Frame 1
function BlackOut() {
fade = _root.attachMovie("BlackOut", "BlackOut", 3000);
fade._alpha = 0;
fade.inplay = 1;
var _local2 = new mx.transitions.Tween(fade, "_alpha", 0, 0, 100, 1, true);
_local2.onMotionFinished = function () {
gotoAndStop (4);
loader = _root.attachMovie("PreloaderMain", "main", 2000);
blackout = 0;
Frame 3
main.loadbar._height = 0;
if ((_root != undefined) && (_root.getBytesTotal() != 0)) {
main.loadbar._height = (Math.round(_root.getBytesLoaded()) / Math.round(_root.getBytesTotal())) * 218;
if ((Math.round(_root.getBytesLoaded()) == Math.round(_root.getBytesTotal())) && (blackout == 0)) {
blackout = 1;
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Frame 4
gotoAndStop (5);
Frame 5
gotoAndStop (6);
Frame 6
function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) {
var x;
var g;
var s;
var fv;
var sb;
var u;
var res;
var mb;
var mbc;
mb = "__mochibot__";
mbc = "";
g = (_global ? (_global) : (_level0._root));
if (g[mb + swfid]) {
return(g[mb + swfid]);
s =;
x = mc._root.getSWFVersion;
fv = (x ? (mc.getSWFVersion()) : ((_global ? 6 : 5)));
if (!s) {
s = {};
sb = s.sandboxType;
if (sb == "localWithFile") {
x = s.allowDomain;
if (x) {
x = s.allowInsecureDomain;
if (x) {
u = (((((((((((("http://" + mbc) + "/my/core.swf?mv=7&fv=") + fv) + "&v=") + escape(getVersion())) + "&swfid=") + escape(swfid)) + "&l=") + lv) + "&f=") + mc) + (sb ? ("&sb=" + sb) : "")) + (trk ? "&t=1" : "");
lv = ((fv > 6) ? (mc.getNextHighestDepth()) : ((g[mb + "level"] ? (g[mb + "level"] + 1) : (lv))));
g[mb + "level"] = lv;
if (fv == 5) {
res = "_level" + lv;
if (!eval (res)) {
loadMovieNum (u, lv);
} else {
res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv);
function searchandreplace(the_string, search_string, replace_string, occurrences, backward) {
if (search_string == replace_string) {
var _local4 = 0;
if (backward == true) {
var _local2 = the_string.lastIndexOf(search_string);
while (_local2 >= 0) {
var _local6 = the_string.substr(0, _local2);
var _local7 = the_string.substr(_local2 + search_string.length);
the_string = (_local6 + replace_string) + _local7;
_local2 = the_string.lastIndexOf(search_string, _local6.length);
if (_local4 == occurrences) {
_local2 = -1;
} else {
var _local2 = the_string.indexOf(search_string);
while (_local2 >= 0) {
var _local6 = the_string.substr(0, _local2);
var _local7 = the_string.substr(_local2 + search_string.length);
the_string = (_local6 + replace_string) + _local7;
_local2 = the_string.indexOf(search_string, _local2 + replace_string.length);
if (_local4 == occurrences) {
_local2 = -1;
function EncrpytString(strVal) {
var _local7 = "aHfEjcDebChGiAfIjDbEjacD";
var _local8 = _local7.length;
var _local11 = "0";
var _local3 = "";
var _local9 = strVal.length;
var _local1 = 0;
_local3 = "";
var _local4;
var _local6;
var _local2;
var _local5 = 0;
nCnt = 0;
while (nCnt < _local9) {
_local4 = strVal.charCodeAt(nCnt);
if (_local4 >= 128) {
_local4 = "X";
_local6 = _local7.charCodeAt(_local1);
_local1 = _local1 + 1;
if (_local1 >= _local8) {
_local1 = 0;
_local2 = (_local4 % 16) + _local6;
_local3 = _local3 + String.fromCharCode(_local2);
_local5 = _local5 + _local2;
_local6 = _local7.charCodeAt(_local1);
_local1 = _local1 + 1;
if (_local1 >= _local8) {
_local1 = 0;
_local2 = Math.floor(_local4 / 16) + _local6;
_local3 = _local3 + String.fromCharCode(_local2);
_local5 = _local5 + _local2;
_local5 = _local5 % 256;
_local6 = _local7.charCodeAt(_local1);
_local1 = _local1 + 1;
if (_local1 >= _local8) {
_local1 = 0;
_local2 = (_local5 % 16) + _local6;
_local3 = _local3 + String.fromCharCode(_local2);
_local6 = _local7.charCodeAt(_local1);
_local1 = _local1 + 1;
if (_local1 >= _local8) {
_local1 = 0;
_local2 = Math.floor(_local5 / 16) + _local6;
_local3 = _local3 + String.fromCharCode(_local2);
function GetUrlParam(strUrl, strParam) {
var _local4 = strUrl.toLowerCase();
var _local1 = _local4.indexOf(strParam);
var _local5 = strParam.length;
if (_local1 > 0) {
var _local3;
var _local2 = _local4.indexOf("&", _local1 + _local5);
if (_local2 > 0) {
_local3 = _local2 - _local1;
} else {
_local3 = strUrl.length - _local1;
return(strUrl.substr(_local1 + _local5, _local3));
function GetBaseUrl(strUrl) {
var _local1 = strUrl.toLowerCase();
var _local2 = _local1.length;
var _local3 = _local1.indexOf("?", 0);
if (_local3 > 0) {
_local2 = _local3;
var _local4 = "download";
if (_local1.substr(0, 4) == "http") {
_local4 = strUrl.substr(7, _local2 - 7);
function updateFrameRate() {
if (counter == updateRate) {
var _local4 = getTimer();
var _local7 = (_local4 - startTime) / 1000;
var _local2 = updateRate / _local7;
_local2 = Math.floor(_local2 * precision) / precision;
speedFactor = 60 / _local2;
if (speedFactor > 6) {
speedFactor = 6;
if (_root.GamePaused > 0) {
speedFactor = 0;
if (_local2 < 1) {
lowfpstime = lowfpstime + _root.speedFactor;
if ((lowfpstime > 180) && (_root.slowdown != 1)) {
_root.slowdown = 1;
var _local6 = new flash.geom.Transform(_root.MainGame);
var _local3 = _local6.colorTransform;
_local3.redMultiplier = 0.75;
_local3.greenMultiplier = 0.75;
_local3.blueMultiplier = 0.75;
_local6.colorTransform = _local3;
} else {
lowfpstime = 0;
var _local5 = new TextFormat();
_local5.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
fps_txt.text = (((("FPS: " + _local2) + " X: ") + _root._xmouse) + " Y: ") + _root._ymouse;
fps_txt.selectable = false;
startTime = _local4;
counter = 1;
} else {
function frameAdvancer(actor, target, delay) {
if (_root.GamePaused > 0) {
if (target == 0) {
target = actor._currentframe + 1;
actor.ttime = actor.ttime + _root.speedFactor;
if (actor.ttime < delay) {
} else {
actor.ttime = 0;
function IsMouseOver(hotspot) {
if (hotspot.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, 1)) {
function CreateItemDataBase() {
weapon_data = _root.attachMovie("blank", "weapon_data", 89);
weapon_data.gun_shot_time = new Array(50);
weapon_data.gun_type = new Array(50);
weapon_data.gun_shots_fired = new Array(50);
weapon_data.gun_spread = new Array(50);
weapon_data.gun_shot_size = new Array(50);
weapon_data.gun_calliber_type = new Array(50);
weapon_data.gun_ammo_type = new Array(50);
weapon_data.gun_bullet_capacity = new Array(50);
weapon_data.gun_reload_time = new Array(50);
weapon_data.gun_code = new Array(50);
weapon_data.gun_name = new Array(50);
weapon_data.gun_pic = new Array(50);
weapon_data.gun_melee = new Array(50);
weapon_data.gun_chainsaw = new Array(50);
weapon_data.gun_explosive = new Array(50);
weapon_data.gun_flamethrower = new Array(50);
weapon_data.gun_preference = new Array(50);
weapon_data.gun_critical = new Array(50);
weapon_data.gun_shot_time[1] = 40;
weapon_data.gun_type[1] = "revolver";
weapon_data.gun_shots_fired[1] = 1;
weapon_data.gun_spread[1] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_shot_size[1] = 20;
weapon_data.gun_calliber_type[1] = 6;
weapon_data.gun_ammo_type[1] = "45_ammo";
weapon_data.gun_bullet_capacity[1] = 6;
weapon_data.gun_reload_time[1] = 180;
weapon_data.gun_code[1] = "colt45";
weapon_data.gun_name[1] = "Colt 45";
weapon_data.gun_pic[1] = 1;
weapon_data.gun_melee[1] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_chainsaw[1] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_explosive[1] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_flamethrower[1] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_preference[1] = 20;
weapon_data.gun_critical[1] = 1.75;
weapon_data.gun_shot_time[2] = 30;
weapon_data.gun_type[2] = "autopistol";
weapon_data.gun_shots_fired[2] = 1;
weapon_data.gun_spread[2] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_shot_size[2] = 20;
weapon_data.gun_calliber_type[2] = 2;
weapon_data.gun_ammo_type[2] = "35_ammo";
weapon_data.gun_bullet_capacity[2] = 15;
weapon_data.gun_reload_time[2] = 120;
weapon_data.gun_code[2] = "glock19c";
weapon_data.gun_name[2] = "Glock 19C";
weapon_data.gun_pic[2] = 1;
weapon_data.gun_melee[2] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_chainsaw[2] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_explosive[2] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_flamethrower[2] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_preference[2] = 5;
weapon_data.gun_critical[2] = 1;
weapon_data.gun_shot_time[3] = 60;
weapon_data.gun_type[3] = "shotgun";
weapon_data.gun_shots_fired[3] = 5;
weapon_data.gun_spread[3] = 12;
weapon_data.gun_shot_size[3] = 20;
weapon_data.gun_calliber_type[3] = 3;
weapon_data.gun_ammo_type[3] = "12gauge_ammo";
weapon_data.gun_bullet_capacity[3] = 7;
weapon_data.gun_reload_time[3] = 180;
weapon_data.gun_code[3] = "mossberg500";
weapon_data.gun_name[3] = "Mossberg 500";
weapon_data.gun_pic[3] = 1;
weapon_data.gun_melee[3] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_chainsaw[3] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_explosive[3] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_flamethrower[3] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_preference[3] = 50;
weapon_data.gun_critical[3] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_shot_time[4] = 7;
weapon_data.gun_type[4] = "machinegun";
weapon_data.gun_shots_fired[4] = 1;
weapon_data.gun_spread[4] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_shot_size[4] = 20;
weapon_data.gun_calliber_type[4] = 2;
weapon_data.gun_ammo_type[4] = "35_ammo";
weapon_data.gun_bullet_capacity[4] = 30;
weapon_data.gun_reload_time[4] = 120;
weapon_data.gun_code[4] = "steyrtmp";
weapon_data.gun_name[4] = "Steyr TMP";
weapon_data.gun_pic[4] = 1;
weapon_data.gun_melee[4] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_chainsaw[4] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_explosive[4] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_flamethrower[4] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_preference[4] = 40;
weapon_data.gun_critical[4] = 0.5;
weapon_data.gun_shot_time[5] = 40;
weapon_data.gun_type[5] = "knife";
weapon_data.gun_shots_fired[5] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_spread[5] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_shot_size[5] = 20;
weapon_data.gun_calliber_type[5] = 1;
weapon_data.gun_ammo_type[5] = "nonammo";
weapon_data.gun_bullet_capacity[5] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_reload_time[5] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_code[5] = "combatknife";
weapon_data.gun_name[5] = "Combat Knife";
weapon_data.gun_pic[5] = 1;
weapon_data.gun_melee[5] = 1;
weapon_data.gun_chainsaw[5] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_explosive[5] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_flamethrower[5] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_preference[5] = 1;
weapon_data.gun_critical[5] = 2.5;
weapon_data.gun_shot_time[6] = 60;
weapon_data.gun_type[6] = "grenadelauncher";
weapon_data.gun_shots_fired[6] = 1;
weapon_data.gun_spread[6] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_shot_size[6] = 100;
weapon_data.gun_calliber_type[6] = 30;
weapon_data.gun_ammo_type[6] = "grenade_ammo";
weapon_data.gun_bullet_capacity[6] = 3;
weapon_data.gun_reload_time[6] = 180;
weapon_data.gun_code[6] = "gm94launcher";
weapon_data.gun_name[6] = "GM94 Launcher";
weapon_data.gun_pic[6] = 1;
weapon_data.gun_melee[6] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_chainsaw[6] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_explosive[6] = 30;
weapon_data.gun_flamethrower[6] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_preference[6] = 99;
weapon_data.gun_critical[6] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_shot_time[7] = 5;
weapon_data.gun_type[7] = "chainsaw";
weapon_data.gun_shots_fired[7] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_spread[7] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_shot_size[7] = 20;
weapon_data.gun_calliber_type[7] = -0.5;
weapon_data.gun_ammo_type[7] = "nonammo";
weapon_data.gun_bullet_capacity[5] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_reload_time[5] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_code[7] = "chainsaw";
weapon_data.gun_name[7] = "Chainsaw";
weapon_data.gun_pic[7] = 1;
weapon_data.gun_melee[7] = 1;
weapon_data.gun_chainsaw[7] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_explosive[7] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_flamethrower[7] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_preference[7] = 1;
weapon_data.gun_critical[7] = 1.75;
weapon_data.gun_shot_time[8] = 60;
weapon_data.gun_type[8] = "shotgun";
weapon_data.gun_shots_fired[8] = 5;
weapon_data.gun_spread[8] = 12;
weapon_data.gun_shot_size[8] = 20;
weapon_data.gun_calliber_type[8] = 1;
weapon_data.gun_ammo_type[8] = "20gauge_ammo";
weapon_data.gun_bullet_capacity[8] = 7;
weapon_data.gun_reload_time[8] = 180;
weapon_data.gun_code[8] = "mossberg5002";
weapon_data.gun_name[8] = "Mossberg 500";
weapon_data.gun_pic[8] = 1;
weapon_data.gun_melee[8] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_chainsaw[8] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_explosive[8] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_flamethrower[8] = 0;
weapon_data.gun_preference[8] = 50;
weapon_data.gun_critical[8] = 0;
function StartAction() {
_root.ScoreVal = 0;
game = _root.attachMovie("MainGame", "MainGame", 1);
game.onEnterFrame = function () {
game.game_started = 0;
var _local3 = new TextFormat();
_local3.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
_local3.bold = true;
_local3.size = 30;
_local3 = new TextFormat();
_local3.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
function StartGame() {
splash = _root.attachMovie("arcadetown_splash", "splash", 1);
splash.timeon = 0;
splash.blackout = 0;
splash.onEnterFrame = function () {
this.timeon = this.timeon + _root.speedFactor;
if ((this.timeon > 360) && (this.blackout == 0)) {
this.blackout = 1;
_root.BlackOut("MainMenu_Scene", 0);
function ChangeMenu(menuname) {
if (menuname != "none") {
if (menuname == "GameOver_Scene2") {
_root.soundon = 0;
menu = _root.attachMovie(menuname, "MenuScreen", 900);
_root.current_menu = menuname;
} else {
_root.soundon = _root.basesoundon;
_root.current_menu = "";
function DeleteActor(clip) {
clip.inplay = 0;
function PlayFootstepSound(player) {
if (player.mainplayer == 0) {
if (_root.GamePaused > 0) {
if (random(2) == 1) {
sound = _root.footstep1_sound;
} else {
sound = _root.footstep3_sound;
if (_root.soundon > 0) {
function PlayEnemyFootstepSound(type) {
if (type != 2) {
if (_root.GamePaused > 0) {
if (type == 2) {
sound = _root.rumblehit_sound;
} else if (random(2) == 1) {
sound = _root.enemy_footstep1_sound;
} else {
sound = _root.enemy_footstep3_sound;
if (_root.soundon > 0) {
function PlayHumanDeathSound(gender) {
if (gender == "female") {
sound = _root.female_death1;
} else {
sound = _root.male_death2;
if (_root.soundon > 0) {
function PlayHumanPainSound(gender) {
if (gender == "female") {
rnd = random(3);
if (rnd == 0) {
sound = _root.female_hurt1;
if (rnd == 1) {
sound = _root.female_hurt2;
if (rnd == 2) {
sound = _root.female_hurt3;
} else {
rnd = random(4);
if (rnd == 0) {
sound = _root.male_hurt1;
if (rnd == 1) {
sound = _root.male_hurt2;
if (rnd == 2) {
sound = _root.male_hurt3;
if (rnd == 3) {
sound = _root.male_hurt4;
if (_root.soundon > 0) {
function WhiteOut(toscene) {
_root.soundon = 0;
_root.menu_interact = 0;
fade = _root.attachMovie("WhiteOut", "WhiteOut", 1000);
fade._alpha = 0;
var _local2 = new mx.transitions.Tween(fade, "_alpha", 0, 0, 100, 1, true);
_local2.onMotionFinished = function () {
_root.soundon = _root.basesoundon;
_root.menu_interact = 1;
if (toscene != "") {
function WhiteIn() {
_root.menu_interact = 0;
fade = _root.attachMovie("WhiteOut", "WhiteOut", 1000);
fade._alpha = 100;
var _local2 = new mx.transitions.Tween(fade, "_alpha", 0, 100, 0, 1, true);
_local2.onMotionFinished = function () {
_root.menu_interact = 1;
function BlackOut(toscene, startaction, time) {
if (_root.BlackOut.inplay == 1) {
if (time == undefined) {
time = 1;
_root.soundon = 0;
_root.menu_interact = 0;
fade = _root.attachMovie("BlackOut", "BlackOut", 1000);
_root.BlackOut._alpha = 0;
_root.BlackOut.inplay = 1;
var _local2 = new mx.transitions.Tween(fade, "_alpha", 0, 0, 100, time, true);
toscene = toscene;
_local2.onMotionFinished = function () {
_root.BlackOut.inplay = 0;
_root.soundon = _root.basesoundon;
_root.menu_interact = 1;
if (toscene != "") {
if (startaction > 0) {
} else {
function ChangeArea(movedirection) {
if (_root.BlackOut.inplay == 1) {
if (movedirection == "north") {
x = 0;
y = 1;
arrivedirection = "south";
if (movedirection == "south") {
x = 0;
y = -1;
arrivedirection = "north";
if (movedirection == "east") {
x = 1;
y = 0;
arrivedirection = "west";
if (movedirection == "west") {
x = -1;
y = 0;
arrivedirection = "east";
_root.menu_interact = 0;
_root.MainGame.map_posx = _root.MainGame.map_posx + x;
_root.MainGame.map_posy = _root.MainGame.map_posy + y;
entrance = arrivedirection + "entrance";
if (movedirection == "helipad") {
_root.MainGame.map_posx = 10000;
_root.MainGame.map_posy = 10000;
entrance = "playerspawn1";
_root.music3.start(0, 99999);
fade = _root.attachMovie("BlackOut", "BlackOut", 1000);
_root.BlackOut._alpha = 0;
_root.BlackOut.inplay = 1;
_root.BlackOut.had_boss = 0;
if (entrance == "playerspawn1") {
_root.BlackOut.had_boss = 1;
_root.BlackOut.entrance = entrance;
_root.BlackOut.targetarea = 0;
if ((_root.MainGame.map_posx == _root.MainGame.map_objectivex) && (_root.MainGame.map_posy == _root.MainGame.map_objectivey)) {
_root.BlackOut.targetarea = 1;
var tween = (new mx.transitions.Tween(fade, "_alpha", 0, 0, 120, 0.5, true));
tween.onMotionFinished = function () {
_root.BlackOut._alpha = 100;
_root.BlackOut.inplay = 0;
i = 1;
while (i <= (_root.MainGame.MaxEnemies + _root.MainGame.MaxBarrels)) {
DeleteActor(eval ("_root.MainGame.enemy" + i));
_root.MainGame.EnemiesInplay = 0;
if (_root.BlackOut.had_boss == 1) {
_root.MainGame.had_boss = 0;
_root.MainGame.player1.pointer._visible = false;
_root.MainGame.Background._x = 0;
_root.MainGame.Background._y = 0;
_root.MainGame.player1._x = _root.MainGame.Background[_root.BlackOut.entrance]._x;
_root.MainGame.player1._y = _root.MainGame.Background[_root.BlackOut.entrance]._y;
_root.MainGame.player2._x = _root.MainGame.player1._x + 30;
_root.MainGame.player2._y = _root.MainGame.player1._y;
_root.MainGame.player3._x = _root.MainGame.player1._x - 30;
_root.MainGame.player3._y = _root.MainGame.player1._y;
i = 1;
while (i <= _root.MainGame.MaxPlayers) {
player = eval ("_root.MainGame.player" + i);
_root.MainGame["playerchat" + player.profilenum]._alpha = 0;
_root.MainGame["playerchat" + player.profilenum].chatbox.text = "";
player.chattime = 0;
if (_root.MainGame.Background.addobjects == 1) {
if (_root.BlackOut.targetarea > 0) {
temp = _root.MainGame.Background.attachMovie("Extraction", "helipadexit", _root.MainGame.Background.getNextHighestDepth());
temp._x = _root.MainGame.extraction_x;
temp._y = _root.MainGame.extraction_y;
_root.menu_interact = 1;
function BlackIn() {
if (_root.BlackOut.inplay == 1) {
if (time == undefined) {
time = 1;
_root.menu_interact = 0;
fade = _root.attachMovie("BlackOut", "BlackOut", 1000);
_root.BlackOut._alpha = 100;
_root.BlackOut.inplay = 1;
var _local2 = new mx.transitions.Tween(fade, "_alpha", 0, 100, 0, time, true);
_local2.onMotionFinished = function () {
_root.BlackOut.inplay = 0;
_root.menu_interact = 1;
function BlackIn2() {
_root.menu_interact = 0;
fade = _root.attachMovie("BlackOut", "BlackOut", 1000);
fade._alpha = 200;
fade.inplay = 1;
var _local2 = new mx.transitions.Tween(fade, "_alpha", 0, 200, 0, 2, true);
_local2.onMotionFinished = function () {
_root.menu_interact = 1;
function HotSpotClick(hotspot, interact_not_matter) {
if (interact_not_matter == 1) {
if (hotspot.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, 1)) {
} else if (hotspot.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, 1) && (_root.menu_interact > 0)) {
function FindInventory(player, find_item) {
inv_num = -1;
var i;
i = 0;
while (i < 51) {
if (eval ("_root.current_profile" + player.profilenum).inventory[i][1] == find_item) {
inv_num = i;
function CalculateScore() {
if (_root.current_profile1.shots_fired > 0) {
_root.current_profile1.score_accuracy = Math.round((_root.current_profile1.shots_hit / _root.current_profile1.shots_fired) * 100);
if (_root.current_profile1.score_accuracy > 99) {
_root.current_profile1.score_accuracy = 99;
if (_root.current_profile1.score_accuracy < 0) {
_root.current_profile1.score_accuracy = 0;
} else {
_root.current_profile1.score_accuracy = 0;
if (_root.current_profile1.survived_time < 40000) {
_root.time_remaining = 0;
