Frame 1"");"");"");
var ExpressInstall = function () {
this.needsUpdate = ((_root.MMplayerType == undefined) ? false : true);
ExpressInstall.prototype = {init:function () {
if (this.needsUpdate) {
}, loadUpdater:function () {"");
this.updater = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("expressInstallHolder", 10000000);
var _self = this;
this.updater.installStatus = _self.onInstallStatus;
this.hold = this.updater.createEmptyMovieClip("hold", 1);
this.updater.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (typeof(this.hold.startUpdate) == "function") {
this.onEnterFrame = null;
var _local3 = Math.random();
this.hold.loadMovie("" + _local3);
}, initUpdater:function () {
this.hold.redirectURL = _root.MMredirectURL;
this.hold.MMplayerType = _root.MMplayerType;
this.hold.MMdoctitle = _root.MMdoctitle;
}, onInstallStatus:function (msg) {
if (msg == "Download.Complete") {
} else if (msg == "Download.Cancelled") {
getURL ("javascript:alert('This content requires a more recent version of the Macromedia Flash Player.')");
} else if (msg == "Download.Failed") {
getURL ("javascript:alert('There was an error downloading the Flash Player update. Please try again later, or visit to download the latest version of the Flash plugin.')");
var ExpressInstall = new ExpressInstall();
if (ExpressInstall.needsUpdate) {
mov_update._x = Stage.width / 2;
mov_update.onRelease = function () {
Frame 5
function fuc_loadMovie() {
txt_loading.text = ((int(getBytesLoaded() / 1024) + " of ") + int(getBytesTotal() / 1024)) + "KB loaded.";
if (getBytesLoaded() >= getBytesTotal()) {
boo_movieLoaded = true;
var boo_movieLoaded = false;
txt_status.text = "Loading Game Data.";
tmr_loadMovie = setInterval(fuc_loadMovie, 10);
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "mov_loading" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation - 45;
Frame 14
if (!boo_movieLoaded) {
gotoAndStop ("prelaod");
} else {
delete boo_movieLoaded;
Frame 15
_global.fuc_volumeFadeIn = function (sound, maxVolume) {
var _local1 = sound.getVolume();
if (_local1 < maxVolume) {
sound.setVolume(_local1 + 1);
} else {
_global.fuc_volumeFadeOut = function (sound, minVolume) {
var _local1 = sound.getVolume();
if (_local1 > minVolume) {
sound.setVolume(_local1 - 1);
} else {
var num_musicVolume = 25;
var num_soundVolume = 25;
var snd_soundHelicopter = new Sound(mov_soundVolume);
var snd_loopIllusions = new Sound(mov_musicVolume);
snd_loopIllusions.start(0, 99999);
var tmr_volumeFadeIn = setInterval(fuc_volumeFadeIn, 100, snd_loopIllusions, num_musicVolume);
var num_playerAccelCreep = 0.01;
var num_playerBrakeCreep = 0.025;
var num_playerTurnCreep = 0.1;
var num_playerAccelMax = 3;
var num_playerBrakeMax = 5;
var num_playerTurnMax = 5;
var num_playerTurnRotation = 5;
var num_playerCarsImage = 91;
var num_playerCarGap = 10;
var num_carsTotal = 15;
var num_carsImage = 99;
var num_carsLights = 20;
var num_carsDistance = 100;
var num_carsPassBy = 5;
var num_needleSpeedometerZero = -97.5;
var num_needleSpeedometerRotation = 12.9;
var num_needleDamageRotation = 0.5;
var num_bridgePassBySpeed = 20;
var num_snowCount = 25;
var num_snowWindX = 0;
var num_snowWindY = 0;
var num_snowWindMax = 10;
var num_roadTotal = 6;
var ary_broadcasterComments = new Array("Nice move!", "That was CLOSE!", "CRAZY DRIVER!", "That's some nice drivin skill!", "That was almost an accident!", "I wish I can drive like that!", "Kids, do NOT copy that!");
var boo_resultSubmission = true;
var boo_night = false;
var str_playerName = "";
var num_playerCar = 1;
var num_playerCarSpeed = new Array(9, 6, 5);
var ary_nightColor = new Array(Array(0.5, 0.4, 0), Array(0.3, 0.3, 0.3), Array(0.25, 0.25, 0.25));
var ary_roadLanes = new Array(Array(7, 6.5, 6, 5), Array(-4, -4.5, 4.5, 4), Array(0, -3.5, 3.5, 0.01));
var num_roadType = 1;
var num_roadLeft = 70;
var num_roadRight = 230;
txt_status.text = "Initializing Game Content.";
Frame 24
gotoAndStop ("options");
Frame 25
if (str_playerName != "") {
txt_playerName.text = str_playerName;
txt_playerName.onKillFocus = function () {
if (txt_playerName.text == "") {
txt_playerName.text = "Enter your name here";
txt_playerName.onSetFocus = function () {
if (txt_playerName.text == "Enter your name here") {
txt_playerName.text = "";
mov_playerCars.onEnterFrame = function () {
txt_carName.text = mov_playerCars.str_carName;
txt_carCount.text = (("Car " + num_playerCar) + " of ") + mov_playerCars._totalframes;
mov_previewLeft1._alpha = 50;
mov_previewLeft0._alpha = 75;
mov_previewRight0._alpha = 75;
