Frame 1 = classes.utils.CustomContextMenu.init();
fscommand ("allowScale", "false");
_root.soundVolume = 10;
_root.musicVolume = 4;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip [2DPlay_preloader] in Frame 1
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
gameID = 1694;
movieFramerate = 30;
skipPreloader = false;
startFrameLabel = "splash";
Frame 71
_root.lives = 3;
_root.level = 1;
Instance of Symbol 123 MovieClip in Frame 72
onClipEvent (load) {
this.txt.text = "Let's go!";
this.onPress = function () {
Instance of Symbol 123 MovieClip in Frame 72
onClipEvent (load) {
this.txt.text = "Load level";
this.onPress = function () {
Instance of Symbol 123 MovieClip in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) {
this.txt.text = "LOAD LEVEL";
this.onPress = function () {
_root.level = _root.leveltxt.text;
Frame 74
function setUpBackground() {
var _local2 = game.levelNames["level" + _root.level];
_root.screen.attachMovie(_local2 + "_backimage", _local2 + "_backimage", 1);
_root.screen.attachMovie(_local2 + "_background", "background", 1000);
_root.screen.attachMovie(_local2 + "_midground", "midground", 2000);
_root.screen.attachMovie(_local2 + "_midfore", "midfore", 3000);
_root.screen.attachMovie(_local2 + "_foreground", "foreground", 4000);
_root.screen.backimage.onPress = function () {
_root.screen.background.onPress = function () {
_root.screen.midground.onPress = function () {
_root.screen.midfore.onPress = function () {
_root.screen.foreground.onPress = function () {
function setUpSounds() { = [];
game.sounds = []; = new Array();
game.sounds = new Array();
delete this.sounds;
this.createEmptyMovieClip("sounds_mc", getNextHighestDepth());
_root.sounds = new Sound(sounds_mc);
this.createEmptyMovieClip("music_mc", getNextHighestDepth()); = new Sound(music_mc);
music.titleloop = new Sound(titleloop);
music.mainloop = new Sound(mainloop);
music.mainloop.start(0, 1000);
sounds.shoot1 = new Sound(shoot1);
sounds.hitObject = new Sound(hitObject);
sounds.ghost1_hit = new Sound(ghost1_hit);
sounds.ghost1_hit1 = new Sound(ghost1_hit1);
sounds.ghost1_laugh = new Sound(ghost1_laugh);
sounds.ghost2_hit1 = new Sound(ghost2_hit1);
sounds.ghost2_flee = new Sound(ghost2_flee);
sounds.ghost3_hit1 = new Sound(ghost3_hit1);
sounds.ghost3_drool = new Sound(ghost3_drool);
sounds.ghost3_drool2 = new Sound(ghost3_drool2);
sounds.ghost3_growl = new Sound(ghost3_growl);
sounds.ghost3_munch = new Sound(ghost3_munch);
sounds.ghost4_hit1 = new Sound(ghost4_hit1);
sounds.ghost4_laugh = new Sound(ghost4_laugh);
sounds.ghost4_duplicate = new Sound(ghost4_duplicate);
sounds.congregate = new Sound(congregate);
game.sounds.push("congregate"); = new Sound(furniture);"furniture");
sounds.torch = new Sound(torch);
sounds.bell = new Sound(bell);
sounds.hero = new Sound(hero);
sounds.hero2 = new Sound(hero2);
sounds.fx1 = new Sound(fx1);
sounds.fx2 = new Sound(fx2);
sounds.fx3 = new Sound(fx3);
sounds.fx4 = new Sound(fx4);
sounds.fx5 = new Sound(fx5);
sounds.fx6 = new Sound(fx6);
sounds.fx7 = new Sound(fx7);
sounds.fx8 = new Sound(fx8);
sounds.fx9 = new Sound(fx9);
sounds.fx10 = new Sound(fx10);
sounds.fx11 = new Sound(fx11);
sounds.fx12 = new Sound(fx12);
sounds.fx13 = new Sound(fx13);
sounds.fx14 = new Sound(fx14);
sounds.spat = new Sound(spat);
sounds.charge = new Sound(charge);
changeVolume(_root.soundVolume, _root.musicVolume);
function changeVolume(s, m) {
_root.soundVolume = s;
_root.musicVolume = m;
i = 0;
while (i < {
var _local3 =[i];
_root.sounds[_local3].setVolume(_root.soundVolume * 10);
i = 0;
while (i < {
var _local2 =[i];[_local2].setVolume(_root.musicVolume * 10);
function ghostSounds() {
if ((random(100) < 60) && (!_root.paws)) {
var _local2 = random(14) + 1;
sounds["fx" + _local2].start();
if (!_root.paws) {
setTimeout(_root, "ghostSounds", 3000);
function checkTime() {
if (!_root.paws) {
if ((((!_root.paws) && (!game.timepause)) && (game.countDown == 30)) && (game.time > 0)) {
_root.timeleft.text = "time: " + game.time;
game.countDown = 0;
function createDuplicate(ob) {
var _local3 = [-30, 30];
var _local6 = [-1, 1];
d = 0;
while (d < 2) {
var _local1 = (ob.clip._name + "_duplicate") + game.ghostArray.length;
screen.attachMovie("ghost4", _local1, (30001 + (ob.d * 20)) + d, {_x:ob.clip._x + _local3[d], _y:ob.clip._y});
game[_local1] = new game.ghost4();
game[_local1].clip = screen[_local1];
game[_local1].name = _local1;
game[_local1].d = ob.d;
game[_local1].layer = l;
game[_local1].fly = Math.floor(random(300) / 100);
game[_local1].firstrun = true;
game[_local1].points = 0;
game[_local1].pos = 0;
game[_local1].totalPos = 0;
game[_local1].type = "ghost4";
game[_local1].duplicate = false;
game[_local1].duplicated = true;
game[_local1].xspeed = 2;
game[_local1].yspeed = 3;
game[_local1].ydir = -1;
game[_local1].xdir = _local6[d];
newghost = [_local1, [[ob.clip._x + _local3[d], ob.clip._y, 0, 3]], "ghost4"];
function createGhosts(level, add) {
game.ghosts = level;
game.ghostArray = [];
var _local10 = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < game.ghosts.length) {
var _local2 = game.ghosts[i][0];
var _local6 = game.ghosts[i][1][0][0];
var _local5 = game.ghosts[i][1][0][1];
var _local4 = game.ghosts[i][1][0][3];
var _local3 = game.ghosts[i][2];
trace(game.layers[_local4] + i);
screen.attachMovie(_local3, _local2, game.layers[_local4] + i, {_x:_local6, _y:_local5});
game[_local2 + i] = [];
game[_local2 + i].push(_local2);
game[_local2 + i].push(game.ghosts[i][1]);
if (_local3 != "objects") {
game[_local2] = new game[_local3]();
screen[_local2].swapDepths((game.layers[_local4] + i) + 5000);
} else {
game[_local2] = new game.object();
trace("frame = " + game.ghosts[i][1][0][2]);
game[_local2].clip = screen[_local2];
game[_local2].name = _local2;
game[_local2].d = i;
game[_local2].layer = _local4;
game[_local2].fly = Math.floor(random(300) / 100);
game[_local2].firstrun = true;
game[_local2].points = 0;
game[_local2].pos = 0;
game[_local2].totalPos = 0;
game[_local2].type = _local3;
if (_local3 == "ghost4") {
game[_local2].duplicate = true;
newghost = [_local2, [[_local6, _local5, 0, 1]], _local3];
game[_local2].clip.highlight._visible = false;
var _local7 = game[_local2];
game[_local2].totalPos = game.ghosts[game.selected.d].length - 1;
if (add) {
if (i == (game.ghosts.length - 1)) {
game[_local2].clip.highlight._visible = true;
game.selected = game[_local2];
_root.scoretxt.text = "SCORE: " + _root.score;
_root.ghostsleft.text = _local10 + " ghosts left";
if (_root.lives > 0) {
} else {
function checkMaskScale() {
if (mask._xscale > 100) {
var _local1 = mask._xscale - 10;
mask._xscale = _local1;
mask._yscale = _local1;
fade._xscale = _local1;
fade._yscale = _local1;
function checkBar() {
if (game.barscale > 100) {
game.barscale = 100;
if ((( < game.barscale) && ( != 100)) && (!game.drain)) {;
if (( >= 30) && (!_root.meter.icon1._visible)) {
_root.meter.icon1._visible = true;
if (( >= 60) && (!_root.meter.icon2._visible)) {
_root.meter.icon2._visible = true;
if (( >= 100) && (!_root.meter.icon3._visible)) {
_root.meter.icon3._visible = true;
if (game.drain && ( >= 0)) { = - 0.5;
if ( <= game.barscale) {
_root.meter.icon1._visible = false;
_root.meter.icon2._visible = false;
_root.meter.icon3._visible = false;
game.drain = false; = game.barscale;
} else {
if (!game.drain) {
function checkPowerUPs() {
if (Key.isDown(52)) {
var _local2 = false;
if (_root.meter.icon1._visible && (Key.isDown(49))) {
_local2 = true;
if (_root.meter.icon2._visible && (Key.isDown(50))) {;
_local2 = true;
if (_root.meter.icon3._visible && (Key.isDown(51))) {
_local2 = true;
if (_local2) {
game.drain = true;
game.barscale = 0;
_root.meter.icon1._visible = false;
_root.meter.icon2._visible = false;
_root.meter.icon3._visible = false;
function ghostReturn(ob) {
var _local3 = "ghost_energy" + ob.d;
_root.attachMovie("ghost_energy", _local3, ob.d, {_x:_root.ghostnrg._x, _y:_root.ghostnrg._y});
switch (ob.type) {
case "ghost2" :
case "ghost3" :
case "ghost4" :
var _local4 = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < game.ghostArray.length) {
_local3 = game.ghostArray[i][0];
var _local2 = game[_local3];
if (_local2.alive && (_local2.shoot)) {
traceBox(1, "ghosts left - " + _local4);
_root.ghostsleft.text = _local4 + " ghosts left";
setTimeout(_root, "powerBar", 1200, ob);
function checkGhostsDead(g) {
if (g == 0) {
game.timepause = true;
setTimeout(_root, "endlevel", 2000);
function endlevel() {
pause_btn._visible = true;;
_root.paws = true;
_root.levelcomplete._visible = true;;
_root.gotoSelected = function () {
_root.gotoAndStop("panel" + _root.level);
function endLevelScores() {
mask._x = 0;
mask._y = 0;
fade._alpha = 0;
music.titleloop.start(0, 1000);
game.bonustime = 5 * game.time;
game.bonusenergy = Math.floor( * 5;
_root.score = _root.score + game.bonustime;
_root.score = _root.score + game.bonusenergy;
_root.timeleft.text = "time: 0";
_root.levelcomplete.timebonus.text = "time bonus: " + (5 * game.time);
_root.levelcomplete.spookbonus.text = "spookstick bonus: " + (Math.floor( * 5);
_root.levelcomplete.totalscore.text = "total score: " + _root.score;
function powerBar(ob) {
game.barscale = game.barscale + ob.worth;
function rotation(dx, dy) {
return((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 180) / Math.PI);
function shoot() {
if ( < 30) {
_root.meter.icon1._visible = false;
if ( < 60) {
_root.meter.icon2._visible = false;
if ( < 100) {
_root.meter.icon3._visible = false;
mask._xscale = 200;
mask._yscale = 200;
fade._xscale = 200;
fade._yscale = 200;
setTimeout(this, "reload", 500);
game.reload = true;
var _local3 = getDistance(_xmouse, gun._x, _ymouse, gun._y);
if (_local3 > 120) {
_local3 = _local3 - 120;
gun.lightning.lightning._width = _local3;
function getDistance(x, xx, y, yy) {
var _local1 = Math.sqrt(((x - xx) * (x - xx)) + ((y - yy) * (y - yy)));
function reload() {
game.reload = false;
function setCongregate(num, obb) {
if (obb == null) {
i = 0;
while (i < game.ghostArray.length) {
var _local3 = game.ghostArray[i][0];
var _local1 = game[_local3];
if (_local1.type != "objects") {
if ((num == 1) or (num == 4)) {
_local1.oldx = _local1.clip._x;
_local1.oldy = _local1.clip._y;
_local1.congregate = num;
} else {
if (num == 5) {
_local1.oldx = _local1.clip._x;
_local1.oldy = _local1.clip._y;
if (num != 1) {
_local1.congregate = num;
} else if (obb.type != "objects") {
