspeed = _root.lpspeed - 1;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "gun") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "triple") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = -20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = 20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "homing") {
_root.attachMovie("homing", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth].movement = "homing";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 1.5 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "pychange") {
_root.lpspeed = -_root.lpspeed;
_root.lweaponarray[1] = "none";
_root.lpfire3 = function () {
if (Key.isDown(_root.launchkey2)) {
if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "bigger") {
_root.attachMovie("bigger", "bigger" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["bigger" + _root.depth].shottype = "bigger";
_root["bigger" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["bigger" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["bigger" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["bigger" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "smaller") {
_root.attachMovie("smaller", "smaller" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["smaller" + _root.depth].shottype = "smaller";
_root["smaller" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["smaller" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["smaller" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["smaller" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "yswitch") {
_root.ydir = -1 * _root.ydir;
lastside = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "xswitch") {
_root.xdir = -1 * _root.xdir;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "faster") {
_root.attachMovie("speed", "faster" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["faster" + _root.depth].shottype = "faster";
_root["faster" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["faster" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["faster" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["faster" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "slower") {
_root.attachMovie("speed", "slower" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["slower" + _root.depth].shottype = "slower";
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._rotation = 180;
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["slower" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["slower" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["slower" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "gun") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "triple") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = -20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = 20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "homing") {
_root.attachMovie("homing", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth].movement = "homing";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 1.5 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "pychange") {
_root.attachMovie("pychange", "pychange" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["pychange" + _root.depth].shottype = "pychange";
_root["pychange" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["pychange" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["pychange" + _root.depth].xvalue = _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["pychange" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "bigger") {
_root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale = _root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale + 20;
_root.ck = 70 / ((_root.lpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "smaller") {
_root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale = _root.lpaddle.paddle._yscale - 20;
_root.ck = 70 / ((_root.lpaddle._height / 2) + (_root.ball._height / 2));
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "yswitch") {
_root.ydir = -1 * _root.ydir;
lastside = "none";
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "xswitch") {
_root.xdir = -1 * _root.xdir;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "faster") {
_root.lpspeed = _root.lpspeed + 1;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "slower") {
_root.lpspeed = _root.lpspeed - 1;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "gun") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "triple") {
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 2 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = -20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (-2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
_root.attachMovie("gun", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._rotation = 20;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.939692620785908;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].yvalue = (2 * _root.smallerxval) * 0.342020143325669;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "homing") {
_root.attachMovie("homing", "gun" + _root.depth, _root.depth);
_root["gun" + _root.depth].shottype = "gun";
_root["gun" + _root.depth].movement = "homing";
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._xscale = -100;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._x = _root.lpaddle._x;
_root["gun" + _root.depth]._y = _root.lpaddle._y;
_root["gun" + _root.depth].xvalue = 1.5 * _root.smallerxval;
_root.bulletarray[_root.bulletarray.length] = _root["gun" + _root.depth];
if (_root.depth < 30) {
} else {
_root.depth = 0;
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "pychange") {
_root.lpspeed = -_root.lpspeed;
_root.lweaponarray[2] = "none";
Instance of Symbol 147 MovieClip in Frame 3 (11.69 KiB) ● ●
