[Tools][Expand/Collapse All]Note that automatic extraction of ActionScript 3 is still pretty much unsupported by swfchan. AS1/AS2 works okay most of the time.Section 1 (675 B)
//cmd1 (cmd1)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.media.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class cmd1 extends MovieClip {
public function cmd1(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2);
function frame1(){
function frame2(){
if (!(MovieClip(parent).pressed)){
Section 2 (675 B)
//cmd2 (cmd2)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.media.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class cmd2 extends MovieClip {
public function cmd2(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2);
function frame1(){
function frame2(){
if (!(MovieClip(parent).pressed)){
Section 3 (675 B)
//cmd3 (cmd3)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.media.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class cmd3 extends MovieClip {
public function cmd3(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2);
function frame1(){
function frame2(){
if (!(MovieClip(parent).pressed)){
Section 4 (675 B)
//cmd4 (cmd4)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.media.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class cmd4 extends MovieClip {
public function cmd4(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2);
function frame1(){
function frame2(){
if (!(MovieClip(parent).pressed)){
Section 5 (309 B)
//cmd5 (cmd5)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class cmd5 extends MovieClip {
public var letter:MovieClip;
public var holdBar:MovieClip;
public var holdBarBack:MovieClip;
public function cmd5(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 6 (309 B)
//cmd6 (cmd6)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class cmd6 extends MovieClip {
public var letter:MovieClip;
public var holdBar:MovieClip;
public var holdBarBack:MovieClip;
public function cmd6(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 7 (309 B)
//cmd7 (cmd7)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class cmd7 extends MovieClip {
public var letter:MovieClip;
public var holdBar:MovieClip;
public var holdBarBack:MovieClip;
public function cmd7(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 8 (5.29 KiB) ● ●
//Command (Command)
package {
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
public class Command extends MovieClip {
private var travelTime:int;// = 2000
public var pressed:Boolean;// = false
private var cmdTime:int;
private var appearPointY1:int;// = 30
private var appearPointY3:int;// = 100
private var appearPointY4:int;// = 135
private var appearPointY2:int;// = 65
private var appearPointY5:int;// = 170
private var cmdMC:MovieClip;
private var startTime:int;
private var keyVariable:String;
private var holdCount:int;// = 0
private var pinged:Boolean;// = false
private var holdLength:int;
private var cmdType:int;
private var holdMulti:int;
private var appearPointX:int;// = 650
private var bitePointX:int;// = 100
private var travelDist:int;
public function Command(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int):void{
var _local4:Class;
appearPointX = 650;
appearPointY1 = 30;
appearPointY2 = 65;
appearPointY3 = 100;
appearPointY4 = 135;
appearPointY5 = 170;
bitePointX = 100;
travelTime = 2000;
travelDist = (appearPointX - bitePointX);
pressed = false;
holdCount = 0;
pinged = false;
startTime = getTimer();
cmdType = _arg1;
cmdTime = _arg3;
holdLength = _arg2;
_local4 = (getDefinitionByName(("cmd" + cmdType)) as Class);
cmdMC = new (_local4);
x = appearPointX;
switch (_arg1){
case 1:
keyVariable = "upKey";
y = appearPointY2;
case 2:
keyVariable = "riKey";
y = appearPointY2;
case 3:
keyVariable = "leKey";
y = appearPointY4;
case 4:
keyVariable = "doKey";
y = appearPointY4;
case 5:
keyVariable = "aKey";
y = appearPointY1;
case 6:
keyVariable = "sKey";
y = appearPointY3;
case 7:
keyVariable = "dKey";
y = appearPointY5;
if (cmdType > 4){
cmdMC.holdBar.scaleX = 0;
cmdMC.holdBarBack.scaleX = (0.0025 * holdLength);
addEventListener("enterFrame", cmdMove);
addEventListener("enterFrame", cmdCheck);
addEventListener("enterFrame", cmdCheck2);
private function cmdCheck2(_arg1:Event):void{
if ((x - bitePointX) <= -25){
removeEventListener("enterFrame", cmdCheck2);
private function cmdMove(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:int;
_local2 = (getTimer() - startTime);
x = (appearPointX - ((travelDist * _local2) / travelTime));
if (x < -(cmdMC.width)){
removeEventListener("enterFrame", cmdMove);
private function holdUpdate(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:MovieClip;
var _local3:Number;
_local2 = MovieClip(parent);
if (_local2[keyVariable] > 0){
_local3 = (bitePointX - x);
if ((_local3 / 100) > cmdMC.holdBarBack.scaleX){
_local3 = (cmdMC.letter.x = (cmdMC.holdBarBack.scaleX * 100));
cmdMC.holdBar.scaleX = cmdMC.holdBarBack.scaleX;
_local2.scoreAdd2(10, holdMulti);
removeEventListener("enterFrame", holdUpdate);
} else {
cmdMC.holdBar.scaleX = (_local3 / 100);
cmdMC.letter.x = _local3;
} else {
removeEventListener("enterFrame", holdUpdate);
private function cmdCheck(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:MovieClip;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:Class;
var _local5:MovieClip;
var _local6:Class;
var _local7:MovieClip;
_local2 = MovieClip(parent);
if (_local2 != null){
if ((((_local2[keyVariable] > 0)) && ((_local2[keyVariable] < 5)))){
_local3 = Math.abs((x - bitePointX));
if (_local3 < 25){
if (cmdTime != _local2.lastTime){
_local2.lastTime = cmdTime;
_local2[keyVariable] = 6;
_local4 = (getDefinitionByName(("ping" + _local2.multiplier)) as Class);
_local5 = new (_local4);
_local5.x = bitePointX;
_local5.y = y;
if (_local2.guitar > 2){
_local6 = (getDefinitionByName(("pingSp" + _local2.guitar)) as Class);
_local7 = new (_local6);
_local7.x = bitePointX;
_local7.y = y;
_local7.rotation = Math.floor((Math.random() * 360));
pressed = true;
if (cmdType > 4){
x = bitePointX;
addEventListener("enterFrame", holdUpdate);
holdMulti = _local2.multiplier;
removeEventListener("enterFrame", cmdCheck);
} else {
if ((x - bitePointX) <= -25){
removeEventListener("enterFrame", cmdCheck);
private function checkHold(_arg1:Number):void{
var _local2:MovieClip;
var _local3:Class;
var _local4:MovieClip;
_local2 = MovieClip(parent);
if (_arg1 > holdCount){
holdCount = (holdCount + 20);
_local2.scoreAdd2(1, holdMulti);
_local3 = (getDefinitionByName(("ping" + holdMulti)) as Class);
_local4 = new (_local3);
_local4.x = bitePointX;
_local4.y = y;
Section 9 (6.26 KiB) ● ●
//EndSong (EndSong)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
public dynamic class EndSong extends MovieClip {
private var gameTiming:int;
private var gameGuitar:int;
private var gameAward:int;
private var gameMode:int;
private var gameScore:int;
private var parentMC:MovieClip;
public function EndSong(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int):void{
gameScore = _arg1;
gameTiming = _arg2;
gameGuitar = _arg3;
private function hpButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
private function retryButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
this.hpButt.removeEventListener("click", hpButtClick);
this.menuButt.removeEventListener("click", menuButtClick);
this.retryButt.removeEventListener("click", retryButtClick);
this.ssButt.removeEventListener("click", ssButtClick);
if (gameMode == 2){
gameTiming = (gameTiming - 10);
parentMC.gameMC = new Game(gameTiming, gameMode, gameGuitar, parentMC.voiceOff);
public function initiate():void{
var _local1:String;
var _local2:int;
var _local3:Boolean;
var _local4:Boolean;
parentMC = MovieClip(parent);
if (parentMC.saving){
_local3 = false;
_local4 = false;
_local3 = (this.highScoreText.visible = (gameScore > parentMC.so.data.xyz[(gameTiming - 1)][0]));
switch (gameTiming){
case 2:
_local2 = 7147;
_local1 = "Hollywise (A)";
this.songText.text = "Hollywise by Blacktop Manhattan";
case 3:
_local2 = 11412;
_local1 = "This Way (A)";
this.songText.text = "This Way (Demo) by Saturday Night at the Apollo";
case 4:
_local2 = 10737;
_local1 = "Truth or Dare (A)";
this.songText.text = "Truth or Dare by Garden State";
case 5:
_local2 = 7603;
_local1 = "The Quest Of Your Life (A)";
this.songText.text = "The Quest Of Your Life by Evil-Dog";
case 7:
_local2 = 9340;
_local1 = "Super Mario World Rock (A)";
this.songText.text = "Super Mario World Rock by Soundshifter";
case 8:
_local2 = 11291;
_local1 = "Legend of Zelda Rockin' (A)";
this.songText.text = "Legend of Zelda Rockin' by DarthJB2";
case 9:
_local2 = 4712;
_local1 = "My Heart Up Your Ass (A)";
this.songText.text = "My Heart Up Your Ass by Evil-Dog";
case 10:
_local2 = 15423;
_local1 = "SWiTCH vs Evil-Dog Round 1 (A)";
this.songText.text = "SWiTCH vs Evil-DogRound 1";
case 11:
_local2 = 13142;
_local1 = "Broked It (P)";
this.songText.text = "Broked It by SWiTCH feat. Dr_Yes";
case 12:
_local2 = 16370;
_local1 = "Please (P)";
this.songText.text = "Please (Intro) by Fixed";
case 13:
_local2 = 14125;
_local1 = "Guitar vs Piano 1.2 (P)";
this.songText.text = "Guitar vs Piano 1.2 by Goukisan";
case 14:
_local2 = 16242;
_local1 = "Rough Tone (P)";
this.songText.text = "Rough Tone by nal1200";
case 15:
_local2 = 39898;
_local1 = "Run'n'Gun (P)";
this.songText.text = "Run'n'Gun by Ravicious";
case 16:
_local2 = 13405;
_local1 = "Big Blue (P)";
this.songText.text = "Big Blue (F-Zero) by NESkimos";
case 17:
_local2 = 25580;
_local1 = "Super Mario World Rock (P)";
this.songText.text = "Super Mario World Rock by Soundshifter";
case 18:
_local2 = 30710;
_local1 = "Legend of Zelda Rockin' (P)";
this.songText.text = "Legend of Zelda Rockin' by DarthJB2";
case 19:
_local2 = 22540;
_local1 = "My Heart Up Your Ass (P)";
this.songText.text = "My Heart Up Your Ass by Evil-Dog";
case 20:
_local2 = 41636;
_local1 = "SWiTCH vs Evil-Dog Round 1 (P)";
this.songText.text = "SWiTCH vs Evil-Dog Round 1";
gameAward = ((((gameScore > (_local2 * 0.25)) + (gameScore > (_local2 * 0.5))) + (gameScore > (_local2 * 0.75))) + (gameScore > (_local2 - 10)));
if (parentMC.saving){
_local4 = (this.newAwardText.visible = (gameAward > parentMC.so.data.xyz[(gameTiming - 1)][1]));
if (_local3){
parentMC.so.data.xyz[(gameTiming - 1)][0] = gameScore;
if (_local4){
parentMC.so.data.abc = (parentMC.so.data.abc + (gameAward - parentMC.so.data.xyz[(gameTiming - 1)][1]));
parentMC.so.data.xyz[(gameTiming - 1)][1] = gameAward;
if (((!(parentMC.saving)) || (((!(_local4)) && (!(_local3)))))){
this.dataSavedText.visible = false;
this.scoreText.text = gameScore.toString();
if (gameTiming > 10){
gameMode = 2;
this.modeText.text = "Pro";
} else {
gameMode = 1;
this.modeText.text = "Amateur";
if (gameAward > 0){
} else {
this.awardDisplay.visible = false;
this.menuButt.addEventListener("click", menuButtClick);
this.hpButt.addEventListener("click", hpButtClick);
this.retryButt.addEventListener("click", retryButtClick);
this.ssButt.addEventListener("click", ssButtClick);
private function menuButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:MovieClip;
this.hpButt.removeEventListener("click", hpButtClick);
this.menuButt.removeEventListener("click", menuButtClick);
this.retryButt.removeEventListener("click", retryButtClick);
this.ssButt.removeEventListener("click", ssButtClick);
_local2 = new MainMenu();
private function ssButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:MovieClip;
this.hpButt.removeEventListener("click", hpButtClick);
this.menuButt.removeEventListener("click", menuButtClick);
this.retryButt.removeEventListener("click", retryButtClick);
this.ssButt.removeEventListener("click", ssButtClick);
_local2 = new MainMenu();
_local2.gameGuitar = gameGuitar;
Section 10 (655 B)
//fadeOut (fadeOut)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.media.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class fadeOut extends MovieClip {
public function fadeOut(){
addFrameScript(59, frame60);
function frame60(){
Section 11 (53.77 KiB) ● ● ● ●
//Game (Game)
package {
import flash.media.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
public dynamic class Game extends MovieClip {
public var sKey:int;
private var gameSongChannel:SoundChannel;
public var leKey:int;
private var gameSong:Sound;
public var aKey:int;
public var dKey:int;
private var song:int;
private var startTime:int;
private var timing:int;
private var paramSong:int;
public var lastTime:int;// = 0
public var guitar:int;
private var score:int;// = 0
private var combo:int;// = 0
private var tA:Array;
public var riKey:int;
private var gameMode:int;
public var multiplier:int;// = 1
public var upKey:int;
public var doKey:int;
private var currentIndex:int;// = 0
public function Game(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:Boolean):void{
var _local5:Class;
lastTime = 0;
score = 0;
combo = 0;
multiplier = 1;
gameSongChannel = new SoundChannel();
currentIndex = 0;
paramSong = (song = _arg1);
gameMode = _arg2;
guitar = _arg3;
timing = song;
this.scoreText.text = score.toString();
this.restartButt.visible = false;
this.voiceX.visible = _arg4;
if (gameMode == 2){
timing = (timing + 10);
if ((((gameMode == 2)) && ((song < 7)))){
