Archived flashes:
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Happy New Year!

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Elv Is Black 2.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #28133

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

<p align="center"><font face="Franklin Gothic Medium" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">0%</font></p>


presented by

<p align="center"><font face="HelveticaRounded Bold" size="36" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>00:00</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="HelveticaRounded Bold" size="14" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>TIME LEFT</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="HelveticaRounded Bold" size="36" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>0,000,000</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="HelveticaRounded Bold" size="14" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>ELV SCORE</b></font></p>


<p align="center"><font face="HelveticaRounded Bold" size="32" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>COMBO</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="HelveticaRounded Bold" size="36" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>00/00</b></font></p>



Play Again!


<p align="center"><font face="HelveticaRounded Bold" size="72" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>28,000,000</b></font></p>

Main Menu

presented by:

developed by: Cublo Games


Press and hold to make ELV move

Let the bunnies follow you,
but don´t let them catch you!

Drop as much as you can in the hole
before time runs out








ActionScript [AS3]

Section 1
//clip_sd88detincelle_6 (ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.clip_sd88detincelle_6) package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; public dynamic class clip_sd88detincelle_6 extends MovieClip { public function clip_sd88detincelle_6(){ addFrameScript(13, frame14); } function frame14(){ stop(); } } }//package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla
Section 2
//FPS_15 (ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.FPS_15) package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; public dynamic class FPS_15 extends MovieClip { public var prevSecondTime:Number; public var secondTime:Number; public var tf:TextField; public var frames:Number; public var time:Number; public var frameTime:Number; public var fps:String; public var prevFrameTime:Number; public var iBar:MovieClip; public function FPS_15(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } function frame1(){ } function frame2(){ stop(); time = 0; frameTime = 0; prevFrameTime = getTimer(); secondTime = 0; prevSecondTime = getTimer(); frames = 0; fps = "..."; this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } public function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ time = getTimer(); frameTime = (time - prevFrameTime); secondTime = (time - prevSecondTime); if (secondTime >= 1000){ fps = frames.toString(); frames = 0; prevSecondTime = time; } else { frames++; }; prevFrameTime = time; tf.text = (((fps + " FPS / ") + frameTime) + " MS"); iBar.scaleX = (iBar.scaleX - ((iBar.scaleX - (frameTime / 10)) / 5)); } } }//package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla
Section 3
//freeinternetgamesfreeinternetgames_5 (ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.freeinternetgamesfreeinternetgames_5) package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; public dynamic class freeinternetgamesfreeinternetgames_5 extends MovieClip { public function freeinternetgamesfreeinternetgames_5(){ addFrameScript(59, frame60); } function frame60(){ stop(); } } }//package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla
Section 4
//MainTimeline (ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.MainTimeline) package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; public dynamic class MainTimeline extends MovieClip { public var maxBtn:SimpleButton; public var txtField:TextField; public var intro:MaxScreen; public var pointerBtn:SimpleButton; public function MainTimeline(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3); } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); maxBtn.addEventListener("mouseDown", launch); this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onLoadProgress, false, 0, true); this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadComplete, false, 0, true); } function frame2(){ stop(); pointerBtn.addEventListener("mouseDown", launch2); } public function launch(_arg1){ Utils.getURL(""); } public function onLoadProgress(_arg1:Event){ txtField.text = (Math.round(((_arg1.bytesLoaded / _arg1.bytesTotal) * 100)) + "%"); } public function onLoadComplete(_arg1){ nextFrame(); } public function launch2(_arg1){ nextFrame(); Utils.getURL(""); } } }//package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla
Section 5
//Symbol17copy_12 (ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol17copy_12) package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class Symbol17copy_12 extends MovieClip { public var txtField:TextField; public var textField:TextField; } }//package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla
Section 6
//Symbol17copy3_11 (ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol17copy3_11) package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class Symbol17copy3_11 extends MovieClip { public var txtField:TextField; public var textField:TextField; } }//package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla
Section 7
//Symbol17copy4_14 (ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol17copy4_14) package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class Symbol17copy4_14 extends MovieClip { public var textField:TextField; } }//package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla
Section 8
//Symbol20_40 (ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol20_40) package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; public dynamic class Symbol20_40 extends MovieClip { public var preloadbarMc:MovieClip; public function Symbol20_40(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla
Section 9
//Symbol204_BACK_19 (ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol204_BACK_19) package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Symbol204_BACK_19 extends MovieClip { public var backMc:MovieClip; } }//package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla
Section 10
//Symbol24_23 (ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol24_23) package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Symbol24_23 extends MovieClip { public var backMc:MovieClip; } }//package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla
Section 11
//Symbol24_BACK_20 (ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol24_BACK_20) package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Symbol24_BACK_20 extends MovieClip { public var backMc:MovieClip; } }//package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla
Section 12
//Symbol41copy_13 (ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol41copy_13) package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class Symbol41copy_13 extends MovieClip { public var textFieldTitle:TextField; public var textField:TextField; } }//package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla
Section 13
//Timeline_22 (ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Timeline_22) package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_22 extends MovieClip { public var backMc:MovieClip; } }//package ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla
Section 14
//Button (geeon.components.Button) package geeon.components { import flash.display.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class Button extends MCWrapper { var isDown:Boolean; var onOff:Boolean;// = false public var mute:Boolean;// = false var isOver:Boolean; var offsetX; var offsetY; var playing:Boolean;// = false public var selectable:Boolean;// = false public var center; var frame; var animating:Boolean;// = false public var group:Array; var area_mc:Sprite; var lastClick; var draggable; public var selected:Boolean;// = false public var bounds; public var onSelect:Function; public var unique:Boolean; var blocked:Boolean;// = false var thumbnail; public function Button(_arg1){ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; animating = false; selected = false; onOff = false; blocked = false; selectable = false; mute = false; playing = false; onSelect = function (_arg1:Button){ }; if (_arg1.linkage){ = Utils.attach(_arg1.linkage, _arg1.parent); //unresolved jump }; super(_arg1); type = "Button"; area_mc = Utils.drawArea(target, width, height); area_mc.buttonMode = true; params.mouseOver = Utils.or(params.mouseOver, new Function()); params.mouseOut = Utils.or(params.mouseOut, new Function()); params.mouseUp = Utils.or(params.mouseUp, new Function()); params.mouseDown = Utils.or(params.mouseDown, new Function()); params.doubleClick = Utils.or(params.doubleClick, new Function()); onSelect = Utils.or(params.onSelect, onSelect); mute = Utils.or(params.mute, mute); target.ref = this; group = Index.add(this,; update(_arg1); center =; if (center){ Utils.autoCenter(area_mc); //unresolved jump }; target.stop(); labels = []; _local2 = target.currentScene.labels; for (_local3 in _local2) { _local4 = _local2[_local3].name; labels[_local4] = _local2[_local3].frame; }; area_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDown, false, 0, true); area_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOver, false, 0, true); area_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOut, false, 0, true); labels.Up = Utils.or(labels.Up, Utils.or(labels.OverIn, 1)); labels.Over = Utils.or(labels.Over, 2); labels.Down = Utils.or(labels.Down, 3); labels.Selected = Utils.or(labels.Selected, (labels.OverIn) ? labels.Down : 4); labels.loopFrame = (labels.OverOut) ? Utils.or(labels.Outro, target.totalFrames) : null; labels.OverIn = Utils.or(labels.OverIn, labels.Over); labels.OverOut = Utils.or(labels.OverOut, labels.Up); if (!labels.Intro){ target.gotoAndStop(labels.Up); //unresolved jump }; Thread.add(animation); } public function select(){ if (((!(isDown)) && (!(selected)))){ mouseDown(); //unresolved jump }; selected = true;; } public function mouseOver(_arg1=null){ if (blocked){ return; }; if (!mute){ Mixer.playFX("buttonOverSound"); //unresolved jump }; isOver = true; if (!selected){ params.mouseOver(); handleButton(labels.OverIn); }; } public function mouseUp(_arg1=null){ handleButton((selected) ? labels.Selected : (isOver) ? labels.OverIn : (isDown) ? labels.Down : labels.OverOut); params.mouseUp(); Thread.remove(drag); isDown = false; if ((((lastClick - (lastClick = getTimer())) + 500) > 0)){ params.doubleClick(this); //unresolved jump }; Thread.remove(mouseUp); } public function drag(){ if (bounds.horizontal != false){ x = (parent.mouseX + offsetX); //unresolved jump }; if (bounds.vertical != false){ y = (parent.mouseY + offsetY); //unresolved jump }; Utils.boundaries(target, bounds); } public function mouseOut(_arg1=null){ if (blocked){ return; }; isOver = false; if (!selected){ handleButton((isDown) ? labels.Down : labels.OverOut); params.mouseOut(); }; } public function enable(){ alpha = 1; unBlock(); } public function animation(){ if ((((currentFrame == labels.Selected)) || ((currentLabel == "Selected")))){ if (selected){ playing = false; } else { playing = true; target.gotoAndStop(labels.OverOut); }; }; if (currentFrame == labels.Down){ if (isDown){ playing = false; } else { playing = true; target.gotoAndStop(labels.OverOut); }; }; if (currentFrame == labels.loopFrame){ playing = true; target.gotoAndStop(labels.Up); }; if (currentFrame == labels.Up){ if (((!(isOver)) && (!(selected)))){ playing = false; } else { playing = true; target.gotoAndStop(labels.OverIn); }; }; if (currentFrame == labels.Over){ if (((isOver) || (selected))){ playing = false; } else { playing = true; target.gotoAndStop(labels.OverOut); }; }; if (playing){ target.nextFrame(); //unresolved jump }; } public function handleButton(_arg1){ if ((((_arg1 == labels.Selected)) || ((_arg1 == labels.Down)))){ playing = false; target.gotoAndStop(_arg1); } else { playing = true; }; animation(); } public function unBlock(){ area_mc.buttonMode = true; blocked = false; } public function block(){ area_mc.buttonMode = false; blocked = true; } public function update(_arg1){ Utils.extract(_arg1, params); draggable = params.draggable; unique = params.unique; selectable = params.selectable; onOff = params.onOff; if (_arg1.thumbnail){ if (!thumbnail){ thumbnail = Mixer.add({uri:params.thumbnail, target:Utils.or(target.thumbnailMc, target), fitArea:target.areaMc}); } else { thumbnail.load(params.thumbnail); }; }; if (((target.form) && (_arg1.form))){ for (n in _arg1.form) { if (((target.form[n]) && (_arg1.form[n]))){ target.form[n].text = _arg1.form[n]; continue; }; }; }; bounds = Utils.or(params.bounds, {}); } public function deSelect(){ if (selected){ selected = false; mouseOut(); }; } public function disable(){ alpha = 0.5; block(); } public function mouseDown(_arg1=null){ if (blocked){ return; }; if (!mute){ Mixer.playFX("buttonDownSound"); //unresolved jump }; isDown = true; if (selectable){ if (((onOff) && (selected))){ deSelect(); } else { select(); }; }; Thread.add(mouseUp, "mouseUp"); if (draggable){ offsetX = (x - parent.mouseX); offsetY = (y - parent.mouseY); Thread.add(drag); }; handleButton(labels.Down); params.mouseDown(); onSelect(this); } public static function setSimpleButtons(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3=null){ var _local4:*; var _local5:*; _local4 = Utils.getContained(_arg1); for (_local5 in _local4) { setSimpleButton(_local4[_local5], _arg2, _arg3); }; } public static function setSimpleButton(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3=null){ new ButtonData(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); } } }//package geeon.components import flash.display.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; class ButtonData { public var func:Function; public var params:Object; public var name:String; private function ButtonData(_arg1:SimpleButton, _arg2, _arg3=null){ _arg1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, activate); name =; func = _arg2; params = params; } public function activate(_arg1){ if (params){ func(params); } else { func(); }; } }
Section 15
//Index (geeon.components.Index) package geeon.components { import flash.display.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class Index { static var list:Array = []; public static function add(_arg1, _arg2){ var _local3:*; _local3 = list; if (_arg2){ if (!list[_arg2]){ list[_arg2] = []; //unresolved jump }; _local3 = list[_arg2]; }; _local3.push(_arg1); return (_local3); } public static function select(_arg1){ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; _local2 =; _local2.selected = _arg1; if (_arg1.unique){ _local3 = 0; for (;_local3 < _local2.length;_local3++) { _local4 = _local2[_local3]; if (((!((_local4 == _arg1))) && (_local4.selected))){ _local4.deSelect(); continue; }; }; }; } } }//package geeon.components class Unlocker { private function Unlocker(){ } }
Section 16
//MCWrapper (geeon.components.MCWrapper) package geeon.components { import flash.display.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class MCWrapper extends EventDispatcher { public var target; public var instance; public var event; public var params; public var mode:String; public var type:String;// = "MC" public var _height:Number; public var _width:Number; public var z:Number; public var labels:Array; public function MCWrapper(_arg1){ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; type = "MC"; super(); params = _arg1; target = Utils.or(, new MovieClip()); _width = Utils.or(params.width, target.width); _height = Utils.or(params.height, target.height); mode = Utils.or(params.mode, "default"); instance = this; if (typeof(target) == "movieclip"){ target.ref = this; labels = []; _local2 = target.currentScene.labels; for (_local3 in _local2) { _local4 = _local2[_local3].name; labels[_local4] = _local2[_local3].frame; }; }; } public function get y(){ return (target.y); } public function addChild(_arg1){ target.addChild(_arg1); return (_arg1); } public function get currentLabel(){ return (target.currentLabel); } public function removeChild(_arg1){ target.removeChild(_arg1); return (_arg1); } public function set width(_arg1){ target.width = _arg1; } public function set scaleX(_arg1){ target.scaleX = _arg1; } public function gotoAndStop(_arg1){ target.gotoAndStop(_arg1); } public function get currentFrame(){ return (target.currentFrame); } public function set scaleY(_arg1){ target.scaleY = _arg1; } public function get height(){ return (target.height); } public function get parent(){ return (target.parent); } public function set alpha(_arg1){ target.alpha = _arg1; } public function gotoAndPlay(_arg1){ target.gotoAndPlay(_arg1); } public function get scaleY(){ return (target.scaleY); } public function get mouseX(){ return (target.mouseX); } public function set height(_arg1){ target.height = _arg1; } public function get mouseY(){ return (target.mouseY); } public function get scaleX(){ return (target.scaleX); } public function get alpha(){ return (target.alpha); } public function set visible(_arg1){ target.visible = _arg1; } public function set x(_arg1){ target.x = _arg1; } public function get visible(){ return (target.visible); } public function get width(){ return (target.width); } public function get x(){ return (target.x); } public function set y(_arg1){ target.y = _arg1; } public function set rotation(_arg1){ target.rotation = _arg1; } public function get rotation(){ return (target.rotation); } } }//package geeon.components
Section 17
//GamePage (geeon.gdocument.GamePage) package geeon.gdocument { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class GamePage extends MovieClip { public var pointerBtn:SimpleButton; public static var instance; public function GamePage(){ instance = this; visible = false; Space.init({container:this}); hide(); new GameEngine(); } public static function show(){ GameEngine.restart(); Document.setGameQuality(); } public static function hide(){ GameEngine.clearThreads(); } } }//package geeon.gdocument
Section 18
//GDocument (geeon.gdocument.GDocument) package geeon.gdocument { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class GDocument extends Sprite { public static var instance:GDocument; public static var currentPage; public static var paused:Boolean = false; public function GDocument(){ instance = this; if (root.stage){ initialize(this); }; } public function resume(){ paused = false; } public function start(){ paused = false; showPage(SplashPage); } public function initialize(_arg1){ Document.init(_arg1); start(); } public function pause(){ paused = true; } public static function showPage(_arg1){ Document.setInterfaceQuality(); if (currentPage){ currentPage.instance.gotoAndStop(1); currentPage.instance.visible = false; currentPage.instance.cacheAsBitmap = true; currentPage.hide(); }; currentPage = _arg1; currentPage.instance.visible = true; currentPage.instance.cacheAsBitmap = false; currentPage.instance.gotoAndPlay(1);; } } }//package geeon.gdocument
Section 19
//AbstractHolder (geeon.holders.AbstractHolder) package geeon.holders { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class AbstractHolder extends Sprite { public var loader; public var playing:Boolean; public var totalTime:Number;// = 0 public var fitArea; public var bytesLoaded:Number;// = 0 public var video:Video; public var area_mc:MovieClip; public var streamSlider; public var ref; public var pan:Number;// = 0 public var group; public var dispatcher; public var preloadbarMc:MovieClip; public var percentLoaded:Number;// = 0 public var time:Number;// = 0 public var mouseDown; public var soundChannel; public var volume:Number;// = 1 public var id:Number; public var position:Number;// = 0 public var bitmap:BitmapData; public var button:Button; public var type:String; public var timeMc:MovieClip; public var onStreamStart; public var percentPlayed:Number;// = 0 var stream; public var target; public var params:Object; public var bytesTotal:Number;// = 0 public var duration:Number;// = 10000000 public var data; public var blocked:Boolean;// = false public static var counter; public function AbstractHolder(_arg1=null){ volume = 1; bytesLoaded = 0; bytesTotal = 0; percentLoaded = 0; duration = 10000000; position = 0; percentPlayed = 0; blocked = false; time = 0; totalTime = 0; pan = 0; onStreamStart = function (){ }; super(); id = Utils.forceNumber(counter++); Utils.removeChilds(this); params = _arg1; type = Utils.or(params.type, Utils.getFileExtension(params.uri)).toLowerCase(); params.onLoadComplete = Utils.or(params.onLoadComplete, new Function()); params.onLoadProgress = Utils.or(params.onLoadProgress, new Function()); params.onLoadError = Utils.or(params.onLoadError, new Function()); params.onStreamComplete = Utils.or(params.onStreamComplete, new Function()); onStreamStart = Utils.or(params.onStreamStart, onStreamStart); group =; target =; fitArea = params.fitArea; timeMc = params.timeMc; playing = true; streamSlider = params.streamSlider; if (streamSlider){ streamSlider.seHolder(this); //unresolved jump }; mouseDown = params.mouseDown; pan = Utils.or(params.pan, pan); preloadbarMc = params.preloadbarMc; if (preloadbarMc){ preloadbarMc.scaleX = 0.01; preloadbarMc.alpha = 0; //unresolved jump }; } public function stop(){ doStop(); playing = false; if (soundChannel){ soundChannel.stop(); //unresolved jump }; } public function doOnLoadError(){ } public function setVolume(_arg1){ volume = _arg1; } public function doOnLoadProgress(){ } public function doPause(){ } public function setButton(){ if (((mouseDown) && (fitArea))){ area_mc = new MovieClip(); Utils.drawArea(area_mc, fitArea.width, fitArea.height); parent.addChild(area_mc); button = new Button({target:area_mc, mouseDown:mouseDown}); }; } public function onStream(){ doOnStream(); percentPlayed = ((position * 100) / duration); if (((streamSlider) && (!(blocked)))){ streamSlider.setPercent(percentPlayed); //unresolved jump }; if (timeMc){ timeMc.fieldTime.text = Utils.seconds2Minutes(stream.time); //unresolved jump }; if ((Math.ceil(percentPlayed) >= 100)){ onStreamComplete(); //unresolved jump }; if (((streamSlider) && (!(blocked)))){ streamSlider.setPercent(percentPlayed); //unresolved jump }; } public function doPlay(){ } public function start(){ doStart(); playing = true; } public function seek(_arg1, _arg2=false){ doSeek(_arg1, _arg2); blocked = !(_arg2); } public function doStart(){ } public function onStreamComplete(_arg1=null){ doOnStreamComplete(); removeButton(); Thread.remove(onStream); params.onStreamComplete(); } public function onLoadProgress(_arg1=null):void{ bytesLoaded = _arg1.bytesLoaded; bytesTotal = _arg1.bytesTotal; doOnLoadProgress(); percentLoaded = ((bytesLoaded * 100) / bytesTotal); if ((percentLoaded == 100)){ Thread.remove(onLoadProgress); //unresolved jump }; if (streamSlider){ streamSlider.fillPreloadBar(percentLoaded); //unresolved jump }; if (preloadbarMc){ preloadbarMc.scaleX = (percentLoaded / 100); preloadbarMc.alpha = 1; }; } public function update(_arg1){ } public function removeButton(){ if (area_mc){ parent.removeChild(area_mc); //unresolved jump }; } public function doStop(){ } public function doOnLoadComplete(){ } public function play(){ if (!playing){ doPlay(); playing = true; }; } public function httpStatusHandler(_arg1=null){ } public function doOnStreamComplete(){ } public function securityErrorHandler(_arg1=null){ } public function openHandler(_arg1=null){ } public function doSeek(_arg1=null, _arg2=null){ } public function onLoadError(_arg1=null):void{ params.onLoadError(_arg1); dispatchEvent(_arg1); } public function onLoadComplete(_arg1){ doOnLoadComplete(); setButton(); if (preloadbarMc){ preloadbarMc.scaleX = 0.01; preloadbarMc.alpha = 0; }; } public function doStream(){ } public function doOnStream(){ } public function pause(){ if (playing){ doPause(); playing = false; }; } public function setListeners(){ dispatcher.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadComplete, false, 0, true); dispatcher.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onLoadProgress, false, 0, true); dispatcher.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoadError, false, 0, true); dispatcher.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, httpStatusHandler, false, 0, true); dispatcher.addEventListener(Event.OPEN, openHandler, false, 0, true); dispatcher.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorHandler, false, 0, true); if (target){ target.addChild(this); //unresolved jump }; if (params.volume != null){ setVolume(params.volume); //unresolved jump }; } } }//package geeon.holders class Unlocker { private function Unlocker(){ } }
Section 20
//BitmapHolder (geeon.holders.BitmapHolder) package geeon.holders { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class BitmapHolder extends AbstractHolder { public function BitmapHolder(_arg1=null){ super(_arg1); params = _arg1; loader = new Loader(); dispatcher = loader.contentLoaderInfo; if (params.uri){ start(); //unresolved jump }; addChild(loader); setListeners(); } override public function doStart(){ load(params.uri); } public function load(_arg1){ loader.load(new URLRequest(_arg1)); } override public function doOnLoadComplete(){ if (fitArea){, fitArea); //unresolved jump }; } } }//package geeon.holders
Section 21
//MCHolder (geeon.holders.MCHolder) package geeon.holders { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class MCHolder extends AbstractHolder { var resized:Boolean;// = false public function MCHolder(_arg1=null){ resized = false; super(_arg1); loader = new Loader(); dispatcher = loader.contentLoaderInfo; setListeners(); loader.load(new URLRequest(params.uri)); if (target){ target.addChild(loader); //unresolved jump }; } override public function doOnLoadProgress(){ if (((!(resized)) && ((loader.width > 1)))){ getStream(); //unresolved jump }; } override public function doPause(){ if (stream){ stream.stop(); //unresolved jump }; } override public function doPlay(){ if (stream){; //unresolved jump }; } public function getStream(){ resized = true; stream = loader.content; duration = stream.totalFrames; if (fitArea){, fitArea); //unresolved jump }; onStreamStart(); stream.gotoAndPlay(1); Thread.add(onStream); } override public function doStart(){ if (stream){ stream.gotoAndPlay(1); //unresolved jump }; } override public function doStop(){ if (stream){ stream.gotoAndStop(1); //unresolved jump }; loader.unload(); Thread.remove(onStream); dispatcher.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadComplete); dispatcher.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onLoadProgress); dispatcher.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoadError); dispatcher.removeEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, httpStatusHandler); dispatcher.removeEventListener(Event.OPEN, openHandler); dispatcher.removeEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorHandler); } override public function doOnLoadComplete(){ if (!resized){ getStream(); //unresolved jump }; } override public function doOnStreamComplete(){ if (stream){ stream.stop(); //unresolved jump }; Thread.remove(onStream); } override public function doOnStream(){ position = stream.currentFrame; } } }//package geeon.holders
Section 22