onClipEvent (load) {
lastside = "none";
onClipEvent (keyDown) {
if (Key.isDown(_root.musickey)) {
if (_root.globalsoundcontrol == "play") {
_root.globalsoundcontrol = "stop";
_root.fade = "out";
} else if (_root.globalsoundcontrol == "stop") {
_root.globalsoundcontrol = "play";
_root.fade = "in";
if (_root.gameplay == true) {
if (Key.isDown(_root.pausekey)) {
if (_root.pause == false) {
_root.pause = true;
_root.fade = "out";
} else if (_root.pause == true) {
_root.pause = false;
if (_root.globalsoundcontrol == "play") {
_root.fade = "in";
} else if (Key.isDown(_root.w1key1)) {
} else if (Key.isDown(_root.w2key1)) {
} else if (Key.isDown(_root.w3key1)) {
} else if (_root.mode == "2 player") {
if (Key.isDown(_root.w1key2)) {
} else if (Key.isDown(_root.w2key2)) {
} else if (Key.isDown(_root.w3key2)) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.fade == "in") {
if (_root.loopvolume < 100) {
_root.loopvolume = _root.loopvolume + 8;
} else if (_root.loopvolume > 100) {
_root.loopvolume = 100;
} else if (_root.fade == "out") {
if (_root.loopvolume > 0) {
_root.loopvolume = _root.loopvolume - 20;
} else if (_root.loopvolume < 0) {
_root.loopvolume = 0;
if ((_root.gameplay == true) and (_root.pause == false)) {
if ((((_root.speed * Math.cos((Math.PI * _root.angle) / 180)) > Math.abs(_root.ball._x - _root.lpaddle._x)) and (_root.xdir == -1)) and (Math.abs(_root.lpaddle._y - _root.ball._y) < (_root.lpaddle._height / 2))) {
_root.originalspeed = _root.speed;
_root.speed = Math.abs(_root.ball._x - _root.lpaddle._x) / Math.cos((Math.PI * _root.angle) / 180);
_root.ball._x = _root.ball._x + ((_root.xdir * _root.speed) * Math.cos((Math.PI * _root.angle) / 180));
_root.ball._y = _root.ball._y + ((_root.ydir * _root.speed) * Math.sin((Math.PI * _root.angle) / 180));
_root.speed = _root.originalspeed;
} else if ((((_root.speed * Math.cos((Math.PI * _root.angle) / 180)) > Math.abs(_root.ball._x - _root.rpaddle._x)) and (_root.xdir == 1)) and (Math.abs(_root.rpaddle._y - _root.ball._y) < (_root.rpaddle._height / 2))) {
_root.originalspeed = _root.speed;
_root.speed = Math.abs(_root.ball._x - _root.rpaddle._x) / Math.cos((Math.PI * _root.angle) / 180);
_root.ball._x = _root.ball._x + ((_root.xdir * _root.speed) * Math.cos((Math.PI * _root.angle) / 180));
_root.ball._y = _root.ball._y + ((_root.ydir * _root.speed) * Math.sin((Math.PI * _root.angle) / 180));
_root.speed = _root.originalspeed;
} else if (((_root.speed * Math.sin((Math.PI * _root.angle) / 180)) > Math.abs(_root.ball._y - _root.topborder)) and (_root.ydir == -1)) {
_root.originalspeed = _root.speed;
_root.speed = Math.abs(_root.ball._y - _root.topborder) / Math.sin((Math.PI * _root.angle) / 180);
_root.ball._x = _root.ball._x + ((_root.xdir * _root.speed) * Math.cos((Math.PI * _root.angle) / 180));
_root.ball._y = _root.ball._y + ((_root.ydir * _root.speed) * Math.sin((Math.PI * _root.angle) / 180));
_root.speed = _root.originalspeed;
} else if (((_root.speed * Math.sin((Math.PI * _root.angle) / 180)) > Math.abs(_root.ball._y - _root.bottomborder)) and (_root.ydir == 1)) {
_root.originalspeed = _root.speed;
_root.speed = Math.abs(_root.ball._y - _root.bottomborder) / Math.sin((Math.PI * _root.angle) / 180);
_root.ball._x = _root.ball._x + ((_root.xdir * _root.speed) * Math.cos((Math.PI * _root.angle) / 180));
_root.ball._y = _root.ball._y + ((_root.ydir * _root.speed) * Math.sin((Math.PI * _root.angle) / 180));
_root.speed = _root.originalspeed;
} else {
_root.ball._x = _root.ball._x + ((_root.xdir * _root.speed) * Math.cos((Math.PI * _root.angle) / 180));
_root.ball._y = _root.ball._y + ((_root.ydir * _root.speed) * Math.sin((Math.PI * _root.angle) / 180));
_root.speed = _root.speed + 0.01;
if (_root.ball._y < (_root.topBorder + (_root.ball._height / 2))) {
_root.ydir = 1;
currentside = "top";
if (lastside != currentside) {
if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.pu3) or _root.ball.hitTest(_root.pu4)) {
if (_root.xdir == -1) {
if (_root.rweaponarray[0] == "none") {
randomweapon = random(_root.nofw);
_root.rweaponarray[0] = _root.weaponarray[randomweapon];
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[1] == "none") {
randomweapon = random(_root.nofw);
_root.rweaponarray[1] = _root.weaponarray[randomweapon];
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[2] == "none") {
randomweapon = random(_root.nofw);
_root.rweaponarray[2] = _root.weaponarray[randomweapon];
} else if (_root.xdir == 1) {
if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "none") {
randomweapon = random(_root.nofw);
_root.lweaponarray[0] = _root.weaponarray[randomweapon];
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "none") {
randomweapon = random(_root.nofw);
_root.lweaponarray[1] = _root.weaponarray[randomweapon];
trace("weapon 2 = " + _root.lweaponarray[1]);
randomweapon = random(_root.nofw);
_root.lweaponarray[2] = _root.weaponarray[randomweapon];
} else {
lastside = "top";
} else if (_root.ball._y > (_root.bottomBorder - (_root.ball._height / 2))) {
_root.ydir = -1;
currentside = "bottom";
if (lastside != currentside) {
if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.pu1) or _root.ball.hitTest(_root.pu2)) {
if (_root.xdir == -1) {
if (_root.rweaponarray[0] == "none") {
randomweapon = random(_root.nofw);
_root.rweaponarray[0] = _root.weaponarray[randomweapon];
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[1] == "none") {
randomweapon = random(_root.nofw);
_root.rweaponarray[1] = _root.weaponarray[randomweapon];
} else if (_root.rweaponarray[2] == "none") {
randomweapon = random(_root.nofw);
_root.rweaponarray[2] = _root.weaponarray[randomweapon];
} else if (_root.xdir == 1) {
if (_root.lweaponarray[0] == "none") {
randomweapon = random(_root.nofw);
