Frame 1
Frame 3
function dance() {
char_dance._visible = true;
char_dance.mc_larm.attachMovie("mc_lefta", "holder_larm", 80);
char_dance.mc_lleg.attachMovie("mc_leftf", "holder_leftleg", 80);
char_dance.mc_rarm.attachMovie("mc_righta", "holder_rightarm", 80);
char_dance.mc_rleg.attachMovie("mc_rightf", "holder_rightleg", 80);
char_dance.onEnterFrame = function () {
char_body._x2 = char_dance._x + char_dance.mc_body._x;
char_body._y2 = char_dance._y + char_dance.mc_body._y;
char_head._x2 = char_dance._x + char_dance.mc_head._x;
char_head._y2 = char_dance._y + char_dance.mc_head._y;
function hideTools() {
mc_palette._visible = false;
btn_whitepicker._visible = false;
btn_blackpicker._visible = false;
mc_selected._visible = false;
mc_slider._visible = false;
mc_erase._visible = false;
if ((((char_body != undefined) && (char_head != undefined)) && (char_sweapon != undefined)) && (char_rweapon != undefined)) {
btn_go._visible = true;
btn_go._x = 450;
btn_go._y = 240;
sendTipNF("Bring It To Life!");
btn_reset._visible = true;
btn_reset._x = 450;
btn_reset._y = 322;
function showTools() {
mc_placeholderlimbs._visible = false;
btn_reset._visible = false;
btn_rly1._visible = false;
btn_rly2._visible = false;
btn_dance._visible = false;
sendTip("Pick Your Color");
mc_gfxholdersweapon._visible = false;
mc_gfxholderrweapon._visible = false;
mc_headedit._visible = false;
mc_bodyedit._visible = false;
mc_sweaponedit._visible = false;
mc_rweaponedit._visible = false;
mc_palette._visible = true;
btn_whitepicker._visible = true;
btn_blackpicker._visible = true;
mc_selected._visible = true;
mc_slider._visible = true;
mc_erase._visible = true;
btn_done._visible = true;
btn_go._visible = false;
function turnDrawOff() {
onMouseUp = function () {
onMouseDown = function () {
function drawChar(textName) {
textName.lineStyle(lineweight, linecolor, 100);
imdrawing = false;
onMouseDown = function () {
if (imdrawing == false) {
textName.moveTo(_xmouse, _ymouse);
imdrawing = true;
if (imdrawing == true) {
onEnterFrame = function () {
textName.lineTo(_xmouse, _ymouse);
onMouseUp = function () {
onEnterFrame = function () {
imdrawing = false;
TextField.prototype.swapDepths = MovieClip.prototype.swapDepths;
_global.newScale = 0.35;
_global.linecolor = "0x000000";
_global.lineweight = "20";
_global.char_part = "char_head";
_global.defaultBrush = mc_brush._width;
_global.gunpointx = mc_gunpoint._x;
_global.gunpointy = mc_gunpoint._y;
btn_workarea._visible = false;
btn_done._visible = false;
btn_go._visible = false;
btn_dance._visible = false;
mc_headedit._visible = false;
mc_bodyedit._visible = false;
mc_sweaponedit._visible = false;
mc_rweaponedit._visible = false;
mc_s_handle._visible = false;
mc_r_handle._visible = false;
mc_gfxholdersweapon._visible = false;
mc_gfxholderrweapon._visible = false;
char_dance._visible = false;
char_move._visible = false;
mc_gunpoint._visible = false;
mc_gfxholderhead.onRelease = function () {
btn_workarea._visible = true;
if (char_body != undefined) {
char_body._visible = false;
holder._visible = true;
holder.attachMovie("mc_gfxholderhead", "holder", 2);
holder._xscale = 350;
holder._yscale = 350;
holder._alpha = 50;
mc_gfxholderhead._visible = false;
mc_gfxholderbody._visible = false;
createEmptyMovieClip("char_head", 1);
_global.char_part = char_head;
mc_gfxholderbody.onRelease = function () {
btn_workarea._visible = true;
if (char_head != undefined) {
char_head._visible = false;
holder._visible = true;
holder.attachMovie("mc_gfxholderbody", "holder", 2);
holder._xscale = 275;
holder._yscale = 275;
holder._alpha = 50;
mc_gfxholderhead._visible = false;
mc_gfxholderbody._visible = false;
createEmptyMovieClip("char_body", 2);
_global.char_part = char_body;
btn_done.onRelease = function () {
btn_done._visible = false;
holder._visible = false;
if (char_head != undefined) {
char_head._visible = true;
mc_headedit._visible = true;
if (char_body != undefined) {
char_body._visible = true;
mc_bodyedit._visible = true;
if (char_sweapon != undefined) {
char_sweapon._visible = true;
mc_sweaponedit._visible = true;
if (char_rweapon != undefined) {
char_rweapon._visible = true;
mc_rweaponedit._visible = true;
if (_global.char_part == char_head) {
char_head.setRegistration(190, 350);
char_head._xscale2 = 35.7142857142857;
char_head._yscale2 = 35.7142857142857;
char_head._x2 = holder_head._x;
char_head._y2 = holder_head._y;
if (char_body == undefined) {
mc_placeholderlimbs._visible = true;
mc_gfxholderbody._visible = true;
sendTipNF("Click To Draw Your Body");
if (_global.char_part == char_body) {
char_body.setRegistration(190, 370);
char_body._xscale2 = 36.3636363636364;
char_body._yscale2 = 36.3636363636364;
char_body._x2 = holder_body._x;
char_body._y2 = holder_body._y;
if (char_head == undefined) {
mc_placeholderlimbs._visible = true;
mc_gfxholderhead._visible = true;
sendTipNF("Click To Draw Your Head");
if (_global.char_part == char_sweapon) {
char_sweapon.setRegistration(mc_s_handle._x, mc_s_handle._y);
char_sweapon._xscale2 = 50;
char_sweapon._yscale2 = 50;
char_sweapon._x2 = holder_sweapon._x;
char_sweapon._y2 = holder_sweapon._y;
mc_s_handle._visible = false;
if (_global.char_part == char_rweapon) {
gunpointx = mc_gunpoint._x - mc_r_handle._x;
gunpointy = mc_gunpoint._y - mc_r_handle._y;
char_rweapon.setRegistration(mc_r_handle._x, mc_r_handle._y);
char_rweapon.attachMovie("holder_part", "gunpoint", 6);
char_rweapon.gunpoint._x = gunpointx;
char_rweapon.gunpoint._y = gunpointy;
char_rweapon._xscale2 = 40;
char_rweapon._yscale2 = 40;
char_rweapon._x2 = holder_rweapon._x;
char_rweapon._y2 = holder_rweapon._y;
mc_r_handle._visible = false;
mc_gunpoint._visible = false;
if ((char_head != undefined) && (char_body != undefined)) {
mc_gfxholderbody._visible = false;
mc_gfxholderhead._visible = false;
if (char_sweapon == undefined) {
mc_gfxholdersweapon._visible = true;
sendTipNF("Click To Draw Your Swinging Weapon");
if ((char_sweapon != undefined) && (char_rweapon == undefined)) {
mc_gfxholderrweapon._visible = true;
sendTipNF("Click To Draw Your Shooting Weapon");
mc_placeholderlimbs._visible = false;
btn_workarea._visible = false;
mc_erase.onRelease = function () {
mc_headedit.onRelease = function () {
delete char_dance.onEnterFrame;
char_dance._visible = false;
mc_headedit._visible = false;
btn_workarea._visible = true;
if (char_body != undefined) {
char_body._visible = false;
char_sweapon._visible = false;
char_rweapon._visible = false;
holder._visible = true;
holder.attachMovie("mc_gfxholderhead", "holder", 2);
holder._xscale = 350;
holder._yscale = 350;
holder._alpha = 50;
char_head._visible = true;
char_head.setRegistration(0, 0);
char_head._xscale2 = 100;
char_head._yscale2 = 100;
char_head._x2 = 0;
char_head._y2 = 0;
mc_gfxholderhead._visible = false;
mc_gfxholderbody._visible = false;
_global.char_part = char_head;
mc_bodyedit.onRelease = function () {
delete char_dance.onEnterFrame;
char_dance._visible = false;
btn_workarea._visible = true;
if (char_head != undefined) {
char_head._visible = false;
char_sweapon._visible = false;
char_rweapon._visible = false;
holder._visible = true;
holder.attachMovie("mc_gfxholderbody", "holder", 2);
holder._xscale = 275;
holder._yscale = 275;
holder._alpha = 50;
char_body._visible = true;
char_body.setRegistration(0, 0);
char_body._xscale2 = 100;
char_body._yscale2 = 100;
char_body._x2 = 0;
char_body._y2 = 0;
mc_gfxholderhead._visible = false;
mc_gfxholderbody._visible = false;
_global.char_part = char_body;
mc_sweaponedit.onRelease = function () {
btn_go._visible = false;
mc_gfxholdersweapon._visible = false;
delete char_dance.onEnterFrame;
char_dance._visible = false;
mc_s_handle._visible = true;
btn_workarea._visible = true;
char_head._visible = false;
char_body._visible = false;
char_rweapon._visible = false;
holder._visible = true;
holder.attachMovie("mc_gfxholdersweapon", "holder", 2);
holder._xscale = 200;
holder._yscale = 200;
holder._alpha = 50;
char_sweapon._visible = true;
char_sweapon.setRegistration(0, 0);
char_sweapon._xscale2 = 100;
char_sweapon._yscale2 = 100;
char_sweapon._x2 = 0;
char_sweapon._y2 = 0;
_global.char_part = char_sweapon;
mc_rweaponedit.onRelease = function () {
btn_go._visible = false;
mc_gfxholderrweapon._visible = false;
delete char_dance.onEnterFrame;
char_dance._visible = false;
mc_r_handle._visible = true;
mc_gunpoint._visible = true;
btn_workarea._visible = true;
char_head._visible = false;
char_body._visible = false;
char_sweapon._visible = false;
holder._visible = true;
holder.attachMovie("mc_gfxholderrweapon", "holder", 2);
holder._xscale = 250;
holder._yscale = 250;
holder._alpha = 50;
char_rweapon._visible = true;
char_rweapon.setRegistration(0, 0);
char_rweapon._xscale2 = 100;
char_rweapon._yscale2 = 100;
char_rweapon._x2 = 0;
char_rweapon._y2 = 0;
_global.char_part = char_rweapon;
btn_dance.onRelease = function () {
mc_gfxholdersweapon.onRelease = function () {
delete char_dance.onEnterFrame;
char_dance._visible = false;
char_head._visible = false;
char_body._visible = false;
char_rweapon._visible = false;
mc_s_handle._visible = true;
btn_workarea._visible = true;
holder._visible = true;
holder.attachMovie("mc_gfxholdersweapon", "holder", 2);
holder._xscale = 200;
holder._yscale = 200;
holder._alpha = 50;
mc_gfxholdersweapon._visible = false;
createEmptyMovieClip("char_sweapon", 3);
_global.char_part = char_sweapon;
mc_gfxholderrweapon.onRelease = function () {
delete char_dance.onEnterFrame;
char_dance._visible = false;
char_head._visible = false;
char_body._visible = false;
char_sweapon._visible = false;
mc_r_handle._visible = true;
mc_gunpoint._visible = true;
btn_workarea._visible = true;
holder._visible = true;
holder.attachMovie("mc_gfxholderrweapon", "holder", 2);
holder._xscale = 250;
holder._yscale = 250;
holder._alpha = 50;
mc_gfxholderrweapon._visible = false;
createEmptyMovieClip("char_rweapon", 4);
_global.char_part = char_rweapon;
btn_reset.onRelease = function () {
sendTipNF("Are You Sure?");
btn_rly1._visible = true;
btn_rly1._x = btn_reset._x;
btn_rly1._y = btn_reset._y;
btn_reset._visible = false;
btn_rly1.onRelease = function () {
sendTipNF("Are You Really Sure?");
btn_rly2._visible = true;
btn_rly2._x = btn_rly1._x;
btn_rly2._y = btn_rly1._y;
btn_rly1._visible = false;
btn_rly2.onRelease = function () {
btn_rly1._visible = false;
btn_rly2._visible = false;
btn_reset._visible = false;
delete char_dance.onEnterFrame;
btn_workarea._visible = false;
mc_placeholderlimbs._visible = true;
btn_done._visible = false;
btn_go._visible = false;
btn_dance._visible = false;
mc_headedit._visible = false;
mc_bodyedit._visible = false;
mc_sweaponedit._visible = false;
mc_rweaponedit._visible = false;
mc_s_handle._visible = false;
mc_r_handle._visible = false;
mc_gfxholdersweapon._visible = false;
mc_gfxholderrweapon._visible = false;
char_dance._visible = false;
char_move._visible = false;
mc_gfxholderhead._visible = true;
mc_gfxholderbody._visible = true;
char_part = "char_head";
mc_gunpoint._visible = false;
sendTipNF("Click To Draw Your Head");
btn_go.onRelease = function () {
gotoAndPlay ("tutorial");
function drawPart() {
if (_global.char_part == char_head) {
if (_global.char_part == char_body) {
if (_global.char_part == char_sweapon) {
if (_global.char_part == char_rweapon) {
mc_brush._visible = false;
onMouseMove = function () {
mc_brush._x = _xmouse;
mc_brush._y = _ymouse;
btn_workarea.onRollOver = function () {
if (btn_done._visible == true) {
mc_brush._width = lineweight - 1;
mc_brush._height = lineweight - 1;
mc_brush._visible = true;
btn_workarea.onRollOut = (btn_workarea.onReleaseOutside = function () {
mc_brush._visible = false;
mc_s_handle.onRollOver = function () {
mc_brush._visible = false;
sendTip("Click To Drag Handle");
mc_s_handle.onPress = function () {
origX = this._x;
origY = this._y;
mc_s_handle.onRelease = (mc_s_handle.onReleaseOutside = function () {
if ((_xmouse > 380) || (_ymouse > 380)) {
this._x = origX;
this._y = origY;
mc_r_handle.onRollOver = function () {
mc_brush._visible = false;
sendTip("Click To Drag Handle");
mc_r_handle.onPress = function () {
origX = this._x;
origY = this._y;
mc_r_handle.onRelease = (mc_r_handle.onReleaseOutside = function () {
if ((((_xmouse > 380) || (_ymouse > 380)) || (mc_r_handle._x >= mc_gunpoint._x)) || (mc_r_handle._y <= mc_gunpoint._y)) {
this._x = origX;
this._y = origY;
mc_gunpoint.onRollOver = function () {
mc_brush._visible = false;
sendTip("Click To Drag Where Projectiles Exit");
mc_gunpoint.onPress = function () {
origX = this._x;
origY = this._y;
mc_gunpoint.onRelease = (mc_gunpoint.onReleaseOutside = function () {
if ((((_xmouse > 380) || (_ymouse > 380)) || (mc_gunpoint._x <= mc_r_handle._x)) || (mc_gunpoint._y >= mc_r_handle._y)) {
this._x = origX;
this._y = origY;
gunpointx = mc_gunpoint._x;
gunpointy = mc_gunpoint._y;
btn_blackpicker.onRelease = function () {
mc_selected._x = btn_blackpicker._x;
mc_selected._y = btn_blackpicker._y;
_global.linecolor = "0x000000";
btn_whitepicker.onRelease = function () {
mc_selected._x = btn_whitepicker._x;
mc_selected._y = btn_whitepicker._y;
_global.linecolor = "0xffffff";
_root.globalSound = new Sound();
_global.mySoundVolume = 50;
drawMusic = new Sound(music);
drawMusic.start(0, 99);
mc_mute.onRelease = function () {
if (this.muteon == false) {
this.muteon = true;
this.mute_on._visible = true;
} else {
this.muteon = false;
this.mute_on._visible = false;
function movearrow(clipmove) {
degrees = findangle(mc_helperarrow._x, mc_helperarrow._y, cenx(clipmove), ceny(clipmove));
mc_helperarrow._rotation = degrees;
function cenx(clip) {
centerx = clip._x + (clip._width / 2);
function ceny(clip) {
centery = clip._y + (clip._height / 2);
function findangle(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
if ((y0 > y1) && (x0 > x1)) {
number = (y0 - y1) / (x0 - x1);
rad = Math.atan(number);
degrees = (rad / Math.PI) * 180;
if ((y0 > y1) && (x1 > x0)) {
number = (y0 - y1) / (x1 - x0);
rad = Math.atan(number);
degrees = (rad / Math.PI) * 180;
degrees = 180 - degrees;
if ((y1 > y0) && (x0 > x1)) {
number = (y1 - y0) / (x0 - x1);
rad = Math.atan(number);
degrees = (rad / Math.PI) * 180;
degrees = -degrees;
if ((y1 > y0) && (x1 > x0)) {
number = (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0);
rad = Math.atan(number);
degrees = (rad / Math.PI) * 180;
degrees = degrees - 180;
function angle(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
if ((y0 > y1) && (x0 > x1)) {
number = (y0 - y1) / (x0 - x1);
rad = Math.atan(number);
degrees = (rad / Math.PI) * 180;
if ((y0 > y1) && (x1 > x0)) {
number = (y0 - y1) / (x1 - x0);
rad = Math.atan(number);
degrees = (rad / Math.PI) * 180;
degrees = degrees;
if ((y1 > y0) && (x0 > x1)) {
number = (y1 - y0) / (x0 - x1);
rad = Math.atan(number);
degrees = (rad / Math.PI) * 180;
degrees = degrees;
if ((y1 > y0) && (x1 > x0)) {
number = (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0);
rad = Math.atan(number);
degrees = (rad / Math.PI) * 180;
degrees = degrees;
function NTDfader(myTarget, myAlpha) {
myTarget.onEnterFrame = function () {
flagFaderDone = false;
intA = myTarget._alpha;
newA = myAlpha;
newAlpha = intA + ((newA - intA) / 9);
myTarget._alpha = newAlpha;
if (newAlpha == myAlpha) {
flagFaderDone = true;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
function distanceP(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
distanceBetween = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.abs(x1 - x0), 2) + Math.pow(Math.abs(y1 - y0), 2));
function fadeTip() {
mc_helperarrow.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((txt_help._alpha > 0) && (_global.fade == true)) {
txt_help._alpha = txt_help._alpha - 1;
} else {
delete mc_helperarrow.onEnterFrame;
function sendTip(tip) {
txt_help.text = tip;
txt_help._alpha = 100;
tipID = setTimeout(fadeTip, 2000);
_global.fade = true;
if (tip != "") {
} else {
function sendTipNF(tip) {
txt_help.text = tip;
txt_help._alpha = 100;
_global.fade = false;
if (tip != "") {
} else {
function moveblinker(clipmove) {
mc_blinkring._visible = true;
mc_blinkring._x = cenx(clipmove);
mc_blinkring._y = ceny(clipmove);
_global.flagFaderDone = true;
sendTipNF("Click To Draw Your Head");
mc_slider.mc_indicator.onRollOver = function () {
sendTip("Adjust Your Brush Size");
mc_erase.onRollOver = function () {
sendTip("Erase It All");
mc_palette.onRollOver = function () {
sendTip("Pick Your Color");
Instance of Symbol 596 MovieClip "mc_placeholderlimbs" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 634 MovieClip "char_dance" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 637 MovieClip "char_move" in Frame 3
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 641 MovieClip "hitbox" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 648 MovieClip "mc_mute" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this.muteon = false;
