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/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Tall or Not.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #28973

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="_sans" SIZE="12" COLOR="#000000"> </FONT></P>

Please enter your height:




e.g. if your height is 5ft 6in enter 5 in the first box, 6 in the second and press next.

e.g.  1.63

Metric system:

U.S. system:




Brought to
you by:

Actor's Name


5' 6''



ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Instance of Symbol 130 MovieClip [FPushButtonSymbol] "NextFeet" in Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { label = "Next>"; clickHandler = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 130 MovieClip [FPushButtonSymbol] "NextMeter" in Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { label = "Next>"; clickHandler = ""; }
Frame 2
function onFeet() { MyHeight = Math.round(((Number(fMyHeight) * 12) + Number(iMyHeight)) * 2.54) / 100; mMyHeight = MyHeight; gotoAndPlay (3); } function onMeter() { MyHeight = Number(mMyHeight); fMyHeight = int(MyHeight / 0.3048); iMyHeight = Math.round((MyHeight - ((fMyHeight * 12) * 0.0254)) / 0.0254); gotoAndPlay (3); } stop(); NextFeet.setClickHandler("onFeet"); NextMeter.setClickHandler("onMeter");
Frame 3
_level0.MyBody._yscale = MyHeight * 100; _level0.MyBody._xscale = MyHeight * 100; YourInfo.text = ((((fMyHeight + "' ") + iMyHeight) + "''\r(") + _level0.MyHeight) + "m)"; ActorList.addItem("Abraham Lincoln", 193.04); ActorList.addItem("Adolf Hitler", 172.72); ActorList.addItem("Al Pacino", 165.1); ActorList.addItem("Al Roker", 172.72); ActorList.addItem("Alan k. Simpson", 200.66); ActorList.addItem("Alan Ladd", 162.56); ActorList.addItem("Albert Brooks", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Alexandra Paul", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Alfred Hitchcock", 167.005); ActorList.addItem("Allison Janney", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Alyson Palmer", 186.69); ActorList.addItem("Alyssa Milano", 165.1); ActorList.addItem("Andre the Giant", 223.52); ActorList.addItem("Ann Blyth", 157.48); ActorList.addItem("Ann Margret", 161.29); ActorList.addItem("Ann Miller", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Anna Nicole Smith", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Anne Donovan", 203.2); ActorList.addItem("Annette Bening", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Armand Assante", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Arnold Schwarzenegger", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("Ashley Judd", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Audrey Hepburn", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Babe Ruth", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("Barbara Eden", 161.798); ActorList.addItem("Barbara Mikulski", 149.86); ActorList.addItem("Barbra Streisand", 165.1); ActorList.addItem("Barry Bostwick", 193.04); ActorList.addItem("Barry Manilow", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Bea Arthur", 176.53); ActorList.addItem("Ben Affleck", 189.23); ActorList.addItem("Ben Stiller", 172.72); ActorList.addItem("Benjamin Franklin", 178.435); ActorList.addItem("Bess Myerson", 181.61); ActorList.addItem("Bette Davis", 165.1); ActorList.addItem("Betty Ford", 167.64); ActorList.addItem("Big John Studd", 200.66); ActorList.addItem("Bill Bradley", 195.58); ActorList.addItem("Bill Clinton", 189.23); ActorList.addItem("Bill Cosby", 185.42); ActorList.addItem("Bill Pullman", 185.42); ActorList.addItem("Billy Barty", 114.3); ActorList.addItem("Billy Crystal", 172.72); ActorList.addItem("Bo Jackson", 185.42); ActorList.addItem("Boy George", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Brad Pitt", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Brent Spiner", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Bridget Fonda", 167.64); ActorList.addItem("Brigitte Bardot", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Brigitte Nielsen", 185.42); ActorList.addItem("Brooke Shields", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Bruce Boxleitner", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("Buddy Ebsen", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("Burl Ives", 185.42); ActorList.addItem("Burt Lancaster", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Buster Crabbe", 185.42); ActorList.addItem("Buster Keaton", 167.64); ActorList.addItem("Butch Patrick", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Cameron Diaz", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Capucine", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Carol Alt", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Carol Burnett", 168.91); ActorList.addItem("Carole Lombard", 162.56); ActorList.addItem("Carrie Nation", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Catherine Bach", 172.72); ActorList.addItem("Catherine Bell", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Catherine Zeta Jones", 172.72); ActorList.addItem("Charles Barkley", 198.12); ActorList.addItem("Charles Bronson", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Charles Durning", 172.72); ActorList.addItem("Charles Laughton", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Charles Schultz", 181.61); ActorList.addItem("Charlize Theron", 176.53); ActorList.addItem("Cher", 162.56); ActorList.addItem("Chevy Chase", 193.04); ActorList.addItem("Christian Slater", 172.72); ActorList.addItem("Christie Brinkley", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Christina Applegate", 165.1); ActorList.addItem("Christina Ricci", 162.56); ActorList.addItem("Christine Baranski", 172.72); ActorList.addItem("Christopher Lee", 193.04); ActorList.addItem("Christopher Matthews", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("Christopher Reeve", 193.04); ActorList.addItem("Christy Turlington", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Chuck Connors", 195.58); ActorList.addItem("Cindy Crawford", 176.53); ActorList.addItem("Claude Rains", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Claudette Colbert", 163.83); ActorList.addItem("Claudia Schiffer", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Clint Black", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Clint Eastwood", 193.04); ActorList.addItem("Conan O'Brien", 193.04); ActorList.addItem("Courteney Cox", 165.1); ActorList.addItem("Cybill Shepherd", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Czar Peter the Great", 200.025); ActorList.addItem("Daisy Fuentes", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Daniel Day Lewis", 184.15); ActorList.addItem("Daniel Patrick Moynahan", 195.58); ActorList.addItem("Danielle Steel", 157.48); ActorList.addItem("Danny Aiello", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("Danny Devito", 152.4); ActorList.addItem("Daryl Hannah", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("David Birney", 177.165); ActorList.addItem("David Bowie", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("David Cassidy", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("David Duchovny", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("David Faustino", 160.02); ActorList.addItem("David Hasselhoff", 193.04); ActorList.addItem("David Letterman", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("David Prowse", 200.66); ActorList.addItem("David Spade", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Davy Jones", 160.02); ActorList.addItem("Debbie Allen", 157.48); ActorList.addItem("Debra Harry", 160.02); ActorList.addItem("DeForest Kelley", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Demi Moore", 165.1); ActorList.addItem("Diane Sawyer", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Dianna, Princess of Wales", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Dick Cavett", 167.64); ActorList.addItem("Dick Clark", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Dirk Benedict", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Dom DeLuise", 181.61); ActorList.addItem("Don Adams", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Donald Sutherland", 193.04); ActorList.addItem("Drew Barrymore", 162.56); ActorList.addItem("Drew Carey", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Dudley Moore", 165.1); ActorList.addItem("Dustin Hoffman", 166.37); ActorList.addItem("Dwight D. Eisenhower", 176.53); ActorList.addItem("Ed Begley Jr.", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("Eddie Cantor", 172.72); ActorList.addItem("Eddie Murphy", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Edith Piaf", 142.24); ActorList.addItem("Edmund G. 'Jerry' Brown", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Edward G. Robinson", 165.1); ActorList.addItem("Elizabeth Montgomery", 173.99); ActorList.addItem("Elizabeth Taylor", 162.56); ActorList.addItem("Elle Macpherson", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Elton John", 161.29); ActorList.addItem("Elvis Presley", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Erik Estrada", 179.07); ActorList.addItem("Erma Bombeck", 157.48); ActorList.addItem("Errol Flynn", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("Eva Gabor", 157.48); ActorList.addItem("Evander Holyfield", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("F. Scott Fitzgerald", 172.72); ActorList.addItem("Fabio", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("Famke Janssen", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Fanny Brice", 167.64); ActorList.addItem("Forrest Tucker", 195.58); ActorList.addItem("Fran Drescher", 165.1); ActorList.addItem("Frank Zappa", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Fred Astaire", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Fred MacMurray", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("Gabrielle Reece", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("Garry Kasparov", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Gary Coleman", 142.24); ActorList.addItem("Gary Cooper", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("Geena Davis", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Gene Roddenberry", 185.42); ActorList.addItem("General Norman Schwarzkopf", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("General Tom Thumb", 101.6); ActorList.addItem("Genevieve Bujold", 162.56); ActorList.addItem("George 'The Animal' Steele", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("George Bush", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("George Clooney", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("George Foreman", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("George Peppard", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("George Reeves", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Gerald Ford", 185.42); ActorList.addItem("Gillian Anderson", 160.02); ActorList.addItem("Grace Jones", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Gregory Peck", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("Gwen Gillingham", 200.66); ActorList.addItem("Gwyneth Paltrow", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Halle Berry", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Harrison Ford", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Harry Anderson", 193.04); ActorList.addItem("Heather Locklear", 165.1); ActorList.addItem("Heidi Gillingham", 208.28); ActorList.addItem("Helen Hayes", 152.4); ActorList.addItem("Helen Hunt", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Helen Slater", 172.72); ActorList.addItem("Henry Fonda", 185.42); ActorList.addItem("Henry VIII", 185.42); ActorList.addItem("Herschel Bernardi", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Herve Villechaize", 119.38); ActorList.addItem("Honus Wagner", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Howard Stern", 195.58); ActorList.addItem("Hulk Hogan", 198.12); ActorList.addItem("Hume Cronyn", 167.64); ActorList.addItem("Humphrey Bogart", 173.99); ActorList.addItem("Imogene Coca", 152.4); ActorList.addItem("Ingrid Bergman", 176.53); ActorList.addItem("Irene Ryan", 157.48); ActorList.addItem("Jack Elam", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("Jack LaLanne", 167.64); ActorList.addItem("Jackie Chan", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Jaclyn Smith", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("James Arness", 198.12); ActorList.addItem("James Arness", 200.66); ActorList.addItem("James Belushi", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("James Brolin", 193.04); ActorList.addItem("James Cagney", 167.64); ActorList.addItem("James Dean", 172.72); ActorList.addItem("James Garner", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("James Madison", 162.56); ActorList.addItem("James Stewart", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("James Taylor", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("Jane Seymour", 162.56); ActorList.addItem("Janeane Garofalo", 154.94); ActorList.addItem("Janet Reno", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("Jean Claude Van Damme", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Jeff Foxworthy", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Jeff Goldblum", 193.04); ActorList.addItem("Jenna Elfman", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Jennifer Aniston", 165.1); ActorList.addItem("Jennifer Jason Leigh", 160.02); ActorList.addItem("Jeremy Irons", 195.58); ActorList.addItem("Jimmy Carter", 176.53); ActorList.addItem("Joan Blondell", 160.02); ActorList.addItem("Joan Crawford", 162.56); ActorList.addItem("Joan Rivers", 157.48); ActorList.addItem("Joe DiMaggio", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("Joey Bishop", 176.53); ActorList.addItem("John Candy", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("John Cusack", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("John F. Kennedy", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("John Kennedy Jr.", 185.42); ActorList.addItem("John Kenneth Galbraith", 203.2); ActorList.addItem("John Larroquette", 195.58); ActorList.addItem("John Lindsay", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("John Lithgow", 193.04); ActorList.addItem("John Travolta", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("John Wayne", 193.04); ActorList.addItem("Johnny Carson", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Johnny Cash", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("Johnny Weissmuller", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("Jonathan Frakes", 198.12); ActorList.addItem("Joseph (Josef) Stalin ", 167.64); ActorList.addItem("Joseph Cotten", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("Judy Garland", 149.86); ActorList.addItem("Julia Child", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("Julia Louis Dreyfus", 160.02); ActorList.addItem("Julia Roberts", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Juliet Prowse", 172.72); ActorList.addItem("k.d. lang", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Kareem Abdul Jabar", 218.44); ActorList.addItem("Kate Beckinsale", 172.72); ActorList.addItem("Kate Moss", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Kate Mulgrew", 165.1); ActorList.addItem("Kate Smith", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Kathleen Turner", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Kathy Bates", 160.02); ActorList.addItem("Kathy Ireland", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Kelsey Grammer", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("Kevin Costner", 185.42); ActorList.addItem("Kevin Kline", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("Kevin Sorbo", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("Kimberley Conrad", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Kirk Douglas", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Kirstie Alley", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Kristen Johnston", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Kristi Yamaguchi", 154.94); ActorList.addItem("Kurt Russell", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Lauren Bacall", 176.53); ActorList.addItem("Lee Majors", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Lee Marvin", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("Leonardo DiCaprio", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Liam Neeson", 193.04); ActorList.addItem("Lili St. Cyr", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Linda Hunt", 144.78); ActorList.addItem("Lindsay Wagner", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Lisa Kudrow", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Liza Minnelli", 162.56); ActorList.addItem("Lloyd Bentsen", 185.42); ActorList.addItem("Lon Chaney Jr.", 191.77); ActorList.addItem("Loni Anderson", 167.64); ActorList.addItem("Lou Ferrigno", 195.58); ActorList.addItem("Lucy Lawless", 179.07); ActorList.addItem("Lynda Carter", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Lyndon Johnson", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("Mae West", 152.4); ActorList.addItem("Magic Johnson", 205.74); ActorList.addItem("Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi", 160.02); ActorList.addItem("Mao Tse Tung", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Margaret Mitchell", 147.32); ActorList.addItem("Margaux Hemingway", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Marie Osmond", 165.1); ActorList.addItem("Marilyn Chambers", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Marilyn