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Happy New Year!

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Sea of Fire 2.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #29288

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

Sea of Fire #2

Sounds downloaded (mostly) from

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High Quality

Mediun Quality

Low Quality

Sounds ON/OFF

Missile Smoke Trails ON/OFF


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Effective vs.

Vulnerable to










Survival Rate:



































Select Region to attck:

You win!

New Hope Alliance
A well organised society that seeks to unify the world to end civil strife.

PRO:  High survuvability of units
CON:  High prices

Temple of Snakes
A quasi-religious organization that seeks to build it's own world order.

PRO:  Powerful weapons
CON:  Low armor


Your House:

Enemy House:

Starting Money:

Enemy Preferences:













Select an empty tile, construct some buildings on them. Then use the structures to produce units with which to destroy enemy base.


Once produced, units will attempt to reach the enemy base, and if they survive they will damage the closest enemy structure. If there are no complete structures on the enemy base when your ground unit reaches it you win the level (and vice versa). Most aircraft and missiles will damage all or random enemy structures, but they cannot trigger a victory.


Most units (except bombers and missiles) can engage the enemy as they make their way to the base, thereby defending yours. There are also special structures such as anti-tank rocket launcher sites and SAM sites that can protect your base.


Money is automatically deposeted into your account every period of time. To increase that ammount special financial structures are used.

Regions and Resources

In Campaign your job is to take the enemy capital city. In order to do that you must capture various regions on the way there. Many of them contain valuable resources which are needed for non basic units and structures. The more regions you posess the more initial money you get, when level starts.


Most  buildinds have upgrades that improve their performance or the  performance of units built by them.


Enter Password:


(c) 2008 Maksim

v 2.1

Only for

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
stop(); armor_lock = false;
Instance of Symbol 66 MovieClip "loader_bg" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { aa = random(50) + 10; xx = random(1000) - 500; _root.loader_bg["line" + i]._x = xx; _root.loader_bg["line" + i]._alpha = aa; i++; } }
Instance of Symbol 67 MovieClip in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { total = _root.getBytesTotal(); cc = 0; maxWidth = _root.progBar.prog._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { cc = cc + 0.5; download = _root.getBytesLoaded() + " bytes"; bytesleft = (_root.getBytesTotal() - _root.getBytesLoaded()) + " bytes"; percent = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; _root.tnk._x = 300 + (((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100) * 4); if (percent <= 100) { _root.progBar.prog._width = (percent / 100) * maxWidth; _root.percentTxt.text = Math.round(percent) + "%"; } if (percent >= 100) { currUrl = _url.toLowerCase(); if ((currUrl.indexOf("") >= 0) || (_root.armor_lock == false)) { _root.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.gotoAndStop(89); } } }
Instance of Symbol 87 MovieClip in Frame 1
on (press) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Frame 35
s = new Sound(); s.attachSound("sword"); s.start();
Frame 41
s = new Sound(); s.attachSound("sword"); s.start();
Frame 88
function pwd_eval(pwd) { invalid = 0; letter_0 = "0"; letter_1 = "0"; letter_2 = "0"; letter_3 = "0"; letter_4 = "0"; pwd_letter = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; i = 0; while (i < 5) { switch (pwd.charAt(i)) { case "0" : _root["letter_" + i] = "0000"; break; case "1" : _root["letter_" + i] = "0001"; break; case "2" : _root["letter_" + i] = "0010"; break; case "3" : _root["letter_" + i] = "0011"; break; case "4" : _root["letter_" + i] = "0100"; break; case "5" : _root["letter_" + i] = "0101"; break; case "6" : _root["letter_" + i] = "0110"; break; case "7" : _root["letter_" + i] = "0111"; break; case "8" : _root["letter_" + i] = "1000"; break; case "9" : _root["letter_" + i] = "1001"; break; case "A" : _root["letter_" + i] = "1010"; break; case "B" : _root["letter_" + i] = "1011"; break; case "C" : _root["letter_" + i] = "1100"; break; case "D" : _root["letter_" + i] = "1101"; break; case "E" : _root["letter_" + i] = "1110"; break; case "F" : _root["letter_" + i] = "1111"; break; default : invalid = 1; } i++; } decode = ""; decode = (((letter_0 + letter_1) + letter_2) + letter_3) + letter_4; if (decode.charAt(0) == "0") { house = 0; } if (decode.charAt(0) == "1") { house = 1; } if ((decode.charAt(0) != "0") && (decode.charAt(0) != "1")) { invalid = 1; trace("house"); } initialise_regions(house); if (decode.charAt(1) == "1") { ai_delay = easy_delay; } if (decode.charAt(2) == "1") { ai_delay = norm_delay; } if (decode.charAt(3) == "1") { ai_delay = hard_delay; } if (((decode.charAt(1) != "1") && (decode.charAt(2) != "1")) && (decode.charAt(3) != "1")) { invalid = 1; trace("diff"); } if (pwd.length != 5) { invalid = 1; trace(pwd.length); } if (invalid == 0) { i = 0; while (i < 14) { if (decode.charAt(19 - i) == "1") { _root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + (i + 1)) + "_bg"].ai = 0; } i++; } } if (invalid == 0) { _root.paint_regions(house); _root.startScreen._visible = 0; _root.show_mentat_screen(); } } function make_pwd(p) { pwd_letter = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; pass_word = ["0", "0", "0", "0", "0"]; i = 0; while (i < 5) { ex = 0; j = i * 4; while (j < ((i * 4) + 4)) { pwd_letter[4 - i] = pwd_letter[4 - i] + (p[19 - j] * Math.pow(2, ex)); ex++; j++; } i++; } i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (pwd_letter[i] >= 10) { switch (pwd_letter[i]) { case 10 : pass_word[i] = "A"; break; case 11 : pass_word[i] = "B"; break; case 12 : pass_word[i] = "C"; break; case 13 : pass_word[i] = "D"; break; case 14 : pass_word[i] = "E"; break; case 15 : pass_word[i] = "F"; } } else { pass_word[i] = pwd_letter[i]; } i++; } _root.mentat_screen.pwd_txt.text = (((("" + pass_word[0]) + pass_word[1]) + pass_word[2]) + pass_word[3]) + pass_word[4]; } function show_fv() { _root.fv_screen.tos_fv._visible = 0; _root.fv_screen.nha_fv._visible = 0; if (house == 0) { _root.fv_screen.victory_txt.text = "Thanks to you, the underhanded attampt by the snake worshipers to subvert naive local populations has failed. While they still remain active on their home continent their power has been weakened and all people can sleep well knowing that the New Hope Alliance will defend them wherever they are. And the cultists will think twice about making similar attempts after the horrible losses they've suffered! "; _root.fv_screen.tos_fv._visible = 0; _root.fv_screen.nha_fv._visible = 1; } if (house == 1) { _root.fv_screen.victory_txt.text = "With these newly acquired colonies the mighty Temple of Snakes has rebuilt it's army and now become the dominant force in the world. New Hope's prestige fell to an all time low, their allies are now fearful and insurgents everywhere are lining up to pledge their loyalty to the Great Serpent! The time to unite the world under our wise guidance is close at hand! "; _root.fv_screen.nha_fv._visible = 0; _root.fv_screen.tos_fv._visible = 1; } if ((house != 0) && (house != 1)) { trace("house: " + house); } _root.fv_screen._visible = 1; } function hide_fv() { _root.fv_screen._visible = 0; } hide_fv(); function show_mentat_screen() { if (house == 0) { _root.mentat_screen.snake_mentat._visible = 0; _root.mentat_screen.nhope_mentat._visible = 1; _root.mentat_screen.snake_bg._visible = 0; _root.mentat_screen.nhope_bg._visible = 1; _root.interface.tos_bg._visible = 0; _root.interface.nha_bg._visible = 1; } if (house == 1) { _root.mentat_screen.snake_mentat._visible = 1; _root.mentat_screen.nhope_mentat._visible = 0; _root.mentat_screen.snake_bg._visible = 1; _root.mentat_screen.nhope_bg._visible = 0; _root.interface.tos_bg._visible = 1; _root.interface.nha_bg._visible = 0; } _root.interface._visible = 0; = 0; hide_tiles(); show_mentat_speech(); _root.mentat_screen._visible = 1; } function hide_mentat_screen() { _root.mentat_screen._visible = 0; } function hide_tiles() { i = 1; while (i <= 14) { _root["tile" + i]._visible = 0; i++; } } function show_tiles() { i = 1; while (i <= 14) { _root["tile" + i]._visible = 1; i++; } } function select_region(r) { if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].ai != 0) { if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].available == 1) { hide_mentat_screen(); cur_reg = r; _root.scan_index = -1; init_mission(r + (house * 100)); } else { message("not accesable"); } } else { message("already owned " + _root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].ai); } } function initialise_regions(h) { var def_colour = {ra:"100", ga:"100", ba:"100", rb:"100", gb:"100", bb:"100"}; i = 1; while (i <= 14) { var colour = new Color(_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + i) + "_bg"]); colour.setTransform(def_colour); i++; } i = 1; while (i <= 14) { _root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + i) + "_bg"].ai = -1; i++; } if (h == 0) { = 0; = 1; = 1; = 1; = 1; = 1; } if (h == 1) { = 0; i = 1; while (i <= 6) { _root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + i) + "_bg"].ai = 1; i++; } } } function paint_regions(h) { i = 1; while (i <= _root.scan_index_max) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.mentat_screen.scan_0, "scan_" + i, i); _root.mentat_screen["scan_" + i]._x = _root.mentat_screen.scan_0._x; _root.mentat_screen["scan_" + i]._y = _root.mentat_screen.scan_0._y + (i * _root.mentat_screen.scan_0._height); _root.mentat_screen["scan_" + i].index = i; i++; } _root.scan_index = 0; empire_money = 0; cur_pwd = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; if (h == 1) { var hu_colour = {ra:"100", ga:"100", ba:"100", rb:"256", gb:"-256", bb:"-256"}; var ai_colour = {ra:"100", ga:"100", ba:"100", rb:"-256", gb:"-256", bb:"256"}; } else { var ai_colour = {ra:"100", ga:"100", ba:"100", rb:"256", gb:"-256", bb:"-256"}; var hu_colour = {ra:"100", ga:"100", ba:"100", rb:"-256", gb:"-256", bb:"256"}; } i = 1; while (i <= 14) { if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + i) + "_bg"].ai == 0) { var colour = new Color(_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + i) + "_bg"]); colour.setTransform(hu_colour); _root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + i) + "_bg"]._make_available(); if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + i) + "_bg"].iron == 1) { iron = 1; } if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + i) + "_bg"].oil == 1) { oil = 1; } if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + i) + "_bg"].gold == 1) { gold = 1; empire_money = empire_money + 1500; } if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + i) + "_bg"].sil == 1) { sil = 1; } if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + i) + "_bg"].alu == 1) { alu = 1; } if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + i) + "_bg"].ura == 1) { ura = 1; } empire_money = empire_money + 1500; cur_pwd[20 - i] = 1; } if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + i) + "_bg"].ai == 1) { var colour = new Color(_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + i) + "_bg"]); colour.setTransform(ai_colour); } i++; } if (gold == 1) { _root.mentat_screen.gold_res._alpha = 100; } else { _root.mentat_screen.gold_res._alpha = 0; } if (oil == 1) { _root.mentat_screen.oil_res._alpha = 100; } else { _root.mentat_screen.oil_res._alpha = 0; } if (iron == 1) { _root.mentat_screen.iron_res._alpha = 100; } else { _root.mentat_screen.iron_res._alpha = 0; } if (sil == 1) { _root.mentat_screen.sil_res._alpha = 100; } else { _root.mentat_screen.sil_res._alpha = 0; } if (alu == 1) { _root.mentat_screen.alu_res._alpha = 100; } else { _root.mentat_screen.alu_res._alpha = 0; } if (ura == 1) { _root.mentat_screen.ura_res._alpha = 100; } else { _root.mentat_screen.ura_res._alpha = 0; } cur_pwd[0] = house; if (ai_delay == easy_delay) { cur_pwd[1] = 1; } if (ai_delay == norm_delay) { cur_pwd[2] = 1; } if (ai_delay == hard_delay) { cur_pwd[3] = 1; } make_pwd(cur_pwd); } function show_mentat_speech() { if (house == 0) { switch (cur_reg) { case 0 : _root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Welcome to the New Hope Alliance. During the last war against the Temple we managed to contain this evil cult. However, these islands are still in danger of falling under their control: already the snake worshipers managed to spread their influence in on the southern island. We must fist liberate the nortern sector and then go after the cultists! "; break; case 1 : _root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "ERROR"; break; case 2 : _root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Going East to capture aluminum will allow the production of aircraft, while going West and taking iron will allow you to construct tanks and provide light units with better armor. "; break; case 3 : _root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Now that Aluminum is secured, local production of aircraft can commence. "; break; case 4 : _root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "We are now in a position to strike at the Temple's territories. It is impossible to airlift the troops to the Southern Island, however, until enemy air defence center has been eliminated. Unfortunately the only way to destroy it is from the air, I recommend using Stealth and investing in jammers. "; break; case 5 : _root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Now heavy units can be produced, you should use them to capture some Silicon. "; break; case 6 : _root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Now that the hi-tech industry is thriving we can produce some more advanced weapons and upgrades. "; break; case 7 : _root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "The remnants of the Temple now cornered on an island! Strike at them and wipe out the snakes! Do not neglect defences, the enemy is sure to try for a desparate last ditch attacks. "; break; case 8 : _root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Most of the Temple's territory has now been liberated, the high command is very pleased with your success. "; break; case 9 : _root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "With Tungsten we can improve the ABM Laser, which I would recommend doing as soon as possible during the upcomming missions. When the Temple gets desperate they will try to use their cowerdly missiles agaist you. "; break; case 10 : _root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "The air defence network of the enemy suffered a severe blow, transport planes are flying in troops and supplies to manufacture ground units! "; break; case 11 : _root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = ""; } } if (house == 1) { switch (cur_reg) { case 0 : _root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Greetings, New Hope Alliance tried their best to destroy our homeland but, of course they failed. However, while the home continent and the Serpent City are secure the damage we suffered was severe. These islands offer a great opportunity for us to secure more resources and followers. The Northern island seems to have fallen under the New Hope influence, but on the Southern one we face minimal resistance."; break; case 1 : _root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = ""; break; case 2 : _root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Alliance's local center is our for the taking! If there are no other reagions you want I suggest you take it now, once their center falls they are done for! "; break; case 3 : _root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "New Hope's areal supremacy is over, use our new jet fighters to defend your base, and to bomb theirs. New Hope are not the only ones who can use cluster bombs anymore! "; break; case 4 : _root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Wonderful news, the airbase lies in ruin and we have access to Uranium, New Hope alliance will soon feel the Serpent's wrath as Nuclear Missiles rain down on their positions. "; break; case 5 : _root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "New Hope capital on this island is just a stone's through from here, the war may soon be over. "; break; case 6 : _root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Perfect, many of our weapons can be greatly enheanced with hi-tech upgrades making our invincible army even more deadly! "; break; case 7 : _root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = ""; break; case 8 : _root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Exellent, Oil is very useful for both vehicles and flamethrower infantry! "; break; case 9 : _root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "More and more territories fall under our sway, this bodes well for our rebuilding efforts! With Tungsten you can improve anti-ground defences. "; break; case 10 : _root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "Now the New Hope positions lie vulnerable to attack, be weary, however. There are two ways to attack them, I recommend taking Silicon first, it will allow you to improve the SAM sites, whick will aid you in dealing with the New Hope Airbase. "; break; case 11 : _root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text = "We now have some Iron, with Oil production of Tanks can start."; } } _root.mentat_screen.speech.txt.text = ""; _root.mentat_screen.speech.cur_char = 0; _root.mentat_screen.speech.str = _root.mentat_screen.mentat_speech_txt.text; } scan_index = -1; scan_index_max = 31; paint_regions(); function reset_stats() { hu_gu_created = 0; ai_gu_created = 0; hu_iu_created = 0; ai_iu_created = 0; hu_vu_created = 0; ai_vu_created = 0; hu_au_created = 0; ai_au_created = 0; hu_ru_created = 0; ai_ru_created = 0; hu_iu_lost = 0; ai_iu_lost = 0; hu_vu_lost = 0; ai_vu_lost = 0; hu_au_lost = 0; ai_au_lost = 0; hu_ru_lost = 0; ai_ru_lost = 0; } function show_stats() { _root.stats_screen._visible = 1; _root.stats_screen.reset_msg._visible = 0; _root.stats_screen.hu_iu_cr_txt.text = hu_iu_created; _root.stats_screen.ai_iu_cr_txt.text = ai_iu_created; _root.stats_screen.hu_vu_cr_txt.text = hu_vu_created; _root.stats_screen.ai_vu_cr_txt.text = ai_vu_created; _root.stats_screen.hu_au_cr_txt.text = hu_au_created; _root.stats_screen.ai_au_cr_txt.text = ai_au_created; _root.stats_screen.hu_ru_cr_txt.text = hu_ru_created; _root.stats_screen.ai_ru_cr_txt.text = ai_ru_created; _root.stats_screen.hu_iu_lo_txt.text = hu_iu_lost; _root.stats_screen.ai_iu_lo_txt.text = ai_iu_lost; _root.stats_screen.hu_vu_lo_txt.text = hu_vu_lost; _root.stats_screen.ai_vu_lo_txt.text = ai_vu_lost; _root.stats_screen.hu_au_lo_txt.text = hu_au_lost; _root.stats_screen.ai_au_lo_txt.text = ai_au_lost; _root.stats_screen.hu_ru_lo_txt.text = hu_ru_lost; _root.stats_screen.ai_ru_lo_txt.text = ai_ru_lost; hu_survivers = (((hu_gu_created + hu_au_created) - hu_iu_lost) - hu_vu_lost) - hu_au_lost; ai_survivers = (((ai_gu_created + ai_au_created) - ai_iu_lost) - ai_vu_lost) - ai_au_lost; hu_casu = (hu_iu_lost + hu_vu_lost) + hu_au_lost; ai_casu = (ai_iu_lost + ai_vu_lost) + ai_au_lost; hu_total = (hu_iu_created + hu_vu_created) + hu_au_created; ai_total = (ai_iu_created + ai_vu_created) + ai_au_created; _root.stats_screen.hu_survive.text = Math.round((hu_survivers / hu_total) * 100) + "%"; _root.stats_screen.ai_survive.text = Math.round((ai_survivers / ai_total) * 100) + "%"; } function hide_stats() { _root.stats_screen._visible = 0; } reset_stats(); hide_stats(); function line_up() { yaxis = 0; xinit = -370; xlast = 20; xival = 40; duplicateMovieClip (_root.interface_0, "interface", 600000); _root.interface._x = 500; _root.interface._y = 70; = 1; _root.interface_0._visible = 0; duplicateMovieClip (_root.border_0, "border0", 600001); _root.border0._visible = 1; _root.border_0._visible = 0; xlast = xinit; _root.interface.btn_bar_0._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_bar_0._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_manu._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_manu._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_air_0._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_air_0._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_bank._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_bank._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_mg_0._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_mg_0._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_hawk_site._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_hawk_site._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_hitech_0._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_hitech_0._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_laser._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_laser._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_hosp._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_hosp._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; xlast = xinit; _root.interface.btn_m16._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_m16._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_sniper._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_sniper._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_bazoo._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_bazoo._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_moto._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_moto._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; xlast = xinit; _root.interface.btn_atv._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_atv._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_ifv._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_ifv._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_armor._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_armor._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_hawk._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_hawk._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; xlast = xinit; _root.interface.btn_falcon._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_falcon._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_stealth._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_stealth._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; xlast = xinit; _root.interface.btn_subs._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_subs._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; xlast = xinit; _root.interface.btn_kevlar0._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_kevlar0._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_slat._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_slat._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_jammer._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_jammer._x = xlast; _root.interface.btn_decept._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_decept._x = xlast; _root.interface.btn_ram._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_ram._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_du._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_du._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; xlast = xinit; _root.interface.btn_heal._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_heal._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_gasmask._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_gasmask._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; xlast = xinit; _root.interface.btn_bar_1._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_bar_1._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_fac._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_fac._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_air_1._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_air_1._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_min_econ._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_min_econ._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_mg_1._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_mg_1._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_sam_site._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_sam_site._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_hitech_1._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_hitech_1._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_radar._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_radar._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_lpad._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_lpad._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; xlast = xinit; _root.interface.btn_ak74._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_ak74._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_flame._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_flame._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_rpg._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_rpg._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; xlast = xinit; _root.interface.btn_ftank._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_ftank._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_tank._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_tank._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_sam._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_sam._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; xlast = xinit; _root.interface.btn_inter._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_inter._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_bomber._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_bomber._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; xlast = xinit; _root.interface.btn_he_rocket._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_he_rocket._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_ch_rocket._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_ch_rocket._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_nu_rocket._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_nu_rocket._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_launch._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_launch._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; xlast = xinit; _root.interface.btn_tax._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_tax._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; xlast = xinit; _root.interface.btn_kevlar1._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_kevlar1._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_raexp._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_raexp._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_napalm._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_napalm._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_hollowpoint._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_hollowpoint._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; xlast = xinit; _root.interface.btn_flare._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_flare._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; _root.interface.btn_hoj._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_hoj._x = xlast; _root.interface.btn_chirp._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_chirp._x = xlast; _root.interface.btn_fhss._y = yaxis; _root.interface.btn_fhss._x = xlast; xlast = xlast + xival; } line_up(); function reset_game() { bg_sound = new Sound(); bg_sound.attachSound("snd_music"); bg_sound.stop(); bg_sound.start(); bg_sound.onSoundComplete = function () { bg_sound.start(); }; poison = 0; poison_tr = 0; game_sound = true; pause = 0; skirmish = 0; hide_mentat_screen(); _root.interface._visible = 0; _root.fv_screen._visible = 0; = 0; hide_tiles(); house = 1; cur_reg = 0; init_money = 8500; rep_price = 3; easy_delay = 2.5; norm_delay = 2; hard_delay = 1.5; ai_delay = 2.5; _root.startScreen.btn_easy._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_norm._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_hard._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_nha._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_tos._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.instr_screen._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.pass_screen._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.skirmish_screen._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.op_screen._visible = 0; _root.startScreen._visible = 1; _root.startScreen.logos.nha_cover.reveal = 0; _root.startScreen.logos.tos_cover.reveal = 0; gold = 0; oil = 0; iron = 0; sil = 0; alu = 0; ura = 0; } function init_vals() { tile_sel = 0; money = 0; ros = 12; tile_bright = 70; tile_default = 10; unitScale = 50; leftBase = 200; rightBase = 800; ai_surv = 0; hu_surv = 0; bar_0_hp = 200; air_0_hp = 500; bank_hp = 400; manu_hp = 550; lfac_hp = 300; laser_hp = 700; hitech0_hp = 650; hosp_hp = 500; mg_0_hp = 150; m16hp = 50; m16range = 120; m16speed = 1; m16pow = 10; m16acc = 2; m16rof = 10; m16harm = 70; sniper_hp = 50; sniper_range = 170; sniper_speed = 1; sniper_pow = 25; sniper_acc = 10; sniper_rof = 25; sniper_harm = 70; bazoo_hp = 150; bazoo_range = 150; bazoo_speed = 1; bazoo_pow = 30; bazoo_acc = 10; bazoo_rof = 15; bazoo_harm = 70; moto_hp = 70; moto_range = 100; moto_speed = 2.5; moto_pow = 4; moto_acc = 8; moto_rof = 10; moto_harm = 80; atv_hp = 100; atv_range = 250; atv_speed = 2; atv_pow = 30; atv_acc = 20; atv_rof = 15; atv_harm = 90; ifv_hp = 170; ifv_range = 150; ifv_speed = 1.5; ifv_pow = 6; ifv_acc = 8; ifv_rof = 10; ifv_harm = 100; armor_hp = 300; armor_range = 220; armor_speed = 1.5; armor_pow = 45; armor_acc = 10; armor_rof = 15; armor_harm = 200; hawk_hp = 130; hawk_range = 300; hawk_speed = 1.2; hawk_pow = 4; hawk_acc = 8; hawk_rof = 10; hawk_harm = 40; falcon_hp = 50; falcon_range = 400; falcon_speed = 7; falcon_pow = 40; falcon_acc = 30; falcon_rof = 30; falcon_ecm = 50; stealth_hp = 100; stealth_range = 100; stealth_speed = 6; stealth_pow = 4; stealth_acc = 8; stealth_rof = 10; stealth_ecm = 300; bar_1_hp = 120; fac_1_hp = 550; air_1_hp = 500; min_econ_hp = 550; sam_site_hp = 400; radar_hp = 600; hitech1_hp = 500; lpad_hp = 900; mg_1_hp = 150; ak74hp = 30; ak74range = 110; ak74speed = 1; ak74pow = 7; ak74acc = 13; ak74rof = 10; ak74harm = 70; flame_hp = 60; flame_range = 100; flame_speed = 0.9; flame_pow = 20; flame_acc = 15; flame_rof = 30; flame_harm = 90; rpg_hp = 30; rpg_range = 210; rpg_speed = 1; rpg_pow = 35; rpg_acc = 20; rpg_rof = 35; rpg_harm = 80; ftank_hp = 130; ftank_range = 110; ftank_speed = 1.2; ftank_pow = 10; ftank_acc = 15; ftank_rof = 35; ftank_harm = 200; tank_hp = 280; tank_range = 210; tank_speed = 1.5; tank_pow = 35; tank_acc = 20; tank_rof = 15; tank_harm = 170; sam_hp = 150; sam_range = 210; sam_speed = 1.1; sam_pow = 5; sam_acc = 10; sam_rof = 7; sam_harm = 50; inter_hp = 40; inter_range = 500; inter_speed = 7; inter_pow = 10; inter_acc = 30; inter_rof = 20; inter_ecm = 50; bomber_hp = 100; bomber_range = 210; bomber_speed = 5; bomber_pow = 55; bomber_acc = 20; bomber_rof = 35; bomber_ecm = 50; hu_eccm = 1; ai_eccm = 1; flare_effect = 3; heal_val = 0.2; hu_slat = 0; ai_slat = 0; hu_raexp = 0; ai_raexp = 0; hu_med_heal = 0; ai_med_heal = 0; hu_flare_ready = 0; ai_flare_ready = 0; hu_kevlar = 0; ai_kevlar = 0; hu_gasmask = 0; ai_gasmask = 0; hu_du = 0; ai_du = 0; hu_jammer = 0; ai_jammer = 0; hu_decept = 0; ai_decept = 0; hu_ram = 0; ai_ram = 0; hu_napalm = 0; ai_napalm = 0; hu_hollowpoint = 0; ai_hollowpoint = 0; hu_hoj = 0; ai_hoj = 0; hu_chirp = 0; ai_chirp = 0; hu_fhss = 0; ai_fhss = 0; unit_depth_A = 10; i_unit_depth_A = 10; unit_depth_B = 510; i_unit_depth_B = 510; unit_depth_C = 1010; i_unit_depth_C = 1010; unit_depth_D = 1510; i_unit_depth_D = 1510; stru_depth = 2000; sel_depth = 5000; misk_depth = 5002; air_unit_depth = 60000; ai_num = 0; hu_num = 0; ai_air_num = 0; hu_air_num = 0; ai_r_num = 0; hu_r_num = 0; } function set_prices() { m16_price = 110; sniper_price = 170; bazoo_price = 190; moto_price = 140; atv_price = 170; gat_price = 300; arm_price = 400; pat_price = 510; falcon_price = 300; stealth_price = 700; larm_price = 450; lrf_price = 500; ak74_price = 90; flame_price = 150; rpg_price = 110; tnk_price = 300; zsu_price = 470; tos_price = 410; inter_price = 200; bar0_price = 1000; manu_price = 2500; lfac_price = 1500; air0_price = 1700; bank_price = 1800; hitech0_price = 2500; hosp_price = 1500; laser_price = 3000; mg0_price = 800; bar1_price = 750; fac_price = 2250; air1_price = 1500; min_econ_price = 1700; sam_site_price = 1500; hitech1_price = 2500; radar_price = 2000; lpad_price = 3500; mg1_price = 500; he_rocket_price = 250; ch_rocket_price = 270; nu_rocket_price = 770; jammer_price = 700; chaff_price = 900; cancel_price = 1200; tax_price = 50; tax_increment = 25; subs_price = 100; subs_increment = 50; income = 5; income_increment = 5; engine_price = 500; durnd_price = 1300; comp_price = 1400; chirp_price = 300; fhss_price = 700; tvm_price = 1500; radio_price = 500; raexp_price = 700; flthr_price = 1800; iar_price = 400; k13_price = 600; hba_price = 300; med_price = 900; gas_price = 700; sba_price = 300; ste_price = 800; alu_price = 900; airsol_price = 700; ceramic_price = 1100; mirror_price = 1700; pulse_price = 600; capac_price = 700; hires_price = 1300; hicap_price = 400; incen_price = 500; fastm_price = 200; tungst_price = 600; extral_price = 300; saclos_price = 700; sks_price = 70; pg_price = 100; car_price = 200; stinger_price = 400; suicide_price = 250; } function reset_skirmish() { skirmish_enemy_house = 1; skirmish_house = 0; skirmish_money = 10000; skirmish_m16_pref = 4; skirmish_sniper_pref = 6; skirmish_bazoo_pref = 9; skirmish_moto_pref = 5; skirmish_atv_pref = 10; skirmish_gat_pref = 3; skirmish_arm_pref = 6; skirmish_pat_pref = 10; skirmish_falcon_pref = 7; skirmish_stealth_pref = 10; skirmish_ak74_pref = 3; skirmish_rpg_pref = 7; skirmish_flame_pref = 10; skirmish_tank_pref = 5; skirmish_sam_pref = 8; skirmish_ftank_pref = 10; skirmish_he_pref = 3; skirmish_ch_pref = 7; skirmish_nu_pref = 10; skirmish_inter_pref = 5; skirmish_bomber_pref = 10; skirmish_bar_max = 2; skirmish_air_max = 2; skirmish_mgn_max = 2; skirmish_fac_max = 2; skirmish_sam_max = 2; skirmish_hosp_max = 1; skirmish_laser_max = 1; skirmish_lpad_max = 1; skirmish_radar_max = 1; } function message(txt) { trace(txt); } function sound_f(sn) { if (_root.game_sound == 1) { switch (sn) { case "snd_inf_death_1" : snd = new Sound(); snd.attachSound("snd_inf_death_" + random(3)); snd.setVolume(50); snd.start(); return; default : snd = new Sound(); snd.attachSound(sn); snd.setVolume(50); snd.start(); } } } function inc_poison(val) { poison_tr = poison_tr + val; if (poison_tr > 100) { poison_tr = 100; } if (poison_tr < 0) { poison_tr = 0; } } stop(); _quality_default = "MEDIUM"; btn_x = 35; btn_y = 79; btn_y_l = 30.4; pan_x = -453.6; pan_y = -52.35; sh_x = -36.8; sh_y = -22; w_min_x = -267; w_max_x = 313; w_min_y = -141; w_max_y = 165; en_hp_bar_x = -20; en_hp_bar_y = -20; reset_game(); init_vals(); set_prices(); reset_skirmish(); function create_stru(stru_name, ai, b_tile) { switch (b_tile) { case 3 : s_depth = 0; break; case 1 : s_depth = 500; break; case 5 : s_depth = 501; break; case 4 : s_depth = 1000; break; case 7 : s_depth = 1001; break; case 2 : s_depth = 1500; break; case 6 : s_depth = 1501; break; case 11 : s_depth = 1; break; case 9 : s_depth = 502; break; case 13 : s_depth = 503; break; case 10 : s_depth = 1002; break; case 14 : s_depth = 1003; break; case 8 : s_depth = 1502; break; case 12 : s_depth = 1503; } duplicateMovieClip (_root[stru_name], "stru" + b_tile, s_depth); _root["stru" + b_tile]._x = _root["tile" + b_tile]._x; _root["stru" + b_tile]._y = _root["tile" + b_tile]._y; _root["stru" + b_tile].op_0 = 0; _root["stru" + b_tile].op_1 = 0; _root["stru" + b_tile].op_2 = 0; _root["stru" + b_tile].name = "stru" + b_tile; _root["stru" + b_tile].ai = ai; _root["stru" + b_tile].active = 1; _root["stru" + b_tile].base_tile = b_tile; _root["tile" + b_tile]._visible = 0; if (tile_sel == b_tile) { select_tile(tile_sel); } } function create_con_site_0(stru_name, ai, b_tile, value) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.con_site_0, "cs" + b_tile, stru_depth); _root["cs" + b_tile]._x = _root["tile" + b_tile]._x; _root["cs" + b_tile]._y = _root["tile" + b_tile]._y; _root["cs" + b_tile].ai = ai; _root["cs" + b_tile].current = stru_name; _root["cs" + b_tile].delay = value / 5; _root["cs" + b_tile].delay_max = value / 5; _root["cs" + b_tile].base_tile = b_tile; _root["cs" + b_tile].active = 1; stru_depth++; _root["tile" + b_tile]._visible = 0; if (ai == 0) { select_tile(b_tile); } } function create_con_site_1(stru_name, ai, b_tile, value) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.con_site_1, "cs" + b_tile, stru_depth); _root["cs" + b_tile]._x = _root["tile" + b_tile]._x; _root["cs" + b_tile]._y = _root["tile" + b_tile]._y; _root["cs" + b_tile].ai = ai; _root["cs" + b_tile].current = stru_name; _root["cs" + b_tile].delay = value / 5; _root["cs" + b_tile].delay_max = value / 5; _root["cs" + b_tile].base_tile = b_tile; _root["cs" + b_tile].active = 1; stru_depth++; _root["tile" + b_tile]._visible = 0; select_tile(b_tile); } function damage_base(val, b) { found = 0; if (b == 0) { ai_surv++; i = 1; while (i <= 7) { if (_root["stru" + i].hp > 0) { _root["stru" + i].damage(val, 1); found = 1; break; } i++; } } else { hu_surv++; i = 8; while (i <= 14) { if (_root["stru" + i].hp > 0) { _root["stru" + i].damage(val, 1); found = 1; break; } i++; } } if (found == 0) { if (b == 0) { end_level(0); } else { end_level(1); } } } function end_level(v) { _quality = "HIGH"; = 0; kill_all(); hide_tiles(); _root.interface._visible = 0; _root.sel_instance._x = -200; hide_all(); show_stats(); if (v == 1) { _root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + cur_reg) + "_bg"].ai = 0; _root.stats_screen.proceed._visible = 1; _root.stats_screen.result_txt.text = "VICTORY!"; } else { _root.stats_screen.proceed._visible = 0; _root.stats_screen.result_txt.text = "DEFEAT!"; } if (skirmish == 1) { _root.stats_screen.proceed._visible = 0; } } function create_ground_unit(unit_base, unit_turret, ai, unit_type, b_tile) { if (ai == 0) { name = (unit_type + "_") + hu_num; dir = -1; hu_gu_created++; hu_num++; hu_pop++; } else { name = (("ai_" + unit_type) + "_") + ai_num; dir = 1; ai_gu_created++; ai_num++; ai_pop++; } if (ai == 0) { if (unit_type == "vehi") { hu_vu_created++; } else { hu_iu_created++; } } else if (unit_type == "vehi") { ai_vu_created++; } else { ai_iu_created++; } switch (b_tile) { case 11 : case 3 : u_depth = unit_depth_A; unit_depth_A++; break; case 9 : case 13 : case 5 : case 1 : u_depth = unit_depth_B; unit_depth_B++; break; case 10 : case 14 : case 7 : case 4 : u_depth = unit_depth_C; unit_depth_C++; break; case 8 : case 12 : case 6 : case 2 : u_depth = unit_depth_D; unit_depth_D++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root[unit_base], name, u_depth); _root[name]._x = _root["stru" + b_tile]._x; _root[name]._y = _root["stru" + b_tile]._y + 20; _root[name].weapon = unit_turret; _root[name].turret.gotoAndStop(unit_turret); _root[name].option_0._visible = _root["stru" + b_tile].op_0; _root[name].option_1._visible = _root["stru" + b_tile].op_1; _root[name].option_2._visible = _root["stru" + b_tile].op_2; _root[name].turret.option_2._visible = _root["stru" + b_tile].op_2; _root[name].op_0 = _root["stru" + b_tile].op_0; _root[name].op_1 = _root["stru" + b_tile].op_1; _root[name].op_2 = _root["stru" + b_tile].op_2; _root[name].name = name; _root[name].ai = ai; _root[name].dir = dir; _root[name].active = 1; } function create_unit(unit_name, ai, unit_type, b_tile) { if (ai == 0) { name = (unit_type + "_") + hu_num; dir = -1; hu_num++; hu_gu_created++; hu_pop++; } else { name = (("ai_" + unit_type) + "_") + ai_num; dir = 1; ai_num++; ai_gu_created++; ai_pop++; } if (ai == 0) { if (unit_type == "vehi") { hu_vu_created++; } else { hu_iu_created++; } } else if (unit_type == "vehi") { ai_vu_created++; } else { ai_iu_created++; } switch (b_tile) { case 11 : case 3 : u_depth = unit_depth_A; unit_depth_A++; break; case 9 : case 13 : case 5 : case 1 : u_depth = unit_depth_B; unit_depth_B++; break; case 10 : case 14 : case 7 : case 4 : u_depth = unit_depth_C; unit_depth_C++; break; case 8 : case 12 : case 6 : case 2 : u_depth = unit_depth_D; unit_depth_D++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root[unit_name], name, u_depth); _root[name]._x = _root["stru" + b_tile]._x; _root[name]._y = _root["stru" + b_tile]._y + 20; _root[name].name = name; _root[name].ai = ai; _root[name].dir = dir; _root[name].active = 1; } function create_air_unit(unit_name, ai, unit_type, b_tile) { if (ai == 0) { name = (unit_type + "_") + hu_air_num; dir = -1; hu_air_num++; hu_au_created++; } else { name = (("ai_" + unit_type) + "_") + ai_air_num; dir = 1; ai_air_num++; ai_au_created++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root[unit_name], name, air_unit_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_jet_" + random(3)); _root[name]._x = _root["stru" + b_tile]._x + (200 * dir); _root[name]._y = 150 + random(100); _root[name].op_0 = _root["stru" + b_tile].op_0; _root[name].op_1 = _root["stru" + b_tile].op_1; _root[name].op_2 = _root["stru" + b_tile].op_2; _root[name].name = name; _root[name].ai = ai; _root[name].dir = dir; _root[name].active = 1; air_unit_depth++; } function create_r_unit(unit_name, ai, unit_type, b_tile) { if (ai == 0) { name = (unit_type + "_") + hu_r_num; dir = -1; hu_r_num++; hu_ru_created++; } else { name = (("ai_" + unit_type) + "_") + ai_r_num; dir = 1; ai_r_num++; ai_ru_created++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root[unit_name], name, air_unit_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_ssm"); _root[name]._x = _root["stru" + b_tile]._x; _root[name]._y = _root["stru" + b_tile]._y + 15; _root[name].name = name; _root[name].ai = ai; _root[name].dir = dir; _root[name].op_0 = _root["stru" + b_tile].op_0; _root[name].op_1 = _root["stru" + b_tile].op_1; _root[name].op_2 = _root["stru" + b_tile].op_2; _root[name].active = 1; air_unit_depth++; } function select_tile(tt) { _root.tile_sel = tt; hide_all(); duplicateMovieClip (_root.sel, "sel_instance", _root.sel_depth); _root.sel_instance._x = _root["tile" + tt]._x; _root.sel_instance._y = _root["tile" + tt]._y; _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0; if (_root["tile" + tt]._visible == 1) { if (house == 0) { show_build_0(); } else { show_build_1(); } } else { _root["stru" + tt].show_buttons(); } } function hide_all() { _root.hide_desc(); _root.interface.btn_cancel._visible = 0; _root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 0; _root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 0; _root.interface.sam_toolbar._visible = 0; _root.interface.bar_1_toolbar._visible = 0; _root.interface.bar_0_toolbar._visible = 0; _root.interface.fac_1_toolbar._visible = 0; _root.interface.fac_0_toolbar._visible = 0; _root.interface.camp_toolbar._visible = 0; _root.interface.bank_toolbar._visible = 0; _root.interface.build_s_toolbar._visible = 0; _root.interface.build_h_toolbar._visible = 0; _root.interface.air_s_toolbar._visible = 0; _root.interface.air_h_toolbar._visible = 0; _root.interface.ssm_toolbar._visible = 0; _root.interface.lfac_toolbar._visible = 0; _root.interface.laser_toolbar._visible = 0; _root.interface.gatling_toolbar._visible = 0; _root.interface.atgm_toolbar._visible = 0; _root.interface.build_txt.text = ""; } function show_build_0() { _root.sound_f("snd_empty"); _root.interface.build_txt.text = "Empty Tile"; _root.interface.build_h_toolbar.setup(); } function show_build_1() { _root.sound_f("snd_empty"); _root.interface.build_txt.text = "Empty Tile"; _root.interface.build_s_toolbar.setup(); } function show_bar_0(op_0, op_1, op_2) { _root.sound_f("snd_bar"); _root.interface.build_txt.text = "Barracks"; _root.interface.bar_0_toolbar.btn_3._visible = !op_0; _root.interface.bar_0_toolbar.btn_4._visible = !op_1; _root.interface.bar_0_toolbar.btn_5._visible = !op_2; _root.interface.bar_0_toolbar.setup(); _root.interface.btn_cancel._visible = 1; _root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1; _root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1; } function show_fac_0(op_0, op_1, op_2) { _root.sound_f("snd_def"); _root.interface.build_txt.text = "Manufacturing Center"; _root.interface.fac_0_toolbar.btn_3._visible = !op_0; _root.interface.fac_0_toolbar.btn_4._visible = !op_1; _root.interface.fac_0_toolbar.btn_5._visible = !op_2; _root.interface.fac_0_toolbar.setup(); _root.interface.btn_cancel._visible = 1; _root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1; _root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1; } function show_lfac(op_0, op_1, op_2) { _root.sound_f("snd_def"); _root.interface.build_txt.text = "Manufacturing Center"; _root.interface.lfac_toolbar.btn_3._visible = !op_0; _root.interface.lfac_toolbar.btn_4._visible = !op_1; _root.interface.lfac_toolbar.setup(); _root.interface.btn_cancel._visible = 1; _root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1; _root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1; } function show_air_0(op_0, op_1, op_2) { _root.sound_f("snd_def"); _root.interface.build_txt.text = "Air Command"; _root.interface.air_h_toolbar.btn_3._visible = !op_0; _root.interface.air_h_toolbar.btn_4._visible = !op_1; _root.interface.air_h_toolbar.btn_5._visible = !op_2; _root.interface.air_h_toolbar.setup(); _root.interface.btn_cancel._visible = 1; _root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1; _root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1; } function show_bank() { _root.sound_f("snd_def"); _root.interface.build_txt.text = "Financial Office"; _root.interface.bank_toolbar.setup(); _root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1; _root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1; } function show_hawk_site() { _root.sound_f("snd_sam_site"); _root.interface.build_txt.text = "Air-Defense Site"; _root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1; _root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1; } function show_laser(op_0, op_1, op_2) { _root.sound_f("snd_def"); _root.interface.build_txt.text = "Anti-missile Laser"; _root.interface.laser_toolbar.btn_0._visible = !op_0; _root.interface.laser_toolbar.btn_1._visible = !op_1; _root.interface.laser_toolbar.btn_2._visible = !op_2; _root.interface.laser_toolbar.setup(); _root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1; _root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1; } function show_mg_0(op_0, op_1, op_2) { _root.sound_f("snd_def"); _root.interface.build_txt.text = "Gatling Cannon"; _root.interface.gatling_toolbar.btn_0._visible = !op_0; _root.interface.gatling_toolbar.btn_1._visible = !op_1; _root.interface.gatling_toolbar.btn_2._visible = !op_2; _root.interface.gatling_toolbar.setup(); _root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1; _root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1; } function show_bar_1(op_0, op_1, op_2) { _root.sound_f("snd_bar"); _root.interface.build_txt.text = "Barracks"; _root.interface.bar_1_toolbar.btn_3._visible = !op_0; _root.interface.bar_1_toolbar.btn_4._visible = !op_1; _root.interface.bar_1_toolbar.btn_5._visible = !op_2; _root.interface.bar_1_toolbar.setup(); _root.interface.btn_cancel._visible = 1; _root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1; _root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1; } function show_fac_1(op_0, op_1, op_2) { _root.sound_f("snd_def"); _root.interface.build_txt.text = "Factory"; _root.interface.fac_1_toolbar.btn_3._visible = !op_0; _root.interface.fac_1_toolbar.btn_4._visible = !op_1; _root.interface.fac_1_toolbar.btn_5._visible = !op_2; _root.interface.fac_1_toolbar.setup(); _root.interface.btn_cancel._visible = 1; _root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1; _root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1; } function show_min_econ() { _root.sound_f("snd_def"); _root.interface.build_txt.text = "Labor Camp"; _root.interface.camp_toolbar.setup(); _root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1; _root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1; } function show_air_1(op_0, op_1, op_2) { _root.sound_f("snd_def"); _root.interface.build_txt.text = "Air Control"; _root.interface.air_s_toolbar.btn_3._visible = !op_0; _root.interface.air_s_toolbar.btn_4._visible = !op_1; _root.interface.air_s_toolbar.btn_5._visible = !op_2; _root.interface.air_s_toolbar.setup(); _root.interface.btn_cancel._visible = 1; _root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1; _root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1; } function show_sam_site(op_0, op_1, op_2) { _root.sound_f("snd_sam_site"); _root.interface.build_txt.text = "SAM Site"; _root.interface.sam_toolbar.btn_0._visible = !op_0; _root.interface.sam_toolbar.btn_1._visible = !op_1; _root.interface.sam_toolbar.btn_2._visible = !op_2; _root.interface.sam_toolbar.setup(); _root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1; _root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1; } function show_mg_1(op_0, op_1, op_2) { _root.sound_f("snd_def"); _root.interface.build_txt.text = "Anti-tank Missile"; _root.interface.atgm_toolbar.btn_0._visible = !op_0; _root.interface.atgm_toolbar.btn_1._visible = !op_1; _root.interface.atgm_toolbar.btn_2._visible = !op_2; _root.interface.atgm_toolbar.setup(); _root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1; _root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1; } function show_hitech1() { _root.sound_f("snd_comp"); _root.interface.build_txt.text = "Field Research"; if (_root.hu_kevlar == 0) { _root.interface.btn_kevlar1._visible = 1; } if (_root.hu_hollowpoint == 0) { _root.interface.btn_hollowpoint._visible = 1; } if ((_root.hu_napalm == 0) && (oil == 1)) { _root.interface.btn_napalm._visible = 1; } if (((_root.hu_raexp == 0) && (iron == 1)) && (oil == 1)) { _root.interface.btn_raexp._visible = 1; } _root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1; _root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1; } function show_radar() { _root.interface.build_txt.text = "Critical Structure"; _root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1; _root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 0; } function show_lpad(op_0, op_1, op_2) { _root.sound_f("snd_def"); _root.interface.build_txt.text = "Rocket Launch Site"; _root.interface.ssm_toolbar.btn_3._visible = !op_0; _root.interface.ssm_toolbar.btn_4._visible = !op_1; _root.interface.ssm_toolbar.btn_5._visible = !op_2; _root.interface.ssm_toolbar.setup(); _root.interface.btn_cancel._visible = 1; _root.interface.btn_repair._visible = 1; _root.interface.btn_tnt._visible = 1; } function hide_desc() { _root.interface.desc._visible = 0; } function description(dd) { _root.interface.desc._visible = 1; _root.interface.desc.price_txt.text = _root[dd + "_price"]; switch (dd) { case "bar0" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Barracks"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Recruits Infantry"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Barracks Allow deployement of infantry"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "lfac" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Light Facility"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Produces Support Vehicles"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "This structure produces motorcycles and ATVs"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "manu" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Heavy Facility"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Produces Tanks"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Heavy vehicles are produced by this structure"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "air0" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Air Command"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Summons Aircraft"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Air Command calls in airsrikes from off base"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "bank" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Financial Office"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Allows to increase Profits"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Handles financial aspect of the conflict"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "mg0" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Gatling Cannon"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Groung and Air Defence"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Gatling Cannon provides limited protection against all units except missiles. It can heve trouble handling many unit at once, however."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry, Aircraft"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Vehicles"; return; case "hawk_site" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "SAM Site PIM - 720"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Intercepts Aircraft"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "These IR-guided SAMs can provide some cover for the base, however, more then one of such sites requred to be effective"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Airplanes"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Flares"; return; case "hitech0" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Field Laboratory"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Allows Upgrades"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "This Field Lab provides some upgrades that usually help protect your units"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "hosp" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Field Hospital"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Heals Infantry"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Once built hospital automatically heals all infantry. Effects do not stack."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "laser" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "ABM Laser"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Shoots Down Ballistic Missiles"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Rapid-fire laser is the only thing that can provide defence against tactical missiles. It takes a long time to recharge once several shots were fired."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Missiles"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "m16" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Rifleman"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Light Infantry"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Basic infantry for light assaults."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Vehicles"; return; case "sniper" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Sniper"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Support Unit"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Snipers can take out dangerous enemy infantry, such as flamethrowers."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry, Light Vehicles"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Vehicles"; return; case "bazoo" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Commando"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Heavy Infantry"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Fires a heavy machinegun, loaded with armor-pearcing rounds, excellent against both vehicles and infantry."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Vehicles, Infantry"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Fire Weapons"; return; case "moto" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Motorcycle Trooper"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Fast Base-assault Unit"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "While not strong motorcycles are quite fast and can reach enemy base before stronger units can intercept them."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Vehicles, Aircraft"; return; case "atv" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "ATV"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Anti-tank Unit"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "This light agile unit can destroy expensive tanks with relative ease, but it is vulnerable to infantry, especially RPG troopers"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Vehicles"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Infantry, Aircraft"; return; case "ifv" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "IFV - M6"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Support Unit"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Infantry Fighting Vehicle can engage all ground- and air- targets, but it is not very strong, thus making it more effective in numbers."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry, Aircraft"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Vehicles"; return; case "gat" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Gatling Tank"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Support Tank"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Gatling tank offers armoured, but relatively cheap weapon that is mostly effective against infantry."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Aircraft, RPG Troopers"; return; case "arm" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Armor"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Main Battle Tank"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Armor is reasonably effective agaist all ground units and base, but is defenceless against aircraft."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry, Vehicles"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Aircraft, RPG Troopers"; return; case "pat" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Missile Tank"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Anti-air and Ground unit"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "While expensive, missile tank is the most versatile groung unit, capable of attacking both air and ground targets."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Vehicles, Aircraft"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "RPG Troopers"; return; case "hawk" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Mobile SAM MIM - 720M"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Anty-aircraft Unit"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Designed to provide cover to mobile formations this unit can intercept aircraft from afar, but does not have anti-ground weapons."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Aircraft"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "All Ground Units"; return; case "falcon" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Falcon II"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Strike Fighter"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Versatile aircraft, Falcon can engage other planes as well ground vehicles. Upon reachinf the base it drops one cluster bomb"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Aircraft, Vehicles, Base"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "SAMs, AAAs"; return; case "stealth" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Stealth"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Heavy Bomber"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "In virtue of its shape and materials the Stealth has a low radar signature. Because of it enemy radar guided SAMs can not get good tracking signal resulting in poor accuracy."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Base"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Aircraft, AAAs"; return; case "subs" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Lobby For Funds"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Increase Profit"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Many people are weary of paying too much for war, but a few experienced lobbyists should convince (or bribe) the government to make more funds available."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.price_txt.text = tax_price; return; case "sba" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Body Armor"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Infantry"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Basic bullet-proof armor, optimised to protect against rifle rounds."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Bullets"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "ste" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Steroids"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Increase Infantry Speed"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Steroid injections makes infantry run much faster, but at the expence of their health, be careful about this..."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "hba" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Body Armor"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Infantry"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Basic bullet-proof armor, optimised to protect against rifle rounds."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Bullets"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "med" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Medkit"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Infantry"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Heals infantry over time"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "gas" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Gas Mask"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Infantry"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Offers limited protection against contamination"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "engine" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Improved Engine"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Speed up Tanks"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "The faster the tanks go the sooner they will reach the enemy base, however they are less able to defens your base as well."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "durnd" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "DU Round"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Increase Tank Power"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Depleted Uranium rounds significantly increase the power of all heavy vehicles."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "comp" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Composite Armor"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Tanks"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Composite armor helps protect the tanks from damage, especially from armor-piercing rounds"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "AP - rounds"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "jammer" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Jamming Pods"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Aircraft"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Radar guided SAMs rely on radio signals that can be drowned in noise, resulting in poor accuracy."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "SAMs"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "chaff" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Chaff Despencer"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Aircraft"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Deploys clouds of metallic strips that reflect radar waves."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "SAMs"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "cancel" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Active Cancelation"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Aircraft"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "This computerized system detects the enemy radio wave and emmits a wave in the opposite phase, ideally elliminating the signal completely"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "SAMs"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "heal" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Improve Healing"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Heals Infantry"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Makes infantry heal faster."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "gasmask" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "HAZMAT Suits"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Infantry"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Useful if the enemy deploys biological or nuclear missiles."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Biological Weapons"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "iar" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Jet Armor"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Aircraft"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "This offers normally vulnerable Jet Fighters with some protection"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Bullets, Missiles"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "k13" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "AA - Missile"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Increase Aircraft Power"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Replaces cannons with air-to-air missiles improving range and damage"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "larm" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Light Armor"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Light Vehicles"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Light vehicles are fast, but easy for the enmy to damage. This gives them a better fighting chance"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Bullets, Missiles"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "lrf" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Range Finder"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Increase Range"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Laser range finders give light vehicles an edge by providing them with a range advantage."