Frame 4
function swingDetect() {
justSwung = false;
function swingPause() {
_root.swingClear = true;
function moveFeet() {
holder_feet._x = char_position._x;
holder_feet._y = char_position._y + (newScale * (21 + footheight));
function charMove() {
hitbox._x = char_position._x;
hitbox._y = char_position._y;
if (frozen == false) {
if (((((((!swinging) && (!_root.ground.hitTest(holder_feet._x + (newScale * 66), holder_feet._y, true))) && (!_root.ground.hitTest(holder_feet._x - (newScale * 66), holder_feet._y, true))) && (! + (newScale * 66), holder_feet._y, true))) && (! - (newScale * 66), holder_feet._y, true))) && (!, holder_feet._y, true))) && (!jumping)) {
char_position._y = char_position._y + fallspeed;
falling = true;
if (charDead == true) {
speedC = 0;
dir = "right";
runToggle = false;
jumping = false;
falling = true;
swinging = false;
} else {
if (swinging) {
if (_root.mc_lwall.hitTest(char_position._x - 20, char_position._y, true) && (! - 25, char_position._y, true))) { = - swingXchange;
if (_root.mc_rwall.hitTest(char_position._x + 20, char_position._y, true) && (! + 25, char_position._y, true))) { = - swingXchange;
if (runToggle == true) {
speedC = speedC * 0.95;
} else {
speedC = speedC * 0.85;
if (speedC > 0) {
dir = "right";
} else if (speedC < 0) {
dir = "left";
if (!swinging) {
if (dir == "right") {
if (_global.bossfight != true) {
if (_root.mc_rwall.hitTest(char_position._x + 20, char_position._y, true) && (! + 25, char_position._y, true))) { = - speedC;
if (_root.mc_exitarrow._visible == true) {
_root.mc_exitarrow._x = _root.mc_exitarrow._x - speedC;
} else if (! + 25, char_position._y, true)) {
char_position._x = char_position._x + speedC;
} else if ((!_root.mc_rboundary.hitTest(char_position._x + 25, char_position._y, true)) && (! + 25, char_position._y, true))) {
char_position._x = char_position._x + speedC;
if (dir == "left") {
if (_global.bossfight != true) {
if (_root.mc_lwall.hitTest(char_position._x - 20, char_position._y, true) && (! - 25, char_position._y, true))) { = - speedC;
if (_root.mc_exitarrow._visible == true) {
_root.mc_exitarrow._x = _root.mc_exitarrow._x - speedC;
} else if (! - 25, char_position._y, true)) {
char_position._x = char_position._x + speedC;
} else if ((!_root.mc_lboundary.hitTest(char_position._x - 25, char_position._y, true)) && (! - 25, char_position._y, true))) {
char_position._x = char_position._x + speedC;
if (leftKeyDown == true) {
if (speedC > (-maxmove)) {
} else if (rightKeyDown == true) {
if (speedC < maxmove) {
if ((speedC < friction) && (speedC > (-friction))) {
speedC = 0;
if (((isJumpDown == true) && (!jumping)) && (!falling)) {
jumpSound.start(0, 1);
jumping = true;
if (jumping) {
char_position._y = char_position._y - jump;
jump = jump - 0.5;
if (jump < 0) {
falling = true;
if (jump < -15) {
jump = -15;
if ((((_root.ground.hitTest(holder_feet._x - (newScale * 66), holder_feet._y, true) || (_root.ground.hitTest(holder_feet._x + (newScale * 66), holder_feet._y, true))) || ( - (newScale * 66), holder_feet._y, true) || ( + (newScale * 66), holder_feet._y, true)))) || (, holder_feet._y, true))) && (falling)) {
jump = 12;
jumping = false;
falling = false;
if (Key.isDown(65)) {
} else if (Key.isDown(68)) {
} else {
char_move.holder_head.attachMovie("mc_charHeadLand", "mc_head", 80);
char_move.holder_body.attachMovie("mc_charBodyLand", "mc_body", 80);
if (stopPower == true) {
char_move.holder_arms.attachMovie("mc_charArmsLand", "mc_arms", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.attachMovie("mc_charLegsLand", "mc_legs", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_larm.attachMovie("mc_lefta", "holder_leftarm", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_lleg.attachMovie("mc_leftf", "holder_leftleg", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_rarm.attachMovie("mc_righta", "holder_rightarm", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_rleg.attachMovie("mc_rightf", "holder_rightleg", 80);
char_move._x = char_position._x;
char_move._y = char_position._y;
function animLeft() {
keyLUpYet = false;
char_move._visible = true;
if ((clearToRun == true) || (runToggle == true)) {
runToggle = true;
char_move.holder_head.attachMovie("mc_charHeadRunL", "mc_head", 80);
char_move.holder_body.attachMovie("mc_charBodyBounce", "mc_body", 80);
if (stopPower == true) {
char_move.holder_arms.attachMovie("mc_charArmsRunL", "mc_arms", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.attachMovie("mc_charLegsRun", "mc_legs", 80);
} else {
runToggle = false;
char_move.holder_head.attachMovie("mc_charHeadBounce", "mc_head", 80);
char_move.holder_body.attachMovie("mc_charBodyBounce", "mc_body", 80);
if (stopPower == true) {
char_move.holder_arms.attachMovie("mc_charArmsWalkL", "mc_arms", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.attachMovie("mc_charLegsWalk", "mc_legs", 80);
clearToRun = true;
runID = setTimeout(okRun, 750);
char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs._xscale = -1 * char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs._xscale;
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_larm.attachMovie("mc_lefta", "holder_leftarm", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_lleg.attachMovie("mc_leftf", "holder_leftleg", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_rarm.attachMovie("mc_righta", "holder_rightarm", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_rleg.attachMovie("mc_rightf", "holder_rightleg", 80);
if (orientationChar == "right") {
if (stopPower == false) {
char_sweapon._rotation2 = -1 * char_sweapon._rotation2;
char_sweapon._xscale2 = -1 * char_sweapon._xscale2;
char_rweapon._xscale2 = -1 * char_rweapon._xscale2;
char_body._xscale2 = -1 * char_body._xscale2;
char_head._xscale2 = -1 * char_head._xscale2;
orientationChar = "left";
orientationChar = "left";
function animRight() {
keyRUpYet = false;
char_move._visible = true;
if ((clearToRun == true) || (runToggle == true)) {
runToggle = true;
char_move.holder_head.attachMovie("mc_charHeadRunR", "mc_head", 80);
char_move.holder_body.attachMovie("mc_charBodyBounce", "mc_body", 80);
if (stopPower == true) {
char_move.holder_arms.attachMovie("mc_charArmsRunR", "mc_arms", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.attachMovie("mc_charLegsRun", "mc_legs", 80);
} else {
runToggle = false;
char_move.holder_head.attachMovie("mc_charHeadBounce", "mc_head", 80);
char_move.holder_body.attachMovie("mc_charBodyBounce", "mc_body", 80);
if (stopPower == true) {
char_move.holder_arms.attachMovie("mc_charArmsWalkR", "mc_arms", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.attachMovie("mc_charLegsWalk", "mc_legs", 80);
clearToRun = true;
runID = setTimeout(okRun, 750);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_larm.attachMovie("mc_lefta", "holder_leftarm", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_lleg.attachMovie("mc_leftf", "holder_leftleg", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_rarm.attachMovie("mc_righta", "holder_rightarm", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_rleg.attachMovie("mc_rightf", "holder_rightleg", 80);
if (orientationChar == "left") {
if (stopPower == false) {
char_sweapon._rotation2 = -1 * char_sweapon._rotation2;
char_sweapon._xscale2 = -1 * char_sweapon._xscale2;
char_rweapon._xscale2 = -1 * char_rweapon._xscale2;
char_body._xscale2 = -1 * char_body._xscale2;
char_head._xscale2 = -1 * char_head._xscale2;
orientationChar = "right";
orientationChar = "right";
function animJump() {
char_move.holder_head.attachMovie("mc_charHeadJump", "mc_head", 80);
char_move.holder_body.attachMovie("mc_charBodyJump", "mc_body", 80);
if (stopPower == true) {
char_move.holder_arms.attachMovie("mc_charArmsJump", "mc_arms", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.attachMovie("mc_charLegsJump", "mc_legs", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_larm.attachMovie("mc_lefta", "holder_leftarm", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_lleg.attachMovie("mc_leftf", "holder_leftleg", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_rarm.attachMovie("mc_righta", "holder_rightarm", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_rleg.attachMovie("mc_rightf", "holder_rightleg", 80);
function gunInit() {
if (orientationChar == "right") {
tempLocx = char_rweapon._x2 + char_rweapon.gunpoint._x;
tempLocy = char_rweapon._y2 + char_rweapon.gunpoint._y;
radiusP = distanceP(char_rweapon._x2, 400 - char_rweapon._y2, tempLocx, 400 - tempLocy);
radiusHP = (400 - tempLocy) - (400 - char_rweapon._y2);
initPointAngle = 180 - findangle(char_rweapon._x2, char_rweapon._y2, tempLocx, tempLocy);
mc_shotexit._x = tempLocx;
mc_shotexit._y = tempLocy;
} else {
tempLocx = char_rweapon._x2 - char_rweapon.gunpoint._x;
tempLocy = char_rweapon._y2 + char_rweapon.gunpoint._y;
radiusP = distanceP(char_rweapon._x2, 400 - char_rweapon._y2, tempLocx, 400 - tempLocy);
radiusHP = (400 - tempLocy) - (400 - char_rweapon._y2);
initPointAngle = 180 - findangle(char_rweapon._x2, char_rweapon._y2, tempLocx, tempLocy);
mc_shotexit._x = tempLocx;
mc_shotexit._y = tempLocy;
function sgn(val) {
if (val < 0) {
function movePointGFX() {
mc_shotexit._x = tempLocx;
mc_shotexit._y = tempLocy;
function adjustPoint() {
tempcX = Math.cos(((char_rweapon._rotation2 - initPointAngle) * Math.PI) / 180) * radiusP;
tempcY = Math.sin(((char_rweapon._rotation2 - initPointAngle) * Math.PI) / 180) * radiusP;
tempLocx = tempcX + char_rweapon._x2;
tempLocy = tempcY + char_rweapon._y2;
function gunAim() {
if (orientationChar == "right") {
xmouse_abouth = _xmouse - char_rweapon._x2;
ymouse_abouth = (400 - _ymouse) - (400 - char_rweapon._y2);
if (_xmouse < (char_rweapon._x2 + radiusHP)) {
xmouse_abouth = radiusHP;
ymouse_abouth = radiusHP;
if ((_xmouse > (char_rweapon._x2 + radiusHP)) && (ymouse_abouth > 0)) {
p2x = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(radiusP, 2) / (1 + Math.pow(ymouse_abouth / xmouse_abouth, 2)));
p2y = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(radiusP, 2) / (1 + Math.pow(xmouse_abouth / ymouse_abouth, 2)));
p1x = char_rweapon.gunpoint._x;
p1y = -1 * char_rweapon.gunpoint._y;
distanceMoved = distanceP(p2x, p2y, p1x, p1y);
angleMoved = 2 * Math.asin(distanceMoved / (2 * radiusP));
degreesMoved = (angleMoved / Math.PI) * 180;
if (p1x <= p2x) {
degreesMoved = degreesMoved * -1;
degreesMoved = degreesMoved * -1;
hpx = Math.cos(((degreesMoved - 90) * Math.PI) / 180) * radiusHP;
hpy = Math.sin(((degreesMoved - 90) * Math.PI) / 180) * radiusHP;
dx = xmouse_abouth - hpx;
dy = ymouse_abouth - hpy;
dr = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
Dv = (ymouse_abouth * hpx) - (hpy * xmouse_abouth);
p3x1 = ((Dv * dy) + ((sgn(dy) * dx) * Math.sqrt((((radiusP * radiusP) * dr) * dr) - (Dv * Dv)))) / (dr * dr);
p3x2 = ((Dv * dy) - ((sgn(dy) * dx) * Math.sqrt((((radiusP * radiusP) * dr) * dr) - (Dv * Dv)))) / (dr * dr);
p3y1 = (((-Dv) * dx) + (Math.abs(dy) * Math.sqrt((((radiusP * radiusP) * dr) * dr) - (Dv * Dv)))) / (dr * dr);
p3y2 = (((-Dv) * dx) - (Math.abs(dy) * Math.sqrt((((radiusP * radiusP) * dr) * dr) - (Dv * Dv)))) / (dr * dr);
distanceMoved = distanceP(p3x1, p3y1, p2x, p2y);
angleMoved = 2 * Math.asin(distanceMoved / (2 * radiusP));
degreesMoved = degreesMoved - ((angleMoved / Math.PI) * 180);
char_rweapon._rotation2 = degreesMoved;
if ((_xmouse > (char_rweapon._x2 + radiusHP)) && (ymouse_abouth < 0)) {
p2x = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(radiusP, 2) / (1 + Math.pow(ymouse_abouth / xmouse_abouth, 2)));
p2y = -Math.sqrt(Math.pow(radiusP, 2) / (1 + Math.pow(xmouse_abouth / ymouse_abouth, 2)));
p1x = char_rweapon.gunpoint._x;
p1y = -1 * char_rweapon.gunpoint._y;
distanceMoved = distanceP(p2x, p2y, p1x, p1y);
angleMoved = 2 * Math.asin(distanceMoved / (2 * radiusP));
degreesMoved = (angleMoved / Math.PI) * 180;
hpx = Math.cos(((degreesMoved - 90) * Math.PI) / 180) * radiusHP;
hpy = Math.sin(((degreesMoved - 90) * Math.PI) / 180) * radiusHP;
dx = xmouse_abouth - hpx;
dy = ymouse_abouth - hpy;
dr = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
Dv = (ymouse_abouth * hpx) - (hpy * xmouse_abouth);
p3x1 = ((Dv * dy) + ((sgn(dy) * dx) * Math.sqrt((((radiusP * radiusP) * dr) * dr) - (Dv * Dv)))) / (dr * dr);
p3x2 = ((Dv * dy) - ((sgn(dy) * dx) * Math.sqrt((((radiusP * radiusP) * dr) * dr) - (Dv * Dv)))) / (dr * dr);
if (p3x1 >= p3x2) {
p3x = p3x1;
} else {
p3x = p3x2;
p3y1 = (((-Dv) * dx) + (Math.abs(dy) * Math.sqrt((((radiusP * radiusP) * dr) * dr) - (Dv * Dv)))) / (dr * dr);
p3y2 = (((-Dv) * dx) - (Math.abs(dy) * Math.sqrt((((radiusP * radiusP) * dr) * dr) - (Dv * Dv)))) / (dr * dr);
if (Math.abs(p3x - Math.sqrt((radiusP * radiusP) - (p3y1 * p3y1))) <= Math.abs(p3x - Math.sqrt((radiusP * radiusP) - (p3y2 * p3y2)))) {
p3y = p3y1;
} else {
p3y = p3y2;
distanceMoved = distanceP(p3x, p3y, p2x, p2y);
angleMoved = 2 * Math.asin(distanceMoved / (2 * radiusP));
degreesMoved = degreesMoved - ((angleMoved / Math.PI) * 180);
char_rweapon._rotation2 = degreesMoved;
if (orientationChar == "left") {
if (_xmouse > (char_rweapon._x2 + radiusHP)) {
xmouse_abouth = -radiusHP;
ymouse_abouth = radiusHP;
xmouse_abouth = _xmouse - char_rweapon._x2;
ymouse_abouth = (400 - _ymouse) - (400 - char_rweapon._y2);
if ((_xmouse < (char_rweapon._x2 - radiusHP)) && (ymouse_abouth > 0)) {
p2x = -Math.sqrt(Math.pow(radiusP, 2) / (1 + Math.pow(ymouse_abouth / xmouse_abouth, 2)));
p2y = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(radiusP, 2) / (1 + Math.pow(xmouse_abouth / ymouse_abouth, 2)));
p1x = -char_rweapon.gunpoint._x;
p1y = -1 * char_rweapon.gunpoint._y;
distanceMoved = distanceP(p2x, p2y, p1x, p1y);
angleMoved = 2 * Math.asin(distanceMoved / (2 * radiusP));
degreesMoved = (angleMoved / Math.PI) * 180;
if (p1x >= p2x) {
degreesMoved = degreesMoved * -1;
hpx = Math.cos(((degreesMoved - 90) * Math.PI) / 180) * radiusHP;
hpy = Math.sin(((degreesMoved - 90) * Math.PI) / 180) * radiusHP;
dx = xmouse_abouth - hpx;
dy = ymouse_abouth - hpy;
dr = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
Dv = (ymouse_abouth * hpx) - (hpy * xmouse_abouth);
p3x1 = ((Dv * dy) + ((sgn(dy) * dx) * Math.sqrt((((radiusP * radiusP) * dr) * dr) - (Dv * Dv)))) / (dr * dr);
p3x2 = ((Dv * dy) - ((sgn(dy) * dx) * Math.sqrt((((radiusP * radiusP) * dr) * dr) - (Dv * Dv)))) / (dr * dr);
p3y1 = (((-Dv) * dx) + (Math.abs(dy) * Math.sqrt((((radiusP * radiusP) * dr) * dr) - (Dv * Dv)))) / (dr * dr);
p3y2 = (((-Dv) * dx) - (Math.abs(dy) * Math.sqrt((((radiusP * radiusP) * dr) * dr) - (Dv * Dv)))) / (dr * dr);
if (p3x1 <= p3x2) {
p3x = p3x1;
} else {
p3x = p3x2;
distanceMoved = distanceP(p3x, p3y1, p2x, p2y);
angleMoved = 2 * Math.asin(distanceMoved / (2 * radiusP));
degreesMoved = degreesMoved + ((angleMoved / Math.PI) * 180);
char_rweapon._rotation2 = degreesMoved;
if ((_xmouse < (char_rweapon._x2 - radiusHP)) && (ymouse_abouth < 0)) {
p2x = -Math.sqrt(Math.pow(radiusP, 2) / (1 + Math.pow(ymouse_abouth / xmouse_abouth, 2)));
p2y = -Math.sqrt(Math.pow(radiusP, 2) / (1 + Math.pow(xmouse_abouth / ymouse_abouth, 2)));
p1x = -char_rweapon.gunpoint._x;
p1y = -1 * char_rweapon.gunpoint._y;
distanceMoved = distanceP(p2x, p2y, p1x, p1y);
angleMoved = 2 * Math.asin(distanceMoved / (2 * radiusP));
degreesMoved = (angleMoved / Math.PI) * 180;
degreesMoved = degreesMoved * -1;
hpx = Math.cos(((degreesMoved - 90) * Math.PI) / 180) * radiusHP;
hpy = Math.sin(((degreesMoved - 90) * Math.PI) / 180) * radiusHP;
dx = xmouse_abouth - hpx;
dy = ymouse_abouth - hpy;
dr = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
Dv = (ymouse_abouth * hpx) - (hpy * xmouse_abouth);
p3x1 = ((Dv * dy) + ((sgn(dy) * dx) * Math.sqrt((((radiusP * radiusP) * dr) * dr) - (Dv * Dv)))) / (dr * dr);
p3x2 = ((Dv * dy) - ((sgn(dy) * dx) * Math.sqrt((((radiusP * radiusP) * dr) * dr) - (Dv * Dv)))) / (dr * dr);
if (p3x1 <= p3x2) {
p3x = p3x1;
} else {
p3x = p3x2;
p3y1 = (((-Dv) * dx) + (Math.abs(dy) * Math.sqrt((((radiusP * radiusP) * dr) * dr) - (Dv * Dv)))) / (dr * dr);
p3y2 = (((-Dv) * dx) - (Math.abs(dy) * Math.sqrt((((radiusP * radiusP) * dr) * dr) - (Dv * Dv)))) / (dr * dr);
if (Math.abs((radiusP * radiusP) - ((p3x * p3x) + (p3y1 * p3y1))) <= Math.abs((radiusP * radiusP) - ((p3x * p3x) + (p3y2 * p3y2)))) {
p3y = p3y1;
} else {
p3y = p3y2;
distanceMoved = distanceP(p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y);
angleMoved = 2 * Math.asin(distanceMoved / (2 * radiusP));
degreesMoved = degreesMoved + ((angleMoved / Math.PI) * 180);
char_rweapon._rotation2 = degreesMoved;
function okRun() {
clearToRun = false;
function weaponChange() {
if (currentWeapon == char_sweapon) {
char_rweapon._visible = true;
char_rweapon._x2 = char_sweapon._x2;
char_rweapon._y2 = char_sweapon._y2;
mc_shotexit._visible = true;