if ((_root.current_profile1.survived > 0) && (_root.current_profile1.survived_time < 40000)) {
_root.time_remaining = 32400 - _root.current_profile1.survived_time;
_root.current_profile1.survived_time = 40000;
_root.current_profile1.total_score = 0;
_root.current_profile1.total_score = _root.current_profile1.total_score + (_root.current_profile1.score_accuracy * 50);
_root.current_profile1.total_score = _root.current_profile1.total_score + (_root.current_profile1.enemies_killed * 50);
_root.current_profile1.total_score = _root.current_profile1.total_score + (_root.current_profile1.survived_time / 4);
_root.current_profile1.total_score = _root.current_profile1.total_score + Math.round(_root.time_remaining * 1.2);
_root.current_profile1.total_score = _root.current_profile1.total_score - (_root.current_profile1.damage_taken * 7);
if (_root.current_profile1.total_score < 0) {
_root.current_profile1.total_score = 0;
_root.current_profile1.total_score = Math.round(_root.current_profile1.total_score);
if (_root.skill == 1) {
_root.current_profile1.total_score = Math.round(_root.current_profile1.total_score * 0.75);
if (_root.skill == 3) {
_root.current_profile1.total_score = (_root.current_profile1.total_score = _root.current_profile1.total_score + 5000);
if (_root.skill == 4) {
_root.current_profile1.total_score = _root.current_profile1.total_score + 10000;
_root.current_profile1.rank = "A+";
if (_root.current_profile1.total_score < 34000) {
_root.current_profile1.rank = "A";
if (_root.current_profile1.total_score < 30000) {
_root.current_profile1.rank = "B";
if (_root.current_profile1.total_score < 26000) {
_root.current_profile1.rank = "C";
if (_root.current_profile1.total_score < 20000) {
_root.current_profile1.rank = "D";
if (_root.current_profile1.total_score < 15000) {
_root.current_profile1.rank = "E";
if (_root.current_profile1.total_score < 10000) {
_root.current_profile1.rank = "F";
_root.ScoreVal = _root.current_profile1.total_score;
function intersect(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) {
var _local9;
var _local7;
var _local8;
var _local5;
var _local6;
var _local4;
var _local13;
var _local12;
var _local11;
var _local10;
var _local1;
var _local3;
var _local2;
_local9 = y2 - y1;
_local8 = x1 - x2;
_local6 = (x2 * y1) - (x1 * y2);
_local11 = ((_local9 * x3) + (_local8 * y3)) + _local6;
_local10 = ((_local9 * x4) + (_local8 * y4)) + _local6;
if (((_local11 != 0) && (_local10 != 0)) && (same_sign(_local11, _local10))) {
_local7 = y4 - y3;
_local5 = x3 - x4;
_local4 = (x4 * y3) - (x3 * y4);
_local13 = ((_local7 * x1) + (_local5 * y1)) + _local4;
_local12 = ((_local7 * x2) + (_local5 * y2)) + _local4;
if (((_local13 != 0) && (_local12 != 0)) && (same_sign(_local13, _local12))) {
_local1 = (_local9 * _local5) - (_local7 * _local8);
if (_local1 == 0) {
if (_local1 < 0) {
_local3 = (-_local1) / 2;
} else {
_local3 = _local1 / 2;
_local2 = (_local8 * _local4) - (_local5 * _local6);
if (_local2 < 0) {
x = (_local2 - _local3) / _local1;
} else {
x = (_local2 + _local3) / _local1;
_local2 = (_local7 * _local6) - (_local9 * _local4);
if (_local2 < 0) {
y = (_local2 - _local3) / _local1;
} else {
y = (_local2 + _local3) / _local1;
intersect_y = y;
intersect_x = x;
function same_sign(a, b) {
return((a * b) >= 0);
function GetDist(ax, ay, bx, by) {
theDistance = Math.abs(bx - ax) + Math.abs(by - ay);
function ResetProfile() {
var j;
j = 1;
while (j <= 10) {
eval ("_root.current_profile" + j).enemies_killed = 0;
eval ("_root.current_profile" + j).shots_fired = 0;
eval ("_root.current_profile" + j).shots_hit = 0;
eval ("_root.current_profile" + j).score_accuracy = 0;
eval ("_root.current_profile" + j).survived = 0;
eval ("_root.current_profile" + j).survived_time = 0;
eval ("_root.current_profile" + j).rank = "F";
eval ("_root.current_profile" + j).damage_taken = 0;
var i;
i = 0;
while (i < 51) {
eval ("_root.current_profile" + j).inventory[i][1] = "";
eval ("_root.current_profile" + j).inventory[i][2] = 0;
eval ("_root.current_profile" + j).inventory[i][3] = 0;
eval ("_root.current_profile" + j).inventory[i][4] = 0;
eval ("_root.current_profile" + j).inventory[i][5] = 0;
i = 1;
while (i < 3) {
eval ("_root.current_profile" + j).hurtspeech[i] = "";
eval ("_root.current_profile" + j).killspeech[i] = "";
if (_root.skill == 1) {
current_profile1.inventory[41][1] = "combatknife";
current_profile1.inventory[41][2] = 0;
current_profile1.inventory[41][3] = 1;
current_profile1.inventory[42][1] = "steyrtmp";
current_profile1.inventory[42][2] = 30;
current_profile1.inventory[42][3] = 1;
current_profile1.inventory[1][1] = "35_ammo";
current_profile1.inventory[1][2] = 2000;
if (_root.skill == 2) {
current_profile1.inventory[41][1] = "combatknife";
current_profile1.inventory[41][2] = 0;
current_profile1.inventory[41][3] = 1;
current_profile1.inventory[42][1] = "mossberg500";
current_profile1.inventory[42][2] = 7;
current_profile1.inventory[42][3] = 1;
current_profile1.inventory[1][1] = "12gauge_ammo";
current_profile1.inventory[1][2] = 175;
if (_root.skill == 3) {
current_profile1.inventory[41][1] = "chainsaw";
current_profile1.inventory[41][2] = 0;
current_profile1.inventory[41][3] = 1;
current_profile1.inventory[42][1] = "colt45";
current_profile1.inventory[42][2] = 6;
current_profile1.inventory[42][3] = 1;
current_profile1.inventory[1][1] = "45_ammo";
current_profile1.inventory[1][2] = 180;
if (_root.skill == 4) {
current_profile1.inventory[41][1] = "chainsaw";
current_profile1.inventory[41][2] = 0;
current_profile1.inventory[41][3] = 1;
current_profile1.inventory[42][1] = "glock19c";
current_profile1.inventory[42][2] = 15;
current_profile1.inventory[42][3] = 1;
current_profile1.inventory[1][1] = "35_ammo";
current_profile1.inventory[1][2] = 250;
current_profile1.score = 0;
current_profile1.max_inventory_slots = 20;
current_profile1.max_health = 100;
if (_root.cheat > 0) {
current_profile1.max_health = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
current_profile1.armour_max_health = 50;
current_profile1.armour_protect = 35;
current_profile1.gender = "male";
current_profile1.gun_limit = 3;
current_profile1.walk_speed = 1.3;
current_profile1.base_accuracy = 0;
current_profile1.critical = 15;
current_profile2.score = 0;
current_profile2.max_inventory_slots = 20;
current_profile2.max_health = 100;
current_profile2.armour_max_health = 50;
current_profile2.armour_protect = 35;
current_profile2.gender = "male";
current_profile2.gun_limit = 6;
current_profile2.walk_speed = 1.25;
current_profile2.base_accuracy = 20;
current_profile2.critical = 15;
current_profile2.inventory[41][1] = "mossberg5002";
current_profile2.inventory[41][2] = 7;
current_profile2.inventory[41][3] = 1;
current_profile2.inventory[1][1] = "20gauge_ammo";
current_profile2.inventory[1][2] = 30000;
current_profile2.killspeech[1] = "Eat lead maggots!";
current_profile2.killspeech[2] = "That will teach you to go after my daughter!";
current_profile2.killspeech[3] = "Die you bastards!";
current_profile2.killspeech[4] = "Get back you scum!";
current_profile2.killspeech[5] = "I'll blow you all to pieces!";
current_profile2.killspeech[6] = "Get away from her you piece of crap!";
current_profile2.killspeech[7] = "Haha! Another dead zombie.";
current_profile2.killspeech[8] = "I'm gonna kill every one of you freaks.";
current_profile2.hurtspeech[1] = "Damn, I'm bleedin!";
current_profile2.hurtspeech[2] = "Argh, get off me!";
current_profile2.hurtspeech[3] = "Could use a hand here!";
current_profile3.score = 0;
current_profile3.max_inventory_slots = 0;
current_profile3.max_health = 80;
current_profile3.armour_max_health = 0;
current_profile3.armour_protect = 0;
current_profile3.gender = "female";
current_profile3.gun_limit = 1;
current_profile3.walk_speed = 1.25;
current_profile3.base_accuracy = 20;
current_profile3.critical = 15;
current_profile3.hurtspeech[1] = "Daddy help!!!";
current_profile3.hurtspeech[2] = "Nooo! Get away from me!!!";
current_profile3.hurtspeech[3] = "Please don't hurt me!!!";
current_profile3.inventory[41][1] = "mossberg5002";
current_profile3.inventory[41][2] = 7;
current_profile3.inventory[41][3] = 1;
current_profile3.inventory[1][1] = "20gauge_ammo";
current_profile3.inventory[1][2] = 0;
function CreateProfile() {
var _local2;
_local2 = 1;
while (_local2 < 10) {
c = _root.attachMovie("blank", "current_profile" + _local2, 90 + _local2);
_root["current_profile" + _local2].killspeech = new Array(8);
_root["current_profile" + _local2].hurtspeech = new Array(3);
_root["current_profile" + _local2].inventory = new Array(50);
i = 0;
while (i < 51) {
_root["current_profile" + _local2].inventory[i] = new Array(10);
_root["current_profile" + _local2].inventory[i][1] = "";
_root["current_profile" + _local2].inventory[i][2] = 0;
_root["current_profile" + _local2].inventory[i][3] = 0;
_root["current_profile" + _local2].inventory[i][4] = 0;
_root["current_profile" + _local2].inventory[i][5] = 0;
function LoadMapData() {
_root.MapData = new Array(11);
var _local3;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 <= 11) {
_root.MapData[_local3] = new Array(11);
var _local2;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 <= 11) {
_root.MapData[_local3][_local2] = 0;
x = 1;
_root.MapData[x][3] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][4] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][5] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][6] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][7] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][8] = 1;
x = 2;
_root.MapData[x][1] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][2] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][3] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][5] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][8] = 1;
x = 3;
_root.MapData[x][1] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][2] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][3] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][4] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][5] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][6] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][8] = 1;
x = 4;
_root.MapData[x][1] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][5] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][6] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][7] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][8] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][9] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][10] = 1;
x = 5;
_root.MapData[x][1] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][6] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][10] = 1;
x = 6;
_root.MapData[x][1] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][2] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][3] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][4] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][5] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][6] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][7] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][8] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][9] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][10] = 1;
x = 7;
_root.MapData[x][5] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][8] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][9] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][10] = 1;
x = 8;
_root.MapData[x][2] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][3] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][4] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][5] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][6] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][7] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][8] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][10] = 1;
x = 9;
_root.MapData[x][2] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][5] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][9] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][10] = 1;
x = 10;
_root.MapData[x][2] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][3] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][4] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][5] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][6] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][7] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][8] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][9] = 1;
_root.MapData[x][10] = 1;
resX = 550;
resY = 400;
var ScoreVal = 0;
var basesoundon = 1;
var soundon = basesoundon;
var music1 = new Sound(this);
var music2 = new Sound(this);
var music3 = new Sound(this);
if (_root.soundon > 0) {
_root.music1.start(0, 99999);
var current_menu = "";
var counter = 1;
var startTime = getTimer();
var updateRate = 6;
var precision = 1;
var speedFactor = 1;
var frameDelay = 6;
var GamePaused = -1;
lowfpstime = 0;
menu_interact = 1;
speedFactor = 1;
precision = Math.pow(10, precision);
var footstep1_sound = new Sound(this);
var footstep2_sound = new Sound(this);
var footstep3_sound = new Sound(this);
var footstep4_sound = new Sound(this);
var enemy_footstep1_sound = new Sound(this);
var enemy_footstep3_sound = new Sound(this);
var chainsaw_fire = new Sound(this);
var chainsaw_idle = new Sound(this);
var Glock_shot = new Sound(this);
var s12gauge_shot = new Sound(this);
var s16gauge_shot = new Sound(this);
var s20gauge_shot = new Sound(this);
var s38_shot = new Sound(this);
var s40_shot = new Sound(this);
var s45_shot = new Sound(this);
var s357_shot = new Sound(this);
var DesertEagle_shot = new Sound(this);
var Tomcat_shot = new Sound(this);
var knife_shot = new Sound(this);
var grenadelauncher_shot = new Sound(this);
var reloading_sound = new Sound(this);
var reload_start_sound = new Sound(this);
var reload_finish_sound = new Sound(this);
var no_ammo_sound = new Sound(this);
var rumblehit_sound = new Sound(this);
var explosion1_sound = new Sound(this);
var ammobonus_sound = new Sound(this);
var armourbonus_sound = new Sound(this);
var healthbonus_sound = new Sound(this);
var gunbonus_sound = new Sound(this);
var blood1_sound = new Sound(this);
var blood2_sound = new Sound(this);
var blood3_sound = new Sound(this);
var zombie_pain1 = new Sound(this);
var zombie_pain2 = new Sound(this);
var zombie_pain3 = new Sound(this);
var zombiedead1 = new Sound(this);
var zombiedead2 = new Sound(this);
var zombieidle1 = new Sound(this);
var zombieidle2 = new Sound(this);
var zombiedogidle1 = new Sound(this);
var zombiedogidle2 = new Sound(this);
var zombiedogpain1 = new Sound(this);
var zombiedogpain2 = new Sound(this);
var zombiedogdeath1 = new Sound(this);
var zombiedogattack1 = new Sound(this);
var zombiedogattack2 = new Sound(this);
var crowattack1 = new Sound(this);
var crowpain1 = new Sound(this);
var crowidle1 = new Sound(this);
var crowidle2 = new Sound(this);
var crowdeath1 = new Sound(this);
var male_death1 = new Sound(this);
var male_death2 = new Sound(this);
var male_hurt1 = new Sound(this);
var male_hurt2 = new Sound(this);
var male_hurt3 = new Sound(this);
var male_hurt4 = new Sound(this);
var female_death1 = new Sound(this);
var female_hurt1 = new Sound(this);
var female_hurt2 = new Sound(this);
var female_hurt3 = new Sound(this);
var metal_hit_sound = new Sound(this);
var intersect_x;
var intersect_y;
Instance of Symbol 1692 MovieClip [blank] in Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] in Symbol 13 MovieClip [GameOver_Scene2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
_root.BlackOut("Stats_Scene", 0);
Symbol 24 MovieClip [DownloadGame_Menu] Frame 1
Symbol 24 MovieClip [DownloadGame_Menu] Frame 2
Symbol 29 MovieClip [HighScores_Menu] Frame 1
Symbol 29 MovieClip [HighScores_Menu] Frame 2
Symbol 2585 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon
function OnEnterFrameBeacon () {
static function init() {
var _local4 = _global.MovieClip;
if (!_root.__OnEnterFrameBeacon) {
var _local3 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("__OnEnterFrameBeacon", 9876);
_local3.onEnterFrame = function () {
static var version = "";
Symbol 2586 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX
var _listeners;
function BroadcasterMX () {
static function initialize(o, dontCreateArray) {
if (o.broadcastMessage != undefined) {
delete o.broadcastMessage;
o.addListener = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.addListener;
o.removeListener = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.removeListener;
if (!dontCreateArray) {
o._listeners = new Array();
function addListener(o) {
if (broadcastMessage == undefined) {
broadcastMessage = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.broadcastMessage;
function removeListener(o) {
var _local2 = _listeners;
var _local3 = _local2.length;
while (_local3--) {
if (_local2[_local3] == o) {
_local2.splice(_local3, 1);
if (!_local2.length) {
broadcastMessage = undefined;
function broadcastMessage() {
var _local5 = String(arguments.shift());
var _local4 = _listeners.concat();
var _local6 = _local4.length;
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local6) {
_local4[_local3][_local5].apply(_local4[_local3], arguments);
static var version = "";
Symbol 2587 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.Tween
var obj, prop, begin, useSeconds, _listeners, addListener, prevTime, _time, looping, _duration, broadcastMessage, isPlaying, _fps, prevPos, _pos, change, _intervalID, _startTime;
function Tween (obj, prop, func, begin, finish, duration, useSeconds) {
if (!arguments.length) {
this.obj = obj;
this.prop = prop;
this.begin = begin;
position = (begin);
this.duration = (duration);
this.useSeconds = useSeconds;
if (func) {
this.func = func;
this.finish = (finish);
_listeners = [];
function set time(t) {
prevTime = _time;
if (t > duration) {
if (looping) {
rewind(t - _duration);
broadcastMessage("onMotionLooped", this);
} else {
if (useSeconds) {
_time = _duration;
broadcastMessage("onMotionFinished", this);
} else if (t < 0) {
} else {
_time = t;
function get time() {
function set duration(d) {
_duration = (((d == null) || (d <= 0)) ? (_global.Infinity) : (d));
function get duration() {
function set FPS(fps) {
var _local2 = isPlaying;
_fps = fps;
if (_local2) {
function get FPS() {
function set position(p) {
function setPosition(p) {
prevPos = _pos;
obj[prop] = (_pos = p);
broadcastMessage("onMotionChanged", this, _pos);
function get position() {
function getPosition(t) {
if (t == undefined) {
t = _time;
return(func(t, begin, change, _duration));
function set finish(f) {
change = f - begin;
function get finish() {
return(begin + change);
function continueTo(finish, duration) {
begin = position;
this.finish = (finish);
if (duration != undefined) {
this.duration = (duration);
function yoyo() {
continueTo(begin, time);
function startEnterFrame() {
if (_fps == undefined) {
} else {
_intervalID = setInterval(this, "onEnterFrame", 1000 / _fps);
isPlaying = true;
function stopEnterFrame() {
if (_fps == undefined) {
} else {
isPlaying = false;
function start() {
broadcastMessage("onMotionStarted", this);
function stop() {
broadcastMessage("onMotionStopped", this);
function resume() {
broadcastMessage("onMotionResumed", this);
function rewind(t) {
_time = ((t == undefined) ? 0 : (t));
function fforward() {
time = (_duration);
function nextFrame() {
if (useSeconds) {
time = ((getTimer() - _startTime) / 1000);
} else {
time = (_time + 1);
function onEnterFrame() {
function prevFrame() {
if (!useSeconds) {
time = (_time - 1);
function toString() {
function fixTime() {
if (useSeconds) {
_startTime = getTimer() - (_time * 1000);
function update() {
position = (getPosition(_time));
static var version = "";
static var __initBeacon = mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon.init();
static var __initBroadcaster = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.initialize(mx.transitions.Tween.prototype, true);
function func(t, b, c, d) {
return(((c * t) / d) + b);
Symbol 2588 MovieClip [__Packages.PM_PRNG] Frame 0
class PM_PRNG
var seed;
function PM_PRNG () {
seed = 1;
function nextInt() {
function nextDouble() {
return(gen() / 2147483647);
function nextIntRange(min, max) {
min = min - 0.4999;
max = max + 0.4999;
return(Math.round(min + ((max - min) * nextDouble())));
function rand(num) {
var _local2 = 0;
var _local3 = num - 1;
_local2 = _local2 - 0.4999;
_local3 = _local3 + 0.4999;
return(Math.round(_local2 + ((_local3 - _local2) * nextDouble())));
function nextDoubleRange(min, max) {
return(min + ((max - min) * nextDouble()));
function gen() {
return((seed = (seed * 16807) % 2147483647));
