Section 1
//OAdBanner (ENGINE.AD.OAdBanner)
package ENGINE.AD {
import flash.display.*;
public class OAdBanner {
private var iManager:DisplayObject;
private var iID:String;
private var iBanner:DisplayObject;
private var iPrefix:String;
private var iLoader:Loader;
private static const strURL:String = "";
public function OAdBanner(_arg1:String, _arg2:String){
this.iPrefix = _arg1;
this.iID = _arg2;
this.iLoader = new Loader();
this.iLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, OnIOError);
this.iLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, OnComplete);
this.iLoader.load(new URLRequest(this.prURL));
private function OnIOError(_arg1:IOErrorEvent):void{
public function DeleteBanner():void{
this.iBanner = null;
private function get prURL():String{
return ((((((OAdBanner.strURL + this.iPrefix) + "AdBanner.swf?r=") + this.iPrefix) + this.iID) + "&i=-1"));
public function get prBanner():DisplayObject{
return (this.iBanner);
public function CreateBanner():void{
if (this.iManager){
this.iBanner = this.iManager["prBanner"];
private function OnComplete(_arg1:Event):void{
this.iManager = this.iLoader.content;
}//package ENGINE.AD
Section 2
//OAdBanners (ENGINE.AD.OAdBanners)
package ENGINE.AD {
import flash.display.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
public class OAdBanners {
public static var iBBanner:OAdBanner;
public static var iTBanner:OAdBanner;
public static function InitTBanner(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):void{
_slot1.iTBanner = new OAdBanner(_arg1, _arg2);
public static function RemoveBBanner(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer):void{
var _local2:Sprite;
_local2 = (_slot1.iBBanner.prBanner as Sprite);
if (((_local2) && (_arg1.contains(_local2)))){
public static function AddBBanner(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:int=0, _arg5:int=0):void{
var _local6:Sprite;
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:Number;
var _local9:Number;
var _local10:Number;
_local6 = (_slot1.iBBanner.prBanner as Sprite);
if (!_local6){
_local7 = OGlobal.ToGlobal(_arg2);
_local8 = OGlobal.ToGlobal(_arg3);
_local9 = OGlobal.ToGlobal(_arg4);
_local10 = OGlobal.ToGlobal(_arg5);
_local6.x = Math.floor((_local7 + ((_local9 - _local6.width) / 2)));
_local6.y = Math.floor((_local8 + ((_local10 - _local6.height) / 2)));
public static function RemoveTBanner(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer):void{
var _local2:Sprite;
_local2 = (_slot1.iTBanner.prBanner as Sprite);
if (((_local2) && (_arg1.contains(_local2)))){
public static function InitBBanner(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):void{
_slot1.iBBanner = new OAdBanner(_arg1, _arg2);
public static function AddTBanner(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:int=0, _arg5:int=0):void{
var _local6:Sprite;
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:Number;
var _local9:Number;
var _local10:Number;
_local6 = (_slot1.iTBanner.prBanner as Sprite);
if (!_local6){
_local7 = OGlobal.ToGlobal(_arg2);
_local8 = OGlobal.ToGlobal(_arg3);
_local9 = OGlobal.ToGlobal(_arg4);
_local10 = OGlobal.ToGlobal(_arg5);
_local6.x = Math.floor((_local7 + ((_local9 - _local6.width) / 2)));
_local6.y = Math.floor((_local8 + ((_local10 - _local6.height) / 2)));
}//package ENGINE.AD
Section 3
//OCache (ENGINE.CORE.OCache)
package ENGINE.CORE {
import flash.utils.*;
public dynamic class OCache {
public function Pack():ByteArray{
var _local1:ByteArray;
_local1 = new ByteArray();
return (_local1);
public function AddCategoryArr(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):Array{
var _local3:OCache;
_local3 = ((this[_arg1])==undefined) ? AddCategory(_arg1) : this[_arg1];
return (_local3.AddArr(_arg2));
public function GetArrItem(_arg1:String, _arg2:int){
if ((((this[_arg1] == undefined)) || ((this[_arg1][_arg2] == undefined)))){
return (null);
return (this[_arg1][_arg2]);
public function DeleteArrItem(_arg1:String, _arg2:int):void{
if (this[_arg1] == undefined){
this[_arg1].splice(_arg2, 1);
public function IsCategoryArrItem(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:int):Boolean{
if (this[_arg1] == undefined){
return (false);
return (this[_arg1].IsArrItem(_arg2, _arg3));
public function GetCategoryItem(_arg1:String, _arg2:String){
if (this[_arg1] == undefined){
return (null);
return (this[_arg1].GetItem(_arg2));
public function SetCategoryItem(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3):void{
if (this[_arg1] == undefined){
this[_arg1] = new OCache();
this[_arg1].SetItem(_arg2, _arg3);
public function SetCategoryArrItem(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:int, _arg4):void{
if (this[_arg1] == undefined){
this[_arg1] = new OCache();
this[_arg1].SetArrItem(_arg2, _arg3, _arg4);
public function IsCategoryItem(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):Boolean{
if (this[_arg1] == undefined){
return (false);
return (this[_arg1].IsItem(_arg2));
public function DeleteCategoryItem(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):void{
if (this[_arg1] == undefined){
public function AddCategory(_arg1:String):OCache{
this[_arg1] = new OCache();
return (this[_arg1]);
public function GetCategoryArrItem(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:int){
if (this[_arg1] == undefined){
return (null);
return (GetArrItem(_arg2, _arg3));
public function GetCategoryNames(_arg1:String):Array{
var _local2:Array;
var _local3:String;
if (this[_arg1] == undefined){
return (null);
_local2 = new Array();
for (_local3 in this[_arg1]) {
return ((_local2.length) ? _local2.sort() : null);
public function AddArr(_arg1:String):Array{
this[_arg1] = new Array();
return (this[_arg1]);
public function GetItem(_arg1:String){
if (this[_arg1] == undefined){
return (null);
return (this[_arg1]);
public function IsArrItem(_arg1:String, _arg2:int):Boolean{
return (((!((this[_arg1] == undefined))) && (!((this[_arg1][_arg2] == undefined)))));
public function DeleteCategoryArrItem(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:int):void{
if (this[_arg1] == undefined){
this[_arg1].DeleteArrItem(_arg2, _arg3);
public function Clear():void{
var _local1:String;
for (_local1 in this) {
delete this[_local1];
public function SetArrItem(_arg1:String, _arg2:int, _arg3):void{
if (this[_arg1] == undefined){
this[_arg1] = new Array();
this[_arg1][_arg2] = _arg3;
public function SetItem(_arg1:String, _arg2):void{
this[_arg1] = _arg2;
public function GetNames():Array{
var _local1:Array;
var _local2:String;
_local1 = new Array();
for (_local2 in this) {
return ((_local1.length) ? _local1.sort() : null);
public function IsItem(_arg1:String):Boolean{
return (!((this[_arg1] == undefined)));
public function DeleteItem(_arg1:String):void{
if (this[_arg1] == undefined){
delete this[_arg1];
}//package ENGINE.CORE
Section 4
//OGlobal (ENGINE.CORE.OGlobal)
package ENGINE.CORE {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class OGlobal {
private static var iFPS:int = 60;
private static var iDomain:String;
private static var iSRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle();
private static var iVRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 800, 600);
private static var iStage:Stage;
private static var iScale:Number = 1;
private static var iAppName:String;
private static var iOldScale:Number = 1;
public static function get FPS():int{
return (OGlobal.iFPS);
public static function CheckDomain(_arg1:String):Boolean{
var _local2:int;
_local2 = OGlobal.iDomain.indexOf(_arg1);
return ((((_local2 >= 0)) && ((_local2 <= 4))));
public static function ToLocal(_arg1:Number):Number{
return ((_arg1 / OGlobal.iScale));
public static function set FPS(_arg1:int):void{
OGlobal.iFPS = _arg1;
if (OGlobal.iStage){
OGlobal.iStage.frameRate = _arg1;
public static function Rescale(_arg1:Sprite, _arg2:Boolean=true):void{
var _local3:Number;
_local3 = (((OGlobal.iStage.stageWidth / OGlobal.iStage.stageHeight))<=(800 / 600)) ? (OGlobal.iStage.stageWidth / 800) : (OGlobal.iStage.stageHeight / 600);
OGlobal.iSRect.x = 0;
OGlobal.iSRect.y = 0;
OGlobal.iSRect.width = OGlobal.iStage.stageWidth;
OGlobal.iSRect.height = OGlobal.iStage.stageHeight;
OGlobal.iVRect.width = Math.round((800 * _local3));
OGlobal.iVRect.height = Math.round((600 * _local3));
OGlobal.iVRect.x = Math.floor(((OGlobal.iStage.stageWidth - OGlobal.iVRect.width) / 2));
OGlobal.iVRect.y = Math.floor(((OGlobal.iStage.stageHeight - OGlobal.iVRect.height) / 2));
if (_arg2){
_arg1.x = OGlobal.iVRect.x;
_arg1.y = OGlobal.iVRect.y;
OGlobal.iScale = _local3;
public static function get prStage():Stage{
return (OGlobal.iStage);
public static function ClearScale():void{
OGlobal.iOldScale = OGlobal.iScale;
OGlobal.iScale = 1;
OGlobal.iVRect = OGlobal.iSRect.clone();
public static function ToGlobal(_arg1:Number):Number{
return ((_arg1 * OGlobal.iScale));
public static function set AppName(_arg1:String):void{
OGlobal.iAppName = ("WellGames_" + _arg1);
public static function get Domain():String{
return (OGlobal.iDomain);
public static function SetDomain():void{
var _local1:LocalConnection;
_local1 = new LocalConnection();
OGlobal.iDomain = _local1.domain;
public static function get StageRect():Rectangle{
return (OGlobal.iSRect);
public static function ScaleFloor(_arg1:Number):Number{
return ((Math.floor((_arg1 * OGlobal.iScale)) / OGlobal.iScale));
public static function get Scale():Number{
return (OGlobal.iScale);
public static function get ViewporRect():Rectangle{
return (OGlobal.iVRect);
public static function get AppName():String{
return (OGlobal.iAppName);
public static function set prStage(_arg1:Stage):void{
OGlobal.iStage = _arg1;
public static function RestoreScale():void{
OGlobal.iScale = OGlobal.iOldScale;
public static function ScaleMod(_arg1:Number):Number{
var _local2:Number;
_local2 = (_arg1 * OGlobal.iScale);
return (((_local2 - Math.floor(_local2)) / OGlobal.iScale));
}//package ENGINE.CORE
Section 5
//ORandomInt (ENGINE.CORE.ORandomInt)
package ENGINE.CORE {
import flash.utils.*;
public class ORandomInt {
private var iNextRandom:int;
public function ORandomInt(){
iNextRandom = getTimer();
public function RandNumber():Number{
var _local1:Number;
_local1 = Rand();
return ((_local1 / 32767));
public function Rand():int{
iNextRandom = ((iNextRandom * 1103515245) + 12345);
return (((iNextRandom >> 16) & 32767));
public function get NextRandom():int{
return (this.iNextRandom);
public function RandOnInterval(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:Number=1):int{
return ((_arg1 + (Rand() % ((1 + _arg2) - _arg1))));
public function RandVal(_arg1:int):int{
var _local2:Number;
_local2 = Rand();
return ((_local2 % _arg1));
public function SeedRand(_arg1:int=0):void{
if (_arg1 == 0){
iNextRandom = getTimer();
} else {
iNextRandom = _arg1;
}//package ENGINE.CORE
Section 6
//OSound (ENGINE.CORE.OSound)
package ENGINE.CORE {
import flash.utils.*;
public class OSound {
private static var iMusicInd:int = 0;
private static var iSoundsObjects:Array;
private static var iSounds:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true);
private static var iMusicPlayList:Array = new Array();
private static var iSoundVolume:Number = 1;
private static var iMusicChannel:SoundChannel;
private static var iMusicVolume:Number = 1;
private static var iMusic:Sound;
public static function PlaySoundInd(_arg1:int, _arg2:Number=0):Boolean{
if (OSound.iSoundVolume == 0){
return (false);
_arg1 = Math.max(_arg1, 0);
_arg1 = Math.min(_arg1, (OSound.iSoundsObjects.length - 1));
return (OSound.PlaySound(OSound.iSoundsObjects[_arg1], _arg2));
public static function set MusicVolume(_arg1:Number):void{
var _local2:SoundTransform;
OSound.iMusicVolume = _arg1;
if (OSound.iMusicChannel){
if (_arg1 == 0){
} else {
_local2 = OSound.iMusicChannel.soundTransform;
_local2.volume = _arg1;
OSound.iMusicChannel.soundTransform = _local2;
} else {
if (OSound.iMusicVolume > 0){
private static function OnMusicLoadComplete(_arg1:Event):void{
if (OSound.iMusicVolume == 0){
OSound.iMusicChannel =, 0, new SoundTransform(OSound.iMusicVolume, 0));
OSound.iMusicChannel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, OnMusicComplete);
public static function set SoundVolume(_arg1:Number):void{
OSound.iSoundVolume = _arg1;
private static function OnMusicLoadIOError(_arg1:Event):void{
OSound.iMusicPlayList.splice(OSound.iMusicInd, 1);
OSound.iMusicInd = ((OSound.iMusicInd > (OSound.iMusicPlayList.length - 1))) ? (OSound.iMusicPlayList.length - 1) : OSound.iMusicInd;
private static function OnMusicComplete(_arg1:Event):void{
public static function PlaySound(_arg1:Class, _arg2:Number=0):Boolean{
var _local3:Sound;
if (OSound.iSoundVolume == 0){
return (false);
_local3 = OSound.iSounds[_arg1];
if (_local3 != null){, 0, new SoundTransform(OSound.iSoundVolume, _arg2));
return (!((_local3 == null)));
private static function RemoveMusic():void{
if (OSound.iMusic){
OSound.iMusic.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, OSound.OnMusicLoadComplete);
OSound.iMusic.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, OSound.OnMusicLoadIOError);
OSound.iMusic = null;
public static function StopMusic():void{
if (OSound.iMusicChannel){
OSound.iMusicChannel.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, OnMusicComplete);
OSound.iMusicChannel = null;
public static function get SoundVolume():Number{
return (OSound.iSoundVolume);
public static function PlayListClear():void{
OSound.iMusicPlayList = new Array();
public static function PlayListAdd(_arg1:String):void{
OSound.iMusicInd = (OSound.iMusicPlayList.length - 1);
public static function PlayMusic():void{
var _local1:URLRequest;
if ((((OSound.iMusicVolume == 0)) || (!(OSound.iMusicPlayList.length)))){
OSound.iMusicInd = ((OSound.iMusicInd + 1) % OSound.iMusicPlayList.length);
_local1 = new URLRequest(OSound.iMusicPlayList[OSound.iMusicInd]);
OSound.iMusic = new Sound();
OSound.iMusic.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, OSound.OnMusicLoadComplete);
OSound.iMusic.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, OSound.OnMusicLoadIOError);
public static function RegisterEmbedSounds(_arg1:Array):Boolean{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:Sound;
OSound.iSoundsObjects = _arg1;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _arg1.length) {
_local3 = (new (_arg1[_local2]) as Sound);
OSound.iSounds[_arg1[_local2]] = _local3;
return (true);
public static function PlaySoundRandom(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:int=0, _arg3:int=-1):Boolean{
var _local4:int;
if (OSound.iSoundVolume == 0){
return (false);
_arg2 = Math.max(_arg2, 0);
_arg2 = Math.min(_arg2, (OSound.iSoundsObjects.length - 1));
if (_arg3 < 0){
_arg3 = (OSound.iSoundsObjects.length - 1);
_arg3 = Math.max(_arg3, 0);
_arg3 = Math.min(_arg3, (OSound.iSoundsObjects.length - 1));
_local4 = OUtils.Random(_arg2, _arg3);
return (OSound.PlaySound(OSound.iSoundsObjects[_local4], _arg1));
public static function get MusicVolume():Number{
return (OSound.iMusicVolume);
}//package ENGINE.CORE
Section 7
//OSystem (ENGINE.CORE.OSystem)
package ENGINE.CORE {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.system.*;
public class OSystem extends Sprite {
private var iLastTime:int;
private var iCount:int;
private var iText:TextField;
private var iSTimer:String;
public static var iUserText1:String = "";
public static var iUserText:String = "";
public static var iUserText2:String = "";
public function OSystem(){
this.iText = new TextField();
this.iText.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
this.iText.mouseEnabled = false;
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, OnEnterFrame);
this.iLastTime = getTimer();
this.iSTimer = "";
public function OnEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:uint;
var _local3:int;
_local2 = System.totalMemory;
_local3 = (getTimer() - this.iLastTime);
if (_local3 >= 1000){
this.iSTimer = String((Math.round(((_local3 / this.iCount) * 100)) / 100));
this.iLastTime = getTimer();
this.iCount = 0;
iText.text = ((((((((((_local2.toString() + " ") + this.iSTimer) + " ") + OGlobal.prStage.frameRate) + " | ") + OSystem.iUserText) + " ") + OSystem.iUserText1) + " ") + OSystem.iUserText2);
}//package ENGINE.CORE
Section 8
//OUtils (ENGINE.CORE.OUtils)
package ENGINE.CORE {
import flash.geom.*;
public class OUtils {
public static function AddZero(_arg1:String, _arg2:int):String{
var _local3:String;
var _local4:int;
_local3 = "";
_local4 = _arg1.length;
while (_local4 < _arg2) {
_local3 = (_local3 + "0");
_local3 = (_local3 + _arg1);
return (_local3);
public static function Random(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Number{
return ((_arg1 + ((_arg2 - _arg1) * Math.random())));
public static function StringToTarget(_arg1:Class, _arg2:int, _arg3:String, _arg4:String, _arg5:int):String{
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Rectangle;
var _local8:String;
var _local9:String;
var _local10:int;
_local6 = Math.round((1 + (_arg2 / 70)));
_local8 = ((_arg4)==null) ? "" : ((" (" + _arg4) + ")");
_local9 = (_arg3 + _local8);
_local7 = ODisplay.TextRect(_arg1, _arg2, _local6, _local9);
if (_local7.width <= _arg5){
return (_local9);
_local8 = ("..." + _local8);
_local10 = (_arg3.length - 1);
while (_local10 > 0) {
_local9 = (_arg3.substr(0, _local10) + _local8);
_local7 = ODisplay.TextRect(_arg1, _arg2, _local6, _local9);
if (_local7.width <= _arg5){
return (_local9);
return ((_arg3.substr(0, 1) + _local8));
public static function ClearString(_arg1:String):String{
var _local2:String;
var _local3:String;
var _local4:int;
_local2 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 ";
_local3 = "";
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _arg1.length) {
if (_local2.indexOf(_arg1.charAt(_local4)) > -1){
_local3 = (_local3 + _arg1.charAt(_local4));
return (_local3);
}//package ENGINE.CORE
Section 9
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
public class OEffect {
protected var iColors:OCache;
protected var iFilters:OCache;
public function OEffect(){
this.iColors = new OCache();
this.iFilters = new OCache();
public function RegisterColor(_arg1:String, _arg2):void{
this.iColors.SetItem(_arg1, _arg2);
public function Init(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number=1):void{
public function RegisterFilter(_arg1:String, _arg2):void{
this.iFilters.SetItem(_arg1, _arg2);
public function Apply(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Number=0, _arg4:Number=0):OBM{
return (null);
Section 10
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
public class OEffects {
private static var iEffects:OCache = new OCache();
public static function RegisterColor(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3):void{
var _local4:OEffect;
_local4 = iEffects.GetItem(_arg1);
if (_local4 == null){
_local4.RegisterColor(_arg2, _arg3);
public static function RegisterEffect(_arg1:String, _arg2:OEffect):void{
iEffects.SetItem(_arg1, _arg2);
public static function Make(_arg1:Array):OBM{
var _local2:OEffect;
_local2 = iEffects.GetItem(_arg1[3]);
if (_local2 == null){
return (null);
_local2.Init(_arg1[4], _arg1[5], _arg1[6]);
return (_local2.Apply(_arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[7], _arg1[8]));
public static function GetEffect(_arg1:String):OEffect{
return (iEffects.GetItem(_arg1));
public static function RegisterFilter(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3):void{
var _local4:OEffect;
_local4 = iEffects.GetItem(_arg1);
if (_local4 == null){
_local4.RegisterFilter(_arg2, _arg3);
public static function Apply(_arg1, _arg2:Number, _arg3:String, _arg4:String, _arg5:String, _arg6:Number=1, _arg7:Number=0, _arg8:Number=0):OBM{
var _local9:OEffect;
_local9 = iEffects.GetItem(_arg3);
if (_local9 == null){
return (null);
_local9.Init(_arg4, _arg5, _arg6);
return (_local9.Apply([ODisplay.SpriteLib, _arg1], _arg2, _arg7, _arg8));
Section 11
//IDisplayObject (ENGINE.DISPLAY.IDisplayObject)
public interface IDisplayObject {
function set prVisible(_arg1:Boolean):void;
function get prWidth():Number;
function get prHeight():Number;
function set prX(_arg1:Number):void;
function set prY(_arg1:Number):void;
function get prVisible():Boolean;
function Move(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void;
function Pos(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void;
function get prX():Number;
function get prY():Number;
Section 12
//OBitmap (ENGINE.DISPLAY.OBitmap)
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.text.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
public class OBitmap extends Bitmap implements IDisplayObject {
protected var iY:Number;// = 0
protected var iX:Number;// = 0
protected var iOBM:OBM;// = null
public function OBitmap(_arg1:OBM=null, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){
iX = 0;
iY = 0;
iOBM = null;
this.iX = _arg2;
this.iY = _arg3;
public function get prVisible():Boolean{
return (this.visible);
public function set prX(_arg1:Number):void{
this.iX = _arg1;
Pos(this.iX, this.iY);
public function Clear():void{
public function set prOBM(_arg1:OBM):void{
public function Pos(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
this.iX = _arg1;
this.iY = _arg2;
if (this.iOBM){
this.x = ((this.iX * OGlobal.Scale) + this.iOBM.iX);
this.y = ((this.iY * OGlobal.Scale) + this.iOBM.iY);
} else {
this.x = (this.iX * OGlobal.Scale);
this.y = (this.iY * OGlobal.Scale);
public function set prY(_arg1:Number):void{
this.iY = _arg1;
Pos(this.iX, this.iY);
public function Init(_arg1:OBM):void{
this.iOBM = _arg1;
this.bitmapData = (_arg1) ? _arg1.iBM : null;
this.Pos(this.iX, this.iY);
public function set prVisible(_arg1:Boolean):void{
this.visible = _arg1;
public function Clone():OBitmap{
return (new OBitmap(this.iOBM.Clone(), this.iX, this.iY));
public function get prX():Number{
return (this.iX);
public function get prY():Number{
return (this.iY);
public function get prOBM():OBM{
return (this.iOBM);
public function get prHeight():Number{
return ((this.iOBM) ? (this.iOBM.iHeight / OGlobal.Scale) : 0);
public function get prWidth():Number{
return ((this.iOBM) ? (this.iOBM.iWidth / OGlobal.Scale) : 0);
public function CopyFrom(_arg1:OBitmap):void{
this.iX = _arg1.iX;
this.iY = _arg1.iY;
public function Move(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
Pos((this.iX + _arg1), (this.iY + _arg2));
public static function MakeEffectFromListP(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
var _local2:Sprite;
var _local3:Sprite;
_local2 = ((_arg1[1] is Sprite)) ? (_arg1[1] as Sprite) : new ((_arg1[1] as Class));
_local3 = (_local2.getChildAt(_arg1[2]) as Sprite);
return (OBitmap.MakeEffect(_local3, _arg1[3], _arg1[4], _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], _local3.x, _local3.y));
public static function MakeEffectP(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
return (OBitmap.MakeEffect(_arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3], _arg1[4], _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], _arg1[8]));
public static function MakeEffectTextInRectP(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
var _local2:Sprite;
var _local3:Rectangle;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:TextField;
var _local7:TextFormat;
_local2 = ((_arg1[1] is Sprite)) ? (_arg1[1] as Sprite) : new ((_arg1[1] as Class));
if ((_local2.getChildAt(0) is TextField)){
_local6 = (_local2.getChildAt(0) as TextField);
_local6.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
_local6.text = _arg1[4];
_local7 = _local6.defaultTextFormat;
_local7.size = _arg1[2];
_local7.letterSpacing = _arg1[3];
} else {
return (null);
_local3 = _local2.getBounds(_local2);
_local4 = ((_arg1[9] - _local3.width) / 2);
_local5 = ((_arg1[10] - _local3.height) / 2);
return (OBitmap.MakeEffect(_local2, 1, _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], _arg1[8], (_arg1[11] + _local4), (_arg1[12] + _local5)));
public static function MakeEffectTextP(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
var _local2:Sprite;
var _local3:TextField;
var _local4:TextFormat;
_local2 = ((_arg1[1] is Sprite)) ? (_arg1[1] as Sprite) : new ((_arg1[1] as Class));
if ((_local2.getChildAt(0) is TextField)){
_local3 = (_local2.getChildAt(0) as TextField);
_local3.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
_local3.text = _arg1[4];
_local4 = _local3.defaultTextFormat;
_local4.size = _arg1[2];
_local4.letterSpacing = _arg1[3];
} else {
return (null);
return (OBitmap.MakeEffect(_local2, 1, _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], _arg1[8], _arg1[9], _arg1[10]));
public static function MakeRoundRectBorderEffectP(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
var _local2:Sprite;
_local2 = new Sprite();;, 0, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3]);[4], _arg1[4], (_arg1[1] - (_arg1[4] * 2)), (_arg1[2] - (_arg1[4] * 2)), (_arg1[3] - _arg1[4]));
return (OBitmap.MakeEffect(_local2, 1, _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], _arg1[8], _arg1[9], _arg1[10]));
public static function MakeEffectInRectP(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Sprite;
var _local4:Rectangle;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:Number;
_local2 = Math.min(_arg1[7], _arg1[8]);
_local3 = ((_arg1[1] is Sprite)) ? (_arg1[1] as Sprite) : new ((_arg1[1] as Class));
_local4 = _local3.getBounds(_local3);
_local5 = Math.max(_local4.width, _local4.height);
_local6 = ((_local2 / _local5) * _arg1[2]);
_local7 = ((_arg1[7] - (_local4.width * _local6)) / 2);
_local8 = ((_arg1[8] - (_local4.height * _local6)) / 2);
return (OBitmap.MakeEffect(_local3, _local6, _arg1[3], _arg1[4], _arg1[5], _arg1[6], (_arg1[9] + _local7), (_arg1[10] + _local8)));
public static function MakeTmp(_arg1, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Number=0, _arg4:Number=0, _arg5:Number=0):OBitmap{
var _local6:OBM;
_local6 = OBM.Make([null, [ODisplay.SpriteLib, _arg1], _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5]);
return (new OBitmap(_local6, _arg3, _arg4));
public static function MakeP(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
return (OBitmap.MakeTmp(_arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3], _arg1[4]));
public static function MakeRoundRectEffectP(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
var _local2:Sprite;
_local2 = new Sprite();;, 0, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3]);
return (OBitmap.MakeEffect(_local2, 1, _arg1[4], _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], _arg1[8], _arg1[9]));
public static function Make(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
return (new OBitmap(_arg1[1][0](_arg1[1]), _arg1[2], _arg1[3]));
public static function MakeEffect(_arg1, _arg2:Number, _arg3:String, _arg4:String, _arg5:String, _arg6:Number=1, _arg7:Number=0, _arg8:Number=0):OBitmap{
var _local9:OBM;
_local9 = OEffects.Apply(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7, _arg8);
return (new OBitmap(_local9, _arg7, _arg8));
Section 13
//OBitmapData (ENGINE.DISPLAY.OBitmapData)
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.filters.*;
public class OBitmapData extends BitmapData {
public function OBitmapData(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:uint){
super(_arg1, _arg2, true, _arg3);
public function AddBagels(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number):void{
var _local3:int;
var _local4:Boolean;
var _local5:uint;
var _local6:uint;
var _local7:int;
var _local8:int;
var _local9:Point;
var _local10:Rectangle;
var _local11:OBitmapData;
var _local12:OBitmapData;
var _local13:OBitmapData;
var _local14:OBitmapData;
var _local15:int;
var _local16:int;
_local3 = _arg1[0];
_local4 = _arg1[1];
_local5 = _arg1[2];
_local6 = _arg1[3];
_local7 = _arg1[4];
_local8 = _arg1[5];
_local9 = new Point();
_local10 = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
_local11 = new OBitmapData(width, height, _local5);
_local12 = new OBitmapData(width, height, _local6);
_local13 = new OBitmapData(width, height, 4278190080);
_local14 = new OBitmapData(width, height, 4278190080);
_local13.noise(_local3, 0, 0xFF, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local13.Normalize(254, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local15 = 0;
while (_local15 < _local7) {
_local13.Normalize(0, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local16 = (2 * _local7);
_local15 = 0;
while (_local15 < _local16) {
_local14.noise(_local3, 0, 0xFF, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local14.Normalize(254, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local15 = 0;
while (_local15 < _local8) {
_local14.Normalize(0, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local16 = (2 * _local8);
_local15 = 0;
while (_local15 < 2) {
_local14.draw(_local14, null, null, BlendMode.INVERT);
_local13.draw(_local14, null, null, BlendMode.MULTIPLY);
_local12.copyChannel(_local13, _local10, _local9, BitmapDataChannel.RED, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA);
_local11.AddLayer(_local12, (_local6 / 4294967295));
AddLayer(_local11, _arg2);
public function AddSky(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number):void{
var _local3:int;
var _local4:Boolean;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:int;
var _local7:int;
var _local8:uint;
var _local9:uint;
var _local10:uint;
var _local11:Boolean;
var _local12:Point;
var _local13:Rectangle;
var _local14:OBitmapData;
var _local15:OBitmapData;
var _local16:OBitmapData;
var _local17:OBitmapData;
var _local18:OBitmapData;
_local3 = _arg1[0];
_local4 = _arg1[1];
_local5 = _arg1[2];
_local6 = _arg1[3];
_local7 = _arg1[4];
_local8 = _arg1[5];
_local9 = _arg1[6];
_local10 = _arg1[7];
_local11 = _arg1[8];
_local12 = new Point();
_local13 = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
_local14 = new OBitmapData(width, height, _local8);
_local15 = new OBitmapData(width, height, _local9);
_local16 = new OBitmapData(width, height, _local10);
_local17 = new OBitmapData(width, height, 4278190080);
_local18 = new OBitmapData(width, height, 4278190080);
_local18.noise(_local3, 0, 0xFF, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local18.Normalize(254, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
if (_local11){
_local18.Normalize(0, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local16.copyChannel(_local18, _local13, _local12, BitmapDataChannel.RED, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA);
_local14.AddLayer(_local16, (_local10 / 4294967295));
_local17.perlinNoise(_local5, _local6, _local7, _local3, _local4, true, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local15.copyChannel(_local17, _local13, _local12, BitmapDataChannel.RED, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA);
_local14.AddLayer(_local15, (_local9 / 4294967295));
AddLayer(_local14, _arg2);
public function AddSands(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number):void{
var _local3:int;
var _local4:Boolean;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:int;
var _local7:int;
var _local8:uint;
var _local9:uint;
var _local10:uint;
var _local11:Point;
var _local12:Rectangle;
var _local13:OBitmapData;
var _local14:OBitmapData;
var _local15:OBitmapData;
var _local16:OBitmapData;
var _local17:OBitmapData;
_local3 = _arg1[0];
_local4 = _arg1[1];
_local5 = _arg1[2];
_local6 = _arg1[3];
_local7 = _arg1[4];
_local8 = _arg1[5];
_local9 = _arg1[6];
_local10 = _arg1[7];
_local11 = new Point();
_local12 = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
_local13 = new OBitmapData(width, height, _local8);
_local14 = new OBitmapData(width, height, _local9);
_local15 = new OBitmapData(width, height, _local10);
_local16 = new OBitmapData(width, height, 4278190080);
_local17 = new OBitmapData(width, height, 4278190080);
_local16.perlinNoise(_local5, _local6, _local7, _local3, _local4, true, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local14.copyChannel(_local16, _local12, _local11, BitmapDataChannel.RED, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA);
_local13.AddLayer(_local14, (_local9 / 4294967295));
_local17.noise(_local3, 0, 0xFF, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local15.copyChannel(_local17, _local12, _local11, BitmapDataChannel.RED, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA);
_local13.AddLayer(_local15, (_local10 / 4294967295));
AddLayer(_local13, _arg2);
public function AddMarble(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number):void{
var _local3:int;
var _local4:Boolean;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:int;
var _local7:int;
var _local8:uint;
var _local9:uint;
var _local10:uint;
var _local11:uint;
var _local12:uint;
var _local13:Point;
var _local14:Rectangle;
var _local15:OBitmapData;
var _local16:OBitmapData;
var _local17:OBitmapData;
var _local18:OBitmapData;
var _local19:OBitmapData;
var _local20:OBitmapData;
var _local21:OBitmapData;
var _local22:OBitmapData;
var _local23:OBitmapData;
var _local24:OBitmapData;
_local3 = _arg1[0];
_local4 = _arg1[1];
_local5 = _arg1[2];
_local6 = _arg1[3];
_local7 = _arg1[4];
_local8 = _arg1[5];
_local9 = _arg1[6];
_local10 = _arg1[7];
_local11 = _arg1[8];
_local12 = _arg1[9];
_local13 = new Point();
_local14 = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
_local15 = new OBitmapData(width, height, _local8);
_local16 = new OBitmapData(width, height, _local9);
_local17 = new OBitmapData(width, height, _local10);
_local18 = new OBitmapData(width, height, _local11);
_local19 = new OBitmapData(width, height, _local12);
_local20 = new OBitmapData(width, height, 4278190080);
_local21 = new OBitmapData(width, height, 4278190080);
_local22 = new OBitmapData(width, height, 4278190080);
_local23 = new OBitmapData(width, height, 4278190080);
_local24 = new OBitmapData(width, height, 4278190080);
_local20.perlinNoise(_local5, _local6, _local7, _local3, _local4, true, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local16.copyChannel(_local20, _local14, _local13, BitmapDataChannel.RED, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA);
_local15.AddLayer(_local16, (_local9 / 4294967295));
_local21.copyChannel(_local20, _local14, _local13, BitmapDataChannel.RED, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local21.Normalize(127, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local22.copyChannel(_local20, _local14, _local13, BitmapDataChannel.RED, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local22.Normalize(127, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local22.draw(_local21, null, null, BlendMode.ADD);
_local17.copyChannel(_local22, _local14, _local13, BitmapDataChannel.RED, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA);
_local15.AddLayer(_local17, (_local10 / 4294967295));
_local23.copyChannel(_local20, _local14, _local13, BitmapDataChannel.RED, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local18.copyChannel(_local23, _local14, _local13, BitmapDataChannel.RED, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA);
_local15.AddLayer(_local18, (_local11 / 4294967295));
_local24.copyChannel(_local20, _local14, _local13, BitmapDataChannel.RED, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local19.copyChannel(_local24, _local14, _local13, BitmapDataChannel.RED, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA);
_local15.AddLayer(_local19, (_local12 / 4294967295));
AddLayer(_local15, _arg2);
public function Sharpen():void{
var _local1:uint;
var _local2:Point;
var _local3:Rectangle;
var _local4:Array;
var _local5:ConvolutionFilter;
_local1 = 20;
_local2 = new Point();
_local3 = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
_local4 = [0, -1, 0, -1, _local1, -1, 0, -1, 0];
_local5 = new ConvolutionFilter(3, 3, _local4, (_local1 - 4));
applyFilter(this, _local3, _local2, _local5);
public function DetectEdges(_arg1:uint):void{
var _local2:uint;
var _local3:Point;
var _local4:Rectangle;
var _local5:Array;
var _local6:ConvolutionFilter;
_local2 = 30;
_local3 = new Point();
_local4 = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
_local5 = new Array();
switch (_arg1){
case 0:
_local5 = [_local2, _local2, _local2, -(_local2), -(_local2), -(_local2), 0, 0, 0];
case 1:
_local5 = [-(_local2), _local2, _local2, 0, -(_local2), _local2, 0, 0, -(_local2)];
case 2:
_local5 = [0, -(_local2), _local2, 0, -(_local2), _local2, 0, -(_local2), _local2];
case 3:
_local5 = [0, 0, -(_local2), 0, -(_local2), _local2, -(_local2), _local2, _local2];
case 4:
_local5 = [0, 0, 0, -(_local2), -(_local2), -(_local2), _local2, _local2, _local2];
case 5:
_local5 = [-(_local2), 0, 0, _local2, -(_local2), 0, _local2, _local2, -(_local2)];
case 6:
_local5 = [_local2, -(_local2), 0, _local2, -(_local2), 0, _local2, -(_local2), 0];
case 7:
_local5 = [_local2, _local2, -(_local2), _local2, -(_local2), 0, -(_local2), 0, 0];
_local6 = new ConvolutionFilter(3, 3, _local5, 3);
applyFilter(this, _local4, _local3, _local6);
public function AddGrades(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number):void{
var _local3:int;
var _local4:Boolean;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:int;
var _local7:int;
var _local8:int;
var _local9:uint;
var _local10:uint;
var _local11:int;
var _local12:Point;
var _local13:Rectangle;
var _local14:OBitmapData;
var _local15:OBitmapData;
var _local16:OBitmapData;
var _local17:OBitmapData;
var _local18:uint;
var _local19:Number;
var _local20:int;
_local3 = _arg1[0];
_local4 = _arg1[1];
_local5 = _arg1[2];
_local6 = _arg1[3];
_local7 = _arg1[4];
_local8 = _arg1[5];
_local9 = _arg1[6];
_local10 = _arg1[7];
_local11 = _arg1[8];
_local12 = new Point();
_local13 = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
_local14 = new OBitmapData(width, height, _local9);
_local15 = new OBitmapData(width, height, _local10);
_local16 = new OBitmapData(width, height, 4278190080);
_local17 = new OBitmapData(width, height, 4278190080);
_local16.perlinNoise(_local5, _local6, _local7, _local3, _local4, true, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local18 = (0xFF / _local8);
_local19 = ((_local10 / 4294967295) / _local8);
_local20 = 0;
while (_local20 < _local8) {
_local17.copyChannel(_local16, _local13, _local12, BitmapDataChannel.RED, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local17.Normalize((_local20 * _local18), BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local15.copyChannel(_local17, _local13, _local12, BitmapDataChannel.RED, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA);
_local14.AddLayer(_local15, (_local20 * _local19));
_local20 = 0;
while (_local20 < _local11) {
AddLayer(_local14, _arg2);
public function Normalize(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint):void{
var _local3:Rectangle;
var _local4:ColorTransform;
var _local5:ColorTransform;
_local3 = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
_local4 = new ColorTransform();
_local5 = new ColorTransform();
if ((_arg2 & BitmapDataChannel.RED)){
_local4.redOffset = -(_arg1);
_local5.redMultiplier = 127;
if ((_arg2 & BitmapDataChannel.GREEN)){
_local4.greenOffset = -(_arg1);
_local5.greenMultiplier = 127;
if ((_arg2 & BitmapDataChannel.BLUE)){
_local4.blueOffset = -(_arg1);
_local5.blueMultiplier = 127;
if ((_arg2 & BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA)){
_local4.alphaOffset = -(_arg1);
_local5.alphaMultiplier = 127;
colorTransform(_local3, _local4);
colorTransform(_local3, _local5);
colorTransform(_local3, _local5);
public function Grayscale():void{
var _local1:OBitmapData;
var _local2:OBitmapData;
var _local3:OBitmapData;
var _local4:OBitmapData;
var _local5:Point;
var _local6:Rectangle;
var _local7:ColorTransform;
_local1 = new OBitmapData(width, height, 4278190080);
_local2 = new OBitmapData(width, height, 4278190080);
_local3 = new OBitmapData(width, height, 4278190080);
_local4 = new OBitmapData(width, height, 4278190080);
_local5 = new Point();
_local6 = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
_local7 = new ColorTransform((1 / 3), (1 / 3), (1 / 3));
_local1.copyChannel(this, _local6, _local5, BitmapDataChannel.RED, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local1.colorTransform(_local6, _local7);
_local1.copyChannel(_local1, _local6, _local5, BitmapDataChannel.RED, BitmapDataChannel.GREEN);
_local1.copyChannel(_local1, _local6, _local5, BitmapDataChannel.RED, BitmapDataChannel.BLUE);
_local2.copyChannel(this, _local6, _local5, BitmapDataChannel.GREEN, BitmapDataChannel.GREEN);
_local2.colorTransform(_local6, _local7);
_local2.copyChannel(_local2, _local6, _local5, BitmapDataChannel.GREEN, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local2.copyChannel(_local2, _local6, _local5, BitmapDataChannel.GREEN, BitmapDataChannel.BLUE);
_local3.copyChannel(this, _local6, _local5, BitmapDataChannel.BLUE, BitmapDataChannel.BLUE);
_local3.colorTransform(_local6, _local7);
_local3.copyChannel(_local3, _local6, _local5, BitmapDataChannel.BLUE, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local3.copyChannel(_local3, _local6, _local5, BitmapDataChannel.BLUE, BitmapDataChannel.GREEN);
_local4.draw(_local1, null, null, BlendMode.ADD);
_local4.draw(_local2, null, null, BlendMode.ADD);
_local4.draw(_local3, null, null, BlendMode.ADD);
copyPixels(_local4, _local6, _local5);
public function AddPerlin(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number):void{
var _local3:int;
var _local4:Boolean;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:int;
var _local7:int;
var _local8:uint;
var _local9:Boolean;
var _local10:Number;
var _local11:OBitmapData;
var _local12:OBitmapData;
var _local13:uint;
_local3 = _arg1[0];
_local4 = _arg1[1];
_local5 = _arg1[2];
_local6 = _arg1[3];
_local7 = _arg1[4];
_local8 = _arg1[5];
_local9 = _arg1[6];
_local10 = _arg1[7];
_local11 = new OBitmapData(width, height, _local8);
_local12 = new OBitmapData(width, height, 4278190080);
_local13 = ((BitmapDataChannel.RED | BitmapDataChannel.GREEN) | BitmapDataChannel.BLUE);
if (_local9){
_local13 = (_local13 | BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA);
_local12.perlinNoise(_local5, _local6, _local7, _local3, _local4, true, _local13);
_local11.AddLayer(_local12, _local10);
AddLayer(_local11, _arg2);
public function Soften():void{
var _local1:uint;
var _local2:Point;
var _local3:Rectangle;
var _local4:Array;
var _local5:ConvolutionFilter;
_local1 = 5;
_local2 = new Point();
_local3 = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
_local4 = [_local1, _local1, _local1, _local1, 0, _local1, _local1, _local1, _local1];
_local5 = new ConvolutionFilter(3, 3, _local4, (_local1 * 8));
applyFilter(this, _local3, _local2, _local5);
public function AddPlasma(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number):void{
var _local3:int;
var _local4:Boolean;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:int;
var _local7:int;
var _local8:uint;
var _local9:uint;
var _local10:int;
var _local11:int;
var _local12:Point;
var _local13:Rectangle;
var _local14:OBitmapData;
var _local15:OBitmapData;
var _local16:OBitmapData;
var _local17:OBitmapData;
var _local18:OBitmapData;
var _local19:OBitmapData;
var _local20:int;
_local3 = _arg1[0];
_local4 = _arg1[1];
_local5 = _arg1[2];
_local6 = _arg1[3];
_local7 = _arg1[4];
_local8 = _arg1[5];
_local9 = _arg1[6];
_local10 = _arg1[7];
_local11 = _arg1[8];
_local12 = new Point();
_local13 = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
_local14 = new OBitmapData(width, height, _local8);
_local15 = new OBitmapData(width, height, _local9);
_local16 = new OBitmapData(width, height, _local9);
_local17 = new OBitmapData(width, height, 4278190080);
_local18 = new OBitmapData(width, height, 4278190080);
_local19 = new OBitmapData(width, height, 4278190080);
_local17.perlinNoise(_local5, _local6, _local7, _local3, _local4, true, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local15.copyChannel(_local17, _local13, _local12, BitmapDataChannel.RED, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA);
_local14.AddLayer(_local15, (_local9 / 4294967295));
_local18.copyChannel(_local17, _local13, _local12, BitmapDataChannel.RED, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local18.Normalize(127, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local19.copyChannel(_local17, _local13, _local12, BitmapDataChannel.RED, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local19.Normalize(127, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local19.draw(_local18, null, null, BlendMode.ADD);
_local20 = 0;
while (_local20 < _local10) {
_local19.Normalize(0, BitmapDataChannel.RED);
_local20 = 0;
while (_local20 < _local11) {
_local16.copyChannel(_local19, _local13, _local12, BitmapDataChannel.RED, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA);
_local14.AddLayer(_local16, (_local9 / 4294967295));
AddLayer(_local14, _arg2);
public function AddLayer(_arg1:OBitmapData, _arg2:Number):void{
var _local3:ColorTransform;
_local3 = new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, _arg2);
draw(_arg1, null, _local3, BlendMode.NORMAL);
public static function GenerateMarble(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:Array):OBitmapData{
var _local4:OBitmapData;
_local4 = new OBitmapData(_arg1, _arg2, 4278190080);
_local4.AddMarble(_arg3, 1);
return (_local4);
public static function GeneratePlasma(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:Array):OBitmapData{
var _local4:OBitmapData;
_local4 = new OBitmapData(_arg1, _arg2, 4278190080);
_local4.AddPlasma(_arg3, 1);
return (_local4);
public static function GenerateGrades(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:Array):OBitmapData{
var _local4:OBitmapData;
_local4 = new OBitmapData(_arg1, _arg2, 4278190080);
_local4.AddGrades(_arg3, 1);
return (_local4);
public static function GenerateBagels(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:Array):OBitmapData{
var _local4:OBitmapData;
_local4 = new OBitmapData(_arg1, _arg2, 4278190080);
_local4.AddBagels(_arg3, 1);
return (_local4);
public static function GenerateSands(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:Array):OBitmapData{
var _local4:OBitmapData;
_local4 = new OBitmapData(_arg1, _arg2, 4278190080);
_local4.AddSands(_arg3, 1);
return (_local4);
public static function GenerateSky(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:Array):OBitmapData{
var _local4:OBitmapData;
_local4 = new OBitmapData(_arg1, _arg2, 4278190080);
_local4.AddSky(_arg3, 1);
return (_local4);
public static function GenereatePerlin(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:Array):OBitmapData{
var _local4:OBitmapData;
_local4 = new OBitmapData(_arg1, _arg2, 4278190080);
_local4.AddPerlin(_arg3, 1);
return (_local4);
Section 14
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
public class OBM {
public var iX:Number;
public var iHeight:Number;
public var iBM:BitmapData;
public var iY:Number;
public var iWidth:Number;
public function OBM(_arg1:BitmapData=null, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0, _arg4:Number=0, _arg5:Number=0){
this.iBM = _arg1;
this.iX = _arg2;
this.iY = _arg3;
this.iWidth = _arg4;
this.iHeight = _arg5;
public function Clone():OBM{
var _local1:BitmapData;
_local1 = this.iBM.clone();
return (new OBM(_local1, this.iX, this.iY, this.iWidth, this.iHeight));
public static function Make(_arg1:Array):OBM{
var _local2:Sprite;
var _local3:Sprite;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Rectangle;
var _local8:int;
var _local9:int;
var _local10:Number;
var _local11:Number;
var _local12:BitmapData;
var _local13:Matrix;
_local2 = new Sprite();
_local3 = _arg1[1][0](_arg1[1]);
_local4 = (OGlobal.Scale * _arg1[2]);
_local5 = OGlobal.ToGlobal(_arg1[3]);
_local6 = OGlobal.ToGlobal(_arg1[4]);
_local3.scaleX = _local4;
_local3.scaleY = _local4;
_local3.x = (_local3.x * OGlobal.Scale);
_local3.y = (_local3.y * OGlobal.Scale);
_local3.x = (_local3.x + _local5);
_local3.y = (_local3.y + _local6);
_local7 = _local3.getBounds(_local2);
_local8 = ((_local7.width + 4) + (_arg1[5] * 2));
_local9 = ((_local7.height + 4) + (_arg1[5] * 2));
_local10 = Math.floor(_local7.x);
_local11 = Math.floor(_local7.y);
_local12 = new BitmapData(_local8, _local9, true, 0);
_local13 = new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, ((-(_local10) + 1) + _arg1[5]), ((-(_local11) + 1) + _arg1[5]));
_local12.draw(_local2, _local13);
return (new OBM(_local12, (((_local10 - _local5) - 1) - _arg1[5]), (((_local11 - _local6) - 1) - _arg1[5]), _local7.width, _local7.height));
Section 15
//ODisplay (ENGINE.DISPLAY.ODisplay)
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.text.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
public class ODisplay {
public static function HSBToRGB(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):uint{
var _local4:int;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:Number;
var _local9:Number;
var _local10:int;
var _local11:int;
var _local12:int;
_arg1 = (_arg1 % 360);
if (_arg2 > 1){
_arg2 = 1;
if (_arg3 > 1){
_arg3 = 1;
if (_arg2 == 0){
_local4 = (_arg3 * 0xFF);
return ((((_local4 << 16) | (_local4 << 8)) | _local4));
if (_arg1 == 360){
_arg1 = 0;
} else {
_arg1 = (_arg1 / 60);
_local5 = Math.floor(_arg1);
_local6 = (_arg1 - _local5);
_local7 = (_arg3 * (1 - _arg2));
_local8 = (_arg3 * (1 - (_arg2 * _local6)));
_local9 = (_arg3 * (1 - (_arg2 * (1 - _local6))));
switch (_local5){
case 0:
_local10 = (_arg3 * 0xFF);
_local11 = (_local9 * 0xFF);
_local12 = (_local7 * 0xFF);
case 1:
_local10 = (_local8 * 0xFF);
_local11 = (_arg3 * 0xFF);
_local12 = (_local7 * 0xFF);
case 2:
_local10 = (_local7 * 0xFF);
_local11 = (_arg3 * 0xFF);
_local12 = (_local9 * 0xFF);
case 3:
_local10 = (_local7 * 0xFF);
_local11 = (_local8 * 0xFF);
_local12 = (_arg3 * 0xFF);
case 4:
_local10 = (_local9 * 0xFF);
_local11 = (_local7 * 0xFF);
_local12 = (_arg3 * 0xFF);
case 5:
_local10 = (_arg3 * 0xFF);
_local11 = (_local7 * 0xFF);
_local12 = (_local8 * 0xFF);
return ((((_local10 << 16) | (_local11 << 8)) | _local12));
public static function OBitmapAngleFrameSprite(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
return (ODisplay.OBitmapList([null, [[null, [ODisplay.SpriteAngleRect, (_arg1[1] - (_arg1[4] * 2)), (_arg1[2] - (_arg1[4] * 2)), ((_arg1[3] * (_arg1[1] - (_arg1[4] * 2))) / _arg1[1])], 1, _arg1[5], _arg1[9], _arg1[10], _arg1[11], (_arg1[18] + _arg1[4]), (_arg1[19] + _arg1[4])], [null, [ODisplay.SpriteAngleBorder, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3], _arg1[4]], 1, _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], _arg1[8], _arg1[18], _arg1[19]], [null, [ODisplay.SpriteInRect, [ODisplay.SpriteLib, _arg1[12]], _arg1[13], _arg1[1], _arg1[2]], _arg1[13], _arg1[14], _arg1[15], _arg1[16], _arg1[17], _arg1[18], _arg1[19]]]]));
public static function OBitmapAngleFrameText(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
return (ODisplay.OBitmapList([null, [[null, [ODisplay.SpriteAngleRect, (_arg1[1] - (_arg1[4] * 2)), (_arg1[2] - (_arg1[4] * 2)), ((_arg1[3] * (_arg1[1] - (_arg1[4] * 2))) / _arg1[1])], 1, _arg1[5], _arg1[9], _arg1[10], _arg1[11], (_arg1[20] + _arg1[4]), (_arg1[21] + _arg1[4])], [null, [ODisplay.SpriteAngleBorder, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3], _arg1[4]], 1, _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], _arg1[8], _arg1[20], _arg1[21]], [null, [ODisplay.SpriteTextInRect, _arg1[12], _arg1[13], _arg1[14], _arg1[15], _arg1[1], _arg1[2]], 1, _arg1[16], _arg1[17], _arg1[18], _arg1[19], _arg1[20], _arg1[21]]]]));
public static function OBitmapRoundFrameText(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
if (_arg1[4]){
return (ODisplay.OBitmapList([null, [[null, [ODisplay.SpriteRoundBorder, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3], _arg1[4]], 1, _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], _arg1[8], _arg1[20], _arg1[21]], [null, [ODisplay.SpriteRoundRect, (_arg1[1] - (_arg1[4] * 2)), (_arg1[2] - (_arg1[4] * 2)), ((_arg1[3] - _arg1[4]) - 2)], 1, _arg1[5], _arg1[9], _arg1[10], _arg1[11], (_arg1[20] + _arg1[4]), (_arg1[21] + _arg1[4])], [null, [ODisplay.SpriteTextInRect, _arg1[12], _arg1[13], _arg1[14], _arg1[15], _arg1[1], _arg1[2]], 1, _arg1[16], _arg1[17], _arg1[18], _arg1[19], _arg1[20], _arg1[21]]]]));
return (ODisplay.OBitmapList([null, [[null, [ODisplay.SpriteRoundRect, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3]], 1, _arg1[5], _arg1[9], _arg1[10], _arg1[11], (_arg1[20] + _arg1[4]), (_arg1[21] + _arg1[4])], [null, [ODisplay.SpriteTextInRect, _arg1[12], _arg1[13], _arg1[14], _arg1[15], _arg1[1], _arg1[2]], 1, _arg1[16], _arg1[17], _arg1[18], _arg1[19], _arg1[20], _arg1[21]]]]));
public static function SpriteFillRect(_arg1:Array):Sprite{
var _local2:Sprite;
var _local3:Sprite;
var _local4:Rectangle;
var _local5:Number;
_local2 = new Sprite();
_local3 = _arg1[1][0](_arg1[1]);
_local4 = _local3.getBounds(_local2);
_local5 = (Math.max(_arg1[2], _arg1[3]) / Math.max(_local4.width, _local4.height));
_local3.scaleX = _local5;
_local3.scaleY = _local5;
_local4 = _local3.getBounds(_local2);
_local3.x = (_local3.x + ((_arg1[2] - _local4.width) / 2));
_local3.y = (_local3.y + ((_arg1[3] - _local4.height) / 2));
return (_local3);
public static function TextRect(_arg1, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:String):Rectangle{
var _local5:Sprite;
var _local6:TextField;
var _local7:TextFormat;
_local5 = ((_arg1 is Sprite)) ? (_arg1 as Sprite) : new ((_arg1 as Class));
if ((_local5.getChildAt(0) is TextField)){
_local6 = (_local5.getChildAt(0) as TextField);
_local6.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
_local6.text = _arg4;
_local7 = _local6.defaultTextFormat;
_local7.size = _arg2;
_local7.letterSpacing = _arg3;
} else {
return (null);
return (_local5.getBounds(_local5));
public static function OBitmapRoundRect(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
return (OBitmapMake([null, [SpriteRoundRect, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3]], 1, _arg1[4], _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], _arg1[8], _arg1[9]]));
public static function OBitmapAngleFrame(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
return (ODisplay.OBitmapList([null, [[null, [ODisplay.SpriteAngleBorder, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3], _arg1[4]], 1, _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], _arg1[8], _arg1[12], _arg1[13]], [null, [ODisplay.SpriteAngleRect, (_arg1[1] - (_arg1[4] * 2)), (_arg1[2] - (_arg1[4] * 2)), ((_arg1[3] * (_arg1[1] - (_arg1[4] * 2))) / _arg1[1])], 1, _arg1[5], _arg1[9], _arg1[10], _arg1[11], (_arg1[12] + _arg1[4]), (_arg1[13] + _arg1[4])]]]));
public static function HSBAToRGBA(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):uint{
var _local5:uint;
var _local6:uint;
_local5 = HSBToRGB(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3);
_local6 = (0xFF * _arg4);
_local6 = (_local6 << 24);
return ((_local5 + _local6));
public static function OBitmapTextAlign(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
return (OBitmapMake([null, [ODisplay.SpriteTextAlign, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3], _arg1[4], _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[11], _arg1[12]], 1, _arg1[7], _arg1[8], _arg1[9], _arg1[10], _arg1[13], _arg1[14]]));
public static function OBitmapRoundBorder(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
return (OBitmapMake([null, [SpriteRoundBorder, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3], _arg1[4]], 1, _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], _arg1[8], _arg1[9], _arg1[10]]));
public static function SpriteLibList(_arg1:Array):Sprite{
var _local2:Sprite;
_local2 = ((_arg1[1] is Sprite)) ? (_arg1[1] as Sprite) : new ((_arg1[1] as Class));
if (_arg1[2] >= _local2.numChildren){
return (null);
return ((_local2.getChildAt(_arg1[2]) as Sprite));
public static function SpriteLib(_arg1:Array):Sprite{
return (((_arg1[1] is Sprite)) ? (_arg1[1] as Sprite) : new ((_arg1[1] as Class)));
public static function OBitmapAngleBorder(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
return (OBitmapMake([null, [SpriteAngleBorder, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3], _arg1[4]], 1, _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], _arg1[8], _arg1[9], _arg1[10]]));
public static function OBitmapList(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
var _local2:OBM;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:OBM;
var _local7:Matrix;
_local2 = OEffects.Make(_arg1[1][0]);
_local3 = (_local2.iX + (_arg1[1][0][7] * OGlobal.Scale));
_local4 = (_local2.iY + (_arg1[1][0][8] * OGlobal.Scale));
_local5 = 1;
while (_local5 < _arg1[1].length) {
_local6 = OEffects.Make(_arg1[1][_local5]);
_local7 = new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, (((_arg1[1][_local5][7] * OGlobal.Scale) + _local6.iX) - _local3), (((_arg1[1][_local5][8] * OGlobal.Scale) + _local6.iY) - _local4));
_local2.iBM.draw(_local6.iBM, _local7);
return (new OBitmap(_local2, _arg1[1][0][7], _arg1[1][0][8]));
public static function SpriteScale(_arg1:Array):Sprite{
var _local2:Sprite;
_local2 = _arg1[1][0](_arg1[1]);
_local2.scaleX = _arg1[2];
_local2.scaleY = _arg1[2];
return (_local2);
public static function IDisplayObjectMake(_arg1:Array){
var _local2:IDisplayObject;
_local2 = _arg1[1][0](_arg1[1]);
_local2.Pos(_arg1[2], _arg1[3]);
return (_local2);
public static function SpriteAlign(_arg1:Array):Sprite{
var _local2:Sprite;
var _local3:Sprite;
var _local4:Rectangle;
_local2 = new Sprite();
_local3 = _arg1[1][0](_arg1[1]);
_local3.scaleX = _arg1[2];
_local3.scaleY = _arg1[2];
_local4 = _local3.getBounds(_local2);
switch (_arg1[3]){
case 1:
_local3.x = (_local3.x + ((_arg1[5] - _local4.width) / 2));
case 2:
_local3.x = (_local3.x + (_arg1[5] - _local4.width));
switch (_arg1[4]){
case 1:
_local3.y = (_local3.y + ((_arg1[6] - _local4.height) / 2));
case 2:
_local3.y = (_local3.y + (_arg1[6] - _local4.height));
return (_local3);
public static function OBitmapAngleRect(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
return (OBitmapMake([null, [SpriteAngleRect, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3]], 1, _arg1[4], _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], _arg1[8], _arg1[9]]));
public static function SpriteRect(_arg1:Array):Sprite{
var _local2:Sprite;
_local2 = new Sprite();;, 0, _arg1[1], _arg1[2]);
return (_local2);
public static function OBitmapSpriteFillRect(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
var _local2:Sprite;
_local2 = ODisplay.SpriteFillRect([null, _arg1[3], _arg1[1], _arg1[2]]);
return (OBitmapMake([null, [ODisplay.SpriteFillRect, _arg1[3], _arg1[1], _arg1[2]], _local2.scaleX, _arg1[4], _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], _arg1[8], _arg1[9]]));
public static function OBitmapText(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
return (OBitmapMake([null, [ODisplay.SpriteText, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3], _arg1[4]], 1, _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], _arg1[8], _arg1[9], _arg1[10]]));
public static function OBitmapMake(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
return (new OBitmap(OEffects.Make(_arg1), _arg1[7], _arg1[8]));
public static function SpriteRoundRect(_arg1:Array):Sprite{
var _local2:Sprite;
_local2 = new Sprite();;, 0, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3]);
return (_local2);
public static function SpriteInRect(_arg1:Array):Sprite{
var _local2:Sprite;
var _local3:Sprite;
var _local4:Rectangle;
_local2 = new Sprite();
_local3 = _arg1[1][0](_arg1[1]);
_local3.scaleX = _arg1[2];
_local3.scaleY = _arg1[2];
_local4 = _local3.getBounds(_local2);
_local3.x = (_local3.x + ((_arg1[3] - _local4.width) / 2));
_local3.y = (_local3.y + ((_arg1[4] - _local4.height) / 2));
return (_local3);
public static function SpriteScaleRotate(_arg1:Array):Sprite{
var _local2:Sprite;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Matrix;
var _local6:Matrix;
var _local7:Sprite;
_local2 = _arg1[1][0](_arg1[1]);
_local3 = (_arg1[4] * _arg1[2]);
_local4 = (_arg1[5] * _arg1[2]);
_local5 = new Matrix();
_local5.scale(_arg1[2], _arg1[2]);
_local5.translate(-(_local3), -(_local4));
_local5.rotate(((Math.PI / 180) * _arg1[3]));
_local6 = new Matrix();
_local6.translate(_local3, _local4);
_local7 = new Sprite();
_local2.transform.matrix = _local5;
return (_local7);
public static function OBitmapRoundFrameSprite(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
return (ODisplay.OBitmapList([null, [[null, [ODisplay.SpriteRoundBorder, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3], _arg1[4]], 1, _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], _arg1[8], _arg1[18], _arg1[19]], [null, [ODisplay.SpriteRoundRect, (_arg1[1] - (_arg1[4] * 2)), (_arg1[2] - (_arg1[4] * 2)), ((_arg1[3] - _arg1[4]) - 2)], 1, _arg1[5], _arg1[9], _arg1[10], _arg1[11], (_arg1[18] + _arg1[4]), (_arg1[19] + _arg1[4])], [null, [ODisplay.SpriteInRect, [ODisplay.SpriteLib, _arg1[12]], _arg1[13], _arg1[1], _arg1[2]], _arg1[13], _arg1[14], _arg1[15], _arg1[16], _arg1[17], _arg1[18], _arg1[19]]]]));
public static function SpriteText(_arg1:Array):Sprite{
var _local2:Sprite;
var _local3:TextField;
var _local4:TextFormat;
_local2 = ((_arg1[1] is Sprite)) ? (_arg1[1] as Sprite) : new ((_arg1[1] as Class));
if ((_local2.getChildAt(0) is TextField)){
_local3 = (_local2.getChildAt(0) as TextField);
_local3.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
_local3.text = _arg1[4];
_local4 = _local3.defaultTextFormat;
_local4.size = _arg1[2];
_local4.letterSpacing = _arg1[3];
} else {
return (null);
return (_local2);
public static function SpriteTextAlign(_arg1:Array):Sprite{
return (ODisplay.SpriteAlign([null, [ODisplay.SpriteText, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3], _arg1[4]], 1, _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], _arg1[8]]));
public static function OBitmapTextInRect(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
return (OBitmapMake([null, [ODisplay.SpriteTextInRect, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3], _arg1[4], _arg1[9], _arg1[10]], 1, _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], _arg1[8], _arg1[11], _arg1[12]]));
public static function SpriteRoundBorder(_arg1:Array):Sprite{
var _local2:Sprite;
_local2 = new Sprite();;, 0, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3]);[4], _arg1[4], (_arg1[1] - (_arg1[4] * 2)), (_arg1[2] - (_arg1[4] * 2)), (_arg1[3] - _arg1[4]));
return (_local2);
public static function SpriteAngleRect(_arg1:Array):Sprite{
var _local2:Sprite;
_local2 = new Sprite();;[3], 0);[1] - _arg1[3]), 0);[1], _arg1[3]);[1], (_arg1[2] - _arg1[3]));[1] - _arg1[3]), _arg1[2]);[3], _arg1[2]);, (_arg1[2] - _arg1[3]));, _arg1[3]);;
return (_local2);
public static function SpriteAngleBorder(_arg1:Array):Sprite{
var _local2:Sprite;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Number;
_local2 = new Sprite();;[3], 0);[1] - _arg1[3]), 0);[1], _arg1[3]);[1], (_arg1[2] - _arg1[3]));[1] - _arg1[3]), _arg1[2]);[3], _arg1[2]);, (_arg1[2] - _arg1[3]));, _arg1[3]);
_local3 = (_arg1[1] - (_arg1[4] * 2));
_local4 = (_arg1[2] - (_arg1[4] * 2));
_local5 = ((_arg1[3] * _local3) / _arg1[1]);[4] + _local5), (_arg1[4] + 0));[4] + _local3) - _local5), (_arg1[4] + 0));[4] + _local3), (_arg1[4] + _local5));[4] + _local3), ((_arg1[4] + _local4) - _local5));[4] + _local3) - _local5), (_arg1[4] + _local4));[4] + _local5), (_arg1[4] + _local4));[4] + 0), ((_arg1[4] + _local4) - _local5));[4] + 0), (_arg1[4] + _local5));
return (_local2);
public static function SpriteTextInRect(_arg1:Array):Sprite{
return (ODisplay.SpriteInRect([null, [ODisplay.SpriteText, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3], _arg1[4]], 1, _arg1[5], _arg1[6]]));
public static function OBitmapRoundFrame(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
return (ODisplay.OBitmapList([null, [[null, [ODisplay.SpriteRoundBorder, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3], _arg1[4]], 1, _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], _arg1[8], _arg1[12], _arg1[13]], [null, [ODisplay.SpriteRoundRect, (_arg1[1] - (_arg1[4] * 2)), (_arg1[2] - (_arg1[4] * 2)), ((_arg1[3] - _arg1[4]) - 2)], 1, _arg1[5], _arg1[9], _arg1[10], _arg1[11], (_arg1[12] + _arg1[4]), (_arg1[13] + _arg1[4])]]]));
Section 16
import flash.display.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
public class OShape extends Shape implements IDisplayObject {
private var iScale:Number;// = 1
private var iY:Number;// = 0
private var iX:Number;// = 0
public function OShape(_arg1:Number=1, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){
iX = 0;
iY = 0;
iScale = 1;
prScale = _arg1;
Pos(_arg2, _arg3);
public function get prWidth():Number{
return ((this.width / OGlobal.Scale));
public function get prY():Number{
return (this.iY);
public function get prX():Number{
return (this.iX);
public function get prVisible():Boolean{
return (this.visible);
public function set prX(_arg1:Number):void{
this.iX = _arg1;
this.x = (_arg1 * OGlobal.Scale);
public function Pos(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
this.iX = _arg1;
this.iY = _arg2;
this.x = (this.iX * OGlobal.Scale);
this.y = (this.iY * OGlobal.Scale);
public function set prY(_arg1:Number):void{
this.iY = _arg1;
this.y = (_arg1 * OGlobal.Scale);
public function get prHeight():Number{
return ((this.height / OGlobal.Scale));
public function set prScale(_arg1:Number):void{
this.iScale = _arg1;
this.scaleX = (this.iScale * OGlobal.Scale);
this.scaleY = this.scaleX;
public function set prVisible(_arg1:Boolean):void{
this.visible = _arg1;
public function get prScale():Number{
return (this.iScale);
public function Move(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
Pos((this.iX + _arg1), (this.iY + _arg2));
public static function MakeRect(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):OShape{
var _local5:OShape;
_local5 = new (OShape);;, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4);
return (_local5);
public static function MakeRoundRect(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number):OShape{
var _local6:OShape;
_local6 = new (OShape);;, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5);
return (_local6);
Section 17
//OSprite (ENGINE.DISPLAY.OSprite)
import flash.display.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
public class OSprite extends Sprite implements IDisplayObject {
private var iY:Number;// = 0
private var iX:Number;// = 0
public function OSprite(){
iX = 0;
iY = 0;
public function get prVisible():Boolean{
return (this.visible);
public function set prX(_arg1:Number):void{
this.iX = _arg1;
this.x = (_arg1 * OGlobal.Scale);
public function set prY(_arg1:Number):void{
this.iY = _arg1;
this.y = (_arg1 * OGlobal.Scale);
public function Pos(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
this.iX = _arg1;
this.iY = _arg2;
this.x = (this.iX * OGlobal.Scale);
this.y = (this.iY * OGlobal.Scale);
public function set prVisible(_arg1:Boolean):void{
this.visible = _arg1;
public function get prX():Number{
return (this.iX);
public function get prY():Number{
return (this.iY);
public function Free():void{
var _local1:DisplayObject;
while (this.numChildren) {
_local1 = this.getChildAt(0);
if ((_local1 is OSprite)){
(_local1 as OSprite).Free();
public function get prHeight():Number{
return ((this.height / OGlobal.Scale));
public function get prWidth():Number{
return ((this.width / OGlobal.Scale));
public function Move(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
Pos((this.iX + _arg1), (this.iY + _arg2));
public static function Make(_arg1:Array):OSprite{
var _local2:OSprite;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:int;
_local2 = new (OSprite);
_local3 = _arg1[1].length;
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local3) {
_local2.Pos(_arg1[2], _arg1[3]);
return (_local2);
Section 18
package ENGINE.GAME {
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public class OGame {
protected var iSTableSize:int;
protected var iCache:OCache;
protected var iPlayer:OPlayer;
protected var iRNDFactor:int;
protected var iModes:int;
protected var iScores:OScoresTable;
public static const catGlobal:String = "Global";
public static const catTmp:String = "Tmp";
protected static const strgMusicVolume:String = "Music Volume";
protected static const strgResX:String = "ResX";
protected static const strgResY:String = "ResY";
protected static const strgСurPlayer:String = "Current Player";
protected static const strgFullScreen:String = "Full Screen";
protected static const strgSoundVolume:String = "Sound Volume";
protected static const strgLocalScores:String = "Local Scores";
public static const catPlayers:String = "Players";
public function OGame(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=10, _arg3:int=10){
var _local4:String;
this.iModes = _arg1;
this.iSTableSize = _arg2;
registerClassAlias("OCacheClass", OCache);
registerClassAlias("OGameParamsClass", OGameParams);
registerClassAlias("OScoreParamsClass", OScoreParams);
registerClassAlias("OScoresTableClass", OScoresTable);
registerClassAlias("OPlayerClass", OPlayer);
_local4 = this.iCache.GetCategoryItem(catGlobal, strgСurPlayer);
if (_local4){
this.iPlayer = this.iCache.GetCategoryItem(catPlayers, _local4);
this.iScores = this.iCache.GetCategoryItem(catGlobal, strgLocalScores);
} else {
this.iScores = new OScoresTable(_arg1, this.iSTableSize);
this.iCache.SetCategoryItem(catGlobal, strgLocalScores, this.iScores);
this.iCache.SetCategoryItem(catGlobal, strgSoundVolume, 1);
this.iCache.SetCategoryItem(catGlobal, strgMusicVolume, 1);
this.iCache.SetCategoryItem(catGlobal, strgResX, OGlobal.StageRect.width);
this.iCache.SetCategoryItem(catGlobal, strgResY, OGlobal.StageRect.height);
this.iCache.SetCategoryItem(catGlobal, strgFullScreen, false);
OSound.SoundVolume = this.prSoundVolume;
OSound.MusicVolume = this.prMusicVolume;
public function set prFullScreen(_arg1:Boolean):void{
this.iCache.SetCategoryItem(catGlobal, strgFullScreen, _arg1);
public function set prMode(_arg1:int):void{
this.iPlayer.iMode = _arg1;
public function get prGamesStartCount():int{
return (this.iPlayer.iGParams[this.iPlayer.iMode].iCGamesStart);
public function get prLevelScore():int{
return (this.iPlayer.iGParams[this.iPlayer.iMode].iLevelScore);
public function set prPassword(_arg1:String):void{
this.iPlayer.iPassword = _arg1;
public function DeletePlayer(_arg1:String):String{
var _local2:String;
var _local3:Array;
_local2 = (this.iPlayer) ? this.iPlayer.iName : "";
this.iCache.DeleteCategoryItem(catPlayers, _arg1);
if (_arg1 == _local2){
_local3 = this.iCache.GetCategoryNames(catPlayers);
if (!_local3){
this.iPlayer = null;
return (null);
this.iPlayer = this.iCache.GetCategoryItem(catPlayers, _local3[0]);
this.iCache.SetCategoryItem(catGlobal, strgСurPlayer, _local3[0]);
return ((this.iPlayer) ? this.iPlayer.iName : null);
public function get prPlayerNames():Array{
return (this.iCache.GetCategoryNames(catPlayers));
public function ClearPersonalScores(_arg1:int):void{
public function GetPersonalRecord(_arg1:int):int{
return (this.iPlayer.iScoreTable.GetRecord(_arg1));
public function InitAfterLoadCache():void{
public function AddScore(_arg1:int):void{
this.iPlayer.iGParams[this.iPlayer.iMode].iScore = (this.iPlayer.iGParams[this.iPlayer.iMode].iScore + _arg1);
public function get prPlayersData(){
var _local1:OCache;
var _local2:ByteArray;
_local1 = this.iCache.GetItem(catPlayers);
_local2 = _local1.Pack();
_local1 = _local2.readObject();
return (_local1);
public function IsPersonalRecord(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):Boolean{
return (this.iPlayer.iScoreTable.IsRecord(_arg1, _arg2));
public function LoadCache():void{
var so:SharedObject;
var a:ByteArray;
so = SharedObject.getLocal(OGlobal.AppName);
if ( == undefined){
this.iCache = new OCache();
} else {
try {
a =;
this.iCache = a.readObject();
} catch(error:Error) {
this.iCache = new OCache();
public function NewGame():void{
this.iPlayer.iGParams[this.iPlayer.iMode].iLevel = 0;
this.iPlayer.iGParams[this.iPlayer.iMode].iScore = 0;
this.iPlayer.iGParams[this.iPlayer.iMode].iLevelScore = 0;
this.iPlayer.iGParams[this.iPlayer.iMode].iSavedGame = null;
public function get prLevel():int{
return (this.iPlayer.iGParams[this.iPlayer.iMode].iLevel);
public function get prSoundVolume():Number{
return (this.iCache.GetCategoryItem(catGlobal, strgSoundVolume));
public function get prPlayerName():String{
return ((this.iPlayer) ? this.iPlayer.iName : "");
public function get prScore():int{
return (this.iPlayer.iGParams[this.iPlayer.iMode].iScore);
public function NextLevel():Boolean{
return (true);
public function set prPlayersData(_arg1):void{
this.iCache.SetItem(catPlayers, _arg1);
public function Read(_arg1:String, _arg2:String){
return (this.iCache.GetCategoryItem(_arg1, _arg2));
public function get prSavedGame():String{
return (this.iPlayer.iGParams[this.iPlayer.iMode].iSavedGame);
public function set prResX(_arg1:int):void{
this.iCache.SetCategoryItem(catGlobal, strgResX, _arg1);
public function get prRNDFactor():int{
return (this.iPlayer.iRNDFactor);
public function get prMusicVolume():Number{
return (this.iCache.GetCategoryItem(catGlobal, strgMusicVolume));
public function Write(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3):void{
this.iCache.SetCategoryItem(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3);
public function Start():void{
public function get prPassword():String{
return ((this.iPlayer.iPassword) ? this.iPlayer.iPassword : "");
public function get prMode():int{
return (this.iPlayer.iMode);
public function End():void{
public function set prSoundVolume(_arg1:Number):void{
OSound.SoundVolume = _arg1;
this.iCache.SetCategoryItem(catGlobal, strgSoundVolume, _arg1);
public function SetLevelScore(_arg1:int):void{
this.iPlayer.iGParams[this.iPlayer.iMode].iLevelScore = _arg1;
public function GetLocalScores(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):OScoreParams{
return (this.iScores.GetScore(_arg1, _arg2));
public function GetPersonalScores(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):OScoreParams{
return (this.iPlayer.iScoreTable.GetScore(_arg1, _arg2));
public function AddScoreInTable(_arg1:int):Boolean{
var _local2:Boolean;
_local2 = false;
if (this.iScores.AddScore(this.prPlayerName, _arg1, this.prMode, this.prLevel)){
this.iCache.SetCategoryItem(_slot1.catGlobal, _slot1.strgLocalScores, this.iScores);
_local2 = true;
if (this.iPlayer.iScoreTable.AddScore(this.prPlayerName, _arg1, this.prMode, this.prLevel, true)){
this.iCache.SetCategoryItem(_slot1.catPlayers, this.prPlayerName, this.iPlayer);
_local2 = true;
return (_local2);
public function get prResX():int{
return (this.iCache.GetCategoryItem(catGlobal, strgResX));
public function get prResY():int{
return (this.iCache.GetCategoryItem(catGlobal, strgResY));
public function set prPlayerName(_arg1:String):void{
var _local2:OPlayer;
_local2 = this.iCache.GetCategoryItem(catPlayers, _arg1);
if (!_local2){
_local2 = new OPlayer(_arg1, "", this.iModes, this.iSTableSize);
this.iCache.SetCategoryItem(catPlayers, _arg1, _local2);
this.iPlayer = _local2;
this.iCache.SetCategoryItem(catGlobal, strgСurPlayer, _arg1);
public function DefaultInitLocalScores():void{
this.iScores.AddScore("Emily", (int(((Math.random() * 100) + 50)) * 50), 0, int(((Math.random() * 5) + 3)));
this.iScores.AddScore("Michael", (int(((Math.random() * 100) + 50)) * 50), 0, int(((Math.random() * 5) + 3)));
this.iScores.AddScore("Jacob", (int(((Math.random() * 100) + 50)) * 50), 0, int(((Math.random() * 5) + 3)));
this.iScores.AddScore("Isabella", (int(((Math.random() * 100) + 50)) * 50), 0, int(((Math.random() * 5) + 3)));
this.iScores.AddScore("Madison", (int(((Math.random() * 100) + 50)) * 50), 0, int(((Math.random() * 5) + 3)));
public function SaveCache():Boolean{
var _local1:SharedObject;
var _local2:String;
_local1 = SharedObject.getLocal(OGlobal.AppName); = this.iCache.Pack();
_local2 = _local1.flush();
return ((_local2 == SharedObjectFlushStatus.FLUSHED));
public function set prResY(_arg1:int):void{
this.iCache.SetCategoryItem(catGlobal, strgResY, _arg1);
public function SetSaveGame(_arg1:String):void{
this.iPlayer.iGParams[this.iPlayer.iMode].iSavedGame = _arg1;
public function get prGamesEndCount():int{
return (this.iPlayer.iGParams[this.iPlayer.iMode].iCGamesEnd);
public function set prMusicVolume(_arg1:Number):void{
OSound.MusicVolume = _arg1;
this.iCache.SetCategoryItem(catGlobal, strgMusicVolume, _arg1);
public function get prFullScreen():Boolean{
return (this.iCache.GetCategoryItem(catGlobal, strgFullScreen));
public function ClearLocalScores(_arg1:int):void{
}//package ENGINE.GAME
Section 19
//OGameParams (ENGINE.GAME.OGameParams)
package ENGINE.GAME {
public class OGameParams {
public var iLevel:int;
public var iScore:int;
public var iSavedGame:String;
public var iCGamesEnd:int;
public var iLevelScore:int;
public var iCGamesStart:int;
}//package ENGINE.GAME
Section 20
//OPlayer (ENGINE.GAME.OPlayer)
package ENGINE.GAME {
public class OPlayer {
public var iPassword:String;
public var iScoreTable:OScoresTable;
public var iGParams:Array;
public var iMode:int;
public var iRNDFactor:int;
public var iName:String;
public function OPlayer(_arg1:String=null, _arg2:String=null, _arg3:int=1, _arg4:int=10, _arg5:int=10){
var _local6:int;
this.iName = _arg1;
this.iPassword = _arg2;
this.iGParams = new Array(_arg3);
this.iRNDFactor = Math.round((Math.random() * (_arg5 - 1)));
_local6 = 0;
while (_local6 < _arg3) {
this.iGParams[_local6] = new OGameParams();
this.iScoreTable = new OScoresTable(_arg3, _arg4);
}//package ENGINE.GAME
Section 21
//OScoreParams (ENGINE.GAME.OScoreParams)
package ENGINE.GAME {
public class OScoreParams {
public var iScore:int;
public var iName:String;
public var iLevel:int;
public var iTime:Number;
public function OScoreParams(_arg1:String=null, _arg2:int=0, _arg3:int=0){
var _local4:Date;
this.iName = _arg1;
this.iScore = _arg2;
_local4 = new Date();
this.iTime = _local4.time;
}//package ENGINE.GAME
Section 22
//OScoresTable (ENGINE.GAME.OScoresTable)
package ENGINE.GAME {
public class OScoresTable {
public var iTable:Array;
public var iMaxElements:int;
public function OScoresTable(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=10){
var _local3:int;
this.iMaxElements = _arg2;
this.iTable = new Array();
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _arg1) {
this.iTable[_local3] = new Array();
public function FindByName(_arg1:int, _arg2:String):int{
var _local3:int;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < this.iTable[_arg1].length) {
if (this.iTable[_arg1][_local3].iName == _arg2){
return (_local3);
return (-1);
public function Clear(_arg1:int):void{
this.iTable[_arg1] = new Array();
public function GetRecord(_arg1:int):int{
if (!this.iTable[_arg1].length){
return (0);
return (this.iTable[_arg1][0].iScore);
public function AddScore(_arg1:String, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:int, _arg5:Boolean=false):Boolean{
var _local6:Array;
var _local7:int;
_local6 = this.iTable[_arg3];
if ((((_local6.length < this.iMaxElements)) || ((_local6[(_local6.length - 1)].iScore < _arg2)))){
_local7 = (_arg5) ? -1 : this.FindByName(_arg3, _arg1);
if (_local7 >= 0){
if (_arg2 < _local6[_local7].iScore){
return (false);
_local6[_local7] = new OScoreParams(_arg1, _arg2, _arg4);
return (true);
if (_local6.length < this.iMaxElements){
_local6[_local6.length] = new OScoreParams(_arg1, _arg2, _arg4);
return (true);
if (_local6[(_local6.length - 1)].iScore > _arg2){
return (false);
_local6[(_local6.length - 1)] = new OScoreParams(_arg1, _arg2, _arg4);
return (true);
return (false);
public function IsRecord(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):Boolean{
if (!this.iTable[_arg1].length){
return (true);
return ((_arg2 >= this.iTable[_arg1][0].iScore));
public function GetScore(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):OScoreParams{
return (this.iTable[_arg1][_arg2]);
public function SortOn(_arg1:int):void{
this.iTable[_arg1] = this.iTable[_arg1].sortOn("iScore", (Array.DESCENDING | Array.NUMERIC));
}//package ENGINE.GAME
Section 23
public class OA_Alpha extends OAnimator {
public var iEAlpha:Number;
private var iDAlpha:Number;
public var iSAlpha:Number;
private var iEndAlpha:Number;
public var iPIter:int;
public function OA_Alpha(_arg1:Object, _arg2:OIObject=null){
super(_arg1, _arg2);
override protected function Start():int{
var _local1:Number;
_local1 = ((this.iSAlpha)>=0) ? this.iSAlpha : this.iTarget.alpha;
this.iEndAlpha = ((this.iEAlpha)>=0) ? this.iEAlpha : this.iTarget.alpha;
this.iDAlpha = ((this.iEndAlpha - _local1) / iPIter);
this.iTarget.visible = true;
this.iTarget.alpha = _local1;
return (((Math.abs(this.iDAlpha) > 0.001)) ? stPlay : stEnd);
override public function Play():void{
var _local1:Number;
_local1 = (this.iTarget.alpha + this.iDAlpha);
if ((((((this.iDAlpha > 0)) && ((_local1 >= this.iEndAlpha)))) || ((((this.iDAlpha <= 0)) && ((_local1 <= this.iEndAlpha)))))){
this.iTarget.alpha = this.iEndAlpha;
if (this.iTarget.alpha == 0){
this.iTarget.visible = false;
this.State = OAnimator.stEnd;
} else {
this.iTarget.alpha = _local1;
public static function Make(_arg1:Object, _arg2:OIObject=null):OA_Alpha{
return (new OA_Alpha(_arg1, _arg2));
Section 24
import flash.display.*;
public class OA_AlphaFade extends OAnimator {
public var iEAlpha:Number;
public var iEInd:Array;
private var iEndAlpha:Array;
private var iCurAlpha:Number;
private var iDAlpha:Array;
private var iStartAlpha:Array;
public var iSInd:Array;
public var iSAlpha:Number;
public var iPIter:int;
public function OA_AlphaFade(_arg1:Object, _arg2:OIObject=null){
super(_arg1, _arg2);
override protected function Start():int{
var _local1:int;
var _local2:int;
var _local3:DisplayObject;
var _local4:DisplayObject;
if ((((this.iSInd == null)) && ((this.iEInd == null)))){
return (OAnimator.stEnd);
if (this.iSInd.length != this.iEInd.length){
return (OAnimator.stEnd);
_local1 = this.iSInd.length;
this.iStartAlpha = new Array(_local1);
this.iEndAlpha = new Array(_local1);
this.iDAlpha = new Array(_local1);
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _local1) {
_local3 = this.iTarget.getChildAt(this.iSInd[_local2]);
_local4 = this.iTarget.getChildAt(this.iEInd[_local2]);
this.iStartAlpha[_local2] = ((this.iSAlpha)>=0) ? this.iSAlpha : _local3.alpha;
this.iEndAlpha[_local2] = ((this.iEAlpha)>=0) ? this.iEAlpha : _local4.alpha;
this.iDAlpha[_local2] = ((this.iEndAlpha[_local2] - this.iStartAlpha[_local2]) / iPIter);
_local3.alpha = this.iStartAlpha[_local2];
_local3.visible = true;
_local4.alpha = this.iEndAlpha[_local2];
_local4.visible = true;
this.iCurAlpha = this.iStartAlpha[0];
return (OAnimator.stPlay);
override public function Play():void{
var _local1:DisplayObject;
var _local2:DisplayObject;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:int;
this.iCurAlpha = (this.iCurAlpha + this.iDAlpha[0]);
_local3 = this.iSInd.length;
if ((((((this.iDAlpha[0] > 0)) && ((this.iCurAlpha >= this.iEndAlpha[0])))) || ((((this.iDAlpha[0] <= 0)) && ((this.iCurAlpha <= this.iEndAlpha[0])))))){
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local3) {
_local1 = this.iTarget.getChildAt(this.iSInd[_local4]);
_local2 = this.iTarget.getChildAt(this.iEInd[_local4]);
_local1.alpha = this.iEndAlpha[_local4];
if (_local1.alpha == 0){
_local1.visible = false;
_local2.alpha = this.iStartAlpha[_local4];
if (_local2.alpha == 0){
_local2.visible = false;
this.State = OAnimator.stEnd;
} else {
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local3) {
_local1 = this.iTarget.getChildAt(this.iSInd[_local4]);
_local2 = this.iTarget.getChildAt(this.iEInd[_local4]);
_local1.alpha = (_local1.alpha + this.iDAlpha[_local4]);
_local2.alpha = (_local2.alpha - this.iDAlpha[_local4]);
public static function Make(_arg1:Object, _arg2:OIObject=null):OA_AlphaFade{
return (new OA_AlphaFade(_arg1, _arg2));
Section 25
import flash.display.*;
public class OA_AlphaInd extends OAnimator {
public var iEAlpha:Number;
private var iCurAlpha:Number;
private var iEndAlpha:Array;
private var iDAlpha:Array;
public var iInd:Array;
public var iSAlpha:Number;
public var iPIter:int;
public function OA_AlphaInd(_arg1:Object, _arg2:OIObject=null){
super(_arg1, _arg2);
override protected function Start():int{
var _local1:int;
var _local2:int;
var _local3:DisplayObject;
var _local4:Number;
if (((!(this.iInd)) || ((this.iInd.length == 0)))){
return (stEnd);
_local1 = this.iInd.length;
this.iEndAlpha = new Array(_local1);
this.iDAlpha = new Array(_local1);
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _local1) {
_local3 = this.iTarget.getChildAt(this.iInd[_local2]);
_local4 = ((this.iSAlpha)>=0) ? this.iSAlpha : _local3.alpha;
this.iEndAlpha[_local2] = ((this.iEAlpha)>=0) ? this.iEAlpha : _local3.alpha;
this.iDAlpha[_local2] = ((this.iEndAlpha[_local2] - _local4) / iPIter);
_local3.visible = true;
_local3.alpha = _local4;
this.iCurAlpha = this.iTarget.getChildAt(this.iInd[0]).alpha;
return (((Math.abs(this.iDAlpha[0]) > 0.001)) ? stPlay : stEnd);
override public function Play():void{
var _local1:int;
var _local2:int;
var _local3:DisplayObject;
this.iCurAlpha = (this.iCurAlpha + this.iDAlpha[0]);
_local1 = this.iInd.length;
if ((((((this.iDAlpha[0] > 0)) && ((this.iCurAlpha >= this.iEndAlpha[0])))) || ((((this.iDAlpha[0] <= 0)) && ((this.iCurAlpha <= this.iEndAlpha[0])))))){
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _local1) {
_local3 = this.iTarget.getChildAt(this.iInd[_local2]);
_local3.alpha = this.iEndAlpha[_local2];
_local3.visible = (_local3.alpha > 0);
this.State = stEnd;
} else {
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _local1) {
_local3 = this.iTarget.getChildAt(this.iInd[_local2]);
_local3.alpha = (_local3.alpha + this.iDAlpha[_local2]);
public static function Make(_arg1:Object, _arg2:OIObject=null):OA_AlphaInd{
return (new OA_AlphaInd(_arg1, _arg2));
Section 26
public class OA_Scale extends OAnimator {
public var iSScale:Number;
private var iEndScale:Number;
public var iEScale:Number;
private var iDScale:Number;
public var iPIter:int;
public function OA_Scale(_arg1:Object, _arg2:OIObject=null){
super(_arg1, _arg2);
override protected function Start():int{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
_local1 = ((this.iSScale)>=0) ? this.iSScale : this.iTarget.scaleX;
this.iEndScale = ((this.iEScale)>=0) ? this.iEScale : this.iTarget.scaleX;
this.iDScale = ((this.iEndScale - _local1) / iPIter);
_local2 = this.iTarget.prWidth;
_local3 = this.iTarget.prHeight;
this.iTarget.scaleX = _local1;
this.iTarget.scaleY = _local1;
this.iTarget.Move(((_local2 - this.iTarget.prWidth) / 2), ((_local3 - this.iTarget.prHeight) / 2));
return (((Math.abs(this.iDScale) > 1E-5)) ? stPlay : stEnd);
override public function Play():void{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
_local1 = this.iTarget.prWidth;
_local2 = this.iTarget.prHeight;
_local3 = (this.iTarget.scaleX + this.iDScale);
if ((((((this.iDScale > 0)) && ((_local3 >= this.iEndScale)))) || ((((this.iDScale <= 0)) && ((_local3 <= this.iEndScale)))))){
this.iTarget.scaleX = this.iEndScale;
this.iTarget.scaleY = this.iEndScale;
this.State = OAnimator.stEnd;
} else {
this.iTarget.scaleX = (this.iTarget.scaleX + this.iDScale);
this.iTarget.scaleY = (this.iTarget.scaleY + this.iDScale);
this.iTarget.Move(((_local1 - this.iTarget.prWidth) / 2), ((_local2 - this.iTarget.prHeight) / 2));
public static function Make(_arg1:Object, _arg2:OIObject=null):OA_Scale{
return (new OA_Scale(_arg1, _arg2));
Section 27
import flash.display.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
public class OA_ScaleFade extends OAnimator {
public var iEInd:Array;
private var iStartScale:Array;
private var iDScale:Array;
public var iSScale:Number;
public var iEScale:Number;
private var iCurScale:Number;
public var iSInd:Array;
private var iEndScale:Array;
public var iPIter:int;
public function OA_ScaleFade(_arg1:Object, _arg2:OIObject=null){
super(_arg1, _arg2);
override protected function Start():int{
var _local1:int;
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:IDisplayObject;
var _local6:DisplayObject;
var _local7:IDisplayObject;
var _local8:DisplayObject;
if ((((this.iSInd == null)) || ((this.iEInd == null)))){
return (stEnd);
if (this.iSInd.length != this.iEInd.length){
return (stEnd);
_local1 = this.iSInd.length;
this.iStartScale = new Array(_local1);
this.iEndScale = new Array(_local1);
this.iDScale = new Array(_local1);
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local1) {
_local5 = (this.iTarget.getChildAt(this.iSInd[_local4]) as IDisplayObject);
_local6 = this.iTarget.getChildAt(this.iSInd[_local4]);
_local7 = (this.iTarget.getChildAt(this.iEInd[_local4]) as IDisplayObject);
_local8 = this.iTarget.getChildAt(this.iEInd[_local4]);
this.iStartScale[_local4] = ((this.iSScale)>=0) ? this.iSScale : _local6.scaleX;
this.iEndScale[_local4] = ((this.iEScale)>=0) ? this.iEScale : _local8.scaleX;
this.iDScale[_local4] = ((this.iEndScale[_local4] - this.iStartScale[_local4]) / this.iPIter);
_local2 = _local6.width;
_local3 = _local6.height;
_local6.scaleX = this.iStartScale[_local4];
_local6.scaleY = this.iStartScale[_local4];
_local5.Move(((_local2 - _local6.width) / (2 * OGlobal.Scale)), ((_local3 - _local6.height) / (2 * OGlobal.Scale)));
_local6.visible = true;
_local8.visible = false;
this.iCurScale = this.iStartScale[0];
return (stPlay);
override public function Play():void{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:IDisplayObject;
var _local5:DisplayObject;
this.iCurScale = (this.iCurScale + this.iDScale[0]);
if ((((((this.iDScale[0] > 0)) && ((this.iCurScale >= this.iEndScale[0])))) || ((((this.iDScale[0] <= 0)) && ((this.iCurScale <= this.iEndScale[0])))))){
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < this.iSInd.length) {
_local4 = (this.iTarget.getChildAt(this.iSInd[_local3]) as IDisplayObject);
_local5 = this.iTarget.getChildAt(this.iSInd[_local3]);
_local1 = _local5.width;
_local2 = _local5.height;
_local5.scaleX = this.iEndScale[_local3];
_local5.scaleY = this.iEndScale[_local3];
_local4.Move(((_local1 - _local5.width) / (2 * OGlobal.Scale)), ((_local2 - _local5.height) / (2 * OGlobal.Scale)));
_local5.visible = (this.iDScale[0] > 0);
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < this.iEInd.length) {
_local5 = this.iTarget.getChildAt(this.iEInd[_local3]);
_local5.visible = (this.iDScale[0] < 0);