char_sweapon._visible = false;
} else {
char_sweapon._visible = true;
char_sweapon._x2 = char_rweapon._x2;
char_sweapon._y2 = char_rweapon._y2;
char_rweapon._visible = false;
mc_shotexit._visible = false;
function weaponSwap() {
if ((weaponToggle == false) && (currentWeapon == char_sweapon)) {
currentWeapon = char_rweapon;
if ((weaponToggle == true) && (currentWeapon == char_rweapon)) {
currentWeapon = char_sweapon;
function swingHands() {
if (orientationChar == "right") {
if (currentWeapon == char_sweapon) {
char_move.holder_arms.attachMovie("mc_charArmsSwingR", "mc_arms", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_larm.attachMovie("mc_lefta", "holder_leftarm", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_rarm.attachMovie("mc_righta", "holder_rightarm", 80);
if (currentWeapon == char_rweapon) {
char_move.holder_arms.attachMovie("mc_charArmsHoldR", "mc_arms", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_larm.attachMovie("mc_lefta", "holder_leftarm", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_rarm.attachMovie("mc_righta", "holder_rightarm", 80);
if (orientationChar == "left") {
if (currentWeapon == char_sweapon) {
char_move.holder_arms.attachMovie("mc_charArmsSwingL", "mc_arms", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_larm.attachMovie("mc_lefta", "holder_leftarm", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_rarm.attachMovie("mc_righta", "holder_rightarm", 80);
if (currentWeapon == char_rweapon) {
char_move.holder_arms.attachMovie("mc_charArmsHoldL", "mc_arms", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_larm.attachMovie("mc_lefta", "holder_leftarm", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_rarm.attachMovie("mc_righta", "holder_rightarm", 80);
function swapHands() {
tempFrame = char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms._currentframe;
if (orientationChar == "right") {
orientationChar = "left";
} else {
orientationChar = "right";
if (orientationChar == "right") {
orientationChar = "left";
} else {
orientationChar = "right";
function updateCharacter() {
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (orientationChar == "right") {
if (stopPower == true) {
char_sweapon._rotation2 = weaponAngle;
if (currentWeapon == char_sweapon) {
char_sweapon._x2 = char_move._x + (newScale * ((char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_rarm._x + char_move.holder_arms._x) + char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms._x));
char_sweapon._y2 = char_move._y + (newScale * ((char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_rarm._y + char_move.holder_arms._y) + char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms._y));
if ((currentWeapon == char_rweapon) && (kickBackOn == false)) {
char_rweapon._x2 = char_move._x + (newScale * ((char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_rarm._x + char_move.holder_arms._x) + char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms._x));
char_rweapon._y2 = char_move._y + (newScale * ((char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_rarm._y + char_move.holder_arms._y) + char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms._y));
if (orientationChar == "left") {
if (stopPower == true) {
char_sweapon._rotation2 = -weaponAngle;
if (currentWeapon == char_sweapon) {
char_sweapon._x2 = char_move._x + (newScale * ((char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_larm._x + char_move.holder_arms._x) + char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms._x));
char_sweapon._y2 = char_move._y + (newScale * ((char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_larm._y + char_move.holder_arms._y) + char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms._y));
if ((currentWeapon == char_rweapon) && (kickBackOn == false)) {
char_rweapon._x2 = char_move._x + (newScale * ((char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_larm._x + char_move.holder_arms._x) + char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms._x));
char_rweapon._y2 = char_move._y + (newScale * ((char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_larm._y + char_move.holder_arms._y) + char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms._y));
char_body._x2 = char_move._x + (newScale * (char_move.holder_body._x + char_move.holder_body.mc_body.mc_body._x));
char_body._y2 = char_move._y + (newScale * (char_move.holder_body._y + char_move.holder_body.mc_body.mc_body._y));
char_head._x2 = char_move._x + (newScale * (char_move.holder_head._x + char_move.holder_head.mc_head.mc_head._x));
char_head._y2 = char_move._y + (newScale * (char_move.holder_head._y + char_move.holder_head.mc_head.mc_head._y));
_global.orientationChar = "right";
_global.bossfight = false;
_global.swinging = false;
_global.swingClear = true;
_global.swingingDir = "right";
_global.charDead = false;
_global.keyRUpYet = true;
_global.keyLUpYet = true;
_global.keySpaceUpYet = true;
_global.lastLastKey = 0;
_global.clearToRun = false;
_global.runToggle = false;
_global.weaponAngle = 50;
_global.weaponToggle = true;
_global.kickBackOn = false;
_global.rightKeyDown = false;
_global.leftKeyDown = false;
_global.isJumpDown = false;
_global.jump = 0;
_global.justSwung = false;
_global.footheight = 30;
_global.frozen = false;
keyListener = new Object();
mouseListener = new Object();
swingSound = new Sound(char_move);
shotSound = new Sound(char_move);
jumpSound = new Sound(char_move);
charSound = new Sound(char_move);
var endR = 100;
var endR2 = Math.round(newScale * 15);
var startR = 0;
var startR2 = 0;
var speed = 0;
var speed2 = 0;
var stopPower = true;
_global.speedC = 0;
_global.maxmove = 15;
_global.dir = "right";
_global.fallspeed = 9;
_global.friction = 1;
keyListener.onKeyDown = function () {
if ((charDead == false) && (frozen == false)) {
if (Key.isDown(68)) {
rightKeyDown = true;
if ((lastLastKey != Key.getCode()) && (keyRUpYet != false)) {
if (Key.isDown(65)) {
leftKeyDown = true;
if ((lastLastKey != Key.getCode()) && (keyLUpYet != false)) {
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
isJumpDown = true;
if ((lastLastKey != Key.getCode()) && (keySpaceUpYet != false)) {
keySpaceUpYet = false;
char_move._visible = true;
char_move.holder_head.attachMovie("mc_charHeadJump", "mc_head", 80);
char_move.holder_body.attachMovie("mc_charBodyJump", "mc_body", 80);
if (stopPower == true) {
char_move.holder_arms.attachMovie("mc_charArmsJump", "mc_arms", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.attachMovie("mc_charLegsJump", "mc_legs", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_larm.attachMovie("mc_lefta", "holder_leftarm", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_lleg.attachMovie("mc_leftf", "holder_leftleg", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_rarm.attachMovie("mc_righta", "holder_rightarm", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_rleg.attachMovie("mc_rightf", "holder_rightleg", 80);
lastLastKey = Key.getCode();
keyListener.onKeyUp = function () {
if (((runToggle == true) && (Key.getCode() != 32)) && (lastLastKey == Key.getCode())) {
runToggle = false;
if (Key.getCode() == 65) {
leftKeyDown = false;
keyLUpYet = true;
if (Key.getCode() == 68) {
rightKeyDown = false;
keyRUpYet = true;
if (Key.getCode() == 32) {
isJumpDown = false;
keySpaceUpYet = true;
if ((charDead == false) && (frozen == false)) {
if ((Key.getCode() == 87) && (stopPower == true)) {
if (weaponToggle == true) {
weaponToggle = false;
} else {
weaponToggle = true;
if ((Key.getCode() == 68) && (lastLastKey != 65)) {
char_move._visible = true;
char_move.holder_head.attachMovie("mc_charHeadBounce", "mc_head", 80);
char_move.holder_body.attachMovie("mc_charBodyBounce", "mc_body", 80);
if (stopPower == true) {
char_move.holder_arms.attachMovie("mc_charArmsReady", "mc_arms", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.attachMovie("mc_charLegsReady", "mc_legs", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_larm.attachMovie("mc_lefta", "holder_leftarm", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_lleg.attachMovie("mc_leftf", "holder_leftleg", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_rarm.attachMovie("mc_righta", "holder_rightarm", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_rleg.attachMovie("mc_rightf", "holder_rightleg", 80);
if ((Key.getCode() == 65) && (lastLastKey != 68)) {
char_move._visible = true;
char_move.holder_head.attachMovie("mc_charHeadBounce", "mc_head", 80);
char_move.holder_body.attachMovie("mc_charBodyBounce", "mc_body", 80);
if (stopPower == true) {
char_move.holder_arms.attachMovie("mc_charArmsReady", "mc_arms", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.attachMovie("mc_charLegsReady", "mc_legs", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_larm.attachMovie("mc_lefta", "holder_leftarm", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_lleg.attachMovie("mc_leftf", "holder_leftleg", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_rarm.attachMovie("mc_righta", "holder_rightarm", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_rleg.attachMovie("mc_rightf", "holder_rightleg", 80);
lastLastKey = -1;
mouseListener.onMouseDown = function () {
if ((charDead == false) && (frozen == false)) {
stopPower = false;
if (currentWeapon == char_sweapon) {
_root.justSwung = false;
powerUpVal = 0;
char_sweapon.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (startR < endR) {
speed = (endR - startR) / 4;
startR = speed + startR;
powerUpVal = Math.abs(startR);
if (orientationChar == "right") {
char_sweapon._rotation2 = char_sweapon._rotation2 - speed;
if (orientationChar == "left") {
char_sweapon._rotation2 = char_sweapon._rotation2 + speed;
if (stopPower == true) {
speed = 0;
startR = 0;
delete char_sweapon.onEnterFrame;
mouseListener.onMouseUp = function () {
if ((charDead == false) && (frozen == false)) {
stopPower = true;
forward = true;
if (currentWeapon == char_rweapon) {
shotSound.start(0, 1);
char_rweapon.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (startR2 < endR2) {
kickBackOn = true;
speed2 = (endR2 - startR2) / 1.15;
startR2 = speed2 + startR2;
if (orientationChar == "right") {
if (forward == true) {
char_rweapon._x2 = char_rweapon._x2 - speed2;
} else {
char_rweapon._x2 = char_rweapon._x2 + speed2;
if (orientationChar == "left") {
if (forward == true) {
char_rweapon._x2 = char_rweapon._x2 + speed2;
} else {
char_rweapon._x2 = char_rweapon._x2 - speed2;
if (Math.round(startR2) == endR2) {
if (forward == true) {
forward = false;
speed2 = 0;
startR2 = 0;
} else {
speed2 = 0;
startR2 = 0;
kickBackOn = false;
delete char_rweapon.onEnterFrame;
if (currentWeapon == char_sweapon) {
swingSound.start(0, 1);
justSwung = true;
setTimeout(swingDetect, 500);
if (orientationChar == "right") {
char_sweapon._rotation2 = weaponAngle;
char_move.holder_arms.attachMovie("mc_charArmsHoldR", "mc_arms", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_larm.attachMovie("mc_lefta", "holder_leftarm", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_rarm.attachMovie("mc_righta", "holder_rightarm", 80);
if (orientationChar == "left") {
char_sweapon._rotation2 = -weaponAngle;
char_move.holder_arms.attachMovie("mc_charArmsHoldL", "mc_arms", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_larm.attachMovie("mc_lefta", "holder_leftarm", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_rarm.attachMovie("mc_righta", "holder_rightarm", 80);
mc_keySpacebar._visible = false;
mc_blinkring._visible = false;
btn_go._visible = false;
var tutNum = 0;
mc_keyS._alpha = 50;
mc_keyW._alpha = 50;
mc_keyA._visible = true;
mc_keyD._visible = true;
mc_leftclick._visible = false;
mc_keyD._alpha = 0;
mc_blackarrow.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (flagFaderDone == true) {
if (mc_keyD._alpha == 0) {
NTDfader(mc_keyA, 0);
mc_keyD._alpha = 100;
if (mc_keyA._alpha == 0) {
NTDfader(mc_keyD, 0);
mc_keyA._alpha = 100;
if (tutNum == 1) {
mc_keyA._alpha = 100;
NTDfader(mc_keyA, 100);
mc_keyD._alpha = 100;
NTDfader(mc_keyD, 100);
delete mc_blackarrow.onEnterFrame;
sendTipNF("A And D Move You Left And Right");
mc_blackarrow.onRelease = function () {
if (tutNum == 1) {
sendTipNF("Tapping Either Key Will Make You Run");
if (tutNum == 2) {
mc_keyA._alpha = 50;
mc_keyD._alpha = 50;
mc_blinkring._visible = false;
mc_keySpacebar._visible = true;
sendTipNF("Spacebar Makes You Jump");
if (tutNum == 3) {
mc_keySpacebar._alpha = 50;
mc_leftclick._visible = true;
sendTipNF("Left Click to Power and Swing / Fire Your Weapon");
if (tutNum == 4) {
mc_keyW._alpha = 100;
sendTipNF("W Toggles Your Weapons");
if (tutNum == 5) {
btn_go._visible = true;
btn_skip._visible = false;
mc_blackarrow._visible = false;
btn_go.onRelease = function () {
gotoAndPlay ("game");
btn_skip.onRelease = function () {
gotoAndPlay ("game");
_global.bossfight = true;
hitbox._visible = true;
hitbox._xscale = newScale * 100;
hitbox._yscale = newScale * 100;
currentWeapon = char_sweapon;
if (currentWeapon == char_sweapon) {
char_sweapon._visible = true;
char_rweapon._visible = false;
mc_shotexit._visible = false;
} else {
char_sweapon._visible = false;
char_rweapon._visible = true;
mc_shotexit._visible = true;
char_dance._visible = false;
char_move._visible = true;
char_move._x = char_position._x;
char_move._y = char_position._y;
char_move._xscale = newScale * 100;
char_move._yscale = newScale * 100;
char_sweapon._xscale2 = newScale * char_sweapon._xscale2;
char_sweapon._yscale2 = newScale * char_sweapon._yscale2;
char_rweapon._xscale2 = newScale * char_rweapon._xscale2;
char_rweapon._yscale2 = newScale * char_rweapon._yscale2;
char_head._xscale2 = newScale * char_head._xscale2;
char_head._yscale2 = newScale * char_head._yscale2;
char_body._xscale2 = newScale * char_body._xscale2;
char_body._yscale2 = newScale * char_body._yscale2;
char_rweapon.gunpoint._x = newScale * (0.4 * char_rweapon.gunpoint._x);
char_rweapon.gunpoint._y = newScale * (0.4 * char_rweapon.gunpoint._y);
char_move.holder_head.attachMovie("mc_charHeadBounce", "mc_head", 80);
char_move.holder_body.attachMovie("mc_charBodyBounce", "mc_body", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.attachMovie("mc_charArmsReady", "mc_arms", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.attachMovie("mc_charLegsReady", "mc_legs", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_larm.attachMovie("mc_lefta", "holder_leftarm", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_lleg.attachMovie("mc_leftf", "holder_leftleg", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_rarm.attachMovie("mc_righta", "holder_rightarm", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_rleg.attachMovie("mc_rightf", "holder_rightleg", 80);
holder_feet._x = char_position._x;
holder_feet._y = char_position._y + (newScale * (char_body._height + footheight));
Instance of Symbol 500 MovieClip [mc_shot] "shot" in Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
if (this._name == "shot") {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
powerUpShot = true;
ballsize = 5;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.pulseball == true) && (this._xscale == 100)) {
this.attachMovie("pulseballshot", "pulseballshot", 6000);
if (powerUpShot == true) {
this._x = _root.mc_shotexit._x;
this._y = _root.mc_shotexit._y;
if (this._xscale < 300) {
this._xscale = this._xscale + ballsize;
this._yscale = this._yscale + ballsize;
shotxspeed = 40 * Math.sin(_root.mc_shotexit._rotation * (Math.PI/180));
shotyspeed = 40 * Math.cos(_root.mc_shotexit._rotation * (Math.PI/180));
if (powerUpShot == false) {
this._x = this._x + shotxspeed;
this._y = this._y - shotyspeed;
if (this._x < 0) {
if (this._x > 600) {
if (this._y > 400) {
if (this._y < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 498 MovieClip [mc_gunpoint] "mc_shotexit" in Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
this._alpha = 10;
_root.shot._visible = false;
shotcount = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
myRadians = Math.atan2(_root._ymouse - this._y, _root._xmouse - this._x);
myDegrees = Math.round((myRadians * 180) / Math.PI);
_root.yChange = Math.round(_root._ymouse - this._y);
_root.xChange = Math.round(_root._xmouse - this._x);
this._rotation = myDegrees + 90;
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
if (_root.currentWeapon._name == _root.char_rweapon._name) {
if (_root.orientationChar == undefined) {
_root.orientationChar = "right";
if ((_root.currentWeapon._name == _root.char_rweapon._name) && (((_root.orientationChar == "right") && (_root._xmouse > this._x)) || ((_root.orientationChar == "left") && (_root._xmouse < this._x)))) {
_root.shot.duplicateMovieClip("shot" + shotcount, shotcount + 7000);
_root["shot" + shotcount]._visible = true;
_root["shot" + shotcount]._xscale = 100;
