Frame 1
version = "20051026-1853";
Frame 3
if (_global.mdm) {
if (_global.mdm) {
com.neodelight.mdm.DirectX.setResolution(640, 480, 32);
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("init");
Frame 16
function selectTrack(id) {
if (typeof(id) == "number") {
_root.selectedTrackName =[id];
_root.selectedTrackNumber = id;
} else {
_root.selectedTrackName = id;
_root.selectedTrackNumber =[id];
var _local4 = Math.floor(_global.score.scores[_root.selectedTrackNumber].totalScore);
if (_local4 > 0) {
_root.displayPreview.trackScore._visible = true;
_root.displayPreview.trackScore.displayTrackScore = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local4) + " POINTS";
if (Math.floor(_global.score.scores[_root.selectedTrackNumber].time4) == 0) {
_root.displayPreview.trackScore.displayFinished = "";
_root.displayPreview.trackScore.displayUnfinished = "You didn't finish this track, yet!";
} else {
_root.displayPreview.trackScore.displayFinished = "TRACK FINISHED";
_root.displayPreview.trackScore.displayUnfinished = "";
} else {
_root.displayPreview.trackScore._visible = false;
_root.displayFlag.gotoAndStop(_root.selectedTrackName); = _root.selectedTrackNumber;
function goTopic(topic, returnTopic) {
_root.goTopicLabel = topic;
_root.goTopicReturn = returnTopic;
function returnTopic() {
_root.goTopicLabel = _root.goTopicReturn;
function displayStatsLevel() {
var _local6 = _root.statsMc;
var _local5 = _root.statsData;
var _local4 =;
trace("------\nSet Stats: " + _local4);
_local6.displayTitle =[_local4].toUpperCase();
_local6.displayBaseMax = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local5.scores[_local4].track.max, 0);
_local6.displayBaseCur = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local5.scores[_local4].track.cur, 0);
_local6.displayBaseAvg = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local5.scores[_local4].track.avg, 0);
_local6.displayRankCur = "Rank " + (_local5.scores[_local4].rank.cur ? (_local5.scores[_local4].rank.cur) : "-");
_local6.displayRankMin = "Rank " + (_local5.scores[_local4].rank.min ? (_local5.scores[_local4].rank.min) : "-");
_local6.displayRankAvg = "Rank " + (_local5.scores[_local4].rank.avg ? (com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local5.scores[_local4].rank.avg, 1)) : "-");
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < 5) {
var _local7 = _root.statsMc["statsRow" + _local3];
_local7.displayScoreCur = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local5.scores[_local4]["bonus" + _local3].cur, 0);
_local7.displayTimeCur = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local5.scores[_local4]["time" + _local3].cur / 1000, 2);
_local7.displayTimeMin = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local5.scores[_local4]["time" + _local3].min / 1000, 2);
_local7.displayScoreMax = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local5.scores[_local4]["bonus" + _local3].max, 0);
_local7.displayTimeAvg = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local5.scores[_local4]["time" + _local3].avg / 1000, 2);
_local7.displayScoreAvg = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local5.scores[_local4]["bonus" + _local3].avg, 0);
_local7.displayTrackName = "";
var _local7 = _root.statsMc.statsRowTotal;
_local7.displayScoreCur = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local5.scores[_local4].totalScore.cur, 0);
_local7.displayTimeCur = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local5.scores[_local4].totalTime.cur / 1000, 2);
_local7.displayTimeMin = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local5.scores[_local4].totalTime.min / 1000, 2);
_local7.displayScoreMax = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local5.scores[_local4].totalScore.max, 0);
_local7.displayTimeAvg = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local5.scores[_local4].totalTime.avg / 1000, 2);
_local7.displayScoreAvg = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local5.scores[_local4].totalScore.avg, 0);
_local7.displayTrackName = "";
function displayStatsTotal() {
var _local6 = _root.statsMc;
var _local4 = (_root.statsData = _global.score.getStatistics());
_local6.displayTitle = "TOTAL STATISTICS";
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < {
var _local5 = _root.statsMc["statsRow" + _local3];
_local5.displayScoreCur = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local4.scores[_local3].totalScore.cur, 0);
_local5.displayTimeCur = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local4.scores[_local3].totalTime.cur / 1000, 2);
_local5.displayTimeMin = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local4.scores[_local3].totalTime.min / 1000, 2);
_local5.displayScoreMax = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local4.scores[_local3].totalScore.max, 0);
_local5.displayTimeAvg = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local4.scores[_local3].totalTime.avg / 1000, 2);
_local5.displayScoreAvg = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local4.scores[_local3].totalScore.avg, 0);
_local5.displayTrackName =[_local3];
var _local5 = _root.statsMc.statsRowTotal;
_local5.displayScoreCur = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local4.scores[_local3].totalScore.cur, 0);
_local5.displayTimeCur = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local4.scores[_local3].totalTime.cur / 1000, 2);
_local5.displayTimeMin = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local4.scores[_local3].totalTime.min / 1000, 2);
_local5.displayScoreMax = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local4.scores[_local3].totalScore.max, 0);
_local5.displayTimeAvg = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local4.scores[_local3].totalTime.avg / 1000, 2);
_local5.displayScoreAvg = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(_local4.scores[_local3].totalScore.avg, 0);
_local5.displayTrackName = "";
_global.bin.startRace = function (id) {
_global.console.stdout("startRace: " + id);
if (!_root.selectTrack(id)) {
_global.console.stdout(("startRace: unregistered track \"" + id) + "\"");
} else {
_global.console.stdout("startRace: selected track: " + _root.selectedTrackName);
_global.console.stdout("startRace: starting race...");
_global.bin.stopRace = function () {
_global.console.stdout("stopRace: stopping race...");
_global.bin.startLeved = function () {
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "TL";
_root.leved._visible = true;
_root.loadLeved = true;
_global.osd.flagTimer = false;
_global.bin.setGameSpeed = function (speed) {
speed = com.neodelight.std.XMath.toNumber(speed);
_global.console.stdout("new speed: " + speed);
_global.gameSpeed = speed;
_global.bin.getGameSpeed = function () {
_global.console.stdout("game speed: " + _global.gameSpeed);
_global.bin.setClockSpeed = function (speed) {
speed = com.neodelight.std.XMath.toNumber(speed);
_global.console.stdout("new speed: " + speed);
_global.osd.clockSpeed = speed;
_global.bin.getClockSpeed = function () {
_global.console.stdout("clock speed: " + _global.osd.clockSpeed);
Frame 17
com.neodelight.std.Blueprint.addBlueprint("nd_full", {version:"ndFull", configNeedDomain:"local", urlMoreGames:"", urlMoreGamesTarget:"_blank", urlHighscores:"", urlHighscoresTarget:"_blank", submitScore:function (score) {
_global.highscore.submit(score, "");
}, fullVersion:true, gameCredits:"(c) 2005\n\nYou are free to redistribute the game as long as you don't make any changes to the game files and don't restrict the access to the game to paying users.\n\nVisit for details...", gameIntro:"introNd", shopActive:false});
com.neodelight.std.Blueprint.addBlueprint("nd_demo", {version:"ndWebDemo", blueprint:"nd_full", configNeedDomain:"*", fullVersion:false, urlShop:"" + com.neodelight.std.XSystem.getUrlParam("aid"), urlShopTarget:"_top", urlDownload:"", urlDownloadTarget:"_blank"});
com.neodelight.std.Blueprint.addBlueprint("at_full", {version:"atFull", configNeedDomain:"local", gameCredits:"(c) 2005\nLicensed by\n\nYou are free to redistribute the game as long as you don't make any changes to the game files and don't restrict the access to the game to paying users.\n\nVisit for details...", urlMoreGames:(("" + com.neodelight.std.XSystem.getUrlParam("aid")) + "&refer=") + com.neodelight.std.XSystem.getBaseUrl(), urlMoreGamesTarget:"_blank", urlHighscores:"", urlHighscoresTarget:"_blank", submitScore:function (score, name) {, score, "");
}, submitScoreNeedName:true, fullVersion:true, shopActive:false});
com.neodelight.std.Blueprint.addBlueprint("at_demo", {version:"atWebDemo", blueprint:"at_full", configNeedDomain:"local,,,", fullVersion:false, urlShop:(("" + com.neodelight.std.XSystem.getUrlParam("aid")) + "&refer=") + com.neodelight.std.XSystem.getBaseUrl(), urlShopTarget:"_top", urlDownload:(("" + com.neodelight.std.XSystem.getUrlParam("aid")) + "&refer=") + com.neodelight.std.XSystem.getBaseUrl(), urlDownloadTarget:"_blank", shopActive:true});
com.neodelight.std.Blueprint.addBlueprint("mc_full", {version:"mcFull", configNeedDomain:"local", gameCredits:"(c) 2005\nLicensed by\n\nYou are free to redistribute the game as long as you don't make any changes to the game files and don't restrict the access to the game to paying users.\n\nVisit for details...", gameLogoMenu:"miniclip", urlMoreGames:"", urlMoreGamesTarget:"_blank", submitScore:function (score, name) {
gotoAndStop ("miniclip");
}, gameIntro:"introMc", fullVersion:true, shopActive:false});
com.neodelight.std.Blueprint.addBlueprint("mc_demo", {version:"mcWebDemo", blueprint:"mc_full", configNeedDomain:"local,,", fullVersion:false, urlShop:"", urlShopTarget:"_top", urlDownload:"", urlDownloadTarget:"_blank", shopActive:true});
com.neodelight.std.Blueprint.addBlueprint("game", {gameHighscores:true, gameName:"racext", timer:true, timerFps:20, timerSmoothing:0, scoreConfig:[{totalAdd:true, id:"track"}, {totalAdd:true, id:"bonus0"}, {totalAdd:true, id:"bonus1"}, {totalAdd:true, id:"bonus2"}, {totalAdd:true, id:"bonus3"}, {totalAdd:true, id:"bonus4"}, {totalAdd:false, id:"totalScore"}, {id:"time0"}, {id:"time1"}, {id:"time2"}, {id:"time3"}, {id:"time4"}, {id:"totalTime"}, {id:"rank"}]});
com.neodelight.std.Blueprint.addBlueprint("vehicle", {libId:"bike", drawRotZ:true, ax:0.1, fx:0.85, az:0.0085, fz:0.98, sizeNorth:0.2, sizeSouth:0.2, sizeEast:0.2, sizeWest:0.2});
com.neodelight.std.Blueprint.addBlueprint("vehicle.player", {blueprint:"vehicle", id:0, base:5, depth:30000, az:0.011});
com.neodelight.std.Blueprint.addBlueprint("vehicle.bot0", {blueprint:"vehicle", az:0.0086, ax:0.12});
com.neodelight.std.Blueprint.addBlueprint("vehicle.bot1", {blueprint:"vehicle", az:0.00845, ax:0.12});
com.neodelight.std.Blueprint.addBlueprint("vehicle.bot2", {blueprint:"vehicle", az:0.00865, ax:0.11});
com.neodelight.std.Blueprint.addBlueprint("vehicle.bot3", {blueprint:"vehicle", az:0.0085, ax:0.11});
com.neodelight.std.Blueprint.addBlueprint("vehicle.bot4", {blueprint:"vehicle", az:0.00845, ax:0.1});
Frame 18
Frame 19
_global.config = com.neodelight.std.AutoConfig.getConfig({configs:"nd_demo"});
if (!_global.config) {
gotoAndStop ("pirate");
Frame 20
_root.botCalibVz = {africa:1.2, provence:1.2, autobahn:1.2, ice:1.3, nihon:1.18, newzealand:1.2, poland:1.19, arizona:1.25};
_global.gameSpeeds = [0.85, 0.925, 1];
_global.trackAmounts = [3, 6, 8];
_root.maxLeague = 0;
_root.loadLeved = false;
this.FADE_TIME = 6;
_global.osd = new RaceOsd();
_root.engine = new com.neodelight.r3D.Race3D();
this.engine.teProtos = new Array();
this.engine.teProtos[0] = new com.neodelight.r3D.TeProto(2.4, 0.85, 0, 0, 0, 0.98, 0.98, 0.98, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2);
this.engine.teProtos[1] = this.engine.teProtos[0].copyOf();
this.engine.teProtos[2] = this.engine.teProtos[0].copyOf();
this.engine.teProtos[2].rightOffroad = true;
this.engine.teProtos[3] = this.engine.teProtos[0].copyOf();
this.engine.teProtos[4] = this.engine.teProtos[0].copyOf();
this.engine.teProtos[5] = this.engine.teProtos[0].copyOf();
this.engine.teProtos[5].leftOffroad = true;
this.engine.teProtos[6] = this.engine.teProtos[0].copyOf();
this.engine.teProtos[7] = this.engine.teProtos[0].copyOf();
this.engine.teProtos[8] = this.engine.teProtos[0].copyOf();
this.engine.teProtos[8].leftOffroad = true;
this.engine.teProtos[8].rightOffroad = true;
this.engine.teProtos[8].centerWidth = 0.85;
this.engine.teProtos[9] = this.engine.teProtos[0].copyOf();
this.engine.teProtos[10] = new com.neodelight.r3D.TeProto(1.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0.98, 0.98, 0.98, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2);
this.engine.teProtos[11] = this.engine.teProtos[0].copyOf();
this.engine.teProtos[12] = this.engine.teProtos[0].copyOf();
this.engine.teProtos[13] = new com.neodelight.r3D.TeProto(1.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.14, 0.14, 0.14);
this.engine.teProtos[14] = this.engine.teProtos[10].copyOf();
this.engine.teProtos[15] = this.engine.teProtos[10].copyOf();
this.engine.teProtos[16] = this.engine.teProtos[0].copyOf();
this.engine.teProtos[16].centerOffroad = true;
this.engine.teProtos[16].centerWidth = 0.5;
this.engine.teProtos[17] = this.engine.teProtos[0].copyOf();
this.engine.teProtos[18] = this.engine.teProtos[0].copyOf();
this.engine.teProtos[19] = new com.neodelight.r3D.TeProto(2, 0.85, 0, 0, 0, 0.93, 0.95, 0.983, 0.12, 0.2, 0.12);
this.engine.teProtos[19].streetWidthBot = 0.85; = ["provence", "autobahn", "nihon", "arizona", "newzealand", "poland", "ice", "africa"]; = ["France", "Germany", "Japan", "USA", "Newzealand", "Poland", "Greenland", "Egypt"]; = {};
var i = 0;
while (i < {[[i]] = i;
Frame 21
_root.engine.addLevelToLib(new com.neodelight.r3D.Race3DLevel("arizona", 0, new Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 10, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.108, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.216, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.324, 0, 39, 0, 0], [0.432, 0, 0, 40, 0], [0.54, 0, 41, 0, 0], [0.648, 0, 0, 42, 0], [0.756, 0, 37, 0, 0], [0.864, 0, 0, 38, 0], [0.972, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.08, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.08, 0, 87, 0, 0], [1.296, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.512, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.728, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.944, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.16, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.16, 0, 91, 0, 0], [2.4, 0, 94, 0, 0], [2.4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.6, 0, 86, 0, 0], [2.7, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.8, 0, 0, 89, 0], [2.9, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.48, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1.564, 1, 89, 88, 0], [1.168, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0.772, 1, 0, 87, 0], [0.376, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-0.0199999999999999, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-0.416, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-0.812, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-1.208, 2, 89, 86, 0], [-1.604, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-2, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-1.78, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-1.56, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-1.34, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-1.12, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-0.9, 5, 91, 89, 0], [-0.02, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-0.12, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-0.44, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-0.76, 1, 7, 0, 0], [-1.372, 1, 87, 0, 0], [-1.664, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.956, 0, 7, 89, 0], [-2.248, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.54, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.832, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-3.124, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.416, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.708, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-4, 0, 89, 89, 0], [-3.58, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.16, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-2.74, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.32, 0, 88, 0, 0], [-1.9, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-1.48, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.354, 0, 0, 88, 0], [-1.648, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-1.942, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.236, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.53, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-2.824, 0, 88, 0, 0], [-3.118, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.412, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-3.706, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.6, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-3.2, 0, 86, 0, 0], [-2.8, 0, 88, 0, 0], [-2.4, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-2, 0, 87, 86, 0], [-1.67, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-1.74, -1, 7, 0, 0], [-1.81, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-1.88, -2, 86, 0, 0], [-1.95, -2, 7, 0, 0], [-2.02, -3, 0, 86, 0], [-2.09, -3, 87, 86, 0], [-2.16, -4, 7, 0, 0], [-2.23, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-2.3, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-2.37, -3, 7, 0, 0], [-2.44, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-2.51, -2, 0, 89, 0], [-2.58, -2, 7, 86, 0], [-2.65, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-2.72, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.79, -1, 7, 0, 0], [-2.86, 0, 86, 0, 0], [-2.93, 0, 86, 0, 0], [-3, 0, 7, 88, 0], [-2.85, 0, 87, 89, 0], [-2.7, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.55, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-2.4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.25, 0, 87, 0, 0], [-2.1, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-1.95, 0, 0, 89, 0], [-1.92, 0, 89, 89, 0], [-2.04, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-2.16, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.28, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.4, 1, 7, 0, 0], [-2.52, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-2.64, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-2.76, 2, 89, 86, 0], [-2.88, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-3, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.7, 1, 106, 0, 0], [-2.4, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.1, 1, 109, 109, 0], [-1.8, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-1.5, 1, 108, 107, 0], [-1.2, 1, 109, 107, 0], [-0.9, 1, 121, 0, 0], [-0.6, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.3, -1, 121, 0, 0], [0, -1, 87, 0, 0], [0, -2, 121, 88, 0], [-0.2, -2, 87, 89, 0], [-0.4, -2, 121, 0, 0], [-0.6, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-0.8, -3, 121, 0, 0], [-1, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-1.2, -4, 121, 0, 0], [-1.4, -3, 89, 88, 0], [-1.6, -3, 89, 0, 0], [-1.8, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-2, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-1.6, -1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0.4, 2, 89, 0, 0], [0.8, 2, 0, 86, 0], [1.2, 2, 87, 89, 0], [1.6, 2, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 86, 88, 0], [1.82, 3, 0, 0, 0], [1.82, 3, 0, 0, 0], [1.82, 3, 88, 108, 0], [1.82, 2, 20, 21, 0], [1.82, 2, 87, 87, 0], [1.82, 2, 106, 106, 0], [1.82, 2, 28, 31, 0], [1.82, 1, 29, 30, 0], [1.82, 1, 28, 28, 0], [1.82, 1, 11, 0, 0], [1.82, 0, 30, 28, 0], [1.82, 0, 29, 29, 0], [1.82, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.82, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.82, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.82, 0, 88, 0, 0], [1.82, 0, 88, 0, 0], [1.82, 0, 0, 88, 0], [2.038, 0, 88, 0, 0], [2.256, -1, 0, 0, 0], [2.474, -1, 0, 0, 0], [2.692, -2, 0, 0, 0], [2.91, -2, 89, 0, 0], [3.128, -2, 89, 0, 0], [3.346, -3, 0, 88, 0], [3.564, -3, 89, 89, 0], [3.782, -4, 91, 0, 0], [4, -4, 0, 0, 0], [3.692, -4, 0, 0, 0], [3.384, -3, 89, 0, 0], [3.076, -3, 86, 0, 0], [2.768, -2, 0, 89, 0], [2.46, -2, 89, 89, 0], [2.152, -2, 0, 0, 0], [1.844, -1, 0, 0, 0], [1.536, -1, 0, 0, 0], [1.5052, -1, 0, 0, 0], [1.7824, -2, 87, 0, 0], [2.0596, -2, 0, 87, 0], [2.3368, -2, 88, 89, 0], [2.614, -2, 0, 0, 0], [2.8912, -2, 0, 0, 0], [3.1684, -3, 0, 0, 0], [3.4456, -3, 88, 0, 0], [3.7228, -3, 88, 0, 0], [4, -3, 0, 86, 0], [4, -2, 87, 89, 0], [4, -2, 0, 0, 0], [4, -2, 0, 0, 0], [4, -1, 0, 0, 0], [4, -1, 86, 0, 0], [4, -1, 86, 87, 0], [4, -1, 0, 89, 0], [4, 0, 88, 89, 0], [4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.75, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.5, 0, 88, 0, 0], [3.25, 0, 89, 0, 0], [3, 0, 0, 87, 0], [2.75, 0, 86, 86, 0], [2.5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.25, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.75, 0, 86, 0, 0], [1.5, 0, 89, 0, 0], [1.25, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 86, 87, 0], [0.75, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.25, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.75, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-1.2, 6, 87, 0, 0], [-1.4, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-1.6, 4, 0, 89, 0], [-1.8, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-2, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-2.2, 2, 7, 0, 0], [-2.4, 1, 87, 0, 0], [-2.6, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-2.8, 0, 0, 89, 0], [-3.4, -1, 7, 89, 0], [-3.8, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-4.2, -2, 7, 0, 0], [-4.6, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -2, 7, 0, 0], [-5, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -1, 7, 86, 0], [-5, -1, 87, 88, 0], [-5, -1, 7, 0, 0], [-5, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -1, 7, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 0, 88, 0], [-5, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 7, 89, 0], [-5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -1, 7, 0, 0], [-5, -2, 105, 86, 0], [-5, -4, 7, 0, 0], [-5, -5, 86, 0, 0], [-5, -6, 7, 105, 0], [-5, -5, 0, 89, 0], [-5, -5, 7, 0, 0], [-5, -4, 86, 88, 0], [-5, -4, 7, 0, 0], [-5, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -2, 7, 88, 0], [-5, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -1, 7, 87, 0], [-5, -1, 88, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 0, 86, 0], [-5, 0, 88, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-4.2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.6, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 87, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.6, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.4, 0, 109, 109, 0], [0, 0, 109, 109, 0], [0.2, 0, 0, 89, 0], [0.4, 0, 110, 110, 0], [0.6, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 108, 109, 0], [1, 0, 121, 0, 0], [1, 0, 121, 0, 0], [1, 0, 121, 0, 0], [1, 0, 121, 87, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 110, 110, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 109, 110, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 108, 110, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 109, 106, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 106, 110, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, -1, 0, 0, 0], [1, -1, 0, 0, 0], [1, -2, 0, 0, 0], [1, -2, 0, 0, 0], [1, -3, 0, 0, 0], [1, -3, 0, 0, 0], [1, -2, 0, 0, 0], [1, -2, 0, 0, 0], [1, -1, 0, 0, 0], [1, -1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 121, 0, 0], [1, 0, 121, 0, 0], [1, 0, 121, 0, 0], [1, 0, 121, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 86, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.75, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.25, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-0.5, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-0.75, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-1, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-1.25, 3, 7, 0, 0], [-1.5, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-1.75, 2, 7, 0, 0], [-2, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-2.25, 1, 7, 0, 0], [-2.5, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.75, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-3, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.25, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-3.5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.75, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.95, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-3.9, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.85, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.75, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-3.7, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.65, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-3.6, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.55, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.45, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.06, 0, 17, 18, 0], [-2.77, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.48, 0, 244, 245, 0], [-2.19, 0, 28, 28, 0], [-1.31, 0, 31, 30, 0], [-0.72, 0, 28, 30, 0], [-0.13, 0, 28, 28, 0], [0.46, 0, 29, 29, 0], [1.05, 0, 11, 245, 0], [1.64, 0, 29, 29, 0], [2.23, 0, 246, 246, 0], [2.82, 0, 245, 7, 0], [3.41, 0, 245, 245, 0], [4, 0, 246, 7, 0], [4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0, 7, 0], [4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0, 7, 0], [4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0, 7, 0], [4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0, 7, 0], [4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0, 7, 0], [4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0, 7, 0], [4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0, 7, 0], [4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4, 0, 89, 7, 0], [4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4, 0, 107, 109, 0], [4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.872, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-0.872, -1, 105, 105, 0], [-0.872, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-0.872, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-0.872, -2, 106, 88, 0], [-0.872, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-0.5848, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-0.2976, -3, 89, 107, 0], [-0.0103999999999999, -3, 0, 0, 0], [0.2768, -2, 0, 16, 0], [0.564, -2, 0, 0, 0], [0.8512, -2, 0, 0, 0], [1.1384, -1, 0, 0, 0], [1.4256, -1, 0, 0, 0], [1.7128, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.7128, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.4256, 0, 0, 7, 0], [1.62456, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.11072, 0, 0, 7, 0], [2.59688, 0, 107, 107, 0], [3.08304, 0, 0, 7, 0], [3.5692, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.05536, 0, 88, 7, 0], [4.54152, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.02768, 0, 0, 7, 0], [5.51384, 0, 109, 109, 0], [6, 0, 0, 7, 0], [5.3128, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.6256, 0, 0, 7, 0], [3.9384, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.2512, 0, 0, 7, 0], [2.564, 0, 110, 110, 0], [1.8768, 0, 0, 7, 0], [1.1896, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.5024, 0, 0, 7, 0], [0.43368, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.05216, 0, 0, 16, 0], [1.67064, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.28912, 0, 0, 7, 0], [2.9076, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.52608, 0, 0, 7, 0], [4.14456, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.76304, 0, 0, 7, 0], [5.38152, 0, 0, 0, 0], [6, 0, 0, 7, 0], [5.38152, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.76304, 0, 0, 7, 0], [4.14456, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.52608, 0, 0, 7, 0], [2.9076, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.28912, 0, 0, 7, 0], [1.67064, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.05216, 0, 0, 7, 0], [0.43368, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.1848, 0, 0, 7, 0], [0.5024, 0, 0, 16, 0], [1.1896, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.8768, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.564, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.2512, 0, 0, 7, 0], [3.9384, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.6256, 0, 0, 7, 0], [5.3128, 0, 0, 0, 0], [6, 0, 0, 7, 0], [5.3128, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.6256, 0, 0, 7, 0], [3.9384, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.2512, 0, 0, 7, 0], [2.564, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.8768, 0, 0, 7, 0], [0.77064, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0.35168, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-0.0672800000000001, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-0.48624, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-0.9052, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-1.32416, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-1.74312, 4, 20, 21, 0], [-2.16208, 5, 0, 0, 1], [-2.58104, 5, 0, 0, 2], [-3, 6, 0, 0, 2], [-2.58104, 5, 0, 0, 2], [-2.16208, 5, 0, 0, 2], [-2.16208, 5, 0, 0, 2], [-2.16208, 5, 0, 0, 2], [-2.16208, 5, 0, 0, 2], [-2.16208, 5, 0, 0, 2], [-2.16208, 5, 0, 0, 2], [-2.16208, 5, 0, 0, 3], [-2.16208, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-2.16208, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-2.16208, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-2.16208, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-1.74312, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-1.32416, 4, 0, 0, 4], [-0.9052, 3, 0, 0, 5], [-0.48624, 2, 105, 88, 5], [-0.0672800000000001, 2, 20, 21, 5], [0.35168, 1, 0, 0, 5], [0.77064, 1, 86, 0, 5], [-0.0672800000000001, 0, 110, 86, 5], [-0.48624, 0, 0, 0, 5], [-0.9052, 0, 105, 108, 5], [-1.32416, 0, 109, 86, 5], [-1.74312, 0, 0, 0, 5], [-2.16208, 1, 87, 86, 5], [-2.58104, 1, 110, 107, 5], [-3, 1, 16, 0, 5], [-2.62, 2, 105, 89, 5], [-2.62, 2, 7, 87, 5], [-2.62, 2, 0, 0, 5], [-2.62, 2, 7, 0, 5], [-2.62, 3, 0, 0, 5], [-2.62, 3, 7, 0, 5], [-2.62, 3, 0, 0, 6], [-2.62, 2, 7, 0, 0], [-2.62, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-2.62, 2, 7, 0, 0], [-2.62, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-2.62, 1, 7, 0, 0], [-2.62, 1, 86, 109, 0], [-2.62, 1, 7, 0, 0], [-2.858, 0, 110, 108, 0], [-3.096, 0, 7, 89, 0], [-3.334, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.572, 0, 7, 87, 0], [-3.81, 0, 106, 110, 0], [-4.048, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-4.286, 0, 106, 88, 0], [-4.524, 0, 7, 105, 0], [-4.762, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 7, 89, 0], [-4.762, 0, 106, 110, 0], [-4.524, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-4.286, 0, 108, 106, 0], [-4.048, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-3.81, 0, 16, 0, 0], [-3.572, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-3.6006, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8672, -1, 7, 0, 0], [-4.1338, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-4.4004, -2, 7, 0, 0], [-4.667, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-4.9336, -3, 7, 0, 0], [-5.2002, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-5.4668, -4, 7, 0, 0], [-5.7334, -5, 0, 0, 0], [-6, -4, 7, 0, 0], [-5.662, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-5.324, -3, 7, 0, 0], [-4.986, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-4.648, -2, 7, 0, 0], [-4.31, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-3.972, -1, 7, 0, 0], [-3.634, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.296, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.958, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.62, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.058, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.496, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.934, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.372, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.19, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.752, 0, 0, 16, 0], [1.314, -1, 0, 0, 0], [1.876, -1, 0, 0, 0], [2.438, -1, 0, 0, 0], [3, -1, 0, 7, 0], [2.78, -2, 0, 0, 0], [2.78, -2, 0, 0, 0], [2.78, -2, 0, 7, 0], [2.78, -3, 0, 0, 0], [2.78, -3, 0, 0, 0], [2.78, -3, 0, 7, 0], [2.78, -2, 0, 0, 0], [2.78, -2, 0, 0, 0], [2.78, -2, 0, 7, 0], [2.78, -1, 0, 0, 0], [2.78, -1, 0, 0, 0], [2.78, -1, 0, 7, 0], [2.78, -1, 0, 0, 0], [2.78, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.102, 0, 0, 7, 0], [3.424, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.746, 0, 0, 7, 0], [4.068, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.39, 0, 0, 7, 0], [4.712, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.034, 0, 0, 7, 0], [5.356, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.678, 0, 0, 7, 0], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.331, 0, 0, 7, 0], [5.072, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.813, 0, 0, 7, 0], [4.554, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.295, 0, 0, 7, 0], [4.036, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.777, 0, 0, 7, 0], [3.518, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.259, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3, 0, 22, 0, 0], [2.972, 0, 245, 23, 0], [2.944, 0, 245, 244, 0], [2.916, 0, 28, 29, 0], [2.888, 0, 29, 183, 0], [2.86, 0, 87, 28, 0], [2.832, 0, 11, 246, 0], [2.804, 0, 29, 29, 0], [2.776, 0, 39, 245, 0], [2.748, 0, 245, 40, 0], [2.72, 0, 89, 245, 0], [2.72, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.72, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.72, 0, 88, 0, 0], [2.72, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.72, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.434, 0, 88, 0, 0], [2.148, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.862, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.576, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.29, -1, 0, 0, 0], [1.004, -1, 0, 0, 0], [0.718, -1, 0, 0, 0], [0.432, -1, 0, 0, 0], [0.146, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-0.14, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-0.426, -2, 110, 106, 0], [-0.712, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-0.998, -2, 108, 107, 0], [-1.284, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-1.57, -1, 107, 109, 0], [-1.856, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.142, -1, 108, 106, 0], [-2.428, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.714, -2, 106, 107, 0], [-3, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-2.428, -2, 106, 107, 0], [-2.428, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-2.428, -2, 106, 107, 0], [-2.428, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-2.428, -3, 109, 108, 0], [-2.428, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-2.0852, -3, 106, 109, 0], [-1.7424, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-1.3996, -2, 108, 109, 0], [-1.0568, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-0.714, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-0.3712, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-0.0284, -3, 0, 0, 0], [0.3144, -4, 0, 0, 0], [0.6572, -4, 0, 0, 0], [1, -4, 0, 0, 0], [1.172, -5, 0, 0, 0], [1.344, -5, 0, 0, 0], [1.516, -4, 0, 0, 0], [1.688, -4, 0, 0, 0], [1.86, -3, 0, 0, 0], [2.032, -3, 0, 0, 0], [2.204, -2, 89, 105, 0], [2.376, -2, 109, 109, 0], [2.548, -1, 105, 88, 0], [2.72, -1, 86, 86, 0], [2.72, 0, 89, 108, 0], [2.72, 0, 107, 107, 0], [2.72, 0, 105, 105, 0], [2.72, 0, 109, 87, 0], [2.72, 0, 88, 0, 0], [2.048, 0, 109, 105, 0], [1.376, 0, 16, 89, 0], [0.704, -1, 88, 0, 0], [0.032, -1, 0, 105, 0], [-0.64, -2, 7, 88, 0], [-1.312, -2, 105, 105, 0], [-1.984, -2, 7, 0, 0], [-2.656, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-3.328, -3, 7, 0, 0], [-4, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-4, -4, 7, 0, 0], [-4, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-4, -5, 7, 0, 0], [-4, -5, 0, 0, 0], [-4, -6, 7, 108, 0], [-4, -6, 0, 107, 0], [-4, -6, 7, 108, 0], [-4, -5, 0, 0, 0], [-4, -5, 7, 0, 0], [-4, -4, 16, 0, 0], [-4, -4, 7, 0, 0], [-4, -4, 0, 108, 0], [-4, -3, 7, 108, 0], [-4.3, -3, 0, 110, 0], [-4.6, -2, 7, 107, 0], [-4.9, -2, 0, 106, 0], [-5.2, -2, 7, 110, 0], [-5.5, -1, 0, 109, 0], [-5.8, -1, 7, 108, 0], [-6.1, 0, 0, 106, 0], [-6.4, 0, 7, 110, 0], [-6.7, 0, 16, 0, 0], [-7, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-7, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-7, 0, 7, 110, 0], [-7, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-7, 0, 7, 108, 0], [-7, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-6.6, -1, 7, 109, 0], [-6.2, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-5.8, -2, 7, 110, 0], [-5.4, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -3, 7, 110, 0], [-4.6, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-4.2, -4, 7, 0, 0], [-3.8, -5, 0, 0, 0], [-3.4, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-3, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-2.6, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-2.2, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-1.8, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-1.4, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-1, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-0.6, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-0.2, -3, 0, 0, 0], [0.2, -3, 0, 0, 0], [0.6, -4, 0, 0, 0], [1, -4, 0, 0, 0], [1.017, -4, 0, 0, 0], [1.034, -5, 0, 0, 0], [1.051, -5, 0, 0, 0], [1.068, -4, 121, 0, 0], [1.085, -4, 0, 0, 0], [1.102, -3, 121, 0, 0], [1.102, -3, 0, 0, 0], [1.102, -2, 121, 0, 0], [1.102, -2, 0, 0, 0], [1.102, -1, 121, 0, 0], [1.102, -1, 0, 0, 0], [1.102, 0, 121, 0, 0], [1.102, -1, 0, 0, 0], [1.102, -2, 0, 0, 0], [1.102, -3, 0, 0, 0], [1.102, -4, 0, 0, 0], [1.102, -5, 0, 0, 0], [1.102, -4, 0, 0, 0], [1.102, -4, 0, 0, 0], [1.102, -3, 0, 0, 0], [1.102, -3, 0, 0, 0], [1.102, -2, 0, 0, 0], [1.102, -2, 121, 0, 0], [1.102, -1, 0, 0, 0], [1.102, -1, 121, 0, 0], [1.102, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.102, 0, 121, 0, 0], [1.102, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.102, 0, 121, 0, 0], [1.102, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.102, 0, 121, 0, 0], [1.102, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.102, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.3918, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.6816, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.9714, 0, 0, 7, 0], [2.2612, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.551, 0, 41, 0, 0], [2.8408, 0, 0, 7, 0], [3.1306, 0, 41, 0, 0], [3.4204, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.7102, 0, 41, 7, 0], [4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.7102, 0, 41, 0, 0], [3.4204, 0, 0, 7, 0], [3.1306, 0, 41, 0, 0], [2.8408, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.0959, 0, 0, 7, 0], [1.6408, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.1857, 0, 121, 0, 0], [0.7306, 0, 121, 0, 0], [0.2755, 0, 121, 0, 0], [-0.1796, 0, 121, 0, 0], [-0.6347, 0, 121, 0, 0], [-1.0898, 0, 121, 0, 0], [-1.5449, 0, 121, 0, 0], [-2, 0, 121, 0, 0], [-1.6864, 0, 121, 0, 0], [-1.3728, 0, 121, 0, 0], [-1.3728, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.3728, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-1.3728, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.3728, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.73552, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-2.09824, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.46096, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.82368, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-3.1864, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.54912, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.91184, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-4.27456, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-4.63728, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-4.48048, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.96096, 0, 0, 23, 0], [-3.44144, 0, 7, 245, 0], [-2.92192, 0, 246, 246, 0], [-2.4024, 0, 245, 25, 0], [-1.88288, 0, 7, 245, 0], [-1.36336, 0, 29, 29, 0], [-0.84384, 0, 29, 30, 0], [-0.32432, 0, 11, 246, 0], [0.1952, 0, 244, 244, 0], [0.1952, 0, 244, 244, 0], [-0.16456, 0, 17, 0, 0], [-0.52432, 0, 0, 21, 0], [-0.88408, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.24384, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.6036, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.96336, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.32312, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.68288, 0, 7, 40, 0], [-3.04264, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.4024, 0, 7, 40, 0], [-3.76216, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-4.12192, 0, 7, 40, 0], [-4.48168, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-4.84144, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-5.2012, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5.56096, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-5.92072, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-6.28048, 2, 7, 0, 0], [-6.64024, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-7, 3, 7, 87, 0], [-6.58725, 4, 110, 0, 0], [-6.1745, 5, 7, 0, 0], [-5.76175, 6, 107, 89, 0], [-5.349, 5, 7, 110, 0], [-4.93625, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-4.5235, 3, 7, 106, 0], [-4.11075, 2, 121, 109, 0], [-3.698, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.28525, 0, 121, 109, 0], [-2.8725, 0, 87, 86, 0], [-2.45975, 0, 121, 0, 0], [-2.047, 0, 109, 87, 0], [-2.047, 0, 121, 89, 0], [-2.047, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.047, 0, 121, 0, 0], [-2.047, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.047, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.69465, 0, 110, 108, 0], [-1.3423, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.98995, 0, 109, 109, 0], [-0.6376, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.28525, 0, 108, 109, 0], [0.0671000000000003, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.41945, 0, 105, 109, 0], [0.7718, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.12415, 0, 110, 110, 0], [1.4765, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.82885, 0, 108, 109, 0], [2.1812, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.53355, 0, 109, 105, 0], [2.8859, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.23825, 0, 107, 106, 0], [3.5906, 0, 0, 16, 0], [3.94295, 0, 105, 109, 0], [4.2953, 0, 0, 16, 0], [4.64765, 0, 106, 109, 0], [5.4, -1, 0, 7, 0], [5.8, -1, 0, 0, 0], [6.2, -2, 0, 7, 0], [6.6, -2, 0, 0, 0], [7, -3, 0, 7, 0], [7, -4, 0, 0, 0], [7, -4, 0, 7, 0], [7, -5, 0, 0, 0], [7, -5, 84, 7, 0], [7, -6, 0, 0, 0], [7, -5, 82, 7, 0], [2.486225, -5, 0, 0, 0], [2.2577, -4, 82, 7, 0], [2.029175, -4, 0, 0, 0], [2.029175, -3, 84, 7, 0], [2.029175, -2, 0, 0, 0], [2.029175, -2, 85, 7, 0], [2.029175, -1, 0, 0, 0], [2.029175, -1, 0, 0, 0], [2.029175, 0, 0, 7, 0], [2.029175, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.029175, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.029175, 0, 0, 7, 0], [2.029175, 0, 83, 0, 0], [2.029175, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.029175, 0, 84, 7, 0], [2.029175, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.029175, 0, 83, 0, 7], [2.029175, 0, 0, 7, 8], [1.80065, -4, 0, 0, 8], [1.80065, -5, 0, 0, 8], [1.80065, -6, 20, 21, 8], [1.80065, -5, 0, 0, 8], [1.80065, 0, 121, 0, 8], [1.80065, 0, 121, 0, 8], [1.80065, 1, 121, 0, 8], [1.80065, 0, 121, 0, 8], [1.80065, 0, 121, 0, 8], [1.80065, -1, 121, 0, 8], [1.80065, -1, 121, 0, 8], [1.80065, -2, 121, 0, 8], [1.80065, -3, 121, 0, 8], [1.80065, -3, 121, 0, 8], [1.80065, -4, 121, 0, 8], [1.80065, -4, 121, 0, 8], [1.80065, -5, 121, 0, 8], [1.80065, -4, 0, 121, 8], [1.80065, -4, 0, 121, 8], [1.80065, -3, 0, 121, 8], [1.80065, -3, 0, 0, 8], [1.80065, -2, 0, 7, 8], [2.029175, -2, 0, 0, 8], [2.2577, -1, 0, 0, 8], [2.486225, -1, 0, 7, 8], [2.943275, 0, 0, 0, 9], [3.62885, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.857375, 0, 0, 7, 0], [4.0859, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.314425, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.54295, 0, 0, 7, 0], [4.771475, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.8, 0, 0, 7, 0], [2.6, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.4, 0, 87, 87, 0], [-1.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.2, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-2.6, 0, 109, 108, 0], [-3, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.4, -1, 7, 110, 0], [-3.8, -1, 16, 108, 0], [-4.2, -2, 0, 110, 0], [-4.6, -2, 7, 0, 0], [-5, -3, 88, 109, 0], [-4.3745, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-4.3745, -4, 7, 110, 0], [-4.3745, -5, 88, 110, 0], [-4.3745, -5, 0, 108, 0], [-4.3745, -6, 7, 0, 0], [-4.3745, 0, 0, 108, 0], [-4.3745, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-4.3745, 0, 0, 108, 0], [-4.3745, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-4.63705, 0, 0, 110, 0], [-4.8996, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-5.16215, 0, 0, 109, 0], [-5.4247, 0, 7, 0, 0], [-5.68725, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5.9498, -1, 7, 0, 0], [-6.21235, -1, 16, 0, 0], [-6.4749, -2, 7, 0, 0], [-6.73745, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-7, -3, 7, 0, 0], [-7, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-7, -4, 7, 0, 0], [-7, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-7, -5, 7, 0, 0], [-7, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-7, -4, 7, 0, 0], [-7, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-7, -3, 7, 0, 4], [-7, -2, 0, 0, 5], [-7, -2, 7, 0, 5], [-7, -1, 0, 0, 5], [-7, -1, 7, 0, 5], [-7, 0, 0, 0, 5], [-7, 0, 7, 0, 5], [-5.48, 0, 0, 0, 5], [-4.66, 0, 7, 0, 5], [-3.84, 0, 0, 0, 5], [-3.02, 0, 0, 0, 5], [-2.2, 0, 20, 21, 6], [-1.38, 1, 0, 0, 0], [4.240375, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.240375, 0, 109, 106, 0], [4.240375, 0, 86, 108, 0], [4.240375, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.240375, 0, 106, 109, 0], [4.240375, 0, 109, 87, 0], [4.240375, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.240375, 0, 108, 109, 0], [4.240375, 0, 89, 110, 0], [4.240375, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.240375, 0, 87, 105, 0], [4.240375, 0, 108, 110, 0], [4.240375, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.240375, 0, 86, 110, 0], [4.240375, 0, 88, 87, 0], [4.240375, 0, 86, 89, 0], [4.240375, 0, 106, 245, 0], [4.240375, 0, 245, 245, 0], [4.240375, 0, 108, 109, 0], [3.3163375, 0, 244, 244, 0], [2.3923, 0, 245, 245, 0], [1.4682625, 0, 110, 106, 0], [0.544225, 0, 244, 245, 0], [-0.3798125, 0, 244, 244, 0], [-1.30385, 0, 107, 109, 0], [-2.2278875, 0, 246, 245, 0], [-3.151925, 0, 246, 246, 0], [-4.0759625, 0, 89, 107, 0], [-5, 0, 246, 245, 0], [-4.0759625, 0, 245, 246, 0], [-3.151925, 0, 246, 246, 0], [-2.2278875, 0, 12, 246, 0], [-1.30385, 0, 245, 246, 0], [-0.3798125, 0, 244, 244, 0], [0.544225, 0, 244, 244, 0], [1.4682625, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.3923, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.3163375, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.240375, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.240375, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 0));
Frame 22