mov_previewRight1._alpha = 50;
mov_previewLeft1.gotoAndStop(num_playerCar - 2);
mov_previewLeft0.gotoAndStop(num_playerCar - 1);
mov_previewRight0.gotoAndStop(num_playerCar + 1);
mov_previewRight1.gotoAndStop(num_playerCar + 2);
if (num_playerCar <= 2) {
mov_previewLeft1._alpha = 0;
if (num_playerCar <= 1) {
mov_previewLeft0._alpha = 0;
if ((mov_playerCars._totalframes - num_playerCar) < 2) {
mov_previewRight1._alpha = 0;
if ((mov_playerCars._totalframes - num_playerCar) < 1) {
mov_previewRight0._alpha = 0;
mov_rightOne.onRelease = function () {
if (num_playerCar < mov_playerCars._totalframes) {
mov_leftOne.onRelease = function () {
if (num_playerCar > 1) {
mov_rightMost.onRelease = function () {
num_playerCar = mov_playerCars._totalframes;
mov_leftMost.onRelease = function () {
num_playerCar = 1;
if (boo_resultSubmission) {
} else {
eval ("mov_sound_" + num_soundVolume).gotoAndStop(2);
eval ("mov_music_" + num_musicVolume).gotoAndStop(2);
mov_yes.onRelease = function () {
boo_resultSubmission = true;
mov_no.onRelease = function () {
boo_resultSubmission = false;
mov_sound_0.onRelease = (mov_sound_25.onRelease = (mov_sound_50.onRelease = (mov_sound_100.onRelease = function () {
num_soundVolume = int(this._name.substr(this._name.lastIndexOf("_") + 1));
mov_music_0.onRelease = (mov_music_25.onRelease = (mov_music_50.onRelease = (mov_music_100.onRelease = function () {
num_musicVolume = int(this._name.substr(this._name.lastIndexOf("_") + 1));
mov_next.onRelease = function () {
if ((txt_playerName.text == "") || (txt_playerName.text == "Enter your name here")) {
txt_playerName.text = "Enter your name here";
} else {
str_playerName = txt_playerName.text;
gotoAndStop ("main");
mov_pill.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Frame 34
gotoAndStop ("options");
Frame 35
hrs = int(ary_playerScore[0]);
min = int(ary_playerScore[1]);
sec = int(ary_playerScore[2]);
hrs_s = "";
if (hrs > 1) {
hrs_s = "s";
min_s = "";
if (min > 1) {
min_s = "s";
if (hrs > 0) {
txt_playerScore.text = (hrs + "hour") + hrs_s;
if (min > 0) {
txt_playerScore.text = txt_playerScore.text + (((" and " + min) + "minute") + min_s);
} else if (min > 0) {
txt_playerScore.text = (min + "minute") + min_s;
} else {
txt_playerScore.text = "Less than 1 minute";
txt_playerScore.text = txt_playerScore.text + "!";
txt_playerScoreExact.text = ((((("Exact time: " + ary_playerScore[0]) + ":") + ary_playerScore[1]) + ":") + ary_playerScore[2]) + " (HH:MM:SS)";
mov_retry.onRelease = function () {
mov_highscore.onRelease = function () {
gotoAndStop ("highscore");
mov_main.onRelease = function () {
gotoAndStop ("main");
mov_pill.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Frame 36
Frame 44
gotoAndStop ("chase");
Frame 45
function fuc_getTopCriminals(course, sortyBy) {
mov_loading._alpha = 100;
txt_topCriminalsCriminal.text = "";
txt_topCriminalsTime.text = "";
txt_topCriminalsDate.text = "";
dat_topCriminalsSend.course = course;
dat_topCriminalsSend.sortBy = sortBy;
dat_topCriminalsSend.long_name = "ultraflash3000";
dat_topCriminalsSend.sendAndLoad("" + new Date().getTime(), xml_topCriminalsReply, "POST");
var dat_topCriminalsSend = new LoadVars();
var xml_topCriminalsReply = new XML();
xml_topCriminalsReply.ignoreWhite = true;
var roadType = 1;
var sortBy = "hour desc, minute desc, second desc, date desc";
fuc_getTopCriminals(roadType, sortBy);
xml_topCriminalsReply.onLoad = function (success) {
if (success) {
mov_loading._alpha = 0;
var _local1 = xml_topCriminalsReply.firstChild.firstChild;
while (_local1 != null) {
txt_topCriminalsCriminal.text = txt_topCriminalsCriminal.text + (_local1.attributes.criminal + newline);
if (_local1.attributes.hour.toString().length == 1) {
_local1.attributes.hour = "0" + _local1.attributes.hour;
if (_local1.attributes.minute.toString().length == 1) {
_local1.attributes.minute = "0" + _local1.attributes.minute;
if (_local1.attributes.second.toString().length == 1) {
_local1.attributes.second = "0" + _local1.attributes.second;
txt_topCriminalsTime.text = txt_topCriminalsTime.text + (((((_local1.attributes.hour + ":") + _local1.attributes.minute) + ":") + _local1.attributes.second) + newline);
txt_topCriminalsDate.text = txt_topCriminalsDate.text + ( + newline);
_local1 = _local1.nextSibling;
mov_courses.onEnterFrame = function () {
txt_courseName.text = mov_courses.str_roadName;
mov_left.onRelease = function () {
if (roadType > 1) {
} else {
roadType = num_roadTotal;
fuc_getTopCriminals(roadType, sortBy);
mov_right.onRelease = function () {
