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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Sweet Anais.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #31471

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


This game is not suitable for
persons under the age of 18.
It contains scenes of strong nudity
and sexual themes.

While clicking on OK, I certify to have taken
knowledge of this warning and to be major in
accord with laws' of my country.

Ce jeu est exclusivement réservé
aux personnes agées de plus de
18 ans, il contient des images à
caractère sexuel.

En cliquant sur OK, je reconnais avoir pris
connaissance de cet avertissement et être
majeur selon les lois de mon pays.

in a blue lagoon



contact, help and solution :

find Anaïs and her girl-friends on:



Sweet  Anaïs

Sweet  Anaïs

You are a lucky boy ! Anaïs is on your sofa and ready
for you... don't disappoint her...
Select the good caress and she let you remove her
clothing... before offering to you much more ...
But, to give Anaïs an orgasm, you must be able to
control your own pleasure...

That's measure of your pleasure. If it's full, you will be
cumming and you lose the game...

With this icon, click and move mouse to rub Anaïs on
various places on her body.

Click and move mouse to removing off clothes or moving
body parts

(others icons will appear during the game)

that's measure of Anaïs' pleasure. if it's full, she has an
orgasm and you win...


T'es vraiment un mec chanceux ! Anaïs est sur ton
canapé et n'attend que toi ...Ne la déçois  pas...
Choisis les bonnes caresses et elle te laissera retirer
un à un ses vêtements ...avant de te donner
beaucoup plus ...
Mais pour qu'elle apprécie, il faudra que tu saches
contrôler ton propre plaisir...

Ca, c'est la niveau de ton plaisir. s'il atteint la limite
haute, tu perds le contrôle et c'est la cata.

Avec cette main, tu caresses Anaïs (bouton droit + petits
mouvements de la souris)

Utiliser cette main pour enlever un vêtement ou bouger
une partie du corps d'Anaïs.

(d'autres boutons apparaissent au cours du jeu)

C'est le niveau du plaisir d'Anaïs. S'il atteint le maxi,
Anaïs a un orgasme et tu as gagné...


ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
Frame 2
Frame 3
Frame 34
if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.tit = "presents"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.tit = "présente"; }
Frame 48
music = new Sound(); music.attachSound("music"); music.start(0, 10000000); stop(); if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.texte01 = "contact, help and solution :"; _root.texte02 = "find Anaïs and her friends on: http//"; _root.bouthelp = "HELP"; _root.boutstart = "PLAY"; } if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.texte01 = "contact, aide et soluce :"; _root.texte02 = "retrouve Anaïs et ses copines sur: http//"; _root.bouthelp = "AIDE"; _root.boutstart = "JOUER"; }
Frame 49
Frame 51
stop();; nivgirl = 0; nivman = 0; i = 0; j = 0; k = 0; _root.textefin = ""; seinok = 0; cuisseok = 0; sexok = 0; gaugeok = 0; nippleok = 0; camelok = 0; sonok = 0; orgasm = 0;
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Frame 51
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (60 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(3); } else if (_root.i == 30) { _root.k = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = true; _root.sourireg._visible = true; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = true; _root.bouchfermg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.oeil0d._visible = true; _root.oeil0g._visible = true; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 1) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = true; _root.oeil1g._visible = true; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 2) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = true; _root.oeil2g._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 20) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; } else { _root.ofermd._visible = false; _root.ofermg._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 51
onClipEvent (load) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 160 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 51
onClipEvent (load) { if (0 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 52
_root.sonok = 1; son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); t = 0; if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 161 MovieClip in Frame 52
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (60 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(3); } else if (_root.i == 30) { _root.k = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = true; _root.sourireg._visible = true; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = true; _root.bouchfermg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.oeil0d._visible = true; _root.oeil0g._visible = true; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 1) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = true; _root.oeil1g._visible = true; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 2) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = true; _root.oeil2g._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 20) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; } else { _root.ofermd._visible = false; _root.ofermg._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 52
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 52
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; if (80 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.gaugeok = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 52
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((0 < _root.nivman) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 179 MovieClip "im0" in Frame 52
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } if ((_root.langue == 2) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Heee !!! tu aurais pu m'attendre ! Moi aussi je voudrais prendre mon pied !... t'es vraiment pas un bon coup ! "; } }
Frame 53
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 183 MovieClip in Frame 53
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.seind._x; Ay = _root.seind._y; Bx = _root.seind._x + _root.seind._width; By = _root.seind._y + _root.seind._height; Ex = _root.tsd._x; Ey = _root.tsd._y; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.seind._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.seind._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.seind._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.seind._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 1; _root.seind._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay - 2; _root.tsd._x = Ex; _root.tsd._y = Ey - 2; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 1; _root.seind._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 2; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tsd._x = Ex - 2; _root.tsd._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tsd._x = Ex; _root.tsd._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 2; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tsd._x = Ex + 2; _root.tsd._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 1; _root.seind._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay + 2; _root.tsd._x = Ex; _root.tsd._y = Ey + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 1; _root.seind._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.seinok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 192 MovieClip in Frame 53
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("son1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("son2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("son3"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("son1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("son2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("son3"); } son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (12 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 54
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip in Frame 54
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.seing._x; Ay = _root.seing._y; Bx = _root.seing._x + _root.seing._width; By = _root.seing._y + _root.seing._height; Ex = _root.tsg._x; Ey = _root.tsg._y; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.seing._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.seing._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.seing._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.seing._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 1; _root.seing._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay - 2; _root.tsg._x = Ex; _root.tsg._y = Ey - 2; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 1; _root.seing._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 2; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tsg._x = Ex - 2; _root.tsg._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tsg._x = Ex; _root.tsg._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 2; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tsg._x = Ex + 2; _root.tsg._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 1; _root.seing._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay + 2; _root.tsg._x = Ex; _root.tsg._y = Ey + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 1; _root.seing._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.seinok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 55
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 194 MovieClip in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.cuissed._x; Ay = _root.cuissed._y; Bx = _root.cuissed._x + _root.cuissed._width; By = _root.cuissed._y + _root.cuissed._height; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.cuissed._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.cuissed._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.cuissed._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.cuissed._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.cuisseok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 56
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 195 MovieClip in Frame 56
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.cuisseg._x; Ay = _root.cuisseg._y; Bx = _root.cuisseg._x + _root.cuisseg._width; By = _root.cuisseg._y + _root.cuisseg._height; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.cuisseg._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.cuisseg._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.cuisseg._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.cuisseg._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.cuisseok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 57
son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.textebouton = "Try Again"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.textebouton = "Rejouer"; } stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 196 MovieClip "im0" in Frame 57
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } }
Frame 58
Instance of Symbol 161 MovieClip in Frame 58
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (60 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(3); } else if (_root.i == 30) { _root.k = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = true; _root.sourireg._visible = true; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = true; _root.bouchfermg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.oeil0d._visible = true; _root.oeil0g._visible = true; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 1) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = true; _root.oeil1g._visible = true; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 2) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = true; _root.oeil2g._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 20) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; } else { _root.ofermd._visible = false; _root.ofermg._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 58
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 58
onClipEvent (load) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 160 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 58
onClipEvent (load) { if (0 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 59
if (_root.seinok == 0) { gotoAndStop (58); } if (_root.cuisseok == 0) { gotoAndStop (58); }
Instance of Symbol 208 MovieClip in Frame 59
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; }
Frame 65
stop(); seinok = 0; cuisseok = 0; sexok = 0; nippleok = 0; camelokok = 0; gaugeok = 0; gotoAndStop (73);
Frame 66
son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); _root.sonok = 1; t = 0; if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 161 MovieClip in Frame 66
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (60 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(3); } else if (_root.i == 30) { _root.k = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = true; _root.sourireg._visible = true; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = true; _root.bouchfermg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.oeil0d._visible = true; _root.oeil0g._visible = true; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 1) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = true; _root.oeil1g._visible = true; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 2) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = true; _root.oeil2g._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 20) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; } else { _root.ofermd._visible = false; _root.ofermg._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 66
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 66
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; if (80 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.gaugeok = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 66
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((0 < _root.nivman) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 179 MovieClip "im0" in Frame 66
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } if ((_root.langue == 2) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Heee !!! tu aurais pu m'attendre ! Moi aussi je voudrais prendre mon pied !... t'es vraiment pas un bon coup ! "; } }
Frame 67
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 183 MovieClip in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.seind._x; Ay = _root.seind._y; Bx = _root.seind._x + _root.seind._width; By = _root.seind._y + _root.seind._height; Ex = _root.tsd._x; Ey = _root.tsd._y; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.seind._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.seind._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.seind._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.seind._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 1; _root.seind._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay - 2; _root.tsd._x = Ex; _root.tsd._y = Ey - 2; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 1; _root.seind._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 2; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tsd._x = Ex - 2; _root.tsd._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tsd._x = Ex; _root.tsd._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 2; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tsd._x = Ex + 2; _root.tsd._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 1; _root.seind._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay + 2; _root.tsd._x = Ex; _root.tsd._y = Ey + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 1; _root.seind._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.seinok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 192 MovieClip in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("son1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("son2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("son3"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("son1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("son2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("son3"); } son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (12 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 68
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip in Frame 68