song = (song + 10);
_local5 = (getDefinitionByName(("song" + song)) as Class);
gameSong = new (_local5);
switch (timing){
case 2:
tA = [[350, 7, 2700], [3286, 5, 2700], [6222, 7, 2700], [9300, 5, 2700], [9300, 6, 2700], [12240, 4], [13462, 2], [15065, 2], [16267, 3], [17484, 1], [17770, 4], [19052, 2], [20700, 2], [21942, 3], [23114, 1], [23500, 4], [24782, 2], [26430, 2], [27712, 3], [29360, 4], [30602, 2], [32290, 2], [33572, 3], [35163, 6, 1000], [36415, 7, 1350], [37947, 5, 1000], [39195, 6, 1350], [40741, 6, 1000], [41989, 7, 1350], [0xAA00, 5, 1000], [44768, 6, 1350], [46385, 6, 1000], [47607, 7, 1350], [49169, 5, 1000], [50407, 6, 1350], [51983, 6, 1000], [53231, 7, 1350], [54931, 4], [55622, 3], [56313, 2], [56970, 1], [57820, 4], [58551, 3], [59242, 2], [59880, 1], [60554, 1], [60970, 3], [61315, 3], [61966, 2], [63650, 4], [64351, 3], [65052, 2], [65690, 1], [66414, 1], [66790, 3], [67135, 3], [67806, 2], [69375, 3], [70687, 4], [72377, 1], [73689, 2], [75289, 3], [76601, 4], [78291, 1], [79603, 2], [81223, 6, 1000], [82473, 7, 1350], [84080, 5, 1000], [85330, 6, 1350], [86937, 6, 1000], [88187, 7, 1350], [89794, 5, 1000], [91044, 6, 1350], [92650, 6, 1000], [93877, 7, 1350], [95455, 5, 1000], [96708, 6, 1350], [98320, 6, 1000], [99532, 7, 1350], [101091, 4], [101782, 3], [102473, 2], [103122, 1], [104050, 4], [104761, 3], [105462, 2], [106100, 1], [106844, 1], [107190, 3], [107535, 3], [108200, 2], [109855, 4], [110556, 3], [111257, 2], [111905, 1], [112649, 1], [112995, 3], [113340, 3], [114031, 2]];
case 3:
tA = [[50, 4], [1650, 2], [3250, 4], [4850, 2], [6450, 4], [7250, 7, 700], [8050, 2], [8850, 5, 700], [9650, 4], [10450, 7, 700], [11250, 2], [12050, 5, 700], [0x3232, 4], [13650, 7, 700], [14450, 2], [15250, 5, 700], [16050, 4], [16850, 7, 700], [17650, 2], [18450, 5, 700], [19250, 4], [19650, 4], [20050, 2], [20850, 3], [21250, 3], [21650, 1], [22450, 4], [22850, 4], [23250, 2], [24050, 3], [24450, 3], [24850, 1], [25650, 4], [26050, 4], [26450, 2], [27250, 3], [27650, 3], [28050, 1], [28850, 4], [29250, 4], [29650, 2], [30450, 3], [30850, 3], [31250, 1], [32050, 7, 1450], [33650, 6, 650], [34450, 5, 650], [35250, 7, 1450], [36850, 6, 650], [37650, 5, 650], [38450, 4], [38650, 4], [38850, 4], [39050, 4], [39250, 4], [39450, 4], [39650, 4], [39850, 4], [40050, 2], [40250, 2], [40450, 2], [40650, 2], [40850, 1], [41050, 1], [41250, 1], [41450, 1], [41650, 4], [41850, 4], [42050, 4], [42250, 4], [42450, 4], [42650, 4], [42850, 4], [43050, 4], [43250, 2], [43450, 2], [43650, 2], [43850, 2], [44050, 1], [44250, 1], [44450, 1], [44650, 1], [44850, 3], [45250, 2], [45650, 3], [45850, 3], [46050, 2], [46250, 3], [46450, 3], [46850, 2], [47250, 3], [47450, 3], [47650, 2], [47850, 3], [48050, 3], [48450, 2], [48850, 3], [49050, 3], [49250, 2], [49450, 3], [49650, 3], [50050, 2], [50450, 3], [51250, 7, 1450], [52850, 6, 650], [53650, 5, 650], [54450, 7, 1450], [56050, 6, 650], [56850, 5, 650], [57650, 7, 1450], [59250, 6, 650], [60050, 5, 650], [60850, 7, 1450], [62450, 6, 1450], [64050, 4], [64850, 7, 700], [65650, 2], [66450, 5, 700], [67250, 4], [68050, 7, 700], [68850, 2], [69650, 5, 700], [70450, 4], [71250, 7, 700], [72050, 2], [72850, 5, 700], [73650, 4], [74450, 7, 700], [75250, 2], [76050, 5, 700], [76850, 4], [77250, 4], [77650, 7, 700], [78450, 2], [78850, 2], [79250, 5, 700], [80050, 4], [80450, 4], [80850, 7, 700], [81650, 2], [82050, 2], [82450, 5, 700], [83250, 4], [83650, 4], [84050, 7, 700], [84850, 2], [85250, 2], [85650, 5, 700], [86450, 4], [86850, 4], [87250, 7, 700], [88050, 2], [88450, 2], [88850, 5, 700], [89650, 4], [90050, 4], [90450, 7, 700], [91250, 2], [91650, 2], [92050, 5, 700], [92850, 4], [93250, 4], [93650, 7, 700], [94450, 2], [94850, 2], [95250, 5, 700]];
case 4:
tA = [[610, 2], [2153, 4], [2925, 3], [3696, 2], [5625, 1], [5625, 3], [6010, 1], [6010, 3], [6396, 5, 1300], [7939, 6, 650], [8711, 7, 650], [9482, 5, 1300], [11025, 6, 650], [11797, 7, 650], [12568, 5, 1300], [14111, 6, 650], [14883, 7, 650], [15654, 5, 1300], [17197, 6, 650], [17969, 7, 650], [18740, 4], [18933, 4], [19319, 1], [19704, 3], [20150, 7, 1300], [22212, 2], [22791, 3], [23390, 6, 1300], [24912, 4], [25105, 4], [25491, 1], [25876, 3], [26282, 7, 1300], [28384, 2], [28963, 3], [29580, 6, 1300], [31084, 4], [31277, 4], [31663, 1], [32048, 3], [32434, 7, 1300], [34556, 2], [35135, 3], [35713, 6, 1300], [37256, 4], [37449, 4], [37835, 1], [38220, 3], [38620, 7, 1300], [40728, 2], [41307, 3], [41790, 6, 1300], [43400, 5, 1300], [43400, 7, 1300], [44960, 6, 1300], [46500, 5, 1300], [46500, 7, 1300], [47970, 6, 1300], [49580, 5, 1300], [49580, 7, 1300], [51228, 6, 1300], [52788, 5, 2800], [52788, 7, 2800], [55908, 5, 1300], [55908, 7, 1300], [57468, 6, 1300], [59028, 5, 650], [59808, 6, 650], [60588, 7, 650], [62130, 7, 2800], [65268, 6, 2800], [68450, 3], [69030, 2], [69610, 1], [70190, 4], [70700, 2], [70900, 1], [71650, 4], [72230, 1], [72810, 4], [74700, 3], [75280, 2], [75860, 1], [76440, 4], [76950, 2], [77150, 1], [77885, 4], [78460, 1], [79040, 4], [80950, 3], [81530, 2], [82110, 1], [82690, 4], [83200, 2], [83400, 1], [84120, 4], [84690, 1], [85270, 4], [87240, 3], [87820, 2], [88400, 1], [88980, 4], [89490, 2], [89690, 1], [90410, 4], [90980, 1], [91560, 4], [93500, 5, 2800], [93500, 6, 2800], [93500, 7, 2800], [99700, 7, 5000], [100088, 1], [100282, 4], [100863, 1], [101057, 4], [101638, 2], [101832, 4], [102413, 2], [102607, 4], [103188, 1], [103382, 4], [103963, 1], [104157, 4], [104569, 4], [104762, 4], [104950, 4], [105148, 1], [105148, 3], [105534, 1], [105534, 3]];
case 5:
tA = [[270, 7, 3300], [3830, 6, 3300], [7490, 7, 1500], [9300, 7, 1500], [11110, 6, 1500], [12920, 6, 1500], [14750, 7, 1500], [16560, 7, 1500], [18370, 6, 1500], [20180, 6, 1500], [21970, 1], [22875, 2], [23780, 4], [24685, 3], [25590, 4], [26496, 3], [27400, 4], [28305, 3], [29210, 4], [30115, 4], [30341, 4], [30568, 1], [30681, 1], [31020, 5, 600], [31925, 6, 600], [32830, 4], [33169, 2], [33396, 1], [33700, 6, 600], [34640, 7, 600], [35545, 5, 600], [36450, 4], [36789, 2], [37016, 1], [37355, 3], [37581, 1], [38260, 5, 600], [39165, 6, 600], [40070, 4], [40409, 2], [40636, 1], [40940, 6, 600], [41880, 7, 600], [42785, 5, 600], [0xAAAA, 4], [44029, 2], [44256, 1], [44595, 3], [44821, 1], [49120, 4], [50025, 3], [50930, 4], [51836, 3], [52740, 4], [53645, 3], [54550, 4], [55455, 4], [55681, 4], [55908, 1], [56021, 1], [56360, 5, 600], [57265, 6, 600], [58170, 4], [58509, 2], [58736, 1], [59040, 6, 600], [59980, 7, 600], [60885, 5, 600], [61790, 4], [62129, 2], [62356, 1], [62695, 3], [62921, 1], [63600, 5, 600], [64505, 6, 600], [65410, 4], [65749, 2], [65976, 1], [66280, 6, 600], [67220, 7, 600], [68125, 5, 600], [69030, 4], [69369, 2], [69596, 1], [69935, 3], [70161, 1], [74460, 6, 3500], [76270, 5, 1500], [78080, 1], [78985, 1], [79890, 1], [79890, 3], [80795, 1], [80795, 3], [81700, 1], [81700, 4], [82605, 1], [82605, 4], [83510, 2], [84415, 4], [85320, 1], [86225, 1], [87130, 1], [87130, 3], [88035, 1], [88035, 3], [88940, 1], [88940, 4], [89845, 1], [89845, 4], [90750, 2], [91655, 4], [92560, 2], [93465, 4], [94370, 4], [95275, 3], [96180, 4], [97085, 3], [97990, 4], [98895, 3], [99800, 4], [100705, 4], [100931, 4], [101158, 1], [101271, 1]];
case 7:
tA = [[570, 1], [1115, 3], [1660, 3], [2205, 2], [2750, 7, 800], [0x0F00, 6, 800], [4930, 7, 800], [6020, 6, 800], [7110, 7, 800], [8200, 6, 800], [9290, 7, 800], [10380, 2], [10653, 3], [11470, 1], [12015, 3], [12560, 7, 800], [13650, 7, 800], [14740, 6, 800], [15830, 1], [16375, 3], [16920, 7, 800], [18010, 7, 400], [18555, 6, 800], [20190, 5, 4000], [20735, 3], [21280, 7, 800], [22370, 7, 800], [23460, 6, 800], [24550, 5, 4000], [25095, 3], [25640, 7, 800], [26730, 7, 400], [27275, 6, 800], [28910, 1], [29319, 4], [30000, 1], [30409, 4], [31090, 6, 400], [31635, 1], [32044, 4], [33270, 1], [33679, 4], [34360, 1], [34769, 4], [35450, 5, 400], [35995, 1], [37630, 1], [38175, 3], [38720, 7, 800], [39810, 5, 400], [40355, 1], [40764, 4], [41990, 3], [42263, 1], [42535, 3], [42808, 1], [43080, 3], [43625, 6, 400], [44170, 4], [45536, 2], [45805, 3], [46081, 4], [46400, 4], [46673, 2], [46945, 4], [47218, 2], [48580, 4], [48853, 2], [49125, 4], [49398, 2], [50760, 4], [51033, 2], [51305, 4], [51578, 2], [52940, 4], [53213, 3], [53485, 2], [53758, 3], [54030, 4], [55070, 1], [55615, 3], [56160, 7, 800], [57250, 5, 400], [57795, 1], [58204, 4], [59430, 3], [59703, 1], [59975, 3], [60248, 1], [60520, 3], [61065, 6, 400], [61610, 4], [63840, 7, 800], [64930, 6, 800], [66020, 7, 800], [67110, 6, 800], [68200, 7, 800], [69290, 6, 800], [70380, 7, 800], [71470, 2], [71743, 3], [72560, 1], [73105, 3], [73650, 7, 800], [74740, 7, 800], [75830, 6, 800], [76920, 1], [77465, 3], [78010, 7, 800], [79100, 7, 400], [79645, 6, 800], [81280, 5, 4000], [81825, 3], [82370, 7, 800], [83460, 7, 800], [84550, 6, 800], [85640, 5, 4000], [86185, 3], [86730, 7, 800], [87820, 7, 400], [88365, 6, 800]];
case 8:
tA = [[90, 1], [1794, 3], [2135, 3], [2476, 1], [2817, 6, 800], [5544, 1], [7248, 3], [7589, 3], [7930, 1], [8271, 6, 800], [10999, 7, 1800], [13044, 6, 500], [13726, 7, 1800], [15771, 6, 500], [16454, 1], [17136, 4], [18158, 4], [18499, 6, 500], [19181, 1], [19521, 4], [19862, 6, 500], [20545, 1], [21908, 1], [22590, 4], [23612, 4], [23953, 6, 500], [24636, 1], [24975, 4], [25316, 6, 500], [25999, 1], [27362, 1], [28044, 4], [29066, 4], [29407, 6, 500], [30090, 1], [30600, 3], [30770, 5, 500], [31453, 1], [33327, 3], [33497, 5, 500], [0x8585, 1], [35545, 2], [35887, 3], [36227, 4], [38272, 2], [38613, 5, 600], [39296, 5, 600], [40317, 2], [40658, 3], [40999, 3], [41340, 6, 600], [42023, 5, 600], [43044, 3], [43385, 4], [43726, 4], [44067, 7, 600], [44750, 5, 600], [45771, 3], [46112, 4], [46454, 1], [47136, 2], [47817, 3], [48500, 4], [49180, 1], [49862, 4], [50884, 4], [51225, 6, 500], [51908, 1], [52418, 3], [52588, 5, 500], [53271, 1], [53611, 4], [53952, 6, 2500], [56679, 5, 500], [57363, 6, 500], [58045, 7, 1800], [60091, 7, 1800], [62138, 5, 500], [62818, 6, 500], [63498, 7, 1800], [65545, 7, 1800], [67592, 5, 500], [68272, 6, 500], [68952, 7, 1800], [70999, 7, 1800], [73046, 5, 500], [73726, 6, 500], [74406, 7, 1800], [76454, 7, 1800], [76795, 6, 500], [77477, 5, 500], [79181, 1], [79863, 2], [80544, 3], [81227, 4], [81909, 1], [82591, 4], [83613, 4], [83954, 6, 500], [84636, 1], [84976, 4], [85317, 6, 500], [86000, 1], [87363, 1], [88045, 4], [89067, 4], [89408, 6, 500], [90091, 1], [90430, 4], [90771, 6, 500], [91454, 1], [92817, 1], [93499, 4], [94521, 4], [94862, 6, 500], [95545, 1], [96055, 3], [96225, 5, 500], [96908, 1], [97248, 4], [97589, 7, 500], [98273, 1], [98782, 3], [98952, 5, 500], [99636, 1], [101000, 2], [101342, 3], [101682, 4], [103727, 2], [104068, 5, 600], [104751, 5, 600], [105772, 2], [106113, 3], [106454, 3], [106795, 6, 600], [107478, 5, 600], [108499, 3], [108840, 4], [109181, 4], [109522, 7, 600], [110205, 5, 600], [111226, 3], [111567, 4], [111909, 1], [112591, 2], [113272, 3], [113955, 4]];
case 9:
tA = [[740, 7, 1300], [2281, 2], [2795, 1], [3480, 4], [3994, 2], [4850, 4], [5364, 1], [6220, 7, 1300], [7761, 2], [8275, 1], [0x2300, 4], [9474, 2], [10330, 4], [10844, 1], [11700, 6, 1200], [13070, 3], [13584, 2], [13780, 1], [14440, 6, 1200], [15810, 2], [16324, 1], [16838, 2], [17180, 6, 1200], [18550, 3], [19064, 2], [19280, 1], [19920, 4], [20091, 3], [20434, 2], [21290, 1], [21461, 3], [21804, 2], [22660, 6, 1200], [24030, 7, 1200], [25400, 6, 1200], [26770, 1], [26941, 3], [27284, 2], [27770, 2], [28112, 7, 1300], [29653, 2], [30167, 1], [30852, 4], [31366, 2], [32222, 4], [32736, 1], [33592, 7, 1300], [35133, 2], [35647, 1], [36332, 4], [36846, 2], [37702, 4], [38216, 1], [39072, 6, 1200], [40442, 3], [40956, 2], [41150, 1], [41812, 6, 1200], [43182, 2], [43696, 1], [44210, 2], [44552, 6, 1200], [45922, 3], [46436, 2], [46620, 1], [47292, 4], [47463, 3], [47806, 2], [48662, 1], [48833, 3], [49176, 2], [50032, 6, 1200], [51402, 7, 1200], [52772, 6, 1200], [54142, 1], [54313, 3], [54656, 2], [55170, 2], [0xD8D8, 5, 3000]];
case 10:
tA = [[850, 3], [1600, 2], [2350, 3], [3100, 4], [3850, 3], [4600, 2], [5350, 3], [5725, 7, 1000], [6850, 3], [7600, 2], [8350, 3], [9100, 4], [9850, 3], [10600, 2], [11350, 3], [11725, 5, 250], [12100, 6, 250], [12475, 7, 250], [0x3232, 3], [13600, 2], [14350, 3], [15100, 4], [15850, 3], [16600, 2], [17350, 3], [17725, 7, 1000], [18850, 3], [19600, 2], [20350, 3], [21100, 4], [21850, 3], [22600, 2], [23350, 3], [23725, 2], [24100, 5, 600], [24850, 2], [25225, 1], [0x6400, 2], [25975, 1], [26350, 3], [26725, 2], [27100, 4], [27475, 2], [27850, 6, 1500], [29538, 5, 600], [30850, 2], [31225, 1], [31600, 2], [31975, 1], [32350, 3], [32725, 2], [33100, 4], [33475, 2], [33850, 7, 2800], [34975, 3], [35350, 1], [36100, 3], [36850, 3], [37225, 3], [37600, 4], [37975, 4], [38350, 3], [38725, 3], [39100, 4], [39475, 4], [39850, 2], [40225, 2], [40600, 2], [40975, 2], [41350, 6, 1300], [42850, 3], [43225, 3], [43600, 4], [43975, 4], [44350, 3], [44725, 3], [45100, 4], [45475, 4], [45850, 3], [46038, 2], [46600, 3], [46788, 2], [47350, 3], [47538, 2], [48100, 3], [48288, 2], [48850, 2], [49038, 1], [49600, 2], [49788, 1], [50350, 2], [50538, 1], [51100, 5, 600], [51850, 6, 600], [52600, 7, 600], [53350, 5, 600], [54100, 6, 600], [54850, 2], [55600, 1], [55788, 2], [56350, 3], [57100, 2], [57288, 3], [57850, 6, 600], [58600, 7, 600], [59350, 5, 600], [60100, 6, 600], [60850, 4], [61600, 2], [61788, 1], [62163, 2], [62350, 5, 600], [63100, 2], [63288, 3], [63663, 4], [63850, 6, 600], [64600, 7, 600], [65350, 5, 600], [66100, 6, 600], [66850, 2], [67600, 1], [67788, 2], [68350, 3], [69100, 2], [69288, 3], [69850, 6, 600], [70600, 7, 600], [71350, 5, 600], [72100, 6, 600], [72850, 4], [73600, 3], [74350, 5, 600], [75100, 2], [75288, 3], [75663, 4], [75850, 6, 2000], [78100, 1], [78475, 1], [78850, 2], [79225, 2], [79600, 3], [79975, 3], [80350, 1], [80538, 2], [80725, 3], [81100, 7, 2800], [84100, 1], [84475, 1], [84850, 2], [85225, 2], [85600, 3], [85975, 3], [86350, 1], [86538, 2], [86725, 3], [87100, 7, 2800], [88600, 1], [88788, 3], [89538, 3], [89725, 1], [90100, 1], [90475, 1], [90850, 2], [91225, 2], [91600, 3], [91975, 3], [92350, 1], [92538, 2], [92725, 3], [93100, 7, 2800], [96100, 1], [96475, 1], [96850, 2], [97225, 2], [97600, 3], [97975, 3], [98350, 1], [98538, 2], [98725, 3], [99100, 7, 2800], [100600, 4], [100788, 3], [101163, 2], [101538, 1], [102100, 1], [102663, 2], [102850, 1], [103600, 6, 600], [104350, 7, 600], [105100, 1], [105663, 2], [105850, 1], [106600, 6, 600], [107350, 5, 600], [108100, 1], [108663, 2], [108850, 1], [109600, 6, 600], [110350, 7, 600], [111100, 1], [111663, 2], [111850, 1], [112600, 6, 600], [113350, 5, 600], [114100, 1], [114663, 2], [114850, 1], [115600, 6, 600], [116350, 7, 600], [117100, 1], [117663, 2], [117850, 1], [118600, 6, 600], [119350, 5, 600], [120100, 1], [120663, 2], [120850, 1], [121600, 6, 600], [122350, 7, 600], [123100, 1], [123663, 2], [123850, 1], [124600, 2], [124881, 3], [125163, 4], [125350, 1], [125725, 4], [126100, 6, 1300]];
case 11:
tA = [[90, 4], [406, 2], [722, 4], [1037, 1], [1353, 4], [1669, 2], [1985, 4], [2300, 1], [2616, 3], [2932, 1], [3248, 3], [3563, 1], [3879, 3], [4195, 1], [4511, 3], [4826, 1], [5142, 3], [5458, 2], [5616, 1], [5774, 3], [6089, 2], [6405, 3], [6721, 2], [6879, 1], [7037, 3], [7352, 2], [7668, 4], [7984, 2], [8300, 4], [8615, 2], [8931, 4], [9247, 2], [9563, 4], [9878, 2], [10194, 5, 5400], [10510, 4], [10983, 2], [11450, 4], [11930, 2], [12404, 4], [13036, 4], [13509, 2], [13970, 4], [14456, 2], [14930, 2], [15246, 4], [15720, 3], [16193, 2], [16798, 1], [17114, 2], [17429, 3], [17772, 2], [18246, 3], [18719, 4], [19324, 3], [19640, 3], [19955, 3], [20298, 2], [20772, 3], [21245, 2], [21850, 3], [22166, 1], [22481, 2], [22824, 3], [25350, 2], [25824, 3], [26297, 3], [26902, 3], [27218, 2], [27533, 3], [27876, 1], [28350, 3], [28823, 2], [29455, 2], [29771, 2], [29929, 1], [30086, 3], [30402, 2], [32950, 6, 2200], [35454, 4], [35928, 3], [36401, 2], [37006, 1], [37322, 2], [37637, 3], [37980, 2], [38454, 3], [38927, 4], [39532, 3], [39848, 3], [40163, 3], [40506, 2], [40980, 3], [41453, 2], [42058, 3], [42374, 1], [42689, 3], [43032, 2], [45558, 2], [46032, 3], [46505, 3], [47110, 3], [47426, 2], [47741, 3], [48084, 1], [48558, 3], [49031, 2], [49611, 2], [0xC300, 2], [50242, 2], [50610, 2], [52978, 2], [53156, 1], [53472, 3], [53788, 3], [55051, 1], [55208, 2], [55366, 3], [55682, 1], [57577, 1], [57734, 2], [57892, 3], [58208, 4], [60103, 4], [60260, 3], [60418, 4], [60576, 3], [60734, 2], [62629, 3], [62786, 2], [62944, 3], [63102, 2], [63260, 1], [65155, 3], [65312, 2], [65470, 3], [65628, 2], [65766, 7, 2000], [68292, 2], [68292, 3], [68608, 2], [68608, 3], [68924, 2], [68924, 3], [69239, 2], [69239, 3], [69397, 2], [69397, 3], [69555, 2], [69555, 3], [69871, 2], [69871, 3], [70029, 2], [70029, 3], [70187, 2], [70187, 3]];
case 12:
tA = [[50, 1], [530, 1], [770, 2], [1490, 2], [1970, 1], [2450, 1], [2690, 2], [3410, 2], [3890, 1], [4370, 1], [4610, 2], [5330, 2], [5810, 4], [6290, 4], [6530, 3], [7250, 3], [7730, 1], [8210, 1], [8450, 2], [9170, 2], [9650, 1], [10130, 1], [10370, 2], [11090, 2], [11570, 1], [12050, 1], [12290, 2], [13010, 2], [13490, 4], [13970, 4], [14210, 3], [14930, 3], [15410, 1], [15890, 3], [16370, 2], [16850, 3], [17330, 1], [17810, 3], [18290, 2], [18770, 3], [19250, 1], [19730, 3], [20210, 3], [20690, 4], [21170, 4], [21410, 2], [21650, 4], [21890, 2], [22130, 3], [22370, 4], [22610, 2], [23090, 1], [23570, 3], [24050, 2], [24530, 3], [25010, 2], [25490, 1], [25970, 2], [26450, 3], [26930, 1], [27410, 3], [27890, 3], [28370, 1], [28850, 4], [29090, 2], [29330, 4], [29570, 2], [29810, 3], [30050, 4], [30290, 2], [30770, 2], [31010, 2], [31250, 2], [31490, 6, 1000], [32690, 4], [32930, 4], [33170, 4], [0x8282, 6, 1000], [34610, 2], [34850, 2], [35090, 2], [35330, 6, 1000], [36530, 4], [36770, 4], [37010, 4], [37250, 6, 1000], [38450, 5, 570], [38450, 2], [38690, 2], [38930, 2], [39170, 6, 1000], [40370, 7, 570], [40370, 4], [40610, 4], [40850, 4], [41090, 6, 1000], [42290, 5, 570], [42290, 2], [42530, 2], [42770, 2], [43010, 6, 1000], [44210, 7, 570], [44210, 4], [44450, 4], [44690, 4], [44930, 6, 1000], [46130, 5, 570], [46850, 6, 1000], [48050, 7, 570], [49010, 2], [49250, 1], [49490, 2], [49730, 3], [49970, 4], [50690, 2], [51410, 7, 1500], [53090, 3], [53810, 6, 2500], [56690, 2], [56930, 1], [57170, 2], [57410, 3], [57650, 4], [58370, 2], [59090, 7, 1500], [60770, 3], [61490, 5, 2500], [64370, 2], [64610, 1], [64850, 2], [65090, 3], [65330, 4], [66050, 2], [66770, 7, 1500], [68450, 3], [69170, 6, 2500], [72050, 2], [72290, 1], [72530, 2], [72770, 3], [73010, 4], [73730, 2], [74450, 7, 1500]];
case 13:
tA = [[1580, 3], [1880, 2], [2180, 3], [2780, 4], [3080, 3], [3380, 4], [3980, 2], [4280, 3], [4580, 2], [6380, 3], [6680, 2], [6980, 3], [7580, 4], [7880, 3], [8180, 4], [8780, 2], [9080, 3], [9380, 2], [10880, 6, 1000], [11180, 3], [11480, 2], [11780, 3], [12080, 7, 1000], [12380, 4], [12680, 3], [12980, 4], [13280, 6, 1000], [13580, 2], [13880, 3], [14180, 2], [15680, 6, 1000], [15980, 3], [16280, 2], [16580, 3], [16880, 7, 1000], [17180, 4], [17480, 3], [17780, 4], [18080, 6, 1000], [18380, 2], [18680, 3], [18980, 2], [19280, 4], [19580, 3], [19880, 5, 450], [0x5000, 2], [20780, 1], [21080, 5, 450], [21680, 6, 1000], [0x5A5A, 1], [23580, 4], [24330, 1], [24780, 4], [25530, 1], [25980, 4], [26480, 4], [26780, 3], [27080, 2], [27380, 3], [28280, 2], [28430, 3], [28580, 2], [28730, 3], [29480, 1], [29630, 3], [29780, 2], [29930, 3], [30080, 5, 1000], [31530, 1], [31980, 4], [32730, 1], [33180, 4], [33930, 1], [34380, 4], [35130, 1], [35580, 4], [36080, 7, 450], [36380, 6, 150], [36680, 2], [36980, 1], [37280, 5, 450], [37880, 6, 450], [38730, 1], [39180, 4], [39930, 1], [40380, 4], [40880, 7, 450], [41180, 6, 150], [41480, 2], [41780, 1], [42080, 5, 450], [42680, 6, 450], [43530, 1], [43980, 4], [44730, 1], [45180, 4], [46880, 1], [47330, 1], [47480, 2], [47630, 3], [49280, 3], [49430, 4], [49580, 3], [49730, 2], [49880, 3], [50030, 4], [51680, 3], [52130, 4], [52880, 3], [53330, 2], [54080, 2], [54530, 1], [55280, 6, 2200], [0xE600, 6, 1000], [59180, 3], [59480, 2], [59780, 3], [60080, 7, 1000], [60380, 4], [60680, 3], [60980, 4], [61280, 6, 1000], [61580, 2], [61880, 3], [62180, 2], [63680, 6, 1000], [63980, 3], [64280, 2], [64580, 3], [64880, 7, 1000], [65180, 4], [65480, 3], [65780, 4], [66080, 6, 1000], [66380, 2], [66680, 3], [66980, 2]];
case 14:
tA = [[1492, 6, 4000], [5728, 5, 900], [7140, 3], [7563, 2], [7916, 2], [8093, 1], [8269, 2], [8446, 3], [9964, 4], [10387, 2], [10740, 2], [10917, 1], [11093, 2], [11270, 3], [12788, 3], [13211, 2], [13564, 2], [13741, 1], [13917, 2], [14094, 3], [15612, 1], [16035, 1], [16388, 1], [16565, 4], [16918, 1], [18436, 2], [18859, 3], [19212, 4], [19565, 3], [19742, 4], [21260, 2], [21683, 3], [22036, 4], [22389, 4], [22566, 3], [24084, 2], [24507, 3], [24860, 4], [25213, 3], [25390, 4], [26908, 3], [27331, 3], [27684, 3], [27861, 4], [28214, 3], [28849, 3], [29026, 1], [29202, 3], [29379, 2], [0x7373, 1], [29732, 3], [30155, 2], [30508, 2], [30685, 1], [30861, 2], [31038, 3], [32556, 7, 1400], [32556, 4], [32979, 2], [33332, 2], [33509, 1], [33685, 2], [33862, 3], [35380, 3], [35803, 2], [36156, 2], [36333, 1], [36509, 2], [36686, 3], [38204, 7, 1400], [38204, 1], [38627, 1], [38980, 1], [39157, 4], [39510, 1], [40145, 3], [40322, 1], [40498, 3], [40675, 2], [40851, 1], [41028, 2], [41451, 3], [41804, 4], [42157, 3], [42334, 4], [43852, 2], [44275, 3], [44628, 4], [44981, 4], [45158, 3], [46676, 2], [47099, 3], [47452, 4], [47805, 3], [47982, 4], [49500, 3], [49923, 3], [50276, 3], [50453, 4], [50806, 3], [52324, 5, 1600], [52324, 6, 1600], [54265, 3], [54442, 1], [54618, 3], [54795, 2], [54971, 1], [55148, 3], [55571, 2], [55924, 2], [56101, 1], [56277, 2], [56454, 3], [57089, 3], [57266, 1], [57442, 3], [57619, 2], [57795, 1], [57972, 4], [58395, 2], [58748, 2], [58925, 1], [59101, 2], [59278, 3], [59913, 3], [60090, 1], [60266, 3], [60443, 2], [60619, 1], [60796, 3], [61219, 2], [61572, 2], [61749, 1], [61925, 2], [62102, 3], [62737, 3], [62914, 1], [63090, 3], [63267, 2], [63443, 1], [63620, 1], [64043, 1], [64396, 1], [64573, 4], [64926, 1], [65561, 3], [65738, 1], [65914, 3], [66091, 2], [66267, 1], [66444, 2], [66867, 3], [67220, 4], [67573, 3], [67750, 4], [68385, 3], [68562, 1], [68738, 3], [68915, 2], [69091, 1], [69268, 2], [69691, 3], [70044, 4], [70397, 4], [70574, 3], [71209, 3], [71386, 1], [71562, 3], [71739, 2], [71915, 1], [72092, 2], [72515, 3], [72868, 4], [73221, 3], [73398, 4], [74033, 3], [74210, 1], [74386, 3], [74563, 2], [74739, 1], [74916, 3], [75339, 3], [75692, 3], [75869, 4], [76222, 3]];
case 15:
tA = [[50, 5, 1450], [1650, 6, 1450], [3250, 3], [3350, 2], [3550, 3], [3650, 2], [3850, 3], [3950, 2], [4150, 3], [4250, 2], [4450, 1], [4850, 3], [4950, 2], [5150, 3], [5250, 2], [5450, 3], [5550, 2], [5750, 3], [5850, 2], [6050, 4], [6450, 3], [6550, 2], [6750, 3], [6850, 2], [7050, 3], [7150, 2], [7350, 3], [7450, 2], [7650, 1], [8050, 3], [8150, 2], [8350, 3], [8450, 2], [8650, 3], [8750, 2], [8950, 3], [9050, 2], [9250, 4], [9650, 3], [9750, 2], [9950, 3], [10050, 2], [10250, 3], [10350, 2], [10550, 3], [10650, 2], [10850, 1], [11250, 3], [11350, 2], [11550, 3], [11650, 2], [11850, 3], [11950, 2], [12150, 3], [12250, 2], [12450, 4], [0x3232, 3], [12950, 2], [13150, 3], [13250, 2], [13450, 3], [13550, 2], [13750, 3], [13850, 2], [14050, 1], [14450, 6, 650], [15250, 5, 650], [16050, 3], [16150, 2], [16350, 3], [16450, 2], [16650, 3], [16750, 2], [16950, 3], [17050, 2], [17250, 1], [17650, 7, 650], [18450, 6, 650], [19250, 3], [19350, 2], [19550, 3], [19650, 2], [19850, 3], [19950, 2], [20150, 3], [20250, 2], [20450, 1], [20850, 6, 650], [21650, 5, 650], [22450, 3], [22550, 2], [22750, 3], [22850, 2], [23050, 3], [23150, 2], [23350, 3], [23450, 2], [23650, 1], [24050, 7, 650], [24850, 6, 650], [25650, 3], [25750, 2], [25950, 3], [26050, 2], [26250, 3], [26350, 2], [26550, 3], [26650, 2], [26850, 1], [27250, 3], [27350, 2], [27550, 3], [27650, 2], [27850, 3], [27950, 2], [28150, 3], [28250, 2], [28450, 4], [28850, 3], [28950, 2], [29150, 3], [29250, 2], [29450, 3], [29550, 2], [29750, 3], [29850, 2], [30050, 1], [30450, 3], [30550, 2], [30750, 3], [30850, 2], [31050, 3], [31150, 2], [31350, 3], [31450, 2], [31650, 4], [33650, 4], [33850, 2], [34050, 4], [34250, 3], [34450, 2], [34650, 3], [34850, 3], [35050, 3], [35250, 6, 650], [36050, 5, 650], [36850, 3], [36950, 2], [37150, 3], [37250, 2], [37450, 3], [37550, 2], [37750, 3], [37850, 2], [38050, 1], [38450, 3], [0x9696, 2], [38750, 3], [38850, 2], [39050, 3], [39150, 2], [39350, 3], [39450, 2], [39650, 4], [40050, 3], [40150, 2], [40350, 3], [40450, 2], [40650, 3], [40750, 2], [40950, 3], [41050, 2], [41250, 1], [41650, 3], [41750, 2], [41950, 3], [42050, 2], [42250, 3], [42350, 2], [42550, 3], [42650, 2], [42850, 4], [43250, 3], [43350, 2], [43550, 3], [43650, 2], [43850, 3], [43950, 2], [44150, 3], [44250, 2], [44450, 1], [44850, 3], [44950, 2], [45150, 3], [45250, 2], [45450, 3], [45550, 2], [45750, 3], [45850, 2], [46050, 4], [46450, 3], [46550, 2], [46750, 3], [46850, 2], [47050, 3], [47150, 2], [47350, 3], [47450, 2], [47650, 1], [48050, 6, 650], [48850, 5, 650], [49650, 4], [49850, 2], [50050, 4], [50250, 3], [50450, 2], [50650, 3], [50850, 3], [51050, 3], [51250, 4], [51450, 3], [51650, 4], [51850, 3], [52050, 2], [52250, 3], [52450, 3], [52650, 3], [52850, 7, 650], [53650, 6, 650], [54450, 4], [54650, 2], [54850, 4], [55050, 3], [55250, 2], [55450, 3], [55650, 3], [55850, 3], [56050, 4], [56250, 2], [56450, 4], [56650, 3], [56850, 2], [57050, 3], [57250, 3], [57450, 3], [57650, 4], [57850, 2], [58050, 4], [58250, 3], [58450, 2], [58650, 3], [58850, 3], [59050, 3], [59250, 4], [59450, 3], [59650, 4], [59850, 3], [60050, 2], [60250, 3], [60450, 3], [60650, 3], [60850, 7, 650], [61650, 6, 650], [62450, 3], [62550, 2], [62750, 3], [62850, 2], [63050, 3], [63150, 2], [63350, 3], [63450, 2], [63650, 4], [64050, 3], [64150, 2], [64350, 3], [64450, 2], [64650, 3], [64750, 2], [64950, 3], [65050, 2], [65250, 1], [65650, 3], [65750, 2], [65950, 3], [66050, 2], [66250, 3], [66350, 2], [66550, 3], [66650, 2], [66850, 4], [67250, 3], [67350, 2], [67550, 3], [67650, 2], [67850, 3], [67950, 2], [68150, 3], [68250, 2], [68450, 1], [72050, 4], [72250, 2], [72450, 4], [72650, 3], [72850, 2], [73050, 3], [73250, 3], [73450, 3], [73650, 4], [73850, 3], [74050, 4], [74250, 3], [74450, 2], [74650, 3], [74850, 3], [75050, 3], [75250, 4], [75450, 2], [75650, 4], [75850, 3], [76050, 2], [76250, 3], [76450, 3], [76650, 3], [76850, 4], [77050, 3], [77250, 4], [77450, 3], [77650, 2], [77850, 3], [78050, 3], [78250, 3], [78450, 4], [78650, 2], [78850, 4], [79050, 3], [79250, 2], [79450, 3], [79650, 3], [79850, 3], [80050, 4], [80250, 3], [80450, 4], [80650, 3], [80850, 2], [81050, 3], [81250, 3], [81450, 3], [81650, 4], [81850, 2], [82050, 4], [82250, 3], [82450, 2], [82650, 3], [82850, 3], [83050, 3], [83250, 4], [83450, 3], [83650, 4], [83850, 3], [84050, 2], [84250, 3], [84450, 3], [84650, 3], [88050, 3], [88150, 2], [88350, 3], [88450, 2], [88650, 3], [88750, 2], [88950, 3], [89050, 2], [89250, 4], [91250, 3], [91350, 2], [91550, 3], [91650, 2], [91850, 3], [91950, 2], [92150, 3], [92250, 2], [92450, 1], [94450, 3], [94550, 2], [94750, 3], [94850, 2], [95050, 3], [95150, 2], [95350, 3], [95450, 2], [95650, 4], [96050, 4], [96250, 2], [96450, 4], [96650, 3], [96850, 2], [97050, 3], [97250, 3], [97450, 3], [97650, 2], [97850, 2], [98050, 2], [98250, 2], [98450, 2]];
