Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2599 · P5197

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Get Up and Go.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #30815

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Instance of Symbol 23 MovieClip [YamzPreload] in Frame 2
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { url = ""; _targetInstanceName = ""; startLoading = true; action = "gotoAndStop"; label = "config"; endValue = 100; endType = "%"; idGraphic = ""; version = false; group = ""; order = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 20 MovieClip [yamzConfig] in Frame 17
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { config = "yamz.swf"; gotoAnd = "Stop"; label = "lang"; NetDebugTarget = "_level0"; }
Frame 22
if (Language == undefined) { _level0.createEmptyMovieClip("Language", 2000000); _global.Language = _level0.Language; Language.load = function (pLanguage, pUrl) { if (pLanguage == undefined) { pLanguage = System.capabilities.language.substring(0, 2); } var i = 0; while (i < this.available.length) { if (pLanguage == this.available[i]) { break; } i++; } if (i == this.available.length) { pLanguage = this.available[0]; } this.vName = pLanguage; if ((pUrl.length > 0) && (pUrl.substring(pUrl.length - 1) != "/")) { pUrl = pUrl + "/"; } this.loadVariables((pUrl + this.vName) + ".swf"); }; Language.get = function (pInit) { return((pInit ? (System.capabilities.language.substring(0, 2)) : (this.vName))); }; Language.available = ["en", "fr"]; } else { trace("================================================="); trace("objet LANGUAGE: message d'erreur"); trace("Attention vous tentez de cr\u00E9er un deuxi\u00E8me objet"); trace("Language ou vous avez d\u00E9fini une variable du m\u00EAme"); trace("nom."); trace("Pour r\u00E9soudre le probl\u00E8me, choisissez un autre nom"); trace("pour votre variable"); trace("================================================="); } _focusrect = false; Stage.showMenu = false; Language.available = ["en"]; Language.onData = function () { gotoAndStop (27); }; Language.load();
Instance of Symbol 18 MovieClip [yamzSoundManager] in Frame 27
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { _config = "yamzsound.xml"; _todo = "gotoAndStop"; _nframe = "loading"; }
Frame 32
var lPG = (new yamz.Preloadgroup()); = lPG; attachMovie("YamzPreload", "mcPreSound", 0, {url:"soundmain.swf", target:mcSound, order:0, group:lPG}); attachMovie("YamzPreload", "mcPreInterf", 1, {url:"interface.swf", target:interface_mc, order:1, group:lPG}); lPG.onLoadComplete = function () { yamz.SoundManager.current.addSoundFile("main", yamz.SoundManager.current._parent, "", "hifi"); yamz.SoundManager.current.onBuild = function (pFile) { nextFrame(); interface_mc.nextFrame(); yamz.SoundManager.current._intro.start(); yamz.SoundManager.current._intro.onSoundComplete = function () { yamz.SoundManager.current._MainBoucle.start(0, 999); delete this.onSoundComplete; }; }; }; _quality = "BEST"; lPG.loadGroup(false, true, false);
Symbol 10 MovieClip Frame 1
mcBar._xscale = (mcTotalBar._xscale = 0); this._parent.onLoadProgress = function (pCurrent, pCurrentLoaded, pCurrentTotal, pLoaded, pTotal, pSpeed, pCurrentTime, pTime) { speed = pSpeed + "kb/s"; time = pTime + "s"; file = pCurrent; currentLoading = ((((pCurrentLoaded + "/") + pCurrentTotal) + " [") + pCurrentTime) + "s]"; loading = ((((pLoaded + "/") + pTotal) + " [") + pTime) + " s]"; mcBar._xscale = 100 * (pCurrentLoaded / pCurrentTotal); mcTotalBar._xscale = 100 * (pLoaded / pTotal); };
Symbol 11 MovieClip [YamzPreloadQ] Frame 1
#initclip 3 if (_level0.yamz == undefined) { _level0.yamz = {}; } if (_global.yamz == undefined) { _global.yamz = _level0.yamz; } if (yamz.PreloadQ == undefined) { yamz.PreloadQ = function () { if (this.stopWhenLoading == undefined) { this.stopWhenLoading = true; } if (this.serverGet === undefined) { this.serverGet = true; } if (this.version == undefined) { this.version = false; } this.vLoader = new LoadVars(); var lParent = this; this.vLoader.onData = function () { if (this.getBytesTotal() == undefined) { lParent.onLoadError({level:"error", description:"fichier inexistant: " + lParent.current, code:0}); } }; this.setGraphic(this.idGraphic); if (this.stopWhenLoading && (yamz.Preload == undefined)) { this.onLoadError({level:"warning", description:"classe yamz.Preload non d\u00E9finie, support stopWhenLoading d\u00E9sactiv\u00E9" + lParent.current, code:2}); } if (this.startLoading) { this.load(); } }; Object.registerClass("yamzPreloadQ", yamz.PreloadQ); yamz.PreloadQ.prototype = new MovieClip(); yamz.PreloadQ.__getURL = function (pUrl, pVersion) { var lPath = yamz.System.mainPath; if (((pUrl.indexOf("://") != -1) || (lPath == undefined)) || (lPath == "")) { var lUrl = pUrl; } else { var lLength = (lPath.length - 1); if (lPath.charAt(lLength) == "/") { lPath = lPath.substring(0, lLength); } if (!lPath.indexOf("..")) { var lUrl = ((lPath + "/") + pUrl); } else { var lLength = (lPath.length - 1); if (lPath.charAt(lLength) == "/") { lPath = lPath.substring(0, lLength); } var lParent = pUrl.split("../"); lLength = lParent.length - 1; var lUrl = lPath.split("/"); lUrl = lUrl.slice(0, lUrl.length - lLength).join("/"); if (lUrl != "") { lUrl = lUrl + "/"; } lUrl = lUrl + lParent[lLength]; } } return((((MMSave == undefined) && (pVersion)) ? ((lUrl + "?") + yamz.System.version) : (lUrl))); }; yamz.PreloadQ.prototype.loadProgress = function () { if (!this.files.length) { this.loading = false; this.onLoadComplete(); if (this.getDepth() < 0) { this.swapDepths(1048575); } this.removeMovieClip(); return(undefined); } if (this.stopWhenLoading && (yamz.Preload.loading)) { this.loading = false; return(this.loadProgress); } this.current = yamz.PreloadQ.