Frame 1
LoadPercent = ("100" * _framesloaded) / _totalframes;
if (_framesloaded == _totalframes) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Frame 2
Difficulty = "1";
DiffField = "1";
Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (5);
Frame 4
tellTarget ("/t") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Frame 5
startDrag ("/Targeter", true);
AScale = "25";
AX = "200";
AY = "300";
ADead = "0";
AMove = "0";
AMove2 = "0";
AFace = "1";
AMoveSpeed = "5";
Cred = "8";
Life = "100";
LifeField = Life;
Bullets = "5";
FireGo = "0";
ScoreNum = "0";
Coke = "0";
CActive = "0";
CX = -"20";
CY = -"20";
setProperty("/Bonus", _visible , "0");
tellTarget ("/Coke") {
gotoAndStop (1);
tellTarget ("/BulletBar") {
gotoAndStop (6);
setProperty("/Agent", _x , AX);
setProperty("/Agent", _y , AY);
PMoveSpeed = "1";
PX1 = -"100";
PY1 = -"100";
PMove1 = "0";
PMove21 = "0";
PFace1 = -"1";
PAct1 = "0";
PDead1 = "1";
setProperty("/Press1", _x , PX1);
setProperty("/Press1", _y , PY1);
tellTarget ("/Press1") {
gotoAndStop (1);
PX2 = -"100";
PY2 = -"100";
PMove2 = "0";
PMove22 = "0";
PFace2 = -"1";
PAct2 = "0";
PDead2 = "1";
setProperty("/Press2", _x , PX2);
setProperty("/Press2", _y , PY2);
tellTarget ("/Press2") {
gotoAndStop (1);
PX3 = -"100";
PY3 = -"100";
PMove3 = "0";
PMove32 = "0";
PFace3 = -"1";
PAct3 = "0";
PDead3 = "1";
setProperty("/Press3", _x , PX3);
setProperty("/Press3", _y , PY3);
tellTarget ("/Press3") {
gotoAndStop (1);
PX4 = -"100";
PY4 = -"100";
PMove4 = "0";
PMove42 = "0";
PFace4 = -"1";
PAct4 = "0";
PDead4 = "1";
setProperty("/Press4", _x , PX4);
setProperty("/Press4", _y , PY4);
tellTarget ("/Press4") {
gotoAndStop (1);
PX5 = -"100";
PY5 = -"100";
PMove5 = "0";
PMove52 = "0";
PFace5 = -"1";
PAct5 = "0";
PDead5 = "1";
setProperty("/Press5", _x , PX5);
setProperty("/Press5", _y , PY5);
tellTarget ("/Press5") {
gotoAndStop (1);
TMoveSpeed = "1";
TX1 = -"100";
TY1 = -"100";
TY21 = "0";
TMove1 = "0";
TMove21 = "0";
TFace1 = "1";
TAct1 = "0";
TDead1 = "1";
setProperty("/Terr1", _x , TX1);
setProperty("/Terr1", _y , TY1);
setProperty("/TShad1", _x , TX1);
setProperty("/TShad1", _y , TY1);
tellTarget ("/Terr1") {
gotoAndStop (24);
TX2 = -"100";
TY2 = -"100";
TY22 = "0";
TMove2 = "0";
TMove22 = "0";
TFace2 = "1";
TAct2 = "0";
TDead2 = "1";
setProperty("/Terr2", _x , TX2);
setProperty("/Terr2", _y , TY2);
setProperty("/TShad2", _x , TX2);
setProperty("/TShad2", _y , TY2);
tellTarget ("/Terr2") {
gotoAndStop (24);
TX3 = -"100";
TY3 = -"100";
TY23 = "0";
TMove3 = "0";
TMove23 = "0";
TFace3 = "1";
TAct3 = "0";
TDead3 = "1";
setProperty("/Terr3", _x , TX3);
setProperty("/Terr3", _y , TY3);
setProperty("/TShad3", _x , TX3);
setProperty("/TShad3", _y , TY3);
tellTarget ("/Terr3") {
gotoAndStop (24);
TX4 = -"100";
TY4 = -"100";
TY24 = "0";
TMove4 = "0";
TMove24 = "0";
TFace4 = "1";
TAct4 = "0";
TDead4 = "1";
setProperty("/Terr4", _x , TX4);
setProperty("/Terr4", _y , TY4);
setProperty("/TShad4", _x , TX4);
setProperty("/TShad4", _y , TY4);
tellTarget ("/Terr4") {
gotoAndStop (24);
TX5 = -"100";
TY5 = -"100";
TY25 = "0";
TMove5 = "0";
TMove25 = "0";
TFace5 = "1";
TAct5 = "0";
TDead5 = "1";
setProperty("/Terr5", _x , TX5);
setProperty("/Terr5", _y , TY5);
setProperty("/TShad5", _x , TX5);
setProperty("/TShad5", _y , TY5);
tellTarget ("/Terr5") {
gotoAndStop (24);
Frame 6
if (("0" < FireZoneX) and ("8" < FireCounter)) {
FireZoneX = -"20";
FireZoneY = -"20";
if (FireGo == "1") {
FireCounter = FireCounter + "1";
if (FireCounter == "9") {
FireGo = "2";
if (FireGo == "2") {
FireGo = "0";
Bullets = Bullets - "1";
tellTarget ("/BulletBar") {
tellTarget ("/GunHolic") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
setProperty("/GunHolic", _x , getProperty("/Targeter", _x));
setProperty("/GunHolic", _y , getProperty("/Targeter", _y));
FireZoneX = getProperty("/Targeter", _x);
FireZoneY = getProperty("/Targeter", _y);
startDrag ("/Targeter", true);
AX = AX + Amove;
AY = AY + Amove2;
setProperty("/Agent", _x , AX);
setProperty("/Agent", _y , AY);
if ((Life < "1") and (ADead == "0")) {
tellTarget ("/Agent") {
gotoAndPlay (9);
AMove = "0";
AMove2 = "0";
ADead = "1";
if ((Cred < "1") and (ADead == "0")) {
tellTarget ("/Agent") {
gotoAndStop (9);
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndStop (25);
AMove = -AFace;
AMove2 = "0";
ADead = "2";
if ((getProperty("/Agent", _currentframe) == "24") and (random("20") == "5")) {
gotoAndPlay (8);
if (((getProperty("/Agent", _currentframe) == "9") and (random("20") == "5")) and (ADead == "2")) {
gotoAndPlay (8);
if (("6" < Coke) and (random("15") == "5")) {
gotoAndPlay (40);
if ((((AX < "20") or ("580" < AX)) or ("380" < AY)) or (AY < "20")) {
AMoveSpeed = "5";
AMove = "0";
AMove2 = "0";
tellTarget ("/Agent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (AX < "20") {
AX = "20";
if ("580" < AX) {
AX = "580";
if ("370" < AY) {
AY = "370";
if (AY < "30") {
AY = "30";
if ((TAct1 == "0") and (TDead1 == "0")) {
TCounter1 = "0";
if ((TFace1 == "1") and (AX < TX1)) {
TFace1 = -"1";
setProperty("/Terr1", _xscale , -AScale);
} else if ((TFace1 == (-"1")) and (TX1 < AX)) {
TFace1 = "1";
setProperty("/Terr1", _xscale , -AScale);
if (random("10") < "5") {
tellTarget ("/Terr1") {
gotoAndStop (10);
TAct1 = "1";
if (BlackOps == "0") {
TMove1 = (((AX - TX1) + "80") - random("160")) / "50";
TMove21 = (((AY - TY1) + "40") - random("60")) / "50";
} else {
TMove1 = (((("100" + random("400")) - TX1) + "80") - random("160")) / "50";
TMove21 = (((("100" + random("200")) - TY1) + "40") - random("60")) / "50";
} else if ("0" < TX1) {
TAct1 = "2";
tellTarget ("/Terr1") {
gotoAndPlay (3);
if ((TAct1 == "1") and (TDead1 == "0")) {
TCounter1 = TCounter1 + "1";
TX1 = TX1 + TMove1;
TY1 = TY1 + TMove21;
TY21 = TY21 + (("25" - TCounter1) / "2");
setProperty("/Terr1", _x , TX1);
setProperty("/Terr1", _y , (TY1 - TY21) - "20");
setProperty("/TShad1", _x , TX1);
setProperty("/TShad1", _y , TY1);
if (TCounter1 == "50") {
TMove1 = "0";
TY21 = "0";
setProperty("/Terr1", _y , TY1);
tellTarget ("/Terr1") {
gotoAndStop (1);