_root.engine.addLevelToLib(new com.neodelight.r3D.Race3DLevel("nihon", 4, new Array([-2.64444444444444, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.06666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.48888888888889, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.911111111111111, 0, 10, 0, 0], [-0.333333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.333333333333333, 0, 178, 178, 0], [0, 0, 100, 0, 0], [0.333333333333333, 0, 68, 0, 0], [0.666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.33333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.66666666666667, 0, 0, 68, 0], [2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.55, 0, 68, 0, 0], [3.1, 0, 119, 0, 0], [3.65, 1, 120, 0, 0], [4.2, 1, 120, 0, 0], [4.75, 1, 120, 0, 0], [4.75, 1, 120, 0, 0], [4.75, 2, 0, 0, 0], [5, 2, 0, 0, 0], [4, 2, 0, 0, 0], [3, 2, 0, 0, 0], [2, 3, 0, 0, 0], [1, 3, 0, 0, 0], [0, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-1, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-2, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-3, 4, 112, 115, 0], [-4, 3, 116, 115, 0], [-5, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-4.5, 1, 114, 111, 0], [-4, 0, 111, 116, 0], [-3.5, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-3, -2, 116, 115, 0], [-2.5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-1.5, 3, 114, 113, 0], [-1, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-0.5, 4, 0, 0, 0], [0.25, 3, 112, 112, 0], [0.5, 3, 0, 0, 0], [0.75, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 114, 113, 0], [1.25, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1.5, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1.75, 1, 0, 0, 0], [2, 1, 0, 0, 0], [2.25, 1, 0, 0, 0], [2.5, 2, 0, 0, 0], [2.75, 2, 111, 114, 0], [3, 3, 0, 0, 0], [3.25, 4, 0, 0, 0], [3.5, 4, 113, 115, 0], [3.75, 5, 0, 0, 0], [4, 5, 0, 0, 0], [4.25, 6, 113, 114, 0], [4.5, 5, 0, 0, 0], [4.75, 5, 0, 0, 0], [4.75, 4, 0, 0, 0], [4.75, 4, 0, 0, 0], [4.75, 3, 0, 0, 0], [4.75, 2, 0, 112, 0], [4.75, 2, 0, 68, 0], [5.4, 1, 0, 0, 0], [6.05, 1, 0, 0, 0], [6.7, 0, 0, 0, 0], [7.35, 0, 0, 0, 0], [8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [7.35, 0, 0, 0, 0], [6.7, 0, 0, 0, 0], [6.05, 1, 0, 68, 0], [5.4, 1, 114, 0, 0], [4.75, 2, 0, 0, 0], [4.75, 2, 0, 0, 0], [4.275, 3, 0, 0, 0], [3.8, 4, 0, 0, 0], [3.325, 4, 112, 114, 0], [2.85, 5, 0, 0, 0], [2.375, 5, 0, 0, 0], [1.9, 6, 0, 0, 0], [1.425, 5, 0, 0, 0], [0.95, 5, 0, 0, 0], [0.475, 4, 0, 0, 0], [0, 4, 0, 0, 0], [0.475, 3, 0, 0, 0], [0.95, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1.425, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1.9, 1, 0, 0, 0], [2.375, 1, 0, 0, 0], [2.85, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.325, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.8, -1, 0, 0, 0], [3.8, -1, 0, 0, 0], [3.22, -2, 0, 0, 0], [2.64, -2, 0, 0, 0], [2.06, -2, 0, 0, 0], [1.48, -3, 0, 0, 0], [0.9, -3, 0, 0, 0], [0.32, -4, 68, 0, 0], [-0.26, -4, 186, 0, 0], [-0.84, -4, 186, 0, 0], [-1.42, -5, 0, 68, 0], [-2, -5, 0, 0, 0], [-2.33333333333333, -6, 68, 0, 0], [-2.66666666666667, -6, 111, 0, 0], [-3, -5, 0, 0, 0], [-3, -4, 186, 0, 0], [-3.3, -3, 186, 0, 0], [-3.6, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-3.9, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-4.2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-4.5, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-4.8, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-5.1, 3, 112, 112, 0], [-5.4, 4, 186, 0, 0], [-5.7, 3, 186, 0, 0], [-6, 2, 68, 0, 0], [-5.02, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-4.04, -1, 112, 112, 0], [-3.06, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-2.08, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-1.49, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-1.88, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.27, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.66, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.05, 0, 112, 112, 0], [-3.44, 0, 68, 0, 0], [-3.83, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-4.22, 0, 100, 0, 0], [-4.61, 0, 99, 104, 0], [-5, 0, 101, 112, 0], [-4.12, 0, 101, 109, 0], [-3.24, 0, 103, 106, 0], [-2.36, 0, 103, 104, 0], [-1.48, 0, 111, 0, 0], [-0.6, 1, 103, 104, 0], [0.28, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1.16, 2, 101, 112, 0], [2.04, 2, 0, 0, 0], [2.92, 3, 101, 109, 0], [3.8, 4, 104, 106, 0], [3.92, 4, 104, 104, 0], [4.04, 5, 103, 109, 0], [4.16, 5, 0, 109, 0], [4.624, 6, 104, 109, 0], [4.968, 5, 101, 106, 0], [5.312, 5, 104, 109, 0], [5.656, 4, 101, 104, 0], [6, 4, 104, 104, 0], [5.8, 3, 0, 0, 0], [5.6, 2, 0, 0, 0], [5.4, 2, 0, 0, 0], [5.2, 1, 111, 111, 0], [5, 1, 0, 0, 0], [5.2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.4, 0, 111, 111, 0], [5.6, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.8, 0, 11, 0, 0], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.68, 0, 111, 111, 0], [5.76, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.84, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.92, 0, 0, 0, 0], [6.4, 0, 111, 111, 0], [6.8, -1, 0, 0, 0], [7.2, -1, 0, 0, 0], [7.6, -1, 0, 0, 0], [8, -2, 0, 0, 0], [7.56, -2, 111, 111, 0], [7.12, -2, 0, 0, 0], [6.68, -3, 0, 0, 0], [6.24, -3, 0, 0, 0], [5.8, -3, 111, 111, 0], [5.8, -4, 0, 0, 0], [6, -4, 0, 0, 0], [5.75, -4, 0, 0, 0], [5.5, -5, 0, 0, 0], [5.25, -5, 0, 0, 0], [5, -6, 0, 0, 0], [5.4, -7, 36, 36, 0], [6.05, -7, 0, 0, 0], [6.7, -8, 0, 0, 0], [7.35, -9, 0, 0, 0], [8, -8, 67, 0, 0], [7.4, -7, 0, 0, 0], [6.8, -6, 68, 68, 0], [6.2, -5, 68, 68, 0], [5.04, -5, 119, 0, 0], [4.48, -5, 120, 0, 0], [3.92, -5, 120, 0, 0], [3.36, -4, 120, 0, 0], [2.8, -4, 120, 0, 0], [2.24, -4, 120, 0, 0], [1.68, -4, 120, 0, 0], [1.12, -4, 120, 0, 0], [0.56, -4, 120, 0, 0], [0, -4, 120, 0, 0], [0.56, -3, 120, 0, 0], [1.12, -3, 120, 0, 0], [1.68, -1, 120, 0, 0], [2.24, 0, 120, 0, 0], [2.52, 0, 120, 0, 0], [2.24, 2, 120, 0, 0], [1.96, 2, 120, 0, 0], [1.012, 3, 120, 0, 0], [0.344, 3, 120, 0, 0], [-0.324, 4, 120, 0, 0], [-0.992, 4, 120, 0, 0], [-1.66, 5, 120, 0, 0], [-2.328, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-3.1964, 6, 0, 0, 0], [-3.3968, 6, 0, 0, 0], [-3.5972, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-3.7976, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-3.998, 4, 115, 111, 0], [-4.1984, 4, 116, 116, 0], [-4.3988, 3, 113, 112, 0], [-4.5992, 2, 111, 114, 0], [-4.7996, 3, 105, 111, 0], [-5, 3, 103, 112, 0], [-5.06976, 4, 111, 116, 0], [-5.13952, 4, 177, 177, 0], [-5.20928, 4, 114, 113, 0], [-5.27904, 5, 115, 111, 0], [-5.3488, 5, 113, 116, 0], [-5.41856, 6, 177, 177, 0], [-5.48832, 6, 113, 113, 0], [-5.55808, 5, 115, 111, 0], [-5.62784, 5, 116, 115, 0], [-5.6976, 4, 177, 177, 0], [-5.6976, 5, 114, 116, 0], [-5.6976, 5, 111, 113, 0], [-5.6976, 6, 36, 36, 0], [-5.6976, 6, 119, 114, 0], [-5.6976, 6, 120, 0, 0], [-4.82784, 7, 120, 0, 0], [-3.95808, 7, 120, 0, 0], [-2.279488, 8, 120, 0, 0], [-1.470656, 8, 120, 0, 0], [-0.661824, 7, 120, 0, 0], [0.147008, 6, 0, 0, 0], [0.95584, 6, 0, 0, 0], [1.764672, 5, 116, 116, 0], [2.573504, 4, 113, 116, 1], [3.382336, 3, 115, 111, 2], [4.191168, 2, 127, 114, 2], [5, 2, 111, 111, 2], [5.6, 1, 127, 112, 2], [6.2, 0, 111, 114, 2], [6.8, 0, 116, 116, 2], [7.4, 0, 114, 176, 2], [8, 0, 116, 111, 2], [6.82, 0, 114, 115, 2], [5.64, 0, 114, 115, 2], [4.46, 0, 111, 113, 2], [3.28, 0, 114, 177, 2], [2.1, 0, 116, 111, 2], [2.1, 0, 114, 115, 2], [2.1, 0, 111, 177, 2], [2.39, 0, 114, 115, 2], [2.68, 0, 114, 116, 2], [2.97, 0, 116, 177, 2], [3.26, -1, 112, 115, 2], [3.55, -1, 115, 115, 2], [3.84, -2, 113, 177, 3], [4.13, -2, 177, 114, 4], [4.42, -2, 111, 115, 5], [4.71, -3, 113, 111, 5], [5, -3, 177, 112, 5], [3.739, -4, 113, 114, 5], [2.768, -4, 111, 114, 5], [1.797, -4, 177, 114, 5], [0.826, -3, 112, 114, 5], [-0.145, -3, 114, 111, 5], [-1.116, -2, 177, 115, 5], [-2.087, -2, 113, 111, 5], [-3.058, -2, 114, 112, 6], [-4.029, -1, 116, 115, 0], [-5, -1, 112, 116, 0], [-4.361, 0, 113, 112, 0], [-4.432, 0, 111, 114, 1], [-4.503, -1, 114, 113, 2], [-4.574, -1, 115, 115, 2], [-4.645, -2, 113, 112, 2], [-4.716, -2, 114, 111, 2], [-4.787, -2, 113, 113, 2], [-4.8722, -3, 176, 112, 2], [-4.8864, -3, 113, 115, 2], [-4.9006, -4, 114, 112, 2], [-4.9148, -4, 115, 116, 2], [-4.929, -4, 116, 115, 3], [-4.9432, -3, 113, 113, 0], [-4.9574, -3, 111, 115, 0], [-4.9716, -2, 111, 113, 0], [-4.9858, -2, 116, 114, 0], [-5, -2, 111, 114, 0], [-5, -1, 116, 111, 0], [-5, -1, 111, 114, 0], [-5, 0, 111, 112, 0], [-5, 0, 114, 114, 0], [-5, -1, 114, 114, 0], [-5, -1, 116, 111, 0], [-5, -2, 111, 116, 0], [-4.2, -2, 116, 114, 0], [-3.4, -2, 36, 36, 0], [-2.6, -3, 119, 0, 0], [-1.8, -3, 120, 0, 0], [-1, -4, 120, 0, 0], [-0.2, -4, 120, 0, 0], [0.6, -4, 120, 0, 0], [1.4, -3, 120, 0, 0], [2.2, -3, 0, 0, 0], [3, -2, 0, 0, 0], [2.2, -2, 0, 0, 0], [1.4, -2, 0, 0, 0], [0.84, -1, 0, 0, 0], [1.08, -2, 0, 0, 0], [1.32, -3, 0, 0, 0], [1.56, -3, 0, 0, 0], [1.8, -4, 0, 0, 0], [2.04, -5, 0, 0, 0], [2.28, -6, 0, 0, 0], [2.868, -7, 112, 116, 0], [3.216, -7, 112, 112, 0], [3.564, -8, 114, 115, 0], [3.912, -9, 113, 112, 0], [4.26, -8, 113, 113, 0], [4.608, -7, 112, 111, 0], [4.956, -6, 11, 113, 0], [5.304, -5, 114, 115, 0], [5.652, -4, 114, 112, 0], [6, -4, 0, 0, 0], [5.01, -3, 36, 36, 0], [5.12, -2, 119, 0, 0], [5.23, -1, 120, 0, 0], [5.34, 0, 120, 0, 0], [5.45, 0, 120, 0, 0], [5.56, 0, 120, 0, 0], [5.67, 0, 120, 0, 0], [5.78, 0, 120, 0, 0], [5.89, 0, 120, 0, 0], [6, 1, 120, 0, 0], [4.978, 2, 0, 0, 0], [3.8256, 2, 0, 0, 0], [3.6952, 3, 127, 127, 0], [3.5648, 4, 118, 127, 0], [3.4344, 5, 117, 117, 0], [3.304, 6, 127, 117, 0], [3.1736, 6, 127, 117, 0], [3.0432, 7, 127, 127, 0], [2.9128, 8, 117, 118, 0], [2.7824, 7, 118, 117, 0], [2.652, 6, 117, 118, 0], [2.5216, 6, 118, 127, 0], [2.3912, 5, 117, 127, 0], [2.2608, 4, 117, 118, 0], [2.1304, 3, 127, 127, 0], [2, 2, 118, 127, 0], [0, 2, 117, 117, 0], [-2, 1, 117, 117, 0], [-4, 0, 127, 118, 0], [-4, 0, 118, 118, 0], [-4, 0, 117, 127, 0], [-4, 0, 117, 117, 0], [-4, 0, 116, 115, 0], [-4, 0, 118, 118, 0], [-4, 0, 116, 115, 0], [-4, 0, 68, 118, 0], [-4, -1, 114, 116, 0], [-4, -1, 118, 117, 0], [-4, 0, 115, 114, 0], [-4, 1, 117, 113, 0], [-3.3, 2, 115, 116, 0], [-2.6, 3, 118, 127, 0], [-1.9, 4, 115, 115, 0], [-1.2, 5, 127, 113, 0], [-0.5, 6, 114, 116, 0], [0.2, 7, 118, 117, 0], [0.9, 8, 115, 116, 0], [1.6, 7, 117, 127, 0], [2.3, 6, 114, 114, 0], [3, 6, 118, 118, 0], [2, 5, 115, 115, 0], [1, 4, 118, 117, 0], [0.428571428571429, 3, 116, 116, 0], [0.857142857142857, 2, 118, 0, 0], [1.28571428571429, 2, 115, 114, 0], [1.71428571428571, 1, 118, 127, 0], [2.14285714285714, 0, 116, 115, 0], [2.57142857142857, 0, 118, 118, 0], [3, 0, 115, 115, 0], [2, 0, 118, 127, 0], [1, 0, 114, 116, 0], [0, 1, 118, 118, 0], [-1, 2, 116, 115, 0], [-2, 2, 118, 117, 0], [-3, 3, 116, 114, 0], [-4, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-4.6, 5, 116, 116, 0], [-5.2, 6, 117, 127, 0], [-5.8, 6, 116, 114, 0], [-6.4, 7, 127, 117, 0], [-7, 8, 127, 118, 0], [-6.4, 7, 117, 127, 0], [-5.8, 6, 118, 117, 0], [-5.2, 6, 117, 127, 0], [-4.6, 5, 177, 117, 0], [-4, 4, 178, 127, 0], [-4, 3, 177, 118, 0], [-4, 2, 127, 118, 0], [-4.1, 2, 117, 117, 0], [-4.2, 1, 127, 117, 0], [-4.3, 0, 127, 118, 0], [-4.4, 0, 117, 127, 0], [-4.5, 0, 117, 117, 0], [-4.6, 0, 117, 118, 0], [-4.7, 0, 111, 127, 0], [-4.8, 0, 117, 117, 0], [-4.9, 0, 127, 117, 0], [-5, 0, 127, 117, 0], [-5.66666666666667, 0, 127, 117, 0], [-6.33333333333333, 0, 117, 118, 0], [-7, 0, 117, 118, 0], [-6.57142857142857, 0, 118, 127, 0], [-6.14285714285714, -1, 114, 113, 0], [-5.71428571428571, -1, 115, 112, 0], [-5.28571428571429, -1, 113, 111, 0], [-3.87142857142857, -1, 118, 111, 0], [-2.88571428571429, -1, 117, 114, 0], [-1.9, -2, 112, 111, 0], [-0.914285714285714, -2, 115, 116, 0], [0.0714285714285715, -2, 118, 118, 0], [1.05714285714286, -2, 117, 127, 0], [2.04285714285714, -2, 117, 118, 0], [3.02857142857143, -1, 118, 117, 0], [4.01428571428571, -1, 118, 118, 0], [5, -1, 117, 118, 0], [4.1, 0, 118, 127, 0], [3.2, 0, 117, 104, 0], [2.3, 0, 117, 106, 0], [1.4, 1, 118, 105, 0], [0.5, 1, 118, 117, 0], [-0.4, 1, 127, 117, 0], [-1.3, 1, 117, 127, 0], [-1.3, 2, 127, 127, 0], [-0.3875, 2, 117, 117, 0], [0.525, 1, 118, 118, 0], [1.4375, 0, 118, 118, 0], [2.35, -1, 111, 117, 0], [3.2625, -2, 186, 127, 0], [4.175, -3, 186, 112, 0], [5.0875, -2, 183, 113, 0], [6, -2, 0, 0, 0], [4.78020833333333, -1, 0, 0, 0], [3.56041666666667, -1, 0, 0, 0], [2.56223958333333, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.78385416666667, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.00546875, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.22708333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.44869791666667, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.6703125, 0, 0, 116, 0], [3.89192708333333, 0, 0, 127, 0], [4.11354166666667, 0, 113, 116, 0], [4.33515625, 0, 113, 127, 0], [4.55677083333333, 0, 113, 113, 0], [4.77838541666667, 0, 68, 68, 0], [5, 0, 111, 113, 0], [5.5, 0, 68, 111, 0], [6, 1, 127, 112, 0], [6.5, 1, 112, 113, 0], [7, 2, 127, 113, 0], [7.5, 2, 112, 68, 0], [8, 3, 113, 68, 0], [6.24357638888889, 4, 112, 111, 0], [4.48715277777778, 4, 68, 113, 0], [2.73072916666667, 5, 0, 0, 0], [0.974305555555553, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-0.782118055555558, 5, 68, 113, 0], [-2.53854166666667, 5, 112, 68, 0], [-2.71436011904762, 6, 68, 113, 0], [-2.89017857142857, 6, 113, 111, 0], [-3.06599702380953, 6, 127, 111, 0], [-3.24181547619048, 6, 0, 0, 0], [-3.41763392857143, 6, 113, 117, 0], [-3.59345238095238, 6, 127, 114, 0], [-3.76927083333333, 7, 178, 0, 0], [-3.94508928571429, 7, 127, 114, 0], [-4.12090773809524, 8, 0, 111, 0], [-4.29672619047619, 8, 0, 0, 0], [-3.82529017857143, 9, 0, 0, 0], [-3.17803571428571, 7, 0, 0, 0], [-2.53078125, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-1.88352678571429, 4, 11, 0, 0], [-1.23627232142857, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-0.589017857142857, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.058236607142857, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.705491071428571, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.35274553571429, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 0, 112, 112, 0], [2.8, 0, 113, 111, 0], [3.6, 0, 68, 111, 0], [4.4, 0, 114, 68, 0], [5.2, 0, 111, 112, 0], [5.2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.2, 0, 109, 107, 0], [5.2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.2, 0, 108, 111, 0], [5.2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.56, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.92, 0, 106, 108, 0], [6.28, 0, 0, 0, 0], [6.64, 0, 0, 0, 0], [7, 0, 0, 0, 0], [6.64, 0, 0, 0, 0], [6.28, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.92, 0, 112, 110, 0], [5.56, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.2, 1, 0, 0, 0], [5.2, 1, 174, 175, 0], [5.2, 2, 0, 0, 0], [5.2, 2, 112, 112, 0], [5.2, 3, 0, 0, 0], [5.2, 4, 0, 0, 0], [5.2, 4, 102, 103, 0], [5.2, 5, 0, 102, 0], [5.2, 5, 0, 0, 0], [5.2, 6, 102, 106, 0], [5.2, 7, 0, 0, 0], [5.2, 7, 0, 0, 0], [5.2, 8, 0, 0, 0], [5.2, 8, 0, 0, 0], [5.2, 9, 0, 0, 0], [5.2, 7, 106, 106, 0], [5.2, 5, 0, 0, 0], [6, 4, 112, 68, 0], [4.22, 2, 127, 113, 0], [2.44, 0, 68, 113, 0], [1.896, 0, 127, 111, 0], [1.352, 0, 68, 112, 0], [0.808, 0, 127, 112, 0], [0.264, 0, 127, 111, 0], [-0.28, 0, 111, 112, 0], [-0.824, 0, 127, 68, 0], [-1.368, 1, 68, 113, 0], [-1.912, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.456, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-3, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-3, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-3, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-3, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-3.08333333333333, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-3.16666666666667, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-3.25, 6, 0, 0, 0], [-3.33333333333333, 7, 0, 0, 0], [-3.41666666666667, 7, 0, 0, 0], [-3.5, 8, 0, 0, 0], [-3.58333333333333, 8, 0, 0, 0], [-3.66666666666667, 9, 0, 0, 0], [-3.75, 7, 0, 0, 0], [-3.83333333333333, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-3.91666666666667, 4, 111, 113, 0], [-4, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-4.5, 1, 109, 114, 0], [-5.3, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-5.6, 3, 114, 112, 0], [-5.9, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-6.2, 5, 110, 110, 0], [-6.5, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-6.8, 6, 113, 111, 0], [-7.1, 7, 0, 0, 0], [-7.4, 8, 0, 0, 0], [-7.7, 9, 0, 0, 0], [-8, 7, 0, 0, 0], [-7.43, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-6.86, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-6.29, 2, 109, 112, 0], [-5.72, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5.15, 0, 111, 114, 0], [-4.58, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-4.01, 0, 110, 111, 0], [-3.096, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.752, 0, 112, 112, 0], [-2.408, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.064, 0, 111, 114, 0], [-2.176, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.632, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-3.088, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-3.544, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-4, 5, 104, 108, 0], [-3.544, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-3.088, 6, 0, 0, 0], [-2.632, 7, 0, 0, 0], [-2.176, 8, 0, 0, 0], [-0.576, 9, 0, 0, 0], [0.568, 7, 0, 0, 0], [1.712, 5, 0, 0, 0], [2.856, 4, 0, 0, 0], [4, 2, 0, 0, 0], [2.856, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.712, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.712, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.0544, 0, 111, 0, 0], [2.0544, 0, 109, 109, 0], [3.3696, 0, 108, 0, 0], [4.6848, 0, 111, 108, 0], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.71733333333333, 0, 110, 111, 0], [3.43466666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.152, 0, 111, 106, 0], [0.869333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.869333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.00702222222222, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.14471111111111, 0, 109, 109, 0], [1.2824, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.42008888888889, 1, 111, 108, 0], [1.55777777777778, 2, 110, 109, 0], [1.69546666666667, 3, 104, 104, 0], [1.69546666666667, 4, 107, 109, 0], [1.83315555555556, 5, 108, 107, 0], [1.97084444444444, 5, 0, 101, 0], [2.10853333333333, 6, 106, 108, 0], [2.24622222222222, 7, 108, 109, 0], [2.38391111111111, 8, 100, 103, 0], [2.5216, 9, 107, 111, 0], [2.65928888888889, 7, 107, 108, 0], [2.79697777777778, 5, 104, 100, 0], [2.93466666666667, 4, 108, 106, 0], [3.07235555555556, 2, 107, 109, 0], [3.21004444444444, 0, 100, 100, 0], [3.34773333333333, 0, 108, 107, 0], [3.48542222222222, 0, 108, 107, 0], [3.62311111111111, 0, 0, 101, 0], [3.7608, 0, 108, 107, 0], [3.89848888888889, 0, 107, 111, 0], [4.03617777777778, 0, 100, 104, 0], [4.17386666666667, 0, 110, 109, 0], [4.31155555555556, 0, 110, 111, 0], [4.44924444444444, 0, 99, 99, 0], [4.58693333333333, 0, 107, 110, 0], [4.72462222222222, 0, 109, 110, 0], [4.86231111111111, 0, 102, 99, 0], [5, 0, 106, 108, 0], [4.2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.4, 1, 100, 103, 0], [2.6, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1.8, 3, 0, 0, 0], [1, 4, 0, 0, 0], [0.2, 5, 100, 104, 0], [-0.6, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-0.76, 6, 0, 0, 0], [-0.12, 7, 103, 99, 0], [0.52, 8, 109, 106, 0], [1.16, 9, 0, 0, 0], [1.8, 7, 108, 109, 0], [2.44, 5, 0, 0, 0], [3.08, 4, 108, 108, 0], [3.72, 2, 104, 100, 0], [4.688, 0, 111, 106, 0], [5.016, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.344, 0, 109, 106, 0], [5.672, 0, 0, 0, 0], [6, 0, 106, 110, 0], [5.8, -1, 104, 0, 0], [5.6, -1, 107, 110, 0], [5.4, -1, 0, 0, 0], [5.2, -1, 111, 111, 0], [5, -2, 0, 0, 0], [5, -2, 109, 108, 0], [5, -2, 103, 101, 0], [5, -3, 106, 110, 0], [5, -3, 0, 0, 0], [5, -4, 108, 108, 0], [5, -5, 0, 0, 0], [5, -7, 109, 108, 0], [5, -8, 103, 102, 0], [5, -9, 109, 108, 0], [4.5, -7, 0, 0, 0], [4, -5, 111, 109, 0], [3.5, -4, 0, 0, 0], [3, -2, 111, 109, 0], [2.5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 0, 11, 0, 0], [1.5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 175, 0, 0], [0.5, -1, 109, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -1, 112, 68, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -1, 111, 113, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -2, 68, 68, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -2, 112, 113, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -2, 127, 112, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -3, 112, 127, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -4, 112, 112, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -5, 112, 113, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -7, 111, 68, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -8, 113, 68, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -9, 0, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -7, 0, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -5, 36, 36, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -4, 119, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -2, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, 0, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, 0, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, 0, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, 0, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, 0, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, 0, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, 0, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, 0, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, 0, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, 0, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, 0, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, 0, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -1, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -1, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -2, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -2, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -5, 0, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -5, 36, 36, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -6, 119, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -5, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -5, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -4, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -4, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -3, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -2, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -2, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -1, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -1, 120, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-0.133333333333333, -2, 0, 0, 0], [0.18, -2, 36, 36, 0], [0.493333333333333, -3, 119, 0, 0], [0.806666666666667, -4, 120, 0, 0], [1.12, -4, 120, 0, 0], [1.43333333333333, -5, 120, 0, 0], [1.74666666666667, -5, 120, 0, 0], [2.06, -6, 120, 0, 0], [2.37333333333333, -5, 120, 0, 0], [2.68666666666667, -5, 120, 0, 0], [3, -4, 120, 0, 0], [3.66666666666667, -4, 120, 0, 0], [4.54166666666667, -3, 120, 0, 0], [4.75, -2, 120, 0, 0], [4.95833333333333, -2, 120, 0, 0], [5.16666666666667, -1, 120, 0, 0], [5.375, -1, 120, 0, 0], [5.58333333333333, 0, 120, 0, 0], [5.79166666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.38095238095238, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.76190476190476, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.14285714285714, 1, 0, 0, 0], [3.52380952380952, 2, 0, 0, 0], [2.9047619047619, 2, 0, 0, 0], [2.28571428571429, 3, 0, 0, 0], [2.28571428571429, 4, 0, 0, 0], [2.28571428571429, 5, 0, 0, 0], [2.28571428571429, 5, 0, 0, 0], [2.75, 6, 0, 0, 0], [3.21428571428571, 5, 113, 68, 0], [3.67857142857143, 5, 113, 68, 0], [4.14285714285714, 4, 111, 68, 0], [4.60714285714286, 3, 113, 177, 0], [5.07142857142857, 2, 112, 112, 0], [5.53571428571429, 2, 113, 176, 0], [6, 1, 68, 116, 0], [5.38095238095238, 0, 111, 177, 0], [4.76190476190476, 0, 111, 68, 0], [4.14285714285714, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.52380952380952, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.9047619047619, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.28571428571429, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.55714285714286, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.828571428571428, -1, 0, 0, 0], [0.1, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-0.628571428571429, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-1.35714285714286, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-2.08571428571429, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-2.81428571428571, -3, 36, 36, 0], [-3.54285714285714, -2, 119, 0, 0], [-4.27142857142857, -2, 120, 0, 0], [-5, -1, 120, 0, 0], [-4.27142857142857, 0, 120, 0, 0], [-3.54285714285714, 0, 120, 0, 0], [-2.81428571428571, 0, 120, 0, 0], [-2.08571428571429, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.0238095238095238, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.714285714285714, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.4047619047619, 1, 0, 0, 0], [2.0952380952381, 2, 0, 0, 0], [2.78571428571429, 3, 0, 0, 0], [3.47619047619048, 4, 0, 0, 0], [4.16666666666667, 5, 0, 0, 0], [4.85714285714286, 5, 0, 0, 0], [5.54761904761905, 6, 0, 0, 0], [6.23809523809524, 7, 0, 0, 0], [6.92857142857143, 8, 0, 0, 0], [7.61904761904762, 9, 112, 0, 0], [8.30952380952381, 8, 0, 0, 0], [9, 7, 0, 117, 0], [8.43174603174603, 6, 0, 113, 0], [7.86349206349206, 5, 0, 0, 0], [7.2952380952381, 5, 0, 0, 0], [6.72698412698413, 4, 0, 0, 0], [6.15873015873016, 3, 0, 112, 0], [5.59047619047619, 2, 0, 112, 0], [5.02222222222222, 1, 0, 111, 0], [4.45396825396825, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.88571428571429, 0, 36, 36, 0], [3.88571428571429, 0, 119, 0, 0], [3.88571428571429, 0, 120, 0, 0], [3.88571428571429, 0, 120, 0, 0], [3.02666666666667, 0, 120, 0, 0], [2.16761904761905, 0, 120, 0, 0], [1.30857142857143, -1, 120, 0, 0], [0.449523809523809, -2, 120, 0, 0], [-0.40952380952381, -2, 120, 0, 0], [-1.26857142857143, -3, 120, 0, 0], [-2.12761904761905, -4, 120, 0, 0], [-2.98666666666667, -3, 120, 0, 0], [-3.84571428571429, -2, 120, 0, 0], [-4.7047619047619, -2, 120, 0, 0], [-5.56380952380952, -1, 120, 0, 0], [-6.42285714285714, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-7.28190476190476, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-8.14095238095238, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-9, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-8.42222222222222, 0, 127, 113, 0], [-8.0095238095238, 0, 127, 68, 0], [-8.17460317460317, 0, 127, 113, 0], [-8.33968253968254, 0, 113, 113, 0], [-8.5047619047619, 0, 111, 127, 0], [-8.66984126984127, 0, 112, 113, 0], [-8.83492063492063, 1, 127, 113, 0], [-9, 2, 111, 111, 0], [-8.5296875, 3, 127, 111, 0], [-8.059375, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-7.5890625, 5, 108, 106, 0], [-7.11875, 5, 107, 105, 0], [-6.6484375, 6, 68, 108, 0], [-6.178125, 7, 106, 68, 0], [-5.7078125, 8, 107, 106, 0], [-5.2375, 9, 109, 108, 0], [-5.2375, 8, 113, 106, 0], [-4.7, 7, 105, 113, 0], [-4.7, 6, 68, 111, 0], [-4.85, 5, 112, 113, 0], [-5, 5, 113, 106, 0], [-4.82857142857143, 4, 68, 112, 0], [-3.79142857142857, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-2.92571428571429, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-2.06, 1, 111, 112, 0], [-1.19428571428572, 0, 110, 109, 0], [-0.32857142857143, 0, 113, 68, 0], [0.537142857142856, -1, 108, 113, 0], [1.40285714285714, -2, 107, 68, 0], [2.26857142857143, -2, 109, 111, 0], [3.13428571428571, -3, 105, 113, 0], [4, -4, 111, 106, 0], [3.832, -3, 105, 108, 0], [3.664, -2, 106, 127, 0], [3.496, -2, 0, 178, 0], [3.328, -2, 0, 127, 0], [3.16, -2, 113, 111, 0], [2.992, -3, 105, 112, 0], [2.824, -3, 105, 105, 0], [2.656, -4, 111, 110, 0], [2.488, -3, 177, 105, 0], [2.32, -2, 175, 110, 0], [2.32, -2, 177, 106, 0], [1.64, -1, 110, 106, 0], [0.96, 0, 112, 109, 0], [0.28, 0, 113, 110, 0], [-0.4, 0, 176, 176, 0], [-1.08, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.76, 0, 105, 108, 0], [-2.44, 0, 176, 176, 0], [-3.12, 0, 108, 112, 0], [-3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8, 0, 176, 176, 0], [-3.8, 0, 12, 112, 0], [-3.8, 0, 109, 68, 0], [-3.8, 0, 109, 106, 0], [-3.8, 0, 111, 107, 0], [-3.8, 0, 112, 109, 0], [-3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.22222222222222, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 0));
Frame 23
_root.engine.addLevelToLib(new com.neodelight.r3D.Race3DLevel("ice", 1, new Array([2.78, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.53333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.53333333333333, 0, 184, 0, 0], [2.8, 1, 0, 181, 0], [3.06666666666667, 2, 10, 0, 0], [3.33333333333333, 3, 0, 0, 0], [3.6, 4, 0, 0, 0], [3.86666666666667, 5, 150, 149, 0], [4.13333333333333, 5, 0, 0, 0], [4.4, 6, 0, 0, 0], [4.66666666666667, 6, 149, 155, 0], [4.93333333333333, 7, 0, 0, 0], [5.2, 6, 0, 0, 0], [5.46666666666667, 5, 150, 156, 0], [5.73333333333333, 5, 0, 0, 0], [6, 4, 0, 0, 0], [5.672, 4, 152, 156, 0], [5.344, 4, 0, 0, 0], [5.016, 4, 0, 0, 0], [4.688, 4, 150, 149, 0], [4.36, 4, 0, 0, 0], [4.032, 3, 0, 0, 0], [3.704, 3, 153, 149, 0], [3.376, 2, 0, 0, 0], [3.048, 2, 0, 0, 0], [2.72, 2, 155, 151, 0], [2.392, 2, 0, 0, 0], [2.064, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1.736, 2, 153, 150, 0], [1.408, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1.08, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1.08, 2, 152, 152, 0], [1.08, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1.08, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1.08, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1.08, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1.08, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1.08, 2, 152, 151, 0], [1.08, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1.08, 2, 150, 150, 0], [1.08, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1.08, 2, 150, 152, 0], [1.08, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1.08, 2, 150, 151, 0], [1.08, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1.08, 2, 151, 151, 0], [0.626666666666666, 2, 0, 0, 0], [0.173333333333333, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-0.28, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-0.733333333333334, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-1.18666666666667, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-1.64, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-2.09333333333333, 2, 152, 151, 0], [-2.54666666666667, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-3, 2, 151, 151, 0], [-3.6, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-4.2, 2, 152, 151, 0], [-4.8, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-5.4, 2, 152, 150, 0], [-6, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8, 3, 150, 151, 0], [-1.6, 3, 0, 0, 0], [0.6, 3, 150, 152, 0], [2.8, 3, 0, 0, 0], [5, 3, 150, 150, 0], [5, 4, 0, 0, 0], [5, 4, 151, 150, 0], [5, 4, 0, 0, 0], [3, 4, 150, 151, 0], [1, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-1, 5, 152, 152, 0], [-3, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-3.69333333333333, 5, 150, 152, 0], [-2.448, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-2.50933333333333, 6, 150, 150, 0], [-2.57066666666667, 6, 0, 0, 0], [-2.632, 6, 151, 150, 0], [-2.69333333333333, 7, 0, 0, 0], [-2.75466666666667, 7, 150, 152, 0], [-2.816, 8, 0, 0, 0], [-2.87733333333333, 8, 151, 152, 0], [-2.93866666666667, 9, 0, 0, 0], [-3, 9, 122, 0, 0], [-3.4, 10, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8, 7, 0, 0, 0], [-4.2, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-4.6, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.95466666666667, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-2.90933333333333, -2, 122, 0, 0], [-1.864, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-0.818666666666667, -1, 0, 0, 0], [0.226666666666666, -1, 0, 0, 0], [0.226666666666666, 0, 122, 0, 0], [0.226666666666666, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.0960000000000004, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-0.418666666666667, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-0.741333333333334, 1, 122, 0, 0], [-1.064, 1, 123, 0, 0], [-1.38666666666667, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-1.70933333333333, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.032, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.35466666666667, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.67733333333333, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-3, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.33333333333333, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.66666666666667, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-4, 1, 123, 0, 0], [-3.5, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-3, 1, 123, 0, 0], [-2.5, 1, 123, 0, 0], [-2, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-1.25777777777778, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-0.515555555555556, 1, 122, 0, 0], [0.48, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0.733333333333333, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0.986666666666666, 1, 123, 0, 0], [1.24, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1.49333333333333, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1.74666666666667, 1, 123, 0, 0], [2, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1.74666666666667, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1.49333333333333, 1, 122, 0, 0], [1.24, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0.986666666666666, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0.733333333333333, 1, 123, 0, 0], [0.48, 2, 0, 0, 0], [0.226666666666666, 2, 0, 0, 0], [0.226666666666666, 2, 124, 0, 0], [0.781333333333333, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1.336, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1.89066666666667, 3, 124, 0, 0], [2.44533333333333, 3, 0, 0, 0], [1.9, 3, 0, 0, 0], [0.8, 1, 123, 0, 0], [-0.3, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-1.4, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-2.5, -5, 0, 0, 0], [-3.6, -4, 153, 0, 0], [-4.7, -3, 154, 0, 0], [-5.8, -2, 153, 0, 0], [-6.9, -2, 154, 0, 0], [-8, -2, 153, 0, 0], [-7.17733333333333, -2, 154, 0, 0], [-6.35466666666667, -2, 153, 0, 0], [-5.532, -2, 154, 0, 0], [-4.70933333333333, -2, 153, 0, 0], [-3.88666666666667, -2, 154, 0, 0], [-3.064, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-2.24133333333333, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-1.41866666666667, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-0.596, -2, 0, 0, 0], [0.226666666666666, -2, 0, 0, 0], [0.226666666666666, -2, 0, 0, 0], [0.226666666666666, -2, 0, 0, 0], [0.226666666666666, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-0.496, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-1.21866666666667, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-1.94133333333333, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-2.664, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-3.38666666666667, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-4.10933333333333, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-4.832, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5.55466666666667, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-6.27733333333333, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-6.27733333333333, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-6.27733333333333, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-6.27733333333333, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-6.27733333333333, 1, 152, 152, 0], [-6.27733333333333, 1, 153, 153, 0], [-6.27733333333333, 1, 11, 0, 0], [-6.27733333333333, 1, 153, 153, 0], [-6.27733333333333, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-6.27733333333333, 1, 179, 0, 0], [-6.27733333333333, 1, 183, 0, 0], [-7, 1, 179, 0, 0], [-6.14666666666667, 1, 158, 0, 0], [-5.29333333333333, 1, 179, 0, 0], [-4.44, 1, 179, 0, 0], [-3.944, 2, 181, 181, 0], [-3.448, 2, 181, 181, 0], [-2.952, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-2.456, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-1.96, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-1.464, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-0.968, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-0.472, 5, 0, 0, 0], [0.024, 5, 0, 0, 0], [0.52, 4, 0, 0, 0], [1.016, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1.512, 1, 0, 0, 0], [2.008, -1, 0, 0, 0], [2.504, -2, 0, 0, 0], [3, -1, 0, 0, 0], [3.2, -1, 0, 0, 0], [3.4, -1, 0, 0, 0], [3.6, -1, 0, 0, 0], [3.8, -2, 0, 0, 0], [4, -2, 0, 0, 0], [3.6, -3, 0, 0, 0], [3.6, -4, 0, 0, 0], [3.6, -4, 0, 0, 0], [3.6, -5, 123, 0, 0], [3.6, -5, 0, 0, 0], [3.6, -6, 0, 0, 0], [3.6, -6, 124, 0, 0], [3.6, -6, 0, 0, 0], [3.6, -6, 0, 0, 0], [3.6, -6, 124, 0, 0], [3.6, -6, 0, 0, 0], [3.6, -6, 0, 0, 0], [3.6, -6, 123, 0, 0], [3.84, -6, 0, 0, 0], [4.08, -6, 0, 0, 0], [4.32, -6, 124, 0, 0], [4.56, -6, 0, 0, 0], [4.8, -6, 0, 0, 0], [5.04, -6, 122, 0, 0], [5.28, -6, 124, 0, 0], [5.52, -6, 0, 0, 0], [5.76, -6, 122, 0, 0], [6, -6, 123, 0, 0], [5.76, -6, 0, 0, 0], [5.52, -6, 123, 0, 0], [5.28, -6, 123, 0, 0], [5.04, -6, 0, 0, 0], [4.8, -6, 122, 0, 0], [4.56, -6, 124, 0, 0], [4.32, -6, 0, 0, 0], [4.08, -6, 123, 0, 0], [3.84, -6, 124, 0, 0], [3.6, -6, 0, 0, 0], [3.6, -6, 0, 0, 0], [3.6, -6, 124, 0, 0], [3.6, -6, 0, 0, 0], [3.6, -6, 0, 0, 0], [3.6, -5, 122, 0, 0], [3.6, -4, 0, 0, 0], [3.6, -3, 0, 0, 0], [3.6, -2, 124, 0, 0], [3.6, -2, 0, 0, 0], [3.6, -2, 0, 0, 0], [3.6, -1, 124, 0, 0], [3.6, -1, 126, 126, 0], [3.44, -1, 126, 126, 0], [3.28, 0, 124, 0, 0], [3.12, 0, 126, 126, 0], [2.96, 1, 126, 126, 0], [2.8, 1, 0, 0, 0], [2.64, 1, 0, 0, 0], [2.48, 2, 0, 0, 0], [2.32, 2, 0, 0, 0], [2.16, 2, 0, 0, 0], [2, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-0.333333333333333, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-2.66666666666667, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-3.77142857142857, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-2.54285714285714, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-1.31428571428571, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-0.0857142857142857, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-0.0857142857142857, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-0.0857142857142857, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-0.0857142857142857, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-0.0857142857142857, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-0.0857142857142857, 4, 0, 0, 0], [0.222857142857143, 6, 0, 0, 0], [0.531428571428571, 7, 0, 0, 0], [0.84, 6, 0, 0, 0], [1.14857142857143, 5, 0, 0, 0], [1.45714285714286, 5, 0, 0, 0], [1.76571428571429, 4, 0, 0, 0], [2.07428571428571, 3, 0, 0, 0], [1.84457142857143, 3, 0, 0, 0], [1.30628571428571, 2, 0, 0, 0], [0.768, 2, 0, 0, 0], [0.229714285714286, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-0.308571428571429, 1, 0, 159, 0], [-0.846857142857143, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-1.38514285714286, 1, 158, 179, 0], [-1.92342857142857, 1, 159, 179, 0], [-2.46171428571429, 1, 184, 0, 0], [-3, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.2, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.4, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.6, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.9, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-1.8, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-0.7, 2, 0, 0, 0], [0.4, 3, 0, 0, 0], [1.5, 3, 0, 0, 0], [2.6, 3, 0, 0, 0], [3.7, 3, 0, 0, 0], [4.8, 4, 0, 0, 0], [5.9, 4, 0, 0, 0], [7, 4, 0, 0, 0], [6.62, 5, 0, 0, 0], [6.24, 5, 154, 153, 0], [5.86, 6, 153, 153, 0], [5.48, 6, 0, 0, 0], [5.1, 5, 0, 0, 0], [4.72, 4, 0, 0, 0], [4.34, 3, 0, 0, 0], [3.96, 2, 0, 0, 0], [3.58, 1, 0, 0, 0], [3.2, 1, 0, 0, 0], [2.94, 1, 0, 0, 0], [2.68, 1, 154, 153, 0], [2.42, 1, 0, 0, 0], [2.16, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1.9, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1.64, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1.38, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1.12, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0.86, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.6, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.34, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.0800000000000001, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.18, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.44, 0, 153, 153, 0], [-0.7, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.96, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.22, 0, 152, 152, 0], [-1.756, 0, 151, 152, 0], [-2.032, -1, 152, 151, 0], [-2.308, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.584, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.86, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.136, -1, 153, 154, 0], [-3.412, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.688, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.964, -1, 154, 153, 0], [-4.24, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-4.516, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-4.792, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-5.068, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-5.344, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-5.62, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-5.896, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-6.172, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-6.448, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-6.724, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-7, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-5.98, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-5.98, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-5.98, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-5.98, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5.98, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-5.98, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-5.98, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-5.98, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-5.98, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5.98, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-5.98, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-4.96, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-3.94, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-2.92, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-1.9, -5, 0, 0, 0], [-0.88, -5, 0, 0, 0], [-0.88, -6, 0, 0, 0], [-0.88, -6, 158, 0, 0], [-0.88, -7, 179, 0, 0], [-0.88, -6, 0, 184, 0], [-0.88, -4, 158, 0, 0], [-0.88, -3, 179, 0, 0], [-0.88, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-0.88, 0, 158, 0, 0], [-0.88, 0, 179, 0, 0], [-0.88, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-0.392, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0.0960000000000003, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0.584, 2, 11, 0, 0], [1.072, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1.56, 3, 0, 0, 0], [2.048, 3, 158, 158, 0], [2.536, 4, 180, 180, 0], [3.024, 5, 0, 179, 0], [3.512, 5, 0, 0, 0], [4, 6, 0, 0, 0], [2.4, 6, 0, 0, 0], [0.8, 7, 0, 0, 0], [-0.8, 6, 0, 0, 0], [-2.4, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-4, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-3.376, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-2.752, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-2.128, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-1.504, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-0.726577777777777, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-1.03182222222222, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-1.33706666666667, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-1.64231111111111, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-1.94755555555556, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-2.2528, 4, 152, 151, 0], [-2.55804444444444, 4, 151, 152, 0], [-2.86328888888889, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-3.16853333333333, 4, 152, 151, 0], [-3.47377777777778, 4, 151, 151, 0], [-3.77902222222222, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-4.08426666666667, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-4.38951111111111, 2, 150, 152, 0], [-4.69475555555556, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-4.3, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-3.6, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.9, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.2, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-1.5, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-0.8, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-0.1, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-0.59, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-1.08, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-1.57, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-2.06, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-2.55, -5, 0, 0, 0], [-3.04, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-3.53, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-4.02, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-4.51, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -4, 150, 150, 0], [-5, -5, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -5, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -4, 150, 150, 0], [-5, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -2, 150, 150, 0], [-5, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-5.2, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-5.4, -3, 150, 150, 0], [-5.6, -4, 154, 154, 0], [-5.8, -5, 0, 0, 0], [-6, -3, 150, 150, 0], [-6.2, -2, 154, 154, 0], [-6.4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-6.6, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-6.8, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-7, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-6.4816, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-5.9632, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-5.4448, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-4.9264, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-4.408, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8896, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.3712, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-2.8528, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-2.3344, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-1.816, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-1.816, -5, 0, 0, 0], [-1.504, -6, 150, 150, 0], [-1.192, -6, 150, 150, 0], [-0.88, -7, 153, 153, 0], [-0.88, -6, 154, 154, 0], [-0.88, -6, 153, 153, 0], [-0.88, -6, 154, 154, 0], [0.14, -6, 154, 154, 0], [1.16, -6, 153, 153, 0], [2.18, -7, 122, 0, 0], [3.2, -7, 123, 0, 0], [3.2, -7, 125, 0, 0], [3.2, -7, 126, 126, 0], [3.2, -7, 126, 126, 0], [3.2, -6, 153, 153, 0], [3.2, -6, 126, 126, 0], [3.2, -5, 153, 153, 0], [3.2, -4, 126, 0, 0], [3.2, -3, 0, 0, 0], [3.2, -3, 0, 0, 0], [3.2, -2, 0, 0, 0], [3.2, -1, 0, 0, 0], [3.2, -1, 0, 0, 0], [3.2, 1, 0, 0, 0], [3.2, 1, 0, 0, 0], [3.2, 2, 0, 0, 0], [3.32857142857143, 2, 0, 0, 0], [3.45714285714286, 2, 0, 0, 0], [3.58571428571429, 2, 0, 0, 0], [2.84285714285714, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1.97142857142857, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1.1, 2, 0, 0, 0], [0.228571428571428, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-0.642857142857143, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-1.51428571428571, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-2.38571428571429, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-3.25714285714286, 5, 0, 0, 1], [-4.12857142857143, 5, 0, 0, 2], [-5, 4, 0, 0, 2], [-4.2, 2, 0, 0, 2], [-3.4, 1, 0, 0, 2], [-2.6, -1, 0, 0, 2], [-1.8, -1, 0, 0, 2], [-1, -1, 0, 0, 2], [-0.2, -1, 0, 0, 2], [0.6, -1, 0, 0, 2], [1.4, -1, 0, 0, 2], [2.2, -1, 0, 0, 2], [3, -1, 155, 0, 2], [3, -1, 155, 155, 2], [3, -1, 154, 0, 2], [3, -1, 154, 183, 2], [3, -1, 154, 159, 2], [3, -1, 154, 158, 2], [3, -1, 154, 156, 2], [3, -1, 0, 157, 2], [3, -1, 0, 179, 2], [3, -1, 0, 0, 2], [3, -1, 0, 0, 2], [3, -1, 0, 0, 2], [3, -1, 0, 0, 2], [3, -1, 0, 0, 2], [3, -1, 0, 0, 3], [3, -1, 0, 0, 0], [3, -1, 0, 0, 0], [3, -1, 0, 0, 0], [3, -1, 0, 0, 0], [2.7, -1, 0, 0, 0], [2.4, -1, 0, 0, 0], [2.1, -1, 0, 0, 0], [1.8, -1, 0, 0, 0], [1.5, -1, 0, 0, 0], [1.2, -1, 0, 0, 0], [0.9, -1, 0, 0, 0], [0.6, -1, 0, 0, 0], [0.3, -1, 159, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-0.3, -1, 0, 159, 0], [-0.6, -1, 159, 0, 0], [-0.9, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-1.2, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-1.5, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-1.8, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.1, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.4, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.7, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-3, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.2, -1, 180, 181, 0], [-3.4, -1, 184, 0, 0], [-3.6, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8, -1, 11, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-4.2, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-4.4, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-4.6, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-5.24, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-5.68, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-6.12, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-6.56, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-7, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-7, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-7, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-7, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-7, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-7, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-6.6, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-6.2, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-5.8, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-5.4, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-5, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-4.62571428571429, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-4.25142857142857, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.87714285714286, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.50285714285714, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.50285714285714, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.50285714285714, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.50285714285714, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.50285714285714, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.50285714285714, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.50285714285714, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.95257142857143, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.40228571428571, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.0816, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.3112, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-2.5408, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-2.7704, 