Frame 1
_root.bytesLoaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
_root.bytesTotal = _root.getBytesTotal();
_root.percentLoaded = Math.round(100 * (_root.bytesLoaded / _root.bytesTotal));
_root.percentLoadedText = _root.percentLoaded + "%";;
Frame 2
if (_root.percentLoaded == 100) {
gotoAndStop (3);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Frame 4
function makeContact(x, y) {
var _local1 = attachMovie("contact", "cont" + getNextHighestDepth(), getNextHighestDepth());
_local1._x = x;
_local1._y = y;
function str(len, ptlen, grav, nohit) {
this.LEN = len;
this.PTLEN = ptlen;
this.pts = [];
this.GRAV = grav || 0;
this.nohit = nohit;
this.donepct = 0; = createEmptyMovieClip("string" + getNextHighestDepth(), getNextHighestDepth());
function renderLevel(lvl) {
level = createEmptyMovieClip("lvl" + getNextHighestDepth(), getNextHighestDepth());
endzones = createEmptyMovieClip("lvl" + getNextHighestDepth(), getNextHighestDepth());
lvlbuild =;
lvlPu = lvl.pu;
levelTxt.txt.text = ((("[" + (lvlIndex + 1)) + "] ") + + ( ? (" by " + : "");
i = 0;
while (i < lvlbuild.length) {
level.drawRectangle(lvlbuild[i].x, lvlbuild[i].y, lvlbuild[i].w, lvlbuild[i].h);
var _local1 = lvl.zones;
i = 0;
while (i < _local1.length) {
var _local4 = ((_local1[i].type == "start") ? 65280 : 255);
if (_local1[i].type == "end") {
endzones.attachMovie("EndBlock", "lvl" + endzones.getNextHighestDepth(), endzones.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:_local1[i].x + 20, _y:_local1[i].y + 20});
} else {
startzone = attachMovie("StartBlock", "lvl" + getNextHighestDepth(), getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:_local1[i].x + 20, _y:_local1[i].y + 20});
(startzone.x = _local1[i].x);
(startzone.y = _local1[i].y);
function makeWord(word, yInd) {
var f = setInterval(function () {
word.ind = (word.ind + 1) || 0;
((word.ind == (word.value.length - 1)) ? (clearInterval(f)) : 0);
var _local1 = createEmptyMovieClip("letter" + getNextHighestDepth(), getNextHighestDepth());
var _local2 = _local1.createTextField("txt" + _local1.getNextHighestDepth(), _local1.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, 20, 20);
_local2.text = word.value.charAt(word.ind);
_local2.selectable = false;
_local1.xto = (word.ind * 10) + 30;
_local1.onEnterFrame = letTo;
_local1._x = 550;
_local1._y = (yInd * 15) + 30;
if (gameonn) {
(word.txt ? (word.txt.push(_local1)) : ((word.txt = [_local1])));
}, 50);
function letTo() {
this._x = this._x + ((this.xto - this._x) / 2);
if ((this._x - this.xto) < 1) {
(this._x = this.xto);
(this.onEnterFrame = undefined);
function credMe(bool) {
if (bool) {
createEmptyMovieClip("creds", getNextHighestDepth());
creds.createTextField("cred", creds.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, 190, 40);
creds.cred.text = "String Avoider by fwe\nGraphics by Insignia";
creds.filters = [new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(5, 45, 16777215, 100, 5, 5, 1)];
creds.cred.selectable = false;
creds._x = (Stage.width - creds._width) + 20;
creds._y = Stage.height - 50;
function clearMenu() {
indx = undefined;
j = 0;
while (j < menuBtns.length) {
var _local1 = menuBtns[j].txt;
i = 0;
while (i < _local1.length) {
function drawGrid(x, y) {
var _local1 = createEmptyMovieClip("grid" + getNextHighestDepth(), getNextHighestDepth());
_local1.lineStyle(1, 13421772, 100);
g = 0;
while (g <= x) {
_local1.moveTo(g * 10, 0);
_local1.lineTo(g * 10, y * 10);
o = 0;
while (o <= y) {
_local1.moveTo(0, o * 10);
_local1.lineTo(x * 10, o * 10);
function displayInstructions(txt) {
var _local2 = createEmptyMovieClip("ins" + getNextHighestDepth(), getNextHighestDepth());
var _local1 = _local2.createTextField("ins", _local2.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, 550, 200);
_local1.text = txt;
_local1.selectable = false;
_local2._y = 310;
function makelvltxt() {
levelTxt = createEmptyMovieClip("ins" + getNextHighestDepth(), getNextHighestDepth());
var _local1 = levelTxt.createTextField("txt", 1, 0, 0, 550, 200);
_local1.selectable = false;
levelTxt._y = 320;
function drawObj(nam) {
var _local2 = createEmptyMovieClip("obj" + getNextHighestDepth(), getNextHighestDepth());
_local2.lineStyle(1, 0, 100);
_local2.type = nam;
if (nam == "start") {
_local2.drawRectangle(0, 0, 40, 40, 65280);
if (nam == "end") {
_local2.drawRectangle(0, 0, 40, 40, 255);
if (nam == "PU") {
_local2.drawRectangle(0, 0, 10, 10, 16776960);
_local2.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = getReal(_xmouse, _ymouse).x;
this._y = getReal(_xmouse, _ymouse).y;
function getReal(x, y) {
if (!snap) {
return({x:x, y:y});
return({x:Math.floor(x / 10) * 10, y:Math.floor(y / 10) * 10});
function nextLevel() {
if (testLvl && (!dun)) {
dun = true;
var _local1 = createTextField("edggeg", getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 400, Stage.width, 20);
createEmptyMovieClip("credsz", getNextHighestDepth());
credsz.createTextField("cred", credsz.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, Stage.width, 20);
credsz.cred.text = "Congrats. Paste your clipboard that contains the level data into the BBS, plx";
credsz.cred.selectable = false;
credsz._x = 0;
credsz._y = Stage.height - 30;