//SoundHolder (geeon.holders.SoundHolder) package geeon.holders { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class SoundHolder extends AbstractHolder { public function SoundHolder(_arg1=null){ super(_arg1); stream = (params.linkage) ? Utils.attach(params.linkage) : new Sound(new URLRequest(params.uri), new SoundLoaderContext((params.buffer * 1000))); dispatcher = stream; setListeners(); start(); dispatcher.addEventListener(Event.ID3, onID3, false, 0, true); dispatcher.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onID3, false, 0, true); } function onID3(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = ID3Info(stream.id3); } override public function doStart(){ if (soundChannel){ soundChannel.stop(); //unresolved jump }; soundChannel = ? (params.ini * 1000) : 0, ((params.loop)>=0) ? params.loop : 0); soundChannel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, onStreamComplete, false, 0, true); } } }//package geeon.holders
Section 23
//VideoHolder (geeon.holders.VideoHolder) package geeon.holders { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class VideoHolder extends AbstractHolder { public function VideoHolder(_arg1=null){ var _local2:NetConnection; super(_arg1); video = new Video(); _local2 = new NetConnection(); _local2.connect(null); soundChannel = (stream = new NetStream(_local2)); stream.bufferTime = 9;; stream.client = {onMetaData:onMetaData}; video.attachNetStream(stream); dispatcher = stream; if (target){ target.addChild(video); } else { addChild(video); }; Thread.add(onStream); stream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onNetStatus, false, 0, true); } override public function doOnLoadProgress(){ bytesLoaded = stream.bytesLoaded; bytesTotal = stream.bytesTotal; } override public function doPause(){ stream.pause(); } function onMetaData(_arg1:Object){ if (_arg1.duration){ duration = _arg1.duration; //unresolved jump }; if (timeMc){ timeMc.fieldTotal.text = Utils.seconds2Minutes(duration); //unresolved jump }; } override public function doPlay(){ stream.resume(); } function onNetStatus(_arg1:NetStatusEvent){ video.width = video.videoWidth; video.height = video.videoHeight; if (fitArea){, fitArea); //unresolved jump }; } override public function doStop(){; } override public function doOnStream(){ position = stream.time; } } }//package geeon.holders
Section 24
//Bitmap3D (geeon.particles.Bitmap3D) package geeon.particles { import flash.display.*; public class Bitmap3D extends Bitmap { public var z:Number;// = 0 public function Bitmap3D(_arg1:BitmapData=null, _arg2:String="auto", _arg3:Boolean=true){ z = 0; super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); } } }//package geeon.particles
Section 25
//BitmapDataPool (geeon.particles.BitmapDataPool) package geeon.particles { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class BitmapDataPool { public static var percent:int = 100; private static var length:int = 0; private static var cached:int = 0; public static var preloadBar:MovieClip; public static var onFinish:Function = function (){ }; public static var pool:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); public function BitmapDataPool(_arg1:Unlocker){ } private static function push(_arg1, _arg2=null){ Document.setRenderQuality(); pool[_arg1] = new BitmapDataCapture(_arg1, _arg2); length++; getPercent(); return (pool[_arg1]); } public static function onThreadComplete(_arg1){ cached++; getPercent(); } public static function getPercent(){ percent = Math.round(((cached * 100) / length)); if (preloadBar){ preloadBar.scaleX = (percent / 100); //unresolved jump }; if (cached == length){ if (onFinish != null){ onFinish(); //unresolved jump }; }; } public static function batch(_arg1:Array){ var _local2:*; while (_arg1.length) { _local2 = _arg1.shift(); if ((_local2.length > 1)){ pull(_local2); continue; }; }; } public static function pull(_arg1, _arg2=null){ if (_arg2){ delete pool[_arg1]; }; return ((pool[_arg1]) ? pool[_arg1] : push(_arg1, _arg2)); } } }//package geeon.particles import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; class Unlocker { private function Unlocker(){ } } class BitmapDataCapture { private var movieclip:MovieClip; public var timeline:Array; public var linkage; public var width:int;// = 1 private var bmp:BitmapData; private var renderFunction; private var labelFrame:int; public var height:int;// = 1 private var frameIsReady:Boolean; public var n:int;// = 0 private var currentFrame:int;// = 1 private var label:String; private var lastLabel:String; private function BitmapDataCapture(_arg1, _arg2=null){ timeline = []; n = 0; width = 1; height = 1; currentFrame = 1; super(); linkage = _arg1; renderFunction = _arg2; timeline.labels = []; cacheMovieClip(); } public function drawFrame(){ movieclip.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); frameIsReady = (renderFunction) ? renderFunction(movieclip) : true; if (!frameIsReady){ return; }; bmp = new BitmapData(width, height, true, 0); bmp.draw(movieclip); timeline[(currentFrame - 1)] = bmp; label = movieclip.currentLabel; if (label){ if (label != lastLabel){ lastLabel = label; labelFrame = 0; }; var _local1 = labelFrame++; timeline[label][_local1] = bmp; }; if ((++currentFrame > movieclip.totalFrames)){ onComplete(); //unresolved jump }; } public function cacheMovieClip(){ var _local1:*; movieclip = new linkage(); width = movieclip.width; height = movieclip.height; bmp = new BitmapData(width, height, true, 0); bmp.draw(movieclip); _local1 = 1; while (_local1 <= movieclip.totalFrames) { movieclip.gotoAndStop(_local1); timeline.push(bmp); label = movieclip.currentLabel; if (label){ if (!timeline[label]){ timeline.labels.push(label); timeline[label] = []; }; timeline[label].push(bmp); }; _local1++; }; Thread.add(drawFrame); } public function cacheBitmapData(){ bmp = new linkage(1, 1); height = bmp.height; width = bmp.width; timeline.push(bmp); BitmapDataPool.onThreadComplete(linkage); } public function onComplete(){ movieclip.visible = false; movieclip = null; Thread.remove(drawFrame); BitmapDataPool.onThreadComplete(linkage); } }
Section 26
//Bounds (geeon.particles.Bounds) package geeon.particles { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class Bounds { public var dept:int; public var width:int; public var radius:int; public var hit:Boolean; public var top:int; public var right:int; public var left:int; public var height:int; public var front:int; public var bottom:int; public var y:int; public var x:int; public function Bounds(_arg1=0, _arg2=0, _arg3=0, _arg4=0, _arg5=0, _arg6=0){ top = _arg1; bottom = _arg2; left = _arg3; right = _arg4; depth = _arg5; front = _arg6; } public function update(_arg1){ top = Utils.or(, top); bottom = Utils.or(_arg1.bottom, bottom); left = Utils.or(_arg1.left, left); right = Utils.or(_arg1.right, right); depth = Utils.or(_arg1.depth, depth); front = Utils.or(_arg1.front, front); } public function reset(){ top = (bottom = (left = (right = (depth = (front = 0))))); } public function setAura(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4){ var _local5:*; var _local6:*; _local5 = (_arg3 / 2); _local6 = (_arg4 / 2); left = (_arg1 - _local5); right = (_arg1 + _local5); top = (_arg2 - _local6); bottom = (_arg2 + _local6); } public function toString(){ return (((((((("BOUNDS Left " + left) + " Right ") + right) + " Top ") + top) + " Bottom ") + bottom)); } public function constrain(_arg1){ _arg1.x = Utils.constrain(_arg1.x, left, right); _arg1.y = Utils.constrain(_arg1.y, top, bottom); } } }//package geeon.particles
Section 27
//Keyb (geeon.particles.Keyb) package geeon.particles { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class Keyb { public static var isDown:Object = {}; private static var keyMap:Object = {37:"LEFT", 38:"UP", 39:"RIGHT", 40:"DOWN", 32:"SPACE", 48:0, 49:1, 50:2, 51:3, 52:4, 53:5, 54:6, 55:7, 56:8, 57:9, 65:"a", 66:"b", 67:"c", 68:"d", 69:"e", 70:"f", 71:"g", 72:"h", 73:"i", 74:"j", 75:"k", 76:"l", 77:"m", 78:"n", 79:"o", 81:"q", 82:"r", 83:"s", 84:"t", 85:"u", 86:"v", 87:"w", 88:"x", 89:"y", 90:"z"}; public static var delta:int = 0; public static function onEvent(_arg1){ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = _arg1.type; if ((((_local2 == "keyDown")) || ((_local2 == "keyUp")))){ _local3 = keyMap[_arg1.keyCode]; if ((_local2 == "keyDown")){ isDown[_local3] = true; } else { delete isDown[_local3]; }; isDown.SHIFT = _arg1.shiftKey; isDown.ALT = _arg1.altKey; isDown.CONTROL = _arg1.ctrlKey; }; Thread.dispatch(_arg1); } } }//package geeon.particles
Section 28
//Space (geeon.particles.Space) package geeon.particles { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class Space extends Sprite { public static var ceil:Sprite = new Sprite(); public static var specialfx:Sprite = new Sprite(); public static var floor:Sprite = new Sprite(); public static var sprites:Sprite = new Sprite(); public static var shadows:Sprite = new Sprite(); public static var instance:Space; public static var clouds:Sprite = new Sprite(); public static var autoScroll:Boolean = true; public static var centerY:Number = (Document.height / 2); public static var pool:Array = []; public static var SCROLL_FRICTION:int = 6; public static var text:Sprite = new Sprite(); public static var centerX:Number = (Document.width / 2); public static var rect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, Document.width, Document.height); public static var bounds:Bounds; public function Space(_arg1, _arg2:Unlocker){ instance = this; if (_arg1.container){ Utils.toBack(this, _arg1.container); //unresolved jump }; addChild(floor); addChild(shadows); addChild(sprites); addChild(ceil); addChild(clouds); addChild(specialfx); addChild(text); } public function scroll(){ x = (x + ((-((Viewport.focus.x - centerX)) - x) / SCROLL_FRICTION)); y = (y + ((-((Viewport.focus.y - centerY)) - y) / SCROLL_FRICTION)); if (bounds){ bounds.constrain(this); //unresolved jump }; } public static function remove(_arg1){ pool.splice(pool.indexOf(_arg1), 1); Utils.removeChild(; return (pool); } public static function shake(_arg1:int=20, _arg2:int=0){ instance.x = (instance.x + _arg2); instance.y = (instance.y + _arg1); } public static function init(_arg1=null){ if (!instance){ new Space(_arg1, new Unlocker()); //unresolved jump }; reset(); return (instance); } public static function constrainScroll(_arg1, _arg2){ if (!bounds){ bounds = new Bounds(); //unresolved jump }; bounds.setAura(centerX, centerY, _arg1, _arg2); } public static function step(){ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; var _local3:*; for (_local1 in pool) { pool[_local1].step(); }; _local2 = Utils.getContained(sprites); _local2.sortOn("z"); for (_local3 in _local2) { sprites.setChildIndex(_local2[_local3], _local3); }; instance.scroll(); } public static function push(_arg1, _arg2="sprites"){ if (pool.indexOf(_arg1) == -1){ pool.push(_arg1); if ({ Space[_arg2].addChild(; //unresolved jump }; }; return (pool); } public static function reset(){ pool = []; Utils.removeChilds(floor); Utils.removeChilds(shadows); Utils.removeChilds(sprites); Utils.removeChilds(ceil); Utils.removeChilds(clouds); Utils.removeChilds(specialfx); Utils.removeChilds(text); instance.x = centerX; instance.y = centerY; } } }//package geeon.particles class Unlocker { private function Unlocker(){ } }
Section 29
//SpriteBitmap (geeon.particles.SpriteBitmap) package geeon.particles { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class SpriteBitmap extends Sprite { public var totalFrames:int;// = 0 public var playing:Boolean;// = true public var bitmap:Bitmap3D; public var timeline:Array; public var label:String; public var scale:Number;// = 1 public var frame:int;// = 0 public var center:Point; public var autoPlay:Boolean;// = false public var bitmapData:BitmapData; public var z:Number;// = 0 public var linkage; public var currentTimeline:Array; public var isVisible:Boolean;// = true public var backwards:Boolean;// = false public var autoLoop:Boolean;// = true public static var active:Array = []; public static var inactive:Array = []; public static var length:int = 0; public static var pool:Array = []; public function SpriteBitmap(_arg1=null){ var _local2:*; z = 0; frame = 0; totalFrames = 0; playing = true; backwards = false; autoPlay = false; autoLoop = true; isVisible = true; scale = 1; super(); _local2 = BitmapDataPool.pull(_arg1.linkage); timeline = _local2.timeline; bitmap = new Bitmap3D(timeline[0]); addChild(bitmap); indexPool(this); goto(_arg1); if (center){ bitmap.x = center.x; bitmap.y = center.y; } else { bitmap.x = (-(bitmap.width) / 2); bitmap.y = (-(bitmap.height) / 2); }; } public function set container(_arg1){ _arg1.addChild(this); } public function get childIndex(){ return (parent.getChildIndex(this)); } public function set childIndex(_arg1){ parent.setChildIndex(this, _arg1); } public function goto(_arg1){ Utils.extract(_arg1, this); if (((label) && (!(timeline[label])))){ label = null; //unresolved jump }; if ((frame == "random")){ random(); //unresolved jump }; scaleX = (scaleY = scale); render(); } public function render(){ currentTimeline = (label) ? timeline[label] : timeline; totalFrames = currentTimeline.length; if (backwards){ if (frame < 0){ frame = (autoLoop) ? (totalFrames - 1) : 0; }; } else { if (frame >= (totalFrames - 1)){ frame = (autoLoop) ? 0 : (totalFrames - 1); }; }; bitmap.bitmapData = (bitmapData = currentTimeline[frame]); smoothing = true; } public function random(_arg1=null){ _arg1 = Utils.or(_arg1, totalFrames); frame = Math.round((Math.random() * _arg1)); render(); } public function step(){ if (playing){ if (backwards){ frame--; } else { frame++; }; }; render(); } public function refresh(){ timeline = BitmapDataPool.pull(linkage).timeline; render(); } public static function pull(_arg1){ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; _local2 = null; for (_local3 in inactive) { _local2 = inactive[_local3]; if (_local2.linkage == _arg1.linkage){ break; }; _local2 = null; }; if (_local2){ _local4 = inactive.indexOf(_local2); inactive.splice(_local4, 1); active.push(_local2); _local2.goto(_arg1); } else { _local2 = new SpriteBitmap(_arg1); }; return (_local2); } public static function indexPool(_arg1){ if (pool.indexOf(_arg1) != -1){ return (length); }; pool.push(_arg1); active.push(_arg1); length = pool.length; return (length); } public static function reset(){ while (active.length) { push(active[0]); }; } public static function push(_arg1){ active.splice(active.indexOf(_arg1), 1); inactive.push(_arg1); Utils.removeChild(_arg1); } public static function call(_arg1:String, _arg2=null){ var _local3:*; for (_local3 in active) { if (_arg2){ var _local6 = active[_local3]; _local6[_arg1](_arg2); } else { _local6 = active[_local3]; _local6[_arg1](); }; }; } } }//package geeon.particles
Section 30
//SpriteBitmapText (geeon.particles.SpriteBitmapText) package geeon.particles { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class SpriteBitmapText extends Sprite { public var counter:uint; public var playing:Boolean;// = true public var bitmap:Bitmap3D; public var scale:Number;// = 1 public var center:Point; public var bitmapData:BitmapData; public var target:MovieClip; public var z:Number;// = 0 public var textFieldTitle:TextField; public var linkage; public var textField:TextField; public var rect:Rectangle; public function SpriteBitmapText(_arg1){ z = 0; playing = true; scale = 1; super(); target = _arg1; textField = target.textField; textFieldTitle = target.textFieldTitle; bitmapData = new BitmapData(target.width, target.height, true, 0); bitmap = new Bitmap3D(bitmapData, "auto", true); rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, target.width, target.height); x = target.x; y = target.y; addChild(bitmap); target.parent.addChild(this); Utils.removeChild(target); show(); } public function step(){ if (!--counter){ Thread.remove(step); visible = false; }; } public function show(_arg1:String="", _arg2=0, _arg3:String=null){ visible = true; textField.text = _arg1; if (_arg3){ textFieldTitle.text = _arg3; //unresolved jump }; bitmapData.lock(); bitmapData.fillRect(rect, 0xFF); bitmapData.draw(target, null, null, null, null, true); bitmapData.unlock(); if (_arg2){ counter = _arg2; Thread.add(step); }; } } }//package geeon.particles
Section 31
//Thread (geeon.particles.Thread) package geeon.particles { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class Thread { private static var lastTime:Number = 0; private static var interval:uint; private static var DEFAULT_SPEED:int = 30; private static var thisTime:Number = 0; public static var time:Number = 0; private static var currentClock:int = 0; private static var trashcan:Array = []; public static var keyUp:Array = []; private static var instance:Thread; public static var mouseUp:Array = []; public static var keyDown:Array = []; private static var dictionary:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); public static var mouseDown:Array = []; private static var inactive:Array = []; public static var mouseMove:Array = []; private static var garbage:Boolean; public static var mouseWheel:Array = []; public static var enterFrame:Array = []; private static var stage:Stage; public function Thread(_arg1, _arg2:Unlocker){ instance = this; _arg1.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, Keyb.onEvent); _arg1.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, Keyb.onEvent); _arg1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dispatch); _arg1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dispatch); _arg1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, dispatch); setClock(); } public static function remove(_arg1:Function){ var _local2:*; _local2 = dictionary[_arg1]; if (_local2){ delete dictionary[_arg1]; trashcan.push(_local2); garbage = true; }; } public static function setClock(_arg1=null){ if (interval){ clearInterval(interval); //unresolved jump }; currentClock = Utils.or(_arg1, DEFAULT_SPEED); interval = setInterval(dispatch, currentClock); } public static function init(_arg1){ if (!instance){ new Thread(_arg1, new Unlocker()); //unresolved jump }; } public static function cleanGarbage(){ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; garbage = false; while (trashcan.length) { _local1 = trashcan.shift(); _local2 = _local1.type; Thread[_local2].splice(Thread[_local2].indexOf(_local1), 1); inactive.push(_local1); _local1.dispose(); }; } public static function add(_arg1:Function, _arg2="enterFrame", _arg3:uint=0, _arg4:uint=0, _arg5:Function=null){ var _local6:*; remove(_arg1); _local6 = (inactive.length) ? inactive.shift() : new Daemon(); dictionary[_arg1] = _local6; _local6.init(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5); Thread[_arg2].push(_local6); } public static function dispatch(_arg1=null){ var _local2:String; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; if (garbage){ cleanGarbage(); //unresolved jump }; _local2 = (_arg1) ? _arg1.type : "enterFrame"; if (_local2 == "enterFrame"){ thisTime = getTimer(); time = ((thisTime - lastTime) / DEFAULT_SPEED); lastTime = thisTime; }; if ((_local2 == "mouseWheel")){ delta =; //unresolved jump }; _local3 = Thread[_local2]; for (_local4 in _local3) { _local3[_local4].execute(); }; } } }//package geeon.particles import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; class Daemon { public var cycle:uint; public var times:uint; public var onFinish:Function; public var execute:Function; public var type:String; public var listener:Function; public var counter:uint; private function Daemon(){ } public function init(_arg1:Function, _arg2:String, _arg3:uint=0, _arg4:uint=0, _arg5:Function=null){ type = _arg2; listener = _arg1; cycle = _arg3; times = _arg4; onFinish = _arg5; execute = (((cycle) || (times))) ? doCycle : listener; } private function doCycle(){ if (++counter > cycle){ if (counter == times){ Thread.remove(listener); if (onFinish != null){ onFinish(); //unresolved jump }; } else { counter = 0; listener(); }; }; } public function dispose(){ type = null; listener = null; cycle = 0; times = 0; onFinish = null; execute = null; } } class Unlocker { private function Unlocker(){ } }
Section 32
//TrigonometryPoint (geeon.particles.TrigonometryPoint) package geeon.particles { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class TrigonometryPoint { public static var cos:Number; public static var spring:Number; public static var angle:Number; public static var dx:Number; public static var dy:Number; public static var sin:Number; public static var face:String; public static var atan:Number; public static var h:Number; public static var radians:Number; public static function getSinCos(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3="y", _arg4="x"){ hipotenusa(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4); cos = Utils.forceNumber((dx / h)); sin = Utils.forceNumber((dy / h)); return (TrigonometryPoint); } public static function hipotenusa(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3="y", _arg4="x"){ dx = distance(_arg1[_arg4], _arg2[_arg4]); dy = distance(_arg1[_arg3], _arg2[_arg3]); h = Math.sqrt(((dx * dx) + (dy * dy))); return (TrigonometryPoint); } public static function rotation2Degrees(_arg1){ _arg1 = ((_arg1 < 0)) ? (360 + _arg1) : _arg1; return (_arg1); } public static function springMax(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3=1, _arg4=1, _arg5="y", _arg6="x"){ if (_arg2){ hipotenusa(_arg1, _arg2, _arg5, _arg6); //unresolved jump }; if (h > _arg3){ applySpring(_arg1, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6); return (true); }; return (false); } public static function getFace(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Number=0.75, _arg3:Boolean=false){ var _local4:*; var _local5:*; if ((((_local4 > -(_arg2))) && ((_local4 < _arg2)))){ face = ((_local5 < 0)) ? "UP" : "DOWN"; } else { face = ((_local4 < 0)) ? "LEFT" : "RIGHT"; }; return (TrigonometryPoint); } private static function applySpring(_arg1, _arg2=1, _arg3=1, _arg4="y", _arg5="x"){ spring = ((h - _arg2) / h); _arg1[_arg5] = (_arg1[_arg5] + ((dx * spring) / _arg3)); _arg1[_arg4] = (_arg1[_arg4] + ((dy * spring) / _arg3)); } public static function radiansToAngle(_arg1, _arg2=0){ angle = ((_arg1 * 180) / Math.PI); angle = (angle + ((_arg2 < 0)) ? 180 : 0); return (angle); } public static function springMin(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3=1, _arg4=1, _arg5="y", _arg6="x"){ if (_arg2){ hipotenusa(_arg1, _arg2, _arg5, _arg6); //unresolved jump }; if (h < _arg3){ applySpring(_arg1, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6); return (true); }; return (false); } public static function getAll(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3="y", _arg4="x"){ getSinCos(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4); atan = (dy / dx); radians = Math.atan(atan); radiansToAngle(radians, dx); return (TrigonometryPoint); } public static function distance(_arg1, _arg2){ return ((_arg2 - _arg1)); } public static function midPoint(_arg1=0, _arg2=0){ return (Utils.forceNumber((_arg2 + (distance(_arg1, _arg2) / 2)))); } public static function doSpring(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3=1, _arg4=1, _arg5="y", _arg6="x"){ if (_arg2){ hipotenusa(_arg1, _arg2, _arg5, _arg6); //unresolved jump }; applySpring(_arg1, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6); } public static function springRange(_arg1, _arg2=null, _arg3=1, _arg4=10, _arg5=1, _arg6="y", _arg7="x"){ var _local8:*; var _local9:*; if (_arg2){ hipotenusa(_arg1, _arg2, _arg6, _arg7); //unresolved jump }; _arg2 = null; _local8 = springMin(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, trig, _arg6); _local9 = springMax(_arg1, _arg2, _arg4, trig, _arg6); return (((_local8) || (_local9))); } } }//package geeon.particles
Section 33
//TweenParticle (geeon.particles.TweenParticle) package geeon.particles { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class TweenParticle extends TweenThread { public var xtraAccel:Number;// = 0 public var lastLabel:String; public var target; public var radius:uint; public var bitmapParams:Object; public var lives:int;// = 0 public var pointReached:Boolean;// = true public var view:String;// = "front" public var label:String; public var boundaries:Boolean; public var height:Number;// = 0 public var BASE_VELOCITY:Number;// = 1 public var velAccel:Number;// = 0 public var width:Number;// = 0 public var centered:Number;// = 0 public var side:String; public var moving:Boolean; public var tweens:TweenPool; public function TweenParticle(_arg1=null){ var params = _arg1; width = 0; height = 0; centered = 0; velAccel = 0; pointReached = true; BASE_VELOCITY = 1; xtraAccel = 0; view = "front"; lives = 0; tweens = new TweenPool(this); step = function (){ tween(); render(); }; super(params); } public function render(){ Viewport.render(tweens, target); } public function tween(){ time = Thread.time; x = (x + (velocity.x * time)); y = (y + (velocity.y * time)); z = (z + (velocity.z * time)); velocity.scalar(friction); tweens.step(); } public function flip(_arg1){ var _local2:Number; _local2 = Utils.positive(target.scaleX); target.scaleX = ((_arg1 > 0)) ? _local2 : -(_local2); } } }//package geeon.particles
Section 34
//TweenPoint (geeon.particles.TweenPoint) package geeon.particles { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class TweenPoint { public var y:Number;// = 0 public var scale:Number;// = 1 public var rotationX:Number;// = 0 public var rotationY:Number;// = 0 public var rotationZ:Number;// = 0 public var alpha:Number;// = 1 public var visible:Boolean;// = true public var x:Number;// = 0 public var z:Number;// = 0 public var filters:Array; public var rotation:Number;// = 0 public function TweenPoint(_arg1=null){ x = 0; y = 0; z = 0; alpha = 1; scale = 1; rotation = 0; rotationX = 0; rotationY = 0; rotationZ = 0; visible = true; super(); if (_arg1){ extract(_arg1); //unresolved jump }; } public function extract(_arg1){ Utils.extract(_arg1, this); } public function merge(_arg1){ scale = (scale * _arg1.scale); alpha = (alpha * _arg1.alpha); x = (x + (_arg1.x * scale)); y = (y + (_arg1.y * scale)); z = (z + (_arg1.z * scale)); rotation = (rotation + _arg1.rotation); } public function copyState(_arg1){ scale = _arg1.scale; alpha = _arg1.alpha; x = _arg1.x; y = _arg1.y; z = _arg1.z; rotation = _arg1.rotation; } } }//package geeon.particles
Section 35
//TweenPool (geeon.particles.TweenPool) package geeon.particles { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class TweenPool extends TweenPoint { public var target; public var length:int;// = 0 public var pool:Array; public function TweenPool(_arg1, _arg2:Array=null){ pool = []; length = 0; super(); pool = Utils.or(_arg2, pool); target = _arg1; restart(); } public function stop(_arg1=null){ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; if (((!(_arg1)) || ((_arg1 is Array)))){ _local2 = Utils.or(_arg1, pool); for (_local3 in _local2) { _local2[_local3].playing = false; }; return; }; _arg1.playing = true; } public function random(){ play(Utils.arrayGetRandom(pool)); } public function step(){ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; copyState(target); if (!length){ return; }; for (_local1 in pool) { _local2 = pool[_local1]; if (_local2.playing){ _local2.step(); //unresolved jump }; merge(_local2); }; } public function restart(){ var _local1:*; for (_local1 in pool) { pool[_local1].restart(); }; } public function push(_arg1){ if ((_arg1 is Array)){ pool.concat(_arg1); length = (length + _arg1.length); return; }; pool.push(_arg1); length++; return (_arg1); } public function play(_arg1=null){ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; stop(); if (((!(_arg1)) || ((_arg1 is Array)))){ _local2 = Utils.or(_arg1, pool); for (_local3 in _local2) { _local2[_local3].playing = true; }; return; }; _arg1.playing = true; } } }//package geeon.particles
Section 36
