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This is the info page for
Flash #30760

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
bytes_loaded = Math.round(_root.getBytesLoaded()); bytes_total = Math.round(_root.getBytesTotal()); getPercent = bytes_loaded / bytes_total; _root.loadBar._width = getPercent * 100; _root.loadText = Math.round(getPercent * 100) + "%"; if (bytes_loaded == bytes_total) { _root.gotoAndPlay(3); }
Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Frame 181
Frame 182
_root.distance = function (object1, object2) { d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(object1._y - object2._y, 2) + Math.pow(object1._x - object2._x, 2)); return(d); }; = function (object1, object2) { if (_root.currentfocus == "play") { } o = Math.atan2(object2._y - object1._y, object2._x - object1._x); return(o); }; _root.pdistance = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(y1 - y2, 2) + Math.pow(x1 - x2, 2)); return(d); }; _root.pomega = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { o = Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1); return(o); }; _root.pushpower = function (dist) { rada = dist - 15; rada = (rada / 180) * Math.PI; power = (_root.slope * Math.sin(rada * 4.9)) + _root.slope; return(power); }; ascii = "a 1"; _root.convertchar = function (c) { if (c == 32) { c = 63; } if ((c >= 97) && (c <= 122)) { c = c - 96; } if ((c >= 48) && (c <= 57)) { c = c + 5; } if ((c >= 65) && (c <= 90)) { c = c - 38; } return(c); }; _root.raise = function (dist) { rada = dist - 15; rada = (rada / 180) * Math.PI; power = ((_root.slope / 2) * Math.cos(rada * 3)) + (_root.slope / 2); return(power); }; _root.intersect = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) { if ((x2 - x1) == 0) { x1 = x1 + 0.01; } a1 = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1); a2 = (y4 - y3) / (x4 - x3); b1 = y1 - (a1 * x1); b2 = y3 - (a2 * x3); ix = (b2 - b1) / (a1 - a2); iy = (a1 * ix) + b1; is = new Array(ix, iy); return(is); }; _root.fixedrotate = function (bx, by) { bx = bx + 10; bx = bx - 320; by = by - 340.5; bx2 = (0.707107 * bx) - (0.707107 * by); by2 = (0.707107 * bx) + (0.707107 * by); bx2 = bx2 + 320; by2 = by2 + 340.5; rarray = new Array(bx2, by2); return(rarray); }; _root.pointrotate = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, theta) { theta = (theta / 180) * Math.PI; zx = x1 - x2; zy = y1 - y2; nx = (Math.cos(theta) * zx) - (Math.sin(theta) * zy); ny = (Math.sin(theta) * zx) + (Math.cos(theta) * zy); nx = nx + x2; ny = ny + y2; ra = new Array(nx, ny); return(ra); }; _root.resetball = function () { hr = 0; while (hr <= (_root.hills.length - 1)) { if ((_root.hills[hr] != undefined) && (_root.player["pg" + _root.hills[hr].indx].hilllocked != true)) { chill = _root.hills[hr]; _root.player["pg" + chill.indx].hillmarker.unloadMovie(); _root.player["pg" + chill.indx].hillmarker.removeMovieClip(); _root.player["pg" + chill.indx].affectgrid(); chill.unloadMovie(); chill.removeMovieClip(); } hr++; } _root.coins = 0; cr = 0; while (cr <= 324) { if (_root.player["pg" + cr]._currentframe == 18) { _root.coins++; _root.player["pg" + cr].coinmc._visible = true; } cr++; } _root.ballsandwalls.ball0.removeMovieClip(); _root.ballsandwalls.ball1.removeMovieClip(); _root.ballsandwalls.ball2.removeMovieClip(); _root.ballspawned = false; _root.levelsolved = false; _root.playin = true; }; _root.loadeditlevel = function (levelstring) { _root.telegrids = 0; _root.startgrids = 0; levelarray = new Array(); ll = levelstring.length - 1; if (levelstring.substring(0, 9) == "<spoiler>") { levelstring = levelstring.slice(9, ll); } cf = 0; while (cf <= 8) { if (levelstring.charAt(cf) == ",") { stringpos = cf + 1; _root.editmenu.edittitle.inputtitle.text = levelstring.slice(0, cf); _root.currentitle = levelstring.slice(0, cf); cf = 10; } cf++; } loadgrid = 0; el = 1; while (el <= 324) { if (levelstring.charAt(stringpos) == "t") { destinations = true; firstt = stringpos; el = 325; } if (levelstring.charAt(stringpos + 1) == "-") { curtype = Number(levelstring.charAt(stringpos)); stringpos = stringpos + 2; endpos = stringpos + 3; } else { curtype = Number(levelstring.slice(stringpos, stringpos + 2)); stringpos = stringpos + 3; endpos = stringpos + 3; } countstring = ""; fe = stringpos; while (fe <= endpos) { if (levelstring.length > fe) { if ((levelstring.charAt(fe) == ",") || (levelstring.charAt(fe) == undefined)) { stringpos = fe + 1; fe = endpos + 1; } else { countstring = countstring + levelstring.charAt(fe); } } else { fe = endpos + 1; el = 325; } fe++; } ls = loadgrid; if (isNaN(Number(countstring)) == false) { gc = 1; while (gc <= Number(countstring)) { if (_root.currentfocus == "edit") { if (curtype == 6) { _root.telegrids++; _root.editor["eg" + String(ls + gc)].initload = true; if (_root.telegrids <= 10) { _root.editor["eg" + String(ls + gc)].gotoAndStop(1 + ((curtype - 1) * 3)); _root.editor["eg" + String(ls + gc)].destination = undefined; } else { _root.telegrids--; _root.editor["eg" + String(ls + gc)].gotoAndStop(4); } } else if (curtype == 7) { _root.startgrids++; _root.editor["eg" + String(ls + gc)].initload = true; if (_root.startgrids > 1) { _root.startgrids--; _root.editor["eg" + String(ls + gc)].gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.editor["eg" + String(ls + gc)].gotoAndStop(1 + ((curtype - 1) * 3)); } } else { _root.editor["eg" + String(ls + gc)].gotoAndStop(1 + ((curtype - 1) * 3)); } } else { levelarray[ls + gc] = curtype; } loadgrid++; gc++; } } el++; } if (loadgrid < 324) { lf = loadgrid + 1; while (lf <= 324) { _root.editor["eg" + lf].gotoAndStop(1); lf++; } } if (destinations) { laindex = 325; stringpos = firstt; tn = 1; while (tn <= 10) { foundt = false; if (levelstring.charAt(stringpos) == "t") { stringpos++; foundt = true; } else { ta = 1; while (ta <= 4) { if ((levelstring.charAt(stringpos + ta) == "t") && (foundt == false)) { stringpos = (stringpos + ta) + 1; foundt = true; } ta++; } } if (foundt) { sourcetele = undefined; ta = 1; while (ta <= 4) { if (levelstring.charAt(stringpos + ta) == ":") { sourcetele = Number(levelstring.slice(stringpos, stringpos + ta)); stringpos = (stringpos + ta) + 1; ta = 5; } ta++; } if ((isNaN(sourcetele) == false) && (sourcetele != undefined)) { desttele = undefined; ta = 1; while (ta <= 4) { if ((levelstring.charAt(stringpos + ta) == ",") || (levelstring.charAt(stringpos + ta) == "")) { desttele = Number(levelstring.slice(stringpos, stringpos + ta)); stringpos = (stringpos + ta) + 1; ta = 5; } ta++; } if ((isNaN(desttele) == false) && (desttele != undefined)) { if (_root.currentfocus == "edit") { if ((_root.editor["eg" + sourcetele]._currentframe == 16) && (_root.editor["eg" + desttele]._currentframe == 16)) { _root.editor["eg" + sourcetele].destination = desttele; _root.editor["eg" + sourcetele].swapDepths(400 + _root.editor["eg" + sourcetele].indx); } } else { levelarray[laindex] = [sourcetele, desttele]; laindex++; } } else { tn = 11; } } else { tn = 11; } } else { tn = 11; } tn++; } } return(levelarray); }; stop(); _root.glowfilter = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(); _root.brush = 1; _root.hillradius = 70; _root.slope = 0.2; _root.currentfocus = "menu"; _root.frontpage.watermark._alpha = 0; _root.sld.swapDepths(789); _root.sharedialog.swapDepths(790); _root.customdialog.swapDepths(791); _root.createEmptyMovieClip("bpath", 9); var Glow = (new flash.filters.GlowFilter(15134455, 100, 8, 8, 10)); var GlowFilters = _root.bpath.filters; GlowFilters.push(Glow); _root.bpath.filters = GlowFilters; _root.bpath._yscale = _root.bpath._yscale * 0.707106781186547; _root.bpath.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((((_root.pathon == true) || (_root.pathon == undefined)) && ((_root.currentfocus == "play") || (_root.currentfocus == "edit"))) && (((_root.playin != true) || (_root.ballsandwalls.ball0.timer == -1)) || (_root.levelsolved == true))) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } }; _root.bpath.drawit = function () { if (this.curx == undefined) { this.curx = _root.ballsandwalls.ball0._x; this.cury = _root.ballsandwalls.ball0._y; } else { this.lineStyle(1, "0xff0000", 50); this.moveTo(this.curx, this.cury); this.lineTo(_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._x, _root.ballsandwalls.ball0._y); this.curx = _root.ballsandwalls.ball0._x; this.cury = _root.ballsandwalls.ball0._y; } }; _root.ballfollow.swapDepths(10); _root.ballfollow2.swapDepths(11); _root.wallfollow.swapDepths(12); _root.goalfollow.swapDepths(13); _root.helper.swapDepths(14); _root.nextbutton.swapDepths(15); _root.aesthetic.swapDepths(16); _root.playtitle.swapDepths(17); _root.brushselect.swapDepths(18); _root.ballfollow3.swapDepths(19); _root.levelselector.swapDepths(20); _root.timeclicks.swapDepths(21); _root.erasedialog.swapDepths(22); _root.brushfollow.swapDepths(23); _root.customtext.swapDepths(9999); _root.soundon = true; _root.capped = true; _root.keytext = new Array("", "Hole tiles are just the empty, nothing tiles in the level, when the ball rolls over one, it's a bad thing.", "Floor tiles are the basic, blue tile in the game, you can click them during play to make a hill.", "The ball will bounce off of walls, the ball can also roll on top of walls, if it manages to get there by the use of a jump tile.", "Speed tiles will make the ball increase its speed, in whichever direction the ball is traveling, up to a maximum speed. You cannot make a hill with these tiles.", "Slow tiles will slow the ball's speed in whichever direction it is traveling. If the ball comes to a stop on the tile, the tile will 'suck' the ball towards the center of itself. Hills cannot be made with this tile", "Teleport tiles will make the ball teleport immediately to the center of the defined destination teleport tile. To define a destination for a teleport tile, simply drag the tile (after it has been placed) to another teleport tile. Once you have done this, an arrow will appear to give you a visual cue about where the ball will be sent. To create a 2-way teleport, just drag each teleport tile to the other, you will then see 2 arrows pointing to each tile. There is a limit of 10 teleport tiles in a level. You cannot make hills with this tile.", "The start tile defines where the ball will start. If this tile isn't placed, the ball just won't show up. Limit of 1 tile per level. A hill can be made with this tile.", "Goal tiles will induce the winning condition for the level so long as any coins in the level are all collected. There is no limit to the amount of goal tiles. Hills cannot be made with this tile.", "Hill tiles will create a fixed hill in the level that the player cannot get rid of. There is no limit on hill tiles, however a lot of hills will cause the level to load up rather slowly.", "Direction tiles will quickly suck the ball into the center of themselves, and, once centered, send the ball off into the indicated direction. The ball will be sent with a certain minimum speed, however if the ball is traveling faster than the minimum speed as it arrives on the tile, it will be sent off at that speed. To change the direction of the tile in the editor, click and hold the tile and move the mouse around it, the tile will point towards the mouse cursor. Hills cannot be made with this tile.", "Coin tiles will contain a coin that the ball will 'collect' when it is close by. All coins in a level must be collected in order to satisfy the win condition. Hills can be made with coin tiles.", "Tile tiles are merely decorative tiles that have no effect on the ball. The only functionality these tiles provide is restricting the player's control. Hills cannot be made with these tiles.", "Jump tiles will make the ball fly into the air. While the ball is in the air it is immune to holes in the main body of the level. It can also jump over walls, however it will land on walls if it is low enough. Hills cannot be made with this tile."); _root.currentlevel = 0; _root.levels = new Array(); _root.levelcomments = new Array(); li = 0; _root.colstart = new Array(); _root.colstart[1] = li; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Welcome to Contour! \nTo complete each level, you must make the ball reach the goal. Click on any empty, blue tile to mold the ground and force the ball to roll into the goal."; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 1,1-77,3-9,1-9,3-1,2-7,3-1,1-9,3-1,2-3,7-1,2-3,3-1,1-9,3-1,2-7,3-1,1-9,3-1,2-7,3-1,1-9,3-1,2-7,3-1,1-9,3-1,2-3,8-1,2-3,3-1,1-9,3-1,2-7,3-1,1-9,3-9,1-94"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "\nBounce off of walls to help guide the ball in. You will see that green tiles speed the ball up."; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 2,1-74,3-14,1-4,3-1,2-5,3-2,2-5,3-1,1-4,3-1,2-5,3-2,2-5,3-1,1-4,3-1,2-5,3-2,2-3,8-1,2-1,3-1,1-4,3-1,2-1,7-1,2-3,3-2,2-5,3-1,1-4,3-1,2-5,3-2,2-5,3-1,1-4,3-1,2-5,4-2,2-5,3-1,1-4,3-1,2-5,4-2,2-5,3-1,1-4,3-1,2-5,4-2,2-5,3-1,1-4,3-14,1-74, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "\nRed tiles will slow the ball down and eventually suck the ball in. Use this to aim the ball."; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 3,1-23,3-5,1-13,3-1,2-10,1-7,3-1,2-1,5-1,2-6,8-1,2-1,1-7,3-1,2-1,5-1,2-8,1-7,3-1,2-3,3-1,1-13,3-1,2-3,3-1,1-13,3-1,2-3,3-1,1-13,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,1-13,3-1,2-3,3-1,1-13,3-1,2-3,3-1,1-13,3-1,2-3,3-1,1-13,3-1,2-3,3-1,1-13,3-1,2-3,3-1,1-13,3-1,2-1,7-1,2-1,3-1,1-13,3-1,2-3,3-1,1-13,3-5,1-26, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "\nUse teleports to go from one area to another. The ball will exit out of the destination teleport with the same speed and direction as it entered with."; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 4,1-19,3-8,1-10,3-1,2-6,3-1,1-1,3-6,1-3,3-1,2-3,7-1,2-2,3-1,1-1,3-1,6-1,2-3,3-1,1-3,3-1,2-4,3-3,1-1,3-1,2-4,3-1,1-3,3-1,2-4,3-3,1-1,3-1,2-4,3-1,1-3,3-1,2-6,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-3,6-1,3-1,1-3,3-1,2-5,6-1,3-1,1-1,3-6,1-3,3-8,1-18,3-8,1-3,3-6,1-1,3-1,2-5,6-1,3-1,1-3,3-1,8-1,2-3,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-6,3-1,1-3,3-1,2-4,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-4,3-3,1-3,3-1,2-4,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-4,3-3,1-3,3-1,2-3,6-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-6,3-1,1-3,3-6,1-1,3-1,6-1,2-5,3-1,1-10,3-8,1-19,t123:196,t134:66,t281:259, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "\nSome levels come with hills already built in. You cannot get rid of these hills, get enough momentum to roll right over them."; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 5,1-108,3-18,2-4,9-1,2-2,4-1,2-14,9-1,2-2,4-1,2-11,8-1,2-2,9-1,2-2,4-1,2-8,7-1,2-5,9-1,2-2,4-1,2-14,9-1,2-2,4-1,2-10,3-18,1-90, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "\nYou cannot make hills with checkered tiles. You may need to get creative."; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 6,1-40,3-9,1-9,3-1,19-7,3-1,1-9,3-1,19-7,3-1,1-9,3-1,19-3,7-1,19-3,3-1,1-9,3-1,19-3,2-1,19-3,3-1,1-9,3-1,19-7,3-1,1-9,3-1,19-7,3-1,1-9,3-1,19-7,3-1,1-9,3-1,19-7,3-1,1-9,3-1,19-7,3-1,1-9,3-1,19-7,3-1,1-9,3-1,19-3,8-1,19-3,3-1,1-9,3-1,19-7,3-1,1-9,3-9,1-41, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "\nAny coins in the level need to be collected before reaching the goal."; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 7,1-95,3-8,1-10,3-1,2-6,3-1,1-10,3-1,2-2,7-1,2-3,3-1,1-10,3-1,2-6,3-1,1-10,3-1,8-6,3-1,1-10,3-1,18-6,3-1,1-10,3-1,18-6,3-1,1-10,3-8,1-95, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "\ntiles with arrows on them will snap the ball into the direction indicated."; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 8,1-19,3-5,1-6,3-5,1-2,3-1,2-4,1-6,2-4,3-1,1-2,3-1,2-1,7-1,2-2,1-6,2-2,8-1,2-1,3-1,1-2,3-1,2-4,1-6,2-4,3-1,1-2,3-1,2-4,1-6,4-4,3-1,1-2,3-1,2-4,1-6,2-4,3-1,1-2,3-1,2-4,1-6,2-4,3-1,1-2,3-1,2-4,1-6,2-4,3-1,1-2,3-1,2-4,1-6,2-4,3-1,1-2,3-1,2-4,1-6,2-4,3-1,1-2,3-1,2-4,1-6,2-4,3-1,1-2,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,1-6,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,1-2,3-1,2-4,1-6,2-4,3-1,1-2,3-1,2-4,1-6,2-4,3-1,1-2,3-1,12-10,2-4,3-1,1-2,3-1,2-4,1-6,2-4,3-1,1-2,3-5,1-6,3-5,1-1, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "\nOne last little feature."; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 9,1-19,3-7,1-2,3-7,1-2,3-1,2-6,1-2,20-1,2-5,3-1,1-2,3-1,2-1,8-1,2-4,1-2,20-1,2-5,3-1,1-2,3-1,2-6,1-2,20-1,2-5,3-1,1-2,3-1,2-6,1-2,20-1,2-5,3-1,1-2,3-1,2-6,1-2,20-1,2-5,3-1,1-2,3-1,5-6,1-2,2-6,3-1,1-2,3-1,5-6,1-2,2-6,3-1,1-2,3-1,5-6,1-2,2-6,3-1,1-2,3-1,5-6,1-2,2-6,3-1,1-2,3-1,2-5,20-1,1-2,2-6,3-1,1-2,3-1,2-5,20-1,1-2,2-6,3-1,1-2,3-1,2-5,20-1,1-2,2-6,3-1,1-2,3-1,2-1,7-1,2-3,20-1,1-2,2-6,3-1,1-2,3-1,2-5,20-1,1-2,2-6,3-1,1-2,3-7,1-2,3-7,1-19, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n\"Speed\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 10,4-4,2-4,17-1,1-1,2-5,17-1,1-2,12-1,4-3,2-4,1-1,12-1,2-5,1-1,12-1,6-2,4-3,2-4,16-1,1-1,2-5,16-1,1-22,4-3,2-5,12-1,18-1,17-1,2-5,1-1,6-1,4-3,2-5,1-3,12-1,4-3,6-1,1-2,4-3,2-5,12-1,18-1,16-1,2-5,6-1,1-17,4-1,1-2,4-3,2-10,12-1,6-1,4-1,1-1,6-1,4-3,2-10,1-2,7-1,1-2,4-3,2-10,12-1,8-1,2-1,1-18,8-3,1-1,8-3,1-1,8-2,1-1,8-2,1-1,8-2,1-2,8-1,1-3,8-1,1-1,8-1,1-1,8-1,1-2,8-1,1-2,8-1,1-1,8-1,1-2,8-1,1-2,8-3,1-1,8-2,1-1,8-2,1-1,8-1,1-1,8-1,1-3,8-1,1-1,8-1,1-3,8-1,1-2,8-1,1-2,8-1,1-1,8-1,1-1,8-3,1-1,8-1,1-3,8-2,1-1,8-2,1-1,8-2,1-19,t36:92,t108:165,t127:37,t162:92, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n\"SkeeBall\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 11,3-18,2-3,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,13-1,19-6,9-1,3-1,2-3,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,13-1,19-2,3-3,19-1,9-1,3-1,2-3,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,13-1,19-2,3-1,8-1,19-2,9-1,3-1,2-3,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,13-1,19-2,3-3,19-1,9-1,3-1,2-3,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,13-1,19-6,9-1,3-1,2-3,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,13-1,19-6,9-1,3-1,2-3,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,13-1,19-1,3-2,19-3,9-1,3-1,2-1,7-1,2-1,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,13-1,19-1,3-1,6-1,19-3,9-1,3-1,2-3,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,6-1,19-1,3-1,6-1,19-3,9-1,3-1,2-3,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,11-1,19-1,3-2,19-3,9-1,3-1,2-3,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,11-1,19-6,9-1,3-1,2-3,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,11-1,19-6,9-1,3-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,11-1,19-2,3-3,19-1,9-1,3-1,2-3,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,11-1,19-2,3-1,8-1,19-2,9-1,3-1,12-1,11-1,10-1,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,11-1,19-2,3-3,19-1,9-1,3-1,11-1,6-1,11-1,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,11-1,19-6,9-1,3-19,t157:290,t172:290,t175:290, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = newline; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 12,1-13,2-1,5-1,2-1,8-1,1-14,5-1,3-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,1-2,2-1,3-1,5-1,1-3,2-1,1-4,2-2,4-1,2-1,3-1,1-2,2-1,5-1,2-4,5-1,3-1,1-4,2-1,1-1,2-1,5-1,1-3,5-1,1-4,2-1,1-5,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-4,4-1,1-5,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-2,7-1,1-1,2-1,1-4,4-1,1-5,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,3-1,1-2,4-1,1-5,2-1,1-1,2-1,5-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-2,5-1,2-9,4-1,2-1,3-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,4-1,1-1,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-5,2-1,1-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-3,5-1,3-1,1-1,2-1,1-5,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,5-1,3-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-2,3-1,1-2,2-1,1-1,4-1,1-1,2-1,5-1,3-1,5-2,2-2,4-1,2-3,5-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,4-1,1-4,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-2,5-1,1-2,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-5,2-1,5-1,2-5,5-1,2-2,5-1,3-1,2-1,1-5,5-1,3-1,5-1,1-1,5-1,1-2,2-1,1-4,2-1,5-1,1-4,2-4,5-1,2-3,4-1,2-2,5-2,3-1,1-7,5-1,3-1,5-1,1-6,2-1,5-1"; _root.levelcomments[li] = newline; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 13,1-9,3-1,1-10,6-1,1-6,6-1,1-5,2-1,1-4,4-1,1-6,19-1,1-5,2-1,1-4,4-1,1-6,19-1,1-5,2-1,1-4,4-1,1-6,19-1,1-1,9-1,1-3,2-1,1-4,4-1,1-4,2-1,1-1,19-1,1-5,2-1,1-4,4-1,1-4,2-1,1-1,19-1,1-5,2-1,1-4,4-1,1-4,2-1,1-1,19-1,1-5,2-1,1-4,4-1,1-6,19-1,1-1,9-1,1-3,2-1,1-4,4-1,1-6,4-1,1-5,2-1,1-4,4-1,1-4,2-1,1-1,19-1,1-5,2-1,1-4,4-1,1-4,2-1,1-1,19-1,1-5,2-1,1-4,4-1,1-6,19-1,1-1,9-1,1-3,2-1,1-4,4-1,1-4,2-1,1-1,4-1,1-5,2-1,1-4,4-1,1-4,2-1,1-1,19-1,1-5,2-1,1-4,7-1,1-4,2-1,1-1,19-1,1-5,2-1,1-4,2-1,1-6,8-1,1-5,2-1,1-4,3-1,1-12,3-1,1-2,t21:28, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = newline; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 14,3-10,2-2,3-1,19-2,2-1,19-2,3-1,4-9,5-1,2-1,3-1,19-2,7-1,19-2,3-1,4-1,3-2,4-6,18-1,2-1,3-1,19-2,2-1,19-2,4-10,5-1,2-1,3-1,19-2,2-1,19-2,6-1,4-6,3-2,4-1,18-1,2-1,3-1,19-2,2-1,19-2,3-1,4-2,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-4,5-1,2-1,3-1,19-2,20-1,19-2,3-1,4-9,18-1,2-1,3-3,2-1,19-2,3-1,4-6,19-3,11-1,19-2,1-1,3-2,2-1,19-1,3-1,4-4,3-1,4-1,19-3,11-1,19-2,1-2,3-1,2-1,19-1,3-1,4-4,3-1,4-1,19-3,11-1,19-2,1-2,3-1,2-1,19-1,3-1,4-2,3-1,4-3,19-2,9-1,11-1,19-2,1-2,3-1,2-1,19-1,3-1,4-6,19-3,11-1,9-1,19-1,1-2,3-1,2-1,19-1,3-1,4-6,19-2,9-1,11-1,19-2,1-2,3-1,2-1,19-1,3-8,19-2,11-1,19-2,1-2,3-1,2-1,19-1,4-4,6-1,4-2,3-1,19-5,1-2,3-1,2-1,19-1,4-7,3-1,19-2,18-2,2-3,3-1,2-1,19-1,4-2,8-1,4-4,3-1,19-2,2-5,3-1,2-1,19-1,4-7,3-1,19-7,3-1,19-2,t73:257, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = newline; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 15,19-6,1-12,19-6,1-7,2-4,19-3,8-1,4-3,1-7,19-11,1-7,20-1,4-3,10-1,19-6,1-7,19-5,1-13,2-4,19-1,1-17,4-1,1-17,4-1,1-17,4-1,1-17,4-1,1-17,4-1,1-17,4-1,2-2,4-1,19-2,2-2,19-3,2-5,4-1,19-1,11-1,2-2,4-1,19-9,1-1,19-2,4-1,19-1,11-1,2-1,7-1,4-1,19-9,1-1,19-2,4-1,19-1,11-1,2-2,4-1,19-2,9-1,19-6,1-1,19-2,4-1,19-1,11-1,2-2,4-1,2-6,19-6,4-1,19-1,11-1,1-18, #"; _root.colstart[2] = li; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n \"Hole #1\nWe start with what would normally be a straightforward first hole: an iron shot over a short fairway, between two bunkers, and onto a small green. Unfortunately, the grounds crew has planted a tree right on front of the tee. Those responsible for the incident have been sacked--but you still have to deal with the tree.\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Hole 1,2-14,1-1,3-2,1-1,2-14,1-2,3-1,1-1,2-14,1-2,3-1,1-1,2-3,7-1,2-10,1-2,3-1,1-1,2-14,1-2,3-1,1-1,2-5,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-6,1-4,2-6,4-3,2-5,1-4,2-5,4-5,2-2,5-2,1-4,2-6,4-5,5-3,1-4,2-7,4-4,5-3,1-4,2-8,4-3,5-3,1-4,2-8,5-3,2-3,1-4,2-7,5-4,2-1,4-3,1-3,2-7,5-4,2-1,4-1,8-1,4-1,1-15,4-3,1-57, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n \"Hole #2\nCCC quickly ramps up the difficulty on the second hole with an island green. A short approach shot is followed by a precision wedge or short iron shot over the water. Wayward shots will find the deep, inescapable bunkers, while anything not dead on target will roll off the sloping green and into the drink.\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Hole 2,1-3,5-2,4-4,5-2,1-4,3-3,1-2,5-2,4-2,8-1,4-3,5-2,1-5,3-1,1-3,5-1,4-6,5-2,1-3,3-3,1-5,4-1,6-1,4-2,5-2,1-4,3-1,1-17,3-3,2-1,1-17,2-1,1-17,2-2,1-15,2-4,1-13,2-6,1-10,2-9,4-3,2-14,4-2,6-1,4-2,2-14,4-7,2-12,4-7,7-1,2-9,3-1,4-6,2-11,3-2,2-47,t205:61, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n \"Hole #3\nThe third hole looks intimidating to the newcomer, with two massive bunkers flanking the fairway, but a skillful tee shot will make it past the hazards and find its way to the green. A pond flanks the green on the left side but doesn't come into play; more important is the row of pines on the right.\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Hole 3,1-4,2-10,1-1,3-3,1-3,2-2,4-1,7-1,4-1,2-6,1-3,3-1,1-3,2-2,4-3,2-6,1-2,3-2,1-2,2-3,4-3,2-6,1-3,3-1,1-2,2-3,4-3,2-3,3-2,2-1,1-1,3-3,1-1,5-2,2-2,4-3,2-3,3-2,2-1,1-5,5-3,2-1,4-3,2-11,5-4,4-2,5-1,2-12,5-3,4-1,5-3,2-12,5-2,4-1,5-3,2-5,3-2,2-5,3-1,4-2,5-3,2-5,3-2,2-6,4-2,5-3,2-12,3-1,4-1,5-3,1-3,2-11,4-1,5-2,1-5,2-9,3-1,4-3,1-5,2-10,4-1,8-1,4-1,1-5,2-3,3-2,2-4,3-1,4-3,1-5,2-3,3-2,2-9,1-3,2-7, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n \"Hole #4\nAfter the relatively easy third hole, the course architects at CCC decided to mix things up a bit. This hole has two separate fairways arranged almost parallel to each other, allowing the player to take the longer, safer(?) way around or risk an iron shot over the water. The green is a large and tempting target, but it is ringed by willows at the water's edge.\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Hole 4,2-14,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-3,5-3,2-8,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-2,5-5,2-7,1-1,3-3,2-2,5-1,4-3,5-1,2-2,4-2,1-6,3-1,5-3,4-3,5-2,4-4,1-5,3-1,5-3,4-3,1-2,4-5,1-5,5-2,4-3,2-1,1-3,4-5,1-4,2-1,5-1,4-3,2-1,1-4,4-5,1-3,2-2,4-3,2-2,1-4,4-5,2-5,4-3,2-1,1-5,4-6,2-3,4-3,2-1,1-5,2-1,4-5,2-3,4-3,2-1,1-5,3-1,4-3,8-1,4-1,2-4,4-3,1-5,2-1,4-5,2-4,4-3,1-5,3-1,4-5,2-4,4-3,1-6,2-1,6-1,4-2,3-1,2-5,7-1,6-1,1-6,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-9,1-10,2-9,1-9,t277:267, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n \"Hole #5\nThe fifth hole, with its alternating bunkers biting into the otherwise straight fairway, is reminiscent of the third, but the small tee makes it a more demanding hole. The picturesque fifth is known for its banks of red and violet tulips, which golfers admire as they hack away at balls buried in the bunkers.\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Hole 5,3-1,2-12,3-1,1-1,3-3,2-2,3-10,2-2,1-1,3-1,1-2,2-1,3-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,3-1,2-1,1-1,3-3,2-1,3-1,4-1,6-1,4-1,6-1,4-1,6-1,4-1,6-1,4-1,6-1,3-1,2-1,1-3,3-1,2-2,3-10,2-2,1-1,3-4,2-12,3-1,1-22,2-23,5-3,2-10,4-5,5-3,4-16,5-2,4-11,8-1,4-8,5-3,4-3,7-1,2-1,4-10,5-3,4-8,2-7,5-3,2-1,4-4,2-18,1-18,3-19,5-1,3-1,6-1,3-1,5-1,3-1,6-1,3-1,5-1,3-1,6-1,3-1,5-1,3-1,6-1,3-1,5-1, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n \"Hole #6\nThe sixth makes excellent use of the natural water features on the course (CCC, like Venice, is built on a lagoon--the countless golf balls that find their way into the water hazards keep it afloat). A short fairway juts into a meandering bend in a river, providing the player with little room to maneuver before chipping across to the green on the other side. Peonies on the far bank spell out the club's initials.\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Hole 6,4-13,2-1,1-1,3-3,4-2,5-2,4-2,5-2,4-2,5-2,4-1,2-1,1-1,3-1,1-2,4-1,5-1,4-3,5-1,4-3,5-1,4-3,2-1,1-1,3-3,4-1,5-1,4-3,5-1,4-3,5-1,4-3,2-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,4-2,5-2,4-2,5-2,4-2,5-2,4-1,2-1,1-1,3-3,4-13,2-1,1-15,2-7,1-14,2-8,1-1,2-4,1-8,2-5,1-1,6-1,4-2,2-4,1-5,2-2,7-1,2-1,6-1,1-1,4-6,2-4,1-2,2-5,1-1,4-9,2-1,1-2,2-5,1-1,2-3,4-6,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-7,2-4,4-2,6-1,1-3,2-1,1-10,2-3,1-3,2-7,1-10,6-1,4-2,2-8,1-6,2-1,4-3,2-15,4-2,8-1,t184:168,t248:286, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n \"Hole #7\nAfter the waterlogged first six holes, CCC leaves the lagoon behind for drier terrain. The broad fairway on the seventh is welcoming, but unwary players looking for a straight shot to the pin may find themselves trapped in Death Valley, the huge bunker that guards the left side of the green. Rows of aspens flank the fairway on the right, bursting into brilliant gold in autumn but keeping players on their toes year round.\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Hole 7,2-6,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-1,1-1,3-3,2-2,4-3,2-2,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-2,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-1,4-3,2-2,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-2,1-3,3-1,4-4,2-1,4-3,2-1,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-1,1-3,3-1,4-2,8-1,4-1,2-1,4-4,2-1,3-1,2-2,3-1,1-3,3-1,4-4,2-1,4-5,2-1,3-1,2-2,1-4,2-1,4-2,5-3,4-5,2-1,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-4,5-5,4-5,2-1,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-3,5-5,4-6,2-1,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-2,5-5,4-7,2-1,3-1,2-5,5-3,4-9,2-1,3-1,2-6,4-11,2-1,3-5,2-2,4-11,2-1,3-1,6-1,5-1,3-2,2-2,4-9,2-2,3-1,5-1,6-1,5-1,3-2,2-2,4-7,2-3,3-1,6-1,5-1,6-1,5-1,3-1,2-3,4-5,2-4,3-1,5-1,6-1,5-1,6-1,3-1,2-4,4-3,2-3,7-1,2-1,3-6,2-5,4-1,2-6, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n \"Hole #8\nThe eighth is something of a novelty, with no green, a pin almost right next to the tee, and a figure-eight fairway. Clusters of Japanese maples fill the \"holes\" of the eight and a long bunker wraps around the far end, but what makes this hole really challenging is the natural pine forest that surrounds it. A pine needle-strewn forest floor substitutes for a grass rough, and the fragrance of the trees calms the nerves--which is fortunate, since players spend a lot of time here chasing ricocheted balls.\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Hole 8,5-1,6-1,3-1,2-7,3-1,2-3,1-1,3-3,6-1,5-1,3-1,2-4,3-1,2-6,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-4,2-1,8-1,2-4,3-1,2-3,3-1,1-1,3-3,2-3,3-1,2-10,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-2,7-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,4-3,2-2,3-1,2-2,1-1,3-3,2-5,3-1,4-4,2-4,1-4,2-4,4-3,3-1,4-3,2-3,3-1,2-4,3-1,2-2,4-2,3-1,2-1,3-1,4-2,5-2,2-3,3-1,2-5,4-3,3-1,4-3,5-4,2-5,3-1,2-2,4-9,5-2,2-8,4-9,5-2,2-1,3-1,2-6,5-2,4-3,3-1,4-3,5-1,2-5,3-1,2-2,5-2,4-2,3-1,2-1,3-1,4-2,5-1,2-2,3-1,2-6,5-1,4-3,3-1,4-3,5-1,2-7,3-1,2-1,5-2,4-5,5-2,2-4,3-1,2-5,5-2,4-3,5-2,2-3,3-1,2-5,3-1,2-2,5-5,2-8,3-1,2-10,3-1,2-1, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n \"Hole #9\nPerhaps the hardest hole on the course, the signature ninth is a dogleg left that wraps around a small pond. On the inside of the bend is a small bunker, while the outside is guarded by a stream and a bank of flowers. Two lone poplars stand behind the green to snag too-long approach shots, but a lucky bounce can put a wayward ball back on course.\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Hole 9,2-6,1-1,2-7,1-1,3-3,2-6,1-1,2-7,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-4,7-1,2-1,1-2,2-6,1-1,3-3,2-3,4-3,1-3,2-5,1-3,3-1,2-2,4-4,1-4,2-4,1-3,3-1,1-1,4-5,1-5,2-3,1-5,4-5,1-6,2-6,1-1,4-5,1-3,3-2,1-2,2-5,1-1,2-1,4-4,1-3,3-2,1-3,2-4,1-1,2-2,4-3,5-1,1-8,2-3,1-2,2-1,4-3,5-2,1-6,2-4,1-2,2-1,4-4,5-2,1-4,2-5,1-2,2-2,4-8,2-1,4-3,2-2,3-3,2-2,4-12,3-2,5-1,3-2,2-2,4-8,8-1,4-2,2-1,3-1,4-1,5-1,3-2,2-4,4-8,3-2,6-1,4-1,5-1,3-1,2-8,4-3,2-2,3-5,2-13, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n \"The Putting Green\nAfter finishing the nine regular holes, a lot of golfers stop by the putting green to work on their short stick before heading back to the clubhouse. Only one hole is open at the moment; the rest are filled with wooden posts to present an extra challenge. Oh, and watch out for the gophers off the green--if they get hold of your ball it's unlikely you'll ever get it back.\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Putter,2-1,6-1,2-14,6-1,2-1,6-1,2-5,4-6,2-5,6-1,2-4,4-4,3-1,4-5,2-1,7-1,2-5,4-12,2-5,4-3,3-1,4-10,2-4,4-10,3-1,4-3,2-3,4-1,3-1,4-5,3-1,4-8,2-2,4-14,3-1,4-1,2-2,4-16,2-2,3-1,4-3,3-1,4-2,3-1,4-6,3-1,4-1,2-2,4-10,3-1,4-5,2-2,4-16,2-3,4-3,8-1,4-10,2-4,4-12,3-1,4-1,2-5,4-4,3-1,4-2,3-1,4-4,2-7,4-10,2-4,6-1,2-5,4-6,2-5,6-1,2-1,6-1,2-14,6-1,2-1,t2:289,t17:2,t19:17,t36:306,t289:323,t306:308,t308:19,t323:36, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n \"Hole #10: The back nine at CCC starts out with a hole trickier than it may look at first. The lake to the left of the tee doesn't really come into play, but the two bunkers flanking the landing area certainly do. There are two ways to approach this hole, one conservative and one aggressive, but both have their risks. Get stuck in the bunkers or lose your ball out of bounds and you'll be back on the tee in no time.\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Hole 10,2-5,4-3,2-2,3-1,2-2,5-4,2-2,3-1,2-2,4-5,2-4,5-4,2-5,4-2,8-1,4-2,2-5,5-2,2-4,3-1,2-1,4-5,2-2,4-3,2-4,3-1,2-4,4-3,2-2,4-5,2-9,5-4,4-5,2-6,3-1,2-2,5-5,4-4,2-2,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-4,5-5,4-5,2-9,5-4,4-5,2-1,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-5,5-3,4-5,2-6,3-1,1-5,2-2,4-5,3-2,2-3,1-7,2-1,4-5,2-1,1-11,2-1,4-5,2-1,3-1,1-1,3-3,1-6,2-2,4-3,2-2,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-7,2-2,7-1,2-3,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-7,2-6,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-7,2-6,3-1,1-1,3-3,1-7,2-6, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n \"Hole #11: Two island greens on one course? Have the course architects gone mad? Quite possibly, but the back nine's second hole offers a different challenge from the front nine's second hole: not only do you have to worry about the direction of your shot, the much smaller green means that distance is crucial here as well. A shot just a fraction too long or too short will leave you wet. Timid players may try to find a way around the water, but it's not as easy as it looks.