_root.lweaponarray[0] = _root.weaponarray[randomweapon];
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[1] == "none") {
randomweapon = random(_root.nofw);
_root.lweaponarray[1] = _root.weaponarray[randomweapon];
} else if (_root.lweaponarray[2] == "none") {
randomweapon = random(_root.nofw);
_root.lweaponarray[2] = _root.weaponarray[randomweapon];
} else {
lastside = "bottom";
if (_root.ball._x < _root.leftborder) {
_root.xdir = 1;
_root.lhealth = _root.lhealth - 5;
_root.life1.mask._xscale = (_root.lhealth / _root.ltotalhealth) * 100;
lastside = "none";
if (_root.ball._x > _root.rightborder) {
_root.xdir = -1;
_root.rhealth = _root.rhealth - 5;
_root.life2.mask._xscale = (_root.rhealth / _root.rtotalhealth) * 100;
lastside = "none";
_root.choose = true;
if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.rpaddle)) {
_root.choose = true;
if ((_root.rpaddle._y - _root.ball._y) > 0) {
_root.ydir = -1;
} else if ((_root.rpaddle._y - _root.ball._y) < 0) {
_root.ydir = 1;
_root.xdir = -1;
_root.angle = _root.k * Math.abs(_root.rpaddle._y - _root.ball._y);
lastside = "none";
if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.lpaddle)) {
if ((_root.lpaddle._y - _root.ball._y) > 0) {
_root.ydir = -1;
} else if ((_root.lpaddle._y - _root.ball._y) < 0) {
_root.ydir = 1;
_root.xdir = 1;
_root.angle = _root.ck * Math.abs(_root.lpaddle._y - _root.ball._y);
lastside = "none";
if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey1)) {
_root.rpaddle._y = _root.rpaddle._y - _root.rpspeed;
} else if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey1)) {
_root.rpaddle._y = _root.rpaddle._y + _root.rpspeed;
if ((_root.rpaddle._y - (_root.rpaddle._height / 2)) < _root.topborder) {
_root.rpaddle._y = (_root.rpaddle._height / 2) + _root.topborder;
} else if ((_root.rpaddle._y + (_root.rpaddle._height / 2)) > _root.bottomborder) {
_root.rpaddle._y = _root.bottomborder - (_root.rpaddle._height / 2);
if (_root.mode == "1 player") {
if (_root.difficulty == "beginner") {
} else if (_root.difficulty == "normal") {
} else if (_root.difficulty == "expert") {
} else if (_root.mode == "2 player") {
if (Key.isDown(_root.upkey2)) {
_root.lpaddle._y = _root.lpaddle._y - _root.lpspeed;
} else if (Key.isDown(_root.downkey2)) {
_root.lpaddle._y = _root.lpaddle._y + _root.lpspeed;
if ((_root.lpaddle._y - (_root.lpaddle._height / 2)) < _root.topborder) {
_root.lpaddle._y = (_root.lpaddle._height / 2) + _root.topborder;
} else if ((_root.lpaddle._y + (_root.lpaddle._height / 2)) > _root.bottomborder) {
_root.lpaddle._y = _root.bottomborder - (_root.lpaddle._height / 2);
if ((_root.lpaddle._y - (_root.lpaddle._height / 2)) < _root.topborder) {
_root.lpaddle._y = (_root.lpaddle._height / 2) + _root.topborder;
} else if ((_root.lpaddle._y + (_root.lpaddle._height / 2)) > _root.bottomborder) {
_root.lpaddle._y = _root.bottomborder - (_root.lpaddle._height / 2);
if (_root.mode == "1 player") {
if (_root.lhealth <= 0) {
_root.ailevel = _root.ailevel + 1;
if (_root.difficulty == "beginner") {
_root.addition = 100;
} else if (_root.difficulty == "normal") {
_root.addition = 200;
} else if (_root.difficulty == "expert") {
_root.addition = 300;
if (_root.rhealth <= 0) {
_root.subtract = 100;
} else if (_root.mode == "2 player") {
if (_root.lhealth <= 0) {
_root.winplayer = "Player 1";
_root.scoretxt = ((" " + _root.player2win) + " - ") + _root.player1win;
if (_root.rhealth <= 0) {
_root.winplayer = "Player 2";
_root.scoretxt = ((" " + _root.player2win) + " - ") + _root.player1win;
if (_root.bulletarray.length > 0) {
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 86 Button (56 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("www.flashkit.com", "_blank");
Symbol 87 MovieClip Frame 281 (27 B)
Symbol 96 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 96 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 96 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 96 MovieClip Frame 4 (8 B)
Symbol 96 MovieClip Frame 5 (8 B)
Symbol 96 MovieClip Frame 6 (8 B)
Symbol 96 MovieClip Frame 7 (8 B)
Symbol 96 MovieClip Frame 8 (8 B)
Symbol 96 MovieClip Frame 9 (8 B)
Symbol 96 MovieClip Frame 10 (8 B)
Symbol 96 MovieClip Frame 11 (8 B)
Symbol 103 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 108 Button (255 B)
on (rollOver) {
on (release) {
_root.menubtn.enabled = false;
_root.pause = false;
if (_root.globalsoundcontrol == "play") {
_root.fade = "in";
Symbol 130 Button (122 B)
on (release) {
_root.score = _root.score - 100;
_root.scoretxt = _root.score;
Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 1 (29 B)
_root.number = "3";
Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 2 (465 B)
if (_root.mode == "1 player") {
good.txt = ("+" + _root.addition) + " Points";
if (_root.difficulty == "beginner") {
_root.score = _root.score + 100;
_root.scoretxt = _root.score;
} else if (_root.difficulty == "normal") {
_root.score = _root.score + 200;
_root.scoretxt = _root.score;
} else if (_root.difficulty == "expert") {
_root.score = _root.score + 300;
_root.scoretxt = _root.score;
} else {
good.txt = _root.winplayer;
Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 30 (64 B)
_root.gameplay = true;
Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 31 (51 B)
tryagain.txt = ("-" + _root.subtract) + " Points";
Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 43 (8 B)
Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 58 (64 B)
_root.gameplay = true;
Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 59 (30 B)
countdown.txt = _root.number;
Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 70 (389 B)
if (_root.number == "3") {
_root.number = "2";
} else if (_root.number == "2") {
_root.number = "1";
} else if (_root.number == "1") {