Monroe", 165.1); ActorList.addItem("Marina Sirtis", 160.02); ActorList.addItem("Mario Cuomo", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Markie Post", 167.64); ActorList.addItem("Marsha Clark", 157.48); ActorList.addItem("Martha Raye", 160.02); ActorList.addItem("Martin Luther King", 168.91); ActorList.addItem("Martin Sheen", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Martin Van Buren Bates - Anna Swan", 241.3); ActorList.addItem("Mary Pickford", 152.4); ActorList.addItem("Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotts", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Maya Angelou", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Mel Gibson", 173.99); ActorList.addItem("Mel Gibson", 179.07); ActorList.addItem("Mellanie Griffith", 172.72); ActorList.addItem("Michael Crichton", 208.28); ActorList.addItem("Michael Dorn", 193.04); ActorList.addItem("Michael Douglas", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Michael J. Fox", 162.56); ActorList.addItem("Michael Jordan", 198.12); ActorList.addItem("Michael Keaton", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Michael Nesmith", 185.42); ActorList.addItem("Michele Lee", 173.99); ActorList.addItem("Mickey Dolenz", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Mickey Rooney", 160.02); ActorList.addItem("Mike Myers", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Milton Berle", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Minnie Driver", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Mira Sorvino", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Morgan J. Freeman", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Morris 'Mo' Udall", 195.58); ActorList.addItem("Mr. T", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Muhammad Ali", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("Nana Visitor", 172.72); ActorList.addItem("Nancy Walker", 149.86); ActorList.addItem("Naomi Campbell", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Nastassja Kinski", 165.1); ActorList.addItem("Natalie Wood", 160.02); ActorList.addItem("Natasha Henstridge", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Neil Young", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Nell Carter", 149.86); ActorList.addItem("Nichole Kidman", 179.07); ActorList.addItem("Nicolas Cage", 185.42); ActorList.addItem("Nicole Eggert", 154.94); ActorList.addItem("Nicole Kidman", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Nina Hartley", 162.56); ActorList.addItem("O. Henry", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Olga Korbut", 154.94); ActorList.addItem("Olivia De Havilland", 165.1); ActorList.addItem("Omar Sharif", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Oprah Winfrey", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Pamela Anderson (Lee)", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Pat Benatar", 152.4); ActorList.addItem("Patrick Ewing", 213.36); ActorList.addItem("Patrick McGoohan", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("Patrick Swayze", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Paul McCartney", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Paul Newman", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Paul Simon", 160.02); ActorList.addItem("Paul Tsongas", 172.72); ActorList.addItem("Paul Williams", 152.4); ActorList.addItem("Paula Abdul", 157.48); ActorList.addItem("Pele", 172.72); ActorList.addItem("Pete Rose", 179.07); ActorList.addItem("Peter Cetera", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Peter Isacksen", 200.66); ActorList.addItem("Peter Lorre", 165.1); ActorList.addItem("Peter Mayhew II", 220.98); ActorList.addItem("Peter O'Toole", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("Peter Tork", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Phil Rizzuto", 167.64); ActorList.addItem("Phoebe Cates", 167.64); ActorList.addItem("Pierce Brosnan", 185.42); ActorList.addItem("Placido Domingo", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("Priscilla Presley", 162.56); ActorList.addItem("Racquel Darrian", 172.72); ActorList.addItem("Ray Charles", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Raymond Burr", 195.58); ActorList.addItem("Reba McEntire", 167.64); ActorList.addItem("Rhea Perlman", 154.94); ActorList.addItem("Richard Basehart", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Richard Burton", 176.53); ActorList.addItem("Richard Dreyfus", 167.64); ActorList.addItem("Richard Gephardt", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("Richard Kiel", 208.28); ActorList.addItem("Richard M. Nixon", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Ricki Lake", 162.56); ActorList.addItem("Ringo Starr", 172.72); ActorList.addItem("Rita Hayworth", 167.64); ActorList.addItem("Rober De Niro", 176.53); ActorList.addItem("Robert Blake", 162.56); ActorList.addItem("Robert Conrad", 172.72); ActorList.addItem("Robert Culp", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("Robert Englund", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Robert Redford", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Rock Hudson", 193.04); ActorList.addItem("Rock Hudson", 193.04); ActorList.addItem("Rocky Marciano", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Rod Serling", 162.56); ActorList.addItem("Roddy Piper", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("Roger Clemens", 193.04); ActorList.addItem("Roger Morrissey", 223.52); ActorList.addItem("Ronald Colman", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Ross Martin", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("RuPaul", 200.66); ActorList.addItem("Sally Kellerman", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Sandra Bernhard", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Sandra Bullock", 171.45); ActorList.addItem("Sandy Allen", 231.775); ActorList.addItem("Sean Connery", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("Selma Blair", 160.02); ActorList.addItem("Shannon Tweed", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Shaquille O'Neal", 215.9); ActorList.addItem("Sharon Stone", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Sheena Easton", 154.94); ActorList.addItem("Sigourney Weaver", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Sinbad", 195.58); ActorList.addItem("Sir Anthony Hopkins", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Sir Charles (Charlie) Chaplin", 165.1); ActorList.addItem("Sophia Loren", 172.72); ActorList.addItem("Spike Lee", 167.64); ActorList.addItem("Stacy Sanches", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Steffi Graf", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Steve Garvey", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Steven Spielberg", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Stewart Granger", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("Susan Anton", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Susan Lucci", 157.48); ActorList.addItem("Susan Miller", 185.42); ActorList.addItem("Suzy Parker", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Sylvester Stallone", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Tallulah Bankhead", 160.02); ActorList.addItem("Tammy Faye Baker", 149.86); ActorList.addItem("Tea Leoni", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Ted Cassidy", 208.28); ActorList.addItem("Ted Danson", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("Ted Kennedy", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("Ted Williams", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("Telly Savalas", 177.8); ActorList.addItem("Teresa Blake", 167.64); ActorList.addItem("Teri Hatcher", 167.64); ActorList.addItem("Teri Weigel", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Terry Farrell", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Thomas Wolfe", 198.12); ActorList.addItem("Tia Carrere", 172.72); ActorList.addItem("Tim Allen", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Tim Curry", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Timothy Dalton", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("Tom Baker", 190.5); ActorList.addItem("Tom Bosley", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Tom Conway", 185.42); ActorList.addItem("Tom Cruise", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Tom Harkin", 185.42); ActorList.addItem("Tom McMillan", 210.82); ActorList.addItem("Tom Selleck", 193.04); ActorList.addItem("Tommy Lasorda", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Tommy Lee Jones", 185.42); ActorList.addItem("Tommy Tune", 198.12); ActorList.addItem("Tony Curtis", 181.61); ActorList.addItem("Tony Danza", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Traci Lords", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Trisha Yearwood", 175.26); ActorList.addItem("Troy Aikman", 193.04); ActorList.addItem("Tupac Shakur", 170.18); ActorList.addItem("Twiggy Lawson", 167.64); ActorList.addItem("Tyra Banks", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Uma Thurman", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Valerie Bertinelli", 162.56); ActorList.addItem("Vanessa Redgrave", 180.34); ActorList.addItem("Veronica Lake", 149.86); ActorList.addItem("Vincent Price", 193.04); ActorList.addItem("Vladimir Lenin", 165.1); ActorList.addItem("Wayne Gretzky", 182.88); ActorList.addItem("Weird Al Yankovic", 185.42); ActorList.addItem("Will Smith", 187.96); ActorList.addItem("William Baldwin", 185.42); ActorList.addItem("William Faulkner", 165.1); ActorList.addItem("Wilt Chamberlain", 215.9); ActorList.addItem("Winona Ryder", 162.56); ActorList.addItem("Winston Churchill", 167.64); ActorList.addItem("Woody Allen", 165.1); ActorList.addItem("Wyatt Earp", 193.04); ActorList.addItem("Yasmine Bleeth", 165.1); ActorList.addItem("Yogi Berra", 165.1); ActorList.addItem("Yvonne Craig", 162.56); ActorList.addItem("Leonid Stadnyk", 254); ActorList.setSelectedIndex(0); ActorInfo = new Array(); ActorInfo[0] = "Tallest US President"; ActorInfo[1] = "Dictator"; ActorInfo[2] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[3] = "TV Weatherman"; ActorInfo[4] = "US Senator"; ActorInfo[5] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[6] = "Comedian/Actor"; ActorInfo[7] = "Actress (Baywatch)"; ActorInfo[8] = "Director"; ActorInfo[9] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[10] = "bass player in rock band BETTY"; ActorInfo[11] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[12] = "Actor/wrestler"; ActorInfo[13] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[14] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[15] = "Dancer"; ActorInfo[16] = "Model/Heiress"; ActorInfo[17] = "women's basketball"; ActorInfo[18] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[19] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[20] = "Actor & California Governor"; ActorInfo[21] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[22] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[23] = "Baseball Great"; ActorInfo[24] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[25] = "US Senator"; ActorInfo[26] = "Singer"; ActorInfo[27] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[28] = "Musician"; ActorInfo[29] = "Actress (Maude)"; ActorInfo[30] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[31] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[32] = "Inventor/Statesman"; ActorInfo[33] = ""; ActorInfo[34] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[35] = "US First Lady"; ActorInfo[36] = "Wrestler"; ActorInfo[37] = "US Senator"; ActorInfo[38] = "U.S. President"; ActorInfo[39] = "Actor/Comedian"; ActorInfo[40] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[41] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[42] = "Actor/Comedian/Host"; ActorInfo[43] = "Athlete"; ActorInfo[44] = "Musician"; ActorInfo[45] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[46] = "Actor (Data, STTNG)"; ActorInfo[47] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[48] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[49] = "Actress (Red Sonja)"; ActorInfo[50] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[51] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[52] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[53] = "Singer/Actor"; ActorInfo[54] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[55] = "Actor/Athlete (Flash Gordon)"; ActorInfo[56] = "Actor/Comedian"; ActorInfo[57] = "(Eddie on \u201Cthe Munsters\u201D)"; ActorInfo[58] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[59] = "Actress/Model"; ActorInfo[60] = "Model"; ActorInfo[61] = "Actress/Comedianne"; ActorInfo[62] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[63] = "Temperence Leader"; ActorInfo[64] = "Actress (Dukes of Hazzard)"; ActorInfo[65] = "Actress (J.A.G.)"; ActorInfo[66] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[67] = "Basketball Player"; ActorInfo[68] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[69] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[70] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[71] = "Cartoonist"; ActorInfo[72] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[73] = "Singer/Actress"; ActorInfo[74] = "Actor/Comedian"; ActorInfo[75] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[76] = "Model"; ActorInfo[77] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[78] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[79] = "Actress/Singer"; ActorInfo[80] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[81] = "Political Columnist"; ActorInfo[82] = "Actor (Superman)"; ActorInfo[83] = "Model"; ActorInfo[84] = "Actor (the Rifleman) "; ActorInfo[85] = "Model "; ActorInfo[86] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[87] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[88] = "Model"; ActorInfo[89] = "Singer"; ActorInfo[90] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[91] = "Talk Show Host"; ActorInfo[92] = "Actress (Friends)"; ActorInfo[93] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[94] = ""; ActorInfo[95] = ""; ActorInfo[96] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[97] = "US Senator"; ActorInfo[98] = "Writer"; ActorInfo[99] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[100] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[101] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[102] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[103] = "Singer"; ActorInfo[104] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[105] = "Actor (X Files)"; ActorInfo[106] = "Actor (Married W/Children) "; ActorInfo[107] = "Actor, Muscian? (Knightrider,Baywatch)"; ActorInfo[108] = "Talk Show Host "; ActorInfo[109] = "Actor (Darth Vader)"; ActorInfo[110] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[111] = "Singer (Monkees)"; ActorInfo[112] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[113] = "Singer"; ActorInfo[114] = "Actor (Dr. McCoy, Star Trek)"; ActorInfo[115] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[116] = "News Anchor"; ActorInfo[117] = ""; ActorInfo[118] = "Writer/TV Host"; ActorInfo[119] = ""; ActorInfo[120] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[121] = "Actor/Comedian"; ActorInfo[122] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[123] = "Actor "; ActorInfo[124] = "Actresss"; ActorInfo[125] = "Actor/Comedian"; ActorInfo[126] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[127] = "Actor "; ActorInfo[128] = "US President"; ActorInfo[129] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[130] = "Singer"; ActorInfo[131] = "Actor/Comedian"; ActorInfo[132] = "Singer"; ActorInfo[133] = ""; ActorInfo[134] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[135] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[136] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[137] = "Supermodel"; ActorInfo[138] = "Musician"; ActorInfo[139] = ""; ActorInfo[140] = "Actor (Chips)"; ActorInfo[141] = "Writer"; ActorInfo[142] = "Actor (Robin Hood)"; ActorInfo[143] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[144] = "Boxer"; ActorInfo[145] = "Writer"; ActorInfo[146] = "Model"; ActorInfo[147] = "Model"; ActorInfo[148] = "Actress/Comedianne"; ActorInfo[149] = "Actor (F Troop)"; ActorInfo[150] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[151] = "Musician"; ActorInfo[152] = "Actor/Dancer"; ActorInfo[153] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[154] = "Athlete/model"; ActorInfo[155] = "Champion Chess player"; ActorInfo[156] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[157] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[158] = "actress"; ActorInfo[159] = "Writer Director (Star Trek)"; ActorInfo[160] = ""; ActorInfo[161] = "Famous circus performer"; ActorInfo[162] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[163] = "Wrestler"; ActorInfo[164] = "US President"; ActorInfo[165] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[166] = "Boxer"; ActorInfo[167] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[168] = "Actor (Superman)"; ActorInfo[169] = "US President "; ActorInfo[170] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[171] = "Singer/Actress"; ActorInfo[172] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[173] = "women's basketball"; ActorInfo[174] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[175] = "Actress/Model"; ActorInfo[176] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[177] = "Actor/Magician"; ActorInfo[178] = "Actress (Melrose Place)"; ActorInfo[179] = "women's