TAct1 = "0";
if ((TAct1 == "2") and (TDead1 == "0")) {
if (((((TFace1 == (-"1")) and (AX < TX1)) or ((TFace1 == "1") and (TX1 < AX))) and ((TY1 - "30") < AY)) and (AY < (TY1 + "30"))) {
if (("3" == random("4")) and (SuperAgent == "0")) {
tellTarget ("/BloodSplash1") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Life = Life - "3";
LifeField = Life;
setProperty("/BloodSplash1", _x , (AX + "10") - random("20"));
setProperty("/BloodSplash1", _y , (AY + "10") - random("20"));
TCounter1 = TCounter1 + "1";
if (("30" + random("40")) < TCounter1) {
tellTarget ("/Terr1") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
TAct1 = "0";
if (TAct1 == "3") {
TCounter1 = TCounter1 + "1";
if (TCounter1 == "20") {
TAct1 = "0";
setProperty("/TShad1", _visible , "100");
if ((((((FireZoneX - "20") < TX1) and (TX1 < (FireZoneX + "20"))) and ((FireZoneY - "20") < (TY1 - TY21))) and ((TY1 - TY21) < (FireZoneY + "20"))) and (TDead1 == "0")) {
FireZoneX = -"20";
FireZoneY = -"20";
FireCounter = "0";
tellTarget ("/Terr1") {
gotoAndPlay (12);
TDead1 = "1";
TCounter1 = "0";
TY21 = "0";
TAct1 = "0";
setProperty("/TShad1", _visible , "0");
ScoreNum = ScoreNum + "200";
Score = ScoreNum;
if (TDead1 == "1") {
TCounter1 = TCounter1 + "1";
if ((getProperty("/Terr1", _currentframe) == "24") and (TOff1 == "1")) {
TX1 = random("400") + "100";
TY1 = -"40";
setProperty("/Terr1", _x , TX1);
setProperty("/Terr1", _y , TY1);
setProperty("/TShad1", _x , TX1);
setProperty("/TShad1", _y , TY1);
TOff1 = "0";
if (getProperty("/Terr1", _currentframe) == "23") {
TOff1 = random("2");
if ("99" < TCounter1) {
TDead1 = "0";
setProperty("/Terr1", _y , TY1);
tellTarget ("/Terr1") {
gotoAndPlay (25);
TCounter1 = "0";
TAct1 = "3";
if (((TAct2 == "0") and (TDead2 == "0")) and ("1" < Difficulty)) {
TCounter2 = "0";
if ((TFace2 == "1") and (AX < TX2)) {
TFace2 = -"1";
setProperty("/Terr2", _xscale , -AScale);
} else if ((TFace2 == (-"1")) and (TX2 < AX)) {
TFace2 = "1";
setProperty("/Terr2", _xscale , -AScale);
if (random("10") < "5") {
tellTarget ("/Terr2") {
gotoAndStop (10);
TAct2 = "1";
if (BlackOps == "0") {
TMove2 = (((AX - TX2) + "80") - random("160")) / "50";
TMove22 = (((AY - TY2) + "40") - random("60")) / "50";
} else {
TMove2 = (((("100" + random("400")) - TX2) + "80") - random("160")) / "50";
TMove22 = (((("100" + random("200")) - TY2) + "40") - random("60")) / "50";
} else if ("0" < TX2) {
TAct2 = "2";
tellTarget ("/Terr2") {
gotoAndPlay (3);
if ((TAct2 == "1") and (TDead2 == "0")) {
TCounter2 = TCounter2 + "1";
TX2 = TX2 + TMove2;
TY2 = TY2 + TMove22;
TY22 = TY22 + (("25" - TCounter2) / "2");
setProperty("/Terr2", _x , TX2);
setProperty("/Terr2", _y , (TY2 - TY22) - "20");
setProperty("/TShad2", _x , TX2);
setProperty("/TShad2", _y , TY2);
if (TCounter2 == "50") {
TMove2 = "0";
TY22 = "0";
setProperty("/Terr2", _y , TY2);
tellTarget ("/Terr2") {
gotoAndStop (1);
TAct2 = "0";
if ((TAct2 == "2") and (TDead2 == "0")) {
if (((((TFace2 == (-"1")) and (AX < TX2)) or ((TFace2 == "1") and (TX2 < AX))) and ((TY2 - "30") < AY)) and (AY < (TY2 + "30"))) {
if (("3" == random("4")) and (SuperAgent == "0")) {
tellTarget ("/BloodSplash1") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Life = Life - "3";
LifeField = Life;
setProperty("/BloodSplash1", _x , (AX + "10") - random("20"));
setProperty("/BloodSplash1", _y , (AY + "10") - random("20"));
TCounter2 = TCounter2 + "1";
if (("30" + random("40")) < TCounter2) {
tellTarget ("/Terr2") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
TAct2 = "0";
if (TAct2 == "3") {
TCounter2 = TCounter2 + "1";
if (TCounter2 == "20") {
TAct2 = "0";
setProperty("/TShad2", _visible , "100");
if ((((((FireZoneX - "20") < TX2) and (TX2 < (FireZoneX + "20"))) and ((FireZoneY - "20") < (TY2 - TY22))) and ((TY2 - TY22) < (FireZoneY + "20"))) and (TDead2 == "0")) {
FireZoneX = -"20";
FireZoneY = -"20";
FireCounter = "0";
tellTarget ("/Terr2") {
gotoAndPlay (12);
TDead2 = "1";
TCounter2 = "0";
TY22 = "0";
TAct2 = "0";
setProperty("/TShad2", _visible , "0");
ScoreNum = ScoreNum + "200";
Score = ScoreNum;
if (TDead2 == "1") {
TCounter2 = TCounter2 + "1";
if ((getProperty("/Terr2", _currentframe) == "24") and (TOff2 == "1")) {
TX2 = random("400") + "100";
TY2 = -"40";
setProperty("/Terr2", _x , TX2);
setProperty("/Terr2", _y , TY2);
setProperty("/TShad2", _x , TX2);
setProperty("/TShad2", _y , TY2);
TOff2 = "0";
if (getProperty("/Terr2", _currentframe) == "23") {
TOff2 = random("2");
if ("99" < TCounter2) {
TDead2 = "0";
setProperty("/Terr2", _y , TY2);
tellTarget ("/Terr2") {
gotoAndPlay (25);
TCounter2 = "0";
TAct2 = "3";
if (((TAct3 == "0") and (TDead3 == "0")) and ("2" < Difficulty)) {
TCounter3 = "0";
if ((TFace3 == "1") and (AX < TX3)) {
TFace3 = -"1";
setProperty("/Terr3", _xscale , -AScale);
} else if ((TFace3 == (-"1")) and (TX3 < AX)) {
TFace3 = "1";
setProperty("/Terr3", _xscale , -AScale);
if (random("10") < "5") {
tellTarget ("/Terr3") {
gotoAndStop (10);
TAct3 = "1";
if (BlackOps == "0") {
TMove3 = (((AX - TX3) + "80") - random("160")) / "50";
TMove23 = (((AY - TY3) + "40") - random("60")) / "50";
} else {
TMove3 = (((("100" + random("400")) - TX3) + "80") - random("160")) / "50";
TMove23 = (((("100" + random("200")) - TY3) + "40") - random("60")) / "50";
} else if ("0" < TX3) {
TAct3 = "2";
tellTarget ("/Terr3") {
gotoAndPlay (3);
if ((TAct3 == "1") and (TDead3 == "0")) {
TCounter3 = TCounter3 + "1";
TX3 = TX3 + TMove3;
TY3 = TY3 + TMove23;
TY23 = TY23 + (("25" - TCounter3) / "2");
setProperty("/Terr3", _x , TX3);
setProperty("/Terr3", _y , (TY3 - TY23) - "20");
setProperty("/TShad3", _x , TX3);
setProperty("/TShad3", _y , TY3);
if (TCounter3 == "50") {
TMove3 = "0";
TY23 = "0";
setProperty("/Terr3", _y , TY3);
tellTarget ("/Terr3") {
gotoAndStop (1);
TAct3 = "0";
if ((TAct3 == "2") and (TDead3 == "0")) {
if (((((TFace3 == (-"1")) and (AX < TX3)) or ((TFace3 == "1") and (TX3 < AX))) and ((TY3 - "30") < AY)) and (AY < (TY3 + "30"))) {
if (("3" == random("4")) and (SuperAgent == "0")) {