_root.number = "GO!";
} else if (_root.number == "GO!") {
_root.gameplay = true;
Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 79 (8 B)
Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 86 (40 B)
Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 147 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1 (709 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.diffdir == "forward") {
if (_root.maindisplay.difficulty._currentframe < _root.maindisplay.difficulty._totalframes) {
} else {
_root.maindisplay.difficulty.text1.first = _root.maindisplay.difficulty.text2.first;
_root.diffdir = "hold";
} else if (_root.diffdir == "back") {
if (_root.maindisplay.difficulty._currentframe > 1) {
} else {
_root.maindisplay.difficulty.text2.first = _root.maindisplay.difficulty.text1.first;
_root.diffdir = "hold";
Symbol 152 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 147 MovieClip in Symbol 152 MovieClip Frame 1 (643 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.modedir == "forward") {
if (_root.maindisplay.mode._currentframe < _root.maindisplay.mode._totalframes) {
} else {
_root.maindisplay.mode.text1.first = _root.maindisplay.mode.text2.first;
_root.modedir = "hold";
} else if (_root.modedir == "back") {
if (_root.maindisplay.mode._currentframe > 1) {
} else {
_root.maindisplay.mode.text2.first = _root.maindisplay.mode.text1.first;
_root.modedir = "hold";
Symbol 155 Button (911 B)
on (rollOver) {
on (release) {
if (_root.difficulty == "beginner") {
_root.pu1._xscale = (_root.pu2._xscale = (_root.pu3._xscale = (_root.pu4._xscale = 140)));
_root.ailevel = 8;
} else if (_root.difficulty == "normal") {
_root.pu1._xscale = (_root.pu2._xscale = (_root.pu3._xscale = (_root.pu4._xscale = 100)));
_root.ailevel = 9;
} else if (_root.difficulty == "expert") {
_root.pu1._xscale = (_root.pu2._xscale = (_root.pu3._xscale = (_root.pu4._xscale = 70)));
_root.ailevel = 10;
if (_root.mode == "1 player") {
_root.scoretext = (_root.score = 0);
} else if (_root.mode == "2 player") {
_root.player1win = (_root.player2win = 0);
_root.scoretxt = ((" " + _root.player2win) + " - ") + _root.player1win;
_root.menubtn.enabled = true;
Symbol 158 Button (125 B)
on (release) {
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 161 Button (120 B)
on (release) {
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 164 Button (121 B)
on (release) {
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 167 Button (214 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("http://members.lycos.co.uk/dounanthebarb/battlepong.html", "_blank");
_root.globalsoundcontrol = "stop";
_root.fade = "out";
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 186 Button (118 B)
on (release) {
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 213 Button (1.97 KiB) ●
on (release) {
if (_root.selectkey == true) {
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey1 = "UP";
_root.rup = 38;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey1 = "DOWN";
_root.rdown = 40;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey1 = "LEFT";
_root.rlaunch = 37;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key1 = "J";
_root.rfire1 = 74;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key1 = "K";
_root.rfire2 = 75;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key1 = "L";
_root.rfire3 = 76;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey2 = "Q";
_root.lup = 81;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey2 = "A";
_root.ldown = 65;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey2 = "S";
_root.llaunch = 83;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key2 = "X";
_root.lfire1 = 88;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key2 = "C";
_root.lfire2 = 67;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key2 = "V";
_root.lfire3 = 86;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.pausekey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "P";
_root.pausekey = 80;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.musickey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "O";
_root.musickey = 79;
_root.selectkey = true;
_root.whichkey = "upkey1";
_root.maindisplay.upkey1 = "";
Symbol 215 Button (1.98 KiB) ●
on (release) {
if (_root.selectkey == true) {
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey1 = "UP";
_root.rup = 38;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey1 = "DOWN";
_root.rdown = 40;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey1 = "LEFT";
_root.rlaunch = 37;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key1 = "J";
_root.rfire1 = 74;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key1 = "K";
_root.rfire2 = 75;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key1 = "L";
_root.rfire3 = 76;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey2 = "Q";
_root.lup = 81;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey2 = "A";
_root.ldown = 65;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey2 = "S";
_root.llaunch = 83;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key2 = "X";
_root.lfire1 = 88;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key2 = "C";
_root.lfire2 = 67;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key2 = "V";
_root.lfire3 = 86;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.pausekey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "P";
_root.pausekey = 80;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.musickey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "O";
_root.musickey = 79;
_root.selectkey = true;
_root.whichkey = "downkey1";
_root.maindisplay.downkey1 = "";
Symbol 216 Button (1.98 KiB) ●
on (release) {
if (_root.selectkey == true) {
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey1 = "UP";