if ((num == 1) or (num == 4)) {
obb.oldx = obb.clip._x;
obb.oldy = obb.clip._y;
obb.congregate = num;
function checkKeys() {
if (Key.isDown(13)) {
if (Key.isDown(16)) {
_root.tracebox._visible = true;
function traceArrays() {
function updateScore(ob) {
game.score = game.score +;
_root.score = _root.score +;
_root.scoretxt.text = "SCORE: " + _root.score;
function firstrun(ob) {
ob.clip.onPress = function () {
if (!_root.paws) {
if (ob.type == "objects") {
_root.hit = true;
if (ob.shoot && (ob.alive)) {
ob.clip._alpha = 100;
_root.hit = true;
sounds[ob.type + "_hit1"].start();
if (ob.duplicate) {
ob.alive = false;
if (!ob.duplicated) {
} else {
if (!ob.duplicate) {
setTimeout(_root, "ghostReturn", 600, ob);
} else if (game.editing) {
game.d = ob.d;
game.focus = "ob";
if (ob == game.selected) {
ob.drag = true;
_root.attachMovie("empty", "points_show", 2000);
_root.points_show.attachMovie("empty", "lines", 1000);
_root.points_show.attachMovie("circle_highlight", "circle_choice", 200);
game.pointWait = game.ghosts[ob.d][1][0][2];
game.pointLayer = game.ghosts[ob.d][1][0][3];
edit.wait.text = game.pointWait;
edit.layer.text = game.pointLayer;
_root.points_show.lines.lineStyle(1, 16711935, 100);
_root.points_show.lines.moveTo(ob.clip._x, ob.clip._y);
p = 1;
while (p < game.ghosts[ob.d][1].length) {
var _local4 = game.ghosts[ob.d][1][p][0];
var _local3 = game.ghosts[ob.d][1][p][1];
var _local6 = (("point_" + _local4) + "_") + _local3;
game[_local6] = new Object();
game[_local6].p = p;
game[_local6].d = ob.d;
game[_local6].obb = ob;
_root.points_show.attachMovie("circle_btn", _local6, ob.points, {_x:_local4, _y:_local3});
game[_local6].clip = _root.points_show[_local6];
_root.points_show[_local6].onPress = function () {
game.focus = "point";
_root.points_show[_local6].onRelease = function () {
_root.points_show.circle_choice._x = this._x;
_root.points_show.circle_choice._y = this._y;
p = game[this._name].p;
d = game[this._name].d;
x = this._x;
y = this._y;
game.ghosts[d][1][p][0] = x;
game.ghosts[d][1][p][1] = y;
game.pointWait = game.ghosts[d][1][p][2];
game.pointLayer = game.ghosts[d][1][p][3];
game.pointP = p;
edit.wait.text = game.pointWait;
edit.layer.text = game.pointLayer;
_root.points_show.lines.lineTo(_local4, _local3);
game.selected = ob;
i = 0;
while (i < game.ghostArray.length) {
var _local6 = game.ghostArray[i][0];
var _local5 = game[_local6];
if (_local5 == ob) {
game.i = i;
_local5.clip.highlight._visible = true;
} else {
_local5.clip.highlight._visible = false;
ob.clip.onRelease = function () {
if (game.editing) {
ob.clip.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (ob.drag && (game.editing)) {
ob.clip._x = _xmouse;
ob.clip._y = _ymouse;
function obDrop(ob) {
ob.drag = false;
ii = 0;
while (ii < {
var _local5 =[ii][0];
var _local6 =[_local5];
if (_local6 == ob) {[ii][1][0][0] = _xmouse;[ii][1][0][1] = _ymouse;[ii][1][0][0] = _xmouse;[ii][1][0][1] = _ymouse;
_root.points_show.lines.lineStyle(1, 16711935, 100);
_root.points_show.lines.moveTo(ob.clip._x, ob.clip._y);
p = 1;
while (p < game.ghosts[game.selected.d][1].length) {
var _local4 = game.ghosts[ob.d][1][p][0];
var _local3 = game.ghosts[ob.d][1][p][1];
_root.points_show.lines.lineTo(_local4, _local3);
_root.points_show.lines.lineStyle(1, 11184810, 100);
_root.points_show.lines.lineTo(ob.clip._x, ob.clip._y);
function removeGhosts() {
i = 0;
while (i < game.ghostArray.length) {
var _local3 = game.ghostArray[i][0];
var _local2 = game[_local3];
game.ghostArray = [];
function checkGhosts() {
i = 0;
while (i < game.ghostArray.length) {
var _local3 = game.ghostArray[i][0];
var _local2 = game[_local3];
if (_local2.alive) {
if (!_local2.reacting) {
if (_local2.congregate == 0) {
if (!_local2.duplicated) {
} else {
} else {
_local2.clip.ghost._y = _local2.clip.ghost._y + ghostfly(_local2);
var _local5 = Math.abs(_local2.clip._x - _xmouse);
var _local4 = Math.abs(_local2.clip._y - _ymouse);
if ((_local5 < 50) && (_local4 < 50)) {
if ((_local2.type == "ghost4") && (_local2.duplicate)) {
_local2.alive = false;
if ((_local2.type == "ghost3") && (!_local2.reacting)) {
_local2.reacting = true;
setTimeout(_root, "biteMe", 1000, _local2);
if ((_local2.type == "ghost2") && (!_local2.reacting)) {
_local2.reacting = true;
setTimeout(_root, "runnerReturn", 2000, _local2);
r = random(1000);
if ((r < 5) && (_local2.count > 500)) {
_local2.count = 0;
if ((_local2.type == "ghost1") or (_local2.type == "ghost4")) {
sounds[_local2.type + "_laugh"].start();
if (_local2.type == "ghost3") {
function biteMe(ob) {
if (ob.alive) {
setTimeout(_root, "biteMeNot", 1000, ob);
function reduceLives() {
if (_root.lives > 0) {
} else {
if (_root.lives == -1) {
setTimeout(_root, "dying", 1000);
_root.paws = true;
function dying() {
music.titleloop.start(0, 1000);
function biteMeNot(ob) {
if (ob.alive) {
ob.reacting = false;
function runnerReturn(ob) {
var _local4 = Math.abs(ob.clip._x - _xmouse);
var _local3 = Math.abs(ob.clip._y - _ymouse);
if ((_local4 + _local3) > 100) {
ob.reacting = false;
} else if (ob.alive) {
setTimeout(_root, "runnerReturn", 500, ob);
function duplicatedMove(ob) {
ob.clip._x = ob.clip._x + (ob.xspeed * ob.xdir);
ob.clip._y = ob.clip._y + (ob.yspeed * ob.ydir);
if (ob.clip._x > 650) {
ob.xdir = -1;
ob.xspeed = random(4) + 1;
if (ob.clip._x < -50) {
ob.xdir = 1;
ob.xspeed = random(4) + 1;
if (ob.clip._y > 450) {
ob.ydir = -1;
ob.yspeed = random(4) + 1;
if (ob.clip._y < -50) {
ob.ydir = 1;
ob.yspeed = random(4) + 1;
function ghostCongregate(ob) {
var _local3 = ob.clip._x;
var _local2 = ob.clip._y;
if (ob.congregate == 1) {
if (_local3 < (_xmouse - 5)) {
ob.clip._x = ob.clip._x + 1;
if (_local3 > (_xmouse + 5)) {
ob.clip._x = ob.clip._x - 1;
if (_local2 < (_ymouse - 5)) {
ob.clip._y = ob.clip._y + 1;
if (_local2 > (_ymouse + 5)) {
ob.clip._y = ob.clip._y - 1;
if (ob.congregate == 5) {
if (_local2 < 400) {
ob.clip._y = ob.clip._y + 10;
var _local4 = 0;
if (ob.congregate == 2) {
if (_local3 < (ob.oldx - 5)) {
ob.clip._x = ob.clip._x + 2;
} else if (_local3 > (ob.oldx + 5)) {
ob.clip._x = ob.clip._x - 2;
} else {
if (_local2 < (ob.oldy - 5)) {
ob.clip._y = ob.clip._y + 2;
} else if (_local2 > (ob.oldy + 5)) {
ob.clip._y = ob.clip._y - 2;
} else {
if (_local4 == 2) {
ob.congregate = 0;
function ghostMove(ob) {
var _local9 = ob.clip._x;
var _local8 = ob.clip._y;
if (ob.pos == 0) {
px = game.ghosts[ob.d][1][0][0];
py = game.ghosts[ob.d][1][0][1];
var _local2 = game.ghosts[ob.d][1][0][2];
var _local3 = game.ghosts[ob.d][1][0][3];
if (ob.type == "objects") {
_local2 = 0;
} else {
var px = game.ghosts[ob.d][1][ob.pos][0];
var py = game.ghosts[ob.d][1][ob.pos][1];
var _local2 = game.ghosts[ob.d][1][ob.pos][2];
var _local3 = game.ghosts[ob.d][1][ob.pos][3];
if (ob.step > 0) {
var _local5 = game.ghosts[ob.d][1][ob.pos + 1][0];
var _local4 = game.ghosts[ob.d][1][ob.pos + 1][1];
} else {
var _local5 = 0;
var _local4 = 0;
if (ob.pos == (game.ghosts[ob.d][1].length - 1)) {
var _local5 = game.ghosts[ob.d][1][0][0];
var _local4 = game.ghosts[ob.d][1][0][1];
if (ob.pos == game.ghosts[ob.d][1].length) {
ob.pos = 0;
} else {
ob.clip.swapDepths(game.layers[_local3] + ob.d);
var _local7 = px + ((((px - _local5) / 20) * ob.step) * -1);
var _local6 = py + ((((py - _local4) / 20) * ob.step) * -1);
if (_local2 > 0) {
if (ob.waitTimer > (_local2 * 20)) {
var _local2 = 0;
if (_local2 == 0) {
if (ob.step == 21) {
ob.waitTimer = 0;
ob.step = 1;
ob.pos = ob.pos + 1;
ob.clip._x = _local7;
ob.clip._y = _local6;
function traceBox(pos, txt) {
_root.tracebox["field" + pos].text = txt;
function checkRotation(ob, d) {
function checkGhostHorizontal(ob) {
var _local1 = ob.moveup;
function checkGhostVertical(ob) {
var _local1 = ob.movedown;
function ghostfly(ob) { = + ob.flyspeed;
if (( > 2) or ( < -2)) {
ob.flyspeed = ob.flyspeed * -1;
function editor() {
if (object1.drag) {
edit.objectadd._x = _root._xmouse;
edit.objectadd._y = _root._ymouse;
if (icon1.drag) {
edit.ghostadd._x = _root._xmouse;
edit.ghostadd._y = _root._ymouse;
if (icon2.drag) {
edit.ghostadd2._x = _root._xmouse;
edit.ghostadd2._y = _root._ymouse;
if (icon3.drag) {
edit.ghostadd3._x = _root._xmouse;
edit.ghostadd3._y = _root._ymouse;
if (icon4.drag) {
edit.ghostadd4._x = _root._xmouse;
edit.ghostadd4._y = _root._ymouse;
if (go.drag) {
edit.go._x = _root._xmouse;
edit.go._y = _root._ymouse;
function editorSetup() {
object1 = new Object();
object1.x = edit.objectadd._x;
object1.y = edit.objectadd._y;
object1.drag = false;
icon1 = new Object();
icon1.x = edit.ghostadd._x;
icon1.y = edit.ghostadd._y;
icon1.drag = false;
edit.ghostadd.onPress = function () {
icon1.drag = true;
edit.ghostadd.onMouseUp = function () {
if (icon1.drag) {
icon1.drag = false;
if (_root._ymouse < 350) {
newghost = [];
var _local3 = (("ghost" + + this._x) + this._y;
newghost = [_local3, [[this._x, this._y, 0, 1]], "ghost1"];;
_root.createGhosts(, true);
_root.paws = true;
edit.ghostadd._x = icon1.x;
edit.ghostadd._y = icon1.y;
icon2 = new Object();
icon2.x = edit.ghostadd2._x;
icon2.y = edit.ghostadd2._y;
icon2.drag = false;
edit.ghostadd2.onPress = function () {
icon2.drag = true;
edit.ghostadd2.onMouseUp = function () {
if (icon2.drag) {
icon2.drag = false;
if (_root._ymouse < 350) {
newghost = [];
var _local3 = (("ghost" + + this._x) + this._y;
newghost = [_local3, [[this._x, this._y, 0, 1]], "ghost2"];;
_root.createGhosts(, true);
_root.paws = true;
edit.ghostadd2._x = icon2.x;
edit.ghostadd2._y = icon2.y;
icon3 = new Object();
icon3.x = edit.ghostadd3._x;
icon3.y = edit.ghostadd3._y;
icon3.drag = false;
edit.ghostadd3.onPress = function () {
icon3.drag = true;
edit.ghostadd3.onMouseUp = function () {
if (icon3.drag) {
icon3.drag = false;
if (_root._ymouse < 350) {
newghost = [];
var _local3 = (("ghost" + + this._x) + this._y;
newghost = [_local3, [[this._x, this._y, 0, 1]], "ghost3"];;
_root.createGhosts(, true);
_root.paws = true;
edit.ghostadd3._x = icon3.x;
edit.ghostadd3._y = icon3.y;
icon4 = new Object();
icon4.x = edit.ghostadd4._x;
icon4.y = edit.ghostadd4._y;
icon4.drag = false;
edit.ghostadd4.onPress = function () {
icon4.drag = true;
edit.ghostadd4.onMouseUp = function () {
if (icon4.drag) {
icon4.drag = false;
if (_root._ymouse < 350) {
newghost = [];
var _local3 = (("ghost" + + this._x) + this._y;
newghost = [_local3, [[this._x, this._y, 0, 1]], "ghost4"];;
_root.createGhosts(, true);
_root.paws = true;