this.State = OAnimator.stEnd;
} else {
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < this.iSInd.length) {
_local4 = (this.iTarget.getChildAt(this.iSInd[_local3]) as IDisplayObject);
_local5 = this.iTarget.getChildAt(this.iSInd[_local3]);
_local1 = _local5.width;
_local2 = _local5.height;
_local5.scaleX = (_local5.scaleX + this.iDScale[_local3]);
_local5.scaleY = (_local5.scaleY + this.iDScale[_local3]);
_local4.Move(((_local1 - _local5.width) / (2 * OGlobal.Scale)), ((_local2 - _local5.height) / (2 * OGlobal.Scale)));
public static function Make(_arg1:Object, _arg2:OIObject=null):OA_ScaleFade{
return (new OA_ScaleFade(_arg1, _arg2));
Section 28
public class OAnimator {
private var iState:int;
protected var iTarget:OIObject;
public static const stStart:int = 1;
public static const stEnd:int = 3;
public static const stPause:int = 0;
public static const stReturn:int = 4;
public static const stPlay:int = 2;
public function OAnimator(_arg1:Object, _arg2:OIObject=null){
var _local3:String;
for (_local3 in _arg1) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(_local3)){
this[_local3] = _arg1[_local3];
this.iTarget = _arg2;
this.State = stPause;
public function set State(_arg1:int):void{
this.iState = _arg1;
switch (this.iState){
case stStart:
this.State = this.Start();
case stReturn:
this.State = Return();
public function Play():void{
this.State = stEnd;
public function set prTarget(_arg1:OIObject):void{
this.iTarget = _arg1;
protected function Start():int{
return (stPlay);
public function get State():int{
return (this.iState);
public function Return():int{
return (stPlay);
public function OnEnterFrame():void{
if (this.iState == stPlay){
Section 29
//OAnimatorManager (ENGINE.INTERFACE.ANIMATORS.OAnimatorManager)
public class OAnimatorManager {
private var iPlaying:Array;
private var iTarget:OIObject;
public static const anActivate:int = 2;
public static const anDeactivate:int = 3;
public static const anShow:int = 0;
public static const iAnimatorsCount:int = 10;
public static const anHide:int = 1;
public static const anPress:int = 8;
public static const anRoolOver:int = 6;
public static const anUnpress:int = 9;
public static const anFocusOut:int = 5;
public static const anRoolOut:int = 7;
public static const anUncheck:int = 10;
public static const anCheck:int = 9;
public static const anFocusIn:int = 4;
public static const iNullAnimators:Array = [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null];
public function OAnimatorManager(_arg1:OIObject){
this.iTarget = _arg1;
this.iPlaying = new Array();
public function get prAnimation():Boolean{
return ((iPlaying.length > 0));
public function AddAnimator(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:*;
if (_arg1 == null){
if (this.iPlaying.length > 0){
_local2 = _arg1.F(_arg1);
_local2.prTarget = this.iTarget;
public function OnEnterFrame():void{
if (this.iPlaying.length == 0){
switch (this.iPlaying[0].State){
case OAnimator.stEnd:
this.iPlaying[0] = null;
this.iPlaying.splice(0, 1);
case OAnimator.stPause:
this.iPlaying[0].State = OAnimator.stStart;
case OAnimator.stPlay:
public function Free():void{
this.iTarget = null;
this.iPlaying = null;
Section 30
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
public class OHtmlTextField extends TextField {
private var iTextFormat:TextFormat;
public function OHtmlTextField(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number, _arg6:Boolean, _arg7:Array, _arg8:String, _arg9:Number, _arg10:Number, _arg11:Boolean=true){
var _local12:Number;
var _local13:Sprite;
_local12 = (_arg11) ? OGlobal.Scale : 1;
this.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;
this.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.NONE;
this.multiline = true;
this.wordWrap = true;
this.selectable = false;
if (_arg3){
_local13 = ((_arg3 is Sprite)) ? (_arg3 as Sprite) : new ((_arg3 as Class));
if ((_local13.getChildAt(0) is TextField)){
this.iTextFormat = (_local13.getChildAt(0) as TextField).getTextFormat();
} else {
this.iTextFormat = this.defaultTextFormat;
} else {
this.iTextFormat = this.defaultTextFormat;
this.iTextFormat.size = (_arg4 * _local12);
this.iTextFormat.letterSpacing = (_arg5 * _local12);
this.iTextFormat.color = ODisplay.HSBToRGB(_arg7[0], _arg7[1], _arg7[2]);
this.iTextFormat.align = TextFormatAlign.LEFT;
this.defaultTextFormat = this.iTextFormat;
this.prText = _arg8;
this.width = (_arg1 * _local12);
this.height = (_arg2 * _local12);
this.x = (_arg9 * _local12);
this.y = (_arg10 * _local12);
this.border = _arg6;
public function set prText(_arg1:String):void{
this.htmlText = _arg1;
public function set prFormat(_arg1:TextFormat):void{
this.iTextFormat = _arg1;
this.defaultTextFormat = _arg1;
public function get prText():String{
return (this.htmlText);
public function get prFormat():TextFormat{
return (this.iTextFormat);
Section 31
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
public class OInputTextField extends TextField {
private var iTextFormat:TextFormat;
public function OInputTextField(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number, _arg6:Boolean, _arg7:Array, _arg8:String, _arg9:int, _arg10:Number, _arg11:Number){
var _local12:Number;
var _local13:Sprite;
_local12 = OGlobal.Scale;
this.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
this.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.NONE;
this.embedFonts = true;
_local13 = ((_arg3 is Sprite)) ? (_arg3 as Sprite) : new ((_arg3 as Class));
if ((_local13.getChildAt(0) is TextField)){
this.iTextFormat = (_local13.getChildAt(0) as TextField).getTextFormat();
} else {
this.iTextFormat = this.defaultTextFormat;
this.iTextFormat.size = (_arg4 * _local12);
this.iTextFormat.letterSpacing = (_arg5 * _local12);
this.iTextFormat.color = ODisplay.HSBToRGB(_arg7[0], _arg7[1], _arg7[2]);
this.defaultTextFormat = this.iTextFormat;
this.prText = _arg8;
this.width = (_arg1 * _local12);
this.height = (_arg2 * _local12);
this.x = (_arg10 * _local12);
this.y = (_arg11 * _local12);
this.border = _arg6;
this.maxChars = _arg9;
this.restrict = "A-Za-z0-9 @._\\-";
this.addEventListener(FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE, OnFocusIn);
public function set prText(_arg1:String):void{
this.text = (((!(_arg1)) || ((_arg1 == "")))) ? " " : _arg1;
protected function OnFocusIn(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
public function set prFormat(_arg1:TextFormat):void{
this.iTextFormat = _arg1;
this.defaultTextFormat = _arg1;
public function get prText():String{
var _local1:String;
_local1 = this.text;
while (_local1.charAt() == " ") {
_local1 = _local1.substr(1);
while (_local1.charAt((_local1.length - 1)) == " ") {
_local1 = _local1.substr(0, (_local1.length - 1));
return (_local1);
public function get prFormat():TextFormat{
return (this.iTextFormat);
Section 32
public class OListBoxElement extends OButton {
public static const iDefAnimators:Array = [{F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:0, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:3}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0, iPIter:3}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:3}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0.2, iPIter:3}, null, null, {F:OA_AlphaInd.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0.6, iInd:[1], iPIter:3}, {F:OA_AlphaInd.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:1, iInd:[1], iPIter:3}, {F:OA_AlphaInd.Make, iSAlpha:0, iEAlpha:1, iInd:[0], iPIter:9}, {F:OA_AlphaInd.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0, iInd:[0], iPIter:9}];
public function OListBoxElement(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array=null){
var _local3:Array;
_local3 = (_arg2) ? _arg2 : iDefAnimators;
super(_arg1, _local3);
override public function OnMouseUp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
override public function OnRollOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
this.prRool = false;
override public function OnMouseDown(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (((this.prPress) && ((this.parent is OIObject)))){
(this.parent as OIObject).OnPress(_arg1, this);
Section 33
public class OAlert extends ODialog {
protected var iMessages:Array;
public var iButtons:Array;
public function OAlert(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array, _arg3:Array=null){
var _local4:Array;
this.iMessages = _arg2;
_local4 = (_arg3) ? _arg3 : ODialog.iDefAnimators;
super(_arg1, _local4);
override public function Init():void{
this.iButtons = new Array();
override public function OnPress(_arg1:Event, _arg2):void{
var _local3:int;
var _local4:int;
if (((!(this.iMessages)) || (!(this.iButtons)))){
this.prVisible = false;
_local3 = 0;
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < this.iButtons.length) {
if ((((_arg2 == this.iButtons[_local4])) && ((_local4 < this.iMessages.length)))){
if ((this.parent is OIObject)){
(this.parent as OIObject).OnPress(null, iMessages[_local4]);
this.prVisible = false;
override public function Free():void{
this.iButtons = null;
Section 34
//OApplication (ENGINE.INTERFACE.OApplication)
import flash.display.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
import flash.external.*;
public class OApplication extends OWindow {
private var iStaged:Boolean;// = false
protected var iBackground:OBackground;
protected var iMenuItem:Array;
public function OApplication(_arg1:String){
iStaged = false;
OGlobal.AppName = _arg1;
if (this.stage){
if (!this.iStaged){
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, NotStagedEnterFrame);
private function NotStagedEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{
if (!iStaged){
if (!this.stage){
this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, NotStagedEnterFrame);
this.iStaged = true;
override public function Init():void{
if (!this.stage){
this.iMenuItem = new Array();
this.iStaged = true;
this.visible = true;
protected function OnMenuItem():void{
public function get prMenuItem():int{
return ((this.iMenuItem.length) ? this.iMenuItem.pop() : -1);
public function set prMenuItem(_arg1:int):void{
public function OnResize(_arg1:Event):void{
override public function Free():void{
OGlobal.prStage.removeEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE, OnDeactivate);
OGlobal.prStage.removeEventListener(Event.RESIZE, OnResize);
this.iMenuItem = null;
public function InitBackground(_arg1:Array, _arg2:int=0):void{
this.iBackground = new OBackground(_arg1, _arg2);
this.addChildAt(this.iBackground, 0);
protected function OnDeactivate(_arg1:Event):void{
public function InitStage(_arg1:Stage=null):void{
if (((_arg1) || (this.stage))){
OGlobal.prStage = (_arg1) ? _arg1 : this.stage;
if (!OGlobal.prStage){
OGlobal.prStage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
OGlobal.prStage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
OGlobal.prStage.quality = StageQuality.BEST;
OGlobal.prStage.stageFocusRect = false;
OGlobal.FPS = 60;
if (ExternalInterface.available){
OGlobal.FPS = (OGlobal.FPS * 2);
OGlobal.prStage.frameRate = OGlobal.FPS;
OGlobal.prStage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, OnResize);
OGlobal.prStage.addEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE, OnDeactivate);
Section 35
//OBackground (ENGINE.INTERFACE.OBackground)
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
public class OBackground extends OSprite {
protected var iImages:Array;
protected var iIInd:int;// = 0
public function OBackground(_arg1:Array, _arg2:int=0){
iIInd = 0;
this.iImages = _arg1;
this.prIInd = _arg2;
public function Make():void{
var _local1:Sprite;
var _local2:BitmapData;
var _local3:OBM;
var _local4:Rectangle;
var _local5:Rectangle;
var _local6:int;
var _local7:int;
var _local8:Number;
var _local9:int;
var _local10:Bitmap;
var _local11:int;
var _local12:OBitmap;
if (this.iImages == null){
if ((this.iImages[this.iIInd] is Class)){
_local1 = new (this.iImages[this.iIInd]);
_local2 = new BitmapData(_local1.width, _local1.height, false, 4294967295);
if ((this.iImages[this.iIInd] is BitmapData)){
_local2 = this.iImages[this.iIInd];
_local1 = new Sprite();
_local10 = new Bitmap(_local2);
_local3 = new OBM(_local2, 0, 0, _local1.width, _local1.height);
_local4 = OGlobal.ViewporRect;
_local5 = OGlobal.StageRect;
this.x = -(_local4.x);
this.y = -(_local4.y);
_local6 = Math.floor((_local5.width / _local1.width));
if (_local6 == 0){
_local7 = Math.floor((_local5.height / _local1.height));
if (_local7 == 0){
if ((_local5.width - (_local6 * _local1.width)) > 0){
if ((_local5.height - (_local7 * _local1.height)) > 0){
_local8 = OGlobal.Scale;
_local9 = 0;
while (_local9 < _local7) {
_local11 = 0;
while (_local11 < _local6) {
_local12 = new OBitmap(_local3, ((_local11 * _local1.width) / _local8), ((_local9 * _local1.height) / _local8));
override public function Free():void{
public function set prIInd(_arg1:int):void{
this.iIInd = _arg1;
if (this.iImages == null){
this.iIInd = -1;
if (this.iIInd >= (this.iImages.length - 1)){
this.iIInd = (this.iImages.length - 1);
public function get prIInd():int{
return (this.iIInd);
Section 36
public class OButton extends OIObject {
public var iHit:OSprite;
public static const iDefAnimators:Array = [{F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:0, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0.2, iPIter:6}, null, null, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0.6, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Scale.Make, iSScale:1, iEScale:0.8, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Scale.Make, iSScale:0.8, iEScale:1, iPIter:6}];
public function OButton(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array=null){
var _local3:Array;
_local3 = ((_arg2)==null) ? OButton.iDefAnimators : _arg2;
super(_arg1, _local3);
override public function OnMouseUp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
this.prPress = false;
override public function OnRollOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
this.prRool = true;
override public function Init():void{
this.useHandCursor = true;
this.buttonMode = true;
if (this.iHit){
this.iHit.visible = false;
this.hitArea = this.iHit;
override public function OnRollOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (this.prPress){
this.prPress = false;
this.prRool = false;
override public function Free():void{
this.iHit = null;
override public function OnMouseDown(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
this.prPress = true;
if ((this.parent is OIObject)){
(this.parent as OIObject).OnPress(_arg1, this);
Section 37
//OCounter (ENGINE.INTERFACE.OCounter)
public class OCounter extends OIObject {
public var iSeparator:OIObject;
public var iDigits0:Array;
public var iDigits:Array;
protected var iValue:int;
protected var iValue0:int;
protected var iWidth:Number;
protected var iHeight:Number;
public static const iDefAnimators:Array = [{F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:0, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0.2, iPIter:6}, null, null, null, null, null, null];
public function OCounter(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Array=null){
var _local5:Array;
this.iWidth = _arg2;
this.iHeight = _arg3;
_local5 = (_arg4) ? _arg4 : iDefAnimators;
super(_arg1, _local5);
public function set prValue0(_arg1:int):void{
this.iValue0 = Math.max(_arg1, 0);
if (!this.iDigits0){
this.iValue0 = Math.min(this.iValue0, (Math.pow(10, this.iDigits0.length) - 1));
public function set prValue(_arg1:int):void{
this.iValue = Math.max(_arg1, 0);
if (!this.iDigits){
this.iValue = Math.min(this.iValue, (Math.pow(10, this.iDigits.length) - 1));
override public function Init():void{
this.iDigits = new Array();
this.iDigits0 = new Array();
private function Draw():void{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:String;
var _local3:String;
var _local4:int;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:int;
_local1 = 0;
_local2 = this.iValue0.toString();
_local3 = this.iValue.toString();
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < this.iDigits0.length) {
this.iDigits0[_local4].prAnimationEnabled = this.iAEnabled;
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < this.iDigits.length) {
this.iDigits[_local4].prAnimationEnabled = this.iAEnabled;
if (this.iDigits0.length){
_local4 = (_local2.length - 1);
while (_local4 >= 0) {
this.iDigits0[_local4].prValue = (_local2.charCodeAt(_local4) - 47);
_local6 = (this.iDigits0.length - _local2.length);
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local6) {
if (this.iDigits0[_local4].prValue){
this.iDigits0[_local4].prValue = 0;
if (this.iDigits.length){
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local3.length) {
this.iDigits[_local4].prValue = (_local3.charCodeAt(_local4) - 47);
_local6 = this.iDigits.length;
_local4 = _local3.length;
while (_local4 < _local6) {
if (this.iDigits[_local4].prValue){
this.iDigits[_local4].prValue = 0;
if (this.iDigits0.length){
_local4 = (_local2.length - 1);
while (_local4 >= 0) {
_local1 = (_local1 + this.iDigits0[_local4].prWidth);
if (this.iSeparator){
_local1 = (_local1 + this.iSeparator.prWidth);
if (this.iDigits.length){
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local3.length) {
_local1 = (_local1 + this.iDigits[_local4].prWidth);
_local5 = ((this.iWidth - _local1) / 2);
if (this.iDigits0.length){
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < this.iDigits0.length) {
if (this.iDigits0[_local4].prValue){
this.iDigits0[_local4].PosValue(_local5, ((this.iWidth - this.iDigits0[_local4].prHeight) / 2));
_local5 = (_local5 + this.iDigits0[_local4].prWidth);
if (this.iSeparator){
this.iSeparator.Pos(_local5, ((this.iHeight - this.iSeparator.prHeight) / 2));
_local5 = (_local5 + this.iSeparator.prWidth);
if (this.iDigits.length){
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < this.iDigits.length) {
if (this.iDigits[_local4].prValue){
this.iDigits[_local4].PosValue(_local5, ((this.iHeight - this.iDigits[_local4].prHeight) / 2));
_local5 = (_local5 + this.iDigits[_local4].prWidth);
public function get prValue0():int{
return (this.iValue0);
override public function Free():void{
this.iDigits = null;
this.iDigits0 = null;
this.iSeparator = null;
public function get prValue():int{
return (this.iValue);
Section 38
public class ODialog extends OWindow {
public static const iDefAnimators:Array = [{F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:0, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:12}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0, iPIter:12}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:12}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0.2, iPIter:12}, null, null, null, null, null, null];
public function ODialog(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array=null){
var _local3:Array;
_local3 = (_arg2) ? _arg2 : ODialog.iDefAnimators;
super(_arg1, _local3);
override public function Init():void{
this.prVisible = true;
Section 39
public class OHtml extends OIObject {
public var iText:OHtmlTextField;
public static const iDefAnimators:Array = [{F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:0, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0.2, iPIter:6}, null, null, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0.5, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:6}, null, null];
public function OHtml(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array=null){
var _local3:Array;
_local3 = ((_arg2)==null) ? _slot1.iDefAnimators : _arg2;
super(_arg1, _local3);
public function set prText(_arg1:String):void{
this.iText.prText = _arg1;
override public function Init():void{
public function AddText(_arg1:String):void{
this.iText.prText = (this.iText.prText + _arg1);
public function get prText():String{
return (this.iText.prText);
Section 40
public class OInput extends OIObject {
public var iText:OInputTextField;
public static const iDefAnimators:Array = [{F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:0, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0.2, iPIter:6}, null, null, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0.5, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:6}, null, null];
public function OInput(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array=null){
var _local3:Array;
_local3 = ((_arg2)==null) ? _slot1.iDefAnimators : _arg2;
super(_arg1, _local3);
public function set prText(_arg1:String):void{
this.iText.prText = _arg1;
override public function Init():void{
this.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, OnKeyUp);
public function get prText():String{
return (this.iText.prText);
protected function OnKeyUp(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
if ((((_arg1.keyCode == 13)) && ((this.parent is OWindow)))){
(this.parent as OWindow).OnPress(null, this);
Section 41
//OInterface (ENGINE.INTERFACE.OInterface)
public class OInterface {
public static const iDefLBButtonAnimators:Array = [{F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:0, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0.2, iPIter:6}, null, null, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0.6, iPIter:4}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:4}, {F:OA_Scale.Make, iSScale:1, iEScale:0.8, iPIter:4}, {F:OA_Scale.Make, iSScale:0.8, iEScale:1, iPIter:4}];
public static const iDefAnimators:Array = [{F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:0, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:12}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0, iPIter:12}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:12}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0.2, iPIter:12}, null, null, null, null, null, null];
public static const iDefSlowAnimators:Array = [{F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:0, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:30}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0, iPIter:30}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:30}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0.2, iPIter:30}, null, null, null, null, null, null];
public static function OHtmlTextFieldMake(_arg1:Array):OHtmlTextField{
return (new OHtmlTextField(_arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3], _arg1[4], _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], _arg1[8], _arg1[9], _arg1[10]));
public static function OIObjectMake(_arg1:Array):OIObject{
var _local2:OIObject;
_local2 = new OIObject(_arg1[1], _arg1[2]);
_local2.Pos(_arg1[3], _arg1[4]);
return (_local2);
public static function OProgressMake(_arg1:Array):OProgress{
return (new OProgress(_arg1[1], _arg1[2]));
public static function OInputTextFieldMake(_arg1:Array):OInputTextField{
return (new OInputTextField(_arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3], _arg1[4], _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], _arg1[8], _arg1[9], _arg1[10], _arg1[11]));
public static function OTabMake(_arg1:Array):OTab{
return (new OTab(_arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3], _arg1[4], _arg1[5]));
public static function OCounterMake(_arg1:Array):OCounter{
return (new OCounter(_arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3], _arg1[4]));
Section 42
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
public class OIObject extends OSprite {
protected var iTrigger:uint;
protected var iAEnabled:Boolean;// = true
protected var iAManager:OAnimatorManager;
protected var iState:int;
protected var iAParams:Array;
protected var iParam:Array;
public static var trActive:uint = 2;
public static var trPress:uint = 16;
public static var trRool:uint = 8;
public static var trFocus:uint = 3;
public static var trVisible:uint = 1;
public function OIObject(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array=null){
iTrigger = (trVisible | trActive);
iAEnabled = true;
this.iParam = _arg1;
this.iAParams = _arg2;
public function get prMouseEnabled():Boolean{
return (((this.prVisible) && (this.prActive)));
public function get prRool():Boolean{
return (((this.iTrigger & trRool) > 0));
public function set prFocus(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (_arg1){
this.iTrigger = (this.iTrigger | trFocus);
if (this.iAManager){
} else {
this.iTrigger = (this.iTrigger & ~(trFocus));
if (this.iAManager){
override public function get prVisible():Boolean{
return (((this.iTrigger & trVisible) > 0));
public function set prRool(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (_arg1){
this.iTrigger = (this.iTrigger | trRool);
if (this.iAManager){
} else {
this.iTrigger = (this.iTrigger & ~(trRool));
if (this.iAManager){
override public function set prVisible(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (_arg1){
this.iTrigger = (this.iTrigger | trVisible);
if (this.iAManager){
this.AddAnimator(this.iAParams[OAnimatorManager.anShow], false);
} else {
this.iTrigger = (this.iTrigger & ~(trVisible));
if (this.iAManager){
this.AddAnimator(this.iAParams[OAnimatorManager.anHide], false);
if (((!(this.iAManager)) || (!(this.iAEnabled)))){
this.visible = _arg1;
this.mouseEnabled = this.prMouseEnabled;
this.mouseChildren = this.mouseEnabled;
public function OnRollOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
this.prRool = true;
public function Init():void{
var _local1:int;
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:DisplayObject;
var _local5:String;
if (this.iParam){
_local1 = this.iParam.length;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _local1) {
_local3 = this.iParam[_local2].length;
_local4 = this.iParam[_local2][0](this.iParam[_local2]);
_local5 = this.iParam[_local2][(_local3 - 3)];
if (_local5){
if ((this[_local5] is Array)){
this[_local5][this.iParam[_local2][(_local3 - 2)]] = _local4;
} else {
this[_local5] = _local4;
if ((_local4 is OIObject)){
(_local4 as OIObject).SetVisible(this.iParam[_local2][(_local3 - 1)]);
} else {
if ((_local4 is IDisplayObject)){
(_local4 as IDisplayObject).prVisible = this.iParam[_local2][(_local3 - 1)];
} else {
_local4.visible = this.iParam[_local2][(_local3 - 1)];
this.iAManager = (this.iAParams) ? new OAnimatorManager(this) : null;
this.tabEnabled = false;
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, OnEnterFrame);
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, OnRollOver);
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, OnRollOut);
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, OnMouseDown);
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, OnMouseUp);
public function get prAnimationEnabled():Boolean{
return (this.iAEnabled);
public function OnMouseUp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
this.prPress = false;
public function set prActive(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (_arg1){
this.iTrigger = (this.iTrigger | trActive);
if (this.iAManager){
} else {
this.iTrigger = (this.iTrigger & ~(trActive));
if (this.iAManager){
this.mouseEnabled = this.prMouseEnabled;
this.mouseChildren = this.mouseEnabled;
public function get prPress():Boolean{
return (((this.iTrigger & trPress) > 0));
public function get State():int{
return (this.iState);
public function OnPress(_arg1:Event, _arg2):void{
public function OnRollOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
this.prRool = false;
override public function Free():void{
this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, OnMouseUp);
this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, OnMouseDown);
this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, OnRollOut);
this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, OnRollOver);
this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, OnEnterFrame);
if (this.iAManager){
this.iAManager = null;
public function get prAnimation():Boolean{
var _local1:int;
if (((this.iAManager) && (this.iAManager.prAnimation))){
return (true);
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < this.numChildren) {
if (!(this.getChildAt(_local1) is OIObject)){
} else {
if ((this.getChildAt(_local1) as OIObject).prAnimation){
return (true);
return (false);
public function get prActive():Boolean{
return (((this.iTrigger & trActive) > 0));
public function PosCenter(_arg1:Number=800, _arg2:Number=600):void{
var _local3:Rectangle;
_local3 = this.getBounds(this);
this.Pos(OGlobal.ScaleFloor((((_arg1 - this.prWidth) - (OGlobal.ToLocal(_local3.x) * 2)) / 2)), OGlobal.ScaleFloor((((_arg2 - this.prHeight) - (OGlobal.ToLocal(_local3.y) * 2)) / 2)));
public function AddAnimator(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Boolean=true):void{
var _local3:Boolean;
_local3 = (_arg2) ? ((((this.iAManager) && (this.prVisible))) && (this.iAEnabled)) : ((this.iAManager) && (this.iAEnabled));
if (_local3){
public function set prAnimationEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{
this.iAEnabled = _arg1;
public function set prPress(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (_arg1){
this.iTrigger = (this.iTrigger | trPress);
if (this.iAManager){
} else {
this.iTrigger = (this.iTrigger & ~(trPress));
if (this.iAManager){
public function OnMouseDown(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
this.prPress = true;
public function OnEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{
if (this.iAManager){
public function SetVisible(_arg1:Boolean):void{
this.prAnimationEnabled = false;
this.prVisible = _arg1;
this.prAnimationEnabled = true;
public function set prAnimatorParams(_arg1:Array):void{
this.iAParams = _arg1;
if (!this.iAManager){
this.iAManager = new OAnimatorManager(this);
public function set State(_arg1:int):void{
this.iState = _arg1;
public function get prAnimatorParams():Array{
return (this.iAParams);
public function get prFocus():Boolean{
return (((this.iTrigger & trFocus) > 0));
Section 43
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
public class OListBox extends OIObject {
private var iLBParams:Array;
private var iEGenP:Function;
private var iElements:Array;
public var iDown:OButton;
private var iEGen:Array;
public var iUp:OButton;
private var iEShowInd:int;
private var iSelection:Boolean;// = true
private var iECoord:Array;
private var iECount:int;
private var iCycling:Boolean;
private var iECurInd:int;
private var iPageScrool:Boolean;
public static const iDefAnimators:Array = [{F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:0, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0.2, iPIter:6}, null, null, {F:OA_AlphaInd.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0.6, iInd:[0], iPIter:6}, {F:OA_AlphaInd.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:1, iInd:[0], iPIter:6}, null, null];
public function OListBox(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array, _arg3:Function, _arg4:Array, _arg5:Array, _arg6:Array=null){
var _local7:Array;
iSelection = true;
_local7 = (_arg6) ? _arg6 : iDefAnimators;
this.iEGen = _arg2;
this.iEGenP = _arg3;
this.iECoord = _arg4;
this.iLBParams = _arg5;
this.iECount = this.iECoord.length;
super(_arg1, _local7);
public function SetCurrentElement(_arg1, _arg2:Array=null):void{
var _local3:int;
if (((!(_arg1)) && (!(_arg2)))){
this.iLBParams = null;
this.iECurInd = 0;
this.iEShowInd = 0;
if (_arg2){
this.iLBParams = _arg2;
if (!this.iLBParams){
this.iECurInd = 0;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < this.iLBParams.length) {
if (_arg1 == this.iLBParams[_local3]){
this.iECurInd = _local3;
this.iEShowInd = this.iECurInd;
if ((this.iEShowInd + this.iECount) >= this.iLBParams.length){
this.iEShowInd = (this.iLBParams.length - this.iECount);
if (this.iEShowInd < 0){
this.iEShowInd = 0;
protected function UnpressElements(_arg1:OListBoxElement):void{
var _local2:int;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < this.iElements.length) {
if (!this.iElements[_local2]){
} else {
if (this.iElements[_local2] == _arg1){
this.iECurInd = (this.iEShowInd + _local2);
} else {
if (this.iElements[_local2].prPress){
this.iElements[_local2].prPress = false;
public function get prPageScrool():Boolean{
return (this.iPageScrool);
protected function InitElements():void{
var _local1:int;
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:Boolean;
if (this.iLBParams == null){
_local1 = 0;
_local2 = (((this.iEShowInd + this.iECount) <= this.iLBParams.length)) ? (this.iEShowInd + this.iECount) : this.iLBParams.length;
_local3 = this.iEShowInd;
while (_local3 < _local2) {
this.iEGenP(this.iEGen, this.iLBParams[_local3]);
this.iElements[_local1] = this.iEGen[0](this.iEGen);
this.iElements[_local1].Pos(OGlobal.ScaleFloor(this.iECoord[_local1][0]), OGlobal.ScaleFloor(this.iECoord[_local1][1]));
this.iElements[_local1].mouseEnabled = this.iSelection;
if ((((this.iECurInd == _local3)) && (this.iSelection))){
this.iElements[_local1].prPress = true;
if (((this.iUp) && (this.iDown))){
if (this.iCycling){
_local4 = (this.iLBParams) ? (this.iLBParams.length > this.iECount) : false;
if (this.iUp.prVisible != _local4){
this.iUp.prVisible = _local4;
if (this.iDown.prVisible != _local4){
this.iDown.prVisible = _local4;
} else {
if ((((this.iEShowInd == 0)) && (this.iUp.prVisible))){
if (this.iUp.prPress){
this.iUp.prPress = false;
this.iUp.prVisible = false;
if ((((this.iEShowInd > 0)) && (!(this.iUp.prVisible)))){
this.iUp.prVisible = true;
if (((((this.iEShowInd + this.iECount) >= this.iLBParams.length)) && (this.iDown.prVisible))){
if (this.iDown.prPress){
this.iDown.prPress = false;
this.iDown.prVisible = false;
if (((((this.iEShowInd + this.iECount) < this.iLBParams.length)) && (!(this.iDown.prVisible)))){
this.iDown.prVisible = true;
public function set prPageScrool(_arg1:Boolean):void{
this.iPageScrool = _arg1;
override public function Free():void{
this.iUp = null;
this.iDown = null;
this.iElements = null;
public function set prCurrentInd(_arg1:int):void{
if (!this.iLBParams){
override public function Init():void{
this.iElements = new Array();
public function set prLBParams(_arg1:Array):void{
this.iLBParams = _arg1;
this.iECurInd = 0;
this.iEShowInd = 0;
public function get prCurrentInd():int{
return (this.iECurInd);
public function set prSelection(_arg1:Boolean):void{
this.iSelection = _arg1;
public function set prCycling(_arg1:Boolean):void{
this.iCycling = _arg1;
override public function OnPress(_arg1:Event, _arg2):void{
if ((_arg2 is OListBoxElement)){
this.UnpressElements((_arg2 as OListBoxElement));
if ((((_arg2 == this.iUp)) && (this.SkipElements((this.iPageScrool) ? -(this.iECount) : -1)))){
if ((((_arg2 == this.iDown)) && (this.SkipElements((this.iPageScrool) ? this.iECount : 1)))){
if ((this.parent is OIObject)){
(this.parent as OIObject).OnPress(_arg1, this);
public function get prSelection():Boolean{
return (this.iSelection);
protected function FreeElements():void{
var _local1:int;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < this.iElements.length) {
if (!this.iElements[_local1]){
} else {
this.iElements[_local1] = null;
protected function SkipElements(_arg1:int):Boolean{
var _local2:int;
if (!this.iLBParams){
return (false);
_local2 = (this.iEShowInd + _arg1);
if ((_local2 + this.iECount) >= this.iLBParams.length){
_local2 = (this.iCycling) ? (_local2 - this.iLBParams.length) : (this.iLBParams.length - this.iECount);
if (_local2 < 0){
_local2 = (this.iCycling) ? (this.iLBParams.length + _local2) : 0;
if (this.iEShowInd == _local2){
return (false);
this.iEShowInd = _local2;
if (!this.iSelection){
this.iECurInd = this.iEShowInd;
return (true);
public function get prCurrentLBParam(){
return ((this.iLBParams) ? this.iLBParams[this.iECurInd] : null);
public function get prCycling():Boolean{
return (this.iCycling);
Section 44
import flash.display.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
public class OLoader extends OIObject {
private var iLoader:Loader;
private var iStaged:Boolean;// = false
private var iTimer:int;
private var iURL:String;
public var iPBar:OCounter;
private var iComplete:Boolean;
private var iValues:Array;
public static const stLoading:int = 0;
public static const stLoadingComplete:int = 1;
public function OLoader(_arg1:String, _arg2:Array, _arg3:Array=null){
iStaged = false;
this.iURL = _arg1;
this.iLoader = new Loader();
super(_arg2, _arg3);
if (!this.iStaged){
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, NotStagedEnterFrame);
protected function OnOpen(_arg1:Event):void{
protected function OnUnLoad(_arg1:Event):void{
private function NotStagedEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{
if (!iStaged){
if (!this.stage){
this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, NotStagedEnterFrame);
this.iStaged = true;
override public function Init():void{
var _local1:URLRequest;
if (!this.stage){
this.iValues = new Array();
_local1 = new URLRequest(this.iURL);
this.State = stLoading;
this.iPBar.prValue = 0;
this.iLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, OnComplete);
this.iLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, OnHTTPStatus);
this.iLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, OnInit);
this.iLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, OnIOError);
this.iLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.OPEN, OnOpen);
this.iLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, OnProgress);
this.iLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.UNLOAD, OnUnLoad);
this.iStaged = true;
protected function OnProgress(_arg1:ProgressEvent):void{
this.iValues.push(Math.round(((_arg1.bytesLoaded / _arg1.bytesTotal) * 100)));
protected function OnComplete(_arg1:Event):void{
this.iComplete = true;
override public function Free():void{
this.iLoader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, OnComplete);
this.iLoader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, OnHTTPStatus);
this.iLoader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.INIT, OnInit);
this.iLoader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, OnIOError);
this.iLoader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.OPEN, OnOpen);
this.iLoader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, OnProgress);
this.iLoader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.UNLOAD, OnUnLoad);
this.iPBar = null;
this.iValues = null;
protected function OnIOError(_arg1:Event):void{
public function InitStage(_arg1:Stage=null):void{
if (((_arg1) || (this.stage))){
OGlobal.prStage = (_arg1) ? _arg1 : this.stage;
if (!OGlobal.prStage){
OGlobal.prStage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
OGlobal.prStage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
OGlobal.prStage.quality = StageQuality.BEST;
OGlobal.prStage.stageFocusRect = false;
OGlobal.FPS = 60;
OGlobal.prStage.frameRate = OGlobal.FPS;
protected function OnInit(_arg1:Event):void{
override public function OnEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{
switch (this.iState){
case stLoading:
if (this.iPBar.prAnimation){
if ((((this.iValues.length == 0)) && (this.iComplete))){
this.Pos(0, 0);
(this.iLoader.content as OApplication).InitStage(this.stage);
(this.iLoader.content as OApplication).OnResize(null);
this.State = stLoadingComplete;
} else {
if (this.iValues.length > 0){
this.iPBar.prValue = this.iValues[0];
this.iValues.splice(0, 1);
protected function OnHTTPStatus(_arg1:Event):void{
Section 45
import flash.geom.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
public class OMaker extends OWindow {
public var iLoader:OBitmap;
private var iCount:int;
private var iFunctions:Array;
public var iLoaderBG:OBitmap;
private var iCache:OCache;
private var iFInd:int;
public function OMaker(_arg1:Array, _arg2:int, _arg3:OCache, _arg4:Array, _arg5:Array=null){
this.iFunctions = _arg1;
this.iCount = _arg2;
this.iCache = _arg3;
super(_arg4, _arg5);
override public function Init():void{
public function get prComplete():Boolean{
return ((this.iFInd >= this.iFunctions.length));
override public function Free():void{
this.iLoaderBG = null;
this.iLoader = null;
override public function OnEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:Rectangle;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:*;
if (this.prAnimation){
if (this.iFInd >= this.iFunctions.length){
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < this.iCount) {
if (this.iFInd >= this.iFunctions.length){
_local5 = this.iFunctions[this.iFInd].length;
_local6 = this.iFunctions[this.iFInd][0](this.iFunctions[this.iFInd]);
if (this.iFunctions[this.iFInd][(_local5 - 1)]){
this.iCache.SetArrItem(this.iFunctions[this.iFInd][(_local5 - 3)], this.iFunctions[this.iFInd][(_local5 - 2)], _local6);
} else {
this.iCache.SetItem(this.iFunctions[this.iFInd][(_local5 - 3)], _local6);
_local3 = Math.round(((iLoaderBG.prOBM.iBM.width * (this.iFInd + 1)) / this.iFunctions.length));
_local4 = new Rectangle(0, 0, _local3, this.iLoaderBG.prOBM.iBM.height);
this.iLoaderBG.prOBM.iBM.fillRect(_local4, 0);
this.iLoaderBG.prOBM.iBM.copyPixels(this.iLoader.prOBM.iBM, _local4, new Point(0, 0));
Section 46
//OProgress (ENGINE.INTERFACE.OProgress)
import flash.geom.*;
public class OProgress extends OIObject {
public var iProgressBG:OBitmap;
private var iPBG:OBitmap;
public var iProgress:OBitmap;
private var iValue:Number;
public function OProgress(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array=null){
super(_arg1, _arg2);
public function set prValue(_arg1:Number):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:Rectangle;
var _local4:Rectangle;
if (_arg1 < 0){
_arg1 = 0;
} else {
if (_arg1 > 100){
_arg1 = 100;
if (this.iValue != _arg1){
_local2 = Math.round(((iProgressBG.prOBM.iBM.width * _arg1) / 100));
_local3 = new Rectangle(0, 0, _local2, this.iProgressBG.prOBM.iBM.height);
_local4 = new Rectangle(_local2, 0, (iProgressBG.prOBM.iBM.width - _local2), this.iProgressBG.prOBM.iBM.height);
this.iProgressBG.prOBM.iBM.fillRect(this.iPBG.prOBM.iBM.rect, 0);
this.iProgressBG.prOBM.iBM.copyPixels(this.iProgress.prOBM.iBM, _local3, new Point(0, 0));
this.iProgressBG.prOBM.iBM.copyPixels(this.iPBG.prOBM.iBM, _local4, new Point(_local2, 0));
this.iValue = _arg1;
override public function Init():void{
if (this.iProgressBG){
this.iPBG = this.iProgressBG.Clone();
override public function Free():void{
this.iProgressBG = null;
this.iProgress = null;
public function get prValue():Number{
return (this.iValue);
Section 47
public class OTab extends OIObject {
private var iVAnimator:Object;
private var iCurInd:int;
protected var iWidth:Number;
protected var iHeight:Number;
public static const iDefAnimators:Array = [{F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:0, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:1, iPIter:6}, {F:OA_Alpha.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0.2, iPIter:6}, null, null, null, null, null, null];
public static const iDefVAnimator:Object = {F:OA_AlphaFade.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0, iSInd:[0], iEInd:[1], iPIter:3};
public function OTab(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Object=null, _arg5:Array=null){
var _local6:Array;
this.iWidth = _arg2;
this.iHeight = _arg3;
this.iVAnimator = (_arg4) ? _arg4 : iDefVAnimator;
_local6 = (_arg5) ? _arg5 : iDefAnimators;
super(_arg1, _local6);
override public function get prWidth():Number{
return (this.iWidth);
public function get prElements():int{
return (this.numChildren);
public function set prValue(_arg1:int):void{
if (_arg1 < 0){
_arg1 = 0;
} else {
if (_arg1 >= this.numChildren){
_arg1 = (this.numChildren - 1);
if (((this.iAEnabled) && (this.iVAnimator))){
if (this.iCurInd == _arg1){
this.iVAnimator.iSInd = [this.iCurInd];
this.iVAnimator.iEInd = [_arg1];
this.AddAnimator(this.iVAnimator, false);
} else {
if ((this.getChildAt(this.iCurInd) is IDisplayObject)){
(this.getChildAt(this.iCurInd) as IDisplayObject).prVisible = false;
if ((this.getChildAt(_arg1) is IDisplayObject)){
(this.getChildAt(_arg1) as IDisplayObject).prVisible = true;
this.iCurInd = _arg1;
override public function Init():void{
(this.getChildAt(0) as IDisplayObject).prVisible = true;
public function get prValue():int{
return (this.iCurInd);
override public function get prHeight():Number{
return (this.iHeight);
public function PosValue(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
(this.getChildAt(this.iCurInd) as IDisplayObject).Pos((_arg1 - this.prX), (_arg2 - this.prY));
Section 48
public class OWindow extends OIObject {
public function OWindow(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array=null){
super(_arg1, _arg2);
Section 49
import flash.utils.*;
public class OMethod {
private var iParentMethod:OMethod;
private var iTotalTimer:int;
private var iProfiler:OProfiler;
private var iName:String;
private var iTimer:int;
private var iBegined:Boolean;
public function OMethod(_arg1:OProfiler, _arg2:String){
iProfiler = _arg1;
iName = _arg2;
iTotalTimer = 0;
public function End():void{
if (!iBegined){
iProfiler.prCurrentMethod = iParentMethod;
if (iParentMethod){
iTotalTimer = (iTotalTimer + (getTimer() - iTimer));
iBegined = false;
public function get prTotalTimer():int{
return (iTotalTimer);
public function Begin():void{
if (((iBegined) || ((iProfiler.prCurrentMethod == this)))){
iParentMethod = iProfiler.prCurrentMethod;
iProfiler.prCurrentMethod = this;
if (iParentMethod){
iTimer = getTimer();
iBegined = true;
public function get prName():String{
return (iName);
public function get prRate():Number{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:Number;
_local1 = iTotalTimer;
_local2 = iProfiler.prTotalTimer;
return ((_local1 / _local2));
Section 50
//OProfiler (ENGINE.PROFILER.OProfiler)
import flash.utils.*;
public class OProfiler {
private var iMethods:Array;
private var iTotalTimer:int;
private var iCurrentMethod:OMethod;
private var iTimer:int;
private var iBegined:Boolean;
public function OProfiler(){
iMethods = new Array();
iTotalTimer = 0;
iCurrentMethod = null;
iBegined = false;
public function get prTotalTimer():int{
return (iTotalTimer);
public function RegisterMethod(_arg1:String):int{
iMethods.push(new OMethod(this, _arg1));
return ((iMethods.length - 1));
public function Trace():void{
var _local1:OMethod;
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:int;
_local3 = 0;
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < iMethods.length) {
_local1 = iMethods[_local4];
_local2 = (100 * _local1.prRate);
_local3 = (_local3 + _local2);
public function set prCurrentMethod(_arg1:OMethod):void{
iCurrentMethod = _arg1;
public function get prNumMethods():int{
return (iMethods.length);
public function Begin():void{
if (iBegined){
iTimer = getTimer();
iBegined = true;
public function GetMethod(_arg1:int):OMethod{
return (iMethods[_arg1]);
public function get prCurrentMethod():OMethod{
return (iCurrentMethod);
public function End():void{
if (!iBegined){
iTotalTimer = (iTotalTimer + (getTimer() - iTimer));
iBegined = false;
Section 51
//OEffectBagels (ENGINE.SKIN.OEffectBagels)
package ENGINE.SKIN {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.filters.*;
public class OEffectBagels extends OEffect {
private var iBagelWide:int;
private var iBackgroundColor:uint;
private var iHoleWide:int;
private var iBagelColor:uint;
public function OEffectBagels(){
RegisterColor("default", {iBackgroundH:0, iBackgroundS:0.9, iBackgroundB:0.6, iBagelH:0, iBagelS:0.5, iBagelB:0.99, iBagelA:1, iBagelWide:5, iHoleWide:2});
override public function Apply(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Number=0, _arg4:Number=0):OBM{
var _local5:OBM;
var _local6:OBitmapData;
var _local7:Point;
var _local8:Rectangle;
_local5 = OBM.Make([null, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, 0]);
_local6 = OBitmapData.GenerateBagels(_local5.iBM.width, _local5.iBM.height, [(1000 * Math.random()), false, iBackgroundColor, iBagelColor, iBagelWide, iHoleWide]);
_local7 = new Point();
_local8 = new Rectangle(0, 0, _local5.iBM.width, _local5.iBM.height);
_local6.copyChannel(_local5.iBM, _local8, _local7, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA);
_local5.iBM.draw(_local6, null, null, BlendMode.NORMAL);
return (_local5);
override public function Init(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number=1):void{
var _local4:Object;
var _local5:int;
_local4 = iColors.GetItem(_arg1);
if (_local4 == null){
_local5 = int(_arg1);
_local4 = iColors.GetItem("default");
} else {
_local5 = _local4.iBackgroundH;
iBackgroundColor = ODisplay.HSBAToRGBA(_local5, _local4.iBackgroundS, _local4.iBackgroundB, 1);
iBagelColor = ODisplay.HSBAToRGBA(_local5, _local4.iBagelS, _local4.iBagelB, _local4.iBagelA);
iBagelWide = _local4.iBagelWide;
iHoleWide = _local4.iHoleWide;
}//package ENGINE.SKIN
Section 52
//OEffectDrop (ENGINE.SKIN.OEffectDrop)
package ENGINE.SKIN {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
import flash.filters.*;
public class OEffectDrop extends OEffect {
private var iBorder:Number;// = 0
private var iF2S:DropShadowFilter;
private var iF0S:DropShadowFilter;
private var iAlpha:Number;// = 0.5
private var iColor:uint;// = 0
private var iF3GG1:GradientGlowFilter;
private var iF3GG2:GradientGlowFilter;
private var iF1S:DropShadowFilter;
public function OEffectDrop(){
iAlpha = 0.5;
iColor = 0;
iBorder = 0;
override public function Apply(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Number=0, _arg4:Number=0):OBM{
var _local5:OBM;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:Sprite;
var _local9:Sprite;
var _local10:ColorTransform;
var _local11:Bitmap;
var _local12:Bitmap;
var _local13:Bitmap;
var _local14:Bitmap;
var _local15:Sprite;
var _local16:Bitmap;
var _local17:Bitmap;
var _local18:int;
var _local19:int;
var _local20:BitmapData;
_local5 = OBM.Make([null, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, 0]);
_local6 = OGlobal.Scale;
_local7 = 0.85;
_local8 = new Sprite();
_local9 = new Sprite();
_local9.x = iBorder;
_local9.y = iBorder;
_local9.alpha = _local7;
_local10 = new ColorTransform(0, 0, 0);
_local10.color = this.iColor;
_local11 = new Bitmap(_local5.iBM);
_local11.transform.colorTransform = _local10;
_local11.alpha = 0.5;
_local12 = new Bitmap(_local5.iBM);
_local12.blendMode = "multiply";
_local12.filters = [this.iF0S];
_local13 = new Bitmap(_local5.iBM);
_local13.blendMode = "multiply";
_local13.filters = [this.iF1S];
_local14 = new Bitmap(_local5.iBM);
_local14.blendMode = "lighten";
_local14.filters = [this.iF2S];
_local15 = new Sprite();
_local15.blendMode = "layer";
_local16 = new Bitmap(_local5.iBM);
_local16.blendMode = "screen";
_local16.filters = [this.iF3GG1];
_local17 = new Bitmap(_local5.iBM);
_local17.blendMode = "erase";
_local17.filters = [this.iF3GG2];
_local18 = (_local8.width + (this.iBorder * 2));
_local19 = (_local8.height + (this.iBorder * 2));
_local20 = new BitmapData(_local18, _local19, true, 0);
return (new OBM(_local20, (-(this.iBorder) + _local5.iX), (-(this.iBorder) + _local5.iY), _local5.iWidth, _local5.iHeight));
override public function Init(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number=1):void{
var _local4:Object;
var _local5:Object;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:uint;
var _local8:Number;
var _local9:Number;
_local4 = this.iColors.GetItem(_arg1);
if (_local4 == null){
_local5 = this.iFilters.GetItem(_arg2);
if (_local5 == null){
_local6 = (OGlobal.Scale * _arg3);
_local7 = ODisplay.HSBToRGB(_local4.iSH, _local4.iSS, _local4.iSB);
this.iF0S = new DropShadowFilter((_local5.iF0SD * _local6), 90, ODisplay.HSBToRGB(_local4.iCH, _local4.iCS, (_local4.iCB * 0.75)), 0.6, (_local5.iF0SB * _local6), (_local5.iF0SB * _local6), 1, 1, false, true, true);
this.iF1S = new DropShadowFilter((_local5.iF1SD * _local6), 90, _local7, 0.5, (_local5.iF1SB * _local6), (_local5.iF1SB * _local6), 1, 2, true, true, true);
this.iF2S = new DropShadowFilter((_local5.iF2SD * _local6), 270, 0xFFFFFF, 0.4, (_local5.iF2SB * _local6), (_local5.iF2SB * _local6), 1, 2, true, true, true);
_local8 = _local5.iF3GGC1;
this.iF3GG1 = new GradientGlowFilter((_local5.iF3GGD1 * _local6), 73, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF], [0, 0, 1], [0, _local8, 0xFF], (_local5.iF3GGB1 * _local6), (_local5.iF3GGB1 * _local6), 1, 2, "inner", true);
_local9 = _local5.iF3GGC2;
this.iF3GG2 = new GradientGlowFilter((_local5.iF3GGD2 * _local6), 73, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF], [0, 0, 1], [0, _local9, 0xFF], (_local5.iF3GGB2 * _local6), (_local5.iF3GGB2 * _local6), 1, 1, "inner", true);
this.iColor = ODisplay.HSBToRGB(_local4.iCH, _local4.iCS, _local4.iCB);
this.iBorder = Math.ceil((_local5.iBorder * _local6));
}//package ENGINE.SKIN
Section 53
//OEffectGel (ENGINE.SKIN.OEffectGel)
package ENGINE.SKIN {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
import flash.filters.*;
public class OEffectGel extends OEffect {
private var iColor:uint;// = 0
private var iF2B:BlurFilter;
private var iF2GG1:GradientGlowFilter;
private var iF2GG2:GradientGlowFilter;
private var iF0S:DropShadowFilter;
private var iF1G:GlowFilter;
private var iBorder:Number;// = 0
private var iF1S:DropShadowFilter;
public function OEffectGel(){
iColor = 0;
iBorder = 0;
override public function Apply(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Number=0, _arg4:Number=0):OBM{
var _local5:OBM;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:Sprite;
var _local9:Sprite;
var _local10:ColorTransform;
var _local11:Bitmap;
var _local12:Bitmap;
var _local13:Bitmap;
var _local14:Sprite;
var _local15:Bitmap;
var _local16:Bitmap;
var _local17:BitmapData;
var _local18:Bitmap;
_local5 = OBM.Make([null, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, 0]);
_local6 = OGlobal.Scale;
_local7 = 0.85;
_local8 = new Sprite();
_local9 = new Sprite();
_local9.x = iBorder;
_local9.y = iBorder;
_local9.alpha = _local7;
_local10 = new ColorTransform(0, 0, 0);
_local10.color = this.iColor;
_local11 = new Bitmap(_local5.iBM);
_local11.transform.colorTransform = _local10;
if (this.iF0S.distance > 0){
_local18 = new Bitmap(_local5.iBM);
_local18.blendMode = "multiply";
_local18.filters = [this.iF0S];
_local12 = new Bitmap(_local5.iBM);
_local12.blendMode = "multiply";
_local12.filters = [this.iF1S];
_local13 = new Bitmap(_local5.iBM);
_local13.blendMode = "multiply";
_local13.filters = [this.iF1G];
_local14 = new Sprite();
_local14.blendMode = "layer";
_local14.filters = [this.iF2B];
_local15 = new Bitmap(_local5.iBM);
_local15.blendMode = "screen";
_local15.filters = [this.iF2GG1];
_local16 = new Bitmap(_local5.iBM);
_local16.blendMode = "erase";
_local16.filters = [this.iF2GG2];
_local17 = new BitmapData((_local8.width + (this.iBorder * 2)), (_local8.height + (this.iBorder * 2)), true, 0);
return (new OBM(_local17, (-(this.iBorder) + _local5.iX), (-(this.iBorder) + _local5.iY), _local5.iWidth, _local5.iHeight));
override public function Init(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number=1):void{
var _local4:Object;
var _local5:Object;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:uint;
var _local8:Number;
var _local9:Number;
var _local10:int;
var _local11:int;
var _local12:Array;
var _local13:Array;
_local4 = this.iColors.GetItem(_arg1);
_local5 = this.iFilters.GetItem(_arg2);
if (_local5 == null){
_local6 = (OGlobal.Scale * _arg3);
if (_local4 == null){
_local4 = new Object();
if (,/) < 0){
_local4.iCH = Number(_arg1);
if (_local4.iCH == undefined){
_local4.iCH = (_local4.iCH % 360);
_local10 = Math.floor((_local4.iCH / 30));
_local11 = ((_local10 + 1) % 12);
_local12 = [50, 50, 60, 60, 50, 50, 40, 40, 30, 30, 40, 40];
_local4.iCS = ((_local12[_local10] + ((_local12[_local11] - _local12[_local10]) * ((_local4.iCH / 30) - _local10))) * 0.01);
_local4.iCB = 1;
_local4.iSH = (((_local10 % 2))==0) ? (_local4.iCH - 15) : (_local4.iCH + 15);
if (_local4.iSH < 0){
_local4.iSH = (_local4.iSH + 360);
_local4.iSS = 0.9;
_local4.iSB = 0.6;
} else {
_local13 = _arg1.split(/,/);
_local4.iCH = _local13[0];
_local4.iCS = _local13[1];
_local4.iCB = _local13[2];
_local4.iSH = _local13[3];
_local4.iSS = _local13[4];
_local4.iSB = _local13[5];
_local7 = ODisplay.HSBToRGB(_local4.iSH, _local4.iSS, _local4.iSB);
this.iF0S = new DropShadowFilter((_local5.iF0SD * _local6), _local5.iAngle, ODisplay.HSBToRGB(_local4.iCH, _local4.iCS, (_local4.iCB * 0.5)), 0.75, (_local5.iF0SB * _local6), (_local5.iF0SB * _local6), 1, 2, false, true, true);
this.iF1S = new DropShadowFilter((_local5.iF1SD * _local6), _local5.iAngle, _local7, 0.85, (_local5.iF1SB * _local6), (_local5.iF1SB * _local6), 1.5, 3, true, true, true);
this.iF1G = new GlowFilter(_local7, _local5.iF1GA, (_local5.iF1GB * _local6), (_local5.iF1GB * _local6), 2, 3, true, true);
_local8 = ((_local6)<1) ? (_local5.iF2GGC1 * _local6) : _local5.iF2GGC1;
this.iF2GG1 = new GradientGlowFilter((_local5.iF2GGD1 * _local6), _local5.iAngle, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF], [0, 0, 1], [0, _local8, 0xFF], (_local5.iF2GGB1 * _local6), (_local5.iF2GGB1 * _local6), 1, 1, "inner", true);
_local9 = ((_local6)<1) ? (_local5.iF2GGC2 * _local6) : _local5.iF2GGC2;
this.iF2GG2 = new GradientGlowFilter((_local5.iF2GGD2 * _local6), _local5.iAngle, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF], [0, 0, 1], [0, _local9, 0xFF], (_local5.iF2GGB2 * _local6), (_local5.iF2GGB2 * _local6), 1, 1, "inner", true);
this.iF2B = new BlurFilter((_local5.iF2B * _local6), (_local5.iF2B * _local6));
this.iColor = ODisplay.HSBToRGB(_local4.iCH, _local4.iCS, _local4.iCB);
this.iBorder = Math.ceil((_local5.iBorder * _local6));
}//package ENGINE.SKIN
Section 54
//OEffectGrades (ENGINE.SKIN.OEffectGrades)
package ENGINE.SKIN {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.filters.*;
public class OEffectGrades extends OEffect {
private var iBaseX:int;
private var iSoftness:int;
private var iNumOctaves:int;
private var iBackgroundColor:uint;
private var iForegroundColor:uint;
private var iNumGrades:int;
private var iBaseY:int;
public function OEffectGrades(){
RegisterColor("default", {iBaseX:64, iBaseY:64, iNumOctaves:8, iNumGrades:6, iBackgroundH:0, iBackgroundS:0.9, iBackgroundB:0.6, iForegroundH:0, iForegroundS:0.5, iForegroundB:0.99, iForegroundA:1, iSoftness:4});
override public function Apply(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Number=0, _arg4:Number=0):OBM{
var _local5:OBM;
var _local6:OBitmapData;
var _local7:Point;
var _local8:Rectangle;
_local5 = OBM.Make([null, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, 0]);
_local6 = OBitmapData.GenerateGrades(_local5.iBM.width, _local5.iBM.height, [(1000 * Math.random()), false, iBaseX, iBaseY, iNumOctaves, iNumGrades, iBackgroundColor, iForegroundColor, iSoftness]);
_local7 = new Point();
_local8 = new Rectangle(0, 0, _local5.iBM.width, _local5.iBM.height);
_local6.copyChannel(_local5.iBM, _local8, _local7, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA);
_local5.iBM.draw(_local6, null, null, BlendMode.NORMAL);
return (_local5);
override public function Init(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number=1):void{
var _local4:Object;
var _local5:int;
_local4 = iColors.GetItem(_arg1);
if (_local4 == null){
_local5 = int(_arg1);
_local4 = iColors.GetItem("default");
} else {
_local5 = _local4.iBackgroundH;
iBaseX = _local4.iBaseX;
iBaseY = _local4.iBaseY;
iNumOctaves = _local4.iNumOctaves;
iNumGrades = _local4.iNumGrades;
iBackgroundColor = ODisplay.HSBAToRGBA(_local5, _local4.iBackgroundS, _local4.iBackgroundB, 1);
iForegroundColor = ODisplay.HSBAToRGBA(_local5, _local4.iForegroundS, _local4.iForegroundB, _local4.iForegroundA);
iSoftness = _local4.iSoftness;
}//package ENGINE.SKIN
Section 55
//OEffectMarble (ENGINE.SKIN.OEffectMarble)
package ENGINE.SKIN {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.filters.*;
public class OEffectMarble extends OEffect {
private var iBaseX:int;
private var iOutlineColor:uint;
private var iNumOctaves:int;
private var iBackgroundColor:uint;
private var iLightColor:uint;
private var iForegroundColor:uint;
private var iShadowColor:uint;
private var iBaseY:int;
public function OEffectMarble(){
RegisterColor("default", {iBaseX:64, iBaseY:64, iNumOctaves:8, iBackgroundH:0, iBackgroundS:0.9, iBackgroundB:0.6, iForegroundH:0, iForegroundS:0.5, iForegroundB:0.99, iForegroundA:1, iOutlineH:0.9, iOutlineS:0.5, iOutlineB:0.99, iOutlineA:0.1, iLightH:0, iLightS:0, iLightB:0.99, iLightA:0.75, iShadowH:0, iShadowS:0, iShadowB:0, iShadowA:0.5});
override public function Apply(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Number=0, _arg4:Number=0):OBM{
var _local5:OBM;
var _local6:OBitmapData;
var _local7:Point;
var _local8:Rectangle;
_local5 = OBM.Make([null, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, 0]);
_local6 = OBitmapData.GenerateMarble(_local5.iBM.width, _local5.iBM.height, [(1000 * Math.random()), false, iBaseX, iBaseY, iNumOctaves, iBackgroundColor, iForegroundColor, iOutlineColor, iLightColor, iShadowColor]);
_local7 = new Point();
_local8 = new Rectangle(0, 0, _local5.iBM.width, _local5.iBM.height);
_local6.copyChannel(_local5.iBM, _local8, _local7, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA);
_local5.iBM.draw(_local6, null, null, BlendMode.NORMAL);
return (_local5);
override public function Init(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number=1):void{
var _local4:Object;
var _local5:int;
_local4 = iColors.GetItem(_arg1);
if (_local4 == null){
_local5 = int(_arg1);
_local4 = iColors.GetItem("default");
} else {
_local5 = _local4.iBackgroundH;
iBaseX = _local4.iBaseX;
iBaseY = _local4.iBaseY;
iNumOctaves = _local4.iNumOctaves;
iBackgroundColor = ODisplay.HSBAToRGBA(_local5, _local4.iBackgroundS, _local4.iBackgroundB, 1);
iForegroundColor = ODisplay.HSBAToRGBA(_local5, _local4.iForegroundS, _local4.iForegroundB, _local4.iForegroundA);
iOutlineColor = ODisplay.HSBAToRGBA(_local4.iOutlineH, _local4.iOutlineS, _local4.iOutlineB, _local4.iOutlineA);
iLightColor = ODisplay.HSBAToRGBA(_local4.iLightH, _local4.iLightS, _local4.iLightB, _local4.iLightA);
iShadowColor = ODisplay.HSBAToRGBA(_local4.iShadowH, _local4.iShadowS, _local4.iShadowB, _local4.iShadowA);
}//package ENGINE.SKIN
Section 56
//OEffectPerlin (ENGINE.SKIN.OEffectPerlin)
package ENGINE.SKIN {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.filters.*;
public class OEffectPerlin extends OEffect {
private var iNumOctaves:int;
private var iPerlinAlpha:Number;
private var iBackgroundColor:uint;
private var iAlphaChanel:Boolean;
private var iBaseX:int;
private var iBaseY:int;
public function OEffectPerlin(){
RegisterColor("default", {iBaseX:64, iBaseY:64, iNumOctaves:3, iBackgroundH:0, iBackgroundS:0.9, iBackgroundB:0.6, iAlphaChanel:true, iPerlinAlpha:1});
override public function Apply(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Number=0, _arg4:Number=0):OBM{
var _local5:OBM;
var _local6:OBitmapData;
var _local7:Point;
var _local8:Rectangle;
_local5 = OBM.Make([null, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, 0]);
_local6 = OBitmapData.GenereatePerlin(_local5.iBM.width, _local5.iBM.height, [(1000 * Math.random()), false, iBaseX, iBaseY, iNumOctaves, iBackgroundColor, iAlphaChanel, iPerlinAlpha]);
_local7 = new Point();
_local8 = new Rectangle(0, 0, _local5.iBM.width, _local5.iBM.height);
_local6.copyChannel(_local5.iBM, _local8, _local7, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA);
_local5.iBM.draw(_local6, null, null, BlendMode.NORMAL);
return (_local5);
override public function Init(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number=1):void{
var _local4:Object;
var _local5:int;
_local4 = iColors.GetItem(_arg1);
if (_local4 == null){
_local5 = int(_arg1);
_local4 = iColors.GetItem("default");
} else {
_local5 = _local4.iBackgroundH;
iBaseX = _local4.iBaseX;
iBaseY = _local4.iBaseY;
iNumOctaves = _local4.iNumOctaves;
iBackgroundColor = ODisplay.HSBAToRGBA(_local5, _local4.iBackgroundS, _local4.iBackgroundB, 1);
iAlphaChanel = _local4.iAlphaChanel;
iPerlinAlpha = _local4.iPerlinAlpha;
}//package ENGINE.SKIN
Section 57
//OEffectPlasma (ENGINE.SKIN.OEffectPlasma)
package ENGINE.SKIN {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.filters.*;
public class OEffectPlasma extends OEffect {
private var iBaseX:int;
private var iSoftness:int;
private var iOutlineColor:uint;
private var iOutlineWide:int;
private var iPlasmaColor:uint;
private var iNumOctaves:int;
private var iBaseY:int;
public function OEffectPlasma(){
RegisterColor("default", {iBaseX:32, iBaseY:32, iNumOctaves:1, iPlasmaH:0, iPlasmaS:0.9, iPlasmaB:0.6, iOutlineH:0, iOutlineS:0.5, iOutlineB:0.99, iOutlineA:1, iOutlineWide:1, iSoftness:4});
override public function Apply(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Number=0, _arg4:Number=0):OBM{
var _local5:OBM;
var _local6:OBitmapData;
var _local7:Point;
var _local8:Rectangle;
_local5 = OBM.Make([null, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, 0]);
_local6 = OBitmapData.GeneratePlasma(_local5.iBM.width, _local5.iBM.height, [(1000 * Math.random()), false, iBaseX, iBaseY, iNumOctaves, iPlasmaColor, iOutlineColor, iOutlineWide, iSoftness]);
_local7 = new Point();
_local8 = new Rectangle(0, 0, _local5.iBM.width, _local5.iBM.height);
_local6.copyChannel(_local5.iBM, _local8, _local7, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA);
_local5.iBM.draw(_local6, null, null, BlendMode.NORMAL);
return (_local5);
override public function Init(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number=1):void{
var _local4:Object;
var _local5:int;
_local4 = iColors.GetItem(_arg1);
if (_local4 == null){
_local5 = int(_arg1);
_local4 = iColors.GetItem("default");
} else {
_local5 = _local4.iPlasmaH;
iBaseX = _local4.iBaseX;
iBaseY = _local4.iBaseY;
iNumOctaves = _local4.iNumOctaves;
iPlasmaColor = ODisplay.HSBAToRGBA(_local5, _local4.iPlasmaS, _local4.iPlasmaB, 1);
iOutlineColor = ODisplay.HSBAToRGBA(_local5, _local4.iOutlineS, _local4.iOutlineB, _local4.iOutlineA);
iOutlineWide = _local4.iOutlineWide;
iSoftness = _local4.iSoftness;
}//package ENGINE.SKIN
Section 58
//OEffectPlastic (ENGINE.SKIN.OEffectPlastic)
package ENGINE.SKIN {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
import flash.filters.*;
public class OEffectPlastic extends OEffect {
private var iColor:uint;// = 0
private var iF2B:BlurFilter;
private var iF2GG1:GradientGlowFilter;
private var iF2GG2:GradientGlowFilter;
private var iF0S:DropShadowFilter;
private var iF1G:GlowFilter;
private var iBorder:Number;// = 0
private var iF1S:DropShadowFilter;
public function OEffectPlastic(){
iColor = 0;
iBorder = 0;
override public function Apply(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Number=0, _arg4:Number=0):OBM{
var _local5:OBM;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:Sprite;
var _local9:Sprite;
var _local10:ColorTransform;
var _local11:Bitmap;
var _local12:Bitmap;
var _local13:Bitmap;
var _local14:Sprite;
var _local15:Bitmap;
var _local16:Bitmap;
var _local17:BitmapData;
var _local18:Bitmap;
_local5 = OBM.Make([null, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, 0]);
_local6 = OGlobal.Scale;
_local7 = 1;
_local8 = new Sprite();
_local9 = new Sprite();
_local9.x = iBorder;
_local9.y = iBorder;
_local9.alpha = _local7;
_local10 = new ColorTransform(0, 0, 0);
_local10.color = this.iColor;
_local11 = new Bitmap(_local5.iBM);
_local11.transform.colorTransform = _local10;
if (this.iF0S.distance > 0){
_local18 = new Bitmap(_local5.iBM);
_local18.blendMode = "multiply";
_local18.filters = [this.iF0S];
_local12 = new Bitmap(_local5.iBM);
_local12.blendMode = "multiply";
_local12.filters = [this.iF1S];
_local13 = new Bitmap(_local5.iBM);
_local13.blendMode = "multiply";
_local13.filters = [this.iF1G];
_local14 = new Sprite();
_local14.blendMode = "layer";
_local14.filters = [this.iF2B];
_local15 = new Bitmap(_local5.iBM);
_local15.blendMode = "screen";
_local15.filters = [this.iF2GG1];
_local16 = new Bitmap(_local5.iBM);
_local16.blendMode = "erase";
_local16.filters = [this.iF2GG2];
_local17 = new BitmapData((_local8.width + (this.iBorder * 2)), (_local8.height + (this.iBorder * 2)), true, 0);
return (new OBM(_local17, (-(this.iBorder) + _local5.iX), (-(this.iBorder) + _local5.iY), _local5.iWidth, _local5.iHeight));
override public function Init(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number=1):void{
var _local4:Object;
var _local5:Object;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:uint;
var _local8:Number;
var _local9:Number;
var _local10:int;
var _local11:int;
var _local12:Array;
var _local13:Array;
_local4 = this.iColors.GetItem(_arg1);
_local5 = this.iFilters.GetItem(_arg2);
if (_local5 == null){
_local6 = (OGlobal.Scale * _arg3);
if (_local4 == null){
_local4 = new Object();
if (,/) < 0){
_local4.iCH = Number(_arg1);
if (_local4.iCH == undefined){
_local4.iCH = (_local4.iCH % 360);
_local10 = Math.floor((_local4.iCH / 30));
_local11 = ((_local10 + 1) % 12);
_local12 = [50, 50, 60, 60, 50, 50, 40, 40, 30, 30, 40, 40];
_local4.iCS = ((_local12[_local10] + ((_local12[_local11] - _local12[_local10]) * ((_local4.iCH / 30) - _local10))) * 0.01);
_local4.iCB = 1;
_local4.iSH = (((_local10 % 2))==0) ? (_local4.iCH - 15) : (_local4.iCH + 15);
if (_local4.iSH < 0){
_local4.iSH = (_local4.iSH + 360);
_local4.iSS = 0.9;
_local4.iSB = 0.6;
} else {
_local13 = _arg1.split(/,/);
_local4.iCH = _local13[0];
_local4.iCS = _local13[1];
_local4.iCB = _local13[2];
_local4.iSH = _local13[3];
_local4.iSS = _local13[4];
_local4.iSB = _local13[5];
_local7 = ODisplay.HSBToRGB(_local4.iSH, _local4.iSS, _local4.iSB);
this.iF0S = new DropShadowFilter((_local5.iF0SD * _local6), _local5.iAngle, ODisplay.HSBToRGB(_local4.iCH, _local4.iCS, (_local4.iCB * 0.5)), 0.75, (_local5.iF0SB * _local6), (_local5.iF0SB * _local6), 1, 2, false, true, true);
this.iF1S = new DropShadowFilter((_local5.iF1SD * _local6), _local5.iAngle, _local7, 0.85, (_local5.iF1SB * _local6), (_local5.iF1SB * _local6), 1.5, 3, true, true, true);
this.iF1G = new GlowFilter(_local7, _local5.iF1GA, (_local5.iF1GB * _local6), (_local5.iF1GB * _local6), 2, 3, true, true);
_local8 = ((_local6)<1) ? (_local5.iF2GGC1 * _local6) : _local5.iF2GGC1;
this.iF2GG1 = new GradientGlowFilter((_local5.iF2GGD1 * _local6), _local5.iAngle, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF], [0, 0, 1], [0, _local8, 0xFF], (_local5.iF2GGB1 * _local6), (_local5.iF2GGB1 * _local6), 1, 1, "inner", true);
_local9 = ((_local6)<1) ? (_local5.iF2GGC2 * _local6) : _local5.iF2GGC2;
this.iF2GG2 = new GradientGlowFilter((_local5.iF2GGD2 * _local6), _local5.iAngle, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF], [0, 0, 1], [0, _local9, 0xFF], (_local5.iF2GGB2 * _local6), (_local5.iF2GGB2 * _local6), 1, 1, "inner", true);
this.iF2B = new BlurFilter((_local5.iF2B * _local6), (_local5.iF2B * _local6));
this.iColor = ODisplay.HSBToRGB(_local4.iCH, _local4.iCS, _local4.iCB);
this.iBorder = Math.ceil((_local5.iBorder * _local6));
}//package ENGINE.SKIN
Section 59
//OEffectSands (ENGINE.SKIN.OEffectSands)
package ENGINE.SKIN {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.filters.*;
public class OEffectSands extends OEffect {
private var iNumOctaves:int;
private var iBackgroundColor:uint;
private var iNoiseColor:uint;
private var iForegroundColor:uint;
private var iBaseX:int;
private var iBaseY:int;
public function OEffectSands(){
RegisterColor("default", {iBaseX:64, iBaseY:64, iNumOctaves:1, iBackgroundH:0, iBackgroundS:0.9, iBackgroundB:0.6, iForegroundH:0, iForegroundS:0.5, iForegroundB:0.99, iForegroundA:1, iNoiseH:0, iNoiseS:0, iNoiseB:0.99, iNoiseA:0.1});
override public function Apply(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Number=0, _arg4:Number=0):OBM{
var _local5:OBM;
var _local6:OBitmapData;
var _local7:Point;
var _local8:Rectangle;
_local5 = OBM.Make([null, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, 0]);
_local6 = OBitmapData.GenerateSands(_local5.iBM.width, _local5.iBM.height, [(1000 * Math.random()), false, iBaseX, iBaseY, iNumOctaves, iBackgroundColor, iForegroundColor, iNoiseColor]);
_local7 = new Point();
_local8 = new Rectangle(0, 0, _local5.iBM.width, _local5.iBM.height);
_local6.copyChannel(_local5.iBM, _local8, _local7, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA);
_local5.iBM.draw(_local6, null, null, BlendMode.NORMAL);
return (_local5);
override public function Init(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number=1):void{
var _local4:Object;
var _local5:int;
_local4 = iColors.GetItem(_arg1);
if (_local4 == null){
_local5 = int(_arg1);
_local4 = iColors.GetItem("default");
} else {
_local5 = _local4.iBackgroundH;
iBaseX = _local4.iBaseX;
iBaseY = _local4.iBaseY;
iNumOctaves = _local4.iNumOctaves;
iBackgroundColor = ODisplay.HSBAToRGBA(_local5, _local4.iBackgroundS, _local4.iBackgroundB, 1);
iForegroundColor = ODisplay.HSBAToRGBA(_local5, _local4.iForegroundS, _local4.iForegroundB, _local4.iForegroundA);
iNoiseColor = ODisplay.HSBAToRGBA(_local4.iNoiseH, _local4.iNoiseS, _local4.iNoiseB, _local4.iNoiseA);
}//package ENGINE.SKIN
Section 60
//OEffectSky (ENGINE.SKIN.OEffectSky)
package ENGINE.SKIN {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.filters.*;
public class OEffectSky extends OEffect {
private var iBaseX:int;
private var iStarColor:uint;
private var iSkyColor:uint;
private var iNumOctaves:int;
private var iNight:Boolean;
private var iCloudColor:uint;
private var iBaseY:int;
public function OEffectSky(){
RegisterColor("default", {iBaseX:64, iBaseY:64, iNumOctaves:8, iSkyH:0, iSkyS:0.9, iSkyB:0.6, iCloudH:0, iCloudS:0.5, iCloudB:0.99, iCloudA:1, iStarH:0, iStarS:0, iStarB:0.99, iStarA:1, iNight:false});
override public function Apply(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Number=0, _arg4:Number=0):OBM{
var _local5:OBM;
var _local6:OBitmapData;
var _local7:Point;
var _local8:Rectangle;
_local5 = OBM.Make([null, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, 0]);
_local6 = OBitmapData.GenerateSky(_local5.iBM.width, _local5.iBM.height, [(1000 * Math.random()), false, iBaseX, iBaseY, iNumOctaves, iSkyColor, iCloudColor, iStarColor, iNight]);
_local7 = new Point();
_local8 = new Rectangle(0, 0, _local5.iBM.width, _local5.iBM.height);
_local6.copyChannel(_local5.iBM, _local8, _local7, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA, BitmapDataChannel.ALPHA);
_local5.iBM.draw(_local6, null, null, BlendMode.NORMAL);
return (_local5);
override public function Init(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number=1):void{
var _local4:Object;
var _local5:int;
_local4 = iColors.GetItem(_arg1);
if (_local4 == null){
_local5 = int(_arg1);
_local4 = iColors.GetItem("default");
} else {
_local5 = _local4.iSkyH;
iBaseX = _local4.iBaseX;
iBaseY = _local4.iBaseY;
iNumOctaves = _local4.iNumOctaves;
iSkyColor = ODisplay.HSBAToRGBA(_local5, _local4.iSkyS, _local4.iSkyB, 1);
iCloudColor = ODisplay.HSBAToRGBA(_local5, _local4.iCloudS, _local4.iCloudB, _local4.iCloudA);
iStarColor = ODisplay.HSBAToRGBA(_local4.iStarH, _local4.iStarS, _local4.iStarB, _local4.iStarA);
iNight = _local4.iNight;
}//package ENGINE.SKIN
Section 61
//OMultiplayer (ENGINE.SMARTFOX.OMultiplayer)
import it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.util.*;
import it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.handlers.*;
import it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public class OMultiplayer extends SmartFoxClient {
private var iCmd:String;
private var iError:String;
private var iConnection:Boolean;// = false
private var iUsersCount:int;
private var iErrorsCount:int;
private var iPassword:String;
private var iAdress:String;
private var iXTName:String;
private var iGameParams:Array;
private var iTimer:int;
private var iCMessages:Array;
private var iOpponentID:int;
private var iOpponentName:String;
private var iName:String;
private var iTurn:Array;
private var iState:int;
private var iGRoomParams:Array;
private var iZoneName:String;
public static const stInGame:int = 13;
public static const stLogin:int = 3;
public static const cmdJoinGameRoom:String = "jgr";
public static const cmdZoneUsersCount:String = "zuc";
public static const stNone:int = 0;
public static const stMainRoomError:int = 6;
public static const stGameError:int = 12;
public static const cmdJoinGame:String = "jgm";
public static const cmdJoinMainRoom:String = "jmr";
public static const stConnection:int = 1;
public static const stLoginError:int = 4;
public static const cmdMakeTurn:String = "m";
public static const cmdCmd:String = "cmd";
public static const stConnectionError:int = 2;
public static const stInZone:int = 7;
public static const stInGameRoom:int = 10;
public static const cmdChatMessage:String = "c";
public static const stJoinGameRoom:int = 8;
public static const stGameRoomError:int = 9;
public static const stJoinGame:int = 11;
public static const stJoinMainRoom:int = 5;
public function OMultiplayer(_arg1:Boolean=false){
iConnection = false;
this.State = stNone;
private function OnConnectionLost(_arg1:SFSEvent):void{
this.iConnection = false;
this.State = stNone;
public function get prActiveRoomID():int{
return (this.activeRoomId);
public function get prErrorsCount():int{
return (this.iErrorsCount);
public function get prError():String{
return (this.iError);
public function get prChatMessage():String{
return (((this.iCMessages.length)==0) ? null : this.iCMessages.shift());
public function ClearChatMessage(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{
if (_arg1){
this.iCMessages = new Array();
} else {
if (this.iCMessages[0]){
public function Init(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String, _arg4:String, _arg5:String, _arg6:String=""):void{
if (((!(OGlobal.CheckDomain(_arg1))) || (!((this.iState == stNone))))){
this.iAdress = _arg2;
this.iZoneName = _arg3;
this.iXTName = _arg4;
this.iName = _arg5;
this.iPassword = _arg6;
this.iTurn = new Array();
this.iCMessages = new Array();
addEventListener(SFSEvent.onConnection, OnConnection);
addEventListener(SFSEvent.onConnectionLost, OnConnectionLost);
addEventListener(SFSEvent.onExtensionResponse, OnExtensionResponse);
this.State = stConnection;
private function OnConnection(_arg1:SFSEvent):void{
if (!_arg1.params.success){
this.iError = _arg1.params.error;
this.iConnection = false;
this.State = (_arg1.params.success) ? stLogin : stConnectionError;
public function set prGRoomParams(_arg1:Array):void{
this.iGRoomParams = _arg1;
public function ClearOpponentTurn(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{
if (_arg1){
this.iTurn = new Array();
} else {
if (this.iTurn[0]){
private function OnExtensionResponse(_arg1:SFSEvent):void{
var _local2:Array;
if (_arg1.params.type != "str"){
_local2 = _arg1.params.dataObj;
if (_local2 == null){
switch (_local2[0]){
case "logOK":
this.myUserId = int(_local2[2]);
this.myUserName = _local2[3];
this.amIModerator = (Number(_local2[4]) > 0);
this.State = stJoinMainRoom;
case "logKO":
this.iError = _local2[2];
this.State = stLoginError;
case cmdJoinMainRoom:
if (_local2[2]){
this.activeRoomId = _local2[3];
this.State = stInZone;
} else {
this.State = stMainRoomError;
case cmdZoneUsersCount:
this.iUsersCount = _local2[2];
case cmdJoinGameRoom:
if (_local2[2] < 0){
this.activeRoomId = -1;
this.State = _slot1.stGameRoomError;
} else {
this.activeRoomId = _local2[2];
this.State = stInGameRoom;
case cmdJoinGame:
if (_local2[2] < 0){
this.activeRoomId = -1;
this.playerId = -1;
this.iOpponentID = -1;
this.iOpponentName = null;
this.State = _slot1.stGameError;
} else {
this.activeRoomId = _local2[2];
this.playerId = _local2[3];
this.iOpponentID = _local2[4];
this.iOpponentName = _local2[5];
this.State = _slot1.stInGame;
case cmdMakeTurn:
case cmdChatMessage:
case cmdCmd:
this.iCmd = _local2[2];
public function ChatMessage(_arg1:Array=null):void{
this.sendXtMessage(this.iXTName, _slot1.cmdChatMessage, (_arg1) ? [_arg1.toString()] : ["0"], "str");
public function get State():int{
return (this.iState);
public function set prGameParams(_arg1:Array):void{
this.iGameParams = _arg1;
public function get prUsersCount():int{
return (this.iUsersCount);
public function Free():void{
if (this.iConnection){
this.iConnection = false;
this.iCMessages = null;
removeEventListener(SFSEvent.onConnection, OnConnection);
removeEventListener(SFSEvent.onConnectionLost, OnConnectionLost);
removeEventListener(SFSEvent.onExtensionResponse, OnExtensionResponse);
public function Turn(_arg1:Array=null):void{
if (this.iState > stLoginError){
this.sendXtMessage(this.iXTName, _slot1.cmdMakeTurn, (_arg1) ? [_arg1.toString(), this.iOpponentID] : ["0", this.iOpponentID], "str");
public function get prOpponentTurn():String{
return (((this.iTurn.length)>0) ? this.iTurn[0] : null);
public function get prGRoomParams():Array{
return (this.iGRoomParams);
public function get prOpponentName():String{
return ((this.iOpponentName) ? this.iOpponentName.slice(0, (this.iOpponentName.length - 3)) : "...");
public function get prGameParams():Array{
return (this.iGameParams);
public function ClearCmd():void{
this.iCmd = null;
public function OnEnterFrame():void{
if (((!(this.isConnected)) && ((this.iState > stConnection)))){
this.iState = stNone;
switch (this.iState){
case stInZone:
if ((getTimer() - this.iTimer) > 180000){
this.iTimer = getTimer();
public function get prCmd():String{
return (this.iCmd);
public function get prFullOpponentName():String{
return ((this.iOpponentName) ? this.iOpponentName : "...");
public function get prPlayerID():int{
return (this.playerId);
public function set State(_arg1:int):void{
var aState = _arg1;
if ((((aState > stConnectionError)) && (!(this.isConnected)))){
this.iState = aState;
switch (aState){
case stNone:
this.iError = null;
this.iUsersCount = 0;
this.myUserId = -1;
this.myUserName = null;
this.amIModerator = false;
this.playerId = -1;
this.activeRoomId = -1;
case stConnection:
try {
this.connect(this.iAdress, 9339);
this.iConnection = true;
} catch(error:Error) {
OSystem.iUserText2 = "connect error";
this.State = stConnectionError;
case stLogin:
this.login(this.iZoneName, this.iName, this.iPassword);
case stJoinMainRoom:
case stInZone:
this.playerId = -1;
this.iOpponentID = -1;
this.iOpponentName = null;
this.iTimer = getTimer();
case stJoinGameRoom:
this.cmdSend(cmdJoinGameRoom, this.iGRoomParams);
case stJoinGame:
this.cmdSend(cmdJoinGame, this.iGameParams);
public function cmdSend(_arg1:String, _arg2:Array=null):void{
if (this.iState > stLoginError){
this.sendXtMessage(this.iXTName, _arg1, (_arg2) ? _arg2 : [], "str");
Section 62
//Room (
package {
public class Room {
private var maxUsers:int;
private var userList:Array;
private var name:String;
private var userCount:int;
private var specCount:int;
private var id:int;
private var myPlayerIndex:int;
private var priv:Boolean;
private var temp:Boolean;
private var limbo:Boolean;
private var maxSpectators:int;
private var game:Boolean;
private var variables:Array;
public function Room(_arg1:int, _arg2:String, _arg3:int, _arg4:int, _arg5:Boolean, _arg6:Boolean, _arg7:Boolean, _arg8:Boolean, _arg9:int=0, _arg10:int=0){ = _arg1; = _arg2;
this.maxSpectators = _arg4;
this.maxUsers = _arg3;
this.temp = _arg5; = _arg6;
this.priv = _arg7;
this.limbo = _arg8;
this.userCount = _arg9;
this.specCount = _arg10;
this.userList = [];
this.variables = [];
public function getVariable(_arg1:String):Object{
return (variables[_arg1]);
public function addUser(_arg1:User, _arg2:int):void{
userList[_arg2] = _arg1;
public function getName():String{
return (;
public function getId():int{
return (;
public function setIsLimbo(_arg1:Boolean):void{
this.limbo = _arg1;
public function clearVariables():void{
this.variables = [];
public function isTemp():Boolean{
return (this.temp);
public function getMaxSpectators():int{
return (this.maxSpectators);
public function setVariables(_arg1:Array):void{
this.variables = _arg1;
public function isGame():Boolean{
return (;
public function getUser(_arg1):User{
var _local2:User;
var _local3:String;
var _local4:User;
_local2 = null;
if (typeof(_arg1) == "number"){
_local2 = userList[_arg1];
} else {
if (typeof(_arg1) == "string"){
for (_local3 in userList) {
_local4 = this.userList[_local3];
if (_local4.getName() == _arg1){
_local2 = _local4;
return (_local2);
public function setUserCount(_arg1:int):void{
this.userCount = _arg1;
public function getVariables():Array{
return (variables);
public function getUserCount():int{
return (this.userCount);
public function isLimbo():Boolean{
return (this.limbo);
public function getSpectatorCount():int{
return (this.specCount);
public function setSpectatorCount(_arg1:int):void{
this.specCount = _arg1;
public function setMyPlayerIndex(_arg1:int):void{
this.myPlayerIndex = _arg1;
public function removeUser(_arg1:int):void{
delete userList[_arg1];
public function getMyPlayerIndex():int{
return (this.myPlayerIndex);
public function isPrivate():Boolean{
return (this.priv);
public function getMaxUsers():int{
return (this.maxUsers);
public function getUserList():Array{
return (this.userList);
Section 63
//User (
package {
public class User {
private var isSpec:Boolean;
private var name:String;
private var id:int;
private var pId:int;
private var variables:Array;
private var isMod:Boolean;
public function User(_arg1:int, _arg2:String){ = _arg1; = _arg2;
this.variables = [];
this.isSpec = false;
this.isMod = false;
public function setModerator(_arg1:Boolean):void{
this.isMod = _arg1;
public function getName():String{
return (;
public function getVariables():Array{
return (this.variables);
public function getId():int{
return (;
public function getPlayerId():int{
return (this.pId);
public function setPlayerId(_arg1:int):void{
this.pId = _arg1;
public function setIsSpectator(_arg1:Boolean):void{
this.isSpec = _arg1;
public function isSpectator():Boolean{
return (this.isSpec);
public function clearVariables():void{
this.variables = [];
public function getVariable(_arg1:String):Object{
return (this.variables[_arg1]);
public function setVariables(_arg1:Array):void{
this.variables = _arg1;
public function isModerator():Boolean{
return (this.isMod);
Section 64
//Zone (
package {
public class Zone {
private var roomList:Array;
private var name:String;
public function Zone(_arg1:String){ = _arg1;
this.roomList = [];
public function getRoom(_arg1:int):Room{
return ((roomList[_arg1] as Room));
public function getRoomByName(_arg1:String):Room{
var _local2:Room;
var _local3:Boolean;
var _local4:String;
_local2 = null;
_local3 = false;
for (_local4 in roomList) {
_local2 = (roomList[_local4] as Room);
if (_local2.getName() == _arg1){
_local3 = true;
if (_local3){
return (_local2);
return (null);
Section 65
//ExtHandler (it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.handlers.ExtHandler)
package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.handlers {
import it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.util.*;
import it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.*;
public class ExtHandler implements IMessageHandler {
private var sfs:SmartFoxClient;
public function ExtHandler(_arg1:SmartFoxClient){
this.sfs = _arg1;
public function handleMessage(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String):void{
var _local3:Object;
var _local4:SFSEvent;
var _local5:XML;
var _local6:String;
var _local7:int;
var _local8:String;
var _local9:Object;
if (_arg2 == SmartFoxClient.XTMSG_TYPE_XML){
_local5 = (_arg1 as XML);
_local6 = _local5.body.@action;
_local7 = int(_local5.body.@id);
if (_local6 == "xtRes"){
_local8 = _local5.body.toString();
_local9 = ObjectSerializer.getInstance().deserialize(_local8);
_local3 = {};
_local3.dataObj = _local9;
_local3.type = _arg2;
_local4 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onExtensionResponse, _local3);
} else {
if (_arg2 == SmartFoxClient.XTMSG_TYPE_JSON){
_local3 = {};
_local3.dataObj = _arg1.o;
_local3.type = _arg2;
_local4 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onExtensionResponse, _local3);
} else {
if (_arg2 == SmartFoxClient.XTMSG_TYPE_STR){
_local3 = {};
_local3.dataObj = _arg1;
_local3.type = _arg2;
_local4 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onExtensionResponse, _local3);
}//package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.handlers
Section 66
//IMessageHandler (it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.handlers.IMessageHandler)
package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.handlers {
public interface IMessageHandler {
function handleMessage(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String):void;
}//package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.handlers
Section 67
//SysHandler (it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.handlers.SysHandler)
package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.handlers {
import it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.util.*;
import it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public class SysHandler implements IMessageHandler {
private var sfs:SmartFoxClient;
private var handlersTable:Array;
public function SysHandler(_arg1:SmartFoxClient){
this.sfs = _arg1;
handlersTable = [];
handlersTable["apiOK"] = this.handleApiOK;
handlersTable["apiKO"] = this.handleApiKO;
handlersTable["logOK"] = this.handleLoginOk;
handlersTable["logKO"] = this.handleLoginKo;
handlersTable["rmList"] = this.handleRoomList;
handlersTable["uCount"] = this.handleUserCountChange;
handlersTable["joinOK"] = this.handleJoinOk;
handlersTable["joinKO"] = this.handleJoinKo;
handlersTable["uER"] = this.handleUserEnterRoom;
handlersTable["userGone"] = this.handleUserLeaverRoom;
handlersTable["pubMsg"] = this.handlePublicMessage;
handlersTable["prvMsg"] = this.handlePrivateMessage;
handlersTable["dmnMsg"] = this.handleAdminMessage;
handlersTable["modMsg"] = this.handleModMessage;
handlersTable["dataObj"] = this.handleASObject;
handlersTable["rVarsUpdate"] = this.handleRoomVarsUpdate;
handlersTable["roomAdd"] = this.handleRoomAdded;
handlersTable["roomDel"] = this.handleRoomDeleted;
handlersTable["rndK"] = this.handleRandomKey;
handlersTable["roundTripRes"] = this.handleRoundTripBench;
handlersTable["uVarsUpdate"] = this.handleUserVarsUpdate;
handlersTable["createRmKO"] = this.handleCreateRoomError;
handlersTable["bList"] = this.handleBuddyList;
handlersTable["bUpd"] = this.handleBuddyListUpdate;
handlersTable["bAdd"] = this.handleBuddyAdded;
handlersTable["roomB"] = this.handleBuddyRoom;
handlersTable["leaveRoom"] = this.handleLeaveRoom;
handlersTable["swSpec"] = this.handleSpectatorSwitched;
private function handleRoomDeleted(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:Array;
var _local4:Object;
var _local5:SFSEvent;
_local2 = int(_arg1.body.rm.@id);