__getURL(this.files.shift(), this.version); this.loading = true; this.vLoader.load(this.current); var lStartTime = getTimer(); return(function () { var lCurrentLoaded = this.vLoader.getBytesLoaded(); var lCurrentTotal = this.vLoader.getBytesTotal(); var lCurrentProgress = (lCurrentLoaded / lCurrentTotal); if (isNaN(lCurrentProgress)) { lCurrentProgress = 0; } var lLoaded = (this.serverGet ? (this.vLoaded + lCurrentLoaded) : (((this.vTotal - 1) - this.files.length) + lCurrentProgress)); if (lCurrentTotal > 0) { var lTime = (getTimer() - this.vStartTime); var lCurrentTime = (getTimer() - lStartTime); var lSpeed = (this.serverGet ? (lLoaded / lTime) : (lCurrentLoaded / lCurrentTime)); var lCurrentTimeLeft = Math.ceil((lCurrentTotal - lCurrentLoaded) / (lSpeed * 1000)); var lTimeLeft = (this.serverGet ? (Math.ceil((this.vTotal - lLoaded) / (lSpeed * 1000))) : "?"); this.onLoadProgress(this.current, lCurrentLoaded, lCurrentTotal, lLoaded, this.vTotal, Math.round(lSpeed), lCurrentTimeLeft, lTimeLeft); if (lCurrentLoaded >= lCurrentTotal) { this.vLoaded = this.vLoaded + lCurrentTotal; this.onCurrentLoadComplete(this.current); this.onEnterFrame = this.loadProgress(); } } }); }; yamz.PreloadQ.prototype.load = function (pFiles, pVersion) { if (pFiles != undefined) { this.files = pFiles; } if (pVersion != undefined) { this.version = pVersion; } if ((typeof(this.files) == "string") && (this.files != "")) { this.files = [this.files]; } else if ((this.files instanceof Array) && (this.files.length)) { this.files = this.files.slice(); } else { this.onLoadError({level:"error", description:"cible non d\u00E9finie", code:1}); return(undefined); } = this.files.length; this.vStartTime = getTimer(); this.vLoaded = 0; this.vTotal = 0; this.mcGraphic._visible = true; if (this.serverGet) { var getFile = new LoadVars(); getFile.files = this.files.join("|"); var lThis = this; getFile.onLoad = function () { if ( != undefined) { lThis.vTotal = Number(; } else { lThis.onLoadError({level:"warning", description:"calcul du poids total impossible", code:1}); lThis.vTotal = lThis.files.length; lThis.serverGet = false; } lThis.onEnterFrame = lThis.loadProgress(); }; getFile.sendAndLoad("gettotalsize.php", getFile); } else { this.vTotal = this.files.length; this.onEnterFrame = this.loadProgress(); } }; yamz.PreloadQ.prototype.setGraphic = function (pId) { if ((arguments.length > 0) && (!(pId === undefined))) { this.idGraphic = pId; if ((pId == null) || (pId != "")) { if (this.mcGraphic != undefined) { this.mcGraphic.swapDepths(1048575); this.mcGraphic.removeMovieClip(); } if (pId != "") { this.attachMovie(pId, "mcGraphic", 0); } } } this.mcGraphic._visible = false; }; yamz.PreloadQ.prototype.onLoadError = function (pError) { if (yamz.System.netDebug) { debug("yamz.PreloaQ Erreur", pError); } else { trace("==== yamz.PreloadQ ERREUR ===="); for (var z in pError) { trace((z + ": ") + pError[z]); } } }; yamz.PreloadQ.prototype.onLoadProgress = function (pCurrent, pCurrentLoaded, pCurrentTotal, pLoaded, pTotal, pSpeed, pCurrentTimeLeft, pTimeLeft) { if (yamz.System.netDebug) { debug(((((((((((((((pCurrent + ": ") + pCurrentLoaded) + "/") + pCurrentTotal) + " | ") + pLoaded) + "/") + pTotal) + " [") + pSpeed) + "kb/s] [") + pCurrentTimeLeft) + "s | ") + pTimeLeft) + "s]"); } else { trace(((((((((((((((pCurrent + ": ") + pCurrentLoaded) + "/") + pCurrentTotal) + " | ") + pLoaded) + "/") + pTotal) + " [") + pSpeed) + "kb/s] [") + pCurrentTimeLeft) + "s | ") + pTimeLeft) + "s]"); } }; yamz.PreloadQ.prototype.onCurrentLoadComplete = function (pCurrent) { if (yamz.System.netDebug) { debug(pCurrent + ": chargement termin\u00E9"); } else { trace(pCurrent + ": chargement termin\u00E9"); } }; yamz.PreloadQ.prototype.onLoadComplete = function () { if (yamz.System.netDebug) { debug(this._name + ": chargement complet termin\u00E9"); } else { trace(this._name + ": chargement complet termin\u00E9"); } }; } #endinitclip
Symbol 14 MovieClip [YamzPreloadGroup] Frame 1
mcBar._xscale = (mcTotalBar._xscale = 0); var lThis = this; = function (pCurrent, pCurrentLoaded, pCurrentTotal, pLoaded, pTotal, pSpeed, pCurrentTime, pTime) { speed = pSpeed + "kb/s"; time = pTime + "s"; file = pCurrent; currentLoading = ((((pCurrentLoaded + "/") + pCurrentTotal) + " [") + pCurrentTime) + "s]"; loading = ((((pLoaded + "/") + pTotal) + " [") + pTime) + " s]"; mcBar._xscale = 100 * (pCurrentLoaded / pCurrentTotal); mcTotalBar._xscale = 100 * (pLoaded / pTotal); bob = mcTotalBar._xscale; debug(arguments, mcTotalBar._xscale); };
Symbol 18 MovieClip [yamzSoundManager] Frame 1