Symbol 34 MovieClip [arcadetown_splash] Frame 1
cursor = this.attachMovie("MenuCursor", "MenuCursor", 901);
cursor.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = _root._xmouse;
this._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] in Symbol 34 MovieClip [arcadetown_splash] Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this, 1)) {
getURL ((("" + _root.GetUrlParam(_url, "aid=")) + "&refer=") + _root.GetBaseUrl(_url), "_blank");
} else if (_root.menu_interact > 0) {
this._parent.timeon = 361;
onClipEvent (keyUp) {
if (_root.menu_interact > 0) {
this._parent.timeon = 361;
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 77 MovieClip [MainGame] Frame 1
function CreatePlayer(x, y, type, mainplayer, nogun) {
if (!type) {
type = "Actor_Player";
pnum = 0;
if (mainplayer == 1) {
player = _root.MainGame.attachMovie(type, "player1", 100 + MaxPlayers);
player.onMouseDown = function () {
_root.MouseDown = true;
player.onMouseUp = function () {
_root.MouseDown = false;
player.profilenum = 1;
cross = _root.MainGame.attachMovie("Crosshair", "Crosshair", 600);
startDrag (_root.MainGame.Crosshair, true);
yScaleT = new mx.transitions.Tween(player.pointer, "_height", 0, 40, 65, 0.35, true);
yScaleT.onMotionFinished = function () {
} else {
i = 2;
while (i <= MaxPlayers) {
if ((!_root.MainGame["player" + i].inplay) > 0) {
pnum = i;
if (pnum == 0) {
player.mainplayer = 0;
player = _root.MainGame.attachMovie(type, "player" + pnum, 100 + (MaxPlayers - (pnum - 1)));
player.profilenum = pnum;
chat = _root.MainGame.attachMovie("playerchat", "playerchat" + player.profilenum, (780 + MaxPlayers) - player.profilenum);
chat._alpha = 0;
player._x = x;
player._y = y;
player.nogun = 0;
if (nogun != undefined) {
player.nogun = nogun;
player.inplay = 1;
player.aion = 1;
player.chattime = 0;
player.mainplayer = mainplayer;
player.moving = 0;
player.lightalpha = 75;
player.walk = 0;
player.walk_speed = _root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].walk_speed;
player.diag_speed = Math.sqrt((player.walk_speed * player.walk_speed) / 2);
player.base_accuracy = _root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].base_accuracy;
player.accuracy = player.base_accuracy;
player.target_accuracy = player.base_accuracy;
player.base_critical = _root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].critical;
player.chainsaw_fire_playing = 0;
player.chainsaw_idle_playing = 0;
player.armour_protect = _root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].armour_protect;
player.armour_max_health = _root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].armour_max_health;
player.armour_health = player.armour_max_health;
player.max_health = _root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].max_health; = player.max_health;
player.dying = 0;
player.cycled = 0;
player.gender = _root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].gender;
player.hurtspeech = Array(3);
player.killspeech = Array(8);
var i;
i = 1;
while (i <= 8) {
if (i < 4) {
player.hurtspeech[i] = _root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].hurtspeech[i];
player.killspeech[i] = _root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].killspeech[i];
player.current_shot_time = 0;
player.max_guns = 0;
player.gun_limit = _root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].gun_limit;
player.gun_shot_time = new Array(20);
player.gun_type = new Array(20);
player.gun_shots_fired = new Array(20);
player.gun_spread = new Array(20);
player.gun_shot_size = new Array(20);
player.gun_calliber_type = new Array(20);
player.gun_ammo_type = new Array(20);
player.gun_bullet_capacity = new Array(20);
player.gun_bullets_loaded = new Array(20);
player.gun_reload_time = new Array(20);
player.gun_inventory_place = new Array(20);
player.gun_name = new Array(20);
player.gun_pic = new Array(20);
player.gun_melee = new Array(20);
player.gun_chainsaw = new Array(20);
player.gun_flamethrower = new Array(20);
player.gun_explosive = new Array(20);
player.gun_preference = new Array(20);
player.gun_critical = new Array(20);
var i;
i = 1;
while (i < 21) {
player.gun_shot_time[i] = 0;
player.gun_type[i] = "";
player.gun_shots_fired[i] = 0;
player.gun_spread[i] = 0;
player.gun_shot_size[i] = 0;
player.gun_calliber_type[i] = 0;
player.gun_ammo_type[i] = "";
player.gun_bullet_capacity[i] = 0;
player.gun_bullets_loaded[i] = 0;
player.gun_reload_time[i] = 0;
player.gun_inventory_place[i] = 0;
player.gun_name[i] = "";
player.gun_pic[i] = 0;
player.gun_melee[i] = 0;
player.gun_chainsaw[i] = 0;
player.gun_flamethrower[i] = 0;
player.gun_explosive[i] = 0;
player.gun_preference[i] = 0;
player.gun_critical[i] = 0;
player.reload_time = 0;
player.reload_multi = 0.67;
player.current_gun = 0;
player.bloodspeed = 0;
var _local3;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < 51) {
if (_root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].inventory[_local3][3] > 0) {
added = AddWeapon(player, _root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].inventory[_local3][1], _root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].inventory[_local3][2], _local3);
pref = 0;
num = 1;
_local3 = 1;
while (_local3 <= player.gun_limit) {
if (player.gun_preference[_local3] > pref) {
pref = player.gun_preference[_local3];
num = _local3;
if (num < 1) {
num = player.max_guns;
player.current_gun = num;
function RemoveWeapon(player, num) {
mustcycle = 0;
if (player.current_gun == num) {
mustcycle = 1;
player.gun_inventory_place[num] = 0;
player.gun_shot_time[num] = 0;
player.gun_type[num] = "";
player.gun_shots_fired[num] = 0;
player.gun_spread[num] = 0;
player.gun_shot_size[num] = 0;
player.gun_calliber_type[num] = 0;
player.gun_ammo_type[num] = 0;
player.gun_bullet_capacity[num] = 0;
player.gun_reload_time[num] = 0;
player.gun_name[num] = "";
player.gun_pic[num] = "";
player.gun_melee[num] = 0;
player.gun_bullets_loaded[num] = 0;
player.gun_chainsaw[num] = 0;
player.gun_flamethrower[num] = 0;
player.gun_explosive[num] = 0;
player.gun_preference[num] = 0;
player.gun_critical[num] = 0;
if (num < player.max_guns) {
var _local3;
_local3 = num + 1;
while (_local3 <= player.max_guns) {
player.gun_inventory_place[_local3 - 1] = player.gun_inventory_place[_local3];
player.gun_shot_time[_local3 - 1] = player.gun_shot_time[_local3];
player.gun_type[_local3 - 1] = player.gun_type[_local3];
player.gun_shots_fired[_local3 - 1] = player.gun_shots_fired[_local3];
player.gun_spread[_local3 - 1] = player.gun_spread[_local3];
player.gun_shot_size[_local3 - 1] = player.gun_shot_size[_local3];
player.gun_calliber_type[_local3 - 1] = player.gun_calliber_type[_local3];
player.gun_ammo_type[_local3 - 1] = player.gun_ammo_type[_local3];
player.gun_bullet_capacity[_local3 - 1] = player.gun_bullet_capacity[_local3];
player.gun_reload_time[_local3 - 1] = player.gun_reload_time[_local3];
player.gun_name[_local3 - 1] = player.gun_name[_local3];
player.gun_pic[_local3 - 1] = player.gun_pic[_local3];
player.gun_bullets_loaded[_local3 - 1] = player.gun_bullets_loaded[_local3];
player.gun_melee[_local3 - 1] = player.gun_melee[_local3];
player.gun_chainsaw[_local3 - 1] = player.gun_chainsaw[_local3];
player.gun_explosive[_local3 - 1] = player.gun_explosive[_local3];
player.gun_flamethrower[_local3 - 1] = player.gun_flamethrower[_local3];
player.gun_preference[_local3 - 1] = player.gun_preference[_local3];
player.gun_critical[_local3 - 1] = player.gun_critical[_local3];
if (player.current_gun == _local3) {
if (player.reload_time > 0) {
player.reload_time = 0;
if (mustcycle > 0) {
function AddWeapon(player, code, ammoloaded, invplace) {
added = 0;
if (player.max_guns < player.gun_limit) {
num = 0;
var _local3;
_local3 = 1;
while (_local3 < 50) {
if (_root.weapon_data.gun_code[_local3] == code) {
num = _local3;
if (num > 0) {
added = 1;
player.gun_inventory_place[player.max_guns] = invplace;
player.gun_shot_time[player.max_guns] = _root.weapon_data.gun_shot_time[num];
player.gun_type[player.max_guns] = _root.weapon_data.gun_type[num];
player.gun_shots_fired[player.max_guns] = _root.weapon_data.gun_shots_fired[num];
player.gun_spread[player.max_guns] = _root.weapon_data.gun_spread[num];
player.gun_shot_size[player.max_guns] = _root.weapon_data.gun_shot_size[num];
player.gun_calliber_type[player.max_guns] = _root.weapon_data.gun_calliber_type[num];
player.gun_ammo_type[player.max_guns] = _root.weapon_data.gun_ammo_type[num];
player.gun_bullet_capacity[player.max_guns] = _root.weapon_data.gun_bullet_capacity[num];
player.gun_reload_time[player.max_guns] = _root.weapon_data.gun_reload_time[num];
player.gun_name[player.max_guns] = _root.weapon_data.gun_name[num];
player.gun_pic[player.max_guns] = _root.weapon_data.gun_pic[num];
player.gun_bullets_loaded[player.max_guns] = ammoloaded;
player.gun_melee[player.max_guns] = _root.weapon_data.gun_melee[num];
player.gun_chainsaw[player.max_guns] = _root.weapon_data.gun_chainsaw[num];
player.gun_explosive[player.max_guns] = _root.weapon_data.gun_explosive[num];
player.gun_flamethrower[player.max_guns] = _root.weapon_data.gun_flamethrower[num];
player.gun_preference[player.max_guns] = _root.weapon_data.gun_preference[num];
player.gun_critical[player.max_guns] = _root.weapon_data.gun_critical[num];
if ((added > 0) && (player.gun_preference[player.max_guns] > player.gun_preference[player.current_gun])) {
player.current_gun = player.max_guns;
if (player.mainplayer) {
_root.MainHud.HUDGun.gotoAndStop(_root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].inventory[invplace][1]);
function CycleWeapon(player) {
if (player.reload_time > 0) {
player.reload_time = 0;
if (player.current_gun > player.max_guns) {
player.current_gun = 1;
if (player.mainplayer == 1) {
_root.MainHud.GunNameText.text = player.gun_name[player.current_gun];
player.current_unloaded_bullets = 0;
inv_place = -1;
inv_place = _root.FindInventory(player, player.gun_ammo_type[player.current_gun]);
if (inv_place > -1) {
player.current_unloaded_bullets = _root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].inventory[inv_place][2];
var _local3 = new TextFormat();
_local3.bold = true;
function MovePlayer(player, x, y) {
if (_root.GamePaused > 0) {
if ((x != 0) || (y != 0)) {
speed = player.walk_speed * _root.speedFactor;
diag = 0;
if ((x != 0) && (y != 0)) {
speed = player.diag_speed * _root.speedFactor;
diag = 1;
backx = player._x;
backy = player._y;
player._y = player._y + ((y * speed) * 1);
player._x = player._x + ((x * speed) * 1);
player.moving = 1;
speed = player.walk_speed * _root.speedFactor;
nogood = 1;
if (SceneCollide(player.hitbox, 0, nogood)) {
player._x = backx;
player._y = backy;
if (diag == 1) {
player._y = player._y + ((y * speed) * 1);
if (SceneCollide(player.hitbox, 0, nogood)) {
y = 0;
player._y = backy;
if (y == 0) {
player._x = player._x + ((x * speed) * 1);
if (SceneCollide(player.hitbox, 0, nogood)) {
x = 0;
player._x = backx;
} else {
x = 0;
} else {
x = 0;
y = 0;
if ((x == 0) && (y == 0)) {
player.moving = 0;
if ((x > 0) && (y == 0)) {
player.legs.target_rotation = 270;
if ((x < 0) && (y == 0)) {
player.legs.target_rotation = 90;
if ((x == 0) && (y > 0)) {
player.legs.target_rotation = 0;
if ((x == 0) && (y < 0)) {
player.legs.target_rotation = 180;
if ((x > 0) && (y > 0)) {
player.legs.target_rotation = 315;
if ((x > 0) && (y < 0)) {
player.legs.target_rotation = 225;
if ((x < 0) && (y > 0)) {
player.legs.target_rotation = 45;
if ((x < 0) && (y < 0)) {
player.legs.target_rotation = 135;
if ((x == 0) && (y == 0)) {
player.moving = 0;
player.legs.target_rotation = player.legs.target_rotation - 180;
function FireGun(player) {
critchance = player.base_critical * player.gun_critical[player.current_gun];
crit = 0;
if ((random(100) + 1) <= critchance) {
crit = 1;
if (player.gun_melee[player.current_gun] == 1) {
if ((! == 1) { = 1;
if ((_root.soundon > 0) && (player.gun_type[player.current_gun] == "knife")) {
player.torso.gotoAndPlay(player.gun_type[player.current_gun] + "fire");
player.current_shot_time = 0;
actor = player.torso.meleehb;
var i;
hit = 0;
i = 1;
while (i <= (MaxEnemies + MaxBarrels)) {
hb = eval (("_root.MainGame.enemy" + i) + ".gunhitbox");
if ((hb != actor) && (hb._parent.current_state != "death")) {
if (hb.hitTest(actor)) {
enemy = eval ("_root.MainGame.enemy" + i);
hit = i;
if (hit > 0) {
MakeShot(player, player.torso._rotation, enemy._x, enemy._y, player.gun_shot_size[player.current_gun], player.gun_calliber_type[player.current_gun], 0, hit, 1);
if (crit == 1) {
if (player.mainplayer == 1) {
MakeShot(player, player.torso._rotation, enemy._x + (random(10) - 5), enemy._y + (random(10) - 5), player.gun_shot_size[player.current_gun], player.gun_calliber_type[player.current_gun], 0, hit, 1);
MakeShot(player, player.torso._rotation, enemy._x + (random(10) - 5), enemy._y + (random(10) - 5), player.gun_shot_size[player.current_gun], player.gun_calliber_type[player.current_gun], 0, hit, 1);
MakeShot(player, player.torso._rotation, enemy._x + (random(10) - 5), enemy._y + (random(10) - 5), player.gun_shot_size[player.current_gun], player.gun_calliber_type[player.current_gun], 0, hit, 1, 0, 1);
} else if ((player.gun_bullets_loaded[player.current_gun] > 0) && (player.reload_time == 0)) {
if ((player.gun_explosive[player.current_gun] == 0) && (player.mainplayer == 1)) {
ScreenShake(-9.5 + (player.gun_calliber_type[player.current_gun] / 2));
player.gun_bullets_loaded[player.current_gun]--; = 1;
soundplayed = 0;
if (_root.soundon > 0) {
if (player.gun_type[player.current_gun] == "shotgun") {
soundplayed = 1;
if (player.gun_calliber_type[player.current_gun] == 1) {
if (player.gun_calliber_type[player.current_gun] == 2) {
if (player.gun_calliber_type[player.current_gun] == 3) {
if (player.gun_type[player.current_gun] == "grenadelauncher") {
soundplayed = 1;
if (soundplayed == 0) {
if (player.gun_calliber_type[player.current_gun] == 1) {
if (player.gun_calliber_type[player.current_gun] == 2) {
if (player.gun_calliber_type[player.current_gun] == 3) {
if (player.gun_calliber_type[player.current_gun] == 4) {
if (player.gun_calliber_type[player.current_gun] == 5) {
if (player.gun_calliber_type[player.current_gun] == 6) {
if (player.gun_calliber_type[player.current_gun] == 7) {
player.torso.gotoAndPlay(player.gun_type[player.current_gun] + "fire");
player.current_shot_time = 0;
if (player.gun_explosive[player.current_gun] > 0) {
x = _root.MainGame.Crosshair._x + (random(player.accuracy * 10) - (player.accuracy * 5));
y = _root.MainGame.Crosshair._y + (random(player.accuracy * 10) - (player.accuracy * 5));
MakeShot(player, player.torso._rotation, x, y, player.gun_shot_size[player.current_gun], player.gun_calliber_type[player.current_gun], 2, 0, 0, player.gun_explosive[player.current_gun]);
} else {
FireWeapon(player, player._x, player._y, player.torso._rotation, player.gun_shots_fired[player.current_gun], player.gun_spread[player.current_gun], player.accuracy, player.gun_shot_size[player.current_gun], player.gun_calliber_type[player.current_gun], 1, player.gun_explosive[player.current_gun], crit);
if ((player.gun_bullets_loaded[player.current_gun] == 0) && (player.gun_melee[player.current_gun] == 0)) {
ReloadGun(player, 1);
} else {
ReloadGun(player, 0);
function TestShot(startx, starty, angle) {
rads = (Math.PI/180);
stepx = Math.sin(angle * rads);
stepy = -Math.cos(angle * rads);
best_dist = 3000;
best_x = 3000;
best_y = 3000;
x1 = startx;
y1 = starty;
x2 = startx + (stepx * 450);
y2 = starty + (stepy * 450);
var i;
i = 1;
while (i <= MaxHitBoxes) {
if (eval ("_root.MainGame.Background.hb" + i).inplay == 1) {
hb = eval ("_root.MainGame.Background.hb" + i);
if ((!hb.low) == 1) {
k = 1;
while (k <= 4) {
if (((((k == 1) && ((angle > 90) || (angle <= -90))) || ((k == 2) && (angle <= 0))) || ((k == 3) && ((angle > -90) && (angle <= 90)))) || ((k == 4) && (angle > 0))) {
if (k == 1) {
x3 = (hb._x + _root.MainGame.Background._x) - (hb._width / 2);
y3 = (hb._y + _root.MainGame.Background._y) - (hb._height / 2);
x4 = (hb._x + _root.MainGame.Background._x) + (hb._width / 2);
y4 = (hb._y + _root.MainGame.Background._y) - (hb._height / 2);
if (k == 2) {
x3 = (hb._x + _root.MainGame.Background._x) + (hb._width / 2);
y3 = (hb._y + _root.MainGame.Background._y) - (hb._height / 2);
x4 = (hb._x + _root.MainGame.Background._x) + (hb._width / 2);
y4 = (hb._y + _root.MainGame.Background._y) + (hb._height / 2);
if (k == 3) {
x3 = (hb._x + _root.MainGame.Background._x) - (hb._width / 2);
y3 = (hb._y + _root.MainGame.Background._y) + (hb._height / 2);
x4 = (hb._x + _root.MainGame.Background._x) + (hb._width / 2);
y4 = (hb._y + _root.MainGame.Background._y) + (hb._height / 2);
if (k == 4) {
x3 = (hb._x + _root.MainGame.Background._x) - (hb._width / 2);
y3 = (hb._y + _root.MainGame.Background._y) - (hb._height / 2);
x4 = (hb._x + _root.MainGame.Background._x) - (hb._width / 2);
y4 = (hb._y + _root.MainGame.Background._y) + (hb._height / 2);
if (_root.intersect(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) == 2) {
tx = _root.intersect_x;
ty = _root.intersect_y;
dist = _root.GetDist(x1, y1, tx, ty);
if (dist < best_dist) {
best_dist = dist;
best_x = tx;
best_y = ty;
hit = 0;
i = 1;
while (i <= (MaxEnemies + MaxBarrels)) {
if (eval ("_root.MainGame.enemy" + i).inplay == 1) {
hb = eval (("_root.MainGame.enemy" + i) + ".gunhitbox");
if (hb._parent.current_state == "death") {
hb = undefined;
if (hb != undefined) {
k = 1;
while (k <= 2) {
if (k == 1) {
x3 = hb._parent._x + 0;
y3 = (hb._parent._y + 0) - hb._height;
x4 = hb._parent._x + 0;
y4 = (hb._parent._y + 0) + hb._height;
if (k == 2) {
x3 = (hb._parent._x + 0) - hb._width;
y3 = hb._parent._y + 0;
x4 = (hb._parent._x + 0) + hb._width;
y4 = hb._parent._y + 0;
if (_root.intersect(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) == 2) {
tx = _root.intersect_x;
ty = _root.intersect_y;
dist = _root.GetDist(x1, y1, tx, ty);
if (dist < best_dist) {
best_dist = dist;
best_x = tx;
best_y = ty;
hit = i;
function FireWeapon(player, startx, starty, angle, shots, spread, accuracy, size, calliber, addshot, explosive, crit) {
angle = (angle = angle + (random(accuracy * 2) - accuracy));
if ((shots > 3) && (player.mainplayer == 1)) {
if (shots > 1) {
var e;
e = 1;
while (e <= shots) {
FireWeapon(player, startx, starty, angle, 1, spread, spread, size, calliber, addshot, 0, explosive, crit);
rads = (Math.PI/180);
stepx = Math.sin(angle * rads);
stepy = -Math.cos(angle * rads);
best_dist = 3000;
best_x = 3000;
best_y = 3000;
x1 = startx;
y1 = starty;
x2 = startx + (stepx * 450);
y2 = starty + (stepy * 450);
var i;
i = 1;
while (i <= MaxHitBoxes) {
if (eval ("_root.MainGame.Background.hb" + i).inplay == 1) {
hb = eval ("_root.MainGame.Background.hb" + i);
if ((!hb.low) == 1) {
k = 1;
while (k <= 4) {
if (((((k == 1) && ((angle > 90) || (angle <= -90))) || ((k == 2) && (angle <= 0))) || ((k == 3) && ((angle > -90) && (angle <= 90)))) || ((k == 4) && (angle > 0))) {
if (k == 1) {
x3 = (hb._x + _root.MainGame.Background._x) - (hb._width / 2);
y3 = (hb._y + _root.MainGame.Background._y) - (hb._height / 2);
x4 = (hb._x + _root.MainGame.Background._x) + (hb._width / 2);
y4 = (hb._y + _root.MainGame.Background._y) - (hb._height / 2);
if (k == 2) {
x3 = (hb._x + _root.MainGame.Background._x) + (hb._width / 2);
y3 = (hb._y + _root.MainGame.Background._y) - (hb._height / 2);
x4 = (hb._x + _root.MainGame.Background._x) + (hb._width / 2);
y4 = (hb._y + _root.MainGame.Background._y) + (hb._height / 2);
if (k == 3) {
x3 = (hb._x + _root.MainGame.Background._x) - (hb._width / 2);
y3 = (hb._y + _root.MainGame.Background._y) + (hb._height / 2);
x4 = (hb._x + _root.MainGame.Background._x) + (hb._width / 2);
y4 = (hb._y + _root.MainGame.Background._y) + (hb._height / 2);
if (k == 4) {
x3 = (hb._x + _root.MainGame.Background._x) - (hb._width / 2);
y3 = (hb._y + _root.MainGame.Background._y) - (hb._height / 2);
x4 = (hb._x + _root.MainGame.Background._x) - (hb._width / 2);
y4 = (hb._y + _root.MainGame.Background._y) + (hb._height / 2);
if (_root.intersect(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) == 2) {
tx = _root.intersect_x;
ty = _root.intersect_y;
dist = _root.GetDist(x1, y1, tx, ty);
if (dist < best_dist) {
best_dist = dist;
best_x = tx;
best_y = ty;
hit = 0;
i = 1;
while (i <= (MaxEnemies + MaxBarrels)) {
if (eval ("_root.MainGame.enemy" + i).inplay == 1) {
hb = eval (("_root.MainGame.enemy" + i) + ".gunhitbox");
if (hb._parent.current_state == "death") {
hb = undefined;
if (hb != undefined) {
k = 1;
while (k <= 2) {
if (k == 1) {
x3 = hb._parent._x + 0;
y3 = (hb._parent._y + 0) - hb._height;
x4 = hb._parent._x + 0;
y4 = (hb._parent._y + 0) + hb._height;
if (k == 2) {
x3 = (hb._parent._x + 0) - hb._width;