3, 0, 0, 4], [-3, 3, 0, 152, 5], [-2.48, 3, 0, 152, 5], [-1.96, 4, 154, 150, 5], [-1.44, 4, 154, 152, 5], [-0.92, 5, 153, 153, 5], [-0.4, 5, 122, 0, 5], [-0.4, 5, 154, 0, 5], [-1.2, 6, 154, 151, 5], [-2, 6, 0, 0, 5], [-1.85142857142857, 7, 0, 0, 5], [-1.70285714285714, 7, 122, 0, 5], [-1.55428571428571, 6, 153, 151, 5], [-1.40571428571429, 5, 0, 0, 5], [-1.25714285714286, 3, 124, 0, 5], [-1.25714285714286, 2, 123, 0, 5], [-0.514285714285714, 1, 153, 150, 5], [0.228571428571429, 0, 0, 0, 5], [0.971428571428572, 0, 0, 0, 5], [1.71428571428571, -1, 123, 0, 5], [2.45714285714286, -2, 122, 153, 5], [2.45714285714286, -3, 0, 0, 5], [2.45714285714286, -4, 0, 0, 5], [2.45714285714286, -5, 0, 0, 5], [2.45714285714286, -4, 0, 153, 5], [2.45714285714286, -2, 0, 0, 5], [2.45714285714286, -1, 122, 0, 5], [2.45714285714286, 1, 123, 0, 5], [2.45714285714286, 2, 0, 0, 5], [2.45714285714286, 1, 0, 0, 5], [2.51142857142857, 1, 0, 0, 5], [2.56571428571429, 0, 123, 0, 5], [2.62, 0, 0, 152, 5], [2.67428571428571, -1, 0, 0, 5], [2.72857142857143, -1, 122, 0, 5], [2.78285714285714, -1, 0, 0, 6], [2.83714285714286, -1, 0, 151, 0], [2.89142857142857, -1, 122, 152, 0], [2.94571428571429, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.4, 1, 0, 152, 0], [3.8, 1, 0, 151, 0], [3.28, 2, 0, 0, 0], [2.36, 3, 123, 0, 0], [1.44, 3, 0, 154, 0], [0.52, 4, 0, 150, 0], [-0.4, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-1.32, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-2.24, 5, 0, 151, 0], [-3.16, 5, 0, 151, 0], [-4.08, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 5, 0, 151, 0], [-5, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-5.4, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-5.8, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-6.2, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-6.6, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-7, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-7, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-7, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-7, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-7, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-6.3, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-5.6, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-4.9, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-4.2, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-3.5, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-2.8, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-2.1, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-1.4, 5, 0, 156, 0], [-0.7, 5, 159, 159, 0], [0, 5, 155, 0, 0], [0, 5, 159, 158, 0], [0, 5, 0, 156, 0], [0, 5, 0, 159, 0], [0.3, 5, 0, 0, 0], [0.6, 5, 0, 0, 0], [0.9, 5, 0, 0, 0], [1.2, 5, 0, 0, 0], [1.5, 5, 0, 0, 0], [1.8, 5, 0, 0, 0], [2.1, 5, 0, 0, 0], [2.4, 5, 0, 0, 0], [2.7, 5, 0, 0, 0], [3, 5, 0, 0, 0], [3.8, 5, 0, 0, 0], [4.6, 5, 0, 0, 0], [5.4, 5, 0, 0, 0], [6.2, 4, 0, 0, 0], [7, 4, 0, 0, 0], [6.16, 3, 0, 0, 0], [5.32, 3, 0, 0, 0], [4.48, 3, 0, 0, 0], [4.48, 3, 154, 154, 0], [4.48, 3, 153, 153, 0], [4.48, 3, 154, 154, 0], [4.48, 3, 153, 153, 0], [4.48, 3, 154, 154, 0], [4.48, 3, 153, 153, 0], [4.48, 3, 154, 154, 0], [4.48, 3, 153, 153, 0], [4.48, 3, 122, 154, 0], [4.48, 3, 125, 153, 0], [4.48, 3, 126, 126, 0], [4.48, 3, 126, 126, 0], [4.48, 3, 123, 0, 0], [4.48, 3, 0, 0, 0], [4.48, 3, 0, 0, 0], [4.984, 3, 0, 0, 0], [5.488, 3, 0, 0, 0], [5.992, 3, 0, 0, 0], [6.496, 3, 0, 0, 0], [7, 3, 0, 0, 0], [6.496, 3, 0, 0, 0], [5.992, 3, 0, 0, 0], [5.488, 3, 0, 0, 0], [4.984, 3, 0, 0, 0], [4.48, 3, 0, 0, 0], [4.48, 3, 0, 0, 0], [4.48, 3, 0, 0, 0], [4.132, 3, 0, 0, 0], [3.784, 3, 0, 0, 0], [3.436, 3, 0, 0, 0], [3.088, 3, 0, 0, 0], [2.74, 3, 0, 0, 0], [1.8528, 3, 0, 0, 0], [1.3136, 3, 0, 0, 0], [0.7744, 3, 0, 0, 0], [0.2352, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-0.304, 3, 181, 0, 0], [-0.8432, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-1.3824, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-1.9216, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-2.4608, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-3, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-3.16666666666667, 3, 0, 179, 0], [-3.33333333333333, 3, 181, 158, 0], [-3.5, 3, 183, 158, 0], [-3.66666666666667, 3, 179, 179, 0], [-3.83333333333333, 3, 158, 0, 0], [-4, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-4, 3, 11, 0, 0], [-4, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-4, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-4, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.75, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.5, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.25, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-3, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.75, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.25, 1, 151, 0, 0], [-2, 2, 153, 0, 0], [-1.75, 1, 151, 0, 0], [-1.5, 0, 151, 0, 0], [-1.25, -2, 152, 0, 0], [-1, -3, 0, 0, 7], [-0.75, -4, 154, 154, 8], [-0.5, -3, 154, 154, 8], [-0.25, -1, 154, 154, 8], [0, 0, 122, 0, 8], [0.25, 2, 124, 0, 8], [0.5, 3, 124, 0, 8], [0.75, 3, 124, 0, 8], [1, 3, 122, 0, 8], [1.6, 3, 124, 0, 8], [2.2, 3, 123, 0, 8], [2.8, 3, 122, 0, 8], [3.4, 3, 124, 0, 8], [4, 3, 0, 0, 8], [4.8, 3, 122, 0, 8], [5.24, 3, 123, 0, 8], [4.88, 3, 123, 0, 8], [4.52, 2, 122, 0, 8], [4.16, 1, 124, 0, 8], [3.8, 0, 0, 0, 8], [3.44, -1, 0, 0, 8], [3.08, -1, 0, 0, 9], [2.72, -2, 0, 0, 0], [2.36, -3, 0, 0, 0], [2, -4, 0, 0, 0], [2.6, -5, 0, 0, 0], [3.2, -6, 0, 0, 0], [3.8, -5, 0, 0, 0], [4.4, -4, 0, 0, 0], [5, -3, 0, 0, 0], [5.6, -2, 0, 0, 1], [6.2, -3, 0, 0, 2], [6.8, -3, 0, 0, 2], [7.4, -3, 0, 156, 2], [8, -3, 0, 158, 2], [8, -4, 0, 159, 2], [8, -4, 0, 159, 2], [8, -4, 0, 156, 2], [7.2, -5, 0, 0, 3], [6.4, -5, 0, 0, 0], [5.6, -3, 0, 0, 0], [4.8, -2, 0, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.2, 1, 0, 0, 0], [2.4, 3, 0, 0, 0], [1.6, 4, 0, 0, 0], [0.8, 4, 0, 0, 0], [0, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-0.8, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-1.6, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-2.4, 5, 156, 155, 0], [-3.2, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-4, 6, 0, 0, 0], [-2.9032, 6, 154, 156, 0], [-1.8064, 6, 0, 0, 0], [-0.7096, 5, 0, 0, 0], [0.64848, 5, 0, 0, 0], [0.90976, 5, 0, 0, 0], [1.17104, 5, 0, 0, 0], [1.43232, 4, 153, 156, 0], [1.6936, 4, 0, 0, 0], [1.95488, 4, 0, 0, 0], [2.21616, 3, 157, 153, 0], [2.47744, 3, 153, 153, 0], [2.73872, 3, 0, 0, 0], [3, 2, 156, 153, 0], [1.8, 2, 156, 154, 0], [0.6, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-0.6, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-1.8, 0, 153, 153, 0], [-3, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.4548, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.7376, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.0204, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.3032, 0, 157, 157, 0], [-3.586, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8688, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-4.1516, 0, 156, 152, 0], [-4.4344, 0, 156, 152, 0], [-4.7172, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 122, 0, 0], [-3.4474, 0, 122, 0, 0], [-2.5088, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.51318, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.54384, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.60086, 0, 122, 0, 0], [2.65788, 0, 123, 153, 0], [3.7149, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.77192, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.82894, 0, 0, 0, 0], [6.88596, 0, 153, 156, 0], [7.94298, 0, 0, 0, 0], [9, 0, 122, 0, 0], [8.47666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0], [7.95333333333333, 1, 0, 0, 0], [7.43, 1, 0, 0, 0], [6.90666666666667, 1, 0, 0, 0], [6.38333333333333, 1, 0, 0, 0], [5.86, 1, 154, 152, 0], [5.33666666666667, 1, 122, 0, 0], [4.81333333333334, 1, 0, 0, 0], [4.29, 1, 0, 0, 0], [3.76666666666667, 1, 156, 156, 0], [3.76666666666667, 1, 122, 0, 0], [3.76666666666667, 1, 0, 0, 0], [2.91555555555556, 1, 0, 0, 0], [2.06444444444445, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1.21333333333334, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0.362222222222225, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-0.488888888888887, 1, 123, 0, 0], [-1.34, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.19111111111111, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.89333333333333, 1, 122, 0, 0], [-4.74444444444444, 1, 153, 154, 0], [-5.59555555555555, 1, 122, 0, 0], [-6.44666666666667, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-7.29777777777778, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-8.14888888888889, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-9, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-8.14888888888889, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-7.29777777777778, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-6.44666666666667, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-5.59555555555555, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-4.74444444444444, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.89333333333333, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 2, 158, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 2, 184, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 6, 179, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 6, 0, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 7, 179, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 6, 158, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 6, 179, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 4, 180, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 3, 0, 184, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 3, 180, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 3, 179, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 3, 179, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 4, 182, 158, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 4, 182, 181, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 5, 182, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 5, 182, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 6, 184, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 6, 0, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 7, 0, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 7, 179, 179, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 6, 158, 158, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 6, 12, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-3.04222222222222, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-2.19111111111111, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-1.34, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-0.488888888888887, 5, 0, 0, 0], [0.362222222222225, 6, 0, 0, 0], [1.21333333333334, 6, 0, 0, 0], [2.06444444444445, 7, 0, 0, 0], [2.91555555555556, 7, 0, 0, 0], [3.76666666666667, 6, 0, 0, 0], [3.76666666666667, 6, 0, 0, 0], [3.76666666666667, 5, 0, 0, 0], [1.621426491, 5, 0, 0, 0], [1.441267992, 4, 0, 0, 0], [1.261109493, 3, 0, 0, 0], [1.080950994, 3, 0, 0, 0], [0.900792495000001, 2, 0, 0, 0], [0.720633996000001, 2, 0, 0, 0], [0.540475497000001, 3, 0, 0, 0], [0.360316998, 3, 0, 0, 0], [0.180158499, 3, 0, 0, 0], [0, 4, 0, 0, 0], [0.376666666666667, 4, 0, 0, 0], [0.753333333333334, 4, 0, 0, 0], [1.13, 4, 0, 0, 0], [1.50666666666667, 5, 0, 0, 0], [1.88333333333333, 5, 0, 0, 0], [2.26, 5, 0, 0, 0], [2.63666666666667, 4, 0, 0, 0], [3.01333333333334, 4, 0, 0, 0], [3.39, 3, 0, 0, 0], [3.76666666666667, 3, 0, 0, 0], [3.76666666666667, 3, 0, 0, 0], [3.76666666666667, 2, 0, 0, 0], [3.76666666666667, 2, 0, 0, 0], [3.76666666666667, 1, 0, 0, 0], [3.76666666666667, 1, 0, 0, 0], [3.76666666666667, 1, 0, 0, 0], [3.76666666666667, 1, 0, 0, 0], [3.76666666666667, 1, 0, 0, 0], [3.76666666666667, 1, 0, 0, 0], [3.52, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.27333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.02666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 0.8));
Frame 24
_root.engine.addLevelToLib(new com.neodelight.r3D.Race3DLevel("autobahn", 3, new Array([1.614, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.614, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.614, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.614, 0, 10, 0, 0], [1.614, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.614, 0, 121, 0, 0], [2.416, 0, 121, 0, 0], [3.218, 0, 121, 0, 0], [4.02, 0, 121, 0, 0], [4.02, 0, 0, 0, 4], [4.41, 0, 5, 6, 5], [4.8, 1, 77, 60, 5], [4.8, 3, 60, 77, 5], [5.6, 3, 78, 77, 5], [6.4, 4, 3, 8, 5], [7.2, 4, 60, 62, 5], [8, 5, 61, 43, 5], [8, 5, 79, 78, 5], [8, 5, 59, 43, 5], [8, 4, 79, 78, 5], [8, 4, 59, 43, 5], [8, 4, 77, 60, 5], [8, 4, 78, 43, 5], [8, 4, 61, 61, 5], [8, 3, 80, 43, 5], [8, 3, 3, 8, 5], [8, 2, 80, 43, 5], [8, 2, 62, 79, 5], [8, 1, 78, 43, 5], [8, 1, 77, 61, 5], [8, 0, 59, 43, 5], [8, 0, 60, 78, 5], [8, 1, 60, 43, 5], [8, 2, 61, 79, 5], [8, 3, 80, 43, 5], [8, 4, 60, 59, 5], [8, 5, 79, 43, 5], [8, 4, 3, 8, 5], [8, 3, 80, 43, 5], [8, 2, 62, 61, 5], [8, 1, 0, 43, 6], [7.2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [6.4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.6, 0, 4, 9, 0], [4.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.2, 0, 57, 0, 0], [2.4, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.6, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.8, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0, 0, 57, 52, 0], [0, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.3, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.6, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.9, 0, 57, 47, 0], [1.2, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.5, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.8, 0, 57, 0, 0], [2.1, 0, 57, 0, 0], [2.4, 0, 57, 0, 0], [2.7, 0, 57, 0, 0], [3, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1, 1, 57, 0, 0], [-1, 1, 57, 0, 0], [-1.2, 1, 57, 0, 0], [0.6, 1, 57, 0, 0], [2.4, 1, 57, 0, 0], [2.4, 2, 57, 0, 0], [2.55, 2, 57, 0, 0], [2.7, 2, 57, 0, 0], [2.85, 2, 57, 0, 0], [3, 2, 57, 0, 0], [2.9, 1, 57, 0, 0], [2.8, 1, 57, 0, 0], [2.7, 1, 57, 0, 0], [2.6, 1, 57, 0, 0], [2.5, 1, 57, 0, 0], [2.16, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.92, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.68, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.44, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.2, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.96, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.72, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.48, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.24, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0, 0, 32, 0, 0], [0.04, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.08, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.12, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.16, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.2, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.24, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.28, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.32, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.36, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.4, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.4, 1, 57, 0, 0], [0.3, 1, 57, 0, 0], [0.2, 1, 57, 58, 0], [0.1, 1, 57, 0, 0], [0, 1, 57, 0, 0], [0, 2, 57, 0, 0], [0, 2, 57, 0, 0], [0, 2, 57, 0, 0], [0, 2, 57, 58, 0], [0.32, 2, 57, 0, 0], [0.64, 1, 57, 0, 0], [0.96, 1, 57, 0, 0], [0.96, 1, 57, 58, 0], [0.96, 1, 57, 0, 0], [0.96, 1, 57, 0, 0], [0.96, 2, 57, 0, 0], [0.96, 2, 57, 0, 0], [0.96, 3, 57, 58, 0], [0.96, 3, 57, 0, 0], [0.764, 3, 57, 0, 0], [0.568, 4, 57, 58, 0], [0.372, 4, 57, 0, 0], [0.176, 5, 57, 0, 0], [-0.0199999999999999, 5, 57, 0, 0], [-0.216, 5, 57, 0, 0], [-0.412, 4, 57, 0, 0], [-0.608, 4, 57, 0, 0], [-0.804, 3, 57, 0, 0], [-1, 3, 57, 0, 0], [-0.644, 3, 57, 0, 0], [-0.644, 2, 57, 0, 0], [-0.644, 2, 57, 0, 0], [-0.644, 1, 57, 0, 0], [0.78, 1, 57, 0, 0], [1.136, 1, 57, 0, 0], [1.136, 1, 57, 0, 0], [1.136, 1, 57, 0, 0], [1.136, 2, 57, 0, 0], [0.9224, 3, 57, 0, 0], [0.7088, 3, 57, 0, 0], [0.4952, 4, 57, 0, 0], [0.2816, 5, 57, 0, 0], [0.068, 4, 57, 0, 0], [-0.1456, 3, 11, 0, 0], [-0.3592, 2, 57, 0, 0], [-0.5728, 1, 57, 0, 0], [-0.7864, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.644, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.288, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.068, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.424, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.78, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.136, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.492, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.492, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.492, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.492, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.492, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.492, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.492, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.492, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.492, 1, 57, 0, 0], [1.492, 1, 57, 0, 0], [1.492, 2, 57, 0, 0], [1.2674, 2, 57, 0, 0], [1.0428, 3, 57, 0, 0], [0.8182, 2, 57, 0, 0], [0.5936, 2, 57, 0, 0], [0.369, 1, 57, 0, 0], [0.1444, 1, 57, 0, 0], [-0.0801999999999998, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.3048, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.5294, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.754, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.9786, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1.2032, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1.4278, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1.6524, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1.877, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.1016, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.3262, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.5508, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.7754, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-3, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.61, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.22, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1.83, 1, 57, 0, 0], [-1.44, 1, 57, 0, 0], [-1.05, 2, 57, 0, 0], [-0.66, 2, 57, 0, 0], [-0.27, 2, 57, 0, 0], [0.12, 3, 57, 0, 0], [0.51, 3, 57, 0, 0], [0.9, 4, 57, 0, 0], [0.9755, 4, 57, 0, 0], [0.661, 4, 57, 0, 0], [0.3465, 3, 57, 0, 0], [0.0319999999999998, 3, 57, 0, 0], [-0.2825, 2, 57, 0, 0], [-0.597, 2, 57, 0, 0], [-0.597, 2, 57, 0, 0], [-0.597, 2, 57, 0, 0], [-0.597, 2, 57, 0, 0], [-0.597, 2, 57, 0, 0], [-0.597, 2, 57, 0, 0], [-0.9115, 2, 57, 0, 0], [-1.226, 1, 57, 0, 0], [-1.5405, 1, 57, 0, 0], [-1.855, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.1695, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.484, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.7985, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-3.113, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-3.4275, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-3.742, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-4.0565, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-4.371, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-4.6855, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-4.666, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-4.332, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-3.998, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-3.664, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-3.33, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.996, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.662, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.328, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1.994, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1.66, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1.326, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.992, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.658, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.324, 0, 32, 0, 0], [0.00999999999999979, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.344, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.678, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.678, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.678, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.678, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.678, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.4941, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.3102, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.1263, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-0.0576000000000002, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-0.2415, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-0.4254, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-0.6093, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-0.7932, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-0.9771, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-1.161, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-1.3449, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-1.5288, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-1.7127, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-1.8966, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-2.0805, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-2.2644, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-2.4483, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-2.6322, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-2.8161, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-3, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-2.766, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-2.532, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-2.298, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-2.064, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-1.83, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-1.596, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-1.362, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-1.128, -2, 57, 0, 0], [-0.894, -2, 57, 0, 0], [-0.66, -2, 57, 0, 0], [-0.426, -2, 57, 0, 0], [-0.192, -2, 57, 0, 0], [0.0419999999999998, -2, 57, 0, 0], [0.276, -2, 57, 0, 0], [0.51, -2, 57, 0, 0], [0.744, -2, 57, 0, 0], [0.744, -2, 57, 0, 0], [0.744, -2, 57, 0, 0], [0.744, -2, 57, 0, 0], [0.3696, -2, 57, 0, 0], [-0.00480000000000018, -2, 57, 0, 0], [-0.3792, -2, 57, 0, 0], [-0.7536, -3, 57, 0, 0], [-1.128, -3, 57, 0, 0], [-1.128, -3, 57, 0, 0], [-1.128, -3, 57, 0, 0], [-1.128, -3, 57, 0, 0], [-1.128, -3, 57, 0, 0], [-1.128, -3, 57, 0, 0], [-1.5024, -3, 57, 0, 0], [-1.8768, -3, 57, 0, 0], [-2.2512, -4, 57, 0, 0], [-2.6256, -4, 57, 0, 0], [-3, -4, 57, 0, 0], [-2.6256, -4, 57, 0, 0], [-2.2512, -5, 57, 0, 0], [-1.8768, -5, 57, 0, 0], [-1.5024, -5, 57, 0, 0], [-1.128, -6, 57, 0, 0], [-0.7536, -6, 57, 0, 0], [-0.3792, -5, 57, 0, 0], [-0.00480000000000018, -4, 57, 0, 0], [0.3696, -4, 57, 0, 0], [0.744, -3, 57, 0, 0], [0.744, -2, 57, 0, 0], [0.744, -1, 57, 0, 0], [0.744, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.744, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.744, 1, 57, 0, 0], [0.744, 2, 57, 0, 0], [0.744, 2, 57, 0, 0], [0.744, 2, 57, 0, 0], [0.744, 3, 57, 0, 0], [0.744, 3, 57, 0, 0], [0.744, 3, 57, 0, 0], [0.744, 1, 57, 0, 0], [0.744, -1, 57, 0, 0], [0.744, -2, 57, 0, 0], [0.744, -4, 57, 0, 0], [0.744, -6, 57, 0, 0], [0.744, -6, 57, 0, 0], [0.978, -5, 57, 0, 0], [1.212, -5, 57, 0, 0], [1.446, -4, 57, 0, 0], [1.68, -4, 57, 0, 0], [1.68, -4, 57, 0, 0], [2.07, -3, 57, 0, 0], [2.07, -3, 57, 0, 0], [2.07, -2, 57, 0, 0], [2.07, -2, 57, 0, 0], [2.07, -2, 57, 0, 0], [2.07, -1, 57, 0, 0], [2.07, -1, 57, 0, 0], [2.07, 0, 57, 0, 0], [2.07, 0, 57, 0, 0], [2.07, 0, 57, 0, 0], [2.07, 1, 57, 0, 0], [2.07, 1, 57, 0, 0], [2.07, 2, 57, 0, 0], [2.07, 2, 57, 0, 0], [2.07, 3, 57, 0, 0], [2.07, 2, 32, 0, 0], [2.07, 2, 57, 0, 0], [2.07, 1, 57, 0, 0], [2.07, 1, 57, 0, 0], [2.07, 0, 57, 0, 0], [2.07, 0, 57, 0, 0], [2.07, 0, 57, 0, 0], [2.07, 0, 57, 0, 0], [2.07, 0, 57, 0, 0], [2.07, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.963, 0, 51, 0, 0], [0.963, 0, 0, 53, 0], [0.963, -1, 51, 51, 0], [0.963, -2, 0, 51, 4], [-0.144, -3, 43, 0, 5], [-1.251, -4, 0, 0, 5], [-2.358, -5, 43, 0, 5], [-3.465, -5, 3, 8, 5], [-4.572, -6, 43, 0, 5], [-5.679, -6, 0, 0, 5], [-6.786, -6, 43, 0, 5], [-7.893, -7, 0, 0, 5], [-9, -7, 43, 0, 5], [-9, -8, 0, 0, 5], [-9, -8, 43, 0, 5], [-9, -3, 0, 0, 5], [-9, -4, 43, 0, 5], [-9, -4, 0, 0, 5], [-9, -5, 43, 0, 5], [-9, -5, 11, 0, 5], [-9, -6, 43, 0, 5], [-9, -5, 3, 8, 5], [-9, -5, 43, 0, 5], [-9, -4, 0, 0, 5], [-9, -4, 43, 0, 5], [-9, -3, 0, 0, 5], [-9, -2, 43, 0, 5], [-9, -2, 0, 0, 5], [-9, -1, 43, 0, 5], [-9, -1, 0, 0, 5], [-9, -2, 43, 0, 5], [-9, -2, 0, 0, 5], [-9, -3, 43, 0, 5], [-9, -3, 0, 0, 5], [-9, -2, 43, 0, 5], [-9, -2, 0, 0, 5], [-9, -1, 13, 14, 5], [-9, -1, 43, 0, 5], [-9, 0, 0, 0, 5], [-8.1, 0, 43, 0, 5], [-7.2, 0, 0, 0, 5], [-6.3, 0, 121, 0, 5], [-5.4, 0, 121, 0, 5], [-4.5, 0, 121, 0, 5], [-3.6, 0, 121, 0, 5], [-2.7, 0, 121, 0, 5], [-1.8, 0, 0, 0, 5], [-0.9, 0, 0, 0, 5], [0, 0, 0, 0, 5], [0.285, 0, 0, 0, 5], [0.57, 1, 0, 0, 5], [1.013, 1, 0, 0, 5], [1.456, 1, 0, 0, 5], [1.899, 2, 60, 60, 5], [2.342, 2, 0, 0, 5], [2.785, 2, 0, 0, 5], [3.228, 2, 60, 60, 5], [3.671, 3, 0, 0, 5], [4.114, 3, 0, 0, 5], [4.114, 3, 60, 60, 5], [4.114, 2, 0, 0, 5], [4.114, 2, 0, 0, 5], [4.114, 2, 60, 60, 5], [4.114, 2, 0, 0, 5], [4.114, 1, 0, 0, 5], [4.114, 1, 60, 60, 5], [4.114, 1, 0, 0, 5], [4.114, 0, 0, 0, 5], [4.114, 0, 60, 60, 5], [4.114, 0, 0, 0, 5], [4.114, 0, 0, 0, 5], [4.114, 0, 60, 60, 5], [4.114, 0, 0, 0, 5], [4.114, 0, 0, 0, 5], [4.4912, 0, 60, 60, 5], [4.8684, 0, 0, 0, 5], [5.2456, 0, 0, 0, 5], [5.6228, 0, 60, 60, 5], [6, 0, 0, 0, 5], [5.8114, 0, 0, 0, 5], [5.6228, 0, 60, 60, 5], [5.4342, 0, 0, 0, 5], [5.2456, 0, 0, 0, 5], [5.057, 0, 60, 60, 5], [4.8684, 0, 0, 0, 5], [4.6798, 0, 0, 0, 5], [4.4912, 0, 60, 60, 5], [4.3026, 0, 0, 0, 5], [4.114, 0, 0, 0, 5], [4.114, 0, 60, 60, 5], [4.114, 0, 0, 0, 5], [3.4026, 0, 0, 0, 5], [2.6912, 0, 60, 60, 5], [1.9798, 0, 0, 0, 5], [1.2684, -2, 0, 0, 5], [0.557, -3, 60, 60, 5], [-0.1544, -5, 0, 0, 5], [-0.8658, -6, 0, 0, 5], [-1.5772, -7, 60, 60, 5], [-1.5772, -6, 0, 0, 5], [-1.5772, -6, 0, 0, 5], [-2.06176, -6, 60, 60, 5], [-2.54632, -7, 0, 0, 5], [-3.03088, -7, 0, 0, 5], [-3.51544, -7, 60, 60, 5], [-4, -6, 0, 0, 5], [-3.1886, -5, 0, 0, 5], [-2.3772, -3, 0, 0, 5], [-1.5658, -2, 0, 0, 5], [-0.7544, -1, 0, 0, 5], [-0.7544, -1, 121, 0, 5], [-0.7544, 0, 121, 0, 5], [-0.7544, 0, 121, 0, 5], [-0.7544, 0, 60, 78, 5], [-0.7544, 0, 80, 60, 5], [-0.7544, 0, 60, 60, 5], [-0.7544, 0, 80, 61, 5], [-1.20352, 0, 60, 78, 5], [-1.65264, 0, 62, 77, 5], [-2.10176, 0, 77, 80, 5], [-2.55088, 0, 62, 80, 5], [-3, 0, 0, 47, 5], [-2, 0, 0, 0, 5], [-1, 0, 0, 0, 5], [0, 0, 0, 0, 5], [1, 0, 0, 0, 5], [2, 0, 61, 60, 5], [1.93596, 0, 60, 61, 5], [1.87192, 0, 62, 59, 5], [1.80788, 0, 63, 65, 5], [1.74384, 0, 77, 77, 5], [1.21182, -1, 0, 0, 5], [0.74384, -2, 66, 61, 5], [0.27586, -3, 0, 0, 5], [-0.19212, -4, 0, 0, 5], [-0.6601, -4, 64, 61, 5], [-1.12808, -5, 61, 61, 5], [-1.59606, -6, 59, 61, 5], [-1.557636, -7, 60, 59, 5], [-1.3461088, -8, 62, 62, 5], [-1.6409856, -9, 0, 0, 5], [-1.9358624, -8, 60, 63, 5], [-2.2307392, -7, 0, 0, 5], [-2.525616, -6, 0, 0, 5], [-2.8204928, -5, 65, 62, 5], [-3.1153696, -4, 0, 0, 5], [-3.4102464, -4, 64, 66, 5], [-3.7051232, -3, 65, 67, 5], [-4, -2, 65, 62, 5], [-4, -1, 0, 0, 5], [-4, 0, 64, 62, 5], [-4, 0, 0, 0, 5], [-4, 0, 63, 66, 5], [-4, -1, 67, 66, 5], [-4, -2, 0, 0, 5], [-4, -3, 0, 0, 5], [-4, -4, 63, 65, 5], [-4, -5, 0, 0, 5], [-4, -4, 0, 0, 5], [-4, -3, 64, 64, 5], [-4, -2, 0, 0, 5], [-4, -1, 0, 0, 5], [-4, 0, 63, 62, 5], [-4, 1, 0, 0, 5], [-4, 1, 0, 0, 5], [-4, 2, 59, 66, 5], [-2.8, 3, 79, 80, 5], [-1.6, 4, 78, 62, 5], [-0.4, 4, 67, 67, 5], [0.8, 5, 80, 62, 5], [2, 6, 0, 0, 5], [2.4, 6, 66, 64, 5], [2.8, 7, 0, 0, 5], [3.2, 6, 0, 0, 5], [3.6, 6, 66, 59, 5], [4, 5, 0, 0, 5], [2.811, 4, 0, 0, 5], [1.622, 4, 61, 62, 5], [1.622, 3, 66, 62, 5], [1.622, 2, 0, 0, 5], [1.622, 1, 66, 63, 5], [1.622, 1, 0, 0, 5], [1.622, 0, 63, 66, 5], [1.622, 0, 66, 59, 5], [1.622, 0, 67, 64, 5], [1.622, 0, 0, 0, 5], [1.622, 0, 62, 65, 5], [1.622, 0, 0, 0, 5], [1.622, 0, 66, 61, 5], [1.622, 0, 0, 0, 5], [1.622, 0, 61, 65, 5], [1.622, 0, 0, 0, 5], [1.622, 0, 64, 67, 5], [1.622, 0, 0, 0, 5], [1.622, 0, 61, 61, 5], [1.622, 0, 0, 0, 5], [1.622, 0, 67, 61, 5], [1.622, 0, 0, 0, 5], [0.433, 0, 0, 0, 5], [-0.756, 0, 0, 0, 5], [-1.945, 0, 59, 59, 5], [-1.945, 0, 78, 59, 5], [-1.26, 0, 61, 60, 5], [-1.26, 0, 78, 80, 5], [-1.26, 0, 80, 61, 5], [-1.26, 0, 60, 77, 5], [-1.26, 0, 78, 60, 5], [-1.26, 0, 79, 79, 5], [-1.26, 0, 79, 77, 5], [-1.26, 0, 80, 59, 5], [-1.26, 0, 0, 0, 5], [-1.26, 0, 121, 0, 5], [-1.26, 0, 121, 0, 5], [-1.26, 0, 121, 0, 5], [-1.26, 0, 11, 0, 5], [-1.26, 0, 0, 0, 5], [-1.26, 0, 0, 0, 5], [-1.26, 0, 3, 8, 5], [-1.26, 0, 0, 0, 5], [-1.26, 1, 0, 0, 5], [-1.26, 1, 63, 65, 5], [-2.034, 2, 66, 65, 5], [-2.808, 2, 63, 63, 5], [-3.582, 2, 0, 0, 5], [-4.356, 3, 0, 0, 5], [-5.13, 3, 0, 0, 5], [-5.904, 4, 43, 0, 5], [-6.678, 4, 5, 6, 5], [-7.452, 4, 43, 0, 5], [-8.226, 3, 0, 65, 5], [-9, 3, 43, 65, 5], [-9, 2, 0, 65, 5], [-9, 2, 43, 0, 5], [-9, 2, 0, 0, 5], [-9, 1, 43, 0, 5], [-9, 1, 3, 8, 5], [-9, 0, 43, 0, 5], [-9, 1, 0, 0, 5], [-9, 2, 43, 63, 5], [-9, 3, 0, 64, 5], [-9, 4, 43, 63, 5], [-9, 5, 0, 0, 5], [-9, 4, 43, 0, 5], [-9, 3, 0, 0, 5], [-9, 2, 43, 0, 5], [-9, 1, 0, 0, 5], [-9, 0, 43, 0, 5], [-9, 0, 0, 0, 5], [-9, 1, 43, 0, 5], [-9, 1, 0, 0, 5], [-7.8, 2, 43, 0, 5], [-6.6, 2, 0, 64, 5], [-5.26, 3, 43, 63, 5], [-5.12, 2, 0, 63, 5], [-4.98, 2, 43, 0, 6], [-4.84, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-4.13, 1, 57, 0, 0], [-3.56, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.99, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.42, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1.85, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1.28, 0, 4, 9, 0], [-0.71, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.14, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.36647, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.71464, 0, 57, 54, 0], [2.06281, 0, 57, 0, 0], [2.41098, 0, 57, 0, 0], [2.75915, 0, 57, 0, 0], [3.10732, 0, 57, 0, 0], [3.45549, 0, 57, 0, 0], [3.80366, 0, 57, 47, 0], [4.15183, 0, 57, 0, 0], [4.5, 0, 57, 0, 0], [3.8104, 0, 57, 0, 0], [3.1208, 0, 57, 0, 0], [2.97941333333333, 0, 57, 0, 0], [2.83802666666667, -1, 57, 0, 0], [2.69664, -1, 57, 0, 0], [2.55525333333333, -2, 57, 0, 0], [2.41386666666667, -2, 57, 0, 0], [2.27248, -3, 57, 0, 0], [2.13109333333333, -3, 57, 0, 0], [1.59176533333333, -4, 57, 0, 0], [1.193824, -4, 57, 0, 0], [0.795882666666667, -5, 57, 0, 0], [0.397941333333333, -5, 57, 0, 0], [0, -4, 57, 0, 0], [0.3395968, -4, 57, 0, 0], [0.5046976, -3, 33, 0, 0], [0.6697984, -3, 57, 0, 0], [0.8348992, -3, 57, 0, 0], [1, -2, 57, 0, 0], [0.931989333333333, -2, 57, 0, 0], [0.863978666666667, -1, 57, 0, 0], [0.795968, -1, 57, 0, 0], [0.727957333333333, -1, 57, 0, 0], [0.659946666666667, -1, 57, 0, 0], [0.659946666666667, -1, 57, 0, 0], [0.659946666666667, -1, 57, 0, 0], [0.659946666666667, -1, 57, 0, 0], [0.659946666666667, -1, 57, 0, 0], [0.659946666666667, -1, 57, 0, 0], [0.659946666666667, -1, 57, 0, 0], [0.61744, -1, 57, 0, 0], [0.574933333333333, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.532426666666667, -1, 57, 0, 0], [0.48992, -1, 57, 0, 0], [0.447413333333333, -2, 57, 0, 0], [0.404906666666667, -2, 57, 0, 0], [0.3624, -3, 57, 0, 0], [0.3624, -3, 57, 0, 0], [0.3624, -4, 57, 0, 0], [0.3624, -4, 57, 0, 0], [0.3624, -5, 57, 0, 0], [0.3624, -4, 57, 0, 0], [0.3624, -4, 57, 0, 0], [0.3624, -3, 57, 0, 0], [0.3624, -3, 57, 0, 0], [0.3624, -2, 57, 0, 0], [0.3624, -2, 57, 0, 0], [0.3624, -1, 57, 0, 0], [0.3624, -1, 57, 0, 0], [0.3624, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.396, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.396, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.396, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.396, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.396, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.396, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.0564, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-1.7168, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-1.3772, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-1.0376, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-0.698, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-0.3584, -2, 57, 0, 0], [-0.0188, -2, 57, 0, 0], [0.3208, -2, 57, 0, 0], [0.6604, -2, 57, 0, 0], [1, -2, 57, 0, 0], [0.6604, -1, 57, 0, 0], [0.3208, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-0.0188, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-0.3584, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-0.3584, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-0.3584, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-0.3584, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-0.3584, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-0.3584, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-0.698, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-1.0376, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.93572, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.83384, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.73196, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.63008, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.5282, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.42632, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.32444, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.22256, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.12068, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.0187999999999999, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.0830800000000001, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.18496, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.28684, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.38872, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.4906, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.59248, -1, 57, 0, 0], [0.69436, -1, 57, 0, 0], [0.79624, -1, 57, 0, 0], [0.89812, -1, 57, 0, 0], [1, -2, 57, 0, 0], [0.89812, -2, 57, 0, 0], [0.79624, -2, 57, 0, 0], [0.69436, -3, 57, 0, 0], [0.59248, -3, 57, 0, 0], [0.4906, -3, 57, 0, 0], [0.38872, -2, 57, 0, 0], [-0.0447518, -2, 57, 0, 0], [-0.1476596, -2, 57, 0, 0], [-0.2505674, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-0.3534752, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-0.456383, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-0.5592908, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-0.6621986, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.7651064, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.8680142, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.970922, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1.0738298, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1.1767376, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1.2796454, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1.3825532, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1.485461, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1.5883688, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1.6912766, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1.7941844, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1.8970922, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.001084, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.002168, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.003252, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.004336, 0, 33, 0, 0], [-2.00542, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.006504, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.007588, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.008672, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.009756, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.01084, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.011924, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.013008, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.014092, 0, 11, 0, 0], [-2.015176, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.01626, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.017344, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.018428, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.019512, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.020596, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.02168, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.02168, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.04336, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.06504, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.08672, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.1084, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.13008, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.15176, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.17344, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.19512, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.2168, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-2.2168, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1.578184, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1.180608, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.783032, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.385456, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.01212, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.409696, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.807272, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.204848, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.602424, 0, 57, 0, 0], [2, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.7751212, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.5502424, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.3253636, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.1004848, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.875606, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.6507272, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.4258484, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.2009696, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.0239092, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.248788, 1, 57, 0, 0], [-0.248788, 1, 57, 0, 0], [-0.332256, 2, 57, 0, 0], [-0.415724, 2, 57, 0, 0], [-0.499192, 3, 57, 0, 0], [-0.58266, 3, 57, 0, 0], [-0.666128, 4, 57, 0, 0], [-0.5621162, 4, 57, 0, 0], [-0.3746364, 5, 57, 0, 0], [-0.1871566, 5, 57, 0, 0], [0.000323199999999968, 5, 57, 0, 0], [0.187803, 4, 57, 0, 0], [0.3752828, 4, 57, 0, 0], [0.5627626, 3, 57, 0, 0], [0.7502424, 3, 57, 0, 0], [0.9377222, 2, 57, 0, 0], [1.125202, 2, 57, 0, 0], [1.3126818, 1, 57, 0, 0], [1.5001616, 1, 57, 0, 0], [1.6876414, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.8751212, 0, 57, 0, 0], [2.062601, 1, 57, 0, 0], [2.2500808, 2, 33, 0, 0], [2.4375606, 2, 57, 0, 0], [2.6250404, 3, 57, 0, 0], [2.8125202, 4, 57, 0, 0], [3, 3, 57, 0, 0], [2.7302, 2, 57, 0, 0], [2.4604, 2, 57, 0, 0], [2.1906, 1, 57, 0, 0], [1.9208, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.651, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.3812, 0, 57, 0, 0], [1.1114, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.8416, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.5718, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.302, 0, 57, 0, 0], [0.0322000000000001, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.2376, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.5074, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-0.7772, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1.047, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1.3168, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1.5866, 0, 57, 0, 0], [-1.8564, -1, 57, 0, 0], [-2.1262, -2, 57, 0, 0], [-2.396, -2, 57, 0, 0], [-2.396, -3, 57, 0, 0], [-2.396, -4, 57, 0, 0], [-2.396, -5, 57, 0, 0], [-2.396, -6, 57, 0, 0], [-2.396, -6, 57, 0, 0], [-2.396, -7, 57, 0, 0], [-2.396, -8, 57, 0, 0], [-2.396, -7, 57, 0, 0], [-2.396, -6, 57, 0, 0], [-2.396, -6, 57, 0, 0], [-2.396, -5, 57, 0, 0], [-1.594, -4, 57, 0, 0], [-1.594, -3, 45, 0, 0], [-1.594, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-1.594, -2, 46, 46, 0], [-1.594, -1, 51, 51, 0], [-1.594, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.594, 0, 51, 51, 0], [-1.594, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.594, 0, 51, 51, 0], [-2.3346, 0, 0, 0, 7], [-3.0752, 0, 44, 44, 8], [-3.8158, 0, 51, 51, 8], [-4.5564, 0, 43, 0, 8], [-5.297, 0, 51, 51, 8], [-6.0376, 0, 43, 0, 8], [-6.7782, 0, 46, 0, 8], [-7.5188, 0, 43, 0, 8], [-8.2594, 0, 51, 51, 8], [-9, 0, 43, 0, 8], [-9, 0, 51, 51, 8], [-9, 0, 43, 0, 8], [-9, 0, 51, 51, 8], [-9, 0, 43, 0, 8], [-9, 0, 51, 51, 8], [-9, 0, 43, 0, 8], [-9, 0, 46, 0, 8], [-9, 0, 43, 0, 8], [-9, 0, 51, 51, 8], [-9, 0, 43, 0, 8], [-7.8, 0, 51, 51, 8], [-6.6, 0, 43, 60, 8], [-5.4, 0, 46, 77, 8], [-4.2, 0, 43, 62, 8], [-3, 0, 80, 79, 8], [-1.8, 0, 77, 59, 8], [-0.6, 0, 79, 60, 8], [0.6, 0, 45, 77, 8], [1.8, 0, 59, 79, 8], [3, 0, 46, 46, 8], [3.33333333333333, 0, 62, 43, 8], [3.9, 0, 58, 60, 8], [4.13333333333333, 0, 60, 77, 8], [4.36666666666667, 0, 78, 43, 8], [4.6, 0, 59, 61, 8], [4.83333333333333, 0, 58, 60, 8], [5.06666666666667, 0, 80, 43, 8], [5.3, 0, 77, 80, 8], [5.53333333333333, 0, 62, 77, 8], [5.76666666666667, 0, 60, 43, 8], [6, 0, 59, 46, 8], [5.4, 0, 58, 77, 8], [4.8, 0, 62, 43, 8], [4.2, 0, 80, 59, 8], [3.6, 0, 59, 80, 8], [3, 0, 60, 43, 8], [2.5, 0, 58, 46, 8], [2, 0, 60, 77, 8], [0.802, 0, 80, 43, 8], [-0.396, 0, 45, 61, 8], [-1.594, 0, 77, 79, 8], [-1.594, 0, 60, 61, 8], [-1.594, 0, 58, 59, 8], [-1.594, 0, 77, 79, 9], [-1.594, 0, 77, 59, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-0.2752, 0, 56, 56, 0], [1.0436, 0, 56, 56, 0], [2.3624, 0, 56, 56, 0], [3.6812, 0, 56, 56, 0], [5, 0, 56, 56, 0], [3.6812, 0, 56, 56, 0], [2.3624, 0, 56, 56, 0], [0.43924, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-0.16512, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-0.76948, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.37384, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.9782, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-2.58256, 0, 56, 55, 0], [-3.18692, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-3.79128, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-4.39564, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-5, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-4.6594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-4.3188, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-3.9782, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-3.6376, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-3.297, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-3.297, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-3.297, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-3.297, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-3.297, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-3.297, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-3.297, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-3.297, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-3.297, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-3.297, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-3.297, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-2.9564, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-2.6158, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-2.2752, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.9346, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 33, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 12, 0, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 56, 56, 0], [-1.594, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.792, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.00999999999999979, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.00999999999999979, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.00999999999999979, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.00999999999999979, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.00999999999999979, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.00999999999999979, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.00999999999999979, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.00999999999999979, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.00999999999999979, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.00999999999999979, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.00999999999999979, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.00999999999999979, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.00999999999999979, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.00999999999999979, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.00999999999999979, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.00999999999999979, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.00999999999999979, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.00999999999999979, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.00999999999999979, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.00999999999999979, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.00999999999999979, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.812, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 0));
Frame 25