_local3 = sfs.getAllRooms();
_local4 = {}; = _local3[_local2];
delete _local3[_local2];
_local5 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onRoomDeleted, _local4);
public function handleMessage(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String):void{
var _local3:XML;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:Function;
_local3 = (_arg1 as XML);
_local4 = _local3.body.@action;
_local5 = handlersTable[_local4];
if (_local5 != null){
_local5.apply(this, [_arg1]);
} else {
trace(("Unknown sys command: " + _local4));
public function handleUserEnterRoom(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:Boolean;
var _local6:Boolean;
var _local7:int;
var _local8:XMLList;
var _local9:Room;
var _local10:User;
var _local11:Object;
var _local12:SFSEvent;
_local2 = int(_arg1.body.@r);
_local3 = int(_arg1.body.u.@i);
_local4 = _arg1.body.u.n;
_local5 = (_arg1.body.u.@m == "1");
_local6 = (_arg1.body.u.@s == "1");
_local7 = ((_arg1.body.u.@p)!=null) ? int(_arg1.body.u.@p) : -1;
_local8 = _arg1.body.u.vars["var"];
_local9 = sfs.getRoom(_local2);
_local10 = new User(_local3, _local4);
_local9.addUser(_local10, _local3);
if (_arg1.body.u.vars.toString().length > 0){
populateVariables(_local10.getVariables(), _arg1.body.u);
_local11 = {};
_local11.roomId = _local2;
_local11.user = _local10;
_local12 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onUserEnterRoom, _local11);
public function handleUserVarsUpdate(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:User;
var _local5:Array;
var _local6:Object;
var _local7:SFSEvent;
_local2 = int(_arg1.body.@r);
_local3 = int(_arg1.body.user.@id);
_local4 = sfs.getRoom(_local2).getUser(_local3);
_local5 = [];
if (_arg1.body.vars.toString().length > 0){
populateVariables(_local4.getVariables(), _arg1.body, _local5);
_local6 = {};
_local6.user = _local4;
_local6.changedVars = _local5;
_local7 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onUserVariablesUpdate, _local6);
public function handleUserLeaverRoom(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:Room;
var _local5:String;
var _local6:Object;
var _local7:SFSEvent;
_local2 = int(_arg1.body.user.@id);
_local3 = int(_arg1.body.@r);
_local4 = sfs.getRoom(_local3);
_local5 = _local4.getUser(_local2).getName();
_local6 = {};
_local6.roomId = _local3;
_local6.userId = _local2;
_local6.userName = _local5;
_local7 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onUserLeaveRoom, _local6);
public function handlePrivateMessage(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:User;
var _local6:Object;
var _local7:SFSEvent;
_local2 = int(_arg1.body.@r);
_local3 = int(_arg1.body.user.@id);
_local4 = _arg1.body.txt;
_local5 = sfs.getRoom(_local2).getUser(_local3);
_local6 = {};
_local6.message = Entities.decodeEntities(_local4);
_local6.sender = _local5;
_local6.roomId = _local2;
_local6.userId = _local3;
_local7 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onPrivateMessage, _local6);
private function handleCreateRoomError(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:String;
var _local3:Object;
var _local4:SFSEvent;
_local2 =;
_local3 = {};
_local3.error = _local2;
_local4 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onCreateRoomError, _local3);
private function handleBuddyRoom(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:String;
var _local3:Array;
var _local4:int;
var _local5:Object;
var _local6:SFSEvent;
_local2 =;
_local3 = _local2.split(",");
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local3.length) {
_local3[_local4] = int(_local3[_local4]);
_local5 = {};
_local5.idList = _local3;
_local6 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onBuddyRoom, _local5);
private function handleBuddyListUpdate(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:Object;
var _local3:SFSEvent;
var _local4:Object;
var _local5:XMLList;
var _local6:Object;
var _local7:Boolean;
var _local8:String;
var _local9:XML;
_local2 = {};
_local3 = null;
if (_arg1.body.b != null){
_local4 = {};
_local4.isOnline = ((_arg1.body.b.@s == "1")) ? true : false; = _arg1.body.b.n.toString(); = _arg1.body.b.@i;
_local4.variables = {};
_local5 = _arg1.body.b.vs;
if (_local5.toString().length > 0){
for each (_local9 in _local5.v) {
_local4.variables[_local9.@n.toString()] = _local9.v.toString();
_local6 = null;
_local7 = false;
for (_local8 in sfs.buddyList) {
_local6 = sfs.buddyList[_local8];
if ( =={
sfs.buddyList[_local8] = _local4;
_local7 = true;
_local2.buddy = _local4;
_local3 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onBuddyListUpdate, _local2);
} else {
_local2.error = _arg1.body.err.toString();
_local3 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onBuddyListError, _local2);
public function handleUserCountChange(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:int;
var _local5:Room;
var _local6:Object;
var _local7:SFSEvent;
_local2 = int(_arg1.body.@u);
_local3 = int(_arg1.body.@s);
_local4 = int(_arg1.body.@r);
_local5 = sfs.getAllRooms()[_local4];
if (_local5 != null){
_local6 = {}; = _local5;
_local7 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onUserCountChange, _local6);
private function handleRandomKey(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:String;
var _local3:Object;
var _local4:SFSEvent;
_local2 = _arg1.body.k.toString();
_local3 = {};
_local3.key = _local2;
_local4 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onRandomKey, _local3);
public function handlePublicMessage(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:User;
var _local6:Object;
var _local7:SFSEvent;
_local2 = int(_arg1.body.@r);
_local3 = int(_arg1.body.user.@id);
_local4 = _arg1.body.txt;
_local5 = sfs.getRoom(_local2).getUser(_local3);
_local6 = {};
_local6.message = Entities.decodeEntities(_local4);
_local6.sender = _local5;
_local6.roomId = _local2;
_local7 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onPublicMessage, _local6);
public function handleAdminMessage(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:Object;
var _local6:SFSEvent;
_local2 = int(_arg1.body.@r);
_local3 = int(_arg1.body.user.@id);
_local4 = _arg1.body.txt;
_local5 = {};
_local5.message = Entities.decodeEntities(_local4);
_local6 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onAdminMessage, _local5);
public function dispatchDisconnection():void{
var _local1:SFSEvent;
_local1 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onConnectionLost, null);
private function handleSpectatorSwitched(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:Object;
var _local4:SFSEvent;
_local2 = int(_arg1.body.rm.@id);
sfs.playerId = int(;
_local3 = {};
_local3.success = (sfs.playerId > 0);
_local3.newId = sfs.playerId; = sfs.getRoom(_local2);
_local4 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onSpectatorSwitched, _local3);
public function handleLoginOk(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:Object;
var _local6:SFSEvent;
_local2 = int(_arg1.body.login.@id);
_local3 = int(_arg1.body.login.@mod);
_local4 = _arg1.body.login.@n;
sfs.amIModerator = (_local3 == 1);
sfs.myUserId = _local2;
sfs.myUserName = _local4;
sfs.playerId = -1;
_local5 = {};
_local5.success = true; = _local4;
_local5.error = "";
_local6 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onLogin, _local5);
public function handleRoomVarsUpdate(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:Room;
var _local5:Array;
var _local6:Object;
var _local7:SFSEvent;
_local2 = int(_arg1.body.@r);
_local3 = int(_arg1.body.user.@id);
_local4 = sfs.getRoom(_local2);
_local5 = [];
if (_arg1.body.vars.toString().length > 0){
populateVariables(_local4.getVariables(), _arg1.body, _local5);
_local6 = {}; = _local4;
_local6.changedVars = _local5;
_local7 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onRoomVariablesUpdate, _local6);
public function handleRoomList(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:Array;
var _local3:XML;
var _local4:Object;
var _local5:SFSEvent;
var _local6:int;
var _local7:Room;
_local2 = sfs.getAllRooms();
for each (_local3 in _arg1.body.rmList.rm) {
_local6 = int(_local3.@id);
_local7 = new Room(_local6, _local3.n, int(_local3.@maxu), int(_local3.@maxs), (_local3.@temp == "1"), (_local3.@game == "1"), (_local3.@priv == "1"), (_local3.@lmb == "1"), int(_local3.@ucnt), int(_local3.@scnt));
if (_local3.vars.toString().length > 0){
populateVariables(_local7.getVariables(), _local3);
_local2[_local6] = _local7;
_local4 = {};
_local4.roomList = _local2;
_local5 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onRoomListUpdate, _local4);
private function handleBuddyAdded(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:Object;
var _local3:XMLList;
var _local4:Object;
var _local5:SFSEvent;
var _local6:XML;
_local2 = {};
_local2.isOnline = ((_arg1.body.b.@s == "1")) ? true : false; = _arg1.body.b.n.toString(); = _arg1.body.b.@i;
_local2.variables = {};
_local3 = _arg1.body.b.vs;
if (_local3.toString().length > 0){
for each (_local6 in _local3.v) {
_local2.variables[_local6.@n.toString()] = _local6.v.toString();
_local4 = {};
_local4.list = sfs.buddyList;
_local5 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onBuddyList, _local4);
private function handleRoomAdded(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:String;
var _local4:int;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:Boolean;
var _local7:Boolean;
var _local8:Boolean;
var _local9:Boolean;
var _local10:Room;
var _local11:Array;
var _local12:Object;
var _local13:SFSEvent;
_local2 = int(_arg1.body.rm.@id);
_local3 =;
_local4 = int(_arg1.body.rm.@max);
_local5 = int(_arg1.body.rm.@spec);
_local6 = ((_arg1.body.rm.@temp == "1")) ? true : false;
_local7 = ((_arg1.body.rm.@game == "1")) ? true : false;
_local8 = ((_arg1.body.rm.@priv == "1")) ? true : false;
_local9 = ((_arg1.body.rm.@limbo == "1")) ? true : false;
_local10 = new Room(_local2, _local3, _local4, _local5, _local6, _local7, _local8, _local9);
_local11 = sfs.getAllRooms();
_local11[_local2] = _local10;
if (_arg1.body.rm.vars.toString().length > 0){
populateVariables(_local10.getVariables(), _arg1.body.rm);
_local12 = {}; = _local10;
_local13 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onRoomAdded, _local12);
private function populateVariables(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Object, _arg3:Array=null):void{
var _local4:XML;
var _local5:String;
var _local6:String;
var _local7:String;
for each (_local4 in _arg2.vars["var"]) {
_local5 = _local4.@n;
_local6 = _local4.@t;
_local7 = _local4;
if (_arg3 != null){
_arg3[_local5] = true;
if (_local6 == "b"){
_arg1[_local5] = Boolean(_local7);
} else {
if (_local6 == "n"){
_arg1[_local5] = Number(_local7);
} else {
if (_local6 == "s"){
_arg1[_local5] = _local7;
} else {
if (_local6 == "x"){
delete _arg1[_local5];
private function handleLeaveRoom(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:Object;
var _local4:SFSEvent;
_local2 = int(_arg1.body.rm.@id);
_local3 = {};
_local3.roomId = _local2;
_local4 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onRoomLeft, _local3);
public function handleLoginKo(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:Object;
var _local3:SFSEvent;
_local2 = {};
_local2.success = false;
_local2.error = _arg1.body.login.@e;
_local3 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onLogin, _local2);
public function handleModMessage(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:User;
var _local6:Object;
var _local7:SFSEvent;
_local2 = int(_arg1.body.@r);
_local3 = int(_arg1.body.user.@id);
_local4 = _arg1.body.txt;
_local5 = sfs.getRoom(_local2).getUser(_local3);
_local6 = {};
_local6.message = Entities.decodeEntities(_local4);
_local6.sender = _local5;
_local7 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onModeratorMessage, _local6);
public function handleApiOK(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:SFSEvent;
sfs.isConnected = true;
_local2 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onConnection, {success:true});
private function handleRoundTripBench(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:Object;
var _local5:SFSEvent;
_local2 = getTimer();
_local3 = (_local2 - sfs.getBenchStartTime());
_local4 = {};
_local4.elapsed = _local3;
_local5 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onRoundTripResponse, _local4);
public function handleJoinOk(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:XMLList;
var _local4:XMLList;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:Room;
var _local7:XML;
var _local8:Object;
var _local9:SFSEvent;
var _local10:String;
var _local11:int;
var _local12:Boolean;
var _local13:Boolean;
var _local14:int;
var _local15:User;
_local2 = int(_arg1.body.@r);
_local3 = _arg1.body;
_local4 = _arg1.body.uLs.u;
_local5 = int(;
sfs.activeRoomId = _local2;
_local6 = sfs.getRoom(_local2);
sfs.playerId = _local5;
if (_local3.vars.toString().length > 0){
populateVariables(_local6.getVariables(), _local3);
for each (_local7 in _local4) {
_local10 = _local7.n;
_local11 = int(_local7.@i);
_local12 = ((_local7.@m == "1")) ? true : false;
_local13 = ((_local7.@s == "1")) ? true : false;
_local14 = ((_local7.p == undefined)) ? -1 : int(_local7.p);
_local15 = new User(_local11, _local10);
if (_local7.vars.toString().length > 0){
populateVariables(_local15.getVariables(), _local7);
_local6.addUser(_local15, _local11);
sfs.changingRoom = false;
_local8 = {}; = _local6;
_local9 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onJoinRoom, _local8);
public function handleJoinKo(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:Object;
var _local3:SFSEvent;
sfs.changingRoom = false;
_local2 = {};
_local2.error = _arg1.body.error.@msg;
_local3 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onJoinRoomError, _local2);
public function handleASObject(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:User;
var _local6:Object;
var _local7:Object;
var _local8:SFSEvent;
_local2 = int(_arg1.body.@r);
_local3 = int(_arg1.body.user.@id);
_local4 = _arg1.body.dataObj;
_local5 = sfs.getRoom(_local2).getUser(_local3);
_local6 = ObjectSerializer.getInstance().deserialize(new XML(_local4));
_local7 = {};
_local7.obj = _local6;
_local7.sender = _local5;
_local8 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onObjectReceived, _local7);
private function handleBuddyList(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:XMLList;
var _local3:Object;
var _local4:Object;
var _local5:SFSEvent;
var _local6:XML;
var _local7:XMLList;
var _local8:XML;
_local2 = _arg1.body.bList;
_local4 = {};
_local5 = null;
if (((!((_local2 == null))) && (!((_local2.b.length == null))))){
if (_local2.toString().length > 0){
for each (_local6 in _local2.b) {
_local3 = {};
_local3.isOnline = ((_local6.@s == "1")) ? true : false; = _local6.n.toString(); = _local6.@i;
_local3.variables = {};
_local7 = _local6.vs;
if (_local7.toString().length > 0){
for each (_local8 in _local7.v) {
_local3.variables[_local8.@n.toString()] = _local8.v.toString();
_local4.list = sfs.buddyList;
_local5 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onBuddyList, _local4);
} else {
_local4.error = _arg1.body.err.toString();
_local5 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onBuddyListError, _local4);
public function handleApiKO(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:Object;
var _local3:SFSEvent;
_local2 = {};
_local2.success = false;
_local2.error = "API are obsolete, please upgrade";
_local3 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onConnection, _local2);
}//package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.handlers
Section 68
//JSON (it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.json.JSON)
package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.json {
public class JSON {
public static function decode(_arg1:String):Object{
var _local2:JSONDecoder;
_local2 = new JSONDecoder(_arg1);
return (_local2.getObject());
public static function encode(_arg1:Object):String{
var _local2:JSONEncoder;
_local2 = new JSONEncoder(_arg1);
return (_local2.getString());
}//package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.json
Section 69
//JSONDecoder (it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.json.JSONDecoder)
package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.json {
public class JSONDecoder {
private var tokenizer:JSONTokenizer;
private var token:JSONToken;
private var obj:Object;
public function JSONDecoder(_arg1:String){
tokenizer = new JSONTokenizer(_arg1);
obj = parseValue();
private function parseValue():Object{
switch (token.type){
case JSONTokenType.LEFT_BRACE:
return (parseObject());
return (parseArray());
case JSONTokenType.STRING:
case JSONTokenType.NUMBER:
case JSONTokenType.TRUE:
case JSONTokenType.FALSE:
case JSONTokenType.NULL:
return (token.value);
tokenizer.parseError(("Unexpected " + token.value));
return (null);
private function nextToken():JSONToken{
return ((token = tokenizer.getNextToken()));
private function parseObject():Object{
var _local1:Object;
var _local2:String;
_local1 = new Object();
if (token.type == JSONTokenType.RIGHT_BRACE){
return (_local1);
while (true) {
if (token.type == JSONTokenType.STRING){
_local2 = String(token.value);
if (token.type == JSONTokenType.COLON){
_local1[_local2] = parseValue();
if (token.type == JSONTokenType.RIGHT_BRACE){
return (_local1);
if (token.type == JSONTokenType.COMMA){
} else {
tokenizer.parseError(("Expecting } or , but found " + token.value));
} else {
tokenizer.parseError(("Expecting : but found " + token.value));
} else {
tokenizer.parseError(("Expecting string but found " + token.value));
return (null);
private function parseArray():Array{
var _local1:Array;
_local1 = new Array();
if (token.type == JSONTokenType.RIGHT_BRACKET){
return (_local1);
while (true) {
if (token.type == JSONTokenType.RIGHT_BRACKET){
return (_local1);
if (token.type == JSONTokenType.COMMA){
} else {
tokenizer.parseError(("Expecting ] or , but found " + token.value));
return (null);
public function getObject():Object{
return (obj);
}//package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.json
Section 70
//JSONEncoder (it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.json.JSONEncoder)
package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.json {
public class JSONEncoder {
private var jsonString:String;
public function JSONEncoder(_arg1:Object){
jsonString = convertToString(_arg1);
private function arrayToString(_arg1:Array):String{
var _local2:String;
var _local3:int;
_local2 = "";
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _arg1.length) {
if (_local2.length > 0){
_local2 = (_local2 + ",");
_local2 = (_local2 + convertToString(_arg1[_local3]));
return ((("[" + _local2) + "]"));
private function convertToString(_arg1:Object):String{
if ((_arg1 is String)){
return (escapeString((_arg1 as String)));
if ((_arg1 is Number)){
return ((isFinite((_arg1 as Number))) ? _arg1.toString() : "null");
} else {
if ((_arg1 is Boolean)){
return ((_arg1) ? "true" : "false");
} else {
if ((_arg1 is Array)){
return (arrayToString((_arg1 as Array)));
if ((((_arg1 is Object)) && (!((_arg1 == null))))){
return (objectToString(_arg1));
return ("null");
private function escapeString(_arg1:String):String{
var _local2:String;
var _local3:String;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:String;
var _local7:String;
_local2 = "";
_local4 = _arg1.length;
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local4) {
_local3 = _arg1.charAt(_local5);
switch (_local3){
case "\"":
_local2 = (_local2 + "\\\"");
case "\\":
_local2 = (_local2 + "\\\\");
case "\b":
_local2 = (_local2 + "\\b");
case "\f":
_local2 = (_local2 + "\\f");
case "\n":
_local2 = (_local2 + "\\n");
case "\r":
_local2 = (_local2 + "\\r");
case "\t":
_local2 = (_local2 + "\\t");
if (_local3 < " "){
_local6 = _local3.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);
_local7 = ((_local6.length == 2)) ? "00" : "000";
_local2 = (_local2 + (("\\u" + _local7) + _local6));
} else {
_local2 = (_local2 + _local3);
return ((("\"" + _local2) + "\""));
private function objectToString(_arg1:Object):String{
var _local2:String;
var _local3:Object;
var _local4:String;
_local2 = "";
for (_local4 in _arg1) {
_local3 = _arg1[_local4];
if ((_local3 is Function)){
} else {
if (_local2.length > 0){
_local2 = (_local2 + ",");
_local2 = (_local2 + ((escapeString(_local4) + ":") + convertToString(_local3)));
return ((("{" + _local2) + "}"));
public function getString():String{
return (jsonString);
}//package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.json
Section 71
//JSONParseError (it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.json.JSONParseError)
package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.json {
public class JSONParseError extends Error {
private var _text:String;
private var _location:int;
public function JSONParseError(_arg1:String="", _arg2:int=0, _arg3:String=""){
_location = _arg2;
_text = _arg3;
public function get text():String{
return (_text);
public function get location():int{
return (_location);
}//package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.json
Section 72
//JSONToken (it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.json.JSONToken)
package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.json {
public class JSONToken {
private var _value:Object;
private var _type:int;
public function JSONToken(_arg1:int=-1, _arg2:Object=null){
_type = _arg1;
_value = _arg2;
public function set value(_arg1:Object):void{
_value = _arg1;
public function get value():Object{
return (_value);
public function set type(_arg1:int):void{
_type = _arg1;
public function get type():int{
return (_type);
}//package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.json
Section 73
//JSONTokenizer (it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.json.JSONTokenizer)
package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.json {
public class JSONTokenizer {
private var loc:int;
private var ch:String;
private var obj:Object;
private var jsonString:String;
public function JSONTokenizer(_arg1:String){
jsonString = _arg1;
loc = 0;
private function skipComments():void{
if (ch == "/"){
switch (ch){
case "/":
do {
} while (((!((ch == "\n"))) && (!((ch == "")))));
case "*":
while (true) {
if (ch == "*"){
if (ch == "/"){
} else {
if (ch == ""){
parseError("Multi-line comment not closed");
parseError((("Unexpected " + ch) + " encountered (expecting '/' or '*' )"));
private function isDigit(_arg1:String):Boolean{
return ((((_arg1 >= "0")) && ((_arg1 <= "9"))));
private function readNumber():JSONToken{
var _local1:JSONToken;
var _local2:String;
var _local3:Number;
_local1 = new JSONToken();
_local1.type = JSONTokenType.NUMBER;
_local2 = "";
if (ch == "-"){
_local2 = (_local2 + "-");
while (isDigit(ch)) {
_local2 = (_local2 + ch);
if (ch == "."){
_local2 = (_local2 + ".");
while (isDigit(ch)) {
_local2 = (_local2 + ch);
_local3 = Number(_local2);
if (isFinite(_local3)){
_local1.value = _local3;
return (_local1);
parseError((("Number " + _local3) + " is not valid!"));
return (null);
private function nextChar():String{
return ((ch = jsonString.charAt(loc++)));
private function isHexDigit(_arg1:String):Boolean{
var _local2:String;
_local2 = _arg1.toUpperCase();
return (((isDigit(_arg1)) || ((((_local2 >= "A")) && ((_local2 <= "F"))))));
public function getNextToken():JSONToken{
var _local1:JSONToken;
var _local2:String;
var _local3:String;
var _local4:String;
_local1 = new JSONToken();
switch (ch){
case "{":
_local1.type = JSONTokenType.LEFT_BRACE;
_local1.value = "{";
case "}":
_local1.type = JSONTokenType.RIGHT_BRACE;
_local1.value = "}";
case "[":
_local1.type = JSONTokenType.LEFT_BRACKET;
_local1.value = "[";
case "]":
_local1.type = JSONTokenType.RIGHT_BRACKET;
_local1.value = "]";
case ",":
_local1.type = JSONTokenType.COMMA;
_local1.value = ",";
case ":":
_local1.type = JSONTokenType.COLON;
_local1.value = ":";
case "t":
_local2 = ((("t" + nextChar()) + nextChar()) + nextChar());
if (_local2 == "true"){
_local1.type = JSONTokenType.TRUE;
_local1.value = true;
} else {
parseError(("Expecting 'true' but found " + _local2));
case "f":
_local3 = (((("f" + nextChar()) + nextChar()) + nextChar()) + nextChar());
if (_local3 == "false"){
_local1.type = JSONTokenType.FALSE;
_local1.value = false;
} else {
parseError(("Expecting 'false' but found " + _local3));
case "n":
_local4 = ((("n" + nextChar()) + nextChar()) + nextChar());
if (_local4 == "null"){
_local1.type = JSONTokenType.NULL;
_local1.value = null;
} else {
parseError(("Expecting 'null' but found " + _local4));
case "\"":
_local1 = readString();
if (((isDigit(ch)) || ((ch == "-")))){
_local1 = readNumber();
} else {
if (ch == ""){
return (null);
parseError((("Unexpected " + ch) + " encountered"));
return (_local1);
private function skipWhite():void{
while (isSpace(ch)) {
public function parseError(_arg1:String):void{
throw (new JSONParseError(_arg1, loc, jsonString));
private function skipIgnored():void{
private function isSpace(_arg1:String):Boolean{
return ((((_arg1 == " ")) || ((_arg1 == "\t"))));
private function readString():JSONToken{
var _local1:JSONToken;
var _local2:String;
var _local3:String;
var _local4:int;
_local1 = new JSONToken();
_local1.type = JSONTokenType.STRING;
_local2 = "";
while (((!((ch == "\""))) && (!((ch == ""))))) {
if (ch == "\\"){
switch (ch){
case "\"":
_local2 = (_local2 + "\"");
case "/":
_local2 = (_local2 + "/");
case "\\":
_local2 = (_local2 + "\\");
case "b":
_local2 = (_local2 + "\b");
case "f":
_local2 = (_local2 + "\f");
case "n":
_local2 = (_local2 + "\n");
case "r":
_local2 = (_local2 + "\r");
case "t":
_local2 = (_local2 + "\t");
case "u":
_local3 = "";
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < 4) {
if (!isHexDigit(nextChar())){
parseError((" Excepted a hex digit, but found: " + ch));
_local3 = (_local3 + ch);
_local2 = (_local2 + String.fromCharCode(parseInt(_local3, 16)));
_local2 = (_local2 + ("\\" + ch));
} else {
_local2 = (_local2 + ch);
if (ch == ""){
parseError("Unterminated string literal");
_local1.value = _local2;
return (_local1);
}//package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.json
Section 74
//JSONTokenType (it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.json.JSONTokenType)
package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.json {
public class JSONTokenType {
public static const NUMBER:int = 11;
public static const FALSE:int = 8;
public static const RIGHT_BRACKET:int = 4;
public static const NULL:int = 9;
public static const TRUE:int = 7;
public static const RIGHT_BRACE:int = 2;
public static const UNKNOWN:int = -1;
public static const COMMA:int = 0;
public static const LEFT_BRACKET:int = 3;
public static const STRING:int = 10;
public static const LEFT_BRACE:int = 1;
public static const COLON:int = 6;
}//package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.json
Section 75
//Entities (it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.util.Entities)
package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.util {
public class Entities {
private static var hexTable:Array = new Array();
private static var ascTab:Array = [];
private static var ascTabRev:Array = [];
public static function decodeEntities(_arg1:String):String{
var _local2:String;
var _local3:String;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:String;
var _local6:String;
var _local7:int;
_local7 = 0;
_local2 = "";
while (_local7 < _arg1.length) {
_local3 = _arg1.charAt(_local7);
if (_local3 == "&"){
_local4 = _local3;
do {
_local5 = _arg1.charAt(_local7);
_local4 = (_local4 + _local5);
} while (_local5 != ";");
_local6 = ascTabRev[_local4];
if (_local6 != null){
_local2 = (_local2 + _local6);
} else {
_local2 = (_local2 + String.fromCharCode(getCharCode(_local4)));
} else {
_local2 = (_local2 + _local3);
trace(((("DECODE: " + _arg1) + ", ") + _local2));
return (_local2);
public static function encodeEntities(_arg1:String):String{
var _local2:String;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:int;
_local2 = "";
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _arg1.length) {
_local4 = _arg1.charAt(_local3);
_local5 = _arg1.charCodeAt(_local3);
if ((((((_local5 == 9)) || ((_local5 == 10)))) || ((_local5 == 13)))){
_local2 = (_local2 + _local4);
} else {
if ((((_local5 >= 32)) && ((_local5 <= 126)))){
if (ascTab[_local4] != null){
_local2 = (_local2 + ascTab[_local4]);
} else {
_local2 = (_local2 + _local4);
} else {
_local2 = (_local2 + _local4);
return (_local2);
public static function getCharCode(_arg1:String):Number{
var _local2:String;
_local2 = _arg1.substr(3, _arg1.length);
_local2 = _local2.substr(0, (_local2.length - 1));
return (Number(("0x" + _local2)));
ascTab[">"] = ">";
ascTab["<"] = "<";
ascTab["&"] = "&";
ascTab["'"] = "'";
ascTab["\""] = """;
ascTabRev[">"] = ">";
ascTabRev["<"] = "<";
ascTabRev["&"] = "&";
ascTabRev["'"] = "'";
ascTabRev["""] = "\"";
hexTable["0"] = 0;
hexTable["1"] = 1;
hexTable["2"] = 2;
hexTable["3"] = 3;
hexTable["4"] = 4;
hexTable["5"] = 5;
hexTable["6"] = 6;
hexTable["7"] = 7;
hexTable["8"] = 8;
hexTable["9"] = 9;
hexTable["A"] = 10;
hexTable["B"] = 11;
hexTable["C"] = 12;
hexTable["D"] = 13;
hexTable["E"] = 14;
hexTable["F"] = 15;
}//package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.util
Section 76
//ObjectSerializer (it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.util.ObjectSerializer)
package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.util {
public class ObjectSerializer {
private var eof:String;
private var debug:Boolean;
private var tabs:String;
private static var instance:ObjectSerializer;
public function ObjectSerializer(_arg1:Boolean=false){
this.tabs = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
public function serialize(_arg1:Object):String{
var _local2:Object;
_local2 = {};
obj2xml(_arg1, _local2);
return (_local2.xmlStr);
private function obj2xml(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object, _arg3:int=0, _arg4:String=""):void{
var _local5:String;
var _local6:String;
var _local7:String;
var _local8:*;
if (_arg3 == 0){
_arg2.xmlStr = ("<dataObj>" + this.eof);
} else {
if (this.debug){
_arg2.xmlStr = (_arg2.xmlStr + this.tabs.substr(0, _arg3));
_local6 = ((_arg1 is Array)) ? "a" : "o";
_arg2.xmlStr = (_arg2.xmlStr + ((((("<obj t='" + _local6) + "' o='") + _arg4) + "'>") + this.eof));
for (_local5 in _arg1) {
_local7 = typeof(_arg1[_local5]);
_local8 = _arg1[_local5];
if ((((((((_local7 == "boolean")) || ((_local7 == "number")))) || ((_local7 == "string")))) || ((_local7 == "null")))){
if (_local7 == "boolean"){
_local8 = Number(_local8);
} else {
if (_local7 == "null"){
_local7 = "x";
_local8 = "";
} else {
if (_local7 == "string"){
_local8 = Entities.encodeEntities(_local8);
if (this.debug){
_arg2.xmlStr = (_arg2.xmlStr + this.tabs.substr(0, (_arg3 + 1)));
_arg2.xmlStr = (_arg2.xmlStr + ((((((("<var n='" + _local5) + "' t='") + _local7.substr(0, 1)) + "'>") + _local8) + "</var>") + this.eof));
} else {
if (_local7 == "object"){
obj2xml(_local8, _arg2, (_arg3 + 1), _local5);
if (this.debug){
_arg2.xmlStr = (_arg2.xmlStr + this.tabs.substr(0, (_arg3 + 1)));
_arg2.xmlStr = (_arg2.xmlStr + ("</obj>" + this.eof));
if (_arg3 == 0){
_arg2.xmlStr = (_arg2.xmlStr + ("</dataObj>" + this.eof));
private function setDebug(_arg1:Boolean):void{
this.debug = _arg1;
if (this.debug){
this.eof = "\n";
} else {
this.eof = "";
private function xml2obj(_arg1:XML, _arg2:Object):void{
var _local3:int;
var _local4:XMLList;
var _local5:String;
var _local6:XML;
var _local7:String;
var _local8:String;
var _local9:String;
var _local10:String;
var _local11:String;
_local3 = 0;
_local4 = _arg1.children();
for each (_local6 in _local4) {
_local5 =;
if (_local5 == "obj"){
_local7 = _local6.@o;
_local8 = _local6.@t;
if (_local8 == "a"){
_arg2[_local7] = [];
} else {
if (_local8 == "o"){
_arg2[_local7] = {};
xml2obj(_local6, _arg2[_local7]);
} else {
if (_local5 == "var"){
_local9 = _local6.@n;
_local10 = _local6.@t;
_local11 = _local6.toString();
if (_local10 == "b"){
_arg2[_local9] = ((_local11 == "0")) ? false : true;
} else {
if (_local10 == "n"){
_arg2[_local9] = Number(_local11);
} else {
if (_local10 == "s"){
_arg2[_local9] = _local11;
} else {
if (_local10 == "x"){
_arg2[_local9] = null;
private function encodeEntities(_arg1:String):String{
return (_arg1);
public function deserialize(_arg1:String):Object{
var _local2:XML;
var _local3:Object;
_local2 = new XML(_arg1);
_local3 = {};
xml2obj(_local2, _local3);
return (_local3);
public static function getInstance(_arg1:Boolean=false):ObjectSerializer{
if (instance == null){
instance = new ObjectSerializer(_arg1);
return (instance);
}//package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.util
Section 77
//SFSEvent (it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.SFSEvent)
package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver {
public class SFSEvent extends Event {
public var params:Object;
public static const onRoomLeft:String = "onRoomLeft";
public static const onBuddyListUpdate:String = "onBuddyListUpdate";
public static const onUserLeaveRoom:String = "onUserLeaveRoom";
public static const onRoomListUpdate:String = "onRoomListUpdate";
public static const onRoundTripResponse:String = "onRoundTripResponse";
public static const onExtensionResponse:String = "onExtensionResponse";
public static const onConnection:String = "onConnection";
public static const onBuddyListError:String = "onBuddyListError";
public static const onJoinRoom:String = "onJoinRoom";
public static const onUserEnterRoom:String = "onUserEnterRoom";
public static const onBuddyRoom:String = "onBuddyRoom";
public static const onAdminMessage:String = "onAdminMessage";
public static const onPublicMessage:String = "onPublicMessage";
public static const onModeratorMessage:String = "onModMessage";
public static const onPrivateMessage:String = "onPrivateMessage";
public static const onJoinRoomError:String = "onJoinRoomError";
public static const onRoomAdded:String = "onRoomAdded";
public static const onLogin:String = "onLogin";
public static const onSpectatorSwitched:String = "onSpectatorSwitched";
public static const onRoomDeleted:String = "onRoomDeleted";
public static const onConnectionLost:String = "onConnectionLost";
public static const onBuddyList:String = "onBuddyList";
public static const onRoomVariablesUpdate:String = "onRoomVariablesUpdate";
public static const onCreateRoomError:String = "onCreateRoomError";
public static const onUserCountChange:String = "onUserCountChange";
public static const onUserVariablesUpdate:String = "onUserVariablesUpdate";
public static const onRandomKey:String = "onRandomKey";
public static const onObjectReceived:String = "onObjectReceived";
public function SFSEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object){
this.params = _arg2;
override public function toString():String{
return (formatToString("SFSEvent", "type", "bubbles", "cancelable", "eventPhase", "params"));
override public function clone():Event{
return (new SFSEvent(this.type, this.params));
}//package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver
Section 78
//SmartFoxClient (it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.SmartFoxClient)
package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver {
import it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.util.*;
import it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.handlers.*;
import it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.json.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public class SmartFoxClient extends EventDispatcher {
private var connected:Boolean;
private var benchStartTime:int;
public var myUserId:int;
private var roomList:Array;
private var minVersion:Number;
public var buddyVars:Array;
public var debug:Boolean;
private var byteBuffer:ByteArray;
private var subVersion:Number;
public var buddyList:Array;
private var messageHandlers:Array;
private var majVersion:Number;
private var socketConnection:Socket;
private var sysHandler:SysHandler;
public var myUserName:String;
public var playerId:int;
public var amIModerator:Boolean;
public var changingRoom:Boolean;
private var extHandler:ExtHandler;
public var activeRoomId:int;
private static const EOM:int = 0;
private static const MSG_JSON:String = "{";
public static const XTMSG_TYPE_STR:String = "str";
public static const MODMSG_TO_USER:String = "u";
public static const MODMSG_TO_ZONE:String = "z";
private static const MSG_STR:String = "%";
private static const MSG_XML:String = "<";
public static const XTMSG_TYPE_JSON:String = "json";
public static const XTMSG_TYPE_XML:String = "xml";
public static const MODMSG_TO_ROOM:String = "r";
public function SmartFoxClient(_arg1:Boolean=false){
this.majVersion = 1;
this.minVersion = 3;
this.subVersion = 4;
this.activeRoomId = -1;
this.debug = _arg1;
this.messageHandlers = [];
socketConnection = new Socket();
socketConnection.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, handleSocketConnection);
socketConnection.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, handleSocketDisconnection);
socketConnection.addEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR, handleSocketError);
socketConnection.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleIOError);
socketConnection.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, handleSocketData);
socketConnection.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, handleSecurityError);
byteBuffer = new ByteArray();
private function getXmlUserVariable(_arg1:Object):String{
var _local2:String;
var _local3:*;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:String;
var _local6:String;
_local2 = "<vars>";
for (_local6 in _arg1) {
_local3 = _arg1[_local6];
_local5 = typeof(_local3);
if (_local5 == "boolean"){
_local4 = "b";
_local3 = (_local3) ? "1" : "0";
} else {
if (_local5 == "number"){
_local4 = "n";
} else {
if (_local5 == "string"){
_local4 = "s";
} else {
if (_local5 == "null"){
_local4 = "x";
if (_local4 != null){
_local2 = (_local2 + (((((("<var n='" + _local6) + "' t='") + _local4) + "'><![CDATA[") + _local3) + "]]></var>"));
_local2 = (_local2 + "</vars>");
return (_local2);
private function checkBuddyDuplicates(_arg1:String):Boolean{
var _local2:Boolean;
var _local3:Object;
_local2 = false;
for each (_local3 in buddyList) {
if ( == _arg1){
_local2 = true;
return (_local2);
public function getBuddyRoom(_arg1:Object):void{
if ( != -1){
send({t:"sys",}, "roomB", -1, (("<b id='" + + "' />"));
private function handleSocketData(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
_local2 = socketConnection.bytesAvailable;
while (--_local2 >= 0) {
_local3 = socketConnection.readByte();
if (_local3 != 0){
} else {
byteBuffer = new ByteArray();
private function handleSocketError(_arg1:Event):void{
trace("SOCKET ERROR!!!");
private function getXmlRoomVariable(_arg1:Object):String{
var _local2:String;
var _local3:*;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:String;
var _local6:String;
_local2 =;
_local3 = _arg1.val.toString();
_local4 = (_arg1.priv) ? "1" : "0";
_local5 = (_arg1.persistent) ? "1" : "0";
_local6 = null;
if (typeof(_local3) == "boolean"){
_local6 = "b";
_local3 = (_local3) ? "1" : "0";
} else {
if (typeof(_local3) == "number"){
_local6 = "n";
} else {
if (typeof(_local3) == "string"){
_local6 = "s";
} else {
if (typeof(_local3) == "null"){
_local6 = "x";
if (_local6 != null){
return ((((((((((("<var n='" + _local2) + "' t='") + _local6) + "' pr='") + _local4) + "' pe='") + _local5) + "'><![CDATA[") + _local3) + "]]></var>"));
return ("");
private function handleSocketDisconnection(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:SFSEvent;
_local2 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onConnectionLost, {});
private function xmlReceived(_arg1:String):void{
var _local2:XML;
var _local3:String;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:IMessageHandler;
_local2 = new XML(_arg1);
_local3 = _local2.@t;
_local4 = _local2.body.@action;
_local5 = _local2.body.@r;
_local6 = messageHandlers[_local3];
if (_local6 != null){
_local6.handleMessage(_local2, XTMSG_TYPE_XML);
public function switchSpectator(_arg1:int=-1):void{
if (_arg1 == -1){
_arg1 = activeRoomId;
send({t:"sys"}, "swSpec", _arg1, "");
public function roundTripBench():void{
this.benchStartTime = getTimer();
send({t:"sys"}, "roundTrip", activeRoomId, "");
public function joinRoom(_arg1, _arg2:String="", _arg3:Boolean=false, _arg4:Boolean=false, _arg5:int=-1):void{
var _local6:int;
var _local7:int;
var _local8:Room;
var _local9:Object;
var _local10:String;
var _local11:int;
var _local12:String;
_local6 = -1;
_local7 = (_arg3) ? 1 : 0;
if (!this.changingRoom){
if (typeof(_arg1) == "number"){
_local6 = int(_arg1);
} else {
if (typeof(_arg1) == "string"){
for each (_local8 in roomList) {
if (_local8.getName() == _arg1){
_local6 = _local8.getId();
if (_local6 != -1){
_local9 = {t:"sys"};
_local10 = (_arg4) ? "0" : "1";
_local11 = ((_arg5 > -1)) ? _arg5 : activeRoomId;
if (activeRoomId == -1){
_local10 = "0";
_local11 = -1;
_local12 = (((((((((("<room id='" + _local6) + "' pwd='") + _arg2) + "' spec='") + _local7) + "' leave='") + _local10) + "' old='") + _local11) + "' />");
send(_local9, "joinRoom", activeRoomId, _local12);
changingRoom = true;
} else {
trace("SmartFoxError: requested room to join does not exist!");
public function getActiveRoom():Room{
return (roomList[activeRoomId]);
private function makeXmlHeader(_arg1:Object):String{
var _local2:String;
var _local3:String;
_local2 = "<msg";
for (_local3 in _arg1) {
_local2 = (_local2 + ((((" " + _local3) + "='") + _arg1[_local3]) + "'"));
_local2 = (_local2 + ">");
return (_local2);
private function strReceived(_arg1:String):void{
var _local2:Array;
var _local3:String;
var _local4:IMessageHandler;
_local2 = _arg1.substr(1, (_arg1.length - 2)).split(MSG_STR);
_local3 = _local2[0];
_local4 = messageHandlers[_local3];
if (_local4 != null){
_local4.handleMessage(_local2.splice(1, (_local2.length - 1)), XTMSG_TYPE_STR);
public function getRoomByName(_arg1:String):Room{
var _local2:Room;
var _local3:Room;
_local2 = null;
for each (_local3 in roomList) {
if (_local3.getName() == _arg1){
_local2 = _local3;
return (_local2);
public function loadBuddyList():void{
send({t:"sys"}, "loadB", -1, "");
public function leaveRoom(_arg1:int):void{
var _local2:Object;
var _local3:String;
_local2 = {t:"sys"};
_local3 = (("<rm id='" + _arg1) + "' />");
send(_local2, "leaveRoom", _arg1, _local3);
private function addMessageHandler(_arg1:String, _arg2:IMessageHandler):void{
if (this.messageHandlers[_arg1] == null){
this.messageHandlers[_arg1] = _arg2;
} else {
trace((("Warning, message handler called: " + _arg1) + " already exist!"));
public function getAllRooms():Array{
return (roomList);
public function setBuddyVariables(_arg1:Array):void{
var _local2:Object;
var _local3:String;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:String;
_local2 = {t:"sys"};
_local3 = "<vars>";
for (_local4 in _arg1) {
_local5 = _arg1[_local4];
if (buddyVars[_local4] != _local5){
buddyVars[_local4] = _local5;
_local3 = (_local3 + (((("<var n='" + _local4) + "'><![CDATA[") + _local5) + "]]></var>"));
_local3 = (_local3 + "</vars>");
this.send(_local2, "setBvars", -1, _local3);
public function getRoom(_arg1:int):Room{
return (roomList[_arg1]);
private function handleSecurityError(_arg1:Event):void{
trace("SECURITY ERROR!!!");
private function handleIOError(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:SFSEvent;
var _local3:Object;
if (!connected){
_local3 = {};
_local3.success = false;
_local3.error = "I/O Error";
_local2 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onConnection, _local3);
} else {
trace("I/O Error during connected session");
private function setupMessageHandlers():void{
sysHandler = new SysHandler(this);
extHandler = new ExtHandler(this);
addMessageHandler("sys", sysHandler);
addMessageHandler("xt", extHandler);
public function login(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String):void{
var _local4:Object;
var _local5:String;
_local4 = {t:"sys"};
_local5 = (((((("<login z='" + _arg1) + "'><nick><![CDATA[") + _arg2) + "]]></nick><pword><![CDATA[") + _arg3) + "]]></pword></login>");
send(_local4, "login", 0, _local5);
public function autoJoin():void{
var _local1:Object;
_local1 = {t:"sys"};
this.send(_local1, "autoJoin", (this.activeRoomId) ? this.activeRoomId : -1, "");
private function send(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number, _arg4:String):void{
var _local5:String;
_local5 = makeXmlHeader(_arg1);
_local5 = (_local5 + ((((((("<body action='" + _arg2) + "' r='") + _arg3) + "'>") + _arg4) + "</body>") + closeHeader()));
if (this.debug){
trace((("[Sending]: " + _local5) + "\n"));
public function getRoomList():void{
var _local1:Object;
_local1 = {t:"sys"};
send(_local1, "getRmList", activeRoomId, "");
private function initialize():void{
this.changingRoom = false;
this.amIModerator = false;
this.playerId = -1;
this.connected = false;
this.roomList = [];
this.buddyList = [];
this.buddyVars = [];
public function setRoomVariables(_arg1:Array, _arg2:int=-1, _arg3:Boolean=true):void{
var _local4:Object;
var _local5:String;
var _local6:Object;
if (_arg2 == -1){
_arg2 = activeRoomId;
_local4 = {t:"sys"};
if (_arg3){
_local5 = "<vars>";
} else {
_local5 = "<vars so='0'>";
for each (_local6 in _arg1) {
_local5 = (_local5 + getXmlRoomVariable(_local6));
_local5 = (_local5 + "</vars>");
send(_local4, "setRvars", _arg2, _local5);
public function disconnect():void{
connected = false;
public function sendJson(_arg1:String):void{
if (this.debug){
trace((("[Sending - JSON]: " + _arg1) + "\n"));
private function closeHeader():String{
return ("</msg>");
public function getVersion():String{
return (((((this.majVersion + ".") + this.minVersion) + ".") + this.subVersion));
public function setUserVariables(_arg1:Object, _arg2:int=-1):void{
var _local3:Object;
var _local4:Room;
var _local5:User;
var _local6:String;
if (_arg2 == -1){
_arg2 = activeRoomId;
_local3 = {t:"sys"};
_local4 = getActiveRoom();
_local5 = _local4.getUser(myUserId);
_local6 = getXmlUserVariable(_arg1);
send(_local3, "setUvars", _arg2, _local6);
public function addBuddy(_arg1:String):void{
var _local2:String;
if (((!((_arg1 == myUserName))) && (!(checkBuddyDuplicates(_arg1))))){
_local2 = (("<n>" + _arg1) + "</n>");
send({t:"sys"}, "addB", -1, _local2);
public function sendPrivateMessage(_arg1:String, _arg2:int, _arg3:int=-1):void{
var _local4:Object;
var _local5:String;
if (_arg3 == -1){
_arg3 = activeRoomId;
_local4 = {t:"sys"};
_local5 = (((("<txt rcp='" + _arg2) + "'><![CDATA[") + Entities.encodeEntities(_arg1)) + "]]></txt>");
send(_local4, "prvMsg", _arg3, _local5);
public function sendPublicMessage(_arg1:String, _arg2:int=-1):void{
var _local3:Object;
var _local4:String;
if (_arg2 == -1){
_arg2 = activeRoomId;
_local3 = {t:"sys"};
_local4 = (("<txt><![CDATA[" + Entities.encodeEntities(_arg1)) + "]]></txt>");
send(_local3, "pubMsg", _arg2, _local4);
public function clearBuddyList():void{
var _local1:Object;
var _local2:SFSEvent;
buddyList = [];
send({t:"sys"}, "clearB", -1, "");
_local1 = {};
_local1.list = buddyList;
_local2 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onBuddyList, _local1);
public function sendString(_arg1:String):void{
if (this.debug){
trace((("[Sending - STR]: " + _arg1) + "\n"));
public function removeBuddy(_arg1:String):void{
var _local2:Boolean;
var _local3:Object;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:Object;
var _local6:String;
var _local7:Object;
var _local8:SFSEvent;
_local2 = false;
for (_local4 in buddyList) {
_local3 = buddyList[_local4];
if ( == _arg1){
delete buddyList[_local4];
_local2 = true;
if (_local2){
_local5 = {t:"sys"};
_local6 = (("<n>" + _arg1) + "</n>");
send(_local5, "remB", -1, _local6);
_local7 = {};
_local7.list = buddyList;
_local8 = new SFSEvent(SFSEvent.onBuddyList, _local7);
private function handleMessage(_arg1:String):void{
var _local2:String;
if (this.debug){
trace((((("[ RECEIVED ]: " + _arg1) + ", (len: ") + _arg1.length) + ")"));
_local2 = _arg1.charAt(0);
if (_local2 == MSG_XML){
if ((((_arg1.substr(0, 4) == "<msg")) && (!((_arg1.substr(-6) == "</msg>"))))){
_arg1 = (_arg1 + "</body></msg>");
} else {
if (_local2 == MSG_STR){
} else {
if (_local2 == MSG_JSON){
public function sendXtMessage(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3, _arg4:String="xml", _arg5:int=-1):void{
var _local6:Object;
var _local7:Object;
var _local8:String;
var _local9:String;
var _local10:Number;
var _local11:Object;
var _local12:Object;
var _local13:String;
if (_arg5 == -1){
_arg5 = activeRoomId;
if (_arg4 == XTMSG_TYPE_XML){
_local6 = {t:"xt"};
_local7 = {name:_arg1, cmd:_arg2, param:_arg3};
_local8 = (("<![CDATA[" + ObjectSerializer.getInstance().serialize(_local7)) + "]]>");
send(_local6, "xtReq", _arg5, _local8);
} else {
if (_arg4 == XTMSG_TYPE_STR){
_local9 = (((((("%xt%" + _arg1) + "%") + _arg2) + "%") + _arg5) + "%");
_local10 = 0;
while (_local10 < _arg3.length) {
_local9 = (_local9 + (_arg3[_local10].toString() + "%"));
} else {
if (_arg4 == XTMSG_TYPE_JSON){
_local11 = {};
_local11.x = _arg1;
_local11.c = _arg2;
_local11.r = _arg5;
_local11.p = _arg3;
_local12 = {};
_local12.t = "xt";
_local12.b = _local11;
_local13 = JSON.encode(_local12);
private function writeToSocket(_arg1:String):void{
var _local2:ByteArray;
_local2 = new ByteArray();
_local2.writeMultiByte(_arg1, "utf-8");
public function sendObjectToGroup(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Array, _arg3:int):void{
var _local4:String;
var _local5:String;
var _local6:Object;
var _local7:String;
if (_arg3 == -1){
_arg3 = activeRoomId;
_local4 = "";
for (_local5 in _arg2) {
if (!isNaN(_arg2[_local5])){
_local4 = (_local4 + (_arg2[_local5] + ","));
_local4 = _local4.substr(0, (_local4.length - 1));
_arg1._$$_ = _local4;
_local6 = {t:"sys"};
_local7 = (("<![CDATA[" + ObjectSerializer.getInstance().serialize(_arg1)) + "]]>");
send(_local6, "asObjG", _arg3, _local7);
public function getRandomKey():void{
send({t:"sys"}, "rndK", -1, "");
public function sendObject(_arg1:Object, _arg2:int=-1):void{
var _local3:String;
var _local4:Object;
if (_arg2 == -1){
_arg2 = activeRoomId;
_local3 = (("<![CDATA[" + ObjectSerializer.getInstance().serialize(_arg1)) + "]]>");
_local4 = {t:"sys"};
send(_local4, "asObj", _arg2, _local3);
private function jsonReceived(_arg1:String):void{
var _local2:Object;
var _local3:String;
var _local4:IMessageHandler;
_local2 = JSON.decode(_arg1);
_local3 = _local2["t"];
_local4 = messageHandlers[_local3];
if (_local4 != null){
_local4.handleMessage(_local2["b"], XTMSG_TYPE_JSON);
public function connect(_arg1:String, _arg2:int):void{
if (!connected){
socketConnection.connect(_arg1, _arg2);
} else {
trace("*** ALREADY CONNECTED ***");
public function sendModeratorMessage(_arg1:String, _arg2:int, _arg3:int=-1):void{
var _local4:Object;
var _local5:String;
_local4 = {t:"sys"};
_local5 = (((((("<txt t='" + _arg2) + "' id='") + _arg3) + "'><![CDATA[") + Entities.encodeEntities(_arg1)) + "]]></txt>");
send(_local4, "modMsg", activeRoomId, _local5);
public function getBenchStartTime():int{
return (this.benchStartTime);
public function createRoom(_arg1:Object, _arg2:int=-1):void{
var _local3:Object;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:String;
var _local6:String;
var _local7:String;
var _local8:String;
var _local9:String;
if (_arg2 == -1){
_arg2 = activeRoomId;
_local3 = {t:"sys"};
_local4 = (_arg1.isGame) ? "1" : "0";
_local5 = "1";
_local6 = ((_arg1.maxUsers == null)) ? "0" : String(_arg1.maxUsers);
_local7 = ((_arg1.maxSpectators == null)) ? "0" : String(_arg1.maxSpectators);
if (((_arg1.isGame) && (!((_arg1.exitCurrent == null))))){
_local5 = (_arg1.exitCurrent) ? "1" : "0";
_local8 = (((((("<room tmp='1' gam='" + _local4) + "' spec='") + _local7) + "' exit='") + _local5) + "'>");
_local8 = (_local8 + (("<name><![CDATA[" + (( == null)) ? "" : + "]]></name>"));
_local8 = (_local8 + (("<pwd><![CDATA[" + ((_arg1.password == null)) ? "" : _arg1.password) + "]]></pwd>"));
_local8 = (_local8 + (("<max>" + _local6) + "</max>"));
if (_arg1.uCount != null){
_local8 = (_local8 + (("<uCnt>" + (_arg1.uCount) ? "1" : "0") + "</uCnt>"));
if (_arg1.extension != null){
_local8 = (_local8 + ("<xt n='" +;
_local8 = (_local8 + (("' s='" + _arg1.extension.script) + "' />"));
if (_arg1.vars == null){
_local8 = (_local8 + "<vars></vars>");
} else {
_local8 = (_local8 + "<vars>");
for (_local9 in _arg1.vars) {
_local8 = (_local8 + getXmlRoomVariable(_arg1.vars[_local9]));
_local8 = (_local8 + "</vars>");
_local8 = (_local8 + "</room>");
send(_local3, "createRoom", _arg2, _local8);
private function handleSocketConnection(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:Object;
var _local3:String;
_local2 = {t:"sys"};
_local3 = (((("<ver v='" + this.majVersion.toString()) + this.minVersion.toString()) + this.subVersion.toString()) + "' />");
send(_local2, "verChk", 0, _local3);
public function set isConnected(_arg1:Boolean):void{
this.connected = _arg1;
public function get isConnected():Boolean{
return (this.connected);
}//package it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver
Section 79
//FlexMovieClip (mx.core.FlexMovieClip)
package mx.core {
import flash.display.*;
import mx.utils.*;
public class FlexMovieClip extends MovieClip {
mx_internal static const VERSION:String = "";
public function FlexMovieClip(){
try {
name = NameUtil.createUniqueName(this);
} catch(e:Error) {
override public function toString():String{
return (NameUtil.displayObjectToString(this));
}//package mx.core
Section 80
//FlexSprite (mx.core.FlexSprite)
package mx.core {
import flash.display.*;
import mx.utils.*;
public class FlexSprite extends Sprite {
mx_internal static const VERSION:String = "";
public function FlexSprite(){
try {
name = NameUtil.createUniqueName(this);
} catch(e:Error) {
override public function toString():String{
return (NameUtil.displayObjectToString(this));
}//package mx.core
Section 81
//IFlexAsset (mx.core.IFlexAsset)
package mx.core {
public interface IFlexAsset {
}//package mx.core
Section 82
//IFlexDisplayObject (mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject)
package mx.core {
import flash.display.*;
public interface IFlexDisplayObject extends IBitmapDrawable, IEventDispatcher {
function get name():String;
function set width(_arg1:Number):void;
function get measuredHeight():Number;
function set height(_arg1:Number):void;
function get scaleY():Number;
function move(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void;
function get scaleX():Number;
function set mask(_arg1:DisplayObject):void;
function set scaleX(_arg1:Number):void;
function set name(_arg1:String):void;
function set scaleY(_arg1:Number):void;
function get visible():Boolean;
function get measuredWidth():Number;
function set visible(_arg1:Boolean):void;
function get alpha():Number;
function get height():Number;
function get width():Number;
function get parent():DisplayObjectContainer;
function get mask():DisplayObject;
function set x(_arg1:Number):void;
function setActualSize(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void;
function set y(_arg1:Number):void;
function get x():Number;
function get y():Number;
function set alpha(_arg1:Number):void;
}//package mx.core
Section 83
//IRepeaterClient (mx.core.IRepeaterClient)
package mx.core {
public interface IRepeaterClient {
function set instanceIndices(_arg1:Array):void;
function get isDocument():Boolean;
function get repeaters():Array;
function get instanceIndices():Array;
function set repeaters(_arg1:Array):void;
function initializeRepeaterArrays(_arg1:IRepeaterClient):void;
function set repeaterIndices(_arg1:Array):void;
function get repeaterIndices():Array;
}//package mx.core
Section 84
//MovieClipAsset (mx.core.MovieClipAsset)
package mx.core {
public class MovieClipAsset extends FlexMovieClip implements IFlexAsset, IFlexDisplayObject {
private var _measuredWidth:Number;
private var _measuredHeight:Number;
mx_internal static const VERSION:String = "";
public function MovieClipAsset(){
_measuredWidth = width;
_measuredHeight = height;
public function get measuredWidth():Number{
return (_measuredWidth);
public function get measuredHeight():Number{
return (_measuredHeight);
public function setActualSize(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
width = _arg1;
height = _arg2;
public function move(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
this.x = _arg1;
this.y = _arg2;
}//package mx.core
Section 85
//mx_internal (mx.core.mx_internal)
package mx.core {
public namespace mx_internal = "";
}//package mx.core
Section 86
//SoundAsset (mx.core.SoundAsset)
package mx.core {
public class SoundAsset extends Sound implements IFlexAsset {
mx_internal static const VERSION:String = "";
}//package mx.core
Section 87
//SpriteAsset (mx.core.SpriteAsset)
package mx.core {
public class SpriteAsset extends FlexSprite implements IFlexAsset, IFlexDisplayObject {
private var _measuredWidth:Number;
private var _measuredHeight:Number;
mx_internal static const VERSION:String = "";
public function SpriteAsset(){
_measuredWidth = width;
_measuredHeight = height;
public function get measuredWidth():Number{
return (_measuredWidth);
public function get measuredHeight():Number{
return (_measuredHeight);
public function setActualSize(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
width = _arg1;
height = _arg2;
public function move(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
this.x = _arg1;
this.y = _arg2;
}//package mx.core
Section 88
//NameUtil (mx.utils.NameUtil)
package mx.utils {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import mx.core.*;
public class NameUtil {
mx_internal static const VERSION:String = "";
private static var counter:int = 0;
public static function displayObjectToString(_arg1:DisplayObject):String{
var _local2:String;
var _local3:DisplayObject;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:Array;
_local3 = _arg1;
while (_local3 != null) {
if (((((_local3.parent) && (_local3.stage))) && ((_local3.parent == _local3.stage)))){
_local4 =;
if ((_local3 is IRepeaterClient)){
_local5 = IRepeaterClient(_local3).instanceIndices;
if (_local5){
_local4 = (_local4 + (("[" + _local5.join("][")) + "]"));
_local2 = ((_local2 == null)) ? _local4 : ((_local4 + ".") + _local2);
_local3 = _local3.parent;
return (_local2);
public static function createUniqueName(_arg1:Object):String{
var _local2:String;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:int;
if (!_arg1){
return (null);
_local2 = getQualifiedClassName(_arg1);
_local3 = _local2.indexOf("::");
if (_local3 != -1){
_local2 = _local2.substr((_local3 + 2));
_local4 = _local2.charCodeAt((_local2.length - 1));
if ((((_local4 >= 48)) && ((_local4 <= 57)))){
_local2 = (_local2 + "_");
return ((_local2 + counter++));
}//package mx.utils
Section 89
import flash.geom.*;
public class OGGShape extends OSprite {
public static var AlphaFill:Number = 1;
public static var Points:Array;
public static var AlphaLine:Number = 1;
public static var GridAlpha:Number = 0.1;
public static var GridColor:int = 136;
public function OGGShape(){
public static function DrawFigure(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Boolean=true, _arg3:Boolean=true, _arg4:OSprite=null):OSprite{
var _local5:int;
if (!_arg4){
_arg4 = new OSprite();
if (_arg2){, AlphaFill);
};, GridColor, AlphaLine);[0].x, _arg1[0].y);
_local5 = 1;
while (_local5 < _arg1.length) {[_local5].x, _arg1[_local5].y);
};[0].x, _arg1[0].y);
if (_arg3){;
_arg4.Pos(0, 0);
return (_arg4);
public static function PointsSquadre(_arg1:Array):Array{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:Array;
_local2 = _arg1[0];
_local3 = (_local2 / 2);
_local4 = new Array();
_local4.push(new Point(-(_local3), -(_local3)));
_local4.push(new Point(_local3, -(_local3)));
_local4.push(new Point(_local3, _local3));
_local4.push(new Point(-(_local3), _local3));
return (_local4);
public static function PointsTriangle(_arg1:Array):Array{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:int;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:Array;
_local2 = _arg1[0];
_local3 = (_local2 * Math.cos((Math.PI / 6)));
_local4 = ((_local2 / 2) * ((1 / Math.cos((Math.PI / 6))) - Math.cos((Math.PI / 6))));
_local5 = (_arg1[1]) ? 1 : -1;
_local6 = new Array();
_local6.push(new Point((_local5 * int(((-(_local3) / 2) + _local4))), int((-(_local2) / 2))));
_local6.push(new Point((_local5 * int(((_local3 / 2) + _local4))), 0));
_local6.push(new Point((_local5 * int(((-(_local3) / 2) + _local4))), int((_local2 / 2))));
return (_local6);
public static function PointsHexagon(_arg1:Array):Array{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:Array;
_local2 = _arg1[0];
_local3 = (_local2 * Math.sin((Math.PI / 3)));
_local4 = new Array();
_local4.push(new Point(0, -(_local2)));
_local4.push(new Point(_local3, int((-(_local2) / 2))));
_local4.push(new Point(_local3, int((_local2 * 0.5))));
_local4.push(new Point(0, _local2));
_local4.push(new Point(-(_local3), int((_local2 * 0.5))));
_local4.push(new Point(-(_local3), int((-(_local2) / 2))));
return (_local4);
public static function SizeArea(_arg1:Array):Point{
var _local2:Point;
var _local3:Point;
var _local4:int;
var _local5:int;
_local2 = new Point();
_local3 = new Point();
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _arg1.length) {
_local5 = _local4;
while (_local5 < _arg1.length) {
_local3.x = Math.abs((_arg1[_local5].x - _arg1[_local4].x));
_local3.y = Math.abs((_arg1[_local5].y - _arg1[_local4].y));
_local2.x = ((_local2.x)>_local3.x) ? _local2.x : _local3.x;
_local2.y = ((_local2.y)>_local3.y) ? _local2.y : _local3.y;
return (_local2);
Section 90
public class OKFigLevel {
public var okFigs:Array;
public var okH:Number;
public var okTriang:Array;
public var okV:Array;
public var okW:Number;
public function OKFigLevel(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array, _arg3:Array, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number):void{
this.okV = _arg1;
this.okTriang = _arg2;
this.okFigs = _arg3;
this.okW = _arg4;
this.okH = _arg5;
public function get H():Number{
return (okH);
public function get V():Array{
return (this.okV);
public function get Figs():Array{
return (okFigs);
public function get W():Number{
return (okW);
public function get Triang():Array{
return (okTriang);
Section 91
public class OKFigLib {
public static const FigureArray:Array = [new OKFigLevel([[[159.8, 160.4], [2]], [[159.9, 0.2], [0]], [[0, 160.2], [3]], [[0.1, 0], [1]]], [[[162, 166.8], [75.8, 80], [162.1, -6.2]], [[-6.4, 162.3], [80.1, 75.8], [166.2, 162.5]], [[128.1, 37.3], [80, 85.4], [32.1, 37.3]], [[-2.6, 72], [45.5, 120], [-2.7, 168.2]], [[40.1, 36], [84, 80.1], [40.2, 124], [-3.9, 80]], [[122.1, 42], [34.1, 42], [78.1, -2], [165.9, -1.8]], [[-2.3, -2.4], [84.9, -2.4], [-2.3, 84.8]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 159.9, 160.4), new OKFigLevel([[[320, 160], [1]], [[0, 160], [2]], [[160.1, 0], [0]]], [[[153.6, 162.2], [240.1, 75.7], [326.4, 162.2]], [[-6.4, 162.1], [80, 75.7], [166.4, 162.2]], [[208, 117.3], [160, 165.4], [112, 117.3]], [[162.7, 87.9], [114.7, 40], [162.8, -8]], [[120.1, 36], [164.1, 80], [120, 124], [76, 80]], [[202, 122], [114, 122], [158.1, 78], [246.1, 78]], [[157.7, 82.4], [157.7, -4.8], [244.9, 82.4]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 320, 160), new OKFigLevel([[[80, 240], [1]], [[0, 159.9], [2]], [[160, 0], [3]], [[239.9, 80.1], [0]]], [[[77.8, 73.6], [164.2, 160.1], [77.9, 246.4]], [[82.1, 246.4], [-4.3, 159.9], [82.1, 73.6]], [[112, 42.7], [160, -5.3], [207.9, 42.7]], [[157.3, 72], [205.2, 120.1], [157.3, 168.1]], [[199.9, 36], [243.9, 80.1], [199.9, 124.1], [155.9, 80.1]], [[161.9, 82.1], [74, 82], [118, 38], [205.9, 38]], [[162.3, 77.7], [162.4, 164.9], [75.2, 77.6]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 239.9, 240), new OKFigLevel([[[320.1, 0], [3]], [[160.1, 0], [0]], [[0, 160.1], [1]], [[160, 160.1], [2]]], [[[326.5, -2.1], [240.1, 84.4], [153.7, -2.1]], [[-6.4, 162.2], [80, 75.8], [166.4, 162.2]], [[112.1, 42.7], [160.1, -5.3], [208.1, 42.8]], [[157.4, 72.1], [205.4, 120.1], [157.3, 168.1]], [[200.1, 36.1], [244.1, 80.1], [200, 124.1], [156.1, 80.1]], [[118.1, 38.1], [206.1, 38.1], [162, 82.1], [74, 82.1]], [[162.5, 77.7], [162.4, 164.9], [75.2, 77.7]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 320.1, 160.1), new OKFigLevel([[[240, 0], [3]], [[80, 0], [0]], [[0, 80], [1]], [[0, 240], [2]]], [[[246.4, -2.1], [160, 84.3], [73.6, -2.1]], [[-2.1, 73.6], [84.3, 160.1], [-2.1, 246.4]], [[32, 42.7], [80, -5.3], [128, 42.7]], [[77.4, 72], [125.3, 120.1], [77.4, 168]], [[164, 80], [120, 124.1], [76, 80], [120, 36]], [[82, 82], [-6, 82], [38, 38], [126, 38]], [[82.4, 77.6], [82.4, 164.9], [-4.8, 77.6]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 240, 240), new OKFigLevel([[[280, 0], [2]], [[120.1, 0], [0]], [[80, 200], [3]], [[0, 120], [1]]], [[[286.5, -2.1], [200, 84.3], [113.7, -2.1]], [[33.6, 82.1], [120.1, -4.3], [206.5, 82.2]], [[128.1, 77.4], [80, 125.4], [32, 77.3]], [[82.7, 208], [34.7, 160], [82.7, 112]], [[-4, 120], [40, 76], [84, 120], [40, 164]], [[118.1, 78], [206.1, 78], [162, 122.1], [74, 122]], [[77.6, 117.6], [164.8, 117.7], [77.6, 204.8]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 280, 200), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 159.8], [3]], [[240, 160], [0]], [[240.1, 0], [1]], [[160.1, 0], [2]]], [[[-6.4, 161.9], [80, 75.6], [166.4, 162.1]], [[242.2, 166.4], [155.8, 80], [242.2, -6.4]], [[122.7, 127.9], [74.7, 79.8], [122.7, 31.9]], [[248.1, -2.7], [200.1, 45.3], [152.1, -2.7]], [[116, 39.9], [160.1, -4], [204.1, 40], [160, 84]], [[162, 78], [162, 165.9], [118, 121.9], [118, 33.9]], [[157.6, 162.3], [157.6, 75.2], [244.8, 162.4]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 240.1, 160), new OKFigLevel([[[279.9, 120], [4]], [[159.9, 0], [0]], [[0, 0], [1]], [[0.1, 80.1], [2]], [[40.1, 120.1], [3]]], [[[113.6, 122.2], [199.9, 35.8], [286.3, 122.2]], [[166.3, -2.1], [80, 84.3], [-6.4, -2.1]], [[167.9, 77.4], [120, 125.4], [72, 77.3]], [[72, 82.7], [119.9, 34.7], [167.9, 82.8]], [[115.9, 40], [159.9, -4], [203.9, 40], [159.9, 84.1]], [[-1.9, 82.1], [-2, -6], [42.1, 38.1], [42.1, 126.1]], [[37.7, 122.5], [37.7, 35.3], [124.8, 122.5]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 279.9, 120.1), new OKFigLevel([[[226.2, 113.1], [4]], [[113.2, 0], [0]], [[0, 113.1], [1]], [[0, 169.7], [2]], [[226.1, 169.7], [3]]], [[[232.2, 116.1], [110.1, 116.1], [110.1, -6]], [[116.2, -6], [116.1, 116.1], [-6, 116.1]], [[105.5, 109.3], [173.4, 109.3], [173.4, 177.2]], [[-3.8, 177.2], [-3.7, 109.4], [64.1, 109.3]], [[166.8, 110.3], [229.1, 110.3], [229, 172.5], [166.8, 172.5]], [[113.1, 110.3], [175.3, 172.5], [113.1, 172.5], [50.9, 110.3]], [[56.5, 109.7], [118.2, 171.4], [-5.1, 171.4]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 226.2, 169.7), new OKFigLevel([[[80, 160], [1]], [[0, 80.1], [2]], [[80, 0.1], [5]], [[239.9, 80], [4]], [[160, 160], [0]], [[160, 0], [3]]], [[[166.4, 77.9], [80, 164.3], [-6.4, 77.9]], [[-6.4, 82.2], [80, -4.2], [166.4, 82.1]], [[197.3, 32], [245.3, 80], [197.3, 128]], [[72, 162.7], [120, 114.7], [168, 162.7]], [[116, 120], [160, 76], [203.9, 120], [160, 164]], [[201.9, 38], [201.9, 126], [158, 82], [158, -6]], [[162.4, -2.4], [162.4, 84.8], [75.2, -2.3]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 239.9, 160), new OKFigLevel([[[200, 0], [1]], [[280, 80.1], [5]], [[40, 0], [0]], [[79.8, 120.1], [4]], [[0, 40], [2]], [[240, 120.1], [3]]], [[[113.5, 82.2], [200, -4.2], [286.4, 82.2]], [[206.4, -2.1], [119.9, 84.4], [33.6, -2.1]], [[207.9, 77.4], [159.9, 125.3], [111.9, 77.4]], [[82.4, 128], [34.6, 80.1], [82.6, 31.9]], [[-4, 40], [40, -4], [83.9, 40], [39.9, 84.1]], [[242, 122.1], [153.8, 122], [197.9, 78.1], [286, 78.1]], [[77.4, 122.5], [77.5, 35.2], [164.7, 122.4]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 280, 120.1), new OKFigLevel([[[203.6, 105.6], [1]], [[147, 203.5], [2]], [[0, 118.6], [3]], [[56.6, 20.7], [5]], [[183, 28.3], [0]], [[133.9, 0], [4]]], [[[101.9, 43.3], [207.8, 104.5], [146.6, 210.3]], [[150.8, 209.1], [44.9, 148], [106, 42.2]], [[84.4, 93.3], [50.4, 152.1], [-8.4, 118.1]], [[-7, 123.2], [26.9, 64.5], [85.8, 98.4]], [[24.4, 70.6], [55.6, 16.8], [109.5, 47.9], [78.4, 101.8]], [[184.4, 25.9], [207.1, 110.8], [153.2, 79.7], [130.5, -5.3]], [[135.6, -2.9], [158.2, 81.3], [51.4, 19.6]]], [[[-46.5, -70.4], [51.5, -13.8], [-5.1, 84.2]], [[46.5, 70.4], [-51.5, 13.8], [5.1, -84.2]], [[35.2, -23.2], [6.9, 25.8], [-42.1, -2.5]], [[-35.2, 23.2], [-6.9, -25.8], [42.1, 2.5]], [[-38.6, 10.4], [-10.4, -38.6], [38.6, -10.4], [10.4, 38.6]], [[14.1, -24.5], [34.8, 52.8], [-14.1, 24.5], [-34.8, -52.8]], [[18.9, -32.7], [39.6, 44.6], [-58.4, -12]]], 203.6, 203.5), new OKFigLevel([[[153, 203.8], [5]], [[43.7, 233.1], [4]], [[109.3, 40], [0]], [[40, 0], [2]], [[0, 69.2], [3]], [[113, 273.1], [1]]], [[[125.2, 88], [156.7, 206], [38.7, 237.6]], [[42.4, 239.7], [10.9, 121.8], [128.9, 90.2]], [[117.6, 41.7], [52, 59.2], [34.4, -6.3]], [[56.3, 46.4], [73.8, 111.9], [8.3, 129.5]], [[51.2, 52.6], [111.3, 36.6], [127.3, 96.6], [67.2, 112.7]], [[-2.7, 70], [41.3, -6.2], [57.4, 53.9], [13.3, 130.1]], [[113.9, 276.4], [38.4, 232.8], [157.5, 200.9]]], [[[16.9, -82.6], [46.2, 26.7], [-63.1, 55.9]], [[-16.9, 82.6], [-46.2, -26.7], [63.1, -55.9]], [[41.3, 8.5], [-13.3, 23.1], [-28, -31.5]], [[8.5, -41.3], [23.1, 13.3], [-31.5, 28]], [[-34.6, -20], [20, -34.6], [34.6, 20], [-20, 34.6]], [[-27.3, 7.3], [12.7, -62], [27.3, -7.3], [-12.7, 62]], [[9.8, 36.4], [-59.5, -3.6], [49.8, -32.9]]], 153, 273.1), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 113.2], [2]], [[113.1, 226.3], [0]], [[113.1, 0], [3]], [[226.2, 113.1], [1]]], [[[-6, 110.2], [116.1, 110.1], [116.1, 232.3]], [[116.1, -6], [116.1, 116.1], [-6, 116.2]], [[109.3, 177.2], [109.3, 109.4], [177.2, 109.4]], [[177.2, 60.3], [109.3, 60.3], [109.4, -7.5]], [[110.3, 53.7], [172.5, 53.7], [172.5, 116], [110.3, 116]], [[110.3, 169.7], [172.5, 107.5], [172.5, 169.7], [110.3, 231.9]], [[229.6, 113.1], [167.9, 174.8], [168, 51.4]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 226.2, 226.3), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 113.2], [1]], [[0, 0], [3]], [[226.2, 113.1], [0]], [[226.2, 0], [2]]], [[[-3, 119.2], [-3, -3], [119.2, -3]], [[116.2, -6], [116.1, 116.1], [-6, 116.2]], [[162.1, 52.8], [230, 52.8], [230, 120.6]], [[109.4, 64.1], [109.4, -3.7], [177.2, -3.8]], [[166.9, -2.8], [229.1, -2.8], [229.1, 59.4], [166.8, 59.4]], [[110.3, 56.6], [172.5, -5.6], [172.5, 56.5], [110.3, 118.8]], [[169.7, 53.2], [231.3, 114.8], [108, 114.8]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 226.2, 113.2), new OKFigLevel([[[54.6, 154.4], [3]], [[209.1, 195.9], [10]], [[96, 0], [5]], [[0, 139.5], [8]], [[198.3, 64.1], [6]], [[121, 43.4], [4]], [[226.6, 113], [7]], [[177.6, 141.3], [1]], [[14.7, 84.9], [9]], [[83.9, 44.9], [2]], [[131.8, 175.2], [11]], [[33.8, 231.8], [0]]], [[[47.8, 154.8], [153.6, 93.9], [214.7, 199.7]], [[95.6, -6.7], [156.7, 99.1], [50.8, 160]], [[74.9, 93.2], [57.2, 159.1], [-8.3, 141.2]], [[206.7, 63.6], [147.9, 97.5], [114, 38.7]], [[145.4, 91.3], [199.3, 60.2], [230.4, 114.1], [176.5, 145.2]], [[72, 100.2], [-4.2, 144.2], [11.9, 84.1], [88.1, 40.1]], [[52.9, 151.5], [137.1, 174.1], [30.3, 235.8]]], [[[-84.2, 5.1], [13.8, -51.5], [70.4, 46.5]], [[-5.1, -84.2], [51.5, 13.8], [-46.5, 70.4]], [[28, -31.5], [13.3, 23.1], [-41.3, 8.5]], [[42.1, -2.5], [-6.9, 25.8], [-35.2, -23.2]], [[-38.6, -10.4], [10.4, -38.6], [38.6, 10.4], [-10.4, 38.6]], [[27.3, 7.3], [-42, 47.3], [-27.3, -7.3], [42, -47.3]], [[-18.9, -32.7], [58.4, -12], [-39.6, 44.6]]], 226.6, 231.8), new OKFigLevel([[[169.8, 0], [3]], [[0, 169.6], [2]], [[0, 56.5], [4]], [[169.7, 169.6], [1]], [[56.6, 56.5], [5]], [[56.6, 0], [0]]], [[[172.8, -6], [172.8, 116.1], [50.6, 116.1]], [[119.2, 172.6], [-3, 172.6], [-3, 50.5]], [[109.4, 64.1], [109.4, -3.7], [177.3, -3.8]], [[105.6, 109.3], [173.5, 109.3], [173.5, 177.2]], [[116, -2.8], [116, 59.4], [53.8, 59.4], [53.8, -2.8]], [[113.2, 110.3], [175.4, 172.4], [113.1, 172.4], [51, 110.3]], [[56.6, 116.5], [-5.1, 54.8], [118.3, 54.9]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 169.8, 169.6), new OKFigLevel([[[169.7, 160], [1]], [[89.7, 80], [7]], [[169.7, 0], [0]], [[0, 169.7], [8]], [[80, 89.7], [5]], [[160, 169.7], [3]], [[56.6, 56.6], [9]], [[113.1, 56.6], [6]], [[0.1, 0.1], [2]], [[56.6, 113.2], [4]]], [[[171.8, 166.4], [85.4, 80], [171.8, -6.4]], [[-6.4, 171.9], [80, 85.5], [166.4, 171.9]], [[-3.8, 120.7], [-3.7, 52.9], [64.1, 52.9]], [[120.6, 60.3], [52.8, 60.4], [52.8, -7.5]], [[59.4, -2.8], [59.4, 59.5], [-2.8, 59.5], [-2.8, -2.7]], [[-2.8, 113.2], [59.4, 51], [59.4, 113.2], [-2.8, 175.4]], [[113.1, 60], [51.5, -1.6], [174.8, -1.7]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 169.7, 169.7), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 113.1], [1, 6]], [[0.1, 0], [2]], [[113.2, 0], [8, 11]], [[113.1, 226.2], [4, 5]], [[0, 226.2], [0]], [[113.1, 169.6], [6]], [[56.5, 169.6], [3, 8]], [[169.7, 169.6], [3]], [[56.6, 56.6], [9, 0]], [[113.2, 56.5], [2]], [[113.1, 113.1], [7]], [[169.7, 56.6], [10]]], [[[-3, 119.1], [-3, -3], [119.2, -3]], [[119.2, 229.2], [-3, 229.2], [-3, 107.1]], [[120.6, 173.4], [52.8, 173.4], [52.8, 105.5]], [[109.4, 233.8], [109.3, 165.9], [177.2, 165.9]], [[53.8, 53.7], [116, 53.7], [116, 115.9], [53.7, 115.9]], [[113.1, 110.3], [175.3, 172.5], [113.1, 172.5], [50.9, 110.3]], [[173.1, 56.6], [111.4, 118.2], [111.5, -5.1]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 169.7, 226.2), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 0], [5]], [[113.1, 113.1], [0]], [[339.5, 169.8], [3]], [[226.4, 169.8], [4]], [[169.8, 113.2], [1]], [[169.8, 0.1], [2]]], [[[-6, -3], [116.2, -3], [116.2, 119.2]], [[345.6, 172.8], [223.4, 172.8], [223.4, 50.6]], [[166, 120.7], [166, 52.9], [233.9, 52.9]], [[177.3, 60.4], [109.4, 60.4], [109.4, -7.5]], [[172.6, 116], [110.3, 116], [110.4, 53.8], [172.6, 53.8]], [[169.8, 59.4], [107.6, -2.8], [169.8, -2.8], [232, 59.5]], [[166.4, 113.2], [228.1, 51.6], [228.1, 174.9]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 339.5, 169.8), new OKFigLevel([[[113.1, 0], [2]], [[0, 113.1], [0]], [[226.2, 113.1], [10]], [[169.6, 169.7], [6]], [[169.6, 226.2], [5]], [[113, 226.2], [3]], [[169.6, 113.1], [7]], [[56.6, 113.1], [8]], [[56.6, 169.7], [12]], [[0, 169.7], [1]], [[226.2, 169.7], [4]], [[56.6, 226.3], [9]], [[113.2, 169.7], [11]]], [[[116.1, -6], [116.1, 116.2], [-6, 116.2]], [[232.2, 116.1], [110.1, 116.2], [110.1, -6]], [[173.4, 162.1], [173.4, 230], [105.5, 230]], [[165.8, 177.2], [165.9, 109.4], [233.7, 109.3]], [[-2.8, 110.3], [59.4, 110.3], [59.4, 172.5], [-2.8, 172.5]], [[166.8, 169.7], [229, 107.5], [229, 169.7], [166.8, 231.9]], [[56.6, 229.7], [-5.1, 168], [118.3, 168]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 226.2, 226.3), new OKFigLevel([[[169.8, 0], [1]], [[169.7, 113.1], [4]], [[282.8, 56.5], [3]], [[282.8, 169.7], [6]], [[226.3, 113.1], [2]], [[113.2, 56.6], [7]], [[113.2, 169.7], [5]], [[56.6, 56.6], [9]], [[0, 0], [0]], [[0, 113.1], [8]]], [[[50.6, -3], [172.8, -3], [172.8, 119.2]], [[285.8, 50.5], [285.8, 172.7], [163.7, 172.7]], [[165.9, 177.2], [166, 109.4], [233.8, 109.3]], [[177.3, 116.9], [109.4, 116.9], [109.4, 49]], [[110.4, 110.3], [172.6, 110.3], [172.5, 172.5], [110.3, 172.5]], [[56.6, -2.8], [118.8, 59.4], [56.6, 59.4], [-5.6, -2.8]], [[60, 56.6], [-1.7, 118.2], [-1.7, -5.1]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 282.8, 169.7), new OKFigLevel([[[226.3, 113.1], [4]], [[113.2, 113.1], [11]], [[113.2, 0], [0]], [[226.3, 226.2], [1]], [[282.8, 56.4], [5]], [[339.4, 56.4], [6]], [[339.4, 113], [8]], [[226.3, 169.6], [3]], [[282.8, 113], [7]], [[0, 113.1], [10]], [[56.6, 113.1], [13]], [[56.6, 169.7], [12]], [[0, 169.7], [9]], [[113.2, 56.6], [2]]], [[[232.3, 116.1], [110.1, 116.1], [110.2, -6]], [[107.1, 110.1], [229.3, 110], [229.3, 232.3]], [[275.3, 52.7], [343.2, 52.6], [343.2, 120.6]], [[222.5, 177.2], [222.5, 109.3], [290.4, 109.3]], [[-2.8, 110.3], [59.4, 110.3], [59.4, 172.5], [-2.8, 172.5]], [[53.8, 113.1], [116, 50.9], [116, 113.1], [53.8, 175.3]], [[282.8, 53], [344.5, 114.7], [221.2, 114.8]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 339.4, 226.2), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 160], [1]], [[80, 80], [6]], [[160, 160], [0]], [[320, 80], [4]], [[240, 160], [7]], [[160, 80], [3]], [[80, 0], [5]], [[240, 240], [2]]], [[[-6.4, 162.1], [80, 75.7], [166.4, 162.1]], [[326.4, 77.8], [240, 164.2], [153.6, 77.9]], [[117.4, 32], [165.3, 80], [117.4, 128]], [[152, 162.7], [200, 114.7], [248, 162.6]], [[204, 120], [160, 164], [116, 120], [160, 76]], [[78, 82], [78, -6], [122, 38], [122, 126]], [[242.4, 157.6], [242.4, 244.8], [155.2, 157.6]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 320, 240), new OKFigLevel([[[360, 120.1], [7]], [[0, 0.1], [2]], [[240, 0], [0]], [[240, 80.1], [5]], [[120, 40.1], [6]], [[200, 40.1], [4]], [[160, 80.1], [3]], [[120, 120.1], [1]]], [[[193.6, 122.3], [280, 35.8], [366.4, 122.2]], [[166.4, -2.1], [80, 84.4], [-6.4, -2]], [[237.3, -8], [285.3, 40.1], [237.3, 88.1]], [[112, 42.8], [160, -5.3], [208, 42.7]], [[164, 80.1], [120, 124.1], [76, 80.1], [120, 36.1]], [[158, 78.1], [246, 78.1], [202, 122.1], [114, 122.1]], [[242.4, -2.4], [242.4, 84.9], [155.2, -2.3]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 360, 120.1), new OKFigLevel([[[113.1, 113.2], [9]], [[0, 113.2], [2, 4]], [[0, 0.1], [3]], [[169.7, 0], [6]], [[56.6, 169.7], [5, 7]], [[0, 169.7], [1]], [[169.7, 169.7], [4]], [[56.6, 113.2], [1]], [[56.6, 56.7], [0]], [[113.1, 56.6], [8]]], [[[119.2, 116.2], [-3, 116.2], [-3, -6]], [[50.5, -3], [172.7, -3], [172.7, 119.2]], [[64.1, 173.5], [-3.8, 173.5], [-3.7, 105.7]], [[173.4, 105.6], [173.5, 173.5], [105.6, 173.5]], [[53.7, 110.4], [116, 110.4], [115.9, 172.6], [53.7, 172.6]], [[56.6, 59.5], [-5.6, -2.7], [56.6, -2.8], [118.8, 59.4]], [[173.1, 113.2], [111.4, 174.8], [111.4, 51.5]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 169.7, 169.7), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 56.6], [4]], [[0, 169.8], [0]], [[169.7, 169.6], [1]], [[169.7, 56.6], [2]], [[56.5, 0], [5]], [[113.1, 0], [3]]], [[[-6, 53.6], [116.1, 53.6], [116.2, 175.7]], [[119.2, 172.7], [-3, 172.8], [-3, 50.6]], [[173.5, 105.6], [173.5, 173.4], [105.6, 173.5]], [[109.4, 177.2], [109.4, 109.3], [177.2, 109.3]], [[172.5, 115.9], [110.3, 115.9], [110.3, 53.8], [172.5, 53.7]], [[113.1, 59.4], [50.9, -2.8], [113.1, -2.8], [175.3, 59.4]], [[56.5, -3.4], [118.2, 58.3], [-5.1, 58.3]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 169.7, 169.8), new OKFigLevel([[[169.7, 0], [1]], [[169.7, 113.1], [7, 6]], [[0, 169.7], [3]], [[0, 56.6], [9, 5]], [[56.6, 56.6], [3]], [[0, 0], [0]], [[169.7, 169.7], [2]], [[113.2, 56.6], [8]], [[113.1, 113.1], [1]], [[56.6, 113.1], [4]]], [[[50.6, -3], [172.7, -3], [172.7, 119.1]], [[119.1, 172.7], [-3, 172.7], [-3, 50.5]], [[64.1, 60.4], [-3.8, 60.3], [-3.7, -7.5]], [[173.5, 105.6], [173.4, 173.4], [105.6, 173.4]], [[53.8, 53.8], [116, 53.8], [116, 115.9], [53.7, 115.9]], [[56.6, -2.8], [118.8, 59.4], [56.6, 59.4], [-5.6, -2.8]], [[113.1, 173.1], [51.5, 111.4], [174.8, 111.4]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 169.7, 169.7), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 169.8], [5]], [[113.1, 56.6], [4]], [[169.6, 169.7], [3]], [[56.5, 169.7], [7, 0]], [[56.6, 113.2], [3]], [[0, 0.1], [6]], [[169.6, 0], [2]], [[113.1, 113.1], [1]]], [[[-3, 175.8], [-3, 53.6], [119.1, 53.6]], [[172.6, 50.5], [172.6, 172.7], [50.5, 172.7]], [[120.6, 60.4], [52.8, 60.4], [52.7, -7.5]], [[60.3, 105.6], [60.3, 173.5], [-7.5, 173.6]], [[-2.8, -2.8], [59.3, -2.8], [59.3, 59.4], [-2.8, 59.5]], [[110.2, 56.6], [172.4, -5.7], [172.4, 56.5], [110.2, 118.8]], [[113.1, 60], [51.4, -1.7], [174.7, -1.7]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 169.6, 169.8), new OKFigLevel([[[240, 0], [1]], [[160, 80], [4]], [[80.1, 160.1], [3]], [[0.1, 240.1], [5]], [[80, 80], [2]], [[0, 0.1], [0]]], [[[246.4, -2.1], [160, 84.3], [73.6, -2.1]], [[-2.1, 73.7], [84.3, 160.1], [-2.1, 246.5]], [[72, 82.7], [120, 34.7], [168, 82.7]], [[42.7, 128.1], [-5.3, 80.1], [42.7, 32]], [[36, 40], [80, -4], [124, 40], [80, 84]], [[82, 78], [82.1, 166.1], [38.1, 122.1], [38, 34]], [[-2.4, -2.3], [84.8, -2.4], [-2.4, 84.9]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 240, 240.1), new OKFigLevel([[[113.1, 169.7], [1]], [[0, 169.7], [2]], [[0, 56.6], [3, 6]], [[56.5, 113.1], [7]], [[169.7, 0], [5]], [[169.7, 113.2], [0]], [[0, 0], [4]], [[56.6, 56.6], [2]]], [[[119.1, 172.7], [-3, 172.8], [-3, 50.6]], [[53.5, 119.2], [53.6, -3], [175.8, -3]], [[109.3, 177.3], [109.3, 109.4], [177.2, 109.4]], [[173.5, 49.1], [173.5, 117], [105.6, 117]], [[-2.8, -2.8], [59.4, -2.8], [59.4, 59.4], [-2.8, 59.4]], [[172.6, 56.6], [110.3, 118.8], [110.3, 56.6], [172.6, -5.6]], [[53.2, 113.2], [114.8, 51.5], [114.8, 174.8]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 169.7, 169.7), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 282.8], [1]], [[0, 169.7], [2]], [[113.2, 169.7], [5]], [[169.7, 226.2], [4]], [[56.6, 226.2], [7]], [[113.2, 113.1], [6]], [[56.6, 113.1], [8]], [[56.6, 282.8], [0]], [[56.6, 0], [9]], [[113.1, 0], [10]], [[113.1, 56.5], [11]], [[169.7, 56.5], [3]]], [[[-3, 288.8], [-3, 166.7], [119.2, 166.7]], [[172.8, 107.1], [172.7, 229.3], [50.5, 229.3]], [[120.7, 116.9], [52.8, 116.9], [52.8, 49]], [[60.4, 218.7], [60.3, 286.6], [-7.5, 286.6]], [[53.7, -2.8], [116, -2.8], [116, 59.4], [53.8, 59.4]], [[172.6, 113.1], [110.3, 175.3], [110.3, 113.1], [172.6, 50.9]], [[113.2, 116.5], [51.5, 54.8], [174.8, 54.9]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 169.7, 282.8), new OKFigLevel([[[226.4, 226.2], [4]], [[339.6, 113.1], [0]], [[226.4, 0], [1]], [[226.4, 90.1], [2]], [[226.4, 146.6], [6]], [[0, 89.9], [3]], [[0, 146.5], [5]]], [[[223.4, 232.3], [223.4, 110.1], [345.6, 110.1]], [[345.6, 116.1], [223.4, 116.1], [223.4, -6]], [[162.3, 86.3], [230.2, 86.3], [230.2, 154.2]], [[52.8, 154.1], [52.8, 86.2], [120.7, 86.2]], [[-2.8, 87.1], [59.4, 87.1], [59.4, 149.4], [-2.8, 149.3]], [[169.8, 87.2], [232.1, 149.5], [169.8, 149.4], [107.5, 87.2]], [[113.2, 86.6], [174.9, 148.3], [51.5, 148.2]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 339.6, 226.2), new OKFigLevel([[[113.2, 226.2], [5]], [[226.3, 113.1], [0]], [[113.2, 0], [1]], [[113.2, 56.5], [2]], [[0, 169.5], [6]], [[113.2, 169.7], [4]], [[0, 56.5], [3]]], [[[110.2, 232.3], [110.1, 110.1], [232.3, 110.1]], [[232.3, 116.1], [110.1, 116.1], [110.2, -6]], [[49, 52.7], [116.9, 52.7], [116.9, 120.6]], [[60.3, 105.5], [60.4, 173.3], [-7.5, 173.3]], [[53.7, 110.2], [116, 110.2], [116, 172.5], [53.8, 172.4]], [[56.6, 53.6], [118.8, 115.9], [56.6, 115.8], [-5.7, 53.6]], [[60, 113], [-1.7, 174.6], [-1.7, 51.4]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 226.3, 226.2), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 0], [1]], [[113.2, 0], [6]], [[0, 113.1], [0]], [[153.1, 233.1], [5]], [[153.1, 153.1], [3]], [[33.1, 113.1], [2]], [[113.2, 33.1], [7]], [[233.1, 153.1], [4]]], [[[-6, -3], [116.2, -3], [116.2, 119.1]], [[119.2, 116.1], [-3, 116.1], [-3, -6]], [[155.8, 241.1], [107.8, 193.1], [155.8, 145.1]], [[121.1, 110.4], [73.1, 158.4], [25.1, 110.5]], [[113.1, 109.1], [157.1, 153.1], [113.1, 197.1], [69.1, 153.1]], [[111.1, 115.1], [111.2, 27.1], [155.2, 71.1], [155.1, 159.1]], [[150.7, 155.5], [150.8, 68.3], [237.9, 155.5]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 233.1, 233.1), new OKFigLevel([[[272.2, 120.1], [6]], [[432.2, 120], [11]], [[0, 176.7], [3]], [[113.1, 176.7], [9]], [[113.1, 289.9], [2]], [[392.2, 80], [1]], [[392.2, 0], [5]], [[282.7, 176.6], [8]], [[169.6, 176.7], [10]], [[169.6, 120.1], [0]], [[113.1, 233.3], [4]], [[339.3, 120], [7]]], [[[265.8, 122.2], [352.2, 35.7], [438.6, 122.1]], [[-6, 173.7], [116.1, 173.7], [116.2, 295.9]], [[394.8, 88], [346.8, 40], [394.8, -8]], [[290.3, 180.4], [222.4, 180.4], [222.4, 112.5]], [[166.8, 179.5], [166.8, 117.3], [229, 117.2], [229, 179.5]], [[172.5, 176.7], [110.3, 238.9], [110.3, 176.7], [172.5, 114.5]], [[282.7, 180], [221.1, 118.4], [344.4, 118.3]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 432.2, 289.9), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 119.7], [6]], [[160.3, 40], [2, 7]], [[240.3, 120], [3]], [[160.3, 200], [1]], [[160, 199.6], [5]], [[120, 239.7], [0]], [[120.3, 0], [1]], [[136.7, 63.3], [8]], [[136.5, 176.3], [4]]], [[[82.1, 206.1], [-4.3, 119.7], [82.3, 33.5]], [[158.2, 33.6], [244.6, 120], [158.2, 206.4]], [[117.3, 151.7], [165.7, 200.1], [117.3, 247.7]], [[77.5, 31.9], [125.3, 79.7], [77.4, 127.7]], [[76.1, 39.8], [120.3, -4], [164.3, 40], [120, 83.6]], [[122, 157.7], [122, 245.7], [78, 201.7], [78.1, 113.7]], [[76.7, 119.7], [138.4, 58.2], [138.2, 181.4]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 240.3, 239.7), new OKFigLevel([[[0.1, 169.9], [5]], [[80.2, 89.8], [7]], [[160.1, 169.8], [0]], [[159.9, 0], [2]], [[79.9, 80], [8]], [[0, 0.1], [3]], [[103.4, 56.5], [4]], [[103.4, 113.1], [6]], [[56.7, 56.7], [9]], [[56.7, 113.3], [1]]], [[[-6.3, 172], [80.2, 85.6], [166.4, 171.9]], [[166.3, -2.1], [79.9, 84.3], [-6.4, -2.1]], [[163.7, -7.5], [163.7, 60.3], [95.8, 60.3]], [[95.9, 109.3], [163.7, 109.4], [163.8, 177.3]], [[100.5, 53.7], [162.8, 53.7], [162.8, 116], [100.6, 115.9]], [[-2.7, 113.3], [59.5, 51.1], [59.5, 113.3], [-2.7, 175.5]], [[60.1, 56.8], [-1.6, 118.4], [-1.7, -5]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 160.1, 169.9), new OKFigLevel([[[33.2, 113.1], [4]], [[113.1, 193.1], [5]], [[33.1, 273.1], [0]], [[193.1, 273], [2]], [[0, 113.1], [7]], [[136.5, 216.5], [6]], [[193.1, 216.5], [3]], [[0.1, 0], [8]], [[56.6, 0], [9]], [[56.6, 56.6], [10]], [[113.2, 113.1], [1]]], [[[31, 106.7], [117.4, 193.1], [31, 279.5]], [[26.7, 275.2], [113.2, 188.8], [199.5, 275.2]], [[64.1, 116.9], [-3.8, 116.9], [-3.7, 49]], [[129, 212.7], [196.8, 212.7], [196.9, 280.6]], [[-2.8, -2.8], [59.5, -2.8], [59.5, 59.4], [-2.8, 59.4]], [[56.6, 53.7], [118.8, 115.9], [56.6, 115.9], [-5.6, 53.7]], [[115.6, 110.7], [115.5, 197.9], [28.4, 110.7]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 193.1, 273.1), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 0], [5]], [[0, 159.9], [0]], [[160, 159.9], [1]], [[193.1, 159.9], [6]], [[153.2, 40], [7]], [[193.2, 0], [3]], [[113.1, 80], [4]], [[73.2, 40.1], [8]], [[56.7, 56.6], [2]]], [[[-2.1, -6.4], [84.3, 79.9], [-2.1, 166.3]], [[-6.4, 162.1], [80, 75.7], [166.4, 162]], [[195.8, 167.9], [147.8, 120], [195.8, 72]], [[195.8, 88], [147.8, 40], [195.8, -8]], [[197.1, 80], [153.1, 123.9], [109.1, 80], [153.2, 36]], [[155.2, 42], [67.2, 42.1], [111.2, -2], [199.2, -2]], [[56.7, 60], [-5.1, -1.7], [118.3, -1.7]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 193.2, 159.9), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 226.3], [4]], [[113.2, 113.2], [0]], [[169.8, 0.1], [6]], [[56.6, 113.2], [2]], [[0, 0], [5]], [[56.6, 0], [3]], [[169.8, 169.8], [8]], [[113.2, 169.8], [1]], [[226.3, 226.3], [9]], [[169.8, 226.3], [7]]], [[[-3, 232.4], [-3, 110.2], [119.2, 110.2]], [[172.8, -6], [172.8, 116.2], [50.5, 116.2]], [[60.3, 49.1], [60.4, 117], [-7.5, 117]], [[-7.5, -3.7], [60.3, -3.8], [60.3, 64.1]], [[110.4, 110.4], [172.6, 110.4], [172.6, 172.6], [110.4, 172.6]], [[169.8, 167], [232, 229.2], [169.8, 229.2], [107.6, 167]], [[59.9, 56.6], [-1.7, 118.3], [-1.7, -5.1]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 226.3, 226.3), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 40.1], [1]], [[113.1, 40], [6, 4]], [[40, 193.2], [7]], [[113.1, 120.1], [1]], [[153, 0], [9]], [[80, 153.2], [3]], [[40, 113.2], [5]], [[40, 273.2], [8]], [[0, 233.2], [0]], [[153.1, 273.2], [10]], [[73.1, 193.2], [2]]], [[[-3, 159.3], [-3, 37.1], [119.1, 37]], [[156.1, 74], [156.1, 196.2], [34, 196.2]], [[110.4, 32], [158.4, 80], [110.4, 128.1]], [[155.7, 88], [107.7, 40], [155.7, -8]], [[84, 153.2], [40, 197.2], [-4, 153.2], [40, 109.2]], [[42, 191.2], [42, 279.2], [-2, 235.2], [-2, 147.2]], [[155.5, 190.8], [155.5, 278], [68.3, 190.8]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 153.1, 273.2), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 80], [1]], [[80, 0], [11]], [[0, 249.7], [0]], [[113.2, 136.6], [4]], [[56.6, 193.2], [5]], [[56.6, 249.7], [2]], [[157.3, 239.9], [7]], [[117.3, 279.9], [10]], [[56.6, 80], [9]], [[56.6, 136.6], [3]], [[117.3, 119.9], [12]], [[157.4, 80], [6]], [[77.4, 80], [8]]], [[[-6.4, 82.2], [80, -4.3], [166.4, 82.1]], [[-3, 255.8], [-3, 133.6], [119.2, 133.6]], [[60.4, 185.6], [60.4, 253.5], [-7.5, 253.5]], [[114.7, 191.9], [162.7, 239.9], [114.6, 287.9]], [[-2.8, 77.2], [59.4, 77.2], [59.4, 139.4], [-2.8, 139.4]], [[159.4, 158], [159.3, 245.9], [115.3, 201.9], [115.3, 113.9]], [[159.8, 77.6], [159.7, 164.7], [72.6, 77.6]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 157.4, 279.9), new OKFigLevel([[[42.9, 56.6], [11]], [[122.9, 136.7], [3]], [[43, 216.7], [0]], [[113.1, 146.5], [18]], [[113.1, 259.7], [5]], [[0, 259.7], [2]], [[122.8, 56.5], [10]], [[179.4, 56.5], [8]], [[179.4, 113.1], [15]], [[156, 56.5], [7]], [[99.5, 56.5], [20]], [[99.5, 0], [9]], [[149.9, 163.6], [1]], [[109.9, 123.6], [14]], [[149.9, 83.6], [6]], [[189.9, 123.6], [19]], [[169.7, 200.4], [17]], [[113.1, 0x0101], [4]], [[113.1, 200.4], [12]], [[169.7, 143.8], [16]], [[99.5, 113.2], [13]]], [[[40.8, 50.2], [127.2, 136.7], [40.9, 223.1]], [[116.1, 140.5], [116.2, 262.7], [-6, 262.7]], [[115.3, 52.8], [183.2, 52.8], [183.2, 120.6]], [[163.6, 60.3], [95.7, 60.3], [95.7, -7.5]], [[149.9, 167.6], [105.9, 123.6], [149.9, 79.6], [193.9, 123.6]], [[172.5, 200.4], [110.3, 265.6], [110.3, 200.4], [172.5, 138.1]], [[39.5, 56.6], [101.2, -5.1], [101.2, 118.3]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 189.9, 259.7), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 80], [1]], [[80, 0], [2]], [[160, 80], [7]], [[160.1, 193.3], [4]], [[80.1, 273.3], [10]], [[56.6, 80], [6]], [[56.6, 193.2], [3]], [[160, 136.6], [8]], [[103.4, 136.6], [9]], [[103.4, 80], [5]], [[0.1, 273.3], [0]]], [[[-6.4, 82.1], [80, -4.3], [166.4, 