y3 = hb._parent._y + 0;
x4 = (hb._parent._x + 0) + hb._width;
y4 = hb._parent._y + 0;
if (_root.intersect(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) == 2) {
tx = _root.intersect_x;
ty = _root.intersect_y;
dist = _root.GetDist(x1, y1, tx, ty);
if (dist < best_dist) {
best_dist = dist;
best_x = tx;
best_y = ty;
hit = i;
basex = best_x;
basey = best_y;
MakeShot(player, angle, basex, basey, size, calliber, addshot, hit, 0, explosive);
if ((crit == 1) && (hit > 0)) {
if (player.mainplayer == 1) {
MakeShot(player, angle, basex + (random(10) - 5), basey + (random(20) - 5), size, calliber, addshot, hit, 0, explosive);
MakeShot(player, angle, basex + (random(10) - 5), basey + (random(20) - 5), size, calliber, addshot, hit, 0, explosive);
MakeShot(player, angle, basex + (random(10) - 5), basey + (random(20) - 5), size, calliber, addshot, hit, 0, explosive, 1);
function ReloadGun(player, no_sound) {
player.current_shot_time = 0;
if ((player.reload_time > 0) || (player.gun_bullets_loaded[player.current_gun] == player.gun_bullet_capacity[player.current_gun])) {
ammo_remaining = 0;
inv_place = -1;
inv_place = _root.FindInventory(player, player.gun_ammo_type[player.current_gun]);
if (inv_place > -1) {
ammo_remaining = _root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].inventory[inv_place][2];
if (ammo_remaining > 0) {
player.reload_time = player.gun_reload_time[player.current_gun] * player.reload_multi;
if (_root.soundon > 0) {
} else {
if (player.gun_bullets_loaded[player.current_gun] > 0) {
if ((_root.soundon > 0) && (no_sound == 0)) {
gunwithammo = 0;
preference = -10000;
var _local3;
_local3 = 1;
while (_local3 <= player.max_guns) {
ammo_remaining = 0;
inv_place = -1;
inv_place = _root.FindInventory(player, player.gun_ammo_type[_local3]);
if (inv_place > -1) {
ammo_remaining = _root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].inventory[inv_place][2];
ammo_remaining = ammo_remaining + player.gun_bullets_loaded[_local3];
if (((ammo_remaining > 0) || (player.gun_melee[_local3] > 0)) && ((player.gun_preference[_local3] - (100 * player.gun_explosive[_local3])) > preference)) {
gunwithammo = _local3;
preference = player.gun_preference[gunwithammo];
if (gunwithammo > 0) {
player.current_gun = gunwithammo;
if (player.current_gun < 1) {
player.current_gun = player.max_guns;
function MakeShot(player, angle, x, y, size, calliber, addshot, hit, melee, explosive, noknockback) {
_root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].shots_fired = _root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].shots_fired + addshot;
if ((explosive != undefined) && (explosive > 0)) {
MakeExplosion(x, y, size, calliber, explosive, player);
if (hit == 0) {
if ((!melee) == 1) {
CreateEffect("ShotHitEffectHolder", x, y, 0, size, size, _root.frameDelay / 1);
} else {
addshot2 = 0;
if (addshot > 0) {
addshot2 = 1;
_root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].shots_hit = _root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].shots_hit + addshot2;
knockback = 1 + (calliber * 0.5);
if (noknockback == 1) {
knockback = 0;
EnemyHit(eval ("_root.MainGame.enemy" + hit), 1 + calliber, angle, knockback, player);
if (eval ("_root.MainGame.enemy" + hit).metallic == 0) {
MakeBlood(x, y, angle);
size = random(20) + 40;
CreateEffect("BloodHitEffect1Holder", x, y, angle, size, size, _root.frameDelay / 2);
} else {
CreateEffect("ShotHitEffectHolder", x, y, 0, size, size, _root.frameDelay / 1);
if (_root.soundon > 0) {
function PlayerChat(player, chattext) {
_root.MainGame["playerchat" + player.profilenum]._alpha = 100;
_root.MainGame["playerchat" + player.profilenum].chatbox.text = chattext;
player.chattime = 100 + (chattext.length * 10);
function DoPlayerAI(player) {
if (player.caimx == undefined) {
player.caimx = player._x + 50;
player.caimy = player._y + 25;
found = 0;
fdist = 800;
var _local3;
speed = 1;
_local3 = 1;
while (_local3 <= MaxEnemies) {
enemy = _root.MainGame["enemy" + _local3];
if ((enemy != undefined) && (enemy.current_state != "death")) {
xdist = enemy._x - player._x;
ydist = enemy._y - player._y;
dist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
if (dist < fdist) {
fdist = dist;
found = enemy;
if (player.ai_target_x == undefined) {
player.ai_target_time = 120;
player.ai_target_x = _root.MainGame.player1._x + (random(300) - 150);
player.ai_target_y = _root.MainGame.player1._y + (random(300) - 150);
if (found == 0) {
player.fire_button = 0;
aimx = player.ai_target_x;
aimy = player.ai_target_y;
} else {
target = found;
aimx = target._x;
aimy = target._y;
if (player.nogun != 1) {
player.fire_button = 1;
if (player.caimx < aimx) {
player.caimx = player.caimx + ((3 * _root.speedFactor) * speed);
if (player.caimx > aimx) {
player.caimx = aimx;
if (player.caimx > aimx) {
player.caimx = player.caimx - ((3 * _root.speedFactor) * speed);
if (player.caimx < aimx) {
player.caimx = aimx;
if (player.caimy < aimy) {
player.caimy = player.caimy + ((3 * _root.speedFactor) * speed);
if (player.caimy > aimy) {
player.caimy = aimy;
if (player.caimy > aimy) {
player.caimy = player.caimy - ((3 * _root.speedFactor) * speed);
if (player.caimy < aimy) {
player.caimy = aimy;
player.torso.target_rotation = _root.MainGame.GetAngle(player._x, player._y, player.caimx, player.caimy);
if ((player.current_shot_time >= player.gun_shot_time[player.current_gun]) && (player.fire_button == 1)) {
if (TestShot(player._x, player._y, player.torso.target_rotation) == 0) {
player.fire_button = 0;
player.current_shot_time = 0;
dirx = 0;
diry = 0;
player.ai_target_time = player.ai_target_time - _root.speedFactor;
if (player._x < (player.ai_target_x - 10)) {
dirx = 1;
if (player._x > (player.ai_target_x + 10)) {
dirx = -1;
if (player._y < (player.ai_target_y - 10)) {
diry = 1;
if (player._y > (player.ai_target_y + 10)) {
diry = -1;
if ((((dirx == 0) && (diry == 0)) || (player.ai_target_time == undefined)) || (player.ai_target_time <= -60)) {
player.ai_target_time = 120;
player.ai_target_x = _root.MainGame.player1._x + (random(200) - 100);
player.ai_target_y = _root.MainGame.player1._y + (random(200) - 100);
player.moving = 0;
if (player.ai_runawaytime > 0) {
player.ai_runawaytime = player.ai_runawaytime - _root.speedFactor;
if (player.torso.target_rotation < 91) {
dirx = -1;
diry = 1;
if ((player.torso.target_rotation > 90) && (player.torso.target_rotation < 181)) {
dirx = -1;
diry = -1;
if ((player.torso.target_rotation > 180) && (player.torso.target_rotation < 271)) {
dirx = 1;
diry = -1;
if (player.torso.target_rotation > 270) {
dirx = 1;
diry = 1;
MovePlayer(player, dirx, diry);
if ((player.moving == 0) && ((dirx != 0) || (diry != 0))) {
player.ai_target_time = 120;
player.ai_target_x = _root.MainGame.player1._x + (random(200) - 100);
player.ai_target_y = _root.MainGame.player1._y + (random(200) - 100);
function DoPlayerControls(player) {
player.fire_button = _root.MouseDown;
if (Key.isDown(80) || (Key.isDown(27))) {
if (Key.isDown(82)) {
ReloadGun(player, 1);
if (Key.isDown(32) && (player.cycled == 0)) {
player.cycled = 1;
if (Key.isDown(49) && (player.cycled == 0)) {
if (player.gun_type[1] != "") {
player.current_gun = 0;
player.cycled = 1;
if (Key.isDown(50) && (player.cycled == 0)) {
if (player.gun_type[2] != "") {
player.current_gun = 1;
player.cycled = 1;
if (Key.isDown(51) && (player.cycled == 0)) {
if (player.gun_type[3] != "") {
player.current_gun = 2;
player.cycled = 1;
if (Key.isDown(52) && (player.cycled == 0)) {
if (player.gun_type[4] != "") {
player.current_gun = 3;
player.cycled = 1;
if (Key.isDown(53) && (player.cycled == 0)) {
if (player.gun_type[5] != "") {
player.current_gun = 4;
player.cycled = 1;
if (Key.isDown(54) && (player.cycled == 0)) {
if (player.gun_type[6] != "") {
player.current_gun = 5;
player.cycled = 1;
if ((((((((!Key.isDown(32)) && (!Key.isDown(49))) && (!Key.isDown(50))) && (!Key.isDown(51))) && (!Key.isDown(52))) && (!Key.isDown(53))) && (!Key.isDown(54))) && (!Key.isDown(55))) {
player.cycled = 0;
player.torso.target_rotation = _root.MainGame.GetAngle(player._x, player._y, _root._xmouse, _root._ymouse);
player.moving = 0;
if ((((Key.isDown(37) || (Key.isDown(65))) && (!(Key.isDown(38) || (Key.isDown(87))))) && (!(Key.isDown(40) || (Key.isDown(83))))) && (!(Key.isDown(39) || (Key.isDown(68))))) {
MovePlayer(player, -1, 0);
if ((((Key.isDown(39) || (Key.isDown(68))) && (!(Key.isDown(38) || (Key.isDown(87))))) && (!(Key.isDown(40) || (Key.isDown(83))))) && (!(Key.isDown(37) || (Key.isDown(65))))) {
MovePlayer(player, 1, 0);
if ((((Key.isDown(38) || (Key.isDown(87))) && (!(Key.isDown(39) || (Key.isDown(68))))) && (!(Key.isDown(37) || (Key.isDown(65))))) && (!(Key.isDown(40) || (Key.isDown(83))))) {
MovePlayer(player, 0, -1);
if ((((Key.isDown(40) || (Key.isDown(83))) && (!(Key.isDown(39) || (Key.isDown(68))))) && (!(Key.isDown(37) || (Key.isDown(65))))) && (!(Key.isDown(38) || (Key.isDown(87))))) {
MovePlayer(player, 0, 1);
amount = Math.sqrt((player.walk_speed * player.walk_speed) / 2);
if ((((Key.isDown(40) || (Key.isDown(83))) && (Key.isDown(39) || (Key.isDown(68)))) && (!(Key.isDown(37) || (Key.isDown(65))))) && (!(Key.isDown(38) || (Key.isDown(87))))) {
MovePlayer(player, 1, 1);
if ((((Key.isDown(40) || (Key.isDown(83))) && (Key.isDown(37) || (Key.isDown(65)))) && (!(Key.isDown(39) || (Key.isDown(68))))) && (!(Key.isDown(38) || (Key.isDown(87))))) {
MovePlayer(player, -1, 1);
if ((((Key.isDown(38) || (Key.isDown(87))) && (Key.isDown(39) || (Key.isDown(68)))) && (!(Key.isDown(37) || (Key.isDown(65))))) && (!(Key.isDown(40) || (Key.isDown(83))))) {
MovePlayer(player, 1, -1);
if ((((Key.isDown(38) || (Key.isDown(87))) && (Key.isDown(37) || (Key.isDown(65)))) && (!(Key.isDown(40) || (Key.isDown(83))))) && (!(Key.isDown(39) || (Key.isDown(68))))) {
MovePlayer(player, -1, -1);
function DoPlayer(player) {
if (player.walk > 0) {
_root.frameAdvancer(player.legs, 0, _root.frameDelay);
fd = _root.frameDelay / 2;
if (player.gun_melee[player.current_gun] > 0) {
fd = _root.frameDelay / 1.5;
if ( > 0) {
_root.frameAdvancer(player.torso, 0, fd);
if (_root.GamePaused > 0) {
if ((player.gun_type[player.current_gun] == "chainsaw") && (_root.soundon > 0)) {
if (_root.MouseDown) {
if (player.chainsaw_idle_playing > 0) {
player.chainsaw_idle_playing = 0;
if (player.chainsaw_fire_playing == 0) {
player.chainsaw_fire_playing = 1;
} else {
if (player.chainsaw_fire_playing > 0) {
player.chainsaw_fire_playing = 0;
if (player.chainsaw_idle_playing == 0) {
player.chainsaw_idle_playing = 1;
} else if ((player.chainsaw_idle_playing == 1) || (player.chainsaw_fire_playing == 1)) {
player.chainsaw_fire_playing = 0;
player.chainsaw_idle_playing = 0;
if (player.mainplayer == 1) {
if (_root.BlackOut.inplay != 1) {
px = (player._x - _root.MainGame.Background._x) + (map_posx * 1800);
py = (player._y - _root.MainGame.Background._y) + ((11 - map_posy) * 1800);
ex = extraction_x + (map_objectivex * 1800);
ey = (extraction_y + 20) + ((11 - map_objectivey) * 1800);
angle = _root.MainGame.GetAngle(px, py, ex, ey);
player.pointer._rotation = angle;
dist1 = Math.abs(player2._x - player._x) + Math.abs(player2._y - player._y);
dist2 = Math.abs(player3._x - player._x) + Math.abs(player3._y - player._y);
if (player.hitbox.hitTest(_root.MainGame.Background.helipadexit)) {
if ((dist1 < 300) && (dist2 < 300)) {
} else {
PlayerChat(player, "I won't leave them behind...");
if (player.hitbox.hitTest(_root.MainGame.Background.northexit)) {
if ((dist1 < 300) && (dist2 < 300)) {
} else {
PlayerChat(player, "I won't leave them behind...");
if (player.hitbox.hitTest(_root.MainGame.Background.southexit)) {
if ((dist1 < 300) && (dist2 < 300)) {
} else {
PlayerChat(player, "I won't leave them behind...");
if (player.hitbox.hitTest(_root.MainGame.Background.eastexit)) {
if ((dist1 < 300) && (dist2 < 300)) {
} else {
PlayerChat(player, "I won't leave them behind...");
if (player.hitbox.hitTest(_root.MainGame.Background.westexit)) {
if ((dist1 < 300) && (dist2 < 300)) {
} else {
PlayerChat(player, "I won't leave them behind...");
_root.MainGame["playerchat" + player.profilenum]._x = player._x - (_root.MainGame["playerchat" + player.profilenum]._width / 2);
_root.MainGame["playerchat" + player.profilenum]._y = (player._y - _root.MainGame["playerchat" + player.profilenum]._height) - 20;
if (player.chattime > 0) {
player.aion = 1;
player.chattime = player.chattime - (_root.speedFactor * 2);
_root.MainGame["playerchat" + player.profilenum]._alpha = player.chattime;
if (player.mainplayer == 1) {
if (player.biglight._alpha != player.lightalpha) {
player.biglight._alpha = player.lightalpha;
var i;
i = 1;
while (i <= MaxPlayers) {
if (eval ("_root.MainGame.player" + i).biglightalpha == 0) {
player.biglight._alpha = 0;
i = 1;
while (i < 20) {
if ((eval ("_root.MainGame.effect" + i).inplay > 0) && (eval ("_root.MainGame.effect" + i).light > 0)) {
player.biglight._alpha = 0;
if (player.reload_time > 0) {
player.reload_time = player.reload_time - (1 * _root.speedFactor);
if (player.reload_time <= 0) {
inv_place = -1;
inv_place = _root.FindInventory(player, player.gun_ammo_type[player.current_gun]);
if (inv_place > -1) {
ammo_remaining = _root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].inventory[inv_place][2];
amount = player.gun_bullet_capacity[player.current_gun] - player.gun_bullets_loaded[player.current_gun];
if (ammo_remaining < amount) {
amount = ammo_remaining;
player.gun_bullets_loaded[player.current_gun] = player.gun_bullets_loaded[player.current_gun] + amount;
ammo_remaining = ammo_remaining - amount;
if (inv_place > -1) {
_root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].inventory[inv_place][2] = ammo_remaining;
if (_root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].inventory[inv_place][2] == 0) {
ClearInventory(player, inv_place);
player.current_unloaded_bullets = ammo_remaining;
player.reload_time = 0;
player.current_shot_time = player.current_shot_time + _root.speedFactor;
if (player.mainplayer == 1) {
} else if (player.aion == 1) {
if ((player.current_shot_time >= player.gun_shot_time[player.current_gun]) && (player.fire_button == 1)) {
if (player.moving == 0) {
tempangle = 180 + player.torso._rotation;
if ((Math.abs(tempangle - 0) < 45) || (tempangle > 315)) {
player.legs.target_rotation = 0;
if (Math.abs(tempangle - 90) < 45) {
player.legs.target_rotation = 90;
if (Math.abs(tempangle - 180) < 45) {
player.legs.target_rotation = 180;
if (Math.abs(tempangle - 270) < 45) {
player.legs.target_rotation = 270;
player.legs.target_rotation = player.legs.target_rotation - 180;
if ((player.legs._rotation != player.legs.target_rotation) && (player.walk == 0)) {
player.walk = 1;
if ((player.legs._rotation == player.legs.target_rotation) && (player.walk == 1)) {
player.walk = 0;
if ((player.moving == 1) && (player.walk == 0)) {
player.walk = 1;
player.torso._rotation = _root.MainGame.ReachAngle(player.torso._rotation, player.torso.target_rotation, 10 * _root.speedFactor, 1, 0);
player.legs._rotation = _root.MainGame.ReachAngle(player.legs._rotation, player.legs.target_rotation, 7 * _root.speedFactor, 1, 0);
if ( < 0) { = 0;
if (( <= 0) && (player.dying == 0)) { = 0;
player.dying = 1;
var gh = 0;
gh = 1;
while (gh < 8) {
x = (player._x + random((amount * 2) + 1)) - amount;
y = (player._y + random((amount * 2) + 1)) - amount;
size = random(20) + 40;
CreateEffect("BloodHitEffect1Holder", x, y, player.torso._rotation - 180, size, size, _root.frameDelay / 2);
if (gh < 5) {
MakeBlood(x, y, random(360));
if ((player == _root.MainGame.player1) && (_root.BlackOut.inplay == 0)) {
if ((player == _root.MainGame.player2) && (_root.BlackOut.inplay == 0)) {
_root.losetext = "Nicholas was torn to pieces";
_root.BlackOut("GameOver_Scene2", 0, 3);
if ((player == _root.MainGame.player3) && (_root.BlackOut.inplay == 0)) {
_root.losetext = "Stephany was eaten alive";
_root.BlackOut("GameOver_Scene2", 0, 3);
if (player.mainplayer == 1) {
function ClearInventory(player, inv_place) {
_root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].inventory[inv_place][1] = "";
_root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].inventory[inv_place][2] = 0;
_root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].inventory[inv_place][3] = 0;
_root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].inventory[inv_place][4] = 0;
_root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].inventory[inv_place][5] = 0;
var _local2;
_local2 = 1;
while (_local2 <= player.max_guns) {
if (player.gun_inventory_place[_local2] == inv_place) {
RemoveWeapon(player, _local2);
function AddInventory(player, type, ammo, isweapon) {
foundspace = 0;
foundblankspace = 0;
if (isweapon > 0) {
var _local2;
_local2 = 41;
while (_local2 <= 50) {
if (_root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].inventory[_local2][1] == "") {
foundspace = _local2;
if (foundspace == 0) {
foundspace = -10;
} else {
_root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].inventory[foundspace][1] = type;
if (AddWeapon(player, type, ammo, foundspace) == 0) {
_root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].inventory[foundspace][1] = "";
foundspace = -10;
} else {
var _local2 = 1;
while (_local2 <= _root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].max_inventory_slots) {
if (_root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].inventory[_local2][1] == "") {
foundblankspace = _local2;
if (((_root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].inventory[_local2][1] == type) && (ammo > 0)) && (isweapon == 0)) {
foundspace = _local2;
if (foundspace < 1) {
foundspace = foundblankspace;
if (foundspace > 0) {
_root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].inventory[foundspace][1] = type;
_root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].inventory[foundspace][2] = _root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].inventory[foundspace][2] + ammo;
_root["current_profile" + player.profilenum].inventory[foundspace][3] = isweapon;
function DamageHuman(target, health_dam, enemy) {
armour_dam = 0;
health_dam = Math.round(health_dam);
armour_dam = Math.round((health_dam / 100) * target.armour_protect);
health_dam = health_dam - armour_dam;
target.armour_health = target.armour_health - armour_dam;
if (target.armour_health < 0) {
health_dam = health_dam - target.armour_health;
target.armour_health = 0;
} = - health_dam;
_root.current_profile1.damage_taken = _root.current_profile1.damage_taken + health_dam;
if ((target.mainplayer == 0) && (target.hurtspeech[1].length > 0)) {
rand = random(3) + 1;
PlayerChat(target, target.hurtspeech[rand]);
target.bloodspeed = 10;
CreateEffect("BloodHitEffect1Holder", target._x, target._y, enemy.main._rotation - 180, 40, 40, _root.frameDelay / 2);
MakeBlood(target._x, target._y, random(360));
function ActionLoop() {
var i;
i = 1;
while (i <= (MaxEnemies + MaxBarrels)) {
if (eval ("_root.MainGame.enemy" + i).inplay == 1) {
DoEnemy(eval ("_root.MainGame.enemy" + i));
i = 1;
while (i <= 20) {
if (eval ("_root.MainGame.effect" + i).inplay == 1) {
DoEffect(eval ("_root.MainGame.effect" + i));
i = 1;
while (i <= 16) {
if (eval ("_root.MainGame.bonus" + i).inplay == 1) {
DoBonus(eval ("_root.MainGame.bonus" + i));
i = 1;
while (i <= 5) {
if (eval ("_root.MainGame.explodelay" + i).inplay == 1) {
DoExplosionDelay(eval ("_root.MainGame.explodelay" + i));
i = 1;
while (i <= MaxPlayers) {
if (eval ("_root.MainGame.player" + i).inplay > 0) {
DoPlayer(eval ("_root.MainGame.player" + i));
game_time = game_time + (_root.speedFactor * 1);
if (_root.cheat > 0) {
game_time = game_time + (_root.speedFactor * 4);
_root.GamePaused = 0;
if ((_root.current_menu != "") || (_root.MainGame.player1.dying > 0)) {
_root.GamePaused = 1;
if (_root.GamePaused > 0) {
if (game_started == 0) {
if (wait_for_end < 1) {
zombietime = zombietime + _root.speedFactor;
if ((wait_for_end == 1) && (EnemiesInplay == 0)) {
wait_for_end = 1;
_root.current_profile1.survived = 1;
_root.BlackOut("Stats_Scene2", 0, 3);
_root.current_profile1.survived_time = _root.current_profile1.survived_time + _root.speedFactor;
if (zombietime > next_zombietime) {
zombietime = 0;
temp = random(3) + 1;
zombie_type = zombie_types[random(5) + 1];
if ((!_root.MainGame.Background.exterior) == 1) {
temp = random(3) + 1;
if (temp == 1) {
if (CreateEnemy(Background.spawn1._x + Background._x, Background.spawn1._y + Background._y, Background.spawn1.angle, zombie_type) == 0) {
temp = 2;
} else {
temp = 0;
if (temp == 2) {
if (CreateEnemy(Background.spawn2._x + Background._x, Background.spawn2._y + Background._y, Background.spawn2.angle, zombie_type) == 0) {
temp = 3;
if (temp == 3) {