tellTarget ("/BloodSplash2") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Life = Life - "3";
LifeField = Life;
setProperty("/BloodSplash2", _x , (AX + "10") - random("20"));
setProperty("/BloodSplash2", _y , (AY + "10") - random("20"));
TCounter3 = TCounter3 + "1";
if (("30" + random("40")) < TCounter3) {
tellTarget ("/Terr3") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
TAct3 = "0";
if (TAct3 == "3") {
TCounter3 = TCounter3 + "1";
if (TCounter3 == "20") {
TAct3 = "0";
setProperty("/TShad3", _visible , "100");
if ((((((FireZoneX - "20") < TX3) and (TX3 < (FireZoneX + "20"))) and ((FireZoneY - "20") < (TY3 - TY23))) and ((TY3 - TY23) < (FireZoneY + "20"))) and (TDead3 == "0")) {
FireZoneX = -"20";
FireZoneY = -"20";
FireCounter = "0";
tellTarget ("/Terr3") {
gotoAndPlay (12);
TDead3 = "1";
TCounter3 = "0";
TY23 = "0";
TAct3 = "0";
setProperty("/TShad3", _visible , "0");
ScoreNum = ScoreNum + "200";
Score = ScoreNum;
if (TDead3 == "1") {
TCounter3 = TCounter3 + "1";
if ((getProperty("/Terr3", _currentframe) == "24") and (TOff3 == "1")) {
TX3 = random("400") + "100";
TY3 = -"40";
setProperty("/Terr3", _x , TX3);
setProperty("/Terr3", _y , TY3);
setProperty("/TShad3", _x , TX3);
setProperty("/TShad3", _y , TY3);
TOff3 = "0";
if (getProperty("/Terr3", _currentframe) == "23") {
TOff3 = random("2");
if ("99" < TCounter3) {
TDead3 = "0";
setProperty("/Terr3", _y , TY3);
tellTarget ("/Terr3") {
gotoAndPlay (25);
TCounter3 = "0";
TAct3 = "3";
if (((TAct4 == "0") and (TDead4 == "0")) and ("3" < Difficulty)) {
TCounter4 = "0";
if ((TFace4 == "1") and (AX < TX4)) {
TFace4 = -"1";
setProperty("/Terr4", _xscale , -AScale);
} else if ((TFace4 == (-"1")) and (TX4 < AX)) {
TFace4 = "1";
setProperty("/Terr4", _xscale , -AScale);
if (random("10") < "5") {
tellTarget ("/Terr4") {
gotoAndStop (10);
TAct4 = "1";
if (BlackOps == "0") {
TMove4 = (((AX - TX4) + "80") - random("160")) / "50";
TMove24 = (((AY - TY4) + "40") - random("60")) / "50";
} else {
TMove4 = (((("100" + random("400")) - TX4) + "80") - random("160")) / "50";
TMove24 = (((("100" + random("200")) - TY4) + "40") - random("60")) / "50";
} else if ("0" < TX4) {
TAct4 = "2";
tellTarget ("/Terr4") {
gotoAndPlay (3);
if ((TAct4 == "1") and (TDead4 == "0")) {
TCounter4 = TCounter4 + "1";
TX4 = TX4 + TMove4;
TY4 = TY4 + TMove24;
TY24 = TY24 + (("25" - TCounter4) / "2");
setProperty("/Terr4", _x , TX4);
setProperty("/Terr4", _y , (TY4 - TY24) - "20");
setProperty("/TShad4", _x , TX4);
setProperty("/TShad4", _y , TY4);
if (TCounter4 == "50") {
TMove4 = "0";
TY24 = "0";
setProperty("/Terr4", _y , TY4);
tellTarget ("/Terr4") {
gotoAndStop (1);
TAct4 = "0";
if ((TAct4 == "2") and (TDead4 == "0")) {
if (((((TFace4 == (-"1")) and (AX < TX4)) or ((TFace4 == "1") and (TX4 < AX))) and ((TY4 - "30") < AY)) and (AY < (TY4 + "30"))) {
if (("3" == random("4")) and (SuperAgent == "0")) {
tellTarget ("/BloodSplash2") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Life = Life - "3";
LifeField = Life;
setProperty("/BloodSplash2", _x , (AX + "10") - random("20"));
setProperty("/BloodSplash2", _y , (AY + "10") - random("20"));
TCounter4 = TCounter4 + "1";
if (("30" + random("40")) < TCounter4) {
tellTarget ("/Terr4") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
TAct4 = "0";
if (TAct4 == "3") {
TCounter4 = TCounter4 + "1";
if (TCounter4 == "20") {
TAct4 = "0";
setProperty("/TShad4", _visible , "100");
if ((((((FireZoneX - "20") < TX4) and (TX4 < (FireZoneX + "20"))) and ((FireZoneY - "20") < (TY4 - TY24))) and ((TY4 - TY24) < (FireZoneY + "20"))) and (TDead4 == "0")) {
FireZoneX = -"20";
FireZoneY = -"20";
FireCounter = "0";
tellTarget ("/Terr4") {
gotoAndPlay (12);
TDead4 = "1";
TCounter4 = "0";
TY24 = "0";
TAct4 = "0";
setProperty("/TShad4", _visible , "0");
ScoreNum = ScoreNum + "200";
Score = ScoreNum;
if (TDead4 == "1") {
TCounter4 = TCounter4 + "1";
if ((getProperty("/Terr4", _currentframe) == "24") and (TOff4 == "1")) {
TX4 = random("400") + "100";
TY4 = -"40";
setProperty("/Terr4", _x , TX4);
setProperty("/Terr4", _y , TY4);
setProperty("/TShad4", _x , TX4);
setProperty("/TShad4", _y , TY4);
TOff4 = "0";
if (getProperty("/Terr4", _currentframe) == "23") {
TOff4 = random("2");
if ("99" < TCounter4) {
TDead4 = "0";
setProperty("/Terr4", _y , TY4);
tellTarget ("/Terr4") {
gotoAndPlay (25);
TCounter4 = "0";
TAct4 = "3";
if (((TAct5 == "0") and (TDead5 == "0")) and ("4" < Difficulty)) {
TCounter5 = "0";
if ((TFace5 == "1") and (AX < TX5)) {
TFace5 = -"1";
setProperty("/Terr5", _xscale , -AScale);
} else if ((TFace5 == (-"1")) and (TX5 < AX)) {
TFace5 = "1";
setProperty("/Terr5", _xscale , -AScale);
if (random("10") < "5") {
tellTarget ("/Terr5") {
gotoAndStop (10);
TAct5 = "1";
if (BlackOps == "0") {
TMove5 = (((AX - TX5) + "80") - random("160")) / "50";
TMove25 = (((AY - TY5) + "40") - random("60")) / "50";
} else {
TMove5 = (((("100" + random("400")) - TX5) + "80") - random("160")) / "50";
TMove25 = (((("100" + random("200")) - TY5) + "40") - random("60")) / "50";
} else if ("0" < TX5) {
TAct5 = "2";
tellTarget ("/Terr5") {
gotoAndPlay (3);
if ((TAct5 == "1") and (TDead5 == "0")) {
TCounter5 = TCounter5 + "1";
TX5 = TX5 + TMove5;
TY5 = TY5 + TMove25;
TY25 = TY25 + (("25" - TCounter5) / "2");
setProperty("/Terr5", _x , TX5);
setProperty("/Terr5", _y , (TY5 - TY25) - "20");
setProperty("/TShad5", _x , TX5);
setProperty("/TShad5", _y , TY5);
if (TCounter5 == "50") {
TMove5 = "0";
TY25 = "0";
setProperty("/Terr5", _y , TY5);
tellTarget ("/Terr5") {
gotoAndStop (1);
TAct5 = "0";
if ((TAct5 == "2") and (TDead5 == "0")) {
if (((((TFace5 == (-"1")) and (AX < TX5)) or ((TFace5 == "1") and (TX5 < AX))) and ((TY5 - "30") < AY)) and (AY < (TY5 + "30"))) {
if (("3" == random("4")) and (SuperAgent == "0")) {
tellTarget ("/BloodSplash2") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Life = Life - "3";
LifeField = Life;
setProperty("/BloodSplash2", _x , (AX + "10") - random("20"));
setProperty("/BloodSplash2", _y , (AY + "10") - random("20"));
TCounter5 = TCounter5 + "1";
if (("30" + random("40")) < TCounter5) {
