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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Dodge City Darts.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #26886

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

(Click here to continue)

blah blah


Press 'Enter' When done or click 'Ok'



Enter the amount you
want to bet:

How much do you
Want to bet?

You have:

Your goal is:  $150,000

Follow the Leader



Choose Your Game!

Please chose the game you would like to play below.


You have Lost:

(Click to continue)

Tex is
the Winner!


You have Won:

You are
the Winner!

General Gameplay:
You start off with $25.  At the beginning of each round
you are allowed to choose how much you would like to
bet.  If you run out of money the game is over.  The
amount of money you have earned also represents your
score.  You may quit the game at any time by pressing
the 'Submit Score' button on the gamble window.

The Story:
You have always dreamed of owning your own
hotel and you have found the perfect building.  The
only problem is that you only have $25 and the
building is being sold for $150,000.  That building
will be sold in a few days unless you can find a
way to earn the money and buy it yourself.  Luckily
Tex, the richest man in the west, is in town today.
Tex loves gambling, he loves darts and he is your
best chance at making your dream come true...





Throw darts here
to receive triple
the points.

Throw darts here
to receive double
the points.





















General Gameplay Continued:
Tex will chose the type of game to play at the beginning.
If you beat Tex then you will be able to chose what game
to play next.  Tex's accuracy will gradually get better as
the game progresses.  As your character progresses it
will become more fatigued, making it harder for you to
make your shots.



Playing 501:
You and Tex will both start off with 501 points.
The object of this game is to reduce your score to
zero.  If you go below zero, the rest of your turn will
be skipped and your score will be reset to what it
was at the beginning of your turn.
Playing Cricket:
The object of cricket is to 'close' off 15, 16, 17, 18,
19, 20, and bullseye on the board before your
opponent does.  To close one of the above
mentioned positions off you must score three of the
particular number.  For example to close off 20 you
could do one of 3 things: 1 dart in the triple 20
position, 3 darts in the single 20 positions, or a
dart in the double 20 and single 20 position.
Closing off all of your spots on the board does not...

guarantee a win however.  If your opponent has
more points than you, you cannot win until you
have more points then him.  To score points you
must throw a dart into a position that you have
closed off and your opponent hasn't.
Playing Follow the Leader:
In Follow the Leader Tex will throw first.  You must
throw a dart into the same position as Tex.  If you
can follow Tex for 8 throws then you win.  If you
miss even once then Tex will win.

(Press 'H' to close)

Playing Cricket:
The object of cricket is to 'close' off 15, 16, 17,
18, 19, 20, and bullseye on the board before
your opponent does.  To close one of the above
mentioned positions off you must score three of
the particular number.  For example to close off
20 you could do one of 3 things: 1 dart in the
triple 20 position, 3 darts in the single 20
positions, or a dart in the double 20 and single
20 position.
Closing off all of your spots on the board does
not guarantee a win however.  If your opponent
has more points than you, you cannot win until
you have more points then him.  To score points
you must throw a dart into a position that you
have closed off and your opponent hasn't.
The posters show you what you and Tex have
closed off and your scores.

(Click here to continue)

Playing Follow the Leader:
In Follow the Leader Tex will throw first.
You must throw a dart into the same
position as Tex.  If you can follow Tex for 8
throws then you win.  If you miss even once
then Tex will win.
The poster on your left will show which
position on the board you need to follow.

Playing 501:
You and Tex will both start off with 501
points.  The object of this game is to reduce
your score to zero.  If you go below zero, the
rest of your turn will be skipped and your
score will be reset to what it was at the
beginning of your turn.
You will notice your score on the poster to
your left.


Your final score is:




Copyright © 2004 GameRival is a Service Mark of eUniverse, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
























Looks like your dream of
becoming a hotel manager will
not be coming true... oh well back
to shoveling manure!

The End

The End


blah blah





Do you want to challenge
Tex again?  Click 'no' to
quit and submit your score.

Press 'H' For Help.




















