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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Penguin Copter.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #26853

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


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ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
function setTerrainOn(pos) { var floor = floors[pos]; var ceiling = ceilings[pos]; floor.clear(); ceiling.clear(); floor.beginGradientFill("linear", [16777215, 12303291], [100, 100], [0, 255], {matrixType:"box", x:0, y:hh / 2, w:ww, h:hh / 2, r:1.5707963}); ceiling.beginFill(15658751); var iStart = -1; var iEnd = 21; floor.moveTo(((iStart - 1) * ww) / 20, hh); ceiling.moveTo(((iStart - 1) * ww) / 20, 0); fp = recentFp[0]; cp = recentCp[0]; var i = iStart; while (i <= iEnd) { lfp = fp; lcp = cp; if (i <= 1) { fp = recentFp[i + 1]; cp = recentCp[i + 1]; } else { cp = cp + ((rand(rt) * 20) - 10); fp = fp + ((rand(rt) * 20) - 10); if (rand(rt) < 0.15) { if (rand(rt) < 0.5) { cp = cp + ((rand(rt) * gap) / 4); } else { fp = fp - ((rand(rt) * gap) / 4); } } cp = cp + ((((hh / 2) - (gap / 2)) - cp) / 12); fp = fp + ((((hh / 2) + (gap / 2)) - fp) / 12); } if (i >= 19) { recentFp[i - 19] = fp; recentCp[i - 19] = cp; } floor.curveTo(((i - 1) * ww) / 20, lfp, (ww / 20) * (i - 0.5), (fp + lfp) / 2); ceiling.curveTo(((i - 1) * ww) / 20, lcp, (ww / 20) * (i - 0.5), (cp + lcp) / 2); i++; } floor.lineTo(ww + 20, hh); floor.lineTo(0, hh); ceiling.lineTo(ww + 20, 0); ceiling.lineTo(0, 0); floor.endFill(); ceiling.endFill(); } function rotateRadians(x, y, radians) { var pts = new Array(); var cosrad = Math.cos(radians); var sinrad = Math.sin(radians); pts[1] = (cosrad * x) - (sinrad * y); pts[2] = (cosrad * y) + (sinrad * x); return(pts); } function rand(o) { o.rfr = (o.rfr + 0.1) % (Math.PI*2); o.rfvr = o.rfvr + ((Math.cos(o.rfr) * 0.33924) + 2); o.rfvr = o.rfvr % Math.E; return((o.rfvr * Math.SQRT2) % 1); } function startMain() { _quality = "HIGH"; high.removeMovieClip(); main.removeMovieClip(); this.attachMovie("main", "main", ++dep); main._x = ww / 2; main._y = hh / 2; main._alpha = 0; } function startHigh() { _quality = "HIGH"; this.attachMovie("high", "high", ++dep); high._x = ww / 2; high._y = hh / 2; high.ccr = ccr; = gd; high._alpha = 0; } function startGame() { _quality = "LOW"; score.text = ""; recentFp = new Array(); recentCp = new Array(); dead = false; brnda = 210; nbfr = 0; furg = 1; if (ghosting) { ghost.removeMovieClip(); ghost = this.attachMovie("ghost", "ghost", ++dep); gblades = ghost.propellor.blades; deadghost = false; ghost._x = (ghost.x = 100); ghost._y = (ghost.y = 100); ghost._alpha = 25; ghost._rotation = (ghost.rotation = 25); ghost._xscale = (ghost._yscale = 25); ghost.vy = 0; gcr = 0; gts = ""; gdchp = 0; } gd = ""; gft = false; ccr = 0; lcrp = 0; bg._x = (bg.ox = (bg.x = 0)); copter.vy = 0; copter.rx = 0; copter._x = (copter.x = (copter.ox = 100)); copter._y = (copter.y = (copter.oy = 100)); copter._rotation = (copter.rotation = 25); var i = 0; while (i < bd.length) { bd[i].b.removeMovieClip(); i++; } rt = new Object(); rb = new Object(); bd = new Array(); recentCp = [(hh / 2) - (gap / 2), (hh / 2) - (gap / 2), (hh / 2) - (gap / 2)]; recentFp = [(hh / 2) + (gap / 2), (hh / 2) + (gap / 2), (hh / 2) + (gap / 2)]; setTerrainOn(1); floorPos = 2; floors[1]._x = (ceilings[1]._x = 0); floors[2]._x = (ceilings[2]._x = ww); terrain._x = (terrain.x = 0); setTerrainOn(2); } function checkTerrain() { if (terrain.x < (-ww)) { terrain.x = terrain.x + ww; terrain._x = terrain.x; floors[floorPos]._x = (ceilings[floorPos]._x = 0); floorPos = 1 + (floorPos % 2); floors[floorPos]._x = (ceilings[floorPos]._x = ww); var i = 0; while (i < bd.length) { bd[i].x = bd[i].x - ww; bd[i].b._x = bd[i].b._x - ww; i++; } setTerrainOn(floorPos); } } ww = 750; hh = 300; dm = ""; var dmp = _root._url.split("/"); var di = 0; while (di < dmp.length) { if (dmp[di].indexOf(dm) >= 0) { dm = dmp[di]; break; } di++; } terrainHolder = this.createEmptyMovieClip("terrainHolder", ++dep); bg = terrainHolder.createEmptyMovieClip("bg", ++terrainHolder.dep); terrain = terrainHolder.createEmptyMovieClip("terrain", ++terrainHolder.dep); bdB = terrain.createEmptyMovieClip("bdB", ++terrain.dep); terrainF = terrain.createEmptyMovieClip("terrainF", ++terrain.dep); this.attachMovie("textbox", "score", ++dep); score._x = 5; score._y = (hh - score._height) - 5; = false; floors = new Array(); ceilings = new Array(); floorsB = new Array(); ceilingsB = new Array(); i = 1; while (i <= 2) { f = (floors[i] = terrainF.createEmptyMovieClip("floor" + i, ++terrainF.dep)); c = (ceilings[i] = terrainF.createEmptyMovieClip("ceiling" + i, ++terrainF.dep)); fm = f.createEmptyMovieClip("floormask", ++f.dep); fm.beginFill(0); fm.lineTo(ww + 1, 0); fm.lineTo(ww + 1, hh); fm.lineTo(0, hh); fm.lineTo(0, 0); fm.endFill(); f.setMask(fm); cm = c.createEmptyMovieClip("ceilingmask", ++c.dep); cm.beginFill(0); cm.lineTo(ww + 1, 0); cm.lineTo(ww + 1, hh); cm.lineTo(0, hh); cm.lineTo(0, 0); cm.endFill(); c.setMask(cm); i++; } gap = hh - 32; copter = this.attachMovie("copter", "copter", ++dep); blades = copter.propellor.blades; copter._xscale = (copter._yscale = 25); i = 0; while (i <= hb) { hpts[i] = rotateRadians(hx[i], hy[i], (copter.rotation * 3.1415926) / 180); i++; } hx = [36, -145, -100, -80, -60, -40, -28, 30, -70]; hy = [4, -6.5, -6.8, -6.8, -6.8, -6.8, -33, -34, -34]; hpts = new Array(); hb = hx.length - 1; i = 0; while (i <= hb) { hx[i] = (hx[i] * copter._xscale) / 100; hy[i] = (hy[i] * copter._yscale) / 100; i++; } this.onMouseDown = function () { this.mouseIsDown = true; }; this.onMouseUp = function () { this.mouseIsDown = false; }; pg.y = pg._y; startGame(); dead = true; startMain(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (main._alpha < 100) { main._alpha = main._alpha + (lcr / 2); if (main._alpha > 100) { main._alpha = 100; } } if (high._alpha < 100) { high._alpha = high._alpha + (lcr / 2); if (high._alpha > 100) { high._alpha = 100; } } t = getTimer(); if (!gft) { gft = true; lcrt = t; } else { lcrp = lcrp + ((t - lcrt) * 0.12); lcrt = t; lcr = 0; if ((++furg) == 2) { lcr = Math.min(40, Math.floor(lcrp)); furg = 0; if (!dead) { ccr = ccr + lcr; score.text = ("Flight length: " + Math.ceil(ccr / 120)) + " seconds"; } } if (!dead) { while (ccr > nbfr) { if (brnda > 80) { brnda--; } var tcr = (ccr - nbfr); nbfr = nbfr + (Math.ceil(rand(rb) * brnda) + brnda); var o = new Object(); o.b = bdB.attachMovie("penguin", "bd" + (++bdc), ++bdB.dep); o.b._height = 30 + (rand(rb) * 10); o.b._xscale = o.b._yscale; o.vx = (1 + Math.min(3, ccr * 0.0005)) - (o.b._height / 40); o.b._x = (o.x = ((ww * 2) + 64) - terrain.x); o.b._y = (o.y = (hh / 2) + (((rand(rb) * gap) - (gap / 2)) / 2)); o.b._rotation = -(40 - o.b._yscale); bd[bd.length] = o; } } if (lcr > 0) { lcrp = lcrp - lcr; if (!dead) { if (mouseIsDown) { var dch = String.fromCharCode(2); } else { var dch = String.fromCharCode(1); } var dlcr = lcr; while (dlcr > 0) { var dmv = Math.min(dlcr, 120); gd = gd + (dch + String.fromCharCode(dmv)); dlcr = dlcr - dmv; } if (mouseIsDown and (copter.vy > -0.75)) { copter.vy = copter.vy - (0.015 * lcr); if (copter.vy < -0.75) { copter.vy = -0.75; } } else if ((!mouseIsDown) and (copter.vy < 0.6)) { copter.vy = copter.vy + (0.01 * lcr); if (copter.vy > 0.6) { copter.vy = 0.6; } } copter.oy = copter.y; copter.y = copter.y + (copter.vy * lcr); copter._y = copter.y; if (ghosting and (!deadghost)) { gblades._rotation = gblades._rotation + -41; while (true) { if (gts != "") { gmd = gts.charCodeAt(0) == 2; gcl = gts.charCodeAt(1); gts = ""; } else { if (gdchp >= gdbp.length) { deadghost = true; break; } gmd = gdbp.charCodeAt(gdchp) == 2; gcl = gdbp.charCodeAt(gdchp + 1); gdchp = gdchp + 2; } m = Math.min(gcl, ccr - gcr); if (gmd and (ghost.vy > -0.75)) { ghost.vy = ghost.vy - (0.015 * m); if (ghost.vy < -0.75) { ghost.vy = -0.75; } } else if ((!gmd) and (ghost.vy < 0.6)) { ghost.vy = ghost.vy + (0.01 * m); if (ghost.vy > 0.6) { ghost.vy = 0.6; } } ghost.y = ghost.y + (ghost.vy * m); l = 1; while (l <= m) { ghost.rotation = ghost.rotation + (((gmd ? 0 : 20) - ghost.rotation) * 0.08); l++; } gcr = gcr + m; if (gcr == ccr) { if (gcl > (ccr - (gcr - m))) { gts = String.fromCharCode((gmd ? 2 : 1)) + String.fromCharCode(gcl - (ccr - (gcr - m))); } break; } } ghost._y = ghost.y; ghost._rotation = ghost.rotation; } else if (deadghost) { ghost.x = ghost.x - copter.vx; ghost._x = ghost.x; } l = 1; while (l <= lcr) { copter.rotation = copter.rotation + (((mouseIsDown ? 0 : 20) - copter.rotation) * 0.08); l++; } i = 0; while (i <= hb) { hpts[i] = rotateRadians(hx[i], hy[i], (copter.rotation * 3.1415926) / 180); i++; } copter._rotation = copter.rotation; blades._rotation = blades._rotation + -41; copter.lrx = copter.rx; copter.rx = ccr + (0.00025 * Math.pow(ccr, 2)); copter.vx = copter.rx - copter.lrx; bg.ox = bg.x; bg.x = bg.x - copter.vx; bg._x = bg.x; terrain.x = terrain.x - copter.vx; terrain._x = terrain.x; checkTerrain(); } else { copter.vx = copter.vx * Math.pow(0.99, lcr); copter.vy = copter.vy * Math.pow(0.88, lcr); copter.x = copter.x - copter.vx; copter._x = copter.x; terrain.x = terrain.x - copter.vx; terrain._x = terrain.x; bg.x = bg.x - copter.vx; bg._x = bg.x; i = 0; while (i < bd.length) { if (bd[i].falling) { bd[i].vy = bd[i].vy + (lcr / 30); bd[i].b._y = bd[i].b._y + bd[i].vy; } i++; } checkTerrain(); } i = bd.length - 1; while (i >= 0) { var o = bd[i]; o.x = o.x + (o.vx * lcr); o.b._x = o.x; if (o.x < 0) { o.b.removeMovieClip(); bd.splice(i, 