tellTarget ("/Terr5") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
TAct5 = "0";
if (TAct5 == "3") {
TCounter5 = TCounter5 + "1";
if (TCounter5 == "20") {
TAct5 = "0";
setProperty("/TShad5", _visible , "100");
if ((((((FireZoneX - "20") < TX5) and (TX5 < (FireZoneX + "20"))) and ((FireZoneY - "20") < (TY5 - TY25))) and ((TY5 - TY25) < (FireZoneY + "20"))) and (TDead5 == "0")) {
FireZoneX = -"20";
FireZoneY = -"20";
FireCounter = "0";
tellTarget ("/Terr5") {
gotoAndPlay (12);
TDead5 = "1";
TCounter5 = "0";
TY25 = "0";
TAct5 = "0";
setProperty("/TShad5", _visible , "0");
ScoreNum = ScoreNum + "200";
Score = ScoreNum;
if (TDead5 == "1") {
TCounter5 = TCounter5 + "1";
if ((getProperty("/Terr5", _currentframe) == "24") and (TOff5 == "1")) {
TX5 = random("400") + "100";
TY5 = -"40";
setProperty("/Terr5", _x , TX5);
setProperty("/Terr5", _y , TY5);
setProperty("/TShad5", _x , TX5);
setProperty("/TShad5", _y , TY5);
TOff5 = "0";
if (getProperty("/Terr5", _currentframe) == "23") {
TOff5 = random("2");
if ("99" < TCounter5) {
TDead5 = "0";
setProperty("/Terr5", _y , TY3);
tellTarget ("/Terr5") {
gotoAndPlay (25);
TCounter5 = "0";
TAct5 = "3";
if ((PAct1 == "0") and (PDead1 == "0")) {
if (random("10") < "5") {
tellTarget ("/Press1") {
gotoAndPlay (35);
PAct1 = "1";
if (random("10") < "5") {
if (PFace1 == "1") {
PFace1 = -"1";
} else {
PFace1 = "1";
setProperty("/Press1", _xscale , -AScale);
PMove1 = PMoveSpeed * PFace1;
PMove21 = PMoveSpeed * (random("3") - "1");
} else {
PAct1 = "2";
PCounter1 = "0";
if (random("10") < "5") {
if (PFace1 == "1") {
PFace1 = -"1";
} else {
PFace1 = "1";
setProperty("/Press1", _xscale , -AScale);
tellTarget ("/Press1") {
gotoAndPlay (3);
if ((PAct1 == "1") and (PDead1 == "0")) {
PX1 = PX1 + PMove1;
PY1 = PY1 + PMove21;
setProperty("/Press1", _x , PX1);
setProperty("/Press1", _y , PY1);
if (random("30") == "9") {
PMove1 = "0";
tellTarget ("/Press1") {
gotoAndStop (1);
PAct1 = "0";
if ((PAct1 == "2") and (PDead1 == "0")) {
PCounter1 = Pcounter1 + "1";
if (PCounter1 == "5") {
if (((((PX1 < AX) and (AX < (PX1 + "200"))) and (PFace1 == "1")) or ((((PX1 - "200") < AX) and (AX < PX1)) and (PFace1 == (-"1")))) and (((PY1 - "40") < AY) and (AY < (PY1 + "40")))) {
if (BlackOps <> "1") {
Cred = Cred - "1";
if (SuperAgent == "1") {
Cred = Cred + "3";
if (Cred == "7") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else if (Cred == "6") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (7);
} else if (Cred == "5") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (10);
} else if (Cred == "4") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (13);
} else if (Cred == "3") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (16);
} else if (Cred == "2") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (19);
} else if (Cred == "1") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (22);
} else if ("7" < Cred) {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Cred = "8";
setProperty("/Flash", _y , AY);
setProperty("/Flash", _x , AX);
tellTarget ("/Flash") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
if (PCounter1 == "7") {
PAct1 = "0";
tellTarget ("/Press1") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (PAct1 == "3") {
PCounter1 = PCounter1 + "1";
if (PCounter1 == "20") {
PAct1 = "0";
if ((((((FireZoneX - "20") < PX1) and (PX1 < (FireZoneX + "20"))) and ((FireZoneY - "20") < PY1)) and (PY1 < (FireZoneY + "20"))) and (PDead1 == "0")) {
FireZoneX = -"20";
FireZoneY = -"20";
FireCounter = "0";
tellTarget ("/Press1") {
gotoAndPlay (12);
PDead1 = "1";
PCounter1 = "0";
if (BlackOps <> "1") {
Cred = Cred - "1";
ScoreNum = ScoreNum + "1000";
Score = ScoreNum;
if (Cred == "7") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else if (Cred == "6") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (7);
} else if (Cred == "5") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (10);
} else if (Cred == "4") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (13);
} else if (Cred == "3") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (16);
} else if (Cred == "2") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (19);
} else if (Cred == "1") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (22);
if (PDead1 == "1") {
PCounter1 = PCounter1 + "1";
if ("99" < PCounter1) {
setProperty("/Press1", _visible , "100");
PDead1 = "0";
tellTarget ("/Press1") {
gotoAndPlay (43);
PAct1 = "3";
PCounter1 = "0";
if (((("610" < PX1) or (PX1 < "10")) or (PY1 < (-"10"))) or ("410" < PY1)) {
tellTarget ("/Press1") {
gotoAndPlay (12);
PDead1 = "1";
PCounter1 = "0";
PX1 = random("400") + "100";
PY1 = random("200") + "100";
setProperty("/Press1", _x , PX1);
setProperty("/Press1", _y , PY1);
setProperty("/Press1", _visible , "0");
if (((PAct2 == "0") and (PDead2 == "0")) and ("1" < Difficulty)) {
if (random("10") < "5") {
tellTarget ("/Press2") {
gotoAndPlay (35);
PAct2 = "1";
if (random("10") < "5") {
if (PFace2 == "1") {
PFace2 = -"1";
} else {
PFace2 = "1";
setProperty("/Press2", _xscale , -AScale);
PMove2 = PMoveSpeed * PFace2;
PMove22 = PMoveSpeed * (random("3") - "1");
} else {
PAct2 = "2";
PCounter2 = "0";
if (random("10") < "5") {
if (PFace2 == "1") {
PFace2 = -"1";
} else {
PFace2 = "1";
setProperty("/Press2", _xscale , -AScale);
tellTarget ("/Press2") {
gotoAndPlay (3);
if ((PAct2 == "1") and (PDead2 == "0")) {
PX2 = PX2 + PMove2;
PY2 = PY2 + PMove22;
setProperty("/Press2", _x , PX2);
setProperty("/Press2", _y , PY2);
if (random("30") == "9") {
PMove2 = "0";
tellTarget ("/Press2") {
gotoAndStop (1);
PAct2 = "0";
if ((PAct2 == "2") and (PDead2 == "0")) {
PCounter2 = Pcounter2 + "1";
if (PCounter2 == "5") {
if (((((PX2 < AX) and (AX < (PX2 + "200"))) and (PFace2 == "1")) or ((((PX2 - "200") < AX) and (AX < PX2)) and (PFace2 == (-"1")))) and (((PY2 - "40") < AY) and (AY < (PY2 + "40")))) {
if (BlackOps <> "1") {
Cred = Cred - "1";
if (SuperAgent == "1") {
Cred = Cred + "3";
if (Cred == "7") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else if (Cred == "6") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (7);
