Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5191

Happy New Year!

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Top Cop.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #30571

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

The Game is loading (0%)

The Game is loading (0%)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1;
Symbol 7 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 12 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_url.indexOf("http") > -1) { if (_parent._parent._parent.loadAdNow) { cacheBuster = getTimer() + random(999999); showAd = "" + cacheBuster; trace("Loading ad: " + showAd); mcAd.loadMovie(showAd); } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } }
Symbol 12 MovieClip Frame 4
if ((mcAd.getBytesTotal() != 0) && (mcAd.getBytesLoaded() == mcAd.getBytesTotal())) { gotoAndStop ("showAd"); } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); }
Symbol 12 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 100
Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 29 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 30 MovieClip Frame 2; stop();
Symbol 30 MovieClip Frame 13
_parent._parent.gotoAndStop("preload"); stop();
Symbol 45 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 45 MovieClip Frame 60
Symbol 45 MovieClip Frame 121; stop();
Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 1
xPos = _x; yPos = _y; mcBackground._x = mcBackground._x - xPos; mcBackground._y = mcBackground._y - yPos; mcAnimation._x = mcAnimation._x - xPos; mcAnimation._y = mcAnimation._y - yPos; var stageWidth = Stage.width; var stageHeight = Stage.height; var centerStageX = (stageWidth / 2); var centerStageY = (stageHeight / 2); mcBackground._width = stageWidth; mcBackground._height = stageHeight; mcAnimation._x = mcAnimation._x + centerStageX; mcAnimation._y = mcAnimation._y + (centerStageY - (stageHeight / 10)); stop();
Symbol 1 MovieClip [loader] Frame 1
function UpdatePercentInterface(per) { txtPercentLoaded2 = (" The Game is loading (" + per) + "%)"; } function PreFinish() {; } function StartLoadingAutomatically() { return(false); } var txtPercentLoaded2 = " The Game is loading (0%)"; loading._visible = false; stop();
Symbol 1 MovieClip [loader] Frame 10
loading._visible = true; OnStartLoading();
Symbol 20480 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function IAsBroadcaster2 () { } }
Symbol 20481 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function BillboardDao () { } static function Parse(xml) { var _local3 = new; if (xml.attributes.duration != null) { _local3.Duration = _global.parseInt(xml.attributes.duration); } if (xml.attributes.url != null) { _local3.Url = new; } return(_local3); } static function ParseList(xml) { var _local3 = new Array(); var _local4 = mx.xpath.XPathAPI.selectNodeList(xml, "/*/Billboard"); var _local5 = 0; for ( ; _local5 < _local4.length ; _local5++) { _local3.push(Parse(_local4[_local5])); } return(_local3); } }
Symbol 20482 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class implements { function IController () { } }
Symbol 20483 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function ISoundDualChannel () { } }
Symbol 20484 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class implements { var _main, _current, _chan1, _chan2, _logger; function SoundDualChannel (m) { _main = m; Init(); } function get IsMuted() { return(_isMuted); } function set IsMuted(isMuted) { if (isMuted == null) { return; } if (isMuted != _isMuted) { var _local3 = _isMuted; _isMuted = isMuted; UpdateMute(isMuted, _local3); } //return(IsMuted); } function get Current() { return(_current); } function get IsEnabled() { return(_current.IsEnabled); } function get NowPlaying() { return(_current.NowPlaying); } function Init() { _chan1 = new; _chan2 = new; _current = _chan1; _logger =; _logger.log("CreateDualChannel on " + _main); } function CreateSoundMovieClip() { return(_main.createEmptyMovieClip(SOUND_MC_PREFIX + (_nextIdx++), _main.getNextHighestDepth())); } function Play(linkage, targetVolume) { if (targetVolume == null) { targetVolume = DEFAULT_VOLUME; } if (linkage != null) { _logger.log(((("DualChannel.Play " + linkage) + " (era ") + NowPlaying) + ")"); if (linkage == NowPlaying) { _current.Play(linkage, targetVolume); return(undefined); } } else { _logger.log("DualChannel.Play again " + NowPlaying); _current.Play(NowPlaying, targetVolume); return(undefined); } if (!IsEnabled) { return(undefined); } CrossFadeTo(linkage, targetVolume); } function PlayLoop(linkage, targetVolume) { if (targetVolume == null) { targetVolume = DEFAULT_VOLUME; } if (linkage != null) { _logger.log((((("DualChannel.PlayLoop " + linkage) + " (era ") + NowPlaying) + ") at ") + targetVolume); if (linkage == NowPlaying) { _current.PlayLoop(linkage, targetVolume, true); return(undefined); } } else { _logger.log("DualChannel.PlayLoop again " + NowPlaying); _current.PlayLoop(NowPlaying, targetVolume, true); return(undefined); } if (!IsEnabled) { return(undefined); } CrossFadeTo(linkage, targetVolume); } function Stop() { _current.QuickFadeTo(0); } function CrossFadeTo(linkage, targetVolume) { if (targetVolume == null) { targetVolume = DEFAULT_VOLUME; } _logger.log((("DualChannel.CrossFade1 " + _chan1.NowPlaying) + " // ") + _chan2.NowPlaying); _current.FadeTo(0); SwitchChannels(); _current.PlayLoop(linkage, targetVolume, true); _logger.log((("DualChannel.CrossFade2 " + _chan1.NowPlaying) + " // ") + _chan2.NowPlaying); } function SwitchChannels() { _current = ((_current == _chan1) ? (_chan2) : (_chan1)); _current.IsMuted = IsMuted; } function GetCurrentChannel() { return(_current); } function Dimm() { if (IsMuted) { return(undefined); } _current.QuickFadeTo(DEFAULT_DIMM_VOLUME); } function MaxVolume() { if (IsMuted) { return(undefined); } _current.FadeTo(DEFAULT_VOLUME); } function UpdateMute(val, old) { + " UpdateMute ") + old) + " -> ") + val); _current.IsMuted = val; } function Mute() { IsMuted = true; } function UnMute() { IsMuted = false; } function ToggleMute() { if (IsMuted) { UnMute(); } else { Mute(); } } function toString() { return((("DualChannel " + _chan1) + " / ") + _chan2); } static var SOUND_MC_PREFIX = "s"; static var DEFAULT_VOLUME = 100; static var DEFAULT_DIMM_VOLUME = 10; var _isMuted = false; static var _nextIdx = 0; }
Symbol 20485 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { var _load, _billboards; function LoaderData () { } function get Load() { return(_load); } function set Load(val) { _load = val; //return(Load); } function get Billboards() { return(_billboards); } function set Billboards(val) { _billboards = val; //return(Billboards); } }
Symbol 20486 MovieClip [__Packages.LuminicBox.Log.Logger] Frame 0
class LuminicBox.Log.Logger { var _loggerId, _level, _publishers, _filters; function Logger (logId) { if (logId && (logId.length > 0)) { _loggerId = logId; } _level = LuminicBox.Log.Level.LOG; _publishers = new Array(); _filters = new Array(); } function setLevel(level) { _level = level; } function addPublisher(publisher) { if (!_publishers[publisher.toString()]) { _publishers[publisher.toString()] = publisher; } } function removePublisher(publisher) { delete _publishers[publisher.toString()]; } function getPublishers() { return(_publishers); } function publish(argument, level) { if (level.getValue() >= _level.getValue()) { var _local4 = new LuminicBox.Log.LogEvent(_loggerId, argument, level); for (var publisher in _publishers) { LuminicBox.Log.IPublisher(_publishers[publisher]).publish(_local4); } } } function log(argument) { publish(argument, LuminicBox.Log.Level.LOG); } function debug(argument) { publish(argument, LuminicBox.Log.Level.DEBUG); } function info(argument) { publish(argument, LuminicBox.Log.Level.INFO); } function warn(argument) { publish(argument, LuminicBox.Log.Level.WARN); } function error(argument) { publish(argument, LuminicBox.Log.Level.ERROR); } function fatal(argument) { publish(argument, LuminicBox.Log.Level.FATAL); } }
Symbol 20487 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { var _fec; function DateTimeFormatter (fec) { _fec = fec; } static function CreateFromMilliseconds(millisec) { var _local3 = new Date(); _local3.setTime(millisec); return(new; } static function MilliToMinSec(millsec) { var _local3 = Math.round(millsec / 1000); var _local4 = Math.floor(_local3 / 60); _local3 = _local3 - (_local4 * 60); if (_local3 < 10) { return((_local4 + ":0") + _local3); } return((_local4 + ":") + _local3); } function ToIsoDate() { return((((_fec.getFullYear() + "-") + TwoChars(_fec.getMonth() + 1)) + "-") + TwoChars(_fec.getDate())); } function ToIsoTime() { return((((_fec.getHours() + ":") + _fec.getMinutes()) + ":") + _fec.getSeconds()); } function ToIsoDateTime(sep) { if (sep == null) { sep = " "; } return((ToIsoDate() + sep) + ToIsoTime()); } static function ToDDMMYYYY(fec) { return((((TwoChars(fec.getDate()) + "/") + TwoChars(fec.getMonth() + 1)) + "/") + fec.getFullYear()); } static function TwoChars(num) { return((new; } function Format(format) { var _local3 = _fec.getSeconds(); var _local4 = _fec.getMinutes(); if (!(format === "mm:ss")) { } else { return(FormatMMSS(_local4, _local3)); } return(null); } function FormatMMSS(min, sec) { var _local4 = new; var _local5 = new; return((_local4.NChars(2) + ":") + _local5.NChars(2)); } }
Symbol 20488 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { var _localization, _loader, _backends, _playerinfo, _externalMovies; function ConfigurationData () { } function get Localization() { if (_localization == null) { _localization = new; } return(_localization); } function set Localization(val) { _localization = val; //return(Localization); } function get Loader() { return(_loader); } function set Loader(val) { _loader = val; //return(Loader); } function get BackEnds() { return(_backends); } function set BackEnds(val) { _backends = val; //return(BackEnds); } function get PlayerInfo() { if (_playerinfo == null) { _playerinfo = new; } return(_playerinfo); } function set PlayerInfo(val) { _playerinfo = val; //return(PlayerInfo); } function get ExternalMovies() { return(_externalMovies); } function set ExternalMovies(val) { _externalMovies = val; //return(ExternalMovies); } function get IsLocal() { return(_level0._url.substr(0, 7) == "file://"); } function Configuration() { } function GetBackendByName(name) { var _local3 = 0; for ( ; _local3 < _backends.length ; _local3++) { var _local4 = _backends[_local3]; if (_local4.Name == name) { return(_local4); } } return(null); } }