case 16:
tA = [[70, 1], [70, 3], [1050, 1], [1050, 3], [1250, 2], [1250, 4], [2670, 2], [2670, 4], [3540, 2], [3540, 4], [3740, 1], [3740, 3], [5030, 1], [5030, 3], [5910, 1], [5910, 3], [6110, 2], [6110, 4], [7390, 2], [7390, 4], [8260, 2], [8260, 4], [8460, 1], [8460, 3], [8660, 7, 800], [9760, 1], [9760, 3], [10540, 1], [10540, 3], [10740, 2], [10740, 4], [12000, 2], [12000, 4], [12900, 2], [12900, 4], [13100, 1], [13100, 3], [13370, 7, 800], [14390, 1], [14390, 3], [15280, 1], [15280, 3], [15480, 2], [15480, 4], [16150, 5, 2000], [16820, 1], [17560, 1], [17760, 3], [19030, 1], [19520, 2], [19730, 2], [19930, 3], [20060, 2], [20880, 3], [21020, 4], [21110, 4], [21350, 2], [22170, 1], [22300, 2], [22470, 4], [23710, 2], [24080, 2], [24460, 1], [24590, 2], [24730, 4], [24870, 3], [0x6464, 4], [25790, 2], [25920, 1], [26100, 3], [28440, 2], [28580, 4], [28720, 2], [28860, 4], [29080, 3], [29160, 2], [29310, 1], [29450, 2], [30190, 4], [0x7800, 2], [30860, 4], [31000, 2], [31140, 4], [31360, 3], [31440, 2], [31590, 1], [31730, 2], [32530, 4], [32650, 2], [32770, 4], [32900, 3], [33010, 4], [33470, 2], [34200, 1], [34600, 3], [35330, 2], [37710, 6, 2000], [38520, 4], [38940, 3], [39220, 1], [39600, 2], [39840, 3], [40110, 7, 2000], [40480, 2], [40650, 3], [41500, 3], [41670, 1], [42510, 6, 2000], [42830, 1], [43050, 4], [43260, 1], [43450, 4], [0xAAAA, 1], [43850, 4], [44910, 7, 2000], [44940, 4], [45560, 3], [46090, 2], [46620, 1], [47310, 6, 2000], [48180, 1], [48650, 2], [49140, 3], [49670, 7, 2000], [51520, 4], [51660, 2], [51830, 4], [52030, 1], [52030, 6, 2000], [52680, 4], [52820, 2], [52990, 4], [53190, 1], [53720, 4], [53860, 2], [54030, 4], [54240, 1], [54241, 7, 2000]];
case 17:
tA = [[570, 1], [1115, 3], [1524, 4], [1660, 3], [2069, 4], [2205, 2], [2750, 3], [2887, 3], [3295, 3], [3432, 3], [0x0F00, 2], [3977, 2], [4385, 2], [4522, 2], [4930, 3], [5067, 3], [5475, 3], [5612, 3], [6020, 2], [6157, 2], [6565, 2], [6702, 2], [7110, 3], [7247, 3], [7655, 3], [7792, 3], [8200, 2], [8337, 2], [8745, 2], [8882, 2], [9290, 3], [9427, 3], [9835, 3], [9972, 3], [10380, 2], [10653, 3], [11470, 1], [12015, 3], [12424, 4], [12560, 4], [12697, 2], [12969, 2], [13514, 4], [13650, 4], [13923, 2], [14195, 2], [14468, 1], [14740, 2], [15149, 3], [15830, 1], [16375, 3], [16784, 4], [16920, 4], [17057, 2], [17329, 2], [17874, 4], [18010, 4], [18283, 2], [18555, 1], [18692, 2], [18828, 3], [18964, 4], [20190, 5, 4000], [20190, 1], [20735, 3], [21144, 4], [21280, 4], [21417, 2], [21689, 2], [22234, 4], [22370, 4], [22643, 2], [22915, 2], [23188, 1], [23460, 2], [23869, 3], [24550, 5, 4000], [24550, 1], [25095, 3], [25504, 4], [25640, 4], [25777, 2], [26049, 2], [26594, 4], [26730, 4], [27003, 2], [27275, 1], [27412, 2], [27548, 3], [27684, 4], [28910, 1], [29319, 4], [29728, 3], [30000, 1], [30409, 4], [31090, 1], [31227, 2], [31363, 4], [31635, 1], [32044, 4], [33270, 1], [33679, 4], [34088, 3], [34360, 1], [34769, 4], [35450, 1], [35587, 2], [0x8B8B, 4], [35995, 5, 1000], [37630, 1], [38175, 3], [38584, 4], [38720, 4], [38857, 2], [39129, 2], [39674, 4], [39810, 1], [39947, 2], [40083, 4], [40355, 1], [40900, 4], [41990, 3], [42263, 1], [42535, 3], [42808, 1], [43080, 3], [43489, 4], [43625, 1], [43761, 2], [43898, 3], [44170, 4], [45536, 2], [45805, 3], [46081, 4], [46400, 4], [46673, 2], [46945, 4], [47218, 2], [47490, 5, 800], [48580, 4], [48853, 2], [49125, 4], [49398, 2], [49602, 1], [50760, 4], [51033, 2], [51305, 4], [51578, 2], [51850, 5, 400], [52259, 1], [52940, 4], [53213, 3], [53485, 2], [53758, 3], [54030, 4], [55120, 1], [55665, 3], [56074, 4], [56210, 4], [56347, 2], [56619, 2], [57164, 4], [57300, 1], [57437, 2], [57573, 4], [57845, 1], [58254, 4], [59480, 3], [59753, 1], [60025, 3], [60298, 1], [60570, 3], [60979, 4], [61115, 1], [61251, 2], [61388, 3], [61660, 4], [63840, 3], [63977, 3], [64385, 3], [64522, 3], [64930, 2], [65067, 2], [65475, 2], [65612, 2], [66020, 3], [66157, 3], [66565, 3], [66702, 3], [67110, 2], [67247, 2], [67655, 2], [67792, 2], [68200, 3], [68337, 3], [68745, 3], [68882, 3], [69290, 2], [69427, 2], [69835, 2], [69972, 2], [70380, 3], [70517, 3], [70925, 3], [71062, 3], [71470, 2], [71743, 3], [72560, 1], [73105, 3], [73514, 4], [73650, 4], [73787, 2], [74059, 2], [74604, 4], [74740, 4], [75013, 2], [75285, 2], [75558, 1], [75830, 2], [76239, 3], [76920, 1], [77465, 3], [77874, 4], [78010, 4], [78147, 2], [78419, 2], [78964, 4], [79100, 4], [79373, 2], [79645, 1], [79782, 2], [79918, 3], [80054, 4], [81280, 5, 4000], [81280, 1], [81825, 3], [82234, 4], [82370, 4], [82507, 2], [82779, 2], [83324, 4], [83460, 4], [83733, 2], [84005, 2], [84278, 1], [84550, 2], [84959, 3], [85640, 5, 4000], [85640, 1], [86185, 3], [86594, 4], [86730, 4], [86867, 2], [87139, 2], [87684, 4], [87820, 4], [88093, 2], [88365, 1], [88502, 2], [88638, 3], [88774, 4]];
case 18:
tA = [[90, 1], [1794, 3], [2135, 3], [2476, 1], [2817, 2], [2987, 3], [3158, 2], [5544, 1], [7248, 3], [7589, 3], [7930, 1], [8271, 2], [8441, 3], [8612, 2], [10999, 1], [11340, 1], [11511, 3], [11681, 1], [12022, 1], [12193, 3], [12363, 1], [12704, 1], [12875, 3], [13044, 1], [13215, 3], [13385, 1], [13557, 3], [13726, 1], [14067, 1], [14238, 3], [14408, 1], [14749, 1], [14920, 3], [15090, 1], [15431, 1], [15602, 3], [15771, 1], [15942, 3], [16112, 1], [16284, 3], [16454, 1], [17136, 4], [18158, 4], [18499, 3], [18670, 3], [18840, 2], [19011, 2], [19181, 1], [19521, 4], [19862, 3], [20033, 3], [20203, 2], [20374, 2], [20545, 1], [21908, 1], [22590, 4], [23612, 4], [23953, 3], [24124, 3], [24294, 2], [24465, 2], [24636, 1], [24975, 4], [25316, 3], [25487, 3], [25657, 2], [25828, 2], [25999, 1], [27362, 1], [28044, 4], [28556, 3], [28726, 4], [29066, 4], [29407, 3], [29578, 3], [29748, 2], [29919, 2], [30090, 1], [30600, 3], [30770, 2], [30941, 2], [31111, 1], [31282, 1], [31453, 5, 500], [31793, 4], [32134, 3], [32305, 3], [32562, 2], [32818, 1], [33327, 3], [33497, 2], [33668, 2], [34009, 1], [0x8585, 5, 500], [34690, 1], [34861, 1], [35089, 2], [35317, 3], [35545, 2], [35887, 3], [36227, 4], [38272, 2], [38613, 2], [38784, 2], [38954, 1], [39296, 5, 600], [40317, 2], [40658, 3], [40999, 3], [41340, 3], [41511, 3], [41681, 2], [42023, 5, 600], [43044, 3], [43385, 4], [43726, 4], [44067, 4], [44238, 4], [44408, 3], [44750, 5, 600], [45771, 3], [46112, 4], [46454, 5, 500], [47136, 6, 500], [47817, 6, 500], [48500, 7, 500], [49180, 1], [49862, 4], [50374, 3], [50544, 4], [50884, 4], [51225, 3], [51396, 3], [51566, 2], [51737, 2], [51908, 1], [52418, 3], [52588, 2], [52759, 2], [52929, 1], [53100, 1], [53271, 5, 500], [53611, 4], [53952, 3], [54123, 3], [54379, 2], [54636, 1], [56679, 5, 500], [57363, 6, 500], [58045, 7, 1800], [59409, 1], [60091, 7, 1800], [62138, 5, 500], [62818, 6, 500], [63498, 7, 1800], [64863, 2], [65545, 7, 1800], [67592, 5, 500], [68272, 6, 500], [68952, 7, 1800], [70317, 3], [70999, 7, 1800], [73046, 5, 500], [73726, 6, 500], [74406, 7, 1800], [75772, 4], [76454, 7, 1800], [76795, 6, 500], [77477, 5, 500], [79181, 5, 500], [79863, 6, 500], [80544, 6, 500], [81227, 7, 500], [81909, 1], [82591, 4], [83613, 4], [83954, 3], [84125, 3], [84295, 2], [84466, 2], [84636, 1], [84976, 4], [85317, 3], [85488, 3], [85658, 2], [85829, 2], [86000, 1], [87363, 1], [88045, 4], [89067, 4], [89408, 3], [89579, 3], [89749, 2], [89920, 2], [90091, 1], [90430, 4], [90771, 3], [90942, 3], [91112, 2], [91283, 2], [91454, 1], [92817, 1], [93499, 4], [94011, 3], [94181, 4], [94521, 4], [94862, 3], [95033, 3], [95203, 2], [95374, 2], [95545, 1], [96055, 3], [96225, 2], [96396, 2], [96566, 1], [96737, 1], [96908, 5, 500], [97248, 4], [97589, 3], [97760, 3], [98017, 2], [98273, 1], [98782, 3], [98952, 2], [99123, 2], [99464, 1], [99636, 5, 500], [100145, 1], [100316, 1], [100544, 2], [100772, 3], [101000, 2], [101342, 3], [101682, 4], [103727, 2], [104068, 2], [104239, 2], [104409, 1], [104751, 5, 600], [105772, 2], [106113, 3], [106454, 3], [106795, 3], [106966, 3], [107136, 2], [107478, 5, 600], [108499, 3], [108840, 4], [109181, 4], [109522, 4], [109693, 4], [109863, 3], [110205, 5, 600], [111226, 3], [111567, 4], [111909, 5, 500], [112591, 6, 500], [113272, 6, 500], [113955, 7, 500]];
case 19:
tA = [[740, 4], [911, 4], [1083, 4], [1254, 4], [1425, 4], [1596, 4], [1768, 4], [1939, 4], [2110, 4], [2281, 2], [2453, 2], [2624, 2], [2795, 1], [2966, 1], [3138, 1], [3309, 2], [3480, 4], [3651, 4], [3823, 4], [3994, 2], [4165, 2], [4336, 2], [4508, 2], [4679, 2], [4850, 4], [5021, 4], [5193, 4], [5364, 1], [5535, 1], [5706, 1], [5878, 1], [6049, 1], [6220, 4], [6391, 4], [6563, 4], [6734, 4], [6905, 4], [7076, 4], [7248, 4], [7419, 4], [7590, 4], [7761, 2], [7933, 2], [8104, 2], [8275, 1], [8446, 1], [8618, 1], [8789, 2], [0x2300, 4], [9131, 4], [9303, 4], [9474, 2], [9645, 2], [9816, 2], [9988, 2], [10159, 2], [10330, 4], [10501, 4], [10673, 4], [10844, 1], [11015, 1], [11186, 1], [11358, 1], [11529, 1], [11700, 6, 1200], [13070, 7, 1200], [13584, 2], [13700, 5, 685], [14440, 6, 1200], [15810, 7, 1200], [15810, 2], [16324, 1], [16838, 2], [17180, 6, 1200], [18550, 7, 1200], [19064, 2], [0x4B00, 5, 685], [19920, 6, 1200], [19920, 4], [20091, 3], [20434, 2], [21290, 7, 1200], [21290, 1], [21461, 3], [21804, 2], [22660, 6, 1200], [24030, 7, 1200], [25400, 6, 1200], [26770, 7, 1200], [26770, 1], [26941, 3], [27284, 2], [27770, 2], [28112, 2], [28112, 4], [28283, 4], [28455, 4], [28626, 4], [28797, 4], [28968, 4], [29140, 4], [29311, 4], [29482, 4], [29653, 2], [29825, 2], [29996, 2], [30167, 1], [30338, 1], [30510, 1], [30681, 2], [30852, 4], [31023, 4], [31195, 4], [31366, 2], [31537, 2], [31708, 2], [31880, 2], [32051, 2], [32222, 4], [32393, 4], [32565, 4], [32736, 1], [32907, 1], [33078, 1], [33250, 1], [33421, 1], [33592, 4], [33763, 4], [33935, 4], [34106, 4], [34277, 4], [34448, 4], [34620, 4], [34791, 4], [34962, 4], [35133, 2], [35305, 2], [35476, 2], [35647, 1], [35818, 1], [35990, 1], [36161, 2], [36332, 4], [36503, 4], [36675, 4], [36846, 2], [37017, 2], [37188, 2], [37360, 2], [37531, 2], [37702, 4], [37873, 4], [38045, 4], [38216, 1], [38387, 1], [38558, 1], [38730, 1], [38901, 1], [39072, 6, 1200], [40442, 7, 1200], [40956, 2], [41080, 5, 685], [41812, 6, 1200], [43182, 7, 1200], [43182, 2], [43696, 1], [44210, 2], [44552, 6, 1200], [45922, 7, 1200], [46436, 2], [46560, 5, 685], [47292, 6, 1200], [47292, 4], [47463, 3], [47806, 2], [48662, 7, 1200], [48662, 1], [48833, 3], [49176, 2], [50032, 6, 1200], [51402, 7, 1200], [52772, 6, 1200], [54142, 7, 1200], [54142, 1], [54313, 3], [54656, 2], [55170, 2], [0xD8D8, 5, 3000]];
case 20:
tA = [[850, 3], [1132, 2], [1413, 1], [1600, 2], [1882, 3], [2163, 4], [2350, 3], [2538, 4], [2913, 4], [3100, 3], [3288, 4], [3850, 3], [4132, 2], [4413, 1], [4600, 2], [4882, 3], [5163, 4], [5350, 3], [5725, 2], [6100, 3], [6475, 4], [6850, 3], [7132, 2], [7413, 1], [7600, 2], [7882, 3], [8163, 4], [8350, 3], [8538, 4], [8913, 4], [9100, 3], [9288, 4], [9850, 3], [10132, 2], [10413, 1], [10600, 2], [10882, 3], [11163, 4], [11350, 3], [11725, 5, 250], [12100, 6, 250], [12475, 7, 250], [0x3232, 3], [13132, 2], [13413, 1], [13600, 2], [13882, 3], [14163, 4], [14350, 3], [14538, 4], [14913, 4], [15100, 3], [15288, 4], [15850, 3], [16132, 2], [16413, 1], [16600, 2], [16882, 3], [17163, 4], [17350, 3], [17725, 2], [18100, 3], [18475, 4], [18850, 3], [19132, 2], [19413, 1], [19600, 2], [19882, 3], [20163, 4], [20350, 3], [20538, 4], [20913, 4], [21100, 3], [21288, 4], [21850, 3], [22132, 2], [22413, 1], [22600, 2], [22882, 3], [23163, 4], [23350, 3], [23725, 2], [24100, 5, 600], [24850, 2], [25038, 2], [25225, 1], [0x6400, 2], [25788, 2], [25975, 1], [26350, 3], [26538, 3], [26725, 2], [27100, 4], [27288, 4], [27475, 2], [27850, 6, 2800], [29538, 4], [29725, 2], [29913, 1], [30850, 2], [31038, 2], [31225, 1], [31600, 2], [31788, 2], [31975, 1], [32350, 3], [32538, 3], [32725, 2], [33100, 4], [33288, 4], [33475, 2], [33850, 7, 2800], [34975, 3], [35350, 1], [36100, 3], [36850, 3], [37038, 3], [37225, 3], [37600, 4], [37788, 4], [37975, 4], [38350, 3], [38538, 3], [38725, 3], [39100, 4], [39288, 4], [39475, 4], [39850, 2], [40038, 2], [40225, 2], [40600, 2], [40788, 2], [40975, 2], [41350, 1], [41725, 2], [42100, 3], [42475, 4], [42850, 3], [43038, 3], [43225, 3], [43600, 4], [43788, 4], [43975, 4], [44350, 3], [44538, 3], [44725, 3], [45100, 4], [45288, 4], [45475, 4], [45850, 3], [46038, 2], [46413, 4], [46600, 3], [46788, 2], [47163, 4], [47350, 3], [47538, 2], [47913, 4], [48100, 3], [48288, 2], [48663, 4], [48850, 2], [49038, 1], [49413, 3], [49600, 2], [49788, 1], [50163, 3], [50350, 2], [50538, 1], [50913, 3], [51100, 5, 600], [51850, 6, 600], [52600, 7, 600], [53350, 5, 600], [54100, 6, 600], [54850, 2], [54944, 2], [55132, 2], [55412, 3], [55600, 1], [55788, 2], [56163, 2], [56350, 3], [56444, 3], [56632, 3], [56912, 3], [57100, 2], [57288, 3], [57663, 3], [57850, 6, 600], [58600, 7, 600], [59350, 5, 600], [60100, 6, 600], [60850, 4], [60944, 4], [61132, 4], [61412, 3], [61600, 2], [61788, 1], [62163, 2], [62350, 1], [62538, 2], [62913, 3], [63100, 2], [63288, 3], [63663, 4], [63850, 6, 600], [64600, 7, 600], [65350, 5, 600], [66100, 6, 600], [66850, 2], [66944, 2], [67132, 2], [67412, 3], [67600, 1], [67788, 2], [68163, 2], [68350, 3], [68444, 3], [68632, 3], [68912, 3], [69100, 2], [69288, 3], [69663, 3], [69850, 6, 600], [70600, 7, 600], [71350, 5, 600], [72100, 6, 600], [72850, 4], [72944, 4], [73132, 4], [73412, 3], [73600, 3], [73694, 3], [73882, 3], [74162, 2], [74350, 1], [74538, 2], [74913, 3], [75100, 2], [75288, 3], [75663, 4], [75850, 6, 2000], [78100, 5, 600], [78850, 5, 600], [79600, 6, 600], [80350, 6, 600], [80350, 1], [80538, 2], [80725, 3], [81100, 7, 2800], [84100, 5, 600], [84850, 5, 600], [85600, 6, 600], [86350, 6, 600], [86350, 1], [86538, 2], [86725, 3], [87100, 7, 2800], [88600, 1], [88788, 3], [89163, 4], [89538, 3], [89725, 1], [90100, 5, 600], [90850, 5, 600], [91600, 6, 600], [92350, 6, 600], [92350, 1], [92538, 2], [92725, 3], [93100, 7, 2800], [96100, 5, 600], [96850, 5, 600], [97600, 6, 600], [98350, 6, 600], [98350, 1], [98538, 2], [98725, 3], [99100, 7, 2800], [100600, 4], [100788, 3], [101163, 2], [101538, 1], [102100, 1], [102663, 2], [102850, 1], [103600, 2], [103881, 3], [104163, 4], [104350, 3], [104631, 2], [104913, 3], [105100, 1], [105663, 2], [105850, 1], [106600, 2], [106881, 3], [107163, 4], [107350, 1], [107631, 2], [107913, 3], [108100, 1], [108663, 2], [108850, 1], [109600, 2], [109881, 3], [110163, 4], [110350, 3], [110631, 2], [110913, 3], [111100, 1], [111663, 2], [111850, 1], [112600, 2], [112881, 3], [113163, 4], [113350, 1], [113725, 4], [114100, 1], [114663, 2], [114850, 1], [115600, 2], [115881, 3], [116163, 4], [116350, 3], [116631, 2], [116913, 3], [117100, 1], [117663, 2], [117850, 1], [118600, 2], [118881, 3], [119163, 4], [119350, 1], [119631, 2], [119913, 3], [120100, 1], [120663, 2], [120850, 1], [121600, 2], [121881, 3], [122163, 4], [122350, 3], [122631, 2], [122913, 3], [123100, 1], [123663, 2], [123850, 1], [124600, 2], [124881, 3], [125163, 4], [125350, 1], [125725, 4], [126100, 6, 1300]];
this.readyButt.addEventListener("click", readyButtClick);
this.menuButt.addEventListener("click", menuButtClick);
this.voiceButt.addEventListener("click", voiceButtClick);
this.qButt.addEventListener("click", qButtClick);
public function comboWipe():void{
if (multiplier == 6){
combo = 40;
} else {
if (multiplier == 5){
combo = 30;
} else {
combo = (Math.floor(((combo / 10) - 1)) * 10);
if (combo < 0){
combo = 0;
if (multiplier > 1){
private function voiceButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
this.voiceX.visible = (MovieClip(parent).voiceOff = !(MovieClip(parent).voiceOff));
private function gameUpdate1(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:int;
_local2 = (getTimer() - startTime);
if (_local2 > 2000){
gameSongChannel = gameSong.play();
gameSongChannel.addEventListener("soundComplete", gameSongComplete);
removeEventListener("enterFrame", gameUpdate1);
private function spawnCommand():void{
var _local1:Command;
_local1 = new Command(tA[currentIndex][1], tA[currentIndex][2], tA[currentIndex][0]);
if (currentIndex == tA.length){
removeEventListener("enterFrame", gameUpdate2);
this.restartButt.removeEventListener("click", restartButtClick);
this.restartButt.visible = false;
} else {
if (tA[currentIndex][0] == tA[(currentIndex - 1)][0]){
public function scoreAdd2(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):void{
if (_arg2 == 6){
_arg2 = 10;
score = (score + (_arg1 * _arg2));
if (score < 0){
score = 0;
this.scoreText.text = score.toString();
public function debug(_arg1:String):void{
private function gameUpdate2(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:int;
_local2 = (getTimer() - startTime);
if ((((((this.guy.currentFrame == 1)) && ((_local2 < 20000)))) && ((_local2 > (tA[0][0] + 2000))))){
this.guy.gotoAndStop((gameMode + 1));
if (_local2 >= tA[currentIndex][0]){
leKey = (leKey + (((leKey > 0)) && ((leKey < 5))));
upKey = (upKey + (((upKey > 0)) && ((upKey < 5))));
riKey = (riKey + (((riKey > 0)) && ((riKey < 5))));
doKey = (doKey + (((doKey > 0)) && ((doKey < 5))));
aKey = (aKey + (((aKey > 0)) && ((aKey < 5))));
sKey = (sKey + (((sKey > 0)) && ((sKey < 5))));
dKey = (dKey + (((dKey > 0)) && ((dKey < 5))));
private function loadSongName():void{
switch (timing){
case 2:
this.songText.text = "Hollywise by Blacktop Manhattan";
case 3:
this.songText.text = "This Way (Demo) by Saturday Night at the Apollo";
case 4:
this.songText.text = "Truth or Dare by Garden State";
case 5:
this.songText.text = "The Quest Of Your Life by Evil-Dog";
case 7:
this.songText.text = "Super Mario World Rock by Soundshifter";
case 8:
this.songText.text = "Legend of Zelda Rockin' by DarthJB2";
case 9:
this.songText.text = "My Heart Up Your Ass by Evil-Dog";
case 10:
this.songText.text = "SWiTCH vs Evil-Dog Round 1";
case 11:
this.songText.text = "Broked It by SWiTCH feat. Dr_Yes";
case 12:
this.songText.text = "Please (Intro) by Fixed";
case 13:
this.songText.text = "Guitar vs Piano 1.2 by Goukisan";
case 14:
this.songText.text = "Rough Tone by nal1200";
case 15:
this.songText.text = "Run'n'Gun by Ravicious";
case 16:
this.songText.text = "Big Blue (F-Zero) by NESkimos";
case 17:
this.songText.text = "Super Mario World Rock by Soundshifter";
case 18:
this.songText.text = "Legend of Zelda Rockin' by DarthJB2";
case 19:
this.songText.text = "My Heart Up Your Ass by Evil-Dog";
case 20:
this.songText.text = "SWiTCH vs Evil-Dog Round 1";
public function comboAdd():void{
private function keyUpHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
var _local2:int;
_local2 = _arg1.keyCode;
switch (_local2){
case 37:
if (leKey < 6){
leKey = 0;
case 38:
if (upKey < 6){
upKey = 0;
case 39:
if (riKey < 6){
riKey = 0;
case 40:
if (doKey < 6){
doKey = 0;
case 65:
if (aKey < 6){
aKey = 0;
case 68:
if (dKey < 6){
dKey = 0;
case 83:
if (sKey < 6){
sKey = 0;
private function gameSongComplete(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:MovieClip;
stage.removeEventListener("keyDown", keyDownHandler);
stage.removeEventListener("keyUp", keyUpHandler);
gameSongChannel.removeEventListener("soundComplete", gameSongComplete);
gameSongChannel = null;
gameSong = null;
_local2 = new fadeOut();
public function evalMultiplier():void{
if ((((combo >= (multiplier * 10))) && ((multiplier < (gameMode + 4))))){
MovieClip(parent).playVoice(("Multi" + multiplier));
private function updateMultiplier():void{
var _local1:int;
var _local2:int;
switch (multiplier){
case 1:
this.multiplierName.text = "Huh?";
_local1 = 10066227;
case 2:
this.multiplierName.text = "Good";
_local1 = 0xCCCCCC;
case 3:
this.multiplierName.text = "Nice";
_local1 = 0x99CC00;
this.guy.gotoAndStop((gameMode + 1));
case 4:
this.multiplierName.text = "Cool";
_local1 = 6724044;
case 5:
this.multiplierName.text = "Rockin'!";
_local1 = 0xCC0000;
case 6:
this.multiplierName.text = "Godly!!";
_local1 = 0xFFCC00;
this.multiplierName.textColor = (this.multiplierText.textColor = _local1);
_local2 = multiplier;
if (multiplier == 6){
_local2 = 10;
this.multiplierText.text = ("x" + _local2.toString());
public function scoreAdd(_arg1:int):void{
var _local2:int;
_local2 = multiplier;
if (multiplier == 6){
_local2 = 10;
score = (score + (_arg1 * _local2));
if (score < 0){
score = 0;
this.scoreText.text = score.toString();
private function menuButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:MovieClip;
var _local3:MovieClip;
this.readyButt.removeEventListener("click", readyButtClick);
this.menuButt.removeEventListener("click", menuButtClick);
this.voiceButt.removeEventListener("click", voiceButtClick);
this.qButt.removeEventListener("click", qButtClick);
_local2 = new MainMenu();
_local3 = MovieClip(parent);
private function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
var _local2:int;
_local2 = _arg1.keyCode;
switch (_local2){
case 37:
if (!(leKey)){
leKey = 1;
case 38:
if (!(upKey)){
upKey = 1;
case 39:
if (!(riKey)){
riKey = 1;
case 40:
if (!(doKey)){
doKey = 1;
case 65:
if (!(aKey)){
aKey = 1;
case 68:
if (!(dKey)){
dKey = 1;
case 83:
if (!(sKey)){
sKey = 1;
public function loadSongEnd():void{
var _local1:MovieClip;
_local1 = new EndSong(score, timing, guitar);
private function readyButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
this.readyButt.removeEventListener("click", readyButtClick);
this.menuButt.removeEventListener("click", menuButtClick);
this.voiceButt.removeEventListener("click", voiceButtClick);
this.qButt.removeEventListener("click", qButtClick);
this.restartButt.visible = true;
this.restartButt.addEventListener("click", restartButtClick);
startTime = getTimer();
addEventListener("enterFrame", gameUpdate1);
addEventListener("enterFrame", gameUpdate2);
stage.addEventListener("keyDown", keyDownHandler);
stage.addEventListener("keyUp", keyUpHandler);
stage.focus = null;
private function wrongKey():void{
private function qButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:String;
_local2 = stage.quality;
switch (_local2){
case "LOW":
stage.quality = "BEST";
case "MEDIUM":
stage.quality = "LOW";
case "HIGH":
case "BEST":
stage.quality = "MEDIUM";
private function restartButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:MovieClip;
removeEventListener("enterFrame", gameUpdate1);
removeEventListener("enterFrame", gameUpdate2);
stage.removeEventListener("keyDown", keyDownHandler);
stage.removeEventListener("keyUp", keyUpHandler);
gameSongChannel.removeEventListener("soundComplete", gameSongComplete);
gameSongChannel = null;
gameSong = null;
_local2 = MovieClip(parent);
_local2.gameMC = new Game(paramSong, gameMode, guitar, _local2.voiceOff);
Section 12 (112 B)
//Guitar (Guitar)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class Guitar extends Sound {
Section 13 (8.58 KiB) ● ●
//guitarMain (guitarMain)
package {
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class guitarMain extends MovieClip {
public var saving:Boolean;// = true
public var gameMC:MovieClip;
private var fpsModify:Boolean;// = false
private var debugDisplayOn:Boolean;// = true
public var stageHei:int;
private var tempText:TextField;
public var stageWid:int;
private var fpsDisplayOn:Boolean;// = true
public var stageWidHalf:int;
public var so:SharedObject;
private var voiceChannel:SoundChannel;
public var startTime:Number;
public var stageHeiHalf:int;
public var guitar:Boolean;// = false
public var targetFPS:int;
public var fpsText:TextField;
public var dbugLines:int;// = 0
public var interval:Number;// = 5
private var LDD:MovieClip;
public var numFrames:Number;// = 0
public var voiceOff:Boolean;// = false
public var maxFPS:int;// = 100
public var dbugText:TextField;
public function guitarMain():void{
fpsDisplayOn = true;
fpsModify = false;
maxFPS = 100;
targetFPS = stage.frameRate;
interval = 5;
debugDisplayOn = true;
saving = true;
guitar = false;
voiceOff = false;
stageWid = stage.stageWidth;
stageHei = stage.stageHeight;
stageWidHalf = (stageWid / 2);
stageHeiHalf = (stageHei / 2);
numFrames = 0;
dbugLines = 0;
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 2, frame3);
stage.showDefaultContextMenu = false;
this.hallpass.addEventListener("click", hpClick);
startTime = getTimer();
addEventListener("enterFrame", fpsMod);
function frame1(){
private function flushTheSo(_arg1:TextField):void{
var flushStatus:String;
var output = _arg1;
flushStatus = null;
try {
flushStatus = so.flush();
} catch(error:Error) {
output.appendText("File creation failed, data will not be saved.\n");
saving = false;
if (flushStatus != null){
switch (flushStatus){
case "pending":
output.appendText("Requesting permission to create file...\n");
so.addEventListener("netStatus", onFlushStatus);
case "flushed":
output.appendText("Save file created successfully!\n");
private function loadIntro():void{
var _local1:MovieClip;
_local1 = new Intro();
public function addDebugDisplay():void{
var _local1:TextFormat;
if (dbugText){
swapChildren(dbugText, gameMC);