\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Hole 11,3-5,2-9,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-5,2-10,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-4,2-3,7-1,2-5,9-1,2-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-3,2-12,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-2,2-2,4-4,2-7,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-2,2-1,4-6,2-6,1-4,3-1,4-8,2-9,4-4,20-1,4-5,2-2,3-1,2-5,4-2,1-9,2-5,9-1,2-1,4-1,1-11,2-6,4-1,1-11,2-6,1-12,2-2,5-2,2-2,1-11,2-2,5-4,2-1,1-10,2-3,5-4,2-1,1-10,2-3,5-4,2-1,4-3,1-6,2-5,5-2,2-2,4-1,8-1,4-2,2-7,3-1,2-6,4-3,1-7,2-7,9-1, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n \"Hole #12: After the last island green, CCC moves away from the water and stretches into more hilly terrain, and the twelfth's fairway runs along a valley nestled between two of those hills. This hole began as a straightforward shot at the pin, but after a night of heavy drinking the superintendent decided that it needed to grow some teeth, and his crew built a bunker right in the middle of the fairway. The once-straightforward hole now requires a little lateral thinking.\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Hole 12,9-13,2-2,4-3,9-12,2-3,4-1,8-1,4-1,9-11,4-1,2-3,4-3,9-10,4-3,2-5,9-9,4-5,2-4,9-8,4-7,2-2,9-8,4-9,9-8,4-2,5-3,4-4,9-8,4-3,5-3,4-3,9-8,4-4,5-3,4-2,9-8,4-9,9-8,4-9,9-8,2-1,4-8,9-2,1-6,2-3,4-6,9-3,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-3,2-4,4-4,9-4,1-1,3-1,1-3,3-1,2-5,4-2,9-5,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-3,2-1,7-1,2-4,9-6,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-2,2-5,9-7,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-3, # "; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n \"Hole #13: From the valley of the twelfth, the thirteenth moves into slightly flatter terrain. A tall pine forest to the right of the green prevents a direct shot at the pin, but it is the hilly green itself that stymies players on this hole. A solid tee shot will leave the player with a short approach, but placement is everything on that second shot. The irregular dips and slopes of the green have a tendency to catch balls and roll them away from the pin.\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Hole 13,2-9,3-1,2-15,3-1,2-4,3-1,2-3,7-1,2-10,3-1,2-9,4-2,9-1,4-1,9-1,2-7,3-1,2-4,9-1,4-2,9-1,4-3,2-1,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-3,9-1,4-3,2-6,4-4,2-1,9-3,8-1,9-3,2-3,3-1,2-1,4-5,2-1,4-3,9-1,4-3,2-1,3-1,2-2,4-5,2-2,4-3,9-1,4-2,9-1,2-3,4-5,2-4,9-1,4-1,9-1,4-2,2-3,4-5,2-13,4-4,2-8,4-3,2-4,4-2,2-8,4-5,2-5,1-6,2-3,4-5,2-1,5-2,2-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-3,5-3,2-1,4-4,2-1,5-2,2-1,1-1,3-1,1-3,3-1,5-4,2-1,4-2,2-5,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-3,5-4,2-8,1-1,3-1,1-3,3-1,5-4,2-8,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-3, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n \"Hole #14: The hills are less of a concern on the fourteenth hole, which is set in the middle of a carefully maintained poplar forest. The manicured rows of trees run right up to the left edge of the narrow fairway, and a thin bunker guards the only approach to the green, so finesse is key here. Balls lost in the trees tend to ricochet wildly; it is possible to save a wayward shot here, but it's very difficult.\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Hole 14,19-12,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,19-12,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-3,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-3,3-1,2-5,19-7,1-1,3-1,1-3,3-1,2-5,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,1-6,2-3,7-1,2-3,19-11,2-4,4-2,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-3,4-3,9-1,19-11,2-1,3-1,2-1,4-4,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,19-2,2-2,4-4,9-1,19-9,2-1,3-1,2-2,4-5,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,19-2,2-3,4-5,9-1,2-5,4-1,2-2,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,4-7,2-3,4-3,19-4,2-3,4-5,2-1,5-1,4-2,8-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-3,4-2,2-2,5-2,4-3,19-6,2-8,5-2,4-1,2-2,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-5,5-2,2-1, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n \"Hole #15: It's back to the water in a big way for this hole, with two short fairways arranged at odd angles on a thin strip of land between two lakes. Two small bunkers flank the landing area, a hill that threatens to roll balls into the drink on either side. The approach to the green is not difficult; the challenge of the fifteenth lies in the demanding tee shot. A drive straight across the water is an option, but unless you're Tiger Woods it's probably an exercise in futility.\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Hole 15,2-3,4-3,2-1,1-6,3-1,1-1,3-3,2-2,4-2,8-1,4-2,2-1,1-5,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-2,2-3,4-3,2-1,1-6,3-1,1-1,3-3,2-6,1-7,3-1,1-3,3-1,2-5,1-8,3-1,1-1,3-3,2-1,4-3,2-1,1-13,4-5,1-13,4-5,1-13,4-5,2-1,1-12,4-5,2-2,1-11,2-1,4-3,2-2,5-2,1-8,2-7,5-4,1-5,20-1,2-3,1-1,2-5,5-2,2-2,4-4,2-4,1-1,2-3,9-1,2-4,4-6,2-3,1-2,2-7,4-6,2-1,7-1,2-1,1-3,2-6,4-6,2-3,1-4,2-2,5-2,2-2,4-4,2-4,1-5,5-4,2-9, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n \"Water plays only a minor role on the 16th, with a small, picturesque pond sitting right below the tee. The fairway begins on the other side of the pond and slants off to the left, while a large bunker waits to catch shots that fly a little too straight off the tee. The pin sits on the back of a relatively small green, guarded by another bunker on the right. What makes the sixteenth different, though, is the cart path that winds across the apron. The Contours Country Club was once riddled with cart paths--until the members voted to ban carts in an effort to combat their ever-increasing waistlines. The path here remains thanks to a lucky hole out by a prominent member, when an approach shot bounced off the path and into the cup.\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Hole 16,2-2,4-2,2-1,4-2,2-5,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-3,2-2,4-2,7-1,4-2,2-4,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-2,2-3,4-3,2-2,3-1,2-3,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-3,2-3,4-1,20-1,4-1,2-6,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-3,1-3,2-3,3-1,2-2,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-3,2-2,1-5,2-5,1-6,2-3,1-3,2-6,19-6,2-3,4-3,2-2,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,19-1,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-4,4-4,2-5,19-2,2-7,4-5,2-5,19-1,2-8,4-5,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,19-1,2-1,3-1,2-4,5-3,4-5,2-3,19-1,2-5,5-5,4-5,2-2,19-1,2-5,5-5,2-1,4-5,19-2,4-2,2-4,5-3,2-3,4-3,19-2,4-4,2-10,4-1,19-2,5-1,4-2,8-1,4-1,2-11,19-1,5-3,4-3,2-11,19-1,5-4,2-3,#"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n \"The fairway here is rather short, and really only serves as a launching point to cross The Chasm--the broad swath of sandy beach that cuts the hole in two. As if this weren't challenge enough, the hole is also crisscrossed with fast-flowing streams that carry balls away to the great lake on the 18th. The brave golfer who conquers these two obstacles will find a final, formidable foe on the green side of the streams: the dreaded Gophers of the Seventeenth. Although the groundskeeper has vowed to rid the course of these pests (at times resorting to extreme measures), they seem to be entrenched here. Miss the green and the rambunctious rodents will wreak havoc with your ball. They may end up helping you, but more often than not they'll carry your ball way into their impenetrable maze of tunnels.\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Hole 17,2-1,13-1,2-3,1-1,2-6,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-3,2-4,10-1,1-1,2-2,3-1,2-3,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-1,4-3,2-1,1-1,2-4,3-1,2-1,1-1,3-1,1-3,3-1,4-5,1-1,2-1,20-1,2-4,1-1,3-1,1-3,3-1,4-2,8-1,4-2,1-1,2-6,1-1,3-1,1-3,3-1,4-5,1-1,2-3,3-1,2-2,1-6,2-1,4-3,1-2,2-5,5-4,2-4,15-1,2-1,1-2,2-5,5-4,2-7,1-1,2-5,5-4,2-7,11-1,1-1,2-2,20-1,2-1,5-4,2-9,1-1,2-3,5-4,2-10,1-1,2-2,5-4,2-2,4-2,2-7,1-1,2-2,5-3,2-2,4-4,2-3,1-7,5-1,2-3,4-2,20-1,4-2,2-2,3-6,1-1,2-5,4-3,2-3,6-1,5-1,6-1,5-1,6-1,3-1,1-1,2-6,4-1,2-1,7-1,2-2,5-1,6-1,5-1,6-1,5-1,3-1,1-1,2-11,6-1,5-1,6-1,5-1,6-1,3-1,1-1,2-11,#"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n \"The finale hole features the trademark \"button-down fairway,\" so named because the patches of rough running down the center resemble buttons. The fairway is lined on the left by a row of old oaks and skirts the great lake on the right. Cautious players may opt to hit the length of the fairway, stopping short of the bunker that caps the far end, and then attempt a long approach shot over dry land. Those with a bit more ambition--or those desperate to make up strokes on this last hole--may try to take a shortcut over the lake. It's not as long a shot as some of the other water holes, but distances over water can be deceiving, and many golfers find themselves taking an unexpected dip--not really the best way to finish out a round of golf.\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Hole 18,2-5,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-8,4-7,2-4,5-2,2-4,4-13,5-2,2-3,4-2,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-7,5-1,2-2,7-1,4-8,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,5-1,2-4,4-13,5-1,1-2,2-7,20-1,4-6,5-2,1-5,20-1,2-1,1-5,2-3,5-2,2-1,1-13,2-5,1-14,2-4,1-13,2-4,5-1,1-13,2-3,5-2,1-12,2-4,5-2,3-1,1-1,3-3,1-6,2-5,5-2,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-5,2-6,5-2,3-1,1-1,3-3,1-5,2-4,4-3,5-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-4,2-3,3-1,4-5,3-1,1-1,3-3,1-4,2-4,4-2,8-1,4-2,#"; _root.colstart[3] = li; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n \"Keep It Going: (hardish)\""; _root.levels[li++] = "hmm,1-18,2-2,1-6,2-2,1-8,2-1,8-1,2-1,1-4,2-1,4-2,2-1,1-8,2-3,1-2,2-1,4-1,5-2,4-1,2-1,1-8,2-3,1-1,4-1,5-1,2-2,5-1,4-1,2-1,1-8,2-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,2-4,5-1,4-1,2-1,1-8,4-1,5-1,2-6,5-1,4-1,2-1,1-5,2-1,4-1,5-10,4-1,2-1,1-3,2-1,4-14,2-1,1 -1,2-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,4-14,2-1,1-3,2-1,4-1,5-10,4-1,2-1,1-5,2-1,4-1,5-1,2-6,5-1,4-1,2-1,1-7,2-1,4-1,5-1,2-4,5-1,4-1,2-1,1-9,2-1,4-1,5-1,2-2,5-1,4-1,2-3,1-9,2-1,4-1,5-2,4-1,2-1,1-1,2-3,1-9,2-1,4-2,2-1,1-3,2-1,7-1,2-1,1-9,2-2,1-5,2-2,1-1, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n \"Lava Island: (easyish)\""; _root.levels[li++] = "lava,5-43,2-1,5-12,8-1,2-4,5-13,2-5,5-16,2-2,5-16,2-2,5-2,2-3,5-11,2-7,5-10,2-8,5-10,2-2,5-3,2-3,5-15,2-3,5-15,2-8,5-10,2-8,5-10,2-8,5-15,2-1,7-1,2-1,5-15,2-3,5-15,2-3,5-19, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n \"Bounce It Around: (easyish)\""; _root.levels[li++] = "hmm,4-9,3-2,4-8,2-7,4-1,3-2,4-1,8-1,4-6,2-7,4-1,3-2,4-8,2-2,7-1,2-4,4-1,3-2,4-8,2-7,4-1,3-2,4-6,3-1,4-1,2-7,4-1,3-2,4-6,3-1,4-1,2-7,4-1,3-2,4-6,3-1,4-1,2-7,4-1,3-2,4-6,3-1,4-9,3-2,4-6,3-1,4-17,3-1,4-132,3-6,4-6"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n \"4 Hills (insanely hard i think)\""; _root.levels[li++] = "4HillsII,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-2,3-1,1-2,3-3,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-2,3-1,1-2,3-1,1-1,3-3,1-1,3-3,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-2,3-1,1-2,3-2,1-2,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-2,3-1,1-3,3-1,1-2,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-2,1-1,3-2,1-1,3-2,1-63,8-1,2-4,1-17,2-5,1-14,2-4,1-14,2-3,1-14,2-2,4-2,1-13,2-4,1-13,2-4,1-4,2-1,7-1,4-2,2-8,4-1,1-14,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,1-9,2-5,1-8"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n \"Medium:\""; _root.levels[li++] = "medium,1-1,8-1,2-1,5-1,2-2,1-5,3-7,1-3,2-1,1-7,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,1-3,2-1,1-2,3-1,1-4,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,1-3,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-4,3-3,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,1-3,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-5,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,1-3,2-1,1-2,2-2,1-4,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,1-3,2-2,5-1,2-2,1-4,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,1-3,5-1,2-1,5-1,1-1,2-3,1-2,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,1-3,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-1,2-2,1-2,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,1-8,2-2,1-2,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,1-8,2-2,1-2,3-3,2-1,3-2,1-8,4-1,1-5,3-2,2-1,3-1,1-8,4-1,1-5,3-4,1-8,4-1,1-17,4-1,1-9,2-1,7-1,4-6,5-1,2-4,1-13,2-1,1-27"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n \"Logical - Trick to it....\""; _root.levels[li++] = "logical,3-19,1-7,3-8,8-1,3-2,1-1,3-5,1-1,3-8,2-1,3-2,1-1,3-1,1-3,3-1,1-1,3-8,2-1,3-2,1-1,3-1,1-1,6-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-5,1-2,3-1,2-1,3-2,1-1,3-1,1-3,3-1,1-1,3-4,1-3,3-1,2-1,3-2,1-1,3-5,1-1,3-3,1-3,3-2,2-1,3-2,1-7,3-2,1-3,3-3,2-1,3-11,1-2,3-4,2-1,3-17,2-1,3-8,1-2,3-7,2-1,3-8,1-2,3-7,2-1,3-17,2-1,3-2,6-1,3-12,2-3,3-2,2-3,6-1,3-8,2-2,6-1,5-1,3-2,2-1,3-12,2-3,3-2,7-1,3-17,2-1,3-16,t236:77,t257:268"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n \"As far as I know, there is only one path, and it may not be very obvious...\""; _root.levels[li++] = "OnePath,1-1,2-1,1-1,3-1,2-7,1-1,2-1,3-1,1-4,2-1,5-1,2-7,3-1,2-2,5-1,2-3,8-1,1-2,2-1,1-1,4-1,1-7,2-1,1-4,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-1,4-1,1-1,2-2,1-3,2-1,1-2,2-2,1-1,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-1,4-1,1-1,2-2,1-2,5-1,2-2,1-1,2-2,1-1,2-1,3-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,4-1,1-4,2-4,1-4,5-1,2-1,1-1,4-1,1-1,4-1,1-4,2-1,1-2,2-3,1-1,2-2,1-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,4-3,5-2,2-1,5-1,1-2,2-2,5-1,1-1,2-2,1-1,5-1,1-1,4-1,1-2,2-3,1-1,5-1,1-1,2-1,5-1,1-2,3-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,4-1,2-9,1-3,2-2,1-1,2-1,1-1,5-1,2-2,1-1,2-3,5-1,1-5,2-2,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-2,1-3,2-1,1-1,5-1,1-2,2-2,1-1,2-2,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,3-1,1-2,2-2,1-1,4-1,1-2,2-2,1-1,2-2,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-2,3-1,2-3,1-1,4-1,1-5,2-3,4-1,2-1,7-1,2-3,5-1,4-9,3-1,2-4,1-6,2-1,1-5,2-1,1-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,4-1,2-5,5-2,4-1,2-4,5-1,2-1,1-1,2-3,1-6,2-1,1-5,2-1,1-1, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n \"This one is kind of random and set in a checkerboard... enjoy!\""; _root.levels[li++] = "checkers,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,8-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,5-1,3-1,2-2,5-1,3-1,2-2,5-1,3-1,2-2,5-1,3-1,2-4,5-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,5-1,6-1,2-2,5-2,2-2,5-1,6-1,2-4,6-1,5-1,2-2,5-2,2-2,6-1,5-1,2-2,5-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-4,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,5-1,6-1,2-4,5-1,6-1,2-2,5-1,6-1,2-2,5-1,6-1,2-2,5-2,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,5-1,3-1,2-2,5-1,3-1,2-2,5-1,3-1,2-2,5-1,3-1,2-4,5-2,7-1,2-1,5-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,t116:129,t124:210,t129:206,t137:196,t202:116,t206:210,t210:116, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n \"Welcome to Magic Mountain Mini-Golf, where mountains appear out of nowhere, like MAGIC to guide you on your way....\nThe rules: This is pretty much traditional miniature golf... A hole in one can be accomplished by directing the ball to the hole in as few shots as possible, creating as many magic mountains as necessary! The only catch is that mountains must be created before OR after each shot...\nHole 1: Par 3\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Magic 01,4-1,3-7,2-1,1-1,4-1,3-7,4-1,3-1,4-5,3-1,1-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,4-5,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-2,5-1,4-2,3-1,2-1,1-1,4-1,3-1,4-2,8-1,4-2,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,5-2,4-2,3-1,1-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,4-5,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-2,5-1,4-2,3-1,2-1,1-1,4-1,3-1,4-5,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-2,5-1,4-2,3-1,1-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,4-5,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,5-3,4-1,3-1,2-1,1-1,4-1,3-1,2-1,4-3,2-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-5,3-1,1-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,2-5,3-1,4-1,3-7,2-1,1-1,4-1,3-1,2-5,3-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,2-5,3-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,4-1,3-1,2-5,3-13,2-5,3-2,2-15,5-1,3-2,2-1,4-2,2-11,5-1,2-1,3-2,2-1,7-1,4-1,2-10,5-1,2-1,5-1,3-2,2-1,4-2,2-9,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,3-2,2-11,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,3-19, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n \"Welcome to Magic Mountain Mini-Golf, where mountains appear out of nowhere, like MAGIC to guide you on your way....\nThe rules: This is pretty much traditional miniature golf... A hole in one can be accomplished by directing the ball to the hole in as few shots as possible, creating as many magic mountains as necessary! The only catch is that mountains must be created before OR after each shot...\nHole 2: Par 2\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Magic 02,3-7,4-11,3-1,5-3,4-1,5-1,3-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,3-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,3-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,3-1,5-1,4-1,5-3,3-1,1-1,2-1,4-9,3-6,1-1,2-1,1-1,4-9,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,4-1,3-4,4-5,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,4-1,3-1,2-3,3-2,4-4,2-1,1-1,4-2,3-4,2-5,3-2,4-3,1-1,2-1,4-1,3-2,6-1,2-8,3-2,4-2,2-1,1-1,4-1,3-1,2-11,3-2,4-1,1-1,2-1,3-2,2-3,3-4,2-5,3-1,4-1,2-1,1-1,3-1,2-4,3-1,4-3,3-1,2-3,4-1,3-1,4-1,1-1,2-1,3-1,2-3,3-2,4-3,3-1,2-2,4-2,3-1,4-1,2-1,1-1,3-1,2-3,3-1,4-4,3-1,2-1,4-3,3-1,4-1,1-1,2-1,3-1,4-3,3-1,4-4,3-1,4-4,3-1,4-1,2-1,1-1,3-1,4-1,7-1,4-1,3-1,4-4,3-1,6-1,4-1,8-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,1-1,2-1,3-1,2-3,3-1,4-4,3-1,4-4,3-1,4-1,2-1,1-1,3-5,4-4,3-6,4-1,t283:150, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n \"Welcome to Magic Mountain Mini-Golf, where mountains appear out of nowhere, like MAGIC to guide you on your way....\nThe rules: This is pretty much traditional miniature golf... A hole in one can be accomplished by directing the ball to the hole in as few shots as possible, creating as many magic mountains as necessary! The only catch is that mountains must be created before OR after each shot...\nHole 3: Par 3\nHole in one confirmed possible!\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Magic 03,3-10,4-3,3-6,4-4,3-1,4-1,6-1,4-1,3-1,4-3,3-1,5-3,3-2,4-2,6-1,4-1,3-1,4-3,3-1,4-3,3-1,4-2,5-1,3-2,4-4,3-1,4-3,3-1,4-3,3-1,5-3,3-2,2-4,3-1,2-3,3-1,4-3,3-1,4-2,5-1,3-2,2-4,3-1,2-3,3-2,4-2,3-1,5-3,3-2,2-4,3-1,2-4,3-1,4-2,3-6,2-3,5-1,3-1,2-4,3-2,4-3,2-1,1-1,2-1,3-1,2-3,5-1,3-1,2-5,3-4,1-1,2-1,1-1,3-1,2-3,5-1,3-1,5-1,2-7,3-1,2-1,1-1,4-1,3-1,2-4,3-1,2-1,5-1,2-6,3-1,1-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,5-1,2-3,3-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-3,8-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,1-1,4-1,3-1,5-1,2-3,3-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-4,3-1,1-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,5-1,2-3,3-10,2-1,1-1,4-1,3-1,4-3,2-1,3-1,4-9,1-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,7-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,4-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,4-1,3-1,2-4,3-1,4-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,4-1,3-6,4-1,2-1,1-1,4-9,t40:26, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Bob Montgomery.\n \"Here's a 5-hole putt-putt course, not too tough\""; _root.levels[li++] = "MiniP1,3-19,2-9,3-1,2-1,6-1,2-1,3-1,6-1,2-1,3-2,2-1,7-1,2-7,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-2,3-2,2-5,5-2,2-2,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-2,3-8,5-1,2-2,3-1,2-1,3-3,2-2,3-2,4-1,6-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-1,3-1,1-2,2-2,3-2,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,2-1,6-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,1-2,2-2,3-2,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,3-5,2-6,3-2,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-4,3-1,2-6,3-2,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-2,6-1,2-1,3-9,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-4,3-1,6-1,2-1,3-1,2-3,3-12,2-2,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-3,6-1,2-2,3-1,2-3,3-2,2-1,5-1,3-1,8-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-1,6-1,3-1,2-2,3-3,2-1,3-3,2-3,3-1,2-3,3-2,2-3,5-1,2-2,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-2,3-2,2-5,3-19,t34:171,t93:237,t117:31,t262:192, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Bob Montgomery.\n \"Breakout\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Breakout,3-18,2-11,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-11,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-11,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-9,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,8-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-9,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,7-1,2-8,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-11,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-11,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-11,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-11,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-11,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-11,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-11,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-11,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-11,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-11,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,2-1,3-19, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Bob Montgomery.\n \"Space Invaders\""; _root.levels[li++] = "SI,2-14,6-1,2-16,6-3,2-16,6-1,2-24,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,8-1,2-27,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-27,6-1,2-1,6-1,2-1,6-1,2-1,6-1,2-1,6-1,2-31,1-1,2-35,1-1,2-13,3-1,2-5,3-1,2-5,3-1,2-4,3-3,2-3,3-3,2-3,3-3,2-25,7-1,2-29,t15:154,t32:156,t33:152,t34:148,t148:51,t150:51,t152:51,t154:51,t156:51, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Bob Montgomery.\n \"Pac-Man #1\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Pac Man,3-19,2-7,3-2,2-7,3-2,4-1,3-2,2-1,3-2,2-1,3-2,2-1,3-2,2-1,3-2,8-1,3-2,2-16,3-2,2-1,3-3,2-1,3-6,2-1,3-3,2-1,3-2,2-3,3-1,2-3,3-2,2-3,3-1,2-3,3-4,2-1,3-3,2-1,3-2,2-1,3-3,2-1,3-6,5-1,3-1,2-8,3-1,2-1,3-3,6-1,2-5,3-1,2-2,5-1,2-1,3-1,2-5,6-1,3-3,2-1,3-3,5-1,2-3,3-3,2-1,3-4,2-4,3-8,2-4,3-2,2-1,3-2,2-4,7-1,2-3,5-1,2-1,3-2,2-1,3-2,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-4,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,4-1,3-3,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-4,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-3,2-4,3-1,2-2,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-4,3-2,2-1,3-5,2-1,3-2,2-1,3-5,2-1,3-2,2-16,3-19,t145:162,t162:145, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Bob Montgomery.\n \"Pac-Man #2\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Pac Man,1-42,4-5,1-11,4-9,1-8,4-11,1-6,4-13,1-5,4-13,1-4,4-12,1-6,4-9,1-9,4-5,1-2,2-1,7-1,6-1,1-5,6-1,8-1,1-1,4-9,1-9,4-12,1-7,4-13,1-5,4-13,1-6,4-11,1-8,4-9,1-11,4-5,1-25,t173:179, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Bob Montgomery."; _root.levels[li++] = "Crosses,2-19,5-16,2-2,5-1,7-1,2-5,4-2,2-6,5-1,2-2,5-1,2-1,3-1,2-4,4-2,2-4,3-1,2-1,5-1,2-2,5-1,2-2,3-1,2-3,4-2,2-3,3-1,2-2,5-1,2-2,5-1,2-3,3-1,2-2,4-2,2-2,3-1,2-3,5-1,2-2,5-1,2-4,3-1,2-1,4-2,2-1,3-1,2-4,5-1,2-2,5-1,2-5,3-1,4-2,3-1,2-5,5-1,2-2,5-1,4-14,5-1,2-2,5-1,4-14,5-1,2-2,5-1,2-5,3-1,4-2,3-1,2-5,5-1,2-2,5-1,2-4,3-1,2-1,4-2,2-1,3-1,2-4,5-1,2-2,5-1,2-3,3-1,2-2,4-2,2-2,3-1,2-3,5-1,2-2,5-1,2-2,3-1,2-3,4-2,2-3,3-1,2-2,5-1,2-2,5-1,2-1,3-1,2-4,4-2,2-4,3-1,2-1,5-1,2-2,5-1,2-6,4-2,2-5,8-1,5-1,2-2,5-16,2-19, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Bob Montgomery."; _root.levels[li++] = "Bounce,2-5,3-13,2-5,4-9,1-3,3-1,2-2,7-1,2-2,4-11,1-1,3-1,2-5,4-11,1-1,3-10,4-8,3-2,1-3,4-13,3-2,1-1,4-15,3-2,1-1,4-3,2-1,4-11,3-2,4-2,2-1,4-3,2-1,4-9,3-2,4-4,8-1,4-11,3-2,4-2,2-1,4-3,2-1,4-9,3-2,4-4,2-1,4-11,3-2,4-16,3-2,4-16,3-2,1-1,4-14,1-1,3-2,1-1,4-14,1-1,3-2,1-3,4-10,1-3,3-19, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Bob Montgomery.\n\"Choose a path\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Choose1,3-19,2-3,4-1,2-12,3-2,2-3,4-1,2-12,3-3,2-1,3-2,2-1,3-3,4-1,2-1,3-1,6-1,4-1,6-1,3-1,2-1,3-3,2-1,3-2,2-1,3-1,6-1,2-2,3-6,5-1,3-2,6-1,2-1,6-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,2-1,3-2,2-7,3-2,2-1,3-2,2-1,3-2,2-1,3-1,4-1,2-1,3-2,4-1,2-3,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-8,3-6,2-3,3-5,2-4,3-1,2-3,3-2,2-1,7-1,2-1,3-1,2-3,3-4,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,2-3,3-1,2-1,8-1,2-1,3-1,2-2,6-1,2-3,3-1,2-1,3-2,2-3,3-1,2-3,3-8,2-1,3-3,2-1,3-3,2-1,3-2,1-4,3-2,2-2,3-2,6-1,2-1,6-1,3-2,2-11,3-3,2-1,3-3,4-1,3-8,2-2,3-2,2-4,3-3,2-5,3-3,2-1,3-2,2-17,3-3,2-3,1-5,2-7,t67:92,t69:238,t80:94,t192:236, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004."; _root.levels[li++] = "Pinball,5-3,3-11,5-5,4-1,3-2,2-3,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,3-2,4-2,5-2,3-2,4-2,2-1,3-1,2-7,3-2,4-1,5-1,3-2,4-3,3-1,4-4,3-1,4-2,2-2,3-2,5-1,3-1,2-1,4-2,3-1,4-2,3-1,4-2,2-1,4-3,2-2,3-3,2-2,3-1,4-3,2-1,4-2,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-2,2-2,3-2,2-1,3-1,4-4,2-1,4-2,2-1,4-4,2-2,3-2,2-2,4-3,2-2,4-2,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-2,3-2,4-1,2-1,3-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,3-3,4-5,2-2,3-2,4-1,2-1,3-1,4-1,2-1,4-2,8-1,3-1,4-5,2-1,4-1,3-2,4-1,2-1,3-1,4-1,2-1,4-3,3-1,2-3,3-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,3-2,2-2,4-3,3-1,4-3,2-1,4-4,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,2-1,4-4,2-3,4-4,3-1,5-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,2-3,4-8,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,2-3,4-2,3-3,4-2,3-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,3-2,4-1,2-1,5-1,2-8,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,3-2,5-1,4-2,2-1,3-3,2-1,4-3,3-1,5-1,7-1,5-1,3-2,4-1,5-1,4-6,3-5,2-1,3-3,5-3, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Ben."; _root.levels[li++] = "TWIRLER,1-5,2-2,1-15,2-14,1-1,2-4,1-11,2-2,1-1,2-1,1-4,3-1,5-1,2-6,5-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,7-1,1-2,5-1,2-2,1-6,5-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-2,2-2,1-3,2-1,5-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-2,2-2,1-1,2-5,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,4-1,1-3,4-1,1-1,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,8-1,1-1,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-3,2-1,1-4,2-2,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-2,2-1,5-1,2-5,5-1,1-1,4-1,1-1,2-1,1-3,2-1,1-2,2-1,5-1,2-1,1-3,5-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-2,2-3,1-10,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-2,5-1,2-2,4-1,2-7,5-2,3-1,2-1,1-1,2-2,3-1,2-2,5-1,1-9,2-2,1-1,2-3,1-2,2-1,1-3,2-8,1-36, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n\"Here is a Christmas themed \"level\" :)\""; _root.levels[li++] = "ShinyStr,1-16,4-1,8-1,1-14,4-2,6-1,4-1,1-12,4-2,5-1,4-2,1-11,4-7,1-9,4-8,1-8,4-4,8-1,4-3,5-1,4-1,1-6,4-3,5-1,4-7,1-6,4-1,6-1,4-10,1-3,5-1,1-3,5-1,4-6,5-1,4-2,1-4,3-2,1-2,4-3,8-1,4-6,1-4,3-2,5-1,1-2,6-1,4-7,1-5,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,1-1,3-1,4-7,1-5,5-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-3,6-1,4-1,5-1,4-2,1-6,3-2,2-1,3-3,1-2,4-2,6-1,8-1,1-6,3-2,5-1,6-1,3-1,2-1,5-1,1-3,4-1,1-7,2-1,5-1,7-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,3-2,1-9,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,1-9,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,1-8,t131:35,t186:35,t224:35,t245:35,t256:35, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n\"Here is an old pinball level I had originally designed for the release build, but threw it out, not really happy with it...\""; _root.levels[li++] = "pinball,2-1,3-18,2-15,3-3,2-15,8-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,4-1,3-8,2-5,3-1,2-3,4-1,3-1,4-1,5-1,2-3,4-1,5-1,3-6,2-1,5-1,2-2,3-1,5-1,4-1,2-3,5-1,4-1,2-5,3-1,5-1,4-1,2-15,3-1,5-1,4-1,2-5,5-1,4-1,2-5,5-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-5,4-1,5-1,2-5,4-1,5-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,3-10,2-3,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,5-1,4-1,2-10,3-1,5-1,4-1,2-3,4-1,5-1,2-5,5-1,4-1,2-3,3-1,5-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,2-2,5-1,2-4,4-1,5-1,2-3,3-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,3-4,2-8,3-1,2-17,3-14,2-4,3-2,2-1,7-1,4-2,5-1,4-2,5-1,4-2,5-1,4-2,2-3,3-16,2-1,3-2, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Ben.\n\"So here is another just for fun, theme you can guess and easy to pass\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Untitled,2-25,3-4,2-11,3-4,2-1,7-1,3-2,2-9,3-2,2-6,3-1,2-1,4-3,2-4,3-2,2-7,3-1,4-3,2-5,3-1,2-3,3-3,2-2,3-2,4-1,2-6,3-1,2-3,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-3,3-4,2-4,3-1,2-4,3-2,2-6,3-2,2-2,3-2,2-13,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-3,3-2,2-1,3-3,2-3,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-1,3-2,2-2,1-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-2,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,8-1,2-4,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-3,3-2,2-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-8,3-1,2-4,3-2,2-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-6,3-2,2-5,3-2,2-1,3-3,2-4,3-2,2-7,3-2,2-3,3-5,2-9,3-5,2-26, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n\"Bonus level that I designed last night:\nTheme: Some Russian game....\""; _root.levels[li++] = "1989,1-16,5-1,1-16,5-3,1-18,3-19,5-1,1-4,2-1,5-2,1-3,5-1,2-5,3-1,5-3,6-1,4-2,5-2,1-1,4-1,5-3,2-4,3-1,4-2,6-2,4-2,2-3,4-3,2-5,3-1,4-2,6-1,5-3,2-1,7-1,2-9,3-1,1-4,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-10,3-1,4-1,5-3,4-2,5-2,1-2,2-7,3-1,4-2,5-1,4-2,2-1,5-1,1-2,4-3,2-5,3-1,5-1,4-1,2-4,4-2,5-2,1-1,4-1,2-5,3-1,5-2,1-2,5-1,4-2,2-1,5-2,1-3,2-4,3-1,5-1,1-2,5-3,2-11,8-1,2-7,4-4,2-6,3-18,1-36, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Bob Montgomery."; _root.levels[li++] = "LA to NY,1-6,2-2,5-2,3-3,5-5,1-5,2-4,3-3,5-6,1-4,2-4,3-3,5-7,1-4,2-3,3-3,5-8,1-2,2-4,3-3,2-2,5-7,1-1,2-1,7-1,2-2,3-3,2-4,5-1,1-1,5-4,1-1,2-4,3-2,2-5,1-2,5-5,2-3,3-3,2-6,1-2,5-4,2-3,3-2,2-7,1-1,2-2,5-1,1-1,5-1,2-2,3-3,2-12,5-2,2-2,3-1,2-13,5-2,2-12,8-1,1-3,5-2,2-12,1-4,5-3,2-10,1-5,5-3,2-9,1-6,5-3,2-3,1-3,2-2,1-7,5-3,2-1,1-5,2-1,1-8,5-3,1-6,2-1,1-8, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Bob Montgomery.\n\"Donkey Kong\""; _root.levels[li++] = "DK,4-1,2-1,4-2,2-1,4-1,2-12,4-6,2-2,8-1,2-11,4-2,2-3,3-4,2-8,4-4,2-14,4-1,2-2,4-1,2-8,4-2,2-3,3-8,2-5,4-2,2-11,3-7,2-24,4-2,2-16,4-2,2-4,3-9,2-3,3-6,2-42,4-2,2-1,3-10,2-5,4-2,2-11,3-6,2-3,3-2,2-1,7-1,2-14,3-2,2-15,3-18, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Bob Montgomery.\n\"Monopoly\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Monopoly,2-3,4-3,2-3,5-3,2-7,6-1,7-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,6-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,6-1,2-7,4-3,2-3,5-3,2-6,3-15,2-4,8-1,2-1,3-1,1-10,3-1,2-1,6-1,2-4,3-1,1-10,3-1,2-3,4-3,3-1,1-10,3-1,5-3,4-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,1-10,3-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,4-3,3-1,1-10,3-1,5-3,2-3,3-1,1-10,3-1,4-3,2-1,6-1,2-1,3-1,1-10,3-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-3,3-1,1-10,3-1,4-6,3-1,1-10,3-1,2-3,4-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,1-10,3-1,2-1,6-1,2-1,4-3,3-12,2-6,5-3,2-15,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,6-1,2-2,6-1,2-10,5-3,2-12,t26:20,t32:296,t89:251,t182:89,t251:299,t296:26,t299:32, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Ben.\n\"This one's just for fun, no skill involved really.\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Neyland,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,2-6,3-2,2-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,8-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-4,3-1,4-10,3-1,2-1,3-2,2-3,3-1,4-10,3-1,2-1,3-3,2-2,3-1,4-10,3-1,2-1,3-4,2-1,3-1,4-10,3-1,2-1,3-4,2-1,3-1,4-10,3-1,2-1,3-4,2-1,3-1,4-5,3-1,4-4,3-1,2-1,3-4,2-1,3-1,4-3,3-3,4-4,3-1,2-1,3-4,2-1,3-1,4-5,3-1,4-4,3-1,2-1,3-4,2-1,3-1,4-10,3-1,2-1,3-4,2-1,3-1,4-10,3-1,2-1,3-4,2-1,3-1,4-10,3-1,2-1,3-4,2-1,3-1,4-10,3-1,2-1,3-2,1-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,4-10,3-1,2-2,3-3,2-1,3-1,4-10,3-1,2-3,3-2,2-1,3-2,1-1,3-1,8-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,7-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-4,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,2-6, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n\"Ben! Go Vols! (as long as they aren't playing against...\""; _root.levels[li++] = "GeauxLSU,1-1,8-1,1-1,3-1,8-1,3-1,8-1,3-1,8-1,3-1,8-1,3-1,8-1,4-1,5-1,1-1,2-1,1-4,8-1,3-1,8-1,3-1,8-1,3-1,8-1,3-1,8-1,3-1,8-1,5-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-3,5-1,4-10,5-1,2-1,1-4,8-1,5-1,4-1,1-8,4-1,5-1,2-2,1-4,5-1,4-1,1-1,4-8,5-1,1-1,2-2,1-2,8-1,5-1,4-1,1-1,4-8,5-1,2-2,1-4,5-1,4-10,5-1,2-2,1-4,5-1,4-1,1-1,4-2,1-5,4-1,5-1,2-3,1-3,5-1,4-1,1-1,4-2,1-1,4-3,1-1,4-1,5-1,2-3,8-1,1-2,5-1,4-1,1-4,4-3,1-1,4-1,5-1,1-1,2-1,1-4,5-1,4-10,5-1,1-1,2-2,8-1,1-2,5-1,4-2,1-7,4-1,5-1,2-3,1-1,8-1,1-1,5-1,4-1,1-1,4-8,5-1,2-1,1-2,8-1,1-2,5-1,4-1,1-1,4-8,5-1,2-3,1-3,5-1,4-2,1-7,4-1,5-1,1-1,2-2,1-2,8-1,5-1,4-10,5-1,2-3,1-2,8-1,5-1,6-1,3-1,6-1,3-1,6-1,3-1,6-1,3-1,6-1,7-1,5-1,1-1,2-1,1-4,5-1,3-1,6-1,3-1,6-1,3-1,6-1,3-1,6-1,3-1,2-1,5-1,1-1,2-2, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n\"Here is a level I thought up last night after watching highlights from my favorite team.\n...bonus points go to whoever can guess my favorite team (there's a clue or two in the level) ;).