Symbol 20489 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class implements { var _logger, _configuration; function XmlManager () {; } function getLogInstance() { return(_logger); } function get IsLocal() { return(_level0._url.substr(0, 7) == "file://"); } function addListener(target) { } function removeListener(target) { } function broadcastMessage(event) { } function addEventListener(event, target, handler) { return(null); } function removeAllListeners() { } function Configure(conf, logger) { _configuration = conf; _logger = logger; _isConfigured = true; } function Query(dao, objQuery, method) { QueryBackend(null, dao, objQuery, method); } function QueryBackend(backend, dao, objQuery, method) { dao.addListener(this); if (_isConfigured) { if (backend != null) { var _local6 = _configuration.GetBackendByName(backend); if (_local6 != null) { if (_local6.Method != "default") { method = _local6.Method; } var _local7 = _local6.GetActionByName(dao.ActionName); if (_local7 != null) { getLogInstance().info("Found Action: " + dao.ActionName); if (_local7.Method != "default") { method = _local7.Method; } if ((_local7.Call != null) && (_local7.Call != "")) { dao.ActualActionName = _local7.Call; } } dao.ConfigUrl = _local6.ConfigUrl; if (_local6.AppendPrefix) { dao.AppendPrefix = _local6.AppendPrefix; dao.ActionPrefix = _local6.ActionPrefix; } if (_local6.AppendSuffix) { dao.AppendSuffix = _local6.AppendSuffix; dao.ActionSuffix = _local6.ActionSuffix; } } else { getLogInstance().warn("Cannot find Backend: " + backend); } } } var _local8 = dao.GetUrl(); if (IsLocal && (!_local8.IsAbsolute)) { method = "POST"; } getLogInstance().info("Actual Action: " + _local8); dao.Query(objQuery, method); } function OnProcessedXml(src) { src.removeListener(this); } function OnXmlError(src, message) { src.removeListener(this); } var _isConfigured = false; }
Symbol 20490 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { var _configuration, _logger, _xmlManager, _templistener, _templistener2; function ConfigurationAccessor (conf, configUrl) { _configuration = conf; if (configUrl != null) { _configUrl = configUrl; }; _logger =; } function addListener(target) { } function removeListener(target) { } function broadcastMessage(event) { } function addEventListener(event, target, handler) { return(null); } function removeAllListeners() { } function get Configuration() { return(_configuration); } function Get() { if (_configuration != null) {"Ya tengo la conf"); ProcessConfiguration(); OnGotConfiguration(); return(_configuration); } CallConfigure(); return(null); } function CallConfigure() {"CallConfigure"); var _local2 = new; _xmlManager = new; _templistener = _local2.addEventListener(, this, CallConfigureOK); _templistener2 = _local2.addEventListener(, this, CallConfigureError); _xmlManager.Query(_local2, null, "GET"); } function CallConfigureOK(dao) { _xmlManager.removeListener(_templistener); _xmlManager.removeListener(_templistener2);"ConfigureOK"); _configuration = dao.Configuration; ProcessConfiguration(); OnGotConfiguration(); } function CallConfigureError(dao, msg) { _xmlManager.removeListener(_templistener); _xmlManager.removeListener(_templistener2); OnConfigurationError(msg); } function ProcessConfiguration() { _level0.conf = _configuration; InitLanguage(); InitCountry(); } function InitLanguage() { if (Configuration.Localization.LanguageCode != null) { var _local2 = Configuration.Localization.LanguageCode; } if (_local2 == null) { var _local2 = "es"; } _level0.langCode = _local2; switch (_local2) { case "en" : _level0.languageId = 3; break; case "pt" : _level0.languageId = 2; break; case "es" : default : _level0.languageId = 1; } } function InitCountry() { if (Configuration.Localization.CountryCode != null) { var _local2 = Configuration.Localization.CountryCode; } if (_local2 == null) { var _local2 = "ar"; } _level0.countryCode = _local2; } function OnGotConfiguration() { broadcastMessage(ON_GOT_CONFIGURATION, this, _configuration); } function OnConfigurationError(msg) { broadcastMessage(ON_CONFIGURATION_ERROR, this, msg); } var _configUrl = "configuration.xml"; static var ON_GOT_CONFIGURATION = "onGotConfiguration"; static var ON_CONFIGURATION_ERROR = "onConfigurationError"; }
Symbol 20491 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class extends AsBroadcaster { var addListener, _listeners; function AsBroadcaster2 () { super(); } static function initialize(obj) { AsBroadcaster.initialize(obj); var _local3 = new; obj.addEventListener = _local3.addEventListener; obj.removeAllListeners = _local3.removeAllListeners; } function addEventListener(event, target, handler) { if (target == null) { return(null); } var _local5 = new Object(); _local5[event] = mx.utils.Delegate.create(target, handler); addListener(_local5); return(_local5); } function removeAllListeners() { _listeners = []; } }
Symbol 20492 MovieClip [__Packages.LuminicBox.Log.IPublisher] Frame 0
class LuminicBox.Log.IPublisher { function IPublisher () { } }
Symbol 20493 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { var _n; function NumberFormatter (n) { _n = n; if ((n == null) || (_global.isNaN(n))) { } } function TwoChars() { if (_n < 10) { return("0" + _n); } return(_n.toString()); } function NChars(d) { if ((_n == null) || (_global.isNaN(_n))) { return(null); } var _local3 = ((_n == 0) ? 1 : (Math.floor(Math.log(_n) / Math.LN10) + 1)); if ((d == null) || (_global.isNaN(d) || (d <= _local3))) { return(_n.toString()); } var _local4 = ""; var _local5 = _local3; for ( ; _local5 < d ; _local5++) { _local4 = _local4 + "0"; } return(_local4 + _n.toString()); } }
Symbol 20494 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function LocalizationData (lang, country) { if (lang != null) { _languageCode = lang; } if (country != null) { _countryCode = country; } } function get CountryCode() { return(_countryCode); } function set CountryCode(val) { _countryCode = val; //return(CountryCode); } function get LanguageCode() { return(_languageCode); } function set LanguageCode(val) { _languageCode = val; //return(LanguageCode); } var _countryCode = "ar"; var _languageCode = "es"; }
Symbol 20495 MovieClip [__Packages.LuminicBox.Log.LogEvent] Frame 0
class LuminicBox.Log.LogEvent { var loggerId, argument, level, time; function LogEvent (loggerId, argument, level) { this.loggerId = loggerId; this.argument = argument; this.level = level; time = new Date(); } static function serialize(logEvent) { var _local3 = new Object(); _local3.loggerId = logEvent.loggerId; _local3.time = logEvent.time; _local3.levelName = logEvent.level.getName(); _local3.argument = logEvent.argument; return(_local3); } static function deserialize(o) { var _local3 = LuminicBox.Log.Level["" + o.levelName]; var _local4 = new LuminicBox.Log.LogEvent(o.loggerId, o.argument, _local3); _local4.time = o.time; return(_local4); } }
Symbol 20496 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function LocalizationDao () { } static function Parse(xml) { var _local3 = new; if ( != null) { _local3.CountryCode =; } if (xml.attributes.language != null) { _local3.LanguageCode = xml.attributes.language; } return(_local3); } }
Symbol 20497 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.utils.Delegate extends Object { var func; function Delegate (f) { super(); func = f; } static function create(obj, func) { var _local4 = function () { var _local2 =; var _local3 = arguments.callee.func; return(_local3.apply(_local2, arguments)); }; = obj; _local4.func = func; return(_local4); } function createDelegate(obj) { return(create(obj, func)); } }
Symbol 20498 MovieClip [__Packages.LuminicBox.Log.Level] Frame 0
class LuminicBox.Log.Level { var _name, _value; function Level (name, value) { _name = name; _value = value; } function getName() { return(_name); } function getValue() { return(_value); } function toString() { return(getName()); } static var ALL = new LuminicBox.Log.Level("ALL", 1); static var LOG = new LuminicBox.Log.Level("LOG", 1); static var DEBUG = new LuminicBox.Log.Level("DEBUG", 2); static var INFO = new LuminicBox.Log.Level("INFO", 4); static var WARN = new LuminicBox.Log.Level("WARN", 8); static var ERROR = new LuminicBox.Log.Level("ERROR", 16); static var FATAL = new LuminicBox.Log.Level("FATAL", 32); static var NONE = new LuminicBox.Log.Level("NONE", 1024); }
Symbol 20499 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function IApplication () { } }
Symbol 20500 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function IFactoryOwner () { } }
Symbol 20501 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class implements, { var _logger, _main, _soundManager, _smsValidator, _configuration, _xmlManager, _factory; function ApplicationBase (m) { _logger = getLogInstance(); _logger.log("ApplicationBase Start "); if (_root.preloading) { return; } _main = m; _soundManager =; _soundManager.Configure(_main);; Stage.scaleMode = "noScale"; System.exactSettings = false; } function getSMSValidator() { return(_smsValidator); } function getConfiguration() { return(_configuration); } function get XmlManagerInstance() { return(getXmlManagerInstance()); } function getXmlManagerInstance() { if (_xmlManager == null) { _xmlManager = new; } return(_xmlManager); } function getLogInstance() { return(; } function get Factory() { return(_factory); } function set Factory(factory) { _factory = factory; //return(Factory); } function setFactory(factory) { _factory = factory; } function getFactory() { return(_factory); } function Configure() { var _local2 =; _local2.addListener(this); _local2.Get(); } function Start() { getLogInstance().warn("ApplicationBase Started without configuration"); init(); CreateObjects(); } function onGotConfiguration(confacc, conf) { getLogInstance().info("onGotConfiguration"); confacc.removeListener(this); _configuration = conf;; XmlManagerInstance.Configure(conf, getLogInstance()); init(); CreateObjects(); } function onConfigurationError(confacc, msg) {"error"); getLogInstance().error("onConfigurationError: " + msg); Start(); } function init() { } function CreateObjects() { } function IsMainApplication() { return(_main == _level0); } }
Symbol 20502 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class extends { var getLogInstance, _loadingView, _main, _loadingController; function ApplicationLoading (m, v) { super(m) getLogInstance().log("ApplicationLoading Start"); _loadingView = v; } static function main(m) { var _local3 = new; _local3.Configure(); } function init() { if (_loadingView == null) { Object.registerClass("loader",; _loadingView ="loader", "main", 1)); } _loadingController = new, this); _loadingController.StartLoading(); } }
Symbol 20503 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { var _duration, _url; function BillboardData () { } function get Duration() { return(_duration); } function set Duration(val) { _duration = val; //return(Duration); } function get Url() { return(_url); } function set Url(val) { _url = val; //return(Url); } function toString() { return(((_url + " (") + _duration) + ")"); } }
Symbol 20504 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { var _url, _protocol, _host, _port, _directory, _filename, _query; function UrlData (url) { if (url != null) { _url = url; UpdateUrl(); } } function get Url() { return(_url); } function set Url(url) { if (_url != url) { var _local3 = _url; _url = url; OnUrlChanged(_local3, url); } //return(Url); } function get Protocol() { return(_protocol); } function get Host() { return(_host); } function get Port() { return(_port); } function get Directory() { return(_directory); } function get Filename() { return(_filename); } function get Query() { return(_query); } function get FullDirectory() { var _local2 = _directory; if (IsAbsolute) { _local2 = ((_protocol + "://") + _host) + _directory; } return(_local2); } function get IsAbsolute() { return((_protocol != null) && ((_protocol.length > 0) && (_host != null))); } function get IsHostRelative() { return(_directory.substr(0, 1) == "/"); } function get IsDirectoryRelative() { return((!IsAbsolute) && (!IsHostRelative)); } function OnUrlChanged(old, url) { UpdateUrl(); } function UpdateUrl() { var _local2 = _url.indexOf("://"); if (_local2 > 0) { _protocol = _url.substring(0, _local2); var _local3 = "/"; var _local4 = _url.indexOf(_local3, _local2 + 3); if (_local4 < 0) { _local3 = "\\"; if (_url.indexOf(_local3, _local2 + 3) >= 0) { _local4 = _local2 + 3; } } if (_local4 > 0) { _host = _url.substring(_local2 + 3, _local4); UpdatePath(_url.substring(_local4), _local3); } else { _host = _url.substring(_local2 + 3); _directory = "/"; _filename = ""; _query = ""; } } else { _protocol = null; _host = null; UpdatePath(_url); } } function UpdatePath(path, pathsep) { if (pathsep == null) { pathsep = "/"; } var _local4 = path.indexOf("?"); if (_local4 < 0) { _local4 = path.lastIndexOf(pathsep); _directory = path.substr(0, _local4 + 1); _filename = path.substr(_local4 + 1); _query = ""; } else { var _local5 = path.lastIndexOf(pathsep, _local4); _directory = path.substr(0, _local5 + 1); _filename = path.substr(_local5 + 1, _local4); _query = path.substr(_local4); } } function GetRelativeToRoot() { return(GetRelativeTo(new; } function GetRelativeTo(url) { if (!IsDirectoryRelative) { return(this); } var _local3 = _url; if (_local3.substr(0, 2) == "./") { _local3 = _local3.substr(2); } return(new + _local3)); } function toString() { return(_url); } }