edit.ghostadd4._x = icon4.x;
edit.ghostadd4._y = icon4.y;
edit.objectadd.onPress = function () {
object1.drag = true;
edit.objectadd.onMouseUp = function () {
if (object1.drag) {
object1.drag = false;
if (_root._ymouse < 350) {
newghost = [];
var _local3 = (("object" + + this._x) + this._y;
newghost = [_local3, [[this._x, this._y, edit.objectadd._currentFrame, 4]], "objects"];;
_root.createGhosts(, true);
_root.paws = true;
edit.objectadd._x = object1.x;
edit.objectadd._y = object1.y;
go = new Object();
go.x = edit.go._x;
go.y = edit.go._y;
go.drag = false;
edit.go.onPress = function () {
go.drag = true;
edit.go.onMouseUp = function () {
if (go.drag) {
go.drag = false;
if ((_root._ymouse < 350) && (game.selected.clip.highlight._visible)) {
var name = ((("point_" + edit.go._x) + "_") + edit.go._y);;
_root.points_show.attachMovie("circle_btn", name,, {_x:edit.go._x, _y:edit.go._y});
if (obDrop.type != "objects") {
var _local3 = [edit.go._x, edit.go._y, 0, 1];
} else {
var _local3 = [edit.go._x, edit.go._y, 0, 4];
game[name] = new Object();
game[name].p = game.ghosts1.length;
game[name].d = game.ghosts1[game.i].length;
game[name].obb = ob;
_root.points_show[name].onPress = function () {
_root.points_show[name].onRelease = function () {
name = this._name;
p = game[name].p;
d = game[name].d;
x = _xmouse;
y = _ymouse;
game.ghosts1[d][1][p][0] = x;
game.ghosts1[d][1][p][1] = y;
game.ghosts[d][1][p][0] = x;
game.ghosts[d][1][p][1] = y;
this._x = go.x;
this._y = go.y;
edit.trash.onRelease = function () {
if (game.selected.clip.highlight._visible) {
game.ghosts1.splice(game.selected.d, 1);
game.ghostArray.splice(game.selected.d, 1);
delete game.selected;
edit.show_array.onRelease = function () {
if (edit.array_txt._visible == false) {
var _local2 = game.ghosts[i][0];
var _local5 = game.ghosts[i][1][0][0];
var _local4 = game.ghosts[i][1][0][1];
var _local3 = game.ghosts[i][1][0][3];
var _local6 = game.ghosts[i][2];
newArray = new Array();
newText = "[";
i = 0;
while (i < game.ghosts1.length) {
newArray.push(("['" + game.ghosts1[i][0]) + "'");
miniArray = new Array();
m = 0;
while (m < game.ghosts1[i][1].length) {
if (m == 0) {
miniArray.push("[[" + game.ghosts1[i][1][m][0]);
} else {
miniArray.push("[" + game.ghosts1[i][1][m][0]);
if (m == (game.ghosts1[i][1].length - 1)) {
miniArray.push(game.ghosts1[i][1][m][3] + "]]");
} else {
miniArray.push(game.ghosts1[i][1][m][3] + "]");
newArray.push(("'" + game.ghosts1[i][2]) + "']");
newText = newText + newArray;
newText = newText + "]";
edit.textbox.array = ("game.level = [" + newArray) + "];";
_root.edit.array_txt.array_txt.text = newText;
_root.edit.array_txt._visible = true;
} else {
edit.array_txt._visible = false;
edit.ok.onPress = function () {
game.pointWait = edit.wait.text;
game.pointLayer = edit.layer.text;
switch (game.focus) {
case "point" :
game.ghosts[game.d][1][game.pointP][2] = game.pointWait;
game.ghosts[game.d][1][game.pointP][3] = game.pointLayer;
case "ob" :
game.ghosts[game.d][1][0][2] = game.pointWait;
game.ghosts[game.d][1][0][3] = game.pointLayer;
function drawLines(ob) {
_root.points_show.lines.lineStyle(1, 16711935, 100);
_root.points_show.lines.moveTo(game.selected.clip._x, game.selected.clip._y);
_root.points_show.lines.lineStyle(1, 16711935, 100);
_root.points_show.lines.moveTo(game.selected.clip._x, game.selected.clip._y);
p = 1;
while (p < game.ghosts[game.selected.d][1].length) {
var _local3 = game.ghosts[game.selected.d][1][p][0];
var _local2 = game.ghosts[game.selected.d][1][p][1];
_root.points_show.lines.lineTo(_local3, _local2);
_root.points_show.lines.lineStyle(1, 11184810, 100);
_root.points_show.lines.lineTo(game.selected.clip._x, game.selected.clip._y);
_quality = "HIGH";
delete game;
game = {reload:false, fly:0, flyspeed:0.5, barscale:0, drain:false, editing:false, score:0, time:100, timepause:false, bonustime:0, bonusenergy:0, countDown:0, shift:false};
game.ghost1 = function () {
game.ghost1.prototype.flyspeed = 0.25;
game.ghost1.prototype.worth = 10;
game.ghost1.prototype.pts = 0;
game.ghost1.prototype.step = 1;
game.ghost1.prototype.congregate = 0;
game.ghost1.prototype.oldx = 0;
game.ghost1.prototype.oldy = 0;
game.ghost1.prototype.shoot = true;
game.ghost1.prototype.alive = true;
game.ghost1.prototype.duplicate = false;
game.ghost1.prototype.duplicated = false;
game.ghost1.prototype.reacting = false;
game.ghost1.prototype.count = 0; = 100;
game.ghost2 = function () {
game.ghost2.prototype.flyspeed = 0.25;
game.ghost2.prototype.worth = 10;
game.ghost2.prototype.pts = 0;
game.ghost2.prototype.step = 1;
game.ghost2.prototype.congregate = 0;
game.ghost2.prototype.oldx = 0;
game.ghost2.prototype.oldy = 0;
game.ghost2.prototype.shoot = true;
game.ghost2.prototype.alive = true;
game.ghost2.prototype.duplicate = false;
game.ghost2.prototype.duplicated = false;
game.ghost2.prototype.reacting = false;
game.ghost2.prototype.count = 0; = 150;
game.ghost4 = function () {
game.ghost4.prototype.flyspeed = 0.25;
game.ghost4.prototype.worth = 10;
game.ghost4.prototype.pts = 0;
game.ghost4.prototype.step = 1;
game.ghost4.prototype.congregate = 0;
game.ghost4.prototype.oldx = 0;
game.ghost4.prototype.oldy = 0;
game.ghost4.prototype.shoot = true;
game.ghost4.prototype.alive = true;
game.ghost4.prototype.duplicate = false;
game.ghost4.prototype.duplicated = false;
game.ghost4.prototype.reacting = false;
game.ghost4.prototype.count = 0; = 150;
game.ghost3 = function () {
game.ghost3.prototype.flyspeed = 0.25;
game.ghost3.prototype.worth = 10;
game.ghost3.prototype.pts = 0;
game.ghost3.prototype.step = 1;
game.ghost3.prototype.congregate = 0;
game.ghost3.prototype.oldx = 0;
game.ghost3.prototype.oldy = 0;
game.ghost3.prototype.shoot = true;
game.ghost3.prototype.alive = true;
game.ghost3.prototype.duplicate = false;
game.ghost3.prototype.duplicated = false;
game.ghost3.prototype.reacting = false;
game.ghost3.prototype.count = 0; = 200;
game.object = function () {
game.object.prototype.flyspeed = 0.25;
game.object.prototype.worth = 10;
game.object.prototype.moveup = 0;
game.object.prototype.movedown = 0;
game.object.prototype.moveleft = 0;
game.object.prototype.moveright = 0;
game.object.prototype.pts = 0;
game.object.prototype.speed = 50;
game.object.prototype.step = 1;
game.object.prototype.congregate = 0;
game.object.prototype.oldx = 0;
game.object.prototype.oldy = 0;
game.object.prototype.shoot = false;
game.object.prototype.alive = true;
game.levelNames = {level1:"front", level2:"garden", level3:"backyard", level4:"basement", level5:"kitchen", level6:"dining", level7:"stairwell", level8:"study", level9:"bedroom", level10:"bathroom", level11:"masterbedroom", level12:"attic"};
trace("level = " + game.levelNames["level" + _root.level]);
game.level1 = [["ghost091103", [[97, 76, 0, 1], [81, 56, 0, 1], [53, 43, 0, 1], [34, 58, 0, 1], [19, 75, 0, 1], [23, 107, 0, 1], [51, 154, 0, 1], [86, 191, 0, 1], [156, 201, 0, 1], [222, 184, 0, 1], [257, 147, 0, 1], [256, 115, 0, 1], [244, 101, 0, 1], [213, 105, 0, 1], [173, 112, 0, 1], [138, 106, 0, 1], [119, 99, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost1165201", [[181, 163, 0, 1], [199, 216, 0, 1], [233, 277, 0, 1], [294, 286, 0, 1], [335, 255, 0, 1], [384, 275, 0, 1], [384, 196, 0, 1], [334, 168, 0, 1], [289, 108, 0, 1], [221, 35, 0, 1], [182, 30, 0, 1], [125, 36, 0, 1], [86, 76, 0, 1], [73, 159, 0, 1], [95, 208, 0, 1], [137, 248, 0, 1], [174, 308, 0, 1], [243, 329, 0, 1], [316, 302, 0, 1], [323, 240, 0, 1], [348, 146, 0, 1], [338, 102, 0, 1], [299, 76, 0, 1], [252, 84, 0, 1], [222, 105, 0, 1], [196, 135, 0, 1], [176, 150, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost2441274", [[453, 242, 0, 1], [484, 228, 0, 1], [528, 220, 0, 1], [538, 277, 0, 1], [518, 311, 0, 1], [424, 312, 0, 1], [417, 276, 2, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost350970", [[511, 53, 0, 1], [466, 43, 0, 1], [439, 43, 0, 1], [388, 58, 0, 1], [359, 74, 0, 1], [322, 89, 0, 1], [267, 90, 0, 1], [216, 87, 0, 1], [206, 67, 0, 1], [221, 46, 0, 1], [251, 44, 0, 1], [284, 52, 0, 1], [325, 60, 0, 1], [374, 70, 0, 1], [414, 82, 0, 1], [483, 102, 0, 1], [532, 122, 0, 1], [566, 116, 0, 1], [593, 101, 0, 1], [580, 71, 0, 1], [553, 63, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost426304", [[32, 292, 0, 1], [75, 270, 0, 1], [103, 278, 0, 1], [161, 302, 0, 1], [190, 328, 0, 1], [168, 338, 0, 1], [113, 326, 0, 1], [65, 329, 0, 1], [17, 322, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost538074", [[378, 66, 0, 1], [315, 56, 0, 1], [238, 50, 0, 1], [174, 106, 0, 1], [204, 155, 0, 1], [269, 173, 0, 1], [357, 136, 0, 1], [431, 118, 0, 1], [489, 61, 0, 1], [441, 44, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost6528161", [[527, 145, 0, 1], [451, 156, 0, 1], [388, 181, 0, 1], [283, 224, 0, 1], [177, 236, 0, 1], [110, 238, 0, 1], [85, 198, 0, 1], [94, 173, 0, 1], [125, 157, 0, 1], [155, 159, 0, 1], [218, 180, 0, 1], [378, 248, 0, 1], [483, 260, 0, 1], [527, 214, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost7320313", [[320, 313, 0, 1], [232, 303, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost8460306", [[470, 305, 0, 1], [537, 298, 0, 1], [549, 258, 0, 1], [554, 63, 0, 1], [551, 45, 0, 1], [563, 123, 0, 1], [551, 290, 0, 1], [506, 340, 0, 1], [399, 327, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost934120", [[52, 147, 0, 1], [84, 169, 0, 1], [138, 191, 0, 1], [180, 153, 0, 1], [122, 115, 0, 1], [95, 154, 0, 1], [98, 232, 0, 1], [160, 276, 0, 1], [269, 253, 0, 1], [355, 162, 0, 1], [342, 74, 0, 1], [294, 19, 0, 1], [197, 22, 0, 1], [171, 28, 0, 1], [128, 63, 0, 1], [81, 93, 0, 1]], "ghost1"]];