cantpu = true;
atePu = false;
lvlScores[lvlIndex] = scores.time;
if (lvls.length == (lvlIndex + 1)) {
function realNext() {
thePU = (atePu = false);
gameStart = false;
cantpu = false;
myString = undefined;
if (customPlay) {
if (customLvl == custLvls.length) {
} else {
} else {
function music2() {
musicon = !musicon;
MENU.customItems = [new ContextMenuItem("Music - " + ["Off", "On"][Number(musicon)], music2)];
((!musicon) ? (bgm.stop()) : ((onmenu ? (playSound(music, 100, true)) : (playSound(gameMusic, 100, true)))));
buttonclick = "click";
stringstart = "start";
stringdie = "die";
stringend = "end";
music = "bgmusic";
gameMusic = "gamemusic";
scissors = "click";
str.prototype.addPoints = function (x, y) {
this.addPoint(x, y);
var _local2 = 1;
while (_local2 < this.LEN) {
this.addPoint(x, y);
str.prototype.addPoint = function (x, y) {
this.pts.push({x:x, y:y});
str.prototype.shorten = function (off, keep) {
if (this.shortened) {
if (!keep) {
this.LEN = off;
this.shortened = true;
str.prototype.render = function () {
if (this.done) {
this.pts[0] = {x:_xmouse, y:_ymouse};;, 0, 100);[0].x, this.pts[0].y);
if (!this.nohit) {
} else {
if (thePU.hitTest(this.pts[0].x, this.pts[0].y)) {
makeContact(this.pts[this.LEN / 2].x, this.pts[this.LEN / 2].y);
atePu = true;
thePU = null;
this.shorten(25, true);
var _local2 = 1;
while (_local2 < this.LEN) {
this.pts[_local2].y = this.pts[_local2].y + this.GRAV;
var _local3 = Math.atan2(this.pts[_local2].y - this.pts[_local2 - 1].y, this.pts[_local2].x - this.pts[_local2 - 1].x);
this.pts[_local2].x = this.pts[_local2 - 1].x + (Math.cos(_local3) * this.PTLEN);
this.pts[_local2].y = this.pts[_local2 - 1].y + (Math.sin(_local3) * this.PTLEN);
if (!this.nohit) {
if ((this.LEN - _local2) <= this.donepct) {, 6710886, 0);
} else {, 0, 100);
}[_local2].x, this.pts[_local2].y);
this.checkEnd(this.pts[0], true);
str.prototype.remove = function () {;
gameStart = false;;
this=undefined;//parameter overwritten
str.prototype.destroy = function (transp) {
if (this.done) {
this.done = true;
dester = this;
this.dest = setInterval(function () {
dester.destoryIndex = (dester.destoryIndex - 1) || (dester.LEN);
if (dester.destoryIndex == 1) {
};, (transp ? 0 : 16711680), 100);[0].x, dester.pts[0].y);
i = 0;
while (i < dester.destoryIndex) {[i].x, dester.pts[i].y);
}, 10);
MovieClip.prototype.drawRectangle = function (x, y, width, length, col) {
this.lineStyle(1, 0, 100);
this.beginFill(col || 0, 100);
this.moveTo(x, y);
this.lineTo(x + width, y);
this.lineTo(x + width, y + length);
this.lineTo(x, y + length);
this.lineTo(x, y);
str.prototype.checkHit = function (pt) {
if (level.hitTest(pt.x, pt.y, true) && (!this.done)) {
atePu = false;
makeContact(pt.x, pt.y);
str.prototype.checkEnd = function (pt) {
if (endzones.hitTest(pt.x, pt.y, true) && (!this.done)) {
makeContact(pt.x, pt.y);
str.prototype.checkMenu = function (pt) {
myString.donepct = ((myString.donepct > 0) ? ((myString.donepct = myString.donepct - 2)) : 0);
if (!onmenu) {
j = 0;
while (j < 5) {
if (_root.menue["menubtn" + j].hitTest(pt.x, pt.y, true)) {
myString.donepct = myString.donepct + 3;
if ((myString.donepct >= myString.LEN) && (((j == 4) && (!cl)) or (j != 4))) {
makeContact(_xmouse, _ymouse);
_root["men" + j]();
Object.prototype.initMenu = function () {
lettters = [];
var m = menuBtns;
int1 = setInterval(function () {
if (gameonn) {
indx = (indx + 1) || 0;
((indx == (m.length - 1)) ? (clearInterval(int1)) : 0);
makeWord(m[indx], indx);
}, 400);
txtfmt = new TextFormat();
txtfmt.bold = true;
txtfmt.font = "Courier New";
txtfmt.color = "0xffffff";
txtfmtins = new TextFormat();
txtfmtins.bold = true;
txtfmtins.font = "Courier New";
txtfmtins.align = "center";
walls = [];
onMouseDown = function () {
if ((!gotObj) && (lvlEditoring)) {
mousedown = true;
drawin = true;
startDrawPos = getReal(_xmouse, _ymouse);
drawOb = createEmptyMovieClip("drawObj" + getNextHighestDepth(), getNextHighestDepth());
} else if (lvlEditoring) {
if (gotPU) {
lvlDataObj.pu = {x:getReal(_xmouse, _ymouse).x, y:getReal(_xmouse, _ymouse).y};
theObj.onEnterFrame = undefined;
gotObj = false;
} else {
lvlDataObj.zones.push({type:theObj.type, x:getReal(_xmouse, _ymouse).x, y:getReal(_xmouse, _ymouse).y});
theObj.onEnterFrame = undefined;
gotObj = false;
onMouseUp = function () {
if (drawin) {
if (((getReal(_xmouse, 0).x - startDrawPos.x) != 0) && ((getReal(0, _ymouse).y - startDrawPos.y) != 0)) {{drw:drawOb, x:startDrawPos.x, y:startDrawPos.y, w:getReal(_xmouse, 0).x - startDrawPos.x, h:getReal(0, _ymouse).y - startDrawPos.y});
mousedown = false;
drawin = false;
onKeyDown = function () {
if (lvlEditoring) {
if ((((Key.getCode() == "S".charCodeAt()) && (!gotObj)) && (!drawin)) && (!gotStart)) {
gotObj = true;
theObj = drawObj("start");
gotStart = true;
if (((Key.getCode() == "E".charCodeAt()) && (!gotObj)) && (!drawin)) {
gotObj = true;
theObj = drawObj("end");
if (((Key.getCode() == "P".charCodeAt()) && (!gotObj)) && (!drawin)) {
gotPU = true;
gotObj = true;
theObj = drawObj("PU");
if (Key.getCode() == "Q".charCodeAt()) {
snap = !snap;
if (Key.getCode() == "D".charCodeAt()) {
i = 0;
while (i < walls.length) {