Symbol 20505 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function FlashPlayerData () { } function get DebugApplication() { return(_debugApplication); } function set DebugApplication(val) { if (val != null) { _debugApplication = val; } //return(DebugApplication); } var _debugApplication = "none"; }
Symbol 20506 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class implements { var _rootNodeName, _rootNode, _actionName, _actualActionName, _errorCode, _errorName, _errorMessage, _objQuery, _currMethod, _rootXMLNode; function XmlDao (actionName, rootNode, rootRelative) { ActionName = actionName; _rootNodeName = (((rootNode != null) && (rootNode != "")) ? (rootNode) : (actionName)); _rootNode = "/" + _rootNodeName;; } function get CheckErrorCode() { return(_checkErrorCode); } function set CheckErrorCode(val) { _checkErrorCode = val; //return(CheckErrorCode); } function get ActionName() { return(_actionName); } function set ActionName(val) { _actionName = val; //return(ActionName); } function get ActualActionName() { return(((_actualActionName != null) ? (_actualActionName) : (ActionName))); } function set ActualActionName(val) { _actualActionName = val; //return(ActualActionName); } function get ConfigUrl() { return(_configUrl); } function set ConfigUrl(val) { _configUrl = val; //return(ConfigUrl); } function get ActionPrefix() { return(_actionPrefix); } function set ActionPrefix(val) { _actionPrefix = val; //return(ActionPrefix); } function get AppendPrefix() { return(_appendPrefix); } function set AppendPrefix(val) { _appendPrefix = val; //return(AppendPrefix); } function get ActionSuffix() { return(_actionSuffix); } function set ActionSuffix(val) { _actionSuffix = val; //return(ActionSuffix); } function get AppendSuffix() { return(_appendSuffix); } function set AppendSuffix(val) { _appendSuffix = val; //return(AppendSuffix); } function get CallName() { var _local2 = ActualActionName; if (AppendPrefix) { _local2 = ActionPrefix + _local2; } if (AppendSuffix) { _local2 = _local2 + ActionSuffix; } return(_local2); } function get ActionFullName() { return(ConfigUrl + CallName); } function GetUrl() { return(new; } function get RootRelative() { return(_rootRelative); } function set RootRelative(val) { _rootRelative = val; //return(RootRelative); } function addListener(target) { } function removeListener(target) { } function broadcastMessage(event) { } function addEventListener(event, target, handler) { return(null); } function removeAllListeners() { } function get ErrorCode() { return(_errorCode); } function set ErrorCode(val) { _errorCode = val; //return(ErrorCode); } function get ErrorName() { return(_errorName); } function set ErrorName(val) { _errorName = val; //return(ErrorName); } function get ErrorMessage() { return(_errorMessage); } function set ErrorMessage(val) { _errorMessage = val; //return(ErrorMessage); } function QueryAndCall(obj, target, objQuery, method) { addEventListener(ON_PROCESSED_XML, obj, target); Query(objQuery, method); } function Query(objQuery, method, rootRelative) { _objQuery = objQuery; _currMethod = method; if (method == null) { method = "POST"; } var _local5 = new LoadVars(); var _local6 = new XML(); var _local7 = this; var _local8 = false; if (objQuery != null) { for (var prop in objQuery) { if (objQuery[prop] instanceof Date) { var _local9 = objQuery[prop]; _local5[prop] = (new; } else { _local5[prop] = objQuery[prop]; } _local8 = true; } } if ((!_local8) && (method == "POST")) { _local5.dummy = 0; } OnSending(); var _local10 = GetRelativeActionFullName(rootRelative); try { _local6.onLoad =, OnXmlLoaded, _local6); Object(_local6).onHTTPStatus =, OnHttpStatus); if ((!_local8) && (method == "GET")) { _local6.load(_local10); } else { _local5.sendAndLoad(_local10, _local6, method); } OnSent(); } catch(e:Error) { OnXmlError(e.message); } } function OnHttpStatus(httpStatus) { if (httpStatus == 0) { OnXmlInfo("HTTPStatus: Firefox doesn't support HTTP Status"); } else if (httpStatus < 100) { OnXmlError("HTTPStatus " + DecodeHttpStatus(httpStatus)); } else if (httpStatus < 400) { OnXmlInfo("HTTPStatus " + DecodeHttpStatus(httpStatus)); } else if (httpStatus < 600) { OnXmlError("HTTPStatus " + DecodeHttpStatus(httpStatus)); } } function OnXmlLoaded(success, result_lv) { OnReceiveData(result_lv); if (!success) { OnXmlError("success == false"); return(undefined); } switch (result_lv.status) { case 0 : OnXmlInfo("No error; parse was completed successfully."); break; case -2 : OnXmlWarning("A CDATA section was not properly terminated."); break; case -3 : OnXmlWarning("The XML declaration was not properly terminated."); break; case -4 : OnXmlWarning("The DOCTYPE declaration was not properly terminated."); break; case -5 : OnXmlWarning("A comment was not properly terminated."); break; case -6 : OnXmlWarning("An XML element was malformed."); break; case -7 : OnXmlError("Out of memory."); break; case -8 : OnXmlWarning("An attribute value was not properly terminated."); break; case -9 : OnXmlWarning("A start-tag was not matched with an end-tag."); break; case -10 : OnXmlWarning("An end-tag was encountered without a matching start-tag."); break; default : OnXmlError("An unknown error has occurred."); } GeneralProcessXml(result_lv); } static function DecodeHttpStatus(httpStatusType) { var _local3 = ""; switch (httpStatusType) { case 100 : _local3 = "Continue"; break; case 101 : _local3 = "Switching Protocols"; break; case 200 : _local3 = "OK"; break; case 201 : _local3 = "Created"; break; case 202 : _local3 = "Accepted"; break; case 203 : _local3 = "Non-Authoritative Information"; break; case 204 : _local3 = "No Content"; break; case 205 : _local3 = "Reset Content"; break; case 206 : _local3 = "Partial Content"; break; case 300 : _local3 = "Multiple Choices"; break; case 301 : _local3 = "Moved Permanently"; break; case 302 : _local3 = "Found"; break; case 303 : _local3 = "See Other"; break; case 304 : _local3 = "Not Modified"; break; case 305 : _local3 = "Use Proxy"; break; case 307 : _local3 = "Temporary Redirect"; break; case 400 : _local3 = "Bad Request"; break; case 401 : _local3 = "Unauthorized"; break; case 402 : _local3 = "Payment Required"; break; case 403 : _local3 = "Forbidden"; break; case 404 : _local3 = "Not Found"; break; case 405 : _local3 = "Method Not Allowed"; break; case 406 : _local3 = "Not Acceptable"; break; case 407 : _local3 = "Proxy Authentication Required"; break; case 408 : _local3 = "Request Time-out"; break; case 409 : _local3 = "Conflict"; break; case 410 : _local3 = "Gone"; break; case 411 : _local3 = "Length Required"; break; case 412 : _local3 = "Precondition Failed"; break; case 413 : _local3 = "Request Entity Too Large"; break; case 414 : _local3 = "Request-URI Too Large"; break; case 415 : _local3 = "Unsupported Media Type"; break; case 416 : _local3 = "Requested range not satisfiable"; break; case 417 : _local3 = "Expectation Failed"; break; case 500 : _local3 = "Internal Server Error"; break; case 501 : _local3 = "Not Implemented"; break; case 502 : _local3 = "Bad Gateway"; break; case 503 : _local3 = "Service Unavailable"; break; case 504 : _local3 = "Gateway Time-out"; break; case 505 : _local3 = "HTTP Version not supported"; break; default : _local3 = "Flash error"; } return((httpStatusType + " ") + _local3); } function GetRelativeActionFullName(rootRelative) { var _local3 = GetUrl(); if (!_local3.IsDirectoryRelative) { return(_local3.Url); } var _local4 = rootRelative; if (_local4 == null) { _local4 = _rootRelative; } if (_local4 == null) { _local4 = true; } if (!_local4) { return(_local3.Url); } return(_local3.GetRelativeToRoot().Url); } function GeneralProcessXml(xml) { if (ProcessXml(xml)) { ProcessSuccessXml(_rootXMLNode); OnProcessedSuccessXml(); } else { ProcessErrorXml(_rootXMLNode); OnProcessedErrorXml(); } OnProcessedXml(); } function ProcessXml(xml) { if (xml == null) { _errorCode = -1; return(false); } _rootXMLNode = xml.lastChild; if ((_rootXMLNode == null) || (_rootXMLNode.nodeName != _rootNodeName)) { OnXmlError("No se encuentra el ROOT: " + _rootNodeName); _errorCode = -1; return(false); } if (_rootXMLNode.attributes.errorCode != null) { _errorCode = _global.parseInt(_rootXMLNode.attributes.errorCode); } else if (_rootXMLNode.attributes.result != null) { _errorCode = _global.parseInt(_rootXMLNode.attributes.result); } else if (CheckErrorCode) { return(false); } if (CheckErrorCode && (_global.isNaN(_errorCode))) { _errorCode = -1; return(false); } _errorName = _rootXMLNode.attributes.errorName; _errorMessage = ((_rootXMLNode.attributes.errorMessage != null) ? (_rootXMLNode.attributes.errorMessage) : ""); return((!CheckErrorCode) || (_errorCode == 0)); } function ProcessSuccessXml(xml) { } function ProcessErrorXml(xml) { } function OnXmlError(message) { broadcastMessage(ON_XML_ERROR, this, message); } function OnXmlWarning(message) { broadcastMessage(ON_XML_WARNING, this, message); } function OnXmlInfo(message) { broadcastMessage(ON_XML_INFO, this, message); } function OnSending() { broadcastMessage(ON_SENDING, this, _objQuery); } function OnSent() { broadcastMessage(ON_SENT, this, _objQuery); } function OnRetrying() { broadcastMessage(ON_RETRYING, this); } function OnReceiveData(result_lv) { broadcastMessage(ON_RECEIVE_DATA, this, result_lv); } function OnProcessedSuccessXml() { broadcastMessage(ON_PROCESSED_SUCCESS_XML, this); } function OnProcessedErrorXml() { broadcastMessage(ON_PROCESSED_ERROR_XML, this); } function OnProcessedXml() { broadcastMessage(ON_PROCESSED_XML, this); } var _checkErrorCode = false; var _configUrl = ""; var _actionPrefix = ""; var _appendPrefix = false; var _actionSuffix = ".xml"; var _appendSuffix = false; var _rootRelative = null; static var ON_XML_ERROR = "OnXmlError"; static var ON_XML_WARNING = "OnXmlWarning"; static var ON_XML_INFO = "OnXmlInfo"; static var ON_SENDING = "OnSending"; static var ON_SENT = "OnSent"; static var ON_RETRYING = "OnRetrying"; static var ON_RECEIVE_DATA = "OnReceiveData"; static var ON_PROCESSED_SUCCESS_XML = "OnProcessedSuccessXml"; static var ON_PROCESSED_ERROR_XML = "OnProcessedErrorXml"; static var ON_PROCESSED_XML = "OnProcessedXml"; }