game.level2 = [["ghost091103", [[109, 68, 0, 1], [87, 151, 0, 1], [40, 171, 0, 1], [26, 130, 0, 1], [22, 58, 0, 1], [38, 23, 0, 1], [68, 23, 0, 1], [129, 15, 0, 1], [171, 9, 0, 1], [243, 16, 0, 1], [294, 23, 0, 1], [337, 71, 0, 1], [329, 98, 0, 1], [299, 113, 0, 1], [245, 112, 0, 1], [182, 102, 0, 1], [132, 89, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost1165201", [[345, 183, 0, 1], [321, 218, 0, 1], [272, 234, 0, 1], [232, 231, 0, 1], [234, 248, 0, 1], [330, 240, 0, 1], [358, 241, 0, 1], [420, 237, 0, 1], [490, 226, 0, 1], [431, 199, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost255140", [[555, 31, 0, 1], [566, 83, 0, 1], [559, 159, 0, 1], [531, 163, 0, 1], [500, 175, 0, 1], [467, 136, 0, 1], [419, 100, 0, 1], [351, 111, 0, 1], [351, 190, 0, 1], [365, 232, 0, 1], [363, 260, 0, 1], [321, 267, 0, 1], [301, 249, 0, 1], [303, 220, 0, 1], [330, 171, 0, 1], [344, 103, 0, 1], [340, 56, 0, 1], [344, 45, 0, 1], [363, 39, 0, 1], [417, 28, 0, 1], [506, 17, 0, 1], [556, 26, 3, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost3202238", [[208, 204, 0, 1], [207, 316, 2, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost463275", [[63, 200, 0, 1], [120, 273, 0, 1], [133, 295, 0, 1], [113, 333, 0, 1], [80, 330, 0, 1], [45, 322, 0, 1], [17, 288, 0, 1], [37, 264, 0, 1]], "ghost2"], ["ghost5500204", [[504, 187, 0, 1], [540, 191, 0, 1], [556, 221, 0, 1], [536, 255, 0, 1], [475, 273, 0, 1], [448, 243, 0, 1], [465, 198, 0, 1]], "ghost2"], ["ghost624774", [[237, 64, 0, 1], [203, 50, 0, 1], [137, 122, 0, 1], [253, 159, 0, 1], [312, 105, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost732278", [[40, 227, 0, 1], [40, 318, 0, 1], [122, 321, 0, 1], [130, 272, 0, 1], [101, 202, 0, 1], [57, 240, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost8552298", [[544, 280, 0, 1], [543, 205, 0, 1], [534, 165, 0, 1], [513, 150, 0, 1], [489, 150, 0, 1], [476, 187, 0, 1], [473, 225, 0, 1], [442, 250, 0, 1], [420, 289, 0, 1], [381, 307, 0, 1], [318, 274, 0, 1], [302, 232, 0, 1], [397, 228, 0, 1], [446, 297, 0, 1], [501, 320, 0, 1], [536, 298, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost9346111", [[361, 103, 0, 1], [262, 102, 0, 1], [409, 133, 0, 1], [231, 227, 0, 1], [427, 257, 0, 1], [270, 321, 0, 1], [427, 301, 0, 1], [329, 201, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost1069328", [[53, 313, 0, 1], [243, 326, 0, 1], [143, 312, 0, 1]], "ghost1"]];
game.level3 = [["ghost091103", [[245, 48, 0, 1], [189, 111, 0, 0], [113, 115, 0, 0]], "ghost1"], ["ghost1165201", [[533, 216, 0, 2], [462, 234, 0, 1], [433, 243, 0, 1], [425, 294, 0, 1], [366, 324, 0, 1], [323, 322, 0, 1], [252, 279, 0, 1], [256, 248, 0, 1], [277, 238, 0, 1], [295, 249, 0, 1], [315, 291, 0, 1], [346, 318, 0, 1], [393, 324, 0, 1], [446, 301, 0, 1], [521, 261, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost236306", [[55, 256, 0, 1], [120, 267, 0, 1], [168, 289, 0, 1], [198, 304, 0, 1], [270, 309, 0, 1], [323, 297, 0, 1], [418, 297, 0, 1], [465, 267, 0, 1], [428, 261, 0, 1], [359, 268, 0, 1], [276, 319, 0, 1], [194, 225, 0, 1], [130, 316, 0, 1], [110, 329, 0, 1], [79, 327, 0, 1], [40, 308, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["object3293267", [[336, 289, 23, 4], [281, 289, 0, 1], [209, 284, 0, 1], [267, 279, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["ghost451928", [[527, 19, 0, 1], [485, 38, 0, 1], [453, 54, 0, 1], [386, 28, 0, 1], [413, 54, 0, 1], [465, 75, 0, 1], [514, 103, 0, 1], [540, 108, 0, 1], [562, 87, 0, 1], [573, 40, 0, 1], [556, 20, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost5212191", [[213, 187, 0, 1], [250, 181, 0, 1], [264, 147, 0, 1], [244, 104, 0, 1], [191, 107, 0, 1], [150, 136, 0, 1], [152, 164, 0, 1], [182, 186, 0, 1]], "ghost2"], ["ghost6442152", [[450, 120, 0, 1], [482, 131, 0, 1], [493, 103, 0, 1], [455, 79, 0, 1], [418, 80, 0, 1], [380, 104, 0, 1], [354, 135, 0, 1], [311, 147, 0, 1], [287, 164, 0, 1], [294, 192, 0, 1], [326, 202, 0, 1], [353, 184, 0, 1], [398, 169, 0, 1], [430, 150, 0, 1]], "ghost2"], ["ghost77566", [[80, 66, 0, 1], [134, 125, 0, 1], [159, 119, 0, 1], [198, 83, 0, 1], [247, 78, 0, 1], [249, 163, 0, 1], [208, 220, 0, 1], [126, 252, 0, 1], [50, 146, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost8530287", [[543, 282, 0, 1], [537, 136, 0, 1], [491, 52, 0, 1], [416, 34, 0, 1], [281, 38, 0, 1], [150, 35, 0, 1], [71, 45, 0, 1], [24, 78, 0, 1], [25, 189, 0, 1], [43, 294, 0, 1], [128, 310, 0, 1], [251, 321, 0, 1], [418, 326, 0, 1], [503, 311, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost9311299", [[311, 299, 0, 1], [245, 216, 0, 1], [350, 159, 0, 1], [270, 130, 0, 1], [357, 64, 0, 1], [281, 155, 0, 1], [366, 257, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost10216279", [[226, 296, 0, 1], [170, 270, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost11342180", [[344, 155, 0, 1], [287, 130, 0, 1], [284, 55, 0, 1], [359, 51, 0, 1], [442, 123, 0, 1]], "ghost1"]];
game.level4 = [["ghost091103", [[59, 284, 0, 1], [25, 244, 0, 1], [51, 223, 0, 1], [101, 208, 0, 1], [138, 222, 0, 1], [153, 256, 0, 1], [135, 282, 0, 1], [91, 299, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost1165201", [[562, 20, 0, 1], [562, 83, 0, 1], [520, 111, 0, 1], [473, 101, 0, 1], [424, 105, 0, 1], [422, 53, 0, 1], [477, 34, 0, 1], [521, 30, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["object249476", [[508, 117, 5, 4], [391, 76, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["object362137", [[56, 152, 4, 4], [125, 135, 0, 1], [180, 151, 0, 1], [277, 112, 0, 1], [316, 58, 0, 1], [370, 54, 0, 1], [441, 89, 0, 1], [482, 120, 0, 1], [516, 153, 0, 1], [504, 186, 0, 1], [469, 234, 0, 1], [287, 292, 0, 1], [232, 259, 0, 1], [191, 257, 0, 1], [121, 279, 0, 1], [80, 230, 0, 1], [46, 185, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["object4505237", [[509, 237, 24, 4], [541, 228, 0, 1], [525, 208, 0, 1], [482, 211, 0, 1], [440, 231, 0, 1], [455, 257, 0, 1], [514, 269, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["ghost56860", [[71, 47, 0, 1], [117, 68, 0, 1], [175, 88, 0, 1], [240, 96, 0, 1], [229, 120, 0, 1], [227, 189, 0, 1], [157, 172, 0, 1], [108, 187, 0, 1], [51, 148, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost6418135", [[414, 128, 0, 1], [467, 125, 0, 1], [486, 170, 0, 1], [474, 216, 0, 1], [431, 235, 0, 1], [380, 199, 0, 1], [319, 176, 0, 1], [319, 154, 0, 1], [334, 132, 0, 1], [381, 116, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost748185", [[48, 185, 0, 1], [83, 174, 0, 1], [105, 226, 0, 1], [69, 252, 0, 1], [26, 243, 0, 1], [22, 203, 0, 1]], "ghost2"], ["ghost8336297", [[337, 292, 0, 1], [377, 294, 0, 1], [413, 280, 0, 1], [443, 266, 0, 1], [470, 239, 0, 1], [472, 174, 0, 1], [436, 130, 0, 1], [414, 93, 0, 1], [361, 73, 0, 1], [309, 98, 0, 1], [288, 125, 0, 1], [243, 186, 0, 1], [205, 257, 0, 1], [207, 286, 0, 1], [238, 302, 0, 1], [292, 302, 0, 1]], "ghost2"], ["ghost9533162", [[534, 166, 0, 1], [447, 157, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost106684", [[66, 84, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost1132050", [[320, 50, 0, 1], [232, 97, 0, 1], [277, 137, 0, 1], [351, 204, 0, 1], [241, 255, 0, 1], [195, 304, 0, 1], [292, 324, 0, 1], [314, 257, 0, 1], [251, 180, 0, 1], [240, 156, 0, 1], [321, 117, 0, 1], [371, 56, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost1248444", [[502, 18, 0, 1], [479, 160, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost13269162", [[275, 151, 0, 1], [227, 134, 0, 1], [241, 188, 0, 1], [297, 233, 0, 1], [329, 282, 0, 1], [216, 301, 0, 1], [217, 258, 0, 1], [268, 229, 0, 1], [330, 134, 0, 1], [274, 32, 0, 1], [241, 45, 0, 1], [217, 64, 0, 1], [229, 97, 0, 1]], "ghost1"]];
game.level5 = [["ghost091103", [[554, 30, 0, 1], [499, 19, 0, 1], [462, 9, 0, 1], [400, 50, 0, 1], [422, 89, 0, 1], [375, 128, 0, 1], [308, 163, 0, 1], [231, 178, 0, 1], [178, 214, 0, 1], [67, 224, 0, 1], [37, 164, 0, 1], [133, 145, 0, 1], [170, 150, 0, 1], [192, 183, 0, 1], [208, 210, 0, 1], [354, 285, 0, 1], [427, 289, 0, 1], [465, 279, 0, 1], [495, 261, 0, 1], [531, 229, 0, 1], [561, 170, 0, 1], [578, 110, 0, 1], [571, 45, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost1165201", [[443, 308, 0, 1], [519, 304, 0, 1], [561, 251, 0, 1], [522, 224, 0, 1], [477, 214, 0, 1], [426, 215, 0, 1], [388, 226, 0, 1], [320, 272, 0, 1], [326, 325, 0, 1], [410, 321, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["object2434205", [[434, 205, 17, 4], [513, 216, 0, 1], [534, 165, 0, 1], [482, 109, 0, 1], [417, 98, 0, 1], [366, 154, 0, 1], [387, 202, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["ghost33757", [[42, 45, 0, 1], [132, 20, 0, 1], [151, 43, 0, 1], [177, 97, 0, 1], [150, 150, 0, 1], [116, 172, 0, 1], [72, 181, 0, 1], [39, 165, 0, 1], [15, 106, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost448304", [[59, 287, 0, 1], [25, 255, 0, 1], [79, 215, 0, 1], [118, 254, 0, 1], [141, 294, 0, 1], [106, 332, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost5341167", [[351, 141, 0, 1], [272, 133, 0, 1], [234, 148, 0, 1], [194, 174, 0, 1], [175, 243, 0, 1], [216, 275, 0, 1], [262, 294, 0, 1], [338, 297, 0, 1], [389, 261, 0, 1], [391, 218, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost6553202", [[551, 181, 0, 1], [540, 135, 0, 1], [490, 127, 0, 1], [472, 150, 0, 1], [466, 200, 0, 1], [487, 245, 0, 1], [562, 226, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost7200209", [[209, 193, 0, 1], [270, 191, 0, 1], [295, 226, 0, 1], [318, 245, 0, 1], [335, 271, 0, 1], [360, 327, 0, 1], [347, 339, 0, 1], [273, 336, 0, 1], [186, 313, 0, 1], [133, 252, 0, 1], [151, 221, 0, 1]], "ghost2"], ["object840121", [[51, 97, 9, 4], [94, 84, 0, 1], [140, 93, 0, 1], [163, 102, 0, 1], [200, 115, 0, 1], [222, 231, 0, 1], [165, 270, 0, 1], [98, 269, 0, 1], [45, 259, 0, 1], [29, 171, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["ghost9402261", [[402, 261, 0, 1]], "ghost3"], ["ghost1028668", [[286, 68, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost11128134", [[128, 134, 0, 1], [214, 90, 0, 1], [285, 130, 0, 1], [244, 191, 0, 1], [147, 265, 0, 1], [99, 184, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost1224183", [[29, 179, 0, 1], [101, 185, 0, 1], [158, 222, 0, 1], [199, 258, 0, 1], [225, 267, 0, 1], [284, 338, 0, 1], [381, 339, 0, 1], [455, 313, 0, 1], [551, 275, 0, 1], [559, 164, 0, 1], [532, 141, 0, 1], [461, 144, 0, 1], [418, 186, 0, 1], [338, 221, 0, 1], [282, 246, 0, 1], [234, 267, 0, 1], [237, 276, 0, 1], [232, 300, 0, 1], [170, 286, 0, 1], [117, 276, 0, 1], [85, 255, 0, 1], [44, 206, 0, 1]], "ghost1"]];