if (roadType < num_roadTotal) {
} else {
roadType = 1;
fuc_getTopCriminals(roadType, sortBy);
mov_main.onRelease = function () {
gotoAndStop ("main");
mov_pill.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "mov_loading" in Frame 45
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation - 45;
Frame 55
mov_background.gotoAndStop(int((Math.random() * 3) + 1));
mov_next.onRelease = function () {
gotoAndStop ("prerace");
mov_highscore.onRelease = function () {
gotoAndStop ("highscore");
mov_controls.onRelease = function () {
gotoAndStop ("controls");
mov_options.onRelease = function () {
gotoAndStop ("options");
mov_pill.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Frame 64
gotoAndStop ("main");
Frame 65
mov_main.onRelease = function () {
gotoAndStop ("main");
mov_pill.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Frame 75
var roadType = num_roadType;
if (boo_night) {
roadType = roadType + (num_roadTotal / 2);
mov_courses.onEnterFrame = function () {
txt_courseName.text = mov_courses.str_roadName;
txt_courseDesc.text = mov_courses.str_roadDesc;
txt_courseCount.text = (("Course " + roadType) + " of ") + num_roadTotal;
mov_previewLeft._alpha = 75;
mov_previewRight._alpha = 75;
mov_previewLeft.gotoAndStop(roadType - 1);
mov_previewRight.gotoAndStop(roadType + 1);
if (roadType <= 1) {
mov_previewLeft._alpha = 0;
if ((num_roadTotal - roadType) < 1) {
mov_previewRight._alpha = 0;
mov_rightOne.onRelease = function () {
if (roadType < num_roadTotal) {
mov_leftOne.onRelease = function () {
if (roadType > 1) {
mov_rightMost.onRelease = function () {
roadType = num_roadTotal;
mov_leftMost.onRelease = function () {
roadType = 1;
mov_next.onRelease = function () {
num_roadType = roadType;
if (num_roadType > (num_roadTotal / 2)) {
num_roadType = num_roadType - (num_roadTotal / 2);
boo_night = true;
} else {
boo_night = false;
mov_next.enabled = (mov_rightOne.enabled = (mov_leftOne.enabled = (mov_rightMost.enabled = (mov_leftMost.enabled = false))));
mov_pill.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Frame 76
Frame 85
snd_soundHelicopter.start(0, 99999);
function fuc_frameRate() {
var _local1 = getTimer();
var _local2 = int((1 / ((_local1 * 0.001) - (num_lastTime * 0.001))) * 100) / 100;
txt_debugFPS.text = "FPS: " + _local2;
num_lastTime = _local1;
function fuc_collision(mc1, mc2) {
var _local1 = mc1.getBounds(mc1);
var _local2 = mc2.getBounds(mc1);
return((((_local1.xMin <= _local2.xMax) && (_local1.xMax >= _local2.xMin)) && (_local1.yMin <= _local2.yMax)) && (_local1.yMax >= _local2.yMin));
function fuc_hitDetect() {
var _local1 = 0;
for ( ; _local1 < num_carsTotal ; _local1++) {
if (ary_cars[_local1].nextY < mov_player_1._y) {
if ((mov_player_1._y - mov_player_1._height) > ((ary_cars[_local1].nextY + ary_cars[_local1]._height) + num_playerCarGap)) {
} else if (mov_player_1._y < (ary_cars[_local1].nextY - num_playerCarGap)) {
} else if (Math.abs(mov_player_1._x - ary_cars[_local1]._x) > (((mov_player_1._width / 2) + (ary_cars[_local1]._width / 2)) + num_playerCarGap)) {
} else if (mov_player_1.hitTest(ary_cars[_local1])) {
var _local2 = fuc_collision(mov_player_0, ary_cars[_local1]);
var _local4 = fuc_collision(ary_cars[_local1], mov_player_0);
var _local3 = fuc_collision(mov_player_1, ary_cars[_local1]);
var _local5 = fuc_collision(ary_cars[_local1], mov_player_1);
if ((_local2 && (_local4)) || (_local3 && (_local5))) {
boo_barelyMissed = false;
if (Math.abs(mov_player_1._x - ary_cars[_local1]._x) > (((mov_player_1._width / 2) + (ary_cars[_local1]._width / 2)) + num_playerCarGap)) {
} else if (mov_player_1.hitTest(ary_cars[_local1])) {
var _local2 = fuc_collision(mov_player_0, ary_cars[_local1]);
var _local4 = fuc_collision(ary_cars[_local1], mov_player_0);
var _local3 = fuc_collision(mov_player_1, ary_cars[_local1]);
var _local5 = fuc_collision(ary_cars[_local1], mov_player_1);
if ((_local2 && (_local4)) || (_local3 && (_local5))) {
boo_barelyMissed = false;
function fuc_playerPoints(points) {
mov_pointsMiss_0.points = ("+" + points) + "pts";
function fuc_carReset(i) {
ary_cars[i].roadLane = int(Math.random() * ary_roadLanes[num_roadType - 1].length);
ary_cars[i]._x = (num_roadLeft + (((num_roadRight - num_roadLeft) / ary_roadLanes[num_roadType - 1].length) / 2)) + (((num_roadRight - num_roadLeft) / ary_roadLanes[num_roadType - 1].length) * ary_cars[i].roadLane);
ary_cars[i].mov_carImages.gotoAndStop(int(Math.random() * num_carsImage));
if (ary_roadLanes[num_roadType - 1][ary_cars[i].roadLane] <= 0) {