#initclip 1 MovieClip.prototype.getMaxDepth = function (pMax) { if (!pMax) { pMax = 0; } for (var z in this) { var lDepth = this[z].getDepth(); var lTemp = this[z]._parent; delete this[z]._parent; if ((((z == this[z]._name) && (this[z]._parent == this)) && (lDepth != undefined)) && (lDepth < 1048575)) { if (this[z]._parent != lTemp) { this[z]._parent = lTemp; } return(((pMax > (lDepth + 1)) ? (pMax) : (lDepth + 1))); } } if (this[z]._parent != lTemp) { this[z]._parent = lTemp; } return(undefined); }; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "getMaxDepth", 1); Object.prototype.clone = function () { var lobj = {}; for (var z in this) { if (typeof(this[z]) == "object") { lobj[z] = this[z].clone(); } else { lobj[z] = this[z]; } } return(lobj); }; ASSetPropFlags(Object.prototype, "clone", 1); if (_level0.yamz == undefined) { _level0.yamz = {}; _global.yamz = _level0.yamz; } yamz.Sound = function (pClip) { this.setManager(pClip); }; yamz.Sound.prototype = new Sound(); yamz.Sound.prototype._start = Sound.prototype.start; yamz.Sound.prototype.start = function () { if (yamz.SoundManager.current.mute) { return(undefined); } if (!yamz.SoundManager.current.inscriptSound(this)) { delete this.onSoundComplete; delete this.restart; return(undefined); } this.isPlaying = true; this.inFade = false; this.boucle = arguments[1]; if (!this.isFinishing) { this.manager.onEnterFrame = null; } this._start.apply(this, arguments); }; ASSetPropFlags(yamz.Sound.prototype, "_start", 1); yamz.Sound.prototype._stop = Sound.prototype.stop; yamz.Sound.prototype.stop = function () { if (this.isPlaying) { yamz.SoundManager.current.garbageSound(this); this.pos = Math.round(this.position / 1000); this.isPlaying = false; this.inFade = false; delete this.boucle; if (!this.isFinishing) { this.manager.onEnterFrame = null; } } this._stop.apply(this, arguments); }; ASSetPropFlags(yamz.Sound.prototype, "_stop", 1); yamz.Sound.prototype.stopAll = function () { delete this.onSoundComplete; if (this.isFinishing) { this.boucle = 1; this.replace(); } else { this.stop(); } if (this.restart) { if ( { delete this.restart; } else { this.boucle = 1; } } }; yamz.Sound.prototype.startEv = function () { if (yamz.SoundManager.current.mute) { return(undefined); } if (this.isPlaying) { return(undefined); } this.start(0, 999); }; yamz.Sound.prototype.startEvCont = function () { if (yamz.SoundManager.current.mute) { return(undefined); } if (this.isPlaying) { return(undefined); } this.onSoundComplete = function () { this.stop(); delete this.onSoundComplete; }; this.start(); }; yamz.Sound.prototype.startBoucle = function (pPos) { if (yamz.SoundManager.current.mute) { return(undefined); } if (pPos == undefined) { pPos = 0; } if (this.isPlaying) { return(undefined); } this.onSoundComplete = function () { this.stop(); delete this.restart; delete this.onSoundComplete; }; this.start(pPos, 1); this.restart = function () { this.startBoucle(this.pos); }; }; yamz.Sound.prototype.endBoucle = function () { delete this.onSoundComplete; delete this.restart; }; yamz.Sound.prototype.startAlone = function () { yamz.SoundManager.current.mute = false; this.start(); yamz.SoundManager.current.mute = true; }; yamz.Sound.prototype.setManager = function (pClip) { this.manager = pClip; super(pClip); }; yamz.Sound.prototype.fadeIn = function (pSpeed, pVol, pStartVol, pPos, pBoucle) { if (this.isFinishing) { return(undefined); } var lThis = this; if (pSpeed == undefined) { pSpeed = 2; } if (pVol == undefined) { pVol = 100; } if (pBoucle == undefined) { pBoucle = 999; } this.setVolume(((pStartVol != undefined) ? (pStartVol) : 0)); pPos = ((pPos == undefined) ? 0 : (pPos)); if (!this.isPlaying) { this.start(pPos, pBoucle); } this.manager.onEnterFrame = null; this.inFade = true; this.manager.onEnterFrame = function () { lThis.setVolume(lThis.getVolume() + pSpeed); if (lThis.getVolume() >= pVol) { lThis.inFade = false; lThis.setVolume(pVol); if (!lThis.isFinishing) { this.onEnterFrame = null; } } }; }; yamz.Sound.prototype.fadeOut = function (pSpeed, pVol, pStartVol) { if (this.isFinishing) { delete this.boucle; return(undefined); } var lThis = this; this.isPlaying = false; if (pSpeed == undefined) { pSpeed = 2; } this.setVolume(((pStartVol != undefined) ? (pStartVol) : (this.getVolume()))); if (pVol == undefined) { pVol = 0; } this.manager.onEnterFrame = null; this.inFade = true; this.manager.onEnterFrame = function () { lThis.setVolume(lThis.getVolume() - pSpeed); if (lThis.getVolume() <= pVol) { lThis.inFade = false; lThis.setVolume(pVol); if (pVol <= 0) { lThis.stop(); } } }; }; yamz.Sound.prototype.fadeInAndOut = function (pSpeed, pVol, pStartVol, pBoucle) { if (this.isFinishing) { return(undefined); } var lThis = this; if (pSpeed == undefined) { pSpeed = 2; } if (pVol == undefined) { pVol = 0; } if (pBoucle == undefined) { pBoucle = 999; } this.setVolume(((pStartVol != undefined) ? (pStartVol) : (this.getVolume()))); if (!this.isPlaying) { this.start(0, pBoucle); } this.manager.onEnterFrame = null; this.inFade = true; var ltot = this.duration; var ldur = (ltot / 2); this.manager.onEnterFrame = function () { var lpourc = (Math.abs(lThis.position - ldur) / ltot); lpourc = Math.ceil((0.5 - lpourc) * 50); lThis.setVolume(pStartVol + Math.max(lpourc, 20)); }; }; yamz.Sound.prototype.finishLife = function (pNewSon, pTarg) { if (this.isFinishing) { return(undefined); } var lenterF = this.manager.onEnterFrame; var lthis = this; this.oldpos = this.position; this.newSon = pNewSon; this.targ = pTarg; if (this.inFade) { this.manager.onEnterFrame = function () { if (lthis.inFade) { lenterF(); } else { this.onEnterFrame = function () { lthis.watchDeath(); }; } }; } else { this.manager.onEnterFrame = function () { lthis.watchDeath(); }; } this.isFinishing = true; }; yamz.Sound.prototype.watchDeath = function () { var lpos = this.position; if ((lpos < this.oldpos) || (lpos == this.duration)) { this.replace(this.newSon, this.targ); } else { this.oldpos = lpos; } }; yamz.Sound.prototype.replace = function () { var lnewson = this.newSon; var ltarg = this.targ; this.isFinishing = false; this.manager.onEnterFrame = null; var lboucle = this.boucle; lnewson.onSoundComplete = this.onSoundComplete; delete this.onSoundComplete; if (lboucle > 1) { lnewson.start(0, lboucle); } lnewson.setVolume(this.getVolume()); yamz.SoundManager.current[ltarg] = lnewson; this.stop(); delete this.oldpos; }; yamz.SoundManager = function () { trace("new yamz.SoundManager"); yamz.SoundManager.current = this; this.createGroup(); this.mute = false; this.broadcaster = {}; ASBroadcaster.initialize(this.broadcaster); this.garbage = {}; if ((this._config == undefined) || (this._config.length == 0)) { this.displayError(0, "vous devez d\u00E9finir un fichier de config"); } else { this.init(); } }; Object.registerClass("yamzSoundManager", yamz.SoundManager); yamz.SoundManager.prototype = new MovieClip(); yamz.SoundManager.soundFiles = {}; yamz.SoundManager.currentFile;; yamz.SoundManager.prototype.init = function () { var lpre = this._parent.attachMovie("YamzPreload", "mcPreloadSoundConfig", this._parent.getMaxDepth(), {_visible:false}); var lxml = new XML(); lxml.ignoreWhite = true; lpre.onLoadComplete = function () { if (lxml.status != 0) { this.displayError(0, "erreur de syntaxe dans le fichier de config"); } else { yamz.SoundManager.current.onInit(lxml); } }; lpre.loadClip(this._config, lxml); }; yamz.SoundManager.prototype.onInit = function (pXML) { var lnodes = pXML.firstChild.childNodes; var i = 0; while (i < lnodes.length) { var lnode = lnodes[i]; if (lnode.attributes.hifi.indexOf(".swf") == -1) { return(undefined); } yamz.SoundManager.soundFiles[] = {hifi:lnode.attributes.hifi, lofi:lnode.attributes.lofi, musics:[], fx:[]}; var lmusic = lnode.firstChild.childNodes; var lref = yamz.SoundManager.soundFiles[].musics; var j = 0; while (j < lmusic.length) { lref[j] = lmusic[j].nodeName; j++; } var lfx = lnode.childNodes[1].childNodes; var lref = yamz.SoundManager.soundFiles[].fx; var j = 0; while (j < lfx.length) { lref[j] = lfx[j].nodeName; j++; } i++; } trace("yamz.SoundManager : description charg\u00E9e"); this.mcGraphic.swapDepths(0); this.mcGraphic.removeMovieClip(); this.onReady(); }; yamz.SoundManager.prototype.onReady = function () { if (this._todo != "null") { if ((Number(this._nframe) > 0) || (this._nframe.length > 0)) { this._parent[this._todo](this._nframe); } else { this.displayError(0, "initialisez la frame de destination"); } } else { this.displayError(0, "action \u00E0 null - impl\u00E9mentez la m\u00E9thode onReady"); } }; yamz.SoundManager.prototype.displayError = function (pCode, pDescr) { trace((("yamz.SoundManager error (" + pCode) + ") : ") + pDescr); debug((("yamz.SoundManager error (" + pCode) + ") : ") + pDescr); }; yamz.SoundManager.prototype.createGroup = function () { var lMG = this.createEmptyMovieClip("mcMusicGroupe", this.getMaxDepth()); = new yamz.Sound(lMg); var lFxG = this.createEmptyMovieClip("mcFXGroupe", this.getMaxDepth()); this.soundFx = new yamz.Sound(lFxG); }; yamz.SoundManager.prototype.inscriptSound = function (pSound) { var lind = 0; if (this.broadcaster._listeners.length > 8) { var ltab = this.broadcaster._listeners; while (lind < ltab.length) { if (ltab[lind].boucle == undefined) { ltab[lind].stopAll(); break; } lind++; } } if (lind >= 8) { return(false); } this.broadcaster.removeListener(pSound); this.broadcaster.addListener(pSound); return(true); }; yamz.SoundManager.prototype.garbageSound = function (pSound) { if (!pSound.restart) { this.garbage[pSound.manager._name] = pSound; clearInterval(this.idGarbage); delete this.idGarbage; this.idGarbage = setInterval(this, "clean", 100); } }; yamz.SoundManager.prototype.clean = function () { clearInterval(this.idGarbage); delete this.idGarbage; var lgarb = this.garbage; for (var z in lgarb) { this.broadcaster.removeListener(lgarb[z]); delete lgarb[z]; } }; yamz.SoundManager.prototype.stopAllSounds = function (pClean) { this.mute = true; = pClean; this.broadcaster.broadcastMessage("stopAll"); }; yamz.SoundManager.prototype.restartAllSounds = function (pFlag) { this.mute = false; if (!pFlag) { this.broadcaster.broadcastMessage("restart"); } }; yamz.SoundManager.prototype.setVolumeFx = function (pVol) { this.soundFx.setVolume(pVol); }; yamz.SoundManager.prototype.setVolumeMusic = function (pVol) {; }; yamz.SoundManager.prototype.setVolumeGen = function (pVol) { this.setVolumeFx(pVol); this.setVolumeMusic(pVol); }; yamz.SoundManager.prototype.fadeIn = function () {; this.soundFx.fadeIn(); }; yamz.SoundManager.prototype.fadeOut = function () { var lvol = 100; this.setVolumeGen(lvol); return(function () { lvol = lvol - 10; if (lvol <= 0) { lvol = 0; this.onEnterFrame = null; } this.setVolumeGen(lvol); }); }; yamz.SoundManager.prototype.addSoundFile = function (pKey, pRefL, pPath, pType) { var lInfo = yamz.SoundManager.soundFiles[pKey]; var lMG = this.mcMusicGroupe; var lFxG = this.mcFXGroupe; if (yamz.SoundManager.currentFile != undefined) { return(false); } if (lInfo.loaded == "hifi") { yamz.SoundManager.current.onBuild(pKey); return(undefined); } var ltype; if (lInfo.loaded == "lofi") { ltype = "hifi"; } else { ltype = ((pType == undefined) ? "lofi" : (pType)); } var lfile = (pPath + lInfo[ltype]); var lmus = lMG.createEmptyMovieClip((("mcMusic_" + ltype) + "_") + pKey, lMG.getMaxDepth()); var lFx = lFxG.createEmptyMovieClip((("mcFx_" + ltype) + "_") + pKey, lFxG.getMaxDepth()); yamz.SoundManager.currentFile = pKey; var lPreloadGroup = (new yamz.preloadGroup()); var lms = lInfo.musics; var lfxs = lInfo.fx; var lpre = pRefL.attachMovie("YamzPreload", "preloadMG" + pKey, pRefL.getMaxDepth(), {url:lfile, target:lmus, order:0, group:lPreloadGroup, _visible:false}); var lpre1 = pRefL.attachMovie("YamzPreload", "preloadFxG" + pKey, pRefL.getMaxDepth(), {url:lfile, target:lFx, order:1, group:lPreloadGroup, _visible:false}); lPreloadGroup.onLoadComplete = function () {, lFx, lms, lfxs); lInfo.loaded = ltype; yamz.SoundManager.currentFile = undefined; yamz.SoundManager.current.onBuild(pKey); }; lPreloadGroup.loadGroup(); }; yamz.SoundManager.prototype.addSoundFileTab = function (pTab, pRefL, pPath, pType) { if (yamz.SoundManager.currentFile != undefined) { return(false); } var lPreloadGroup = (new yamz.preloadGroup()); var lind = 0; var lMG = this.mcMusicGroupe; var lFxG = this.mcFXGroupe; var i = 0; while (i < pTab.length) { var lkey = pTab[i]; var lInfo = yamz.SoundManager.soundFiles[lKey]; if (lInfo.loaded == "hifi") { } else { var ltype; if (lInfo.loaded == "lofi") { ltype = "hifi"; } else { ltype = ((pType == undefined) ? "lofi" : (pType)); } lMG[(("mcMusic_" + ltype) + "_") + lKey].removeMovieClip(); lFxG[(("mcFx_" + ltype) + "_") + lKey].removeMovieClip(); lMG.createEmptyMovieClip((("mcMusic_" + ltype) + "_") + lKey, lMG.getMaxDepth()); lFxG.createEmptyMovieClip((("mcFx_" + ltype) + "_") + lKey, lFxG.getMaxDepth()); var lfile = (pPath + lInfo[ltype]); yamz.SoundManager.currentFile = lKey; pRefL.attachMovie("YamzPreload", "preloadMG" + lKey, pRefL.getMaxDepth(), {url:lfile, target:lMG[(("mcMusic_" + ltype) + "_") + lKey], order:lind++, group:lPreloadGroup, _visible:false}); pRefL.attachMovie("YamzPreload", "preloadFxG" + lKey, pRefL.getMaxDepth(), {url:lfile, target:lFxG[(("mcFx_" + ltype) + "_") + lKey], order:lind++, group:lPreloadGroup, _visible:false}); } i++; } lPreloadGroup.onLoadComplete = function () { var i = 0; while (i < pTab.length) { var lkey = pTab[i]; var lInfo = yamz.SoundManager.soundFiles[lKey]; debug((lkey + " quality => ") + lInfo.loaded); if (lInfo.loaded == "hifi") { } else { var ltype; if (lInfo.loaded == "lofi") { ltype = "hifi"; } else { ltype = ((pType == undefined) ? "lofi" : (pType)); } var lms = lInfo.musics; var lfxs = lInfo.fx; var lmus = yamz.SoundManager.current.mcMusicGroupe[(("mcMusic_" + ltype) + "_") + lKey]; var lFx = yamz.SoundManager.current.mcFXGroupe[(("mcFx_" + ltype) + "_") + lKey];, lFx, lms, lfxs); lInfo.loaded = ltype; } i++; } yamz.SoundManager.currentFile = undefined; yamz.SoundManager.current.onBuildTab(); }; lPreloadGroup.loadGroup(); }; = function (pMusic, pFx, pMs, pFxs) { var lvol = 100; var lMusics = pMs; var lLength = lMusics.length; var i = 0; while (i < lLength) { var lMusicMc = pMusic.createEmptyMovieClip("mc" + lMusics[i], i); var lnson = (new yamz.Sound(lMusicMc)); lnson.attachSound("id" + lMusics[i]); var lsound = this[lMusics[i]]; this.replaceSound(lsound, lnson, lMusics[i]); i++; } var lFXs = pFxs; var lLength = lFXs.length; var i = 0; while (i < lLength) { var lFXMc = pFX.createEmptyMovieClip("mc" + lFXs[i], i); var lnson = (new yamz.Sound(lFXMc)); lnson.attachSound("id" + lFXs[i]); var lsound = this[lFXs[i]]; this.replaceSound(lsound, lnson, lFXs[i]); i++; } }; yamz.SoundManager.prototype.replaceSound = function (pSon, pNewSon, pTarg) { var lisPlaying = pSon.isPlaying; if (!lisPlaying) { this[pTarg] = pNewSon; } else { pSon.finishLife(pNewSon, pTarg); } }; yamz.SoundManager.prototype.onBuild = function (pKey) { trace(("int\u00E9gration du fichier " + pKey) + " termin\u00E9"); }; yamz.SoundManager.prototype.onBuildTab = function () { }; #endinitclip
Symbol 20 MovieClip [yamzConfig] Frame 1
_parent.stop(); var lThis = this; NetDebugTarget = eval (NetDebugTarget); if (_level0.yamz == undefined) { _level0.yamz = {}; } if (_global.yamz == undefined) { _global.yamz = _level0.yamz; } yamz.System = new LoadVars(); yamz.System.onLoad = function (pSucces) { if (pSucces) { this.netDebug = this.netDebug == "true"; if (this.netDebug) { if (yamz.Preload == undefined) { trace("==== yamz.System ERREUR ===="); trace("classe inexistante: yamz.Preload"); } else { var lPreload = lThis.attachMovie("YamzPreload", "mcPreload", 0); var lNetDebug = lThis.NetDebugTarget.createEmptyMovieClip("NetDebug_mc", -1000); lPreload.onLoadComplete = function () {; }; lPreload.loadClip("netdebug.swf", lNetDebug); } } else { _global.debug = function () { trace(arguments.join(" | ")); };; } } else { trace("==== yamz.System ERREUR ===="); trace("fichier inexistant:" + config); } }; next = function () { var lLabel = (isNaN(parseInt(lThis.label)) ? (lThis.label) : (Number(lThis.label))); lThis._parent["gotoAnd" + lThis.gotoAnd](lThis.label); lThis.swapDepths(104857); lThis.removeMovieClip(); }; if (MMSave == undefined) { yamz.System.load((config + "?") + new Date().getTime()); } else { yamz.System.load(config); }
Symbol 22 MovieClip Frame 1
mcBar._xscale = 0; this._parent.onLoadProgress = function (pLoaded, pTotal, pSpeed, pTime) { speed = pSpeed + "kb/s"; time = pTime + "s"; loading = (pLoaded + "/") + pTotal; mcBar._xscale = 100 * (pLoaded / pTotal); };