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "hicap" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "High Capacity Magazine"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Increase Ammo Capacity"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Gatling Cannons spend their ammo fast, and can be overwhealmed with sheer number of units. This upgrade helps address the issue"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "incen" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Incendiary Rounds"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Increase Damage"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Gatling Cannons can be much more useful if it's shots are more powerful"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry, Vehicles, Aircraft"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "fastm" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Fast Mechanism"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Increase Speed"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Increases the speed with which the cannon moves allowing it to switch quickly between ground and air targets"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "capac" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Capacitors"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Increase Ammo Capacity"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Allows the Laser to store up more energy allowing for more shots"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "pulse" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Pulse Laser"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Increase Damage"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "More powerful laser is more likely to destroy enemy missile"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "SSMs"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "hires" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "High Resolution Radar"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Increase Range"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "This allows the Laser to engage the missiles shortly after being launched, making them somewhat less of a threat"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "airsol" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Airsol"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Missiles"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Airsols are good a refracting light, spraying clouds of them around the warhead helps protect it from the Laser"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Laser"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "ceramic" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Ceramic Tiles"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Missiles"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Ceramic Tiles absorb heat, thus requiring the attacking Laser to be mach more powerful to penetrate the warhead"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Laser"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "mirror" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Reflective Material"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Missiles"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "These specially engineered materials reflect almost all frequencies, making the laser somewhat less powerful against them"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Laser"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "tungst" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Tungsten Penetrator"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Increase Damage"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Makes ATGMs more powerful"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Vehicles, Infantry"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "extral" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "+1 Launcher"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Increase Damage"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "The simplest way to make ATGM site more powerful as to simply fire more missiles"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Vehicles, Infantry"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "saclos" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "SACLOS"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Increase Range"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Semi-automatic guidance allows for incresed range, and retargeting of missiles already fired"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Vehicles, Infantry"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "poison" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Contamination"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Reduces Initial HP"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Background contamination causes newly produced ground units to have less HP, thus aiding a defender. Temple units tend to be less vulnerable to Contaminaton. \nCaused by: Bio Missile, Nuke, DU rounds"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "cancel_queue" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Cancel Queue"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = ""; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Cancels the queue. Unit that is currently being built will still be produced."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "repair" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Repair Structure"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = ""; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Repairs a damaged structure."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "tnt" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Demolish Structure"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = ""; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Destroys the structure to make room for something else."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "bar1" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Barracks"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Conscripts Infantry"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "This structure deploys all infantry."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "fac" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Tank Factory"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Produces Vehicles"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "All ground vehicles are made in the factory."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "air1" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Air Control"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Calls Airstrikes"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "The job of this structure is to guide the aircraft towards their targets."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "min_econ" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Labor Camp"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Allows to increase Funds"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Puts criminals to good use, making war-effort resources."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "mg1" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "ATGM Site"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Attacks Groung Units"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "While poorly armored these sites can offer some protection against enemy vehicles. The missiles are not very maneuverable and tend to miss at close range."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Vehicles"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Infantry"; return; case "sam_site" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "SAM Site"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Intercepts Aircraft"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Radar guidance gives the SAMs longer range, but makes them vulnerable to Stealth and ECM. To compensate for guidance errors that result from that, SAMs carry large shrapnel-filled warheads."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Airplanes"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Stealth, Heavy ECM"; return; case "hitech1" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Field Research Bureau"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Allows Upgrades"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "One can often gain an advantage over the enemy by adopting a specific upgrade."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "lpad" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "SSM Launch Pad"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Fires Rockets"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "If the enemy air defenses are too heavy, or they deploy too many units a well-placed rocket can quickly turn the tables. While expensive, rockets are only vulnerable to lasers."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Base"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "radar" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Phased Array Radar"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Helps Counter Stealth and ECM"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Using sophisticated radar system allows to mitigate the effects of ECM and Stealth by focusing the beam on the enemy to get strong reflection and to burn through ECMs. More radars improve detection."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "ak74" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Assault Trooper"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Light Infantry"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "While not too well protected Assault troopers carry powerful rifles that can deal serious damage to infantry and light vehicles."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Vehicles"; return; case "flame" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Flamethrower Trooper"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Support Unit"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Flame troopers are slower and have shorter range then riflemen, but their flame-stream can damage many units at once, making them ideal for fighting groups of enemy soldiers."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry, Light Vehicles"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Snipers, Heavy Vehicles"; return; case "rpg" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "RPG Trooper"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Anti-tank Infantry"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "While relatively powerful against vehicles, these should be protected by other infantry."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Vehicles"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Infantry"; return; case "tos" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Rocket Artillery"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Support Unit"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Fires long range rockets that do area damage. Normally vulnerable up close, just like other tanks it can be fitted with a flamethrower"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry, Base"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Vehicles, Aircraft"; return; case "zsu" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Mobile AAA"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Support Unit"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "This is equipped with a dual machinegun to deal with threats both on the ground and in the air"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry, Aircraft"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Vehicles"; return; case "tnk" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Tank"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Main Battle Tank"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "While good against most ground units as well as enemy base, the tank has no protection against aircraft and can be taken out by bazooka soldiers and ATVs."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry, Vehicles"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Aircraft, Bazooka Troopers"; return; case "inter" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Jet Fighter"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Interceptor, Bomber"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "The fighter is equipped with dual machine guns and a cluster bomb. Can be upgraded to carry air-to-air missiles."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Aircraft, Base"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "SAMs, AAAs"; return; case "bomber" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "B - 14"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Bomber"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Bomber can not attack other airplanes, but is rather effective against vehicles and is fairly well-armored. Drops a bomb that will damage random enemy tile."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Vehicles, Base"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Fighters, SAMs, AAAs"; return; case "tax" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Recruit Prisoners"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Increase Income"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "For a small fee the local police can be convinced to channel some of their prisoners to us, so that they may be rehabilitated making war funds for the Mighty Serpent."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "kevlar1" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Body Armor"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Infantry"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Assault and Flame troopers have powerful weapons, but they are easy to kill before they get to their targets. Body armor helps alleviate this problem."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Bullets"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "raexp" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Reactive Armor"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Tanks"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Helps protect tanks, and mobile AAAs against AP-bombs dropped by aircraft."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "AP - rounds"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "tvm" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Track via Missile"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Improve SAM accuracy"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "This sophisticated method of guidance allows retargeting of missiles already fired and increases their accuracy"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "chirp" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Linear Frequency Modulation"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Improve SAM accuracy"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "This technique allows to amplify radar signals while isolating background noise, such as jamming. Amplified signals also provide better stealth detection."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "fhss" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Improve SAM accuracy"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Rapidly switching frequency significantly reduces interference. Lower frequences also improve stealth detection."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "radio" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Radio Kits"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Increase Tank Range"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "These allow tanks to coordinate better, increasing their range"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "NA"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "alu" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Aluminum Powder"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Improves Infantry Power"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Adding aluminum powder can increase burning temperature from 800C to 1200C, and enheance bullets and RPGs with incendiarry effect."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry, Vehicles"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "flthr" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Flamethrower"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Tanks"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Tanks are much less vulnerable to infantry when fitted with these"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry, Vehicles"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "flthr" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Flamethrower"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Protect Tanks"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "Tanks are much less vulnerable to infantry when fitted with these"; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Infantry, Vehicles"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "NA"; return; case "he_rocket" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Cluster Rocket"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Ballistic Missile"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "This is a relatively cheap rocket, that carries a submunition warhead, similar to cluster bombs."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Base"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Laser"; return; case "ch_rocket" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Bacteriological Rocket"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Ballistic Missile"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "This is a defensive weapon: by comntaminating the area around the enemy base it will kill or damage ground units that attempt to leave it. Can be neutralized with HAZMAT suites."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Ground Units"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Laser"; return; case "nu_rocket" : _root.interface.desc.name_txt.text = "Nuclear Rocket"; _root.interface.desc.class_txt.text = "Ballistic Missile"; _root.interface.desc.brief_txt.text = "While rather costly this weapon does significant harm to all enemy structures. Causes significant contamination."; _root.interface.desc.strong_txt.text = "Base"; _root.interface.desc.weak_txt.text = "Laser"; } } function hide_reg_desc() { _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc._visible = 0; } function reg_description(r) { _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc._visible = 1; switch (r) { case 1 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Dutilos"; break; case 2 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Nemesit"; break; case 3 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Taxal"; break; case 4 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Morast"; break; case 5 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Lirin"; break; case 6 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Roho Beach"; break; case 7 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Vrast"; break; case 8 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Nellech"; break; case 9 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Nayon"; break; case 10 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Yekor"; break; case 11 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Satit Island"; break; case 100 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Aluminium"; break; case 101 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Tungsten"; break; case 102 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Oil"; break; case 103 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Iron"; break; case 104 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Silicon"; break; case 105 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text = "Uranium"; } if (house == 0) { if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].ai == 0) { _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "This province has joined the New Hope Alliance."; _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = ""; } else { switch (r) { case 1 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Our capital."; avail = "Not Accesable"; if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].available == 1) { avail = "Accesable For Attack"; } _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail; break; case 2 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "This Oil rich province has come some years ago under the control of local mafia, they profit by charging exorbant prices and use the money to arm themthelves. We must liberate the Oil, and the region!"; avail = "Not Accesable"; if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].available == 1) { avail = "Accesable For Attack"; } _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail; break; case 3 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Aluminum is necessary for aircraft, if you take this province early the airplanes can be used to attack attack the rebels before they buy SAMs from the Temple."; avail = "Not Accesable"; if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].available == 1) { avail = "Accesable For Attack"; } _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail; break; case 4 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "This region must be taken before we can strike the snake-lovers' island. I have reports that the Temple allied with local bandits to reinforce their defences."; avail = "Not Accesable"; if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].available == 1) { avail = "Accesable For Attack"; } _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail; break; case 5 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "It is doubtful that the enemy strength here is significant, thus this is a good place to attack early. The iron can be used for tanks and to body armor to protect the infantry."; avail = "Not Accesable"; if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].available == 1) { avail = "Accesable For Attack"; } _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail; break; case 6 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "With silicon the Gatling Cannons can be greatly improved. Not much is known about local resistance, but they may be getting Temple's help."; avail = "Not Accesable"; if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].available == 1) { avail = "Accesable For Attack"; } _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail; break; case 7 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "This is the initial province they took on the island, but unfortunately they do not command their forces from here, we must wipe out all of them."; avail = "Not Accesable"; if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].available == 1) { avail = "Accesable For Attack"; } _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail; break; case 8 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "The Temple will probably fight tooth and nail for their Oil, be on guard."; avail = "Not Accesable"; if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].available == 1) { avail = "Accesable For Attack"; } _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail; break; case 9 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Temple has a monopoly on Tungsten that can be used to improve our Laser, and Radar Jamming equipment. When we secure it their SSMs and SAMs will be much less of a threat."; avail = "Not Accesable"; if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].available == 1) { avail = "Accesable For Attack"; } _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail; break; case 10 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "This province contains Temple's main air defence hub. Before our forces can be safely airlifted onto the island you must destroy their Radar. It is also very important that you do not lose the air control tower or we will not have a hope of establishing air superiority."; avail = "Not Accesable"; if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].available == 1) { avail = "Accesable For Attack"; } _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail; break; case 11 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Snake-worshippers get their Iron from here. Not much else is knows about this province."; avail = "Not Accesable"; if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].available == 1) { avail = "Accesable For Attack"; } _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail; break; case 100 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Aluminium is important for constructing light air frames."; _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = ""; break; case 101 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Tungsten is used in certain special electronics, specifically Laser upgrades and radar-jamming equipment."; _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = ""; break; case 102 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Needless to say all vehicles as well as aircraft require oil. By itself it allows motorcycle troopers and ATVs."; _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = ""; break; case 103 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Iron is needed for manufacture of heavily armored vehicles, such as tanks."; _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = ""; break; case 104 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Hi-tech weapons require this resource. Silicon stealth bombers, missile tanks (with Iron) as well as a variety of useful upgrades."; _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = ""; break; case 105 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Depleted Uranium can be used to improve tank armor as well as firepower."; _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = ""; } } } else if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].ai == 0) { _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Yes, we own this region..."; _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = ""; } else { switch (r) { case 1 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "This is the New Hope local administrative center, once it is captured any remaining forces, if any, will be lost and will have to either surrender, starve to death without supples, I do not really care which."; avail = "Not Accesable"; if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].available == 1) { avail = "Accesable For Attack"; } _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail; break; case 2 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "It would appear that this region had some trouble with the locals, and because it is located deep in the New Hope territory they felt safe from us. Because of this the defences consist of Gatling Cannons, but there is no Laser so far, I recommend showering it with missiles before they build one."; avail = "Not Accesable"; if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].available == 1) { avail = "Accesable For Attack"; } _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail; break; case 3 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Aluminum is needed for our fighters but is difficult to get to. Local base defences are heavy."; avail = "Not Accesable"; if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].available == 1) { avail = "Accesable For Attack"; } _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail; break; case 4 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "No one doubts the value of Uranium, but attacking this province is tricky. There is a major airbase here, coordinating all their air assets in the region. We can't land here, so use missiles to destroy the air control tower. Do not loose the Radar, however, without it all our forces will be vulnerable to air attack!"; avail = "Not Accesable"; if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].available == 1) { avail = "Accesable For Attack"; } _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail; break; case 5 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "It is believed that local general favors infantry tactics, but it will likely contain many defences."; avail = "Not Accesable"; if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].available == 1) { avail = "Accesable For Attack"; } _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail; break; case 6 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "The silicon only found in this province makes New Hope electronics much better then ours. The wide beaches make it a perfect landing area, New Hope will have no way to predict our approach."; avail = "Not Accesable"; if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].available == 1) { avail = "Accesable For Attack"; } _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail; break; case 7 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Our landing area."; avail = "Not Accesable"; if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].available == 1) { avail = "Accesable For Attack"; } _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail; break; case 8 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Local warlord is our ally, but the population rebelled against him, if we assist we will have access to Oil."; avail = "Not Accesable"; if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].available == 1) { avail = "Accesable For Attack"; } _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail; break; case 9 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Unfortunately the locals have significant number of plants to convert civilian vehicles into technicals and car bombs. Our faithful, however managed to sneak in and set up some ATGMs. Once we secure the Tungsten, we will be able to improve out base defences."; avail = "Not Accesable"; if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].available == 1) { avail = "Accesable For Attack"; } _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail; break; case 10 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "This province is a perfect place to attack the New Hope positions from. Our spies report that New Hope provided some support to local terrorists."; avail = "Not Accesable"; if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].available == 1) { avail = "Accesable For Attack"; } _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail; break; case 11 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "There are vast Iron resources in the hills of this island. By itself Iron can be used to manufacture steel plated body armor. There is no significant intel on the local resistance, but it is likely weak."; avail = "Not Accesable"; if (_root.mentat_screen[("reg_" + r) + "_bg"].available == 1) { avail = "Accesable For Attack"; } _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = avail; break; case 100 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "All of our aircraft can be manufactured, once we have access to aluminium and oil. Aluminum powder can be used to improve all infantry firepower."; _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = ""; break; case 101 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "This heavy metal makes exellent fill for ATGMs."; _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = ""; break; case 102 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Oil is very useful as it is requred for production of most units. Early on it allows us to use flamethrowers which can aid in capture of other regions."; _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = ""; break; case 103 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "You can not make a nice sturdy tank hull without steel. And steel is obviously made from iron."; _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = ""; break; case 104 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "Any advanced electronic equipment requres silicon, once we have it many existing weapon systems can be improved."; _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = ""; break; case 105 : _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text = "We can use uranium to manufacture tactical nuclear warheads. Enough said."; _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text = ""; } } _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.txt_0.text = ""; _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.txt_1.text = ""; _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.txt_2.text = ""; _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.str_0 = _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.name_txt.text; _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.str_1 = _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.avail_txt.text; _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.str_2 = _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.brief_txt.text; _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.cur_char_0 = 0; _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.cur_char_1 = 0; _root.mentat_screen.reg_desc.cur_char_2 = 0; } hide_all(); hide_reg_desc(); function init_mission(m) { poison = 0; poison_tr = 0; water = false; _quality = _quality_default; show_tiles(); reset_priority(); init_vals(); set_prices(); reset_stats(); switch (m) { case -100 : money = skirmish_money; house = skirmish_house; switch (ai_delay) { case norm_delay : break; case hard_delay : } gold = 1; oil = 1; alu = 1; iron = 1; ura = 1; sil = 1; m16_pref = skirmish_m16_pref; sniper_pref = skirmish_sniper_pref; bazoo_pref = skirmish_bazoo_pref; moto_pref = skirmish_moto_pref; atv_pref = skirmish_atv_pref; gat_pref = skirmish_gat_pref; arm_pref = skirmish_arm_pref; pat_pref = skirmish_pat_pref; falcon_pref = skirmish_falcon_pref; stealth_pref = skirmish_stealth_pref; ak74_pref = skirmish_ak74_pref; flame_pref = skirmish_flame_pref; rpg_pref = skirmish_rpg_pref; tank_pref = skirmish_tank_pref; sam_pref = skirmish_sam_pref; ftank_pref = skirmish_ftank_pref; he_pref = skirmish_he_pref; ch_pref = skirmish_ch_pref; nu_pref = skirmish_nu_pref; inter_pref = skirmish_inter_pref; bomber_pref = skirmish_bomber_pref; if (skirmish_enemy_house == 0) { _root.AI.barracks_0_max = skirmish_bar_max; _root.AI.barracks_0_priority = 50; _root.AI.barracks_0_prog = 150; _root.AI.air_0_max = skirmish_air_max; _root.AI.air_0_priority = 50; _root.AI.air_0_prog = 150; _root.AI.mg_0_max = skirmish_mgn_max; _root.AI.mg_0_priority = 100; _root.AI.mg_0_prog = 50; _root.AI.manu_max = skirmish_fac_max; _root.AI.manu_priority = 110; _root.AI.manu_prog = 20; _root.AI.lfac_max = skirmish_sam_max; _root.AI.lfac_priority = 150; _root.AI.lfac_prog = 70; _root.AI.hosp_max = skirmish_hosp_max; _root.AI.hosp_priority = 200; _root.AI.hosp_prog = 15; _root.AI.laser_max = skirmish_laser_max; _root.AI.laser_priority = 200; _root.AI.laser_prog = 15; } else { _root.AI.barracks_1_max = skirmish_bar_max; _root.AI.barracks_1_priority = 50; _root.AI.barracks_1_prog = 150; _root.AI.air_1_max = skirmish_air_max; _root.AI.air_1_priority = 50; _root.AI.air_1_prog = 150; _root.AI.mg_1_max = skirmish_mgn_max; _root.AI.mg_1_priority = 100; _root.AI.mg_1_prog = 50; _root.AI.fac_max = skirmish_fac_max; _root.AI.fac_priority = 110; _root.AI.fac_prog = 20; _root.AI.sam_site_max = skirmish_sam_max; _root.AI.sam_site_priority = 150; _root.AI.sam_site_prog = 70; _root.AI.lpad_max = skirmish_lpad_max; _root.AI.lpad_priority = 200; _root.AI.lpad_prog = 15; _root.AI.radar_max = skirmish_radar_max; _root.AI.radar_priority = 200; _root.AI.radar_prog = 15; } break; case 1 : trace("ERROR - NHA Should not init this mission"); break; case 2 : money = init_money + empire_money; hide_bg(); _root.bg_desert._visible = 1; ak74_pref = 7; flame_pref = 0; rpg_pref = 10; sks_pref = 9; pg_pref = 10; create_stru("barracks_0", 0, 5); create_stru("barracks_0", 0, 4); create_stru("civ_2", 1, 8); create_stru("civ_2", 1, 10); create_stru("civ_1", 1, 9); create_stru("civ_0", 1, 11); break; case 3 : money = init_money + empire_money; hide_bg(); _root.bg_island._visible = 1; _root.AI.mg_1_max = 2; _root.AI.mg_1_priority = 100; _root.AI.mg_1_prog = 50; ak74_pref = 7; flame_pref = 0; rpg_pref = 10; sks_pref = 5; pg_pref = 10; car_pref = 5; stinger_pref = 10; create_stru("veh_fac", 1, 11); create_stru("civ_1", 1, 9); create_stru("veh_fac", 1, 10); create_stru("arm_mart", 1, 8); create_stru("arm_mart", 1, 12); create_stru("civ_0", 1, 13); break; case 4 : money = init_money + empire_money; hide_bg(); _root.bg_mount._visible = 1; _root.AI.barracks_1_max = 1; _root.AI.barracks_1_priority = 150; _root.AI.barracks_1_prog = 1; _root.AI.mg_1_max = 2; _root.AI.mg_1_priority = 100; _root.AI.mg_1_prog = 50; ak74_pref = 7; flame_pref = 0; rpg_pref = 10; sks_pref = 5; pg_pref = 10; car_pref = 3; stinger_pref = 5; suicide_pref = 10; create_stru("mg_0", 0, 1); create_stru("barracks_0", 0, 3); create_stru("mg_0", 0, 4); create_stru("civ_1", 1, 11); create_stru("mg_1", 1, 9); create_stru("veh_fac", 1, 10); create_stru("barracks_1", 1, 8); create_stru("arm_mart", 1, 13); create_stru("veh_fac", 1, 12); break; case 5 : money = init_money + empire_money; hide_bg(); _root.bg_desert._visible = 1; ak74_pref = 5; flame_pref = 10; rpg_pref = 0; sks_pref = 8; pg_pref = 10; create_stru("civ_2", 1, 8); create_stru("veh_fac", 1, 10); create_stru("civ_1", 1, 14); create_stru("civ_0", 1, 9); create_stru("arm_mart", 1, 11); create_stru("civ_0", 1, 13); break; case 6 : money = init_money + empire_money; hide_bg(); _root.bg_mount._visible = 1; _root.AI.barracks_1_max = 2; _root.AI.barracks_1_priority = 150; _root.AI.barracks_1_prog = 50; _root.AI.mg_1_max = 3; _root.AI.mg_1_priority = 150; _root.AI.mg_1_prog = 50; _root.AI.fac_max = 2; _root.AI.fac_priority = 150; _root.AI.fac_prog = 90; ak74_pref = 3; flame_pref = 7; rpg_pref = 10; sks_pref = 5; pg_pref = 10; tank_pref = 6; sam_pref = 10; ftank_pref = 10; create_stru("civ_1", 1, 12); create_stru("civ_0", 1, 13); create_stru("mg_1", 1, 11); create_stru("civ_0", 1, 10); create_stru("mg_1", 1, 9); create_stru("barracks_1", 1, 8); break; case 10 : money = init_money + empire_money; hide_bg(); _root.bg_water._visible = 1; water = true; ak74_pref = 0; flame_pref = 0; rpg_pref = 0; ftank_pref = 0; tank_pref = 0; sam_pref = 0; inter_pref = 10; create_stru("mg_0", 0, 1); create_stru("air_0", 0, 2); create_stru("mg_0", 0, 6); create_stru("air_control", 0, 3); _root.AI.air_1_max = 1; _root.AI.air_1_priority = 150; _root.AI.air_1_prog = 50; _root.AI.sam_site_max = 0; _root.AI.sam_site_priority = 200; _root.AI.sam_site_prog = 50; create_stru("sam_site", 1, 9); create_stru("sam_site", 1, 11); create_stru("air_1", 1, 12); create_stru("air_1", 1, 10); create_stru("sam_site", 1, 14); create_stru("radar", 1, 13); break; case 9 : money = init_money + empire_money; hide_bg(); _root.bg_village._visible = 1; ak74_pref = 3; flame_pref = 5; rpg_pref = 10; tank_pref = 5; sam_pref = 7; ftank_pref = 10; inter_pref = 10; create_stru("fac", 1, 8); create_stru("fac", 1, 13); create_stru("barracks_1", 1, 14); create_stru("mg_1", 1, 12); create_stru("air_1", 1, 10); _root.AI.mg_1_max = 2; _root.AI.mg_1_priority = 150; _root.AI.mg_1_prog = 50; _root.AI.fac_max = 2; _root.AI.fac_priority = 150; _root.AI.fac_prog = 50; _root.AI.barracks_1_max = 2; _root.AI.barracks_1_priority = 150; _root.AI.barracks_1_prog = 50; _root.AI.air_1_max = 2; _root.AI.air_1_priority = 150; _root.AI.air_1_prog = 50; _root.AI.sam_site_max = 2; _root.AI.sam_site_priority = 150; _root.AI.sam_site_prog = 50; break; case 8 : money = init_money + empire_money; hide_bg(); _root.bg_winter._visible = 1; ak74_pref = 3; flame_pref = 5; rpg_pref = 10; tank_pref = 3; sam_pref = 8; ftank_pref = 10; inter_pref = 10; he_pref = 8; ch_pref = 10; nu_pref = 10; _root.AI.mg_1_max = 1; _root.AI.mg_1_priority = 150; _root.AI.mg_1_prog = 5; _root.AI.barracks_1_max = 1; _root.AI.barracks_1_priority = 150; _root.AI.barracks_1_prog = 15; _root.AI.fac_max = 1; _root.AI.fac_priority = 200; _root.AI.fac_prog = 25; _root.AI.sam_site_max = 2; _root.AI.sam_site_priority = 200; _root.AI.sam_site_prog = 5; _root.AI.air_1_max = 1; _root.AI.air_1_priority = 200; _root.AI.air_1_prog = 25; _root.AI.lpad_max = 0; _root.AI.lpad_priority = 200; _root.AI.lpad_prog = 25; create_stru("mg_1", 1, 8); create_stru("sam_site", 1, 9); create_stru("lpad", 1, 10); create_stru("barracks_1", 1, 11); create_stru("fac", 1, 12); create_stru("fac", 1, 13); create_stru("air_1", 1, 14); break; case 7 : money = init_money + empire_money; hide_bg(); _root.bg_village._visible = 1; ak74_pref = 3; flame_pref = 5; rpg_pref = 10; tank_pref = 3; sam_pref = 6; ftank_pref = 10; inter_pref = 10; he_pref = 3; ch_pref = 5; nu_pref = 10; _root.AI.mg_1_max = 1; _root.AI.mg_1_priority = 150; _root.AI.mg_1_prog = 5; _root.AI.barracks_1_max = 1; _root.AI.barracks_1_priority = 150; _root.AI.barracks_1_prog = 15; _root.AI.fac_max = 1; _root.AI.fac_priority = 200; _root.AI.fac_prog = 25; _root.AI.sam_site_max = 0; _root.AI.sam_site_priority = 200; _root.AI.sam_site_prog = 5; _root.AI.lpad_max = 1; _root.AI.lpad_priority = 200; _root.AI.lpad_prog = 15; _root.AI.air_1_max = 2; _root.AI.air_1_priority = 200; _root.AI.air_1_prog = 80; create_stru("mg_1", 1, 8); create_stru("sam_site", 1, 9); create_stru("sam_site", 1, 10); create_stru("barracks_1", 1, 11); create_stru("lpad", 1, 12); create_stru("fac", 1, 13); break; case 11 : money = init_money + empire_money; hide_bg(); _root.bg_mount._visible = 1; ak74_pref = 0; flame_pref = 10; rpg_pref = 0; tank_pref = 5; sam_pref = 7; ftank_pref = 10; inter_pref = 10; he_pref = 7; ch_pref = 8; nu_pref = 10; _root.AI.barracks_1_max = 1; _root.AI.barracks_1_priority = 150; _root.AI.barracks_1_prog = 50; _root.AI.fac_max = 1; _root.AI.fac_priority = 150; _root.AI.fac_prog = 50; _root.AI.air_1_max = 2; _root.AI.air_1_priority = 150; _root.AI.air_1_prog = 50; _root.AI.sam_site_max = 2; _root.AI.sam_site_priority = 200; _root.AI.sam_site_prog = 50; _root.AI.lpad_max = 0; _root.AI.lpad_priority = 200; _root.AI.lpad_prog = 50; _root.AI.mg_1_max = 1; _root.AI.mg_1_priority = 200; _root.AI.mg_1_prog = 50; create_stru("air_1", 1, 8); create_stru("air_1", 1, 9); create_stru("mg_1", 1, 10); create_stru("mg_1", 1, 11); create_stru("lpad", 1, 12); create_stru("barracks_1", 1, 13); create_stru("fac", 1, 14); break; case 111 : money = init_money + empire_money; hide_bg(); _root.bg_mount._visible = 1; m16_pref = 1; sniper_pref = 5; bazoo_pref = 7; moto_pref = 5; atv_pref = 10; gau_pref = 5; arm_pref = 8; pat_pref = 10; sks_pref = 5; pg_pref = 10; car_pref = 5; stinger_pref = 7; suicide_pref = 10; create_stru("civ_0", 1, 8); create_stru("civ_1", 1, 9); create_stru("arm_mart", 1, 10); create_stru("veh_fac", 1, 11); create_stru("veh_fac", 1, 12); create_stru("civ_2", 1, 13); create_stru("civ_0", 1, 14); break; case 108 : money = init_money + empire_money; hide_bg(); _root.bg_desert._visible = 1; m16_pref = 1; sniper_pref = 5; bazoo_pref = 7; moto_pref = 5; atv_pref = 10; gau_pref = 5; arm_pref = 8; pat_pref = 10; sks_pref = 5; pg_pref = 10; car_pref = 3; stinger_pref = 5; suicide_pref = 10; create_stru("mg_1", 0, 1); create_stru("barracks_1", 0, 5); create_stru("mg_1", 0, 3); create_stru("civ_1", 1, 8); create_stru("civ_2", 1, 9); create_stru("veh_fac", 1, 14); create_stru("civ_0", 1, 12); create_stru("civ_2", 1, 13); break; case 109 : money = init_money + empire_money; hide_bg(); _root.bg_winter._visible = 1; m16_pref = 1; sniper_pref = 5; bazoo_pref = 7; moto_pref = 5; atv_pref = 10; gau_pref = 5; arm_pref = 8; pat_pref = 10; sks_pref = 5; pg_pref = 10; car_pref = 3; stinger_pref = 4; suicide_pref = 10; create_stru("mg_1", 0, 2); create_stru("mg_1", 0, 6); create_stru("mg_1", 0, 4); create_stru("veh_fac", 1, 8); create_stru("civ_0", 1, 9); create_stru("arm_mart", 1, 10); create_stru("veh_fac", 1, 11); create_stru("civ_2", 1, 12); create_stru("veh_fac", 1, 13); create_stru("civ_1", 1, 14); break; case 110 : money = init_money + empire_money; hide_bg(); _root.bg_mount._visible = 1; m16_pref = 7; sniper_pref = 10; bazoo_pref = 10; moto_pref = 5; atv_pref = 10; gau_pref = 5; arm_pref = 8; pat_pref = 10; sks_pref = 5; pg_pref = 10; car_pref = 3; stinger_pref = 7; suicide_pref = 10; _root.AI.barracks_0_max = 1; _root.AI.barracks_0_priority = 150; _root.AI.barracks_0_prog = 15; _root.AI.mg_0_max = 1; _root.AI.mg_0_priority = 150; _root.AI.mg_0_prog = 15; _root.AI.lfac_max = 1; _root.AI.lfac_priority = 150; _root.AI.lfac_prog = 15; create_stru("barracks_0", 1, 8); create_stru("mg_0", 1, 9); create_stru("barracks_0", 1, 10); create_stru("veh_fac", 1, 11); create_stru("civ_1", 1, 12); create_stru("lfac", 1, 13); create_stru("mg_0", 1, 14); break; case 106 : money = init_money + empire_money; hide_bg(); _root.bg_village._visible = 1; m16_pref = 5; sniper_pref = 7; bazoo_pref = 10; moto_pref = 5; atv_pref = 10; gau_pref = 5; arm_pref = 8; pat_pref = 10; falcon_pref = 10; stealth_pref = 10; _root.AI.barracks_0_max = 1; _root.AI.barracks_0_priority = 150; _root.AI.barracks_0_prog = 15; _root.AI.mg_0_max = 1; _root.AI.mg_0_priority = 150; _root.AI.mg_0_prog = 15; _root.AI.lfac_max = 1; _root.AI.lfac_priority = 150; _root.AI.lfac_prog = 15; _root.AI.manu_max = 1; _root.AI.manu_priority = 200; _root.AI.manu_prog = 25; _root.AI.air_0_max = 0; _root.AI.air_0_priority = 200; _root.AI.air_0_prog = 50; create_stru("lfac", 1, 8); create_stru("lfac", 1, 9); create_stru("barracks_0", 1, 10); create_stru("air_0", 1, 11); create_stru("manu", 1, 12); create_stru("air_0", 1, 13); break; case 105 : money = init_money + empire_money; hide_bg(); _root.bg_island._visible = 1; m16_pref = 5; sniper_pref = 7; bazoo_pref = 10; moto_pref = 5; atv_pref = 10; gau_pref = 5; arm_pref = 8; pat_pref = 10; falcon_pref = 10; stealth_pref = 10; _root.AI.barracks_0_max = 1; _root.AI.barracks_0_priority = 150; _root.AI.barracks_0_prog = 15; _root.AI.mg_0_max = 1; _root.AI.mg_0_priority = 150; _root.AI.mg_0_prog = 15; _root.AI.lfac_max = 1; _root.AI.lfac_priority = 150; _root.AI.lfac_prog = 15; _root.AI.manu_max = 1; _root.AI.manu_priority = 200; _root.AI.manu_prog = 25; _root.AI.air_0_max = 0; _root.AI.air_0_priority = 200; _root.AI.air_0_prog = 50; _root.AI.laser_max = 0; _root.AI.laser_priority = 200; _root.AI.laser_prog = 50; create_stru("barracks_0", 1, 8); create_stru("laser", 1, 9); create_stru("barracks_0", 1, 10); create_stru("manu", 1, 11); create_stru("air_0", 1, 12); create_stru("mg_0", 1, 13); break; case 104 : water = true; money = init_money + empire_money; hide_bg(); _root.bg_water._visible = 1; m16_pref = 0; sniper_pref = 0; bazoo_pref = 0; moto_pref = 0; atv_pref = 0; gau_pref = 0; arm_pref = 0; pat_pref = 0; sks_pref = 0; pg_pref = 0; car_pref = 0; stinger_pref = 0; suicide_pref = 0; falcon_pref = 9; stealth_pref = 10; create_stru("radar", 0, 3); _root.AI.mg_0_max = 1; _root.AI.mg_0_priority = 150; _root.AI.mg_0_prog = 15; _root.AI.air_0_max = 2; _root.AI.air_0_priority = 200; _root.AI.air_0_prog = 50; create_stru("air_0", 1, 8); create_stru("mg_0", 1, 9); create_stru("mg_0", 1, 10); create_stru("air_0", 1, 12); create_stru("air_control", 1, 13); create_stru("mg_0", 1, 14); break; case 103 : money = init_money + empire_money; hide_bg(); _root.bg_desert._visible = 1; m16_pref = 5; sniper_pref = 7; bazoo_pref = 10; moto_pref = 3; atv_pref = 10; gau_pref = 1; arm_pref = 6; pat_pref = 10; falcon_pref = 4; stealth_pref = 10; _root.AI.barracks_0_max = 1; _root.AI.barracks_0_priority = 150; _root.AI.barracks_0_prog = 15; _root.AI.mg_0_max = 1; _root.AI.mg_0_priority = 150; _root.AI.mg_0_prog = 15; _root.AI.lfac_max = 1; _root.AI.lfac_priority = 150; _root.AI.lfac_prog = 15; _root.AI.manu_max = 1; _root.AI.manu_priority = 200; _root.AI.manu_prog = 25; _root.AI.air_0_max = 2; _root.AI.air_0_priority = 200; _root.AI.air_0_prog = 50; _root.AI.laser_max = 0; _root.AI.laser_priority = 200; _root.AI.laser_prog = 50; create_stru("laser", 1, 8); create_stru("mg_0", 1, 9); create_stru("air_0", 1, 10); create_stru("barracks_0", 1, 11); create_stru("manu", 1, 12); create_stru("mg_0", 1, 13); break; case 102 : money = init_money + empire_money; hide_bg(); _root.bg_mount._visible = 1; m16_pref = 5; sniper_pref = 7; bazoo_pref = 10; moto_pref = 5; atv_pref = 10; gau_pref = 5; arm_pref = 8; pat_pref = 10; falcon_pref = 10; stealth_pref = 10; _root.AI.barracks_0_max = 1; _root.AI.barracks_0_priority = 150; _root.AI.barracks_0_prog = 15; _root.AI.mg_0_max = 0; _root.AI.mg_0_priority = 150; _root.AI.mg_0_prog = 15; _root.AI.lfac_max = 1; _root.AI.lfac_priority = 150; _root.AI.lfac_prog = 15; _root.AI.manu_max = 1; _root.AI.manu_priority = 200; _root.AI.manu_prog = 25; _root.AI.air_0_max = 0; _root.AI.air_0_priority = 200; _root.AI.air_0_prog = 50; _root.AI.laser_max = 1; _root.AI.laser_priority = 200; _root.AI.laser_prog = 50; create_stru("mg_0", 1, 8); create_stru("mg_0", 1, 9); create_stru("lfac", 1, 10); create_stru("manu", 1, 11); create_stru("air_0", 1, 12); create_stru("air_0", 1, 13); create_stru("mg_0", 1, 14); break; case 101 : money = init_money + empire_money; hide_bg(); _root.bg_mount._visible = 1; m16_pref = 0; sniper_pref = 3; bazoo_pref = 10; moto_pref = 7; atv_pref = 10; gau_pref = 0; arm_pref = 5; pat_pref = 10; falcon_pref = 3; stealth_pref = 10; _root.AI.barracks_0_max = 1; _root.AI.barracks_0_priority = 150; _root.AI.barracks_0_prog = 15; _root.AI.mg_0_max = 1; _root.AI.mg_0_priority = 150; _root.AI.mg_0_prog = 15; _root.AI.lfac_max = 1; _root.AI.lfac_priority = 150; _root.AI.lfac_prog = 15; _root.AI.manu_max = 1; _root.AI.manu_priority = 200; _root.AI.manu_prog = 25; _root.AI.air_0_max = 1; _root.AI.air_0_priority = 200; _root.AI.air_0_prog = 50; _root.AI.laser_max = 1; _root.AI.laser_priority = 200; _root.AI.laser_prog = 50; create_stru("air_0", 1, 8); create_stru("manu", 1, 9); create_stru("air_0", 1, 10); create_stru("manu", 1, 11); create_stru("lfac", 1, 12); create_stru("laser", 1, 13); create_stru("mg_0", 1, 14); } if (house == 0) { _root.interface.nha_bg._visible = 1; _root.interface.tos_bg._visible = 0; } else { _root.interface.nha_bg._visible = 0; _root.interface.tos_bg._visible = 1; } _root.interface._visible = 1; = 1; } function reset_priority() { _root.AI.barracks_0_num = 0; _root.AI.barracks_0_max = 0; _root.AI.barracks_0_priority = 100; _root.AI.barracks_0_prog = 1; _root.AI.manu_num = 0; _root.AI.manu_max = 0; _root.AI.manu_priority = 100; _root.AI.manu_prog = 1; _root.AI.air_0_num = 0; _root.AI.air_0_max = 0; _root.AI.air_0_priority = 100; _root.AI.air_0_prog = 1; _root.AI.lfac_num = 0; _root.AI.lfac_max = 0; _root.AI.lfac_priority = 100; _root.AI.lfac_prog = 1; _root.AI.mg_0_num = 0; _root.AI.mg_0_max = 0; _root.AI.mg_0_priority = 100; _root.AI.mg_0_prog = 1; _root.AI.hosp_num = 0; _root.AI.hosp_max = 0; _root.AI.hosp_priority = 100; _root.AI.hosp_prog = 1; _root.AI.laser_num = 0; _root.AI.laser_max = 0; _root.AI.laser_priority = 100; _root.AI.laser_prog = 1; _root.AI.barracks_1_num = 0; _root.AI.barracks_1_max = 0; _root.AI.barracks_1_priority = 100; _root.AI.barracks_1_prog = 1; _root.AI.fac_num = 0; _root.AI.fac_max = 0; _root.AI.fac_priority = 100; _root.AI.fac_prog = 1; _root.AI.air_1_num = 0; _root.AI.air_1_max = 0; _root.AI.air_1_priority = 100; _root.AI.air_1_prog = 1; _root.AI.sam_site_num = 0; _root.AI.sam_site_max = 0; _root.AI.sam_site_priority = 100; _root.AI.sam_site_prog = 1; _root.AI.mg_1_num = 0; _root.AI.mg_1_max = 0; _root.AI.mg_1_priority = 100; _root.AI.mg_1_prog = 1; _root.AI.lpad_num = 0; _root.AI.lpad_max = 0; _root.AI.lpad_priority = 100; _root.AI.lpad_prog = 1; _root.AI.radar_num = 0; _root.AI.radar_max = 0; _root.AI.radar_priority = 100; _root.AI.radar_prog = 1; } function hide_bg() { _root.bg_village._visible = 0; _root.bg_mount._visible = 0; _root.bg_winter._visible = 0; _root.bg_desert._visible = 0; _root.bg_island._visible = 0; _root.bg_water._visible = 0; } hide_bg(); _root.bg_mount._visible = 1; function kill_all() { i = 0; while (i <= hu_num) { if (_root["infantry_" + i].hp > 0) { removeMovieClip(_root["infantry_" + i]); } if (_root["vehi_" + i].hp > 0) { removeMovieClip(_root["vehi_" + i]); } i++; } i = 0; while (i <= hu_air_num) { if (_root["aircraft_" + i].hp > 0) { removeMovieClip(_root["aircraft_" + i]); } i++; } i = 0; while (i <= hu_r_num) { if (_root["rocket_" + i].hp > 0) { removeMovieClip(_root["rocket_" + i]); } i++; } i = 0; while (i <= ai_num) { if (_root["ai_infantry_" + i].hp > 0) { removeMovieClip(_root["ai_infantry_" + i]); } if (_root["ai_vehi_" + i].hp > 0) { removeMovieClip(_root["ai_vehi_" + i]); } i++; } i = 0; while (i <= ai_air_num) { if (_root["ai_aircraft_" + i].hp > 0) { removeMovieClip(_root["ai_aircraft_" + i]); } i++; } i = 0; while (i <= ai_r_num) { if (_root["ai_rocket_" + i].hp > 0) { removeMovieClip(_root["ai_rocket_" + i]); } i++; } i = 5002; while (i <= misk_depth) { if (_root["bmb" + i].active == 1) { removeMovieClip(_root["bmb" + i]); } i++; } i = 1; while (i <= 14) { if (_root["stru" + i].hp > 0) { removeMovieClip(_root["stru" + i]); _root["tile" + i]._visible = 1; } if (_root["cs" + i].active == 1) { removeMovieClip(_root["cs" + i]); _root["tile" + i]._visible = 1; } i++; } }
Instance of Symbol 109 MovieClip "AI" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function build_try(st, pr) { tt = random(7) + 8; if (_root["tile" + tt]._visible == 1) { _root.create_con_site_0(st, 1, tt, pr); _root.AI[st + "_num"] = _root.AI[st + "_num"] + 1; } else if (_root["tile" + slot]._visible == 1) { _root.create_con_site_0(st, 1, slot, pr); _root.AI[st + "_num"] = _root.AI[st + "_num"] + 1; } } pay_cooldown = 20; pay = pay_cooldown; = 0; _global.feebleness = 1.3; _global.barracks_0_num = 0; _global.barracks_0_max = 0; _global.barracks_0_priority = 0; _global.barracks_0_prog = 0; _global.manu_num = 0; _global.manu_max = 0; _global.manu_priority = 0; _global.manu_prog = 0; _global.air_0_num = 0; _global.air_0_max = 0; _global.air_0_priority = 0; _global.air_0_prog = 0; _global.lfac_num = 0; _global.lfac_max = 0; _global.lfac_priority = 0; _global.lfac_prog = 0; _global.mg_0_num = 0; _global.mg_0_max = 0; _global.mg_0_priority = 0; _global.mg_0_prog = 0; _global.hosp_num = 0; _global.hosp_max = 0; _global.hosp_priority = 0; _global.hosp_prog = 0; _global.laser_num = 0; _global.laser_max = 0; _global.laser_priority = 0; _global.laser_prog = 0; _global.barracks_1_num = 0; _global.barracks_1_max = 0; _global.barracks_1_priority = 0; _global.barracks_1_prog = 0; _global.fac_num = 0; _global.fac_max = 0; _global.fac_priority = 0; _global.fac_prog = 0; _global.air_1_num = 0; _global.air_1_max = 0; _global.air_1_priority = 0; _global.air_1_prog = 0; _global.sam_site_num = 0; _global.sam_site_max = 0; _global.sam_site_priority = 0; _global.sam_site_prog = 0; _global.mg_1_num = 0; _global.mg_1_max = 0; _global.mg_1_priority = 0; _global.mg_1_prog = 0; _global.lpad_num = 0; _global.lpad_max = 0; _global.lpad_priority = 0; _global.lpad_prog = 0; _global.radar_num = 0; _global.radar_max = 0; _global.radar_priority = 0; _global.radar_prog = 0; } on (press) { trace(fac_max); trace(fac_num); stopAllSounds(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { slot = -1; i = 8; while (i <= 14) { if (_root["tile" + i]._visible == 1) { slot = i; break; } i++; } if (slot != -1) { if (barracks_0_num < barracks_0_max) { barracks_0_prog--; } if (manu_num < manu_max) { manu_prog--; } if (air_0_num < air_0_max) { air_0_prog--; } if (hosp_num < hosp_max) { hosp_prog--; } if (lfac_num < lfac_max) { lfac_prog--; } if (mg_0_num < mg_0_max) { mg_0_prog--; } if (laser_num < laser_max) { laser_prog--; } if (barracks_1_num < barracks_1_max) { barracks_1_prog--; } if (fac_num < fac_max) { fac_prog--; } if (air_1_num < air_1_max) { air_1_prog--; } if (lpad_num < lpad_max) { lpad_prog--; } if (sam_site_num < sam_site_max) { sam_site_prog--; } if (mg_1_num < mg_1_max) { mg_1_prog--; } if (laser_num < laser_max) { laser_prog--; } if (barracks_0_prog <= 0) { barracks_0_prog = barracks_0_priority * feebleness; barracks_0_priority = barracks_0_priority * feebleness; build_try("barracks_0", _root.bar0_price); } if (manu_prog <= 0) { manu_prog = manu_priority * feebleness; manu_priority = manu_priority * feebleness; build_try("manu", _root.manu_price); } if (air_0_prog <= 0) { air_0_prog = air_0_priority * feebleness; air_0_priority = air_0_priority * feebleness; build_try("air_0", _root.air0_price); } if (lfac_prog <= 0) { lfac_prog = lfac_priority * feebleness; lfac_priority = lfac_priority * feebleness; build_try("lfac", _root.lfac_price); } if (hosp_prog <= 0) { hosp_prog = hosp_priority * feebleness; hosp_priority = hosp_priority * feebleness; } if (laser_prog <= 0) { laser_prog = laser_priority * feebleness; laser_priority = laser_priority * feebleness; build_try("laser", _root.laser_price); } if (mg_0_prog <= 0) { mg_0_prog = mg_0_priority * feebleness; mg_0_priority = mg_0_priority * feebleness; build_try("mg_0", _root.mg0_price); } if (barracks_1_prog <= 0) { barracks_1_prog = barracks_1_priority * feebleness; barracks_1_priority = barracks_1_priority * feebleness; build_try("barracks_1", _root.bar1_price); } if (fac_prog <= 0) { fac_prog = fac_priority * feebleness; fac_priority = fac_priority * feebleness; build_try("fac", _root.fac_price); } if (air_1_prog <= 0) { air_1_prog = air_1_priority * feebleness; air_1_priority = air_1_priority * feebleness; build_try("air_1", _root.air1_price); } if (sam_site_prog <= 0) { sam_site_prog = sam_site_priority * feebleness; sam_site_priority = sam_site_priority * feebleness; build_try("sam_site", _root.sam_site_price); } if (lpad_prog <= 0) { lpad_prog = lpad_priority * feebleness; lpad_priority = lpad_priority * feebleness; build_try("lpad", _root.lpad_price); } if (radar_prog <= 0) { radar_prog = radar_priority * feebleness; radar_priority = radar_priority * feebleness; } if (mg_1_prog <= 0) { mg_1_prog = mg_1_priority * feebleness; mg_1_priority = mg_1_priority * feebleness; build_try("mg_1", _root.mg1_price); } } pay--; if (pay <= 0) { pay = pay_cooldown; = + _root.income; _root.inc_poison(-0.5); } if (_root.poison < _root.poison_tr) { _root.poison = _root.poison + 0.25; } if (_root.poison > _root.poison_tr) { _root.poison = _root.poison - 0.25; } ai_pop = _root.ai_gu_created - ((_root.ai_iu_lost + _root.ai_vu_lost) + _root.ai_surv); _root.ai_pop_txt.text = ai_pop; _root.ai_unit_num_txt.text = _root.ai_num; hu_pop = _root.hu_gu_created - ((_root.hu_iu_lost + _root.hu_vu_lost) + _root.hu_surv); _root.hu_pop_txt.text = hu_pop; _root.hu_unit_num_txt.text = _root.hu_num; if (ai_pop <= 0) { _root.ai_num = 0; } if (hu_pop <= 0) { _root.hu_num = 0; } } }
Instance of Symbol 128 MovieClip "ak74" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if ((t == 0) && (op_0 == 1)) { val = val / 1.5; } if (t == 1) { val = val / 2; } if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (hp <= 0) { if (ai == 0) { _root.hu_iu_lost++; } if (ai == 1) { _root.ai_iu_lost++; } if (t != 3) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_1_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_inf_death_1"); } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_f_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_inf_death_0"); } _root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } function fire_weapon(t, p) { this.rfl_b.attachMovie("mg_shot", "msh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.misk_depth++; if (hollowpoint == 1) { p = p * 1.7; } _root[t].damage(p + random(acc), 0); } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; hp = (_root.ak74hp * 0.5) + ((_root.ak74hp * 0.5) * ((100 - _root.poison) / 100)); hp_max = hp; speed = _root.ak74speed; rof = _root.ak74rof; power = _root.ak74pow; acc = _root.ak74acc; fire = rof; harm = _root.ak74harm; range = _root.ak74range; ros = _root.ros; scan = ros; trgt = ""; = 0; = 0; _global.dir = 1; = ""; _xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir); _yscale = _root.unitScale; if (op_1 == true) { speed = speed + 1.2; hp = hp * ((random(25) + 75) / 100); } if (op_2 == true) { power = power * 2; } kevlar = 0; if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_kevlar >= 1)) { kevlar = 1; } if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_kevlar >= 1)) { kevlar = 1; } hollowpoint = 0; if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_hollowpoint >= 1)) { hollowpoint = 1; } if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_hollowpoint >= 1)) { hollowpoint = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { _x = (_x - (speed * dir)); if (dir == 1) { if (_x <= _root.leftBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 0); removeMovieClip(this); } } if (dir == -1) { if (_x >= _root.rightBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 1); removeMovieClip(this); } } fire--; scan--; if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) { scan = ros; if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_infantry_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "infantry_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } i++; } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_vehi_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "vehi_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } i++; } } } if (trgt != "") { if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { trgt = ""; } else { if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) { _y = (_y + speed); } if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) { _y = (_y - speed); } if (dir == -1) { if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power); } } } else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power); } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 137 MovieClip "m16" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if ((t == 0) && (op_0 == 1)) { val = val / 1.5; } if (t == 1) { val = val / 2; } if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } if ((t == 6) && (op_2 == 1)) { val = val / 10; } hp = hp - val; if (hp <= 0) { if (ai == 0) { _root.hu_iu_lost++; } if (ai == 1) { _root.ai_iu_lost++; } if (t != 3) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_0_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_inf_death_1"); } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_f_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_inf_death_0"); } _root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } function fire_weapon(t, p) { this.rfl_b.attachMovie("mg_shot", "msh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.misk_depth++; _root[t].damage(p + random(acc), 0); } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; p_lft = 0.2; p_rht = 0.8; if (op_2 == 1) { p_lft = 0.4; p_rht = 0.6; } hp = (_root.m16hp * p_lft) + ((_root.m16hp * p_rht) * ((100 - _root.poison) / 100)); hp_max = hp; speed = _root.m16speed; rof = _root.m16rof; power = _root.m16pow; acc = _root.m16acc; fire = rof; harm = _root.m16harm; range = _root.m16range; ros = _root.ros; scan = ros; trgt = ""; = 0; = 0; _global.dir = 1; = ""; _xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir); _yscale = _root.unitScale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { if ((op_1 == 1) && (hp < hp_max)) { hp = hp + _root.heal_val; if (hp > hp_max) { hp = hp_max; } } _x = (_x - (speed * dir)); if ((med_heal == 1) && (hp < hp_max)) { hp = hp + _root.heal_val; } if (dir == 1) { if (_x <= _root.leftBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 0); removeMovieClip(this); } } if (dir == -1) { if (_x >= _root.rightBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 1); removeMovieClip(this); } } fire--; scan--; if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) { scan = ros; if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_infantry_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "infantry_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } i++; } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_vehi_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "vehi_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } i++; } } } if (trgt != "") { if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { trgt = ""; } else { if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) { _y = (_y + speed); } if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) { _y = (_y - speed); } if (dir == -1) { if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power); } } } else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power); } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 140 MovieClip "tile3" in Frame 88
on (press) { _root.select_tile(3); } on (rollOver) { _alpha = _root.tile_bright; } on (rollOut) { _alpha = _root.tile_default; }
Instance of Symbol 140 MovieClip "tile5" in Frame 88
on (press) { _root.select_tile(5); } on (rollOver) { _alpha = _root.tile_bright; } on (rollOut) { _alpha = _root.tile_default; }
Instance of Symbol 140 MovieClip "tile1" in Frame 88
on (press) { _root.select_tile(1); } on (rollOver) { _alpha = _root.tile_bright; } on (rollOut) { _alpha = _root.tile_default; }
Instance of Symbol 140 MovieClip "tile4" in Frame 88
on (press) { _root.select_tile(4); } on (rollOver) { _alpha = _root.tile_bright; } on (rollOut) { _alpha = _root.tile_default; }
Instance of Symbol 140 MovieClip "tile7" in Frame 88
on (press) { _root.select_tile(7); } on (rollOver) { _alpha = _root.tile_bright; } on (rollOut) { _alpha = _root.tile_default; }
Instance of Symbol 140 MovieClip "tile6" in Frame 88