//TweenThread (geeon.particles.TweenThread) package geeon.particles { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class TweenThread extends TweenPoint { public var counter:int;// = 0 public var mass:Number;// = 1 public var cos:Number;// = 0 public var restart:Function; public var dist:int;// = 0 public var modeNULL:Function; public var trig; public var playing:Boolean;// = true public var mode:Function; public var play:Function; public var time:Number;// = 0 public var step:Function; public var sin:Number;// = 0 public var velocity:Vector; public var friction:Number;// = 1 public var pause:Function; public function TweenThread(_arg1=null){ friction = 1; mass = 1; velocity = new Vector(); time = 0; dist = 0; sin = 0; cos = 0; counter = 0; modeNULL = function (){ }; playing = true; step = function (){ }; restart = function (){ }; play = function (){ playing = true; }; pause = function (){ playing = false; }; super(_arg1); } } }//package geeon.particles
Section 37
//Vector (geeon.particles.Vector) package geeon.particles { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class Vector { public var visible:Boolean; public var x:Number; public var y:Number; public var z:Number; public function Vector(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ x = _arg1; y = _arg2; z = _arg3; } public function bounceTo(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3=0.9, _arg4=5){ x = ((x * _arg3) + ((_arg2.x - _arg1.x) / _arg4)); y = ((y * _arg3) + ((_arg2.y - _arg1.y) / _arg4)); z = ((z * _arg3) + ((_arg2.z - _arg1.z) / _arg4)); } public function extract(_arg1){ Utils.extract(_arg1, this); } public function update(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ x = _arg1; y = _arg2; z = _arg3; return (this); } public function multiply(_arg1:Number=1, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Number=1){ x = (x * _arg1); y = (y * _arg2); z = (z * _arg3); } public function toString():String{ return ((((((("Point3D = [" + x) + ",") + y) + ",") + z) + "]")); } public function cloneInverse(){ return (new Point3D(-(x), -(y), -(z))); } public function increment(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ x = (x + _arg1); y = (y + _arg2); z = (z + _arg3); } public function scalar(_arg1:Number){ x = (x * _arg1); y = (y * _arg1); z = (z * _arg1); } public function clone(){ return (new Point3D(x, y, z)); } public function reset(){ x = (y = (z = 0)); } public function adds(_arg1){ x = (x + _arg1.x); y = (y + _arg1.y); z = (z + _arg1.z); } } }//package geeon.particles
Section 38
//Viewport (geeon.particles.Viewport) package geeon.particles { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class Viewport { public static var sinX:Number = 0; public static var sinY:Number = 0; static var tx; public static var iso:Number = 0.69; static var tz; public static var output:Vector = new Vector(); static var ty; static var xx; public static var isoAng:Number = 0.485; public static var rotationX:Number = 0; public static var rotationY:Number = 0; public static var rotationZ:Number = 0; static var yy; public static var mode:int = 2; public static var cosX:Number = 0; public static var cosY:Number = 0; static var x1; static var x2; static var zz; public static var scale:Number = 1; public static var fov:Number = 300; public static var zoom:Number = 1; public static var focus; static var y2; static var y1; static var s; static var z1; public static var x:Number = 0; public static var y:Number = 0; public static var z:Number = 0; static var z2; public static function render(_arg1, _arg2=null){ if (!_arg2){ _arg2 = output; //unresolved jump }; _arg2.x = _arg1.x; _arg2.y = _arg1.y; _arg2.z = _arg1.z; if (mode == 0){ _arg2.z = _arg2.y; return; }; if (mode == 2){ _arg2.y = (_arg1.z + _arg1.y); return; }; if (mode == 3){ return; }; if (mode == 4){ return; }; } public static function ISOtopoint(_arg1){ xx = (_arg1.x / iso); yy = (_arg1.y / isoAng); outputX = ((xx - yy) / 2); outputY = ((yy + xx) / 2); } public static function degrees(){ cosX = Math.cos(rotationX); sinX = Math.sin(rotationX); cosY = Math.cos(rotationY); sinY = Math.sin(rotationY); } public static function ZtoPoint(_arg1){ } public static function pointISO(_arg1){ xx = _arg1.x; yy = _arg1.y; outputX = ((yy + xx) * iso); outputY = ((yy - xx) * isoAng); outputZ = _arg1.z; } public static function point2D(_arg1){ tx = (_arg1.x - x); ty = (_arg1.y - y); tz = (_arg1.z - z); x1 = ((cosX * tx) - (sinX * tz)); z1 = ((sinX * tx) + (cosX * tz)); y1 = ((cosY * ty) - (sinY * z1)); z2 = ((sinY * ty) + (cosY * z1)); outputX = (x1 * s); outputY = (y1 * s); outputZ = (z2 * s); outputScale = ((fov / (fov + z2)) * zoom); } degrees(); } }//package geeon.particles
Section 39
//Document (geeon.system.Document) package geeon.system { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class Document { public static var width:Number = 720; public static var renderQuality:String = "HIGH"; public static var interfaceQuality:String = "HIGH"; public static var initialized:Boolean; public static var gameFPS:int = 100; public static var root:Sprite; public static var height:Number = 540; public static var gameQuality:String = "LOW"; public static var context:LoaderContext; public static var interfaceFPS:int = 33; public static var stage:Stage; public function Document(_arg1, _arg2:Unlocker){ var _local3:*; super(); root = _arg1; initialized = true; stage = root.stage; Security.allowDomain("*"); Security.allowInsecureDomain("*"); context = new LoaderContext(); context.applicationDomain = new ApplicationDomain(); _local3 = new ContextMenu(); _local3.hideBuiltInItems(); root.contextMenu = _local3; Utils.extract(LoaderInfo(stage.loaderInfo).parameters,; Thread.init(stage); } public static function setRenderQuality(){ if (!stage){ return; }; stage.quality = renderQuality; stage.frameRate = interfaceFPS; } public static function setInterfaceQuality(){ if (!stage){ return; }; stage.quality = interfaceQuality; stage.frameRate = interfaceFPS; } public static function init(_arg1){ if (!initialized){ new Document(_arg1, new Unlocker()); //unresolved jump }; } public static function setGameQuality(){ if (!stage){ return; }; stage.quality = gameQuality; stage.frameRate = gameFPS; } } }//package geeon.system class Unlocker { private function Unlocker(){ } }
Section 40
//Memory (geeon.system.Memory) package geeon.system { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class Memory { public static var global:Object = {}; static var list:Object = null; static var initialized:Boolean = false; static var KEY:String = null; public static function multiply(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number){ var _local3:*; _local3 = Utils.forceNumber(getValue(_arg1)); _local3 = (_local3 * _arg2); return (setValue(_arg1, _local3)); } public static function setValue(_arg1:String, _arg2){ init(); list[Utils.encrypt(_arg1, KEY)] = Utils.encrypt(_arg2.toString(), KEY); return (_arg2); } public static function init(_arg1=null){ if (((!(initialized)) || (_arg1))){ initialized = true; KEY = (String(Math.random()).substr(2, 14) + String(Math.random()).substr(2, 14)); list = {}; }; } public static function plus(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number){ var _local3:*; _local3 = Utils.forceNumber(getValue(_arg1)); _local3 = (_local3 + _arg2); list[Utils.encrypt(_arg1, KEY)] = Utils.encrypt(_local3.toString(), KEY); return (_local3); } public static function getValue(_arg1:String){ init(); _arg1 = Utils.encrypt(_arg1, KEY); return (((list[_arg1])!=null) ? Utils.decrypt(list[_arg1], KEY) : ""); } } }//package geeon.system
Section 41
//Mixer (geeon.system.Mixer) package geeon.system { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.utils.*; import project.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class Mixer { public static var _volume:Number = 1; public static var iMusic; public static var tracks:Array = []; public static var mute:Boolean = false; public static var list:Array = []; public static var panCounter:Number = 0; public static var _volFX:Number = 1; public static var _volMusic:Number = 1; public static var mMusic; public static var globalPan:Number = 0; public static var _globalVolume:Number = 1; public static var gMusic; public static function playFX(_arg1, _arg2=0, _arg3=0){ return (add({linkage:_arg1, group:"FX", pan:_arg2, type:"sound", uri:"", loop:_arg3})); } public static function menuMusicOff(){ tracksOff(); if (mMusic){ mMusic.stop(); //unresolved jump }; } public static function set volFX(_arg1){ _volFX = _arg1; } public static function tracksOff(){ var _local1:*; for (_local1 in tracks) { tracks[_local1].stop(); }; } public static function playMusic(_arg1, _arg2=999999){ return (add({uri:_arg1, group:"Music", type:"mp3", loop:_arg2})); } public static function gameMusicOn(){ tracksOff(); if (!gMusic){ gMusic = addTrack("gameMusic"); //unresolved jump }; if (!gMusic.playing){ gMusic.start(); //unresolved jump }; } public static function step(){ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; _globalVolume = (mute) ? 0 : _volume; for (_local2 in list) { _local3 = list[_local2]; if (_local3.soundChannel){ _local1 = ( ? Mixer[("_vol" +] : 1; _local4 = _local3.soundChannel.soundTransform; _local4.volume = (_local1 * _local3.volume); _local4.pan = _local3.pan; _local3.soundChannel.soundTransform = _local4; }; }; SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(_globalVolume, 0); } public static function soundsOn(){ mute = false; } public static function get volMusic(){ return (_volMusic); } public static function get volume(){ return (_globalVolume); } public static function soundError(_arg1){ } public static function gameMusicOff(){ tracksOff(); if (gMusic){ gMusic.stop(); //unresolved jump }; } public static function menuMusicOn(){ tracksOff(); if (!mMusic){ mMusic = addTrack("menuMusic"); //unresolved jump }; if (!mMusic.playing){ mMusic.start(); //unresolved jump }; } public static function add(_arg1=null){ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; _local2 = Utils.or(_arg1.type, Utils.getFileExtension(_arg1.uri)).toLowerCase(); if ((((_local2 == "mp3")) || ((_local2 == "sound")))){ for (_local4 in list) { _local5 = false; _local3 = list[_local4]; if (((_arg1.uri) && ((_local3.params.uri == _arg1.uri)))){ _local5 = true; }; if (((_arg1.linkage) && ((_local3.params.linkage == _arg1.linkage)))){ _local5 = true; }; if (_local5){ _local3.start(); _local3.pan = _arg1.pan; return (_local3); }; }; _local3 = new SoundHolder(_arg1); }; if ((((((_local2 == "jpg")) || ((_local2 == "png")))) || ((_local2 == "gif")))){ _local3 = new BitmapHolder(_arg1); }; if (_local2 == "flv"){ _local3 = new VideoHolder(_arg1); }; if (_local2 == "swf"){ _local3 = new MCHolder(_arg1); }; list.push(_local3); return (_local3); } public static function interfaceMusicOff(){ tracksOff(); if (iMusic){ iMusic.stop(); //unresolved jump }; } public static function set volMusic(_arg1){ _volMusic = _arg1; } public static function get volFX(){ return (_volFX); } public static function addTrack(_arg1){ var _local2:*; _local2 = add({linkage:_arg1, uri:"", type:"mp3", loop:9999, group:"Music"}); tracks.push(_local2); return (_local2); } public static function interfaceMusicOn(){ tracksOff(); if (!iMusic){ iMusic = addTrack("interfaceMusic"); //unresolved jump }; if (!iMusic.playing){ iMusic.start(); //unresolved jump }; } public static function soundsOff(){ mute = true; } public static function set volume(_arg1){ _globalVolume = _arg1; } Thread.add(step); } }//package geeon.system
Section 42
//Utils (geeon.utils.Utils) package geeon.utils { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import project.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class Utils { private var _interrupt:Boolean;// = false static var PHI:Number = 1.61803398874989; static var DEG2RAD:Number = 0.0174532925199433; private static var _listeners:Array = []; static var LAMBDA:Number = 0.57721566490143; static var root; static var RAD2DEG:Number = 57.2957795130823; private static var _instance:Utils; public function Utils(){ _interrupt = false; super(); } public function dupeMovie(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:Boolean=false){ var _local3:Class; var _local4:DisplayObject; var _local5:Rectangle; _local3 = _arg1["constructor"]; _local4 = new (_local3); _local4.transform = _arg1.transform; _local4.filters = _arg1.filters; _local4.cacheAsBitmap = _arg1.cacheAsBitmap; _local4.opaqueBackground = _arg1.opaqueBackground; if (_arg1.scale9Grid){ _local5 = _arg1.scale9Grid; _arg1.scale9Grid.x = (_local5.x / 20); _local5.y = (_local5.y / 20); _local5.width = (_local5.width / 20); _local5.height = (_local5.height / 20); _local4.scale9Grid = _local5; }; if (((_arg2) && (_arg1.parent))){ _arg1.parent.addChild(_local4); //unresolved jump }; return (_local4); } function clone(_arg1:Object){ var _local2:ByteArray; _local2 = new ByteArray(); _local2.writeObject(_arg1); _local2.position = 0; return (_local2.readObject()); } public static function removeValueFromArray(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Object){ var _local3:uint; var _local4:Number; _local3 = _arg1.length; _local4 = _local3; while (_local4 > -1) { if (_arg1[_local4] === _arg2){ _arg1.splice(_local4, 1); }; _local4--; }; } public static function createUniqueCopy(_arg1:Array):Array{ var _local2:Object; var _local3:Array; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Object; var _local6:uint; _local2 = new Object(); _local3 = new Array(); _local4 = _arg1.length; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local4) { _local5 = _arg1[_local6]; if (arrayContainsValue(_local3, _local5)){ } else { _local3.push(_local5); }; _local6++; }; return (_local3); } public static function getPercent(_arg1, _arg2=100, _arg3=100, _arg4=0, _arg5=0, _arg6=true){ return (constrain((((_arg1 - _arg5) * _arg3) / (_arg2 - (_arg5 * 2))), _arg4, _arg3, _arg6)); } public static function findPrimeFrom(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Array{ var _local3:*; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Array; var _local6:Array; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; _arg1 = (_arg1 | 0); _arg2 = (_arg2 | 0); _local5 = []; _local6 = []; if (!_arg2){ _arg2 = 0; } else { _arg2--; }; _arg1 = (_arg1 + 1); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1) { _local6[_local3] = 0; _local3++; }; _local7 = Math.round(Math.sqrt((_arg1 + 1))); _local8 = 2; _local3 = 2; while (_local3 <= _local7) { if (_local6[_local3] == 0){ _local4 = (_local8 * _local3); while (_local4 < _arg1) { _local6[_local4] = 1; _local4 = (_local4 + _local3); }; _local8 = _local3; }; _local3++; }; _local3 = (_arg1 - 1); while (_local3 > _arg2) { if (_local6[_local3] == 0){ _local5.push(_local3); }; _local3--; }; return (_local5); } public static function fit(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3=false){ var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; _local4 = _arg2; _local5 = _arg1; _local6 = (_local4.width / _local5.width); _arg1.width = (_arg1.width * _local6); _arg1.height = (_arg1.height * _local6); _local6 = (_local4.height / _local5.height); if (((((_arg3) && ((_local5.height < _local4.height)))) || (((!(_arg3)) && ((_local5.height > _local4.height)))))){ _local5.width = (_local5.width * _local6); _local5.height = (_local5.height * _local6); }; center(_arg1, _arg2); } public static function isNumber(_arg1){ return (((String(Number(_arg1)))!="NaN") ? true : false); } public static function forceNumber(_arg1){ return ((isNumber(_arg1)) ? Number(_arg1) : 0); } public static function productFactors(_arg1:Number):Number{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _local2 = 1; _local3 = 3; while (_local3 <= _arg1) { if (isPrime(_local3)){ _local2 = (_local2 * _local3); }; _local3 = (_local3 + 2); }; if (_arg1 > 2){ _local2 = (_local2 * 2); }; return (_local2); } public static function toBack(_arg1, _arg2=null){ if (_arg2){ _arg2.addChild(_arg1); //unresolved jump }; _arg1.parent.setChildIndex(_arg1, 0); } public static function square(_arg1:Number):Number{ return ((_arg1 * _arg1)); } public static function factorialApprox(_arg1:Number):Number{ return (Math.round(gammaApprox((_arg1 + 1)))); } public static function trim(_arg1:String):String{ return (ltrim(rtrim(_arg1))); } public static function excludeChars(_arg1:String, _arg2:String){ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; _arg2 = or(_arg2, ":,<>-'{}[]/*-+!;8!@#$%.^&*()"); _local3 = ""; _local5 = 0; for (;_local5 < _arg1.length;_local5++) { _local4 = true; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg2.length) { if (_arg1.charAt(_local5) == _arg2.charAt(_local6)){ _local4 = false; break; }; _local6++; }; if (_local4){ _local3 = (_local3 + _arg1.charAt(_local5)); continue; }; }; return (_local3); } public static function fibonacci(_arg1:Number):Number{ return (Math.round(((Math.pow(((1 + Math.sqrt(5)) / 2), _arg1) - Math.pow(((1 - Math.sqrt(5)) / 2), _arg1)) / Math.sqrt(5)))); } public static function toBoolean(_arg1){ if (_arg1 == "true"){ return (true); }; return (false); } public static function charsToLongs(_arg1:Array):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:Number; _local2 = new Array(Math.ceil((_arg1.length / 4))); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local2.length) { _local2[_local3] = (((_arg1[(_local3 * 4)] + (_arg1[((_local3 * 4) + 1)] << 8)) + (_arg1[((_local3 * 4) + 2)] << 16)) + (_arg1[((_local3 * 4) + 3)] << 24)); _local3++; }; return (_local2); } public static function inverse(_arg1:Number):Number{ return ((1 / _arg1)); } public static function negative(_arg1){ return (((_arg1 < 0)) ? _arg1 : -(_arg1)); } public static function getURL(_arg1:String, _arg2:String="_blank"){ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(_arg1), _arg2); } public static function commas(_arg1, _arg2=3){ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; _arg1 = String(_arg1); _local3 = ""; _local5 = 0; _local6 = (_arg1.length - 1); for (;_local6 >= 0;(_local4 = (_local4 + _arg1.charAt(_local6))), (_local3 = (_local4 + _local3)), _local6--) { _local4 = ""; ++_local5; if ((((_local5 >= _arg2)) && ((_local6 > 0)))){ _local5 = 0; _local4 = ","; continue; }; }; return (_local3); } public static function strReplace(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3){ var _local4:*; _local4 = String(_arg3); return (_local4.split(_arg1).join(_arg2)); } public static function attach(_arg1, _arg2=null){ var _local3:*; _local3 = ((typeof(_arg1) == "string")) ? new ((getDefinitionByName(_arg1) as Class)) : new (_arg1); if (_arg2){ _arg2.addChild(_local3); //unresolved jump }; return (_local3); } public static function drawRect(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4=0, _arg5=0){ _arg1.clear(); _arg1.beginFill(_arg4, _arg5); _arg1.drawRect(0, 0, _arg2, _arg3); _arg1.endFill(); } public static function sortDepths(_arg1, _arg2="y", _arg3=true):void{ var _local4:*; var _local5:*; _local4 = (_arg1.length) ? copyArray(_arg1) : getContained(_arg1); if (_arg3){ _local4.sortOn(_arg2, (Array.DESCENDING | Array.NUMERIC)); } else { _local4.sortOn(_arg2); }; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local4.length) { _local4[_local5].parent.setChildIndex(_local4[_local5], _local5); _local5++; }; } public static function switchBoolean(_arg1){ return ((_arg1) ? false : true); } public static function center(_arg1, _arg2){ _arg1.y = (_arg2.y + ((_arg2.height - _arg1.height) / 2)); _arg1.x = (_arg2.x + ((_arg2.width - _arg1.width) / 2)); } public static function isPrime2(_arg1:Number):Boolean{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _arg1 = (_arg1 | 0); if (((isNaN(_arg1)) || ((_arg1 == 0)))){ return (false); }; if (_arg1 <= 3){ return (true); }; if ((_arg1 % 2) == 0){ return (false); }; _local2 = ((((Math.sqrt(_arg1) / 6) | 0) * 6) + 5); _local3 = 5; do { } while (((((!(((_arg1 % _local3) == 0))) && (!(((_arg1 % (_local3 + 2)) == 0))))) && (!((_temp2 == _local2))))); return ((_local3 == _local2)); } public static function arrayGetRandom(_arg1:Array){ return (_arg1[Math.floor((Math.random() * _arg1.length))]); } public static function goto(_arg1, _arg2){ _arg1.gotoAndStop(getPercent(_arg2, 100, _arg1.totalFrames, null, null, false)); } public static function parseXML(_arg1){ var xmlDoc:*; var parseNode:*; var xml = _arg1; parseNode = function (_arg1, _arg2){ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; extract(_arg1.attributes, _arg2); if (((_arg1.firstChild) && ((_arg1.firstChild.nodeType == 3)))){ _local3 = _arg1.firstChild.nodeValue; if (length(_arg1.attributes)){ _arg2.text = _local3; } else { _arg2 = _local3; }; } else { _local4 = _arg1.childNodes; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local4.length) { _arg2[((_local4[_local5].nodeName == "item")) ? _arg2.length : _local4[_local5].nodeName] = parseNode(_local4[_local5], []); _local5++; }; }; return (_arg2); }; if (typeof(xml) == "string"){ xml = new XML(xml); }; xmlDoc = new XMLDocument(); xmlDoc.ignoreWhite = true; xmlDoc.parseXML(xml); return (parseNode(xmlDoc.firstChild, [])); } public static function encrypt(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):String{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; _local3 = charsToLongs(strToChars(_arg1)); _local4 = charsToLongs(strToChars(_arg2)); _local5 = _local3.length; if (_local5 == 0){ return (""); }; if (_local5 == 1){ var _temp1 = _local5; _local5 = (_local5 + 1); var _local14 = _temp1; _local3[_local14] = 0; }; _local6 = _local3[(_local5 - 1)]; _local7 = _local3[0]; _local8 = 2654435769; _local11 = Math.floor((6 + (52 / _local5))); _local12 = 0; while (_local11-- > 0) { _local12 = (_local12 + _local8); _local10 = ((_local12 >>> 2) & 3); _local13 = 0; while (_local13 < (_local5 - 1)) { _local7 = _local3[(_local13 + 1)]; _local9 = ((((_local6 >>> 5) ^ (_local7 << 2)) + ((_local7 >>> 3) ^ (_local6 << 4))) ^ ((_local12 ^ _local7) + (_local4[((_local13 & 3) ^ _local10)] ^ _local6))); _local6 = (_local3[_local13] = (_local3[_local13] + _local9)); _local13++; }; _local7 = _local3[0]; _local9 = ((((_local6 >>> 5) ^ (_local7 << 2)) + ((_local7 >>> 3) ^ (_local6 << 4))) ^ ((_local12 ^ _local7) + (_local4[((_local13 & 3) ^ _local10)] ^ _local6))); _local6 = (_local3[(_local5 - 1)] = (_local3[(_local5 - 1)] + _local9)); }; return (charsToHex(longsToChars(_local3))); } public static function toString(_arg1, _arg2=0){ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; _local3 = typeof(_arg1); _local4 = ""; _arg2 = (_arg2 + 1); _local5 = "\n"; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg2) { _local5 = (_local5 + "\t"); _local6++; }; if ((((((_local3 == "string")) || ((_local3 == "number")))) || ((_local3 == "boolean")))){ if ((_local3 == "string")){ _local4 = (_local4 + "\""); //unresolved jump }; _local4 = (_local4 + String(_arg1)); if ((_local3 == "string")){ _local4 = (_local4 + "\""); //unresolved jump }; }; if (_local3 == "object"){ _local4 = (_local4 + ((_arg1 is Array)) ? "[" : "{"); for (_local7 in _arg1) { _local4 = (_local4 + (((_local5 + String(_local7)) + " : ") + toString(_arg1[_local7], _arg2))); }; _local4 = (_local4 + _local5); _local4 = (_local4 + ((_arg1 is Array)) ? "]" : "}"); }; if (_local3 == "movieclip"){ _local4 = (_local4 + ("(movieclip) " + String(_arg1))); }; if (_local3 == "function"){ _local4 = (_local4 + ("(function) " + String(_arg1))); }; return (_local4); } public static function getFileExtension(_arg1:String){ return (_arg1.substring((_arg1.lastIndexOf(".") + 1), _arg1.length).toLowerCase()); } public static function toFront(_arg1, _arg2=null){ if (_arg2){ _arg2.addChild(_arg1); //unresolved jump }; _arg1.parent.setChildIndex(_arg1, (_arg1.parent.numChildren - 1)); } public static function nRoot(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Number{ return (pow2(_arg1, (1 / _arg2))); } public static function isPrime(_arg1:Number):Boolean{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _arg1 = (_arg1 | 0); if (((isNaN(_arg1)) || ((_arg1 == 0)))){ return (false); }; if (_arg1 <= 3){ return (true); }; if ((_arg1 % 2) == 0){ return (false); }; _local3 = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(_arg1)); _local2 = 3; while (_local2 <= _local3) { if ((_arg1 % _local2) == 0){ return (false); }; _local2 = (_local2 + 2); }; return (true); } public static function constrain(_arg1:Number, _arg2:int=0, _arg3:int=99999999, _arg4:Boolean=true){ return (((_arg1 < _arg2)) ? _arg2 : ((_arg1 > _arg3)) ? _arg3 : (_arg4) ? _arg1 : Math.round(_arg1)); } public static function drawMap(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3){ var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; _local4 =; _local5 = 0xFFFFFF; _local4.clear(); _local4.beginFill(0xFFFFFF); for (_local6 in _arg2) { _local7 = _arg2[_local6]; _local4.drawRect((_local7.x * _arg3), (_local7.y * _arg3), _arg3, _arg3); }; _local4.endFill(); } public static function removeChilds(_arg1){ while (_arg1.numChildren) { removeChild(_arg1.getChildAt(0)); }; } public static function logA(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Number{ return ((Math.log(_arg2) / Math.log(_arg1))); } public static function extract(_arg1, _arg2){ var _local3:*; for (_local3 in _arg1) { _arg2[_local3] = _arg1[_local3]; }; } public static function ln(_arg1:Number):Number{ return (Math.log(_arg1)); } public static function hexToChars(_arg1:String):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:Number; _local2 = new Array(); _local3 = ((_arg1.substr(0, 2))=="0x") ? 2 : 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { _local2.push(parseInt(_arg1.substr(_local3, 2), 16)); _local3 = (_local3 + 2); }; return (_local2); } public static function decrypt(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):String{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; _local3 = charsToLongs(hexToChars(_arg1)); _local4 = charsToLongs(strToChars(_arg2)); _local5 = _local3.length; if (_local5 == 0){ return (""); }; _local6 = _local3[(_local5 - 1)]; _local7 = _local3[0]; _local8 = 2654435769; _local11 = Math.floor((6 + (52 / _local5))); _local12 = (_local11 * _local8); while (_local12 != 0) { _local10 = ((_local12 >>> 2) & 3); _local13 = (_local5 - 1); while (_local13 > 0) { _local6 = _local3[(_local13 - 1)]; _local9 = ((((_local6 >>> 5) ^ (_local7 << 2)) + ((_local7 >>> 3) ^ (_local6 << 4))) ^ ((_local12 ^ _local7) + (_local4[((_local13 & 3) ^ _local10)] ^ _local6))); _local7 = (_local3[_local13] = (_local3[_local13] - _local9)); _local13--; }; _local6 = _local3[(_local5 - 1)]; _local9 = ((((_local6 >>> 5) ^ (_local7 << 2)) + ((_local7 >>> 3) ^ (_local6 << 4))) ^ ((_local12 ^ _local7) + (_local4[((_local13 & 3) ^ _local10)] ^ _local6))); _local7 = (_local3[0] = (_local3[0] - _local9)); _local12 = (_local12 - _local8); }; return (charsToStr(longsToChars(_local3))); } public static function ltrim(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _local2 = _arg1.length; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local2) { if (_arg1.charCodeAt(_local3) > 32){ return (_arg1.substring(_local3)); }; _local3++; }; return (""); } public static function rtrim(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _local2 = _arg1.length; _local3 = _local2; while (_local3 > 0) { if (_arg1.charCodeAt((_local3 - 1)) > 32){ return (_arg1.substring(0, _local3)); }; _local3--; }; return (""); } public static function constrainOverflow(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:int=0){ var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; _local4 = (((_arg2.x + _arg2.width) - _arg3) - _arg1.width); _local5 = (_arg2.x + _arg3); _local6 = (((_arg2.y + _arg2.height) - _arg3) - _arg1.height); _local7 = (_arg2.y + _arg3); _local8 = _arg1.x; _local9 = _arg1.y; _arg1.x = ((_arg1.width > _arg2.width)) ? constrain(_local8, _local4, _local5) : constrain(_local8, _local5, _local4); _arg1.y = ((_arg1.height > _arg2.height)) ? constrain(_local9, _local6, _local7) : constrain(_local9, _local7, _local6); } public static function arraysAreEqual(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array):Boolean{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; if (_arg1.length != _arg2.length){ return (false); }; _local3 = _arg1.length; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local3) { if (_arg1[_local4] !