game.level6 = [["ghost091103", [[34, 299, 0, 1], [44, 242, 0, 1], [75, 240, 0, 1], [124, 234, 0, 1], [197, 251, 0, 1], [220, 302, 0, 1], [273, 313, 0, 1], [306, 306, 0, 1], [320, 231, 0, 1], [240, 226, 0, 1], [173, 268, 0, 1], [130, 313, 0, 1], [68, 332, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost1165201", [[553, 61, 0, 1], [505, 36, 0, 1], [480, 38, 0, 1], [458, 32, 0, 1], [419, 73, 0, 1], [423, 136, 0, 1], [443, 174, 0, 1], [485, 179, 0, 1], [525, 192, 0, 1], [566, 156, 0, 1], [563, 106, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["object2517141", [[517, 141, 2, 4], [483, 95, 0, 1], [494, 46, 0, 1], [534, 34, 0, 1], [553, 62, 0, 1], [580, 143, 0, 1], [574, 213, 0, 1], [495, 274, 0, 1], [448, 205, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["object337076", [[370, 76, 8, 4], [455, 70, 0, 1], [403, 108, 0, 1], [342, 105, 0, 1], [268, 51, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["ghost46159", [[61, 59, 0, 1], [134, 47, 0, 1], [175, 74, 0, 1], [241, 80, 0, 1], [238, 55, 0, 1], [198, 50, 0, 1], [179, 76, 0, 1], [166, 125, 0, 1], [147, 182, 0, 1], [126, 208, 0, 1], [98, 225, 0, 1], [53, 215, 0, 1], [39, 196, 0, 1], [40, 142, 0, 1], [40, 112, 0, 1]], "ghost2"], ["ghost5498240", [[498, 240, 0, 1], [474, 270, 0, 1], [451, 292, 0, 1], [383, 298, 0, 1], [338, 289, 0, 1], [310, 286, 0, 1], [301, 263, 0, 1], [331, 234, 0, 1], [375, 222, 0, 1], [441, 218, 0, 1], [474, 221, 0, 1]], "ghost2"], ["ghost652152", [[52, 152, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost7310226", [[303, 187, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost8535315", [[535, 315, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost947786", [[477, 86, 0, 1]], "ghost3"], ["ghost1052217", [[52, 217, 0, 1]], "ghost3"], ["ghost1127264", [[272, 64, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost1214341", [[143, 41, 0, 1], [203, 24, 0, 1], [249, 102, 0, 1], [216, 178, 0, 1], [133, 157, 0, 1], [96, 114, 0, 1], [88, 61, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost13309320", [[309, 320, 0, 1], [297, 211, 0, 1], [422, 215, 0, 1], [181, 211, 0, 1], [309, 226, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost14562128", [[562, 128, 0, 1]], "ghost4"]];
game.level7 = [["ghost091103", [[45, 74, 0, 1], [124, 55, 0, 1], [220, 89, 0, 1], [290, 153, 0, 1], [239, 207, 0, 1], [129, 223, 0, 1], [51, 163, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost1165201", [[167, 188, 0, 1], [276, 195, 0, 1], [336, 248, 0, 1], [389, 238, 0, 1], [513, 180, 0, 1], [466, 163, 0, 1], [373, 134, 0, 1], [265, 144, 0, 1], [223, 241, 0, 1], [123, 311, 0, 1], [102, 236, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost2293222", [[292, 297, 0, 1]], "ghost3"], ["ghost351452", [[514, 52, 0, 1], [543, 77, 0, 1], [518, 117, 0, 1], [476, 112, 0, 1], [456, 55, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost460305", [[60, 305, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost5467217", [[467, 217, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost619245", [[192, 45, 0, 1], [274, 56, 0, 1], [336, 62, 0, 1], [406, 113, 0, 1], [486, 120, 0, 1], [494, 70, 0, 1], [438, 62, 0, 1], [391, 71, 0, 1], [351, 84, 0, 1], [307, 87, 0, 1], [257, 106, 0, 1], [184, 111, 0, 1], [151, 78, 0, 1], [159, 62, 0, 1]], "ghost2"], ["object748153", [[48, 153, 19, 4], [112, 219, 0, 1], [175, 277, 0, 1], [317, 279, 0, 1], [398, 240, 0, 1], [486, 188, 0, 1], [452, 98, 0, 1], [374, 86, 0, 1], [260, 70, 0, 1], [136, 67, 0, 1], [83, 106, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["object8491135", [[491, 135, 18, 4], [440, 223, 0, 1], [358, 288, 0, 1], [218, 309, 0, 1], [129, 272, 0, 1], [91, 230, 0, 1], [82, 167, 0, 1], [116, 119, 0, 1], [175, 103, 0, 1], [238, 79, 0, 1], [289, 75, 0, 1], [357, 71, 0, 1], [420, 80, 0, 1], [455, 112, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["ghost929659", [[296, 59, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost1035978", [[359, 78, 0, 1]], "ghost3"], ["ghost11495304", [[503, 291, 0, 1], [383, 323, 0, 1], [192, 325, 0, 1], [129, 242, 0, 1], [118, 143, 0, 1], [150, 104, 0, 1], [226, 56, 0, 1], [316, 49, 0, 1], [397, 151, 0, 1], [370, 259, 0, 1], [292, 302, 0, 1], [209, 241, 0, 1], [170, 159, 0, 1], [228, 126, 0, 1], [337, 151, 0, 1], [469, 180, 0, 1], [513, 238, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost12542176", [[542, 176, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost13357200", [[364, 193, 0, 1], [444, 192, 0, 1], [476, 223, 0, 1], [456, 308, 0, 1], [333, 307, 0, 1], [246, 239, 0, 1], [256, 191, 0, 1]], "ghost2"]];
game.level8 = [["ghost091103", [[51, 52, 0, 1], [116, 32, 0, 1], [147, 40, 0, 1], [221, 60, 0, 1], [203, 113, 0, 1], [174, 144, 0, 1], [114, 172, 0, 1], [63, 164, 0, 1], [40, 117, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost1165201", [[514, 248, 0, 1], [540, 218, 0, 1], [510, 170, 0, 1], [474, 159, 0, 1], [432, 172, 0, 1], [418, 224, 0, 1], [442, 270, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["object2324116", [[345, 79, 1, 4], [400, 104, 0, 1], [505, 142, 0, 1], [470, 190, 0, 1], [419, 261, 0, 1], [287, 302, 0, 1], [144, 293, 0, 1], [97, 259, 0, 1], [70, 165, 0, 1], [107, 123, 0, 1], [212, 77, 0, 1], [292, 71, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["object347209", [[47, 209, 2, 4], [126, 225, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["object4224136", [[224, 136, 7, 4], [174, 154, 0, 1], [56, 186, 0, 1], [28, 104, 0, 1], [68, 52, 0, 1], [148, 70, 0, 1], [212, 89, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["object551460", [[522, 63, 9, 4], [469, 61, 0, 1], [557, 66, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["object615266", [[152, 73, 18, 4], [231, 47, 0, 1], [271, 70, 0, 1], [304, 110, 0, 1], [274, 164, 0, 1], [139, 173, 0, 1], [222, 149, 0, 1], [317, 132, 0, 1], [269, 29, 0, 1], [122, 38, 0, 1], [104, 125, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["object7244197", [[244, 197, 18, 4], [353, 263, 0, 1], [187, 275, 0, 1], [51, 219, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["ghost820265", [[30, 273, 0, 1], [95, 289, 0, 1], [133, 303, 0, 1], [192, 295, 0, 1], [216, 314, 0, 1], [271, 317, 0, 1], [313, 284, 0, 1], [323, 240, 0, 1], [277, 216, 0, 1], [166, 212, 0, 1], [114, 215, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost947847", [[470, 55, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost10252294", [[252, 294, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost11123145", [[118, 133, 0, 1], [172, 117, 0, 1], [208, 115, 0, 1], [260, 159, 0, 1], [206, 193, 0, 1], [127, 179, 0, 1], [77, 154, 0, 1]], "ghost3"], ["ghost12301187", [[318, 187, 0, 1], [357, 163, 0, 1], [325, 118, 0, 1], [272, 125, 0, 1], [251, 168, 0, 1], [296, 207, 0, 1]], "ghost3"], ["ghost1326451", [[268, 37, 0, 1], [217, 43, 0, 1], [186, 51, 0, 1], [145, 102, 0, 1], [128, 153, 0, 1], [149, 189, 0, 1], [199, 232, 0, 1], [264, 252, 0, 1], [303, 231, 0, 1], [330, 213, 0, 1], [358, 156, 0, 1], [357, 105, 0, 1], [319, 57, 0, 1]], "ghost2"], ["ghost14505319", [[511, 317, 0, 1], [416, 327, 0, 1], [338, 317, 0, 1], [178, 319, 0, 1], [122, 320, 0, 1], [46, 311, 0, 1], [168, 293, 0, 1], [254, 309, 0, 1], [379, 252, 0, 1], [447, 281, 0, 1]], "ghost3"], ["ghost1555425", [[554, 25, 0, 1], [557, 51, 0, 1], [513, 58, 0, 1], [423, 122, 0, 1], [430, 65, 0, 1], [375, 95, 0, 1], [348, 190, 0, 1], [228, 130, 0, 1], [236, 74, 0, 1], [392, 140, 0, 1], [453, 55, 0, 1], [528, 89, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost16521207", [[521, 207, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost1737138", [[37, 138, 0, 1]], "ghost4"]];
game.level9 = [["ghost091103", [[42, 56, 0, 1], [110, 75, 0, 1], [247, 85, 0, 1], [333, 56, 0, 1], [282, 28, 0, 1], [222, 70, 0, 1], [184, 120, 0, 1], [113, 135, 0, 1], [55, 141, 0, 1], [23, 79, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost1165201", [[153, 317, 0, 1], [97, 280, 0, 1], [81, 221, 0, 1], [137, 184, 0, 1], [204, 183, 0, 1], [269, 230, 0, 1], [232, 297, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost256193", [[57, 170, 0, 1], [22, 174, 0, 1], [33, 101, 0, 1], [121, 115, 0, 1], [221, 173, 0, 1], [132, 206, 0, 1]], "ghost2"], ["ghost3500182", [[500, 182, 0, 1], [470, 134, 0, 1], [416, 152, 0, 1], [384, 178, 0, 1], [435, 253, 0, 1], [498, 232, 0, 1]], "ghost2"], ["ghost4385274", [[407, 244, 0, 1], [456, 248, 0, 1], [512, 278, 0, 1], [435, 330, 0, 1], [350, 303, 0, 1], [353, 267, 0, 1]], "ghost3"], ["ghost525486", [[266, 64, 0, 1], [202, 63, 0, 1], [149, 77, 0, 1], [128, 95, 0, 1], [130, 169, 0, 1], [168, 162, 0, 1], [241, 185, 0, 1], [306, 166, 0, 1], [381, 150, 0, 1], [420, 63, 0, 1], [321, 53, 0, 1]], "ghost3"], ["ghost6535298", [[535, 298, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost753247", [[534, 40, 0, 1], [502, 10, 0, 1], [455, 28, 0, 1], [423, 40, 0, 1], [380, 75, 0, 1], [573, 66, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["object8403140", [[403, 140, 11, 4], [358, 139, 0, 1], [283, 152, 0, 1], [229, 183, 0, 1], [256, 222, 0, 1], [292, 253, 0, 1], [332, 278, 0, 1], [388, 267, 0, 1], [463, 231, 0, 1], [444, 170, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["object929207", [[31, 213, 12, 4], [32, 121, 0, 1], [77, 99, 0, 1], [88, 161, 0, 1], [63, 208, 0, 1], [37, 234, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["object1090225", [[107, 172, 14, 4], [23, 151, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["object11522294", [[515, 306, 16, 4], [450, 305, 0, 1], [363, 262, 0, 1], [465, 217, 0, 1], [526, 229, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["object12327320", [[327, 320, 18, 4]], "objects"], ["ghost1340740", [[407, 40, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost1488137", [[93, 109, 0, 1], [113, 160, 0, 1], [146, 121, 0, 1], [115, 96, 0, 1]], "ghost3"], ["ghost1520853", [[208, 53, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost1650308", [[50, 308, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost17279321", [[279, 321, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost1857667", [[576, 67, 0, 1]], "ghost4"]];