82.1]], [[166.5, 191.1], [80.1, 277.5], [-6.3, 191.1]], [[-3.7, 144.2], [-3.8, 76.2], [64.1, 76.2]], [[60.4, 129.1], [60.4, 197], [-7.5, 197]], [[162.8, 77.2], [162.8, 139.4], [100.6, 139.4], [100.6, 77.2]], [[59.5, 136.7], [-2.8, 198.9], [-2.8, 136.6], [59.4, 74.3]], [[-2.3, 275.7], [-2.3, 188.4], [84.9, 275.7]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 160.1, 273.3), new OKFigLevel([[[113, 226.4], [1, 3]], [[0.1, 226.3], [2]], [[0, 0], [3]], [[113, 0.1], [6, 4]], [[169.5, 56.8], [5]], [[169.4, 169.9], [0]], [[56.6, 56.6], [7]], [[56.5, 169.7], [0]]], [[[119, 229.4], [-3, 229.3], [-3, 107.1]], [[-3, 119.2], [-3, -3], [119, -2.9]], [[109.1, 177.5], [109.1, 109.6], [177, 109.6]], [[177, 60.6], [109.1, 60.6], [109.3, -7.4]], [[172.2, 116.2], [110, 116.2], [110.1, 54], [172.3, 54]], [[172.2, 169.9], [110.2, 232], [110, 169.9], [172.2, 107.7]], [[-3.4, 113.1], [58.3, 51.5], [58.2, 174.8]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 169.5, 226.4), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 0], [1]], [[113.1, 0], [6]], [[113.1, 282.8], [3]], [[0, 282.8], [0]], [[56.6, 226.3], [5]], [[113.1, 226.3], [2]], [[113.1, 56.5], [7]], [[56.6, 56.6], [8]], [[56.6, 113.2], [9]], [[113.1, 113.2], [10]], [[113.1, 169.7], [11]], [[56.6, 169.7], [4]]], [[[-3, 119.2], [-3, -3], [119.2, -3]], [[119.2, 285.9], [-3, 285.9], [-3, 163.7]], [[49, 222.5], [116.9, 222.5], [116.9, 290.4]], [[116.9, -7.5], [116.9, 60.3], [49, 60.4]], [[53.7, 110.3], [115.9, 110.3], [115.9, 172.6], [53.7, 172.6]], [[59.4, 113.2], [-2.8, 175.4], [-2.8, 113.2], [59.4, 50.9]], [[-3.4, 169.7], [58.3, 108.1], [58.3, 231.4]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 113.1, 282.8), new OKFigLevel([[[0.1, 0], [9]], [[0, 226.3], [0]], [[153.1, 186.2], [3]], [[193.1, 226.2], [1]], [[73.1, 186.2], [2]], [[56.6, 86.1], [6]], [[113.1, 86.1], [7]], [[113.1, 142.6], [8]], [[56.6, 142.6], [13]], [[193.2, 0], [10]], [[153.2, 40], [11]], [[73.2, 40], [12]], [[56.6, 56.6], [5]], [[56.6, 169.7], [4]]], [[[-3, 119.2], [-3, -3], [119.2, -3]], [[119.1, 229.2], [-3, 229.3], [-3, 107.1]], [[105.1, 228.9], [153.1, 180.9], [201.1, 228.9]], [[161.1, 183.6], [113.1, 231.6], [65.1, 183.5]], [[53.8, 83.2], [116, 83.2], [116, 145.5], [53.8, 145.5]], [[111.2, -2], [199.2, -2], [155.2, 42], [67.2, 42]], [[-3.4, 113.2], [58.3, 51.5], [58.3, 174.8]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 193.2, 226.3), new OKFigLevel([[[160.1, 0], [1]], [[80.1, 80], [3]], [[0.1, 0], [0]], [[160.1, 80], [4]], [[56.6, 183.3], [5]], [[56.6, 239.9], [6]], [[0, 296.4], [2]]], [[[166.5, -2.1], [80.1, 84.2], [-6.3, -2.1]], [[166.5, 77.8], [80.1, 164.2], [-6.3, 77.8]], [[-2.6, 72], [45.4, 119.9], [-2.6, 167.9]], [[-2.6, 151.9], [45.3, 199.9], [-2.7, 247.9]], [[84.1, 159.9], [40, 203.9], [-4, 159.9], [40, 115.9]], [[-2.8, 239.9], [59.4, 177.7], [59.4, 239.9], [-2.8, 302.1]], [[-2.3, 82.4], [-2.3, -4.8], [84.9, 82.4]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 160.1, 296.4), new OKFigLevel([[[80.1, 273.3], [1]], [[0.1, 193.2], [2]], [[0, 80], [3]], [[80, 0], [4]], [[160, 80], [6]], [[56.6, 193.2], [7]], [[56.6, 80], [5]], [[103.5, 193.2], [8]], [[103.5, 136.6], [9]], [[160.1, 136.6], [10]], [[160, 273.2], [0]]], [[[166.5, 191.1], [80.1, 277.5], [-6.3, 191.1]], [[-6.4, 82.1], [80, -4.3], [166.4, 82.1]], [[60.4, 129.1], [60.4, 197], [-7.5, 197]], [[-3.7, 144.2], [-3.8, 76.2], [64.1, 76.2]], [[162.9, 196.1], [100.7, 196.1], [100.7, 133.8], [162.9, 133.8]], [[-2.8, 136.6], [59.4, 74.3], [59.5, 136.7], [-2.8, 198.9]], [[162.4, 275.6], [75.3, 275.7], [162.5, 188.4]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 160.1, 273.3), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 56.6], [4]], [[80, 136.6], [7]], [[0, 216.6], [0]], [[160, 216.6], [2]], [[56.5, 0], [6]], [[169.6, 56.6], [10]], [[113.1, 0], [5]], [[120, 176.6], [8]], [[120, 96.6], [9]], [[160, 136.6], [3]], [[80, 56.6], [1]]], [[[-2.1, 50.2], [84.3, 136.6], [-2.1, 223]], [[-6.4, 218.8], [80, 132.4], [166.4, 218.7]], [[60.3, -7.5], [60.3, 60.4], [-7.5, 60.4]], [[177.1, 60.3], [109.3, 60.3], [109.3, -7.5]], [[53.7, 59.5], [53.7, -2.8], [115.9, -2.8], [115.9, 59.4]], [[118, 178.6], [118, 90.6], [162, 134.6], [162, 222.6]], [[82.4, 54.2], [82.4, 141.4], [-4.8, 54.2]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 169.6, 216.6), new OKFigLevel([[[113.1, 56.6], [3]], [[169.7, 0], [11]], [[56.6, 113.1], [9]], [[113.1, 0], [1]], [[113.1, 169.7], [5]], [[113.1, 113.1], [2]], [[56.6, 56.6], [0]], [[0, 0], [8]], [[56.6, 0], [6]], [[56.6, 169.7], [10]], [[0, 226.3], [7]], [[169.7, 226.2], [4]]], [[[-3, 175.8], [-3, 53.6], [119.2, 53.6]], [[172.7, -6], [172.7, 116.1], [50.5, 116.2]], [[109.4, 64.1], [109.4, -3.8], [177.2, -3.8]], [[109.4, 177.2], [109.4, 109.4], [177.2, 109.3]], [[59.4, 59.4], [-2.8, 59.4], [-2.8, -2.8], [59.4, -2.8]], [[-2.8, 169.7], [59.4, 107.5], [59.4, 169.7], [-2.8, 231.9]], [[109.7, 169.7], [171.4, 108], [171.4, 231.3]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 169.7, 226.3), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 108.3], [2]], [[80, 348.2], [3]], [[40, 68.3], [9]], [[40, 388.2], [4]], [[0, 348.2], [0]], [[11.7, 56.6], [6]], [[11.7, 0], [7]], [[68.2, 0], [8]], [[68.2, 56.6], [5]], [[80, 108.3], [1]]], [[[-2.1, 101.9], [84.3, 188.3], [-2.1, 274.7]], [[82.2, 354.6], [-4.2, 268.3], [82.1, 181.9]], [[42.7, 156.3], [-5.3, 108.3], [42.7, 60.3]], [[88, 345.6], [40, 393.5], [-8, 345.6]], [[8.8, 59.4], [8.8, -2.8], [71.1, -2.8], [71.1, 59.4]], [[38, 150.2], [38, 62.3], [82, 106.3], [82, 194.3]], [[-2.4, 350.6], [-2.4, 263.5], [84.8, 350.6]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 80, 388.2), new OKFigLevel([[[0.1, 120], [2]], [[80.1, 360], [3]], [[40, 80], [5, 8]], [[40.1, 399.9], [4]], [[0.1, 359.9], [0]], [[0, 40], [6]], [[40, 0], [7]], [[80, 40], [2]], [[80, 120], [1]]], [[[-2.1, 113.6], [84.3, 200], [-2, 286.4]], [[82.2, 366.4], [-4.2, 280], [82.2, 193.6]], [[42.7, 168], [-5.3, 120], [42.7, 72]], [[88.1, 357.3], [40.1, 405.3], [-7.9, 357.3]], [[-4, 40], [40, -4], [84, 40], [40, 84]], [[38, 162], [38, 74], [82, 118], [82.1, 206]], [[-2.3, 362.3], [-2.3, 275.2], [84.9, 362.4]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 80.1, 399.9), new OKFigLevel([[[176.7, 200.1], [2]], [[176.6, 40], [0]], [[96.6, 280.1], [7]], [[96.6, 40], [4]], [[136.6, 0], [5]], [[216.6, 0], [1]], [[96.6, 223.5], [3]], [[40, 280.1], [9]], [[40, 223.5], [6]], [[0, 240], [10]], [[0, 160], [11]], [[40, 200], [8]]], [[[178.8, 206.5], [92.4, 120.1], [178.7, 33.6]], [[94.5, 113.7], [180.9, 200.1], [94.5, 286.5]], [[88.6, 42.7], [136.6, -5.3], [184.6, 42.7]], [[224.6, -2.7], [176.6, 45.4], [128.6, -2.7]], [[99.5, 220.7], [99.4, 282.9], [37.2, 282.9], [37.2, 220.7]], [[-2, 242], [-2, 154], [42, 198], [42, 286.1]], [[94.2, 37.6], [181.4, 37.6], [94.2, 124.9]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 216.6, 280.1), new OKFigLevel([[[176.7, 200.1], [2]], [[176.6, 40], [0]], [[96.6, 280.1], [8]], [[0, 160], [4]], [[40, 120], [9]], [[96.6, 40], [6]], [[136.6, 0], [1]], [[96.6, 223.5], [5]], [[40, 280], [10]], [[40, 223.5], [7]], [[0, 240], [3]]], [[[178.8, 206.5], [92.4, 120.1], [178.8, 33.6]], [[94.5, 113.7], [180.9, 200.1], [94.5, 286.5]], [[42.7, 208], [-5.3, 160], [42.7, 112]], [[88.6, 42.7], [136.6, -5.3], [184.6, 42.7]], [[99.5, 220.7], [99.4, 282.9], [37.2, 282.9], [37.2, 220.7]], [[-2, 242], [-2, 154], [42, 198], [42, 286]], [[94.2, 37.6], [181.4, 37.6], [94.3, 124.9]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 176.7, 280.1), new OKFigLevel([[[176.7, 160], [2]], [[176.7, 0], [0]], [[96.7, 240], [3]], [[40.1, 240], [4]], [[0, 200], [6]], [[40, 159.9], [9]], [[0, 86.8], [7]], [[56.6, 86.8], [10]], [[96.7, 183.4], [11]], [[40, 183.4], [8]], [[56.6, 143.4], [5]], [[96.7, 0], [1]]], [[[178.8, 166.4], [92.4, 80], [178.8, -6.4]], [[94.6, 73.6], [181, 160], [94.5, 246.4]], [[42.7, 248], [-5.3, 199.9], [42.7, 151.9]], [[-3.8, 150.9], [-3.8, 83], [64.1, 83]], [[99.5, 180.6], [99.5, 242.8], [37.2, 242.8], [37.2, 180.6]], [[59.4, 143.4], [-2.8, 205.6], [-2.8, 143.3], [59.4, 81.1]], [[94.3, -2.4], [181.5, -2.4], [94.3, 84.8]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 176.7, 240), new OKFigLevel([[[176.7, 240.1], [1]], [[96.6, 320.1], [5]], [[96.6, 80.1], [3]], [[176.6, 0], [0]], [[96.6, 263.5], [2]], [[40, 320.1], [8]], [[40, 263.5], [4]], [[40, 240], [6]], [[0, 280.1], [9]], [[0, 200.1], [7]]], [[[178.8, 246.5], [92.4, 160.1], [178.8, 73.7]], [[94.5, 153.7], [180.9, 240.1], [94.5, 326.5]], [[88.6, 82.7], [136.6, 34.7], [184.6, 82.7]], [[179.3, 88.1], [131.3, 40], [179.2, -8]], [[99.5, 260.7], [99.4, 322.9], [37.2, 322.9], [37.2, 260.7]], [[42, 238], [42, 326.1], [-2, 282.1], [-2, 194.1]], [[94.2, 77.7], [181.4, 77.7], [94.2, 164.9]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 176.7, 320.1), new OKFigLevel([[[195.8, 215.9], [1]], [[86.6, 245.2], [2]], [[56.6, 135.9], [0, 8]], [[56.6, 109.3], [4, 2]], [[86.7, 0], [5]], [[195.9, 29.3], [3]], [[0.1, 11.5], [7]], [[56.7, 11.5], [3]], [[56.6, 237.7], [9]], [[0, 237.7], [6]]], [[[202.5, 217.2], [84.4, 248.9], [52.1, 130.8]], [[52.1, 114.3], [84.5, -3.7], [202.6, 27.9]], [[-3.7, 75.6], [-3.7, 7.7], [64.2, 7.7]], [[64.2, 185], [-3.8, 184.9], [-3.7, 117.1]], [[59.4, 178.4], [59.4, 240.6], [-2.8, 240.6], [-2.8, 178.3]], [[59.5, 68.1], [-2.8, 130.3], [-2.7, 68.1], [59.5, 5.8]], [[-3.3, 124.6], [58.4, 63], [58.3, 186.3]]], [[[82.6, 16.9], [-26.7, 46.2], [-55.9, -63.1]], [[-55.9, 63.1], [-26.7, -46.2], [82.6, -16.9]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 195.9, 245.2), new OKFigLevel([[[175.8, 226.2], [1]], [[62.6, 226.2], [2]], [[62.6, 113.1], [0, 3]], [[62.6, 0], [4]], [[175.8, 0], [2]], [[0.1, 0], [6]], [[56.7, 0], [7]], [[56.6, 226.2], [8]], [[0, 226.2], [5]]], [[[181.8, 229.2], [59.6, 229.2], [59.6, 107.1]], [[59.6, 119.1], [59.6, -3], [181.8, -3]], [[-3.7, 64.1], [-3.7, -3.8], [64.2, -3.7]], [[64.2, 173.5], [-3.8, 173.5], [-3.7, 105.6]], [[59.4, 166.9], [59.4, 229.1], [-2.8, 229.1], [-2.8, 166.9]], [[59.5, 56.6], [-2.8, 118.8], [-2.7, 56.6], [59.5, -5.6]], [[-3.3, 113.2], [58.4, 51.5], [58.3, 174.8]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 175.8, 226.2), new OKFigLevel([[[169.7, 226.2], [4]], [[56.6, 113.1], [0]], [[169.8, 0], [1]], [[0.1, 0], [2]], [[0, 226.2], [3]]], [[[175.7, 229.2], [53.5, 229.3], [53.6, 107.1]], [[53.6, 119.1], [53.6, -3], [175.8, -3]], [[-3.7, 64.1], [-3.7, -3.8], [64.2, -3.7]], [[64.1, 173.5], [-3.8, 173.5], [-3.7, 105.6]], [[59.4, 166.9], [59.4, 229.1], [-2.8, 229.1], [-2.8, 166.9]], [[59.5, 56.6], [-2.8, 118.8], [-2.7, 56.6], [59.5, -5.6]], [[-3.3, 113.2], [58.3, 51.5], [58.3, 174.8]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 169.8, 226.2), new OKFigLevel([[[80, 159.9], [5]], [[0, 240], [6]], [[160, 239.9], [1]], [[160, 159.9], [4]], [[200, 199.9], [2]], [[120, 199.9], [3]], [[0, 0], [7]], [[80, 0], [0]]], [[[-2.1, 73.6], [84.2, 159.9], [-2.1, 246.4]], [[-6.4, 242.1], [80, 155.7], [166.4, 242.1]], [[37.4, 32], [85.4, 80], [37.3, 128]], [[82.7, 168], [34.7, 120], [82.7, 72]], [[160, 155.9], [204, 199.9], [160, 243.9], [116, 199.9]], [[-2, 82], [-2, -6], [42, 38], [42, 126]], [[82.4, -2.4], [82.4, 84.8], [-4.8, -2.4]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 200, 240), new OKFigLevel([[[80, 160], [3]], [[80, 0], [0]], [[0, 240], [7]], [[120, 199.9], [4]], [[136.5, 183.3], [5]], [[193.1, 183.3], [6]], [[193.1, 239.9], [2]], [[0, 0], [1]]], [[[82.2, 166.4], [-4.2, 80], [82.2, -6.4]], [[-2.1, 73.6], [84.3, 160], [-2.1, 246.4]], [[32, 202.6], [80, 154.7], [128, 202.6]], [[140.3, 175.8], [140.3, 243.7], [72.4, 243.7]], [[195.9, 180.5], [195.9, 242.7], [133.7, 242.7], [133.7, 180.5]], [[38, 198], [126, 197.9], [82, 241.9], [-6, 242]], [[-2.4, -2.4], [84.8, -2.4], [-2.4, 84.8]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 193.1, 240), new OKFigLevel([[[136.6, 0], [1]], [[216.6, 80], [2]], [[296.6, 0], [8]], [[320, 136.5], [4]], [[320, 80], [11]], [[0, 136.6], [0]], [[113.1, 80], [7]], [[113.1, 136.6], [5]], [[433.1, 136.6], [3]], [[216.9, 136.5], [10]], [[160.3, 80], [6]], [[273.5, 80], [9]]], [[[50.2, 82.2], [136.6, -4.2], [223, 82.1]], [[210.2, 82.1], [296.6, -4.3], [383, 82.1]], [[384.1, 140.3], [316.2, 140.3], [316.2, 72.5]], [[60.4, 72.5], [60.3, 140.4], [-7.5, 140.4]], [[116, 77.2], [116, 139.4], [53.7, 139.4], [53.8, 77.2]], [[376.6, 77.2], [438.8, 139.4], [376.5, 139.4], [314.3, 77.2]], [[216.9, 139.9], [155.3, 78.3], [278.6, 78.3]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 433.1, 136.6), new OKFigLevel([[[239.9, 160], [6]], [[159.9, 80], [2]], [[239.9, 0], [0]], [[0, 0], [7]], [[80, 80], [5]], [[0, 160], [3]], [[159.9, 160], [4]], [[80, 0], [1]]], [[[242, 166.4], [155.7, 80], [242, -6.4]], [[-2.1, -6.4], [84.3, 80], [-2.1, 166.4]], [[151.9, 162.7], [199.9, 114.7], [247.9, 162.7]], [[117.3, 32], [165.3, 80], [117.3, 128]], [[203.9, 120], [159.9, 164], [116, 120], [159.9, 76]], [[78, 82], [78, -6], [122, 38], [122, 126]], [[82.4, -2.4], [82.4, 84.8], [-4.8, -2.4]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 239.9, 160), new OKFigLevel([[[16.5, 0], [10]], [[16.6, 160], [0]], [[176.5, 240], [9]], [[176.5, 80], [2]], [[56.6, 233.2], [5]], [[0, 233.2], [11]], [[136.5, 6.8], [7]], [[193.1, 6.8], [8]], [[193.1, 63.4], [3]], [[56.6, 120], [4]], [[136.5, 120], [6]], [[0, 176.6], [1]]], [[[14.4, -6.4], [100.8, 80], [14.4, 166.4]], [[178.6, 246.4], [92.3, 160], [178.6, 73.6]], [[60.3, 169.1], [60.3, 236.9], [-7.5, 236.9]], [[129, 3], [196.9, 3], [196.9, 70.9]], [[52.6, 120], [96.5, 76], [140.5, 120], [96.5, 164]], [[-2.8, 176.6], [59.4, 114.4], [59.4, 176.6], [-2.8, 238.8]], [[196.5, 63.4], [134.8, 125.1], [134.8, 1.7]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 193.1, 240), new OKFigLevel([[[169.4, 56.6], [5]], [[169.5, 169.7], [2]], [[56.6, 169.7], [0, 11]], [[56.6, 113.8], [2]], [[56.5, 0.7], [5]], [[169.4, 0.7], [3, 7]], [[226, 56.6], [8]], [[169.4, 0], [6]], [[226, 113.2], [1]], [[0, 57.3], [4]], [[0, 113.9], [9]], [[56.6, 170.5], [10]]], [[[172.5, 50.5], [172.5, 172.7], [50.6, 172.7]], [[53.6, 119.9], [53.5, -2.3], [175.4, -2.3]], [[233.6, 60.3], [165.7, 60.3], [165.7, -6.7]], [[165.7, 177.2], [165.7, 109.4], [233.6, 109.4]], [[228.8, 53.7], [228.9, 116], [166.6, 116], [166.6, 53.7]], [[-2.8, 57.3], [59.4, -4.9], [59.4, 57.3], [-2.8, 119.6]], [[-3.4, 113.9], [58.3, 52.2], [58.3, 174.7]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 226, 170.5), new OKFigLevel([[[23.5, 113.1], [1]], [[23.6, 0], [2]], [[136.7, 0], [8]], [[80, 216.6], [9]], [[0, 136.7], [0]], [[80.1, 56.6], [13]], [[136.6, 113.1], [7]], [[136.7, 56.6], [5]], [[193.2, 56.6], [14]], [[23.4, 216.6], [10]], [[23.4, 160.1], [4]], [[136.6, 169.6], [12]], [[80, 169.5], [3]], [[80, 113], [6]], [[193.2, 113.1], [11]]], [[[20.5, 119.1], [20.6, -3], [142.7, -3]], [[82.1, 223], [-4.3, 136.7], [82.2, 50.2]], [[132.9, 120.6], [132.9, 52.8], [200.8, 52.8]], [[87.5, 220.4], [19.7, 220.4], [19.6, 152.5]], [[139.4, 172.4], [77.2, 172.4], [77.2, 110.1], [139.5, 110.3]], [[133.8, 113.1], [196.1, 50.9], [196, 113.1], [133.8, 175.3]], [[136.7, -3.4], [198.3, 58.3], [75, 58.3]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 193.2, 216.6), new OKFigLevel([[[192.6, 192.9], [1]], [[79.5, 192.9], [2]], [[79.5, 79.7], [11]], [[56.2, 0], [4]], [[169.4, 0], [12]], [[169.3, 113.1], [6]], [[56.8, 0.5], [3, 9]], [[0, 57.3], [6]], [[0, 113.8], [7]], [[56.6, 170.3], [8]], [[225.9, 113.1], [11]], [[169.4, 169.6], [5, 0]], [[225.9, 56.6], [10]]], [[[198.7, 195.9], [76.5, 195.9], [76.5, 73.7]], [[50.2, -3], [172.4, -3], [172.4, 119.2]], [[60.6, -7], [60.4, 61], [-7.5, 61]], [[-7.5, 110], [60.3, 110], [60.3, 177.9]], [[59.4, 54.4], [59.4, 116.6], [-2.8, 116.6], [-2.8, 54.4]], [[228.7, 113.1], [166.5, 175.3], [166.5, 113.1], [228.7, 50.9]], [[229.3, 56.6], [167.6, 118.2], [167.7, -5.1]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 225.9, 192.9), new OKFigLevel([[[113.1, 226.2], [1]], [[0, 226.2], [2]], [[0, 0], [3]], [[113.2, 0], [4]], [[153.1, 40], [14]], [[113.2, 80], [6]], [[73.2, 40], [7]], [[40, 73.1], [8]], [[80, 113.1], [5]], [[40, 153.1], [0]], [[129.1, 196.9], [11]], [[108.4, 120], [12, 15]], [[157.4, 147.9], [13]], [[178.1, 225.2], [10]], [[153.1, 120], [11]], [[73.1, 120], [9]]], [[[119.2, 229.2], [-3, 229.2], [-3, 107.1]], [[-3, 119.1], [-3, -3], [119.2, -3]], [[161.1, 37.3], [113.1, 85.3], [65.2, 37.3]], [[65.2, 42.7], [113.2, -5.3], [161.1, 42.6]], [[40, 69.1], [84, 113.1], [40, 157.1], [-4, 113.1]], [[127.7, 199.4], [104.9, 114.7], [158.8, 145.5], [181.5, 230.5]], [[155.5, 122.4], [68.3, 122.4], [155.5, 35.2]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[-14.1, 24.5], [-34.8, -52.8], [14.1, -24.5], [34.8, 52.8]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 178.1, 226.2), new OKFigLevel([[[0.1, 0.3], [1]], [[113.8, 0.3], [14, 2]], [[113.8, 0], [3]], [[193.8, 80], [4]], [[113.8, 160], [5]], [[113.8, 170.5], [10, 8]], [[73.8, 130.5], [7]], [[113.8, 90.5], [1]], [[169.7, 226.5], [9]], [[113.1, 226.5], [5]], [[113.1, 169.9], [12]], [[0, 226.5], [0]], [[56.6, 169.9], [13]], [[56.6, 226.5], [11]], [[56.8, 57], [15]], [[56.6, 113.4], [6]]], [[[-3, 119.4], [-2.9, -2.7], [119.8, -2.7]], [[111.6, -6.1], [198, 80], [111.6, 166.4]], [[116.4, 178.5], [68.4, 130.5], [116.4, 82.5]], [[177.2, 230.2], [109.4, 230.2], [110.1, 163.1]], [[-2.8, 229.3], [-2.8, 167.1], [59.4, 167.1], [59.4, 229.3]], [[-2.8, 113.4], [59.6, 51.3], [59.4, 113.4], [-2.8, 175.6]], [[56.6, 110], [118.9, 172.3], [-5.1, 171.6]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 193.8, 226.5), new OKFigLevel([[[80, 79.9], [1]], [[160, 159.9], [2]], [[80, 240], [6]], [[80, 160], [4]], [[0, 80], [5]], [[80, 0], [10]], [[0, 240], [8]], [[56.6, 183.4], [3]], [[0, 126.8], [7]], [[80, 56.6], [0]], [[136.6, 0], [13]], [[136.7, 56.6], [9]], [[136.7, 80], [11]], [[176.7, 40], [14]], [[176.7, 120], [12]]], [[[77.9, 73.5], [164.3, 159.9], [77.9, 246.4]], [[82.2, 166.4], [-4.2, 80], [82.2, -6.4]], [[-3.8, 247.5], [-3.8, 179.6], [64.1, 179.6]], [[64.1, 187.2], [-3.8, 187.1], [-3.8, 119.2]], [[77.2, 59.4], [77.2, -2.8], [139.5, -2.8], [139.5, 59.4]], [[134.7, 82], [134.6, -6], [178.7, 38], [178.7, 126]], [[82.4, 242.3], [-4.8, 242.4], [82.4, 155.2]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 176.7, 240), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 113.1], [1]], [[0, 0], [2]], [[226.2, 0], [3]], [[226.2, 113.1], [8]], [[86.7, 56.6], [9]], [[143.2, 56.6], [6]], [[143.1, 226.2], [7]], [[86.6, 226.2], [4]], [[169.6, 56.6], [5]], [[56.5, 56.6], [0]]], [[[-3, 119.2], [-3, -3], [119.1, -3]], [[107.1, -3], [229.2, -3], [229.2, 119.2]], [[147, 105.6], [146.9, 173.4], [79.1, 173.4]], [[82.9, 120.7], [82.9, 52.8], [150.8, 52.8]], [[83.8, 166.8], [146, 166.8], [146, 229], [83.7, 229]], [[83.8, 113.1], [146, 50.9], [146, 113.1], [83.8, 175.3]], [[113.1, -3.4], [174.7, 58.3], [51.4, 58.3]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 226.2, 226.2), new OKFigLevel([[[113.1, 113.2], [3]], [[0, 113.2], [2]], [[0, 0.1], [6]], [[169.6, 56.6], [8]], [[169.7, 169.8], [5]], [[56.6, 169.8], [1]], [[56.6, 0.1], [7]], [[56.6, 56.7], [0]], [[169.6, 0], [9]], [[226.2, 0], [10]], [[226.2, 113.2], [4]]], [[[119.1, 116.2], [-3, 116.3], [-3, -5.9]], [[172.7, 50.6], [172.7, 172.8], [50.5, 172.8]], [[165.9, 120.7], [165.9, 52.8], [233.7, 52.8]], [[-7.5, -3.7], [60.3, -3.6], [60.4, 64.2]], [[166.8, -2.8], [229, -2.8], [229, 59.4], [166.8, 59.4]], [[229, 113.2], [166.8, 175.4], [166.8, 113.2], [229, 50.9]], [[56.6, 173.2], [-5.1, 111.5], [118.2, 111.5]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 226.2, 169.8), new OKFigLevel([[[169.6, 0], [1]], [[169.7, 113.2], [3]], [[56.6, 113.2], [4]], [[56.5, 226.4], [8]], [[113.1, 56.6], [5]], [[113, 0], [0]], [[0.1, 0.2], [7]], [[56.6, 0.2], [2]], [[0, 169.8], [6]]], [[[172.7, -6], [172.7, 116.2], [50.5, 116.2]], [[53.5, 232.4], [53.5, 110.2], [175.7, 110.2]], [[-3.7, 120.8], [-3.7, 53], [64.1, 52.9]], [[109.3, 64.2], [109.3, -3.8], [177.2, -3.8]], [[-2.8, -2.7], [59.5, -2.7], [59.4, 59.5], [-2.8, 59.5]], [[-2.8, 113.3], [59.4, 51], [59.4, 113.2], [-2.8, 175.5]], [[-3.4, 169.8], [58.3, 108.1], [58.2, 231.4]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 169.7, 226.4), new OKFigLevel([[[209.7, 169.7], [6]], [[153.2, 169.7], [3]], [[80, 16.5], [4]], [[0, 16.5], [2]], [[120, 56.6], [12]], [[153.2, 113.1], [1]], [[209.7, 113.1], [5]], [[242.9, 56.6], [8]], [[282.9, 16.6], [9]], [[362.9, 16.6], [0]], [[181.6, 0], [11]], [[238.2, 56.6], [7]], [[125, 56.6], [10]]], [[[206.7, 175.8], [206.7, 53.5], [328.9, 53.6]], [[34, 53.5], [156.2, 53.6], [156.2, 175.7]], [[88, 13.9], [40, 61.9], [-8, 13.9]], [[32, 59.2], [80, 11.2], [128, 59.2]], [[150.3, 116], [150.3, 53.7], [212.6, 53.7], [212.6, 116]], [[324.9, 58.6], [236.9, 58.6], [280.9, 14.6], [368.9, 14.6]], [[181.6, -3.4], [243.3, 58.3], [119.9, 58.3]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 362.9, 169.7), new OKFigLevel([[[282.8, 113.2], [1, 10]], [[282.8, 0], [2]], [[395.9, 0], [0]], [[0, 0.1], [4]], [[113.1, 0.1], [5]], [[113.1, 113.2], [3, 9]], [[169.6, 0], [7]], [[226.2, 0], [8]], [[226.2, 113.2], [0]], [[169.7, 113.2], [6]], [[226.2, 169.8], [11]], [[169.7, 169.8], [5]]], [[[279.8, 119.2], [279.7, -3], [401.9, -3]], [[-6, -2.9], [116.2, -2.9], [116.1, 119.3]], [[165.9, 64.2], [165.8, -3.8], [233.7, -3.7]], [[229.9, -7.5], [230, 60.4], [162.1, 60.4]], [[229, 116], [166.8, 116], [166.8, 53.8], [229, 53.8]], [[169.7, 110.4], [231.9, 172.6], [169.7, 172.6], [107.5, 110.4]], [[226.2, 173.2], [164.6, 111.5], [287.9, 111.5]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 395.9, 169.8), new OKFigLevel([[[282.9, 173.2], [1]], [[169.8, 173.2], [7]], [[113.2, 60.1], [11]], [[113.2, 173.2], [4]], [[0, 173.2], [2]], [[269.8, 0], [8]], [[189.8, 0], [5]], [[169.8, 116.6], [3]], [[189.8, 80], [0]], [[149.8, 40], [6]], [[113.3, 3.5], [9]], [[56.7, 3.5], [10]]], [[[289, 176.3], [166.8, 176.3], [166.8, 54.1]], [[116.2, 54], [116.2, 176.2], [-6, 176.2]], [[277.8, -2.7], [229.8, 45.4], [181.8, -2.6]], [[105.7, 56.3], [173.6, 56.3], [173.6, 124.2]], [[189.8, 84], [145.8, 40], [189.8, -4], [233.8, 40]], [[113.3, 0.7], [175.5, 62.9], [113.2, 62.9], [51, 0.7]], [[173.2, 116.6], [111.5, 178.3], [111.5, 55]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 282.9, 173.2), new OKFigLevel([[[169.7, 113.1], [10]], [[169.7, 0], [2]], [[282.8, 0], [0]], [[0, 0], [4]], [[113.1, 0], [8]], [[113.1, 113.1], [3]], [[113.1, 169.6], [5]], [[56.5, 226.2], [6]], [[113.1, 56.6], [9]], [[169.7, 56.6], [1]], [[169.6, 169.6], [11]], [[226.2, 226.2], [7]]], [[[166.6, 119.1], [166.6, -3], [288.8, -3]], [[-6, -3], [116.2, -3], [116.2, 119.2]], [[109.3, 177.1], [109.4, 109.4], [177.2, 109.3]], [[116.8, 162.1], [116.8, 229.9], [49, 230]], [[172.5, 115.9], [110.3, 116], [110.3, 53.7], [172.5, 53.7]], [[172.4, 169.6], [110.2, 231.8], [110.2, 169.6], [172.5, 107.4]], [[169.6, 166.2], [231.3, 227.9], [108, 227.9]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 282.8, 226.2), new OKFigLevel([[[226.2, 0], [6]], [[0, 168.9], [3]], [[226.2, 168.8], [1]], [[112.7, 56.2], [4]], [[56.5, 56.6], [9]], [[169.6, 112.3], [7]], [[113.1, 112.3], [5]], [[226.2, 55.7], [2]], [[33.1, 0], [0]], [[33.1, 80], [8]]], [[[110.1, 119.2], [110.1, -3], [232.3, -3]], [[116.1, 49.7], [116.1, 171.9], [-6, 171.9]], [[230, 104.7], [230, 172.6], [162.1, 172.6]], [[116.8, -7.5], [116.9, 59.3], [49, 60.3]], [[172.5, 109.4], [172.5, 171.7], [110.3, 171.7], [110.3, 110.4]], [[166.8, 112.3], [229, 50], [229, 112.3], [166.8, 174.5]], [[30.7, -2.4], [117.9, -2.4], [30.7, 84.8]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 226.2, 168.9), new OKFigLevel([[[120, 86.8], [1]], [[233.1, 86.8], [3]], [[200, 279.9], [10]], [[200, 120], [2]], [[0, 80], [7]], [[80, 80], [4]], [[120, 40], [0]], [[80.1, 0], [6]], [[80, 160], [5]], [[179.3, 259.2], [8]], [[235.9, 315.8], [11]], [[122.7, 315.8], [9]]], [[[117, 206], [117, 83.8], [239.2, 83.8]], [[202.1, 286.3], [115.7, 200], [202.1, 113.6]], [[-8, 82.6], [40, 34.7], [88, 82.7]], [[122.7, 128], [74.7, 80], [122.7, 32]], [[36, 40], [80.1, -4], [124, 40], [80, 84]], [[122, 118], [122, 206], [78, 162], [78, 74]], [[179.3, 255.8], [241, 317.5], [117.6, 317.5]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 235.9, 315.8), new OKFigLevel([[[240, 0], [1]], [[160.1, 80], [6]], [[80, 0], [0]], [[0.1, 160.1], [4]], [[80, 80], [7]], [[160.1, 160.1], [3]], [[240.1, 80.1], [5]], [[0, 80], [2]]], [[[246.4, -2.1], [160.1, 84.3], [73.6, -2.1]], [[-6.3, 162.2], [80, 75.7], [166.5, 162.2]], [[77.3, -8], [125.4, 40], [77.4, 88]], [[208.1, 117.4], [160.1, 165.4], [112.1, 117.4]], [[164.1, 80], [120.1, 124.1], [76, 80], [120.1, 36]], [[158.1, 78], [246.1, 78.1], [202.1, 122.1], [114.1, 122.1]], [[82.4, 82.4], [-4.8, 82.4], [82.4, -4.8]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 240.1, 160.1), new OKFigLevel([[[226.4, 226.3], [1]], [[113.3, 226.4], [3]], [[226.4, 113.2], [9]], [[113.2, 56.6], [5]], [[56.6, 0], [8]], [[0, 56.6], [4]], [[169.8, 56.6], [7]], [[169.8, 113.2], [2]], [[113.2, 0], [6]], [[282.9, 169.7], [0]]], [[[232.4, 229.3], [110.2, 229.4], [110.2, 107.2]], [[107.2, 110.2], [229.4, 110.2], [229.4, 232.4]], [[120.8, 60.4], [52.8, 60.3], [52.8, -7.5]], [[60.4, -7.5], [60.4, 60.3], [-7.5, 60.3]], [[172.6, 53.8], [172.6, 116], [110.4, 116], [110.4, 53.8]], [[113.2, -2.8], [175.4, 59.4], [113.2, 59.4], [51, -2.8]], [[286.3, 169.7], [224.7, 231.4], [224.7, 108.1]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 282.9, 226.4), new OKFigLevel([[[226.3, 226.3], [8]], [[113.2, 226.4], [2]], [[113.2, 113.2], [5]], [[226.3, 113.2], [13]], [[56.6, 0], [10]], [[56.6, 56.6], [6]], [[0, 56.6], [4]], [[134.7, 267], [8]], [[174.7, 226.3], [9, 1]], [[214.7, 267], [7]], [[113.1, 0], [11]], [[113.2, 56.6], [12]], [[169.7, 113.2], [3]], [[226.3, 146.3], [14]], [[306.3, 146.3], [0]]], [[[232.3, 229.3], [110.2, 229.4], [110.2, 107.2]], [[107.1, 110.2], [229.3, 110.2], [229.3, 232.3]], [[60.3, -7.5], [60.4, 60.4], [-7.5, 60.3]], [[126.7, 269.7], [174.7, 220.9], [222.7, 269.7]], [[116, -2.8], [116, 59.4], [53.8, 59.4], [53.7, -2.8]], [[113.2, 53.8], [175.4, 116], [113.2, 116], [50.9, 53.8]], [[223.9, 143.9], [311.1, 143.9], [223.9, 231.1]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 306.3, 267), new OKFigLevel([[[159.8, 24.5], [1]], [[239.9, 104.6], [8]], [[0, 184.6], [5]], [[160, 184.6], [2]], [[24.4, 80], [7]], [[104.4, 80], [4]], [[144.4, 40], [0]], [[104.4, 0], [6]], [[200, 144.6], [10]], [[176.5, 201.2], [3]], [[233.1, 144.6], [9]]], [[[73.6, 106.7], [159.8, 20.2], [246.3, 106.7]], [[-6.4, 186.7], [79.9, 100.3], [166.4, 186.8]], [[168, 101.9], [120, 149.9], [71.9, 101.9]], [[16.4, 82.7], [64.4, 34.7], [112.4, 82.7]], [[148.4, 40], [104.4, 84], [60.4, 40], [104.4, -4]], [[158, 102.6], [245.9, 102.6], [202, 146.6], [114, 146.6]], [[176.5, 204.6], [114.9, 142.9], [238.2, 142.9]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 239.9, 201.2), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 200], [1]], [[80, 120], [3]], [[160, 200], [0]], [[46.9, 86.9], [10]], [[160, 86.9], [9]], [[200, 160], [2]], [[280.1, 0], [8]], [[200.1, 0], [6]], [[200.1, 80], [5]], [[160, 40], [7]], [[80, 86.9], [11]], [[80, 6.9], [4]]], [[[-6.4, 202.1], [80, 115.7], [166.4, 202.2]], [[40.8, 83.9], [163.1, 83.8], [163, 206.1]], [[157.4, 112], [205.4, 160], [157.3, 208]], [[288.1, -2.7], [240.1, 45.4], [192.1, -2.6]], [[244.1, 40], [200.1, 84], [156, 40], [200.1, -4]], [[202.1, 78], [202, 166], [158, 122], [158, 34]], [[77.6, 89.3], [77.6, 2.1], [164.8, 89.3]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 280.1, 200), new OKFigLevel([[[273.3, 169.8], [2]], [[193.3, 249.8], [5]], [[306.4, 136.6], [3]], [[306.4, 249.8], [1]], [[56.6, 56.6], [12]], [[56.6, 113.2], [6]], [[0, 113.1], [4]], [[113.2, 56.6], [9]], [[113.2, 113.2], [11]], [[169.7, 56.6], [10]], [[169.7, 113.2], [8]], [[169.8, 169.8], [0]], [[56.6, 0], [7]]], [[[279.7, 167.6], [193.3, 254.1], [106.9, 167.6]], [[309.4, 130.6], [309.4, 252.8], [187.3, 252.8]], [[60.4, 49], [60.4, 116.9], [-7.5, 116.9]], [[117, 49], [117, 116.9], [49.1, 116.9]], [[172.6, 53.8], [172.6, 116], [110.4, 116], [110.4, 53.8]], [[113.2, 110.3], [175.5, 172.6], [113.3, 172.6], [51, 110.3]], [[116.6, 56.6], [54.9, 118.2], [54.9, -5.1]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 306.4, 249.8), new OKFigLevel([[[80, 160], [12]], [[0, 80], [2]], [[80, 0], [15]], [[153.1, 282.6], [4]], [[40, 282.6], [6]], [[40, 169.5], [9]], [[0, 242.6], [7]], [[40, 201.3], [11]], [[153.1, 202.6], [10]], [[73.1, 202.5], [8]], [[193.1, 242.6], [3]], [[0, 160.1], [1]], [[40, 120], [5]], [[136.5, 128.7], [14]], [[80, 185.3], [0]], [[80, 72.1], [13]]], [[[82.1, 166.4], [-4.3, 80], [82.1, -6.4]], [[159.2, 285.6], [37, 285.6], [37, 163.4]], [[42.7, 290.6], [-5.3, 242.6], [42.7, 193.1]], [[161.1, 199.9], [113.1, 247.9], [65.1, 199.9]], [[153.1, 198.6], [197.1, 242.6], [153.1, 286.6], [109.1, 242.6]], [[-2, 162.1], [-2, 74], [42, 118], [42, 207.5]], [[139.9, 128.7], [78.3, 190.4], [78.3, 67]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 193.1, 282.6), new OKFigLevel([[[129.6, 0], [1]], [[209.6, 80], [12]], [[129.6, 160], [15]], [[153.1, 155], [11]], [[153.1, 268.1], [5]], [[40, 268.1], [10]], [[153.1, 188.1], [7]], [[193.1, 228.1], [4]], [[120, 188.1], [3]], [[40, 188.1], [8]], [[0, 228.2], [9]], [[153, 136.6], [2]], [[209.6, 136.6], [6]], [[73, 115.2], [14]], [[129.6, 58.7], [0]], [[129.6, 171.8], [13]]], [[[127.5, -6.4], [213.9, 80], [127.5, 166.4]], [[156.1, 148.9], [156.1, 271.1], [34, 271.1]], [[150.4, 180.1], [198.4, 228.1], [150.4, 276.1]], [[128, 185.4], [80, 233.4], [32, 185.5]], [[40, 184.1], [84, 228.1], [40, 272.1], [-4, 228.2]], [[150.2, 136.6], [212.5, 74.4], [212.5, 136.6], [150.2, 198.8]], [[69.6, 115.2], [131.3, 53.6], [131.3, 176.9]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 209.6, 268.1), new OKFigLevel([[[129.7, 0], [1]], [[209.7, 80], [12]], [[129.7, 160], [14]], [[153.1, 160.1], [11]], [[153.1, 273.2], [5]], [[40, 273.2], [10]], [[153.1, 193.2], [7]], [[193.1, 233.2], [4]], [[120, 193.2], [3]], [[40, 193.2], [8]], [[0, 233.2], [9]], [[153.1, 136.6], [2]], [[209.7, 136.6], [6]], [[129.7, 43.6], [0]], [[129.7, 123.6], [15]], [[49.7, 43.6], [13]]], [[[127.6, -6.4], [214, 80], [127.6, 166.4]], [[156.1, 154], [156.2, 276.2], [34, 276.2]], [[150.5, 185.2], [198.5, 233.2], [150.5, 281.2]], [[128, 190.5], [80, 238.6], [32, 190.5]], [[40, 189.2], [84, 233.2], [40, 277.2], [-4, 233.2]], [[150.3, 136.6], [212.5, 74.4], [212.5, 136.6], [150.3, 198.8]], [[132.1, 41.2], [132.1, 128.4], [44.9, 41.2]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 209.7, 273.2), new OKFigLevel([[[80.1, 200], [10]], [[160.1, 120], [2]], [[240, 200], [0]], [[80.1, 86.9], [12]], [[193.2, 86.9], [1]], [[0, 40], [9]], [[40.1, 80], [7]], [[0, 120], [5]], [[80.1, 40], [3]], [[40, 0], [8]], [[40.1, 160], [6]], [[160.1, 86.9], [4]], [[160.1, 6.9], [11]]], [[[73.7, 202.2], [160.1, 115.8], [246.4, 202.1]], [[77.1, 206.1], [77, 83.9], [199.2, 83.9]], [[-2.6, 32], [45.4, 80], [-2.7, 128]], [[82.7, 128], [34.7, 80], [82.7, 32]], [[40, -4], [84.1, 40], [40.1, 84], [-4, 40]], [[38.1, 162], [38.1, 74], [82.1, 118], [82.1, 206]], [[162.5, 89.3], [75.3, 89.3], [162.5, 2.1]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 240, 200), new OKFigLevel([[[23.5, 169.8], [4]], [[103.5, 89.8], [7]], [[103.5, 249.8], [0]], [[80, 0], [8]], [[23.4, 56.6], [10]], [[183.5, 89.8], [6]], [[223.5, 129.8], [2]], [[143.5, 129.8], [5]], [[80.1, 113.3], [1]], [[0, 0], [3]], [[0, 80], [9]]], [[[17.1, 171.9], [103.5, 85.6], [189.9, 171.9]], [[189.9, 167.7], [103.5, 254.1], [17.1, 167.7]], [[83.8, -7.5], [83.8, 60.4], [15.9, 60.3]], [[19.7, 120.7], [19.7, 52.8], [87.6, 52.9]], [[183.5, 85.8], [227.5, 129.8], [183.5, 173.8], [139.5, 129.8]], [[82.9, 113.3], [20.7, 175.5], [20.6, 113.2], [82.9, 51]], [[-2.4, -2.4], [84.8, -2.4], [-2.4, 84.8]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 223.5, 249.8), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 160], [10]], [[80, 80.1], [8]], [[80, 240], [0]], [[160, 80], [5]], [[240, 80], [3]], [[200, 120], [2]], [[160, 0], [4]], [[120, 40], [6]], [[120, 120.1], [7]], [[56.6, 103.5], [1]], [[0, 46.9], [9]]], [[[-6.4, 162.2], [80, 75.8], [166.4, 162.2]], [[166.4, 157.9], [80, 244.3], [-6.4, 157.9]], [[152, 82.7], [200, 34.7], [248, 82.7]], [[157.3, 72], [205.3, 120], [157.3, 168.1]], [[160, -4], [204, 40], [160, 84], [116, 40]], [[118, 122.1], [118, 34], [162, 78], [162, 166.1]], [[60, 103.5], [-1.7, 165.1], [-1.7, 41.8]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 240, 240), new OKFigLevel([[[55, 0], [1]], [[135, 80], [6]], [[55, 160], [0]], [[89.8, 181.7], [7]], [[202.9, 181.7], [5]], [[202.9, 294.8], [3]], [[89.8, 125.2], [11]], [[33.3, 181.7], [12]], [[202.9, 68.6], [9]], [[259.5, 68.5], [10]], [[146.4, 181.7], [4]], [[146.4, 125.2], [8]], [[0, 215], [13]], [[0, 101.8], [2]]], [[[52.9, -6.4], [139.3, 80], [52.8, 166.4]], [[83.8, 178.7], [205.9, 178.7], [205.9, 300.9]], [[93.6, 117.6], [93.6, 185.5], [25.7, 185.5]], [[199.2, 132.7], [199.2, 64.8], [267, 64.8]], [[149.2, 184.5], [87, 184.6], [87, 122.3], [149.2, 122.3]], [[143.6, 125.2], [205.7, 62.9], [205.7, 125.1], [143.6, 187.4]], [[60, 158.4], [-1.7, 220.1], [-1.7, 96.7]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 259.5, 294.8), new OKFigLevel([[[34.9, 125.1], [1]], [[34.9, 12], [2]], [[148.1, 12], [3]], [[160.1, 0], [4]], [[240.1, 80], [5]], [[193.1, 80], [9]], [[23.4, 160], [10]], [[80, 216.6], [8]], [[23.4, 216.6], [6]], [[80, 193.1], [7]], [[0, 160], [0]]], [[[31.9, 131.1], [31.9, 9], [154.1, 9]], [[73.6, 82.1], [160.1, -4.3], [246.5, 82.1]], [[76.2, 144.1], [76.3, 76.2], [144.2, 76.2]], [[132.8, 144.1], [132.9, 76.2], [200.7, 76.2]], [[20.6, 157.2], [82.9, 157.2], [82.8, 219.4], [20.6, 219.4]], [[139.4, 136.5], [77.2, 198.8], [77.2, 136.5], [139.4, 74.3]], [[82.4, 162.4], [-4.8, 162.4], [82.4, 75.2]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 240.1, 216.6), new OKFigLevel([[[113.1, 23.4], [4]], [[0, 136.5], [0]], [[249.8, 0], [5]], [[169.7, 80], [9]], [[89.8, 0], [2]], [[249.8, 80], [3]], [[113.1, 193.1], [7]], [[56.5, 193.1], [8]], [[56.5, 136.5], [1]], [[169.7, 136.5], [6]]], [[[116.2, 17.4], [116.2, 139.6], [-6, 139.5]], [[256.2, -2.1], [169.7, 84.2], [83.4, -2.1]], [[161.7, 82.7], [209.8, 34.6], [257.8, 82.6]], [[252.4, 88], [204.4, 40], [252.4, -8]], [[116, 133.7], [116, 195.9], [53.7, 195.9], [53.7, 133.7]], [[110.3, 136.5], [172.6, 74.3], [172.5, 136.5], [110.3, 198.7]], [[173.1, 80], [111.5, 141.6], [111.5, 18.3]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 249.8, 193.1), new OKFigLevel([[[80, 249.7], [1]], [[0, 169.8], [6]], [[103.5, 113.2], [9]], [[183.5, 33.2], [4]], [[263.5, 113.2], [8]], [[86.9, 129.7], [2]], [[46.9, 169.7], [7]], [[6.8, 129.7], [5]], [[160, 113.2], [12]], [[103.5, 56.6], [10]], [[160, 0], [11]], [[160.1, 56.6], [3]], [[160, 249.7], [0]]], [[[166.4, 167.6], [80, 254], [-6.4, 167.6]], [[97.1, 115.3], [183.5, 28.9], [269.9, 115.3]], [[94.9, 127.1], [46.9, 175.1], [-1.2, 127]], [[107.2, 105.6], [107.2, 173.5], [39.3, 173.5]], [[100.6, 110.3], [162.9, 110.3], [162.8, 172.6], [100.6, 172.6]], [[100.6, 56.6], [162.9, -5.7], [162.9, 56.6], [100.6, 118.8]], [[162.4, 252.1], [75.2, 252.1], [162.4, 164.9]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 263.5, 249.7), new OKFigLevel([[[136.6, 0], [1]], [[216.6, 80], [6]], [[73.3, 153.3], [8]], [[153.3, 233.3], [4]], [[73.3, 313.3], [2]], [[160, 80], [9]], [[216.5, 136.5], [5]], [[136.7, 136.7], [13]], [[56.6, 136.6], [12]], [[113.2, 80], [10]], [[113.2, 136.7], [7]], [[0, 136.6], [0]], [[0, 193.2], [11]], [[153.2, 120.1], [3]]], [[[50.2, 82.2], [136.6, -4.3], [223, 82.1]], [[71.1, 146.9], [157.5, 233.3], [71.1, 319.7]], [[152.4, 76.2], [220.3, 76.2], [220.3, 144.1]], [[144.7, 134], [96.7, 182], [48.6, 133.9]], [[53.7, 77.2], [116, 77.2], [116, 139.5], [53.8, 139.4]], [[-2.8, 136.6], [59.4, 74.4], [59.4, 136.6], [-2.8, 198.8]], [[93.3, 176.7], [154.9, 115], [155, 238.4]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 216.6, 313.3), new OKFigLevel([[[226.3, 226.2], [1]], [[113.1, 226.2], [9]], [[113.1, 0], [3]], [[226.3, 0], [12]], [[226.2, 148.2], [5]], [[169.7, 148.2], [13]], [[56.6, 83.6], [8]], [[0, 140.2], [6]], [[113.1, 83.6], [2]], [[113.1, 140.2], [7]], [[169.7, 91.7], [11]], [[226.2, 35.1], [4]], [[169.7, 56.5], [10]], [[169.7, 169.6], [0]]], [[[232.3, 229.2], [110.1, 229.2], [110.1, 107.1]], [[110.1, 119.1], [110.1, -3], [232.3, -3]], [[230, 84.1], [230, 152], [162.2, 152]], [[60.3, 76.1], [60.3, 144], [-7.5, 143.9]], [[53.7, 80.8], [116, 80.8], [116, 143], [53.7, 143]], [[229.1, 91.7], [166.9, 153.9], [166.9, 91.7], [229.1, 29.4]], [[109.8, 113.1], [171.4, 51.4], [171.4, 174.7]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 226.3, 226.2), new OKFigLevel([[[121.3, 120], [5]], [[121.3, 279.9], [0]], [[281.3, 120], [1]], [[193.1, 80], [8]], [[136.6, 23.4], [3]], [[80.3, 80], [9]], [[80.1, 23.4], [4]], [[201.3, 120], [2]], [[241.3, 80], [7]], [[0, 80], [10]], [[80, 0], [6]]], [[[119.2, 113.6], [205.6, 200], [119.2, 286.3]], [[287.7, 117.8], [201.3, 204.2], [114.9, 117.8]], [[200.7, 83.8], [132.8, 83.8], [132.8, 15.9]], [[169.3, 77.3], [121.3, 125.3], [72.1, 77.3]], [[77.3, 20.6], [139.4, 20.6], [139.4, 82.8], [77.5, 82.8]], [[203.3, 122], [115.3, 122], [159.3, 78], [247.3, 78]], [[82.7, 82.4], [-4.8, 82.4], [82.4, -4.8]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 281.3, 279.9), new OKFigLevel([[[279.9, 153], [1]], [[199.9, 233.1], [7]], [[120, 153.1], [0]], [[80, 193.1], [10]], [[193.1, 80], [2]], [[136.5, 80], [4]], [[80, 23.4], [5]], [[119.9, 233.1], [3]], [[40, 120], [9]], [[40, 40], [12]], [[80, 160], [8]], [[80, 0], [6]], [[0, 0], [11]]], [[[286.3, 150.9], [199.9, 237.3], [113.6, 151]], [[76.9, 199.1], [77, 77], [199.1, 76.9]], [[144.1, 83.7], [76.2, 83.8], [76.2, 15.9]], [[111.9, 235.7], [159.9, 187.7], [207.9, 235.7]], [[120, 149.1], [163.9, 193.1], [119.9, 237.1], [76, 193.1]], [[38, 122], [38, 34], [82, 78], [82, 166]], [[82.4, -2.4], [82.4, 84.8], [-4.8, -2.4]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 279.9, 233.1), new OKFigLevel([[[200, 120], [2]], [[120, 40], [10]], [[160, 160], [3]], [[200, 200], [4]], [[40, 200], [5]], [[80, 160], [6]], [[0, 80], [7]], [[40, 40], [8]], [[80, 80], [1]], [[200, 40], [0]], [[160, 80], [11]], [[160, 0], [12]], [[240, 0], [13]], [[240, 80], [9]]], [[[206.4, 117.9], [120, 204.3], [33.6, 117.9]], [[33.6, 122.1], [120, 35.8], [206.4, 122.1]], [[112, 202.7], [160, 154.7], [208, 202.7]], [[32, 202.7], [80, 154.7], [128, 202.7]], [[-4, 80], [40, 36], [84, 80], [40, 124]], [[202, 38], [202, 126], [158, 82], [158, -6]], [[242.4, -2.4], [242.4, 84.8], [155.2, -2.4]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 240, 200), new OKFigLevel([[[240, 120], [1]], [[160, 200], [2]], [[80, 120], [9]], [[160, 40], [11]], [[120, 80], [3]], [[200, 0], [6]], [[256.6, 0], [7]], [[256.6, 56.6], [10]], [[0, 120], [12]], [[40, 160], [8]], [[240, 40], [0]], [[200, 80], [5]], [[120, 0], [4]]], [[[246.4, 117.9], [160, 204.2], [73.6, 117.9]], [[73.6, 122.1], [160, 35.7], [246.4, 122.1]], [[128, 77.3], [80, 125.3], [32, 77.3]], [[192.5, -3.7], [260.3, -3.7], [260.3, 64.1]], [[-4, 120], [40, 76], [84, 120], [40, 164]], [[242, 38], [242, 126], [198, 82], [198, -6]], [[122.4, 82.4], [35.2, 82.4], [122.4, -4.8]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 256.6, 200), new OKFigLevel([[[200, 120], [1]], [[120, 199.9], [11]], [[120, 39.9], [9]], [[40, 39.9], [2]], [[160, 0], [5]], [[216.6, 0], [6]], [[216.6, 56.6], [8]], [[0, 80], [3]], [[200, 40], [0]], [[160, 80], [4]], [[63.4, 143.3], [7]], [[6.8, 199.9], [10]]], [[[206.4, 117.9], [120, 204.2], [33.6, 117.8]], [[33.6, 122.1], [120, 35.7], [206.4, 122.1]], [[128, 37.3], [80, 85.3], [32, 37.3]], [[152.5, -3.8], [220.3, -3.8], [220.3, 64.1]], [[-4, 80], [40, 35.9], [84, 79.9], [40, 124]], [[202, 38], [202, 126], [158, 82], [158, -6]], [[63.4, 140], [125.1, 201.6], [1.7, 201.6]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 216.6, 199.9), new OKFigLevel([[[200, 120], [1]], [[120, 200], [3]], [[120, 40], [9]], [[40, 200], [4]], [[80, 160], [7]], [[80, 80], [2]], [[80, 0], [5]], [[0, 80], [6]], [[200, 40.1], [0]], [[160, 80], [10]], [[160, 0], [11]], [[240, 0], [12]], [[240, 80], [8]]], [[[206.4, 117.9], [120, 204.2], [33.6, 117.9]], [[33.6, 122.1], [120, 35.8], [206.4, 122.2]], [[32, 202.7], [80, 154.7], [128, 202.6]], [[82.7, 88], [34.7, 40], [82.6, -8]], [[40, 36], [84, 80], [40, 124], [-4, 80]], [[202, 38.1], [202, 126], [158, 82], [158, -6]], [[242.4, -2.4], [242.4, 84.8], [155.2, -2.4]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 240, 200), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 249.8], [1]], [[80, 169.8], [14]], [[160, 249.8], [9]], [[240, 169.8], [2]], [[104.9, 305.8], [5]], [[48.3, 305.8], [6]], [[48.3, 249.8], [4, 0]], [[206.1, 306.3], [8]], [[149.5, 306.3], [9]], [[149.5, 249.8], [7, 6]], [[183.4, 113.2], [3]], [[126.8, 113.2], [12]], [[126.8, 56.6], [15]], [[183.4, 56.6], [10]], [[183.4, 169.8], [11]], [[183.3, 0], [16]], [[239.9, 56.6], [13]]], [[[-6.4, 252], [80, 165.5], [166.4, 251.9]], [[246.4, 167.6], [160, 254.1], [73.6, 167.7]], [[112.5, 309.5], [44.6, 309.5], [44.6, 242.4]], [[213.7, 310.1], [145.8, 310.1], [145.8, 242.3]], [[186.2, 116], [124, 116], [124, 53.7], [186.2, 53.7]], [[183.4, 110.3], [245.6, 172.6], [183.4, 172.6], [121.2, 110.3]], [[183.3, -3.4], [245, 58.3], [121.7, 58.3]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 240, 306.3), new OKFigLevel([[[153.1, 313.2], [1]], [[40, 313.1], [5]], [[160.1, 320.1], [0]], [[80, 240], [4]], [[160, 160], [6]], [[40, 40], [10]], [[216.6, 160], [7]], [[216.6, 216.6], [8]], [[160, 216.6], [2]], [[80, 0], [3]], [[0, 0], [9]]], [[[159.2, 316.2], [37, 316.1], [37, 194]], [[162.2, 326.5], [75.8, 240], [162.2, 153.6]], [[37.4, 32], [85.4, 80], [37.4, 128]], [[82.7, 168], [34.7, 120], [82.7, 72]], [[219.4, 157.2], [219.4, 219.4], [157.2, 219.4], [157.2, 157.2]], [[38, 202], [38, 114], [82.1, 158], [82, 246]], [[82.4, -2.4], [82.4, 84.8], [-4.8, -2.4]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 216.6, 320.1), new OKFigLevel([[[80, 169.7], [14]], [[80, 56.6], [13]], [[193.1, 56.6], [9]], [[113.2, 136.6], [0]], [[273.1, 136.5], [8]], [[313.1, 176.5], [4]], [[313.1, 96.5], [5]], [[113.1, 193.1], [3]], [[169.7, 136.6], [7]], [[233.1, 96.5], [10]], [[273.1, 56.5], [6]], [[80, 0], [12]], [[136.6, 56.6], [2]], [[23.4, 0], [11]], [[80, 136.6], [15]], [[0, 56.6], [1]]], [[[77, 175.7], [77, 53.6], [199.2, 53.5]], [[106.8, 138.7], [193.1, 52.3], [279.5, 138.7]], [[315.7, 184.5], [267.8, 136.5], [315.7, 88.5]], [[109.4, 200.6], [109.4, 132.8], [177.2, 132.8]], [[273.1, 140.5], [229.1, 96.5], [273.1, 52.5], [317.1, 96.5]], [[80, -2.8], [142.2, 59.4], [80, 59.4], [17.8, -2.8]], [[82.4, 54.2], [82.4, 141.4], [-4.8, 54.2]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 313.1, 193.1), new OKFigLevel([[[40, 40], [8]], [[96.6, 153.2], [2]], [[96.6, 96.6], [5]], [[0, 80], [0]], [[0, 160], [3]], [[80, 80], [4]], [[226.3, 0], [7]], [[306.3, 0], [10]], [[186.3, 40], [6]], [[233.2, 153.2], [1]], [[233.2, 73.2], [9]]], [[[150.2, 159.2], [150.2, 37], [272.3, 37]], [[34, 37], [156.2, 37], [156.2, 159.2]], [[160.7, 156.9], [92.9, 156.9], [92.8, 89.1]], [[-2.6, 72], [45.4, 120], [-2.7, 168]], [[84, 80], [40, 124], [-4, 80], [40, 36]], [[224.3, -2], [312.3, -2], [268.3, 42], [180.3, 42]], [[235.6, 155.6], [148.4, 155.6], [235.6, 68.4]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 306.3, 160), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 56.6], [6]], [[113.1, 169.8], [0]], [[226.2, 169.8], [1]], [[329.5, 56.6], [4]], [[273, 56.6], [8]], [[273, 0], [3]], [[216.4, 56.6], [7]], [[216.4, 0], [5]], [[233, 96.6], [10]], [[209.6, 153.1], [2]], [[266.2, 96.6], [9]]], [[[-6, 53.6], [116.1, 53.6], [116.1, 175.8]], [[232.3, 172.8], [110.1, 172.8], [110.1, 50.6]], [[201, 53.9], [153.1, 101.9], [105.1, 54]], [[337.1, 60.3], [269.2, 60.4], [269.2, -7.5]], [[275.8, 59.4], [213.6, 59.4], [213.6, -2.8], [275.8, -2.8]], [[191.1, 54.6], [279, 54.6], [235, 98.6], [147.1, 98.6]], [[209.6, 156.5], [148, 94.9], [271.3, 94.9]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 329.5, 169.8), new OKFigLevel([[[170.7, 215.3], [1]], [[61.4, 244.6], [2]], [[32.2, 135.2], [6]], [[224.3, 96.6], [13]], [[337.4, 96.6], [5]], [[337.4, 209.7], [3]], [[0, 116.7], [7]], [[54.6, 102], [8]], [[69.3, 156.7], [18]], [[177.5, 40], [10]], [[217.5, 0], [11]], [[257.5, 40], [14]], [[280.9, 96.6], [4]], [[224.3, 40], [9]], [[280.9, 40], [19]], [[193.7, 182.3], [16]], [[263, 222.3], [17]], [[208.4, 237], [0]], [[139.1, 197], [15]], [[280.9, 16.6], [20]], [[360.9, 16.6], [12]]], [[[177.3, 216.6], [59.3, 248.2], [27.7, 130.2]], [[218.3, 93.6], [340.4, 93.5], [340.4, 215.7]], [[-8.3, 115], [57.3, 97.4], [74.9, 163]], [[169.5, 42.7], [217.5, -5.3], [265.5, 42.7]], [[283.7, 99.4], [221.5, 99.4], [221.5, 37.2], [283.7, 37.2]], [[193, 179.6], [269.2, 223.6], [209.1, 239.7], [132.9, 195.7]], [[278.5, 14.2], [365.7, 14.2], [278.5, 101.4]]], [[[82.6, 16.9], [-26.7, 46.2], [-55.9, -63.1]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-41.3, -8.5], [13.3, -23.1], [28, 31.5]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[-7.3, -27.3], [62, 12.7], [7.3, 27.3], [-62, -12.7]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 360.9, 244.6), new OKFigLevel([[[56.6, 160.1], [5]], [[216.6, 160.1], [0]], [[216.6, 0], [4]], [[329.7, 56.6], [6]], [[273.1, 0], [3]], [[56.6, 103.5], [7]], [[216.6, 56.6], [1]], [[0, 46.9], [8]], [[169.7, 46.9], [2]]], [[[50.2, 162.2], [136.6, 75.8], [223, 162.2]], [[218.7, 166.5], [132.3, 80], [218.7, -6.4]], [[337.2, 60.3], [269.4, 60.3], [269.4, -7.5]], [[52.8, 167.6], [52.8, 99.7], [120.7, 99.7]], [[276, 59.4], [213.8, 59.4], [213.8, -2.8], [276, -2.8]], [[56.6, 106.3], [-5.7, 44.1], [56.6, 44.1], [118.8, 106.3]], [[113.1, 106.9], [51.5, 45.2], [174.8, 45.2]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 329.7, 160.1), new OKFigLevel([[[33.2, 136.6], [1]], [[113.2, 56.6], [2, 4]], [[193.2, 136.6], [8, 11]], [[56.6, 0], [7]], [[0, 56.6], [3]], [[56.7, 216.6], [6]], [[56.6, 160], [0]], [[113.1, 0], [1]], [[193.2, 80], [9]], [[249.7, 23.4], [10]], [[249.7, 80], [2]], [[193.2, 216.6], [5]]], [[[115.3, 223], [29, 136.6], [115.3, 50.2]], [[111, 50.2], [197.4, 136.6], [111.1, 223]], [[60.3, -7.5], [60.3, 60.3], [-7.5, 60.3]], [[120.7, 220.3], [52.9, 220.3], [52.9, 152.5]], [[116, 59.4], [53.7, 59.4], [53.7, -2.8], [116, -2.8]], [[190.3, 80], [252.6, 17.8], [252.6, 80], [190.4, 142.2]], [[195.6, 219], [108.4, 219], [195.6, 131.8]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 249.7, 216.6), new OKFigLevel([[[136.6, 136.6], [1]], [[56.6, 56.6], [7]], [[296.6, 136.7], [0]], [[273.2, 56.7], [4]], [[329.7, 56.6], [5]], [[329.7, 113.2], [10]], [[56.6, 0], [9]], [[0, 56.6], [6]], [[113.1, 56.6], [12]], [[113.1, 0], [8]], [[273.2, 113.2], [2]], [[216.6, 0.1], [3]], [[160, 56.6], [11]]], [[[223, 54.5], [136.6, 140.9], [50.2, 54.5]], [[130.2, 138.8], [216.6, 52.4], [303, 138.8]], [[265.6, 52.9], [333.5, 52.9], [333.5, 120.8]], [[60.3, -7.5], [60.4, 60.4], [-7.5, 60.3]], [[116, 59.4], [53.8, 59.4], [53.7, -2.8], [116, -2.8]], [[273.2, 53.8], [335.4, 116], [273.2, 116.1], [210.9, 53.8]], [[216.6, -3.3], [278.3, 58.4], [155, 58.3]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 329.7, 136.7), new OKFigLevel([[[226.2, 226.4], [1]], [[113.3, 226.4], [2, 6]], [[0, 226.4], [8]], [[339.2, 56.6], [7]], [[282.7, 0], [3]], [[73.5, 266.4], [1]], [[153.5, 266.4], [5]], [[226.1, 56.6], [9]], [[226.1, 0], [4]], [[169.6, 113.2], [10]], [[169.6, 169.8], [0]]], [[[232.3, 229.4], [110.3, 229.4], [110.1, 107.2]], [[116.1, 107.2], [116.4, 229.4], [-6, 229.4]], [[346.8, 60.3], [278.9, 60.3], [278.9, -7.5]], [[65.5, 269], [113.3, 221], [161.5, 269]], [[285.5, 59.4], [223.3, 59.4], [223.3, -2.8], [285.5, -2.8]], [[166.8, 56.6], [229, -5.6], [229, 56.6], [166.8, 118.8]], [[109.7, 113.2], [171.3, 51.5], [171.3, 174.8]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 339.2, 266.4), new OKFigLevel([[[40.1, 216.6], [5]], [[120, 136.6], [6]], [[200.1, 216.6], [0]], [[40, 136.6], [1]], [[0, 96.6], [3]], [[0, 176.6], [4]], [[143.5, 113.2], [7]], [[143.4, 56.6], [8]], [[200, 0], [9]], [[280, 0], [10]], [[200, 80], [2]]], [[[33.7, 218.8], [120, 132.3], [206.5, 218.8]], [[202.2, 223], [115.8, 136.6], [202.1, 50.2]], [[128.1, 133.9], [80.1, 182], [32, 133.9]], [[-2.7, 88.6], [45.4, 136.6], [-2.6, 184.6]], [[84.1, 176.6], [40.1, 220.6], [-4, 176.6], [40, 132.6]], [[202.8, 56.6], [140.6, 118.8], [140.6, 56.6], [202.8, -5.6]], [[197.6, -2.4], [284.8, -2.4], [197.6, 84.8]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 280, 216.6), new OKFigLevel([[[40.1, 216.6], [5]], [[120, 136.6], [6]], [[200.1, 216.6], [0]], [[40, 136.6], [1]], [[0, 96.6], [3]], [[0, 176.6], [4]], [[143.5, 113.2], [7]], [[143.4, 56.6], [8]], [[200, 0], [10]], [[200, 80], [2]], [[280, 80], [9]]], [[[33.7, 218.7], [120, 132.3], [206.5, 218.7]], [[202.2, 223], [115.8, 136.6], [202.1, 50.2]], [[128.1, 133.9], [80.1, 181.9], [32, 133.9]], [[-2.7, 88.6], [45.4, 136.6], [-2.6, 184.6]], [[84.1, 176.6], [40.1, 220.6], [-4, 176.6], [40, 132.6]], [[202.8, 56.6], [140.6, 118.8], [140.6, 56.6], [202.8, -5.7]], [[197.6, 82.4], [197.6, -4.8], [284.8, 82.4]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 280, 216.6), new OKFigLevel([[[214, 169.8], [10]], [[134, 249.8], [8]], [[54, 169.8], [3]], [[0, 169.8], [4]], [[80, 89.8], [5]], [[158.7, 169.8], [12]], [[68.4, 264.2], [7]], [[108.5, 224.2], [2]], [[148.5, 264.2], [6]], [[146.7, 237.1], [1]], [[186.7, 197.1], [11]], [[226.7, 237.1], [9]], [[157.4, 113.2], [14]], [[214, 113.2], [0]], [[100.8, 56.6], [16]], [[157.4, 56.6], [13]], [[157.4, 0], [17]], [[214, 56.6], [15]]], [[[220.4, 167.6], [134, 254.1], [47.6, 167.6]], [[-6.4, 171.9], [80, 85.5], [165, 171.9]], [[60.4, 266.9], [108.5, 218.9], [156.5, 266.9]], [[138.7, 239.8], [186.7, 191.8], [234.7, 239.8]], [[154.6, 110.3], [216.8, 110.3], [216.8, 172.6], [156, 172.6]], [[157.4, 116], [95.2, 53.7], [157.4, 53.7], [219.6, 116]], [[157.4, -3.4], [219.1, 58.3], [95.7, 58.3]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 226.7, 264.2), new OKFigLevel([[[371.3, 113.1], [1]], [[258.1, 113.1], [3]], [[258.1, 0], [0]], [[258.1, 160], [5]], [[178.1, 80], [16]], [[178.1, 160], [6]], [[218.1, 120], [4]], [[40, 173.7], [8]], [[0, 133.7], [12]], [[153.3, 37.2], [14]], [[153.3, 93.8], [11]], [[96.6, 93.8], [13]], [[96.6, 37.2], [9]], [[40, 150.3], [7]], [[153.3, 24.8], [15]], [[233.3, 24.8], [2]], [[153.3, 104.8], [10]]], [[[377.3, 116.2], [255.1, 116.2], [255.1, -6]], [[260.3, 166.4], [173.9, 80], [260.3, -6.4]], [[170.1, 162.6], [218.1, 114.6], [266.1, 162.6]], [[42.7, 181.7], [-5.3, 133.7], [42.7, 85.7]], [[156.1, 34.4], [156.1, 96.6], [93.8, 96.6], [93.8, 34.4]], [[99.5, 93.8], [37.2, 156], [37.2, 93.7], [99.5, 31.5]], [[150.9, 22.4], [238.1, 22.4], [150.9, 109.6]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 371.3, 173.7), new OKFigLevel([[[160, 113.2], [6]], [[80, 193.1], [2]], [[0, 113.1], [0]], [[160, 226.3], [4]], [[46.9, 226.3], [1]], [[216.6, 169.7], [3]], [[103.5, 56.6], [7]], [[103.4, 0], [8]], [[160, 0], [11]], [[216.6, 113.2], [5]], [[160, 56.6], [9]], [[216.6, 56.6], [10]]], [[[166.4, 111], [80, 197.4], [-6.4, 111]], [[163, 107.1], [163, 229.3], [40.8, 229.3]], [[156.2, 233.8], [156.3, 166], [224.1, 166]], [[99.7, 64.2], [99.7, -3.8], [167.6, -3.7]], [[157.2, 110.3], [219.4, 110.4], [219.4, 172.5], [157.2, 172.5]], [[160, 116], [97.8, 53.8], [160, 53.8], [222.3, 116]], [[160, -3.4], [221.7, 58.3], [98.4, 58.3]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 216.6, 226.3), new OKFigLevel([[[194.3, 311.9], [1]], [[81.2, 311.9], [2]], [[81.2, 198.7], [14]], [[39.3, 190], [4]], [[39.4, 76.9], [6]], [[152.5, 76.9], [17]], [[96, 76.9], [7, 9, 5]], [[47.1, 49], [8]], [[75.4, 0], [6]], [[116.7, 0], [10]], [[144.9, 49], [6]], [[135.9, 173.4], [12]], [[95.9, 213.4], [0]], [[0, 229.3], [3]], [[56.6, 172.8], [15]], [[56.6, 229.3], [16]], [[0, 285.9], [13]], [[152.5, 190], [11]]], [[[200.3, 314.9], [78.2, 314.9], [78.2, 192.7]], [[36.3, 196], [36.4, 73.9], [158.5, 73.9]], [[100.7, 83.8], [42, 50.4], [75.9, -8.4]], [[116.2, -8.4], [150.1, 50.4], [91.4, 83.8]], [[139.9, 173.4], [95.9, 217.4], [51.9, 173.4], [95.9, 129.4]], [[-2.8, 229.3], [58.7, 167.8], [59.4, 229.3], [-2.8, 291.6]], [[92.5, 133.4], [154.2, 71.8], [154.2, 195.1]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[23.2, 35.2], [-25.8, 6.9], [2.5, -42.1]], [[-2.5, -42.1], [25.8, 6.9], [-23.2, 35.2]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 194.3, 311.9), new OKFigLevel([[[452.5, 113.1], [1]], [[339.4, 113.1], [10]], [[339.4, 0], [0]], [[113.1, 169.7], [4]], [[0, 169.7], [7]], [[226.3, 56.6], [8]], [[169.7, 56.6], [11]], [[169.7, 0], [5]], [[282.9, 0], [2]], [[282.9, 56.6], [12]], [[339.4, 56.6], [9]], [[113.1, 113.2], [3]], [[226.3, 113.2], [6]]], [[[458.5, 116.1], [336.3, 116.1], [336.4, -6]], [[116.2, 50.6], [116.2, 172.7], [-6, 172.7]], [[233.8, 60.4], [166, 60.4], [165.9, -7.5]], [[286.6, -7.5], [286.6, 60.4], [218.8, 60.4]], [[280, -2.8], [342.2, -2.8], [342.2, 59.4], [280.1, 59.5]], [[172.6, 56.6], [110.3, 118.8], [110.3, 56.6], [172.5, -5.6]], [[226.3, 116.6], [164.6, 54.9], [288, 54.9]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 452.5, 169.7), new OKFigLevel([[[216.5, 0], [1]], [[296.5, 80], [2]], [[216.5, 160], [7]], [[40, 153.2], [9]], [[200, 153.2], [3]], [[160, 113.2], [8]], [[199.9, 73.2], [4]], [[216.5, 56.6], [6]], [[159.9, 0], [0]], [[80, 113.2], [10]], [[0, 113.2], [11]], [[40, 73.2], [13]], [[63.4, 16.6], [5]], [[6.8, 73.2], [12]]], [[[214.4, -6.4], [300.8, 80], [214.4, 166.4]], [[33.6, 155.3], [120, 68.9], [206.4, 155.3]], [[202.7, 161.2], [154.6, 113.2], [202.6, 65.1]], [[156.2, 120.7], [156.2, 52.8], [224, 52.8]], [[157.1, -2.8], [219.3, -2.8], [219.3, 59.4], [157.1, 59.4]], [[82, 115.2], [-6, 115.2], [38, 71.2], [126, 71.2]], [[63.4, 13.2], [125.1, 74.9], [1.7, 74.9]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 296.5, 160), new OKFigLevel([[[46.9, 233.2], [2]], [[80, 40], [9]], [[80.1, 200], [12]], [[216.7, 153.2], [5]], [[216.6, 233.2], [0]], [[296.7, 153.2], [4]], [[160, 176.6], [7]], [[216.7, 176.6], [3]], [[160, 40], [6]], [[120, 80], [10]], [[120, 0], [8]], [[80, 119.9], [1]], [[0, 119.9], [11]]], [[[163, 114], [163.1, 236.2], [40.9, 236.2]], [[77.9, 33.6], [164.3, 120], [77.9, 206.4]], [[214, 145.2], [262, 193.2], [214, 241.2]], [[304.7, 150.5], [256.7, 198.5], [208.7, 150.5]], [[157.2, 173.8], [219.5, 173.8], [219.5, 236], [157.2, 236]], [[162, 38], [162, 126], [118, 82], [118, -6]], [[82.4, 117.5], [82.5, 204.8], [-4.8, 117.5]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 296.7, 233.2), new OKFigLevel([[[193.2, 113.2], [1]], [[113.2, 193.2], [3]], [[33.2, 113.2], [8]], [[0.1, 193.2], [4]], [[0.1, 80.1], [2]], [[113.1, 0], [12]], [[56.6, 56.6], [5]], [[0, 56.6], [6]], [[56.6, 113.2], [7]], [[169.8, 33.2], [10]], [[226.3, 89.7], [11]], [[169.8, 89.7], [0]], [[113.2, 33.2], [9]]], [[[199.6, 111.1], [113.2, 197.5], [26.8, 111.1]], [[119.3, 196.2], [-2.9, 196.2], [-2.9, 74.1]], [[116.9, -7.5], [117, 60.3], [49, 60.3]], [[-7.5, 52.8], [60.3, 52.8], [60.3, 120.8]], [[53.7, 116], [53.7, 53.7], [116, 53.7], [116, 116]], [[169.8, 30.3], [232, 92.6], [169.8, 92.6], [107.5, 30.4]], [[110.8, 115.6], [110.8, 28.4], [198, 115.6]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 226.3, 193.2), new OKFigLevel([[[6.8, 6.9], [1]], [[120, 6.9], [9]], [[0, 160], [11]], [[80, 80.1], [0]], [[160, 160.1], [2]], [[160, 80], [7]], [[240, 80], [5]], [[200, 120], [4]], [[160, 0], [6]], [[120, 40], [8]], [[56.6, 103.5], [3]], [[0, 46.9], [10]]], [[[0.8, 3.9], [123, 3.9], [123, 126.1]], [[-6.4, 162.2], [80, 75.8], [166.4, 162.2]], [[152, 82.7], [200, 34.7], [248, 82.7]], [[157.3, 72], [205.3, 120], [157.3, 168.1]], [[160, -4], [204, 40], [160, 84], [116, 40]], [[118, 122], [118, 34], [162, 78], [162, 166.1]], [[60, 103.5], [-1.7, 165.1], [-1.7, 41.8]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 240, 160.1), new OKFigLevel([[[40, 40], [1, 8]], [[153.1, 40], [2]], [[153.1, 153.2], [0, 4]], [[153.1, 266.3], [2]], [[266.3, 153.1], [6]], [[233.1, 266.2], [12]], [[233.1, 186.3], [5]], [[0, 0], [0]], [[0, 80], [7]], [[193.1, 306.3], [3]], [[273.1, 306.3], [9]], [[313.1, 266.2], [10]], [[313, 186.2], [11]]], [[[34, 37], [156.2, 37], [156.1, 159.2]], [[150.1, 272.3], [150.1, 150.1], [272.3, 150.1]], [[235.7, 274.2], [187.8, 226.3], [235.8, 178.3]], [[-2.7, -8], [45.3, 40], [-2.7, 88]], [[193.1, 222.3], [237.1, 266.2], [193.1, 310.3], [149.1, 266.3]], [[275.1, 308.3], [187.1, 308.3], [231.1, 264.2], [319.1, 264.2]], [[315.5, 268.6], [228.3, 268.6], [315.4, 181.4]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 313.1, 306.3), new OKFigLevel([[[226.3, 226.3], [4]], [[113.1, 226.3], [2]], [[113.2, 113.2], [7]], [[226.3, 113.2], [14]], [[186.3, 266.3], [5]], [[146.3, 226.3], [1]], [[56.6, 0], [9]], [[56.6, 56.6], [8]], [[0, 56.6], [6]], [[113.1, 0], [10]], [[113.2, 56.6], [11]], [[169.7, 113.2], [3]], [[282.9, 210.7], [13]], [[226.3, 267.3], [0]], [[226.3, 154.2], [12]]], [[[232.3, 229.3], [110.1, 229.3], [110.1, 107.1]], [[107.1, 110.2], [229.3, 110.2], [229.3, 232.3]], [[234.3, 223.6], [186.3, 271.6], [138.3, 223.6]], [[60.3, -7.5], [60.4, 60.4], [-7.5, 60.3]], [[116, -2.8], [116, 59.4], [53.8, 59.4], [53.7, -2.8]], [[113.2, 53.8], [175.4, 116], [113.2, 116], [50.9, 53.8]], [[286.3, 210.7], [224.6, 272.4], [224.6, 149.1]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 282.9, 267.3), new OKFigLevel([[[240.5, 120.7], [1]], [[320.5, 40.7], [2]], [[400.5, 120.7], [14]], [[0, 119.4], [4]], [[80, 39.4], [5]], [[160, 119.4], [3]], [[240.9, 200], [7]], [[200.8, 239.9], [8]], [[160.9, 199.9], [9]], [[160.9, 120], [10]], [[200.9, 80], [11, 14]], [[160.9, 40], [12]], [[200.8, 0], [13]], [[240.9, 40], [10]], [[240.9, 120.7], [6, 0]]], [[[234.1, 122.8], [320.5, 36.4], [406.9, 122.8]], [[-6.4, 121.5], [80, 35.1], [166.4, 121.5]], [[248.9, 197.3], [200.8, 245.2], [152.9, 197.3]], [[203.6, 168], [154.5, 119.2], [203.6, 72]], [[200.9, 84], [156.9, 40], [200.8, -4], [244.9, 40]], [[242.5, 118.7], [242.9, 206], [198.9, 162], [198.9, 74]], [[158.5, 202.3], [157.5, 114.5], [245.7, 202.4]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 400.5, 239.9), new OKFigLevel([[[240, 0], [1]], [[320, 80], [11]], [[0, 80], [3]], [[80, 0], [7]], [[105.1, 136.5], [6]], [[161.7, 193.1], [4]], [[105.1, 80], [2]], [[120, 40], [8]], [[160, 0], [9]], [[200, 40], [0]], [[218.2, 136.5], [5]], [[218.3, 80], [10]]], [[[153.6, 82.1], [240, -4.3], [326.4, 82.1]], [[-6.4, 82.1], [80, -4.3], [166.4, 82.1]], [[97.5, 132.8], [165.5, 132.8], [165.4, 200.6]], [[169.2, 140.3], [101.3, 140.3], [101.3, 72.4]], [[160, 84], [116, 40], [160, -4], [204, 40]], [[221.1, 136.5], [158.8, 198.8], [158.9, 136.5], [221.1, 74.3]], [[161.7, 139.9], [100, 78.3], [223.3, 78.3]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 320, 193.1), new OKFigLevel([[[136.5, 209.6], [3]], [[249.7, 96.5], [10]], [[23.4, 96.6], [8]], [[56.5, 209.7], [4]], [[96.5, 169.7], [2]], [[0, 40], [6]], [[40, 0], [7]], [[80, 40], [9]], [[23.5, 40], [5]], [[80, 96.6], [13]], [[193.1, 153.1], [11]], [[193.1, 209.6], [12]], [[136.5, 266.2], [0]], [[169.7, 96.5], [14]], [[249.7, 16.5], [1]]], [[[133.5, 215.7], [133.5, 93.5], [255.7, 93.5]], [[17.4, 93.6], [139.6, 93.5], [139.5, 215.7]], [[48.6, 212.3], [96.5, 164.3], [144.5, 212.3]], [[-8, 42.7], [40, -5.3], [88, 42.7]], [[20.6, 37.2], [82.8, 37.2], [82.9, 99.4], [20.6, 99.4]], [[133.7, 209.6], [195.9, 147.4], [195.9, 209.6], [133.7, 271.8]], [[252.1, 98.9], [164.9, 98.9], [252.1, 11.7]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 249.7, 266.2), new OKFigLevel([[[208.7, 121], [1]], [[128.7, 201], [2, 13]], [[48.7, 121], [7]], [[128.7, 41.1], [10]], [[56.6, 0], [9]], [[56.6, 56.6], [6]], [[0, 56.6], [4]], [[56.6, 113.2], [5]], [[113.2, 56.6], [3]], [[113.1, 0], [8]], [[168.7, 81.1], [11]], [[168.7, 1], [12]], [[208.7, 41], [0]], [[185.3, 257.6], [14]], [[72.1, 257.6], [1]]], [[[215.1, 118.9], [128.7, 205.3], [42.3, 118.9]], [[42.3, 123.2], [128.7, 36.8], [215.1, 123.2]], [[60.3, -7.5], [60.4, 60.4], [-7.5, 60.3]], [[52.8, 120.7], [52.8, 52.8], [120.7, 52.8]], [[53.7, -2.8], [116, -2.8], [116, 59.4], [53.8, 59.4]], [[166.7, 83.1], [166.7, -5], [210.7, 39], [210.7, 127]], [[128.7, 197.6], [190.4, 259.3], [67.1, 259.3]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 208.7, 257.6), new OKFigLevel([[[160, 160.1], [1]], [[80, 240], [2, 5]], [[0, 160], [12]], [[80, 80.1], [10]], [[40, 280], [1]], [[120, 280], [4]], [[160, 80], [0]], [[240, 80], [6]], [[120, 40], [9]], [[160, 0], [7]], [[120, 120.1], [8]], [[56.6, 103.5], [3]], [[0, 46.9], [11]]], [[[166.4, 157.9], [80, 244.3], [-6.4, 157.9]], [[-6.4, 162.2], [80, 75.8], [166.4, 162.2]], [[32, 282.7], [80, 234.7], [128, 282.7]], [[152, 82.7], [200, 34.7], [248, 82.6]], [[204, 40], [160, 84], [116, 40], [160, -4]], [[118, 122.1], [118, 34], [162, 78], [162, 166.1]], [[60, 103.5], [-1.7, 165.1], [-1.7, 41.8]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 240, 280), new OKFigLevel([[[91.4, 153.2], [1]], [[171.5, 73.2], [2]], [[251.4, 153.2], [3]], [[183.4, 153.2], [17]], [[103.4, 233.2], [5]], [[23.4, 153.2], [10]], [[127.5, 265.6], [7]], [[127.5, 322.2], [8]], [[70.9, 322.2], [16]], [[80, 153.2], [0]], [[23.4, 96.6], [12]], [[80, 40], [9]], [[40, 80], [13]], [[0, 40], [14]], [[40, 0], [11]], [[160, 233.2], [6]], [[103.4, 289.7], [4]], [[160, 176.6], [15]]], [[[85, 155.3], [171.5, 68.9], [257.8, 155.3]], [[189.8, 151], [103.4, 237.4], [17, 151]], [[131.3, 258.1], [131.3, 325.9], [63.4, 325.9]], [[87.6, 156.9], [19.7, 156.9], [19.7, 89]], [[84, 40], [40, 84], [-4, 40], [40, -4]], [[162.8, 233.2], [100.6, 295.4], [100.6, 233.2], [162.8, 171]], [[20, 96.6], [81.7, 34.9], [81.7, 158.3]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 251.4, 322.2), new OKFigLevel([[[169.7, 209.6], [14]], [[282.9, 96.5], [5]], [[226.4, 40], [3]], [[266.4, 0], [4]], [[306.4, 40], [7]], [[209.7, 169.6], [6]], [[249.7, 209.6], [0]], [[282.9, 40], [1]], [[226.3, 96.5], [2]], [[0, 39.9], [10]], [[56.6, 39.9], [11]], [[113.1, 96.5], [8]], [[126.4, 246.3], [13]], [[126.4, 166.3], [9]], [[206.4, 246.3], [12]]], [[[50.5, 93.5], [172.8, 93.5], [172.7, 215.7]], [[166.7, 215.7], [166.7, 93.5], [288.9, 93.5]], [[218.3, 42.7], [266.4, -5.3], [314.4, 42.7]], [[161.7, 212.3], [209.8, 164.3], [257.7, 212.3]], [[223.5, 37.2], [285.7, 37.2], [285.7, 99.4], [223.5, 99.3]], [[56.6, 99.3], [-5.7, 37.1], [56.6, 37.1], [118.8, 99.3]], [[124, 248.7], [124, 161.5], [211.2, 248.7]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 306.4, 246.3), new OKFigLevel([[[242.9, 233.2], [1]], [[129.8, 233.2], [3]], [[129.8, 120.1], [10]], [[16.6, 120], [4]], [[56.6, 80], [7]], [[96.6, 120.1], [2]], [[56.6, 0], [12]], [[56.6, 56.6], [8]], [[0, 56.6], [6]], [[226.3, 136.6], [13]], [[146.3, 136.6], [11]], [[186.3, 96.6], [9]], [[96.6, 40], [5]], [[242.9, 120], [0]]], [[[249, 236.2], [126.8, 236.2], [126.8, 114]], [[10.6, 117], [132.8, 117], [132.8, 239.2]], [[8.6, 122.7], [56.6, 74.7], [104.6, 122.7]], [[60.4, -7.5], [60.4, 60.3], [-7.5, 60.3]], [[230.4, 136.6], [186.3, 180.6], [142.3, 136.6], [186.3, 92.6]], [[98.6, 38], [98.6, 126.1], [54.6, 82], [54.6, -6]], [[182.9, 176.6], [244.6, 114.9], [244.6, 238.3]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 242.9, 233.2), new OKFigLevel([[[80.1, 193.2], [1]], [[80.1, 80.1], [6]], [[306.3, 80], [3]], [[306.3, 193.2], [0]], [[273.2, 113.2], [2]], [[169.7, 113.2], [4]], [[56.6, 56.6], [8]], [[56.6, 0], [5]], [[0, 56.6], [7]]], [[[199.3, 196.2], [77.1, 196.2], [77.1, 74.1]], [[309.3, 74], [309.3, 196.2], [187.2, 196.2]], [[281.2, 110.5], [233.2, 158.5], [185.2, 110.5]], [[201.2, 110.5], [153.2, 158.5], [105.2, 110.5]], [[237.2, 153.2], [193.2, 197.2], [149.2, 153.2], [193.2, 109.2]], [[113.2, 53.7], [175.4, 116], [113.2, 116], [50.9, 53.7]], [[56.6, -3.4], [118.2, 58.3], [-5.1, 58.3]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 306.3, 193.2), new OKFigLevel([[[164.3, 244.3], [11]], [[84.3, 164.3], [6]], [[0, 0], [3]], [[113.1, 0], [4]], [[113.1, 113.1], [7]], [[44.3, 44.3], [2]], [[44.3, 204.3], [5]], [[124.3, 124.3], [8]], [[220.9, 27.6], [9]], [[220.9, 84.2], [10]], [[164.3, 140.8], [0]], [[140.8, 220.8], [12]], [[84.3, 277.4], [1]]], [[[166.4, 250.7], [80, 164.3], [166.4, 77.8]], [[-6, -3], [116.2, -3], [116.2, 119.2]], [[41.7, 36.3], [89.7, 84.3], [41.6, 132.3]], [[41.7, 116.3], [89.6, 164.3], [41.6, 212.3]], [[84.3, 80.3], [128.3, 124.3], [84.3, 168.3], [40.3, 124.3]], [[161.5, 84.2], [223.7, 22], [223.7, 84.2], [161.5, 146.4]], [[144.2, 220.8], [82.6, 282.5], [82.6, 159.2]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 220.9, 277.4), new OKFigLevel([[[282.9, 56.6], [3]], [[339.4, 56.6], [0]], [[282.8, 0], [1]], [[226.3, 113.1], [4]], [[226.3, 169.7], [11]], [[226.3, 56.6], [6]], [[226.3, 0], [2]], [[56.6, 0], [8]], [[113.1, 56.6], [5]], [[0, 0], [7]], [[113.1, 113.1], [9]], [[56.6, 169.7], [10]]], [[[50.5, 53.6], [172.8, 53.6], [172.7, 175.7]], [[166.7, 175.7], [166.7, 53.6], [288.9, 53.6]], [[346.9, 60.3], [279.1, 60.4], [279.1, -7.5]], [[230.1, 105.6], [230.1, 173.5], [162.2, 173.5]], [[285.7, 59.4], [223.5, 59.4], [223.5, -2.8], [285.7, -2.8]], [[56.6, -2.8], [118.8, 59.4], [56.6, 59.4], [-5.7, -2.8]], [[113.1, 109.7], [174.8, 171.4], [51.5, 171.4]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 339.4, 169.7), new OKFigLevel([[[120.1, 200], [8]], [[40, 120], [7]], [[200.1, 120.1], [0]], [[0, 80], [4]], [[40, 40], [1]], [[160, 80], [2]], [[240.1, 80], [5]], [[160.1, 0], [6]], [[40, 200], [9]], [[0, 160], [3]]], [[[122.2, 206.4], [35.8, 120], [122.2, 33.6]], [[117.9, 33.6], [204.4, 120.1], [117.9, 206.4]], [[42.7, 128], [-5.3, 80], [42.7, 32]], [[152, 82.7], [200.1, 34.7], [248.1, 82.7]], [[204.1, 40], [160, 84], [116.1, 40], [160.1, -4]], [[42, 118], [42, 206], [-2, 162], [-2, 74]], [[37.6, 202.4], [37.6, 115.2], [124.9, 202.4]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 240.1, 200), new OKFigLevel([[[136.6, 200.2], [3]], [[216.7, 120.1], [2, 12]], [[296.6, 200.2], [7]], [[56.6, 120.1], [5]], [[56.6, 63.6], [10]], [[0, 120.1], [4]], [[122.9, 239.4], [7]], [[162.9, 200.2], [8, 0]], [[202.9, 239.4], [6]], [[113.1, 120.1], [1]], [[113.1, 63.6], [9]], [[216.9, 40], [15]], [[176.9, 80], [13]], [[176.9, 0], [11]], [[298, 119.7], [15]], [[216.7, 119.7], [16, 1]], [[298, 39.7], [14]]], [[[130.2, 202.3], [216.7, 115.8], [303, 202.3]], [[223.1, 118], [136.6, 204.5], [50.2, 118]], [[60.3, 56], [60.4, 123.9], [-7.5, 123.9]], [[114.9, 242.1], [162.9, 195], [210.9, 242.1]], [[116, 123], [53.8, 123], [53.7, 60.7], [116, 60.7]], [[218.9, 38], [218.7, 126.1], [174.9, 82], [174.9, -6]], [[300.4, 122.1], [211.8, 122.5], [300.4, 34.9]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 298, 239.4), new OKFigLevel([[[216.6, 56.6], [3]], [[56.6, 56.6], [5]], [[296.6, 136.6], [10]], [[256.6, 16.6], [8]], [[56.6, 0], [7]], [[0, 56.6], [4]], [[113.1, 56.6], [0]], [[113.1, 0], [6]], [[296.6, 56.6], [2]], [[193.2, 193.2], [1]], [[249.7, 136.6], [9]]], [[[223, 54.5], [136.6, 140.9], [50.2, 54.5]], [[130.2, 138.7], [216.6, 52.3], [303, 138.7]], [[259.2, 104.6], [211.3, 56.6], [259.2, 8.6]], [[60.3, -7.5], [60.4, 60.4], [-7.5, 60.3]], [[116, 59.4], [53.8, 59.4], [53.7, -2.8], [116, -2.8]], [[254.6, 98.6], [254.6, 10.6], [298.6, 54.6], [298.6, 142.6]], [[193.2, 196.6], [131.5, 134.9], [254.8, 134.9]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 296.6, 193.2), new OKFigLevel([[[169.8, 169.7], [11, 4]], [[282.8, 56.5], [3]], [[322.8, 176.5], [6]], [[322.8, 96.5], [2]], [[224.5, 155.2], [5]], [[239.1, 209.8], [0]], [[242.8, 96.5], [0]], [[0, 0], [8]], [[56.6, 0], [9]], [[113.1, 56.5], [1]], [[96.9, 194.9], [11]], [[117.6, 117.6], [12, 7]], [[174.1, 215.6], [10]]], [[[50.5, 53.5], [172.7, 53.5], [172.8, 175.8]], [[166.8, 175.8], [166.7, 53.5], [288.8, 53.5]], [[325.4, 184.5], [277.4, 136.5], [325.4, 88.5]], [[161.5, 168], [227.2, 150.6], [244.7, 216.1]], [[326.8, 96.5], [282.8, 140.5], [238.8, 96.5], [282.8, 52.5]], [[56.6, 59.4], [-5.7, -2.8], [56.6, -2.8], [118.8, 59.4]], [[93.9, 196.6], [116.5, 112.3], [178.1, 219.2]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-41.3, -8.5], [13.3, -23.1], [28, 31.5]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[-32.7, 18.9], [-12, -58.4], [44.6, 39.6]]], 322.8, 215.6), new OKFigLevel([[[120, 0], [17]], [[120, 113.1], [12]], [[6.9, 113.1], [0]], [[200, 80], [8]], [[120, 160], [1]], [[221.5, 112.4], [16]], [[278, 168.9], [5]], [[105.2, 174.7], [4]], [[145.2, 134.7], [9]], [[185.2, 174.7], [7]], [[278, 55.9], [6]], [[221.5, 55.9], [10]], [[80, 153.1], [13]], [[0, 153.1], [14]], [[40, 113.1], [2]], [[221.5, 21.5], [11]], [[221.5, 101.5], [3]], [[141.5, 21.5], [15]]], [[[123, -6], [123, 116.2], [0.8, 116.2]], [[117.9, -6.4], [204.3, 80], [117.8, 166.4]], [[213.9, 108.6], [281.8, 108.6], [281.8, 176.5]], [[97.2, 177.4], [145.2, 129.4], [193.2, 177.4]], [[280.9, 53], [280.8, 115.2], [218.6, 115.2], [218.6, 53]], [[82, 155.1], [-6, 155.1], [38, 111.1], [126, 111.1]], [[223.9, 19.1], [223.9, 106.3], [136.7, 19.1]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 278, 174.7), new OKFigLevel([[[323.9, 128], [1]], [[210.7, 128], [3]], [[210.7, 14.9], [0]], [[210.7, 174.9], [5]], [[130.7, 94.8], [7]], [[130.7, 174.9], [6]], [[170.7, 134.9], [4]], [[55.8, 170.5], [14, 9]], [[112.4, 56.6], [11]], [[55.8, 56.5], [8]], [[169, 56.6], [2]], [[169, 0], [10]], [[56.6, 227.1], [13]], [[0, 170.5], [7]], [[113.1, 170.5], [12]]], [[[329.9, 131], [207.7, 131], [207.7, 8.8]], [[212.9, 181.3], [126.4, 94.8], [212.9, 8.5]], [[122.7, 177.5], [170.7, 129.5], [218.7, 177.5]], [[52, 178.2], [52.1, 109.3], [120, 109.3]], [[115.2, 53.7], [115.2, 115.9], [53, 115.9], [53, 53.7]], [[171.8, 56.6], [109.6, 118.8], [109.6, 56.5], [171.8, -5.7]], [[56.6, 230.5], [-5.1, 168.8], [118.2, 168.8]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 323.9, 227.1), new OKFigLevel([[[324.8, 129], [1]], [[211.7, 129], [3]], [[211.7, 15.9], [0]], [[211.7, 175.9], [5]], [[131.7, 95.8], [7]], [[131.7, 175.9], [6]], [[171.7, 135.9], [4]], [[57.8, 169.6], [9]], [[114.4, 56.6], [11]], [[57.8, 56.5], [8]], [[170.9, 56.6], [2]], [[171, 0], [10]], [[56.6, 315.1], [13]], [[0, 258.6], [14]], [[113.1, 258.6], [12]]], [[[330.8, 132], [208.7, 132], [208.7, 9.8]], [[213.8, 182.3], [127.4, 95.8], [213.8, 9.5]], [[123.7, 178.5], [171.7, 130.5], [219.7, 178.5]], [[54, 177.2], [54, 109.3], [121.9, 109.3]], [[117.2, 53.7], [117.2, 115.9], [54.9, 115.9], [55, 53.7]], [[173.8, 56.6], [111.5, 118.8], [111.5, 56.5], [173.8, -5.7]], [[56.6, 318.5], [-5.1, 256.9], [118.2, 256.9]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 324.8, 315.1), new OKFigLevel([[[143.7, 159.4], [11, 4]], [[143.4, 0.1], [7]], [[223.4, 80], [0]], [[103.8, 198.8], [0]], [[183.9, 198.8], [3]], [[303.4, 80], [2]], [[223.4, 0], [5]], [[183.4, 40], [6]], [[80, 176.6], [9]], [[0, 176.6], [10]], [[40, 136.6], [12]], [[120.3, 136.3], [8]], [[6.9, 136.6], [1]]], [[[145.8, 165.8], [59.2, 80], [145.6, -6.3]], [[141.3, -6.3], [227.7, 80], [141.5, 165.8]], [[95.8, 201.5], [143.6, 154.2], [191.9, 201.5]], [[215.4, 82.7], [263.4, 34.7], [311.4, 82.7]], [[223.4, -4], [267.4, 40], [223.4, 84], [179.4, 40]], [[82, 178.6], [-6, 178.6], [38, 134.6], [126.3, 134.3]], [[63.5, 76.7], [125.4, 138], [1.8, 138.3]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 303.4, 198.8), new OKFigLevel([[[306.4, 153.2], [6]], [[193.2, 40.1], [0]], [[80, 40], [4]], [[136.6, 40], [8]], [[120, 0], [5]], [[160, 40], [3]], [[23.4, 153.2], [7]], [[23.4, 96.5], [9]], [[136.6, 96.6], [1]], [[0, 96.5], [10]], [[80, 16.5], [2]]], [[[312.4, 156.2], [190.2, 156.2], [190.2, 34.1]], [[196.2, 34.1], [196.2, 156.2], [74, 156.2]], [[76.2, 104.1], [76.2, 36.2], [144.2, 36.2]], [[72, 42.7], [120, -5.3], [168, 42.7]], [[20.6, 156], [20.6, 93.7], [82.8, 93.7], [82.9, 156]], [[139.5, 96.6], [77.2, 158.8], [77.2, 96.6], [139.4, 34.3]], [[82.4, 99], [-4.8, 98.9], [82.4, 11.7]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 306.4, 153.2), new OKFigLevel([[[80, 113.1], [1]], [[80, 0], [12]], [[193.2, 169.7], [7]], [[306.3, 169.7], [4]], [[306.3, 282.8], [8]], [[73.1, 209.6], [13]], [[113.2, 169.6], [10]], [[153.2, 209.7], [5]], [[249.7, 226.3], [9]], [[193.2, 226.3], [2]], [[153.2, 129.7], [11]], [[136.6, 113.1], [0]], [[249.7, 169.7], [3]], [[56.6, 226.2], [14]], [[0, 169.6], [6]]], [[[199.2, 116.2], [77, 116.2], [77, -6]], [[187.1, 166.7], [309.3, 166.7], [309.3, 288.9]], [[65.1, 212.3], [113.1, 164.3], [161.2, 212.3]], [[257.3, 230], [189.4, 230.1], [189.4, 162.2]], [[109.2, 169.6], [153.2, 125.7], [197.2, 169.7], [153.2, 213.7]], [[193.2, 172.5], [130.9, 110.3], [193.2, 110.3], [255.4, 172.5]], [[56.6, 229.6], [-5.1, 167.9], [118.2, 167.9]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 306.3, 282.8), new OKFigLevel([[[226.2, 113.2], [3, 9]], [[113.1, 113.2], [2]], [[113, 0], [0]], [[226.2, 273.2], [4]], [[146.2, 193.2], [10]], [[339.3, 113.1], [0]], [[282.7, 56.6], [5]], [[106.2, 153.2], [8]], [[66.2, 113.1], [12]], [[226.2, 56.6], [6]], [[186.2, 153.2], [7]], [[56.6, 56.6], [1]], [[0, 113.1], [11]]], [[[232.2, 116.2], [110.1, 116.2], [110, -6]], [[228.3, 279.6], [141.9, 193.2], [228.3, 106.8]], [[346.8, 116.9], [279, 116.9], [279, 49]], [[154.2, 110.5], [106.2, 158.5], [58.2, 110.5]], [[285.6, 53.7], [285.6, 116], [223.3, 116], [223.4, 53.8]], [[144.2, 111.2], [232.2, 111.2], [188.2, 155.2], [100.2, 155.2]], [[56.6, 53.2], [118.2, 114.9], [-5.1, 114.8]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 339.3, 273.2), new OKFigLevel([[[160, 16.6], [4]], [[0, 16.5], [0]], [[200, 23.4], [3]], [[313.2, 23.4], [6]], [[143.4, 0], [5]], [[200, 0], [2]], [[160.1, 176.6], [1]]], [[[166.4, 14.4], [80, 100.8], [-6.4, 14.4]], [[197, 142.6], [197, 20.4], [319.2, 20.4]], [[135.9, -3.8], [203.8, -3.8], [203.8, 64.1]], [[168, 93.9], [120.1, 141.9], [72, 93.9]], [[204, 136.6], [160.1, 180.6], [116.1, 136.6], [160, 92.6]], [[202, 54.6], [202, 142.6], [158, 98.6], [158, 10.6]], [[162.4, 99], [75.2, 99], [162.4, 11.8]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 313.2, 176.6), new OKFigLevel([[[240, 40], [1]], [[320, 120], [11]], [[0, 120.1], [3]], [[80, 40.1], [12]], [[160, 40], [5]], [[200, 80], [0]], [[200, 0], [4]], [[120, 0], [6]], [[186.8, 176.6], [13]], [[130.2, 176.6], [10]], [[130.2, 120], [2]], [[186.8, 120], [8]], [[120, 80], [7]], [[159.8, 176.6], [14, 9]], [[216.4, 233.6], [15]], [[103.3, 233.6], [13]]], [[[153.6, 122.1], [240, 35.7], [326.4, 122.1]], [[-6.4, 122.2], [80, 35.8], [166.4, 122.1]], [[157.3, 32], [205.3, 80], [157.3, 128]], [[208, -2.7], [160, 45.4], [112, -2.6]], [[189.6, 179.4], [127.4, 179.4], [127.4, 117.2], [189.6, 117.2]], [[118, 82], [118, -6], [162, 38], [162, 126]], [[159.8, 173.1], [221.5, 235.3], [98.2, 235.3]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 320, 233.6), new OKFigLevel([[[126.9, 80], [3]], [[240.1, 193.2], [6]], [[160.1, 0], [13]], [[0, 80], [7]], [[183.5, 216.5], [5]], [[223.5, 176.5], [0]], [[263.5, 216.5], [4]], [[80, 0], [8]], [[120.1, 40], [2]], [[296.6, 160], [10]], [[353.2, 216.6], [11]], [[296.6, 216.6], [12]], [[240.1, 160], [1]], [[320, 160], [9]]], [[[120.9, 77], [243.1, 77], [243.1, 199.2]], [[73.6, 82.1], [160.1, -4.2], [246.4, 82.2]], [[-8, 82.7], [40, 34.7], [88, 82.7]], [[175.5, 219.2], [223.5, 171.2], [271.5, 219.2]], [[80, -4], [124.1, 40], [80, 84], [36, 40]], [[296.6, 157.2], [358.8, 219.4], [296.6, 219.4], [234.4, 157.2]], [[237.7, 162.4], [237.6, 75.2], [324.8, 162.4]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 353.2, 216.6), new OKFigLevel([[[153.2, 0], [3]], [[233.2, 33.2], [2]], [[313.2, 113.2], [4]], [[209.8, 56.6], [1]], [[176.5, 113.1], [5]], [[176.5, 169.7], [6]], [[120, 169.7], [9]], [[80, 153.1], [8]], [[0, 153.1], [0]], [[120, 193.1], [10]], [[40, 193.1], [7]]], [[[156.2, -6], [156.2, 116.1], [34, 116.1]], [[146.8, 115.2], [233.2, 28.9], [319.6, 115.3]], [[217.3, 60.4], [149.4, 60.4], [149.4, -7.5]], [[149.4, 120.6], [149.4, 52.8], [217.3, 52.8]], [[117.1, 110.3], [179.4, 110.3], [179.4, 172.5], [117.1, 172.5]], [[38, 111.1], [126, 111.1], [82, 155.1], [-6, 155.1]], [[122.4, 195.5], [35.2, 195.5], [122.4, 108.3]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 313.2, 193.1), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 200.1], [1]], [[80, 120.1], [6]], [[160, 200], [3]], [[80, 280], [0]], [[176.5, 80], [8]], [[119.9, 23.4], [11]], [[79.9, 40], [7]], [[119.9, 0], [5]], [[176.5, 136.6], [9]], [[119.9, 136.6], [10]], [[120, 160], [2]], [[233, 23.4], [4]]], [[[-6.4, 202.2], [80, 115.8], [166.4, 202.2]], [[166.4, 197.9], [80, 284.3], [-6.4, 197.9]], [[184, 83.8], [116.2, 83.8], [116.2, 15.9]], [[122.6, 88], [74.6, 40], [122.6, -8]], [[179.3, 77.2], [179.3, 139.4], [117.1, 139.4], [117.1, 77.2]], [[121.9, 78], [122, 166], [78, 122.1], [77.9, 34]], [[176.5, 83.4], [114.8, 21.7], [238.1, 21.7]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 233, 280), new OKFigLevel([[[113.2, 23.4], [7]], [[113.1, 136.6], [2]], [[0, 136.6], [0]], [[113.1, 80], [1]], [[193.2, 0], [12]], [[273.2, 80], [11]], [[153.2, 120], [3]], [[169.7, 23.4], [4]], [[289.7, 16.6], [9]], [[329.7, 56.6], [10]], [[289.7, 96.6], [5]], [[233.2, 120], [6]], [[306.3, 0], [8]]], [[[116.2, 17.4], [116.2, 139.6], [-6, 139.6]], [[106.7, 82.2], [193.2, -4.3], [279.6, 82.2]], [[201.2, 77.4], [153.2, 125.3], [105.1, 77.4]], [[109.4, 87.6], [109.4, 19.7], [177.3, 19.7]], [[245.7, 56.6], [289.7, 12.6], [333.7, 56.6], [289.7, 100.6]], [[235.2, 122], [147.2, 122], [191.2, 78], [279.2, 78]], [[249.7, 60], [188.1, -1.7], [311.4, -1.7]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 329.7, 136.6), new OKFigLevel([[[160, 136.6], [8]], [[80, 216.5], [2]], [[0, 136.6], [0]], [[40, 256.5], [1]], [[200, 256.5], [3]], [[176.6, 176.6], [6]], [[176.6, 233.1], [4]], [[200, 176.6], [5]], [[160, 0], [9]], [[216.5, 0], [10]], [[216.5, 56.6], [13]], [[200, 96.6], [7]], [[216.6, 113.1], [11]], [[273.1, 56.6], [12]]], [[[166.4, 134.4], [80, 220.8], [-6.4, 134.4]], [[33.6, 258.6], [120, 172.3], [206.4, 258.6]], [[112.5, 172.8], [180.3, 172.8], [180.3, 240.6]], [[112, 179.2], [160, 131.2], [208, 179.2]], [[157.1, -2.8], [219.4, -2.8], [219.4, 59.4], [157.2, 59.4]], [[158, 138.6], [158, 50.6], [202, 94.6], [202, 182.6]], [[216.6, 116.5], [154.9, 54.9], [278.2, 54.9]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 273.1, 256.5), new OKFigLevel([[[169.7, 120], [5]], [[56.6, 6.8], [10]], [[289.8, 0], [3]], [[209.8, 80], [11]], [[129.8, 0], [2]], [[113.2, 176.5], [6]], [[113.2, 119.9], [12]], [[56.6, 63.3], [1]], [[0, 6.8], [7]], [[0, 119.9], [8]], [[129.8, 80], [4]], [[169.7, 40], [0]], [[80, 119.9], [13]], [[80, 199.9], [9]]], [[[175.8, 123], [53.6, 122.9], [53.6, 0.8]], [[296.2, -2.1], [209.8, 84.3], [123.4, -2.1]], [[109.4, 184], [109.4, 116.2], [177.3, 116.2]], [[64.1, 67.1], [-3.8, 67.1], [-3.8, -0.8]], [[-2.8, 60.5], [59.4, 60.5], [59.4, 122.7], [-2.8, 122.7]], [[127.8, 82], [127.8, -6], [171.7, 38], [171.7, 126]], [[82.4, 117.5], [82.4, 204.7], [-4.8, 117.5]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 289.8, 199.9), new OKFigLevel([[[313, 233.1], [9]], [[313.1, 73.1], [6]], [[273.1, 113.1], [1]], [[246.3, 219.9], [4]], [[246.3, 276.4], [5]], [[189.7, 276.4], [10]], [[313, 189.3], [7]], [[353, 229.3], [8]], [[313, 269.3], [0]], [[273.1, 193.1], [3]], [[233.1, 233.1], [12]], [[169.7, 113.1], [2]], [[56.6, 56.6], [14]], [[56.6, 0], [11]], [[0, 56.6], [13]]], [[[315.2, 239.5], [228.8, 153.1], [315.2, 66.7]], [[279.5, 111], [193.1, 197.4], [106.7, 111]], [[250.1, 212.3], [250, 280.2], [182.2, 280.2]], [[310.4, 181.3], [358.4, 229.3], [310.4, 277.3]], [[233.1, 149.1], [277.1, 193.1], [233.1, 237.1], [189.1, 193.1]], [[113.2, 53.7], [175.4, 116], [113.1, 116], [50.9, 53.7]], [[56.6, -3.4], [118.2, 58.3], [-5.1, 58.3]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 353, 276.4), new OKFigLevel([[[207.7, 52.5], [4]], [[127.6, 132.5], [15]], [[47.6, 52.5], [0]], [[260.2, 160], [12]], [[260.2, 0], [5]], [[260.2, 128.7], [6]], [[300.2, 168.7], [7]], [[260.2, 208.7], [3]], [[198.6, 141.6], [9]], [[198.6, 198.1], [10]], [[142, 198.1], [13]], [[140.1, 120], [1]], [[220.2, 120], [8]], [[180.2, 160], [11]], [[47.6, 132.5], [2]], [[87.6, 92.5], [16]], [[87.6, 172.5], [18]], [[56.6, 141.4], [14]], [[113.1, 198], [19]], [[0, 198], [17]]], [[[214.1, 50.4], [127.6, 136.8], [41.2, 50.3]], [[262.3, 166.4], [175.9, 80], [262.3, -6.4]], [[257.5, 120.7], [305.5, 168.7], [257.5, 216.7]], [[202.4, 134], [202.3, 201.9], [134.5, 201.9]], [[136.1, 120], [180.2, 76], [224.2, 120], [180.2, 164]], [[45.6, 134.5], [45.6, 46.5], [89.6, 90.5], [89.6, 178.5]], [[56.6, 138], [118.2, 199.7], [-5.1, 199.7]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 300.2, 208.7), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 160], [13]], [[113.1, 160.1], [2]], [[113.1, 273.2], [5]], [[80, 80.1], [11]], [[160, 160.1], [1]], [[33.1, 273.1], [6]], [[73.1, 233.1], [0]], [[160, 80], [4]], [[240, 80], [7]], [[120, 40], [10]], [[160, 0], [8]], [[120, 120.1], [9]], [[56.6, 103.5], [3]], [[0, 46.9], [12]]], [[[-6, 157], [116.1, 157], [116.1, 279.2]], [[-6.4, 162.2], [80, 75.8], [166.4, 162.2]], [[25.1, 275.8], [73.1, 227.8], [121.1, 275.8]], [[152, 82.7], [200, 34.7], [248, 82.6]], [[204, 40], [160, 84], [116, 40], [160, -4]], [[118, 122.1], [118, 34], [162, 78], [162, 166.1]], [[60, 103.5], [-1.7, 165.1], [-1.7, 41.8]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 240, 273.2), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 113.2], [16]], [[113.3, 113.2], [2]], [[113.1, 226.3], [5]], [[80, 33.2], [4]], [[160, 113.2], [14]], [[33.1, 226.3], [6]], [[73.1, 186.3], [0]], [[226.6, 89.7], [8]], [[283.2, 89.7], [9]], [[283.2, 146.3], [10]], [[266.6, 129.7], [11]], [[226.6, 169.7], [13]], [[186.6, 129.7], [7]], [[170.1, 169.8], [1]], [[170.1, 113.2], [12]], [[56.6, 56.6], [3]], [[0, 0], [15]]], [[[-6, 110.1], [116.3, 110.2], [116.1, 232.3]], [[-6.4, 115.3], [80, 28.9], [166.4, 115.3]], [[25.1, 228.9], [73.1, 180.9], [121.1, 228.9]], [[219.1, 85.9], [286.9, 85.9], [286.9, 153.8]], [[226.6, 85.7], [270.6, 129.7], [226.6, 173.7], [182.6, 129.7]], [[170.1, 172.6], [107.6, 110.3], [170.1, 110.4], [232.3, 172.6]], [[60, 56.6], [-1.7, 118.2], [-1.7, -5.1]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 283.2, 226.3), new OKFigLevel([[[120, 296.6], [10]], [[120, 136.6], [2]], [[120, 80], [3]], [[200, 0], [4]], [[280, 80], [7]], [[80, 176.6], [1]], [[0, 176.6], [5]], [[176.5, 80], [8]], [[176.6, 193.1], [9]], [[120, 249.7], [0]], [[56.6, 233.1], [11]], [[0, 289.7], [6]]], [[[122.2, 303], [35.8, 216.6], [122.1, 130.2]], [[113.6, 82.2], [200, -4.3], [286.4, 82.1]], [[88, 173.9], [40, 221.9], [-8, 173.9]], [[116.2, 200.7], [116.2, 132.9], [184.1, 132.8]], [[117.1, 77.2], [179.4, 77.2], [179.4, 139.4], [117.2, 139.5]], [[179.4, 193.1], [117.2, 255.4], [117.2, 193.2], [179.4, 130.9]], [[60, 233.1], [-1.7, 294.8], [-1.7, 171.5]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 280, 296.6), new OKFigLevel([[[193.2, 160.1], [3]], [[160.1, 80.1], [2]], [[240.1, 160.1], [0]], [[193.1, 329.7], [4]], [[136.6, 329.7], [6]], [[153.2, 233.2], [9]], [[153.1, 313.2], [5]], [[80, 80], [12]], [[120.1, 120.1], [1]], [[40, 120.1], [7]], [[120, 40], [8]], [[80, 0], [10]], [[0, 80], [11]]], [[[74, 157.1], [196.2, 157.1], [196.2, 279.2]], [[73.6, 162.2], [160.1, 75.8], [246.5, 162.2]], [[196.9, 265.6], [196.9, 333.5], [129, 333.5]], [[150.5, 225.2], [198.5, 273.2], [150.5, 321.2]], [[80, 76], [124.1, 120.1], [80.1, 164.1], [36, 120.1]], [[122, 38], [122.1, 126.1], [78, 82], [78, -6]], [[82.4, 82.4], [-4.8, 82.4], [82.4, -4.8]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 240.1, 329.7), new OKFigLevel([[[113.2, 226.3], [1]], [[113.2, 113.2], [9]], [[169.8, 226.3], [4]], [[226.3, 282.9], [2]], [[169.8, 282.9], [0]], [[282.9, 113.1], [6]], [[282.9, 169.7], [7]], [[226.3, 169.7], [3]], [[169.7, 113.1], [5]], [[56.6, 56.6], [11]], [[56.6, 0], [8]], [[0, 56.6], [10]]], [[[232.4, 229.3], [110.2, 229.3], [110.2, 107.1]], [[107.1, 110.1], [229.3, 110.1], [229.3, 232.3]], [[162.2, 222.5], [230.1, 222.5], [230.1, 290.4]], [[105.7, 222.5], [173.5, 222.5], [173.5, 290.4]], [[223.5, 110.3], [285.7, 110.3], [285.7, 172.5], [223.5, 172.5]], [[113.2, 53.7], [175.4, 116], [113.2, 116], [50.9, 53.7]], [[56.6, -3.4], [118.2, 58.3], [-5.1, 58.3]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 282.9, 282.9), new OKFigLevel([[[200, 160], [4]], [[120, 80], [11]], [[200, 0], [7]], [[160, 120], [1]], [[160, 200], [3]], [[240.1, 200], [0]], [[240, 120], [5]], [[240, 40], [8]], [[280, 0], [9]], [[320, 40], [6]], [[160, 40], [2]], [[40, 80], [13]], [[0, 40], [10]], [[0, 120], [12]]], [[[202.2, 166.4], [115.8, 80], [202.2, -6.4]], [[197.9, -6.4], [284.3, 80], [197.9, 166.4]], [[157.3, 112], [205.4, 160], [157.4, 208]], [[242.7, 208], [194.7, 160], [242.7, 112]], [[236, 40], [280, -4], [324, 40], [280, 84]], [[78, 38], [166, 38], [122, 82], [34, 82]], [[-2.4, 37.6], [84.8, 37.6], [-2.4, 124.8]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 320, 200), new OKFigLevel([[[69.6, 126.2], [6]], [[167.6, 182.8], [10]], [[111, 280.8], [0]], [[126.3, 28.3], [1]], [[77.3, 0], [3]], [[0, 20.7], [4]], [[41.8, 174.5], [7]], [[27.1, 119.8], [8]], [[81.8, 105.2], [9]], [[97.9, 77.3], [5]], [[186, 150.9], [11]], [[200.6, 205.6], [12]], [[160.6, 274.9], [13]], [[166.7, 297.5], [14]], [[89.4, 318.2], [2]]], [[[65.9, 120.6], [171.7, 181.7], [110.6, 287.5]], [[171.3, 188.4], [65.5, 127.3], [126.7, 21.6]], [[84.3, -4.6], [50.4, 54.1], [-8.4, 20.2]], [[40.1, 182.7], [22.5, 117.2], [88.1, 99.6]], [[76.2, -3.9], [130.1, 27.3], [99, 81.1], [45.1, 50]], [[143.2, 220.9], [187.2, 144.8], [203.3, 204.9], [159.4, 281.1]], [[169.6, 299.2], [85.4, 321.7], [147.1, 215]]], [[[-46.5, -70.4], [51.5, -13.8], [-5.1, 84.2]], [[46.5, 70.4], [-51.5, 13.8], [5.1, -84.2]], [[35.2, -23.2], [6.9, 25.8], [-42.1, -2.5]], [[-8.5, 41.3], [-23.1, -13.3], [31.5, -28]], [[-10.4, -38.6], [38.6, -10.4], [10.4, 38.6], [-38.6, 10.4]], [[-27.3, 7.3], [12.7, -62], [27.3, -7.3], [-12.7, 62]], [[32.7, 18.9], [-44.6, 39.6], [12, -58.4]]], 200.6, 318.2), new OKFigLevel([[[56.6, 40], [6]], [[136.6, 120], [4]], [[56.6, 200], [8]], [[193.1, 280], [12]], [[136.6, 223.4], [3]], [[176.6, 0], [7]], [[96.6, 0], [5]], [[96.6, 80], [1]], [[0, 256.6], [9]], [[0, 200], [10]], [[56.6, 143.5], [0]], [[80, 223.4], [2]], [[23.4, 280], [11]]], [[[54.5, 33.6], [140.9, 120], [54.5, 206.4]], [[138.7, 286.4], [52.3, 200], [138.7, 113.6]], [[200.7, 283.8], [132.8, 283.8], [132.8, 215.9]], [[184.6, -2.7], [136.6, 45.4], [88.6, -2.6]], [[96.6, -4], [140.6, 40], [96.6, 84], [52.6, 40]], [[59.4, 200], [-2.8, 262.3], [-2.8, 200], [59.4, 137.8]], [[80, 220], [141.7, 281.7], [18.3, 281.7]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 193.1, 280), new OKFigLevel([[[136.6, 200.1], [11]], [[56.6, 120.1], [6]], [[136.6, 40], [10]], [[56.6, 223.4], [1]], [[0, 280], [3]], [[16.5, 80], [7]], [[96.6, 80], [5]], [[96.6, 0], [2]], [[176.6, 160.1], [9]], [[176.6, 240.1], [0]], [[136.6, 120.1], [8]], [[113.2, 223.4], [12]], [[169.7, 280], [4]]], [[[138.7, 206.5], [52.3, 120.1], [138.7, 33.6]], [[54.5, 113.7], [140.8, 200.1], [54.5, 286.4]], [[60.4, 215.9], [60.4, 283.8], [-7.5, 283.8]], [[8.5, 82.6], [56.5, 34.7], [104.6, 82.7]], [[96.6, -4], [140.6, 40], [96.6, 84], [52.5, 40]], [[178.6, 158.1], [178.6, 246.1], [134.6, 202.1], [134.6, 114.1]], [[113.2, 220.1], [174.8, 281.7], [51.5, 281.7]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 176.6, 280), new OKFigLevel([[[136.6, 240.1], [10]], [[56.6, 160.1], [5]], [[56.6, 263.4], [1]], [[0, 320], [2]], [[136.5, 0], [9]], [[96.6, 120], [6]], [[56.6, 80], [4]], [[176.6, 200.1], [8]], [[176.6, 280.1], [0]], [[136.6, 160], [7]], [[113.2, 263.4], [11]], [[169.7, 320], [3]]], [[[138.7, 246.5], [52.3, 160.1], [138.7, 73.6]], [[54.5, 153.7], [140.8, 240.1], [54.5, 326.4]], [[60.4, 255.9], [60.4, 323.8], [-7.5, 323.8]], [[139.2, 88], [91.2, 40], [139.2, -8]], [[96.6, 36], [140.6, 80], [96.6, 124], [52.6, 80]], [[178.6, 198.1], [178.6, 286.1], [134.6, 242.1], [134.6, 154]], [[113.2, 260.1], [174.8, 321.7], [51.5, 321.7]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 176.6, 320), new OKFigLevel([[[136.6, 160], [11]], [[56.6, 80], [2]], [[136.6, 0], [4]], [[249.7, 56.6], [7]], [[193.1, 0], [3]], [[56.6, 183.4], [1]], [[0, 240], [5]], [[136.6, 56.6], [10]], [[176.6, 120], [9]], [[176.6, 200], [0]], [[136.6, 80], [8]], [[113.2, 183.4], [12]], [[169.7, 240], [6]]], [[[138.7, 166.4], [52.3, 80], [138.7, -6.4]], [[54.5, 73.6], [140.8, 160], [54.5, 246.4]], [[257.2, 60.3], [189.4, 60.3], [189.4, -7.5]], [[60.4, 175.9], [60.4, 243.8], [-7.5, 243.8]], [[133.8, -2.8], [196, -2.8], [196, 59.4], [133.7, 59.4]], [[178.6, 118], [178.6, 206], [134.6, 162], [134.6, 74]], [[113.2, 180.1], [174.8, 241.7], [51.5, 241.7]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 249.7, 240), new OKFigLevel([[[136.6, 160], [10]], [[136.6, 0], [6]], [[136.6, 56.5], [0]], [[193.1, 113.1], [2]], [[56.6, 183.4], [7]], [[0, 240], [4]], [[193.2, 0], [3]], [[56.6, 136.6], [8]], [[0, 193.2], [9]], [[0, 136.6], [1]], [[113.2, 183.4], [11]], [[169.8, 240], [5]]], [[[138.7, 166.4], [52.3, 80], [138.7, -6.4]], [[54.5, 73.6], [140.9, 160], [54.5, 246.4]], [[129.1, 52.8], [196.9, 52.8], [196.9, 120.6]], [[60.4, 175.9], [60.4, 243.8], [-7.5, 243.8]], [[133.8, -2.8], [196, -2.8], [196, 59.4], [133.8, 59.4]], [[59.4, 136.6], [-2.8, 198.8], [-2.8, 136.6], [59.4, 74.4]], [[113.2, 180], [174.8, 241.7], [51.5, 241.7]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 193.2, 240), new OKFigLevel([[[136.6, 200.1], [11]], [[56.6, 120.1], [7]], [[136.6, 40.1], [10]], [[96.6, 0], [2]], [[16.6, 0], [3]], [[56.6, 223.5], [1]], [[0, 280], [5]], [[96.6, 80.1], [4]], [[176.6, 160.1], [9]], [[176.6, 240.1], [0]], [[136.6, 120.1], [8]], [[113.2, 223.5], [12]], [[169.7, 280], [6]]], [[[138.7, 206.5], [52.3, 120.1], [138.7, 33.7]], [[54.5, 113.7], [140.8, 200.1], [54.5, 286.4]], [[104.6, -2.6], [56.6, 45.4], [8.6, -2.7]], [[60.4, 215.9], [60.4, 283.8], [-7.5, 283.8]], [[96.6, -4], [140.6, 40.1], [96.6, 84.1], [52.6, 40]], [[178.6, 158.1], [178.6, 246.1], [134.6, 202.1], [134.6, 114.1]], [[113.2, 220.1], [174.8, 281.7], [51.5, 