== _arg2[_local4]){ return (false); }; _local4++; }; return (true); } public static function suffle(_arg1, _arg2=null){ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; _arg2 = or(_arg2, _arg1.length); _local3 = copyArray(_arg1); _local4 = new Array(); while (_local4.length < _arg2) { _local4.push(_local3.splice((Math.random() * _local3.length), 1)[0]); }; return (_local4); } public static function toXML(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String="data", _arg3:String=null){ var abc:*; var validChars:*; var validNodes:*; var xml:*; var objtoXML:*; var obj = _arg1; var tag = _arg2; var filter = _arg3; objtoXML = function (_arg1){ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:int; for (_local2 in _arg1) { _local3 = _arg1[_local2]; if (((!((typeof(_local3) == "function"))) && (!(((!((filter == null))) && ((filter.indexOf(_local2) == -1))))))){ _local4 = ((_local2 is int)) ? "item" : _local2; xml = (xml + (("<" + _local4) + ">")); if (typeof(_local3) == "object"){ objtoXML(_local3); } else { _local5 = !((_local3 is Number)); if (_local5){ _local5 = (validNodes.indexOf(_local3) == -1); _local6 = 0; while (((_local5) && ((_local6 <= _local3.length)))) { _local5 = (validChars.indexOf(_local3.charAt(_local6)) == -1); _local6++; }; }; if (_local5){ xml = (xml + (("<![CDATA[" + _local3) + "]]>")); } else { validNodes = (validNodes + _local3); xml = (xml + _local3); }; }; xml = (xml + (("</" + _local4) + ">")); }; }; }; abc = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; validChars = ((abc + abc.toUpperCase()) + "1234567890!()=?¿_;{}"); validNodes = ""; xml = (("<" + tag) + ">"); objtoXML(obj); return ((((xml + "</") + tag) + ">")); } public static function getInRect(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3){ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Boolean; if ((_arg2 is Rectangle)){ _local4 = (_arg1.x - _arg2.x); _local6 = (((_local4 > _arg3.x)) && ((_local4 < _arg3.width))); if (_local6){ _local5 = (_arg1.y - _arg2.y); _local6 = (((_local5 > _arg3.y)) && ((_local5 < _arg3.height))); }; } else { _local4 = ((_arg1.x * _arg2.scaleX) + _arg2.x); _local6 = (((_local4 > _arg3.x)) && ((_local4 < _arg3.width))); if (_local6){ _local5 = ((_arg1.y * _arg2.scaleY) + _arg2.y); _local6 = (((_local5 > _arg3.y)) && ((_local5 < _arg3.height))); }; }; return (_local6); } public static function toHex(_arg1:int, _arg2:Boolean=false):String{ var _local3:String; var _local4:String; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; _local3 = "0123456789abcdef"; _local4 = ""; if (_arg2){ _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < 4) { _local4 = (_local4 + (_local3.charAt(((_arg1 >> (((3 - _local5) * 8) + 4)) & 15)) + _local3.charAt(((_arg1 >> ((3 - _local5) * 8)) & 15)))); _local5++; }; } else { _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < 4) { _local4 = (_local4 + (_local3.charAt(((_arg1 >> ((_local6 * 8) + 4)) & 15)) + _local3.charAt(((_arg1 >> (_local6 * 8)) & 15)))); _local6++; }; }; return (_local4); } public static function gammaApprox(_arg1:Number):Number{ var _local2:Number; _local2 = (_arg1 - 1); return (((Math.sqrt((((2 * _local2) + (1 / 3)) * Math.PI)) * Math.pow(_local2, _local2)) * Math.exp(-(_local2)))); } public static function checkVariable(_arg1, _arg2){ return (or(_arg1, _arg2)); } public static function factorial(_arg1:Number):Number{ if (_arg1 != 0){ return ((_arg1 * factorial((_arg1 - 1)))); }; return (1); } public static function drawGrid(_arg1, _arg2=100, _arg3=100, _arg4=10, _arg5=null, _arg6=null){ var _local7:*; var _local8:int; var _local9:int; _local7 =; _local7.clear(); _local7.lineStyle(0, _arg5); if (_arg6){ _local7.beginFill(_arg6); _local7.drawRect(0, 0, _arg2, _arg3); _local7.endFill(); }; _local8 = 0; while (_local8 <= _arg2) { _local7.moveTo(_local8, 0); _local7.lineTo(_local8, _arg3); _local8 = (_local8 + _arg4); }; _local9 = 0; while (_local9 <= _arg3) { _local7.moveTo(0, _local9); _local7.lineTo(_arg2, _local9); _local9 = (_local9 + _arg4); }; } public static function longsToChars(_arg1:Array):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:Number; _local2 = new Array(); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { _local2.push((_arg1[_local3] & 0xFF), ((_arg1[_local3] >>> 8) & 0xFF), ((_arg1[_local3] >>> 16) & 0xFF), ((_arg1[_local3] >>> 24) & 0xFF)); _local3++; }; return (_local2); } public static function randomDISABLE(_arg1, _arg2){ var _local3:*; do { if (_arg1.totalframes){ _local3 = random(_arg1.totalframes); } else { if (_arg1.length > 0){ _local3 = _arg1[random(_arg1.length)]; } else { if (_arg1 == null){ _local3 = random(100); } else { _local3 = random(_arg1); }; }; }; } while (_local3 == _arg2); return (_local3); } public static function zoomTo(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2, _arg3=0.1, _arg4=1.5, _arg5=null, _arg6=null){ var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; var _local10:*; _arg5 = or(_arg5, (_arg1.width / 2)); _arg6 = or(_arg6, (_arg1.height / 2)); _local7 = ((_arg1.width * _arg1.scaleX) * _arg2); _local8 = ((_arg1.height * _arg1.scaleY) * _arg2); _local9 = ((_arg5 - _arg1.x) / _arg1.scaleX); _local10 = ((_arg6 - _arg1.y) / _arg1.scaleY); _arg1.scaleY = (_arg1.scaleX = _arg2); _arg1.x = (_arg5 - (_arg1.scaleX * _local9)); _arg1.y = (_arg6 - (_arg1.scaleY * _local10)); } public static function strToChars(_arg1:String):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:Number; _local2 = new Array(); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { _local2.push(_arg1.charCodeAt(_local3)); _local3++; }; return (_local2); } public static function createMc(_arg1=0, _arg2=false, _arg3=false){ var _local4:*; _arg1 = or(_arg1, root); _local4 = (_arg2) ? new ((getDefinitionByName(_arg2) as Class)) : new MovieClip(); _arg1.addChild(_local4); extract(_arg3, _local4); return (_local4); } public static function summation(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Number{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local3 = 0; _local4 = 1; while (_local4 <= _arg1) { _local3 = (_local3 + Math.pow(_local4, _arg2)); _local4++; }; return (_local3); } public static function randomSpectrum(_arg1=1){ return ((((Math.random() * _arg1) * 2) - _arg1)); } public static function removeItem(_arg1, _arg2){ return (!((_arg2.indexOf(_arg1) == -1))); } public static function arrayContainsValue(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Object){ return (!((_arg1.indexOf(_arg2) == -1))); } public static function totient(_arg1:Number):Number{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _local2 = 1; if ((_arg1 % 2) == 0){ _local3++; }; _local3 = 3; while (_local3 <= _arg1) { if (isPrime(_local3)){ _local2++; }; _local3 = (_local3 + 2); }; return (_local2); } public static function getContained(_arg1):Array{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = []; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.numChildren) { _local2.push(_arg1.getChildAt(_local3)); _local3++; }; return (_local2); } public static function random(_arg1, _arg2=0){ return (Math.round(((Math.random() * (_arg1 - _arg2)) + _arg2))); } public static function localToLocal(_arg1, _arg2){ return (_arg2.globalToLocal(_arg1.localToGlobal(new Point()))); } public static function charsToHex(_arg1:Array):String{ var _local2:String; var _local3:Array; var _local4:Number; _local2 = new String(""); _local3 = new Array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg1.length) { _local2 = (_local2 + (_local3[(_arg1[_local4] >> 4)] + _local3[(_arg1[_local4] & 15)])); _local4++; }; return (_local2); } public static function fillZero(_arg1, _arg2=1){ var _local3:*; _local3 = String(_arg1); while (_local3.length < (_arg2 + 1)) { _local3 = ("0" + _local3); }; return (_local3); } public static function seconds2Minutes(_arg1){ var _local2:*; _local2 = 0; while (_arg1 > 60) { _arg1 = (_arg1 - 60); _local2++; }; return (((fillZero(_local2) + ":") + fillZero(Math.round(_arg1)))); } public static function tracer(_arg1, _arg2=""){ var _local3:*; _local3 = "-------------------------------------- \n"; _local3 = (_local3 + (("TRACING:" + _arg2) + "\n")); _local3 = (_local3 + "-------------------------------------- \n"); _local3 = (_local3 + toString(_arg1)); trace(_local3); } public static function beginsWith(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):Boolean{ return ((_arg2 == _arg1.substring(0, _arg2.length))); } public static function isValidEmail(_arg1:String){ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; _local2 = _arg1.indexOf("@"); _local3 = _arg1.lastIndexOf("."); _local4 = (_local3 - _local2); _local5 = (_arg1.length - _local3); if ((((_local2 < 2)) || ((_local3 == -1)))){ return (false); }; if (_local2 < -1){ return (false); }; if (_local3 <= _local2){ return (false); }; if (_local4 < 3){ return (false); }; if ((((_local5 > 4)) || ((_local5 < 3)))){ return (false); }; return (true); } public static function zoom(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Number, _arg3=0.1, _arg4=1.5, _arg5=null, _arg6=null){ var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; var _local10:*; _arg5 = or(_arg5, (_arg1.width / 2)); _arg6 = or(_arg6, (_arg1.height / 2)); _local7 = (_arg1.width * _arg2); _local8 = (_arg1.height * _arg2); _local9 = ((_arg5 - _arg1.x) / _arg1.scaleX); _local10 = ((_arg6 - _arg1.y) / _arg1.scaleY); _arg1.scaleX = (_arg1.scaleX = (_arg1.scaleX * _arg2)); _arg1.scaleY = (_arg1.scaleX = constrain(_arg1.scaleX, _arg3, _arg4)); _arg1.x = (_arg5 - (_arg1.scaleX * _local9)); _arg1.y = (_arg6 - (_arg1.scaleY * _local10)); return ((Math.round(_arg1.scaleX) + "%")); } public static function sign(_arg1, _arg2=false){ return (((_arg1 > 0)) ? (_arg2) ? 1 : true : (_arg2) ? -1 : false); } public static function randomChance(_arg1:Number=0.5){ return ((Math.random() > _arg1)); } public static function pow2(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Number{ return (((_arg1 == 0)) ? 0 : ((_arg1 > 0)) ? Math.pow(_arg1, _arg2) : (Math.pow((_arg1 * -1), _arg2) * -1)); } public static function replaceStr(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String):String{ var _local4:String; var _local5:Boolean; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; _local4 = new String(); _local5 = false; _local6 = _arg1.length; _local7 = _arg2.length; _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < _local6) { if (_arg1.charAt(_local8) == _arg2.charAt(0)){ _local5 = true; _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < _local7) { if (_arg1.charAt((_local8 + _local9)) != _arg2.charAt(_local9)){ _local5 = false; break; }; _local9++; }; //unresolved if _local4 = (_local4 + _arg3); _local8 = (_local8 + (_local7 - 1)); } else { _local4 = (_local4 + _arg1.charAt(_local8)); }; _local8++; }; return (_local4); } public static function endsWith(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):Boolean{ return ((_arg2 == _arg1.substring((_arg1.length - _arg2.length)))); } public static function charsToStr(_arg1:Array):String{ var _local2:String; var _local3:Number; _local2 = new String(""); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { _local2 = (_local2 + String.fromCharCode(_arg1[_local3])); _local3++; }; return (_local2); } public static function or(_arg1, _arg2){ if (_arg1 == null){ return (_arg2); }; return (_arg1); } public static function copyArray(_arg1:Array):Array{ var _local2:*; _local2 = _arg1.slice(); extract(_arg1, _local2); return (_local2); } public static function randomOR(_arg1, _arg2){ return (arrayGetRandom([_arg1, _arg2])); } public static function stringsAreEqual(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Boolean):Boolean{ if (_arg3){ return ((_arg1 == _arg2)); }; return ((_arg1.toUpperCase() == _arg2.toUpperCase())); } public static function autoCenter(_arg1){ _arg1.x = (-(_arg1.width) / 2); _arg1.y = (-(_arg1.height) / 2); } public static function length(_arg1){ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; if ((_arg1 is Array)){ return (_arg1.length); }; _local2 = 0; for (_local3 in _arg1) { _local2++; }; return (_local2); } public static function drawArea(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3){ var _local4:*; _local4 = new Sprite();, 0);, 0, _arg2, _arg3);; _arg1.addChild(_local4); return (_local4); } public static function cycle(_arg1, _arg2=0, _arg3=100, _arg4=1){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + _arg4); if (_arg1 > _arg3){ _arg1 = (_arg1 - (_arg3 + _arg4)); }; if (_arg1 < _arg2){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (_arg3 - _arg4)); }; return (_arg1); } public static function removeChild(_arg1=null){ if (_arg1){ if (_arg1.parent){ _arg1.parent.removeChild(_arg1); //unresolved jump }; }; } public static function positive(_arg1){ return (((_arg1 > 0)) ? _arg1 : -(_arg1)); } public static function toColumns(_arg1, _arg2=5, _arg3=5, _arg4=1, _arg5=false){ var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; var _local10:*; var _local11:*; var _local12:*; var _local13:*; var _local14:*; var _local15:*; _local6 = 0; _local7 = 0; _local8 = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); _local15 = 0; for (;_local15 < _arg1.length;_local15++) { _local9 = _arg1[_local15]; _local10 = _local9.width; _local11 = _local9.height; _local12 = or(_arg1[(_local15 - _arg4)], _local8); _local13 = _local12.width; _local14 = _local12.height; _local9.x = (_arg5) ? ((_local12.x + _local13) + _arg2) : ((_local10 + _arg2) * _local7); _local9.y = (_arg5) ? ((_local11 + _arg3) * _local7) : ((_local12.y + _local14) + _arg3); ++_local7; if ((_local7 >= _arg4)){ _local7 = 0; _local6++; continue; }; }; } } }//package geeon.utils class Unlocker { private function Unlocker(){ } }
Section 43
//AngryBunnyParticle (project.AngryBunnyParticle) package project { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class AngryBunnyParticle extends TweenParticle { public var sinCount:uint;// = 0 public var id; public var chasingMax:int; public var respawnVel:Number;// = 0 public var distHole:uint; public var chasingTime:uint; public var masked:Boolean; public static var elvInstance:ElvParticle = ElvParticle.instance; public static var sincos:Array = []; public static var total:uint = 40; public static var centerOffset:Point = new Point(-18.8, -39); public static var TOUCH_ELV:uint = 6; public static var holeInstance:HoleParticle = HoleParticle.instance; public static var instanced:Boolean; public static var pool:Array = []; public function AngryBunnyParticle(){ respawnVel = 0; sinCount = 0; super(); id = pool.length; pool.push(this); Space.push(this); mode = modeNULL; step = loop; } public function stunt(_arg1){ var _local2:*; if (mode != walking){ return; }; if (dist > 150){ return; }; mode = stunting; label = (lastLabel = "stun"); _local2 = ((150 - dist) / 5); counter = Utils.constrain(uint(((Math.random() * _local2) + _local2)), 1, 100); target.goto({label:label, frame:0, autoLoop:true}); } public function scream(){ var _local1:*; if (((!((mode == walking))) && (!((mode == dancing))))){ return; }; if (dist > 500){ return; }; trig = TrigonometryPoint.getSinCos(elvInstance, this, "z"); dist = trig.h; _local1 = (Utils.constrain((500 - dist), 20, 200) / 20); velocity.x = (_local1 * trig.cos); velocity.z = (_local1 * trig.sin); mode = screaming; counter = 50; label = (lastLabel = "screaming"); target.goto({label:label, frame:"random", autoLoop:true}); Space.shake(40); } public function waiting(){ if (!--counter){ spawn(); //unresolved jump }; } public function suicide(){ velocity.y = -20; velocity.x = (velocity.z = 0); counter = 15; mode = suiciding; label = (lastLabel = "suicide"); target.goto({label:label, frame:"random", autoLoop:true}); } public function wait(){ if (target){ SpriteBitmap.push(target); target = null; }; respawnVel = 0; mode = waiting; counter = ((Math.random() * 20) + (id * 60)); } public function spawn(){ BASE_VELOCITY = ((Math.random() * 4) + 2); respawnVel = Utils.constrain((respawnVel + 0.15), 0, 3); chasingTime = 0; velAccel = 0; chasingMax = (200 + (Math.random() * 200)); if (!target){ target = SpriteBitmap.pull({linkage:AngryBunnyBMP}); //unresolved jump }; target.goto({container:Space.sprites, x:5000, y:5000, scale:1, rotation:0, center:centerOffset}); x = (elvInstance.x + Utils.randomSpectrum()); z = (elvInstance.z + Utils.randomSpectrum()); TrigonometryPoint.doSpring(this, elvInstance, (600 + (Math.random() * 100)), 1, "z"); walk(); } public function walking(){ var _local1:Point; var _local2:*; if (HoleParticle.isOpen){ distHole = TrigonometryPoint.hipotenusa(this, holeInstance, "z").h; if (distHole < 50){ suicide(); return; }; }; trig = TrigonometryPoint.getSinCos(this, elvInstance, "z"); dist = trig.h; cos = trig.cos; sin = trig.sin; sinCount = Utils.cycle(sinCount, 0, 99); _local1 = sincos[sinCount]; x = (x + _local1.x); z = (z + _local1.y); _local2 = ((velAccel + BASE_VELOCITY) + respawnVel); if (ElvParticle.onAir){ _local2 = (_local2 * 0.3); } else { if (dist < TOUCH_ELV){ elvInstance.defeat(); dance(); return; }; }; if (++chasingTime > chasingMax){ _local2 = (_local2 * -1.5); sinCount = (sinCount + 3); if (dist > 720){ spawn(); return; }; }; velocity.x = (_local2 * cos); velocity.z = (_local2 * sin); view = ((((((cos > -0.5)) && ((cos < 0.5)))) && ((velocity.z < 0)))) ? "back" : "front"; label = (view + "_walk"); if (lastLabel != label){ target.goto({label:label, frame:"random", autoLoop:true}); //unresolved jump }; lastLabel = label; flip(velocity.x); target.step(); tween(); render(); } public function suiciding(){ x = (x + ((holeInstance.x - x) / 10)); z = (z + ((holeInstance.z - z) / 10)); velocity.y = (velocity.y + 3); tween(); render(); target.step(); if ((counter == 10)){ HoleMask.add(target); //unresolved jump }; if (!--counter){ HoleParticle.sumCombo(this); spawn(); }; } public function screaming(){ tween(); render(); target.step(); velocity.scalar(1.1); target.rotation = (target.rotation + velocity.x); target.scaleX = (target.scaleY = (target.scaleY + 0.05)); Space.shake(Utils.randomSpectrum(20)); if (!--counter){ spawn(); //unresolved jump }; } public function loop(){ mode(); } public function stunting(){ target.step(); if (!--counter){ walk(); //unresolved jump }; } public function dance(){ mode = dancing; label = (lastLabel = "dance"); target.goto({label:label, frame:"random", autoLoop:true}); } public function dancing(){ velocity.scalar(0.9); tween(); render(); target.step(); } public function walk(){ velocity.y = 0; y = 0; mode = walking; label = (lastLabel = ""); sinCount = (Math.random() * 100); } public static function restart(){ var _local1:*; for (_local1 in pool) { pool[_local1].wait(); }; } public static function checkScream(){ var _local1:*; for (_local1 in pool) { pool[_local1].scream(); }; } public static function chekStunt(_arg1){ var _local2:*; for (_local2 in pool) { pool[_local2].stunt(_arg1); }; } public static function init(){ var _local1:int; var _local2:Number; var _local3:int; if (!instanced){ instanced = true; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < total) { new (AngryBunnyParticle); _local1++; }; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 100) { _local2 = (_local2 + 0.05); sincos.push(new Point(Math.sin(_local2), Math.cos(_local2))); _local3++; }; }; } } }//package project
Section 44
//BouncerParticle (project.BouncerParticle) package project { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class BouncerParticle extends TweenParticle { public var corner:int; public var checkCorner:Function; public var elvX:int; public var elvZ:int; public static var pool:Array = []; public static var elvInstance:ElvParticle = ElvParticle.instance; public static var BOUNCE_TIME:uint = 35; public static var margin:Point = new Point(397, 265); public static var instanced:Boolean; public static var TRIG_RATIO:uint = 40; public function BouncerParticle(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int){ var _corner = _arg1; var _x = _arg2; var _z = _arg3; super(); corner = _corner; x = _x; z = _z; target = SpriteBitmap.pull({linkage:BouncerBMP, x:_x, y:_z}); pool.push(this); Space.push(this, "floor"); step = loop; wait(); if (corner == 0){ checkCorner = function (){ if (elvX < 0){ if (elvZ < 0){ return (true); }; }; return (false); }; return; }; if (corner == 1){ checkCorner = function (){ if (elvX > 0){ if (elvZ < 0){ return (true); }; }; return (false); }; return; }; if (corner == 2){ checkCorner = function (){ if (elvX > 0){ if (elvZ > 0){ return (true); }; }; return (false); }; return; }; if (corner == 3){ checkCorner = function (){ if (elvX < 0){ if (elvZ > 0){ return (true); }; }; return (false); }; return; }; } public function bouncing(){ target.step(); if (counter == 34){ dist = TrigonometryPoint.hipotenusa(this, elvInstance, "z").h; Mixer.playFX("hit2FX"); if ((dist < TRIG_RATIO)){ elvInstance.jump(null, true); //unresolved jump }; }; if (!--counter){ wait(); //unresolved jump }; } public function waiting(){ elvX = elvInstance.x; elvZ = elvInstance.z; if (checkCorner()){ dist = TrigonometryPoint.hipotenusa(this, elvInstance, "z").h; if ((dist < TRIG_RATIO)){ bounce(); //unresolved jump }; }; } public function wait(){ mode = waiting; target.goto({label:"closed", frame:0, playing:false}); } public function bounce(){ counter = BOUNCE_TIME; mode = bouncing; target.goto({label:"bounce", frame:0, playing:true}); Mixer.playFX("fFX"); } public function loop(){ mode(); } public static function init(){ if (!instanced){ instanced = true; new BouncerParticle(0, -(margin.x), -(margin.y)); new BouncerParticle(1, margin.x, -(margin.y)); new BouncerParticle(2, margin.x, margin.y); new BouncerParticle(3, -(margin.x), margin.y); }; } } }//package project
Section 45
//ElvParticle (project.ElvParticle) package project { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class ElvParticle extends TweenParticle { public var shadowBmp:SpriteBitmap; public var smoke:Smoke; public var smokeCount:uint;// = 0 public static var forceLift:Boolean; public static var distHole:uint; public static var clickCount:int = 0; public static var onAir:Boolean; public static var CLICKED_METER:int = 0; public static var velAccel:Number; public static var instance:ElvParticle; public static var fromCenter:Boolean; public function ElvParticle(){ var _local1:*; smokeCount = 0; super(); instance = this; _local1 = (target = SpriteBitmap.pull({linkage:ElvBMP, center:new Point(-20, -39)})); step = myStep; shadowBmp = SpriteBitmap.pull({linkage:ShadowBMP, container:Space.shadows}); smoke = new Smoke(target); Space.push(this); Viewport.focus = target; } public function scream(){ onAir = true; mode = screaming; label = (lastLabel = "scream"); counter = 25; target.goto({label:label, frame:0, autoLoop:false}); AngryBunnyParticle.checkScream(); Mixer.playFX("elvcapturedFX"); } public function jumping(){ velocity.y = (velocity.y + (3 * time)); if (((y + velocity.y) > 0)){ walk(); //unresolved jump }; } public function jump(_arg1=-16, _arg2:Boolean=false){ mode = jumping; velocity.y = _arg1; label = (lastLabel = (view + "_jump")); onAir = true; if (_arg2){ fromCenter = true; trig = TrigonometryPoint.getSinCos(this, HoleParticle.instance, "z"); dist = trig.h; velocity.x = ((dist * trig.cos) / 50); velocity.z = ((dist * trig.sin) / 50); velocity.y = -40; Space.shake(20); flip(velocity.x); }; Space.shake(10); if (_arg2){ target.goto({label:"float", frame:"random", autoLoop:true}); } else { target.goto({label:label, frame:0, autoLoop:false}); }; Mixer.playFX("pass6FX"); } public function defeat(){ if (mode == defeating){ return; }; velocity.x = 0; velocity.z = 0; y = 0; mode = defeating; label = (lastLabel = "defeat"); target.goto({label:label, frame:0, autoLoop:false}); counter = 40; GameTimer.add(-30); HoleParticle.resetCombo(); Mixer.playFX("passFX"); Mixer.gameMusicOff(); } public function screaming(){ if (!--counter){ Mixer.gameMusicOn(); walk(); }; } public function myStep(){ time = Thread.time; distHole = TrigonometryPoint.hipotenusa(this, HoleParticle.instance, "z").h; mode(); tween(); render(); target.step(); shadowBmp.x = x; shadowBmp.y = z; smoke.step(); } public function walking(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Boolean; if (distHole < 25){ HoleParticle.lift(); jump(); return; }; trig = TrigonometryPoint.getSinCos(this, PointerParticle.instance, "z"); dist = trig.h; cos = trig.cos; sin = trig.sin; _local1 = (velAccel + BASE_VELOCITY); moving = (dist > (_local1 * 8)); if (((moving) && (!(pointReached)))){ _local1 = (_local1 + (xtraAccel * time)); velAccel = (velAccel * 1.1); velocity.x = (_local1 * cos); velocity.z = (_local1 * sin); view = ((((((cos > -0.5)) && ((cos < 0.5)))) && ((velocity.z < 0)))) ? "back" : "front"; label = (view + "_walk"); _local2 = true; smokeCount = 15; smoke.chance(0.8); } else { label = view; _local2 = false; pointReached = true; if (smokeCount){ smokeCount--; smoke.chance(0.5); }; if ((velAccel > 1)){ velAccel = (velAccel * (0.75 / time)); //unresolved jump }; }; if (lastLabel != label){ lastLabel = label; target.goto({label:label, frame:0, autoLoop:_local2}); }; velAccel = Utils.constrain(velAccel, 1, 15); xtraAccel = (xtraAccel * 0.995); velocity.x = (velocity.x * 0.89); velocity.z = (velocity.z * 0.89); flip(velocity.x); } public function walk(){ Space.shake(velocity.y); if (fromCenter){ AngryBunnyParticle.chekStunt((velocity.y * 10)); velocity.y = (-(velocity.y) * 0.4); y = 0; target.goto({label:label, frame:0, autoLoop:false}); } else { if (((HoleParticle.isOpen) && ((distHole < 35)))){ TrigonometryPoint.springMin(this, HoleParticle.instance, 35, 1, "z"); } else { if ((distHole > 80)){ AngryBunnyParticle.chekStunt((velocity.y * 10)); //unresolved jump }; }; onAir = false; velocity.y = (y = 0); mode = walking; label = (lastLabel = view); velAccel = (velAccel * 0.5); target.goto({label:label, frame:0, autoLoop:false}); }; Mixer.playFX("hit2FX"); fromCenter = false; } public function defeating(){ target.step(); if (!--counter){ scream(); //unresolved jump }; } public static function restart(){ instance.x = 0; instance.z = 150; instance.mode = instance.modeNULL(); instance.walk(); instance.tween(); instance.render(); instance.velocity.scalar(0); } public static function init(){ if (!instance){ new (ElvParticle); //unresolved jump }; } } }//package project
Section 46
//GameEngine (project.GameEngine) package project { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class GameEngine { public var mode:Function; public var counter:int; public static var instance:GameEngine; public function GameEngine(){ mode = function (){ }; super(); BitmapDataPool.pull(AngryBunnyBMP); BitmapDataPool.pull(HappyBunnyBMP); instance = this; SpriteBitmap.pull({linkage:FloorBMP, container:Space.floor}); HoleParticle.init(); ElvParticle.init(); PointerParticle.init(); BouncerParticle.init(); AngryBunnyParticle.init(); HappyBunnyParticle.init(); new HoleMask(); Space.SCROLL_FRICTION = 10; Space.constrainScroll(250, 110); } public function restartGame(){ Thread.add(instance.step); mode = Space.step; Score.reset(); GameTimer.reset(179, gameEnd); Mixer.gameMusicOn(); ElvParticle.restart(); HoleParticle.restart(); PointerParticle.restart(); AngryBunnyParticle.restart(); HappyBunnyParticle.restart();"OPEN THAT HOLE!", 30); } public function lastCount(){ HoleParticle.instance.step(); if (!HoleParticle.isOpen){ if (!--counter){ clearThreads(); GDocument.showPage(ScorePage); }; }; } public function gameEnd(){ Mixer.gameMusicOff(); Mixer.playFX("elvcapturedFX"); counter = 15; mode = lastCount; } public function step(){ if (GDocument.paused){ return; }; mode(); } public static function clearThreads(){ if (instance){ Thread.remove(instance.step); GameTimer.stop();; Mixer.gameMusicOff(); }; } public static function restart(){ instance.restartGame(); } } }//package project
Section 47