Symbol 20507 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.xpath.FilterExpr { function FilterExpr (attrInit, nameInit, valueInit) { __attr = attrInit; __name = nameInit; __value = valueInit; } function get attr() { return(__attr); } function set attr(newVal) { __attr = newVal; //return(attr); } function get name() { return(__name); } function set name(newVal) { __name = newVal; //return(name); } function get value() { return(__value); } function set value(newVal) { __value = newVal; //return(value); } var __attr = false; var __value = null; var __name = null; }
Symbol 20508 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function ISoundChannel () { } }
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class implements { var _main, _nowPlaying, _sound, _targetVolume, _step, _interval; function SoundChannel (m, defaultVolume) { _main = m; if (defaultVolume != null) { _defaultVolume = defaultVolume; } else { _defaultVolume = DEFAULT_VOLUME; } Init(); } function get IsLooping() { return(_isLooping); } function get NowPlaying() { return(_nowPlaying); } function get IsPlaying() { return(_isPlaying); } function get IsMuted() { return(_isMuted); } function set IsMuted(isMuted) { if (isMuted == null) { return; } if (isMuted != _isMuted) { var _local3 = _isMuted; _isMuted = isMuted; UpdateMute(isMuted, _local3); } //return(IsMuted); } function get IsEnabled() { return(_isEnabled); } function get SoundObject() { return(_sound); } function get Logger() { return(; } function Init() { _targetVolume = _defaultVolume; _sound = new Sound(_main); } function Play(soundName, targetVolume) { _sound.stop(); PlayMix(soundName, targetVolume); CheckFade(); CheckRemove(); } function PlayMix(soundName, targetVolume) { if (targetVolume == null) { targetVolume = _defaultVolume; } if (soundName == null) { Logger.warn("SoundChannel.Play Sound not specified"); return(undefined); } var _local4 = _sound.duration; var _local5 = _sound.position; _sound.attachSound(soundName); if (_sound.duration == null) { Logger.warn("SoundChannel.Play Sound not found: " + soundName); return(undefined); } if ((_nowPlaying != soundName) && ((_local4 == _sound.duration) && (_local5 == _sound.position))) { Logger.warn("SoundChannel.Play Sound may not be found: " + soundName); } _nowPlaying = soundName; _isLooping = false; _sound.onSoundComplete =, onSoundFinished); _sound.setVolume(targetVolume); _sound.start(); _isPlaying = true; } function onSoundFinished() { _isPlaying = false; } function PlayIfNotPlaying(soundName, targetVolume) { if (_isPlaying && (soundName == _nowPlaying)) { return(undefined); } Play(soundName, targetVolume); } function PlayLoop(soundName, targetVolume, stopAtZero) { if (targetVolume != null) { _targetVolume = targetVolume; } else { targetVolume = _defaultVolume; } _isLooping = true; if (IsMuted) { _nowPlaying = soundName; _isPlaying = true; return(undefined); } if (_nowPlaying == soundName) { if (!_isPlaying) { PlayAgain(); } if (_sound.getVolume() == 0) { _sound.setVolume(DEFAULT_STEP); } FadeTo(targetVolume); return(undefined); } Logger.log((((("SoundChannel.PlayLoop " + soundName) + " (") + targetVolume) + ") on ") + this); _nowPlaying = soundName; _stopAtZero = stopAtZero; PlayLoopCore(soundName, targetVolume); } function PlayLoopCore(soundName, targetVolume) { if (!IsEnabled) { return(undefined); } _sound.setVolume(DEFAULT_STEP); _sound.stop(); _sound.attachSound(soundName); _sound.onSoundComplete =, PlayAgain); PlayAgain(); FadeTo(targetVolume); } function PlayAgain() { _sound.start(0, 999); _isPlaying = true; } function Stop() { Logger.log((("SoundChannel.Stop " + NowPlaying) + " on ") + this); _sound.stop(); _isPlaying = false; } function QuickFadeTo(val) { FadeTo(val, 2 * DEFAULT_STEP); } function FadeFromTo(from, val, step) { if ((from == 0) && (_stopAtZero)) { Logger.warn((("SoundChannel will stop because it will stopAtZero, and you did FadeFromTo " + from) + " -> ") + val); } _sound.setVolume(from); FadeTo(val, step); } function FadeTo(val, step) { _step = ((step != null) ? (step) : (DEFAULT_STEP)); _targetVolume = val; CheckFade(); CheckRemove(); } function FadeStop(step) { _dieAtZero = true; FadeTo(0, step); } function CheckFade() { if ((_sound.duration == null) || (_sound.duration == 0)) { return(undefined); } if (_sound.getVolume() != _targetVolume) { CreateInterval(); } else { ResetInterval(); } } function CheckRemove() { if (_sound.getVolume() > 0) { return(undefined); } if (_stopAtZero) { Stop(); } if (_dieAtZero) { Remove(); } } function Remove() { _main.removeMovieClip(); } function CreateInterval() { if (_interval != null) { return(undefined); } _interval = _global.setInterval(this, "OnInterval", FADE_INTERVAL); } function ResetInterval() { if (_interval == null) { return(undefined); } _global.clearInterval(_interval); _interval = null; } function OnInterval() { ReachTargetVolume(); CheckFade(); CheckRemove(); } function ReachTargetVolume() { var _local2 = _sound.getVolume(); var _local3 = _targetVolume - _local2; if (_local3 > _step) { _local3 = _step; } else if (_local3 < (-_step)) { _local3 = -_step; } _sound.setVolume(_local2 + _local3); } function UpdateMute(val, old) { if (_isPlaying && (_nowPlaying != null)) { if (val) { _sound.stop(); } else if (_isLooping) { PlayLoopCore(_nowPlaying, DEFAULT_VOLUME); } else { Play(_nowPlaying, DEFAULT_VOLUME); } } } function Mute() { IsMuted = true; } function UnMute() { IsMuted = false; } function ToggleMute() { if (IsMuted) { UnMute(); } else { Mute(); } } function toString() { return("Sound " + _main); } static var DEFAULT_STEP = 15; static var FADE_INTERVAL = 100; static var DEFAULT_VOLUME = 100; var _defaultVolume = 100; var _dieAtZero = false; var _stopAtZero = false; var _isPlaying = false; var _isLooping = false; var _isMuted = false; var _isEnabled = true; }
Symbol 20510 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { static var _instance; var _actors, _main; function LoopManager () { _actors = new Array(); } static function __get__Instance() { if (_instance == null) { _instance = new; } return(_instance); } function get IsPaused() { return(_isPaused); } function get Count() { return(_actors.length); } function Configure(m) { if (_isConfigured && ((_main != null) && (_main.onEnterFrame != null))) { return(undefined); } _main.onEnterFrame = null; _isConfigured = true; _main = m; _main.onEnterFrame =, onEnterFrame); } function onEnterFrame() { if (_isPaused) { return(undefined); } if (frame_time == 0) { frame_time = getTimer(); return(undefined); } var _local2 = getTimer(); var _local3 = _local2 - frame_time; frame_time = _local2; var _local4 = _actors.length - 1; for ( ; _local4 >= 0 ; _local4--) {[_local4]).PreLoop(_local3); } var _local5 = _actors.length - 1; for ( ; _local5 >= 0 ; _local5--) {[_local5]).Loop(_local3); } var _local6 = _actors.length - 1; for ( ; _local6 >= 0 ; _local6--) {[_local6]).PostLoop(_local3); } var _local7 = _actors.length - 1; for ( ; _local7 >= 0 ; _local7--) {[_local7]).CommitLoop(_local3); } } function Add(actor) { _actors.push(actor);"LoopManager.Add " + actor) + ". ") + Count) + " in loop."); } function Remove(ractor) { var _local3 = _actors.length - 1; for ( ; _local3 >= 0 ; _local3--) { var _local4 = _actors[_local3]; if (_local4 == ractor) { _actors.splice(_local3, 1);"LoopManager.Remove " + ractor) + ". ") + Count) + " remains in loop"); return(true); } }"LoopManager.Remove " + ractor) + " failed. ") + Count) + " remains in loop"); return(false); } function RemoveAll() { var _local2 = 0; for ( ; _local2 < _actors.length ; _local2++) { var _local3 = _actors[_local2]; _local3.MarkRemovedFromLoop(); } _actors = new Array();"LoopManager.RemoveAll"); } function Pause() { if (_isPaused) { return(undefined); } _isPaused = true;"LoopManager.Pause"); } function Resume() { if (!_isPaused) { return(undefined); } _isPaused = false; frame_time = 0;"LoopManager.Resume"); } function TogglePause() { if (_isPaused) { Resume(); } else { Pause(); } } var frame_time = 0; var _isPaused = false; var _isConfigured = false; }
Symbol 20511 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { static var _instance; var _logger, _configurationAccessor; function ConfigurationManager () { _logger =; } static function __get__Instance() { if (_instance == null) { _instance = new; } return(_instance); } function Send(conf) { _configurationAccessor = conf; } function Clear() { _configurationAccessor = null; } function Receive(configUrl) { if (_configurationAccessor != null) { return(_configurationAccessor); } return(new, configUrl)); } }
Symbol 20512 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function ExternalMovieDao () { } static function ParseList(xml) { var _local3 = new Object(); var _local4 = new Array(); var _local5 = mx.xpath.XPathAPI.selectNodeList(xml, "/*/ExternalMovie"); var _local6 = 0; for ( ; _local6 < _local5.length ; _local6++) { var _local7 = Parse(_local5[_local6]); for ( ; _local7 == null ; _local6++) { } for ( ; (_local3[_local7.Name] != null) && (_local3[_local7.Name]) ; _local6++) { } _local3[_local7.Name] = true; _local4.push(_local7); } return(_local4); } static function Parse(xml) { var _local3 = new; if (( == null) || ( == "")) { return(null); } _local3.Name =; if (xml.attributes.url != null) { _local3.Url = xml.attributes.url; } else { _local3.Url = _local3.Name; } if (xml.attributes.configUrl != null) { _local3.ConfigUrl = xml.attributes.configUrl; } return(_local3); } }
Symbol 20513 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function BackEndDao () { } static function Parse(xml) { var _local3 = new; if (xml.attributes.appendPrefix != null) { _local3.AppendPrefix = xml.attributes.appendPrefix == "true"; } if (_local3.AppendPrefix && (xml.attributes.actionPrefix != null)) { _local3.ActionPrefix = xml.attributes.actionPrefix; } if (xml.attributes.appendSuffix != null) { _local3.AppendSuffix = xml.attributes.appendSuffix == "true"; } if (_local3.AppendSuffix && (xml.attributes.actionSuffix != null)) { _local3.ActionSuffix = xml.attributes.actionSuffix; } if (xml.attributes.configUrl != null) { _local3.ConfigUrl = xml.attributes.configUrl; } if (xml.attributes.crossdomain != null) { _local3.CrossDomain = xml.attributes.crossdomain; } if ( != null) { _local3.Name =; } if (xml.attributes.method != null) { _local3.Method = xml.attributes.method; } _local3.Actions =; return(_local3); } static function ParseList(xml) { var _local3 = new Array(); var _local4 = mx.xpath.XPathAPI.selectNodeList(xml, "/*/BackEnd"); var _local5 = 0; for ( ; _local5 < _local4.length ; _local5++) { _local3.push(Parse(_local4[_local5])); } return(_local3); } }
Symbol 20514 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { var _name, _url, _configUrl; function ExternalMovieData () { } function get Name() { return(_name); } function set Name(val) { _name = val; //return(Name); } function get Url() { return(_url); } function set Url(val) { _url = val; //return(Url); } function get ConfigUrl() { return(_configUrl); } function set ConfigUrl(val) { _configUrl = val; //return(ConfigUrl); } function get HasConfiguration() { return((_configUrl != null) && (_configUrl.length > 0)); } function get InheritConfiguration() { return(_configUrl == null); } }
Symbol 20515 MovieClip [__Packages.LuminicBox.Log.ConsolePublisher] Frame 0