1); } i--; } } if (furg == 1) { if (!dead) { var d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(copter.y - copter.oy, 2) + Math.pow(bg.x - bg.ox, 2)); var tpt = new Array(); j = 0; while (j <= d) { if (j > d) { j = d; } var v = (j / d); var xv = (copter.x - ((bg.ox - bg.x) * (1 - v))); var yv = (copter.oy + ((copter.y - copter.oy) * v)); i = 0; while (i <= hb) { var pts = hpts[i]; if ((terrainHolder.hitTest(xv + pts[1], yv + pts[2], true) or ((yv + pts[2]) < 0)) or ((yv + pts[2]) > hh)) { i = 0; while (i < bd.length) { if (bd[i].b.hitTest(xv + pts[1], yv + pts[2], true)) { bd[i].falling = true; bd[i].vx = bd[i].vx * 1.5; } i++; } dead = true; score.text = ("Flight length: " + (Math.floor((1000 * ccr) / 120) / 1000)) + " seconds"; if (ghosting) { ghost.removeMovieClip(); } vv = new LoadVars(); vv.c = "c"; ccr = ccr - lcr; vv.l = ccr; pv = new LoadVars(); pv.onLoad = function () { if (this.ih == "1") { startHigh(); } else { startMain(); } }; vv.sendAndLoad(("http://" + + "/copter/copter.php", pv); j = d; break; } i++; } j = j + 10; } } } } };
Symbol 14 MovieClip [penguin] Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { wfr = wfr + (_root.lcr / 10); w._yscale = 60 + (40 * Math.cos(wfr)); };
Symbol 20 MovieClip [bevelButton] Frame 1
#initclip 1 var ccv = new Object(); ccv.bevelButton = function () { this.init(); }; var tp = ((ccv.bevelButton.prototype = new MovieClip())); Object.registerClass("bevelButton", ccv.bevelButton); tp.setColor = function (c) { var r = Math.floor(c / 65536); var g = (Math.floor(c / 256) - (r * 256)); var b = ((c - (r * 65536)) - (g * 256)); if (((this.r != r) or (this.g != g)) or (this.b != b)) { this.r = r; this.g = g; this.b = b; this.redraw(); } }; tp.setAngle = function (a) { if (this.rad != a) { this.rad = a; this.redraw(); } }; tp.setWidth = function (w) { if (this.ww != w) { this.setSize(w, this.hh); } }; tp.setHeight = function (h) { if (this.hh != h) { this.setSize(this.ww, h); } }; tp.setBrightness = function (b) { if ( != b) { = b; this.oefPush(); } }; tp.setRadio = function (r) { if (this.isRadio != r) { var w = this.ww; this.ww = w - 1; this.isRadio = r; this.setSize(w, this.hh); } }; tp.setSize = function (w, h) { if ((this.ww != w) or (this.hh != h)) { this.ww = w; this.hh = h; var w2 = (this.ww / 2); var h2 = (this.hh / 2); this.bg3.clear(); this.bg3.beginFill(0); if (this.isRadio) { var sides = 6; var i = 0; while (i <= sides) { var x = ((w2 / Math.cos(3.1415926 / sides)) * Math.cos(-1.5707963 + ((6.2831852 / sides) * i))); var y = ((h2 / Math.cos(3.1415926 / sides)) * Math.sin(-1.5707963 + ((6.2831852 / sides) * i))); var mx = (w2 * Math.cos((-1.5707963 + ((6.2831852 / sides) * i)) + (3.1415926 / sides))); var my = (h2 * Math.sin((-1.5707963 + ((6.2831852 / sides) * i)) + (3.1415926 / sides))); if (i == 0) { this.bg3.moveTo(mx, my); } else { this.bg3.curveTo(x, y, mx, my); } i++; } } else { this.bg3.moveTo(-w2, -h2); this.bg3.lineTo(w2, -h2); this.bg3.lineTo(w2, h2); this.bg3.lineTo(-w2, h2); this.bg3.lineTo(-w2, -h2); } this.bg3.endFill(); this.bg3.c = new Color(this.bg3); var b =; b.clear(); b.beginFill(0); if (this.isRadio) { var sides = 6; var i = 0; while (i <= sides) { var x = ((w2 / Math.cos(3.1415926 / sides)) * Math.cos(-1.5707963 + ((6.2831852 / sides) * i))); var y = ((h2 / Math.cos(3.1415926 / sides)) * Math.sin(-1.5707963 + ((6.2831852 / sides) * i))); var mx = (w2 * Math.cos((-1.5707963 + ((6.2831852 / sides) * i)) + (3.1415926 / sides))); var my = (h2 * Math.sin((-1.5707963 + ((6.2831852 / sides) * i)) + (3.1415926 / sides))); if (i == 0) { b.moveTo(mx, my); } else { b.curveTo(x, y, mx, my); } i++; } var i = 0; while (i <= sides) { var x = (((w2 + 1) / Math.cos(3.1415926 / sides)) * Math.cos(-1.5707963 + ((6.2831852 / sides) * i))); var y = (((h2 + 1) / Math.cos(3.1415926 / sides)) * Math.sin(-1.5707963 + ((6.2831852 / sides) * i))); var mx = ((w2 + 1) * Math.cos((-1.5707963 + ((6.2831852 / sides) * i)) + (3.1415926 / sides))); var my = ((h2 + 1) * Math.sin((-1.5707963 + ((6.2831852 / sides) * i)) + (3.1415926 / sides))); if (i == 0) { b.lineTo(mx, my); } else { b.curveTo(x, y, mx, my); } i++; } } else { b.moveTo((-w2) - 1, (-h2) - 1); b.lineTo(w2 + 1, (-h2) - 1); b.lineTo(w2 + 1, h2 + 1); b.lineTo((-w2) - 1, h2 + 1); b.lineTo((-w2) - 1, (-h2) - 1); b.lineTo(-w2, -h2); b.lineTo(w2, -h2); b.lineTo(w2, h2); b.lineTo(-w2, h2); b.lineTo(-w2, -h2); } b.endFill(); this.redraw(); } }; tp.setBevel = function (b) { if (this.bevel != b) { this.bevel = b; this.oefPush(); } }; tp.redraw = function () { with (this) { var rad = this.rad; var bv =; var r = this.r; var g = this.g; var b = this.b; var ww = this.ww; var hh = this.hh; var w2 = (ww / 2); var h2 = (hh / 2); var uc = 16777215; var w2h = Math.sqrt((2 * Math.max(ww, hh)) * Math.max(ww, hh)); var il = (w2h + Math.pow((0.6 - Math.abs(this.downAmount - 0.6)) * 30, 2)); var mv = (1 - (this.downAmount * this.darkenAmount)); var c = ((((Math.min(255, Math.floor(r * mv)) * 256) * 256) + (Math.min(255, Math.floor(g * mv)) * 256)) + Math.min(255, Math.floor(b * mv))); var urad = ((this.downAmount > 0.5) ? (rad + 3.1415926) : (rad)); bg1.clear(); bg1.beginGradientFill("linear", [uc, c, 0], [100, 100, 100], [0, 127.5, 255], {matrixType:"box", x:(-il) / 2, y:(-il) / 2, w:il, h:il, r:urad}); if (this.isRadio) { var sides = 6; var i = 0; while (i <= sides) { var x = ((w2 / Math.cos(3.1415926 / sides)) * Math.cos(-1.5707963 + ((6.2831852 / sides) * i))); var y = ((h2 / Math.cos(3.1415926 / sides)) * Math.sin(-1.5707963 + ((6.2831852 / sides) * i))); var mx = (w2 * Math.cos((-1.5707963 + ((6.2831852 / sides) * i)) + (3.1415926 / sides))); var my = (h2 * Math.sin((-1.5707963 + ((6.2831852 / sides) * i)) + (3.1415926 / sides))); if (i == 0) { bg1.moveTo(mx, my); } else { bg1.curveTo(x, y, mx, my); } i++; } } else { bg1.moveTo(-w2, -h2); bg1.lineTo(w2, -h2); bg1.lineTo(w2, h2); bg1.lineTo(-w2, h2); bg1.lineTo(-w2, -h2); } bg1.endFill(); bg3.c.setRGB(c); bg3._alpha = 100 - bv; il = w2h + ((this.downAmount * (Math.max(ww, hh) / 20)) * 8); bg2.clear(); graphics._y = this.downAmount; bg2.beginGradientFill("radial", [uc, c], [(this.isRadio ? 65 : 75), (this.isRadio ? 