ary_cars[i].mov_carImages._y = ary_cars[i]._height / -2;
ary_cars[i]._rotation = 180;
} else {
ary_cars[i].mov_carImages._y = ary_cars[i]._height / 2;
ary_cars[i]._rotation = 0;
if (boo_night) {
ary_headLights[i]._x = ary_cars[i]._x;
ary_headLights[i].gotoAndStop(int(Math.random() * num_carsLights) + 1);
if (ary_roadLanes[num_roadType - 1][ary_cars[i].roadLane] <= 0) {
ary_headLights[i]._rotation = 180;
} else {
ary_headLights[i]._rotation = 0;
if (Math.abs(ary_roadLanes[num_roadType - 1][ary_cars[i].roadLane]) < 1) {
ary_headLights[i]._alpha = 0;
} else {
ary_headLights[i]._alpha = 100;
var _local4 = (ary_cars[i].nextY + ary_cars[i]._height) + num_carsDistance;
var _local3;
var _local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < num_carsTotal) {
if (i != _local1) {
if (ary_cars[i].roadLane == ary_cars[_local1].roadLane) {
if ((ary_cars[_local1].nextY < _local3) || (_local3 == undefined)) {
_local3 = ary_cars[_local1].nextY;
if ((_local3 != undefined) && (_local4 > _local3)) {
ary_cars[i].nextY = ary_cars[i].nextY + (_local3 - _local4);
function fuc_carsPassBy() {
var _local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < num_carsTotal) {
ary_cars[_local1]._y = ary_cars[_local1].nextY;
if (boo_night) {
if (ary_roadLanes[num_roadType - 1][ary_cars[_local1].roadLane] <= 0) {
ary_headLights[_local1]._y = ary_cars[_local1].nextY + ary_cars[_local1]._height;
} else {
ary_headLights[_local1]._y = ary_cars[_local1].nextY;
if (ary_cars[_local1]._y > (Stage.height * 2)) {
ary_cars[_local1].nextY = (ary_headLights[_local1]._y = (-Stage.height) / 2);
} else {
ary_cars[_local1].nextY = ary_cars[_local1].nextY + (num_playerCarSpeed[num_roadType - 1] - ary_roadLanes[num_roadType - 1][ary_cars[_local1].roadLane]);
function fuc_trainPassBy() {
if (boo_trainPassByCurrent) {
mov_train._y = mov_train._y + num_trainPassBySpeed;
if (boo_night) {
mov_headLightTrain_0._y = mov_train._y;
if (mov_train._y > Stage.height) {
boo_trainPassByCurrent = false;
function fuc_playerControls() {
if (((mov_player_0._x + mov_player_0.dXFixed) + (mov_player_0.playerWidth / 2)) > num_roadRight) {
mov_player_0.dXFixed = 0;
} else if (((mov_player_0._x + mov_player_0.dXFixed) - (mov_player_0.playerWidth / 2)) < num_roadLeft) {
mov_player_0.dXFixed = 0;
mov_player_0._x = mov_player_0._x + mov_player_0.dXFixed;
mov_player_0._y = mov_player_0._y + mov_player_0.dYFixed;
mov_player_0._rotation = mov_player_0.dX * num_playerTurnRotation;
var _local1 = num_needleSpeedometerZero + ((num_playerCarSpeed[num_roadType - 1] - mov_player_0.dYFixed) * num_needleSpeedometerRotation);
if (Math.abs(_local1 - mov_needleSpeedometer_0._rotation) > 15) {
_local1 = (_local1 + mov_needleSpeedometer_0._rotation) / 2;
mov_instrumentPanel_0.mov_needleSpeedometer._rotation = _local1;
mov_player_0.dX = _xmouse;
if (mov_player_0.dX > num_roadRight) {
mov_player_0.dX = num_roadRight;
} else if (mov_player_0.dX < num_roadLeft) {
mov_player_0.dX = num_roadLeft;
mov_player_0.dX = (mov_player_0.dX - mov_player_0._x) * num_playerTurnCreep;
if (mov_player_0.dX < (-num_playerTurnMax)) {
mov_player_0.dX = -num_playerTurnMax;
} else if (mov_player_0.dX > num_playerTurnMax) {
mov_player_0.dX = num_playerTurnMax;
mov_player_0.dY = (_ymouse + (mov_player_0.playerHeight / 2)) - mov_player_0._y;
if (mov_player_0.dY < 0) {
mov_player_0.dY = mov_player_0.dY * num_playerAccelCreep;
if (mov_player_0.dY < (-num_playerAccelMax)) {
mov_player_0.dY = -num_playerAccelMax;
} else {
mov_player_0.dY = mov_player_0.dY * num_playerBrakeCreep;
if (mov_player_0.dY > num_playerBrakeMax) {
mov_player_0.dY = num_playerBrakeMax;
mov_player_0.dXFixed = mov_player_0.dX;
mov_player_0.dYFixed = mov_player_0.dY;
if (boo_night) {
var _local2 = {x:0, y:-mov_player_0.playerHeight};
mov_playerHeadLights_0._x = _local2.x;
mov_playerHeadLights_0._y = _local2.y;
mov_playerHeadLights_0._rotation = mov_player_0._rotation;
mov_spotLight_0._x = mov_spotLight_0._x + ((mov_player_0._x - mov_spotLight_0._x) * 0.025);
mov_spotLight_0._y = mov_spotLight_0._y + ((mov_player_0._y - mov_spotLight_0._y) * 0.025);
mov_player_1._x = mov_player_0._x + mov_player_0.dX;
mov_player_1._y = mov_player_0._y + mov_player_0.dY;
mov_player_1._rotation = mov_player_0.dX * num_playerTurnRotation;
function fuc_playerBounce(car) {
if (mov_player_0._x > car._x) {
if (mov_player_0.dX < 0) {
mov_player_0.dXFixed = mov_player_0.dXFixed * -2;
mov_instrumentPanel_0.mov_needleDamage._rotation = mov_instrumentPanel_0.mov_needleDamage._rotation + Math.abs(mov_player_0.dXFixed * num_needleDamageRotation);