_root["shot" + shotcount]._yscale = 100;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
_root["shot" + shotcount].powerUpShot = false;
if (shotcount > 10) {
shotcount = 1;
Frame 5
mc_mute.onRelease = function () {
if (this.muteon == false) {
this.muteon = true;
this.mute_on._visible = true;
} else {
this.muteon = false;
this.mute_on._visible = false;
function resetTimeGap() {
_global.resetFreedom = false;
function updateLife() {
if (health <= 0) {
txt_life.text = "0HP";
_root.charDead = true;
char_move.holder_arms.attachMovie("mc_charArmsExplode", "mc_arms", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_larm.attachMovie("mc_lefta", "holder_leftarm", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_rarm.attachMovie("mc_righta", "holder_rightarm", 80);
char_move.holder_body.attachMovie("mc_charBodyExplode", "mc_body", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.attachMovie("mc_charLegsExplode", "mc_legs", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_rleg.attachMovie("mc_rightf", "holder_rightleg", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_lleg.attachMovie("mc_leftf", "holder_leftleg", 80);
char_move.holder_head.attachMovie("mc_charHeadExplode", "mc_head", 80);
_root.btn_tryagain._visible = true;
} else {
_root.charDead = false;
mc_beatfast._x = mc_heart._x;
mc_beatfast._y = mc_heart._y;
mc_beatslow._x = mc_heart._x;
mc_beatslow._y = mc_heart._y;
txt_life.text = Math.round(health) + "HP";
mc_heart.mc_blood.mc_bloodmeter._yscale = Math.round(health);
if (health > 30) {
mc_beatslow._visible = true;
mc_beatfast._visible = false;
} else {
mc_beatfast._visible = true;
mc_beatslow._visible = false;
} = 100;
_global.resetFreedom = false;
_global.pulseball = false;
_global.currentLvl = 1;
btn_tryagain.onRelease = function () {
_global.resetFreedom = true;
resetTimeGapID = setTimeout(resetTimeGap, 1000);
btn_tryagain._visible = false;
char_position._x = char_reset._x;
char_position._y = char_reset._y;
char_move.holder_head.attachMovie("mc_charHeadBounce", "mc_head", 80);
char_move.holder_body.attachMovie("mc_charBodyBounce", "mc_body", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.attachMovie("mc_charArmsReady", "mc_arms", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.attachMovie("mc_charLegsReady", "mc_legs", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_larm.attachMovie("mc_lefta", "holder_leftarm", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_lleg.attachMovie("mc_leftf", "holder_leftleg", 80);
char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_rarm.attachMovie("mc_righta", "holder_rightarm", 80);
char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_rleg.attachMovie("mc_rightf", "holder_rightleg", 80);
_root.charDead = false;
health = 100;
_root.pulseball = false;
if (_global.currentLvl == 1) {
_root.attachMovie("lvl1", "bg", _global.backgroundD);
if (_global.currentLvl == 2) {
_root.attachMovie("lvl2", "bg", _global.backgroundD);
if (_global.currentLvl == 3) {
_root.attachMovie("lvl3", "bg", _global.backgroundD);
_global.bossfight = false;
mc_helperarrow._x = 550;
mc_helperarrow._y = 50;
mc_helperarrow._visible = false;
health = 100;
_root.char_position._x = _root.char_reset._x;
_root.char_position._y = _root.char_reset._y;
holder_feet._x = char_position._x;
holder_feet._y = char_position._y + (newScale * (char_body._height + footheight));
Instance of Symbol 486 MovieClip [lvl1] "bg" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.backgroundD = this.getDepth();
Instance of Symbol 290 MovieClip [lvl2] in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 170 MovieClip [lvl3] in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 679 MovieClip "cutscene2to3" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 686 MovieClip "cutscene1to2" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 725 MovieClip "cutscene3toend" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 740 MovieClip "btn_tryagain" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 744 MovieClip "mc_enemyhp" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 758 MovieClip "heart_bonus" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
oldX = this._x;
oldY = this._y;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.hitbox)) { = + 50;
this._visible = false;
this._x = oldX;
this._y = oldY;
Instance of Symbol 759 MovieClip "mc_pulseball" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.hitbox)) {
_root.pulseball = true;
this._visible = false;
this._x = _root.bonus_holder._x;
this._y = _root.bonus_holder._y;
on (rollOver) {
_root.sendTip("Pulse Power : 2 x Damage");
Instance of Symbol 759 MovieClip "mc_pulseballicon" in Frame 5
on (rollOver) {
_root.sendTip("Pulse Power : 2 x Damage");
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
this._visible = true;
this._x = _root.bonus_holder._x;
this._y = _root.bonus_holder._y;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 764 MovieClip "mc_exitarrow" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
oldX = this._x;
oldY = this._y;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.hitbox)) {
_global.resetFreedom = true;
resetTimeGapID = setTimeout(_root.resetTimeGap, 1000);
btn_tryagain._visible = false;
_root.char_position._x = _root.char_reset._x;
_root.char_position._y = _root.char_reset._y;
_root.char_move.holder_head.attachMovie("mc_charHeadBounce", "mc_head", 80);
_root.char_move.holder_body.attachMovie("mc_charBodyBounce", "mc_body", 80);
_root.char_move.holder_arms.attachMovie("mc_charArmsReady", "mc_arms", 80);
_root.char_move.holder_feet.attachMovie("mc_charLegsReady", "mc_legs", 80);
_root.char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_larm.attachMovie("mc_lefta", "holder_leftarm", 80);
_root.char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_lleg.attachMovie("mc_leftf", "holder_leftleg", 80);
_root.char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_rarm.attachMovie("mc_righta", "holder_rightarm", 80);
_root.char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_rleg.attachMovie("mc_rightf", "holder_rightleg", 80);
_root.charDead = false;
health = 100;
_root.pulseball = false;
if (_global.currentLvl == 1) {
if (_global.currentLvl == 2) {
_root.cutscene1to2._visible = true;
if (_global.currentLvl == 3) {
_root.cutscene2to3._visible = true;
this._x = oldX;
this._y = oldY;
this._visible = false;
if (_root.cutscene2to3.endScene == true) {
_root.attachMovie("lvl3", "bg", _global.backgroundD);
_root.cutscene2to3.endScene = false;
if (_root.cutscene1to2.endScene == true) {
_root.attachMovie("lvl2", "bg", _global.backgroundD);
_root.cutscene1to2.endScene = false;
if (_root.cutsceneopen.endScene == true) {
_root.attachMovie("lvl1", "bg", _global.backgroundD);
_root.cutsceneopen.endScene = false;
Instance of Symbol 648 MovieClip "mc_mute" in Frame 5
/* no clip actions */
Symbol 3 MovieClip [mc_rundustl] Frame 4
Symbol 4 MovieClip [mc_rundustr] Frame 4
Instance of Symbol 14 MovieClip "mc_alert" in Symbol 15 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 14 MovieClip "mc_alert" in Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 14 MovieClip "mc_alert" in Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 14 MovieClip "mc_alert" in Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 14 MovieClip "mc_alert" in Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 1
amIDead = false;
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 30
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 56
amIDead = true;
Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 1
amIDead = false;
Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 29
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 50
amIDead = true;
Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 1
monsterT = 4;
monsterA = 0;
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "trojan1" in Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 1000;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
} else {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (2 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blockanim._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blockanim._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 50) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 50) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Trojan";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "trojan2" in Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 1000;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
} else {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (2 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blockanim._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blockanim._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 50) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 50) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Trojan";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 75 MovieClip "spam1" in Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 1000;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
} else {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (this.hitTest(["kunei" + i])) {["kunei" + i]._visible = false;["kunei" + i].removeMovieClip();
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Pop-Up Ad";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 87 MovieClip "sys_restore" in Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 75 MovieClip "spam2" in Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 1000;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
} else {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (this.hitTest(["kunei" + i])) {["kunei" + i]._visible = false;["kunei" + i].removeMovieClip();
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Pop-Up Ad";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 108 MovieClip "iconhitbox" in Symbol 117 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyhpfull = 200;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!dead) && (this._parent._visible == true)) {
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
dead = true;
} else {
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
this._parent.click_meter._xscale = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
Instance of Symbol 112 MovieClip "click_meter" in Symbol 117 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
countdown = 15;
count = countdown * 30;
this._xscale = 100;
appOn = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._xscale <= 0) {
appOn = true;
this._xscale = 100;
if (appOn == true) {
this._visible = false;
this._parent.click_frame._visible = false;
this._parent.click_white._visible = false;
this._parent.txt_count.text = Math.round(count / 30);
if (count < 0) {
count = countdown * 30;
this._parent.iconhitbox.enemyhp = this._parent.iconhitbox.enemyhpfull;
this._parent.iconhitbox.dead = false;
appOn = false;
} else {
this._parent.txt_count.text = "";
this._visible = true;
this._parent.click_frame._visible = true;
this._parent.click_white._visible = true;
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 1
amIDead = false;
Instance of Symbol 120 MovieClip "redpulse" in Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip "pointer" in Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyhpfull = 15000;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.curTarget == this._parent._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (((!dead) && (this._visible == true)) && (this._parent.bossTime == true)) {
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
_root.sendTip("You Win!");
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
} else {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (3.33333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (1.66666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
Instance of Symbol 124 MovieClip "eraser" in Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!this._parent.pointer.dead) && (this._visible == true)) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_immuneanim._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_immuneanim._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_immuneanim._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_immuneanim._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1.5;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
Instance of Symbol 124 MovieClip "eraser" in Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 2
/* no clip actions */
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 154
amIDead = true;
Instance of Symbol 147 MovieClip "blink_ring" in Symbol 154 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "int_meter" in Symbol 154 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._yscale <= 30) {
this._parent.blink_ring._visible = true;
} else {
this._parent.blink_ring._visible = false;
Symbol 170 MovieClip [lvl3] Frame 1
function proximity(clip) {
var _local4 = comp_mouse._x;
var _local3 = comp_mouse._y;
var _local6 = clip._x;
var _local5 = clip._y;
var _local2 = Math.sqrt(((_local4 - _local6) * (_local4 - _local6)) + ((_local3 - _local5) * (_local3 - _local5)));
if (_local2 < 100) {
clip._xscale = 0.5 * (200 - _local2);
clip._yscale = 0.5 * (200 - _local2);
} else {
clip._xscale = 50;
clip._yscale = 50;
_global.bossfight = true;
level3Music = new Sound(this);
level3Music.start(0, 99);
_root.char_position._x = _root.char_reset._x;
_root.char_position._y = _root.char_reset._y; =; =;
_global.eshotcount = 1;
var step = 0;
var randY;
var randX;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
move = function (mc, xPos, yPos, speed) {
targetx = xPos;
targety = yPos;
xdif = targetx - mc._x;
ydif = targety - mc._y;
if ((xdif >= -1) && (xdif <= 1)) {
mc._x = targetx;
} else {
mc._x = mc._x + (xdif * speed);
if ((ydif >= -1) && (ydif <= 1)) {
mc._y = targety;
} else {
mc._y = mc._y + (ydif * speed);
comp_mouse.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((step > 0) && (step < 4100)) {
if (step == 1) {
_root.sendTip("Save the system!");
if ((step % 100) == 0) {
randX = Math.random() * 600;
randY = Math.random() * 300;
if (step <= 1000) {
txt_appname.text = "iNotes";
move(comp_mouse, randX, randY, 0.12);
app_int.int_meter._yscale = ((1000 - step) / 1000) * 100;
if ((window.monsterT - window.monsterA) == 0) {
_root.sendTip("Get to the Restore Point");
window.sys_restore._visible = true;
if (window.sys_restore.hitTest(_root.hitbox)) {
step = 1200;
_root.sendTip("Application Saved!");
if ((step >= 1000) && (step < 1200)) {
mc_quitprompt._visible = true;
icon2.mc_alert._visible = true;
move(comp_mouse, mc_quitprompt._x + mc_quitprompt.mc_quitclose._x, mc_quitprompt._y + mc_quitprompt.mc_quitclose._y, 0.2);
if (Math.abs((mc_quitprompt._x + mc_quitprompt.mc_quitclose._x) - comp_mouse._x) < 1) {
step = 1200;
if (step == 1200) {
mc_quitprompt._visible = false;
move(comp_mouse, icon3._x, icon3._y, 0.2);
if (Math.abs(icon3._x - comp_mouse._x) < 1) {
tempD = window.getDepth();
_root.char_position._x = _root.char_reset._x;
_root.char_position._y = _root.char_reset._y;
attachMovie("gameplatform", "window", tempD);
window._x = mc_quitprompt._x;
window._y = mc_quitprompt._y;
if ((step > 1200) && (step < 1800)) {
txt_appname.text = "SNES: Emulator";
move(comp_mouse, randX, randY, 0.12);
app_int.int_meter._yscale = ((1800 - step) / 600) * 100;
if ((window.monsterT - window.monsterA) == 0) {
_root.sendTip("Get to the Restore Point");
window.sys_restore._visible = true;
if (window.sys_restore.hitTest(_root.hitbox)) {
step = 2000;
_root.sendTip("Application Saved!");
if ((step >= 1800) && (step < 2000)) {
mc_quitprompt._visible = true;
icon3.mc_alert._visible = true;
move(comp_mouse, mc_quitprompt._x + mc_quitprompt.mc_quitclose._x, mc_quitprompt._y + mc_quitprompt.mc_quitclose._y, 0.2);
if (Math.abs((mc_quitprompt._x + mc_quitprompt.mc_quitclose._x) - comp_mouse._x) < 1) {
step = 2000;
if (step == 2000) {
mc_quitprompt._visible = false;
move(comp_mouse, icon4._x, icon4._y, 0.2);
if (Math.abs(icon4._x - comp_mouse._x) < 1) {
tempD = window.getDepth();
_root.char_position._x = _root.char_reset._x;
_root.char_position._y = _root.char_reset._y;
attachMovie("instantmessenger", "window", tempD);
_root.heart_bonus._x = mc_quitprompt._x;
_root.heart_bonus._y = mc_quitprompt._y;
_root.heart_bonus._visible = true;
window._x = mc_quitprompt._x;
window._y = mc_quitprompt._y;
if ((step > 2000) && (step < 2500)) {
txt_appname.text = "IMessenger";
move(comp_mouse, randX, randY, 0.12);
app_int.int_meter._yscale = ((2500 - step) / 500) * 100;
if ((window.monsterT - window.monsterA) == 0) {
_root.sendTip("Get to the Restore Point");
window.sys_restore._visible = true;
if (window.sys_restore.hitTest(_root.hitbox)) {
step = 3000;
_root.sendTip("Application Saved!");
if ((step >= 2500) && (step < 3000)) {