75 : 80)], [0, 255], {matrixType:"box", x:(1 + (((Math.cos(rad) * (0.5 - this.downAmount)) * w2h) / 4)) - (il / 2), y:(1 + (((Math.sin(rad) * (0.5 - this.downAmount)) * w2h) / 4)) - (il / 2), w:il, h:il, r:0}); if (this.isRadio) { var sides = 6; var i = 0; while (i <= sides) { var x = (((w2 - this.bevel) / Math.cos(3.1415926 / sides)) * Math.cos(-1.5707963 + ((6.2831852 / sides) * i))); var y = (((h2 - this.bevel) / Math.cos(3.1415926 / sides)) * Math.sin(-1.5707963 + ((6.2831852 / sides) * i))); var mx = ((w2 - this.bevel) * Math.cos((-1.5707963 + ((6.2831852 / sides) * i)) + (3.1415926 / sides))); var my = ((h2 - this.bevel) * Math.sin((-1.5707963 + ((6.2831852 / sides) * i)) + (3.1415926 / sides))); if (i == 0) { bg2.moveTo(mx, my); } else { bg2.curveTo(x, y, mx, my); } i++; } } else { bg2.moveTo(this.bevel - w2, this.bevel - h2); bg2.lineTo(w2 - this.bevel, this.bevel - h2); bg2.lineTo(w2 - this.bevel, h2 - this.bevel); bg2.lineTo(this.bevel - w2, h2 - this.bevel); bg2.lineTo(this.bevel - w2, h2 - this.bevel); } bg2.endFill(); } }; tp.stick = function () { if (!this.stuckDown) { this.stuckDown = true; this.downFr = 7 - this.downFr; this.oefPush(); } }; tp.unstick = function () { if (this.stuckDown) { this.stuckDown = false; this.downFr = 7 - this.downFr; this.oefPush(); } }; tp.setFunctional = function (f) { if (this.functional != f) { this.functional = f; var m = this.m; if (f) { m.onPress = m.PH_onPress; m.onRollOver = m.PH_onRollOver; m.onRollOut = m.PH_onRollOut; m.onDragOver = m.PH_onDragOver; m.onDragOut = m.PH_onDragOut; m.onRelease = m.PH_onRelease; m.onReleaseOutside = m.PH_onReleaseOutside; } else { delete m.onPress; delete m.onRollOver; delete m.onRollOut; delete m.onDragOver; delete m.onDragOut; delete m.onRelease; delete m.onReleaseOutside; } } }; tp.setEnabled = function (e) { with (this) { setFunctional(e); if (disabled == e) { disabled = !e; if (m.useHandCursor == disabled) { m.useHandCursor = !disabled; } oefPush(); } } }; tp.init = function () { var m = this.createEmptyMovieClip("m", ++this.dep); var ww = this._width; var hh = this._height; var w2 = (ww / 2); var h2 = (hh / 2); this._xscale = (this._yscale = 100); = false; _root.t =; this.rad = 1.5707963; = 70; this.r = 255; this.g = 255; this.b = 255; this.bevel = 1; this.darkenAmount = 0.3; this.pushRate = 6; this.bg1 = m.createEmptyMovieClip("bg1", ++m.dep); this.bg2 = m.createEmptyMovieClip("bg2", ++m.dep); this.bg3 = m.createEmptyMovieClip("bg3", ++m.dep); = m.createEmptyMovieClip("br", ++m.dep); this.setSize(ww, hh); = m.createEmptyMovieClip("graphics", ++m.dep); this.oefOn = false; this.oef = function () { var end = 0; if ((!this.noDown) and ((( and and (this.downFr < 7)) or ( and this.ultraDown))) { this.downFr = Math.min((this.downFr + 1) + ((0 * (8 - this.downFr)) / this.pushRate), 7); } else if ((!( and and (this.downFr > 0)) { this.downFr = Math.max((this.downFr - 1) + ((0 * (-0.03 - this.downFr)) / this.pushRate), 0); } else { end++; } if (this.stuckDown) { this.downAmount = 1 - ((Math.cos(3.1415926 * (1 + (this.downFr / 7))) * 0.5) + 0.5); } else { this.downAmount = (Math.cos(3.1415926 * (1 + (this.downFr / 7))) * 0.5) + 0.5; } if (this.disabled and (this.disableFr < 4)) { this.disableFr++; } else if ((!this.disabled) and (this.disableFr > 0)) { this.disableFr--; } else { end++; } this.m._alpha = 100 - ((65 * this.disableFr) / 4); this.redraw(); if (end == 2) { this.oefOn = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; this.oefPush = function () { if (!this.oefOn) { this.oefOn = true; this.onEnterFrame = this.oef; } }; this.disabled = ( = ( = ( = (this.sticky = (this.stuckDown = false))))); = function () { with (this) { if (!disabled) { downFr = 7; if (sticky) { stuckDown = !stuckDown; downFr = 7 - downFr; } clicked(); oefPush(); } } }; m.PH_onPress = function () { with (this._parent) { mo = true; if (!disabled) { md = true; } mp = true; oefPush(); mouseStatus(); } }; m.PH_onDragOver = function () { with (this._parent) { mo = true; mp = true; oefPush(); mouseStatus(); } }; m.PH_onDragOut = function () { with (this._parent) { mo = false; mp = false; oefPush(); mouseStatus(); } }; m.PH_onRollOver = function () { with (this._parent) { mo = true; oefPush(); mouseStatus(); } }; m.PH_onRollOut = function () { with (this._parent) { mo = false; oefPush(); mouseStatus(); } }; m.PH_onRelease = function () { with (this._parent) { if (md and mo) { click(); } mo = true; md = false; mp = false; oefPush(); mouseStatus(); } }; m.PH_onReleaseOutside = function () { with (this._parent) { mo = false; md = false; mp = false; oefPush(); mouseStatus(); } }; this.tabChildren = false; m._focusrect = false; this.setEnabled(true); this.redraw(); }; delete cn; delete ccv; delete tp; #endinitclip
Symbol 24 MovieClip [main] Frame 1
function loaded(lv) { playBtn.setEnabled(true); var j = Number(; tpd = lv.tpd; var i = 1; while (i <= j) { var hsc = this.attachMovie("textbox", "n" + i, ++dep); hsc._x = -10; hsc._y = -90 + (i * 14); hsc.text = lv["n" + i]; var hsc = this.attachMovie("textbox", "l" + i, ++dep); hsc._x = 135; hsc._y = -90 + (i * 14); hsc.text = Math.floor((1000 * Number(lv["l" + i])) / 120) / 1000; i++; } }"playGraphic", "g",; playBtn.setEnabled(false); vsBtn.x ="x", "x",; vsBtn.x._visible = false; vsBtn.clicked = function () { this.checked = !this.checked; this.x._visible = this.checked; _root.vsBtnChecked = this.checked; }; playBtn.clicked = function () { if (vsBtn.checked) { if (tpd.length > 0) { _parent.ghosting = true; _parent.gdbp = tpd; } } else { _parent.ghosting = false; } _parent.startGame(); _parent.main.removeMovieClip(); }; if (_root.vsBtnChecked == undefined) { _root.vsBtnChecked = true; } if (_root.vsBtnChecked) {; } vv = new LoadVars(); vv.c = "t"; pv = new LoadVars(); pv.onLoad = function () { loaded(this); }; vv.sendAndLoad(("http://" + + "/copter/copter.php", pv);
Symbol 31 MovieClip [high] Frame 1
function ok() { okBtn.setEnabled(false); vv = new LoadVars(); vv.c = "h"; vv.l = ccr; vv.pd = gd; vv.nm = nm; pv = new LoadVars(); pv.onLoad = function () { _parent.startMain(); }; vv.sendAndLoad(("http://" + + "/copter/copter.php", pv); } nameBox.restrict = "A-Za-z0-9";"okGraphic", "g",; okBtn.clicked = function () { ok(); };

Library Items

Symbol 1 FontUsed by:2 23 25 29 30 32
Symbol 2 EditableTextUses:1Used by:3
Symbol 3 MovieClip [textbox]Uses:2
Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:8
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:6
Symbol 6 MovieClipUses:5Used by:7
Symbol 7 MovieClipUses:6Used by:8 16
Symbol 8 MovieClip [ghost]Uses:4 7
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:10
