Archived flashes:
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This is the info page for
Flash #28292

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)



Start Game





Collect spheres that match the color of your orbitron, while avoiding hitting spheres of a different color

Your orbitron will evolve to a different color when you have collected all the spheres of a given color.

Progress to the next level by collecting all spheres.




High Score

Target :


Time :



Time Bonus

Click here to

Audio Content

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
function GlobalParent() { this._state = "Loading"; this.Max_x = 480; this.Max_y = 480; this.Score = 0; this.HighScore = 0; this._theme = 1; this._level = 1; this.Depth_Count = 0; this.Object_Count = 0; this.ActiveObjects = 0; this.ExplosionScale = 100; this.PiCalculation = (Math.PI/180); this._radius = 15; this._orbitrotation = 0; this._orbitspeed = 5; this.ActiveOrbs = 0; this.ActiveOrbiters = 0; this.MaxOrbs = 10; this.EvolveCount = 10; this.EvolveFlag = 1; this._initTime = 0; this._finalTime = 0; this._bestTime = 0; this._orbitersPerLevel = 10; this._orbiterSpacing = 30; this._evolve = false; this.SphereScale = 75; } function SpriteParent(id, instanceName) { Global.Sprite_Count++; this._id = int(id); this._spriteid = int(Global.Sprite_Count); this._state = "Inactive"; this._color = 0; this._type = 0; this._xpos = 0; this._ypos = 0; this._xs = 0; this._ys = 0; this._targetx = 0; this._targety = 0; this._scale = 100; this._rotation = 0; this._speed = 5; this._xslot = 0; this.JumpCounter = 0; this._shakecounter = 0; this._bumpcounter = 0; this._counter = 0; this._radius = 0; this._orbitrotation = 0; this._orbitslot = 0; this._instance = instanceName; this._scalestep = 2; } function GetDistance(Datastruct_1, Datastruct_2) { xdist = Datastruct_1._xpos - Datastruct_2._xpos; ydist = Datastruct_1._ypos - Datastruct_2._ypos; return(Math.sqrt((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist))); } function move_orbitron(Datastruct) { Datastruct._xpos = _root._xmouse; Datastruct._ypos = _root._ymouse; } function rotate_object(Datastruct) { Datastruct._rotation = Datastruct._rotation + Datastruct._rotatespeed; } function set_angle(Datastruct) { if (Datastruct._target_id > 0) { Datastruct._targetx = _root["ObjectInfo_" + Datastruct._target_id]._xpos; Datastruct._targety = _root["ObjectInfo_" + Datastruct._target_id]._ypos; } else { Datastruct._targetx = random(Global.Max_x); Datastruct._targety = Global.Max_y + 200; } xdiff = Math.abs(Datastruct._xpos - Datastruct._targetx); ydiff = Math.abs(Datastruct._ypos - Datastruct._targety); x_frames = xdiff / Datastruct._speed; y_frames = ydiff / Datastruct._speed; if (x_frames > y_frames) { Max_Frames = x_frames; } else { Max_Frames = y_frames; } Datastruct._xs = xdiff / Max_Frames; Datastruct._ys = ydiff / Max_Frames; if (Datastruct._xpos > Datastruct._targetx) { Datastruct._xs = -Datastruct._xs; } if (Datastruct._ypos > Datastruct._targety) { Datastruct._ys = -Datastruct._ys; } } function move_orbiter(Datastruct) { switch (Datastruct._state) { case "Active" : Datastruct._scale = Datastruct._scale + Datastruct._scalestep; if ((Datastruct._scale > 100) || (Datastruct._scale < 30)) { Datastruct._scalestep = -Datastruct._scalestep; } MC_scale(_root["Orbiter_" + Datastruct._id], Datastruct._scale); return; case "Dropping" : Datastruct._ypos = Datastruct._ypos + Datastruct._speed; return; case "Floating" : float_MovieClip(Datastruct); return; case "Evade" : evade_orbitron(Datastruct); return; case "Orbiting" : Datastruct._scale = Datastruct._scale + Datastruct._scalestep; if ((Datastruct._scale >= 25) && (Datastruct._scale <= 35)) { Datastruct._scalestep = 30; Datastruct._scalestep = 0; } if ((Datastruct._scale > 100) || (Datastruct._scale < 30)) { Datastruct._scalestep = -Datastruct._scalestep; } if (Datastruct._radius < Global._radius) { Datastruct._radius = Datastruct._radius + 3; } Datastruct._orbitrotation = Global._orbitrotation + (Datastruct._orbitslot * 36); Datastruct._xpos = OrbitronInfo_1._xpos + (Datastruct._radius * Math.cos(Datastruct._orbitrotation * _root.Global.PiCalculation)); Datastruct._ypos = OrbitronInfo_1._ypos + (Datastruct._radius * Math.sin(Datastruct._orbitrotation * _root.Global.PiCalculation)); MC_scale(_root["Orbiter_" + Datastruct._id], Datastruct._scale); _root["Orbiter_" + Datastruct._id].filters = [glow]; return; case "Shooting" : with (Datastruct) { _xpos = _xpos + _xs; _ypos = _ypos + _ys; if ((((_xpos > Global.Max_x) || (_xpos < 0)) || (_ypos > Global.Max_y)) || (_ypos < 0)) { MC_hide("Orbiter_" + _id); _state = "Inactive"; } } return; case "Nothing" : Datastruct._radius--; if (Datastruct._radius < 5) { Datastruct._state = 0; _root["Orbiter_" + Datastruct._id].gotoAndStop(8); release_new_orbiter(); } else { Datastruct._orbitrotation = Global._orbitrotation + (Datastruct._orbitslot * 36); Datastruct._xpos = OrbitronInfo_1._xpos + (Datastruct._radius * Math.cos(Datastruct._orbitrotation * _root.Global.PiCalculation)); Datastruct._ypos = OrbitronInfo_1._ypos + (Datastruct._radius * Math.sin(Datastruct._orbitrotation * _root.Global.PiCalculation)); } } } function move_MovieClip(Datastruct) { Datastruct._xpos = Datastruct._xpos + Datastruct._xs; Datastruct._ypos = Datastruct._ypos + Datastruct._ys; if ((Datastruct._xpos > Global.WorldMax_x) || (Datastruct._xpos < 0)) { Datastruct._xs = -Datastruct._xs; } if ((Datastruct._ypos > Global.WorldMax_y) || (Datastruct._ypos < 0)) { Datastruct._ys = -Datastruct._ys; } } function float_MovieClip(Datastruct) { Datastruct._xpos = Datastruct._xpos + (random(Datastruct._speed + 1) - (Datastruct._speed / 2)); Datastruct._ypos = Datastruct._ypos + (random(Datastruct._speed + 1) - (Datastruct._speed / 2)); if ((Datastruct._xpos > Global.WorldMax_x) || (Datastruct._xpos < 0)) { Datastruct._xs = -Datastruct._xs; } if ((Datastruct._ypos > Global.WorldMax_y) || (Datastruct._ypos < 0)) { Datastruct._ys = -Datastruct._ys; } } function evade_orbitron(Datastruct) { if (Datastruct._xpos > OrbitronInfo_1._xpos) { Datastruct._xpos = Datastruct._xpos + Datastruct._speed; } else { Datastruct._xpos = Datastruct._xpos - Datastruct._speed; } if (Datastruct._ypos > OrbitronInfo_1._ypos) { Datastruct._ypos = Datastruct._ypos + Datastruct._speed; } else { Datastruct._ypos = Datastruct._ypos - Datastruct._speed; } if ((Datastruct._xpos > Global.WorldMax_x) || (Datastruct._xpos < 0)) { Datastruct._xs = -Datastruct._xs; } if ((Datastruct._ypos > Global.WorldMax_y) || (Datastruct._ypos < 0)) { Datastruct._ys = -Datastruct._ys; } xdiff = Math.abs(Datastruct._xpos - OrbitronInfo_1._xpos); ydiff = Math.abs(Datastruct._ypos - OrbitronInfo_1._ypos); if ((xdiff > 150) && (ydiff > 150)) { Datastruct._state = "Floating"; trace("now floating"); } } function find_target() { target_id = 0; mindist = 5000; t_index = 1; while (t_index <= Global.Object_Count) { if (_root["ObjectInfo_" + t_index]._state == 1) { xdiff = Math.abs(_root["ObjectInfo_" + t_index]._xpos - _root.OrbitronInfo_1._xpos); ydiff = Math.abs(_root["ObjectInfo_" + t_index]._ypos - _root.OrbitronInfo_1._ypos); dist = xdiff + ydiff; if (dist < mindist) { target_id = t_index; mindist = dist; } } t_index++; } if (target_id > 0) { _root["ObjectInfo_" + target_id]._marked = 1; } return(target_id); } function fire_orbiter(index) { with (_root["OrbiterInfo_" + index]) { _state = "Shooting"; _speed = 25; FireAngle = (_orbitrotation * (Math.PI/180)) + 90; _xs = _speed * Math.cos(FireAngle); _ys = _speed * Math.sin(FireAngle); Global.ActiveOrbiters--; } } function update_orbitron(index) { move_orbitron(_root["OrbitronInfo_" + index]); MC_pos("Orbitron_" + index, _root["OrbitronInfo_" + index]._xpos, _root["OrbitronInfo_" + index]._ypos); } function update_orbiter(index) { move_orbiter(_root["OrbiterInfo_" + index]); MC_pos(_root["Orbiter_" + index], _root["OrbiterInfo_" + index]._xpos, _root["OrbiterInfo_" + index]._ypos); } function orbiter_ai(Datastruct) { if ((GetDistance(Datastruct, OrbitronInfo_1) < 70) && (Datastruct._state != "Orbiting")) { } } function update_planet(index) { new_xpos = _root["PlanetInfo_" + index]._xpos - Global.Viewport_x; new_ypos = _root["PlanetInfo_" + index]._ypos - Global.Viewport_y; MC_pos(_root["Planet_" + index], new_xpos, new_ypos); } function update_object(index) { switch (_root["ObjectInfo_" + index]._state) { case 1 : move_MovieClip(_root["ObjectInfo_" + index]); setProperty(_root["Object_" + index], _x , _root["ObjectInfo_" + index]._xpos); setProperty(_root["Object_" + index], _y , _root["ObjectInfo_" + index]._ypos); rotate_object(_root["ObjectInfo_" + index]); break; case 2 : rotate_object(_root["ObjectInfo_" + index]); } setProperty(_root["Object_" + index], _rotation , _root["ObjectInfo_" + index]._rotation); } function orbiter_handler() { Global._orbitrotation = Global._orbitrotation + Global._orbitspeed; index = 1; while (index <= Global.Orbiter_Count) { update_orbiter(index); index++; } } function planet_handler() { index = 1; while (index <= Global.Planet_Count) { update_planet(index); index++; } } function update_objects() { index = 1; while (index <= Global.Object_Count) { update_object(index); index++; } } function update_orbitrons() { index = 1; while (index <= Global.Orbitron_Count) { update_orbitron(index); index++; } } function check_collision_orbitron() { o_index = 1; while (o_index <= Global.Object_Count) { with (_root["ObjectInfo_" + o_index]) { if (((_state == "Active") && (_type)) && (OrbitronInfo_1._type)) { if (Orbitron_1.hitTest(_root["Object_" + o_index], true) == true) { start_explosion(_root.OrbitronInfo_1._xpos, _root.OrbitronInfo_1._ypos); } } } o_index++; } } function check_collision_orbiter() { index = 1; while (index <= Global.Orbiter_Count) { with (_root["OrbiterInfo_" + index]) { if (_state == "Active") { if (Orbitron_1.hitTest(_root["Orbiter_" + index])) { if (_type == OrbitronInfo_1._type) { if (_scale <= _root.OrbitronInfo_1._scale) { _state = "Orbiting"; _radius = 1; Global.ActiveOrbiters++; _orbitslot = Global.ActiveOrbiters; Global.Score = Global.Score + 100; SFX_Blip.start(); } } else if (check_sphere_collision(index)) { SFX_Explosion.start(); start_explosion(_root.OrbitronInfo_1._xpos, _root.OrbitronInfo_1._ypos); Global._state = "GameOver"; } } } } index++; } } function remaining_shooters() { orbiter_count = 0; index = 1; while (index <= Global.Orbiter_Count) { with (_root["OrbiterInfo_" + index]) { if (_state == "Shooting") { orbiter_count++; } } index++; } return(orbiter_count); } function remaining_orbiters(sphereType) { orbiter_count = 0; index = 1; while (index <= Global.Orbiter_Count) { with (_root["OrbiterInfo_" + index]) { if ((((_type == sphereType) && (_state == "Active")) || ((sphereType == 0) && (_state == "Active"))) || ((sphereType == 0) && (_state == "Shooting"))) { orbiter_count++; } } index++; } return(orbiter_count); } function check_collision_objects(Datastruct) { Orbiter = "Orbiter_" + Datastruct._id; c_index = 1; while (c_index <= Global.Object_Count) { if ((_root["ObjectInfo_" + c_index]._state == 1) && (Global.ActiveOrbiters < Global.EvolveCount)) { if (_root[Orbiter].hitTest(_root["Object_" + c_index]) == true) { _root["ObjectInfo_" + c_index]._state = 0; setProperty(_root["Object_" + c_index], _visible , 0); start_explosion(_root["ObjectInfo_" + c_index]._xpos, _root["ObjectInfo_" + c_index]._ypos); Global.Score = Global.Score + 50; Datastruct._state = 0; Datastruct._xpos = -200; Datastruct._ypos = -200; _root[Orbiter].gotoAndPlay(8); } } c_index++; } } function start_explosion(xpos, ypos) { c_exp = 1; while (c_exp <= Global.Explosion_Count) { if (_root["Explosion_" + c_exp]._visible == 0) { _root["ExplosionInfo_" + c_exp]._state = "Active"; _root["Explosion_" + c_exp]._x = xpos; _root["Explosion_" + c_exp]._y = ypos; tellTarget ("_level0/Explosion_" + c_exp) { gotoAndPlay (1); }; setProperty("Explosion_" + c_exp, _visible , 1); break; } c_exp++; } } function start_evolution() { o = 1; while (o <= Global.Orbiter_Count) { if (_root["OrbiterInfo_" + o]._state == "Orbiting") { fire_orbiter(o); } o++; } } function release_new_orbiter() { o = 1; while (o <= Global.Orbiter_Count) { if (_root["OrbiterInfo_" + o]._state == "Inactive") { _root["OrbiterInfo_" + o]._state = "Dropping"; _root["OrbiterInfo_" + o]._type = Global._level; _root["OrbiterInfo_" + o]._xpos = random(Global.Max_x - 20) + 10; _root["OrbiterInfo_" + o]._ypos = 0; _root["OrbiterInfo_" + o]._speed = Global._level; _root["OrbiterInfo_" + o]._xs = 0; _root["OrbiterInfo_" + o]._ys = _root["OrbiterInfo_" + o]._speed; _root["Orbiter_" + o].gotoAndStop(_root["OrbiterInfo_" + o]._type); _root["Orbiter_" + o].filters = []; Global.ActiveOrbs++; break; } o++; } } function reset_game() { Global.ActiveOrbiters = 0; Global.ActiveOrbitrons = 0; Global.Score = 0; Global._level = 1; Init_Orbitron(Global._level); } function set_up_level(cur_level) { Init_Orbitron(cur_level); Init_Orbiters(cur_level); } function update_score_UI() { _root.ScorePanel.ScoreText.text = int(_root.Global.Score); if (Global.Score > Global.HighScore) { Global.HighScore = Global.Score; } _root.HighScorePanel.ScoreText.text = int(_root.Global.HighScore); _root.BonusPanel.ScoreText.text = int(_root.Global.Cur_Bonus); _root.LevelPanel.ScoreText.text = _root.Global._level; } function level_window_check() { if (LevelPanel._x < (Global.Max_x - (LevelPanel._width + 10))) { LevelPanel._x = LevelPanel._x + 11; } else { LevelPanel._x = Global.Max_x - (LevelPanel._width + 10); } } function increment_level() { Global._level++; Global.ActiveGhoulTypes++; if (Global.ActiveGhoulTypes > Global.ActiveGhoulTypes) { Global.ActiveGhoulTypes = Global.GhoulTypes; } Global._levelCounter = Global.GhoulsPerLevel; Global.RotationSpeed = Global.RotationSpeed + 0.25; if (Global.RotationSpeed > Global.MaxRotationSpeed) { Global.RotatationSpeed = Global.MaxRotationSpeed; } switch (Global._level) { case 2 : break; case 3 : } display_new_level(); new_background(); update_background(); } function check_distance(id, loc_x, loc_y) { outcome = true; b = 1; while (b <= Global.Orbiter_Count) { with (_root["OrbiterInfo_" + b]) { if ((_state == "Active") && (b != id)) { xdiff = Math.abs(_xpos - loc_x); ydiff = Math.abs(_ypos - loc_y); if ((xdiff < Global._orbiterSpacing) && (ydiff < Global._orbiterSpacing)) { outcome = false; break; } } } b++; } return(outcome); } function check_sphere_collision(id) { collision_status = false; with (OrbitronInfo_1) { Radius = Orbitron_1._width / 2; angle = 90.7853981633974; x1 = (Radius * Math.cos(angle)) + _xpos; y1 = (Radius * Math.sin(angle)) + _ypos; angle = 92.3561944901924; x2 = (Radius * Math.cos(angle)) + _xpos; y2 = (Radius * Math.sin(angle)) + _ypos; angle = 93.9269908169872; x3 = (Radius * Math.cos(angle)) + _xpos; y3 = (Radius * Math.sin(angle)) + _ypos; angle = 95.4977871437821; x4 = (Radius * Math.cos(angle)) + _xpos; y4 = (Radius * Math.sin(angle)) + _ypos; if (_root["Orbiter_" + id].hitTest(x1, y1, true)) { collision_status = true; } if (_root["Orbiter_" + id].hitTest(x2, y2, true)) { collision_status = true; } if (_root["Orbiter_" + id].hitTest(x3, y3, true)) { collision_status = true; } if (_root["Orbiter_" + id].hitTest(x4, y4, true)) { collision_status = true; } } return(collision_status); } function hide_spheres() { b = 1; while (b <= Global.Orbiter_Count) { MC_hide("Orbiter_" + b); b++; } MC_hide(Orbitron_1); } function Preloader_Status() { myLoaded = Math.round(getBytesLoaded()); myTotal = Math.round(getBytesTotal()); myPercent = myLoaded / myTotal; return(myPercent * 100); } function Create_MovieClip(ObjectName, Instance, NewLevel) { if (isNaN(Global[Instance + "_Count"])) { Global[Instance + "_Count"] = 0; } Global[Instance + "_Count"]++; Index = Global[Instance + "_Count"]; InstanceName = (Instance + "_") + Index; InstanceInfoName = (Instance + "Info_") + Index; SymbolName = ObjectName + "Symbol"; _root[InstanceInfoName] = new SpriteParent(Index, InstanceName); _root.attachMovie(SymbolName, InstanceName, NewLevel); _root[InstanceName].cacheAsBitmap; MC_hide(InstanceName); return(Index); } function create_instance(ObjectName, amount, Instance, TargetLevel) { c_instance = 1; while (c_instance <= amount) { New_Index = Create_MovieClip(ObjectName, Instance, (TargetLevel + c_instance) - 1); c_instance++; } } function MC_alpha(InstanceName, pct) { setProperty(InstanceName, _alpha , pct); } function MC_rotate(InstanceName, angle) { setProperty(InstanceName, _rotation , angle); } function MC_pos(InstanceName, loc_x, loc_y) { setProperty(InstanceName, _x , loc_x); setProperty(InstanceName, _y , loc_y); } function MC_scale(InstanceName, newscale) { setProperty(InstanceName, _xscale , newscale); setProperty(InstanceName, _yscale , newscale); } function MC_size(InstanceName, new_width, new_height) { setProperty(InstanceName, _width , new_width); setProperty(InstanceName, _height , new_height); } function MC_show(InstanceName) { setProperty(InstanceName, _visible , 1); } function MC_hide(InstanceName) { setProperty(InstanceName, _visible , 0); } function set_object_color(ObjectName, ColorCode) { var _local2 = new Color(_root[ObjectName]); _local2.setRGB(ColorCode); } function display_prompt(PromptText, loc_x, loc_y) { Prompt.PromptText.text = PromptText; MC_pos("Prompt", loc_x, loc_y); MC_show("Prompt"); } function Process_Control_Input(KeyCode) { switch (Global._state) { case "Loading" : break; case "MainMenu" : if (MainMenu_1.StartGame.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { MC_hide(MainMenu_1); reset_game(); Global._state = "LevelStart"; } if (MainMenu_1.Instructions.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { MC_hide(MainMenu_1); Global._state = "Instructions"; } break; case "Core" : break; case "LevelChange" : break; case "LevelStart" : if (LevelChange_1.Continue.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { MC_hide(LevelChange_1); show_ui(); set_up_level(Global._level); level_setup(Global._level); Global._initTime = getTimer(); Global._state = "Core"; } break; case "GameOver" : if (GameOver_1.Back.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { hide_spheres();; MC_hide(GameOver_1); Global._state = "MainMenu"; } if (GameOver_1.HighScoreList.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { getURL (""); } break; case "HighScores" : break; case "Instructions" : if (Instructions_1.Back.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { MC_hide(Instructions_1); Global._state = "MainMenu"; } break; case "ResetGame" : Global._state = "Core"; } } function Init_Orbitron(cur_level) { OrbitronInfo_1._xpos = Global.Max_x / 2; OrbitronInfo_1._ypos = Global.Max_y / 2; OrbitronInfo_1._type = 1; Orbitron_1.gotoAndStop(1); Orbitron_1.filters = [glow]; MC_show(Orbitron_1); } function Init_Orbiters(cur_level) { index = 1; while (index <= Global.Orbiter_Count) { with (_root["OrbiterInfo_" + index]) { if (index <= (cur_level * Global._orbitersPerLevel)) { _state = "Active"; _xpos = -50; _ypos = -50; _speed = 15; _scalestep = random(2) + 2; } } index++; } o_type = 1; o_count = 1; index = 1; while (index <= Global.Orbiter_Count) { with (_root["OrbiterInfo_" + index]) { if (o_type <= cur_level) { GoodLocation = false; while (GoodLocation == false) { _xpos = random(Global.Max_x - 50) + 25; _ypos = random(Global.Max_y - 200) + 50; GoodLocation = check_distance(index, _xpos, _ypos); } _type = o_type; _speed = random(3) + 2; _scale = random(65) + 35; _root["Orbiter_" + index].IndexText.text = index; _root["Orbiter_" + index].gotoAndStop(_type); MC_scale(_root["Orbiter_" + index], _scale); MC_show(_root["Orbiter_" + index]); } else { _xpos = -50; _ypos = -50; _state = "Inactive"; MC_hide(_root["Orbiter_" + index]); } o_count++; if (o_count > Global._orbitersPerLevel) { o_count = 1; o_type++; } } index++; } } function Init_Asteroids() { index = 1; while (index <= Global.Asteroid_Count) { _root["AsteroidInfo_" + index]._xpos = random(Global.Max_x); _root["AsteroidInfo_" + index]._ypos = random(Global.Max_y); _root["AsteroidInfo_" + index]._type = random(7); c_speed = random(5) + 2; _root["AsteroidInfo_" + index]._xspeed = c_speed; _root["AsteroidInfo_" + index]._yspeed = c_speed; _root["Asteroid_" + index].gotoAndStop(_root["AsteroidInfo_" + index]._type); index++; } } function Init_Planets() { index = 1; while (index <= Global.Planet_Count) { _root["PlanetInfo_" + index]._xpos = random(Global.WorldMax_x); _root["PlanetInfo_" + index]._ypos = random(Global.WorldMax_y); _root["PlanetInfo_" + index]._type = random(10); MC_pos(_root["Planet_" + index], _root["PlanetInfo_" + index]._xpos, _root["PlanetInfo_" + index]._ypos); _root["Planet_" + index].gotoAndStop(_root["PlanetInfo_" + index]._type); index++; } } function Init_Explosions() { index = 1; while (index <= Global.Explosion_Count) { _root["ExplosionInfo_" + index]._xpos = -100; _root["ExplosionInfo_" + index]._ypos = -100; setProperty(_root["Explosion_" + index], _xscale , Global.ExplosionScale); setProperty(_root["Explosion_" + index], _yscale , Global.ExplosionScale); _root["Explosion_" + index].gotoAndStop(_root["ExplosionInfo_" + index]._type); MC_hide("Explosion_" + index); index++; } } function check_mainmenu_rollovers() { MC_rotate(MainMenu_1.StartGame, random(5) - 2); MC_rotate(MainMenu_1.Instructions, random(5) - 2); MC_rotate(MainMenu_1.VisitGamestack, random(5) - 2); if (MainMenu_1.StartGame.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { MC_scale(MainMenu_1.StartGame, 150); } else { MC_scale(MainMenu_1.StartGame, 100); } if (MainMenu_1.Instructions.