if (CreateEnemy(Background.spawn3._x + Background._x, Background.spawn3._y + Background._y, Background.spawn3.angle, zombie_type) == 0) {
temp = 1;
if (temp == 1) {
CreateEnemy(Background.spawn3._x + Background._x, Background.spawn3._y + Background._y, Background.spawn3.angle, zombie_type);
} else {
ExteriorEnemySpawn(zombie_type, 0, 0, 0);
function LoadDecals() {
BloodDecal1 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("blood_decal1");
BloodDecal2 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("blood_decal2");
BloodDecal3 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("blood_decal3");
BloodDecal4 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("blood_decal4");
Scorch = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap("scorch");
function StartGame() {
if (_root.soundon > 0) {
_root.music2.start(0, 99999);
game_started = 1;
game_time = 0;
had_steyr = 0;
had_gm94launcher = 0;
had_boss = -1;
CreatePlayer(_root.MainGame.Background.playerspawn1._x - 30, _root.MainGame.Background.playerspawn1._y, "Actor_Civilian1");
CreatePlayer(_root.MainGame.Background.playerspawn1._x + 30, _root.MainGame.Background.playerspawn1._y, "Actor_Girl1", 0, 1);
CreatePlayer(_root.MainGame.Background.playerspawn1._x, _root.MainGame.Background.playerspawn1._y, "Actor_Player", 1);
_root.MainGame.player2.aion = 0;
PlayerChat(_root.MainGame.player2, "9 minutes until the helicopter leaves. Let's move!");
if (_root.MainGame.Background.addobjects == 1) {
function CreateBackground() {
clipname = "Cross1Bkg";
bmpname = "Cross1Bkg_Image";
bmprotation = 0;
up = _root.MapData[map_posx][map_posy + 1];
down = _root.MapData[map_posx][map_posy - 1];
left = _root.MapData[map_posx - 1][map_posy];
right = _root.MapData[map_posx + 1][map_posy];
if ((((up == 1) && (down == 1)) && (left == 0)) && (right == 0)) {
clipname = "Street1Bkg";
bmpname = "Street1Bkg_Image";
bmprotation = 0;
if ((((up == 0) && (down == 0)) && (left == 1)) && (right == 1)) {
clipname = "Street2Bkg";
bmpname = "Street1Bkg_Image";
bmprotation = 90;
if ((((up == 1) && (down == 0)) && (left == 0)) && (right == 1)) {
clipname = "Corner1Bkg";
bmpname = "Corner1Bkg_Image";
bmprotation = 0;
if ((((up == 0) && (down == 1)) && (left == 0)) && (right == 1)) {
clipname = "Corner2Bkg";
bmpname = "Corner1Bkg_Image";
bmprotation = 90;
if ((((up == 0) && (down == 1)) && (left == 1)) && (right == 0)) {
clipname = "Corner3Bkg";
bmpname = "Corner1Bkg_Image";
bmprotation = 180;
if ((((up == 1) && (down == 0)) && (left == 1)) && (right == 0)) {
clipname = "Corner4Bkg";
bmpname = "Corner1Bkg_Image";
bmprotation = 270;
if ((((up == 1) && (down == 0)) && (left == 1)) && (right == 1)) {
clipname = "Tjunc1Bkg";
bmpname = "Tjunc1Bkg_Image";
bmprotation = 0;
if ((((up == 1) && (down == 1)) && (left == 0)) && (right == 1)) {
clipname = "Tjunc2Bkg";
bmpname = "Tjunc1Bkg_Image";
bmprotation = 90;
if ((((up == 0) && (down == 1)) && (left == 1)) && (right == 1)) {
clipname = "Tjunc3Bkg";
bmpname = "Tjunc1Bkg_Image";
bmprotation = 180;
if ((((up == 1) && (down == 1)) && (left == 1)) && (right == 0)) {
clipname = "Tjunc4Bkg";
bmpname = "Tjunc1Bkg_Image";
bmprotation = 270;
addobjects = 1;
if ((map_posx == 10000) && (map_posy == 10000)) {
clipname = "Rooftop1Bkg";
bmpname = "Rooftop1Bkg_Image";
bmprotation = 0;
addobjects = 0;
BackgroundBMP2 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(bmpname);
w = BackgroundBMP2.width;
h = BackgroundBMP2.height;
bkg = _root.MainGame.attachMovie(clipname, "Background", 2);
bkg._x = 0;
bkg._y = 0;
bkg.addobjects = addobjects;
bkg.seed = (map_posx * 11) + map_posy;
prbkg.seed = bkg.seed;
BackgroundBMP = rotateBitmap(BackgroundBMP2, bmprotation, w, h, false);
bkg.attachBitmap(BackgroundBMP, bkg.getNextHighestDepth());
function CountHitBoxes() {
i = 1;
while (i < MaxHitBoxes) {
if (eval ("Background.hb" + i) != undefined) {
eval ("Background.hb" + i).inplay = 1;
eval ("Background.hb" + i)._x = Math.round(eval ("Background.hb" + i)._x);
eval ("Background.hb" + i)._y = Math.round(eval ("Badddddddckground.hb" + i)._y);
eval ("Background.hb" + i)._width = Math.round(eval ("Background.hb" + i)._width);
eval ("Background.hb" + i)._height = Math.round(eval ("Background.hb" + i)._height);
Background.num_hitboxes = i;
hbplaces = MaxHitBoxes - Background.num_hitboxes;
function AddObjectsToBkg() {
var i;
i = 1;
while (i < MaxHitBoxes) {
if (eval ("Background.hb" + i) != undefined) {
eval ("Background.hb" + i).inplay = 1;
eval ("Background.hb" + i)._x = Math.round(eval ("Background.hb" + i)._x);
eval ("Background.hb" + i)._y = Math.round(eval ("Badddddddckground.hb" + i)._y);
eval ("Background.hb" + i)._width = Math.round(eval ("Background.hb" + i)._width);
eval ("Background.hb" + i)._height = Math.round(eval ("Background.hb" + i)._height);
Background.num_hitboxes = i;
hbplaces = MaxHitBoxes - Background.num_hitboxes;
size = (Background._x + Background._y) / 2;
amount = 30;
i = 1;
while (i < amount) {
ID = "paper_rubbish";
RandomPlaceObject(ID + "_decal", ID + ".png", 0, 0);
amount = 30;
i = 1;
while (i < amount) {
RandomPlaceObject("blood_decal", "blood_decal1", 0, 0);
amount = 15;
i = 1;
while (i < amount) {
rand = prbkg.rand(14) + 1;
if (rand > 10) {
ID = "bigblood";
if (rand == 1) {
ID = "deadoutline1";
if (rand == 2) {
ID = "deadoutline2";
if (rand == 3) {
ID = "deadoutline3";
if (rand == 4) {
ID = "deadperson1";
if (rand == 5) {
ID = "deadperson2";
if (rand == 6) {
ID = "deadperson3";
if (rand == 7) {
ID = "deadperson4";
if (rand == 8) {
ID = "deadperson5";
if (rand == 9) {
ID = "deadperson6";
RandomPlaceObject(ID + "_decal", ID + ".png", 0, 0);
ID = "mmo";
RandomPlaceObject(ID + "_decal", ID + ".png", 0, 0);
amount = 3;
i = 1;
while (i < amount) {
ID = "car" + (prbkg.rand(10) + 1);
low = 0;
if (ID == "car5") {
low = 0;
if (ID == "car6") {
low = 0;
if (ID == "car9") {
low = 0;
if (ID == "car10") {
low = 0;
RandomPlaceObject(ID + "_decal", ID + ".png", 1, low);
amount = 5;
i = 1;
while (i < amount) {
low = 1;
rand = prbkg.rand(11) + 1;
if ((rand == 1) || (rand == 8)) {
ID = "barrier";
if ((rand == 2) || (rand == 9)) {
ID = "cones";
if ((rand == 3) || (rand == 10)) {
ID = "trashcans";
if (rand == 4) {
ID = "crates1";
low = 0;
if ((rand == 5) || (rand == 12)) {
ID = "crates2";
low = 0;
if (rand == 6) {
ID = "dumpster";
low = 0;
if (rand == 7) {
ID = "container";
low = 0;
RandomPlaceObject(ID + "_decal", ID + ".png", 1, low);
amount = 0;
i = 1;
while (i < amount) {
CreateEnemy(100 + prbkg.rand(Background._width - 250), 100 + prbkg.rand(Background._height - 250), prbkg.rand(360), "Barrel" + (prbkg.rand(3) + 1), 1, 0);
function RandomPlaceObject(movieID, picID, addhitbox, low, forceplace) {
var _local1;
_local1 = 1;
while (_local1 < 30) {
if (PlaceObject(100 + prbkg.rand(Background._width - 250), 100 + prbkg.rand(Background._height - 250), prbkg.rand(4) * 90, movieID, picID, addhitbox, low, forceplace) == 1) {
_local1 = 100;
function PlaceObject(x, y, angle, movieID, picID, addhitbox, low, forceplace) {
hbplaces = MaxHitBoxes - Background.num_hitboxes;
if ((addhitbox > 0) && (hbplaces < 1)) {
object = _root.MainGame.attachMovie(movieID, "placeobjectcollider", 5676);
object._rotation = angle;
w = object._width;
h = object._height;
xmod = 0;
ymod = 0;
object._x = x + xmod;
object._y = y + ymod;
if (forceplace != 1) {
if (SceneCollide(object.hb1, 0, 1 - addhitboxes)) {
tx = object.hb1._x;
ty = object.hb1._y;
if (angle == 90) {
tx = -object.hb1._y;
ty = object.hb1._x;
if (angle == 180) {
tx = -object.hb1._x;
ty = -object.hb1._y;
if (angle == 270) {
tx = object.hb1._y;
ty = -object.hb1._x;
hb_x = tx + object._x;
hb_y = ty + object._y;
hb_w = object.hb1._width;
hb_h = object.hb1._height;
if (addhitbox > 0) {
num = Background.num_hitboxes;
temphb = _root.MainGame.Background.attachMovie("Hitbox", "hb" + num, _root.MainGame.Background.getNextHighestDepth());
temphb._width = hb_w;
temphb._height = hb_h;
if ((angle == 90) || (angle == 270)) {
temphb._width = hb_h;
temphb._height = hb_w;
temphb._x = hb_x;
temphb._y = hb_y;
temphb.low = low;
temphb.inplay = 1;
if (forceplace != 1) {
if (SceneCollide(temphb, 0, 0)) {
MakeDecal(x, y, angle, picID, w, h);
function CreateHUD() {
HUD = _root.attachMovie("MainHud", "MainHud", 500);
HUD._x = 0;
HUD._y = 0;
HUD.HUDBloodHit._alpha = 0;
_root.MainHud.bonustext._alpha = 0;
function UpdateHUD(player) {
if (_root.GamePaused > 0) {
_root.MainHud.bonustext._alpha = _root.MainHud.bonustext._alpha - (1 * _root.speedFactor);
if (_root.MainHud.bonustext._alpha < 0) {
_root.MainHud.bonustext._alpha = 0;
if (player.bloodspeed != 0) {
_root.MainHud.HUDBloodHit._alpha = _root.MainHud.HUDBloodHit._alpha + (player.bloodspeed * _root.speedFactor);
if (_root.MainHud.HUDBloodHit._alpha <= 0) {
_root.MainHud.HUDBloodHit._alpha = 0;
player.bloodspeed = 0;
if (_root.MainHud.HUDBloodHit._alpha >= 100) {
_root.MainHud.HUDBloodHit._alpha = 100;
player.bloodspeed = player.bloodspeed * -1;
if ( != _root.MainHud.HealthText.text) {
_root.MainHud.HealthText.text =;
if (player.armour_health != _root.MainHud.ArmourText.text) {
_root.MainHud.ArmourText.text = player.armour_health;
if (player.armour_protect != _root.MainHud.ArmourPercentText.text) {
_root.MainHud.ArmourPercentText.text = ("" + player.armour_protect) + "%";
ammo_remaining = 0;
ammo_remaining = player.current_unloaded_bullets;
bloadedtext = (player.gun_bullets_loaded[player.current_gun] + "|") + ammo_remaining;
if (player.gun_melee[player.current_gun] > 0) {
bloadedtext = "";
if (bloadedtext != _root.MainHud.BulletsLoadedText.text) {
_root.MainHud.BulletsLoadedText.text = bloadedtext;
_root.MainHud.ScoreText.text = _root.current_profile1.score;
reloadingtext = "";
if (player.reload_time > 0) {
reloadingtext = " - Reloading";
if ((player.gun_name[player.current_gun] + reloadingtext) != _root.MainHud.GunNameText.text) {
_root.MainHud.GunNameText.text = player.gun_name[player.current_gun] + reloadingtext;
var my_fmt = new TextFormat();
my_fmt.bold = true;
time = time_limit - game_time;
if ((time <= 0) && (_root.timeout != 1)) {
time == 0;
_root.timeout = 1;
_root.losetext = "The helicopter left without you";
if (time <= 0) {
time = 0;
seconds = Math.floor(time / 60);
minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
milli = Math.round((Math.round(time) % 60) * 1.666);
if (milli < 10) {
milli = "0" + milli;
true_seconds = seconds % 60;
if (true_seconds < 10) {
true_seconds = "0" + true_seconds;
timestring = (minutes + ":") + true_seconds;
_root.MainHud.TimerText.text = timestring;
_root.MainHud.MilliText.text = milli;
if (minutes < 1) {
var my_fmt_timer = new TextFormat();
my_fmt_timer.color = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */;
if (_root.MainHud.WeaponSlot1.text != "") {
_root.MainHud.WeaponSlot1.text = "";
if (_root.MainHud.WeaponSlot2.text != "") {
_root.MainHud.WeaponSlot2.text = "";
if (_root.MainHud.WeaponSlot3.text != "") {
_root.MainHud.WeaponSlot3.text = "";
if (_root.MainHud.WeaponSlot4.text != "") {
_root.MainHud.WeaponSlot4.text = "";
if (_root.MainHud.WeaponSlot5.text != "") {
_root.MainHud.WeaponSlot5.text = "";
if (_root.MainHud.WeaponSlot6.text != "") {
_root.MainHud.WeaponSlot6.text = "";
if (player.gun_name[1] != "") {
_root.MainHud.WeaponSlot1.text = "1. " + player.gun_name[1];
if (player.gun_name[2] != "") {
_root.MainHud.WeaponSlot2.text = "2. " + player.gun_name[2];
if (player.gun_name[3] != "") {
_root.MainHud.WeaponSlot3.text = "3. " + player.gun_name[3];
if (player.gun_name[4] != "") {
_root.MainHud.WeaponSlot4.text = "4. " + player.gun_name[4];
if (player.gun_name[5] != "") {
_root.MainHud.WeaponSlot5.text = "5. " + player.gun_name[5];
if (player.gun_name[6] != "") {
_root.MainHud.WeaponSlot6.text = "6. " + player.gun_name[6];
var my_fmt2 = new TextFormat();
my_fmt2.bold = true;
var my_fmt_nb = new TextFormat();
my_fmt_nb.bold = false;
eval ("_root.MainHud.WeaponSlot" + player.current_gun).setTextFormat(my_fmt2);
function DoBackground() {
if (_root.GamePaused > 0) {
oldbkgx = Background._x;
oldbkgy = Background._y;
player = _root.MainGame.player1;
if ((player._x > (_root.resX / 2)) && (Background._x > (-(Background._width - _root.resX)))) {
Background._x = Background._x - (player._x - (_root.resX / 2));
diff = 0;
if (Background._x < (-(Background._width - _root.resX))) {
diff = (-(Background._width - _root.resX)) - Background._x;
Background._x = -(Background._width - _root.resX);
player._x = (_root.resX / 2) + diff;
if ((player._x < (_root.resX / 2)) && (Background._x < 0)) {
diff = 0;
Background._x = Background._x - (player._x - (_root.resX / 2));
if (Background._x > 0) {
diff = -Background._x;
Background._x = 0;
player._x = (_root.resX / 2) + diff;
if ((player._y > (_root.resY / 2)) && (Background._y > (-(Background._height - _root.resY)))) {
diff = 0;
Background._y = Background._y - (player._y - (_root.resY / 2));
if (Background._y < (-(Background._height - _root.resY))) {
diff = (-(Background._height - _root.resY)) - Background._y;
Background._y = -(Background._height - _root.resY);
player._y = (_root.resY / 2) + diff;
if ((player._y < (_root.resY / 2)) && (Background._y < 0)) {
diff = 0;
Background._y = Background._y - (player._y - (_root.resY / 2));
if (Background._y > 0) {
diff = -Background._y;
Background._y = 0;
player._y = (_root.resY / 2) + diff;
bkgXmove = Background._x - oldbkgx;
bkgYmove = Background._y - oldbkgy;
BackgroundOver._x = Background._x;
BackgroundOver._y = Background._y;
i = 1;
while (i <= 20) {
effect = eval ("_root.MainGame.effect" + i);
effect._x = effect._x + bkgXmove;
effect._y = effect._y + bkgYmove;
var ps;
ps = 2;
while (ps <= _root.MainGame.MaxPlayers) {
pl = eval ("_root.MainGame.player" + ps);
pl._x = pl._x + bkgXmove;
pl._y = pl._y + bkgYmove;
i = 1;
while (i <= 5) {
explodelay = eval ("_root.MainGame.explodelay" + i);
explodelay._x = explodelay._x + bkgXmove;
explodelay._y = explodelay._y + bkgYmove;
i = 1;
while (i <= (MaxEnemies + MaxBarrels)) {
enemy = eval ("_root.MainGame.enemy" + i);
enemy._x = enemy._x + bkgXmove;
enemy._y = enemy._y + bkgYmove;
i = 1;
while (i <= 16) {
bonus = eval ("_root.MainGame.bonus" + i);
bonus._x = bonus._x + bkgXmove;
bonus._y = bonus._y + bkgYmove;
function GetAngle(px1, py1, px2, py2) {
angle = Math.atan2(px1 - px2, py1 - py2);
angle = (angle / 3.14) * 180;
return(angle * -1);
function ReachAngle(currentAngle, targetAngle, amount, locking, forcedirection) {
currentAngle = currentAngle + 180;
targetAngle = targetAngle + 180;
TurnedDirection = 0;
CA = currentAngle % 360;
TA = targetAngle % 360;
locking = 1;
if (CA < 0) {
CA = 360 + CA;
if (TA < 0) {
TA = 360 + TA;
if ((CA > (TA - amount)) && (CA < (TA + amount))) {
if (CA < TA) {
TurnedDirection = 1;
if (CA > TA) {
TurnedDirection = -1;
if (CA == TA) {
TurnedDirection = 0;
CA = TA;
NewAngle = CA;
} else {
CA = currentAngle % 360;
TA = targetAngle % 360;
locking = 1;
if (CA < 0) {
CA = 360 + CA;
if (TA < 0) {
TA = 360 + TA;
Dist = CA - TA;
if (forcedirection == 0) {
if (((Dist > 0) && (Dist < 180)) || (Dist < -180)) {
NewAngle = CA - amount;
TurnedDirection = -1;
} else {
NewAngle = CA + amount;
TurnedDirection = 1;
} else if (forcedirection == -1) {
NewAngle = CA - amount;
TurnedDirection = -1;
} else {
NewAngle = CA + amount;
TurnedDirection = 1;
if ((NewAngle > (TA - amount)) && (NewAngle < (TA + amount))) {
NewAngle = TA;
return(NewAngle - 180);
function CreateEffect(type, x, y, angle, sx, sy, delay, light, reserve) {
i = 1;
while (i < 20) {
if (eval ("_root.MainGame.effect" + effectnum).reserve > 0) {
effectnum = effectnum + 1;
if (effectnum > 20) {
effectnum = 1;
} else {
effect = _root.MainGame.attachMovie(type, "effect" + effectnum, 150 + effectnum);
effect._x = x;
effect._y = y;
if ((sx != 0) && (sy != 0)) {
effect._xscale = sx;
effect._yscale = sy;
effect._rotation = angle;
effect.inplay = 1;
effect.reserve = reserve;
effect.delay = delay;
effect.light = light;
effectnum = effectnum + 1;
if (effectnum > 20) {
effectnum = 1;
function DoEffect(effect) {
if ((!effect.inplay) > 0) {
_root.frameAdvancer(effect.main, 0, effect.delay);
function SceneCollide(actor, noenemy, nogood, enemy) {
noenemy = 0;
if (nogood == 0) {
i = 1;
while (i <= MaxPlayers) {
hb = eval (("_root.MainGame.player" + i) + ".hitbox");
if (hb._parent.inplay > 0) {
if (hb != actor) {
if (hb.hitTest(actor)) {
i = 1;
while (i <= MaxHitBoxes) {
if (eval ("_root.MainGame.Background.hb" + i).inplay == 1) {
hb = eval ("_root.MainGame.Background.hb" + i);
if ((hb != actor) && (((!enemy) == 1) || ((!hb.enemypass) == 1))) {
if (hb.hitTest(actor)) {
if (noenemy == 0) {
i = 1;
while (i <= (MaxEnemies + MaxBarrels)) {
if (eval ("_root.MainGame.enemy" + i).inplay == 1) {
hb = eval (("_root.MainGame.enemy" + i) + ".hitbox");
if ((hb != actor) && (hb._parent.current_state != "death")) {
if (hb.hitTest(actor)) {
function SceneCollideX(actor) {
i = 1;
while (i <= MaxHitBoxes) {
hb = eval ("_root.MainGame.Background.hb" + i);
amount = hb._width + actor._width;
if ((hb._x > (actor._x - amount)) || (hb._x < (actor._x + amount))) {
function SceneCollideY(actor) {
i = 1;
while (i <= MaxHitBoxes) {
hb = eval ("_root.MainGame.Background.hb" + i);
amount = hb._height + actor._height;
if ((hb._y > (actor._y - amount)) || (hb._y < (actor._y + amount))) {
function CreateEnemy(x, y, angle, type, noalpha, boss, life) {
enum = 0;
if (((type == "Barrel1") || (type == "Barrel2")) || (type == "Barrel3")) {
i = 1;
while (i <= MaxBarrels) {
enemy = eval ("_root.MainGame.enemy" + i);
if ((!enemy.inplay) > 0) {
enum = i;
} else {
i = MaxBarrels + 1;
while (i <= (MaxEnemies + MaxBarrels)) {
enemy = eval ("_root.MainGame.enemy" + i);
if ((!enemy.inplay) > 0) {
enum = i;
if (enum == 0) {
baselevel = 70;
if ((type == "ZombieGiant") || (type == "Crow")) {
baselevel = 105;
enemy = _root.MainGame.attachMovie(type, "enemy" + enum, baselevel + enum);
if (enemy.no_ai == 0) {
enemy.weight = 1;
enemy.explode = 0;
enemy.explode_dam = 0;
enemy.metallic = 0;
enemy.no_ai = 0; = 0;
enemy.can_run = 0; = 0;
if (type == "Zombie") {
enemy.melee_damage = 10; = 14;
enemy.walk_speed = 0.7;
enemy.score = 5;
if (type == "ZombieCrawler") {
enemy.melee_damage = 10; = 14;
enemy.walk_speed = 0.5;
enemy.score = 7;
if (type == "ZombieSlowRunner") {
enemy.melee_damage = 12; = 16;
enemy.walk_speed = 1.2;
enemy.score = 10;
if (type == "ZombieRunner") {
enemy.melee_damage = 12; = 16;
enemy.walk_speed = 1.6;
enemy.score = 15;
if (type == "ZombieGiant") {
enemy.melee_damage = 20; = 150;
enemy.walk_speed = 1.2;
enemy.score = 400;
enemy.weight = 2;
if (type == "ZombieDogWalk") {
enemy.melee_damage = 8; = 16;
enemy.walk_speed = 0.9;
enemy.score = 15; = 1;
if (type == "ZombieDogRun") {
enemy.melee_damage = 8; = 19;
enemy.walk_speed = 1.8;
enemy.score = 15; = 1;
if (type == "ZombieBigDog") {
enemy.melee_damage = 12; = 300;
enemy.walk_speed = 1.2;
enemy.score = 15; = 1;
enemy.can_run = 1;
if (type == "Crow") {
enemy.melee_damage = 3; = 5;
enemy.walk_speed = 1.8;
enemy.score = 5; = 1;
if (((type == "Barrel1") || (type == "Barrel2")) || (type == "Barrel3")) {
enemy.melee_damage = 0; = 4;
enemy.walk_speed = 0;
enemy.score = 400;
enemy.weight = 1;
enemy.no_ai = 1;
enemy.metallic = 1;
enemy.explode = 120;
enemy.explode_dam = 60;
if (life > 0) { = life;
enemy.etype = type;
if (Background.exterior == 1) {
enemy.walk_speed = enemy.walk_speed * 1.1;
enemy.enum = enum;
enemy.inplay = 1;
if ((!noalpha) == 1) {
enemy._alpha = 0;
enemy._x = x;
enemy._y = y;
if (SceneCollide(enemy.hitbox, 1, 0, 1)) {
enemy.force_x = 0;
enemy.force_y = 0;
if (enemy.no_ai == 0) {
enemy.main._rotation = angle;
enemy.target_rotation = angle;
enemy.stuck_time = 0;
enemy.node = 0;
enemy.running = -1;
enemy.boss = 0;
if (boss == 1) {
enemy.boss = boss;
enemy.animating = 0;
if (enemy.no_ai == 0) {
enemy.current_state = "stand";
enemy.diag_speed = Math.sqrt((enemy.walk_speed * enemy.walk_speed) / 2);
function DoEnemy(enemy) {
if (_root.GamePaused > 0) {
_root.frameAdvancer(enemy.main.main, 0, _root.frameDelay);
if (((((( == 0) && ( == 0)) && (_root.soundon > 0)) && (enemy.current_state != "death")) && (random(150 / _root.speedFactor) == 1)) && (enemy.no_ai == 0)) {
eval ("_root.zombieidle" + (random(2) + 1)).start();
if ((((( > 0) && (_root.soundon > 0)) && (enemy.current_state != "death")) && (random(100 / _root.speedFactor) == 1)) && (enemy.no_ai == 0)) {
eval ("_root.zombiedogidle" + (random(2) + 1)).start();
if ((((( > 0) && (_root.soundon > 0)) && (enemy.current_state != "death")) && (random(200 / _root.speedFactor) == 1)) && (enemy.no_ai == 0)) {
eval ("_root.crowidle" + (random(2) + 1)).start();
if ((enemy.can_run > 0) && (random(300 / _root.speedFactor) == 1)) {
enemy.running = enemy.running * -1;
if (enemy.current_state == "move") {
ChangeState(enemy, "move");