\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Futbol,4-1,3-2,4-2,3-1,4-3,3-1,4-2,3-1,4-3,3-1,1-1,3-1,4-3,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-3,3-1,1-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-3,4-1,3-1,4-4,1-1,4-1,3-2,4-2,3-1,4-2,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-3,4-1,3-1,1-1,5-1,1-1,5-1,1-1,5-1,1-1,5-1,1-1,5-1,1-1,5-1,1-1,5-1,1-1,5-1,1-1,5-1,1-1,3-17,1-1,3-1,4-7,2-1,4-7,3-1,1-1,3-1,4-3,3-1,4-3,2-1,4-3,3-1,4-3,3-1,1-1,3-1,4-5,3-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,4-5,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-2,4-4,2-3,4-4,2-2,3-1,1-1,8-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,4-2,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-2,3-1,2-1,4-1,5-1,1-1,8-1,4-1,3-1,4-2,3-1,2-1,3-1,7-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,4-2,3-1,4-1,5-1,1-1,8-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,4-2,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-2,3-1,2-1,4-1,5-1,1-1,3-1,2-2,4-4,2-3,4-4,2-2,3-1,1-1,3-1,4-5,3-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,4-5,3-1,1-1,3-1,4-3,3-1,4-3,2-1,4-3,3-1,4-3,3-1,1-1,3-1,4-7,2-1,4-7,3-1,1-1,3-17,1-1, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n\"Next in the series of old games...\""; _root.levels[li++] = "hop2it,1-2,2-3,1-4,2-3,1-1,4-1,1-1,3-3,4-1,1-1,2-3,1-4,2-3,1-1,4-1,1-3,3-1,1-2,2-3,1-2,4-1,1-1,2-3,1-1,4-1,1-1,4-1,1-1,3-1,4-1,1-1,2-3,1-2,4-1,1-1,2-3,1-1,4-1,1-3,3-1,1-2,2-3,5-1,1-3,2-3,1-3,3-3,4-1,1-1,2-3,5-1,1-3,2-3,1-1,5-1,1-3,3-1,1-2,2-3,1-3,2-4,1-1,5-1,1-1,4-1,1-1,3-1,1-2,2-3,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-4,1-1,5-1,1-3,3-1,1-2,2-3,1-1,2-1,5-1,2-5,5-1,1-1,3-3,1-2,2-3,5-1,2-1,5-1,1-1,2-4,5-1,2-1,1-2,3-1,1-2,2-1,7-1,2-1,5-1,1-1,5-1,1-1,2-4,1-1,2-1,8-1,1-1,3-1,4-1,1-1,2-3,5-1,1-3,2-4,1-1,2-1,1-2,3-1,4-1,1-1,2-3,1-1,4-1,1-2,2-4,1-1,2-1,3-3,4-1,1-1,2-3,1-1,4-1,1-2,2-4,1-1,2-1,1-2,3-1,4-1,1-1,2-3,1-1,4-1,1-2,2-3,1-3,4-1,1-1,3-1,4-1,1-1,2-3,1-4,2-3,5-1,1-4,3-1,4-1,1-1,2-3,1-4,2-3,5-1,1-2,3-3,1-18, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n\"My original PacMan level that seriously didn't make the cut for the release of Contour\""; _root.levels[li++] = "PacAttak,3-9,6-2,3-8,2-15,8-1,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-2,4-1,2-7,4-1,2-2,3-2,2-2,3-2,2-3,3-4,2-5,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-6,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-2,3-2,2-13,3-1,2-2,3-2,2-5,3-1,2-2,3-3,2-3,5-1,2-1,3-2,2-5,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-5,3-2,2-3,3-3,2-2,3-1,5-1,2-3,3-5,2-1,7-1,2-1,3-3,2-2,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-2,3-5,2-5,3-1,2-2,3-3,2-5,3-2,2-5,3-1,5-1,2-9,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-10,3-1,2-2,3-2,2-2,3-2,2-5,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-2,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-4,3-4,2-5,3-2,2-5,4-1,2-7,4-1,2-2,3-2,2-9,5-1,2-6,3-10,6-2,3-7,t10:316,t11:317,t316:10,t317:11, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n\"and similarly, my failed concept level based on donkey kong\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Kong1981,3-1,2-4,3-1,2-8,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,3-2,5-1,2-2,3-1,2-7,3-1,2-1,5-2,2-1,3-1,2-4,3-1,2-7,3-1,5-2,4-2,3-1,5-1,2-3,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-4,3-1,5-1,2-3,3-1,2-4,3-1,4-2,3-1,5-1,2-3,3-1,4-4,3-1,2-1,7-1,2-2,3-1,2-2,3-1,4-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-4,3-1,5-1,2-1,3-1,2-4,3-1,2-1,3-1,8-1,2-2,3-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-4,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-3,3-1,4-3,3-1,2-2,3-1,4-2,3-1,2-3,3-1,5-1,2-2,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-6,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-4,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-6,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-4,3-1,5-1,2-1,3-1,2-6,3-1,2-2,3-1,5-1,2-3,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-6,3-1,4-2,3-1,2-4,3-1,4-2,3-1,2-6,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-4,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-6,3-1,2-7,3-1,2-17,3-1,2-17,3-1,1-8, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n\"My failed concept level that was based on DiggDug (but Sean/Breach converted into a useable non-themed level for the release with teleports etc\""; _root.levels[li++] = "digdug,3-16,2-2,3-16,2-2,3-8,2-6,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-4,8-1,3-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-5,3-2,2-6,3-2,2-2,3-1,4-1,2-1,3-5,2-2,3-6,2-2,3-1,4-1,2-1,3-5,2-2,3-6,7-1,2-1,3-1,2-2,3-5,2-2,3-6,2-2,3-1,2-7,4-2,2-8,3-1,2-17,3-1,2-2,3-4,2-2,3-7,2-2,3-1,5-2,2-2,3-2,2-2,5-2,3-5,2-2,3-1,5-2,2-2,3-2,4-1,2-1,5-2,3-5,2-2,3-1,2-2,3-4,4-1,2-1,3-7,2-2,3-1,2-2,3-4,2-2,3-7,2-2,3-7,2-2,3-7,2-2,3-16,2-2,3-16,2-2, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n\"And finally, the miserable \"easter egg\" level...\""; _root.levels[li++] = "EastrEgg,2-3,1-15,2-4,1-7,3-4,1-3,2-2,7-1,2-2,1-4,3-2,8-4,3-1,1-2,2-2,4-1,2-3,1-2,3-1,4-1,8-6,3-1,1-1,2-6,3-2,4-2,8-6,3-1,1-1,2-5,3-1,5-1,4-3,8-6,3-1,1-1,2-4,3-1,4-1,5-2,4-3,8-5,3-1,1-1,2-3,3-1,4-3,5-1,4-4,8-3,3-1,1-2,2-3,3-1,4-3,5-2,4-6,3-1,1-2,2-3,3-1,8-1,4-3,5-2,4-4,3-1,1-3,2-2,6-1,8-2,4-4,5-3,4-1,3-1,1-4,2-2,3-1,8-3,4-5,5-2,3-1,1-4,3-3,8-4,4-5,3-1,2-2,1-3,2-2,6-1,8-6,4-2,3-1,2-4,1-2,2-3,3-1,8-4,3-3,2-3,6-1,2-2,1-1,2-4,3-4,2-6,8-1,2-8,3-1,2-14,6-1,2-2,3-1,2-12,t183:237,t309:267, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004."; _root.levels[li++] = "twisty,3-19,2-3,3-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,3-1,6-1,2-1,4-1,2-2,1-1,3-1,8-1,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-3,2-1,3-2,2-1,3-1,6-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-1,3-2,2-1,3-3,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,2-1,3-1,6-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,2-1,3-1,6-1,2-2,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-1,3-3,2-1,3-2,2-1,3-5,2-1,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-4,4-1,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-6,4-1,2-1,3-8,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-6,2-1,3-1,2-5,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-4,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-3,2-1,3-2,4-1,3-4,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,3-1,2-3,3-2,2-6,3-1,4-1,3-5,2-1,3-4,2-1,3-4,1-1,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-4,6-1,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-4,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,5-1,3-6,7-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-5,3-4,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-5,2-1,3-2,6-1,2-2,3-1,2-4,3-1,2-7,3-19,t28:290,t58:233,t87:94, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n\"Here's a themed level to guess..."; _root.levels[li++] = "Qaid,1-26,3-7,1-24,6-1,2-2,4-1,2-3,5-1,2-3,4-1,2-2,6-1,1-3,2-1,5-1,2-8,3-5,1-3,2-2,5-1,2-3,4-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,5-1,2-2,1-3,4-1,2-2,5-1,2-3,4-1,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,1-3,2-4,5-1,2-4,3-1,5-1,3-1,2-3,1-1,3-1,1-1,2-1,4-1,2-3,5-1,3-6,2-1,4-1,2-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,2-2,4-1,2-3,3-2,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-2,1-1,3-1,1-1,6-1,2-2,4-1,2-2,8-1,3-1,2-3,4-1,2-2,6-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,2-2,4-1,2-2,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,2-3,4-1,2-2,1-1,3-1,1-1,2-1,4-1,2-3,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,5-1,2-3,4-1,2-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-3,2-1,5-1,3-6,2-4,1-1,3-1,1-1,4-1,3-5,2-1,3-1,2-3,5-1,2-2,4-1,1-3,2-2,5-1,2-2,3-1,4-1,7-1,4-1,2-3,5-1,2-2,1-3,2-1,5-1,2-3,3-1,2-7,5-1,2-1,1-3,6-1,2-2,4-1,3-6,2-1,4-1,2-2,6-1,t198:58, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian."; _root.levels[li++] = "LNK2PAST,4-9,3-1,4-17,3-2,4-7,2-1,4-8,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-7,7-1,4-7,3-1,6-1,4-1,3-1,4-14,3-1,4-3,3-1,4-4,1-2,4-4,1-3,3-1,4-2,3-3,4-3,1-3,4-4,1-2,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-2,1-1,4-1,1-2,4-4,1-1,3-2,6-1,4-1,3-1,8-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,1-1,6-1,4-1,1-2,4-1,6-1,4-1,1-1,3-1,4-3,3-1,4-1,6-1,4-1,3-1,1-1,4-3,1-2,4-2,1-1,3-2,4-2,3-1,4-2,3-1,4-1,1-1,4-4,1-2,4-1,1-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-2,1-2,4-4,1-3,3-1,6-1,4-1,3-3,4-3,1-3,4-4,1-2,3-1,4-3,3-1,4-13,3-1,4-2,3-1,4-12,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-15,3-2,4-16,3-1,4-26,t65:209,t138:160,t146:65,t151:146,t209:138, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian."; _root.levels[li++] = "Nifty,1-29,2-1,1-6,3-11,1-1,7-1,1-5,3-1,8-1,1-2,4-2,1-2,4-2,1-3,4-1,1-4,3-1,1-1,4-3,1-1,4-3,1-1,4-1,1-3,4-1,1-3,3-1,1-1,4-2,1-2,4-2,1-3,4-1,1-3,4-1,1-1,3-2,4-2,1-1,4-3,1-1,4-1,1-3,4-1,1-3,4-1,3-2,4-1,1-2,4-2,1-3,4-1,1-3,4-1,1-1,4-2,3-2,1-1,4-5,1-3,4-1,1-3,4-2,1-1,3-2,1-1,4-2,1-3,4-1,1-3,4-1,1-1,4-3,1-1,3-2,4-2,1-1,4-1,1-3,4-1,1-3,4-2,1-2,4-1,3-2,4-1,1-3,4-1,1-3,4-1,1-1,4-3,1-1,4-2,3-1,1-2,4-1,1-3,4-1,1-3,4-2,1-2,4-2,1-1,3-1,1-3,4-1,1-3,4-1,1-1,4-3,1-1,4-3,1-1,3-1,1-4,4-1,1-3,4-2,1-2,4-2,1-2,4-1,3-1,1-5,4-1,1-1,4-3,1-1,4-3,1-1,4-2,3-1,1-6,4-2,1-2,4-2,1-2,4-2,1-1,3-1,1-5,3-13, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n\"remake of a game nearly as old as Pong...\""; _root.levels[li++] = "2600,1-18,3-19,2-16,3-2,2-4,3-3,2-2,3-3,2-4,3-2,2-16,3-2,2-2,3-4,2-4,3-4,2-2,3-2,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-5,3-2,2-1,5-3,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-5,3-2,2-2,5-1,2-2,3-1,2-4,3-1,2-3,4-2,3-2,2-5,3-1,2-4,3-1,8-1,2-1,4-2,2-1,3-2,2-2,7-1,2-2,3-1,2-4,3-1,2-3,4-2,3-2,2-5,3-1,2-1,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-5,3-2,2-5,3-1,2-1,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-5,3-2,2-2,3-4,2-4,3-4,2-2,3-2,2-16,3-2,2-4,3-3,2-2,3-3,2-4,3-2,2-16,3-19, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Ben.\n\"Here is some lunch break fun. This may have been done already and I just missed it.\""; _root.levels[li++] = "TETRIS,2-19,3-4,2-2,1-2,2-1,4-2,2-1,5-3,2-8,1-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,5-1,2-21,3-18,1-1,2-3,4-4,2-8,7-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,1-1,5-1,4-4,2-3,3-3,2-3,3-2,4-2,5-2,2-1,3-1,1-2,2-3,3-1,2-4,3-2,4-2,5-1,2-2,3-1,2-1,1-2,2-7,3-2,8-1,3-5,2-10,3-1,6-1,4-2,2-1,5-1,2-1,3-1,2-11,6-1,4-2,5-3,2-2,1-1,2-8,6-2,2-7,1-2,2-8,6-1,2-8,1-1,2-8,3-18,2-54,t181:216,t199:216,t217:216,t235:216, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by NotSoWize."; _root.levels[li++] = "First Go,1-57,3-1,2-4,3-2,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-5,3-1,2-1,5-3,2-2,3-2,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-2,3-1,2-5,5-2,2-2,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-2,3-1,2-1,1-1,2-5,5-6,2-2,1-1,3-1,2-4,5-2,2-5,1-1,2-2,4-1,2-1,1-1,3-1,2-4,5-2,2-8,8-1,1-2,3-1,2-4,5-2,2-2,1-1,2-5,4-1,2-1,1-1,3-1,2-3,5-1,2-2,5-8,2-2,3-1,2-4,5-1,2-1,1-1,2-2,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,3-1,2-4,5-1,2-1,3-3,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-2,2-4,5-1,2-1,3-1,1-3,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-2,3-1,2-3,5-1,2-1,3-1,1-11,3-1,2-1,7-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,3-1,1-11,3-1,2-3,3-1,1-14,3-3,1-14, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Ben.\n\"I think I'll jump on the pinball bandwagon, just fun to watch it bounce around.\""; _root.levels[li++] = "pinball4,2-3,3-11,2-7,3-2,2-1,4-1,6-1,3-1,4-2,3-1,6-1,3-4,2-4,3-1,4-11,6-1,3-1,2-4,3-1,4-12,3-1,2-4,3-2,2-9,3-1,4-1,3-1,2-4,3-3,4-7,3-2,6-1,3-1,2-4,3-1,5-1,4-2,3-4,4-2,5-1,2-1,3-2,2-4,3-1,5-1,4-2,3-1,8-2,3-1,4-2,5-1,3-1,6-1,3-1,2-4,3-3,4-6,3-3,4-1,3-1,2-4,3-1,1-1,3-1,4-6,3-1,1-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,2-4,3-1,2-4,3-2,2-4,3-1,4-1,3-1,2-4,3-3,4-6,3-3,4-1,3-1,2-4,3-1,4-1,6-1,3-1,4-4,3-1,6-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,2-4,3-1,4-2,2-1,4-4,2-1,4-2,3-1,4-1,3-1,2-4,3-1,4-10,3-1,7-1,3-1,2-4,3-1,4-1,6-1,5-2,3-2,5-2,3-1,4-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-4,3-1,2-1,4-2,2-4,4-3,3-1,6-1,3-1,2-4,3-8,6-1,3-5,2-1,t52:276,t142:106,t222:31,t229:26,t318:304, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Ben.\n\"Here is one I wanted to call \"patience\", but I'll save the for one that Really needs it.\""; _root.levels[li++] = "whichway,2-1,3-1,2-4,4-1,2-1,1-2,2-6,1-2,3-1,2-5,4-2,5-1,4-4,5-2,2-1,1-2,3-1,2-5,4-1,2-1,1-2,2-6,1-2,2-2,5-1,2-2,1-9,2-2,1-2,3-1,2-4,1-1,2-1,1-4,3-1,1-2,2-2,6-1,8-1,3-1,2-1,3-3,2-2,1-2,2-1,1-1,5-1,2-4,1-1,2-4,3-1,2-1,1-4,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-2,2-4,3-1,2-2,5-1,2-3,4-1,2-1,5-1,3-1,2-1,1-2,2-2,1-2,3-1,2-4,1-3,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,3-1,2-3,1-1,2-5,1-2,2-1,1-2,3-1,1-1,2-1,1-3,2-1,1-2,3-1,2-3,1-10,2-3,1-1,3-1,2-1,5-1,2-3,5-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,1-2,3-1,2-3,1-4,2-1,1-4,2-3,1-1,2-6,1-2,2-2,1-5,2-1,1-1,2-2,3-1,2-3,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-3,2-1,1-4,2-3,7-1,2-3,1-1,2-1,1-3,2-1,1-7,3-1,2-5,1-1,2-5,6-1,1-3,2-3,3-2,2-4,1-1,2-5,1-1,2-4,t89:301,t301:89, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Ben.\n\"Here is one that looks simple enough.\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Almost,2-7,5-1,6-1,5-1,2-15,5-3,2-29,4-12,2-6,4-12,2-6,4-2,3-1,4-6,3-1,4-2,2-6,4-5,1-2,4-5,2-6,4-12,2-6,4-2,1-1,4-2,6-1,8-1,4-2,1-1,4-2,2-6,4-2,1-1,4-2,8-1,6-1,4-2,1-1,4-2,2-6,4-12,2-6,4-5,1-2,4-5,2-6,4-2,3-1,4-6,3-1,4-2,2-1,5-2,2-3,4-12,2-1,5-1,6-1,2-3,4-12,2-1,5-2,2-19,7-1,2-34,t153:9,t172:252, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Ben.\n\"Getting closer to \"Patience\"."; _root.levels[li++] = "Rewarded,1-2,6-1,1-16,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-10,2-2,1-3,7-1,2-2,5-1,2-7,4-1,2-1,5-1,2-2,1-2,2-1,1-1,5-1,2-1,1-9,2-1,5-1,2-1,1-2,4-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-9,1-1,2-1,1-3,2-1,1-1,4-1,1-1,2-1,3-7,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-3,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,3-1,2-5,3-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-3,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-3,2-1,3-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-3,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,8-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-3,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-3,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,3-5,2-1,3-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-3,2-1,1-1,5-1,2-8,3-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-3,2-1,1-1,2-1,6-1,3-8,2-1,1-1,4-1,1-3,2-1,1-3,2-9,1-1,2-1,1-2,2-1,5-1,2-1,1-11,2-1,5-1,2-1,1-1,2-2,5-1,2-1,4-1,2-9,5-1,2-2,1-1,2-3,1-11,2-2,1-2,NaN-18,t221:3, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by pondlife.\n\"I've made a level that may look harder or easier than it actually is.\""; _root.levels[li++] = "isithard,3-1,5-1,2-16,3-1,5-1,2-16,3-1,4-1,2-16,3-1,5-1,2-2,1-1,2-13,3-1,4-1,3-1,2-15,3-1,5-1,3-1,2-15,3-1,7-1,3-1,2-4,4-5,2-5,1-1,3-1,5-1,3-1,2-4,4-5,2-5,1-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-6,8-1,4-2,2-5,1-1,3-1,5-1,2-5,4-5,2-5,1-1,3-1,4-1,2-5,4-5,2-5,1-1,3-1,5-1,2-16,3-1,4-1,2-16,3-1,5-1,2-1,1-1,2-14,3-1,4-1,2-16,3-1,5-1,2-12,1-2,2-2,3-1,4-1,2-13,1-1,2-2,3-18, #"; _root.colstart[4] = li; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "Texas,1-9,2-1,1-16,2-2,1-15,2-1,18-1,2-1,1-14,2-2,18-1,2-1,1-14,2-2,18-1,2-1,1-15,2-1,18-1,2-8,1-8,2-1,18-8,2-1,1-6,2-2,18-9,2-1,1-5,2-1,18-9,2-3,1-3,2-2,18-2,8-1,18-5,2-2,1-5,2-1,18-10,2-1,1-6,2-4,18-7,2-1,1-9,2-1,7-1,18-6,2-1,1-10,2-2,18-5,2-1,1-11,2-2,18-4,2-1,1-12,2-5,1-42, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "Real LA,1-14,2-4,1-4,2-5,1-3,2-3,18-2,2-1,1-4,2-1,18-3,2-5,18-4,2-1,1-4,2-1,18-12,2-1,1-4,2-1,18-12,2-1,1-4,2-1,18-12,2-1,1-3,2-2,18-12,2-1,1-3,2-1,1-1,18-2,8-1,18-9,2-1,1-5,18-4,2-6,18-2,2-1,1-4,2-1,18-4,2-1,1-3,2-5,1-3,2-1,18-5,2-1,1-5,2-1,1-4,2-2,18-5,2-1,1-11,2-1,18-5,2-1,1-10,2-2,18-5,2-1,1-11,2-1,18-3,2-3,1-10,2-1,7-1,2-3,1-2,2-1,1-10,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-30, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "WallWalk,3-1,6-1,3-1,6-1,3-1,2-8,12-4,8-1,3-1,4-1,6-1,4-1,6-1,2-12,11-1,3-1,4-1,20-1,4-1,20-1,4-10,14-1,2-1,11-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,2-9,18-1,4-1,2-1,11-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,2-7,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,11-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-5,18-1,2-2,4-1,2-2,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,2-3,4-1,2-3,4-1,2-2,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,2-3,4-1,2-1,18-1,2-4,4-1,2-2,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,2-4,4-1,2-5,4-1,2-2,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,2-3,18-1,2-1,4-1,2-4,4-1,2-2,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,2-3,4-1,2-3,4-1,2-2,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,2-2,18-1,2-5,4-1,2-2,4-1,2-2,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-7,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-2,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,18-1,2-2,3-8,4-1,3-3,4-1,3-1,11-1,12-1,4-2,20-1,4-6,3-1,11-1,6-1,3-2,7-1,3-17,2-1,3-1,12-1,4-13,6-1,3-18,t2:21,t4:23,t306:269, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "Speed,4-4,2-4,17-1,1-1,2-5,17-1,1-2,12-1,4-3,2-4,1-1,12-1,2-5,1-1,12-1,6-2,4-3,2-4,16-1,1-1,2-5,16-1,1-22,4-3,2-5,12-1,18-1,17-1,2-5,1-1,6-1,4-3,2-5,1-3,12-1,4-3,6-1,1-2,4-3,2-5,12-1,18-1,16-1,2-5,6-1,1-17,4-1,1-2,4-3,2-10,12-1,6-1,4-1,1-1,6-1,4-3,2-10,1-2,7-1,1-2,4-3,2-10,12-1,8-1,2-1,1-18,8-3,1-1,8-3,1-1,8-2,1-1,8-2,1-1,8-2,1-2,8-1,1-3,8-1,1-1,8-1,1-1,8-1,1-2,8-1,1-2,8-1,1-1,8-1,1-2,8-1,1-2,8-3,1-1,8-2,1-1,8-2,1-1,8-1,1-1,8-1,1-3,8-1,1-1,8-1,1-3,8-1,1-2,8-1,1-2,8-1,1-1,8-1,1-1,8-3,1-1,8-1,1-3,8-2,1-1,8-2,1-1,8-2,1-19,t36:92,t108:165,t127:37,t162:92, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "3Paths,1-18,2-18,19-5,2-12,8-1,12-1,4-18,19-4,2-13,11-1,4-1,10-1,2-15,1-2,19-1,1-6,2-1,19-1,2-1,19-1,2-1,19-1,2-1,19-1,2-1,1-1,13-1,2-5,10-1,1-1,19-1,2-1,19-1,17-1,19-1,2-1,19-1,2-1,19-1,1-1,20-1,1-5,2-1,1-1,2-1,19-1,2-1,19-1,2-1,19-1,2-1,19-1,1-8,4-1,1-1,19-1,2-1,19-1,2-1,19-1,2-1,19-1,1-4,20-2,1-3,11-1,1-1,2-1,19-1,2-1,19-1,2-1,19-1,1-5,4-1,1-6,19-1,2-1,19-1,2-1,19-1,1-5,16-1,1-3,20-1,1-3,2-1,19-1,2-1,19-1,2-1,1-6,20-1,1-1,20-1,1-4,11-5,1-6,19-2,1-5,4-3,19-2,15-1,1-3,3-1,2-1,7-1,19-1,20-1,1-2,20-1,1-1,4-3,19-2,15-1,1-3,3-1,2-2,1-6,4-3,19-2,15-1,1-3,3-3,1-15, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "Labyrnth,3-6,4-1,2-3,1-8,3-1,19-5,4-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,1-5,2-1,1-2,3-1,19-5,4-1,2-3,1-3,13-1,2-1,7-1,2-1,1-1,3-1,19-2,18-1,19-2,4-1,1-6,14-1,1-1,4-1,1-2,3-1,19-5,4-1,1-1,20-1,1-2,2-2,1-2,20-1,1-2,3-1,19-5,2-1,1-1,11-1,2-2,5-1,2-1,1-5,4-5,2-2,5-1,1-3,2-1,1-3,18-1,1-5,20-1,1-2,5-2,1-3,2-1,1-9,4-1,1-4,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-3,2-1,1-5,11-1,2-5,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-2,4-1,10-1,1-11,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-11,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,1-11,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,18-1,1-1,2-1,1-11,5-1,2-1,5-1,18-1,4-1,18-1,5-1,1-1,2-1,19-3,3-1,1-5,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,18-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,19-3,3-1,1-5,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,1-1,2-1,19-1,6-1,19-1,3-1,1-1,8-1,6-1,1-2,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,19-3,3-1,1-4,2-1,5-1,2-1,19-6,16-1,19-3,3-1,t286:291, # "; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "Teeth,3-19,9-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,4-1,20-1,5-1,20-1,9-1,1-1,10-1,8-1,3-2,2-1,7-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,4-1,20-1,5-1,20-1,9-1,1-1,10-1,8-1,3-2,4-3,2-1,4-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,4-1,20-1,5-1,20-1,9-1,1-1,10-1,8-1,3-2,2-4,4-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,4-1,20-1,5-1,20-1,9-1,1-1,10-1,8-1,3-2,4-5,2-1,5-1,2-1,4-1,20-1,5-1,20-1,9-1,1-1,10-1,8-1,3-2,2-6,5-1,2-1,4-1,20-1,5-1,20-1,9-1,1-1,10-1,8-1,3-2,5-7,2-1,4-1,20-1,5-1,20-1,9-1,1-1,10-1,8-1,3-2,2-8,4-1,20-1,5-1,20-1,9-1,1-1,10-1,8-1,3-2,4-9,20-1,5-1,20-1,9-1,1-1,10-1,8-1,3-2,20-10,5-1,20-1,9-1,1-1,10-1,8-1,3-2,5-11,20-1,9-1,1-1,10-1,8-1,3-2,20-12,9-1,1-1,10-1,8-1,3-2,9-13,1-1,10-1,8-1,3-2,1-14,10-1,8-1,3-2,11-14,15-1,8-1,3-2,8-16,3-19, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "Max Face,2-26,18-5,2-12,18-8,2-7,3-2,18-10,2-5,3-2,2-1,5-2,2-1,20-1,2-1,18-5,2-5,3-1,2-2,5-1,2-5,18-4,2-4,3-1,2-10,18-3,2-4,3-1,2-11,18-2,2-3,3-1,2-7,8-1,2-3,20-1,18-2,2-3,3-1,2-4,5-2,2-6,5-1,18-1,2-3,3-1,2-4,5-3,2-4,5-2,18-1,2-3,3-1,2-5,5-2,2-4,3-2,2-5,3-1,2-10,3-1,2-6,3-1,2-9,3-1,2-7,3-1,2-1,7-1,2-6,3-2,2-8,3-1,2-5,3-3,2-10,3-6,2-26, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "11Hilz,1-2,3-6,1-6,8-2,1-4,2-3,19-3,1-6,8-2,1-4,2-3,19-3,1-12,2-3,19-3,1-12,2-3,19-2,3-1,1-12,19-5,1-9,15-1,6-1,1-5,6-1,1-3,20-1,1-6,4-1,17-1,1-8,16-1,1-2,2-3,19-2,4-1,1-12,2-3,19-2,1-1,2-1,1-2,20-1,1-8,2-1,5-1,2-1,19-2,2-3,19-2,1-8,2-8,19-2,1-8,2-8,19-2,1-8,2-1,5-1,2-5,19-1,4-1,19-1,1-8,2-6,13-1,1-1,4-1,1-15,2-1,1-1,4-1,1-6,20-1,1-4,4-1,1-2,4-2,1-1,7-1,1-6,11-1,4-8,10-1,1-1,9-1,1-11,4-1,1-2,4-2,t114:108, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "dizzy,1-1,12-1,2-15,13-1,1-1,2-1,1-15,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,12-1,2-11,13-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-11,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,12-1,2-7,13-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-7,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,12-1,2-3,13-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-7,2-1,1-3,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,8-1,4-5,1-1,2-1,1-1,20-1,4-1,10-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-7,2-1,1-5,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,20-1,1-1,20-1,1-1,20-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,18-3,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,4-1,1-1,4-1,1-1,4-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,18-3,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,11-1,2-5,10-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-9,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,11-1,2-9,10-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-13,2-1,1-1,7-1,1-1,11-1,2-13,10-1,1-1,2-1,1-16, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "BonusNex,3-19,6-1,2-5,19-1,4-1,2-1,19-1,2-4,8-1,18-1,3-2,2-6,19-1,2-1,4-1,19-1,2-4,18-1,8-1,3-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,19-1,4-1,2-1,19-1,2-2,4-2,2-2,3-2,2-2,4-1,20-1,2-2,19-1,2-1,4-1,19-1,2-2,20-1,4-1,2-2,3-2,2-4,5-2,19-1,4-1,2-1,19-1,5-2,2-4,3-2,2-4,5-1,2-1,19-1,2-1,4-1,19-1,2-1,5-1,2-4,3-2,19-6,3-4,19-6,3-2,4-1,1-1,4-1,1-1,4-1,1-1,3-1,18-1,6-1,3-1,4-1,1-1,4-1,1-1,4-1,1-1,3-2,1-1,4-1,1-1,4-1,1-1,4-1,3-1,18-2,3-1,1-1,4-1,1-1,4-1,1-1,4-1,3-2,19-6,3-4,19-6,3-2,6-1,2-3,5-1,2-1,19-1,4-1,2-1,19-1,2-1,5-1,2-4,3-2,2-4,5-2,19-1,2-1,4-1,19-1,5-2,2-4,3-2,2-2,4-1,20-1,2-2,19-1,4-1,2-1,19-1,2-2,20-1,4-1,2-2,3-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,19-1,2-1,4-1,19-1,2-2,4-2,2-2,3-2,2-1,7-1,2-4,19-1,4-1,2-1,19-1,2-6,3-2,2-6,19-1,2-1,4-1,19-1,2-5,6-1,3-19,t20:305,t154:200,t305:20, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "SimplFun,13-1,4-4,1-3,3-1,1-3,20-1,4-3,7-1,2-1,12-1,4-3,20-1,1-3,3-1,1-3,4-2,13-1,1-11,3-1,1-3,2-2,14-1,1-11,3-1,1-3,2-1,5-1,1-5,3-1,1-6,3-1,2-3,5-1,1-6,4-1,1-6,3-1,18-1,2-1,5-1,2-2,1-5,18-1,1-6,3-1,2-3,18-1,1-6,5-1,2-6,3-1,20-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,18-1,2-1,1-4,2-1,1-6,3-1,1-1,2-1,18-1,1-7,19-1,1-6,3-1,1-2,2-1,1-7,19-1,1-6,3-1,1-10,19-1,1-6,3-1,1-10,4-1,6-1,2-1,20-1,1-3,3-1,4-8,6-1,1-1,4-1,1-6,3-1,1-10,4-1,1-4,6-1,20-1,3-1,2-8,6-1,1-1,4-1,1-4,6-1,20-1,3-1,2-8,6-1,1-1,4-1,1-4,6-1,20-1,3-1,2-8,6-1,1-1,12-1,6-1,1-3,6-1,20-1,3-1,2-8,8-1,t234:259,t270:277,t288:295,t306:313,t309:219, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "pinwheel,3-4,19-1,1-8,19-1,3-5,2-3,19-1,1-8,19-1,2-3,3-2,2-1,18-1,2-1,19-1,1-8,19-1,2-1,18-1,2-1,3-2,2-2,20-1,19-1,1-8,19-1,20-1,2-2,3-1,19-4,3-1,1-6,19-1,20-1,3-1,19-4,1-4,20-1,19-8,1-9,19-2,2-6,19-1,1-10,19-1,2-6,19-1,1-10,19-1,2-3,7-1,2-2,19-1,1-10,19-1,2-2,8-1,2-3,19-1,1-10,19-1,2-6,19-1,1-10,19-1,2-6,19-2,1-9,19-8,20-1,1-4,19-4,3-1,20-1,19-1,1-6,3-1,19-4,3-1,2-2,20-1,19-1,1-8,19-1,20-1,2-2,3-2,2-1,18-1,2-1,19-1,1-8,19-1,2-1,18-1,2-1,3-2,2-3,19-1,1-8,19-1,2-3,3-5,19-1,1-8,19-1,3-4, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "slugger,8-9,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,3-5,8-6,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,2-4,3-4,8-5,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-3,2-4,3-3,8-4,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-7,2-3,3-2,8-4,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-3,3-1,4-4,2-2,3-3,8-3,5-1,4-10,2-3,3-1,8-3,4-1,5-1,4-11,2-1,3-2,8-3,4-10,3-1,4-1,2-2,3-2,8-2,5-1,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-4,4-3,2-2,3-1,8-3,20-8,2-1,4-4,2-1,3-2,8-2,4-4,2-3,20-1,2-1,4-4,2-2,3-1,8-2,4-4,2-3,20-1,2-1,4-5,2-1,3-1,8-2,3-1,4-3,7-1,2-2,20-1,3-1,4-5,2-1,3-2,8-1,3-1,4-6,20-1,2-1,4-3,3-1,4-1,2-2,3-1,8-1,3-1,4-6,20-1,2-1,4-6,2-1,3-1,8-1,3-1,4-6,20-1,2-1,4-6,2-1,3-1,8-1,3-5,4-2,20-1,3-1,4-6,2-1,3-1,8-1, # "; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n\"You've managed to break into a high-security mansion, but you find yourself in a room with no exits. Only a careful leap will allow you access to the rest of the building, where you have to steal gold from various rooms before heading down booby-trapped hallways to the heavily-guarded main vault.\" "; _root.levels[li++] = "heist,3-19,2-4,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-2,19-5,3-2,2-1,1-1,3-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,18-1,2-1,3-1,2-2,19-1,2-2,7-1,19-1,3-2,2-1,1-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-2,19-1,2-3,19-1,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-1,3-2,5-1,3-2,2-2,19-1,2-3,19-1,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-3,3-3,20-1,19-4,3-2,1-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,18-1,2-1,3-1,19-2,3-1,2-4,3-2,1-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-3,3-1,6-1,19-1,3-1,2-4,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-1,3-2,5-1,3-11,2-2,3-1,2-5,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-3,3-2,2-1,1-1,3-5,2-1,5-1,2-1,18-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,18-1,2-1,3-2,2-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,2-1,8-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-3,3-2,2-2,3-1,11-1,2-2,3-1,2-1,3-6,5-1,3-3,2-3,4-1,12-1,1-1,3-1,2-9,3-5,2-1,3-11,2-1,3-1,1-3,3-1,2-2,1-2,2-6,1-2,2-1,3-1,1-1,6-1,1-1,3-1,2-6,1-2,2-5,3-1,1-3,3-15,t137:290, # "; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "4corners,17-3,2-1,1-1,2-3,3-9,1-1,17-1,18-1,2-1,20-1,1-1,2-3,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-4,18-1,3-1,1-1,17-1,2-1,20-1,1-2,2-3,3-1,4-3,3-1,2-1,4-2,3-1,1-1,2-1,20-1,1-2,20-1,2-3,3-1,4-1,2-1,4-3,2-1,4-1,3-1,1-4,2-5,3-2,4-2,3-1,4-2,3-2,1-1,2-8,3-1,4-7,3-1,1-1,2-8,3-2,2-1,4-2,2-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,1-1,2-6,3-1,8-3,2-2,3-1,4-3,3-1,1-1,3-7,8-1,7-1,8-1,3-7,1-2,13-1,2-5,8-3,3-1,2-6,1-2,2-1,1-4,2-1,3-2,2-8,1-2,2-1,1-4,2-1,1-1,3-1,2-2,9-1,2-1,9-1,2-1,9-1,2-1,1-2,12-1,2-3,13-1,2-1,1-1,3-1,2-8,1-6,2-2,1-1,3-1,2-2,9-1,2-1,9-1,2-1,9-1,2-1,1-1,12-1,2-4,13-1,5-1,1-1,3-1,2-8,1-1,11-1,18-1,10-1,1-2,2-2,1-1,3-1,2-2,9-1,2-1,9-1,2-1,18-1,2-1,1-3,11-1,2-2,10-1,1-2,3-1,2-8,1-19, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "Bowl300,10-5,3-1,13-1,5-1,10-9,3-1,4-4,11-1,3-1,6-1,3-1,4-9,3-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,11-1,3-3,11-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,11-1,3-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,11-1,3-3,11-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,8-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,11-1,3-1,4-1,5-1,4-2,11-1,3-3,11-1,4-2,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-2,11-1,3-1,5-1,4-3,11-1,3-3,11-1,4-3,5-1,4-3,11-1,3-1,4-4,11-1,3-3,11-1,4-7,11-1,3-1,4-4,11-1,3-3,11-1,4-7,11-1,3-1,4-4,11-1,3-3,11-1,4-7,11-1,3-1,4-4,11-1,3-3,11-1,4-7,11-1,3-1,4-4,11-1,3-3,11-1,4-7,11-1,3-1,4-4,11-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,11-1,4-7,11-1,3-1,4-4,11-1,3-3,11-1,4-7,11-1,3-1,4-4,11-1,3-1,6-1,3-1,11-1,4-7,11-1,3-1,2-6,5-1,2-10,3-1,2-6,5-1,2-10,3-1,2-6,7-1,2-10,3-1,2-17,3-1,t25:241, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "Monster,1-13,11-1,10-1,11-1,15-1,16-1,1-11,16-1,11-1,16-2,12-1,8-1,10-1,1-10,2-4,16-2,11-1,16-1,1-9,2-2,5-2,2-1,16-2,11-1,16-1,1-8,2-3,5-1,1-1,2-3,12-1,17-1,1-7,2-10,12-1,1-6,2-8,1-1,5-1,2-1,16-1,1-5,2-6,5-1,2-2,5-2,2-1,1-5,2-2,17-1,13-1,14-3,2-6,1-5,2-2,12-1,1-2,14-2,2-5,1-5,2-3,16-1,1-3,14-1,2-4,1-6,2-3,16-2,1-2,10-1,2-3,1-8,2-1,7-1,16-3,11-1,15-1,2-2,1-10,2-7,1-12,2-5,1-14,2-2,1-45, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "badpun,2-5,4-7,2-10,4-2,9-4,4-3,2-8,4-2,9-1,4-4,9-1,4-2,2-8,4-1,9-1,4-1,5-3,4-1,9-1,4-2,2-7,4-2,9-1,4-1,5-1,8-1,5-1,4-1,9-1,4-2,2-7,4-2,9-1,4-1,5-3,4-1,9-1,4-6,2-3,4-3,9-1,4-3,9-1,4-7,2-4,4-3,9-3,4-3,9-4,4-2,2-4,4-7,9-1,4-4,9-1,4-1,2-1,3-3,2-2,4-1,3-2,4-1,9-1,4-1,5-3,4-1,9-1,4-1,2-2,3-1,2-3,3-3,4-1,9-1,4-1,5-1,8-1,5-1,4-1,9-1,4-1,2-2,3-1,2-4,3-1,2-1,4-1,9-1,4-1,5-3,4-1,9-1,4-1,2-2,3-1,2-2,7-1,2-3,4-2,9-1,4-3,9-1,4-2,2-2,3-2,2-5,4-3,9-3,4-2,2-3,5-2,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-1,4-6,2-3,5-3,3-5,2-2,4-4,2-4,5-2,2-5,3-1,2-27, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "hillfun,3-7,9-1,3-9,9-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,9-1,2-8,9-1,3-1,2-1,7-1,2-15,3-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,9-1,2-6,1-1,2-2,3-8,9-1,3-5,9-1,2-3,3-1,1-13,3-1,2-3,3-10,1-4,3-1,2-3,3-2,5-1,9-1,5-1,2-1,4-4,2-5,1-1,2-2,3-2,2-1,5-1,9-1,5-1,4-4,2-8,3-2,2-2,5-1,9-1,4-4,2-8,3-2,4-3,3-13,9-1,3-1,4-3,3-1,1-13,3-1,4-3,3-7,1-1,3-7,2-3,9-1,4-4,6-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,8-1,2-1,5-1,9-1,3-2,2-2,9-1,2-1,4-4,6-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-1,5-2,9-1,3-2,2-1,9-1,2-2,4-4,6-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,5-2,6-1,9-1,3-2,9-1,2-3,4-4,6-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,9-4,3-1,9-1,3-10,1-1,3-6,t244:286,t262:286,t280:286,t298:286, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "Spiral,9-19,2-16,9-2,2-1,4-14,2-1,9-2,2-1,4-1,2-12,4-1,2-1,9-2,2-1,4-1,2-1,9-10,2-1,4-1,2-1,9-2,2-1,4-1,2-1,9-1,2-8,9-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,9-2,2-1,4-1,2-1,9-1,2-2,8-2,4-3,2-1,9-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,9-2,2-1,4-1,2-1,9-1,2-2,8-2,2-2,4-1,2-1,9-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,9-2,2-1,4-1,2-1,9-1,2-6,4-1,2-1,9-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,9-2,2-1,4-1,2-1,9-6,2-1,4-1,2-1,9-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,9-2,2-1,4-1,2-8,4-1,2-1,9-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,9-2,2-1,4-10,2-1,9-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,9-2,2-12,9-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,9-15,2-1,4-1,2-1,9-2,2-14,4-1,2-1,9-2,2-2,7-1,4-12,2-1,9-2,2-16,9-19, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "SkeeBall,3-18,2-3,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,13-1,19-6,9-1,3-1,2-3,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,13-1,19-2,3-3,19-1,9-1,3-1,2-3,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,13-1,19-2,3-1,8-1,19-2,9-1,3-1,2-3,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,13-1,19-2,3-3,19-1,9-1,3-1,2-3,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,13-1,19-6,9-1,3-1,2-3,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,13-1,19-6,9-1,3-1,2-3,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,13-1,19-1,3-2,19-3,9-1,3-1,2-1,7-1,2-1,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,13-1,19-1,3-1,6-1,19-3,9-1,3-1,2-3,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,6-1,19-1,3-1,6-1,19-3,9-1,3-1,2-3,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,11-1,19-1,3-2,19-3,9-1,3-1,2-3,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,11-1,19-6,9-1,3-1,2-3,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,11-1,19-6,9-1,3-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,11-1,19-2,3-3,19-1,9-1,3-1,2-3,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,11-1,19-2,3-1,8-1,19-2,9-1,3-1,12-1,11-1,10-1,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,11-1,19-2,3-3,19-1,9-1,3-1,11-1,6-1,11-1,4-2,19-2,20-1,3-1,11-1,19-6,9-1,3-19,t157:290,t172:290,t175:290, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "TripLJmp,3-19,2-7,19-5,1-1,14-1,1-2,3-2,2-7,19-4,1-1,19-3,1-1,3-2,2-6,5-1,3-7,19-1,15-1,3-2,2-5,5-1,2-1,3-4,8-2,3-1,4-2,3-2,2-4,5-1,2-2,3-4,8-2,3-1,4-2,3-2,2-3,5-1,2-2,19-1,3-7,4-2,3-2,2-2,5-1,2-2,19-1,20-1,3-7,19-1,7-1,3-2,2-1,5-1,2-2,19-1,20-1,3-8,19-1,2-1,3-2,5-1,2-2,19-1,20-1,3-1,1-1,3-11,2-2,19-1,20-1,3-1,1-1,19-6,1-1,3-1,13-1,19-1,3-2,2-1,19-1,20-1,3-1,1-1,19-7,1-1,19-1,4-1,19-1,3-2,19-1,20-1,3-1,1-1,2-3,17-1,2-4,1-1,19-3,3-2,20-1,3-1,1-1,2-3,4-1,2-1,20-1,2-2,20-1,1-1,19-3,3-3,1-1,2-3,4-1,2-6,1-1,19-3,3-2,1-1,2-2,7-1,5-1,2-5,1-1,2-2,19-1,4-1,19-1,3-2,2-6,4-1,2-4,11-1,2-1,19-1,10-1,19-1,3-19, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "wakawaka,3-17,1-1,3-2,19-1,2-5,1-1,2-5,19-1,3-2,1-1,3-1,19-1,18-1,3-2,4-1,3-5,4-1,3-2,18-1,19-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-1,3-3,2-3,3-1,2-3,3-3,2-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,20-1,2-4,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-4,20-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-1,3-3,1-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,1-1,3-3,2-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-2,5-1,3-1,2-7,3-1,5-1,2-2,3-1,1-1,3-3,2-1,3-1,2-1,5-5,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-3,1-1,6-2,4-1,2-3,5-1,1-3,5-1,2-3,4-1,6-2,1-1,3-3,2-1,3-1,2-1,5-5,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-3,1-1,3-1,2-2,5-1,3-1,2-3,8-1,2-3,3-1,5-1,2-2,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-1,3-3,1-1,3-1,2-1,7-1,2-1,3-1,1-1,3-3,2-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,20-1,2-4,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-4,20-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-1,3-3,2-3,3-1,2-3,3-3,2-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,19-1,18-1,3-2,4-1,3-5,4-1,3-2,18-1,19-1,3-1,1-1,3-2,19-1,2-5,1-1,2-5,19-1,3-2,1-1,3-17,1-19,t146:161,t160:145, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Suho1004.