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { MC_scale(MainMenu_1.Instructions, 150); } else { MC_scale(MainMenu_1.Instructions, 100); } if (MainMenu_1.VisitGamestack.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { MC_scale(MainMenu_1.VisitGamestack, 150); } else { MC_scale(MainMenu_1.VisitGamestack, 100); } } function check_Instructions_rollovers() { MC_rotate(Instructions_1.Back, random(5) - 2); if (Instructions_1.Back.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { MC_scale(Instructions_1.Back, 150); } else { MC_scale(Instructions_1.Back, 100); } } function check_gameover_rollovers() { MC_rotate(GameOver_1.Back, random(5) - 2); MC_rotate(GameOver_1.HighScoreList, random(5) - 2); if (GameOver_1.Back.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { MC_scale(GameOver_1.Back, 150); } else { MC_scale(GameOver_1.Back, 100); } if (GameOver_1.HighScoreList.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { MC_scale(GameOver_1.HighScoreList, 150); } else { MC_scale(GameOver_1.HighScoreList, 100); } } function update_score_UI() { ScorePanel_1.ScoreText.text = int(_root.Global.Score); if (Global.Score > Global.HighScore) { Global.HighScore = Global.Score; } HighScorePanel_1.ScoreText.text = int(_root.Global.HighScore); LevelPanel_1.ScoreText.text = Global._level; } function hide_ui() { MC_hide(ScorePanel_1); MC_hide(HighScorePanel_1); MC_hide(LevelPanel_1); } function show_ui() { MC_show(ScorePanel_1); MC_show(HighScorePanel_1); MC_show(LevelPanel_1); } function create_ui() { create_instance("Score", 1, "ScorePanel", 2000); MC_pos(ScorePanel_1, 0, 0); create_instance("Score", 1, "HighScorePanel", 2001); MC_pos(HighScorePanel_1, Global.Max_x - (HighScorePanel_1._width + 10), 2); HighScorePanel_1.Label.text = "Hi-Score : "; create_instance("Score", 1, "LevelPanel", 2002); LevelPanelInfo_1._xpos = 5; LevelPanelInfo_1._ypos = Global.Max_y - (LevelPanel_1._height - 2); MC_pos(LevelPanel_1, LevelPanelInfo_1._xpos, LevelPanelInfo_1._ypos); LevelPanel_1.Label.text = "Level "; create_instance("GameOver", 1, "GameOver", 2003); MC_pos(GameOver_1, 0, 0); MC_hide(GameOver_1); create_instance("MainMenu", 1, "MainMenu", 2004); MC_pos(MainMenu_1, 0, 0); MC_hide(MainMenu_1); create_instance("Instructions", 1, "Instructions", 2005); MC_pos(Instructions_1, 0, 0); MC_hide(Instructions_1); create_instance("LevelChange", 1, "LevelChange", 2006); MC_pos(LevelChange_1, 0, 0); MC_hide(LevelChange_1); } function main_loop() { switch (Global._state) { case "MainMenu" :; update_background(); if (MainMenu_1._visible == 0) { hide_ui(); MC_show(MainMenu_1); } check_mainmenu_rollovers(); return; case "Core" : Mouse.hide(); update_background(); update_orbitrons(); check_collision_orbiter(); orbiter_handler(); if ((remaining_orbiters(OrbitronInfo_1._type) == 0) && (Global._evolve == false)) { start_evolution(); Global._evolve = true; OrbitronInfo_1._type++; Orbitron_1.gotoAndStop(OrbitronInfo_1._type); } if (remaining_shooters() == 0) { Global._evolve = false; } if ((remaining_orbiters(0) == 0) && (Global._evolve == false)) { hide_ui(); Global._state = "LevelChange"; if (Global._level == 7) { Global._state = "GameOver"; } } update_score_UI(); return; case "LevelChange" : Mouse.hide(); update_background(); update_orbitrons(); OrbitronInfo_1._type = 1; Orbitron_1.gotoAndStop(OrbitronInfo_1._type); update_background(); if (LevelChange_1._visible == 0) { MC_show(LevelChange_1); BonusPoints = int(200 - update_timer()) * (5 * Global._level); NewBonusPoints = BonusPoints; NewScore = Global.Score; MC_hide(LevelChange_1.Continue); MC_show(LevelChange_1.BonusText); MC_show(LevelChange_1.ScoreText); LevelChange_1.BonusText.text = "Time Bonus\r" + BonusPoints; } else if (NewBonusPoints > 0) { NewScore = NewScore + int(BonusPoints / 50); NewBonusPoints = NewBonusPoints - int(BonusPoints / 50); if (NewScore > (Global.Score + BonusPoints)) { NewScore = Global.Score + BonusPoints; } } if (NewBonusPoints <= 0) { Global.Score = Global.Score + BonusPoints; Global._level++; MC_hide(LevelChange_1); Global._state = "LevelStart"; } LevelChange_1.ScoreText.text = "Score\r" + NewScore; return; case "LevelStart" : update_background(); update_orbitrons(); if (LevelChange_1._visible == 0) { MC_show(LevelChange_1); MC_show(LevelChange_1.Continue); MC_hide(LevelChange_1.BonusText); MC_show(LevelChange_1.ScoreText); if (Global._level == 1) { MC_hide(LevelChange_1.ScoreText); } } return; case "GameOver" :; check_gameover_rollovers(); if (GameOver_1._visible == 0) { hide_ui(); MC_show(GameOver_1); if (Global.Score > Global.HighScore) { Global.HighScore = Global.Score; } GameOver_1.ScoreText.text = "Score\r" + Global.Score; GameOver_1.HighScoreText.text = "High Score\r" + Global.HighScore; } return; case "Instructions" : if (Instructions_1._visible == 0) { MC_show(Instructions_1); } check_Instructions_rollovers(); return; case "DisplayHighScores" : return; case "LevelChange" : if (LevelText_1._visible == 0) { LevelText_1.LevelText.text = "Level " + Global._level; MC_show(LevelText_1); } Global._levelTextTimer--; if (Global._levelTextTimer < 1) { MC_hide(LevelText_1); Global._state = "Core"; } return; case "ResetGame" : reset_game(); show_ui(); Global._state = "MainMenu"; return; case "Credits" : } } function update_timer() { elapsedTime = (getTimer() - Global._initTime) / 1000; elapsedTime = int(elapsedTime * 100) / 100; return(elapsedTime); } function