basketball"; ActorInfo[180] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[181] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[182] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[183] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[184] = "English Monarch"; ActorInfo[185] = "Actor "; ActorInfo[186] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[187] = "Baseball Player"; ActorInfo[188] = "Radio Personality"; ActorInfo[189] = "Actor/Wrestler (Also listed as 6:8\u201D)"; ActorInfo[190] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[191] = "Actor "; ActorInfo[192] = "Actress/Comedianne"; ActorInfo[193] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[194] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[195] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[196] = "Fitness Expert"; ActorInfo[197] = "Action Star"; ActorInfo[198] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[199] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[200] = "Actor (Matt Dillon Gunsmoke)"; ActorInfo[201] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[202] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[203] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[204] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[205] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[206] = "Shortest US President"; ActorInfo[207] = "Actor "; ActorInfo[208] = "Singer"; ActorInfo[209] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[210] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[211] = "Attorney General of the U.S."; ActorInfo[212] = "Action Star"; ActorInfo[213] = "Actor/Comedian"; ActorInfo[214] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[215] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[216] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[217] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[218] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[219] = "US President"; ActorInfo[220] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[221] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[222] = "Comedianne"; ActorInfo[223] = "New York Yankees outfielder"; ActorInfo[224] = "Actor/Comedian"; ActorInfo[225] = "Actor/Comedian"; ActorInfo[226] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[227] = "US President"; ActorInfo[228] = ""; ActorInfo[229] = "Economist"; ActorInfo[230] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[231] = "NYC Mayor "; ActorInfo[232] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[233] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[234] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[235] = "Comedian/Host (Tonight Show)"; ActorInfo[236] = "Singer "; ActorInfo[237] = "Actor/Athlete (Tarzan)"; ActorInfo[238] = "Actor (Riker on STTNG)"; ActorInfo[239] = "Russian Premier"; ActorInfo[240] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[241] = "Actress/Singer"; ActorInfo[242] = "Author/Chef"; ActorInfo[243] = "Actress (Seinfeld)"; ActorInfo[244] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[245] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[246] = "Musician"; ActorInfo[247] = "Basketball Player"; ActorInfo[248] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[249] = "Model"; ActorInfo[250] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[251] = "Singer"; ActorInfo[252] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[253] = "Actresss"; ActorInfo[254] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[255] = "Actor (Cheers, Frasier)"; ActorInfo[256] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[257] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[258] = "Actor (Hercules)"; ActorInfo[259] = "Playmate (Heifner Ex)"; ActorInfo[260] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[261] = "Actress (Cheers, Veronica\u2019s Closet)"; ActorInfo[262] = "Actress (3rd Rock)"; ActorInfo[263] = "Figure Skater"; ActorInfo[264] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[265] = "Actress "; ActorInfo[266] = "Actor "; ActorInfo[267] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[268] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[269] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[270] = "Dancer/Stripper"; ActorInfo[271] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[272] = "Actress (Bionic Woman)"; ActorInfo[273] = "Actress (Friends)"; ActorInfo[274] = "Singer/Actress (Judy Garland daughter)"; ActorInfo[275] = ""; ActorInfo[276] = "Actor (Wolfman)"; ActorInfo[277] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[278] = "Actor/Weightlifter (Incredible Hulk)"; ActorInfo[279] = "Actress (Xena)"; ActorInfo[280] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[281] = "US President"; ActorInfo[282] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[283] = "Basketball Player"; ActorInfo[284] = ""; ActorInfo[285] = "Premier of China"; ActorInfo[286] = ""; ActorInfo[287] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[288] = "Singer"; ActorInfo[289] = "Porn Star"; ActorInfo[290] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[291] = "Actress (STTNG)"; ActorInfo[292] = "NY Governor"; ActorInfo[293] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[294] = "Attorney (O.J. Simpson case)"; ActorInfo[295] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[296] = ""; ActorInfo[297] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[298] = "World's tallest couple."; ActorInfo[299] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[300] = ""; ActorInfo[301] = "Poet"; ActorInfo[302] = "Actor (listed as short as 5:4\u201D)"; ActorInfo[303] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[304] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[305] = "Writer/Director (Jurrasic Park)"; ActorInfo[306] = "Actor (Worf on STTNG,DS9)"; ActorInfo[307] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[308] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[309] = "basketball"; ActorInfo[310] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[311] = "Muscician/Actor (Monkees)"; ActorInfo[312] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[313] = "Actor/Musician (Monkees)"; ActorInfo[314] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[315] = "Actor/Comedian"; ActorInfo[316] = "Comedian"; ActorInfo[317] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[318] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[319] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[320] = "US Congressman"; ActorInfo[321] = "Actor (\u201CA\u201D Team)"; ActorInfo[322] = "Boxer"; ActorInfo[323] = "Actress/Dancer (Kira STDS9)"; ActorInfo[324] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[325] = "Model"; ActorInfo[326] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[327] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[328] = "Actress "; ActorInfo[329] = "Musician"; ActorInfo[330] = "Actress/Singer"; ActorInfo[331] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[332] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[333] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[334] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[335] = "Porn Star"; ActorInfo[336] = "Writer"; ActorInfo[337] = "Gymnast"; ActorInfo[338] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[339] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[340] = "Actresss/Talk Show Host"; ActorInfo[341] = "Actress (Baywatch)"; ActorInfo[342] = "Singer"; ActorInfo[343] = "Basketball Player"; ActorInfo[344] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[345] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[346] = "Musician"; ActorInfo[347] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[348] = "Musician"; ActorInfo[349] = "US Senator"; ActorInfo[350] = "Actor/Singer"; ActorInfo[351] = "Singer"; ActorInfo[352] = "Soccer Star"; ActorInfo[353] = "Baseball player"; ActorInfo[354] = "Musician"; ActorInfo[355] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[356] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[357] = "Actor (Chewbacca the Wooiekee)"; ActorInfo[358] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[359] = "Actor/musician (Monkees)"; ActorInfo[360] = "Sports Announcer"; ActorInfo[361] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[362] = "Actor (James Bond, Remington Steele)"; ActorInfo[363] = "Singer"; ActorInfo[364] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[365] = "Porn star"; ActorInfo[366] = "Musician"; ActorInfo[367] = "Actor ( Ironside, Perry Mason)"; ActorInfo[368] = "Singer"; ActorInfo[369] = "Actress (Cheers)"; ActorInfo[370] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[371] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[372] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[373] = "House Democratic Leader"; ActorInfo[374] = "Actor (James Bond films)"; ActorInfo[375] = "US President"; ActorInfo[376] = "Host"; ActorInfo[377] = "Musician"; ActorInfo[378] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[379] = "Actor/Director"; ActorInfo[380] = ""; ActorInfo[381] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[382] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[383] = "Actor (Freddy Krueger, 'Nightmare on Elm Street')"; ActorInfo[384] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[385] = "Actor "; ActorInfo[386] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[387] = "Boxer"; ActorInfo[388] = ""; ActorInfo[389] = "Actor/Wrestler"; ActorInfo[390] = "Baseball Pitcher"; ActorInfo[391] = "Actor (Vampire in 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer')"; ActorInfo[392] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[393] = "Actor/Comedian"; ActorInfo[394] = "Actor (Wild, Wild West)"; ActorInfo[395] = "Actor/Actress/Talk Show Host"; ActorInfo[396] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[397] = ""; ActorInfo[398] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[399] = ""; ActorInfo[400] = "Actor (James Bond, Untouchables)"; ActorInfo[401] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[402] = "Model"; ActorInfo[403] = "Basketball player"; ActorInfo[404] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[405] = "Singer"; ActorInfo[406] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[407] = "Actor/Talk Show Host"; ActorInfo[408] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[409] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[410] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[411] = "Actor/Director"; ActorInfo[412] = "Playmate of the Year"; ActorInfo[413] = "Tennis Star"; ActorInfo[414] = ""; ActorInfo[415] = "Director"; ActorInfo[416] = "Actor (King Solomon\u2019s Mines)"; ActorInfo[417] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[418] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[419] = "Tallest Playboy Playmate"; ActorInfo[420] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[421] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[422] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[423] = ""; ActorInfo[424] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[425] = "Actor (Lurch/Thing Addams Family TV show)"; ActorInfo[426] = "Actor (Cheers)"; ActorInfo[427] = "US Senator"; ActorInfo[428] = "baseball player (Boston Red Sox)"; ActorInfo[429] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[430] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[431] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[432] = "Porn Star"; ActorInfo[433] = "Actress (STDS9)"; ActorInfo[434] = "Writer"; ActorInfo[435] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[436] = "Actor/Comedian (Home Improvement)"; ActorInfo[437] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[438] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[439] = "Actor (Dr. Who)"; ActorInfo[440] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[441] = "Actor/Comedian"; ActorInfo[442] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[443] = "US Senator"; ActorInfo[444] = "US Congressman"; ActorInfo[445] = "Actor (Magnum, P.I.)"; ActorInfo[446] = "Coach"; ActorInfo[447] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[448] = "Dancer/Choreographer"; ActorInfo[449] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[450] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[451] = "Porn Star"; ActorInfo[452] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[453] = "Athlete"; ActorInfo[454] = "Musicain"; ActorInfo[455] = "Model"; ActorInfo[456] = "Model"; ActorInfo[457] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[458] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[459] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[460] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[461] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[462] = "Communist Leader"; ActorInfo[463] = "Hockey Star"; ActorInfo[464] = "Muscian/Comedian"; ActorInfo[465] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[466] = "Actor"; ActorInfo[467] = "Writer"; ActorInfo[468] = "Basketball Player"; ActorInfo[469] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[470] = "British Prime Minister"; ActorInfo[471] = "Comedian/writer/director"; ActorInfo[472] = "Western Gunman"; ActorInfo[473] = "Actress/Model"; ActorInfo[474] = "Baseball"; ActorInfo[475] = "Actress"; ActorInfo[476] = "World's Tallest Man!";
Instance of Symbol 130 MovieClip [FPushButtonSymbol] "NextBt" in Frame 3
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { label = "Next>"; clickHandler = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 127 MovieClip [FListBoxSymbol] "ActorList" in Frame 3
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { selectMultiple = false; changeHandler = ""; }
Instance of Symbol 130 MovieClip [FPushButtonSymbol] "PrevBt" in Frame 3
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { label = "<Previous"; clickHandler = ""; }
Frame 5
function onNext() { ActorList.setSelectedIndex(ActorList.getSelectedIndex() + 1); ActorList.setScrollPosition(ActorList.getSelectedIndex() - 4); } function onPrev() { ActorList.setSelectedIndex(ActorList.getSelectedIndex() - 1); ActorList.setScrollPosition(ActorList.getSelectedIndex() - 4); } function ChangeData() { gotoAndPlay (4); } mHeight = _level0.ActorList.getSelectedItem().data; fHeight = int(mHeight / 30.48); iHeight = Math.round((mHeight - ((fHeight * 12) * 2.54)) / 2.54); _level0.OtherBody._yscale = ActorList.getSelectedItem().data; _level0.OtherBody._xscale = ActorList.getSelectedItem().data; ActorName.text = ActorList.getSelectedItem().label; ActorDescr.text = _level0.ActorInfo[ActorList.getSelectedIndex()]; ActorHeight.text = ((((fHeight + "' ") + iHeight) + "''\r(") + (Math.round(ActorList.getSelectedItem().data) / 100)) + "m)"; stop(); NextBt.setClickHandler("onNext"); PrevBt.setClickHandler("onPrev"); ActorList.setChangeHandler("ChangeData");
Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 33 MovieClip [UpArrow] Frame 1
Symbol 33 MovieClip [UpArrow] Frame 2
Symbol 33 MovieClip [UpArrow] Frame 3
Symbol 40 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(shadow_mc, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(darkshadow_mc, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc, "highlight"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight3D_mc, "highlight3D");
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 52 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 53 MovieClip [ScrollThumb] Frame 1
Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 77 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 78 MovieClip [DownArrow] Frame 1
Symbol 78 MovieClip [DownArrow] Frame 2
Symbol 78 MovieClip [DownArrow] Frame 3
Symbol 81 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol] Frame 1
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Symbol 81 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol] Frame 2
component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc2, "selectionDisabled"); stop();
Symbol 81 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol] Frame 3
component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc3, "selectionUnfocused"); stop();
Symbol 85 MovieClip [FLabelSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 3 _global.FLabelClass = function () { if (this.hostComponent == undefined) { this.hostComponent = ((this._parent.controller == undefined) ? (this._parent) : (this._parent.controller)); } if (this.customTextStyle == undefined) { if (this.hostComponent.textStyle == undefined) { this.hostComponent.textStyle = new TextFormat(); } this.textStyle = this.hostComponent.textStyle; this.enable = true; } }; FLabelClass.prototype = new MovieClip(); Object.registerClass("FLabelSymbol", FLabelClass); FLabelClass.prototype.setLabel = function (label) { var val = this.hostComponent.styleTable.embedFonts.value; if (val != undefined) { this.labelField.embedFonts = val; } this.labelField.setNewTextFormat(this.textStyle); this.labelField.text = label; this.labelField._height = this.labelField.textHeight + 2; }; FLabelClass.prototype.setSize = function (width) { this.labelField._width = width; }; FLabelClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (enable) { this.enable = enable; var tmpColor = this.hostComponent.styleTable[(enable ? "textColor" : "textDisabled")].value; if (tmpColor == undefined) { tmpColor = (enable ? 0 : 8947848); } this.setColor(tmpColor); }; FLabelClass.prototype.getLabel = function () { return(this.labelField.text); }; FLabelClass.prototype.setColor = function (col) { this.labelField.textColor = col; }; #endinitclip
Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1
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Symbol 111 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 1
Symbol 111 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 2
Symbol 111 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 3
Symbol 111 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 4
Symbol 112 MovieClip [FUIComponentSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 1 function FUIComponentClass() { this.init(); } FUIComponentClass.prototype = new MovieClip(); FUIComponentClass.prototype.init = function () { this.enable = true; this.focused = false; this.useHandCursor = false; this._accImpl = new Object(); this._accImpl.stub = true; this.styleTable = new Array(); if (_global.globalStyleFormat == undefined) { _global.globalStyleFormat = new FStyleFormat(); globalStyleFormat.isGlobal = true; _global._focusControl = new Object(); _global._focusControl.onSetFocus = function (oldFocus, newFocus) { oldFocus.myOnKillFocus(); newFocus.myOnSetFocus(); }; Selection.addListener(_global._focusControl); } if (this._name != undefined) { this._focusrect = false; this.tabEnabled = true; this.focusEnabled = true; this.tabChildren = false; this.tabFocused = true; if (this.hostStyle == undefined) { globalStyleFormat.addListener(this); } else { this.styleTable = this.hostStyle; } this.deadPreview._visible = false; this.deadPreview._width = (this.deadPreview._height = 1); this.methodTable = new Object(); this.keyListener = new Object(); this.keyListener.controller = this; this.keyListener.onKeyDown = function () { this.controller.myOnKeyDown(); }; this.keyListener.onKeyUp = function () { this.controller.myOnKeyUp(); }; for (var i in this.styleFormat_prm) { this.setStyleProperty(i, this.styleFormat_prm[i]); } } }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (enabledFlag) { this.enable = ((arguments.length > 0) ? (enabledFlag) : true); this.tabEnabled = (this.focusEnabled = enabledFlag); if ((!this.enable) && (this.focused)) { Selection.setFocus(undefined); } }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.getEnabled = function () { return(this.enable); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.setSize = function (w, h) { this.width = w; this.height = h; this.focusRect.removeMovieClip(); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.setChangeHandler = function (chng, obj) { this.handlerObj = ((obj == undefined) ? (this._parent) : (obj)); this.changeHandler = chng; }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.invalidate = function (methodName) { this.methodTable[methodName] = true; this.onEnterFrame = this.cleanUI; }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.cleanUI = function () { if (this.methodTable.setSize) { this.setSize(this.width, this.height); } else { this.cleanUINotSize(); } this.methodTable = new Object(); delete this.onEnterFrame; }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.cleanUINotSize = function () { for (var funct in this.methodTable) { this[funct](); } }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.drawRect = function (x, y, w, h) { var inner = this.styleTable.focusRectInner.value; var outer = this.styleTable.focusRectOuter.value; if (inner == undefined) { inner = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; } if (outer == undefined) { outer = 0; } this.createEmptyMovieClip("focusRect", 1000); this.focusRect.controller = this; this.focusRect.lineStyle(1, outer); this.focusRect.moveTo(x, y); this.focusRect.lineTo(x + w, y); this.focusRect.lineTo(x + w, y + h); this.focusRect.lineTo(x, y + h); this.focusRect.lineTo(x, y); this.focusRect.lineStyle(1, inner); this.focusRect.moveTo(x + 1, y + 1); this.focusRect.lineTo((x + w) - 1, y + 1); this.focusRect.lineTo((x + w) - 1, (y + h) - 1); this.focusRect.lineTo(x + 1, (y + h) - 1); this.focusRect.lineTo(x + 1, y + 1); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.pressFocus = function () { this.tabFocused = false; this.focusRect.removeMovieClip(); Selection.setFocus(this); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.drawFocusRect = function () { this.drawRect(-2, -2, this.width + 4, this.height + 4); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.myOnSetFocus = function () { this.focused = true; Key.addListener(this.keyListener); if (this.tabFocused) { this.drawFocusRect(); } }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.myOnKillFocus = function () { this.tabFocused = true; this.focused = false; this.focusRect.removeMovieClip(); Key.removeListener(this.keyListener); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.executeCallBack = function () { this.handlerObj[this.changeHandler](this); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.updateStyleProperty = function (styleFormat, propName) { this.setStyleProperty(propName, styleFormat[propName], styleFormat.isGlobal); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.setStyleProperty = function (propName, value, isGlobal) { if (value == "") { return(undefined); } var tmpValue = parseInt(value); if (!isNaN(tmpValue)) { value = tmpValue; } var global = ((arguments.length > 2) ? (isGlobal) : false); if (this.styleTable[propName] == undefined) { this.styleTable[propName] = new Object(); this.styleTable[propName].useGlobal = true; } if (this.styleTable[propName].useGlobal || (!global)) { this.styleTable[propName].value = value; if (this.setCustomStyleProperty(propName, value)) { } else if (propName == "embedFonts") { this.invalidate("setSize"); } else if (propName.subString(0, 4) == "text") { if (this.textStyle == undefined) { this.textStyle = new TextFormat(); } var textProp = propName.subString(4, propName.length); this.textStyle[textProp] = value; this.invalidate("setSize"); } else { for (var j in this.styleTable[propName].coloredMCs) { var myColor = new Color(this.styleTable[propName].coloredMCs[j]); if (this.styleTable[propName].value == undefined) { var myTObj = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0", aa:"100", ab:"0"}; myColor.setTransform(myTObj); } else { myColor.setRGB(value); } } } this.styleTable[propName].useGlobal = global; } }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.registerSkinElement = function (skinMCRef, propName) { if (this.styleTable[propName] == undefined) { this.styleTable[propName] = new Object(); this.styleTable[propName].useGlobal = true; } if (this.styleTable[propName].coloredMCs == undefined) { this.styleTable[propName].coloredMCs = new Object(); } this.styleTable[propName].coloredMCs[skinMCRef] = skinMCRef; if (this.styleTable[propName].value != undefined) { var myColor = new Color(skinMCRef); myColor.setRGB(this.styleTable[propName].value); } }; _global.FStyleFormat = function () { this.nonStyles = {listeners:true, isGlobal:true, isAStyle:true, addListener:true, removeListener:true, nonStyles:true, applyChanges:true}; this.listeners = new Object(); this.isGlobal = false; if (arguments.length > 0) { for (var i in arguments[0]) { this[i] = arguments[0][i]; } } }; _global.FStyleFormat.prototype = new Object(); FStyleFormat.prototype.addListener = function () { var arg = 0; while (arg < arguments.length) { var mcRef = arguments[arg]; this.listeners[arguments[arg]] = mcRef; for (var i in this) { if (this.isAStyle(i)) { mcRef.updateStyleProperty(this, i.toString()); } } arg++; } }; FStyleFormat.prototype.removeListener = function (component) { this.listeners[component] = undefined; for (var prop in this) { if (this.isAStyle(prop)) { if (component.styleTable[prop].useGlobal == this.isGlobal) { component.styleTable[prop].useGlobal = true; var value = (this.isGlobal ? undefined : (globalStyleFormat[prop])); component.setStyleProperty(prop, value, true); } } } }; FStyleFormat.prototype.applyChanges = function () { var count = 0; for (var i in this.listeners) { var component = this.listeners[i]; if (arguments.length > 0) { var j = 0; while (j < arguments.length) { if (this.isAStyle(arguments[j])) { component.updateStyleProperty(this, arguments[j]); } j++; } } else { for (var j in this) { if (this.isAStyle(j)) { component.updateStyleProperty(this, j.toString()); } } } } }; FStyleFormat.prototype.isAStyle = function (name) { return((this.nonStyles[name] ? false : true)); }; #endinitclip
Symbol 114 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent; component.registerSkinElement(track_mc, "scrollTrack");
Symbol 115 MovieClip [FScrollBarSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 4 FScrollBarClass = function () { if (this._height == 4) { return(undefined); } this.init(); this.minPos = (this.maxPos = (this.pageSize = (this.largeScroll = 0))); this.smallScroll = 1; this.width = (this.horizontal ? (this._width) : (this._height)); this._xscale = (this._yscale = 100); this.setScrollPosition(0); this.tabEnabled = false; if (this._targetInstanceName.length > 0) { this.setScrollTarget(this._parent[this._targetInstanceName]); } this.tabChildren = false; this.setSize(this.width); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype = new FUIComponentClass(); FScrollBarClass.prototype.setHorizontal = function (flag) { if (this.horizontal && (!flag)) { this._xscale = 100; this._rotation = 0; } else if (flag && (!this.horizontal)) { this._xscale = -100; this._rotation = -90; } this.horizontal = flag; }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.setScrollProperties = function (pSize, mnPos, mxPos) { if (!this.enable) { return(undefined); } this.pageSize = pSize; this.minPos = Math.max(mnPos, 0); this.maxPos = Math.max(mxPos, 0); this.scrollPosition = Math.max(this.minPos, this.scrollPosition); this.scrollPosition = Math.min(this.maxPos, this.scrollPosition); if ((this.maxPos - this.minPos) <= 0) { this.scrollThumb_mc.removeMovieClip(); this.upArrow_mc.gotoAndStop(3); this.downArrow_mc.gotoAndStop(3); this.downArrow_mc.onPress = (this.downArrow_mc.onRelease = (this.downArrow_mc.onDragOut = null)); this.upArrow_mc.onPress = (this.upArrow_mc.onRelease = (this.upArrow_mc.onDragOut = null)); this.scrollTrack_mc.onPress = (this.scrollTrack_mc.onRelease = null); this.scrollTrack_mc.onDragOut = (this.scrollTrack_mc.onRollOut = null); this.scrollTrack_mc.useHandCursor = false; } else { var tmp = this.getScrollPosition(); this.upArrow_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this.downArrow_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this.upArrow_mc.onPress = (this.upArrow_mc.onDragOver = this.startUpScroller); this.upArrow_mc.onRelease = (this.upArrow_mc.onDragOut = this.stopScrolling); this.downArrow_mc.onPress = (this.downArrow_mc.onDragOver = this.startDownScroller); this.downArrow_mc.onRelease = (this.downArrow_mc.onDragOut = this.stopScrolling); this.scrollTrack_mc.onPress = (this.scrollTrack_mc.onDragOver = this.startTrackScroller); this.scrollTrack_mc.onRelease = this.stopScrolling; this.scrollTrack_mc.onDragOut = this.stopScrolling; this.scrollTrack_mc.onRollOut = this.stopScrolling; this.scrollTrack_mc.useHandCursor = false; this.attachMovie("ScrollThumb", "scrollThumb_mc", 3); this.scrollThumb_mc._x = 0; this.scrollThumb_mc._y = this.upArrow_mc._height; this.scrollThumb_mc.onPress = this.startDragThumb; this.scrollThumb_mc.controller = this; this.scrollThumb_mc.onRelease = (this.scrollThumb_mc.onReleaseOutside = this.stopDragThumb); this.scrollThumb_mc.useHandCursor = false; this.thumbHeight = (this.pageSize / ((this.maxPos - this.minPos) + this.pageSize)) * this.trackSize; this.thumbMid_mc = this.scrollThumb_mc.mc_sliderMid; this.thumbTop_mc = this.scrollThumb_mc.mc_sliderTop; this.thumbBot_mc = this.scrollThumb_mc.mc_sliderBot; this.thumbHeight = Math.max(this.thumbHeight, 6); this.midHeight = (this.thumbHeight - this.thumbTop_mc._height) - this.thumbBot_mc._height; this.thumbMid_mc._yScale = (this.midHeight * 100) / this.thumbMid_mc._height; this.thumbMid_mc._y = this.thumbTop_mc._height; this.thumbBot_mc._y = this.thumbTop_mc._height + this.midHeight; this.scrollTop = this.scrollThumb_mc._y; this.trackHeight = this.trackSize - this.thumbHeight; this.scrollBot = this.trackHeight + this.scrollTop; tmp = Math.min(tmp, this.maxPos); this.setScrollPosition(Math.max(tmp, this.minPos)); } }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.getScrollPosition = function () { return(this.scrollPosition); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.setScrollPosition = function (pos) { this.scrollPosition = pos; if (this.scrollThumb_mc != undefined) { pos = Math.min(pos, this.maxPos); pos = Math.max(pos, this.minPos); } this.scrollThumb_mc._y = (((pos - this.minPos) * this.trackHeight) / (this.maxPos - this.minPos)) + this.scrollTop; this.executeCallBack(); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.setLargeScroll = function (lScroll) { this.largeScroll = lScroll; }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.setSmallScroll = function (sScroll) { this.smallScroll = sScroll; }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (enabledFlag) { var wasEnabled = this.enable; if (enabledFlag && (!wasEnabled)) { this.enable = enabledFlag; if (this.textField != undefined) { this.setScrollTarget(this.textField); } else { this.setScrollProperties(this.pageSize, this.cachedMinPos, this.cachedMaxPos); this.setScrollPosition(this.cachedPos); } this.clickFilter = undefined; } else if ((!enabledFlag) && (wasEnabled)) { this.textField.removeListener(this); this.cachedPos = this.getScrollPosition(); this.cachedMinPos = this.minPos; this.cachedMaxPos = this.maxPos; if (this.clickFilter == undefined) { this.setScrollProperties(this.pageSize, 0, 0); } else { this.clickFilter = true; } this.enable = enabledFlag; } }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.setSize = function (hgt) { if (this._height == 1) { return(undefined); } this.width = hgt; this.scrollTrack_mc._yscale = 100; this.scrollTrack_mc._yscale = (100 * this.width) / this.scrollTrack_mc._height; if (this.upArrow_mc == undefined) { this.attachMovie("UpArrow", "upArrow_mc", 1); this.attachMovie("DownArrow", "downArrow_mc", 2); this.downArrow_mc.controller = (this.upArrow_mc.controller = this); this.upArrow_mc.useHandCursor = (this.downArrow_mc.useHandCursor = false); this.upArrow_mc._x = (this.upArrow_mc._y = 0); this.downArrow_mc._x = 0; } this.scrollTrack_mc.controller = this; this.downArrow_mc._y = this.width - this.downArrow_mc._height; this.trackSize = this.width - (2 * this.downArrow_mc._height); if (this.textField != undefined) { this.onTextChanged(); } else { this.setScrollProperties(this.pageSize, this.minPos, this.maxPos); } }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.scrollIt = function (inc, mode) { var delt = this.smallScroll; if (inc != "one") { delt = ((this.largeScroll == 0) ? (this.pageSize) : (this.largeScroll)); } var newPos = (this.getScrollPosition() + (mode * delt)); if (newPos > this.maxPos) { newPos = this.maxPos; } else if (newPos < this.minPos) { newPos = this.minPos; } this.setScrollPosition(newPos); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.startDragThumb = function () { this.lastY = this._ymouse; this.onMouseMove = this.controller.dragThumb; }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.dragThumb = function () { this.scrollMove = this._ymouse - this.lastY; this.scrollMove = this.scrollMove + this._y; if (this.scrollMove < this.controller.scrollTop) { this.scrollMove = this.controller.scrollTop; } else if (this.scrollMove > this.controller.scrollBot) { this.scrollMove = this.controller.scrollBot; } this._y = this.scrollMove; var c = this.controller; c.scrollPosition = Math.round(((c.maxPos - c.minPos) * (this._y - c.scrollTop)) / c.trackHeight) + c.minPos; this.controller.isScrolling = true; updateAfterEvent(); this.controller.executeCallBack(); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.stopDragThumb = function () { this.controller.isScrolling = false; this.onMouseMove = null; }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.startTrackScroller = function () { this.controller.trackScroller(); this.controller.scrolling = setInterval(this.controller, "scrollInterval", 500, "page", -1); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.scrollInterval = function (inc, mode) { clearInterval(this.scrolling); if (inc == "page") { this.trackScroller(); } else { this.scrollIt(inc, mode); } this.scrolling = setInterval(this, "scrollInterval", 35, inc, mode); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.trackScroller = function () { if ((this.scrollThumb_mc._y + this.thumbHeight) < this._ymouse) { this.scrollIt("page", 1); } else if (this.scrollThumb_mc._y > this._ymouse) { this.scrollIt("page", -1); } }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.stopScrolling = function () { this.controller.downArrow_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this.controller.upArrow_mc.gotoAndStop(1); clearInterval(this.controller.scrolling); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.startUpScroller = function () { this.controller.upArrow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); this.controller.scrollIt("one", -1); this.controller.scrolling = setInterval(this.controller, "scrollInterval", 500, "one", -1); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.startDownScroller = function () { this.controller.downArrow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); this.controller.scrollIt("one", 1); this.controller.scrolling = setInterval(this.controller, "scrollInterval", 500, "one", 1); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.setScrollTarget = function (tF) { if (tF == undefined) { this.textField.removeListener(this); delete this.textField[(this.horizontal ? "hScroller" : "vScroller")]; if ((this.textField.hScroller != undefined) && (this.textField.vScroller != undefined)) { this.textField.unwatch("text"); this.textField.unwatch("htmltext"); } } this.textField = undefined; if (!(tF instanceof TextField)) { return(undefined); } this.textField = tF; this.textField[(this.horizontal ? "hScroller" : "vScroller")] = this; this.onTextChanged(); this.onChanged = function () { this.onTextChanged(); }; this.onScroller = function () { if (!this.isScrolling) { if (!this.horizontal) { this.setScrollPosition(this.textField.scroll); } else { this.setScrollPosition(this.textField.hscroll); } } }; this.textField.addListener(this);"text", this.callback);"htmlText", this.callback); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.callback = function (prop, oldVal, newVal) { clearInterval(this.hScroller.synchScroll); clearInterval(this.vScroller.synchScroll); this.hScroller.synchScroll = setInterval(this.hScroller, "onTextChanged", 50); this.vScroller.synchScroll = setInterval(this.vScroller, "onTextChanged", 50); return(newVal); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.onTextChanged = function () { if ((!this.enable) || (this.textField == undefined)) { return(undefined); } clearInterval(this.synchScroll); if (this.horizontal) { var pos = this.textField.hscroll; this.setScrollProperties(this.textField._width, 0, this.textField.maxhscroll); this.setScrollPosition(Math.min(pos, this.textField.maxhscroll)); } else { var pos = this.textField.scroll; var pageSize = (this.textField.bottomScroll - this.textField.scroll); this.setScrollProperties(pageSize, 1, this.textField.maxscroll); this.setScrollPosition(Math.min(pos, this.textField.maxscroll)); } }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.executeCallBack = function () { if (this.textField == undefined) { super.executeCallBack(); } else if (this.horizontal) { this.textField.hscroll = this.getScrollPosition(); } else { this.textField.scroll = this.getScrollPosition(); } }; Object.registerClass("FScrollBarSymbol", FScrollBarClass); #endinitclip