_root.engine.addLevelToLib(new com.neodelight.r3D.Race3DLevel("provence", 5, new Array([0.84, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.98, 0, 69, 69, 0], [1.12, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.26, 0, 10, 69, 0], [1.4, 0, 0, 174, 0], [1.4, 0, 69, 69, 0], [2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 0, 69, 69, 0], [1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 69, 69, 0], [-1, 1, 128, 0, 0], [-2, 1, 69, 69, 0], [-3, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-3, 2, 69, 69, 0], [-3.5, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 69, 69, 0], [-4.5, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 2, 69, 69, 0], [-4.5, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-4, 3, 128, 69, 0], [-3.5, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-3, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-2.5, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-2, 0, 67, 105, 0], [-1.5, -1, 69, 69, 0], [-0.4, -2, 107, 107, 0], [0.2, -3, 69, 69, 0], [0.8, -4, 107, 108, 0], [1.4, -3, 69, 69, 0], [2, -3, 0, 0, 0], [2.6, -2, 80, 69, 0], [3.2, -2, 0, 0, 0], [3.8, -1, 69, 78, 0], [4.4, -1, 107, 107, 0], [5, -2, 69, 69, 0], [4.5, -2, 105, 108, 0], [4, -2, 69, 69, 0], [3.5, -2, 69, 79, 0], [3, -2, 81, 69, 0], [2.5, -3, 0, 0, 0], [2, -3, 69, 69, 0], [1.5, -3, 106, 105, 0], [1, -2, 128, 69, 0], [0.5, -2, 110, 109, 0], [0, 0, 69, 69, 0], [0, 0, 108, 110, 0], [-0.15, 1, 69, 69, 0], [-0.3, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-0.45, 2, 70, 69, 0], [-0.6, 2, 107, 109, 0], [-0.75, 3, 69, 69, 0], [-0.9, 3, 110, 107, 0], [-1.05, 4, 69, 69, 0], [-1.2, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-1.35, 4, 128, 69, 0], [-1.5, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-1.65, 3, 69, 69, 0], [-1.8, 2, 110, 110, 0], [-1.95, 2, 69, 69, 0], [-2.1, 2, 108, 106, 0], [-2.25, 1, 69, 69, 0], [-2.4, 1, 108, 110, 0], [-2.55, 0, 69, 69, 0], [-2.7, 0, 108, 107, 0], [-2.85, 0, 105, 108, 0], [-3, 1, 69, 69, 0], [-3.4, 2, 107, 109, 0], [-3.8, 2, 69, 69, 0], [-4.2, 3, 109, 108, 0], [-4.6, 4, 69, 69, 0], [-5, 5, 108, 106, 0], [-4.2, 6, 69, 69, 0], [-3.4, 6, 71, 71, 0], [-2.6, 7, 69, 69, 0], [-1.8, 8, 106, 102, 0], [-1, 7, 69, 69, 0], [-0.2, 6, 69, 69, 0], [0.6, 6, 69, 69, 0], [1.4, 5, 106, 108, 0], [2.2, 4, 128, 69, 0], [2.2, 3, 110, 107, 0], [2.2, 2, 69, 69, 0], [2.2, 2, 105, 109, 0], [2.48, 1, 69, 69, 0], [2.76, 0, 108, 105, 0], [3.04, 0, 69, 69, 0], [3.32, 0, 109, 106, 0], [3.6, 0, 69, 69, 0], [3.88, 0, 105, 106, 0], [4.16, 0, 69, 69, 0], [4.44, 0, 110, 78, 0], [4.72, 0, 69, 79, 0], [5, 0, 108, 105, 0], [5, 0, 69, 69, 0], [5, 0, 110, 107, 0], [5, 1, 69, 69, 0], [5, 1, 108, 78, 0], [5, 1, 69, 69, 0], [5, 2, 107, 80, 0], [5, 2, 69, 78, 0], [5, 2, 109, 78, 0], [5, 2, 108, 109, 0], [5, 3, 110, 105, 1], [5, 3, 78, 108, 2], [5, 3, 78, 107, 2], [5, 2, 70, 0, 2], [5, 2, 79, 79, 2], [5, 2, 108, 77, 2], [5, 2, 109, 106, 2], [5, 1, 108, 70, 2], [5, 1, 108, 186, 2], [5.3, 1, 106, 71, 2], [5.6, 0, 109, 78, 2], [5.9, -1, 110, 78, 2], [6.2, -1, 109, 109, 2], [6.5, -2, 110, 109, 2], [6.8, -2, 109, 107, 2], [7.1, -3, 109, 107, 2], [7.4, -4, 78, 110, 2], [7.7, -4, 77, 108, 2], [8, -5, 128, 78, 2], [7.468125, -5, 78, 110, 2], [6.93625, -6, 106, 107, 2], [6.404375, -5, 108, 109, 2], [5.8725, -4, 128, 110, 2], [5.340625, -4, 110, 109, 2], [4.80875, -3, 105, 110, 3], [3.3491875, -2, 128, 109, 0], [2.4215, -1, 109, 110, 0], [1.4938125, 0, 77, 77, 0], [0.566125, 0, 128, 110, 0], [-0.3615625, 1, 78, 77, 0], [-1.28925, 2, 109, 109, 0], [-2.2169375, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.3301625, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.5157, -2, 70, 0, 0], [-3.7012375, -4, 78, 0, 0], [-3.886775, -5, 69, 69, 0], [-4.0723125, -4, 128, 0, 0], [-4.25785, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-4.4433875, -2, 69, 69, 0], [-4.628925, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-4.8144625, 0, 0, 0, 4], [-5, 0, 0, 0, 5], [-4.231875, 0, 69, 69, 5], [-3.46375, 0, 69, 69, 5], [-3.43345625, -1, 128, 0, 5], [-3.94085, -1, 69, 69, 5], [-4.44824375, -1, 69, 69, 5], [-4.9556375, -1, 70, 69, 5], [-5.46303125, -2, 69, 71, 5], [-5.970425, -2, 71, 70, 5], [-6.47781875, -2, 69, 70, 5], [-6.9852125, -1, 77, 71, 5], [-7.49260625, -1, 11, 71, 5], [-8, -1, 128, 70, 5], [-7.1625, -1, 77, 71, 5], [-6.325, 0, 70, 71, 5], [-5.4875, 0, 71, 69, 5], [-4.65, 0, 78, 77, 5], [-4.65, 0, 128, 70, 6], [-4.65, 0, 69, 71, 0], [-4.65, 0, 69, 69, 0], [-4.65, 0, 71, 69, 0], [-4.65, 0, 71, 71, 0], [-4.65, 0, 128, 71, 0], [-4.65, 0, 69, 69, 0], [-4.65, 0, 71, 71, 0], [-4.65, 0, 69, 69, 0], [-4.65, 0, 71, 71, 0], [-4.65, 0, 70, 69, 0], [-4.65, 0, 71, 71, 0], [-4.65, 0, 71, 70, 0], [-4.65, 0, 71, 71, 0], [-4.2675, 0, 103, 70, 0], [-3.885, 1, 71, 71, 0], [-3.5025, 1, 105, 0, 0], [-3.12, 1, 71, 71, 0], [-2.7375, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.355, 1, 71, 70, 0], [-1.9725, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-1.59, 2, 71, 71, 0], [-1.2075, 2, 105, 0, 0], [-0.825, 2, 71, 71, 0], [-0.4425, 2, 107, 0, 0], [-0.0600000000000001, 3, 71, 71, 0], [0.3225, 3, 69, 69, 0], [0.705, 3, 71, 71, 0], [1.0875, 3, 99, 102, 0], [1.47, 3, 69, 70, 0], [1.8525, 4, 71, 69, 0], [2.235, 4, 103, 109, 0], [2.6175, 4, 69, 70, 0], [3, 3, 69, 69, 0], [3.36666666666667, 2, 107, 107, 0], [2.98333333333333, 0, 103, 110, 0], [2.6, -1, 78, 0, 0], [2.21666666666667, -2, 0, 0, 0], [1.83333333333333, 0, 108, 103, 0], [1.45, 2, 78, 0, 0], [1.06666666666667, 3, 70, 70, 0], [0.683333333333333, 5, 70, 70, 0], [0.3, 7, 69, 71, 0], [-0.0833333333333333, 6, 107, 104, 0], [-0.466666666666667, 6, 78, 70, 0], [-0.85, 5, 71, 70, 0], [-1.23333333333333, 5, 110, 100, 0], [-1.61666666666667, 4, 108, 102, 0], [-2, 4, 69, 77, 0], [-2.6, 3, 71, 107, 0], [-3.2, 2, 106, 102, 0], [-3.8, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-4.4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 107, 106, 0], [-4.05, 0, 78, 110, 0], [-3.1, 0, 69, 70, 0], [-2.15, 0, 70, 71, 0], [-1.2, 0, 70, 70, 0], [-0.125, 0, 103, 104, 0], [0, 0, 70, 70, 0], [0.125, 0, 70, 70, 0], [0.25, 0, 70, 110, 0], [0.375, 0, 106, 102, 0], [0.5, 0, 78, 71, 0], [0.625, 0, 71, 71, 0], [0.75, 0, 108, 106, 0], [0.875, 1, 109, 110, 0], [1, 2, 105, 108, 0], [1.35, 2, 108, 106, 0], [1.7, 3, 105, 108, 0], [2.05, 4, 100, 101, 0], [2.4, 5, 0, 0, 0], [2.75, 6, 0, 0, 0], [3.1, 6, 0, 0, 0], [3.45, 7, 110, 99, 0], [3.8, 8, 105, 109, 0], [4.15, 7, 105, 107, 0], [4.5, 6, 99, 106, 0], [4.5, 6, 109, 107, 0], [4.5, 5, 78, 109, 0], [4.5, 4, 69, 69, 0], [4.5, 3, 0, 0, 0], [4.5, 2, 106, 103, 0], [4.5, 2, 69, 69, 0], [4.5, 1, 0, 0, 0], [4.5, 0, 108, 99, 0], [5.25, 0, 103, 109, 0], [6, 0, 69, 69, 0], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0], [6, 0, 106, 104, 0], [6, 0, 69, 69, 0], [6, 0, 110, 108, 0], [6, 0, 69, 69, 0], [6, 0, 105, 105, 0], [6, 0, 69, 69, 0], [6, -1, 107, 102, 0], [6, -1, 69, 69, 0], [6, -1, 108, 78, 0], [6, -1, 69, 69, 0], [6, -2, 78, 109, 0], [6, -2, 69, 69, 0], [6, -2, 109, 78, 0], [6, -3, 69, 69, 0], [6.4, -3, 110, 105, 0], [6.8, -4, 69, 69, 0], [7.2, -4, 107, 78, 0], [7.6, -5, 69, 69, 0], [8, -6, 0, 0, 0], [8.4, -5, 69, 69, 0], [8.8, -4, 69, 69, 0], [9.2, -3, 69, 69, 0], [9.6, -2, 69, 70, 0], [10, -1, 69, 69, 0], [9.6, 0, 70, 70, 0], [9.2, 0, 69, 69, 0], [8.8, 0, 70, 70, 0], [8.4, -1, 69, 69, 0], [8, -1, 70, 71, 0], [7.6, -1, 69, 69, 0], [7.2, -1, 0, 0, 0], [6.8, -2, 69, 69, 0], [6.4, -2, 0, 0, 0], [6, -2, 70, 69, 0], [6, -3, 69, 69, 0], [6, -3, 71, 70, 0], [6, -4, 71, 70, 0], [5.4, -4, 69, 69, 0], [4.8, -5, 71, 69, 0], [4.2, -6, 70, 70, 0], [3.6, -5, 80, 78, 0], [3, -4, 119, 0, 0], [2.4, -3, 120, 0, 0], [1.8, -2, 120, 0, 0], [1.2, -1, 120, 0, 0], [0.6, 0, 120, 0, 0], [0, 0, 120, 0, 0], [0, 0, 120, 0, 0], [0, 0, 120, 0, 0], [0, 0, 120, 0, 0], [-0.0416666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.583333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.125, 0, 67, 0, 0], [-1.66666666666667, 0, 68, 0, 0], [-2.20833333333333, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.75, -1, 69, 69, 0], [-3.29166666666667, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.83333333333333, -1, 69, 69, 0], [-4.375, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-5.12222222222222, -2, 69, 69, 0], [-5.32777777777778, -2, 71, 70, 0], [-5.53333333333333, -2, 69, 69, 0], [-5.73888888888889, 0, 69, 69, 0], [-5.94444444444444, 1, 69, 69, 0], [-6.15, 3, 70, 71, 0], [-6.35555555555556, 4, 69, 69, 0], [-6.56111111111111, 3, 69, 71, 0], [-6.76666666666667, 3, 69, 69, 0], [-6.97222222222222, 2, 70, 69, 0], [-7.17777777777778, 1, 69, 69, 0], [-7.38333333333333, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-7.58888888888889, 0, 69, 69, 0], [-7.79444444444445, 0, 70, 70, 0], [-8, 0, 69, 69, 0], [-7.45, 0, 71, 71, 0], [-6.9, 0, 69, 69, 0], [-6.35, 0, 128, 69, 0], [-5.8, 0, 70, 71, 0], [-5.25, 0, 69, 69, 0], [-4.7, 0, 70, 71, 0], [-4.15, 0, 71, 71, 0], [-3.6, 0, 11, 0, 0], [-3.05, -1, 71, 71, 0], [-2.445, -1, 69, 71, 0], [-1.84, -1, 70, 67, 0], [-1.235, -1, 128, 70, 0], [-0.63, -1, 69, 68, 0], [-0.025, -1, 70, 69, 0], [0.58, -1, 71, 69, 0], [1.185, -1, 71, 71, 0], [1.79, -1, 0, 0, 0], [2.395, -1, 0, 0, 0], [3, -2, 0, 0, 0], [2.45, -2, 68, 71, 0], [1.9, -2, 128, 68, 0], [1.515, -2, 70, 68, 0], [1.68, -2, 68, 71, 0], [2.20416666666667, 0, 70, 71, 0], [2.56333333333333, 3, 71, 68, 0], [2.9225, 5, 105, 68, 0], [3.28166666666667, 7, 101, 102, 0], [3.64083333333333, 6, 70, 70, 0], [4, 5, 0, 68, 0], [3.32638888888889, 4, 0, 0, 0], [2.65277777777778, 3, 0, 0, 0], [1.97916666666667, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1.30555555555556, 0, 68, 69, 0], [1.19328703703704, -1, 68, 69, 0], [1.75462962962963, -2, 79, 68, 0], [2.31597222222222, -1, 128, 69, 0], [2.87731481481481, 0, 68, 71, 0], [3.43865740740741, 1, 70, 71, 0], [4, 2, 69, 69, 0], [3.89761904761905, 3, 0, 79, 0], [3.7952380952381, 3, 69, 69, 0], [3.69285714285714, 3, 0, 79, 0], [3.59047619047619, 3, 69, 69, 0], [3.48809523809524, 4, 0, 0, 0], [3.38571428571429, 4, 69, 69, 0], [3.38571428571429, 4, 128, 0, 0], [2.57857142857143, 4, 0, 0, 0], [1.77142857142857, 5, 69, 69, 0], [1.54081632653061, 5, 0, 0, 0], [2.11734693877551, 5, 69, 69, 0], [2.69387755102041, 5, 68, 70, 0], [3.27040816326531, 6, 69, 71, 0], [3.8469387755102, 6, 71, 69, 0], [4.4234693877551, 6, 80, 71, 7], [5, 6, 70, 105, 8], [5, 7, 128, 70, 8], [5, 7, 109, 105, 8], [5, 7, 128, 103, 8], [5, 6, 110, 103, 8], [5, 6, 107, 108, 8], [5, 5, 128, 104, 8], [5, 4, 106, 102, 8], [5, 3, 109, 68, 8], [5, 3, 107, 101, 8], [5, 2, 128, 109, 8], [5, 1, 101, 81, 8], [5, 0, 104, 68, 8], [5, 0, 109, 101, 8], [5, -1, 105, 101, 8], [5, -2, 128, 107, 8], [5, -1, 69, 69, 8], [5, 0, 103, 68, 8], [5, 1, 105, 101, 8], [5, 2, 128, 69, 8], [5, 2, 106, 106, 8], [5, 1, 69, 69, 8], [5, 1, 128, 0, 8], [5, 0, 69, 69, 8], [5, 0, 128, 81, 8], [5, 0, 69, 69, 8], [5, 0, 0, 80, 8], [5, 0, 0, 0, 8], [5, 0, 186, 0, 8], [4.3, 0, 0, 186, 8], [3.6, 0, 69, 69, 8], [2.9, 0, 165, 164, 8], [2.2, 1, 163, 165, 8], [1.5, 1, 69, 69, 8], [0.8, 1, 128, 164, 8], [0.1, 2, 165, 165, 8], [-0.6, 2, 69, 69, 8], [-1.3, 2, 163, 165, 8], [-2, 3, 69, 69, 8], [-2.4125, 3, 163, 163, 8], [-2.925, 4, 163, 163, 9], [-3.4375, 4, 69, 69, 0], [-3.95, 4, 165, 165, 0], [-4.4625, 5, 69, 69, 0], [-4.975, 5, 165, 164, 0], [-5.4875, 5, 69, 69, 0], [-6, 6, 164, 70, 0], [-5.78875, 6, 69, 69, 0], [-5.5775, 6, 165, 163, 0], [-5.36625, 7, 165, 70, 0], [-5.155, 7, 69, 69, 0], [-4.94375, 6, 164, 163, 0], [-4.7325, 6, 163, 165, 0], [-4.52125, 5, 165, 164, 0], [-4.31, 4, 163, 165, 0], [-4.31, 3, 161, 0, 0], [-3.8875, 3, 105, 163, 0], [-3.465, 2, 106, 164, 0], [-3.0425, 1, 108, 165, 0], [-2.62, 0, 78, 78, 0], [-2.62, 0, 81, 77, 0], [-2.62, -1, 70, 70, 0], [-2.958, -2, 108, 108, 0], [-3.296, -1, 100, 78, 0], [-3.634, 0, 77, 165, 0], [-3.972, 1, 69, 69, 0], [-4.31, 2, 163, 165, 0], [-4.648, 3, 69, 69, 0], [-4.986, 3, 163, 164, 0], [-5.324, 3, 69, 69, 0], [-5.662, 3, 163, 164, 0], [-6, 4, 69, 69, 0], [-5.625, 4, 163, 165, 0], [-5.25, 4, 78, 78, 0], [-4.875, 4, 77, 70, 0], [-4.5, 5, 68, 68, 0], [-4.125, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-3.75, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-3.375, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-3, 6, 0, 0, 0], [-3.264, 6, 0, 0, 0], [-3.568, 6, 148, 81, 0], [-3.872, 6, 162, 93, 0], [-4.176, 7, 92, 93, 0], [-4.48, 7, 146, 147, 0], [-4.784, 7, 93, 92, 0], [-5.088, 6, 69, 93, 0], [-5.392, 6, 173, 146, 0], [-5.696, 5, 162, 147, 0], [-6, 4, 92, 93, 0], [-5.625, 3, 92, 173, 0], [-5.25, 3, 93, 147, 0], [-4.875, 2, 162, 147, 0], [-4.5, 1, 186, 148, 0], [-4.125, 0, 79, 80, 0], [-3.75, 0, 80, 79, 0], [-3.375, -1, 80, 77, 0], [-2.46666666666667, -2, 81, 81, 0], [-1.93333333333333, -1, 128, 78, 0], [-1.4, 0, 81, 80, 0], [-0.866666666666667, 1, 79, 77, 0], [-0.333333333333333, 2, 81, 80, 0], [0.2, 2, 81, 80, 0], [0.733333333333333, 1, 81, 78, 0], [1.26666666666667, 1, 81, 80, 0], [1.8, 0, 79, 80, 0], [2.33333333333333, 0, 79, 81, 0], [2.86666666666667, 0, 79, 80, 0], [3.4, 0, 78, 78, 0], [3.93333333333333, 0, 78, 80, 0], [4.46666666666667, 0, 0, 79, 0], [5, 0, 128, 77, 0], [5.4, -1, 81, 79, 0], [5.8, -1, 78, 81, 0], [6.2, -1, 79, 81, 0], [6.6, -1, 80, 81, 0], [7, -1, 77, 80, 0], [6.216, -1, 80, 78, 0], [5.432, -1, 81, 79, 0], [4.648, -1, 80, 77, 0], [3.864, -1, 77, 80, 0], [3.08, -1, 78, 78, 0], [2.296, -2, 81, 81, 0], [1.512, -2, 78, 79, 0], [0.728, -2, 128, 79, 0], [-0.0559999999999999, -2, 78, 79, 0], [-0.84, -2, 80, 79, 0], [-0.84, -2, 80, 78, 0], [-1.579, -2, 81, 80, 0], [-1.338, -2, 80, 77, 0], [-1.097, -2, 128, 0, 0], [-0.856, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-0.615, -2, 11, 0, 0], [-0.374, -2, 0, 79, 0], [-0.133, -2, 160, 69, 0], [0.108, -2, 0, 0, 0], [0.349, -2, 0, 0, 0], [0.59, -2, 245, 244, 0], [0.831, -2, 186, 174, 0], [1.072, -2, 78, 246, 0], [1.313, -2, 83, 186, 0], [1.554, -2, 186, 80, 0], [1.795, -2, 245, 79, 0], [2.036, -2, 173, 186, 0], [2.277, -2, 171, 245, 0], [2.518, -2, 70, 71, 0], [2.759, -2, 246, 69, 0], [3, -2, 245, 68, 0], [3.8, -2, 79, 244, 0], [4.6, -2, 244, 245, 0], [5.4, -2, 78, 246, 0], [6.2, -2, 245, 245, 0], [7, -2, 244, 246, 0], [7, -2, 245, 246, 0], [7, -2, 244, 244, 0], [7, -5, 70, 244, 0], [7, -7, 69, 81, 0], [7, -10, 69, 0, 0], [7, -9, 128, 0, 0], [7, -8, 70, 80, 0], [7, -7, 0, 0, 0], [7, -7, 69, 0, 0], [7, -6, 68, 0, 0], [6.73866666666667, -5, 78, 80, 0], [6.47733333333333, -4, 68, 0, 0], [6.216, -3, 128, 0, 0], [5.95466666666667, -2, 69, 0, 0], [5.69333333333333, -2, 0, 0, 0], [5.432, -1, 69, 245, 0], [5.17066666666667, 0, 71, 186, 0], [4.90933333333333, 0, 71, 245, 0], [4.648, 0, 245, 186, 0], [4.38666666666667, 1, 70, 93, 0], [4.12533333333333, 1, 0, 92, 0], [3.864, 2, 69, 166, 0], [3.60266666666667, 2, 71, 172, 0], [3.34133333333333, 3, 0, 166, 0], [3.08, 4, 0, 167, 0], [3.08, 4, 68, 93, 0], [2.42666666666667, 5, 70, 79, 0], [1.77333333333333, 5, 78, 78, 0], [1.12, 6, 71, 80, 0], [0.466666666666667, 5, 69, 81, 0], [-0.186666666666667, 5, 70, 81, 0], [-0.84, 4, 70, 78, 0], [-1.49333333333333, 4, 71, 79, 0], [-2.14666666666667, 3, 68, 80, 0], [-2.8, 2, 128, 78, 0], [-2.8, 2, 79, 79, 0], [-2.8, 1, 69, 70, 0], [-2.8, 1, 164, 164, 0], [-2.8, 1, 165, 165, 0], [-2.8, 1, 79, 165, 0], [-2.8, 2, 165, 165, 0], [-2.8, 2, 165, 81, 0], [-2.8, 3, 165, 165, 0], [-2.8, 4, 164, 164, 0], [-2.8, 4, 164, 165, 0], [-2.8, 5, 80, 81, 0], [-2.8, 5, 163, 164, 0], [-2.8, 6, 163, 163, 0], [-2.8, 5, 128, 163, 0], [-2.8, 5, 165, 163, 0], [-2.8, 4, 163, 163, 0], [-2.8, 5, 163, 163, 0], [-2.8, 5, 165, 165, 0], [-2.8, 6, 80, 163, 0], [-2.8, 6, 0, 165, 0], [-2.8, 6, 128, 165, 0], [-2.8, 7, 164, 163, 0], [-2.8, 7, 70, 70, 0], [-2.8, 8, 70, 70, 0], [-2.8, 8, 110, 108, 0], [-2.8, 7, 105, 105, 0], [-2.8, 6, 77, 164, 0], [-2.27, 6, 164, 163, 0], [-1.74, 5, 165, 165, 0], [-1.21, 4, 164, 78, 0], [-0.68, 3, 165, 164, 0], [-0.15, 2, 164, 163, 0], [0.38, 2, 108, 108, 0], [0.91, 1, 108, 108, 0], [1.44, 0, 107, 80, 0], [1.97, 0, 77, 106, 0], [2.5, 0, 108, 78, 0], [3, 0, 108, 105, 0], [3.5, 1, 78, 108, 0], [4, 1, 107, 78, 0], [4.5, 1, 81, 81, 0], [5, 2, 78, 108, 0], [5, 2, 79, 77, 0], [5, 2, 106, 79, 0], [5, 2, 106, 106, 0], [5, 3, 78, 78, 0], [5, 3, 78, 106, 0], [5, 1, 77, 81, 0], [5, 0, 108, 80, 0], [5, -2, 81, 81, 0], [5, -2, 106, 105, 0], [5, -1, 80, 106, 0], [5, -1, 128, 0, 0], [5, -1, 105, 78, 0], [5, -1, 79, 81, 0], [5, 0, 106, 78, 0], [5, 0, 79, 107, 0], [5, 0, 105, 79, 0], [5, 0, 77, 108, 0], [5, 0, 79, 81, 0], [5, 0, 81, 79, 0], [4, 0, 0, 106, 0], [3, -1, 77, 80, 0], [2, -1, 128, 107, 0], [1, -2, 106, 106, 0], [0, -3, 78, 78, 0], [-0.56, -3, 107, 78, 0], [-0.56, -4, 107, 81, 0], [-0.56, -5, 106, 81, 0], [-0.56, -6, 78, 77, 0], [-0.56, -6, 77, 78, 0], [-0.56, -7, 81, 77, 0], [-0.56, -6, 106, 106, 0], [-0.56, -6, 81, 107, 0], [-0.56, -5, 78, 78, 0], [-0.56, -4, 81, 105, 0], [-0.56, -3, 77, 105, 0], [-0.56, -3, 78, 77, 0], [-0.56, -2, 107, 79, 0], [-0.56, -1, 80, 77, 0], [-0.56, -1, 107, 108, 0], [-0.56, 0, 79, 80, 0], [-0.56, 0, 79, 78, 0], [-0.56, 0, 108, 81, 0], [-0.56, 0, 80, 105, 0], [-0.56, 0, 128, 107, 0], [-0.56, 0, 79, 108, 0], [-0.56, 0, 105, 105, 0], [-0.56, 0, 106, 80, 0], [-0.56, 0, 81, 80, 0], [-0.56, 0, 128, 0, 0], [-0.56, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.56, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-0.56, -1, 71, 0, 0], [-0.904, -2, 70, 0, 0], [-1.248, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-1.592, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-1.936, -4, 93, 0, 0], [-2.28, -5, 92, 78, 0], [-2.624, -6, 173, 186, 0], [-2.968, -6, 93, 0, 0], [-3.312, -7, 173, 0, 0], [-3.656, -6, 0, 0, 0], [-4, -6, 173, 0, 0], [-3.656, -5, 0, 77, 0], [-3.312, -4, 68, 186, 0], [-2.968, -3, 71, 0, 0], [-2.624, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-2.28, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-1.936, -1, 77, 80, 0], [-1.592, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-1.248, 0, 78, 79, 0], [-0.904, 0, 79, 77, 0], [-0.56, 0, 70, 68, 0], [-0.56, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.56, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.804, 0, 68, 71, 0], [-1.048, 0, 128, 0, 0], [-1.292, 1, 77, 77, 0], [-1.536, 2, 11, 0, 0], [-1.78, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-2.024, 4, 186, 80, 0], [-2.268, 5, 0, 186, 0], [-2.512, 6, 80, 81, 0], [-2.756, 7, 128, 0, 0], [-3, 8, 71, 69, 0], [-3.6, 9, 69, 80, 0], [-4.2, 8, 77, 78, 0], [-4.8, 7, 70, 81, 0], [-5.4, 6, 186, 77, 0], [-6, 5, 128, 80, 0], [-5.568, 4, 79, 71, 0], [-5.136, 3, 78, 80, 0], [-4.704, 2, 78, 69, 0], [-4.272, 1, 70, 71, 0], [-3.84, 0, 80, 70, 0], [-3.408, 0, 71, 80, 0], [-2.976, 0, 71, 71, 0], [-2.544, 0, 79, 77, 0], [-2.2008, 0, 79, 79, 0], [-2.2896, 0, 77, 81, 0], [-2.3784, 0, 70, 71, 0], [-2.4672, 1, 69, 70, 0], [-2.556, 1, 69, 71, 0], [-2.6448, 2, 128, 71, 0], [-2.7336, 2, 69, 81, 0], [-2.8224, 0, 69, 69, 0], [-2.9112, -3, 80, 70, 0], [-3, -2, 71, 71, 0], [-3.6, -1, 77, 71, 0], [-4.2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-4.8, 0, 128, 0, 0], [-5.4, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-6, 1, 80, 81, 0], [-5.68, 2, 79, 0, 0], [-5.36, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-5.04, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-4.72, -3, 80, 70, 0], [-4.4, -2, 81, 71, 0], [-4.08, -1, 79, 80, 0], [-3.76, 0, 81, 79, 0], [-3.44, 0, 78, 78, 0], [-3.44, 0, 128, 0, 0], [-3.44, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.44, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.8464, -1, 77, 77, 0], [-3.1968, -1, 79, 69, 0], [-3.5472, -1, 71, 71, 0], [-3.8976, -1, 71, 71, 0], [-4.248, -2, 71, 71, 0], [-4.5984, -2, 71, 71, 0], [-4.9488, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-5.2992, 0, 80, 70, 0], [-5.6496, 1, 128, 80, 0], [-5, 3, 77, 78, 0], [-4, 1, 79, 81, 0], [-3, -2, 71, 71, 0], [-2, -4, 71, 71, 0], [-1, -3, 71, 71, 0], [0, -2, 71, 71, 0], [1, -1, 71, 78, 0], [2, 0, 77, 79, 0], [3, 0, 79, 71, 0], [4, -1, 71, 78, 0], [4, -1, 78, 80, 0], [4, -1, 0, 0, 0], [4, -1, 77, 79, 0], [4, -2, 71, 79, 0], [4, -2, 79, 71, 0], [4, -2, 81, 81, 0], [4, -3, 70, 81, 0], [4, -3, 81, 80, 0], [4, -3, 69, 81, 0], [4, -4, 78, 70, 0], [4, -4, 77, 70, 0], [4, -5, 77, 78, 0], [4, -5, 81, 81, 0], [4, -4, 128, 78, 0], [4, -4, 78, 81, 0], [4, -4, 81, 77, 0], [4, -4, 80, 79, 0], [4, -3, 71, 69, 0], [4, -3, 81, 79, 0], [4, -3, 80, 77, 0], [3, -3, 69, 71, 0], [2, -3, 77, 70, 0], [1, -3, 81, 78, 0], [0, -3, 71, 77, 0], [-1, -4, 77, 78, 0], [-2, -4, 78, 69, 0], [-3, -5, 81, 77, 0], [-4, -5, 71, 81, 0], [-5, -4, 119, 79, 0], [-6, -3, 120, 0, 0], [-6, -2, 120, 0, 0], [-5.62, -1, 120, 0, 0], [-5.24, 0, 120, 0, 0], [-4.86, 0, 120, 0, 0], [-4.032, 0, 120, 0, 0], [-3.584, 0, 120, 0, 0], [-3.136, 0, 120, 0, 0], [-2.688, 0, 120, 0, 0], [-2.24, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.792, 0, 77, 77, 0], [-1.344, 0, 81, 78, 0], [-0.8064, -1, 78, 79, 0], [-0.7168, -1, 70, 79, 0], [-0.6272, -1, 81, 70, 0], [-0.5376, -1, 78, 77, 0], [-0.448, -2, 77, 81, 0], [-0.3584, -2, 71, 80, 0], [-0.24192, -2, 69, 70, 0], [-0.24192, -3, 80, 79, 0], [-0.24192, -3, 119, 0, 0], [-0.24192, -3, 120, 0, 0], [-0.24192, -4, 120, 0, 0], [-0.24192, -4, 120, 0, 0], [-0.24192, -5, 120, 0, 0], [-0.24192, -5, 120, 0, 0], [-0.24192, -4, 120, 0, 0], [-0.24192, -3, 120, 0, 0], [-0.24192, -2, 120, 0, 0], [-0.24192, -1, 120, 0, 0], [-0.24192, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.24192, 0, 81, 80, 0], [0.082272, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.406464, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.730656, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.054848, 0, 71, 69, 0], [1.37904, 1, 71, 71, 0], [1.703232, 1, 69, 70, 0], [2.4219392, 2, 70, 71, 0], [2.8164544, 2, 70, 71, 0], [3.08987264, 3, 69, 69, 0], [2.96877568, 4, 128, 71, 0], [2.84767872, 4, 70, 71, 0], [2.72658176, 5, 164, 164, 0], [2.6054848, 5, 163, 163, 0], [2.48438784, 6, 163, 164, 0], [2.36329088, 6, 164, 165, 0], [2.24219392, 7, 164, 163, 0], [2.12109696, 6, 165, 78, 0], [2, 4, 163, 186, 0], [3.4, 3, 165, 92, 0], [4.8, 1, 80, 70, 0], [6.2, 0, 186, 246, 0], [7.6, -2, 246, 244, 0], [9, 1, 244, 173, 0], [8.52, 3, 245, 244, 0], [8.04, 2, 245, 174, 0], [7.56, 2, 246, 246, 0], [7.08, 1, 246, 80, 0], [6.6, 0, 244, 186, 0], [6.12, 0, 246, 80, 0], [5.64, 1, 246, 245, 0], [5.16, 1, 71, 71, 0], [4.68, 2, 70, 70, 0], [4.2, 2, 245, 245, 0], [4.2, 3, 245, 245, 0], [4, 4, 246, 246, 0], [4, 4, 128, 0, 0], [2.70356992, 5, 186, 0, 0], [1.0897832704, 5, 165, 164, 0], [0.4131406848, 6, 165, 164, 0], [-0.2635019008, 6, 165, 165, 0], [-0.9401444864, 7, 165, 163, 0], [-1.616787072, 6, 128, 165, 0], [-2.2934296576, 4, 165, 164, 0], [-2.9700722432, 3, 0, 165, 0], [-3.6467148288, 1, 80, 164, 0], [-4.3233574144, 0, 173, 163, 0], [-5.3, -2, 70, 163, 0], [-5.6, 1, 173, 0, 0], [-5.9, 3, 0, 164, 0], [-6.2, 2, 173, 164, 0], [-6.5, 2, 0, 165, 0], [-6.8, 1, 80, 165, 0], [-7.1, 0, 0, 163, 0], [-7.4, 0, 128, 0, 0], [-7.7, 0, 70, 69, 0], [-8, 0, 80, 70, 0], [-7.3616128, 0, 77, 71, 0], [-6.7232256, 0, 69, 77, 0], [-6.0848384, 0, 78, 79, 0], [-5.4464512, -1, 71, 81, 0], [-4.808064, -2, 80, 70, 0], [-4.1696768, -3, 70, 80, 0], [-3.5312896, -4, 80, 80, 0], [-2.8929024, -5, 77, 81, 0], [-2.2545152, -4, 80, 71, 0], [-1.616128, -3, 70, 78, 0], [-1.616128, -2, 77, 79, 0], [-0.992113777777778, -1, 69, 81, 0], [-0.368099555555556, 0, 71, 80, 0], [0.255914666666667, 0, 77, 71, 0], [0.879928888888889, 0, 77, 79, 0], [1.50394311111111, 1, 77, 80, 0], [2.12795733333333, 1, 78, 81, 0], [2.75197155555556, 2, 77, 69, 0], [3.37598577777778, 2, 12, 78, 0], [4, 3, 77, 69, 0], [3.37598577777778, 4, 70, 81, 0], [2.75197155555556, 4, 81, 78, 0], [2.33596207407407, 5, 78, 78, 0], [2.54396681481481, 5, 79, 81, 0], [2.75197155555556, 6, 77, 78, 0], [2.9599762962963, 6, 77, 77, 0], [3.16798103703704, 7, 69, 80, 0], [3.37598577777778, 6, 69, 78, 0], [3.58399051851852, 4, 0, 0, 0], [3.79199525925926, 3, 0, 0, 0], [4, 1, 0, 0, 0], [3.57111111111111, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.14222222222222, -2, 0, 0, 0], [2.71333333333333, 1, 0, 0, 0], [2.28444444444444, 3, 0, 0, 0], [1.85555555555556, 2, 0, 0, 0], [2.284, 3, 0, 0, 0], [3.14133333333333, 3, 0, 0, 0], [3.99866666666667, 4, 0, 0, 0], [4.856, 4, 0, 0, 0], [5.71333333333333, 5, 0, 0, 0], [6.57066666666667, 5, 0, 0, 0], [7.428, 5, 0, 0, 0], [8.28533333333333, 6, 0, 0, 0], [9.14266666666667, 6, 0, 0, 0], [10, 7, 0, 0, 0], [9.056, 7, 0, 0, 0], [8.112, 6, 0, 0, 0], [7.168, 4, 0, 0, 0], [6.224, 3, 0, 0, 0], [5.28, 1, 0, 0, 0], [4.8024, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.2688, -2, 0, 0, 0], [5.7352, 1, 0, 0, 0], [6.2016, 3, 0, 0, 0], [6.668, 2, 0, 0, 0], [7.1344, 2, 0, 0, 0], [7.6008, 1, 0, 0, 0], [8.0672, 0, 0, 0, 0], [8.5336, 0, 0, 0, 0], [9, 0, 0, 0, 0], [8.022, 0, 0, 0, 0], [7.044, -1, 0, 0, 0], [6.066, -1, 0, 0, 0], [5.088, -1, 0, 0, 0], [4.11, -2, 0, 0, 0], [3.132, -2, 0, 0, 0], [3.132, -3, 0, 0, 0], [3.132, -4, 0, 0, 0], [3.132, -5, 0, 0, 0], [3.132, -6, 0, 0, 0], [3.132, -7, 0, 0, 0], [3.132, -6, 0, 0, 0], [3.132, -4, 0, 0, 0], [3.132, -3, 0, 0, 0], [3.132, -1, 0, 0, 0], [3.132, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.132, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.132, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.132, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.132, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.132, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.132, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.132, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.132, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.132, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.132, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.154, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.176, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.198, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.78, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.78, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.04, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.7, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.7, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 0));
Frame 26
_root.engine.addLevelToLib(new com.neodelight.r3D.Race3DLevel("poland", 7, new Array([-3.00784, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8976, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.8976, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.372, 0, 10, 0, 0], [-2.8464, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.3208, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.7952, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.2696, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.744, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.744, 0, 67, 0, 0], [-0.744, 0, 186, 66, 0], [-1.712, 0, 92, 0, 0], [-2.68, -1, 93, 0, 0], [-2.68, -1, 186, 65, 0], [-3.31, -1, 146, 0, 0], [-3.72, -1, 147, 146, 0], [-4.13, -1, 186, 144, 0], [-4.54, -2, 0, 186, 0], [-4.95, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-5.36, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-5.77, -1, 19, 0, 0], [-6.18, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-6.59, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-7, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-6.4, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-5.8, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-5.2, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-4.6, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-3.4, 2, 0, 61, 0], [-2.84, 2, 0, 63, 0], [-2.88, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-1.736, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.552, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.632, -1, 0, 0, 0], [2.1344, -1, 0, 0, 0], [2.4528, -1, 65, 0, 0], [2.7712, -2, 0, 0, 0], [3.0896, -2, 64, 63, 0], [3.408, -3, 79, 67, 0], [3.7264, -3, 132, 66, 0], [4.0448, -2, 140, 0, 0], [4.3632, -1, 0, 0, 0], [4.6816, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.5648, 1, 65, 0, 0], [4.21664, 2, 0, 62, 0], [4.30368, 3, 0, 0, 0], [4.39072, 3, 0, 65, 0], [4.729984, 2, 0, 0, 0], [4.982208, 2, 0, 0, 0], [5.234432, 2, 0, 63, 0], [5.486656, 2, 65, 62, 0], [5.73888, 1, 213, 65, 0], [5.991104, 1, 121, 0, 0], [6.243328, 0, 121, 0, 0], [6.6459968, 0, 121, 0, 0], [6.7964416, -1, 121, 0, 0], [6.9468864, -1, 121, 0, 0], [7.0973312, -2, 0, 0, 0], [7.247776, -2, 0, 19, 0], [7.3982208, -3, 0, 0, 0], [7.5486656, -2, 0, 0, 0], [7.6991104, -1, 0, 0, 0], [7.8495552, 1, 0, 0, 0], [8, 1, 0, 183, 0], [7.62, 2, 0, 221, 0], [6.216, 2, 66, 65, 0], [5.192, 3, 63, 183, 0], [4.168, 3, 183, 221, 0], [3.144, 4, 221, 0, 0], [2.12, 4, 0, 183, 0], [1.096, 5, 0, 221, 0], [0.0719999999999999, 5, 67, 0, 0], [-0.952, 5, 63, 0, 0], [-1.976, 4, 221, 221, 0], [-3, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-2.1126, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-2.2112, 3, 65, 0, 0], [-2.3098, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-2.4084, 2, 0, 66, 0], [-2.507, 1, 39, 40, 0], [-2.6056, 1, 221, 221, 0], [-2.7042, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.8028, 0, 221, 221, 0], [-2.9014, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.4, 0, 221, 221, 0], [-3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-4.2, -1, 221, 221, 0], [-4.6, -1, 19, 0, 0], [-5, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-5.4, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-5.8, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-6.2, -3, 63, 0, 0], [-6.6, -4, 62, 0, 0], [-7, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-6.775, -5, 0, 0, 0], [-6.95, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-7.125, -4, 67, 0, 0], [-7.3, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-7.475, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-7.65, -2, 19, 0, 0], [-7.825, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-8, -1, 67, 0, 0], [-7.71111111111111, -1, 93, 0, 0], [-7.42222222222222, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-7.13333333333333, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-6.98888888888889, -3, 63, 0, 0], [-7.13333333333333, -3, 67, 0, 0], [-7.27777777777778, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-7.42222222222222, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-7.56666666666667, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-7.71111111111111, -5, 0, 0, 0], [-7.85555555555556, -5, 0, 0, 0], [-8, -4, 19, 0, 0], [-7.48888888888889, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-6.97777777777778, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-6.46666666666667, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-5.95555555555556, -2, 64, 0, 0], [-4.8, -2, 63, 0, 0], [-4.15555555555556, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-3.51111111111111, -1, 61, 68, 0], [-2.86666666666667, 0, 121, 0, 0], [-2.22222222222222, 0, 121, 0, 0], [-1.57777777777778, 0, 121, 0, 0], [-0.933333333333334, 0, 121, 0, 0], [-0.288888888888889, 0, 121, 0, 0], [0.355555555555556, 0, 121, 0, 0], [1, 0, 121, 0, 0], [0.6456, 0, 121, 0, 11], [0.2912, 0, 121, 0, 10], [0.2912, 0, 121, 0, 10], [0.83296, 0, 121, 0, 10], [1.37472, -1, 121, 0, 10], [1.91648, -1, 121, 0, 10], [2.45824, -2, 121, 0, 10], [3, -2, 121, 0, 10], [2.45824, -3, 121, 0, 10], [1.91648, -3, 121, 0, 10], [1.37472, -4, 121, 0, 10], [0.0663680000000001, -4, 121, 0, 10], [-0.700224, -5, 121, 0, 10], [-1.466816, -4, 121, 0, 10], [-2.233408, -4, 121, 0, 10], [-3, -3, 121, 0, 10], [-2.34176, -3, 121, 0, 10], [-1.68352, -2, 121, 0, 10], [-1.02528, -2, 121, 0, 10], [-0.893632, -1, 121, 0, 10], [-1.420224, -1, 121, 0, 10], [-1.946816, 0, 121, 0, 10], [-2.473408, 0, 121, 0, 10], [-3, 0, 121, 0, 10], [-2.34176, 0, 121, 0, 10], [-1.68352, 0, 121, 0, 10], [-1.02528, 0, 121, 0, 10], [-0.36704, 1, 121, 0, 10], [-0.33792, 1, 0, 0, 10], [-0.770336, 2, 11, 0, 10], [-0.573632, 2, 0, 0, 10], [-0.376928, 2, 0, 186, 14], [-0.180224, 3, 0, 144, 13], [0.01648, 3, 66, 0, 13], [0.213184, 4, 0, 0, 13], [0.409888, 4, 0, 0, 13], [0.606592, 4, 186, 0, 13], [0.803296, 4, 216, 0, 13], [1, 4, 186, 186, 13], [1.385824, 4, 215, 144, 13], [1.771648, 4, 186, 0, 13], [2.157472, 4, 0, 0, 15], [2.543296, 4, 214, 217, 14], [2.92912, 4, 0, 186, 13], [3.314944, 4, 0, 0, 13], [3.700768, 2, 0, 0, 15], [4.086592, 1, 0, 0, 14], [4.472416, 0, 0, 0, 13], [4.85824, -1, 0, 0, 13], [4.85824, -1, 0, 0, 13], [4.46820266666667, -2, 0, 19, 13], [4.64904533333333, -3, 0, 0, 13], [4.829888, -4, 0, 0, 13], [5.01073066666667, -5, 0, 0, 13], [5.19157333333333, -6, 0, 0, 13], [5.372416, -5, 186, 186, 13], [5.55325866666667, -5, 218, 0, 13], [5.73410133333333, -4, 0, 144, 15], [5.73410133333333, -4, 0, 215, 10], [5.73410133333333, -3, 0, 145, 10], [5.73410133333333, -2, 0, 145, 10], [5.73410133333333, -2, 0, 145, 10], [5.73410133333333, -1, 0, 0, 10], [6.377159872, -1, 0, 19, 10], [6.779697664, 1, 0, 0, 14], [7.182235456, 1, 0, 0, 13], [7.584773248, 2, 0, 0, 13], [7.98731104, 2, 0, 173, 13], [8.389848832, 3, 0, 183, 13], [8.792386624, 3, 0, 66, 13], [9.194924416, 4, 0, 173, 15], [9.597462208, 4, 0, 143, 14], [10, 5, 0, 173, 13], [9.6457472, 5, 0, 144, 13], [8.06234496, 5, 0, 0, 13], [6.83319552, 4, 0, 0, 15], [4.083236864, 4, 64, 67, 10], [2.562427648, 3, 0, 0, 10], [1.0374565888, 3, 64, 63, 10], [1.0332947456, 2, 0, 0, 14], [1.0291329024, 2, 66, 65, 13], [1.0249710592, 3, 0, 0, 13], [1.020809216, 3, 62, 62, 13], [1.0166473728, 3, 67, 64, 13], [1.0124855296, 4, 64, 63, 15], [1.0083236864, 4, 66, 65, 10], [1.0041618432, 4, 0, 0, 10], [1, 4, 64, 62, 14], [0.114285714285714, 5, 0, 0, 13], [-0.771428571428572, 5, 66, 63, 13], [-1.65714285714286, 5, 62, 65, 13], [-2.54285714285714, 4, 66, 64, 13], [-3.42857142857143, 4, 63, 67, 13], [-4.31428571428572, 3, 66, 62, 13], [-5.2, 3, 64, 65, 13], [-6.08571428571429, 2, 67, 62, 13], [-6.97142857142857, 2, 63, 63, 13], [-7.85714285714286, 1, 66, 66, 13], [-7.85714285714286, 1, 67, 62, 15], [-8.14285714285714, 0, 65, 64, 14], [-8.42857142857143, 0, 19, 64, 13], [-8.71428571428571, -1, 67, 65, 13], [-9, -1, 0, 0, 15], [-8.71428571428571, -1, 66, 66, 14], [-8.42857142857143, -1, 0, 0, 13], [-8.14285714285714, -2, 62, 66, 13], [-7.85714285714286, -2, 66, 65, 15], [-7.57142857142857, -2, 63, 64, 10], [-7.28571428571429, -3, 66, 65, 10], [-7, -3, 66, 64, 10], [-7.28571428571429, -3, 64, 62, 10], [-7.57142857142857, -2, 63, 66, 10], [-7.85714285714286, -2, 65, 66, 10], [-8.14285714285714, -2, 19, 65, 14], [-8.42857142857143, -1, 66, 66, 13], [-8.71428571428571, -1, 0, 0, 13], [-9, -1, 63, 67, 13], [-7.51428571428571, -1, 0, 0, 13], [-6.02857142857143, 0, 63, 67, 13], [-4.54285714285714, -1, 0, 0, 13], [-3.05714285714286, -1, 0, 65, 13], [-1.57142857142857, -1, 121, 0, 13], [0.0228571428571427, 0, 121, 0, 13], [0.131428571428571, 0, 121, 0, 15], [0.24, 1, 0, 0, 10], [0.413714285714286, 1, 0, 0, 10], [0.478857142857143, 2, 143, 0, 10], [0.544, 2, 145, 221, 10], [0.609142857142857, 3, 143, 221, 10], [0.674285714285714, 3, 145, 0, 10], [0.739428571428571, 4, 143, 143, 10], [0.804571428571429, 4, 145, 145, 10], [0.869714285714286, 3, 143, 141, 10], [0.934857142857143, 3, 145, 143, 10], [1, 2, 143, 143, 10], [1.46933333333333, 2, 145, 0, 10], [1.93866666666667, 1, 143, 0, 10], [2.408, 0, 141, 0, 10], [2.87733333333333, 0, 143, 0, 10], [3.34666666666666, -1, 121, 0, 10], [3.816, -1, 121, 0, 10], [4.28533333333333, -2, 121, 0, 10], [4.75466666666666, -2, 0, 0, 10], [5.224, -2, 65, 66, 10], [5.69333333333333, -3, 39, 0, 12], [5.69333333333333, -3, 0, 40, 0], [8, -4, 0, 0, 0], [5.36, -4, 0, 19, 0], [4.52, -4, 0, 186, 0], [3.68, -3, 63, 186, 1], [2.672, -3, 0, 146, 2], [2.504, -2, 0, 144, 2], [2.336, -2, 65, 148, 2], [2.168, -2, 0, 92, 2], [2, -1, 0, 93, 2], [2, -1, 11, 186, 2], [2, 0, 66, 66, 2], [2, 0, 65, 65, 2], [2, 1, 0, 92, 2], [3.28644444444444, 1, 0, 93, 2], [4.57288888888889, 2, 0, 186, 2], [5.85933333333333, 3, 67, 65, 3], [7.14577777777778, 4, 63, 68, 0], [8.43222222222222, 4, 67, 61, 0], [8.43222222222222, 5, 68, 68, 0], [6.86444444444444, 6, 65, 63, 0], [5.29666666666667, 6, 63, 65, 0], [3.72888888888889, 7, 68, 61, 0], [2.16111111111111, 6, 63, 65, 0], [0.593333333333334, 6, 67, 61, 0], [-0.974444444444444, 5, 67, 67, 0], [-1.83377777777778, 4, 66, 63, 0], [-1.12533333333333, 4, 61, 67, 0], [-0.416888888888888, 3, 63, 63, 11], [0.291555555555556, 2, 63, 61, 14], [1, 1, 67, 65, 13], [0.94472, 0, 62, 62, 13], [0.88944, 0, 64, 62, 13], [0.83416, -1, 63, 66, 15], [0.77888, -1, 63, 65, 10], [0.7236, -2, 61, 63, 10], [0.66832, -2, 64, 65, 10], [0.61304, -3, 62, 65, 10], [0.55776, -3, 61, 67, 14], [0.50248, -4, 68, 61, 13], [0.4472, -3, 65, 68, 13], [0.4472, -1, 62, 66, 13], [1.0976, 0, 64, 66, 13], [2.3732, 1, 68, 62, 13], [2.9984, 3, 63, 64, 13], [3.6236, 4, 0, 19, 13], [4.2488, 3, 0, 0, 15], [4.874, 1, 68, 66, 10], [5.4992, 1, 67, 61, 10], [6.1244, 0, 68, 65, 12], [6.7496, 0, 68, 62, 0], [7.3748, -1, 63, 62, 0], [8, -2, 62, 65, 0], [8.008608, -2, 61, 67, 0], [8.452096, -3, 64, 64, 0], [8.895584, -3, 67, 67, 0], [9.339072, -4, 63, 68, 0], [9.78256, -3, 67, 19, 0], [10.226048, -1, 62, 65, 0], [10.669536, 0, 64, 68, 0], [11.113024, 1, 65, 66, 0], [11.556512, 3, 68, 68, 0], [12, 4, 61, 66, 0], [11.506048, 3, 64, 64, 0], [11.012096, 2, 66, 62, 0], [10.518144, 1, 68, 63, 11], [9.2193536, 0, 63, 64, 10], [8.4145152, -1, 67, 19, 10], [7.6096768, -1, 64, 63, 10], [6.8048384, -2, 63, 62, 10], [6, -2, 64, 63, 10], [3.70169344, -2, 65, 63, 14], [1.40338688, -3, 64, 66, 13], [-0.89491968, -3, 61, 65, 13], [-3.19322624, -4, 0, 0, 13], [-5.4915328, -4, 215, 0, 13], [-5.4915328, -4, 186, 0, 13], [-7.2457664, -3, 216, 173, 13], [-9, -3, 186, 0, 15], [-7.50552, -2, 218, 0, 10], [-6.01104, -2, 0, 186, 10], [-4.51656, -2, 0, 0, 14], [-3.02208, 0, 186, 0, 13], [-1.5276, 0, 217, 217, 13], [-0.0331200000000003, 1, 0, 0, 13], [1.46136, 2, 143, 143, 13], [1.964672, 2, 143, 143, 13], [0.973504, 3, 145, 144, 15], [-0.0176640000000001, 1, 144, 144, 10], [-1.008832, -1, 143, 141, 10], [-2, -3, 0, 144, 10], [-0.41104, -2, 0, 142, 10], [1.17792, -1, 0, 0, 10], [2.76688, 0, 0, 0, 10], [4.35584, 0, 0, 0, 10], [5.9448, 1, 0, 0, 10], [5.9448, 1, 121, 0, 10], [6.05032, 2, 121, 0, 10], [4.524672, 2, 121, 0, 10], [2.893504, 3, 121, 0, 10], [1.262336, 3, 0, 0, 10], [-0.368832, 1, 0, 0, 10], [-2, -2, 0, 0, 10], [-0.242208, -2, 0, 19, 10], [1.515584, -3, 0, 0, 10], [3.273376, -3, 0, 0, 10], [5.031168, -4, 121, 0, 10], [6.78896, -5, 121, 0, 12], [6.78896, -5, 121, 0, 0], [6.68344, -6, 121, 0, 0], [6.57792, -6, 121, 0, 0], [6.4724, -7, 121, 0, 0], [6.36688, -6, 121, 0, 0], [6.26136, -5, 121, 0, 0], [4.62986666666667, -4, 0, 0, 0], [3.10389333333333, -3, 0, 0, 0], [1.57792, 0, 39, 40, 0], [0.0519466666666665, 1, 221, 221, 0], [-1.47402666666667, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-3, 3, 221, 221, 0], [-0.833333333333333, 5, 0, 0, 0], [1.33333333333333, 6, 221, 221, 0], [3.5, 7, 0, 0, 0], [4.13333333333334, 8, 221, 221, 0], [1.48, 9, 0, 0, 0], [0.360000000000001, 10, 221, 221, 0], [-0.759999999999999, 9, 0, 0, 0], [-1.88, 9, 221, 221, 0], [-3, 8, 0, 0, 0], [-2.59333333333333, 8, 221, 221, 0], [-2.18666666666667, 7, 0, 0, 0], [-1.78, 6, 221, 221, 0], [-1.37333333333333, 6, 0, 0, 0], [-0.966666666666667, 5, 221, 221, 0], [-0.966666666666667, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-2.77333333333333, 4, 221, 221, 0], [-4.58, 4, 64, 64, 0], [-6.38666666666667, 5, 61, 65, 0], [-8.19333333333333, 5, 63, 63, 0], [-10, 5, 62, 66, 0], [-8.353, 5, 63, 65, 0], [-6.706, 4, 61, 66, 0], [-5.059, 4, 62, 61, 0], [-3.412, 3, 0, 61, 0], [-1.765, 3, 0, 67, 0], [-0.117999999999999, 2, 66, 65, 0], [1.529, 2, 63, 66, 0], [3.176, 1, 66, 19, 0], [4.823, 1, 67, 64, 0], [6.47, 0, 67, 62, 0], [6.47, 0, 62, 62, 0], [8.3, -1, 62, 66, 0], [8.3, -1, 61, 61, 0], [8.41666666666667, -1, 11, 63, 0], [8.53333333333333, -1, 66, 19, 0], [8.65, -1, 0, 63, 0], [8.76666666666667, -2, 62, 62, 0], [8.88333333333333, -1, 64, 67, 0], [9, -1, 61, 67, 0], [8.7864, 0, 0, 67, 0], [8.5728, 1, 64, 61, 0], [8.3592, 2, 61, 62, 0], [6.83104, 2, 64, 62, 0], [5.51648, 3, 64, 64, 0], [4.20192, 4, 63, 61, 0], [2.88736, 4, 62, 61, 0], [1.5728, 5, 66, 0, 0], [0.25824, 3, 65, 61, 0], [-1.05632, 2, 61, 65, 0], [-2.37088, 0, 0, 61, 0], [-3.68544, -1, 66, 62, 0], [-5, -3, 62, 64, 0], [-4.71428571428571, -2, 121, 0, 0], [-4.42857142857143, -1, 121, 0, 0], [-4.14285714285714, 1, 121, 0, 0], [-3.85714285714286, 2, 121, 0, 0], [-3.57142857142857, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-3.28571428571429, 4, 0, 65, 0], [-2.8, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-2.6, 7, 0, 0, 0], [-2.4, 8, 67, 68, 0], [-2.2, 9, 121, 0, 0], [-2, 8, 121, 0, 0], [-0.819424, 8, 121, 0, 0], [0.361152, 7, 121, 0, 0], [1.541728, 6, 121, 0, 0], [2.722304, 6, 121, 0, 0], [3.90288, 5, 0, 0, 0], [3.90288, 4, 0, 0, 0], [2.63104, 3, 142, 143, 0], [1.3592, 2, 143, 143, 0], [0.08736, 2, 143, 143, 0], [-1.18448, 2, 0, 142, 0], [-2.45632, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-3.72816, 4, 98, 0, 0], [-5, 5, 66, 40, 0], [-4.71428571428571, 6, 221, 221, 0], [-4.42857142857143, 6, 221, 221, 0], [-4.14285714285714, 7, 221, 221, 0], [-3.85714285714286, 8, 221, 221, 0], [-3.57142857142857, 9, 221, 221, 0], [-3.28571428571429, 10, 221, 221, 0], [-3, 9, 221, 221, 0], [-0.618133333333333, 8, 0, 0, 0], [1.76373333333333, 6, 221, 221, 0], [1.76373333333333, 5, 221, 221, 0], [1.76373333333333, 4, 0, 0, 0], [1.76373333333333, 3, 64, 64, 0], [1.76373333333333, 2, 64, 64, 0], [1.76373333333333, 3, 0, 0, 0], [1.76373333333333, 3, 0, 19, 0], [1.76373333333333, 4, 0, 145, 0], [1.76373333333333, 4, 221, 143, 0], [1.76373333333333, 4, 63, 64, 0], [1.76373333333333, 5, 66, 65, 0], [4.1456, 5, 140, 0, 0], [4.1456, 6, 0, 0, 0], [4.1456, 6, 0, 0, 0], [7.7184, 6, 0, 0, 0], [7.7184, 5, 0, 0, 0], [7.7184, 5, 0, 19, 0], [7.44656, 5, 0, 0, 0], [7.17472, 5, 0, 0, 0], [6.90288, 4, 0, 221, 0], [6.63104, 4, 0, 221, 0], [6.3592, 4, 145, 143, 0], [6.08736, 3, 0, 221, 0], [5.733968, 3, 0, 143, 0], [5.652416, 3, 0, 221, 0], [5.570864, 4, 0, 145, 0], [5.489312, 4, 0, 221, 0], [5.40776, 4, 0, 145, 0], [5.326208, 5, 0, 19, 0], [5.244656, 5, 0, 221, 11], [5.163104, 5, 0, 0, 10], [5.081552, 5, 0, 221, 10], [4.8, 6, 0, 0, 10], [4.6, 6, 0, 221, 10], [4.4, 5, 0, 0, 10], [4.2, 4, 0, 221, 10], [4, 4, 0, 0, 10], [3.8, 5, 0, 221, 14], [3.6, 5, 121, 0, 13], [3.4, 5, 121, 0, 13], [3.2, 5, 121, 0, 13], [3, 5, 121, 0, 13], [2.5470910464, 6, 0, 0, 13], [2.0941820928, 6, 0, 0, 13], [1.6412731392, 6, 67, 62, 15], [1.1883641856, 6, 61, 61, 10], [0.735455232, 6, 61, 0, 10], [0.735455232, 6, 61, 0, 10], [0.16931904, 6, 0, 66, 10], [0.16931904, 6, 66, 64, 10], [-0.77424128, 6, 66, 64, 10], [-1.7178016, 6, 68, 61, 10], [-1.7178016, 6, 0, 67, 10], [-0.7883512, 6, 65, 66, 10], [0.1410992, 5, 63, 62, 14], [1.0705496, 5, 67, 0, 13], [2, 4, 63, 61, 13], [0.6096698928, 4, 68, 67, 13], [-0.7806602144, 3, 61, 65, 13], [-2.1709903216, 2, 67, 66, 13], [-3.5613204288, 2, 63, 68, 15], [-4.951650536, 1, 62, 67, 10], [-4.951650536, 1, 62, 62, 10], [-5.3742136192, 0, 66, 62, 10], [-5.7806602144, 0, 66, 63, 10], [-6.1871068096, 0, 68, 65, 10], [-4.87484272384, 0, 64, 64, 10], [-3.15613204288, 0, 68, 67, 14], [-1.43742136192, 0, 68, 68, 13], [0.28128931904, 0, 64, 64, 13], [2, 0, 63, 64, 13], [0.06, 0, 64, 68, 13], [-1.88, 0, 64, 0, 15], [-3.82, 0, 67, 64, 10], [-5.76, 0, 68, 63, 10], [-7.7, 0, 0, 68, 10], [-7.7, 1, 65, 61, 10], [-7.8, 1, 67, 0, 10], [-6.74166666666667, 2, 61, 63, 10], [-5.58333333333333, 2, 0, 0, 14], [-4.425, 3, 186, 0, 13], [-3.26666666666667, 4, 92, 0, 13], [-2.10833333333333, 4, 186, 0, 13], [-0.950000000000001, 5, 98, 0, 15], [0.208333333333333, 5, 11, 0, 10], [1.36666666666667, 5, 65, 0, 10], [2.525, 5, 67, 0, 14], [3.68333333333333, 5, 62, 221, 15], [4.84166666666667, 5, 65, 0, 10], [6, 5, 67, 221, 10], [5.58, 5, 63, 221, 10], [5.16, 6, 66, 221, 10], [4.74, 6, 66, 221, 14], [4.32, 6, 64, 67, 13], [3.9, 6, 67, 67, 15], [3.48, 6, 66, 65, 10], [3.06, 6, 0, 66, 10], [2.64, 5, 64, 65, 10], [2.22, 4, 0, 0, 10], [1.8, 3, 64, 65, 10], [1.8, 2, 65, 65, 12], [0.4, 2, 64, 67, 0], [0.4, 1, 62, 66, 0], [0.4, 0, 121, 0, 0], [0.4, -1, 121, 0, 0], [0.4, -2, 121, 0, 0], [0.4, -3, 121, 0, 0], [-1, -3, 121, 0, 0], [-2.4, -3, 121, 0, 0], [-3.8, -3, 121, 0, 0], [-5.2, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-6.6, -2, 0, 0, 11], [-6.6, -1, 143, 0, 10], [-6.6, -1, 142, 0, 14], [-5.34, 0, 143, 0, 13], [-4.08, 0, 0, 0, 13], [-2.82, 1, 0, 0, 13], [-1.56, 1, 0, 0, 13], [-0.3, 2, 0, 145, 13], [1.72, 2, 143, 142, 15], [2.48, 2, 143, 144, 14], [3.24, 1, 143, 0, 15], [4, 1, 143, 0, 14], [3, 0, 121, 0, 13], [2, 0, 121, 0, 15], [1, 0, 121, 0, 10], [0, 0, 65, 67, 10], [-1, 0, 67, 66, 10], [-1, 0, 66, 64, 10], [-2.4, 0, 64, 64, 10], [-2.4, 0, 67, 66, 10], [-2.4, 0, 67, 67, 10], [-2.4, -1, 66, 67, 12], [-2.4, -1, 64, 64, 0], [-3.61, -2, 128, 66, 0], [-3.42, -2, 66, 66, 0], [-3.23, -2, 66, 67, 0], [-3.04, -3, 66, 65, 0], [-2.85, -3, 67, 64, 0], [-2.66, -4, 66, 66, 0], [-2.47, -4, 64, 66, 0], [-2.28, -3, 65, 65, 0], [-2.09, -3, 128, 65, 0], [-1.9, -2, 65, 66, 0], [-1.71, -1, 65, 66, 0], [-1.52, 0, 67, 65, 0], [-1.33, 0, 80, 64, 0], [-1.14, 1, 81, 64, 0], [-0.95, 2, 62, 60, 0], [-0.384, 2, 141, 66, 0], [-0.00800000000000001, 3, 144, 142, 0], [0.368, 2, 141, 60, 4], [0.744, 1, 144, 67, 5], [1.12, 0, 141, 64, 5], [1.496, -1, 67, 64, 5], [1.872, -2, 62, 221, 5], [2.248, -1, 65, 95, 5], [2.624, 0, 61, 64, 5], [3, 0, 63, 221, 5], [4, 1, 67, 79, 5], [5, 2, 66, 96, 5], [6, 3, 64, 221, 5], [7, 4, 66, 64, 5], [5.83016666666667, 4, 81, 221, 5], [4.66033333333333, 5, 67, 67, 5], [3.4905, 6, 64, 221, 5], [2.32066666666667, 7, 62, 64, 5], [1.15083333333333, 8, 66, 221, 5], [-0.019, 8, 63, 97, 5], [-0.019, 9, 121, 0, 5], [0, 10, 121, 0, 5], [-0.24897412768, 9, 121, 0, 5], [-0.49794825536, 7, 121, 0, 5], [-0.74692238304, 6, 0, 0, 5], [-0.99589651072, 4, 79, 66, 5], [-1.2448706384, 3, 79, 81, 5], [-1.49384476608, 2, 186, 80, 5], [-1.74281889376, 0, 216, 65, 5], [-1.99179302144, -1, 65, 79, 5], [-1.6158559124976, -3, 66, 64, 5], [-1.1029830333312, -4, 185, 186, 5], [-0.5901101541648, -4, 218, 65, 5], [-0.0772372749983999, -3, 67, 235, 5], [0.435635604168, -3, 66, 96, 6], [0.9485084833344, -2, 65, 97, 0], [1.4613813625008, -2, 79, 186, 0], [1.9742542416672, -2, 95, 217, 0], [2.4871271208336, -1, 97, 66, 0], [3, -1, 95, 97, 0], [2.64916259530434, 0, 65, 64, 0], [2.29832519060868, 0, 64, 186, 0], [1.94748778591302, 0, 143, 145, 0], [1.59665038121736, 0, 218, 97, 0], [1.2458129765217, 0, 65, 66, 1], [0.89497557182604, 0, 95, 64, 2], [0.54413816713038, 0, 95, 66, 2], [0.19330076243472, 0, 96, 97, 2], [-0.15753664226094, 0, 217, 64, 2], [-0.5083740469566, 0, 66, 80, 2], [-0.5083740469566, 0, 64, 79, 2], [-0.47448244382616, 0, 95, 96, 2], [-0.44059084069572, 0, 80, 97, 2], [-0.40669923756528, 0, 81, 97, 2], [-0.37280763443484, 0, 65, 97, 3], [-0.3389160313044, 0, 96, 79, 4], [-0.30502442817396, 0, 95, 80, 6], [-0.27113282504352, -1, 97, 96, 0], [-0.23724122191308, -1, 64, 79, 0], [-0.20334961878264, -2, 81, 96, 11], [-0.1694580156522, -2, 97, 79, 10], [-0.13556641252176, -2, 80, 80, 10], [-0.10167480939132, -3, 64, 66, 10], [-0.06778320626088, -3, 80, 80, 10], [-0.03389160313044, -4, 80, 96, 10], [0, -4, 79, 67, 14], [0.23842, -3, 67, 96, 15], [0.47684, -3, 81, 65, 10], [0.71526, -2, 67, 96, 14], [0.95368, -1, 80, 95, 13], [1.1921, 0, 64, 64, 13], [1.43052, 0, 66, 79, 15], [1.66894, 1, 64, 81, 10], [1.90736, 2, 65, 64, 10], [2.14578, 2, 81, 97, 14], [2.3842, 3, 67, 67, 13], [2.62262, 2, 65, 96, 13], [2.86104, 1, 81, 81, 13], [3.09946, 0, 65, 65, 13], [3.33788, -1, 64, 81, 15], [3.5763, -2, 95, 66, 10], [3.81472, -1, 80, 79, 10], [4.05314, 0, 97, 97, 10], [4.29156, 0, 96, 96, 14], [4.52998, 1, 64, 95, 15], [4.7684, 2, 96, 81, 10], [4.7684, 3, 81, 67, 10], [5.0872, 4, 64, 19, 14], [5.406, 4, 65, 67, 13], [5.7248, 5, 95, 96, 15], [6.0436, 6, 65, 67, 10], [6.3624, 7, 96, 97, 10], [6.6812, 8, 95, 66, 10], [7, 8, 66, 95, 12], [6.602, 9, 79, 96, 0], [6.204, 10, 81, 67, 0], [5.806, 9, 79, 80, 0], [5.408, 7, 96, 64, 0], [5.01, 6, 79, 81, 0], [4.612, 4, 96, 80, 0], [4.214, 3, 66, 64, 0], [3.816, 2, 80, 80, 0], [3.418, 0, 79, 67, 0], [3.02, -1, 67, 79, 0], [3.02, -1, 79, 95, 0], [3.02, -1, 67, 80, 0], [3.02, -1, 95, 95, 0], [3.02, -2, 96, 65, 0], [3.418, -2, 64, 97, 0], [3.816, -2, 96, 67, 0], [4.214, -3, 95, 96, 0], [4.612, -3, 96, 97, 0], [5.01, -1, 65, 64, 0], [5.408, 0, 67, 65, 0], [5.806, 2, 95, 96, 0], [6.204, 3, 121, 38, 0], [6.602, 4, 121, 40, 0], [7, 3, 121, 42, 0], [6.622048, 3, 121, 38, 0], [6.244096, 2, 121, 40, 0], [4.8795296, 1, 121, 42, 0], [3.30362368, 0, 121, 38, 0], [2.71433216, -1, 121, 40, 0], [2.12504064, -1, 121, 0, 0], [1.53574912, -1, 121, 38, 0], [0.9464576, -1, 121, 40, 0], [0.35716608, -1, 121, 42, 0], [-0.23212544, -1, 78, 64, 0], [-0.82141696, -1, 81, 77, 0], [-1.41070848, -1, 65, 65, 0], [-2, -1, 81, 65, 0], [-1.50936992, -1, 79, 80, 0], [-1.01873984, -1, 66, 66, 0], [-0.52810976, -1, 67, 64, 0], [-0.03747968, -1, 77, 77, 0], [0.20783536, -1, 77, 80, 0], [-0.03747968, -1, 80, 67, 0], [-0.28279472, -1, 66, 64, 0], [-0.52810976, -1, 79, 78, 0], [-0.7734248, -1, 66, 65, 0], [-1.01873984, -1, 186, 81, 0], [-1.26405488, -1, 140, 64, 0], [-1.50936992, -1, 80, 80, 0], [-1.75468496, -1, 81, 64, 0], [-2, -2, 81, 66, 0], [-1.60803136, -2, 81, 64, 0], [-1.21606272, -2, 79, 78, 0], [-0.82409408, -2, 78, 80, 0], [-0.43212544, -2, 80, 186, 0], [-0.0401567999999999, -3, 143, 67, 0], [0.35181184, -3, 143, 78, 0], [0.74378048, -3, 227, 65, 0], [1.13574912, -3, 173, 186, 0], [1.52771776, -3, 77, 79, 0], [1.9196864, -1, 67, 81, 0], [1.9196864, 0, 142, 66, 0], [2.9063008, 2, 77, 78, 0], [3.8929152, 3, 143, 77, 0], [4.8795296, 5, 227, 143, 0], [5.866144, 4, 79, 141, 0], [5.866144, 3, 78, 143, 0], [5.488192, 2, 66, 78, 0], [5.11024, 1, 80, 81, 0], [4.732288, 0, 0, 186, 0], [4.354336, 0, 227, 141, 0], [3.976384, 0, 143, 183, 0], [3.598432, 0, 143, 141, 0], [3.22048, 0, 227, 143, 0], [3.22048, 0, 65, 65, 0], [2.33072, 0, 78, 78, 0], [2.33072, 0, 66, 67, 0], [1.497648, 0, 78, 78, 0], [0.664576, 0, 67, 78, 0], [-0.168496, 0, 81, 65, 0], [-1.001568, 0, 65, 64, 0], [-1.83464, 0, 79, 64, 0], [-2.667712, 0, 0, 65, 0], [-3.500784, 0, 64, 64, 0], [-4.333856, 0, 78, 79, 0], [-5.166928, 0, 67, 79, 11], [-6, 0, 80, 66, 10], [-5.166928, 0, 77, 64, 10], [-4.333856, 0, 80, 66, 14], [-3.500784, 0, 64, 66, 13], [-2.667712, 0, 80, 80, 13], [-1.83464, 0, 78, 78, 13], [-1.001568, 0, 78, 65, 15], [-0.168496, 0, 79, 79, 14], [0.1316608, 0, 77, 78, 15], [-0.4012544, 0, 78, 65, 10], [-0.9341696, 0, 80, 66, 14], [-1.4670848, 0, 64, 66, 13], [-2, 0, 78, 78, 13], [-1.6535424, 0, 67, 64, 13], [-1.44566784, 0, 65, 81, 13], [-1.58425088, 0, 65, 66, 13], [-1.72283392, 0, 66, 65, 15], [-1.86141696, 0, 80, 79, 10], [-2, 0, 81, 78, 14], [-1.133856, 0, 0, 81, 15], [-0.267712, 0, 78, 67, 14], [0.598432, 0, 80, 81, 13], [1.464576, 0, 66, 67, 13], [2.33072, 0, 65, 79, 15], [2.33072, 0, 80, 78, 10], [2.33072, 0, 65, 64, 10], [2.33072, 0, 80, 79, 10], [2.33072, 0, 67, 64, 10], [2.33072, 0, 65, 78, 14], [2.33072, 0, 65, 59, 13], [2.33072, 0, 81, 79, 13], [2.33072, 0, 62, 65, 13], [2.33072, 0, 79, 79, 13], [2.33072, 0, 62, 64, 13], [2.33072, 0, 59, 81, 13], [2.33072, 0, 64, 79, 13], [2.33072, 0, 60, 60, 13], [2.33072, 0, 65, 64, 13], [2.33072, 0, 60, 60, 13], [2.33072, 0, 80, 79, 15], [2.33072, 0, 80, 80, 10], [2.33072, 0, 65, 81, 14], [2.33072, 0, 59, 81, 15], [2.33072, 0, 60, 79, 10], [1.797648, 0, 62, 81, 10], [1.264576, 0, 65, 79, 10], [0.731504, 0, 63, 59, 14], [0.198432, 0, 64, 62, 13], [-0.33464, 0, 64, 65, 13], [-0.867712, 0, 61, 62, 13], [-1.400784, 0, 80, 62, 13], [-1.933856, 0, 80, 79, 15], [-2.466928, 0, 12, 64, 14], [-3, 0, 80, 81, 13], [-3.4, 0, 65, 62, 13], [-3.8, 0, 61, 61, 13], [-4.2, 0, 65, 59, 13], [-4.6, 0, 60, 64, 15], [-5, 0, 64, 63, 10], [-3.533856, 0, 61, 63, 10], [-2.067712, 0, 81, 64, 10], [-0.601568, 0, 80, 65, 10], [0.864576, 0, 60, 79, 10], [2.33072, 0, 80, 81, 10], [2.33072, 0, 65, 81, 10], [2.33072, 0, 64, 65, 10], [2.33072, 0, 59, 81, 10], [2.33072, 0, 79, 65, 10], [2.33072, 0, 63, 65, 10], [2.33072, 0, 60, 59, 10], [2.33072, 0, 59, 60, 10], [2.33072, 0, 79, 79, 10], [2.33072, 0, 0, 79, 10], [2.33072, 0, 62, 65, 10], [2.33072, 0, 63, 59, 10], [2.33072, 0, 62, 62, 10], [2.33072, 0, 79, 79, 10], [2.33072, 0, 79, 79, 10], [2.33072, 0, 79, 79, 10], [2.33072, 0, 79, 79, 10], [1.44096, 0, 81, 78, 10], [0.5512, 0, 67, 81, 10], [-0.33856, 0, 0, 0, 10], [-1.22832, 0, 0, 0, 10], [-2.11808, 0, 0, 0, 12]), 0.1));