if ((enemy.current_state != "death") && (enemy._alpha < 100)) {
enemy._alpha = enemy._alpha + (1 * _root.speedFactor);
if (enemy._alpha > 100) {
enemy._alpha = 100;
if (enemy.no_ai == 0) {
if (((enemy.moving == 0) && (enemy.current_state == "move")) && (enemy.stuck_time > 10)) {
ChangeState(enemy, "stand");
if ((enemy.moving == 1) && (enemy.current_state != "move")) {
ChangeState(enemy, "move");
if ((enemy._alpha < 90) && (enemy.current_state == "move")) {
ChangeState(enemy, "stand");
if ((((enemy.force_x != 0) || (enemy.force_y != 0)) && (enemy.current_state != "stun")) && (enemy.current_state != "death")) {
ChangeState(enemy, "stun");
if (((enemy.force_x == 0) && (enemy.force_y == 0)) && (enemy.current_state == "stun")) {
ChangeState(enemy, "stand");
if (enemy == undefined) {
if (( <= 0) && (enemy.current_state != "death")) {
ChangeState(enemy, "death");
if ((enemy.lasthitby.mainplayer == 0) && (enemy.lasthitby.hurtspeech[1].length > 0)) {
rand = random(8) + 1;
PlayerChat(enemy.lasthitby, enemy.lasthitby.killspeech[rand]);
if (((( < -3) && (random(2) == 1)) || ( < -10)) || ( > 0)) {
amount = 15;
if ( > 0) {
amount = 8;
var gh = 0;
gh = 1;
while (gh < 8) {
x = (enemy._x + random((amount * 2) + 1)) - amount;
y = (enemy._y + random((amount * 2) + 1)) - amount;
size = random(20) + 40;
if ( > 0) {
size = 35;
CreateEffect("BloodHitEffect1Holder", x, y, enemy.main._rotation - 180, size, size, _root.frameDelay / 2);
if (gh < 5) {
MakeBlood(x, y, random(360));
if (enemy.no_ai == 0) {
if (enemy.explode > 0) {
MakeExplosion(enemy._x, enemy._y, enemy.explode, enemy.explode_dam, 0);
_root.current_profile1.score = _root.current_profile1.score + enemy.score;
if (enemy.boss == 1) {
_root.MainGame.wait_for_end = _root.MainGame.wait_for_end + 1;
enemy.score = 0;
if ( > 0) {
if ((_root.soundon > 0) && (enemy.no_ai == 0)) {
if ( > 0) {
if ((_root.soundon > 0) && (enemy.no_ai == 0)) {
if (( == 0) && ( == 0)) {
if ((_root.soundon > 0) && (enemy.no_ai == 0)) {
eval ("_root.zombiedead" + (random(2) + 1)).start();
enemy.swapDepths(20 + enemy.enum);
if (((random(100) + 1) < 0) || (force_next_bonus != "")) {
randomnum = random(5) + 1;
if (force_next_bonus != "") {
CreateBonus(force_next_bonus, enemy._x, enemy._y, 1);
force_next_bonus = "";
} else {
if (randomnum == 1) {
CreateBonus("Bonus35Bullets", enemy._x, enemy._y, 1);
if (randomnum == 2) {
inv_place2 = -1;
inv_place2 = _root.FindInventory(player, "colt45");
if (inv_place2 > -1) {
CreateBonus("Bonus45Bullets", enemy._x, enemy._y, 1);
if (randomnum == 3) {
inv_place2 = -1;
inv_place2 = _root.FindInventory(player, "mossberg500");
if (inv_place2 > -1) {
CreateBonus("Bonus12GaugeShells", enemy._x, enemy._y, 1);
if (randomnum == 4) {
inv_place2 = -1;
inv_place2 = _root.FindInventory(player, "gm94launcher");
if (inv_place2 > -1) {
CreateBonus("BonusGrenadeAmmo", enemy._x, enemy._y, 1);
if (randomnum == 5) {
if ( < _root.MainGame.player1.max_health) {
CreateBonus("BonusHealth", enemy._x, enemy._y, 1);
enemydelay = _root.frameDelay;
if ((enemy.etype == "ZombieSlowRunner") && (enemy.current_state == "move")) {
enemydelay = enemydelay * 0.75;
if (enemy.etype == "Crow") {
enemydelay = enemydelay * 1.5;
_root.frameAdvancer(enemy.main.main, 0, enemydelay);
if ((((Background.exterior == 1) && (enemy.no_ai == 0)) && (enemy.current_state != "death")) && ((((enemy._x > 740) || (enemy._x < -100)) || (enemy._y > 500)) || (enemy._y < -100))) {
if (enemy.no_ai == 0) {
etype = enemy.etype;
boss = enemy.boss;
health =;
ExteriorEnemySpawn(etype, boss, health, 1);
function ChangeState(enemy, newstate) {
enemy.current_state = newstate;
if ((newstate == "move") && (enemy.running > 0)) {
newstate = "run";
function DoEnemyAI(enemy) {
enemy.goX = 0;
enemy.goY = 0;
if (enemy.no_ai > 0) {
found = _root.MainGame.player1;
fdist = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
i = 1;
while (i <= MaxPlayers) {
player = _root.MainGame["player" + i];
xdist = player._x - enemy._x;
ydist = player._y - enemy._y;
dist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
if (dist < fdist) {
fdist = dist;
found = player;
enemy.killtarget = found;
if ((enemy.killtarget.hitbox.hitTest(enemy.threatbox) || (enemy.current_state == "attack")) || (enemy.current_state == "death")) {
enemy.moving = 0;
if (((enemy.current_state != "stun") && (enemy.current_state != "death")) && (enemy.current_state != "attack")) {
ChangeState(enemy, "attack");
if (enemy.current_state == "attack") {
enemy.target_rotation = GetAngle(enemy._x, enemy._y, enemy.killtarget._x, enemy.killtarget._y);
} else {
if (enemy.stuck_time > 5) {
enemy.stuck_time = 0;
if ((enemy.node == 0) && ((!Background.exterior) == 1)) {
enemy.node = 999;
i = 1;
while (i <= 10) {
hb = eval ("_root.MainGame.Background.stuck" + i);
if (hb.hitTest(enemy.hitbox)) {
enemy.node = i;
} else if ((!Background.exterior) == 1) {
enemy.node = 0;
i = 1;
while (i <= 10) {
hb = eval ("_root.MainGame.Background.stuck" + i);
if (hb.hitTest(enemy.hitbox) && (enemy.node != i)) {
enemy.node = i;
} else if (enemy.node == 9999) {
enemy.node = 0;
} else {
enemy.node = 9999;
diffx = enemy.killtarget._x - enemy._x;
diffy = enemy.killtarget._y - enemy._y;
diffx = diffx * -100;
diffy = diffy * -100;
enemy.target_x = enemy._x + diffx;
enemy.target_y = enemy._y + diffy;
if (enemy.node > 0) {
node = eval ("_root.MainGame.Background.node" + enemy.node);
if (enemy.node == 999) {
node = _root.MainGame.Background.nodecentral;
if (node.hitTest(enemy.hitbox)) {
enemy.node = 0;
if (enemy.node != 9999) {
if (enemy.node == 0) {
enemy.target_x = enemy.killtarget._x;
enemy.target_y = enemy.killtarget._y;
} else {
node = eval ("_root.MainGame.Background.node" + enemy.node);
if (enemy.node == 999) {
node = _root.MainGame.Background.nodecentral;
enemy.target_x = node._x + Background._x;
enemy.target_y = node._y + Background._y;
if (enemy.target_x > (enemy._x + 5)) {
enemy.goX = 1;
if (enemy.target_x < (enemy._x - 5)) {
enemy.goX = -1;
if (enemy.target_y > (enemy._y + 5)) {
enemy.goY = 1;
if (enemy.target_y < (enemy._y - 5)) {
enemy.goY = -1;
if (enemy._alpha < 90) {
enemy.goY = 0;
enemy.goX = 0;
function DoEnemyMovement(enemy) {
force = 0;
stuckmod = 1;
mod = 1;
if (enemy.running == 1) {
mod = 1.6;
x = enemy.goX;
y = enemy.goY;
if (enemy.current_state == "death") {
x = 0;
y = 0;
enemy.moving = 0;
if ((enemy.force_x != 0) || (enemy.force_y != 0)) {
force = 1;
x = 0;
y = 0;
if ((x != 0) || (y != 0)) {
speed = (enemy.walk_speed * _root.speedFactor) * mod;
diag = 0;
if ((x != 0) && (y != 0)) {
speed = (enemy.diag_speed * _root.speedFactor) * mod;
diag = 1;
backx = enemy._x;
backy = enemy._y;
enemy._y = enemy._y + ((y * speed) * 1);
enemy._x = enemy._x + ((x * speed) * 1);
enemy.moving = 1;
speed = (enemy.walk_speed * _root.speedFactor) * mod;
if ( > 0) {
collide = 0;
} else {
collide = SceneCollide(enemy.hitbox, 1, 0, 1);
if (collide > 0) {
if (collide == 2) {
stuckmod = 0.1;
enemy._x = backx;
enemy._y = backy;
if (diag == 1) {
enemy._y = enemy._y + ((y * speed) * 1);
collide = SceneCollide(enemy.hitbox, 1, 0, 1);
if (collide > 0) {
if (collide == 2) {
stuckmod = 0.1;
y = 0;
enemy._y = backy;
if (y == 0) {
enemy._x = enemy._x + ((x * speed) * 1);
collide = SceneCollide(enemy.hitbox, 1, 0, 1);
if (collide > 0) {
if (collide == 2) {
stuckmod = 0.1;
x = 0;
enemy._x = backx;
} else {
x = 0;
} else {
y = 0;
x = 0;
if ((x == 0) && (y == 0)) {
enemy.moving = 0;
if ((x > 0) && (y == 0)) {
enemy.target_rotation = 270;
if ((x < 0) && (y == 0)) {
enemy.target_rotation = 90;
if ((x == 0) && (y > 0)) {
enemy.target_rotation = 0;
if ((x == 0) && (y < 0)) {
enemy.target_rotation = 180;
if ((x > 0) && (y > 0)) {
enemy.target_rotation = 315;
if ((x > 0) && (y < 0)) {
enemy.target_rotation = 225;
if ((x < 0) && (y > 0)) {
enemy.target_rotation = 45;
if ((x < 0) && (y < 0)) {
enemy.target_rotation = 135;
if ((x == 0) && (y == 0)) {
enemy.moving = 0;
enemy.stuck_time = enemy.stuck_time + (stuckmod * _root.speedFactor);
} else {
enemy.target_rotation = enemy.target_rotation - 180;
enemy.stuck_time = 0;
if (force == 1) {
if (enemy.force_x != 0) {
direct = enemy.force_x / Math.abs(enemy.force_x);
enemy.force_x = enemy.force_x - ((Math.abs(enemy.force_x / 10) * direct) * _root.speedFactor);
if ((enemy.force_x > -0.5) && (direct < 0)) {
enemy.force_x = 0;
if ((enemy.force_x < 0.5) && (direct > 0)) {
enemy.force_x = 0;
if (enemy.force_y != 0) {
direct = enemy.force_y / Math.abs(enemy.force_y);
enemy.force_y = enemy.force_y - ((Math.abs(enemy.force_y / 10) * direct) * _root.speedFactor);
if ((enemy.force_y > -0.5) && (direct < 0)) {
enemy.force_y = 0;
if ((enemy.force_y < 0.5) && (direct > 0)) {
enemy.force_y = 0;
backx = enemy._x;
backy = enemy._y;
enemy._x = enemy._x + (enemy.force_x * _root.speedFactor);
enemy._y = enemy._y + (enemy.force_y * _root.speedFactor);
y = 1;
x = 1;
if ( == 0) {
if (SceneCollide(enemy.hitbox, 1, 0)) {
enemy._x = backx;
enemy._y = backy;
enemy._y = enemy._y + (enemy.force_y * _root.speedFactor);
if (SceneCollide(enemy.hitbox, 1, 0)) {
y = 0;
enemy._y = backy;
if (y == 0) {
enemy._x = enemy._x + (enemy.force_x * _root.speedFactor);
if (SceneCollide(enemy.hitbox, 1, 0)) {
enemy._x = backx;
if (enemy.no_ai == 0) {
enemy.main._rotation = _root.MainGame.ReachAngle(enemy.main._rotation, enemy.target_rotation, 3 * _root.speedFactor, 1, 0);
enemy._y = Math.round(enemy._y);
enemy._x = Math.round(enemy._x);
function EnemyMelee(enemy) {
target = enemy.killtarget;
if (target.hitbox.hitTest(enemy.meleebox)) {
if ( > 0) {
if (((_root.soundon > 0) && (random(2) == 1)) && (enemy.no_ai == 0)) {
eval ("_root.zombiedogattack" + (random(2) + 1)).start();
if ( > 0) {
if (((_root.soundon > 0) && (random(2) == 1)) && (enemy.no_ai == 0)) {
health_dam = enemy.melee_damage;
DamageHuman(target, health_dam);
function EnemyHit(enemy, damage, angle, push, hitter) {
if (enemy.current_state == "death") {
enemy.lasthitby = hitter;
if ( > 0) {
if (((_root.soundon > 0) && (random(2) == 1)) && (enemy.no_ai == 0)) {
eval ("_root.zombiedogpain" + (random(2) + 1)).start();
if ( > 0) {
if (((_root.soundon > 0) && (random(2) == 1)) && (enemy.no_ai == 0)) {
if (( == 0) && ( == 0)) {
if (((_root.soundon > 0) && (random(2) == 1)) && (enemy.no_ai == 0)) {
eval ("_root.zombie_pain" + (random(3) + 1)).start();
} = - damage;
push = push / enemy.weight;
angle = angle - 90;
pushx = Math.cos((angle * Math.PI) / 180) * push;
pushy = Math.sin((angle * Math.PI) / 180) * push;
enemy.force_x = enemy.force_x + pushx;
enemy.force_y = enemy.force_y + pushy;
if (enemy.force_x > 15) {
enemy.force_x = 15;
if (enemy.force_y > 15) {
enemy.force_y = 15;
if (enemy.force_x < -15) {
enemy.force_x = -15;
if (enemy.force_y < -15) {
enemy.force_y = -15;
function rotateBitmap(img, angle, w, h, type) {
var _local2 = new flash.geom.Matrix();
var _local5 = angle;
var _local4 = (_local5 / 180) * Math.PI;
w = img.width;
h = img.height;
_local2.translate((-w) / 2, (-h) / 2);
if ((angle == 90) || (angle == 270)) {
_local2.translate(h / 2, w / 2);
h2 = h;
h = w;
w = h2;
} else {
_local2.translate(w / 2, h / 2);
if (type == undefined) {
type = true;
img2 = new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, type, 0);
img2.draw(img, _local2, null, "normal", null, true);
function MakeDecal(x, y, angle, decal, w, h) {
x = x + (Background._x * -1);
y = y + (Background._y * -1);
ModX = 0;
ModY = 0;
x = (x - (w / 2)) + ModX;
y = (y - (h / 2)) + ModY;
if ((angle == 90) || (angle == 270)) {
h2 = h;
h = w;
w = h2;
var _local1;
_local1 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(decal);
if (angle != 0) {
_local1 = rotateBitmap(_local1, angle, w, h);
w = _local1.width;
h = _local1.height;
BackgroundBMP.copyPixels(_local1, new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, w, h), new flash.geom.Point(x, y));
function MakeDecalPreloaded(x, y, angle, decal, w, h) {
x = x + (Background._x * -1);
y = y + (Background._y * -1);
x = (x - (w / 2)) + ModX;
y = (y - (h / 2)) + ModY;
BackgroundBMP.copyPixels(decal, new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, w, h), new flash.geom.Point(x, y), null, null, true);
function FadeOut(actor) {
actor._alpha = (actor._alpha = actor._alpha - (2 * _root.speedFactor));
if (actor._alpha <= 0) {
if (actor.chattime != undefined) {
DeleteActor(_root.MainGame["playerchat" + actor.profilenum]);
function MakeBlood(x, y, angle, nosound) {
MakeDecalPreloaded(x, y, angle, eval ("BloodDecal" + (random(4) + 1)), 128, 128);
if ((_root.soundon > 0) && ((!nosound) == 1)) {
eval (("_root.blood" + (random(2) + 2)) + "_sound").start();
function DeleteActor(clip) {
clip.inplay = 0;
function CreateBonus(type, x, y, nocollide) {
var i;
bonusnum = 0;
i = 1;
while (i <= 16) {
temp = eval ("_root.MainGame.bonus" + i);
if ((!temp.inplay) > 0) {
bonusnum = i;
if (bonusnum == 0) {
bonus = _root.MainGame.attachMovie(type, "bonus" + bonusnum, 50 + bonusnum);
bonus.inplay = 1;
if (bonses_inplay > 16) {
bonuses_inplay = 16;
bonus._x = x;
bonus._y = y;
bonus.dying = 0;
bonus.inplay = 1;
bonus.btype = type;
if ((!nocollide) == 1) {
if (SceneCollide(bonus, 1, 1)) {
function DoBonus(bonus) {
if (_root.gamepaused > 0) {
if (bonus.dying > 0) {
_root.frameAdvancer(bonus, 0, _root.frameDelay / 2);
i = 1;
while (i <= MaxPlayers) {
if (eval (("_root.MainGame.player" + i) + ".hitbox").hitTest(bonus.hitbox)) {
if (CollectBonus(bonus.btype, eval ("_root.MainGame.player" + i)) > 0) {
bonus.dying = 1;
function CollectBonus(type, player) {
picked = 0;
if (type == "BonusGlock19C") {
inv = AddInventory(player, "glock19c", 15, 1);
if (inv > 0) {
picked = 1;
MakeBonusText("Glock 19C");
if (_root.soundon > 0) {
} else if (inv == -10) {
if (player.gun_limit == 1) {
MakeBonusText("Cannot carry more than one weapon!", player);
} else {
MakeBonusText(("Cannot carry more than " + player.gun_limit) + " weapons!", player);
} else {
MakeBonusText("Inventory is full!", player);
if (type == "BonusMossberg500") {
inv = AddInventory(player, "mossberg500", 7, 1);
if (inv > 0) {
picked = 1;
MakeBonusText("Mossberg 500");
if (_root.soundon > 0) {
} else if (inv == -10) {
if (player.gun_limit == 1) {
MakeBonusText("Cannot carry more than one weapon!", player);
} else {
MakeBonusText(("Cannot carry more than " + player.gun_limit) + " weapons!", player);
} else {
MakeBonusText("Inventory is full!", player);
if (type == "BonusSteyrTMP") {
inv = AddInventory(player, "steyrtmp", 30, 1);
if (inv > 0) {
picked = 1;
MakeBonusText("Steyr TMP");
if (_root.soundon > 0) {
} else if (inv == -10) {
if (player.gun_limit == 1) {
MakeBonusText("Cannot carry more than one weapon!", player);
} else {
MakeBonusText(("Cannot carry more than " + player.gun_limit) + " weapons!", player);
} else {
MakeBonusText("Inventory is full!", player);
if (type == "BonusColt45") {
inv = AddInventory(player, "colt45", 6, 1);
if (inv > 0) {
picked = 1;
MakeBonusText("Colt 45");
if (_root.soundon > 0) {
} else if (inv == -10) {
if (player.gun_limit == 1) {
MakeBonusText("Cannot carry more than one weapon!", player);
} else {
MakeBonusText(("Cannot carry more than " + player.gun_limit) + " weapons!", player);
} else {
MakeBonusText("Inventory is full!", player);
if (type == "BonusGM94Launcher") {
inv = AddInventory(player, "gm94launcher", 3, 1);
if (inv > 0) {
picked = 1;
MakeBonusText("GM94 Launcher");
if (_root.soundon > 0) {
} else if (inv == -10) {
if (player.gun_limit == 1) {
MakeBonusText("Cannot carry more than one weapon!", player);
} else {
MakeBonusText(("Cannot carry more than " + player.gun_limit) + " weapons!", player);
} else {
MakeBonusText("Inventory is full!", player);
if (type == "Bonus12GaugeShells") {
if (AddInventory(player, "12gauge_ammo", 7, 0) > 0) {
picked = 1;
MakeBonusText("Shotgun Shells", player);
if (_root.soundon > 0) {
} else {
MakeBonusText("Inventory is full!", player);
if (type == "Bonus35Bullets") {
if (AddInventory(player, "35_ammo", 25, 0) > 0) {
picked = 1;
MakeBonusText("9mm Bullets", player);
if (_root.soundon > 0) {
} else {
MakeBonusText("Inventory is full!", player);
if (type == "Bonus45Bullets") {
if (AddInventory(player, "45_ammo", 8, 0) > 0) {
picked = 1;
MakeBonusText(".45 Bullets", player);
if (_root.soundon > 0) {
} else {
MakeBonusText("Inventory is full!", player);
if (type == "BonusGrenadeAmmo") {
if (AddInventory(player, "grenade_ammo", 3, 0) > 0) {
picked = 1;
if (_root.soundon > 0) {
} else {
MakeBonusText("Inventory is full!", player);
if (type == "BonusHealth") {
if ( < player.max_health) {
picked = 1;
MakeBonusText("+25 Health", player);
if (_root.soundon > 0) {
} = + 25;
if ( > player.max_health) { = player.max_health;
} else {
MakeBonusText("Already at max health", player);
if (type == "BonusArmour") {
if (player.armour_health < player.armour_max_health) {
picked = 1;
MakeBonusText("+25 Armour", player);
if (_root.soundon > 0) {
player.armour_health = player.armour_health + 25;
if (player.armour_health > player.armour_max_health) {
player.armour_health = player.armour_max_health;
} else {
MakeBonusText("Already at max armour!", player);
function MakeBonusText(msg, player) {
if (player != _root.MainGame.player1) {
_root.MainHud.bonustext._alpha = 200;
_root.MainHud.bonustext.maintext.text = msg;
function DoLevel() {
next_zombietime = 3000;
zombie_types[1] = "";
zombie_types[2] = "";
zombie_types[3] = "";
zombie_types[4] = "";
zombie_types[5] = "";
if (game_time > 600) {
next_zombietime = 300;
zombie_types[1] = "Crow";
zombie_types[2] = "Zombie";
zombie_types[3] = "Zombie";
zombie_types[4] = "Crow";
zombie_types[5] = "Zombie";
if ((game_time * 1.3) > 2000) {
next_zombietime = 150;
zombie_types[1] = "Crow";
zombie_types[2] = "Crow";
zombie_types[3] = "Crow";
zombie_types[4] = "Crow";
zombie_types[5] = "Crow";
if ((game_time * 1.3) > 4000) {
next_zombietime = 300;
zombie_types[1] = "Zombie";
zombie_types[2] = "ZombieDogWalk";
zombie_types[3] = "Zombie";
zombie_types[4] = "Zombie";
zombie_types[5] = "Zombie";
if ((game_time * 1.3) > 6000) {
next_zombietime = 250;
zombie_types[1] = "ZombieSlowRunner";
zombie_types[2] = "ZombieSlowRunner";
zombie_types[3] = "Zombie";
zombie_types[4] = "Crow";
zombie_types[5] = "Zombie";
if ((game_time * 1.3) > 8000) {
next_zombietime = 150;
zombie_types[1] = "ZombieDogWalk";
zombie_types[2] = "Zombie";
zombie_types[3] = "ZombieSlowRunner";
zombie_types[4] = "ZombieSlowRunner";
zombie_types[5] = "ZombieSlowRunner";
if ((game_time * 1.3) > 10000) {
next_zombietime = 50;
zombie_types[1] = "Zombie";
zombie_types[2] = "Zombie";
zombie_types[3] = "Crow";
zombie_types[4] = "ZombieSlowRunner";
zombie_types[5] = "Zombie";
if ((game_time * 1.3) > 12000) {
next_zombietime = 100;
zombie_types[1] = "ZombieSlowRunner";
zombie_types[2] = "ZombieDogWalk";
zombie_types[3] = "Crow";
zombie_types[4] = "Crow";
zombie_types[5] = "Crow";
if ((game_time * 1.3) > 14000) {
next_zombietime = 50;
zombie_types[1] = "ZombieSlowRunner";
zombie_types[2] = "ZombieSlowRunner";
zombie_types[3] = "ZombieDogWalk";
zombie_types[4] = "ZombieSlowRunner";
zombie_types[5] = "Zombie";
if ((game_time * 1.3) > 16000) {
next_zombietime = 150;
zombie_types[1] = "ZombieRunner";
zombie_types[2] = "ZombieDogWalk";
zombie_types[3] = "ZombieSlowRunner";
zombie_types[4] = "ZombieSlowRunner";
zombie_types[5] = "Zombie";
if ((game_time * 1.3) > 18000) {
next_zombietime = 250;
zombie_types[1] = "ZombieRunner";
zombie_types[2] = "ZombieRunner";
zombie_types[3] = "Crow";
zombie_types[4] = "ZombieRunner";
zombie_types[5] = "ZombieSlowRunner";
if ((game_time * 1.3) > 20000) {
next_zombietime = 150;
zombie_types[1] = "ZombieDogRun";
zombie_types[2] = "ZombieDogRun";
zombie_types[3] = "ZombieDogRun";
zombie_types[4] = "ZombieSlowRunner";
zombie_types[5] = "ZombieSlowRunner";
if ((game_time * 1.3) > 22000) {
next_zombietime = 200;
zombie_types[1] = "ZombieDogRun";
zombie_types[2] = "ZombieDogRun";
zombie_types[3] = "ZombieRunner";
zombie_types[4] = "ZombieRunner";
zombie_types[5] = "ZombieSlowRunner";
if ((game_time * 1.3) > 24000) {
next_zombietime = 250;
zombie_types[1] = "ZombieRunner";
zombie_types[2] = "ZombieDogRunner";
zombie_types[3] = "ZombieRunner";
zombie_types[4] = "ZombieSlowRunner";
zombie_types[5] = "ZombieRunner";
if ((game_time * 1.3) > 26000) {
next_zombietime = 20;
zombie_types[1] = "ZombieSlowRunner";
zombie_types[2] = "ZombieSlowRunner";
zombie_types[3] = "ZombieRunner";
zombie_types[4] = "Zombie";
zombie_types[5] = "Zombie";
if ((game_time * 1.3) > 29000) {
next_zombietime = 200;
zombie_types[1] = "ZombieRunner";
zombie_types[2] = "ZombieRunner";
zombie_types[3] = "ZombieRunner";
zombie_types[4] = "ZombieDogRun";
if ((game_time * 1.3) > 32000) {
next_zombietime = 400;
zombie_types[1] = "ZombieRunner";
zombie_types[2] = "ZombieRunner";