if (walls[i].hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) {
j = 0;
while (j < {
if ([j].drw === walls[i]) {
walls[i].removeMovieClip();, 1);
walls.splice(i, 1);
if (Key.getCode() == 32) {
strs = ("lvls[0] = {name:\"" + + "\", build:[";
i = 0;
while (i < {
var _local1 =[i];
strs = strs + (((((((("{x:" + _local1.x) + ",y:") + _local1.y) + ",w:") + _local1.w) + ",h:") + _local1.h) + "},");
strs = strs + "],zones:[";
i = 0;
while (i < lvlDataObj.zones.length) {
var _local1 = lvlDataObj.zones[i];
strs = strs + (((((("{type:\"" + _local1.type) + "\",x:") + _local1.x) + ",y:") + _local1.y) + "},");
System.setClipboard(((((strs + "], pu:{x:") + lvlDataObj.pu.x) + ",y:") + lvlDataObj.pu.y) + "}}");
tempLvl = {name:"Custom Level", build:[], zones:[]};
i = 0;
while (i < {
var _local1 =[i];{x:_local1.x, y:_local1.y, w:_local1.w, h:_local1.h});
i = 0;
while (i < lvlDataObj.zones.length) {
var _local1 = lvlDataObj.zones[i];
tempLvl.zones.push({type:_local1.type, x:_local1.x, y:_local1.y});
tempLvl.pu = lvlDataObj.pu;
lvlEditoring = false;
} else {
if (Key.getCode() == "S".charCodeAt()) {
if ((Key.getCode() == "I".charCodeAt()) && (Key.isDown("H".charCodeAt()))) {
lives = 20;
Object.prototype.playSound = function (linkage, vol, loop) {
vol = vol || 100;
soundCount = (soundCount + 1) || 1;
var s = ((_root["sound_" + soundCount] = new Sound()));
if ((linkage == music) or (linkage == gameMusic)) {
bgm = s;
if (!musicon) {
s.start(0, 1);
if (loop) {
s.onSoundComplete = function () {
s.start(0, 1);
musicon = true;
MENU = new ContextMenu();
MENU.customItems = [new ContextMenuItem("Music - On", music2)]; = MENU;
function menuEnterFrame() {
function newGame(indx) {
scores._visible = true;
for (i in _root) {
if ((i != "transition") && (i != "end")) {
lives = 3;
gameOn = true;
gameonn = true;
gmusic = playSound(gameMusic, 100, true);
myString = undefined;;
onEnterFrame = newGameEnterFrame;
renderLevel((indx ? (custLvls[indx - 1]) : (lvls[0])));
function lvlEditor() {
snap = true;
myString = undefined;;
drawGrid(55, 30);
lvlEditoring = true;
lvlDataObj = {name:"Test", build:[], zones:[]};
displayInstructions("String Avoider Level Editor; by fwe\nPress S to make a Spawn zone and E to make an end zone.\nClick and drag to make boundarie, Q to toggle snapping.\nYou may have multiple end zones, but only one start zone.\nPRESS SPACE TO COPY THE LEVEL CODE IN THE CLIPBOARD");
onEnterFrame = lvlEdit;
function lvlEdit() {
if (Key.isDown(2)) {
lvlEditoring = false;
if (drawin) {
drawOb.drawRectangle(startDrawPos.x, startDrawPos.y, getReal(_xmouse, 0).x - startDrawPos.x, getReal(0, _ymouse).y - startDrawPos.y);
i = 0;
while (i < lettters.length) {
lettters.splice(i, 1);
function newGameEnterFrame() {
if (timego) {
scores.time = Math.floor((getTimer() - timez) / 1000);
scores.timet = getAllScores() + Math.floor((getTimer() - timez) / 1000);
} else {
scores.time = "";
i = 0;
while (i < lettters.length) {
lettters.splice(i, 1);
if (!lives) {
lives = 0;;
goingdown = true;
if (((((_xmouse > (startzone.x + 10)) && (_xmouse < (startzone.x + 30))) && (_ymouse > (startzone.y + 10))) && (_ymouse < (startzone.y + 30))) && (!gameStart)) {
makeContact(_xmouse, _ymouse);
gameStart = true;
myString = new str(50, 5);
myString.addPoints(_xmouse, _ymouse);
if (livemc.length < lives) {
var _local1 = attachMovie("pu_life", "life" + getNextHighestDepth(), getNextHighestDepth());
_local1._x = 15 + (livemc.length * 15);
_local1._y = 380;
} else if (livemc.length > lives) {
livemc[livemc.length - 1].play();
livemc.splice(livemc.length - 1, 1);
if ((((lvlPu && (!thePU)) && (!atePu)) && (gameOn)) && (!cantpu)) {
thePU = attachMovie("pu_scissors", "pu" + getNextHighestDepth(), getNextHighestDepth());
thePU._x = lvlPu.x;
thePU._y = lvlPu.y;
function backToMenu() { = custLvls;
onmenu = true;
scores._visible = false;
for (i in _root) {
if ((i != "transition") && (i != "end")) {
i = 0;
while (i < livemc.length) {
cl = false;
thePU = (atePu = (cantpu = (gameOn = (gameonn = (gameStart = (customPlay = (gotObj = (drawin = (gotStart = false)))))))));
lvlScores = [];
scores.time = "";
scores.timet = "";
livemc = [];
menue._visible = true;
lvlIndex = 0;
myString = undefined;
onEnterFrame = null;
bgmusic = playSound(music, 100, true);
function custGameEnt() {
if (Key.isDown(2)) {
i = 0;
while (i < lettters.length) {
lettters.splice(i, 1);
function hsent() {
if (Key.isDown(2)) {
i = 0;
while (i < lettters.length) {
lettters.splice(i, 1);
function custGame() {
onEnterFrame = custGameEnt;
panel = attachMovie("panel", "panel", getNextHighestDepth());
panel._x = (Stage.width / 2) - (panel._width / 2);
panel._y = (Stage.height / 2) - (panel._height / 2);
i = 0;
while (i < custLvls.length) {
var _local1 = attachMovie("custLevelSet", "dd" + getNextHighestDepth(), getNextHighestDepth());
_local1.lvlname.text = custLvls[i].name;
_local1.indx = i;
_local1._x = 120;
_local1._y = 130 + (20 * i);
function highscores() {
onEnterFrame = hsent;
panel = attachMovie("hspanel", "panel", getNextHighestDepth());
panel._x = (Stage.width / 2) - (panel._width / 2);
panel._y = (Stage.height / 2) - (panel._height / 2);;
getsc_lv = new LoadVars(); = 39;
rec_lv = new LoadVars();
getsc_lv.sendAndLoad("", rec_lv, "POST");