} else if (mov_player_0.dX > 0) {
mov_player_0.dXFixed = mov_player_0.dXFixed * -2;
mov_instrumentPanel_0.mov_needleDamage._rotation = mov_instrumentPanel_0.mov_needleDamage._rotation + Math.abs(mov_player_0.dXFixed * num_needleDamageRotation);
if ((mov_player_0._y - mov_player_1._height) > car._y) {
mov_player_0.dYFixed = ((num_playerCarSpeed[num_roadType - 1] - ary_roadLanes[num_roadType - 1][car.roadLane]) + Math.abs(mov_player_0.dY)) * 2;
mov_instrumentPanel_0.mov_needleDamage._rotation = mov_instrumentPanel_0.mov_needleDamage._rotation + Math.abs(mov_player_0.dYFixed * num_needleDamageRotation);
if (mov_instrumentPanel_0.mov_needleDamage._rotation >= 85) {
function fuc_gamePlay() {
if (!boo_gameOver) {
if (num_roadType == 1) {
function fuc_snowing() {
var _local3 = Math.random() - 0.5;
var _local4 = Math.random() - 0.5;
num_snowWindX = num_snowWindX + _local3;
num_snowWindY = num_snowWindY + _local4;
if (num_snowWindX > num_snowWindMax) {
num_snowWindX = num_snowWindMax;
} else if (num_snowWindX < (-num_snowWindMax)) {
num_snowWindX = -num_snowWindMax;
if (num_snowWindY > num_snowWindMax) {
num_snowWindY = num_snowWindMax;
} else if (num_snowWindY < (-num_snowWindMax)) {
num_snowWindY = -num_snowWindMax;
var _local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < num_snowCount) {
var _local2 = Math.random();
ary_snow[_local1]._x = ary_snow[_local1]._x + (num_snowWindX * _local2);
ary_snow[_local1]._y = ary_snow[_local1]._y + ((num_snowWindY * _local2) + num_playerCarSpeed[num_roadType - 1]);
if (ary_snow[_local1]._x > Stage.width) {
ary_snow[_local1]._x = 0;
} else if (ary_snow[_local1]._x < 0) {
ary_snow[_local1]._x = Stage.width;
if (ary_snow[_local1]._y > Stage.height) {
ary_snow[_local1]._y = 0;
} else if (ary_snow[_local1]._y < 0) {
ary_snow[_local1]._y = Stage.height;
function fuc_gamePoints() {
mov_instrumentPanel_0.txt_points.text = num_gamePoints;
function fuc_gameTimer() {
var _local5 = getTimer();
var _local2 = int((_local5 - num_gameStartTime) / 1000);
if (_local2 != num_gameCurrentTime) {
if ((_local2 % 50) == 49) {
boo_trainPassByCurrent = true;
mov_train._y = -mov_train._height;
if ((_local2 % 29) == 28) {
boo_bridgePassByCurrent = true;
mov_bridge._y = -mov_bridge._height;
num_gameCurrentTime = _local2;
var _local4 = int(num_gameCurrentTime / 3600);
var _local3 = int(num_gameCurrentTime / 60) % 60;
var _local1 = num_gameCurrentTime % 60;
if (_local4.toString().length == 1) {
_local4 = "0" + _local4;
if (_local3.toString().length == 1) {
_local3 = "0" + _local3;
if (_local1.toString().length == 1) {
_local1 = "0" + _local1;
mov_instrumentPanel_0.txt_timer.text = (((_local4 + ":") + _local3) + ":") + _local1;
function fuc_gameObjects() {
mov_road._y = mov_road._y + num_playerCarSpeed[num_roadType - 1];
if (mov_road._y >= Stage.height) {
mov_road._y = 0;
if (boo_bridgePassByCurrent) {
mov_bridge._y = mov_bridge._y + num_playerCarSpeed[num_roadType - 1];
if (mov_bridge._y > Stage.height) {
boo_bridgePassByCurrent = false;
if (num_roadType == 3) {
function fuc_gameOver() {
mov_instrumentPanel_0.mov_needleDamage._rotation = 85;
boo_gameOver = true;
mov_explosion_0.blendMode = "screen";
mov_explosion_0._x = mov_player_0._x;
mov_explosion_0._y = mov_player_0._y;;
var _local2 = [0.2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
var _local3 = new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(_local2);
mov_player_0.filters = [_local3];
this.attachMovie("mov_gameover", "mov_gameover_0", this.getNextHighestDepth());
mov_gameover_0._x = Stage.width / 2;
mov_gameover_0._y = (Stage.height / 2) - 10;
mov_explosion_0.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (snd_soundHelicopter.getVolume() >= 0) {
snd_soundHelicopter.setVolume(snd_soundHelicopter.getVolume() - 1);
} else {
if (this._currentframe >= 30) {
this._alpha = this._alpha - 5;
if (this._currentframe == this._totalframes) {
function fuc_gameUnset() {
ary_playerScore = mov_instrumentPanel_0.txt_timer.text.split(":");
var _local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < num_snowCount) {
removeMovieClip("mov_snow_" + _local1);
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < num_carsTotal) {
removeMovieClip("mov_headLights_" + _local1);
removeMovieClip("mov_car_" + _local1);
if (boo_resultSubmission) {
gotoAndStop ("submit");
} else {
gotoAndStop ("stats");
var ary_playerScore = new Array();
var num_gameStartTime = getTimer();
var num_gameCurrentTime = getTimer();
var boo_gameOver = false;
var num_gamePoints = 0;
var num_barelyMissed = 0;