zombie_types[3] = "ZombieDogRun";
zombie_types[4] = "ZombieRunner";
zombie_types[5] = "ZombieRunner";
if ((game_time * 1.3) > 34000) {
next_zombietime = 150;
zombie_types[1] = "ZombieDogRun";
zombie_types[2] = "ZombieRunner";
zombie_types[3] = "ZombieSlowRunner";
zombie_types[4] = "ZombieDogRun";
zombie_types[5] = "ZombieRunner";
max_game_time = 36000;
next_zombietime = 100;
if (had_boss > -1) {
if (had_boss < 1) {
if (ExteriorEnemySpawn("ZombieBigDog", 1, 0, 0) == 1) {
had_boss = had_boss + 1;
zombie_types[1] = "Crow";
zombie_types[2] = "Crow";
zombie_types[3] = "Crow";
zombie_types[4] = "Crow";
zombie_types[5] = "Crow";
next_zombietime = 100;
function MakeExplosion(x, y, size, calliber, delay, player) {
if (delay > 0) {
if (explodelaynum > 5) {
explodelaynum = 1;
temp = _root.MainGame.createEmptyMovieClip("explodelay" + explodelaynum, 34000 + explodelaynum);
temp.delay = delay;
temp.esize = size;
temp.player = player;
temp._x = x;
temp._y = y;
temp.calliber = calliber;
temp.inplay = 1;
MakeDecalPreloaded(x, y, 0, Scorch, 90, 60);
if (_root.soundon > 0) {
effect = CreateEffect("Explosion1HitEffectHolder", x, y, 0, size, size, _root.frameDelay * 2, 1, 1);
actor = effect.hb;
var i;
i = 1;
while (i <= MaxPlayers) {
hb = eval (("_root.MainGame.player" + i) + ".hitbox");
if (hb._parent.inplay > 0) {
if (hb.hitTest(actor)) {
DamageHuman(hb._parent, 1 + (calliber / 3));
var i;
i = 1;
while (i <= (MaxEnemies + MaxBarrels)) {
hb = eval (("_root.MainGame.enemy" + i) + ".gunhitbox");
if (hb._parent.current_state != "death") {
if (hb.hitTest(actor)) {
hit = i;
enemy = eval ("_root.MainGame.enemy" + hit);
angle = GetAngle(x, y, enemy._x, enemy._y);
EnemyHit(enemy, 1 + calliber, angle, 1 + (calliber * 0.5), player);
j = 1;
while (j < Math.round(calliber / 2)) {
MakeBlood(enemy._x + (random(70) - 35), enemy._y + (random(70) - 35), 90 * random(4), 1);
function DoExplosionDelay(explosion) {
if ((!explosion.inplay) > 0) {
explosion.delay = explosion.delay - _root.speedFactor;
if (explosion.delay < 0) {
MakeExplosion(explosion._x, explosion._y, explosion.esize, explosion.calliber, 0, explosion.player);
function DoScreenShake() {
if (screen_shake < 0) {
screen_shake = screen_shake + (_root.speedFactor * 0.3);
if (screen_shake > 0) {
screen_shake = 0;
if (screen_shake > 0) {
screen_shake = screen_shake - (_root.speedFactor * screen_shake_speed);
if (screen_shake < 0) {
screen_shake = 0;
screen_shake = screen_shake * -1;
_root.MainGame._x = screen_shake / 2;
_root.MainGame._y = screen_shake / 2;
function ScreenShake(amount) {
if (amount == undefined) {
amount = 0;
if ((10 + amount) < Math.abs(screen_shake)) {
screen_shake_speed = (10 + amount) / 10;
if (screen_shake > 4) {
screen_shake = 10 + amount;
function ExteriorEnemySpawn(zombie_type, boss, life, force) {
if (force == undefined) {
force = 0;
again = 1;
do {
again = 0;
done = 0;
temp = random(4) + 1;
if (temp == 1) {
if (CreateEnemy(-50, random(_root.resY), 90, zombie_type, 1, boss, life) == 0) {
temp = 2;
} else {
done = 1;
if (temp == 2) {
if (CreateEnemy(random(_root.resX), _root.resY + 50, 180, zombie_type, 1, boss, life) == 0) {
temp = 3;
} else {
done = 1;
if (temp == 3) {
if (CreateEnemy(_root.resX + 50, random(_root.resY), 270, zombie_type, 1, boss, life) == 0) {
temp = 4;
} else {
done = 1;
if (temp == 4) {
if (CreateEnemy(random(_root.resX), -50, 0, zombie_type, 1, boss, life) == 0) {
temp = 1;
} else {
done = 1;
if ((temp == 1) && (done == 0)) {
if (CreateEnemy(-50, random(_root.resY), 90, zombie_type, 1, boss, life) == 0) {
again = force;
} else {
done = 1;
} while (again == 1);
function UpdateChainsawSounds() {
if (_root.soundon == 0) {
cion = 0;
cfon = 0;
i = 1;
while (i <= MaxPlayers) {
if (eval ("_root.MainGame.player" + i).chainsaw_idle_playing == 1) {
if (eval ("_root.MainGame.player" + i).chainsaw_fire_playing == 1) {
if (cion > 0) {
_root.chainsaw_idle.start(0, 9999);
if (cion == 0) {
if (cfon > 0) {
_root.chainsaw_fire.start(0, 9999);
if (cfon == 0) {
function UpdateReloadSounds() {
if (_root.soundon == 0) {
ron = 0;
i = 1;
while (i <= MaxPlayers) {
if (eval ("_root.MainGame.player" + i).reload_time > 0) {
if (ron > 0) {
_root.reloading_sound.start(0, 9999);
effectnum = 1;
enemynum = 1;
MaxPlayers = 3;
MaxEnemies = 4;
MaxBarrels = 0;
EnemiesInplay = 0;
MaxHitBoxes = 50;
zombietime = 0;
bonusnum = 1;
bonuses_inplay = 0;
game_time = 0;
time_limit = 32400;
max_game_time = 0;
explodelaynum = 1;
wait_for_end = 0;
force_next_bonus = "";
screen_shake = 0;
screen_shake_speed = 0;
intro_time = 0;
map_posx = 2;
map_posy = 1;
map_objectivex = 9;
map_objectivey = 9;
extraction_x = 611;
extraction_y = 443;
next_zombietime = 500;
zombie_types = new Array(6);
zombie_types[1] = "Zombie";
zombie_types[2] = "Zombie";
zombie_types[3] = "Zombie";
zombie_types[4] = "Zombie";
zombie_types[5] = "Zombie";
force_next_bonus = "";
had_mossberg = 0;
had_steyr = 0;
had_gm94launcher = 0;
had_boss = -1;
var yScaleT;
var prbkg = new PM_PRNG();
var BloodDecal1;
var BloodDecal2;
var BloodDecal3;
var BloodDecal4;
var Scorch;
var BackgroundBMP;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] in Symbol 82 MovieClip [GameOver_Scene] Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
_root.BlackOut("Stats_Scene", 0);
Symbol 89 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 89 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 90 MovieClip [Instructions_Scene] Frame 1
cursor = attachMovie("MenuCursor", "MenuCursor", 901);
cursor.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = _root._xmouse;
this._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 89 MovieClip in Symbol 90 MovieClip [Instructions_Scene] Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
_root.BlackOut("none", 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
} else {
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 107 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 107 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 120 MovieClip [Stats_Scene] Frame 1
playerName.restrict = "a-z A-Z 0-9";
cursor = attachMovie("MenuCursor", "MenuCursor", 901);
cursor.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = _root._xmouse;
this._y = _root._ymouse;
playerScore.text = _root.ScoreVal;
var my_fmt = new TextFormat();
my_fmt.bold = true;
playerRank.text = _root.current_profile1.rank;
playerDamageTaken.text = _root.current_profile1.damage_taken;
playerAccuracy.text = _root.current_profile1.score_accuracy + "%";
playerEnemiesKilled.text = _root.current_profile1.enemies_killed;
seconds = Math.round(_root.current_profile1.survived_time / 60);
minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
true_seconds = seconds % 60;
if (true_seconds < 10) {
true_seconds = "0" + true_seconds;
survivedstring = (minutes + ":") + true_seconds;
if (_root.current_profile1.survived > 0) {
survivedstring = "All Night";
playerSurvived.text = survivedstring;
Instance of Symbol 102 MovieClip in Symbol 120 MovieClip [Stats_Scene] Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
if (_root.soundon > 0) {
_root.music1.start(0, 99999);
_root.BlackOut("MainMenu_Scene", 0);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip in Symbol 120 MovieClip [Stats_Scene] Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if ((_root.HotSpotClick(this) && (_root.pname != "Enter Your Name")) && (_root.pname != "")) {
var strOut = ((_root.pname + "|") + _root.ScoreVal);
_root.pname = _root.searchandreplace(_root.pname, " ", "", 99999, false);
var strOut2 = _root.EncrpytString(strOut);
getURL ("" + strOut2, "_blank");
if (_root.soundon > 0) {
_root.music1.start(0, 99999);
_root.BlackOut("MainMenu_Scene", 0);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.pname != "Enter Your Name") && (_root.pname != "")) {
this._alpha = 100;
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
} else {
} else {
this._alpha = 50;
Symbol 151 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 181 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 185 MovieClip [Bonus12GaugeShells] Frame 1
Symbol 185 MovieClip [Bonus12GaugeShells] Frame 10
Symbol 188 MovieClip [Bonus35Bullets] Frame 1
Symbol 188 MovieClip [Bonus35Bullets] Frame 10
Symbol 191 MovieClip [BonusArmour] Frame 1
Symbol 191 MovieClip [BonusArmour] Frame 10
Symbol 194 MovieClip [BonusGlock19C] Frame 1
Symbol 194 MovieClip [BonusGlock19C] Frame 10
Symbol 197 MovieClip [BonusHealth] Frame 1
Symbol 197 MovieClip [BonusHealth] Frame 10
Symbol 200 MovieClip [BonusMossberg500] Frame 1
Symbol 200 MovieClip [BonusMossberg500] Frame 10
Symbol 203 MovieClip [BonusSteyrTMP] Frame 1
Symbol 203 MovieClip [BonusSteyrTMP] Frame 10
Symbol 204 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 204 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 207 MovieClip [MainBackground] Frame 1
this.exterior = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb5" in Symbol 207 MovieClip [MainBackground] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb6" in Symbol 207 MovieClip [MainBackground] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb7" in Symbol 207 MovieClip [MainBackground] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb8" in Symbol 207 MovieClip [MainBackground] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
Symbol 248 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 248 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 248 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 248 MovieClip Frame 17
gotoAndPlay ("walk");
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent.biglightalpha = _parent.lightalpha;
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent.biglightalpha = 0;
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent.biglightalpha = 0; = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("autopistol");
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 4
_parent.biglightalpha = _parent.lightalpha;
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 5
_parent.biglightalpha = 0;
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 6
_parent.biglightalpha = 0; = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("revolver");
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 7
_parent.biglightalpha = _parent.lightalpha;
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 8
_parent.biglightalpha = 0;
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 9
_parent.biglightalpha = 0; = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("shotgun");
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 10
_parent.biglightalpha = _parent.lightalpha;
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 11
_parent.biglightalpha = 0;
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 12
_parent.biglightalpha = 0; = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("machinegun");
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 13
_parent.biglightalpha = _parent.lightalpha;
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 14
_parent.biglightalpha = 0;
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 15
_parent.biglightalpha = 0; = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("grenadelauncher");
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 16
_parent.biglightalpha = _parent.lightalpha;
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 21 = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("knife");
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 22
_parent.biglightalpha = _parent.lightalpha;
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 23 = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("chainsaw");
Symbol 278 MovieClip [Actor_Player] Frame 1
Symbol 278 MovieClip [Actor_Player] Frame 2
Symbol 278 MovieClip [Actor_Player] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay ("gibb");
Symbol 558 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 558 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 558 MovieClip Frame 22
gotoAndPlay ("move");
Symbol 558 MovieClip Frame 73
gotoAndPlay ("stand");
Symbol 558 MovieClip Frame 85
gotoAndPlay ("stun");
Symbol 558 MovieClip Frame 98
Symbol 558 MovieClip Frame 111
_root.MainGame.ChangeState(this._parent._parent, "stand");
Symbol 558 MovieClip Frame 139
Symbol 558 MovieClip Frame 140
gotoAndPlay ("dead1");
Symbol 558 MovieClip Frame 141
Symbol 558 MovieClip Frame 142
gotoAndPlay ("gibb");
Symbol 877 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 877 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 877 MovieClip Frame 26
gotoAndPlay ("move");
Symbol 877 MovieClip Frame 77
gotoAndPlay ("stand");
Symbol 877 MovieClip Frame 103
gotoAndPlay ("stun");
Symbol 877 MovieClip Frame 116
Symbol 877 MovieClip Frame 129
_root.MainGame.ChangeState(this._parent._parent, "stand");
Symbol 877 MovieClip Frame 157
Symbol 877 MovieClip Frame 158
gotoAndPlay ("dead1");
Symbol 877 MovieClip Frame 159
Symbol 877 MovieClip Frame 160
gotoAndPlay ("gibb");
Symbol 1168 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 1168 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 1168 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay ("move");
Symbol 1168 MovieClip Frame 57
gotoAndPlay ("stand");
Symbol 1168 MovieClip Frame 83
gotoAndPlay ("stun");
Symbol 1168 MovieClip Frame 95
Symbol 1168 MovieClip Frame 114
_root.MainGame.ChangeState(this._parent._parent, "stand");
Symbol 1168 MovieClip Frame 145
Symbol 1168 MovieClip Frame 146
gotoAndPlay ("dead1");
Symbol 1168 MovieClip Frame 147
Symbol 1168 MovieClip Frame 148
gotoAndPlay ("gibb");
Symbol 1384 MovieClip Frame 26
gotoAndPlay ("move");
Symbol 1384 MovieClip Frame 51
gotoAndPlay ("stand");
Symbol 1384 MovieClip Frame 53
gotoAndPlay ("stun");
Symbol 1384 MovieClip Frame 68
Symbol 1384 MovieClip Frame 83
_root.MainGame.ChangeState(this._parent._parent, "stand");
Symbol 1384 MovieClip Frame 108
Symbol 1384 MovieClip Frame 109
gotoAndPlay ("dead1");
Symbol 1384 MovieClip Frame 110
Symbol 1384 MovieClip Frame 111
gotoAndPlay ("gibb");
Symbol 1689 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1689 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 1689 MovieClip Frame 21
gotoAndPlay ("move");
Symbol 1689 MovieClip Frame 67
gotoAndPlay ("stand");
Symbol 1689 MovieClip Frame 93
gotoAndPlay ("stun");
Symbol 1689 MovieClip Frame 105
Symbol 1689 MovieClip Frame 124
_root.MainGame.ChangeState(this._parent._parent, "stand");
Symbol 1689 MovieClip Frame 152
Symbol 1689 MovieClip Frame 153
gotoAndPlay ("dead1");
Symbol 1689 MovieClip Frame 154
Symbol 1689 MovieClip Frame 155
gotoAndPlay ("gibb");
Symbol 1701 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1701 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1706 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1706 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1711 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1711 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1716 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1716 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1718 MovieClip [MainMenu_Scene] Frame 1
cursor = attachMovie("MenuCursor", "MenuCursor", 901);
cursor.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = _root._xmouse;
this._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 1701 MovieClip in Symbol 1718 MovieClip [MainMenu_Scene] Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
_root.BlackOut("Intro_Scene", 0);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 29 MovieClip [HighScores_Menu] in Symbol 1718 MovieClip [MainMenu_Scene] Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [DownloadGame_Menu] in Symbol 1718 MovieClip [MainMenu_Scene] Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
getURL ((("" + _root.GetUrlParam(_url, "aid=")) + "&refer=") + _root.GetBaseUrl(_url), "_blank");
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 1706 MovieClip in Symbol 1718 MovieClip [MainMenu_Scene] Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
getURL ((("" + _root.GetUrlParam(_url, "aid=")) + "&refer=") + _root.GetBaseUrl(_url), "_blank");
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] in Symbol 1718 MovieClip [MainMenu_Scene] Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
getURL ((("" + _root.GetUrlParam(_url, "aid=")) + "&refer=") + _root.GetBaseUrl(_url), "_blank");
Instance of Symbol 1711 MovieClip in Symbol 1718 MovieClip [MainMenu_Scene] Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 1716 MovieClip in Symbol 1718 MovieClip [MainMenu_Scene] Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
} else {
Symbol 1848 MovieClip Frame 20
_root.MainGame.Player.biglight._alpha = _root.MainGame.Player.lightalpha;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] in Symbol 1853 MovieClip [Paused_Scene] Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
Symbol 1855 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1855 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay ("stand");
Symbol 1855 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 1859 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1859 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay ("stand");
Symbol 1859 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 1863 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1863 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay ("stand");
Symbol 1863 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 1877 MovieClip [Intro_Scene] Frame 1
cursor = attachMovie("MenuCursor", "MenuCursor", 901);
cursor.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = _root._xmouse;
this._y = _root._ymouse;
var tween = (new mx.transitions.Tween(introtext, "_y", 0, 340, -600, 70, true));
Instance of Symbol 89 MovieClip in Symbol 1877 MovieClip [Intro_Scene] Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
_root.BlackOut("Skill_Scene", 0);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((this._parent.introtext._y < -311) && (_root.menu_interact > 0)) {
_root.BlackOut("Skill_Scene", 0);
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
} else {
Symbol 2064 MovieClip Frame 24
gotoAndPlay ("stand");
Symbol 2064 MovieClip Frame 48
gotoAndPlay ("stun");
Symbol 2064 MovieClip Frame 57
Symbol 2064 MovieClip Frame 61
Symbol 2064 MovieClip Frame 72
_root.MainGame.ChangeState(this._parent._parent, "stand");
Symbol 2064 MovieClip Frame 98
Symbol 2064 MovieClip Frame 99
gotoAndPlay ("dead1");
Symbol 2064 MovieClip Frame 101
Symbol 2064 MovieClip Frame 102
Symbol 2064 MovieClip Frame 110
Symbol 2064 MovieClip Frame 111
Symbol 2064 MovieClip Frame 121
gotoAndPlay ("move");
Symbol 2064 MovieClip Frame 122
Symbol 2064 MovieClip Frame 123
gotoAndPlay ("gibb");
Symbol 2099 MovieClip Frame 24
gotoAndPlay ("stand");
Symbol 2099 MovieClip Frame 48
gotoAndPlay ("stun");
Symbol 2099 MovieClip Frame 57
Symbol 2099 MovieClip Frame 61
Symbol 2099 MovieClip Frame 72
_root.MainGame.ChangeState(this._parent._parent, "stand");
Symbol 2099 MovieClip Frame 98
Symbol 2099 MovieClip Frame 99
gotoAndPlay ("dead1");
Symbol 2099 MovieClip Frame 102
Symbol 2099 MovieClip Frame 103
Symbol 2099 MovieClip Frame 109
Symbol 2099 MovieClip Frame 110
Symbol 2099 MovieClip Frame 116
gotoAndPlay ("move");
Symbol 2099 MovieClip Frame 117
Symbol 2099 MovieClip Frame 118
gotoAndPlay ("gibb");
Symbol 2104 MovieClip [Bonus45Bullets] Frame 1
Symbol 2104 MovieClip [Bonus45Bullets] Frame 10
Symbol 2107 MovieClip [BonusGM94Launcher] Frame 1
Symbol 2107 MovieClip [BonusGM94Launcher] Frame 10
Symbol 2110 MovieClip [BonusColt45] Frame 1
Symbol 2110 MovieClip [BonusColt45] Frame 10
Symbol 2113 MovieClip [BonusGrenadeAmmo] Frame 1
Symbol 2113 MovieClip [BonusGrenadeAmmo] Frame 10
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 24
gotoAndPlay ("stand");
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 48
gotoAndPlay ("stun");
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 57
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 61
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 72
_root.MainGame.ChangeState(this._parent._parent, "stand");
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 98
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 99
gotoAndPlay ("dead1");
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 102
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 103
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 109
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 110
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 116
gotoAndPlay ("move");
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 118
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 119
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 127
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 128