game.level10 = [["ghost091103", [[81, 254, 0, 1], [33, 220, 0, 1], [53, 186, 0, 1], [98, 136, 0, 1], [121, 158, 0, 1], [149, 238, 0, 1], [137, 276, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost1165201", [[540, 178, 0, 1], [550, 222, 0, 1], [535, 249, 0, 1], [504, 292, 0, 1], [486, 297, 0, 1], [456, 220, 0, 1], [491, 186, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["object2334312", [[332, 299, 17, 4], [277, 294, 0, 1], [271, 246, 0, 1], [316, 234, 0, 1], [343, 256, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["object352780", [[542, 77, 24, 4], [481, 97, 0, 1], [413, 119, 0, 1], [342, 103, 0, 1], [331, 91, 0, 1], [278, 75, 0, 1], [248, 69, 0, 1], [210, 84, 0, 1], [168, 107, 0, 1], [134, 53, 0, 1], [215, 54, 0, 1], [270, 98, 0, 1], [354, 103, 0, 1], [406, 88, 0, 1], [496, 71, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["ghost4454265", [[456, 240, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost5454315", [[464, 300, 0, 1], [500, 323, 0, 1], [578, 289, 0, 1], [547, 235, 0, 1], [501, 276, 0, 1], [336, 307, 0, 1], [231, 317, 0, 1], [233, 342, 0, 1], [285, 334, 0, 1], [354, 332, 0, 1], [420, 329, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost643265", [[60, 257, 0, 1], [88, 301, 0, 1], [157, 316, 0, 1], [261, 327, 0, 1], [255, 269, 0, 1], [163, 225, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost713871", [[155, 51, 0, 1], [82, 13, 0, 1], [41, 34, 0, 1], [46, 80, 0, 1], [90, 148, 0, 1], [176, 127, 0, 1], [162, 90, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost8326199", [[343, 202, 0, 1], [369, 190, 0, 1], [361, 144, 0, 1], [273, 144, 0, 1], [202, 152, 0, 1], [198, 185, 0, 1], [218, 228, 0, 1], [303, 236, 0, 1]], "ghost3"], ["ghost9109171", [[109, 171, 0, 1]], "ghost3"], ["ghost1043534", [[435, 34, 0, 1], [113, 16, 0, 1], [131, 71, 0, 1], [184, 151, 0, 1], [284, 179, 0, 1], [396, 100, 0, 1], [427, 61, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost115294", [[51, 94, 0, 1], [108, 99, 0, 1], [187, 129, 0, 1], [196, 150, 0, 1], [144, 248, 0, 1], [84, 251, 0, 1], [47, 170, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost12441263", [[441, 263, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost13405109", [[405, 109, 0, 1], [378, 95, 0, 1], [317, 124, 0, 1], [244, 127, 0, 1], [182, 124, 0, 1], [247, 118, 0, 1], [289, 138, 0, 1], [341, 98, 0, 1], [392, 116, 0, 1], [454, 92, 0, 1], [511, 99, 0, 1], [461, 119, 0, 1]], "ghost2"], ["ghost14240306", [[242, 291, 0, 1], [86, 298, 0, 1], [148, 213, 0, 1], [256, 182, 0, 1], [318, 237, 0, 1], [316, 297, 0, 1]], "ghost1"]];
game.level11 = [["ghost091103", [[234, 308, 0, 1], [207, 296, 0, 1], [130, 251, 0, 1], [161, 214, 0, 1], [235, 205, 0, 1], [255, 289, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost1165201", [[558, 52, 0, 1], [514, 40, 0, 1], [487, 73, 0, 1], [511, 116, 0, 1], [570, 105, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["object283269", [[58, 286, 7, 4], [25, 274, 0, 1], [28, 213, 0, 1], [85, 205, 0, 1], [177, 243, 0, 1], [139, 273, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["object3518186", [[505, 204, 11, 4], [425, 251, 0, 1], [376, 237, 0, 1], [364, 173, 0, 1], [374, 129, 0, 1], [431, 74, 0, 1], [472, 84, 0, 1], [506, 119, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["object423230", [[8, 232, 19, 4]], "objects"], ["object5349263", [[343, 274, 20, 4], [478, 128, 0, 1], [387, 62, 0, 1], [270, 38, 0, 1], [205, 198, 0, 1], [282, 264, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["object6445292", [[428, 301, 21, 4]], "objects"], ["ghost7299314", [[294, 310, 0, 1], [377, 324, 0, 1], [385, 302, 0, 1], [326, 302, 0, 1], [266, 296, 0, 1], [214, 304, 0, 1], [181, 321, 0, 1], [260, 329, 0, 1]], "ghost2"], ["ghost841898", [[420, 73, 0, 1], [459, 53, 0, 1], [507, 82, 0, 1], [482, 126, 0, 1], [457, 157, 0, 1], [389, 150, 0, 1], [369, 120, 0, 1], [394, 96, 0, 1]], "ghost2"], ["ghost94954", [[49, 54, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost10539295", [[539, 295, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost11329192", [[329, 192, 0, 0]], "ghost3"], ["ghost1292182", [[103, 147, 0, 1], [183, 181, 0, 1], [187, 229, 0, 1], [124, 273, 0, 1], [52, 241, 0, 1], [48, 163, 0, 1]], "ghost3"], ["ghost1350487", [[504, 79, 0, 1], [448, 54, 0, 1], [398, 47, 0, 1], [386, 72, 0, 1], [398, 171, 0, 1], [476, 206, 0, 1], [542, 165, 0, 1], [537, 116, 0, 1]], "ghost3"], ["ghost1431248", [[26, 228, 0, 1], [99, 242, 0, 1], [151, 262, 0, 1], [215, 302, 0, 1], [208, 331, 0, 1], [140, 316, 0, 1], [84, 291, 0, 1], [18, 293, 0, 1]], "ghost3"], ["ghost15181122", [[164, 47, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost16423287", [[423, 287, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost1730744", [[307, 44, 0, 1], [327, 84, 0, 1], [298, 155, 0, 1], [240, 131, 0, 1], [263, 93, 0, 1], [351, 130, 0, 1], [309, 201, 0, 1], [195, 281, 0, 1], [160, 250, 0, 1], [182, 237, 0, 1], [262, 280, 0, 1], [332, 308, 0, 1], [276, 322, 0, 1], [333, 254, 0, 1], [415, 177, 0, 1], [419, 109, 0, 1], [447, 75, 0, 1], [447, 145, 0, 1], [360, 69, 0, 1]], "ghost1"]];
game.level12 = [["ghost091103", [[102, 95, 0, 1], [77, 87, 0, 1], [51, 85, 0, 1], [32, 111, 0, 1], [46, 148, 0, 1], [83, 149, 0, 1], [124, 158, 0, 1], [110, 208, 0, 1], [102, 258, 0, 1], [43, 315, 0, 1], [28, 315, 0, 1], [24, 241, 0, 1], [46, 169, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost1165201", [[169, 197, 0, 1], [230, 177, 0, 1], [306, 186, 0, 1], [335, 254, 0, 1], [255, 323, 0, 1], [165, 333, 0, 1], [126, 271, 0, 1], [137, 217, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost252643", [[526, 43, 0, 1], [571, 94, 0, 1], [552, 126, 0, 1], [540, 153, 0, 1], [463, 155, 0, 1], [456, 80, 0, 1], [488, 52, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost3152325", [[152, 325, 0, 1], [253, 317, 0, 1], [193, 302, 0, 1], [41, 291, 0, 1], [44, 332, 0, 1]], "ghost2"], ["ghost4544198", [[544, 198, 0, 1], [554, 242, 0, 1], [568, 301, 0, 1], [496, 313, 0, 1], [430, 338, 0, 1], [390, 303, 0, 1], [279, 315, 0, 1], [238, 245, 0, 1], [272, 219, 0, 1], [400, 248, 0, 1], [461, 247, 0, 1]], "ghost2"], ["ghost525148", [[251, 48, 0, 1], [176, 38, 0, 1], [198, 11, 0, 1], [353, 17, 0, 1], [441, 41, 0, 1], [429, 76, 0, 1], [342, 71, 0, 1]], "ghost3"], ["ghost6318285", [[318, 285, 0, 1]], "ghost3"], ["ghost7135204", [[144, 171, 0, 1], [117, 190, 0, 1], [134, 137, 0, 1], [165, 120, 0, 1], [243, 165, 0, 1], [191, 204, 0, 1]], "ghost3"], ["ghost8521301", [[521, 301, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost929252", [[29, 252, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["object10407113", [[404, 76, 2, 4], [354, 156, 0, 1], [469, 201, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["object1162291", [[65, 298, 4, 4], [212, 269, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["object12250124", [[261, 119, 3, 4], [328, 158, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["object13461253", [[464, 235, 5, 4], [467, 334, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["object1416060", [[190, 42, 10, 4], [208, 135, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["object1553887", [[536, 83, 13, 4], [509, 128, 0, 1], [354, 191, 0, 1], [258, 183, 0, 1], [111, 182, 0, 1], [32, 157, 0, 1], [131, 128, 0, 1], [244, 140, 0, 1], [320, 150, 0, 1], [414, 179, 0, 1], [477, 121, 0, 1], [558, 131, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["object1685128", [[83, 123, 15, 4], [29, 174, 0, 1], [109, 196, 0, 1], [55, 75, 0, 1]], "objects"], ["ghost1749049", [[490, 49, 0, 1], [443, 37, 0, 1], [398, 62, 0, 1], [425, 115, 0, 1], [474, 120, 0, 1], [508, 88, 0, 1]], "ghost3"], ["ghost182743", [[27, 43, 0, 1], [122, 42, 0, 1], [157, 73, 0, 1], [139, 108, 0, 1], [107, 144, 0, 1], [46, 154, 0, 1], [20, 76, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost19458319", [[462, 310, 0, 1], [446, 154, 0, 1], [406, 168, 0, 1], [386, 178, 0, 1]], "ghost1"], ["ghost2048100", [[48, 100, 0, 1]], "ghost4"], ["ghost21541121", [[541, 121, 0, 1]], "ghost4"]];
game.ghosts1 = game["level" + _root.level];
game.layers = [1001, 2001, 3001, 4001, 5001];
game.scales = [80, 100, 120, 140];
_root.paws = false;
ghostSounds(); = 0;
mask._x = _xmouse;
mask._y = _ymouse;
fade._x = _xmouse;
fade._y = _ymouse;
screen.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!_root.paws) {
crosshairs._x = _xmouse;
crosshairs._y = _ymouse;
mask._x = _xmouse;
mask._y = _ymouse;
fade._x = _xmouse;
fade._y = _ymouse;
var _local2 = _xmouse / 600;
if (_local2 < 0) {
_local2 = 0;
if (_local2 > 100) {
_local2 = 100;
screen.backimage._x = ((screen.backimage._width - 600) * _local2) * -1;
screen.background._x = ((screen.background._width - 600) * _local2) * -1;
screen.midground._x = ((screen.midground._width - 600) * _local2) * -1;
screen.foreground._x = ((screen.foreground._width - 600) * _local2) * -1;
screen.midfore._x = ((screen.midfore._width - 600) * _local2) * -1;
if (!_root.paws) {
if (!game.editing) {
if (game.editing) {
onMouseDown = function () {
if (((!game.reload) && (!_root.paws)) && (!game.editing)) {
_root.hit = false;
onMouseMove = function () {
gun._rotation = rotation(_xmouse - gun._x, _ymouse - gun._y);
if (_ymouse > 250) {
var _local1 = 250 - _ymouse;
gun._y = 420 + (_local1 * -1);
} else {
gun._y = 420;
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip "levelcomplete" in Frame 74
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 204 MovieClip "hearts" in Frame 74
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 291 MovieClip "pause_menu" in Frame 74
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 326 MovieClip "rusure" in Frame 75
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Frame 78
Frame 79
Frame 80
Frame 81
Frame 82
Frame 83
Frame 84
Frame 85
Frame 86
Frame 87
Frame 88
Frame 89
Symbol 19 Button
on (press) {
getURL ("" + _parent.gameID, "_blank");
Symbol 21 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 21 MovieClip in Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
_parent.sfx = new Sound(_parent);
_parent.sfx.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 21 MovieClip in Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 69
onClipEvent (load) {
_parent.sfx = new Sound(_parent);
_parent.sfx.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 21 MovieClip in Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 82
onClipEvent (load) {
_parent.sfx = new Sound(_parent);
_parent.sfx.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 21 MovieClip in Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 96
onClipEvent (load) {
_parent.sfx = new Sound(_parent);
_parent.sfx.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 21 MovieClip in Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 112
onClipEvent (load) {
_parent.sfx = new Sound(_parent);
_parent.sfx.start(0, 1);
Symbol 86 MovieClip [2DPlay_preloader] Frame 1
function startPreload() {
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
function preload() {
var _local3 = _root.getBytesTotal();
var _local4 = _root.getBytesLoaded();
var _local5 = Math.floor((_local4 / _local3) * 100);
loader_bar.mask._xscale = _local5;
loader_bar._alpha = ((loader_bar._alpha < 100) ? (loader_bar._alpha + 10) : 100);