timeString(TimerValue) { minutes = int(TimerValue / 60); seconds = int(TimerValue - (minutes * 60)); extra = int((TimerValue - ((minutes * 60) + seconds)) * 100); if (seconds < 10) { seconds = "0" + seconds; } TimeValueString = (((minutes + ":") + seconds) + ".") + extra; return(TimeValueString); } function LevelDataParent() { this._balls = 0; this._targetTime = 0; } function update_level_boxes() { t = 1; while (t <= Global.Theme_Count) { l = 1; while (l <= Global.Level_Count) { BoxIndex = ((t - 1) * Global.Level_Count) + l; MainMenu_1.Levels["LevelBox_" + BoxIndex].BoxText.text = (((_root["Theme_" + t] + "\r") + _root["Difficulty_" + l]) + "\r") + timeString(BestTimes[t][l]); if (Levels[t][l] == true) { MC_show(MainMenu_1.Levels["LevelBox_" + BoxIndex].Star); } else { MC_hide(MainMenu_1.Levels["LevelBox_" + BoxIndex].Star); } l++; } t++; } } function levelbox_rollovers() { t = 1; while (t <= (Global.Theme_Count * Global.Level_Count)) { MainMenu_1.Levels["LevelBox_" + t].Star._rotation = MainMenu_1.Levels["LevelBox_" + t].Star._rotation + 5; if (MainMenu_1.Levels["LevelBox_" + t].hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { MC_alpha(MainMenu_1.Levels["LevelBox_" + t].Box, 70); } else { MC_alpha(MainMenu_1.Levels["LevelBox_" + t].Box, 35); } t++; } } function levelbox_click() { t = 1; while (t <= (Global.Theme_Count * Global.Level_Count)) { if (MainMenu_1.Levels["LevelBox_" + t].hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { Global._theme = Math.floor(((t - 1) / Global.Level_Count) + 1); Global._level = t - ((Global._theme - 1) * Global.Level_Count); MC_hide(MainMenu_1); Global._state = "LevelStart"; } t++; } } function level_setup(NewLevel) { init_oribiters(NewLevel); init_oribitron(NewLevel); MC_show("Timer_1"); MC_show("TargetTimer_1"); Global._initTime = getTimer(); change_background(ThemeData._background); } function set_level_data(NewLevel) { with (LevelData) { switch (NewLevel) { case 1 : _balls = 5; break; case 2 : _balls = 10; break; case 3 : _balls = 15; break; case 4 : _balls = 20; break; case 5 : _balls = 26; } LevelData._targetTime = _balls * 4; } } function ThemeDataParent() { this._background = 0; this._ballType = 0; this._rotate = false; this._alpha = 0; this._pulse = false; this._scale = false; this._bubbles = false; this._slide = false; this._slidestep = 0; this._scalestep = 0; } function set_theme_data(NewTheme) { with (ThemeData) { switch (NewTheme) { case 1 : _slidestep = 0.25; _background = 1; _rotate = false; _alpha = 100; _pulse = false; _scale = false; _bubbles = false; _slide = true; break; case 2 : _background = 2; _ballType = 2; _rotate = false; _alpha = 100; _pulse = false; _scale = false; _bubbles = true; break; case 3 : _background = 4; _ballType = 3; _rotate = false; _alpha = 100; _pulse = false; _scale = false; _bubbles = false; break; case 4 : _background = 3; _ballType = -1; _rotate = true; _alpha = 100; _pulse = false; _scale = true; _bubbles = false; } change_background(_background); MC_rotate(Background_1, 0); MC_scale(Background_1, 100); MC_alpha(Background_1, _alpha); if (_pulse) { MC_show(Pulse_1); } else { MC_hide(Pulse_1); } if (_bubbles) { init_bubbles(); } } } function rotate_background() { Background_1._rotation = Background_1._rotation + 0.05; } function slide_background(Min_x, Max_x) { BackgroundInfo_1._xpos = BackgroundInfo_1._xpos + ThemeData._slidestep; if ((BackgroundInfo_1._xpos > Max_x) || (BackgroundInfo_1._xpos < Min_x)) { ThemeData._slidestep = -ThemeData._slidestep; } MC_pos(Background_1, BackgroundInfo_1._xpos, BackgroundInfo_1._ypos); } function scale_background(Min_scale, Max_scale) { BackgroundInfo_1._scale = BackgroundInfo_1._scale + ThemeData._scalestep; if ((BackgroundInfo_1._scale > Max_scale) || (BackgroundInfo_1._scale < Min_scale)) { ThemeData._scalestep = -ThemeData._scalestep; } MC_scale(Background_1, BackgroundInfo_1._scale); } function update_pulse(pulseSpeed) { Pulse_1._xscale = Pulse_1._xscale + pulseSpeed; Pulse_1._yscale = Pulse_1._yscale + pulseSpeed; if (Pulse_1._xscale > 400) { Pulse_1._xscale = 0; Pulse_1._yscale = 0; } } function change_background(NewIndex) { Background_1.gotoAndStop(NewIndex); } function update_background() { with (ThemeData) { if (_pulse) { update_pulse(); } if (_rotate) { rotate_background(); } if (_scale) { scale_background(); } if (_bubbles) { update_bubbles(); } if (_slide) { slide_background(-100, 100); } } } Global = new GlobalParent(); Controls = new ControlsParent(); ThemeData = new ThemeDataParent(); LevelData = new LevelDataParent(); var blur = (new flash.filters.BlurFilter(10, 10, 3)); var drop = (new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(40, 45, 0, 0.3, 10, 10, 2, Quality.HIGH)); var glow = (new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 0.5, 5, 5, 2, 3)); create_instance("LoadBar", 1, "LoadBar", 60); MC_pos(LoadBar_1, 0, 0); MC_show(LoadBar_1); userKey = new Object(); Key.addListener(userKey); userKey.onKeyDown = function () { KeyCode = Number(Key.getCode()); Process_Control_Input(KeyCode); }; mouseObj = new Object(); Mouse.addListener(mouseObj); mouseObj.onMouseDown = function () { Process_Control_Input(0); }; create_instance("Background", 1, "Background", 50); BackgroundInfo_1._xpos = 0; BackgroundInfo_1._ypos = 0; MC_pos(Background_1, BackgroundInfo_1._xpos, BackgroundInfo_1._ypos); MC_show(Background_1);
Frame 3