Frame 27
_root.engine.addLevelToLib(new com.neodelight.r3D.Race3DLevel("newzealand", 6, new Array([2.04, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.56, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.08, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.6, -1, 10, 0, 0], [0.6, -1, 0, 0, 0], [0.6, -1, 0, 0, 0], [0.6, -1, 129, 130, 0], [1.33333333333333, -2, 0, 132, 0], [1.33333333333333, -2, 134, 135, 0], [1.6, -2, 77, 0, 0], [1.86666666666667, -3, 0, 0, 0], [2.13333333333333, -3, 0, 0, 0], [2.50666666666667, -3, 136, 0, 0], [2.61333333333333, -2, 0, 77, 0], [2.72, -2, 0, 79, 0], [2.82666666666667, -2, 135, 0, 0], [2.93333333333333, -1, 0, 0, 0], [3.04, -1, 137, 0, 0], [3.14666666666667, -1, 132, 0, 0], [3.25333333333333, -1, 136, 0, 0], [3.36, 0, 131, 130, 0], [3.46666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.57333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.68, -1, 77, 0, 0], [3.78666666666667, -2, 0, 0, 0], [3.89333333333333, -3, 0, 0, 0], [4, -4, 0, 79, 0], [2.57142857142857, -5, 0, 135, 0], [1.14285714285714, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-0.285714285714286, -4, 77, 0, 0], [-1.71428571428571, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-3.14285714285714, -4, 0, 77, 0], [-4.57142857142857, -4, 0, 80, 0], [-6, -4, 0, 133, 0], [-5.25, -4, 135, 0, 0], [-4.5, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-3.75, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-3, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-2.25, -3, 136, 0, 0], [-1.5, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-1.275, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.8, 2, 132, 0, 0], [-2.325, 3, 134, 0, 0], [-2.85, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-3.375, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-3.9, 1, 77, 135, 0], [-4.425, 1, 0, 134, 0], [-4.95, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5.475, 0, 211, 210, 0], [-6, -1, 0, 138, 0], [-6, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-6, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-6, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-6, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-6, -3, 135, 80, 0], [-6, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-6, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-6, -1, 77, 80, 0], [-6, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-6, 2, 138, 0, 0], [-6, 3, 139, 0, 0], [-6, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-6, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-6, 1, 211, 132, 0], [-6, 1, 129, 132, 0], [-6, 1, 133, 135, 0], [-6, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-6, 2, 129, 132, 0], [-6, 3, 135, 130, 0], [-6, 3, 135, 135, 0], [-6, 4, 136, 138, 0], [-6, 4, 0, 135, 0], [-5.1, 5, 133, 135, 0], [-4.2, 4, 129, 135, 0], [-3.3, 3, 0, 131, 0], [-2.4, 2, 138, 0, 0], [-1.5, 1, 132, 132, 0], [-0.6, 0, 130, 132, 0], [0.3, 0, 131, 133, 0], [1.2, 0, 135, 129, 0], [2.1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3, 0, 133, 134, 0], [3.14285714285714, 1, 131, 133, 0], [3.28571428571429, 1, 135, 0, 0], [3.42857142857143, 2, 0, 0, 0], [3.57142857142857, 3, 0, 209, 0], [3.71428571428571, 3, 130, 0, 0], [3.85714285714286, 4, 132, 0, 0], [4, 4, 130, 0, 0], [0.666666666666667, 5, 131, 0, 0], [-2.66666666666667, 4, 0, 137, 0], [-6, 3, 131, 132, 0], [-6, 2, 130, 135, 0], [-6, 1, 131, 135, 0], [-6, 0, 131, 0, 0], [-5.2, 0, 137, 138, 0], [-4.4, 0, 133, 0, 0], [-3.6, 0, 130, 0, 0], [-2.8, 0, 132, 135, 0], [-2, -1, 0, 130, 0], [-1.2, -1, 138, 136, 0], [-0.4, -1, 0, 132, 0], [0.4, -1, 0, 0, 0], [1.2, -2, 0, 132, 0], [2, -2, 131, 133, 0], [1, -2, 139, 0, 0], [0, -3, 131, 135, 0], [-1, -3, 134, 134, 0], [-2, -2, 130, 135, 0], [-3, -1, 0, 132, 0], [-3.6, 1, 138, 0, 0], [-4.2, 2, 130, 0, 0], [-4.8, 3, 134, 130, 0], [-4.8, 2, 134, 132, 0], [-4.8, 2, 0, 131, 0], [-4.8, 1, 0, 136, 0], [-4.8, 1, 0, 134, 0], [-4.8, 0, 129, 0, 0], [-4.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-4.8, 0, 132, 129, 0], [-4.8, 0, 138, 139, 0], [-4.8, -1, 129, 130, 0], [-4.8, -1, 0, 133, 0], [-4.8, -1, 129, 129, 0], [-4.8, -1, 134, 0, 0], [-4.8, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-4.8, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-4.8, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-4.8, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-4.32, -3, 129, 135, 0], [-3.84, -2, 0, 139, 0], [-3.36, -1, 132, 129, 0], [-2.88, 1, 131, 134, 0], [-2.4, 2, 132, 132, 0], [-1.92, 3, 207, 135, 0], [-0.552, 2, 138, 0, 0], [0.336, 2, 0, 134, 0], [1.224, 1, 135, 135, 0], [2.112, 1, 129, 133, 0], [3, 1, 132, 133, 0], [1.66266666666667, 2, 0, 139, 0], [0.860266666666667, 2, 135, 135, 0], [1.3952, 2, 130, 0, 0], [1.93013333333333, 2, 131, 130, 0], [2.46506666666667, 2, 130, 0, 0], [3, 2, 137, 138, 0], [1.64, 3, 0, 0, 0], [0.28, 3, 135, 130, 0], [-1.08, 3, 135, 132, 0], [-1.08, 3, 0, 134, 0], [-1.08, 3, 0, 136, 0], [-1.08, 3, 131, 134, 0], [-1.08, 3, 0, 132, 0], [-1.08, 4, 134, 0, 0], [-0.572, 4, 207, 135, 0], [-0.0639999999999997, 4, 0, 0, 0], [0.444, 4, 129, 129, 0], [0.952, 3, 0, 130, 0], [1.46, 3, 133, 134, 0], [1.968, 2, 0, 0, 0], [2.476, 2, 0, 138, 0], [2.984, 1, 0, 0, 0], [3.492, 1, 0, 0, 0], [4, 0, 11, 0, 0], [4.6, -1, 0, 0, 0], [5.2, -1, 136, 137, 0], [5.8, -2, 0, 0, 0], [6.16, -2, 0, 0, 0], [5.92, -3, 0, 0, 0], [5.68, -3, 0, 0, 0], [5.44, -2, 0, 137, 0], [5.2, -2, 0, 0, 0], [4.96, -2, 0, 0, 0], [4.72, -1, 0, 0, 0], [4.48, -1, 0, 0, 0], [4.24, -1, 139, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.6, 0, 137, 138, 0], [5.2, -1, 0, 0, 0], [5.8, -1, 0, 0, 0], [6.4, -2, 138, 137, 17], [7, -2, 0, 0, 16], [5.384, -3, 0, 138, 16], [3.768, -4, 0, 0, 16], [2.152, -4, 0, 0, 16], [0.536, -5, 135, 134, 16], [0.536, -5, 0, 131, 16], [0.536, -6, 135, 129, 16], [0.536, -5, 130, 135, 16], [0.536, -5, 129, 0, 16], [0.536, -4, 0, 135, 16], [-0.81584, -4, 131, 131, 18], [-1.61408, -3, 129, 0, 0], [-2.41232, -2, 132, 0, 7], [-3.21056, -2, 130, 132, 8], [-4.0088, -1, 130, 133, 8], [-4.80704, -1, 132, 130, 8], [-5.60528, 0, 133, 130, 8], [-6.40352, -1, 132, 134, 8], [-7.20176, -1, 129, 133, 8], [-8, -2, 0, 0, 8], [-7.1464, -2, 133, 130, 8], [-6.2928, -3, 132, 0, 8], [-5.4392, -4, 130, 132, 8], [-4.5856, -4, 130, 130, 8], [-3.732, -5, 129, 0, 8], [-3.09056, -5, 130, 131, 8], [-3.30272, -6, 132, 129, 9], [-3.51488, -5, 0, 130, 0], [-3.72704, -5, 131, 0, 0], [-3.9392, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-4.15136, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-4.36352, -3, 0, 131, 0], [-4.57568, -2, 133, 130, 0], [-4.78784, -2, 0, 134, 0], [-5, -1, 138, 138, 0], [-4.608, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-4.216, 0, 137, 0, 0], [-3.824, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.432, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.04, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.648, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.648, 0, 136, 136, 0], [-2.648, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-2.0832, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-1.5184, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-0.9536, 2, 210, 211, 0], [-0.3888, 2, 137, 136, 0], [0.176, 3, 0, 0, 0], [0.7408, 3, 0, 0, 0], [1.3056, 4, 0, 0, 0], [1.8704, 4, 0, 0, 0], [2.4352, 4, 137, 138, 0], [3, 3, 0, 0, 0], [3.6, 3, 0, 0, 0], [4.2, 2, 0, 0, 0], [4.8, 2, 0, 0, 0], [4.8, 2, 139, 138, 0], [4.8, 1, 0, 0, 0], [4.8, 1, 0, 0, 0], [4.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.8, 1, 138, 0, 0], [4.8, 1, 0, 0, 0], [4.8, 2, 0, 0, 0], [4.8, 2, 0, 0, 0], [4.8, 2, 0, 0, 0], [4.8, 3, 0, 0, 0], [4.92, 3, 0, 0, 0], [5.04, 4, 0, 0, 0], [5.16, 4, 0, 0, 0], [5.28, 4, 134, 131, 0], [5.4, 3, 210, 211, 0], [5.52, 3, 0, 0, 0], [5.64, 2, 0, 129, 0], [5.76, 3, 133, 134, 0], [5.88, 3, 133, 0, 0], [6, 4, 129, 130, 0], [5.85, 4, 129, 135, 0], [5.7, 5, 129, 133, 0], [5.55, 4, 131, 0, 0], [5.4, 3, 129, 132, 0], [5.25, 2, 0, 0, 0], [5.1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [4.95, 0, 134, 131, 0], [4.8, 0, 0, 129, 0], [4.8, 0, 134, 132, 0], [4.8, 0, 129, 0, 0], [4.8, 0, 133, 130, 0], [4.8, 0, 132, 132, 0], [4.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.8, 1, 135, 0, 0], [4.8, 1, 129, 0, 0], [4.8, 2, 129, 134, 0], [4.8, 2, 0, 131, 0], [4.8, 2, 130, 130, 0], [4.8, 3, 131, 133, 0], [5.4, 3, 129, 135, 0], [6, 4, 135, 0, 0], [4.5056, 4, 0, 134, 0], [3.0112, 4, 0, 0, 0], [1.5168, 3, 0, 0, 0], [0.0224000000000002, 3, 138, 138, 0], [-1.472, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-1.472, 2, 207, 0, 0], [-1.08, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-1.08, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-1.08, 1, 0, 139, 0], [-1.08, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.08, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.08, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.08, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.08, 0, 136, 137, 0], [-1.08, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.08, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-1.08, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-1.08, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-1.08, 3, 129, 0, 0], [-1.08, 4, 130, 129, 0], [-1.08, 5, 132, 134, 0], [-1.08, 6, 129, 133, 0], [-1.08, 6, 134, 132, 0], [-1.08, 7, 129, 129, 0], [-1.08, 8, 131, 131, 0], [-1.472, 7, 130, 131, 0], [-1.864, 6, 134, 0, 0], [-2.256, 6, 135, 0, 0], [-2.648, 5, 129, 130, 0], [-3.04, 4, 134, 0, 0], [-3.432, 3, 0, 131, 0], [-3.824, 2, 130, 0, 0], [-4.216, 2, 131, 129, 0], [-4.608, 1, 133, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 0, 132, 0], [-4.216, 0, 131, 0, 0], [-3.432, 0, 207, 129, 0], [-1.55542857142857, 0, 130, 0, 0], [-0.462857142857143, -1, 135, 132, 0], [0.629714285714286, -1, 131, 133, 0], [1.72228571428571, -2, 133, 135, 0], [2.81485714285714, -2, 135, 135, 0], [3.90742857142857, -2, 0, 0, 0], [5, -3, 129, 134, 0], [4.13142857142857, -3, 134, 133, 0], [3.51102040816327, -4, 133, 130, 0], [3.75918367346939, -4, 0, 134, 0], [4.00734693877551, -3, 132, 129, 0], [4.25551020408163, -2, 0, 0, 0], [4.50367346938776, -1, 81, 0, 0], [4.75183673469388, 0, 81, 81, 0], [5, 1, 79, 80, 0], [4.13142857142857, 2, 79, 81, 0], [3.26285714285714, 2, 80, 79, 0], [2.39428571428571, 1, 79, 81, 0], [1.52571428571429, 1, 0, 79, 0], [-0.151020408163265, 0, 79, 80, 0], [-0.959183673469388, 0, 79, 79, 0], [-1.76734693877551, 0, 81, 79, 0], [-2.57551020408163, 1, 79, 81, 0], [-3.38367346938776, 1, 81, 79, 0], [-4.19183673469388, 1, 129, 130, 0], [-5, 1, 132, 131, 0], [-4.63428571428571, 1, 0, 80, 0], [-4.26857142857143, 2, 131, 134, 0], [-3.90285714285714, 2, 135, 81, 0], [-3.53714285714286, 2, 80, 132, 0], [-3.17142857142857, 2, 134, 81, 0], [-2.80571428571429, 2, 11, 135, 0], [-2.80571428571429, 3, 134, 129, 0], [-1.69061224489796, 3, 131, 133, 0], [-0.575510204081633, 3, 134, 129, 0], [0.539591836734694, 2, 81, 129, 0], [1.65469387755102, 1, 79, 0, 0], [2.76979591836735, 0, 135, 79, 0], [3.88489795918367, -1, 129, 130, 0], [5, -2, 80, 133, 0], [3.88489795918367, -2, 80, 80, 0], [2.76979591836735, -2, 79, 79, 0], [1.65469387755102, -3, 132, 133, 0], [0.539591836734694, -3, 133, 133, 0], [-0.575510204081633, -3, 131, 134, 0], [-1.69061224489796, -2, 0, 134, 0], [-2.80571428571429, -1, 129, 79, 0], [-2.80571428571429, 0, 135, 81, 0], [-2.80571428571429, 0, 80, 0, 0], [-2.80571428571429, 1, 135, 132, 0], [-2.80571428571429, 2, 134, 79, 0], [-2.80571428571429, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-2.44, 1, 80, 136, 0], [-2.44, 1, 81, 79, 0], [-2.44, 1, 81, 132, 0], [-2.44, 1, 79, 136, 0], [-2.44, 2, 133, 137, 0], [-1.596, 2, 0, 132, 0], [-0.752, 3, 81, 79, 0], [0.0920000000000002, 4, 81, 135, 0], [0.936, 4, 0, 133, 0], [1.78, 5, 129, 133, 0], [2.624, 5, 138, 136, 0], [3.468, 6, 138, 134, 0], [4.312, 5, 130, 131, 0], [5.156, 5, 210, 211, 0], [6, 4, 0, 132, 1], [5.16666666666667, 4, 129, 136, 2], [4.33333333333333, 3, 137, 136, 2], [3.5, 2, 131, 79, 2], [2.66666666666667, 2, 134, 138, 2], [2.645, 1, 79, 137, 2], [3.24, 1, 134, 136, 2], [3.835, 0, 0, 0, 2], [4.43, 0, 133, 130, 2], [5.025, 1, 133, 138, 2], [5.62, 1, 79, 130, 2], [6.215, 2, 79, 80, 2], [6.81, 2, 129, 81, 2], [7.405, 3, 137, 0, 2], [8, 4, 0, 0, 2], [7.21666666666667, 4, 0, 0, 2], [6.43333333333333, 5, 81, 80, 2], [5.65, 5, 0, 0, 2], [4.86666666666667, 6, 80, 136, 2], [4.475, 5, 135, 134, 3], [4.86666666666667, 5, 210, 211, 0], [5.25833333333333, 4, 79, 133, 0], [5.65, 4, 0, 81, 0], [6.04166666666667, 3, 0, 0, 1], [6.43333333333333, 2, 137, 136, 2], [6.825, 2, 133, 129, 2], [7.21666666666667, 1, 0, 0, 2], [7.60833333333333, 1, 135, 134, 2], [8, 0, 80, 130, 2], [7.45166666666667, 0, 0, 0, 2], [6.90333333333333, 0, 131, 79, 2], [6.355, -1, 138, 129, 2], [5.80666666666667, -2, 0, 0, 2], [5.25833333333333, -3, 79, 81, 3], [4.71, -4, 79, 81, 0], [4.16166666666667, -5, 0, 0, 0], [3.61333333333333, -4, 132, 80, 0], [3.065, -3, 80, 0, 0], [2.51666666666667, -2, 0, 0, 0], [2.51666666666667, -1, 129, 130, 0], [1.565, 0, 134, 131, 0], [0.613333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.338333333333333, 0, 137, 79, 0], [-1.29, 0, 132, 136, 0], [-2.24166666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.19333333333333, 0, 80, 131, 0], [-4.145, 0, 134, 131, 0], [-5.09666666666667, 0, 211, 210, 0], [-6.04833333333333, 0, 0, 132, 0], [-7, 0, 81, 0, 4], [-6.1435, 0, 0, 0, 5], [-6.23866666666667, 0, 129, 0, 5], [-6.33383333333333, 1, 133, 0, 5], [-6.429, 1, 0, 0, 5], [-6.52416666666667, 1, 132, 137, 5], [-6.61933333333333, 2, 80, 133, 5], [-6.7145, 2, 0, 0, 5], [-6.80966666666667, 2, 79, 134, 5], [-6.90483333333333, 2, 80, 134, 5], [-7, 3, 0, 0, 5], [-6.53333333333333, 3, 134, 133, 5], [-6.06666666666667, 2, 136, 79, 5], [-5.6, 2, 0, 0, 5], [-5.13333333333333, 1, 134, 79, 5], [-5.13333333333333, 1, 133, 137, 5], [-5.6, 2, 0, 0, 5], [-6.06666666666667, 2, 133, 134, 5], [-6.53333333333333, 2, 135, 135, 5], [-7, 2, 211, 210, 5], [-6.44, 2, 130, 130, 5], [-5.88, 3, 79, 80, 5], [-5.32, 3, 0, 0, 5], [-4.76, 3, 133, 137, 5], [-4.2, 2, 137, 0, 5], [-4.2, 2, 0, 0, 5], [-4.2, 1, 81, 136, 5], [-4.2, 1, 80, 138, 5], [-4.2, 0, 0, 0, 5], [-4.2, 0, 0, 130, 5], [-4.2, 1, 0, 134, 5], [-4.2, 1, 0, 0, 5], [-4.2, 2, 133, 138, 6], [-4.2, 2, 129, 129, 0], [-3.96, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-3.72, 3, 132, 0, 0], [-3.48, 4, 79, 135, 0], [-3.24, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-3, 5, 133, 137, 0], [-2.7924, 5, 130, 135, 0], [-2.5848, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-2.3772, 4, 129, 79, 0], [-2.1696, 4, 133, 131, 0], [-1.962, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-1.962, 3, 79, 130, 0], [-1.962, 2, 80, 0, 0], [-1.962, 2, 0, 209, 0], [-0.744, 1, 134, 130, 0], [0.473999999999999, 1, 81, 132, 0], [1.692, 0, 0, 0, 4], [2.91, 1, 138, 133, 5], [4.128, 1, 130, 81, 5], [5.346, 2, 0, 0, 5], [6.564, 2, 0, 81, 5], [7.782, 3, 0, 0, 5], [9, 3, 0, 0, 5], [7.8, 4, 132, 137, 5], [6.6, 4, 0, 80, 5], [5.4, 5, 131, 138, 5], [4.2, 5, 0, 0, 5], [3, 5, 137, 137, 6], [1.56, 4, 130, 135, 0], [0.12, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-1.32, 3, 138, 133, 0], [-2.76, 3, 132, 81, 0], [-2.76, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-2.76, 3, 0, 136, 0], [-2.76, 3, 80, 132, 0], [-2.76, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-2.76, 4, 79, 81, 0], [-2.76, 4, 129, 134, 0], [-2.76, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-2.76, 4, 132, 80, 0], [-2.76, 5, 0, 131, 0], [-2.76, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-2.76, 5, 79, 80, 0], [-2.76, 4, 133, 0, 0], [-2.76, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-3.3872, 3, 137, 0, 0], [-3.7904, 3, 138, 129, 0], [-4.1936, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-4.5968, 2, 132, 0, 0], [-5, 1, 136, 136, 0], [-4.96533333333333, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-4.93066666666667, 0, 11, 134, 1], [-4.896, 0, 0, 136, 2], [-4.86133333333333, 0, 0, 0, 2], [-4.82666666666667, -1, 80, 0, 2], [-4.82666666666667, -1, 136, 129, 2], [-4.65333333333333, -1, 0, 0, 2], [-5.184, -1, 130, 136, 2], [-5.888, -1, 134, 133, 2], [-6.592, -2, 211, 210, 2], [-7.296, -2, 134, 79, 2], [-8, -2, 134, 79, 2], [-6.86666666666667, -2, 0, 0, 2], [-5.73333333333333, -2, 133, 130, 2], [-5.73333333333333, -3, 129, 79, 2], [-5.73333333333333, -3, 0, 0, 2], [-5.73333333333333, -3, 132, 0, 2], [-5.73333333333333, -2, 133, 80, 2], [-5.73333333333333, -1, 0, 0, 2], [-4.42962962962963, 0, 137, 137, 2], [-3.12592592592593, 1, 132, 136, 3], [-1.82222222222222, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-0.518518518518519, 0, 131, 132, 0], [0.785185185185185, -2, 135, 136, 0], [2.08888888888889, -3, 0, 0, 0], [3.39259259259259, -5, 133, 134, 0], [4.6962962962963, -7, 79, 132, 0], [6, -6, 0, 0, 0], [4.6962962962963, -6, 137, 136, 0], [3.39259259259259, -5, 129, 134, 0], [2.08888888888889, -4, 0, 0, 0], [0.785185185185185, -3, 131, 0, 0], [-0.518518518518519, -3, 0, 135, 0], [-1.82222222222222, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-3.12592592592593, -1, 129, 134, 0], [-4.42962962962963, -1, 133, 133, 0], [-5.73333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5.73333333333333, -1, 131, 0, 0], [-5.73333333333333, -1, 135, 0, 0], [-5.73333333333333, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-5.16, -2, 130, 134, 0], [-4.58666666666667, -3, 130, 133, 0], [-4.01333333333333, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-3.44, -4, 137, 138, 0], [-2.86666666666667, -4, 138, 135, 0], [-2.29333333333333, -5, 0, 0, 0], [-1.72, -4, 80, 81, 0], [-0.732, -4, 0, 79, 0], [-0.317333333333333, -3, 0, 0, 0], [0.0973333333333333, -3, 132, 133, 0], [0.512, -2, 137, 132, 0], [0.926666666666667, -2, 0, 0, 0], [1.34133333333333, -1, 131, 132, 0], [1.756, -1, 129, 135, 0], [2.17066666666667, -1, 0, 0, 0], [2.58533333333333, -1, 81, 135, 0], [3, -1, 79, 80, 0], [2.46666666666667, -2, 0, 0, 0], [1.93333333333333, -2, 0, 79, 0], [1.4, -2, 134, 0, 0], [0.866666666666667, -2, 210, 211, 0], [0.333333333333333, -2, 138, 81, 0], [1.66666666666667, -1, 129, 136, 0], [3, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.33333333333333, 1, 0, 0, 0], [5.66666666666667, 2, 0, 0, 0], [7, 3, 80, 0, 0], [7, 2, 0, 0, 0], [7, 2, 81, 79, 0], [7, 1, 0, 0, 0], [7, 1, 80, 79, 0], [5.66666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.33333333333333, 1, 0, 80, 0], [3, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1.66666666666667, 2, 80, 81, 0], [0.333333333333333, 2, 0, 0, 0], [0.333333333333333, 3, 138, 81, 0], [0.333333333333333, 3, 0, 0, 0], [0.6, 4, 0, 80, 0], [0.866666666666667, 4, 186, 0, 0], [1.13333333333333, 5, 81, 79, 0], [1.4, 5, 146, 0, 0], [1.66666666666667, 6, 147, 0, 0], [1.93333333333333, 6, 80, 148, 0], [2.2, 7, 0, 80, 0], [2.46666666666667, 7, 186, 93, 0], [2.73333333333333, 7, 0, 81, 0], [3, 7, 132, 93, 0], [4, 7, 79, 186, 0], [5, 7, 134, 80, 0], [6, 7, 186, 147, 0], [5.19047619047619, 7, 92, 92, 0], [4.38095238095238, 7, 0, 81, 0], [3.57142857142857, 7, 146, 148, 0], [3.40952380952381, 7, 79, 79, 0], [4.05714285714286, 7, 0, 0, 0], [4.7047619047619, 7, 147, 0, 0], [5.35238095238095, 7, 173, 131, 0], [6, 7, 146, 172, 0], [5.35238095238095, 6, 80, 133, 0], [4.7047619047619, 5, 173, 81, 0], [4.05714285714286, 4, 0, 0, 0], [3.40952380952381, 3, 0, 147, 0], [2.76190476190476, 2, 173, 146, 0], [2.76190476190476, 1, 81, 81, 0], [2.76190476190476, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.76190476190476, 0, 0, 80, 0], [2.76190476190476, 0, 166, 166, 0], [2.76190476190476, 0, 169, 168, 0], [3.40952380952381, 0, 168, 166, 0], [4.05714285714286, 0, 169, 129, 0], [4.7047619047619, 0, 130, 80, 0], [5.35238095238095, 0, 79, 146, 0], [6, -1, 167, 166, 0], [4.86666666666667, -1, 168, 147, 0], [3.73333333333333, -2, 0, 170, 0], [2.6, -2, 0, 171, 0], [1.46666666666667, -2, 78, 166, 0], [0.333333333333333, -3, 0, 167, 0], [1.46666666666667, -3, 135, 77, 0], [2.6, -4, 136, 0, 0], [3.73333333333333, -4, 0, 0, 0], [4.86666666666667, -4, 77, 81, 0], [6, -3, 0, 0, 0], [4.86666666666667, -3, 79, 78, 0], [4.18666666666667, -2, 80, 0, 0], [4.64, -2, 0, 80, 0], [5.09333333333333, -2, 77, 79, 0], [5.54666666666667, -1, 0, 81, 0], [6, -1, 81, 0, 0], [4.86666666666667, 0, 0, 133, 0], [2.76666666666667, 0, 0, 80, 0], [1.8, 0, 0, 78, 0], [0.833333333333334, 0, 0, 79, 0], [-0.133333333333333, 0, 81, 0, 0], [-1.1, -1, 146, 148, 0], [-2.06666666666667, -1, 81, 80, 0], [-3.03333333333333, -2, 0, 186, 0], [-5.405677, -2, 138, 0, 0], [-5.582824, -2, 0, 137, 0], [-5.759971, -3, 211, 0, 0], [-5.937118, -3, 77, 79, 0], [-6.114265, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-6.291412, -4, 135, 0, 0], [-6.468559, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-6.645706, -3, 134, 134, 0], [-6.822853, -3, 211, 210, 0], [-7, -2, 0, 132, 0], [-6.24, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-6.24, -2, 137, 136, 0], [-6.24, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-6.24, -1, 136, 136, 0], [-6.24, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-6.24, 0, 137, 138, 0], [-6.24, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-6.516, -1, 81, 134, 0], [-6.792, -1, 211, 210, 0], [-7.068, -2, 78, 0, 0], [-7.344, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-7.62, -2, 138, 0, 0], [-7.896, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-8.172, -3, 80, 77, 0], [-8.448, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-8.724, -4, 78, 0, 0], [-9, -4, 0, 0, 0], [-8.60571428571429, -3, 135, 77, 0], [-6.99028571428571, -3, 0, 0, 0], [-5.76914285714286, -2, 136, 0, 0], [-4.548, -2, 0, 0, 0], [-3.32685714285714, -2, 137, 132, 0], [-2.10571428571429, -1, 0, 0, 0], [-0.884571428571429, -1, 77, 137, 0], [0.336571428571428, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.55771428571429, 0, 136, 79, 0], [2.77885714285714, 1, 0, 0, 0], [4, 1, 77, 138, 0], [3.8976, 2, 0, 0, 0], [3.7952, 2, 79, 133, 0], [3.6928, 2, 0, 0, 0], [3.5904, 3, 133, 0, 0], [3.488, 3, 0, 0, 0], [3.3856, 3, 0, 78, 0], [3.2832, 2, 0, 0, 0], [3.1808, 2, 80, 0, 0], [3.0784, 1, 0, 0, 0], [2.976, 1, 78, 81, 0], [2.976, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.952, 0, 134, 81, 0], [0.928, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.0960000000000001, 0, 81, 134, 0], [-1.12, 1, 11, 0, 0], [-2.144, 1, 80, 77, 0], [-3.168, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-4.192, 2, 132, 135, 0], [-5.216, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-6.24, 2, 134, 132, 0], [-6.24, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-6.24, 1, 0, 78, 0], [-6.24, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-6.24, 0, 132, 81, 0], [-6.24, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-6.24, 0, 81, 78, 0], [-6.24, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-6.24, 0, 131, 77, 0], [-6.24, 1, 0, 0, 0], [-6.24, 1, 134, 131, 0], [-6.24, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-6.24, 2, 132, 79, 0], [-6.24, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-6.24, 2, 133, 133, 0], [-6.24, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-6.24, 2, 0, 133, 0], [-6.24, 2, 0, 0, 0], [-6.24, 3, 79, 0, 0], [-5.116, 3, 0, 0, 0], [-3.992, 4, 135, 132, 0], [-2.868, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-1.744, 5, 134, 133, 0], [-0.62, 6, 0, 0, 0], [0.504, 6, 131, 131, 0], [1.628, 7, 0, 0, 0], [2.752, 6, 0, 78, 0], [4.5008, 6, 80, 0, 0], [5.1256, 5, 168, 166, 0], [5.7504, 4, 168, 169, 0], [6.3752, 4, 81, 166, 0], [7, 3, 169, 171, 0], [4.5768, 2, 167, 168, 0], [3.12288, 1, 133, 172, 0], [4.09216, 1, 0, 0, 0], [5.06144, 1, 0, 0, 0], [6.03072, 1, 0, 0, 0], [7, 2, 0, 0, 0], [4.352, 3, 135, 0, 0], [1.704, 4, 136, 0, 0], [-0.944, 4, 0, 0, 0], [-3.592, 5, 0, 0, 0], [-6.24, 6, 0, 0, 1], [-6.24, 6, 0, 0, 2], [-6.24, 7, 133, 0, 2], [-6.24, 6, 0, 0, 2], [-6.24, 6, 131, 134, 2], [-6.24, 5, 0, 0, 2], [-6.24, 4, 0, 132, 2], [-6.24, 4, 80, 0, 2], [-6.24, 3, 132, 132, 2], [-6.032, 2, 0, 0, 2], [-5.52986666666667, 1, 80, 80, 2], [-5.52986666666667, 1, 0, 0, 3], [-5.52986666666667, 0, 131, 131, 4], [-5.52986666666667, 0, 79, 78, 5], [-5.52986666666667, 0, 134, 135, 5], [-5.52986666666667, 0, 0, 0, 5], [-5.23573333333333, 0, 81, 0, 5], [-3.94744, 0, 0, 0, 5], [-2.95328, 0, 0, 81, 5], [-1.95912, 0, 78, 78, 5], [-0.96496, 0, 0, 0, 5], [0.0292000000000002, 0, 0, 78, 5], [1.02336, 0, 0, 0, 6], [2.01752, -1, 0, 0, 1], [3.01168, -1, 0, 78, 2], [4.00584, -1, 81, 78, 2], [5, -1, 0, 0, 2], [4.59410666666667, -1, 78, 80, 2], [4.18821333333333, -2, 0, 81, 2], [3.78232, -2, 0, 0, 2], [3.37642666666667, -2, 0, 79, 2], [2.97053333333333, -2, 79, 80, 2], [2.56464, -2, 0, 0, 2], [2.442872, -3, 78, 0, 2], [2.72699733333333, -3, 81, 81, 2], [3.01112266666667, -3, 0, 0, 2], [3.295248, -3, 79, 79, 2], [2.25695166666667, -3, 0, 0, 2], [0.934530000000001, -4, 78, 79, 3], [-0.387891666666667, -4, 80, 0, 4], [5.18104, -4, 0, 0, 5], [5.78736, -4, 0, 0, 5], [6.39368, -3, 81, 80, 5], [2.752, 1, 0, 0, 6], [2.752, 1, 0, 0, 0], [2.752, 1, 78, 80, 0], [2.752, 2, 0, 0, 17], [2.752, 2, 0, 0, 16], [2.752, 2, 81, 79, 16], [1.628, 2, 0, 0, 16], [0.504, 3, 0, 0, 16], [-0.62, 3, 80, 0, 16], [-1.744, 1, 0, 0, 16], [-2.868, 0, 0, 0, 16], [-3.992, -2, 78, 81, 16], [-5.116, -1, 0, 0, 16], [-6.24, 0, 0, 0, 16], [-6.24, 2, 78, 79, 18], [-6.24, 3, 135, 135, 17], [-6.24, 4, 0, 0, 16], [-6.24, 4, 0, 80, 16], [-6.24, 4, 0, 80, 16], [-6.24, 4, 0, 80, 16], [-6.24, 4, 0, 80, 16], [-6.24, 3, 131, 132, 16], [-6.24, 3, 0, 0, 16], [-6.24, 2, 80, 81, 16], [-6.24, 2, 136, 136, 16], [-6.24, 2, 0, 0, 16], [-6.24, 1, 0, 0, 16], [-6.24, 1, 132, 0, 16], [-6.24, 0, 0, 0, 16], [-6.24, 0, 0, 0, 18], [-6.24, 0, 135, 134, 0], [-5.116, -1, 0, 0, 17], [-3.992, -1, 0, 0, 16], [-2.868, -2, 0, 132, 16], [-2.868, -2, 0, 132, 16], [-2.868, -2, 0, 132, 16], [-2.868, -2, 0, 132, 16], [-1.744, -2, 0, 0, 16], [-0.62, -3, 0, 0, 16], [0.504, -4, 131, 131, 16], [1.628, -4, 0, 0, 16], [2.752, -5, 0, 0, 16], [3.876, -5, 0, 136, 16], [5, -6, 0, 0, 16], [3.9884, -5, 0, 0, 16], [4.1008, -5, 133, 136, 18], [4.2132, -4, 0, 0, 0], [4.3256, -4, 0, 0, 0], [4.438, -3, 80, 80, 0], [4.5504, -2, 0, 132, 0], [4.6628, -2, 0, 0, 0], [4.7752, -1, 78, 78, 0], [4.8876, -1, 135, 131, 0], [5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.18, 0, 80, 0, 17], [3.36, 0, 0, 133, 18], [2.54, 0, 0, 0, 17], [1.72, 0, 78, 78, 16], [0.9, 0, 135, 133, 16], [0.0799999999999997, 0, 0, 0, 16], [-0.74, 1, 79, 0, 16], [-0.604, 1, 137, 136, 16], [-0.604, 1, 138, 136, 16], [-0.604, 1, 136, 136, 16], [-0.604, 1, 138, 136, 16], [0.352, 1, 0, 0, 16], [1.308, 1, 81, 78, 16], [2.264, 1, 131, 132, 16], [3.22, 2, 210, 211, 16], [4.176, 2, 0, 81, 16], [5.132, 2, 131, 132, 18], [7.1396, 0, 0, 136, 0], [2.85584, 5, 0, 0, 0], [1.927692, 6, 0, 0, 0], [1.713504, 5, 136, 132, 0], [1.499316, 5, 0, 0, 0], [0.53547, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0.428376, 1, 12, 0, 0], [0.321282, 0, 135, 135, 0], [0.214188, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.107094, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 136, 132, 0], [0.356, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.712, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.4612, 0, 136, 131, 0], [-0.1456, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.7524, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.3592, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.966, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.5728, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.1796, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.7864, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-4.3932, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3.3, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2.6, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.9, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1.2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.9, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1.6, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.3, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4.6, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5.8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [6.28, 0, 0, 0, 0], [6.36, 0, 0, 0, 0], [6.44, 0, 0, 0, 0], [6.52, 0, 0, 0, 0], [6.6, 0, 0, 0, 0], [6.68, 0, 0, 0, 0], [6.76, 0, 0, 0, 0], [6.84, 0, 0, 0, 0], [6.92, 0, 0, 0, 0], [7, 0, 0, 0, 0], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.52, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 0.2));
Frame 28
_root.engine.addLevelToLib(new com.neodelight.r3D.Race3DLevel("africa", 8, new Array([3.33333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 19], [2.8, 0, 0, 0, 19], [2.26666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 19], [1.73333333333333, 0, 10, 0, 19], [1.2, 0, 0, 239, 19], [0.666666666666667, 0, 226, 240, 19], [0.133333333333333, 0, 224, 241, 19], [-0.4, 0, 237, 236, 19], [-0.4, 0, 226, 226, 19], [0.4, 1, 225, 0, 19], [1.2, 1, 225, 224, 19], [2, 1, 225, 224, 19], [1.858736, 1, 224, 0, 19], [1.717472, 2, 226, 224, 19], [1.576208, 2, 225, 225, 19], [1.434944, 2, 222, 225, 19], [1.29368, 2, 223, 224, 19], [1.152416, 3, 0, 0, 19], [1.011152, 3, 0, 0, 19], [0.869888, 3, 0, 0, 19], [0.728624, 3, 0, 0, 19], [0.58736, 4, 226, 225, 19], [0.58736, 4, 0, 0, 19], [0.35192, 4, 223, 223, 19], [0.11648, 4, 222, 0, 19], [-0.11896, 5, 0, 223, 19], [-0.3544, 5, 224, 222, 19], [-0.3544, 5, 222, 222, 19], [-0.0748666666666667, 4, 0, 222, 19], [0.204666666666667, 4, 222, 222, 19], [0.4842, 3, 0, 0, 19], [0.763733333333333, 2, 224, 222, 19], [1.04326666666667, 2, 226, 224, 19], [1.3228, 1, 223, 224, 19], [1.60233333333333, 0, 224, 222, 19], [1.88186666666667, -1, 223, 0, 19], [2.1614, -1, 225, 223, 19], [2.44093333333333, -2, 222, 0, 19], [2.72046666666667, -1, 224, 0, 19], [3, 0, 224, 225, 19], [3.2, 2, 226, 225, 19], [3.4, 3, 0, 226, 19], [3.6, 4, 0, 225, 19], [3.8, 5, 222, 0, 19], [4, 5, 0, 226, 19], [4.2, 6, 0, 0, 19], [4.4, 6, 0, 0, 19], [4.6, 5, 0, 0, 19], [4.8, 4, 226, 224, 19], [5, 2, 0, 223, 19], [4.6614, 1, 0, 226, 19], [4.3228, 0, 224, 226, 19], [3.9842, 0, 0, 226, 19], [3.6456, 0, 222, 223, 19], [3.307, 0, 224, 223, 19], [2.9684, 0, 0, 223, 19], [2.6298, 0, 0, 223, 19], [2.2912, 0, 225, 226, 19], [1.45734, 0, 222, 0, 19], [0.96208, -1, 226, 225, 19], [0.46682, -1, 224, 223, 19], [-0.0284399999999998, -1, 0, 0, 19], [-0.5237, -1, 226, 0, 19], [-1.01896, -1, 223, 226, 19], [-1.51422, -1, 222, 225, 19], [-2.00948, -2, 222, 224, 19], [-2.50474, -2, 0, 243, 19], [-3, -2, 226, 0, 19], [-2.50474, -2, 223, 222, 19], [-2.00948, -2, 0, 240, 19], [-1.51422, -2, 226, 225, 19], [-1.01896, -3, 225, 222, 19], [-0.5237, -3, 224, 226, 19], [-0.0284399999999998, -3, 223, 224, 19], [0.46682, -3, 226, 0, 19], [0.96208, -3, 0, 226, 19], [1.45734, -3, 223, 226, 19], [1.9526, -4, 0, 0, 19], [1.9526, -4, 0, 0, 19], [1.9526, -4, 0, 0, 19], [1.9526, -4, 0, 0, 19], [1.9526, -4, 0, 0, 19], [1.9526, -4, 223, 224, 19], [1.9526, -5, 0, 240, 19], [1.9526, -5, 224, 0, 19], [1.9526, -5, 226, 223, 19], [1.9526, -4, 226, 0, 19], [1.9526, -3, 222, 225, 19], [1.9526, -3, 222, 0, 19], [1.9526, -2, 223, 226, 19], [1.9526, -1, 226, 0, 19], [1.9526, 0, 0, 223, 19], [1.9526, 0, 224, 223, 19], [1.9526, 1, 222, 226, 19], [1.9526, 2, 225, 0, 19], [1.9526, 3, 222, 0, 19], [1.35734, 3, 0, 222, 19], [0.76208, 4, 222, 225, 19], [0.16682, 3, 225, 222, 19], [-0.42844, 3, 0, 222, 19], [-1.0237, 2, 226, 225, 19], [-1.61896, 1, 224, 0, 19], [-2.21422, 0, 223, 224, 19], [-2.80948, 0, 222, 226, 19], [-3.40474, -1, 244, 226, 19], [-3.40474, -2, 240, 223, 19], [-3.40474, -2, 242, 0, 19], [-3.40474, -2, 245, 226, 19], [-3.40474, -1, 226, 226, 19], [-3.40474, -1, 225, 0, 19], [-3.40474, -1, 224, 226, 19], [-3.40474, -1, 226, 224, 19], [-3.40474, -1, 223, 0, 19], [-3.764266, 0, 223, 0, 19], [-4.123792, 0, 0, 0, 19], [-4.483318, 0, 0, 222, 19], [-4.842844, 0, 225, 0, 19], [-5.20237, 0, 222, 223, 19], [-5.561896, 0, 226, 0, 19], [-5.921422, 1, 223, 222, 19], [-6.280948, 1, 223, 223, 19], [-6.640474, 1, 224, 223, 19], [-7, 2, 0, 224, 19], [-6.223792, 2, 0, 0, 19], [-5.447584, 2, 224, 0, 19], [-4.671376, 2, 224, 0, 19], [-3.895168, 3, 226, 226, 19], [-3.11896, 3, 223, 0, 19], [-2.342752, 3, 222, 0, 19], [-1.566544, 2, 224, 226, 19], [-0.790336, 2, 224, 224, 19], [-0.0141279999999997, 2, 226, 224, 19], [0.76208, 2, 224, 222, 19], [0.76208, 1, 225, 224, 19], [0.985872, 1, 224, 223, 19], [1.209664, 1, 224, 222, 19], [1.433456, 1, 0, 222, 19], [1.657248, 2, 0, 0, 19], [1.88104, 2, 0, 0, 19], [2.17942933333333, 2, 222, 225, 19], [2.25402666666667, 2, 143, 143, 19], [2.328624, 2, 227, 0, 19], [2.40322133333333, 3, 215, 215, 19], [2.47781866666667, 3, 227, 0, 19], [2.552416, 3, 186, 223, 19], [2.62701333333333, 3, 240, 237, 19], [2.70161066666667, 2, 227, 0, 19], [2.776208, 2, 0, 0, 19], [2.85080533333333, 1, 223, 75, 19], [2.92540266666667, 1, 75, 73, 19], [3, 0, 226, 74, 19], [3.33333333333333, 0, 76, 222, 19], [3.66666666666667, 0, 72, 225, 19], [4, -1, 224, 226, 19], [4.33333333333333, -1, 224, 223, 19], [4.66666666666667, -2, 225, 226, 19], [5, -2, 223, 222, 19], [4.35052, 0, 227, 143, 19], [3.70104, 1, 0, 76, 19], [3.05156, 3, 0, 75, 19], [2.40208, 4, 75, 75, 19], [2.40208, 6, 72, 222, 19], [2.761872, 5, 72, 226, 19], [3.121664, 5, 225, 223, 19], [3.481456, 4, 226, 76, 19], [3.841248, 4, 11, 76, 19], [4.20104, 3, 74, 222, 19], [4.560832, 2, 222, 75, 19], [4.920624, 2, 223, 74, 19], [5.280416, 1, 73, 223, 19], [5.640208, 1, 226, 226, 19], [6, 0, 227, 0, 19], [5.57526, 0, 0, 226, 19], [5.57526, -1, 223, 72, 19], [5.57526, -1, 225, 223, 19], [5.57526, -2, 222, 76, 19], [4.6283525, 0, 225, 242, 19], [3.681445, 1, 223, 224, 19], [2.7345375, 3, 76, 240, 19], [1.78763, 4, 225, 246, 19], [0.8407225, 6, 246, 245, 19], [-0.106185, 5, 0, 75, 19], [-1.0530925, 5, 225, 73, 19], [-2, 4, 73, 73, 19], [-1.0530925, 4, 226, 72, 19], [-0.106185, 3, 75, 75, 19], [0.8407225, 2, 0, 75, 19], [1.78763, 2, 73, 222, 19], [2.7345375, 1, 0, 223, 19], [3.681445, 1, 73, 222, 19], [4.6283525, 0, 224, 225, 19], [5.57526, 0, 224, 225, 19], [5.57526, 0, 226, 73, 19], [5.15052, 0, 225, 73, 19], [4.72578, -1, 222, 76, 19], [2.241810375, -1, 75, 224, 19], [1.659387, -1, 226, 74, 19], [1.076963625, -1, 76, 224, 19], [0.49454025, -2, 76, 76, 19], [-0.0878831249999998, -2, 222, 76, 19], [-0.6703065, -2, 222, 222, 19], [-1.252729875, -3, 222, 222, 19], [-1.83515325, -3, 223, 225, 19], [-2.417576625, -2, 224, 222, 19], [-3, -1, 224, 225, 19], [-2.348659, 1, 0, 223, 19], [-1.697318, 2, 224, 222, 19], [-1.045977, 3, 0, 226, 19], [-0.394636, 1, 223, 222, 19], [0.256705, -1, 0, 0, 19], [0.908046, -2, 0, 0, 19], [1.559387, -4, 0, 0, 19], [2.39667946666667, -6, 223, 222, 19], [2.58263093333333, -5, 223, 225, 19], [2.7685824, -5, 225, 222, 19], [2.95453386666667, -4, 222, 222, 19], [3.14048533333333, -4, 222, 224, 19], [3.3264368, -3, 226, 226, 19], [3.51238826666667, -2, 222, 225, 19], [3.78511708444444, -2, 225, 225, 19], [3.87189443555556, -2, 225, 225, 19], [3.95867178666667, -2, 222, 223, 19], [4.04544913777778, -2, 224, 0, 19], [4.13222648888889, -2, 224, 0, 19], [4.21900384, -3, 222, 0, 19], [4.30578119111111, -3, 225, 226, 19], [4.39255854222222, -3, 226, 0, 19], [4.47933589333333, -3, 224, 225, 19], [4.56611324444444, -3, 225, 224, 19], [4.12024606577778, -2, 223, 223, 19], [3.587601536, -1, 222, 224, 19], [3.05495700622222, 1, 0, 225, 19], [2.52231247644445, 2, 225, 0, 19], [1.98966794666667, 3, 226, 0, 19], [1.45702341688889, 1, 0, 224, 19], [0.924378887111111, -1, 225, 225, 19], [0.391734357333334, -2, 223, 223, 19], [-0.140910172444444, -4, 223, 0, 19], [-0.673554702222222, -6, 224, 0, 19], [-1.206199232, -5, 0, 223, 19], [-1.73884376177778, -5, 222, 225, 19], [-2.27148829155556, -4, 224, 222, 19], [-2.80413282133333, -4, 0, 224, 19], [-3.33677735111111, -3, 225, 226, 19], [-3.86942188088889, -2, 224, 223, 19], [-4.40206641066667, -2, 224, 226, 19], [-4.93471094044444, -1, 223, 222, 19], [-5.46735547022222, -1, 223, 0, 19], [-6, 0, 224, 0, 19], [-5.03016602666667, 0, 225, 226, 19], [-4.06033205333333, 0, 223, 222, 19], [-3.09049808, 0, 226, 226, 19], [-2.12066410666667, 0, 0, 224, 19], [-1.15083013333333, 0, 226, 226, 19], [-0.18099616, 0, 222, 226, 19], [0.788837813333334, -1, 222, 222, 19], [1.75867178666667, -1, 222, 234, 19], [2.72850576, -1, 223, 224, 19], [3.69833973333333, -1, 225, 224, 19], [3.69833973333333, -1, 0, 222, 19], [3.69833973333333, -1, 233, 234, 19], [3.21342274666667, -1, 223, 222, 19], [2.72850576, -1, 0, 225, 19], [2.24358877333333, -1, 222, 223, 19], [1.75867178666667, -1, 224, 234, 19], [1.2737548, -2, 0, 223, 19], [0.788837813333334, -2, 224, 222, 19], [0.303920826666667, -2, 222, 223, 19], [-0.18099616, -2, 233, 232, 19], [-0.665913146666666, -2, 0, 224, 19], [-1.73574712, 0, 232, 222, 19], [-2.32066410666667, 1, 224, 224, 19], [-2.90558109333333, 3, 223, 224, 19], [-3.49049808, 4, 232, 226, 19], [-4.07541506666667, 6, 223, 226, 19], [-4.66033205333333, 5, 233, 223, 19], [-5.24524904, 4, 223, 233, 19], [-5.83016602666667, 3, 226, 223, 19], [-6.41508301333333, 2, 233, 222, 19], [-7.1, 2, 226, 223, 19], [-7.2, 1, 223, 233, 19], [-7.3, 0, 233, 225, 19], [-7.4, -1, 223, 225, 19], [-7.5, -2, 232, 232, 19], [-7.6, -3, 234, 222, 19], [-7.7, -1, 222, 223, 19], [-7.8, 1, 232, 223, 19], [-7.9, 3, 232, 233, 19], [-8, 5, 222, 224, 19], [-7.75150830133333, 7, 234, 224, 19], [-7.50301660266667, 6, 224, 222, 19], [-7.254524904, 4, 232, 233, 19], [-7.00603320533333, 3, 233, 0, 19], [-6.75754150666667, 1, 226, 233, 19], [-6.509049808, 0, 224, 224, 19], [-6.26055810933333, 0, 234, 223, 19], [-6.01206641066667, 0, 226, 224, 19], [-5.763574712, 0, 233, 226, 19], [-5.51508301333333, 0, 224, 222, 19], [-5.51508301333333, 0, 234, 232, 19], [-6, 0, 223, 222, 19], [-5.3, 0, 232, 232, 19], [-4.6, 1, 226, 225, 19], [-3.31, 1, 224, 225, 19], [-2.72, 2, 232, 232, 19], [-2.13, 2, 226, 225, 19], [-0.232, 3, 232, 232, 19], [1.076, 3, 225, 223, 19], [2.384, 4, 232, 232, 19], [3.692, 4, 225, 224, 19], [5, 5, 228, 228, 19], [3.9292, 5, 224, 222, 19], [2.8584, 4, 232, 232, 19], [1.7876, 3, 223, 223, 19], [0.7168, 2, 224, 225, 19], [-1.2832, 1, 226, 222, 19], [-2.2124, 1, 234, 224, 19], [-3.1416, 1, 223, 222, 19], [-3.71726, 2, 225, 223, 19], [-3.36372, 2, 225, 225, 19], [-3.01018, 3, 223, 225, 19], [-2.65664, 3, 225, 222, 19], [-2.3031, 4, 224, 222, 19], [-0.5616656, 4, 224, 226, 19], [0.5787508, 5, 225, 226, 19], [1.7191672, 5, 225, 226, 19], [2.8595836, 4, 0, 226, 19], [4, 3, 223, 222, 19], [3.3545396, 2, 225, 232, 19], [2.7090792, 1, 225, 226, 19], [2.0636188, 0, 225, 223, 19], [1.4181584, 0, 0, 0, 19], [0.772698, 0, 225, 225, 19], [0.772698, -1, 0, 224, 19], [1.020176, -1, 0, 0, 19], [1.267654, -1, 223, 225, 19], [1.515132, -2, 226, 224, 19], [1.76261, -2, 0, 222, 19], [2.010088, -2, 223, 0, 19], [2.257566, -3, 224, 226, 19], [2.505044, -3, 222, 222, 19], [2.752522, -3, 11, 0, 19], [3, -4, 0, 226, 19], [4, -4, 222, 222, 19], [5, -5, 222, 226, 19], [6, -5, 225, 224, 19], [7, -5, 226, 0, 19], [8, -6, 0, 0, 19], [7, -6, 0, 222, 19], [6, -6, 0, 224, 19], [5, -7, 240, 240, 19], [4, -7, 0, 243, 19], [3, -6, 246, 245, 19], [2, -6, 244, 246, 19], [1, -5, 246, 246, 19], [-1, -5, 0, 0, 19], [-2, -4, 0, 239, 19], [-3, -4, 0, 240, 19], [-4, -3, 226, 226, 19], [-5, -2, 74, 226, 19], [-4.4096, -1, 226, 0, 19], [-3.8192, 0, 0, 224, 19], [-3.2288, 1, 223, 76, 19], [-1.26148571428571, 2, 72, 225, 19], [0.115428571428571, 1, 75, 75, 19], [1.49234285714286, 0, 223, 72, 19], [2.86925714285714, -1, 223, 227, 19], [4.24617142857143, -2, 225, 143, 19], [5.62308571428571, -1, 72, 227, 19], [7, -1, 224, 143, 19], [5.70285714285714, 0, 74, 227, 19], [4.40571428571429, 0, 72, 143, 19], [3.10857142857143, 0, 73, 227, 19], [1.81142857142857, 0, 0, 143, 19], [0.514285714285714, 1, 224, 75, 19], [-0.782857142857142, 1, 75, 73, 19], [-2.08, 1, 223, 74, 19], [-2.08, 2, 75, 72, 19], [-2.08, 2, 224, 222, 19], [-2.08, 2, 226, 75, 19], [-2.08, 2, 76, 226, 19], [-2.08, 3, 76, 223, 19], [-2.08, 3, 225, 72, 19], [-2.08, 2, 75, 76, 19], [-2.08, 1, 0, 223, 19], [-2.08, -1, 226, 226, 19], [-2.08, -2, 76, 74, 19], [-2.08, -3, 0, 0, 19], [-2.08, -1, 0, 0, 19], [-2.08, -1, 226, 225, 19], [-2.08, 0, 225, 74, 19], [-2.08, 0, 225, 76, 19], [-2.40666666666667, 1, 222, 73, 19], [-2.73333333333333, 1, 72, 74, 19], [-3.06, 2, 222, 75, 19], [-3.38666666666667, 2, 76, 72, 19], [-3.71333333333333, 3, 224, 75, 19], [-4.04, 3, 76, 223, 19], [-4.36666666666667, 2, 222, 76, 19], [-4.69333333333333, 1, 225, 73, 19], [-5.02, -1, 224, 226, 19], [-5.34666666666667, -2, 76, 224, 19], [-5.67333333333333, -3, 73, 75, 19], [-6, -1, 73, 75, 19], [-5.608, -1, 72, 223, 19], [-5.216, 0, 224, 74, 19], [-4.824, 0, 72, 222, 19], [-4.432, 1, 224, 75, 19], [-4.04, 1, 225, 74, 19], [-3.648, 2, 224, 74, 19], [-3.256, 2, 74, 225, 19], [-2.864, 3, 223, 73, 19], [-2.472, 3, 72, 224, 19], [-2.08, 2, 224, 75, 19], [-1.572, 1, 74, 76, 19], [-1.064, -1, 72, 75, 19], [-0.556, -2, 72, 75, 19], [-0.0479999999999997, -3, 226, 226, 19], [0.46, -1, 222, 226, 19], [0.968, -1, 72, 225, 19], [1.476, 0, 75, 74, 19], [1.984, 0, 72, 223, 19], [2.492, 1, 72, 224, 19], [3, 1, 222, 75, 19], [2.492, 2, 222, 73, 19], [1.984, 2, 223, 226, 19], [1.476, 3, 223, 223, 19], [0.968, 3, 74, 72, 19], [0.46, 2, 73, 72, 19], [-0.0479999999999997, 1, 73, 226, 19], [-0.556, -1, 232, 233, 19], [-1.064, -1, 233, 234, 19], [-1.572, 0, 233, 233, 19], [-2.08, 1, 234, 233, 19], [-2.08, 2, 232, 232, 19], [-2.08, 3, 72, 73, 19], [-2.08, 3, 76, 223, 19], [-2.08, 4, 224, 226, 19], [-1.572, 5, 234, 232, 19], [-1.064, 6, 234, 233, 19], [-0.556, 7, 233, 234, 19], [-0.0479999999999997, 6, 232, 233, 19], [0.46, 6, 234, 233, 19], [0.968, 5, 76, 75, 19], [1.476, 4, 72, 75, 19], [1.984, 4, 73, 76, 19], [2.492, 3, 73, 72, 19], [3, 2, 222, 223, 19], [3.2, 1, 75, 72, 19], [3.4, 1, 223, 74, 19], [3.6, 0, 76, 224, 19], [3.6, 1, 75, 76, 19], [3.6, 1, 73, 225, 19], [3.6, 2, 73, 225, 19], [3.6, 3, 232, 232, 19], [3.6, 4, 233, 234, 19], [3.6, 4, 232, 233, 19], [3.6, 5, 234, 234, 19], [3.6, 6, 232, 234, 19], [3.84, 6, 224, 229, 19], [4.08, 7, 75, 229, 19], [4.32, 6, 226, 229, 19], [4.56, 6, 223, 233, 19], [4.8, 5, 234, 233, 19], [5.04, 5, 224, 234, 19], [5.28, 6, 224, 232, 19], [5.52, 6, 232, 234, 19], [5.76, 6, 0, 0, 19], [6, 6, 73, 72, 19], [5.265, 6, 73, 75, 19], [4.53, 7, 74, 222, 19], [4.53, 7, 75, 72, 19], [4.877, 7, 225, 72, 19], [5.224, 6, 222, 225, 19], [5.571, 6, 73, 76, 19], [5.918, 5, 73, 74, 19], [6.265, 4, 74, 225, 19], [6.612, 4, 223, 73, 19], [6.959, 3, 233, 233, 19], [7.306, 2, 233, 233, 19], [7.653, 1, 234, 232, 19], [8, 1, 233, 222, 19], [7.506, 0, 233, 232, 19], [7.012, 0, 76, 233, 19], [6.518, 0, 223, 234, 19], [6.024, -1, 229, 229, 19], [5.53, -2, 226, 225, 19], [4.09132, -3, 229, 229, 19], [3.41450666666667, -5, 222, 222, 19], [2.73769333333333, -6, 229, 229, 19], [2.06088, -7, 226, 75, 19], [1.38406666666667, -8, 234, 234, 19], [0.436528, -7, 72, 234, 19], [0.165802666666667, -6, 76, 234, 19], [-0.104922666666667, -5, 233, 232, 19], [-0.375648, -3, 234, 234, 19], [-0.646373333333333, -2, 222, 72, 19], [-0.917098666666667, -1, 73, 76, 19], [-1.187824, 0, 226, 222, 19], [-1.45854933333333, 1, 73, 222, 19], [-1.72927466666667, 1, 76, 76, 19], [-2, 2, 74, 223, 19], [-2.25544, 3, 223, 75, 19], [-2.44928, 4, 73, 224, 19], [-2.64312, 4, 11, 75, 19], [-2.83696, 5, 224, 225, 19], [-3.0308, 6, 226, 72, 19], [-3.502176, 6, 226, 73, 19], [-3.779712, 7, 222, 72, 19], [-4.057248, 6, 224, 73, 19], [-4.334784, 6, 224, 73, 19], [-4.61232, 5, 222, 224, 19], [-4.889856, 4, 223, 74, 19], [-5.167392, 4, 72, 75, 19], [-5.444928, 3, 225, 224, 19], [-5.722464, 2, 222, 225, 19], [-6, 1, 222, 76, 19], [-5.8156, 1, 72, 73, 19], [-5.6312, 0, 224, 225, 19], [-5.4468, 0, 224, 74, 19], [-4.22491428571429, -1, 72, 223, 19], [-3.18742857142857, -2, 74, 226, 19], [-2.14994285714286, -3, 0, 74, 19], [-1.11245714285714, -4, 76, 73, 19], [-0.0749714285714287, -5, 222, 223, 19], [0.962514285714286, -6, 75, 223, 19], [2, -7, 226, 74, 19], [1.08, -8, 74, 225, 19], [0.16, -9, 74, 75, 19], [-0.76, -10, 226, 74, 19], [-1.68, 0, 225, 233, 19], [-2.6, 0, 224, 224, 19], [-3.52, 0, 224, 224, 19], [-4.44, 0, 226, 223, 19], [-4.44, 0, 0, 224, 19], [-4.62, 0, 233, 225, 19], [-4.8, 0, 226, 0, 19], [-4.8, 0, 224, 226, 19], [-5.1, 0, 0, 0, 19], [-5.4, 0, 222, 224, 19], [-5.4, -1, 223, 224, 19], [-5.4, -2, 234, 224, 19], [-5.4, -3, 223, 222, 19], [-5.4, -4, 223, 225, 19], [-4.2, -5, 233, 232, 19], [-3, -6, 225, 225, 19], [-1.8, -7, 224, 225, 19], [-0.6, -8, 224, 233, 19], [0.6, -9, 0, 0, 19], [1.27428571428571, -10, 0, 0, 19], [0.577142857142857, 0, 223, 225, 19], [-0.12, 0, 223, 0, 19], [-0.817142857142857, 0, 226, 226, 19], [-1.51428571428571, 0, 225, 225, 19], [-2.21142857142857, 0, 226, 223, 19], [-2.90857142857143, 0, 224, 0, 19], [-3.60571428571429, 0, 223, 224, 19], [-4.30285714285714, 1, 222, 0, 19], [-5, 1, 224, 224, 19], [-4.368, 2, 225, 224, 19], [-2.8624, 3, 0, 0, 19], [-1.9888, 4, 0, 0, 19], [-1.1152, 4, 224, 224, 19], [-0.2416, 5, 222, 226, 19], [0.632, 6, 0, 0, 19], [1.5056, 6, 0, 222, 19], [2.3792, 7, 0, 0, 19], [3.2528, 6, 222, 222, 19], [4.21376, 6, 222, 222, 19], [4.30112, 5, 226, 0, 19], [4.38848, 4, 226, 225, 19], [4.47584, 4, 224, 224, 19], [4.5632, 3, 226, 0, 19], [4.65056, 2, 0, 225, 19], [4.73792, 1, 222, 0, 19], [4.82528, 1, 224, 223, 19], [4.921376, 1, 0, 0, 19], [4.930112, 1, 222, 225, 19], [5.2449632, 2, 223, 224, 19], [5.5510784, 3, 223, 225, 19], [5.8571936, 4, 222, 223, 19], [6.1633088, 4, 226, 226, 19], [6.469424, 5, 225, 222, 19], [6.7755392, 6, 223, 223, 19], [7.0816544, 6, 225, 226, 19], [7.3877696, 7, 224, 224, 19], [7.6938848, 6, 224, 223, 19], [8, 6, 224, 0, 19], [6.66, 5, 224, 225, 19], [5.32, 4, 0, 0, 19], [3.98, 3, 0, 0, 19], [2.64, 1, 225, 0, 19], [1.3, 0, 222, 0, 19], [-0.0400000000000006, -2, 0, 0, 19], [-1.38, -3, 222, 226, 19], [-2.72, -4, 226, 224, 19], [-4.06, -6, 0, 0, 19], [-5.4, -7, 0, 0, 19], [-5.4, -9, 226, 222, 19], [-5.4, -10, 0, 0, 19], [-5.4, 0, 0, 0, 19], [-5.4, 0, 222, 223, 19], [-5.4, 0, 0, 0, 19], [-5.4, 0, 0, 0, 19], [-5.4, 0, 226, 225, 19], [-5.4, 1, 0, 0, 19], [-5.4, 1, 0, 0, 19], [-5.4, 1, 226, 225, 19], [-5.4, 2, 0, 0, 19], [-5.4, 2, 0, 0, 19], [-5.4, 2, 224, 225, 19], [-5.4, 2, 0, 0, 19], [-5.4, 3, 0, 0, 19], [-4.45, 3, 222, 225, 19], [-3.5, 2, 222, 222, 19], [-2.55, 1, 0, 0, 19], [-1.6, -1, 225, 224, 19], [-0.65, -2, 224, 226, 19], [0.3, -3, 0, 0, 19], [1.25, -2, 0, 226, 19], [2.2, -2, 226, 225, 19], [3.15, -1, 0, 0, 19], [4.1, -1, 222, 226, 19], [5.05, 0, 224, 226, 19], [6, 0, 0, 0, 19], [6, 0, 222, 223, 19], [6, 0, 226, 223, 19], [6, 0, 0, 0, 19], [6, 0, 0, 0, 19], [6, 0, 226, 223, 19], [6, 0, 0, 0, 19], [6, 0, 222, 226, 19], [6, 0, 224, 223, 19], [6, 0, 0, 0, 19], [6, 0, 0, 222, 19], [6, 0, 223, 224, 19], [5.46666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 19], [4.14, 0, 224, 225, 19], [3.34666666666667, 1, 226, 226, 19], [2.55333333333333, 1, 0, 0, 19], [1.76, 2, 223, 226, 19], [0.966666666666667, 2, 222, 226, 19], [0.173333333333333, 3, 0, 0, 19], [-0.62, 3, 224, 222, 19], [-1.41333333333333, 4, 0, 0, 19], [-2.20666666666667, 4, 0, 0, 19], [-3, 5, 224, 0, 19], [-2.20666666666667, 5, 0, 0, 19], [-1.41333333333333, 3, 0, 0, 19], [-0.62, 1, 223, 222, 19], [0.173333333333333, -1, 0, 0, 19], [0.966666666666667, -3, 0, 0, 19], [1.76, -5, 225, 225, 19], [2.55333333333333, -4, 0, 0, 19], [3.34666666666667, -3, 226, 240, 19], [4.14, -2, 226, 237, 19], [4.93333333333333, -1, 0, 236, 19], [4.93333333333333, 0, 222, 242, 19], [4.93333333333333, 1, 224, 225, 19], [4.93333333333333, 1, 11, 0, 19], [4.93333333333333, 1, 222, 225, 19], [4.14, 2, 222, 225, 19], [3.34666666666667, 2, 0, 0, 19], [2.55333333333333, 2, 222, 225, 19], [1.76, 2, 0, 226, 19], [0.966666666666667, 3, 234, 0, 19], [0.173333333333333, 3, 234, 226, 19], [-0.62, 2, 234, 222, 19], [-1.41333333333333, 1, 232, 230, 19], [-2.20666666666667, 0, 233, 231, 19], [-3, -1, 0, 231, 19], [-2.486, -2, 234, 230, 19], [-2.76533333333333, -2, 233, 231, 19], [-3.04466666666667, -1, 0, 0, 19], [-3.324, -1, 0, 0, 19], [-3.60333333333333, -2, 224, 225, 19], [-3.88266666666667, -2, 0, 0, 19], [-4.162, -3, 0, 0, 19], [-4.44133333333333, -3, 224, 225, 19], [-4.72066666666667, -3, 0, 0, 19], [-5, -4, 0, 0, 19], [-4.00666666666667, -4, 222, 225, 19], [-3.01333333333333, -5, 0, 0, 19], [-2.02, -5, 225, 224, 19], [-1.02666666666667, -4, 224, 224, 19], [-0.0333333333333332, -4, 73, 226, 19], [0.96, -4, 222, 223, 19], [1.95333333333333, -4, 222, 73, 19], [2.94666666666667, -4, 75, 74, 19], [3.94, -4, 223, 222, 19], [4.93333333333333, -5, 74, 226, 19], [4.93333333333333, -5, 73, 225, 19], [4.93333333333333, -5, 225, 223, 19], [4.93333333333333, -5, 226, 76, 19], [4.93333333333333, -5, 76, 75, 19], [4.93333333333333, -4, 76, 222, 19], [4.93333333333333, -4, 226, 222, 19], [4.93333333333333, -4, 76, 224, 19], [4.93333333333333, -4, 223, 224, 19], [4.93333333333333, -4, 223, 74, 19], [4.93333333333333, -4, 73, 73, 19], [4.93333333333333, -5, 222, 223, 19], [4.93333333333333, -5, 227, 143, 19], [4.93333333333333, -5, 227, 224, 19], [4.93333333333333, -5, 227, 143, 19], [4.93333333333333, -5, 227, 73, 19], [4.93333333333333, -4, 227, 143, 19], [4.93333333333333, -4, 227, 225, 19], [4.93333333333333, -3, 224, 143, 19], [5.09230769230769, -2, 223, 226, 19], [5.25128205128205, -2, 224, 224, 19], [5.41025641025641, -1, 75, 0, 19], [5.56923076923077, -1, 227, 143, 19], [5.72820512820513, 0, 223, 75, 19], [5.88717948717949, 0, 76, 224, 19], [6.04615384615385, 1, 223, 226, 19], [6.20512820512821, 1, 76, 226, 19], [6.36410256410256, 2, 75, 75, 19], [6.52307692307692, 2, 222, 222, 19], [6.68205128205128, 3, 75, 222, 19], [7.47282051282051, 3, 76, 76, 19], [8.10461538461539, 4, 223, 74, 19], [8.73641025641026, 4, 226, 76, 19], [9.36820512820513, 5, 226, 225, 19], [10, 4, 74, 75, 19], [9.11384615384615, 3, 72, 223, 19], [8.22769230769231, 2, 76, 75, 19], [7.34153846153846, 1, 224, 225, 19], [6.45538461538462, 0, 224, 74, 19], [5.56923076923077, 0, 223, 72, 19], [5.56923076923077, 0, 74, 73, 19], [4.51230769230769, 0, 224, 223, 19], [2.50496923076923, 0, 72, 233, 19], [1.44886153846154, 1, 226, 234, 19], [0.392753846153846, 1, 225, 233, 19], [-0.663353846153846, 1, 222, 233, 19], [-1.71946153846154, 2, 224, 74, 19], [-2.77556923076923, 2, 75, 232, 19], [-3.83167692307692, 2, 76, 232, 19], [-4.88778461538462, 2, 222, 76, 19], [-5.94389230769231, 3, 73, 72, 19], [-7.2, 3, 222, 233, 19], [-7.4, 2, 75, 233, 19], [-7.6, 1, 74, 0, 19], [-7.8, 0, 225, 234, 19], [-8, -1, 73, 232, 19], [-8.2, -1, 0, 0, 19], [-8.4, -2, 0, 234, 19], [-8.6, -2, 74, 234, 19], [-8.8, -3, 76, 233, 19], [-9, -3, 223, 234, 19], [-7.56584615384615, -4, 76, 224, 19], [-6.13169230769231, -4, 75, 234, 19], [-5.12778461538462, -5, 74, 222, 19], [-5.55803076923077, -4, 225, 234, 19], [-5.98827692307692, -4, 232, 232, 19], [-6.41852307692308, -3, 222, 75, 19], [-6.84876923076923, -3, 226, 233, 19], [-7.27901538461538, -2, 232, 225, 19], [-7.70926153846154, -2, 223, 72, 19], [-8.13950769230769, -1, 225, 72, 19], [-8.56975384615385, -1, 72, 75, 19], [-9, 0, 223, 76, 19], [-6.53435897435897, 0, 74, 226, 19], [-4.06871794871795, 1, 75, 75, 19], [-1.60307692307692, 2, 75, 225, 19], [-1.60307692307692, 3, 223, 73, 19], [-1.60307692307692, 4, 223, 76, 19], [-1.60307692307692, 5, 222, 73, 19], [-1.60307692307692, 6, 74, 226, 19], [-1.60307692307692, 7, 74, 222, 19], [-1.60307692307692, 8, 76, 73, 19], [-1.60307692307692, 9, 72, 226, 19], [-1.60307692307692, 10, 76, 72, 19], [-1.60307692307692, 9, 74, 75, 19], [-1.60307692307692, 8, 224, 76, 19], [0.862564102564103, 7, 76, 75, 19], [3.32820512820513, 6, 72, 223, 19], [3.32820512820513, 5, 72, 222, 19], [4.36923076923077, 4, 74, 222, 19], [5.41025641025641, 3, 222, 226, 19], [5.41025641025641, 2, 72, 74, 19], [5.25128205128205, 1, 222, 72, 19], [5.09230769230769, 0, 224, 76, 19], [4.93333333333333, 0, 0, 75, 19], [4.93333333333333, 0, 76, 226, 19], [4.93333333333333, 0, 224, 226, 19], [4.93333333333333, 0, 223, 224, 19], [4.93333333333333, 0, 222, 224, 19], [4.93333333333333, 1, 225, 223, 19], [2.89142857142857, 2, 234, 234, 19], [1.74285714285714, 3, 224, 222, 19], [0.594285714285715, 4, 232, 234, 19], [-0.554285714285714, 5, 222, 224, 19], [-1.70285714285714, 6, 234, 234, 19], [-2.85142857142857, 7, 225, 225, 19], [-4, 8, 233, 233, 19], [-3.70190476190476, 9, 223, 226, 19], [-3.40380952380952, 10, 233, 233, 19], [-3.10571428571429, 9, 226, 222, 19], [-2.80761904761905, 8, 231, 231, 19], [-2.50952380952381, 7, 222, 225, 19], [-2.21142857142857, 6, 231, 231, 19], [-2.21142857142857, 5, 226, 226, 19], [-2.50952380952381, 4, 231, 231, 19], [-2.80761904761905, 3, 223, 223, 19], [-3.10571428571429, 2, 231, 231, 19], [-3.40380952380952, 1, 222, 225, 19], [-3.70190476190476, 0, 231, 231, 19], [-4.3, 0, 229, 229, 19], [-4.6, 0, 225, 223, 19], [-4.9, 0, 231, 231, 19], [-5.2, 0, 224, 223, 19], [-5.5, -1, 231, 231, 19], [-5.8, -1, 225, 74, 19], [-6.1, -1, 231, 231, 19], [-6.4, -1, 72, 72, 19], [-6.7, -2, 231, 231, 19], [-7, -2, 234, 234, 19], [-5.982, -2, 228, 228, 19], [-4.964, -3, 74, 223, 19], [-3.946, -3, 231, 231, 19], [-2.928, -2, 72, 222, 19], [-1.91, -1, 231, 231, 19], [-0.892, 1, 225, 75, 19], [0.126, 2, 226, 76, 19], [1.144, 3, 231, 231, 19], [2.162, 0, 230, 230, 19], [3.562, -2, 72, 73, 19], [3.944, -5, 222, 72, 19], [4.326, -7, 230, 230, 19], [4.708, -10, 226, 74, 19], [5.09, -9, 222, 72, 19], [5.472, -8, 230, 230, 19], [5.854, -7, 72, 224, 19], [6.236, -6, 12, 73, 19], [6.618, -5, 72, 223, 19], [7, -4, 75, 72, 19], [6.618, -3, 231, 231, 19], [6.236, -2, 230, 230, 19], [5.854, -1, 224, 73, 19], [5.472, 0, 230, 230, 19], [5.09, 0, 224, 222, 19], [4.708, 0, 73, 223, 19], [4.326, -1, 230, 230, 19], [3.944, -1, 76, 72, 19], [3.562, -1, 222, 222, 19], [3.18, -1, 222, 225, 19], [3.18, -2, 231, 231, 19], [3.18, -2, 74, 73, 19], [3.18, -2, 231, 231, 19], [3.18, -3, 226, 225, 19], [3.18, -3, 75, 74, 19], [3.18, -2, 73, 226, 19], [3.18, -1, 75, 72, 19], [3.18, 1, 223, 72, 19], [3.18, 2, 74, 225, 19], [3.18, 3, 226, 0, 19], [3.18, 0, 224, 75, 19], [3.18, -2, 0, 225, 19], [3.18, -5, 76, 0, 19], [3.18, -7, 74, 0, 19], [3.18, -10, 73, 223, 19], [3.18, -9, 224, 72, 19], [3.18, -8, 73, 75, 19], [3.18, -7, 225, 226, 19], [3.18, -6, 73, 72, 19], [3.18, -5, 0, 0, 19], [3.18, -4, 0, 0, 19], [3.18, -3, 0, 0, 19], [3.18, -2, 0, 0, 19], [3.18, -1, 0, 0, 19], [3.86666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 19], [3.86666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 19]), 0));