mc_quitprompt._visible = true;
icon4.mc_alert._visible = true;
move(comp_mouse, mc_quitprompt._x + mc_quitprompt.mc_quitclose._x, mc_quitprompt._y + mc_quitprompt.mc_quitclose._y, 0.2);
if (Math.abs((mc_quitprompt._x + mc_quitprompt.mc_quitclose._x) - comp_mouse._x) < 1) {
step = 3000;
if (step == 3000) {
mc_quitprompt._visible = false;
move(comp_mouse, icon5._x, icon5._y, 0.2);
if (Math.abs(icon5._x - comp_mouse._x) < 1) {
tempD = window.getDepth();
_root.char_position._x = _root.char_reset._x;
_root.char_position._y = _root.char_reset._y;
attachMovie("firecat", "window", tempD);
window._x = mc_quitprompt._x;
window._y = mc_quitprompt._y;
if ((step > 3000) && (step < 3500)) {
txt_appname.text = "Firecat Explorer";
move(comp_mouse, randX, randY, 0.12);
app_int.int_meter._yscale = ((3500 - step) / 500) * 100;
if ((window.monsterT - window.monsterA) == 0) {
_root.sendTip("Get to the Restore Point");
window.sys_restore._visible = true;
if (window.sys_restore.hitTest(_root.hitbox)) {
step = 4000;
_root.sendTip("Application Saved!");
if ((step >= 3500) && (step < 4000)) {
mc_quitprompt._visible = true;
icon5.mc_alert._visible = true;
move(comp_mouse, mc_quitprompt._x + mc_quitprompt.mc_quitclose._x, mc_quitprompt._y + mc_quitprompt.mc_quitclose._y, 0.2);
if (Math.abs((mc_quitprompt._x + mc_quitprompt.mc_quitclose._x) - comp_mouse._x) < 1) {
step = 4000;
if (step == 4000) {
mc_quitprompt._visible = false;
move(comp_mouse, icon6._x, icon6._y, 0.2);
if (Math.abs(icon6._x - comp_mouse._x) < 1) {
tempD = window.getDepth();
_root.char_position._x = _root.char_reset._x;
_root.char_position._y = _root.char_reset._y;
attachMovie("photoshop", "window", tempD);
_root.heart_bonus._x = mc_quitprompt._x;
_root.heart_bonus._y = mc_quitprompt._y;
_root.heart_bonus._visible = true;
window._x = mc_quitprompt._x;
window._y = mc_quitprompt._y;
if ((step > 4000) && (step < 4100)) {
if (step == 4005) {
_root.mc_bossfightanim._x = 300;
_root.mc_bossfightanim._y = 150;
if (step == 4030) {
_root.sendTip("Face Your Maker!");
app_int.int_meter._yscale = 100;
app_int_txt._visible = false;
app_int._visible = false;
txt_appname.text = "Photoshop";
comp_mouse.redpulse._visible = true;
move(comp_mouse, 312, 190, 0.12);
if (icon2.mc_alert._visible == false) {
icon2meter._visible = true;
if (icon3.mc_alert._visible == false) {
icon3meter._visible = true;
if (icon4.mc_alert._visible == false) {
icon4meter._visible = true;
if (icon5.mc_alert._visible == false) {
icon5meter._visible = true;
if ((step >= 4100) && (step < 4150)) {
eraserX = (((window.toolbar._xscale / 100) * window.toolbar.erasertool._x) + window.toolbar._x) + window._x;
eraserY = (((window.toolbar._yscale / 100) * window.toolbar.erasertool._y) + window.toolbar._y) + window._y;
move(comp_mouse, eraserX, eraserY, 0.05);
if ((step >= 4150) && (step < 5000)) {
if (step == 4200) {
_root.sendTip("Use the applications to weaken him!");
if ((step % 60) == 0) {
randX = _root.char_position._x - (Math.random() * 50);
randY = _root.char_position._y + (Math.random() * 50);
if ((step % 120) == 0) {
randX = _root.char_position._x + (Math.random() * 50);
randY = _root.char_position._y - (Math.random() * 50);
if (icon2meter.click_meter._xscale <= 0) {
mini_inotes._visible = true;
mini_inotes._x = 216;
mini_inotes._y = 126;
if (icon3meter.click_meter._xscale <= 0) {
mini_game._visible = true;
mini_game._x = 405;
mini_game._y = 219;
if (icon4meter.click_meter._xscale <= 0) {
mini_messenger._visible = true;
mini_messenger._x = 315;
mini_messenger._y = 260;
if (icon5meter.click_meter._xscale <= 0) {
mini_metube._visible = true;
mini_metube._x = 155;
mini_metube._y = 239;
if (mini_inotes._visible == true) {
mc_aim._visible = false;
comp_mouse.eraser._visible = false;
comp_mouse.pointer._visible = true;
tempClickX = mini_inotes._x + mini_inotes.mc_close._x;
tempClickY = mini_inotes._y + mini_inotes.mc_close._y;
move(comp_mouse, tempClickX, tempClickY, 0.03);
if (comp_mouse.pointer.hitTest(mini_inotes.mc_close)) {
mini_inotes._visible = false;
} else if (mini_game._visible == true) {
mc_aim._visible = false;
comp_mouse.eraser._visible = false;
comp_mouse.pointer._visible = true;
tempClickX = mini_game._x + mini_game.mc_close._x;
tempClickY = mini_game._y + mini_game.mc_close._y;
move(comp_mouse, tempClickX, tempClickY, 0.03);
if (comp_mouse.pointer.hitTest(mini_game.mc_close)) {
mini_game._visible = false;
} else if (mini_messenger._visible == true) {
mc_aim._visible = false;
comp_mouse.eraser._visible = false;
comp_mouse.pointer._visible = true;
tempClickX = mini_messenger._x + mini_messenger.mc_close._x;
tempClickY = mini_messenger._y + mini_messenger.mc_close._y;
move(comp_mouse, tempClickX, tempClickY, 0.03);
if (comp_mouse.pointer.hitTest(mini_messenger.mc_close)) {
mini_messenger._visible = false;
} else if (mini_metube._visible == true) {
mc_aim._visible = false;
comp_mouse.eraser._visible = false;
comp_mouse.pointer._visible = true;
tempClickX = mini_metube._x + mini_metube.mc_close._x;
tempClickY = mini_metube._y + mini_metube.mc_close._y;
move(comp_mouse, tempClickX, tempClickY, 0.03);
if (comp_mouse.pointer.hitTest(mini_metube.mc_close)) {
mini_metube._visible = false;
} else {
mc_aim._visible = true;
mc_aim._x = randX;
mc_aim._y = randY;
comp_mouse.eraser._visible = true;
comp_mouse.pointer._visible = false;
move(comp_mouse, randX, randY, 0.1);
if (comp_mouse.amIDead == true) {
step = 5500;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
_root.cutscene3toend._visible = true;
if (step == 5000) {
step = 4150;
Instance of Symbol 44 MovieClip in Symbol 170 MovieClip [lvl3] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 40;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 500;
firstTime = true;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
_root.mc_pulseball._visible = true;
} else {
_root.mc_pulseball._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_pulseball._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "System Drive";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 90 MovieClip "mini_inotes" in Symbol 170 MovieClip [lvl3] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 97 MovieClip "mini_game" in Symbol 170 MovieClip [lvl3] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 100 MovieClip "mini_messenger" in Symbol 170 MovieClip [lvl3] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "mini_metube" in Symbol 170 MovieClip [lvl3] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 117 MovieClip "icon3meter" in Symbol 170 MovieClip [lvl3] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 117 MovieClip "icon4meter" in Symbol 170 MovieClip [lvl3] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 117 MovieClip "icon5meter" in Symbol 170 MovieClip [lvl3] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 117 MovieClip "icon2meter" in Symbol 170 MovieClip [lvl3] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 130 MovieClip "comp_mouse" in Symbol 170 MovieClip [lvl3] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
if (this._parent.step > 4000) {
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
this._parent.mc_aim._visible = false;
this.redpulse._visible = true;
bossTime = true;
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Master Hand";
remaininghp = (this.pointer.enemyhp / this.pointer.enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip "falldeath" in Symbol 170 MovieClip [lvl3] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 1;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
enemyhpfull = 1000;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 10;
_root.char_position._x = _root.char_reset._x;
_root.char_position._y = _root.char_reset._y;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
Instance of Symbol 165 MovieClip "mc_quitprompt" in Symbol 170 MovieClip [lvl3] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 167 MovieClip "kunei" in Symbol 170 MovieClip [lvl3] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (this._name == "kunei") {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
this._x = +[_global.shooter]._x;
this._y = +[_global.shooter]._y;
shotxspeed = 15 * Math.sin([_global.shooter].rotateV * (Math.PI/180));
shotyspeed = 15 * Math.cos([_global.shooter].rotateV * (Math.PI/180));
this._rotation =[_global.shooter].rotateV;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._name != "kunei") {
this._x = this._x + shotxspeed;
this._y = this._y - shotyspeed;
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 0.5;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
if ((this._x + this._parent._x) < 0) {
if ((this._x + this._parent._x) > 600) {
if ((this._parent._y + this._y) > 400) {
if ((this._parent._y + this._y) < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 169 MovieClip "mc_aim" in Symbol 170 MovieClip [lvl3] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 1
amIdead = false;
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 2
amIDead = true;
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "groundforbrush" in Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
this._y = this._y + 400;
Symbol 203 MovieClip Frame 1
amIDead = false;
Symbol 203 MovieClip Frame 26
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 203 MovieClip Frame 45
amIDead = true;
Instance of Symbol 210 MovieClip in Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 1;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
enemyhpfull = 1000;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Wet Paint";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 1
amIDead = false;
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 37
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 58
amIDead = true;
Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip in Symbol 230 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
latchoff = true;
_root.swingClear = true;
firstTime = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && (_root.swingClear == true)) {
latchoff = false;
if (latchoff == false) {
_root.swinging = true;
_root.falling = false;
_root.jumping = false;
if ( != lastSwing) {
lastXpos = 0;
_root.char_position._x = ((this._x + this._parent._x) + this._parent._parent._x) + this._parent._parent._parent._x;
_root.char_position._y = ((this._y + this._parent._y) + this._parent._parent._y) + this._parent._parent._parent._y;
_root.swingXchange = this._parent._x - lastXpos;
lastXpos = this._parent._x;
lastSwing =;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
_root.swinging = false;
_root.jumping = true;
_root.jump = 9;
latchoff = true;
lastXpos = 0;
_root.swingClear = false;
setTimeout(_root.swingPause, 1000);
if (_root.charDead == true) {
latchoff = true;
lastXpos = 0;
_root.swinging = false;
_root.swingClear = false;
setTimeout(_root.swingPause, 1000);
Symbol 234 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 234 MovieClip Frame 56
Instance of Symbol 260 MovieClip "head" in Symbol 261 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
currentScale = this._xscale;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!dead) && ( == true)) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
this._parent._parent.enemyhp = this._parent._parent.enemyhp - (2 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = (((this._parent._parent._xscale / 100) * this._parent._x) + this._parent._parent._x) + this._parent._parent._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = (((this._parent._parent._xscale / 100) * this._parent._y) + this._parent._parent._y) + this._parent._parent._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
this._parent._parent.enemyhp = this._parent._parent.enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
this._parent._parent.enemyhp = this._parent._parent.enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = (((this._parent._parent._xscale / 100) * this._parent._x) + this._parent._parent._x) + this._parent._parent._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = (((this._parent._parent._xscale / 100) * this._parent._y) + this._parent._parent._y) + this._parent._parent._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 1
normalMode = true;
amIDead = false;
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 60
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 61
normalMode = false;
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 109
shotSet = true;
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 110
shotSet = false;
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 116
boom = true;
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 117
boom = false;
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 141
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 142
normalMode = false;
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 198
stomp = true;
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 199
stomp = false;
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 202
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 241
brushgo = true;
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 242
brushgo = false;
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 270
amIDead = true;
Symbol 270 MovieClip Frame 1
amIDead = false;
Symbol 270 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 270 MovieClip Frame 42
amIDead = true;
Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 1
animStop = false;
Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 45
animStop = true;
this._visible = false;
Symbol 290 MovieClip [lvl2] Frame 1
level2Music = new Sound(this);
level2Music.start(0, 99);
_root.char_position._x = _root.char_reset._x;
_root.char_position._y = _root.char_reset._y; =; =;
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip "checkpointboss" in Symbol 290 MovieClip [lvl2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
checkpoint = false;
_global.bossfight = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_position) && (checkpoint == false)) {
_global.bossfight = true;
if (Math.round(this._parent._x) >= Math.round(-this._x)) {
_root.char_position._x = _root.char_position._x - 10;
this._parent._x = this._parent._x - 10;
if (this._parent.mc_daveg4chicken._y >= 400) {
this._parent.mc_daveg4chicken._y = this._parent.mc_daveg4chicken._y - 2;
if ((Math.round(this._parent._x) < Math.round(-this._x)) && (this._parent.mc_daveg4chicken._y < 400)) {
checkpoint = true;
this._parent.mc_daveg4chicken.risen = true;
_root.mc_bossfightanim._x = 300;
_root.mc_bossfightanim._y = 150;
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Symbol 290 MovieClip [lvl2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 500;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((this.amIDead == true) && (_root.heart_bonus._visible == true)) {
_root.heart_bonus._x = this._parent._x + this._x;
_root.heart_bonus._y = this._parent._y + this._y;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - _root.powerUpVal;
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
_root.heart_bonus._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 203 MovieClip "eraser2" in Symbol 290 MovieClip [lvl2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 1;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
enemyhpfull = 1000;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 100) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 100) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "White Eraser";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip "fly7" in Symbol 290 MovieClip [lvl2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 5;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 200;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 50) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 50) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Black Fly";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip "fly4" in Symbol 290 MovieClip [lvl2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 1;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 200;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 200) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 200) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Black Fly";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip "fly3" in Symbol 290 MovieClip [lvl2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 1;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
enemyhpfull = 200;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 200) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 200) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Black Fly";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip "fly2" in Symbol 290 MovieClip [lvl2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