var boo_barelyMissed = true;
var boo_trainPassByCurrent = false;
var boo_bridgePassByCurrent = false;
var num_trainPassBySpeed = (num_playerCarSpeed[num_roadType - 1] - ary_roadLanes[num_roadType - 1][3]);
var ary_nightEffect = [ary_nightColor[num_roadType - 1][0], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ary_nightColor[num_roadType - 1][1], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ary_nightColor[num_roadType - 1][2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
if (boo_night) {
var ary_headLights = new Array();
var i = 0;
while (i < num_carsTotal) {
var headLight = this.attachMovie("mov_headLights", "mov_headLights_" + i, this.getNextHighestDepth());
headLight._alpha = 75;
ary_headLights[i] = headLight;
var cmf_nightEffect = (new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(ary_nightEffect));
this.attachMovie("mov_headLights", "mov_playerHeadLights_0", this.getNextHighestDepth());
mov_playerHeadLights_0._alpha = 75;
if (num_roadType == 1) {
this.attachMovie("mov_headLightTrain", "mov_headLightTrain_0", this.getNextHighestDepth());
mov_headLightTrain_0._alpha = 75;
this.attachMovie("mov_player", "mov_player_0", this.getNextHighestDepth());
mov_player_0.speed = 0;
mov_player_0._x = (mov_playerHeadLights_0._x = Stage.width / 2);
mov_player_0._y = (mov_playerHeadLights_0._y = Stage.height - 200);
mov_player_0.dY = (mov_player_0.dX = 0);
mov_player_0.dYFixed = (mov_player_0.dXFixed = 0);
mov_player_0.playerHeight = mov_player_0._height;
mov_player_0.playerWidth = mov_player_0._width;
this.attachMovie("mov_player", "mov_player_1", this.getNextHighestDepth());
mov_player_1._x = mov_player_0._x;
mov_player_1._y = mov_player_0._y;
mov_player_1._alpha = 0;
var ary_cars = new Array();
var i = 0;
while (i < num_carsTotal) {
var car = this.attachMovie("mov_cars", "mov_car_" + i, this.getNextHighestDepth());
ary_cars[i] = car;
car._y = (car.nextY = -Stage.height);
if (boo_night) {
car.filters = [cmf_nightEffect];
if (num_roadType == 1) {
var mov_train = this.attachMovie("mov_train", "mov_train_0", this.getNextHighestDepth());
mov_train._x = 20;
mov_train._y = -mov_train._height;
if (boo_night) {
mov_train.filters = [cmf_nightEffect];
this.attachMovie("mov_explosion", "mov_explosion_0", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var mov_bridge = this.attachMovie("mov_bridge", "mov_bridge_0", this.getNextHighestDepth());
mov_bridge._x = Stage.width / 2;
mov_bridge._y = -mov_bridge._height;
if (boo_night) {
mov_bridge.filters = [cmf_nightEffect];
if (num_roadType == 3) {
var ary_snow = new Array();
var i = 0;
while (i < num_snowCount) {
var snow = this.attachMovie("mov_snow", "mov_snow_" + i, this.getNextHighestDepth());
snow._x = Math.random() * Stage.width;
snow._y = Math.random() * Stage.height;
snow._xscale = (snow._yscale = Math.random() * 100);
if (boo_night) {
snow.filters = [cmf_nightEffect];
ary_snow[i] = snow;
if (boo_night) {
mov_headLightTrain_0._x = mov_train._x;
mov_headLightTrain_0._y = mov_train._y;
mov_road.filters = (mov_player_0.filters = [cmf_nightEffect]);
this.attachMovie("mov_spotLight", "mov_spotLight_0", this.getNextHighestDepth());
mov_spotLight_0._x = mov_player_0._x;
mov_spotLight_0._y = mov_player_0._y;
mov_spotLight_0._alpha = 50;
this.attachMovie("mov_instrumentPanel", "mov_instrumentPanel_0", this.getNextHighestDepth());
mov_instrumentPanel_0._x = Stage.width / 2;
mov_instrumentPanel_0._y = Stage.height;
mov_instrumentPanel_0.mov_needleDamage._rotation = 6;
var tmr_gamePlay = setInterval(fuc_gamePlay, 10);
Frame 94
Frame 95
var dat_raceResultSend = new LoadVars();
var dat_raceResultReply = new LoadVars();
dat_raceResultReply.onLoad = function (success) {
if (success) {
txt_status.text = "Submission Completed.";
txt_status.text = "Submitting Game Result.";
dat_raceResultSend.criminal = str_playerName;
dat_raceResultSend.course = num_roadType;
dat_raceResultSend.vehicle = num_playerCar;
if (boo_night) {
dat_raceResultSend.course = dat_raceResultSend.course + (num_roadTotal / 2);
dat_raceResultSend.tmzws_hour = ary_playerScore[0];
dat_raceResultSend.tmzws_minute = ary_playerScore[1];
dat_raceResultSend.tmzws_second = ary_playerScore[2];
dat_raceResultSend.long_name = "ultraflash3000";
dat_raceResultSend.sendAndLoad("" + new Date().getTime(), dat_raceResultReply, "POST");
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "mov_loading" in Frame 95
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation - 45;
Frame 105
gotoAndStop ("stats");