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
panel.lvl.text = (panel.nam.text = (panel.sco.text = ""));
rec_lv.onLoad = function () {
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (rec_lv["name" + i]) {
panel.lvl.text = panel.lvl.text + (i + newline);
panel.nam.text = panel.nam.text + (rec_lv["name" + i] + newline);
panel.sco.text = panel.sco.text + ((10000 - rec_lv["score" + i]) + newline);
function init() {
menuBtns = [{value:"String Avoider", func:""}, {value:"Actionscript by fwe", func:""}, {value:"Graphics by Insignia", func:""}, {value:"Copyright \u00A9 2006"}, {value:"Kurtis Rainford & Ighor Smiliansky"}];
myString = new str(50, 5, 10, true);
myString.addPoints(_xmouse, _ymouse);
onEnterFrame = menuEnterFrame;
function men0() {
onmenu = false;
menue._visible = false;
function men1() {
menue._visible = false;
onmenu = false;
function men2() {
menue._visible = false;
onmenu = false;
function men3() {
menue._visible = false;
onmenu = false;
function men4() {
if (cl) {
cl = true;
getURL ("", "_blank");
function starttimer() {
timez = getTimer() - timeoffset;
timego = true;
function stoptimer(wall) {
if (wall) {
timeoffset = getTimer() - timez;
} else {
timeoffset = 0;
timego = false;
function getAllScores() {
var _local1 = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < lvlScores.length) {
_local1 = _local1 + lvlScores[i];
function playCustom(lvl, nam) {
custLvls[lvl].name = nam;
customLvl = lvl;
customPlay = true;
newGame(lvl + 1);
function gameOver() {
scores._visible = false;
onEnterFrame = undefined;;
lvls = [];
lvls[0] = {name:"Free Play", build:[{x:10, y:0, w:540, h:10}, {x:0, y:0, w:10, h:300}, {x:10, y:290, w:540, h:10}, {x:540, y:290, w:10, h:-280}], zones:[{type:"start", x:10, y:10}, {type:"end", x:500, y:250}], pu:{x:275, y:140}};
lvls[1] = {name:"Baby Steps", build:[{x:140, y:120, w:270, h:10}, {x:400, y:130, w:10, h:40}, {x:410, y:170, w:-270, h:10}, {x:130, y:120, w:10, h:60}], zones:[{type:"start", x:140, y:130}, {type:"end", x:360, y:130}]};
lvls[2] = {name:"Loop-d-loop", build:[{x:30, y:30, w:490, h:10}, {x:30, y:40, w:10, h:40}, {x:40, y:80, w:410, h:10}, {x:30, y:80, w:10, h:10}, {x:520, y:40, w:-10, h:160}, {x:460, y:80, w:-10, h:10}, {x:460, y:90, w:10, h:110}, {x:460, y:80, w:10, h:10}, {x:460, y:190, w:-210, h:10}, {x:520, y:200, w:-10, h:50}, {x:510, y:240, w:-260, h:10}, {x:250, y:190, w:-160, h:10}, {x:30, y:110, w:60, h:10}, {x:30, y:120, w:10, h:130}, {x:80, y:120, w:10, h:80}, {x:40, y:240, w:210, h:10}], zones:[{type:"start", x:40, y:40}, {type:"end", x:40, y:120}]};
lvls[3] = {name:"Coaster", build:[{x:540, y:10, w:10, h:290}, {x:540, y:290, w:-50, h:10}, {x:490, y:290, w:10, h:-230}, {x:10, y:300, w:-10, h:-290}, {x:10, y:290, w:50, h:10}, {x:150, y:60, w:10, h:240}, {x:60, y:50, w:100, h:10}, {x:390, y:290, w:-230, h:10}, {x:380, y:290, w:10, h:-230}, {x:0, y:0, w:220, h:10}, {x:210, y:10, w:10, h:240}, {x:220, y:240, w:110, h:10}, {x:380, y:50, w:120, h:10}, {x:320, y:10, w:10, h:230}, {x:550, y:0, w:-230, h:10}, {x:50, y:290, w:10, h:-240}], zones:[{type:"start", x:500, y:250}, {type:"end", x:10, y:250}]};
lvls[4] = {name:"Pipe", build:[{x:0, y:0, w:10, h:300}, {x:10, y:0, w:50, h:10}, {x:500, y:0, w:50, h:10}, {x:540, y:10, w:10, h:280}, {x:100, y:290, w:10, h:-10}, {x:440, y:290, w:10, h:-10}, {x:450, y:270, w:-350, h:10}, {x:50, y:10, w:10, h:220}, {x:60, y:230, w:50, h:-10}, {x:100, y:230, w:10, h:10}, {x:100, y:240, w:340, h:10}, {x:440, y:250, w:10, h:-30}, {x:450, y:220, w:40, h:10}, {x:490, y:230, w:10, h:-230}, {x:10, y:290, w:100, h:10}, {x:550, y:290, w:-110, h:10}], zones:[{type:"start", x:10, y:10}, {type:"end", x:500, y:10}]};
lvls[5] = {name:"Pipelines", build:[{x:470, y:290, w:80, h:10}, {x:540, y:290, w:10, h:-70}, {x:0, y:230, w:10, h:60}, {x:70, y:280, w:10, h:20}, {x:10, y:290, w:60, h:10}, {x:470, y:230, w:10, h:10}, {x:470, y:290, w:10, h:-10}, {x:470, y:280, w:-390, h:10}, {x:70, y:230, w:10, h:10}, {x:80, y:230, w:390, h:10}, {x:470, y:220, w:70, h:10}, {x:0, y:220, w:20, h:10}, {x:80, y:230, w:-20, h:-10}, {x:30, y:80, w:-30, h:-10}, {x:0, y:70, w:10, h:-60}, {x:20, y:230, w:10, h:-150}, {x:60, y:220, w:10, h:-140}, {x:60, y:70, w:20, h:10}, {x:0, y:0, w:80, h:10}, {x:80, y:20, w:400, h:10}, {x:470, y:0, w:80, h:10}, {x:540, y:10, w:10, h:70}, {x:540, y:70, w:-70, h:10}, {x:470, y:70, w:10, h:-10}, {x:470, y:10, w:10, h:10}, {x:480, y:50, w:-400, h:10}, {x:80, y:0, w:10, h:20}, {x:80, y:80, w:10, h:-20}], zones:[{type:"start", x:500, y:240}, {type:"end", x:500, y:20}]};
lvls[6] = {name:"Tunnel", build:[{x:20, y:20, w:10, h:260}, {x:30, y:270, w:500, h:10}, {x:20, y:20, w:510, h:10}, {x:520, y:30, w:10, h:240}, {x:20, y:270, w:50, h:-200}, {x:110, y:20, w:40, h:210}, {x:190, y:270, w:40, h:-200}, {x:270, y:30, w:40, h:100}, {x:350, y:70, w:40, h:160}, {x:270, y:170, w:40, h:100}, {x:430, y:170, w:90, h:100}, {x:430, y:30, w:90, h:100}], zones:[{type:"start", x:30, y:30}, {type:"end", x:480, y:130}]};