on (press) { _root.select_tile(6); } on (rollOver) { _alpha = _root.tile_bright; } on (rollOut) { _alpha = _root.tile_default; }
Instance of Symbol 140 MovieClip "tile2" in Frame 88
on (press) { _root.select_tile(2); } on (rollOver) { _alpha = _root.tile_bright; } on (rollOut) { _alpha = _root.tile_default; }
Instance of Symbol 153 MovieClip "con_site_0" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (hp <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } } function show_buttons() { } = 0; = 0; _global.base_tile = 0; = ""; scaff._alpha = 0; _global.delay = -1; _global.delay_max = -1; _global.current = ""; } on (press) { if (ai == 0) { _root.select_tile(base_tile); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { if (delay != -1) { delay--; scaff._alpha = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * 100; } if (delay == 0) { delay = -1; delay_max = -1; _root.create_stru(current, ai, base_tile); removeMovieClip(this); } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1; _root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._visible = 0; _root.sel_instance.bars.bg0._visible = 0; _root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; } } }
Instance of Symbol 155 MovieClip "sniper" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if ((t == 0) && (op_0 == 1)) { val = val / 1.5; } if (t == 1) { val = val / 2; } if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } if ((t == 6) && (op_2 == 1)) { val = val / 10; } hp = hp - val; if (hp <= 0) { if (ai == 0) { _root.hu_iu_lost++; } if (ai == 1) { _root.ai_iu_lost++; } if (t != 3) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_0_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_inf_death_1"); } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_f_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_inf_death_0"); } _root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } function fire_weapon(t, p) { this.rfl_b.attachMovie("mg_shot", "msh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.misk_depth++; _root[t].damage(p + random(acc), 0); } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; p_lft = 0.2; p_rht = 0.8; if (op_2 == 1) { p_lft = 0.4; p_rht = 0.6; } hp = (_root.sniper_hp * p_lft) + ((_root.sniper_hp * p_rht) * ((100 - _root.poison) / 100)); hp_max = hp; speed = _root.sniper_speed; rof = _root.sniper_rof; power = _root.sniper_pow; acc = _root.sniper_acc; fire = rof; harm = _root.sniper_harm; range = _root.sniper_range; ros = _root.ros; scan = ros; trgt = ""; = 0; = 0; _global.dir = 1; = ""; _xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir); _yscale = _root.unitScale; med_heal = 0; if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_med_heal >= 1)) { med_heal = 1; } if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_med_heal >= 1)) { med_heal = 1; } kevlar = 0; if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_kevlar >= 1)) { kevlar = 1; } if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_kevlar >= 1)) { kevlar = 1; } gasmask = 0; if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_gasmask >= 1)) { gasmask = 1; } if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_gasmask >= 1)) { gasmask = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { if ((op_1 == 1) && (hp < hp_max)) { hp = hp + _root.heal_val; if (hp > hp_max) { hp = hp_max; } } _x = (_x - (speed * dir)); if ((med_heal == 1) && (hp < hp_max)) { hp = hp + _root.heal_val; } if (dir == 1) { if (_x <= _root.leftBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 0); removeMovieClip(this); } } if (dir == -1) { if (_x >= _root.rightBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 1); removeMovieClip(this); } } fire--; scan--; if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) { scan = ros; if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_infantry_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "infantry_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } i++; } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_vehi_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "vehi_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } i++; } } } if (trgt != "") { if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { trgt = ""; } else { if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) { _y = (_y + speed); } if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) { _y = (_y - speed); } if (dir == -1) { if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power); } } } else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power); } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 164 MovieClip "inf_1_death" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { _global.dir = 1; _xscale = ((1.2 * _root.unitScale) * dir); _yscale = (1.2 * _root.unitScale); }
Instance of Symbol 173 MovieClip "con_site_1" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (hp <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } } function show_buttons() { } = 0; = 0; _global.base_tile = 0; = ""; scaff._alpha = 0; _global.delay = -1; _global.delay_max = -1; _global.current = ""; } on (press) { if (ai == 0) { _root.select_tile(base_tile); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { if (delay != -1) { delay--; scaff._alpha = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * 100; } if (delay == 0) { delay = -1; delay_max = -1; _root.create_stru(current, ai, base_tile); removeMovieClip(this); } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1; _root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._visible = 0; _root.sel_instance.bars.bg0._visible = 0; _root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; } } }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip "bazoo" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if ((t == 0) && (op_0 == 1)) { val = val / 1.5; } if (t == 1) { val = val / 2; } if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } if ((t == 6) && (op_2 == 1)) { val = val / 10; } hp = hp - val; if (hp <= 0) { if (ai == 0) { _root.hu_iu_lost++; } if (ai == 1) { _root.ai_iu_lost++; } if (t != 3) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_0_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_inf_death_1"); } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_f_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_inf_death_0"); } _root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } function fire_weapon(t, p) { this.rfl_b.attachMovie("mg_shot", "msh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.misk_depth++; _root[t].damage(p + random(acc), 2); } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; p_lft = 0.2; p_rht = 0.8; if (op_2 == 1) { p_lft = 0.4; p_rht = 0.6; } hp = (_root.bazoo_hp * p_lft) + ((_root.bazoo_hp * p_rht) * ((100 - _root.poison) / 100)); hp_max = hp; speed = _root.bazoo_speed; rof = _root.bazoo_rof; power = _root.bazoo_pow; acc = _root.bazoo_acc; fire = rof; harm = _root.bazoo_harm; range = _root.bazoo_range; ros = _root.ros; scan = ros; trgt = ""; = 0; = 0; _global.dir = 1; = ""; _xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir); _yscale = _root.unitScale; med_heal = 0; if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_med_heal >= 1)) { med_heal = 1; } if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_med_heal >= 1)) { med_heal = 1; } kevlar = 0; if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_kevlar >= 1)) { kevlar = 1; } if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_kevlar >= 1)) { kevlar = 1; } gasmask = 0; if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_gasmask >= 1)) { gasmask = 1; } if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_gasmask >= 1)) { gasmask = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { if ((op_1 == 1) && (hp < hp_max)) { hp = hp + _root.heal_val; if (hp > hp_max) { hp = hp_max; } } _x = (_x - (speed * dir)); if ((med_heal == 1) && (hp < hp_max)) { hp = hp + _root.heal_val; } if (dir == 1) { if (_x <= _root.leftBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 0); removeMovieClip(this); } } if (dir == -1) { if (_x >= _root.rightBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 1); removeMovieClip(this); } } fire--; scan--; if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) { scan = ros; if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_vehi_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "vehi_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } i++; } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_infantry_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "infantry_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } i++; } } } if (trgt != "") { if (dir == -1) { if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (dir == 1) { if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { trgt = ""; } else { if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) { _y = (_y + speed); } if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) { _y = (_y - speed); } if (dir == -1) { if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50)) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power); } } } else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50)) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power); } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 178 MovieClip "fire_fire" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { = 0; = 0; _global.dir = 1; _global.power = 10; _xscale = ((1.2 * _root.unitScale) * dir); _yscale = (1.2 * _root.unitScale); c = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { c++; if (((c == 8) || (c == 4)) || (c == 14)) { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_infantry_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "infantry_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (this.hitTest(_root[enemy + i])) { _root[enemy + i].damage(power, 3); } i++; } if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_vehi_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "vehi_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (this.hitTest(_root[enemy + i])) { _root[enemy + i].damage(power, 3); } i++; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip "flame" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if ((t == 0) && (op_0 == 1)) { val = val / 1.5; } if (t == 1) { val = val / 2; } if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (hp <= 0) { if (ai == 0) { _root.hu_iu_lost++; } if (ai == 1) { _root.ai_iu_lost++; } if (t != 3) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_1_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_inf_death_1"); } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_f_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_inf_death_0"); } _root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } function fire_weapon(t, p) { _root.sound_f("snd_flame"); duplicateMovieClip (_root.fire_fire, "fire" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["fire" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["fire" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["fire" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai; _root["fire" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; if (napalm == 1) { p = p * 1.7; } _root["fire" + _root.misk_depth].power = p + random(acc); _root["fire" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; hp = _root.flame_hp; hp_max = hp; speed = _root.flame_speed; rof = _root.flame_rof; power = _root.flame_pow; acc = _root.flame_acc; fire = rof; harm = _root.flame_harm; range = _root.flame_range; ros = _root.ros; scan = ros; trgt = ""; = 0; = 0; _global.dir = 1; = ""; _xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir); _yscale = _root.unitScale; if (op_1 == true) { speed = speed + 1.1; hp = hp * ((random(25) + 75) / 100); } if (op_2 == true) { power = power * 2; } kevlar = 0; if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_kevlar >= 1)) { kevlar = 1; } if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_kevlar >= 1)) { kevlar = 1; } napalm = 0; if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_napalm >= 1)) { napalm = 1; } if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_napalm >= 1)) { napalm = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { _x = (_x - (speed * dir)); if (dir == 1) { if (_x <= _root.leftBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 0); removeMovieClip(this); } } if (dir == -1) { if (_x >= _root.rightBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 1); removeMovieClip(this); } } fire--; scan--; if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) { scan = ros; if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_infantry_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "infantry_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } i++; } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_vehi_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "vehi_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } i++; } } } if (trgt != "") { if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { trgt = ""; } else { if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) { _y = (_y + speed); } if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) { _y = (_y - speed); } if (dir == -1) { if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power); } } } else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power); } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 182 MovieClip "rpg" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if ((t == 0) && (op_0 == 1)) { val = val / 1.5; } if (t == 1) { val = val / 2; } if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (hp <= 0) { if (ai == 0) { _root.hu_iu_lost++; } if (ai == 1) { _root.ai_iu_lost++; } if (t != 3) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_1_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_inf_death_1"); } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_f_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_inf_death_0"); } _root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } function fire_weapon(t, p) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.rpg_missile, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_rpg"); _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y - 5; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].power = power + random(acc); _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].trgt = trgt; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; hp = (_root.rpg_hp * 0.5) + ((_root.rpg_hp * 0.5) * ((100 - _root.poison) / 100)); hp_max = hp; speed = _root.rpg_speed; rof = _root.rpg_rof; power = _root.rpg_pow; acc = _root.rpg_acc; fire = rof; harm = _root.rpg_harm; range = _root.rpg_range; ros = _root.ros; scan = ros; trgt = ""; = 0; = 0; _global.dir = 1; = ""; _xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir); _yscale = _root.unitScale; if (op_1 == true) { speed = speed + 1.2; hp = hp * ((random(25) + 75) / 100); } if (op_2 == true) { power = power * 2; } kevlar = 0; if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_kevlar >= 1)) { kevlar = 1; } if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_kevlar >= 1)) { kevlar = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { _x = (_x - (speed * dir)); if (dir == 1) { if (_x <= _root.leftBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 0); removeMovieClip(this); } } if (dir == -1) { if (_x >= _root.rightBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 1); removeMovieClip(this); } } fire--; scan--; if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) { scan = ros; if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_vehi_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "vehi_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } i++; } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_infantry_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "infantry_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } i++; } } } if (trgt != "") { if (dir == -1) { if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (dir == 1) { if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { trgt = ""; } else { if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) { _y = (_y + speed); } if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) { _y = (_y - speed); } if (dir == -1) { if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50)) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power); } } } else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50)) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power); } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 197 MovieClip "inf_f_death" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { _global.dir = 1; _xscale = ((1.2 * _root.unitScale) * dir); _yscale = (1.2 * _root.unitScale); speed = 2; }
Instance of Symbol 199 MovieClip "moto" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val * 1.5; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 1.5; } if ((t == 6) && (gasmask == 1)) { val = val / 10; } hp = hp - val; if (hp <= 0) { if (ai == 0) { _root.hu_vu_lost++; } if (ai == 1) { _root.ai_vu_lost++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.moto_0_death, "moto_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["moto_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["moto_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["moto_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } function fire_weapon(t, p) { this.rfl_b.attachMovie("mg_shot", "msh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.misk_depth++; _root[t].damage(p + random(acc), 0); } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; p_lft = 0.2; p_rht = 0.8; hp = (_root.m16hp * p_lft) + ((_root.moto_hp * p_rht) * ((100 - _root.poison) / 100)); if (op_0 == 1) { hp = hp * 2; } hp_max = hp; speed = _root.moto_speed; rof = _root.moto_rof; power = _root.moto_pow; acc = _root.moto_acc; fire = rof; harm = _root.moto_harm; range = _root.moto_range; if (op_1 == 1) { range = range * 2; } ros = _root.ros; scan = ros; trgt = ""; = 0; = 0; _global.dir = 1; = ""; _xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir); _yscale = _root.unitScale; gasmask = 0; if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_gasmask >= 1)) { gasmask = 1; } if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_gasmask >= 1)) { gasmask = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { _x = (_x - (speed * dir)); if (dir == 1) { if (_x <= _root.leftBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 0); removeMovieClip(this); } } if (dir == -1) { if (_x >= _root.rightBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 1); removeMovieClip(this); } } fire--; scan--; if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) { scan = ros; if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_infantry_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "infantry_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } } i++; } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_vehi_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "vehi_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } } i++; } } } if (trgt != "") { if (dir == -1) { if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (dir == 1) { if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { trgt = ""; } else { if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) { _y = (_y + (speed / 2)); } if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) { _y = (_y - (speed / 2)); } if (dir == -1) { if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power); } } } else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power); } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 204 MovieClip "moto_0_death" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { _global.dir = 1; _xscale = ((1.2 * _root.unitScale) * dir); _yscale = (1.2 * _root.unitScale); }
Instance of Symbol 209 MovieClip "rpg_missile" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { _global.power = 1; speed = 15; turnspeed = 4; lifetime = 45; _visible = 0; = 0; _global.trgt = ""; _global.dir = 1; if (dir == 1) { _rotation = -90; } else { _rotation = 90; } _xscale = _root.unitScale; _yscale = _root.unitScale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { lifetime--; if (lifetime <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } delta_x = _x - _root[trgt]._x; delta_y = _y - _root[trgt]._y; Rotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (Math.abs(_rotation - Rotation) <= turnspeed) { _rotation = Rotation; } else if (_rotation < Rotation) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnspeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnspeed); } _visible = 1; proximity = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)); if (proximity > (_height / 2)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } if (proximity < 20) { _root[trgt].damage(power, 2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rpg_blast, "bl" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_rpg"); _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._xscale = _root.unitScale; _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._yscale = _root.unitScale; _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } }
Instance of Symbol 223 MovieClip "atv" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val * 1.5; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 1.2; } if ((t == 6) && (gasmask == 1)) { val = val / 10; } hp = hp - val; if (hp <= 0) { if (ai == 0) { _root.hu_vu_lost++; } if (ai == 1) { _root.ai_vu_lost++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.atv_death, "a_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["a_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["a_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["a_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } function fire_weapon(t, p) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.tow_missile, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_rpg"); _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y - 5; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].power = power + random(acc); _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].trgt = trgt; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; p_lft = 0.3; p_rht = 0.7; hp = (_root.m16hp * p_lft) + ((_root.atv_hp * p_rht) * ((100 - _root.poison) / 100)); if (op_0 == 1) { hp = hp * 2; } hp_max = hp; speed = _root.atv_speed; rof = _root.atv_rof; power = _root.atv_pow; acc = _root.atv_acc; fire = rof; harm = _root.atv_harm; range = _root.atv_range; if (op_1 == 1) { range = range * 1.4; } ros = _root.ros; scan = ros; trgt = ""; = 0; = 0; _global.dir = 1; = ""; _xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir); _yscale = _root.unitScale; gasmask = 0; if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_gasmask >= 1)) { gasmask = 1; } if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_gasmask >= 1)) { gasmask = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { _x = (_x - (speed * dir)); if (dir == 1) { if (_x <= _root.leftBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 0); removeMovieClip(this); } } if (dir == -1) { if (_x >= _root.rightBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 1); removeMovieClip(this); } } fire--; scan--; if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) { scan = ros; if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_vehi_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "vehi_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } } i++; } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_infantry_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "infantry_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } } i++; } } } if (trgt != "") { if (dir == -1) { if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (dir == 1) { if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { trgt = ""; } else { if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) { _y = (_y + speed); } if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) { _y = (_y - speed); } if (dir == -1) { if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50)) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power); } } } else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50)) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power); } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip "tank_death" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { _global.dir = 1; _xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir); _yscale = _root.unitScale; }
Instance of Symbol 235 MovieClip "sparrow" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { _global.power = 1; speed = 19; turnspeed = 15; p_thresh = 20; lifetime = 85; _visible = 0; = 0; _global.trgt = ""; _global.dir = 1; if (dir == 1) { _rotation = -90; } else { _rotation = 90; } _xscale = _root.unitScale; _yscale = _root.unitScale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { lifetime--; if (lifetime <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.missile_exhaust, "mex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; delta_x = _x - _root[trgt]._x; delta_y = _y - _root[trgt]._y; Rotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (Math.abs(_rotation - Rotation) <= turnspeed) { _rotation = Rotation; } else if (_rotation < Rotation) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnspeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnspeed); } _visible = 1; proximity = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)); if (proximity > (_height / 2)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } if (proximity < p_thresh) { _root[trgt].damage(power, 2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.sam_exp, "bl" + _root.air_unit_depth, _root.air_unit_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_1"); _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._x = _x; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._y = _y; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._xscale = _root.unitScale; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._yscale = _root.unitScale; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].active = 1; _root.air_unit_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } }
Instance of Symbol 237 MovieClip "maveric" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { _global.power = 1; speed = 15; turnspeed = 5; turnspeed_max = 55; p_thresh = 20; lifetime = 85; _visible = 0; = 0; _global.trgt = ""; _global.dir = 1; if (dir == 1) { _rotation = -90; } else { _rotation = 90; } _xscale = _root.unitScale; _yscale = _root.unitScale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { lifetime--; if (turnspeed < turnspeed_max) { turnspeed = turnspeed + 0.4; } if (lifetime <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } delta_x = _x - _root[trgt]._x; delta_y = _y - _root[trgt]._y; Rotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (Math.abs(_rotation - Rotation) <= turnspeed) { _rotation = Rotation; } else if (_rotation < Rotation) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnspeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnspeed); } _visible = 1; proximity = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)); if (proximity > (_height / 2)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } if (proximity < p_thresh) { _root[trgt].damage(power, 2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rpg_blast, "bl" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_rpg"); _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._xscale = _root.unitScale; _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._yscale = _root.unitScale; _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } }
Instance of Symbol 245 MovieClip "shrapnel" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { = 0; = 0; _global.dir = 1; _global.power = 10; _global.acc = 10; c = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { c++; if (c == 2) { power = power * 0.3; } if ((c == 1) || (c == 3)) { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_aircraft_"; max_i = _root.ai_air_num; } else { enemy = "aircraft_"; max_i = _root.hu_air_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (this.hitTest(_root[enemy + i])) { _root[enemy + i].damage(power + random(acc), 1); } i++; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 249 MovieClip "flare" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 1; _global.dir = 1; = ""; _xscale = ((1.2 * _root.unitScale) * dir); _yscale = (1.2 * _root.unitScale); }
Instance of Symbol 253 MovieClip "atv_death" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { _global.dir = 1; _xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir); _yscale = _root.unitScale; }
Instance of Symbol 257 MovieClip "cluster_bomb" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function release_bomblet() { duplicateMovieClip (_root.cluster_bomblet, "bb" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["bb" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x + (random(10) * dir); _root["bb" + _root.misk_depth]._y = (_y + random(10)) - 5; _root["bb" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai; _root["bb" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root["bb" + _root.misk_depth].xspeed = random(5) + 1; _root["bb" + _root.misk_depth].yspeed = random(2) + 1; _root["bb" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; } = 0; _global.dir = 1; = 0; lifetime = 30; bomblet_num = 7; _xscale = ((1.2 * _root.unitScale) * dir); _yscale = (1.2 * _root.unitScale); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { _y = (_y + 1.5); _x = (_x - (0.7 * dir)); if (_y >= 370) { this.cover._visible = 0; lifetime--; alpha = alpha - 3; if (bomblet_num > 0) { bomblet_num--; release_bomblet(); } } if (lifetime <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } } }
Instance of Symbol 259 MovieClip "cluster_bomblet" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { power = 70; = 0; _global.dir = 1; = 0; _global.xspeed = 1; _global.yspeed = 1; lifetime = 30; _xscale = ((1.2 * _root.unitScale) * dir); _yscale = (1.2 * _root.unitScale); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { _y = (_y + yspeed); _x = (_x - (xspeed * dir)); lifetime--; if (lifetime <= 0) { tt = random(7); if (ai == 0) { tt = tt + 8; } else { tt = tt + 1; } if (_root["stru" + tt].hp > 0) { _root["stru" + tt].damage(random(20 + power), 1); } removeMovieClip(this); } } }
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip "he_rocket" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (hp <= 0) { if (ai == 0) { _root.hu_ru_lost++; } if (ai == 1) { _root.ai_ru_lost++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.rocket_death, "r_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["r_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["r_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["r_d" + _root.misk_depth]._rotation = _rotation; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } function release_bomblet() { duplicateMovieClip (_root.msl_cluster, "bb" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["bb" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x + (random(10) * dir); _root["bb" + _root.misk_depth]._y = (_y + random(10)) - 5; _root["bb" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai; _root["bb" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root["bb" + _root.misk_depth].xspeed = random(5) + 1; _root["bb" + _root.misk_depth].yspeed = random(2) + 1; _root["bb" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; hp = 50; if (op_0 == true) { hp = hp + 50; } if (op_1 == true) { hp = hp + 50; } if (op_2 == true) { hp = hp + 50; } hp_max = hp; power = 150; acc = 250; = 0; speed = 1; speed_max = 20; turnspeed = 1; turnspeed_max = 15; p_thresh = 50; lifetime = 85; = 0; _global.trgt_tile = 0; = ""; _global.dir = 1; trgt = ""; bomblet_num = 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { lifetime--; if (turnspeed < turnspeed_max) { turnspeed = turnspeed + 0.05; } if (speed < speed_max) { speed = speed + 0.4; } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { tt = 10; } else { tt = 4; } trgt = "tile" + tt; } if (lifetime <= 45) { } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.missile_exhaust, "mex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; } if (lifetime <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } delta_x = _x - _root[trgt]._x; delta_y = _y - _root[trgt]._y; Rotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (Math.abs(_rotation - Rotation) <= turnspeed) { _rotation = Rotation; } else if (_rotation < Rotation) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnspeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnspeed); } proximity = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)); if (proximity > (_height / 2)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } if ((proximity < (p_thresh * 5)) && (bomblet_num > 0)) { if (_visible == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.sam_exp, "bl" + _root.air_unit_depth, _root.air_unit_depth); _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._x = _x; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._y = _y; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._xscale = _root.unitScale; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._yscale = _root.unitScale; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].active = 1; _root.air_unit_depth++; _visible = 0; } release_bomblet(); } if (proximity < p_thresh) { removeMovieClip(this); } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "ch_rocket" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (hp <= 0) { if (ai == 0) { _root.hu_ru_lost++; } if (ai == 1) { _root.ai_ru_lost++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.rocket_death, "r_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["r_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["r_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["r_d" + _root.misk_depth]._rotation = _rotation; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; hp = 50; if (op_0 == true) { hp = hp + 50; } if (op_1 == true) { hp = hp + 50; } if (op_2 == true) { hp = hp + 50; } hp_max = hp; power = 20; acc = 250; = 0; speed = 1; speed_max = 20; turnspeed = 1; turnspeed_max = 15; p_thresh = 50; lifetime = 85; = 0; _global.trgt_tile = 0; = ""; _global.dir = 1; trgt = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { lifetime--; if (turnspeed < turnspeed_max) { turnspeed = turnspeed + 0.05; } if (speed < speed_max) { speed = speed + 0.4; } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { tt = 10; } else { tt = 4; } trgt = "tile" + tt; } if (lifetime <= 45) { } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.missile_exhaust, "mex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; } if (lifetime <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } delta_x = _x - _root[trgt]._x; delta_y = _y - _root[trgt]._y; Rotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (Math.abs(_rotation - Rotation) <= turnspeed) { _rotation = Rotation; } else if (_rotation < Rotation) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnspeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnspeed); } proximity = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)); if (proximity > (_height / 2)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } if (proximity < p_thresh) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.sam_exp, "bl" + _root.air_unit_depth, _root.air_unit_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_sam_exp"); _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._x = _x; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._y = _y; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._xscale = _root.unitScale; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._yscale = _root.unitScale; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].active = 1; _root.air_unit_depth++; duplicateMovieClip (, "bio_" + _root.air_unit_depth, _root.air_unit_depth); _root["bio_" + _root.air_unit_depth]._x = _x; _root["bio_" + _root.air_unit_depth]._y = _y; _root["bio_" + _root.air_unit_depth].power = power; _root["bio_" + _root.air_unit_depth].ai = ai; _root["bio_" + _root.air_unit_depth].active = 1; _root.air_unit_depth++; _root.inc_poison(20); removeMovieClip(this); } } }
Instance of Symbol 271 MovieClip "nu_rocket" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (hp <= 0) { if (ai == 0) { _root.hu_ru_lost++; } if (ai == 1) { _root.ai_ru_lost++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.rocket_death, "r_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["r_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["r_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["r_d" + _root.misk_depth]._rotation = _rotation; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; hp = 50; if (op_0 == true) { hp = hp + 50; } if (op_1 == true) { hp = hp + 50; } if (op_2 == true) { hp = hp + 50; } hp_max = hp; power = 100; acc = 120; = 0; speed = 1; speed_max = 20; turnspeed = 1; turnspeed_max = 15; p_thresh = 50; lifetime = 85; = 0; _global.trgt_tile = 0; = ""; _global.dir = 1; trgt = ""; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { lifetime--; if (turnspeed < turnspeed_max) { turnspeed = turnspeed + 0.05; } if (speed < speed_max) { speed = speed + 0.4; } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { tt = 10; } else { tt = 4; } trgt = "tile" + tt; } if (lifetime <= 45) { } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.missile_exhaust, "mex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; } if (lifetime <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } delta_x = _x - _root[trgt]._x; delta_y = _y - _root[trgt]._y; Rotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (Math.abs(_rotation - Rotation) <= turnspeed) { _rotation = Rotation; } else if (_rotation < Rotation) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnspeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnspeed); } proximity = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)); if (proximity > (_height / 2)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } if (proximity < p_thresh) { if (ai == 0) { i_init = 8; } else { i_init = 1; } i = i_init; while (i < (i_init + 7)) { if (_root["stru" + i].hp > 0) { _root["stru" + i].damage(power + random(acc), 3); } i++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.nu_exp, "bl" + _root.air_unit_depth, _root.air_unit_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_nu_exp"); _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._x = _x; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._y = _y; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].active = 1; _root.air_unit_depth++; _root.inc_poison(30); removeMovieClip(this); } } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "bio" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { = 0; = 0; _global.dir = 1; _global.power = 10; _xscale = (_xscale * 1.5); _yscale = (_yscale * 1.5); c = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (active == 1) { c++; if ((c % 5) == 0) { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_infantry_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "infantry_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (this.hitTest(_root[enemy + i])) { _root[enemy + i].damage(power, 6); } i++; } if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_vehi_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "vehi_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (this.hitTest(_root[enemy + i])) { _root[enemy + i].damage(power, 6); } i++; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 275 MovieClip "malyutka" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { _global.op_2 = 0; _global.power = 1; speed = 15; turnspeed = 4; lifetime = 45; if (op_2 == 1) { turnspeed = 7; } _visible = 0; = 0; _global.trgt = ""; _global.dir = 1; range = 200; if (dir == 1) { _rotation = -90; } else { _rotation = 90; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { lifetime--; if (lifetime <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } if ((_root[trgt].hp <= 0) && (op_2 == 0)) { removeMovieClip(this); } if ((_root[trgt].hp <= 0) && (op_2 == 1)) { trgt = ""; if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_vehi_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "vehi_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= range) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } } i++; } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_infantry_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "infantry_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= range) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } } i++; } } } if (trgt != "") { delta_x = _x - _root[trgt]._x; delta_y = _y - _root[trgt]._y; Rotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); } if (Math.abs(_rotation - Rotation) <= turnspeed) { _rotation = Rotation; } else if (_rotation < Rotation) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnspeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnspeed); } _visible = 1; proximity = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)); if (proximity > (_height / 2)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } if (proximity < 20) { _root[trgt].damage(power, 2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rpg_blast, "bl" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_rpg"); _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._xscale = _root.unitScale; _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._yscale = _root.unitScale; _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } }
Instance of Symbol 277 MovieClip "sks" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if ((t == 0) && (kevlar == 1)) { val = val / 1.5; } if (t == 1) { val = val / 2; } if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } if ((t == 6) && (gasmask == 1)) { val = val / 10; } hp = hp - val; if (hp <= 0) { if (ai == 0) { _root.hu_iu_lost++; } if (ai == 1) { _root.ai_iu_lost++; } if (t != 3) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_c_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_inf_death_1"); } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_f_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_inf_death_0"); } _root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } function fire_weapon(t, p) { this.rfl_b.attachMovie("mg_shot", "msh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.misk_depth++; _root[t].damage(p + random(acc), 0); } hp = 30; hp_max = hp; speed = 1; rof = 15; power = 10; acc = 2; fire = rof; harm = 30; range = 100; ros = _root.ros; scan = ros; trgt = ""; = 0; = 0; _global.dir = 1; = ""; _xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir); _yscale = _root.unitScale; med_heal = 0; if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_med_heal >= 1)) { med_heal = 1; } if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_med_heal >= 1)) { med_heal = 1; } kevlar = 0; if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_kevlar >= 1)) { kevlar = 1; } if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_kevlar >= 1)) { kevlar = 1; } gasmask = 0; if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_gasmask >= 1)) { gasmask = 1; } if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_gasmask >= 1)) { gasmask = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { _x = (_x - (speed * dir)); if ((med_heal == 1) && (hp < hp_max)) { hp = hp + _root.heal_val; } if (dir == 1) { if (_x <= _root.leftBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 0); removeMovieClip(this); } } if (dir == -1) { if (_x >= _root.rightBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 1); removeMovieClip(this); } } fire--; scan--; if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) { scan = ros; if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_infantry_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "infantry_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } i++; } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_vehi_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "vehi_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } i++; } } } if (trgt != "") { if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { trgt = ""; } else { if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) { _y = (_y + speed); } if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) { _y = (_y - speed); } if (dir == -1) { if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power); } } } else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power); } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 279 MovieClip "pg" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if ((t == 0) && (kevlar == 1)) { val = val / 1.5; } if (t == 1) { val = val / 2; } if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } if ((t == 6) && (gasmask == 1)) { val = val / 10; } hp = hp - val; if (hp <= 0) { if (ai == 0) { _root.hu_iu_lost++; } if (ai == 1) { _root.ai_iu_lost++; } if (t != 3) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_c_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_inf_death_1"); } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.inf_f_death, "inf_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_inf_death_0"); } _root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["inf_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } function fire_weapon(t, p) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.tow_missile, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_rpg"); _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y - 5; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].power = power + random(acc); _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].trgt = trgt; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; } hp = 30; hp_max = hp; speed = 1; rof = 50; power = 20; acc = 20; fire = rof; harm = 30; range = 100; ros = _root.ros; scan = ros; trgt = ""; = 0; = 0; _global.dir = 1; = ""; _xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir); _yscale = _root.unitScale; med_heal = 0; if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_med_heal >= 1)) { med_heal = 1; } if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_med_heal >= 1)) { med_heal = 1; } kevlar = 0; if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_kevlar >= 1)) { kevlar = 1; } if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_kevlar >= 1)) { kevlar = 1; } gasmask = 0; if ((ai == 0) && (_root.hu_gasmask >= 1)) { gasmask = 1; } if ((ai == 1) && (_root.ai_gasmask >= 1)) { gasmask = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { _x = (_x - (speed * dir)); if ((med_heal == 1) && (hp < hp_max)) { hp = hp + _root.heal_val; } if (dir == 1) { if (_x <= _root.leftBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 0); removeMovieClip(this); } } if (dir == -1) { if (_x >= _root.rightBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 1); removeMovieClip(this); } } fire--; scan--; if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) { scan = ros; if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_vehi_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "vehi_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } i++; } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_infantry_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "infantry_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } i++; } } } if (trgt != "") { if (dir == -1) { if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (dir == 1) { if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { trgt = ""; } else { if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) { _y = (_y + speed); } if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) { _y = (_y - speed); } if (dir == -1) { if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50)) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power); } } } else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50)) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power); } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 287 MovieClip "inf_c_death" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { _global.dir = 1; _xscale = ((1.2 * _root.unitScale) * dir); _yscale = (1.2 * _root.unitScale); }
Instance of Symbol 295 MovieClip "inf_0_death" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { _global.dir = 1; _xscale = ((1.2 * _root.unitScale) * dir); _yscale = (1.2 * _root.unitScale); }
Instance of Symbol 297 MovieClip "car" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 0) { val = val / 2; } if (t == 2) { val = val * 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (hp <= 0) { if (ai == 0) { _root.hu_vu_lost++; } if (ai == 1) { _root.ai_vu_lost++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.car_death, "car_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["car_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["car_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["car_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.fiery_blast, "f_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["f_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["f_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["f_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } function fire_weapon(t, p) { this.rfl_b.attachMovie("mg_shot", "msh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.misk_depth++; _root[t].damage(p + random(acc), 0); } hp = 90; hp_max = hp; speed = 2; rof = 15; power = 10; acc = 25; fire = rof; harm = 60; range = 120; ros = _root.ros; scan = ros; trgt = ""; = 0; = 0; _global.dir = 1; = ""; _xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir); _yscale = _root.unitScale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { _x = (_x - (speed * dir)); if (dir == 1) { if (_x <= _root.leftBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 0); removeMovieClip(this); } } if (dir == -1) { if (_x >= _root.rightBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 1); removeMovieClip(this); } } fire--; scan--; if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) { scan = ros; if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_infantry_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "infantry_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } } i++; } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_vehi_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "vehi_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } } i++; } } } if (trgt != "") { if (dir == -1) { if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (dir == 1) { if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { trgt = ""; } else { if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) { _y = (_y + speed); } if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) { _y = (_y - speed); } if (dir == -1) { if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power); } } } else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power); } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 302 MovieClip "car_death" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { _global.dir = 1; _xscale = ((1 * _root.unitScale) * dir); _yscale = (1 * _root.unitScale); }
Instance of Symbol 312 MovieClip "rocket_death" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { speed = 15; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); }
Instance of Symbol 314 MovieClip "unit_slot_0" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function set_unit(b, m, o_0, o_1, o_2) { base = b; weapon = m; option_0 = o_0; option_1 = o_1; option_2 = o_2; } base = ""; weapon = 0; option_0 = false; option_1 = false; option_2 = false; price = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 330 MovieClip "s_base_tnk" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 0) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 2) { if (op_2 == 0) { val = val * 1.5; } else { val = val / 2; } } if (t == 3) { val = val * 1.2; } if (t == 4) { val = val * 0.7; } hp = hp - val; if (hp <= 0) { if (ai == 0) { _root.hu_vu_lost++; } if (ai == 1) { _root.ai_vu_lost++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.tank_death, "t_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["t_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["t_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["t_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } function fire_weapon(t) { if ((op_0 == 1) && (trgt_type != "air")) { fire_fire(t, power); } switch (weapon) { case 1 : fire_tnk_shot(t, power); return; case 2 : fire_zsu(t, power); return; case 3 : fire_missile(t, power); } } function fire_fire(t, p) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.fire_fire, "fire" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_flame"); _root["fire" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x - (7 * dir); _root["fire" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y + 5; _root["fire" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai; _root["fire" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root["fire" + _root.misk_depth].power = p + random(acc); _root["fire" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; } function fire_tnk_shot(t, p) { this.turret.rfl_b.attachMovie("tank_shot", "tsh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.misk_depth++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _root[t]._x; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _root[t]._y; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; _root[t].damage(p + random(acc), 1); } function fire_zsu(t, p) { this.turret.cannon0.rfl_b.attachMovie("mg_shot_0", "tsh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.misk_depth++; this.turret.cannon1.rfl_b.attachMovie("mg_shot_0", "tsh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.misk_depth++; _root[t].damage(p + random(acc), 0); } function fire_missile(t, p) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.tos_missile, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_sam"); _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y - 10; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].active = true; _root.misk_depth++; } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; hp = (_root.tank_hp * 0.8) + ((_root.tank_hp * 0.2) * ((100 - _root.poison) / 100)); hp_max = hp; speed = _root.tank_speed; rof = _root.tank_rof; power = _root.tank_pow; acc = _root.tank_acc; fire = rof; harm = _root.tank_harm; range = _root.tank_range; ros = _root.ros; scan = ros; trgt = ""; trgt_type = "ground"; = 0; = 0; _global.dir = 1; = ""; _global.weapon = 0; _xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir); _yscale = _root.unitScale; this.turret.cannon0._rotation = -90; this.turret.cannon1._rotation = -90; if (weapon == 3) { range = _root.tank_range * 2; rof = _root.tank_rof * 2; } if (this.op_0 == 1) { } if (this.op_1 == 1) { range = _root.tank_range * 1.5; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { _x = (_x - (speed * dir)); if (dir == 1) { if (_x <= _root.leftBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 0); removeMovieClip(this); } } if (dir == -1) { if (_x >= _root.rightBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 1); removeMovieClip(this); } } fire--; scan--; if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) { scan = ros; if ((trgt == "") && (weapon == 2)) { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_aircraft_"; max_i = _root.ai_air_num; } else { enemy = "aircraft_"; max_i = _root.hu_air_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; trgt_type = "air"; break; } } } i++; } } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_vehi_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "vehi_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; trgt_type = "ground"; break; } } } i++; } } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_infantry_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "infantry_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; trgt_type = "ground"; break; } } } i++; } } } if (trgt != "") { if (trgt_type == "air") { dx = _x - _root[trgt]._x; dy = _y - _root[trgt]._y; tilt = ((-Math.atan2(dx, dy)) / (Math.PI/180)) * dir; } else { tilt = -90; } } if (trgt != "") { if (dir == -1) { if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (dir == 1) { if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { trgt = ""; } else { if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) { if (trgt_type == "ground") { _y = (_y + (speed / 2)); } } if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) { if (trgt_type == "ground") { _y = (_y - (speed / 2)); } } if (Math.abs(this.turret.cannon0._rotation - tilt) > 5) { if (this.turret.cannon0._rotation < tilt) { this.turret.cannon0._rotation = this.turret.cannon0._rotation + 5; this.turret.cannon1._rotation = this.turret.cannon1._rotation + 5; } if (this.turret.cannon0._rotation > tilt) { this.turret.cannon0._rotation = this.turret.cannon0._rotation - 5; this.turret.cannon1._rotation = this.turret.cannon1._rotation - 5; } } else { this.turret.cannon0._rotation = tilt; this.turret.cannon1._rotation = tilt; } if (dir == -1) { if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && ((Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50) || (trgt_type == "air"))) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt); } } } else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && ((Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50) || (trgt_type == "air"))) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt); } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 332 MovieClip "tos_missile" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { _global.power = 1; speed = 11; turn_speed = 4; p_thresh = 20; lifetime = 39; = 0; _global.dir = 1; = 0; if (dir == 1) { _rotation = -45; } else { _rotation = 45; } _xscale = _root.unitScale; _yscale = _root.unitScale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { lifetime--; if (lifetime <= 0) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.exp_thermo, "bl" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_rpg"); _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai; _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } if (dir == -1) { _rotation = (_rotation + (random(turn_speed) + 1)); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - (random(turn_speed) + 1)); } _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); duplicateMovieClip (_root.missile_exhaust, "mex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; } }
Instance of Symbol 334 MovieClip "adats_missile" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { _global.power = 1; speed = 19; turnspeed = 15; p_thresh = 20; lifetime = 85; _visible = 0; = 0; _global.trgt = ""; _global.dir = 1; if (dir == 1) { _rotation = -90; } else { _rotation = 90; } _xscale = _root.unitScale; _yscale = _root.unitScale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { lifetime--; if (lifetime <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.missile_exhaust, "mex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; delta_x = _x - _root[trgt]._x; delta_y = _y - _root[trgt]._y; Rotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (Math.abs(_rotation - Rotation) <= turnspeed) { _rotation = Rotation; } else if (_rotation < Rotation) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnspeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnspeed); } _visible = 1; proximity = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)); if (proximity > (_height / 2)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } if (proximity < p_thresh) { _root[trgt].damage(power, 2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.sam_exp, "bl" + _root.air_unit_depth, _root.air_unit_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_1"); _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._x = _x; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._y = _y; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._xscale = _root.unitScale; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._yscale = _root.unitScale; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].active = 1; _root.air_unit_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } }
Instance of Symbol 343 MovieClip "exp_thermo" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { lifetime = 5; radius = 70; = false; = 0; _xscale = 80; _yscale = 80; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == true) && (_root.pause == false)) { lifetime--; if (lifetime <= 0) { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_vehi_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "vehi_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - _root[enemy + i]._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - _root[enemy + i]._y, 2)) < radius) { _root[enemy + i].damage(100, 4); } } i++; } if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_infantry_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "infantry_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - _root[enemy + i]._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - _root[enemy + i]._y, 2)) < radius) { _root[enemy + i].damage(10000, 1); } } i++; } removeMovieClip(this); } } }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "CCCP"; } on (press) { _root.screen_main_menu.reset(); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description(""); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 362 MovieClip "sam_site" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (t == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_0"); _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root.misk_depth++; } if (hp <= 0) { _root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1; if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) { _root.hide_all(); _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0; if ((ai == 0) && ( == 0)) { _root.show_build_0(); } if ((ai == 0) && ( == 1)) { _root.show_build_1(); } } duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; if (ai == 1) { _root.AI.sam_site_num--; } removeMovieClip(this); } } function fire_weapon(t) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.s_sam, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_sam"); _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y - 5; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].trgt = trgt; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].inax = (random(_root[trgt].ecm) - (_root[trgt].ecm / 2)) / eccm; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].inay = (random(_root[trgt].ecm) - (_root[trgt].ecm / 2)) / eccm; if (op_2 == 1) { _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].act = 1; } _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; } function show_buttons() { _root.show_sam_site(op_0, op_1, op_2); } function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) { if (delay == -1) { if ( >= unit_value) { = - unit_value; delay = unit_value; delay_max = delay; current = unit_name; cur_type = unit_type; _root.interface["btn_" + current].in_progress = 1; } } else { _root.message("In Progress..."); } } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; this.en_hp_bar_bg._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar_bg._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; hp = _root.sam_site_hp; hp_max = hp; range = 700; ros = _root.ros; scan = ros; trgt = ""; op_0 = (op_1 = (op_2 = false)); eccm = 1; = 0; = 0; _global.base_tile = 0; = 0; = ""; dir = 1; if ((active == 1) && (ai == 0)) { this.turret._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } MScooldown = 30; MS = MScooldown; MSmaxrel = 100; MSreload = 100; MSnumber = 3; MSmaxnum = 3; if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) { _root.show_sam_site(op_0, op_1, op_2); } delay = -1; delay_max = -1; current = ""; cur_type = ""; q_current = ""; q_type = ""; q_value = -1; q_size = 0; q_max = 9; } on (press) { if (ai == 0) { _root.select_tile(base_tile); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { if (repair == 1) { if ((_root.rep_price <= && (hp < hp_max)) { = - _root.rep_price; hp++; } else { repair = 0; } } if (MSnumber < MSmaxnum) { MSreload--; } if (MSreload <= 0) { MSreload = MSmaxrel; this.turret["missile_" + MSnumber]._visible = 1; MSnumber++; } if ((MS > 0) && (MSnumber > 0)) { MS--; } scan--; if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) { scan = ros; if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_aircraft_"; max_i = _root.ai_air_num; } else { enemy = "aircraft_"; max_i = _root.hu_air_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= range) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } } i++; } } if (trgt != "") { if (dir == -1) { if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (dir == 1) { if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { trgt = ""; } else if (dir == -1) { if ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0) { if (MS <= 0) { MS = MScooldown; MSnumber--; this.turret["missile_" + MSnumber]._visible = 0; fire_weapon(trgt); } } } else if ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0) { if (MS <= 0) { MS = MScooldown; MSnumber--; this.turret["missile_" + MSnumber]._visible = 0; fire_weapon(trgt); } } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { _root.interface["btn_" + current].in_progress = 0; _root.interface["btn_" + current]._visible = 0; switch (current) { case "op_0" : eccm = eccm + 1; op_0 = 1; break; case "op_1" : eccm = eccm + 2; op_1 = 1; break; case "op_2" : eccm = eccm + 3; op_2 = 1; } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { _root.show_sam_site(op_0, op_1, op_2); } delay = -1; delay_max = -1; } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { if (q_size > 0) { _root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size; } else { _root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = ""; } _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1; _root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; _root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; } } } on (rollOver) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width; } } on (rollOut) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 360 MovieClip "s_sam" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { power = 20; acc = 10; = 0; _global.act = 0; speed = 10; speed_max = 20; turnspeed = 1; turnspeed_max = 15; p_thresh = 50; lifetime = 85; = 0; _global.trgt = ""; _global.dir = 1; _global.inax = 0; _global.inay = 0; if (dir == 1) { _rotation = -30; } else { _rotation = 30; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { lifetime--; if (turnspeed < turnspeed_max) { turnspeed = turnspeed + 0.4; } if (speed < speed_max) { speed = speed + 0.5; } if (lifetime <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } if ((_root[trgt].hp <= 0) && (act == 1)) { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_aircraft_"; max_i = _root.ai_air_num; } else { enemy = "aircraft_"; max_i = _root.hu_air_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } i++; } } duplicateMovieClip (_root.sam_exhaust, "mex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _sc = 90 + random(60); _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._xscale = _sc; _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._yscale = _sc; _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; if ((_root[trgt].hp > 0) && (_visible == 1)) { delta_x = _x - (_root[trgt]._x + inax); delta_y = _y - (_root[trgt]._y + inay); Rotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); } if (Math.abs(_rotation - Rotation) <= turnspeed) { _rotation = Rotation; } else if (_rotation < Rotation) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnspeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnspeed); } proximity = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)); if (proximity > (_height / 2)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } if ((proximity < p_thresh) && (_visible == 1)) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.sam_exp, "bl" + _root.air_unit_depth, _root.air_unit_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_sam_exp"); _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._x = _x; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._y = _y; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._xscale = _root.unitScale; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._yscale = _root.unitScale; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].active = 1; _root.air_unit_depth++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shrapnel, "bl" + _root.air_unit_depth, _root.air_unit_depth); _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._x = _x; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._y = _y; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].ai = ai; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].power = power; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].acc = acc; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].active = 1; _root.air_unit_depth++; _visible = 0; } } }