//GameInterface (project.GameInterface) package project { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class GameInterface extends Sprite { public var timeMc:MovieClip; public var z:int;// = 14 public var scoreMc:MovieClip; public var comboMc:MovieClip; public var msgMc:MovieClip; public static var comboMessage:SpriteBitmapText; public static var timeMessage:SpriteBitmapText; public static var scoreMessage:SpriteBitmapText; public static var message:SpriteBitmapText; public static var instance:GameInterface; public function GameInterface(){ z = 14; super(); instance = this; scoreMessage = new SpriteBitmapText(scoreMc); timeMessage = new SpriteBitmapText(timeMc); comboMessage = new SpriteBitmapText(comboMc); message = new SpriteBitmapText(msgMc); message.visible = false; } } }//package project
Section 48
//GameTimer (project.GameTimer) package project { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class GameTimer { public static var initialized:Boolean; public static var timer:uint; public static var onTimeOut:Function = function (){ }; public static var time; public static var remainingSeconds:int; public static var timeMessage:SpriteBitmapText = GameInterface.timeMessage; public static var initialSeconds:int; public static function step(){ if (GDocument.paused){ return; }; if ((remainingSeconds <= 10)){ Mixer.playFX("timeFX"); //unresolved jump }; if (--remainingSeconds <= 0){ remainingSeconds = 0; stop(); onTimeOut(); }; renderTime(); } public static function reset(_arg1:uint=0, _arg2:Function=null){ onTimeOut = Utils.or(_arg2, onTimeOut); stop(); if (_arg1){ initialSeconds = _arg1; //unresolved jump }; remainingSeconds = initialSeconds; renderTime(); timer = setInterval(step, 1000); } public static function stop(){ clearInterval(timer); } public static function add(_arg1){ remainingSeconds = (remainingSeconds + _arg1); if ((remainingSeconds < 0)){ remainingSeconds = 0; //unresolved jump }; renderTime(); } public static function renderTime(){; } } }//package project
Section 49
//HappyBunnyParticle (project.HappyBunnyParticle) package project { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class HappyBunnyParticle extends TweenParticle { public var distHole:uint; public var chasingTime:uint; public var isChasing:Boolean; public var chaseThis:TweenParticle; public var isWaiting:Boolean; public static var total:uint = 10; public static var active:Array = []; public static var centerOffset:Point = new Point(-39, -107); public static var springList:Array = [elvInstance]; public static var elvInstance:ElvParticle = ElvParticle.instance; public static var inactive:Array = []; public static var TOUCH_ELV:uint = 30; public static var holeInstance:HoleParticle = HoleParticle.instance; public static var instanced:Boolean; public static var chasingMax:uint = 300; public function HappyBunnyParticle(){ step = loop; hide(); } public function pick(){ isWaiting = false; isChasing = true; mode = picking; counter = 20; velocity.y = -10; addSpring(this); target.goto({label:"pick", frame:0, autoLoop:true}); Mixer.playFX("loseFX"); } public function doChase(){ TrigonometryPoint.springMax(this, elvInstance, 15, 4, "z"); if (HoleParticle.isOpen){ if (TrigonometryPoint.hipotenusa(this, holeInstance, "z").h < 50){ suicide(); return; }; }; if (++chasingTime > chasingMax){ dig(); }; } public function suicide(){ isChasing = false; velocity.y = -20; counter = 15; mode = suiciding; removeSpring(this); target.goto({label:"pick", frame:0, autoLoop:true}); } public function picking(){ velocity.y = (velocity.y + 3); if (((y + velocity.y) > 0)){ y = (velocity.y = 0); //unresolved jump }; if (!--counter){ walk(); //unresolved jump }; } public function waiting(){ if (!--counter){ dig(); //unresolved jump }; } public function hide(){ Space.remove(this); if (target){ SpriteBitmap.push(target); //unresolved jump }; target = null; active.splice(active.indexOf(this), 1); inactive.push(this); mode = modeNULL; } public function wait(){ mode = waiting; counter = ((Math.random() * 100) + 100); target.goto({label:"wait", frame:0, autoLoop:true}); } public function spawn(){ inactive.splice(inactive.indexOf(this), 1); active.push(this); if (!target){ target = SpriteBitmap.pull({linkage:HappyBunnyBMP, center:centerOffset}); //unresolved jump }; target.goto({label:"spawn", frame:0, autoLoop:false, container:Space.sprites, x:5000, y:5000, scale:1, rotation:0}); Space.push(this); y = 0; x = (holeInstance.x + Utils.randomSpectrum()); z = (holeInstance.z + Utils.randomSpectrum()); TrigonometryPoint.springMin(this, holeInstance, (300 + (Math.random() * 20)), 1, "z"); z = (z * 0.7); velocity.scalar(0); chaseThis = null; counter = 15; mode = spawning; isWaiting = true; } public function dig(){ removeSpring(this); if (mode == digging){ return; }; isWaiting = false; isChasing = false; mode = digging; counter = 12; target.goto({label:"dig", frame:0, autoLoop:false}); } public function suiciding(){ x = (x + ((holeInstance.x - x) / 10)); z = (z + ((holeInstance.z - z) / 10)); velocity.y = (velocity.y + 3); if ((counter == 10)){ HoleMask.add(target); //unresolved jump }; if (!--counter){ HoleParticle.sumCombo(this); hide(); }; } public function spawning(){ if (!--counter){ wait(); //unresolved jump }; } public function doWait(){ dist = TrigonometryPoint.hipotenusa(this, elvInstance, "z").h; if (dist < TOUCH_ELV){ pick(); return; }; } public function loop(){ mode(); if (target){ if (isWaiting){ doWait(); //unresolved jump }; if (isChasing){ doChase(); //unresolved jump }; tween(); target.step(); render(); }; } public function digging(){ if (!--counter){ hide(); //unresolved jump }; } public function walk(){ mode = picking; counter = 20; chasingTime = 0; target.goto({label:"walk", frame:0, autoLoop:true}); mode = modeNULL; } public static function spawnBunny(){ if (inactive.length){ inactive[0].spawn(); //unresolved jump }; } public static function addSpring(_arg1){ springList.splice(1, 0, _arg1); arrangeSprings(); } public static function restart(){ springList = [elvInstance]; while (active.length) { active[0].hide(); }; } public static function init(){ var _local1:int; if (!instanced){ instanced = true; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < total) { new (HappyBunnyParticle); _local1++; }; }; } public static function removeSpring(_arg1){ springList.splice(springList.indexOf(_arg1), 1); arrangeSprings(); } public static function arrangeSprings(){ var _local1:*; for (_local1 in springList) { if ((_local1 > 0)){ springList[_local1].chaseThis = springList[(_local1 - 1)]; continue; }; }; } public static function digAll(){ var _local1:*; springList = [elvInstance]; for (_local1 in active) { active[_local1].dig(); }; } } }//package project
Section 50
//HoleMask (project.HoleMask) package project { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class HoleMask extends Sprite { public var z:int;// = 14 public var maskMc:MovieClip; public static var instance:HoleMask; public function HoleMask(){ z = 14; super(); instance = this; mask = maskMc; y = 14; Space.sprites.addChild(this); } public static function init(){ if (!instance){ new (HoleMask); //unresolved jump }; } public static function add(_arg1){ instance.addChild(_arg1); } } }//package project
Section 51
//HoleParticle (project.HoleParticle) package project { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class HoleParticle extends TweenParticle { public static var waiting:Boolean; public static var isOpen:Boolean; public static var instance:HoleParticle; public static var comboMessage:SpriteBitmapText = GameInterface.comboMessage; public static var OPEN_TIME:uint = 75; public static var goodMessages:Array = ["Good!", "Excellent!", "Gimme more!", "Neat", "Yay!", "Thats how it´s done!", "Perfect!", "Superb!", "Rock on!"]; public static var counterCombo:uint = 0; public static var comboBunnies:uint = 0; public static var comboBonus:uint = 0; public static var toneCount:int; public function HoleParticle(){ instance = this; target = SpriteBitmap.pull({linkage:HoleBMP}); Space.push(this, "floor"); step = loop; Space.text.addChild(comboMessage); comboMessage.y = -120; comboMessage.x = (-(comboMessage.width) / 2);"", 1); wait(); } public function opening(){ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; isOpen = (((counter > 10)) && ((counter < 78))); _local1 = target.frame; _local2 = Math.ceil(Utils.constrain((_local1 + (((OPEN_TIME - counter) - _local1) / 3)), 0, OPEN_TIME)); target.goto({frame:_local2}); if (counterCombo > 0){ if (!--counterCombo){ toneCount++; Mixer.playFX(("fan" + Utils.constrain((toneCount - 1), 0, 24))); _local3 = "COMBO"; if ((comboBonus > 1)){ _local3 = (_local3 + ((" (x" + comboBonus) + ")")); //unresolved jump };, 20, _local3); if ((Math.random() > 0.87)){ HappyBunnyParticle.spawnBunny(); //unresolved jump }; }; }; if (!--counter){ if (comboBunnies){ _local4 = ((comboBunnies * 100) * comboBonus);"COMBO " + Utils.commas(_local4)), 30); Score.add(_local4); }; Mixer.playFX("hitFX"); wait(); }; } public function open(){ toneCount = 0; comboBonus = 1; comboBunnies = 0; waiting = false; counter = OPEN_TIME; mode = opening; Mixer.playFX("hitFX"); target.goto({label:"open", frame:0, playing:false}); Space.shake(10); } public function wait(){ isOpen = false; mode = modeNULL; waiting = true; target.goto({label:"closed", frame:0, playing:false}); } public function loop(){ mode(); } public static function sumCombo(_arg1){ var _local2:int; if (!isOpen){ return; }; counterCombo = 3; if ((_arg1 is AngryBunnyParticle)){ incrementBunnyCombo(); } else {"SPECIAL BUNNY x10", 20); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 10) { incrementBunnyCombo(); _local2++; }; }; } public static function lift(){ if (instance.mode == instance.modeNULL){; } else { addTime(); }; } public static function addTime(_arg1:int=30){ instance.counter = Utils.constrain((instance.counter + _arg1), 1, (OPEN_TIME - 20)); } public static function restart(){ instance.wait(); } public static function init(){ if (!instance){ new (HoleParticle); //unresolved jump }; } public static function incrementBunnyCombo(){ var _local1:*; addTime(5); comboBunnies++; _local1 = comboBunnies; if ((((((((((((((((((_local1 == 10)) || ((_local1 == 20)))) || ((_local1 == 30)))) || ((_local1 == 40)))) || ((_local1 == 50)))) || ((_local1 == 60)))) || ((_local1 == 70)))) || ((_local1 == 80)))) || ((_local1 == 90)))){ Score.add((_local1 * 125)); comboBonus++;, 20); }; } public static function resetCombo(){ if ((((comboBonus > 1)) || ((comboBunnies > 0)))){"COMBO LOST", 30); //unresolved jump }; comboBonus = 1; comboBunnies = 0; toneCount = 0; HappyBunnyParticle.digAll(); } } }//package project
Section 52
//InstructionsPage (project.InstructionsPage) package project { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class InstructionsPage extends MovieClip { public var restart:Function; public var preloadBar:MovieClip; public var playBtn:SimpleButton; public static var instance:InstructionsPage; public function InstructionsPage(){ restart = function (){ }; super(); addFrameScript(14, frame15); instance = this; visible = false; Button.setSimpleButton(playBtn, playGame); playBtn.visible = false; hide(); stop(); } function frame15(){ stop(); } public function playGame(){ GDocument.showPage(GamePage); } public function showPlay(){ preloadBar.visible = false; playBtn.visible = true; removeChild(preloadBar); } public static function show(){ instance.preloadBar.visible = true; instance.playBtn.visible = false; BitmapDataPool.preloadBar = instance.preloadBar.preloadbarMc; BitmapDataPool.onFinish = instance.showPlay; BitmapDataPool.getPercent(); } public static function hide(){ } } }//package project
Section 53
//linkme (project.linkme) package project { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class linkme extends MovieClip { public var A:MovieClip; public var B:MovieClip; } }//package project
Section 54
//MaxScreen (project.MaxScreen) package project { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; public dynamic class MaxScreen extends MovieClip { public function MaxScreen(){ addFrameScript(240, frame241); } function frame241(){ stop(); parent.nextFrame(); } } }//package project
Section 55
//PointerParticle (project.PointerParticle) package project { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class PointerParticle extends TweenParticle { public var isDown:Boolean;// = false public static var instance:PointerParticle; public function PointerParticle(){ isDown = false; super(); instance = this; target = SpriteBitmap.pull({linkage:HaloBMP, autoLoop:false}); Space.push(this, "shadows"); GamePage.instance.pointerBtn.addEventListener("mouseDown", mouseDown); GamePage.instance.pointerBtn.addEventListener("mouseUp", mouseUp); } public function mouseUp(_arg1){ isDown = false; target.autoLoop = false;; step = target.step; } public function loop(){ ElvParticle.instance.pointReached = false; target.x = (x = (x + ((Space.instance.mouseX - x) / 3))); target.y = (z = (z + ((Space.instance.mouseY - z) / 3))); target.step(); } public function mouseDown(_arg1){ isDown = true; target.goto({frame:0, autoLoop:true}); Mouse.hide(); target.x = (x = Space.instance.mouseX); target.y = (z = Space.instance.mouseY); step = loop; } public static function init(){ if (!instance){ new (PointerParticle); //unresolved jump }; } public static function restart(){ instance.mouseUp(0); = (instance.x = 0); = (instance.z = 150); } } }//package project
Section 56
//Score (project.Score) package project { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class Score { public static var score; public static var scoreMessage:SpriteBitmapText = GameInterface.scoreMessage; public static function add(_arg1){ score ="score", _arg1); renderScore(); } public static function renderScore(){, 4))); } public static function reset(){ score = Memory.setValue("score", 0); renderScore(); } } }//package project
Section 57
//ScorePage (project.ScorePage) package project { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class ScorePage extends MovieClip { public var mainBtn:SimpleButton; public var restart:Function; public var maxBtn:SimpleButton; public var cgBtn:SimpleButton; public var playBtn:SimpleButton; public var scoreTxt:TextField; public static var instance:ScorePage; public function ScorePage(){ restart = function (){ }; super(); addFrameScript(14, frame15); instance = this; visible = false; hide(); stop(); Button.setSimpleButton(playBtn, playGame); Button.setSimpleButton(mainBtn, main); Button.setSimpleButton(maxBtn, sponsor); Button.setSimpleButton(cgBtn, cublogames); } public function sponsor(){ Utils.getURL(""); } function frame15(){ stop(); } public function playGame(){ GDocument.showPage(GamePage); } public function main(){ GDocument.showPage(SplashPage); } public function cublogames(){ Utils.getURL(""); } public static function show(){ var _local1:*; _local1 = int(Memory.getValue("score")); if ((_local1 >= 1000)){ _local1 = Utils.commas(_local1); //unresolved jump }; instance.scoreTxt.text = _local1; } public static function hide(){ } } }//package project
Section 58
//Smoke (project.Smoke) package project { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class Smoke { public var max:int;// = 10 public var smokeCount:int;// = 0 public var target:SpriteBitmap; public var current:int;// = 0 public var pool:Array; public function Smoke(_arg1){ var _local2:int; pool = []; current = 0; max = 10; smokeCount = 0; super(); target = _arg1; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < max) { pool.push(SpriteBitmap.pull({linkage:SmokeBMP, container:Space.shadows, scale:0.1, autoLoop:false})); _local2++; }; } public function step(){ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; for (_local1 in pool) { _local2 = pool[_local1]; if ((_local2.frame < _local2.totalFrames)){ _local2.step(); continue; }; }; } public function chance(_arg1:Number=1){ if (Math.random() > _arg1){ pool[current].goto({frame:0, x:target.x, y:(target.y - 5)}); current = Utils.cycle(current, 0, (max - 1)); }; } } }//package project
Section 59
//SplashPage (project.SplashPage) package project { import flash.display.*; import geeon.components.*; import*; import geeon.system.*; import geeon.utils.*; import geeon.particles.*; import*; import geeon.gdocument.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import geeon.holders.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; public class SplashPage extends MovieClip { public var restart:Function; public var maxBtn:SimpleButton; public var cgBtn:SimpleButton; public var playBtn:SimpleButton; public static var instance:SplashPage; public function SplashPage(){ restart = function (){ }; super(); addFrameScript(14, frame15); instance = this; visible = false; hide(); stop(); Button.setSimpleButton(playBtn, playGame); Button.setSimpleButton(maxBtn, sponsor); Button.setSimpleButton(cgBtn, cublogames); } public function sponsor(){ Utils.getURL(""); } function frame15(){ stop(); } public function playGame(){ GDocument.showPage(InstructionsPage); } public function cublogames(){ Utils.getURL(""); } public static function show(){ } public static function hide(){ } } }//package project
Section 60
//AngryBunnyBMP (AngryBunnyBMP) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class AngryBunnyBMP extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 61
//BadGuyBMP (BadGuyBMP) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; public dynamic class BadGuyBMP extends MovieClip { public function BadGuyBMP(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 45, frame46, 68, frame69); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame46(){ stop(); } function frame69(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 62
//BouncerBMP (BouncerBMP) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; public dynamic class BouncerBMP extends MovieClip { public function BouncerBMP(){ addFrameScript(4, frame5); } function frame5(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 63
//bulletFX (bulletFX) package { import*; public dynamic class bulletFX extends Sound { } }//package
Section 64
//buttonDownSound (buttonDownSound) package { import*; public dynamic class buttonDownSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 65
//buttonOverSound (buttonOverSound) package { import*; public dynamic class buttonOverSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 66
//ElvBMP (ElvBMP) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; public dynamic class ElvBMP extends MovieClip { public function ElvBMP(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 35, frame36, 164, frame165, 180, frame181, 195, frame196, 200, frame201, 215, frame216); } function frame165(){ stop(); } function frame201(){ stop(); } function frame181(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame216(){ stop(); } function frame36(){ stop(); } function frame196(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 67
//elvcapturedFX (elvcapturedFX) package { import*; public dynamic class elvcapturedFX extends Sound { } }//package
Section 68
//elvdiesFX (elvdiesFX) package { import*; public dynamic class elvdiesFX extends Sound { } }//package
Section 69
//fan (fan) package { import*; public dynamic class fan extends Sound { } }//package
Section 70
//fan0 (fan0) package { import*; public dynamic class fan0 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 71
//fan1 (fan1) package { import*; public dynamic class fan1 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 72
//fan10 (fan10) package { import*; public dynamic class fan10 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 73
//fan11 (fan11) package { import*; public dynamic class fan11 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 74
//fan12 (fan12) package { import*; public dynamic class fan12 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 75
//fan13 (fan13) package { import*; public dynamic class fan13 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 76
//fan14 (fan14) package { import*; public dynamic class fan14 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 77
//fan15 (fan15) package { import*; public dynamic class fan15 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 78
//fan16 (fan16) package { import*; public dynamic class fan16 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 79
//fan17 (fan17) package { import*; public dynamic class fan17 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 80
//fan18 (fan18) package { import*; public dynamic class fan18 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 81
//fan19 (fan19) package { import*; public dynamic class fan19 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 82
//fan2 (fan2) package { import*; public dynamic class fan2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 83
//fan20 (fan20) package { import*; public dynamic class fan20 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 84
//fan21 (fan21) package { import*; public dynamic class fan21 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 85
//fan22 (fan22) package { import*; public dynamic class fan22 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 86
//fan23 (fan23) package { import*; public dynamic class fan23 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 87
//fan24 (fan24) package { import*; public dynamic class fan24 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 88
//fan3 (fan3) package { import*; public dynamic class fan3 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 89
//fan4 (fan4) package { import*; public dynamic class fan4 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 90
//fan5 (fan5) package { import*; public dynamic class fan5 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 91
//fan6 (fan6) package { import*; public dynamic class fan6 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 92
//fan7 (fan7) package { import*; public dynamic class fan7 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 93
//fan8 (fan8) package { import*; public dynamic class fan8 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 94
//fan9 (fan9) package { import*; public dynamic class fan9 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 95
//FanBMP (FanBMP) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class FanBMP extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 96
//fFX (fFX) package { import*; public dynamic class fFX extends Sound { } }//package
Section 97
//FloorBMP (FloorBMP) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class FloorBMP extends MovieClip { public var backMc:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 98
//gameMusic (gameMusic) package { import*; public dynamic class gameMusic extends Sound { } }//package
Section 99
//HaloBMP (HaloBMP) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class HaloBMP extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 100
//HappyBunnyBMP (HappyBunnyBMP) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class HappyBunnyBMP extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 101
//hit2FX (hit2FX) package { import*; public dynamic class hit2FX extends Sound { } }//package
Section 102
//hitFX (hitFX) package { import*; public dynamic class hitFX extends Sound { } }//package
Section 103
//HoleBMP (HoleBMP) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class HoleBMP extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 104
//jumpFX (jumpFX) package { import*; public dynamic class jumpFX extends Sound { } }//package
Section 105
//loseFX (loseFX) package { import*; public dynamic class loseFX extends Sound { } }//package
Section 106
//pass6FX (pass6FX) package { import*; public dynamic class pass6FX extends Sound { } }//package
Section 107
//passFX (passFX) package { import*; public dynamic class passFX extends Sound { } }//package
Section 108
//ShadowBMP (ShadowBMP) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ShadowBMP extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 109
//SmokeBMP (SmokeBMP) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.accessibility.*; public dynamic class SmokeBMP extends MovieClip { public var smoke:MovieClip; public function SmokeBMP(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6, 6, frame7, 7, frame8, 8, frame9, 9, frame10, 10, frame11, 11, frame12, 12, frame13, 13, frame14, 14, frame15, 15, frame16, 16, frame17, 17, frame18, 18, frame19, 19, frame20, 20, frame21, 21, frame22, 22, frame23, 23, frame24, 24, frame25, 25, frame26, 26, frame27, 27, frame28, 28, frame29, 29, frame30, 30, frame31, 31, frame32, 32, frame33, 33, frame34, 34, frame35, 35, frame36, 36, frame37, 37, frame38, 38, frame39, 39, frame40); } function frame10(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame14(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame18(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame12(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame3(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame6(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame7(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame1(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame19(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame25(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame13(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame17(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame5(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame9(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame22(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame4(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame8(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame21(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame2(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame15(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame23(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame24(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame28(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame36(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame16(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame30(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame31(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame34(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame27(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame11(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame35(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame37(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame29(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame33(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame40(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame20(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame39(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame26(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame32(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } function frame38(){ smoke.gotoAndStop(currentFrame); } } }//package
Section 110
//snareFX (snareFX) package { import*; public dynamic class snareFX extends Sound { } }//package
Section 111
//spawnFX (spawnFX) package { import*; public dynamic class spawnFX extends Sound { } }//package
Section 112
//sube2FX (sube2FX) package { import*; public dynamic class sube2FX extends Sound { } }//package
Section 113
//sube4FX (sube4FX) package { import*; public dynamic class sube4FX extends Sound { } }//package
Section 114
//surfMusic (surfMusic) package { import*; public dynamic class surfMusic extends Sound { } }//package
Section 115
//testBMP (testBMP) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class testBMP extends BitmapData { public function testBMP(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ super(_arg1, _arg2); } } }//package
Section 116
//timeFX (timeFX) package { import*; public dynamic class timeFX extends Sound { } }//package
Section 117
//winFX (winFX) package { import*; public dynamic class winFX extends Sound { } }//package