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.seing._x; Ay = _root.seing._y; Bx = _root.seing._x + _root.seing._width; By = _root.seing._y + _root.seing._height; Ex = _root.tsg._x; Ey = _root.tsg._y; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.seing._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.seing._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.seing._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.seing._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 1; _root.seing._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay - 2; _root.tsg._x = Ex; _root.tsg._y = Ey - 2; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 1; _root.seing._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 2; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tsg._x = Ex - 2; _root.tsg._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tsg._x = Ex; _root.tsg._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 2; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tsg._x = Ex + 2; _root.tsg._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 1; _root.seing._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay + 2; _root.tsg._x = Ex; _root.tsg._y = Ey + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 1; _root.seing._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.seinok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 69
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 194 MovieClip in Frame 69
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.cuissed._x; Ay = _root.cuissed._y; Bx = _root.cuissed._x + _root.cuissed._width; By = _root.cuissed._y + _root.cuissed._height; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.cuissed._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.cuissed._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.cuissed._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.cuissed._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.cuisseok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 70
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 195 MovieClip in Frame 70
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.cuisseg._x; Ay = _root.cuisseg._y; Bx = _root.cuisseg._x + _root.cuisseg._width; By = _root.cuisseg._y + _root.cuisseg._height; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.cuisseg._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.cuisseg._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.cuisseg._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.cuisseg._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.cuisseok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 71
Instance of Symbol 218 MovieClip in Frame 71
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.culotte._x; Ay = _root.culotte._y; Bx = _root.culotte._x + _root.culotte._width; By = _root.culotte._y + _root.culotte._height; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.culotte._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.culotte._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.culotte_height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.culotte._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax - 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax; _root.culotte._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax + 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax - 2; _root.culotte._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax; _root.culotte._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax + 2; _root.culotte._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax - 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax; _root.culotte._y = Ay + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax + 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.sexok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 72
son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.textebouton = "Try Again"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.textebouton = "Rejouer"; } stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 196 MovieClip "im0" in Frame 72
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } }
Frame 73
Instance of Symbol 161 MovieClip in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (60 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(3); } else if (_root.i == 30) { _root.k = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = true; _root.sourireg._visible = true; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = true; _root.bouchfermg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.oeil0d._visible = true; _root.oeil0g._visible = true; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 1) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = true; _root.oeil1g._visible = true; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 2) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = true; _root.oeil2g._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 20) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; } else { _root.ofermd._visible = false; _root.ofermg._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 160 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { if (0 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 74
if (_root.seinok == 0) { gotoAndStop (73); } if (_root.sexok == 0) { gotoAndStop (73); }
Instance of Symbol 208 MovieClip in Frame 74
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; }
Frame 106
stop(); seinok = 0; cuisseok = 0; sexok = 0; gaugeok = 0; nippleok = 0; camelok = 0; gotoAndStop (114);
Frame 107
son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); _root.sonok = 1; t = 0; if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 161 MovieClip in Frame 107
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (60 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(3); } else if (_root.i == 30) { _root.k = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = true; _root.sourireg._visible = true; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = true; _root.bouchfermg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.oeil0d._visible = true; _root.oeil0g._visible = true; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 1) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = true; _root.oeil1g._visible = true; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 2) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = true; _root.oeil2g._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 20) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; } else { _root.ofermd._visible = false; _root.ofermg._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 107
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 107
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; if (80 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.gaugeok = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 107
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((0 < _root.nivman) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 179 MovieClip "im0" in Frame 107
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } if ((_root.langue == 2) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Heee !!! tu aurais pu m'attendre ! Moi aussi je voudrais prendre mon pied !... t'es vraiment pas un bon coup ! "; } }
Frame 108
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 183 MovieClip in Frame 108
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.seind._x; Ay = _root.seind._y; Bx = _root.seind._x + _root.seind._width; By = _root.seind._y + _root.seind._height; Ex = _root.tsd._x; Ey = _root.tsd._y; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.seind._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.seind._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.seind._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.seind._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 1; _root.seind._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay - 2; _root.tsd._x = Ex; _root.tsd._y = Ey - 2; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 1; _root.seind._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 2; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tsd._x = Ex - 2; _root.tsd._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tsd._x = Ex; _root.tsd._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 2; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tsd._x = Ex + 2; _root.tsd._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 1; _root.seind._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay + 2; _root.tsd._x = Ex; _root.tsd._y = Ey + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 1; _root.seind._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.seinok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 192 MovieClip in Frame 108
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("son1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("son2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("son3"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("son1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("son2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("son3"); } son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (12 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 109
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip in Frame 109
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.seing._x; Ay = _root.seing._y; Bx = _root.seing._x + _root.seing._width; By = _root.seing._y + _root.seing._height; Ex = _root.tsg._x; Ey = _root.tsg._y; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.seing._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.seing._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.seing._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.seing._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 1; _root.seing._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay - 2; _root.tsg._x = Ex; _root.tsg._y = Ey - 2; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 1; _root.seing._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 2; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tsg._x = Ex - 2; _root.tsg._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tsg._x = Ex; _root.tsg._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 2; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tsg._x = Ex + 2; _root.tsg._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 1; _root.seing._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay + 2; _root.tsg._x = Ex; _root.tsg._y = Ey + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 1; _root.seing._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.seinok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 110
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 232 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.cuissed._x; Ay = _root.cuissed._y; Bx = _root.cuissed._x + _root.cuissed._width; By = _root.cuissed._y + _root.cuissed._height; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.cuissed._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.cuissed._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.cuissed._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.cuissed._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.cuisseok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 111
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 195 MovieClip in Frame 111
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.cuisseg._x; Ay = _root.cuisseg._y; Bx = _root.cuisseg._x + _root.cuisseg._width; By = _root.cuisseg._y + _root.cuisseg._height; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.cuisseg._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.cuisseg._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.cuisseg._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.cuisseg._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.cuisseok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 112
Instance of Symbol 218 MovieClip in Frame 112
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.culotte._x; Ay = _root.culotte._y; Bx = _root.culotte._x + _root.culotte._width; By = _root.culotte._y + _root.culotte._height; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.culotte._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.culotte._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.culotte_height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.culotte._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax - 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax; _root.culotte._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax + 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax - 2; _root.culotte._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax; _root.culotte._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax + 2; _root.culotte._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax - 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax; _root.culotte._y = Ay + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax + 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.sexok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 113
son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.textebouton = "Try Again"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.textebouton = "Rejouer"; } stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 196 MovieClip "im0" in Frame 113
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } }
Frame 114
t = 0; if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 161 MovieClip in Frame 114
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (60 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(3); } else if (_root.i == 30) { _root.k = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = true; _root.sourireg._visible = true; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = true; _root.bouchfermg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.oeil0d._visible = true; _root.oeil0g._visible = true; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 1) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = true; _root.oeil1g._visible = true; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 2) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = true; _root.oeil2g._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 20) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; } else { _root.ofermd._visible = false; _root.ofermg._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 114
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 114
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; if (80 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.gaugeok = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 114
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 179 MovieClip "im0" in Frame 114
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } if ((_root.langue == 2) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Heee !!! tu aurais pu m'attendre ! Moi aussi je voudrais prendre mon pied !... t'es vraiment pas un bon coup ! "; } }
Frame 115
if (_root.seinok == 0) { gotoAndStop (114); } if (_root.gaugeok == 0) { gotoAndStop (114); }
Instance of Symbol 208 MovieClip in Frame 115
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; }
Frame 122