lvls[7] = {name:"Prism", build:[{x:40, y:50, w:470, h:10}, {x:500, y:60, w:10, h:140}, {x:40, y:50, w:10, h:150}, {x:50, y:190, w:-10, h:50}, {x:50, y:230, w:50, h:10}, {x:90, y:230, w:10, h:-50}, {x:100, y:180, w:350, h:10}, {x:450, y:190, w:10, h:50}, {x:460, y:240, w:50, h:-10}, {x:500, y:230, w:10, h:-30}, {x:450, y:180, w:10, h:10}, {x:90, y:110, w:10, h:70}, {x:90, y:60, w:10, h:10}, {x:450, y:180, w:10, h:-70}, {x:450, y:50, w:10, h:20}, {x:100, y:110, w:90, h:10}, {x:460, y:110, w:-90, h:10}, {x:280, y:60, w:10, h:50}, {x:280, y:180, w:10, h:-50}, {x:180, y:120, w:10, h:30}, {x:370, y:110, w:10, h:40}, {x:180, y:140, w:10, h:10}, {x:100, y:230, w:350, h:10}, {x:170, y:140, w:10, h:10}, {x:380, y:140, w:10, h:10}], zones:[{type:"start", x:50, y:190}, {type:"end", x:460, y:190}], pu:{x:130, y:140}};
lvls[8] = {name:"Tooth Ache", build:[{x:0, y:100, w:10, h:70}, {x:10, y:100, w:530, h:10}, {x:0, y:170, w:540, h:10}, {x:540, y:100, w:10, h:80}, {x:90, y:110, w:10, h:30}, {x:150, y:170, w:10, h:-30}, {x:230, y:110, w:10, h:30}, {x:300, y:170, w:10, h:-30}, {x:370, y:110, w:10, h:30}, {x:450, y:170, w:10, h:-30}], zones:[{type:"start", x:10, y:120}, {type:"end", x:500, y:120}]};
lvls[9] = {name:"Parallel", build:[{x:0, y:120, w:10, h:50}, {x:10, y:120, w:40, h:10}, {x:0, y:170, w:50, h:10}, {x:500, y:250, w:10, h:-80}, {x:500, y:50, w:10, h:80}, {x:510, y:120, w:40, h:10}, {x:550, y:130, w:-10, h:50}, {x:540, y:170, w:-30, h:10}, {x:40, y:120, w:10, h:-70}, {x:50, y:50, w:450, h:10}, {x:40, y:180, w:10, h:70}, {x:50, y:240, w:450, h:10}, {x:140, y:60, w:10, h:50}, {x:130, y:110, w:30, h:10}, {x:120, y:130, w:50, h:10}, {x:130, y:150, w:30, h:10}, {x:120, y:170, w:50, h:10}, {x:150, y:180, w:-10, h:60}, {x:260, y:60, w:10, h:50}, {x:240, y:110, w:50, h:10}, {x:280, y:110, w:10, h:20}, {x:240, y:160, w:10, h:20}, {x:250, y:170, w:40, h:10}, {x:280, y:170, w:10, h:-20}, {x:240, y:120, w:10, h:20}, {x:260, y:180, w:10, h:60}, {x:380, y:60, w:-10, h:60}, {x:360, y:120, w:30, h:10}, {x:380, y:130, w:30, h:10}, {x:360, y:170, w:-30, h:10}, {x:360, y:180, w:30, h:10}, {x:380, y:190, w:-10, h:50}, {x:390, y:190, w:20, h:10}, {x:400, y:140, w:20, h:10}, {x:340, y:160, w:30, h:10}, {x:410, y:150, w:-20, h:10}], zones:[{type:"start", x:10, y:130}, {type:"end", x:500, y:130}]};
lvls[10] = {name:"Zig Zag", build:[{x:10, y:10, w:520, h:10}, {x:530, y:20, w:-10, h:270}, {x:520, y:280, w:-510, h:10}, {x:10, y:280, w:10, h:-260}, {x:60, y:20, w:10, h:210}, {x:470, y:280, w:10, h:-250}, {x:70, y:220, w:340, h:10}, {x:410, y:220, w:10, h:10}, {x:470, y:160, w:-350, h:10}, {x:70, y:110, w:350, h:-10}, {x:410, y:100, w:10, h:-30}, {x:130, y:20, w:10, h:30}, {x:130, y:90, w:10, h:10}, {x:130, y:70, w:10, h:20}, {x:470, y:50, w:10, h:20}, {x:470, y:40, w:10, h:10}], zones:[{type:"start", x:20, y:20}, {type:"end", x:480, y:240}], pu:{x:100, y:50}};
lvls[11] = {name:"Errands", build:[{x:0, y:0, w:10, h:300}, {x:10, y:300, w:540, h:-10}, {x:550, y:290, w:-10, h:-290}, {x:540, y:0, w:-530, h:10}, {x:10, y:10, w:20, h:20}, {x:10, y:30, w:10, h:10}, {x:30, y:10, w:10, h:10}, {x:540, y:290, w:-10, h:-20}, {x:520, y:280, w:-10, h:10}, {x:530, y:270, w:10, h:-10}, {x:540, y:10, w:-20, h:20}, {x:540, y:20, w:-10, h:20}, {x:520, y:10, w:-10, h:10}, {x:10, y:290, w:20, h:-20}, {x:30, y:290, w:10, h:-10}, {x:10, y:270, w:10, h:-10}, {x:50, y:50, w:10, h:200}, {x:60, y:250, w:440, h:-10}, {x:490, y:60, w:10, h:-10}, {x:500, y:50, w:-440, h:10}, {x:500, y:240, w:-10, h:-10}, {x:490, y:230, w:10, h:-10}, {x:490, y:230, w:-10, h:10}, {x:500, y:60, w:-20, h:10}, {x:490, y:70, w:10, h:10}, {x:60, y:60, w:10, h:10}, {x:60, y:240, w:10, h:-10}, {x:490, y:70, w:10, h:60}, {x:490, y:220, w:10, h:-40}, {x:440, y:80, w:-10, h:140}, {x:440, y:210, w:-290, h:10}, {x:440, y:80, w:-290, h:10}, {x:150, y:210, w:40, h:-30}, {x:150, y:80, w:40, h:40}, {x:190, y:210, w:20, h:-20}, {x:210, y:210, w:10, h:-10}, {x:190, y:90, w:20, h:20}, {x:210, y:90, w:10, h:10}, {x:180, y:190, w:20, h:-10}, {x:190, y:110, w:10, h:10}, {x:290, y:110, w:10, h:30}, {x:300, y:190, w:-10, h:-10}, {x:290, y:180, w:10, h:-20}, {x:60, y:250, w:-10, h:10}, {x:50, y:290, w:10, h:-10}, {x:60, y:280, w:-10, h:-30}, {x:50, y:250, w:-40, h:-10}, {x:50, y:250, w:-10, h:10}, {x:520, y:270, w:10, h:20}], zones:[{type:"start", x:10, y:200}, {type:"end", x:390, y:130}], pu:{x:80, y:260}};
lvls[12] = {name:"Flat Out", build:[{x:0, y:0, w:550, h:10}, {x:540, y:10, w:10, h:290}, {x:540, y:300, w:-540, h:-10}, {x:10, y:290, w:-10, h:-280}, {x:540, y:140, w:-520, h:10}, {x:20, y:120, w:10, h:50}], zones:[{type:"start", x:500, y:10}, {type:"end", x:500, y:250}]};
lvls[13] = {name:"Straighten Up", build:[{x:0, y:0, w:550, h:10}, {x:540, y:10, w:10, h:290}, {x:540, y:290, w:-540, h:10}, {x:0, y:290, w:10, h:-280}, {x:150, y:10, w:10, h:270}, {x:180, y:270, w:-50, h:10}, {x:380, y:20, w:50, h:10}, {x:400, y:30, w:10, h:260}], zones:[{type:"end", x:410, y:250}, {type:"start", x:110, y:10}]};