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound {winFX}
Symbol 2 Sound {timeFX}
Symbol 3 Sound {surfMusic}
Symbol 4 Sound {sube4FX}
Symbol 5 Sound {spawnFX}
Symbol 6 Sound {sube2FX}
Symbol 7 Sound {pass6FX}
Symbol 8 Sound {passFX}
Symbol 9 Sound {jumpFX}
Symbol 10 Sound {loseFX}
Symbol 11 Sound {snareFX}
Symbol 12 Sound {hit2FX}
Symbol 13 Sound {hitFX}
Symbol 14 Sound {fFX}
Symbol 15 Sound {gameMusic}
Symbol 16 Sound {buttonOverSound}
Symbol 17 Sound {buttonDownSound}
Symbol 18 Sound {bulletFX}
Symbol 19 Sound {elvdiesFX}
Symbol 20 Sound {elvcapturedFX}
Symbol 21 Sound {fan24}
Symbol 22 Sound {fan23}
Symbol 23 Sound {fan22}
Symbol 24 Sound {fan21}
Symbol 25 Sound {fan20}
Symbol 26 Sound {fan19}
Symbol 27 Sound {fan18}
Symbol 28 Sound {fan17}
Symbol 29 Sound {fan16}
Symbol 30 Sound {fan15}
Symbol 31 Sound {fan14}
Symbol 32 Sound {fan13}
Symbol 33 Sound {fan12}
Symbol 34 Sound {fan11}
Symbol 35 Sound {fan10}
Symbol 36 Sound {fan9}
Symbol 37 Sound {fan8}
Symbol 38 Sound {fan7}
Symbol 39 Sound {fan6}
Symbol 40 Sound {fan5}
Symbol 41 Sound {fan4}
Symbol 42 Sound {fan3}
Symbol 43 Sound {fan2}
Symbol 44 Sound {fan1}
Symbol 45 Sound {fan0}
Symbol 46 Sound {fan}
Symbol 47 Bitmap {testBMP}
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:68 94 488 518
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:68 94 488 518
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:68 94 488 518
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:52
Symbol 52 MovieClipUses:51Used by:68 94 372 488 518
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:54
Symbol 54 MovieClipUses:53Used by:68 94 372 488 518
Symbol 55 GraphicUsed by:56 92 184 435
Symbol 56 MovieClipUses:55Used by:68 94 372 454 455 488 518 519
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:58 61 71 186 189 438
Symbol 58 MovieClipUses:57Used by:68 94 488 518
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:60
Symbol 60 MovieClipUses:59Used by:68 94 488 518
Symbol 61 MovieClipUses:57Used by:68 94 488 518
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 63 MovieClipUses:62Used by:68 94 488 518
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 65 MovieClipUses:64Used by:68 94 488 518
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:68 94 488 518
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:68 94
Symbol 68 MovieClip {FanBMP}Uses:48 49 50 52 54 56 58 60 61 63 65 66 67
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:72 75
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:71
Symbol 71 MovieClipUses:70 57Used by:72
Symbol 72 MovieClip {SmokeBMP}Uses:69 71
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:74
Symbol 74 MovieClipUses:73Used by:75
Symbol 75 MovieClip {HaloBMP}Uses:69 74
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:79
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:78 93
Symbol 78 MovieClipUses:77Used by:79
Symbol 79 MovieClip {ShadowBMP}Uses:76 78
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:92
Symbol 81 GraphicUsed by:82
Symbol 82 MovieClipUses:81Used by:92
Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:92
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 85 MovieClipUses:84Used by:92
Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:87
Symbol 87 MovieClipUses:86Used by:92
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:89
Symbol 89 MovieClipUses:88Used by:92
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:91
Symbol 91 MovieClipUses:90Used by:92
Symbol 92 MovieClip {HappyBunnyBMP}Uses:80 82 55 83 85 87 89 91
Symbol 93 MovieClipUses:77Used by:94 108 518
Symbol 94 MovieClip {AngryBunnyBMP}Uses:48 93 49 50 52 54 56 58 60 61 63 65 66 67
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:108
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:108
Symbol 97 GraphicUsed by:108
Symbol 98 GraphicUsed by:108
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:108
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:108
Symbol 101 GraphicUsed by:108
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:108
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:108
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:108
Symbol 105 GraphicUsed by:108
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:108
Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:108
Symbol 108 MovieClip {BadGuyBMP}Uses:93 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
Symbol 109 GraphicUsed by:121 182 518
Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 111 MovieClipUses:110Used by:121
Symbol 112 GraphicUsed by:121 182 488 518
Symbol 113 GraphicUsed by:121
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:121 182 488 518
Symbol 115 GraphicUsed by:121
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:117
Symbol 117 MovieClipUses:116Used by:121 182 488 518
Symbol 118 GraphicUsed by:121 182 488 518
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:120
Symbol 120 MovieClipUses:119Used by:121 182 488 518
Symbol 121 MovieClip {BouncerBMP}Uses:109 111 112 113 114 115 117 118 120
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:123
Symbol 123 MovieClipUses:122Used by:124
Symbol 124 MovieClip {project.HoleMask}Uses:123
Symbol 125 GraphicUsed by:129 474
Symbol 126 GraphicUsed by:129 474
Symbol 127 GraphicUsed by:129
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:129 474
Symbol 129 MovieClipUses:125 126 127 128Used by:182 488 518
Symbol 130 GraphicUsed by:182 488 518
Symbol 131 GraphicUsed by:182 488
Symbol 132 BitmapUsed by:133
Symbol 133 GraphicUses:132Used by:182
Symbol 134 BitmapUsed by:135
Symbol 135 GraphicUses:134Used by:182
Symbol 136 BitmapUsed by:137
Symbol 137 GraphicUses:136Used by:182
Symbol 138 BitmapUsed by:139
Symbol 139 GraphicUses:138Used by:182
Symbol 140 BitmapUsed by:141
Symbol 141 GraphicUses:140Used by:182
Symbol 142 BitmapUsed by:143
Symbol 143 GraphicUses:142Used by:182
Symbol 144 BitmapUsed by:145
Symbol 145 GraphicUses:144Used by:182
Symbol 146 BitmapUsed by:147
Symbol 147 GraphicUses:146Used by:182
Symbol 148 BitmapUsed by:149
Symbol 149 GraphicUses:148Used by:182
Symbol 150 BitmapUsed by:151
Symbol 151 GraphicUses:150Used by:182
Symbol 152 BitmapUsed by:153
Symbol 153 GraphicUses:152Used by:182
Symbol 154 BitmapUsed by:155
Symbol 155 GraphicUses:154Used by:182
Symbol 156 BitmapUsed by:157
Symbol 157 GraphicUses:156Used by:182
Symbol 158 BitmapUsed by:159
Symbol 159 GraphicUses:158Used by:182
Symbol 160 BitmapUsed by:161
Symbol 161 GraphicUses:160Used by:182
Symbol 162 BitmapUsed by:163
Symbol 163 GraphicUses:162Used by:182
Symbol 164 BitmapUsed by:165
Symbol 165 GraphicUses:164Used by:182
Symbol 166 BitmapUsed by:167
Symbol 167 GraphicUses:166Used by:182
Symbol 168 BitmapUsed by:169
Symbol 169 GraphicUses:168Used by:182
Symbol 170 BitmapUsed by:171
Symbol 171 GraphicUses:170Used by:182
Symbol 172 BitmapUsed by:173
Symbol 173 GraphicUses:172Used by:182
Symbol 174 BitmapUsed by:175
Symbol 175 GraphicUses:174Used by:182
Symbol 176 BitmapUsed by:177
Symbol 177 GraphicUses:176Used by:182
Symbol 178 BitmapUsed by:179
Symbol 179 GraphicUses:178Used by:182
Symbol 180 BitmapUsed by:181
Symbol 181 GraphicUses:180Used by:182
Symbol 182 MovieClip {HoleBMP}Uses:109 129 130 112 114 117 118 120 131 133 135 137 139 141 143 145 147 149 151 153 155 157 159 161 163 165 167 169 171 173 175 177 179 181
Symbol 183 GraphicUsed by:186
Symbol 184 MovieClipUses:55Used by:185 477
Symbol 185 MovieClip {ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol24_23}Uses:184Used by:186 438
Symbol 186 MovieClip {FloorBMP}Uses:183 57 185
Symbol 187 GraphicUsed by:372 488
Symbol 188 GraphicUsed by:215 372 488
Symbol 189 MovieClipUses:57Used by:372 454 455 488 519
Symbol 190 GraphicUsed by:191
Symbol 191 MovieClipUses:190Used by:372 454 455 488 519
Symbol 192 GraphicUsed by:372 454 488
Symbol 193 GraphicUsed by:372
Symbol 194 GraphicUsed by:372
Symbol 195 GraphicUsed by:372
Symbol 196 GraphicUsed by:372
Symbol 197 GraphicUsed by:198
Symbol 198 MovieClipUses:197Used by:372 454 455 519
Symbol 199 GraphicUsed by:200
Symbol 200 MovieClipUses:199Used by:372 454 455 519
Symbol 201 GraphicUsed by:202
Symbol 202 MovieClipUses:201Used by:372 454 455 519
Symbol 203 GraphicUsed by:204
Symbol 204 MovieClipUses:203Used by:372 454 455 519
Symbol 205 GraphicUsed by:372 454 455 519
Symbol 206 GraphicUsed by:372 454 455 519
Symbol 207 GraphicUsed by:372 454 455 519
Symbol 208 GraphicUsed by:372
Symbol 209 GraphicUsed by:372
Symbol 210 GraphicUsed by:372
Symbol 211 GraphicUsed by:372
Symbol 212 GraphicUsed by:372 454 455 519
Symbol 213 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 214 MovieClipUses:213Used by:372 488
Symbol 215 MovieClipUses:188Used by:372
Symbol 216 GraphicUsed by:217
Symbol 217 MovieClipUses:216Used by:372
Symbol 218 BitmapUsed by:219
Symbol 219 GraphicUses:218Used by:372
Symbol 220 BitmapUsed by:221
Symbol 221 GraphicUses:220Used by:372
Symbol 222 BitmapUsed by:223
Symbol 223 GraphicUses:222Used by:372
Symbol 224 BitmapUsed by:225
Symbol 225 GraphicUses:224Used by:372
Symbol 226 BitmapUsed by:227
Symbol 227 GraphicUses:226Used by:372
Symbol 228 BitmapUsed by:229
Symbol 229 GraphicUses:228Used by:372
Symbol 230 BitmapUsed by:231
Symbol 231 GraphicUses:230Used by:372
Symbol 232 BitmapUsed by:233
Symbol 233 GraphicUses:232Used by:372
Symbol 234 BitmapUsed by:235
Symbol 235 GraphicUses:234Used by:372
Symbol 236 BitmapUsed by:237
Symbol 237 GraphicUses:236Used by:372
Symbol 238 BitmapUsed by:239
Symbol 239 GraphicUses:238Used by:372
Symbol 240 BitmapUsed by:241
Symbol 241 GraphicUses:240Used by:372
Symbol 242 BitmapUsed by:243
Symbol 243 GraphicUses:242Used by:372
Symbol 244 BitmapUsed by:245
Symbol 245 GraphicUses:244Used by:372
Symbol 246 BitmapUsed by:247
Symbol 247 GraphicUses:246Used by:372
Symbol 248 BitmapUsed by:249
Symbol 249 GraphicUses:248Used by:372
Symbol 250 BitmapUsed by:251
Symbol 251 GraphicUses:250Used by:372
Symbol 252 BitmapUsed by:253
Symbol 253 GraphicUses:252Used by:372
Symbol 254 BitmapUsed by:255
Symbol 255 GraphicUses:254Used by:372
Symbol 256 BitmapUsed by:257
Symbol 257 GraphicUses:256Used by:372
Symbol 258 BitmapUsed by:259
Symbol 259 GraphicUses:258Used by:372
Symbol 260 BitmapUsed by:261
Symbol 261 GraphicUses:260Used by:372
Symbol 262 BitmapUsed by:263
Symbol 263 GraphicUses:262Used by:372
Symbol 264 BitmapUsed by:265
Symbol 265 GraphicUses:264Used by:372
Symbol 266 BitmapUsed by:267
Symbol 267 GraphicUses:266Used by:372
Symbol 268 BitmapUsed by:269
Symbol 269 GraphicUses:268Used by:372
Symbol 270 BitmapUsed by:271
Symbol 271 GraphicUses:270Used by:372
Symbol 272 BitmapUsed by:273
Symbol 273 GraphicUses:272Used by:372
Symbol 274 BitmapUsed by:275
Symbol 275 GraphicUses:274Used by:372
Symbol 276 BitmapUsed by:277
Symbol 277 GraphicUses:276Used by:372
Symbol 278 BitmapUsed by:279
Symbol 279 GraphicUses:278Used by:372
Symbol 280 BitmapUsed by:281
Symbol 281 GraphicUses:280Used by:372
Symbol 282 BitmapUsed by:283
Symbol 283 GraphicUses:282Used by:372
Symbol 284 BitmapUsed by:285
Symbol 285 GraphicUses:284Used by:372
Symbol 286 BitmapUsed by:287
Symbol 287 GraphicUses:286Used by:372
Symbol 288 BitmapUsed by:289
Symbol 289 GraphicUses:288Used by:372
Symbol 290 BitmapUsed by:291
Symbol 291 GraphicUses:290Used by:372
Symbol 292 BitmapUsed by:293
Symbol 293 GraphicUses:292Used by:372
Symbol 294 BitmapUsed by:295
Symbol 295 GraphicUses:294Used by:372
Symbol 296 BitmapUsed by:297
Symbol 297 GraphicUses:296Used by:372
Symbol 298 BitmapUsed by:299
Symbol 299 GraphicUses:298Used by:372
Symbol 300 BitmapUsed by:301
Symbol 301 GraphicUses:300Used by:372
Symbol 302 BitmapUsed by:303
Symbol 303 GraphicUses:302Used by:372
Symbol 304 BitmapUsed by:305
Symbol 305 GraphicUses:304Used by:372
Symbol 306 BitmapUsed by:307
Symbol 307 GraphicUses:306Used by:372
Symbol 308 BitmapUsed by:309
Symbol 309 GraphicUses:308Used by:372
Symbol 310 BitmapUsed by:311
Symbol 311 GraphicUses:310Used by:372
Symbol 312 BitmapUsed by:313
Symbol 313 GraphicUses:312Used by:372
Symbol 314 BitmapUsed by:315
Symbol 315 GraphicUses:314Used by:372
Symbol 316 BitmapUsed by:317
Symbol 317 GraphicUses:316Used by:372
Symbol 318 BitmapUsed by:319
Symbol 319 GraphicUses:318Used by:372
Symbol 320 BitmapUsed by:321
Symbol 321 GraphicUses:320Used by:372
Symbol 322 BitmapUsed by:323
Symbol 323 GraphicUses:322Used by:372
Symbol 324 BitmapUsed by:325
Symbol 325 GraphicUses:324Used by:372
Symbol 326 BitmapUsed by:327
Symbol 327 GraphicUses:326Used by:372
Symbol 328 BitmapUsed by:329
Symbol 329 GraphicUses:328Used by:372
Symbol 330 BitmapUsed by:331
Symbol 331 GraphicUses:330Used by:372
Symbol 332 BitmapUsed by:333
Symbol 333 GraphicUses:332Used by:372
Symbol 334 BitmapUsed by:335
Symbol 335 GraphicUses:334Used by:372
Symbol 336 BitmapUsed by:337
Symbol 337 GraphicUses:336Used by:372
Symbol 338 BitmapUsed by:339
Symbol 339 GraphicUses:338Used by:372
Symbol 340 BitmapUsed by:341
Symbol 341 GraphicUses:340Used by:372
Symbol 342 BitmapUsed by:343
Symbol 343 GraphicUses:342Used by:372
Symbol 344 BitmapUsed by:345
Symbol 345 GraphicUses:344Used by:372
Symbol 346 BitmapUsed by:347
Symbol 347 GraphicUses:346Used by:372
Symbol 348 BitmapUsed by:349
Symbol 349 GraphicUses:348Used by:372
Symbol 350 BitmapUsed by:351
Symbol 351 GraphicUses:350Used by:372
Symbol 352 BitmapUsed by:353
Symbol 353 GraphicUses:352Used by:372
Symbol 354 BitmapUsed by:355
Symbol 355 GraphicUses:354Used by:372
Symbol 356 BitmapUsed by:357
Symbol 357 GraphicUses:356Used by:372
Symbol 358 BitmapUsed by:359
Symbol 359 GraphicUses:358Used by:372
Symbol 360 BitmapUsed by:361
Symbol 361 GraphicUses:360Used by:372
Symbol 362 BitmapUsed by:363
Symbol 363 GraphicUses:362Used by:372
Symbol 364 BitmapUsed by:365
Symbol 365 GraphicUses:364Used by:372
Symbol 366 BitmapUsed by:367
Symbol 367 GraphicUses:366Used by:372
Symbol 368 BitmapUsed by:369
Symbol 369 GraphicUses:368Used by:372
Symbol 370 BitmapUsed by:371
Symbol 371 GraphicUses:370Used by:372
Symbol 372 MovieClip {ElvBMP}Uses:187 52 54 188 189 56 191 192 193 194 195 196 198 200 202 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 214 215 217 219 221 223 225 227 229 231 233 235 237 239 241 243 245 247 249 251 253 255 257 259 261 263 265 267 269 271 273 275 277 279 281 283 285 287 289 291 293 295 297 299 301 303 305 307 309 311 313 315 317 319 321 323 325 327 329 331 333 335 337 339 341 343 345 347 349 351 353 355 357 359 361 363 365 367 369 371
Symbol 373 GraphicUsed by:378
Symbol 374 GraphicUsed by:375
Symbol 375 MovieClipUses:374Used by:378
Symbol 376 GraphicUsed by:377
Symbol 377 MovieClipUses:376Used by:378
Symbol 378 MovieClip {project.linkme}Uses:373 375 377
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Symbol 380 FontUsed by:381
Symbol 381 EditableTextUses:380 382Used by:Timeline
Symbol 382 FontUsed by:381 383
Symbol 383 TextUses:382Used by:384
Symbol 384 MovieClipUses:383Used by:Timeline
Symbol 385 BitmapUsed by:386
Symbol 386 GraphicUses:385Used by:387 452
Symbol 387 ButtonUses:386Used by:Timeline
Symbol 388 GraphicUsed by:411 470
Symbol 389 BitmapUsed by:390
Symbol 390 GraphicUses:389Used by:393
Symbol 391 FontUsed by:392
Symbol 392 TextUses:391Used by:393
Symbol 393 MovieClipUses:390 392Used by:411
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Symbol 395 GraphicUsed by:396
Symbol 396 MovieClip {ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.freeinternetgamesfreeinternetgames_5}Uses:394 395Used by:411
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Symbol 399 GraphicUsed by:410
Symbol 400 GraphicUsed by:410
Symbol 401 GraphicUsed by:410
Symbol 402 GraphicUsed by:410
Symbol 403 GraphicUsed by:410
Symbol 404 GraphicUsed by:410
Symbol 405 GraphicUsed by:410
Symbol 406 GraphicUsed by:410
Symbol 407 GraphicUsed by:410
Symbol 408 GraphicUsed by:410
Symbol 409 GraphicUsed by:410
Symbol 410 MovieClip {ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.clip_sd88detincelle_6}Uses:398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409Used by:411
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Symbol 412 GraphicUsed by:413
Symbol 413 ButtonUses:412Used by:433  Timeline
Symbol 414 FontUsed by:415 416 418 419 421 422 424 441 444 445 446 448 450 458 461 462 463 465 466 467 468 515 516 517
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Symbol 416 EditableTextUses:414Used by:417
Symbol 417 MovieClip {ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol17copy3_11}Uses:415 416Used by:426
Symbol 418 EditableTextUses:414Used by:420
Symbol 419 EditableTextUses:414Used by:420
Symbol 420 MovieClip {ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol17copy_12}Uses:418 419Used by:426
Symbol 421 EditableTextUses:414Used by:423
Symbol 422 EditableTextUses:414Used by:423
Symbol 423 MovieClip {ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol41copy_13}Uses:421 422Used by:426
Symbol 424 EditableTextUses:414Used by:425
Symbol 425 MovieClip {ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol17copy4_14}Uses:424Used by:426
Symbol 426 MovieClip {project.GameInterface}Uses:417 420 423 425Used by:433
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Symbol 428 MovieClipUses:427Used by:432
Symbol 429 FontUsed by:430 431
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Symbol 431 EditableTextUses:429Used by:432
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Symbol 435 MovieClipUses:55Used by:436
Symbol 436 MovieClip {ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol24_BACK_20}Uses:435Used by:437
Symbol 437 MovieClip {ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol204_BACK_19}Uses:434 436Used by:439 456 518
Symbol 438 MovieClip {ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Timeline_22}Uses:57 185Used by:439 456 518
Symbol 439 MovieClipUses:437 438Used by:455
Symbol 440 GraphicUsed by:443 447
Symbol 441 TextUses:414Used by:443
Symbol 442 GraphicUsed by:443 447
Symbol 443 ButtonUses:440 441 442Used by:455
Symbol 444 TextUses:414Used by:455
Symbol 445 EditableTextUses:414Used by:455
Symbol 446 TextUses:414Used by:447
Symbol 447 ButtonUses:440 446 442Used by:455
Symbol 448 TextUses:414Used by:455 519
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Symbol 450 TextUses:414Used by:451
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Symbol 459 GraphicUsed by:460
Symbol 460 ButtonUses:457 458 459Used by:490 519
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Symbol 462 TextUses:414Used by:490
Symbol 463 TextUses:414Used by:490
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Symbol 465 TextUses:414Used by:469
Symbol 466 TextUses:414Used by:469
Symbol 467 TextUses:414Used by:469
Symbol 468 TextUses:414Used by:469
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Symbol 471 MovieClip {ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol20_40}Uses:464 469 470Used by:490
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Symbol 473 GraphicUsed by:474
Symbol 474 MovieClipUses:125 126 473 128Used by:488
Symbol 475 GraphicUsed by:476
Symbol 476 MovieClipUses:475Used by:488
Symbol 477 MovieClipUses:184Used by:488
Symbol 478 BitmapUsed by:479
Symbol 479 GraphicUses:478Used by:480
Symbol 480 MovieClipUses:479Used by:488
Symbol 481 GraphicUsed by:488
Symbol 482 GraphicUsed by:488
Symbol 483 GraphicUsed by:484
Symbol 484 MovieClipUses:483Used by:485
Symbol 485 MovieClipUses:484Used by:488
Symbol 486 GraphicUsed by:488
Symbol 487 GraphicUsed by:488
Symbol 488 MovieClipUses:472 474 130 112 114 117 118 120 476 477 187 52 54 188 189 56 191 480 48 49 50 58 60 61 63 65 66 481 482 485 192 131 214 129 486 487Used by:489
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Symbol 490 MovieClip {project.InstructionsPage}Uses:456 460 461 462 463 471 489Used by:520
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Symbol 493 GraphicUsed by:494
Symbol 494 MovieClipUses:493Used by:518
Symbol 495 GraphicUsed by:496
Symbol 496 MovieClipUses:495Used by:518
Symbol 497 GraphicUsed by:498
Symbol 498 MovieClipUses:497Used by:518
Symbol 499 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 500 MovieClipUses:499Used by:518
Symbol 501 GraphicUsed by:502
Symbol 502 MovieClipUses:501Used by:518
Symbol 503 GraphicUsed by:504
Symbol 504 MovieClipUses:503Used by:518
Symbol 505 GraphicUsed by:506
Symbol 506 MovieClipUses:505Used by:518
Symbol 507 GraphicUsed by:508
Symbol 508 MovieClipUses:507Used by:518
Symbol 509 GraphicUsed by:510
Symbol 510 MovieClipUses:509Used by:512 518
Symbol 511 GraphicUsed by:512
Symbol 512 MovieClipUses:510 511Used by:518
Symbol 513 GraphicUsed by:514
Symbol 514 MovieClipUses:513Used by:518
Symbol 515 TextUses:414Used by:518
Symbol 516 TextUses:414Used by:518
Symbol 517 TextUses:414Used by:518
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Instance Names