enemyhpfull = 200;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 50) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 50) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Black Fly";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip "fly5" in Symbol 290 MovieClip [lvl2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 200;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 200) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 200) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Black Fly";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip "fly6" in Symbol 290 MovieClip [lvl2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 1;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
enemyhpfull = 200;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 200) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 200) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Black Fly";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 222 MovieClip "fly1" in Symbol 290 MovieClip [lvl2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 200;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 200) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 200) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Black Fly";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip "falldeath" in Symbol 290 MovieClip [lvl2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 1;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
enemyhpfull = 1000;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 100;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
Instance of Symbol 262 MovieClip "mc_daveg4chicken" in Symbol 290 MovieClip [lvl2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
chickenSound = new Sound(this);
this._y = 750; = false;
shotcount = 1;
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 7500;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
firstTime = true;
risen = false;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
_global.bossfight = false;
if (this.brushgo == true) {
this._parent.ground.groundforbrush._visible = true;
this._parent.ground.groundforbrush._y = this._parent.ground.groundforbrush._y - 400;
_root.sendTip("Hop up the Brush");
if ((!dead) && (risen)) {
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
_global.currentLvl = 3;
_root.mc_exitarrow._visible = true;
_root.mc_exitarrow._y = this._parent.mc_monitor._y + this._parent._y;
_root.mc_exitarrow._x = this._parent.mc_monitor._x + this._parent._x;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
if (((enemystepsright % 70) == 0) && (normalMode == true)) {
myRadians = Math.atan2(_root.char_position._y - (this._y + this._parent._y), _root.char_position._x - (this._x + this._parent._x));
myDegrees = Math.round((myRadians * 180) / Math.PI);
rotateV = myDegrees + 90;"bossshot" + shotcount, shotcount + 7000);["bossshot" + shotcount]._visible = true;["bossshot" + shotcount]._xscale = 70;["bossshot" + shotcount]._yscale = 70;
if (shotcount > 10) {
shotcount = 1;
if (shotSet == true) {
myRadians = Math.atan2(_root.char_position._y - (this._y + this._parent._y), _root.char_position._x - (this._x + this._parent._x));
myDegrees = Math.round((myRadians * 180) / Math.PI);
rotateV = myDegrees + 90;
if (boom == true) {"bossshot" + shotcount, shotcount + 7000);["bossshot" + shotcount]._visible = true;["bossshot" + shotcount]._xscale = 250;["bossshot" + shotcount]._yscale = 250;
if (shotcount > 10) {
shotcount = 1;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
if (((enemystepsleft % 70) == 0) && (normalMode == true)) {
myRadians = Math.atan2(_root.char_position._y - (this._y + this._parent._y), _root.char_position._x - (this._x + this._parent._x));
myDegrees = Math.round((myRadians * 180) / Math.PI);
rotateV = myDegrees + 90;"bossshot" + shotcount, shotcount + 7000);["bossshot" + shotcount]._visible = true;["bossshot" + shotcount]._xscale = 70;["bossshot" + shotcount]._yscale = 70;
if (shotcount > 10) {
shotcount = 1;
if (stomp == true) {
this._parent.inksplash._visible = true;
if ((enemystepsright == 1) || (enemystepsleft == 1)) {
chickenSound.start(0, 1);
if ((enemystepsright == 100) && (firstTime == true)) {
firstTime = false;
_root.sendTip("Hint: Aim for its head");
if (enemystepsright == 300) {
_root.sendTip("Big Ink Shot");
if (enemystepsleft == 300) {
_root.sendTip("Ground Splash");
if (enemystepsright == 400) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 400) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Boss : Brutal Doodle";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip "bossshot" in Symbol 290 MovieClip [lvl2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (this._name == "bossshot") {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
this._x =;
this._y =;
shotxspeed = 2 * Math.sin( * (Math.PI/180));
shotyspeed = 2 * Math.cos( * (Math.PI/180));
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._name != "bossshot") {
this._x = this._x + shotxspeed;
this._y = this._y - shotyspeed;
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1.25;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
if ((this._x + this._parent._x) < 0) {
if ((this._x + this._parent._x) > 600) {
if ((this._parent._y + this._y) > 400) {
if ((this._parent._y + this._y) < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 270 MovieClip "remover" in Symbol 290 MovieClip [lvl2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 1;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
enemyhpfull = 1500;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (2 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (2.66666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (1.33333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 100) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 100) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Staple Remover";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 203 MovieClip in Symbol 290 MovieClip [lvl2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 1;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
enemyhpfull = 1000;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 100) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 100) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "White Eraser";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 281 MovieClip "inksplash" in Symbol 290 MovieClip [lvl2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.animStop == false) {
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 0.5;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
Instance of Symbol 289 MovieClip "mc_drip" in Symbol 290 MovieClip [lvl2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 40;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 500;
firstTime = true;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
_root.mc_pulseball._visible = true;
} else {
_root.mc_pulseball._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_pulseball._y = (this._y + this._parent._y) + 100;
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Essence D'art";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Symbol 295 MovieClip [en_dustballanim] Frame 1
amIDead = false;
Symbol 295 MovieClip [en_dustballanim] Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 295 MovieClip [en_dustballanim] Frame 32
amIDead = true;
Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100;
if (PercentLoaded != 100) {
bar._xscale = PercentLoaded;
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("loaded");
Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 15
btn_play.onRelease = function () {;
Symbol 771 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.darronschall.DynamicRegistration
var xreg, yreg, localToGlobal, _parent, _x, _y, _xscale, _yscale, _rotation, _xmouse, _ymouse;
function DynamicRegistration () {
static function initialize(target_mc) {
var p =;
target_mc.xreg = 0;
target_mc.yreg = 0;
target_mc.setRegistration = p.setRegistration;
target_mc.setPropRel = p.setPropRel;
with (target_mc) {
addProperty("_x2", p.get_x2, p.set_x2);
addProperty("_y2", p.get_y2, p.set_y2);
addProperty("_xscale2", p.get_xscale2, p.set_xscale2);
addProperty("_yscale2", p.get_yscale2, p.set_yscale2);
addProperty("_rotation2", p.get_rotation2, p.set_rotation2);
addProperty("_xmouse2", p.get_xmouse2, null);
addProperty("_ymouse2", p.get_ymouse2, null);
function setRegistration(x, y) {
xreg = x;
yreg = y;
function get_x2() {
var _local2 = {x:xreg, y:yreg};
function set_x2(value) {
var _local2 = {x:xreg, y:yreg};
_x = _x + (value - _local2.x);
function get_y2() {
var _local2 = {x:xreg, y:yreg};
function set_y2(value) {
var _local2 = {x:xreg, y:yreg};
_y = _y + (value - _local2.y);
function set_xscale2(value) {
setPropRel("_xscale", value);
function get_xscale2() {
function set_yscale2(value) {
setPropRel("_yscale", value);
function get_yscale2() {
function set_rotation2(value) {
setPropRel("_rotation", value);
function get_rotation2() {
function get_xmouse2() {
return(_xmouse - xreg);
function get_ymouse2() {
return(_ymouse - yreg);
function setPropRel(property, amount) {
var _local3 = {x:xreg, y:yreg};
this[property] = amount;
var _local2 = {x:xreg, y:yreg};
_x = _x - (_local2.x - _local3.x);
_y = _y - (_local2.y - _local3.y);
Symbol 319 MovieClip [mc_charArmsExplode] Frame 27
Symbol 322 MovieClip [mc_charArmsJump] Frame 27
Symbol 323 MovieClip [mc_charArmsLand] Frame 31
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 328 MovieClip [mc_charArmsSwingL] Frame 27
Symbol 329 MovieClip [mc_charArmsSwingR] Frame 27
Symbol 334 MovieClip [mc_charBodyExplode] Frame 27
Symbol 335 MovieClip [mc_charBodyJump] Frame 27
Symbol 336 MovieClip [mc_charBodyLand] Frame 33
gotoAndPlay (7);
Symbol 338 MovieClip [mc_charHeadExplode] Frame 31
Symbol 339 MovieClip [mc_charHeadJump] Frame 27
Symbol 340 MovieClip [mc_charHeadLand] Frame 32
gotoAndPlay (6);
Symbol 343 MovieClip [mc_charLegsExplode] Frame 27
Symbol 344 MovieClip [mc_charLegsJump] Frame 27
Symbol 345 MovieClip [mc_charLegsLand] Frame 33
gotoAndPlay (7);
Instance of Symbol 362 MovieClip "groundcheese" in Symbol 364 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
firstTime = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (( == true) && (this.hitTest(_root.holder_feet._x, _root.holder_feet._y, true))) {
_root.jumping = true;
_root.jump = 18;
if ((firstTime == true) && (this.hitTest(_root.hitbox))) {
firstTime = false;
_root.sendTip("Hint: Hop on the Mouse Trap and Set it off");
Instance of Symbol 363 MovieClip "garbageground" in Symbol 364 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._y = 500;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._parent._parent.garbagenator.dead) {
this._y = 122;
Instance of Symbol 363 MovieClip "garbageground" in Symbol 364 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._y = 500;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._parent._parent.garbagenator.dead) {
this._y = 8.7;
Symbol 383 MovieClip Frame 1
amIDead = false;
Symbol 383 MovieClip Frame 14
amIDead = true;
Instance of Symbol 383 MovieClip "mc_plugboss" in Symbol 384 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 300;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
dead = false;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - _root.powerUpVal;
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Loose Plug";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 1
amIDead = false;
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 2
amIDead = true;
Symbol 426 MovieClip Frame 1
amIDead = false;
Symbol 426 MovieClip Frame 16
amIDead = true;
Symbol 427 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 426 MovieClip "mc_cheese" in Symbol 427 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 95;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
dead = false;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - _root.powerUpVal;
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Cheese";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 429 MovieClip "spiderstringhit" in Symbol 430 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 35;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 500;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this._parent._parent.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (3 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Spider String";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 432 MovieClip "spiderhit" in Symbol 433 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 35;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 500;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_immuneanim._x = ((this._x + this._parent._x) + this._parent._parent._x) + this._parent._parent._parent._x;
_root.mc_immuneanim._y = ((this._y + this._parent._y) + this._parent._parent._y) + this._parent._parent._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_immuneanim._x = ((this._x + this._parent._x) + this._parent._parent._x) + this._parent._parent._parent._x;
_root.mc_immuneanim._y = ((this._y + this._parent._y) + this._parent._parent._y) + this._parent._parent._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 5;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Spider";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Symbol 434 MovieClip Frame 1
amIDead = false;
Symbol 434 MovieClip Frame 73
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 434 MovieClip Frame 85
amIDead = true;
Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 1
amIDead = false;
Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 23
amIDead = true;
Symbol 447 MovieClip Frame 1
amIDead = false;
Symbol 447 MovieClip Frame 53
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 447 MovieClip Frame 82
amIDead = true;
Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 1
amIDead = false;
Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 39
amIDead = true;
Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 40
amIDead = false;
Instance of Symbol 460 MovieClip in Symbol 473 MovieClip Frame 1
/* no clip actions */
Symbol 474 MovieClip Frame 1
amIDead = false;
Instance of Symbol 460 MovieClip in Symbol 474 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 1000;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!dead) && (!this._parent.garbagenator.dead)) {
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
Instance of Symbol 462 MovieClip in Symbol 474 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 1000;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!dead) && (!this._parent.garbagenator.dead)) {
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
Symbol 474 MovieClip Frame 46
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 474 MovieClip Frame 67
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 474 MovieClip Frame 147
amIDead = true;
Symbol 485 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 485 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 486 MovieClip [lvl1] Frame 1
level1Music = new Sound(this);
level1Music.start(0, 99);
_root.char_position._x = _root.char_reset._x;
_root.char_position._y = _root.char_reset._y; =; =;
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip "checkpointboss" in Symbol 486 MovieClip [lvl1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
checkpoint = false;
_global.bossfight = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_position) && (checkpoint == false)) {
_global.bossfight = true;
if (Math.round(this._parent._x) >= Math.round(-this._x)) {
_root.char_position._x = _root.char_position._x - 10;
this._parent._x = this._parent._x - 10;
} else {
_root.mc_bossfightanim._x = 300;
_root.mc_bossfightanim._y = 150;
checkpoint = true;
Instance of Symbol 374 MovieClip "mc_boulder" in Symbol 486 MovieClip [lvl1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 35;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 500;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_immuneanim._x = (this._x + this.boulder._x) + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_immuneanim._y = (this._y + this.boulder._y) + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_immuneanim._x = (this._x + this.boulder._x) + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_immuneanim._y = (this._y + this.boulder._y) + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Crumpled Paper";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 295 MovieClip [en_dustballanim] "en_dustball2" in Symbol 486 MovieClip [lvl1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 480;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -100;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = 100;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 50) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 50) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Dust Ball";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 295 MovieClip [en_dustballanim] "en_dustball3" in Symbol 486 MovieClip [lvl1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 35;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 480;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -100;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = 100;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 50) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 50) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Dust Ball";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 427 MovieClip "mc_mousetrap" in Symbol 486 MovieClip [lvl1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.mc_cheese.amIDead == true) {