Frame 29
stepMenu = function () {
if ((this.phaseDelay--) > 0) {
switch (this.phase) {
case 0 :
_quality = "best";;
_global.snd.playLoop("musicTitle", 1, "music", "music");, 0);, this.FADE_TIME);
case 1 :
if (! {
case 2 :
stepQuit = function () {
if ((this.phaseDelay--) > 0) {
switch (this.phase) {
case 0 :, this.FADE_TIME);, this.FADE_TIME);
case 1 :
if (! {
case 2 :
stepGoTopic = function () {
if ((this.phaseDelay--) > 0) {
switch (this.phase) {
case 0 :, this.FADE_TIME);
case 1 :
if (! {
case 2 :
_quality = "best";;
this.gotoAndStop(_root.goTopicLabel);, this.FADE_TIME);
case 3 :
if (! {
this.onEnterFrame = undefined;
autoSelectTrack = function () {
trace("--- auto select track");
var _local4 =;
var _local5 = false;
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _global.trackAmounts[_root.actLeague]) {
if (!_global.score.get("totalScore", _local3)) {
trace("select unplayed: " + _local3);
_local4 = _local3;
_local5 = true;
if ((!_local5) && (_global.score.scores[].time4)) {
trace("didn't find unplayed");
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _global.trackAmounts[_root.actLeague]) {
trace((("check unfinished " + _local3) + ":") + _global.score.scores[_local3].time4);
if (!_global.score.scores[_local3].time4) {
trace("select unfinished: " + _local3);
_local4 = _local3;
stepChooseLevel = function () {
if ((this.phaseDelay--) > 0) {
switch (this.phase) {
case 0 :
_global.gameSpeed = _global.gameSpeeds[_root.actLeague];
_global.displayFake = _global.gameSpeeds[0] / _global.gameSpeed;, this.FADE_TIME);
case 1 :
if (! {
case 2 :
if ( == "musicTitle") {
_global.snd.playLoop("musicMenu", 1, "music", "music");
_quality = "best";;
trace("---level auto choose");
var _local5 = 0;
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < {
if (!_global.score.get("totalScore", _local4)) {
trace("select " + _local4);
_local5 = _local4;
trace((("already played " + _local4) + ": ") + _global.score.get("totalScore", _local4));
} = _local5;, this.FADE_TIME);
case 3 :
case 4 :
if (! {
case 5 :
stepStartRace = function () {
if ((this.phaseDelay--) > 0) {
switch (this.phase) {
case 0 :, this.FADE_TIME);;, this.FADE_TIME);
case 1 :
if (! {
case 2 :
_quality = "medium";
case 3 :
this.engine.loadLevel(_root.selectedTrackName, this.w);
_global.snd.playSequence([{id:"musicIngameIntro", vol:0, offset:2, fadeTo:1, fadeFrames:60}, {id:"musicIngame", times:0}], true, "music", "musicIngame");
_global.snd.playLoop("sndSqueal", 0, "fx", "squeal");
_global.snd.playLoop("sndMotors", 0, "fx", "motors");
_global.snd.channelsById.motors.fade(0.25, 20);, this.FADE_TIME);
case 4 :
if (! {
this.phaseDelay = 40;
case 5 :
_root.engine.phase = 0;
_global.snd.playEvent("sndMarks", 1);
this.phaseDelay = 40;
case 6 :
_global.snd.playEvent("sndSet", 1);
this.phaseDelay = 40;
case 7 :
_global.snd.playEvent("sndGo", 1);
_root.engine.phase = 1;
_global.snd.playEvent("sndRaceStart", 0.5);
_root.sndChannelAmbience = _root.snd.playLoop("sndRaceAmbience", 0, "fx", "ambience");
_global.snd.channelsById.ambience.fade(0.5, 100);
_global.snd.channelsById.motors.fade(0, 20);
stepStartLevel = function () {
stepMain = function () {
if (_global.paused) {
stepRaceOver = function () {
if ((this.phaseDelay--) > 0) {
switch (this.phase) {
case 0 :
this.phaseDelay = 2;
case 1 :
trace("flow:checkPointCount:" + _global.osd.checkPointCount);
_global.score.alter(_global.score.get("track"), "totalScore");
if (_global.osd.checkPointCount == 5) {
} else {
_global.score.alter(30000 - _global.osd.timeRemaining, "totalTime");
_global.snd.fadeChannel("musicIngame", -1, this.FADE_TIME);
_global.snd.fadeChannel("ambience", -1, this.FADE_TIME);
_global.snd.fadeChannel("squeal", -1, this.FADE_TIME);
_global.snd.fadeChannel("motors", -1, this.FADE_TIME);
_global.snd.playLoop("musicMenu", 1, "music", "music");
startPhase = function (f) {
if (f == this.onEnterFrame) {
this.phase = 0;
this.phaseDelay = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = f;
Frame 30
if (_global.config.gameIntro) {
} else {
Frame 32
gotoAndPlay ("start");
Frame 39
gotoAndPlay ("start");
Frame 45
if (_global.config.fullVersion) {
} else {
Frame 50
_root.actLeague = -1;
if (!_global.console) {
_global.bin.syslog = undefined;
Frame 51
Frame 55
Frame 56
Frame 60
if ((!_global.config.fullVersion) || (_root.maxLeague >= 1)) {
} else {
if ((!_global.config.fullVersion) || (_root.maxLeague >= 2)) {
} else {
Frame 61
Frame 66
trace("act: " +;
Frame 67
Frame 75
var statsData = _global.score.getStatistics();
Frame 76
Frame 80
Frame 81
Frame 89
Frame 90
Frame 98
Frame 99
Frame 107
displayTotal = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(Math.floor(_global.score.scoreTotal));
displayLevel = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(Math.floor(_global.score.scoreLevel));
switch (_global.score.get("rank")) {
case 1 :
displayRank = "1st";
case 2 :
displayRank = "2nd";
case 3 :
displayRank = "3rd";
default :
displayRank = _global.score.get("rank") + "th";
if (_global.score.get("bonus4")) {
var champion = true;
var i = 0;
while (i < {
if (!_global.score.get("bonus4", i)) {
champion = false;
if (champion) {
} else {
} else {
Frame 108
Frame 114
Frame 115
Frame 120
Frame 121
Frame 131
Frame 132
Frame 135
Frame 136
Frame 143
Frame 144
Frame 157
Frame 158
Frame 163
Frame 164
Symbol 4 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 10 MovieClip Frame 1
var flashVersion = int(System.capabilities.version.split(" ").pop().split(",").shift());
if (flashVersion < 7) {
this.msg = "Please upgrade to Flash Player 7";
_root.percentageDisplay = "";
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
} else {
this.msg = "";
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
var _local3 = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100;
this.percentageDisplay = ("loading.." + Math.min(100, Math.floor(_local3))) + "%"; = (_local3 * 5.5) * ((550 - / 550);
if (_local3 == 100) {
this.onEnterFrame = undefined;
} else {
Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 109 MovieClip Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
this.gfx._rotation = this.gfx._rotation + 20;
Symbol 507 MovieClip Frame 1
_visible = false;
Symbol 534 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1122 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.mdm.DirectX
static var width, height, depth;
function DirectX () {
static function setResolution(x, y, d) {
if ((!((((((x == 320) && (y == 240)) || ((x == 400) && (y == 300))) || ((x == 640) && (y == 480))) || ((x == 800) && (y == 600))) || ((x == 1024) && (y == 768)))) || (!((d == 16) || (d == 32)))) {
_global.bin.syslog("Mdm", (((("DirectX: setResolution(): Illegal Resolution! " + x) + ", ") + y) + ", ") + d, 3);
if (((width == x) && (height == y)) && (depth == d)) {
_global.bin.syslog("Mdm", (((("DirectX: setResolution(): Alread set! " + x) + ", ") + y) + ", ") + d, 1);
_global.bin.syslog("Mdm", (((_root.mdm_display_width + "/") + _root.mdm_display_height) + ":") + _root.mdm_display_depth);
_global.bin.syslog("Mdm", (((("DirectX: setResolution(): " + x) + ", ") + y) + ", ") + d);
_global.mdm.setdxres(x, y, d);
_global.mdm.size(x, y);
width = x;
height = y;
depth = d;
_global.mdm.getresolution("mdm_display_height", "mdm_display_width", "mdm_display_depth");
_global.bin.syslog("Mdm", (((_root.mdm_display_width + "/") + _root.mdm_display_height) + ":") + _root.mdm_display_depth);
_root.onAppChangeFocus = function (focussed) {
if (focussed == "true") {
_global.paused = false;
} else {
_global.bin.syslog("Mdm", "onAppChangeFocus(): lose focus");
_global.paused = true;
static function getResolutionString() {
return((((width + "x") + height) + "x") + depth);
static function setFullScreen() {
_global.mdm.size(width, height);
static function restoreResolution() {
_global.bin.syslog("Mdm", "onAppChangeFocus(): regain focus -> restore DirectX resolution");
_global.mdm.setdxres(width, height, depth);
static var focussed = true;
Symbol 1123 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.flanix.Kernel
function Kernel () {
static function init() {
if (_global.$FLANIX_VERSION) {
_global.$FLANIX_VERSION = "0.2.0";
if (!_global.lib) {
_global.lib = new Object();
if (!_global.lib.Blueprints) {
_global.lib.Blueprints = com.neodelight.std.Blueprint.lib;
if (!_global.var) {
_global.var = new Object();
if (!_global.var.log) {
_global.var.log = new Object();
if (!_global.mnt) {
_global.mnt = new Object();
if (! { = new Object();
if (! { = function () {
_global._root = _level0;
var _local2 = new com.neodelight.flanix.Bin();
Symbol 1124 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.std.Blueprint
function Blueprint () {
static function addBlueprint(id, o) {
lib[id] = o;
static function isBlueprint(id) {
return(lib[id] != undefined);
static function getBlueprint(id) {
if (typeof(id) == "object") {
var _local1 = lib[id];
if (_local1.blueprint) {
apply(_local1, _local1.blueprint);
static function getBlueprints(filter) {
if (!filter) {
var _local1 = new Array();
for (var _local3 in lib) {
if (filter.test(_local3)) {
static function apply(target, id) {
if (!id) {
id = String(target.blueprint);
var _local3 = lib[id];
for (var _local1 in _local3) {
if (_local1 == "blueprint") {
if (target[_local1] == undefined) {
target[_local1] = _local3[_local1];
if (_local3.blueprint) {
var _local4 = _local3.blueprint.split(",");
var _local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _local4.length) {
apply(target, _local4[_local1]);
static var lib = new Array();
Symbol 1125 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.std.RegExp
function RegExp () {
if (arguments[0] == null) {
} else {
const = "RegExp";
compile.apply(this, arguments);
function invStr(sVal) {
var _local5 = sVal;
var _local4 = length(_local5);
var _local1;
var _local3;
var _local6 = "";
var _local2 = 1;
while (_local2 < 255) {
_local3 = chr(_local2);
_local1 = 0;
while ((_local1 <= _local4) && ((substring(_local5, 1 + (_local1++), 1)) != _local3)) {
if (_local1 > _local4) {
_local6 = _local6 + _local3;
function compile() {
source = arguments[0];
if (arguments.length > 1) {
var _local17 = (arguments[1] + "").toLowerCase();
var _local11 = 0;
while (_local11 < length(_local17)) {
if ((substring(_local17, _local11 + 1, 1)) == "g") {
global = true;
if ((substring(_local17, _local11 + 1, 1)) == "i") {
ignoreCase = true;
if ((substring(_local17, _local11 + 1, 1)) == "m") {
multiline = true;
if (arguments.length < 3) {
var _local20 = true;
_xrStatic = 1;
var _local11 = 0;
} else {
var _local20 = false;
_xr = _xrStatic++;
var _local11 = arguments[2];
lastIndex = 0;
var _local9 = source;
var _local21;
var _local14 = length(_local9);
var _local6 = [];
var _local4 = 0;
var _local5;
var _local8 = false;
var _local16;
var _local15;
var _local18 = false;
var _local19;
for ( ; _local11 < _local14 ; _local11++) {
var _local3 = substring(_local9, _local11 + 1, 1);
if (_local3 == "\\") {
_local19 = false;
_local3 = substring(_local9, _local11 + 1, 1);
} else {
_local19 = true;
var _local13 = substring(_local9, _local11 + 2, 1);
_local6[_local4] = new Object();
_local6[_local4].t = 0;
_local6[_local4].a = 0;
_local6[_local4].b = 999;
_local6[_local4].c = -10;
if (_local19) {
if (_local3 == "(") {
_local21 = new com.neodelight.std.RegExp(_local9, (ignoreCase ? "gi" : "g"), _local11 + 1);
_local11 = _xiStatic;
_local6[_local4].t = 3;
_local3 = _local21;
_local13 = substring(_local9, _local11 + 2, 1);
} else {
if ((!_local20) && (_local3 == ")")) {
if (_local3 == "^") {
if ((_local4 == 0) || (_local6[_local4 - 1].t == 7)) {
_local6[_local4].t = 9;
_local6[_local4].a = 1;
_local6[_local4].b = 1;
} else if (_local3 == "$") {
if (_local20) {
_local18 = true;
} else {
if (_local3 == "[") {
if (_local13 == "^") {
_local6[_local4].t = 2;
} else {
_local6[_local4].t = 1;
_local3 = "";
_local8 = false;
while ((_local11 < _local14) && ((_local5 = substring(_local9, 1 + (_local11++), 1)) != "]")) {
if (_local8) {
if (_local5 == "\\") {
_local15 = ((_local5 == "\\") ? ((_local5 == "b") ? "\b" : (substring(_local9, 1 + (_local11++), 1))) : _local5);
_local16 = ord(substring(_local3, length(_local3), 1)) + 1;
_local5 = chr(_local16++);
while (_local15 >= _local5) {
_local3 = _local3 + _local5;
_local8 = false;
} else if ((_local5 == "-") && (length(_local3) > 0)) {
_local8 = true;
} else if (_local5 == "\\") {
_local5 = substring(_local9, 1 + (_local11++), 1);
if (_local5 == "d") {
_local3 = _local3 + "0123456789";
} else if (_local5 == "D") {
_local3 = _local3 + invStr("0123456789");
} else if (_local5 == "s") {
_local3 = _local3 + " \f\n\r\t\\";
} else if (_local5 == "S") {
_local3 = _local3 + invStr(" \f\n\r\t\\");
} else if (_local5 == "w") {
_local3 = _local3 + "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_";
} else if (_local5 == "W") {
_local3 = _local3 + invStr("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_");
} else if (_local5 == "b") {
_local3 = _local3 + "\b";
} else if (_local5 == "\\") {
_local3 = _local3 + _local5;
} else {
_local3 = _local3 + _local5;
if (_local8) {
_local3 = _local3 + "-";
_local13 = substring(_local9, _local11 + 2, 1);
} else {
if (_local3 == "|") {
if (_local18) {
_local6[_local4].t = 10;
_local6[_local4].a = 1;
_local6[_local4].b = 1;
_local6[_local4] = new Object();
_local18 = false;
_local6[_local4].t = 7;
_local6[_local4].a = 1;
_local6[_local4].b = 1;
if (_local3 == ".") {
_local6[_local4].t = 2;
_local3 = newline;
} else if (((_local3 == "*") || (_local3 == "?")) || (_local3 == "+")) {
// unexpected jump
if ((_local3 >= "1") && (_local3 <= "9")) {
_local6[_local4].t = 4;
} else if (_local3 == "b") {
_local6[_local4].t = 1;
_local3 = "--wb--";
} else if (_local3 == "B") {
_local6[_local4].t = 2;
_local3 = "--wb--";
} else if (_local3 == "d") {
_local6[_local4].t = 1;
_local3 = "0123456789";
} else if (_local3 == "D") {
_local6[_local4].t = 2;
_local3 = "0123456789";
} else if (_local3 == "s") {
_local6[_local4].t = 1;
_local3 = " \f\n\r\t\\";
} else if (_local3 == "S") {
_local6[_local4].t = 2;
_local3 = " \f\n\r\t\\";
} else if (_local3 == "w") {
_local6[_local4].t = 1;
_local3 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_";
} else if (_local3 == "W") {
_local6[_local4].t = 2;
_local3 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_";
if (_local13 == "*") {
_local6[_local4].s = _local3;
} else if (_local13 == "?") {
_local6[_local4].s = _local3;
_local6[_local4].b = 1;
} else if (_local13 == "+") {
_local6[_local4].s = _local3;
_local6[_local4].a = 1;
} else if (_local13 == "{") {
var _local12 = false;
var _local7 = 0;
_local8 = "";
while (((_local11 + 1) < _local14) && ((_local5 = substring(_local9, 2 + (_local11++), 1)) != "}")) {
if ((!_local12) && (_local5 == ",")) {
_local12 = true;
_local7 = Number(_local8);
_local7 = Math.floor((isNaN(_local7) ? 0 : _local7));
if (_local7 < 0) {
_local7 = 0;
_local8 = "";
} else {
_local8 = _local8 + _local5;
var _local10 = Number(_local8);
_local10 = Math.floor((isNaN(_local10) ? 0 : _local10));
if (_local10 < 1) {
_local10 = 999;
if (_local10 < _local7) {
_local10 = _local7;
_local6[_local4].s = _local3;
_local6[_local4].b = _local10;
_local6[_local4].a = (_local12 ? _local7 : _local10);
} else {
_local6[_local4].s = _local3;
_local6[_local4].a = 1;
_local6[_local4].b = 1;
} else if ((_local3 >= "1") && (_local3 <= "9")) {
_local6[_local4].t = 4;
} else if (_local3 == "b") {
_local6[_local4].t = 1;
_local3 = "--wb--";
} else if (_local3 == "B") {
_local6[_local4].t = 2;
_local3 = "--wb--";
} else if (_local3 == "d") {
_local6[_local4].t = 1;
_local3 = "0123456789";
} else if (_local3 == "D") {
_local6[_local4].t = 2;
_local3 = "0123456789";
} else if (_local3 == "s") {
_local6[_local4].t = 1;
_local3 = " \f\n\r\t\\";
} else if (_local3 == "S") {
_local6[_local4].t = 2;
_local3 = " \f\n\r\t\\";
} else if (_local3 == "w") {
_local6[_local4].t = 1;
_local3 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_";
} else if (_local3 == "W") {
_local6[_local4].t = 2;
_local3 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_";
if (_local13 == "*") {
_local6[_local4].s = _local3;
} else if (_local13 == "?") {
_local6[_local4].s = _local3;
_local6[_local4].b = 1;
} else if (_local13 == "+") {
_local6[_local4].s = _local3;
_local6[_local4].a = 1;
} else if (_local13 == "{") {
var _local12 = false;
var _local7 = 0;
_local8 = "";
while (((_local11 + 1) < _local14) && ((_local5 = substring(_local9, 2 + (_local11++), 1)) != "}")) {
if ((!_local12) && (_local5 == ",")) {
_local12 = true;
_local7 = Number(_local8);
_local7 = Math.floor((isNaN(_local7) ? 0 : _local7));
if (_local7 < 0) {
_local7 = 0;
_local8 = "";
} else {
_local8 = _local8 + _local5;
var _local10 = Number(_local8);
_local10 = Math.floor((isNaN(_local10) ? 0 : (_local10)));
if (_local10 < 1) {
_local10 = 999;
if (_local10 < _local7) {
_local10 = _local7;
_local6[_local4].s = _local3;
_local6[_local4].b = _local10;
_local6[_local4].a = (_local12 ? (_local7) : (_local10));
} else {
_local6[_local4].s = _local3;
_local6[_local4].a = 1;
_local6[_local4].b = 1;
if (_local20 && (_local18)) {
_local6[_local4] = new Object();
_local6[_local4].t = 10;
_local6[_local4].a = 1;
_local6[_local4].b = 1;
if (!_local20) {
_xiStatic = _local11;
source = substring(_local9, arguments[2] + 1, _local11 - arguments[2]);
if (d) {
_local11 = 0;
while (_local11 < _local4) {
trace((((((((("xr" + _xr) + " ") + _local6[_local11].t) + " : ") + _local6[_local11].a) + " : ") + _local6[_local11].b) + " : ") + _local6[_local11].s);
_xq = _local6;
_xqc = _local4;
_xp = 0;
function test() {
if ((_xp++) == 0) {
_xxa = [];
_xxlp = 0;
var _local11 = arguments[0] + "";
var _local15;
var _local4 = _xq;
var _local18 = _xqc;
var _local14;
var _local7;
var _local8;
var _local9;
var _local13;
var _local12 = length(_local11);
var _local5 = (global ? (lastIndex) : 0);
var _local21 = _local5;
var _local19 = _local11;
if (ignoreCase) {
_local11 = _local11.toLowerCase();
var _local16 = new Object();
_local16.i = -1;
var _local3 = -1;
while (_local3 < (_local18 - 1)) {
if (d) {
trace("New section started at i=" + _local3);
_local5 = _local21;
_local14 = _local3;
_local4[_local14].c = -10;
var _local20 = false;
while ((_local3 > _local14) || (_local5 < (_local12 + 1))) {
if (_local4[_local3].t == 7) {
if (_local4[_local3].t == 9) {
if (_local3 == (_local14 + 1)) {
var _local17 = true;
_local14 = _local3;
_local4[_local14].c = -10;
if ((_local16.i >= 0) && (_local5 >= _local16.i)) {
if (_local4[_local3].c == -10) {
if (d) {
trace((((((("Lookup #" + _local3) + " at index ") + _local5) + " for \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'") + _local4[_local3].s) + "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' type ") + _local4[_local3].t);
var _local6 = 0;
_local4[_local3].i = _local5;
if (_local4[_local3].t == 0) {
_local7 = (ignoreCase ? (_local4[_local3].s.toLowerCase()) : (_local4[_local3].s));
while ((_local6 < _local4[_local3].b) && (_local5 < _local12)) {
if ((substring(_local11, 1 + _local5, 1)) == _local7) {
} else {
} else if (_local4[_local3].t == 1) {
if (_local4[_local3].s == "--wb--") {
_local4[_local3].a = 1;
if ((_local5 > 0) && (_local5 < _local12)) {
_local9 = substring(_local11, _local5, 1);
if ((_local9 == " ") || (_local9 == "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n")) {
_local6 = 1;
if (_local6 == 0) {
_local9 = substring(_local11, 1 + _local5, 1);
if ((_local9 == " ") || (_local9 == "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n")) {
_local6 = 1;
} else {
_local6 = 1;
} else {
_local7 = (ignoreCase ? (_local4[_local3].s.toLowerCase()) : (_local4[_local3].s));
_local8 = length(_local7);
var _local10;
while ((_local6 < _local4[_local3].b) && (_local5 < _local12)) {
_local9 = substring(_local11, 1 + _local5, 1);
_local10 = 0;
while ((_local10 <= _local8) && ((substring(_local7, 1 + (_local10++), 1)) != _local9)) {
if (_local10 <= _local8) {
} else {
} else if (_local4[_local3].t == 2) {
_local7 = (ignoreCase ? (_local4[_local3].s.toLowerCase()) : (_local4[_local3].s));
_local8 = length(_local7);
if (_local4[_local3].s == "--wb--") {
_local4[_local3].a = 1;
if ((_local5 > 0) && (_local5 < _local12)) {
_local9 = substring(_local11, _local5, 1);
_local13 = substring(_local11, 1 + _local5, 1);
if ((((_local9 != " ") && (_local9 != "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n")) && (_local13 != " ")) && (_local13 != "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n")) {
_local6 = 1;
} else {
_local6 = 0;
} else {
while ((_local6 < _local4[_local3].b) && (_local5 < _local12)) {
_local9 = substring(_local11, 1 + _local5, 1);
var _local10 = 0;
while ((_local10 <= _local8) && ((substring(_local7, 1 + (_local10++), 1)) != _local9)) {
if (_local10 <= _local8) {
} else if (_local4[_local3].t == 10) {
_local13 = substring(_local11, 1 + _local5, 1);
_local6 = (((multiline && ((_local13 == "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n") || (_local13 == "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\r"))) || (_local5 == _local12)) ? 1 : 0);
} else if (_local4[_local3].t == 3) {
_local15 = _local4[_local3].s;
_local4[_local3].ix = [];
_local4[_local3].ix[_local6] = _local5;
_local15.lastIndex = _local5;
while ((_local6 < _local4[_local3].b) && _local15.test(_local19)) {
_local8 = length(_xxlm);
if (_local8 > 0) {
_local5 = _local5 + _local8;
_local4[_local3].ix[_local6] = _local5;
} else {
_local6 = _local4[_local3].a;
_local4[_local3].ix[_local6 - 1] = _local5;
if (_local6 == 0) {
_xxlm = "";
if (_local15._xr > _xxlp) {
_xxlp = _local15._xr;
_xxa[Number(_local15._xr)] = _xxlm;
} else if (_local4[_local3].t == 4) {
_local7 = Number(_local4[_local3].s);
if (_xp >= _local7) {
_local7 = _xxa[_local7];
_local7 = (ignoreCase ? _local7.toLowerCase() : _local7);
_local8 = length(_local7);
_local4[_local3].ix = [];
_local4[_local3].ix[_local6] = _local5;
if (_local8 > 0) {
while ((_local6 < _local4[_local3].b) && (_local5 < _local12)) {
if ((substring(_local11, 1 + _local5, _local8)) == _local7) {
_local5 = _local5 + _local8;
_local4[_local3].ix[_local6] = _local5;
} else {
} else {
_local6 = 0;
_local4[_local3].a = 0;
} else {
_local7 = chr(_local7);
_local4[_local3].ix = [];
_local4[_local3].ix[_local6] = _local5;
while ((_local6 < _local4[_local3].b) && (_local5 < _local12)) {
if ((substring(_local11, 1 + _local5, 1)) == _local7) {
_local4[_local3].ix[_local6] = _local5;
} else {
_local4[_local3].c = _local6;
if (d) {
trace((" " + _local6) + " matches found");
if (_local4[_local3].c < _local4[_local3].a) {
if (d) {
trace(" not enough matches");
if (_local3 > _local14) {
if (_local4[_local3].c >= 0) {
_local5 = (((_local4[_local3].t == 3) || (_local4[_local3].t == 4)) ? (_local4[_local3].ix[_local4[_local3].c]) : (_local4[_local3].i + _local4[_local3].c));
if (d) {
trace((((("Retreat to #" + _local3) + " c=") + _local4[_local3].c) + " index=") + _local5);
} else {
if (_xp > 1) {
if (_local17) {
if (multiline) {
do {
if (_local5 > _local12) {
_local13 = substring(_local11, 1 + (_local5++), 1);
} while (!((_local13 == "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n") || (_local13 == "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\r")));
_local4[_local3].c = -10;
} else {
} else {
_local4[_local3].c = -10;
} else {
if (d) {
trace(" enough matches!");
if ((_local3 == _local18) || (_local4[_local3].t == 7)) {
if (d) {
trace((("Saving better result: r.i = q[" + _local14) + "].i = ") + _local4[_local14].i);
_local16.i = _local4[_local14].i; = _local5;
_local4[_local3].c = -10;
while ((_local3 < _local18) && (_local4[_local3].t != 7)) {
if (_local16.i < 0) {
lastIndex = 0;
if ((_xp--) == 1) {
_xxa = [];
_xxlp = 0;
_local5 =;
_xi = _local16.i;
_xxlm = substring(_local19, _local16.i + 1, _local5 - _local16.i);
_xxlc = substring(_local19, 1, _local16.i);
_xxrc = substring(_local19, _local5 + 1, _local12 - _local5);
if (_local5 == _local16.i) {
lastIndex = _local5;
if ((_xp--) == 1) {
lastMatch = _xxlm;
leftContext = _xxlc;
rightContext = _xxrc;
_xaStatic = _xxa;
lastParen = _xxa[Number(_xxlp)];
_local3 = 1;
while (_local3 < 10) {
com.neodelight.std.RegExp["$" + _local3] = _xaStatic[Number(_local3)];
function exec() {
var _local5 = arguments[0] + "";
if (_local5 == "") {
var _local6 = test(_local5);
if (_local6) {
var _local7 = new Array();
_local7.index = _xi;
_local7.input = _local5;
_local7[0] = lastMatch;
var _local4 = _xaStatic.length;
var _local3 = 1;
while (_local3 < _local4) {
_local7[_local3] = _xaStatic[Number(_local3)];
} else {
var _local7 = null;
static function setStringMethods() {
if (String.prototype.match != undefined) {
String.prototype.match = function () {
if (typeof(arguments[0]) != "object") {
if (arguments[0].const != "RegExp") {
var _local3 = arguments[0];
var _local5 = this.valueOf();
var _local6 = 0;
var _local4 = 0;
if ( {
_local3.lastIndex = 0;
while (_local3.test(_local5)) {
if (_local4 == 0) {
var _local7 = new Array();
_local7[_local4++] = com.neodelight.std.RegExp.lastMatch;
_local6 = _local3.lastIndex;
_local3.lastIndex = _local6;
} else {
var _local7 = _local3.exec(_local5);
return(((_local4 == 0) ? null : (_local7)));
String.prototype.replace = function () {
if (typeof(arguments[0]) != "object") {
if (arguments[0].const != "RegExp") {
var _local8 = arguments[0];
var _local7 = arguments[1] + "";
var _local11 = this;
var _local12 = "";
_local8.lastIndex = 0;
if ( {
var _local13 = 0;
var _local10 = 0;
while (_local8.test(_local11)) {
var _local5 = 0;
var _local9 = length(_local7);
var _local3 = "";
var _local6 = "";
var _local4 = "";
while (_local5 < _local9) {
_local3 = substring(_local7, 1 + (_local5++), 1);
if ((_local3 == "$") && (_local6 != "\\")) {
_local3 = substring(_local7, 1 + (_local5++), 1);
if (isNaN(Number(_local3)) || (Number(_local3) > 9)) {
_local4 = _local4 + ("$" + _local3);
} else {
_local4 = _local4 + com.neodelight.std.RegExp._xaStatic[Number(_local3)];
} else {
_local4 = _local4 + _local3;
_local6 = _local3;
_local12 = _local12 + ((substring(_local11, _local10 + 1, _local8._xi - _local10)) + _local4);
_local10 = _local8._xi + length(com.neodelight.std.RegExp.lastMatch);
_local13 = _local8.lastIndex;
_local8.lastIndex = _local13;
} else if (_local8.test(_local11)) {
_local12 = _local12 + (com.neodelight.std.RegExp.leftContext + _local7);
_local12 = _local12 + ((_local8.lastIndex == 0) ? (_local11) : (com.neodelight.std.RegExp.rightContext));
}; = function () {
if (typeof(arguments[0]) != "object") {
if (arguments[0].const != "RegExp") {
var _local3 = arguments[0];
var _local5 = this;
_local3.lastIndex = 0;
var _local4 = _local3.test(_local5);
return((_local4 ? (_local3._xi) : -1));
String.prototype.old_split = String.prototype.split;
String.prototype.split = function () {
if ((typeof(arguments[0]) == "object") && (arguments[0].const == "RegExp")) {
var _local3 = arguments[0];
var _local8 = ((arguments[1] == null) ? 9999 : (Number(arguments[1])));
if (isNaN(_local8)) {
_local8 = 9999;
var _local6 = this;
var _local9 = new Array();
var _local5 = 0;
var _local11 =; = true;
_local3.lastIndex = 0;
var _local7 = 0;
var _local10 = 0;
var _local4 = 0;
while ((_local5 < _local8) && (_local3.test(_local6))) {
if (_local3._xi != _local4) {
_local9[_local5++] = substring(_local6, _local4 + 1, _local3._xi - _local4);
_local4 = _local3._xi + length(com.neodelight.std.RegExp.lastMatch);
_local10 = _local7;
_local7 = _local3.lastIndex;
if (_local5 == _local8) {
_local3.lastIndex = _local10;
} else {
_local3.lastIndex = _local7;
if (_local5 == 0) {
_local9[_local5] = _local6;
} else if ((_local5 < _local8) && (length(com.neodelight.std.RegExp.rightContext) > 0)) {
_local9[_local5++] = com.neodelight.std.RegExp.rightContext;
} = _local11;
return(this.old_split(arguments[0], arguments[1]));
function toString() {
return(("[RegExp \"" + source) + "\"]");
var const = null;
var source = null;
var global = false;
var ignoreCase = false;
var multiline = false;
var lastIndex = null;
static var _xrStatic = null;
var _xr = null;
static var _xp = null;
static var _xxa = null;
static var _xxlp = null;
var _xq = null;
var _xqc = null;
static var d = null;
static var _xiStatic = null;
var _xi = 0;
static var _xxlm = null;
static var _xxlc = null;
static var _xxrc = null;
static var lastMatch = null;
static var leftContext = null;
static var rightContext = null;
static var _xa = new Array();
static var lastParen = null;
static var _xaStatic = new Array();
static var $1 = null;
static var $2 = null;
static var $3 = null;
static var $4 = null;
static var $5 = null;
static var $6 = null;
static var $7 = null;
static var $8 = null;
static var $9 = null;
static var _setString = setStringMethods();
Symbol 1126 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.flanix.Bin
function Bin () {
if (!_global.bin) {
_global.bin = new Object();
_global.bin.dump = com.neodelight.std.XString.dump; = function () {
var _local13 = _global.console;
var _local14 = _local13.parameters;
var _local4 = _local13.flags;
var _local8 = "";
var _local11 = "";
var _local6 = 0;
while (_local6 < arguments.length) {
if (String(arguments[_local6]).charAt(0) != "-") {
_local11 = arguments[_local6];
var _local7 = _local13.getObjectAtPath(_local11);
if ( {
_local8 = _local8 + "Usage: ls [OPTIONS]\n";
_local8 = _local8 + "List information about the current object\n";
_local8 = _local8 + " -a display all items\n";
_local8 = _local8 + " -d dump values of non-objects\n";
_local8 = _local8 + " -l long format\n";
_local8 = _local8 + " -1 display only one item per line\n";
if (_local4.a) {
_global.ASSetPropFlags(_local7.__proto__, null, 6, true);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(_local7, null, 6, true);
var _local3 = new Array();
for (_local6 in _local7) {
switch (typeof(_local7[_local6])) {
case "movieclip" :
_local3.push(("/" + _local6) + (_local4.l ? " [m] " : " "));
case "object" :
_local3.push(("/" + _local6) + (_local4.l ? " [o] " : " "));
case "function" :
_local3.push(_local6 + (_local4.l ? " [f] " : " "));
case "string" :
_local3.push((_local6 + (_local4.l ? " [s] " : " ")) + (_local4.d ? (("=\"" + _local7[_local6]) + "\" ") : ""));
case "undefined" :
_local3.push((_local6 + (_local4.l ? " [u] " : " ")) + (_local4.d ? "=undefined " : ""));
case "null" :
_local3.push((_local6 + (_local4.l ? " [0] " : " ")) + (_local4.d ? "=null " : ""));
case "boolean" :
_local3.push((_local6 + (_local4.l ? " [b] " : " ")) + (_local4.d ? (("=" + _local7[_local6]) + " ") : ""));
case "number" :
_local3.push((_local6 + (_local4.l ? " [n] " : " ")) + (_local4.d ? (("=" + _local7[_local6]) + " ") : ""));
default :
_local3.push(((_local6 + "_") + typeof(_local7[_local6])) + "_");
var _local9 = 0;
_local6 = 0;
while (_local6 < _local3.length) {
_local9 = Math.max(_local3[_local6].length, _local9);
var _local12 = ((_local4["1"] || (_local4.d)) ? 1 : (Math.floor(_local13.cols / (_local9 + 2))));
var _local10 = 0;
_local8 = "";
_local6 = 0;
while (_local6 < _local3.length) {
_local8 = _local8 + _local3[_local6];
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < ((_local9 - _local3[_local6].length) + 2)) {
_local8 = _local8 + " ";
_local10 = _local10 % _local12;
if (_local10 == 0) {
_local8 = _local8 + newline;
}; = function () {
var _local3 = "";
if ((arguments.length == 0) || ( {
_local3 = "Usage: cat [FILE]\nPrint contents of FILE or standard input";
var _local5 = _global.console.parameters;
var _local6 = _global.console;
if ((!_local5[0]) || (_local5[0] == "/")) {
_local6.ram.CWD = "";
_local5[0] = "";
var _local7 = ((_local5[0].substr(0, 1) == "/") ? "" : (_local6.ram.CWD + "/")) + _local5[0];
var _local4 = _local6.getObjectAtPath(_local7);
if (_local4) {
switch (typeof(_local4)) {
case "string" :
case "number" :
case "boolean" :
_local3 = _local3 + String(_local4);
case "object" :
case "function" :
_local3 = _local3 + _global.bin.dump(_local4);
default :
_local3 = _local3 + (("cat: bad type (" + typeof(_local4)) + ")");
} else {
_local3 = "cat: file not found";
_global.bin.clipcp = function () {
var _local3 = "";
if ( {
_local3 = "Usage: clipcp ARG\nConverts ARG to a String and copies it to the clipboard.";
} else {
_global.bin.cls = function () {
var _local2 = "";
if ( {
_local2 = "Usage: cls\nClear the console output window.";
} else {
}; = function () {
var _local2 = _global.console.parameters;
var _local3 = _global.console;
var _local5 = "";
if ((_local2[0] == undefined) || (_local2[0] == "/")) {
_local3.ram.CWD = "";
_local2[0] = "";
var _local6 = ((_local2[0].substr(0, 1) == "/") ? "" : (_local3.ram.CWD + "/")) + _local2[0];
var _local4 = _local3.getObjectAtPath(_local6);
if (_local4) {
switch (typeof(_local4)) {
case "object" :
case "array" :
case "movieclip" :
case "function" :
_local3.ram.CWD = _local6;
default :
_local5 = _local5 + (("not an object (" + typeof(_local4)) + ")");
} else {
_local5 = _local5 + "path not found";
_global.bin.echo = function () {
var _local4 = "";
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < arguments.length) {
if (_local4 != "") {
_local4 = _local4 + " ";
_local4 = _local4 + String(arguments[_local3]);
_global.bin.exit = function () {
fscommand ("quit");
_global.bin.false = function () {
_global.bin.fscommand = function () {
fscommand (arguments[0], arguments[1]);
_global.bin.get = function (path) {
_global.bin.grep = function (needle, haystack) {
var _local4 = "";
if ((arguments.length < 1) || ( {
_local4 = "Usage: grep [OPTION] .. PATTERN [FILE] ..\nSearch each line FILE or the standard input and output only lines containing PATTERN";
var _local5 = haystack.split(newline);
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local5.length) {
if (_local5[_local3].indexOf(needle) != -1) {
if (_local4 != "") {
_local4 = _local4 + newline;
_local4 = _local4 + _local5[_local3];
_global.bin.load = function (url, loadPoint) {
var _local7 = "";
if (((arguments.length != 2) && (arguments.length != 1)) || ( {
_local7 = _local7 + "Usage: load SOURCE [TARGET]\nLoads the external swf file SOURCE into TARGET.\nIf TARGET is not specified, a new movie clip will be created in the _root and used as TARGET.";
var _local5;
if (loadPoint) {
var _local4 = _global.console.getObjectAtPath(loadPoint);
if (!_local4) {
_global.console.stderr("load: object not found: " + loadPoint);
if (typeof(_local4) != "movieclip") {
_global.console.stderr(("load: target is not a movieclip (" + typeof(_local4)) + ")");
_local5 = MovieClip(_local4);
} else {
_local5 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip(com.neodelight.std.Unique.getKey(), _root.getNextHighestDepth());
loadPoint = "/_root" + _local5._target;
loadMovie (url, _local5);
_local7 = _local7 + ((("load: loading " + url) + " to ") + loadPoint);
_global.bin.number = function () {
_global.bin.set = function () {
var _local3 = "";
if ( {
_local3 = "Usage: set [VAR = VALUE]\nWithout parameters: shows list of Flash-Console system variables. With parameters: set the value of a system variable.";
if (arguments.length == 0) {
for (var _local4 in _global.console.ram) {
if (_local3 != "") {
_local3 = _local3 + newline;
_local3 = _local3 + ((_local4 + "=") + _global.console.ram[_local4]);
if ((arguments.length < 2) || (arguments[1] != "=")) {
_global.console.stderr("set: syntax error\n");
var _local4 = 2;
while (_local4 < arguments.length) {
if (_local3 != "") {
_local3 = _local3 + " ";
_local3 = _local3 + String(arguments[_local4]);
var _local5 = String(arguments[0]);
_global.console.ram[_local5] = _local3;
}; = function (file) {
if (!file) {
var _local2 = _global.console.getObjectAtPath(file);
if (typeof(_local2) != "string") {
return("sh: not a script: " + file);
_global.bin.syslog = function (id, log, errlvl) {
var _local5 = "";
if ((arguments.length == 0) || ( {
_local5 = "Usage: syslog FACILITY MESSAGE [ERRORLEVEL]\nSend a message to the system logger. Messages are stored in /var/log/FACILITY.\nErrorlevels:\n1 - Normal log entry\n2 - Warning\n3 - Critical Error";
if (!_global.var.log[id]) {
_global.var.log[id] = log + newline;
} else {
_global.var.log[id] = _global.var.log[id] + (log + newline);
switch (errlvl) {
case 1 :
_global.console.stdout((("#INFO:" + id) + ":") + log);
case 2 :
_global.bin.syslog("WARNING", (id + ": ") + log);
_global.console.stderr((("#WARNING:" + id) + ":") + log);
case 3 :
_global.bin.syslog("ERROR", (id + ": ") + log);
_global.console.stderr((("#ERROR:" + id) + ":") + log);
_global.bin.test = function () {
trace((((((("detect: " + + " / ") + + " / ") + + " / ") +;
_global.bin.true = function () {
static function mtascTrace(msg, cls, fil, lin) {
var _local4 = 0;
if (msg.substr(0, 3) == "!!!") {
_local4 = 3;
} else if (msg.substr(0, 2) == "!!") {
_local4 = 2;
} else if (msg.substr(0, 1) == "!") {
_local4 = 1;
} else if (msg.substr(0, 1) == "&") {
var _local2 = String(cls.split("::")[0]).split(".");
while (_local2.length > 2) {
var _local5 = getTimer();
_global.bin.syslog(_local2.join("."), (((((("[" + _local5) + ":") + cls.split("::")[1]) + ":") + lin) + "] ") + msg, _local4);
Symbol 1127 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.std.XString
function XString () {
static function dump(o, params) {
var _local2;
switch (typeof(o)) {
case "string" :
_local2 = ("[String: \"" + o) + "\"]";
case "undefined" :
_local2 = "[undefined]";
case "array" :
_local2 = "[Array]";
default :
_local2 = "{";
for (var _local6 in o) {
if ( {
_local2 = _local2 + newline;
var _local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < int(params.indent)) {
_local2 = _local2 + " ";
_local2 = _local2 + (((_local6 + ": ") + (((typeof(o[_local6]) == "object") && (params.depth > 0)) ? (dump(o[_local6], {depth:params.depth - 1})) : (o[_local6]))) + ", ");
_local2 = _local2.substr(0, _local2.length - 2);
if ( {
_local2 = _local2 + newline;
_local2 = _local2 + "}";
static function numberFormat(num, digits) {
var _local2 = String(int(num));
var _local1 = _local2.length - 4;
while (_local1 >= 0) {
_local2 = (_local2.substring(0, _local1 + 1) + ",") + _local2.substr(_local1 + 1);
_local1 = _local1 - 3;
if (int(digits) > 0) {
_local2 = _local2 + ".";
var _local3 = String(int((num - int(num)) * Math.pow(10, digits)));
while (_local3.length < digits) {
_local3 = "0" + _local3;
_local2 = _local2 + _local3;
static function timeFormat(millis, format) {
var _local6 = "";
var _local2 = new Object();
var _local4;
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < format.length) {
_local4 = format.charAt(_local3);
if (_local4 == "%") {
var _local1 = format.charAt(_local3);
if (_local2[_local1] == undefined) {
switch (_local1) {
case "H" :
_local2[_local1] = String(Math.floor(millis / 3600000));
while (_local2[_local1].length < 2) {
_local2[_local1] = "0" + _local2[_local1];
case "i" :
_local2[_local1] = String(Math.floor(millis / 60000) % 60);
while (_local2[_local1].length < 2) {
_local2[_local1] = "0" + _local2[_local1];
case "s" :
_local2[_local1] = String(Math.floor(millis / 1000) % 60);
while (_local2[_local1].length < 2) {
_local2[_local1] = "0" + _local2[_local1];
default :
_local2[_local1] = "";
_local6 = _local6 + _local2[_local1];
} else if (_local4 == "\\") {
_local6 = _local6 + format.charAt(_local3);
} else {
_local6 = _local6 + _local4;
static function trim(s) {
var _local3 = 0;
var _local4 = s.length;
var _local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < s.length) {
switch (s.charCodeAt(_local1)) {
case 32 :
case 9 :
case 10 :
_local3 = _local1 + 1;
if (_local3 != (_local1 + 1)) {
_local1 = s.length - 1;
while (_local1 >= 0) {
switch (s.charCodeAt(_local1)) {
case 32 :
case 9 :
case 10 :
_local4 = _local1;
if (_local4 != _local1) {
return(s.substring(_local3, _local4));
static function replace(search, replace, subject) {
if ((subject == "") || (subject == undefined)) {
while (subject.indexOf(search) != -1) {
subject = (subject.substring(0, subject.indexOf(search)) + replace) + subject.substring(subject.indexOf(search) + search.length, subject.length);
static function parse(str) {
if (com.neodelight.std.XMath.toNumber(str) == str) {
if ((str.charAt(0) == "{") && (str.charAt(str.length - 1) == "}")) {
var _local3 = new Object();
if ((str.charAt(0) == "[") && (str.charAt(str.length - 1) == "]")) {
var _local2 = new Array();
if ((str.charAt(0) == "\"") && (str.charAt(str.length - 1) == "\"")) {
return(str.substring(1, str.length - 2));
static function stripSlashes(str) {
var _local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < str.length) {
if (str.charAt(_local1) == "\\") {
var _local3;
var _local4 = str.charAt(_local1 + 1);
switch (_local4) {
case "n" :
_local3 = newline;
default :
_local3 = _local4;
str = (str.slice(0, _local1) + _local3) + str.slice(_local1 + 2, str.length);
Symbol 1128 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.std.XMath
function XMath () {
static function p2pDistance(px, py, qx, qy) {
return(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(qx - px, 2) + Math.pow(qy - py, 2)));
static function toNumber(n) {
n = Number(n);
if (isNaN(n)) {
n = 0;
static function vAngle(dx, dy) {
var _local1 = Math.asin(dx / Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)));
if (dy > 0) {
_local1 = Math.PI - _local1;
return((_local1 + (Math.PI*2)) % (Math.PI*2));
static function angleDiff(a0, a1) {
var _local2 = (Math.PI*2);
var _local1 = a1 - a0;
while (_local1 < 0) {
_local1 = _local1 + _local2;
_local1 = _local1 % _local2;
if (_local1 > Math.PI) {
_local1 = (_local2 - _local1) * -1;
static function vNormalize(v) {
var _local2 = Math.sqrt((v.x * v.x) + (v.y * v.y));
v.x = v.x / _local2;
v.y = v.y / _local2;
static function vLength(vx, vy) {
return(Math.sqrt((vx * vx) + (vy * vy)));
static function rnd(min, max) {
var _local1 = Math.round(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
static function relativePos(val, p0, p1) {
return((val - p0) / (p1 - p0));
static function numericalObjectDifference(obj0, obj1) {
var _local3 = new Object();
for (var _local4 in obj0) {
if ((((typeof(obj0[_local4]) == "number") && (typeof(obj1[_local4]) == "number")) && (obj0[_local4] != undefined)) && (obj1[_local4] != undefined)) {
_local3[_local4] = obj1[_local4] - obj0[_local4];
Symbol 1129 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.std.Vector
var x, y;
function Vector (x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
function copyOf() {
return(new com.neodelight.std.Vector(x, y));
function toString() {
return(((("{x:" + x) + ", y:") + y) + "}");
Symbol 1130 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.flanix.Console
var width, height, offsetX, offsetY, inputHeight, outputHeight, outputMaxLines, cols, mc, output, input, history, format, cursorMc, codepage, active, parameters, flags;
function Console (width, height) {
if (_global.console) {
trace("#ERROR: Console(): only one instance of Console allowed!");
} else {
_global.console = this;
this.width = (width ? (width) : 550);
this.height = (height ? (height) : 400);
offsetX = 0;
offsetY = 0;
inputHeight = 18;
outputHeight = ((this.height - (padding * 2)) - spacing) - inputHeight;
outputMaxLines = 50;
cols = Math.floor((this.width - (padding * 2)) / 8) - 1;
mc = _root.createEmptyMovieClip(com.neodelight.std.Unique.getKey(), _root.getNextHighestDepth());
mc.createTextField("output", mc.getNextHighestDepth(), padding, padding, this.width - (padding * 2), outputHeight);
output = mc.output;
mc.createTextField("input", mc.getNextHighestDepth(), padding, (padding + outputHeight) + spacing, this.width - (padding * 2), 20);
input = mc.input;
input.text = promptVar;
history = new Array();
format = new TextFormat();
format.color = COLOR_TEXT;
format.font = "Courier";
format.size = 10;
output.wordWrap = true;
cursorMc = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(com.neodelight.std.Unique.getKey(), mc.getNextHighestDepth());
cursorMc.lineStyle(0, COLOR_TEXT);
cursorMc.moveTo(0, 0);
cursorMc.lineTo(8, 0);
setInterval(function (cursorMc) {
cursorMc._visible = !cursorMc._visible;
}, 200, cursorMc);
cursorMc._y = (this.height - padding) - 2;