Instance of Symbol 364 MovieClip "missile_exhaust" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { scale = random(70) + 100; _xscale = scale; _yscale = scale; }
Instance of Symbol 379 MovieClip "air_death_m" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { _global.dir = 1; = 0; speed = 15; lifetime = 25; _xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir); _yscale = _root.unitScale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { _x = (_x - (dir * speed)); _y = (_y + 1); lifetime--; if (lifetime <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.air_death, "mex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _sc = 50 + random(130); _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._xscale = _sc; _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._yscale = _sc; _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._rotation = _sc; _root.misk_depth++; } }
Instance of Symbol 383 MovieClip "inter" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { hp = hp - val; if (hp <= 0) { if (ai == 0) { _root.hu_au_lost++; } if (ai == 1) { _root.ai_au_lost++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.air_death_m, "inter_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["inter_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["inter_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["inter_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root["inter_d" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_2"); removeMovieClip(this); } } function fire_weapon(t, p) { this.rfl_b_0.attachMovie("mg_shot", "msh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.misk_depth++; this.rfl_b_1.attachMovie("mg_shot", "msh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.misk_depth++; _root[t].damage(p + random(acc), 0); } function fire_missile() { duplicateMovieClip (_root.k13, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_rpg"); _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y + 5; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].power = power + random(acc); _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].trgt = trgt; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; } function drop_bomb() { duplicateMovieClip (_root.chem_bomb, "bmb" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y + 5; _root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai; _root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; } hp = _root.inter_hp; hp_max = hp; speed = _root.inter_speed; rof = _root.inter_rof; power = _root.inter_pow; acc = _root.inter_acc; fire = rof; range = _root.inter_range; ecm = _root.inter_ecm; ros = _root.ros; scan = ros; trgt = ""; cur_type = ""; _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; if (op_0 == 1) { hp = _root.inter_hp * 2; hp_max = hp; } if (op_1 == 1) { this.option_1._visible = 1; range = _root.inter_range * 1.5; } else { this.option_1._visible = 0; } = 0; = 0; _global.dir = 1; = ""; _xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir); _yscale = _root.unitScale; bomb_num = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { _x = (_x - (speed * dir)); if (dir == 1) { if (_x <= (_root.leftBase - 300)) { removeMovieClip(this); } if ((_x <= (_root.leftBase + 100)) && (bomb_num > 0)) { bomb_num--; drop_bomb(); } } if (dir == -1) { if (_x >= (_root.rightBase + 300)) { removeMovieClip(this); } if ((_x >= (_root.rightBase - 100)) && (bomb_num > 0)) { bomb_num--; drop_bomb(); } } fire--; scan--; if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) { scan = ros; if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_aircraft_"; max_i = _root.ai_air_num; } else { enemy = "aircraft_"; max_i = _root.hu_air_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= range) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } } i++; } } if (trgt != "") { if (dir == -1) { if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (dir == 1) { if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { trgt = ""; } else if (dir == -1) { if ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0) { if (fire <= 0) { fire = rof; if (op_1 == 1) { fire_missile(trgt, power, cur_type); } else { fire_weapon(trgt, power, cur_type); } } } } else if ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0) { if (fire <= 0) { fire = rof; if (op_1 == 1) { fire_missile(trgt, power, cur_type); } else { fire_weapon(trgt, power, cur_type); } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 392 MovieClip "nu_exp" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { = 0; dev = 15; br = 130; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (active == 1) { if (dev > 1) { x_dev = random(dev * 2) - dev; y_dev = random(dev * 2) - dev; _root._x = _root._x + x_dev; _root._y = _root._y + y_dev; dev--; br = br - 5; var colour = new Color(_root); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:br, ga:"100", gb:br, ba:"100", bb:br}; colour.setTransform(trans); } else { var colour = new Color(_root); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } } }
Instance of Symbol 394 MovieClip "falcon" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { hp = hp - val; if (hp <= 0) { if (ai == 0) { _root.hu_au_lost++; } if (ai == 1) { _root.ai_au_lost++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.air_death_m, "a_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["a_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["a_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["a_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root["a_d" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_2"); removeMovieClip(this); } } function drop_bomb() { duplicateMovieClip (_root.cluster_bomb, "bmb" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y + 5; _root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai; _root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; } function fire_weapon(t, p, ty) { if (ty == "vehi") { duplicateMovieClip (_root.maveric, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_sam"); p = p * 10; } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.sparrow, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_rpg"); } _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y + 5; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].power = p + random(acc); _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].trgt = trgt; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; } hp = _root.falcon_hp; hp_max = hp; speed = _root.falcon_speed; rof = _root.falcon_rof; power = _root.falcon_pow; acc = _root.falcon_acc; fire = 0; range = _root.falcon_range; ecm = _root.falcon_ecm; bomb_num = 1; ros = _root.ros; scan = ros; trgt = ""; cur_type = ""; = 0; = 0; _global.dir = 1; = ""; _xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir); _yscale = _root.unitScale; _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; if (op_0 == 1) { ecm = ecm + 100; } if (op_1 == 1) { ecm = ecm + 150; } if (op_2 == 1) { ecm = ecm + 200; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { _x = (_x - (speed * dir)); if (dir == 1) { if (_x <= (_root.leftBase - 300)) { removeMovieClip(this); } if ((_x <= (_root.leftBase + 100)) && (bomb_num > 0)) { bomb_num--; drop_bomb(); } } if (dir == -1) { if (_x >= (_root.rightBase + 300)) { removeMovieClip(this); } if ((_x >= (_root.rightBase - 100)) && (bomb_num > 0)) { bomb_num--; drop_bomb(); } } fire--; scan--; if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) { scan = ros; if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_aircraft_"; max_i = _root.ai_air_num; } else { enemy = "aircraft_"; max_i = _root.hu_air_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 2)) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; cur_type = "aircraft"; break; } } } i++; } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_vehi_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "vehi_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= range) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; cur_type = "vehi"; break; } } } i++; } } } if (trgt != "") { if (dir == -1) { if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (dir == 1) { if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { trgt = ""; } else if (dir == -1) { if ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0) { if (fire <= 0) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power, cur_type); } } } else if ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0) { if (fire <= 0) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power, cur_type); } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 401 MovieClip "stealth" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { hp = hp - val; if (hp <= 0) { if (ai == 0) { _root.hu_au_lost++; } if (ai == 1) { _root.ai_au_lost++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.air_death_m, "stealth_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["stealth_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["stealth_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["stealth_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root["stealth_d" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_2"); removeMovieClip(this); } } function drop_bomb() { duplicateMovieClip (_root.cluster_bomb, "bmb" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y + 5; _root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai; _root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root["bmb" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; } function fire_weapon(t, p, ty) { if (ty == "vehi") { duplicateMovieClip (_root.maveric, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); } else { duplicateMovieClip (_root.sparrow, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); } _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y + 5; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].power = power + random(acc); eccm = 1; if (ai == 0) { eccm = _root.hu_eccm; } else { eccm = _root.ai_eccm; } if (_root[trgt + "_flare"].hp == 1) { if (random(_root.flare_effect) >= eccm) { trgt = trgt + "_flare"; } } _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].trgt = trgt; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; } hp = _root.stealth_hp; hp_max = hp; speed = _root.stealth_speed; rof = _root.stealth_rof; power = _root.stealth_pow; acc = _root.stealth_acc; fire = rof; range = _root.stealth_range; ecm = _root.stealth_ecm; bomb_num = 5; bmb_cooldown = 11; bmb = 0; ros = _root.ros; scan = ros; trgt = ""; cur_type = ""; = 0; = 0; _global.dir = 1; = ""; _xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir); _yscale = _root.unitScale; _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; if (op_0 == 1) { ecm = ecm + 100; } if (op_1 == 1) { ecm = ecm + 150; } if (op_2 == 1) { ecm = ecm + 200; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { _x = (_x - (speed * dir)); bmb--; if (dir == 1) { if (_x <= (_root.leftBase - 300)) { removeMovieClip(this); } if (((_x <= (_root.leftBase + 250)) && (bomb_num > 0)) && (bmb <= 0)) { bmb = bmb_cooldown; bomb_num--; drop_bomb(); } } if (dir == -1) { if (_x >= (_root.rightBase + 300)) { removeMovieClip(this); } if (((_x >= (_root.rightBase - 250)) && (bomb_num > 0)) && (bmb <= 0)) { bmb = bmb_cooldown; bomb_num--; drop_bomb(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 411 MovieClip "h_base_tnk" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 0) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 2) { if (op_2 == 0) { val = val * 1.5; } else { val = val / 2; } } if (t == 3) { val = val * 1.2; } if (t == 4) { val = val * 0.7; } hp = hp - val; if (hp <= 0) { if (ai == 0) { _root.hu_vu_lost++; } if (ai == 1) { _root.ai_vu_lost++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.tank_death, "t_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["t_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["t_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["t_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } function fire_weapon(t) { if (op_1 == true) { inc_poison(5); } switch (weapon) { case 1 : fire_gatling(t, power); return; case 2 : fire_tnk_shot(t, power); return; case 3 : fire_missile(t, power); } } function fire_tnk_shot(t, p) { this.turret.rfl_b.attachMovie("tank_shot", "tsh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.misk_depth++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _root[t]._x; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _root[t]._y; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; _root[t].damage(p + random(acc), 1); } function fire_gatling(t, p) { this.turret.rfl_b.attachMovie("mg_shot_0", "tsh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.misk_depth++; _root[t].damage(p + random(acc), 0); } function fire_missile(t, p) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.adats_missile, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_sam"); _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y - 10; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].active = true; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].power = p; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].trgt = t; _root.misk_depth++; } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; hp = (_root.armor_hp * 0.5) + ((_root.armor_hp * 0.5) * ((100 - _root.poison) / 100)); hp_max = hp; speed = _root.armor_speed; rof = _root.armor_rof; power = _root.armor_pow; acc = _root.armor_acc; fire = rof; harm = _root.armor_harm; range = _root.armor_range; ros = _root.ros; scan = ros; trgt = ""; trgt_type = "ground"; = 0; = 0; _global.dir = 1; = ""; _global.weapon = 0; _xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir); _yscale = _root.unitScale; this.turret.cannon0._rotation = -90; this.turret.cannon1._rotation = -90; _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; if (weapon == 3) { range = _root.tank_range * 2; rof = _root.tank_rof * 2; } if (op_0 == 1) { speed = speed * 1.5; } if (op_1 == 1) { power = power * 2.5; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { _x = (_x - (speed * dir)); if (dir == 1) { if (_x <= _root.leftBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 0); removeMovieClip(this); } } if (dir == -1) { if (_x >= _root.rightBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 1); removeMovieClip(this); } } fire--; scan--; if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) { scan = ros; if ((trgt == "") && (weapon == 3)) { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_aircraft_"; max_i = _root.ai_air_num; } else { enemy = "aircraft_"; max_i = _root.hu_air_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; trgt_type = "air"; break; } } } i++; } } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_vehi_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "vehi_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; trgt_type = "ground"; break; } } } i++; } } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_infantry_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "infantry_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= range) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; trgt_type = "ground"; break; } } } i++; } } } if (trgt != "") { if (trgt_type == "air") { dx = _x - _root[trgt]._x; dy = _y - _root[trgt]._y; tilt = ((-Math.atan2(dx, dy)) / (Math.PI/180)) * dir; } else { tilt = -90; } } if (trgt != "") { if (dir == -1) { if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (dir == 1) { if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { trgt = ""; } else { if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) { if (trgt_type == "ground") { _y = (_y + (speed / 2)); } } if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) { if (trgt_type == "ground") { _y = (_y - (speed / 2)); } } if (Math.abs(this.turret.cannon0._rotation - tilt) > 5) { if (this.turret.cannon0._rotation < tilt) { this.turret.cannon0._rotation = this.turret.cannon0._rotation + 5; this.turret.cannon1._rotation = this.turret.cannon1._rotation + 5; } if (this.turret.cannon0._rotation > tilt) { this.turret.cannon0._rotation = this.turret.cannon0._rotation - 5; this.turret.cannon1._rotation = this.turret.cannon1._rotation - 5; } } else { this.turret.cannon0._rotation = tilt; this.turret.cannon1._rotation = tilt; } if (dir == -1) { if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && ((Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50) || (trgt_type == "air"))) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt); } } } else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && ((Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50) || (trgt_type == "air"))) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt); } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 413 MovieClip "k13" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { _global.power = 1; speed = 19; turnspeed = 15; p_thresh = 20; lifetime = 85; _visible = 0; = 0; _global.trgt = ""; _global.dir = 1; if (dir == 1) { _rotation = -90; } else { _rotation = 90; } _xscale = _root.unitScale; _yscale = _root.unitScale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { lifetime--; if (lifetime <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.missile_exhaust, "mex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["mex" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; delta_x = _x - _root[trgt]._x; delta_y = _y - _root[trgt]._y; Rotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (Math.abs(_rotation - Rotation) <= turnspeed) { _rotation = Rotation; } else if (_rotation < Rotation) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnspeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnspeed); } _visible = 1; proximity = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)); if (proximity > (_height / 2)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } if (proximity < p_thresh) { _root[trgt].damage(power, 2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.sam_exp, "bl" + _root.air_unit_depth, _root.air_unit_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_1"); _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._x = _x; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._y = _y; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._xscale = _root.unitScale; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._yscale = _root.unitScale; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].active = 1; _root.air_unit_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } }
Instance of Symbol 415 MovieClip "chem_bomb" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function release_bomblet() { duplicateMovieClip (_root.submuni, "bb" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["bb" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x + (random(10) * dir); _root["bb" + _root.misk_depth]._y = (_y + random(10)) - 5; _root["bb" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai; _root["bb" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root["bb" + _root.misk_depth].xspeed = random(5) + 1; _root["bb" + _root.misk_depth].yspeed = random(2) + 1; _root["bb" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; } = 0; _global.dir = 1; = 0; lifetime = 30; bomblet_num = 13; _xscale = ((1.2 * _root.unitScale) * dir); _yscale = (1.2 * _root.unitScale); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { _y = (_y + 1.5); _x = (_x - (0.7 * dir)); if (_y >= 320) { this.cover._visible = 0; lifetime--; alpha = alpha - 3; if (bomblet_num > 0) { bomblet_num--; release_bomblet(); } } if (lifetime <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } } }
Instance of Symbol 417 MovieClip "submuni" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { power = 70; = 0; _global.dir = 1; = 0; _global.xspeed = 1; _global.yspeed = 1; lifetime = 30; _xscale = ((1.2 * _root.unitScale) * dir); _yscale = (1.2 * _root.unitScale); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { _y = (_y + yspeed); _x = (_x - (xspeed * dir)); lifetime--; if (lifetime <= 0) { tt = random(7); if (ai == 0) { tt = tt + 8; } else { tt = tt + 1; } if (_root["stru" + tt].hp > 0) { _root["stru" + tt].damage(random(20 + power), 1); } removeMovieClip(this); } } }
Instance of Symbol 424 MovieClip "mg_0" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (t == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_0"); _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root.misk_depth++; } if (hp <= 0) { _root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1; if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) { _root.hide_all(); _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0; if ((ai == 0) && ( == 0)) { _root.show_build_0(); } if ((ai == 0) && ( == 1)) { _root.show_build_1(); } } duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; if (ai == 1) { _root.AI.mg_0_num--; } removeMovieClip(this); } } function fire_weapon() { this.turret.cannon.rfl_b.attachMovie("mg_shot_0", "lsh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.misk_depth++; _root[trgt].damage(power + random(acc), 1); } function show_buttons() { _root.show_mg_0(op_0, op_1, op_2); } function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) { if (delay == -1) { if ( >= unit_value) { = - unit_value; delay = unit_value; delay_max = delay; current = unit_name; cur_type = unit_type; _root.interface["btn_" + current].in_progress = 1; } } else { _root.message("In Progress..."); } } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; this.en_hp_bar_bg._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar_bg._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; hp = _root.mg_0_hp; hp_max = hp; power = 10; acc = 10; range = 400; turn_speed = 2; ros = _root.ros; scan = ros; trgt = ""; = 0; = 0; _global.base_tile = 0; = 0; = ""; dir = 1; if ((active == 1) && (ai == 0)) { this.turret._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } this.turret.cannon._rotation = -90; MScooldown = 10; MS = MScooldown; MSmaxrel = 70; MSreload = 70; MSnumber = 5; MSmaxnum = 5; if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) { _root.show_mg_0(op_0, op_1, op_2); } delay = -1; delay_max = -1; current = ""; cur_type = ""; q_current = ""; q_type = ""; q_value = -1; q_size = 0; q_max = 9; } on (press) { if (ai == 0) { _root.select_tile(base_tile); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { if (repair == 1) { if ((_root.rep_price <= && (hp < hp_max)) { = - _root.rep_price; hp++; } else { repair = 0; } } if (MSnumber < MSmaxnum) { MSreload--; } if (MSreload <= 0) { MSreload = MSmaxrel; this.turret["missile_" + MSnumber]._visible = 1; MSnumber++; } if ((MS > 0) && (MSnumber > 0)) { MS--; } scan--; if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) { scan = ros; if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_aircraft_"; max_i = _root.ai_air_num; } else { enemy = "aircraft_"; max_i = _root.hu_air_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= range) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; trgt_type = "air"; break; } } } i++; } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_infantry_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "infantry_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= range) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; trgt_type = "ground"; break; } } } i++; } } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_vehi_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "vehi_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= range) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; trgt_type = "ground"; break; } } } i++; } } } if (trgt != "") { dx = _x - _root[trgt]._x; dy = _y - _root[trgt]._y; tilt = ((-Math.atan2(dx, dy)) / (Math.PI/180)) * dir; if (Math.abs(this.turret.cannon._rotation - tilt) > turn_speed) { if ((this.turret.cannon._rotation - tilt) > turn_speed) { this.turret.cannon._rotation = this.turret.cannon._rotation - turn_speed; } if ((tilt - this.turret.cannon._rotation) > turn_speed) { this.turret.cannon._rotation = this.turret.cannon._rotation + turn_speed; } } else { this.turret.cannon._rotation = tilt; } } if (this.turret.cannon._rotation < -120) { this.turret.cannon._rotation = -120; } if (trgt != "") { if (dir == -1) { if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (dir == 1) { if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { trgt = ""; } else if (dir == -1) { if ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0) { if ((MS <= 0) && (this.turret.cannon._rotation == tilt)) { MS = MScooldown; MSnumber--; fire_weapon(trgt); } } } else if ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0) { if ((MS <= 0) && (this.turret.cannon._rotation == tilt)) { MS = MScooldown; MSnumber--; fire_weapon(trgt); } } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { _root.interface["btn_" + current].in_progress = 0; _root.interface["btn_" + current]._visible = 0; switch (current) { case "op_0" : MSmaxrel = 50; MSreload = 50; MSnumber = 15; MSmaxnum = 15; op_0 = 1; break; case "op_1" : power = power * 2; op_1 = 1; break; case "op_2" : turn_speed = 7; op_2 = 1; } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { _root.show_mg_0(op_0, op_1, op_2); } delay = -1; delay_max = -1; } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { if (q_size > 0) { _root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size; } else { _root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = ""; } _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1; _root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; _root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; } } } on (rollOver) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width; } } on (rollOut) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 426 MovieClip "msl_cluster" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { power = 70; = 0; _global.dir = 1; = 0; _global.xspeed = 1; _global.yspeed = 1; lifetime = 30; _xscale = ((1.2 * _root.unitScale) * dir); _yscale = (1.2 * _root.unitScale); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { _y = (_y + yspeed); _x = (_x - (xspeed * dir)); lifetime--; if (lifetime <= 0) { tt = random(7); if (ai == 0) { tt = tt + 8; } else { tt = tt + 1; } if (_root["stru" + tt].hp > 0) { _root["stru" + tt].damage(random(20 + power), 1); } removeMovieClip(this); } } }
Instance of Symbol 428 MovieClip "min_econ" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (t == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_0"); _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root.misk_depth++; } if (hp <= 0) { _root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1; if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) { _root.hide_all(); _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0; if ((ai == 0) && ( == 0)) { _root.show_build_0(); } if ((ai == 0) && ( == 1)) { _root.show_build_1(); } } duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) { if (delay == -1) { if ( >= unit_value) { = - unit_value; delay = unit_value; delay_max = delay; current = unit_name; cur_type = unit_type; _root.tax_price = _root.tax_price + _root.tax_increment; if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { _root.show_min_econ(); } } } else { _root.message("In Progress..."); } } function show_buttons() { _root.show_min_econ(); } hp = _root.min_econ_hp; hp_max = hp; this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; this.en_hp_bar_bg._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar_bg._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; = 0; = 0; _global.base_tile = 0; = 0; = ""; delay = -1; delay_max = -1; current = ""; cur_type = ""; q_current = ""; q_type = ""; q_value = -1; q_size = 0; q_max = 9; if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) { _root.show_min_econ(); } } on (press) { if (ai == 0) { _root.select_tile(base_tile); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) { if (repair == 1) { if ((_root.rep_price <= && (hp < hp_max)) { = - _root.rep_price; hp++; } else { repair = 0; } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { _root.income = _root.income + _root.income_increment; delay = -1; delay_max = -1; if (q_size > 0) { q_size--; enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value); } } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { if (q_size > 0) { _root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size; } else { _root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = ""; } _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1; _root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; _root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; } } } on (rollOver) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width; } } on (rollOut) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 434 MovieClip "mg_1" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (t == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_0"); _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root.misk_depth++; } if (hp <= 0) { _root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1; if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) { _root.hide_all(); _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0; if ((ai == 0) && ( == 0)) { _root.show_build_0(); } if ((ai == 0) && ( == 1)) { _root.show_build_1(); } } duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; if (ai == 1) { _root.AI.mg_1_num--; } removeMovieClip(this); } } function fire_weapon(t) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.malyutka, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_rpg"); _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y - 5; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].op_2 = op_2; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].power = power + random(acc); _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].trgt = trgt; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; } function show_buttons() { _root.show_mg_1(op_0, op_1, op_2); } function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) { if (delay == -1) { if ( >= unit_value) { = - unit_value; delay = unit_value; delay_max = delay; current = unit_name; cur_type = unit_type; _root.interface["btn_" + current].in_progress = 1; } } else { _root.message("In Progress..."); } } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; this.en_hp_bar_bg._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar_bg._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; this.turret.missile_2._visible = 0; this.turret.extra._visible = 0; hp = _root.mg_1_hp; hp_max = hp; power = 40; acc = 30; range = 300; ros = _root.ros; scan = ros; trgt = ""; = 0; = 0; _global.base_tile = 0; = 0; = ""; dir = 1; if ((active == 1) && (ai == 0)) { this.turret._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } MScooldown = 20; MS = MScooldown; MSmaxrel = 100; MSreload = 100; MSnumber = 2; MSmaxnum = 2; if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) { _root.show_mg_1(op_0, op_1, op_2); } delay = -1; delay_max = -1; current = ""; cur_type = ""; q_current = ""; q_type = ""; q_value = -1; q_size = 0; q_max = 9; } on (press) { if (ai == 0) { _root.select_tile(base_tile); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { if (repair == 1) { if ((_root.rep_price <= && (hp < hp_max)) { = - _root.rep_price; hp++; } else { repair = 0; } } if (MSnumber < MSmaxnum) { MSreload--; } if (MSreload <= 0) { MSreload = MSmaxrel; this.turret["missile_" + MSnumber]._visible = 1; MSnumber++; } if ((MS > 0) && (MSnumber > 0)) { MS--; } scan--; if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) { scan = ros; if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_vehi_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "vehi_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= range) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } } i++; } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_infantry_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "infantry_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= range) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } } i++; } } } if (trgt != "") { if (dir == -1) { if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (dir == 1) { if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { trgt = ""; } else if (dir == -1) { if ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0) { if (MS <= 0) { MS = MScooldown; MSnumber--; this.turret["missile_" + MSnumber]._visible = 0; fire_weapon(trgt); } } } else if ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0) { if (MS <= 0) { MS = MScooldown; MSnumber--; this.turret["missile_" + MSnumber]._visible = 0; fire_weapon(trgt); } } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { _root.interface["btn_" + current].in_progress = 0; _root.interface["btn_" + current]._visible = 0; switch (current) { case "op_0" : power = power * 2; op_0 = 1; break; case "op_1" : MSmaxnum = 3; this.turret.extra._visible = 1; op_1 = 1; break; case "op_2" : range = range + 70; op_2 = 1; } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { _root.show_mg_1(op_0, op_1, op_2); } delay = -1; delay_max = -1; } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { if (q_size > 0) { _root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size; } else { _root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = ""; } _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1; _root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; _root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; } } } on (rollOver) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width; } } on (rollOut) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 441 MovieClip "laser" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (t == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_0"); _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root.misk_depth++; } if (hp <= 0) { _root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1; if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) { _root.hide_all(); _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0; if ((ai == 0) && ( == 0)) { _root.show_build_0(); } if ((ai == 0) && ( == 1)) { _root.show_build_1(); } } duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; if (ai == 1) { _root.AI.laser_num--; } removeMovieClip(this); } } function fire_weapon() { if (op_0 == 0) { this.turret.cannon.rfl_b.attachMovie("laser_shot", "lsh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); } else { this.turret.cannon.rfl_b.attachMovie("laser_shot_0", "lsh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); } _root.sound_f("snd_laser"); _root.misk_depth++; _root[trgt].damage(power + random(acc), 0); } function show_buttons() { _root.show_laser(op_0, op_1, op_2); } function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) { if (delay == -1) { if ( >= unit_value) { = - unit_value; delay = unit_value; delay_max = delay; current = unit_name; cur_type = unit_type; _root.interface["btn_" + current].in_progress = 1; } } else { _root.message("In Progress..."); } } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; this.en_hp_bar_bg._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar_bg._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; turn_speed = 10; hp = _root.laser_hp; hp_max = hp; power = 30; acc = 30; range = 350; ros = _root.ros; scan = ros; trgt = ""; = 0; = 0; _global.base_tile = 0; = 0; = ""; dir = 1; if ((active == 1) && (ai == 0)) { this.turret._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } this.turret.cannon._rotation = -90; MScooldown = 10; MS = MScooldown; MSmaxrel = 270; MSreload = 270; MSnumber = 3; MSmaxnum = 3; if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) { _root.show_laser(op_0, op_1, op_2); } delay = -1; delay_max = -1; current = ""; cur_type = ""; q_current = ""; q_type = ""; q_value = -1; q_size = 0; q_max = 9; } on (press) { if (ai == 0) { _root.select_tile(base_tile); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { if (repair == 1) { if ((_root.rep_price <= && (hp < hp_max)) { = - _root.rep_price; hp++; } else { repair = 0; } } if (MSnumber < MSmaxnum) { MSreload--; } if (MSreload <= 0) { MSreload = MSmaxrel; this.turret["missile_" + MSnumber]._visible = 1; MSnumber++; } if ((MS > 0) && (MSnumber > 0)) { MS--; } scan--; if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) { scan = ros; if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_rocket_"; max_i = _root.ai_r_num; } else { enemy = "rocket_"; max_i = _root.hu_r_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= range) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } } i++; } } if (trgt != "") { dx = _x - _root[trgt]._x; dy = _y - _root[trgt]._y; tilt = ((-Math.atan2(dx, dy)) / (Math.PI/180)) * dir; if (Math.abs(this.turret.cannon._rotation - tilt) > turn_speed) { if ((this.turret.cannon._rotation - tilt) > turn_speed) { this.turret.cannon._rotation = this.turret.cannon._rotation - turn_speed; } if ((tilt - this.turret.cannon._rotation) > turn_speed) { this.turret.cannon._rotation = this.turret.cannon._rotation + turn_speed; } } else { this.turret.cannon._rotation = tilt; } } if (trgt != "") { if (dir == -1) { if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (dir == 1) { if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { trgt = ""; } else if (dir == -1) { if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0) && (this.turret.cannon._rotation == tilt)) { if (MS <= 0) { MS = MScooldown; MSnumber--; fire_weapon(trgt); } } } else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0) && (this.turret.cannon._rotation == tilt)) { if (MS <= 0) { MS = MScooldown; MSnumber--; fire_weapon(trgt); } } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { _root.interface["btn_" + current].in_progress = 0; _root.interface["btn_" + current]._visible = 0; switch (current) { case "op_0" : power = power * 2; op_0 = 1; break; case "op_1" : MSnumber = 7; MSmaxnum = 7; op_1 = 1; break; case "op_2" : range = 600; op_2 = 1; } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { _root.show_laser(op_0, op_1, op_2); } delay = -1; delay_max = -1; } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { if (q_size > 0) { _root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size; } else { _root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = ""; } _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1; _root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; _root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; } } } on (rollOver) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width; } } on (rollOut) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 443 MovieClip "lfac" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (t == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_0"); _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root.misk_depth++; } if (hp <= 0) { _root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1; if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) { _root.hide_all(); _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0; if ((ai == 0) && ( == 0)) { _root.show_build_0(); } if ((ai == 0) && ( == 1)) { _root.show_build_1(); } } duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; if (ai == 1) { _root.AI.lfac_num--; } removeMovieClip(this); } } function reset_queue() { q_size = 0; q_0 = 0; q_1 = 0; q_2 = 0; q_3 = 0; } function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_weap, unit_value) { if (delay == -1) { if ( >= unit_value) { = - unit_value; delay = unit_value; delay_max = delay; current = unit_name; cur_type = unit_type; cur_weap = unit_weap; } else { reset_queue(); } } else if (unit_type != "update") { if (q_size < q_max) { q_Queue[q_size] = unit_weap; q_size++; this["q_" + (unit_weap - 1)]++; } } } function show_buttons() { _root.show_lfac(op_0, op_1, op_2); } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; this.en_hp_bar_bg._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar_bg._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; hp = _root.lfac_hp; hp_max = hp; = 0; = 0; _global.base_tile = 0; = 0; = ""; op_0 = (op_1 = (op_2 = false)); delay = -1; delay_max = -1; current = ""; cur_type = ""; cur_weap = 1; q_size = 0; q_max = 20; q_Queue = new Array(); q_0 = (q_1 = (q_2 = 0)); if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) { _root.show_lfac(op_0, op_1, op_2); } } on (press) { if (ai == 0) { _root.select_tile(base_tile); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) { if (repair == 1) { if ((_root.rep_price <= && (hp < hp_max)) { = - _root.rep_price; hp++; } else { repair = 0; } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { if (cur_type != "update") { _root.create_ground_unit(current, cur_weap, ai, cur_type, base_tile); } else { this["op_" + cur_weap] = true; if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { _root.show_lfac(op_0, op_1, op_2); } } delay = -1; delay_max = -1; if (q_size > 0) { q_size--; this["q_" + (q_Queue[0] - 1)]--; switch (q_Queue[0]) { case 1 : enqueue_unit("moto", "vehi", 1, _root.moto_price); break; case 2 : enqueue_unit("atv", "vehi", 2, _root.atv_price); break; case 3 : } q_Queue.shift(); } } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { if (q_0 > 0) { _root.interface.lfac_toolbar.btn_0.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_0; } else { _root.interface.lfac_toolbar.btn_0.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } if (q_1 > 0) { _root.interface.lfac_toolbar.btn_1.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_1; } else { _root.interface.lfac_toolbar.btn_1.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } if (q_2 > 0) { _root.interface.lfac_toolbar.btn_2.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_2; } else { _root.interface.lfac_toolbar.btn_2.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1; _root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; _root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; } } if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { if (delay == -1) { s = random(10); if (s < _root.moto_pref) { u = 0; } else if (s < _root.atv_pref) { u = 1; } switch (u) { case 0 : delay = Math.round(_root.moto_price * _root.ai_delay); current = "moto"; cur_weap = 1; cur_type = "vehi"; break; case 1 : delay = Math.round(_root.atv_price * _root.ai_delay); current = "atv"; cur_weap = 2; cur_type = "vehi"; break; case 2 : break; case 3 : } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { delay = -1; _root.create_ground_unit(current, cur_weap, ai, cur_type, base_tile); } } } on (rollOver) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width; } } on (rollOut) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 445 MovieClip "barracks_0" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (t == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_0"); _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root.misk_depth++; } if (hp <= 0) { _root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1; if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) { _root.hide_all(); _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0; if ((ai == 0) && ( == 0)) { _root.show_build_0(); } if ((ai == 0) && ( == 1)) { _root.show_build_1(); } } duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; if (ai == 1) { _root.AI.barracks_0_num--; } removeMovieClip(this); } } function reset_queue() { q_size = 0; q_0 = 0; q_1 = 0; q_2 = 0; q_3 = 0; } function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_weap, unit_value) { if (delay == -1) { if ( >= unit_value) { = - unit_value; delay = unit_value; delay_max = delay; current = unit_name; cur_type = unit_type; cur_weap = unit_weap; } else { reset_queue(); } } else if (unit_type != "update") { if (q_size < q_max) { q_Queue[q_size] = unit_weap; q_size++; this["q_" + (unit_weap - 1)]++; } } } function show_buttons() { _root.show_bar_0(op_0, op_1, op_2); } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; this.en_hp_bar_bg._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar_bg._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; hp = _root.bar_0_hp; hp_max = hp; = 0; = 0; _global.base_tile = 0; = 0; = ""; op_0 = (op_1 = (op_2 = false)); delay = -1; delay_max = -1; current = ""; cur_type = ""; cur_weap = 1; q_size = 0; q_max = 20; q_Queue = new Array(); q_0 = (q_1 = (q_2 = 0)); if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) { _root.show_bar_0(op_0, op_1, op_2); } } on (press) { if (ai == 0) { _root.select_tile(base_tile); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) { if (repair == 1) { if ((_root.rep_price <= && (hp < hp_max)) { = - _root.rep_price; hp++; } else { repair = 0; } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { if (cur_type != "update") { _root.create_ground_unit(current, cur_weap, ai, cur_type, base_tile); } else { this["op_" + cur_weap] = true; if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { _root.show_bar_0(op_0, op_1, op_2); } } delay = -1; delay_max = -1; if (q_size > 0) { q_size--; this["q_" + (q_Queue[0] - 1)]--; switch (q_Queue[0]) { case 1 : enqueue_unit("m16", "infantry", 1, _root.m16_price); break; case 2 : enqueue_unit("sniper", "infantry", 2, _root.sniper_price); break; case 3 : enqueue_unit("bazoo", "infantry", 3, _root.bazoo_price); } q_Queue.shift(); } } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { if (q_0 > 0) { _root.interface.bar_0_toolbar.btn_0.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_0; } else { _root.interface.bar_0_toolbar.btn_0.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } if (q_1 > 0) { _root.interface.bar_0_toolbar.btn_1.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_1; } else { _root.interface.bar_0_toolbar.btn_1.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } if (q_2 > 0) { _root.interface.bar_0_toolbar.btn_2.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_2; } else { _root.interface.bar_0_toolbar.btn_2.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1; _root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; _root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; } } if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { if (delay == -1) { s = random(10); if (s < _root.m16_pref) { u = 0; } else if (s < _root.sniper_pref) { u = 1; } else if (s < _root.bazoo_pref) { u = 2; } else { u = 3; } switch (u) { case 0 : delay = Math.round(_root.m16_price * _root.ai_delay); current = "m16"; cur_type = "infantry"; cur_weap = 1; break; case 1 : delay = Math.round(_root.sniper_price * _root.ai_delay); current = "sniper"; cur_type = "infantry"; cur_weap = 2; break; case 2 : delay = Math.round(_root.bazoo_price * _root.ai_delay); current = "bazoo"; cur_type = "infantry"; cur_weap = 3; break; case 3 : } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { delay = -1; _root.create_ground_unit(current, cur_weap, ai, cur_type, base_tile); } } } on (rollOver) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width; } } on (rollOut) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 447 MovieClip "manu" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (t == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_0"); _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root.misk_depth++; } if (hp <= 0) { _root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1; if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) { _root.hide_all(); _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0; if ((ai == 0) && ( == 0)) { _root.show_build_0(); } if ((ai == 0) && ( == 1)) { _root.show_build_1(); } } duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; if (ai == 1) { _root.AI.manu_num--; } removeMovieClip(this); } } function reset_queue() { q_size = 0; q_0 = 0; q_1 = 0; q_2 = 0; q_3 = 0; } function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_weap, unit_value) { if (delay == -1) { if ( >= unit_value) { = - unit_value; delay = unit_value; delay_max = delay; current = unit_name; cur_type = unit_type; cur_weap = unit_weap; } else { reset_queue(); } } else if (unit_type != "update") { if (q_size < q_max) { q_Queue[q_size] = unit_weap; q_size++; this["q_" + (unit_weap - 1)]++; } } } function show_buttons() { _root.show_fac_0(op_0, op_1, op_2); } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; this.en_hp_bar_bg._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar_bg._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; hp = _root.manu_hp; hp_max = hp; = 0; = 0; _global.base_tile = 0; = 0; = ""; op_0 = (op_1 = (op_2 = false)); delay = -1; delay_max = -1; current = ""; cur_type = ""; cur_weap = 1; q_size = 0; q_max = 20; q_Queue = new Array(); q_0 = (q_1 = (q_2 = 0)); if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) { _root.show_fac_0(op_0, op_1, op_2); } } on (press) { if (ai == 0) { _root.select_tile(base_tile); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) { if (repair == 1) { if ((_root.rep_price <= && (hp < hp_max)) { = - _root.rep_price; hp++; } else { repair = 0; } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { if (cur_type != "update") { _root.create_ground_unit(current, cur_weap, ai, cur_type, base_tile); } else { this["op_" + cur_weap] = true; if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { _root.show_fac_0(op_0, op_1, op_2); } } delay = -1; delay_max = -1; if (q_size > 0) { q_size--; this["q_" + (q_Queue[0] - 1)]--; switch (q_Queue[0]) { case 1 : enqueue_unit("h_base_tnk", "vehi", 1, _root.gat_price); break; case 2 : enqueue_unit("h_base_tnk", "vehi", 2, _root.arm_price); break; case 3 : enqueue_unit("h_base_tnk", "vehi", 3, _root.pat_price); } q_Queue.shift(); } } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { if (q_0 > 0) { _root.interface.fac_0_toolbar.btn_0.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_0; } else { _root.interface.fac_0_toolbar.btn_0.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } if (q_1 > 0) { _root.interface.fac_0_toolbar.btn_1.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_1; } else { _root.interface.fac_0_toolbar.btn_1.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } if (q_2 > 0) { _root.interface.fac_0_toolbar.btn_2.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_2; } else { _root.interface.fac_0_toolbar.btn_2.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1; _root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; _root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; } } if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { if (delay == -1) { s = random(10); if (s < _root.gat_pref) { u = 0; } else if (s < _root.arm_pref) { u = 1; } else if (s < _root.pat_pref) { u = 2; } else { u = 3; } switch (u) { case 0 : delay = Math.round(_root.gat_price * _root.ai_delay); current = "h_base_tnk"; cur_weap = 1; cur_type = "vehi"; break; case 1 : delay = Math.round(_root.arm_price * _root.ai_delay); current = "h_base_tnk"; cur_weap = 2; cur_type = "vehi"; break; case 2 : delay = Math.round(_root.pat_price * _root.ai_delay); current = "h_base_tnk"; cur_weap = 3; cur_type = "vehi"; break; case 3 : } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { delay = -1; _root.create_ground_unit(current, cur_weap, ai, cur_type, base_tile); } } } on (rollOver) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width; } } on (rollOut) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 449 MovieClip "air_0" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (t == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_0"); _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root.misk_depth++; } if (hp <= 0) { _root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1; if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) { _root.hide_all(); _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0; if ((ai == 0) && ( == 0)) { _root.show_build_0(); } if ((ai == 0) && ( == 1)) { _root.show_build_1(); } } duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; if (ai == 1) { _root.AI.air_0_num--; } removeMovieClip(this); } } function reset_queue() { q_size = 0; q_0 = 0; q_1 = 0; q_2 = 0; q_3 = 0; } function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_weap, unit_value) { if (delay == -1) { if ( >= unit_value) { = - unit_value; delay = unit_value; delay_max = delay; current = unit_name; cur_type = unit_type; cur_weap = unit_weap; } else { reset_queue(); } } else if (unit_type != "update") { if (q_size < q_max) { q_Queue[q_size] = unit_weap; q_size++; this["q_" + (unit_weap - 1)]++; } } } function show_buttons() { _root.show_air_0(op_0, op_1, op_2); } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; this.en_hp_bar_bg._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar_bg._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; hp = _root.air_0_hp; hp_max = hp; = 0; = 0; _global.base_tile = 0; = 0; = ""; op_0 = (op_1 = (op_2 = false)); delay = -1; delay_max = -1; current = ""; cur_type = ""; cur_weap = 1; q_size = 0; q_max = 20; q_Queue = new Array(); q_0 = (q_1 = (q_2 = 0)); if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) { _root.show_air_0(op_0, op_1, op_2); } } on (press) { if (ai == 0) { _root.select_tile(base_tile); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) { if (repair == 1) { if ((_root.rep_price <= && (hp < hp_max)) { = - _root.rep_price; hp++; } else { repair = 0; } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { if (cur_type != "update") { _root.create_air_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile); } else { this["op_" + cur_weap] = true; if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { _root.show_air_0(op_0, op_1, op_2); } } delay = -1; delay_max = -1; if (q_size > 0) { q_size--; this["q_" + (q_Queue[0] - 1)]--; switch (q_Queue[0]) { case 1 : enqueue_unit("falcon", "aircraft", 1, _root.falcon_price); break; case 2 : enqueue_unit("stealth", "aircraft", 2, _root.stealth_price); break; case 3 : } q_Queue.shift(); } } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { if (q_0 > 0) { _root.interface.air_h_toolbar.btn_0.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_0; } else { _root.interface.air_h_toolbar.btn_0.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } if (q_1 > 0) { _root.interface.air_h_toolbar.btn_1.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_1; } else { _root.interface.air_h_toolbar.btn_1.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } if (q_2 > 0) { _root.interface.air_h_toolbar.btn_2.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_2; } else { _root.interface.air_h_toolbar.btn_2.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1; _root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; _root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; } } if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { if (delay == -1) { s = random(10); if (s < _root.falcon_pref) { u = 0; } else if (s < _root.stealth_pref) { u = 1; } switch (u) { case 0 : delay = Math.round(_root.falcon_price * _root.ai_delay); current = "falcon"; cur_type = "aircraft"; cur_weap = 1; break; case 1 : delay = Math.round(_root.stealth_price * _root.ai_delay); current = "stealth"; cur_type = "aircraft"; cur_weap = 2; break; case 2 : break; case 3 : } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { delay = -1; _root.create_air_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile); } } } on (rollOver) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width; } } on (rollOut) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 453 MovieClip "bank" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (t == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_0"); _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root.misk_depth++; } if (hp <= 0) { _root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1; if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) { _root.hide_all(); _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0; if ((ai == 0) && ( == 0)) { _root.show_build_0(); } if ((ai == 0) && ( == 1)) { _root.show_build_1(); } } duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) { if (delay == -1) { if ( >= unit_value) { = - unit_value; delay = unit_value; delay_max = delay; current = unit_name; cur_type = unit_type; _root.tax_price = _root.tax_price + _root.tax_increment; if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { _root.show_bank(); } } } else { _root.message("In Progress..."); } } function show_buttons() { _root.show_bank(); } hp = _root.bank_hp; hp_max = hp; this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; this.en_hp_bar_bg._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar_bg._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; = 0; = 0; _global.base_tile = 0; = 0; = ""; delay = -1; delay_max = -1; current = ""; cur_type = ""; q_current = ""; q_type = ""; q_value = -1; q_size = 0; q_max = 9; if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) { _root.show_bank(); } } on (press) { if (ai == 0) { _root.select_tile(base_tile); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) { if (repair == 1) { if ((_root.rep_price <= && (hp < hp_max)) { = - _root.rep_price; hp++; } else { repair = 0; } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { _root.income = _root.income + _root.income_increment; delay = -1; delay_max = -1; if (q_size > 0) { q_size--; enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value); } } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { if (q_size > 0) { _root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size; } else { _root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = ""; } _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1; _root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; _root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; } } } on (rollOver) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width; } } on (rollOut) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 455 MovieClip "radar" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (t == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_0"); _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root.misk_depth++; } if (hp <= 0) { _root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1; if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) { _root.hide_all(); _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0; if ((ai == 0) && ( == 0)) { _root.show_build_0(); } if ((ai == 0) && ( == 1)) { _root.show_build_1(); } } duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.count_down, "c_d_" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["c_d_" + _root.misk_depth]._active = 1; _root["c_d_" + _root.misk_depth]._ai = ai; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } function reset_queue() { q_size = 0; q_0 = 0; q_1 = 0; q_2 = 0; q_3 = 0; } function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_weap, unit_value) { if (delay == -1) { if ( >= unit_value) { = - unit_value; delay = unit_value; delay_max = delay; current = unit_name; cur_type = unit_type; cur_weap = unit_weap; } else { reset_queue(); } } else if (unit_type != "update") { if (q_size < q_max) { q_Queue[q_size] = unit_weap; q_size++; this["q_" + (unit_weap - 1)]++; } } } function show_buttons() { _root.show_radar(op_0, op_1, op_2); } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; this.en_hp_bar_bg._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar_bg._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; hp = 1000; hp_max = hp; = 0; = 0; _global.base_tile = 0; = 0; = ""; op_0 = (op_1 = (op_2 = false)); if ((active == 1) && (ai == 0)) { this.turret._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } delay = -1; delay_max = -1; current = ""; cur_type = ""; cur_weap = 1; q_size = 0; q_max = 20; q_Queue = new Array(); q_0 = (q_1 = (q_2 = 0)); if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) { _root.show_radar(op_0, op_1, op_2); } } on (press) { if (ai == 0) { _root.select_tile(base_tile); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) { if (repair == 1) { if (((_root.rep_price * 5) <= && (hp < hp_max)) { = - (_root.rep_price * 5); hp++; } else { repair = 0; } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { if (cur_type != "update") { _root.create_ground_unit(current, cur_weap, ai, cur_type, base_tile); } else { this["op_" + cur_weap] = true; if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { _root.show_radar(op_0, op_1, op_2); } } delay = -1; delay_max = -1; if (q_size > 0) { q_size--; this["q_" + (q_Queue[0] - 1)]--; switch (q_Queue[0]) { case 1 : enqueue_unit("ak74", "infantry", 1, _root.ak74_price); break; case 2 : enqueue_unit("rpg", "infantry", 2, _root.rpg_price); break; case 3 : enqueue_unit("flame", "infantry", 3, _root.flame_price); } q_Queue.shift(); } } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { if (q_0 > 0) { _root.interface.radar_toolbar.btn_0.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_0; } else { _root.interface.radar_toolbar.btn_0.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } if (q_1 > 0) { _root.interface.radar_toolbar.btn_1.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_1; } else { _root.interface.radar_toolbar.btn_1.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } if (q_2 > 0) { _root.interface.radar_toolbar.btn_2.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_2; } else { _root.interface.radar_toolbar.btn_2.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1; _root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; _root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; } } } on (rollOver) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width; } } on (rollOut) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 459 MovieClip "air_control" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (t == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_0"); _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root.misk_depth++; } if (hp <= 0) { _root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1; if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) { _root.hide_all(); _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0; if ((ai == 0) && ( == 0)) { _root.show_build_0(); } if ((ai == 0) && ( == 1)) { _root.show_build_1(); } } duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.count_down, "c_d_" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["c_d_" + _root.misk_depth]._active = 1; _root["c_d_" + _root.misk_depth]._ai = ai; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } function reset_queue() { q_size = 0; q_0 = 0; q_1 = 0; q_2 = 0; q_3 = 0; } function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_weap, unit_value) { if (delay == -1) { if ( >= unit_value) { = - unit_value; delay = unit_value; delay_max = delay; current = unit_name; cur_type = unit_type; cur_weap = unit_weap; } else { reset_queue(); } } else if (unit_type != "update") { if (q_size < q_max) { q_Queue[q_size] = unit_weap; q_size++; this["q_" + (unit_weap - 1)]++; } } } function show_buttons() { _root.show_radar(op_0, op_1, op_2); } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; this.en_hp_bar_bg._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar_bg._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; hp = 1000; hp_max = hp; = 0; = 0; _global.base_tile = 0; = 0; = ""; op_0 = (op_1 = (op_2 = false)); if ((active == 1) && (ai == 0)) { this.turret._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } delay = -1; delay_max = -1; current = ""; cur_type = ""; cur_weap = 1; q_size = 0; q_max = 20; q_Queue = new Array(); q_0 = (q_1 = (q_2 = 0)); if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) { _root.show_radar(op_0, op_1, op_2); } } on (press) { if (ai == 0) { _root.select_tile(base_tile); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) { if (repair == 1) { if (((_root.rep_price * 5) <= && (hp < hp_max)) { = - (_root.rep_price * 5); hp++; } else { repair = 0; } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { if (cur_type != "update") { _root.create_ground_unit(current, cur_weap, ai, cur_type, base_tile); } else { this["op_" + cur_weap] = true; if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { _root.show_radar(op_0, op_1, op_2); } } delay = -1; delay_max = -1; if (q_size > 0) { q_size--; this["q_" + (q_Queue[0] - 1)]--; switch (q_Queue[0]) { case 1 : enqueue_unit("ak74", "infantry", 1, _root.ak74_price); break; case 2 : enqueue_unit("rpg", "infantry", 2, _root.rpg_price); break; case 3 : enqueue_unit("flame", "infantry", 3, _root.flame_price); } q_Queue.shift(); } } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { if (q_0 > 0) { _root.interface.radar_toolbar.btn_0.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_0; } else { _root.interface.radar_toolbar.btn_0.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } if (q_1 > 0) { _root.interface.radar_toolbar.btn_1.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_1; } else { _root.interface.radar_toolbar.btn_1.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } if (q_2 > 0) { _root.interface.radar_toolbar.btn_2.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_2; } else { _root.interface.radar_toolbar.btn_2.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1; _root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; _root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; } } } on (rollOver) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width; } } on (rollOut) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 461 MovieClip "count_down" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { _global._active = 0; _global._ai = 0; lifetime = 50; _visible = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { lifetime--; if (lifetime <= 0) { _root.end_level(_ai); removeMovieClip(this); } } }