Symbol 23 MovieClip [YamzPreload] Frame 1
#initclip 2 if (_level0.yamz == undefined) { _level0.yamz = {}; } if (_global.yamz == undefined) { _global.yamz = _level0.yamz; } if (yamz.PreloadGroup == undefined) { yamz.PreloadGroup = function (pStartLoading, pAction, pLabel, pEndValue, pEndType, pGraphic, pVersion, pServerGet, pVisible) { this.startLoading = pStartLoading; this.action = pAction; this.label = pLabel; this.endValue = ((pEndValue == undefined) ? 100 : (pEndValue)); this.endType = pEndType; this.endValue = pEndValue; this.serverGet = false; this.version = ((pVersion == undefined) ? false : (pVersion)); this.visible = ((pVisible == undefined) ? false : (pVisible)); this.vCurrentTotal = 0; this.idGraphic = pGraphic; this.list = []; }; yamz.PreloadGroup.prototype.loadProgress = function (pCurrent, pCurrentLoaded, pCurrentTotal, pCurrentTimeLeft) { var lCurrentLoaded = (this.serverGet ? (Math.floor(pCurrentLoaded * (this.vCurrentTotal / pCurrentTotal))) : (pCurrentLoaded / pCurrentTotal)); var lLoaded = (this.serverGet ? (this.loaded + lCurrentLoaded) : (((this.vTotal - 1) - this.list.length) + lCurrentLoaded)); var lTime = (getTimer() - this.vStartTime); var lSpeed = (this.serverGet ? (lLoaded / lTime) : (pCurrentLoaded / pCurrentTime)); var lTimeLeft = (this.serverGet ? (Math.ceil((this.vTotal - lLoaded) / (lSpeed * 1000))) : "?"); this.onLoadProgress(pCurrent, pCurrentLoaded, pCurrentTotal, lLoaded, this.vTotal, Math.round(lSpeed), pCurrentTimeLeft, lTimeLeft); }; yamz.PreloadGroup.prototype.initOrder = function (pTarget) { this.list[pTarget.order] = pTarget; }; yamz.PreloadGroup.prototype.load = function (pPrevTotal) { this.loaded = this.loaded + this.vCurrentTotal; this.vCurrentTotal = Number(this.vFileSize.shift()); while (this.list.length) { var lRef = this.list.shift(); if (lRef instanceof yamz.Preload) { this.current = lRef; lRef.loadClip(); return(undefined); } } yamz.Preload.loading = false; this.onLoadComplete(); }; yamz.PreloadGroup.prototype.loadGroup = function (pVisible, pVersion, pServerGet) { if ((!(pVisible === undefined)) && (!(pVisible === null))) { this.visible = pVisible; } if ((!(pServerGet === undefined)) && (!(pServerGet === null))) { this.serverGet = pServerGet; } debug("SERVERGET:", pServerGet, this.serverGet); if ((!(pVersion === undefined)) && (!(pServerGet === null))) { this.version = pVersion; } var lNbFiles = this.list.length; if (this.serverGet) { var getFile = new LoadVars(); getFile.files = []; var i = 0; while (i < lNbFiles) { getFile.files.push(this.list[i].url); i++; } getFile.files = getFile.files.join("|"); var lThis = this; getFile.onLoad = function (pSuccess) { if ( != undefined) { lThis.vTotal = Number(; lThis.vFileSize = this.fileSize.split("|"); lThis.vStartTime = getTimer(); lThis.loaded = 0; } else { lThis.onLoadError({level:"warning", description:"calcul du poids total impossible", code:1}); lThis.serverGet = false; lThis.vTotal = lNbFiles; } lThis.load(0); }; getFile.sendAndLoad("gettotalsize.php", getFile); } else { this.vTotal = lNbFiles; this.load(0); } }; yamz.PreloadGroup.prototype.onLoadError = function (pError) { if (yamz.System.netDebug) { debug("yamz.PreloadGroup ERREUR", pError); } else { trace("==== yamz.PreloadGroup ERREUR ===="); for (var z in pError) { trace((z + ": ") + pError[z]); } } }; yamz.PreloadGroup.prototype.onLoadProgress = function (pCurrent, pCurrentLoaded, pCurrentTotal, pLoaded, pTotal, pSpeed, pCurrentTimeLeft, pTimeLeft) { if (yamz.System.netDebug) { debug(((((((((((((((pCurrent + "(groupe): ") + pCurrentLoaded) + "/") + pCurrentTotal) + " | ") + pLoaded) + "/") + pTotal) + " [") + pSpeed) + "kb/s] [") + pCurrentTimeLeft) + "s | ") + pTimeLeft) + "s]"); } trace(((((((((((((((pCurrent + "(groupe): ") + pCurrentLoaded) + "/") + pCurrentTotal) + " | ") + pLoaded) + "/") + pTotal) + " [") + pSpeed) + "kb/s] [") + pCurrentTimeLeft) + "s | ") + pTimeLeft) + "s]"); }; yamz.PreloadGroup.prototype.onLoadComplete = function () { if (yamz.System.netDebug) { debug("chargement de l'ensemble du groupe termin\u00E9"); } trace("chargement de l'ensemble du groupe termin\u00E9"); }; } if (yamz.Preload == undefined) { yamz.Preload = function () { if ( == "") { = null; } if (( != undefined) && (this.order == undefined)) { yamz.Preload.loading = false; this.onLoadError({level:"error", description:this._name + ": manque l'ordre dans le groupe", code:2}); return(undefined); } if ( != null) { if (!( instanceof yamz.PreloadGroup)) { var lTempGroup ="."); var lEndGroup = lTempGroup.pop(); var lBeginGroup = (lTempGroup.length ? (eval ("this._parent." + lTempGroup.join("."))) : (this._parent)); if (lBeginGroup[lEndGroup] instanceof yamz.PreloadGroup) { = lBeginGroup[lEndGroup]; } else { = (lBeginGroup[lEndGroup] = new yamz.PreloadGroup(true)); } }; } if ( != undefined) { this.startLoading = ((this.order === 0) ? ( : false); } if (this.version == undefined) { this.version = (( != undefined) ? ( : false); } if ((this.action == undefined) || (this.action == "")) { if ( == undefined) { this.setAction(null); } else { this.setAction(,; } } else { this.setAction(this.action, this.label); } if (( == undefined) || ( === undefined)) { this.setGraphic(this.idGraphic); } else { this.setGraphic(; } if ((( == undefined) || ( === undefined)) || ( === undefined)) { this.setLoadingEnd(this.endValue, this.endType); } else { this.setLoadingEnd(,; } if (this.startLoading) { if ( != undefined) {[this.order] = undefined; } this.loadClip(); } }; Object.registerClass("YamzPreload", yamz.Preload); yamz.Preload.prototype = new MovieClip(); yamz.Preload.loading = false; yamz.Preload.