if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 240 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl < 100) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; } else if (_root.nivgirl < 190) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.5; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 241 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 243 MovieClip in Frame 122
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("son1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("son2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("son3"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t == 0) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("son1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("son2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("son3"); } son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (12 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 129
if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (122); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (154); } if (199 < _root.nivgirl) { gotoAndPlay (155); }
Frame 130
if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Frame 137
if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (130); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (154); } if (199 < _root.nivgirl) { gotoAndPlay (155); }
Frame 138
if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 275 MovieClip in Frame 138
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (load) { Ax = _root.seind._x; Ay = _root.seind._y; Bx = _root.seind._x + _root.seind._width; By = _root.seind._y + _root.seind._height; Cx = _root.tshd._x; Cy = _root.tshd._y; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.seind._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.seind._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.seind._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.seind._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 1; _root.seind._y = Ay - 1; _root.tshd._x = Cx - 1; _root.tshd._y = Cy - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay - 2; _root.tshd._x = Cx; _root.tshd._y = Cy - 2; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 1; _root.seind._y = Ay - 1; _root.tshd._x = Cx + 1; _root.tshd._y = Cy - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 2; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tshd._x = Cx - 2; _root.tshd._y = Cy; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tshd._x = Cx; _root.tshd._y = Cy; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 2; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tshd._x = Cx + 2; _root.tshd._y = Cy; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 1; _root.seind._y = Ay + 1; _root.tshd._x = Cx - 1; _root.tshd._y = Cy + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay + 2; _root.tshd._x = Cx; _root.tshd._y = Cy + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 1; _root.seind._y = Ay + 1; _root.tshd._x = Cx + 1; _root.tshd._y = Cy + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens != 5) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } if (200 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = 200; } }
Frame 145
if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (138); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (154); } if (199 < _root.nivgirl) { gotoAndPlay (155); }
Frame 146
if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 277 MovieClip in Frame 146
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (load) { Ax = _root.seing._x; Ay = _root.seing._y; Bx = _root.seing._x + _root.seing._width; By = _root.seing._y + _root.seing._height; Cx = _root.tshg._x; Cy = _root.tshg._y; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.seing._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.seing._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.seing._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.seing._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 1; _root.seing._y = Ay - 1; _root.tshg._x = Cx - 1; _root.tshg._y = Cy - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay - 2; _root.tshg._x = Cx; _root.tshg._y = Cy - 2; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 1; _root.seing._y = Ay - 1; _root.tshg._x = Cx + 1; _root.tshg._y = Cy - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 2; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tshg._x = Cx - 2; _root.tshg._y = Cy; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tshg._x = Cx; _root.tshg._y = Cy; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 2; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tshg._x = Cx + 2; _root.tshg._y = Cy; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 1; _root.seing._y = Ay + 1; _root.tshg._x = Cx - 1; _root.tshg._y = Cy + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay + 2; _root.tshg._x = Cx; _root.tshg._y = Cy + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 1; _root.seing._y = Ay + 1; _root.tshg._x = Cx + 1; _root.tshg._y = Cy + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens != 5) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } if (200 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = 200; } }
Frame 153
if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (146); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (154); } if (199 < _root.nivgirl) { gotoAndPlay (155); }
Frame 154
son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); stop();; if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.textebouton = "Try Again"; _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.textebouton = "Rejouer"; _root.textefin = "Heee !!! tu aurais pu m'attendre ! Moi aussi je voudrais prendre mon pied !... t'es vraiment pas un bon coup ! "; }
Frame 155
t = 0; son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); i = 0; _root.orgasm = 1;
Instance of Symbol 208 MovieClip in Frame 155
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 155
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 155
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 281 MovieClip in Frame 155
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.i = _root.i + 1; if (_root.i == 2) { _root.cache._visible = true; } if (_root.i == 4) { _root.cache._visible = false; } if (_root.i == 5) { _root.i = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 155
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("son2"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t == 0) { son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (8 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 179
t = 0; son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4");
Instance of Symbol 284 MovieClip in Frame 179
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("son4"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t == 0) { son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (5 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 239
son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); t = 0;
Instance of Symbol 285 MovieClip in Frame 239
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("son1"); son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); son.start(); }
Frame 268
stop(); _root.orgasm = 1; seinok = 0; cuisseok = 0; sexok = 0; gaugeok = 0; nippleok = 0; camelok = 0; gotoAndStop (107);
Frame 269
Instance of Symbol 161 MovieClip in Frame 269
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (60 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(3); } else if (_root.i == 30) { _root.k = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = true; _root.sourireg._visible = true; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = true; _root.bouchfermg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.oeil0d._visible = true; _root.oeil0g._visible = true; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 1) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = true; _root.oeil1g._visible = true; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 2) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = true; _root.oeil2g._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 20) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; } else { _root.ofermd._visible = false; _root.ofermg._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 269
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 269
onClipEvent (load) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 160 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 269
onClipEvent (load) { if (0 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 270
if (_root.cuisseok == 0) { gotoAndStop (269); } if (_root.sexok == 0) { gotoAndStop (269); }
Instance of Symbol 208 MovieClip in Frame 270
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; }
Frame 300
stop(); seinok = 0; cuisseok = 0; sexok = 0; gaugeok = 0; nippleok = 0; camelok = 0; gotoAndStop (308);
Frame 301
son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); _root.sonok = 1; t = 0; if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 161 MovieClip in Frame 301
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (60 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(3); } else if (_root.i == 30) { _root.k = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = true; _root.sourireg._visible = true; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = true; _root.bouchfermg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.oeil0d._visible = true; _root.oeil0g._visible = true; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 1) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = true; _root.oeil1g._visible = true; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 2) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = true; _root.oeil2g._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 20) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; } else { _root.ofermd._visible = false; _root.ofermg._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 301
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 301
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; if (80 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.gaugeok = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 301
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((0 < _root.nivman) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 179 MovieClip "im0" in Frame 301
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } if ((_root.langue == 2) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Heee !!! tu aurais pu m'attendre ! Moi aussi je voudrais prendre mon pied !... t'es vraiment pas un bon coup ! "; } }
Frame 302
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 183 MovieClip in Frame 302
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.seind._x; Ay = _root.seind._y; Bx = _root.seind._x + _root.seind._width; By = _root.seind._y + _root.seind._height; Ex = _root.tsd._x; Ey = _root.tsd._y; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.seind._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.seind._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.seind._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.seind._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 1; _root.seind._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay - 2; _root.tsd._x = Ex; _root.tsd._y = Ey - 2; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 1; _root.seind._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 2; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tsd._x = Ex - 2; _root.tsd._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tsd._x = Ex; _root.tsd._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 2; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tsd._x = Ex + 2; _root.tsd._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 1; _root.seind._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay + 2; _root.tsd._x = Ex; _root.tsd._y = Ey + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 1; _root.seind._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.seinok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 301 MovieClip in Frame 302
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("son1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("son2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("son3"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("son1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("son2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("son3"); } son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (12 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 303
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip in Frame 303
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.seing._x; Ay = _root.seing._y; Bx = _root.seing._x + _root.seing._width; By = _root.seing._y + _root.seing._height; Ex = _root.tsg._x; Ey = _root.tsg._y; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.seing._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.seing._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.seing._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.seing._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 1; _root.seing._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay - 2; _root.tsg._x = Ex; _root.tsg._y = Ey - 2; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 1; _root.seing._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 2; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tsg._x = Ex - 2; _root.tsg._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tsg._x = Ex; _root.tsg._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 2; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tsg._x = Ex + 2; _root.tsg._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 1; _root.seing._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay + 2; _root.tsg._x = Ex; _root.tsg._y = Ey + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 1; _root.seing._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.seinok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 304
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 232 MovieClip in Frame 304
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.cuissed._x; Ay = _root.cuissed._y; Bx = _root.cuissed._x + _root.cuissed._width; By = _root.cuissed._y + _root.cuissed._height; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.cuissed._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.cuissed._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.cuissed._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.cuissed._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.cuisseok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 305
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 195 MovieClip in Frame 305