} else {
dbugText = new TextField();
dbugText.autoSize = "left";
dbugText.text = "";
_local1 = new TextFormat("Verdana", 10, 0, true, false, false, "", "", "left", 0, 0, 0, 0);
_local1.font = "Verdana";
_local1.size = 10;
_local1.bold = true;
dbugText.setTextFormat(_local1, -1, -1);
dbugText.defaultTextFormat = _local1;
dbugText.x = 400;
dbugText.width = 200;
public function flushTheSo2(_arg1:TextField):void{
var flushStatus:String;
var output = _arg1;
flushStatus = null;
try {
flushStatus = so.flush();
} catch(error:Error) {
output.text = "Save failed.";
if (flushStatus != null){
switch (flushStatus){
case "pending":
tempText = output;
so.addEventListener("netStatus", onFlushStatus2);
case "flushed":
output.text = "Data saved!";
public function stopVoice():void{
voiceChannel = null;
private function onFlushStatus2(_arg1:NetStatusEvent):void{
switch (_arg1.info.code){
case "SharedObject.Flush.Success":
tempText.text = "Data saved!";
case "SharedObject.Flush.Failed":
tempText.text = "Save failed.";
tempText = null;
so.removeEventListener("netStatus", onFlushStatus2);
private function fpsUpdate(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:int;
if ((++numFrames % interval) == 0){
_local2 = getTimer();
_local3 = ((_local2 - startTime) / 1000);
_local4 = (interval / _local3);
if (fpsModify){
fpsText.text = ((((((("FPS=" + _local4.toFixed(2)) + " (") + targetFPS) + ")") + " (") + stage.frameRate) + ")");
} else {
fpsText.text = ("FPS=" + _local4.toFixed(2));
startTime = _local2;
if (fpsModify){
if (numFrames > 500){
interval = 10;
_local5 = (_local4 - targetFPS);
if (_local5 < -10){
if (stage.frameRate > (targetFPS + 30)){
stage.frameRate = (targetFPS + 25);
} else {
} else {
if (_local5 == 0){
if (targetFPS < 60){
} else {
if (stage.frameRate > targetFPS){
public function playVoice(_arg1:String):void{
var _local2:Class;
var _local3:Sound;
if (voiceChannel != null){
_local2 = (getDefinitionByName(_arg1) as Class);
_local3 = new (_local2);
if (((voiceOff) && (!((_arg1.substr(0, 5) == "Multi"))))){
voiceChannel = _local3.play();
} else {
if (!(voiceOff)){
voiceChannel = _local3.play();
public function debug(_arg1:String):void{
if (dbugLines > 30){
dbugText.text = "";
dbugLines = 0;
dbugText.appendText((_arg1 + "\n"));
public function goURL(_arg1:String):void{
var _local2:URLRequest;
_local2 = new URLRequest(_arg1);
navigateToURL(_local2, "_blank");
private function loadDataButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:MovieClip;
_local2 = _arg1.currentTarget.parent;
_local2.loadDataButt.removeEventListener("click", loadDataButtClick);
public function hpClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
function frame3(){
private function loadData():void{
LDD = new loadDataDisplay();
LDD.loadDataText.text = "Attempting to locate saved data...\n";
try {
so = SharedObject.getLocal("scmd2.1");
} catch(error:Error) {
LDD.loadDataText.appendText("Data location failed due to host's domain.\nTry the game on another website if you wish to save.");
saving = false;
if (saving){
if (!(so.size)){
LDD.loadDataText.appendText("No saved data found.\nAttempting to create new file...\n");
so.data.xyz = new Array([0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]);
so.data.abc = new int(0);
} else {
LDD.loadDataText.appendText("\nSaved data found.\nLoad successful.\n");
LDD.loadDataButt.addEventListener("click", loadDataButtClick);
public function loadMenu():void{
var _local1:MovieClip;
_local1 = new MainMenu();
private function onFlushStatus(_arg1:NetStatusEvent):void{
switch (_arg1.info.code){
case "SharedObject.Flush.Success":
LDD.loadDataText.appendText("Save file created successfully!\n");
case "SharedObject.Flush.Failed":
LDD.loadDataText.appendText("You denied permission, data will not be saved.");
saving = false;
so.removeEventListener("netStatus", onFlushStatus);
public function addChildCentre(_arg1:DisplayObject):void{
_arg1.x = stageWidHalf;
_arg1.y = stageHeiHalf;
private function fpsMod(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Number;
if ((++numFrames % interval) == 0){
_local2 = getTimer();
_local3 = ((_local2 - startTime) / 1000);
_local4 = (interval / _local3);
startTime = _local2;
if (_local4 > 65){
if (numFrames > 200){
removeEventListener("enterFrame", fpsMod);
public function addFramerateDisplay():void{
var _local1:TextFormat;
startTime = getTimer();
fpsText = new TextField();
fpsText.autoSize = "left";
fpsText.text = "";
_local1 = new TextFormat("Verdana", 10, 0, true, false, false, "", "", "left", 0, 0, 0, 0);
_local1.font = "Verdana";
_local1.size = 10;
_local1.bold = true;
fpsText.setTextFormat(_local1, -1, -1);
fpsText.defaultTextFormat = _local1;
stage.addEventListener("enterFrame", fpsUpdate, false, 0);
Section 14 (974 B)
//Intro (Intro)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.media.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class Intro extends MovieClip {
public var hallpass:SimpleButton;
public var parentMC:MovieClip;
public function Intro(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 161, frame162);
function frame162(){
hallpass.removeEventListener("click", hpClick);
parentMC = MovieClip(parent);
function frame1(){
hallpass.addEventListener("click", hpClick);
public function hpClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
Section 15 (245 B)
//loadDataDisplay (loadDataDisplay)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class loadDataDisplay extends MovieClip {
public var loadDataButt:SimpleButton;
public var loadDataText:TextField;
Section 16 (17.23 KiB) ● ● ●
//MainMenu (MainMenu)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class MainMenu extends MovieClip {
private var menuMusic:Sound;
private var menuMusicChannel:SoundChannel;
private var gameSong:int;
private var amateurB:int;// = 0
private var amateurP:int;// = 0
public var gameMode:int;
public var nextMenu:String;
public var gameGuitar:int;
private var proB:int;// = 0
private var proP:int;// = 0
private var parentMC:MovieClip;
public function MainMenu():void{
amateurB = 0;
amateurP = 0;
proB = 0;
proP = 0;
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 9, frame10, 14, frame15, 24, frame25, 39, frame40, 45, frame46, 57, frame58);
private function enableTutorial():void{
this.backButt.addEventListener("click", tutorialBackButtClick);
private function download6ButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
switch (gameMode){
case 2:
private function song4ButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
gameSong = 4;
function frame10(){
function frame15(){
private function enableSongSelect():void{
gameSong = 0;
gameMode = 1;
this.song1Butt.addEventListener("click", song1ButtClick);
this.song2Butt.addEventListener("click", song2ButtClick);
this.song3Butt.addEventListener("click", song3ButtClick);
this.song4Butt.addEventListener("click", song4ButtClick);
this.song5Butt.addEventListener("click", song5ButtClick);
this.song6Butt.addEventListener("click", song6ButtClick);
this.song7Butt.addEventListener("click", song7ButtClick);
this.song8Butt.addEventListener("click", song8ButtClick);
this.song9Butt.addEventListener("click", song9ButtClick);
this.song10Butt.addEventListener("click", song10ButtClick);
this.download1Butt.addEventListener("click", download1ButtClick);
this.download2Butt.addEventListener("click", download2ButtClick);
this.download3Butt.addEventListener("click", download3ButtClick);
this.download4Butt.addEventListener("click", download4ButtClick);
this.download5Butt.addEventListener("click", download5ButtClick);
this.download6Butt.addEventListener("click", download6ButtClick);
this.download7Butt.addEventListener("click", download7ButtClick);
this.download8Butt.addEventListener("click", download8ButtClick);
this.download9Butt.addEventListener("click", download9ButtClick);
this.download10Butt.addEventListener("click", download10ButtClick);
this.amateurButt.addEventListener("click", amateurButtClick);
this.proButt.addEventListener("click", proButtClick);
this.backButt.addEventListener("click", songBackButtClick);
private function download8ButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
private function disableTutorial():void{
this.backButt.removeEventListener("click", tutorialBackButtClick);
function frame1(){
private function download10ButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
private function song6ButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
gameSong = 6;
function frame25(){
this.lock1.lockText.text = "Get 8 awards on amateur!";
this.lock2.lockText.text = "Get 10 awards on pro!";
this.lock3.lockText.text = "Get 4 perfects on amateur!";
this.lock4.lockText.text = "Get 5 perfects on pro!";
private function creditsButt2Click(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
this.credits.visible = false;
private function amateurButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
gameMode = 1;
private function download1ButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
switch (gameMode){
case 2:
public function initiate(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
parentMC = MovieClip(parent);
menuMusic = new menuLoop();
menuMusicChannel = menuMusic.play();
menuMusicChannel.addEventListener("soundComplete", menuLoopComplete);
if (parentMC.saving){
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < 20) {
_local2 = parentMC.so.data.xyz[_local3][1];
if (_local3 < 10){
if (_local2 > 0){
if (_local2 == 4){
} else {
if (_local2 > 0){
if (_local2 == 4){
if (!(_arg1)){
function frame40(){
this.song1Text.mouseEnabled = false;
this.song2Text.mouseEnabled = false;
this.song3AText.mouseEnabled = false;
this.song3BText.mouseEnabled = false;
this.song4Text.mouseEnabled = false;
this.song5Text.mouseEnabled = false;
this.song6Text.mouseEnabled = false;
this.song7Text.mouseEnabled = false;
this.song8Text.mouseEnabled = false;
this.song9Text.mouseEnabled = false;
this.song10Text.mouseEnabled = false;
function frame46(){
private function song8ButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:int;
_local2 = ((gameMode * 20) - 13);
if (parentMC.so.data.abc >= _local2){
gameSong = 8;
private function download3ButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
switch (gameMode){
case 1:
case 2:
private function enableProgress():void{
var _local1:int;
if (parentMC.saving){
_local1 = 1;
while (_local1 < 21) {
if (((!((_local1 == 1))) && (!((_local1 == 6))))){
this[(("score" + _local1) + "Text")].text = parentMC.so.data.xyz[(_local1 - 1)][0];
if (parentMC.so.data.xyz[(_local1 - 1)][1]){
this[("award" + _local1)].gotoAndStop(parentMC.so.data.xyz[(_local1 - 1)][1]);
this[("award" + _local1)].visible = true;
} else {
this[("award" + _local1)].visible = false;
this.allPerfect.visible = (parentMC.so.data.abc == 72);
this.awardPointsText.text = parentMC.so.data.abc;
this.clearButt.addEventListener("click", clearButtClick);
} else {
this.clearButt.visible = false;
this.allPerfect.visible = false;
this.clearConfirm.visible = false;
this.backButt.addEventListener("click", progressBackButtClick);
function frame58(){
private function song1ButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
gameSong = 1;
private function websiteButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
private function progressBackButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
private function plankButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
gameGuitar = 5;
private function menuLoopComplete(_arg1:Event):void{
menuMusicChannel = menuMusic.play(1100);
menuMusicChannel.addEventListener("soundComplete", menuLoopComplete);
private function songBackButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
private function clearYesButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
parentMC.so.data.xyz = new Array([0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]);
parentMC.so.data.abc = new int(0);
this.clearConfirm.yesButt.removeEventListener("click", clearYesButtClick);
this.clearConfirm.noButt.removeEventListener("click", clearNoButtClick);
private function proButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
gameMode = 2;
private function scmdButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
gameGuitar = 6;
private function song3ButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
gameSong = 3;
private function download5ButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
switch (gameMode){
case 1:
case 2:
private function disableGuitarSelect():void{
this.lespaulButt.removeEventListener("click", lespaulButtClick);
this.stratButt.removeEventListener("click", stratButtClick);
this.sgButt.removeEventListener("click", sgButtClick);
this.flyingvButt.removeEventListener("click", flyingvButtClick);
this.plankButt.removeEventListener("click", plankButtClick);
this.scmdButt.removeEventListener("click", scmdButtClick);
this.backButt.removeEventListener("click", guitarBackButtClick);
private function sponsorButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
private function disableProgress():void{
this.clearButt.removeEventListener("click", clearButtClick);
this.backButt.removeEventListener("click", progressBackButtClick);
private function flyingvButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