281.7]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 176.6, 280), new OKFigLevel([[[120, 169.7], [1]], [[6.9, 169.8], [10]], [[233.1, 56.6], [4]], [[193.1, 96.6], [12]], [[273.1, 96.6], [3]], [[204.2, 56.6], [2]], [[260.7, 0], [5]], [[147.6, 0], [6]], [[147.6, 56.6], [7]], [[40, 56.6], [8]], [[80, 96.6], [11]], [[0, 96.6], [9]], [[147.1, 142.6], [13]], [[203.7, 199.2], [14]], [[90.5, 199.2], [0]]], [[[123, 50.6], [123, 172.7], [0.8, 172.8]], [[117, 175.8], [117, 53.6], [239.1, 53.6]], [[185.1, 99.3], [233.1, 51.3], [281.1, 99.3]], [[200.4, 64.1], [200.4, -3.8], [268.3, -3.8]], [[144.8, -2.8], [207, -2.8], [207, 59.4], [144.8, 59.4]], [[38, 54.6], [126, 54.6], [82, 98.6], [-6, 98.6]], [[147.1, 139.2], [208.8, 200.9], [85.4, 200.9]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 273.1, 199.2), new OKFigLevel([[[120.1, 169.6], [2, 5]], [[233.2, 56.5], [12]], [[6.9, 169.6], [10]], [[199.2, 56.5], [1]], [[255.7, 0], [3]], [[176.7, 226.1], [6]], [[120.1, 226.1], [0]], [[142.6, 0], [4]], [[142.6, 56.5], [7]], [[40, 56.5], [8]], [[80, 96.5], [11]], [[0, 96.5], [9]], [[289.7, 113.1], [13]], [[176.6, 113.1], [0]]], [[[117.1, 175.6], [117, 53.5], [239.2, 53.5]], [[123, 50.5], [123.1, 172.6], [0.8, 172.6]], [[195.4, 64.1], [195.4, -3.8], [263.3, -3.8]], [[184.3, 229.8], [116.4, 229.8], [116.3, 162]], [[139.8, -2.8], [202, -2.8], [202, 59.4], [139.8, 59.3]], [[38, 54.5], [126, 54.5], [82, 98.5], [-6, 98.5]], [[233.2, 53.1], [294.8, 114.8], [171.5, 114.8]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 289.7, 226.1), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 80], [1]], [[80, 0], [9]], [[240.1, 0], [3]], [[320, 80.1], [4]], [[216.6, 80], [8]], [[103.5, 136.5], [7]], [[160, 193.1], [5]], [[103.5, 80], [0]], [[216.6, 136.6], [6]], [[103.5, 23.5], [10]], [[216.6, 23.5], [2]]], [[[-6.4, 82.1], [80, -4.3], [166.4, 82.2]], [[153.6, 82.2], [240.1, -4.2], [326.4, 82.2]], [[156.2, 144.1], [156.3, 76.3], [224.1, 76.3]], [[95.9, 132.8], [163.8, 132.8], [163.8, 200.7]], [[100.6, 77.2], [162.9, 77.2], [162.8, 139.4], [100.6, 139.4]], [[219.4, 136.6], [157.2, 198.8], [157.2, 136.6], [219.4, 74.4]], [[160, 83.4], [98.4, 21.8], [221.7, 21.8]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 320, 193.1), new OKFigLevel([[[68.7, 109.3], [2]], [[98, 0], [8]], [[56.5, 154.6], [4]], [[0, 56.6], [1]], [[77.4, 190.7], [5]], [[22.8, 176.1], [6]], [[37.4, 121.4], [3]], [[301.8, 113.2], [9]], [[261.8, 43.9], [7]], [[192.6, 83.9], [12]], [[171.8, 161.2], [11]], [[131.8, 91.9], [14]], [[186.5, 106.5], [13]], [[226.5, 175.8], [10]], [[109.3, 85.9], [0]]], [[[64.2, 114.3], [95.8, -3.7], [213.8, 27.9]], [[57, 161.3], [-4.1, 55.5], [101.7, -5.6]], [[83.7, 196.3], [18.2, 178.7], [35.7, 113.2]], [[308.1, 118.7], [242.6, 101.2], [260.1, 35.6]], [[265.3, 41.9], [249.2, 102], [189.1, 85.9], [205.2, 25.8]], [[171.1, 163.9], [127.1, 87.7], [187.2, 103.8], [231.2, 180]], [[188.2, 109.5], [104, 86.9], [210.8, 25.2]]], [[[-55.9, 63.1], [-26.7, -46.2], [82.6, -16.9]], [[5.1, 84.2], [-51.5, -13.8], [46.5, -70.4]], [[31.5, 28], [-23.1, 13.3], [-8.5, -41.3]], [[31.5, 28], [-23.1, 13.3], [-8.5, -41.3]], [[34.6, -20], [20, 34.6], [-34.6, 20], [-20, -34.6]], [[-7.3, 27.3], [-47.3, -42], [7.3, -27.3], [47.3, 42]], [[18.9, 32.7], [-58.4, 12], [39.6, -44.6]]], 301.8, 190.7), new OKFigLevel([[[160, 343.7], [1]], [[80, 263.7], [2]], [[80, 343.7], [3]], [[0, 263.7], [6]], [[120, 63.7], [5]], [[160, 23.7], [8]], [[120, 143.7], [4]], [[160, 80], [0]], [[160, 0], [9]], [[240, 80], [7]]], [[[162.1, 350.1], [75.7, 263.7], [162.2, 177.3]], [[82.1, 350.1], [-4.3, 263.7], [82.2, 177.3]], [[77.4, 175.7], [125.4, 223.7], [77.3, 271.7]], [[162.7, 111.7], [114.7, 63.7], [162.7, 15.7]], [[164, 183.7], [120, 227.7], [76, 183.7], [120, 139.7]], [[118, 145.7], [118, 57.7], [162, 101.7], [162, 189.7]], [[157.6, 82.4], [157.6, -4.8], [244.8, 82.4]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 240, 343.7), new OKFigLevel([[[220.1, 110], [1]], [[220.1, 223.1], [3]], [[67, 70], [11]], [[147, 150], [4]], [[67, 230], [13]], [[27, 53], [8]], [[67, 13], [2]], [[80, 0], [6]], [[40, 40], [9]], [[0, 0], [7]], [[147, 70], [14]], [[107, 30], [10]], [[27.1, 133], [5]], [[67, 173], [12]], [[163.6, 53.4], [0]]], [[[101, 107], [223.1, 107], [223.1, 229.1]], [[64.9, 63.6], [151.3, 150], [64.9, 236.4]], [[69.7, 101], [21.7, 53], [69.7, 5]], [[88, -2.7], [40, 45.4], [-8, -2.7]], [[151, 70], [107, 114], [63, 70], [107, 26]], [[25.1, 135], [25, 47], [69, 91], [69, 179]], [[163.6, 50], [225.2, 111.7], [101.9, 111.7]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 220.1, 230), new OKFigLevel([[[82.8, 196.4], [7]], [[82.8, 83.2], [17]], [[195.9, 83.2], [3]], [[139.3, 26.6], [4]], [[252.4, 26.6], [14]], [[252.4, 139.8], [20]], [[82.8, 122], [1]], [[82.8, 178.6], [8]], [[26.2, 178.6], [6]], [[309, 179.8], [10]], [[252.4, 179.8], [5]], [[252.4, 123.2], [9]], [[309, 94.2], [13]], [[252.4, 94.2], [11]], [[252.4, 37.6], [15]], [[309, 37.6], [12]], [[54.6, 14.6], [17]], [[94.7, 83.2], [18, 2]], [[40, 69.3], [19]], [[0, 0], [16]], [[139.3, 139.8], [0]]], [[[79.7, 202.4], [79.7, 80.2], [201.9, 80.2]], [[133.3, 23.6], [255.4, 23.6], [255.4, 145.8]], [[86.5, 114.5], [86.5, 182.3], [18.6, 182.3]], [[316.5, 183.6], [248.6, 183.6], [248.6, 115.7]], [[311.8, 97], [249.6, 97], [249.6, 34.8], [311.8, 34.8]], [[55.4, 11.9], [99.4, 87.4], [39.3, 72], [-4.7, -4.2]], [[195.9, 79.8], [257.5, 141.4], [134.2, 141.5]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[7.3, -27.3], [47.3, 42], [-7.3, 27.3], [-47.3, -42]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 309, 196.4), new OKFigLevel([[[87.4, 80], [1, 9]], [[167.2, 0], [3]], [[247.2, 80], [17]], [[194.7, 27.5], [4]], [[307.7, 27.6], [5, 15]], [[307.9, 140.7], [2]], [[0, 83], [7]], [[54.6, 68.3], [8]], [[70, 123], [6, 13]], [[18.4, 40.2], [10]], [[73, 25.6], [0]], [[126.6, 136.6], [12]], [[70, 136.6], [8]], [[70, 80], [0]], [[347.4, 97], [4]], [[362.1, 42.4], [16]], [[402.1, 111.6], [14]], [[206.6, 80], [18]], [[126.6, 160], [11]]], [[[81.1, 82.1], [167.2, -4.3], [253.6, 82.1]], [[188.7, 24.5], [310.7, 24.6], [310.9, 146.7]], [[-8.3, 81.3], [57.3, 63.7], [75.8, 129.3]], [[10.1, 38.5], [75.7, 21], [93, 86.3]], [[129.5, 139.4], [67.2, 139.4], [67.2, 77.2], [129.4, 77.2]], [[346.7, 99.7], [302.9, 23.4], [362.8, 39.6], [406.8, 115.8]], [[124.2, 77.6], [211.4, 77.6], [124.2, 164.8]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-41.3, -8.5], [13.3, -23.1], [28, 31.5]], [[-41.3, -8.5], [13.3, -23.1], [28, 31.5]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[-7.3, 27.3], [-47.3, -42], [7.3, -27.3], [47.3, 42]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 402.1, 160), new OKFigLevel([[[119.9, 249], [1]], [[119.9, 135.8], [3]], [[233, 135.8], [12]], [[233, 22.6], [6]], [[289.6, 56.6], [5]], [[233, 56.6], [7]], [[233, 0], [4]], [[233, 94], [8]], [[273, 134], [9]], [[233, 174], [2]], [[216.6, 232.3], [11]], [[176.5, 272.3], [15]], [[176.5, 192.3], [10]], [[0, 289], [14]], [[40, 249], [0]], [[193.1, 288.9], [13]]], [[[116.9, 0xFF], [116.9, 132.8], [239, 132.8]], [[236, 16.6], [236, 138.8], [113.8, 138.8]], [[297.1, 60.3], [229.2, 60.3], [229.2, -7.5]], [[230.3, 86], [278.3, 134], [230.3, 182]], [[220.6, 232.3], [176.5, 276.3], [132.5, 232.3], [176.5, 188.3]], [[82, 290.9], [-6, 291], [38, 247], [125.9, 246.9]], [[136.5, 228.9], [198.2, 290.6], [74.9, 290.6]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 289.6, 289), new OKFigLevel([[[80, 160], [1]], [[0, 80], [2]], [[80, 0], [9]], [[239.9, 0], [4]], [[319.9, 80], [5]], [[239.9, 160], [6]], [[239.9, 80], [7]], [[199.9, 120], [8]], [[159.9, 80], [10]], [[120, 40], [12]], [[120, 120], [13]], [[199.9, 40], [3]], [[159.9, 0], [11]], [[80, 80], [0]]], [[[82.1, 166.4], [-4.3, 80], [82.1, -6.4]], [[237.8, -6.4], [324.1, 80], [237.7, 166.4]], [[247.9, 77.3], [199.9, 125.3], [151.9, 77.4]], [[117.3, 32], [165.2, 80], [117.3, 128]], [[203.9, 40], [159.9, 84], [116, 40], [159.9, -4]], [[78, 82], [78, -6], [122, 38], [122, 126]], [[242.3, 82.4], [155.1, 82.4], [242.3, -4.8]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 319.9, 160), new OKFigLevel([[[56.6, 169.7], [10]], [[56.6, 56.6], [15]], [[282.9, 56.6], [4]], [[282.9, 169.8], [7]], [[339.4, 113.2], [6]], [[282.9, 113.2], [3]], [[339.4, 169.8], [5]], [[209.7, 96.6], [8]], [[169.7, 136.6], [9]], [[129.7, 96.6], [0]], [[56.6, 113.2], [11]], [[0, 169.7], [12]], [[0, 113.2], [1]], [[169.9, 0], [14]], [[226.5, 56.6], [2]], [[113.4, 56.6], [13]]], [[[53.6, 175.8], [53.6, 53.6], [175.8, 53.5]], [[163.7, 53.5], [285.9, 53.6], [285.9, 175.8]], [[347, 117], [279.1, 117], [279.1, 49.1]], [[275.4, 109.4], [343.2, 109.4], [343.2, 177.3]], [[169.7, 52.6], [213.7, 96.6], [169.7, 140.6], [125.7, 96.6]], [[59.4, 113.2], [-2.8, 175.4], [-2.8, 113.2], [59.4, 50.9]], [[169.9, -3.4], [231.6, 58.3], [108.3, 58.3]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 339.4, 169.8), new OKFigLevel([[[96.1, 196], [1]], [[66.5, 86.4], [2, 5]], [[176.1, 57.5], [3]], [[274.4, 113.6], [4, 14]], [[217.5, 212.1], [16]], [[54.6, 98.4], [6, 8]], [[0, 84], [7]], [[14.6, 29.3], [5]], [[54.6, 18.2], [9]], [[94.6, 58.2], [1]], [[331.2, 56.6], [3]], [[331.2, 0], [12]], [[387.8, 0], [13]], [[387.8, 56.6], [10]], [[274.7, 56.6], [11]], [[136.1, 126.7], [0]], [[205.4, 166.7], [15]]], [[[94.7, 202.6], [62.8, 84.3], [181.2, 53]], [[172.4, 51.8], [278.5, 112.5], [217.1, 218.8]], [[60.9, 103.9], [-4.6, 86.6], [13, 21.1]], [[51.9, 10.2], [99.9, 58.2], [52, 106.4]], [[328.4, 59.4], [328.4, -2.8], [390.6, -2.8], [390.6, 59.4]], [[334, 56.6], [271.5, 119.3], [271.8, 56.6], [334, -5.6]], [[132.8, 127.6], [176.4, 52.1], [208.4, 171.2]]], [[[-16.9, 82.6], [-46.2, -26.7], [63.1, -55.9]], [[-46.5, -70.4], [51.5, -13.8], [-5.1, 84.2]], [[31.5, 28], [-23.1, 13.3], [-8.5, -41.3]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[-36.4, 9.8], [3.6, -59.5], [32.9, 49.8]]], 387.8, 212.1), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 0], [1]], [[113.2, 0], [2]], [[113.2, 113.2], [6]], [[181.4, 181.4], [4]], [[68.3, 181.4], [5]], [[68.3, 68.2], [11]], [[124.8, 124.8], [9]], [[40, 120], [8]], [[0, 160], [0]], [[124.7, 11.6], [10]], [[181.3, 11.6], [3]], [[40, 40], [7]]], [[[-6, -3], [116.2, -3], [116.2, 119.2]], [[187.4, 184.4], [65.3, 184.4], [65.3, 62.2]], [[121, 132.3], [121, 64.4], [188.9, 64.4]], [[-2.6, 72], [45.4, 120], [-2.7, 168]], [[121.9, 8.8], [184.1, 8.8], [184.2, 71], [121.9, 71]], [[-2, 82], [-2, -6], [42, 38], [42, 126]], [[121.4, 124.8], [183.1, 63.1], [183.1, 186.5]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 181.4, 181.4), new OKFigLevel([[[80, 240], [6]], [[0, 160], [4]], [[80, 80], [11]], [[160, 160], [8]], [[0, 103.4], [5]], [[56.6, 103.4], [2]], [[23.4, 240], [7]], [[23.4, 183.4], [1]], [[120, 200], [9]], [[160, 240], [10]], [[120, 280], [0]], [[79.9, 0], [14]], [[119.9, 40], [13]], [[120, 120], [3]], [[159.9, 0], [15]], [[159.9, 80], [12]]], [[[82.1, 246.4], [-4.3, 160], [82.1, 73.6]], [[77.8, 73.6], [164.3, 160], [77.9, 246.4]], [[-3.8, 167.5], [-3.8, 99.6], [64.1, 99.7]], [[87.5, 243.8], [19.7, 243.7], [19.7, 175.9]], [[120, 196], [164, 240], [120, 284], [76, 240]], [[78, 82], [77.9, -6], [121.9, 38], [122, 126]], [[162.3, -2.4], [162.3, 84.8], [75.1, -2.4]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 160, 280), new OKFigLevel([[[94, 233.1], [1]], [[94.3, 119.9], [10, 2]], [[320.8, 119.8], [3, 8]], [[320.6, 232.8], [12]], [[361, 80], [2]], [[321, 40], [6]], [[361.1, 0.1], [4]], [[280.8, 0], [5]], [[280.9, 79.9], [7]], [[54.6, 50.6], [1]], [[40, 105.2], [11]], [[0, 35.9], [9]], [[263.9, 176.2], [13]], [[150.9, 176.2], [0]]], [[[90.9, 239.2], [91.3, 116.9], [213.4, 116.7]], [[201.3, 116.7], [323.8, 116.8], [323.6, 238.9]], [[363.7, 88], [315.6, 39.9], [363.8, -7.9]], [[278.1, -8], [326.3, 40], [278.2, 87.9]], [[321, 36], [365, 80], [320.8, 123.8], [276.9, 80]], [[55.4, 47.8], [99, 124.1], [39.3, 108], [-4.7, 31.7]], [[207.3, 116.3], [269, 177.9], [145.8, 177.9]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[7.3, -27.3], [47.3, 42], [-7.3, 27.3], [-47.3, -42]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 361.1, 233.1), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 0], [2]], [[0, 160], [0]], [[113.1, 0], [3]], [[113.1, 113.1], [6]], [[199.9, 119.9], [8]], [[239.9, 159.9], [1]], [[119.9, 120], [4]], [[279.9, 119.9], [5]], [[239.9, 79.9], [7]]], [[[-2.1, -6.4], [84.2, 80], [-2.1, 166.4]], [[-6, -3], [116.2, -3], [116.1, 119.2]], [[151.9, 162.6], [199.9, 114.6], [247.9, 162.6]], [[77.3, 72], [125.3, 120], [77.3, 168]], [[283.9, 119.9], [239.9, 163.9], [195.9, 119.9], [239.9, 75.9]], [[117.9, 118], [205.9, 117.9], [161.9, 162], [74, 162]], [[82.4, 162.4], [-4.8, 162.4], [82.4, 75.2]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 279.9, 160), new OKFigLevel([[[47.4, 0], [1]], [[160.5, 0], [16]], [[160.3, 113], [4, 14]], [[80.6, 193.1], [10]], [[240.6, 193.1], [3]], [[56.6, 9.2], [0]], [[56.6, 65.8], [7]], [[0, 65.8], [5]], [[96.6, 49.2], [9]], [[56.6, 89.2], [6]], [[120.5, 153.1], [11]], [[80.6, 113.2], [12]], [[120.5, 73.2], [8]], [[229, 152.7], [2]], [[214.4, 98.1], [15]], [[283.7, 138.1], [13]], [[217.1, 56.6], [2]]], [[[41.4, -3], [163.5, -3], [163.3, 119.1]], [[74.2, 195.3], [160.3, 108.8], [247, 195.3]], [[60.4, 1.7], [60.4, 69.5], [-7.5, 69.5]], [[53.9, 1.2], [101.9, 49.2], [53.9, 97.2]], [[164.3, 113], [120.5, 157.1], [76.6, 113.2], [120.5, 69.2]], [[229.8, 155.5], [154.2, 111.8], [213.7, 95.4], [289.9, 139.4]], [[220.5, 56.6], [158.6, 118.1], [158.8, -5.1]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[7.3, 27.3], [-62, -12.7], [-7.3, -27.3], [62, 12.7]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 283.7, 193.1), new OKFigLevel([[[56.6, 80], [16]], [[169.7, 80], [2]], [[169.7, 193.1], [3]], [[160.3, 183.7], [4]], [[160.3, 296.8], [5]], [[47.1, 296.8], [10]], [[96.6, 119.9], [7]], [[56.6, 159.9], [8]], [[56.6, 136.5], [9]], [[0, 136.5], [0]], [[120.3, 223.7], [11]], [[80.3, 183.7], [12]], [[120.3, 143.7], [6]], [[80, 23.4], [14]], [[136.6, 23.4], [15]], [[193.1, 80], [1]], [[56.6, 0], [13]]], [[[50.6, 77], [172.7, 77], [172.7, 199.1]], [[163.3, 177.6], [163.3, 299.8], [41.1, 299.8]], [[53.9, 72], [101.9, 120], [53.9, 167.9]], [[60.4, 72.4], [60.4, 140.3], [-7.5, 140.3]], [[164.3, 183.7], [120.3, 227.7], [76.3, 183.7], [120.3, 139.7]], [[136.6, 82.8], [74.3, 20.6], [136.6, 20.6], [198.8, 82.8]], [[54.2, 82.4], [54.2, -4.8], [141.4, 82.4]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 193.1, 296.8), new OKFigLevel([[[113.2, 209.8], [6]], [[226.4, 96.7], [2]], [[226.4, 209.8], [14]], [[0, 40], [4]], [[40, 0], [11]], [[80, 40], [8]], [[40, 136.6], [7]], [[0, 176.6], [3]], [[56.6, 40], [9]], [[56.6, 96.6], [1]], [[96.5, 56.6], [5]], [[96.5, 0], [12]], [[153.1, 56.6], [10]], [[113.2, 176.7], [0]], [[193.2, 176.6], [13]]], [[[-6, 93.6], [116.2, 93.6], [116.2, 215.8]], [[107.1, 93.6], [229.4, 93.7], [229.4, 215.8]], [[-8, 42.7], [40, -5.3], [88, 42.7]], [[-2.7, 88.6], [45.3, 136.6], [-2.7, 184.6]], [[-2.8, 37.2], [59.4, 37.2], [59.4, 99.5], [-2.8, 99.4]], [[96.5, 59.4], [34.3, -2.8], [96.5, -2.8], [158.8, 59.4]], [[110.8, 179.1], [110.8, 91.8], [198, 179]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 226.4, 209.8), new OKFigLevel([[[80, 160], [1]], [[0, 80], [2]], [[80, 0], [10]], [[289.6, 63.3], [4]], [[289.6, 176.4], [7]], [[233, 119.9], [6]], [[176.5, 120], [13]], [[233, 176.4], [5]], [[120, 63.4], [3]], [[120, 120], [11]], [[120, 40], [8]], [[80, 80], [0]], [[96.5, 120], [9]], [[96.5, 200], [12]]], [[[82.1, 166.4], [-4.3, 80], [82.1, -6.4]], [[170.5, 60.4], [292.6, 60.3], [292.6, 182.5]], [[240.6, 123.7], [172.7, 123.7], [172.7, 55.8]], [[297.1, 180.2], [229.3, 180.2], [229.3, 112.4]], [[117.2, 60.6], [179.3, 60.5], [179.3, 122.8], [117.1, 122.8]], [[122, 38], [122, 126], [78, 82], [78, -6]], [[94.1, 117.6], [181.3, 117.6], [94.1, 204.8]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 289.6, 200), new OKFigLevel([[[136.6, 303.5], [10]], [[56.6, 223.5], [2]], [[136.6, 143.5], [9]], [[233, 160], [6]], [[233, 0], [3]], [[193.1, 200], [8]], [[193.1, 120], [5]], [[153.1, 240], [13]], [[233.1, 240], [7]], [[113.1, 120], [4]], [[113.1, 280], [11]], [[56.6, 280], [12]], [[0, 223.5], [1]], [[136.6, 256.6], [0]]], [[[138.7, 309.9], [52.3, 223.5], [138.7, 137.1]], [[235.2, 166.4], [148.8, 80], [235.2, -6.4]], [[195.8, 208], [147.8, 160], [195.7, 112]], [[145.1, 242.7], [193.1, 194.7], [241.1, 242.7]], [[153.1, 76], [197.1, 120], [153.1, 164], [109.1, 120]], [[56.6, 220.7], [118.8, 282.9], [56.6, 282.9], [-5.7, 220.6]], [[196.5, 200], [134.9, 261.7], [134.9, 138.4]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 233.1, 303.5), new OKFigLevel([[[199.9, 0], [2]], [[279.9, 80], [13]], [[359.9, 0], [1]], [[80, 153.2], [4]], [[80, 96.6], [11]], [[136.6, 96.6], [3]], [[0, 40.1], [7]], [[40, 0.1], [8]], [[80, 40.1], [9]], [[120, 0.1], [10]], [[159.9, 40], [0]], [[23.5, 40.1], [6]], [[176.5, 136.6], [5]], [[233.1, 80], [12]]], [[[113.6, 82.1], [199.9, -4.3], [286.3, 82.1]], [[366.3, -2.1], [279.9, 84.3], [193.5, -2.1]], [[76.3, 160.7], [76.3, 92.9], [144.1, 92.9]], [[-8, 42.7], [40, -5.3], [88, 42.7]], [[120, -3.9], [163.9, 40], [120, 84], [76, 40.1]], [[80, 37.2], [142.3, 99.5], [80, 99.5], [17.8, 37.2]], [[176.5, 140], [114.9, 78.3], [238.2, 78.3]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 359.9, 153.2), new OKFigLevel([[[80, 120], [2]], [[160, 40], [5]], [[0, 40], [1]], [[296.6, 63.4], [9]], [[240, 6.8], [3]], [[143.4, 23.4], [6]], [[200, 23.4], [7]], [[200, 0], [8]], [[240, 40], [4]], [[296.6, 40], [10]], [[376.6, 120], [0]]], [[[73.6, 122.1], [160, 35.7], [246.4, 122.1]], [[166.4, 37.9], [80, 124.3], [-6.4, 37.9]], [[304.1, 67.2], [236.3, 67.2], [236.3, -0.7]], [[135.9, 19.6], [203.8, 19.6], [203.8, 87.5]], [[299.4, 122.8], [237.2, 122.8], [237.2, 60.6], [299.4, 60.6]], [[198, 82], [198, -6], [242, 38], [242, 126]], [[294.2, 122.4], [294.2, 35.2], [381.4, 122.4]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 376.6, 120), new OKFigLevel([[[226.2, 0.1], [5]], [[113.1, 0.1], [8]], [[0, 113.3], [1]], [[339.2, 0], [6]], [[282.7, 56.6], [3]], [[226.2, 56.6], [10]], [[339.3, 113.1], [2]], [[169.7, 56.7], [0]], [[113.1, 56.7], [9]], [[169.7, 0.1], [7]], [[282.7, 0], [4]]], [[[229.2, -5.9], [229.2, 116.2], [107.1, 116.3]], [[116.2, -5.9], [116.1, 116.3], [-6, 116.3]], [[343, -7.5], [343, 60.3], [275.2, 60.3]], [[290.3, 116.9], [222.4, 117], [222.4, 49.1]], [[342.1, 116], [279.9, 116], [279.9, 53.7], [342.1, 53.7]], [[172.5, 56.7], [110.3, 118.9], [110.3, 56.7], [172.5, -5.6]], [[222.8, 56.6], [284.4, -5], [284.4, 118.3]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 339.3, 113.3), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 96.5], [12]], [[80, 176.5], [2]], [[0, 256.5], [0]], [[160, 200], [11]], [[80, 119.9], [9]], [[160, 40], [10]], [[160, 96.5], [3]], [[216.6, 153], [6]], [[120, 0], [5]], [[120, 80], [13]], [[216.6, 39.9], [7]], [[136.6, 176.5], [1]], [[23.5, 119.9], [4]], [[40, 80], [8]]], [[[-2.1, 90.1], [84.3, 176.5], [-2.1, 262.9]], [[162.2, 206.4], [75.8, 119.9], [162.2, 33.6]], [[152.5, 92.7], [220.4, 92.7], [220.3, 160.6]], [[117.3, -8], [165.4, 40], [117.3, 88]], [[219.4, 99.3], [157.2, 99.3], [157.2, 37.1], [219.4, 37.1]], [[80, 117.1], [142.2, 179.3], [80, 179.3], [17.8, 117.1]], [[122.4, 82.4], [35.2, 82.4], [122.4, -4.8]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 216.6, 256.5), new OKFigLevel([[[16.6, 336.6], [10]], [[176.6, 336.6], [0]], [[80, 80], [8]], [[80, 23.4], [4]], [[136.5, 23.4], [2]], [[0, 80], [11]], [[56.6, 136.6], [9]], [[113.1, 136.6], [6]], [[113.1, 80], [7]], [[56.6, 216.6], [1]], [[16.6, 96.6], [5]], [[80, 0], [3]]], [[[14.5, 170.2], [100.9, 256.6], [14.5, 343]], [[10.2, 338.8], [96.6, 252.4], [183, 338.7]], [[76.2, 87.6], [76.2, 19.7], [144.1, 19.7]], [[-7.5, 76.2], [60.3, 76.2], [60.4, 144.2]], [[115.9, 139.4], [53.8, 139.4], [53.7, 77.2], [115.9, 77.2]], [[58.6, 134.6], [58.6, 222.6], [14.6, 178.6], [14.6, 90.6]], [[82.4, 82.4], [-4.8, 82.4], [82.4, -4.8]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 176.6, 336.6), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 169.8], [1]], [[80, 89.8], [7]], [[353, 113.1], [3]], [[239.9, 113.1], [9]], [[239.8, 0], [11]], [[159.9, 56.6], [8]], [[160, 113.2], [13]], [[103.4, 113.2], [5]], [[159.9, 33.2], [14]], [[199.9, 73.2], [6]], [[392.9, 73.1], [2]], [[313, 73.1], [12]], [[352.9, 33.1], [10]], [[216.6, 169.8], [0]], [[239.8, 33.2], [4]]], [[[-6.4, 171.9], [80, 85.5], [166.4, 171.9]], [[359, 116.1], [236.8, 116.2], [236.8, -6]], [[163.7, 49.1], [163.7, 117], [95.9, 117]], [[157.2, 25.2], [205.2, 73.2], [157.3, 121.2]], [[396.9, 73.1], [353, 117.1], [309, 73.1], [352.9, 29.1]], [[160, 110.4], [222.2, 172.6], [160, 172.6], [97.7, 110.4]], [[242.2, 30.8], [242.3, 117.9], [155.1, 30.8]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 392.9, 169.8), new OKFigLevel([[[136.4, 23.3], [1]], [[249.6, 23.3], [2]], [[249.6, 136.5], [3]], [[89.6, 136.5], [6]], [[33, 113.1], [5]], [[73, 73.1], [7]], [[113.1, 113.1], [4]], [[56.5, 56.6], [8]], [[0, 56.6], [9]], [[0, 0.1], [10]], [[113.1, 0], [0]]], [[[130.4, 20.3], [252.6, 20.3], [252.6, 142.5]], [[83.2, 138.6], [169.6, 52.3], [0x0100, 138.6]], [[25, 115.7], [73, 67.7], [121.1, 115.8]], [[120.6, 60.3], [52.8, 60.3], [52.8, -7.5]], [[59.4, -2.8], [59.4, 59.4], [-2.8, 59.4], [-2.8, -2.8]], [[113.1, 59.4], [50.9, -2.8], [113.1, -2.8], [175.3, 59.4]], [[113.1, 116.5], [51.4, 54.9], [174.7, 54.8]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 249.6, 136.5), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 193.1], [7]], [[160, 193.1], [0]], [[23.4, 0], [3]], [[136.5, 0], [5]], [[80, 56.6], [2]], [[193.1, 56.6], [6]], [[193.1, 113.2], [9]], [[23.4, 169.7], [8]], [[23.5, 113.2], [4]], [[136.6, 169.7], [1]]], [[[-6.4, 195.3], [80, 108.9], [166.4, 195.3]], [[17.3, -3], [139.5, -3], [139.5, 119.2]], [[144.1, 116.9], [76.2, 116.9], [76.2, 49.1]], [[200.6, 60.3], [132.7, 60.3], [132.7, -7.5]], [[133.7, 116], [133.7, 53.7], [195.9, 53.7], [195.9, 116]], [[82.8, 113.2], [20.6, 175.4], [20.6, 113.2], [82.8, 51]], [[136.6, 173.1], [74.9, 111.5], [198.2, 111.5]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 193.1, 193.1), new OKFigLevel([[[193.2, 40], [12]], [[353.1, 153.1], [9]], [[353.1, 73.1], [3]], [[313.1, 113.1], [1]], [[153.1, 0], [5]], [[209.7, 0], [6]], [[209.7, 56.6], [0]], [[153.2, 80], [8]], [[113.2, 40], [4]], [[0, 153.2], [10]], [[40, 113.2], [11]], [[120, 113.2], [7]], [[193.1, 73.1], [2]]], [[[196.2, 34], [196.1, 156.2], [74, 156.2]], [[186.7, 155.3], [273.1, 68.9], [359.5, 155.3]], [[361.1, 70.5], [313.1, 118.5], [265.1, 70.5]], [[145.6, -3.8], [213.5, -3.8], [213.5, 64.1]], [[153.2, 84], [109.2, 40], [153.1, -4], [197.2, 40]], [[82, 155.2], [-6, 155.2], [38, 111.2], [126, 111.2]], [[190.8, 70.7], [277.9, 70.7], [190.7, 157.9]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 353.1, 153.2), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 0.1], [1]], [[113.1, 0.1], [4]], [[113.1, 113.3], [0]], [[226.2, 113.2], [2]], [[169.6, 56.6], [8]], [[306.1, 0], [6]], [[346.1, 40], [7]], [[306.1, 80], [10]], [[169.6, 0], [5]], [[226.2, 80], [3]], [[266.2, 40], [11]], [[266.2, 120], [9]]], [[[-6, -2.9], [116.1, -2.9], [116.1, 119.3]], [[232.3, 116.2], [110.1, 116.3], [110.1, -5.9]], [[162.1, 52.9], [229.9, 52.9], [230, 120.8]], [[303.5, -8], [351.5, 40], [303.5, 88]], [[229, 59.5], [166.8, 59.5], [166.8, -2.8], [229, -2.8]], [[224.2, 82], [224.2, -6], [268.2, 38], [268.2, 126]], [[308.5, -2.4], [308.5, 84.8], [221.4, -2.4]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 346.1, 120), new OKFigLevel([[[80, 242], [2]], [[80, 402], [0]], [[0, 162], [3]], [[80, 80], [4]], [[40, 40], [5]], [[80, 0], [9]], [[200, 282], [1]], [[80, 162.3], [6]], [[136.5, 106], [7]], [[80, 49.4], [8]]], [[[77.9, 235.6], [164.2, 321.9], [77.8, 408.4]], [[82.1, 248.4], [-4.3, 162], [82.1, 75.6]], [[117.4, 194], [165.3, 242], [117.3, 290]], [[82.7, 90.4], [34.6, 40], [82.6, -8]], [[204, 282], [160, 325.9], [116, 282], [160, 238]], [[122, 200], [122, 288], [78, 244], [78, 156.3]], [[139.9, 106], [78.3, 167.3], [78.3, 44.3]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 200, 402), new OKFigLevel([[[227.7, 202.2], [5]], [[114.5, 89.1], [2]], [[227.7, 89], [0]], [[80, 63.4], [4]], [[136.6, 63.4], [7]], [[249.1, 202.2], [6]], [[249.1, 258.8], [12]], [[40, 160], [8]], [[0, 120], [9]], [[40, 80], [10]], [[40, 0], [11]], [[80, 40], [3]], [[193.5, 203.2], [13]], [[114.5, 282.2], [1]]], [[[233.7, 205.2], [111.5, 205.2], [111.5, 83]], [[108.5, 86], [230.7, 86], [230.7, 208.2]], [[76.2, 127.5], [76.2, 59.7], [144.2, 59.7]], [[185, 198.4], [252.9, 198.4], [252.9, 266.3]], [[40, 164], [-4, 120], [40, 76], [84, 120]], [[38, 82], [38, -6], [82, 38], [82, 126]], [[112.1, 199.8], [197.2, 199.8], [112.1, 287]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 249.1, 282.2), new OKFigLevel([[[94.7, 195.5], [12]], [[124, 86.2], [16]], [[233.2, 115.5], [4]], [[159.9, 157.9], [0]], [[257.8, 101.3], [5]], [[314.4, 199.2], [9]], [[0, 111.6], [7]], [[14.6, 57], [14]], [[209.7, 171.2], [3]], [[264.4, 185.8], [10]], [[249.7, 240.4], [8]], [[69.3, 71.6], [1]], [[109.3, 140.9], [6]], [[75.4, 49], [11]], [[26.4, 77.3], [15]], [[47.1, 0], [13]], [[193.3, 46.2], [2]]], [[[90.2, 200.6], [121.8, 82.5], [239.8, 114.1]], [[153.1, 158.3], [259, 97.1], [320, 203]], [[61, 131.9], [-4.6, 114.3], [13, 48.7]], [[203.4, 165.6], [269, 183.2], [251.4, 248.7]], [[67.3, 68.2], [127.4, 84.2], [111.3, 144.4], [51.2, 128.3]], [[77.8, 47.6], [55.1, 132.6], [23.9, 78.7], [46.7, -6.3]], [[194.1, 42.9], [237.7, 118.4], [118.6, 86.6]]], [[[-55.9, 63.1], [-26.7, -46.2], [82.6, -16.9]], [[-84.2, 5.1], [13.8, -51.5], [70.4, 46.5]], [[31.5, 28], [-23.1, 13.3], [-8.5, -41.3]], [[-31.5, -28], [23.1, -13.3], [8.5, 41.3]], [[-20, -34.6], [34.6, -20], [20, 34.6], [-34.6, 20]], [[24.5, -14.1], [3.8, 63.1], [-24.5, 14.1], [-3.8, -63.1]], [[9.8, -36.4], [49.8, 32.9], [-59.5, 3.6]]], 314.4, 240.4), new OKFigLevel([[[153.3, 187.9], [8]], [[233.2, 49.3], [2]], [[261.7, 0], [7]], [[181.7, 138.6], [0]], [[75, 50.3], [5]], [[103.2, 1.3], [13]], [[236.4, 123.9], [3]], [[305.6, 163.9], [6]], [[138.6, 133.2], [9]], [[84, 147.8], [10]], [[69.3, 93.2], [11]], [[0, 53.2], [12]], [[54.6, 38.5], [4]], [[201.2, 57.9], [1]]], [[[151.9, 194.5], [120.3, 76.4], [238.3, 44.8]], [[263.1, -6.6], [294.7, 111.4], [176.7, 143]], [[128.6, 85.6], [69.8, 51.7], [103.8, -7.1]], [[228.1, 122.2], [293.7, 104.7], [311.2, 170.2]], [[125.9, 75.1], [142.1, 135.2], [82, 151.3], [65.8, 91.2]], [[70, 95.9], [-6.2, 51.9], [53.9, 35.8], [130.1, 79.8]], [[122.3, 81.5], [99.7, -2.7], [206.5, 59]]], [[[-16.9, 82.6], [-46.2, -26.7], [63.1, -55.9]], [[16.9, -82.6], [46.2, 26.7], [-63.1, 55.9]], [[23.2, 35.2], [-25.8, 6.9], [2.5, -42.1]], [[-41.3, -8.5], [13.3, -23.1], [28, 31.5]], [[20, -34.6], [34.6, 20], [-20, 34.6], [-34.6, -20]], [[7.3, 27.3], [-62, -12.7], [-7.3, -27.3], [62, 12.7]], [[-18.9, 32.7], [-39.6, -44.6], [58.4, 12]]], 305.6, 187.9), new OKFigLevel([[[160.1, 160.1], [6]], [[160.1, 80], [2]], [[240.1, 0], [3]], [[320.1, 80], [8]], [[80.1, 0], [1]], [[40, 120], [7]], [[120, 120], [5]], [[0, 80], [4]], [[280.1, 120], [9]], [[200.1, 120], [0]]], [[[246.5, 77.9], [160.1, 164.3], [73.6, 77.9]], [[153.7, 82.2], [240.1, -4.3], [326.5, 82.2]], [[82.7, 88], [34.7, 40], [82.7, -8]], [[32, 122.7], [80.1, 74.7], [128, 122.6]], [[40, 36], [84.1, 80], [40, 124], [-4, 80]], [[238.1, 78], [326.1, 78], [282.1, 122], [194.1, 122]], [[77.6, 82.4], [77.7, -4.8], [164.9, 82.4]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 320.1, 160.1), new OKFigLevel([[[40, 0.1], [6]], [[40, 160.1], [4]], [[79.9, 120.1], [1]], [[239.9, 120], [2]], [[40, 80.1], [5]], [[0, 40.1], [0]], [[80, 40.1], [10]], [[279.9, 0], [8]], [[319.9, 40], [9]], [[279.9, 80], [11]], [[239.9, 40], [7]], [[279.9, 160], [3]]], [[[37.9, -6.3], [124.2, 80], [37.9, 166.5]], [[73.5, 122.2], [159.9, 35.8], [246.3, 122.2]], [[42.7, 88.1], [-5.3, 40.1], [42.7, -7.9]], [[167.9, 37.4], [119.9, 85.3], [72, 37.4]], [[279.9, -4], [323.9, 40], [279.9, 84], [235.9, 40]], [[281.9, 78], [281.9, 166], [237.9, 122], [237.9, 34]], [[242.3, 37.6], [242.3, 124.8], [155.1, 37.6]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 319.9, 160.1), new OKFigLevel([[[80, 216.6], [1]], [[0, 136.7], [2]], [[80, 56.6], [5]], [[160, 136.6], [11]], [[159.9, 56.6], [7]], [[103.4, 56.6], [6]], [[103.4, 0], [4]], [[216.5, 0], [8]], [[216.5, 113.1], [9]], [[160, 113.1], [3]], [[159.9, 216.6], [0]], [[119.9, 176.6], [12]], [[199.9, 176.6], [10]]], [[[82.1, 223], [-4.3, 136.7], [82.1, 50.2]], [[77.8, 50.2], [164.2, 136.6], [77.8, 223]], [[167.5, 60.4], [99.6, 60.4], [99.6, -7.5]], [[220.3, -7.5], [220.3, 60.3], [152.4, 60.4]], [[157.1, 53.8], [219.3, 53.7], [219.3, 116], [157.1, 116]], [[161.9, 218.6], [74, 218.6], [117.9, 174.6], [205.9, 174.6]], [[162.3, 54.2], [162.4, 141.4], [75.2, 54.2]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 216.5, 216.6), new OKFigLevel([[[108.6, 196], [1]], [[79.9, 87.1], [2, 9]], [[188.7, 57.5], [3]], [[286.9, 113.6], [4, 11]], [[230.1, 212], [14]], [[0, 7.3], [6]], [[40, 47.3], [8]], [[0, 87.3], [5]], [[80, 7.3], [1]], [[40, 127.3], [7]], [[343.8, 56.6], [3]], [[287.2, 56.6], [12]], [[343.8, 0], [10]], [[148.6, 126.7], [0]], [[217.9, 166.7], [13]]], [[[107.3, 202.6], [76.2, 85], [193.7, 53]], [[184.9, 51.8], [291.1, 112.5], [229.7, 218.8]], [[-2.7, -0.7], [45.4, 47.3], [-2.6, 95.3]], [[82.5, 95.1], [34.7, 47.3], [82.7, -0.7]], [[-4, 87.3], [40, 43.3], [83.8, 87.1], [40, 131.3]], [[346.6, 56.6], [284.1, 119.3], [284.4, 56.6], [346.6, -5.7]], [[145.4, 127.6], [189, 52.1], [220.9, 171.2]]], [[[-16.9, 82.6], [-46.2, -26.7], [63.1, -55.9]], [[-46.5, -70.4], [51.5, -13.8], [-5.1, 84.2]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[-36.4, 9.8], [3.6, -59.5], [32.9, 49.8]]], 343.8, 212), new OKFigLevel([[[216.6, 160.1], [4]], [[296.6, 80.1], [5]], [[376.7, 160.1], [0]], [[160.1, 103.5], [13]], [[240, 183.5], [10]], [[296.6, 0.1], [6]], [[336.6, 40], [8]], [[376.6, 80], [9]], [[376.6, 0], [7]], [[336.6, 120], [2]], [[0, 183.5], [11]], [[40, 143.5], [12]], [[120, 143.5], [3]], [[273.2, 103.5], [1]]], [[[210.2, 162.2], [296.6, 75.8], [383.1, 162.2]], [[73.6, 185.6], [160.1, 99.3], [246.4, 185.6]], [[293.9, -7.9], [341.9, 40], [293.9, 88.1]], [[379.3, 88], [331.3, 40], [379.3, -8]], [[336.6, 124], [292.6, 80.1], [336.6, 36], [380.6, 80]], [[82, 185.5], [-6, 185.5], [38, 141.5], [126, 141.5]], [[216.6, 163.5], [155, 101.8], [278.3, 101.8]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 376.7, 183.5), new OKFigLevel([[[113.1, 250.7], [1]], [[0, 250.7], [2]], [[0, 137.6], [4]], [[80, 217.6], [0]], [[80.1, 57.6], [11]], [[159, 0], [6]], [[199, 40], [9]], [[159, 80], [5]], [[239, 80], [10]], [[239, 0], [8]], [[199, 120], [12]], [[136.7, 57.7], [7]], [[193.2, 114.2], [13]], [[136.6, 114.2], [14]], [[80, 170.8], [3]]], [[[119.2, 253.7], [-3, 253.7], [-3, 131.6]], [[82.2, 224], [-4.3, 137.6], [82.2, 51.2]], [[156.3, -8], [204.3, 40], [156.3, 88]], [[241.7, 88], [193.7, 40], [241.7, -8]], [[199, 124], [155, 80], [199, 36], [243, 80]], [[136.7, 54.8], [198.9, 117.1], [136.6, 117], [74.4, 54.8]], [[140, 114.2], [78.3, 175.9], [78.4, 52.5]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 239, 250.7), new OKFigLevel([[[96.7, 13.3], [5]], [[153.3, 111.3], [3]], [[54.7, 168.6], [9]], [[192.9, 88.5], [10]], [[133.6, 77.3], [1]], [[105.4, 28.3], [6]], [[154.3, 0], [4]], [[37.5, 15.5], [8]], [[92.2, 30.2], [0]], [[77.4, 84.8], [7]], [[149.3, 252.6], [11]], [[94.7, 237.9], [13]], [[40, 223.3], [14]], [[25.4, 277.9], [12]], [[0, 154], [2]]], [[[96.3, 6.6], [157.4, 112.4], [50.9, 174.3]], [[197.3, 83.4], [165.9, 201.6], [48.1, 170]], [[134.1, 85.7], [100.2, 26.9], [159, -7]], [[31.2, 9.9], [96.8, 27.5], [79, 93]], [[107.3, 179.8], [167.2, 195.8], [151.3, 0x0100], [91.2, 239.9]], [[37.3, 222.5], [113.5, 178.5], [97.4, 238.7], [21.2, 282.6]], [[39.1, 226.5], [-4.5, 151], [114.6, 182.9]]], [[[-5.1, -84.2], [51.5, 13.8], [-46.5, 70.4]], [[55.9, -63.1], [26.7, 46.2], [-82.6, 16.9]], [[2.5, 42.1], [-25.8, -6.9], [23.2, -35.2]], [[-31.5, -28], [23.1, -13.3], [8.5, 41.3]], [[-20, -34.6], [34.6, -20], [20, 34.6], [-34.6, 20]], [[-27.3, -7.3], [42, -47.3], [27.3, 7.3], [-42, 47.3]], [[-9.8, 36.4], [-49.8, -32.9], [59.5, -3.6]]], 192.9, 277.9), new OKFigLevel([[[136.6, 190.3], [1]], [[136.6, 303.5], [2, 12]], [[23.5, 303.5], [4]], [[56.6, 110.3], [9]], [[56.6, 270.3], [15]], [[106.3, 80], [10]], [[66.2, 40], [7]], [[106.2, 0], [5]], [[26.2, 0.1], [6]], [[26.2, 80], [8]], [[66.3, 120], [0]], [[216.7, 303.5], [1]], [[176.7, 263.5], [13]], [[256.7, 263.5], [11]], [[0, 166.9], [3]], [[56.6, 223.4], [14]]], [[[139.6, 184.3], [139.7, 306.5], [17.5, 306.5]], [[54.4, 103.9], [140.9, 190.3], [54.5, 276.7]], [[108.9, 88], [60.9, 40], [108.9, -8]], [[23.6, -7.9], [71.6, 40], [23.6, 88]], [[22.2, 80], [66.2, 36], [110.3, 80], [66.3, 124]], [[218.7, 305.5], [130.6, 305.5], [174.7, 261.5], [262.7, 261.5]], [[-3.4, 166.9], [58.3, 105.2], [58.3, 228.5]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 256.7, 303.5), new OKFigLevel([[[282.8, 233.2], [1]], [[169.7, 233.2], [12]], [[169.7, 120], [0, 9]], [[56.6, 120], [2, 6]], [[16.6, 0], [5]], [[56.6, 40], [8]], [[16.6, 80], [4]], [[96.6, 80], [3]], [[96.6, 0], [7]], [[209.7, 80], [10]], [[289.7, 80], [11]], [[249.7, 120], [2]], [[113.1, 176.6], [13]], [[0, 176.6], [3]]], [[[288.9, 236.2], [166.7, 236.2], [166.7, 114]], [[50.6, 117], [172.7, 117], [172.7, 239.2]], [[13.9, -8], [61.9, 40], [13.9, 88]], [[99.3, 88], [51.3, 40], [99.3, -8]], [[12.6, 80], [56.6, 36], [100.6, 80], [56.6, 124]], [[207.7, 78], [295.7, 78], [251.7, 122], [163.7, 122]], [[56.6, 116.6], [118.2, 178.3], [-5.1, 178.3]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 289.7, 233.2), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 100], [1]], [[109.3, 70.8], [8]], [[263.8, 29.3], [3]], [[373.1, 0], [7]], [[244.1, 110.3], [5]], [[272.4, 61.3], [2]], [[166.8, 131], [4]], [[264.8, 187.6], [9]], [[117.9, 102.8], [6]], [[187.6, 208.3], [0]]], [[[-6.6, 98.7], [111.4, 67.1], [143, 185.1]], [[291.7, 145.2], [260.1, 27.1], [378.1, -4.5]], [[297.7, 145.6], [238.9, 111.7], [272.9, 52.9]], [[251.1, 105.7], [217.2, 164.4], [158.4, 130.5]], [[297, 137.5], [265.9, 191.5], [211.9, 160.3], [243.1, 106.4]], [[137.2, 182.5], [114.4, 97.5], [168.2, 128.6], [191, 213.6]], [[185.9, 211.3], [163.3, 127], [270.1, 188.7]]], [[[-82.6, -16.9], [26.7, -46.2], [55.9, 63.1]], [[-16.9, 82.6], [-46.2, -26.7], [63.1, -55.9]], [[23.2, 35.2], [-25.8, 6.9], [2.5, -42.1]], [[35.2, -23.2], [6.9, 25.8], [-42.1, -2.5]], [[38.6, -10.4], [10.4, 38.6], [-38.6, 10.4], [-10.4, -38.6]], [[-14.1, 24.5], [-34.8, -52.8], [14.1, -24.5], [34.8, 52.8]], [[-18.9, 32.7], [-39.6, -44.6], [58.4, 12]]], 373.1, 208.3), new OKFigLevel([[[80, 41.4], [8]], [[109.3, 150.7], [2]], [[0, 180], [0]], [[373.1, 80], [4]], [[263.8, 109.3], [6]], [[234.6, 0], [3]], [[255.3, 77.3], [9]], [[206.3, 49], [5]], [[129, 69.7], [7]], [[227, 126.3], [11]], [[100.7, 118.7], [1]], [[149.7, 147], [10]]], [[[81.4, 34.8], [113, 152.8], [-5, 184.5]], [[379.7, 81.3], [261.7, 113], [230.1, -5]], [[259.9, 84.3], [201.1, 50.4], [235.1, -8.4]], [[213.3, 44.3], [179.4, 103.1], [120.6, 69.2]], [[259.1, 76.3], [228, 130.2], [174.1, 99], [205.2, 45.1]], [[99.3, 121.2], [76.5, 36.2], [130.4, 67.3], [153.2, 152.3]], [[148, 150], [125.5, 65.7], [232.3, 127.4]]], [[[16.9, -82.6], [46.2, 26.7], [-63.1, 55.9]], [[82.6, 16.9], [-26.7, 46.2], [-55.9, -63.1]], [[23.2, 35.2], [-25.8, 6.9], [2.5, -42.1]], [[35.2, -23.2], [6.9, 25.8], [-42.1, -2.5]], [[38.6, -10.4], [10.4, 38.6], [-38.6, 10.4], [-10.4, -38.6]], [[-14.1, 24.5], [-34.8, -52.8], [14.1, -24.5], [34.8, 52.8]], [[-18.9, 32.7], [-39.6, -44.6], [58.4, 12]]], 373.1, 180), new OKFigLevel([[[102.9, 0], [1]], [[159.4, 98], [4]], [[103.3, 307.1], [3]], [[5.4, 363.7], [12]], [[130.8, 114.5], [6]], [[116.1, 169.2], [7]], [[185.4, 129.1], [5]], [[101.4, 223.8], [9]], [[86.8, 278.4], [2]], [[141.4, 293], [8]], [[0, 165.2], [11]], [[69.3, 125.2], [0]], [[40, 234.4], [10]]], [[[102.5, -6.7], [163.6, 99.1], [57.7, 160.2]], [[46.4, 202.4], [107.5, 308.2], [1.6, 369.3]], [[136.4, 108.2], [118.7, 173.8], [53.1, 156.2]], [[110.5, 175.5], [128.1, 109.9], [193.6, 127.4]], [[119.6, 167.2], [103.4, 227.2], [43.3, 211.1], [59.4, 151.1]], [[86, 281.1], [42.1, 204.9], [102.1, 221.1], [146.1, 297.2]], [[-3.3, 164.3], [72.2, 120.7], [40.3, 239.8]]], [[[-5.1, -84.2], [51.5, 13.8], [-46.5, 70.4]], [[-5.1, -84.2], [51.5, 13.8], [-46.5, 70.4]], [[28, -31.5], [13.3, 23.1], [-41.3, 8.5]], [[-28, 31.5], [-13.3, -23.1], [41.3, -8.5]], [[34.6, -20], [20, 34.6], [-34.6, 20], [-20, -34.6]], [[-7.3, 27.3], [-47.3, -42], [7.3, -27.3], [47.3, 42]], [[-36.4, -9.8], [32.9, -49.8], [3.6, 59.5]]], 185.4, 363.7), new OKFigLevel([[[235, 169.7], [1]], [[121.9, 169.7], [2]], [[91.8, 199.8], [3]], [[91.8, 86.7], [11]], [[204.9, 86.7], [13]], [[275, 209.7], [0]], [[275, 129.7], [5]], [[291.5, 113.1], [6]], [[291.5, 56.6], [7]], [[56.6, 30.1], [10]], [[113.1, 86.7], [4]], [[56.6, 86.7], [12]], [[0, 30.1], [9]], [[291.5, 0], [14]], [[348, 56.6], [8]]], [[[237.9, 50.5], [238, 172.7], [115.8, 172.8]], [[88.7, 205.9], [88.7, 83.7], [210.9, 83.6]], [[277.6, 217.7], [229.6, 169.7], [277.6, 121.7]], [[231.2, 177.2], [231.2, 109.4], [299.1, 109.4]], [[294.3, 116], [232.1, 116], [232.1, 53.7], [294.3, 53.7]], [[56.6, 27.3], [118.8, 89.5], [56.6, 89.5], [-5.7, 27.3]], [[291.5, -3.4], [353.1, 58.3], [229.8, 58.3]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 348, 209.7), new OKFigLevel([[[119.9, 233.1], [9]], [[120, 120], [7]], [[233.1, 119.9], [13]], [[0, 80], [4]], [[80, 0], [5]], [[160, 80], [1]], [[233.1, 63.3], [2]], [[176.5, 119.9], [6]], [[63.4, 233], [10]], [[120, 176.5], [8]], [[63.4, 120], [12]], [[80, 80], [3]], [[40, 120], [11]], [[289.6, 176.4], [14]], [[176.5, 176.5], [0]]], [[[116.9, 239.1], [117, 116.9], [239.1, 116.9]], [[-6.4, 82.1], [80, -4.3], [166.4, 82.1]], [[236.8, 55.8], [236.8, 123.7], [168.9, 123.7]], [[59.6, 240.6], [59.6, 172.7], [127.5, 172.7]], [[60.6, 117.2], [122.8, 117.1], [122.8, 179.3], [60.6, 179.3]], [[78, 78], [166, 78], [122, 122], [34, 122]], [[233.1, 116.5], [294.7, 178.1], [171.4, 178.2]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 289.6, 233.1), new OKFigLevel([[[40, 210.1], [9]], [[40, 97], [2]], [[153.1, 96.9], [4]], [[93.7, 156.4], [0]], [[173.7, 76.4], [14]], [[253.7, 156.4], [7]], [[171.3, 156.4], [3]], [[227.8, 156.4], [8]], [[227.8, 212.9], [6]], [[40, 131.7], [10]], [[0, 91.7], [11]], [[40, 51.7], [1]], [[274, 96.6], [13]], [[234, 136.6], [5]], [[194, 96.6], [15]], [[234, 56.6], [16]], [[257.3, 56.6], [17]], [[200.7, 0], [18]], [[257.3, 0], [19]], [[313.9, 56.6], [20]], [[313.9, 136.6], [12]]], [[[37, 216.1], [37, 94], [159.1, 93.9]], [[87.3, 158.5], [173.7, 72.1], [260.1, 158.5]], [[163.7, 152.6], [231.6, 152.6], [231.6, 220.4]], [[42.7, 139.7], [-5.3, 91.7], [42.7, 43.7]], [[278, 96.6], [234, 140.6], [190, 96.6], [233.9, 52.6]], [[257.3, 59.4], [195.1, -2.8], [257.3, -2.8], [319.6, 59.4]], [[316.3, 54.2], [316.3, 141.4], [229.2, 54.2]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 313.9, 212.9), new OKFigLevel([[[273.1, 113.1], [1]], [[353.1, 193.1], [7]], [[273.1, 56.5], [0]], [[216.5, 113.1], [2]], [[193.1, 0], [10]], [[153.2, 120], [6]], [[113.2, 80], [4]], [[0, 193.1], [8]], [[40, 153.1], [9]], [[120, 153.2], [5]], [[193.1, 113.1], [3]]], [[[196.2, 74], [196.1, 196.2], [74, 196.2]], [[186.7, 195.3], [273.1, 108.9], [359.5, 195.2]], [[276.9, 49], [276.9, 116.9], [209, 116.9]], [[195.8, 88], [147.8, 40], [195.8, -8]], [[153.2, 124], [109.2, 80], [153.1, 36], [197.1, 80]], [[82, 195.2], [-6, 195.1], [38, 151.1], [126, 151.2]], [[190.7, 110.7], [277.9, 110.7], [190.7, 197.9]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 353.1, 193.1), new OKFigLevel([[[153.2, 173.2], [10]], [[266.3, 60.1], [2, 11]], [[266.4, 173.2], [15]], [[96.6, 3.4], [4]], [[96.6, 60], [1]], [[20, 0], [6]], [[60, 40], [3]], [[20, 80], [5]], [[40, 140], [9]], [[0, 100], [7]], [[80, 100], [8]], [[322.9, 60.1], [12]], [[379.5, 116.6], [13]], [[322.9, 116.6], [1]], [[153.2, 140.1], [0]], [[233.2, 140.1], [14]]], [[[33.9, 57], [156.2, 57], [156.2, 179.2]], [[147.2, 57], [269.4, 57.1], [269.4, 179.3]], [[100.3, -4.1], [100.3, 63.8], [32.4, 63.8]], [[17.3, -8], [65.3, 40], [17.3, 88]], [[40, 144], [-4, 100], [40, 56], [84, 100]], [[322.9, 57.2], [385.1, 119.5], [322.9, 119.5], [260.7, 57.2]], [[150.8, 142.5], [150.8, 55.3], [238, 142.5]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 379.5, 173.2), new OKFigLevel([[[69.5, 167.1], [13]], [[69.5, 54.1], [2, 8]], [[182.6, 53.9], [4]], [[226.4, 170.1], [16]], [[226.4, 10.1], [10]], [[283.2, 144.8], [6]], [[226.4, 144.8], [3]], [[226.4, 88.2], [5]], [[0, 14.6], [9]], [[54.6, 0], [1]], [[226.4, 31.7], [11]], [[283.2, 31.7], [12]], [[283.2, 88.2], [7]], [[69.5, 110.5], [14]], [[13, 167.1], [15]], [[13, 110.5], [1]], [[203, 146.7], [17]], [[89.9, 146.7], [0]]], [[[66.5, 173.1], [66.5, 51.1], [188.7, 50.9]], [[228.6, 176.5], [142.2, 90.1], [228.6, 3.7]], [[290.8, 148.5], [222.6, 148.5], [222.6, 80.7]], [[-8.3, 13], [57.3, -4.6], [75.1, 60.3]], [[223.6, 91], [223.6, 28.8], [286.1, 28.8], [286.1, 91.1]], [[72.3, 110.5], [10.1, 172.7], [10.1, 110.5], [72.3, 48.5]], [[146.5, 86.7], [208.1, 148.4], [84.8, 148.4]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-41.3, -8.5], [13.3, -23.1], [28, 31.5]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 283.2, 170.1), new OKFigLevel([[[178.8, 222.9], [1, 18]], [[276.8, 279.4], [2]], [[220.3, 377.4], [0]], [[122.8, 382.8], [4]], [[42.8, 302.8], [5]], [[122.8, 222.8], [3]], [[0, 15.3], [7]], [[54.6, 0.6], [8]], [[69.3, 55.3], [6]], [[125.3, 54.7], [10, 13]], [[140.1, 0], [11]], [[194.7, 14.6], [9]], [[68.7, 54.8], [9]], [[125.2, 111.3], [14]], [[68.7, 111.3], [12]], [[123.3, 224], [16]], [[66.7, 167.5], [21]], [[123.3, 167.5], [0]], [[179.8, 224], [15]], [[96.7, 110.9], [20]], [[153.3, 167.5], [17]], [[40.1, 167.5], [19]]], [[[175.1, 217.3], [280.9, 278.3], [219.9, 384.2]], [[125, 389.2], [38.6, 302.8], [125, 216.4]], [[-8.3, 13.6], [57.3, -4], [74.9, 61.6]], [[119.7, 61], [137.4, -4.6], [203, 13]], [[66.5, 52.5], [128.2, 51.9], [128.1, 114.2], [65.8, 114.2]], [[122.8, 225.6], [61, 164.6], [123.3, 164.6], [184.3, 225.7]], [[96.7, 107.5], [158.4, 169.1], [35, 169.1]]], [[[-46.5, -70.4], [51.5, -13.8], [-5.1, 84.2]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-41.3, -8.5], [13.3, -23.1], [28, 31.5]], [[-28, 31.5], [-13.3, -23.1], [41.3, -8.5]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 276.8, 382.8), new OKFigLevel([[[193.1, 217.5], [1]], [[193.1, 330.6], [2]], [[79.9, 330.6], [4]], [[112.9, 137.5], [0]], [[113.1, 297.4], [7]], [[56.4, 281.2], [6]], [[56.5, 224.6], [8]], [[113, 224.6], [5]], [[112.9, 167.9], [9]], [[56.5, 167.8], [10]], [[56.5, 111.2], [13]], [[112.8, 112.2], [3, 17]], [[49, 35], [13]], [[69.7, 111.4], [14, 11]], [[20.7, 84], [15]], [[0, 6.7], [12]], [[169.1, 56.6], [11]], [[112.5, 0], [16]]], [[[196.1, 211.4], [196.1, 333.6], [73.9, 333.6]], [[110.8, 131.1], [197.3, 217.5], [110.9, 303.8]], [[52.7, 288.7], [52.7, 220.8], [120.5, 220.8]], [[116.7, 160.3], [116.8, 228.4], [48.9, 228.4]], [[115.8, 170.7], [53.7, 170.6], [53.7, 108.4], [115.6, 109.4]], [[50.4, 32.5], [73.2, 116.6], [19.3, 86.4], [-3.5, 1.4]], [[172.5, 56.6], [111.1, 117.2], [110.8, -5.1]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[14.1, -24.5], [34.8, 52.8], [-14.1, 24.5], [-34.8, -52.8]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 193.1, 330.6), new OKFigLevel([[[40, 174], [4]], [[40, 60.8], [3]], [[233.2, 94], [16]], [[73.2, 94], [2]], [[40, 230.7], [5]], [[0, 190.7], [6]], [[40, 150.7], [1]], [[168.9, 40], [8]], [[208.9, 0], [13]], [[248.4, 39.9], [7]], [[303.2, 54], [11]], [[288.5, 108.7], [12]], [[233.9, 94], [9]], [[248.2, 39.7], [10]], [[233.2, 230.6], [15]], [[176.6, 174], [0]], [[233.2, 174], [17]], [[289.7, 230.6], [14]]], [[[159.2, 177], [37, 177], [37, 54.8]], [[239.6, 91.9], [153.2, 178.3], [66.8, 91.9]], [[42.7, 238.7], [-5.3, 190.7], [42.7, 142.7]], [[160.9, 42.7], [208.9, -5.3], [256.3, 42.5]], [[306.6, 52], [290.5, 112.1], [229.6, 96], [246.4, 36.5]], [[233.2, 233.4], [170.9, 171.2], [233.2, 171.2], [295.4, 233.4]], [[235.6, 176.4], [148.4, 176.4], [235.6, 89.2]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[34.6, -20], [20, 34.6], [-34.6, 20], [-20, -34.6]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 303.2, 230.7), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 213.3], [3]], [[80, 293.3], [14]], [[0, 373.3], [0]], [[80.2, 134.1], [1, 10, 11]], [[10.9, 14.6], [5]], [[65.6, 0], [6]], [[80.7, 54.6], [4, 7, 9]], [[95.6, 0.6], [8]], [[150.3, 15.2], [6]], [[120.9, 94.2], [3]], [[40.9, 94.2], [6]], [[134.7, 149.1], [12]], [[174.7, 218.4], [13]], [[120, 203.7], [3]], [[56.6, 316.7], [15]], [[113.1, 373.3], [2]]], [[[-2.1, 206.9], [84.3, 293.3], [-2.1, 379.7]], [[82.1, 299.7], [-4.3, 213.3], [82.4, 127.8]], [[2.6, 13], [68.2, -4.6], [86.4, 60.9]], [[75.1, 60.8], [93, -4.1], [158.5, 13.5]], [[80.7, 50.6], [124.9, 94.2], [80.2, 138.1], [36.9, 94.2]], [[135.4, 146.3], [179.4, 222.6], [119.3, 206.4], [75.5, 129.9]], [[56.6, 313.3], [118.2, 374.9], [-5.1, 375]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-41.3, -8.5], [13.3, -23.1], [28, 31.5]], [[-28, 31.5], [-13.3, -23.1], [41.3, -8.5]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[7.3, -27.3], [47.3, 42], [-7.3, 27.3], [-47.3, -42]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 174.7, 373.3), new OKFigLevel([[[297.4, 58.2], [9]], [[297.4, 171.3], [2]], [[184.3, 171.3], [0]], [[113.2, 56.5], [15]], [[113.1, 169.6], [5]], [[0, 169.6], [3]], [[354, 58.1], [7]], [[354, 114.7], [8]], [[297.4, 114.7], [1]], [[240.9, 1.6], [10]], [[297.4, 1.6], [6]], [[169.7, 56.6], [12]], [[169.7, 113.1], [13]], [[113.1, 113.1], [4]], [[113.2, 0], [11]], [[56.6, 0], [14]]], [[[300.4, 52.1], [300.5, 174.3], [178.3, 174.3]], [[116.2, 50.5], [116.2, 172.7], [-6, 172.7]], [[357.8, 50.6], [357.8, 118.5], [289.9, 118.5]], [[233.3, -2.2], [301.2, -2.2], [301.2, 65.7]], [[110.3, 53.7], [172.6, 53.7], [172.5, 115.9], [110.3, 115.9]], [[113.2, -2.8], [175.4, 59.4], [113.2, 59.4], [50.9, -2.8]], [[357.4, 58.1], [295.7, 119.8], [295.7, -3.5]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 354, 171.3), new OKFigLevel([[[125.5, 0], [8]], [[166.8, 154.5], [5]], [[28.3, 74.6], [7]], [[137.6, 45.3], [0]], [[0, 123.6], [2]], [[77.3, 102.8], [4]], [[82.9, 59.9], [3]], [[13.7, 19.9], [6]], [[272.4, 84.8], [11]], [[244.1, 133.8], [12]], [[321.4, 113.1], [9]], [[349.7, 64.1], [10]], [[264.4, 145.5], [13]], [[155.1, 174.8], [1]]], [[[121.8, -5.6], [227.6, 55.4], [166.4, 161.3]], [[21.7, 73.2], [139.7, 41.6], [171.3, 159.6]], [[-7, 128.2], [26.9, 69.4], [85.7, 103.3]], [[91.2, 61.6], [25.6, 79.2], [8.1, 13.6]], [[222.4, 52.7], [276.3, 83.8], [245.1, 137.7], [191.3, 106.6]], [[323.8, 114.5], [238.8, 137.3], [270, 83.4], [354.9, 60.6]], [[194.3, 102.3], [269.8, 145.9], [150.6, 177.8]]], [[[-46.5, -70.4], [51.5, -13.8], [-5.1, 84.2]], [[-82.6, -16.9], [26.7, -46.2], [55.9, 63.1]], [[-35.2, 23.2], [-6.9, -25.8], [42.1, 2.5]], [[41.3, 8.5], [-13.3, 23.1], [-28, -31.5]], [[-10.4, -38.6], [38.6, -10.4], [10.4, 38.6], [-38.6, 10.4]], [[24.5, 14.1], [-52.8, 34.8], [-24.5, -14.1], [52.8, -34.8]], [[-9.8, -36.4], [59.5, 3.6], [-49.8, 32.9]]], 349.7, 174.8), new OKFigLevel([[[120, 193.2], [11]], [[120, 33.3], [2]], [[120, 80.1], [3]], [[209.3, 80], [5]], [[289.3, 80], [10]], [[209.3, 0], [4]], [[40, 193.3], [7]], [[0, 153.3], [1]], [[273.1, 120.1], [9]], [[193.1, 120.1], [0]], [[313.1, 80.1], [8]], [[136.6, 209.9], [12]], [[23.4, 209.9], [6]]], [[[122.1, 199.6], [35.7, 113.3], [122.1, 26.8]], [[116.9, 199.3], [116.9, 77.1], [239.1, 77]], [[201.3, 82.7], [249.3, 34.7], [297.3, 82.7]], [[206.7, -8], [254.7, 40], [206.7, 88]], [[40, 109.3], [84, 153.3], [40, 197.3], [-4, 153.3]], [[275.1, 122.1], [187.1, 122.1], [231.1, 78], [319.1, 78.1]], [[80, 149.9], [141.7, 211.6], [18.3, 211.6]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 313.1, 209.9), new OKFigLevel([[[226.2, 113.1], [2]], [[113.1, 0], [0]], [[113.1, 226.3], [3]], [[56.5, 169.7], [5]], [[113.1, 169.7], [11]], [[56.5, 113.2], [4, 10, 12]], [[231.6, 99.4], [7]], [[191.6, 59.4], [8]], [[231.6, 19.4], [9]], [[271.6, 59.4], [6]], [[56.6, 56.6], [1]], [[113.1, 56.6], [5]], [[0, 169.8], [13]], [[0, 56.6], [5]]], [[[232.2, 116.1], [110, 116.1], [110.1, -6]], [[110, 232.3], [110.1, 110.1], [232.2, 110.1]], [[48.9, 165.9], [116.8, 165.9], [116.8, 233.8]], [[120.6, 173.5], [52.7, 173.5], [52.8, 105.6]], [[231.6, 103.4], [187.6, 59.4], [231.6, 15.4], [275.6, 59.4]], [[53.7, 56.6], [115.9, -5.7], [115.9, 56.6], [53.7, 118.8]], [[59.9, 113.2], [-1.7, 174.9], [-1.7, 51.5]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 271.6, 226.3), new OKFigLevel([[[250.6, 113.2], [2]], [[137.5, 0], [0]], [[137.5, 226.3], [3]], [[80.9, 169.8], [8]], [[40, 152.5], [5]], [[0, 112.5], [6]], [[40, 72.5], [7]], [[80, 112.5], [4]], [[81, 56.5], [1]]], [[[256.7, 116.2], [134.5, 116.2], [134.5, -6]], [[134.5, 232.4], [134.5, 110.2], [256.7, 110.2]], [[73.4, 166], [141.3, 166], [141.3, 233.9]], [[145.1, 173.6], [77.1, 173.6], [77.2, 105.6]], [[40, 156.5], [-4, 112.5], [40, 68.5], [85, 113.3]], [[78.1, 56.5], [140.4, -5.7], [140.3, 56.6], [78.1, 118.9]], [[77.5, 113.2], [139.2, 51.5], [139.2, 174.9]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 250.6, 226.3), new OKFigLevel([[[56.6, 169.7], [3]], [[113.2, 226.3], [7]], [[226.3, 113.2], [1]], [[0, 113.1], [4]], [[56.6, 113.1], [6]], [[113.1, 0], [2]], [[56.6, 0], [5]], [[113.2, 169.6], [8]], [[56.6, 226.2], [0]]], [[[53.6, 175.7], [53.6, 53.6], [175.8, 53.6]], [[110.2, 232.4], [110.2, 110.1], [232.4, 110.2]], [[-7.5, 109.4], [60.4, 109.4], [60.4, 177.2]], [[177.3, 60.4], [109.4, 60.4], [109.4, -7.5]], [[53.7, -2.8], [116, -2.8], [116, 59.4], [53.8, 59.4]], [[116, 169.6], [53.8, 231.9], [53.8, 169.7], [116, 107.5]], [[169.7, 53.2], [231.4, 114.9], [108.1, 114.8]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 226.3, 226.3), new OKFigLevel([[[261.6, 80.1], [1]], [[181.6, 160.1], [4]], [[181.5, 0], [0]], [[21.5, 0], [2]], [[169.8, 148.3], [5]], [[113.2, 148.3], [6]], [[56.6, 91.7], [8]], [[56.6, 35.1], [3]], [[0, 91.7], [7]]], [[[268, 77.9], [181.6, 164.3], [95.1, 77.9]], [[95.1, 82.2], [181.5, -4.2], [268, 82.2]], [[189.5, -2.6], [141.5, 45.4], [93.5, -2.6]], [[109.5, -2.6], [61.5, 45.4], [13.5, -2.7]], [[101.5, -4], [145.5, 40.1], [101.5, 84.1], [57.5, 40]], [[113.2, 88.9], [175.5, 151.1], [113.2, 151.1], [51, 88.9]], [[56.6, 31.7], [118.3, 93.4], [-5.1, 93.4]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 261.6, 160.1), new OKFigLevel([[[169.8, 169.7], [1]], [[56.6, 169.8], [7]], [[56.6, 56.6], [6]], [[113.1, 0], [10]], [[0, 33.1], [5]], [[40, 73.1], [2]], [[56.6, 0], [3]], [[56.6, 113.1], [8]], [[0, 169.7], [4]], [[169.7, 136.6], [0]], [[249.7, 136.6], [9]]], [[[175.8, 172.8], [53.6, 172.8], [53.6, 50.5]], [[50.6, 53.6], [172.7, 53.5], [172.8, 175.8]], [[177.3, 60.3], [109.4, 60.4], [109.4, -7.5]], [[-2.7, 25.1], [45.4, 73.1], [-2.6, 121.1]], [[116, -2.8], [116, 59.4], [53.8, 59.4], [53.8, -2.8]], [[-2.8, 113.1], [59.4, 50.9], [59.4, 113.1], [-2.8, 175.4]], [[167.3, 139], [167.3, 51.8], [254.5, 139]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 249.7, 169.8), new OKFigLevel([[[249.5, 282.7], [6]], [[136.4, 282.7], [4]], [[113.1, 0], [12]], [[0, 113.1], [2]], [[136.5, 113.1], [3]], [[193, 282.7], [1]], [[249.5, 339.3], [5]], [[216.4, 169.6], [8]], [[176.4, 209.6], [0]], [[176.5, 129.7], [7]], [[153.1, 73.1], [11]], [[233.1, 73.1], [9]], [[113.1, 33.1], [13]], [[193.1, 33.1], [10]]], [[[255.6, 285.7], [133.4, 285.8], [133.4, 163.6]], [[116.2, -6], [116.1, 116.1], [-6, 116.2]], [[132.7, 177.2], [132.7, 109.3], [200.6, 109.3]], [[185.4, 279], [253.3, 279], [253.3, 346.8]], [[220.4, 169.6], [176.4, 213.6], [132.4, 169.6], [176.5, 125.7]], [[151.1, 71.1], [239.1, 71.1], [195.1, 115.1], [107.1, 115.1]], [[110.7, 30.7], [197.9, 30.7], [110.7, 117.9]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 249.5, 339.3), new OKFigLevel([[[193.2, 113.1], [2]], [[80.1, 0], [0]], [[80.1, 226.3], [4]], [[23.5, 113.1], [6]], [[23.5, 226.2], [5]], [[23.5, 169.6], [7]], [[23.5, 56.5], [1]], [[0, 169.6], [8]], [[0, 89.6], [3]]], [[[199.3, 116.2], [77.1, 116.1], [77.1, -6]], [[77.1, 232.3], [77.1, 110.1], [199.3, 110.1]], [[83.9, 49], [83.9, 116.9], [16, 116.9]], [[16, 109.3], [83.9, 109.3], [83.9, 177.2]], [[82.9, 229.1], [20.7, 229.1], [20.7, 166.8], [82.9, 166.8]], [[20.7, 56.5], [82.9, -5.7], [82.9, 56.5], [20.7, 118.8]], [[-2.4, 172], [-2.4, 84.8], [84.9, 172]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 193.2, 226.3), new OKFigLevel([[[56.6, 113.1], [8]], [[56.6, 0], [2]], [[169.8, 0], [5]], [[266.4, 73.2], [4]], [[306.4, 113.2], [0]], [[226.4, 56.6], [6]], [[283, 0.1], [7]], [[283, 56.7], [3]], [[0, 56.6], [1]]], [[[53.6, 119.2], [53.6, -3], [175.8, -3]], [[172.8, -6], [172.8, 116.2], [50.6, 116.2]], [[218.4, 115.9], [266.4, 67.9], [314.4, 115.9]], [[234, 60.4], [166, 60.4], [166, -7.5]], [[229.2, 53.8], [229.2, 116], [167, 116], [167, 53.8]], [[223.6, 56.6], [285.8, -5.6], [285.8, 56.7], [223.6, 118.9]], [[-3.4, 56.6], [58.3, -5.1], [58.3, 118.2]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 306.4, 113.2), new OKFigLevel([[[97.9, 252.5], [3, 1]], [[0, 309.2], [2]], [[82.7, 0], [6]], [[118.6, 175.2], [4]], [[90.3, 126.3], [5]], [[69.7, 203.6], [0]], [[235.8, 265.1], [7]], [[126.6, 235.9], [0]]], [[[138.9, 91.2], [199.9, 197], [94.2, 258.2]], [[41, 147.9], [102, 253.6], [-3.7, 314.8]], [[82.2, -8.4], [116.2, 50.4], [57.4, 84.3]], [[119.1, 183.6], [85.2, 124.9], [143.9, 90.9]], [[58.2, 76.3], [112, 45.1], [143.2, 99], [89.3, 130.1]], [[92.8, 124.9], [70, 209.9], [38.9, 156], [61.7, 71]], [[196.7, 192.6], [240.3, 268.1], [121.2, 236.3]]], [[[-5.1, -84.2], [51.5, 13.8], [-46.5, 70.4]], [[-5.1, -84.2], [51.5, 13.8], [-46.5, 70.4]], [[-2.5, -42.1], [25.8, 6.9], [-23.2, 35.2]], [[2.5, 42.1], [-25.8, -6.9], [23.2, -35.2]], [[-38.6, -10.4], [10.4, -38.6], [38.6, 10.4], [-10.4, 38.6]], [[24.5, -14.1], [3.8, 63.1], [-24.5, 14.1], [-3.8, -63.1]], [[9.8, -36.4], [49.8, 32.9], [-59.5, 3.6]]], 235.8, 309.2), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 136.5], [1]], [[0, 23.4], [8]], [[226.2, 23.3], [3]], [[226.2, 136.5], [0]], [[169.8, 23.4], [2]], [[113.2, 0], [6]], [[153.2, 40], [4]], [[73.2, 40], [5]], [[56.6, 23.4], [7]]], [[[119.1, 139.5], [-3, 139.5], [-3, 17.4]], [[229.3, 17.3], [229.2, 139.5], [107, 139.5]], [[165.9, 87.5], [166, 19.6], [233.8, 19.6]], [[173.5, 15.8], [173.4, 83.7], [105.6, 83.7]], [[113.2, -4], [157.2, 40], [113.2, 83.9], [69.2, 40]], [[56.6, 20.6], [118.9, 82.8], [56.6, 82.8], [-5.6, 20.6]], [[113.1, 139.9], [51.5, 78.3], [174.8, 78.2]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 226.2, 136.5), new OKFigLevel([[[4.7, 136.7], [1]], [[84.7, 56.6], [2, 17]], [[164.7, 136.7], [13]], [[169.7, 250.1], [9]], [[56.6, 250], [8]], [[56.5, 136.7], [0]], [[56.5, 193.4], [7]], [[0, 193.3], [5]], [[0, 250.1], [6]], [[113.1, 250.1], [10]], [[113.1, 306.6], [11]], [[56.6, 306.6], [4]], [[112.9, 193.2], [3]], [[112.9, 136.7], [14]], [[169.5, 193.2], [12]], [[84.4, 0], [16]], [[140.9, 56.6], [1]], [[27.8, 56.6], [15]]], [[[-1.7, 138.8], [84.7, 52.3], [171.1, 138.8]], [[175.8, 253.1], [53.6, 253.1], [53.4, 130.6]], [[60.2, 129.1], [60.3, 197.2], [-7.5, 197.1]], [[60.3, 185.8], [60.4, 253.8], [-7.5, 253.8]], [[53.8, 247.2], [116, 247.2], [116, 309.4], [53.7, 309.4]], [[112.9, 196], [50.8, 133.9], [112.9, 133.9], [175.1, 196.1]], [[84.4, -3.4], [146, 58.3], [22.7, 58.3]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 169.7, 306.6), new OKFigLevel([[[226.5, 169.6], [5]], [[0.2, 169.6], [2]], [[56.7, 113.2], [3]], [[0, 113.1], [10]], [[85.7, 169.6], [1]], [[142.2, 169.6], [6]], [[142.2, 226.1], [7]], [[85.7, 226.1], [4]], [[170, 113.1], [0]], [[226.6, 113.1], [8]], [[113.5, 0], [9]]], [[[232.6, 172.6], [110.4, 172.6], [110.3, 50.5]], [[116.4, 50.5], [116.4, 172.6], [-5.8, 172.6]], [[52.9, 120.8], [53, 52.8], [120.9, 52.8]], [[60.5, 49], [60.5, 117], [-7.5, 116.9]], [[82.8, 166.8], [145.1, 166.8], [145.1, 229], [82.8, 229]], [[170, 116], [107.7, 53.7], [170, 53.7], [232.2, 115.9]], [[113.5, -3.4], [175.1, 58.2], [51.6, 58.3]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 226.6, 226.1), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 216.4], [1]], [[80, 136.5], [10]], [[35.6, 80], [3]], [[115.5, 0], [4]], [[195.5, 80], [8]], [[240, 216.4], [0]], [[160, 136.6], [5]], [[86.9, 80], [2]], [[143.5, 80], [9]], [[200.1, 136.6], [6]], [[30.3, 136.5], [7]]], [[[-6.4, 218.5], [80, 132.3], [166.4, 218.6]], [[29.1, 82.1], [115.5, -4.3], [201.9, 82.1]], [[152, 219.1], [200, 171.1], [248, 219.1]], [[168, 133.9], [120, 181.8], [72, 133.9]], [[160, 220.4], [116, 176.5], [160, 132.6], [204, 176.4]], [[143.5, 139.4], [81.3, 77.2], [143.5, 77.2], [205.7, 139.4]], [[86.9, 76.6], [148.6, 138.3], [25.2, 138.2]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 240, 216.4), new OKFigLevel([[[113.2, 169.5], [1, 8]], [[0, 169.6], [4]], [[226.3, 113.2], [7]], [[113.2, 0], [2]], [[56.6, 113.1], [5]], [[0, 113.1], [3]], [[226.2, 169.7], [0]], [[169.6, 113.1], [6]], [[169.8, 225.9], [9]], [[56.7, 225.9], [0]]], [[[116.2, 50.5], [116.2, 172.5], [-6, 172.6]], [[232.3, 116.2], [110.2, 116.2], [110.1, -6]], [[60.4, 49], [60.3, 116.8], [-7.5, 116.9]], [[233.7, 173.4], [165.9, 173.4], [165.9, 105.6]], [[110.3, 110.3], [172.5, 110.3], [172.5, 172.5], [110.4, 172.3]], [[116, 56.5], [53.7, 118.7], [53.8, 56.5], [116, -5.7]], [[113.2, 166.1], [174.9, 227.6], [51.6, 227.6]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 226.3, 225.9), new OKFigLevel([[[95.5, 193.2], [4]], [[15.5, 273.2], [8]], [[80, 368.6], [13]], [[0, 288.7], [1]], [[80, 208.7], [2]], [[152, 169.7], [6]], [[112, 209.7], [0]], [[72, 0], [9]], [[15.5, 56.5], [7]], [[72.1, 113.1], [10]], [[128.7, 169.7], [5]], [[13, 381.6], [12]], [[12.9, 301.6], [3]], [[93, 381.6], [11]]], [[[13.4, 106.7], [99.8, 193.2], [13.4, 279.6]], [[82.2, 375], [-4.3, 288.7], [82.1, 202.3]], [[160, 167], [112, 215], [64.1, 167]], [[75.8, -7.5], [75.8, 60.3], [7.9, 60.3]], [[12.7, 116], [12.7, 53.7], [74.9, 53.7], [74.9, 115.9]], [[72.1, 172.5], [9.9, 110.3], [72.1, 110.3], [134.3, 172.5]], [[10.6, 384], [10.5, 296.8], [97.8, 384]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 152, 381.6), new OKFigLevel([[[107.1, 56.6], [16, 12]], [[187.1, 136.2], [7]], [[107.1, 216.2], [6]], [[27.1, 136.2], [19]], [[78.5, 268.9], [5]], [[38.5, 228.9], [6]], [[79.2, 188.3], [4, 3]], [[135.1, 188.2], [8, 2]], [[174.8, 227.9], [9]], [[134.8, 267.9], [7]], [[136.5, 0], [11]], [[136.5, 56.6], [0]], [[79.9, 56.6], [13]], [[79.9, 0], [10]], [[187.1, 79.6], [15]], [[243.7, 136.2], [1]], [[130.4, 79.8], [14]], [[0, 83.4], [18]], [[80.1, 83.5], [0]], [[0, 163.4], [17]]], [[[105, 50.2], [191.4, 136.2], [105, 222.6]], [[109.3, 222.6], [22.9, 136.2], [109.3, 50.2]], [[81.2, 276.9], [33.2, 228.9], [82, 180.1]], [[132.5, 180.3], [180.1, 227.9], [132.1, 275.9]], [[139.3, -2.8], [139.3, 59.4], [77.1, 59.4], [77.1, -2.8]], [[187.1, 76.8], [249.3, 139], [187.1, 139.1], [124.8, 76.9]], [[-2.4, 81], [84.9, 81.1], [-2.4, 168.2]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 243.7, 268.9), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 227.4], [9]], [[80, 147.4], [2]], [[160, 227.4], [0]], [[114.7, 113.3], [1, 4]], [[98.5, 85.3], [7]], [[153.2, 99.9], [14]], [[138.5, 154.6], [3]], [[75.9, 79.2], [8]], [[124.9, 50.9], [5]], [[0, 57.7], [10]], [[56.6, 57.7], [11]], [[56.6, 113.8], [3]], [[208.2, 49], [13]], [[187.5, 126.3], [15]], [[179.9, 0], [12]], [[215.8, 175.3], [6]]], [[[-6.4, 229.5], [80, 143.2], [166.4, 229.5]], [[-3, 233.4], [-3, 111.3], [120.9, 110.2]], [[92.2, 79.7], [157.8, 97.3], [140.2, 162.9]], [[67.5, 79.7], [126.3, 45.8], [160.2, 104.6]], [[-2.8, 54.9], [59.4, 54.9], [59.4, 116.6], [-2.8, 117.1]], [[210.6, 47.6], [187.9, 132.6], [156.8, 78.7], [179.5, -6.3]], [[135.6, 156.3], [158.1, 72], [219.8, 178.9]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-31.5, -28], [23.1, -13.3], [8.5, 41.3]], [[-42.1, 2.5], [6.9, -25.8], [35.2, 23.2]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[24.5, -14.1], [3.8, 63.1], [-24.5, 14.1], [-3.8, -63.1]], [[-32.7, 18.9], [-12, -58.4], [44.6, 39.6]]], 215.8, 227.4), new OKFigLevel([[[101.2, 216], [1, 15]], [[21.2, 136.1], [8]], [[101.1, 56.6], [6, 13]], [[181.1, 136.1], [0]], [[204.4, 79.3], [5]], [[164.3, 119.4], [3]], [[124.2, 79.5], [4]], [[80.2, 77.4], [2]], [[40.1, 117.3], [9]], [[0, 77.3], [7]], [[72.4, 0], [11]], [[129, 0], [12]], [[129, 56.6], [2]], [[72.4, 56.6], [10]], [[73.1, 216], [0]], [[129.7, 216], [16]], [[186.3, 272.6], [17]], [[16.5, 272.5], [14]]], [[[103.3, 222.4], [16.9, 136.1], [103.3, 50.2]], [[99, 50.2], [185.4, 136.1], [99, 222.4]], [[212.4, 76.6], [164.3, 124.7], [116.1, 76.8]], [[88.2, 74.8], [40.1, 122.7], [-8, 74.6]], [[69.6, -2.8], [131.8, -2.8], [131.8, 59.4], [69.6, 59.4]], [[129.7, 275.4], [67.5, 213.2], [129.7, 213.2], [191.9, 275.4]], [[73.1, 212.6], [134.8, 274.3], [11.4, 274.2]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 204.4, 272.6), new OKFigLevel([[[64.5, 90.2], [18]], [[144.5, 10.2], [2]], [[224.5, 90.3], [9]], [[180, 144.8], [10]], [[293.1, 144.8], [5]], [[293.1, 258], [8]], [[172.5, 217.3], [7]], [[212.4, 177.3], [3]], [[252.4, 217.3], [6]], [[234.5, 90.3], [21]], [[194.5, 130.3], [11]], [[154.5, 90.2], [0]], [[237.6, 77.3], [13]], [[209.3, 28.3], [14]], [[258.3, 0], [15]], [[286.6, 49], [21]], [[40, 34.7], [17]], [[120, 34.7], [1]], [[80, 74.7], [19]], [[0, 74.7], [16]], [[260, 144.8], [4]], [[259.8, 64.5], [20, 12]]], [[[58.1, 92.3], [144.5, 5.9], [230.9, 92.4]], [[173.9, 141.8], [296.1, 141.8], [296.1, 264]], [[164.5, 219.9], [212.4, 172], [260.4, 220]], [[242.5, 87.6], [194.5, 135.6], [146.5, 87.6]], [[236.6, 81.1], [205.4, 27.2], [259.3, -3.9], [290.5, 50]], [[38, 32.7], [126, 32.7], [82, 76.7], [-6, 76.7]], [[262.4, 147.2], [175.2, 147.2], [262.2, 59.6]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-10.4, 38.6], [-38.6, -10.4], [10.4, -38.6], [38.6, 10.4]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 293.1, 258), new OKFigLevel([[[258.5, 29.7], [2]], [[145.4, 142.8], [7]], [[258.5, 0x0100], [17]], [[0, 24.4], [4]], [[56.6, 24.4], [5]], [[56.6, 81], [3]], [[199.9, 88.3], [12]], [[159.9, 128.3], [8]], [[119.9, 88.2], [16]], [[177.4, 69.3], [10]], [[162.7, 14.6], [11]], [[217.4, 0], [12]], [[232.8, 55.4], [9, 0]], [[90.4, 48.2], [14]], [[170.4, 48.2], [15]], [[130.4, 88.2], [6]], [[50.4, 88.2], [13]], [[201.9, 199.4], [18]], [[145.4, 0x0100], [1]]], [[[261.5, 23.6], [261.5, 145.8], [139.3, 145.8]], [[139.3, 139.8], [261.5, 139.8], [261.5, 262]], [[-7.5, 20.6], [60.3, 20.6], [60.3, 88.5]], [[207.9, 85.6], [159.9, 133.6], [111.9, 85.6]], [[175.4, 72.7], [159.3, 12.6], [219.4, -3.5], [236.3, 57.5]], [[88.4, 46.2], [176.4, 46.2], [132.4, 90.2], [44.4, 90.2]], [[205.3, 199.4], [143.7, 261.1], [143.7, 137.7]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-20, 34.6], [-34.6, -20], [20, -34.6], [34.6, 20]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 258.5, 0x0100), new OKFigLevel([[[160, 117.5], [5]], [[80, 197.4], [2]], [[0, 117.5], [11]], [[100.1, 337.3], [4]], [[20.1, 257.3], [1]], [[100.1, 177.3], [15]], [[195.5, 0], [7]], [[195.4, 56.6], [8, 10]], [[138.9, 56.6], [6]], [[195.4, 113.1], [7]], [[252, 56.6], [9]], [[80.7, 117.5], [12, 0]], [[40.7, 76.1], [13]], [[80.7, 36.1], [14]], [[120.7, 76.1], [11]], [[236.6, 313.8], [16]], [[180, 313.8], [17]], [[123.5, 257.3], [18]], [[100.1, 257.3], [3]]], [[[166.4, 115.4], [80, 201.7], [-6.4, 115.4]], [[102.2, 343.7], [15.8, 257.3], [102.2, 170.9]], [[199.2, -7.5], [199.2, 60.3], [131.3, 60.3]], [[191.6, 120.7], [191.7, 52.8], [259.5, 52.8]], [[80.7, 121.6], [36.7, 76.1], [80.7, 32.1], [124.7, 76.1]], [[180.1, 254.5], [242.3, 316.7], [180, 316.7], [117.8, 254.5]], [[97.7, 259.7], [97.7, 172.5], [184.9, 259.7]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 252, 337.3), new OKFigLevel([[[248, 237.2], [1]], [[168, 317.2], [2]], [[88, 237.2], [0]], [[82.5, 136.6], [18]], [[242.5, 136.6], [3]], [[169.6, 200.7], [6]], [[209.6, 160.7], [7]], [[249.6, 200.7], [5]], [[79.2, 200.8], [9]], [[119.2, 160.8], [10]], [[159.2, 200.8], [8]], [[49.2, 113.3], [12, 15]], [[77.3, 162.4], [13]], [[28.3, 190.7], [14]], [[0, 141.7], [11]], [[49.4, 56.5], [16]], [[105.9, 0], [4]], [[105.9, 56.5], [11]], [[106, 113.2], [17]]], [[[254.4, 235], [168, 321.4], [81.6, 235]], [[76.1, 138.7], [162.5, 52.3], [248.9, 138.7]], [[161.6, 203.4], [209.6, 155.4], [257.6, 203.4]], [[71.2, 203.4], [119.2, 155.4], [167.2, 203.4]], [[50.2, 109.4], [81.1, 163.4], [27.2, 194.5], [-3.9, 140.7]], [[46.5, 56.5], [108.8, -5.7], [108.8, 56.5], [46.3, 118.9]], [[165.9, 56.6], [104.3, 118.3], [104.2, -5.1]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[10.4, -38.6], [38.6, 10.4], [-10.4, 38.6], [-38.6, -10.4]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 249.6, 317.2), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 192.3], [1]], [[0, 79.1], [12]], [[113.2, 79.1], [3]], [[80, 112.3], [4]], [[160, 192.3], [0]], [[195.2, 74.9], [6, 17]], [[138.6, 74.9], [7]], [[138.6, 18.3], [8]], [[195.2, 18.3], [5]], [[1.3, 40], [10]], [[41.3, 0], [11]], [[81.3, 40], [12]], [[41.3, 79.1], [9, 2]], [[235.3, 148.1], [14]], [[315.3, 148.1], [15]], [[275.3, 188.1], [16]], [[195.3, 188.1], [5]], [[251.8, 131.5], [13]]], [[[-3, 198.3], [-3, 76.1], [119.2, 76.1]], [[-6.4, 194.4], [80, 108], [166.4, 194.4]], [[202.8, 78.7], [134.9, 78.7], [134.9, 10.8]], [[131.1, 14.6], [199, 14.6], [199, 82.5]], [[-2.7, 40], [41.3, -4], [85.3, 40], [41.3, 83.1]], [[233.3, 146.1], [321.3, 146.1], [277.3, 190.1], [189.3, 190.1]], [[255.2, 131.5], [193.6, 193.2], [193.5, 69.8]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 315.3, 192.3), new OKFigLevel([[[199.5, 240.7], [1]], [[119.5, 320.7], [2]], [[39.4, 240.7], [17]], [[80, 7.1], [10]], [[160, 87.1], [13]], [[40, 207], [6]], [[0, 167], [8]], [[80.1, 110.5], [3]], [[23.4, 167], [7]], [[199.1, 49], [10]], [[150.2, 77.2], [11, 4]], [[121.8, 28.3], [12]], [[170.8, 0], [9]], [[240.1, 87.1], [14]], [[200.1, 127.1], [15]], [[120, 127.1], [17]], [[63.5, 183.6], [5]], [[120.1, 240.7], [16, 0]]], [[[205.9, 238.6], [119.5, 325], [33, 238.6]], [[77.9, 0.7], [164.3, 87.1], [77.9, 173.5]], [[88.1, 164.5], [40, 212.3], [-8, 164.3]], [[83.8, 102.9], [83.9, 170.9], [15.9, 170.8]], [[203, 50], [149.1, 81.1], [117.9, 27.2], [171.8, -3.9]], [[158, 85.1], [246.1, 85.1], [202.1, 129.1], [114, 129.1]], [[60.1, 183.6], [121.7, 122], [121.8, 245.9]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[38.6, 10.4], [-10.4, 38.6], [-38.6, -10.4], [10.4, -38.6]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 240.1, 320.7), new OKFigLevel([[[216.6, 40], [1]], [[216.6, 153.1], [3]], [[103.5, 153.1], [8]], [[136.6, 233.1], [6]], [[56.6, 153.1], [2]], [[56.6, 176.5], [4]], [[0, 233.1], [5]], [[152.1, 104.5], [10]], [[112.1, 144.5], [9]], [[72.1, 104.5], [14]], [[176.6, 80], [11]], [[136.6, 40], [12]], [[176.6, 0], [0]], [[95.5, 47.9], [7]], [[95.5, 104.5], [15]], [[38.9, 47.9], [13]]], [[[219.6, 34], [219.6, 156.2], [97.5, 156.1]], [[223, 151], [136.6, 237.4], [50.2, 151]], [[60.4, 169], [60.4, 236.9], [-7.5, 236.9]], [[160.1, 101.9], [112.1, 149.9], [64.1, 101.9]], [[176.6, 84], [132.6, 40], [176.6, -4], [220.6, 40]], [[95.5, 45.1], [157.7, 107.4], [95.5, 107.4], [33.2, 45.1]], [[54.2, 235.5], [54.2, 148.3], [141.4, 235.5]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 216.6, 233.1), new OKFigLevel([[[13.5, 53.5], [9]], [[93.3, 132.8], [6]], [[13.5, 213.4], [0]], [[231.8, 431.8], [4]], [[118.7, 431.8], [5]], [[118.7, 318.7], [2]], [[69.8, 156.6], [7]], [[70, 213.4], [15]], [[40.1, 79.9], [14]], [[0, 40], [10]], [[40, 0], [8]], [[77.5, 78.5], [12]], [[132.2, 63.9], [13]], [[146.8, 118.5], [1]], [[92.9, 132.4], [11]], [[126.6, 270], [16]], [[150, 270], [17]], [[150, 350], [3]]], [[[11.4, 47.1], [97.6, 132.8], [11.3, 219.8]], [[237.8, 434.8], [115.6, 434.8], [115.7, 312.6]], [[73.5, 149], [73.8, 217.2], [5.9, 217.2]], [[42.8, 87.9], [-5.3, 40], [42.7, -8]], [[74.1, 76.5], [134.2, 60.4], [150.3, 120.5], [91.4, 136.3]], [[70, 272.8], [7.8, 210.6], [70, 210.6], [132.2, 272.8]], [[152.4, 267.6], [152.4, 354.8], [65.2, 267.6]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-34.6, -20], [20, -34.6], [34.6, 20], [-20, 34.6]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 231.8, 431.8), new OKFigLevel([[[218.6, 187.5], [1]], [[109.3, 216.8], [2]], [[80, 107.5], [0, 18]], [[21.2, 117.7], [17]], [[101.1, 197.7], [11]], [[21.2, 277.7], [3]], [[80, 96.6], [2]], [[120, 56.6], [8]], [[160, 96.6], [6]], [[46.5, 332.4], [10]], [[6.5, 292.4], [5]], [[46.5, 252.4], [9]], [[20.7, 0], [13]], [[77.3, 0], [14]], [[77.3, 56.6], [7]], [[20.7, 56.6], [12]], [[40, 56.6], [15]], [[0, 96.6], [16]], [[80, 176.6], [4]]], [[[225.2, 188.8], [107.2, 220.5], [75.5, 102.4]], [[19, 111.3], [105.4, 197.7], [19, 284.1]], [[72, 99.2], [120, 51.2], [168, 99.2]], [[49.2, 340.4], [1.2, 292.4], [49.2, 244.4]], [[17.9, -2.8], [80.1, -2.8], [80.1, 59.4], [17.9, 59.4]], [[38, 54.6], [126, 54.6], [82, 98.6], [-6, 98.6]], [[82.4, 94.2], [82.4, 181.4], [-4.8, 94.2]]], [[[82.6, 16.9], [-26.7, 46.2], [-55.9, -63.1]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 218.6, 332.4), new OKFigLevel([[[56.6, 181.7], [15]], [[56.6, 68.6], [2, 13]], [[169.7, 68.5], [0]], [[17.3, 142.4], [16]], [[97.3, 222.4], [9]], [[17.3, 302.4], [3]], [[96.6, 221.7], [4]], [[42.8, 356.9], [8]], [[2.8, 316.9], [5]], [[42.8, 276.9], [7]], [[1.7, 54.6], [11]], [[16.4, 0], [12]], [[71, 14.6], [1]], [[56.4, 69.3], [10]], [[176.6, 221.7], [6]], [[216.6, 181.7], [14]], [[0, 125.1], [1]]], [[[53.5, 187.7], [53.5, 65.5], [175.7, 65.5]], [[15.2, 136], [101.6, 222.4], [15.2, 308.8]], [[144.6, 179], [97.4, 227.9], [48.6, 179]], [[45.5, 364.9], [-2.5, 316.9], [45.5, 268.9]], [[-1.7, 56.6], [14.4, -3.5], [74.5, 12.6], [58.6, 71.9]], [[178.6, 223.7], [91.4, 224.5], [134.6, 179.7], [222.6, 179.7]], [[-3.4, 125.1], [58.3, 63.5], [58.3, 186.8]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-34.6, 20], [-20, -34.6], [34.6, -20], [20, 34.6]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 216.6, 356.9), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 239.9], [1]], [[80, 160], [4]], [[160, 239.9], [5]], [[160, 80], [2]], [[80, 80], [7]], [[120, 279.9], [9]], [[80, 239.9], [0]], [[160.1, 0], [8]], [[200.1, 40], [3]], [[120, 359.9], [10]], [[80, 319.9], [6]]], [[[-6.4, 242.1], [80, 155.7], [166.4, 242.1]], [[162.1, 246.3], [75.8, 160], [162.2, 73.6]], [[72, 82.7], [120.1, 34.7], [168, 82.6]], [[168, 237.3], [120, 285.2], [72, 237.3]], [[160.1, -4], [204.1, 40], [160, 84], [116.1, 40]], [[122, 277.9], [122, 365.9], [78, 321.9], [78, 233.9]], [[77.6, 77.6], [164.8, 77.6], [77.6, 164.8]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 200.1, 359.9), new OKFigLevel([[[255.1, 41.4], [5]], [[100.5, 0], [0]], [[59.1, 154.6], [3]], [[79.9, 77.2], [4, 9]], [[51.5, 28.3], [1]], [[243.6, 48.1], [6]], [[271.8, 97], [11]], [[222.9, 125.3], [14]], [[40, 37.2], [3]], [[40, 117.2], [10]], [[0, 77.2], [8]], [[349.1, 117.7], [12]], [[300.1, 146], [7]], [[174.3, 88.1], [2]], [[214.3, 157.3], [13]]], [[[261.9, 41], [156, 102.1], [94.9, -3.7]], [[100.1, -6.7], [161.3, 99.1], [55.4, 160.2]], [[80.4, 85.6], [46.4, 26.9], [105.2, -7]], [[243.1, 39.7], [277, 98.4], [218.2, 132.3]], [[40, 33.2], [83.8, 77.2], [40, 121.2], [-4, 77.2]], [[270.4, 94.6], [355.4, 117.3], [301.5, 148.4], [216.6, 125.7]], [[171, 87.2], [246.5, 43.6], [214.6, 162.7]]], [[[84.2, -5.1], [-13.8, 51.5], [-70.4, -46.5]], [[-5.1, -84.2], [51.5, 13.8], [-46.5, 70.4]], [[2.5, 42.1], [-25.8, -6.9], [23.2, -35.2]], [[-2.5, -42.1], [25.8, 6.9], [-23.2, 35.2]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[-14.1, -24.5], [63.1, -3.8], [14.1, 24.5], [-63.1, 3.8]], [[-36.4, -9.8], [32.9, -49.8], [3.6, 59.5]]], 349.1, 157.3), new OKFigLevel([[[247.1, 176.5], [1]], [[137.8, 205.8], [2]], [[108.5, 96.6], [0, 18]], [[56.6, 124.8], [17]], [[136.6, 204.8], [5]], [[56.6, 284.8], [10]], [[148.4, 0], [7]], [[148.4, 56.6], [2]], [[91.9, 56.6], [6]], [[56.6, 270.7], [3]], [[56.6, 327.3], [11]], [[0, 327.3], [9]], [[24.2, 0], [13]], [[80.7, 0], [14]], [[80.7, 56.6], [8]], [[24.2, 56.6], [12]], [[68.5, 56.6], [15]], [[28.4, 96.6], [16]], [[108.4, 176.6], [4]]], [[[253.7, 177.9], [135.7, 209.5], [104, 91.5]], [[54.5, 118.4], [142.2, 205.9], [54.4, 291.2]], [[152.2, -7.5], [152.2, 60.4], [84.3, 60.4]], [[60.3, 263.2], [60.3, 331], [-7.5, 331]], [[21.3, -2.8], [83.6, -2.8], [83.6, 59.4], [21.3, 59.4]], [[66.5, 54.6], [154.4, 54.6], [110.5, 98.6], [22.4, 98.6]], [[110.9, 94.2], [110.8, 181.4], [23.6, 94.2]]], [[[82.6, 16.9], [-26.7, 46.2], [-55.9, -63.1]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 247.1, 327.3), new OKFigLevel([[[96.5, 160], [6]], [[176.5, 80], [3]], [[256.5, 160], [0]], [[256.5, 0], [11]], [[256.2, 80.4], [5]], [[296.5, 119.9], [2]], [[119.9, 136.6], [7]], [[80, 96.7], [14]], [[119.9, 56.7], [15]], [[333.4, 59.7], [10]], [[305.2, 108.7], [4]], [[256.2, 80.4], [12]], [[284.4, 31.4], [9]], [[40, 56.7], [8]], [[0, 96.7], [13]], [[119.9, 23.5], [1]]], [[[90.1, 162.1], [176.5, 75.8], [262.9, 162.1]], [[258.6, 166.4], [172.2, 80], [258.6, -6.4]], [[253.5, 72.5], [301.8, 119.9], [253.8, 168]], [[122.6, 144.6], [74.7, 96.7], [122.6, 48.7]], [[337.3, 58.7], [306.2, 112.6], [252.3, 81.5], [283.4, 27.5]], [[38, 54.7], [125.9, 54.7], [82, 98.7], [-6, 98.7]], [[179.9, 80], [118.2, 141.7], [118.2, 18.4]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[38.6, -10.4], [10.4, 38.6], [-38.6, 10.4], [-10.4, -38.6]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 333.4, 160), new OKFigLevel([[[101.2, 277.9], [1]], [[101.2, 164.8], [7]], [[134.3, 244.8], [0]], [[294.3, 244.8], [2]], [[197.8, 68.2], [5]], [[157.8, 108.2], [3]], [[117.8, 68.3], [4]], [[117.8, 148.2], [12]], [[77.3, 28.3], [9]], [[49, 77.3], [10]], [[0, 49], [11]], [[28.3, 0], [8]], [[77.8, 108.3], [13]], [[77.8, 28.3], [6]]], [[[98.2, 283.9], [98.2, 161.8], [220.4, 161.8]], [[127.9, 246.9], [214.3, 160.5], [300.7, 246.9]], [[205.8, 65.5], [157.8, 113.6], [109.8, 65.6]], [[115.2, 60.3], [163.1, 108.2], [115.1, 156.2]], [[81.1, 27.2], [50, 81.1], [-3.9, 50], [27.2, -3.9]], [[119.8, 66.3], [119.8, 154.2], [75.8, 110.3], [75.2, 22.3]], [[157.8, 104.8], [219.4, 166.5], [96.1, 166.5]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[38.6, -10.4], [10.4, 38.6], [-38.6, 10.4], [-10.4, -38.6]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 294.3, 277.9), new OKFigLevel([[[200, 296.5], [3]], [[40, 136.5], [14]], [[176.1, 272.6], [6]], [[216.1, 312.6], [4]], [[176.1, 352.6], [2]], [[0, 176.5], [1]], [[80, 176.5], [5]], [[197.8, 18.6], [8]], [[183.3, 73.3], [9, 11]], [[128.6, 58.6], [10]], [[143.2, 3.9], [7]], [[256.6, 0], [12]], [[256.6, 56.6], [13]], [[200, 113.1], [0]], [[120, 136.5], [8]]], [[[202.1, 302.9], [115.7, 216.5], [202.1, 130.1]], [[206.4, 134.4], [120, 220.8], [33.6, 134.4]], [[173.4, 264.6], [221.4, 312.6], [173.4, 360.6]], [[-8, 179.2], [40, 131.2], [88, 179.2]], [[201.3, 16.6], [185.3, 76.8], [125.1, 60.6], [141.2, 0.5]], [[197.2, 56.6], [259.5, -5.7], [259.5, 56.6], [197.2, 118.8]], [[202.4, 138.9], [115.2, 138.9], [202.4, 51.8]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[34.6, -20], [20, 34.6], [-34.6, 20], [-20, -34.6]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 256.6, 352.6), new OKFigLevel([[[135.4, 23.6], [1]], [[248.6, 23.6], [6]], [[80, 112], [12]], [[40, 152], [4]], [[0, 112], [8]], [[305.1, 136.7], [13]], [[248.6, 80.1], [5]], [[78.7, 56.7], [8, 11]], [[63.9, 112], [9, 2]], [[9.3, 96.9], [10]], [[23.9, 42.2], [7]], [[135.4, 0], [0]], [[78.8, 113.2], [7]], [[55.4, 136.6], [3]]], [[[254.6, 139.7], [132.4, 139.7], [132.4, 17.5]], [[129.3, 20.5], [251.6, 20.5], [251.6, 142.7]], [[88, 109.3], [40, 157.3], [-8, 109.3]], [[312.7, 140.4], [244.8, 140.5], [244.8, 72.6]], [[82.2, 54.7], [65.9, 115.5], [5.8, 98.9], [21.9, 38.8]], [[75.8, 56.7], [138.2, -5.7], [138.2, 56.6], [77.3, 117.5]], [[137.8, 139.1], [50.6, 139], [137.8, 51.8]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[34.6, -20], [20, 34.6], [-34.6, 20], [-20, -34.6]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 305.1, 152), new OKFigLevel([[[218.9, 80.1], [1]], [[138.9, 160.1], [5]], [[58.9, 80.1], [13]], [[33.1, 214.4], [4]], [[113.1, 134.4], [2]], [[193.1, 214.4], [18]], [[207.4, 252], [7]], [[263.9, 252], [8]], [[263.9, 308.6], [19]], [[56.6, 270.9], [10]], [[56.6, 327.5], [11]], [[0, 327.5], [20]], [[178.6, 40], [13]], [[138.6, 80.1], [14, 0]], [[98.6, 40], [15]], [[138.6, 0], [12]], [[169.8, 271], [17]], [[113.2, 214.4], [9]], [[169.8, 214.4], [6]], [[226.3, 271], [16]], [[33.1, 294.4], [3]]], [[[225.3, 78], [138.9, 164.4], [52.5, 78]], [[26.7, 216.5], [113.1, 130.1], [199.5, 216.5]], [[199.8, 248.2], [267.7, 248.3], [267.7, 316.2]], [[60.4, 263.4], [60.3, 331.2], [-7.5, 331.2]], [[182.6, 40], [138.6, 84.1], [94.6, 40], [138.6, -4]], [[169.8, 273.8], [107.5, 211.5], [169.8, 211.5], [232, 273.8]], [[30.7, 212], [118, 212], [30.7, 299.2]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 263.9, 327.5), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 295.3], [15]], [[160, 295.3], [0]], [[160, 135.3], [1]], [[205.1, 68.9], [4, 8]], [[166, 109], [16]], [[126, 69], [9]], [[261.7, 125.1], [7]], [[205.1, 125.1], [3]], [[205.1, 68.5], [6]], [[144.8, 69], [17, 3]], [[90.2, 54.6], [11]], [[104.8, 0], [12]], [[159.4, 14.6], [9]], [[63.1, 175.6], [14]], [[119.6, 119.1], [17]], [[63.1, 232.2], [13]], [[176.2, 119.1], [2]], [[119.7, 62.4], [5, 10]]], [[[-6.4, 297.4], [80, 211], [166.4, 297.5]], [[162.1, 301.7], [75.7, 215.3], [162.1, 128.9]], [[212.9, 66.3], [166, 114.3], [118, 66.3]], [[269.2, 128.9], [201.3, 128.9], [201.3, 61.5]], [[146.8, 72.4], [86.7, 56.6], [102.8, -3.5], [162.9, 12.6]], [[60.2, 175.6], [122.5, 113.4], [122.5, 175.7], [60.2, 237.9]], [[179.6, 119.1], [117.9, 180.8], [118, 57.3]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[20, 34.6], [-34.6, 20], [-20, -34.6], [34.6, -20]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 261.7, 295.3), new OKFigLevel([[[193.1, 122], [5]], [[80, 235.2], [15]], [[113.1, 42], [0]], [[113.1, 315.1], [4]], [[153.1, 275.1], [16]], [[193.1, 315.1], [3]], [[56.6, 240], [13]], [[56.6, 296.5], [8]], [[0, 296.5], [6]], [[113.1, 56.6], [10]], [[56.5, 56.6], [11]], [[56.5, 0], [12]], [[113.1, 0], [2]], [[56.6, 202.1], [14]], [[113.1, 145.5], [9]], [[56.6, 258.7], [7]], [[113.1, 235.2], [1]]], [[[196.2, 116], [196.1, 238.1], [74, 238.2]], [[111, 35.6], [197.4, 122], [111, 208.5]], [[105.1, 317.8], [153.1, 269.8], [201.1, 317.8]], [[60.4, 232.4], [60.3, 300.3], [-7.5, 300.3]], [[115.9, 59.4], [53.7, 59.4], [53.7, -2.8], [115.9, -2.8]], [[53.7, 202.1], [116, 139.9], [116, 202.1], [53.7, 264.3]], [[195.5, 232.7], [195.5, 319.9], [108.3, 232.8]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 193.1, 315.1), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 301], [11]], [[160, 301], [0]], [[23.5, 61], [8]], [[103.5, 141], [5]], [[136.6, 221], [6]], [[80, 164.5], [4]], [[136.6, 277.6], [1]], [[42.4, 80], [13]], [[2.4, 40], [9]], [[42.4, 0], [10]], [[82.4, 40], [7]], [[23.4, 277.6], [2]], [[123.8, 161.4], [3]], [[67.3, 104.8], [14]], [[180.4, 104.8], [12]]], [[[-6.4, 303.2], [80, 216.8], [166.4, 303.1]], [[21.4, 54.6], [107.8, 141], [21.3, 227.5]], [[144.1, 224.8], [76.2, 224.8], [76.3, 157]], [[72.5, 217.3], [140.3, 217.2], [140.3, 285.1]], [[42.4, 84], [-1.6, 40], [42.4, -4], [86.4, 40]], [[20.6, 221.1], [82.9, 158.8], [82.8, 221], [20.6, 283.2]], [[123.8, 164.8], [62.2, 103.1], [185.5, 103.1]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 180.4, 301), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 301], [11]], [[160, 301], [0]], [[23.5, 61], [8]], [[103.5, 141], [5]], [[136.6, 221], [6]], [[80.1, 164.5], [12]], [[136.6, 277.6], [1]], [[42.4, 80], [3]], [[2.4, 40], [9]], [[42.4, 0], [10]], [[82.4, 40], [7]], [[23.4, 277.6], [2]], [[193.1, 164.4], [4]]], [[[-6.4, 303.2], [80, 216.8], [166.4, 303.1]], [[21.4, 54.6], [107.7, 141], [21.3, 227.5]], [[144.1, 224.7], [76.2, 224.8], [76.3, 156.9]], [[72.5, 217.3], [140.3, 217.2], [140.3, 285.1]], [[42.4, 84], [-1.6, 40], [42.4, -4], [86.4, 40]], [[20.6, 221.1], [82.9, 158.8], [82.8, 221], [20.6, 283.2]], [[136.6, 224.4], [75, 162.8], [198.2, 162.7]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 193.1, 301), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 315.6], [11]], [[160, 315.6], [0]], [[159.7, 155.8], [1, 3]], [[214.2, 141.7], [4]], [[228.9, 196.3], [2]], [[139.5, 0], [8]], [[70.2, 40], [5]], [[179.5, 69.3], [13]], [[194.1, 14.6], [7]], [[85.9, 173], [10]], [[142.4, 116.5], [13]], [[85.9, 229.6], [9]], [[199, 116.6], [2]], [[142.6, 59.4], [12, 6]]], [[[-6.4, 317.7], [80, 231.3], [166.4, 317.7]], [[162.1, 322], [75.7, 235.6], [161.8, 149.5]], [[151.4, 154], [216.9, 137.1], [234.5, 202.6]], [[145.1, -6.3], [127.5, 59.3], [61.9, 41.7]], [[181.5, 72.7], [121.4, 56.6], [137.5, -3.5], [197.6, 12.6]], [[83, 173], [145.2, 110.8], [145.3, 173.1], [83.1, 235.3]], [[202.4, 116.6], [140.7, 178.2], [140.9, 54.2]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-41.3, -8.5], [13.3, -23.1], [28, 31.5]], [[28, -31.5], [13.3, 23.1], [-41.3, 8.5]], [[20, 34.6], [-34.6, 20], [-20, -34.6], [34.6, -20]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 228.9, 315.6), new OKFigLevel([[[8.1, 236.3], [14]], [[146.7, 316.3], [2]], [[187.2, 339.7], [3]], [[132.5, 354.3], [4]], [[117.9, 299.7], [15]], [[49, 388.9], [6]], [[0, 360.6], [7]], [[28.3, 311.7], [0]], [[135.1, 54.6], [9]], [[80.5, 69.3], [1]], [[65.9, 14.6], [11]], [[120.5, 0], [8]], [[33.5, 112.5], [13]], [[73.5, 43.2], [10]], [[48.1, 167.1], [12]], [[77.4, 276.3], [16]], [[37.4, 345.6], [5]]], [[[89.5, 91.2], [121.1, 209.2], [3.1, 240.8]], [[1.5, 235], [119.6, 203.4], [151.2, 321.4]], [[195.4, 341.4], [129.9, 359], [112.3, 293.4]], [[53.6, 396], [-5.2, 362], [28.8, 303.2]], [[138.6, 56.6], [78.5, 72.7], [62.4, 12.6], [122.5, -3.5]], [[30.8, 113.2], [74.8, 37], [90.9, 97.1], [46.9, 173.3]], [[80.7, 275.4], [37.1, 351], [5.2, 231.9]]], [[[16.9, -82.6], [46.2, 26.7], [-63.1, 55.9]], [[-82.6, -16.9], [26.7, -46.2], [55.9, 63.1]], [[41.3, 8.5], [-13.3, 23.1], [-28, -31.5]], [[23.2, 35.2], [-25.8, 6.9], [2.5, -42.1]], [[34.6, 20], [-20, 34.6], [-34.6, -20], [20, -34.6]], [[-27.3, 7.3], [12.7, -62], [27.3, -7.3], [-12.7, 62]], [[36.4, -9.8], [-3.6, 59.5], [-32.9, -49.8]]], 187.2, 388.9), new OKFigLevel([[[113.6, 290.7], [20]], [[33.6, 210.8], [10]], [[113.6, 130.7], [0]], [[33.5, 370.7], [1]], [[98.5, 0], [5]], [[138.5, 40], [13]], [[98.5, 80], [4]], [[103.4, 97.9], [8, 15]], [[157, 83.6], [9]], [[171.6, 138.2], [7]], [[114, 131.5], [11, 2]], [[57.2, 147.4], [12]], [[42.6, 92.8], [13]], [[98.8, 79.7], [7, 6]], [[150.2, 194.1], [10]], [[111.6, 124.4], [16]], [[164.8, 139.4], [17]], [[204.8, 208.7], [14]], [[80, 404.2], [19]], [[0, 404.2], [3]], [[80, 324.3], [18]]], [[[115.7, 297.1], [29.3, 210.8], [115.7, 124.3]], [[31.5, 204.4], [117.9, 290.7], [31.4, 377.1]], [[95.8, -8], [143.8, 40], [95.8, 88]], [[95.4, 96.2], [159.6, 79], [177.2, 144.6]], [[117.2, 132.5], [55.2, 150.9], [39.1, 90.8], [100.6, 76.7]], [[149.4, 196.8], [107, 120.1], [165.5, 136.7], [209.5, 212.9]], [[82.4, 406.6], [-4.8, 406.6], [82.4, 319.5]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[-41.3, -8.5], [13.3, -23.1], [28, 31.5]], [[34.6, 20], [-20, 34.6], [-34.6, -20], [20, -34.6]], [[-7.3, 27.3], [-47.3, -42], [7.3, -27.3], [47.3, 42]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 204.8, 404.2), new OKFigLevel([[[45.3, 154.9], [3]], [[154.5, 125.6], [16]], [[183.8, 234.8], [12]], [[0, 167], [4]], [[56.6, 69.1], [1]], [[147, 232.3], [6]], [[161.6, 287], [7]], [[107, 301.6], [13]], [[86.8, 68.5], [9]], [[30.3, 68.5], [10]], [[30.3, 11.9], [20]], [[106.1, 190], [0]], [[155.1, 218.3], [5]], [[126.8, 267.2], [14]], [[77.8, 239], [11]], [[223.8, 165.5], [2]], [[169.2, 180.2], [17]], [[209.2, 110.9], [15]], [[98.4, 0], [19]], [[98.4, 80], [8]], [[18.4, 0], [18]]], [[[38.7, 153.5], [156.7, 121.9], [188.3, 239.9]], [[-5.6, 170.7], [55.5, 64.9], [161.3, 126]], [[148.7, 224.1], [166.2, 289.6], [100.7, 307.2]], [[94.4, 72.2], [26.5, 72.2], [26.5, 4.3]], [[105.1, 186.1], [159, 217.2], [127.8, 271.1], [74, 240]], [[226.5, 164.8], [182.5, 241], [166.4, 180.9], [210.4, 104.7]], [[100.8, -2.4], [100.8, 84.8], [13.6, -2.4]]], [[[-82.6, -16.9], [26.7, -46.2], [55.9, 63.1]], [[-70.4, 46.5], [-13.8, -51.5], [84.2, 5.1]], [[8.5, -41.3], [23.1, 13.3], [-31.5, 28]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-10.4, -38.6], [38.6, -10.4], [10.4, 38.6], [-38.6, 10.4]], [[27.3, -7.3], [-12.7, 62], [-27.3, 7.3], [12.7, -62]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 223.8, 301.6), new OKFigLevel([[[2.3, 145.6], [1]], [[82.3, 65.6], [5]], [[162.3, 145.6], [4, 8]], [[2.3, 258.7], [0]], [[115.4, 145.6], [14]], [[140.4, 123.7], [6]], [[197, 123.7], [7]], [[197, 180.3], [2]], [[190.6, 194.5], [9]], [[141.6, 222.8], [2]], [[95.5, 77.3], [11]], [[67.2, 28.3], [12]], [[116.2, 0], [13]], [[144.5, 49], [10]], [[56.6, 204.4], [15]], [[113.1, 204.4], [16]], [[169.7, 260.9], [17]], [[0, 260.9], [3]]], [[[-4.1, 147.7], [82.3, 61.3], [168.7, 147.8]], [[-0.8, 264.7], [-0.7, 142.6], [121.5, 142.6]], [[132.9, 120], [200.7, 120], [200.7, 187.8]], [[161.8, 137.2], [195.8, 195.9], [137, 229.9]], [[94.5, 81.1], [63.4, 27.2], [117.3, -3.9], [148.4, 50]], [[113.1, 263.8], [50.9, 201.6], [113.1, 201.5], [175.3, 263.7]], [[56.6, 201], [118.2, 262.6], [-5.1, 262.6]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-2.5, -42.1], [25.8, 6.9], [-23.2, 35.2]], [[-10.4, 38.6], [-38.6, -10.4], [10.4, -38.6], [38.6, 10.4]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 197, 260.9), new OKFigLevel([[[209.7, 174.4], [1]], [[96.6, 174.3], [16]], [[96.5, 61.2], [0]], [[96.5, 221.2], [18]], [[16.5, 141.1], [2]], [[40, 326], [6]], [[0, 286], [7]], [[40, 246], [19]], [[168.5, 326.3], [9]], [[112, 326.3], [10]], [[112, 269.8], [15]], [[69.8, 54.6], [12]], [[84.4, 0], [13]], [[139.1, 14.6], [14]], [[124.4, 69.3], [11]], [[96.5, 254.3], [3]], [[136.5, 214.3], [17]], [[136.5, 294.3], [8]], [[40, 277.8], [5]], [[40, 164.6], [4]]], [[[215.7, 177.4], [93.5, 177.4], [93.5, 55.1]], [[98.7, 227.6], [12.3, 141.1], [98.7, 54.8]], [[42.7, 334], [-5.3, 286], [42.7, 238]], [[176.1, 330.1], [108.2, 330.1], [108.2, 262.2]], [[66.3, 56.6], [82.4, -3.5], [142.5, 12.6], [126.4, 72.7]], [[94.5, 256.3], [94.6, 168.3], [138.5, 212.3], [138.5, 300.3]], [[99.9, 221.2], [38.3, 282.9], [38.3, 159.5]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-34.6, 20], [-20, -34.6], [34.6, -20], [20, 34.6]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 209.7, 326.3), new OKFigLevel([[[259, 178.1], [13]], [[145.9, 64.9], [0]], [[32.7, 64.9], [1]], [[80, 192.5], [4]], [[40, 232.5], [5]], [[0, 192.5], [18]], [[240.2, 215.8], [7]], [[296.8, 215.8], [8]], [[296.8, 272.4], [14]], [[117.7, 0], [10]], [[172.4, 14.6], [11]], [[157.8, 69.3], [12]], [[103.1, 54.6], [9]], [[202.4, 178.1], [6]], [[259, 234.6], [15]], [[202.5, 234.6], [17]], [[103.7, 135.9], [2]], [[160.3, 192.5], [3]], [[47.1, 192.5], [16]]], [[[265.1, 181.1], [142.8, 181.1], [142.9, 58.9]], [[26.7, 61.9], [148.9, 61.9], [148.9, 184.1]], [[88, 189.8], [40, 237.8], [-8, 189.8]], [[232.7, 212], [300.5, 212.1], [300.5, 279.9]], [[115.7, -3.5], [175.9, 12.6], [159.8, 72.7], [99.6, 56.6]], [[202.4, 175.3], [264.7, 237.5], [202.5, 237.5], [140.2, 175.3]], [[103.7, 132.5], [165.4, 194.2], [42, 194.2]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-20, -34.6], [34.6, -20], [20, 34.6], [-34.6, 20]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 296.8, 272.4), new OKFigLevel([[[226.2, 272.9], [1]], [[113.1, 272.9], [5]], [[113.1, 159.7], [0]], [[0, 79.2], [4]], [[113.1, 79.2], [17]], [[113.1, 192.4], [7]], [[73.1, 152.3], [3]], [[73.1, 232.4], [20]], [[51.2, 279.5], [18]], [[91.2, 319.5], [10]], [[51.2, 359.5], [8]], [[84.5, 0], [12]], [[124.5, 40], [13]], [[84.5, 80], [14]], [[44.5, 40], [11]], [[169.7, 79.2], [16]], [[113.1, 135.8], [2]], [[169.7, 22.6], [15]], [[16.5, 244.8], [19]], [[73.1, 188.3], [6]], [[73.1, 301.4], [9]]], [[[232.3, 275.9], [110.1, 275.9], [110.1, 153.7]], [[-6, 76.2], [116.1, 76.2], [116.1, 198.4]], [[70.4, 144.3], [118.5, 192.4], [70.4, 240.4]], [[48.5, 271.5], [96.5, 319.5], [48.5, 367.5]], [[84.5, -4], [128.5, 40], [84.5, 84], [40.5, 40]], [[172.5, 79.2], [110.3, 141.4], [110.3, 79.2], [172.5, 17]], [[13.1, 244.8], [74.8, 183.2], [74.8, 306.5]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 226.2, 359.5), new OKFigLevel([[[80, 176.5], [14]], [[80, 336.4], [3]], [[160, 96.5], [15]], [[80, 256.5], [4]], [[39.9, 216.5], [0]], [[120, 40], [6]], [[159.9, 0], [7]], [[200, 40], [9]], [[130.7, 40], [5]], [[187.3, 40], [10]], [[187.3, 96.6], [11]], [[130.7, 96.6], [8]], [[40, 136.5], [13]], [[120, 136.5], [2]], [[0, 176.5], [12]], [[160, 336.3], [1]]], [[[77.8, 170.1], [164.3, 256.4], [77.9, 342.8]], [[162.1, 262.8], [75.7, 176.5], [162.1, 90.1]], [[82.7, 264.5], [34.6, 216.5], [82.7, 168.5]], [[112, 42.7], [159.9, -5.3], [208, 42.7]], [[127.9, 37.2], [190.1, 37.2], [190.1, 99.4], [127.9, 99.4]], [[38, 134.5], [126, 134.5], [82, 178.5], [-6, 178.5]], [[162.4, 338.7], [75.2, 338.8], [162.4, 251.6]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 200, 336.4), new OKFigLevel([[[46, 210.4], [15]], [[159.1, 323.5], [17]], [[159.2, 97.2], [1]], [[150.1, 324.1], [4]], [[150.1, 380.6], [5]], [[93.5, 380.6], [3]], [[120, 40], [7]], [[159.9, 0], [8]], [[200, 40], [10]], [[130.7, 40], [6]], [[187.3, 40], [11]], [[187.3, 96.6], [12]], [[130.7, 96.6], [9]], [[40, 136.5], [14]], [[120, 136.4], [2]], [[80, 176.4], [16]], [[0, 176.5], [13]], [[79.1, 323.5], [18]], [[79.1, 243.5], [0]]], [[[40, 207.4], [162.2, 207.4], [162.2, 329.5]], [[162.2, 91.2], [162.2, 213.4], [40, 213.4]], [[153.8, 316.5], [153.8, 384.4], [85.9, 384.4]], [[112, 42.7], [159.9, -5.3], [208, 42.7]], [[127.9, 37.2], [190.1, 37.2], [190.1, 99.4], [127.9, 99.4]], [[38, 134.5], [126, 134.4], [82, 178.4], [-6, 178.5]], [[76.7, 325.9], [76.7, 238.7], [163.9, 325.9]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 200, 380.6), new OKFigLevel([[[169.7, 241.8], [1]], [[56.6, 241.8], [2]], [[56.6, 