"txtField"Frame 1Symbol 381 EditableText
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"pointerBtn"Frame 2Symbol 413 Button
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"backMc"Symbol 186 MovieClip {FloorBMP} Frame 1Symbol 185 MovieClip {ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol24_23}
"backMc"Symbol 186 MovieClip {FloorBMP} Frame 1Symbol 185 MovieClip {ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol24_23}
"backMc"Symbol 186 MovieClip {FloorBMP} Frame 1Symbol 185 MovieClip {ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol24_23}
"A"Symbol 378 MovieClip {project.linkme} Frame 1Symbol 375 MovieClip
"B"Symbol 378 MovieClip {project.linkme} Frame 1Symbol 377 MovieClip
"textField"Symbol 417 MovieClip {ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol17copy3_11} Frame 1Symbol 415 EditableText
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"textField"Symbol 420 MovieClip {ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol17copy_12} Frame 1Symbol 418 EditableText
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"timeMc"Symbol 426 MovieClip {project.GameInterface} Frame 1Symbol 417 MovieClip {ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol17copy3_11}
"scoreMc"Symbol 426 MovieClip {project.GameInterface} Frame 1Symbol 420 MovieClip {ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol17copy_12}
"comboMc"Symbol 426 MovieClip {project.GameInterface} Frame 1Symbol 423 MovieClip {ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol41copy_13}
"msgMc"Symbol 426 MovieClip {project.GameInterface} Frame 1Symbol 425 MovieClip {ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol17copy4_14}
"iBar"Symbol 432 MovieClip {ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.FPS_15} Frame 1Symbol 428 MovieClip
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"backMc"Symbol 438 MovieClip {ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Timeline_22} Frame 1Symbol 185 MovieClip {ElvIsBlack2MoreBunnies_fla.Symbol24_23}
"playBtn"Symbol 455 MovieClip {project.ScorePage} Frame 1Symbol 443 Button
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"playBtn"Symbol 490 MovieClip {project.InstructionsPage} Frame 1Symbol 460 Button
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"maxBtn"Symbol 519 MovieClip {project.SplashPage} Frame 1Symbol 452 Button