Instance of Symbol 295 MovieClip [en_dustballanim] "en_dustball4" in Symbol 486 MovieClip [lvl1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 49;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 480;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -100;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = 100;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 50) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 50) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Dust Ball";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 444 MovieClip "moth1" in Symbol 486 MovieClip [lvl1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 50;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.moth.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 50) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 50) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Mini Moth";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 407 MovieClip "mc_bonusdrink" in Symbol 486 MovieClip [lvl1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 500;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((this.amIDead == true) && (_root.heart_bonus._visible == true)) {
_root.heart_bonus._x = this._parent._x + this._x;
_root.heart_bonus._y = this._parent._y + this._y;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - _root.powerUpVal;
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
_root.heart_bonus._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 447 MovieClip "firefly" in Symbol 486 MovieClip [lvl1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 40;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 500;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.mc_pulseball._x = (this._x + this.firefly._x) + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_pulseball._y = (this._y + this.firefly._y) + this._parent._y;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
_root.mc_pulseball._visible = true;
dead = true;
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Firefly";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 449 MovieClip "dustpan" in Symbol 486 MovieClip [lvl1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 20;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "up";
enemyhpfull = 1000;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blockanim._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blockanim._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blockanim._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blockanim._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "down") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
if (enemystepsright < 10) {
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 5;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
this._y = this._y + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "up") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
if (enemystepsleft < 10) {
if ((this.hitTest(_root.holder_feet._x, _root.holder_feet._y, true) || (this.hitTest(_root.holder_feet._x - 20, _root.holder_feet._y, true))) || (this.hitTest(_root.holder_feet._x + 20, _root.holder_feet._y, true))) {
_root.jumping = true;
_root.jump = 12;
_root.char_position._x = _root.char_position._x + 10;
this._y = this._y - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 30) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "up";
if (this._parent.garbagenator.dead) {
enemydir = "dead";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 70) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "down";
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Left Arm : Dust Pan";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 451 MovieClip "vacuum" in Symbol 486 MovieClip [lvl1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 1;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 1000;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if ((!dead) && (!this._parent.garbagenator.dead)) { = true;
if (((this._x + this._parent._x) - _root.hitbox._x) < 450) {
if (! + 25, _root.char_position._y, true)) {
_root.char_position._x = _root.char_position._x + 1.25;
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_immuneanim._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_immuneanim._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_immuneanim._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_immuneanim._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._y = this._y + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
if (!this._parent.garbagenator.dead) {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._y = this._y - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 25) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 25) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
} else { = false;
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Right Arm : Vacuum";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 474 MovieClip "garbagenator" in Symbol 486 MovieClip [lvl1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
creatureSound = new Sound(this);
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 1000;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
firstTime = true;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if ( == true) {
if ( == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - 200;
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
if (firstTime == true) {
_root.sendTip("Try giving him a jolt!");
firstTime = false;
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_immuneanim._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_immuneanim._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
if (firstTime == true) {
_root.sendTip("Try giving him a jolt!");
firstTime = false;
_root.mc_immuneanim._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_immuneanim._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
_global.currentLvl = 2;
_global.bossfight = false;
_root.mc_exitarrow._visible = true;
_root.mc_exitarrow._y = this._parent.mc_deskplug._y + this._parent._y;
_root.mc_exitarrow._x = this._parent.mc_deskplug._x + this._parent._x;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
if (enemystepsright == 200) {
if (_global.bossfight == true) {
creatureSound.start(0, 1);
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 200) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Boss : Garbagenator";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 485 MovieClip "mouth" in Symbol 486 MovieClip [lvl1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 1000;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!dead) && (!this._parent.garbagenator.dead)) {
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 5;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
} else {
Instance of Symbol 444 MovieClip "moth2" in Symbol 486 MovieClip [lvl1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 20;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 50;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.moth.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 50) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 50) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Mini Moth";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 444 MovieClip "moth3" in Symbol 486 MovieClip [lvl1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 20;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 50;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.moth.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 50) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 50) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Mini Moth";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 444 MovieClip "moth4" in Symbol 486 MovieClip [lvl1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 20;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 50;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.moth.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 50) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 50) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Mini Moth";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 444 MovieClip "moth5" in Symbol 486 MovieClip [lvl1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 10;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 50;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.moth.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 50) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 50) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Mini Moth";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 444 MovieClip "moth6" in Symbol 486 MovieClip [lvl1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 10;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 50;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.moth.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 50) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 50) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Mini Moth";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Symbol 522 MovieClip Frame 1
amIDead = false;
Symbol 522 MovieClip Frame 30
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 522 MovieClip Frame 50
amIDead = true;
Symbol 523 MovieClip [firecat] Frame 1
monsterT = 4;
monsterA = 0;
Instance of Symbol 505 MovieClip "security" in Symbol 523 MovieClip [firecat] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 1000;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.curTarget == this._parent._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(["kunei" + i])) {["kunei" + i]._visible = false;["kunei" + i].removeMovieClip();
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._parent._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Security Wall";
Instance of Symbol 522 MovieClip "spyware1" in Symbol 523 MovieClip [firecat] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 400;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
shotcount = 1;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
if ((enemystepsright % 50) == 0) {
myRadians = Math.atan2(_root.char_position._y - (this._y + this._parent._y), _root.char_position._x - (this._x + this._parent._x));
myDegrees = Math.round((myRadians * 180) / Math.PI);
rotateV = myDegrees + 90;
_global.shooter = this._name;"kunei" + _global.eshotcount, _global.eshotcount + 7000);["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._visible = true;["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._xscale = 70;["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._yscale = 70;
if (_global.eshotcount > 10) {
_global.eshotcount = 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
if ((enemystepsleft % 50) == 0) {
myRadians = Math.atan2(_root.char_position._y - (this._y + this._parent._y), _root.char_position._x - (this._x + this._parent._x));
myDegrees = Math.round((myRadians * 180) / Math.PI);
rotateV = myDegrees + 90;
_global.shooter = this._name;"kunei" + _global.eshotcount, _global.eshotcount + 7000);["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._visible = true;["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._xscale = 70;["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._yscale = 70;
if (_global.eshotcount > 10) {
_global.eshotcount = 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 100) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 100) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Spyware";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 522 MovieClip "spyware2" in Symbol 523 MovieClip [firecat] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 5;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 400;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
shotcount = 1;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
if ((enemystepsright % 50) == 0) {
myRadians = Math.atan2(_root.char_position._y - (this._y + this._parent._y), _root.char_position._x - (this._x + this._parent._x));
myDegrees = Math.round((myRadians * 180) / Math.PI);
rotateV = myDegrees + 90;
_global.shooter = this._name;"kunei" + _global.eshotcount, _global.eshotcount + 7000);["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._visible = true;["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._xscale = 70;["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._yscale = 70;
if (_global.eshotcount > 10) {
_global.eshotcount = 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
if ((enemystepsleft % 50) == 0) {
myRadians = Math.atan2(_root.char_position._y - (this._y + this._parent._y), _root.char_position._x - (this._x + this._parent._x));
myDegrees = Math.round((myRadians * 180) / Math.PI);
rotateV = myDegrees + 90;
_global.shooter = this._name;"kunei" + _global.eshotcount, _global.eshotcount + 7000);["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._visible = true;["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._xscale = 70;["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._yscale = 70;
if (_global.eshotcount > 10) {
_global.eshotcount = 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 100) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 100) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Spyware";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 522 MovieClip "spyware3" in Symbol 523 MovieClip [firecat] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 7;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 400;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
shotcount = 1;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
if ((enemystepsright % 50) == 0) {
myRadians = Math.atan2(_root.char_position._y - (this._y + this._parent._y), _root.char_position._x - (this._x + this._parent._x));
myDegrees = Math.round((myRadians * 180) / Math.PI);
rotateV = myDegrees + 90;
_global.shooter = this._name;"kunei" + _global.eshotcount, _global.eshotcount + 7000);["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._visible = true;["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._xscale = 70;["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._yscale = 70;
if (_global.eshotcount > 10) {
_global.eshotcount = 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
if ((enemystepsleft % 50) == 0) {
myRadians = Math.atan2(_root.char_position._y - (this._y + this._parent._y), _root.char_position._x - (this._x + this._parent._x));
myDegrees = Math.round((myRadians * 180) / Math.PI);
rotateV = myDegrees + 90;
_global.shooter = this._name;"kunei" + _global.eshotcount, _global.eshotcount + 7000);["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._visible = true;["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._xscale = 70;["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._yscale = 70;
if (_global.eshotcount > 10) {
_global.eshotcount = 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 100) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 100) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Spyware";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 75 MovieClip "spam2" in Symbol 523 MovieClip [firecat] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 1000;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
} else {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (this.hitTest(["kunei" + i])) {["kunei" + i]._visible = false;["kunei" + i].removeMovieClip();
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Pop-Up Ad";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 87 MovieClip "sys_restore" in Symbol 523 MovieClip [firecat] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 526 MovieClip [gameplatform] Frame 1
monsterT = 4;
monsterA = 0;