LoadBar_1.LoadText.text = ("Loading : " + int(Preloader_Status())) + "%"; if (Preloader_Status() < 100) { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Frame 5
MC_hide(LoadBar_1); set_theme_data(Global._theme); SFX_Music = new Sound(); SFX_Music.attachSound("MysticalLake"); SFX_Music.start(); SFX_Blip = new Sound(); SFX_Blip.attachSound("Click"); SFX_Explosion = new Sound(); SFX_Explosion.attachSound("Explosion"); SFX_Music.onSoundComplete = function () { SFX_Music.start(); }; create_instance("ColoredSphere", 100, "Orbiter", 300); create_instance("ColoredSphere", 1, "Orbitron", 2500); create_instance("Explosion", 30, "Explosion", 2600); create_ui(); hide_ui(); Global._state = "MainMenu";
Frame 6
Frame 7
gotoAndPlay (6);
Symbol 46 MovieClip [ExplosionSymbol] Frame 15
this._visible = 0; stop();
Symbol 124 MovieClip [Audio] Frame 1

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [Click]Used by:124
Symbol 2 FontUsed by:3 4 92 94 97 98 100 103 106 107 108 110 111 113 114 116 117 118 121
Symbol 3 EditableTextUses:2Used by:6
Symbol 4 EditableTextUses:2Used by:5
Symbol 5 MovieClipUses:4Used by:6 96
Symbol 6 MovieClip [LoadBarSymbol]Uses:3 5
Symbol 7 BitmapUsed by:8
Symbol 8 GraphicUses:7Used by:9
Symbol 9 MovieClip [BackgroundSymbol]Uses:8
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:11
Symbol 11 MovieClip [WhiteBallSymbol]Uses:10Used by:30
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:13
Symbol 13 MovieClip [BlackBallSymbol]Uses:12Used by:30
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:15
Symbol 15 MovieClip [GrayBallSymbol]Uses:14Used by:30
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClip [OrangeBallSymbol]Uses:16Used by:30
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClip [YellowBallSymbol]Uses:18Used by:30
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:21
Symbol 21 MovieClip [PinkBallSymbol]Uses:20Used by:30
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClip [BrownBallSymbol]Uses:22Used by:30
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:25
Symbol 25 MovieClip [GreenBallSymbol]Uses:24Used by:30
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 27 MovieClip [BlueBallSymbol]Uses:26Used by:30
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:29
Symbol 29 MovieClip [RedBallSymbol]Uses:28Used by:30
Symbol 30 MovieClip [ColoredSphereSymbol]Uses:29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11Used by:Timeline
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 45 MovieClipUses:31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44Used by:46
Symbol 46 MovieClip [ExplosionSymbol]Uses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 47 BitmapUsed by:48
Symbol 48 GraphicUses:47Used by:49
Symbol 49 MovieClip [Planet_1]Uses:48Used by:89
Symbol 50 BitmapUsed by:51
Symbol 51 GraphicUses:50Used by:52
Symbol 52 MovieClip [Planet_2]Uses:51Used by:89
Symbol 53 BitmapUsed by:54
Symbol 54 GraphicUses:53Used by:55
Symbol 55 MovieClip [Planet_3]Uses:54Used by:89
Symbol 56 BitmapUsed by:57
Symbol 57 GraphicUses:56Used by:58
Symbol 58 MovieClip [Planet_4]Uses:57Used by:89
Symbol 59 BitmapUsed by:60
Symbol 60 GraphicUses:59Used by:61
Symbol 61 MovieClip [Planet_5]Uses:60Used by:89
Symbol 62 BitmapUsed by:63
Symbol 63 GraphicUses:62Used by:64
Symbol 64 MovieClip [Planet_6]Uses:63Used by:89
Symbol 65 BitmapUsed by:66
Symbol 66 GraphicUses:65Used by:67
Symbol 67 MovieClip [Planet_7]Uses:66Used by:89
Symbol 68 BitmapUsed by:69
Symbol 69 GraphicUses:68Used by:70
Symbol 70 MovieClip [Planet_8]Uses:69Used by:89
Symbol 71 BitmapUsed by:72
Symbol 72 GraphicUses:71Used by:73
Symbol 73 MovieClip [Planet_9]Uses:72Used by:89
Symbol 74 BitmapUsed by:75
Symbol 75 GraphicUses:74Used by:76
Symbol 76 MovieClip [Planet_10]Uses:75Used by:89
Symbol 77 BitmapUsed by:78
Symbol 78 GraphicUses:77Used by:79
Symbol 79 MovieClip [Planet_11]Uses:78Used by:89
Symbol 80 BitmapUsed by:81
Symbol 81 GraphicUses:80Used by:82
Symbol 82 MovieClip [Planet_12]Uses:81Used by:89
Symbol 83 BitmapUsed by:84
Symbol 84 GraphicUses:83Used by:85
Symbol 85 MovieClip [Planet_13]Uses:84Used by:89
Symbol 86 BitmapUsed by:87
Symbol 87 GraphicUses:86Used by:88
Symbol 88 MovieClip [Planet_14]Uses:87Used by:89
Symbol 89 MovieClip [PlanetSymbol]Uses:49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88Used by:Timeline
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:91
Symbol 91 MovieClipUses:90Used by:96 105 109 120
Symbol 92 EditableTextUses:2Used by:93
Symbol 93 MovieClipUses:92Used by:96
Symbol 94 EditableTextUses:2Used by:95
Symbol 95 MovieClipUses:94Used by:96
Symbol 96 MovieClip [MainMenuSymbol]Uses:91 93 95 5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 97 EditableTextUses:2Used by:99
Symbol 98 EditableTextUses:2Used by:99
Symbol 99 MovieClip [ScoreSymbol]Uses:97 98Used by:Timeline
Symbol 100 EditableTextUses:2Used by:105
Symbol 101 FontUsed by:102
Symbol 102 EditableTextUses:101Used by:105
Symbol 103 EditableTextUses:2Used by:104
Symbol 104 MovieClipUses:103Used by:105 109
Symbol 105 MovieClip [InstructionsSymbol]Uses:100 102 104 91Used by:Timeline
Symbol 106 EditableTextUses:2Used by:109
Symbol 107 EditableTextUses:2Used by:109
Symbol 108 EditableTextUses:2Used by:109
Symbol 109 MovieClip [GameOverSymbol]Uses:91 106 107 108 104Used by:Timeline
Symbol 110 EditableTextUses:2Used by:112
Symbol 111 EditableTextUses:2Used by:112
Symbol 112 MovieClip [TargetTimerSymbol]Uses:110 111Used by:Timeline