128.8], [15]], [[169.7, 128.8], [7]], [[56.6, 15.6], [13]], [[210.6, 113.1], [6]], [[210.6, 169.7], [3]], [[136.6, 128.8], [8]], [[96.6, 168.7], [0]], [[129.6, 0], [10]], [[186.2, 0], [11]], [[186.2, 56.6], [14]], [[129.6, 56.6], [9]], [[97.5, 56.6], [12]], [[154.1, 56.6], [5]], [[0, 72.2], [4]]], [[[175.7, 244.9], [53.5, 244.9], [53.6, 122.7]], [[175.8, 131.8], [53.5, 131.8], [53.6, 9.6]], [[146.5, 109.4], [214.4, 109.4], [214.4, 177.2]], [[144.6, 126.1], [96.6, 174.1], [48.6, 126.1]], [[126.8, -2.8], [189, -2.8], [189, 59.4], [126.8, 59.4]], [[154.1, 116], [91.9, 53.7], [154.1, 53.8], [216.3, 116]], [[-3.4, 72.2], [58.3, 10.5], [58.3, 133.8]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 210.6, 241.8), new OKFigLevel([[[137.4, 170.7], [8]], [[24.3, 170.7], [2]], [[24.3, 57.7], [0, 13]], [[0, 170.7], [1]], [[113.1, 170.7], [5]], [[113.2, 283.8], [16]], [[25.3, 252.5], [7]], [[25.3, 196], [3]], [[207, 170.7], [9, 18]], [[167, 210.7], [10]], [[127, 170.7], [4]], [[82, 14.6], [12]], [[67.3, 69.3], [2]], [[12.7, 54.6], [14]], [[27.3, 0], [11]], [[81.9, 309.1], [6]], [[138.4, 309.1], [15]], [[286.9, 170.7], [8]], [[286.9, 90.7], [17]]], [[[143.5, 173.7], [21.3, 173.7], [21.2, 51.7]], [[-6, 167.7], [116.2, 167.6], [116.2, 289.8]], [[89.4, 256.3], [21.5, 256.3], [21.5, 188.4]], [[215, 168], [167, 216], [119, 168]], [[85.4, 12.6], [69.3, 72.7], [9.2, 56.6], [25.3, -3.5]], [[81.9, 311.9], [19.7, 249.7], [81.9, 249.7], [144.1, 311.9]], [[289.3, 173.1], [202.2, 173.1], [289.3, 85.9]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[34.6, -20], [20, 34.6], [-34.6, 20], [-20, -34.6]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 286.9, 309.1), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 144.8], [10]], [[80, 64.8], [2]], [[160, 144.8], [7]], [[160, 201.4], [15]], [[80, 281.4], [11]], [[0, 201.4], [0]], [[56.6, 201.4], [3]], [[113.1, 144.8], [6]], [[64.8, 0], [9]], [[104.8, 40], [1]], [[64.8, 80], [8]], [[80, 361.4], [12]], [[40, 321.4], [13]], [[40, 241.4], [5]], [[103.4, 258], [4]], [[159.9, 314.6], [14]]], [[[-6.4, 147], [80, 60.5], [166.4, 147]], [[166.4, 199.3], [80, 285.7], [-6.4, 199.3]], [[52.8, 209], [52.8, 141.1], [120.6, 141.1]], [[62.1, -8], [110.1, 40], [62.1, 88]], [[59.4, 142], [59.4, 204.3], [-2.8, 204.3], [-2.8, 142]], [[82, 279.4], [82, 367.4], [38, 323.4], [38, 235.4]], [[100, 258], [161.7, 196.3], [161.6, 319.7]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 160, 361.4), new OKFigLevel([[[0.1, 137.3], [1]], [[80.1, 56.6], [13, 11]], [[160, 137.3], [3]], [[113.2, 137.3], [8]], [[200, 17.3], [5]], [[160, 57.3], [2]], [[120, 17.3], [4]], [[169.7, 250.4], [15]], [[113.2, 193.8], [7]], [[101.7, 0], [10]], [[101.7, 56.6], [1]], [[45.1, 56.6], [12]], [[45.1, 0], [9]], [[120.2, 97.1], [6]], [[56.6, 193.8], [0]], [[0, 250.4], [14]]], [[[-6.3, 139.4], [80.1, 52.2], [166.4, 139.4]], [[-6, 134.3], [116.2, 134.3], [116.2, 256.4]], [[208, 14.6], [160, 62.6], [112, 14.6]], [[177.3, 254.2], [109.4, 254.2], [109.4, 186.3]], [[104.5, -2.8], [104.5, 59.4], [42.3, 59.4], [42.3, -2.8]], [[118.2, 99.1], [118, 11.3], [162, 55.3], [162, 143.3]], [[56.6, 190.4], [118.2, 252.1], [-5.1, 252.1]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 200, 250.4), new OKFigLevel([[[130.5, 169.7], [16]], [[17.4, 169.7], [2]], [[17.4, 56.6], [10]], [[130.5, 56.6], [0]], [[120, 214], [5]], [[160, 254], [6]], [[120, 294], [17]], [[0, 289.7], [8]], [[40, 249.7], [14]], [[80, 289.7], [7]], [[33.4, 56.6], [11]], [[33.4, 0], [12]], [[89.9, 0], [13]], [[89.9, 56.6], [3]], [[40, 169.7], [1]], [[80, 209.7], [9]], [[120, 169.7], [4]], [[120, 249.7], [15]]], [[[136.6, 172.7], [14.4, 172.8], [14.4, 50.6]], [[11.3, 53.6], [133.5, 53.6], [133.5, 175.8]], [[117.4, 206], [165.4, 254], [117.4, 302]], [[-8, 292.3], [40, 244.3], [88, 292.3]], [[30.5, 59.4], [30.5, -2.8], [92.8, -2.8], [92.8, 59.4]], [[38, 251.7], [38, 163.7], [82, 207.7], [82, 295.7]], [[122.4, 167.3], [122.4, 254.5], [35.2, 167.3]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 160, 294), new OKFigLevel([[[40, 68.9], [10]], [[40, 228.9], [11]], [[200, 228.9], [1]], [[283.7, 191.1], [4]], [[243.7, 231.1], [5]], [[203.7, 191.1], [3]], [[0, 108.9], [0]], [[51.1, 0], [8]], [[91.1, 40], [9]], [[51.1, 80], [14]], [[11.1, 40], [7]], [[0, 188.9], [6]], [[146.4, 95.2], [13]], [[146.4, 175.2], [2]], [[66.3, 95.2], [12]]], [[[37.9, 62.5], [124.3, 148.9], [37.9, 235.3]], [[33.6, 231], [120, 144.6], [206.4, 231]], [[291.7, 188.4], [243.7, 236.5], [195.7, 188.5]], [[42.7, 156.9], [-5.3, 108.9], [42.7, 60.9]], [[51.1, -4], [95.1, 40], [51.1, 84], [7.1, 40]], [[42, 146.9], [42, 234.9], [-2, 190.9], [-2, 102.9]], [[148.8, 92.8], [148.8, 180], [61.5, 92.8]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 283.7, 231.1), new OKFigLevel([[[10.7, 83.1], [14]], [[90.7, 163.1], [3]], [[10.7, 243.1], [0]], [[90.7, 323], [17]], [[169.7, 72.3], [5]], [[169.7, 128.9], [7]], [[113.1, 128.9], [4]], [[136.6, 128.9], [8]], [[96.6, 168.9], [1]], [[62.4, 0], [10]], [[102.4, 40], [11]], [[62.4, 80], [12]], [[22.4, 40], [9]], [[56.6, 72.4], [6]], [[0, 72.4], [13]], [[22.3, 334.6], [16]], [[22.2, 254.6], [2]], [[102.3, 334.6], [15]]], [[[8.6, 76.7], [95, 163.1], [8.6, 249.5]], [[92.8, 329.4], [6.4, 243.1], [92.8, 156.7]], [[173.4, 64.8], [173.4, 132.7], [105.6, 132.7]], [[144.6, 126.2], [96.6, 174.3], [48.6, 126.3]], [[62.4, -4], [106.4, 40], [62.4, 84], [18.4, 40]], [[56.6, 69.5], [118.8, 131.7], [56.6, 131.8], [-5.7, 69.5]], [[19.9, 337], [19.8, 249.8], [107.1, 337]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 169.7, 334.6), new OKFigLevel([[[46.8, 116.6], [1]], [[126.8, 36.6], [2]], [[206.8, 116.6], [3, 5]], [[160, 116.6], [4]], [[160, 229.8], [12]], [[263.4, 116.6], [6]], [[263.3, 173.1], [14]], [[120, 189.8], [0]], [[148.3, 0], [9]], [[204.9, 0], [10]], [[204.9, 56.6], [11]], [[148.3, 56.6], [8]], [[0, 229.8], [13]], [[40, 189.8], [7]], [[206.7, 229.7], [2]]], [[[40.4, 118.7], [126.8, 32.3], [213.2, 118.7]], [[40.8, 113.6], [163, 113.6], [163, 235.8]], [[199.2, 112.8], [267.1, 112.8], [267.1, 180.7]], [[72, 232.4], [120, 184.5], [168, 232.4]], [[145.5, -2.8], [207.7, -2.8], [207.7, 59.4], [145.5, 59.4]], [[82, 231.8], [-6, 231.8], [38, 187.8], [126, 187.8]], [[266.7, 173.1], [205, 234.8], [205.1, 111.5]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 263.4, 229.8), new OKFigLevel([[[113.1, 217.6], [2, 9]], [[0, 330.7], [0]], [[226.3, 330.7], [1]], [[72.9, 40], [4]], [[112.9, 0], [8]], [[72.9, 120], [3]], [[152.9, 120], [7]], [[112.9, 161], [5, 10]], [[152.9, 40], [6]], [[56.6, 161], [7]], [[169.7, 161], [0]]], [[[116.2, 211.6], [116.2, 333.8], [-6, 333.8]], [[232.3, 333.8], [110.1, 333.8], [110.1, 211.6]], [[115.6, 88], [67.6, 40], [115.6, -8]], [[70.2, 32], [118.3, 80], [70.2, 128]], [[156.9, 120], [112.9, 165.1], [68.9, 119.9], [112.9, 76]], [[110.9, 82], [110.9, -6], [154.9, 38], [154.9, 126]], [[113.1, 221], [51.5, 159.3], [174.8, 159.3]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 226.3, 330.7), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 132.3], [10]], [[80, 52.3], [2]], [[160, 132.3], [14]], [[64.5, 237.5], [16]], [[144.5, 157.5], [13]], [[224.5, 237.5], [3]], [[56.6, 188.9], [17]], [[113.1, 132.3], [6]], [[52.3, 0], [9]], [[92.3, 40], [1]], [[52.3, 80], [8]], [[0, 188.9], [0]], [[175.9, 188.9], [5]], [[119.3, 132.3], [7]], [[175.9, 132.3], [15]], [[232.5, 188.9], [12]], [[56.6, 245.5], [11]], [[113.1, 188.9], [4]]], [[[-6.4, 134.5], [80, 48], [166.4, 134.4]], [[58.1, 239.6], [144.5, 153.2], [230.9, 239.6]], [[52.8, 196.5], [52.8, 128.6], [120.7, 128.6]], [[49.7, -8], [97.7, 40], [49.7, 88]], [[59.4, 129.5], [59.4, 191.7], [-2.8, 191.7], [-2.8, 129.5]], [[175.9, 191.7], [113.7, 129.5], [175.9, 129.5], [238.1, 191.7]], [[56.6, 248.9], [-5.1, 187.2], [118.2, 187.2]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 232.5, 245.5), new OKFigLevel([[[207.3, 170.3], [6]], [[68.8, 90.3], [2]], [[139.3, 131], [16]], [[248.7, 102], [4]], [[277.9, 211], [0]], [[83.4, 144.9], [18]], [[43.4, 214.2], [5]], [[247.6, 102.2], [8]], [[262.3, 47.9], [9]], [[317, 62.5], [3]], [[133.4, 79.9], [11, 14]], [[93.5, 40], [12]], [[133.5, 0], [13]], [[173.5, 40], [10]], [[145.6, 72.9], [15]], [[222.8, 93.6], [16]], [[173.9, 121.8], [17, 7]], [[96.6, 101.1], [10]], [[77.3, 122.1], [19]], [[0, 142.8], [20]], [[56.6, 44.8], [1]]], [[[213.9, 171.6], [95.9, 203.2], [64.3, 85.2]], [[132.7, 129.6], [250.9, 98.3], [282.3, 216]], [[85.1, 136.6], [102.7, 202.2], [37.1, 219.8]], [[243.3, 108.1], [259.7, 43.3], [325.2, 60.9]], [[133.4, 83.9], [89.5, 40], [133.5, -4], [177.5, 40]], [[144.2, 70.4], [229.2, 93.2], [175.3, 124.3], [90.3, 101.5]], [[80.2, 123.8], [-4, 146.3], [57.6, 39.5]]], [[[82.6, 16.9], [-26.7, 46.2], [-55.9, -63.1]], [[-82.6, -16.9], [26.7, -46.2], [55.9, 63.1]], [[8.5, -41.3], [23.1, 13.3], [-31.5, 28]], [[-28, 31.5], [-13.3, -23.1], [41.3, -8.5]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[-14.1, -24.5], [63.1, -3.8], [14.1, 24.5], [-63.1, 3.8]], [[32.7, 18.9], [-44.6, 39.6], [12, -58.4]]], 317, 214.2), new OKFigLevel([[[193.2, 214.8], [9]], [[80, 101.7], [2]], [[127.2, 148.8], [17]], [[240.3, 148.8], [4]], [[240.3, 262], [0]], [[240.3, 148.8], [6, 3]], [[294.9, 164.1], [7]], [[280.3, 218.7], [5]], [[80, 271.3], [18]], [[136.5, 214.8], [8]], [[129.9, 77], [11, 16]], [[101.5, 28.3], [12]], [[150.5, 0], [13]], [[178.8, 49], [10]], [[125.1, 134.3], [15]], [[85.1, 65], [10]], [[139.8, 79.7], [17]], [[179.8, 148.8], [14, 5]], [[80, 148.9], [19]], [[0, 148.9], [20]], [[80, 68.9], [1]]], [[[199.2, 217.8], [77, 217.8], [77, 95.6]], [[121.2, 145.8], [243.4, 145.8], [243.4, 268]], [[234, 143.1], [299.5, 161.4], [282, 227]], [[76.2, 278.9], [76.2, 211], [144.1, 211]], [[128.9, 80.9], [97.7, 27.2], [151.6, -3.9], [182.7, 50]], [[124.4, 137], [80.4, 60.8], [140.5, 76.9], [184.5, 153]], [[82.4, 151.3], [-4.8, 151.3], [82.4, 64.1]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-31.5, -28], [23.1, -13.3], [8.5, 41.3]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-10.4, 38.6], [-38.6, -10.4], [10.4, -38.6], [38.6, 10.4]], [[-7.3, 27.3], [-47.3, -42], [7.3, -27.3], [47.3, 42]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 294.9, 271.3), new OKFigLevel([[[56.6, 97.2], [2]], [[56.6, 257.2], [8]], [[104.1, 144.8], [18]], [[217.3, 144.8], [4, 14]], [[217.3, 258], [6]], [[96.6, 217.3], [1]], [[176.6, 217.3], [5]], [[56.6, 77.9], [0]], [[56.6, 134.5], [9]], [[0, 134.5], [7]], [[161.8, 77.3], [11]], [[133.5, 28.3], [12]], [[182.5, 0], [13]], [[210.7, 49], [18]], [[273.8, 144.8], [15]], [[330.4, 201.4], [16]], [[273.8, 201.4], [3]], [[184.1, 144.8], [3]], [[183.9, 64.5], [17, 10]]], [[[54.4, 90.8], [140.9, 177.3], [54.5, 263.6]], [[98.1, 141.8], [220.3, 141.8], [220.3, 264]], [[88.6, 219.9], [136.6, 171.9], [184.6, 220]], [[60.3, 70.4], [60.3, 138.3], [-7.5, 138.3]], [[160.7, 81.1], [129.6, 27.2], [183.5, -3.9], [214.6, 50]], [[273.8, 142], [336, 204.2], [273.8, 204.2], [211.6, 142]], [[186.5, 147.2], [99.3, 147.2], [186.3, 59.6]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-10.4, 38.6], [-38.6, -10.4], [10.4, -38.6], [38.6, 10.4]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 330.4, 258), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 200], [4]], [[160, 200], [0]], [[120, 160], [1]], [[120, 0], [10]], [[40.1, 160], [5]], [[0.1, 120.1], [9]], [[160, 119.9], [2]], [[40.1, 0.1], [8]], [[80, 40], [3]], [[0.1, 40.1], [7]], [[160, 40], [6]]], [[[-6.4, 202.2], [80.1, 115.8], [166.4, 202.2]], [[122.1, 166.4], [35.8, 80], [122.1, -6.4]], [[88.1, 117.4], [40.1, 165.4], [-7.9, 117.4]], [[117.3, 72], [165.3, 120], [117.3, 168]], [[40.1, -3.9], [84, 40], [40.1, 84], [-3.9, 40.1]], [[118, 81.9], [118, -6], [162, 38], [162, 125.9]], [[-2.3, 122.5], [-2.3, 35.3], [84.9, 122.5]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 160, 200), new OKFigLevel([[[169.7, 169.7], [4]], [[282.8, 56.6], [7]], [[73.2, 153.2], [3]], [[113.2, 113.2], [10]], [[153.2, 153.2], [5]], [[113.2, 193.2], [2]], [[186, 153.4], [0]], [[226, 113.4], [8]], [[265.9, 153.4], [9]], [[225.9, 193.4], [6]], [[56.6, 113.2], [11]], [[0, 56.6], [14]], [[169.1, 0], [13]], [[225.6, 56.6], [1]], [[112.5, 56.6], [12]]], [[[166.7, 175.8], [166.7, 53.5], [288.8, 53.6]], [[50.5, 53.6], [172.7, 53.5], [172.7, 175.8]], [[65.2, 155.9], [113.2, 107.9], [161.2, 155.9]], [[161.2, 150.6], [113.2, 198.6], [65.2, 150.6]], [[182, 153.5], [226, 109.5], [269.9, 153.4], [225.9, 197.4]], [[56.6, 116], [-5.7, 53.8], [56.6, 53.8], [118.8, 116]], [[169.1, -3.4], [230.7, 58.3], [107.4, 58.3]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 282.8, 193.4), new OKFigLevel([[[118, 160], [8]], [[38, 80], [2]], [[118.1, 0], [6]], [[0, 337.7], [4]], [[80, 257.4], [5, 10]], [[160, 337.7], [3]], [[198, 80], [7]], [[158, 120], [14]], [[78, 200.8], [9, 12]], [[38, 159.9], [1]], [[51.7, 257.4], [11]], [[51.7, 200.8], [8]], [[108.2, 200.8], [13]], [[108.2, 257.4], [4]], [[118, 80], [0]]], [[[120.2, 166.4], [33.8, 80], [120.2, -6.4]], [[-6.4, 339.8], [80, 253.1], [166.4, 339.8]], [[155.4, 32], [203.4, 80], [155.4, 128]], [[126, 157.3], [78, 206.3], [30, 157.3]], [[48.8, 260.2], [48.8, 198], [111.1, 198], [111.1, 260.2]], [[116, 82], [116.1, -6], [160, 38], [160, 126]], [[35.6, 162.3], [35.7, 75.2], [122.8, 162.4]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 198, 337.7), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 80], [1]], [[80, 0], [3]], [[160, 80], [5]], [[240, 0], [7]], [[103.4, 80], [0]], [[159.9, 249.7], [6]], [[103.3, 249.7], [4]], [[240, 80], [2]]], [[[-6.4, 82.2], [80, -4.2], [166.4, 82.1]], [[246.4, -2.1], [160, 84.3], [73.6, -2.1]], [[163.7, 129], [163.7, 196.9], [95.8, 196.9]], [[99.6, 144.1], [99.6, 76.2], [167.5, 76.2]], [[162.7, 190.3], [162.7, 252.5], [100.5, 252.5], [100.5, 190.3]], [[100.6, 136.6], [162.8, 74.3], [162.7, 136.6], [100.5, 198.8]], [[242.4, 82.4], [155.2, 82.4], [242.4, -4.8]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 240, 249.7), new OKFigLevel([[[0.1, 280], [3]], [[160.1, 280], [0]], [[40.1, 80.1], [5]], [[40.1, 240.1], [2]], [[120.1, 240], [1]], [[0, 40], [6]], [[40, 0], [7]], [[80, 40], [9]], [[120, 80.1], [4]], [[120, 0.1], [10]], [[160, 40.1], [8]]], [[[-6.3, 282.2], [80.1, 195.8], [166.5, 282.2]], [[37.9, 73.7], [124.3, 160.1], [37.9, 246.5]], [[122.7, 248], [74.8, 200], [122.7, 152.1]], [[-8, 42.7], [40, -5.3], [88, 42.7]], [[120, 84.1], [76, 40], [120, -3.9], [164, 40.1]], [[78, 122], [78, 34], [122, 78.1], [122.1, 166.1]], [[82.4, 37.6], [82.4, 124.8], [-4.8, 37.6]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 160.1, 280), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 0.1], [3]], [[113.1, 113.2], [2]], [[169.6, 113.1], [9]], [[282.7, 0], [7]], [[73, 73.1], [0]], [[73.1, 153.1], [4]], [[209.6, 153.1], [10]], [[209.7, 73.1], [6]], [[113.1, 56.6], [1]], [[169.6, 56.6], [8]], [[226.2, 169.7], [11]], [[56.5, 169.7], [5]]], [[[-6, -3], [116.1, -3], [116.1, 119.2]], [[166.6, 119.2], [166.6, -3], [288.8, -3]], [[70.4, 65.1], [118.4, 113.2], [70.4, 161.1]], [[212.2, 161.1], [164.3, 113.2], [212.3, 65.1]], [[110.3, 59.4], [110.3, -2.8], [172.5, -2.8], [172.5, 59.4]], [[169.7, 172.6], [107.4, 110.3], [169.6, 110.3], [231.9, 172.6]], [[113.1, 109.8], [174.8, 171.4], [51.4, 171.4]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 282.7, 169.7), new OKFigLevel([[[329.8, 0.1], [1]], [[409.8, 80.2], [5]], [[169.8, 56.6], [3]], [[0, 56.6], [4]], [[0, 0], [0]], [[169.8, 80.1], [2]]], [[[243.4, 82.2], [329.8, -4.1], [416.2, 82.3]], [[336.2, -2], [249.8, 84.4], [163.4, -2]], [[120.7, 60.4], [52.8, 60.3], [52.8, -7.5]], [[105.7, -3.7], [173.6, -3.7], [173.6, 64.2]], [[59.4, -2.8], [59.4, 59.4], [-2.8, 59.4], [-2.8, -2.8]], [[113.2, -2.8], [175.5, 59.5], [113.2, 59.4], [50.9, -2.8]], [[167.4, 82.5], [167.4, -4.7], [254.6, 82.5]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 409.8, 80.2), new OKFigLevel([[[169.7, 113.2], [6]], [[56.6, 113.2], [3]], [[0, 0], [5]], [[56.6, 56.6], [2]], [[169.7, 56.6], [0]], [[226.3, 0], [4]], [[144.1, 113.2], [7]], [[144.1, 169.7], [10]], [[87.5, 169.7], [9]], [[87.6, 113.2], [1]], [[200.7, 226.3], [11]], [[30.9, 226.3], [8]]], [[[175.8, 116.2], [53.6, 116.2], [53.6, -6]], [[50.5, -3], [172.7, -3], [172.7, 119.2]], [[-7.5, -3.8], [60.4, -3.7], [60.4, 64.1]], [[166, 64.1], [165.9, -3.7], [233.8, -3.8]], [[147, 110.4], [147, 172.6], [84.7, 172.5], [84.7, 110.4]], [[144.1, 229.1], [81.9, 166.9], [144.1, 166.9], [206.3, 229.1]], [[87.5, 166.3], [149.2, 228], [25.9, 228]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 226.3, 226.3), new OKFigLevel([[[0.2, 296.5], [4]], [[160.2, 296.5], [0]], [[120.2, 256.5], [1]], [[120.2, 96.5], [2]], [[40.2, 256.5], [13]], [[40, 40], [6]], [[0, 0], [11]], [[108, 40], [8]], [[108, 96.6], [3]], [[51.4, 96.6], [10]], [[51.4, 40], [5]], [[160, 0], [12]], [[120, 40], [7]], [[40.2, 96.6], [9]]], [[[-6.2, 298.6], [80.2, 212.3], [166.6, 298.6]], [[122.4, 262.9], [36, 176.6], [122.4, 90.2]], [[37.6, 168.6], [85.5, 216.5], [37.5, 264.5]], [[88, -2.6], [40, 45.4], [-8, -2.7]], [[110.8, 37.2], [110.8, 99.4], [48.6, 99.4], [48.6, 37.2]], [[78, -2], [166, -2], [122, 42], [34, 42]], [[37.8, 94.2], [125, 94.1], [37.8, 181.3]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 160.2, 296.5), new OKFigLevel([[[322.9, 193.3], [2]], [[209.7, 80.1], [0]], [[96.7, 193.2], [3]], [[96.6, 136.6], [6]], [[120, 80.1], [1]], [[40, 0], [4]], [[0, 40], [5]]], [[[328.9, 196.3], [206.7, 196.3], [206.7, 74.1]], [[212.7, 74.1], [212.8, 196.3], [90.6, 196.2]], [[92.9, 200.8], [92.8, 132.8], [160.7, 132.9]], [[32, 82.7], [80, 34.7], [128, 82.8]], [[40, -4], [84, 40], [40, 84], [-4, 40]], [[96.6, 139.4], [34.3, 77.2], [96.6, 77.2], [158.9, 139.5]], [[153.2, 140.1], [91.5, 78.4], [214.8, 78.4]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 322.9, 193.3), new OKFigLevel([[[160, 120], [4]], [[0, 120], [11]], [[120, 80], [0]], [[120, 0], [2]], [[120, 160], [5]], [[160, 200], [9]], [[0, 200], [7]], [[40, 160], [1]], [[40, 240], [6]], [[120, 240], [8]], [[40, 0], [3]], [[40, 80], [10]]], [[[166.4, 117.9], [80, 204.2], [-6.4, 117.9]], [[-6.4, 122.1], [80, 35.7], [166.4, 122.1]], [[122.7, 88], [74.6, 40], [122.7, -8]], [[72, 202.6], [120, 154.6], [168, 202.6]], [[-4, 200], [40, 156], [84, 200], [40, 244]], [[122, 242], [34, 242], [78, 198], [166, 198]], [[37.6, -2.4], [124.8, -2.4], [37.6, 84.8]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 160, 240), new OKFigLevel([[[33.1, 136.5], [2]], [[193.1, 136.5], [0]], [[56.6, 113.1], [8]], [[56.6, 0], [4]], [[169.7, 0], [5]], [[226.3, 56.6], [6]], [[226.3, 113.1], [9]], [[0, 56.5], [3]], [[0, 113.1], [7]], [[169.7, 113.1], [1]]], [[[26.7, 138.7], [113.2, 52.3], [199.5, 138.7]], [[53.5, 119.2], [53.6, -3], [175.7, -3]], [[162.2, 52.8], [230, 52.8], [230, 120.7]], [[60.3, -7.5], [60.3, 60.3], [-7.5, 60.3]], [[-2.8, 116], [-2.8, 53.7], [59.4, 53.7], [59.4, 116]], [[169.7, 115.9], [107.5, 53.8], [169.7, 53.7], [231.9, 115.9]], [[169.7, -3.4], [231.4, 58.3], [108.1, 58.3]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 226.3, 136.5), new OKFigLevel([[[113.4, 226.3], [12]], [[0.3, 226.3], [2]], [[0.3, 113.2], [8]], [[113.4, 113.1], [0]], [[0, 56.6], [5]], [[0, 0], [6]], [[113.2, 0], [7]], [[113.2, 56.6], [10]], [[27.2, 113.2], [9]], [[27.2, 56.6], [4]], [[83.7, 56.6], [11]], [[83.7, 113.1], [3]], [[56.9, 282.9], [1]]], [[[119.5, 229.3], [-2.7, 229.3], [-2.7, 107.1]], [[-5.7, 110.1], [116.4, 110.1], [116.4, 232.3]], [[64.1, 60.3], [-3.8, 60.3], [-3.7, -7.5]], [[49.1, -3.7], [116.9, -3.7], [116.9, 64.1]], [[24.3, 116], [24.3, 53.7], [86.6, 53.8], [86.6, 116]], [[56.6, 59.4], [-5.6, -2.8], [56.6, -2.8], [118.8, 59.4]], [[56.9, 286.3], [-4.8, 224.6], [118.5, 224.6]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 113.4, 282.9), new OKFigLevel([[[160, 160], [9]], [[160, 0], [0]], [[0, 0.1], [6]], [[0, 160.1], [2]], [[40, 120], [3]], [[39.9, 200], [4]], [[39.9, 40], [7]], [[79.9, 0], [8]], [[119.9, 40], [1]], [[120, 120], [10]], [[120, 200], [11]], [[136.5, 216.5], [12]], [[23.3, 216.5], [5]]], [[[162.1, 166.4], [75.7, 80], [162.1, -6.4]], [[-2.1, -6.3], [84.2, 80], [-2.1, 166.5]], [[37.3, 112.1], [85.3, 160], [37.2, 208]], [[82.6, 168], [34.6, 120], [82.6, 72]], [[35.9, 40], [79.9, -4], [123.9, 40], [80, 84]], [[122, 118], [122, 206], [77.9, 162], [78, 74]], [[79.9, 156.6], [141.6, 218.2], [18.3, 218.2]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 160, 216.5), new OKFigLevel([[[139.9, 113.2], [1]], [[139.9, 226.3], [2]], [[26.8, 226.3], [3]], [[26.8, 113.2], [7]], [[113.1, 113.2], [0]], [[169.7, 56.5], [4]], [[0, 56.6], [9]], [[56.6, 113.2], [6]], [[113.1, 0], [5]], [[56.6, 0], [8]]], [[[143, 107.1], [142.9, 229.3], [20.8, 229.3]], [[23.8, 232.3], [23.8, 110.2], [146, 110.1]], [[109.4, 120.7], [109.4, 52.8], [177.2, 52.8]], [[-7.5, 52.8], [60.3, 52.8], [60.3, 120.7]], [[53.7, 53.8], [116, 53.7], [116, 116], [53.7, 116]], [[113.1, -2.8], [175.3, 59.4], [113.1, 59.4], [50.9, -2.8]], [[56.6, -3.4], [118.2, 58.3], [-5.1, 58.3]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 169.7, 226.3), new OKFigLevel([[[56.6, 160], [1]], [[136.6, 80], [2, 5]], [[216.6, 160], [0]], [[216.6, 0], [10]], [[56.6, 0], [3]], [[113.1, 56.6], [6]], [[56.6, 56.6], [7]], [[56.6, 113.1], [8]], [[0, 113.1], [13]], [[216.6, 56.6], [14]], [[273.1, 56.5], [11]], [[273.1, 113.1], [12]], [[216.6, 113.1], [9]], [[0, 56.6], [4]], [[160, 56.6], [1]]], [[[50.2, 162.2], [136.6, 75.8], [223, 162.2]], [[223, -2.1], [136.6, 84.3], [50.2, -2.1]], [[120.7, 60.3], [52.8, 60.3], [52.8, -7.5]], [[60.4, 49], [60.3, 116.9], [-7.5, 116.9]], [[213.7, 53.7], [276, 53.7], [276, 115.9], [213.7, 115.9]], [[-2.8, 56.6], [59.4, -5.7], [59.4, 56.6], [-2.8, 118.8]], [[216.6, -3.4], [278.2, 58.2], [155, 58.3]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 273.1, 160), new OKFigLevel([[[169.7, 0], [5]], [[113.2, 56.6], [3]], [[0, 169.7], [9]], [[169.7, 113.1], [4]], [[169.7, 169.6], [2]], [[169.7, 56.6], [1]], [[0, 0.1], [0]], [[56.6, 56.6], [8]], [[0, 56.6], [6]], [[0, 113.1], [7]]], [[[53.6, 119.2], [53.6, -3], [175.8, -3]], [[116.2, 50.5], [116.1, 172.7], [-6, 172.7]], [[173.5, 105.5], [173.5, 173.4], [105.6, 173.4]], [[173.5, -7.5], [173.5, 60.4], [105.6, 60.3]], [[-2.8, -2.8], [59.4, -2.8], [59.4, 59.4], [-2.8, 59.5]], [[-2.8, 113.1], [59.4, 50.9], [59.4, 113.1], [-2.8, 175.4]], [[173.1, 113.1], [111.4, 174.8], [111.5, 51.5]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 169.7, 169.7), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 80], [1]], [[80, 0], [2]], [[160, 80], [3]], [[160, 159.9], [5]], [[40, 199.9], [6]], [[119.9, 199.9], [7]], [[0, 159.9], [0]], [[136.5, 216.5], [8]], [[23.4, 216.5], [4]]], [[[-6.4, 82.1], [80, -4.3], [166.4, 82.1]], [[166.4, 77.8], [80, 164.2], [-6.4, 77.8]], [[162.6, 167.9], [114.7, 119.9], [162.7, 72]], [[37.3, 111.9], [85.3, 159.9], [37.3, 207.9]], [[119.9, 203.9], [76, 159.9], [120, 115.9], [164, 159.9]], [[-2, 161.9], [-2, 74], [42, 117.9], [42, 205.9]], [[80, 156.5], [141.6, 218.2], [18.3, 218.2]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 160, 216.5), new OKFigLevel([[[160, 160], [1]], [[80, 240], [2]], [[0, 160.1], [5]], [[80, 80], [4]], [[160, 0], [0]], [[0, 0.1], [3]]], [[[166.4, 157.9], [80, 244.3], [-6.4, 157.9]], [[162.1, 166.4], [75.7, 80], [162.1, -6.4]], [[37.3, 32], [85.3, 80], [37.3, 128]], [[72, 162.7], [120, 114.7], [168, 162.7]], [[80, 164], [36, 120], [80, 76], [124, 120]], [[42, 38], [42, 126], [-2, 82.1], [-2, -5.9]], [[-2.4, 162.4], [-2.4, 75.3], [84.8, 162.4]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 160, 240), new OKFigLevel([[[113.1, 226.3], [9]], [[56.6, 169.7], [2]], [[169.7, 169.7], [3]], [[169.7, 282.8], [6]], [[0, 0], [5]], [[56.6, 0], [1]], [[113.1, 282.8], [0]], [[56.6, 282.8], [8]], [[0, 282.8], [4]], [[56.6, 226.3], [7]]], [[[119.2, 229.3], [-3, 229.3], [-3, 107.1]], [[50.5, 166.7], [172.7, 166.7], [172.7, 288.9]], [[-3.7, 64.1], [-3.7, -3.8], [64.2, -3.7]], [[177.2, 286.6], [109.4, 286.6], [109.4, 218.7]], [[59.4, 285.6], [-2.8, 285.6], [-2.8, 223.4], [59.4, 223.4]], [[-2.8, 56.6], [59.4, -5.6], [59.4, 56.6], [-2.8, 118.8]], [[-3.4, 113.2], [58.3, 51.5], [58.3, 174.8]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 169.7, 282.8), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 240], [3]], [[160, 240], [8]], [[40, 40], [5]], [[40, 200], [2]], [[120, 200], [1]], [[79.9, 0], [10]], [[50.2, 296.7], [7]], [[50.2, 240], [0]], [[106.8, 240], [9]], [[106.8, 296.7], [13]], [[119.9, 40], [4]], [[77.3, 353.2], [12]], [[20.7, 296.7], [6]], [[133.8, 296.7], [11]]], [[[-6.4, 242.2], [80, 155.8], [166.4, 242.2]], [[37.8, 33.6], [124.2, 120], [37.9, 206.4]], [[122.6, 208], [74.6, 160], [122.6, 112]], [[82.6, 88], [34.6, 40], [82.6, -8]], [[47.4, 299.5], [47.4, 237.2], [109.6, 237.2], [109.6, 299.5]], [[77.9, 82], [77.9, -6], [121.9, 38], [122, 126]], [[77.3, 356.6], [15.6, 295], [138.9, 295]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 160, 353.2), new OKFigLevel([[[39.9, 80], [2]], [[40, 240], [0]], [[119.9, 0], [3]], [[120, 240], [4]], [[160, 280], [10]], [[122.8, 336.6], [6]], [[82.8, 376.6], [7]], [[42.8, 336.6], [8]], [[53.5, 336.6], [9]], [[53.5, 280], [12]], [[110, 280], [11]], [[110, 336.6], [5]], [[0, 280.1], [1]]], [[[37.8, 73.6], [124.2, 160], [37.8, 246.4]], [[122.1, 166.4], [35.7, 80], [122, -6.4]], [[72, 282.7], [120, 234.7], [168, 282.7]], [[130.8, 333.9], [82.8, 381.9], [34.8, 333.9]], [[50.6, 339.4], [50.6, 277.2], [112.9, 277.2], [112.9, 339.4]], [[82, 282], [-6, 282.1], [38, 238], [126, 238]], [[122.4, 242.4], [35.2, 242.4], [122.3, 155.2]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 160, 376.6), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 0], [5]], [[169.8, 169.8], [0]], [[169.8, 56.6], [3]], [[226.3, 56.7], [4]], [[226.3, 113.2], [6]], [[169.7, 0], [2]], [[282.9, 113.2], [7]], [[339.5, 169.8], [1]]], [[[-6, -3], [116.2, -3], [116.2, 119.2]], [[289, 172.8], [166.8, 172.8], [166.7, 50.6]], [[162.2, 52.9], [230.1, 52.9], [230.1, 120.8]], [[109.4, 120.7], [109.4, 52.8], [177.3, 52.9]], [[172.6, 59.5], [110.3, 59.4], [110.3, -2.8], [172.5, -2.8]], [[282.9, 172.6], [220.7, 110.4], [282.9, 110.4], [345.2, 172.6]], [[109.8, 113.2], [171.5, 51.5], [171.5, 174.9]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 339.5, 169.8), new OKFigLevel([[[169.6, 56.6], [9]], [[169.7, 169.8], [2]], [[56.5, 282.9], [3]], [[0, 283], [10]], [[226.1, 0], [5]], [[282.7, 0], [6]], [[282.7, 56.6], [7]], [[226.2, 113.2], [8]], [[169.7, 113.2], [1]], [[226.2, 56.6], [4]], [[0, 226.4], [0]]], [[[172.7, 50.6], [172.7, 172.8], [50.5, 172.8]], [[53.5, 289], [53.5, 166.8], [175.7, 166.8]], [[60.3, 218.9], [60.3, 286.7], [-7.5, 286.7]], [[218.6, -3.7], [286.5, -3.8], [286.5, 64.1]], [[229, 116], [166.8, 116], [166.8, 53.8], [229, 53.8]], [[59.4, 226.4], [-2.8, 288.6], [-2.8, 226.4], [59.4, 164.1]], [[286.1, 56.6], [224.5, 118.3], [224.4, -5.1]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 282.7, 283), new OKFigLevel([[[169.7, 113.1], [1]], [[169.7, 226.2], [2]], [[56.6, 226.2], [11]], [[56.6, 113.1], [8]], [[196.5, 0], [5]], [[196.5, 56.6], [6]], [[140, 56.6], [7]], [[139.9, 113.1], [0]], [[83.4, 113.1], [13]], [[0, 140.9], [10]], [[56.6, 140.9], [3]], [[56.6, 197.4], [12]], [[0, 197.4], [9]], [[83.4, 0], [4]]], [[[172.7, 107.1], [172.7, 229.2], [50.5, 229.2]], [[53.5, 232.3], [53.6, 110.1], [175.7, 110.1]], [[132.4, -3.8], [200.3, -3.8], [200.3, 64.1]], [[143.7, 49], [143.7, 116.9], [75.8, 116.9]], [[-2.8, 138], [59.4, 138], [59.4, 200.3], [-2.8, 200.3]], [[140, -2.8], [202.2, 59.4], [140, 59.4], [77.7, -2.8]], [[143.3, 56.6], [81.7, 118.2], [81.7, -5.1]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 196.5, 226.2), new OKFigLevel([[[56.6, 56.6], [13]], [[169.7, 56.6], [8]], [[169.7, 169.8], [3]], [[56.6, 169.8], [7]], [[0, 140.4], [5]], [[0, 83.9], [6]], [[56.6, 83.9], [0]], [[56.6, 140.5], [4]], [[169.7, 85.4], [9]], [[226.3, 85.4], [10]], [[226.3, 141.9], [11]], [[169.7, 141.9], [2]], [[142.2, 56.6], [1]], [[85.7, 56.6], [14]], [[29.1, 0], [15]], [[198.8, 0], [12]]], [[[50.6, 53.6], [172.7, 53.6], [172.8, 175.8]], [[175.8, 172.8], [53.6, 172.8], [53.6, 50.6]], [[-3.7, 148], [-3.8, 80.1], [64.2, 80.1]], [[60.4, 76.3], [60.4, 144.2], [-7.5, 144.2]], [[166.9, 82.5], [229.1, 82.5], [229.1, 144.8], [166.9, 144.8]], [[85.6, -2.8], [147.9, 59.4], [85.7, 59.5], [23.4, -2.8]], [[142.2, 60], [80.6, -1.7], [203.9, -1.7]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 226.3, 169.8), new OKFigLevel([[[249.7, 113.1], [1]], [[136.5, 113.2], [2, 4]], [[136.5, 0], [12]], [[0, 249.8], [9]], [[80, 169.8], [7]], [[23.4, 273.2], [3]], [[80, 113.2], [1]], [[80, 386.3], [8]], [[23.4, 386.3], [5]], [[23.4, 226.3], [10]], [[23.4, 169.8], [6]], [[249.6, 33.2], [0]], [[169.7, 33.1], [11]]], [[[255.7, 116.2], [133.5, 116.2], [133.5, -6]], [[82.1, 336.1], [-4.3, 249.8], [82.1, 163.4]], [[87.5, 333.5], [19.6, 333.5], [19.6, 265.6]], [[76.2, 177.3], [76.2, 109.4], [144.1, 109.4]], [[82.8, 326.9], [82.8, 389.1], [20.6, 389.1], [20.6, 326.9]], [[82.8, 169.8], [20.6, 232], [20.6, 169.8], [82.8, 107.5]], [[252, 30.8], [252.1, 117.9], [164.9, 30.7]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 249.7, 386.3), new OKFigLevel([[[193.2, 56.6], [11]], [[193.3, 169.8], [2]], [[80.1, 169.8], [6]], [[80.1, 56.6], [10, 15]], [[0, 56.5], [5]], [[40, 16.5], [3]], [[80.1, 113.1], [7, 3]], [[40, 153.1], [8]], [[0, 113.1], [4]], [[56.6, 113.1], [6]], [[56.6, 56.6], [9]], [[193.2, 99.2], [12]], [[249.8, 42.6], [13]], [[249.8, 99.2], [14]], [[193.3, 155.7], [1]], [[136.6, 0], [0]]], [[[196.2, 50.6], [196.3, 172.8], [74.1, 172.8]], [[77.1, 175.8], [77, 53.6], [199.3, 53.6]], [[-8, 59.2], [40, 11.2], [88.1, 59.2]], [[88.1, 110.4], [40, 158.4], [-8, 110.4]], [[59.4, 115.9], [-2.8, 115.9], [-2.8, 53.7], [59.4, 53.7]], [[190.4, 99.2], [252.6, 36.9], [252.6, 99.2], [190.4, 161.4]], [[136.6, -3.4], [198.3, 58.3], [75, 58.3]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 249.8, 169.8), new OKFigLevel([[[169.7, 209.7], [18]], [[56.6, 209.7], [6]], [[56.6, 96.6], [11]], [[169.7, 96.6], [16]], [[0, 126.7], [5]], [[56.6, 126.7], [2]], [[56.6, 183.2], [4]], [[72, 40], [8]], [[112, 0], [9]], [[152, 40], [13]], [[142, 96.6], [3]], [[85.5, 96.6], [12]], [[85.5, 40], [7]], [[142, 40], [10]], [[226.2, 135.2], [15]], [[169.7, 191.7], [0]], [[169.7, 135.2], [17]], [[226.2, 78.6], [14]], [[113.2, 209.7], [19, 1]], [[169.7, 266.3], [20]], [[56.6, 266.3], [18]]], [[[175.8, 212.8], [53.6, 212.7], [53.6, 90.6]], [[50.6, 93.6], [172.7, 93.6], [172.7, 215.8]], [[-7.5, 122.9], [60.4, 122.9], [60.4, 190.8]], [[64, 42.7], [112, -5.3], [160, 42.7]], [[144.9, 99.4], [82.6, 99.4], [82.6, 37.2], [144.9, 37.2]], [[229.1, 135.2], [166.9, 197.4], [166.9, 135.2], [229.1, 72.9]], [[113.2, 206.3], [174.8, 268], [51.5, 268]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 226.2, 266.3), new OKFigLevel([[[112.9, 0.1], [7], [3]], [[193.7, 79.4], [15], [8]], [[113.2, 159.4], [], []], [[0, 0], [0], [6]], [[113.2, 112.5], [], []], [[57.1, 56.7], [6], [14]], [[0.5, 56.9], [3], [5]], [[169.4, 0.2], [8], [0]], [[170.1, 56.2], [1], [7]], [[113.5, 215.6], [12], [11]], [[169.9, 158.8], [11], [15]], [[170.1, 215.4], [9], [10]], [[113.5, 192.5], [13], [9]], [[73.3, 152.6], [14], [12]], [[73, 72.6], [5], [13]], [[194.5, 158.8], [10], [1]]], [[[110.7, -6.3], [198, 79.4], [111, 165.7]], [[-6, -3], [115.9, -2.9], [116.2, 118.5]], [[64.6, 60.4], [-3.3, 60.7], [-3.9, -7.6]], [[105.3, -3.7], [173.2, -3.6], [174, 63.7]], [[110.7, 218.4], [110.3, 156.6], [172.7, 156], [172.9, 218.2]], [[115.2, 110.5], [115.5, 198.4], [71.3, 154.6], [71, 66.6]], [[196.9, 161.2], [108.3, 161.8], [196, 74.7]]], [[[-26.9, -79.9], [53.3, -0.2], [-26.4, 80.1]], [[-75.5, -37.5], [37.6, -37.8], [37.9, 75.3]], [[37.8, 18.7], [-18.8, 18.9], [-19, -37.7]], [[-37.8, -18.7], [18.8, -18.9], [19, 37.7]], [[-28.2, 28.4], [-28.4, -28.2], [28.2, -28.4], [28.4, 28.2]], [[19.9, -20.1], [20.2, 59.9], [-19.9, 20.1], [-20.2, -59.9]], [[26.7, 26.6], [-53.3, 26.8], [26.5, -53.4]]], 194.5, 215.6), new OKFigLevel([[[80.1, 56.6], [8]], [[0, 136.6], [2]], [[0, 23.4], [3]], [[56.6, 23.4], [9]], [[296.6, 136.6], [1]], [[240, 80], [4]], [[183.5, 0], [7]], [[240, 0], [5]], [[183.5, 56.6], [6]], [[56.6, 80.1], [0]]], [[[246.4, 54.5], [160, 140.9], [73.7, 54.5]], [[-6.4, 138.8], [80.1, 52.4], [166.4, 138.7]], [[-3.8, 87.6], [-3.8, 19.7], [64.1, 19.7]], [[304.1, 140.4], [236.2, 140.4], [236.3, 72.5]], [[180.6, -2.8], [242.9, -2.8], [242.9, 59.4], [180.6, 59.4]], [[-2.8, 80], [59.4, 17.8], [59.5, 80.1], [-2.8, 142.3]], [[242.4, 139], [155.2, 139], [242.4, 51.8]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 296.6, 136.6), new OKFigLevel([[[46.9, 40], [5]], [[160, 40], [2]], [[273.2, 153.2], [8]], [[80, 73.1], [0]], [[0, 73.1], [3]], [[86.9, 0], [6]], [[166.9, 0], [7]], [[126.9, 40], [1]], [[0, 153.1], [4]]], [[[40.9, 37], [163, 37], [163.1, 159.2]], [[279.2, 156.2], [157, 156.2], [157, 34]], [[72, 155.8], [120, 107.8], [168.1, 155.8]], [[88, 70.5], [40, 118.5], [-8, 70.5]], [[80, 157.1], [36, 113.1], [80, 69.1], [124.1, 113.2]], [[84.9, -2], [172.9, -2], [128.9, 42], [40.9, 42]], [[-2.4, 155.5], [-2.4, 68.3], [84.8, 155.5]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 273.2, 153.2), new OKFigLevel([[[113.1, 56.6], [5]], [[113.2, 169.7], [11]], [[0, 169.6], [3]], [[0.2, 56.6], [8]], [[169.7, 113.2], [1]], [[169.7, 56.7], [6]], [[226.2, 56.5], [4]], [[113.1, 113.3], []], [[0.5, 0], [9]], [[57.1, 0], [10]], [[57.1, 56.6], [0]], [[56.6, 226.1], [2]]], [[[116.2, 50.5], [116.2, 172.7], [-6, 172.6]], [[-3, 175.6], [-2.8, 53.6], [119.2, 53.6]], [[165.9, 120.8], [165.9, 52.9], [233.8, 52.8]], [[109.4, 120.8], [109.4, 52.8], [177.2, 52.9]], [[-2.3, -2.8], [59.9, -2.8], [59.9, 59.4], [-2.6, 59.4]], [[110.3, 113.3], [172.5, 51], [172.5, 113.2], [110.3, 175.3]], [[56.6, 229.5], [-5.1, 167.9], [118.3, 168]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 226.2, 226.1), new OKFigLevel([[[245.1, 0], [3]], [[165.1, 80], [7]], [[85.1, 0], [0]], [[209.8, 35.3], [4]], [[209.8, 148.4], [13]], [[96.6, 148.5], []], [[113.1, 28.1], [2]], [[153.1, 68.1], [8]], [[113.1, 108.4], [16]], [[0, 52], [10]], [[56.6, 51.8], [12]], [[56.7, 108.4], [9]], [[113.1, 51.7], [6]], [[176.6, 148.4], [14]], [[136.6, 188.5], [15]], [[56.7, 188.4], [11]], [[136.7, 108.3], [1]]], [[[251.5, -2.1], [165.1, 84.3], [78.7, -2.1]], [[212.8, 29.3], [212.8, 151.4], [90.6, 151.5]], [[110.5, 20.1], [158.5, 68.1], [110.5, 116.4]], [[-7.5, 48.2], [60.3, 48.1], [60.4, 115.9]], [[53.7, 49], [116, 48.9], [116, 111.2], [53.8, 111.2]], [[94.6, 146.5], [182.6, 146.4], [138.6, 190.5], [50.7, 190.4]], [[54.3, 106], [141.5, 105.9], [54.2, 193.2]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 245.1, 188.5), new OKFigLevel([[[320, 0], [1]], [[240, 80], [5]], [[80, 80.1], [3]], [[0, 0.1], [0]], [[129.9, 80], [2]], [[186.5, 79.9], [6]], [[243.1, 136.5], [7]], [[73.3, 136.5], [4]]], [[[326.4, -2.1], [240, 84.2], [153.6, -2.1]], [[166.4, -2.1], [80, 84.3], [-6.4, -2.1]], [[72, 82.7], [120, 34.7], [168, 82.6]], [[152, 82.6], [199.9, 34.6], [248, 82.6]], [[160, -4], [203.9, 40], [160, 83.9], [116, 40]], [[186.5, 139.3], [124.3, 77.1], [186.5, 77.1], [248.7, 139.3]], [[129.9, 76.6], [191.6, 138.2], [68.2, 138.2]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 320, 136.5), new OKFigLevel([[[138.8, 136.7], [6]], [[25.7, 136.7], [2]], [[25.7, 23.5], [4]], [[162.1, 0], [5]], [[2.1, 0], [3]], [[138.7, 23.4], [0]], [[113.2, 136.7], [7]], [[113.2, 193.2], [10]], [[56.6, 193.2], [9]], [[56.6, 136.7], [1]], [[169.7, 249.8], [11]], [[0, 249.7], [8]]], [[[144.8, 139.7], [22.6, 139.7], [22.6, 17.5]], [[168.5, -2.1], [82.2, 84.3], [-4.3, -2.1]], [[74.6, 76.3], [142.5, 76.3], [142.6, 144.2]], [[142.5, 15.9], [142.5, 83.8], [74.6, 83.8]], [[116, 133.8], [116, 196], [53.8, 196], [53.8, 133.8]], [[113.2, 252.6], [50.9, 190.3], [113.2, 190.4], [175.4, 252.6]], [[56.6, 189.8], [118.2, 251.4], [-5.1, 251.4]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 169.7, 249.8), new OKFigLevel([[[113.1, 193.1], [5]], [[226.3, 80], [2]], [[305.6, 0.7], [3]], [[305.6, 113.8], [7]], [[192.4, 113.8], [0]], [[0, 193.1], [11]], [[227.6, 113.8], [4]], [[284.2, 113.8], [8]], [[284.2, 170.4], [9]], [[227.6, 170.4], [6]], [[193.1, 80], [1]], [[193.1, 0], [10]]], [[[110.1, 199.1], [110.1, 77], [232.3, 77]], [[308.6, -5.3], [308.6, 116.9], [186.4, 116.9]], [[116.9, 129], [116.9, 196.9], [49, 196.9]], [[60.3, 129], [60.3, 196.9], [-7.5, 196.9]], [[224.8, 111], [287, 111], [287, 173.2], [224.8, 173.2]], [[53.7, 136.6], [116, 74.4], [116, 136.5], [53.7, 198.8]], [[195.5, 82.4], [108.3, 82.4], [195.5, -4.8]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 305.6, 193.1), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 169.6], [1]], [[0, 56.5], [2]], [[113.2, 56.5], [3]], [[113.2, 113.1], [7]], [[282.9, 0], [5]], [[282.9, 56.6], [6]], [[226.4, 56.6], [8]], [[226.4, 0], [4]], [[56.6, 226.2], [0]]], [[[119.2, 172.7], [-3, 172.7], [-3, 50.5]], [[-6, 53.5], [116.2, 53.5], [116.2, 175.7]], [[173.6, 49], [173.6, 116.9], [105.6, 116.9]], [[109.4, 177.2], [109.4, 109.4], [177.4, 109.4]], [[285.8, -2.8], [285.8, 59.4], [223.6, 59.4], [223.6, -2.8]], [[229.2, 56.6], [167, 118.8], [167, 56.6], [229.2, -5.6]], [[56.6, 229.6], [-5.1, 167.9], [118.3, 168]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 282.9, 226.2), new OKFigLevel([[[65.2, 168.1], [10]], [[145.2, 88.1], [3]], [[145.2, 248.1], [0]], [[185.2, 128.1], [4]], [[265.1, 48], [5]], [[305.1, 88], [2]], [[56.6, 56.6], [7]], [[0, 0], [8]], [[56.6, 0], [9]], [[113.1, 56.6], [6]], [[65.2, 88.1], [1]]], [[[58.8, 170.2], [145.2, 83.8], [231.6, 170.2]], [[231.6, 165.9], [145.2, 252.3], [58.8, 166]], [[222.5, 80], [270.5, 128], [222.5, 176.1]], [[227.8, 176.1], [179.8, 128.1], [227.8, 80]], [[265.1, 132], [221.1, 88], [265.1, 44], [309.1, 88]], [[56.6, 59.4], [-5.7, -2.8], [56.6, -2.8], [118.8, 59.4]], [[62.8, 85.7], [150, 85.7], [62.8, 172.9]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 305.1, 248.1), new OKFigLevel([[[240, 80], [8, 9]], [[0, 160], [4]], [[120, 40], [3]], [[160, 80], [0]], [[103.4, 56.6], [5]], [[103.4, 0], [6]], [[240, 0], [7]], [[280, 40], [0]], [[200, 40], [2]], [[240, 160], [1]]], [[[246.4, 77.9], [160, 164.3], [73.6, 77.9]], [[-6.4, 162.2], [80, 75.8], [166.4, 162.2]], [[72, 82.7], [120, 34.7], [168, 82.7]], [[99.6, 64.2], [99.6, -3.7], [167.5, -3.8]], [[240, -4], [284, 40], [240, 84], [196, 40]], [[202, 42], [114, 42], [158, -2], [246, -2]], [[242.4, 162.4], [155.2, 162.4], [242.4, 75.2]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 280, 160), new OKFigLevel([[[290.3, 47.3], [1]], [[290.3, 160.4], [12]], [[177.2, 160.5], [4]], [[216.6, 121.1], [17]], [[136.6, 201.1], [8]], [[75.2, 219.8], [6]], [[35.2, 179.8], [7]], [[75.2, 139.7], [15]], [[115.2, 179.7], [5]], [[314.5, 200.1], [10]], [[274.5, 240.1], [11]], [[234.5, 200.1], [12]], [[274.5, 160.4], [9, 2]], [[56.6, 64.5], [14]], [[113.1, 121.1], [3]], [[0, 64.5], [13]], [[227, 0], [17]], [[267.7, 69.9], [18, 0]], [[157.7, 40], [16]]], [[[293.3, 41.3], [293.3, 163.5], [171.2, 163.5]], [[223, 119], [136.6, 205.4], [50.2, 119]], [[77.9, 227.8], [29.9, 179.8], [77.9, 131.7]], [[72.6, 131.7], [120.6, 179.7], [72.5, 227.8]], [[318.5, 200.1], [274.5, 244.1], [230.5, 200.1], [274.5, 156.5]], [[56.6, 61.7], [118.8, 123.9], [56.6, 123.9], [-5.7, 61.7]], [[227.9, -3.3], [272.2, 73], [152.3, 40.3]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[9.8, -36.4], [49.8, 32.9], [-59.5, 3.6]]], 314.5, 240.1), new OKFigLevel([[[279.9, 0], [5]], [[199.9, 80], [4]], [[119.9, 0.1], [0]], [[279.9, 80], [1]], [[159.9, 120.1], [8]], [[319.8, 40], [3]], [[80, 120.1], [7]], [[0, 120.1], [2]], [[176.5, 136.7], [9]], [[63.4, 136.7], [6]]], [[[286.3, -2.1], [199.9, 84.3], [113.5, -2.1]], [[33.6, 82.2], [119.9, -4.2], [206.3, 82.2]], [[191.9, 82.7], [239.9, 34.7], [287.9, 82.6]], [[207.9, 77.4], [159.9, 125.4], [112, 77.4]], [[279.9, 84], [235.9, 40], [279.9, -4], [323.8, 40]], [[37.9, 78.1], [126, 78.1], [82, 122.1], [-6, 122.1]], [[120, 76.7], [181.6, 138.4], [58.3, 138.4]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 319.8, 136.7), new OKFigLevel([[[33.1, 216.6], [9]], [[193.1, 216.6], [0]], [[34.2, 80], [3]], [[114.2, 0], [4]], [[194.2, 80.1], [7]], [[169.7, 136.7], [6]], [[169.7, 193.2], [1]], [[226.3, 80.1], [5]], [[56.6, 136.6], [10]], [[56.6, 193.2], [8]], [[0, 80], [2]]], [[[26.7, 218.7], [113.2, 132.4], [199.5, 218.7]], [[27.8, 82.2], [114.2, -4.3], [200.6, 82.2]], [[105.6, 132.9], [173.5, 132.9], [173.5, 200.7]], [[166, 144.2], [166, 76.3], [233.8, 76.3]], [[110.3, 77.2], [172.6, 77.2], [172.6, 139.5], [110.3, 139.5]], [[53.7, 136.6], [116, 74.4], [116, 136.6], [53.7, 198.8]], [[56.6, 140], [-5.1, 78.3], [118.2, 78.4]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 226.3, 216.6), new OKFigLevel([[[140.6, 282.7], [1]], [[27.5, 282.8], [2]], [[27.5, 169.6], [7]], [[140.6, 169.6], [0]], [[113.1, 56.6], [6]], [[169.7, 0], [4]], [[113.1, 169.6], [3]], [[56.5, 169.6], [8]], [[56.6, 56.6], [9]], [[0, 0], [5]]], [[[146.7, 285.8], [24.5, 285.8], [24.5, 163.6]], [[21.5, 166.6], [143.6, 166.6], [143.7, 288.8]], [[109.4, 64.1], [109.4, -3.8], [177.2, -3.8]], [[116.9, 49.1], [116.9, 116.9], [49, 116.9]], [[115.9, 172.4], [53.7, 172.4], [53.7, 110.3], [115.9, 110.3]], [[116, 56.6], [53.7, 118.8], [53.7, 56.6], [116, -5.7]], [[56.6, 60], [-5.1, -1.7], [118.2, -1.7]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 169.7, 282.8), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 296.5], [4]], [[160, 296.5], [0]], [[120, 256.5], [1]], [[120, 96.6], [2]], [[40, 256.5], [5]], [[40, 96.6], [6]], [[0, 56.6], [10]], [[53.6, 0], [8]], [[110.1, 0], [9]], [[110.1, 56.6], [11]], [[53.6, 56.6], [7]], [[160, 56.6], [3]]], [[[-6.4, 298.6], [80, 212.3], [166.4, 298.6]], [[122.2, 262.9], [35.8, 176.6], [122.2, 90.2]], [[37.4, 168.6], [85.3, 216.5], [37.3, 264.5]], [[88, 53.9], [40, 101.9], [-8, 53.9]], [[50.7, -2.8], [113, -2.8], [113, 59.4], [50.7, 59.4]], [[122, 98.6], [34, 98.6], [78, 54.6], [166, 54.6]], [[37.6, 94.2], [124.8, 94.2], [37.6, 181.3]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 160, 296.5), new OKFigLevel([[[226.3, 0], [6]], [[0, 169.8], [2]], [[56.6, 113.2], [3]], [[56.6, 56.6], [4]], [[0, 0], [0]], [[169.7, 113.2], [7]], [[169.7, 56.6], [5]], [[226.3, 169.8], [1]]], [[[110.1, 119.2], [110.1, -3], [232.3, -3]], [[116.2, 50.6], [116.2, 172.8], [-6, 172.8]], [[52.8, 120.7], [52.8, 52.8], [120.7, 52.8]], [[-7.5, -3.8], [60.3, -3.8], [60.4, 64.1]], [[116, -2.8], [116, 59.4], [53.8, 59.4], [53.7, -2.8]], [[172.6, 113.2], [110.3, 175.4], [110.3, 113.2], [172.6, 51]], [[169.7, 109.8], [231.4, 171.5], [108.1, 171.5]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 226.3, 169.8), new OKFigLevel([[[160.1, 0], [5]], [[0.1, 0], [0]], [[0, 216.5], [6]], [[160, 216.5], [2]], [[136.6, 193], [3]], [[136.7, 23.4], [4]], [[23.4, 193.1], [7]], [[23.5, 23.4], [1]]], [[[166.5, -2.1], [80, 84.2], [-6.3, -2.1]], [[-6.4, 218.6], [80, 132.2], [166.4, 218.6]], [[72.5, 132.7], [140.3, 132.7], [140.3, 200.6]], [[140.4, 15.9], [140.4, 83.7], [72.5, 83.7]], [[139.5, 77.1], [139.4, 139.3], [77.2, 139.3], [77.2, 77.1]], [[20.7, 136.5], [82.9, 74.3], [82.8, 136.5], [20.6, 198.7]], [[83.4, 80], [21.8, 141.6], [21.8, 18.3]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 160.1, 216.5), new OKFigLevel([[[80, 80], [1]], [[0, 0.1], [2]], [[320, 0], [3]], [[240, 80], [10]], [[131.9, 113.1], [8]], [[75.2, 169.6], [4]], [[188.5, 56.6], [7]], [[188.5, 113.1], [9]], [[131.9, 56.6], [11]], [[245, 169.7], [5]], [[216.6, 56.6], [6]], [[103.4, 56.6], [0]]], [[[166.4, -2.1], [80, 84.3], [-6.4, -2.1]], [[326.4, -2.1], [240, 84.3], [153.6, -2.1]], [[196, 173.4], [128.1, 173.4], [128.1, 105.5]], [[135.7, 105.5], [135.6, 173.4], [67.7, 173.4]], [[191.3, 53.7], [191.3, 115.9], [129, 115.9], [129.1, 53.7]], [[188.4, 172.5], [126.2, 110.3], [188.5, 110.3], [250.7, 172.5]], [[160, -3.4], [221.7, 58.3], [98.4, 58.3]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 320, 169.7), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 0.1], [5]], [[0, 160.1], [0]], [[160, 160], [7]], [[160, 0], [2]], [[120, 40], [3]], [[39.9, 39.9], [4]], [[40, 200], [1]], [[119.9, 200], [6]]], [[[-2.1, -6.3], [84.2, 80], [-2.1, 166.5]], [[162.1, 166.4], [75.7, 80], [162.1, -6.4]], [[82.7, 168], [34.6, 120], [82.6, 72]], [[128, 37.4], [80, 85.3], [31.9, 37.3]], [[84, 160], [40, 204], [-4, 160.1], [40, 116]], [[121.9, 202], [34, 202], [78, 158], [166, 158]], [[77.6, 162.4], [77.6, 75.2], [164.8, 162.4]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 160, 200), new OKFigLevel([[[80, 216.5], [4]], [[0, 136.5], [3]], [[320, 216.6], [6]], [[240, 136.6], [11]], [[40, 176.5], [5]], [[0, 216.5], [1]], [[280.1, 176.6], [7]], [[240, 216.6], [8]], [[200, 176.5], [9]], [[160, 216.5], [10]], [[120, 176.5], [0]], [[376.7, 0], [12]], [[376.7, 56.6], [13]], [[320.1, 113.1], [2]]], [[[166.4, 134.4], [80, 220.8], [-6.4, 134.4]], [[322.2, 223], [235.8, 136.6], [322.2, 50.2]], [[-2.6, 128.5], [45.3, 176.5], [-2.7, 224.5]], [[237.4, 128.6], [285.4, 176.6], [237.4, 224.6]], [[204, 176.5], [160, 220.5], [116, 176.5], [160, 132.5]], [[317.2, 56.6], [379.5, -5.7], [379.5, 56.6], [317.2, 118.8]], [[242.4, 134.2], [242.4, 221.4], [155.2, 134.1]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 376.7, 216.6), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 113.2], [4]], [[113.2, 226.4], [9]], [[56.6, 169.8], [5]], [[113.1, 56.6], [1]], [[56.6, 113.2], [11]], [[0, 169.8], [0]], [[0, 282.9], [7]], [[0, 226.3], [8]], [[56.6, 226.3], [2]], [[169.8, 226.4], [10]], [[226.3, 283], [6]], [[56.5, 0], [3]]], [[[-6, 110.2], [116.2, 110.2], [116.2, 232.4]], [[175.8, 286], [53.6, 285.9], [53.6, 163.7]], [[116.9, 49], [116.9, 117], [49, 117]], [[64.1, 173.6], [-3.8, 173.5], [-3.8, 105.7]], [[59.4, 285.7], [-2.8, 285.7], [-2.8, 223.5], [59.4, 223.5]], [[169.7, 285.8], [107.5, 223.5], [169.8, 223.6], [232, 285.8]], [[116.5, 56.6], [54.9, 118.3], [54.9, -5.1]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 226.3, 283), new OKFigLevel([[[45.8, 169.7], [3]], [[272.1, 169.7], [0]], [[78.9, 56.5], [7]], [[79, 136.5], [2]], [[128.5, 0], [5]], [[185.1, 0], [6]], [[185.1, 56.6], [12]], [[128.5, 56.5], [4]], [[40, 0.9], [9]], [[120, 0.9], [10]], [[80, 40.9], [11]], [[0, 40.9], [8]], [[239, 56.6], [13]], [[239, 136.6], [1]]], [[[162, 50.5], [162, 172.7], [39.8, 172.7]], [[278.2, 172.7], [156, 172.7], [155.9, 50.5]], [[76.3, 48.5], [124.3, 96.6], [76.3, 144.6]], [[167, 53.9], [119, 101.9], [70.9, 53.8]], [[125.7, -2.8], [187.9, -2.8], [187.9, 59.4], [125.7, 59.4]], [[38, -1.1], [126, -1.1], [82, 42.9], [-6, 42.9]], [[241.4, 54.2], [241.4, 141.4], [154.2, 54.2]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 272.1, 169.7), new OKFigLevel([[[153.2, 0], [5]], [[40, 113.1], [3]], [[266.3, 113.1], [11]], [[0, 73.1], [7]], [[266.3, 33.1], [6]], [[186.3, 33.1], [4]], [[306.3, 73.1], [2]], [[40, 33.1], [8]], [[120, 33.2], [0]], [[155.1, 169.7], [10]], [[98.5, 113.1], [1]], [[211.6, 113.1], [9]]], [[[156.2, -6], [156.2, 116.1], [34, 116.2]], [[272.3, 116.1], [150.2, 116.1], [150.2, -6]], [[88, 70.5], [40, 118.5], [-8, 70.4]], [[274.3, 30.4], [226.3, 78.4], [178.3, 30.4]], [[266.3, 29.1], [310.3, 73.1], [266.3, 117.1], [222.3, 73.1]], [[38, 31.1], [126, 31.2], [82, 75.1], [-6, 75.1]], [[155.1, 173.1], [93.4, 111.4], [216.7, 111.4]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 306.3, 169.7), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 0.1], [1]], [[80, 80], [8]], [[0, 160.1], [0]], [[240, 160], [6]], [[160, 80], [5]], [[240, 0], [3]], [[160, 160], [7]], [[120, 120], [9]], [[120, 40], [4]], [[80, 160], [2]]], [[[-2.1, -6.3], [84.3, 80], [-2.1, 166.5]], [[242.1, 166.4], [155.7, 80], [242.1, -6.4]], [[162.7, 168], [114.7, 120], [162.7, 72]], [[32, 122.7], [80, 74.7], [128, 122.7]], [[120, 36], [164, 80], [120, 124], [76, 80]], [[38, 118.1], [126, 118], [82, 162], [-6, 162.1]], [[157.6, 162.4], [157.6, 75.2], [244.8, 162.4]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 240, 160.1), new OKFigLevel([[[199.9, 40], [8]], [[40, 40], [3]], [[240, 160], [10]], [[76.3, 40], [4]], [[116.3, 0], [5]], [[156.3, 40], [0]], [[40, 120], [7]], [[0, 80], [1]], [[239.9, 79.9], [9]], [[199.9, 119.9], [2]], [[0, 160.1], [6]]], [[[206.3, 37.8], [120, 124.3], [33.6, 37.9]], [[73.6, 162.2], [160, 75.7], [246.4, 162.2]], [[68.3, 42.7], [116.3, -5.3], [164.3, 42.6]], [[42.7, 128], [-5.3, 80], [42.7, 32]], [[199.9, 36], [243.9, 79.9], [199.9, 123.9], [156, 80]], [[38, 118], [126, 118], [82, 162], [-6, 162.1]], [[37.6, 122.4], [37.6, 35.2], [124.8, 122.4]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 240, 160.1), new OKFigLevel([[[113.1, 169.7], [1]], [[0, 169.7], [7]], [[209.8, 176.6], [5]], [[289.8, 96.6], [4]], [[369.8, 176.6], [2]], [[249.8, 136.6], [6]], [[169.7, 56.6], [11]], [[169.7, 0], [8]], [[226.3, 0], [9]], [[209.7, 16.6], [10]], [[249.7, 56.6], [12]], [[113.1, 113.1], [0]], [[266.3, 40.1], [13]], [[322.9, 96.6], [3]]], [[[116.2, 50.5], [116.2, 172.7], [-6, 172.7]], [[203.4, 178.8], [289.8, 92.4], [376.2, 178.8]], [[297.8, 94], [249.8, 142], [201.7, 94]], [[165.9, 64.1], [165.9, -3.8], [233.8, -3.8]], [[165.7, 56.6], [209.7, 12.6], [253.7, 56.6], [209.8, 100.6]], [[172.5, 56.6], [110.3, 118.8], [110.3, 56.5], [172.5, -5.7]], [[266.3, 36.7], [328, 98.3], [204.7, 98.3]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 369.8, 176.6), new OKFigLevel([[[40, 40.1], [3]], [[40, 200.1], [0]], [[160, 0], [4]], [[0, 0], [2]], [[120, 40], [9]], [[106.5, 200], [7]], [[49.9, 200], [1]], [[106.4, 313.1], [8]], [[49.9, 369.7], [6]], [[120, 200], [5]]], [[[37.9, 33.7], [124.3, 120], [37.9, 206.4]], [[166.4, -2.1], [80, 84.3], [-6.4, -2.1]], [[46.1, 320.7], [46.1, 252.8], [114, 252.8]], [[122.7, 128], [74.7, 80], [122.7, 32]], [[109.3, 197.2], [109.3, 259.4], [47.1, 259.4], [47.1, 197.2]], [[109.3, 313.1], [47, 375.3], [47.1, 313.1], [109.3, 250.9]], [[122.4, 202.4], [35.2, 202.5], [122.4, 115.3]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 160, 369.7), new OKFigLevel([[[233.1, 169.7], [1]], [[6.9, 169.7], [2]], [[40, 136.6], [3]], [[0, 96.6], [11]], [[200, 56.6], [5]], [[240, 96.5], [6]], [[200, 136.6], [0]], [[147.5, 0], [8]], [[147.5, 56.6], [4]], [[90.9, 56.6], [10]], [[90.9, 0], [7]], [[40, 56.6], [9]]], [[[239.2, 172.8], [117, 172.8], [117, 50.5]], [[123, 50.5], [123, 172.8], [0.8, 172.8]], [[88, 93.9], [40, 141.9], [-8, 93.9]], [[197.3, 48.6], [245.3, 96.5], [197.3, 144.6]], [[150.3, -2.8], [150.3, 59.4], [88.1, 59.4], [88.1, -2.8]], [[82, 98.6], [-6, 98.6], [38, 54.6], [126, 54.6]], [[202.4, 54.1], [202.4, 141.4], [115.2, 54.2]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 240, 169.7), new OKFigLevel([[[113.2, 170.4], [2, 6]], [[226.3, 56.6], [0]], [[0, 56.6], [3]], [[56.5, 0], [8]], [[86.1, 226.9], [5]], [[86.1, 170.4], [0]], [[142.7, 170.4], [7]], [[142.7, 226.9], [4]], [[169.7, 0], [1]]], [[[110.1, 176.5], [110.1, 53.6], [232.3, 53.6]], [[-6, 53.6], [116.1, 53.6], [116.2, 176.5]], [[177.2, 60.4], [109.3, 60.4], [109.3, -7.5]], [[49, -3.8], [116.9, -3.8], [116.9, 64.1]], [[83.3, 229.8], [83.3, 167.5], [145.5, 167.5], [145.5, 229.8]], [[169.7, 59.4], [107.4, -2.8], [169.7, -2.8], [231.9, 59.4]], [[56.5, -3.4], [118.2, 58.3], [-5.1, 58.3]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 226.3, 226.9), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 169.8], [6]], [[339.2, 169.7], [0]], [[226.2, 56.6], [1, 4]], [[169.6, 113.2], [5]], [[169.7, 56.6], [3]], [[226.2, 113.2], [2]], [[169.7, 0], [2]]], [[[116.1, 50.6], [116.1, 172.8], [-6, 172.8]], [[345.3, 172.7], [223.1, 172.8], [223.2, 50.5]], [[173.4, 105.7], [173.4, 173.5], [105.6, 173.6]], [[109.3, 120.7], [109.3, 52.8], [177.2, 52.8]], [[229, 172.6], [166.8, 172.6], [166.8, 110.4], [229, 110.3]], [[110.3, 113.2], [172.5, 50.9], [172.5, 113.2], [110.3, 175.4]], [[169.7, -3.4], [231.3, 58.3], [108, 58.3]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 339.2, 169.8), new OKFigLevel([[[226.2, 153.1], [5]], [[113.1, 40], [7]], [[0, 153.2], [1]], [[22.1, 209.8], [4]], [[22.1, 153.2], [2]], [[192, 153.1], [6]], [[192, 209.6], [3]], [[153.1, 80], [8]], [[153.1, 0], [9]], [[193.1, 40], [10]], [[193.1, 120], [0]]], [[[232.3, 156.1], [110.1, 156.2], [110.1, 34]], [[116.1, 34], [116.1, 156.1], [-6, 156.2]], [[139.1, 145.6], [139.2, 213.4], [71.1, 213.5]], [[86.3, 213.5], [18.3, 213.5], [18.3, 145.7]], [[132.5, 150.3], [194.8, 150.3], [194.8, 212.5], [132.6, 212.4]], [[151.1, 82], [151.1, -6], [195.1, 38], [195.1, 126]], [[78.7, 213.1], [17, 151.5], [140.4, 151.4]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 226.2, 209.8), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 226.2], [1]], [[0, 113.1], [2]], [[113.2, 0], [5]], [[73.1, 153.1], [7]], [[153.1, 153.1], [3]], [[113.2, 33.1], [6]], [[193.1, 113.1], [10]], [[40, 186.2], [8]], [[120, 186.2], [4]], [[159.9, 226.2], [0]], [[160, 146.2], [9]]], [[[-3, 232.3], [-3, 110.1], [119.2, 110.1]], [[116.2, -6], [116.1, 116.1], [-6, 116.1]], [[65.1, 155.8], [113.1, 107.8], [161.1, 155.7]], [[110.5, 25.1], [158.5, 73.1], [110.5, 121.1]], [[109.1, 113.1], [153.1, 69.1], [197.1, 113.1], [153.1, 157.1]], [[38, 184.2], [126, 184.2], [82, 228.2], [-6, 228.2]], [[162.3, 228.6], [75.2, 228.6], [162.4, 141.4]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 193.1, 226.2), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 80.2], [1]], [[80, 0.2], [4]], [[193, 47], [3]], [[193.1, 160.2], [7]], [[120, 40.1], [6]], [[200, 40], [2]], [[160, 0], [5]], [[0, 160.2], [0]]], [[[82.1, 166.6], [-4.3, 80.2], [82.2, -6.2]], [[196, 40.9], [196.1, 163.2], [74, 163.2]], [[77.3, 72.2], [125.3, 120.1], [77.3, 168.2]], [[117.3, 32.1], [165.4, 80], [117.3, 128.2]], [[204, 40], [160, 84], [116, 40.1], [160, -4]], [[78, 82.2], [78, -5.8], [122, 38.1], [122, 126.1]], [[-2.4, 162.6], [-2.4, 75.4], [84.8, 162.6]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 200, 160.2), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 199.9], [2]], [[160, 199.9], [0]], [[0, 40], [5]], [[80, 63.3], [6]], [[80, 40], [3]], [[40, 0], [4]], [[136.5, 63.3], [7]], [[193.1, 119.8], [8]], [[159.9, 119.9], [1]]], [[[-6.4, 202.1], [80, 115.6], [166.4, 202]], [[-2.1, 33.6], [84.2, 119.9], [-2.1, 206.3]], [[144.1, 123.7], [76.2, 123.7], [76.2, 55.7]], [[82.6, 127.9], [34.7, 80], [82.7, 32]], [[84, 40], [40, 84], [-4, 40], [40, -4]], [[136.5, 122.7], [74.4, 60.4], [136.5, 60.4], [198.7, 122.7]], [[162.3, 117.5], [162.4, 204.7], [75.2, 117.5]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 193.1, 199.9), new OKFigLevel([[[193.2, 169.7], [7]], [[80, 56.6], [4]], [[80, 9.6], [1]], [[0, 89.6], [2]], [[136.6, 56.6], [5]], [[136.6, 0], [6]], [[193.2, 0], [0]], [[0, 169.7], [3]]], [[[196.2, 50.5], [196.2, 172.7], [74, 172.7]], [[77, 175.7], [77, 53.6], [199.2, 53.5]], [[82.7, 97.6], [34.7, 49.6], [82.7, 1.6]], [[42.7, 137.6], [-5.3, 89.6], [42.7, 41.6]], [[196, 59.4], [133.8, 59.4], [133.8, -2.8], [196, -2.8]], [[38, 131.6], [38, 43.6], [82, 87.6], [82, 175.7]], [[-2.4, 172.1], [-2.4, 84.8], [84.8, 172.1]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 193.2, 169.7), new OKFigLevel([[[169.8, 56.6], [1]], [[169.7, 169.7], [4]], [[113.2, 56.6], [3]], [[113.2, 0], [0]], [[0.1, 169.5], [5]], [[0, 0], [6]], [[56.6, 0], [2]]], [[[172.8, 50.5], [172.8, 172.7], [50.6, 172.6]], [[53.6, 175.7], [53.6, 53.5], [175.8, 53.6]], [[177.3, 60.4], [109.4, 60.3], [109.4, -7.5]], [[60.3, 49], [60.4, 116.8], [-7.5, 116.8]], [[59.4, 172.5], [-2.8, 172.4], [-2.8, 110.2], [59.4, 110.2]], [[56.6, 59.4], [-5.7, -2.8], [56.6, -2.8], [118.8, 59.4]], [[60, 56.6], [-1.7, 118.1], [-1.7, -5.1]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 169.8, 169.7), new OKFigLevel([[[193.3, 0], [1]], [[306.5, 113.2], [4]], [[0, 56.5], [3]], [[40, 16.4], [6]], [[23.7, 113.1], [5]], [[23.7, 56.5], [2]], [[23.6, 0], [0]]], [[[196.4, -6], [196.4, 116.2], [74.2, 116.1]], [[312.6, 116.2], [190.4, 116.2], [190.3, -6]], [[76.5, 120.7], [76.4, 52.8], [144.3, 52.8]], [[-8, 59.1], [40, 11.1], [88.2, 59.2]], [[83.1, 115.9], [20.9, 115.9], [20.9, 53.7], [83, 53.7]], [[80.2, -2.8], [142.5, 59.4], [80.2, 59.4], [17.9, -2.8]], [[136.8, 60], [75.1, -1.7], [198.4, -1.7]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 306.5, 113.2), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 209.8], [2]], [[160, 209.8], [0]], [[0, 49.8], [3]], [[6.8, 56.6], [7]], [[119.9, 56.6], [6]], [[160, 129.8], [1]], [[120, 89.8], [5]], [[63.3, 0], [4]]], [[[-6.4, 211.9], [80, 125.5], [166.4, 211.9]], [[-2.1, 43.4], [84.3, 129.8], [-2.1, 216.2]], [[-0.8, 52.8], [67.1, 52.8], [67.1, 120.7]], [[55.8, 109.4], [123.8, 109.4], [123.8, 177.3]], [[60.5, 116], [60.5, 53.7], [122.7, 53.7], [122.8, 116]], [[162, 127.8], [162, 215.8], [118, 171.7], [118, 83.8]], [[63.3, -3.4], [125, 58.3], [1.7, 58.2]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 160, 209.8), new OKFigLevel([[[113.1, 226.2], [1]], [[0, 226.2], [2]], [[0, 113.1], [3]], [[113.1, 0], [4]], [[113.1, 113.1], [6]], [[169.7, 169.6], [0]], [[169.7, 56.6], [5]]], [[[119.2, 229.3], [-3, 229.3], [-3, 107.1]], [[116.1, -6], [116.2, 116.1], [-6, 116.1]], [[173.5, 105.6], [173.5, 173.4], [105.6, 173.4]], [[-7.5, 109.3], [60.3, 109.4], [60.3, 177.2]], [[53.7, 110.3], [116, 110.3], [116, 172.5], [53.7, 172.5]], [[172.5, 113.1], [110.3, 175.3], [110.3, 113.1], [172.5, 50.9]], [[113.1, 229.6], [51.5, 168], [174.8, 168]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 169.7, 226.2), new OKFigLevel([[[84.8, 113.2], [1]], [[197.9, 113.1], [2]], [[197.9, 226.3], [3]], [[28.3, 226.3], [4]], [[28.2, 56.6], [8]], [[84.8, 56.6], [0]], [[56.6, 0], [7]], [[113.1, 56.6], [5]], [[0, 56.6], [6]]], [[[81.8, 232.3], [81.8, 110.1], [204, 110.1]], [[201, 107], [200.9, 229.3], [78.8, 229.3]], [[88.6, 162.2], [88.6, 230], [20.7, 230.1]], [[24.5, 177.3], [24.5, 109.4], [92.4, 109.4]], [[25.4, 53.7], [87.6, 53.7], [87.7, 116], [25.4, 116]], [[25.4, 169.7], [87.7, 107.5], [87.6, 169.8], [25.4, 232]], [[56.6, -3.4], [118.2, 58.3], [-5.1, 58.3]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 197.9, 226.3), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 280], [3]], [[160, 280], [0]], [[160, 200], [1]], [[0, 40], [4]], [[40, 0], [6]], [[80, 120], [2]], [[40, 160], [5]]], [[[-2.1, 113.6], [84.2, 200], [-2.1, 286.4]], [[-6.4, 282.1], [80, 195.7], [166.4, 282.1]], [[72, 202.7], [120, 154.7], [168, 202.7]], [[42.7, 88], [-5.3, 40], [42.7, -8]], [[80, 116], [124, 160], [80, 204], [36, 160]], [[-2, 122], [-2, 34], [42, 78], [42, 166]], [[162.4, 197.6], [162.4, 284.8], [75.2, 197.6]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 160, 280), new OKFigLevel([[[27.8, 193.3], [10]], [[187.7, 193.2], [0]], [[0, 113.3], [3]], [[80, 33.3], [7]], [[187.6, 113.2], [1]], [[159.9, 0], [6]], [[159.9, 56.6], [9]], [[103.3, 56.6], [8]], [[103.3, 0], [5]], [[216.5, 113.2], [4]], [[27.8, 113.3], [2]]], [[[21.4, 195.4], [107.7, 109], [194.1, 195.3]], [[-6.4, 115.4], [80, 29], [166.3, 115.3]], [[195.6, 110.5], [147.6, 158.5], [99.8, 110.6]], [[190.4, 201.2], [142.3, 153.2], [190.3, 105.2]], [[162.7, -2.8], [162.7, 59.4], [100.5, 59.4], [100.5, -2.8]], [[160, 116], [97.7, 53.8], [159.9, 53.8], [222.1, 116]], [[25.4, 110.9], [112.5, 110.9], [25.4, 198.1]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 216.5, 193.3), new OKFigLevel([[[31.1, 282.9], [1]], [[31.2, 169.8], [9]], [[144.3, 169.8], [3]], [[144.3, 282.9], [0]], [[56.5, 0], [5]], [[113.1, 0], [6]], [[113.1, 113.2], [8]], [[56.6, 113.2], [4]], [[169.7, 169.8], [2]], [[0, 169.8], [7]]], [[[28.1, 288.9], [28.1, 166.8], [150.3, 166.8]], [[147.3, 163.8], [147.3, 285.9], [25.1, 285.9]], [[120.6, 60.4], [52.8, 60.4], [52.7, -7.5]], [[49, -3.7], [116.8, -3.8], [116.9, 64.2]], [[115.9, 53.8], [115.9, 116], [53.7, 116.1], [53.7, 53.8]], [[113.1, 110.4], [175.3, 172.6], [113.1, 172.6], [50.9, 110.4]], [[56.6, 109.8], [118.2, 171.5], [-5.1, 171.5]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 169.7, 282.9), new OKFigLevel([[[113.1, 159.9], [1, 6]], [[0, 160], [2]], [[0, 46.8], [12]], [[226.2, 46.8], [4]], [[226.2, 159.9], [0]], [[193, 80], [3]], [[152.9, 120.1], [7]], [[113.2, 80.1], [9]], [[73.3, 40.1], [11]], [[73.3, 120.1], [0]], [[153.2, 40], [14]], [[113.2, 0], [10]], [[33.3, 80.1], [13]], [[33.3, 0.1], [8]], [[193.2, 0.1], [5]]], [[[119.1, 163], [-3, 163], [-3, 40.8]], [[229.2, 40.7], [229.2, 162.9], [107.1, 163]], [[201, 77.3], [152.9, 125.4], [105.2, 77.4]], [[70.6, 32.1], [118.5, 80], [70.6, 128.1]], [[157.2, 40], [113.2, 84.1], [69.3, 40.1], [113.2, -4]], [[31.3, 82.1], [31.3, -5.9], [75.3, 38.1], [75.3, 126.1]], [[195.4, 82.4], [108.4, 82.5], [195.6, -4.7]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 226.2, 160), new OKFigLevel([[[160, 216.5], [11]], [[160, 56.5], [0]], [[0, 56.6], [4]], [[0, 216.6], [2]], [[23.4, 80], [5]], [[23.4, 23.4], [6]], [[39.9, 40], [7]], [[79.9, 0], [8]], [[119.9, 40], [9]], [[136.6, 23.4], [10]], [[136.6, 80], [1]], [[136.6, 193.1], [12]], [[23.5, 193.1], [3]]], [[[162.1, 222.9], [75.7, 136.5], [162.1, 50.1]], [[-2.1, 50.2], [84.3, 136.5], [-2.1, 223]], [[15.9, 76.2], [83.7, 76.2], [83.8, 144.1]], [[87.5, 83.7], [19.7, 83.8], [19.6, 15.9]], [[80, 84], [35.9, 40], [79.9, -4], [123.9, 40]], [[77.1, 80], [139.4, 17.7], [139.4, 80], [77.2, 142.2]], [[80, 133.2], [141.7, 194.8], [18.4, 194.8]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 160, 216.6), new OKFigLevel([[[273.1, 119.7], [1]], [[193.1, 199.6], [11]], [[80, 200.4], [3]], [[0, 120.4], [5]], [[120.1, 80.1], [14]], [[120.6, 0.6], [4]], [[80.1, 120.1], [2]], [[165.7, 120.1], [8]], [[165.7, 176.7], [9]], [[109.1, 176.7], [10]], [[109.1, 120.1], [6]], [[193.1, 120.1], [7]], [[153.1, 80], [13]], [[153.1, 0], [0]], [[136.6, 63.5], [12]]], [[[190.9, 33.4], [277.3, 119.7], [190.9, 206]], [[82.1, 206.8], [-4.3, 120.4], [82.3, 33.9]], [[122.6, 87.9], [74.8, 40.2], [123.3, -7.4]], [[77.5, 32.3], [125.4, 80.1], [77.4, 128.1]], [[168.5, 117.2], [168.5, 179.5], [106.3, 179.5], [106.3, 117.2]], [[195.1, 37.8], [195.1, 126.1], [151.1, 82], [151.1, -6]], [[136.6, 60.1], [198.2, 121.7], [75, 121.8]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 273.1, 200.4), new OKFigLevel([[[164.9, 136.6], [1]], [[84.9, 216.6], [2]], [[4.9, 136.6], [9]], [[4.9, 80], [4]], [[84.9, 0], [5]], [[164.9, 80], [6]], [[169.6, 80], [7]], [[169.6, 136.6], [0]], [[0, 80], [3]], [[0, 136.6], [8]], [[124.8, 286], [11]], [[55.5, 326], [12]], [[84.8, 216.8], [10]]], [[[171.3, 134.4], [84.9, 220.8], [-1.5, 134.4]], [[-1.5, 82.1], [84.9, -4.3], [171.3, 82.1]], [[105.5, 76.2], [173.4, 76.2], [173.4, 144.1]], [[120.6, 140.3], [52.8, 140.3], [52.8, 72.5]], [[-2.8, 77.2], [59.4, 77.2], [59.4, 139.4], [-2.8, 139.4]], [[113.1, 77.2], [175.3, 139.4], [113.1, 139.4], [50.9, 77.2]], [[128, 286.9], [52.5, 330.5], [84.6, 211.2]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[36.4, 9.8], [-32.9, 49.8], [-3.6, -59.5]]], 169.6, 326), new OKFigLevel([[[169.8, 80], [3]], [[249.8, 0], [2]], [[329.8, 80], [0]], [[113.2, 136.6], [10]], [[33.2, 56.7], [8]], [[136.8, 0], [1]], [[40.2, 16.7], [7]], [[120.2, 16.6], [5]], [[0.2, 56.7], [6]], [[56.5, 80], [4]], [[0, 136.6], [9]]], [[[163.4, 82.1], [249.8, -4.3], [336.2, 82.1]], [[199.6, 54.4], [113.2, 140.9], [26.8, 54.5]], [[140.5, -7.5], [140.5, 60.4], [72.7, 60.4]], [[189.5, 64.1], [189.5, -3.7], [257.4, -3.8]], [[133.9, 59.4], [133.9, -2.8], [196.1, -2.8], [196.1, 59.4]], [[38.2, 14.7], [126.2, 14.6], [82.2, 58.6], [-5.8, 58.7]], [[56.5, 76.6], [118.2, 138.3], [-5.1, 138.3]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 329.8, 136.6), new OKFigLevel([[[240, 0], [1]], [[320, 80], [8]], [[0, 80.1], [3]], [[80, 0], [12]], [[94.2, 120], [6]], [[54.3, 80], [2]], [[14.2, 120], [5]], [[134.2, 136.6], [11]], [[190.8, 80], [9]], [[190.8, 136.6], [7]], [[77.7, 136.5], [4]], [[77.7, 193.1], [10]], [[103.4, 23.5], [13]], [[216.5, 23.4], [0]]], [[[153.6, 82.1], [240, -4.3], [326.4, 82.1]], [[-6.4, 82.2], [80, -4.2], [166.4, 82.1]], [[142.2, 77.3], [94.2, 125.3], [46.3, 77.4]], [[6.2, 122.6], [54.3, 74.7], [102.2, 122.6]], [[131.4, 139.4], [131.4, 77.2], [193.6, 77.2], [193.6, 139.4]], [[74.8, 136.5], [137.1, 74.3], [137.1, 136.6], [74.8, 198.8]], [[160, 83.4], [98.3, 21.8], [221.6, 21.7]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 320, 193.1), new OKFigLevel([[[160, 56.6], [9]], [[240, 136.6], [3]], [[0, 56.6], [7]], [[160, 136.6], [12]], [[103.4, 56.6], [5]], [[103.4, 0], [0]], [[56.6, 56.6], [4]], [[0, 0], [8]], [[56.6, 0], [6]], [[216.5, 56.6], [10]], [[273.1, 113.1], [11]], [[216.5, 113.1], [1]], [[63.4, 233.1], [13]], [[63.4, 120], [2]]], [[[73.6, 138.7], [160, 52.3], [246.4, 138.7]], [[166.4, 54.4], [80, 140.9], [-6.4, 54.5]], [[168, 133.9], [120, 181.9], [72, 133.9]], [[167.5, 60.4], [99.6, 60.4], [99.6, -7.5]], [[59.4, 59.4], [-2.8, 59.4], [-2.8, -2.8], [59.4, -2.8]], [[216.5, 53.7], [278.8, 116], [216.5, 116], [154.3, 53.7]], [[123.4, 176.6], [61.7, 238.2], [61.7, 114.9]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 273.1, 233.1), new OKFigLevel([[[113, 169.7], [2]], [[226.1, 282.8], [0]], [[56.5, 169.7], [4]], [[56.6, 89.8], [7]], [[56.5, 146.3], [5]], [[0, 146.3], [3]], [[226.2, 0], [1]], [[136.5, 89.7], [6]]], [[[107, 166.7], [229.2, 166.6], [229.1, 288.8]], [[172.7, 50.5], [172.7, 172.7], [50.5, 172.8]], [[229.9, 49], [229.9, 116.9], [162.1, 116.9]], [[60.3, 82.2], [60.3, 150.1], [-7.5, 150.1]], [[229, 172.5], [166.8, 172.5], [166.8, 110.3], [229, 110.3]], [[166.8, 56.6], [229, -5.7], [229, 56.6], [166.8, 118.8]], [[54.2, 87.4], [141.3, 87.3], [54.1, 174.5]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 226.2, 282.8), new OKFigLevel([[[273.1, 56.6], [1]], [[193.1, 136.6], [3]], [[113.1, 56.6], [0]], [[169.7, 113.2], [6]], [[89.7, 193.2], [12]], [[9.8, 113.2], [8]], [[129.8, 153.2], [7]], [[169.8, 193.2], [4]], [[56.6, 113.2], [9]], [[56.6, 56.6], [10]], [[0, 0], [11]], [[56.6, 0], [2]], [[33.2, 249.8], [13]], [[33.2, 136.6], [5]]], [[[279.5, 54.5], [193.1, 140.9], [106.7, 54.5]], [[176.1, 111.1], [89.7, 197.5], [3.4, 111.1]], [[177.3, 117], [109.4, 117], [109.4, 49]], [[81.7, 195.9], [129.7, 147.9], [177.8, 195.9]], [[116, 116.1], [53.8, 116.1], [53.7, 53.8], [116, 53.8]], [[56.6, 59.4], [-5.7, -2.8], [56.6, -2.8], [118.8, 59.4]], [[93.1, 193.2], [31.5, 254.8], [31.5, 131.5]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 273.1, 249.8), new OKFigLevel([[[113.2, 113.2], [8]], [[113.2, 0.1], [4]], [[306.2, 33.1], [3]], [[386.2, 113.1], [11]], [[169.7, 56.6], [5]], [[282.8, 56.5], [2]], [[56.6, 56.6], [10]], [[113.2, 56.6], [1]], [[56.6, 113.2], [6]], [[56.6, 0], [7]], [[0, 0], [9]], [[193.2, 113.1], [12]], [[113.2, 193.2], [0]]], [[[232.3, 116.1], [110.1, 116.2], [110.1, -6]], [[219.9, 115.3], [306.2, 28.8], [392.6, 115.2]], [[162.2, 52.8], [230, 52.8], [230, 120.7]], [[222.5, 120.7], [222.5, 52.8], [290.3, 52.7]], [[53.7, 53.8], [116, 53.8], [116, 116], [53.8, 116]], [[56.6, -2.8], [118.8, 59.4], [56.6, 59.4], [-5.7, -2.8]], [[110.8, 110.8], [198, 110.7], [110.8, 198]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 386.2, 193.2), new OKFigLevel([[[216.6, 113.1], [1]], [[136.6, 193.1], [10]], [[56.6, 0], [7]], [[0, 56.6], [4]], [[56.6, 56.6], [2]], [[0, 169.7], [3]], [[56.6, 169.7], [5]], [[113.1, 56.5], [8]], [[169.7, 56.5], [9]], [[226.3, 113.1], [0]], [[56.6, 193.1], [6]]], [[[223, 111], [136.6, 197.4], [50.2, 111]], [[175.8, 116.1], [53.6, 116.1], [53.6, -6]], [[64.2, 116.9], [-3.8, 116.9], [-3.8, 49]], [[-7.5, 52.8], [60.4, 52.8], [60.4, 120.7]], [[-2.8, 172.5], [-2.8, 110.3], [59.4, 110.3], [59.4, 172.5]], [[169.7, 115.9], [107.5, 53.7], [169.7, 53.7], [231.9, 115.9]], [[54.2, 195.5], [54.2, 108.3], [141.4, 195.6]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 226.3, 193.1), new OKFigLevel([[[56.6, 169.7], [1]], [[56.6, 56.6], [6]], [[169.7, 56.6], [3]], [[169.8, 169.8], [5]], [[0, 226.3], [0]], [[226.3, 226.3], [4]], [[113.2, 0], [2]]], [[[53.6, 175.8], [53.6, 53.6], [175.8, 53.6]], [[172.8, 50.6], [172.8, 172.8], [50.5, 172.7]], [[177.3, 230.1], [109.4, 230.1], [109.4, 162.2]], [[60.4, 162.2], [60.3, 230.1], [-7.5, 230]], [[53.8, 166.9], [116, 166.9], [116, 229.1], [53.7, 229.1]], [[169.8, 166.9], [232, 229.1], [169.7, 229.1], [107.5, 166.9]], [[113.2, -3.4], [174.8, 58.3], [51.5, 58.3]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 226.3, 226.3), new OKFigLevel([[[280, 56.6], [3]], [[40, 136.6], [4]], [[40, 56.6], [8]], [[319.9, 96.6], [5]], [[0, 96.7], [2]], [[279.9, 136.6], [1]], [[164.2, 0], [7]], [[220.8, 56.6], [0]], [[107.7, 56.6], [6]]], [[[286.4, 54.4], [199.9, 140.9], [113.6, 54.4]], [[33.6, 138.8], [120, 52.3], [206.3, 138.7]], [[128, 53.9], [80, 102], [32, 54]], [[231.9, 99.2], [280, 51.2], [327.9, 99.2]], [[40, 52.6], [84, 96.6], [40, 140.6], [-4, 96.7]], [[238, 94.6], [325.9, 94.6], [281.9, 138.6], [193.9, 138.6]], [[164.2, -3.4], [225.9, 58.3], [102.6, 58.3]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 319.9, 136.6), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 226.3], [1]], [[0, 113.2], [4]], [[226.2, 113.2], [3]], [[226.2, 226.3], [9]], [[56.5, 113.2], [8]], [[169.6, 56.6], [7]], [[113, 0], [5]], [[169.6, 113.2], [2]], [[56.5, 56.6], [6]], [[169.7, 169.7], [10]], [[56.6, 169.7], [0]]], [[[-3, 232.4], [-3, 110.2], [119.1, 110.1]], [[107.1, 110.1], [229.2, 110.1], [229.2, 232.3]], [[116.8, 49], [116.9, 116.9], [48.9, 117]], [[177.2, 60.3], [109.3, 60.3], [109.3, -7.5]], [[110.2, 53.7], [172.4, 53.7], [172.5, 116], [110.3, 116]], [[53.6, 56.6], [115.9, -5.7], [115.9, 56.6], [53.7, 118.8]], [[113.1, 109.8], [174.8, 171.4], [51.5, 171.4]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 226.2, 226.3), new OKFigLevel([[[16.5, 56.6], [8]], [[129.7, 56.6], [6]], [[169.7, 209.8], [5]], [[16.5, 136.5], [0]], [[0, 153], [3]], [[0, 209.6], [4]], [[129.7, 89.8], [7]], [[169.7, 129.8], [2]], [[73.1, 0], [1]]], [[[10.5, 53.6], [132.7, 53.6], [132.7, 175.8]], [[175.8, 212.8], [53.6, 212.7], [53.5, 90.6]], [[13.9, 48.6], [61.9, 96.6], [13.9, 144.5]], [[60.3, 89.1], [60.3, 156.8], [-7.5, 156.8]], [[-2.8, 150.2], [59.4, 150.2], [59.4, 212.6], [-2.8, 212.4]], [[127.7, 171.8], [127.7, 83.8], [171.7, 127.8], [171.7, 215.8]], [[73.1, -3.4], [134.8, 58.3], [11.4, 58.3]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 169.7, 209.8), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 209.7], [3]], [[169.7, 200], [8]], [[169.7, 40], [1]], [[0, 40], [4]], [[44.3, 40], [5]], [[84.3, 0], [6]], [[124.3, 40], [2]], [[49.7, 160], [0]], [[129.7, 160], [9]], [[89.7, 200], [7]]], [[[-3, 215.8], [-3, 93.6], [119.1, 93.5]], [[171.8, 206.4], [85.4, 120], [171.8, 33.6]], [[64.1, 100.3], [-3.8, 100.4], [-3.8, 32.5]], [[36.3, 42.7], [84.3, -5.3], [132.3, 42.7]], [[45.7, 160], [89.7, 116], [133.7, 160], [89.7, 204]], [[56.6, 37.2], [118.7, 99.4], [56.6, 99.4], [-5.7, 37.2]], [[113.1, 99.9], [51.5, 38.3], [174.8, 38.3]]], [[[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 169.7, 209.7), new OKFigLevel([[[80, 120.1], [7]], [[240, 120.1], [0]], [[319.9, 40], [1]], [[119.9, 0], [6]], [[80, 40.1], [3]], [[239.9, 40], [2]], [[279.9, 0], [5]], [[0, 40.1], [4]]], [[[73.6, 122.2], [159.9, 35.7], [246.4, 122.2]], [[326.3, 37.9], [240, 124.3], [153.5, 37.9]], [[207.9, -2.7], [159.9, 45.4], [111.9, -2.6]], [[77.3, 32.1], [125.3, 80.1], [77.3, 128.1]], [[163.9, 40], [120, 84.1], [76, 40.1], [119.9, -4]], [[241.9, 42], [153.9, 42], [197.9, -2], [285.9, -2]], [[82.4, 37.7], [82.4, 124.9], [-4.8, 37.7]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 319.9, 120.1), new OKFigLevel([[[226.2, 84], [1]], [[226.2, 197.1], [2]], [[0, 197.2], [3]], [[0, 84.1], [4]], [[56.5, 140.6], [7]], [[169.6, 117.1], [12]], [[113.1, 60.5], [5]], [[56.5, 84], [8]], [[113, 84], [10, 6]], [[72.3, 14.6], [8]], [[57.6, 69.3], [11]], [[17.6, 0], [9]], [[193.1, 117.1], [0]]], [[[229.2, 78], [229.2, 200.1], [107.1, 200.2]], [[119.1, 200.2], [-3, 200.2], [-3, 78.1]], [[49, 136.8], [116.8, 136.8], [116.9, 204.7]], [[177.2, 120.9], [109.1, 120.9], [109.3, 53]], [[53.7, 143.4], [53.7, 81.2], [115.8, 81.1], [115.9, 143.4]], [[73, 11.9], [117.8, 88.2], [56.9, 72], [12.9, -4.2]], [[110.5, 114.7], [197.9, 114.7], [110.7, 202]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[37.7, 18.9], [-18.9, 18.9], [-18.9, -37.7]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[7.3, -27.3], [47.3, 42], [-7.3, 27.3], [-47.3, -42]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 226.2, 197.2), new OKFigLevel([[[194.9, 96.7], [3], [14]], [[83.6, 116], [2, 7], [3, 8]], [[64.3, 4.2], [15], [1]], [[102.4, 227], [1, 12], [0, 4]], [[80.1, 227], [3], [9]], [[40.1, 267], [6], [11]], [[0, 227], [9], [5]], [[69.6, 171.1], [9], [1]], [[14.8, 157.1], [1], [10]], [[55.3, 227], [10, 4], [7, 6]], [[0.5, 211.8], [8], [9]], [[120.2, 267], [5], [12]], [[160.1, 227], [11], [3]], [[156.3, 0], [14], [15]], [[169.8, 78.9], [0], [13]], [[77.4, 13.5], [13], [2]]], [[[201.3, 98.6], [81.2, 119.5], [60.3, -1.3]], [[100.5, 233.4], [80.2, 113.6], [200.3, 92.7]], [[88.1, 224.3], [40.1, 272.3], [-8, 224.4]], [[89.1, 109.6], [72.3, 175.7], [6.5, 158.9]], [[12.8, 153.7], [73.1, 169.1], [57.3, 230.6], [-2.9, 213.9]], [[122.2, 269], [34.1, 269], [78.1, 225], [166.1, 225]], [[158.3, -2.8], [172.9, 83.2], [72.3, 11.9]]], [[[80.7, 24.5], [-30.8, 43.5], [-49.9, -68]], [[-24.5, 80.7], [-43.5, -30.8], [68, -49.9]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[27.6, -31.9], [13.6, 22.9], [-41.2, 8.9]], [[-20.4, -34.4], [34.4, -20.4], [20.4, 34.4], [-34.4, 20.4]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[21.8, -30.8], [35.3, 48.1], [-57.1, -17.3]]], 194.9, 267), new OKFigLevel([[[137.8, 193.7], [2, 8]], [[218.6, 54.6], [4]], [[0, 113.3], [6]], [[272.4, 124], [7]], [[201.9, 83.3], [3, 0]], [[203.9, 0], [1]], [[163.9, 69.3], [5]], [[287.1, 178.6], [8]], [[232.5, 193.8], [12, 4]], [[194.1, 250.4], [10]], [[137.5, 250.3], [11]], [[80.9, 193.8], [0]], [[250.7, 193.8], [9]]], [[[136.4, 200.3], [105.6, 81.8], [223.6, 50.2]], [[-6.6, 111.9], [111.4, 80.3], [142.2, 198.7]], [[280.7, 125.7], [215.1, 143.2], [196.1, 76.8]], [[205.6, -8.3], [223.2, 57.3], [157.6, 74.9]], [[274.4, 120.5], [290.6, 180.6], [230.5, 197.3], [214.3, 136.6]], [[137.8, 190.8], [199.8, 253.2], [137.5, 253.2], [75.3, 190.9]], [[194.1, 253.7], [132.7, 191.9], [255.8, 192.1]]], [[[-16.9, 82.6], [-46.2, -26.7], [63.1, -55.9]], [[-82.6, -16.9], [26.7, -46.2], [55.9, 63.1]], [[41.3, 8.5], [-13.3, 23.1], [-28, -31.5]], [[8.5, -41.3], [23.1, 13.3], [-31.5, 28]], [[20, -34.6], [34.6, 20], [-20, 34.6], [-34.6, -20]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 287.1, 250.4), new OKFigLevel([[[138.6, 0], [5]], [[111.8, 110.4], [2, 4]], [[0, 80], [0]], [[254.6, 1], [11]], [[225.6, 110.6], [5, 10]], [[118.7, 81.7], [3, 1]], [[225.7, 167.3], [8]], [[282.2, 110.7], [6]], [[112.6, 167.4], [9]], [[56, 110.8], [1]], [[267.8, 110.7], [11, 7]], [[246.3, 32.3], [12, 4]], [[345, 89], [10]]], [[[143, -5], [114.1, 114.2], [-6.6, 81.4]], [[259, -4], [227.7, 114.4], [112.4, 83.1]], [[221.9, 174.9], [221.8, 106.8], [289.8, 107]], [[104.1, 106.6], [172.9, 107], [172.9, 174.9]], [[166.3, 107.9], [228.4, 107.8], [228.5, 170.1], [166.3, 170.2]], [[111.7, 107.6], [174.8, 170.2], [112.6, 170.2], [50.4, 108]], [[266.1, 113.7], [242.7, 28.3], [350.3, 90.1]]], [[[55.9, -63.1], [26.7, 46.2], [-82.6, 16.9]], [[55.9, -63.1], [26.7, 46.2], [-82.6, 16.9]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[-18.9, 32.7], [-39.6, -44.6], [58.4, 12]]], 345, 167.4), new OKFigLevel([[[138.6, 138.6], [2, 7]], [[218.6, 0], [0]], [[0, 58.6], [1]], [[187.4, 195.2], [5]], [[244, 138.6], [3]], [[74.4, 195.2], [6]], [[17.8, 138.7], [0]], [[208.5, 138.6], [8, 4]], [[187.8, 61.4], [9]], [[285.8, 118], [7]]], [[[137.2, 145.2], [105.6, 27.2], [223.6, -4.5]], [[-6.6, 57.2], [111.4, 25.6], [143, 143.7]], [[66.8, 134.9], [134.7, 134.9], [134.7, 202.8]], [[183.7, 202.7], [183.7, 134.8], [251.5, 134.8]], [[128.1, 198], [128.1, 135.8], [190.3, 135.8], [190.3, 198]], [[74.4, 135.8], [136.6, 198], [74.4, 198.1], [12.1, 135.8]], [[206.8, 141.5], [184.2, 57.4], [291, 119.1]]], [[[-16.9, 82.6], [-46.2, -26.7], [63.1, -55.9]], [[-82.6, -16.9], [26.7, -46.2], [55.9, 63.1]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[-18.9, 32.7], [-39.6, -44.6], [58.4, 12]]], 285.8, 195.2), new OKFigLevel([[[282.5, 134.7], [1]], [[173.2, 164.4], [2, 6]], [[144, 54.7], [0]], [[80, 244.4], [4]], [[0, 164.5], [9]], [[160, 244.4], [3]], [[240, 164.3], [5]], [[133.9, 69.3], [8]], [[119.3, 123.9], [9]], [[50, 164.4], [10, 1]], [[93.9, 0], [7]]], [[[289.1, 136], [171.1, 168.1], [139.5, 49.6]], [[166.4, 162.2], [80, 248.7], [-6.4, 162.3]], [[72, 247.1], [120, 199.1], [168, 247.1]], [[248, 161.7], [200, 209.7], [152, 161.7]], [[204, 204.4], [160, 248.4], [116, 204.4], [160, 160.4]], [[61.9, 108.6], [138.1, 64.6], [122.1, 124.7], [45.8, 169.2]], [[137.2, 70.2], [61.7, 113.8], [93.6, -5.4]]], [[[82.6, 16.9], [-26.7, 46.2], [-55.9, -63.1]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[-27.3, -7.3], [42, -47.3], [27.3, 7.3], [-42, 47.3]], [[36.4, 9.8], [-32.9, 49.8], [-3.6, -59.5]]], 282.5, 244.4), new OKFigLevel([[[56.6, 0], [1]], [[136.6, 80], [3]], [[0, 273.2], [5]], [[113.1, 103.5], [7]], [[56.6, 273.2], [2]], [[0, 103.5], [6]], [[56.6, 103.5], [0]], [[169.6, 160], [4]]], [[[54.4, -6.4], [140.8, 80], [54.4, 166.4]], [[-3, 279.2], [-3, 157], [119.1, 157]], [[116.9, 95.9], [116.9, 163.8], [49, 163.8]], [[60.3, 209], [60.3, 276.9], [-7.5, 276.9]], [[-2.8, 100.6], [59.4, 100.6], [59.4, 162.9], [-2.8, 162.9]], [[53.7, 216.6], [115.9, 154.4], [115.9, 216.6], [53.7, 278.8]], [[173, 160], [111.4, 221.7], [111.4, 98.4]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-37.7, 75.4], [-37.7, -37.7], [75.4, -37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 169.6, 273.2), new OKFigLevel([[[273.2, 160], [2]], [[273.2, 0], [0]], [[33.2, 159.9], [6]], [[113.2, 79.9], [4]], [[153.2, 40], [5]], [[233.2, 40], [1]], [[56.6, 136.5], [7]], [[0, 79.9], [3]]], [[[275.3, 166.4], [188.9, 80], [275.3, -6.4]], [[26.8, 162.1], [113.2, 75.7], [199.6, 162.1]], [[201.2, 77.3], [153.2, 125.3], [105.1, 77.3]], [[185.2, 162.6], [233.2, 114.7], [281.2, 162.7]], [[149.2, 120], [193.2, 76], [237.2, 120], [193.2, 164]], [[195.2, 82], [107.2, 81.9], [151.2, 38], [239.2, 38]], [[56.6, 139.9], [-5.1, 78.2], [118.2, 78.2]]], [[[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-40, 0], [0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 273.2, 160), new OKFigLevel([[[159.9, 148.8], [9]], [[80, 228.8], [2]], [[0, 148.8], [0]], [[320, 148.8], [4]], [[240, 228.8], [1]], [[171.2, 0], [6]], [[211.2, 40], [7]], [[171.2, 80], [10]], [[131.2, 40], [5]], [[159.9, 68.8], [8]], [[239.9, 148.8], [3]]], [[[166.3, 146.6], [80, 233.1], [-6.4, 146.7]], [[326.4, 146.7], [240, 233.1], [153.5, 146.6]], [[112, 191.4], [159.9, 143.4], [208, 191.5]], [[152, 231.4], [200, 183.5], [248, 231.5]], [[171.2, -4], [215.2, 40], [171.2, 84], [127.2, 40]], [[118, 186.8], [206, 186.8], [162, 230.8], [74, 230.8]], [[157.5, 151.2], [157.5, 64], [244.7, 151.2]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 320, 228.8), new OKFigLevel([[[100, 136.6], [4]], [[20, 56.5], [10]], [[260, 136.6], [0]], [[340, 56.6], [2]], [[40, 76.5], [5]], [[40, 156.5], [6]], [[0, 116.5], [7]], [[0, 36.5], [1]], [[261.6, 0], [9]], [[318.2, 56.6], [3]], [[205, 56.6], [8]]], [[[186.4, 54.4], [100, 140.8], [13.6, 54.4]], [[93.6, 138.7], [180, 52.3], [266.4, 138.7]], [[268, 53.9], [220, 101.9], [172, 53.9]], [[348, 53.9], [300, 101.9], [252, 53.9]], [[260, 52.6], [304, 96.6], [260, 140.6], [216, 96.6]], [[42, 74.5], [42, 162.5], [-2, 118.5], [-2, 30.5]], [[261.6, -3.4], [323.3, 58.3], [199.9, 58.3]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[20, -20], [20, 60], [-20, 20], [-20, -60]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 340, 156.5), new OKFigLevel([[[273.2, 200], [1]], [[193.2, 280], [3]], [[113.2, 200], [14]], [[80, 279.9], [18]], [[80, 166.8], [15]], [[73.1, 0], [6]], [[113.1, 40], [7]], [[73.1, 80], [5, 16]], [[149, 143.3], [9]], [[189, 103.3], [10]], [[229, 143.3], [12]], [[159.8, 143.3], [8]], [[216.4, 143.3], [13]], [[216.4, 200], [0]], [[159.8, 200], [11]], [[73.1, 160], [7]], [[113.1, 119.9], [2]], [[80, 199.9], [4]], [[0, 199.9], [17]]], [[[279.6, 197.8], [193.2, 284.2], [106.8, 197.8]], [[199.2, 283], [77, 283], [77, 160.8]], [[70.4, -8], [118.4, 40], [70.5, 88]], [[141, 146], [189, 98], [237, 146]], [[157, 140.5], [219.2, 140.5], [219.2, 202.8], [157, 202.8]], [[71.1, 162], [71.1, 74], [115.1, 117.9], [115.2, 206]], [[82.4, 197.5], [82.4, 284.7], [-4.8, 197.5]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 273.2, 280), new OKFigLevel([[[241, 169.7], [15]], [[127.8, 169.8], [2]], [[127.8, 56.6], [0]], [[121.8, 56.6], [4, 12]], [[121.8, 169.8], [1]], [[8.7, 169.7], [3]], [[80, 186.3], [16]], [[40, 226.3], [8]], [[0, 186.3], [6]], [[249.7, 186.3], [10]], [[209.7, 226.3], [7]], [[169.7, 186.3], [9]], [[65.2, 56.6], [13]], [[65.2, 0], [14]], [[121.8, 0], [3]], [[153.2, 169.8], [11]], [[96.6, 169.8], [5]]], [[[247, 172.8], [124.8, 172.8], [124.8, 50.6]], [[124.8, 50.6], [124.8, 172.8], [2.6, 172.8]], [[88, 183.7], [40, 231.7], [-8, 183.6]], [[257.7, 183.6], [209.7, 231.6], [161.7, 183.6]], [[62.4, 59.4], [62.4, -2.8], [124.6, -2.8], [124.6, 59.4]], [[153.2, 166.9], [215.4, 229.1], [153.2, 229.2], [90.9, 166.9]], [[96.6, 166.4], [158.2, 228], [34.9, 228]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 249.7, 226.3), new OKFigLevel([[[113.1, 193.1], [1]], [[0, 193.1], [5]], [[386.2, 193.1], [3]], [[273.1, 193.1], [4]], [[273.1, 160], [6]], [[193.2, 0], [2]], [[193.1, 80], [7]], [[113.1, 160], [0]]], [[[116.1, 73.9], [116.2, 196.1], [-6, 196.1]], [[392.3, 196.1], [270.1, 196.1], [270.1, 74]], [[275.8, 168], [227.8, 120], [275.8, 72]], [[145.2, 42.6], [193.2, -5.3], [241.2, 42.7]], [[233.2, 36], [277.2, 80], [233.2, 124], [189.1, 80]], [[151.2, 38], [239.2, 38], [195.1, 82], [107.1, 82]], [[110.7, 77.6], [197.9, 77.6], [110.7, 164.8]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[-20, -20], [60, -20], [20, 20], [-60, 20]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 386.2, 193.1), new OKFigLevel([[[113.1, 153.1], [1]], [[0, 153.1], [7]], [[386.2, 153.1], [3]], [[273.1, 153.1], [9]], [[153.1, 80], [6]], [[233.1, 80], [4]], [[113.1, 119.9], [0]], [[153.2, 0], [8]], [[233.1, 0], [2]], [[273.1, 120], [5]]], [[[116.2, 34], [116.2, 156.2], [-6, 156.2]], [[392.3, 156.1], [270.1, 156.1], [270.1, 33.9]], [[145.1, 82.7], [193.2, 34.7], [241.1, 82.7]], [[110.5, 32], [158.5, 80], [110.5, 127.9]], [[153.2, -4], [197.1, 40], [153.1, 84], [109.1, 40]], [[231.1, 82], [231.1, -6], [275.1, 38], [275.1, 126]], [[235.5, -2.4], [235.5, 84.8], [148.4, -2.4]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[0, -40], [40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[26.7, -26.7], [26.7, 53.3], [-53.3, -26.7]]], 386.2, 153.1), new OKFigLevel([[[395.9, 113.1], [1]], [[282.8, 113.1], [6]], [[282.8, 0], [0]], [[113.1, 0.1], [2]], [[113.1, 113.2], [5]], [[0, 113.2], [3]], [[282.8, 56.6], [8]], [[113.1, 56.6], [4]], [[226.2, 56.6], [9]], [[226.2, 113.1], [10]], [[169.6, 113.1], [11]], [[169.6, 56.6], [7]]], [[[401.9, 116.1], [279.7, 116.1], [279.8, -6]], [[116.1, -6], [116.2, 116.2], [-6, 116.2]], [[218.7, -3.7], [286.5, -3.8], [286.5, 64.1]], [[109.4, 64.2], [109.4, -3.7], [177.2, -3.7]], [[229.1, 53.8], [229, 116], [166.8, 116], [166.8, 53.8]], [[226.2, 59.4], [164, -2.8], [226.2, -2.8], [288.4, 59.4]], [[169.7, -3.3], [231.3, 58.3], [108, 58.3]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[-37.7, -18.9], [18.9, -18.9], [18.9, 37.7]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 395.9, 113.2), new OKFigLevel([[[240, 120], [6]], [[400, 120], [0]], [[0, 120], [7]], [[160, 120], [2]], [[120, 80], [3]], [[280, 0], [1]], [[279.9, 80], [8]], [[120, 0], [5]], [[256.5, 56.6], [9]], [[143.4, 56.6], [4]]], [[[233.6, 122.1], [320, 35.7], [406.4, 122.1]], [[-6.4, 122.1], [80, 35.7], [166.4, 122.1]], [[168, 37.3], [120, 85.3], [72, 37.3]], [[288, -2.7], [239.9, 45.4], [191.9, -2.6]], [[324, 40], [279.9, 84], [235.9, 40], [280, -4]], [[162, 42], [74, 42], [118, -2], [205.9, -2]], [[199.9, -3.4], [261.6, 58.3], [138.3, 58.3]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[0, -37.7], [56.6, 18.9], [-56.6, 18.9]]], 400, 120), new OKFigLevel([[[113.1, 0.1], [5]], [[113.1, 113.3], [2]], [[0, 113.3], [0]], [[395.8, 113.1], [4]], [[282.7, 113.1], [6]], [[282.7, 0], [3]], [[282.7, 80], [7]], [[242.7, 40], [11]], [[153.1, 40.1], [9]], [[113.1, 80.1], [1]], [[169.6, 56.6], [8]], [[226.2, 56.6], [12]], [[226.2, 113.2], [13]], [[169.6, 113.2], [10]]], [[[116.1, -6], [116.2, 116.3], [-6, 116.3]], [[401.8, 116.1], [279.6, 116.1], [279.7, -6]], [[285.3, 88], [237.4, 40], [285.4, -8]], [[110.4, -7.9], [158.4, 40.1], [110.5, 88.1]], [[166.8, 53.8], [229, 53.8], [229, 116], [166.8, 116]], [[169.6, -2.8], [231.8, 59.4], [169.6, 59.4], [107.4, -2.8]], [[226.2, 60], [164.5, -1.7], [287.8, -1.7]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3], [0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 395.8, 113.3), new OKFigLevel([[[113.1, 56.7], [5]], [[113.1, 169.8], [2]], [[0, 169.8], [12]], [[282.7, 169.8], [4]], [[169.6, 169.8], [10]], [[169.6, 56.6], [6]], [[169.6, 0], [7]], [[226.2, 0], [13]], [[56.5, 0], [9]], [[113.1, 0.1], [0]], [[169.6, 113.2], [11]], [[113.1, 113.2], [1]], [[56.6, 113.2], [8]], [[226.2, 113.2], [3]]], [[[116.1, 50.6], [116.2, 172.8], [-6, 172.8]], [[288.8, 172.8], [166.6, 172.8], [166.6, 50.6]], [[165.9, 64.2], [165.8, -3.8], [233.7, -3.7]], [[52.8, 64.2], [52.7, -3.7], [120.6, -3.7]], [[110.3, 53.8], [172.4, 53.8], [172.4, 116.1], [110.3, 116.1]], [[53.7, 56.6], [115.9, -5.6], [115.9, 56.7], [53.7, 118.9]], [[166.2, 56.6], [227.9, -5.1], [227.9, 118.3]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 282.7, 169.8), new OKFigLevel([[[113.1, 0], [3]], [[0, 113.2], [0]], [[282.7, 113.1], [6]], [[169.6, 0], [2]], [[56.6, 113.2], [1]], [[169.6, 169.7], [7]], [[226.1, 113.1], [11]], [[169.6, 56.6], [8]], [[113.1, 56.6], [9]], [[113.1, 169.7], [10]], [[56.5, 226.3], [4]], [[226.1, 226.2], [5]]], [[[116.1, -6], [116.1, 116.2], [-6, 116.2]], [[288.8, 116.1], [166.6, 116.1], [166.6, -6]], [[52.8, 177.3], [52.8, 109.4], [120.7, 109.4]], [[165.8, 177.2], [165.8, 109.3], [233.7, 109.3]], [[110.3, -2.8], [172.5, -2.8], [172.4, 59.4], [110.3, 59.4]], [[115.9, 169.7], [53.7, 231.9], [53.7, 169.7], [116, 107.5]], [[166.2, 169.7], [227.8, 108], [227.8, 231.3]]], [[[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3], [28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3]], [[28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6], [-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6]], [[-37.7, 0], [18.9, -56.6], [18.9, 56.6]]], 282.7, 226.3), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 417.3], [2]], [[80, 177.2], [11]], [[0, 177.2], [4]], [[69.6, 177.2], [1]], [[13, 177.2], [5]], [[13, 120.6], [10]], [[69.6, 120.6], [3]], [[3.8, 80], [8]], [[3.8, 0], [9]], [[43.8, 40], [10]], [[43.8, 120.6], [7, 6]], [[80.1, 417.3], [0]]], [[[-2.1, 250.9], [84.3, 337.3], [-2.1, 423.7]], [[82.2, 343.7], [-4.3, 257.3], [82.1, 170.8]], [[88, 174.6], [40, 222.6], [-8, 174.6]], [[-2.7, 169.2], [45.3, 217.2], [-2.7, 265.3]], [[72.4, 180.1], [10.2, 180.1], [10.2, 117.8], [72.4, 117.8]], [[1.8, 82], [1.8, -6], [45.8, 38], [45.8, 126.7]], [[82.5, 419.7], [-4.8, 419.7], [82.4, 332.5]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[26.7, 80], [-53.3, 0], [26.7, -80]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[-13.3, -40], [26.7, 0], [-13.3, 40]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[26.7, 26.7], [-53.3, 26.7], [26.7, -53.3]]], 80.1, 417.3), new OKFigLevel([[[40, 194], [14]], [[40, 354], [0]], [[0, 394], [1]], [[160, 394], [2]], [[119.7, 193.7], [5]], [[120, 354.1], [3]], [[107, 177.1], [15]], [[50.4, 177.1], [8]], [[50.4, 120.6], [13]], [[107, 120.6], [6]], [[41.2, 80], [11]], [[41.2, 0], [12]], [[81.2, 40], [13]], [[81.2, 120.6], [10, 9]], [[23.1, 177.1], [7]], [[136.3, 177.1], [4]]], [[[37.9, 187.6], [124.3, 274.1], [37.9, 360.4]], [[-6.4, 396.2], [80, 309.8], [166.4, 396.1]], [[122.8, 282.1], [74.3, 233.7], [122.4, 185.7]], [[122.7, 362.1], [74.7, 314], [122.7, 266.1]], [[109.8, 180], [47.6, 180], [47.6, 117.8], [109.8, 117.8]], [[39.2, 82], [39.2, -6], [83.2, 38], [83.2, 126.7]], [[79.7, 237.1], [18, 175.4], [141.4, 175.4]]], [[[-26.7, -80], [53.3, 0], [-26.7, 80]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[-20, 20], [-20, -60], [20, -20], [20, 60]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 160, 394), new OKFigLevel([[[35.9, 136.6], [1]], [[115.9, 56.6], [2, 11]], [[195.9, 136.6], [7]], [[160, 296.6], [4]], [[80, 376.5], [5]], [[0, 296.5], [14]], [[160, 216.6], [3]], [[160.1, 136.6], [8]], [[120.1, 176.6], [9, 6]], [[80.1, 136.6], [0]], [[80, 216.6], [8]], [[59.3, 56.6], [12]], [[2.7, 0], [13]], [[59.3, 0], [1]], [[80, 296.5], [10]]], [[[29.5, 138.7], [115.9, 52.3], [202.3, 138.7]], [[166.4, 294.4], [80, 380.8], [-6.4, 294.4]], [[162.7, 304.5], [114.7, 256.6], [162.7, 208.6]], [[168.1, 133.9], [120.1, 181.9], [72.1, 133.9]], [[164, 216.6], [120.1, 260.6], [76, 216.6], [120.1, 172.6]], [[59.3, 59.4], [-2.9, -2.8], [59.3, -2.8], [121.5, 59.4]], [[77.6, 298.9], [77.6, 211.8], [164.8, 299]]], [[[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[40, 0], [0, 40], [-40, 0], [0, -40]], [[0, 28.3], [-56.6, -28.3], [0, -28.3], [56.6, 28.3]], [[-26.7, 26.7], [-26.7, -53.3], [53.3, 26.7]]], 195.9, 376.5), new OKFigLevel([[[0, 261.9], [6]], [[113.2, 261.9], [2]], [[113.2, 375.1], [3]], [[0, 375], [0]], [[98.9, 261.9], [1]], [[98.9, 182], [4]], [[18.9, 261.9], [15]], [[85.5, 182], [5]], [[28.9, 182], [9]], [[28.9, 125.4], [14]], [[85.5, 125.4], [7]], [[30.4, 77.3], [12]], [[51.1, 0], [13]], [[79.4, 49], [14]], [[58.7, 125.4], [11, 10]], [[18.9, 182], [8]]], [[[-6, 258.9], [116.2, 258.9], [116.2, 381.1]], [[119.2, 378.1], [-3, 378.1], [-3, 255.9]], [[101.5, 269.9], [53.6, 222], [101.6, 174]], [[10.9, 264.6], [58.9, 216.7], [106.9, 264.6]], [[88.3, 184.8], [26.1, 184.8], [26.1, 122.6], [88.3, 122.6]], [[28, 78.7], [50.7, -6.3], [81.9, 47.6], [59.1, 131.7]], [[16.5, 179.6], [103.7, 179.6], [16.5, 266.7]]], [[[-75.4, -37.7], [37.7, -37.7], [37.7, 75.4]], [[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[13.3, 40], [-26.7, 0], [13.3, -40]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[-24.5, 14.1], [-3.8, -63.1], [24.5, -14.1], [3.8, 63.1]], [[-26.7, -26.7], [53.3, -26.7], [-26.7, 53.3]]], 113.2, 375.1), new OKFigLevel([[[226.2, 240.3], [4]], [[113.1, 127.2], [0]], [[0, 240.3], [1]], [[56.6, 296.9], [2]], [[169.7, 296.9], [3]], [[84.9, 77.3], [6]], [[105.6, 0], [7]], [[133.8, 49], [8]], [[113.1, 126.3], [5]]], [[[232.3, 243.4], [110.1, 243.3], [110.1, 121.2]], [[116.2, 121.2], [116.1, 243.3], [-6, 243.4]], [[116.9, 232.8], [116.9, 300.6], [49, 300.6]], [[165.9, 304.4], [165.9, 236.6], [233.8, 236.6]], [[172.5, 299.7], [110.3, 299.7], [110.3, 237.5], [172.5, 237.5]], [[82.4, 78.7], [105.2, -6.3], [136.3, 47.6], [113.5, 133.6]], [[56.6, 300.3], [-5.1, 238.6], [118.2, 238.6]]], [[[75.4, 37.7], [-37.7, 37.7], [-37.7, -75.4]], [[37.7, -75.4], [37.7, 37.7], [-75.4, 37.7]], [[18.9, -37.7], [18.9, 18.9], [-37.7, 18.9]], [[-18.9, 37.7], [-18.9, -18.9], [37.7, -18.9]], [[28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, 28.3], [-28.3, -28.3], [28.3, -28.3]], [[-24.5, 14.1], [-3.8, -63.1], [24.5, -14.1], [3.8, 63.1]], [[0, 37.7], [-56.6, -18.9], [56.6, -18.9]]], 226.2, 296.9)];