__getURL = function (pUrl, pVersion) { var lPath = yamz.System.mainPath; if (((pUrl.indexOf("://") != -1) || (lPath == undefined)) || (lPath == "")) { var lUrl = pUrl; } else { var lLength = (lPath.length - 1); if (lPath.charAt(lLength) == "/") { lPath = lPath.substring(0, lLength); } if (!lPath.indexOf("..")) { var lUrl = ((lPath + "/") + pUrl); } else { var lLength = (lPath.length - 1); if (lPath.charAt(lLength) == "/") { lPath = lPath.substring(0, lLength); } var lParent = pUrl.split("../"); lLength = lParent.length - 1; var lUrl = lPath.split("/"); lUrl = lUrl.slice(0, lUrl.length - lLength).join("/"); if (lUrl != "") { lUrl = lUrl + "/"; } lUrl = lUrl + lParent[lLength]; } } return((((MMSave == undefined) && (pVersion)) ? ((lUrl + "?") + yamz.System.version) : (lUrl))); }; yamz.Preload.prototype.initLevel = function () { yamz.Preload.loading = true; if (this["_level" + this._targetInstanceName]) { = this["_level" + this._targetInstanceName]; this.onEnterFrame = this.loadProgress(); } }; yamz.Preload.prototype.initClip = function () { yamz.Preload.loading = true; if ( === 0) {; this.onEnterFrame = this.loadProgress(); } }; yamz.Preload.prototype.loadProgress = function () { var lStartTime = getTimer(); if (( != undefined) && (this.visible == undefined)) { this.mcGraphic._visible =; } else if (this.visible != undefined) { this.mcGraphic._visible = this.visible; } else { this.mcGraphic._visible = true; } return(function () { yamz.Preload.loading = true; var lLoaded =; var lTotal =; if (this.endType == "image") { var lTypeLoaded =; var lTypeTotal = this.endValue; } else { var lTypeLoaded = lLoaded; if (this.endType == "%") { var lTypeTotal = Math.floor((lTotal * this.endValue) / 100); } else { var lTypeTotal = (this.endValue * 1000); } } if (lTotal > 0) { var lTime = (getTimer() - lStartTime); var lSpeed = (lTypeLoaded / lTime); var lTimeLeft = Math.ceil((lTypeTotal - lTypeLoaded) / (lSpeed * 1000)); var lLoadBytes = Math.max(0, Math.min(lTypeLoaded, lTypeTotal)); if ( != undefined) {, lLoadBytes, lTypeTotal, lTimeLeft); } this.onLoadProgress(lLoadBytes, lTypeTotal, Math.round(lSpeed), lTimeLeft); if (lTypeLoaded >= lTypeTotal) { this.onLoadComplete(); this.runAction(); if ( != undefined) {; } else { yamz.Preload.loading = false; } delete this.onEnterFrame; if (this.getDepth() < 0) { this.swapDepths(1048575); } this.removeMovieClip(); return(undefined); } } }); }; yamz.Preload.prototype.loadClip = function (pUrl, pTarget, pVersion) { if (pTarget != undefined) { if ((((pTarget instanceof MovieClip) || (pTarget instanceof Sound)) || (pTarget instanceof LoadVars)) || (pTarget instanceof XML)) { = pTarget; } else { this._targetInstanceName = pTarget; } } if (pVersion != undefined) { this.version = pVersion; } debug("version => " + this.version); this.url = yamz.Preload.__getURL(((pUrl != undefined) ? (pUrl) : (this.url)), this.version); debug("url => " + this.url); if ((this.url == "") && (this._targetInstanceName == "")) { = this._parent; this.onEnterFrame = this.loadProgress(); return(undefined); } if (this.url == "") { yamz.Preload.loading = false; this.onLoadError({level:"error", description:"fichier \u00E0 charger non d\u00E9fini", code:0}); return(undefined); } if ((this._targetInstanceName == "") && (!(((( instanceof MovieClip) || ( instanceof Sound)) || ( instanceof LoadVars)) || ( instanceof XML)))) { yamz.Preload.loading = false; this.onLoadError({level:"error", description:"cible non d\u00E9finie", code:1}); return(undefined); } if ( instanceof Sound) { yamz.Preload.loading = true;, false); this.onEnterFrame = this.loadProgress(); } else if (( instanceof LoadVars) || ( instanceof XML)) { yamz.Preload.loading = true;; this.onEnterFrame = this.loadProgress(); } else if (isNaN(parseInt(this._targetInstanceName)) || ( instanceof MovieClip)) { if (!( instanceof MovieClip)) { = eval ("this._parent." + this._targetInstanceName); }; this.onEnterFrame = this.initClip; } else { var lTarget = parseInt(this._targetInstanceName); loadMovieNum (this.url, lTarget); this.onEnterFrame = this.initLevel; } }; yamz.Preload.prototype.setAction = function (pAction, pLabel) { if (arguments.length > 0) { if (pAction == null) { this.runAction = null; } else { this.runAction = function () {[pAction](pLabel); }; } } }; yamz.Preload.prototype.setGraphic = function (pId) { if ((arguments.length > 0) && (!(pId === undefined))) { this.idGraphic = pId; if ((pId == null) || (pId != "")) { if (this.mcGraphic != undefined) { this.mcGraphic.swapDepths(1048575); this.mcGraphic.removeMovieClip(); } if (pId != "") { this.attachMovie(pId, "mcGraphic", 0); } } } this.mcGraphic._visible = false; }; yamz.Preload.prototype.setLoadingEnd = function (pValue, pType) { if (((pType != "image") && (pType != "%")) && (pType != "kb")) { pValue = 100; pType = "%"; } this.endValue = pValue; this.endType = pType; }; yamz.Preload.prototype.onLoadError = function (pError) { if (yamz.System.netDebug) { debug("yamz.Preload ERREUR", pError); } else { trace("==== yamz.Preload ERREUR ===="); for (var z in pError) { trace((z + ": ") + pError[z]); } } }; yamz.Preload.prototype.onLoadProgress = function (pLoadBytes, pTotalBytes, pSpeed, pTimeLeft) { if (yamz.System.netDebug) { debug((((((((( + ": ") + pLoadBytes) + "/") + pTotalBytes) + " [") + pSpeed) + "kb/s] [") + pTimeLeft) + "s]"); } else { trace((((((((( + ": ") + pLoadBytes) + "/") + pTotalBytes) + " [") + pSpeed) + "kb/s] [") + pTimeLeft) + "s]"); } }; yamz.Preload.prototype.onLoadComplete = function () { if (yamz.System.netDebug) { debug( + ": chargement termin\u00E9"); } else { trace( + ": chargement termin\u00E9"); } }; } #endinitclip