} else if (Cred == "5") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (10);
} else if (Cred == "4") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (13);
} else if (Cred == "3") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (16);
} else if (Cred == "2") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (19);
} else if (Cred == "1") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (22);
} else if ("7" < Cred) {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Cred = "8";
setProperty("/Flash", _y , AY);
setProperty("/Flash", _x , AX);
tellTarget ("/Flash") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
if (PCounter2 == "7") {
PAct2 = "0";
tellTarget ("/Press2") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (PAct2 == "3") {
PCounter2 = PCounter2 + "1";
if (PCounter2 == "20") {
PAct2 = "0";
if ((((((FireZoneX - "20") < PX2) and (PX2 < (FireZoneX + "20"))) and ((FireZoneY - "20") < PY2)) and (PY2 < (FireZoneY + "20"))) and (PDead2 == "0")) {
FireZoneX = -"20";
FireZoneY = -"20";
FireCounter = "0";
tellTarget ("/Press2") {
gotoAndPlay (12);
PDead2 = "1";
PCounter2 = "0";
if (BlackOps <> "1") {
Cred = Cred - "1";
ScoreNum = ScoreNum + "1000";
Score = ScoreNum;
if (Cred == "7") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else if (Cred == "6") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (7);
} else if (Cred == "5") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (10);
} else if (Cred == "4") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (13);
} else if (Cred == "3") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (16);
} else if (Cred == "2") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (19);
} else if (Cred == "1") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (22);
if ((PDead2 == "1") and ("1" < Difficulty)) {
PCounter2 = PCounter2 + "1";
if ("99" < PCounter2) {
setProperty("/Press2", _visible , "100");
PDead2 = "0";
tellTarget ("/Press2") {
gotoAndPlay (43);
PAct2 = "3";
PCounter2 = "0";
if (((("610" < PX2) or (PX2 < "10")) or (PY2 < (-"10"))) or ("410" < PY2)) {
tellTarget ("/Press2") {
gotoAndPlay (12);
PDead2 = "1";
PCounter2 = "0";
PX2 = random("400") + "100";
PY2 = random("200") + "100";
setProperty("/Press2", _x , PX2);
setProperty("/Press2", _y , PY2);
setProperty("/Press2", _visible , "0");
if (((PAct3 == "0") and (PDead3 == "0")) and ("2" < Difficulty)) {
if (random("10") < "5") {
tellTarget ("/Press3") {
gotoAndPlay (35);
PAct3 = "1";
if (random("10") < "5") {
if (PFace3 == "1") {
PFace3 = -"1";
} else {
PFace3 = "1";
setProperty("/Press3", _xscale , -AScale);
PMove3 = PMoveSpeed * PFace3;
PMove32 = PMoveSpeed * (random("3") - "1");
} else {
PAct3 = "2";
PCounter3 = "0";
if (random("10") < "5") {
if (PFace3 == "1") {
PFace3 = -"1";
} else {
PFace3 = "1";
setProperty("/Press3", _xscale , -AScale);
tellTarget ("/Press3") {
gotoAndPlay (3);
if ((PAct3 == "1") and (PDead3 == "0")) {
PX3 = PX3 + PMove3;
PY3 = PY3 + PMove32;
setProperty("/Press3", _x , PX3);
setProperty("/Press3", _y , PY3);
if (random("30") == "9") {
PMove3 = "0";
tellTarget ("/Press3") {
gotoAndStop (1);
PAct3 = "0";
if ((PAct3 == "2") and (PDead3 == "0")) {
PCounter3 = Pcounter3 + "1";
if (PCounter3 == "5") {
if (((((PX3 < AX) and (AX < (PX3 + "200"))) and (PFace3 == "1")) or ((((PX3 - "200") < AX) and (AX < PX3)) and (PFace3 == (-"1")))) and (((PY3 - "40") < AY) and (AY < (PY3 + "40")))) {
if (BlackOps <> "1") {
Cred = Cred - "1";
if (SuperAgent == "1") {
Cred = Cred + "3";
if (Cred == "7") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else if (Cred == "6") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (7);
} else if (Cred == "5") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (10);
} else if (Cred == "4") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (13);
} else if (Cred == "3") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (16);
} else if (Cred == "2") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (19);
} else if (Cred == "1") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (22);
} else if ("7" < Cred) {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Cred = "8";
setProperty("/Flash", _y , AY);
setProperty("/Flash", _x , AX);
tellTarget ("/Flash") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
if (PCounter3 == "7") {
PAct3 = "0";
tellTarget ("/Press3") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (PAct3 == "3") {
PCounter3 = PCounter3 + "1";
if (PCounter3 == "20") {
PAct3 = "0";
if ((((((FireZoneX - "20") < PX3) and (PX3 < (FireZoneX + "20"))) and ((FireZoneY - "20") < PY3)) and (PY3 < (FireZoneY + "20"))) and (PDead3 == "0")) {
FireZoneX = -"20";
FireZoneY = -"20";
FireCounter = "0";
tellTarget ("/Press3") {
gotoAndPlay (12);
PDead3 = "1";
PCounter3 = "0";
if (BlackOps <> "1") {
Cred = Cred - "1";
ScoreNum = ScoreNum + "1000";
Score = ScoreNum;
if (Cred == "7") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else if (Cred == "6") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (7);
} else if (Cred == "5") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (10);
} else if (Cred == "4") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (13);
} else if (Cred == "3") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (16);
} else if (Cred == "2") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (19);
} else if (Cred == "1") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (22);
if ((PDead3 == "1") and ("2" < Difficulty)) {
PCounter3 = PCounter3 + "1";
if ("99" < PCounter3) {
setProperty("/Press3", _visible , "100");
PDead3 = "0";
tellTarget ("/Press3") {
gotoAndPlay (43);
PAct3 = "3";
PCounter3 = "0";
if (((("610" < PX3) or (PX3 < "10")) or (PY3 < (-"10"))) or ("410" < PY3)) {
tellTarget ("/Press3") {
gotoAndPlay (12);
PDead3 = "1";
PCounter3 = "0";
PX3 = random("400") + "100";
PY3 = random("200") + "100";
setProperty("/Press3", _x , PX3);
setProperty("/Press3", _y , PY3);
setProperty("/Press3", _visible , "0");
if (((PAct4 == "0") and (PDead4 == "0")) and ("3" < Difficulty)) {