Section 92
public class OKFigSDemo {
public static const levelsArray:Array = [[0], [1], [2]];
public static const FigureArray:Array = [new OKFigLevel([[[248, 237.2], [1]], [[168, 317.2], [2]], [[88, 237.2], [0]], [[82.5, 136.6], [18]], [[242.5, 136.6], [3]], [[169.6, 200.7], [6]], [[209.6, 160.7], [7]], [[249.6, 200.7], [5]], [[79.2, 200.8], [9]], [[119.2, 160.8], [10]], [[159.2, 200.8], [8]], [[49.2, 113.3], [12, 15]], [[77.3, 162.4], [13]], [[28.3, 190.7], [14]], [[0, 141.7], [11]], [[49.4, 56.5], [16]], [[105.9, 0], [4]], [[105.9, 56.5], [11]], [[106, 113.2], [17]]], [[[254.4, 235], [168, 321.4], [81.6, 235]], [[76.1, 138.7], [162.5, 52.3], [248.9, 138.7]], [[161.6, 203.4], [209.6, 155.4], [257.6, 203.4]], [[71.2, 203.4], [119.2, 155.4], [167.2, 203.4]], [[50.2, 109.4], [81.1, 163.4], [27.2, 194.5], [-3.9, 140.7]], [[46.5, 56.5], [108.8, -5.7], [108.8, 56.5], [46.3, 118.9]], [[165.9, 56.6], [104.3, 118.3], [104.2, -5.1]]], [[[80, -26.7], [0, 53.3], [-80, -26.7]], [[-80, 26.7], [0, -53.3], [80, 26.7]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[-40, 13.3], [0, -26.7], [40, 13.3]], [[10.4, -38.6], [38.6, 10.4], [-10.4, 38.6], [-38.6, -10.4]], [[-28.3, 0], [28.3, -56.6], [28.3, 0], [-28.3, 56.6]], [[37.7, 0], [-18.9, 56.6], [-18.9, -56.6]]], 249.6, 317.2), new OKFigLevel([[[156.8, 86], [1], [4]], [[258.6, 135.2], [2, 11], [0, 10]], [[209.6, 236.8], [13], [1]], [[87.6, 230], [4], [14]], [[50, 123.1], [0, 7], [3, 8]], [[0, 6.6], [6], [7]], [[43.1, 43.2], [9], [5]], [[6.7, 86.4], [5], [4]], [[86.3, 79.7], [4], [9]], [[79.6, 0], [8], [6]], [[302.2, 68.4], [1], [12]], [[246.8, 80.2], [12], [1]], [[290.4, 13.1], [10], [11]], [[183.2, 161.5], [14], [2]], [[107.7, 188], [3], [13]]], [[[152.7, 80.6], [262.6, 133.8], [209.7, 243.6]], [[86.7, 236.7], [46.2, 121.2], [161.5, 81.1]], [[-3.3, -1.1], [48.4, 42.8], [4.7, 94.6]], [[89.7, 87.5], [37.8, 43.7], [81.6, -8.2]], [[42.8, 39.2], [90.3, 79.4], [50.4, 127.1], [2.7, 86.8]], [[304.9, 67.9], [0x0101, 141.3], [244.1, 80.8], [292, 7]], [[186.3, 163], [104, 191.9], [157.5, 80.6]]], [[[-51.6, -66.7], [50.3, -17.6], [1.3, 84.3]], [[-10.7, 83.7], [-48.1, -23.1], [58.7, -60.5]], [[-16.7, -38.7], [26.6, -2.2], [-9.9, 41]], [[16.7, 38.7], [-26.6, 2.2], [9.9, -41]], [[-3.4, -39.9], [39.9, -3.4], [3.4, 39.9], [-39.9, 3.4]], [[27.7, -5.9], [-15.9, 61.2], [-27.7, 5.9], [15.9, -61.2]], [[34, 16.4], [-41.5, 42.8], [7.5, -59.1]]], 302.2, 236.8), new OKFigLevel([[[194.9, 96.7], [3], [14]], [[83.6, 116], [2, 7], [3, 8]], [[64.3, 4.2], [15], [1]], [[102.4, 227], [1, 12], [0, 4]], [[80.1, 227], [3], [9]], [[40.1, 267], [6], [11]], [[0, 227], [9], [5]], [[69.6, 171.1], [9], [1]], [[14.8, 157.1], [1], [10]], [[55.3, 227], [10, 4], [7, 6]], [[0.5, 211.8], [8], [9]], [[120.2, 267], [5], [12]], [[160.1, 227], [11], [3]], [[156.3, 0], [14], [15]], [[169.8, 78.9], [0], [13]], [[77.4, 13.5], [13], [2]]], [[[201.3, 98.6], [81.2, 119.5], [60.3, -1.3]], [[100.5, 233.4], [80.2, 113.6], [200.3, 92.7]], [[88.1, 224.3], [40.1, 272.3], [-8, 224.4]], [[89.1, 109.6], [72.3, 175.7], [6.5, 158.9]], [[12.8, 153.7], [73.1, 169.1], [57.3, 230.6], [-2.9, 213.9]], [[122.2, 269], [34.1, 269], [78.1, 225], [166.1, 225]], [[158.3, -2.8], [172.9, 83.2], [72.3, 11.9]]], [[[80.7, 24.5], [-30.8, 43.5], [-49.9, -68]], [[-24.5, 80.7], [-43.5, -30.8], [68, -49.9]], [[40, -13.3], [0, 26.7], [-40, -13.3]], [[27.6, -31.9], [13.6, 22.9], [-41.2, 8.9]], [[-20.4, -34.4], [34.4, -20.4], [20.4, 34.4], [-34.4, 20.4]], [[20, 20], [-60, 20], [-20, -20], [60, -20]], [[21.8, -30.8], [35.3, 48.1], [-57.1, -17.3]]], 194.9, 267)];
Section 93
public class OKLevelList {
public static const levelsArray:Array = [[254], [367], [17], [32, 212], [187, 22], [179, 333], [343, 75], [15, 101, 47], [266, 320, 369], [329, 250, 146], [276, 311, 227], [244, 291, 234, 313], [347, 231, 79, 117], [273, 323, 105, 183], [309, 301, 356, 268], [293, 170, 25, 217], [389, 320, 113, 198], [127, 206, 351, 279], [27, 92, 182, 312], [262, 330, 190, 100], [176, 275, 104, 338], [317, 213, 0xFF, 147], [203, 304, 102, 271], [334, 84, 175, 41], [60, 168, 249, 386], [76, 80, 322, 361], [90, 307, 42, 223], [219, 314, 188, 261], [407, 204, 167, 77], [230, 388, 265, 328], [303, 139, 215, 252], [48, 222, 155, 368], [192, 364, 91, 294], [245, 365, 237, 218], [103, 295, 232, 370], [332, 49, 96, 201], [108, 269, 393, 211], [400, 224, 128, 292], [390, 236, 99, 251], [259, 172, 402, 74], [191, 157, 228, 306], [114, 321, 196, 281], [214, 267, 336, 156], [184, 375, 134, 72], [387, 54, 89, 235], [408, 159, 305, 229], [325, 61, 0x0100, 141], [111, 359, 242, 194], [150, 246, 357, 50], [331, 169, 65, 274], [216, 308, 161, 68], [226, 327, 263, 132], [46, 193, 340, 151], [94, 238, 53, 335], [109, 243, 366, 277], [316, 118, 221, 285], [86, 58, 401, 205], [171, 345, 185, 66], [63, 391, 140, 315], [241, 358, 162, 189], [302, 239, 95, 272], [40, 380, 181, 142], [406, 199, 39, 173], [38, 399, 154, 210], [296, 59, 225, 163], [363, 149, 337, 37], [153, 0x0101, 394, 36], [377, 35, 396, 160], [34, 385, 202, 116], [33, 126, 319, 264], [346, 28, 152, 186], [31, 378, 260, 148], [220, 85, 30, 409], [233, 20, 395, 106], [26, 195, 133, 342], [397, 240, 280, 70], [166, 200, 21, 403], [23, 286, 138, 310], [120, 19, 55, 360], [29, 373, 129, 208], [24, 392, 67, 290], [376, 165, 64, 18], [125, 10, 197, 348], [283, 52, 14, 143], [11, 98, 404, 299], [362, 12, 178, 326], [164, 406, 289, 13], [16, 354, 371, 88], [344, 158, 278, 62], [110, 9, 318, 45], [350, 381, 253, 8], [329, 144, 398, 207], [7, 284, 121, 71], [287, 324, 93, 355], [352, 209, 83, 78], [349, 131, 69, 180], [258, 135, 353, 44], [115, 6, 177, 56], [300, 374, 145, 51], [341, 248, 122, 57], [288, 97, 43, 383], [247, 379, 137, 73], [112, 282, 372, 297], [5, 339, 130, 384], [270, 298, 136, 382], [4, 124, 3, 119], [2, 123, 107, 87], [0, 1, 81, 82], [76, 47, 61, 62], [45, 66, 65, 46]];
Section 94
public class Ar {
public static function copy(_arg1:Array):Array{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:Array;
_local3 = new Array();
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _arg1.length) {
return (_local3);
Section 95
import flash.geom.*;
public class Figure {
public var inBord:Boolean;// = false
public var IBordSec:Array;
public var CrossFig:Boolean;// = false
public var poly:Array;
public var Sections:Array;
public var RadVector:Point;
public var index:int;
public var SO:Number;
public var SI:Number;
public var IBord:Array;
protected var vertex:Array;
public var x:Number;// = 0
public var y:Number;// = 0
protected static var R:int = 10;
public function Figure(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Array){
var _local4:int;
inBord = false;
CrossFig = false;
RadVector = new Point();
x = 0;
y = 0;
SO = _arg1;
SI = _arg2;
poly = new Array();
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _arg3.length) {
poly.push(new Array());
poly[_local4] = [_arg3[_local4][0], _arg3[_local4][1]];
IBord = Ar.copy(poly);
SemTransform(IBord, SI);
IBordSec = new Array(_arg3.length);
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < (poly.length - 1)) {
IBordSec[_local4] = new OSection(IBord[_local4][0], IBord[_local4][1], IBord[(_local4 + 1)][0], IBord[(_local4 + 1)][1]);
IBordSec[(poly.length - 1)] = new OSection(IBord[0][0], IBord[0][1], IBord[(poly.length - 1)][0], IBord[(poly.length - 1)][1]);
vertex = new Array();
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < poly.length) {
vertex.push([0, 0]);
MoveTo(10000, 1000);
public function In(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Boolean{
var _local3:int;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Number;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < (poly.length - 1)) {
_local4 = IBord[_local3][0];
_local6 = IBord[(_local3 + 1)][0];
_local5 = IBord[_local3][1];
_local7 = IBord[(_local3 + 1)][1];
if ((((_arg1 - _local4) * (_local7 - _local5)) - ((_arg2 - _local5) * (_local6 - _local4))) > 0){
return (false);
_local4 = IBord[(IBord.length - 1)][0];
_local6 = IBord[0][0];
_local5 = IBord[(IBord.length - 1)][1];
_local7 = IBord[0][1];
if ((((_arg1 - _local4) * (_local7 - _local5)) - ((_arg2 - _local5) * (_local6 - _local4))) > 0){
return (false);
return (true);
public function getIBordSecAt(_arg1:int):OSection{
return (IBordSec[_arg1]);
public function MoveTo(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:OSection;
_local3 = (_arg1 - x);
_local4 = (_arg2 - y);
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < poly.length) {
_local6 = Sections[_local5];
Sections[_local5].xa = (_local6.xa + _local3);
_local6.xb = (_local6.xb + _local3);
_local6.ya = (_local6.ya + _local4);
_local6.yb = (_local6.yb + _local4);
x = _arg1;
y = _arg2;
RadVector.x = x;
RadVector.y = y;
protected function T(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Array{
return ([-(_arg2), _arg1]);
public function Free():void{
var _local1:int;
IBord = null;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < IBordSec.length) {
IBordSec[_local1] = null;
IBordSec = null;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < Sections.length) {
Sections[_local1] = null;
Sections = null;
RadVector = null;
public function OBordIni():void{
public function get Vertex():Array{
var _local1:int;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < vertex.length) {
vertex[_local1][0] = (x + poly[_local1][0]);
vertex[_local1][1] = (y + poly[_local1][1]);
return (vertex);
public function getSecAt(_arg1:int):OSection{
return (Sections[_arg1]);
public function SemTransform(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number):void{
var _local3:int;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Number;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _arg1.length) {
_local4 = (_arg2 * _arg1[_local3][0]);
_local5 = (_arg2 * _arg1[_local3][1]);
_arg1[_local3] = [_local4, _local5];
protected function SecIni():void{
var _local1:int;
Sections = new Array(poly.length);
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < (poly.length - 1)) {
Sections[_local1] = new OSection(poly[_local1][0], poly[_local1][1], poly[(_local1 + 1)][0], poly[(_local1 + 1)][1]);
Sections[(poly.length - 1)] = new OSection(poly[0][0], poly[0][1], poly[(poly.length - 1)][0], poly[(poly.length - 1)][1]);
public function IBordIni():void{
var _local1:OSection;
var _local2:int;
IBord = Ar.copy(poly);
SemTransform(IBord, SI);
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < (poly.length - 1)) {
_local1 = IBordSec[_local2];
_local1.xa = (IBord[_local2][0] + x);
_local1.ya = (IBord[_local2][1] + y);
_local1.xb = (IBord[(_local2 + 1)][0] + x);
_local1.yb = (IBord[(_local2 + 1)][1] + y);
_local1 = IBordSec[(poly.length - 1)];
_local1.xa = (IBord[(poly.length - 1)][0] + x);
_local1.ya = (IBord[(poly.length - 1)][1] + y);
_local1.xb = (IBord[0][0] + x);
_local1.yb = (IBord[0][1] + y);
public function Rotate():void{
var _local1:Array;
var _local2:int;
var _local3:OSection;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Number;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < poly.length) {
_local1 = T(poly[_local2][0], poly[_local2][1]);
poly[_local2][0] = _local1[0];
poly[_local2][1] = _local1[1];
_local3 = Sections[_local2];
_local1 = T((_local3.xa - x), (_local3.ya - y));
_local4 = (_local1[0] + x);
_local5 = (_local1[1] + y);
_local1 = T((_local3.xb - x), (_local3.yb - y));
_local6 = (_local1[0] + x);
_local7 = (_local1[1] + y);
Sections[_local2] = new OSection(_local4, _local5, _local6, _local7);
public static function CrossSection(_arg1:OSection, _arg2:OSection):Boolean{
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:Number;
var _local9:Number;
var _local10:Number;
_local3 = _arg1.xa;
_local4 = _arg1.ya;
_local5 = _arg1.xb;
_local6 = _arg1.yb;
_local7 = _arg2.xa;
_local8 = _arg2.ya;
_local9 = _arg2.xb;
_local10 = _arg2.yb;
if (((((_local7 - _local3) * (_local6 - _local4)) - ((_local8 - _local4) * (_local5 - _local3))) * (((_local9 - _local3) * (_local6 - _local4)) - ((_local10 - _local4) * (_local5 - _local3)))) < 0){
if (((((_local3 - _local7) * (_local10 - _local8)) - ((_local4 - _local8) * (_local9 - _local7))) * (((_local5 - _local7) * (_local10 - _local8)) - ((_local6 - _local8) * (_local9 - _local7)))) < 0){
return (true);
return (false);
Section 96
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import RES.TANGRAMS.*;
public class LogicField extends Sprite {
protected const figSO:Number = 1.2;
protected const figSI:Number = 0.85;
protected const PI:Number = 3.14159265358979;
protected var pics:Array;
protected var magnet:Magnet;
public var State:Boolean;// = false
protected var Angle:Number;// = 0
protected var figs:Array;
public function LogicField(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array):void{
var _local3:OPicture;
Angle = 0;
State = false;
_local3 = pics[0];
magnet = new Magnet(figs, pics);
protected function picsIni(_arg1:Array):void{
var _local2:int;
pics = new Array(_arg1.length);
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _arg1.length) {
pics[_local2] = new OPicture(_arg1[_local2][0], _arg1[_local2][1]);
public function get getEndLevelState():Boolean{
return (State);
public function GetFigVertex(_arg1:int):Array{
var _local2:Figure;
_local2 = figs[_arg1];
return (_local2.Vertex);
public function GetFigState(_arg1:int):Array{
var _local2:Figure;
_local2 = figs[_arg1];
return ([_local2.inBord, _local2.CrossFig]);
public function getPoly(_arg1:int):Array{
return (figs[_arg1].poly);
public function MoveFig(_arg1:int, _arg2:Point, _arg3:Boolean):Point{
var _local4:int;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:Array;
var _local7:Array;
var _local8:Number;
var _local9:Number;
var _local10:Number;
var _local11:Point;
var _local12:Boolean;
var _local13:OSection;
var _local14:int;
var _local15:OPicture;
var _local16:int;
_local12 = false;
if (_arg3){
} else {
figs[_arg1].MoveTo(_arg2.x, _arg2.y);
_local11 = figs[_arg1].RadVector;
_local6 = figs[_arg1].IBord;
_local8 = figs[_arg1].x;
_local9 = figs[_arg1].y;
_local10 = figs[_arg1].SI;
_local14 = 0;
while (_local14 < pics.length) {
_local15 = pics[_local14];
_local12 = true;
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local6.length) {
_local13 = figs[_arg1].getIBordSecAt(_local4);
if (_local15.SecInBorder(_local13) == false){
_local12 = false;
if (_local15.InBorder(_local8, _local9) == false){
_local12 = false;
if (_local12){
if (_local12){
figs[_arg1].inBord = true;
} else {
figs[_arg1].inBord = false;
return (_local11);
_local16 = 0;
while (_local16 < figs.length) {
figs[_local16].CrossFig = TraceFigs(_local16);
if (figs[_local16].CrossFig){
return (_local11);
if (EndLevel()){
} else {
return (_local11);
public function set MagnetCoef(_arg1:Number):void{
magnet.Do = _arg1; = (magnet.minForceCoeff / _arg1);
protected function figsIni(_arg1:Array):void{
var _local2:int;
figs = new Array();
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _arg1.length) {
figs.push(new Figure(figSO, figSI, _arg1[_local2]));
protected function EndLevel():Boolean{
var _local1:int;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < figs.length) {
if ((((figs[_local1].inBord == false)) || (figs[_local1].CrossFig))){
return (false);
return (true);
protected function EndLevelEvent():void{
State = true;
protected function LevelNotEnd():void{
State = false;
public function get MagnetCoef():Number{
return (magnet.Do);
public function Free():void{
var _local1:int;
magnet = null;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < figs.length) {
figs[_local1] = null;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < pics.length) {
pics[_local1] = null;
figs = null;
pics = null;
protected function TraceFigs(_arg1:int):Boolean{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:Array;
var _local5:Array;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:int;
var _local9:OSection;
var _local10:OSection;
var _local11:Number;
var _local12:Number;
var _local13:Number;
var _local14:Number;
_local4 = figs[_arg1].IBord;
_local6 = figs[_arg1].x;
_local7 = figs[_arg1].y;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < figs.length) {
if (_local2 != _arg1){
_local5 = figs[_local2].IBord;
_local11 = figs[_local2].x;
_local12 = figs[_local2].y;
if (figs[_local2].In((_local6 - _local11), (_local7 - _local12))){
return (true);
_local8 = 0;
while (_local8 < _local4.length) {
_local9 = figs[_arg1].getIBordSecAt(_local8);
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local5.length) {
_local10 = figs[_local2].getIBordSecAt(_local3);
if (Figure.CrossSection(_local9, _local10)){
return (true);
return (false);
public function set setEndLevelState(_arg1:Boolean):void{
State = _arg1;
Section 97
import flash.geom.*;
public class Magnet {
public const fimax:Number;
public const fio:Number = 0.0418879020478639;
public var minForceCoeff:Number;// = 40
public var fo:Number;
private var boards:Array;
public var G0:Number;// = 1
public var InBoard:int;// = -1
private var board:OPicture;
public var Do:Number;// = 20
private var figs:Array;
public var Bx:Number;
public var By:Number;
public function Magnet(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array){
var _local3:int;
fimax = (2 * Math.cos((fio / 2)));
Do = 20;
minForceCoeff = 40;
fo = (minForceCoeff / Do);
G0 = 1;
InBoard = -1;
figs = _arg1;
boards = _arg2;
protected function MagnetVertexToSec(_arg1:Array, _arg2:int):Boolean{
var _local3:int;
var _local4:int;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:OSection;
var _local7:OSection;
var _local8:OPicture;
var _local9:Array;
var _local10:Number;
var _local11:Number;
var _local12:Point;
var _local13:Point;
var _local14:Number;
var _local15:Number;
_local9 = figs[_arg2].poly;
_local10 = figs[_arg2].x;
_local11 = figs[_arg2].y;
_local12 = new Point(_arg1[0], _arg1[1]);
_local13 = new Point(-(_arg1[1]), _arg1[0]);
_local8 = boards[InBoard];
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local9.length) {
_local6 = new OSection(((_local10 + _local9[_local3][0]) - _local12.x), ((_local11 + _local9[_local3][1]) - _local12.y), ((_local10 + _local9[_local3][0]) + _local12.x), ((_local11 + _local9[_local3][1]) + _local12.y));
_local7 = _local8.SecInBorder__(_local6);
if (_local7 != null){
_local14 = (((_local7.yb - _local7.ya) * (_local6.xb - _local6.xa)) - ((_local7.xb - _local7.xa) * (_local6.yb - _local6.ya)));
if (Math.abs(((_local14 / _local7.length) / _local6.length)) > 0.001){
_local15 = ((((_local7.xb - _local7.xa) * (_local6.ya - _local7.ya)) - ((_local7.yb - _local7.ya) * (_local6.xa - _local7.xa))) / _local14);
figs[_arg2].MoveTo((figs[_arg2].x + (_local12.x * ((2 * _local15) - 1))), (figs[_arg2].y + (_local12.y * ((2 * _local15) - 1))));
return (false);
_local6 = null;
return (true);
public function Free():void{
boards = null;
private function Scr(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{
return (((_arg1 * _arg3) + (_arg2 * _arg4)));
protected function FindAttract(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:Array):Array{
var SaveForceInf:Function;
var i:int;
var j:int;
var k:int;
var c:int;
var A:Array;
var B:Array;
var Seca:OSection;
var Secb:OSection;
var mfA:Array;
var MaxForce:Array;
var bi:int;
var NotExit:Boolean;
var out:Array;
var x0:Number;
var y0:Number;
var f = _arg1;
var Jnot = _arg2;
var T = _arg3;
SaveForceInf = function (_arg1:Array):void{
if (_arg1[0] > MaxForce[0]){
if (T == null){
MaxForce[0] = _arg1[0];
MaxForce[1] = j;
MaxForce[2] = Secb;
InBoard = bi;
} else {
if (((((Math.abs((_arg1[1] + T[0])) + Math.abs((_arg1[2] + T[1]))) > fio)) && (((Math.abs((_arg1[1] - T[0])) + Math.abs((_arg1[2] - T[1]))) > fio)))){
MaxForce[0] = _arg1[0];
MaxForce[1] = j;
MaxForce[2] = Secb;
InBoard = bi;
MaxForce = new Array();
MaxForce.length = 0;
c = 0;
while (c <= 3) {
c = (c + 1);
A = figs[f].poly;
G0 = 2;
i = 0;
while (i < figs.length) {
if (i != f){
B = figs[i].poly;
j = 0;
while (j < A.length) {
if (j != Jnot){
Seca = figs[f].getSecAt(j);
k = 0;
while (k < B.length) {
Secb = figs[i].getSecAt(k);
mfA = MakeForce(Seca, Secb);
k = (k + 1);
j = (j + 1);
i = (i + 1);
G0 = 1;
NotExit = true;
bi = 0;
while ((((bi < boards.length)) && (NotExit))) {
if (bi < InBoard){
bi = InBoard;
NotExit = false;
trace("Iam inside");
board = boards[bi];
i = 0;
while (i < board.V.length) {
out = board.getBoardSecAt(i);
j = 0;
while (j < A.length) {
if (j != Jnot){
Seca = figs[f].getSecAt(j);
k = 0;
while (k < out.length) {
Secb = out[k];
mfA = MakeForce(Seca, Secb);
k = (k + 1);
j = (j + 1);
i = (i + 1);
bi = (bi + 1);
return (MaxForce);
protected function MagnetVertexToVertex(_arg1:Array, _arg2:int):Boolean{
var _local3:Point;
var _local4:Point;
var _local5:Point;
var _local6:int;
var _local7:int;
var _local8:int;
var _local9:OPicture;
var _local10:Number;
var _local11:Number;
var _local12:Number;
var _local13:Number;
var _local14:Number;
_local3 = new Point(_arg1[0], _arg1[1]);
_local4 = new Point();
_local5 = new Point(100, 100);
_local9 = boards[InBoard];
_local7 = 0;
while (_local7 < figs[_arg2].poly.length) {
_local12 = (figs[_arg2].poly[_local7][0] + figs[_arg2].x);
_local13 = (figs[_arg2].poly[_local7][1] + figs[_arg2].y);
_local6 = 0;
while (_local6 < _local9.V.length) {
_local10 = _local9.V[_local6][0][0];
_local11 = _local9.V[_local6][0][1];
_local4.x = (_local10 - _local12);
_local4.y = (_local11 - _local13);
if (_local4.length < (Do / 1.5)){
_local14 = ((_local3.x * _local4.x) + (_local3.y * _local4.y));
if (_local14 < _local5.length){
_local5.x = (_local3.x * _local14);
_local5.y = (_local3.y * _local14);
if (_local5.length < Do){
figs[_arg2].MoveTo((figs[_arg2].x + _local5.x), (figs[_arg2].y + _local5.y));
return (false);
_local7 = 0;
while (_local7 < figs[_arg2].poly.length) {
_local12 = (figs[_arg2].poly[_local7][0] + figs[_arg2].x);
_local13 = (figs[_arg2].poly[_local7][1] + figs[_arg2].y);
_local8 = 0;
while (_local8 < figs.length) {
if (_local8 != _arg2){
_local6 = 0;
while (_local6 < figs[_local8].poly.length) {
_local10 = (figs[_local8].poly[_local6][0] + figs[_local8].x);
_local11 = (figs[_local8].poly[_local6][1] + figs[_local8].y);
_local4.x = (_local10 - _local12);
_local4.y = (_local11 - _local13);
if (_local4.length < (Do / 2)){
_local14 = ((_local3.x * _local4.x) + (_local3.y * _local4.y));
if (_local14 < _local5.length){
_local5.x = (_local3.x * _local14);
_local5.y = (_local3.y * _local14);
if (_local5.length < Do){
figs[_arg2].MoveTo((figs[_arg2].x + _local5.x), (figs[_arg2].y + _local5.y));
return (false);
return (true);
public function Attract(_arg1:int):void{
var Combine:Function;
var Slide:Function;
var MaxForce:Array;
var T:Array;
var f = _arg1;
Combine = function (_arg1:int, _arg2:OSection, _arg3:int):Array{
var _local4:int;
var _local5:OSection;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:Number;
var _local9:Number;
var _local10:Number;
var _local11:Number;
var _local12:Number;
var _local13:Number;
var _local14:Number;
var _local15:Number;
var _local16:Number;
var _local17:Number;
var _local18:Number;
var _local19:Number;
_local5 = figs[_arg3].getSecAt(_arg1);
_local7 = _local5.xa;
_local8 = _local5.ya;
_local9 = _local5.xb;
_local10 = _local5.yb;
_local11 = _arg2.xa;
_local12 = _arg2.ya;
_local13 = _arg2.xb;
_local14 = _arg2.yb;
_local6 = _local5.length;
_local17 = _local5.T.x;
_local18 = _local5.T.y;
_local15 = _local18;
_local16 = -(_local17);
_local19 = Scr(_local15, _local16, (_local11 - _local7), (_local12 - _local8));
figs[_arg3].MoveTo((figs[_arg3].x + (_local19 * _local15)), (figs[_arg3].y + (_local19 * _local16)));
return ([_local17, _local18]);
Slide = function (_arg1:Array, _arg2:int, _arg3:OSection, _arg4:int):void{
var _local5:OSection;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:Number;
var _local9:Number;
var _local10:Number;
var _local11:Number;
var _local12:Number;
var _local13:Number;
var _local14:Number;
var _local15:Number;
var _local16:Number;
var _local17:Number;
var _local18:Number;
_local5 = figs[_arg4].getSecAt(_arg2);
_local7 = _local5.xa;
_local8 = _local5.ya;
_local9 = _local5.xb;
_local10 = _local5.yb;
_local11 = _arg3.xa;
_local12 = _arg3.ya;
_local13 = _arg3.xb;
_local14 = _arg3.yb;
_local6 = _local5.length;
_local15 = _local5.T.y;
_local16 = -(_local5.T.x);
_local17 = Scr(_local15, _local16, (_local11 - _local7), (_local12 - _local8));
_local18 = Scr(_arg1[0], _arg1[1], _local15, _local16);
if (Math.abs(_local18) >= ((Math.abs(_local17) / Do) + 1E-8)){
figs[_arg4].MoveTo((figs[_arg4].x + ((_local17 * _arg1[0]) / _local18)), (figs[_arg4].y + ((_local17 * _arg1[1]) / _local18)));
InBoard = -1;
MaxForce = FindAttract(f, -1, null);
if (MaxForce[0] > fo){
T = Combine(MaxForce[1], MaxForce[2], f);
MaxForce = FindAttract(f, MaxForce[1], T);
if (MaxForce[0] > fo){
Slide(T, MaxForce[1], MaxForce[2], f);
} else {
if (MagnetVertexToSec(T, f)){
MagnetVertexToVertex(T, f);
protected function LoadSec(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Array, _arg4:int):Array{
var _local5:Array;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Number;
_local5 = new Array();
if (_arg4 != (_arg3.length - 1)){
_local5 = [(_arg1 + _arg3[(_arg4 + 1)][0]), (_arg2 + _arg3[(_arg4 + 1)][1]), (_arg1 + _arg3[_arg4][0]), (_arg2 + _arg3[_arg4][1])];
} else {
_local5 = [(_arg1 + _arg3[0][0]), (_arg2 + _arg3[0][1]), (_arg1 + _arg3[_arg4][0]), (_arg2 + _arg3[_arg4][1])];
if (_local5[1] > _local5[3]){
_local6 = _local5[0];
_local7 = _local5[1];
_local5[0] = _local5[2];
_local5[1] = _local5[3];
_local5[2] = _local6;
_local5[3] = _local7;
return (_local5);
private function MakeForce(_arg1:OSection, _arg2:OSection):Array{
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:Point;
var _local7:Point;
var _local8:Number;
var _local9:Number;
var _local10:Number;
var _local11:Number;
var _local12:Number;
var _local13:Number;
var _local14:Number;
var _local15:Number;
var _local16:Number;
var _local17:Number;
var _local18:Number;
var _local19:Number;
var _local20:Number;
var _local21:Number;
var _local22:Number;
var _local23:Number;
var _local24:Number;
_local6 = _arg1.T;
_local7 = _arg2.T;
_local8 = _arg1.length;
_local9 = _arg2.length;
if (Math.abs(((_local6.x * _local7.y) - (_local6.y * _local7.x))) < fio){
_local10 = _local7.y;
_local11 = -(_local7.x);
_local12 = _arg1.xa;
_local13 = _arg1.ya;
_local14 = _arg1.xb;
_local15 = _arg1.yb;
_local16 = _arg2.xa;
_local17 = _arg2.ya;
_local18 = _arg2.xb;
_local19 = _arg2.yb;
_local5 = Math.abs(Scr((_local12 - _local16), (_local13 - _local17), _local10, _local11));
if (_local5 > Do){
return ([0, 0, 0]);
if (((_local6.x * _local7.x) + (_local6.y * _local7.y)) > 0){
_local22 = Scr((_local14 - _local16), (_local15 - _local17), _local7.x, _local7.y);
_local21 = Scr((_local12 - _local16), (_local13 - _local17), _local7.x, _local7.y);
if (_local22 < 0){
return ([0, 0, 0]);
if (_local21 > _local9){
return ([0, 0, 0]);
if (_local22 < _local9){
_local24 = _local22;
} else {
_local24 = _local9;
if (_local21 > 0){
_local23 = _local21;
} else {
_local23 = 0;
_local20 = ((G0 * (_local24 - _local23)) / (_local5 + (Do / 1000)));
return ([_local20, -(_local7.x), -(_local7.y)]);
return ([0, 0, 0]);
Section 98
public class OPicture {
public var BSects:Array;
public var triang:Array;
public var V:Array;
public function OPicture(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array){
var _local3:int;
var _local4:int;
var _local5:Array;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:Number;
var _local9:Number;
var _local10:Array;
V = _arg1;
triang = _arg2;
BSects = new Array(_arg1.length);
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _arg1.length) {
_local5 = _arg1[_local3];
_local6 = _local5[0][0];
_local7 = _local5[0][1];
_local10 = new Array(_local5[1].length);
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local5[1].length) {
_local8 = _arg1[_local5[1][_local4]][0][0];
_local9 = _arg1[_local5[1][_local4]][0][1];
_local10[_local4] = new OSection(_local6, _local7, _local8, _local9);
BSects[_local3] = _local10;
public function SecInBorder(_arg1:OSection):Boolean{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:Array;
var _local9:OSection;
if (((InBorder(_arg1.xa, _arg1.ya)) && (InBorder(_arg1.xb, _arg1.yb)))){
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < V.length) {
_local8 = getBoardSecAt(_local3);
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _local8.length) {
_local9 = _local8[_local2];
if (Figure.CrossSection(_local9, _arg1)){
return (false);
} else {
return (false);
return (true);
public function SecInBorder__(_arg1:OSection):OSection{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:Array;
var _local9:OSection;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < V.length) {
_local8 = getBoardSecAt(_local3);
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _local8.length) {
_local9 = _local8[_local2];
if (Figure.CrossSection(_local9, _arg1)){
return (_local9);
return (null);
public function InBorder(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Boolean{
var _local3:int;
var _local4:int;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:Number;
var _local9:Array;
var _local10:Boolean;
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < triang.length) {
_local9 = triang[_local4];
_local10 = true;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < (_local9.length - 1)) {
_local5 = _local9[_local3][0];
_local7 = _local9[(_local3 + 1)][0];
_local6 = _local9[_local3][1];
_local8 = _local9[(_local3 + 1)][1];
if ((((_arg1 - _local5) * (_local8 - _local6)) - ((_arg2 - _local6) * (_local7 - _local5))) > 0){
_local10 = false;
_local5 = _local9[(_local9.length - 1)][0];
_local7 = _local9[0][0];
_local6 = _local9[(_local9.length - 1)][1];
_local8 = _local9[0][1];
if ((((_arg1 - _local5) * (_local8 - _local6)) - ((_arg2 - _local6) * (_local7 - _local5))) > 0){
_local10 = false;
if (_local10){
return (true);
return (false);
public function getBoardSecAt(_arg1:int):Array{
return (BSects[_arg1]);
public function Free():void{
var _local1:Array;
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
V = null;
triang = null;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < BSects.length) {
_local1 = BSects[_local2];
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local1.length) {
_local1[_local3] = null;
BSects = null;
Section 99
import flash.geom.*;
public class OSection {
public var length:Number;
public var ya:Number;
public var xa:Number;
public var xb:Number;
public var T:Point;
public var yb:Number;
public function OSection(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number){
if (Math.abs((_arg2 - _arg4)) < 0.1){
ya = _arg2;
yb = _arg2;
if (_arg1 > _arg3){
xa = _arg1;
xb = _arg3;
} else {
xa = _arg3;
xb = _arg1;
} else {
if (_arg2 > _arg4){
xa = _arg3;
ya = _arg4;
xb = _arg1;
yb = _arg2;
} else {
xa = _arg1;
ya = _arg2;
xb = _arg3;
yb = _arg4;
T = new Point((xb - xa), (yb - ya));
length = T.length;
public function Free():void{
T = null;
Section 100
//AIConvertChar (RES.OBJECTS.OLOGIC.AIConvertChar)
public class AIConvertChar {
public static const ABC:String = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
public static function ToChar(_arg1:int):String{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:String;
_local2 = _arg1;
_local3 = "";
do {
_local3 = ABC.charAt((_local2 % ABC.length));
_local2 = (_local2 / ABC.length);
} while (_local2 != 0);
return (_local3);
public static function FromChar(_arg1:String):int{
var _local2:String;
var _local3:int;
_local2 = _arg1;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local2 != "") {
_local3 = (_local3 * ABC.length);
_local3 = (_local3 + ABC.indexOf(_local2.substr((_local2.length - 1), 1)));
_local2 = _local2.substr(0, (_local2.length - 1));
return (_local3);
public static function ToDoubleChar(_arg1:int):String{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:String;
_local2 = _arg1;
_local3 = "";
do {
_local3 = (_local3 + ABC.charAt((_local2 % ABC.length)));
_local2 = (_local2 / ABC.length);
} while (_local2 != 0);
while (_local3.length < 2) {
_local3 = (_local3 + "A");
return (_local3);
Section 101
public class OLUtils {
public static function CloneArray(_arg1:Array):Array{
var _local2:Array;
var _local3:*;
_local2 = new Array();
for each (_local3 in _arg1) {
if ((_local3 is Array)){
} else {
return (_local2);
Section 102
//OInfoObject (RES.OBJECTS.OInfoObject)
package RES.OBJECTS {
public class OInfoObject extends OIObject {
public function OInfoObject(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array=null){
super(_arg1, _arg2);
override public function OnPress(_arg1:Event, _arg2):void{
(this.parent as OIObject).OnPress(_arg1, _arg2);
}//package RES.OBJECTS
Section 103
//OKContainer (RES.TANGRAMS.OKContainer)
package RES.TANGRAMS {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class OKContainer extends OSprite {
public var iOKSpace:Sprite;
private var iFillColor:int;// = 0xCCFF00
public var iFigure:OKFigLib;
public static const iLine:int = 4;
public function OKContainer(_arg1:int, _arg2:Number, _arg3:int, _arg4:OSprite){
var _local5:OKFigLevel;
var _local6:Array;
var _local7:int;
var _local8:Array;
var _local9:Point;
var _local10:Array;
var _local11:Number;
iFillColor = 0xCCFF00;
iOKSpace = new Sprite();
if ((_arg4 is OKInstruction)){
_local5 = OKFigSDemo.FigureArray[_arg1];
} else {
_local5 = OKFigLib.FigureArray[_arg1];
_local6 = new Array();
_local7 = 0;
for each (_local8 in _local5.V) {
_local6.push(new Point((_local8[0][0] * _arg2), (_local8[0][1] * _arg2)));[0][0] * _arg2), (_local8[0][1] * _arg2));, iFillColor);
if (0 != _local8[1].length){
for each (_local11 in _local8[1]) {[_local11][0][0] * _arg2), (_local5.V[_local11][0][1] * _arg2));[0][0] * _arg2), (_local8[0][1] * _arg2));
_local9 = OGGShape.SizeArea(_local6);
_local10 = [ODisplay.OBitmapSpriteFillRect, (_local9.x + iLine), (_local9.y + iLine), [ODisplay.SpriteLib, iOKSpace], "GEL", _arg3, "spanel", 0.3, 0, 0, null, 0, true];
override public function Free():void{
public static function Maker(_arg1:int, _arg2:OSprite, _arg3:Number, _arg4:int):OKContainer{
return (OKContainer(_arg2.addChild(new OKContainer(_arg1, _arg3, _arg4, _arg2))));
}//package RES.TANGRAMS
Section 104
//OKInstruction (RES.TANGRAMS.OKInstruction)
package RES.TANGRAMS {
import flash.geom.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import RES.WINDOWS.*;
public class OKInstruction extends OIObject {
private const iPointKoorCon:Point;
private const iPointKoorFig:Point;
private const iColorSize:int = 360;
private var iCursorBoolean:Boolean;// = true
private var iAnim:Boolean;// = true
private var tmpiScale:Number;// = 1
private var iDeltaTime:int;// = 0
public var iOKSpaceFig:OSprite;
private var tmpEndXY:Point;
public var iScale:Number;// = 1
private var iFigsLevelArray:Array;
public var iTanMove:Boolean;// = false
private var iTansLevelRandomArray:Array;
public var iLogic:LogicField;
private var iTansLevelArray:Array;
public var iFigure:OKFigSDemo;
private var ifixatSize:Point;
private var newFigsArray:Array;
private var imSecTime:int;
private var iNextTan:int;// = 0
private var iDateStep:Date;
public var iCursor:OBitmap;
private var iTanIndex:int;// = 0
private var newVArray:Array;
public var iVisibleTan:Boolean;
private var iPointSize:Point;
private var iDeltaCoorX:int;// = 0
private var iDeltaY:Number;// = 0
private var iDeltaX:Number;// = 0
private var iRandomFigsArray:Array;
private var iNumberLevel:int;// = 0
private var deltaX:Number;
private var deltaY:Number;
private var iTimerTan:Timer;
public var iStSaveMove:String;// = ""
private var iFPS:int;// = 0
private var iTanShadow:Array;
private var iTmpTime:int;// = 0
public static const stNotMove:int = 3;
public static const stDelete:int = 4;
public static const stGenerateLevel:int = 5;
public static const stNotComplite:int = 7;
public static const stMove:int = 2;
public static const stPlay:int = 1;
public static const stWait:int = 0;
public static const stWin:int = 8;
public static const stComplite:int = 6;
public function OKInstruction(_arg1:int, _arg2:Point, _arg3:Boolean){
iPointKoorCon = new Point(20, 0);
iPointKoorFig = new Point(300, 350);
tmpiScale = 1;
iScale = 1;
iPointSize = new Point(520, 520);
iStSaveMove = "";
iNumberLevel = 0;
iDeltaCoorX = 0;
iNextTan = 0;
iTmpTime = 0;
iDeltaTime = 0;
iDeltaX = 0;
iDeltaY = 0;
iTanIndex = 0;
iTanMove = false;
tmpEndXY = new Point();
iCursorBoolean = true;
iAnim = true;
newVArray = new Array();
newFigsArray = new Array();
iRandomFigsArray = new Array();
iTanShadow = new Array();
iTansLevelRandomArray = new Array();
iTimerTan = new Timer(200);
iFPS = 0;
super(null, OInterface.iDefSlowAnimators);
iVisibleTan = _arg3;
iPointSize.x = _arg2.x;
iPointSize.y = _arg2.y;
this.visible = false;
iNumberLevel = _arg1;
private function FreeLevel():void{
var _local1:OSprite;
for each (_local1 in iFigsLevelArray) {
if (_local1){
_local1 = null;
iDeltaCoorX = 0;
iNextTan = 0;
iPointKoorCon.y = 0;
if (iLogic){
iLogic = null;
if (iCursor){
iCursor = null;
newVArray = null;
iTansLevelArray = null;
iTansLevelRandomArray = null;
iTanShadow = null;
newFigsArray = null;
iRandomFigsArray = null;
iFigsLevelArray = null;
iStSaveMove = "";
override public function Free():void{
iOKSpaceFig = null;
private function DeltaKoorScale(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Point, _arg3:Number):Array{
var _local4:Array;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:Array;
_local4 = new Array();
_local4 = OLUtils.CloneArray(_arg1);
_local5 = 0;
for each (_local6 in _local4) {
_local4[_local5][0][0] = ((_local6[0][0] * _arg3) + _arg2.x);
_local4[_local5][0][1] = ((_local6[0][1] * _arg3) + _arg2.y);
return (_local4);
private function RandonTanDepth():void{
var _local1:int;
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Object;
for each (_local3 in iRandomFigsArray) {
private function EstimationResize(_arg1:int):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:Number;
var _local9:Number;
var _local10:int;
var _local11:int;
_local2 = 0;
_local3 = 0;
_local4 = 0;
_local5 = 0;
_local6 = 1;
_local7 = 1;
_local8 = 0;
_local9 = 0;
_local10 = 7;
for each (_local11 in OKFigSDemo.levelsArray[_arg1]) {
if (_local3 == 2){
_local9 = (_local2 + (iPointKoorCon.x * iScale));
_local5 = ((_local9 + (OKFigSDemo.FigureArray[_local11].H * iScale)) + (3 * _local10));
_local8 = (_local8 + Math.round(((iPointKoorCon.x + OKFigSDemo.FigureArray[_local11].W) * iScale)));
_local4 = (_local8 + (3 * _local10));
_local2 = (((OKFigSDemo.FigureArray[_local11].H * iScale))>_local2) ? (OKFigSDemo.FigureArray[_local11].H * iScale) : _local2;
_local9 = (_local2 + (iPointKoorCon.x * iScale));
_local5 = (_local9 + (3 * _local10));
if ((((Math.round(_local4) > iPointSize.x)) || ((Math.round(_local5) > iPointSize.y)))){
if (_local4 > iPointSize.x){
_local6 = ((iScale * iPointSize.x) / _local4);
if (_local5 > iPointSize.y){
_local7 = ((iScale * iPointSize.y) / _local5);
if (_local6 < _local7){
iScale = _local6;
} else {
iScale = _local7;
public function InitMotionTan(_arg1:int, _arg2:Point, _arg3:int, _arg4:Number):void{
var _local5:uint;
iFPS = 0;
imSecTime = _arg3;
iDateStep = new Date();
tmpEndXY.x = _arg2.x;
tmpEndXY.y = _arg2.y;
iTanIndex = _arg1;
iTanMove = true;
iDeltaX = ((_arg2.x - iTansLevelArray[_arg1].prX) / ((OGlobal.FPS * _arg3) / 1000));
iDeltaY = ((_arg2.y - iTansLevelArray[_arg1].prY) / ((OGlobal.FPS * _arg3) / 1000));
iTansLevelArray[_arg1].visible = true;
_local5 = (this.numChildren - 1);
this.setChildIndex(iCursor, _local5);
override public function OnEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:Date;
switch (this.State){
case stWait:
if (!this.prAnimation){
this.State = stPlay;
case stPlay:
if (iLogic.getEndLevelState){
if (iAnim){
this.prVisible = false;
iAnim = false;
if (!this.prAnimation){
iAnim = true;
iTanMove = false;
iCursorBoolean = true;
if (Object(this.parent).iFigLevelNumber < (OWInstruction.Step1.length - 1)){
} else {
Object(this.parent).iFigLevelNumber = 0;
this.State = stComplite;
iLogic.setEndLevelState = false;
_local2 = new Date();
if (iTanMove){
if (((((_local2.time - iDateStep.time) < imSecTime)) || ((iFPS < ((OGlobal.FPS * imSecTime) / 1000))))){
iTansLevelArray[iTanIndex].prX = (iTansLevelArray[iTanIndex].prX + iDeltaX);
iTansLevelArray[iTanIndex].prY = (iTansLevelArray[iTanIndex].prY + iDeltaY);
iCursor.prX = (iCursor.prX + iDeltaX);
iCursor.prY = (iCursor.prY + iDeltaY);
} else {
if (iCursorBoolean){
iCursorBoolean = false;
iTansLevelArray[iTanIndex].MotionEndPointTan(new Point((tmpEndXY.x * OGlobal.Scale), (tmpEndXY.y * OGlobal.Scale)));
iCursor.prX = tmpEndXY.x;
iCursor.prY = tmpEndXY.y;
} else {
if (((((_local2.time - iDateStep.time) < (imSecTime * 2))) || ((iFPS < (((OGlobal.FPS * imSecTime) * 2) / 1000))))){
iCursor.prX = (iCursor.prX - iDeltaX);
iCursor.prY = (iCursor.prY - iDeltaY);
} else {
_local2 = iDateStep;
iTanMove = false;
iCursorBoolean = true;
override public function set State(_arg1:int):void{
this.iState = _arg1;
switch (this.iState){
case stWait:
case stComplite:
this.State = stPlay;
private function createContainer(_arg1:int, _arg2:Number, _arg3:int, _arg4:Point):void{
var _local5:Array;
iOKSpaceFig = OKContainer.Maker(_arg1, this, _arg2, _arg3);
iOKSpaceFig.prX = (OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg4.x) * OGlobal.Scale);
iOKSpaceFig.prY = (OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg4.y) * OGlobal.Scale);
this.newVArray.push(new Array());
this.newVArray[(newVArray.length - 1)].push(DeltaKoorScale(OKFigSDemo.FigureArray[_arg1].V, _arg4, _arg2));
this.newVArray[(newVArray.length - 1)].push(FigDeltaKoorScale(OKFigSDemo.FigureArray[_arg1].Triang, _arg4, _arg2));
for each (_local5 in FigDeltaKoorScale(OKFigSDemo.FigureArray[_arg1].Figs, new Point(0, 0), _arg2)) {
public function VisibleNextTan(_arg1:int):void{
if ((((iTansLevelRandomArray.length > iNextTan)) && ((_arg1 == iTansLevelRandomArray[(iNextTan - 1)].iFigIndex)))){
iTansLevelRandomArray[iNextTan].visible = true;
public function get getPointSize():Point{
return (ifixatSize);
private function createFig(_arg1:int, _arg2:Number, _arg3:int, _arg4:Point, _arg5:int):int{
var _local6:int;
var _local7:Array;
_local6 = _arg5;
for each (_local7 in OKFigSDemo.FigureArray[_arg1].Figs) {
iOKSpaceFig = OKSpaceFig.Maker(_local7, _local6, this, iLogic, _arg2, _arg2, _arg3);
OKSpaceFig(iOKSpaceFig).State = OKSpaceFig.stBigTan;
iOKSpaceFig.prX = (_arg4.x * _arg2);
iOKSpaceFig.prY = (_arg4.y * _arg2);
iOKSpaceFig.visible = false;
return (_local6);
private function FigDeltaKoorScale(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Point, _arg3:Number):Array{
var _local4:Array;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:Array;
var _local7:Number;
_local4 = new Array();
_local4 = OLUtils.CloneArray(_arg1);
_local5 = 0;
for each (_local6 in _local4) {
_local7 = 0;
while (_local7 < _local4[_local5].length) {
_local4[_local5][_local7][0] = ((_local6[_local7][0] * _arg3) + _arg2.x);
_local4[_local5][_local7][1] = ((_local6[_local7][1] * _arg3) + _arg2.y);
return (_local4);
private function NewGame(_arg1:int):void{
var _local2:int;
iTmpTime = getTimer();
_local2 = Math.round((Math.random() * iColorSize));
DrawNewGame(_arg1, _local2);
if (iVisibleTan){
iTansLevelRandomArray[iNextTan].visible = true;
ifixatSize = new Point(this.prWidth, this.prHeight);
tmpiScale = iScale;
iLogic.MagnetCoef = (iLogic.MagnetCoef * iScale);
iScale = 1;
this.prVisible = true;
private function DrawNewGame(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):void{
var _local3:int;
var _local4:int;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:int;
var _local7:int;
newVArray = new Array();
newFigsArray = new Array();
iRandomFigsArray = new Array();
iFigsLevelArray = new Array();
iTansLevelArray = new Array();
iTansLevelRandomArray = new Array();
iTanShadow = new Array();
_local3 = 0;
_local4 = 0;
for each (_local5 in OKFigSDemo.levelsArray[_arg1]) {
if (_local4 == 2){
iPointKoorCon.y = (_local3 + (iPointKoorCon.x * iScale));
iDeltaCoorX = 0;
createContainer(_local5, iScale, _arg2, new Point(iDeltaCoorX, iPointKoorCon.y));
iDeltaCoorX = (iDeltaCoorX + Math.round(((iPointKoorCon.x + OKFigSDemo.FigureArray[_local5].W) * iScale)));
_local3 = (((OKFigSDemo.FigureArray[_local5].H * iScale))>_local3) ? (OKFigSDemo.FigureArray[_local5].H * iScale) : _local3;
iLogic = new LogicField(newFigsArray, newVArray);
_local6 = 0;
for each (_local7 in OKFigSDemo.levelsArray[_arg1]) {
_local6 = createFig(_local7, iScale, _arg2, iPointKoorFig, _local6);
iCursor = ODisplay.OBitmapSpriteFillRect([ODisplay.OBitmapSpriteFillRect, 30, 30, [ODisplay.SpriteLib, TangramzL.OCursor], "GEL", "white", "border", 1, 0, 0, null, 0, true]);
iCursor.Pos((iPointKoorFig.x * iScale), (iPointKoorFig.y * iScale));
public static function Maker(_arg1:int, _arg2:OSprite, _arg3:Point, _arg4:Boolean):OKInstruction{
return (OKInstruction(_arg2.addChild(new OKInstruction(_arg1, _arg3, _arg4))));
}//package RES.TANGRAMS
Section 105
package RES.TANGRAMS {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import RES.WINDOWS.*;
public class OKSpace extends OIObject {
private const cWSmolFrame:Number = 80;
private const iCounterTime:int = 200;
private const iPointKoorCon:Point;
private const iPointKoorFig:Point;
private const iColorSize:int = 360;
private const iLimitY:int = 500;
private const iBonusLevel:int = 10;
private var iTanShadow:Array;
public var iHitArea:Sprite;
private var iDeltaTime:int;// = 0
public var iOKSpaceFig:OSprite;
private var tmpEndXY:Point;
public var iSmallFrameMain:OBitmap;
public var iScale:Number;// = 1
private var iFigsLevelArray:Array;
private var iTansLevelRandomArray:Array;
public var iLogic:LogicField;
private var iTansLevelArray:Array;
private var iPoint:Point;
public var iFigure:OKFigLib;
private var ifixatSize:Point;
public var ifixatTan:Point;
private var newFigsArray:Array;
private var iTanContainer:OTanContainer;
private var iNextTan:int;// = 0
public var iVisibleTan:Boolean;
private var iBonus:int;// = 0
private var newVArray:Array;
private var iPointSize:Point;
private var iDeltaCoorX:int;// = 20
public var iSmolScale:Number;
private var iCounterGlob:int;// = 0
private var iDeltaXTan:Number;
private var iBorderXMax:int;
private var iRandomFigsArray:Array;
public var iTmpOKSpaceFig:OKSpaceFig;
private var iNumberLevel:int;// = 0
private var deltaX:Number;
private var deltaY:Number;
private var iTimerTan:Timer;
private var iScore:int;// = 0
private var iBorderYMax:int;
private var iTmpTime:int;// = 0
public var iStSaveMove:String;// = ""
private var iRect:Rectangle;
private var iScaleBorder:Number;
public static const stLost:int = 7;
public static const stUp:int = 9;
public static const stGenerateLevel:int = 5;
public static const stMove:int = 2;
public static const stPlay:int = 1;
public static const stWait:int = 0;
public static const stDown:int = 8;
public static const stComplite:int = 6;
public function OKSpace(_arg1:int, _arg2:Point, _arg3:Boolean, _arg4:Array, _arg5:Point, _arg6:Number){
var _local7:Array;
var _local8:int;
iPointKoorCon = new Point(20, 20);
iPointKoorFig = new Point(0, 520);
iScale = 1;
iPointSize = new Point(500, 530);
ifixatTan = new Point(0, 0);
iStSaveMove = "";
iNumberLevel = 0;
iDeltaCoorX = 20;
iCounterGlob = 0;
iBonus = 0;
iScore = 0;
iNextTan = 0;
iTmpTime = 0;
iDeltaTime = 0;
newVArray = new Array();
newFigsArray = new Array();
iRandomFigsArray = new Array();
iTanShadow = new Array();
iTansLevelRandomArray = new Array();
iTimerTan = new Timer(200);
tmpEndXY = new Point();
super(_arg4, OInterface.iDefSlowAnimators);
iScaleBorder = _arg6;
iDeltaCoorX = (iDeltaCoorX * iScaleBorder);
iVisibleTan = _arg3;
iBorderXMax = _arg5.x;
iBorderYMax = _arg5.y;
if (this.iVisibleTan){
iHitArea = new Sprite();;, -100, 1100, 1100);;
iHitArea.visible = false;
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseReleased);
iTimerTan.addEventListener("timer", timerHandler);
iPointSize.x = _arg2.x;
iPointSize.y = _arg2.y;
this.visible = false;
iNumberLevel = _arg1;
NewGame(iNumberLevel, _arg5);
_local7 = new Array();
_local8 = 0;
while (_local8 < iTansLevelRandomArray.length) {
iTanContainer = new OTanContainer(_local7, new Point(0, 520), new Point(510, 80), iVisibleTan);
public function DecodeMoveMessage(_arg1:String):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:Point;
iStSaveMove = _arg1;
_local2 = int(AIConvertChar.FromChar(_arg1.substr(0, 2)));
iDeltaTime = ((iTmpTime + (_local2 * 200)) - getTimer());
if ((((iDeltaTime <= 0)) && (!((iStSaveMove == ""))))){
iTmpTime = getTimer();
_local3 = new Point(int(AIConvertChar.FromChar(_arg1.substr(3, 2))), int(AIConvertChar.FromChar(_arg1.substr(5, 2))));
SendMessage(int(AIConvertChar.FromChar(_arg1.substr(2, 1))), _local3, int(AIConvertChar.FromChar(_arg1.substr(0, 2))), int(AIConvertChar.FromChar(_arg1.substr(7, 1))));
iStSaveMove = iStSaveMove.substr(8, (iStSaveMove.length - 8));
if (iStSaveMove == ""){
public function timerHandler(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{
if (iTimerTan.repeatCount == iTimerTan.currentCount){
private function iScaleConMulti(_arg1:int, _arg2:Point):void{
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:int;
iScale = iScaleConTan(new Point(OKFigLib.FigureArray[OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][0]].W, OKFigLib.FigureArray[OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][0]].H), _arg2);
for each (_local4 in OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1]) {
_local3 = iScaleConTan(new Point(OKFigLib.FigureArray[_local4].W, OKFigLib.FigureArray[_local4].H), _arg2);
iScale = ((iScale)>_local3) ? _local3 : iScale;
private function MaxWorH(_arg1:int):int{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:int;
_local2 = 0;
_local3 = 0;
for each (_local4 in OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1]) {
if (OKFigLib.FigureArray[_local4].W > OKFigLib.FigureArray[_local4].H){
_local2 = OKFigLib.FigureArray[_local4].W;
} else {
_local3 = OKFigLib.FigureArray[_local4].H;
if (_local2 > _local3){
return (-1);
return (1);
private function SetTans(_arg1:Array):void{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:int;
var _local5:int;
_local2 = Math.floor(((520 - 60) / _arg1.length));
_local3 = 30;
_local4 = (_local3 + (_local2 / 2));
_arg1[0].Pos((_local3 + (_local2 / 2)), OKSpaceFig.YSmall);
_local5 = 1;
while (_local5 < _arg1.length) {
_arg1[_local5].Pos((_local4 + (_local2 * _local5)), OKSpaceFig.YSmall);
private function FreeLevel():void{
var _local1:OSprite;
for each (_local1 in iFigsLevelArray) {
_local1 = null;
iDeltaCoorX = 20;
iNextTan = 0;
iPointKoorCon.y = 0;
iLogic = null;
newVArray = null;
iTansLevelArray = null;
iTansLevelRandomArray = null;
iTanShadow = null;
newFigsArray = null;
iRandomFigsArray = null;
iFigsLevelArray = null;
iStSaveMove = "";
public function GameComplite():void{
if (!iVisibleTan){
if (iLogic.getEndLevelState){
private function iScaleConTan(_arg1:Point, _arg2:Point):Number{
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Number;
_local3 = (_arg2.x / _arg1.x);
_local4 = (_arg2.y / _arg1.y);
if (_local3 < _local4){
return (_local3);
return (_local4);
override public function Free():void{
if (iTmpOKSpaceFig){
iTmpOKSpaceFig = null;
iOKSpaceFig = null;
this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseReleased);
private function DeltaKoorScale(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Point, _arg3:Number):Array{
var _local4:Array;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:Array;
_local4 = new Array();
_local4 = OLUtils.CloneArray(_arg1);
_local5 = 0;
for each (_local6 in _local4) {
_local4[_local5][0][0] = ((_local6[0][0] * _arg3) + _arg2.x);
_local4[_local5][0][1] = ((_local6[0][1] * _arg3) + _arg2.y);
return (_local4);
private function RandonTanDepth():void{
var _local1:int;
var _local2:Number;
while (iRandomFigsArray.length > 0) {
_local2 = (Math.random() * (iRandomFigsArray.length - 1));
_local1 = Math.round(_local2);
iRandomFigsArray.splice(_local1, 1);
private function EstimationResize(_arg1:int):void{
switch (true){
case (1 == OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1].length):
iDeltaCoorX = (50 * iScaleBorder);
iScaleConMulti(_arg1, new Point((iBorderXMax - (iDeltaCoorX * 2)), (iBorderYMax - (iDeltaCoorX * 2))));
case (2 == OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1].length):
if (MaxWorH(_arg1) < 0){
iScaleConMulti(_arg1, new Point((iBorderXMax - (iDeltaCoorX * 2)), ((iBorderYMax / 2) - (iDeltaCoorX * 2))));
} else {
iScaleConMulti(_arg1, new Point(((iBorderXMax / 2) - (iDeltaCoorX * 2)), (iBorderYMax - iDeltaCoorX)));
case (((4 == OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1].length)) || ((3 == OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1].length))):
iScaleConMulti(_arg1, new Point(((iBorderXMax / 2) - iDeltaCoorX), ((iBorderYMax / 2) - iDeltaCoorX)));
iScale = 0.3;
public function InitMotionTan(_arg1:int, _arg2:Point, _arg3:int, _arg4:Number, _arg5:int):void{
var _local6:int;
if (iTansLevelArray[_arg1]){
tmpEndXY.x = (_arg2.x * iScaleBorder);
tmpEndXY.y = (_arg2.y * iScaleBorder);
iTansLevelArray[_arg1].visible = true;
iTansLevelArray[_arg1].MotionEndPointTan(new Point((tmpEndXY.x * OGlobal.Scale), (tmpEndXY.y * OGlobal.Scale)));
_local6 = 1;
while (_local6 <= _arg5) {
override public function OnEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{
switch (this.State){
case stWait:
if (!this.prAnimation){
this.State = stPlay;
case stLost:
case stPlay:
if (((iVisibleTan) && (!((this.State == stDown))))){
public function LevelEnd():void{
var _local1:OKSpaceFig;
for each (_local1 in iTansLevelRandomArray) {
_local1.buttonMode = false;
_local1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, this.mouseDown);
this.State = stComplite;
iLogic.setEndLevelState = false;
public function Shuffle():void{
var _local1:Array;
var _local2:int;
var _local3:DisplayObject;
var _local4:int;
var _local5:Boolean;
var _local6:int;
_local1 = new Array();
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < this.iTansLevelArray.length) {
_local3 = DisplayObject(iTansLevelArray[_local2]);
_local4 = _local1.length;
_local5 = false;
_local6 = 0;
while (_local6 < _local4) {
if (_local3.y < _local1[_local6].y){
_local1.splice(_local6, 0, _local3);
_local5 = true;
} else {
if (_local3.y == _local1[_local6].y){
if (_local3.x < _local1[_local6].x){
_local1.splice(_local6, 0, _local3);
_local5 = true;
if (!_local5){
for each (_local3 in _local1) {
override public function set State(_arg1:int):void{
this.iState = _arg1;
switch (this.iState){
case stDown:
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, this.onMouseMove);
case stUp:
this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, this.onMouseMove);
this.State = OKSpace.stPlay;
private function createContainer(_arg1:int, _arg2:Number, _arg3:int, _arg4:Point):void{
var _local5:Array;
iOKSpaceFig = OKContainer.Maker(_arg1, this, _arg2, _arg3);
iOKSpaceFig.prX = OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg4.x);
iOKSpaceFig.prY = OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg4.y);
this.newVArray.push(new Array());
this.newVArray[(newVArray.length - 1)].push(DeltaKoorScale(OKFigLib.FigureArray[_arg1].V, _arg4, _arg2));
this.newVArray[(newVArray.length - 1)].push(FigDeltaKoorScale(OKFigLib.FigureArray[_arg1].Triang, _arg4, _arg2));
for each (_local5 in FigDeltaKoorScale(OKFigLib.FigureArray[_arg1].Figs, new Point(0, 0), _arg2)) {
public function mouseDown(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (this.iVisibleTan){
this.hitArea = iHitArea;
public function onMouseMove(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
this.iTmpOKSpaceFig.prX = (iTmpOKSpaceFig.x / OGlobal.Scale);
this.iTmpOKSpaceFig.prY = (iTmpOKSpaceFig.y / OGlobal.Scale);
if (iTmpOKSpaceFig){
if (((((iTmpOKSpaceFig.y / OGlobal.Scale) < iLimitY)) && (!((iTmpOKSpaceFig.State == OKSpaceFig.stBigTan))))){
iTmpOKSpaceFig.State = OKSpaceFig.stBigTan;
if (((((iTmpOKSpaceFig.y / OGlobal.Scale) >= iLimitY)) && (!((iTmpOKSpaceFig.State == OKSpaceFig.stSmolTan))))){
iTmpOKSpaceFig.State = OKSpaceFig.stSmolTan;
public function mouseReleased(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (iTmpOKSpaceFig){
if ((iTmpOKSpaceFig.y / OGlobal.Scale) >= iLimitY){
iTmpOKSpaceFig.prY = OKSpaceFig.YSmall;
switch (this.iState){
case stDown:
if (this.iVisibleTan){
this.hitArea = null;
this.State = OKSpace.stUp;
if (iTmpOKSpaceFig){
if ((iTmpOKSpaceFig.y / OGlobal.Scale) >= iLimitY){
} else {
this.iTmpOKSpaceFig.MotionEndPointTan(new Point(this.iTmpOKSpaceFig.x, this.iTmpOKSpaceFig.y));
public function VisibleNextTan(_arg1:int):void{
if ((((iTansLevelRandomArray.length > iNextTan)) && ((_arg1 == iTansLevelRandomArray[(iNextTan - 1)].iFigIndex)))){
iTansLevelRandomArray[iNextTan].MotionEndLogic(new Point(iTansLevelRandomArray[iNextTan].x, iTansLevelRandomArray[iNextTan].y), false);
iTansLevelRandomArray[iNextTan].visible = true;
public function get getPointSize():Point{
return (ifixatSize);
public function SaveMoveMessage(_arg1:int, _arg2:Point, _arg3:int):void{
if (iVisibleTan){
iDeltaTime = ((getTimer() - iTmpTime) / 200);
if (iDeltaTime > 100){
iDeltaTime = 100;
iTmpTime = getTimer();
iStSaveMove = (iStSaveMove + ((((AIConvertChar.ToDoubleChar(iDeltaTime) + AIConvertChar.ToChar(_arg1)) + AIConvertChar.ToDoubleChar(_arg2.x)) + AIConvertChar.ToDoubleChar(_arg2.y)) + AIConvertChar.ToChar(_arg3)));
public function mouseDownTan(_arg1:OKSpaceFig):void{
iTmpOKSpaceFig = _arg1;
this.State = stDown;
public function DragRect():void{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:int;
_local1 = cWSmolFrame;
_local2 = 1;
if (((((this.iTmpOKSpaceFig.prHeight / 2) >= _local1)) && ((this.iTmpOKSpaceFig.State == OKSpaceFig.stBigTan)))){
_local2 = -58;
iRect = new Rectangle((0 - ((this.iTmpOKSpaceFig.iMinPoint.x * this.iTmpOKSpaceFig.TanScale) * OGlobal.Scale)), (0 - ((this.iTmpOKSpaceFig.iMinPoint.y * this.iTmpOKSpaceFig.TanScale) * OGlobal.Scale)), (((iBorderXMax * OGlobal.Scale) - ((this.iTmpOKSpaceFig.iMaxPoint.x * this.iTmpOKSpaceFig.TanScale) * OGlobal.Scale)) + ((this.iTmpOKSpaceFig.iMinPoint.x * this.iTmpOKSpaceFig.TanScale) * OGlobal.Scale)), ((((iBorderYMax + _local1) * OGlobal.Scale) - (((this.iTmpOKSpaceFig.iMaxPoint.y * this.iTmpOKSpaceFig.TanScale) * OGlobal.Scale) * _local2)) + ((this.iTmpOKSpaceFig.iMinPoint.y * this.iTmpOKSpaceFig.TanScale) * OGlobal.Scale)));
this.iTmpOKSpaceFig.startDrag(true, iRect);
private function createFig(_arg1:int, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:int, _arg5:Point, _arg6:int):int{
var _local7:int;
var _local8:Number;
var _local9:Array;
_local7 = _arg6;
_local8 = 0;
for each (_local9 in OKFigLib.FigureArray[_arg1].Figs) {
iOKSpaceFig = OKSpaceFig.Maker(_local9, _local7, this, iLogic, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4);
iOKSpaceFig.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, this.mouseDown);
iOKSpaceFig.prX = _local8;
iOKSpaceFig.prY = _arg5.y;
ifixatTan.x = ((iOKSpaceFig.prWidth)>ifixatTan.x) ? iOKSpaceFig.prWidth : ifixatTan.x;
ifixatTan.y = ((iOKSpaceFig.prHeight)>ifixatTan.y) ? iOKSpaceFig.prHeight : ifixatTan.y;
_local8 = (_local8 + iDeltaXTan);
if (!iVisibleTan){
iOKSpaceFig.visible = false;
iOKSpaceFig.buttonMode = false;
OKSpaceFig(iOKSpaceFig).State = OKSpaceFig.stBigTan;
} else {
iOKSpaceFig.buttonMode = true;
OKSpaceFig(iOKSpaceFig).State = OKSpaceFig.stSmolTan;
return (_local7);
private function Levelling(_arg1:OKFigLevel, _arg2:Point, _arg3:Boolean, _arg4:Boolean):Point{
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:Number;
_local7 = (_arg1.W * iScale);
_local8 = (_arg1.H * iScale);
if (Math.abs(((_local7 + (iDeltaCoorX * 2)) - _arg2.x)) > 1){
if ((_local7 + (iDeltaCoorX * 2)) <= _arg2.x){
_local5 = (iDeltaCoorX + (((_arg2.x - (iDeltaCoorX * 2)) - _local7) / 2));
} else {
if (_arg4){
_local5 = iDeltaCoorX;
} else {
_local5 = ((_arg2.x - iDeltaCoorX) - _local7);
} else {
_local5 = iDeltaCoorX;
if (Math.abs(((_local8 + (iDeltaCoorX * 2)) - _arg2.y)) > 1){
if ((_local8 + (iDeltaCoorX * 2)) <= _arg2.y){
_local6 = (iDeltaCoorX + (((_arg2.y - (iDeltaCoorX * 2)) - _local8) / 2));
} else {
if (_arg3){
_local6 = iDeltaCoorX;
} else {
_local6 = ((_arg2.y - iDeltaCoorX) - _local8);
} else {
_local6 = iDeltaCoorX;
return (new Point(_local5, _local6));
private function FigDeltaKoorScale(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Point, _arg3:Number):Array{
var _local4:Array;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:Array;
var _local7:Number;
_local4 = new Array();
_local4 = OLUtils.CloneArray(_arg1);
_local5 = 0;
for each (_local6 in _local4) {
_local7 = 0;
while (_local7 < _local4[_local5].length) {
_local4[_local5][_local7][0] = ((_local6[_local7][0] * _arg3) + _arg2.x);
_local4[_local5][_local7][1] = ((_local6[_local7][1] * _arg3) + _arg2.y);
return (_local4);
private function NewGame(_arg1:int, _arg2:Point):void{
var _local3:Array;
var _local4:int;
iTmpTime = getTimer();
iStSaveMove = "";
_local3 = [(0 * 60), (1 * 60), (2 * 60), (3 * 60), (4 * 60), (5 * 60)];
_local4 = (Math.random() * 6);
_local4 = _local3[_local4];
DrawNewGame(_arg1, _local4);
if (iVisibleTan){
iTansLevelRandomArray[iNextTan].MotionEndLogic(new Point(iTansLevelRandomArray[iNextTan].x, iTansLevelRandomArray[iNextTan].y), false);
iTansLevelRandomArray[iNextTan].visible = true;
ifixatSize = new Point(this.prWidth, this.prHeight);
if (iScale > 1){
iLogic.MagnetCoef = (iLogic.MagnetCoef * iScale);
public function SendMessage(_arg1:int, _arg2:Point, _arg3:int, _arg4:int):void{
OWGame(this.parent).SendMessage(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, -100, _arg4);
private function DrawNewGame(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):void{
var _local3:int;
var _local4:int;
var _local5:Point;
var _local6:int;
var _local7:Array;
var _local8:int;
var _local9:Number;
var _local10:Number;
var _local11:int;
var _local12:Array;
var _local13:Point;
var _local14:Array;
newVArray = new Array();
newFigsArray = new Array();
iRandomFigsArray = new Array();
iFigsLevelArray = new Array();
iTansLevelArray = new Array();
iTansLevelRandomArray = new Array();
iTanShadow = new Array();
_local3 = 0;
_local4 = 0;
switch (OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1].length){
case 1:
createContainer(OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][0], iScale, _arg2, Levelling(OKFigLib.FigureArray[OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][0]], new Point(iBorderXMax, iBorderYMax), true, true));
case 2:
if (MaxWorH(_arg1) < 0){
_local5 = new Point(((iBorderXMax / 2) - ((OKFigLib.FigureArray[OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][0]].W * iScale) / 2)), ((iBorderYMax / 4) - ((OKFigLib.FigureArray[OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][0]].H * iScale) / 2)));
} else {
_local5 = new Point(((iBorderXMax / 4) - ((OKFigLib.FigureArray[OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][0]].W * iScale) / 2)), ((iBorderYMax / 2) - ((OKFigLib.FigureArray[OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][0]].H * iScale) / 2)));
createContainer(OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][0], iScale, _arg2, _local5);
if (MaxWorH(_arg1) < 0){
_local5 = new Point(((iBorderXMax / 2) - ((OKFigLib.FigureArray[OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][1]].W * iScale) / 2)), (((iBorderYMax * 3) / 4) - ((OKFigLib.FigureArray[OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][1]].H * iScale) / 2)));
} else {
_local5 = new Point((((iBorderXMax * 3) / 4) - ((OKFigLib.FigureArray[OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][1]].W * iScale) / 2)), ((iBorderYMax / 2) - ((OKFigLib.FigureArray[OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][1]].H * iScale) / 2)));
createContainer(OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][1], iScale, _arg2, _local5);
case 3:
_local5 = Levelling(OKFigLib.FigureArray[OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][0]], new Point((iBorderXMax / 2), (iBorderYMax / 2)), true, true);
createContainer(OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][0], iScale, _arg2, _local5);
_local5 = Levelling(OKFigLib.FigureArray[OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][1]], new Point((iBorderXMax / 2), (iBorderYMax / 2)), true, false);
Levelling(OKFigLib.FigureArray[OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][1]], new Point((iBorderXMax / 2), (iBorderYMax / 2)), true, false).x = (_local5.x + (iBorderXMax / 2));
createContainer(OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][1], iScale, _arg2, _local5);
_local5 = Levelling(OKFigLib.FigureArray[OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][2]], new Point((iBorderXMax / 2), (iBorderYMax / 2)), false, true);
Levelling(OKFigLib.FigureArray[OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][2]], new Point((iBorderXMax / 2), (iBorderYMax / 2)), false, true).x = (_local5.x + (iBorderXMax / 4));
_local5.y = (_local5.y + (iBorderYMax / 2));
createContainer(OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][2], iScale, _arg2, _local5);
case 4:
_local5 = Levelling(OKFigLib.FigureArray[OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][0]], new Point((iBorderXMax / 2), (iBorderYMax / 2)), true, true);
createContainer(OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][0], iScale, _arg2, _local5);
_local5 = Levelling(OKFigLib.FigureArray[OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][1]], new Point((iBorderXMax / 2), (iBorderYMax / 2)), true, false);
Levelling(OKFigLib.FigureArray[OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][1]], new Point((iBorderXMax / 2), (iBorderYMax / 2)), true, false).x = (_local5.x + (iBorderXMax / 2));
createContainer(OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][1], iScale, _arg2, _local5);
_local5 = Levelling(OKFigLib.FigureArray[OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][2]], new Point((iBorderXMax / 2), (iBorderYMax / 2)), false, true);
Levelling(OKFigLib.FigureArray[OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][2]], new Point((iBorderXMax / 2), (iBorderYMax / 2)), false, true).y = (_local5.y + (iBorderYMax / 2));
createContainer(OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][2], iScale, _arg2, _local5);
_local5 = Levelling(OKFigLib.FigureArray[OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][3]], new Point((iBorderXMax / 2), (iBorderYMax / 2)), false, false);
Levelling(OKFigLib.FigureArray[OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][3]], new Point((iBorderXMax / 2), (iBorderYMax / 2)), false, false).x = (_local5.x + (iBorderXMax / 2));
_local5.y = (_local5.y + (iBorderYMax / 2));
createContainer(OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1][3], iScale, _arg2, _local5);
iLogic = new LogicField(newFigsArray, newVArray);
_local6 = 0;
_local7 = new Array();
for each (_local8 in OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1]) {
for each (_local12 in OKFigLib.FigureArray[_local8].Figs) {
_local13 = new Point(1000, -1000);
for each (_local14 in _local12) {
if (_local13.x > _local14[0]){
_local13.x = _local14[0];
if (_local13.y < _local14[1]){
_local13.y = _local14[1];
_local7.push(Math.sqrt((((4 * _local13.x) * _local13.x) + ((4 * _local13.y) * _local13.y))));
_local9 = _local7[0];
for each (_local10 in _local7) {
_local9 = ((_local9)<_local10) ? _local10 : _local9;
iSmolScale = (cWSmolFrame / _local9);
iDeltaXTan = (iBorderXMax / (_local7.length + 2));
for each (_local11 in OKLevelList.levelsArray[_arg1]) {
_local6 = createFig(_local11, iScale, iSmolScale, _arg2, iPointKoorFig, _local6);
public static function Maker(_arg1:int, _arg2:OSprite, _arg3:Point, _arg4:Boolean, _arg5:Array, _arg6:Point, _arg7:Number):OKSpace{
return (OKSpace(_arg2.addChild(new OKSpace(_arg1, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7))));
}//package RES.TANGRAMS
Section 106
//OKSpaceFig (RES.TANGRAMS.OKSpaceFig)
package RES.TANGRAMS {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
public class OKSpaceFig extends OSprite {
private const iFillColor:int = 0xCCFF00;
private const iScaleFilter:Number = 0.7;
private const iLine:int = 1;
private var mouseXYold:Point;
private var iRotKoor:Array;
public var iMaxPoint:Point;
private var iOSmallBitmap:OBitmap;
private var iRotRoutine:int;// = 0
public var iOKSpaceFig:Sprite;
private var mouseDeltaXY:Point;
public var iOKLogik:LogicField;
private var iScale:Number;
private var p:Array;
private var iColor:int;
private var iRot:int;// = 0
public var iFigIndex:int;
private var iSpriteParent:Object;
private var iOLargeSprite:Sprite;
public var iArr:Array;
private var iOLargeBitmap:OBitmap;
private var iSmolScale:Number;
private var iRotBitmap:Array;
private var iScaleFilt:Number;
public var iState:int;
private var iOSmallSprite:Sprite;
private var iOBitmap:OBitmap;
public var iMinPoint:Point;
public var iKoorArray:Array;
private var iRect:Rectangle;
public var iRoutineScale:Number;
public static const stMoveEnd:int = 2;
public static const YSmall:int = 50;
public static const stBigTan:int = 4;
public static const stSmolTan:int = 5;
public static const stMoveStupor:int = 3;
public static const stWait:int = 0;
public static const stMove:int = 1;
public function OKSpaceFig(_arg1:Array, _arg2:int, _arg3:LogicField, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number, _arg6:int, _arg7:Object){
var _local8:int;
mouseDeltaXY = new Point(1, 1);
mouseXYold = new Point(0, 0);
iOSmallSprite = new Sprite();
iOLargeSprite = new Sprite();
iRot = 0;
iRotBitmap = new Array();
iRotKoor = new Array();
iKoorArray = new Array();
iRotRoutine = 0;
iMinPoint = new Point(0, 0);
iMaxPoint = new Point(0, 0);
iArr = new Array();
_local8 = 0;
while (_local8 < _arg1.length) {
iScale = _arg4;
iSmolScale = _arg5;
iColor = _arg6;
iSpriteParent = _arg7;
iFigIndex = _arg2;
iOKLogik = _arg3;
iOLargeBitmap = DrawTan(_arg1, iScale, _arg6, false);
DrawSprite(_arg1, iScale, _arg6, false, iOLargeSprite);
DrawHit(_arg1, iScale, _arg6, false);
iOSmallBitmap = DrawTan(_arg1, _arg5, _arg6, false);
DrawSprite(_arg1, _arg5, _arg6, false, iOSmallSprite);
iOBitmap = new OBitmap();
this.doubleClickEnabled = true;
public function MotionEndPointTan(_arg1:Point):void{
MotionEndLogic(_arg1, false);
public function get TanScale():Number{
switch (this.iState){
case stBigTan:
return (iScale);
case stSmolTan:
return (iSmolScale);
return (iScale);
public function VisibleFig():void{
if (Object(this.parent).iVisibleTan){
if ((Object(this.parent) is OKSpace)){
OKSpace(this.parent).SaveMoveMessage(iFigIndex, new Point(this.prX, this.prY), CalcRot(iRot));
iRot = 0;
} else {
if (iOKLogik.GetFigState(iFigIndex)[0]){
this.prVisible = true;
} else {
this.prVisible = false;
public function get State():int{
return (this.iState);
override public function Free():void{
this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, mouseDOUBLECLICK);
public function mouseDOUBLECLICK(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function set State(_arg1:int):void{
this.iState = _arg1;
switch (this.iState){
case stBigTan:
this.hitArea = null;
this.hitArea = iOLargeSprite;
if (!iOLargeBitmap){
this.iState = stSmolTan;
case stSmolTan:
iOKLogik.MoveFig(iFigIndex, new Point(-10000, -10000), false);
this.hitArea = null;
this.hitArea = iOSmallSprite;
public function CalcRot(_arg1:int):int{
return (iRot);
public function MotionEndLogic(_arg1:Point, _arg2:Boolean):Point{
var _local3:Point;
_local3 = new Point();
if (this.iState == stBigTan){
_local3 = iOKLogik.MoveFig(iFigIndex, new Point((_arg1.x / OGlobal.Scale), (_arg1.y / OGlobal.Scale)), _arg2);
this.prX = _local3.x;
this.prY = _local3.y;
} else {
_local3.x = this.prX;
_local3.y = this.prY;
return (_local3);
private function DrawSprite(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number, _arg3:int, _arg4:Boolean, _arg5:Sprite):void{
var _local6:Number;;[0][0] * _arg2), (_arg1[0][1] * _arg2));
_local6 = 1;
while (_local6 < _arg1.length) {
LineTo(new Point((_arg1[_local6][0] * _arg2), (_arg1[_local6][1] * _arg2)), _arg5);
LineTo(new Point((_arg1[0][0] * _arg2), (_arg1[0][1] * _arg2)), _arg5);
iRoutineScale = _arg2;;
_arg5.visible = false;
public function MinMaxKoor():void{
var _local1:Point;
for each (_local1 in iKoorArray) {
if (iMinPoint.x > _local1.x){
iMinPoint.x = _local1.x;
if (iMaxPoint.x < _local1.x){
iMaxPoint.x = _local1.x;
if (iMinPoint.y > _local1.y){
iMinPoint.y = _local1.y;
if (iMaxPoint.y < _local1.y){
iMaxPoint.y = _local1.y;
private function DrawHit(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number, _arg3:int, _arg4:Boolean):void{
var _local5:Number;
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _arg1.length) {
iKoorArray.push(new Point(_arg1[_local5][0], _arg1[_local5][1]));
iRoutineScale = _arg2;
private function DrawTan(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number, _arg3:int, _arg4:Boolean):OBitmap{
var _local5:Point;
var _local6:Array;
var _local7:Array;
var _local8:Sprite;
var _local9:Number;
var _local10:OBitmap;
_local5 = new Point();
_local6 = new Array();
for each (_local7 in _arg1) {
_local6.push(new Point((_local7[0] * _arg2), (_local7[1] * _arg2)));
_local5 = OGGShape.SizeArea(_local6);
_local8 = new Sprite();;[0][0] * _arg2), (_arg1[0][1] * _arg2));
_local9 = 1;
while (_local9 < _arg1.length) {
LineTo(new Point((_arg1[_local9][0] * _arg2), (_arg1[_local9][1] * _arg2)), _local8);
LineTo(new Point((_arg1[0][0] * _arg2), (_arg1[0][1] * _arg2)), _local8);
iRoutineScale = _arg2;;
iScaleFilt = (iScaleFilter * _arg2);
p = [ODisplay.OBitmapSpriteFillRect, _local5.x, _local5.y, [ODisplay.SpriteLib, _local8], "GEL", _arg3, "spanel", iScaleFilt, 0, 0, null, 0, true];
_local10 = ODisplay.OBitmapSpriteFillRect(p);
iRotBitmap[iRotRoutine] = _local8;
return (_local10);
public function LineTo(_arg1:Point, _arg2:Sprite):void{, iFillColor);, _arg1.y);
public function RandomRot():void{
var _local1:int;
var _local2:int;
_local1 = Math.round((Math.random() * 3));
_local2 = 1;
while (_local2 <= _local1) {
public function TopTanDepth():void{
var _local1:uint;
_local1 = (this.parent.numChildren - 1);
this.parent.setChildIndex(this, _local1);
public static function Maker(_arg1:Array, _arg2:int, _arg3:Object, _arg4:LogicField, _arg5:Number, _arg6:Number, _arg7:int):OKSpaceFig{
return (OKSpaceFig(_arg3.addChild(new OKSpaceFig(_arg1, _arg2, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7, _arg3))));
}//package RES.TANGRAMS
Section 107
//OTanContainer (RES.TANGRAMS.OTanContainer)
package RES.TANGRAMS {
import flash.geom.*;
public class OTanContainer {
private const stFree:int = 0;
private const stMove:int = 0;
private var iTansList:Array;
private var iState:int;
private var iPosList:Array;
private var iPos:Point;
private var iSize:Point;
private var iVis:Boolean;
public function OTanContainer(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Point, _arg3:Point, _arg4:Boolean){
var _local5:int;
var _local6:int;
var _local7:int;
iTansList = _arg1;
iPos = _arg2;
iSize = _arg3;
iVis = _arg4;
iPosList = new Array();
_local5 = Interval;
_local6 = (((iPos.x + iSize.x) - (_local5 / 2)) + 2);
_local7 = 0;
while (_local7 < _arg1.length) {
iPosList[_local7] = (_local6 - (_local7 * _local5));
_arg1[_local7].prY = (iPos.y + (iSize.y / 2));
public function MoveTan():Boolean{
var _local1:Boolean;
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:int;
_local1 = true;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < iTansList.length) {
_local3 = (iPosList[_local2] - iTansList[_local2].prX);
_local4 = ((_local3)>=0) ? 1 : -1;
_local3 = (Math.min(Math.abs(_local3), 20) * _local4);
iTansList[_local2].prX = (iTansList[_local2].prX + _local3);
iTansList[_local2].prY = (iPos.y + (iSize.y / 2));
if (Math.abs(_local3) > 2){
_local1 = false;
if (_local1){
return (_local1);
private function get Interval():int{
return ((iSize.x / 7));
public function AddTan(_arg1:OKSpaceFig):void{
var _local2:Boolean;
var _local3:int;
_local2 = false;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < iTansList.length) {
if (iTansList[_local3].prX < _arg1.prX){
iTansList.splice(_local3, 0, _arg1);
_local2 = true;
if (!_local2){
_arg1.prY = (iPos.y + (iSize.y / 2));
public function RemoveTan(_arg1:OKSpaceFig):void{
var _local2:int;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < iTansList.length) {
if (iTansList[_local2] == _arg1){
iTansList.splice(_local2, 1);
private function SetVisible():void{
var _local1:int;
if (!iVis){
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < iTansList.length) {
iTansList[_local1].visible = (_local1 < 7);
}//package RES.TANGRAMS
Section 108
//OWChoosePlayer (RES.WINDOWS.OWChoosePlayer)
package RES.WINDOWS {
public class OWChoosePlayer extends ODialog {
public var iCancel:OButton;
public var iDelete:OButton;
public var iNew:OButton;
public var iListBox:OListBox;
public var iAccept:OButton;
private var iData;
private var iCurPlayer:String;
public function OWChoosePlayer(){
override public function Init():void{
this.iData = TangramzL.iGAME.prPlayersData;
this.iCurPlayer = TangramzL.iGAME.prPlayerName;
this.iListBox.SetCurrentElement(TangramzL.iGAME.prPlayerName, TangramzL.iGAME.prPlayerNames);
override public function set prActive(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (_arg1){
this.iListBox.SetCurrentElement(TangramzL.iGAME.prPlayerName, TangramzL.iGAME.prPlayerNames);
super.prActive = _arg1;
override public function OnPress(_arg1:Event, _arg2):void{
if (!this.prMouseEnabled){
if (_arg2 == this.iNew){
(this.parent as OWindow).OnPress(null, TangramzL.miEnterNewName);
this.prActive = false;
if (_arg2 == this.iDelete){
(this.parent as OWindow).OnPress(null, TangramzL.miDeletePlayerConfirm);
this.prActive = false;
if (_arg2 == this.iCancel){
TangramzL.iGAME.prPlayersData = this.iData;
TangramzL.iGAME.prPlayerName = this.iCurPlayer;
(this.parent as OWindow).OnPress(null, TangramzL.miMenu);
this.prVisible = false;
if (_arg2 == this.iAccept){
if (TangramzL.iMP.isConnected){
(this.parent as OWindow).OnPress(null, TangramzL.miMenu);
this.prVisible = false;
if ((((_arg2 == this.iListBox)) && (!((TangramzL.iGAME.prPlayerName == this.iListBox.prCurrentLBParam))))){
TangramzL.iGAME.prPlayerName = this.iListBox.prCurrentLBParam;
override public function Free():void{
this.iListBox = null;
this.iNew = null;
this.iDelete = null;
this.iAccept = null;
this.iCancel = null;
}//package RES.WINDOWS
Section 109
//OWEnterName (RES.WINDOWS.OWEnterName)
package RES.WINDOWS {
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
public class OWEnterName extends ODialog {
public var iCancel:OButton;
private var iHasCancel:Boolean;
public var iName:OInput;
public var iAccept:OButton;
public function OWEnterName(_arg1:Boolean=true){
this.iHasCancel = _arg1;
override public function Init():void{
this.iName.prText = (TangramzL.iGAME.prPlayerName) ? TangramzL.iGAME.prPlayerName : "";
if (!this.iHasCancel){
this.iCancel.visible = false;
this.iAccept.prX = 155;
public function set prName(_arg1:String):void{
this.iName.prText = _arg1;
override public function OnPress(_arg1:Event, _arg2):void{
var _local3:String;
if (!this.prMouseEnabled){
if (_arg2 == this.iCancel){
this.prVisible = false;
if (_arg2 == this.iAccept){
_local3 = OUtils.ClearString(this.iName.prText.toUpperCase());
if (_local3.length > 0){
TangramzL.iGAME.prPlayerName = _local3;
this.prVisible = false;
} else {
this.iName.prText = "";
override public function Free():void{
this.iName = null;
this.iAccept = null;
this.iCancel = null;
public function get prName():String{
return (this.iName.prText);
override public function OnEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{
private function SetNameFocus():void{
if (!this.stage){
if (this.stage.focus == this.iName.iText){
this.iName.iText.setSelection(this.iName.iText.length, this.iName.iText.length);
this.stage.focus = this.iName.iText;
}//package RES.WINDOWS
Section 110
package RES.WINDOWS {
import flash.geom.*;
import ENGINE.GAME.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import RES.TANGRAMS.*;
public class OWGame extends OWindow {
private const iWHOPP:Point;
private const iWHMain:Point;
private var iOKSpace:OKSpace;
public var iScoreCounter:OCounter;
public var iAllSpr:OSprite;
private var iITimer:int;
private var iOKOSpace:OKSpace;
private var iNameO:String;
private var iInfoP:OWInfoPanel;
private var iLevelVal:int;
public var iLevel:OIObject;
public var iScoreCounterO:OCounter;
private var iInfo:OIObject;
public var iLevelScore:int;// = 30000
public var iLevelCounter:OCounter;
private var iOppEndGame:Boolean;
public var iInvisLink:OButton;
private var iDAlpha:Number;// = 0.025
public var iGameName:OIObject;
public var iScoreBorder:OBitmap;
private var iMultiPlayer:Boolean;
public var iSite:OIObject;
public var iMenu:OButton;
private var iRecordO:String;
private var iRNDIndex:int;
public var iScore:OIObject;
private var iSaveKoef:Number;// = 0.5
public static const stStart:int = 4;
public static const stLevelComplete:int = 6;
public static const stPause:int = 9;
public static const stShow:int = 0;
public static const stGameFieldHide:int = 10;
public static const stShowResults:int = 8;
public static const stPlay:int = 5;
public static const stGoToPlay:int = 1;
public static const stLoadLevel:int = 3;
public static const stConnection:int = 2;
public function OWGame(){
iWHOPP = new Point(230, 230);
iWHMain = new Point(520, 520);
iDAlpha = 0.025;
iSaveKoef = 0.5;
iLevelScore = 30000;
super(TangramzL.OWGame, ODialog.iDefAnimators);
private function get prGameIndex():int{
return (0);
private function AddAllSpr():void{
this.iAllSpr = new OSprite();
this.iAllSpr.height = 600;
this.iAllSpr.width = 800;
this.iAllSpr.hitArea = this.iAllSpr;
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, OnClick);
private function get RealLevel():int{
var _local1:int;
var _local2:int;
_local1 = TangramzL.iGAME.prLevel;
if ((OKLevelList.levelsArray.length - 1) < _local1){
_local2 = (_local1 % OKLevelList.levelsArray.length);
_local1 = _local2;
return (_local1);
private function SplashInfoMessage():Boolean{
var _local1:Boolean;
_local1 = false;
if (this.iInfo.prAnimation){
return (false);
this.iInfo.alpha = (this.iInfo.alpha + this.iDAlpha);
if ((((this.iDAlpha > 0)) && ((this.iInfo.alpha >= 1)))){
this.iInfo.alpha = 1;
this.iDAlpha = (this.iDAlpha * -1);
if ((((this.iDAlpha < 0)) && ((this.iInfo.alpha <= 0)))){
this.iInfo.alpha = 0;
this.iDAlpha = (this.iDAlpha * -1);
_local1 = true;
return (_local1);
override public function Free():void{
public function GameXY(_arg1:Point, _arg2:OBitmap, _arg3:OKSpace, _arg4:Point):void{
_arg3.prX = (((_arg2.prX + _arg1.x) + (_arg2.prWidth / 2)) - (_arg4.x / 2));
_arg3.prY = (((_arg2.prY + _arg1.y) + (_arg2.prHeight / 2)) - (_arg4.y / 2));
private function OnKeyDown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
switch (this.State){
case stLevelComplete:
this.State = stGameFieldHide;
private function OnClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
switch (this.State){
case stLevelComplete:
this.State = stGameFieldHide;
this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, OnClick);
private function AddInfo(_arg1:OIObject, _arg2:Boolean=true):void{
if (this.iInfo){
this.iInfo = null;
if (_arg1){
this.iInfo = _arg1;
this.iInfo.Pos(0, (300 - (this.iInfo.prHeight / 2)));
if (_arg2){
this.iInfo.prVisible = true;
override public function OnEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:Boolean;
var _local4:Array;
switch (this.iState){
case stShow:
if (!this.prAnimation){
if (iLevelVal > 0){
this.State = stConnection;
} else {
this.State = stGoToPlay;
case stGoToPlay:
if (!this.iInfo.prVisible){
this.State = stConnection;
case stConnection:
_local2 = getTimer();
_local3 = this.SplashInfoMessage();
if (((((_local2 - this.iITimer) > 7000)) && (_local3))){
this.State = stStart;
if (((((_local2 - this.iITimer) > 2000)) && ((TangramzL.iMP.State == OMultiplayer.stInZone)))){
this.State = stLoadLevel;
case stLoadLevel:
_local3 = this.SplashInfoMessage();
_local2 = (getTimer() - this.iITimer);
if ((((((_local2 > 5000)) && (_local3))) && (TangramzL.iMP.prOpponentTurn))){
_local4 = TangramzL.iMP.prOpponentTurn.split(",");
if (_local4.length > 2){
this.State = stStart;
iMultiPlayer = !((((_local4[0] == "none")) && ((_local4[1] == "none"))));
this.iRecordO = ((((_local4[0] == "none")) && ((_local4[1] == "none")))) ? null : _local4[1];
this.iNameO = (this.iRecordO) ? _local4[0] : null;
this.State = stStart;
case stStart:
if ((getTimer() - iITimer) > 2000){
this.State = stPlay;
case stPlay:
if ((getTimer() - iITimer) > 1000){
if (iScoreCounter.prValue > 0){
iScoreCounter.prValue = (iScoreCounter.prValue - 100);
iITimer = getTimer();
if (iOKSpace.State == OKSpace.stComplite){
if (iOKOSpace){
if (iOKOSpace.State != OKSpace.stComplite){
iOKOSpace.State = OKSpace.stLost;
TangramzL.iGAME.Write(OGame.catTmp, "NewLevel", true);
this.State = stLevelComplete;
if (((iMultiPlayer) && (!(iOppEndGame)))){
if (iOKOSpace.State == OKSpace.stComplite){
iInfoP.prScore = iScoreCounter.prValue;
iInfoP.State = OWInfoPanel.stCompleteLevel;
iOppEndGame = true;
case stGameFieldHide:
if (!iOKSpace.prAnimation){
this.State = stShowResults;
case stShowResults:
if (((!(this.iInfo.prVisible)) && (!(this.iInfo.prAnimation)))){
this.State = stConnection;
override public function set State(_arg1:int):void{
this.iState = _arg1;
switch (this.iState){
case stShow:
case stGoToPlay:
this.AddInfo(new OWInstruction());
case stConnection:
iLevelVal = TangramzL.iGAME.prLevel;
this.iITimer = getTimer();
this.AddInfo(TangramzS.ColorHeader(TangramzL.OWGameConnection), true);
if (TangramzL.iMP.State == OMultiplayer.stInZone){
this.State = stLoadLevel;
} else {
if (TangramzL.iMP.State != OMultiplayer.stConnection){
TangramzL.iMP.State = OMultiplayer.stNone;
TangramzL.iMP.Init(TangramzL.sDomain, TangramzL.sServer, TangramzL.sZone, TangramzL.sXTName, TangramzL.iGAME.prPlayerName);
iMultiPlayer = false;
case stLoadLevel:
this.iITimer = getTimer();
iLevelVal = TangramzL.iGAME.prLevel;
TangramzL.iMP.Turn(["rdl", RealLevel, prGameIndex, TangramzL.iGAME.prPlayerName]);
case stStart:
iLevelCounter.prValue = (iLevelVal + 1);
if (!this.iMultiPlayer){
TangramzL.OWGameNewLevelWithHoutOpponent[4] = ((TangramzL.strLevel + " # ") + (iLevelVal + 1).toString());
this.AddInfo(TangramzS.ColorHeader(TangramzL.OWGameNewLevelWithHoutOpponent), true);
if (TangramzL.iMP.State == OMultiplayer.stInZone){
iInfoP.State = OWInfoPanel.stUserNotFound;
} else {
iInfoP.State = OWInfoPanel.stConnect;
} else {
TangramzL.OWGameNewLevel[0][4] = ((TangramzL.strLevel + " # ") + (iLevelVal + 1).toString());
TangramzL.OWGameNewLevel[2][4] = this.iNameO;
this.AddInfo(OInterface.OIObjectMake(TangramzL.OWGameNewLevelWithOpponent), true);
iInfoP.prOpponent = this.iNameO;
iInfoP.State = OWInfoPanel.stOpponent;
iITimer = getTimer();
case stPlay:
if (iMultiPlayer){
iITimer = getTimer();
case stLevelComplete:
TangramzL.iGAME.Write(OGame.catTmp, "Score", iScoreCounter.prValue);
TangramzL.iGAME.Write(OGame.catTmp, "Bonus", (((iMultiPlayer) && (!((iOKOSpace.State == OKSpace.stComplite))))) ? iScoreCounter.prValue : 0);
TangramzL.iGAME.Write(OGame.catTmp, "Result", (iScoreCounter.prValue + (((iMultiPlayer) && (!((iOKOSpace.State == OKSpace.stComplite))))) ? iScoreCounter.prValue : 0));
TangramzL.iMP.Turn(["wrl", RealLevel, prGameIndex, TangramzL.iGAME.prPlayerName, this.iOKSpace.iStSaveMove]);
iITimer = getTimer();
this.AddInfo(OInterface.OIObjectMake(TangramzL.OWGameCL), true);
case stGameFieldHide:
if (iMultiPlayer){
this.iInfo.prVisible = false;
case stShowResults:
this.AddInfo(new OWResults());
override public function Init():void{
this.iInfoP = new OWInfoPanel();
this.iInfoP.Pos(530, 0);
this.State = stShow;
this.iRNDIndex = (Math.random() * 10);
iLevelVal = TangramzL.iGAME.prLevel;
private function NewGameOpponent():void{
if (iOKOSpace){
iOKOSpace = null;
iOKOSpace = OKSpace.Maker(RealLevel, this, iWHOPP, false, TangramzL.OGFieldOpponent, iWHOPP, (iWHOPP.x / iWHMain.x));
if (iRecordO){
iOKOSpace.Pos(545, 90);
iOppEndGame = false;
public function SendMessage(_arg1:int, _arg2:Point, _arg3:int, _arg4:Number, _arg5:int):void{
if (iMultiPlayer){
_arg4 = ((_arg4)<0) ? iOKSpace.iScale : _arg4;
iOKOSpace.InitMotionTan(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5);
override public function set prActive(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (_arg1){
this.State = stShow;
super.prActive = _arg1;
private function SetVisibleGameOpponent(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (iOKOSpace){
iOKOSpace.prVisible = _arg1;
private function get prLevelIndex():int{
return ((((iLevelVal + 1) * 10) + iRNDIndex));
override public function OnPress(_arg1:Event, _arg2):void{
if (_arg2 == this.iMenu){
if (this.iState > stPlay){
if (TangramzL.iMP.State == OMultiplayer.stInGame){
TangramzL.iMP.State = OMultiplayer.stJoinMainRoom;
this.iState = stPause;
(this.parent as OWindow).OnPress(null, TangramzL.miMenu);
this.prVisible = false;
if (_arg2 == iInvisLink){
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(TangramzL.strConnect2URL));
private function NewGame():void{
if (iOKSpace){
iOKSpace = null;
iScoreCounter.prValue = iLevelScore;
iOKSpace = OKSpace.Maker(RealLevel, this, iWHMain, true, TangramzL.OGFieldPlayer, iWHMain, 1);
iOKSpace.Pos(0, 0);
private function get prSeed():int{
return ((29989 + (7 * (((TangramzL.iGAME.prLevel + 1) * 10) + iRNDIndex))));
private function OnClickSite(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(TangramzL.strConnect2URL));