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "Leaper,2-1,7-1,2-3,20-1,1-4,13-1,1-3,3-2,1-12,20-1,1-3,8-1,3-1,1-51,6-1,10-1,2-2,1-14,2-1,18-1,2-2,1-6,17-1,4-4,10-1,1-2,2-1,18-1,2-2,1-7,20-1,4-1,20-1,1-4,2-1,18-1,2-2,1-7,4-3,1-4,2-1,6-1,2-2,1-6,4-3,1-14,4-3,1-14,4-3,1-8,20-1,1-5,4-3,1-6,5-2,2-1,4-1,1-4,2-1,4-2,1-7,5-3,2-1,1-3,2-3,6-1,2-4,1-3,2-1,5-2,2-1,1-3,2-3,11-1,18-3,6-1,1-2,20-1,4-1,2-3,1-4,2-7,1-11,2-7,1-10,t86:278,t256:159, # "; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "BtmOf9B,8-1,5-1,2-2,5-1,8-1,2-3,8-1,5-1,2-6,9-1,5-1,2-1,8-1,2-2,5-1,8-1,2-2,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,8-1,5-1,8-1,7-1,5-1,3-13,2-4,8-1,4-13,3-1,6-1,2-2,5-1,4-4,1-1,4-9,3-1,2-3,4-12,1-1,4-2,3-1,2-2,4-15,3-1,5-1,8-1,4-15,3-1,5-1,2-3,1-1,2-2,1-1,2-3,1-1,4-5,3-1,2-1,8-1,2-2,13-1,19-5,10-1,2-1,4-5,12-1,18-1,6-1,2-2,19-1,2-5,19-1,2-1,4-5,3-1,5-1,2-3,19-1,2-3,1-1,2-1,19-1,2-1,4-5,3-1,2-1,8-1,2-2,19-1,2-2,6-1,2-2,19-1,2-1,4-5,3-1,5-1,2-3,19-1,2-5,19-1,2-1,4-5,3-1,8-1,5-1,2-2,19-1,2-5,19-1,1-1,4-3,1-1,4-1,3-1,5-1,2-3,8-1,6-1,19-4,11-1,2-1,4-5,6-2,3-1,2-1,1-1,2-8,4-5,3-1,5-1,2-11,4-5,3-1,8-1,1-1,t69:222,t180:274,t286:287,t287:286, #"; 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_root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "LSU3,4-14,2-4,4-14,2-4,8-10,4-4,2-3,3-1,4-4,8-1,4-4,8-1,4-4,2-2,3-1,2-2,7-1,4-2,8-1,4-2,5-1,4-1,8-1,4-4,2-1,3-1,2-2,4-4,8-1,4-4,8-1,4-4,3-1,2-3,4-2,6-1,4-1,8-1,5-1,4-3,8-1,4-3,3-1,2-4,4-4,8-1,4-4,8-1,4-3,3-1,2-3,3-1,4-2,6-1,4-1,8-1,5-1,4-3,8-1,4-3,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-1,4-4,8-1,4-2,5-1,4-1,8-1,4-2,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-2,4-2,6-1,4-1,8-1,5-1,4-3,8-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-2,2-3,4-4,8-1,4-2,5-1,4-1,8-1,3-1,4-2,3-1,2-4,6-1,4-1,6-1,4-1,8-1,4-4,8-1,4-4,2-4,4-4,8-1,4-4,8-1,4-4,2-4,4-2,6-1,4-1,8-1,5-1,4-3,8-1,4-4,2-4,4-4,8-1,4-2,5-1,4-1,8-1,4-4,2-4,4-2,6-1,4-1,8-1,5-1,4-3,8-1,4-4,2-4,4-4,8-1,4-4,8-1,4-4,2-4, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "LSU2,2-5,8-1,2-8,8-1,2-7,8-1,2-8,8-1,2-7,3-1,2-8,8-1,2-7,3-1,4-1,3-1,2-6,8-2,2-4,8-1,2-1,3-1,4-3,3-1,2-6,8-2,2-2,8-1,2-1,3-1,4-4,1-1,3-1,2-5,8-4,2-2,8-2,4-2,1-1,4-2,3-1,2-3,8-1,2-2,8-1,2-3,4-1,8-1,4-1,1-1,4-4,3-1,2-1,8-1,2-7,4-2,1-1,4-4,1-3,2-8,4-3,1-1,4-3,1-1,4-1,1-1,3-1,2-7,4-4,8-1,1-1,4-1,1-1,4-3,3-1,2-6,4-5,1-3,4-2,1-1,4-1,3-1,2-5,8-1,4-5,8-1,4-2,1-1,4-3,3-1,2-3,8-1,4-1,2-1,4-5,8-1,1-1,4-3,1-1,4-1,3-1,2-1,8-1,2-1,4-2,8-1,4-5,1-1,4-2,1-1,4-3,3-1,2-2,4-3,8-1,4-5,1-2,4-3,3-1,2-3,4-1,7-1,4-2,8-1,4-5,8-1,4-2,3-1,2-4,4-1,2-1,4-3,8-1,4-5,8-1,3-1,2-5, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "1989,1-16,5-1,1-16,5-3,1-18,3-19,5-1,1-4,2-1,5-2,1-3,5-1,2-5,3-1,5-3,6-1,4-2,5-2,1-1,4-1,5-3,2-4,3-1,4-2,6-2,4-2,2-3,4-3,2-5,3-1,4-2,6-1,5-3,2-1,7-1,2-9,3-1,1-4,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-10,3-1,4-1,5-3,4-2,5-2,1-2,2-7,3-1,4-2,5-1,4-2,2-1,5-1,1-2,4-3,2-5,3-1,5-1,4-1,2-4,4-2,5-2,1-1,4-1,2-5,3-1,5-2,1-2,5-1,4-2,2-1,5-2,1-3,2-4,3-1,5-1,1-2,5-3,2-11,8-1,2-7,4-4,2-6,3-18,1-36, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "ShinyStr,1-16,4-1,8-1,1-14,4-2,6-1,4-1,1-12,4-2,5-1,4-2,1-11,4-7,1-9,4-8,1-8,4-4,8-1,4-3,5-1,4-1,1-6,4-3,5-1,4-7,1-6,4-1,6-1,4-10,1-3,5-1,1-3,5-1,4-6,5-1,4-2,1-4,3-2,1-2,4-3,8-1,4-6,1-4,3-2,5-1,1-2,6-1,4-7,1-5,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,1-1,3-1,4-7,1-5,5-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-3,6-1,4-1,5-1,4-2,1-6,3-2,2-1,3-3,1-2,4-2,6-1,8-1,1-6,3-2,5-1,6-1,3-1,2-1,5-1,1-3,4-1,1-7,2-1,5-1,7-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,3-2,1-9,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,1-9,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,1-8,t131:35,t186:35,t224:35,t245:35,t256:35, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "Hole 6,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,8-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,5-1,3-1,2-2,5-1,3-1,2-2,5-1,3-1,2-2,5-1,3-1,2-4,5-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,5-2,2-4,5-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-4,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,5-2,2-4,5-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,5-1,3-1,2-2,5-1,3-1,2-2,5-1,3-1,2-2,5-1,3-1,2-4,5-2,7-1,2-1,5-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,5-2,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,4-2, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "medium,1-1,8-1,2-1,5-1,2-2,1-5,3-7,1-3,2-1,1-7,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,1-3,2-1,1-2,3-1,1-4,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,1-3,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-4,3-3,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,1-3,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-5,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,1-3,2-1,1-2,2-2,1-4,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,1-3,2-2,5-1,2-2,1-4,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,1-3,5-1,2-1,5-1,1-1,2-3,1-2,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,1-3,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-1,2-2,1-2,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,1-8,2-2,1-2,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,1-8,2-2,1-2,3-3,2-1,3-2,1-8,4-1,1-5,3-2,2-1,3-1,1-8,4-1,1-5,3-4,1-8,4-1,1-17,4-1,1-9,2-1,7-1,4-6,5-1,2-4,1-13,2-1,1-27"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "logical,3-19,1-7,3-8,8-1,3-2,1-1,3-5,1-1,3-8,2-1,3-2,1-1,3-1,1-3,3-1,1-1,3-8,2-1,3-2,1-1,3-1,1-1,6-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-5,1-2,3-1,2-1,3-2,1-1,3-1,1-3,3-1,1-1,3-4,1-3,3-1,2-1,3-2,1-1,3-5,1-1,3-3,1-3,3-2,2-1,3-2,1-7,3-2,1-3,3-3,2-1,3-11,1-2,3-4,2-1,3-17,2-1,3-8,1-2,3-7,2-1,3-8,1-2,3-7,2-1,3-17,2-1,3-2,6-1,3-12,2-3,3-2,2-3,6-1,3-8,2-2,6-1,5-1,3-2,2-1,3-12,2-3,3-2,7-1,3-17,2-1,3-16,t236:77,t257:268"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "medium,1-1,8-1,2-1,5-1,2-2,1-5,3-7,1-3,2-1,1-7,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,1-3,2-1,1-2,3-1,1-4,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,1-3,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-4,3-3,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,1-3,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-5,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,1-3,2-1,1-2,2-2,1-4,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,1-3,2-2,5-1,2-2,1-4,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,1-3,5-1,2-1,5-1,1-1,2-3,1-2,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,1-3,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-1,2-2,1-2,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-2,1-8,2-2,1-2,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,1-8,2-2,1-2,3-3,2-1,3-2,1-8,4-1,1-5,3-2,2-1,3-1,1-8,4-1,1-5,3-4,1-8,4-1,1-17,4-1,1-9,2-1,7-1,4-6,5-1,2-4,1-13,2-1,1-27"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "hmm,1-18,2-2,1-6,2-2,1-8,2-1,8-1,2-1,1-4,2-1,4-2,2-1,1-8,2-3,1-2,2-1,4-1,5-2,4-1,2-1,1-8,2-3,1-1,4-1,5-1,2-2,5-1,4-1,2-1,1-8,2-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,2-4,5-1,4-1,2-1,1-8,4-1,5-1,2-6,5-1,4-1,2-1,1-5,2-1,4-1,5-10,4-1,2-1,1-3,2-1,4-14,2-1,1 -1,2-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,4-14,2-1,1-3,2-1,4-1,5-10,4-1,2-1,1-5,2-1,4-1,5-1,2-6,5-1,4-1,2-1,1-7,2-1,4-1,5-1,2-4,5-1,4-1,2-1,1-9,2-1,4-1,5-1,2-2,5-1,4-1,2-3,1-9,2-1,4-1,5-2,4-1,2-1,1-1,2-3,1-9,2-1,4-2,2-1,1-3,2-1,7-1,2-1,1-9,2-2,1-5,2-2,1-1"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "lava,5-43,2-1,5-12,8-1,2-4,5-13,2-5,5-16,2-2,5-16,2-2,5-2,2-3,5-11,2-7,5-10,2-8,5-10,2-2,5-3,2-3,5-15,2-3,5-15,2-8,5-10,2-8,5-10,2-8,5-15,2-1,7-1,2-1,5-15,2-3,5-15,2-3,5-19"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "4HillsII,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-2,3-1,1-2,3-3,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-2,3-1,1-2,3-1,1-1,3-3,1-1,3-3,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-2,3-1,1-2,3-2,1-2,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-2,3-1,1-3,3-1,1-2,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-2,1-1,3-2,1-1,3-2,1-63,8-1,2-4,1-17,2-5,1-14,2-4,1-14,2-3,1-14,2-2,4-2,1-13,2-4,1-13,2-4,1-4,2-1,7-1,4-2,2-8,4-1,1-14,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,1-9,2-5,1-8"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "HARD,1-2,2-3,1-7,2-3,1-4,2-2,4-2,2-2,1-1,2-4,4-4,2-1,1-1,2-3,4-13,2-5,4-14,6-1,2-2,7-1,2-1,4-12,2-2,1-1,2-4,4-11,2-2,1-2,2-9,4-4,2-3,1-4,2-13,1-10,2-7,1-4,2-2,6-1,2-1,1-8,2-2,1-4,2-5,1-13,2-5,1-4,2-4,1-4,2-2,1-1,2-2,1-4,2-8,1-1,2-4,1-5,2-8,1-2,2-4,1-4,2-3,1-2,2-3,1-1,2-3,1-1,2-1,1-5,2-2,1-2,2-3,1-1,2-5,1-5,6-1,2-1,1-2,2-2,1-3,8-1,2-2,1-11,6-1,1-1,t72:300,t323:167"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 14,3-6,1-6,3-7,2-4,3-1,1-6,3-1,2-4,3-2,2-1,6-1,2-2,3-1,1-6,3-1,2-2,6-1,2-1,3-2,2-2,3-12,2-2,3-2,2-2,3-1,6-1,3-1,2-6,3-1,5-1,3-1,2-2,3-7,2-6,3-3,2-2,3-1,1-3,3-1,2-2,3-6,2-2,3-4,1-3,3-1,2-2,3-1,5-1,2-2,5-1,3-1,2-2,3-1,1-6,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-1,6-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-2,3-1,1-6,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-1,4-1,8-1,2-1,3-1,2-2,3-1,1-6,3-1,2-2,3-1,5-1,2-2,5-1,3-1,2-2,3-1,1-6,3-1,2-2,3-6,2-2,3-1,1-3,3-6,2-6,3-7,2-2,3-1,5-1,3-1,2-6,3-1,6-1,3-1,2-2,3-2,2-2,3-12,2-2,3-2,2-1,6-1,2-2,3-1,1-6,3-1,2-1,7-1,6-1,2-1,3-2,2-4,3-1,1-6,3-1,2-4,3-7,1-6,3-6,t39:52,t52:77,t77:248,t248:153,t273:39,t286:273"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "3Clicks,1-12,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-5,2-1,7-1,4-8,2-2,6-1,2-1,1-14,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-23,2-1,6-1,2-6,1-2,2-1,1-10,2-1,1-2,2-4,6-1,2-1,1-16,2-1,1-8,6-1,1-17,2-2,1-16,2-3,1-16,2-2,1-17,8-1,1-120,t33:76,t103:130"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "Intro,3-19,2-13,1-4,3-1,2-1,5-1,2-8,4-1,2-2,4-1,7-1,2-1,1-1,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-11,1-4,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,3-15,2-3,3-1,2-12,3-2,2-3,3-1,2-1,5-2,2-6,4-1,5-1,2-1,3-2,2-3,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-8,5-1,2-1,3-2,2-3,3-1,2-3,3-6,2-3,3-2,2-3,3-1,2-3,3-6,2-3,3-2,2-3,3-1,2-8,3-1,2-3,3-2,2-3,3-1,2-1,5-1,4-4,8-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,3-2,2-3,3-1,2-8,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,3-2,2-3,3-10,2-1,4-1,2-1,3-2,2-4,1-9,2-1,4-1,2-1,3-2,2-1,5-1,2-1,6-1,1-9,6-1,5-1,2-1,3-2,2-4,1-9,2-3,3-19,t275:285"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "par3,1-7,5-2,1-9,2-3,1-4,5-1,2-1,1-5,4-2,1-2,2-1,4-3,1-3,2-1,1-4,4-4,1-2,4-6,2-1,1-3,4-5,1-3,4-5,2-1,1-4,4-5,1-3,4-4,2-1,4-3,1-3,4-3,1-4,4-3,8-1,4-4,2-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,4-2,1-2,4-10,2-1,3-1,1-4,4-11,2-1,3-1,2-2,1-2,4-4,1-1,2-1,4-5,2-6,1-2,3-1,4-2,1-1,2-2,4-3,2-8,3-1,1-1,4-1,1-2,2-14,1-4,2-15,1-3,2-15,1-3,2-16,1-2,2-20,5-4,2-8,7-1,2-4,5-6,2-11"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "digdug,3-16,2-2,3-16,2-2,3-8,2-6,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-4,8-1,3-2,2-2,4-2,2-2,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-5,3-2,2-6,3-2,2-2,3-1,4-1,2-1,3-5,2-2,3-6,2-2,3-1,4-1,2-1,3-5,2-2,3-6,7-1,2-1,3-1,2-2,3-5,2-2,3-6,2-2,3-1,2-7,4-2,2-8,3-1,2-17,3-1,2-2,3-4,2-2,3-7,2-2,3-1,5-2,2-2,3-2,2-2,5-2,3-5,2-2,3-1,5-2,2-2,3-2,4-1,2-1,5-2,3-5,2-2,3-1,2-2,3-4,4-1,2-1,3-7,2-2,3-1,2-2,3-4,2-2,3-7,2-2,3-7,2-2,3-7,2-2,3-16,2-2,3-16,2-2"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "Pong,2-4,3-11,2-6,3-13,2-5,4-6,5-1,4-6,2-5,4-13,2-5,4-6,5-1,4-5,3-1,2-5,4-12,3-1,6-1,8-1,2-3,4-6,5-1,4-6,2-5,4-13,2-5,4-6,5-1,4-6,6-1,2-4,3-1,4-12,2-3,7-1,2-1,3-1,4-5,5-1,4-6,2-5,4-13,2-5,4-6,5-1,4-6,2-5,4-13,2-5,4-6,5-1,4-6,2-5,4-13,2-5,3-13,2-6,3-11,2-3,t107:161,t161:107, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "EastrEgg,2-29,3-4,2-5,7-1,2-6,3-2,2-4,3-1,2-10,4-2,2-6,3-1,2-7,5-1,4-3,2-6,3-1,2-7,5-1,4-3,2-6,3-1,2-6,4-1,5-2,4-3,2-5,3-1,2-5,4-3,5-1,4-4,2-3,3-1,2-5,3-1,4-3,5-2,4-6,3-1,2-5,3-1,2-1,4-3,5-2,4-5,2-5,3-1,2-2,4-4,5-3,4-2,2-6,3-1,2-3,4-5,5-2,2-7,3-1,2-4,4-5,2-8,3-1,2-6,4-2,2-10,3-1,2-4,3-2,2-12,3-4,2-6,8-1,2-39"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "Kong1981,3-1,2-4,3-1,2-8,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,3-2,5-1,2-2,3-1,2-7,3-1,2-1,5-2,2-1,3-1,2-4,3-1,2-7,3-1,5-2,4-2,3-1,5-1,2-3,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-4,3-1,5-1,2-3,3-1,2-4,3-1,4-2,3-1,5-1,2-3,3-1,4-4,3-1,2-1,7-1,2-2,3-1,2-2,3-1,4-1,2-2,4-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-4,3-1,5-1,2-1,3-1,2-4,3-1,2-1,3-1,8-1,2-2,3-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-4,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-3,3-1,4-3,3-1,2-2,3-1,4-2,3-1,2-3,3-1,5-1,2-2,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-6,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-4,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-6,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-4,3-1,5-1,2-1,3-1,2-6,3-1,2-2,3-1,5-1,2-3,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-6,3-1,4-2,3-1,2-4,3-1,4-2,3-1,2-6,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-4,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-6,3-1,2-7,3-1,2-17,3-1,2-17,3-1,2-8"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "PacAttak,3-9,6-1,2-1,3-8,2-15,8-1,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-2,4-1,2-7,4-1,2-2,3-2,2-2,3-2,2-3,3-4,2-5,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-6,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-2,3-2,2-13,3-1,2-2,3-2,2-5,3-1,2-2,3-3,2-3,5-1,2-1,3-2,2-5,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-5,3-2,2-3,3-3,2-2,3-1,5-1,2-3,3-5,2-1,7-1,2-1,3-3,2-2,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-2,3-5,2-5,3-1,2-2,3-3,2-5,3-2,2-5,3-1,5-1,2-9,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-10,3-1,2-2,3-2,2-2,3-2,2-5,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-2,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-4,3-4,2-5,3-2,2-5,4-1,2-7,4-1,2-2,3-2,2-9,5-1,2-6,3-10,6-1,2-1,3-7,t10:316,t316:10, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "minigolf,2-29,3-6,2-12,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,2-12,3-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-12,3-1,2-1,8-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,2-12,3-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-12,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,2-12,3-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-12,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,2-12,3-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-2,3-11,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,2-2,3-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,2-2,3-1,4-1,2-1,7-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,2-2,3-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-2,3-16,2-19"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "minigolf,2-29,3-6,2-12,3-1,4-4,3-1,2-12,3-1,4-4,3-1,2-12,3-1,4-1,8-1,4-2,3-1,2-12,3-1,4-4,3-1,2-12,3-1,4-4,3-1,2-12,3-1,4-4,3-1,2-12,3-1,4-4,3-1,2-12,3-1,4-4,3-1,2-2,3-11,4-4,3-1,2-2,3-1,4-14,3-1,2-2,3-1,4-14,3-1,2-2,3-1,4-2,7-1,4-11,3-1,2-2,3-1,4-14,3-1,2-2,3-1,4-14,3-1,2-2,3-16,2-19"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "Arkanoid,3-19,4-12,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-2,4-12,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-2,4-13,3-1,4-1,8-1,3-2,4-13,3-1,4-1,6-1,3-2,4-12,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-2,4-1,3-1,4-10,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-2,4-1,3-1,2-3,4-8,3-1,4-1,3-3,4-1,3-1,2-1,7-1,2-1,4-8,3-1,4-1,3-3,4-2,2-3,4-7,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-2,4-12,6-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-2,4-13,3-1,4-1,3-3,4-13,3-1,4-1,3-3,4-12,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-2,4-12,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-2,4-13,3-1,4-1,3-3,4-13,3-1,4-1,3-20"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "Plinko,2-5,3-2,2-15,3-2,2-15,3-2,2-3,3-1,2-6,7-1,2-4,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-13,3-2,2-7,3-1,2-7,3-2,2-5,3-1,2-10,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-7,3-1,2-14,3-1,2-8,5-1,2-1,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-7,3-1,2-3,5-1,3-1,2-9,3-1,2-5,3-2,5-2,2-1,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-7,3-4,5-1,3-1,2-9,3-1,2-1,3-2,2-2,3-2,4-1,8-1,2-1,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-3,3-2,2-4,3-2,4-1,3-1,2-7,3-2,2-6,3-2,5-2,2-1,3-1,2-3,3-2,2-8,3-2,5-1,3-1,2-3,3-2,2-10,3-2,5-2,2-1,3-2,2-12,3-2,5-1,3-2,2-7"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "BrdgeOut,1-97,2-2,1-1,2-3,1-9,2-4,1-1,2-7,1-2,2-7,6-1,1-1,6-1,2-16,1-1,2-17,1-1,2-11,7-1,2-5,1-1,2-7,8-1,2-9,1-1,2-16,1-4,5-1,1-1,2-9,5-1,1-5,5-1,1-2,5-1,1-2,2-2,1-3,5-1,1-2,5-1,1-2,5-1,1-2,5-1,1-2,5-1,1-4,5-1,1-3,5-1,1-1,5-1,1-2,5-1,1-2,5-1,1-9,5-1,1-29,t134:136,t136:134, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "Flower,4-2,2-34,4-3,2-8,1-1,2-14,1-1,2-1,4-1,2-3,1-1,2-3,4-2,2-5,1-1,2-1,4-2,1-1,2-1,4-1,2-6,4-1,2-5,4-2,2-2,4-1,2-10,1-1,2-2,4-1,2-3,4-1,2-5,4-3,2-3,4-2,2-3,4-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-6,4-1,2-3,4-1,2-3,5-3,2-1,4-14,5-1,8-1,5-2,2-5,4-2,2-4,4-1,2-2,5-3,2-3,4-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,4-2,2-3,4-2,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,4-2,2-5,4-1,2-4,4-1,2-11,1-1,2-1,4-1,2-4,4-1,2-1,1-1,2-2,4-3,2-6,1-1,2-2,1-1,2-1,4-1,2-18,1-1,2-3,7-1,2-34"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "Zeddle,2-7,3-5,2-12,3-2,5-4,3-1,2-10,5-4,2-2,5-2,3-1,2-7,3-1,5-2,2-6,5-2,3-1,2-6,5-2,2-9,5-1,3-1,2-4,5-2,2-2,4-1,2-4,4-2,2-1,5-2,2-3,5-2,2-2,4-1,1-1,2-4,4-1,1-1,2-2,5-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,5-1,3-1,2-1,4-1,1-1,2-2,4-1,2-6,5-2,2-2,5-1,2-2,4-1,1-1,2-2,1-1,4-1,2-4,8-1,2-1,5-1,2-5,4-1,1-1,2-2,4-1,2-7,5-1,2-2,7-1,2-2,4-1,1-1,2-5,4-1,1-1,2-3,5-1,2-6,4-1,1-1,2-4,4-2,2-2,5-1,3-1,2-2,5-2,2-3,4-1,2-8,5-1,2-2,3-2,5-1,2-11,5-2,2-4,3-1,5-2,2-9,5-1,2-6,3-1,5-2,2-6,5-2,3-1,2-7,3-2,5-3,2-1,5-3,3-1,2-9,3-4,5-2,3-2,2-5"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "fairlyEZ,2-9,3-6,2-5,1-1,2-11,3-1,2-1,8-1,2-2,1-1,2-12,3-1,2-17,3-1,2-2,1-1,2-4,1-8,2-2,3-1,2-7,1-1,2-9,3-1,2-2,1-1,2-4,1-1,2-9,3-1,2-7,1-1,2-9,3-1,2-2,1-1,2-4,1-1,2-2,7-1,2-6,3-1,2-7,1-1,2-9,3-1,2-2,1-1,2-4,1-1,2-9,3-1,2-7,1-1,2-9,3-1,2-2,1-1,2-4,1-10,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-3,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-2,1-1,2-3,1-1,3-1,2-2,1-1,3-1,2-13,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-16,1-1,3-1,2-17,3-2,2-1,3-3,2-1,3-3,2-1,3-2,2-5"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "Frogger,1-2,2-3,1-4,2-3,1-1,4-1,1-1,3-3,4-1,1-1,2-3,1-4,2-3,1-1,4-1,1-3,3-1,1-2,2-3,1-2,4-1,1-1,2-3,1-1,4-1,1-1,4-1,1-1,3-1,4-1,1-1,2-3,1-2,4-1,1-1,2-3,1-1,4-1,1-3,3-1,1-2,2-3,5-1,1-3,2-3,1-3,3-3,4-1,1-1,2-3,5-1,1-3,2-3,1-1,5-1,1-3,3-1,1-2,2-3,1-3,2-4,1-1,5-1,1-1,4-1,1-1,3-1,1-2,2-3,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-4,1-1,5-1,1-3,3-1,1-2,2-3,1-1,2-1,5-1,2-5,5-1,1-1,3-3,1-2,2-3,5-1,2-1,5-1,1-1,2-4,5-1,2-1,1-2,3-1,1-2,2-1,7-1,2-1,5-1,1-1,5-1,1-1,2-4,1-1,2-1,8-1,1-1,3-1,4-1,1-1,2-3,5-1,1-3,2-4,1-1,2-1,1-2,3-1,4-1,1-1,2-3,1-1,4-1,1-2,2-4,1-1,2-1,3-3,4-1,1-1,2-3,1-1,4-1,1-2,2-4,1-1,2-1,1-2,3-1,4-1,1-1,2-3,1-1,4-1,1-2,2-3,1-3,4-1,1-1,3-1,4-1,1-1,2-3,1-4,2-3,5-1,1-4,3-1,4-1,1-1,2-3,1-4,2-3,5-1,1-2,3-3,1-18"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "Untitled,2-1,3-18,2-15,3-3,2-15,8-1,3-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,4-1,3-8,2-5,3-1,2-3,4-1,3-1,4-1,5-1,2-3,4-1,5-1,3-6,2-1,5-1,2-2,3-1,5-1,4-1,2-3,5-1,4-1,2-5,3-1,5-1,4-1,2-15,3-1,5-1,4-1,2-5,5-1,4-1,2-5,5-1,4-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-5,4-1,5-1,2-5,4-1,5-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,3-10,2-3,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,5-1,4-1,2-10,3-1,5-1,4-1,2-3,4-1,5-1,2-5,5-1,4-1,2-3,3-1,5-1,4-1,2-1,4-1,3-1,2-2,5-1,2-4,4-1,5-1,2-3,3-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,3-4,2-8,3-1,2-17,3-14,2-4,3-2,2-1,7-1,4-2,5-1,4-2,5-1,4-2,5-1,4-2,2-3,3-16,2-1,3-2"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian"; _root.levels[li++] = "1UP,1-8,5-6,1-11,5-10,1-7,4-1,3-3,4-3,3-1,4-1,1-8,3-1,4-2,3-1,4-4,8-1,4-3,1-6,3-1,4-2,3-2,4-4,3-1,4-3,1-6,3-1,4-6,3-4,1-1,3-3,1-4,4-9,1-2,2-3,1-3,2-2,5-1,2-4,1-5,2-3,1-2,2-3,5-1,2-3,5-1,2-3,1-2,2-1,7-1,2-1,1-1,2-4,5-5,2-4,1-1,2-3,1-1,4-2,2-1,5-1,4-1,5-3,4-1,5-1,2-1,4-2,1-1,2-3,1-1,4-3,5-7,4-3,1-1,2-4,4-2,5-9,4-2,1-1,2-5,1-1,5-3,1-3,5-3,1-3,2-4,1-1,2-3,1-5,2-3,1-2,2-3,1-1,2-4,1-5,2-4,1-1,2-3,1-15,3-3,1-15"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "Strike2,3-19,2-17,3-1,2-17,3-1,2-1,7-1,2-1,3-1,2-13,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-13,3-5,2-13,4-7,3-1,4-7,3-1,4-9,3-1,4-7,3-1,4-9,3-1,4-7,3-1,4-9,3-1,4-7,3-1,4-9,3-1,4-7,3-1,4-9,3-1,4-7,3-1,4-9,3-1,4-7,3-1,4-5,5-1,4-3,3-1,4-3,5-1,4-3,3-1,4-4,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-2,3-1,4-2,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-2,3-1,4-3,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,8-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,5-2,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,3-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,3-1,5-1,4-8,3-1,4-7,3-1,4-2"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "maxHARD,1-3,3-1,1-2,3-12,1-2,3-2,1-3,2-9,8-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-3,1-2,2-9,3-2,1-3,3-1,1-4,2-5,3-4,1-3,3-1,1-6,2-7,3-1,1-2,3-1,1-3,3-3,1-2,2-6,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-3,3-1,1-2,3-1,1-3,2-5,3-1,1-4,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-4,2-4,3-2,2-1,1-1,3-1,1-3,3-1,1-2,3-1,1-3,2-3,3-2,2-2,1-3,3-1,1-3,3-1,1-3,2-3,3-2,2-3,1-1,3-1,1-4,3-1,1-3,2-3,3-2,2-4,1-2,3-7,4-3,3-2,2-5,1-4,3-1,1-3,2-3,3-2,2-6,1-3,3-1,1-3,2-3,3-2,2-1,7-1,2-5,1-2,3-1,1-3,2-3,3-2,2-9,4-1,2-6,3-2,2-9,4-1,2-6,3-19"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n\"Labyrinth is the correct spelling :P\""; _root.levels[li++] = "Labrynth,3-9,2-1,1-1,2-1,3-7,8-1,2-1,3-1,2-14,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-14,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-2,3-8,2-3,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-5,1-2,2-1,6-1,2-1,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-4,6-1,1-2,2-3,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-3,3-9,2-2,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-5,1-1,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-6,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-6,3-1,2-6,3-1,2-6,3-1,2-3,3-1,1-1,2-5,3-1,2-1,1-1,2-4,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-6,3-1,2-6,3-1,2-3,3-15,2-3,3-2,2-6,1-1,2-3,1-1,2-5,3-2,2-1,7-1,2-14,3-2,2-4,1-1,2-7,1-1,2-3,3-19,t88:102,t102:88, #"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "1clk1min,3-19,8-1,2-15,3-2,2-16,3-2,4-16,3-2,4-16,3-2,2-16,3-2,2-16,3-2,2-16,3-2,2-16,3-2,2-16,3-2,2-16,3-2,2-16,3-2,2-16,3-2,2-14,4-2,3-2,2-14,4-2,3-2,2-13,7-1,4-2,3-2,2-14,4-2,3-19"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "Trick2It,1-9,3-2,1-15,2-4,1-13,2-6,1-11,2-3,1-2,2-3,1-9,2-3,1-4,2-3,1-7,2-3,1-6,2-3,1-5,2-1,4-1,2-1,1-8,2-3,1-3,2-1,4-1,2-1,1-10,2-2,3-1,1-1,2-1,7-1,2-1,1-11,2-2,3-1,2-3,1-11,2-2,1-2,2-2,1-11,2-2,1-6,3-6,1-3,2-2,1-7,3-1,2-9,1-8,3-1,2-11,8-1,1-5,3-1,2-7,1-4,2-1,1-5,3-1,2-14,1-3,3-1,2-14,1-3,3-1,2-14"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n\"Ever see \"You Can't Do That On Television?\"\n\nnot that you need to....\n\nI present to you....\n\n\"Ready, Aim...\" the level...\""; _root.levels[li++] = "ReadyAIM,1-129,2-1,1-15,2-9,1-8,2-4,4-6,1-6,2-1,1-1,2-4,4-6,2-1,6-1,1-3,6-1,8-1,2-1,1-1,2-3,4-6,1-6,2-1,1-3,2-3,1-1,2-1,1-13,2-5,1-13,2-1,7-1,2-1,1-15,2-3,1-15,2-3,1-14,2-5,1-12"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "noteasy,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-22,5-1,2-19,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-2,4-1,2-1,3-1,5-1,2-2,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,2-3,1-1,2-2,5-1,1-11,2-3,3-1,5-1,2-2,3-1,1-1,2-8,1-1,2-3,1-1,2-2,5-1,1-2,2-8,1-1,2-3,3-1,5-1,2-2,3-1,1-1,2-3,1-2,2-3,1-1,2-3,1-1,2-2,5-1,1-2,2-3,1-2,2-3,1-1,2-3,3-1,5-1,2-2,3-1,1-1,2-3,1-2,2-3,1-1,2-3,1-1,2-2,5-1,1-2,2-3,1-2,2-3,1-1,2-3,3-1,5-1,2-2,3-1,1-1,2-3,1-2,2-1,8-1,2-1,1-1,2-3,1-1,2-2,5-1,1-2,2-3,1-2,2-3,1-1,2-3,3-1,5-1,2-2,3-1,1-1,2-3,1-6,2-3,1-1,2-1,4-1,5-1,1-2,2-12,3-1,5-1,7-1,2-1,3-1,1-1,2-12,1-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,1-2,2-12"; _root.levelcomments[li] = "Created by Brian.\n"; _root.levels[li++] = "Medium,2-6,1-12,2-7,1-11,2-8,1-10,2-4,7-1,2-3,5-1,1-10,2-7,5-1,4-1,1-10,2-6,5-1,4-1,2-1,1-10,2-5,5-1,4-1,2-2,1-10,2-4,5-1,4-1,2-3,1-10,2-3,5-1,4-1,2-4,1-10,2-2,5-1,4-1,2-5,1-10,2-1,5-1,4-1,2-6,1-10,5-1,4-1,2-7,1-10,4-1,2-8,1-10,2-1,8-1,2-6,1-11,2-7,1-12,2-6,1-13,2-5,1-14,2-4"; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 5,1-57,2-1,1-15,2-9,1-8,2-4,4-6,1-6,2-1,1-1,2-3,5-1,4-6,2-1,6-1,1-3,6-1,8-1,2-1,1-1,2-3,4-6,1-6,2-1,1-3,2-3,1-1,2-1,1-13,2-5,1-13,2-1,7-1,2-1,1-15,2-3,1-15,2-3,1-14,2-5,1-84,t120:124"; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 6,3-19,2-13,1-4,3-1,2-1,5-1,2-8,4-1,2-2,4-1,7-1,2-1,1-1,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-11,1-4,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,3-15,2-3,3-1,2-12,3-2,2-3,3-1,2-1,5-2,2-6,4-1,5-1,2-1,3-2,2-3,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-8,5-1,2-1,3-2,2-3,3-1,2-3,3-6,2-1,5-1,2-1,3-2,2-3,3-1,2-3,3-6,2-3,3-2,2-3,3-1,2-8,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,3-2,2-3,3-1,2-1,5-1,4-4,8-1,2-1,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,3-2,2-3,3-1,2-8,3-1,2-1,4-1,2-1,3-2,2-3,3-10,2-1,4-1,2-1,3-2,2-4,1-9,2-1,4-1,2-1,3-2,2-1,5-1,2-1,6-1,1-9,6-1,5-1,2-1,3-2,2-4,1-9,2-3,3-19,t275:285"; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 7,2-19,3-15,2-3,3-1,2-4,3-2,4-1,5-1,2-3,6-1,3-2,2-3,3-1,6-1,2-2,8-1,3-2,5-1,4-1,2-3,6-1,3-2,2-3,3-1,2-4,3-2,2-2,3-6,2-3,3-7,2-2,3-6,2-3,3-7,2-11,3-1,5-1,4-1,2-12,7-1,2-2,3-1,4-1,5-1,2-15,3-1,2-2,3-3,2-1,3-4,4-1,5-1,3-2,2-3,3-1,2-2,3-3,2-1,3-4,5-1,4-1,3-2,2-3,3-1,2-2,3-2,2-2,3-4,2-2,3-2,2-3,3-1,2-2,3-2,4-1,5-1,3-4,2-2,3-2,2-3,3-1,2-2,3-2,5-1,4-1,3-4,2-2,3-2,2-3,3-1,6-2,3-2,2-2,3-2,6-1,2-3,3-2,2-3,3-5,6-2,3-2,6-1,2-3,3-2,2-3,3-15,2-20,t50:57,t68:57,t255:57,t256:57,t263:57,t277:57,t278:57,t281:57"; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 8,1-7,5-2,1-9,2-3,1-4,5-1,2-1,1-5,4-2,1-2,2-1,4-3,1-3,2-1,1-4,4-4,1-2,4-6,2-1,1-3,4-5,1-3,4-5,2-1,1-4,4-5,1-3,4-4,2-1,4-3,1-3,4-3,1-4,4-3,8-1,4-4,2-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,4-2,1-2,4-10,2-1,3-1,1-4,4-11,2-1,3-1,2-2,1-2,4-4,1-1,2-1,4-5,2-6,1-2,3-1,4-2,1-1,2-2,4-3,2-8,3-1,1-1,4-1,1-2,2-14,1-4,2-15,1-3,2-15,1-3,2-16,1-2,2-20,5-4,2-8,7-1,2-4,5-6,2-11"; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 9,2-5,3-2,2-15,3-2,2-15,3-2,2-3,3-1,2-6,7-1,2-4,3-2,2-1,3-1,2-13,3-2,2-7,3-1,2-7,3-2,2-5,3-1,2-10,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-7,3-1,2-14,3-1,2-8,5-1,2-1,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-7,3-1,2-3,5-1,3-1,2-9,3-1,2-5,3-2,5-2,2-1,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-7,3-4,5-1,3-1,2-9,3-1,2-1,3-2,2-2,3-2,4-1,8-1,2-1,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-3,3-2,2-4,3-2,4-1,3-1,2-7,3-2,2-6,3-2,5-2,2-1,3-1,2-3,3-2,2-8,3-2,5-1,3-1,2-3,3-2,2-10,3-2,5-2,2-1,3-2,2-12,3-2,5-1,3-2,2-7"; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 10,3-19,4-12,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-2,4-12,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-2,4-13,3-1,4-1,6-1,3-2,4-13,3-1,4-1,8-1,3-2,4-12,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-2,4-1,3-1,4-10,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-2,4-1,3-1,2-3,4-8,3-1,4-1,3-3,4-1,3-1,2-1,7-1,2-1,4-8,3-1,4-1,3-3,4-2,2-3,4-7,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-2,4-12,6-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-2,4-13,3-1,4-1,3-3,4-13,3-1,4-1,3-3,4-12,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-2,4-12,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-2,4-13,3-1,4-1,3-3,4-13,3-1,4-1,3-20,t194:71"; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 11,1-36,3-18,2-2,4-8,3-3,4-5,2-2,4-7,3-5,4-4,2-2,4-1,3-1,8-1,4-3,3-1,1-1,3-3,1-1,3-1,4-3,2-2,3-3,4-3,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,1-1,3-1,4-3,2-2,4-1,3-1,4-4,3-1,1-5,3-1,4-3,2-1,7-1,4-7,3-5,4-4,2-2,4-8,3-6,4-2,2-2,4-10,3-5,4-1,2-2,4-9,3-7,2-2,4-9,3-1,1-5,3-1,2-2,4-2,3-1,4-6,3-7,2-2,4-1,3-3,4-6,3-5,4-1,2-2,4-2,3-1,4-8,3-3,4-2,3-18,1-18"; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 12,1-13,2-1,5-1,2-1,8-1,1-14,5-1,3-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,1-2,2-1,3-1,5-1,1-3,2-1,1-4,2-2,4-1,2-1,3-1,1-2,2-1,5-1,2-4,5-1,3-1,1-4,2-1,1-1,2-1,5-1,1-3,5-1,1-4,2-1,1-5,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-4,4-1,1-5,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-2,7-1,1-1,2-1,1-4,4-1,1-5,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,3-1,1-2,4-1,1-5,2-1,1-1,2-1,5-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-2,5-1,2-9,4-1,2-1,3-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,4-1,1-1,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-5,2-1,1-1,2-1,5-1,2-1,5-1,2-3,5-1,3-1,1-1,2-1,1-5,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,5-1,3-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-2,3-1,1-2,2-1,1-1,4-1,1-1,2-1,5-1,3-1,5-2,2-2,4-1,2-3,5-1,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-1,4-1,1-4,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-2,2-1,1-2,5-1,1-2,2-1,1-1,2-1,1-5,2-1,5-1,2-5,5-1,2-2,5-1,3-1,2-1,1-5,5-1,3-1,5-1,1-1,5-1,1-2,2-1,1-4,2-1,5-1,1-4,2-4,5-1,2-3,4-1,2-2,5-2,3-1,1-7,5-1,3-1,5-1,1-6,2-1,5-1"; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 13,3-19,2-17,3-1,2-1,7-1,2-15,3-1,2-17,3-1,2-6,5-1,2-7,5-1,2-2,3-1,2-6,5-1,2-7,5-1,2-2,4-7,6-1,4-7,6-1,4-9,3-1,4-7,3-1,4-9,3-1,4-7,3-1,4-9,3-1,4-7,3-1,4-9,3-1,4-7,3-1,4-9,3-1,4-7,3-1,4-9,3-1,4-7,3-1,4-5,5-1,4-3,3-1,4-3,5-1,4-3,3-1,4-4,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-2,3-1,4-2,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-2,3-1,4-3,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,8-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,5-2,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,3-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,3-1,5-1,4-8,3-1,6-7,3-1,4-2,t315:116,t316:116,t317:116,t318:116,t319:116,t320:116,t321:116"; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 14,3-9,2-1,1-1,2-1,3-7,8-1,2-1,3-1,2-14,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-14,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-2,3-8,2-3,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-5,1-2,2-1,6-1,2-1,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-4,6-1,1-2,2-3,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-3,3-9,2-2,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-5,1-1,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-6,3-2,2-2,3-1,2-2,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-6,3-1,2-6,3-1,2-6,3-1,2-3,3-1,1-1,2-5,3-1,2-1,1-1,2-4,3-1,2-3,3-1,2-6,3-1,2-6,3-1,2-3,3-15,2-3,3-2,2-6,1-1,2-3,1-1,2-5,3-2,2-1,7-1,2-14,3-2,2-4,1-1,2-7,1-1,2-3,3-19,t102:88"; _root.levels[li++] = "Level 15,3-19,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,3-2,4-16,3-2,4-1,6-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,6-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,6-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,6-1,4-1,5-1,3-2,4-16,3-2,4-16,3-2,4-1,3-3,4-1,3-2,4-2,3-1,4-1,3-3,4-2,3-2,4-1,3-1,4-3,3-2,4-2,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-2,3-1,4-1,3-2,4-1,3-1,8-1,4-2,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-2,3-1,4-1,3-2,4-1,3-3,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-2,3-1,4-1,3-2,4-1,3-1,4-3,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-1,3-1,4-2,3-1,4-1,3-2,4-1,3-1,4-3,3-1,4-2,3-2,4-1,3-1,4-2,3-1,4-1,3-2,4-1,3-3,4-1,3-1,4-2,3-2,4-1,3-3,4-2,3-2,4-16,3-2,4-3,7-1,4-12,3-2,4-1,6-1,4-1,5-1,2-1,6-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,6-1,4-1,5-1,4-1,6-1,4-1,5-1,3-2,4-16,3-19,t57:273,t61:277,t65:281,t69:285,t273:57,t277:61,t281:65,t285:69, #"; _root.colstart[5] = li; _root.loaddata = function () { _root.autolevel =; _root.playhelponce =; _root.edithelponce =; _root.levelssolved =; _root.besttimes =; _root.bestclicks =; _root.slot1 =; _root.slot2 =; _root.slot3 =; _root.musicpref =; if (_root.levelssolved == undefined) { _root.levelssolved = new Array(); } if (_root.besttimes == undefined) { _root.besttimes = new Array(); } if (_root.bestclicks == undefined) { _root.bestclicks = new Array(); } }; _root.executeCallback = function () { if ( == true) { _root.loaddata(); clearInterval(intervalId); } else { _root.timeout++; } if (_root.timeout >= 300) { _root.loaddata(); clearInterval(intervalId); } }; _root.refreshdata = function () { _root.myLocalSO = SharedObject.getLocal("contourcookie"); if (_root.myLocalSO == null) { _root.SOdisabled = true; } else { _root.SOdisabled = false; } _root.timeout = 0; _root.intervalId = setInterval(_root, "executeCallback", 20); }; _root.refreshdata(); _root.savedata = function () { = _root.autolevel; = _root.playhelponce; = _root.edithelponce; = _root.levelssolved; = _root.besttimes; = _root.bestclicks; = _root.slot1; = _root.slot2; = _root.slot3; = _root.musicpref; = true; _root.myLocalSO.flush(); }; _root.autosave = function () { levelstring = ""; if (_root.editmenu.edittitle.inputtitle.text == "") { levelstring = levelstring + "Untitled,"; } else { levelstring = levelstring + (_root.editmenu.edittitle.inputtitle.text + ","); } curtype = _root.editor.eg1._currentframe; curcount = 1; levelstring = levelstring + (String(((curtype - 1) / 3) + 1) + "-"); as = 2; while (as <= 324) { if (_root.editor["eg" + as]._currentframe != curtype) { curtype = _root.editor["eg" + as].findframe(_root.editor["eg" + as]._currentframe); levelstring = levelstring + (((String(curcount) + ",") + String(((curtype - 1) / 3) + 1)) + "-"); curcount = 1; } else { curcount++; } as++; } levelstring = levelstring + String(curcount); tc = 0; while (tc <= 324) { if (((_root.editor["eg" + tc]._currentframe == 16) && (_root.editor["eg" + tc].destination != undefined)) && (_root.editor["eg" + _root.editor["eg" + tc].destination]._currentframe == 16)) { levelstring = levelstring + (((",t" + tc) + ":") + _root.editor["eg" + tc].destination); } tc++; } levelstring = levelstring + ", #"; _root.autolevel = levelstring; _root.savedata(); }; _root.saveslot = function (slot) { levelstring = ""; if (_root.editmenu.edittitle.inputtitle.text == "") { levelstring = levelstring + "Untitled,"; } else { levelstring = levelstring + (_root.editmenu.edittitle.inputtitle.text + ","); } curtype = _root.editor.eg1._currentframe; curcount = 1; levelstring = levelstring + (String(((curtype - 1) / 3) + 1) + "-"); as = 2; while (as <= 324) { if (_root.editor["eg" + as]._currentframe != curtype) { curtype = _root.editor["eg" + as].findframe(_root.editor["eg" + as]._currentframe); levelstring = levelstring + (((String(curcount) + ",") + String(((curtype - 1) / 3) + 1)) + "-"); curcount = 1; } else { curcount++; } as++; } levelstring = levelstring + String(curcount); tc = 0; while (tc <= 324) { if (((_root.editor["eg" + tc]._currentframe == 16) && (_root.editor["eg" + tc].destination != undefined)) && (_root.editor["eg" + _root.editor["eg" + tc].destination]._currentframe == 16)) { levelstring = levelstring + (((",t" + tc) + ":") + _root.editor["eg" + tc].destination); } tc++; } levelstring = levelstring + ", #"; _root["slot" + slot] = levelstring; _root.savedata(); };
