Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2599 · P5197

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #30794

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)










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Backward 10s



Distance from
nearest city

Example:150 miles

17 miles

Population                            (1)...                                    80-90000


Disadvantages                     (2) jobs                        (4) ...crime

Main industry                       (3)...                        electronics light engineering

Climate                          wet and windy                           (5)...

Main attractions             beautiful beaches                        (6)...

friendly, relaxed
slow pace of life

good entertainment


Listening  Test  2

Now look at questions 1-?

7. What does Gordon like about where he is living now?

8. When does Maure

en think she might go back to Albany?

9. How long is Gordon's new contract?

Now look at questions 1-3

Now look at questions 4-9






Population                            (1)...                                    80-90000

Population  ËÚ

Population  ËÚ    popularity  ÷ÐÈ


Disadvantages                     (2) jobs                        (4) ...crime

Advantages =A

Disadvantages=D                 (2) jobs                        (4) ...crime












ªÛʺnevertheless¬however¬but, on the one hand

Disadvantages=D                  (2) jobs                        (4) ...crime

ªÛʺnevertheless¬however¬but, on the one hand, on the other hand

Population                            (1)...                                    80-90000


Disadvantages                      (2) jobs                        (4) ...crime

12 000

1000  one thousand

1000  one thousand     2000  two thousand

Disadvantages                      (2) jobs                        (4) ...crime

12 000

Disadvantages Ú»ãÚÝ

Well, it has its advantages. People tend to be much
more friendly in small towns. You seem to get to
know more people. The pace of life is much slower.
Everyone seems to have more time to talk, and
generally the lifestyle is much more relaxed. On the
other hand, small-town life can be pretty boring.
Obviously, you haven't got the same range of
entertainments available as in the city, and unless
you want to go into farming you have to move
elsewhere to look for a job.


Well, it has its advantages. People tend to be much
more friendly in small towns. You seem to get to
know more people. The pace of life is much slower.
Everyone seems to have more time to talk, and
generally the lifestyle is much more relaxed. On the
other hand, small-town life can be pretty boring.
Obviously, you haven't got the same range of
entertainments available as in the city, and unless
you want to go into farming you have to move
elsewhere to look for a job.

friendly  adj.

friendly  adj.
likely  adj.

friendly  adj.
likely  adj.  possible

friendly  adj.
likely  adj.  possible

Well, it has its advantages. People tend to be much
more friendly in small towns. You seem to get to
know more people. The pace of life is much slower.
Everyone seems to have more time to talk, and
generally the lifestyle is much more relaxed. On the
other hand, small-town life can be pretty boring.
Obviously, you haven't got the same range of
entertainments available as in the city, and unless
you want to go into farming you have to move
elsewhere to look for a job.

Well, it has its advantages. People tend to be much
more friendly in small towns. You seem to get to
know more people. The pace of life is much slower.
Everyone seems to have more time to talk, and
generally the lifestyle is much more relaxed. On the
other hand, small-town life can be pretty boring.
Obviously, you haven't got the same range of
entertainments available as in the city, and unless
you want to go into farming you have to move
elsewhere to look for a job.

friendly  adj.                                  pace  Úà
likely  adj.  possible

Well, it has its advantages. People tend to be much
more friendly in small towns. You seem to get to
know more people. The pace of life is much slower.
Everyone seems to have more time to talk, and
generally the lifestyle is much more relaxed. On the
other hand, small-town life can be pretty boring.
Obviously, you haven't got the same range of
entertainments available as in the city, and unless
you want to go into farming you have to move
elsewhere to look for a job.

Well, it has its advantages. People tend to be much
more friendly in small towns. You seem to get to
know more people. The pace of life is much slower.
Everyone seems to have more time to talk, and
generally the lifestyle is much more relaxed. On the
other hand, small-town life can be pretty boring.
Obviously, you haven't got the same range of
entertainments available as in the city, and unless
you want to go into farming you have to move
elsewhere to look for a job.


boring   adj.

Well, it has its advantages. People tend to be much
more friendly in small towns. You seem to get to
know more people. The pace of life is much slower.
Everyone seems to have more time to talk, and
generally the lifestyle is much more relaxed. On the
other hand, small-town life can be pretty boring.
Obviously, you haven't got the same range of
entertainments available as in the city, and unless
you want to go into farming you have to move
elsewhere to look for a job.


Well, it has its advantages. People tend to be much
more friendly in small towns. You seem to get to
know more people. The pace of life is much slower.
Everyone seems to have more time to talk, and
generally the lifestyle is much more relaxed. On the
other hand, small-town life can be pretty boring.
Obviously, you haven't got the same range of
entertainments available as in the city, and unless
you want to go into farming you have to move
elsewhere to look for a job.

boring//not enough entertainments

boring//not enough entertainments//
no entertainments

boring//not enough entertainments//
no entertainments

boring//not enough entertainments//
no entertainments

Main industry                       (3)...                        electronics light engineering


So farming is the main industry then?
Well, actually, no. There is a lot of sheep and cattle
farming and more recently a lot of people have
started to grow potatoes. However, the town was first
established as a whaling base and although there
isn't any whaling today, most people are still
employed by the fishing industry.