Symbol 116 MovieClip [FListItemSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 10 function FListItemClass() { this.init(); } FListItemClass.prototype = new FSelectableItemClass(); Object.registerClass("FListItemSymbol", FListItemClass); #endinitclip
Symbol 117 MovieClip [DataProviderSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 2 _global.DataProviderClass = function () { this.init(); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.init = function () { this.items = new Array(); this.uniqueID = 0; this.views = new Array(); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.addView = function (viewRef) { this.views.push(viewRef); var eventObj = {event:"updateAll"}; viewRef.modelChanged(eventObj); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.addItemAt = function (index, value) { if (index < this.getLength()) { this.items.splice(index, 0, "tmp"); } this.items[index] = new Object(); if (typeof(value) == "object") { this.items[index] = value; } else { this.items[index].label = value; } this.items[index].__ID__ = this.uniqueID++; var eventObj = {event:"addRows", firstRow:index, lastRow:index}; this.updateViews(eventObj); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.addItem = function (value) { this.addItemAt(this.getLength(), value); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.removeItemAt = function (index) { var tmpItm = this.items[index]; this.items.splice(index, 1); var eventObj = {event:"deleteRows", firstRow:index, lastRow:index}; this.updateViews(eventObj); return(tmpItm); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.removeAll = function () { this.items = new Array(); this.updateViews({event:"deleteRows", firstRow:0, lastRow:this.getLength() - 1}); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.replaceItemAt = function (index, itemObj) { if ((index < 0) || (index >= this.getLength())) { return(undefined); } var tmpID = this.getItemID(index); if (typeof(itemObj) == "object") { this.items[index] = itemObj; } else { this.items[index].label = itemObj; } this.items[index].__ID__ = tmpID; this.updateViews({event:"updateRows", firstRow:index, lastRow:index}); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.getLength = function () { return(this.items.length); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.getItemAt = function (index) { return(this.items[index]); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.getItemID = function (index) { return(this.items[index].__ID__); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.sortItemsBy = function (fieldName, order) { this.items.sortOn(fieldName); if (order == "DESC") { this.items.reverse(); } this.updateViews({event:"sort"}); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.updateViews = function (eventObj) { var i = 0; while (i < this.views.length) { this.views[i].modelChanged(eventObj); i++; } }; #endinitclip
Symbol 118 MovieClip [FSelectableItemSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 8 function FSelectableItemClass() { this.init(); } FSelectableItemClass.prototype = new FUIComponentClass(); FSelectableItemClass.prototype.init = function () { if (this._name != "itemAsset") { this.highlighted = false; this.layoutContent(100); } }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.drawItem = function (itmObj, selected) { this.displayContent(itmObj, selected); if ((this.highlighted != selected) || ((this.controller.focused != this.oldFocus) && (selected))) { this.setHighlighted(selected); } this.oldFocus = this.controller.focused; }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.setSize = function (width, height) { var LOWEST_DEPTH = -16384; this.width = width; this.layoutContent(width); this.attachMovie("FHighlightSymbol", "highlight_mc", LOWEST_DEPTH); this.highlight_mc._x = 0.5; this.highlight_mc._width = width - 0.5; this.highlight_mc._height = height; this.highlight_mc.controller = this; this.highlight_mc._alpha = 0; this.highlight_mc.trackAsMenu = true; this.highlight_mc.onPress = function () { if (this.controller.enable) { this.controller.controller.clickHandler(this.controller.itemNum); } }; this.highlight_mc.onDragOver = function () { if (this.controller.controller.focused) { this.onPress(); } }; this.highlight_mc.useHandCursor = false; this.highlight_mc.trackAsMenu = true; }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (enabledFlag) { this.enable = enabledFlag; this.fLabel_mc.setEnabled(enabledFlag); this.highlight_mc.gotoAndStop((enabledFlag ? "unfocused" : "disabled")); }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.layoutContent = function (width) { this.attachMovie("FLabelSymbol", "fLabel_mc", 2, {hostComponent:this.controller}); this.fLabel_mc._x = 2; this.fLabel_mc._y = 0; this.fLabel_mc.setSize(width - 2); this.fLabel_mc.labelField.selectable = false; }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.displayContent = function (itmObj, selected) { var tmpLabel = ""; if (itmObj.label != undefined) { tmpLabel = itmObj.label; } else if (typeof(itmObj) == "object") { for (var i in itmObj) { if (i != "__ID__") { tmpLabel = (itmObj[i] + ", ") + tmpLabel; } } tmpLabel = tmpLabel.substring(0, tmpLabel.length - 2); } else { tmpLabel = itmObj; } if (this.fLabel_mc.labelField.text != tmpLabel) { this.fLabel_mc.setLabel(tmpLabel); } var clr = (selected ? (this.controller.styleTable.textSelected.value) : (this.controller.styleTable.textColor.value)); if (clr == undefined) { clr = (selected ? 16777215 : 0); } this.fLabel_mc.setColor(clr); }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.getItemIndex = function () { return(this.controller.getScrollPosition() + this.itemNum); }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.getItemModel = function () { return(this.controller.getItemAt(this.getItemIndex())); }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.getHostDataProvider = function () { return(this.controller.dataProvider); }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.setHighlighted = function (flag) { fade = this.controller.styleTable.fadeRate.value; if (((fade == undefined) || (fade == 0)) || (!flag)) { this.highlight_mc._alpha = (flag ? 100 : 0); delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeN = fade; this.fadeX = 1; this.highLight_mc._alpha = 20; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.highLight_mc._alpha = (60 * Math.sqrt((this.fadeX++) / this.fadeN)) + 40; if (this.fadeX > this.fadeN) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } this.highlighted = flag; }; #endinitclip
Symbol 119 MovieClip [FSelectableListSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 5 function FSelectableListClass() { this.init(); } FSelectableListClass.prototype = new FUIComponentClass(); FSelectableListClass.prototype.init = function () { super.init(); this.enable = true; this.selected = new Array(); this.topDisplayed = (this.numDisplayed = 0); this.lastSelected = 0; this.tabChildren = false; if (this._name != undefined) { this.dataProvider = new DataProviderClass(); this.dataProvider.addView(this); } }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.addItemAt = function (index, label, data) { if ((index < 0) || (!this.enable)) { return(undefined); } this.dataProvider.addItemAt(index, {label:label, data:data}); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.addItem = function (label, data) { if (!this.enable) { return(undefined); } this.dataProvider.addItem({label:label, data:data}); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.removeItemAt = function (index) { this.selectHolder = this.getSelectedIndex(); var item = this.getItemAt(index); this.dataProvider.removeItemAt(index); return(item); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.removeAll = function () { this.dataProvider.removeAll(); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.replaceItemAt = function (index, newLabel, newData) { this.dataProvider.replaceItemAt(index, {label:newLabel, data:newData}); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.sortItemsBy = function (fieldName, order) { this.lastSelID = this.dataProvider.getItemID(this.lastSelected); this.dataProvider.sortItemsBy(fieldName, order); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.getLength = function () { return(this.dataProvider.getLength()); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.getSelectedIndex = function () { for (var uniqueID in this.selected) { var tmpInd = this.selected[uniqueID].sIndex; if (tmpInd != undefined) { return(tmpInd); } } }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.getSelectedItem = function () { return(this.getItemAt(this.getSelectedIndex())); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.getItemAt = function (index) { return(this.dataProvider.getItemAt(index)); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.getEnabled = function () { return(this.enable); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.getValue = function () { var item = this.getSelectedItem(); return((( == undefined) ? (item.label) : (; }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.setSelectedIndex = function (index, flag) { if (((index >= 0) && (index < this.getLength())) && (this.enable)) { this.clearSelected(); this.selectItem(index, true); this.lastSelected = index; this.invalidate("updateControl"); if (flag != false) { this.executeCallBack(); } } }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.setDataProvider = function (obj) { this.setScrollPosition(0); this.clearSelected(); if (obj instanceof Array) { this.dataProvider = new DataProviderClass(); var i = 0; while (i < obj.length) { var value = ((typeof(obj[i]) == "string") ? ({label:obj[i]}) : (obj[i])); this.dataProvider.addItem(value); i++; } } else { this.dataProvider = obj; } this.dataProvider.addView(this); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.setItemSymbol = function (linkID) { this.tmpPos = this.getScrollPosition(); this.itemSymbol = linkID; this.invalidate("setSize"); this.setScrollPosition(this.tmpPos); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (enabledFlag) { this.cleanUI(); super.setEnabled(enabledFlag); this.enable = enabledFlag; this.boundingBox_mc.gotoAndStop((this.enable ? "enabled" : "disabled")); var limit = Math.min(this.numDisplayed, this.getLength()); var i = 0; while (i < limit) { this.container_mc[("fListItem" + i) + "_mc"].setEnabled(this.enable); i++; } if (this.enable) { this.invalidate("updateControl"); } }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.updateControl = function () { var i = 0; while (i < this.numDisplayed) { this.container_mc[("fListItem" + i) + "_mc"].drawItem(this.getItemAt(this.topDisplayed + i), this.isSelected(this.topDisplayed + i)); i++; } }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.setSize = function (w, h) { super.setSize(w, h); this.boundingBox_mc._xscale = (this.boundingBox_mc._yscale = 100); this.boundingBox_mc._xscale = (this.width * 100) / this.boundingBox_mc._width; this.boundingBox_mc._yscale = (this.height * 100) / this.boundingBox_mc._height; var i = 0; while (i < this.numDisplayed) { this.container_mc.attachMovie(this.itemSymbol, ("fListItem" + i) + "_mc", 10 + i, {controller:this, itemNum:i}); var item_mc = this.container_mc[("fListItem" + i) + "_mc"]; var offset = ((this.scrollOffset == undefined) ? 0 : (this.scrollOffset)); item_mc.setSize(this.width - offset, this.itmHgt); item_mc._y = (this.itmHgt - 2) * i; i++; } this.updateControl(); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.modelChanged = function (eventObj) { var firstRow = eventObj.firstRow; var lastRow = eventObj.lastRow; var event = eventObj.event; if (event == "addRows") { for (var i in this.selected) { if ((this.selected[i].sIndex != undefined) && (this.selected[i].sIndex >= firstRow)) { this.selected[i].sIndex = this.selected[i].sIndex + ((lastRow - firstRow) + 1); this.setSelectedIndex(this.selected[i].sIndex, false); } } } else if (event == "deleteRows") { if (firstRow == lastRow) { var index = firstRow; if (this.selectHolder == index) { this.selectionDeleted = true; } if (((this.topDisplayed + this.numDisplayed) >= this.getLength()) && (this.topDisplayed > 0)) { this.topDisplayed--; if (this.selectionDeleted && ((index - 1) >= 0)) { this.setSelectedIndex(index - 1, false); } } else if (this.selectionDeleted) { var len = this.getLength(); if (((index == (len - 1)) && (len > 1)) || (index > (len / 2))) { this.setSelectedIndex(index - 1, false); } else { this.setSelectedIndex(index, false); } } for (var i in this.selected) { if (this.selected[i].sIndex > firstRow) { this.selected[i].sIndex--; } } } else { this.clearSelected(); this.topDisplayed = 0; } } else if (event == "sort") { var len = this.getLength(); var i = 0; while (i < len) { if (this.isSelected(i)) { var id = this.dataProvider.getItemID(i); if (id == this.lastSelID) { this.lastSelected = i; } this.selected[String(id)].sIndex = i; } i++; } } this.invalidate("updateControl"); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.measureItmHgt = function () { this.attachMovie(this.itemSymbol, "tmpItem_mc", 0, {controller:this}); this.tmpItem_mc.drawItem({label:"Sizer: PjtTopg"}, false); this.itmHgt = this.tmpItem_mc._height; this.tmpItem_mc.removeMovieClip(); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.selectItem = function (index, selectedFlag) { if (selectedFlag && (!this.isSelected(index))) { this.selected[String(this.dataProvider.getItemID(index))] = {sIndex:index}; } else if (!selectedFlag) { delete this.selected[String(this.dataProvider.getItemID(index))]; } }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.isSelected = function (index) { return(this.selected[String(this.dataProvider.getItemID(index))].sIndex != undefined); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.clearSelected = function () { for (var uniqueID in this.selected) { var index = this.selected[uniqueID].sIndex; if (((index != undefined) && (this.topDisplayed <= index)) && (index < (this.topDisplayed + this.numDisplayed))) { this.container_mc[("fListItem" + (index - this.topDisplayed)) + "_mc"].drawItem(this.getItemAt(index), false); } } delete this.selected; this.selected = new Array(); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.selectionHandler = function (itemNum) { var tmpInd = (this.topDisplayed + itemNum); if (this.getItemAt(tmpInd == undefined)) { this.changeFlag = false; return(undefined); } this.changeFlag = true; this.clearSelected(); this.selectItem(tmpInd, true); this.container_mc[("fListItem" + itemNum) + "_mc"].drawItem(this.getItemAt(tmpInd), this.isSelected(tmpInd)); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.moveSelBy = function (incr) { var itmNum = this.getSelectedIndex(); var newItm = (itmNum + incr); newItm = Math.max(0, newItm); newItm = Math.min(this.getLength() - 1, newItm); if (newItm == itmNum) { return(undefined); } if ((itmNum < this.topDisplayed) || (itmNum >= (this.topDisplayed + this.numDisplayed))) { this.setScrollPosition(itmNum); } if ((newItm >= (this.topDisplayed + this.numDisplayed)) || (newItm < this.topDisplayed)) { this.setScrollPosition(this.topDisplayed + incr); } this.selectionHandler(newItm - this.topDisplayed); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.clickHandler = function (itmNum) { this.focusRect.removeMovieClip(); if (!this.focused) { this.pressFocus(); } this.selectionHandler(itmNum); this.onMouseUp = this.releaseHandler; }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.releaseHandler = function () { if (this.changeFlag) { this.executeCallBack(); } this.changeFlag = false; this.onMouseUp = undefined; }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.myOnSetFocus = function () { super.myOnSetFocus(); var i = 0; while (i < this.numDisplayed) { this.container_mc[("fListItem" + i) + "_mc"].highlight_mc.gotoAndStop("enabled"); i++; } }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.myOnKillFocus = function () { super.myOnKillFocus(); var i = 0; while (i < this.numDisplayed) { this.container_mc[("fListItem" + i) + "_mc"].highlight_mc.gotoAndStop("unfocused"); i++; } }; #endinitclip