lvls[14] = {name:"Face it", build:[{x:0, y:0, w:550, h:10}, {x:540, y:10, w:10, h:290}, {x:10, y:10, w:-10, h:290}, {x:10, y:290, w:530, h:10}, {x:260, y:30, w:50, h:10}, {x:230, y:40, w:30, h:10}, {x:210, y:50, w:20, h:10}, {x:210, y:60, w:-20, h:10}, {x:190, y:70, w:-20, h:10}, {x:170, y:80, w:-10, h:10}, {x:160, y:90, w:-10, h:10}, {x:150, y:100, w:-10, h:20}, {x:140, y:120, w:-10, h:20}, {x:130, y:140, w:-10, h:30}, {x:130, y:170, w:10, h:20}, {x:140, y:190, w:10, h:20}, {x:150, y:210, w:10, h:10}, {x:160, y:220, w:10, h:10}, {x:170, y:230, w:20, h:10}, {x:190, y:240, w:20, h:10}, {x:210, y:250, w:20, h:10}, {x:230, y:260, w:10, h:10}, {x:260, y:270, w:50, h:10}, {x:310, y:40, w:30, h:10}, {x:310, y:270, w:30, h:-10}, {x:340, y:50, w:20, h:10}, {x:340, y:260, w:20, h:-10}, {x:360, y:250, w:20, h:-10}, {x:360, y:60, w:20, h:10}, {x:380, y:70, w:20, h:10}, {x:380, y:230, w:20, h:10}, {x:400, y:80, w:10, h:10}, {x:410, y:90, w:10, h:10}, {x:400, y:220, w:10, h:10}, {x:410, y:210, w:10, h:10}, {x:420, y:210, w:10, h:-20}, {x:420, y:100, w:10, h:20}, {x:430, y:120, w:10, h:20}, {x:430, y:190, w:10, h:-20}, {x:440, y:140, w:10, h:30}, {x:50, y:10, w:10, h:260}, {x:490, y:290, w:10, h:-260}, {x:60, y:260, w:100, h:10}, {x:380, y:30, w:110, h:10}, {x:120, y:10, w:10, h:80}, {x:440, y:290, w:10, h:-70}, {x:220, y:100, w:20, h:20}, {x:330, y:100, w:20, h:20}, {x:280, y:160, w:10, h:10}, {x:220, y:210, w:130, h:10}, {x:350, y:200, w:10, h:10}, {x:210, y:200, w:10, h:10}], zones:[{type:"start", x:10, y:10}, {type:"end", x:500, y:250}]};
lvls[15] = {name:"Vortex", build:[{x:480, y:0, w:-230, h:10}, {x:250, y:10, w:-30, h:10}, {x:220, y:20, w:-30, h:10}, {x:190, y:30, w:-20, h:10}, {x:170, y:40, w:-20, h:10}, {x:150, y:50, w:-10, h:10}, {x:140, y:60, w:-10, h:10}, {x:120, y:70, w:10, h:20}, {x:110, y:90, w:10, h:20}, {x:100, y:110, w:10, h:30}, {x:90, y:140, w:10, h:30}, {x:100, y:170, w:10, h:30}, {x:110, y:200, w:10, h:20}, {x:120, y:220, w:10, h:20}, {x:130, y:240, w:10, h:10}, {x:140, y:250, w:10, h:10}, {x:150, y:260, w:20, h:10}, {x:170, y:270, w:20, h:10}, {x:190, y:280, w:30, h:10}, {x:220, y:290, w:30, h:10}, {x:250, y:280, w:30, h:10}, {x:280, y:270, w:20, h:10}, {x:300, y:260, w:20, h:10}, {x:320, y:250, w:10, h:10}, {x:330, y:240, w:10, h:10}, {x:340, y:240, w:10, h:-20}, {x:350, y:220, w:10, h:-20}, {x:360, y:200, w:10, h:-30}, {x:370, y:170, w:10, h:-30}, {x:370, y:140, w:-10, h:-30}, {x:360, y:110, w:-10, h:-20}, {x:340, y:90, w:10, h:-20}, {x:340, y:70, w:-10, h:-10}, {x:320, y:50, w:160, h:10}, {x:470, y:10, w:10, h:40}, {x:320, y:50, w:-70, h:10}, {x:250, y:60, w:-30, h:10}, {x:220, y:70, w:-20, h:10}, {x:200, y:80, w:-20, h:10}, {x:180, y:90, w:-10, h:10}, {x:170, y:100, w:-10, h:20}, {x:160, y:120, w:-10, h:20}, {x:150, y:140, w:-10, h:30}, {x:150, y:170, w:10, h:30}, {x:160, y:200, w:10, h:20}, {x:170, y:220, w:10, h:10}, {x:180, y:230, w:10, h:10}, {x:190, y:240, w:30, h:10}, {x:220, y:250, w:30, h:10}, {x:250, y:250, w:30, h:-10}, {x:280, y:240, w:10, h:-10}, {x:290, y:230, w:10, h:-10}, {x:300, y:220, w:10, h:-20}, {x:310, y:200, w:10, h:-30}, {x:230, y:110, w:-20, h:10}, {x:210, y:120, w:-10, h:10}, {x:200, y:130, w:-10, h:10}, {x:320, y:170, w:10, h:-20}, {x:310, y:150, w:10, h:-20}, {x:310, y:130, w:-10, h:-10}, {x:290, y:120, w:10, h:-10}, {x:290, y:110, w:-20, h:-10}, {x:230, y:110, w:20, h:-10}, {x:250, y:100, w:20, h:-10}, {x:190, y:140, w:-10, h:30}, {x:190, y:170, w:10, h:20}, {x:200, y:190, w:10, h:10}, {x:210, y:200, w:10, h:10}, {x:220, y:210, w:30, h:10}, {x:250, y:210, w:10, h:-10}, {x:260, y:200, w:10, h:-10}, {x:270, y:190, w:10, h:-30}, {x:270, y:160, w:-10, h:-20}, {x:250, y:140, w:10, h:-10}], zones:[{type:"start", x:430, y:10}, {type:"end", x:210, y:140}]};
lvls[16] = {name:"Caves", build:[{x:0, y:10, w:10, h:50}, {x:10, y:50, w:50, h:10}, {x:50, y:60, w:10, h:50}, {x:60, y:100, w:40, h:10}, {x:90, y:110, w:10, h:70}, {x:100, y:170, w:60, h:10}, {x:0, y:0, w:100, h:10}, {x:90, y:10, w:10, h:40}, {x:100, y:40, w:40, h:10}, {x:130, y:50, w:10, h:80}, {x:140, y:120, w:70, h:10}, {x:310, y:270, w:10, h:-130}, {x:320, y:140, w:60, h:10}, {x:270, y:100, w:160, h:10}, {x:420, y:110, w:10, h:50}, {x:430, y:150, w:20, h:10}, {x:440, y:160, w:10, h:60}, {x:370, y:150, w:10, h:50}, {x:380, y:190, w:20, h:10}, {x:400, y:200, w:-10, h:60}, {x:400, y:250, w:20, h:10}, {x:420, y:250, w:10, h:40}, {x:430, y:280, w:70, h:10}, {x:490, y:290, w:10, h:10}, {x:500, y:290, w:50, h:10}, {x:540, y:290, w:10, h:-50}, {x:540, y:240, w:-40, h:10}, {x:450, y:210, w:50, h:10}, {x:500, y:220, w:10, h:20}, {x:200, y:130, w:10, h:80}, {x:210, y:200, w:20, h:10}, {x:150, y:180, w:10, h:70}, {x:160, y:240, w:30, h:10}, {x:190, y:240, w:10, h:40}, {x:200, y:270, w:120, h:10}, {x:220, y:210, w:10, h:10}, {x:230, y:210, w:30, h:10}, {x:260, y:100, w:10, h:120}], zones:[{type:"start", x:10, y:10}, {type:"end", x:500, y:250}]};
lvls[17] = {name:"Plan of attack", build:[{x:10, y:0, w:530, h:10}, {x:260, y:10, w:10, h:60}, {x:270, y:60, w:30, h:10}, {x:290, y:60, w:10, h:-50}, {x:260, y:290, w:10, h:-200}, {x:290, y:290, w:10, h:-200}, {x:270, y:90, w:20, h:10}, {x:210, y:40, w:-160, h:10}, {x:50, y:50, w:10, h:20}, {x:210, y:40, w:10, h:20}, {x:10, y:10, w:10, h:150}, {x:340, y:40, w:160, h:10}, {x:490, y:50, w:10, h:20}, {x:340, y:50, w:10, h:10}, {x:530, y:10, w:10, h:150}, {x:340, y:290, w:10, h:-130}, {x:210, y:290, w:10, h:-180}, {x:80, y:110, w:130, h:10}, {x:340, y:160, w:10, h:-40}, {x:210, y:290, w:140, h:10}, {x:340, y:110, w:140, h:10}, {x:10, y:160, w:10, h:140}, {x:20, y:290, w:190, h:10}, {x:350, y:290, w:190, h:10}, {x:530, y:160, w:10, h:130}, {x:70, y:110, w:10, h:30}, {x:470, y:120, w:10, h:20}, {x:340, y:60, w:150, h:10}, {x:50, y:60, w:170, h:10}, {x:80, y:140, w:-60, h:10}, {x:470, y:140, w:60, h:10}], zones:[{type:"start", x:220, y:250}, {type:"end", x:300, y:250}]};