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS3.


"front_walk"Symbol 68 MovieClip {FanBMP} Frame 1
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"hold"Symbol 68 MovieClip {FanBMP} Frame 191
"spawn"Symbol 92 MovieClip {HappyBunnyBMP} Frame 1
"wait"Symbol 92 MovieClip {HappyBunnyBMP} Frame 15
"pick"Symbol 92 MovieClip {HappyBunnyBMP} Frame 30
"walk"Symbol 92 MovieClip {HappyBunnyBMP} Frame 50
"dig"Symbol 92 MovieClip {HappyBunnyBMP} Frame 91
"front_walk"Symbol 94 MovieClip {AngryBunnyBMP} Frame 1
"back_walk"Symbol 94 MovieClip {AngryBunnyBMP} Frame 32
"stun"Symbol 94 MovieClip {AngryBunnyBMP} Frame 63
"suicide"Symbol 94 MovieClip {AngryBunnyBMP} Frame 124
"screaming"Symbol 94 MovieClip {AngryBunnyBMP} Frame 150
"dance"Symbol 94 MovieClip {AngryBunnyBMP} Frame 175
"front_walk"Symbol 108 MovieClip {BadGuyBMP} Frame 1
"bounce"Symbol 108 MovieClip {BadGuyBMP} Frame 46
"trapped"Symbol 108 MovieClip {BadGuyBMP} Frame 69
"closed"Symbol 121 MovieClip {BouncerBMP} Frame 1
"bounce"Symbol 121 MovieClip {BouncerBMP} Frame 5
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"back_walk"Symbol 372 MovieClip {ElvBMP} Frame 93
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"scream"Symbol 372 MovieClip {ElvBMP} Frame 134
"front_jump"Symbol 372 MovieClip {ElvBMP} Frame 165
"back_jump"Symbol 372 MovieClip {ElvBMP} Frame 181
"front_hit"Symbol 372 MovieClip {ElvBMP} Frame 196
"back_hit"Symbol 372 MovieClip {ElvBMP} Frame 201
"short_scream"Symbol 372 MovieClip {ElvBMP} Frame 206
"float"Symbol 372 MovieClip {ElvBMP} Frame 216
Created: 20/5 -2019 16:26:46 Last modified: 20/5 -2019 16:26:46 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:48:11