codepage = new Array();
codepage[221] = "\u00B4";
codepage[304] = "=";
codepage[306] = "\"";
codepage[307] = "\u00A7";
codepage[310] = "&";
codepage[311] = "/";
codepage[312] = "(";
codepage[313] = ")";
codepage[443] = "*";
codepage[444] = ";";
codepage[446] = ":";
codepage[447] = "'";
codepage[475] = "?";
codepage[477] = "`";
codepage[482] = ">";
codepage[1584] = "}";
codepage[1591] = "{";
codepage[1592] = "[";
codepage[1593] = "]";
codepage[1617] = "@";
codepage[1723] = "~";
codepage[1755] = "\\";
codepage[1762] = "|";
stdout("Neodelight Flash Console " + _global.$FLANIX_VERSION);
active = false;
mc._visible = false;
function show() {
active = true;
mc._visible = true;
function hide() {
active = false;
mc._visible = false;
function echo(msg) {
if (msg == undefined) {
msg = "";
if (output.maxscroll > outputMaxLines) {
var _local2 = output.text.split(String.fromCharCode(13));
_local2.splice(0, _local2.length - outputMaxLines);
output.text = _local2.join(newline);
} else if (output.text != "") {
output.text = output.text + newline;
output.text = output.text + msg;
output.scroll = output.maxscroll;
function stdout(msg) {
if (doBufStdOut) {
bufStdOut = bufStdOut + msg;
} else {
function flushStdOut() {
bufStdOut = "";
function stderr(msg) {
function setExitCode(code) {
ram["?"] = code;
function cls() {
output.text = "";
static function addFunction(id, f) {
_global.bin[id.toLowerCase()] = f;
function getObjectAtCwd() {
if (ram.CWD == undefined) {
ram.CWD = "/";
function getObjectAtPath(fullPath) {
if (fullPath.substr(0, 1) != "/") {
fullPath = (ram.CWD + "/") + fullPath;
var _local4 = simplifyPath(fullPath).split("/");
var _local5 = _global;
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local4.length) {
if (_local4[_local3] != "") {
_local5 = _local5[_local4[_local3]];
function getBasePath(fullPath) {
if (fullPath.charAt(fullPath.length - 1) == "/") {
if (fullPath.charAt(0) != "/") {
fullPath = (ram.CWD + "/") + fullPath;
var _local3 = simplifyPath(fullPath).split("/");
return(_local3.join("/") + "/");
function getFileName(fullPath) {
function simplifyPath(fullPath) {
var _local2 = fullPath.split("/");
var _local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _local2.length) {
if (_local2[_local1] == "..") {
_local2.splice(_local1 - 1, 2);
_local1 = Math.max(-1, _local1 - 2);
} else if (((_local2[_local1] == ".") || (!_local2[_local1])) || (_local2[_local1] == "")) {
_local2.splice(_local1, 1);
_local1 = Math.max(-1, _local1 - 1);
fullPath = "/" + _local2.join("/");
function onKeyDown() {
switch (Key.getCode()) {
case 8 :
if (!active) {
if ((cursorPos - 1) >= promptVar.length) {
input.text = input.text.substring(0, cursorPos - 1) + input.text.substring(cursorPos, input.text.length);
case 9 :
if (!active) {
} else {
var _local6 = input.text.substring(promptVar.length, cursorPos);
var _local10 = input.text.lastIndexOf(" ", cursorPos);
if (_local10 != -1) {
_local6 = input.text.substring(_local10 + 1, input.text.length + 1);
var _local13 = ((ram.CWD + "/") + _local6).split("/");
var _local7 = String(_local13.pop());
var _local14 = _local13.join("/");
var _local8 = getObjectAtPath(_local14);
var _local3 = new Array();
for (var _local4 in _global.bin) {
if ((_local4.substr(0, _local6.length) == _local6) && (!_local3[_local4])) {
_local3[_local4] = true;
for (var _local4 in _local8) {
if ((_local4.substr(0, _local7.length) == _local7) && (!_local3[_local4])) {
_local3[_local4] = true;
if (_local3.length == 1) {
insertAtCursor(_local3[0].substring(_local7.length, _local3[0].length));
} else if (_local3.length > 1) {
var _local5 = _local3[0].length;
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local3.length) {
while (_local3[_local4].substr(0, _local5) != _local3[0].substr(0, _local5)) {
if (_local5) {
insertAtCursor(_local3[0].substring(_local7.length, Math.min(_local5, _local3[0].length)));
if (active) {
var _local9 = input.text.substring(promptVar.length, input.text.length);
if (history.length > historyLen) {
historyPtr = -1;
stdout(promptVar + _local9);
input.text = promptVar;
if (active) {
Selection.setSelection(0, 0);
cursorPos = input.text.length;
cursorPos = 0;
if (!active) {
} else {
if (!active) {
} else {
historyPtr = Math.min(history.length - 1, historyPtr + 1);
input.text = promptVar + history[historyPtr];
cursorPos = input.text.length;
if (!active) {
} else {
if (!active) {
} else {
historyPtr = Math.max(-1, historyPtr - 1);
if (historyPtr == -1) {
input.text = promptVar;
} else {
input.text = promptVar + history[historyPtr];
cursorPos = input.text.length;
if (!active) {
} else {
input.text = input.text.substring(0, cursorPos) + input.text.substring(cursorPos + 1, input.text.length);
if (active) {
} else {
if (!active) {
} else {
var _local11 = ((Key.getCode() + ((Key.isDown(16) || Key.isToggled(20)) ? 256 : 0)) + (Key.isDown(17) ? 512 : 0)) + (Key.isDown(18) ? 1024 : 0);
var _local15 = Key.getAscii();
var _local12;
if (codepage[_local11]) {
_local12 = codepage[_local11];
} else {
_local12 = String.fromCharCode(_local15);
Selection.setSelection(2, 2);
case 13 :
if (active) {
var _local9 = input.text.substring(promptVar.length, input.text.length);
if (history.length > historyLen) {
historyPtr = -1;
stdout(promptVar + _local9);
input.text = promptVar;
if (active) {
Selection.setSelection(0, 0);
case 16 :
case 17 :
case 18 :
case 20 :
case 35 :
cursorPos = input.text.length;
case 36 :
cursorPos = 0;
case 37 :
if (!active) {
} else {
if (!active) {
} else {
historyPtr = Math.min(history.length - 1, historyPtr + 1);
input.text = promptVar + history[historyPtr];
cursorPos = input.text.length;
if (!active) {
} else {
if (!active) {
} else {
historyPtr = Math.max(-1, historyPtr - 1);
if (historyPtr == -1) {
input.text = promptVar;
} else {
input.text = promptVar + history[historyPtr];
cursorPos = input.text.length;
if (!active) {
} else {
input.text = input.text.substring(0, cursorPos) + input.text.substring(cursorPos + 1, input.text.length);
if (active) {
} else {
if (!active) {
} else {
var _local11 = ((Key.getCode() + ((Key.isDown(16) || Key.isToggled(20)) ? 256 : 0)) + (Key.isDown(17) ? 512 : 0)) + (Key.isDown(18) ? 1024 : 0);
var _local15 = Key.getAscii();
var _local12;
if (codepage[_local11]) {
_local12 = codepage[_local11];
} else {
_local12 = String.fromCharCode(_local15);
Selection.setSelection(2, 2);
case 38 :
if (!active) {
} else {
historyPtr = Math.min(history.length - 1, historyPtr + 1);
input.text = promptVar + history[historyPtr];
cursorPos = input.text.length;
if (!active) {
} else {
if (!active) {
} else {
historyPtr = Math.max(-1, historyPtr - 1);
if (historyPtr == -1) {
input.text = promptVar;
} else {
input.text = promptVar + history[historyPtr];
cursorPos = input.text.length;
if (!active) {
} else {
input.text = input.text.substring(0, cursorPos) + input.text.substring(cursorPos + 1, input.text.length);
if (active) {
} else {
if (!active) {
} else {
var _local11 = ((Key.getCode() + ((Key.isDown(16) || (Key.isToggled(20))) ? 256 : 0)) + (Key.isDown(17) ? 512 : 0)) + (Key.isDown(18) ? 1024 : 0);
var _local15 = Key.getAscii();
var _local12;
if (codepage[_local11]) {
_local12 = codepage[_local11];
} else {
_local12 = String.fromCharCode(_local15);
Selection.setSelection(2, 2);
case 39 :
if (!active) {
} else {
if (!active) {
} else {
historyPtr = Math.max(-1, historyPtr - 1);
if (historyPtr == -1) {
input.text = promptVar;
} else {
input.text = promptVar + history[historyPtr];
cursorPos = input.text.length;
if (!active) {
} else {
input.text = input.text.substring(0, cursorPos) + input.text.substring(cursorPos + 1, input.text.length);
if (active) {
} else {
if (!active) {
} else {
var _local11 = ((Key.getCode() + ((Key.isDown(16) || (Key.isToggled(20))) ? 256 : 0)) + (Key.isDown(17) ? 512 : 0)) + (Key.isDown(18) ? 1024 : 0);
var _local15 = Key.getAscii();
var _local12;
if (codepage[_local11]) {
_local12 = codepage[_local11];
} else {
_local12 = String.fromCharCode(_local15);
Selection.setSelection(2, 2);
case 40 :
if (!active) {
} else {
historyPtr = Math.max(-1, historyPtr - 1);
if (historyPtr == -1) {
input.text = promptVar;
} else {
input.text = promptVar + history[historyPtr];
cursorPos = input.text.length;
if (!active) {
} else {
input.text = input.text.substring(0, cursorPos) + input.text.substring(cursorPos + 1, input.text.length);
if (active) {
} else {
if (!active) {
} else {
var _local11 = ((Key.getCode() + ((Key.isDown(16) || (Key.isToggled(20))) ? 256 : 0)) + (Key.isDown(17) ? 512 : 0)) + (Key.isDown(18) ? 1024 : 0);
var _local15 = Key.getAscii();
var _local12;
if (codepage[_local11]) {
_local12 = codepage[_local11];
} else {
_local12 = String.fromCharCode(_local15);
Selection.setSelection(2, 2);
case 46 :
if (!active) {
} else {
input.text = input.text.substring(0, cursorPos) + input.text.substring(cursorPos + 1, input.text.length);
if (active) {
} else {
if (!active) {
} else {
var _local11 = ((Key.getCode() + ((Key.isDown(16) || (Key.isToggled(20))) ? 256 : 0)) + (Key.isDown(17) ? 512 : 0)) + (Key.isDown(18) ? 1024 : 0);
var _local15 = Key.getAscii();
var _local12;
if (codepage[_local11]) {
_local12 = codepage[_local11];
} else {
_local12 = String.fromCharCode(_local15);
Selection.setSelection(2, 2);
case 220 :
if (active) {
} else {
default :
if (!active) {
} else {
var _local11 = ((Key.getCode() + ((Key.isDown(16) || (Key.isToggled(20))) ? 256 : 0)) + (Key.isDown(17) ? 512 : 0)) + (Key.isDown(18) ? 1024 : 0);
var _local15 = Key.getAscii();
var _local12;
if (codepage[_local11]) {
_local12 = codepage[_local11];
} else {
_local12 = String.fromCharCode(_local15);
Selection.setSelection(2, 2);
function redraw() {
mc.lineStyle(0, COLOR_LINE);
mc.moveTo(offsetX, offsetY);
mc.lineTo(width + offsetX, offsetY);
mc.lineTo(width + offsetY, height + offsetY);
mc.lineTo(offsetY, height + offsetY);
mc.lineTo(offsetX, offsetY);
function updateCursor(offset) {
if (offset) {
cursorPos = cursorPos + offset;
cursorPos = Math.max(promptVar.length, Math.min(input.text.length, cursorPos));
cursorMc._x = ((offsetX + padding) + 2) + (cursorPos * 8);
cursorMc._visible = true;
function updatePrompt() {
promptVar = ram.CWD + ">";
input.text = promptVar;
function insertAtCursor(str) {
input.text = (input.text.substring(0, cursorPos) + str) + input.text.substring(cursorPos, input.text.length);
function executeCommand(cmd, stdin) {
var _local24 = "";
cmd = com.neodelight.std.XString.trim(cmd);
while (cmd.charAt(cmd.length - 1) == ";") {
cmd = cmd.substr(0, cmd.length - 1);
var _local4 = "cmd";
var _local2 = "";
var _local12 = cmd.length - 1;
while (_local12 >= 0) {
if (cmd.charAt(_local12 - 1) == "\\") {
} else {
var _local3 = cmd.charAt(_local12);
switch (_local4) {
case "cmd" :
switch (_local3) {
case "\"" :
_local4 = "quotDouble";
case "'" :
_local4 = "quotSingle";
case ";" :
case newline :
var _local19 = cmd.substr(0, _local12);
var _local14 = String(executeCommand(_local19));
if (_local14 != "") {
_local24 = _local24 + (_local14 + newline);
cmd = cmd.substr(_local12 + 1);
_local12 = -1;
case "quotSingle" :
if (_local3 == "'") {
_local4 = "cmd";
case "quotDouble" :
if (_local3 == "\"") {
_local4 = "cmd";
default :
trace(("#ERROR: unknown mode: " + _local4) + ".. flanix is buggy");
if (ram.CWD == undefined) {
ram.CWD = "/";
var _local18;
var _local21;
var _local11 = new Array();
_local2 = "";
_local4 = "cmd";
cmd = cmd + " ";
_local12 = 0;
while (_local12 < cmd.length) {
var _local3 = cmd.charAt(_local12);
switch (_local4) {
case "cmd" :
if (_local3 == " ") {
_local2 = com.neodelight.std.XString.stripSlashes(_local2);
_local4 = "param";
if (_local2 != "") {
_local2 = "";
} else {
_local2 = _local2 + _local3;
case "param" :
if (_local2 == "") {
if (_local3 == " ") {
if (_local3 == "`") {
_local4 = "paramExpression";
_local2 = _local2 + _local3;
} else if (_local3 == "\"") {
_local4 = "paramQuoteDouble";
} else if (_local3 == "'") {
_local4 = "paramQuoteSingle";
} else if (_local3 == "|") {
_local18 = cmd.substr(_local12 + 1);
_local21 = "|";
_local12 = Number.MAX_VALUE;
} else if (_local3 == ">") {
_local4 = "paramPipeOutFile";
} else {
if (_local3 == " ") {
_local4 = "param";
if (Number(_local2) == _local2) {
_local2 = Number(_local2);
} else {
_local2 = com.neodelight.std.XString.stripSlashes(_local2);
if (_local2.indexOf("$") != -1) {
if (_local2.length <= (_local2.indexOf("$") + 1)) {
stderr("bash: unknown variable: $");
var _local8 = ram[_local2.substr(_local2.indexOf("$") + 1)];
if (_local8 == undefined) {
_local8 = "";
_local2 = _local2.substring(0, _local2.indexOf("$")) + String(_local8);
_local2 = "";
} else {
_local2 = _local2 + _local3;
if ((_local3 == "`") && (cmd.charAt(_local12 - 1) != "\\")) {
_local2 = executeCommand(_local2);
_local4 = "param";
_local2 = "";
} else {
_local2 = _local2 + _local3;
if ((_local3 == "'") && (cmd.charAt(_local12 - 1) != "\\")) {
_local2 = com.neodelight.std.XString.stripSlashes(_local2);
_local4 = "param";
_local2 = "";
} else {
_local2 = _local2 + _local3;
if ((_local3 == "\"") && (cmd.charAt(_local12 - 1) != "\\")) {
_local2 = com.neodelight.std.XString.stripSlashes(_local2);
while (_local2.indexOf("$") != -1) {
var _local6 = _local2.indexOf("$");
var _local10 = Math.min(_local2.length, ((_local2.indexOf(" ", _local6) > -1) ? _local2.indexOf(" ", _local6) : Number.MAX_VALUE));
var _local13 = _local2.substring(_local6 + 1, _local10);
var _local8 = ram[_local13];
if (_local8 == undefined) {
_local8 = "";
_local2 = (_local2.slice(0, _local6) + String(_local8)) + _local2.slice(_local10, _local2.length);
_local4 = "param";
_local2 = "";
} else {
_local2 = _local2 + _local3;
if ((_local3 == " ") && (_local2 == "")) {
} else {
if (_local3 == " ") {
_local18 = _local2;
_local21 = ">";
_local2 = "";
_local4 = "param";
} else {
_local2 = _local2 + _local3;
trace("unknown mode: " + _local4);
if (_local3 == " ") {
_local4 = "param";
if (Number(_local2) == _local2) {
_local2 = Number(_local2);
} else {
_local2 = com.neodelight.std.XString.stripSlashes(_local2);
if (_local2.indexOf("$") != -1) {
if (_local2.length <= (_local2.indexOf("$") + 1)) {
stderr("bash: unknown variable: $");
var _local8 = ram[_local2.substr(_local2.indexOf("$") + 1)];
if (_local8 == undefined) {
_local8 = "";
_local2 = _local2.substring(0, _local2.indexOf("$")) + String(_local8);
_local2 = "";
} else {
_local2 = _local2 + _local3;
case "paramExpression" :
if ((_local3 == "`") && (cmd.charAt(_local12 - 1) != "\\")) {
_local2 = executeCommand(_local2);
_local4 = "param";
_local2 = "";
} else {
_local2 = _local2 + _local3;
case "paramQuoteSingle" :
if ((_local3 == "'") && (cmd.charAt(_local12 - 1) != "\\")) {
_local2 = com.neodelight.std.XString.stripSlashes(_local2);
_local4 = "param";
_local2 = "";
} else {
_local2 = _local2 + _local3;
case "paramQuoteDouble" :
if ((_local3 == "\"") && (cmd.charAt(_local12 - 1) != "\\")) {
_local2 = com.neodelight.std.XString.stripSlashes(_local2);
while (_local2.indexOf("$") != -1) {
var _local6 = _local2.indexOf("$");
var _local10 = Math.min(_local2.length, ((_local2.indexOf(" ", _local6) > -1) ? (_local2.indexOf(" ", _local6)) : Number.MAX_VALUE));
var _local13 = _local2.substring(_local6 + 1, _local10);
var _local8 = ram[_local13];
if (_local8 == undefined) {
_local8 = "";
_local2 = (_local2.slice(0, _local6) + String(_local8)) + _local2.slice(_local10, _local2.length);
_local4 = "param";
_local2 = "";
} else {
_local2 = _local2 + _local3;
case "paramPipeOutFile" :
if ((_local3 == " ") && (_local2 == "")) {
} else {
if (_local3 == " ") {
_local18 = _local2;
_local21 = ">";
_local2 = "";
_local4 = "param";
} else {
_local2 = _local2 + _local3;
trace("unknown mode: " + _local4);
default :
trace("unknown mode: " + _local4);
var _local22 = "";
if (_local11.length) {
var _local7 = new Array();
_local12 = 1;
while (_local12 < _local11.length) {
var _local15 = {};
for (_local12 in _local7) {
if (_local7[_local12].substr(0, 2) == "--") {
_local15[_local7[_local12].substr(2, _local7[_local12].length - 2)] = true;
} else if (String(_local7[_local12]).substr(0, 1) == "-") {
var _local9 = 1;
while (_local9 < String(_local7[_local12]).length) {
_local15[String(_local7[_local12]).charAt(_local9)] = true;
if (stdin != undefined) {
var _local20 = String(_local11[0]);
var _local17;
var _local23;
if (_local20.indexOf("/") != -1) {
if (_local20.charAt(0) == "/") {
_local17 = getObjectAtPath(_local20);
_local23 = getBasePath(_local20);
} else {
_local17 = getObjectAtPath((ram.CWD + "/") + _local20);
_local23 = getBasePath((ram.CWD + "/") + _local20);
} else {
var _local16 = ((ram.PATH.indexOf("/bin") == -1) ? (("/bin:" + ram.PATH).split(":")) : (ram.PATH.split(":")));
_local12 = 0;
while (_local12 < _local16.length) {
_local17 = getObjectAtPath((_local16[_local12] + "/") + _local20);
if (_local17 != undefined) {
_local23 = _local16[_local12];
if (_local17 != undefined) {
switch (typeof(_local17)) {
case "function" :
var _local27 = Function(_local17);
parameters = _local7;
flags = _local15;
_local22 = _local27.apply(getObjectAtPath(_local23), _local7);
case "string" :
var _local25 = _local17.split(newline, 2);
if (_local25[0] == "#!/bin/sh") {
_local22 = executeCommand(_local25[1]);
} else {
stderr("bash: to execute a string as a script, type: sh <filename>");
default :
stderr(((("bash: not a command: " + _local20) + " (") + typeof(_local17)) + ")");
} else {
stderr("bash: command not found or undefined: " + _local20);
ram.CWD = simplifyPath(ram.CWD);
if (_local18) {
switch (_local21) {
case "|" :
_local22 = executeCommand(_local18, _local22);
case ">" :
if (_local18.indexOf("/") != -1) {
var _local26 = getObjectAtPath(getBasePath(_local18));
_local26[getFileName(_local18)] = _local22;
} else {
var _local26 = getObjectAtCwd();
_local26[_local18] = _local22;
case "<" :
_local22 = "";
} else {
_local22 = "";
return(_local24 + _local22);
static var COLOR_LINE = 65280;
static var COLOR_BG = 2236962;
static var COLOR_BG_ALPHA = 100;
static var COLOR_TEXT = 65280;
var padding = 5;
var spacing = 5;
var promptVar = ">";
var historyLen = 100;
var historyPtr = -1;
var cursorPos = 0;
var doBufStdOut = false;
var bufStdOut = "";
var ram = {CWD:"/", PATH:"/bin:."};
Symbol 1131 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.std.Unique
function Unique () {
static function getId() {
static function getKey() {
return("k" + (key++));
static var key = 1;
static var id = 1;
Symbol 1132 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.std.XSystem
function XSystem () {
static function getBaseUrl() {
var _local1 = _url.toLowerCase();
var _local2 = _local1.length;
var _local3 = _local1.indexOf("?", 0);
if (_local3 > 0) {
_local2 = _local3;
var _local4 = "offline";
if (_local1.substr(0, 4) == "http") {
_local4 = _url.substr(7, _local2 - 7);
static function getDomain(url) {
if (!url) {
url = _url;
if (url.indexOf("file://") == 0) {
return(url.substr(7, url.indexOf("/", 7) - 7));
static function getProtocol(url) {
if (!url) {
url = _url;
return(url.substr(0, url.indexOf("/") - 1));
static function getUrlParam(strParam) {
var _local4 = _url.toLowerCase();
var _local1 = _local4.indexOf(strParam);
var _local5 = strParam.length;
if (_local1 > 0) {
var _local3;
var _local2 = _local4.indexOf("&", _local1 + _local5);
if (_local2 > 0) {
_local3 = _local2 - _local1;
} else {
_local3 = _url.length - _local1;
return(_url.substr(_local1 + _local5, _local3));
static function isOffline() {
return(_url.toLowerCase().substr(0, 4) != "http");
static function isMacintosh() {
return(System.capabilities.os.toLowerCase().indexOf("mac") >= 0);
Symbol 1133 MovieClip [] Frame 0
function Highscores () {
static function submit(username, score, url) {
if (!url) {
url = "hs.asp";
getURL ((url + "?") + encrpytString((username + "|") + score), "_blank");
static function encrpytString(strVal) {
var _local8 = "aHfEjcDebChGiAfIjDbEjacD";
var _local9 = _local8.length;
var _local12 = "0";
var _local3 = "";
var _local10 = strVal.length;
var _local1 = 0;
var _local4;
var _local7;
var _local2;
var _local6 = 0;
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local10) {
_local4 = strVal.charCodeAt(_local5);
if (_local4 >= 128) {
_local4 = "X";
_local7 = _local8.charCodeAt(_local1);
_local1 = _local1 + 1;
if (_local1 >= _local9) {
_local1 = 0;
_local2 = (_local4 % 16) + _local7;
_local3 = _local3 + String.fromCharCode(_local2);
_local6 = _local6 + _local2;
_local7 = _local8.charCodeAt(_local1);
_local1 = _local1 + 1;
if (_local1 >= _local9) {
_local1 = 0;
_local2 = Math.floor(_local4 / 16) + _local7;
_local3 = _local3 + String.fromCharCode(_local2);
_local6 = _local6 + _local2;
_local6 = _local6 % 256;
_local7 = _local8.charCodeAt(_local1);
_local1 = _local1 + 1;
if (_local1 >= _local9) {
_local1 = 0;
_local2 = (_local6 % 16) + _local7;
_local3 = _local3 + String.fromCharCode(_local2);
_local7 = _local8.charCodeAt(_local1);
_local1 = _local1 + 1;
if (_local1 >= _local9) {
_local1 = 0;
_local2 = Math.floor(_local6 / 16) + _local7;
_local3 = _local3 + String.fromCharCode(_local2);
Symbol 1134 MovieClip [] Frame 0
var config, name, player, snd, rootFx, stageWidth, stageHeight, hooker, actLevel;
function Game (config) {
_global.bin.syslog("Game", "Game: ()");
this.config = config; = this;
name = config.gameName;
if (com.neodelight.std.Blueprint.isBlueprint("player")) {
var _local7 = com.neodelight.std.Blueprint.getBlueprint("player");
var _local5 = com.neodelight.std.ClassLib.getClass("player");
trace("Game: player blueprint: " + com.neodelight.std.XString.dump(_local7));
if (_local5 == undefined) {
_global.bin.syslog("Game", "Game: class \"player\" not found in ClassLib", 2);
} else {
_global.player = (player = new _local5[undefined](_local7));
if (config.gameHighscores) {
_global.highscores = new;
_global.score = new;
snd = new com.neodelight.std.XSound();
_global.snd = snd;
_root.snd = snd;
rootFx = new com.neodelight.std.ColorFader(_root);
if (System.capabilities.playerType == "external") {
stageWidth = 550;
stageHeight = 400;
} else {
stageWidth = Stage.width;
stageHeight = Stage.height;
if (config.timer) {
_global.timer = new com.neodelight.std.Timer(this.config);
} else {
_global.dt = 1;
hooker = _root.createEmptyMovieClip(com.neodelight.std.Unique.getKey(), _root.getNextHighestDepth());
hooker.clients = new Object();
hooker.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_global.paused) {
for (var _local3 in this.clients) {
function reset() {
_global.bin.syslog("Game", "Game: reset()");
actLevel = 0;
function initLevel(id) {
_global.bin.syslog("Game", "Game: initLevel: id=" + id);
if (id != undefined) {
actLevel = id;
delete hooker.clients;
hooker.clients = new Object();
function hookIn(o) {
var _local3 = ( ? ( : (com.neodelight.std.Unique.getKey()));
if (hooker.clients[_local3]) {
_global.bin.syslog("Game", ("Game: hookIn: id " + _local3) + " already exists in hook", 3);
hooker.clients[_local3] = o;
function hookOut(o) {
delete hooker.clients[];
function pause(stat) {
_global.paused = stat;
Symbol 1135 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.std.XSound extends Sound
var channels, channelsById, groups, master;
function XSound () {
channels = new Array(channelsAmount);
channelsById = new Array();
groups = {fx:1, music:1};
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < channelsAmount) {
channels[_local4] = new com.neodelight.std.XSoundChannel(_local4, _root.createEmptyMovieClip(com.neodelight.std.Unique.getKey(), _root.getNextHighestDepth()), groups);
master = new Sound();
function addGroup(id) {
groups[id] = 1;
function setVolume(volume) {
master.setVolume(volume * 100);
function getVolume() {
return(master.getVolume() * 0.01);
function setGroupVolume(volume, id) {
groups[id] = volume;
var _local2 = channels.length;
while (_local2--) {
function getGroupVolume(id) {
function status() {
var _local3 = "";
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < channelsAmount) {
_local3 = _local3 + (((_local2 + ": ") + channels[_local2]) + newline);
function playSequence(sequence, locked, group, channelId) {
var _local2 = getChannel();
delete channelsById[_local2.channelId];
_local2.channelId = channelId;
if (channelId) {
channelsById[channelId] = _local2;
_local2.playSequence(sequence, locked, group);
function playLoop(libId, volume, group, channelId) {
var _local2 = getChannel();
delete channelsById[_local2.channelId];
_local2.channelId = channelId;
if (channelId) {
channelsById[channelId] = _local2;
_local2.start(0, 99999); = (group ? (group) : "music");
_local2.libId = libId;
_local2.locked = true;
_local2.playing = true;
function playEvent(libId, volume, group, channelId) {
var _local2 = getChannel();
delete channelsById[_local2.channelId];
_local2.channelId = channelId;
if (channelId) {
channelsById[channelId] = _local2;
_local2.start(0, 0); = (group ? (group) : "fx");
_local2.libId = libId;
_local2.playing = true;
function getChannel() {
var _local4 = -1;
var _local5 = -1;
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < channels.length) {
var _local2 = channels[_local3];
if (!_local2.locked) {
if (_local2.playing) {
if (_local2.position > _local4) {
_local4 = _local2.position;
_local5 =;
} else {
if (_local5 != -1) {
function fadeChannel(id, fadeTo, frames) {
channelsById[id].fade(fadeTo, frames);
function stop(libId) {
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < channels.length) {
if ((channels[_local2].libId == libId) || (!libId)) {
var channelsAmount = 8;
Symbol 1136 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.std.XSoundChannel extends Sound
var id, playing, locked, groups, mc, volume, group, fadeOutFlag, fading, fadeTo, fadeSpeed, sequence, sequencePointer, libId, sequenceStep, attachSound, start, channelId;
function XSoundChannel (id, mc, groups) {
super(mc); = id;
playing = false;
locked = false;
this.groups = groups; = mc; = this; = function () {
if (! {
var _local2 = +;
_local2 = (( > 0) ? (Math.min(, _local2)) : (Math.max(, _local2)));
if (_local2 == { = false;
if ( {;
function setVolume(volume) {
if (volume != undefined) {
this.volume = volume;
super.setVolume(Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (this.volume * 100) * groups[group])));
function getVolume() {
function fade(fadeTo, frames) {
if (fadeTo == -1) {
fadeOutFlag = true;
fadeTo = 0;
} else {
fadeOutFlag = false;
if (frames <= 0) {
fading = false;
} else {
fading = true;
this.fadeTo = Math.min(1, fadeTo);
fadeSpeed = (fadeTo - getVolume()) / frames;
function playSequence(sequence, locked, group) {
this.sequence = sequence;
sequencePointer = 0;
this.locked = locked;
fading = false; = (group ? (group) : "fx");
playing = true;
onSoundComplete = stepSequence;
libId = "__SEQUENCE__";
function stepSequence() {
if (sequenceStep.goto != undefined) {
sequencePointer = sequenceStep.goto;
var _local2 = sequence[sequencePointer++];
sequenceStep = _local2;
if (!_local2) {
if (_local2.times == 0) {
_local2.times = 9999;
_local2.goto = sequencePointer - 1;
} else if (_local2.times == undefined) {
_local2.times = 1;
start((_local2.offset ? (_local2.offset) : 0), _local2.times);
if (_local2.fadeFrames) {
fade(_local2.fadeTo, _local2.fadeFrames);
function stop() {
onSoundComplete = undefined;
sequenceStep = undefined;
locked = false;
playing = false;
fading = false;
if (channelId) {
delete _global.snd.channelsById[channelId];
function onSoundComplete() {
playing = false;
locked = false;
fading = false;
function toString() {
return((((((((("v:" + getVolume()) + " p:") + playing) + " l:") + locked) + " f:") + fading) + " lib:") + libId);
Symbol 1137 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.std.ColorFader
var mc, col, acol, totStep, actStep, clearFx, fcol, tcol;
function ColorFader (mc) { = mc;
col = new Color(mc);
acol = {ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0};
totStep = 0;
actStep = 1;
clearFx = reset;
function fadeTo(tcol, steps) {
totStep = steps;
actStep = 0;
fcol = col.getTransform();
this.tcol = tcol;
if (steps == 0) {
totStep = 1;
function queueFade(tcol) {
fadeTo(tcol, tcol.dt);
function clearQueue() {
function reset() {
col.setTransform({ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0});
function step() {
var _local2 = (++actStep) / totStep;
if (actStep > totStep) {
var _local3 = 1 - _local2;
acol.ra = (fcol.ra * _local3) + (tcol.ra * _local2);
acol.rb = (fcol.rb * _local3) + (tcol.rb * _local2); = ( * _local3) + ( * _local2); = ( * _local3) + ( * _local2); = ( * _local3) + ( * _local2); = ( * _local3) + ( * _local2);
acol.aa = (fcol.aa * _local3) + (tcol.aa * _local2);
acol.ab = (fcol.ab * _local3) + (tcol.ab * _local2);
return(actStep < totStep);
static var FX_NONE = {ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0};
static var FX_BLACK = {ra:0, rb:0, ga:0, gb:0, ba:0, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0};
Symbol 1138 MovieClip [] Frame 0
var gameName, charTableIndex, session;
function Highscores (gameName) {
this.gameName = gameName;
charTableIndex = new Array();
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < charTable.length) {
charTableIndex[charTable.charCodeAt(_local2)] = _local2;
function initSession() {
session = "";
while (session.length < 20) {
session = session + charTable.charAt(Math.round(Math.random() * (charTable.length - 4)));
function submit(pScore0, pDisciple) {
if (!pDisciple) {
pDisciple = "";
var _local3 = gameName;
var _local5 = "";
var _local2 = ("g=" + _local3) + "&";
_local2 = _local2 + (("d=" + pDisciple) + "&");
_local2 = _local2 + (("s0=" + pScore0) + "&");
_local2 = _local2 + (("s1=" + _local5) + "&");
_local2 = _local2 + ("se=" + session);
_local2 = _local2 + "&c=42";
var _local6 = (urlSubmit + "?s=") + escape(encrypt(encrypt(_local2, keystring), keystring2)).split("%").join("_");
function encrypt(text, pKey) {
var _local9 = "";
var _local4 = 0;
var _local6;
var _local3;
var _local5;
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < text.length) {
_local5 = charTableIndex[text.charCodeAt(_local2)];
_local6 = charTableIndex[pKey.charCodeAt(_local2 % pKey.length)];
_local3 = (_local5 + _local6) + _local4;
_local3 = _local3 % charTable.length;
_local9 = _local9 + charTable.charAt(_local3);
_local4 = _local4 + _local3;
_local4 = _local4 % charTable.length;
return((_local9 + "") + charTable.charAt(_local4));
var charTable = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz&=.";
var keystring = "whytheheckdoyouwasteyourtimehackingthishighscorelist";
var keystring2 = "AnotherKey4You2FindOut4815jiagIOm30JK";
var urlSubmit = "";
Symbol 1139 MovieClip [] Frame 0
var config, name, abilities, items;
function Player (config) {
_global.bin.syslog("Game", "Player: ()");
trace("player config: " + com.neodelight.std.XString.dump(config));
this.config = config;
name =;
for (var _local4 in config.playerProps) {
trace("prop:" + _local4);
this[_local4] = config.playerProps[_local4];
function reset() {
_global.bin.syslog("Game", "Player.reset: ()");
for (var _local3 in config.playerProps) {[_local3]).reset();
abilities = new Object();
items = new Object();
function init() {
Symbol 1140 MovieClip [] Frame 0
var def, pValue, pMin, pMax;
function PlayerProp (min, max, def, act) {
if (min == undefined) {
min = Number.MIN_VALUE;
if (max == undefined) {
max = Number.MAX_VALUE;
this.min = (min);
this.max = (max);
this.def = com.neodelight.std.XMath.toNumber(def);
value = (((act == undefined) ? (def) : (act)));
function set value(value) {
pValue = Math.max(min, Math.min(max, value));
function get value() {
function set min(min) {
pMin = min;
pValue = Math.max(this.min, Math.min(max, pValue));
function get min() {
function set max(max) {
pMax = max;
pValue = Math.max(min, Math.min(this.max, pValue));
function get max() {
function reset() {
value = (def);
function toString() {
return(((((((("[PlayerProp {value:" + value) + ", def:") + def) + " min:") + min) + ", max:") + max) + "}]");
Symbol 1141 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.std.ClassLib
function ClassLib () {
static function addClass(id, c) {
lib[id] = c;
_global.bin.syslog("ClassLib", "ClassLib.addClass: " + id);
_global.lib.classlib = lib;
trace("ClassLib.addClass: " + id);
static function getClass(id) {
static var lib = new Array();
Symbol 1142 MovieClip [] Frame 0
var flow, config, sharedObject, scoreTotal, scores, scoreLevel;
function Score (config) {
_global.bin.syslog("Score", "new Score()");
flow = new com.neodelight.std.Flow();
if (!config) {
_global.bin.syslog("Score", "constructor needs config", 3);
} else {
this.config = config;
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < config.length) {
this.config[config[_local4].id] = config[_local4];
this.config[_local4].i = _local4;
sharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal(;
if (_global.mdm) {
com.neodelight.std.File.load( + ".stats", function (data) {
if (!data) {
_global.bin.syslog("Score", "loaded external scores: empty");
_global.bin.syslog("Score", ("loaded external scores (" + data.length) + " bytes)");
_root.decryptedScores = "";
_global.mdm.blowfishdec("", data, "_root.decryptedScores");
_root.scoresLoadFlow = new com.neodelight.std.Flow();
_root.scoresLoadFlow.pushTask(function () {
if (_root.decryptedScores) {
_global.bin.syslog("Score", "decrypted scores");
_global.score.sharedObject = {};
if (_root.decryptedScores.substr(0, 11) == "<wddxPacket") { = com.neodelight.wddx.Wddx.deserialize(_root.decryptedScores);
delete _root.decrytpedScores;
}, undefined, undefined, undefined, true, true);
_root.onAppExit = function () {
var _local4 =;
var _local3 = com.neodelight.wddx.Wddx.serialize(_local4);
_root.encryptedScores = "";
_global.mdm.blowfishenc("", _local3, "encryptedScores");
_root.appExitFlow = new com.neodelight.std.Flow();
_root.appExitFlow.pushTask(function () {
if (_root.encryptedScores) { + ".stats", _root.encryptedScores);
}, undefined, undefined, undefined, true, true);
function reset() {
_global.bin.syslog("Score", "reset scores!");
scoreTotal = 0;
scores = new Object();
function initLevel() {
_global.bin.syslog("Score", "initLevel: " +;
scores[] = new Object();
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < config.length) {
scores[][config[_local3].id] = com.neodelight.std.XMath.toNumber(config[_local3].score);
scoreLevel = 0;
function alter(deltaScore, type) {
_global.bin.syslog("Score", ((("alter '" + type) + "' (") + deltaScore) + ", type)");
if (config[type].totalAdd) {
scoreTotal = scoreTotal + deltaScore;
scoreLevel = scoreLevel + deltaScore;
scores[][type] = scores[][type] + deltaScore;
function set(score, type) {
_global.bin.syslog("Score", ((("set '" + type) + "' (") + score) + ")");
if (config[type].totalAdd) {
scoreTotal = scoreTotal - com.neodelight.std.XMath.toNumber(scores[][type]);
scoreTotal = scoreTotal + score;
scores[][type] = score;
function get(type, level) {
if (level == undefined) {
level =;
function refresh() {
scoreTotal = 0;
for (var _local3 in scores) {
trace("level: " + _local3);
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < config.length) {
trace((((("t: " + _local2) + " id:") + config[_local2].id) + " val:") + scores[_local3][config[_local2].id]);
if (config[_local2].totalAdd) {
scoreTotal = scoreTotal + scores[_local3][config[_local2].id];
function saveType(disciple) {
_global.bin.syslog("Score", "saveType: " + disciple);
var _local4 =;
_global.bin.syslog("Score", "level = " + _local4);
var _local3 =;
if (!_local3) {
trace("#ERROR: no sObj");
if (!_local3.scores) {
_local3.scores = new Object();
if (!_local3.scores[_local4]) {
_global.bin.syslog("Score", "creating level object");
_local3.scores[_local4] = new Object();
var _local6 = scores[_local4][config[disciple].id];
_global.bin.syslog("Score", "score = " + _local6);
if (!_local3.scores[_local4][disciple]) {
_local3.scores[_local4][disciple] = new Object();
_local3.scores[_local4][disciple].count = int(_local3.scores[_local4][disciple].count) + 1;
if ((_local3.scores[_local4][disciple].max == undefined) || (_local3.scores[_local4][disciple].max < _local6)) {
_local3.scores[_local4][disciple].max = _local6;
if ((_local3.scores[_local4][disciple].min == undefined) || (_local3.scores[_local4][disciple].min > _local6)) {
_local3.scores[_local4][disciple].min = _local6;
if (_local3.scores[_local4][disciple].avg == undefined) {
_local3.scores[_local4][disciple].avg = _local6;
} else {
_local3.scores[_local4][disciple].avg = ((_local3.scores[_local4][disciple].avg * (_local3.scores[_local4][disciple].count - 1)) + _local6) / _local3.scores[_local4][disciple].count;
function save(saveTotal) {
_global.bin.syslog("Score", "save");
var _local4 =;
if (saveTotal) {
_local4.count = int(_local4.count) + 1;
if ((_local4.max == undefined) || (_local4.max > scoreTotal)) {
_local4.max = scoreTotal;
if ((_local4.min == undefined) || (_local4.min < scoreTotal)) {
_local4.min = scoreTotal;
_local4.avg = ((_local4.avg == undefined) ? (scoreTotal) : (((_local4.avg * (_local4.count - 1)) + scoreTotal) / _local4.count));
if (!_local4.scores) {
_local4.scores = new Object();
var _local5 =;
if (!_local4.scores[_local5]) {
_local4.scores[_local5] = new Object();
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < config.length) {
var _local6 = scores[_local5][config[_local3].id];
if (!_local4.scores[_local5][_local3]) {
_local4.scores[_local5][_local3] = new Object();
_local4.scores[_local5][_local3].count = int(_local4.scores[_local5][_local3].count) + 1;
if ((_local4.scores[_local5][_local3].max == undefined) || (_local4.scores[_local5][_local3].max < _local6)) {
_local4.scores[_local5][_local3].max = _local6;
if ((_local4.scores[_local5][_local3].min == undefined) || (_local4.scores[_local5][_local3].min > _local6)) {
_local4.scores[_local5][_local3].min = _local6;
if (_local4.scores[_local5][_local3].avg == undefined) {
_local4.scores[_local5][_local3].avg = _local6;
} else {
_local4.scores[_local5][_local3].avg = ((_local4.scores[_local5][_local3].avg * (_local4.scores[_local5][_local3].count - 1)) + _local6) / _local4.scores[_local5][_local3].count;
function getStatistics() {
var _local4 =;
var _local3 = new Object();
_local3.scores = new Object();
_local3.avg = _local4.avg;
_local3.max = _local4.max;
_local3.cur = _local4.cur;
_local3.count = _local4.count;
for (var _local5 in _local4.scores) {
_local3.scores[_local5] = new Object();
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < config.length) {
_local3.scores[_local5][config[_local2].id] = new Object();
_local3.scores[_local5][config[_local2].id].avg = _local4.scores[_local5][config[_local2].id].avg;
_local3.scores[_local5][config[_local2].id].min = _local4.scores[_local5][config[_local2].id].min;
_local3.scores[_local5][config[_local2].id].max = _local4.scores[_local5][config[_local2].id].max;
_local3.scores[_local5][config[_local2].id].count = _local4.scores[_local5][config[_local2].id].count;
_local3.scores[_local5][config[_local2].id].cur = scores[_local5][config[_local2].id];
function clearSharedObject() {
_global.bin.syslog("Score", "clearSharedObject", 1);
sharedObject.clear(); = new Object();
Symbol 1143 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.std.Flow
var mc, queue;
function Flow () {
_global.bin.syslog("Flow", "()");
var _local4 = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
mc = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("flowMc" + _local4, _local4);
queue = new Array();
function pushTask(onStep, o, params, times, exitFlag, exitVal) {
if ((!times) && (!exitFlag)) {
times = 1;
} else if (times <= 0) {
times = -1;
queue.push({o:o, onStep:onStep, p:params, exitTimes:times, exitFlag:exitFlag, exitVal:exitVal});
mc.p = this;
mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
function step() {
var _local2 = queue[0];
var _local3 = _local2.onStep.apply(_local2.o, _local2.p);
if (_local2.exitFlag && (_local2.exitVal == _local3)) {
if (!queue.length) {
delete mc.onEnterFrame;
if (_local2.exitTimes > 0) {
if (!(--_local2.exitTimes)) {
if (!queue.length) {
delete mc.onEnterFrame;
Symbol 1144 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.std.File
function File () {
static function load(filename, callback) {
var _local1 = new LoadVars();
_local1.onData = callback;
Symbol 1145 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.wddx.Wddx
function Wddx () {
et = new Object();
etRev = new Object();
at = new Object();
atRev = new Object();
timezoneString = new String();
preserveVarCase = true;
useTimezoneInfo = true;
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < 256) {
if ((((_local2 < 32) && (_local2 != 9)) && (_local2 != 10)) && (_local2 != 13)) {
var _local3 = _local2.toString(16);
if (_local3.length == 1) {
_local3 = "0" + _local3;
et[_local2] = ("<char code='" + _local3) + "'/>";
at[_local2] = "";
} else if (_local2 < 128) {
et[_local2] = chr(_local2);
at[_local2] = chr(_local2);
} else {
et[_local2] = ("&#x" + _local2.toString(16)) + ";";
etRev[("&#x" + _local2.toString(16)) + ";"] = chr(_local2);
at[_local2] = ("&#x" + _local2.toString(16)) + ";";
atRev[("&#x" + _local2.toString(16)) + ";"] = chr(_local2);
et[60] = "<";
et[62] = ">";
et[38] = "&";
etRev["<"] = "<";
etRev[">"] = ">";
etRev["&"] = "&";
at[60] = "<";
at[62] = ">";
at[38] = "&";
at[39] = "'";
at[34] = """;
atRev["<"] = "<";
atRev[">"] = ">";
atRev["&"] = "&";
atRev["'"] = "'";
atRev["""] = "\"";
var _local4 = new Date().getTimezoneOffset();
if (_local4 >= 0) {
timezoneString = "-";
} else {
timezoneString = "+";
timezoneString = timezoneString + ((Math.floor(Math.abs(_local4) / 60) + ":") + (Math.abs(_local4) % 60));
static function serialize(rootObj) {
var _local4 = new com.neodelight.wddx.Wddx();
var _local2 = new XML();
var _local3 = new XML();
var _local1 = _local3.firstChild;
_local1.attributes.version = "1.0";
if (_local4.serializeValue(rootObj, _local1.childNodes[1])) {
function serializeValue(obj, node) {
var _local4 = true;
var _local6 = obj.valueOf();
var _local9 = null;
var _local7 = new XML();
if (obj == null) {
} else if (typeof(_local6) == "string") {
serializeString(_local6, node);
} else if (typeof(_local6) == "number") {
if (typeof(obj.getTimezoneOffset) == "function") {
if (useTimezoneInfo) {
_local9 = timezoneString;
node.lastChild.appendChild(_local7.createTextNode(((((((((((obj.getFullYear() + "-") + (obj.getMonth() + 1)) + "-") + obj.getDate()) + "T") + obj.getHours()) + ":") + obj.getMinutes()) + ":") + obj.getSeconds()) + _local9));
} else {
node.appendChild(new XML().createElement("number"));
node.lastChild.appendChild(new XML().createTextNode(_local6));
} else if (typeof(_local6) == "boolean") {
node.lastChild.attributes.value = _local6;
} else if (typeof(obj) == "object") {
if (typeof(obj.wddxSerialize) == "function") {
_local4 = obj.wddxSerialize(this, node);
} else if ((typeof(obj.join) == "function") && (typeof(obj.reverse) == "function")) {
node.lastChild.attributes.length = obj.length;
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local4 && (_local3 < obj.length)) {
_local4 = serializeValue(obj[_local3], node.lastChild);
} else {
if (typeof(obj.wddxSerializationType) == "string") {
node.lastChild.attributes.type = obj.wddxSerializationType;
for (var _local8 in obj) {
if (_local8 != "wddxSerializationType") {
_local4 = serializeVariable(_local8, obj[_local8], node.lastChild);
if (!_local4) {
} else {
_local4 = false;
function serializeVariable(vname, obj, node) {
var _local2 = true;
var _local3 = new XML();
if (typeof(obj) != "function") {
node.appendChild(_local3.createElement("var")); = (preserveVarCase ? (serializeAttr(vname)) : (serializeAttr(vname.toLowerCase())));
_local2 = serializeValue(obj, node.lastChild);
function serializeString(s, node) {
var _local3 = "";
var _local6 = new XML();
var _local4 = s.length;
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _local4) {
_local3 = _local3 + et[ord(s.substring(_local2, _local2 + 1))];
function serializeAttr(s) {
var _local3 = "";
var _local4 = s.length;
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _local4) {
_local3 = _local3 + at[ord(s.substring(_local2, _local2 + 1))];
static function deserialize(xmlString) {
var _local6 = new com.neodelight.wddx.Wddx();
var _local2 = new XML(xmlString);
var _local4 = new XML();
var _local3 = new Array();
var _local5 = new Object();
while (_local2.nodeName == null) {
_local2 = _local2.firstChild;
_local4 = _local2;
if (_local4.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "wddxpacket") {
_local3 = _local4.childNodes;
var _local1 = 0;
while ((_local3[_local1].nodeName.toLowerCase() != "data") && (_local1 < _local3.length)) {
if (_local1 < _local3.length) {
_local5 = _local6.deserializeNode(_local3[_local1].firstChild);
function deserializeNode(node) {
var _local9 = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (_local9 == "number") {
var _local7 = node.firstChild.nodeValue;
if (_local9 == "boolean") {
var _local7 = String(node.attributes.value).toLowerCase() == "true";
if (_local9 == "string") {
if (node.childNodes.length > 1) {
var _local7 = "";
var _local4 = 0;
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < node.childNodes.length) {
if (node.childNodes[_local4].nodeType == 3) {
_local7 = _local7 + deserializeString(node.childNodes[_local4].nodeValue);
} else if (node.childNodes[_local4].nodeName == "char") {
_local7 = _local7 + chr(parseInt(node.childNodes[_local4].attributes.code, 16));
} else {
var _local7 = deserializeString(node.firstChild.nodeValue);
if (_local9 == "array") {
var _local7 = new Array();
var _local16 = 0;
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < node.attributes.length) {
_local7[_local4] = deserializeNode(node.childNodes[_local4].cloneNode(true));
if (_local9 == "datetime") {
var _local10 = node.firstChild.nodeValue;
var _local13 = _local10.indexOf("T");
var _local8 = _local10.indexOf("+");
var _local11 = new Array();
var _local12 = new Array();
var _local14 = new Array();
var _local7 = new Date();
if (_local8 == -1) {
_local8 = _local10.lastIndexOf("-");
if (_local8 < _local13) {
_local8 = -1;
_local11 = _local10.slice(0, _local13).split("-");
_local12 = _local10.slice(_local13 + 1, _local8).split(":");
_local14 = _local10.slice(_local8).split(":");
_local7.setFullYear(parseInt(_local11[0]), parseInt(_local11[1]) - 1, parseInt(_local11[2]));
_local7.setHours(parseInt(_local12[0]), parseInt(_local12[1]));
if (_local8 != -1) {
var _local15 = (parseInt(_local14[0]) * 60) + parseInt(_local14[1]);
_local7.setMinutes(_local7.getMinutes() - (_local7.getTimezoneOffset() + _local15));
if (_local9 == "struct") {
var _local7 = new Object();
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < node.childNodes.length) {
if (node.childNodes[_local4].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "var") {
_local7[deserializeAttr(node.childNodes[_local4]] = deserializeNode(node.childNodes[_local4].firstChild);
if (_local9 == "recordset") {
var _local7 = new com.neodelight.wddx.WddxRecordSet(node.attributes.fieldNames.split(",").reverse(), parseInt(node.attributes.rowCount));
var _local4 = node.childNodes.length - 1;
while (_local4 >= 0) {
if (node.childNodes[_local4].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "field") {
var _local5 = deserializeAttr(node.childNodes[_local4];
_local7[_local5].wddxSerializationType = "field";
var _local3 = node.childNodes[_local4].childNodes.length - 1;
while (_local3 >= 0) {
_local7[_local5][_local3] = new Object();
var _local6 = deserializeNode(node.childNodes[_local4].childNodes[_local3]);
_local7.setField(_local3, _local5, _local6);
function deserializeAttr(attr) {
while (_local3 < _local7) {
var _local2 = attr.substring(_local3 + 1, 1);
if (_local2 == "&") {
var _local4 = _local2;
do {
_local2 = attr.substring(_local3, _local3 + 1);
_local4 = _local4 + _local2;
} while (_local2 != ";");
var _local6 = _local6 + atRev[_local4];
} else {
var _local6 = _local6 + _local2;
function deserializeString(str) {
while (_local3 < _local7) {
var _local2 = str.substring(_local3 + 1, 1);
if (_local2 == "&") {
var _local4 = _local2;
do {
_local2 = str.substring(_local3, _local3 + 1);
_local4 = _local4 + _local2;
} while (_local2 != ";");
var _local6 = _local6 + etRev[_local4];
} else {
var _local6 = _local6 + _local2;
var et = null;
var etRev = null;
var at = null;
var atRev = null;
var timezoneString = null;
var preserveVarCase = null;
var useTimezoneInfo = null;
var wddxPacket = null;
Symbol 1146 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.wddx.WddxRecordSet
function WddxRecordSet () {
preserveFieldCase = true;
var _local8;
if (arguments.length > 0) {
_local8 = arguments[0].valueOf();
if (typeof(_local8) == "boolean") {
preserveFieldCase = arguments[0];
} else {
var _local7 = arguments[0];
var _local6 = 0;
if (arguments.length > 1) {
_local8 = arguments[1].valueOf();
if (typeof(_local8) == "boolean") {
preserveFieldCase = arguments[1];
} else {
_local6 = arguments[1];
if (arguments.length > 2) {
preserveFieldCase = arguments[2];
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local7.length) {
var _local5 = new Array(_local6);
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local6) {
_local5[_local3] = null;
this[(preserveFieldCase ? (_local7[_local4]) : (_local7[_local4].toLowerCase()))] = _local5;
function duplicate() {
var _local3 = new com.neodelight.wddx.WddxRecordSet();
var _local2;
for (_local2 in this) {
if (_local2.toUpperCase() == "PRESERVEFIELDCASE") {
_local3[_local2] = this[_local2];
} else if (this[_local2].isColumn()) {
for (var _local4 in this[_local2]) {
_local3.setField(_local4, _local2, getField(_local4, _local2));