lvls[18] = {name:"Minimaze", build:[{x:80, y:30, w:410, h:10}, {x:480, y:40, w:10, h:220}, {x:480, y:250, w:-400, h:10}, {x:80, y:250, w:10, h:-210}, {x:190, y:110, w:260, h:10}, {x:440, y:120, w:10, h:40}, {x:480, y:180, w:-110, h:10}, {x:190, y:120, w:10, h:40}, {x:200, y:150, w:140, h:10}, {x:370, y:180, w:10, h:-60}, {x:140, y:170, w:10, h:50}, {x:140, y:70, w:310, h:10}, {x:140, y:80, w:10, h:40}, {x:150, y:120, w:-60, h:10}, {x:150, y:210, w:100, h:10}, {x:430, y:220, w:-150, h:-10}, {x:280, y:210, w:10, h:-20}, {x:150, y:180, w:80, h:10}, {x:210, y:180, w:10, h:-20}, {x:110, y:130, w:10, h:70}, {x:320, y:220, w:10, h:30}, {x:440, y:150, w:-40, h:10}], zones:[{type:"end", x:440, y:210}, {type:"start", x:90, y:40}], pu:{x:115, y:100}};
lvls[19] = {name:"Epic", build:[{x:520, y:30, w:-500, h:10}, {x:20, y:40, w:10, h:230}, {x:30, y:260, w:490, h:10}, {x:510, y:40, w:10, h:220}, {x:110, y:140, w:10, h:120}, {x:410, y:170, w:-100, h:10}, {x:110, y:130, w:80, h:10}, {x:110, y:170, w:150, h:10}, {x:300, y:170, w:10, h:60}, {x:410, y:180, w:10, h:-90}, {x:410, y:210, w:10, h:50}, {x:160, y:220, w:200, h:10}, {x:410, y:80, w:100, h:10}, {x:230, y:130, w:240, h:10}, {x:460, y:140, w:10, h:90}, {x:340, y:40, w:10, h:50}, {x:270, y:130, w:10, h:-40}, {x:280, y:80, w:-210, h:10}, {x:60, y:80, w:10, h:140}, {x:320, y:80, w:50, h:10}], zones:[{type:"end", x:470, y:40}, {type:"start", x:420, y:90}], pu:{x:440, y:160}};
lvls[20] = {name:"Amaze", build:[{x:550, y:0, w:-550, h:10}, {x:10, y:10, w:-10, h:290}, {x:10, y:290, w:540, h:10}, {x:540, y:290, w:10, h:-280}, {x:220, y:250, w:10, h:20}, {x:50, y:80, w:-20, h:10}, {x:40, y:130, w:180, h:10}, {x:30, y:80, w:10, h:160}, {x:170, y:260, w:10, h:-30}, {x:180, y:140, w:-10, h:40}, {x:300, y:160, w:170, h:10}, {x:490, y:200, w:-170, h:10}, {x:150, y:10, w:10, h:20}, {x:80, y:210, w:10, h:60}, {x:80, y:200, w:130, h:10}, {x:300, y:160, w:-10, h:60}, {x:340, y:160, w:10, h:-90}, {x:390, y:50, w:10, h:80}, {x:170, y:170, w:-60, h:10}, {x:250, y:70, w:10, h:140}, {x:460, y:240, w:10, h:-30}, {x:540, y:240, w:-50, h:10}, {x:510, y:120, w:10, h:80}, {x:510, y:110, w:30, h:10}, {x:430, y:160, w:10, h:-60}, {x:520, y:70, w:-90, h:10}, {x:260, y:240, w:170, h:10}, {x:260, y:250, w:10, h:30}, {x:260, y:120, w:80, h:10}, {x:90, y:50, w:-50, h:10}, {x:80, y:60, w:10, h:50}, {x:30, y:180, w:-20, h:10}, {x:360, y:270, w:-10, h:20}, {x:80, y:260, w:-30, h:10}, {x:140, y:260, w:80, h:10}, {x:300, y:50, w:10, h:10}, {x:220, y:50, w:-100, h:10}, {x:210, y:40, w:260, h:10}, {x:420, y:40, w:10, h:-10}, {x:340, y:10, w:10, h:10}, {x:260, y:40, w:10, h:-20}, {x:250, y:170, w:-20, h:10}, {x:210, y:130, w:10, h:-30}, {x:140, y:60, w:10, h:30}, {x:500, y:10, w:10, h:60}], zones:[{type:"start", x:500, y:250}, {type:"end", x:10, y:10}, {type:"end", x:570, y:210}]};
lvls[21] = {name:"Boxed In", build:[{x:480, y:30, w:-40, h:40}, {x:440, y:90, w:40, h:40}, {x:440, y:150, w:40, h:40}, {x:480, y:250, w:-410, h:10}, {x:480, y:260, w:10, h:-240}, {x:420, y:210, w:-40, h:40}, {x:360, y:210, w:-40, h:40}, {x:240, y:210, w:-40, h:40}, {x:180, y:210, w:-40, h:40}, {x:120, y:210, w:-40, h:40}, {x:70, y:250, w:10, h:-230}, {x:80, y:20, w:400, h:10}, {x:120, y:90, w:-40, h:40}, {x:120, y:150, w:-40, h:40}, {x:140, y:20, w:40, h:50}, {x:200, y:30, w:40, h:40}, {x:320, y:20, w:40, h:50}, {x:380, y:20, w:40, h:50}, {x:140, y:150, w:40, h:40}, {x:260, y:90, w:40, h:40}, {x:260, y:150, w:40, h:40}, {x:380, y:90, w:40, h:40}, {x:380, y:150, w:40, h:40}, {x:260, y:210, w:40, h:40}, {x:260, y:30, w:40, h:40}, {x:140, y:90, w:40, h:40}, {x:390, y:210, w:20, h:-120}, {x:150, y:60, w:20, h:30}, {x:150, y:210, w:20, h:-30}, {x:270, y:60, w:20, h:90}], zones:[{type:"start", x:80, y:30}, {type:"end", x:440, y:210}], pu:{x:90, y:140}};
lvls[22] = {name:"Flip", build:[{x:30, y:240, w:10, h:60}, {x:40, y:240, w:30, h:10}, {x:520, y:300, w:-10, h:-60}, {x:510, y:240, w:-40, h:10}, {x:40, y:290, w:470, h:10}, {x:70, y:250, w:10, h:-50}, {x:80, y:200, w:40, h:10}, {x:110, y:200, w:10, h:-40}, {x:100, y:290, w:10, h:-50}, {x:470, y:240, w:10, h:-40}, {x:470, y:200, w:-40, h:10}, {x:440, y:290, w:10, h:-50}, {x:430, y:200, w:10, h:-40}, {x:120, y:160, w:40, h:10}, {x:150, y:160, w:10, h:-40}, {x:160, y:120, w:40, h:10}, {x:390, y:120, w:-40, h:10}, {x:190, y:120, w:10, h:-120}, {x:200, y:0, w:160, h:10}, {x:350, y:120, w:10, h:-110}, {x:150, y:170, w:10, h:90}, {x:190, y:290, w:10, h:-130}, {x:350, y:290, w:10, h:-130}, {x:400, y:160, w:30, h:10}, {x:390, y:120, w:10, h:140}, {x:300, y:60, w:10, h:230}, {x:250, y:290, w:10, h:-230}, {x:260, y:60, w:10, h:10}, {x:300, y:60, w:-10, h:10}, {x:150, y:250, w:-10, h:10}, {x:400, y:250, w:10, h:10}, {x:200, y:160, w:10, h:10}, {x:350, y:160, w:-10, h:10}], zones:[{type:"end", x:40, y:250}, {type:"end", x:470, y:250}, {type:"start", x:260, y:250}]};