Instance of Symbol 389 MovieClip [previousbutton] "previous" in Frame 182
on (release) { if ((((_root.playerstart.a >= 19) && (_root.currentfocus == "play")) && (_root.playmode == "play")) && (_root.levels[_root.currentlevel - 1] != undefined)) { _root.player.removeMovieClip(); _root.ballsandwalls.removeMovieClip(); _root.currentlevel--; _root.customtext.customtext.text = _root.levelcomments[_root.currentlevel]; _root.leveltoplay = _root.levels[_root.currentlevel]; _root.playerstart.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.playtitle._y = -50; _root.playtitle.sby = -50; } }
Instance of Symbol 432 MovieClip [unpause] in Frame 182
on (release) { }
Instance of Symbol 3 MovieClip [mainlogo] in Frame 182
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Instance of Symbol 360 MovieClip [nextlevelbutton] "nextbutton" in Frame 182
on (release) { if ((((_root.playerstart.a >= 19) && (_root.currentfocus == "play")) && (_root.playmode == "play")) && (_root.levels[_root.currentlevel + 1] != undefined)) { _root.player.removeMovieClip(); _root.ballsandwalls.removeMovieClip(); _root.telelines.unloadMovie(); _root.bpath.clear(); _root.goalfollow._visible = false; _root.timeclicks._x = -300; _root.currentlevel++; if (_root.levelcomments[_root.currentlevel] == undefined) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = ""; } else { _root.customtext.customtext.text = _root.levelcomments[_root.currentlevel]; } _root.leveltoplay = _root.levels[_root.currentlevel]; _root.playerstart.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.playtitle._y = -50; _root.playtitle.sby = -50; } }
Symbol 3 MovieClip [mainlogo] Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.currentfocus == "menu") { this.sby = 440; } else { this.sby = 520; } this._y = this._y + (0.25 * (this.sby - this._y)); };
Symbol 5 MovieClip [playback2menu] Frame 1
this.onRelease = function () { if ((_root.currentfocus == "play") || (_root.currentfocus == "select")) { _root.currentfocus = "menu"; _root.customtext.customtext.text = ""; } };
Symbol 68 MovieClip [AWfont] Frame 1
Symbol 84 MovieClip [pageselect] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 71 MovieClip [uppage] "uppage" in Symbol 84 MovieClip [pageselect] Frame 1
on (release) { if ((this._parent._parent._alpha == 100) && (this._parent._currentframe > 1)) { this._parent._parent.refreshcolumn(this._parent.indx, this._parent._currentframe - 1, true); this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent._currentframe - 1); } }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip [downpage] "downpage" in Symbol 84 MovieClip [pageselect] Frame 1
on (release) { if ((this._parent._parent._alpha == 100) && ((_root.colstart[this._parent.indx] + (this._parent._currentframe * 17)) < _root.colstart[this._parent.indx + 1])) { this._parent._parent.refreshcolumn(this._parent.indx, this._parent._currentframe + 1, true); this._parent.gotoAndStop(this._parent._currentframe + 1); } }
Symbol 86 MovieClip [levelselector] Frame 1
this.waitcount = 0; this.ps1.indx = 1; this.ps2.indx = 2; this.ps3.indx = 3; this.ps4.indx = 4; if (_root.colstart[2] < 19) { this.ps1._alpha = 50; } if ((_root.colstart[3] - _root.colstart[2]) < 19) { this.ps2._alpha = 50; } if ((_root.colstart[4] - _root.colstart[3]) < 19) { this.ps3._alpha = 50; } if ((_root.colstart[5] - _root.colstart[4]) < 19) { this.ps4._alpha = 50; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.waitcount < 5) { this.waitcount++; } if (this.waitcount == 4) { this._x = 320; this._y = 240; } if (_root.currentfocus == "select") { if (this.prompted != true) { this.prompted = true; this.counter = 0; } else { if (this.counter < 21) { this.counter++; } if (this.counter == 20) { this._visible = true; } } } else { this._visible = false; this.prompted = false; } }; this.refreshall = function () { this.refreshcolumn(1, 1, false); this.refreshcolumn(2, 1, false); this.refreshcolumn(3, 1, false); this.refreshcolumn(4, 1, false); leveltotal = 0; totalsolved = 0; ls = 0; while (ls <= 999) { if (_root.levels[ls] != undefined) { leveltotal++; if (_root.levelssolved[ls]) { totalsolved++; } } ls++; } if (totalsolved > 999) { totalsolved = "999"; } else if (totalsolved < 100) { if (totalsolved < 10) { totalsolved = "00" + String(totalsolved); } else { totalsolved = "0" + String(totalsolved); } } else { totalsolved = String(totalsolved); } this.completed.c0.gotoAndStop(_root.convertchar(totalsolved.charCodeAt(0))); this.completed.c1.gotoAndStop(_root.convertchar(totalsolved.charCodeAt(1))); this.completed.c2.gotoAndStop(_root.convertchar(totalsolved.charCodeAt(2))); if (leveltotal > 999) { leveltotal = "999"; } else if (leveltotal < 100) { if (leveltotal < 10) { leveltotal = "00" + String(leveltotal); } else { leveltotal = "0" + String(leveltotal); } } else { leveltotal = String(leveltotal); } this.completed.c3.gotoAndStop(_root.convertchar(leveltotal.charCodeAt(0))); this.completed.c4.gotoAndStop(_root.convertchar(leveltotal.charCodeAt(1))); this.completed.c5.gotoAndStop(_root.convertchar(leveltotal.charCodeAt(2))); }; this.refreshcolumn = function (col, page, refreshfast) { startls = _root.colstart[col] + ((page - 1) * 17); ls = startls; while (ls <= (_root.colstart[col] + ((page * 17) - 1))) { if ((ls % 2) == 0) { ranx = 10; } else { ranx = 10; } target = this.attachMovie("levelnamebutton", "lnb" + ls, ls - ((page - 1) * 17), {_x:(-197.5 + ((col - 1) * 135)) + ranx, _y:-160 + (((ls - ((page - 1) * 17)) - _root.colstart[col]) * 21), sbx:-197.5 + ((col - 1) * 135)}); if ((_root.levels[ls] == undefined) || (ls >= _root.colstart[col + 1])) { target._visible = false; } else { if (refreshfast) { target.counter = ls - startls; } else { target.counter = ls + 17; } target._alpha = 0; target._visible = false; target.leveltoplay = ls; if (_root.levelssolved[ls]) { target.levelchecker.gotoAndStop(2); } target.onRelease = function () { if (_root.currentfocus == "select") { _root.currentfocus = "play"; _root.playmode = "play"; _root.leveltoplay = _root.levels[this.leveltoplay]; if (_root.levelcomments[this.leveltoplay] == undefined) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = ""; } else { _root.customtext.customtext.text = _root.levelcomments[this.leveltoplay]; } _root.currentlevel = this.leveltoplay; _root.playerstart.gotoAndPlay(2); this._parent._visible = false; } }; cf = 0; while (cf <= 8) { if (_root.levels[ls].charAt(cf) == ",") { target.levelname.text = _root.levels[ls].slice(0, cf); cf = 9; } cf++; } } ls++; } };
Symbol 96 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", _blank); }
Symbol 101 MovieClip [ball] Frame 1
this.nextx = 0; this.nexty = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.currentfocus == "menu") { nearest = new Array(0, 900); fh = 1; while (fh <= 400) { if (this._parent["hill" + fh] != undefined) { hd = _root.distance(this._parent["hill" + fh], this); if ((hd < nearest[1]) && (hd <= _root.hillradius)) { nearest[0] = fh; nearest[1] = hd; } } else { fh = 401; } fh++; } if (nearest[0] != 0) { omega =, this._parent["hill" + nearest[0]]); omega = omega + Math.PI; this.lasttravel = undefined; pushwith = _root.pushpower(nearest[1]); this.nextx = this.nextx + (pushwith * Math.cos(omega)); this.nexty = this.nexty + (pushwith * Math.sin(omega)); } if (this._parent != _root.frontpage.preview) { this.nextx = this.nextx * 0.97; this.nexty = this.nexty * 0.97; } if (this.dragging != true) { if ((Math.abs(this.nextx) + Math.abs(this.nexty)) < 0.05) { this.nextx = 0; this.nexty = 0; } this.lastx = this._x; this.lasty = this._y; this.lastomega = omega; this.lasttravel = _root.pdistance(0, 0, this.nextx, this.nexty); this.lasthill = nearest[0]; this._x = this._x + this.nextx; this._y = this._y + this.nexty; } } };
Symbol 107 MovieClip [ballshadow] Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y = this._y + (0.1 * (this.sby - this._y)); };
Symbol 109 MovieClip [ballspawner] Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.playin) { if ((_root.playstarted && (_root.ballspawned != true)) && (_root.spawnspots[0] != undefined)) { _root.ballsleft = 0; bs = 0; while (bs < _root.spawnspots.length) { nbx = _root.spawnspots[bs]._x; nby = _root.spawnspots[bs]._y; if ((_root.ballsandwalls["ball" + bs] == undefined) && (_root.playerstart.a >= 19)) { _root.ballsleft++; target = _root.ballsandwalls.attachMovie("playball", "ball" + bs, 4000 + bs, {_x:nbx, _y:nby, _alpha:0, actualx:nbx, actualy:nby, indx:bs}); target.timer = -1; _root.clicks = 0; } bs++; } _root.sparkleindex = 0; _root.ballspawned = true; } if (_root.sparkleindex <= 60) { if ((_root.sparkleindex % 3) == 0) { ranx = Math.random() * 12; rany = Math.random() * 12; bs = 0; while (bs < _root.spawnspots.length) { _root.ballsandwalls.attachMovie("sparkle", "sparkle" + _root.sparkleindex, 4004 + _root.sparkleindex, {_x:(_root.ballsandwalls["ball" + bs]._x + ranx) - 5, _y:(_root.ballsandwalls["ball" + bs]._y - 15) + rany, sbx:(_root.ballsandwalls["ball" + bs]._x + ranx) - 5, sby:((_root.ballsandwalls["ball" + bs]._y - 15) + rany) - 70}); _root.sparkleindex++; bs++; } } _root.sparkleindex++; } else if ((_root.sparkleindex == 21) && (_root.playhelponce != true)) { _root.playhelponce = true; _root.savedata();; } if (_root.lostcounter > 0) { if ((_root.sparkleindex % 2) == 1) { _root.lostcounter = _root.lostcounter - 2; ranx = Math.random() * 12; rany = Math.random() * 12; _root.ballsandwalls.attachMovie("sparkle", "sparkle" + _root.sparkleindex, 4004 + _root.sparkleindex, {_x:(_root.lostat[0] + ranx) - 5, _y:(_root.lostat[1] - 15) + rany, sbx:(_root.lostat[0] + ranx) - 5, sby:((_root.lostat[1] - 15) + rany) - 70}); } _root.sparkleindex++; } } };
Symbol 129 MovieClip [brushfollow] Frame 1
this.swapDepths(2); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.currentfocus == "edit") { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } this.gotoAndStop(_root.brush); }; stop();
Symbol 135 MovieClip [pathtoggle] Frame 1
stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_root.pathon == undefined) || (_root.pathon)) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } }; this.onRelease = function () { if (_root.pathon != false) { _root.pathon = false; _root.bpath._visible = false; } else { _root.pathon = true; _root.bpath._visible = true; } };
Symbol 138 MovieClip [musictoggle] Frame 1
stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_root.musicon != false) && (_root.musicpref == false)) { _root.musicon = false;; } if (this == _root.music0) { if (_root.currentfocus == "menu") { this.sby = 380; } else { this.sby = 520; } this._y = this._y + (0.25 * (this.sby - this._y)); } if (_root.musicon != false) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } }; this.onRelease = function () { if (_root.musicon != false) { _root.musicon = false;; } else { _root.musicon = true; if (this == _root.music0) {; _root.musiccounter = 0;; } } _root.musicpref = _root.musicon; _root.savedata(); };
Symbol 140 MovieClip [erasebutton] Frame 1
this.onRelease = function () { if ((_root.currentfocus == "edit") && (_root.editorstart.a > 18)) { _root.currentfocus = "erase"; } };
Symbol 142 MovieClip [brushindicate] Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.gotoAndStop(_root.brush); }; stop();
Symbol 150 MovieClip [brushselect] Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.currentfocus == "edit") { this.sbx = 40; } else { this.sbx = -60; } this._x = this._x + (0.25 * (this.sbx - this._x)); };
Instance of Symbol 144 MovieClip [brush3] in Symbol 150 MovieClip [brushselect] Frame 1
on (release) { _root.brush = 3; }
Instance of Symbol 147 MovieClip [brush2] in Symbol 150 MovieClip [brushselect] Frame 1
on (release) { _root.brush = 2; }
Instance of Symbol 149 MovieClip [brush1] in Symbol 150 MovieClip [brushselect] Frame 1
on (release) { _root.brush = 1; }
Symbol 152 MovieClip [bump] Frame 1
this.ranr = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 2); if (this.ranr == 2) { this.ranr = -1; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._yscale = this._yscale - 10; this._xscale = this._xscale - 10; this._rotation = this._rotation + (this.ranr * 5); if (this._yscale <= 0) { this._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = undefined; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this._x != this._sbx) { this._x = this._x + (0.1 * (this.sbx - this._x)); } if (this._y != this._sby) { this._y = this._y + (0.1 * (this.sby - this._y)); } };
Symbol 154 MovieClip [cancelcustom] Frame 1
this.onRelease = function () { if ((_root.currentfocus == "custom") || (_root.currentfocus == "erase")) { _root.currentfocus = "edit"; this._parent.shareinput.text = ""; } };
Symbol 157 MovieClip [captoggle] Frame 1
Symbol 161 MovieClip [coin] Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y = this.square._y + (((this.square.c1._y + this.square.c5._y) / 2) - 15); if ((this._visible && (_root.pdistance(this._x, this._y + 15, _root.ballsandwalls.ball0._x, _root.ballsandwalls.ball0._y) <= 18)) && (isNaN(_root.distance(this, _root.ballsandwalls.ball0)) != true)) { if (_root.soundon) { hit = new Sound(this); hit.attachSound("coinsound"); hit.start(); } _root.coins--; this._visible = false; _root.ballsandwalls.ball0.coincounter = 20; } };
Symbol 163 MovieClip [control] Frame 1
this.affectarray = new Array(); this._visible = false; this.ox = this._x; this.oy = this._y; this.actualx = this._x; this.actualy = this._y; this.effectx = 0; this.effecty = 0; this.effectsbx = 0; this.effectsby = 0; this.affect = function (hillindx) { i = this.affectarray.length - 1; foundhill = false; aac = 0; while (aac <= i) { if (this.affectarray[aac][0] == hillindx) { this.affectarray.splice(aac, 1); foundhill = true; } aac++; } if (foundhill == false) { d = _root.pdistance(this.actualx + this._parent._x, this.actualy + this._parent._y, this._parent._parent["hill" + hillindx]._x, this._parent._parent["hill" + hillindx]._y); this.affectarray.push([hillindx, -1 * (Math.abs(_root.raise(d)) * 100)]); } if (this.affectarray.length == 0) { this.sby = this.oy; } else { i = this.affectarray.length - 1; lowest = 0; aac = 0; while (aac <= i) { this.affectarray[aac][1]; if (this.affectarray[aac][1] < lowest) { lowest = this.affectarray[aac][1]; } aac++; } this.sby = this.oy + lowest; } if (this._parent == _root.player.pg73) { } }; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((this.actualy != this.sby) && (this.sby != undefined)) { this.actualy = this.actualy + (0.25 * (this.sby - this.actualy)); if (this == this._parent.c1) { if (this.actualy > this._parent.c5.actualy) { this._parent.hillmarker._y = this.actualy; } else { this._parent.hillmarker._y = this._parent.c5.actualy; } } } if ((((this.effectx != 0) || (this.effecty != 0)) || (this.effectsbx != 0)) || (this.effectsby != 0)) { = false; = false; this._parent.updatecount = 20; this.effectx = this.effectx + (0.25 * (this.effectsbx - this.effectx)); this.effecty = this.effecty + (0.25 * (this.effectsby - this.effecty)); if (Math.abs(this.effectsbx - this.effectx) < 1) { this.effectx = this.effectsbx; } if (Math.abs(this.effectsby - this.effecty) < 1) { this.effecty = this.effectsby; } if ((this.effectx == this.effectsbx) && (this.effecty == this.effectsby)) { this.effectsbx = 0; this.effectsby = 0; } } this._x = this.actualx + this.effectx; this._y = this.actualy + this.effecty; };
Symbol 167 MovieClip [loadcustom] Frame 1
this.onRelease = function () { if (((_root.currentfocus == "custom") && (this._parent.shareinput.text != undefined)) && (this._parent.shareinput.text != "")) { _root.currentfocus = "edit"; _root.loadeditlevel(this._parent.shareinput.text); this._parent.shareinput.text = ""; } if (_root.currentfocus == "erase") { _root.currentfocus = "edit"; er = 0; while (er <= 324) { _root.editor["eg" + er].gotoAndStop(1); er++; } } }; stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.currentfocus == "erase") { this.gotoAndStop(2); } };
Symbol 172 MovieClip [customdialog] Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.currentfocus == "custom") { this.sby = 240; } else { this.sby = 670; } this._y = this._y + (0.25 * (this.sby - this._y)); };
Symbol 184 MovieClip [donesharing] Frame 1
this.onRelease = function () { if ((_root.currentfocus == "share") || (_root.currentfocus == "custom")) { _root.currentfocus = "edit"; } };
Symbol 205 MovieClip [editgrid] Frame 1
this.findframe = function (fn) { if (fn == 1) { nf = 1; } else if (fn == 58) { nf = 58; } else if (fn == 55) { nf = 55; } else if (fn == 52) { nf = 52; } else if ((fn >= 28) && (fn <= 49)) { nf = fn; } else if (fn >= 23) { nf = 25; } else if (fn >= 20) { nf = 22; } else if (fn >= 17) { nf = 19; } else if (fn >= 14) { nf = 16; } else if (fn >= 11) { nf = 13; } else if (fn >= 8) { nf = 10; } else if (fn >= 5) { nf = 7; } else if (fn >= 3) { nf = 4; } return(nf); }; this.onRollOver = function () { }; this.onPress = function () { if (_root.currentfocus == "edit") { if (((this._currentframe >= 28) && (this._currentframe <= 49)) && (this._parent.paint == 28)) { this.pressed = true; this.swapDepths(400 + this.indx); this._yscale = this._yscale * 1.5; this._xscale = this._xscale * 1.5; this.enlarged = true; trace("here1"); _root.brushfollow._visible = false; } else if ((this._currentframe == 16) && (this._parent.paint == 16)) { this.startDrag(); this.pressed = true; this._parent.destiny = true; this._parent.draggedaway = false; this._parent.currentdest = undefined; this.destination = undefined; this.swapDepths(400 + this.indx); } else { this._parent.painting = true; this.od = this.getDepth(); this.swapDepths(400); this.pressed = true; this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); if (_root.brush >= 2) { if ((this.indx % 18) != 0) { this._parent["eg" + String(this.indx + 1)].gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); } if ((this.indx % 18) != 1) { this._parent["eg" + String(this.indx - 1)].gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); } if (this.indx < 307) { this._parent["eg" + String(this.indx + 18)].gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); } this._parent["eg" + String(this.indx - 18)].gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); } if (_root.brush == 3) { if (((this.indx % 18) != 0) && ((this.indx % 18) != 17)) { this._parent["eg" + String(this.indx + 2)].gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); } if ((this.indx % 18) != 0) { this._parent["eg" + String(this.indx - 17)].gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); this._parent["eg" + String(this.indx + 19)].gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); } if (((this.indx % 18) != 1) && ((this.indx % 18) != 2)) { this._parent["eg" + String(this.indx - 2)].gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); } if ((this.indx % 18) != 1) { this._parent["eg" + String(this.indx + 17)].gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); this._parent["eg" + String(this.indx - 19)].gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); } this._parent["eg" + String(this.indx + 36)].gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); this._parent["eg" + String(this.indx - 36)].gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); } } } else { this.pressed = true; } }; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.currentfocus == "edit") { if (((this._currentframe >= 28) && (this._currentframe <= 49)) && (this.enlarged)) { romega = _root.pomega(this._x, this._y, this._parent._xmouse, this._parent._ymouse); romega = (romega / Math.PI) * 180; if (romega < 0) { romega = romega + 360; } romega = romega / 45; romega = Math.round(romega); romega = romega * 45; if (romega == 135) { this.gotoAndStop(28); } if (romega == 225) { this.gotoAndStop(31); } if (romega == 315) { this.gotoAndStop(34); } if (romega == 45) { this.gotoAndStop(37); } if (romega == 90) { this.gotoAndStop(40); } if (romega == 180) { this.gotoAndStop(43); } if (romega == 270) { this.gotoAndStop(46); } if ((romega == 0) || (romega == 360)) { this.gotoAndStop(49); } } if (this.hitTest(_root.editor._xmouse, _root.editor._ymouse * 0.707106781186547, true) && (_root.pdistance(this._x, this._y, _root.editor._xmouse, _root.editor._ymouse) < 30)) { _root.brushfollow._x = this._x; _root.brushfollow._y = this._y * 0.707106781186547; if (this._parent.painting) { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); if (_root.brush >= 2) { if ((this.indx % 18) != 0) { this._parent["eg" + String(this.indx + 1)].gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); } if ((this.indx % 18) != 1) { this._parent["eg" + String(this.indx - 1)].gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); } if (this.indx < 307) { this._parent["eg" + String(this.indx + 18)].gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); } this._parent["eg" + String(this.indx - 18)].gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); } if (_root.brush == 3) { if (((this.indx % 18) != 0) && ((this.indx % 18) != 17)) { this._parent["eg" + String(this.indx + 2)].gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); } if ((this.indx % 18) != 0) { this._parent["eg" + String(this.indx - 17)].gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); this._parent["eg" + String(this.indx + 19)].gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); } if (((this.indx % 18) != 1) && ((this.indx % 18) != 2)) { this._parent["eg" + String(this.indx - 2)].gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); } if ((this.indx % 18) != 1) { this._parent["eg" + String(this.indx + 17)].gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); this._parent["eg" + String(this.indx - 19)].gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); } this._parent["eg" + String(this.indx + 36)].gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); this._parent["eg" + String(this.indx - 36)].gotoAndStop(this._parent.paint); } } } if (this._currentframe == 16) { if (this.destination != undefined) { if (this.linedraw == undefined) { this.createEmptyMovieClip("linedraw", 42); } this.linedraw.clear(); this.linedraw.lineStyle(2, "0x643e87", 100); this.linedraw.moveTo(0, 0); this.linedraw.lineTo(this._parent["eg" + this.destination].ox - this._x, this._parent["eg" + this.destination].oy - this._y); if (this.destarrow == undefined) { this.attachMovie("destarrow2", "destarrow", 41); } this.destarrow._x = (this._parent["eg" + this.destination].ox - this._x) * 0.8; this.destarrow._y = (this._parent["eg" + this.destination].oy - this._y) * 0.8; this.destarrow._rotation = 180 + ((_root.pomega(this._parent["eg" + this.destination].ox, this._parent["eg" + this.destination].oy, this._x, this._y) / Math.PI) * 180); } else { this.linedraw.clear(); if (this.destarrow != undefined) { this.destarrow.removeMovieClip(); } } } else { this.destination = undefined; this.linedraw.clear(); if (this.destarrow != undefined) { this.destarrow.removeMovieClip(); } } if (this._parent.destiny) { if ((this.pressed != true) && (this.hitTest(_root.editor._xmouse, _root.editor._ymouse * 0.707106781186547, true))) { this._parent.draggedaway = true; this._parent.currentdest = this.indx; } } } }; this.onRelease = function () { if (_root.currentfocus == "edit") { if (this.pressed) { this.pressed = false; if (((this._currentframe >= 28) && (this._currentframe <= 49)) && (this.enlarged)) { _root.brushfollow._visible = true; this.enlarged = false; this._yscale = this._yscale / 1.5; this._xscale = this._xscale / 1.5; } if (this._currentframe != 16) { } else { if ((this._parent["eg" + this._parent.currentdest]._currentframe == 16) && (this._parent.draggedaway == true)) { this.destination = this._parent.currentdest; } this._parent.destiny = false; if ((_root.pdistance(this._x, this._y, this.ox, this.oy) < 5) && (this._parent.draggedaway == false)) { this.destarrow.removeMovieClip(); } } } this._parent.draggedaway = false; this._parent.painting = false; this.stopDrag(); this._alpha = 100; this._x = this.ox; this._y = this.oy; if (this._currentframe != 16) { this.swapDepths(this.od); } } }; this.onReleaseOutside = this.onRelease; stop(); if (this.wasatele) { this.wasatele = false; _root.telegrids--; this.destination = undefined; } if (this.wasstart) { this.wasstart = false; _root.startgrids--; }
Symbol 205 MovieClip [editgrid] Frame 4
stop(); if (this.wasatele) { this.wasatele = false; _root.telegrids--; this.destination = undefined; } if (this.wasstart) { this.wasstart = false; _root.startgrids--; }
Symbol 205 MovieClip [editgrid] Frame 7
stop(); if (this.wasatele) { this.wasatele = false; _root.telegrids--; this.destination = undefined; } if (this.wasstart) { this.wasstart = false; _root.startgrids--; }
Symbol 205 MovieClip [editgrid] Frame 10
stop(); if (this.wasatele) { this.wasatele = false; _root.telegrids--; this.destination = undefined; } if (this.wasstart) { this.wasstart = false; _root.startgrids--; }
Symbol 205 MovieClip [editgrid] Frame 13
stop(); if (this.wasatele) { this.wasatele = false; _root.telegrids--; this.destination = undefined; } if (this.wasstart) { this.wasstart = false; _root.startgrids--; }
Symbol 205 MovieClip [editgrid] Frame 16
if ((_root.telegrids < 10) || (this.initload)) { stop(); this.wasatele = true; if (this.initload != true) { _root.telegrids++; } else { this.initload = false; } } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 205 MovieClip [editgrid] Frame 19
if ((_root.startgrids < 1) || (this.initload)) { stop(); this.wasstart = true; if (this.initload != true) { _root.startgrids++; } else { this.initload = false; } } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 205 MovieClip [editgrid] Frame 22
stop(); if (this.wasatele) { this.wasatele = false; _root.telegrids--; this.destination = undefined; } if (this.wasstart) { this.wasstart = false; _root.startgrids--; }
Symbol 205 MovieClip [editgrid] Frame 25
stop(); if (this.wasatele) { this.wasatele = false; _root.telegrids--; this.destination = undefined; } if (this.wasstart) { this.wasstart = false; _root.startgrids--; }
Symbol 205 MovieClip [editgrid] Frame 28
stop(); if (this.wasatele) { this.wasatele = false; _root.telegrids--; this.destination = undefined; } if (this.wasstart) { this.wasstart = false; _root.startgrids--; }
Symbol 205 MovieClip [editgrid] Frame 31
stop(); if (this.wasatele) { this.wasatele = false; _root.telegrids--; this.destination = undefined; } if (this.wasstart) { this.wasstart = false; _root.startgrids--; }
Symbol 205 MovieClip [editgrid] Frame 34
stop(); if (this.wasatele) { this.wasatele = false; _root.telegrids--; this.destination = undefined; } if (this.wasstart) { this.wasstart = false; _root.startgrids--; }
Symbol 205 MovieClip [editgrid] Frame 37
stop(); if (this.wasatele) { this.wasatele = false; _root.telegrids--; this.destination = undefined; } if (this.wasstart) { this.wasstart = false; _root.startgrids--; }
Symbol 205 MovieClip [editgrid] Frame 40
stop(); if (this.wasatele) { this.wasatele = false; _root.telegrids--; this.destination = undefined; } if (this.wasstart) { this.wasstart = false; _root.startgrids--; }
Symbol 205 MovieClip [editgrid] Frame 43
stop(); if (this.wasatele) { this.wasatele = false; _root.telegrids--; this.destination = undefined; } if (this.wasstart) { this.wasstart = false; _root.startgrids--; }
Symbol 205 MovieClip [editgrid] Frame 46
stop(); if (this.wasatele) { this.wasatele = false; _root.telegrids--; this.destination = undefined; } if (this.wasstart) { this.wasstart = false; _root.startgrids--; }
Symbol 205 MovieClip [editgrid] Frame 49
stop(); if (this.wasatele) { this.wasatele = false; _root.telegrids--; this.destination = undefined; } if (this.wasstart) { this.wasstart = false; _root.startgrids--; }
Symbol 205 MovieClip [editgrid] Frame 52
stop(); if (this.wasatele) { this.wasatele = false; _root.telegrids--; this.destination = undefined; } if (this.wasstart) { this.wasstart = false; _root.startgrids--; }
Symbol 205 MovieClip [editgrid] Frame 55
stop(); if (this.wasatele) { this.wasatele = false; _root.telegrids--; this.destination = undefined; } if (this.wasstart) { this.wasstart = false; _root.startgrids--; }
Symbol 205 MovieClip [editgrid] Frame 58
stop(); if (this.wasatele) { this.wasatele = false; _root.telegrids--; this.destination = undefined; } if (this.wasstart) { this.wasstart = false; _root.startgrids--; }
Symbol 232 MovieClip [editkey] Frame 1
var Glow = (new flash.filters.GlowFilter(15134455, 100, 12, 12)); var noGlow = (new flash.filters.GlowFilter(15134455, 0, 12, 12)); var GlowFilters = editcolor1.filters; GlowFilters.push(Glow); var noGlowFilters = editcolor1.filters; noGlowFilters.push(noGlow); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.currentfocus == "edit") { this.sby = 450; } else { this.sby = 525; } this._y = this._y + (0.25 * (this.sby - this._y)); };
Instance of Symbol 207 MovieClip [editcolor13] "editcolor13" in Symbol 232 MovieClip [editkey] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[13]; } on (rollOut) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[((_root.editor.paint - 1) / 3) + 1]; } on (press) { if (_root.currentfocus == "edit") { _root.editor.paint = 58; this.filters = this._parent.GlowFilters; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.editor.paint != 58) { this.filters = this._parent.noGlowFilters; } }; } }
Instance of Symbol 209 MovieClip [editcolor12] "editcolor12" in Symbol 232 MovieClip [editkey] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[12]; } on (rollOut) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[((_root.editor.paint - 1) / 3) + 1]; } on (press) { if (_root.currentfocus == "edit") { _root.editor.paint = 55; this.filters = this._parent.GlowFilters; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.editor.paint != 55) { this.filters = this._parent.noGlowFilters; } }; } }
Instance of Symbol 211 MovieClip [editcolor11] "editcolor11" in Symbol 232 MovieClip [editkey] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[11]; } on (rollOut) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[((_root.editor.paint - 1) / 3) + 1]; } on (press) { if (_root.currentfocus == "edit") { _root.editor.paint = 52; this.filters = this._parent.GlowFilters; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.editor.paint != 52) { this.filters = this._parent.noGlowFilters; } }; } }
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip [editcolor10] "editcolor10" in Symbol 232 MovieClip [editkey] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[10]; } on (rollOut) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[((_root.editor.paint - 1) / 3) + 1]; } on (press) { if (_root.currentfocus == "edit") { _root.editor.paint = 28; this.filters = this._parent.GlowFilters; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.editor.paint != 28) { this.filters = this._parent.noGlowFilters; } }; } }
Instance of Symbol 215 MovieClip [editcolor9] "editcolor9" in Symbol 232 MovieClip [editkey] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[9]; } on (rollOut) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[((_root.editor.paint - 1) / 3) + 1]; } on (press) { if (_root.currentfocus == "edit") { _root.editor.paint = 25; this.filters = this._parent.GlowFilters; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.editor.paint != 25) { this.filters = this._parent.noGlowFilters; } }; } }
Instance of Symbol 217 MovieClip [editcolor8] "editcolor8" in Symbol 232 MovieClip [editkey] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[8]; } on (rollOut) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[((_root.editor.paint - 1) / 3) + 1]; } on (press) { if (_root.currentfocus == "edit") { _root.editor.paint = 22; this.filters = this._parent.GlowFilters; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.editor.paint != 22) { this.filters = this._parent.noGlowFilters; } }; } }