Symbol 113 EditableTextUses:2Used by:115
Symbol 114 EditableTextUses:2Used by:115
Symbol 115 MovieClip [TimerSymbol]Uses:113 114Used by:Timeline
Symbol 116 EditableTextUses:2Used by:120
Symbol 117 EditableTextUses:2Used by:120
Symbol 118 EditableTextUses:2Used by:119
Symbol 119 MovieClipUses:118Used by:120
Symbol 120 MovieClip [LevelChangeSymbol]Uses:91 116 117 119Used by:Timeline
Symbol 121 EditableTextUses:2Used by:124
Symbol 122 Sound [MysticalLake]Used by:124
Symbol 123 Sound [Blip]Used by:124
Symbol 124 MovieClip [Audio]Uses:121 122 123 1Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"Title"Symbol 5 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 4 EditableText
"LoadText"Symbol 6 MovieClip [LoadBarSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 3 EditableText
"StartGame"Symbol 96 MovieClip [MainMenuSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 93 MovieClip
"Instructions"Symbol 96 MovieClip [MainMenuSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 95 MovieClip
"Title"Symbol 96 MovieClip [MainMenuSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 5 MovieClip
"ScoreText"Symbol 99 MovieClip [ScoreSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 97 EditableText
"Label"Symbol 99 MovieClip [ScoreSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 98 EditableText
"Back"Symbol 105 MovieClip [InstructionsSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 104 MovieClip
"ScoreText"Symbol 109 MovieClip [GameOverSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 107 EditableText
"HighScoreText"Symbol 109 MovieClip [GameOverSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 108 EditableText
"Back"Symbol 109 MovieClip [GameOverSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 104 MovieClip
"Label"Symbol 112 MovieClip [TargetTimerSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 110 EditableText
"TimerText"Symbol 112 MovieClip [TargetTimerSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 111 EditableText
"TimerText"Symbol 115 MovieClip [TimerSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 114 EditableText
"ScoreText"Symbol 120 MovieClip [LevelChangeSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 116 EditableText
"BonusText"Symbol 120 MovieClip [LevelChangeSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 117 EditableText
"Continue"Symbol 120 MovieClip [LevelChangeSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 119 MovieClip

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "Click"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 6 as "LoadBarSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 9 as "BackgroundSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 11 as "WhiteBallSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 13 as "BlackBallSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 15 as "GrayBallSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 17 as "OrangeBallSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 19 as "YellowBallSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 21 as "PinkBallSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 23 as "BrownBallSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 25 as "GreenBallSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 27 as "BlueBallSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 29 as "RedBallSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 30 as "ColoredSphereSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 46 as "ExplosionSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 49 as "Planet_1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 52 as "Planet_2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 55 as "Planet_3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 58 as "Planet_4"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 61 as "Planet_5"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 64 as "Planet_6"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 67 as "Planet_7"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 70 as "Planet_8"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 73 as "Planet_9"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 76 as "Planet_10"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 79 as "Planet_11"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 82 as "Planet_12"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 85 as "Planet_13"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 88 as "Planet_14"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 89 as "PlanetSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 96 as "MainMenuSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 99 as "ScoreSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 105 as "InstructionsSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 109 as "GameOverSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 112 as "TargetTimerSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 115 as "TimerSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 120 as "LevelChangeSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 122 as "MysticalLake"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 123 as "Blip"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 124 as "Audio"
Created: 11/8 -2019 19:20:12 Last modified: 11/8 -2019 19:20:12 Server time: 08/03 -2025 07:11:09