Symbol 203 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 218 MovieClip [mov_headLights] Frame 1
Symbol 337 MovieClip [mov_explosion] Frame 1
Symbol 337 MovieClip [mov_explosion] Frame 51
Symbol 345 MovieClip [mov_pointsMiss] Frame 1
Symbol 345 MovieClip [mov_pointsMiss] Frame 2
txt_points.text = points;
comment = int(Math.random() * _root.ary_broadcasterComments.length);
txt_comment.text = _root.ary_broadcasterComments[comment];
Symbol 354 MovieClip [mov_gameover] Frame 15
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 1
str_carName = "Alfa Romeo 1900 (Blue)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 2
str_carName = "Alfa Romeo 1900 (Brown)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 3
str_carName = "Alfa Romeo Spider (Blue)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 4
str_carName = "Alfa Romeo Spider (Green)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 5
str_carName = "Audi S4 (Green)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 6
str_carName = "Audi S4 (Burgandy)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 7
str_carName = "Audi S4 Cabriolet (Orange)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 8
str_carName = "Audi S4 Cabriolet (Blue)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 9
str_carName = "BMW M3 (Silver)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 10
str_carName = "BMW M3 (Yellow)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 11
str_carName = "BMW Z8 (Silver)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 12
str_carName = "BMW Z8 (Black)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 13
str_carName = "Bugatti EB110 (Yellow)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 14
str_carName = "Bugatti EB110 (Silver)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 15
str_carName = "Cadillac Coupe DeVille (Red)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 16
str_carName = "Cadillac Coupe DeVille (Purple)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 17
str_carName = "Chevrolet Camero (Black)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 18
str_carName = "Chevrolet Corvette Convertable (Blue)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 19
str_carName = "Chevrolet Corvette Convertable (Red)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 20
str_carName = "Chevrolet Astro Van (Blue)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 21
str_carName = "Chevrolet Astro Van (Brown)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 22
str_carName = "Citroen C2 (Red)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 23
str_carName = "Citroen C2 (Orange)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 24
str_carName = "Dodge Durango (Green)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 25
str_carName = "Dodge Durango (Blue)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 26
str_carName = "Dodge Viper (Blue)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 27
str_carName = "Dodge Viper (Red)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 28
str_carName = "Ferrari F40 (Red)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 29
str_carName = "Ferrari F40 (Yellow)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 30
str_carName = "Fiat Family (Blue)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 31
str_carName = "Fiat Family (Violet)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 32
str_carName = "Ford F350 (Red)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 33
str_carName = "Ford F350 (Silver)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 34
str_carName = "Ford Falcon (Gold)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 35
str_carName = "Ford Falcon (Green)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 36
str_carName = "Ford Focus (Blue)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 37
str_carName = "Ford Focus (Silver)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 38
str_carName = "Ford GT40 (Yellow)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 39
str_carName = "Ford GT90 (White)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 40
str_carName = "Honda CRX (Red)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 41
str_carName = "Honda CRX (Green)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 42
str_carName = "Hummer (Green)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 43
str_carName = "Hummer (Army)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 44
str_carName = "Jaguar XJ220 (White)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 45