if ((_local4 >= _local3) && (_local3 > 0)) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
function showLogo() {
this.playbackPercent = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
function logoFrameStep() {
var _local3 = 30;
var _local2 = 200;
var _local4 = Math.floor(playbackPercent * _local2) + 1;
playbackPercent = playbackPercent + ((_local3 / movieFramerate) / _local2);
if ((playbackPercent >= 1) || (skipPreloader)) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
_visible = false;
Symbol 86 MovieClip [2DPlay_preloader] Frame 2
loader_bar.mask._xscale = 0;
loader_bar._alpha = 0;
_visible = true;
Symbol 981 MovieClip [__Packages.classes.utils.CustomContextMenu] Frame 0
class classes.utils.CustomContextMenu
function CustomContextMenu () {
static function init() {
if (cm == null) {
cm = new ContextMenu();
cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Play more games", playMoreGames));
cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("High scores", viewScores));
cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Get game for your site", getGame));
cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Download this game", downloadGame));
static function playMoreGames(obj, menuItem) {
static function viewScores(obj, menuItem) {
static function getGame(obj, menuItem) {
static function downloadGame(obj, menuItem) {
static var cm = null;
Symbol 982 MovieClip [__Packages.classes.utils.URLCaller] Frame 0
class classes.utils.URLCaller
function URLCaller () {
static function mainLink() {
getURL ("" +, "_blank");
static function viewScores() {
getURL ("" +, "_blank");
static function playMoreGames() {
getURL ("" +, "_blank");
static function getGameForSite() {
getURL ("", "_blank");
static function downloadGame() {
getURL ("" +, "_blank");
static function submitScore(score) {
var _local1 = classes.utils.Utils.hex_md5(((("gameid=" + + "&hiscore=") + score) + "");
getURL ((((("" + + "&hiscore=") + score) + "&hash=") + _local1, "_blank");
Symbol 983 MovieClip [] Frame 0
function GameData () {
static var gameID = 1694;
Symbol 984 MovieClip [__Packages.classes.utils.Utils] Frame 0
class classes.utils.Utils
function Utils () {
static function rndFromXtoY(x, y) {
if (x > y) {
var _local1 = x + Math.floor(Math.random() * ((y - x) + 1));
static function validateEmail(email) {
if (email.length < 5) {
var _local4 = "*|,\":<>[]{}`';()&$#%";
var _local3 = email.length;
var _local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _local3) {
if (_local4.indexOf(email.charAt(_local1)) != -1) {
var _local5 = email.lastIndexOf("@");
if ((_local5 < 1) || (_local5 == (_local3 - 1))) {
var _local6 = email.lastIndexOf(".");
if ((_local6 < 4) || (_local6 == (_local3 - 1))) {
if (_local5 > _local6) {
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _local3) {
if (((email.charAt(_local1) == ".") || (email.charAt(_local1) == "@")) && (email.charAt(_local1) == email.charAt(_local1 - 1))) {
static function hex_md5(s) {
return(binl2hex(core_md5(str2binl(s), s.length * chrsz)));
static function b64_md5(s) {
return(binl2b64(core_md5(str2binl(s), s.length * chrsz)));
static function str_md5(s) {
return(binl2str(core_md5(str2binl(s), s.length * chrsz)));
static function hex_hmac_md5(key, data) {
return(binl2hex(core_hmac_md5(key, data)));
static function b64_hmac_md5(key, data) {
return(binl2b64(core_hmac_md5(key, data)));
static function str_hmac_md5(key, data) {
return(binl2str(core_hmac_md5(key, data)));
static function md5_vm_test() {
return(hex_md5("abc") == "900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72");
static function core_md5(x, len) {
x[len >> 5] = x[len >> 5] | (128 << (len % 32));
x[(((len + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 14] = len;
var _local4 = 1732584193 /* 0x67452301 */;
var _local3 = -271733879;
var _local2 = -1732584194;
var _local1 = 271733878 /* 0x10325476 */;
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < x.length) {
var _local10 = _local4;
var _local9 = _local3;
var _local8 = _local2;
var _local7 = _local1;
_local4 = md5_ff(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, x[_local5 + 0], 7, -680876936);
_local1 = md5_ff(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, x[_local5 + 1], 12, -389564586);
_local2 = md5_ff(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, x[_local5 + 2], 17, 606105819);
_local3 = md5_ff(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, x[_local5 + 3], 22, -1044525330);
_local4 = md5_ff(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, x[_local5 + 4], 7, -176418897);
_local1 = md5_ff(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, x[_local5 + 5], 12, 1200080426);
_local2 = md5_ff(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, x[_local5 + 6], 17, -1473231341);
_local3 = md5_ff(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, x[_local5 + 7], 22, -45705983);
_local4 = md5_ff(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, x[_local5 + 8], 7, 1770035416);
_local1 = md5_ff(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, x[_local5 + 9], 12, -1958414417);
_local2 = md5_ff(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, x[_local5 + 10], 17, -42063);
_local3 = md5_ff(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, x[_local5 + 11], 22, -1990404162);
_local4 = md5_ff(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, x[_local5 + 12], 7, 1804603682);
_local1 = md5_ff(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, x[_local5 + 13], 12, -40341101);
_local2 = md5_ff(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, x[_local5 + 14], 17, -1502002290);
_local3 = md5_ff(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, x[_local5 + 15], 22, 1236535329);
_local4 = md5_gg(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, x[_local5 + 1], 5, -165796510);
_local1 = md5_gg(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, x[_local5 + 6], 9, -1069501632);
_local2 = md5_gg(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, x[_local5 + 11], 14, 643717713);
_local3 = md5_gg(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, x[_local5 + 0], 20, -373897302);
_local4 = md5_gg(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, x[_local5 + 5], 5, -701558691);
_local1 = md5_gg(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, x[_local5 + 10], 9, 38016083);
_local2 = md5_gg(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, x[_local5 + 15], 14, -660478335);
_local3 = md5_gg(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, x[_local5 + 4], 20, -405537848);
_local4 = md5_gg(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, x[_local5 + 9], 5, 568446438);
_local1 = md5_gg(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, x[_local5 + 14], 9, -1019803690);
_local2 = md5_gg(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, x[_local5 + 3], 14, -187363961);
_local3 = md5_gg(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, x[_local5 + 8], 20, 1163531501);
_local4 = md5_gg(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, x[_local5 + 13], 5, -1444681467);
_local1 = md5_gg(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, x[_local5 + 2], 9, -51403784);
_local2 = md5_gg(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, x[_local5 + 7], 14, 1735328473);
_local3 = md5_gg(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, x[_local5 + 12], 20, -1926607734);
_local4 = md5_hh(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, x[_local5 + 5], 4, -378558);
_local1 = md5_hh(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, x[_local5 + 8], 11, -2022574463);
_local2 = md5_hh(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, x[_local5 + 11], 16, 1839030562);
_local3 = md5_hh(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, x[_local5 + 14], 23, -35309556);
_local4 = md5_hh(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, x[_local5 + 1], 4, -1530992060);
_local1 = md5_hh(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, x[_local5 + 4], 11, 1272893353);
_local2 = md5_hh(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, x[_local5 + 7], 16, -155497632);
_local3 = md5_hh(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, x[_local5 + 10], 23, -1094730640);
_local4 = md5_hh(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, x[_local5 + 13], 4, 681279174);
_local1 = md5_hh(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, x[_local5 + 0], 11, -358537222);
_local2 = md5_hh(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, x[_local5 + 3], 16, -722521979);
_local3 = md5_hh(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, x[_local5 + 6], 23, 76029189);
_local4 = md5_hh(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, x[_local5 + 9], 4, -640364487);
_local1 = md5_hh(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, x[_local5 + 12], 11, -421815835);
_local2 = md5_hh(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, x[_local5 + 15], 16, 530742520);
_local3 = md5_hh(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, x[_local5 + 2], 23, -995338651);
_local4 = md5_ii(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, x[_local5 + 0], 6, -198630844);
_local1 = md5_ii(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, x[_local5 + 7], 10, 1126891415);
_local2 = md5_ii(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, x[_local5 + 14], 15, -1416354905);
_local3 = md5_ii(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, x[_local5 + 5], 21, -57434055);
_local4 = md5_ii(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, x[_local5 + 12], 6, 1700485571);
_local1 = md5_ii(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, x[_local5 + 3], 10, -1894986606);
_local2 = md5_ii(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, x[_local5 + 10], 15, -1051523);
_local3 = md5_ii(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, x[_local5 + 1], 21, -2054922799);
_local4 = md5_ii(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, x[_local5 + 8], 6, 1873313359);
_local1 = md5_ii(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, x[_local5 + 15], 10, -30611744);
_local2 = md5_ii(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, x[_local5 + 6], 15, -1560198380);
_local3 = md5_ii(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, x[_local5 + 13], 21, 1309151649);