_root.rup = 38;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey1 = "DOWN";
_root.rdown = 40;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey1 = "LEFT";
_root.rlaunch = 37;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key1 = "J";
_root.rfire1 = 74;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key1 = "K";
_root.rfire2 = 75;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key1 = "L";
_root.rfire3 = 76;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey2 = "Q";
_root.lup = 81;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey2 = "A";
_root.ldown = 65;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey2 = "S";
_root.llaunch = 83;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key2 = "X";
_root.lfire1 = 88;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key2 = "C";
_root.lfire2 = 67;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key2 = "V";
_root.lfire3 = 86;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.pausekey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "P";
_root.pausekey = 80;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.musickey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "O";
_root.musickey = 79;
_root.selectkey = true;
_root.whichkey = "launchkey1";
_root.maindisplay.launchkey1 = "";
Symbol 217 Button (1.97 KiB) ●
on (release) {
if (_root.selectkey == true) {
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey1 = "UP";
_root.rup = 38;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey1 = "DOWN";
_root.rdown = 40;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey1 = "LEFT";
_root.rlaunch = 37;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key1 = "J";
_root.rfire1 = 74;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key1 = "K";
_root.rfire2 = 75;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key1 = "L";
_root.rfire3 = 76;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey2 = "Q";
_root.lup = 81;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey2 = "A";
_root.ldown = 65;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey2 = "S";
_root.llaunch = 83;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key2 = "X";
_root.lfire1 = 88;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key2 = "C";
_root.lfire2 = 67;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key2 = "V";
_root.lfire3 = 86;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.pausekey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "P";
_root.pausekey = 80;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.musickey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "O";
_root.musickey = 79;
_root.selectkey = true;
_root.whichkey = "w1key1";
_root.maindisplay.w1key1 = "";
Symbol 218 Button (1.97 KiB) ●
on (release) {
if (_root.selectkey == true) {
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey1 = "UP";
_root.rup = 38;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey1 = "DOWN";
_root.rdown = 40;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey1 = "LEFT";
_root.rlaunch = 37;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key1 = "J";
_root.rfire1 = 74;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key1 = "K";
_root.rfire2 = 75;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key1 = "L";
_root.rfire3 = 76;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey2 = "Q";
_root.lup = 81;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey2 = "A";
_root.ldown = 65;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey2 = "S";
_root.llaunch = 83;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key2 = "X";
_root.lfire1 = 88;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key2 = "C";
_root.lfire2 = 67;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key2 = "V";
_root.lfire3 = 86;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.pausekey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "P";
_root.pausekey = 80;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.musickey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "O";
_root.musickey = 79;
_root.selectkey = true;
_root.whichkey = "w2key1";
_root.maindisplay.w2key1 = "";
Symbol 219 Button (1.97 KiB) ●
on (release) {
if (_root.selectkey == true) {
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey1 = "UP";
_root.rup = 38;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey1 = "DOWN";
_root.rdown = 40;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey1 = "LEFT";
_root.rlaunch = 37;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key1 = "J";
_root.rfire1 = 74;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key1 = "K";
_root.rfire2 = 75;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key1 = "L";
_root.rfire3 = 76;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey2 = "Q";
_root.lup = 81;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey2 = "A";
_root.ldown = 65;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey2 = "S";
_root.llaunch = 83;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key2 = "X";
_root.lfire1 = 88;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key2 = "C";
_root.lfire2 = 67;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key2 = "V";
_root.lfire3 = 86;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.pausekey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "P";
_root.pausekey = 80;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.musickey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "O";
_root.musickey = 79;
_root.selectkey = true;
_root.whichkey = "w3key1";
_root.maindisplay.w3key1 = "";
Symbol 220 Button (1.97 KiB) ●
on (release) {
if (_root.selectkey == true) {
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey1 = "UP";