Instance of Symbol 219 MovieClip [editcolor7] "editcolor7" in Symbol 232 MovieClip [editkey] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[7]; } on (rollOut) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[((_root.editor.paint - 1) / 3) + 1]; } on (press) { if (_root.currentfocus == "edit") { _root.editor.paint = 19; this.filters = this._parent.GlowFilters; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.editor.paint != 19) { this.filters = this._parent.noGlowFilters; } }; } }
Instance of Symbol 221 MovieClip [editcolor6] "editcolor6" in Symbol 232 MovieClip [editkey] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[6]; } on (rollOut) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[((_root.editor.paint - 1) / 3) + 1]; } on (press) { if (_root.currentfocus == "edit") { _root.editor.paint = 16; this.filters = this._parent.GlowFilters; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.editor.paint != 16) { this.filters = this._parent.noGlowFilters; } }; } }
Instance of Symbol 223 MovieClip [editcolor5] "editcolor5" in Symbol 232 MovieClip [editkey] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[5]; } on (rollOut) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[((_root.editor.paint - 1) / 3) + 1]; } on (press) { if (_root.currentfocus == "edit") { _root.editor.paint = 13; this.filters = this._parent.GlowFilters; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.editor.paint != 13) { this.filters = this._parent.noGlowFilters; } }; } }
Instance of Symbol 225 MovieClip [editcolor4] "editcolor4" in Symbol 232 MovieClip [editkey] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[4]; } on (rollOut) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[((_root.editor.paint - 1) / 3) + 1]; } on (press) { if (_root.currentfocus == "edit") { _root.editor.paint = 10; this.filters = this._parent.GlowFilters; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.editor.paint != 10) { this.filters = this._parent.noGlowFilters; } }; } }
Instance of Symbol 227 MovieClip [editcolor3] "editcolor3" in Symbol 232 MovieClip [editkey] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[3]; } on (rollOut) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[((_root.editor.paint - 1) / 3) + 1]; } on (press) { if (_root.currentfocus == "edit") { _root.editor.paint = 7; this.filters = this._parent.GlowFilters; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.editor.paint != 7) { this.filters = this._parent.noGlowFilters; } }; } }
Instance of Symbol 229 MovieClip [editcolor2] "editcolor2" in Symbol 232 MovieClip [editkey] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[2]; } on (rollOut) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[((_root.editor.paint - 1) / 3) + 1]; } on (press) { if (_root.currentfocus == "edit") { _root.editor.paint = 4; this.filters = this._parent.GlowFilters; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.editor.paint != 4) { this.filters = this._parent.noGlowFilters; } }; } }
Instance of Symbol 231 MovieClip [editcolor1] "editcolor1" in Symbol 232 MovieClip [editkey] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[1]; } on (rollOut) { _root.customtext.customtext.text = newline + _root.keytext[((_root.editor.paint - 1) / 3) + 1]; } on (press) { if (_root.currentfocus == "edit") { _root.editor.paint = 1; this.filters = this._parent.GlowFilters; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.editor.paint != 1) { this.filters = this._parent.noGlowFilters; } }; } }
Symbol 234 MovieClip [custombutton] Frame 1
this.onRelease = function () { if ((_root.currentfocus == "edit") && (_root.editorstart.a > 18)) { _root.currentfocus = "custom"; _root.autosave(); } };
Symbol 236 MovieClip [sharebutton] Frame 1
this.onRelease = function () { if ((_root.currentfocus == "edit") && (_root.editorstart.a > 18)) { _root.currentfocus = "share"; _root.autosave(); _root.sharedialog.shareoutput.text = ("<spoiler>" + _root.autolevel) + "</spoiler>"; } };
Symbol 238 MovieClip [loadbutton] Frame 1
this.onRelease = function () { if ((_root.currentfocus == "edit") && (_root.editorstart.a > 18)) { _root.currentfocus = "saveload"; _root.sld.saveorload.gotoAndStop(2); } };
Symbol 240 MovieClip [savebutton] Frame 1
this.onRelease = function () { if ((_root.currentfocus == "edit") && (_root.editorstart.a > 18)) { _root.currentfocus = "saveload"; _root.sld.saveorload.gotoAndStop(1); } };
Symbol 242 MovieClip [testbutton] Frame 1
this.onRelease = function () { if ((_root.currentfocus == "edit") && (_root.editorstart.a > 18)) { _root.currentfocus = "play"; _root.autosave(); _root.leveltoplay = _root.autolevel; _root.playerstart.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.customtext.customtext.text = ""; } };
Symbol 246 MovieClip [edittitle] Frame 1
this.inputtitle.restrict = "A-Z 0-9 a-z"; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (((this.inputtitle.text != undefined) && (this.inputtitle.text != "")) && (this.inputtitle.text.length > 8)) { this.inputtitle.text = this.inputtitle.text.slice(0, 8); } };
Symbol 248 MovieClip [editquit] Frame 1
this.onRelease = function () { if ((_root.currentfocus == "edit") && (_root.editorstart.a > 18)) { _root.autosave(); _root.currentfocus = "menu"; _root.customtext.customtext.text = ""; } };
Symbol 249 MovieClip [editmenu] Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.currentfocus == "edit") { this.sbx = 600; } else { this.sbx = 800; } this._x = this._x + (0.25 * (this.sbx - this._x)); };
Symbol 251 MovieClip [editorbutton] Frame 1
this.onRelease = function () { if (_root.currentfocus == "play") { _root.currentfocus = "edit"; _root.playmode = "test"; _root.editorstart.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.editmenu.edittitle.inputtitle.text = ""; _root.customtext.customtext.text = ""; } };
Symbol 253 MovieClip [editorstart] Frame 1
Symbol 253 MovieClip [editorstart] Frame 30
stop(); = 22.5; = 240; if (_root.editor == undefined) { this.a = 1; _root.createEmptyMovieClip("editor", 1); _root.editor._yscale = _root.editor._yscale * 0.707106781186547; } this.b = 1; this.gindex = 1; _root.editor.paint = 1; _root.editkey.editcolor1.filters = _root.editkey.GlowFilters; _root.editkey.editcolor1.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.editor.paint != 1) { _root.editkey.editcolor1.filters = _root.editkey.noGlowFilters; } }; _root.editor.onEnterFrame = function () { if (((((_root.currentfocus == "edit") || (_root.currentfocus == "saveload")) || (_root.currentfocus == "share")) || (_root.currentfocus == "custom")) || (_root.currentfocus == "erase")) { } else { this.unloadMovie(); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (((a <= 18) && (this._currentframe == 30)) && (_root.currentfocus == "edit")) { b = 1; while (b <= 18) { target = _root.editor.attachMovie("editgrid", "eg" + this.gindex, this.gindex, {_x:(5 + ((a - 1) * 17.5)) + (17.5 * b), _y:(323 - ((b - 1) * 17.5)) + (17.5 * a)}); target.ox = target._x; target.oy = target._y; target.indx = this.gindex; this.gindex++; b++; } if (a == 18) { if (_root.autolevel != undefined) { _root.loadeditlevel(_root.autolevel); } else { _root.telegrids = 0; _root.startgrids = 0; } if (_root.edithelponce != true) { _root.edithelponce = true; _root.savedata(); } } a++; } };
Symbol 255 MovieClip [erasedialog] Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.currentfocus == "erase") { this.sby = 240; } else { this.sby = 670; } this._y = this._y + (0.25 * (this.sby - this._y)); };
Symbol 262 MovieClip [playbutton] Frame 1
this.onRelease = function () { if (_root.currentfocus == "menu") { _root.currentfocus = "select"; _root.levelselector.refreshall(); } };
Symbol 265 MovieClip [editbutton] Frame 1
this.onRelease = function () { if (_root.currentfocus == "menu") { _root.currentfocus = "edit"; _root.playmode = "test"; _root.editorstart.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.editmenu.edittitle.inputtitle.text = ""; } };
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip [moregames] in Symbol 266 MovieClip [menu] Frame 45
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 266 MovieClip [menu] Frame 55
Symbol 268 MovieClip [watermark] Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.currentfocus == "menu") { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha = this._alpha + 2; } } };
Symbol 270 MovieClip [hill] Frame 1
Symbol 275 MovieClip [frontpage] Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_root.currentfocus != "menu") && (this._alpha > 0)) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; if (_root.frontpage.preview.previewgrid._visible == true) { _root.frontpage.preview.previewgrid._visible = false; } if (this._alpha < 0) { this._visible = false; } } else if ((_root.currentfocus == "menu") && (this._alpha < 100)) { if (this._visible == false) { _root.editor.unloadMovie(); this._visible = true;; } this._alpha = this._alpha + 5; if ((_root.frontpage.preview.previewgrid._visible == false) && (this._alpha >= 100)) { _root.frontpage.preview.previewgrid._visible = true; } } };
Symbol 291 MovieClip [goaltext] Frame 1
stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (((_root.levelsolved != true) || (_root.currentfocus != "play")) && (this._alpha > 0)) { this._x = -100; this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; if (this._currentframe != 1) { } } else if ((_root.levelsolved && (this._currentframe == 1)) && (_root.currentfocus == "play")) { this._x = _root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._x + 2; if (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._y < 200) { this._y = (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._y + 30) * 0.707106781186547; } else { this._y = (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._y - 30) * 0.707106781186547; } this._visible = true; this._alpha = 100;; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } };
Symbol 291 MovieClip [goaltext] Frame 19
Instance of Symbol 101 MovieClip [ball] "ball" in Symbol 296 MovieClip [grid] Frame 1
on (press) { this.startDrag(); this.nextx = 0; this.nexty = 0; this.dragging = true; if (_root.pathindex == undefined) { _root.pathindex = 1; } else { _root.pathindex++; } _root.attachMovie("path", "path" + _root.pathindex, _root.pathindex, {_x:this._x, _y:this._y}); } on (release) { this.stopDrag(); this.dragging = false; }
Instance of Symbol 101 MovieClip [ball] "ball" in Symbol 296 MovieClip [grid] Frame 1
on (press) { this.startDrag(); this.nextx = 0; this.nexty = 0; this.dragging = true; if (_root.pathindex == undefined) { _root.pathindex = 1; } else { _root.pathindex++; } _root.attachMovie("path", "path" + _root.pathindex, _root.pathindex, {_x:this._x, _y:this._y}); } on (release) { this.stopDrag(); this.dragging = false; }
Instance of Symbol 101 MovieClip [ball] "ball" in Symbol 296 MovieClip [grid] Frame 1
on (press) { this.startDrag(); this.nextx = 0; this.nexty = 0; this.dragging = true; if (_root.pathindex == undefined) { _root.pathindex = 1; } else { _root.pathindex++; } _root.attachMovie("path", "path" + _root.pathindex, _root.pathindex, {_x:this._x, _y:this._y}); } on (release) { this.stopDrag(); this.dragging = false; }
Instance of Symbol 101 MovieClip [ball] "ball" in Symbol 296 MovieClip [grid] Frame 1
on (press) { this.startDrag(); this.nextx = 0; this.nexty = 0; this.dragging = true; if (_root.pathindex == undefined) { _root.pathindex = 1; } else { _root.pathindex++; } _root.attachMovie("path", "path" + _root.pathindex, _root.pathindex, {_x:this._x, _y:this._y}); } on (release) { this.stopDrag(); this.dragging = false; }
Instance of Symbol 101 MovieClip [ball] "ball" in Symbol 296 MovieClip [grid] Frame 1
on (press) { this.startDrag(); this.nextx = 0; this.nexty = 0; this.dragging = true; if (_root.pathindex == undefined) { _root.pathindex = 1; } else { _root.pathindex++; } _root.attachMovie("path", "path" + _root.pathindex, _root.pathindex, {_x:this._x, _y:this._y}); } on (release) { this.stopDrag(); this.dragging = false; }
Instance of Symbol 101 MovieClip [ball] "ball" in Symbol 296 MovieClip [grid] Frame 1
on (press) { this.startDrag(); this.nextx = 0; this.nexty = 0; this.dragging = true; if (_root.pathindex == undefined) { _root.pathindex = 1; } else { _root.pathindex++; } _root.attachMovie("path", "path" + _root.pathindex, _root.pathindex, {_x:this._x, _y:this._y}); } on (release) { this.stopDrag(); this.dragging = false; }
Instance of Symbol 101 MovieClip [ball] "ball" in Symbol 296 MovieClip [grid] Frame 1
on (press) { this.startDrag(); this.nextx = 0; this.nexty = 0; this.dragging = true; if (_root.pathindex == undefined) { _root.pathindex = 1; } else { _root.pathindex++; } _root.attachMovie("path", "path" + _root.pathindex, _root.pathindex, {_x:this._x, _y:this._y}); } on (release) { this.stopDrag(); this.dragging = false; }
Symbol 300 MovieClip [helpbutton] Frame 1
this.onRelease = function () { if (((_root.currentfocus == "edit") || (_root.currentfocus == "play")) && (_root.helper._currentframe == 1)) { } };
Symbol 318 MovieClip [helptext] Frame 1
stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha = this._alpha + 5; } };
Symbol 318 MovieClip [helptext] Frame 2
this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha = this._alpha + 5; } };
Symbol 321 MovieClip [helper] Frame 1
Symbol 321 MovieClip [helper] Frame 25
stop(); this.helptext._alpha = 0; if (_root.currentfocus == "play") { this.helptext.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.helptext.gotoAndStop(2); }
Instance of Symbol 182 MovieClip [donehelp] "donehelp" in Symbol 321 MovieClip [helper] Frame 25
on (release) {; }
Instance of Symbol 320 MovieClip [helpbox] in Symbol 321 MovieClip [helper] Frame 25
on (release) { }
Symbol 325 MovieClip [hillmarker] Frame 1
this._yscale = 100.707106781187; this.onEnterFrame = function () { };
Symbol 327 MovieClip [hillmarkerlock] Frame 1
this._yscale = 100.707106781187; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._y != this.sby) { this._y = this._y + (0.25 * (this.sby - this._y)); } };
Symbol 347 MovieClip [hillmarkerold] Frame 1
this._yscale = 100.707106781187; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._y != this.sby) { this._y = this._y + (0.25 * (this.sby - this._y)); } };
Symbol 350 MovieClip [levelchecker] Frame 1
Symbol 353 MovieClip [levelnamebutton] Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.counter == 0) { this._visible = true; if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha = this._alpha + 5; } else if (this._alpha == 100) { this._x = this.sbx; this.counter = -1; } this._x = this._x + (0.25 * (this.sbx - this._x)); } else if (this.counter > 0) { this.counter--; } };
Symbol 356 MovieClip [linetoggle] Frame 1
stop(); this.onRelease = function () { if (this._currentframe == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); _root.telelines._visible = false; } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); _root.telelines._visible = true; } };
Symbol 358 MovieClip [music] Frame 1 = new Sound(this);"music1");;; _root.musiccounter = 0; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.musiccounter++; if ((_root.musiccounter < 400) && ( < 60)) { + 0.5); } if ((_root.musiccounter > 400) && ( > 0)) { - 0.5); } };
Symbol 360 MovieClip [nextlevelbutton] Frame 1
this.ox = this._x; this.oy = this._y; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_root.levelsolved && (_root.playmode == "play")) && (_root.levels[_root.currentlevel + 1] != undefined)) { this.sbx = 320; this.sby = 440; this.sbys = 100; this.sbxs = 100; } if (((_root.levelsolved != true) && (_root.playmode == "play")) && (_root.levels[_root.currentlevel + 1] != undefined)) { this.sbx = 37; this.sby = 462; this.sbys = 40; this.sbxs = 40; } if (((_root.levels[_root.currentlevel + 1] == undefined) || (_root.playmode != "play")) || (_root.currentfocus != "play")) { this.sbx = this.ox; this.sby = this.oy; this.sbys = 100; this.sbxs = 100; } this._x = this._x + (0.25 * (this.sbx - this._x)); this._y = this._y + (0.25 * (this.sby - this._y)); this._yscale = this._yscale + (0.25 * (this.sbys - this._yscale)); this._xscale = this._xscale + (0.25 * (this.sbxs - this._xscale)); };
Symbol 366 MovieClip [visual] Frame 1
this.actualy = this._y; this.sby = this.actualy; this.inity = this.actualy; this.jumpheight = function (time) { yoffset = 20 * Math.sin(((time / 180) * Math.PI) * 9); vertex = 20; v = 2.2; sr = Math.sqrt(vertex); return(yoffset); }; this.wallmod = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.playin) { if (this.actualy != this.sby) { if (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe == 3) { this.wallmod = -10; } else { this.wallmod = 0; } this.actualy = this.actualy + (0.25 * (this.sby - this.actualy)); } if ((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe == 3) && (this.jumpheight(this.jumptime) <= 5)) { this._parent.wallwalking = true; this._parent.vball._y = this._y - 2.4; } else { if (this._parent.wallwalking) { this.jumptime = 18; } if (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe != 3) { this._parent.wallwalking = false; } if (this._parent.jumping && (this.jumptime < 20)) { this.jumptime++; this._parent.vball._y = this.pjy - this.jumpheight(this.jumptime); if ((this.pjy - this.jumpheight(this.jumptime)) >= (this.sby - 2.4)) { this._parent.vball._y = this.actualy - 2.4; this._parent.jumping = false; } } else { this._parent.vball._y = this.actualy - 2.4; this._parent.jumping = false; } } this._y = this.actualy + this.wallmod; } };
Symbol 369 MovieClip [playball] Frame 1
this.nextx = 0; this.nexty = 0; this.telecounter = 0; nowalls = new Array(); nowalls[10] = -1; nowalls[11] = -18; nowalls[12] = 1; nowalls[13] = 18; nowalls[14] = 19; nowalls[15] = -19; nowalls[16] = -17; nowalls[17] = 17; newdirections = new Array(); newdirections[10] = 135; newdirections[11] = 225; newdirections[12] = 315; newdirections[13] = 45; newdirections[14] = 90; newdirections[15] = 180; newdirections[16] = 270; newdirections[17] = 360; this.effects = function (effecttype) { econtrols = new Array(); eindx = 0; if ((((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].indx % 18) != 1) && ((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].indx % 18) != 2)) && ((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].indx % 18) != 3)) { econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover - 3)], [4]]; eindx++; } if ((((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].indx % 18) != 0) && ((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].indx % 18) != 17)) && ((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].indx % 18) != 16)) { econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover + 3)], [8]]; eindx++; } if (((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].indx % 18) != 0) && ((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].indx % 18) != 17)) { econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover + 2)], [1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8]]; eindx++; econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover + 20)], [1, 2, 6, 7, 8]]; eindx++; econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover + 38)], [1, 2, 8]]; eindx++; econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover - 16)], [1, 2, 6, 7, 8]]; eindx++; econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover - 34)], [6, 7, 8]]; eindx++; } if ((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].indx % 18) != 0) { econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover + 1)], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]; eindx++; econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover + 19)], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]; eindx++; econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover + 37)], [1, 2, 3, 4, 8]]; eindx++; econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover - 17)], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]; eindx++; econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover - 35)], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]; eindx++; } if (((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].indx % 18) != 1) && ((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].indx % 18) != 2)) { econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover - 2)], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8]]; eindx++; econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover - 20)], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]; eindx++; econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover - 38)], [4, 5, 6]]; eindx++; econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover + 16)], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]; eindx++; econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover + 34)], [2, 3, 4]]; eindx++; } if ((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].indx % 18) != 1) { econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover - 1)], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]; eindx++; econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover - 19)], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]; eindx++; econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover - 37)], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]; eindx++; econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover + 17)], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]; eindx++; econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover + 35)], [1, 2, 3, 4, 8]]; eindx++; } econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover + 18)], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]; eindx++; econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover + 36)], [1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8]]; eindx++; econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover + 54)], [2]]; eindx++; econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover - 18)], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]; eindx++; econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover - 36)], [2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]; eindx++; econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover - 54)], [6]]; eindx++; econtrols[eindx] = [_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover + 0)], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]; eid = 0; while (eid <= eindx) { if (econtrols[eid][0] != undefined) { eid2 = 0; while (eid2 < econtrols[eid][1].length) { ctarget = econtrols[eid][0]; ctarget = ctarget["c" + econtrols[eid][1][eid2]]; if (effecttype == 3) { ccx = _root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._x; ccy = _root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._y; } else { ccx = this._x; ccy = this._y; } gcx = econtrols[eid][0]._x + ctarget._x; gcy = econtrols[eid][0]._y + ctarget._y; cdistance = _root.pdistance(ccx, ccy, gcx, gcy); if (cdistance < 50) { effectpower = (100 * Math.cos(cdistance / 32)) / 100; if ((gcx - ccx) > 0) { xmult = 1; } else { xmult = -1; } if ((gcy - ccy) > 0) { ymult = 1; } else { ymult = -1; } if (effecttype == 1) { ctarget.effectsbx = (4 * effectpower) * xmult; ctarget.effectsby = (4 * effectpower) * ymult; } if (effecttype == 2) { ctarget.effectsbx = (-4 * effectpower) * xmult; ctarget.effectsby = (-4 * effectpower) * ymult; } if (effecttype == 3) { ctarget.effectsby = -20 * effectpower; } } eid2++; } } eid++; } }; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.playin && (_root.levelsolved != true)) { if (this._parent._parent._visible) { this.beinghit = false; if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha = this._alpha + 5; } if (this.timer >= 0) { this.timer++; _root.bpath.drawit(); } if (this.telecounter > 0) { this.telecounter = this.telecounter - 2; if ((_root.sparkleindex % 3) == 0) { ranx = Math.random() * 12; rany = Math.random() * 12; starget = _root.ballsandwalls.attachMovie("sparkle", "sparkle" + _root.sparkleindex, 4001 + _root.sparkleindex, {_x:(_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._x + ranx) - 5, _y:(_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._y - 15) + rany, sbx:(_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._x + ranx) - 5, sby:((_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._y - 15) + rany) - 70}); starget.glow.gotoAndStop(4); } _root.sparkleindex++; } if (this.dircounter > 0) { this.dircounter = this.dircounter - 2; if ((_root.sparkleindex % 3) == 1) { ranx = Math.random() * 12; rany = Math.random() * 12; starget = _root.ballsandwalls.attachMovie("sparkle", "sparkle" + _root.sparkleindex, 4001 + _root.sparkleindex, {_x:(_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._x + ranx) - 5, _y:(_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._y - 15) + rany, sbx:(_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._x + ranx) - 5, sby:((_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._y - 15) + rany) - 70}); starget.glow.gotoAndStop(5); } _root.sparkleindex++; } if (this.jumpcounter > 0) { this.jumpcounter = this.jumpcounter - 2; if ((_root.sparkleindex % 3) == 1) { ranx = Math.random() * 12; rany = Math.random() * 12; starget = _root.ballsandwalls.attachMovie("sparkle", "sparkle" + _root.sparkleindex, 4001 + _root.sparkleindex, {_x:(_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._x + ranx) - 5, _y:((_root.ballsandwalls.ball0.vball._y + _root.ballsandwalls.ball0._y) - 15) + rany, sbx:(_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._x + ranx) - 5, sby:((_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._y - 15) + rany) - 70}); starget.glow.gotoAndStop(5); } _root.sparkleindex++; } if (this.coincounter > 0) { this.coincounter = this.coincounter - 2; if ((_root.sparkleindex % 3) == 2) { ranx = Math.random() * 12; rany = Math.random() * 12; starget = _root.ballsandwalls.attachMovie("sparkle", "sparkle" + _root.sparkleindex, 4001 + _root.sparkleindex, {_x:(_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._x + ranx) - 5, _y:(_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._y - 15) + rany, sbx:(_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._x + ranx) - 5, sby:((_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._y - 15) + rany) - 70}); starget.glow.gotoAndStop(6); } _root.sparkleindex++; } this.rotated = new Array(_root.fixedrotate(this.actualx, this.actualy)); bx = this.rotated[0][0]; by = this.rotated[0][1]; row = (by - (by % 24.75)) / 24.75; col = (bx - (bx % 24.75)) / 24.75; _root.ballover = (((row * 18) + col) + 1) - 94; if (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe == 3) { this.swapDepths(_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover)].getDepth() + 200); } else { this.swapDepths(_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover)].getDepth() + 6); } _root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].ballover = true; if ((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe == 4) && (this.jumping != true)) { this.effects(1); } if (((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe == 5) && (this.jumping != true)) && (((this.nextx == 0) && (this.nexty == 0)) == false)) { this.effects(2); } if ((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe == 20) && (this.jumping != true)) { this.effects(3); } if ((((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe >= 10) && (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe <= 17)) && (this.jumping != true)) && (((this.nextx == 0) && (this.nexty == 0)) == false)) { this.effects(1); } else if ((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe >= 10) && (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe <= 17)) { this.effects(2); } if (this.telecounter > 20) { this.effects(1); } if ((((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe == 6) && (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].destination != undefined)) && (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].cooldown != true)) && (this.jumping != true)) { teleto = _root.player["pg" + _root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].destination]; txoffset = this.actualx - _root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._x; tyoffset = this.actualy - _root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._y; _root.player["pg" + _root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].destination].cooldown = true; this.actualx = teleto._x; this.actualy = teleto._y; this._x = this.actualx; this._y = this.actualy; if (_root.soundon && (teleto.soundonce != true)) { hit = new Sound(this); hit.attachSound("tele2"); hit.start(); } _root.ballover = _root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].destination; this.telecounter = 30; } if (((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe == 1) && (_root.pdistance(_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._x, _root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._y, this._x, this._y) <= 14)) && (this.jumping != true)) { _root.lostcounter = 20; _root.lostat = new Array(_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._x, _root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._y); _root.ballsleft--; if (_root.ballsleft == 0) { _root.toreset = true; this.timer = -1; nbx = _root.spawnspots[0]._x; nby = _root.spawnspots[0]._y; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } this.ballover = false; } if ((_root.pdistance(_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._x, _root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._y, this._x, this._y) > 36) || (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover] == undefined)) { if (this.offtheside != true) { this.offtheside = true; _root.lostcounter = 20; _root.lostat = new Array(this._x, this._y); _root.ballsleft--; if (_root.ballsleft == 0) { _root.toreset = true; this.timer = -1; nbx = _root.spawnspots[0]._x; nby = _root.spawnspots[0]._y; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } _root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].ballover = false; } } if ((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe == 20) && (this.jumping != true)) { this.jumping = true; this.visual.pjy = this.vball._y; this.visual.jumptime = 0; this.jumpcounter = 20; if (_root.soundon && (teleto.soundonce != true)) { hit = new Sound(this); hit.attachSound("jumpsound"); hit.start(); } } curdirection = (_root.pomega(0, 0, this.nextx, this.nexty) / Math.PI) * 180; if (curdirection <= 0) { curdirection = curdirection + 360; } if (((((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe >= 10) && (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe <= 17)) && (_root.pdistance(_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._x, _root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._y, this._x, this._y) <= 14)) && (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].cooldown != true)) && (this.jumping != true)) { if ((Math.abs(curdirection - newdirections[_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe]) >= 0.5) || ((this.nextx == 0) && (this.nexty == 0))) { this.dircounter = 30; if (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].curenergy == undefined) { _root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].curenergy = _root.pdistance(0, 0, this.nextx, this.nexty); if (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].curenergy < 4) { _root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].curenergy = 4; } this.nextx = 0; this.nexty = 0; } this.actualx = this.actualx + (0.25 * (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._x - this.actualx)); this.actualy = this.actualy + (0.25 * (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._y - this.actualy)); if ((Math.abs(this.actualx - _root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._x) + Math.abs(this.actualy - _root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._y)) <= 0.05) { if ((_root.player["pg" + String(_root.ballover + nowalls[_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe])]._currentframe != 3) && (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].cooldown != true)) { _root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].cooldown = true; newdirpoint = new Array(); newdirpoint = _root.pointrotate(_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].curenergy, 0, 0, 0, newdirections[_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe]); this.nextx = newdirpoint[0]; this.nexty = newdirpoint[1]; } } } } if (((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe == 8) && (_root.coins == 0)) && (this.jumping != true)) { _root.levelsolved = true; if (_root.playmode == "play") { _root.levelssolved[_root.currentlevel] = true; } _root.player["pg" + _root.ballover].ballover = false; if (_root.soundon) { hit = new Sound(this); hit.attachSound("goal1"); hit.start(); } } if ((this.jumping != true) || ((this.jumping == true) && (this.wallwalking == true))) { nearest = new Array(0, 900); fh = 0; while (fh <= (_root.hills.length - 1)) { if (_root.hills[fh] != undefined) { hd = _root.distance(_root.hills[fh], this); if ((hd < nearest[1]) && (hd <= _root.hillradius)) { nearest[0] = _root.hills[fh].indx; nearest[1] = hd; } } fh++; } if (nearest[0] != 0) { if (this.timer == -1) { _root.bpath.clear(); _root.bpath.curx = undefined; _root.bpath.cury = undefined; this.timer = 0; } omega =, _root.player["hill" + nearest[0]]); omega = omega + Math.PI; if ((((omega / Math.PI) * 180) >= 314) && (((omega / Math.PI) * 180) < 315)) { omega = 5.49778714378214; } if ((((omega / Math.PI) * 180) >= 135) && (((omega / Math.PI) * 180) < 136)) { omega = 2.35619449019234; } this.lasttravel = undefined; pushwith = _root.pushpower(nearest[1]); this.visual.sby = -7.2 - (Math.abs(_root.raise(nearest[1])) * 100); if ((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe < 10) || (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe > 17)) { this.nextx = this.nextx + (pushwith * Math.cos(omega)); this.nexty = this.nexty + (pushwith * Math.sin(omega)); } if (_root.currentfocus == "play") { } } else { this.visual.sby = this.visual.inity; } if (this._parent != _root.frontpage.preview) { gbx = this.wallhitter._x + this.actualx; gby = this.wallhitter._y + this.actualy; no = _root.pomega(0, 0, this.nextx, this.nexty); if (no < 0) { no = no + (Math.PI*2); } ax = (gbx + this.nextx) + (12.4 * Math.cos(no)); ay = (gby + this.nexty) + (12.4 * Math.sin(no)); wh = 0; while (wh <= (_root.walls.length - 1)) { stoploop = false; if (this.wallhitter.hitTest(_root.walls[wh].wallhit2)) { wall = _root.walls[wh]; aoa = _root.pomega(wall._x, wall._y, gbx, gby); aoa = (aoa / Math.PI) * 180; aoa = Math.round(aoa); if (aoa < 0) { this.aoa = this.aoa + 360; } if (aoa == 0) { ww = 5; } if (aoa == 180) { ww = 1; } if (aoa == 90) { ww = 7; } if (aoa == 270) { ww = 3; } if ((aoa > 180) && (aoa < 270)) { ww = 2; } if ((aoa > 270) && (aoa < 360)) { ww = 4; } if ((aoa > 0) && (aoa < 90)) { ww = 6; } if ((aoa > 90) && (aoa < 180)) { ww = 8; } inbetween = false; oktohit = true; if (aoa == 0) { if (_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx + 19)]._currentframe == 3) { oktohit = false; } if (((_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx + 1)]._currentframe != 3) && (_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx + 18)]._currentframe != 3)) || (((_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx + 1)]._currentframe == 3) && (_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx + 18)]._currentframe == 3)) && oktohit)) { this.nextx = Math.abs(this.nextx); inbetween = false; } else if (oktohit) { if (_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx + 1)]._currentframe == 3) { aoa = 45; stoploop = true; } if (_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx + 18)]._currentframe == 3) { aoa = -45; stoploop = true; } } } if (aoa == 180) { if (_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx - 19)]._currentframe == 3) { oktohit = false; } if (((_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx - 1)]._currentframe != 3) && (_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx - 18)]._currentframe != 3)) || (((_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx - 1)]._currentframe == 3) && (_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx - 18)]._currentframe == 3)) && oktohit)) { if (this.nextx > 0) { this.nextx = this.nextx * -1; } inbetween = false; } else if (oktohit) { if (_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx - 1)]._currentframe == 3) { aoa = 225; stoploop = true; } if (_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx - 18)]._currentframe == 3) { aoa = 135; stoploop = true; } } } if (aoa == 90) { if (_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx + 17)]._currentframe == 3) { oktohit = false; } if (((_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx - 1)]._currentframe != 3) && (_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx + 18)]._currentframe != 3)) || (((_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx - 1)]._currentframe == 3) && (_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx + 18)]._currentframe == 3)) && oktohit)) { this.nexty = Math.abs(this.nexty); inbetween = false; } else if (oktohit) { if (_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx - 1)]._currentframe == 3) { aoa = 45; stoploop = true; } if (_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx + 18)]._currentframe == 3) { aoa = 135; stoploop = true; } } } if (aoa == 270) { if (_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx - 17)]._currentframe == 3) { oktohit = false; } if (((_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx + 1)]._currentframe != 3) && (_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx - 18)]._currentframe != 3)) || (((_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx + 1)]._currentframe == 3) && (_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx - 18)]._currentframe == 3)) && oktohit)) { if (this.nexty > 0) { this.nexty = this.nexty * -1; } inbetween = false; } else if (oktohit) { if (_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx + 1)]._currentframe == 3) { aoa = 225; stoploop = true; } if (_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx - 18)]._currentframe == 3) { aoa = -45; stoploop = true; } } } effect = true; if ((aoa >= 180) && (aoa < 270)) { wx1 = wall._x + wall.c1.ox; wx2 = wall._x + wall.c3.ox; wy1 = wall._y + wall.c1.oy; wy2 = wall._y + wall.c3.oy; wo = 45; wb = 45; ix = wall._x + wall.c2.ox; iy = wall._y + wall.c2.oy; inbetween = true; if (_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx - 18)]._currentframe == 3) { oktohit = false; } if ((Math.abs(((no / Math.PI) * 180) - 315) <= 2) || (Math.abs(((no / Math.PI) * 180) - 135) <= 2)) { effect = false; } if ((((no / Math.PI) * 180) == 315) || (((no / Math.PI) * 180) == 135)) { oktohit = false; } } if ((aoa >= 270) && (aoa < 360)) { wx1 = wall._x + wall.c3.ox; wx2 = wall._x + wall.c5.ox; wy1 = wall._y + wall.c3.oy; wy2 = wall._y + wall.c5.oy; wo = -45; wb = 135; ix = wall._x + wall.c4.ox; iy = wall._y + wall.c4.oy; inbetween = true; if ((Math.abs(((no / Math.PI) * 180) - 315) <= 2) || (Math.abs(((no / Math.PI) * 180) - 135) <= 2)) { effect = false; } if (_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx + 1)]._currentframe == 3) { oktohit = false; } if ((((no / Math.PI) * 180) == 45) || (((no / Math.PI) * 180) == 225)) { oktohit = false; } } if ((aoa >= 0) && (aoa < 90)) { wx1 = wall._x + wall.c5.ox; wx2 = wall._x + wall.c7.ox; wy1 = wall._y + wall.c5.oy; wy2 = wall._y + wall.c7.oy; wo = -135; wb = -135; ix = wall._x + wall.c6.ox; iy = wall._y + wall.c6.oy; inbetween = true; if (_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx + 18)]._currentframe == 3) { oktohit = false; } if ((Math.abs(((no / Math.PI) * 180) - 315) <= 2) || (Math.abs(((no / Math.PI) * 180) - 135) <= 2)) { effect = false; } if ((((no / Math.PI) * 180) == 315) || (((no / Math.PI) * 180) == 135)) { oktohit = false; } } if ((aoa >= 90) && (aoa < 180)) { wx1 = wall._x + wall.c7.ox; wx2 = wall._x + wall.c1.ox; wy1 = wall._y + wall.c7.oy; wy2 = wall._y + wall.c1.oy; wo = -225; wb = -45; ix = wall._x + wall.c8.ox; iy = wall._y + wall.c8.oy; inbetween = true; if ((Math.abs(((no / Math.PI) * 180) - 45) <= 2) || (Math.abs(((no / Math.PI) * 180) - 225) <= 2)) { effect = false; } if (_root.player["pg" + String(wall.indx - 1)]._currentframe == 3) { oktohit = false; } if ((((no / Math.PI) * 180) == 45) || (((no / Math.PI) * 180) == 225)) { oktohit = false; } } if ((wall == _root.player.pg124) && (wb == 45)) { } if (inbetween != true) { } if ((inbetween == true) && (oktohit)) { wa = _root.intersect(gbx, gby, gbx + (12.5 * Math.cos((wb / 180) * Math.PI)), gby + (12.5 * Math.sin((wb / 180) * Math.PI)), wx1, wy1, wx2, wy2); wx = wa[0]; wy = wa[1]; wa2 = _root.intersect(gbx, gby, gbx + this.nextx, gby + this.nexty, wx1, wy1, wx2, wy2); wx2 = wa2[0]; wy2 = wa2[1]; if ((_root.pdistance(gbx, gby, wx, wy) <= 12) && (_root.pdistance(gbx, gby, ix, iy) <= 15)) { testx = wx + this.nextx; testy = wy + this.nexty; testx = ix + this.nextx; testy = iy + this.nexty; if (_root.pdistance(gbx, gby, gbx + this.nextx, gby + this.nexty) < 1.3) { testx = testx + this.nextx; testy = testy + this.nexty; } if (wall.wallhit2.hitTest(testx, testy * 0.707106781186547, true) && (this.wallwalking != true)) { if ((wall == _root.player.pg124) && (wb == 45)) { } roa = (_root.pomega(wx2, wy2, gbx + this.nextx, gby + this.nexty) / Math.PI) * 180; roa = Math.round(roa); roa = roa - 180; if (roa < 0) { this.roa = this.roa + 360; } roa = roa + wo; nn = _root.pointrotate(this.nextx, this.nexty, 0, 0, -2 * roa); if (isNaN(roa) == false) { if (stoploop) { wh = _root.walls.length; } if (effect) { if (_root.soundon) { hit = new Sound(this); hit.attachSound("bounce1"); hit.start(); } _root.ballsandwalls.attachMovie("bump", "bump" + _root.sparkleindex, 4001 + _root.sparkleindex, {_x:wa[0], _y:wa[1]}); _root.sparkleindex++; } this.nextx = nn[0]; this.nexty = nn[1]; this.nextx = this.nextx * 0.98; this.nexty = this.nexty * 0.98; } } } } } wh++; } if ((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe == 4) && (this.jumping != true)) { if ((Math.abs(this.nextx) + Math.abs(this.nexty)) > 0.05) { if ((_root.sparkleindex % 2) == 0) { ranx = Math.random() * 12; rany = Math.random() * 12; starget = _root.ballsandwalls.attachMovie("sparkle", "sparkle" + _root.sparkleindex, 4001 + _root.sparkleindex, {_x:(_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._x + ranx) - 5, _y:(_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._y - 15) + rany, sbx:(_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._x + ranx) - 5, sby:((_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._y - 15) + rany) - 70}); starget.glow.gotoAndStop(2); } _root.sparkleindex++; } this.nextx = this.nextx * 1.2; this.nexty = this.nexty * 1.2; } else if ((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe == 5) && (this.jumping != true)) { if ((Math.abs(this.nextx) + Math.abs(this.nexty)) > 0.05) { if ((_root.sparkleindex % 2) == 0) { ranx = Math.random() * 12; rany = Math.random() * 12; starget = _root.ballsandwalls.attachMovie("sparkle", "sparkle" + _root.sparkleindex, 4001 + _root.sparkleindex, {_x:(_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._x + ranx) - 5, _y:(_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._y - 15) + rany, sbx:(_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._x + ranx) - 5, sby:((_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._y - 15) + rany) - 70}); starget.glow.gotoAndStop(3); } _root.sparkleindex++; } this.nextx = this.nextx * 0.85; this.nexty = this.nexty * 0.85; } else if (((_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe <= 10) || (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe >= 17)) && ((this.jumping != true) || ((this.jumping == true) && (this.wallwalking == true)))) { this.nextx = this.nextx * 0.98; this.nexty = this.nexty * 0.98; } } } else { nearest = new Array(0, 900); fh = 0; while (fh <= (_root.hills.length - 1)) { if (_root.hills[fh] != undefined) { hd = _root.distance(_root.hills[fh], this); if ((hd < nearest[1]) && (hd <= _root.hillradius)) { nearest[0] = _root.hills[fh].indx; nearest[1] = hd; } } fh++; } if (nearest[0] != 0) { this.visual.sby = -7.2 - (Math.abs(_root.raise(nearest[1])) * 100); } else { this.visual.sby = this.visual.inity; } } if (this.dragging != true) { if ((Math.abs(this.nextx) + Math.abs(this.nexty)) < 0.05) { if (((_root.pdistance(this.actualx, this.actualy, _root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._x, _root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._y) < 10) && (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._currentframe == 5)) && (_root.pdistance(this.actualx, this.actualy, _root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._x, _root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._y) > 0.03)) { if (this.jumping != true) { this.actualx = this.actualx + (0.3 * (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._x - this.actualx)); this.actualy = this.actualy + (0.3 * (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._y - this.actualy)); if ((_root.sparkleindex % 2) == 0) { ranx = Math.random() * 12; rany = Math.random() * 12; starget = _root.ballsandwalls.attachMovie("sparkle", "sparkle" + _root.sparkleindex, 4001 + _root.sparkleindex, {_x:(_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._x + ranx) - 5, _y:(_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._y - 15) + rany, sbx:(_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._x + ranx) - 5, sby:((_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._y - 15) + rany) - 70}); starget.glow.gotoAndStop(3); } _root.sparkleindex++; } } this.nextx = 0; this.nexty = 0; } this.lastx = this.actualx; this.lasty = this.actualy; this.lastomega = omega; this.lasttravel = _root.pdistance(0, 0, this.nextx, this.nexty); this.lasthill = nearest[0]; if ((_root.pdistance(0, 0, this.nextx, this.nexty) >= 10) && (_root.capped)) { sco = (_root.pomega(0, 0, this.nextx, this.nexty) / Math.PI) * 180; sca = _root.pointrotate(10, 0, 0, 0, sco); this.nextx = sca[0]; this.nexty = sca[1]; } this.actualx = this.actualx + this.nextx; this.actualy = this.actualy + this.nexty; this._x = this.actualx; this._y = this.actualy; } } } else if ((_root.levelsolved == true) && (_root.playin)) { this._x = this._x + (0.25 * (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._x - this._x)); this._y = this._y + (0.25 * (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._y - this._y)); if ((_root.sparkleindex % 3) == 0) { ranx = Math.random() * 12; rany = Math.random() * 12; ranc = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 6); sp = _root.ballsandwalls.attachMovie("sparkle", "sparkle" + _root.sparkleindex, 4001 + _root.sparkleindex, {_x:(_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._x + ranx) - 5, _y:(_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._y - 15) + rany, sbx:(_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._x + ranx) - 5, sby:((_root.ballsandwalls.ball0._y - 15) + rany) - 70}); sp.glow.gotoAndStop(ranc); } _root.sparkleindex++; } };
Symbol 372 MovieClip [soundtoggle] Frame 1
stop(); this.onRelease = function () { if (_root.soundon != false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); _root.soundon = false; } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); _root.soundon = true; } };
Symbol 377 MovieClip [playcontrols] Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.currentfocus == "play") { if (_root.toreset == true) { _root.toreset = false; _root.resetball(); } this.sbx = 600; } else { this.sbx = 800; } this._x = this._x + (0.25 * (this.sbx - this._x)); };
Instance of Symbol 374 MovieClip [pausebutton] in Symbol 377 MovieClip [playcontrols] Frame 1
on (release) { if (_root.currentfocus == "play") { if (_root.playin) { _root.playin = false; } else { _root.playin = true; } } }
Instance of Symbol 376 MovieClip [resetbutton] in Symbol 377 MovieClip [playcontrols] Frame 1
on (release) { if (_root.currentfocus == "play") { _root.resetball(); } }
Symbol 378 MovieClip [playerstart] Frame 1
Symbol 378 MovieClip [playerstart] Frame 15
Symbol 378 MovieClip [playerstart] Frame 30
stop(); = 22.5; = 240; this.a = 1; this.b = 1; this.gindex = 1; playlevel = new Array(); playlevel = _root.loadeditlevel(_root.leveltoplay); _root.timertext.text = _root.currentlevel; _root.createEmptyMovieClip("player", 1); _root.player.cacheAsBitmap = true; _root.player.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.currentfocus != "play") { _root.playstarted = false; _root.ballsandwalls.unloadMovie(); _root.ballsandwalls.removeMovieClip(); _root.telelines.removeMovieClip(); this.unloadMovie(); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; _root.createEmptyMovieClip("ballsandwalls", 3); _root.createEmptyMovieClip("telelines", 4); _root.xoindex = 0; _root.levelsolved = false; this.ncolors = new Array("0x000000", "0x000000", "0x6096CA", "0x6096CA", "0x23ba5f", "0x832b41", "0x643e87", "0x6096CA", "0xACC9E3", "0x6096CA", "0x6096CA", "0x6096CA", "0x6096CA", "0x6096CA", "0x6096CA", "0x6096CA", "0x6096CA", "0x6096CA", "0x6096CA"); this.hcolors = new Array("0x000000", "0x000000", "0x71a7db", "0x71a7db", "0x34cb6f", "0x943c52", "0x754f98", "0x71a7db", "0xBDDAF4", "0x71a7db", "0x71a7db", "0x71a7db", "0x71a7db", "0x71a7db", "0x71a7db", "0x71a7db", "0x71a7db", "0x71a7db", "0x71a7db"); _root.player._yscale = _root.player._yscale * 0.707106781186547; _root.ballsandwalls._yscale = _root.ballsandwalls._yscale * 0.707106781186547; _root.telelines._yscale = _root.telelines._yscale * 0.707106781186547; spawnsfound = 0; _root.spawnspots = new Array(); _root.walls = new Array(); _root.hills = new Array(); telesfound = 0; _root.teles = new Array(); _root.coins = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (((a <= 18) && (this._currentframe == 30)) && (_root.currentfocus == "play")) { b = 1; while (b <= 18) { target = _root.player.attachMovie("playgrid", "pg" + this.gindex, (Math.floor((323 - ((b - 1) * 17.5)) + (17.5 * a)) - a) * 5, {_x:(5 + ((a - 1) * 17.5)) + (17.5 * b), _y:(323 - ((b - 1) * 17.5)) + (17.5 * a)}); target.cacheAsBitmap = true; if (this.gindex == 2) { target.swapDepths(1525); } target.ox = target._x; target.oy = target._y; target.indx = this.gindex; if (playlevel[((a - 1) * 18) + b] == 3) { _root.walls.push(target); target.attachMovie("wallhit2", "wallhit2", 2); target.wallhit2._visible = false; target.drawer = _root.ballsandwalls.createEmptyMovieClip("drawer" + target.indx, target.getDepth()); target.drawer.cacheAsBitmap = true; target.drawer._x = target.ox; target.drawer._y = target.oy; target.updateonce = false; } else { target.createEmptyMovieClip("drawer", 1); } if ((playlevel[((a - 1) * 18) + b] == 7) && (spawnsfound >= 1)) { target.gotoAndStop(2); target.ncolor = this.ncolors[2]; target.hcolor = this.hcolors[2]; } else if ((playlevel[((a - 1) * 18) + b] == 7) && (spawnsfound < 1)) { target.gotoAndStop(7); target.ncolor = this.ncolors[7]; target.hcolor = this.hcolors[7]; spawnsfound++; _root.spawnspots.push(target); } else if ((playlevel[((a - 1) * 18) + b] == 6) && (telesfound < 10)) { telesfound++; target.gotoAndStop(6); target.ncolor = this.ncolors[6]; target.hcolor = this.hcolors[6]; } else if ((playlevel[((a - 1) * 18) + b] == 6) && (telesfound >= 10)) { target.gotoAndStop(2); target.ncolor = this.ncolors[2]; target.hcolor = this.hcolors[2]; } else { if ((((playlevel[((a - 1) * 18) + b] >= 10) && (playlevel[((a - 1) * 18) + b] <= 17)) || (playlevel[((a - 1) * 18) + b] == 19)) || (playlevel[((a - 1) * 18) + b] == 20)) { target.updateonce = false; } if (playlevel[((a - 1) * 18) + b] == 18) { _root.coins++; target.coinmc = _root.ballsandwalls.attachMovie("coin", "coin", target.getDepth() + 3, {_x:target._x, _y:target._y - 15, square:target}); } target.gotoAndStop(playlevel[((a - 1) * 18) + b]); target.ncolor = this.ncolors[playlevel[((a - 1) * 18) + b]]; target.hcolor = this.hcolors[playlevel[((a - 1) * 18) + b]]; } this.gindex++; b++; } a++; } else if (a == 19) { a++; td = 325; while (td <= (playlevel.length - 1)) { if ((_root.player["pg" + playlevel[td][0]]._currentframe == 6) && (_root.player["pg" + playlevel[td][1]]._currentframe == 6)) { _root.player["pg" + playlevel[td][0]].destination = playlevel[td][1]; } td++; } td = 0; while (td <= 325) { if (_root.player["pg" + td]._currentframe == 9) { hm = _root.player["pg" + td].attachMovie("hillmarkerlock", "hillmarker", 2, {sby:-20}); hm._yscale = 500; nh = _root.player.attachMovie("hill2", "hill" + _root.player["pg" + td].indx, _root.player["pg" + td].getDepth() + 1, {_x:_root.player["pg" + td]._x, _y:_root.player["pg" + td]._y, indx:_root.player["pg" + td].indx}); _root.hills.push(nh); _root.player["pg" + td].affectgrid(); _root.player["pg" + td].hilllocked = true; } td++; } _root.ballspawned = false; _root.playstarted = true; _root.playin = true; } };
Symbol 383 MovieClip [playgrid] Frame 1
this.ox = this._x; this.oy = this._y; this.updatecount = 0; this.hag = new Array(); this.hag[0] = [-38, [5]]; this.hag[1] = [-20, [3, 4, 5, 6]]; this.hag[2] = [-2, [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]; this.hag[3] = [16, [2, 3, 4, 5]]; this.hag[4] = [34, [3]]; this.hag[5] = [-37, [4, 5, 6, 7]]; this.hag[6] = [-19, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]; this.hag[7] = [-1, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]; this.hag[8] = [17, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]; this.hag[9] = [35, [1, 2, 3, 4]]; this.hag[10] = [-34, [7]]; this.hag[11] = [-16, [1, 6, 7, 8]]; this.hag[12] = [2, [1, 2, 6, 7, 8]]; this.hag[13] = [20, [1, 2, 7, 8]]; this.hag[14] = [38, [1]]; this.hag[15] = [-35, [5, 6, 7, 8]]; this.hag[16] = [-17, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]; this.hag[17] = [1, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]; this.hag[18] = [19, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]; this.hag[19] = [37, [1, 2, 3, 8]]; this.hag[20] = [-36, [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]; this.hag[21] = [-18, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]; this.hag[22] = [0, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]; this.hag[23] = [18, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]; this.hag[24] = [36, [1, 2, 3, 4, 8]]; hr = 0; while (hr <= 24) { hr++; } this.affectgrid = function () { if (((this.indx % 18) != 2) && ((this.indx % 18) != 1)) { ha = 0; while (ha <= 4) { gr = _root.player["pg" + String(this.indx + this.hag[ha][0])]; gr.updatecount = 20; hb = 0; while (hb <= (this.hag[ha][1].length - 1)) { gr["c" + this.hag[ha][1][hb]].affect(this.indx); hb++; } ha++; } } if ((this.indx % 18) != 1) { ha = 5; while (ha <= 9) { gr = _root.player["pg" + String(this.indx + this.hag[ha][0])]; gr.updatecount = 20; hb = 0; while (hb <= (this.hag[ha][1].length - 1)) { gr["c" + this.hag[ha][1][hb]].affect(this.indx); hb++; } ha++; } } if (((this.indx % 18) != 0) && ((this.indx % 18) != 17)) { ha = 10; while (ha <= 14) { gr = _root.player["pg" + String(this.indx + this.hag[ha][0])]; gr.updatecount = 20; hb = 0; while (hb <= (this.hag[ha][1].length - 1)) { gr["c" + this.hag[ha][1][hb]].affect(this.indx); hb++; } ha++; } } if ((this.indx % 18) != 0) { ha = 15; while (ha <= 19) { gr = _root.player["pg" + String(this.indx + this.hag[ha][0])]; gr.updatecount = 20; hb = 0; while (hb <= (this.hag[ha][1].length - 1)) { gr["c" + this.hag[ha][1][hb]].affect(this.indx); hb++; } ha++; } } ha = 20; while (ha <= 24) { gr = _root.player["pg" + String(this.indx + this.hag[ha][0])]; gr.updatecount = 20; hb = 0; while (hb <= (this.hag[ha][1].length - 1)) { gr["c" + this.hag[ha][1][hb]].affect(this.indx); hb++; } ha++; } }; this.onRelease = function () { if (((((this._currentframe == 2) || (this._currentframe == 7)) || (this._currentframe == 18)) && (_root.playin)) && (_root.levelsolved != true)) { if (this._parent["hill" + this.indx] == undefined) { _root.clicks++; hm = this.attachMovie("hillmarker", "hillmarker", 2, {sby:-20}); hm._yscale = 500; nh = this._parent.attachMovie("hill2", "hill" + this.indx, this.getDepth() + 1, {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, indx:this.indx}); _root.hills.push(nh); this.affectgrid(); } else if (this.hilllocked != true) { _root.clicks++; this.hillmarker.unloadMovie(); this.hillmarker.removeMovieClip(); this.affectgrid(); this._parent["hill" + this.indx].unloadMovie(); this._parent["hill" + this.indx].removeMovieClip(); } } }; this.drawgrid = function (colorstring) { this.drawer.clear(); this.drawer.cacheAsBitmap = false; if (this._currentframe == 20) { this.drawer.lineStyle(1, "0x336699", 0); this.drawer.beginFill("0xf59504", 100); this.drawer.moveTo(this.c2._x, this.c2._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c4._x, this.c4._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c6._x, this.c6._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c8._x, this.c8._y); this.drawer.endFill(); this.drawer.lineStyle(1, "0x336699", 0); this.drawer.beginFill("0x6096ca", 100); this.drawer.moveTo(this.c2._x, this.c2._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c8._x, this.c8._y); this.drawer.lineStyle(1, "0x336699", 100); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c1._x, this.c1._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c2._x, this.c2._y); this.drawer.endFill(); this.drawer.lineStyle(1, "0x336699", 0); this.drawer.beginFill("0x6096ca", 100); this.drawer.moveTo(this.c2._x, this.c2._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c4._x, this.c4._y); this.drawer.lineStyle(1, "0x336699", 100); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c3._x, this.c3._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c2._x, this.c2._y); this.drawer.endFill(); this.drawer.lineStyle(1, "0x336699", 0); this.drawer.beginFill("0x6096ca", 100); this.drawer.moveTo(this.c6._x, this.c6._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c4._x, this.c4._y); this.drawer.lineStyle(1, "0x336699", 100); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c5._x, this.c5._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c6._x, this.c6._y); this.drawer.endFill(); this.drawer.lineStyle(1, "0x336699", 0); this.drawer.beginFill("0x6096ca", 100); this.drawer.moveTo(this.c6._x, this.c6._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c8._x, this.c8._y); this.drawer.lineStyle(1, "0x336699", 100); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c7._x, this.c7._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c6._x, this.c6._y); this.drawer.endFill(); } else if (this._currentframe == 19) { centerx = ((((((this.c1._x + this.c2._x) + this.c3._x) + this.c4._x) + this.c5._x) + this.c6._x) + this.c7._x) + this.c8._x; centerx = centerx / 8; centery = ((((((this.c1._y + this.c2._y) + this.c3._y) + this.c4._y) + this.c5._y) + this.c6._y) + this.c7._y) + this.c8._y; centery = centery / 8; this.drawer.lineStyle(1, "0x336699", 0); this.drawer.beginFill("0x6096ca", 100); this.drawer.moveTo(this.c2._x, this.c2._y); this.drawer.lineTo(centerx, centery); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c4._x, this.c4._y); this.drawer.lineStyle(1, "0x336699", 100); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c3._x, this.c3._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c2._x, this.c2._y); this.drawer.lineStyle(1, "0x336699", 0); this.drawer.endFill(); this.drawer.beginFill("0x6096ca", 100); this.drawer.moveTo(this.c6._x, this.c6._y); this.drawer.lineTo(centerx, centery); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c8._x, this.c8._y); this.drawer.lineStyle(1, "0x336699", 100); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c7._x, this.c7._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c6._x, this.c6._y); this.drawer.lineStyle(1, "0x336699", 0); this.drawer.endFill(); this.drawer.beginFill("0x9ABCDD", 100); this.drawer.moveTo(this.c6._x, this.c6._y); this.drawer.lineTo(centerx, centery); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c4._x, this.c4._y); this.drawer.lineStyle(1, "0x336699", 100); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c5._x, this.c5._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c6._x, this.c6._y); this.drawer.lineStyle(1, "0x336699", 0); this.drawer.endFill(); this.drawer.beginFill("0x9ABCDD", 100); this.drawer.moveTo(this.c2._x, this.c2._y); this.drawer.lineTo(centerx, centery); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c8._x, this.c8._y); this.drawer.lineStyle(1, "0x336699", 100); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c1._x, this.c1._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c2._x, this.c2._y); this.drawer.lineStyle(1, "0x336699", 0); this.drawer.endFill(); } else if ((this._currentframe >= 10) && (this._currentframe <= 17)) { triarray = new Array(); triarray[10] = new Array(3, 5, 8); triarray[11] = new Array(5, 7, 2); triarray[12] = new Array(7, 1, 4); triarray[13] = new Array(1, 3, 6); triarray[14] = new Array(2, 4, 7); triarray[15] = new Array(4, 6, 1); triarray[16] = new Array(8, 6, 3); triarray[17] = new Array(2, 8, 5); triarray2 = new Array(); triarray2[10] = new Array(5, 7, 8); triarray2[11] = new Array(7, 1, 2); triarray2[12] = new Array(1, 3, 4); triarray2[13] = new Array(3, 5, 6); triarray2[14] = new Array(4, 5, 7); triarray2[15] = new Array(6, 7, 1); triarray2[16] = new Array(8, 1, 3); triarray2[17] = new Array(2, 3, 5); triarray3 = new Array(); triarray3[10] = new Array(3, 1, 8); triarray3[11] = new Array(5, 3, 2); triarray3[12] = new Array(7, 5, 4); triarray3[13] = new Array(1, 7, 6); triarray3[14] = new Array(2, 1, 7); triarray3[15] = new Array(4, 3, 1); triarray3[16] = new Array(5, 6, 3); triarray3[17] = new Array(7, 8, 5); triarray4 = new Array(); triarray4[14] = new Array(2, 4, 3); triarray4[15] = new Array(4, 6, 5); triarray4[16] = new Array(8, 6, 7); triarray4[17] = new Array(2, 8, 1); this.drawer.lineStyle(1, "0x336699", 100); this.drawer.beginFill("0xF59504", 100); this.drawer.moveTo(this["c" + triarray[this._currentframe][0]]._x, this["c" + triarray[this._currentframe][0]]._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this["c" + triarray[this._currentframe][1]]._x, this["c" + triarray[this._currentframe][1]]._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this["c" + triarray[this._currentframe][2]]._x, this["c" + triarray[this._currentframe][2]]._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this["c" + triarray[this._currentframe][0]]._x, this["c" + triarray[this._currentframe][0]]._y); this.drawer.endFill(); this.drawer.lineStyle(1, "0x336699", 100); this.drawer.beginFill("0x6096ca", 100); this.drawer.moveTo(this["c" + triarray2[this._currentframe][0]]._x, this["c" + triarray2[this._currentframe][0]]._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this["c" + triarray2[this._currentframe][1]]._x, this["c" + triarray2[this._currentframe][1]]._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this["c" + triarray2[this._currentframe][2]]._x, this["c" + triarray2[this._currentframe][2]]._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this["c" + triarray2[this._currentframe][0]]._x, this["c" + triarray2[this._currentframe][0]]._y); this.drawer.endFill(); this.drawer.lineStyle(1, "0x336699", 100); this.drawer.beginFill("0x6096ca", 100); this.drawer.moveTo(this["c" + triarray3[this._currentframe][0]]._x, this["c" + triarray3[this._currentframe][0]]._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this["c" + triarray3[this._currentframe][1]]._x, this["c" + triarray3[this._currentframe][1]]._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this["c" + triarray3[this._currentframe][2]]._x, this["c" + triarray3[this._currentframe][2]]._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this["c" + triarray3[this._currentframe][0]]._x, this["c" + triarray3[this._currentframe][0]]._y); this.drawer.endFill(); if (this._currentframe >= 14) { this.drawer.lineStyle(1, "0x336699", 100); this.drawer.beginFill("0x6096ca", 100); this.drawer.moveTo(this["c" + triarray4[this._currentframe][0]]._x, this["c" + triarray4[this._currentframe][0]]._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this["c" + triarray4[this._currentframe][1]]._x, this["c" + triarray4[this._currentframe][1]]._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this["c" + triarray4[this._currentframe][2]]._x, this["c" + triarray4[this._currentframe][2]]._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this["c" + triarray4[this._currentframe][0]]._x, this["c" + triarray4[this._currentframe][0]]._y); this.drawer.endFill(); } } else if ((this._currentframe != 3) && (colorstring != "")) { this.drawer.lineStyle(1, "0x336699", 100); this.drawer.beginFill(colorstring, 100); this.drawer.moveTo(this.c1._x, this.c1._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c2._x, this.c2._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c3._x, this.c3._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c4._x, this.c4._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c5._x, this.c5._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c6._x, this.c6._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c7._x, this.c7._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c8._x, this.c8._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c1._x, this.c1._y); this.drawer.endFill(); } else { this.drawer.lineStyle(1, "0x6D4201", 100); this.drawer.beginFill("0x996600", 100); this.drawer.moveTo(this.c1._x, this.c1._y - 10); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c2._x, this.c2._y - 10); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c3._x, this.c3._y - 10); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c4._x, this.c4._y - 10); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c5._x, this.c5._y - 10); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c5._x, this.c5._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c6._x, this.c6._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c7._x, this.c7._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c8._x, this.c8._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c1._x, this.c1._y); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c1._x, this.c1._y - 10); this.drawer.endFill(); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c7._x, this.c7._y - 10); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c7._x, this.c7._y); this.drawer.moveTo(this.c7._x, this.c7._y - 10); this.drawer.lineTo(this.c5._x, this.c5._y - 10); } }; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 6) { if (this.destination != undefined) { if (this.linedraw == undefined) { this.linedraw = _root.telelines.createEmptyMovieClip("line" + this.indx, this.indx); this.linedraw.clear(); this.linedraw.lineStyle(2, "0xB79CD1", 100); this.linedraw.moveTo(this._x, this._y - 8.75); this.linedraw.curveTo(this._x + ((this._parent["pg" + this.destination]._x - this._x) * 0.5), (this._y + ((this._parent["pg" + this.destination]._y - this._y) * 0.5)) - 20, this._parent["pg" + this.destination]._x, this._parent["pg" + this.destination]._y + 8.75); _root.xoindex++; target = this.linedraw._parent.attachMovie("xo", "xo" + _root.xoindex, 500 + _root.xoindex, {_x:this._x, _y:this._y - 8.75}); target.gotoAndStop(2); _root.xoindex++; target = this.linedraw._parent.attachMovie("xo", "xo" + _root.xoindex, 500 + _root.xoindex, {_x:this._parent["pg" + this.destination]._x, _y:this._parent["pg" + this.destination]._y + 8.75}); target.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { this.linedraw.clear(); } } else { this.destination = undefined; this.linedraw.clear(); if (this.destarrow != undefined) { this.destarrow.removeMovieClip(); } } if (this.updateonce == false) { this.drawgrid(""); this.updateonce = true; } if (this.ballover == true) { if (_root.ballover == this.indx) { if (this.soundonce != true) { if (this._currentframe == 4) { if (_root.soundon && (this.cooldown != true)) { this.cooldown = true; hit = new Sound(this); hit.attachSound("speed2"); hit.start(); } } if (this._currentframe == 5) { if (_root.soundon && (this.cooldown != true)) { this.cooldown = true; hit = new Sound(this); hit.attachSound("slow1"); hit.start(); } } } this.gcolor = this.hcolor; } else { this.ballover = false; this.cooldown = false; this.curenergy = undefined; this.gcolor = this.ncolor; this.drawgrid(this.ncolor); } } else { this.gcolor = this.ncolor; } if ((this._currentframe != 1) && (this.updatecount > 0)) { if ( { = false; = false; } this.updatecount--; this.drawgrid(this.gcolor); } else if (this.updatecount == 0) { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } }; this.onRollOver = function () { this.drawgrid(this.hcolor); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.drawgrid(this.ncolor); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this.drawgrid(this.ncolor); }; stop();