function isColumn(name) {
return((typeof(this[name]) == "object") && (name.indexOf("_private_") == -1));
function getRowCount() {
var _local2 = 0;
for (var _local3 in this) {
if (isColumn(_local3)) {
_local2 = this[_local3].length;
function addColumn(name) {
var _local4 = getRowCount();
var _local3 = new Array(_local4);
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _local4) {
_local3[_local2] = null;
this[(preserveFieldCase ? (name) : (name.toLowerCase()))] = _local3;
function addRows(n) {
for (var _local5 in this) {
if (isColumn(_local5)) {
var _local3 = this[_local5].length;
var _local2 = _local3;
while (_local2 < (_local3 + n)) {
this[_local5][_local2] = "";
function getField(row, col) {
return(this[(preserveFieldCase ? (col) : (col.toLowerCase()))][row]);
function setField(row, col, value) {
this[(preserveFieldCase ? (col) : (col.toLowerCase()))][row] = value;
function wddxSerialize(serializer, node) {
var _local7 = "";
var _local8 = new Array();
var _local4 = 0;
for (var _local11 in this) {
if (isColumn(_local11)) {
_local8[_local4++] = _local11;
if (_local7.length > 0) {
_local7 = _local7 + ",";
_local7 = _local7 + _local11;
var _local9 = getRowCount();
node.appendChild(new XML().createElement("recordset"));
node.lastChild.attributes.rowCount = _local9;
node.lastChild.attributes.fieldNames = _local7;
var _local3 = true;
_local4 = 0;
while (_local3 && (_local4 < _local8.length)) {
var _local5 = _local8[_local4];
node.lastChild.appendChild(new XML().createElement("field")); = _local5;
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local3 && (_local2 < _local9)) {
_local3 = serializer.serializeValue(this[_local5][_local2], node.lastChild.lastChild);
var preserveFieldCase = null;
Symbol 1147 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.mdm.MdmFile
var bufferPath, bufferOut, f;
function MdmFile (action, path, data) {
if (!(action === "append")) {
} else {
_root.stdout = _root.stdout + "worker..\n";
bufferPath = path;
bufferOut = data;
delayedAppend.parent = this;
_global.mdm.fileexists(path, delayedAppend);
static function save(path, data) {
data = com.neodelight.std.XString.replace(",", "@c@", data);
_global.mdm.savetofile(path, data);
static function append(path, data) {
_root.stdout = _root.stdout + "append()\n";
data = com.neodelight.std.XString.replace(",", "@c@", data);
new com.neodelight.mdm.MdmFile("append", path, data);
function delayedAppend(fileExists) {
var _local4 = f.parent.bufferPath;
var _local5 = f.parent.bufferOut;
_root.stdout = _root.stdout + ((((((" delayedAppend(): fileExists=" + fileExists) + ", bufferPath=") + _local4) + ", bufferOut=") + _local5) + newline);
_root.stdout = _root.stdout + com.neodelight.std.XString.dump(this, {depth:2});
if (fileExists == "true") {
_global.mdm.appendtofile(_local4, _local5);
} else {
_global.mdm.savetofile(_local4, _local5);
Symbol 1148 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.std.Timer
var config, t, msPerFrame, smoothing;
function Timer (config) {
_global.dt = 1;
this.config = config;
t = getTimer();
msPerFrame = (this.config.timerFps ? (1000 / this.config.timerFps) : 33.3333333333333);
smoothing = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, com.neodelight.std.XMath.toNumber(this.config.timerSmoothing)));
function update() {
var _local3 = getTimer();
_global.dt = (smoothing * _global.dt) + (((1 - smoothing) * (_local3 - t)) / msPerFrame);
t = _local3;
Symbol 1149 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.std.AutoConfig
function AutoConfig () {
static function getConfig(config) {
var _local11 = com.neodelight.std.XSystem.getProtocol();
var _local16 = com.neodelight.std.XSystem.getDomain();
var _local13 = ((_local11 + "://") + _local16).toLowerCase();
_global.base.syslog("AutoConfig", "url: " + _local13);
var _local14 = System.capabilities.os.toLowerCase();
_global.base.syslog("AutoConfig", "os: " + _local14);
var _local12 = System.capabilities.playerType.toLowerCase();
_global.base.syslog("AutoConfig", "player: " + _local12);
var _local15 = config.configs.split(",");
var _local10 = 0;
while (_local10 < _local15.length) {
var _local9 = false;
var _local7 = false;
var _local8 = false;
var _local6 = com.neodelight.std.Blueprint.getBlueprint(_local15[_local10]);
var _local2 = _local6.configNeedDomain.split(",");
if (_local2 != undefined) {
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local2.length) {
_global.bin.syslog("AutoConfig", ("check pattern \"" + _local2[_local3]) + "\"");
if ((_local2[_local3].substring(_local2[_local3].length - 1) == "*") && (_local2[_local3] != "*")) {
_local2[_local3] = _local2[_local3].substring(0, _local2[_local3].length - 1);
if ((((_local11 == "http") && (_local13.indexOf(_local2[_local3]) != -1)) || (_local2[_local3] == "*")) || ((_local11 == "file") && (_local2[_local3] == "local"))) {
_local9 = true;
} else {
_local9 = true;
var _local4 = _local6.configNeedOs.split(",");
if (_local4 != undefined) {
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local4.length) {
if (_local14.indexOf(_local4[_local3]) > -1) {
_local7 = true;
} else {
_local7 = true;
var _local5 = _local6.configNeedPlayer.split(",");
if (_local5 != undefined) {
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local5.length) {
if (_local12 == _local5[_local3]) {
_local8 = true;
} else {
_local8 = true;
if ((_local9 && (_local7)) && (_local8)) {
Symbol 1150 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.r3D.TeProto
var streetWidth, streetWidthBot, centerWidth, leftOffroad, centerOffroad, rightOffroad, fLeft, fCenter, fRight, controlLeft, controlCenter, controlRight;
function TeProto (streetWidth, centerWidth, leftOffroad, centerOffroad, rightOffroad, fLeft, fCenter, fRight, controlLeft, controlCenter, controlRight) {
this.streetWidth = streetWidth;
streetWidthBot = streetWidth;
this.centerWidth = centerWidth;
this.leftOffroad = leftOffroad > 0;
this.centerOffroad = centerOffroad > 0;
this.rightOffroad = rightOffroad > 0;
this.fLeft = fLeft;
this.fCenter = fCenter;
this.fRight = fRight;
this.controlLeft = controlLeft;
this.controlCenter = controlCenter;
this.controlRight = controlRight;
function copyOf() {
return(new com.neodelight.r3D.TeProto(streetWidth, centerWidth, (leftOffroad ? 1 : 0), (centerOffroad ? 1 : 0), (rightOffroad ? 1 : 0), fLeft, fCenter, fRight, controlLeft, controlCenter, controlRight));
Symbol 1151 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.r3D.Race3D
var levelLib, ruleSet, actLevel, level, vehicles, mc, lvl, lvlReadPointer, phase, distance, accelTimeStamp, actWind, levedGhostMode, nextCPointPos, nextCPointType, teBotMaxX, trackWidth, greenFriction, controlOffroad, camX, offTe, teDepthCounter, spriteDepthCounter, teAmount, coltrans, pl, bots, keyAccelTokens, checkPoints, teProtos, timestamp, levedKeyTokens, levedTeMarker;
function Race3D () {
_global.bin.syslog("Race3D", "new Race3D()");
if (!_global.etc.r3d) {
_global.etc.r3d = new Object();
levelLib = new Array();
if (!_global.lib.r3d) {
_global.lib.r3d = new Object();
_global.lib.r3d.lvls = levelLib;
function addLevelToLib(level) {
if (!level) {
_global.bin.syslog("Race3D", "Race3D: addLevelToLib: undefined", 3);
} else {
_global.bin.syslog("Race3D", "Race3D: addLevelToLib:" +;
levelLib[] = level;
if (_root.leved) {
function loadRuleSet(ruleSet, mc) {
_global.bin.syslog("Race3D", ("Race3D: loadRuleSet: title=\"" + ruleSet.title) + "\"");
this.ruleSet = ruleSet;
loadLevel(, mc);
function loadLevel(id, mc) {
_global.bin.syslog("Race3D", ((("Race3D: loadLevel(" + id) + ",") + mc._target) + ")");
if (!mc) {
_global.bin.syslog("Race3D", "Race3D: loadLevel(): undefined mc!", 3);
actLevel = id;
level = levelLib[id];
vehicles = new Array(); = mc; = this;
lvl = levelLib[id].dat;
if (!lvl.length) {
_global.bin.syslog("Race3D", "Race3D: loadLevel(): undefined level data!", 3);
} + 1);
lvlReadPointer = -1;
phase = 0;
distance = 0;
accelTimeStamp = 0;
actWind = 0;
levedGhostMode = false;
nextCPointPos = undefined;
nextCPointType = undefined;
teBotMaxX = levelLib[id].teBotMaxX;
trackWidth = levelLib[id].trackWidth;
greenFriction = levelLib[id].greenFriction;
controlOffroad = levelLib[id].controlOffroad;
camX = 0;
offTe = 0;
teDepthCounter = 1000000 /* 0x0F4240 */;
spriteDepthCounter = 2000000 /* 0x1E8480 */;
teAmount = levelLib[id].teAmount;
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < teAmount) {
tes[_local4] = new Object();
tes[_local4].mc ="te", "track" + _local4, teDepthCounter--);
tes[_local4].col = new Color(tes[_local4].mc);
tes[_local4].mc.grass.variant.gotoAndStop( + 1);
dekosL[_local4] = new Array();
dekosL[_local4].mc ="deko", "dekoL" + _local4, teDepthCounter--);
dekosL[_local4].col = new Color(dekosL[_local4].mc);
dekosR[_local4] = new Array();
dekosR[_local4].mc ="deko", "dekoR" + _local4, teDepthCounter--);
dekosR[_local4].col = new Color(dekosR[_local4].mc);
tes[_local4].dekoObjL = dekosL[_local4];
tes[_local4].dekoObjR = dekosR[_local4];
tes[_local4].mc.dekoL = dekosL[_local4].mc;
tes[_local4].mc.dekoR = dekosR[_local4].mc;
coltrans = {ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0};
pl = new com.neodelight.r3D.Race3DPlayer(this, com.neodelight.std.Blueprint.getBlueprint("vehicle.player"));
bots = new Array();
var _local6 = new Array();
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < 5) {
var _local5 = com.neodelight.std.Blueprint.apply({base:_local4, id:_local4 + 1, depth:spriteDepthCounter--}, (ruleSet ? (ruleSet.bots[_local4]) : ("" + _local4))); = * _root.botCalibVz[actLevel];
bots[_local4] = new com.neodelight.r3D.Race3DBot(this, _local5);
if (!ruleSet) {
bots[_local4].setSkin(int(_local6.splice(com.neodelight.std.XMath.rnd(0, _local6.length - 1), 1)[0]));
keyAccelTokens = 0;
var _local11 = _global.dt;
_global.dt = 0;
_global.dt = _local11;
function prepareLevelData() {
checkPoints = new Array();
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < lvl.length) {
if ((lvl[_local2][2] == 11) || (lvl[_local2][2] == 12)) {
lvl[_local2].proto = teProtos[lvl[_local2][4]];
lvl[_local2].curve = lvl[_local2][0];
lvl[_local2].slope = lvl[_local2][1];
lvl[_local2].dekoL = lvl[_local2][2];
lvl[_local2].dekoR = lvl[_local2][3];
lvl[_local2].pos = _local2;
function lvlRead(i, pointer, keepDepth) {
i = i % teAmount;
if (pointer == undefined) {
pointer = lvlReadPointer;
var _local2 = tes[i];
pointer = (pointer + lvl.length) % lvl.length;
_local2.pos = lvl[pointer].pos;
_local2.curve = lvl[pointer][0];
_local2.slope = lvl[pointer][1];
_local2.dekoL = lvl[pointer][2];
if ((_local2.dekoL == 11) || (_local2.dekoL == 12)) {
nextCPointPos = pointer;
nextCPointType = _local2.dekoL;
_local2.dekoR = lvl[pointer][3];
_local2.proto = lvl[pointer].proto;
_local2.streetWidthL = 1;
_local2.streetWidthR = 1;
if (!keepDepth) {;
}[pointer][2] + 1);[pointer][3] + 1);[pointer][4] + ( * 20)) + 1);
function reload(levelId) {
_global.bin.syslog("Race3D", ("Race3D: reload(" + levelId) + ")");
if (levelId) {
lvl = levelLib[levelId].dat;
level = levelLib[levelId];
_root.leved.level = level;
} + 1);
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < teAmount) {
tes[_local4].mc.grass.variant.gotoAndStop( + 1);
lvlRead(_local4, tes[_local4].pos, true);
function botSort(a, b) {
if (a.pos < b.pos) {
if (a.pos > b.pos) {
function move() {
var _local7;
var _local27 = 0;
var _local9;
var _local12 = teAmount;
var _local4;
var _local8 = distance;
var _local15;
var _local10;
var _local32 = _global.dt;
var _local34;
var _local35;
var _local36;
var _local33;
var _local16 = pl;
var _local25 = bufferOffX;
var _local26 = bufferOffY;
var _local21 = bufferPosY;
var _local28 = bufferDepthSectors;
var _local31 = bufferCurve;
var _local30 = bufferCurvePov;
var _local19 = bufferTes;
_global.dt = Math.min(3, (getTimer() - int(timestamp)) / 50) * _global.gameSpeed;
timestamp = getTimer();
_local32 = _global.dt;
if (_root.version == "nkcheat") {
if (Key.isDown(34) && (levedKeyTokens > 0)) {
_local16.vz = 0;
Math.max(1, (_local16.pos = Math.floor(_local16.pos) - 1));
if (_local16.pos == 1) {
_local16.pos = lvl.length - 9;
pl.distance = 0;
distance = 0;
_local8 = 0;
levedKeyTokens = 0;
if (Key.isDown(33) && (levedKeyTokens > 0)) {
_local16.vz = 0;
levedKeyTokens = 0;
_local16.pos = Math.floor(_local16.pos) + 1;
pl.distance = 0;
distance = 0;
_local8 = 0;
} else {
levedKeyTokens = 1;
_local16.move(_local8, 1, _local19);
_local8 = distance;
while ((Math.ceil(_local16.pos) - 2) > offTe) {
_local8 = (distance = _local16.distance);
while ((Math.ceil(_local16.pos) - 2) < offTe) {
if (lvlReadPointer < 0) {
lvlReadPointer = lvlReadPointer + lvl.length;
lvlRead(offTe, (lvlReadPointer - _local12) + 1);
distance = distance - 1;
_local8 = distance;
if (offTe < 0) {
offTe = offTe + lvl.length;
var _local6 = 0;
while (_local6 < _local12) {
_local19[_local6] = tes[(_local6 + offTe) % _local12];
_local9 = _local19[1];
if ((nextCPointPos && ((_local16.pos % lvl.length) >= nextCPointPos)) && (Math.abs((_local16.pos % lvl.length) - nextCPointPos) < 10)) {
if (nextCPointType == 11) {
} else {
if ((ruleSet.laps > 0) && (pl.lap > com.neodelight.std.XMath.toNumber(ruleSet.laps))) {
phase = 3;
phase = 3;
nextCPointPos = undefined;
camX = _local16.x * -100;
var _local22 = ((_local19[1].slope * -1) * _local8) + ((_local19[2].slope * -1) * (1 - _local8));
var _local13;
var _local20 = _local12 + 1;
_local7 = 0;
var _local11;
var _local14;
var _local17;
var _local29;
_local6 = 0;
while (_local6 < _local12) {
_local9 = _local19[_local6];
_local4 =;
if (_local6 == (_local12 - 1)) {
_local4.street._alpha = (_local4.grass._alpha = (1 - _local8) * 100);
} else {
_local4.street._alpha = (_local4.grass._alpha = 100);
_local15 = (_local8 - 2) + _local6;
_local14 = Math.pow(0.64, _local15);
_local17 = _local14 * 100;
_local4.street._xscale = _local17;
var _local18 = _local9.slope;
if (_local6 == 0) {
_local18 = _local18 * _local8;
_local22 = _local22 + _local18;
_local4._y = (_local14 * 100) - _local22;
_local21[_local6] = _local4._y;
if ((_local6 > 0) && (_local21[_local6] >= _local21[_local6 - 1])) {
_local28[_local6] = _local20;
_local13 = ((_local20 * 10000000) + _local12) - (_local6 * 3);
_local13 = (((_local20 * 10000000) + 1000000) - (int(_local15 * 100) * 100)) + (_local6 * 3);
_local4.dekoL.swapDepths(_local13 + 0);
_local4.dekoR.swapDepths(_local13 + 1);
sfx(_local9, _local15);
_local7 = _local7 + _local9.curve;
_local4.street._yscale = (_local4.grass._yscale = _local17 + (_local18 * 1.6));
_local4.dekoL._xscale = (_local4.dekoL._yscale = (_local4.dekoR._yscale = _local17));
_local4.dekoR._xscale = -_local17;
_local4.dekoL._y = (_local4.dekoR._y = _local4._y + ((_local17 + _local18) * 0.2));
_local4.marker._visible = levedTeMarker && (_local6 == 3);
if (_local6 == 0) {
_local11 = camX * _local14;
_local7 = _local7 * _local8;
var _local23 = ((((Math.pow((_local8 - 0.4) * 5.3, 2) * 0.16) - 1.6) + ((1 - _local8) * 1.6)) * _local9.curve) - ((_local8 * _local9.curve) * -0.9);
_local11 = _local11 - _local23;
} else {
_local11 = _local29;
_local4.street._x = (_local4.dekoR._x = _local11);
_local4.dekoL._x = _local11 - (((_local7 * 6) + (_local9.streetWidthL * 350)) * _local14);
_local4.dekoR._x = _local11 - (((_local7 * -6) + (_local9.streetWidthR * -350)) * _local14);
_local25[_local6] = _local11;
_local26[_local6] = _local22;
_local31[_local6] = _local9.curve;
_local27 = _local27 + _local7;
_local7 = (camX * 0.094) + _local27;
_local30[_local6] = _local7;
_local29 = _local11 - ((_local7 * 3.8) * _local14);
_local7 = Math.min(Math.max(71 - int(_local7), 1), 141);
_local7 = 0;
_local13 = ((((_local12 + 1) * 10000000) + 1000000) + 10000) + 99;;
_local16.redraw(_local8, 1, _local25, _local26);
_local6 = 0;
while (_local6 < vehicles.length) {
vehicles[_local6].frontMan = vehicles[_local6 + 1];
vehicles[_local6].rank = vehicles.length - _local6;
vehicles[vehicles.length - 1].frontMan = undefined;
var _local24 = 0.5;
_local6 = 0;
while (_local6 < bots.length) {
var _local5 = bots[_local6];
_local5.z = (_local5.pos - _local16.pos) - 1;
_local10 = (_local5.z + 2) - _local8;
_local15 = 1 - (_local10 - Math.floor(_local10));
_local10 = Math.min(_local19.length - 1, Math.ceil(_local10));
_local5.move(_local15, _local10, _local19);
if (_local5.z < 0) {
_local24 = _local24 + (Math.max(0, _local5.z + 5) * 0.06);
} else {
_local24 = _local24 + (Math.max(0, 3 - _local5.z) * 0.06);
_local4 =;
if ((_local5.z < -2) || (_local5.z > _local12)) {
_local4._visible = false;
} else {
_local4._visible = true;
_local13 = ((((_local28[_local10] * 10000000) + 1000000) - (int(_local5.z * 100) * 100)) + (_local6 * 3)) + 2;
sfx(_local5, _local5.z);
_local5.redraw(_local15, _local10, _local25, _local26);
_local24 = Math.min(0.8, _local24) * 0.4;
_global.snd.channelsById.ambience.fade(_local24, 10);
function raceOver() {
if (flagFinishRace) {
function sfx(te, distance) {
var _local3;
switch ( {
case 0 :
_local3 = (1 - ((distance - 2) / (teAmount - 2))) * 100;
coltrans.ra = _local3; = _local3; = _local3;
_local3 = (100 - _local3) / 100;
coltrans.rb = _local3 * 210; = _local3 * 176; = _local3 * 167;
case 1 :
_local3 = (1 - (distance / teAmount)) * 100;
coltrans.ra = _local3; = _local3; = _local3;
_local3 = (100 - _local3) / 100;
coltrans.rb = _local3 * 255; = _local3 * 255; = _local3 * 255;
case 2 :
_local3 = (1 - ((distance - 2) / (teAmount - 2))) * 100;
coltrans.ra = _local3; = _local3; = _local3;
_local3 = (100 - _local3) / 100;
coltrans.rb = _local3 * 210; = _local3 * 176; = _local3 * 167;
case 3 :
_local3 = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (1 - ((distance * 1.5) / teAmount)) * 100));
coltrans.ra = _local3 * 0.8; = _local3 * 0.9; = _local3 * 1;
_local3 = (100 - _local3) / 100;
coltrans.rb = _local3 * 0; = _local3 * 0; = _local3 * 0;
case 4 :
_local3 = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (1 - ((distance * 1.5) / teAmount)) * 100));
coltrans.ra = _local3 * 0.8; = _local3 * 0.9; = _local3 * 1;
_local3 = (100 - _local3) / 100;
coltrans.rb = _local3 * 20; = _local3 * 6; = _local3 * 13;
case 5 :
_local3 = (1 - ((distance - 2) / (teAmount - 2))) * 100;
coltrans.ra = _local3; = _local3; = _local3;
_local3 = (100 - _local3) / 100;
coltrans.rb = _local3 * 141; = _local3 * 126; = _local3 * 43;
case 6 :
_local3 = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (1 - ((distance * 1.5) / teAmount)) * 100));
coltrans.ra = _local3 * 0.8; = _local3 * 0.9; = _local3 * 1;
_local3 = (100 - _local3) / 100;
coltrans.rb = _local3 * 45; = _local3 * 46; = _local3 * 65;
case 7 :
_local3 = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (1 - ((distance * 1.5) / teAmount)) * 100));
coltrans.ra = _local3; = _local3; = _local3;
_local3 = (100 - _local3) / 100;
coltrans.rb = _local3 * 79; = _local3 * 63; = _local3 * 59;
case 8 :
_local3 = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (1 - ((distance * 1.5) / teAmount)) * 100));
coltrans.ra = _local3; = _local3; = _local3;
_local3 = (100 - _local3) / 100;
coltrans.rb = _local3 * 255; = _local3 * 255; = _local3 * 204;
default :
_global.bin.syslog("Race3D", "Race3D: sfx(): unknown skin: " +, 3);
var flagFinishRace = true;
var tes = new Array();
var dekosL = new Array();
var dekosR = new Array();
var teMcHeight = 100;
var teHeight = 35;
var teHeightScale = 0.8;
var bufferOffX = new Array();
var bufferOffY = new Array();
var bufferPosY = new Array();
var bufferDepthSectors = new Array();
var bufferCurve = new Array();
var bufferCurvePov = new Array();
var bufferTes = new Array();
static var startBases = [{x:-1, z:0}, {x:0, z:0}, {x:1, z:0}, {x:-1, z:-1}, {x:1, z:-1}, {x:0, z:-1}, {x:0, z:-2}];
Symbol 1152 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.r3D.Race3DVehicle
var engine, config, id, vehicles, lvl, mc, col, ax, az, fx, fz, sizeNorth, sizeSouth, sizeEast, sizeWest, drawRotZ, drawRotY, vz, vx, vxIce, noAcc, x, z, pos, lap, distance, teFuture, skin;
function Race3DVehicle (engine, config) {
this.engine = engine;
this.config = config;
id = com.neodelight.std.XMath.toNumber(;
vehicles = this.engine.vehicles;
vehicles[id] = this;
trace("registered in vehicles @" + id);
lvl = this.engine.lvl;
mc =, com.neodelight.std.Unique.getKey(), config.depth);
col = new Color(mc);
ax =;
az =;
fx = config.fx;
fz = config.fz;
sizeNorth = config.sizeNorth;
sizeSouth = config.sizeSouth;
sizeEast = config.sizeEast;
sizeWest = config.sizeWest;
drawRotZ = Boolean(config.drawRotZ);
drawRotY = Boolean(config.drawRotY);
vz = 0;
vx = 0;
vxIce = 0;
noAcc = false;
x = com.neodelight.r3D.Race3D.startBases[config.base].x;
z = com.neodelight.r3D.Race3D.startBases[config.base].z;
pos = z + 3;
lap = 0;
function move(distance, ti, bufferTes) {
var _local4 = _global.dt;
var _local5 = ((vz * curve) * 0.08) * _local4;
vxIce = (vxIce * engine.level.icy) + (vx * (1 - engine.level.icy));
_local5 = _local5 + (((vxIce * _local4) * control) * Math.max(0.7, Math.min(0.8, vz * 10)));
var _local6 = vz * _local4;
for (var _local9 in vehicles) {
var _local3 = vehicles[_local9];
if (id == {
if ((((Math.round(((pos + sizeNorth) + _local6) * 1000) > Math.round((_local3.pos - _local3.sizeSouth) * 1000)) && (Math.round((pos + sizeNorth) * 1000) <= Math.round((_local3.pos - _local3.sizeSouth) * 1000))) && (Math.round((x + sizeEast) * 1000) > Math.round((_local3.x - _local3.sizeWest) * 1000))) && (Math.round((x - sizeWest) * 1000) < Math.round((_local3.x + _local3.sizeEast) * 1000))) {
_local6 = (_local3.pos - _local3.sizeSouth) - (pos + sizeNorth);
_local3.vz = _local3.vz + (Math.max(0, vz - _local3.vz) * 0.3);
vz = Math.min(_local3.vz, vz) * Math.pow(0.75, _local4);
pos = pos + _local6;
this.distance = distance - _local6;
while (this.distance < 0) {
distance = this.distance;
for (var _local9 in vehicles) {
var _local3 = vehicles[_local9];
if (id == {
if (_local5 > 0) {
if ((((Math.round(((x + sizeEast) + _local5) * 1000) > Math.round((_local3.x - _local3.sizeWest) * 1000)) && (Math.round((x + sizeEast) * 1000) <= Math.round((_local3.x - _local3.sizeWest) * 1000))) && (Math.round((pos + sizeNorth) * 1000) > Math.round((_local3.pos - _local3.sizeSouth) * 1000))) && (Math.round((pos - sizeSouth) * 1000) < Math.round((_local3.pos + _local3.sizeNorth) * 1000))) {
_local3.vx = Math.max(vx, _local3.vx) + ( * _local4);
vx = vx * Math.pow(0.8, _local4);
_local5 = (_local3.x - _local3.sizeWest) - (x + sizeEast);
} else if (_local5 < 0) {
if ((((Math.round(((x - sizeWest) + _local5) * 1000) < Math.round((_local3.x + _local3.sizeEast) * 1000)) && (Math.round((x - sizeWest) * 1000) >= Math.round((_local3.x + _local3.sizeEast) * 1000))) && (Math.round((pos + sizeNorth) * 1000) > Math.round((_local3.pos - _local3.sizeSouth) * 1000))) && (Math.round((pos - sizeSouth) * 1000) < Math.round((_local3.pos + _local3.sizeNorth) * 1000))) {
_local3.vx = Math.min(vx, _local3.vx) - ( * _local4);
vx = vx * Math.pow(0.8, _local4);
_local5 = (_local3.x + _local3.sizeEast) - (x - sizeWest);
x = x + _local5;
if (Math.abs(x) > engine.trackWidth) {
if (x > 0) {
vx = Math.min(0, vx);
} else if (x < 0) {
vx = Math.max(0, vx);
x = Math.max(-1 * engine.trackWidth, Math.min(engine.trackWidth, x));
var _local7 = lvl[(Math.floor(pos) + lvl.length) % lvl.length];
var _local10 = lvl[(Math.floor(pos + 1) + lvl.length) % lvl.length];
teFuture = lvl[(Math.floor(pos + 3) + lvl.length) % lvl.length];
offroad = false;
if (Math.abs(x) < _local7.proto.centerWidth) {
lane = 0;
offroad = _local7.proto.centerOffroad;
control = _local7.proto.controlCenter;
} else if (Math.abs(x) > _local7.proto.streetWidth) {
if (x > 0) {
lane = 2;
} else {
lane = -2;
offroad = true;
if (Math.abs(x) > (_local7.proto.streetWidth + 0.15)) {
if (x > 0) {
if (_local7.dekoR > 0) {
_global.snd.playEvent("sndHitDeko", Math.abs(vz) * 12);
vz = vz * Math.pow(0.7, _local4);
if (vx > -0.5) {
vx = vx - (0.5 * _local4);
} else if ((x < 0) && (_local7.dekoL > 0)) {
_global.snd.playEvent("sndHitDeko", Math.abs(vz) * 12);
vz = vz * Math.pow(0.7, _local4);
if (vx < 0.5) {
vx = vx + (0.5 * _local4);
} else if (x > 0) {
lane = 1;
control = _local7.proto.controlRight;
offroad = _local7.proto.rightOffroad;
} else {
lane = -1;
control = _local7.proto.controlLeft;
offroad = _local7.proto.leftOffroad;
if (offroad) {
vz = vz * Math.pow(engine.greenFriction, _local4);
control = engine.controlOffroad;
slope = (_local7.slope * distance) + (_local10.slope * (1 - distance));
curve = (distance * _local7.curve) + ((1 - distance) * _local10.curve);
vx = vx * Math.pow(fx, _local4);
vz = vz * Math.pow(fz, _local4);
vz = Math.max(0, vz - (Math.abs(vx * 0.001) * _local4));
vz = Math.max(0, vz + ((slope * 2E-5) * _local4));
function redraw(distance, ti, bufferOffX, bufferOffY) {
var _local2 = mc;
var _local5 = Math.pow(0.64, z);
var _local7 = 0;
if (id == 0) {
_local7 = ((((Math.pow(3.18 - (4.9608 * distance), 2) * 0.384) - 3.84) + (3.3 * distance)) * x) + (((distance * -0.41) + (-0.24 * Math.sin(((distance * 2) * Math.PI) + ((distance * distance) * -2.1)))) * curve);
_local2._x = ((((x * _local5) * 100) + (bufferOffX[Math.max(0, ti)] * distance)) + (bufferOffX[Math.min(engine.teAmount - 1, ti + 1)] * (1 - distance))) - _local7;
_local2._y = ((_local5 * 100) - (bufferOffY[Math.max(0, ti - 1)] * distance)) - (bufferOffY[ti] * (1 - distance));
_local2._xscale = (_local2._yscale = _local5 * 100);
_local2.biker.flare._alpha = Math.min(100, vz * 300);
if (drawRotZ) {
var _local4 = (_local2.biker._rotation * 0.8) + (((vx * Math.max(0.08, Math.abs(vz))) * 300) * ax);
_local2.biker._rotation = _local4;
_local2.shadow._x = _local4 * 0.25;
_local2.shadow._y = Math.abs(_local4 * 0.02);
_local2.shadow._xscale = 100 + Math.abs(_local4 * 2.1);
_local2._rotation = (vx * Math.abs(vz)) * 60;
if (drawRotY) {
_local2.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.min(50, Math.max(0, int(((Math.max(-0.15, Math.min(0.15, (x * -0.1) + (curve * -0.01))) + (vx * 0.8)) + 0.5) * 50))));
if (engine.phase > 0) {
_local2.biker.flames._alpha = Math.max(0, 100 - (vz * 350));
} else {
_local2.biker.flames._alpha = 0;
function randomSkin() {
setSkin(com.neodelight.std.XMath.rnd(2, 8));
function setSkin(skin) {
if (isNaN(skin)) {
trace((id + "> setSkin: ") + skin);
mc.biker.gotoAndStop(skin); = skin;
function toString() {
return(((((((((("[R3DVehicle id:" + id) + " x:") + x) + " z:") + z) + " vx:") + vx) + " vz:") + vz) + "]");
var sizeX = 0.25;
var sizeZ = 0.3;
var lane = 0;
var control = 1;
var offroad = false;
var curve = 0;
var slope = 0;
Symbol 1153 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.r3D.Race3DPlayer extends com.neodelight.r3D.Race3DVehicle
var setSkin, engine, vz, az, mc, vx, ax, distance, slope, curve;
function Race3DPlayer (engine, config) {
super(engine, config);
function move(distance, ti, bufferTes) {
var _local5 = _global.dt;
var _local4 = engine.phase;
if (Key.isDown(27)) {
if (Key.isDown(38) && (!Key.isDown(16))) {
if (_local4 == 1) {
if (engine.accelTimeStamp > 0) {
var _local8 = getTimer() - engine.accelTimeStamp;
if ((_local8 > 0) || (_local8 < -1000)) {
engine.accelTimeStamp = 0;
} else {
vz = vz + (az * _local5);
vz = vz + (az * _local5);
if (_local4 > 0) {
mc.biker.flames._alpha = Math.max(0, 100 - (vz * 350));
} else {
mc.biker.flames._alpha = 0;
} else if ((_local4 == 0) && (engine.keyAccelTokens > 0)) {
engine.keyAccelTokens = 0;
engine.accelTimeStamp = getTimer() + 1000;
} else {
if (_local4 > 0) {
mc.biker.flames._alpha = 0;
engine.keyAccelTokens = 1;
if (_local4 > 1) {
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
vz = vz * Math.pow(0.95, _local5);
if (_local4 >= 2) {
vz = vz * Math.pow(0.95, _local5);
var _local6 = 0;
var _local7 = 1 / (vz + 0.6);
if (Key.isDown(37) && (_local4 > 0)) {
_local6 = Math.max(0, Math.abs(vx) - 0.3);
vx = vx - ((ax * _local5) * _local7);
if (!Key.isDown(38)) {
vx = vx - (0.05 * _local5);
if (Key.isDown(39) && (_local4 > 0)) {
_local6 = Math.max(0, Math.abs(vx) - 0.3);
vx = vx + ((ax * _local5) * _local7);
if (!Key.isDown(38)) {
vx = vx + (0.05 * _local5);
if (_local6 > 0) {
_global.snd.channelsById.squeal.fade(_local6 * 0.52, 5);
} else {
_global.snd.channelsById.squeal.fade(0, 5);
if (_local4 > 1) {
if ((_local4 == 2) || (_local4 == 3)) {
if (_local4 == 3) {
vz = vz * Math.pow(0.95, _local5);
if (vz < 0.003) {
engine.phase = 4;
} else if (vz < 0.015) {
vz * 0.5;
if (_local4 < 3) {
_global.score.alter((vz * _local5) * 5, "track");
super.move(distance, ti, bufferTes);
engine.distance = this.distance; = (vx * Math.abs(vz)) * 50; = 200 - (slope * 0.5); = (( + ((((curve * vz) * 5) + (vx * -1)) * _local5)) + 700) % 700;
Symbol 1154 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.r3D.Race3DLevel
var id, title, description, skin, icy, dat, circular, teAmount, trackWidth, controlOffroad, greenFriction;
function Race3DLevel (id, skin, levelData, icy, circular, title, description) {
_global.bin.syslog("Race3D", "new Race3DLevel(): id=" + id); = id;
this.title = title;
this.description = description; = skin;
this.icy = com.neodelight.std.XMath.toNumber(icy);
dat = levelData;
this.circular = Boolean(circular);
teAmount = 12;
trackWidth = 2.7;
controlOffroad = 0.2;
greenFriction = 0.93;
Symbol 1155 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.r3D.Race3DRuleSet
function Race3DRuleSet () {
Symbol 1156 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.r3D.Race3DBot extends com.neodelight.r3D.Race3DVehicle
var bonusAcc, az, ax, x, engine, randomSkin, pos, vz, noAcc, offroad, lane, teFuture, mc, curve, frontMan, sizeNorth, sizeEast, vx;
function Race3DBot (engine, config) {
super(engine, config);
bonusAcc = Math.random();
_global.bin.syslog("Race3D", (("Race3DBot(): ax=" + ax) + " az=") + az);
function initBot(noRandomize) {
if (!noRandomize) {
x = ((engine.teBotMaxX * Math.random()) * 2) - engine.teBotMaxX;
function move(distance, ti, bufferTes) {
var _local5 = engine.phase;
var _local4 = _global.dt;
if ((_local5 == 1) || (_local5 == 2)) {
if (pos < 20) {
vz = vz + ((az * _local4) * bonusAcc);
var _local7 = 1 / (vz + 0.6);
if (noAcc) {
vz = vz * Math.pow(0.95, _local4);
} else {
vz = vz + (az * _local4);
if (((Math.random() * 20) > kiDecay) || (offroad)) {
if (offroad) {
switch (lane) {
case -2 :
case -1 :
kiAction = 1;
kiTargetX = 0;
case 0 :
if (teFuture.proto.leftOffroad) {
kiTargetX = 1;
} else {
kiTargetX = -1;
kiAction = 1;
case 1 :
case 2 :
kiAction = 1;
kiTargetX = 0;
kiDecay = 5;
} else {
kiTargetX = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, teFuture.curve * -0.4));
if ((Math.abs(x - kiTargetX) > (2.5 - vz)) && (vz > 0.2)) {
vz = vz * 0.95;
kiAction = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (Math.abs(curve) - 1) * ((engine.level.icy * 0.3) + 0.3)));
kiDecay = kiAction * 5;
if ((((frontMan && (curve < 4)) && (kiAction < 1)) && (frontMan.vz <= vz)) && ((frontMan.pos - pos) < ((sizeNorth + frontMan.sizeSouth) + 2))) {
var _local6 = x - frontMan.x;
if (Math.abs(_local6) < ((sizeEast + frontMan.sizeEast) + 0.2)) {
if (frontMan.lane == 0) {
if (curve < 0) {
kiTargetX = -0.7 + ((Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.1);
} else {
kiTargetX = 0.7 + ((Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.1);
} else if (frontMan.lane < 0) {
kiTargetX = x - (Math.random() * 0.1);
} else {
kiTargetX = x + (Math.random() * 0.1);
kiAction = 0.3 * (Math.random() * 0.5);
kiDecay = 3;
kiAction = kiAction * Math.min(1, pos / 100);
vx = vx + ((Math.max(-ax, Math.min(ax, (kiTargetX - x) * kiAction)) * _local4) * _local7);
kiDecay = kiDecay - _local4;
} else {
vz = vz * Math.pow(0.96, _local4);
vx = vx * 0.5;
if ((_local5 == 0) || (_local5 == 4)) {
vz = 0;
vx = 0;
super.move(distance, ti, bufferTes);
function redraw(distance, ti, bufferOffX, bufferOffY) {
super.redraw(distance, ti, bufferOffX, bufferOffY);
var kiAction = 0;
var kiDecay = 0;
var kiTargetX = 0;
Symbol 1157 MovieClip [] Frame 0
Symbol 1158 MovieClip [__Packages.RaceOsd] Frame 0
class RaceOsd implements
var timeRemaining, warn, mc, checkPointCount, checkPointTime;
function RaceOsd () {
function init() {
timeRemaining = 30000;
flagTimer = true;
warn = warnTrigger;
mc = _root.osdMc;
checkPointCount = 0;
checkPointTime = 0;
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < (_root.engine.checkPoints.length - 1)) {
mc.meter["cp" + _local4]._x = (_root.engine.checkPoints[_local4] / _root.engine.checkPoints[4]) * progressDisplayWidth;
var _local5 = mc;
_local5.timeDisplay = Math.floor((timeRemaining / 1000) * _global.displayFake);
var _local6 = Math.floor(((timeRemaining / 100) * _global.displayFake) % 10) * 10;
_local5.timeDisplayTenth = _local6;
function update() {
var _local6 = mc;
var _local4 = _root.engine;
_local6.displayMph = int(((( * 284) * 1.609344) * 1.13793103) / _global.displayFake);
_local6.tacho.gotoAndStop(int( * 280) + 1);
_local6.scoreD = com.neodelight.std.XString.numberFormat(Math.floor(_global.score.scoreLevel));
_local6.meter.player._x = (_local4.offTe / _local4.checkPoints[4]) * progressDisplayWidth;
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local4.bots.length) {
_local6.meter["bot" + _local5]._x = (_local4.bots[_local5].pos / _local4.checkPoints[4]) * progressDisplayWidth;
if (flagTimer) {
timeRemaining = Math.max(0, timeRemaining - (_global.dt * clockSpeed));
checkPointTime = checkPointTime + (_global.dt * clockSpeed);
_local6.timeDisplay = Math.floor((timeRemaining / 1000) * _global.displayFake);
var _local7 = Math.floor(((timeRemaining / 10) * _global.displayFake) % 100);
_local6.timeDisplayTenth = ((_local7 < 10) ? "0" : "") + _local7;
if (_local6.timeDisplay < warn) {
if (warn > 6) {
warn = warn - 5;
} else {
if (warn > 0) {
_global.snd.playEvent("count" + int(warn), 0.9 - (warn * 0.08));
if ((((timeRemaining == 0) && (!_root.loadLeved)) && (warn > -2)) && (_local4.phase == 1)) {
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local4.bots.length) {
if ((_local4.bots[_local5].pos + 5) < _local4.nextCPointPos) {
_local4.bots[_local5].noAcc = true;
warn = -2;
_local4.phase = 2;
_local6.titles.title = "Time Out!";
_local6.titles.bonus = "";
_global.snd.fadeChannel(_root.sndChannelMotor, 0, 15);
_global.snd.fadeChannel(_root.sndChannelSqueal, 0, 15);
_global.snd.playEvent("sndTimeout", 1);
_global.score.set(, "rank");
if (_local4.phase < 2) {
switch ( {
case 1 :
_local6.displayRank = "1st";
case 2 :
_local6.displayRank = "2nd";
case 3 :
_local6.displayRank = "3rd";
default :
_local6.displayRank = + "th";
if (_root.loadLeved && (Key.isDown(9))) {
timeRemaining = 30000;
function alterTimer(dt) {
timeRemaining = timeRemaining + dt;
warn = warnTrigger;
function checkpoint() {
var _local4;
switch ( {
case 1 :
_local4 = 15;
case 2 :
_local4 = 10;
case 3 :
_local4 = 5;
case 4 :
_local4 = 3;
case 5 :
_local4 = 2;
case 6 :
_local4 = 1;
var _local5 = (Math.max(0, Math.round(timeRemaining * _global.displayFake)) + ((checkPointCount + 1) * 1000)) * _local4;
if (_local5 > 0) {
_global.score.alter(_local5, "bonus" + checkPointCount);
_global.score.alter(_local5, "totalScore");
mc.titles.bonus = (_local4 + " x Bonus: ") + _local5;
} else {
mc.titles.bonus = "No Bonus";
checkPointTime = checkPointTime * _global.displayFake;
_global.score.alter(checkPointTime, "time" + checkPointCount);
_global.score.alter(checkPointTime, "totalTime");
checkPointTime = 0;
if (checkPointCount < 4) {
mc.titles.title = "Checkpoint!";
_global.snd.playEvent("sndCheckpoint", 1);
_root.engine.phase = 1;
} else {
flagTimer = false;
_global.score.saveType("bonus" + checkPointCount);
_global.score.saveType("time" + checkPointCount);
function finish() {
_global.score.set(, "rank");
mc.titles.title = "Finish!";
_global.snd.playEvent("sndFinish", 1);
var warnTrigger = 26;
var clockSpeed = 60;
var progressDisplayWidth = 134;
var flagTimer = true;
Symbol 1159 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.neodelight.mdm.MdmDialog
var callback, flow;
function MdmDialog (style, message, callback) {
this.callback = callback;
var _local3 = com.neodelight.std.Unique.getKey();
switch (style) {
_global.mdm.prompt_adv(message, "info", "" + _local3);
default :
_global.bin.syslog("MdmDialog", "Unknown style: " + style, 3);
flow = new com.neodelight.std.Flow();
flow.pushTask(waitResult, this, [_local3], undefined, true, true);
function waitResult(key) {
if (receiver[key] != undefined) {
callback(receiver[key] == "true");
static var DIALOG_CONFIRM = 0;
static var receiver = new Object();
Symbol 535 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_BLANK");
Symbol 541 MovieClip Frame 1
trace((_parent._currentframe + "/") + _parent._totalframes);
Symbol 541 MovieClip Frame 2
trace((_parent._currentframe + "/") + _parent._totalframes);
Symbol 548 MovieClip Frame 1
startFrame = _parent._currentframe;
Symbol 548 MovieClip Frame 2
vol = (1 - ((_parent._currentFrame - startFrame) / (_parent._totalFrames - startFrame))) * 100;
if (vol < 0) {
vol = 0;
Symbol 548 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay ("loop");
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 1
snd = new Sound(this);
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 123
Symbol 554 MovieClip Frame 1
this._visible = false;
Symbol 560 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_url.indexOf("http") > -1) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.loadAdNow) {
cacheBuster = getTimer() + random(999999);
showAd = "" + cacheBuster;
trace("Loading ad: " + showAd);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 4
if ((mcAd.getBytesTotal() != 0) && (mcAd.getBytesLoaded() == mcAd.getBytesTotal())) {
gotoAndStop ("showAd");
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 575 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 575 MovieClip Frame 100
Symbol 577 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 577 MovieClip Frame 12;
_root.isFinished = true;
Symbol 581 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 582 MovieClip Frame 2;
Symbol 582 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 598 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 598 MovieClip Frame 60
Symbol 598 MovieClip Frame 121;
Symbol 599 MovieClip Frame 1
loadAdNow = false;
Instance of Symbol 554 MovieClip "mcIntro" in Symbol 599 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Symbol 599 MovieClip Frame 2
xPos = _x;
yPos = _y;
mcBackground._x = mcBackground._x - xPos;
mcBackground._y = mcBackground._y - yPos;
mcAnimation._x = mcAnimation._x - xPos;
mcAnimation._y = mcAnimation._y - yPos;
var stageWidth = Stage.width;
var stageHeight = Stage.height;
var centerStageX = (stageWidth / 2);
var centerStageY = (stageHeight / 2);
mcBackground._width = stageWidth;
mcBackground._height = stageHeight;
mcAnimation._x = mcAnimation._x + centerStageX;
mcAnimation._y = mcAnimation._y + (centerStageY - (stageHeight / 10));
Instance of Symbol 577 MovieClip "mcLoadingAnimated" in Symbol 599 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Symbol 599 MovieClip Frame 3
var loadedPercent = int((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100);
if (loadedPercent == 100) {;
} else {
loadAdNow = true;
mcLoadingAnimated._visible = true;
Symbol 599 MovieClip Frame 5
var loadedPercent = int((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100);
if (loadedPercent < 100) {
mcLoadingAnimated.mcLoading.txtPercentLoaded1 = ("The game is loading (" + loadedPercent) + "%)";
mcLoadingAnimated.mcLoading.txtPercentLoaded2 = ("The game is loading (" + loadedPercent) + "%)";
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
} else {;
Symbol 617 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 624 Button
on (release) {
_global.snd.playEvent("sndEngineStart", 0.4);
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut, dragOut) {
Symbol 629 MovieClip Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
gfx._y = Math.sin(getTimer() * 0.01) * 10;
Symbol 633 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 633 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.goTopic("league", "menu");
Symbol 636 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut, dragOut) {
on (release) {
_root.statsMode =;
_root.goTopic("statsTotal" +, "menu");
Symbol 639 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut, dragOut) {
on (release) {
getURL (_global.config.urlHighscores, "_blank");
Symbol 641 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut, dragOut) {
on (release) {
_root.goTopic("help", "menu");
Symbol 644 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut, dragOut) {
on (release) {
getURL (_global.config.urlMoreGames, _globla.config.urlMoreGamesTarget);
Symbol 647 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut, dragOut) {
on (release) {
_root.goTopic("buy", "menu");
Symbol 649 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut, dragOut) {
on (release) {
getURL (_global.config.urlDownload, _global.config.urlDownloadTarget);
Symbol 651 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut, dragOut) {
on (release) {
Symbol 652 MovieClip Frame 1
function setDisplay(display) {
this.display = display;
if (!_global.config.fullVersion) {
if (_global.config.urlDownload && (_url.indexOf("http://") == 0)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
} else if (_global.mdm) {
gotoAndStop (5);
} else {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else if (_global.mdm) {
gotoAndStop (4);
} else {
Symbol 654 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 655 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_global.config.gameLogoMenu) {
} else {
Symbol 662 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 666 Button
on (release) { = 1;
Symbol 668 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 669 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_global.snd.getVolume() == 0) {
Symbol 675 MovieClip Frame 1
display = _global.config.gameCredits;
Symbol 676 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 681 Button
on (release) {
com.neodelight.mdm.DirectX.setResolution(640, 480, 32);
Symbol 685 Button
on (release) {
com.neodelight.mdm.DirectX.setResolution(800, 600, 16);
Symbol 688 Button
on (release) {
com.neodelight.mdm.DirectX.setResolution(800, 600, 32);
Symbol 691 Button
on (release) {
com.neodelight.mdm.DirectX.setResolution(640, 480, 16);
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 692 MovieClip Frame 1
if (!_global.mdm) {
_visible = false;
} else {
var res = com.neodelight.mdm.DirectX.getResolutionString();
switch (res) {
case "640x480x16" :
gotoAndStop (2);
case "640x480x32" :
gotoAndStop (3);
case "800x600x16" :
gotoAndStop (4);
case "800x600x32" :
gotoAndStop (5);
Symbol 696 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Escape>") {
new com.neodelight.mdm.MdmDialog(com.neodelight.mdm.MdmDialog.DIALOG_CONFIRM, "Are you sure you want to Exit?", function (result) {
_global.bin.syslog("mdm", "try exit...result:" + result);
if (result) {
Symbol 697 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_global.mdm) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
Symbol 705 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 727 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 730 Button
on (release) {
if (_global.config.fullVersion) {
_root.actLeague = 1;
} else {
_root.goTopic("buy", "league");
Symbol 739 Button
on (release) {
_root.actLeague = 0;
Symbol 743 Button
on (release) {
if (_global.config.fullVersion) {
_root.actLeague = 2;
} else {
_root.goTopic("buy", "league");
Symbol 754 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndStop(_root.actLeague + 1);
Symbol 759 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndStop(_root.actLeague + 1);
Symbol 775 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 778 Button
on (release) {
if (_global.config.fullVersion) {
_root.goTopic("submit", "chooselevel");
} else {
_root.goTopic("buy", "chooselevel");
Symbol 781 Button
on (release) {
_root.goTopic("quit", "chooselevel");
Symbol 784 Button
on (release) {
_root.goTopic("help", "chooselevel");
Symbol 788 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut, dragOut) {
on (release) {
_root.statsMode = _global.trackAmounts[_root.actLeague];
_root.goTopic("stats", "chooselevel");
Symbol 827 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 832 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 834 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 837 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 840 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 842 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 844 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 846 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 848 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 850 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndStop(_root.actLeague + 1);
Symbol 894 Button
on (press) { = (( - 1) + %;
if ((_root.actLeague != -1) && ( >= _global.trackAmounts[_root.actLeague])) { = _global.trackAmounts[_root.actLeague] - 1;
Symbol 896 Button
on (release) { = ( + 1) %;
if ((_root.actLeague != -1) && ( >= _global.trackAmounts[_root.actLeague])) { = 0;
Symbol 898 Button
on (release) {
_root.gotoAndStop("statsTotal" + _root.statsMode);
Symbol 912 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 913 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 914 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 924 Button
on (press) {
_root.statsMode = _global.trackAmounts[_root.actLeague];
_root.goTopic("stats", "chooselevel");
Symbol 925 Button
on (release) {
trace("--- next league ?");
var nextLeague = false;
trace((("actLeague:" + _root.actLeague) + ", maxLeague:") + _root.maxLeague);
if ((_root.actLeague < 2) && (_root.actLeague <= _root.maxLeague)) {
var finishedCount = 0;
var i = 0;
while (i < _global.trackAmounts[_root.actLeague]) {
trace((("scan " + i) + ":") + _global.score.scores[i].time4);
if (_global.score.scores[i].time4) {
trace(((("finishedCount:" + finishedCount) + "==") + _global.trackAmounts[_root.actLeague]) + "?");
if (finishedCount == _global.trackAmounts[_root.actLeague]) {
trace("next league!");
_root.maxLeague = Math.min(_root.actLeague + 1, 2);
nextLeague = true;
trace("nextLeague:" + nextLeague);
if (nextLeague) {
} else {
Symbol 933 MovieClip Frame 39
Symbol 946 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 950 Button
on (release) {
if (_global.config.submitScoreNeedName) {
gotoAndPlay ("enterName");
} else {
Symbol 953 Button
on (release) {
_global.config.submitScore(_global.score.actScore, inputName);
Symbol 962 MovieClip Frame 1
this._visible = false;
Symbol 980 Button
on (release) {
gameURL = ("" + gamename) + ".htm";
getURL (gameURL, "_blank");
Instance of Symbol 962 MovieClip "mcHighscores" in Symbol 982 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Symbol 982 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_url.indexOf("") == -1) {
gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1);
} else {
var noCache = (getTimer() + random(100000));
mcTarget.loadMovie("" + noCache);
Symbol 982 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 985 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 986 MovieClip Frame 1
var minScore = Math.max(1, com.neodelight.std.XMath.toNumber(_global.config.submitScoreThreshold));
_root.scoreForSubmission = Math.floor(com.neodelight.std.XMath.toNumber(_global.score.actScore));
if (Math.floor(com.neodelight.std.XMath.toNumber(_global.score.actScore)) < minScore) {
gotoAndStop ("tooLow");
} else {
displayScore = Math.floor(com.neodelight.std.XMath.toNumber(_global.score.actScore)) + " POINTS";
Symbol 986 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 986 MovieClip Frame 10
display = ((("YOU NEED AT LEAST\n\n" + minScore) + " POINT") + ((minScore > 1) ? "S" : "")) + "\n\nTO SUBMIT A SCORE";
Instance of Symbol 982 MovieClip "comHighscores" in Symbol 986 MovieClip Frame 16
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
scoreLocation = "_root.scoreForSubmission";
gamename = "turbospirit";
saveScore = true;
scoreIsTime = false;
scoreReversed = false;
negativeScoreAllowed = false;
Symbol 986 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 992 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 994 Button
on (release) {
if (_global.config.fullVersion) {
_root.actLeague = _root.maxLeague;
} else {
_root.goTopic("buy", "leagueFinished");
Symbol 996 Button
on (release) {
if (_global.config.fullVersion) {
_root.goTopic("submit", "leagueFinished");
} else {
_root.goTopic("buy", "leagueFinished");
Symbol 1004 Button
on (release) {
if (_global.score.actScore > 0) {
} else {
Symbol 1009 Button
on (release) {
if (_global.config.fullVersion) {
_root.goTopic("submit", "chooselevel");
} else {
_root.goTopic("buy", "quitScore");
Symbol 1013 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 1022 Button
on (release) {
getURL (_global.config.urlShop, _global.config.urlShopTarget);
Symbol 1030 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 1060 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1097 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1097 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 1097 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 1097 MovieClip Frame 12
if (Math.abs( < 0.02) {
Symbol 1097 MovieClip Frame 13
gotoAndStop ("inactive");
Symbol 1097 MovieClip Frame 63
gotoAndStop ("inactive");
Symbol 1097 MovieClip Frame 110
Symbol 1097 MovieClip Frame 145
Symbol 1097 MovieClip Frame 157
Symbol 1097 MovieClip Frame 179
gotoAndStop ("inactive");
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1114 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1121 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1121 MovieClip Frame 7