8 Remaining



ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
gr_game = "B317C134"; gameID = "B317C134"; if (_root.gcode == null) { getURL ("" add _root.gr_game, "_blank"); stop(); } loader = {};
Frame 2
loader.loadedbytes = getBytesLoaded(); loader.totalbytes = getBytesTotal(); loader.loadedkbytes = Math.ceil(loadedbytes / 1000); loader.totalkbytes = Math.ceil(totalbytes / 1000); if (loader.loadedbytes == loader.totalbytes) { gotoAndPlay (4); } frame = int(loader.loadedbytes / (loader.totalbytes / 100)); = frame;
Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Frame 4
function cursor() { this.theta1 = 0; this.theta2 = 1.57; this.r = 25; this.r2 = 6; this.adder = 2; this.angle = 0; this.speed = 10; if (( == 0) && ( == 0)) { dartInfo.prevScore = dartInfo.pScore; } this.onMouseMove(); } function gauge() { this.theta = 0.5; this.r = 140; this.reg = 0.1 + (dartInfo.fatigue / 50); with (this.emp) { lineStyle(3, 0, 100); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(50 * sin(-2.57), 50 * cos(-2.57)); } } function darts() { this.inPlace = false; } function explode() { this.points = []; this.count = 0; var _local3 = this.points; var _local6 = this.x; var _local5 = this.y; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 30) { _local3[_local2] = {}; _local3[_local2].x = _local6 + random(10); _local3[_local2].y = _local5 + random(15); var _local4 = random(360); _local4 = (_local4 * Math.PI) / 180; _local3[_local2].speed = random(9) + 4; _local3[_local2].xMove = _local3[_local2].speed * Math.cos(_local4); _local3[_local2].yMove = _local3[_local2].speed * Math.sin(_local4); _local2++; } } cursor.prototype = new MovieClip(); cursor.prototype.onMouseMove = function () { var _local3 = this._x - _xmouse; var _local2 = this._y - _ymouse; this.angle = atan2(_local2, _local3); this.xP = _xmouse; this.yP = _ymouse; }; cursor.prototype.onMouseUp = function () { attachMovie("booga", "bb", 5999); bb.startDrag(true); dartInfo.x = this._x; dartInfo.y = this._y; this.removeMovieClip(); }; cursor.prototype.onEnterFrame = function () { var r = this.r; var theta1 = this.theta1; var theta2 = this.theta2; var r2 = this.r2; this.createEmptyMovieClip("lines", 6001); with (this.lines) { lineStyle(2, 0, 100); moveTo(r2 * sin(theta1), r2 * cos(theta1)); lineTo(r * sin(theta1), r * cos(theta1)); lineStyle(2, 0, 100); moveTo((r2 * sin(theta1)) * -1, (r2 * cos(theta1)) * -1); lineTo((r * sin(theta1)) * -1, (r * cos(theta1)) * -1); lineStyle(2, 16777215, 100); moveTo(r2 * sin(theta2), r2 * cos(theta2)); lineTo(r * sin(theta2), r * cos(theta2)); lineStyle(2, 16777215, 100); moveTo((r2 * sin(theta2)) * -1, (r2 * cos(theta2)) * -1); lineTo((r * sin(theta2)) * -1, (r * cos(theta2)) * -1); } this.theta1 = this.theta1 + 0.2; this.theta2 = this.theta2 + 0.2; this.r2 = this.r2 + this.adder; if ((this.r2 > 13) || (this.r2 < 6)) { this.adder = this.adder * -1; } var xmov = (cos(this.angle) * ((this._x - this.xP) / this.speed)); if (this.xP < this._x) { xmov = xmov * -1; } var ymov = (sin(this.angle) * ((this._y - this.yP) / this.speed)); if (this.yP < this._y) { ymov = ymov * -1; } if ((abs(xmov) < 0.2) && (abs(ymov) < 0.2)) { if ((this.xP != _xmouse) || (this.yP != _ymouse)) { this.xP = _xmouse; this.yP = _ymouse; } var xran = (random(28) - 14); var yran = (random(28) - 14); this.xP = this.xP + xran; this.yP = this.yP + yran; var x = (this._x - this.xP); var y = (this._y - this.yP); this.angle = atan2(y, x); } this._x = this._x + (xmov + (random(dartInfo.fatigue) - (dartInfo.fatigue / 2))); this._y = this._y + (ymov + (random(dartInfo.fatigue) - (dartInfo.fatigue / 2))); }; Object.registerClass("cursor", cursor); gauge.prototype = new MovieClip(); gauge.prototype.onMouseUp = function () { var _local4 = abs((this.theta * 57.2957795130823) + 147.250153348622) - 8; if (_local4 > 0) { var _local7 = random(_local4); var _local5 = random(_local4); var _local6 = random(2); if (_local6 == 0) { _local7 = _local7 * -1; } _local6 = random(2); if (_local6 == 0) { _local5 = _local5 * -1; } } else { var _local5 = 0; var _local7 = _local5; } _root["tDart2" + dartInfo.dShowing].removeMovieClip(); dartInfo.dShowing++; var _local3 = attachMovie("dart2", "dart" + dartInfo.nCounter, 500 + dartInfo.nCounter); dartInfo.x = dartInfo.x - _local7; dartInfo.y = dartInfo.y - _local5; _local3._x = dartInfo.x; _local3._y = (dartInfo.y - 10) + 50; _local3._xscale = (_local3._yscale = 400); dartInfo.nCounter++; this.removeMovieClip(); throwS.start(); }; gauge.prototype.onEnterFrame = function () { var theta = this.theta; var r = this.r; var reg = this.reg; this.createEmptyMovieClip("circle", 6002); this.circ.setMask(; with ( { beginFill(255, 100); lineStyle(0, 255, 100); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(r * sin(0.5), r * cos(0.5)); lineTo(r * sin(theta / 2), r * cos(theta / 2)); lineTo(r * sin(theta), r * cos(theta)); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } this.theta = this.theta - this.reg; if ((this.theta < -3.64) || (this.theta > 0.5)) { this.reg = this.reg * -1; } }; Object.registerClass("booga", gauge); darts.prototype = new MovieClip(); darts.prototype.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe != 19) { this._xscale = (this._yscale = this._yscale - 21.4); } if (this._currentframe < 11) { this._y = this._y - 10; } else if ((this._currentframe >= 11) && (this._currentframe != 19)) { this._y = this._y + 5; } if ((this._currentframe == 19) && (!this.inPlace)) { dartHit.start();; if (dartInfo.turn == 0) { if ( == 0) { var _local2 = determineScore(0); } else if ( == 1) { determineScore2(0); } else { determineScore3(0); } if ((( == 0) && (!_local2)) && ( < 1000)) { if (( == 0) && ( == 3)) { dartInfo.turn = 1; dartInfo.interval = setInterval(resetDarts2, 300); } else { attachMovie("cursor", "cur", 6000); cur._x = _xmouse; cur._y = _ymouse; } } else if (( == 1) && ( < 1000)) { if (( == 1) && ( == 3)) { dartInfo.turn = 1; dartInfo.interval = setInterval(resetDarts2, 300); } else { attachMovie("cursor", "cur", 6000); cur._x = _xmouse; cur._y = _ymouse; } } else if (( == 2) && ( < 1000)) { if (dartInfo.dShowing == 3) { dartInfo.interval = setInterval(resetDarts, 500); } else { dartInfo.turn = 1; followAI(); } } } else { if ( == 0) { var _local2 = determineScore(1); } else if ( == 1) { determineScore2(1); } else { determineScore3(1); } if ((( == 0) && (!