if (random("10") < "5") {
tellTarget ("/Press4") {
gotoAndPlay (35);
PAct4 = "1";
if (random("10") < "5") {
if (PFace4 == "1") {
PFace4 = -"1";
} else {
PFace4 = "1";
setProperty("/Press4", _xscale , -AScale);
PMove4 = PMoveSpeed * PFace4;
PMove42 = PMoveSpeed * (random("3") - "1");
} else {
PAct4 = "2";
PCounter4 = "0";
if (random("10") < "5") {
if (PFace4 == "1") {
PFace4 = -"1";
} else {
PFace4 = "1";
setProperty("/Press4", _xscale , -AScale);
tellTarget ("/Press4") {
gotoAndPlay (3);
if ((PAct4 == "1") and (PDead4 == "0")) {
PX4 = PX4 + PMove4;
PY4 = PY4 + PMove42;
setProperty("/Press4", _x , PX4);
setProperty("/Press4", _y , PY4);
if (random("30") == "9") {
PMove4 = "0";
tellTarget ("/Press4") {
gotoAndStop (1);
PAct4 = "0";
if ((PAct4 == "2") and (PDead4 == "0")) {
PCounter4 = Pcounter4 + "1";
if (PCounter4 == "5") {
if (((((PX4 < AX) and (AX < (PX4 + "200"))) and (PFace4 == "1")) or ((((PX4 - "200") < AX) and (AX < PX4)) and (PFace4 == (-"1")))) and (((PY4 - "40") < AY) and (AY < (PY4 + "40")))) {
if (BlackOps <> "1") {
Cred = Cred - "1";
if (SuperAgent == "1") {
Cred = Cred + "3";
if (Cred == "7") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else if (Cred == "6") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (7);
} else if (Cred == "5") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (10);
} else if (Cred == "4") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (13);
} else if (Cred == "3") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (16);
} else if (Cred == "2") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (19);
} else if (Cred == "1") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (22);
} else if ("7" < Cred) {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Cred = "8";
setProperty("/Flash", _y , AY);
setProperty("/Flash", _x , AX);
tellTarget ("/Flash") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
if (PCounter4 == "7") {
PAct4 = "0";
tellTarget ("/Press4") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (PAct4 == "3") {
PCounter4 = PCounter4 + "1";
if (PCounter4 == "20") {
PAct4 = "0";
if ((((((FireZoneX - "20") < PX4) and (PX4 < (FireZoneX + "20"))) and ((FireZoneY - "20") < PY4)) and (PY4 < (FireZoneY + "20"))) and (PDead4 == "0")) {
FireZoneX = -"20";
FireZoneY = -"20";
FireCounter = "0";
tellTarget ("/Press4") {
gotoAndPlay (12);
PDead4 = "1";
PCounter4 = "0";
if (BlackOps <> "1") {
Cred = Cred - "1";
ScoreNum = ScoreNum + "1000";
Score = ScoreNum;
if (Cred == "7") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else if (Cred == "6") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (7);
} else if (Cred == "5") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (10);
} else if (Cred == "4") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (13);
} else if (Cred == "3") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (16);
} else if (Cred == "2") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (19);
} else if (Cred == "1") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (22);
if ((PDead4 == "1") and ("3" < Difficulty)) {
PCounter4 = PCounter4 + "1";
if ("99" < PCounter4) {
setProperty("/Press4", _visible , "100");
PDead4 = "0";
tellTarget ("/Press4") {
gotoAndPlay (43);
PAct4 = "3";
PCounter4 = "0";
if (((("610" < PX4) or (PX4 < "10")) or (PY4 < (-"10"))) or ("410" < PY4)) {
tellTarget ("/Press4") {
gotoAndPlay (12);
PDead4 = "1";
PCounter4 = "0";
PX4 = random("400") + "100";
PY4 = random("200") + "100";
setProperty("/Press4", _x , PX4);
setProperty("/Press4", _y , PY4);
setProperty("/Press4", _visible , "0");
if ((PAct5 == "0") and (PDead5 == "0")) {
if (random("10") < "5") {
tellTarget ("/Press5") {
gotoAndPlay (35);
PAct5 = "1";
if (random("10") < "5") {
if (PFace5 == "1") {
PFace5 = -"1";
} else {
PFace5 = "1";
setProperty("/Press5", _xscale , -AScale);
PMove5 = PMoveSpeed * PFace5;
PMove52 = PMoveSpeed * (random("3") - "1");
} else {
PAct5 = "2";
PCounter5 = "0";
if (random("10") < "5") {
if (PFace5 == "1") {
PFace5 = -"1";
} else {
PFace5 = "1";
setProperty("/Press5", _xscale , -AScale);
tellTarget ("/Press5") {
gotoAndPlay (3);
if ((PAct5 == "1") and (PDead5 == "0")) {
PX5 = PX5 + PMove5;
PY5 = PY5 + PMove52;
setProperty("/Press5", _x , PX5);
setProperty("/Press5", _y , PY5);
if (random("30") == "9") {
PMove5 = "0";
tellTarget ("/Press5") {
gotoAndStop (1);
PAct5 = "0";
if ((PAct5 == "2") and (PDead5 == "0")) {
PCounter5 = Pcounter5 + "1";
if (PCounter5 == "5") {
if (((((PX5 < AX) and (AX < (PX5 + "200"))) and (PFace5 == "1")) or ((((PX5 - "200") < AX) and (AX < PX5)) and (PFace5 == (-"1")))) and (((PY5 - "40") < AY) and (AY < (PY5 + "40")))) {
if (BlackOps <> "1") {
Cred = Cred - "1";
if (SuperAgent == "1") {
Cred = Cred + "3";
if (Cred == "7") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else if (Cred == "6") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (7);
} else if (Cred == "5") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (10);
} else if (Cred == "4") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (13);
} else if (Cred == "3") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (16);
} else if (Cred == "2") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (19);
} else if (Cred == "1") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (22);
} else if ("7" < Cred) {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Cred = "8";
setProperty("/Flash", _y , AY);
setProperty("/Flash", _x , AX);
tellTarget ("/Flash") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
if (PCounter5 == "7") {
PAct5 = "0";
tellTarget ("/Press5") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (PAct5 == "3") {
PCounter5 = PCounter5 + "1";
if (PCounter5 == "20") {
PAct5 = "0";
if ((((((FireZoneX - "20") < PX5) and (PX5 < (FireZoneX + "20"))) and ((FireZoneY - "20") < PY5)) and (PY5 < (FireZoneY + "20"))) and (PDead5 == "0")) {
FireZoneX = -"20";
FireZoneY = -"20";
FireCounter = "0";
tellTarget ("/Press5") {
gotoAndPlay (12);
PDead5 = "1";
PCounter5 = "0";
if (BlackOps <> "1") {
Cred = Cred - "1";
ScoreNum = ScoreNum + "1000";