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.cuisseg._x; Ay = _root.cuisseg._y; Bx = _root.cuisseg._x + _root.cuisseg._width; By = _root.cuisseg._y + _root.cuisseg._height; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.cuisseg._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.cuisseg._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.cuisseg._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.cuisseg._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.cuisseok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 306
Instance of Symbol 218 MovieClip in Frame 306
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.culotte._x; Ay = _root.culotte._y; Bx = _root.culotte._x + _root.culotte._width; By = _root.culotte._y + _root.culotte._height; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.culotte._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.culotte._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.culotte_height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.culotte._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax - 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax; _root.culotte._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax + 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax - 2; _root.culotte._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax; _root.culotte._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax + 2; _root.culotte._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax - 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax; _root.culotte._y = Ay + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax + 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.sexok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 307
son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.textebouton = "Try Again"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.textebouton = "Rejouer"; } stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 196 MovieClip "im0" in Frame 307
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } }
Frame 308
Instance of Symbol 161 MovieClip in Frame 308
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (60 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(3); } else if (_root.i == 30) { _root.k = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = true; _root.sourireg._visible = true; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = true; _root.bouchfermg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.oeil0d._visible = true; _root.oeil0g._visible = true; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 1) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = true; _root.oeil1g._visible = true; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 2) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = true; _root.oeil2g._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 20) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; } else { _root.ofermd._visible = false; _root.ofermg._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 308
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 308
onClipEvent (load) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 160 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 308
onClipEvent (load) { if (0 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 309
if (_root.seinok == 0) { gotoAndStop (308); } if (_root.cuisseok == 0) { gotoAndStop (308); } if (_root.sexok == 0) { gotoAndStop (308); }
Instance of Symbol 208 MovieClip in Frame 309
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; }
Instance of Symbol 307 MovieClip in Frame 309
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (50 < _xmouse) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Frame 368
stop(); seinok = 0; cuisseok = 0; sexok = 0; gaugeok = 0; gotoAndPlay (381);
Frame 369
son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); _root.sonok = 1; t = 0; if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 308 MovieClip in Frame 369
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (60 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(3); } else if (_root.i == 30) { _root.k = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = true; _root.sourireg._visible = true; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = true; _root.bouchfermg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.oeild._visible = true; _root.oeilg._visible = true; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 1) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = true; _root.oeil1g._visible = true; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 2) { _root.oeild._visible = false; _root.oeilg._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = true; _root.oeil2g._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 20) { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } else { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 369
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 369
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; if (80 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.gaugeok = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 369
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((0 < _root.nivman) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 179 MovieClip "im0" in Frame 369
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } if ((_root.langue == 2) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Heee !!! tu aurais pu m'attendre ! Moi aussi je voudrais prendre mon pied !... t'es vraiment pas un bon coup ! "; } }
Frame 370
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 183 MovieClip in Frame 370
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.seind._x; Ay = _root.seind._y; Bx = _root.seind._x + _root.seind._width; By = _root.seind._y + _root.seind._height; Ex = _root.tsd._x; Ey = _root.tsd._y; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.seind._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.seind._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.seind._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.seind._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 1; _root.seind._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay - 2; _root.tsd._x = Ex; _root.tsd._y = Ey - 2; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 1; _root.seind._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 2; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tsd._x = Ex - 2; _root.tsd._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tsd._x = Ex; _root.tsd._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 2; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tsd._x = Ex + 2; _root.tsd._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 1; _root.seind._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay + 2; _root.tsd._x = Ex; _root.tsd._y = Ey + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 1; _root.seind._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.seinok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 301 MovieClip in Frame 370
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("son1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("son2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("son3"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("son1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("son2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("son3"); } son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (12 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 371
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip in Frame 371
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.seing._x; Ay = _root.seing._y; Bx = _root.seing._x + _root.seing._width; By = _root.seing._y + _root.seing._height; Ex = _root.tsg._x; Ey = _root.tsg._y; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.seing._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.seing._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.seing._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.seing._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 1; _root.seing._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay - 2; _root.tsg._x = Ex; _root.tsg._y = Ey - 2; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 1; _root.seing._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 2; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tsg._x = Ex - 2; _root.tsg._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tsg._x = Ex; _root.tsg._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 2; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tsg._x = Ex + 2; _root.tsg._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 1; _root.seing._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay + 2; _root.tsg._x = Ex; _root.tsg._y = Ey + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 1; _root.seing._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.seinok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 372
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 232 MovieClip in Frame 372
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.cuissed._x; Ay = _root.cuissed._y; Bx = _root.cuissed._x + _root.cuissed._width; By = _root.cuissed._y + _root.cuissed._height; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.cuissed._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.cuissed._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.cuissed._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.cuissed._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.cuisseok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 373
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 195 MovieClip in Frame 373
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.cuisseg._x; Ay = _root.cuisseg._y; Bx = _root.cuisseg._x + _root.cuisseg._width; By = _root.cuisseg._y + _root.cuisseg._height; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.cuisseg._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.cuisseg._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.cuisseg._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.cuisseg._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.cuisseok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 374
Instance of Symbol 218 MovieClip in Frame 374
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.culotte._x; Ay = _root.culotte._y; Bx = _root.culotte._x + _root.culotte._width; By = _root.culotte._y + _root.culotte._height; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.culotte._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.culotte._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.culotte_height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.culotte._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax - 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax; _root.culotte._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax + 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax - 2; _root.culotte._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax; _root.culotte._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax + 2; _root.culotte._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax - 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax; _root.culotte._y = Ay + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax + 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.sexok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 375
son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.textebouton = "Try Again"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.textebouton = "Rejouer"; } stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 196 MovieClip "im0" in Frame 375
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } }
Frame 376
son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); _root.sonok = 1; t = 0; if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 323 MovieClip in Frame 376
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (60 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(3); } else if (_root.i == 30) { _root.k = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = true; _root.sourireg._visible = true; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = true; _root.bouchfermg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.oeild._visible = true; _root.oeilg._visible = true; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 1) { _root.oeild._visible = false; _root.oeilg._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = true; _root.oeil1g._visible = true; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 2) { _root.oeild._visible = false; _root.oeilg._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = true; _root.oeil2g._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 20) { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } else { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 376
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 376
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; if (80 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.gaugeok = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 376
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((0 < _root.nivman) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 179 MovieClip "im0" in Frame 376
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } if ((_root.langue == 2) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Heee !!! tu aurais pu m'attendre ! Moi aussi je voudrais prendre mon pied !... t'es vraiment pas un bon coup ! "; } }
Frame 377
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 332 MovieClip in Frame 377
onClipEvent (load) { Ax = _root.seind._x; Ay = _root.seind._y; Bx = _root.seind._x + _root.seind._width; By = _root.seind._y + _root.seind._height; } onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.seind._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.seind._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.seind._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.seind._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 1; _root.seind._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay - 2; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 1; _root.seind._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 2; _root.seind._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 2; _root.seind._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 1; _root.seind._y = Ay + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 1; _root.seind._y = Ay + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.5; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 1.2; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 1; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 1; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.nippleok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 301 MovieClip in Frame 377