_local2)) && ( < 1000)) { if (dartInfo.dShowing == 3) { dartInfo.interval = setInterval(pauseFunc, 500); } else { dartInfo.interval = setInterval(firstToZeroAI, 600); } } else if (( == 1) && ( < 1000)) { if (dartInfo.dShowing == 3) { dartInfo.interval = setInterval(pauseFunc, 500); } else { dartInfo.interval = setInterval(cricketAI, 600); } } else if (( == 2) && ( < 1000)) { dartInfo.turn = 0; attachMovie("cursor", "cur", 6000); cur._x = _xmouse; cur._y = _ymouse; } } this.inPlace = true; } }; Object.registerClass("dart", darts); Object.registerClass("dart2", darts); explode.prototype = new MovieClip(); explode.prototype.onEnterFrame = function () { this.createEmptyMovieClip("holder", 3500); this.holder._x = 0; this.holder._y = 0; var p = this.points; var a = 0; while (a < 25) { p[a].x = p[a].x + p[a].xMove; p[a].y = p[a].y + p[a].yMove; with (this.holder) { lineStyle(random(20) + 5, 6724044); moveTo(p[a].x, p[a].y); lineTo(p[a].x + 0.15, p[a].y); } a++; } this.count++; if (this.count == 19) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; Object.registerClass("explode", explode); helpListener = {}; helpListener.onKeyUp = function () { if (Key.getCode() == 72) { if (helpWindow._x == undefined) { _root.attachMovie("help" +, "helpWindow", 18900); helpWindow._x = 275; helpWindow._y = 200; } else { helpWindow.removeMovieClip(); } } }; throwS = new Sound(); throwS.attachSound("throwS"); dartHit = new Sound(); dartHit.attachSound("dartHit"); music = new Sound(); music.attachSound("music"); gun = new Sound(); gun.attachSound("gun"); smash = new Sound(); smash.attachSound("smash"); cash = new Sound(); cash.attachSound("cash"); type = new Sound(); type.attachSound("type"); piano = new Sound(); piano.attachSound("piano"); gallop = new Sound(); gallop.attachSound("gallop"); function firstToZeroAI() { clearInterval(dartInfo.interval); var _local8 = dartInfo.oSkill; var _local5 = dartInfo.oScore; var _local4 = angleArray; var _local2 = {}; _local2.val = 0; choic.pos = 0; if (_local5 > 59) { if (_local8 > 45) { _local4 = angleArray; _local2 = {}; _local2.val = 0; var _local6 = random(_local4.length); var _local9 = random(3); if (_local9 == 0) { _local2.val = _local4[_local6][0]; = _local4[_local6][1]; _local2.rc = 94.5; } if (_local9 == 1) { _local2.val = _local4[_local6][0]; = _local4[_local6][1]; _local2.rc = 57.5; } if (_local9 == 2) { _local2.val = _local4[_local6][0]; = _local4[_local6][1]; _local2.rc = 76; } if ( > 0) { = 270 -; } else { = Math.abs( - 90; } var _local11 = * (Math.PI/180); var _local14 = _local2.rc; var _local16 = 275 + (_local14 * sin(_local11)); var _local15 = 158 + (_local14 * cos(_local11)); dartInfo.x = _local16; dartInfo.y = _local15; } else { var _local11 = Math.PI; var _local14 = 57.5; var _local16 = 275 + (_local14 * sin(_local11)); var _local15 = 158 + (_local14 * cos(_local11)); dartInfo.x = _local16; dartInfo.y = _local15; } } else { var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local4.length) { if (((_local4[_local3][0] * 2) <= _local5) && ((_local4[_local3][0] * 2) > _local2.val)) { _local2.val = _local4[_local3][0] * 2; = _local4[_local3][1]; _local2.rc = 94.5; } if (((_local4[_local3][0] * 3) <= _local5) && ((_local4[_local3][0] * 3) > _local2.val)) { _local2.val = _local4[_local3][0] * 3; = _local4[_local3][1]; _local2.rc = 57.5; } if ((_local4[_local3][0] <= _local5) && (_local4[_local3][0] >= _local2.val)) { _local2.val = _local4[_local3][0]; = _local4[_local3][1]; _local2.rc = 76; } _local3++; } if ( > 0) { = 270 -; } else { = Math.abs( - 90; } var _local11 = * (Math.PI/180); var _local14 = _local2.rc; var _local16 = 275 + (_local14 * sin(_local11)); var _local15 = 158 + (_local14 * cos(_local11)); dartInfo.x = _local16; dartInfo.y = _local15; } var _local12 = random(_local8 / 2); var _local13 = random(_local8 / 2); var _local10 = random(2); if (_local10 == 0) { _local12 = _local12 * -1; } _local10 = random(2); if (_local10 == 0) { _local13 = _local13 * -1; } var _local7 = attachMovie("dart", "dart" + dartInfo.nCounter, 500 + dartInfo.nCounter); dartInfo.x = dartInfo.x - _local12; dartInfo.y = dartInfo.y - _local13; _local7._x = dartInfo.x; _local7._y = (dartInfo.y - 10) + 50; _local7._xscale = (_local7._yscale = 400); dartInfo.nCounter++; _root["tDart" + dartInfo.dShowing].removeMovieClip(); dartInfo.dShowing++; } function cricketAI() { clearInterval(dartInfo.interval); var _local7 = dartInfo.oSkill; var _local16 = dartInfo.oScore; var _local15 = dartInfo.pScore; var _local8 = angleArray; var _local2 = dartInfo.oSpots; var _local4 = dartInfo.pSpots; var _local6 = {}; _local6.val = 0; choic.pos = 0; if (dartInfo.oL2Close != 0) { if ((_local16 >= _local15) || (dartInfo.pL2Close == 0)) { var _local11 = random(_local2.length); while (_local2[_local11][1] == 3) { _local11 = random(_local2.length); } if (_local2[_local11][0] != 50) { var _local5 = _local8[_local2[_local11][0]][1]; if (_local7 < 50) { var _local14 = 57.5; } else { var _local14 = 76; } } else { var _local5 = 0; var _local14 = 3; } } else if (dartInfo.pL2Close >= 3) { var _local11 = random(_local2.length); while (_local2[_local11][1] == 3) { _local11 = random(_local2.length); } if (_local2[_local11][0] != 50) { var _local5 = _local8[_local2[_local11][0]][1]; if (_local7 < 50) { var _local14 = 57.5; } else { var _local14 = 76; } } else { var _local5 = 0; var _local14 = 3; } } else { _local6 = 0; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local2.length) { if ((_local2[_local3][1] == 3) && (_local4[_local3][1] != 3)) { _local6 = _local3; } _local3++; } if (_local6 == 0) { var _local11 = random(_local2.length); while (_local2[_local11][1] == 3) { _local11 = random(_local2.length); } if (_local2[_local11][0] != 50) { var _local5 = _local8[_local2[_local11][0]][1]; if (_local7 < 50) { var _local14 = 57.5; } else { var _local14 = 76; } } else { var _local5 = 0; var _local14 = 3; } } else if (_local2[_local6][0] != 50) { var _local5 = _local8[_local2[_local6][0]][1]; if (_local7 < 50) { var _local14 = 57.5; } else { var _local14 = 76; } } else { var _local5 = 0; var _local14 = 3; } } } else { _local6 = 0; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local2.length) { if ((_local2[_local3][1] == 3) && (_local4[_local3][1] != 3)) { _local6 = _local3; } _local3++; } if (_local6 == 0) { var _local11 = random(_local2.length); if (_local2[_local11][0] != 50) { var _local5 = _local8[_local2[_local11][0]][1]; if (_local7 < 50) { var _local14 = 57.5; } else { var _local14 = 76; } } else { var _local5 = 0; var _local14 = 3; } } else if (_local2[_local6][0] != 50) { var _local5 = _local8[_local2[_local6][0]][1]; if (_local7 < 50) { var _local14 = 57.5; } else { var _local14 = 76; } } else { var _local5 = 0; var _local14 = 3; } } if (_local5 > 0) { var _local5 = 270 - _local5; } else { var _local5 = Math.abs(_local5) - 90; } var _local5 = _local5 * (Math.PI/180); var _local18 = 275 + (_local14 * sin(_local5)); var _local17 = 158 + (_local14 * cos(_local5)); dartInfo.x = _local18; dartInfo.y = _local17; var _local12 = random(_local7 / 2); var _local13 = random(_local7 / 2); var _local10 = random(2); if (_local10 == 0) { _local12 = _local12 * -1; } _local10 = random(2); if (_local10 == 0) { _local13 = _local13 * -1; } var _local9 = attachMovie("dart", "dart" + dartInfo.nCounter, 500 + dartInfo.nCounter); dartInfo.x = dartInfo.x - _local12; dartInfo.y = dartInfo.y - _local13; _local9._x = dartInfo.x; _local9._y = (dartInfo.y - 10) + 50; _local9._xscale = (_local9._yscale = 400); dartInfo.nCounter++; _root["tDart" + dartInfo.dShowing].removeMovieClip(); dartInfo.dShowing++; } function followAI() { clearInterval(dartInfo.interval); var _local5 = angleArray; var _local2 = {}; _local2.val = 0; var _local7 = random(_local5.length); var _local3 = random(3); if (_local3 == 