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 7

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:10
Symbol 2 GraphicUsed by:3
Symbol 3 MovieClipUses:2Used by:10
Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:10
Symbol 5 FontUsed by:6 7 8 9
Symbol 6 EditableTextUses:5Used by:10
Symbol 7 EditableTextUses:5Used by:10
Symbol 8 EditableTextUses:5Used by:10
Symbol 9 EditableTextUses:5Used by:10
Symbol 10 MovieClipUses:1 3 4 6 7 8 9Used by:11
Symbol 11 MovieClip [YamzPreloadQ]Uses:10
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:13
Symbol 13 MovieClipUses:12Used by:14 22
Symbol 14 MovieClip [YamzPreloadGroup]Uses:13Used by:Timeline
Symbol 15 BitmapUsed by:16
Symbol 16 GraphicUses:15Used by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClipUses:16Used by:18
Symbol 18 MovieClip [yamzSoundManager]Uses:17Used by:Timeline
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:20
Symbol 20 MovieClip [yamzConfig]Uses:19Used by:Timeline
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:22
Symbol 22 MovieClipUses:21 13Used by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClip [YamzPreload]Uses:22Used by:Timeline
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:26
Symbol 26 MovieClipUses:25Used by:27
Symbol 27 MovieClipUses:26Used by:Timeline
Symbol 28 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 29 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline

Instance Names

"mcSound"Frame 32Symbol 28 MovieClip
"preload_mc"Frame 32Symbol 14 MovieClip [YamzPreloadGroup]
"interface_mc"Frame 32Symbol 29 MovieClip
"mcTotalBar"Symbol 10 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 3 MovieClip
"mcBar"Symbol 10 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 3 MovieClip
"mcGraphic"Symbol 11 MovieClip [YamzPreloadQ] Frame 1Symbol 10 MovieClip
"mcTotalBar"Symbol 14 MovieClip [YamzPreloadGroup] Frame 1Symbol 13 MovieClip
"mcGraphic"Symbol 18 MovieClip [yamzSoundManager] Frame 1Symbol 17 MovieClip
"mcBar"Symbol 22 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 13 MovieClip
"mcGraphic"Symbol 23 MovieClip [YamzPreload] Frame 1Symbol 22 MovieClip

Special Tags

Protect (24)Timeline Frame 10 bytes ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 11 as "YamzPreloadQ"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 14 as "YamzPreloadGroup"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 18 as "yamzSoundManager"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20 as "yamzConfig"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 23 as "YamzPreload"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 23 as "YamzPreload"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 23 as "YamzPreload"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 23 as "YamzPreload"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 23 as "YamzPreload"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 6Symbol 23 as "YamzPreload"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 17Symbol 20 as "yamzConfig"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 18Symbol 20 as "yamzConfig"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 19Symbol 20 as "yamzConfig"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 20Symbol 20 as "yamzConfig"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 21Symbol 20 as "yamzConfig"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 22Symbol 20 as "yamzConfig"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 23Symbol 20 as "yamzConfig"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 24Symbol 20 as "yamzConfig"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 25Symbol 20 as "yamzConfig"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 26Symbol 20 as "yamzConfig"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 27Symbol 18 as "yamzSoundManager"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 28Symbol 18 as "yamzSoundManager"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 29Symbol 18 as "yamzSoundManager"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 30Symbol 18 as "yamzSoundManager"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 31Symbol 18 as "yamzSoundManager"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 32Symbol 14 as "YamzPreloadGroup"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 32Symbol 18 as "yamzSoundManager"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 33Symbol 14 as "YamzPreloadGroup"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 33Symbol 18 as "yamzSoundManager"


"config"Frame 17
"lang"Frame 22
"music"Frame 27
"loading"Frame 32

Dynamic Text Variables

fileSymbol 6 EditableText""
currentLoadingSymbol 7 EditableText""
loadingSymbol 8 EditableText""
speedSymbol 9 EditableText""
Created: 19/5 -2019 03:41:46 Last modified: 19/5 -2019 03:41:46 Server time: 13/03 -2025 06:34:18