Instance of Symbol 117 MovieClip [DataProviderSymbol] "dPAsset" in Symbol 119 MovieClip [FSelectableListSymbol] Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { }
Instance of Symbol 118 MovieClip [FSelectableItemSymbol] "ItemAsset" in Symbol 119 MovieClip [FSelectableListSymbol] Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { }
Symbol 120 MovieClip [FScrollSelectListSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 7 function FScrollSelectListClass() { this.init(); } FScrollSelectListClass.prototype = new FSelectableListClass(); FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.getScrollPosition = function () { return(this.topDisplayed); }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.setScrollPosition = function (pos) { if (this.enable) { pos = Math.min(pos, this.getLength() - this.numDisplayed); pos = Math.max(pos, 0); this.scrollBar_mc.setScrollPosition(pos); } }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.setAutoHideScrollBar = function (flag) { this.permaScrollBar = !flag; this.setSize(this.width, this.height); }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (enabledFlag) { super.setEnabled(enabledFlag); this.scrollBar_mc.setEnabled(this.enable); }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.setSize = function (w, h) { var pos = this.getScrollPosition(); super.setSize(w, h); if (this.scrollBar_mc != undefined) { this.removed = true; } this.scrollBar_mc = undefined; this.initScrollBar(); this.setScrollPosition(pos); }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.modelChanged = function (eventObj) { super.modelChanged(eventObj); this.invalidate("initScrollBar"); }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.initScrollBar = function () { if ((!this.permaScrollBar) && (this.getLength() <= this.numDisplayed)) { if (this.removed) { this.scrollBar_mc.removeMovieClip(); this.scrollBar_mc = undefined; this.scrollOffset = undefined; this.invalidate("setSize"); } } else { if (this.scrollBar_mc == undefined) { this.container_mc.attachMovie("FScrollBarSymbol", "scrollBar_mc", 3000, {hostStyle:this.styleTable}); this.scrollBar_mc = this.container_mc.scrollBar_mc; this.scrollBar_mc.setChangeHandler("scrollHandler", this); this.scrollBar_mc.setSize(this.height); this.scrollBar_mc._x = this.width - this.scrollBar_mc._width; this.scrollBar_mc._y = 0; this.scrollBar_mc.setLargeScroll(this.numDisplayed - 1); this.scrollOffset = this.scrollBar_mc._width; this.invalidate("setSize"); } this.scrollBar_mc.setScrollProperties(this.numDisplayed, 0, this.getLength() - this.numDisplayed); } }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.scrollHandler = function (scrollBar) { var pos = scrollBar.getScrollPosition(); this.topDisplayed = pos; if (this.lastPosition != pos) { this.updateControl(); } this.lastPosition = pos; }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.clickHandler = function (itmNum) { super.clickHandler(itmNum); if ((this.dragScrolling == undefined) && (this.scrollBar_mc != undefined)) { this.dragScrolling = setInterval(this, "dragScroll", 15); } }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.releaseHandler = function () { clearInterval(this.dragScrolling); this.dragScrolling = undefined; super.releaseHandler(); }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.dragScroll = function () { clearInterval(this.dragScrolling); if (this.container_mc._ymouse < 0) { this.setScrollPosition(this.getScrollPosition() - 1); this.selectionHandler(0); this.scrollInterval = Math.max(25, (-23.8 * (-this.container_mc._ymouse)) + 500); this.dragScrolling = setInterval(this, "dragScroll", this.scrollInterval); } else if (this.container_mc._ymouse > ((this.itmHgt - 2) * this.numDisplayed)) { this.setScrollPosition(this.getScrollPosition() + 1); this.selectionHandler(this.numDisplayed - 1); this.scrollInterval = Math.max(25, (-23.8 * Math.abs((this.container_mc._ymouse - ((this.itmHgt - 2) * this.numDisplayed)) - 2)) + 500); this.dragScrolling = setInterval(this, "dragScroll", this.scrollInterval); } else { this.dragScrolling = setInterval(this, "dragScroll", 15); } }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.myOnKeyDown = function () { if (this.focused) { this.keyCodes = new Array(40, 38, 34, 33, 36, 35); this.keyIncrs = new Array(1, -1, this.numDisplayed - 1, -(this.numDisplayed - 1), -this.getLength(), this.getLength()); var i = 0; while (i < this.keyCodes.length) { if (Key.isDown(this.keyCodes[i])) { this.moveSelBy(this.keyIncrs[i]); return(undefined); } i++; } this.findInputText(); } }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.findInputText = function () { var tmpCode = Key.getAscii(); if ((tmpCode >= 33) && (tmpCode <= 126)) { this.findString(String.fromCharCode(tmpCode)); } }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.findString = function (str) { if (this.getLength() == 0) { return(undefined); } var itemNum = this.getSelectedIndex(); var jump = 0; var i = (itemNum + 1); while (i != itemNum) { var itmStr = this.getItemAt(i).label.substring(0, str.length); if ((str == itmStr) || (str.toUpperCase() == itmStr.toUpperCase())) { var jump = (i - itemNum); break; } if (i >= (this.getLength() - 1)) { i = -1; } i++; } if (jump != 0) { this.moveSelBy(jump); } }; #endinitclip
Instance of Symbol 115 MovieClip [FScrollBarSymbol] "scrollBarAsset" in Symbol 120 MovieClip [FScrollSelectListSymbol] Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { _targetInstanceName = ""; horizontal = false; } onClipEvent (load) { this._width = (this._height = 1); }
Instance of Symbol 119 MovieClip [FSelectableListSymbol] "superClassAsset" in Symbol 120 MovieClip [FScrollSelectListSymbol] Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { }
Symbol 124 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol] Frame 1
var component = _parent; component.registerSkinElement(boundingBox, "background"); stop();
Symbol 124 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol] Frame 2
component.registerSkinElement(boundingBox2, "backgroundDisabled"); stop();
Symbol 127 MovieClip [FListBoxSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 9 function FListBoxClass() { this.itemSymbol = "FListItemSymbol"; this.init(); this.permaScrollBar = true; var i = 0; while (i < this.labels.length) { this.addItem(this.labels[i],[i]); i++; } this.boundingBox_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this.width = this._width; this.height = this._height; this._yscale = (this._xscale = 100); this.setSize(this.width, this.height); if (this.changeHandler.length > 0) { this.setChangeHandler(this.changeHandler); } } FListBoxClass.prototype = new FScrollSelectListClass(); Object.registerClass("FListBoxSymbol", FListBoxClass); FListBoxClass.prototype.getSelectedIndices = function () { var tmpArray = new Array(); for (var i in this.selected) { tmpArray.push(this.selected[i].sIndex); } return(((tmpArray.length > 0) ? (tmpArray) : undefined)); }; FListBoxClass.prototype.getSelectedItems = function () { var indices = this.getSelectedIndices(); var tmpArray = new Array(); var i = 0; while (i < indices.length) { tmpArray.push(this.getItemAt(indices[i])); i++; } return(((tmpArray.length > 0) ? (tmpArray) : undefined)); }; FListBoxClass.prototype.getSelectMultiple = function () { return(this.selectMultiple); }; FListBoxClass.prototype.getRowCount = function () { return(this.numDisplayed); }; FListBoxClass.prototype.setSelectedIndices = function (indexArray) { this.clearSelected(); var i = 0; while (i < indexArray.length) { this.selectItem(indexArray[i], true); i++; } this.updateControl(); }; FListBoxClass.prototype.setSelectMultiple = function (flag) { this.selectMultiple = flag; }; FListBoxClass.prototype.setRowCount = function (count) { var hgt = ((count * (this.itmHgt - 2)) + 2); this.setSize(this.width, hgt); }; FListBoxClass.prototype.setWidth = function (wdt) { this.setSize(wdt, this.height); }; FListBoxClass.prototype.setSize = function (w, h) { if (!this.enable) { return(undefined); } w = Math.max(w, 20); h = Math.max(h, 40); this.container_mc.removeMovieClip(); this.container_mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("container", 3); this.measureItmHgt(); this.numDisplayed = Math.floor(h / (this.itmHgt - 2)); this.height = (this.numDisplayed * (this.itmHgt - 2)) + 2; super.setSize(w, this.height); }; FListBoxClass.prototype.removeItemAt = function (index) { this.selectHolder = this.getSelectedIndices(); return(super.removeItemAt(index)); }; FListBoxClass.prototype.selectionHandler = function (itemNum) { if (this.clickFilter) { var index = (this.topDisplayed + itemNum); if (this.getItemAt(index) == undefined) { this.changeFlag = false; return(undefined); } this.changeFlag = true; if (((!this.selectMultiple) && (!Key.isDown(17))) || ((!Key.isDown(16)) && (!Key.isDown(17)))) { this.clearSelected(); this.selectItem(index, true); this.lastSelected = index; this.container_mc[("fListItem" + itemNum) + "_mc"].drawItem(this.getItemAt(index), this.isSelected(index)); } else if (Key.isDown(16) && (this.selectMultiple)) { if (this.lastSelected == -1) { this.lastSelected = index; } var incr = ((this.lastSelected < index) ? 1 : -1); this.clearSelected(); var i = this.lastSelected; while (i != index) { this.selectItem(i, true); if ((i >= this.topDisplayed) && (i < (this.topDisplayed + this.numDisplayed))) { this.container_mc[("fListItem" + (i - this.topDisplayed)) + "_mc"].drawItem(this.getItemAt(i), this.isSelected(i)); } i = i + incr; } this.selectItem(index, true); this.container_mc[("fListItem" + (index - this.topDisplayed)) + "_mc"].drawItem(this.getItemAt(index), this.isSelected(index)); } else if (key.isDown(17)) { var selectedFlag = this.isSelected(index); if (!this.selectMultiple) { this.clearSelected(); } if (!((!this.selectMultiple) && (selectedFlag))) { this.selectItem(index, !selectedFlag); this.container_mc[("fListItem" + itemNum) + "_mc"].drawItem(this.getItemAt(this.topDisplayed + itemNum), this.isSelected(this.topDisplayed + itemNum)); } this.lastSelected = index; } } else { this.clickFilter = true; } }; FListBoxClass.prototype.moveSelBy = function (itemNum) { super.moveSelBy(itemNum); this.releaseHandler(); }; #endinitclip this.deadPreview._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 120 MovieClip [FScrollSelectListSymbol] "superClassAsset" in Symbol 127 MovieClip [FListBoxSymbol] Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { }
Symbol 130 MovieClip [FPushButtonSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 6 function FPushButtonClass() { this.init(); } FPushButtonClass.prototype = new FUIComponentClass(); Object.registerClass("FPushButtonSymbol", FPushButtonClass); FPushButtonClass.prototype.init = function () { super.setSize(this._width, this._height); this.boundingBox_mc.unloadMovie(); this.attachMovie("fpb_states", "fpbState_mc", 1); this.attachMovie("FLabelSymbol", "fLabel_mc", 2); this.attachMovie("fpb_hitArea", "fpb_hitArea_mc", 3); super.init(); this.btnState = false; this.setClickHandler(this.clickHandler); this._xscale = 100; this._yscale = 100; this.setSize(this.width, this.height); if (this.label != undefined) { this.setLabel(this.label); } this.ROLE_SYSTEM_PUSHBUTTON = 43; this.STATE_SYSTEM_PRESSED = 8; this.EVENT_OBJECT_STATECHANGE = 32778; this.EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE = 32780; this._accImpl.master = this; this._accImpl.stub = false; this._accImpl.get_accRole = this.get_accRole; this._accImpl.get_accName = this.get_accName; this._accImpl.get_accState = this.get_accState; this._accImpl.get_accDefaultAction = this.get_accDefaultAction; this._accImpl.accDoDefaultAction = this.accDoDefaultAction; }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.setHitArea = function (w, h) { var hit = this.fpb_hitArea_mc; this.hitArea = hit; hit._visible = false; hit._width = w; hit._height = ((arguments.length > 1) ? (h) : (hit._height)); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.setSize = function (w, h) { w = ((w < 6) ? 6 : (w)); if (arguments.length > 1) { if (h < 6) { h = 6; } } super.setSize(w, h); this.setLabel(this.getLabel()); this.arrangeLabel(); this.setHitArea(w, h); this.boundingBox_mc._width = w; this.boundingBox_mc._height = h; this.drawFrame(); if (this.focused) { super.myOnSetFocus(); } this.initContentPos("fLabel_mc"); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.arrangeLabel = function () { var label = this.fLabel_mc; var h = this.height; var w = (this.width - 2); var b = 1; this.fLabel_mc.setSize(w - (b * 4)); label._x = b * 3; label._y = (h / 2) - (label._height / 2); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.getLabel = function () { return(this.fLabel_mc.labelField.text); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.setLabel = function (label) { this.fLabel_mc.setLabel(label); this.txtFormat(); this.arrangeLabel(); if (Accessibility.isActive()) { Accessibility.sendEvent(this, 0, this.EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE); } }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.getEnabled = function () { return(this.enabled); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (enable) { if (enable || (enable == undefined)) { this.gotoFrame(1); this.drawFrame(); this.flabel_mc.setEnabled(true); this.enabled = true; super.setEnabled(true); } else { this.gotoFrame(4); this.drawFrame(); this.flabel_mc.setEnabled(false); this.enabled = false; super.setEnabled(false); } }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.txtFormat = function () { var txtS = this.textStyle; var sTbl = this.styleTable; txtS.align = ((sTbl.textAlign.value == undefined) ? ((txtS.align = "center")) : undefined); txtS.leftMargin = ((sTbl.textLeftMargin.value == undefined) ? ((txtS.leftMargin = 1)) : undefined); txtS.rightMargin = ((sTbl.textRightMargin.value == undefined) ? ((txtS.rightMargin = 1)) : undefined); if (this.fLabel_mc._height > this.height) { super.setSize(this.width, this.fLabel_mc._height); } else { super.setSize(this.width, this.height); } this.fLabel_mc.labelField.setTextFormat(this.textStyle); this.setEnabled(this.enable); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.drawFrame = function () { var b = 1; var x1 = 0; var y1 = 0; var x2 = this.width; var y2 = this.height; var mc_array = ["up_mc", "over_mc", "down_mc", "disabled_mc"]; var frame = mc_array[this.fpbState_mc._currentframe - 1]; var mc = "frame"; var i = 0; while (i < 6) { x1 = x1 + ((i % 2) * b); y1 = y1 + ((i % 2) * b); x2 = x2 - (((i + 1) % 2) * b); y2 = y2 - (((i + 1) % 2) * b); var w = (Math.abs(x1 - x2) + (2 * b)); var h = (Math.abs(y1 - y2) + (2 * b)); this.fpbState_mc[frame][mc + i]._width = w; this.fpbState_mc[frame][mc + i]._height = h; this.fpbState_mc[frame][mc + i]._x = x1 - b; this.fpbState_mc[frame][mc + i]._y = y1 - b; i++; } }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.setClickHandler = function (chng, obj) { this.handlerObj = ((arguments.length < 2) ? (this._parent) : (obj)); this.clickHandler = chng; }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.executeCallBack = function () { this.handlerObj[this.clickHandler](this); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.initContentPos = function (mc) { this.incrVal = 1; this.initx = this[mc]._x - (this.getBtnState() * this.incrVal); this.inity = this[mc]._y - (this.getBtnState() * this.incrVal); this.togx = this.initx + this.incrVal; this.togy = this.inity + this.incrVal; }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.setBtnState = function (state) { this.btnState = state; if (state) { this.fLabel_mc._x = this.togx; this.fLabel_mc._y = this.togy; } else { this.fLabel_mc._x = this.initx; this.fLabel_mc._y = this.inity; } }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.getBtnState = function () { return(this.btnState); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.myOnSetFocus = function () { this.focused = true; super.myOnSetFocus(); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.onPress = function () { this.pressFocus(); this.fpbState_mc.gotoAndStop(3); this.drawFrame(); this.setBtnState(true); if (Accessibility.isActive()) { Accessibility.sendEvent(this, 0, this.EVENT_OBJECT_STATECHANGE, true); } }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.onRelease = function () { this.fpbState_mc.gotoAndStop(2); this.drawFrame(); this.executeCallBack(); this.setBtnState(false); if (Accessibility.isActive()) { Accessibility.sendEvent(this, 0, this.EVENT_OBJECT_STATECHANGE, true); } }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.onRollOver = function () { this.fpbState_mc.gotoAndStop(2); this.drawFrame(); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.onRollOut = function () { this.fpbState_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this.drawFrame(); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.setBtnState(false); this.fpbState_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this.drawFrame(); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.onDragOut = function () { this.setBtnState(false); this.fpbState_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this.drawFrame(); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.onDragOver = function () { this.setBtnState(true); this.fpbState_mc.gotoAndStop(3); this.drawFrame(); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.myOnKeyDown = function () { if ((Key.getCode() == 32) && (this.pressOnce == undefined)) { this.onPress(); this.pressOnce = 1; } }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.myOnKeyUp = function () { if (Key.getCode() == 32) { this.onRelease(); this.pressOnce = undefined; } }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.get_accRole = function (childId) { return(this.master.ROLE_SYSTEM_PUSHBUTTON); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.get_accName = function (childId) { return(this.master.getLabel()); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.get_accState = function (childId) { if (this.pressOnce) { return(this.master.STATE_SYSTEM_PRESSED); } return(this.master.STATE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.get_accDefaultAction = function (childId) { return("Press"); }; FPushButtonClass.prototype.accDoDefaultAction = function (childId) { this.master.onPress(); this.master.onRelease(); }; #endinitclip boundingBox_mc._visible = false; deadPreview._visible = false;