class LuminicBox.Log.ConsolePublisher implements LuminicBox.Log.IPublisher { var _maxDepth; function ConsolePublisher () { _maxDepth = 4; } function set maxDepth(value) { _maxDepth = ((_maxDepth > 255) ? 255 : (value)); //return(maxDepth); } function get maxDepth() { return(_maxDepth); } function toString() { return("ConsolePublisher"); } function publish(e) { var _local3 = LuminicBox.Log.LogEvent.serialize(e); _local3.argument = serializeObj(_local3.argument, 1); var _local4 = new LocalConnection(); _local4.send("_luminicbox_log_console", "log", _local3); } function serializeObj(o, depth) { var _local4 = getType(o); var _local5 = new Object(); if (!_local4.inspectable) { _local5.value = o; } else if (_local4.stringify) { _local5.value = o + ""; } else if (depth <= _maxDepth) { if (( == "movieclip") || ( == "button")) { = o + ""; } var _local6 = new Array(); if (o instanceof Array) { var _local7 = 0; for ( ; _local7 < o.length ; _local7++) { _local6.push({property:_local7, value:serializeObj(o[_local7], depth + 1)}); } } else { for (var prop in o) { _local6.push({property:prop, value:serializeObj(o[prop], depth + 1)}); } } _local5.value = _local6; } else { _local5.reachLimit = true; } _local5.type =; return(_local5); } function getType(o) { var _local3 = typeof(o); var _local4 = new Object(); _local4.inspectable = true; = _local3; if ((_local3 == "string") || ((_local3 == "boolean") || ((_local3 == "number") || ((_local3 == "undefined") || (_local3 == "null"))))) { _local4.inspectable = false; } else if (o instanceof Date) { _local4.inspectable = false; = "date"; } else if (o instanceof Array) { = "array"; } else if (o instanceof Button) { = "button"; } else if (o instanceof MovieClip) { = "movieclip"; } else if (o instanceof XML) { = "xml"; _local4.stringify = true; } else if (o instanceof XMLNode) { = "xmlnode"; _local4.stringify = true; } else if (o instanceof Color) { = "color"; } return(_local4); } var _version = 0.1; }
Symbol 20516 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.utils.StringTokenParser { var _source, _skipChars; function StringTokenParser (source, skipChars) { _source = source; _skipChars = ((skipChars == undefined) ? null : (skipChars)); } function get token() { return(_token); } function getPos() { return(_index); } function nextToken() { var _local4 = _source.length; skipBlanks(); if (_index >= _local4) { return(tkEOF); } var _local3 = _source.charCodeAt(_index); if (((_local3 >= 65) && (_local3 <= 90)) || (((_local3 >= 97) && (_local3 <= 122)) || (((_local3 >= 192) && (_local3 <= Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)) || (_local3 == 95)))) { var _local2 = _index; _index++; _local3 = _source.charCodeAt(_index); while ((((_local3 >= 65) && (_local3 <= 90)) || (((_local3 >= 97) && (_local3 <= 122)) || (((_local3 >= 48) && (_local3 <= 57)) || (((_local3 >= 192) && (_local3 <= Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)) || (_local3 == 95))))) && (_index < _local4)) { _index++; _local3 = _source.charCodeAt(_index); } _token = _source.substring(_local2, _index); return(tkSymbol); } if ((_local3 == 34) || (_local3 == 39)) { _index++; var _local2 = _index; _local3 = _source.charCodeAt(_local2); while (((_local3 != 34) && (_local3 != 39)) && (_index < _local4)) { _index++; _local3 = _source.charCodeAt(_index); } _token = _source.substring(_local2, _index); _index++; return(tkString); } if ((_local3 == 45) || ((_local3 >= 48) && (_local3 <= 57))) { var _local5 = tkInteger; var _local2 = _index; _index++; _local3 = _source.charCodeAt(_index); while (((_local3 >= 48) && (_local3 <= 57)) && (_index < _local4)) { _index++; _local3 = _source.charCodeAt(_index); } if (_index < _local4) { if (((_local3 >= 48) && (_local3 <= 57)) || ((_local3 == 46) || ((_local3 == 43) || ((_local3 == 45) || ((_local3 == 101) || (_local3 == 69)))))) { _local5 = tkFloat; } while ((((_local3 >= 48) && (_local3 <= 57)) || ((_local3 == 46) || ((_local3 == 43) || ((_local3 == 45) || ((_local3 == 101) || (_local3 == 69)))))) && (_index < _local4)) { _index++; _local3 = _source.charCodeAt(_index); } } _token = _source.substring(_local2, _index); return(_local5); } _token = _source.charAt(_index); _index++; return(tkSymbol); } function skipBlanks() { if (_index < _source.length) { var _local2 = _source.charAt(_index); while ((_local2 == " ") || ((_skipChars != null) && (skipChar(_local2)))) { _index++; _local2 = _source.charAt(_index); } } } function skipChar(ch) { var _local3 = 0; for ( ; _local3 < _skipChars.length ; _local3++) { if (ch == _skipChars[_local3]) { return(true); } } return(false); } static var tkEOF = -1; static var tkSymbol = 0; static var tkString = 1; static var tkInteger = 2; static var tkFloat = 3; var _index = 0; var _token = ""; }
Symbol 20517 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function ILoopeable () { } }
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class implements, { var _parent, _app, _loop, _view; function BaseController (view, parent) {; _parent = parent; if (parent instanceof { _app =; } else if (parent instanceof { _app =; } _loop =; _view = view; _view.addListener(this); _view.InitAndCall(this, init); } function addListener(target) { } function removeListener(target) { } function broadcastMessage(event) { } function addEventListener(event, target, handler) { return(null); } function removeAllListeners() { } function get Parent() { return(_parent); } function getView() { return(_view); } function getApp() { return(_app); } function getLogInstance() { return(_app.getLogInstance()); } function PreLoop(time) { } function Loop(time) { } function PostLoop(time) { } function CommitLoop(time) { } function AddToLoop() { if (_isInLoop) { return(undefined); } _loop.Add(this); _isInLoop = true; } function RemoveFromLoop() { if (!_isInLoop) { return(undefined); } _loop.Remove(this); _isInLoop = false; } function IsInLoop() { return(_isInLoop); } function MarkRemovedFromLoop() { _isInLoop = false; } function init() { _view.init(); completeInit(); } function completeInit() { } function Remove() { getView().Remove(); RemoveFromLoop(); } var _isInLoop = false; }
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class extends { var getView, getApp, _extMovie, _movieurl, _billboardController; function LoadingController (view, parent) { super(view, parent); } function get CustomView() { return(; } function StartLoading() { if (CustomView.StartLoadingAutomatically()) { DoStartLoading(); } } function DoStartLoading() { getApp().getLogInstance().info("LoadingController.StartLoading"); var _local2 = getApp().getConfiguration(); var _local3 = _local2.Loader; _extMovie = _local2.ExternalMovies.GetMovieByName(_local3.Load); _movieurl = _local2.ExternalMovies.GetFullUrl(_extMovie); var _local4 = new MovieClipLoader(); _local4.addListener(this); _local4.loadClip(_movieurl, 1); if (_local3.Billboards.HasBillboards) { _billboardFinished = false; var _local5 = CustomView.CreateBillboard(); _billboardController = new, this); _billboardController.Show(); } else { _billboardFinished = true; } } function BillboardFinished() { _billboardFinished = true; CheckFinish(); } function onLoadStart(target_mc) { target_mc.stop(); } function onLoadProgress(target_mc, loadedBytes, totalBytes) { CustomView.BytesTotal = totalBytes; CustomView.BytesLoaded = loadedBytes; } function onLoadComplete(target_mc, httpStatus) { target_mc.preloading = true; target_mc.stop(); getApp().getLogInstance().info("LoadingController.LoadComplete"); var _local4 = new MovieClipLoader(); _local4.unloadClip(1); _loadingFinished = true; CheckFinish(); } function onLoadError(target_mc, errorCode, httpStatus) { } function CheckFinish() { getApp().getLogInstance().info((("LoadingController.CheckFinish " + _loadingFinished) + "/") + _billboardFinished); if ((!_loadingFinished) || (!_billboardFinished)) { return(undefined); } CustomView.PreFinish(); } function onPreFinishComplete(view) { DoFinish(); } function onStartLoading(view) { DoStartLoading(); } function DoFinish() { getApp().getLogInstance().info("_extMovie.HasConfiguration: " + _extMovie.HasConfiguration); getApp().getLogInstance().info("_extMovie.InheritConfiguration: " + _extMovie.InheritConfiguration); if (_extMovie.HasConfiguration) {, _extMovie.ConfigUrl)); } else if (_extMovie.InheritConfiguration) {; } else {; } var _local2 = new MovieClipLoader(); _local2.loadClip(_movieurl, 0); } var _loadingFinished = false; var _billboardFinished = true; }
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class { static var _instance; var _namedChannels, _music, _fx, _main; function SoundManager () { _namedChannels = new Object(); } function get Music() { return(_music); } function get FX() { return(_fx); } function get IsMuted() { return(_isMuted); } function set IsMuted(isMuted) { if (isMuted == null) { return; } if (isMuted != _isMuted) { var _local3 = _isMuted; _isMuted = isMuted; UpdateMute(isMuted, _local3); } //return(IsMuted); } static function __get__Instance() { if (_instance == null) { _instance = new; } return(_instance); } function Configure(m) { if (_isConfigured && ((_main != null) && ((_main._currentframe != null) && (_main._totalframes != null)))) { return(undefined); } _isConfigured = true; _main = m.createEmptyMovieClip(SOUND_MC, m.getNextHighestDepth()); _music = new; _fx = new; } function CreateSoundMovieClip() { return(_main.createEmptyMovieClip(SOUND_MC_PREFIX + (_nextIdx++), _main.getNextHighestDepth())); } function GetNamedChannel(name) { if (_namedChannels[name] == null) { _namedChannels[name] = new; } return(_namedChannels[name]); } function DeleteNamedChannel(name) {[name]).Remove(); _namedChannels[name] = null; } function Mute() { IsMuted = true; } function UnMute() { IsMuted = false; } function ToggleMute() { if (IsMuted) { UnMute(); } else { Mute(); } } function UpdateMute(val, old) { Music.IsMuted = val; FX.IsMuted = val; for (var s in _namedChannels) {[s]).IsMuted = val; } } static var SOUND_MC = "_soundmanager"; static var SOUND_MC_PREFIX = "s"; var _isConfigured = false; static var _nextIdx = 0; var _isMuted = false; }
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class mx.xpath.NodePathInfo { function NodePathInfo (nodeName, filter) { __nodeName = nodeName; __filter = filter; } function get nodeName() { return(__nodeName); } function get filter() { return(__filter); } var __nodeName = null; var __filter = null; }
Symbol 20522 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { var _name, _call; function BackEndActionData () { } function get Name() { return(_name); } function set Name(val) { _name = val; //return(Name); } function get Call() { return(_call); } function set Call(val) { _call = val; //return(Call); } function get Method() { return(_method); } function set Method(val) { _method = val; //return(Method); } var _method = "default"; }
Symbol 20523 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function BackEndActionDao () { } static function ParseList(xml) { var _local3 = new Object(); var _local4 = new Array(); var _local5 = mx.xpath.XPathAPI.selectNodeList(xml, "/BackEnd/Action"); var _local6 = 0; for ( ; _local6 < _local5.length ; _local6++) { var _local7 = Parse(_local5[_local6]); for ( ; _local7 == null ; _local6++) { } for ( ; (_local3[_local7.Name] != null) && (_local3[_local7.Name]) ; _local6++) { } _local3[_local7.Name] = true; _local4.push(_local7); } return(_local4); } static function Parse(xml) { var _local3 = new; if (( == null) || ( == "")) { return(null); } _local3.Name =; if ( != null) { _local3.Call =; } if (xml.attributes.method != null) { _local3.Method = xml.attributes.method; } return(_local3); } }