Symbol 383 MovieClip [playgrid] Frame 2
Symbol 383 MovieClip [playgrid] Frame 3
Symbol 383 MovieClip [playgrid] Frame 4
Symbol 383 MovieClip [playgrid] Frame 5
Symbol 383 MovieClip [playgrid] Frame 6
Symbol 383 MovieClip [playgrid] Frame 7
Symbol 383 MovieClip [playgrid] Frame 8
Symbol 383 MovieClip [playgrid] Frame 9
Symbol 383 MovieClip [playgrid] Frame 10
Symbol 383 MovieClip [playgrid] Frame 11
Symbol 383 MovieClip [playgrid] Frame 12
Symbol 383 MovieClip [playgrid] Frame 13
Symbol 383 MovieClip [playgrid] Frame 14
Symbol 383 MovieClip [playgrid] Frame 15
Symbol 383 MovieClip [playgrid] Frame 16
Symbol 383 MovieClip [playgrid] Frame 17
Symbol 383 MovieClip [playgrid] Frame 18
Symbol 383 MovieClip [playgrid] Frame 19
Symbol 384 MovieClip [playmenu] Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.currentfocus == "play") { this.sbx = 600; } else { this.sbx = 800; } this._x = this._x + (0.25 * (this.sbx - this._x)); };
Symbol 386 MovieClip [timeclicks best] Frame 1
stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_root.currentfocus == "play") && (_root.playmode == "play")) { this._visible = true; if (_root.bestclicks[_root.currentlevel] != undefined) { this.clicks = _root.bestclicks[_root.currentlevel]; } else { this.aw6.gotoAndStop(62); this.aw7.gotoAndStop(62); this.aw8.gotoAndStop(62); } if (isNaN(_root.besttimes[_root.currentlevel])) { _root.besttimes[_root.currentlevel] = undefined; } if (_root.besttimes[_root.currentlevel] != undefined) { this.timer = _root.besttimes[_root.currentlevel]; this.minutes = this.timer - (this.timer % 60); this.seconds = this.timer % 60; = this.timer % 1; this.minutes = this.minutes - (this.minutes % 1); this.minutes = this.minutes / 60; if (this.minutes > 99) { this.minutes = "99"; } else if (this.minutes < 1) { this.minutes = "00"; } else if (this.minutes < 10) { this.minutes = "0" + String(this.minutes); } else { this.minutes = String(this.minutes); } this.aw0.gotoAndStop(_root.convertchar(this.minutes.charCodeAt(0))); this.aw1.gotoAndStop(_root.convertchar(this.minutes.charCodeAt(1))); this.seconds = this.seconds - (this.seconds % 1); if (this.seconds < 1) { this.seconds = "00"; } else if (this.seconds < 10) { this.seconds = "0" + String(this.seconds); } else { this.seconds = String(this.seconds); } this.aw2.gotoAndStop(_root.convertchar(this.seconds.charCodeAt(0))); this.aw3.gotoAndStop(_root.convertchar(this.seconds.charCodeAt(1))); = - ( % 0.01); = * 100; = String(; this.aw4.gotoAndStop(_root.convertchar(; this.aw5.gotoAndStop(_root.convertchar(; if (this.clicks > 999) { this.clicks = "999"; } else if (this.clicks < 100) { if (this.clicks < 10) { this.clicks = "00" + String(this.clicks); } else { this.clicks = "0" + String(this.clicks); } } else { this.clicks = String(this.clicks); } this.aw6.gotoAndStop(_root.convertchar(this.clicks.charCodeAt(0))); this.aw7.gotoAndStop(_root.convertchar(this.clicks.charCodeAt(1))); this.aw8.gotoAndStop(_root.convertchar(this.clicks.charCodeAt(2))); } else { a = 0; while (a <= 5) { this["aw" + a].gotoAndStop(62); a++; } } } else { this._visible = false; } };
Symbol 387 MovieClip [playtitle] Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_root.currentfocus == "play") && (this.sby != 20)) { this.sby = 20; cf = 0; while (cf <= 8) { if (_root.leveltoplay.charAt(cf) == ",") { stringpos = cf + 1; _root.currenttitle = _root.leveltoplay.slice(0, cf); cf = 10; } cf++; } af = 0; while (af <= 7) { if ((_root.currenttitle.charAt(af) == undefined) || (_root.currenttitle.charAt(af) == "")) { this["aw" + af].gotoAndStop(63); } else { this["aw" + af].gotoAndStop(_root.convertchar(_root.currenttitle.charCodeAt(af))); } af++; } } else if ((_root.currentfocus != "play") && (this.sby != -50)) { this.sby = -100; } if (Math.abs(this.sby - this._y) > 0.5) { this._y = this._y + (0.25 * (this.sby - this._y)); } };
Symbol 389 MovieClip [previousbutton] Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (((_root.currentfocus == "play") && (_root.levels[_root.currentlevel - 1] != undefined)) && (_root.playmode == "play")) { this.sbx = 40; } else { this.sbx = -160; } this._x = this._x + (0.25 * (this.sbx - this._x)); };
Instance of Symbol 393 MovieClip [yesoverwrite] in Symbol 397 MovieClip [overwritedialog] Frame 1
on (release) { if (this._parent._visible == true) { _root.saveslot(this._parent.tosave); _root.autosave(); this._parent._visible = false; _root.currentfocus = "edit"; } }
Instance of Symbol 395 MovieClip [nooverwrite] in Symbol 397 MovieClip [overwritedialog] Frame 1
on (release) { if (this._parent._visible == true) { this._parent._visible = false; } }
Symbol 399 MovieClip [sldcancel] Frame 1
this.onRelease = function () { _root.currentfocus = "edit"; _root.editorstart.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.editmenu.edittitle.inputtitle.text = ""; };
Symbol 415 MovieClip [saveloaddialog] Frame 1
this.overwritedialog._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.currentfocus == "saveload") { if (_root.slot1 != undefined) { cf = 0; while (cf <= 9) { if (_root.slot1.charAt(cf) == ",") { stringpos = cf + 1; this.slot1ui.levelname.text = _root.slot1.slice(0, cf); cf = 10; } cf++; } } if (_root.slot2 != undefined) { cf = 0; while (cf <= 9) { if (_root.slot2.charAt(cf) == ",") { stringpos = cf + 1; this.slot2ui.levelname.text = _root.slot2.slice(0, cf); cf = 10; } cf++; } } if (_root.slot3 != undefined) { cf = 0; while (cf <= 9) { if (_root.slot3.charAt(cf) == ",") { stringpos = cf + 1; this.slot3ui.levelname.text = _root.slot3.slice(0, cf); cf = 10; } cf++; } } this.sby = 240; } else { this.sby = 570; } this._y = this._y + (0.25 * (this.sby - this._y)); };
Instance of Symbol 403 MovieClip [slot2ui] "slot2ui" in Symbol 415 MovieClip [saveloaddialog] Frame 1
on (release) { if ((this._parent.overwritedialog._visible == false) && (_root.currentfocus == "saveload")) { if (this._parent.saveorload._currentframe == 1) { if (_root.slot2 == undefined) { _root.saveslot(2); _root.autosave(); _root.currentfocus = "edit"; } else { this._parent.overwritedialog._visible = true; this._parent.overwritedialog.tosave = 2; } } else if (_root.slot2 != undefined) { _root.currentfocus = "edit"; _root.loadeditlevel(_root.slot2); } } }
Instance of Symbol 407 MovieClip [slot3ui] "slot3ui" in Symbol 415 MovieClip [saveloaddialog] Frame 1
on (release) { if ((this._parent.overwritedialog._visible == false) && (_root.currentfocus == "saveload")) { if (this._parent.saveorload._currentframe == 1) { if (_root.slot3 == undefined) { _root.saveslot(3); _root.autosave(); _root.currentfocus = "edit"; } else { this._parent.overwritedialog._visible = true; this._parent.overwritedialog.tosave = 3; } } else if (_root.slot3 != undefined) { _root.currentfocus = "edit"; _root.loadeditlevel(_root.slot3); } } }
Instance of Symbol 410 MovieClip [slot1ui] "slot1ui" in Symbol 415 MovieClip [saveloaddialog] Frame 1
on (release) { if ((this._parent.overwritedialog._visible == false) && (_root.currentfocus == "saveload")) { if (this._parent.saveorload._currentframe == 1) { if (_root.slot1 == undefined) { _root.saveslot(1); _root.autosave(); _root.currentfocus = "edit"; } else { this._parent.overwritedialog._visible = true; this._parent.overwritedialog.tosave = 1; } } else if (_root.slot1 != undefined) { _root.currentfocus = "edit"; _root.loadeditlevel(_root.slot1); } } }
Symbol 420 MovieClip [sharedialog] Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.currentfocus == "share") { this.sby = 240; } else { this.sby = 670; } this._y = this._y + (0.25 * (this.sby - this._y)); };
Symbol 427 MovieClip [sparkleglow] Frame 1
Symbol 428 MovieClip [sparkle] Frame 1
this.ranr = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 2); if (this.ranr == 2) { this.ranr = -1; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.playin) { this._yscale = this._yscale - 10; this._rotation = this._rotation + (this.ranr * 5); if (this._yscale <= 0) { this._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = undefined; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this._x != this._sbx) { this._x = this._x + (0.1 * (this.sbx - this._x)); } if (this._y != this._sby) { this._y = this._y + (0.1 * (this.sby - this._y)); } } };
Symbol 430 MovieClip [timeclicks] Frame 1
stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (((_root.levelsolved != true) || (_root.currentfocus != "play")) && (this._alpha > 0)) { this._x = -100; this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; this.storeonce = false; if (this._currentframe != 1) { } } else if (((_root.levelsolved && (this._currentframe == 1)) && (_root.currentfocus == "play")) && (this.storeonce == false)) { this.storeonce = true; this._x = _root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._x + 2; if (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._y < 200) { this._y = (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._y + 60) * 0.707106781186547; } else { this._y = (_root.player["pg" + _root.ballover]._y + 20) * 0.707106781186547; } this.timer = _root.ballsandwalls.ball0.timer; this.timer = this.timer / 30; this.clicks = _root.clicks; if (_root.playmode == "play") { if ((this.timer < _root.besttimes[_root.currentlevel]) || (_root.besttimes[_root.currentlevel] == undefined)) { _root.besttimes[_root.currentlevel] = this.timer; _root.savedata(); } if ((this.clicks < _root.bestclicks[_root.currentlevel]) || (_root.bestclicks[_root.currentlevel] == undefined)) { _root.bestclicks[_root.currentlevel] = this.clicks; _root.savedata(); } } this.minutes = this.timer - (this.timer % 60); this.minutes = this.minutes - (this.minutes % 1); this.minutes = this.minutes / 60; if (this.minutes > 99) { this.minutes = "99"; } else if (this.minutes < 1) { this.minutes = "00"; } else if (this.minutes < 10) { this.minutes = "0" + String(this.minutes); } else { this.minutes = String(this.minutes); } this.aw0.gotoAndStop(_root.convertchar(this.minutes.charCodeAt(0))); this.aw1.gotoAndStop(_root.convertchar(this.minutes.charCodeAt(1))); this.seconds = this.timer % 60; this.seconds = this.seconds - (this.seconds % 1); if (this.seconds < 1) { this.seconds = "00"; } else if (this.seconds < 10) { this.seconds = "0" + String(this.seconds); } else { this.seconds = String(this.seconds); } this.aw2.gotoAndStop(_root.convertchar(this.seconds.charCodeAt(0))); this.aw3.gotoAndStop(_root.convertchar(this.seconds.charCodeAt(1))); = this.timer % 1; = - ( % 0.01); = * 100; = String(; if ( < 1) { = "00"; } else if ( < 10) { = "0" + String(; } else { = String(; } this.aw4.gotoAndStop(_root.convertchar(; this.aw5.gotoAndStop(_root.convertchar(; if (this.clicks > 999) { this.clicks = "999"; } else if (this.clicks < 100) { if (this.clicks < 10) { this.clicks = "00" + String(this.clicks); } else { this.clicks = "0" + String(this.clicks); } } else { this.clicks = String(this.clicks); } this.aw6.gotoAndStop(_root.convertchar(this.clicks.charCodeAt(0))); this.aw7.gotoAndStop(_root.convertchar(this.clicks.charCodeAt(1))); this.aw8.gotoAndStop(_root.convertchar(this.clicks.charCodeAt(2))); this._visible = true; this._alpha = 100; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } };
Symbol 444 MovieClip [wallhit] Frame 1
Symbol 449 MovieClip [xo] Frame 1
Symbol 450 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 458 MovieClip Frame 1

Library Items

Symbol 1 BitmapUsed by:2 89
Symbol 2 GraphicUses:1Used by:3
Symbol 3 MovieClip [mainlogo]Uses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:5
Symbol 5 MovieClip [playback2menu]Uses:4Used by:86 384
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:69
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 11 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 23 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 55 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:68
Symbol 68 MovieClip [AWfont]Uses:7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Used by:69 386 387 430 450  Timeline
Symbol 69 MovieClip [completed]Uses:6 68Used by:86 450
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:71
Symbol 71 MovieClip [uppage]Uses:70Used by:84 450
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:73
Symbol 73 MovieClip [downpage]Uses:72Used by:84 450
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:84
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:84
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:84
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:84
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:84
Symbol 79 GraphicUsed by:84
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:84
Symbol 81 GraphicUsed by:84
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:84
Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:84
Symbol 84 MovieClip [pageselect]Uses:71 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83Used by:86 450
Symbol 85 GraphicUsed by:86
Symbol 86 MovieClip [levelselector]Uses:5 69 84 85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:88
Symbol 88 MovieClip [moregames]Uses:87Used by:266
Symbol 89 GraphicUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:91
Symbol 91 MovieClipUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 93 FontUsed by:94
Symbol 94 EditableTextUses:93Used by:Timeline
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:96  Timeline
Symbol 96 ButtonUses:95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 97 GraphicUsed by:450
Symbol 98 GraphicUsed by:99  Timeline
Symbol 99 MovieClip [aesthetic]Uses:98Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:101
Symbol 101 MovieClip [ball]Uses:100Used by:274 296 450
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:103
Symbol 103 MovieClip [ballfollow]Uses:102Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:105
Symbol 105 MovieClip [ballfollow2]Uses:104Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:107
Symbol 107 MovieClip [ballshadow]Uses:106Used by:450
Symbol 108 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 109 MovieClip [ballspawner]Uses:108Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 111 MovieClip [bfb]Uses:110Used by:383 450
Symbol 112 GraphicUsed by:113
Symbol 113 MovieClip [bfbr]Uses:112Used by:450
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:115
Symbol 115 MovieClip [bfg]Uses:114Used by:383 450
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:117
Symbol 117 MovieClip [bfgo]Uses:116Used by:383 450
Symbol 118 GraphicUsed by:119
Symbol 119 MovieClip [bfp]Uses:118Used by:383 450
Symbol 120 GraphicUsed by:121
Symbol 121 MovieClip [bfr]Uses:120Used by:383 450
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:123
Symbol 123 MovieClip [bfy]Uses:122Used by:450
Symbol 124 GraphicUsed by:125
Symbol 125 MovieClip [bl]Uses:124Used by:383 450
Symbol 126 GraphicUsed by:129
Symbol 127 GraphicUsed by:129
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:129
Symbol 129 MovieClip [brushfollow]Uses:126 127 128Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 130 GraphicUsed by:135
Symbol 131 GraphicUsed by:135
Symbol 132 GraphicUsed by:133
Symbol 133 MovieClip [linestrike]Uses:132Used by:135 138 356 372
Symbol 134 GraphicUsed by:135
Symbol 135 MovieClip [pathtoggle]Uses:130 131 133 134Used by:150 377
Symbol 136 GraphicUsed by:138
Symbol 137 GraphicUsed by:138
Symbol 138 MovieClip [musictoggle]Uses:136 133 137Used by:150 377  Timeline
Symbol 139 GraphicUsed by:140
Symbol 140 MovieClip [erasebutton]Uses:139Used by:150 450
Symbol 141 GraphicUsed by:142
Symbol 142 MovieClip [brushindicate]Uses:141Used by:150
Symbol 143 GraphicUsed by:144
Symbol 144 MovieClip [brush3]Uses:143Used by:150
Symbol 145 GraphicUsed by:150
Symbol 146 GraphicUsed by:147
Symbol 147 MovieClip [brush2]Uses:146Used by:150
Symbol 148 GraphicUsed by:149
Symbol 149 MovieClip [brush1]Uses:148Used by:150
Symbol 150 MovieClip [brushselect]Uses:135 138 140 142 144 145 147 149Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 151 GraphicUsed by:152
Symbol 152 MovieClip [bump]Uses:151Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 153 GraphicUsed by:154
Symbol 154 MovieClip [cancelcustom]Uses:153Used by:172 255 450
Symbol 155 GraphicUsed by:157
Symbol 156 GraphicUsed by:157
Symbol 157 MovieClip [captoggle]Uses:155 156Used by:450
Symbol 158 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 159 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 160 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 161 MovieClip [coin]Uses:159 158 160Used by:450
Symbol 162 GraphicUsed by:163
Symbol 163 MovieClip [control]Uses:162Used by:383 450
Symbol 164 GraphicUsed by:172
Symbol 165 GraphicUsed by:167
Symbol 166 GraphicUsed by:167
Symbol 167 MovieClip [loadcustom]Uses:165 166Used by:172 255 450
Symbol 168 GraphicUsed by:172
Symbol 169 FontUsed by:170 401 405 408 418
Symbol 170 EditableTextUses:169Used by:172
Symbol 171 GraphicUsed by:172 255
Symbol 172 MovieClip [customdialog]Uses:164 154 167 168 170 171Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 173 FontUsed by:174 244 351 379
Symbol 174 EditableTextUses:173Used by:176
Symbol 175 GraphicUsed by:176
Symbol 176 MovieClip [customtext]Uses:174 175Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 177 GraphicUsed by:178
Symbol 178 MovieClip [destarrow]Uses:177Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 179 GraphicUsed by:180
Symbol 180 MovieClip [destarrow2]Uses:179Used by:450
Symbol 181 GraphicUsed by:182
Symbol 182 MovieClip [donehelp]Uses:181Used by:321 450
Symbol 183 GraphicUsed by:184
Symbol 184 MovieClip [donesharing]Uses:183Used by:420 450
Symbol 185 ShapeTweeningUsed by:205
Symbol 186 ShapeTweeningUsed by:205
Symbol 187 ShapeTweeningUsed by:205
Symbol 188 ShapeTweeningUsed by:205
Symbol 189 ShapeTweeningUsed by:205
Symbol 190 ShapeTweeningUsed by:205
Symbol 191 ShapeTweeningUsed by:205
Symbol 192 ShapeTweeningUsed by:205
Symbol 193 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 194 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 195 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 196 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 197 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 198 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 199 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 200 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 201 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 202 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 203 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 204 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 205 MovieClip [editgrid]Uses:185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 206 GraphicUsed by:207
Symbol 207 MovieClip [editcolor13]Uses:206Used by:232
Symbol 208 GraphicUsed by:209
Symbol 209 MovieClip [editcolor12]Uses:208Used by:232
Symbol 210 GraphicUsed by:211
Symbol 211 MovieClip [editcolor11]Uses:210Used by:232
Symbol 212 GraphicUsed by:213
Symbol 213 MovieClip [editcolor10]Uses:212Used by:232
Symbol 214 GraphicUsed by:215
Symbol 215 MovieClip [editcolor9]Uses:214Used by:232
Symbol 216 GraphicUsed by:217
Symbol 217 MovieClip [editcolor8]Uses:216Used by:232
Symbol 218 GraphicUsed by:219
Symbol 219 MovieClip [editcolor7]Uses:218Used by:232
Symbol 220 GraphicUsed by:221
Symbol 221 MovieClip [editcolor6]Uses:220Used by:232
Symbol 222 GraphicUsed by:223
Symbol 223 MovieClip [editcolor5]Uses:222Used by:232
Symbol 224 GraphicUsed by:225
Symbol 225 MovieClip [editcolor4]Uses:224Used by:232
Symbol 226 GraphicUsed by:227
Symbol 227 MovieClip [editcolor3]Uses:226Used by:232
Symbol 228 GraphicUsed by:229
Symbol 229 MovieClip [editcolor2]Uses:228Used by:232
Symbol 230 GraphicUsed by:231
Symbol 231 MovieClip [editcolor1]Uses:230Used by:232
Symbol 232 MovieClip [editkey]Uses:207 209 211 213 215 217 219 221 223 225 227 229 231Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 233 GraphicUsed by:234
Symbol 234 MovieClip [custombutton]Uses:233Used by:249
Symbol 235 GraphicUsed by:236
Symbol 236 MovieClip [sharebutton]Uses:235Used by:249 450
Symbol 237 GraphicUsed by:238
Symbol 238 MovieClip [loadbutton]Uses:237Used by:249 450
Symbol 239 GraphicUsed by:240
Symbol 240 MovieClip [savebutton]Uses:239Used by:249 450
Symbol 241 GraphicUsed by:242
Symbol 242 MovieClip [testbutton]Uses:241Used by:249 450
Symbol 243 GraphicUsed by:246
Symbol 244 EditableTextUses:173Used by:246
Symbol 245 GraphicUsed by:246
Symbol 246 MovieClip [edittitle]Uses:243 244 245Used by:249 450
Symbol 247 GraphicUsed by:248
Symbol 248 MovieClip [editquit]Uses:247Used by:249 450
Symbol 249 MovieClip [editmenu]Uses:234 236 238 240 242 246 248Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 250 GraphicUsed by:251
Symbol 251 MovieClip [editorbutton]Uses:250Used by:384 450
Symbol 252 GraphicUsed by:253 378
Symbol 253 MovieClip [editorstart]Uses:252Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 254 GraphicUsed by:255
Symbol 255 MovieClip [erasedialog]Uses:254 154 167 171Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 256 ShapeTweeningUsed by:266
Symbol 257 ShapeTweeningUsed by:266
Symbol 258 GraphicUsed by:266
Symbol 259 GraphicUsed by:266
Symbol 260 GraphicUsed by:266
Symbol 261 GraphicUsed by:262
Symbol 262 MovieClip [playbutton]Uses:261Used by:266 450
Symbol 263 GraphicUsed by:266
Symbol 264 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 265 MovieClip [editbutton]Uses:264Used by:266
Symbol 266 MovieClip [menu]Uses:256 257 258 259 260 262 263 265 88Used by:275 450
Symbol 267 GraphicUsed by:268
Symbol 268 MovieClip [watermark]Uses:267Used by:275 450
Symbol 269 GraphicUsed by:270
Symbol 270 MovieClip [hill]Uses:269Used by:274 296 450
Symbol 271 GraphicUsed by:274
Symbol 272 GraphicUsed by:273
Symbol 273 MovieClip [previewgrid]Uses:272Used by:274 450
Symbol 274 MovieClip [preview]Uses:270 271 101 273Used by:275 450
Symbol 275 MovieClip [frontpage]Uses:266 268 274Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 276 GraphicUsed by:291
Symbol 277 GraphicUsed by:291
Symbol 278 GraphicUsed by:291
Symbol 279 GraphicUsed by:291
Symbol 280 GraphicUsed by:291
Symbol 281 GraphicUsed by:291
Symbol 282 GraphicUsed by:291
Symbol 283 GraphicUsed by:291
Symbol 284 GraphicUsed by:291
Symbol 285 GraphicUsed by:291
Symbol 286 GraphicUsed by:291
Symbol 287 GraphicUsed by:291
Symbol 288 GraphicUsed by:291
Symbol 289 GraphicUsed by:291
Symbol 290 GraphicUsed by:291
Symbol 291 MovieClip [goaltext]Uses:276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 292 GraphicUsed by:293
Symbol 293 MovieClip [goframe]Uses:292Used by:450
Symbol 294 GraphicUsed by:296
Symbol 295 GraphicUsed by:296
Symbol 296 MovieClip [grid]Uses:101 294 270 295Used by:450
Symbol 297 GraphicUsed by:298
Symbol 298 MovieClip [gridpiece]Uses:297Used by:450
Symbol 299 GraphicUsed by:300
Symbol 300 MovieClip [helpbutton]Uses:299Used by:450
Symbol 301 GraphicUsed by:320 321
Symbol 302 GraphicUsed by:321
Symbol 303 GraphicUsed by:321
Symbol 304 GraphicUsed by:318
Symbol 305 BitmapUsed by:306
Symbol 306 GraphicUses:305Used by:307
Symbol 307 MovieClip [helppic2]Uses:306Used by:318
Symbol 308 BitmapUsed by:309
Symbol 309 GraphicUses:308Used by:310
Symbol 310 MovieClipUses:309Used by:318
Symbol 311 BitmapUsed by:312
Symbol 312 GraphicUses:311Used by:313
Symbol 313 MovieClip [helppic4]Uses:312Used by:318
Symbol 314 BitmapUsed by:315
Symbol 315 GraphicUses:314Used by:316
Symbol 316 MovieClip [helppic3]Uses:315Used by:318
Symbol 317 GraphicUsed by:318
Symbol 318 MovieClip [helptext]Uses:304 307 310 313 316 317Used by:321 450
Symbol 319 GraphicUsed by:321
Symbol 320 MovieClip [helpbox]Uses:301Used by:321
Symbol 321 MovieClip [helper]Uses:301 182 302 303 318 319 320Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 322 GraphicUsed by:323
Symbol 323 MovieClip [hill2]Uses:322Used by:450
Symbol 324 GraphicUsed by:325
Symbol 325 MovieClip [hillmarker]Uses:324Used by:450
Symbol 326 GraphicUsed by:327
Symbol 327 MovieClip [hillmarkerlock]Uses:326Used by:450
Symbol 328 GraphicUsed by:347
Symbol 329 GraphicUsed by:347
Symbol 330 GraphicUsed by:347
Symbol 331 GraphicUsed by:347
Symbol 332 GraphicUsed by:347
Symbol 333 GraphicUsed by:347
Symbol 334 GraphicUsed by:347
Symbol 335 GraphicUsed by:347
Symbol 336 GraphicUsed by:347
Symbol 337 GraphicUsed by:347
Symbol 338 GraphicUsed by:347
Symbol 339 GraphicUsed by:347
Symbol 340 GraphicUsed by:347
Symbol 341 GraphicUsed by:347
Symbol 342 GraphicUsed by:347
Symbol 343 GraphicUsed by:347
Symbol 344 GraphicUsed by:347
Symbol 345 GraphicUsed by:347
Symbol 346 GraphicUsed by:347
Symbol 347 MovieClip [hillmarkerold]Uses:328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346Used by:450
Symbol 348 GraphicUsed by:350
Symbol 349 GraphicUsed by:350
Symbol 350 MovieClip [levelchecker]Uses:348 349Used by:353
Symbol 351 EditableTextUses:173Used by:353
Symbol 352 GraphicUsed by:353
Symbol 353 MovieClip [levelnamebutton]Uses:350 351 352Used by:450
Symbol 354 GraphicUsed by:356
Symbol 355 GraphicUsed by:356
Symbol 356 MovieClip [linetoggle]Uses:354 133 355Used by:377 450
Symbol 357 GraphicUsed by:358
Symbol 358 MovieClip [music]Uses:357Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 359 GraphicUsed by:360
Symbol 360 MovieClip [nextlevelbutton]Uses:359Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 361 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 362 MovieClip [path]Uses:361Used by:450
Symbol 363 GraphicUsed by:364
Symbol 364 MovieClip [vball]Uses:363Used by:369 450
Symbol 365 GraphicUsed by:366
Symbol 366 MovieClip [visual]Uses:365Used by:369 450
Symbol 367 GraphicUsed by:368
Symbol 368 MovieClip [wallhitter]Uses:367Used by:369 450
Symbol 369 MovieClip [playball]Uses:364 366 368Used by:450
Symbol 370 GraphicUsed by:372
Symbol 371 GraphicUsed by:372
Symbol 372 MovieClip [soundtoggle]Uses:370 133 371Used by:377 450
Symbol 373 GraphicUsed by:374
Symbol 374 MovieClip [pausebutton]Uses:373Used by:377
Symbol 375 GraphicUsed by:376
Symbol 376 MovieClip [resetbutton]Uses:375Used by:377 450
Symbol 377 MovieClip [playcontrols]Uses:135 138 372 356 374 376Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 378 MovieClip [playerstart]Uses:252Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 379 EditableTextUses:173Used by:383
Symbol 380 GraphicUsed by:383
Symbol 381 GraphicUsed by:382
Symbol 382 MovieClip [wallhit3]Uses:381Used by:383 450
Symbol 383 MovieClip [playgrid]Uses:379 380 163 382 125 111 115 121 119 117Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 384 MovieClip [playmenu]Uses:5 251Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 385 GraphicUsed by:386
Symbol 386 MovieClip [timeclicks best]Uses:68 385Used by:387 450
Symbol 387 MovieClip [playtitle]Uses:386 68Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 388 GraphicUsed by:389
Symbol 389 MovieClip [previousbutton]Uses:388Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 390 GraphicUsed by:391
Symbol 391 MovieClip [rotationmark]Uses:390Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 392 GraphicUsed by:393
Symbol 393 MovieClip [yesoverwrite]Uses:392Used by:397 450
Symbol 394 GraphicUsed by:395
Symbol 395 MovieClip [nooverwrite]Uses:394Used by:397
Symbol 396 GraphicUsed by:397
Symbol 397 MovieClip [overwritedialog]Uses:393 395 396Used by:415
Symbol 398 GraphicUsed by:399
Symbol 399 MovieClip [sldcancel]Uses:398Used by:415 450
Symbol 400 GraphicUsed by:403 410
Symbol 401 EditableTextUses:169Used by:403
Symbol 402 GraphicUsed by:403
Symbol 403 MovieClip [slot2ui]Uses:400 401 402Used by:415 450
Symbol 404 GraphicUsed by:407
Symbol 405 EditableTextUses:169Used by:407
Symbol 406 GraphicUsed by:407
Symbol 407 MovieClip [slot3ui]Uses:404 405 406Used by:415 450
Symbol 408 EditableTextUses:169Used by:410
Symbol 409 GraphicUsed by:410
Symbol 410 MovieClip [slot1ui]Uses:400 408 409Used by:415 450
Symbol 411 GraphicUsed by:413
Symbol 412 GraphicUsed by:413
Symbol 413 MovieClip [saveorload]Uses:411 412Used by:415 450
Symbol 414 GraphicUsed by:415
Symbol 415 MovieClip [saveloaddialog]Uses:397 399 403 407 410 413 414Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 416 GraphicUsed by:420
Symbol 417 GraphicUsed by:420
Symbol 418 EditableTextUses:169Used by:420
Symbol 419 GraphicUsed by:420
Symbol 420 MovieClip [sharedialog]Uses:416 184 417 418 419Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 421 GraphicUsed by:427
Symbol 422 GraphicUsed by:427
Symbol 423 GraphicUsed by:427
Symbol 424 GraphicUsed by:427
Symbol 425 GraphicUsed by:427
Symbol 426 GraphicUsed by:427
Symbol 427 MovieClip [sparkleglow]Uses:421 422 423 424 425 426Used by:428 450
Symbol 428 MovieClip [sparkle]Uses:427Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 429 GraphicUsed by:430
Symbol 430 MovieClip [timeclicks]Uses:68 429Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 431 GraphicUsed by:432
Symbol 432 MovieClip [unpause]Uses:431Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 433 GraphicUsed by:434
Symbol 434 MovieClip [wallfollow]Uses:433Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 435 GraphicUsed by:436
Symbol 436 MovieClip [wallfollow3]Uses:435Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 437 GraphicUsed by:444
Symbol 438 GraphicUsed by:444
Symbol 439 GraphicUsed by:444
Symbol 440 GraphicUsed by:444
Symbol 441 GraphicUsed by:444
Symbol 442 GraphicUsed by:444
Symbol 443 GraphicUsed by:444
Symbol 444 MovieClip [wallhit]Uses:437 438 439 440 441 442 443Used by:450
Symbol 445 GraphicUsed by:446
Symbol 446 MovieClip [wallhit2]Uses:445Used by:450
Symbol 447 GraphicUsed by:449
Symbol 448 GraphicUsed by:449
Symbol 449 MovieClip [xo]Uses:447 448Used by:450  Timeline
Symbol 450 MovieClipUses:97 99 68 101 103 105 107 109 111 113 115 117 119 121 123 125 129 150 152 154 157 161 69 163 172 176 178 180 182 184 73 205 232 249 251 253 248 246 140 255 275 291 293 296 298 300 321 318 270 323 325 327 347 353 356 238 167 266 358 360 84 362 369 262 377 378 383 384 387 274 273 389 376 391 240 415 413 236 420 399 410 403 407 372 428 427 242 430 386 432 71 364 366 434 436 444 446 382 368 268 449 393Used by:Timeline
Symbol 451 GraphicUsed by:458
Symbol 452 Sound [coinsound]Used by:458
Symbol 453 Sound [bounce1]Used by:458
Symbol 454 Sound [goal1]Used by:458
Symbol 455 Sound [tele2]Used by:458
Symbol 456 Sound [jumpsound]Used by:458
Symbol 457 Sound [music1]Used by:458
Symbol 458 MovieClipUses:451 452 453 454 455 456 457Used by:Timeline
Symbol 459 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 460 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 461 FontUsed by:462
Symbol 462 EditableTextUses:461Used by:Timeline
Symbol 463 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 464 FontUsed by:465 469
Symbol 465 TextUses:464Used by:Timeline
Symbol 466 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 467 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 468 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 469 TextUses:464Used by:Timeline
Symbol 470 GraphicUsed by:Timeline

Instance Names

"loadBar"Frame 1Symbol 91 MovieClip
"customtext"Frame 181Symbol 176 MovieClip [customtext]
"timertext"Frame 182Symbol 462 EditableText
"timeclicks"Frame 182Symbol 430 MovieClip [timeclicks]
"music0"Frame 182Symbol 138 MovieClip [musictoggle]
"previous"Frame 182Symbol 389 MovieClip [previousbutton]
"aesthetic"Frame 182Symbol 99 MovieClip [aesthetic]
"playtitle"Frame 182Symbol 387 MovieClip [playtitle]
"helper"Frame 182Symbol 321 MovieClip [helper]
"goalfollow"Frame 182Symbol 291 MovieClip [goaltext]
"playcontrols"Frame 182Symbol 377 MovieClip [playcontrols]
"wallfollow"Frame 182Symbol 434 MovieClip [wallfollow]
"ballfollow2"Frame 182Symbol 105 MovieClip [ballfollow2]
"ballfollow"Frame 182Symbol 103 MovieClip [ballfollow]
"musicmc"Frame 182Symbol 358 MovieClip [music]
"nextbutton"Frame 182Symbol 360 MovieClip [nextlevelbutton]
"brushselect"Frame 182Symbol 150 MovieClip [brushselect]
"editmenu"Frame 182Symbol 249 MovieClip [editmenu]
"levelselector"Frame 182Symbol 86 MovieClip [levelselector]
"erasedialog"Frame 182Symbol 255 MovieClip [erasedialog]
"ballfollow3"Frame 182Symbol 436 MovieClip [wallfollow3]
"customdialog"Frame 182Symbol 172 MovieClip [customdialog]
"sharedialog"Frame 182Symbol 420 MovieClip [sharedialog]
"sld"Frame 182Symbol 415 MovieClip [saveloaddialog]
"playerstart"Frame 182Symbol 378 MovieClip [playerstart]
"brushfollow"Frame 182Symbol 129 MovieClip [brushfollow]
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"sampleball"Symbol 274 MovieClip [preview] Frame 1Symbol 101 MovieClip [ball]
"sampleball"Symbol 274 MovieClip [preview] Frame 1Symbol 101 MovieClip [ball]
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"ball"Symbol 296 MovieClip [grid] Frame 1Symbol 101 MovieClip [ball]
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"ball"Symbol 296 MovieClip [grid] Frame 1Symbol 101 MovieClip [ball]
"ball"Symbol 296 MovieClip [grid] Frame 1Symbol 101 MovieClip [ball]
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Dynamic Text Variables

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Created: 19/5 -2019 04:33:23 Last modified: 19/5 -2019 04:33:23 Server time: 18/01 -2025 06:20:00