_root.rup = 38;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey1 = "DOWN";
_root.rdown = 40;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey1 = "LEFT";
_root.rlaunch = 37;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key1 = "J";
_root.rfire1 = 74;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key1 = "K";
_root.rfire2 = 75;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key1 = "L";
_root.rfire3 = 76;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey2 = "Q";
_root.lup = 81;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey2 = "A";
_root.ldown = 65;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey2 = "S";
_root.llaunch = 83;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key2 = "X";
_root.lfire1 = 88;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key2 = "C";
_root.lfire2 = 67;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key2 = "V";
_root.lfire3 = 86;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.pausekey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "P";
_root.pausekey = 80;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.musickey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "O";
_root.musickey = 79;
_root.selectkey = true;
_root.whichkey = "upkey2";
_root.maindisplay.upkey2 = "";
Symbol 221 Button (1.98 KiB) ●
on (release) {
if (_root.selectkey == true) {
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey1 = "UP";
_root.rup = 38;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey1 = "DOWN";
_root.rdown = 40;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey1 = "LEFT";
_root.rlaunch = 37;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key1 = "J";
_root.rfire1 = 74;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key1 = "K";
_root.rfire2 = 75;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key1 = "L";
_root.rfire3 = 76;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey2 = "Q";
_root.lup = 81;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey2 = "A";
_root.ldown = 65;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey2 = "S";
_root.llaunch = 83;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key2 = "X";
_root.lfire1 = 88;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key2 = "C";
_root.lfire2 = 67;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key2 = "V";
_root.lfire3 = 86;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.pausekey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "P";
_root.pausekey = 80;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.musickey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "O";
_root.musickey = 79;
_root.selectkey = true;
_root.whichkey = "downkey2";
_root.maindisplay.downkey2 = "";
Symbol 222 Button (1.98 KiB) ●
on (release) {
if (_root.selectkey == true) {
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey1 = "UP";
_root.rup = 38;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey1 = "DOWN";
_root.rdown = 40;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey1 = "LEFT";
_root.rlaunch = 37;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key1 = "J";
_root.rfire1 = 74;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key1 = "K";
_root.rfire2 = 75;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key1 = "L";
_root.rfire3 = 76;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey2 = "Q";
_root.lup = 81;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey2 = "A";
_root.ldown = 65;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey2 = "S";
_root.llaunch = 83;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key2 = "X";
_root.lfire1 = 88;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key2 = "C";
_root.lfire2 = 67;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key2 = "V";
_root.lfire3 = 86;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.pausekey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "P";
_root.pausekey = 80;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.musickey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "O";
_root.musickey = 79;
_root.selectkey = true;
_root.whichkey = "launchkey2";
_root.maindisplay.launchkey2 = "";
Symbol 223 Button (1.97 KiB) ●
on (release) {
if (_root.selectkey == true) {
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey1 = "UP";
_root.rup = 38;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey1 = "DOWN";
_root.rdown = 40;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey1 = "LEFT";
_root.rlaunch = 37;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key1 = "J";
_root.rfire1 = 74;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key1 = "K";
_root.rfire2 = 75;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key1 = "L";
_root.rfire3 = 76;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey2 = "Q";
_root.lup = 81;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey2 = "A";
_root.ldown = 65;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey2 = "S";
_root.llaunch = 83;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key2 = "X";
_root.lfire1 = 88;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key2 = "C";
_root.lfire2 = 67;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key2 = "V";
_root.lfire3 = 86;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.pausekey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "P";
_root.pausekey = 80;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.musickey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "O";
_root.musickey = 79;
_root.selectkey = true;
_root.whichkey = "w1key2";
_root.maindisplay.w1key2 = "";
Symbol 224 Button (1.97 KiB) ●
on (release) {
if (_root.selectkey == true) {
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey1 = "UP";