gameGuitar = 4;
private function sgButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
gameGuitar = 3;
private function enableGuitarSelect():void{
this.lespaulButt.addEventListener("click", lespaulButtClick);
this.stratButt.addEventListener("click", stratButtClick);
if (amateurB == 8){
this.sgButt.addEventListener("click", sgButtClick);
if (proB == 10){
this.flyingvButt.addEventListener("click", flyingvButtClick);
if (amateurP > 3){
this.plankButt.addEventListener("click", plankButtClick);
if (proP > 4){
this.scmdButt.addEventListener("click", scmdButtClick);
this.sgButt.mouseEnabled = (amateurB == 8);
this.flyingvButt.mouseEnabled = (proB == 10);
this.plankButt.mouseEnabled = (amateurP > 3);
this.scmdButt.mouseEnabled = (proP > 4);
this.lock1.visible = !(this.sgButt.mouseEnabled);
this.lock2.visible = !(this.flyingvButt.mouseEnabled);
this.lock3.visible = !(this.plankButt.mouseEnabled);
this.lock4.visible = !(this.scmdButt.mouseEnabled);
this.backButt.addEventListener("click", guitarBackButtClick);
private function download7ButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
private function rockButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
nextMenu = "guitar";
private function song5ButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
gameSong = 5;
private function tutorialBackButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
private function enableMainMenu():void{
this.rockButt.addEventListener("click", rockButtClick);
this.tutorialButt.addEventListener("click", tutorialButtClick);
this.progressButt.addEventListener("click", progressButtClick);
this.websiteButt.addEventListener("click", websiteButtClick);
this.sponsorButt.addEventListener("click", sponsorButtClick);
this.creditsButt.addEventListener("click", creditsButtClick);
this.credits.visible = false;
this.credits.creditsButt2.addEventListener("click", creditsButt2Click);
private function clearButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
this.clearConfirm.visible = true;
this.clearConfirm.yesButt.addEventListener("click", clearYesButtClick);
this.clearConfirm.noButt.addEventListener("click", clearNoButtClick);
private function stratButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
gameGuitar = 2;
private function tutorialButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
nextMenu = "tutorial";
private function disableSongSelect():void{
this.song1Butt.removeEventListener("click", song1ButtClick);
this.song2Butt.removeEventListener("click", song2ButtClick);
this.song3Butt.removeEventListener("click", song3ButtClick);
this.song4Butt.removeEventListener("click", song4ButtClick);
this.song5Butt.removeEventListener("click", song5ButtClick);
this.song6Butt.removeEventListener("click", song6ButtClick);
this.song7Butt.removeEventListener("click", song7ButtClick);
this.song8Butt.removeEventListener("click", song8ButtClick);
this.song9Butt.removeEventListener("click", song9ButtClick);
this.song10Butt.removeEventListener("click", song10ButtClick);
this.download1Butt.removeEventListener("click", download1ButtClick);
this.download2Butt.removeEventListener("click", download2ButtClick);
this.download3Butt.removeEventListener("click", download3ButtClick);
this.download4Butt.removeEventListener("click", download4ButtClick);
this.download5Butt.removeEventListener("click", download5ButtClick);
this.download6Butt.removeEventListener("click", download6ButtClick);
this.download7Butt.removeEventListener("click", download7ButtClick);
this.download8Butt.removeEventListener("click", download8ButtClick);
this.download9Butt.removeEventListener("click", download9ButtClick);
this.download10Butt.removeEventListener("click", download10ButtClick);
this.amateurButt.removeEventListener("click", amateurButtClick);
this.proButt.removeEventListener("click", proButtClick);
this.backButt.removeEventListener("click", songBackButtClick);
private function startGame():void{
menuMusicChannel.removeEventListener("soundComplete", menuLoopComplete);
menuMusic = null;
menuMusicChannel = null;
nextMenu = "";
parentMC.gameMC = new Game(gameSong, gameMode, gameGuitar, parentMC.voiceOff);
gameSong = (gameMode = (gameGuitar = 0));
private function download9ButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
private function progressButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
nextMenu = "progress";
private function song7ButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:int;
_local2 = ((gameMode * 20) - 18);
if (parentMC.so.data.abc >= _local2){
gameSong = 7;
private function song10ButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:int;
_local2 = ((gameMode * 20) - 3);
if (parentMC.so.data.abc >= _local2){
gameSong = 10;
private function guitarBackButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
private function download2ButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
switch (gameMode){
case 1:
case 2:
private function creditsButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
this.credits.visible = true;
private function disableMainMenu():void{
this.rockButt.removeEventListener("click", rockButtClick);
this.tutorialButt.removeEventListener("click", tutorialButtClick);
this.progressButt.removeEventListener("click", progressButtClick);
this.websiteButt.removeEventListener("click", websiteButtClick);
this.sponsorButt.removeEventListener("click", sponsorButtClick);
this.creditsButt.removeEventListener("click", creditsButtClick);
this.credits.creditsButt2.removeEventListener("click", creditsButt2Click);
private function song9ButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:int;
_local2 = ((gameMode * 20) - 8);
if (parentMC.so.data.abc >= _local2){
gameSong = 9;
private function clearNoButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
this.clearConfirm.yesButt.removeEventListener("click", clearYesButtClick);
this.clearConfirm.noButt.removeEventListener("click", clearNoButtClick);
private function download4ButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
switch (gameMode){
case 1:
case 2:
private function lespaulButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
gameGuitar = 1;
private function song2ButtClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
gameSong = 2;
Section 17 (118 B)
//menuLoop (menuLoop)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class menuLoop extends Sound {
Section 18 (112 B)
//Multi2 (Multi2)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class Multi2 extends Sound {
Section 19 (112 B)
//Multi3 (Multi3)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class Multi3 extends Sound {
Section 20 (112 B)
//Multi4 (Multi4)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class Multi4 extends Sound {
Section 21 (112 B)
//Multi5 (Multi5)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class Multi5 extends Sound {
Section 22 (112 B)
//Multi6 (Multi6)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class Multi6 extends Sound {
Section 23 (303 B)
//ping1 (ping1)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ping1 extends MovieClip {
public function ping1(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 12, frame13);
function frame1(){
function frame13(){
Section 24 (303 B)
//ping2 (ping2)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ping2 extends MovieClip {
public function ping2(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 12, frame13);
function frame1(){
function frame13(){
Section 25 (303 B)
//ping3 (ping3)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ping3 extends MovieClip {
public function ping3(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 12, frame13);
function frame1(){
function frame13(){
Section 26 (303 B)
//ping4 (ping4)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ping4 extends MovieClip {
public function ping4(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 12, frame13);
function frame1(){
function frame13(){
Section 27 (303 B)
//ping5 (ping5)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ping5 extends MovieClip {
public function ping5(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 12, frame13);
function frame1(){
function frame13(){
Section 28 (303 B)
//ping6 (ping6)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ping6 extends MovieClip {
public function ping6(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 12, frame13);
function frame1(){
function frame13(){
Section 29 (311 B)
//pingSp3 (pingSp3)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class pingSp3 extends MovieClip {
public function pingSp3(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 11, frame12);
function frame12(){
function frame1(){
Section 30 (311 B)
//pingSp4 (pingSp4)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class pingSp4 extends MovieClip {
public function pingSp4(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 11, frame12);
function frame12(){
function frame1(){
Section 31 (311 B)
//pingSp5 (pingSp5)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class pingSp5 extends MovieClip {
public function pingSp5(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 11, frame12);
function frame12(){
function frame1(){
Section 32 (311 B)
//pingSp6 (pingSp6)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class pingSp6 extends MovieClip {
public function pingSp6(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 11, frame12);
function frame12(){
function frame1(){
Section 33 (1.39 KiB) ●
//Preloader (Preloader)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class Preloader extends MovieClip {
public var loaderBar:MovieClip;
public var textTotal:TextField;
public var loadedPercent:int;
public var textLoaded:TextField;
public var loaderLoading:MovieClip;
public var totalSize:int;
public var loadedAmount:int;
public var parentMC:MovieClip;
public var blah:Boolean;
public function Preloader(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3);
function frame2(){
function frame3(){
if (((blah) && ((loadedAmount >= totalSize)))){
parentMC = null;
} else {
function frame1(){
parentMC = MovieClip(parent);
blah = true;
loadedAmount = root.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded;
textLoaded.text = (Math.round((loadedAmount / 0x0400)) + "kb");
totalSize = root.loaderInfo.bytesTotal;
textTotal.text = (Math.round((totalSize / 0x0400)) + "kb");
if (totalSize == 0){
} else {
loadedPercent = Math.round(((loadedAmount / totalSize) * 100));
loaderBar.scaleX = (loadedPercent / 100);
loaderLoading.x = (loaderBar.x + loaderBar.width);
if (loadedAmount == totalSize){
Section 34 (106 B)
//Song (Song)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class Song extends Sound {
Section 35 (112 B)
//song10 (song10)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class song10 extends Sound {
Section 36 (112 B)
//song11 (song11)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class song11 extends Sound {
Section 37 (112 B)
//song12 (song12)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class song12 extends Sound {
Section 38 (112 B)
//song13 (song13)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class song13 extends Sound {
Section 39 (112 B)
//song14 (song14)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class song14 extends Sound {
Section 40 (112 B)
//song15 (song15)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class song15 extends Sound {
Section 41 (112 B)
//song16 (song16)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class song16 extends Sound {
Section 42 (109 B)
//song2 (song2)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class song2 extends Sound {
Section 43 (109 B)
//song3 (song3)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class song3 extends Sound {
Section 44 (109 B)
//song4 (song4)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class song4 extends Sound {
Section 45 (109 B)
//song5 (song5)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class song5 extends Sound {
Section 46 (109 B)
//song7 (song7)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class song7 extends Sound {
Section 47 (109 B)
//song8 (song8)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class song8 extends Sound {
Section 48 (109 B)
//song9 (song9)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class song9 extends Sound {
Section 49 (553 B)
//Timeline13_95648d42279a42409ff9f9a66bff5cca (Timeline13_95648d42279a42409ff9f9a66bff5cca)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Timeline13_95648d42279a42409ff9f9a66bff5cca extends MovieClip {
public function Timeline13_95648d42279a42409ff9f9a66bff5cca(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5);
function frame3(){
function frame1(){
function frame4(){
function frame5(){
function frame2(){
Section 50 (2 KiB) ●
//Timeline15_40aa7ea063b2dd40845c4dd4fea41ca3 (Timeline15_40aa7ea063b2dd40845c4dd4fea41ca3)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.media.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class Timeline15_40aa7ea063b2dd40845c4dd4fea41ca3 extends MovieClip {
public function Timeline15_40aa7ea063b2dd40845c4dd4fea41ca3(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6);
function frame3(){
if (MovieClip(parent.parent.parent.parent).guitar){
} else {