0) { _local2.rc = 94.5; } if (_local3 == 1) { _local2.rc = 57.5; } if (_local3 == 2) { _local2.rc = 76; } if (dartInfo.level < 4) { _local3 = 2; _local2.rc = 76; } _local2.val = _local5[_local7][0]; = _local5[_local7][1]; if ( > 0) { = 270 -; } else { = Math.abs( - 90; } var _local6 = * (Math.PI/180); var _local8 = _local2.rc; var _local10 = 275 + (_local8 * sin(_local6)); var _local9 = 158 + (_local8 * cos(_local6)); dartInfo.x = _local10; dartInfo.y = _local9; dartInfo.val = _local2.val; dartInfo.dis = _local3; var _local4 = attachMovie("dart", "dart" + dartInfo.nCounter, 500 + dartInfo.nCounter); _local4._x = dartInfo.x; _local4._y = (dartInfo.y - 10) + 50; _local4._xscale = (_local4._yscale = 400); dartInfo.nCounter++; _root["tDart" + dartInfo.dShowing].removeMovieClip(); } function placeDarts() { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 3) { var _local3 = _root.attachMovie("tDart2", "tDart2" + _local2, 5 + _local2); _local3._xscale = (_local3._yscale = 25); _local3._x = 37 + (21 * _local2); _local3._y = 366; _local2++; } _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 3) { var _local3 = _root.attachMovie("tDart", "tDart" + _local2, 10 + _local2); _local3._xscale = (_local3._yscale = 25); _local3._x = 121 + (21 * _local2); _local3._y = 366; _local2++; } } function resetDarts() { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 6) { _root["dart" + _local2].removeMovieClip(); _local2++; } placeDarts(); if ( == 2) { = 0; dartInfo.dShowing = 0; dartInfo.nCounter = 0; dartInfo.turn = 1; followAI(); } } function resetDarts2() { clearInterval(dartInfo.interval); = 0; resetDarts(); dartInfo.dShowing = 0; dartInfo.prevScore = dartInfo.oScore; if ( == 0) { firstToZeroAI(); } else { cricketAI(); } } function pauseFunc() { clearInterval(dartInfo.interval); resetDarts(); = 0; attachMovie("cursor", "cur", 6000); cur._x = _xmouse; cur._y = _ymouse; dartInfo.turn = 0; dartInfo.dShowing = 0; dartInfo.nCounter = 0; } function determineScore(val) { if (bottle.hitTest(dartInfo.x, dartInfo.y, true)) { _root.attachMovie("explode", "e", 2011, {x:0, y:0}); e._x = 95; e._y = 313; bottle.swapDepths(9); bottle.removeMovieClip(); bottleS.swapDepths(9); smash.start(); bottleS.removeMovieClip(); } var _local5 = 0; var _local4 = atan2(158 - dartInfo.y, 275 - dartInfo.x); _local4 = int(_local4 * 57.2957795130823); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < angleArray.length) { var _local3 = angleArray[_local2][1]; if (_local4 < -170) { _local5 = 6; _local2 = 500; } if ((_local4 <= (_local3 + 9)) && (_local4 >= (_local3 - 9))) { _local5 = angleArray[_local2][0]; _local2 = 500; } _local2++; } var _local6 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(275 - dartInfo.x, 2) + Math.pow(158 - dartInfo.y, 2)); var _local7 = 1; if (_local6 <= 99) { if (_local6 >= 90) { _local7 = 2; } else if ((_local6 >= 53) && (_local6 <= 62)) { _local7 = 3; } else if ((_local6 >= 3.5) && (_local6 <= 8.5)) { _local5 = 25; } else if (_local6 <= 3.5) { _local5 = 50; } } else { _local5 = 0; } _local5 = _local5 * _local7; if (val == 0) { poster.pScore = poster.pScore - _local5; dartInfo.pScore = dartInfo.pScore - _local5; if (dartInfo.pScore == 0) { = 1000; _root.attachMovie("youWin", "win", 1000); win._x = 275; win._y = 200;; music.start(0, 99); win.onRelease = function () { music.stop(); gun.start(); gotoAndPlay (9); }; win.amount = "$" +; dartInfo.whoWon = 0; cash.start(); } } else { poster.oScore = poster.oScore - _local5; dartInfo.oScore = dartInfo.oScore - _local5; if (dartInfo.oScore == 0) { = 1000; _root.attachMovie("billWin", "win", 1000); win._x = 275; win._y = 200;; win.onRelease = function () { gun.start(); gotoAndPlay (9); }; win.amount = "$" +; dartInfo.whoWon = 1; cash.start(); } } var _local8 = checkForBust(); return(_local8); } function determineScore2(val) { if (bottle.hitTest(dartInfo.x, dartInfo.y, true)) { _root.attachMovie("explode", "e", 2011, {x:0, y:0}); e._x = 95; e._y = 313; bottle.swapDepths(9); bottle.removeMovieClip(); bottleS.swapDepths(9); smash.start(); bottleS.removeMovieClip(); } if (val == 0) { var _local5 = dartInfo.pSpots; var _local8 = dartInfo.oSpots; } else { var _local5 = dartInfo.oSpots; var _local8 = dartInfo.pSpots; } var _local6 = 1; var _local2 = atan2(158 - dartInfo.y, 275 - dartInfo.x); _local2 = int(_local2 * 57.2957795130823); var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < angleArray.length) { var _local3 = angleArray[_local4][1]; if ((_local2 <= (_local3 + 9)) && (_local2 >= (_local3 - 9))) { _local2 = angleArray[_local4][0]; _local4 = 500; } _local4++; } var _local7 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(275 - dartInfo.x, 2) + Math.pow(158 - dartInfo.y, 2)); if (((((((_local2 == 15) || (_local2 == 16)) || (_local2 == 17)) || (_local2 == 18)) || (_local2 == 19)) || (_local2 == 20)) || (_local7 < 8.5)) { if (_local7 <= 99) { if (_local7 >= 90) { _local6 = 2; } else if ((_local7 >= 53) && (_local7 <= 62)) { _local6 = 3; } else if ((_local7 >= 3.5) && (_local7 <= 8.5)) { _local2 = 25; _local6 = 1; } else if (_local7 <= 3.5) { _local2 = 50; _local6 = 2; } } else { _local6 = 0; } if (_local6 != 0) { _local4 = _local2 - 15; if ((_local2 == 50) || (_local2 == 25)) { _local4 = 6; } if ((_local5[_local4][1] == 3) && (_local8[_local4][1] != 3)) { if (val == 0) { if (_local2 != 50) { dartInfo.pScore = dartInfo.pScore + (_local2 * _local6); } else { dartInfo.pScore = dartInfo.pScore + _local2; } if ((dartInfo.pScore >= dartInfo.oScore) && (dartInfo.pL2Close <= 0)) { = 1000; _root.attachMovie("youWin", "win", 1000); win._x = 275; win._y = 200;; music.start(0, 99); win.onRelease = function () { music.stop(); gun.start(); gotoAndPlay (9); }; win.amount = "$" +; dartInfo.whoWon = 0; cash.start(); } } else { dartInfo.oScore = dartInfo.oScore + (_local2 * _local6); if ((dartInfo.oScore >= dartInfo.pScore) && (dartInfo.oL2Close <= 0)) { = 1000; _root.attachMovie("billWin", "win", 1000); win._x = 275; win._y = 200;; win.onRelease = function () { gun.start(); gotoAndPlay (9); }; win.amount = "$" +; dartInfo.whoWon = 1; cash.start(); } } player.pScore = dartInfo.pScore; opp.oScore = dartInfo.oScore; } else { _local5[_local4][1] = _local5[_local4][1] + _local6; if (_local5[_local4][1] > 3) { if (dartInfo.turn == 0) { dartInfo.pL2Close--; if (dartInfo.pL2Close < 0) { dartInfo.pL2Close = 0; } } else { dartInfo.oL2Close--; if (dartInfo.oL2Close < 0) { dartInfo.oL2Close = 0; } } if (_local8[_local4][1] != 3) { var _local9 = _local5[_local4][1] - 3; if (_local2 == 50) { _local2 = 25; } if (val == 0) { dartInfo.pScore = dartInfo.pScore + (_local2 * _local9); } else { dartInfo.oScore = dartInfo.oScore + (_local2 * _local9); } player.pScore = dartInfo.pScore; opp.oScore = dartInfo.oScore; } _local5[_local4][1] = 3; if ((dartInfo.pScore >= dartInfo.oScore) && (dartInfo.pL2Close == 0)) { = 1000; _root.attachMovie("youWin", "win", 1000); win._x = 275; win._y = 200;; music.start(0, 99); win.onRelease = function () { music.stop(); gun.start(); gotoAndPlay (9); }; win.amount = "$" +; dartInfo.whoWon = 0; cash.start(); } else