_root.rup = 38;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey1 = "DOWN";
_root.rdown = 40;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey1 = "LEFT";
_root.rlaunch = 37;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key1 = "J";
_root.rfire1 = 74;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key1 = "K";
_root.rfire2 = 75;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key1 = "L";
_root.rfire3 = 76;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey2 = "Q";
_root.lup = 81;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey2 = "A";
_root.ldown = 65;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey2 = "S";
_root.llaunch = 83;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key2 = "X";
_root.lfire1 = 88;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key2 = "C";
_root.lfire2 = 67;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key2 = "V";
_root.lfire3 = 86;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.pausekey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "P";
_root.pausekey = 80;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.musickey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "O";
_root.musickey = 79;
_root.selectkey = true;
_root.whichkey = "w2key2";
_root.maindisplay.w2key2 = "";
Symbol 225 Button (1.97 KiB) ●
on (release) {
if (_root.selectkey == true) {
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey1 = "UP";
_root.rup = 38;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey1 = "DOWN";
_root.rdown = 40;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey1 = "LEFT";
_root.rlaunch = 37;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key1 = "J";
_root.rfire1 = 74;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key1 = "K";
_root.rfire2 = 75;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key1 = "L";
_root.rfire3 = 76;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey2 = "Q";
_root.lup = 81;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey2 = "A";
_root.ldown = 65;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey2 = "S";
_root.llaunch = 83;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key2 = "X";
_root.lfire1 = 88;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key2 = "C";
_root.lfire2 = 67;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key2 = "V";
_root.lfire3 = 86;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.pausekey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "P";
_root.pausekey = 80;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.musickey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "O";
_root.musickey = 79;
_root.selectkey = true;
_root.whichkey = "w3key2";
_root.maindisplay.w3key2 = "";
Symbol 226 Button (1.98 KiB) ●
on (release) {
if (_root.selectkey == true) {
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey1 = "UP";
_root.rup = 38;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey1 = "DOWN";
_root.rdown = 40;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey1 = "LEFT";
_root.rlaunch = 37;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key1 = "J";
_root.rfire1 = 74;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key1 = "K";
_root.rfire2 = 75;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key1 = "L";
_root.rfire3 = 76;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey2 = "Q";
_root.lup = 81;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey2 = "A";
_root.ldown = 65;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey2 = "S";
_root.llaunch = 83;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key2 = "X";
_root.lfire1 = 88;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key2 = "C";
_root.lfire2 = 67;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key2 = "V";
_root.lfire3 = 86;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.pausekey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "P";
_root.pausekey = 80;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.musickey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "O";
_root.musickey = 79;
_root.selectkey = true;
_root.whichkey = "pausekey";
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "";
Symbol 227 Button (1.98 KiB) ●
on (release) {
if (_root.selectkey == true) {
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey1 = "UP";
_root.rup = 38;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey1 = "DOWN";
_root.rdown = 40;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey1) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey1 = "LEFT";
_root.rlaunch = 37;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key1 = "J";
_root.rfire1 = 74;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key1 = "K";
_root.rfire2 = 75;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key1) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key1 = "L";
_root.rfire3 = 76;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.upkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.upkey2 = "Q";
_root.lup = 81;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.downkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.downkey2 = "A";
_root.ldown = 65;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.launchkey2) {
_root.maindisplay.launchkey2 = "S";
_root.llaunch = 83;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w1key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w1key2 = "X";
_root.lfire1 = 88;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w2key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w2key2 = "C";
_root.lfire2 = 67;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.w3key2) {
_root.maindisplay.w3key2 = "V";
_root.lfire3 = 86;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.pausekey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "P";