Instance of Symbol 463 MovieClip "stinger" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 0) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 2) { if (op_2 == 0) { val = val * 1.5; } else { val = val / 2; } } if (t == 3) { val = val * 1.2; } if (t == 4) { val = val * 0.7; } hp = hp - val; if (hp <= 0) { if (ai == 0) { _root.hu_vu_lost++; } if (ai == 1) { _root.ai_vu_lost++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.car_death, "t_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["t_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["t_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["t_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } function fire_weapon(t) { switch (weapon) { case 1 : fire_gatling(t, power); return; case 2 : fire_tnk_shot(t, power); return; case 3 : fire_missile(t, power); } } function fire_tnk_shot(t, p) { this.turret.rfl_b.attachMovie("tank_shot", "tsh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.misk_depth++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _root[t]._x; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _root[t]._y; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; _root[t].damage(p + random(acc), 1); } function fire_gatling(t, p) { this.turret.rfl_b.attachMovie("mg_shot_0", "tsh" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.misk_depth++; _root[t].damage(p + random(acc), 0); } function fire_missile(t, p) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.adats_missile, "missile" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_sam"); _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y - 10; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].active = true; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].power = p; _root["missile" + _root.misk_depth].trgt = t; _root.misk_depth++; } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; hp = 90; hp_max = hp; speed = 2; rof = 15; power = _root.armor_pow; acc = _root.armor_acc; fire = rof; harm = _root.armor_harm; range = _root.armor_range; ros = _root.ros; scan = ros; trgt = ""; trgt_type = "ground"; = 0; = 0; _global.dir = 1; = ""; weapon = 3; _xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir); _yscale = _root.unitScale; this.turret.cannon0._rotation = -90; this.turret.cannon1._rotation = -90; _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; if (weapon == 3) { range = _root.tank_range * 2; rof = _root.tank_rof * 2; } if (op_0 == 1) { speed = speed * 1.5; } if (op_1 == 1) { power = power * 2.5; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { _x = (_x - (speed * dir)); if (dir == 1) { if (_x <= _root.leftBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 0); removeMovieClip(this); } } if (dir == -1) { if (_x >= _root.rightBase) { _root.damage_base(harm, 1); removeMovieClip(this); } } fire--; scan--; if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) { scan = ros; if ((trgt == "") && (weapon == 3)) { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_aircraft_"; max_i = _root.ai_air_num; } else { enemy = "aircraft_"; max_i = _root.hu_air_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; trgt_type = "air"; break; } } } i++; } } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_vehi_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "vehi_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; trgt_type = "ground"; break; } } } i++; } } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_infantry_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "infantry_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= range) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; trgt_type = "ground"; break; } } } i++; } } } if (trgt != "") { if (trgt_type == "air") { dx = _x - _root[trgt]._x; dy = _y - _root[trgt]._y; tilt = ((-Math.atan2(dx, dy)) / (Math.PI/180)) * dir; } else { tilt = -90; } } if (trgt != "") { if (dir == -1) { if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (dir == 1) { if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { trgt = ""; } else { if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) { if (trgt_type == "ground") { _y = (_y + (speed / 2)); } } if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) { if (trgt_type == "ground") { _y = (_y - (speed / 2)); } } if (Math.abs(this.turret.cannon0._rotation - tilt) > 5) { if (this.turret.cannon0._rotation < tilt) { this.turret.cannon0._rotation = this.turret.cannon0._rotation + 5; this.turret.cannon1._rotation = this.turret.cannon1._rotation + 5; } if (this.turret.cannon0._rotation > tilt) { this.turret.cannon0._rotation = this.turret.cannon0._rotation - 5; this.turret.cannon1._rotation = this.turret.cannon1._rotation - 5; } } else { this.turret.cannon0._rotation = tilt; this.turret.cannon1._rotation = tilt; } if (dir == -1) { if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && ((Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50) || (trgt_type == "air"))) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt); } } } else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && ((Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 50) || (trgt_type == "air"))) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt); } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 465 MovieClip "suicide" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 0) { val = val / 2; } if (t == 2) { val = val * 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (hp <= 0) { if (ai == 0) { _root.hu_vu_lost++; } if (ai == 1) { _root.ai_vu_lost++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.car_death, "car_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["car_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["car_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["car_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.exp_thermo, "bl" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_rpg"); _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth].ai = ai; _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } function fire_weapon() { this.damage(100000, 1); } hp = 90; hp_max = hp; speed = 2; rof = 15; power = 10; acc = 25; fire = rof; harm = 60; range = 10; ros = _root.ros; scan = ros; trgt = ""; = 0; = 0; _global.dir = 1; = ""; _xscale = (_root.unitScale * dir); _yscale = _root.unitScale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { _x = (_x - (speed * dir)); if (dir == 1) { if (_x <= _root.leftBase) { if (ai == 0) { i_init = 8; } else { i_init = 1; } i = i_init; while (i < (i_init + 7)) { if (_root["stru" + i].hp > 0) { _root["stru" + i].damage(power + random(acc), 3); } i++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.exp_thermo, "bl" + _root.air_unit_depth, _root.air_unit_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_exp"); _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._x = _x; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._y = _y; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].active = 1; _root.air_unit_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } if (dir == -1) { if (_x >= _root.rightBase) { if (ai == 0) { i_init = 8; } else { i_init = 1; } i = i_init; while (i < (i_init + 7)) { if (_root["stru" + i].hp > 0) { _root["stru" + i].damage(power + random(acc), 3); } i++; } duplicateMovieClip (_root.exp_thermo, "bl" + _root.air_unit_depth, _root.air_unit_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_nu_exp"); _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._x = _x; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth]._y = _y; _root["bl" + _root.air_unit_depth].active = 1; _root.air_unit_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } fire--; scan--; if ((scan <= 0) && (trgt == "")) { scan = ros; if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_infantry_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "infantry_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } } i++; } if (trgt == "") { if (ai == 0) { enemy = "ai_vehi_"; max_i = _root.ai_num; } else { enemy = "vehi_"; max_i = _root.hu_num; } i = 0; while (i < max_i) { if (_root[enemy + i].hp > 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[enemy + i]._x - _x) <= (range * 1.5)) { if (((dir == 1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x < _x)) || ((dir == -1) && (_root[enemy + i]._x > _x))) { trgt = enemy + i; break; } } } i++; } } } if (trgt != "") { if (dir == -1) { if (_root[trgt]._x < _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (dir == 1) { if (_root[trgt]._x > _x) { trgt = ""; } } if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { trgt = ""; } else { if ((_root[trgt]._y - _y) > speed) { _y = (_y + speed); } if ((_y - _root[trgt]._y) > speed) { _y = (_y - speed); } if (dir == -1) { if (((_root[trgt]._x - _x) <= range) && ((_root[trgt]._x - _x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power); } } } else if (((_x - _root[trgt]._x) <= range) && ((_x - _root[trgt]._x) > 0)) { if ((fire <= 0) && (Math.abs(_root[trgt]._y - _y) < 20)) { fire = rof; fire_weapon(trgt, power); } } } } } }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "stinger"; } on (press) { _root.create_unit("stinger", 1, "vehi", 8); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description(""); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "suicide"; } on (press) { _root.create_unit("suicide", 1, "vehi", 8); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description(""); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 467 MovieClip "lpad" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (t == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_0"); _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root.misk_depth++; } if (hp <= 0) { _root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1; if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) { _root.hide_all(); _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0; if ((ai == 0) && ( == 0)) { _root.show_build_0(); } if ((ai == 0) && ( == 1)) { _root.show_build_1(); } } duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; if (ai == 1) { _root.AI.lpad_num--; } removeMovieClip(this); } } function reset_queue() { q_size = 0; q_0 = 0; q_1 = 0; q_2 = 0; q_3 = 0; } function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_weap, unit_value) { if (delay == -1) { if ( >= unit_value) { = - unit_value; delay = unit_value; delay_max = delay; current = unit_name; cur_type = unit_type; cur_weap = unit_weap; } else { reset_queue(); } } else if (unit_type != "update") { if (q_size < q_max) { q_Queue[q_size] = unit_weap; q_size++; this["q_" + (unit_weap - 1)]++; } } } function show_buttons() { _root.show_lpad(op_0, op_1, op_2); } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; this.en_hp_bar_bg._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar_bg._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; hp = _root.lpad_hp; hp_max = hp; = 0; = 0; _global.base_tile = 0; = 0; = ""; op_0 = (op_1 = (op_2 = false)); delay = -1; delay_max = -1; current = ""; cur_type = ""; cur_weap = 1; q_size = 0; q_max = 20; q_Queue = new Array(); q_0 = (q_1 = (q_2 = 0)); if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) { _root.show_lpad(op_0, op_1, op_2); } } on (press) { if (ai == 0) { _root.select_tile(base_tile); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) { if (repair == 1) { if ((_root.rep_price <= && (hp < hp_max)) { = - _root.rep_price; hp++; } else { repair = 0; } } if (delay != -1) { this[current + "_sp"]._alpha = 100 - ((delay / delay_max) * 100); delay--; } if (delay == 0) { if (cur_type != "update") { _root.create_r_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile); this[current + "_sp"]._alpha = 0; } else { this["op_" + cur_weap] = true; if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { _root.show_lpad(op_0, op_1, op_2); } } delay = -1; delay_max = -1; if (q_size > 0) { q_size--; this["q_" + (q_Queue[0] - 1)]--; switch (q_Queue[0]) { case 1 : enqueue_unit("he_rocket", "rocket", 1, _root.he_rocket_price); break; case 2 : enqueue_unit("ch_rocket", "rocket", 2, _root.ch_rocket_price); break; case 3 : enqueue_unit("nu_rocket", "rocket", 3, _root.nu_rocket_price); } q_Queue.shift(); } } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { if (q_0 > 0) { _root.interface.ssm_toolbar.btn_0.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_0; } else { _root.interface.ssm_toolbar.btn_0.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } if (q_1 > 0) { _root.interface.ssm_toolbar.btn_1.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_1; } else { _root.interface.ssm_toolbar.btn_1.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } if (q_2 > 0) { _root.interface.ssm_toolbar.btn_2.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_2; } else { _root.interface.ssm_toolbar.btn_2.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1; _root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; _root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; } } if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { if (delay == -1) { s = random(10); if (s < _root.he_pref) { u = 0; } else if (s < _root.ch_pref) { u = 1; } else if (s < _root.nu_pref) { u = 2; } else { u = 3; } switch (u) { case 0 : delay = Math.round(_root.he_rocket_price * _root.ai_delay); current = "he_rocket"; cur_type = "rocket"; cur_weap = 1; break; case 1 : delay = Math.round(_root.ch_rocket_price * _root.ai_delay); current = "ch_rocket"; cur_type = "rocket"; cur_weap = 2; break; case 2 : delay = Math.round(_root.nu_rocket_price * _root.ai_delay); current = "nu_rocket"; cur_type = "rocket"; cur_weap = 3; break; case 3 : } delay_max = delay; } if (delay != -1) { delay--; this[current + "_sp"]._alpha = 100 - ((delay / delay_max) * 100); } if (delay == 0) { this[current + "_sp"]._alpha = 0; delay = -1; _root.create_r_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile); } } } on (rollOver) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width; } } on (rollOut) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 469 MovieClip "civ_0" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (t == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_0"); _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root.misk_depth++; } if (hp <= 0) { _root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1; if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) { _root.hide_all(); _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0; if ((ai == 0) && ( == 0)) { _root.show_build_0(); } if ((ai == 0) && ( == 1)) { _root.show_build_1(); } } duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) { if (delay == -1) { if ( >= unit_value) { = - unit_value; delay = unit_value; delay_max = delay; current = unit_name; cur_type = unit_type; } else { q_size = 0; } } else if ((q_size < q_max) && (current == unit_name)) { q_size++; q_current = unit_name; q_type = unit_type; q_value = unit_value; } } function show_buttons() { _root.show_bar_1(); } hp = 60; hp_max = hp; this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; this.en_hp_bar_bg._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar_bg._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; = 0; = 0; _global.base_tile = 0; = ""; delay = -1; delay_max = -1; current = ""; cur_type = ""; q_current = ""; q_type = ""; q_value = -1; q_size = 0; q_max = 9; if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) { _root.show_bar_1(); } } on (press) { if (ai == 0) { _root.select_tile(base_tile); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) { if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { _root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile); delay = -1; delay_max = -1; if (q_size > 0) { q_size--; enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value); } } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { if (q_size > 0) { _root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size; } else { _root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = ""; } _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1; _root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; _root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; } } if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { if (delay == -1) { s = random(10); if (s < _root.sks_pref) { u = 0; } else if (s < _root.pg_pref) { u = 1; } else if (s < _root.zrk_pref) { u = 2; } else { u = 3; } switch (u) { case 0 : delay = (_root.sks_price * _root.ai_delay) * 1.5; current = "sks"; cur_type = "infantry"; break; case 1 : delay = (_root.pg_price * _root.ai_delay) * 1.5; current = "pg"; cur_type = "infantry"; break; case 2 : delay = (_root.zrk_price * _root.ai_delay) * 1.5; current = "zrk"; cur_type = "infantry"; break; case 3 : } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { delay = -1; _root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile); } } } on (rollOver) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width; } } on (rollOut) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 471 MovieClip "civ_1" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (t == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_0"); _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root.misk_depth++; } if (hp <= 0) { _root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1; if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) { _root.hide_all(); _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0; if ((ai == 0) && ( == 0)) { _root.show_build_0(); } if ((ai == 0) && ( == 1)) { _root.show_build_1(); } } duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) { if (delay == -1) { if ( >= unit_value) { = - unit_value; delay = unit_value; delay_max = delay; current = unit_name; cur_type = unit_type; } else { q_size = 0; } } else if ((q_size < q_max) && (current == unit_name)) { q_size++; q_current = unit_name; q_type = unit_type; q_value = unit_value; } } function show_buttons() { _root.show_bar_1(); } hp = 160; hp_max = hp; this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; this.en_hp_bar_bg._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar_bg._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; = 0; = 0; _global.base_tile = 0; = ""; delay = -1; delay_max = -1; current = ""; cur_type = ""; q_current = ""; q_type = ""; q_value = -1; q_size = 0; q_max = 9; if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) { _root.show_bar_1(); } } on (press) { if (ai == 0) { _root.select_tile(base_tile); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) { if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { _root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile); delay = -1; delay_max = -1; if (q_size > 0) { q_size--; enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value); } } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { if (q_size > 0) { _root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size; } else { _root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = ""; } _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1; _root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; _root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; } } if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { if (delay == -1) { s = random(10); if (s < _root.sks_pref) { u = 0; } else if (s < _root.pg_pref) { u = 1; } else if (s < _root.zrk_pref) { u = 2; } else { u = 3; } switch (u) { case 0 : delay = _root.sks_price * _root.ai_delay; current = "sks"; cur_type = "infantry"; break; case 1 : delay = _root.pg_price * _root.ai_delay; current = "pg"; cur_type = "infantry"; break; case 2 : delay = _root.zrk_price * _root.ai_delay; current = "zrk"; cur_type = "infantry"; break; case 3 : } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { delay = -1; _root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile); } } } on (rollOver) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width; } } on (rollOut) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 473 MovieClip "civ_2" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (t == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_0"); _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root.misk_depth++; } if (hp <= 0) { _root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1; if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) { _root.hide_all(); _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0; if ((ai == 0) && ( == 0)) { _root.show_build_0(); } if ((ai == 0) && ( == 1)) { _root.show_build_1(); } } duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) { if (delay == -1) { if ( >= unit_value) { = - unit_value; delay = unit_value; delay_max = delay; current = unit_name; cur_type = unit_type; } else { q_size = 0; } } else if ((q_size < q_max) && (current == unit_name)) { q_size++; q_current = unit_name; q_type = unit_type; q_value = unit_value; } } function show_buttons() { _root.show_bar_1(); } hp = 120; hp_max = hp; this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; this.en_hp_bar_bg._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar_bg._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; = 0; = 0; _global.base_tile = 0; = ""; delay = -1; delay_max = -1; current = ""; cur_type = ""; q_current = ""; q_type = ""; q_value = -1; q_size = 0; q_max = 9; if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) { _root.show_bar_1(); } } on (press) { if (ai == 0) { _root.select_tile(base_tile); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) { if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { _root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile); delay = -1; delay_max = -1; if (q_size > 0) { q_size--; enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value); } } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { if (q_size > 0) { _root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size; } else { _root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = ""; } _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1; _root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; _root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; } } if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { if (delay == -1) { s = random(10); if (s < _root.sks_pref) { u = 0; } else if (s < _root.pg_pref) { u = 1; } else if (s < _root.zrk_pref) { u = 2; } else { u = 3; } switch (u) { case 0 : delay = (_root.sks_price * _root.ai_delay) * 3; current = "sks"; cur_type = "infantry"; break; case 1 : delay = (_root.pg_price * _root.ai_delay) * 3; current = "pg"; cur_type = "infantry"; break; case 2 : delay = (_root.zrk_price * _root.ai_delay) * 3; current = "zrk"; cur_type = "infantry"; break; case 3 : } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { delay = -1; _root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile); } } } on (rollOver) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width; } } on (rollOut) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 475 MovieClip "arm_mart" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (t == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_0"); _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root.misk_depth++; } if (hp <= 0) { _root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1; if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) { _root.hide_all(); _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0; if ((ai == 0) && ( == 0)) { _root.show_build_0(); } if ((ai == 0) && ( == 1)) { _root.show_build_1(); } } duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) { if (delay == -1) { if ( >= unit_value) { = - unit_value; delay = unit_value; delay_max = delay; current = unit_name; cur_type = unit_type; } else { q_size = 0; } } else if ((q_size < q_max) && (current == unit_name)) { q_size++; q_current = unit_name; q_type = unit_type; q_value = unit_value; } } function show_buttons() { _root.show_bar_1(); } hp = 90; hp_max = hp; this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; this.en_hp_bar_bg._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar_bg._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; = 0; = 0; _global.base_tile = 0; = ""; delay = -1; delay_max = -1; current = ""; cur_type = ""; q_current = ""; q_type = ""; q_value = -1; q_size = 0; q_max = 9; if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) { _root.show_bar_1(); } } on (press) { if (ai == 0) { _root.select_tile(base_tile); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) { if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { _root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile); delay = -1; delay_max = -1; if (q_size > 0) { q_size--; enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value); } } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { if (q_size > 0) { _root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size; } else { _root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = ""; } _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1; _root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; _root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; } } if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { if (delay == -1) { s = random(10); if (s < _root.sks_pref) { u = 0; } else if (s < _root.pg_pref) { u = 1; } else if (s < _root.zrk_pref) { u = 2; } else { u = 3; } switch (u) { case 0 : delay = _root.sks_price * _root.ai_delay; current = "sks"; cur_type = "infantry"; break; case 1 : delay = _root.pg_price * _root.ai_delay; current = "pg"; cur_type = "infantry"; break; case 2 : delay = _root.zrk_price * _root.ai_delay; current = "zrk"; cur_type = "infantry"; break; case 3 : } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { delay = -1; _root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile); } } } on (rollOver) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width; } } on (rollOut) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 477 MovieClip "veh_fac" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (t == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_0"); _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root.misk_depth++; } if (hp <= 0) { _root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1; if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) { _root.hide_all(); _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0; if ((ai == 0) && ( == 0)) { _root.show_build_0(); } if ((ai == 0) && ( == 1)) { _root.show_build_1(); } } duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) { if (delay == -1) { if ( >= unit_value) { = - unit_value; delay = unit_value; delay_max = delay; current = unit_name; cur_type = unit_type; } else { q_size = 0; } } else if ((q_size < q_max) && (current == unit_name)) { q_size++; q_current = unit_name; q_type = unit_type; q_value = unit_value; } } function show_buttons() { _root.show_bar_1(); } hp = 200; hp_max = hp; this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; this.en_hp_bar_bg._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar_bg._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; = 0; = 0; _global.base_tile = 0; = ""; delay = -1; delay_max = -1; current = ""; cur_type = ""; q_current = ""; q_type = ""; q_value = -1; q_size = 0; q_max = 9; if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) { _root.show_bar_1(); } } on (press) { if (ai == 0) { _root.select_tile(base_tile); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) { if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { _root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile); delay = -1; delay_max = -1; if (q_size > 0) { q_size--; enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value); } } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { if (q_size > 0) { _root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = q_size; } else { _root.interface["btn_" + current].q_txt.text = ""; } _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1; _root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; _root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; } } if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { if (delay == -1) { s = random(10); if (s < _root.car_pref) { u = 0; } else if (s < _root.stinger_pref) { u = 1; } else if (s < _root.suicide_pref) { u = 2; } else { u = 3; } switch (u) { case 0 : delay = _root.car_price * _root.ai_delay; current = "car"; cur_type = "vehi"; break; case 1 : delay = _root.stinger_price * _root.ai_delay; current = "stinger"; cur_type = "vehi"; break; case 2 : delay = _root.suicide_price * _root.ai_delay; current = "suicide"; cur_type = "vehi"; break; case 3 : } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { delay = -1; _root.create_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile); } } } on (rollOver) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width; } } on (rollOut) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 479 MovieClip "barracks_1" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (t == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_0"); _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root.misk_depth++; } if (hp <= 0) { _root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1; if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) { _root.hide_all(); _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0; if ((ai == 0) && ( == 0)) { _root.show_build_0(); } if ((ai == 0) && ( == 1)) { _root.show_build_1(); } } duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; if (ai == 1) { _root.AI.barracks_1_num--; } removeMovieClip(this); } } function reset_queue() { q_size = 0; q_0 = 0; q_1 = 0; q_2 = 0; q_3 = 0; } function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_weap, unit_value) { if (delay == -1) { if ( >= unit_value) { = - unit_value; delay = unit_value; delay_max = delay; current = unit_name; cur_type = unit_type; cur_weap = unit_weap; } else { reset_queue(); } } else if (unit_type != "update") { if (q_size < q_max) { q_Queue[q_size] = unit_weap; q_size++; this["q_" + (unit_weap - 1)]++; } } } function show_buttons() { _root.show_bar_1(op_0, op_1, op_2); } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; hp = _root.bar_1_hp; hp_max = hp; this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; this.en_hp_bar_bg._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar_bg._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; = 0; = 0; _global.base_tile = 0; = 0; = ""; op_0 = (op_1 = (op_2 = false)); delay = -1; delay_max = -1; current = ""; cur_type = ""; cur_weap = 1; q_size = 0; q_max = 20; q_Queue = new Array(); q_0 = (q_1 = (q_2 = 0)); if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) { _root.show_bar_1(op_0, op_1, op_2); } } on (press) { if (ai == 0) { _root.select_tile(base_tile); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) { if (repair == 1) { if ((_root.rep_price <= && (hp < hp_max)) { = - _root.rep_price; hp++; } else { repair = 0; } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { if (cur_type != "update") { _root.create_ground_unit(current, cur_weap, ai, cur_type, base_tile); } else { this["op_" + cur_weap] = true; if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { _root.show_bar_1(op_0, op_1, op_2); } } delay = -1; delay_max = -1; if (q_size > 0) { q_size--; this["q_" + (q_Queue[0] - 1)]--; switch (q_Queue[0]) { case 1 : enqueue_unit("ak74", "infantry", 1, _root.ak74_price); break; case 2 : enqueue_unit("rpg", "infantry", 2, _root.rpg_price); break; case 3 : enqueue_unit("flame", "infantry", 3, _root.flame_price); } q_Queue.shift(); } } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { if (q_0 > 0) { _root.interface.bar_1_toolbar.btn_0.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_0; } else { _root.interface.bar_1_toolbar.btn_0.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } if (q_1 > 0) { _root.interface.bar_1_toolbar.btn_1.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_1; } else { _root.interface.bar_1_toolbar.btn_1.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } if (q_2 > 0) { _root.interface.bar_1_toolbar.btn_2.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_2; } else { _root.interface.bar_1_toolbar.btn_2.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1; _root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; _root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; } } if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { if (delay == -1) { s = random(10); if (s < _root.ak74_pref) { u = 0; } else if (s < _root.rpg_pref) { u = 1; } else if (s < _root.flame_pref) { u = 2; } else { u = 3; } switch (u) { case 0 : delay = Math.round(_root.ak74_price * _root.ai_delay); current = "ak74"; cur_type = "infantry"; cur_weap = 1; break; case 1 : delay = Math.round(_root.rpg_price * _root.ai_delay); current = "rpg"; cur_type = "infantry"; cur_weap = 2; break; case 2 : delay = Math.round(_root.flame_price * _root.ai_delay); current = "flame"; cur_type = "infantry"; cur_weap = 3; break; case 3 : } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { delay = -1; _root.create_ground_unit(current, cur_weap, ai, cur_type, base_tile); } } } on (rollOver) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width; } } on (rollOut) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 481 MovieClip "fac" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (t == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_0"); _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root.misk_depth++; } if (hp <= 0) { _root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1; if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) { _root.hide_all(); _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0; if ((ai == 0) && ( == 0)) { _root.show_build_0(); } if ((ai == 0) && ( == 1)) { _root.show_build_1(); } } duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; if (ai == 1) { _root.AI.fac_num--; } removeMovieClip(this); } } function reset_queue() { q_size = 0; q_0 = 0; q_1 = 0; q_2 = 0; q_3 = 0; } function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_weap, unit_value) { if (delay == -1) { if ( >= unit_value) { = - unit_value; delay = unit_value; delay_max = delay; current = unit_name; cur_type = unit_type; cur_weap = unit_weap; } else { reset_queue(); } } else if (unit_type != "update") { if (q_size < q_max) { q_Queue[q_size] = unit_weap; q_size++; this["q_" + (unit_weap - 1)]++; } } } function show_buttons() { _root.show_fac_1(op_0, op_1, op_2); } _global.op_0 = 0; _global.op_1 = 0; _global.op_2 = 0; hp = _root.fac_1_hp; hp_max = hp; this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; this.en_hp_bar_bg._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar_bg._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; = 0; = 0; _global.base_tile = 0; = 0; = ""; op_0 = (op_1 = (op_2 = false)); delay = -1; delay_max = -1; current = ""; cur_type = ""; cur_weap = 1; q_size = 0; q_max = 20; q_Queue = new Array(); q_0 = (q_1 = (q_2 = 0)); if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) { _root.show_fac_1(op_0, op_1, op_2); } } on (press) { if (ai == 0) { _root.select_tile(base_tile); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) { if (repair == 1) { if ((_root.rep_price <= && (hp < hp_max)) { = - _root.rep_price; hp++; } else { repair = 0; } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { if (cur_type != "update") { _root.create_ground_unit(current, cur_weap, ai, cur_type, base_tile); } else { this["op_" + cur_weap] = true; if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { _root.show_fac_1(op_0, op_1, op_2); } } delay = -1; delay_max = -1; if (q_size > 0) { q_size--; this["q_" + (q_Queue[0] - 1)]--; switch (q_Queue[0]) { case 1 : enqueue_unit("s_base_tnk", "vehi", 1, _root.tnk_price); break; case 2 : enqueue_unit("s_base_tnk", "vehi", 2, _root.zsu_price); break; case 3 : enqueue_unit("s_base_tnk", "vehi", 3, _root.tos_price); } q_Queue.shift(); } } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { if (q_0 > 0) { _root.interface.fac_1_toolbar.btn_0.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_0; } else { _root.interface.fac_1_toolbar.btn_0.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } if (q_1 > 0) { _root.interface.fac_1_toolbar.btn_1.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_1; } else { _root.interface.fac_1_toolbar.btn_1.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } if (q_2 > 0) { _root.interface.fac_1_toolbar.btn_2.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_2; } else { _root.interface.fac_1_toolbar.btn_2.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1; _root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; _root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; } } if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { if (delay == -1) { s = random(10); if (s < _root.tank_pref) { u = 0; } else if (s < _root.sam_pref) { u = 1; } else if (s < _root.ftank_pref) { u = 2; } else { u = 3; } switch (u) { case 0 : delay = Math.round(_root.tnk_price * _root.ai_delay); current = "s_base_tnk"; cur_type = "vehi"; cur_weap = 1; break; case 1 : delay = Math.round(_root.zsu_price * _root.ai_delay); current = "s_base_tnk"; cur_type = "vehi"; cur_weap = 2; break; case 2 : delay = Math.round(_root.tos_price * _root.ai_delay); current = "s_base_tnk"; cur_type = "vehi"; cur_weap = 3; break; case 3 : } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { delay = -1; _root.create_ground_unit(current, cur_weap, ai, cur_type, base_tile); } } } on (rollOver) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width; } } on (rollOut) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 483 MovieClip "air_1" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { function reset_queue() { q_size = 0; } function damage(val, t) { if (t == 2) { val = val / 3; } if (t == 3) { val = val * 2; } hp = hp - val; if (t == 1) { duplicateMovieClip (_root.he_blast, "hex" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_he_exp_0"); _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["hex" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root.misk_depth++; } if (hp <= 0) { _root["tile" + base_tile]._visible = 1; if (base_tile == _root.tile_sel) { _root.hide_all(); _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 0; if ((ai == 0) && ( == 0)) { _root.show_build_0(); } if ((ai == 0) && ( == 1)) { _root.show_build_1(); } } duplicateMovieClip (_root.stru_death, "stru_d" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["stru_d" + _root.misk_depth].dir = dir; _root.misk_depth++; if (ai == 1) { _root.AI.air_1_num--; } removeMovieClip(this); } } function enqueue_unit(unit_name, unit_type, unit_value) { if (delay == -1) { if ( >= unit_value) { = - unit_value; delay = unit_value; delay_max = delay; current = unit_name; cur_type = unit_type; } else { q_size = 0; } } else if (((q_size < q_max) && (current == unit_name)) && (unit_type != "update")) { q_size++; q_current = unit_name; q_type = unit_type; q_value = unit_value; } } function show_buttons() { _root.show_air_1(op_0, op_1, op_2); } hp = _root.air_1_hp; hp_max = hp; this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; this.en_hp_bar_bg._x = _root.en_hp_bar_x; this.en_hp_bar_bg._y = _root.en_hp_bar_y; = 0; = 0; _global.base_tile = 0; = 0; = ""; op_0 = (op_1 = (op_2 = false)); delay = -1; delay_max = -1; current = ""; cur_type = ""; q_current = ""; q_type = ""; q_value = -1; q_size = 0; q_max = 20; if ((active == 1) && (_root.tile_sel == base_tile)) { _root.show_air_1(op_0, op_1, op_2); } } on (press) { if (ai == 0) { _root.select_tile(base_tile); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 0)) { if (repair == 1) { if ((_root.rep_price <= && (hp < hp_max)) { = - _root.rep_price; hp++; } else { repair = 0; } } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { if (cur_type != "update") { _root.create_air_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile); } else { this["op_" + current] = true; if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { _root.show_air_1(op_0, op_1, op_2); } } delay = -1; delay_max = -1; if (q_size > 0) { q_size--; enqueue_unit(q_current, q_type, q_value); } } if (_root.tile_sel == base_tile) { if (q_size > 0) { _root.interface.air_s_toolbar.btn_0.btn_sp.q_txt.text = q_size; } else { _root.interface.air_s_toolbar.btn_0.btn_sp.q_txt.text = ""; } _root.sel_instance.bars._visible = 1; _root.sel_instance.bars.hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; _root.sel_instance.bars.prog_bar._width = (1 - (delay / delay_max)) * _root.sel_instance.bars.bg1._width; } } if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { if (delay == -1) { delay = Math.round(_root.inter_price * _root.ai_delay); current = "inter"; cur_type = "aircraft"; } if (delay != -1) { delay--; } if (delay == 0) { delay = -1; _root.create_air_unit(current, ai, cur_type, base_tile); } } } on (rollOver) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 1; this.en_hp_bar._width = (hp / hp_max) * this.en_hp_bar_bg._width; } } on (rollOut) { if (((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) && (ai == 1)) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 752 MovieClip "interface_0" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (active == 1) { _root.interface.income_txt.text = "+" + _root.income; } }
Instance of Symbol 754 MovieClip "tow_missile" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { _global.power = 1; speed = 15; turnspeed = 3; lifetime = 45; _visible = 0; = 0; _global.trgt = ""; _global.dir = 1; if (dir == 1) { _rotation = -90; } else { _rotation = 90; } _xscale = _root.unitScale; _yscale = _root.unitScale; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((active == 1) && (_root.pause == 0)) { lifetime--; if (lifetime <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } if (_root[trgt].hp <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } delta_x = _x - _root[trgt]._x; delta_y = _y - _root[trgt]._y; Rotation = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); if (Math.abs(_rotation - Rotation) <= turnspeed) { _rotation = Rotation; } else if (_rotation < Rotation) { _rotation = (_rotation + turnspeed); } else { _rotation = (_rotation - turnspeed); } _visible = 1; proximity = Math.sqrt((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)); if (proximity > (_height / 2)) { _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } if (proximity < 20) { _root[trgt].damage(power, 2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rpg_blast, "bl" + _root.misk_depth, _root.misk_depth); _root.sound_f("snd_rpg"); _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._x = _x; _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._y = _y; _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._xscale = _root.unitScale; _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth]._yscale = _root.unitScale; _root["bl" + _root.misk_depth].active = 1; _root.misk_depth++; removeMovieClip(this); } } }
Instance of Symbol 877 MovieClip in Frame 88
on (press) { _root.end_level(1); }
Instance of Symbol 917 MovieClip "fv_screen" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (load) { var str:String; cur_char = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_visible == true) { if (str != victory_txt.text) { str = victory_txt.text; cur_char = 0; } else if (cur_char < str.length) { v_txt.text = str.substring(0, cur_char) + "_"; cur_char++; } } }
Instance of Symbol 1002 MovieClip "startScreen" in Frame 88
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.startScreen._visible == 1) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { aa = random(50) + 10; xx = random(1000) - 500; _root.startScreen["line" + i]._x = xx; _root.startScreen["line" + i]._alpha = aa; i++; } } }
Frame 89
Instance of Symbol 87 MovieClip in Frame 89
onClipEvent (load) { this.txt.text = "You must visit to play Sea of Fire 2"; } on (press) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 39 MovieClip [mg_shot] Frame 1
_alpha = (_alpha - 15); _xscale = 150; if (_root.game_sound == 1) { snd = new Sound(); snd.attachSound("snd_mg"); snd.start(); }
Symbol 39 MovieClip [mg_shot] Frame 3
_alpha = (_alpha - 15);
Symbol 39 MovieClip [mg_shot] Frame 5
_alpha = (_alpha - 15);
Symbol 39 MovieClip [mg_shot] Frame 7
_alpha = (_alpha - 15);
Symbol 39 MovieClip [mg_shot] Frame 9
Symbol 45 MovieClip [mg_shot_0] Frame 1
_alpha = (_alpha - 15); _xscale = 150; if (_root.game_sound == 1) { snd = new Sound(); snd.attachSound("snd_mg"); snd.start(); } gotoAndPlay(random(5));
Symbol 45 MovieClip [mg_shot_0] Frame 3
_alpha = (_alpha - 15);
Symbol 45 MovieClip [mg_shot_0] Frame 5
_alpha = (_alpha - 15);
Symbol 45 MovieClip [mg_shot_0] Frame 7
_alpha = (_alpha - 15);
Symbol 45 MovieClip [mg_shot_0] Frame 9
_alpha = (_alpha - 15);
Symbol 45 MovieClip [mg_shot_0] Frame 11
Symbol 49 MovieClip [tank_shot] Frame 1
if (_root.game_sound == 1) { snd = new Sound(); snd.attachSound("snd_tnk_shot"); snd.start(); }
Symbol 49 MovieClip [tank_shot] Frame 8
Symbol 53 MovieClip [laser_shot_0] Frame 8
Symbol 54 MovieClip [laser_shot] Frame 8
Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 171 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 28
Symbol 204 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 233 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 239 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 243 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 245 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 26
Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 273 MovieClip Frame 76
Symbol 287 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 295 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 302 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 312 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 325 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 325 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 325 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 364 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 366 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 367 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 376 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 392 MovieClip Frame 29
_root._x = 0; _root._y = 0; removeMovieClip(this);
Symbol 408 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 408 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 408 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 504 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 504 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 504 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 504 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 504 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 504 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 504 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 504 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 504 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 504 MovieClip Frame 10
Instance of Symbol 510 MovieClip "dosiemeter" in Symbol 511 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("poison"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Symbol 524 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 524 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 524 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 524 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 524 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 524 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 524 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 524 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 524 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 524 MovieClip Frame 10
Instance of Symbol 510 MovieClip "dosiemeter" in Symbol 525 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("poison"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 538 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 540 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 542 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 538 MovieClip "btn_0" in Symbol 543 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_0", "update", _root.chirp_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("chirp"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 540 MovieClip "btn_1" in Symbol 543 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_1", "update", _root.fhss_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("fhss"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 542 MovieClip "btn_2" in Symbol 543 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_2", "update", _root.tvm_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("tvm"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 545 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 547 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 551 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 553 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 555 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 545 MovieClip "btn_0" in Symbol 556 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("s_base_tnk", "vehi", 1, _root.tnk_price); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("tnk"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 547 MovieClip "btn_1" in Symbol 556 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("s_base_tnk", "vehi", 2, _root.zsu_price); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("zsu"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 549 MovieClip "btn_2" in Symbol 556 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("s_base_tnk", "vehi", 3, _root.tos_price); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("tos"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 551 MovieClip "btn_4" in Symbol 556 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_0", "update", 1, _root.radio_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("radio"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 553 MovieClip "btn_5" in Symbol 556 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_1", "update", 2, _root.raexp_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("raexp"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 555 MovieClip "btn_3" in Symbol 556 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_2", "update", 0, _root.flthr_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("flthr"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 558 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 560 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 562 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 565 MovieClip in Symbol 595 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { startDrag (_parent); } on (release, releaseOutside) { stopDrag(); if (_parent._x < _root.w_min_x) { _parent._x = _root.w_min_x; } if (_parent._x > _root.w_max_x) { _parent._x = _root.w_max_x; } if (_parent._y < _root.w_min_y) { _parent._y = _root.w_min_y; } if (_parent._y > _root.w_max_y) { _parent._y = _root.w_max_y; } }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip in Symbol 595 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "Quit to Menu"; } on (press) { _parent._parent.reset_msg._visible = 1; _parent._visible = 0; _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 577 MovieClip "q_h" in Symbol 595 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root._quality_default = "HIGH"; _root._quality = "HIGH"; _parent.init(); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 580 MovieClip "q_m" in Symbol 595 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root._quality_default = "MEDIUM"; _root._quality = "MEDIUM"; _parent.init(); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 583 MovieClip "q_l" in Symbol 595 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root._quality_default = "LOW"; _root._quality = "LOW"; _parent.init(); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 588 MovieClip "btn_s" in Symbol 595 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { if (_root.game_sound == 0) { _root.game_sound = 1; _root.bg_sound.start(); } else { _root.game_sound = 0; _root.bg_sound.stop(); } _parent.init(); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 591 MovieClip "btn_t" in Symbol 595 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = 0; } on (press) { if (_root._missile_trails == false) { _root._missile_trails = true; } else { _root._missile_trails = false; } _parent.init(); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 594 MovieClip in Symbol 595 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root.pause = 0; _parent._visible = 0; _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip in Symbol 595 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "Return to Game"; } on (press) { _root.pause = 0; _parent._visible = 0; _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip in Symbol 600 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "No"; } on (press) { _parent._visible = 0; _root.pause = 0; _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip in Symbol 600 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "Yes"; } on (press) { = 0; _root.kill_all(); _root.hide_tiles(); _root.interface._visible = 0; _root.sel_instance._x = -200; _root.hide_all(); _parent._visible = 0; _root.interface.op_screen._visible = 0; _root.stats_screen._visible = 0; _root.reset_game(); _root.mentat_screen._visible = 0; _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 565 MovieClip in Symbol 600 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { startDrag (_parent); } on (release, releaseOutside) { stopDrag(); if (_parent._x < _root.w_min_x) { _parent._x = _root.w_min_x; } if (_parent._x > _root.w_max_x) { _parent._x = _root.w_max_x; } if (_parent._y < _root.w_min_y) { _parent._y = _root.w_min_y; } if (_parent._y > _root.w_max_y) { _parent._y = _root.w_max_y; } }