Symbol 149 Button
on (release) { getURL (""); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:2 20 38 39 45 46 48 54 66 91 97 103 109
Symbol 2 MovieClipUses:1Used by:13
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:4
Symbol 4 MovieClipUses:3Used by:13
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:6 26 57 72
Symbol 6 MovieClipUses:5Used by:13
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:8 27 58 73
Symbol 8 MovieClipUses:7Used by:13
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:10 15 25 59 63 71
Symbol 10 MovieClipUses:9Used by:13
Symbol 11 GraphicUsed by:12 14 24 60 62 70
Symbol 12 MovieClipUses:11Used by:13
Symbol 13 MovieClipUses:2 4 6 8 10 12Used by:33
Symbol 14 MovieClipUses:11Used by:23
Symbol 15 MovieClipUses:9Used by:23
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:17 64
Symbol 17 MovieClipUses:16Used by:23
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:19 65
Symbol 19 MovieClipUses:18Used by:23
Symbol 20 MovieClipUses:1Used by:23
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:22
Symbol 22 MovieClipUses:21Used by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClipUses:14 15 17 19 20 22Used by:33
Symbol 24 MovieClipUses:11Used by:32
Symbol 25 MovieClipUses:9Used by:32
Symbol 26 MovieClipUses:5Used by:32
Symbol 27 MovieClipUses:7Used by:32
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:29 74
Symbol 29 MovieClipUses:28Used by:32
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:31
Symbol 31 MovieClipUses:30Used by:32
Symbol 32 MovieClipUses:24 25 26 27 29 31Used by:33
Symbol 33 MovieClip [UpArrow]Uses:13 23 32
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:35
Symbol 35 MovieClipUses:34Used by:40
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:37 41 42 51 82
Symbol 37 MovieClipUses:36Used by:40
Symbol 38 MovieClipUses:1Used by:40
Symbol 39 MovieClipUses:1Used by:40
Symbol 40 MovieClipUses:35 37 38 39Used by:53
Symbol 41 MovieClipUses:36Used by:47
Symbol 42 MovieClipUses:36Used by:47
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:44
Symbol 44 MovieClipUses:43Used by:47
Symbol 45 MovieClipUses:1Used by:47
Symbol 46 MovieClipUses:1Used by:47
Symbol 47 MovieClipUses:41 42 44 45 46Used by:53
Symbol 48 MovieClipUses:1Used by:52
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:50
Symbol 50 MovieClipUses:49Used by:52
Symbol 51 MovieClipUses:36Used by:52
Symbol 52 MovieClipUses:48 50 51Used by:53
Symbol 53 MovieClip [ScrollThumb]Uses:40 47 52
Symbol 54 MovieClipUses:1Used by:61
Symbol 55 GraphicUsed by:56
Symbol 56 MovieClipUses:55Used by:61
Symbol 57 MovieClipUses:5Used by:61
Symbol 58 MovieClipUses:7Used by:61
Symbol 59 MovieClipUses:9Used by:61
Symbol 60 MovieClipUses:11Used by:61
Symbol 61 MovieClipUses:54 56 57 58 59 60Used by:78
Symbol 62 MovieClipUses:11Used by:69
Symbol 63 MovieClipUses:9Used by:69
Symbol 64 MovieClipUses:16Used by:69
Symbol 65 MovieClipUses:18Used by:69
Symbol 66 MovieClipUses:1Used by:69
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 68 MovieClipUses:67Used by:69
Symbol 69 MovieClipUses:62 63 64 65 66 68Used by:78
Symbol 70 MovieClipUses:11Used by:77
Symbol 71 MovieClipUses:9Used by:77
Symbol 72 MovieClipUses:5Used by:77
Symbol 73 MovieClipUses:7Used by:77
Symbol 74 MovieClipUses:28Used by:77
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:76
Symbol 76 MovieClipUses:75Used by:77
Symbol 77 MovieClipUses:70 71 72 73 74 76Used by:78
Symbol 78 MovieClip [DownArrow]Uses:61 69 77
Symbol 79 GraphicUsed by:80 86 87 93 94 99 100 101 102 105 106
Symbol 80 MovieClipUses:79Used by:81
Symbol 81 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol]Uses:80
Symbol 82 MovieClip [fpb_hitArea]Uses:36
Symbol 83 FontUsed by:84
Symbol 84 EditableTextUses:83Used by:85
Symbol 85 MovieClip [FLabelSymbol]Uses:84
Symbol 86 MovieClipUses:79Used by:92
Symbol 87 MovieClipUses:79Used by:92
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:89 90 95 96 107 108 113
Symbol 89 MovieClipUses:88Used by:92
Symbol 90 MovieClipUses:88Used by:92
Symbol 91 MovieClipUses:1Used by:92
Symbol 92 MovieClipUses:86 87 89 90 91Used by:111
Symbol 93 MovieClipUses:79Used by:98
Symbol 94 MovieClipUses:79Used by:98
Symbol 95 MovieClipUses:88Used by:98
Symbol 96 MovieClipUses:88Used by:98
Symbol 97 MovieClipUses:1Used by:98
Symbol 98 MovieClipUses:93 94 95 96 97Used by:111
Symbol 99 MovieClipUses:79Used by:104
Symbol 100 MovieClipUses:79Used by:104
Symbol 101 MovieClipUses:79Used by:104
Symbol 102 MovieClipUses:79Used by:104
Symbol 103 MovieClipUses:1Used by:104
Symbol 104 MovieClipUses:99 100 101 102 103Used by:111
Symbol 105 MovieClipUses:79Used by:110
Symbol 106 MovieClipUses:79Used by:110
Symbol 107 MovieClipUses:88Used by:110
Symbol 108 MovieClipUses:88Used by:110
Symbol 109 MovieClipUses:1Used by:110
Symbol 110 MovieClipUses:105 106 107 108 109Used by:111
Symbol 111 MovieClip [fpb_states]Uses:92 98 104 110
Symbol 112 MovieClip [FUIComponentSymbol]
Symbol 113 MovieClipUses:88Used by:114
Symbol 114 MovieClipUses:113Used by:115
Symbol 115 MovieClip [FScrollBarSymbol]Uses:114Used by:120
Symbol 116 MovieClip [FListItemSymbol]Used by:127
Symbol 117 MovieClip [DataProviderSymbol]Used by:119
Symbol 118 MovieClip [FSelectableItemSymbol]Used by:119
Symbol 119 MovieClip [FSelectableListSymbol]Uses:117 118Used by:120
Symbol 120 MovieClip [FScrollSelectListSymbol]Uses:115 119Used by:127
Symbol 121 GraphicUsed by:122
Symbol 122 MovieClipUses:121Used by:124
Symbol 123 GraphicUsed by:124
Symbol 124 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol]Uses:122 123Used by:127 130
Symbol 125 GraphicUsed by:126
Symbol 126 MovieClipUses:125Used by:127
Symbol 127 MovieClip [FListBoxSymbol]Uses:116 120 124 126Used by:Timeline
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:129
Symbol 129 MovieClipUses:128Used by:130
Symbol 130 MovieClip [FPushButtonSymbol]Uses:124 129Used by:Timeline
Symbol 131 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 132 FontUsed by:133 140 141 147 153 154 155 158
Symbol 133 TextUses:132Used by:Timeline
Symbol 134 FontUsed by:135 136 137 138 139 142 143 144
Symbol 135 EditableTextUses:134Used by:Timeline
Symbol 136 EditableTextUses:134Used by:Timeline
Symbol 137 EditableTextUses:134Used by:Timeline
Symbol 138 EditableTextUses:134Used by:Timeline
Symbol 139 EditableTextUses:134Used by:Timeline
Symbol 140 TextUses:132Used by:Timeline
Symbol 141 TextUses:132Used by:Timeline
Symbol 142 EditableTextUses:134Used by:Timeline
Symbol 143 EditableTextUses:134Used by:Timeline
Symbol 144 EditableTextUses:134Used by:Timeline
Symbol 145 BitmapUsed by:146
Symbol 146 GraphicUses:145Used by:149
Symbol 147 TextUses:132Used by:149
Symbol 148 GraphicUsed by:149
Symbol 149 ButtonUses:146 147 148Used by:Timeline
Symbol 150 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 151 GraphicUsed by:152
Symbol 152 MovieClipUses:151Used by:Timeline
Symbol 153 EditableTextUses:132Used by:Timeline
Symbol 154 EditableTextUses:132Used by:Timeline
Symbol 155 EditableTextUses:132Used by:Timeline
Symbol 156 FontUsed by:157
Symbol 157 EditableTextUses:156Used by:Timeline
Symbol 158 TextUses:132Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"NextFeet"Frame 1Symbol 130 MovieClip [FPushButtonSymbol]
"NextMeter"Frame 1Symbol 130 MovieClip [FPushButtonSymbol]
"MyBody"Frame 3Symbol 152 MovieClip
"OtherBody"Frame 3Symbol 152 MovieClip
"NextBt"Frame 3Symbol 130 MovieClip [FPushButtonSymbol]
"ActorName"Frame 3Symbol 153 EditableText
"ActorList"Frame 3Symbol 127 MovieClip [FListBoxSymbol]
"YourInfo"Frame 3Symbol 154 EditableText
"PrevBt"Frame 3Symbol 130 MovieClip [FPushButtonSymbol]
"ActorHeight"Frame 3Symbol 155 EditableText
"ActorDescr"Frame 3Symbol 157 EditableText
"face_mc"Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 2 MovieClip
"arrow_mc"Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip
"highlight_mc"Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 10 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 14 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 15 MovieClip
"highlight_mc"Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 17 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 19 MovieClip
"face_mc"Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 20 MovieClip
"arrow_mc"Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 22 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 24 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 25 MovieClip
"highlight_mc"Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 26 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 27 MovieClip
"face_mc"Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 29 MovieClip
"arrow_mc"Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 31 MovieClip
"up"Symbol 33 MovieClip [UpArrow] Frame 1Symbol 13 MovieClip
"down"Symbol 33 MovieClip [UpArrow] Frame 2Symbol 23 MovieClip
"disabled"Symbol 33 MovieClip [UpArrow] Frame 3Symbol 32 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 40 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 35 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 40 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 37 MovieClip
"highlight_mc"Symbol 40 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 38 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 40 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 39 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 41 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 42 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 44 MovieClip
"face_mc"Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 45 MovieClip
"highlight_mc"Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 46 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 52 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 48 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 52 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 50 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 52 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 51 MovieClip
"mc_sliderTop"Symbol 53 MovieClip [ScrollThumb] Frame 1Symbol 40 MovieClip
"mc_sliderMid"Symbol 53 MovieClip [ScrollThumb] Frame 1Symbol 47 MovieClip
"mc_sliderBot"Symbol 53 MovieClip [ScrollThumb] Frame 1Symbol 52 MovieClip
"face_mc"Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 54 MovieClip
"arrow_mc"Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 56 MovieClip
"highlight_mc"Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 57 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 58 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 59 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 63 MovieClip
"highlight_mc"Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 64 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 65 MovieClip
"face_mc"Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 66 MovieClip
"arrow_mc"Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 68 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 77 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 70 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 77 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 71 MovieClip
"highlight_mc"Symbol 77 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 72 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 77 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 73 MovieClip
"face_mc"Symbol 77 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 74 MovieClip
"arrow_mc"Symbol 77 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 76 MovieClip
"up"Symbol 78 MovieClip [DownArrow] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"down"Symbol 78 MovieClip [DownArrow] Frame 2Symbol 69 MovieClip
"disabled"Symbol 78 MovieClip [DownArrow] Frame 3Symbol 77 MovieClip
"highlight_mc"Symbol 81 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 80 MovieClip
"highlight_mc2"Symbol 81 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol] Frame 2Symbol 80 MovieClip
"highlight_mc3"Symbol 81 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol] Frame 3Symbol 80 MovieClip
"labelField"Symbol 85 MovieClip [FLabelSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 84 EditableText
"frame1"Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 86 MovieClip
"frame2"Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 87 MovieClip
"frame3"Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 89 MovieClip
"frame4"Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 90 MovieClip
"frame5"Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 91 MovieClip
"frame1"Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 93 MovieClip
"frame2"Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 94 MovieClip
"frame3"Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 95 MovieClip
"frame4"Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 96 MovieClip
"frame5"Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 97 MovieClip
"frame1"Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 99 MovieClip
"frame2"Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 100 MovieClip
"frame3"Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 101 MovieClip
"frame4"Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 102 MovieClip
"frame5"Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 103 MovieClip
"frame1"Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 105 MovieClip
"frame2"Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 106 MovieClip
"frame3"Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 107 MovieClip
"frame4"Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 108 MovieClip
"frame5"Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 109 MovieClip
"up_mc"Symbol 111 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 1Symbol 92 MovieClip
"over_mc"Symbol 111 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 2Symbol 98 MovieClip
"down_mc"Symbol 111 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 3Symbol 104 MovieClip
"disabled_mc"Symbol 111 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 4Symbol 110 MovieClip
"track_mc"Symbol 114 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 113 MovieClip
"scrollTrack_mc"Symbol 115 MovieClip [FScrollBarSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 114 MovieClip
"dPAsset"Symbol 119 MovieClip [FSelectableListSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 117 MovieClip [DataProviderSymbol]
"ItemAsset"Symbol 119 MovieClip [FSelectableListSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 118 MovieClip [FSelectableItemSymbol]
"scrollBarAsset"Symbol 120 MovieClip [FScrollSelectListSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 115 MovieClip [FScrollBarSymbol]
"superClassAsset"Symbol 120 MovieClip [FScrollSelectListSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 119 MovieClip [FSelectableListSymbol]
"boundingBox"Symbol 124 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 122 MovieClip
"boundingBox2"Symbol 124 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol] Frame 2Symbol 122 MovieClip
"itemAsset"Symbol 127 MovieClip [FListBoxSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 116 MovieClip [FListItemSymbol]
"superClassAsset"Symbol 127 MovieClip [FListBoxSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 120 MovieClip [FScrollSelectListSymbol]
"boundingBox_mc"Symbol 127 MovieClip [FListBoxSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 124 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol]
"deadPreview"Symbol 127 MovieClip [FListBoxSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 126 MovieClip
"boundingBox_mc"Symbol 130 MovieClip [FPushButtonSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 124 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol]
"deadPreview"Symbol 130 MovieClip [FPushButtonSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 129 MovieClip