_root.pausekey = 80;
if (_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] == _root.maindisplay.musickey) {
_root.maindisplay.pausekey = "O";
_root.musickey = 79;
_root.selectkey = true;
_root.whichkey = "musickey";
_root.maindisplay.musickey = "";
Symbol 228 Button (118 B)
on (release) {
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 234 Button (619 B)
on (release) {
if (_root.maindisplay.difficulty.text2.first == "beginner") {
_root.maindisplay.difficulty.text1.first = "expert";
_root.difficulty = "expert";
} else if (_root.maindisplay.difficulty.text2.first == "expert") {
_root.maindisplay.difficulty.text1.first = "normal";
_root.difficulty = "normal";
} else if (_root.maindisplay.difficulty.text2.first == "normal") {
_root.maindisplay.difficulty.text1.first = "beginner";
_root.difficulty = "beginner";
_root.diffdir = "back";
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 235 Button (571 B)
on (release) {
if (_root.maindisplay.difficulty.text1.first == "beginner") {
_root.maindisplay.difficulty.text2.first = "normal";
_root.difficulty = "normal";
} else if (_root.maindisplay.difficulty.text1.first == "normal") {
_root.maindisplay.difficulty.text2.first = "expert";
_root.difficulty = "expert";
} else if (_root.maindisplay.difficulty.text1.first == "expert") {
_root.maindisplay.difficulty.text2.first = "beginner";
_root.difficulty = "beginner";
_root.diffdir = "forward";
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 236 Button (429 B)
on (release) {
if (_root.maindisplay.mode.text2.first == "1 player") {
_root.maindisplay.mode.text1.first = "2 player";
_root.mode = "2 player";
} else if (_root.maindisplay.mode.text2.first == "2 player") {
_root.maindisplay.mode.text1.first = "1 player";
_root.mode = "1 player";
_root.modedir = "back";
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 237 Button (387 B)
on (release) {
if (_root.maindisplay.mode.text1.first == "1 player") {
_root.maindisplay.mode.text2.first = "2 player";
_root.mode = "2 player";
} else if (_root.maindisplay.mode.text1.first == "2 player") {
_root.maindisplay.mode.text2.first = "1 player";
_root.mode = "1 player";
_root.modedir = "forward";
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 238 MovieClip Frame 1 (98 B)
_root.maindisplay.difficulty._visible = false;
_root.maindisplay.mode._visible = false;
Symbol 238 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 238 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 147 MovieClip in Symbol 238 MovieClip Frame 3 (2.87 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
letterkeys = new Array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z");
numberkeys = new Array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9");
numpadkeys = new Array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "*", "+", "Enter", "-", ".", "/");
functionkeys = new Array("F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "F10", "F11", "F12");
otherkeys = new Array("Space", "Page Up", "Page Down", "End", "Home", "Left", "Up", "Right", "Down");
onClipEvent (keyDown) {
if (_root.selectkey == true) {
_root.selectkey = false;
_root.customcontrols = true;
pressed = Key.getCode();
_root[_root.whichkey] = pressed;
if ((pressed >= 65) and (pressed <= 90)) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = letterkeys[pressed - 65];
if ((pressed >= 48) and (pressed <= 57)) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = numberkeys[pressed - 48];
if ((pressed >= 96) and (pressed <= 111)) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = numpadkeys[pressed - 96];
if ((pressed >= 112) and (pressed <= 123)) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = functionkeys[pressed - 112];
if ((pressed >= 32) and (pressed <= 40)) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = otherkeys[pressed - 32];
if (pressed == 8) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = "BackSpace";
if (pressed == 9) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = "Tab";
if (pressed == 12) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = "Clear";
if (pressed == 13) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = "Enter";
if (pressed == 16) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = "Shift";
if (pressed == 17) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = "Control";
if (pressed == 18) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = "Alt";
if (pressed == 20) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = "Caps Lock";
if (pressed == 27) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = "Esc";
if (pressed == 45) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = "Insert";
if (pressed == 46) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = "Delete";
if (pressed == 47) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = "help";
if (pressed == 144) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = "Num Lock";
if (pressed == 186) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = ";:";
if (pressed == 187) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = "=+";
if (pressed == 189) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = "-_";
if (pressed == 191) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = "/?";
if (pressed == 192) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = "'@";
if (pressed == 219) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = "[{";
if (pressed == 220) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = "\\|";
if (pressed == 221) {
_root.maindisplay[_root.whichkey] = "]}";
Symbol 238 MovieClip Frame 4 (96 B)
_root.maindisplay.difficulty._visible = true;
_root.maindisplay.mode._visible = true;
Symbol 238 MovieClip Frame 5 (8 B)