Instance of Symbol 594 MovieClip in Symbol 600 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root.pause = 0; _parent._visible = 0; _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 595 MovieClip "msg_options" in Symbol 601 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function init() { switch (_root._quality_default) { case "HIGH" : q_h.sel._visible = true; q_m.sel._visible = false; q_l.sel._visible = false; break; case "MEDIUM" : q_h.sel._visible = false; q_m.sel._visible = true; q_l.sel._visible = false; break; case "LOW" : q_h.sel._visible = false; q_m.sel._visible = false; q_l.sel._visible = true; } if (_root.game_sound == true) { = false; } else { = true; } if (_root._missile_trails == true) { = false; } else { = true; } _visible = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 603 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 605 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 607 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 609 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 611 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 613 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 615 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 617 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 603 MovieClip "btn_0" in Symbol 618 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { if ( >= _root.bar1_price) { = - _root.bar1_price; _root.create_con_site_1("barracks_1", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.bar1_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("bar1"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 605 MovieClip "btn_1" in Symbol 618 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { if ( >= _root.fac_price) { = - _root.fac_price; _root.create_con_site_1("fac", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.fac_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("fac"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 607 MovieClip "btn_2" in Symbol 618 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { if ( >= _root.min_econ_price) { = - _root.min_econ_price; _root.create_con_site_1("min_econ", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.min_econ_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("min_econ"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 609 MovieClip "btn_3" in Symbol 618 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { if ( >= _root.mg1_price) { = - _root.mg1_price; _root.create_con_site_1("mg_1", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.mg1_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("mg1"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 611 MovieClip "btn_4" in Symbol 618 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { if ( >= _root.air1_price) { = - _root.air1_price; _root.create_con_site_1("air_1", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.air1_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("air1"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 613 MovieClip "btn_5" in Symbol 618 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { if ( >= _root.sam_site_price) { = - _root.sam_site_price; _root.create_con_site_1("sam_site", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.sam_site_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("sam_site"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 615 MovieClip "btn_6" in Symbol 618 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { if ( >= _root.lpad_price) { = - _root.lpad_price; _root.create_con_site_1("lpad", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.lpad_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("lpad"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 617 MovieClip "btn_7" in Symbol 618 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 620 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 622 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 624 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 626 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 628 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 630 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 632 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 634 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 620 MovieClip "btn_0" in Symbol 635 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { if ( >= _root.bar0_price) { = - _root.bar0_price; _root.create_con_site_0("barracks_0", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.bar0_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("bar0"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 622 MovieClip "btn_1" in Symbol 635 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { if ( >= _root.lfac_price) { = - _root.lfac_price; _root.create_con_site_0("lfac", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.lfac_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("lfac"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 624 MovieClip "btn_2" in Symbol 635 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { if ( >= _root.manu_price) { = - _root.manu_price; _root.create_con_site_0("manu", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.manu_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("manu"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 626 MovieClip "btn_3" in Symbol 635 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { if ( >= _root.bank_price) { = - _root.bank_price; _root.create_con_site_0("bank", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.bank_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("bank"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 628 MovieClip "btn_4" in Symbol 635 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { if ( >= _root.air0_price) { = - _root.air0_price; _root.create_con_site_0("air_0", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.air0_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("air0"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 630 MovieClip "btn_5" in Symbol 635 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { if ( >= _root.mg0_price) { = - _root.mg0_price; _root.create_con_site_0("mg_0", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.mg0_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("mg0"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 632 MovieClip "btn_7" in Symbol 635 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 634 MovieClip "btn_6" in Symbol 635 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { if ( >= _root.laser_price) { = - _root.laser_price; _root.create_con_site_0("laser", 0, _root.tile_sel, _root.laser_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("laser"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 637 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 639 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 641 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 637 MovieClip "btn_0" in Symbol 642 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("inter", "aircraft", _root.inter_price); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("inter"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 639 MovieClip "btn_3" in Symbol 642 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit(0, "update", _root.iar_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("iar"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 641 MovieClip "btn_4" in Symbol 642 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit(1, "update", _root.k13_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("k13"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 644 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 646 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 648 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 650 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 652 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 644 MovieClip "btn_0" in Symbol 653 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("falcon", "aircraft", 1, _root.falcon_price); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("falcon"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 646 MovieClip "btn_1" in Symbol 653 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("stealth", "aircraft", 2, _root.stealth_price); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("stealth"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 648 MovieClip "btn_3" in Symbol 653 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_0", "update", 0, _root.jammer_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("jammer"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 650 MovieClip "btn_4" in Symbol 653 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_1", "update", 1, _root.chaff_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("chaff"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 652 MovieClip "btn_5" in Symbol 653 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_2", "update", 2, _root.cancel_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("cancel"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 655 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 657 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 659 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 661 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 663 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 664 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 655 MovieClip "btn_0" in Symbol 665 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("h_base_tnk", "vehi", 1, _root.gat_price); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("gat"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 657 MovieClip "btn_1" in Symbol 665 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("h_base_tnk", "vehi", 2, _root.arm_price); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("arm"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 659 MovieClip "btn_2" in Symbol 665 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("h_base_tnk", "vehi", 3, _root.pat_price); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("pat"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 661 MovieClip "btn_3" in Symbol 665 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_0", "update", 0, _root.engine_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("engine"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 663 MovieClip "btn_4" in Symbol 665 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_1", "update", 1, _root.durnd_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("durnd"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 664 MovieClip "btn_5" in Symbol 665 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_2", "update", 2, _root.comp_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("comp"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 678 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 678 MovieClip "btn_0" in Symbol 679 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("tax", "update", _root.tax_price); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("subs"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 681 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 681 MovieClip "btn_0" in Symbol 682 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("tax", "update", _root.tax_price); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("tax"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 684 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 688 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 690 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 692 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 694 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 684 MovieClip "btn_0" in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("m16", "infantry", 1, _root.m16_price); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("m16"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 686 MovieClip "btn_1" in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("sniper", "infantry", 2, _root.sniper_price); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("sniper"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 688 MovieClip "btn_2" in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("bazoo", "infantry", 3, _root.bazoo_price); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("bazoo"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 690 MovieClip "btn_3" in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_0", "update", 0, _root.hba_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("hba"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 692 MovieClip "btn_4" in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_1", "update", 1, _root.med_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("med"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 694 MovieClip "btn_5" in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_2", "update", 2, _root.gas_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("gas"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 697 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 699 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 701 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 703 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 705 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 707 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 697 MovieClip "btn_0" in Symbol 708 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("ak74", "infantry", 1, _root.ak74_price); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("ak74"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 699 MovieClip "btn_1" in Symbol 708 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("rpg", "infantry", 2, _root.rpg_price); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("rpg"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 701 MovieClip "btn_2" in Symbol 708 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("flame", "infantry", 3, _root.flame_price); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("flame"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 703 MovieClip "btn_3" in Symbol 708 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_0", "update", 0, _root.sba_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("sba"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 705 MovieClip "btn_4" in Symbol 708 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_1", "update", 1, _root.ste_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("ste"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 707 MovieClip "btn_5" in Symbol 708 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_2", "update", 2, _root.alu_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("alu"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 710 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 712 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 714 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 716 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 718 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 720 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 710 MovieClip "btn_0" in Symbol 721 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("he_rocket", "rocket", 1, _root.he_rocket_price); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("he_rocket"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 712 MovieClip "btn_1" in Symbol 721 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("ch_rocket", "rocket", 2, _root.ch_rocket_price); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("ch_rocket"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 714 MovieClip "btn_2" in Symbol 721 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("nu_rocket", "rocket", 3, _root.nu_rocket_price); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("nu_rocket"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 716 MovieClip "btn_3" in Symbol 721 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_0", "update", 0, _root.airsol_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("airsol"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 718 MovieClip "btn_4" in Symbol 721 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_1", "update", 1, _root.ceramic_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("ceramic"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 720 MovieClip "btn_5" in Symbol 721 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_2", "update", 2, _root.mirror_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("mirror"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 723 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 725 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 727 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 723 MovieClip "btn_0" in Symbol 728 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_0", "update", _root.pulse_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("pulse"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 725 MovieClip "btn_1" in Symbol 728 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_1", "update", _root.capac_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("capac"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 727 MovieClip "btn_2" in Symbol 728 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_2", "update", _root.hires_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("hires"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 730 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 732 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 734 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 730 MovieClip "btn_0" in Symbol 735 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_0", "update", _root.hicap_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("hicap"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 732 MovieClip "btn_1" in Symbol 735 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_1", "update", _root.incen_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("incen"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 734 MovieClip "btn_2" in Symbol 735 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_2", "update", _root.fastm_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("fastm"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 737 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 739 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 741 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 737 MovieClip "btn_0" in Symbol 742 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_0", "update", _root.tungst_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("tungst"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 739 MovieClip "btn_1" in Symbol 742 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_1", "update", _root.extral_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("extral"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 741 MovieClip "btn_2" in Symbol 742 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_2", "update", _root.saclos_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("saclos"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 744 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 746 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 748 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 537 MovieClip "btn_sp" in Symbol 750 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _x = _root.sh_x; _y = _root.sh_y; }
Instance of Symbol 744 MovieClip "btn_0" in Symbol 751 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("moto", "vehi", 1, _root.moto_price); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("moto"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 746 MovieClip "btn_1" in Symbol 751 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("atv", "vehi", 2, _root.atv_price); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("atv"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 748 MovieClip "btn_3" in Symbol 751 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_0", "update", 0, _root.larm_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("larm"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 750 MovieClip "btn_4" in Symbol 751 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.in_progress = 0; } on (press) { if (in_progress == 0) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].enqueue_unit("op_1", "update", 1, _root.lrf_price); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("lrf"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 511 MovieClip "tos_bg" in Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.interface.money_txt.text =; temp_money =; i = 5; while (i >= 0) { this["digit_" + i].gotoAndStop(Math.floor(temp_money / Math.pow(10, i)) + 1); temp_money = temp_money - (Math.floor(temp_money / Math.pow(10, i)) * Math.pow(10, i)); i--; } temp_money = _root.income; i = 2; while (i >= 0) { this["inc_" + i].gotoAndStop(Math.floor(temp_money / Math.pow(10, i)) + 1); temp_money = temp_money - (Math.floor(temp_money / Math.pow(10, i)) * Math.pow(10, i)); i--; } this.dosiemeter.d_arrow._rotation = 1.2 * (_root.poison - 50); }
Instance of Symbol 525 MovieClip "nha_bg" in Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.interface.money_txt.text =; temp_money =; i = 5; while (i >= 0) { this["digit_" + i].gotoAndStop(Math.floor(temp_money / Math.pow(10, i)) + 1); temp_money = temp_money - (Math.floor(temp_money / Math.pow(10, i)) * Math.pow(10, i)); i--; } temp_money = _root.income; i = 2; while (i >= 0) { this["inc_" + i].gotoAndStop(Math.floor(temp_money / Math.pow(10, i)) + 1); temp_money = temp_money - (Math.floor(temp_money / Math.pow(10, i)) * Math.pow(10, i)); i--; } this.dosiemeter.d_arrow._rotation = 1.2 * (_root.poison - 50); }
Instance of Symbol 543 MovieClip "sam_toolbar" in Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function setup() { _visible = _root.sil; } _x = _root.pan_x; _y = _root.pan_y; _visible = 0; this.btn_0.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.chirp_price; this.btn_1.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.fhss_price; this.btn_2.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.tvm_price; i = 0; while (i <= 2) { this["btn_" + i]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + i]._y = _root.btn_y_l; i++; } }
Instance of Symbol 556 MovieClip "fac_1_toolbar" in Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function setup() { _visible = 1; btn_4._visible = _root.sil && (btn_4._visible); btn_2._visible = _root.alu; } _x = _root.pan_x; _y = _root.pan_y; _visible = 0; this.btn_0.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.tnk_price; this.btn_1.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.zsu_price; this.btn_2.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.tos_price; this.btn_4.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.radio_price; this.btn_5.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.raexp_price; this.btn_3.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.flthr_price; i = 0; while (i <= 2) { this["btn_" + i]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + i]._y = _root.btn_y_l; this["btn_" + (i + 3)]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + (i + 3)]._y = _root.btn_y; i++; } }
Instance of Symbol 558 MovieClip "btn_tnt" in Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].damage(5000, 1); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("tnt"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 560 MovieClip "btn_cancel" in Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].reset_queue(); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("cancel_queue"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 562 MovieClip "btn_repair" in Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root["stru" + _root.tile_sel].repair = 1; _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description("repair"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 601 MovieClip "op_screen" in Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = 0; this.reset_msg._visible = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 618 MovieClip "build_s_toolbar" in Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function setup() { _visible = 1; btn_0._visible = 1; btn_1._visible = _root.oil && (_root.iron); btn_2._visible = 1; btn_3._visible = 1; btn_4._visible = _root.oil && (_root.alu); btn_5._visible = _root.oil; btn_6._visible = _root.oil; if (_root.water == true) { btn_0._visible = 0; btn_1._visible = 0; btn_3._visible = 0; } } _x = _root.pan_x; _y = _root.pan_y; _visible = 0; this.btn_0.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.bar1_price; this.btn_1.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.fac_price; this.btn_2.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.min_econ_price; this.btn_3.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.mg1_price; this.btn_4.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.air1_price; this.btn_5.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.sam_site_price; this.btn_6.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.lpad_price; this.btn_7.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.serp_price; i = 0; while (i <= 3) { this["btn_" + i]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + i]._y = _root.btn_y_l; this["btn_" + (i + 4)]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + (i + 4)]._y = _root.btn_y; i++; } }
Instance of Symbol 635 MovieClip "build_h_toolbar" in Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function setup() { _visible = 1; btn_0._visible = 1; btn_1._visible = _root.oil; btn_2._visible = _root.oil && (_root.iron); btn_3._visible = 1; btn_4._visible = _root.oil && (_root.alu); btn_5._visible = 1; btn_6._visible = _root.sil; if (_root.water == true) { btn_0._visible = 0; btn_1._visible = 0; btn_2._visible = 0; } } _x = _root.pan_x; _y = _root.pan_y; _visible = 0; this.btn_0.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.bar0_price; this.btn_1.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.lfac_price; this.btn_2.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.manu_price; this.btn_3.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.bank_price; this.btn_4.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.air0_price; this.btn_5.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.mg0_price; this.btn_6.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.laser_price; this.btn_7.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.thope_price; i = 0; while (i <= 3) { this["btn_" + i]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + i]._y = _root.btn_y_l; this["btn_" + (i + 4)]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + (i + 4)]._y = _root.btn_y; i++; } }
Instance of Symbol 642 MovieClip "air_s_toolbar" in Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function setup() { _visible = 1; btn_4._visible = _root.sil && (btn_4._visible); } _x = _root.pan_x; _y = _root.pan_y; _visible = 0; this.btn_0.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.inter_price; this.btn_3.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.iar_price; this.btn_4.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.k13_price; i = 0; while (i <= 2) { this["btn_" + i]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + i]._y = _root.btn_y_l; this["btn_" + (i + 3)]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + (i + 3)]._y = _root.btn_y; i++; } }
Instance of Symbol 653 MovieClip "air_h_toolbar" in Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function setup() { _visible = 1; btn_1._visible = _root.sil; btn_4._visible = && (btn_4._visible); btn_5._visible = && (btn_5._visible); } _x = _root.pan_x; _y = _root.pan_y; _visible = 0; this.btn_0.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.falcon_price; this.btn_1.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.stealth_price; this.btn_3.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.jammer_price; this.btn_4.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.chaff_price; this.btn_5.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.cancel_price; i = 0; while (i <= 2) { this["btn_" + i]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + i]._y = _root.btn_y_l; this["btn_" + (i + 3)]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + (i + 3)]._y = _root.btn_y; i++; } }
Instance of Symbol 665 MovieClip "fac_0_toolbar" in Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function setup() { _visible = 1; btn_4._visible = _root.ura && (btn_4._visible); btn_2._visible = _root.sil; } _x = _root.pan_x; _y = _root.pan_y; _visible = 0; this.btn_0.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.gat_price; this.btn_1.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.arm_price; this.btn_2.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.pat_price; this.btn_3.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.engine_price; this.btn_4.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.durnd_price; this.btn_5.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.comp_price; i = 0; while (i <= 2) { this["btn_" + i]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + i]._y = _root.btn_y_l; this["btn_" + (i + 3)]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + (i + 3)]._y = _root.btn_y; i++; } }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip in Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "Options"; } on (press) { if (_root.pause == 0) { _root.pause = 1; _parent.op_screen._visible = 1; _parent.op_screen.msg_options.init(); } else { _root.pause = 0; _parent.op_screen._visible = 0; _parent.op_screen.reset_msg._visible = 0; } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 679 MovieClip "bank_toolbar" in Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function setup() { _visible = 1; this.btn_0.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.tax_price; } _x = _root.pan_x; _y = _root.pan_y; _visible = 0; i = 0; while (i <= 2) { this["btn_" + i]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + i]._y = _root.btn_y_l; this["btn_" + (i + 3)]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + (i + 3)]._y = _root.btn_y; i++; } }
Instance of Symbol 682 MovieClip "camp_toolbar" in Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function setup() { _visible = 1; this.btn_0.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.tax_price; } _x = _root.pan_x; _y = _root.pan_y; _visible = 0; i = 0; while (i <= 2) { this["btn_" + i]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + i]._y = _root.btn_y_l; this["btn_" + (i + 3)]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + (i + 3)]._y = _root.btn_y; i++; } }
Instance of Symbol 695 MovieClip "bar_0_toolbar" in Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function setup() { _visible = 1; btn_3._visible = _root.iron && (btn_3._visible); btn_4._visible = _root.sil && (btn_4._visible); btn_5._visible = _root.sil && (btn_5._visible); } _x = _root.pan_x; _y = _root.pan_y; _visible = 0; this.btn_0.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.m16_price; this.btn_1.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.sniper_price; this.btn_2.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.bazoo_price; this.btn_3.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.hba_price; this.btn_4.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.med_price; this.btn_5.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.gas_price; i = 0; while (i <= 2) { this["btn_" + i]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + i]._y = _root.btn_y_l; this["btn_" + (i + 3)]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + (i + 3)]._y = _root.btn_y; i++; } }
Instance of Symbol 708 MovieClip "bar_1_toolbar" in Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function setup() { _visible = 1; btn_3._visible = _root.iron && (btn_3._visible); btn_2._visible = _root.oil; btn_5._visible = _root.alu && (btn_5._visible); } _x = _root.pan_x; _y = _root.pan_y; _visible = 0; this.btn_0.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.ak74_price; this.btn_1.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.rpg_price; this.btn_2.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.flame_price; this.btn_3.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.sba_price; this.btn_4.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.ste_price; this.btn_5.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.alu_price; i = 0; while (i <= 2) { this["btn_" + i]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + i]._y = _root.btn_y_l; this["btn_" + (i + 3)]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + (i + 3)]._y = _root.btn_y; i++; } }
Instance of Symbol 721 MovieClip "ssm_toolbar" in Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function setup() { _visible = 1; btn_2._visible = _root.ura; btn_3._visible = _root.sil && (btn_3._visible); btn_4._visible = _root.sil && (btn_4._visible); btn_5._visible = (_root.ura && (_root.sil)) && (btn_5._visible); } _x = _root.pan_x; _y = _root.pan_y; _visible = 0; this.btn_0.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.he_rocket_price; this.btn_1.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.ch_rocket_price; this.btn_2.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.nu_rocket_price; this.btn_3.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.airsol_price; this.btn_4.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.ceramic_price; this.btn_5.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.mirror_price; i = 0; while (i <= 2) { this["btn_" + i]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + i]._y = _root.btn_y_l; this["btn_" + (i + 3)]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + (i + 3)]._y = _root.btn_y; i++; } }
Instance of Symbol 728 MovieClip "laser_toolbar" in Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function setup() { _visible = 1; btn_4._visible = && (btn_4._visible); } _x = _root.pan_x; _y = _root.pan_y; _visible = 0; this.btn_0.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.pulse_price; this.btn_1.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.capac_price; this.btn_2.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.hires_price; i = 0; while (i <= 2) { this["btn_" + i]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + i]._y = _root.btn_y_l; i++; } }
Instance of Symbol 735 MovieClip "gatling_toolbar" in Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function setup() { _visible = _root.sil; } _x = _root.pan_x; _y = _root.pan_y; _visible = 0; this.btn_0.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.hicap_price; this.btn_1.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.incen_price; this.btn_2.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.fastm_price; i = 0; while (i <= 2) { this["btn_" + i]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + i]._y = _root.btn_y_l; i++; } }
Instance of Symbol 742 MovieClip "atgm_toolbar" in Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function setup() { _visible = 1; btn_0._visible = && (btn_0._visible); btn_2._visible = _root.sil && (btn_2._visible); } _x = _root.pan_x; _y = _root.pan_y; _visible = 0; this.btn_0.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.tungst_price; this.btn_1.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.extral_price; this.btn_2.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.saclos_price; i = 0; while (i <= 2) { this["btn_" + i]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + i]._y = _root.btn_y_l; i++; } }
Instance of Symbol 751 MovieClip "lfac_toolbar" in Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function setup() { _visible = 1; btn_3._visible = _root.iron && (btn_3._visible); btn_4._visible = _root.sil && (btn_4._visible); } _x = _root.pan_x; _y = _root.pan_y; _visible = 0; this.btn_0.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.moto_price; this.btn_1.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.atv_price; this.btn_3.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.larm_price; this.btn_4.btn_sp.price_txt.text = _root.lrf_price; i = 0; while (i <= 2) { this["btn_" + i]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + i]._y = _root.btn_y_l; this["btn_" + (i + 3)]._x = _root.btn_x + (75 * i); this["btn_" + (i + 3)]._y = _root.btn_y; i++; } }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip in Symbol 790 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "Reset"; } on (press) { _root.stats_screen.reset_msg._visible = 1; _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip "proceed" in Symbol 790 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "Proceed ->"; } on (press) { _root.stats_screen._visible = 0; fv = 0; if (( == 0) && (_root.cur_reg == 11)) { fv = 1; } if (( == 1) && (_root.cur_reg == 1)) { fv = 1; } if (fv == 0) { _root.show_mentat_screen(); _root.paint_regions(; } else { _root.show_fv(); } _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description(""); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 815 MovieClip "reg_desc" in Symbol 875 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var str_0:String; cur_char_0 = 0; var str_1:String; cur_char_1 = 0; var str_2:String; cur_char_2 = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._visible == true) { if (cur_char_0 <= str_0.length) { this.txt_0.text = str_0.substring(0, cur_char_0) + "_"; cur_char_0++; } if (cur_char_1 <= str_1.length) { this.txt_1.text = str_1.substring(0, cur_char_1) + "_"; cur_char_1++; } if (cur_char_2 <= str_2.length) { this.txt_2.text = str_2.substring(0, cur_char_2) + "_"; cur_char_2++; } } }
Instance of Symbol 823 MovieClip "scan_0" in Symbol 875 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function set_colour(b) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:b, ga:"100", gb:b, ba:"100", bb:b}; colour.setTransform(trans); } _global.index = 0; _alpha = 10; _alpha_max = 70; _alpha_min = 10; _alpha_ivl = 3; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._visible == true) { if (index == _root.scan_index) { _root.scan_index++; if (_root.scan_index > _root.scan_index_max) { _root.scan_index = 0; } _alpha = _alpha_max; set_colour(_alpha * 2); } else if (_alpha > _alpha_min) { _alpha = (_alpha - _alpha_ivl); set_colour(_alpha * 2); } } }
Instance of Symbol 825 MovieClip "reg_1_bg" in Symbol 875 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function _make_available() { if (ai == 0) { _root.mentat_screen.reg_2_bg.available = 1; } } = -1; _global.available = 0; _reg_num = 1; _alpha_max = 70; _alpha_min = 20; _alpha = _alpha_min; } on (press) { _root.select_region(_reg_num); _root.hide_reg_desc(); this._alpha = _alpha_min; } on (rollOver) { _root.reg_description(_reg_num); this._alpha = _alpha_max; } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); this._alpha = _alpha_min; }
Instance of Symbol 827 MovieClip "reg_2_bg" in Symbol 875 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function _make_available() { if (ai == 0) { _root.mentat_screen.reg_3_bg.available = 1; _root.mentat_screen.reg_5_bg.available = 1; _root.mentat_screen.reg_1_bg.available = 1; } } = -1; _global.available = 0; oil = 1; _reg_num = 2; _alpha_max = 70; _alpha_min = 20; _alpha = _alpha_min; } on (press) { _root.select_region(_reg_num); _root.hide_reg_desc(); this._alpha = _alpha_min; } on (rollOver) { _root.reg_description(_reg_num); this._alpha = _alpha_max; } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); this._alpha = _alpha_min; }
Instance of Symbol 829 MovieClip "reg_3_bg" in Symbol 875 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function _make_available() { if (ai == 0) { _root.mentat_screen.reg_4_bg.available = 1; _root.mentat_screen.reg_2_bg.available = 1; } } = -1; _global.available = 0; alu = 1; _reg_num = 3; _alpha_max = 70; _alpha_min = 20; _alpha = _alpha_min; } on (press) { _root.select_region(_reg_num); _root.hide_reg_desc(); this._alpha = _alpha_min; } on (rollOver) { _root.reg_description(_reg_num); this._alpha = _alpha_max; } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); this._alpha = _alpha_min; }
Instance of Symbol 831 MovieClip "reg_4_bg" in Symbol 875 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function _make_available() { if (ai == 0) { _root.mentat_screen.reg_3_bg.available = 1; _root.mentat_screen.reg_10_bg.available = 1; } } = -1; _global.available = 0; ura = 1; _reg_num = 4; _alpha_max = 70; _alpha_min = 20; _alpha = _alpha_min; } on (press) { _root.select_region(_reg_num); _root.hide_reg_desc(); this._alpha = _alpha_min; } on (rollOver) { _root.reg_description(_reg_num); this._alpha = _alpha_max; } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); this._alpha = _alpha_min; }
Instance of Symbol 833 MovieClip "reg_5_bg" in Symbol 875 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function _make_available() { if (ai == 0) { _root.mentat_screen.reg_2_bg.available = 1; _root.mentat_screen.reg_6_bg.available = 1; } } = -1; _global.available = 0; iron = 1; _reg_num = 5; _alpha_max = 70; _alpha_min = 20; _alpha = _alpha_min; } on (press) { _root.select_region(_reg_num); _root.hide_reg_desc(); this._alpha = _alpha_min; } on (rollOver) { _root.reg_description(_reg_num); this._alpha = _alpha_max; } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); this._alpha = _alpha_min; }
Instance of Symbol 835 MovieClip "reg_6_bg" in Symbol 875 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function _make_available() { if (ai == 0) { _root.mentat_screen.reg_5_bg.available = 1; } } = -1; _global.available = 0; sil = 1; _reg_num = 6; _alpha_max = 70; _alpha_min = 20; _alpha = _alpha_min; } on (press) { _root.select_region(_reg_num); _root.hide_reg_desc(); this._alpha = _alpha_min; } on (rollOver) { _root.reg_description(_reg_num); this._alpha = _alpha_max; } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); this._alpha = _alpha_min; }
Instance of Symbol 837 MovieClip "reg_7_bg" in Symbol 875 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function _make_available() { if (ai == 0) { _root.mentat_screen.reg_8_bg.available = 1; _root.mentat_screen.reg_11_bg.available = 1; } } = -1; _global.available = 0; _reg_num = 7; _alpha_max = 70; _alpha_min = 20; _alpha = _alpha_min; } on (press) { _root.select_region(_reg_num); _root.hide_reg_desc(); this._alpha = _alpha_min; } on (rollOver) { _root.reg_description(_reg_num); this._alpha = _alpha_max; } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); this._alpha = _alpha_min; }
Instance of Symbol 839 MovieClip "reg_8_bg" in Symbol 875 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function _make_available() { if (ai == 0) { _root.mentat_screen.reg_9_bg.available = 1; _root.mentat_screen.reg_7_bg.available = 1; } } = -1; _global.available = 0; oil = 1; _reg_num = 8; _alpha_max = 70; _alpha_min = 20; _alpha = _alpha_min; } on (press) { _root.select_region(_reg_num); _root.hide_reg_desc(); this._alpha = _alpha_min; } on (rollOver) { _root.reg_description(_reg_num); this._alpha = _alpha_max; } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); this._alpha = _alpha_min; }
Instance of Symbol 841 MovieClip "reg_9_bg" in Symbol 875 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function _make_available() { if (ai == 0) { _root.mentat_screen.reg_10_bg.available = 1; _root.mentat_screen.reg_8_bg.available = 1; } } = -1; _global.available = 0; gold = 1; _reg_num = 9; _alpha_max = 70; _alpha_min = 20; _alpha = _alpha_min; } on (press) { _root.select_region(_reg_num); _root.hide_reg_desc(); this._alpha = _alpha_min; } on (rollOver) { _root.reg_description(_reg_num); this._alpha = _alpha_max; } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); this._alpha = _alpha_min; }
Instance of Symbol 843 MovieClip "reg_10_bg" in Symbol 875 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function _make_available() { if (ai == 0) { _root.mentat_screen.reg_4_bg.available = 1; _root.mentat_screen.reg_9_bg.available = 1; _root.mentat_screen.reg_6_bg.available = 1; } } = -1; _global.available = 0; _reg_num = 10; _alpha_max = 70; _alpha_min = 20; _alpha = _alpha_min; } on (press) { _root.select_region(_reg_num); _root.hide_reg_desc(); this._alpha = _alpha_min; } on (rollOver) { _root.reg_description(_reg_num); this._alpha = _alpha_max; } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); this._alpha = _alpha_min; }
Instance of Symbol 845 MovieClip "reg_11_bg" in Symbol 875 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function _make_available() { if (ai == 0) { _root.mentat_screen.reg_7_bg.available = 1; } } = -1; _global.available = 0; iron = 1; _reg_num = 11; _alpha_max = 70; _alpha_min = 20; _alpha = _alpha_min; } on (press) { _root.select_region(_reg_num); _root.hide_reg_desc(); this._alpha = _alpha_min; } on (rollOver) { _root.reg_description(_reg_num); this._alpha = _alpha_max; } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); this._alpha = _alpha_min; }
Instance of Symbol 848 MovieClip in Symbol 875 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.reg_description(103); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 850 MovieClip in Symbol 875 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.reg_description(100); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 852 MovieClip in Symbol 875 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.reg_description(102); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 854 MovieClip in Symbol 875 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.reg_description(104); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 856 MovieClip in Symbol 875 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.reg_description(105); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 848 MovieClip in Symbol 875 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.reg_description(103); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 852 MovieClip in Symbol 875 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.reg_description(102); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 858 MovieClip "speech" in Symbol 875 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { var str:String; cur_char = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._visible == true) { if (cur_char <= str.length) { this.txt.text = str.substring(0, cur_char) + "_"; cur_char++; } } }
Instance of Symbol 860 MovieClip in Symbol 875 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.reg_description(101); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_reg_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip in Symbol 917 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "Reset"; } on (press) { _root.stats_screen._visible = 0; _root.reset_game(); _root.mentat_screen._visible = 0; _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 926 MovieClip "nha_cover" in Symbol 928 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.reveal = 0; inval = 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.startScreen._visible == 1) { if ((reveal == 1) && (_alpha > 0)) { _alpha = (_alpha - inval); } if ((reveal == 0) && (_alpha < 100)) { _alpha = (_alpha + inval); } } }
Instance of Symbol 927 MovieClip "tos_cover" in Symbol 928 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.reveal = 0; inval = 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.startScreen._visible == 1) { if ((reveal == 1) && (_alpha > 0)) { _alpha = (_alpha - inval); } if ((reveal == 0) && (_alpha < 100)) { _alpha = (_alpha + inval); } } }
Instance of Symbol 935 MovieClip "btn_skir_nha" in Symbol 976 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root.skirmish_house = 0; } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.startScreen._visible == 1) { if (_root.skirmish_house == 0) { this.glow._visible = 1; } else { this.glow._visible = 0; } } }
Instance of Symbol 937 MovieClip "btn_skir_tos" in Symbol 976 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root.skirmish_house = 1; } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.startScreen._visible == 1) { if (_root.skirmish_house == 1) { this.glow._visible = 1; } else { this.glow._visible = 0; } } }
Instance of Symbol 935 MovieClip "btn_skir_nha_en" in Symbol 976 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root.skirmish_enemy_house = 0; } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.startScreen._visible == 1) { if (_root.skirmish_enemy_house == 0) { this.glow._visible = 1; } else { this.glow._visible = 0; } } }
Instance of Symbol 937 MovieClip "btn_skir_tos_en" in Symbol 976 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root.skirmish_enemy_house = 1; } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.startScreen._visible == 1) { if (_root.skirmish_enemy_house == 1) { this.glow._visible = 1; } else { this.glow._visible = 0; } } }
Instance of Symbol 939 MovieClip "btn_money_0" in Symbol 976 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { this.glow._visible = 1; _parent.btn_money_1.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_money_2.glow._visible = 0; _root.skirmish_money = 5000; } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } onClipEvent (load) { this.glow._visible = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 941 MovieClip "btn_money_1" in Symbol 976 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { this.glow._visible = 1; _parent.btn_money_0.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_money_2.glow._visible = 0; _root.skirmish_money = 10000; } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 943 MovieClip "btn_money_2" in Symbol 976 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { this.glow._visible = 1; _parent.btn_money_0.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_money_1.glow._visible = 0; _root.skirmish_money = 30000; } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } onClipEvent (load) { this.glow._visible = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 945 MovieClip "btn_en_0" in Symbol 976 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { this.glow._visible = 1; _parent.btn_en_1.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_en_2.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_en_3.glow._visible = 0; _root.skirmish_m16_pref = 4; _root.skirmish_sniper_pref = 6; _root.skirmish_bazoo_pref = 9; _root.skirmish_moto_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_atv_pref = 3; _root.skirmish_ifv_pref = 5; _root.skirmish_armor_pref = 9; _root.skirmish_hawk_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_falcon_pref = 7; _root.skirmish_stealth_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_ak74_pref = 3; _root.skirmish_flame_pref = 7; _root.skirmish_rpg_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_tank_pref = 3; _root.skirmish_ftank_pref = 7; _root.skirmish_sam_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_he_pref = 3; _root.skirmish_ch_pref = 7; _root.skirmish_nu_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_inter_pref = 5; _root.skirmish_bomber_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_bar_max = 2; _root.skirmish_air_max = 2; _root.skirmish_mgn_max = 2; _root.skirmish_fac_max = 2; _root.skirmish_sam_max = 2; _root.skirmish_hosp_max = 1; _root.skirmish_laser_max = 1; _root.skirmish_lpad_max = 1; _root.skirmish_radar_max = 1; } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 947 MovieClip "btn_en_1" in Symbol 976 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { this.glow._visible = 1; _parent.btn_en_0.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_en_2.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_en_3.glow._visible = 0; _root.skirmish_m16_pref = 4; _root.skirmish_sniper_pref = 6; _root.skirmish_bazoo_pref = 9; _root.skirmish_moto_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_atv_pref = 3; _root.skirmish_ifv_pref = 5; _root.skirmish_armor_pref = 9; _root.skirmish_hawk_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_falcon_pref = 7; _root.skirmish_stealth_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_ak74_pref = 3; _root.skirmish_flame_pref = 7; _root.skirmish_rpg_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_tank_pref = 3; _root.skirmish_ftank_pref = 7; _root.skirmish_sam_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_he_pref = 3; _root.skirmish_ch_pref = 7; _root.skirmish_nu_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_inter_pref = 5; _root.skirmish_bomber_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_bar_max = 3; _root.skirmish_air_max = 1; _root.skirmish_mgn_max = 0; _root.skirmish_fac_max = 0; _root.skirmish_sam_max = 2; _root.skirmish_hosp_max = 1; _root.skirmish_laser_max = 1; _root.skirmish_lpad_max = 0; _root.skirmish_radar_max = 0; } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } onClipEvent (load) { this.glow._visible = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 949 MovieClip "btn_en_2" in Symbol 976 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { this.glow._visible = 1; _parent.btn_en_0.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_en_1.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_en_3.glow._visible = 0; _root.skirmish_m16_pref = 4; _root.skirmish_sniper_pref = 6; _root.skirmish_bazoo_pref = 9; _root.skirmish_moto_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_atv_pref = 3; _root.skirmish_ifv_pref = 5; _root.skirmish_armor_pref = 9; _root.skirmish_hawk_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_falcon_pref = 7; _root.skirmish_stealth_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_ak74_pref = 3; _root.skirmish_flame_pref = 7; _root.skirmish_rpg_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_tank_pref = 3; _root.skirmish_ftank_pref = 7; _root.skirmish_sam_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_he_pref = 3; _root.skirmish_ch_pref = 7; _root.skirmish_nu_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_inter_pref = 5; _root.skirmish_bomber_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_bar_max = 0; _root.skirmish_air_max = 1; _root.skirmish_mgn_max = 0; _root.skirmish_fac_max = 4; _root.skirmish_sam_max = 2; _root.skirmish_hosp_max = 0; _root.skirmish_laser_max = 1; _root.skirmish_lpad_max = 0; _root.skirmish_radar_max = 0; } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } onClipEvent (load) { this.glow._visible = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 951 MovieClip "btn_en_3" in Symbol 976 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { this.glow._visible = 1; _parent.btn_en_0.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_en_1.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_en_2.glow._visible = 0; _root.skirmish_m16_pref = 4; _root.skirmish_sniper_pref = 6; _root.skirmish_bazoo_pref = 9; _root.skirmish_moto_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_atv_pref = 3; _root.skirmish_ifv_pref = 5; _root.skirmish_armor_pref = 9; _root.skirmish_hawk_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_falcon_pref = 7; _root.skirmish_stealth_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_ak74_pref = 3; _root.skirmish_flame_pref = 7; _root.skirmish_rpg_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_tank_pref = 3; _root.skirmish_ftank_pref = 7; _root.skirmish_sam_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_he_pref = 3; _root.skirmish_ch_pref = 7; _root.skirmish_nu_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_inter_pref = 5; _root.skirmish_bomber_pref = 10; _root.skirmish_bar_max = 0; _root.skirmish_air_max = 3; _root.skirmish_mgn_max = 1; _root.skirmish_fac_max = 1; _root.skirmish_sam_max = 1; _root.skirmish_hosp_max = 0; _root.skirmish_laser_max = 1; _root.skirmish_lpad_max = 2; _root.skirmish_radar_max = 1; } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } onClipEvent (load) { this.glow._visible = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 965 MovieClip "btn_bg_0" in Symbol 976 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { this.glow._visible = 1; _parent.btn_bg_1.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_bg_2.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_bg_3.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_bg_4.glow._visible = 0; _root.hide_bg(); _root.bg_desert._visible = 1; } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } onClipEvent (load) { this.glow._visible = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 967 MovieClip "btn_bg_1" in Symbol 976 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { this.glow._visible = 1; _parent.btn_bg_0.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_bg_2.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_bg_3.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_bg_4.glow._visible = 0; _root.hide_bg(); _root.bg_island._visible = 1; } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } onClipEvent (load) { this.glow._visible = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 969 MovieClip "btn_bg_2" in Symbol 976 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { this.glow._visible = 1; _parent.btn_bg_0.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_bg_1.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_bg_3.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_bg_4.glow._visible = 0; _root.hide_bg(); _root.bg_winter._visible = 1; } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } onClipEvent (load) { this.glow._visible = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 971 MovieClip "btn_bg_3" in Symbol 976 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { this.glow._visible = 1; _parent.btn_bg_0.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_bg_1.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_bg_2.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_bg_4.glow._visible = 0; _root.hide_bg(); _root.bg_mount._visible = 1; } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 973 MovieClip "btn_bg_4" in Symbol 976 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { this.glow._visible = 1; _parent.btn_bg_0.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_bg_1.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_bg_2.glow._visible = 0; _parent.btn_bg_3.glow._visible = 0; _root.hide_bg(); _root.bg_village._visible = 1; } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } onClipEvent (load) { this.glow._visible = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip in Symbol 976 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "Easy"; } on (press) { _root.ai_delay = _root.easy_delay; _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description(""); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.startScreen._visible == 1) { if (_root.ai_delay == _root.easy_delay) { _parent.dif_txt.text = "Easy"; } if (_root.ai_delay == _root.norm_delay) { _parent.dif_txt.text = "Normal"; } if (_root.ai_delay == _root.hard_delay) { _parent.dif_txt.text = "Hard"; } } }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip in Symbol 976 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "Medium"; } on (press) { _root.ai_delay = _root.norm_delay; _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description(""); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip in Symbol 976 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "Hard"; } on (press) { _root.ai_delay = _root.hard_delay; _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description(""); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip in Symbol 976 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "OK"; } on (press) { _root.init_mission(-100); _root.skirmish = 1; _root.startScreen._visible = 0; _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { _root.description(""); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 594 MovieClip in Symbol 976 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root.pause = 0; _parent._visible = 0; _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 594 MovieClip in Symbol 990 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root.pause = 0; _parent._visible = 0; _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 434 MovieClip in Symbol 990 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 362 MovieClip in Symbol 990 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 447 MovieClip in Symbol 990 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 453 MovieClip in Symbol 990 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.en_hp_bar._visible = 0; this.en_hp_bar_bg._visible = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 565 MovieClip in Symbol 992 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { startDrag (_parent); } on (release, releaseOutside) { stopDrag(); if (_parent._x < _root.w_min_x) { _parent._x = _root.w_min_x; } if (_parent._x > _root.w_max_x) { _parent._x = _root.w_max_x; } if (_parent._y < _root.w_min_y) { _parent._y = _root.w_min_y; } if (_parent._y > _root.w_max_y) { _parent._y = _root.w_max_y; } }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip in Symbol 992 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "OK"; } on (press) { _parent._visible = 0; _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 577 MovieClip "q_h" in Symbol 992 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root._quality_default = "HIGH"; _parent.init(); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 580 MovieClip "q_m" in Symbol 992 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root._quality_default = "MEDIUM"; _parent.init(); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 583 MovieClip "q_l" in Symbol 992 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root._quality_default = "LOW"; _parent.init(); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 588 MovieClip "btn_s" in Symbol 992 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { if (_root.game_sound == 0) { _root.game_sound = 1; _root.bg_sound.start(); } else { _root.game_sound = 0; _root.bg_sound.stop(); } _parent.init(); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 591 MovieClip "btn_t" in Symbol 992 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = 0; } on (press) { if (_root._missile_trails == false) { _root._missile_trails = true; } else { _root._missile_trails = false; } _parent.init(); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 594 MovieClip in Symbol 992 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root.pause = 0; _parent._visible = 0; _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 565 MovieClip in Symbol 995 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { startDrag (_parent); } on (release, releaseOutside) { stopDrag(); if (_parent._x < _root.w_min_x) { _parent._x = _root.w_min_x; } if (_parent._x > _root.w_max_x) { _parent._x = _root.w_max_x; } if (_parent._y < _root.w_min_y) { _parent._y = _root.w_min_y; } if (_parent._y > _root.w_max_y) { _parent._y = _root.w_max_y; } }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip in Symbol 995 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "OK"; } on (press) { _root.pwd_eval(_root.startScreen.pass_screen.pwd_input.text); _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 594 MovieClip in Symbol 995 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) { _root.pause = 0; _parent._visible = 0; _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"85", ga:"100", gb:"80", ba:"100", bb:"40"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.hide_desc(); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"00", ga:"100", gb:"00", ba:"100", bb:"00"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip "btn_nha" in Symbol 1002 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "New Hope"; } on (press) { = 0; _root.startScreen._visible = 0; _root.show_mentat_screen(); _root.initialise_regions(; _root.paint_regions(; _root.startScreen.nha_cover.reveal = 0; } on (rollOver) { _root.startScreen.logos.nha_cover.reveal = 1; var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.startScreen.logos.nha_cover.reveal = 0; var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_visible == 1) && (_alpha < 100)) { _alpha = (_alpha + 7); } }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip "btn_tos" in Symbol 1002 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "Temple of Snakes"; } on (press) { = 1; _root.startScreen._visible = 0; _root.show_mentat_screen(); _root.initialise_regions(; _root.paint_regions(; _root.startScreen.tos_cover.reveal = 0; } on (rollOver) { _root.startScreen.logos.tos_cover.reveal = 1; var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { _root.startScreen.logos.tos_cover.reveal = 0; var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_visible == 1) && (_alpha < 100)) { _alpha = (_alpha + 7); } }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip in Symbol 1002 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "Play Other Games"; } on (press) { getURL ("", "_blank"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip in Symbol 1002 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "Password"; } on (press) { _root.startScreen.instr_screen._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.pass_screen._visible = 1; _root.startScreen.skirmish_screen._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.op_screen._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.pass_screen.pwd_input.setFocus(); _root.startScreen.btn_easy._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_norm._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_hard._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_nha._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_tos._visible = 0; } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip in Symbol 1002 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "Skirmish"; } on (press) { _root.startScreen.instr_screen._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.pass_screen._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.skirmish_screen._visible = 1; _root.startScreen.op_screen._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_easy._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_norm._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_hard._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_nha._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_tos._visible = 0; } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip in Symbol 1002 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "Instructions"; } on (press) { _root.startScreen.instr_screen._visible = 1; _root.startScreen.pass_screen._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.skirmish_screen._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.op_screen._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_easy._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_norm._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_hard._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_nha._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_tos._visible = 0; } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip in Symbol 1002 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "Options"; } on (press) { _root.startScreen.instr_screen._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.pass_screen._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.skirmish_screen._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.op_screen._visible = 1; _root.startScreen.op_screen.init(); _root.startScreen.btn_easy._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_norm._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_hard._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_nha._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_tos._visible = 0; } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip in Symbol 1002 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "Sea of Fire #1"; } on (press) { getURL ("", "_blank"); var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 992 MovieClip "op_screen" in Symbol 1002 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { function init() { switch (_root._quality_default) { case "HIGH" : q_h.sel._visible = true; q_m.sel._visible = false; q_l.sel._visible = false; break; case "MEDIUM" : q_h.sel._visible = false; q_m.sel._visible = true; q_l.sel._visible = false; break; case "LOW" : q_h.sel._visible = false; q_m.sel._visible = false; q_l.sel._visible = true; } if (_root.game_sound == true) { = false; } else { = true; } if (_root._missile_trails == true) { = false; } else { = true; } _visible = true; } }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip "btn_easy" in Symbol 1002 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "Easy"; } on (press) { _root.ai_delay = _root.easy_delay; _root.startScreen.btn_nha._visible = 1; _root.startScreen.btn_nha._alpha = -20; _root.startScreen.btn_tos._visible = 1; _root.startScreen.btn_tos._alpha = -50; _root.startScreen.btn_easy._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_norm._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_hard._visible = 0; } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_visible == 1) && (_alpha < 100)) { _alpha = (_alpha + 7); } }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip "btn_norm" in Symbol 1002 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "Normal"; } on (press) { _root.ai_delay = _root.norm_delay; _root.startScreen.btn_nha._visible = 1; _root.startScreen.btn_nha._alpha = -20; _root.startScreen.btn_tos._visible = 1; _root.startScreen.btn_tos._alpha = -50; _root.startScreen.btn_easy._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_norm._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_hard._visible = 0; } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_visible == 1) && (_alpha < 100)) { _alpha = (_alpha + 7); } }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip "btn_hard" in Symbol 1002 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "Hard"; } on (press) { _root.ai_delay = _root.hard_delay; _root.startScreen.btn_nha._visible = 1; _root.startScreen.btn_nha._alpha = -20; _root.startScreen.btn_tos._visible = 1; _root.startScreen.btn_tos._alpha = -50; _root.startScreen.btn_easy._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_norm._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_hard._visible = 0; } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_visible == 1) && (_alpha < 100)) { _alpha = (_alpha + 7); } }
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip in Symbol 1002 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.label_txt.text = "New Campaign"; } on (press) { _root.startScreen.instr_screen._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.pass_screen._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.skirmish_screen._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.op_screen._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_easy._visible = 1; _root.startScreen.btn_easy._alpha = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_norm._visible = 1; _root.startScreen.btn_norm._alpha = -20; _root.startScreen.btn_hard._visible = 1; _root.startScreen.btn_hard._alpha = -50; _root.startScreen.btn_nha._visible = 0; _root.startScreen.btn_tos._visible = 0; } on (rollOver) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"50", ga:"100", gb:"50", ba:"100", bb:"50"}; colour.setTransform(trans); } on (rollOut) { var colour = new Color(this); var trans = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0"}; colour.setTransform(trans); }
Instance of Symbol 1001 MovieClip in Symbol 1002 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = _root.armor_lock; }