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("son1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("son2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("son3"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("son1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("son2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("son3"); } son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (12 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 378
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip in Frame 378
onClipEvent (load) { Ax = _root.seing._x; Ay = _root.seing._y; Bx = _root.seing._x + _root.seing._width; By = _root.seing._y + _root.seing._height; } onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.seing._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.seing._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.seing._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.seing._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 1; _root.seing._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay - 2; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 1; _root.seing._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 2; _root.seing._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 2; _root.seing._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 1; _root.seing._y = Ay + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 1; _root.seing._y = Ay + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.5; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 1.2; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 1; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 1; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.nippleok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 379
Instance of Symbol 336 MovieClip in Frame 379
onClipEvent (load) { Ax = _root.culotte._x; Ay = _root.culotte._y; Bx = _root.culotte._x + _root.culotte._width; By = _root.culotte._y + _root.culotte._height; } onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.culotte._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.culotte._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.culotte_height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.culotte._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax - 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax; _root.culotte._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax + 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax - 2; _root.culotte._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax; _root.culotte._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax + 2; _root.culotte._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax - 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax; _root.culotte._y = Ay + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax + 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.culotte._alpha = 0; } else { _root.culotte._alpha = 100; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.5; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 1.2; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 1; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 1; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.camelok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 380
son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.textebouton = "Try Again"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.textebouton = "Rejouer"; } stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 196 MovieClip "im0" in Frame 380
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } }
Frame 381
t = 0; if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } stop();
Instance of Symbol 161 MovieClip in Frame 381
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (60 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(3); } else if (_root.i == 30) { _root.k = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = true; _root.sourireg._visible = true; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = true; _root.bouchfermg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.oeil0d._visible = true; _root.oeil0g._visible = true; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 1) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = true; _root.oeil1g._visible = true; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 2) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = true; _root.oeil2g._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 20) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; } else { _root.ofermd._visible = false; _root.ofermg._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 381
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 381
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; if (80 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.gaugeok = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 381
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((0 < _root.nivman) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 179 MovieClip "im0" in Frame 381
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } if ((_root.langue == 2) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Heee !!! tu aurais pu m'attendre ! Moi aussi je voudrais prendre mon pied !... t'es vraiment pas un bon coup ! "; } }
Frame 382
stop(); gotoAndStop (381);
Frame 383
if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; } play();
Instance of Symbol 342 MovieClip in Frame 383
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 383
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 383
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; if (80 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.gaugeok = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 383
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((0 < _root.nivman) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 343 MovieClip in Frame 385
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("son1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("son2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("son3"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t == 0) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("son1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("son2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("son3"); } son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (12 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 404
_root.main._x = _xmouse - 6; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 37; if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; } if (_root.main._x < 96) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 240 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 404
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl < 100) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; } else if (_root.nivgirl < 190) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.5; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 241 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 404
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 409
if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (404); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (428); } if (199 < _root.nivgirl) { gotoAndPlay (429); }
Frame 410
_root.main._x = _xmouse; _root.main._y = _ymouse; if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; } if (_root.main._x < 96) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 208 MovieClip in Frame 410
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; }
Frame 415
if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (410); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (428); } if (199 < _root.nivgirl) { gotoAndPlay (429); }
Frame 416
_root.main._x = _xmouse; _root.main._y = _ymouse; if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; } if (_root.main._x < 96) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Frame 421
if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (416); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (428); } if (199 < _root.nivgirl) { gotoAndPlay (429); }
Frame 422
if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 353 MovieClip in Frame 422
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (load) { Ax = _root.culotte._x; Ay = _root.culotte._y; Bx = _root.culotte._x + _root.culotte._width; By = _root.culotte._y + _root.culotte._height; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.culotte._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.culotte._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.culotte_height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.culotte._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax - 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax; _root.culotte._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax + 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax - 2; _root.culotte._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax; _root.culotte._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax + 2; _root.culotte._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax - 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax; _root.culotte._y = Ay + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax + 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens != 5) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } if (200 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = 200; } }
Frame 427
if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (422); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (428); } if (199 < _root.nivgirl) { gotoAndPlay (429); }
Frame 428
son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); stop();; if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.textebouton = "Try Again"; _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.textebouton = "Rejouer"; _root.textefin = "Heee !!! tu aurais pu m'attendre ! Moi aussi je voudrais prendre mon pied !... t'es vraiment pas un bon coup ! "; }
Frame 429
son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); t = 0; i = 0; _root.orgasm = 2;
Instance of Symbol 342 MovieClip in Frame 429
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 429
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 429
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 281 MovieClip in Frame 429
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.i = _root.i + 1; if (_root.i == 2) { _root.cache._visible = true; } if (_root.i == 4) { _root.cache._visible = false; } if (_root.i == 5) { _root.i = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 357 MovieClip in Frame 429
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("son2"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t == 0) { son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (7 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 488
t = 0; son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4");
Instance of Symbol 285 MovieClip in Frame 488
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("son1"); son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); son.start(); }
Frame 510
stop(); seinok = 0; cuisseok = 0; sexok = 0; gaugeok = 0; nippleok = 0; camelok = 0; gotoAndStop (518);
Frame 511
son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); _root.sonok = 1; t = 0; if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 308 MovieClip in Frame 511
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (60 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(3); } else if (_root.i == 30) { _root.k = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = true; _root.sourireg._visible = true; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = true; _root.bouchfermg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.oeild._visible = true; _root.oeilg._visible = true; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 1) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = true; _root.oeil1g._visible = true; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 2) { _root.oeild._visible = false; _root.oeilg._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = true; _root.oeil2g._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 20) { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } else { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 511
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 511
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; if (80 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.gaugeok = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 511
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((0 < _root.nivman) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 179 MovieClip "im0" in Frame 511
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } if ((_root.langue == 2) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Heee !!! tu aurais pu m'attendre ! Moi aussi je voudrais prendre mon pied !... t'es vraiment pas un bon coup ! "; } }
Frame 512
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 183 MovieClip in Frame 512
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.seind._x; Ay = _root.seind._y; Bx = _root.seind._x + _root.seind._width; By = _root.seind._y + _root.seind._height; Ex = _root.tsd._x; Ey = _root.tsd._y; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.seind._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.seind._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.seind._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.seind._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 1; _root.seind._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay - 2; _root.tsd._x = Ex; _root.tsd._y = Ey - 2; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 1; _root.seind._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 2; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tsd._x = Ex - 2; _root.tsd._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tsd._x = Ex; _root.tsd._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 2; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tsd._x = Ex + 2; _root.tsd._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 1; _root.seind._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay + 2; _root.tsd._x = Ex; _root.tsd._y = Ey + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 1; _root.seind._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.seinok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 301 MovieClip in Frame 512
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("son1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("son2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("son3"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("son1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("son2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("son3"); } son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (12 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 513