if ((dartInfo.oScore >= dartInfo.pScore) && (dartInfo.oL2Close == 0)) { = 1000; _root.attachMovie("billWin", "win", 1000); win._x = 275; win._y = 200;; win.onRelease = function () { gun.start(); gotoAndPlay (9); }; win.amount = "$" +; dartInfo.whoWon = 1; cash.start(); } } else if (_local5[_local4][1] == 3) { if (dartInfo.turn == 0) { dartInfo.pL2Close--; if (dartInfo.pL2Close < 0) { dartInfo.pL2Close = 0; } if ((dartInfo.pScore >= dartInfo.oScore) && (dartInfo.pL2Close == 0)) { = 1000; _root.attachMovie("youWin", "win", 1000); win._x = 275; win._y = 200;; music.start(0, 99); win.onRelease = function () { music.stop(); gun.start(); gotoAndPlay (9); }; win.amount = "$" +; dartInfo.whoWon = 0; cash.start(); } } else { dartInfo.oL2Close--; if (dartInfo.oL2Close < 0) { dartInfo.oL2Close = 0; } if ((dartInfo.oScore >= dartInfo.pScore) && (dartInfo.oL2Close == 0)) { = 1000; _root.attachMovie("billWin", "win", 1000); win._x = 275; win._y = 200;; win.onRelease = function () { gun.start(); gotoAndPlay (9); }; win.amount = "$" +; dartInfo.whoWon = 1; cash.start(); } } } if (_local5[_local4][1] > 3) { _local5[_local4][1] = 3; } if (dartInfo.turn == 0) { player["m" + _local4].gotoAndStop(_local5[_local4][1] + 1); } else { opp["m" + _local4].gotoAndStop(_local5[_local4][1] + 1); } } } } } function determineScore3(val) { if (val == 1) { poster.num = dartInfo.val; if (dartInfo.dis == 0) { poster.value = "Double"; } else if (dartInfo.dis == 1) { poster.value = "Triple"; } else { poster.value = "Single"; } } else { var _local5 = 0; var _local4 = atan2(158 - dartInfo.y, 275 - dartInfo.x); _local4 = int(_local4 * 57.2957795130823); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < angleArray.length) { var _local3 = angleArray[_local2][1]; if (_local4 < -170) { _local5 = 6; _local2 = 500; } if ((_local4 < (_local3 + 9)) && (_local4 > (_local3 - 9))) { _local5 = angleArray[_local2][0]; _local2 = 500; } _local2++; } var _local7 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(275 - dartInfo.x, 2) + Math.pow(158 - dartInfo.y, 2)); var _local6 = 2; if (_local7 < 99) { if (_local7 > 90) { _local6 = 0; } else if ((_local7 > 53) && (_local7 < 62)) { _local6 = 1; } else if ((_local7 > 3.5) && (_local7 < 8.5)) { _local5 = 25; _local6 = 4; } else if (_local7 < 3.5) { _local5 = 50; _local6 = 4; } if (dartInfo.turn == 0) { if (_local6 == 4) { _local6 = 1; } } } else { _local5 = 0; } trace((((((dartInfo.val + "/") + dartInfo.dis) + " - ") + _local5) + "/") + _local6); if ((_local5 != dartInfo.val) || (_local6 != dartInfo.dis)) { = 1000; _root.attachMovie("billWin", "win", 1000); win._x = 275; win._y = 200;; win.onRelease = function () { gun.start(); gotoAndPlay (9); }; win.amount = "$" +; dartInfo.whoWon = 1; cash.start(); } else { dartInfo.fCount++; poster.left = (8 - dartInfo.fCount) + " Remaining"; if (dartInfo.fCount == 8) { = 1000; _root.attachMovie("youWin", "win", 1000); win._x = 275; win._y = 200;; music.start(0, 99); win.onRelease = function () { music.stop(); gun.start(); gotoAndPlay (9); }; win.amount = "$" +; dartInfo.whoWon = 0; cash.start(); } } } } function pLose() { } function checkForBust() { if (dartInfo.turn == 0) { if (dartInfo.pScore < 0) { dartInfo.pScore = dartInfo.prevScore; dartInfo.interval = setInterval(bust, 400); return(true); } } else if (dartInfo.oScore < 0) { dartInfo.oScore = dartInfo.prevScore; dartInfo.interval = setInterval(bust, 400); return(true); } return(false); } function bust() { clearInterval(dartInfo.interval); if (dartInfo.turn == 0) { dartInfo.turn = 1; poster.pScore = dartInfo.pScore; resetDarts2(); } else { dartInfo.turn = 0; poster.oScore = dartInfo.oScore; pauseFunc(); } } function playF1(val) { if (val == 0) { gotoAndPlay (10); } else if (val == 1) { gotoAndPlay (11); } else { gotoAndPlay (12); } } function postScore() { clearInterval(dartInfo.interval); gcode = _root.gcode; score =; if (score < 5) { score = 5; } delete dartInfo; delete loader; delete keyListener; delete helpListener; delete player; delete opp; getURL ("game.cfm", "_self", "POST"); } var abs = Math.abs; var atan2 = Math.atan2; var sin = Math.sin; var cos = Math.cos; dartInfo = {}; dartInfo.nCounter = 0; dartInfo.turn = 0; dartInfo.pScore = 0; dartInfo.oScore = 0; dartInfo.fatigue = 2.25; dartInfo.oSkill = 120; dartInfo.dShowing = 0; = 0; = 0; dartInfo.preScore = 0; dartInfo.hLeft = 2; dartInfo.mLeft = 0; dartInfo.level = 0; dartInfo.f2zHelp = false; dartInfo.cHelp = false; dartInfo.follHelp = false; = 25; = 0; dartInfo.whoWon = 1; angleArray = [[11, 0], [14, 18], [9, 36], [12, 54], [5, 72], [20, 90], [1, 108], [18, 126], [4, 144], [13, 162], [6, 180], [10, -162], [15, -144], [2, -126], [17, -108], [3, -90], [19, -72], [7, -54], [16, -36], [8, -18]]; almostQ = false;
Frame 5
function showTitle() { clearInterval(dartInfo.interval); title._visible = true; } music.start(0, 99); = function () { if (!dartInfo.mHelp) { gotoAndPlay (6); music.stop(); gun.start(); } }; = function () { gun.start(); dartInfo.mHelp = true; _root.attachMovie("instructions", "i", 5000); i._x = 275; i._y = 200; }; title._visible = false; dartInfo.interval = setInterval(showTitle, 400); stop();
Frame 6
function checkOk() { if ((gamble.input.text <= && (gamble.input.text >= 0)) { Key.removeListener(keyListener); = gamble.input.text; gamble.removeMovieClip(); gun.start(); if (dartInfo.whoWon == 1) { if (tChoice == 0) { gotoAndPlay (10); } else if (tChoice == 1) { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if (tChoice == 2) { gotoAndPlay (12); } } else { Key.removeListener(keyListener); _root.attachMovie("options", "options", 500); options._x = 275; options._y = 200; } } else { gamble.error = "You do not have enough money. Please enter another amount."; Selection.setFocus("gamble.input"); } } if (dartInfo.whoWon == 1) { _root.attachMovie("speechBubble2", "bubble", 900); bubble._x = 190; bubble._y = 155; bubble.onRelease = function () { gun.start(); _root.attachMovie("gamble", "gamble", 600); gamble._x = 275; gamble._y = 200; = "$" +; sco.text =; gamble.input.text = ""; gamble.input.maxChars = 6; Selection.setFocus("gamble.input"); gamble.ok.onRelease = function () { gun.start(); checkOk(); }; Key.addListener(keyListener); this.removeMovieClip(); }; tChoice = random(3); if (tChoice == 0) { bubble.speech = "Lets play a game of '501' this round.\n\nRemember if you win this round then next time you can choose the game we play.\n\nNow lets get started!"; } else if (tChoice == 1) { bubble.speech = "Lets play a game of 'Cricket' this round.\n\nRemember if you win this round then next time you can choose the game we play.\n\nNow lets get started!"; } else if (tChoice == 2) { bubble.speech = "Lets play a game of 'Follow the Leader' this round.\n\nRemember if you win this round then next time you can choose the game we play.\n\nNow lets get started!"; } } else { _root.attachMovie("gamble", "gamble", 600); gamble._x = 275; gamble._y = 200; = "$" +; sco.text =; gamble.input.text = ""; gamble.input.maxChars = 6; Selection.setFocus("gamble.input"); gamble.ok.onRelease = function () { gun.start(); checkOk(); }; Key.addListener(keyListener); } dartInfo.level++; if (dartInfo.level > 3) { dartInfo.fatigue = dartInfo.fatigue + 0.75; } if (dartInfo.fatigue > 5.5) { dartInfo.fatigue = 5.5; } if (dartInfo.level < 3) { var diff = random(2); if ((diff = 0)) { dartInfo.oSkill = 80; } else { dartInfo.oSkill = 50; } } else if (dartInfo.level < 5) { var diff = random(2); if ((diff = 0)) { dartInfo.oSkill = 50; } else { dartInfo.oSkill = 35; } } else if (dartInfo.level < 10) { var diff = random(2); if ((diff = 0)) { dartInfo.oSkill = 35; } else { dartInfo.oSkill = 20; } } else { var diff = random(2); if ((diff = 0)) { dartInfo.oSkill = 20; } else { dartInfo.oSkill = 15; } } keyListener = {}; keyListener.onKeyUp = function () { type.start(); if ((Key.getCode() == 13) && (gamble._x != undefined)) { checkOk(); } }; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { }; stop();