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [snd_inf_death_1]
Symbol 2 Sound [snd_radar]
Symbol 3 Sound [moto_s]
Symbol 4 Sound [snd_sam_site]
Symbol 5 Sound [missle_blast_s]
Symbol 6 Sound [missile_s]
Symbol 7 Sound [snd_sam]
Symbol 8 Sound [snd_def]
Symbol 9 Sound [mach_s]
Symbol 10 Sound [snd_mg]
Symbol 11 Sound [snd_const]
Symbol 12 Sound [snd_m16]
Symbol 13 Sound [snd_tnk_shot]
Symbol 14 Sound [snd_laser]
Symbol 15 Sound [snd_jet_2]
Symbol 16 Sound [snd_jet_1]
Symbol 17 Sound [inf_s]
Symbol 18 Sound [snd_flame]
Symbol 19 Sound [snd_jet_0]
Symbol 20 Sound [snd_he_exp_2]
Symbol 21 Sound [snd_he_exp_0]
Symbol 22 Sound [snd_he_exp_1]
Symbol 23 Sound [snd_nu_exp]
Symbol 24 Sound [snd_comp]
Symbol 25 Sound [snd_bar]
Symbol 26 Sound [tst]
Symbol 27 Sound [snd_empty]
Symbol 28 Sound [snd_sam_exp]
Symbol 29 Sound [snd_ssm]
Symbol 30 Sound [snd_inf_death_0]
Symbol 31 Sound [alarm]
Symbol 32 Sound [snd_rpg]
Symbol 33 Sound [snd_inf_death_2]
Symbol 34 Sound [snd_music]
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 39 MovieClip [mg_shot]Uses:35 36 37 38
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 45 MovieClip [mg_shot_0]Uses:40 41 42 43 44
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:49
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:49
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:49
Symbol 49 MovieClip [tank_shot]Uses:46 47 48
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:51
Symbol 51 MovieClipUses:50Used by:53 54
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:53 54 147
Symbol 53 MovieClip [laser_shot_0]Uses:51 52
Symbol 54 MovieClip [laser_shot]Uses:51 52
Symbol 55 GraphicUsed by:66 67 85 126 484 565 592 666 756 791 878 914 926 927  Timeline
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 57 MovieClipUses:56Used by:66 1002
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:59
Symbol 59 MovieClipUses:58Used by:66 1002
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:61
Symbol 61 MovieClipUses:60Used by:66 1002
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 63 MovieClipUses:62Used by:66 1002
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 65 MovieClipUses:64Used by:66 1002
Symbol 66 MovieClipUses:55 57 59 61 63 65Used by:Timeline
Symbol 67 MovieClipUses:55Used by:Timeline
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:71
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:70 144
Symbol 70 MovieClipUses:69Used by:71
Symbol 71 MovieClipUses:68 70Used by:Timeline
Symbol 72 FontUsed by:73 82 84 86 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 806 809 810 811 812 813 814 816 819 820 821 857 916 994
Symbol 73 EditableTextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:76
Symbol 76 MovieClipUses:75Used by:Timeline
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 79 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 81 MovieClipUses:77 78 79 80Used by:Timeline
Symbol 82 EditableTextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 84 EditableTextUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 85 MovieClipUses:55Used by:87
Symbol 86 EditableTextUses:72Used by:87
Symbol 87 MovieClipUses:85 86Used by:Timeline
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 89 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 93 GraphicUsed by:94
Symbol 94 MovieClipUses:93Used by:Timeline
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:96
Symbol 96 MovieClipUses:95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 97 GraphicUsed by:98
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Instance Names

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"AI"Frame 88Symbol 109 MovieClip
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"hu_unit_num_txt"Frame 88Symbol 114 EditableText
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"pg"Frame 88Symbol 279 MovieClip
"inf_c_death"Frame 88Symbol 287 MovieClip
"inf_0_death"Frame 88Symbol 295 MovieClip
"car"Frame 88Symbol 297 MovieClip
"car_death"Frame 88Symbol 302 MovieClip
"rocket_death"Frame 88Symbol 312 MovieClip
"unit_slot_0"Frame 88Symbol 314 MovieClip
"s_base_tnk"Frame 88Symbol 330 MovieClip
"tos_missile"Frame 88Symbol 332 MovieClip
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Special Tags

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Created: 20/5 -2019 00:16:48 Last modified: 20/5 -2019 00:16:48 Server time: 02/01 -2025 23:45:10