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip in Frame 513
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.seing._x; Ay = _root.seing._y; Bx = _root.seing._x + _root.seing._width; By = _root.seing._y + _root.seing._height; Ex = _root.tsg._x; Ey = _root.tsg._y; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.seing._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.seing._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.seing._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.seing._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 1; _root.seing._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay - 2; _root.tsg._x = Ex; _root.tsg._y = Ey - 2; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 1; _root.seing._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 2; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tsg._x = Ex - 2; _root.tsg._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tsg._x = Ex; _root.tsg._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 2; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tsg._x = Ex + 2; _root.tsg._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 1; _root.seing._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay + 2; _root.tsg._x = Ex; _root.tsg._y = Ey + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 1; _root.seing._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.seinok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 514
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 232 MovieClip in Frame 514
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.cuissed._x; Ay = _root.cuissed._y; Bx = _root.cuissed._x + _root.cuissed._width; By = _root.cuissed._y + _root.cuissed._height; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.cuissed._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.cuissed._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.cuissed._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.cuissed._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.cuisseok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 515
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 195 MovieClip in Frame 515
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.cuisseg._x; Ay = _root.cuisseg._y; Bx = _root.cuisseg._x + _root.cuisseg._width; By = _root.cuisseg._y + _root.cuisseg._height; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.cuisseg._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.cuisseg._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.cuisseg._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.cuisseg._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.cuisseok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 516
Instance of Symbol 375 MovieClip in Frame 516
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.culotte._x; Ay = _root.culotte._y; Bx = _root.culotte._x + _root.culotte._width; By = _root.culotte._y + _root.culotte._height; Fx = _root.tache._x; Fy = _root.tache._y; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.culotte._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.culotte._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.culotte_height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.culotte._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax - 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay - 1; _root.tache._x = Fx - 1; _root.tache._y = Fy - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax; _root.culotte._y = Ay - 1; _root.tache._x = Fx; _root.tache._y = Fy - 1; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax + 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay - 1; _root.tache._x = Fx + 1; _root.tache._y = Fy - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax - 2; _root.culotte._y = Ay; _root.tache._x = Fx - 2; _root.tache._y = Fy; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax; _root.culotte._y = Ay; _root.tache._x = Fx; _root.tache._y = Fy; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax + 2; _root.culotte._y = Ay; _root.tache._x = Fx + 2; _root.tache._y = Fy; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax - 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay + 1; _root.tache._x = Fx - 1; _root.tache._y = Fy + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax; _root.culotte._y = Ay + 2; _root.tache._x = Fx; _root.tache._y = Fy + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax + 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay + 1; _root.tache._x = Fx + 1; _root.tache._y = Fy + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.sexok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 517
son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.textebouton = "Try Again"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.textebouton = "Rejouer"; } stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 196 MovieClip "im0" in Frame 517
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } }
Frame 518
son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); _root.sonok = 1; t = 0; if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 323 MovieClip in Frame 518
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (60 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(3); } else if (_root.i == 30) { _root.k = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = true; _root.sourireg._visible = true; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = true; _root.bouchfermg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.oeild._visible = true; _root.oeilg._visible = true; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 1) { _root.oeild._visible = false; _root.oeilg._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = true; _root.oeil1g._visible = true; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 2) { _root.oeild._visible = false; _root.oeilg._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = true; _root.oeil2g._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 20) { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } else { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 518
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 518
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; if (80 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.gaugeok = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 518
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((0 < _root.nivman) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 179 MovieClip "im0" in Frame 518
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } if ((_root.langue == 2) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Heee !!! tu aurais pu m'attendre ! Moi aussi je voudrais prendre mon pied !... t'es vraiment pas un bon coup ! "; } }
Frame 519
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 332 MovieClip in Frame 519
onClipEvent (load) { Ax = _root.seind._x; Ay = _root.seind._y; Bx = _root.seind._x + _root.seind._width; By = _root.seind._y + _root.seind._height; } onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.seind._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.seind._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.seind._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.seind._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 1; _root.seind._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay - 2; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 1; _root.seind._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 2; _root.seind._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 2; _root.seind._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 1; _root.seind._y = Ay + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 1; _root.seind._y = Ay + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.5; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 1.2; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 1; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 1; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.nippleok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 301 MovieClip in Frame 519
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("son1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("son2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("son3"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("son1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("son2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("son3"); } son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (12 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 520
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 335 MovieClip in Frame 520
onClipEvent (load) { Ax = _root.seing._x; Ay = _root.seing._y; Bx = _root.seing._x + _root.seing._width; By = _root.seing._y + _root.seing._height; } onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.seing._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.seing._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.seing._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.seing._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 1; _root.seing._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay - 2; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 1; _root.seing._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 2; _root.seing._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 2; _root.seing._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 1; _root.seing._y = Ay + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 1; _root.seing._y = Ay + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.5; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 1.2; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 1; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 1; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.nippleok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 521
Instance of Symbol 384 MovieClip in Frame 521
onClipEvent (load) { Ax = _root.culotte._x; Ay = _root.culotte._y; Bx = _root.culotte._x + _root.culotte._width; By = _root.culotte._y + _root.culotte._height; } onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.culotte._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.culotte._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.culotte_height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.culotte._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax - 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax; _root.culotte._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax + 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax - 2; _root.culotte._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax; _root.culotte._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax + 2; _root.culotte._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax - 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax; _root.culotte._y = Ay + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.culotte._x = Ax + 1; _root.culotte._y = Ay + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1.5; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 1.2; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 1; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 1; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.camelok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 522
son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.textebouton = "Try Again"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.textebouton = "Rejouer"; } stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 196 MovieClip "im0" in Frame 522
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } }
Frame 523
Instance of Symbol 387 MovieClip in Frame 523
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (60 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(3); } else if (_root.i == 30) { _root.k = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = true; _root.sourireg._visible = true; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = true; _root.bouchfermg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.oeild._visible = true; _root.oeilg._visible = true; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 1) { _root.oeild._visible = false; _root.oeilg._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = true; _root.oeil1g._visible = true; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 2) { _root.oeild._visible = false; _root.oeilg._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = true; _root.oeil2g._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 20) { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } else { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 523
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 523
onClipEvent (load) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 160 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 523
onClipEvent (load) { if (0 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 524
if (_root.gaugeok == 0) { gotoAndStop (523); } if (_root.sexok == 0) { gotoAndStop (523); }
Instance of Symbol 208 MovieClip in Frame 524
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; }
Instance of Symbol 307 MovieClip in Frame 524
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (50 < _xmouse) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Frame 565
stop(); seinok = 0; cuisseok = 0; sexok = 0; gaugeok = 0; nippleok = 0; camelok = 0; gotoAndStop (578);
Frame 566
son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); _root.sonok = 1; t = 0; if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 308 MovieClip in Frame 566
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (60 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(3); } else if (_root.i == 30) { _root.k = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = true; _root.sourireg._visible = true; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = true; _root.bouchfermg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.oeild._visible = true; _root.oeilg._visible = true; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 1) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = true; _root.oeil1g._visible = true; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 2) { _root.oeild._visible = false; _root.oeilg._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = true; _root.oeil2g._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 20) { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } else { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 566
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 566
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; if (80 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.gaugeok = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 566