Symbol 20524 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { var _billboards, _defaultDuration; function BillboardsData () { } function get Billboards() { return(_billboards); } function set Billboards(val) { _billboards = val; //return(Billboards); } function get HasBillboards() { return((_billboards != null) && (_billboards.length > 0)); } function get DefaultDuration() { return(_defaultDuration); } function set DefaultDuration(val) { _defaultDuration = val; //return(DefaultDuration); } function get RootRelative() { return(_rootRelative); } function set RootRelative(val) { _rootRelative = val; //return(RootRelative); } function GetRandom() { var _local2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * _billboards.length); return(_billboards[_local2]); } var _rootRelative = true; }
Symbol 20525 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class extends { var _configuration; function ConfigurationDao (configUrl) { super(configUrl, "Configuration", true); } function get Configuration() { return(_configuration); } function ProcessSuccessXml(xml) { _configuration = Parse(xml); } static function Parse(xml) { var _local3 = new; var _local4 = mx.xpath.XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(xml, "/*/Localization"); if (_local4 != null) { _local3.Localization =; } var _local5 = mx.xpath.XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(xml, "/*/Loader"); if (_local5 != null) { _local3.Loader =; var _local6 = mx.xpath.XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(xml, "/*/Billboards"); _local3.Loader.Billboards =; } _local3.BackEnds =; var _local7 = mx.xpath.XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(xml, "/*/Player"); if (_local7 != null) { _local3.PlayerInfo =; } var _local8 = mx.xpath.XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(xml, "/*/ExternalMovies"); if (_local8 != null) { _local3.ExternalMovies =; } return(_local3); } }
Symbol 20526 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class implements { function IView () { } }
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class extends MovieClip implements { var removeMovieClip, _x, _y, gotoAndStop, _stage, _state; function BaseView () { super();; } function addListener(target) { } function removeListener(target) { } function broadcastMessage(event) { } function addEventListener(event, target, handler) { return(null); } function removeAllListeners() { } function getLogInstance() { return(; } function onLoad() { _inited = true; broadcastMessage(ON_LOAD, this); } function onUnload() { broadcastMessage(ON_UNLOAD, this); } function InitAndCall(obj, func) { if (_inited) {; } else { addEventListener(ON_LOAD, obj, func); } } function init() { } static function GetUniqueName() { _unique_names++; return(NAMES_PREFIX + _unique_names); } function Remove() { removeMovieClip(); } function SetPos(x, y) { _x = x; _y = y; } function PlayAnimation(name, mc) { var _local4 = name.lastIndexOf("."); var _local5 = ((mc != null) ? (mc) : this); var _local6 = name; if (_local4 > 0) { var _local7 = name.substring(0, _local4); _local6 = name.substring(_local4 + 1); var _local8 = _local7.split("."); if (_local8.length == 1) { _local5 = _local5[_local7]; } else { var _local9 = 0; for ( ; _local9 < (_local8.length - 1) ; _local9++) { _local5 = _local5[_local8[_local9]]; } } } if (_local5 == null) { return(undefined); } _local5.gotoAndPlay(_local6); } function GotoPreStage(name) { gotoAndStop(STATE_PRE + name); } function GotoStage(name) { gotoAndStop(STATE_NORMAL + name); } function GotoPostStage(name) { if (name == null) { name = _stage; } gotoAndStop(STATE_POST + name); } function OnGotAt(name, finalized, sub) { if (finalized == null) { finalized = false; } _state = STATE_NORMAL; _stage = name; broadcastMessage(ON_GOTAT_STAGE, this, name, finalized, sub); } function OnGotAtPre(name) { _state = STATE_PRE; _stage = name; broadcastMessage(ON_GOTAT_PRESTAGE, this, name); } function OnGotAtPost(name) { _state = STATE_POST; _stage = name; broadcastMessage(ON_GOTAT_POSTSTAGE, this, name); } static var ON_LOAD = "onLoad"; static var ON_UNLOAD = "onUnload"; static var ON_ENTERFRAME = "onEnterFrame"; static var ON_ANIMATION_FINISHED = "onAnimationFinished"; static var ON_GOTAT_STAGE = "onGotAtStage"; static var ON_GOTAT_PRESTAGE = "onGotAtPreStage"; static var ON_GOTAT_POSTSTAGE = "onGotAtPostStage"; static var STATE_PRE = "pre"; static var STATE_NORMAL = ""; static var STATE_POST = "post"; var _inited = false; static var _unique_names = 0; static var NAMES_PREFIX = "_instance_"; }
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class extends { var _visible, _mc_bars, _txt_perc, _txt_bytesLoaded, _txt_bytesTotal, attachMovie, getNextHighestDepth, broadcastMessage; function LoadingView () { super(); _visible = false; } function get Percent() { return(_percent); } function set Percent(percent) { if (_percent != percent) { var _local3 = _percent; _percent = percent; OnPercentChanged(_local3, percent); } //return(Percent); } function get BytesLoaded() { return(_bytesLoaded); } function set BytesLoaded(bytesLoaded) { if (_bytesLoaded != bytesLoaded) { var _local3 = _bytesLoaded; _bytesLoaded = bytesLoaded; OnBytesLoadedChanged(_local3, bytesLoaded); if (BytesTotal != 0) { Percent = Math.floor((100 * bytesLoaded) / BytesTotal); } } //return(BytesLoaded); } function get BytesTotal() { return(_bytesTotal); } function set BytesTotal(bytesTotal) { if (_bytesTotal != bytesTotal) { var _local3 = _bytesTotal; _bytesTotal = bytesTotal; OnBytesTotalChanged(_local3, bytesTotal); } //return(BytesTotal); } function init() { _mc_bars = new Array(); _txt_perc = new Array(); _txt_bytesLoaded = new Array(); _txt_bytesTotal = new Array(); FindIndicators(); InitIndicators(); _visible = true; } function FindIndicators(obj) { if (obj == null) { obj = this; } for (var s in obj) { if (obj[s] instanceof MovieClip) { CheckMovieClip(obj[s]); FindIndicators(obj[s]); } else if (obj[s] instanceof TextField) { CheckTextField(obj[s]); } } } function CheckMovieClip(mc) { if (mc._name.toLowerCase().indexOf("bar") > -1) { _mc_bars.push(mc); } } function CheckTextField(tf) { if (tf._name.toLowerCase().indexOf("percent") > -1) { _txt_perc.push(tf); } else if (tf._name.toLowerCase().indexOf("bytesloaded") > -1) { _txt_bytesLoaded.push(tf); } else if (tf._name.toLowerCase().indexOf("bytestotal") > -1) { _txt_bytesTotal.push(tf); } } function InitIndicators() { UpdatePercent(); UpdateBytesLoaded(); UpdateBytesTotal(); } function OnPercentChanged(old, val) { UpdatePercent(); } function UpdatePercent() { var _local2 = Percent >> 0; var _local3 = 0; for ( ; _local3 < _txt_perc.length ; _local3++) { _txt_perc[_local3].text = _local2.toString(); } var _local4 = 0; for ( ; _local4 < _mc_bars.length ; _local4++) { var _local5 = _mc_bars[_local4]; var _local6 = 1 + Math.floor((Percent * (_local5._totalframes - 1)) / 100); _local5.gotoAndStop(_local6); } UpdatePercentInterface(_local2); } function UpdatePercentInterface(perc) { } function OnBytesLoadedChanged(old, val) { UpdateBytesLoaded(); } function UpdateBytesLoaded() { var _local2 = 0; for ( ; _local2 < _txt_bytesLoaded.length ; _local2++) { _txt_bytesLoaded[_local2].text = BytesLoaded.toString(); } } function OnBytesTotalChanged(old, val) { UpdateBytesTotal(); } function UpdateBytesTotal() { var _local2 = 0; for ( ; _local2 < _txt_bytesTotal.length ; _local2++) { _txt_bytesTotal[_local2].text = BytesTotal.toString(); } } function CreateBillboard() { var _local2 = attachMovie(, "billboard", getNextHighestDepth()); return(; } function StartLoadingAutomatically() { return(false); } function OnStartLoading() { broadcastMessage(ON_START_LOADING, this); } function PreFinish() { OnPreFinishComplete(); } function OnPreFinishComplete() { broadcastMessage(ON_PREFINISH_COMPLETE, this); } static var ON_PREFINISH_COMPLETE = "onPreFinishComplete"; static var ON_START_LOADING = "onStartLoading"; var _percent = 0; var _bytesLoaded = 0; var _bytesTotal = 0; }
Symbol 20529 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function IValidationResult () { } }
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class extends { var _mc, createEmptyMovieClip, getNextHighestDepth, _duration, _interval, broadcastMessage; function BillboardView () { super(); } function Show(url, duration) {"BillboardView.Show " + url) + "/") + duration); if (url != null) { _mc = createEmptyMovieClip("mc", getNextHighestDepth()); var _local4 = new MovieClipLoader(); _local4.addListener(this); _local4.loadClip(url.Url, _mc); _duration = duration; } else { _interval = _global.setInterval(this, "OnBillboardInterval", duration * 1000);"Timer sin billboard " + _interval); } } function Hide() { _mc.removeMovieClip(); } function onLoadComplete(target_mc) { _interval = _global.setInterval(this, "OnBillboardInterval", _duration * 1000); } function onLoadError(target_mc, errorCode, httpStatus) { OnBillboardFinished(); } function OnBillboardInterval() { _global.clearInterval(_interval); _interval = null; OnBillboardFinished(); } function OnBillboardFinished() { broadcastMessage(ON_BILLBOARDFINISHED, this); } static var symbolName = ""; static var symbolOwner =; static var symbolLinked = Object.registerClass(symbolName, symbolOwner); static var ON_BILLBOARDFINISHED = "onBillboardFinished"; }
Symbol 20531 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.xpath.XPathAPI { function XPathAPI () { } static function getEvalString(node, path) { var _local4 = ""; var _local5 = null; var _local6 = getPathSet(path); var _local7 = _local6[0].nodeName; var _local9 = node; var _local10 = false; if ((_local7 != undefined) && ((_local7 == "*") || (node.nodeName == _local7))) { var _local11 = 1; for ( ; _local11 < _local6.length ; _local11++) { _local7 = _local6[_local11].nodeName; var _local8 = _local7.indexOf("@"); if (_local8 >= 0) { _local7 = _local7.substring(_local8 + 1); _local10 = _local9.attributes[_local7] != undefined; _local4 = _local4 + (".attributes." + _local7); } else { _local10 = false; var _local12 = 0; for ( ; _local12 < _local9.childNodes.length ; _local12++) { _local5 = _local9.childNodes[_local12]; if (_local5.nodeName == _local7) { _local4 = _local4 + (".childNodes." + _local12); _local12 = _local9.childNodes.length; _local9 = _local5; _local10 = true; } } } if (!_local10) { return(""); } } if (!