function frame6(){
if (MovieClip(parent.parent.parent.parent).guitar){
} else {
function frame1(){
if (MovieClip(parent.parent.parent.parent).guitar){
} else {
function frame4(){
if (MovieClip(parent.parent.parent.parent).guitar){
} else {
function frame5(){
if (MovieClip(parent.parent.parent.parent).guitar){
} else {
function frame2(){
if (MovieClip(parent.parent.parent.parent).guitar){
} else {
Section 51 (939 B)
//Timeline3_3585d95bc1427442b616c2180209ea (Timeline3_3585d95bc1427442b616c2180209ea)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.media.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class Timeline3_3585d95bc1427442b616c2180209ea extends MovieClip {
public function Timeline3_3585d95bc1427442b616c2180209ea(){
addFrameScript(27, frame28, 54, frame55);
function frame28(){
function frame55(){
MovieClip(root).hallpass.removeEventListener("click", MovieClip(root).hpClick);
Section 52 (380 B)
//Timeline38_d843bff5ae8e7f4faabfe3fe9b57992 (Timeline38_d843bff5ae8e7f4faabfe3fe9b57992)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Timeline38_d843bff5ae8e7f4faabfe3fe9b57992 extends MovieClip {
public function Timeline38_d843bff5ae8e7f4faabfe3fe9b57992(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
this.mouseEnabled = false;
Section 53 (592 B)
//Timeline5_9a1a58269277a9458ff738860f6e851 (Timeline5_9a1a58269277a9458ff738860f6e851)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Timeline5_9a1a58269277a9458ff738860f6e851 extends MovieClip {
public function Timeline5_9a1a58269277a9458ff738860f6e851(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6);
function frame3(){
function frame6(){
function frame1(){
function frame4(){
function frame5(){
function frame2(){
Section 54 (632 B)
//Timeline71_a5e5343b3897964fa537afa38ed22ae8 (Timeline71_a5e5343b3897964fa537afa38ed22ae8)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Timeline71_a5e5343b3897964fa537afa38ed22ae8 extends MovieClip {
public var rockButt:SimpleButton;
public var websiteButt:SimpleButton;
public var sponsorButt:SimpleButton;
public var creditsButt:SimpleButton;
public var optionsButt:SimpleButton;
public var progressButt:SimpleButton;
public function Timeline71_a5e5343b3897964fa537afa38ed22ae8(){
addFrameScript(29, frame30);
function frame30(){
Section 55 (270 B)
//Timeline72_d239883f4c97b749a0639cdea0ed2813 (Timeline72_d239883f4c97b749a0639cdea0ed2813)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Timeline72_d239883f4c97b749a0639cdea0ed2813 extends MovieClip {
public var creditsButt2:SimpleButton;
Section 56 (0.98 KiB)
//Timeline73_26a1562d8a5ace4480ad9896e6e9f785 (Timeline73_26a1562d8a5ace4480ad9896e6e9f785)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.media.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class Timeline73_26a1562d8a5ace4480ad9896e6e9f785 extends MovieClip {
public var rockButt:SimpleButton;
public var websiteButt:SimpleButton;
public var sponsorButt:SimpleButton;
public var creditsButt:SimpleButton;
public var optionsButt:SimpleButton;
public var progressButt:SimpleButton;
public function Timeline73_26a1562d8a5ace4480ad9896e6e9f785(){
addFrameScript(37, frame38);
function frame38(){
Section 57 (276 B)
//Timeline80_9a249c1736cd14a88d7b0a88c663c (Timeline80_9a249c1736cd14a88d7b0a88c663c)
package {
import flash.text.*;
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Timeline80_9a249c1736cd14a88d7b0a88c663c extends MovieClip {
public var lockText:TextField;
Section 58 (5.68 KiB) ● ●
//Timeline83_1c9eb65138bee4a9abc61adc682254c (Timeline83_1c9eb65138bee4a9abc61adc682254c)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.media.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class Timeline83_1c9eb65138bee4a9abc61adc682254c extends MovieClip {
public var i:int;
public function Timeline83_1c9eb65138bee4a9abc61adc682254c(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2);
function frame1(){
MovieClip(parent).song1Text.text = "";
MovieClip(parent).award1.visible = false;
MovieClip(parent).score1Text.visible = false;
MovieClip(parent).download1Butt.visible = false;
MovieClip(parent).song1Butt.visible = false;
MovieClip(parent).song2Text.text = "Hollywise\nby Blacktop Manhattan";
MovieClip(parent).song3AText.text = "This Way (Demo)";
MovieClip(parent).song3BText.visible = true;
MovieClip(parent).song4Text.text = "Truth or Dare\nby Garden State";
MovieClip(parent).song5Text.text = "The Quest Of Your Life\nby Evil-Dog";
MovieClip(parent).song6Text.text = "";
MovieClip(parent).award6.visible = false;
MovieClip(parent).score6Text.visible = false;
MovieClip(parent).download6Butt.visible = false;
MovieClip(parent).song6Butt.visible = false;
MovieClip(parent).song7Text.text = "Super Mario World Rock\nby Soundshifter";
MovieClip(parent).song8Text.text = "Legend of Zelda Rockin'\nby DarthJB2";
MovieClip(parent).song9Text.text = "My Heart Up Your Ass\nby Evil-Dog";
MovieClip(parent).song10Text.text = "SWiTCH vs Evil-Dog\nRound 1";
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
if (((!((i == 1))) && (!((i == 6))))){
MovieClip(parent)[(("score" + i) + "Text")].text = MovieClip(parent.parent).so.data.xyz[(i - 1)][0];
if (MovieClip(parent.parent).so.data.xyz[(i - 1)][1]){
MovieClip(parent)[("award" + i)].gotoAndStop(MovieClip(parent.parent).so.data.xyz[(i - 1)][1]);
MovieClip(parent)[("award" + i)].visible = true;
} else {
MovieClip(parent)[("award" + i)].visible = false;
MovieClip(parent).lock1.visible = (MovieClip(parent.parent).so.data.abc < ((MovieClip(parent).gameMode * 20) - 18));
MovieClip(parent).lock1.numText.text = ((MovieClip(parent).gameMode * 20) - 18);
MovieClip(parent).lock2.visible = (MovieClip(parent.parent).so.data.abc < ((MovieClip(parent).gameMode * 20) - 13));
MovieClip(parent).lock2.numText.text = ((MovieClip(parent).gameMode * 20) - 13);
MovieClip(parent).lock3.visible = (MovieClip(parent.parent).so.data.abc < ((MovieClip(parent).gameMode * 20) - 8));
MovieClip(parent).lock3.numText.text = ((MovieClip(parent).gameMode * 20) - 8);
MovieClip(parent).lock4.visible = (MovieClip(parent.parent).so.data.abc < ((MovieClip(parent).gameMode * 20) - 3));
MovieClip(parent).lock4.numText.text = ((MovieClip(parent).gameMode * 20) - 3);
if (MovieClip(parent).gameMode != currentFrame){
function frame2(){
MovieClip(parent).song1Text.text = "Broked It\nby SWiTCH feat. Dr_Yes";
MovieClip(parent).award1.visible = true;
MovieClip(parent).score1Text.visible = true;
MovieClip(parent).download1Butt.visible = true;
MovieClip(parent).song1Butt.visible = true;
MovieClip(parent).song2Text.text = "Please (Intro) \nby Fixed";
MovieClip(parent).song3AText.text = "Guitar vs Piano 1.2\nby Goukisan";
MovieClip(parent).song3BText.visible = false;
MovieClip(parent).song4Text.text = "Rough Tone\nby nal1200";
MovieClip(parent).song5Text.text = "Run'n'Gun\nby Ravicious";
MovieClip(parent).song6Text.text = "Big Blue (F-Zero)\nby NESkimos";
MovieClip(parent).award6.visible = true;
MovieClip(parent).score6Text.visible = true;
MovieClip(parent).download6Butt.visible = true;
MovieClip(parent).song6Butt.visible = true;
MovieClip(parent).song7Text.text = "Super Mario World Rock\nby Soundshifter";
MovieClip(parent).song8Text.text = "Legend of Zelda Rockin'\nby DarthJB2";
MovieClip(parent).song9Text.text = "My Heart Up Your Ass\nby Evil-Dog";
MovieClip(parent).song10Text.text = "SWiTCH vs Evil-Dog\nRound 1";
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
MovieClip(parent)[(("score" + i) + "Text")].text = MovieClip(parent.parent).so.data.xyz[(i + 9)][0];
if (MovieClip(parent.parent).so.data.xyz[(i + 9)][1]){
MovieClip(parent)[("award" + i)].gotoAndStop(MovieClip(parent.parent).so.data.xyz[(i + 9)][1]);
MovieClip(parent)[("award" + i)].visible = true;
} else {
MovieClip(parent)[("award" + i)].visible = false;
MovieClip(parent).lock1.visible = (MovieClip(parent.parent).so.data.abc < ((MovieClip(parent).gameMode * 20) - 18));
MovieClip(parent).lock1.numText.text = ((MovieClip(parent).gameMode * 20) - 18);
MovieClip(parent).lock2.visible = (MovieClip(parent.parent).so.data.abc < ((MovieClip(parent).gameMode * 20) - 13));
MovieClip(parent).lock2.numText.text = ((MovieClip(parent).gameMode * 20) - 13);
MovieClip(parent).lock3.visible = (MovieClip(parent.parent).so.data.abc < ((MovieClip(parent).gameMode * 20) - 8));
MovieClip(parent).lock3.numText.text = ((MovieClip(parent).gameMode * 20) - 8);
MovieClip(parent).lock4.visible = (MovieClip(parent.parent).so.data.abc < ((MovieClip(parent).gameMode * 20) - 3));
MovieClip(parent).lock4.numText.text = ((MovieClip(parent).gameMode * 20) - 3);
if (MovieClip(parent).gameMode != currentFrame){
Section 59 (502 B)
//Timeline85_71ebaedcb84484bb1382e7c5b32dcfe (Timeline85_71ebaedcb84484bb1382e7c5b32dcfe)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Timeline85_71ebaedcb84484bb1382e7c5b32dcfe extends MovieClip {
public function Timeline85_71ebaedcb84484bb1382e7c5b32dcfe(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4);
function frame3(){
function frame1(){
function frame4(){
function frame2(){
Section 60 (281 B)
//Timeline86_49a58bd4920dc4fb7c48ca17f10522f (Timeline86_49a58bd4920dc4fb7c48ca17f10522f)
package {
import flash.text.*;
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Timeline86_49a58bd4920dc4fb7c48ca17f10522f extends MovieClip {
public var numText:TextField;
Section 61 (494 B)
//Timeline87_eeeeb3224b9a4c9b742e6a5b465b6 (Timeline87_eeeeb3224b9a4c9b742e6a5b465b6)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Timeline87_eeeeb3224b9a4c9b742e6a5b465b6 extends MovieClip {
public function Timeline87_eeeeb3224b9a4c9b742e6a5b465b6(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4);
function frame3(){
function frame1(){
function frame4(){
function frame2(){
Section 62 (299 B)
//Timeline89_c164e84b24751d4ebf1877bc29d74673 (Timeline89_c164e84b24751d4ebf1877bc29d74673)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Timeline89_c164e84b24751d4ebf1877bc29d74673 extends MovieClip {
public var noButt:SimpleButton;
public var yesButt:SimpleButton;
Section 63 (1.01 KiB) ●
//Timeline9_5d4c80e3d3da99408aba3513a382fb0 (Timeline9_5d4c80e3d3da99408aba3513a382fb0)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.media.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class Timeline9_5d4c80e3d3da99408aba3513a382fb0 extends MovieClip {
public function Timeline9_5d4c80e3d3da99408aba3513a382fb0(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4);
function frame3(){
function frame1(){
function frame4(){
function frame2(){
Section 64 (2.88 KiB) ●
//Timeline90_b1eb36853fe6b4681615432664973b2 (Timeline90_b1eb36853fe6b4681615432664973b2)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.media.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class Timeline90_b1eb36853fe6b4681615432664973b2 extends MovieClip {
public var award2:MovieClip;
public var award3:MovieClip;
public var award4:MovieClip;
public var award1:MovieClip;
public var screen:int;
public var nextButt:SimpleButton;
public var prevButt:SimpleButton;
public function Timeline90_b1eb36853fe6b4681615432664973b2(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6, 6, frame7);
public function removeTutorial():void{
this.nextButt.removeEventListener("click", nextButtClick);
this.prevButt.removeEventListener("click", prevButtClick);
function frame3(){
if (screen){
if (screen != currentFrame){
} else {
} else {
function frame6(){
if (screen){
if (screen != currentFrame){
} else {
} else {
function frame7(){
if (screen){
if (screen != currentFrame){
} else {
} else {
function frame1(){
screen = 1;
this.nextButt.addEventListener("click", nextButtClick);
this.prevButt.addEventListener("click", prevButtClick);
function frame4(){
if (screen){
if (screen != currentFrame){
} else {
} else {
function frame2(){
if (screen){
if (screen != currentFrame){
} else {
} else {
function frame5(){
if (screen){
if (screen != currentFrame){
} else {
} else {
public function nextButtClick(_arg1:Object):void{
if (screen < 7){
public function prevButtClick(_arg1:Object):void{
if (screen > 1){
Section 65 (295 B)
//Timeline93_b6e92b8984b1f46926c4518a5d730a6 (Timeline93_b6e92b8984b1f46926c4518a5d730a6)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Timeline93_b6e92b8984b1f46926c4518a5d730a6 extends MovieClip {
public var holdBar:MovieClip;
public var holdBarBack:MovieClip;
Section 66 (109 B)
//Title (Title)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class Title extends Sound {
Section 67 (106 B)
//Tut1 (Tut1)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class Tut1 extends Sound {
Section 68 (106 B)
//Tut2 (Tut2)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class Tut2 extends Sound {
Section 69 (106 B)
//Tut3 (Tut3)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class Tut3 extends Sound {
Section 70 (106 B)
//Tut4 (Tut4)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class Tut4 extends Sound {
Section 71 (106 B)
//Tut5 (Tut5)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class Tut5 extends Sound {
Section 72 (106 B)
//Tut6 (Tut6)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class Tut6 extends Sound {
Section 73 (105 B)
//Tut7 (Tut7)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class Tut7 extends Sound {