Frame 7
music.start(0, 99); gun.start(); dartInfo.interval = setInterval(postScore, 2500); _root.onEnterFrame = function () { }; stop();
Frame 8
function show() { clearInterval(dartInfo.interval); _root.attachMovie("congrats", "congrats", 12456); congrats._x = 275; congrats._y = 200; congrats.score =; postScore(); } music.start(0, 99); gun.start(); dartInfo.interval = setInterval(show, 1000); _root.onEnterFrame = function () { }; stop();
Frame 9
Key.removeListener(helpListener); Key.removeListener(keyListener); if (dartInfo.whoWon == 0) { = + int(; } else { = - int(; } var a = 0; while (a < 6) { _root["dart" + a].removeMovieClip(); a++; } var a = 0; while (a < 3) { _root["tDart2" + a].removeMovieClip(); a++; } var a = 0; while (a < 3) { _root["tDart" + a].removeMovieClip(); a++; }; win.removeMovieClip(); gamble.removeMovieClip(); if ( <= 0) { gotoAndPlay (7); } else if ( >= 150000) { gotoAndPlay (8); } = function () { gun.start(); postScore(); }; quit.yes.onRelease = function () { gun.start(); gotoAndPlay (6); }; var speakT = random(7); if (speakT == 0) { speech.speech = "I bet... that you're a sissy."; } else if (speakT == 1) { speech.speech = "Your winning ways will not continue."; } else if (speakT == 2) { speech.speech = "Are you really ready to lose all your money?"; } else if (speakT == 3) { speech.speech = "It's going to be like taking candy from a baby this round!"; } else if (speakT == 4) { speech.speech = "You shouldn't start what you can't finish."; } else if (speakT == 5) { speech.speech = "What's the matter kid? ...You chicken?!"; } else if (speakT == 6) { speech.speech = "I was playin' darts before you were even born. Why don't you just give up?"; } _root.onEnterFrame = function () { }; stop();
Frame 10
Key.removeListener(keyListener); Key.addListener(helpListener); dartInfo.pScore = 501; dartInfo.oScore = 501; dartInfo.prevScore = 501; = 0; = 0; dartInfo.dShowing = 0; dartInfo.turn = 0; dartInfo.nCounter = 0; sc.s = "$" +; if (dartInfo.f2zHelp) { attachMovie("cursor", "cur", 6000); Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.attachMovie("f2zHelp", "f2zHelp", 7514); f2zHelp._x = 275; f2zHelp._y = 200; f2zHelp.onRelease = function () { gun.start(); _root.attachMovie("cursor", "cur", 6000); Mouse.hide(); this.removeMovieClip(); }; dartInfo.f2zHelp = true; } placeDarts(); sndCount = 0; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { sndCount++; if (sndCount > 600) { var _local1 = random(10); if (_local1 == 3) { piano.start(); } else if (_local1 == 4) { gallop.start(); } sndCount = 0; } }; stop();
Frame 11
Key.removeListener(keyListener); Key.addListener(helpListener); dartInfo.pSpots = [[15, 0], [16, 0], [17, 0], [18, 0], [19, 0], [20, 0], [50, 0]]; dartInfo.pL2Close = 7; dartInfo.pScore = 0; dartInfo.oSpots = [[12, 0], [18, 0], [14, 0], [7, 0], [16, 0], [5, 0], [50, 0]]; dartInfo.oL2Close = 7; dartInfo.oScore = 0; = 1; = 0; dartInfo.dShowing = 0; dartInfo.turn = 0; dartInfo.nCounter = 0; sc.s = "$" +; player.pScore = 0; opp.oScore = 0; if (dartInfo.cHelp) { attachMovie("cursor", "cur", 6000); Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.attachMovie("cHelp", "cHelp", 7419); cHelp._x = 275; cHelp._y = 200; dartInfo.cHelp = true; cHelp.onRelease = function () { gun.start(); attachMovie("cursor", "cur", 6000); Mouse.hide(); this.removeMovieClip(); }; } placeDarts(); sndCount = 0; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { sndCount++; if (sndCount > 600) { var _local1 = random(10); if (_local1 == 3) { piano.start(); } else if (_local1 == 4) { gallop.start(); } sndCount = 0; } }; stop();
Frame 12
Key.removeListener(keyListener); Key.addListener(helpListener); = 2; = 0; dartInfo.dShowing = 0; dartInfo.turn = 1; dartInfo.nCounter = 0; dartInfo.fCount = 0; sc.s = "$" +; if (dartInfo.follHelp) { Mouse.hide(); followAI(); } else { _root.attachMovie("follHelp", "follHelp", 7419); follHelp._x = 275; follHelp._y = 200; dartInfo.follHelp = true; follHelp.onRelease = function () { gun.start(); Mouse.hide(); followAI(); this.removeMovieClip(); }; } placeDarts(); poster.value = ""; poster.num = ""; sndCount = 0; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { sndCount++; if (sndCount > 600) { var _local1 = random(10); if (_local1 == 3) { piano.start(); } else if (_local1 == 4) { gallop.start(); } sndCount = 0; } }; stop();
Symbol 47 MovieClip [dart2] Frame 19
Symbol 67 MovieClip [dart] Frame 19
Symbol 87 MovieClip [gamble] Frame 1
f20.onRelease = function () { _root.gun.start(); _root.playF1(0); _root.options.removeMovieClip(); }; c.onRelease = function () { _root.gun.start(); _root.playF1(1); _root.options.removeMovieClip(); }; fTL.onRelease = function () { _root.gun.start(); _root.playF1(2); _root.options.removeMovieClip(); };
Symbol 100 MovieClip [options] Frame 1
f20.onRelease = function () { _root.gun.start(); _root.playF1(0); _root.options.removeMovieClip(); }; c.onRelease = function () { _root.gun.start(); _root.playF1(1); _root.options.removeMovieClip(); }; fTL.onRelease = function () { _root.gun.start(); _root.playF1(2); _root.options.removeMovieClip(); };
Symbol 159 MovieClip [instructions] Frame 1
next.onRelease = function () { _root.gun.start(); nextFrame(); }; done.onRelease = function () { _root.gun.start(); _root.dartInfo.mHelp = false; _root.i.removeMovieClip(); }; stop();
Symbol 159 MovieClip [instructions] Frame 2
next.onRelease = function () { _root.gun.start(); nextFrame(); }; back.onRelease = function () { _root.gun.start(); prevFrame(); }; done.onRelease = function () { _root.gun.start(); _root.dartInfo.mHelp = false; _root.i.removeMovieClip(); }; stop();
Symbol 159 MovieClip [instructions] Frame 3
next.onRelease = function () { _root.gun.start(); nextFrame(); }; back.onRelease = function () { _root.gun.start(); prevFrame(); }; done.onRelease = function () { _root.gun.start(); _root.dartInfo.mHelp = false; _root.i.removeMovieClip(); }; stop();
Symbol 159 MovieClip [instructions] Frame 4
back.onRelease = function () { _root.gun.start(); prevFrame(); }; done.onRelease = function () { _root.gun.start(); _root.dartInfo.mHelp = false; _root.i.removeMovieClip(); }; stop();
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 4