lvls[23] = {name:"Abstract", build:[{x:250, y:270, w:50, h:10}, {x:130, y:180, w:-80, h:10}, {x:50, y:180, w:10, h:-80}, {x:90, y:140, w:90, h:10}, {x:170, y:150, w:10, h:40}, {x:210, y:230, w:10, h:30}, {x:250, y:140, w:50, h:10}, {x:290, y:150, w:10, h:40}, {x:300, y:180, w:60, h:10}, {x:360, y:190, w:10, h:-50}, {x:290, y:220, w:110, h:10}, {x:370, y:140, w:80, h:10}, {x:400, y:230, w:10, h:-50}, {x:480, y:180, w:10, h:-80}, {x:290, y:10, w:-50, h:10}, {x:300, y:250, w:30, h:10}, {x:320, y:250, w:10, h:-20}, {x:240, y:20, w:10, h:70}, {x:290, y:10, w:10, h:90}, {x:210, y:50, w:30, h:10}, {x:300, y:50, w:30, h:10}, {x:50, y:90, w:200, h:10}, {x:410, y:180, w:80, h:10}, {x:290, y:230, w:10, h:40}, {x:240, y:230, w:10, h:50}, {x:220, y:250, w:20, h:10}, {x:130, y:220, w:120, h:10}, {x:130, y:180, w:10, h:40}, {x:180, y:180, w:70, h:10}, {x:240, y:140, w:10, h:40}, {x:200, y:50, w:10, h:90}, {x:330, y:50, w:10, h:90}, {x:300, y:90, w:190, h:10}], zones:[{type:"end", x:250, y:20}, {type:"start", x:250, y:230}], pu:{x:270, y:170}};
lvls[24] = {name:"The Complex", build:[{x:290, y:210, w:10, h:80}, {x:240, y:220, w:10, h:70}, {x:290, y:10, w:10, h:60}, {x:240, y:10, w:10, h:60}, {x:240, y:80, w:10, h:80}, {x:140, y:100, w:10, h:50}, {x:290, y:80, w:10, h:80}, {x:250, y:150, w:10, h:10}, {x:290, y:150, w:-10, h:10}, {x:240, y:100, w:-70, h:10}, {x:170, y:100, w:-20, h:10}, {x:300, y:100, w:110, h:10}, {x:400, y:100, w:10, h:50}, {x:60, y:80, w:10, h:130}, {x:480, y:80, w:10, h:130}, {x:490, y:210, w:-190, h:10}, {x:490, y:70, w:-200, h:10}, {x:60, y:70, w:190, h:10}, {x:60, y:210, w:190, h:10}, {x:110, y:180, w:330, h:10}, {x:200, y:10, w:10, h:60}, {x:330, y:10, w:10, h:60}, {x:200, y:220, w:10, h:80}, {x:200, y:0, w:140, h:10}, {x:210, y:290, w:130, h:10}, {x:330, y:290, w:10, h:-70}, {x:340, y:50, w:50, h:10}, {x:390, y:60, w:-10, h:10}, {x:200, y:50, w:-50, h:10}, {x:150, y:60, w:10, h:10}, {x:200, y:240, w:-50, h:-10}, {x:150, y:230, w:10, h:-10}, {x:340, y:230, w:50, h:10}, {x:380, y:230, w:10, h:-10}, {x:170, y:240, w:10, h:30}, {x:180, y:260, w:20, h:10}, {x:360, y:240, w:10, h:30}, {x:360, y:260, w:-20, h:10}, {x:360, y:50, w:10, h:-30}, {x:360, y:20, w:-20, h:10}, {x:200, y:20, w:-30, h:10}, {x:170, y:30, w:10, h:20}, {x:110, y:110, w:10, h:70}, {x:430, y:110, w:10, h:70}, {x:180, y:140, w:10, h:40}, {x:360, y:140, w:10, h:40}], zones:[{type:"start", x:250, y:250}, {type:"end", x:250, y:10}]};
lvls[25] = {name:"Hammer Time", build:[{x:550, y:0, w:-550, h:10}, {x:0, y:10, w:10, h:290}, {x:10, y:300, w:540, h:-10}, {x:540, y:290, w:10, h:-280}, {x:490, y:290, w:10, h:-250}, {x:480, y:40, w:30, h:10}, {x:420, y:10, w:10, h:40}, {x:410, y:50, w:30, h:10}, {x:410, y:90, w:30, h:10}, {x:420, y:100, w:10, h:190}, {x:350, y:10, w:10, h:240}, {x:340, y:250, w:30, h:10}, {x:280, y:290, w:10, h:-40}, {x:270, y:240, w:30, h:10}, {x:270, y:200, w:30, h:10}, {x:280, y:200, w:10, h:-190}, {x:220, y:290, w:10, h:-240}, {x:210, y:40, w:30, h:10}, {x:150, y:10, w:10, h:110}, {x:140, y:120, w:30, h:10}, {x:140, y:160, w:30, h:10}, {x:150, y:170, w:10, h:120}, {x:50, y:10, w:10, h:240}, {x:40, y:250, w:30, h:10}, {x:100, y:290, w:10, h:-250}, {x:90, y:40, w:30, h:10}], zones:[{type:"start", x:500, y:250}, {type:"end", x:10, y:10}], pu:{x:155, y:145}};
custLvls = [];
saves = SharedObject.getLocal("StringAvoider");
( ? ((custLvls = : null);
lvlIndex = 0;
snap = true;
livemc = [];
lvlScores = [];
totalScore = 0;
onEnterFrame = menuEnterFrame;
onmenu = true;
bgmusic = playSound(music, 100, true);
transition.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((this.getDepth() + 1) != getNextHighestDepth()) {
timeoffset = 0;
scores._visible = false;
pldm128947 = new LoadVars(); = _level0._url; = "efbec88c3baf04eea3d09ce6adaba867";
pldm128947.mid = 41;
pldm128947.sendAndLoad("", pldm128947, "POST");
Symbol 5 MovieClip [contact] Frame 11
Symbol 6 MovieClip [pu_life] Frame 1
Symbol 6 MovieClip [pu_life] Frame 36
Symbol 35 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 36 MovieClip Frame 1
onRollOver = function () {
gotoAndStop (2);
onRollOut = function () {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 40 MovieClip [custLevelSet] Frame 1
btn.onRelease = function () {
_root.playCustom(indx, lvlname.text);
btn2.onRelease = function () {
_root.custLvls.splice(indx, 1);
_root.saves.custLvls = _root.custLvls;
Symbol 53 MovieClip [transition_gameover] Frame 1
Symbol 53 MovieClip [transition_gameover] Frame 18
txt = _root.getAllScores();
Instance of Symbol 36 MovieClip in Symbol 53 MovieClip [transition_gameover] Frame 18
on (release) {;
Instance of Symbol 36 MovieClip in Symbol 53 MovieClip [transition_gameover] Frame 18
on (release) {
pldm128948 = new LoadVars();
pldm128948.namevar = _root.end.nam.text;
pldm128948.scorevar = 10000 - _root.getAllScores();
pldm128948.mid = 39; = "0e78cc45bef7f4fd7d122276744e2307";
pldm128948.sendAndLoad("", pldm128948, "POST");;
Symbol 72 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 134
Symbol 87 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 18
if (_root.gameOn) {
if (_root.goingdown) {
_root.goingdown = false;
Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 114 MovieClip Frame 31