Special Tags

Protect (24)Timeline Frame 10 bytes ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 33 as "UpArrow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 53 as "ScrollThumb"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 78 as "DownArrow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 81 as "FHighlightSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 82 as "fpb_hitArea"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 85 as "FLabelSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 111 as "fpb_states"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 112 as "FUIComponentSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 115 as "FScrollBarSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 116 as "FListItemSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 115 as "FScrollBarSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 117 as "DataProviderSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 118 as "FSelectableItemSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 119 as "FSelectableListSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 120 as "FScrollSelectListSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 124 as "FBoundingBoxSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 127 as "FListBoxSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 124 as "FBoundingBoxSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 130 as "FPushButtonSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 130 as "FPushButtonSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 130 as "FPushButtonSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 130 as "FPushButtonSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 130 as "FPushButtonSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 130 as "FPushButtonSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 127 as "FListBoxSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 130 as "FPushButtonSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 130 as "FPushButtonSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 127 as "FListBoxSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 130 as "FPushButtonSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 130 as "FPushButtonSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 127 as "FListBoxSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 130 as "FPushButtonSymbol"


"StartShow"Frame 3
"reCalc"Frame 4
"enabled"Symbol 81 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol] Frame 1
"disabled"Symbol 81 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol] Frame 2
"unfocused"Symbol 81 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol] Frame 3
#"Symbol_10"Symbol 82 MovieClip [fpb_hitArea] Frame 1
"Symbol_32"Symbol 85 MovieClip [FLabelSymbol] Frame 1
"up"Symbol 111 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 1
"over"Symbol 111 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 2
"down"Symbol 111 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 3
"disabled"Symbol 111 MovieClip [fpb_states] Frame 4
"Symbol_36"Symbol 112 MovieClip [FUIComponentSymbol] Frame 1
"Symbol_354"Symbol 117 MovieClip [DataProviderSymbol] Frame 1
"enabled"Symbol 124 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol] Frame 1
"disabled"Symbol 124 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol] Frame 2

Dynamic Text Variables

mMyHeightSymbol 142 EditableText"0"
fMyHeightSymbol 143 EditableText"0"
iMyHeightSymbol 144 EditableText"0"
Created: 20/5 -2019 03:46:26 Last modified: 20/5 -2019 03:46:26 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:08:19