Score = ScoreNum;
if (Cred == "7") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else if (Cred == "6") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (7);
} else if (Cred == "5") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (10);
} else if (Cred == "4") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (13);
} else if (Cred == "3") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (16);
} else if (Cred == "2") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (19);
} else if (Cred == "1") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (22);
if ((PDead5 == "1") and ("4" < Difficulty)) {
PCounter5 = PCounter5 + "1";
if ("99" < PCounter5) {
setProperty("/Press5", _visible , "100");
PDead5 = "0";
tellTarget ("/Press5") {
gotoAndPlay (43);
PAct5 = "3";
PCounter5 = "0";
if (((("610" < PX5) or (PX5 < "10")) or (PY5 < (-"10"))) or ("410" < PY5)) {
tellTarget ("/Press5") {
gotoAndPlay (12);
PDead5 = "1";
PCounter5 = "0";
PX5 = random("400") + "100";
PY5 = random("200") + "100";
setProperty("/Press5", _x , PX5);
setProperty("/Press5", _y , PY5);
setProperty("/Press5", _visible , "0");
if ((((CActive == "0") and ("30" == random("200"))) and (Coke < "7")) and ((getProperty("/Coke", _currentframe) == "1") or (getProperty("/Coke", _currentframe) == "37"))) {
CX = random("400") + "100";
CY = random("200") + "100";
setProperty("/Coke", _x , CX);
setProperty("/Coke", _y , CY);
tellTarget ("/Coke") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
CActive = "1";
if (((CActive == "1") and ("9" < getProperty("/Coke", _currentframe))) and (Coke < "7")) {
CActive = "2";
if ((((((CX - "30") < AX) and (AX < (CX + "30"))) and (AY < (CY + "30"))) and ((CY - "30") < AY)) and (CActive == "2")) {
tellTarget ("/Coke") {
gotoAndPlay (11);
CActive = "3";
if (("14" < getProperty("/Coke", _currentframe)) and (CActive == "3")) {
CActive = "4";
setProperty("/DropSpot", _x , random("400") + "100");
setProperty("/DropSpot", _y , random("200") + "100");
tellTarget ("/HeliShad") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
setProperty("/HeliShad", _x , getProperty("/DropSpot", _x));
setProperty("/HeliShad", _y , getProperty("/DropSpot", _y));
setProperty("/DropSpot", _visible , "100");
if ((((((CActive == "4") and ("0" < getProperty("/DropSpot", _visible))) and ((getProperty("/DropSpot", _x) - "30") < AX)) and (AX < (getProperty("/DropSpot", _x) + "30"))) and ((getProperty("/DropSpot", _y) - "30") < AY)) and (AY < (getProperty("/DropSpot", _y) + "2"))) {
Coke = Coke + "1";
tellTarget ("/CokeCounter") {
ScoreNum = ScoreNum + (Coke * "1000");
Score = ScoreNum;
CActive = "5";
setProperty("/DropSpot", _visible , "0");
tellTarget ("/HeliShad") {
gotoAndStop (1);
setProperty("/HeliShad", _x , -"20");
setProperty("/HeliShad", _y , -"20");
setProperty("/Coke", _x , getProperty("/DropSpot", _x));
setProperty("/Coke", _y , getProperty("/DropSpot", _y));
tellTarget ("/Coke") {
gotoAndPlay (17);
if ("36" < getProperty("/Coke", _currentframe)) {
CActive = "0";
if ((BActive == "0") and (random("100") == "30")) {
BActive = "1";
setProperty("/Bonus", _x , random("500") + "50");
setProperty("/Bonus", _y , random("300") + "50");
BType = random("7") + "1";
if (BType == "1") {
tellTarget ("/Bonus") {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if (BType == "2") {
tellTarget ("/Bonus") {
gotoAndStop (7);
} else if (BType == "3") {
tellTarget ("/Bonus") {
gotoAndStop (13);
} else if (BType == "4") {
tellTarget ("/Bonus") {
gotoAndStop (19);
} else if (BType == "5") {
tellTarget ("/Bonus") {
gotoAndStop (25);
} else if (BType == "6") {
tellTarget ("/Bonus") {
gotoAndStop (31);
} else {
tellTarget ("/Bonus") {
gotoAndStop (37);
setProperty("/Bonus", _visible , "100");
if ((((((((BActive == "1") and (AMoveSpeed == "5")) and (SuperAgent == "0")) and (BlackOps == "0")) and ((getProperty("/Bonus", _x) - "30") < AX)) and (AX < (getProperty("/Bonus", _x) + "30"))) and ((getProperty("/Bonus", _y) - "30") < AY)) and (AY < (getProperty("/Bonus", _y) + "30"))) {
BActive = "0";
if (BType == "1") {
tellTarget ("/Bonus") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
AMoveSpeed = "15";
AMove = AMove * "3";
AMove2 = AMove2 * "3";
BCounter = "0";
BActive = "1";
} else if (BType == "2") {
tellTarget ("/Bonus") {
gotoAndPlay (7);
Bullets = Bullets + "5";
if ("10" < Bullets) {
Bullets = "10";
tellTarget ("/BulletBar") {
gotoAndPlay(getProperty("/BulletBar", _currentframe) + "5");
} else if (BType == "3") {
tellTarget ("/Bonus") {
gotoAndPlay (13);
BCounter = "0";
BActive = "1";
SuperAgent = "1";
tellTarget ("/FlagSuper") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
} else if (BType == "4") {
tellTarget ("/Bonus") {
gotoAndPlay (19);
ScoreNum = ScoreNum + "2000";
Score = ScoreNum;
} else if (BType == "5") {
tellTarget ("/Bonus") {
gotoAndPlay (25);
if (Cred < "8") {
Cred = Cred + "1";
if (Cred == "7") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
} else if (Cred == "6") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (7);
} else if (Cred == "5") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (10);
} else if (Cred == "4") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (13);
} else if (Cred == "3") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (16);
} else if (Cred == "2") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (19);
} else if (Cred == "8") {
tellTarget ("/CredBar") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
} else if (BType == "6") {
tellTarget ("/Bonus") {
gotoAndPlay (31);
Life = Life + "20";
LifeField = Life;
} else {
tellTarget ("/Bonus") {
gotoAndPlay (37);
BCounter = "0";
BActive = "1";
BlackOps = "1";
tellTarget ("/BlackOps") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
if (((BType == "1") and (BActive == "1")) and ("5" < AMoveSpeed)) {
BCounter = BCounter + "1";
if (BCounter == "120") {
BActive = "0";
AMoveSpeed = "5";
AMove = "0";
AMove2 = "0";
tellTarget ("/Agent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (((BType == "3") and (BActive == "1")) and (SuperAgent == "1")) {