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [type]
Symbol 2 Sound [throwS]
Symbol 3 Sound [smash]
Symbol 4 Sound [piano]
Symbol 5 Sound [gun]
Symbol 6 Sound [Gallop]
Symbol 7 Sound [dartHit]
Symbol 8 Sound [music]
Symbol 9 Sound [cash]
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 11 MovieClipUsed by:19
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:13
Symbol 13 MovieClipUses:12Used by:19
Symbol 14 ShapeTweeningUsed by:17
Symbol 15 ShapeTweeningUsed by:17
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClipUses:14 15 16Used by:19
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClip [booga]Uses:11 10 13 17 18
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:21
Symbol 21 MovieClip [cursor]Uses:20
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClipUses:22Used by:25 27
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:25
Symbol 25 MovieClip [tDart2]Uses:23 24
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 27 MovieClip [tDart]Uses:26 23
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 47 MovieClip [dart2]Uses:28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 55 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 67 MovieClip [dart]Uses:48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
Symbol 68 FontUsed by:69 70 78 79 80 81 83 84 98 103 172 185 251 257 269 270
Symbol 69 TextUses:68Used by:72
Symbol 70 EditableTextUses:68Used by:72
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:72
Symbol 72 MovieClip [speechBubble2]Uses:69 70 71
Symbol 73 BitmapUsed by:74 88 91 94 105 267 272
Symbol 74 GraphicUses:73Used by:77
Symbol 75 FontUsed by:76 82 89 92 95 97 101 102 104 107 108 109 113 114 117 121 152 154 157 158 161 165 169 173 174 183 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 252 253 254 260 263 266 271 274 278 279 296 307 312 316 317
Symbol 76 TextUses:75Used by:77
Symbol 77 ButtonUses:74 76Used by:87
Symbol 78 EditableTextUses:68Used by:87
Symbol 79 EditableTextUses:68Used by:87
Symbol 80 EditableTextUses:68Used by:87
Symbol 81 TextUses:68Used by:87
Symbol 82 TextUses:75Used by:87
Symbol 83 TextUses:68Used by:87
Symbol 84 TextUses:68Used by:87
Symbol 85 BitmapUsed by:86 99 166 175
Symbol 86 GraphicUses:85Used by:87
Symbol 87 MovieClip [gamble]Uses:77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 86
Symbol 88 GraphicUses:73Used by:90
Symbol 89 TextUses:75Used by:90
Symbol 90 ButtonUses:88 89Used by:100
Symbol 91 GraphicUses:73Used by:93
Symbol 92 TextUses:75Used by:93
Symbol 93 ButtonUses:91 92Used by:100
Symbol 94 GraphicUses:73Used by:96
Symbol 95 TextUses:75Used by:96
Symbol 96 ButtonUses:94 95Used by:100
Symbol 97 TextUses:75Used by:100
Symbol 98 TextUses:68Used by:100
Symbol 99 GraphicUses:85Used by:100 159 162 164 170 171  Timeline
Symbol 100 MovieClip [options]Uses:90 93 96 97 98 99
Symbol 101 EditableTextUses:75Used by:106
Symbol 102 TextUses:75Used by:106
Symbol 103 TextUses:68Used by:106 110
Symbol 104 TextUses:75Used by:106
Symbol 105 GraphicUses:73Used by:106 110
Symbol 106 MovieClip [billWin]Uses:101 102 103 104 105
Symbol 107 EditableTextUses:75Used by:110
Symbol 108 TextUses:75Used by:110
Symbol 109 TextUses:75Used by:110
Symbol 110 MovieClip [youWin]Uses:107 108 103 109 105
Symbol 111 MovieClip [explode]
Symbol 112 FontUsed by:113 114 124 125 152 157 158 160 161 163 165 169 315
Symbol 113 TextUses:75 112Used by:159
Symbol 114 TextUses:75 112Used by:159
Symbol 115 GraphicUsed by:116 120 123 156
Symbol 116 MovieClipUses:115Used by:120 123 156
Symbol 117 TextUses:75Used by:120
Symbol 118 FontUsed by:119 122 155 261 264
Symbol 119 TextUses:118Used by:120
Symbol 120 ButtonUses:116 117 119 115Used by:159
Symbol 121 TextUses:75Used by:123
Symbol 122 TextUses:118Used by:123
Symbol 123 ButtonUses:116 121 122 115Used by:159
Symbol 124 TextUses:112Used by:159
Symbol 125 TextUses:112Used by:159
Symbol 126 GraphicUsed by:159
Symbol 127 FontUsed by:128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147
Symbol 128 TextUses:127Used by:151
Symbol 129 TextUses:127Used by:151
Symbol 130 TextUses:127Used by:151
Symbol 131 TextUses:127Used by:151
Symbol 132 TextUses:127Used by:151
Symbol 133 TextUses:127Used by:151
Symbol 134 TextUses:127Used by:151
Symbol 135 TextUses:127Used by:151
Symbol 136 TextUses:127Used by:151
Symbol 137 TextUses:127Used by:151
Symbol 138 TextUses:127Used by:151
Symbol 139 TextUses:127Used by:151
Symbol 140 TextUses:127Used by:151
Symbol 141 TextUses:127Used by:151
Symbol 142 TextUses:127Used by:151
Symbol 143 TextUses:127Used by:151
Symbol 144 TextUses:127Used by:151
Symbol 145 TextUses:127Used by:151
Symbol 146 TextUses:127Used by:151
Symbol 147 TextUses:127Used by:151
Symbol 148 GraphicUsed by:151
Symbol 149 GraphicUsed by:150
Symbol 150 MovieClipUses:149Used by:151
Symbol 151 MovieClipUses:128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 150Used by:159  Timeline
Symbol 152 TextUses:75 112Used by:159
Symbol 153 GraphicUsed by:159
Symbol 154 TextUses:75Used by:156
Symbol 155 TextUses:118Used by:156
Symbol 156 ButtonUses:116 154 155 115Used by:159
Symbol 157 TextUses:75 112Used by:159
Symbol 158 TextUses:112 75Used by:159
Symbol 159 MovieClip [instructions]Uses:113 114 120 123 99 124 125 126 151 152 153 156 157 158
Symbol 160 TextUses:112Used by:162 167 170
Symbol 161 TextUses:75 112Used by:162 164
Symbol 162 MovieClip [help1]Uses:160 161 99
Symbol 163 TextUses:112Used by:164 168 171
Symbol 164 MovieClip [cHelp]Uses:163 161 99
Symbol 165 TextUses:75 112Used by:167 168
Symbol 166 GraphicUses:85Used by:167 168
Symbol 167 MovieClip [help2]Uses:160 165 166
Symbol 168 MovieClip [follHelp]Uses:163 165 166
Symbol 169 TextUses:75 112Used by:170 171
Symbol 170 MovieClip [help0]Uses:160 169 99
Symbol 171 MovieClip [f2zHelp]Uses:163 169 99
Symbol 172 EditableTextUses:68Used by:176
Symbol 173 TextUses:75Used by:176
Symbol 174 TextUses:75Used by:176
Symbol 175 GraphicUses:85Used by:176
Symbol 176 MovieClip [congrats]Uses:172 173 174 175
Symbol 177 GraphicUsed by:178
Symbol 178 MovieClip [bottle2]Uses:177Used by:Timeline
Symbol 179 GraphicUsed by:180 262 265
Symbol 180 MovieClipUses:179Used by:182 262 265
Symbol 181 GraphicUsed by:182
Symbol 182 MovieClipUses:180 181Used by:189 191  Timeline
Symbol 183 TextUses:75Used by:Timeline
Symbol 184 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 185 TextUses:68Used by:Timeline
Symbol 186 FontUsed by:187
Symbol 187 TextUses:186Used by:Timeline
Symbol 188 GraphicUsed by:189
Symbol 189 MovieClipUses:188 182Used by:199
Symbol 190 GraphicUsed by:191
Symbol 191 MovieClipUses:190 182Used by:199
Symbol 192 GraphicUsed by:193
Symbol 193 MovieClipUses:192Used by:199
Symbol 194 GraphicUsed by:195
Symbol 195 MovieClipUses:194Used by:199
Symbol 196 BitmapUsed by:198
Symbol 197 BitmapUsed by:198
Symbol 198 GraphicUses:196 197Used by:199
Symbol 199 MovieClipUses:189 191 193 195 198Used by:Timeline
Symbol 200 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 201 GraphicUsed by:202
Symbol 202 MovieClipUses:201Used by:240
Symbol 203 GraphicUsed by:240
Symbol 204 TextUses:75Used by:216
Symbol 205 TextUses:75Used by:216
Symbol 206 TextUses:75Used by:216
Symbol 207 TextUses:75Used by:216
Symbol 208 TextUses:75Used by:216
Symbol 209 TextUses:75Used by:216
Symbol 210 TextUses:75Used by:216
Symbol 211 TextUses:75Used by:216
Symbol 212 TextUses:75Used by:216
Symbol 213 TextUses:75Used by:216
Symbol 214 TextUses:75Used by:216
Symbol 215 TextUses:75Used by:216
Symbol 216 MovieClipUses:204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215Used by:240
Symbol 217 TextUses:75Used by:240
Symbol 218 TextUses:75Used by:240
Symbol 219 TextUses:75Used by:240
Symbol 220 TextUses:75Used by:240
Symbol 221 TextUses:75Used by:240
Symbol 222 TextUses:75Used by:240
Symbol 223 TextUses:75Used by:240
Symbol 224 TextUses:75Used by:240
Symbol 225 TextUses:75Used by:240
Symbol 226 TextUses:75Used by:240
Symbol 227 TextUses:75Used by:240
Symbol 228 GraphicUsed by:229
Symbol 229 MovieClipUses:228Used by:240
Symbol 230 GraphicUsed by:231
Symbol 231 MovieClipUses:230Used by:240
Symbol 232 GraphicUsed by:240
Symbol 233 GraphicUsed by:234
Symbol 234 MovieClipUses:233Used by:240
Symbol 235 GraphicUsed by:240
Symbol 236 GraphicUsed by:237
Symbol 237 MovieClipUses:236Used by:238
Symbol 238 MovieClipUses:237Used by:240
Symbol 239 GraphicUsed by:240
Symbol 240 MovieClipUses:202 203 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 229 231 232 234 235 238 239Used by:Timeline
Symbol 241 GraphicUsed by:247
Symbol 242 GraphicUsed by:247
Symbol 243 GraphicUsed by:247
Symbol 244 GraphicUsed by:247
Symbol 245 GraphicUsed by:247
Symbol 246 GraphicUsed by:247
Symbol 247 MovieClipUses:241 242 243 244 245 246Used by:Timeline
Symbol 248 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 249 GraphicUsed by:285  Timeline
Symbol 250 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 251 TextUses:68Used by:Timeline
Symbol 252 TextUses:75Used by:Timeline
Symbol 253 TextUses:75Used by:Timeline
Symbol 254 TextUses:75Used by:256
Symbol 255 GraphicUsed by:256
Symbol 256 MovieClipUses:254 255Used by:Timeline
Symbol 257 EditableTextUses:68Used by:259
Symbol 258 GraphicUsed by:259
Symbol 259 MovieClipUses:257 258Used by:Timeline
Symbol 260 TextUses:75Used by:262
Symbol 261 TextUses:118Used by:262
Symbol 262 ButtonUses:180 260 261 179Used by:268
Symbol 263 TextUses:75Used by:265
Symbol 264 TextUses:118Used by:265
Symbol 265 ButtonUses:180 263 264 179Used by:268
Symbol 266 TextUses:75Used by:268
Symbol 267 GraphicUses:73Used by:268
Symbol 268 MovieClipUses:262 265 266 267Used by:Timeline
Symbol 269 TextUses:68Used by:Timeline
Symbol 270 EditableTextUses:68Used by:273
Symbol 271 TextUses:75Used by:273
Symbol 272 GraphicUses:73Used by:273
Symbol 273 MovieClipUses:270 271 272Used by:Timeline
Symbol 274 TextUses:75Used by:283
Symbol 275 FontUsed by:276 277 295 301 302 303 304 305 306 308 311
Symbol 276 EditableTextUses:275Used by:283
Symbol 277 EditableTextUses:275Used by:283
Symbol 278 TextUses:75Used by:283
Symbol 279 TextUses:75Used by:283
Symbol 280 GraphicUsed by:283
Symbol 281 GraphicUsed by:282
Symbol 282 MovieClipUses:281Used by:283 310 314 319
Symbol 283 MovieClipUses:274 276 277 278 279 280 282Used by:Timeline
Symbol 284 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 285 MovieClipUses:249Used by:Timeline
Symbol 286 GraphicUsed by:292
Symbol 287 GraphicUsed by:288
Symbol 288 MovieClipUses:287Used by:292
Symbol 289 GraphicUsed by:292
Symbol 290 GraphicUsed by:291
Symbol 291 MovieClipUses:290Used by:292
Symbol 292 MovieClipUses:286 288 289 291Used by:Timeline
Symbol 293 GraphicUsed by:294
Symbol 294 MovieClipUses:293Used by:Timeline
Symbol 295 EditableTextUses:275Used by:310
Symbol 296 TextUses:75Used by:310 314
Symbol 297 GraphicUsed by:300
Symbol 298 GraphicUsed by:300
Symbol 299 GraphicUsed by:300
Symbol 300 MovieClipUses:297 298 299Used by:310 314
Symbol 301 TextUses:275Used by:310 314
Symbol 302 TextUses:275Used by:310 314
Symbol 303 TextUses:275Used by:310 314
Symbol 304 TextUses:275Used by:310 314
Symbol 305 TextUses:275Used by:310 314
Symbol 306 TextUses:275Used by:310 314
Symbol 307 TextUses:75Used by:310
Symbol 308 TextUses:275Used by:310 314
Symbol 309 GraphicUsed by:310
Symbol 310 MovieClipUses:295 296 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 282Used by:Timeline
Symbol 311 EditableTextUses:275Used by:314
Symbol 312 TextUses:75Used by:314
Symbol 313 GraphicUsed by:314
Symbol 314 MovieClipUses:311 296 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 312 308 313 282Used by:Timeline
Symbol 315 EditableTextUses:112Used by:319
Symbol 316 EditableTextUses:75Used by:319
Symbol 317 EditableTextUses:75Used by:319
Symbol 318 GraphicUsed by:319
Symbol 319 MovieClipUses:315 316 317 318 282Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"loadBar"Frame 1Symbol 182 MovieClip
"title"Frame 5Symbol 199 MovieClip
"bg"Frame 5Symbol 240 MovieClip
"speech"Frame 9Symbol 259 MovieClip
"quit"Frame 9Symbol 268 MovieClip
"bottle"Frame 10Symbol 178 MovieClip [bottle2]
"sc"Frame 10Symbol 273 MovieClip
"poster"Frame 10Symbol 283 MovieClip
"bottleS"Frame 10Symbol 285 MovieClip
"b"Frame 10Symbol 151 MovieClip
"bottle"Frame 11Symbol 178 MovieClip [bottle2]
"bottleS"Frame 11Symbol 285 MovieClip
"sc"Frame 11Symbol 273 MovieClip
"opp"Frame 11Symbol 310 MovieClip
"player"Frame 11Symbol 314 MovieClip
"b"Frame 11Symbol 151 MovieClip
"poster"Frame 12Symbol 319 MovieClip
"sc"Frame 12Symbol 273 MovieClip
"b"Frame 12Symbol 151 MovieClip
"emp"Symbol 19 MovieClip [booga] Frame 1Symbol 11 MovieClip
"circ"Symbol 19 MovieClip [booga] Frame 1Symbol 13 MovieClip
"ok"Symbol 87 MovieClip [gamble] Frame 1Symbol 77 Button
"input"Symbol 87 MovieClip [gamble] Frame 1Symbol 79 EditableText
"fTL"Symbol 100 MovieClip [options] Frame 1Symbol 90 Button
"f20"Symbol 100 MovieClip [options] Frame 1Symbol 93 Button
"c"Symbol 100 MovieClip [options] Frame 1Symbol 96 Button
"done"Symbol 159 MovieClip [instructions] Frame 1Symbol 120 Button
"next"Symbol 159 MovieClip [instructions] Frame 1Symbol 123 Button
"back"Symbol 159 MovieClip [instructions] Frame 2Symbol 156 Button
"back"Symbol 159 MovieClip [instructions] Frame 3Symbol 156 Button
"bar"Symbol 182 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 180 MovieClip
"help"Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 189 MovieClip
"play"Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 191 MovieClip
"sale"Symbol 240 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 216 MovieClip
"no"Symbol 268 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 262 Button
"yes"Symbol 268 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 265 Button
"m6"Symbol 310 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 300 MovieClip
"m5"Symbol 310 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 300 MovieClip
"m4"Symbol 310 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 300 MovieClip
"m3"Symbol 310 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 300 MovieClip
"m2"Symbol 310 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 300 MovieClip
"m1"Symbol 310 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 300 MovieClip
"m0"Symbol 310 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 300 MovieClip
"m6"Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 300 MovieClip
"m5"Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 300 MovieClip
"m4"Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 300 MovieClip
"m3"Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 300 MovieClip
"m2"Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 300 MovieClip
"m1"Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 300 MovieClip
"m0"Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 300 MovieClip