str_carName = "Jeep Wrangler (Blue)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 46
str_carName = "Jeep Wrangler (Red)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 47
str_carName = "Lamborghini Diablo (Blue)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 48
str_carName = "Lamborghini Diablo (Yellow)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 49
str_carName = "Lamborghini Murcielago (Yellow)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 50
str_carName = "Lamborghini Murcielago (Orange)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 51
str_carName = "Lincoln Continental (Red)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 52
str_carName = "Lincoln Continental (Purple)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 53
str_carName = "Maserati 3200GT (Orange)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 54
str_carName = "Maserati 3200GT (Purple)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 55
str_carName = "Mercedes S600 (Grey)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 56
str_carName = "Mercedes S600 (Silver)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 57
str_carName = "Nissan Fairlady Z32 (Yellow)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 58
str_carName = "Nissan Fairlady Z32 (Orange)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 59
str_carName = "Nissan Fairlady Z33 (Orange)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 60
str_carName = "Nissan Fairlady Z33 (Blue)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 61
str_carName = "Nissan Silvia (Grey)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 62
str_carName = "Nissan Silvia (Brown)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 63
str_carName = "Nissan Skyline GT-R (Blue)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 64
str_carName = "Nissan Skyline GT-R (Yellow)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 65
str_carName = "Nissan Skyline GT-R Concept (Grey)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 66
str_carName = "Porsche 944 (Blue)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 67
str_carName = "Porsche 944 (Brown)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 68
str_carName = "Renault Spider (Orange)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 69
str_carName = "Renault Spider (Yellow)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 70
str_carName = "Shelby Cobra (Violet)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 71
str_carName = "Shelby Cobra (Green)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 72
str_carName = "Toyota Corolla AE86 (White)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 73
str_carName = "Toyota Corolla WRC (White)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 74
str_carName = "Toyota MR-S (Blue)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 75
str_carName = "Toyota MR-S (Gold)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 76
str_carName = "Volkswagen 1300 (Blue)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 77
str_carName = "Volkswagen 1300 (Brown)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 78
str_carName = "Volkswagon Beetle (Yellow)";
Symbol 355 MovieClip [mov_player] Frame 79
str_carName = "Volkswagon Beetle (Green)";
Symbol 400 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 402 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 407 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 411 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 413 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 1
str_roadName = "Freeway";
str_roadDesc = "4 lanes north bound";
Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 2
str_roadName = "Interstate";
str_roadDesc = "dual lane double direction";
Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 3
str_roadName = "Winter Road";
str_roadDesc = "single lane double direction with parking";
Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 4
str_roadName = "Freeway (Night)";
str_roadDesc = "4 lanes north bound";
Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 5
str_roadName = "Interstate (Night)";
str_roadDesc = "dual lane double direction";
Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 6
str_roadName = "Winter Road (Night)";
str_roadDesc = "single lane double direction with parking";
Symbol 464 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 475 MovieClip Frame 80
gotoAndPlay ("replay");
Symbol 488 MovieClip Frame 1