_local10) { _local4 = ""; } else if (_local8 == -1) { _local4 = _local4 + ".firstChild.nodeValue"; } } else { _local4 = ""; } return(_local4); } static function selectNodeList(node, path) { var _local4 = new Array(node); var _local5 = getPathSet(path); var _local6 = _local5[0]; var _local7 = _local6.nodeName; var _local8 = null; if ((_local7 != undefined) && ((_local7 == "*") || (node.nodeName == _local7))) { if (_local6.filter.length > 0) { _local8 = new mx.xpath.FilterStack(_local6.filter); _local4 = filterNodes(_local4, _local8); } if (_local4.length > 0) { var _local9 = 1; for ( ; _local9 < _local5.length ; _local9++) { _local6 = _local5[_local9]; _local4 = getAllChildNodesByName(_local4, _local6.nodeName); if (_local6.filter.length > 0) { _local8 = new mx.xpath.FilterStack(_local6.filter); } else { _local8 = null; } if ((_local8 != null) && (_local8.exprs.length > 0)) { _local4 = filterNodes(_local4, _local8); } } } } else { _local4 = new Array(); } return(_local4); } static function selectSingleNode(node, path) { var _local4 = selectNodeList(node, path); if (_local4.length > 0) { return(_local4[0]); } return(null); } static function setNodeValue(node, path, newValue) { var _local5 = new Array(node); var _local6 = getPathSet(path); var _local7 = _local6[_local6.length - 1].nodeName; if (_local7.charAt(0) == "@") { _local7 = _local7.substring(1, _local7.length); _local6.pop(); } else { _local7 = null; } var _local8 = _local6[0]; var _local9 = _local8.nodeName; var _local10 = null; if ((_local9 != undefined) && ((_local9 == "*") || (node.nodeName == _local9))) { if (_local8.filter.length > 0) { _local10 = new mx.xpath.FilterStack(_local8.filter); _local5 = filterNodes(_local5, _local10); } if (_local5.length > 0) { var _local11 = 1; for ( ; _local11 < _local6.length ; _local11++) { _local8 = _local6[_local11]; _local5 = getAllChildNodesByName(_local5, _local8.nodeName); if (_local8.filter.length > 0) { _local10 = new mx.xpath.FilterStack(_local8.filter); } else { _local10 = null; } if ((_local10 != null) && (_local10.exprs.length > 0)) { _local5 = filterNodes(_local5, _local10); } } } } else { _local5 = new Array(); } var _local12 = null; var _local13 = null; var _local14 = new XML(); var _local15 = 0; for ( ; _local15 < _local5.length ; _local15++) { if (_local7 != null) { _local5[_local15].attributes[_local7] = newValue; } else { _local12 = _local5[_local15]; if ((_local12.firstChild == null) || (_local12.firstChild.nodeType != 3)) { _local13 = _local14.createTextNode(newValue); _local12.appendChild(_local13); } else { _local13 = _local12.firstChild; _local13.nodeValue = newValue; } } } return(_local5.length); } static function copyStack(toStk, fromStk) { var _local4 = 0; for ( ; _local4 < fromStk.length ; _local4++) { toStk.splice(_local4, 0, fromStk[_local4]); } } static function evalExpr(expr, node) { var _local4 = true; if (expr.attr) { _local4 = ((expr.value != null) ? (node.attributes[] == expr.value) : (node.attributes[] != null)); } else { var _local5 = getChildNodeByName(node,; if (_local5 != null) { _local4 = ((expr.value != null) ? (_local5.firstChild.nodeValue == expr.value) : true); } else { _local4 = false; } } return(_local4); } static function filterNodes(nodeList, stack) { var _local4 = new Array(); var _local10 = true; var _local13 = 0; for ( ; _local13 < nodeList.length ; _local13++) { var _local12 = true; var _local5 = new Array(); var _local6 = new Array(); copyStack(_local5, stack.exprs); copyStack(_local6, stack.ops); var _local11 = nodeList[_local13]; while ((_local5.length > 0) && (_local12)) { if (typeof(_local5[_local5.length - 1]) == "object") { var _local7 = mx.xpath.FilterExpr(_local5.pop()); _local10 = evalExpr(_local7, _local11); } else { var _local9 = _local5.pop(); _local10 = _local9; } if (_local6.length > 0) { var _local14 = mx.xpath.FilterExpr(_local5.pop()); var _local8 = _local14; switch (_local6[_local6.length - 1]) { case "and" : _local10 = _local10 && (evalExpr(_local8, _local11)); _local12 = _local10; break; case "or" : _local10 = _local10 || (evalExpr(_local8, _local11)); _local12 = !_local10; } _local6.pop(); _local5.push(_local10); } } if (_local10) { _local4.push(_local11); } } return(_local4); } static function getAllChildNodesByName(nodeList, name) { var _local4 = new Array(); var _local6 = 0; for ( ; _local6 < nodeList.length ; _local6++) { var _local5 = nodeList[_local6].childNodes; if (_local5 != null) { var _local7 = 0; for ( ; _local7 < _local5.length ; _local7++) { if ((name == "*") || (_local5[_local7].nodeName == name)) { _local4.push(_local5[_local7]); } } } } return(_local4); } static function getChildNodeByName(node, nodeName) { var _local5 = node.childNodes; var _local6 = 0; for ( ; _local6 < _local5.length ; _local6++) { var _local4 = _local5[_local6]; if (_local4.nodeName == nodeName) { return(_local4); } } return(null); } static function getKeyValues(node, keySpec) { var _local4 = ""; var _local5 = new mx.utils.StringTokenParser(keySpec); var _local6 = _local5.nextToken(); while (_local6 != mx.utils.StringTokenParser.tkEOF) { var _local7 = _local5.token; _local4 = _local4 + (" " + _local7); if (_local6 == mx.utils.StringTokenParser.tkSymbol) { if (_local7 == "@") { _local6 = _local5.nextToken(); _local7 = _local5.token; if (_local6 == mx.utils.StringTokenParser.tkSymbol) { _local4 = _local4 + (((_local7 + "='") + node.attributes[_local7]) + "'"); } } else if (_local7 == "/") { _local6 = _local5.nextToken(); if (_local6 == mx.utils.StringTokenParser.tkSymbol) { _local7 = _local5.token; node = getChildNodeByName(node, _local7); if (node != null) { _local4 = _local4 + _local7; } } } else if ((_local7 != "and") && ((_local7 != "or") && ((_local7 != "[") && (_local7 != "]")))) { var _local8 = getChildNodeByName(node, _local7); if (_local8 != null) { _local4 = _local4 + (("='" + _local8.firstChild.nodeValue) + "'"); } } } if (node == null) { return("ERR"); } _local6 = _local5.nextToken(); } return(_local4.slice(1)); } static function getPath(node, keySpecs) { var _local4 = ""; var _local5 = keySpecs[node.nodeName]; if (_local5 == undefined) { var _local6 = ""; for (var _local7 in node.attributes) { _local6 = _local6 + (((("@" + _local7) + "='") + node.attributes[_local7]) + "' and "); } var _local8 = ""; var _local11 = 0; for ( ; _local11 < node.childNodes.length ; _local11++) { var _local9 = node.childNodes[_local11]; var _local10 = _local9.firstChild.nodeValue; if (_local10 != undefined) { _local8 = _local8 + (((_local9.nodeName + "='") + _local10) + "' and "); } } if (_local6.length > 0) { if (_local8.length > 0) { _local4 = (((("/" + node.nodeName) + "[") + _local6) + _local8.substring(0, _local8.length - 4)) + "]"; } else { _local4 = ((("/" + node.nodeName) + "[") + _local6.substring(0, _local6.length - 4)) + "]"; } } else { _local4 = ((("/" + node.nodeName) + "[") + _local8.substring(0, _local8.length - 4)) + "]"; } } else { _local4 = _local4 + (("/" + node.nodeName) + getKeyValues(node, _local5)); } var _local12 = node.parentNode; while (_local12.parentNode != null) { _local5 = keySpecs[_local12.nodeName]; if (_local5 != undefined) { _local4 = (("/" + _local12.nodeName) + getKeyValues(_local12, _local5)) + _local4; } else { _local4 = ("/" + _local12.nodeName) + _local4; } _local12 = _local12.parentNode; } return(_local4); } static function getPathSet(path) { var _local3 = new Array(); while (path.length > 0) { var _local4 = path.lastIndexOf("/"); var _local5 = path.substring(_local4 + 1); var _local6 = _local5.indexOf("[", 0); var _local7 = ((_local6 >= 0) ? (_local5.substring(_local6 + 1, _local5.length - 1)) : ""); _local5 = ((_local6 >= 0) ? (_local5.substring(0, _local6)) : (_local5)); _local3.splice(0, 0, new mx.xpath.NodePathInfo(_local5, _local7)); path = path.substring(0, _local4); } return(_local3); } }
Symbol 20532 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class extends { var getView, _view, getApp, Parent; function BillboardController (view, parent) { super(view, parent); } function get CustomView() { return(; } function init() { _view.init(); completeInit(); } function completeInit() { } function Show() { var _local2 = getApp().getConfiguration(); var _local3 = _local2.Loader.Billboards; var _local4 = _local3.GetRandom(); var _local5 = (_local3.RootRelative ? (_local4.Url.GetRelativeToRoot()) : (_local4.Url)); var _local6 = _local3.DefaultDuration; if (_local4.Duration != null) { _local6 = _local4.Duration; } CustomView.Show(_local5, _local6); } function onBillboardFinished(view) { view.Hide(); Parent.BillboardFinished(); } }
Symbol 20533 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { var _configUrl, _crossdomain, _name, _actions; function BackEndData () { } function get ActionPrefix() { return(_actionPrefix); } function set ActionPrefix(val) { _actionPrefix = val; //return(ActionPrefix); } function get AppendPrefix() { return(_appendPrefix); } function set AppendPrefix(val) { _appendPrefix = val; //return(AppendPrefix); } function get ActionSuffix() { return(_actionSuffix); } function set ActionSuffix(val) { _actionSuffix = val; //return(ActionSuffix); } function get AppendSuffix() { return(_appendSuffix); } function set AppendSuffix(val) { _appendSuffix = val; //return(AppendSuffix); } function get ConfigUrl() { return(_configUrl); } function set ConfigUrl(val) { _configUrl = val; //return(ConfigUrl); } function get CrossDomain() { return(_crossdomain); } function set CrossDomain(val) { _crossdomain = val; //return(CrossDomain); } function get Name() { return(_name); } function set Name(val) { _name = val; //return(Name); } function get Method() { return(_method); } function set Method(val) { _method = val; //return(Method); } function get Actions() { return(_actions); } function set Actions(val) { _actions = val; //return(Actions); } function GetActionByName(name) { var _local3 = 0; for ( ; _local3 < _actions.length ; _local3++) { var _local4 = _actions[_local3]; if (_local4.Name == name) { return(_local4); } } return(null); } function GetCrossdomain() { if ((CrossDomain != null) && (CrossDomain.length > 0)) {; } } var _actionPrefix = ""; var _appendPrefix = false; var _actionSuffix = ".xml"; var _appendSuffix = false; var _method = "default"; }
Symbol 20534 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function BillboardsDao () { } static function Parse(xml) { var _local3 = new; if (xml.attributes.defaultDuration != null) { _local3.DefaultDuration = _global.parseInt(xml.attributes.defaultDuration); } if (xml.attributes.rootRelative != null) { _local3.RootRelative = xml.attributes.rootRelative != "false"; } _local3.Billboards =; return(_local3); } }
Symbol 20535 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function ExternalMoviesDao () { } static function Parse(xml) { var _local3 = new; _local3.ConfigUrl = xml.attributes.configUrl; if (xml.attributes.rootRelative != null) { _local3.RootRelative = xml.attributes.rootRelative != "false"; } _local3.Movies =; return(_local3); } }
Symbol 20536 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function IValidator () { } }
Symbol 20537 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { var _configUrl, _movies; function ExternalMoviesData () { } function get ConfigUrl() { return(_configUrl); } function set ConfigUrl(val) { _configUrl = val; //return(ConfigUrl); } function get RootRelative() { return(_rootRelative); } function set RootRelative(val) { _rootRelative = val; //return(RootRelative); } function get Movies() { return(_movies); } function set Movies(val) { _movies = val; //return(Movies); } function GetMovieByName(name) { if (_movies == null) { return(null); } var _local3 = 0; for ( ; _local3 < _movies.length ; _local3++) { var _local4 = _movies[_local3]; if (_local4.Name == name) { return(_local4); } } return(null); } function GetFullUrlByName(name) { var _local3 = GetMovieByName(name); if (_local3 == null) { return(null); } return(GetFullUrl(_local3)); } function GetFullUrl(movie) { var _local3 = new + movie.Url); if (!RootRelative) { return(_local3.Url); } return(_local3.GetRelativeToRoot().Url); } var _rootRelative = true; }
Symbol 20538 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function IFactory () { } }
Symbol 20539 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function LoaderDao () { } static function Parse(xml) { var _local3 = new; if (xml.attributes.load != null) { _local3.Load = xml.attributes.load; } return(_local3); } }
Symbol 20540 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class extends Object { function Delegate () { super(); } static function create(obj, func) { var _local4 = function () { var _local2 = arguments.callee; var _local3 = _local2.target_obj; var _local4 = _local2.func; var _local5 = _local2.userArguments_array; return(_local4.apply(_local3, arguments.concat(_local5))); }; _local4.target_obj = obj; _local4.func = func; _local4.userArguments_array = arguments.splice(2); return(_local4); } }