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "trojan3" in Symbol 526 MovieClip [gameplatform] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 20;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 1000;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (2 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blockanim._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blockanim._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 50) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 50) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Trojan";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 87 MovieClip "sys_restore" in Symbol 526 MovieClip [gameplatform] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "trojan2" in Symbol 526 MovieClip [gameplatform] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 1000;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (2 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blockanim._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blockanim._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 50) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 50) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Trojan";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "trojan1" in Symbol 526 MovieClip [gameplatform] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 500;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blockanim._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blockanim._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 25) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 25) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Trojan";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 522 MovieClip "spyware2" in Symbol 526 MovieClip [gameplatform] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 0.05;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 5;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 300;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
shotcount = 1;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
if ((enemystepsright % 50) == 0) {
myRadians = Math.atan2(_root.char_position._y - (this._y + this._parent._y), _root.char_position._x - (this._x + this._parent._x));
myDegrees = Math.round((myRadians * 180) / Math.PI);
rotateV = myDegrees + 90;
_global.shooter = this._name;"kunei" + _global.eshotcount, _global.eshotcount + 7000);["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._visible = true;["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._xscale = 70;["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._yscale = 70;
if (_global.eshotcount > 10) {
_global.eshotcount = 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
if ((enemystepsleft % 50) == 0) {
myRadians = Math.atan2(_root.char_position._y - (this._y + this._parent._y), _root.char_position._x - (this._x + this._parent._x));
myDegrees = Math.round((myRadians * 180) / Math.PI);
rotateV = myDegrees + 90;
_global.shooter = this._name;"kunei" + _global.eshotcount, _global.eshotcount + 7000);["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._visible = true;["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._xscale = 70;["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._yscale = 70;
if (_global.eshotcount > 10) {
_global.eshotcount = 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 100) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 100) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Spyware";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Symbol 533 MovieClip [instantmessenger] Frame 1
monsterT = 4;
monsterA = 0;
Instance of Symbol 522 MovieClip "spyware2" in Symbol 533 MovieClip [instantmessenger] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 5;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 400;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
shotcount = 1;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
if ((enemystepsright % 50) == 0) {
myRadians = Math.atan2(_root.char_position._y - (this._y + this._parent._y), _root.char_position._x - (this._x + this._parent._x));
myDegrees = Math.round((myRadians * 180) / Math.PI);
rotateV = myDegrees + 90;
_global.shooter = this._name;"kunei" + _global.eshotcount, _global.eshotcount + 7000);["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._visible = true;["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._xscale = 70;["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._yscale = 70;
if (_global.eshotcount > 10) {
_global.eshotcount = 1;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
if ((enemystepsleft % 50) == 0) {
myRadians = Math.atan2(_root.char_position._y - (this._y + this._parent._y), _root.char_position._x - (this._x + this._parent._x));
myDegrees = Math.round((myRadians * 180) / Math.PI);
rotateV = myDegrees + 90;
_global.shooter = this._name;"kunei" + _global.eshotcount, _global.eshotcount + 7000);["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._visible = true;["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._xscale = 70;["kunei" + _global.eshotcount]._yscale = 70;
if (_global.eshotcount > 10) {
_global.eshotcount = 1;
if (enemystepsright == 100) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 100) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Spyware";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "trojan2" in Symbol 533 MovieClip [instantmessenger] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 1000;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
} else {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (2 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blockanim._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blockanim._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 50) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 50) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Trojan";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 75 MovieClip "spam1" in Symbol 533 MovieClip [instantmessenger] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 1000;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
} else {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (5 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
if (_root.pulseball == true) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.666666666666667 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
} else {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (0.333333333333333 * _root["shot" + i]._xscale);
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (this.hitTest(["kunei" + i])) {["kunei" + i]._visible = false;["kunei" + i].removeMovieClip();
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Pop-Up Ad";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Instance of Symbol 87 MovieClip "sys_restore" in Symbol 533 MovieClip [instantmessenger] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "trojan3" in Symbol 533 MovieClip [instantmessenger] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "left";
enemyhpfull = 1000;
enemyhp = enemyhpfull;
currentScale = this._xscale;
deadCheck = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((deadCheck == false) && (dead == true)) {
deadCheck = true;
if (_root.curTarget == this._name) {
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
if (this.amIDead == true) {
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "";
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = false;
if (!dead) {
if (enemyhp <= 0) {
enemyspeed = 0;
enemystepsright = 0;
enemystepsleft = 0;
dead = true;
} else {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char_sweapon) && (_root.justSwung == true)) {
enemyhp = enemyhp - (2 * _root.powerUpVal);
_root.powerUpVal = 0;
_root.mc_blood._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blood._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (this.hitTest(_root["shot" + i]) && (_root["shot" + i].powerUpShot == false)) {
_root["shot" + i]._visible = false;
_root["shot" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.mc_blockanim._x = this._x + this._parent._x;
_root.mc_blockanim._y = this._y + this._parent._y;
if (enemydir == "right") {
enemystepsright = enemystepsright + 1;
this._xscale = -currentScale;
this._x = this._x + enemyspeed;
} else if (enemydir == "left") {
enemystepsleft = enemystepsleft + 1;
this._xscale = currentScale;
this._x = this._x - enemyspeed;
if (enemystepsright == 50) {
enemystepsright = 0;
enemydir = "left";
} else if (enemystepsleft == 50) {
enemystepsleft = 0;
enemydir = "right";
if ((this.hitTest(_root.hitbox) && ( >= 0)) && (_global.resetFreedom == false)) { = - 1;
if (_root.mc_charblood.splatdone == true) {
_root.mc_charblood._x = _root.char_position._x;
_root.mc_charblood._y = _root.char_position._y - (_root.char_body._height / 2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.curTarget = this._name;
_root.mc_enemyhp._visible = true;
_root.txt_enemyname.text = "Trojan";
remaininghp = (enemyhp / enemyhpfull) * 100;
if (remaininghp < 0) {
remaininghp = 0;
_root.mc_enemyhp.mc_enemyhpmeter._xscale = remaininghp;
Symbol 580 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 611 MovieClip Frame 1
function sliderFunk() {
this.createEmptyMovieClip("codeLoop", this.getNextHighestDepth());
codeLoop.onEnterFrame = function () {
sliderVal = Math.floor((mc_indicator._x / 111.3) * 100);
mc_indicator._xscale = sliderVal;
mc_indicator._yscale = sliderVal;
_global.lineweight = defaultBrush * (sliderVal / 100);
mc_indicator.onPress = function () {
this.startDrag(true, 19.8, 0, 111.3, 0);
mc_indicator.onRelease = (mc_indicator.onReleaseOutside = function () {
Symbol 627 MovieClip Frame 110
Symbol 634 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 637 MovieClip Frame 1
var cycle = true;
cycle = true;
Symbol 637 MovieClip Frame 14
cycle = false;
Symbol 637 MovieClip Frame 15
cycle = true;
Symbol 637 MovieClip Frame 27
cycle = false;
Symbol 648 MovieClip Frame 1
muteon = false;
Instance of Symbol 647 MovieClip "mute_on" in Symbol 648 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 679 MovieClip Frame 1
if (this._visible == true) {
_global.frozen = true; =; = -4000;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 679 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 679 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.char_position._x = this._x + char_animate._x;
_root.char_position._y = -1000;
drawMusic = new Sound(music);
drawMusic.start(0, 99);
Symbol 679 MovieClip Frame 45
_root.char_position._x = this._x + char_animate._x;
_root.char_position._y = this._y + char_animate._y;
Symbol 679 MovieClip Frame 113
_root.char_position._x = this._x + char_animate._x;
_root.char_position._y = this._y + char_animate._y;
Symbol 679 MovieClip Frame 144
_root.char_position._y = -1000;
Symbol 679 MovieClip Frame 203
_root.char_position._y = -1000;
Symbol 679 MovieClip Frame 259
this._visible = false;
_global.frozen = false;
endScene = true;
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 1
if (this._visible == true) {
_global.frozen = true; =; = -4000;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.char_position._x = this._x + char_animate._x;
_root.char_position._y = -1000;
drawMusic = new Sound(music);
drawMusic.start(0, 99);
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 46
_root.char_position._x = this._x + char_animate._x;
_root.char_position._y = this._y + char_animate._y;
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 47
_root.char_position._x = this._x + char_animate._x;
_root.char_position._y = this._y + char_animate._y;
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 48
_root.char_position._x = this._x + char_animate._x;
_root.char_position._y = this._y + char_animate._y;
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 49
_root.char_position._x = this._x + char_animate._x;
_root.char_position._y = this._y + char_animate._y;
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 50
_root.char_position._x = this._x + char_animate._x;
_root.char_position._y = this._y + char_animate._y;
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 51
_root.char_position._x = this._x + char_animate._x;
_root.char_position._y = this._y + char_animate._y;
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 52
_root.char_position._x = this._x + char_animate._x;
_root.char_position._y = this._y + char_animate._y;
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 53
_root.char_position._x = this._x + char_animate._x;
_root.char_position._y = this._y + char_animate._y;
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 54
_root.char_position._x = this._x + char_animate._x;
_root.char_position._y = this._y + char_animate._y;
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 55
_root.char_position._x = this._x + char_animate._x;
_root.char_position._y = this._y + char_animate._y;
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 56
_root.char_position._x = this._x + char_animate._x;
_root.char_position._y = this._y + char_animate._y;
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 57
_root.char_position._x = this._x + char_animate._x;
_root.char_position._y = this._y + char_animate._y;
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 58
_root.char_position._x = this._x + char_animate._x;
_root.char_position._y = this._y + char_animate._y;
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 59
_root.char_position._x = this._x + char_animate._x;
_root.char_position._y = this._y + char_animate._y;
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 81
_root.char_move.holder_head.attachMovie("mc_charHeadBounce", "mc_head", 80);
_root.char_move.holder_body.attachMovie("mc_charBodyBounce", "mc_body", 80);
_root.char_move.holder_arms.attachMovie("mc_charArmsWalkR", "mc_arms", 80);
_root.char_move.holder_feet.attachMovie("mc_charLegsWalk", "mc_legs", 80);
_root.char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_larm.attachMovie("mc_lefta", "holder_leftarm", 80);
_root.char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_lleg.attachMovie("mc_leftf", "holder_leftleg", 80);
_root.char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_rarm.attachMovie("mc_righta", "holder_rightarm", 80);
_root.char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_rleg.attachMovie("mc_rightf", "holder_rightleg", 80);
_root.char_position._x = this._x + char_animate._x;
_root.char_position._y = this._y + char_animate._y;
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 121
_root.char_move.holder_head.attachMovie("mc_charHeadBounce", "mc_head", 80);
_root.char_move.holder_body.attachMovie("mc_charBodyBounce", "mc_body", 80);
_root.char_move.holder_arms.attachMovie("mc_charArmsReady", "mc_arms", 80);
_root.char_move.holder_feet.attachMovie("mc_charLegsReady", "mc_legs", 80);
_root.char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_larm.attachMovie("mc_lefta", "holder_leftarm", 80);
_root.char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_lleg.attachMovie("mc_leftf", "holder_leftleg", 80);
_root.char_move.holder_arms.mc_arms.mc_rarm.attachMovie("mc_righta", "holder_rightarm", 80);
_root.char_move.holder_feet.mc_legs.mc_rleg.attachMovie("mc_rightf", "holder_rightleg", 80);
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 150
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 289
this._visible = false;
_global.frozen = false;
endScene = true;
Symbol 725 MovieClip Frame 1
if (this._visible == true) {
_global.frozen = true; =; = -4000;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 725 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 725 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.char_position._x = this._x + char_animate._x;
_root.char_position._y = -1000;
drawMusic = new Sound(music);
drawMusic.start(0, 99);
Symbol 725 MovieClip Frame 46
_root.char_position._x = this._x + char_animate._x;
_root.char_position._y = this._y + char_animate._y;
_root.sendTip("Remember, never throw away an idea");
Symbol 725 MovieClip Frame 233
_root.char_position._y = -1000;
Symbol 725 MovieClip Frame 277
endScene = true;
Symbol 727 MovieClip Frame 1
if (this._visible == true) {
_global.frozen = true; =; = -4000;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 727 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 727 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.char_position._x = this._x + char_animate._x;
_root.char_position._y = -1000;
crumpleSound = new Sound();
crumpleSound.start(0, 1);
Symbol 727 MovieClip Frame 61
throwSound = new Sound();
throwSound.start(0, 1);
Symbol 727 MovieClip Frame 90
this._visible = false;
_global.frozen = false;
endScene = true;
Symbol 749 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 754 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 755 MovieClip Frame 1
splatdone = false;
Symbol 755 MovieClip Frame 17
splatdone = true;
Symbol 758 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 762 MovieClip Frame 74
Symbol 767 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 770 MovieClip Frame 20