setProperty("/FlagSuper", _x , AX);
setProperty("/FlagSuper", _y , AY);
BCounter = BCounter + "1";
if (BCounter == "100") {
BActive = "0";
SuperAgent = "0";
setProperty("/FlagSuper", _x , -"20");
setProperty("/FlagSuper", _y , -"20");
tellTarget ("/FlagSuper") {
gotoAndStop (10);
if (((BType == "7") and (BActive == "1")) and (BlackOps == "1")) {
setProperty("/BlackOps", _x , AX);
setProperty("/BlackOps", _y , AY);
BCounter = BCounter + "1";
if (BCounter == "100") {
BActive = "0";
BlackOps = "0";
setProperty("/BlackOps", _x , -"20");
setProperty("/BlackOps", _y , -"20");
tellTarget ("/BlackOps") {
gotoAndStop (8);
Frame 7
gotoAndPlay (6);
Frame 37
if (Life < "1") {
gotoAndPlay (38);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (39);
Frame 38
Frame 39
Frame 68
Symbol 2 MovieClip Frame 9
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 12 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 17 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 20 Button
on (press) {
Difficulty = Difficulty - "1";
if (Difficulty < "1") {
Difficulty = "1";
DiffField = Difficulty;
Symbol 22 Button
on (press) {
Difficulty = Difficulty + "1";
if ("5" < Difficulty) {
Difficulty = "5";
DiffField = Difficulty;
Symbol 26 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (4);
Symbol 29 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 42
Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 32
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 41
gotoAndPlay (34);
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 59
Symbol 90 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 90 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 90 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 90 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 90 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 90 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 90 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 90 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 90 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 113 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 113 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 113 MovieClip Frame 37
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 36
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 42
Symbol 118 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 119 Button
on (keyPress "4") {
if (AFace == "1") {
setProperty("/Agent", _xscale , -AScale);
AFace = -"1";
tellTarget ("/Agent") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
AMove = -AMoveSpeed;
AMove2 = "0";
on (keyPress "6") {
if (AFace == (-"1")) {
setProperty("/Agent", _xscale , -AScale);
AFace = "1";
tellTarget ("/Agent") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
AMove = AMoveSpeed;
AMove2 = "0";
on (keyPress "5") {
tellTarget ("/Agent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
AMove = "0";
AMove2 = "0";
on (keyPress "9") {
if (AFace == (-"1")) {
setProperty("/Agent", _xscale , -AScale);
AFace = "1";
tellTarget ("/Agent") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
AMove = AMoveSpeed / "2";
AMove2 = (-AMoveSpeed) / "2";
on (keyPress "3") {
if (AFace == (-"1")) {
setProperty("/Agent", _xscale , -AScale);
AFace = "1";
tellTarget ("/Agent") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
AMove = AMoveSpeed / "2";
AMove2 = AMoveSpeed / "2";
on (keyPress "7") {
if (AFace == "1") {
setProperty("/Agent", _xscale , -AScale);
AFace = -"1";
tellTarget ("/Agent") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
AMove = (-AMoveSpeed) / "2";
AMove2 = (-AMoveSpeed) / "2";
on (keyPress "1") {
if (AFace == "1") {
setProperty("/Agent", _xscale , -AScale);
AFace = -"1";
tellTarget ("/Agent") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
AMove = (-AMoveSpeed) / "2";
AMove2 = AMoveSpeed / "2";
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 17
gotoAndStop (11);
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 133 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 133 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 136 Button
on (keyPress "4") {
if (ADead == "0") {
if (AFace == "1") {
setProperty("/Agent", _xscale , -AScale);
AFace = -"1";
tellTarget ("/Agent") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
AMove = -AMoveSpeed;
AMove2 = "0";
on (keyPress "6") {
if (ADead == "0") {
if (AFace == (-"1")) {
setProperty("/Agent", _xscale , -AScale);
AFace = "1";
tellTarget ("/Agent") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
AMove = AMoveSpeed;
AMove2 = "0";
on (keyPress "5") {
if (ADead == "0") {
tellTarget ("/Agent") {
gotoAndStop (1);
AMove = "0";
AMove2 = "0";
on (keyPress "9") {
if (ADead == "0") {
if (AFace == (-"1")) {
setProperty("/Agent", _xscale , -AScale);
AFace = "1";
tellTarget ("/Agent") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
AMove = AMoveSpeed / "2";
AMove2 = (-AMoveSpeed) / "2";
on (keyPress "3") {
if (ADead == "0") {
if (AFace == (-"1")) {
setProperty("/Agent", _xscale , -AScale);
AFace = "1";
tellTarget ("/Agent") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
AMove = AMoveSpeed / "2";
AMove2 = AMoveSpeed / "2";
on (keyPress "7") {
if (ADead == "0") {
if (AFace == "1") {
setProperty("/Agent", _xscale , -AScale);
AFace = -"1";
tellTarget ("/Agent") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
AMove = (-AMoveSpeed) / "2";
AMove2 = (-AMoveSpeed) / "2";
on (keyPress "1") {
if (ADead == "0") {
if (AFace == "1") {
setProperty("/Agent", _xscale , -AScale);
AFace = -"1";
tellTarget ("/Agent") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
AMove = (-AMoveSpeed) / "2";
AMove2 = AMoveSpeed / "2";
on (keyPress "8") {
if (ADead == "0") {
if ((getProperty("/BulletBar", _currentframe) < "12") and ("3" < getProperty("/GunHolic", _currentframe))) {
if ("0" < Bullets) {
FireGo = "1";
FireCounter = "0";
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 145 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (70);
Symbol 166 Button
on (press, release) {
gotoAndPlay (1);