So farming is the main industry then?
Well, actually, no. There is a lot of sheep and cattle
farming and more recently a lot of people have
started to grow potatoes. However, the town was first
established as a whaling base and although there
isn't any whaling today, most people are still
employed by the fishing industry.

So farming is the main industry then?
Well, actually, no. There is a lot of sheep and cattle
farming and more recently a lot of people have
started to grow potatoes. However, the town was first
established as a whaling base and although there
isn't any whaling today, most people are still
employed by the fishing industry.

So farming is the main industry then?
Well, actually, no. There is a lot of sheep and cattle
farming and more recently a lot of people have
started to grow potatoes. However, the town was first
established as a whaling base and although there
isn't any whaling today, most people are still
employed by the fishing industry.

farming  ©µ

So farming is the main industry then?
Well, actually, no. There is a lot of sheep and cattle
farming and more recently a lot of people have
started to grow potatoes. However, the town was first
established as a whaling base and although there
isn't any whaling today, most people are still
employed by the fishing industry.

So farming is the main industry then?
Well, actually, no. There is a lot of sheep and cattle
farming and more recently a lot of people have
started to grow potatoes. However, the town was first
established as a whaling base and although there
isn't any whaling today, most people are still
employed by the fishing industry.

So farming is the main industry then?
Well, actually, no. There is a lot of sheep and cattle
farming and more recently a lot of people have
started to grow potatoes. However, the town was first
established as a whaling base and although there
isn't any whaling today, most people are still
employed by the fishing industry.

«ò  buck

«ò  buck       «£  ox

So farming is the main industry then?
Well, actually, no. There is a lot of sheep and cattle
farming and more recently a lot of people have
started to grow potatoes. However, the town was first
established as a whaling base and although there
isn't any whaling today, most people are still
employed by the fishing industry.


whaling  ¶¨

whaling  ¶¨
whale  ¨

whaling  ¶¨
whale  ¨

So farming is the main industry then?
Well, actually, no. There is a lot of sheep and cattle
farming and more recently a lot of people have
started to grow potatoes. However, the town was first
established as a whaling base and although there
isn't any whaling today, most people are still
employed by the fishing industry.

So farming is the main industry then?
Well, actually, no. There is a lot of sheep and cattle
farming and more recently a lot of people have
started to grow potatoes. However, the town was first
established as a whaling base and although there
isn't any whaling today, most people are still
employed by the fishing industry.

So farming is the main industry then?
Well, actually, no. There is a lot of sheep and cattle
farming and more recently a lot of people have
started to grow potatoes. However, the town was first
established as a whaling base and although there
isn't any whaling today, most people are still
employed by the fishing industry.

Disadvantages                      (2) jobs                        (4) ...crime

Did you enjoy living there?
Well, being so close to London has advantages. You get
the latest films and music. There is always something
going on and there is such a wide variety of different
people and cultures that it is difficult to get bored. Of
course all this has its downside-the cost of living is so
expensive and most people can't really afford to go out
very often. So although the entertainment is available
you've really got to have a lot of money to enjoy it.
Another problem is like most big cities there is a lot of
crime and there are areas of London that are very


Did you enjoy living there?
Well, being so close to London has advantages. You get
the latest films and music. There is always something
going on and there is such a wide variety of different
people and cultures that it is difficult to get bored. Of
course all this has its downside-the cost of living is so
expensive and most people can't really afford to go out
very often. So although the entertainment is available
you've really got to have a lot of money to enjoy it.
Another problem is like most big cities there is a lot of
crime and there are areas of London that are very


Did you enjoy living there?
Well, being so close to London has advantages. You get
the latest films and music. There is always something
going on and there is such a wide variety of different
people and cultures that it is difficult to get bored. Of
course all this has its downside-the cost of living is so
expensive and most people can't really afford to go out
very often. So although the entertainment is available
you've really got to have a lot of money to enjoy it.
Another problem is like most big cities there is a lot of
crime and there are areas of London that are very


Disadvantages                      (2) jobs                        (4) ...crime

Main industry                       (3)...                        electronics light engineering

electronics  çÓÄ

Main industry                       (3)...                        electronics light engineering

light engineering  ᤵ




ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

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Symbol 23 Button
on (release) { if (_currentframe >= "125") { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - "120"); } else { gotoAndPlay (2); } }
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on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 148 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1); }

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Special Tags

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Dynamic Text Variables

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Created: 19/5 -2019 03:55:26 Last modified: 19/5 -2019 03:55:26 Server time: 13/03 -2025 06:32:36