_local4 = md5_ii(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, x[_local5 + 4], 6, -145523070);
_local1 = md5_ii(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, x[_local5 + 11], 10, -1120210379);
_local2 = md5_ii(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, x[_local5 + 2], 15, 718787259);
_local3 = md5_ii(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, x[_local5 + 9], 21, -343485551);
_local4 = safe_add(_local4, _local10);
_local3 = safe_add(_local3, _local9);
_local2 = safe_add(_local2, _local8);
_local1 = safe_add(_local1, _local7);
_local5 = _local5 + 16;
return(new Array(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1));
static function md5_cmn(q, a, b, x, s, t) {
return(safe_add(bit_rol(safe_add(safe_add(a, q), safe_add(x, t)), s), b));
static function md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) {
return(md5_cmn((b & c) | ((~b) & d), a, b, x, s, t));
static function md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) {
return(md5_cmn((b & d) | (c & (~d)), a, b, x, s, t));
static function md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) {
return(md5_cmn((b ^ c) ^ d, a, b, x, s, t));
static function md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) {
return(md5_cmn(c ^ (b | (~d)), a, b, x, s, t));
static function core_hmac_md5(key, data) {
var _local2 = str2binl(key);
if (_local2.length > 16) {
_local2 = core_md5(_local2, key.length * chrsz);
var _local3 = Array(16);
var _local4 = Array(16);
var _local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < 16) {
_local3[_local1] = _local2[_local1] ^ 909522486;
_local4[_local1] = _local2[_local1] ^ 1549556828;
var _local5 = core_md5(_local3.concat(str2binl(data)), 512 + (data.length * chrsz));
return(core_md5(_local4.concat(_local5), 640));
static function safe_add(x, y) {
var _local1 = (x & 65535) + (y & 65535);
var _local2 = ((x >> 16) + (y >> 16)) + (_local1 >> 16);
return((_local2 << 16) | (_local1 & 65535));
static function bit_rol(num, cnt) {
return((num << cnt) | (num >>> (32 - cnt)));
static function str2binl(str) {
var _local3 = new Array();
var _local4 = (1 << chrsz) - 1;
var _local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < (str.length * chrsz)) {
_local3[_local1 >> 5] = _local3[_local1 >> 5] | ((str.charCodeAt(_local1 / chrsz) & _local4) << (_local1 % 32));
_local1 = _local1 + chrsz;
static function binl2str(bin) {
var _local3 = "";
var _local4 = (1 << chrsz) - 1;
var _local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < (bin.length * 32)) {
_local3 = _local3 + String.fromCharCode((bin[_local1 >> 5] >>> (_local1 % 32)) & _local4);
_local1 = _local1 + chrsz;
static function binl2hex(binarray) {
var _local3 = (hexcase ? "0123456789ABCDEF" : "0123456789abcdef");
var _local4 = "";
var _local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < (binarray.length * 4)) {
_local4 = _local4 + (_local3.charAt((binarray[_local1 >> 2] >> (((_local1 % 4) * 8) + 4)) & 15) + _local3.charAt((binarray[_local1 >> 2] >> ((_local1 % 4) * 8)) & 15));
static function binl2b64(binarray) {
var _local6 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
var _local4 = "";
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < (binarray.length * 4)) {
var _local5 = ((((binarray[_local2 >> 2] >> (8 * (_local2 % 4))) & 255) << 16) | (((binarray[(_local2 + 1) >> 2] >> (8 * ((_local2 + 1) % 4))) & 255) << 8)) | ((binarray[(_local2 + 2) >> 2] >> (8 * ((_local2 + 2) % 4))) & 255);
var _local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < 4) {
if (((_local2 * 8) + (_local1 * 6)) > (binarray.length * 32)) {
_local4 = _local4 + b64pad;
} else {
_local4 = _local4 + _local6.charAt((_local5 >> (6 * (3 - _local1))) & 63);
_local2 = _local2 + 3;
static var hexcase = 0;
static var b64pad = "";
static var chrsz = 8;
Symbol 985 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon
function OnEnterFrameBeacon () {
static function init() {
var _local4 = _global.MovieClip;
if (!_root.__OnEnterFrameBeacon) {
var _local3 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("__OnEnterFrameBeacon", 9876);
_local3.onEnterFrame = function () {
static var version = "";
Symbol 986 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX
var _listeners;
function BroadcasterMX () {
static function initialize(o, dontCreateArray) {
if (o.broadcastMessage != undefined) {
delete o.broadcastMessage;
o.addListener = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.addListener;
o.removeListener = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.removeListener;
if (!dontCreateArray) {
o._listeners = new Array();
function addListener(o) {
if (broadcastMessage == undefined) {
broadcastMessage = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.broadcastMessage;
function removeListener(o) {
var _local2 = _listeners;
var _local3 = _local2.length;
while (_local3--) {
if (_local2[_local3] == o) {
_local2.splice(_local3, 1);
if (!_local2.length) {
broadcastMessage = undefined;
function broadcastMessage() {
var _local5 = String(arguments.shift());
var _local4 = _listeners.concat();
var _local6 = _local4.length;
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local6) {
_local4[_local3][_local5].apply(_local4[_local3], arguments);
static var version = "";
Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 93 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 102 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 114 Button
on (release) {
_root.score = 0;
_root.level = 1;
_root.lives = 3;
Symbol 120 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 133 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 139 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 159 MovieClip Frame 2
if (!_root.hit) {
if ( > 2) { = - 2; = - 2;
if ( < 0) { = 0; = 0;
Symbol 159 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 160 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 160 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 166 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 176 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 176 MovieClip Frame 26
Symbol 198 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 189 MovieClip "icon1" in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 192 MovieClip "icon2" in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 195 MovieClip "icon3" in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 204 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 7
_parent._parent._alpha = 10;
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 62
_parent._parent._alpha = 30;
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 70
_parent._parent._alpha = 100;
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 223 MovieClip [ghost1] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip "highlight" in Symbol 223 MovieClip [ghost1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 236 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 240 MovieClip Frame 23
Symbol 241 MovieClip [ghost2] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip "highlight" in Symbol 241 MovieClip [ghost2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 8
_parent._parent.buttonMode = false;
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 9;
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 15
_parent._parent.buttonMode = true;
Symbol 277 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 278 MovieClip [ghost3] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip "highlight" in Symbol 278 MovieClip [ghost3] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 283 MovieClip [ghost_energy] Frame 41
Symbol 287 Button
on (release) {
if (!_root.paws) {
_root.paws = true;
_root.pause_menu._visible = true;;
Instance of Symbol 123 MovieClip in Symbol 291 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.txt.text = "Back";
this.onPress = function () {
_root.pause_menu._visible = false;
_root.paws = false;
Mouse.hide(); = false;
Instance of Symbol 123 MovieClip in Symbol 291 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.txt.text = "Sound Off";
this.onPress = function () {
if (this.txt.text == "Sound Off") {
this.txt.text = "Sound On";
_root.changeVolume(0, 0);
} else if (this.txt.text == "Sound On") {
this.txt.text = "Sound Off";
_root.changeVolume(10, 4);
Instance of Symbol 123 MovieClip in Symbol 291 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.txt.text = "QUIT";
this.onPress = function () {
Symbol 296 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 304 Button
on (release) {
_root.rusure._visible = true;
Symbol 307 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 311 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 317 MovieClip Frame 1
totalscore.text = "total score " + _root.score;
Symbol 321 Button
on (release) {
_root.score = Math.abs(_root.score / 2);
_root.score = Math.floor(_root.score);
_root.lives = 3;
Symbol 324 Button
on (release) {
_root.rusure._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 298 MovieClip in Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.onRelease = function () {
Symbol 335 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 340 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 354 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 411 MovieClip [circle_btn] Frame 1
Symbol 430 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 433 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 434 MovieClip [ghost4] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip "highlight" in Symbol 434 MovieClip [ghost4] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 428 MovieClip "ghost" in Symbol 434 MovieClip [ghost4] Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._alpha < 100) {
this._alpha = this._alpha + 2;
Symbol 439 MovieClip [garden_midfore] Frame 1
Symbol 447 MovieClip [garden_foreground] Frame 1
Symbol 451 MovieClip [garden_midground] Frame 1
Symbol 514 MovieClip [objects] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip "highlight" in Symbol 514 MovieClip [objects] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 628 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 668 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 678 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 716 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 962 MovieClip Frame 35
Symbol 970 MovieClip Frame 35
Symbol 980 Button
on (release) {