Special Tags

ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "type"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 2 as "throwS"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 3 as "smash"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 4 as "piano"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 5 as "gun"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 6 as "Gallop"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 7 as "dartHit"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 8 as "music"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 9 as "cash"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 19 as "booga"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 21 as "cursor"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 25 as "tDart2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 27 as "tDart"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 47 as "dart2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 67 as "dart"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 72 as "speechBubble2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 87 as "gamble"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 100 as "options"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 106 as "billWin"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 110 as "youWin"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 111 as "explode"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 159 as "instructions"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 162 as "help1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 164 as "cHelp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 167 as "help2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 168 as "follHelp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 170 as "help0"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 171 as "f2zHelp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 176 as "congrats"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 178 as "bottle2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 10Symbol 178 as "bottle2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 11Symbol 178 as "bottle2"

Dynamic Text Variables

speechSymbol 70 EditableText"blah blah"
errorSymbol 78 EditableText"Press 'Enter' When done or click 'Ok'"
moneySymbol 80 EditableText"$10,000"
amountSymbol 101 EditableText"$00000"
amountSymbol 107 EditableText"$00000"
scoreSymbol 172 EditableText"$99998"
speechSymbol 257 EditableText"blah blah"
sSymbol 270 EditableText"0000000000"
oScoreSymbol 276 EditableText"501"
pScoreSymbol 277 EditableText"501"
oScoreSymbol 295 EditableText"00000"
pScoreSymbol 311 EditableText"00000"
leftSymbol 315 EditableText"8 Remaining"
numSymbol 316 EditableText"20"
valueSymbol 317 EditableText"Triple"
Created: 22/5 -2019 04:08:23 Last modified: 22/5 -2019 04:08:23 Server time: 18/01 -2025 05:32:17