Symbol 20541 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function FlashPlayerDao () { } static function Parse(xml) { var _local3 = new; if (xml.attributes.debugApplication != null) { _local3.DebugApplication = String(xml.attributes.debugApplication).toLowerCase(); } return(_local3); } }
Symbol 20542 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.xpath.FilterStack { var __expr, __ops; function FilterStack (filterVal) { __expr = new Array(); __ops = new Array(); var _local3 = new mx.utils.StringTokenParser(filterVal); var _local4 = _local3.nextToken(); var _local6 = _local3.token; while (_local4 != mx.utils.StringTokenParser.tkEOF) { if (_local6 == "@") { _local4 = _local3.nextToken(); _local6 = _local3.token; var _local5 = new mx.xpath.FilterExpr(true, _local6, null); __expr.splice(0, 0, _local5); if (_local3.nextToken() == mx.utils.StringTokenParser.tkSymbol) { if (_local3.token == "=") { _local4 = _local3.nextToken(); _local5.value = _local3.token; } } } else if ((_local6 == "and") || (_local6 == "or")) { __ops.splice(0, 0, _local6); } else if ((_local6 != ")") && (_local6 != "(")) { var _local5 = new mx.xpath.FilterExpr(false, _local6, null); __expr.splice(0, 0, _local5); if (_local3.nextToken() == mx.utils.StringTokenParser.tkSymbol) { if (_local3.token == "=") { _local4 = _local3.nextToken(); _local5.value = _local3.token; } } } _local4 = _local3.nextToken(); _local6 = _local3.token; } } function get exprs() { return(__expr); } function get ops() { return(__ops); } }
Symbol 20543 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { static var _instance; var _log; function AppLogger () { } static function __get__Instance() { if (_instance == null) { _instance = new; } return(_instance); } static function Configure(level) { switch (level) { case "none" : default : _instance.error = null; case "fatal" : _instance.error = null; case "error" : _instance.warn = null; case "warn" : = null; case "info" : _instance.debug = null; case "debug" : _instance.log = null; case "log" : case "all" : } _instance._log = new LuminicBox.Log.Logger("myLogger"); _instance._log.addPublisher(new LuminicBox.Log.ConsolePublisher());"Start logging at level " + level); } function log(o) { _log.log(o); } function debug(o) { _log.debug(o); } function info(o) {; } function warn(o) { _log.warn(o); } function error(o) { _log.error(o); } function fatal(o) { _log.fatal(o); } }
Symbol 20544 MovieClip [__Packages.ArrayParam] Frame 0
class ArrayParam { function ArrayParam () { } //ASSetPropFlags(_local1, null, 1); }

Library Items

Symbol 2 ShapeTweeningUsed by:25
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:7
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:7
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:7
Symbol 7 ButtonUses:4 5 6Used by:23
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:12
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:10
Symbol 10 MovieClipUses:9Used by:12
Symbol 11 GraphicUsed by:12
Symbol 12 MovieClipUses:8 10 11Used by:23
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 14 FontUsed by:15 18
Symbol 15 EditableTextUses:14Used by:23
Symbol 16 ShapeTweeningUsed by:23
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 18 EditableTextUses:14Used by:23
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClipUses:3 7 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22Used by:25
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:25
Symbol 25 MovieClipUses:2 23 24Used by:1
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:30
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:30
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:29
Symbol 29 ButtonUses:28Used by:30
Symbol 30 MovieClipUses:26 27 29Used by:46
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 32 ShapeTweeningUsed by:45
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 34 SoundUsed by:45
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 37 BitmapUsed by:38
Symbol 38 GraphicUses:37Used by:45
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 42 SoundUsed by:45
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 45 MovieClipUses:31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 42 43 44Used by:46
Symbol 46 MovieClipUses:30 45Used by:1
Symbol 1 MovieClip [loader]Uses:25 46
Symbol 20480 MovieClip []
Symbol 20481 MovieClip []
Symbol 20482 MovieClip []
Symbol 20483 MovieClip []
Symbol 20484 MovieClip []
Symbol 20485 MovieClip []
Symbol 20486 MovieClip [__Packages.LuminicBox.Log.Logger]
Symbol 20487 MovieClip []
Symbol 20488 MovieClip []
Symbol 20489 MovieClip []
Symbol 20490 MovieClip []
Symbol 20491 MovieClip []
Symbol 20492 MovieClip [__Packages.LuminicBox.Log.IPublisher]
Symbol 20493 MovieClip []
Symbol 20494 MovieClip []
Symbol 20495 MovieClip [__Packages.LuminicBox.Log.LogEvent]
Symbol 20496 MovieClip []
Symbol 20497 MovieClip []
Symbol 20498 MovieClip [__Packages.LuminicBox.Log.Level]
Symbol 20499 MovieClip []
Symbol 20500 MovieClip []
Symbol 20501 MovieClip []
Symbol 20502 MovieClip []
Symbol 20503 MovieClip []
Symbol 20504 MovieClip []
Symbol 20505 MovieClip []
Symbol 20506 MovieClip []
Symbol 20507 MovieClip []
Symbol 20508 MovieClip []
Symbol 20509 MovieClip []
Symbol 20510 MovieClip []
Symbol 20511 MovieClip []
Symbol 20512 MovieClip []
Symbol 20513 MovieClip []
Symbol 20514 MovieClip []
Symbol 20515 MovieClip [__Packages.LuminicBox.Log.ConsolePublisher]
Symbol 20516 MovieClip []
Symbol 20517 MovieClip []
Symbol 20518 MovieClip []
Symbol 20519 MovieClip []
Symbol 20520 MovieClip []
Symbol 20521 MovieClip []
Symbol 20522 MovieClip []
Symbol 20523 MovieClip []
Symbol 20524 MovieClip []
Symbol 20525 MovieClip []
Symbol 20526 MovieClip []
Symbol 20527 MovieClip []
Symbol 20528 MovieClip []
Symbol 20529 MovieClip []
Symbol 20530 MovieClip []
Symbol 20531 MovieClip []
Symbol 20532 MovieClip []
Symbol 20533 MovieClip []
Symbol 20534 MovieClip []
Symbol 20535 MovieClip []
Symbol 20536 MovieClip []
Symbol 20537 MovieClip []
Symbol 20538 MovieClip []
Symbol 20539 MovieClip []
Symbol 20540 MovieClip []
Symbol 20541 MovieClip []
Symbol 20542 MovieClip []
Symbol 20543 MovieClip []
Symbol 20544 MovieClip [__Packages.ArrayParam]

Instance Names

"mcAd"Symbol 12 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 10 MovieClip
"progress_bar"Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 23 MovieClip
"progress_bar"Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 11Symbol 23 MovieClip
"mcBackground"Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 30 MovieClip
"mcAnimation"Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 45 MovieClip
"loading"Symbol 1 MovieClip [loader] Frame 1Symbol 25 MovieClip

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "loader"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20480 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20481 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20482 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20483 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20484 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20485 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20486 as "__Packages.LuminicBox.Log.Logger"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20487 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20488 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20489 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20490 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20491 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20492 as "__Packages.LuminicBox.Log.IPublisher"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20493 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20494 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20495 as "__Packages.LuminicBox.Log.LogEvent"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20496 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20497 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20498 as "__Packages.LuminicBox.Log.Level"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20499 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20500 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20501 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20502 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20503 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20504 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20505 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20506 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20507 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20508 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20509 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20510 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20511 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20512 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20513 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20514 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20515 as "__Packages.LuminicBox.Log.ConsolePublisher"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20516 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20517 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20518 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20519 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20520 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20521 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20522 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20523 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20524 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20525 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20526 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20527 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20528 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20529 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20530 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20531 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20532 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20533 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20534 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20535 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20536 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20537 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20538 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20539 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20540 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20541 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20542 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20543 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20544 as "__Packages.ArrayParam"


"loadAd"Symbol 12 MovieClip Frame 2
"showAd"Symbol 12 MovieClip Frame 12
"logo"Symbol 1 MovieClip [loader] Frame 1
"preload"Symbol 1 MovieClip [loader] Frame 10

Dynamic Text Variables

_parent._parent.txtPercentLoaded2Symbol 15 EditableText"The Game is loading (0%)"
_parent._parent.txtPercentLoaded2Symbol 18 EditableText"The Game is loading (0%)"
Created: 19/5 -2019 07:15:24 Last modified: 19/5 -2019 07:15:24 Server time: 03/01 -2025 01:05:15