Symbol 10 MovieClip [snowball]Uses:9
Symbol 11 GraphicUsed by:12
Symbol 12 MovieClip [wing]Uses:11Used by:14
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:14
Symbol 14 MovieClip [penguin]Uses:13 12Used by:24
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:16
Symbol 16 MovieClip [copter]Uses:15 7Used by:24
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:24 31
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClipUses:18Used by:20
Symbol 20 MovieClip [bevelButton]Uses:19Used by:24 31
Symbol 21 FontUsed by:22
Symbol 22 TextUses:21Used by:24
Symbol 23 TextUses:1Used by:24
Symbol 24 MovieClip [main]Uses:17 20 22 16 14 23
Symbol 25 TextUses:1Used by:26
Symbol 26 MovieClip [playGraphic]Uses:25
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:28
Symbol 28 MovieClip [x]Uses:27
Symbol 29 TextUses:1Used by:31
Symbol 30 EditableTextUses:1Used by:31
Symbol 31 MovieClip [high]Uses:17 29 30 20
Symbol 32 TextUses:1Used by:33
Symbol 33 MovieClip [okGraphic]Uses:32
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:Timeline

Instance Names

"box"Symbol 3 MovieClip [textbox] Frame 1Symbol 2 EditableText
"blades"Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip
"propellor"Symbol 8 MovieClip [ghost] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"w"Symbol 14 MovieClip [penguin] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip [wing]
"propellor"Symbol 16 MovieClip [copter] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"playBtn"Symbol 24 MovieClip [main] Frame 1Symbol 20 MovieClip [bevelButton]
"vsBtn"Symbol 24 MovieClip [main] Frame 1Symbol 20 MovieClip [bevelButton]
"nameBox"Symbol 31 MovieClip [high] Frame 1Symbol 30 EditableText
"okBtn"Symbol 31 MovieClip [high] Frame 1Symbol 20 MovieClip [bevelButton]

Special Tags

ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 3 as "textbox"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 8 as "ghost"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 10 as "snowball"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 12 as "wing"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 12 as "wing"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 14 as "penguin"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 16 as "copter"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20 as "bevelButton"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 16 as "copter"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 14 as "penguin"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20 as "bevelButton"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 24 as "main"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 26 as "playGraphic"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 28 as "x"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20 as "bevelButton"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20 as "bevelButton"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 31 as "high"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 33 as "okGraphic"

Dynamic Text Variables

textSymbol 2 EditableText""
nmSymbol 30 EditableText""
Created: 22/5 -2019 05:27:08 Last modified: 22/5 -2019 05:27:08 Server time: 18/01 -2025 04:49:08