private function SetVisibleGame(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (iGameName){
iGameName.prVisible = _arg1;
if (iSite){
iSite.prVisible = _arg1;
if (iMenu){
iMenu.prVisible = _arg1;
if (iScoreBorder){
iScoreBorder.prVisible = _arg1;
if (iLevel){
iLevel.prVisible = _arg1;
if (iLevelCounter){
iLevelCounter.prVisible = _arg1;
if (iScore){
iScore.prVisible = _arg1;
if (iScoreCounter){
iScoreCounter.prVisible = _arg1;
if (iInfoP){
iInfoP.prVisible = _arg1;
if (iOKSpace){
iOKSpace.prVisible = _arg1;
private function ScoreCalc(_arg1:Number):int{
return ((_arg1 * (50 + (iLevelVal * 10))));
}//package RES.WINDOWS
Section 111
//OWHighScores (RES.WINDOWS.OWHighScores)
package RES.WINDOWS {
import ENGINE.GAME.*;
public class OWHighScores extends ODialog {
public var iType:OListBox;
public var iClose:OButton;
public var iPublish:OButton;
public var iClear:OButton;
public var iGlobal:OButton;
public var iTable:OTab;
public function OWHighScores(){
var _local1:OScoreParams;
var _local2:int;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < 5) {
_local1 = TangramzL.iGAME.GetLocalScores(0, _local2);
TangramzL.OWHighScoreLocal[(0 + (_local2 * 2))][5] = (_local1) ? _local1.iName : "";
TangramzL.OWHighScoreLocal[(1 + (_local2 * 2))][5] = (_local1) ? _local1.iScore.toString() : "";
_local1 = TangramzL.iGAME.GetPersonalScores(0, _local2);
TangramzL.OWHighScorePersonal[(0 + (_local2 * 2))][5] = (_local1) ? _local1.iName : "";
TangramzL.OWHighScorePersonal[(1 + (_local2 * 2))][5] = (_local1) ? _local1.iScore.toString() : "";
override public function set prActive(_arg1:Boolean):void{
var _local2:OScoreParams;
if (_arg1){
_local2 = TangramzL.iGAME.GetLocalScores(0, 0);
if (!_local2){
(iTable.getChildAt(0) as OSprite).Free();
_local2 = TangramzL.iGAME.GetPersonalScores(0, 0);
if (!_local2){
(iTable.getChildAt(1) as OSprite).Free();
super.prActive = _arg1;
override public function OnPress(_arg1:Event, _arg2):void{
if (_arg2 == this.iClose){
this.prVisible = false;
if (_arg2 == this.iType){
this.iTable.prValue = this.iType.prCurrentInd;
if (_arg2 == this.iClear){
(this.parent as OWindow).OnPress(null, TangramzL.miDeleteScoresConfirm);
this.prActive = false;
(this.parent as OWindow).OnPress(null, TangramzL.miCommingSoon);
this.prActive = false;
override public function Free():void{
this.iType = null;
this.iTable = null;
this.iGlobal = null;
this.iPublish = null;
this.iClear = null;
this.iClose = null;
}//package RES.WINDOWS
Section 112
//OWInfoPanel (RES.WINDOWS.OWInfoPanel)
package RES.WINDOWS {
import flash.utils.*;
import RES.OBJECTS.*;
public class OWInfoPanel extends OIObject {
private var iTimer:int;
private var iScore:int;
private var iMode:int;
private var iInfo:OInfoObject;
private var iOpponent:String;
public static const stFailedLevel:int = 7;
public static const stConnect:int = 1;
public static const stEndLevel:int = 5;
public static const stCompleteLevel:int = 6;
public static const stInGame:int = 3;
public static const stNone:int = 0;
public static const stUserNotFound:int = 2;
public static const stOpponent:int = 4;
public function OWInfoPanel(){
super(null, OInterface.iDefAnimators);
public function set prOpponent(_arg1:String):void{
this.iOpponent = _arg1;
private function ShowConnect():void{
var _local1:String;
_local1 = TangramzL.OWColors[((this.iMode + 2) % TangramzL.OWColors.length)];
TangramzL.OWInfoPConnect[0][3] = _local1;
TangramzL.OWInfoPConnect[1][4] = _local1;
TangramzL.OWInfoPConnect[1][5] = _local1;
switch ((this.iMode % 3)){
case 0:
TangramzL.OWInfoPConnect[0][4] = TangramzL.strConnect1;
TangramzL.OWInfoPConnect[1][7] = TangramzL.strPlayOnline1;
case 1:
TangramzL.OWInfoPConnect[0][4] = TangramzL.strConnect2;
TangramzL.OWInfoPConnect[1][7] = TangramzL.strMoreGames1;
case 2:
TangramzL.OWInfoPConnect[0][4] = TangramzL.strConnect3;
TangramzL.OWInfoPConnect[1][7] = TangramzL.strSendMail;
private function ShowUserNotFound():void{
var _local1:String;
var _local2:String;
var _local3:Array;
var _local4:Array;
_local1 = TangramzL.iMP.prOpponentTurn;
if (_local1){
_local3 = _local1.split(/,/);
if (_local3.length == 2){
_local2 = TangramzL.OWColors[Math.round((Math.random() * (TangramzL.OWColors.length - 1)))];
TangramzL.OWInfoPUserNotFound[0][3] = _local2;
TangramzL.OWInfoPUserNotFound[1][3] = _local2;
switch ((this.iMode % 5)){
case 0:
TangramzL.OWInfoPUserNotFound[0][4] = TangramzL.iMP.prUsersCount;
TangramzL.OWInfoPUserNotFound[0][6] = 200;
TangramzL.OWInfoPUserNotFound[1][6] = (TangramzL.OWInfoPUserNotFound[0][6] + 70);
TangramzL.OWInfoPUserNotFound[1][4] = TangramzL.strPlayersOnline1;
if (!_local1){
_local4 = _local1.split(/,/);
TangramzL.OWInfoPUserNotFound[0][4] = ((int(_local4[0]) + 1).toString() + TangramzL.strPlace);
TangramzL.OWInfoPUserNotFound[0][6] = 180;
TangramzL.OWInfoPUserNotFound[1][6] = (TangramzL.OWInfoPUserNotFound[0][6] + 90);
TangramzL.OWInfoPUserNotFound[1][4] = ((_local4[1] + TangramzL.strHasReiting) + _local4[2]);
override public function Init():void{
public function set prScore(_arg1:int):void{
this.iScore = _arg1;
override public function OnPress(_arg1:Event, _arg2):void{
var _local3:String;
var _local4:URLRequest;
switch ((this.iMode % 3)){
case 0:
_local3 = TangramzL.strConnect1URL;
case 1:
_local3 = TangramzL.strConnect2URL;
case 2:
_local3 = TangramzL.strConnect3URL;
_local4 = new URLRequest(_local3);
override public function Free():void{
this.iInfo = null;
private function InitObject(_arg1:Array):void{
if (this.iInfo){
this.iInfo = null;
if (!_arg1){
this.iInfo = new OInfoObject(_arg1, OInterface.iDefSlowAnimators);
this.iInfo.prVisible = true;
override public function OnEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:int;
switch (this.iState){
case stConnect:
_local2 = getTimer();
if ((_local2 - this.iTimer) >= 30000){
this.iTimer = _local2;
case stUserNotFound:
_local2 = getTimer();
if ((_local2 - this.iTimer) >= 30000){
this.iTimer = _local2;
override public function set State(_arg1:int):void{
this.iState = _arg1;
switch (this.iState){
case stNone:
case stConnect:
this.iMode = 0;
this.iTimer = getTimer();
case stUserNotFound:
this.iMode = 0;
this.iTimer = getTimer();
case stInGame:
TangramzL.OWInfoP[0][2] = 30;
TangramzL.OWInfoP[0][3] = "yellow";
TangramzL.OWInfoP[0][6] = 265;
TangramzL.OWInfoP[0][4] = ((((TangramzL.strOpponent1 + "\n") + this.iOpponent) + "\n") + TangramzL.strOpponent2);
this.iTimer = getTimer();
case stOpponent:
TangramzL.OWInfoPPlayer[1][4] = this.iOpponent;
case stEndLevel:
TangramzL.OWInfoP[0][2] = 30;
TangramzL.OWInfoP[0][3] = "magenta";
TangramzL.OWInfoP[0][6] = 240;
TangramzL.OWInfoP[0][4] = ((this.iOpponent + TangramzL.strLevelScore) + this.iScore);
this.iTimer = getTimer();
case stCompleteLevel:
TangramzL.OWInfoP[0][2] = 30;
TangramzL.OWInfoP[0][3] = "yellow1";
TangramzL.OWInfoP[0][6] = 240;
TangramzL.OWInfoP[0][4] = ((this.iOpponent + TangramzL.strCompleteLevel) + this.iScore);
this.iTimer = getTimer();
case stFailedLevel:
TangramzL.OWInfoP[0][2] = 30;
TangramzL.OWInfoP[0][3] = "red";
TangramzL.OWInfoP[0][6] = 240;
TangramzL.OWInfoP[0][4] = ((this.iOpponent + TangramzL.strFailedLevel) + this.iScore);
this.iTimer = getTimer();
}//package RES.WINDOWS
Section 113
//OWInstruction (RES.WINDOWS.OWInstruction)
package RES.WINDOWS {
import flash.geom.*;
import RES.TANGRAMS.*;
public class OWInstruction extends OWindow {
public var iFigLevelNumber:int;// = 0
private var iDemo:OKInstruction;
public var iTimeLag:int;// = 1000
private var iClose:OButton;
private var iTimerStep:Date;
private var iTimer:int;
public var iCollect:Array;
private var iPlayIndex:int;// = 0
public var iInfoText:OIObject;
private var iStep:uint;// = 1
public static const Step1:Array = [[[2], [0, 72.2, 42.4], [1, 80.2, 89.4], [2, 22.2, 145.4], [3, 29.2, 88.4], [4, 15.2, 116.4], [5, 66.2, 153.4], [6, 91.2, 21.4]], [[1], [0, 118.55, 84.4], [1, 53.55, 81.3], [2, 3.55, 34.3], [3, 37.7, 25.85], [4, 25.55, 55.3], [5, 154.3, 42.95], [6, 83.55, 87.3]], [[0], [0, 93.7, 143.3], [1, 84.7, 60.3], [2, 59.7, 97.3], [3, 119.7, 98.3], [4, 28.7, 81.3], [5, 42.7, 33.3], [6, 67.7, 29.3]]];
private static const iDemoPos:Point = new Point(300, 125);
private static const stNone:int = 0;
private static const stPlay:int = 1;
public function OWInstruction(){
iFigLevelNumber = 0;
iStep = 1;
iTimeLag = 1000;
iPlayIndex = 0;
override public function Init():void{
iCollect = new Array();
iDemo = OKInstruction.Maker(Step1[iFigLevelNumber][0], this, new Point(200, 200), true);
iDemo.Pos(iDemoPos.x, iDemoPos.y);
iTimerStep = new Date();
this.State = stPlay;
override public function OnPress(_arg1:Event, _arg2):void{
(this.parent as OWindow).OnPress(null, TangramzL.miLastWindow);
this.prVisible = false;
override public function Free():void{
if (iDemo){
iDemo = null;
override public function OnEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:Date;
_local2 = new Date();
if ((_local2.time - iTimerStep.time) > iTimeLag){
if (!iDemo.iTanMove){
iTimerStep = _local2;
private function StepTime():void{
if (iStep < Step1[iFigLevelNumber].length){
iDemo.InitMotionTan(Step1[iFigLevelNumber][iStep][0], new Point(Step1[iFigLevelNumber][iStep][1], Step1[iFigLevelNumber][iStep][2]), iTimeLag, iDemo.iScale);
} else {
iStep = 1;
override public function set State(_arg1:int):void{
this.iState = _arg1;
switch (this.iState){
case stNone:
case stPlay:
if (!OBitmap(iCollect[0]).prVisible){
OBitmap(iCollect[0]).prVisible = true;
if (!OBitmap(iCollect[1]).prVisible){
OBitmap(iCollect[1]).prVisible = true;
if (!iDemo.prVisible){
iDemo.prVisible = true;
if (!iInfoText.prVisible){
iInfoText.prVisible = true;
TangramzL.OWInstructions[2][1] = TangramzL.OWInstructionsInfo[iPlayIndex];
if (iInfoText){
iInfoText = TangramzL.OWInstructions[2][0](TangramzL.OWInstructions[2]);
}//package RES.WINDOWS
Section 114
package RES.WINDOWS {
public class OWIntro extends OWindow {
public var iHeader:OBitmap;
private var iTimer:Number;
public var iHit:OSprite;
public var iFooter:OBitmap;
public var iAlpha:Array;
public var iLogo:OWLogo;
public var iName:Array;
public static var stShowFooter:int = 2;
public static var stHide:int = 5;
public static var stNormal:int = 4;
public static var stShowName:int = 3;
public static var stShowHeader:int = 1;
public static var stLogo:int = 6;
public static var stInvisible:int = 7;
public static var stBeforeShow:int = 0;
public function OWIntro(){
override public function Init():void{
var _local1:int;
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:int;
this.iName = new Array();
this.iHeader.alpha = 0;
this.iFooter.alpha = 0;
_local1 = this.iName.length;
this.iAlpha = new Array(_local1);
_local2 = (300 - (this.iName[0].prHeight / 2));
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < (_local1 / 2)) {
this.iName[_local3].prY = _local2;
this.iName[((_local1 - _local3) - 1)].prY = _local2;
this.iAlpha[_local3] = (-(((_local1 / 2) - _local3)) * 0.3);
this.iAlpha[((_local1 - _local3) - 1)] = (-(((_local1 / 2) - _local3)) * 0.3);
this.iName[_local3].alpha = 0;
this.iName[((_local1 - _local3) - 1)].alpha = 0;
this.hitArea = this.iHit;
iLogo = new OWLogo();
this.State = stBeforeShow;
override public function Free():void{
this.iHeader = null;
this.iFooter = null;
this.iName = null;
override public function OnMouseDown(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
override public function OnEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:int;
switch (this.iState){
case stBeforeShow:
if (this.iTimer-- <= 0){
this.State = stLogo;
case stShowHeader:
if (this.iHeader.alpha >= 1){
this.iHeader.alpha = 1;
this.State = stShowFooter;
} else {
this.iHeader.alpha = (this.iHeader.alpha + 0.025);
case stShowFooter:
if (this.iFooter.alpha >= 1){
this.iFooter.alpha = 1;
this.State = stShowName;
} else {
this.iFooter.alpha = (this.iFooter.alpha + 0.025);
case stShowName:
if (this.iName[0].alpha >= 1){
this.State = stNormal;
} else {
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < this.iName.length) {
this.iAlpha[_local2] = (this.iAlpha[_local2] + 0.025);
if (this.iAlpha[_local2] > 1){
this.iAlpha[_local2] = 1;
if (this.iAlpha[_local2] >= 0){
this.iName[_local2].alpha = this.iAlpha[_local2];
case stNormal:
if (this.iTimer-- <= 0){
this.State = stHide;
case stHide:
if (this.iFooter.alpha <= 0){
this.State = stInvisible;
} else {
this.iHeader.alpha = (this.iHeader.alpha - 0.05);
this.iFooter.alpha = (this.iFooter.alpha - 0.05);
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < this.iName.length) {
this.iName[_local2].alpha = (this.iName[_local2].alpha - 0.05);
case stLogo:
if (this.iTimer-- <= 0){
this.State = stShowHeader;
override public function set State(_arg1:int):void{
this.iState = _arg1;
switch (this.iState){
case stBeforeShow:
this.iTimer = 20;
case stShowHeader:
iLogo.prVisible = false;
case stNormal:
this.iTimer = 180;
case stLogo:
iLogo.prVisible = true;
this.iTimer = 210;
case stInvisible:
this.prVisible = false;
}//package RES.WINDOWS
Section 115
package RES.WINDOWS {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
public class OWLogo extends OIObject {
public var iLogo:Bitmap;
public function OWLogo(){
var _local1:Rectangle;
var _local2:MovieClip;;
_local1 = OGlobal.StageRect; - (800 * OGlobal.Scale))) / 2), (-((_local1.height - (600 * OGlobal.Scale))) / 2), _local1.width, _local1.height);;
super([], OInterface.iDefSlowAnimators);
_local2 = (new TangramzL.OLogoBig() as MovieClip);
_local2.x = ((800 * OGlobal.Scale) / 2);
_local2.y = ((600 * OGlobal.Scale) / 2);
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, OnClick);
this.buttonMode = true;
public function OnClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""), "_blank");
this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, OnClick);
this.buttonMode = false;
}//package RES.WINDOWS
Section 116
package RES.WINDOWS {
import flash.utils.*;
public class OWMenu extends ODialog {
public var iPlayers:OIObject;
public var iMoreGames:OButton;
public var iOptions:OButton;
public var iGameName:OIObject;
public var iBName:OButton;
public var iCPlayers:OCounter;
public var iTimer:int;
public var iPlayOnlineStrategy:OButton;
public var iHighScores:OButton;
public var iInstructions:OButton;
public var iInfo:OIObject;
public function OWMenu(){
override public function set prVisible(_arg1:Boolean):void{
super.prVisible = _arg1;
override public function Init():void{
TangramzL.OWMenu[0][4] = ((TangramzL.strWelcome + " ") + TangramzL.iGAME.prPlayerName);
if (TangramzL.iMP.prUsersCount == 0){
this.iPlayers.prAnimationEnabled = false;
this.iPlayers.prVisible = false;
this.iPlayers.prAnimationEnabled = true;
this.iCPlayers.prAnimationEnabled = false;
this.iCPlayers.prVisible = false;
this.iPlayers.prAnimationEnabled = true;
this.iCPlayers.prAnimationEnabled = false;
this.iCPlayers.prValue = TangramzL.iMP.prUsersCount;
this.iPlayers.prAnimationEnabled = true;
this.iPlayers.Pos((this.iCPlayers.prX + 120), this.iPlayers.prY);
override public function set prActive(_arg1:Boolean):void{
super.prActive = _arg1;
override public function OnPress(_arg1:Event, _arg2):void{
if (_arg2 == this.iBName){
(this.parent as OWindow).OnPress(null, TangramzL.miChoosePlayer);
this.prVisible = false;
if (_arg2 == this.iPlayOnlineStrategy){
(this.parent as OWindow).OnPress(null, TangramzL.miGameMP);
TangramzL.GameType = TangramzL.STRATEGY;
this.prVisible = false;
if (_arg2 == this.iOptions){
(this.parent as OWindow).OnPress(null, TangramzL.miOptions);
this.prActive = false;
if (_arg2 == this.iInstructions){
(this.parent as OWindow).OnPress(null, TangramzL.miInstructions);
this.prActive = false;
if (_arg2 == this.iHighScores){
(this.parent as OWindow).OnPress(null, TangramzL.miHighScores);
this.prActive = false;
if (_arg2 == this.iMoreGames){
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(TangramzL.sURLSite));
(this.parent as OWindow).OnPress(null, TangramzL.miCommingSoon);
this.prActive = false;
override public function Free():void{
this.iBName = null;
this.iGameName = null;
this.iCPlayers = null;
this.iPlayers = null;
this.iPlayOnlineStrategy = null;
this.iOptions = null;
this.iInstructions = null;
this.iHighScores = null;
this.iMoreGames = null;
private function ShowUserReiting(_arg1:Boolean):void{
var _local2:String;
var _local3:String;
var _local4:Array;
_local2 = TangramzL.OWColors[Math.round((Math.random() * (TangramzL.OWColors.length - 1)))];
TangramzL.OWMenuReiting[0][3] = _local2;
if (_arg1){
TangramzL.OWMenuReiting[0][4] = ((TangramzL.iGAME.prPlayerName + TangramzL.strReiting2) + TangramzL.iGAME.prScore.toString());
this.iTimer = getTimer();
if (TangramzL.iMP.State != OMultiplayer.stInZone){
_local3 = TangramzL.iMP.prOpponentTurn;
if (!_local3){
_local4 = _local3.split(/,/);
TangramzL.OWMenuReiting[0][4] = (((((int(_local4[0]) + 1).toString() + TangramzL.strReiting1) + _local4[1]) + TangramzL.strReiting2) + _local4[2]);
private function InitObject(_arg1:Array):void{
if (this.iInfo){
this.iInfo = null;
if (!_arg1){
this.iInfo = new OIObject(_arg1, OInterface.iDefSlowAnimators);
this.iInfo.prVisible = true;
override public function OnEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:int;
if (this.iCPlayers.prValue != TangramzL.iMP.prUsersCount){
if (TangramzL.iMP.prUsersCount > 0){
if (!this.iPlayers.prVisible){
this.iCPlayers.prVisible = true;
this.iPlayers.prVisible = true;
} else {
if (this.iPlayers.prVisible){
this.iCPlayers.prVisible = false;
this.iPlayers.prVisible = false;
this.iCPlayers.prValue = TangramzL.iMP.prUsersCount;
_local2 = getTimer();
if ((_local2 - this.iTimer) > 30000){
}//package RES.WINDOWS
Section 117
//OWOptions (RES.WINDOWS.OWOptions)
package RES.WINDOWS {
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
import flash.system.*;
public class OWOptions extends ODialog {
public var iResolution:OListBox;
public var iSound:OListBox;
public var iFullScreen:OListBox;
private var iSResList:Array;
public var iMusic:OListBox;
private var iSRes:Array;
public var iCancel:OButton;
public var iAccept:OButton;
public function OWOptions(){
private function InitResolutions():void{
this.iSRes = new Array();
this.iSResList = new Array();
AddResolution(640, 480);
AddResolution(800, 600);
AddResolution(0x0400, 600);
AddResolution(0x0400, 0x0300);
AddResolution(0x0500, 0x0300);
AddResolution(0x0500, 0x0400);
AddResolution(Capabilities.screenResolutionX, Capabilities.screenResolutionY);
private function AddResolution(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):void{
if ((((_arg1 <= Capabilities.screenResolutionX)) && ((_arg2 <= Capabilities.screenResolutionY)))){
this.iSRes.push([_arg1, _arg2]);
this.iSResList.push(((_arg1.toString() + " X ") + _arg2.toString()));
override public function Init():void{
var _local1:int;
var _local2:int;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:int;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:Number;
TangramzL.OWOptions[0][2] = 340;
TangramzL.OWOptions[5][11] = 190;
this.iResolution.prVisible = false;
this.iSound.prCurrentInd = int((TangramzL.iGAME.prSoundVolume * 10));
this.iMusic.prCurrentInd = int((TangramzL.iGAME.prMusicVolume * 10));
this.iResolution.prLBParams = this.iSResList;
_local1 = OGlobal.prStage.stageWidth;
_local2 = OGlobal.prStage.stageHeight;
_local3 = 10000;
_local4 = 0;
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < this.iSRes.length) {
_local6 = (Math.abs((this.iSRes[_local5][0] - _local1)) + Math.abs((this.iSRes[_local5][1] - _local2)));
if (_local6 < _local3){
_local4 = _local5;
_local3 = _local6;
this.iResolution.prCurrentInd = _local4;
this.iFullScreen.prCurrentInd = ((((OGlobal.prStage.stageWidth == Capabilities.screenResolutionX)) && ((OGlobal.prStage.stageHeight == Capabilities.screenResolutionY)))) ? 1 : 0;
override public function OnPress(_arg1:Event, _arg2):void{
if (_arg2 == this.iCancel){
this.prVisible = false;
if (_arg2 == this.iAccept){
this.prVisible = false;
TangramzL.iGAME.prSoundVolume = (this.iSound.prCurrentInd / 10);
TangramzL.iGAME.prMusicVolume = (this.iMusic.prCurrentInd / 10);
TangramzL.iGAME.prResX = this.iSRes[this.iResolution.prCurrentInd][0];
TangramzL.iGAME.prResY = this.iSRes[this.iResolution.prCurrentInd][1];
TangramzL.iGAME.prFullScreen = (this.iFullScreen.prCurrentInd) ? true : false;
fscommand("fullscreen", TangramzL.iGAME.prFullScreen.toString());
override public function Free():void{
this.iSound = null;
this.iMusic = null;
this.iResolution = null;
this.iFullScreen = null;
this.iAccept = null;
this.iCancel = null;
this.iSRes = null;
this.iSResList = null;
}//package RES.WINDOWS
Section 118
//OWResults (RES.WINDOWS.OWResults)
package RES.WINDOWS {
import ENGINE.GAME.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public class OWResults extends OAlert {
private var iWInd:int;// = 0
private var iTimer:Timer;
private var iDelta:Number;// = 0.025
public static const stScore:int = 3;
public static const stHits:int = 1;
public static const stStart:int = 0;
public static const stMisses:int = 2;
public function OWResults(){
var _local1:int;
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
iWInd = 0;
iDelta = 0.025;
_local1 = TangramzL.iGAME.Read(OGame.catTmp, "Score");
TangramzL.OWResultsLevelScore[1][5] = _local1.toString();
_local1 = TangramzL.iGAME.Read(OGame.catTmp, "Bonus");
TangramzL.OWResultsBonusScore[1][5] = _local1.toString();
_local1 = TangramzL.iGAME.Read(OGame.catTmp, "Result");
TangramzL.OWResultsTotalScore[1][5] = _local1.toString();
_local2 = TangramzL.iGAME.prMode;
TangramzL.iGAME.prMode = 0;
TangramzL.iGAME.prMode = _local2;
_local3 = TangramzL.iGAME.prScore;
TangramzL.OWResultsRaiting[1][4] = _local3.toString();
TangramzL.iMP.Turn(["wrr", TangramzL.iGAME.prPlayerName, _local3]);
super(TangramzL.OWResults, null);
override public function Init():void{
this.Pos(0, 0);
this.iTimer = new Timer(500, 8);
this.iTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, OnTimer);
override public function Free():void{
this.iTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, OnTimer);
this.iTimer = null;
private function OnTimer(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{
switch (this.iTimer.currentCount){
case 1:
(this.getChildAt(0) as OIObject).prVisible = true;
case 2:
(this.getChildAt(1) as OIObject).prVisible = true;
case 3:
(this.getChildAt(2) as OIObject).prVisible = true;
case 4:
(this.getChildAt(3) as OIObject).prVisible = true;
case 5:
(this.getChildAt(4) as OIObject).prVisible = true;
(this.getChildAt(5) as OIObject).prVisible = true;
override public function OnEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{
}//package RES.WINDOWS
Section 119
//OCGame (OCGame)
package {
import ENGINE.GAME.*;
public class OCGame extends OGame {
public function OCGame(){
super(3, 5);
override public function DefaultInitLocalScores():void{
this.iScores.AddScore("Emily", (int(((Math.random() * 543) + 200)) * 10), 0, int(((Math.random() * 5) + 3)));
this.iScores.AddScore("Michael", (int(((Math.random() * 543) + 200)) * 10), 0, int(((Math.random() * 5) + 3)));
this.iScores.AddScore("Jacob", (int(((Math.random() * 543) + 200)) * 10), 0, int(((Math.random() * 5) + 3)));
this.iScores.AddScore("Isabella", (int(((Math.random() * 543) + 200)) * 10), 0, int(((Math.random() * 5) + 3)));
this.iScores.AddScore("Madison", (int(((Math.random() * 543) + 200)) * 10), 0, int(((Math.random() * 5) + 3)));
Section 120
//Tangramz (Tangramz)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
import RES.WINDOWS.*;
public class Tangramz extends OApplication {
private var iSystem:OSystem;
public var iField:OSprite;
private var iWindow:OWindow;
public function Tangramz(){
override public function Init():void{
if (((((!(this.stage)) || ((this.stage.stageHeight == 0)))) || ((this.stage.stageWidth == 0)))){
InitBackground([OBitmapData.GenerateSands(OGlobal.StageRect.right, OGlobal.StageRect.bottom, [(1000 * Math.random()), false, (OGlobal.StageRect.right / 4), (OGlobal.StageRect.bottom / 4), 1, (4278190080 + ODisplay.HSBToRGB((30 * 7), 0.5, 0.5)), (4278190080 + ODisplay.HSBToRGB((30 * 7), 0.35, 1)), (1711276032 + ODisplay.HSBToRGB((30 * 7), 0.35, 1))])], 0);
if (TangramzL.sDebug){
this.iSystem = new OSystem();
this.prMenuItem = TangramzL.miIntro;
override protected function OnMenuItem():void{
var _local1:int;
var _local2:DisplayObject;
var _local3:OWHighScores;
_local1 = this.prMenuItem;
switch (_local1){
case TangramzL.miNullWindow:
case TangramzL.miLastWindow:
_local2 = this.getChildAt((this.numChildren - 1));
this.iWindow = ((_local2 is OWindow)) ? (_local2 as OWindow) : null;
if (this.iWindow){
this.iWindow.prActive = true;
this.iWindow = new OWMenu();
this.prMenuItem = TangramzL.miNullWindow;
case TangramzL.miIntro:
this.iWindow = new OWIntro();
if (TangramzL.iGAME.prPlayerName == ""){
this.prMenuItem = TangramzL.miEnterNameFirst;
} else {
this.prMenuItem = TangramzL.miMenu;
case TangramzL.miEnterNameFirst:
this.iWindow = new OWEnterName(false);
this.prMenuItem = TangramzL.miMenu;
case TangramzL.miEnterNewName:
this.iWindow = new OWEnterName(true);
(this.iWindow as OWEnterName).prName = "";
this.prMenuItem = TangramzL.miLastWindow;
case TangramzL.miMenu:
switch (TangramzL.iMP.State){
case OMultiplayer.stNone:
TangramzL.iMP.Init(TangramzL.sDomain, TangramzL.sServer, TangramzL.sZone, TangramzL.sXTName, TangramzL.iGAME.prPlayerName);
case OMultiplayer.stConnectionError:
if (TangramzL.iMP.prErrorsCount < 5){
TangramzL.iMP.State = OMultiplayer.stNone;
TangramzL.iMP.Init(TangramzL.sDomain, TangramzL.sServer, TangramzL.sZone, TangramzL.sXTName, TangramzL.iGAME.prPlayerName);
case OMultiplayer.stInGame:
TangramzL.iMP.State = OMultiplayer.stInZone;
this.iWindow = new OWMenu();
this.prMenuItem = TangramzL.miNullWindow;
case TangramzL.miCommingSoon:
this.iWindow = new OAlert(TangramzL.OWCommingSoon, null);
this.prMenuItem = TangramzL.miLastWindow;
case TangramzL.miChoosePlayer:
this.iWindow = new OWChoosePlayer();
this.prMenuItem = TangramzL.miMenu;
case TangramzL.miDeletePlayerConfirm:
this.iWindow = new OAlert(TangramzL.OWDeletePlayerConfirm, [TangramzL.miDeletePlayer, TangramzL.miLastWindow]);
this.prMenuItem = TangramzL.miLastWindow;
case TangramzL.miDeletePlayer:
if (TangramzL.iGAME.prPlayerName != ""){
this.iWindow = new OWEnterName(false);
this.prMenuItem = TangramzL.miLastWindow;
case TangramzL.miOptions:
this.iWindow = new OWOptions();
this.prMenuItem = TangramzL.miLastWindow;
case TangramzL.miHighScores:
this.iWindow = new OWHighScores();
this.prMenuItem = TangramzL.miLastWindow;
case TangramzL.miDeleteScoresConfirm:
this.iWindow = new OAlert(TangramzL.OWDeleteScoresConfirm, [TangramzL.miDeleteScores, TangramzL.miLastWindow]);
this.prMenuItem = TangramzL.miLastWindow;
case TangramzL.miDeleteScores:
_local3 = (this.getChildAt((this.numChildren - 1)) as OWHighScores);
if (_local3.iTable.prValue == 0){
} else {
case TangramzL.miGameMP:
this.iWindow = new OWGame();
this.prMenuItem = TangramzL.miMenu;
case TangramzL.miResultsMP:
this.iWindow = new OWResults();
this.prMenuItem = TangramzL.miLastWindow;
case TangramzL.miInstructions:
this.iWindow = new OWInstruction();
this.prMenuItem = TangramzL.miLastWindow;
override public function OnPress(_arg1:Event, _arg2):void{
if (_arg1 == null){
this.prMenuItem = _arg2;
override protected function OnDeactivate(_arg1:Event):void{
override public function OnEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{
if (TangramzL.sDebug){
OSystem.iUserText1 = (((((((" : " + TangramzL.iMP.State.toString()) + " : ") + TangramzL.iMP.prActiveRoomID.toString()) + " ") + TangramzL.iMP.prPlayerID.toString()) + " : ") + TangramzL.iMP.prError);
if (this.iWindow){
if (this.iWindow.prAnimation){
if (!this.iWindow.prVisible){
this.iWindow = null;
} else {
if (!this.iWindow.prActive){
Section 121
//TangramzL (TangramzL)
package {
import ENGINE.GAME.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
public class TangramzL {
public static const strCancel:String = "Cancel";
public static const OSSmileSInd:int = 12;
public static const miDeletePlayer:int = 9;
public static const miDeleteScoresConfirm:int = 18;
private static const OWSelectGameGameModeColor:Array = ["60", "30", "180", "70", "190", "220", "280", "100", "40", "150", "170", "250", "50", "260", "140", "330", "300", "350", "80", "120"];
public static const strDefPlayerName:String = "WELL";
public static const strResults1:String = "Results:";
public static const strPresents:String = "presents";
public static const OSBubbleBangSInd:int = 0;
public static const miCommingSoon:int = 6;
public static const strConnect1URL:String = "";
public static const strResults:String = "Results";
public static const strVerticaly:String = "verticaly";
public static const strGoToPlay:String = "Go To Play";
public static const strChoosePlayer:String = "Choose a Player";
public static const sBBannerPrefix:String = "bottom/";
public static const strCommingSoon:String = "Coming Soon...";
public static const strInstructionsText:String = "Fill in the pattern using variously shaped figures.
Try to find the right spot for each figure to fit
them all in. Figures must not intersect each other.";
public static const strConnect2URL:String = "";
public static const miLastWindow:int = 1;
public static const strFullScreen:String = "Full Screen";
private static const iWOptionsVolume:Array = [TangramzL.strOff, "10%", "20%", "30%", "40%", "50%", "60%", "70%", "80%", "90%", "100%"];
public static const ARCADE:int = 2;
public static const strSite:String = "WELLGAMES.COM";
public static const miMenu:int = 5;
public static const SQUARE:int = 0;
public static const strNextLevel:String = "Next Level";
public static const strConnect3URL:String = "";
public static const strMoreGames:String = "More Games";
public static const strHorizontal:String = "horizontal";
public static const strPlace:String = " Place";
public static const strPlayAgain:String = "Play Again";
public static const strSound:String = "Sound Volume";
public static const miOptions:int = 10;
public static const sURLSite:String = "";
public static const miDeleteScores:int = 19;
public static const strNewPlayer:String = "NEW PLAYER!";
public static const strHighScores:String = "High Scores";
public static const miDeletePlayerConfirm:int = 8;
public static const miInstructions:int = 24;
public static const strReiting2:String = "'s Rating Is ";
public static const strWindow:String = "Window";
public static const strDeleteScoresConfirm:String = "Are you sure you
want to delete
score table?";
public static const strReiting1:String = " Place: ";
public static const strDiagonal:String = "diagonal";
public static const sServer:String = "";
public static const strCollect1:String = "Collect";
public static const strCollect2:String = "The line can be collected";
public static const strHasReiting:String = "'s
Rating Is
public static const sDebug:Boolean = false;
public static const strNew:String = "New";
public static const strLevelScoreR:String = "Level Score: ";
public static const strOff:String = "Off";
public static const strCollect:String = "Collect :";
public static const sTBannerPrefix:String = "top/";
public static const strLine:String = "figure";
public static const strFailed:String = "Failed";
public static const miGameMP:int = 21;
public static const strConnect2:String = "Try Other
public static const strConnect3:String = "Tell A Friend
public static const miResultsMP:int = 22;
public static const strConnect1:String = "Play With
Other Gamers
In Multiplayer
public static const sXTName:String = "tg";
public static const DEMO:int = 3;
public static const strGainedScore:String = "gained score :";
public static const OWInstructionsInfo:Array = [[[TangramzS.Header, 550, 20, "yellow1", TangramzL.strInstructionsText, 0, 0, null, 0, true]], [[TangramzS.Header, 550, 25, "yellow1", TangramzL.strCollect2, 0, -15, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.Header, 550, 25, "blue", TangramzL.strHorizontal, 0, 25, null, 0, true]], [[TangramzS.Header, 550, 25, "yellow1", TangramzL.strCollect2, 0, -15, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.Header, 550, 25, "blue", TangramzL.strVerticaly, 0, 25, null, 0, true]], [[TangramzS.Header, 550, 25, "yellow1", TangramzL.strCollect2, 0, -15, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.Header, 550, 25, "blue", TangramzL.strDiagonal, 0, 25, null, 0, true]], [[TangramzS.Header, 550, 25, "yellow1", TangramzL.strInstructionsText, 0, 0, null, 0, true]], [[TangramzS.Header, 550, 25, "yellow1", TangramzL.strInstructionsText, 0, 0, null, 0, true]]];
public static const HEXAGON:int = 1;
public static const TRIANGLE:int = 2;
public static const sURLGame:String = "";
public static const miEnterNewName:int = 4;
public static const miIntro:int = 2;
private static const OWHighScoresType:Array = [TangramzL.strLocal, TangramzL.strPersonal];
public static const strClose:String = "Close";
public static const strPrToCont:String = "press to continue";
public static const strEnterName:String = "please enter your name:";
public static const strFailedLevel:String = "
Has Failed
The Level
With Score
public static const strMoreGames1:String = "More Games";
public static const strLevelConfirm1:String = "score";
public static const strLevelConfirm2:String = "to get to the next level you must
beat your opponent";
public static const strMusic:String = "Music Volume";
public static const strPlayArcade:String = "Play Arcade!";
public static const strInstructions:String = "how to play";
public static const strLevelScore:String = "'s
Level Score
Is ";
public static const strComplete:String = "complete!";
public static const miResultsSP:int = 15;
public static const strAccept:String = "Accept";
public static const strClear:String = "Clear";
public static const miSSaver:int = 25;
public static const strConnectionToServer:String = "Connecting To Server...";
public static const strOpponent:String = "Opponent";
public static const strSendMail:String = "Send Mail";
public static const strPlayersOnline1:String = "Players
public static const strLevel1:String = "Level:";
public static const sZone:String = "Tangramz";
public static const strDeletePlayerConfirm:String = "Are you sure you
want to delete
this profile?";
public static const strBonusScore:String = "bonus score :";
public static const strTotalScore:String = "Level Score :";
public static const OSSmileEInd:int = 14;
public static const sBannerID:String = "tangramz";
public static const strGameName:String = "Tangramz!";
public static const strScore:String = "Score:";
public static const strYes:String = "Yes";
public static const miNullWindow:int = 0;
public static const sDomain:String = "";
public static const strCompleteLevel:String = "
Has Completed
The Level
With Score
public static const miHighScores:int = 17;
public static const strOptions:String = "Options";
public static const strMenu:String = "Menu";
public static const strDelete:String = "Delete";
public static const OSBubbleBangEInd:int = 10;
public static const strOpponent1:String = "Opponent";
public static const strOpponent2:String = "In Game";
private static const iWOptionsOnOff:Array = [TangramzL.strOff, TangramzL.strOn];
private static const iBtnAngle:int = 30;
public static const strYourRaiting:String = "Your Rating:";
public static const strLevelConfirm:String = "To get to the next level you need more than";
public static const STRATEGY:int = 1;
public static const strPlayOnline1:String = "Play Online!";
public static const strChangePlayer:String = "click to change player";
public static const strCommingSoonI:String = "This option is not available
at the moment";
public static const strPersonal:String = "Personal";
public static const miChoosePlayer:int = 7;
public static const strPlayStrategy:String = "Play Strategy!";
public static const miEnterNameFirst:int = 3;
private static const OSoundParams:Array = [TangramzL.OSBubbleBang01, TangramzL.OSBubbleBang02, TangramzL.OSBubbleBang03, TangramzL.OSBubbleBang04];
public static const strPlayOnline:String = "Play Online!";
public static const strLocal:String = "Local";
public static const strNo:String = "No";
public static const strLevel:String = "Level";
public static const OSOops:int = 15;
public static const strOn:String = "On";
public static const strWelcome:String = "Welcome";
public static const strPlayersOnline:String = "Players Online";
public static var OLogoBig:Class = TangramzL_OLogoBig;
public static var OWInfoP:Array = [[TangramzS.Header, 250, 30, "yellow", TangramzL.strConnect1, 5, 265, null, 0, true]];
private static var OWGameSite:Array = [[TangramzS.Header, 250, 25, "blue", strSite, 0, 0, null, 0, true]];
public static var OIRight:Class = TangramzL_OIRight;
public static var OWHighScores:Array = [[TangramzS.BigFrame, 600, 440, "yellow", "white", 0, 0, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.Header, 600, 50, "yellow", TangramzL.strHighScores, 0, 20, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.ListBoxTextHSlider, 280, 50, "aqua1", false, 190, 40, "aqua1", "", TangramzL.OWHighScoresType, 160, 75, "iType", 0, true], [TangramzS.SmallBorder, 540, 200, "yellow", 30, 130, null, 0, true], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, TangramzL.OWHighScoreTabF, 45, 145, "iTable", 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeTextButtonLeft, 150, 60, TangramzL.iBtnAngle, "red", "red", 30, TangramzL.strClear, 110, 350, "iClear", 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeTextButtonRight, 150, 60, TangramzL.iBtnAngle, "yellow1", "yellow1", 30, TangramzL.strClose, 340, 350, "iClose", 0, true]];
public static var OWDeleteScoresConfirm:Array = [[TangramzS.BigFrame, 420, 270, "red", "yellow", 0, 0, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.Header, 420, 30, "aqua1", TangramzL.strDeleteScoresConfirm, 0, 85, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeTextButtonTop, 150, 60, TangramzL.iBtnAngle, "yellow1", "yellow1", 30, TangramzL.strYes, 50, 190, "iButtons", 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeTextButtonButtom, 150, 60, TangramzL.iBtnAngle, "red", "red", 30, TangramzL.strNo, 220, 190, "iButtons", 1, true]];
public static var OWGameConnection:Array = [TangramzS.ColorHeader, 800, 50, TangramzL.OWColors, TangramzL.strConnectionToServer, OInterface.iDefSlowAnimators];
private static var OWHighScoreTabF:Array = [OInterface.OTabMake, [[OInterface.OIObjectMake, TangramzL.OWHighScoreLocal, null, 0, 0, null, 0, false], [OInterface.OIObjectMake, TangramzL.OWHighScorePersonal, null, 0, 0, null, 0, false]], 410, 270, TangramzL.OTimerAnimator, null];
public static var OWEnterName:Array = [[TangramzS.BigFrame, 460, 290, "aqua1", "white", 0, 0, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.Header, 460, 50, "aqua1", TangramzL.strNewPlayer, 0, 20, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.Header, 460, 30, "yellow", TangramzL.strEnterName, 0, 90, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.InputText, 400, 60, "yellow", "well", [45, 0.9, 0.6], 11, 30, 130, "iName", 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeTextButtonLeft, 150, 60, TangramzL.iBtnAngle, "yellow1", "yellow1", 30, TangramzL.strAccept, 40, 210, "iAccept", 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeTextButtonRight, 150, 60, TangramzL.iBtnAngle, "red", "red", 30, TangramzL.strCancel, 240, 210, "iCancel", 0, true]];
public static var OCursor:Class = TangramzL_OCursor;
private static var OWGameCompletedLevel:Array = [[TangramzS.Header, 520, 60, "yellow", strLevel, 0, 0, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.Header, 520, 60, "yellow", strComplete, 0, 60, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.Header, 520, 35, "yellow", strPrToCont, 0, 130, null, 0, true]];
public static var OWCommingSoon:Array = [[TangramzS.BigFrame, 530, 290, "yellow1", "yellow", 0, 0, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.Header, 530, 50, "red", TangramzL.strCommingSoon, 0, 20, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.Header, 530, 30, "magenta", TangramzL.strCommingSoonI, 0, 125, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeTextButtonButtom, 150, 60, TangramzL.iBtnAngle, "aqua1", "aqua1", 30, TangramzL.strClose, 190, 210, null, 0, true]];
public static var OWResults:Array = [[TangramzS.ColorHeader, 800, 90, OWRecordColor, strResults, OInterface.iDefSlowAnimators, 0, 0, null, 0, false], [OInterface.OIObjectMake, OWResultsLevelScore, OInterface.iDefSlowAnimators, 50, 130, null, 0, false], [OInterface.OIObjectMake, OWResultsBonusScore, OInterface.iDefSlowAnimators, 50, 200, null, 0, false], [OInterface.OIObjectMake, OWResultsTotalScore, OInterface.iDefSlowAnimators, 50, 270, null, 0, false], [OInterface.OIObjectMake, OWResultsRaiting, OInterface.iDefSlowAnimators, 0, 330, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.MakeTextButtonLeft, 320, 60, TangramzL.iBtnAngle, "yellow", "yellow", 30, TangramzL.strNextLevel, 240, 480, "iButtons", 0, false]];
public static var OWResultsLevelScore:Array = [[TangramzS.TextAlign, 695, 50, 50, "yellow", strGainedScore, 0, 1, 0, 0, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.TextAlign, 695, 50, 50, "yellow", "9", 2, 1, 0, 0, null, 0, true]];
public static var OWGameNCL:Array = [OInterface.OIObjectMake, OWGameNotCompletedLevel, OInterface.iDefAnimators, 660, 50, null, 0, true];
public static var OILeft:Class = TangramzL_OILeft;
public static var OWResultsRaiting:Array = [[TangramzS.ColorText, 60, OWPlayersColor, strYourRaiting, OInterface.iDefSlowAnimators, 180, 0, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.Header, 800, 60, "aqua1", "9", 0, 70, null, 0, true]];
private static var OTimerAnimator:Object = {F:OA_AlphaFade.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0, iSInd:[0], iEInd:[1], iPIter:15};
public static var OFont:Class = TangramzL_OFont;
public static var OWResultsBonusScore:Array = [[TangramzS.TextAlign, 695, 50, 50, "red", strBonusScore, 0, 1, 0, 0, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.TextAlign, 695, 50, 50, "red", "9", 2, 1, 0, 0, null, 0, true]];
public static var OWResultsTotalScore:Array = [[TangramzS.TextAlign, 695, 50, 50, "yellow1", strTotalScore, 0, 1, 0, 0, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.TextAlign, 695, 50, 50, "yellow1", "9", 2, 1, 0, 0, null, 0, true]];
private static var iSoundRegistered:Boolean = OSound.RegisterEmbedSounds(OSoundParams);
public static var OWGameNewLevelWithOpponent:Array = [OInterface.OIObjectMake, OWGameNewLevel, OInterface.iDefAnimators, 0, 0, null, 0, false];
public static var OWColors:Array = ["0", "30", "60", "90", "120", "150", "180", "210", "240", "270", "300", "330", "0", "30", "60", "90", "120", "150", "180", "210", "240", "270", "300", "330"];
public static var OWIntroParam:Array = [[OSprite.Make, [[ODisplay.SpriteRect, (800 * OGlobal.Scale), (600 * OGlobal.Scale)]], 0, 0, "iHit", 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 800, 50, "aqua1", TangramzL.strSite, 0, 160, "iHeader", 0, true], [TangramzS.Header, 800, 40, "aqua1", TangramzL.strPresents, 0, 400, "iFooter", 0, true], [TangramzS.Text, 120, "aqua1", "T", 50, 0, "iName", 0, true], [TangramzS.Text, 120, "yellow", "A", 120, 0, "iName", 1, true], [TangramzS.Text, 120, "green", "N", 195, 0, "iName", 2, true], [TangramzS.Text, 120, "red", "G", 275, 0, "iName", 3, true], [TangramzS.Text, 120, "magenta", "R", 360, 0, "iName", 4, true], [TangramzS.Text, 120, "aqua", "A", 448, 0, "iName", 5, true], [TangramzS.Text, 120, "white", "M", 522, 0, "iName", 6, true], [TangramzS.Text, 120, "aqua1", "Z", 626, 0, "iName", 7, true], [TangramzS.Text, 120, "yellow", "!", 700, 0, "iName", 8, true]];
public static var OGFieldOpponent:Array = [[TangramzS.MySmallBorder, (((220 + 30) + 15) + 3), (((285 + 50) - 15) + 20), "white", -20, 0, 4, 24, "iSmallFrameMain", 0, true]];
public static var OIDown:Class = TangramzL_OIDown;
public static var OWColors2:Array = ["330", "270", "240", "210", "180", "150", "120", "90", "60", "30", "0", "330", "270", "240", "210", "180", "150", "120", "90", "60", "30", "0", "330", "270", "240", "210", "180", "150", "120", "90", "60", "30", "0"];
public static var OWColors3:Array = ["0", "30", "60", "90", "120", "150", "180", "210", "240", "270", "300", "330", "0", "30", "60", "90", "120", "150", "180", "210", "240", "270", "300", "330"];
public static var OWColors1:Array = ["30", "0", "90", "60", "150", "120", "210", "180", "270", "240", "330", "300", "330", "0", "30", "60", "90", "120", "150", "180", "210", "240", "270", "300", "330"];
public static var OWGameScoreElementO:Array = [OInterface.OTabMake, [[TangramzS.Header, 12, 20, "yellow1", " ", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 12, 20, "yellow1", "0", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 12, 20, "yellow1", "1", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 12, 20, "yellow1", "2", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 12, 20, "yellow1", "3", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 12, 20, "yellow1", "4", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 12, 20, "yellow1", "5", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 12, 20, "yellow1", "6", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 12, 20, "yellow1", "7", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 12, 20, "yellow1", "8", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 12, 20, "yellow1", "9", 0, 0, null, 0, false]], 12, 20, TangramzL.OWGameCounterAnimator, null];
private static var iGameType:int = 0;
public static var OBG02:Class = TangramzL_OBG02;
public static var OWGameNewLevel:Array = [[TangramzS.ColorHeader, 800, 60, OWSelectGameGameModeColor, strSite, OInterface.iDefAnimators, 0, 0, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.ColorHeader, 800, 60, TangramzL.OWColors, strOpponent, OInterface.iDefAnimators, 0, 60, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.ColorHeader, 800, 60, TangramzL.OWColors2, strSite, OInterface.iDefAnimators, 0, 120, null, 0, true]];
public static var OWChoosePlayer:Array = [[TangramzS.BigFrame, 500, 500, "aqua1", "white", 0, 0, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.Header, 500, 50, "aqua1", TangramzL.strChoosePlayer, 0, 20, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.ListBoxText, 360, 40, "yellow", "yellow", 5, null, 30, 90, "iListBox", 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeTextButtonLeft, 150, 60, TangramzL.iBtnAngle, "yellow", "yellow", 30, TangramzL.strNew, 40, 340, "iNew", 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeTextButtonRight, 150, 60, TangramzL.iBtnAngle, "magenta", "magenta", 30, TangramzL.strDelete, 270, 340, "iDelete", 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeTextButtonRight, 150, 60, TangramzL.iBtnAngle, "yellow1", "yellow1", 30, TangramzL.strAccept, 40, 420, "iAccept", 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeTextButtonLeft, 150, 60, TangramzL.iBtnAngle, "red", "red", 30, TangramzL.strCancel, 270, 420, "iCancel", 0, true]];
public static var OWDeletePlayerConfirm:Array = [[TangramzS.BigFrame, 420, 270, "red", "yellow", 0, 0, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.Header, 420, 30, "aqua1", TangramzL.strDeletePlayerConfirm, 0, 85, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeTextButtonTop, 150, 60, TangramzL.iBtnAngle, "yellow1", "yellow1", 30, TangramzL.strYes, 50, 190, "iButtons", 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeTextButtonButtom, 150, 60, TangramzL.iBtnAngle, "red", "red", 30, TangramzL.strNo, 220, 190, "iButtons", 1, true]];
public static var OSBubbleBang01:Class = TangramzL_OSBubbleBang01;
public static var OWSSaver:Array = [[TangramzS.MakeNFTextButton, 75, 25, "yellow", "yellow", 25, TangramzL.strMenu, 0, 0, "iMenu", 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeNFTextButton, 225, 25, "aqua1", "aqua1", 25, TangramzL.strSite, 0, 0, "iSite", 0, true]];
public static var OSBubbleBang03:Class = TangramzL_OSBubbleBang03;
public static var OSBubbleBang04:Class = TangramzL_OSBubbleBang04;
public static var OSBubbleBang02:Class = TangramzL_OSBubbleBang02;
public static var OWGameLevelElement:Array = [OInterface.OTabMake, [[TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "yellow", " ", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "yellow", "0", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "yellow", "1", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "yellow", "2", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "yellow", "3", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "yellow", "4", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "yellow", "5", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "yellow", "6", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "yellow", "7", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "yellow", "8", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "yellow", "9", 0, 0, null, 0, false]], 19, 35, TangramzL.OWGameCounterAnimator, null];
public static var OWGame:Array = [[TangramzS.ColorHeader, 250, 40, OWGameNameColor, strGameName, OInterface.iDefAnimators, (533 + 5), 3, "iGameName", 0, false], [TangramzS.MakeTextButtonButtom, 175, 45, TangramzL.iBtnAngle, "yellow", "yellow", 25, TangramzL.strMenu, 570, 545, "iMenu", 0, false], [OInterface.OIObjectMake, OWGameSite, OInterface.iDefAnimators, (533 + 3), 55, "iSite", 0, false], [TangramzS.MakeNFTextButton, 250, 70, "yellow", "yellow", 25, "", 533, 3, "iInvisLink", 0, true], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWGameScoreFO, (630 - 20), 367, "iScoreCounterO", 0, false], [TangramzS.ColorHeader, 150, 30, OWColors1, strScore, OInterface.iDefAnimators, ((520 + 20) - 7), (((((455 - 20) - 20) + 10) + 35) + 15), "iScore", 0, false], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWGameScoreF, ((520 + 110) + 20), (((((455 - 20) - 20) + 10) + 38) + 15), "iScoreCounter", 0, false], [TangramzS.MySmallBorder, (((220 + 30) + 15) + 3), (105 - 20), "white", (520 + 5), (455 - 20), 4, 24, "iScoreBorder", 0, false], [TangramzS.ColorHeader, 80, 30, OWColors3, strLevel1, OInterface.iDefAnimators, (((520 + 30) + 20) - 7), ((((455 - 20) - 20) + 10) + 15), "iLevel", 0, false], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWGameLevelF, ((((520 + 161) + 20) + 1) + 25), (((((455 - 20) - 20) + 10) + 4) + 15), "iLevelCounter", 0, false]];
public static var OIUp:Class = TangramzL_OIUp;
public static var OWResultsRaitingS:Array = [[TangramzS.Header, 800, 80, "aqua1", "9", 0, 0, null, 0, true]];
public static var OWResultsScoreT:Array = [[TangramzS.Header, 800, 60, "yellow1", ((strLevel + " ") + strScore), 0, 0, null, 0, true]];
public static var OWRecordColor:Array = ["0", "60", "90", "150", "180", "240", "300", "360"];
private static var OWPlayersCounterF:Array = [OInterface.OCounterMake, [[ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWPlayersCounterElement, 0, 0, "iDigits", 0, true], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWPlayersCounterElement, 17, 0, "iDigits", 1, true], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWPlayersCounterElement, 34, 0, "iDigits", 2, true], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWPlayersCounterElement, 51, 0, "iDigits", 3, true], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWPlayersCounterElement, 67, 0, "iDigits", 4, true]], 85, 30];
private static var OWGameScoreF:Array = [OInterface.OCounterMake, [[ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWGameScoreElement, 0, 0, "iDigits", 0, true], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWGameScoreElement, 10, 0, "iDigits", 1, true], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWGameScoreElement, 20, 0, "iDigits", 2, true], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWGameScoreElement, 30, 0, "iDigits", 3, true], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWGameScoreElement, 40, 0, "iDigits", 4, true], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWGameScoreElement, 50, 0, "iDigits", 5, true], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWGameScoreElement, 60, 0, "iDigits", 6, true], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWGameScoreElement, 70, 0, "iDigits", 7, true], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWGameScoreElement, 80, 0, "iDigits", 8, true]], 150, 35];
private static var OWPlayersCounterElement:Array = [OInterface.OTabMake, [[TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "0", " ", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "0", "0", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "30", "1", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "60", "2", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "90", "3", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "120", "4", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "150", "5", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "180", "6", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "210", "7", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "240", "8", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "270", "9", 0, 0, null, 0, false]], 17, 30, TangramzL.OTimerAnimator, null];
public static var OWGameNameColor:Array = ["aqua1", "yellow", "green", "red", "magenta", "aqua", "white", "aqua1", "yellow", "green", "red", "magenta", "aqua", "white"];
private static var OWGameNotCompletedLevel:Array = [[TangramzS.Header, 500, 60, "red", strLevel, 17, 0, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.Header, 500, 60, "red", strFailed, 17, 60, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.Header, 500, 35, "red", strPrToCont, 17, 130, null, 0, true]];
public static var OWInfoPUserNotFound:Array = [[TangramzS.Header, 250, 30, "yellow", TangramzL.strConnect1, 5, 200, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.Header, 250, 30, "yellow", TangramzL.strConnect1, 5, 265, null, 0, true]];
public static var OWPlayersColor:Array = ["180", "210", "240", "270", "300", "330", "0", "30", "60", "90", "120", "150", "180", "210", "240", "270", "300", "330", "0", "30", "60", "90", "120", "150"];
public static var OWResultsColor:Array = ["yellow", "yellow", "yellow", "yellow", "yellow", "yellow", "yellow"];
public static var OWMenuReiting:Array = [[TangramzS.Header, 800, 30, "yellow", "W", 0, 375, null, 0, true]];
public static var OWGameScoreElement:Array = [OInterface.OTabMake, [[TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "0", " ", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "0", "0", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "30", "1", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "60", "2", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "90", "3", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "120", "4", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "150", "5", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "180", "6", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "210", "7", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "240", "8", 0, 0, null, 0, false], [TangramzS.Header, 17, 30, "270", "9", 0, 0, null, 0, false]], 19, 35, TangramzL.OWGameCounterAnimator, null];
public static var OWGameNewLevelWithHoutOpponent:Array = [TangramzS.ColorHeader, 800, 60, OWSelectGameGameModeColor, strSite, OInterface.iDefSlowAnimators, 0, 0, null, 0, true];
public static var OWInfoPConnect:Array = [[TangramzS.Header, 250, 28, "yellow", TangramzL.strConnect1, 5, 200, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeTextButtonTop, 260, 50, TangramzL.iBtnAngle, "yellow", "yellow", 25, TangramzL.strPlayOnline, 0, 310, null, 0, true]];
public static var OWHighScoreLocal:Array = [[TangramzS.TextAlign, 510, 30, 30, "red", "W", 0, 1, 0, 0, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.TextAlign, 510, 30, 30, "red", "9", 2, 1, 0, 0, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.TextAlign, 510, 30, 30, "red1", "W", 0, 1, 0, 35, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.TextAlign, 510, 30, 30, "red1", "9", 2, 1, 0, 35, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.TextAlign, 510, 30, 30, "yellow", "W", 0, 1, 0, 70, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.TextAlign, 510, 30, 30, "yellow", "9", 2, 1, 0, 70, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.TextAlign, 510, 30, 30, "yellow1", "W", 0, 1, 0, 105, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.TextAlign, 510, 30, 30, "yellow1", "9", 2, 1, 0, 105, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.TextAlign, 510, 30, 30, "green", "W", 0, 1, 0, 140, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.TextAlign, 510, 30, 30, "green", "9", 2, 1, 0, 140, null, 0, true]];
public static var OWMenu:Array = [[TangramzS.Header, 800, 40, "magenta1", TangramzL.strWelcome, 0, 10, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.Header, 800, 30, "white", TangramzL.strChangePlayer, 0, 55, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.ColorHeader, 800, 90, TangramzL.OWGameNameColor, TangramzL.strGameName, null, 0, 80, "iGameName", 0, true], [TangramzS.InvisibleButton, 400, 75, 200, 10, "iBName", 0, true], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWPlayersCounterF, (150 + TangramzL.iBtnAngle), 196, "iCPlayers", 0, true], [TangramzS.ColorText, 30, TangramzL.OWPlayersColor, TangramzL.strPlayersOnline, null, (150 + TangramzL.iBtnAngle), 190, "iPlayers", 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeTextButtonTop, 500, 100, (TangramzL.iBtnAngle + 20), "yellow", "yellow1", 40, TangramzL.strPlayOnline, 140, 250, "iPlayOnlineStrategy", 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeTextButtonLeft, 280, 60, (TangramzL.iBtnAngle + 10), "yellow", "yellow", 30, TangramzL.strOptions, 65, 440, "iOptions", 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeTextButtonRight, 280, 60, (TangramzL.iBtnAngle + 10), "red1", "red1", 30, TangramzL.strInstructions, (440 - 30), 440, "iInstructions", 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeTextButtonLeft, 280, 60, (TangramzL.iBtnAngle + 10), "aqua", "aqua", 30, TangramzL.strHighScores, 15, 520, "iHighScores", 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeTextButtonRight, 280, 60, (TangramzL.iBtnAngle + 10), "magenta", "magenta", 30, TangramzL.strMoreGames, (490 - 30), 520, "iMoreGames", 0, true]];
public static var OWHighScorePersonal:Array = [[TangramzS.TextAlign, 510, 30, 30, "aqua1", "W", 0, 1, 0, 0, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.TextAlign, 510, 30, 30, "aqua1", "9", 2, 1, 0, 0, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.TextAlign, 510, 30, 30, "blue", "W", 0, 1, 0, 35, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.TextAlign, 510, 30, 30, "blue", "9", 2, 1, 0, 35, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.TextAlign, 510, 30, 30, "blue1", "W", 0, 1, 0, 70, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.TextAlign, 510, 30, 30, "blue1", "9", 2, 1, 0, 70, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.TextAlign, 510, 30, 30, "magenta", "W", 0, 1, 0, 105, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.TextAlign, 510, 30, 30, "magenta", "9", 2, 1, 0, 105, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.TextAlign, 510, 30, 30, "magenta1", "W", 0, 1, 0, 140, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.TextAlign, 510, 30, 30, "magenta1", "9", 2, 1, 0, 140, null, 0, true]];
private static var OWGameScoreFO:Array = [OInterface.OCounterMake, [[ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWGameScoreElementO, 0, 0, "iDigits", 0, true], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWGameScoreElementO, 17, 0, "iDigits", 1, true], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWGameScoreElementO, 34, 0, "iDigits", 2, true], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWGameScoreElementO, 51, 0, "iDigits", 3, true], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWGameScoreElementO, 68, 0, "iDigits", 4, true], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWGameScoreElementO, 85, 0, "iDigits", 5, true], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWGameScoreElementO, 102, 0, "iDigits", 6, true], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWGameScoreElementO, 119, 0, "iDigits", 7, true], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWGameScoreElementO, 136, 0, "iDigits", 8, true]], 153, 25];
public static var OGFieldPlayer:Array = [[TangramzS.MySmallBorder, 520, 520, "white", 0, 0, 4, 24, "iSmallFrameMain", 0, true]];
public static var OWOptions:Array = [[TangramzS.BigFrame, 540, 390, "aqua1", "white", 0, 0, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.Header, 540, 50, "aqua1", TangramzL.strOptions, 0, 20, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.ListBoxTextHSlider, 520, 50, "magenta", false, 90, 40, "magenta", TangramzL.strSound, TangramzL.iWOptionsVolume, 10, 90, "iSound", 0, true], [TangramzS.ListBoxTextHSlider, 520, 50, "yellow", false, 90, 40, "yellow", TangramzL.strMusic, TangramzL.iWOptionsVolume, 10, 140, "iMusic", 0, true], [TangramzS.ListBoxTextHSlider, 520, 50, "green1", false, 200, 40, "green1", TangramzL.strWindow, null, 10, 190, "iResolution", 0, true], [TangramzS.ListBoxTextHSlider, 520, 50, "red1", false, 90, 40, "red1", TangramzL.strFullScreen, TangramzL.iWOptionsOnOff, 10, 240, "iFullScreen", 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeTextButtonLeft, 150, 60, TangramzL.iBtnAngle, "yellow1", "yellow1", 30, TangramzL.strAccept, 40, 260, "iAccept", 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeTextButtonRight, 150, 60, TangramzL.iBtnAngle, "red", "red", 30, TangramzL.strCancel, 300, 260, "iCancel", 0, true]];
public static var OWInstructions:Array = [[TangramzS.BigFrame, 700, 580, "yellow", "white", 50, 10, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.Header, 600, 60, "yellow", TangramzL.strInstructions, 100, 30, null, 0, true], [OInterface.OIObjectMake, [], null, 125, 440, "iInfoText", 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeTextButtonTop, 190, 60, TangramzL.iBtnAngle, "yellow", "aqua1", 30, TangramzL.strClose, 305, 510, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.Header, 120, 30, "yellow", ((TangramzL.strCollect1 + "\n") + TangramzL.strLine), 90, 260, "iCollect", 0, true], [TangramzS.Header, 120, 30, "yellow", ((TangramzL.strCollect1 + "\n") + TangramzL.strLine), 580, 260, "iCollect", 1, true]];
private static var OWGameCounterAnimator:Object = {F:OA_AlphaFade.Make, iSAlpha:-1, iEAlpha:0, iSInd:[0], iEInd:[1], iPIter:4};
public static var iMP:OMultiplayer = new OMultiplayer(sDebug);
private static var OWGameLevelF:Array = [OInterface.OCounterMake, [[ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWGameLevelElement, 0, 0, "iDigits", 0, true], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWGameLevelElement, 17, 0, "iDigits", 1, true], [ODisplay.IDisplayObjectMake, OWGameLevelElement, 34, 0, "iDigits", 2, true]], 51, 35];
public static var OWInfoPPlayer:Array = [[TangramzS.ColorHeader, 270, 30, TangramzL.OWColors, TangramzL.strOpponent1, null, 0, ((386 - 60) + 20), null, 0, true], [TangramzS.ColorHeader, 270, 30, TangramzL.OWPlayersColor, TangramzL.strLevel, null, 0, ((420 - 60) + 20), null, 0, true]];
public static var OWGameCL:Array = [OInterface.OIObjectMake, OWGameCompletedLevel, OInterface.iDefAnimators, 500, 50, null, 0, true];
public static var iGAME:OGame = new OCGame();
public static function set GameType(_arg1:int):void{
iGameType = _arg1;
iGAME.prMode = iGameType;
public static function get GameType():int{
return (iGameType);
Section 122
//TangramzL_OBG02 (TangramzL_OBG02)
package {
import mx.core.*;
public class TangramzL_OBG02 extends SpriteAsset {
Section 123
//TangramzL_OCursor (TangramzL_OCursor)
package {
import mx.core.*;
public class TangramzL_OCursor extends SpriteAsset {
Section 124
//TangramzL_OFont (TangramzL_OFont)
package {
import mx.core.*;
public class TangramzL_OFont extends SpriteAsset {
Section 125
//TangramzL_OIDown (TangramzL_OIDown)
package {
import mx.core.*;
public class TangramzL_OIDown extends SpriteAsset {
Section 126
//TangramzL_OILeft (TangramzL_OILeft)
package {
import mx.core.*;
public class TangramzL_OILeft extends SpriteAsset {
Section 127
//TangramzL_OIRight (TangramzL_OIRight)
package {
import mx.core.*;
public class TangramzL_OIRight extends SpriteAsset {
Section 128
//TangramzL_OIUp (TangramzL_OIUp)
package {
import mx.core.*;
public class TangramzL_OIUp extends SpriteAsset {
Section 129
//TangramzL_OLogoBig (TangramzL_OLogoBig)
package {
import mx.core.*;
public class TangramzL_OLogoBig extends MovieClipAsset {
Section 130
//TangramzL_OSBubbleBang01 (TangramzL_OSBubbleBang01)
package {
import mx.core.*;
public class TangramzL_OSBubbleBang01 extends SoundAsset {
Section 131
//TangramzL_OSBubbleBang02 (TangramzL_OSBubbleBang02)
package {
import mx.core.*;
public class TangramzL_OSBubbleBang02 extends SoundAsset {
Section 132
//TangramzL_OSBubbleBang03 (TangramzL_OSBubbleBang03)
package {
import mx.core.*;
public class TangramzL_OSBubbleBang03 extends SoundAsset {
Section 133
//TangramzL_OSBubbleBang04 (TangramzL_OSBubbleBang04)
package {
import mx.core.*;
public class TangramzL_OSBubbleBang04 extends SoundAsset {
Section 134
//TangramzS (TangramzS)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.text.*;
import ENGINE.CORE.*;
import ENGINE.SKIN.*;
public class TangramzS {
public static var iRegistered:Boolean = TangramzS.Register();
private static function Register():Boolean{
OEffects.RegisterEffect("GEL", new OEffectGel());
OEffects.RegisterColor("GEL", "red", {iCH:0, iCS:0.5, iCB:0.99, iSH:345, iSS:0.9, iSB:0.6});
OEffects.RegisterColor("GEL", "red1", {iCH:30, iCS:0.5, iCB:0.99, iSH:45, iSS:0.9, iSB:0.6});
OEffects.RegisterColor("GEL", "yellow", {iCH:60, iCS:0.6, iCB:0.99, iSH:45, iSS:0.9, iSB:0.6});
OEffects.RegisterColor("GEL", "yellow1", {iCH:90, iCS:0.6, iCB:0.99, iSH:105, iSS:0.9, iSB:0.6});
OEffects.RegisterColor("GEL", "green", {iCH:120, iCS:0.5, iCB:0.99, iSH:105, iSS:0.9, iSB:0.6});
OEffects.RegisterColor("GEL", "green1", {iCH:150, iCS:0.5, iCB:0.99, iSH:165, iSS:0.9, iSB:0.6});
OEffects.RegisterColor("GEL", "aqua", {iCH:180, iCS:0.4, iCB:0.99, iSH:165, iSS:0.9, iSB:0.6});
OEffects.RegisterColor("GEL", "aqua1", {iCH:210, iCS:0.4, iCB:0.99, iSH:225, iSS:0.9, iSB:0.6});
OEffects.RegisterColor("GEL", "blue", {iCH:240, iCS:0.3, iCB:0.99, iSH:225, iSS:0.9, iSB:0.6});
OEffects.RegisterColor("GEL", "blue1", {iCH:270, iCS:0.3, iCB:0.99, iSH:295, iSS:0.9, iSB:0.6});
OEffects.RegisterColor("GEL", "magenta", {iCH:300, iCS:0.4, iCB:0.99, iSH:295, iSS:0.9, iSB:0.6});
OEffects.RegisterColor("GEL", "magenta1", {iCH:330, iCS:0.4, iCB:0.99, iSH:345, iSS:0.9, iSB:0.6});
OEffects.RegisterColor("GEL", "white", {iCH:0, iCS:0, iCB:0.97, iSH:0, iSS:0, iSB:0.7});
OEffects.RegisterFilter("GEL", "bpanel", {iBorder:24, iAngle:90, iF0SD:16, iF0SB:11, iF1SD:16, iF1SB:23, iF1GB:8, iF1GA:0.5, iF2GGD1:-4, iF2GGB1:18, iF2GGC1:230, iF2GGD2:4, iF2GGB2:16, iF2GGC2:170, iF2B:2});
OEffects.RegisterFilter("GEL", "text 30", {iBorder:8, iAngle:90, iF0SD:3, iF0SB:6, iF1SD:5, iF1SB:6, iF1GB:1, iF1GA:1, iF2GGD1:0, iF2GGB1:3, iF2GGC1:240, iF2GGD2:3, iF2GGB2:4, iF2GGC2:130, iF2B:2});
OEffects.RegisterFilter("GEL", "text 40", {iBorder:8, iAngle:90, iF0SD:4, iF0SB:8, iF1SD:6, iF1SB:7, iF1GB:1, iF1GA:1, iF2GGD1:0, iF2GGB1:5, iF2GGC1:230, iF2GGD2:3, iF2GGB2:6, iF2GGC2:170, iF2B:2});
OEffects.RegisterFilter("GEL", "text 50", {iBorder:12, iAngle:90, iF0SD:5, iF0SB:10, iF1SD:7, iF1SB:8, iF1GB:1, iF1GA:1, iF2GGD1:-1, iF2GGB1:6, iF2GGC1:240, iF2GGD2:4, iF2GGB2:6, iF2GGC2:130, iF2B:2});
OEffects.RegisterFilter("GEL", "text 60", {iBorder:14, iAngle:90, iF0SD:6, iF0SB:12, iF1SD:8, iF1SB:10, iF1GB:1, iF1GA:1, iF2GGD1:-1, iF2GGB1:8, iF2GGC1:230, iF2GGD2:4, iF2GGB2:8, iF2GGC2:150, iF2B:2});
OEffects.RegisterFilter("GEL", "text 70", {iBorder:14, iAngle:90, iF0SD:6, iF0SB:12, iF1SD:9, iF1SB:10, iF1GB:1, iF1GA:1, iF2GGD1:-1, iF2GGB1:10, iF2GGC1:230, iF2GGD2:4, iF2GGB2:10, iF2GGC2:155, iF2B:2});
OEffects.RegisterFilter("GEL", "text 80", {iBorder:15, iAngle:90, iF0SD:7, iF0SB:13, iF1SD:11, iF1SB:11, iF1GB:1, iF1GA:1, iF2GGD1:-2, iF2GGB1:12, iF2GGC1:230, iF2GGD2:4, iF2GGB2:12, iF2GGC2:160, iF2B:2});
OEffects.RegisterFilter("GEL", "text 90", {iBorder:16, iAngle:90, iF0SD:8, iF0SB:14, iF1SD:12, iF1SB:12, iF1GB:1, iF1GA:1, iF2GGD1:-2, iF2GGB1:14, iF2GGC1:230, iF2GGD2:4, iF2GGB2:14, iF2GGC2:170, iF2B:2});
OEffects.RegisterFilter("GEL", "spanel", {iBorder:16, iAngle:90, iF0SD:8, iF0SB:14, iF1SD:12, iF1SB:12, iF1GB:6, iF1GA:0.5, iF2GGD1:-2, iF2GGB1:14, iF2GGC1:230, iF2GGD2:4, iF2GGB2:14, iF2GGC2:170, iF2B:2});
OEffects.RegisterFilter("GEL", "border", {iBorder:8, iAngle:60, iF0SD:3, iF0SB:6, iF1SD:6, iF1SB:4, iF1GB:2, iF1GA:0.25, iF2GGD1:0.2, iF2GGB1:3, iF2GGC1:240, iF2GGD2:3, iF2GGB2:4, iF2GGC2:150, iF2B:2});
OEffects.RegisterFilter("GEL", "bpanel ns", {iBorder:8, iAngle:90, iF0SD:0, iF0SB:11, iF1SD:16, iF1SB:23, iF1GB:8, iF1GA:0.5, iF2GGD1:-4, iF2GGB1:18, iF2GGC1:230, iF2GGD2:4, iF2GGB2:16, iF2GGC2:170, iF2B:2});
OEffects.RegisterFilter("GEL", "spanel ns", {iBorder:16, iAngle:90, iF0SD:0, iF0SB:16, iF1SD:12, iF1SB:16, iF1GB:6, iF1GA:0.5, iF2GGD1:-2, iF2GGB1:14, iF2GGC1:230, iF2GGD2:4, iF2GGB2:12, iF2GGC2:180, iF2B:2});
OEffects.RegisterFilter("GEL", "border ns", {iBorder:8, iAngle:60, iF0SD:0, iF0SB:6, iF1SD:6, iF1SB:4, iF1GB:2, iF1GA:0.25, iF2GGD1:0.2, iF2GGB1:3, iF2GGC1:240, iF2GGD2:3, iF2GGB2:4, iF2GGC2:150, iF2B:2});
return (true);
public static function TextAlignMy(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:String;
_local2 = Math.round((1 + (_arg1[2] / 70)));
_local3 = Math.max(30, Math.min((Math.round((_arg1[2] / 10)) * 10), 90));
_local4 = ("text " + String(_local3));
return (ODisplay.OBitmapTextAlign([null, TangramzL.OFont, _arg1[3], _local2, _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], "GEL", _arg1[4], _local4, _arg1[8], _arg1[1], _arg1[2], OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[9]), OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[10])]));
public static function MakeSpriteButton(_arg1:Array):OButton{
var _local2:Array;
var _local3:OButton;
_local2 = [[ODisplay.OBitmapSpriteFillRect, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], [ODisplay.SpriteLib, _arg1[5]], "GEL", _arg1[3], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], 0, 0, null, 0, true], [OSprite.Make, [[ODisplay.SpriteRect, (_arg1[1] * OGlobal.Scale), (_arg1[2] * OGlobal.Scale)]], 0, 0, "iHit", 0, false]];
_local3 = new OButton(_local2);
_local3.Pos(OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[8]), OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[9]));
return (_local3);
public static function SmallFrame(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
return (ODisplay.OBitmapAngleFrame([null, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], 6, 5, "GEL", _arg1[3], "border", 1, _arg1[4], "spanel ns", 1, OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[5]), OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[6])]));
public static function Text(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:String;
_local2 = Math.round((1 + (_arg1[1] / 70)));
_local3 = ("text " + String(Math.min((Math.round((_arg1[1] / 10)) * 10), 90)));
return (ODisplay.OBitmapText([null, TangramzL.OFont, _arg1[1], _local2, _arg1[3], "GEL", _arg1[2], _local3, 1, OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[4]), OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[5])]));
public static function ListBoxTextHSlider(_arg1:Array):OListBox{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:Rectangle;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Array;
var _local8:Array;
var _local9:Array;
var _local10:Array;
var _local11:OListBox;
_local2 = _arg1[6];
_local3 = Math.round((1 + (_local2 / 70)));
_local4 = ("text " + String((Math.round((_local2 / 10)) * 10)));
_local5 = ODisplay.TextRect(TangramzL.OFont, _local2, _local3, _arg1[8]);
_local6 = (_arg1[6] - 10);
_local7 = (_arg1[4]) ? [[TangramzS.SmallBorder, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3], 0, 0, null, 0, true]] : new Array();
_local8 = [[ODisplay.OBitmapText, TangramzL.OFont, _local2, _local3, _arg1[8], "GEL", _arg1[3], _local4, 1, 15, ((_arg1[2] - _local5.height) * 0.5), null, 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeSpriteButton, _local6, _local6, _arg1[3], _arg1[4], TangramzL.OILeft, "text 60", 1, ((_arg1[1] - _arg1[5]) - 75), ((_arg1[2] - _local6) * 0.5), "iUp", 0, false], [TangramzS.MakeSpriteButton, _local6, _local6, _arg1[3], _arg1[4], TangramzL.OIRight, "text 60", 1, (_arg1[1] - 45), ((_arg1[2] - _local6) * 0.5), "iDown", 0, false]];
_local7 = _local7.concat(_local8);
_local9 = [TangramzS.ListBoxTextElement, _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], "w", _arg1[7], 0, 0];
_local10 = [[((_arg1[1] - 45) - _arg1[5]), ((_arg1[2] - _arg1[6]) * 0.5)]];
_local11 = new OListBox(_local7, _local9, TangramzS.ListBoxTextElementP, _local10, null);
_local11.iUp.prAnimatorParams = OInterface.iDefLBButtonAnimators;
_local11.iDown.prAnimatorParams = OInterface.iDefLBButtonAnimators;
_local11.prSelection = false;
_local11.prCycling = true;
_local11.prLBParams = _arg1[9];
_local11.Pos(OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[10]), OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[11]));
return (_local11);
public static function ColorText(_arg1:Array):OIObject{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:String;
var _local4:Sprite;
var _local5:TextField;
var _local6:TextFormat;
var _local7:Array;
var _local8:int;
var _local9:int;
var _local10:OIObject;
var _local11:String;
var _local12:Rectangle;
_local2 = Math.round((1 + (_arg1[1] / 70)));
_local3 = ("text " + String(Math.min((Math.round((_arg1[1] / 10)) * 10), 90)));
_local4 = ((TangramzL.OFont is Sprite)) ? (TangramzL.OFont as Sprite) : new ((TangramzL.OFont as Class));
if (!(_local4.getChildAt(0) is TextField)){
return (null);
_local5 = (_local4.getChildAt(0) as TextField);
_local5.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
_local5.text = _arg1[3];
_local6 = _local5.defaultTextFormat;
_local6.size = _arg1[1];
_local6.letterSpacing = _local2;
_local7 = new Array();
_local8 = 0;
_local9 = 0;
while (_local9 < _local5.length) {
_local11 = _arg1[3].substr(_local9, 1);
if (_local11 == " "){
} else {
_local12 = _local5.getCharBoundaries(_local9);
var _temp1 = _local8;
_local8 = (_local8 + 1);
_local7.push([ODisplay.OBitmapMake, [ODisplay.SpriteText, TangramzL.OFont, _arg1[1], _local2, _local11], 1, "GEL", _arg1[2][_temp1], _local3, 1, _local12.x, _local12.y, null, 0, true]);
_local10 = new OIObject(_local7, _arg1[4]);
_local10.Pos(OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[5]), OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[6]));
return (_local10);
public static function MakeTextButtonLeft(_arg1:Array):OButton{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:String;
var _local4:Sprite;
var _local5:Sprite;
var _local6:Array;
var _local7:Array;
var _local8:OButton;
_local2 = Math.round((1 + (_arg1[6] / 70)));
_local3 = ("text " + String((Math.round((_arg1[6] / 10)) * 10)));
_local4 = new Sprite();;;[3], 0);[3] + _arg1[1]), 0);[1], _arg1[2]);, _arg1[2]);[3], 0);[3] + 4), (0 + 4));[3] + _arg1[1]) - 4), (0 + 4));[1] - 4), (_arg1[2] - 4)); + 4), (_arg1[2] - 4));[3] + 4), (0 + 4));;
_local5 = new Sprite();;[3] + 4), (0 + 5));[3] + _arg1[1]) - 4), (0 + 4));[1] - 4), (_arg1[2] - 4)); + 7), (_arg1[2] - 4));[3] + 4), (0 + 4));;
_local6 = [[null, [ODisplay.SpriteScaleRotate, [ODisplay.SpriteLib, _local4], 1, 0, 0], 1, "GEL", _arg1[4], "border", 1, 0, 0], [null, [ODisplay.SpriteScaleRotate, [ODisplay.SpriteLib, _local5], 1, 0, 0], 1, "GEL", _arg1[4], "spanel ns", 1, 0, 0]];
_local7 = [[ODisplay.OBitmapList, _local6], [ODisplay.OBitmapTextInRect, TangramzL.OFont, _arg1[6], _local2, _arg1[7], "GEL", _arg1[4], _local3, 1, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], (_arg1[3] / 2), 0, null, 0, true], [OSprite.Make, [[ODisplay.SpriteRoundRect, (_arg1[1] * OGlobal.Scale), (_arg1[2] * OGlobal.Scale), (24 * OGlobal.Scale)]], 0, 0, "iHit", 0, false]];
_local8 = new OButton(_local7);
_local8.Pos(OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[8]), OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[9]));
return (_local8);
public static function ListBoxTextVSlider(_arg1:Array):OListBox{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:Rectangle;
var _local6:Array;
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:Number;
var _local9:Array;
var _local10:Array;
var _local11:Array;
var _local12:OListBox;
_local2 = _arg1[6];
_local3 = Math.round((1 + (_local2 / 70)));
_local4 = ("text " + String((Math.round((_local2 / 10)) * 10)));
_local5 = ODisplay.TextRect(TangramzL.OFont, _local2, _local3, _arg1[9]);
_local6 = [[((_arg1[1] - _arg1[5]) * 0.5), _arg1[7]]];
_local7 = (_arg1[6] - 10);
_local8 = (_local6[0][1] + ((_arg1[6] - _local7) * 0.5));
_local9 = (_arg1[4]) ? [[TangramzS.SmallBorder, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3], 0, 0, null, 0, true]] : new Array();
_local10 = [[ODisplay.OBitmapText, TangramzL.OFont, _local2, _local3, _arg1[9], "GEL", _arg1[3], _local4, 1, ((_arg1[1] - _local5.width) * 0.5), _arg1[10], null, 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeSpriteButton, _local7, _local7, _arg1[3], _arg1[4], TangramzL.OILeft, "text 60", 1, (_local6[0][0] - _local7), _local8, "iUp", 0, false], [TangramzS.MakeSpriteButton, _local7, _local7, _arg1[3], _arg1[4], TangramzL.OIRight, "text 60", 1, (_local6[0][0] + _arg1[5]), _local8, "iDown", 0, false]];
_local9 = _local9.concat(_local10);
_local11 = [TangramzS.ListBoxTextElement, _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[8], "w", _arg1[8], 0, 0];
_local12 = new OListBox(_local9, _local11, TangramzS.ListBoxTextElementP, _local6, null);
_local12.iUp.prAnimatorParams = OInterface.iDefLBButtonAnimators;
_local12.iDown.prAnimatorParams = OInterface.iDefLBButtonAnimators;
_local12.prSelection = false;
_local12.prCycling = true;
_local12.prLBParams = _arg1[11];
_local12.Pos(OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[12]), OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[13]));
return (_local12);
public static function InvisibleButton(_arg1:Array):OButton{
var _local2:Array;
var _local3:OButton;
_local2 = [[OSprite.Make, [[ODisplay.SpriteRect, (_arg1[1] * OGlobal.Scale), (_arg1[2] * OGlobal.Scale)]], 0, 0, "iHit", 0, false]];
_local3 = new OButton(_local2, OAnimatorManager.iNullAnimators);
_local3.Pos(OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[3]), OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[4]));
_local3.prVisible = true;
_local3.prActive = true;
return (_local3);
public static function MakeNFTextButton(_arg1:Array):OButton{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:String;
var _local4:Array;
var _local5:OButton;
_local2 = Math.round((1 + (_arg1[5] / 70)));
_local3 = ("text " + String(Math.max((Math.round((_arg1[5] / 10)) * 10), 30)));
_local4 = [[ODisplay.OBitmapTextInRect, TangramzL.OFont, _arg1[5], _local2, _arg1[6], "GEL", _arg1[3], _local3, 1, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], 0, 0, null, 0, true], [OSprite.Make, [[ODisplay.SpriteRoundRect, (_arg1[1] * OGlobal.Scale), (_arg1[2] * OGlobal.Scale), (24 * OGlobal.Scale)]], 0, 0, "iHit", 0, false]];
_local5 = new OButton(_local4);
_local5.Pos(OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[7]), OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[8]));
return (_local5);
public static function MySmallBorder(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
return (ODisplay.OBitmapAngleBorder([null, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], (_arg1[7] / 2), _arg1[6], "GEL", _arg1[3], "border", 1, OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[4]), OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[5])]));
public static function MakeTextButtonTop(_arg1:Array):OButton{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:String;
var _local4:Sprite;
var _local5:Sprite;
var _local6:Array;
var _local7:Array;
var _local8:OButton;
_local2 = Math.round((1 + (_arg1[6] / 70)));
_local3 = ("text " + String((Math.round((_arg1[6] / 10)) * 10)));
_local4 = new Sprite();;;[3], 0);[1] - _arg1[3]), 0);[1], _arg1[2]);, _arg1[2]);[3], 0);[3] + 4), (0 + 4));[1] - _arg1[3]) - 4), (0 + 4));[1] - 4), (_arg1[2] - 2)); + 6), (_arg1[2] - 4));[3] + 4), (0 + 4));
_local5 = new Sprite();;[3] + 3), (0 + 4));[1] - _arg1[3]) - 4), (0 + 4));[1] - 7), (_arg1[2] - 4)); + 7), (_arg1[2] - 4));[3] + 4), (0 + 4));;
_local6 = [[null, [ODisplay.SpriteScaleRotate, [ODisplay.SpriteLib, _local4], 1, 0, 0], 1, "GEL", _arg1[4], "border", 1, 0, 0], [null, [ODisplay.SpriteScaleRotate, [ODisplay.SpriteLib, _local5], 1, 0, 0], 1, "GEL", _arg1[4], "spanel ns", 1, 0, 0]];
_local7 = [[ODisplay.OBitmapList, _local6], [ODisplay.OBitmapTextInRect, TangramzL.OFont, _arg1[6], _local2, _arg1[7], "GEL", _arg1[4], _local3, 1, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], 0, 0, null, 0, true], [OSprite.Make, [[ODisplay.SpriteRoundRect, (_arg1[1] * OGlobal.Scale), (_arg1[2] * OGlobal.Scale), (24 * OGlobal.Scale)]], 0, 0, "iHit", 0, false]];
_local8 = new OButton(_local7);
_local8.Pos(OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[8]), OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[9]));
return (_local8);
public static function ListBoxTextElement(_arg1:Array):OListBoxElement{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:Array;
var _local6:OListBoxElement;
_local2 = (_arg1[2] - 10);
if (_local2 < 30){
_local2 = 30;
_local3 = Math.round((1 + (_local2 / 70)));
_local4 = ("text " + String((Math.round((_local2 / 10)) * 10)));
_local5 = [[ODisplay.OBitmapMake, [ODisplay.SpriteRoundBorder, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], 12, 6], 1, "GEL", _arg1[3], "border", 1, 0, 0, null, 0, false], [ODisplay.OBitmapMake, [ODisplay.SpriteTextInRect, TangramzL.OFont, _local2, _local3, _arg1[4], _arg1[1], _arg1[2]], 1, "GEL", _arg1[5], _local4, 1, 0, 0, null, 0, true], [OSprite.Make, [[ODisplay.SpriteRoundRect, (_arg1[1] * OGlobal.Scale), (_arg1[2] * OGlobal.Scale), (12 * OGlobal.Scale)]], 0, 0, "iHit", 0, false]];
_local6 = new OListBoxElement(_local5);
_local6.Pos(OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[6]), OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[7]));
return (_local6);
public static function BigFrame(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
return (ODisplay.OBitmapAngleFrame([null, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], 24, 8, "GEL", _arg1[3], "border", 1, _arg1[4], "spanel ns", 1, OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[5]), OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[6])]));
public static function ListBoxTextElementP(_arg1:Array, _arg2:String):void{
_arg1[4] = _arg2;
public static function MakeTextButtonRight(_arg1:Array):OButton{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:String;
var _local4:Sprite;
var _local5:Sprite;
var _local6:Array;
var _local7:Array;
var _local8:OButton;
_local2 = Math.round((1 + (_arg1[6] / 70)));
_local3 = ("text " + String((Math.round((_arg1[6] / 10)) * 10)));
_local4 = new Sprite();;;, 0);[1], 0);[1] + _arg1[3]), _arg1[2]);[3], _arg1[2]);, 0); + 4), (0 + 4));[1] - 4), (0 + 4));[1] + _arg1[3]) - 4), (_arg1[2] - 4));[3] + 4), (_arg1[2] - 4)); + 4), (0 + 4));
_local5 = new Sprite();; + 6), (0 + 4));[1] - 4), (0 + 4));[1] + _arg1[3]) - 6), (_arg1[2] - 4));[3] + 4), (_arg1[2] - 4)); + 6), (0 + 4));;
_local6 = [[null, [ODisplay.SpriteScaleRotate, [ODisplay.SpriteLib, _local4], 1, 0, 0], 1, "GEL", _arg1[4], "border", 1, 0, 0], [null, [ODisplay.SpriteScaleRotate, [ODisplay.SpriteLib, _local5], 1, 0, 0], 1, "GEL", _arg1[4], "spanel ns", 1, 0, 0]];
_local7 = [[ODisplay.OBitmapList, _local6], [ODisplay.OBitmapTextInRect, TangramzL.OFont, _arg1[6], _local2, _arg1[7], "GEL", _arg1[4], _local3, 1, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], (_arg1[3] / 2), 0, null, 0, true], [OSprite.Make, [[ODisplay.SpriteRoundRect, (_arg1[1] * OGlobal.Scale), (_arg1[2] * OGlobal.Scale), (24 * OGlobal.Scale)]], 0, 0, "iHit", 0, false]];
_local8 = new OButton(_local7);
_local8.Pos(OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[8]), OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[9]));
return (_local8);
public static function ColorHeader(_arg1:Array):OIObject{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:String;
var _local4:Sprite;
var _local5:TextField;
var _local6:TextFormat;
var _local7:Rectangle;
var _local8:Number;
var _local9:Array;
var _local10:int;
var _local11:int;
var _local12:OIObject;
var _local13:String;
var _local14:Rectangle;
_local2 = Math.round((1 + (_arg1[2] / 70)));
_local3 = ("text " + String(Math.max(30, Math.min((Math.round((_arg1[2] / 10)) * 10), 90))));
_local4 = ((TangramzL.OFont is Sprite)) ? (TangramzL.OFont as Sprite) : new ((TangramzL.OFont as Class));
if (!(_local4.getChildAt(0) is TextField)){
return (null);
_local5 = (_local4.getChildAt(0) as TextField);
_local5.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
_local5.text = _arg1[4];
_local6 = _local5.defaultTextFormat;
_local6.size = _arg1[2];
_local6.letterSpacing = _local2;
_local7 = _local5.getBounds(_local4);
_local8 = ((_arg1[1] - _local7.width) / 2);
_local9 = new Array();
_local10 = 0;
_local11 = 0;
while (_local11 < _local5.length) {
_local13 = _arg1[4].substr(_local11, 1);
if (_local13 == " "){
} else {
_local14 = _local5.getCharBoundaries(_local11);
var _temp1 = _local10;
_local10 = (_local10 + 1);
_local9.push([ODisplay.OBitmapMake, [ODisplay.SpriteText, TangramzL.OFont, _arg1[2], _local2, _local13], 1, "GEL", _arg1[3][_temp1], _local3, 1, (_local14.x + _local8), _local14.y, null, 0, true]);
_local12 = new OIObject(_local9, _arg1[5]);
_local12.Pos(OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[6]), OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[7]));
return (_local12);
public static function SmallBorder(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
return (ODisplay.OBitmapAngleBorder([null, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], 12, 6, "GEL", _arg1[3], "border", 1, OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[4]), OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[5])]));
public static function Header(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:String;
_local2 = Math.round((1 + (_arg1[2] / 70)));
_local3 = Math.max((Math.round((_arg1[2] / 10)) * 10), 30);
_local4 = ("text " + String(Math.min(_local3, 90)));
return (ODisplay.OBitmapTextInRect([null, TangramzL.OFont, _arg1[2], _local2, _arg1[4], "GEL", _arg1[3], _local4, 1, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[5]), OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[6])]));
public static function InputText(_arg1:Array):OInput{
var _local2:Array;
var _local3:OInput;
_local2 = [[TangramzS.SmallBorder, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3], 0, 0, null, 0, true], [OInterface.OInputTextFieldMake, (_arg1[1] - 10), (_arg1[2] - 10), TangramzL.OFont, (_arg1[2] - 30), 1, false, _arg1[5], _arg1[4], _arg1[6], 5, 8, "iText", 0, true]];
_local3 = new OInput(_local2);
_local3.Pos(OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[7]), OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[8]));
return (_local3);
public static function TextAlign(_arg1:Array):OBitmap{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:String;
_local2 = Math.round((1 + (_arg1[2] / 70)));
_local3 = Math.max(30, Math.min((Math.round((_arg1[2] / 10)) * 10), 90));
_local4 = ("text " + String(_local3));
return (ODisplay.OBitmapTextAlign([null, TangramzL.OFont, _arg1[3], _local2, _arg1[5], _arg1[6], _arg1[7], "GEL", _arg1[4], _local4, 1, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[8]), OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[9])]));
public static function ListBoxText(_arg1:Array):OListBox{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Array;
var _local5:Array;
var _local6:Array;
var _local7:int;
var _local8:OListBox;
_local2 = (_arg1[1] + 80);
_local3 = ((_arg1[2] * _arg1[5]) + 30);
_local4 = [[TangramzS.SmallBorder, _local2, _local3, _arg1[3], 0, 0, null, 0, true], [TangramzS.MakeSpriteButton, 30, 30, _arg1[3], _arg1[4], TangramzL.OIUp, "text 60", 1, (_local2 - 50), 20, "iUp", 0, false], [TangramzS.MakeSpriteButton, 30, 30, _arg1[3], _arg1[4], TangramzL.OIDown, "text 60", 1, (_local2 - 50), (_local3 - 50), "iDown", 0, false]];
_local5 = [TangramzS.ListBoxTextElement, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], _arg1[3], "w", _arg1[4], 0, 0];
_local6 = new Array(_arg1[5]);
_local7 = 0;
while (_local7 < _arg1[5]) {
_local6[_local7] = [15, ((_local7 * _arg1[2]) + 15)];
_local8 = new OListBox(_local4, _local5, TangramzS.ListBoxTextElementP, _local6, null);
_local8.iUp.prAnimatorParams = OInterface.iDefLBButtonAnimators;
_local8.iDown.prAnimatorParams = OInterface.iDefLBButtonAnimators;
_local8.prLBParams = _arg1[6];
_local8.Pos(OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[7]), OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[8]));
return (_local8);
public static function MakeTextButtonButtom(_arg1:Array):OButton{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:String;
var _local4:Sprite;
var _local5:Sprite;
var _local6:Array;
var _local7:Array;
var _local8:OButton;
_local2 = Math.round((1 + (_arg1[6] / 70)));
_local3 = ("text " + String((Math.round((_arg1[6] / 10)) * 10)));
_local4 = new Sprite();;;, 0);[1], 0);[1] - _arg1[3]), _arg1[2]);[3], _arg1[2]);, 0); + 4), (0 + 4));[1] - 4), (0 + 4));[1] - _arg1[3]) - 4), (_arg1[2] - 4));[3] + 4), (_arg1[2] - 4)); + 4), (0 + 4));
_local5 = new Sprite();; + 8), (0 + 5));[1] - 7), (0 + 4));[1] - _arg1[3]) - 4), (_arg1[2] - 4));[3] + 4), (_arg1[2] - 4)); + 8), (0 + 5));;
_local6 = [[null, [ODisplay.SpriteScaleRotate, [ODisplay.SpriteLib, _local4], 1, 0, 0], 1, "GEL", _arg1[4], "border", 1, 0, 0], [null, [ODisplay.SpriteScaleRotate, [ODisplay.SpriteLib, _local5], 1, 0, 0], 1, "GEL", _arg1[4], "spanel ns", 1, 0, 0]];
_local7 = [[ODisplay.OBitmapList, _local6], [ODisplay.OBitmapTextInRect, TangramzL.OFont, _arg1[6], _local2, _arg1[7], "GEL", _arg1[4], _local3, 1, _arg1[1], _arg1[2], 0, 0, null, 0, true], [OSprite.Make, [[ODisplay.SpriteRoundRect, (_arg1[1] * OGlobal.Scale), (_arg1[2] * OGlobal.Scale), (24 * OGlobal.Scale)]], 0, 0, "iHit", 0, false]];
_local8 = new OButton(_local7);
_local8.Pos(OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[8]), OGlobal.ScaleFloor(_arg1[9]));
return (_local8);