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 137
gotoAndPlay ("run");
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 138
Symbol 2332 MovieClip Frame 139
gotoAndPlay ("gibb");
Symbol 2405 MovieClip Frame 35
gotoAndPlay ("move");
Symbol 2405 MovieClip Frame 70
gotoAndPlay ("stand");
Symbol 2405 MovieClip Frame 105
gotoAndPlay ("stun");
Symbol 2405 MovieClip Frame 113
Symbol 2405 MovieClip Frame 120
Symbol 2405 MovieClip Frame 128
_root.MainGame.ChangeState(this._parent._parent, "stand");
Symbol 2405 MovieClip Frame 130
Symbol 2405 MovieClip Frame 131
gotoAndPlay ("dead1");
Symbol 2442 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2442 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 2442 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 2442 MovieClip Frame 17
gotoAndPlay ("walk");
Symbol 2443 MovieClip [Actor_Girl1] Frame 1
Symbol 2443 MovieClip [Actor_Girl1] Frame 2
Symbol 2443 MovieClip [Actor_Girl1] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay ("gibb");
Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent.biglightalpha = _parent.lightalpha;
Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent.biglightalpha = 0;
Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent.biglightalpha = 0; = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("autopistol");
Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 4
_parent.biglightalpha = _parent.lightalpha;
Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 5
_parent.biglightalpha = 0;
Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 6
_parent.biglightalpha = 0; = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("revolver");
Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 7
_parent.biglightalpha = _parent.lightalpha;
Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 8
_parent.biglightalpha = 0;
Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 9
_parent.biglightalpha = 0; = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("shotgun");
Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 10
_parent.biglightalpha = _parent.lightalpha;
Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 11
_parent.biglightalpha = 0;
Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 12
_parent.biglightalpha = 0; = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("machinegun");
Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 13
_parent.biglightalpha = _parent.lightalpha;
Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 14
_parent.biglightalpha = 0;
Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 15
_parent.biglightalpha = 0; = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("grenadelauncher");
Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 16
_parent.biglightalpha = _parent.lightalpha;
Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 21 = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("knife");
Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 22
_parent.biglightalpha = _parent.lightalpha;
Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 23 = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("chainsaw");
Symbol 2447 MovieClip [Actor_Civilian1] Frame 1
Symbol 2447 MovieClip [Actor_Civilian1] Frame 2
Symbol 2447 MovieClip [Actor_Civilian1] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay ("gibb");
Symbol 2452 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2452 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2457 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2457 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2462 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2462 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2467 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2467 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2472 MovieClip [Skill_Scene] Frame 1
cursor = attachMovie("MenuCursor", "MenuCursor", 901);
cursor.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = _root._xmouse;
this._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 2452 MovieClip in Symbol 2472 MovieClip [Skill_Scene] Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
_root.skill = 1;
_root.BlackOut("Instructions_Scene", 0);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 2457 MovieClip in Symbol 2472 MovieClip [Skill_Scene] Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
_root.skill = 3;
_root.BlackOut("Instructions_Scene", 0);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 2462 MovieClip in Symbol 2472 MovieClip [Skill_Scene] Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
_root.skill = 2;
_root.BlackOut("Instructions_Scene", 0);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 2467 MovieClip in Symbol 2472 MovieClip [Skill_Scene] Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
_root.skill = 4;
_root.BlackOut("Instructions_Scene", 0);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
} else {
Symbol 2486 MovieClip [Stats_Scene2] Frame 1
if (_root.soundon > 0) {
_root.music1.start(0, 99999);
playerName.restrict = "a-z A-Z 0-9";
cursor = attachMovie("MenuCursor", "MenuCursor", 901);
cursor.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = _root._xmouse;
this._y = _root._ymouse;
playerScore.text = _root.ScoreVal;
var my_fmt = new TextFormat();
my_fmt.bold = true;
playerRank.text = _root.current_profile1.rank;
playerDamageTaken.text = _root.current_profile1.damage_taken;
playerAccuracy.text = _root.current_profile1.score_accuracy + "%";
playerEnemiesKilled.text = _root.current_profile1.enemies_killed;
seconds = Math.round(_root.time_remaining / 60);
minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
true_seconds = seconds % 60;
if (true_seconds < 10) {
true_seconds = "0" + true_seconds;
survivedstring = (minutes + ":") + true_seconds;
playerSurvived.text = survivedstring;
Instance of Symbol 102 MovieClip in Symbol 2486 MovieClip [Stats_Scene2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
_root.BlackOut("MainMenu_Scene", 0);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip in Symbol 2486 MovieClip [Stats_Scene2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if ((_root.HotSpotClick(this) && (_root.pname != "Enter Your Name")) && (_root.pname != "")) {
var strOut = ((_root.pname + "|") + _root.ScoreVal);
_root.pname = _root.searchandreplace(_root.pname, " ", "", 99999, false);
var strOut2 = _root.EncrpytString(strOut);
getURL ("" + strOut2, "_blank");
_root.BlackOut("MainMenu_Scene", 0);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.pname != "Enter Your Name") && (_root.pname != "")) {
this._alpha = 100;
if (_root.HotSpotClick(this)) {
} else {
} else {
this._alpha = 50;
Symbol 2489 MovieClip [Corner1Bkg] Frame 1
this.exterior = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb5" in Symbol 2489 MovieClip [Corner1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb6" in Symbol 2489 MovieClip [Corner1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb7" in Symbol 2489 MovieClip [Corner1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb8" in Symbol 2489 MovieClip [Corner1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "northexit" in Symbol 2489 MovieClip [Corner1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "northentrance" in Symbol 2489 MovieClip [Corner1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "southexit" in Symbol 2489 MovieClip [Corner1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "southentrance" in Symbol 2489 MovieClip [Corner1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "eastexit" in Symbol 2489 MovieClip [Corner1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "eastentrance" in Symbol 2489 MovieClip [Corner1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "westexit" in Symbol 2489 MovieClip [Corner1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "westentrance" in Symbol 2489 MovieClip [Corner1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Symbol 2491 MovieClip [Corner2Bkg] Frame 1
this.exterior = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb5" in Symbol 2491 MovieClip [Corner2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb6" in Symbol 2491 MovieClip [Corner2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb7" in Symbol 2491 MovieClip [Corner2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb8" in Symbol 2491 MovieClip [Corner2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "northexit" in Symbol 2491 MovieClip [Corner2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "northentrance" in Symbol 2491 MovieClip [Corner2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "southexit" in Symbol 2491 MovieClip [Corner2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "southentrance" in Symbol 2491 MovieClip [Corner2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "eastexit" in Symbol 2491 MovieClip [Corner2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "eastentrance" in Symbol 2491 MovieClip [Corner2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "westexit" in Symbol 2491 MovieClip [Corner2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "westentrance" in Symbol 2491 MovieClip [Corner2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Symbol 2493 MovieClip [Corner3Bkg] Frame 1
this.exterior = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb5" in Symbol 2493 MovieClip [Corner3Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb6" in Symbol 2493 MovieClip [Corner3Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb7" in Symbol 2493 MovieClip [Corner3Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb8" in Symbol 2493 MovieClip [Corner3Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "northexit" in Symbol 2493 MovieClip [Corner3Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "northentrance" in Symbol 2493 MovieClip [Corner3Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "southexit" in Symbol 2493 MovieClip [Corner3Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "southentrance" in Symbol 2493 MovieClip [Corner3Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "eastexit" in Symbol 2493 MovieClip [Corner3Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "eastentrance" in Symbol 2493 MovieClip [Corner3Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "westexit" in Symbol 2493 MovieClip [Corner3Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "westentrance" in Symbol 2493 MovieClip [Corner3Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Symbol 2495 MovieClip [Corner4Bkg] Frame 1
this.exterior = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb5" in Symbol 2495 MovieClip [Corner4Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb6" in Symbol 2495 MovieClip [Corner4Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb7" in Symbol 2495 MovieClip [Corner4Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb8" in Symbol 2495 MovieClip [Corner4Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "northexit" in Symbol 2495 MovieClip [Corner4Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "northentrance" in Symbol 2495 MovieClip [Corner4Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "southexit" in Symbol 2495 MovieClip [Corner4Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "southentrance" in Symbol 2495 MovieClip [Corner4Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "eastexit" in Symbol 2495 MovieClip [Corner4Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "eastentrance" in Symbol 2495 MovieClip [Corner4Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "westexit" in Symbol 2495 MovieClip [Corner4Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "westentrance" in Symbol 2495 MovieClip [Corner4Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Symbol 2496 MovieClip [Cross1Bkg] Frame 1
this.exterior = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb5" in Symbol 2496 MovieClip [Cross1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb6" in Symbol 2496 MovieClip [Cross1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb7" in Symbol 2496 MovieClip [Cross1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb8" in Symbol 2496 MovieClip [Cross1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "northexit" in Symbol 2496 MovieClip [Cross1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "northentrance" in Symbol 2496 MovieClip [Cross1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "southexit" in Symbol 2496 MovieClip [Cross1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "southentrance" in Symbol 2496 MovieClip [Cross1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "eastexit" in Symbol 2496 MovieClip [Cross1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "eastentrance" in Symbol 2496 MovieClip [Cross1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "westexit" in Symbol 2496 MovieClip [Cross1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "westentrance" in Symbol 2496 MovieClip [Cross1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Symbol 2499 MovieClip [Rooftop1Bkg] Frame 1
this.exterior = 1;
Symbol 2502 MovieClip [Street1Bkg] Frame 1
this.exterior = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb5" in Symbol 2502 MovieClip [Street1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb6" in Symbol 2502 MovieClip [Street1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb7" in Symbol 2502 MovieClip [Street1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb8" in Symbol 2502 MovieClip [Street1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "northexit" in Symbol 2502 MovieClip [Street1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "northentrance" in Symbol 2502 MovieClip [Street1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "southexit" in Symbol 2502 MovieClip [Street1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "southentrance" in Symbol 2502 MovieClip [Street1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "eastexit" in Symbol 2502 MovieClip [Street1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "eastentrance" in Symbol 2502 MovieClip [Street1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "westexit" in Symbol 2502 MovieClip [Street1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "westentrance" in Symbol 2502 MovieClip [Street1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Symbol 2504 MovieClip [Street2Bkg] Frame 1
this.exterior = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb5" in Symbol 2504 MovieClip [Street2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb6" in Symbol 2504 MovieClip [Street2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb7" in Symbol 2504 MovieClip [Street2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb8" in Symbol 2504 MovieClip [Street2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "northexit" in Symbol 2504 MovieClip [Street2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "northentrance" in Symbol 2504 MovieClip [Street2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "southexit" in Symbol 2504 MovieClip [Street2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "southentrance" in Symbol 2504 MovieClip [Street2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "eastexit" in Symbol 2504 MovieClip [Street2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "eastentrance" in Symbol 2504 MovieClip [Street2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "westexit" in Symbol 2504 MovieClip [Street2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "westentrance" in Symbol 2504 MovieClip [Street2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Symbol 2507 MovieClip [Tjunc1Bkg] Frame 1
this.exterior = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb5" in Symbol 2507 MovieClip [Tjunc1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb6" in Symbol 2507 MovieClip [Tjunc1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb7" in Symbol 2507 MovieClip [Tjunc1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb8" in Symbol 2507 MovieClip [Tjunc1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "northexit" in Symbol 2507 MovieClip [Tjunc1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "northentrance" in Symbol 2507 MovieClip [Tjunc1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "southexit" in Symbol 2507 MovieClip [Tjunc1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "southentrance" in Symbol 2507 MovieClip [Tjunc1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "eastexit" in Symbol 2507 MovieClip [Tjunc1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "eastentrance" in Symbol 2507 MovieClip [Tjunc1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "westexit" in Symbol 2507 MovieClip [Tjunc1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "westentrance" in Symbol 2507 MovieClip [Tjunc1Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Symbol 2509 MovieClip [Tjunc2Bkg] Frame 1
this.exterior = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb5" in Symbol 2509 MovieClip [Tjunc2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb6" in Symbol 2509 MovieClip [Tjunc2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb7" in Symbol 2509 MovieClip [Tjunc2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb8" in Symbol 2509 MovieClip [Tjunc2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "northexit" in Symbol 2509 MovieClip [Tjunc2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "northentrance" in Symbol 2509 MovieClip [Tjunc2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "southexit" in Symbol 2509 MovieClip [Tjunc2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "southentrance" in Symbol 2509 MovieClip [Tjunc2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "eastexit" in Symbol 2509 MovieClip [Tjunc2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "eastentrance" in Symbol 2509 MovieClip [Tjunc2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "westexit" in Symbol 2509 MovieClip [Tjunc2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "westentrance" in Symbol 2509 MovieClip [Tjunc2Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Symbol 2511 MovieClip [Tjunc3Bkg] Frame 1
this.exterior = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb5" in Symbol 2511 MovieClip [Tjunc3Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb6" in Symbol 2511 MovieClip [Tjunc3Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb7" in Symbol 2511 MovieClip [Tjunc3Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb8" in Symbol 2511 MovieClip [Tjunc3Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "northexit" in Symbol 2511 MovieClip [Tjunc3Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "northentrance" in Symbol 2511 MovieClip [Tjunc3Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "southexit" in Symbol 2511 MovieClip [Tjunc3Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "southentrance" in Symbol 2511 MovieClip [Tjunc3Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "eastexit" in Symbol 2511 MovieClip [Tjunc3Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "eastentrance" in Symbol 2511 MovieClip [Tjunc3Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "westexit" in Symbol 2511 MovieClip [Tjunc3Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "westentrance" in Symbol 2511 MovieClip [Tjunc3Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Symbol 2513 MovieClip [Tjunc4Bkg] Frame 1
this.exterior = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb5" in Symbol 2513 MovieClip [Tjunc4Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb6" in Symbol 2513 MovieClip [Tjunc4Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb7" in Symbol 2513 MovieClip [Tjunc4Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "hb8" in Symbol 2513 MovieClip [Tjunc4Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "northexit" in Symbol 2513 MovieClip [Tjunc4Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "northentrance" in Symbol 2513 MovieClip [Tjunc4Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "southexit" in Symbol 2513 MovieClip [Tjunc4Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "southentrance" in Symbol 2513 MovieClip [Tjunc4Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "eastexit" in Symbol 2513 MovieClip [Tjunc4Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "eastentrance" in Symbol 2513 MovieClip [Tjunc4Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "westexit" in Symbol 2513 MovieClip [Tjunc4Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [Hitbox] "westentrance" in Symbol 2513 MovieClip [Tjunc4Bkg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.enemypass = 1;
this.low = 1;