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((0 < _root.nivman) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 179 MovieClip "im0" in Frame 566
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } if ((_root.langue == 2) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Heee !!! tu aurais pu m'attendre ! Moi aussi je voudrais prendre mon pied !... t'es vraiment pas un bon coup ! "; } }
Frame 567
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 183 MovieClip in Frame 567
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.seind._x; Ay = _root.seind._y; Bx = _root.seind._x + _root.seind._width; By = _root.seind._y + _root.seind._height; Ex = _root.tsd._x; Ey = _root.tsd._y; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.seind._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.seind._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.seind._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.seind._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 1; _root.seind._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay - 2; _root.tsd._x = Ex; _root.tsd._y = Ey - 2; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 1; _root.seind._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 2; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tsd._x = Ex - 2; _root.tsd._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tsd._x = Ex; _root.tsd._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 2; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tsd._x = Ex + 2; _root.tsd._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 1; _root.seind._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay + 2; _root.tsd._x = Ex; _root.tsd._y = Ey + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 1; _root.seind._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.seinok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 301 MovieClip in Frame 567
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("son1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("son2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("son3"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("son1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("son2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("son3"); } son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (12 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 568
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip in Frame 568
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.seing._x; Ay = _root.seing._y; Bx = _root.seing._x + _root.seing._width; By = _root.seing._y + _root.seing._height; Ex = _root.tsg._x; Ey = _root.tsg._y; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.seing._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.seing._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.seing._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.seing._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 1; _root.seing._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay - 2; _root.tsg._x = Ex; _root.tsg._y = Ey - 2; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 1; _root.seing._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 2; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tsg._x = Ex - 2; _root.tsg._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tsg._x = Ex; _root.tsg._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 2; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tsg._x = Ex + 2; _root.tsg._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 1; _root.seing._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay + 2; _root.tsg._x = Ex; _root.tsg._y = Ey + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 1; _root.seing._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.seinok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 569
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 232 MovieClip in Frame 569
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.cuissed._x; Ay = _root.cuissed._y; Bx = _root.cuissed._x + _root.cuissed._width; By = _root.cuissed._y + _root.cuissed._height; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.cuissed._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.cuissed._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.cuissed._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.cuissed._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuissed._x = Ax + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.cuisseok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 570
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 195 MovieClip in Frame 570
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.cuisseg._x; Ay = _root.cuisseg._y; Bx = _root.cuisseg._x + _root.cuisseg._width; By = _root.cuisseg._y + _root.cuisseg._height; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.cuisseg._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.cuisseg._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.cuisseg._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.cuisseg._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax + 1; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax - 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.cuisseg._x = Ax + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.cuisseok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 571
Instance of Symbol 410 MovieClip in Frame 571
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.culotte._x; Ay = _root.culotte._y; Bx = _root.culotte._x + _root.culotte._width; By = _root.culotte._y + _root.culotte._height; Fx = _root.touf._x; Fy = _root.touf._y; Gx = _root.lipd._x; Gy = _root.lipd._y; Hx = _root.lipg._x; Hy = _root.lipg._y; Px = _root.clit._x; Py = _root.clit._y; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.culotte._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.culotte._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.culotte_height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.culotte._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.touf._x = Fx - 1; _root.touf._y = Fy - 1; _root.lipd._x = Gx - 1; _root.lipd._y = Gy - 1; _root.lipg._x = Hx - 1; _root.lipg._y = Hy - 1; _root.clit._x = Px - 1; _root.clit._y = Py - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.touf._x = Fx; _root.touf._y = Fy - 1; _root.lipd._x = Gx; _root.lipd._y = Gy - 1; _root.lipg._x = Hx; _root.lipg._y = Hy - 1; _root.clit._x = Px; _root.clit._y = Py - 1; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.touf._x = Fx + 1; _root.touf._y = Fy - 1; _root.lipd._x = Gx + 1; _root.lipd._y = Gy - 1; _root.lipg._x = Hx + 1; _root.lipg._y = Hy - 1; _root.clit._x = Px + 1; _root.clit._y = Py - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.touf._x = Fx - 2; _root.touf._y = Fy; _root.lipd._x = Gx - 2; _root.lipd._y = Gy; _root.lipg._x = Hx - 2; _root.lipg._y = Hy; _root.clit._x = Px - 2; _root.clit._y = Py; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.touf._x = Fx; _root.touf._y = Fy; _root.lipd._x = Gx; _root.lipd._y = Gy; _root.lipg._x = Hx; _root.lipg._y = Hy; _root.clit._x = Px; _root.clit._y = Py; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.touf._x = Fx + 2; _root.touf._y = Fy; _root.lipd._x = Gx + 2; _root.lipd._y = Gy; _root.lipg._x = Hx + 2; _root.lipg._y = Hy; _root.clit._x = Px + 2; _root.clit._y = Py; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.touf._x = Fx - 1; _root.touf._y = Fy + 1; _root.lipd._x = Gx - 1; _root.lipd._y = Gy + 1; _root.lipg._x = Hx - 1; _root.lipg._y = Hy + 1; _root.clit._x = Px - 1; _root.clit._y = Py + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.touf._x = Fx; _root.touf._y = Fy + 2; _root.lipd._x = Gx; _root.lipd._y = Gy + 2; _root.lipg._x = Hx; _root.lipg._y = Hy + 2; _root.clit._x = Px; _root.clit._y = Py + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.touf._x = Fx + 1; _root.touf._y = Fy + 1; _root.lipd._x = Gx + 1; _root.lipd._y = Gy + 1; _root.lipg._x = Hx + 1; _root.lipg._y = Hy + 1; _root.clit._x = Px + 1; _root.clit._y = Py + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.sexok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 572
son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.textebouton = "Try Again"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.textebouton = "Rejouer"; } stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 196 MovieClip "im0" in Frame 572
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } }
Frame 573
son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); _root.sonok = 1; t = 0; if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 413 MovieClip in Frame 573
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (60 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(3); } else if (_root.i == 30) { _root.k = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = true; _root.sourireg._visible = true; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = true; _root.bouchfermg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.oeild._visible = true; _root.oeilg._visible = true; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 1) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = true; _root.oeil1g._visible = true; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 2) { _root.oeild._visible = false; _root.oeilg._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = true; _root.oeil2g._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 20) { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } else { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 573
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 573
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; if (80 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.gaugeok = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 573
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((0 < _root.nivman) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 179 MovieClip "im0" in Frame 573
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } if ((_root.langue == 2) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Heee !!! tu aurais pu m'attendre ! Moi aussi je voudrais prendre mon pied !... t'es vraiment pas un bon coup ! "; } }
Frame 574
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 419 MovieClip in Frame 574
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; Ax = _root.seind._x; Ay = _root.seind._y; Bx = _root.seind._x + _root.seind._width; By = _root.seind._y + _root.seind._height; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.seind._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.seind._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.seind._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.seind._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 1; _root.seind._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay - 2; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 1; _root.seind._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 2; _root.seind._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 2; _root.seind._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 1; _root.seind._y = Ay + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 1; _root.seind._y = Ay + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.nippleok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 301 MovieClip in Frame 574
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); s = 0; s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("son1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("son2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("son3"); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.t == 0) and (_root.sonok == 1)) { s = random(3); if (s == 0) { son.attachSound("son1"); } else if (s == 1) { son.attachSound("son2"); } else if (s == 2) { son.attachSound("son3"); } son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (12 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 575
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 421 MovieClip in Frame 575
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; Ax = _root.seing._x; Ay = _root.seing._y; Bx = _root.seing._x + _root.seing._width; By = _root.seing._y + _root.seing._height; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.seing._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.seing._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.seing._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.seing._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 1; _root.seing._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay - 2; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 1; _root.seing._y = Ay - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 2; _root.seing._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 2; _root.seing._y = Ay; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 1; _root.seing._y = Ay + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 1; _root.seing._y = Ay + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.nippleok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 576
Instance of Symbol 422 MovieClip in Frame 576
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; Ax = _root.culotte._x; Ay = _root.culotte._y; Bx = _root.culotte._x + _root.culotte._width; By = _root.culotte._y + _root.culotte._height; Gx = _root.lipd._x; Gy = _root.lipd._y; Hx = _root.lipg._x; Hy = _root.lipg._y; Px = _root.clit._x; Py = _root.clit._y; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.culotte._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.culotte._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.culotte_height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.culotte._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.lipd._x = Gx - 1; _root.lipd._y = Gy - 1; _root.lipg._x = Hx; _root.lipg._y = Hy - 1; _root.clit._x = Px - 1; _root.clit._y = Py - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.lipd._x = Gx; _root.lipd._y = Gy - 1; _root.lipg._x = Hx; _root.lipg._y = Hy - 1; _root.clit._x = Px; _root.clit._y = Py - 1; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.lipd._x = Gx; _root.lipd._y = Gy - 1; _root.lipg._x = Hx + 1; _root.lipg._y = Hy - 1; _root.clit._x = Px + 1; _root.clit._y = Py - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.lipd._x = Gx - 2; _root.lipd._y = Gy; _root.lipg._x = Hx; _root.lipg._y = Hy; _root.clit._x = Px - 1; _root.clit._y = Py; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.lipd._x = Gx; _root.lipd._y = Gy; _root.lipg._x = Hx; _root.lipg._y = Hy; _root.clit._x = Px; _root.clit._y = Py; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.lipd._x = Gx; _root.lipd._y = Gy; _root.lipg._x = Hx + 2; _root.lipg._y = Hy; _root.clit._x = Px + 1; _root.clit._y = Py; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.lipd._x = Gx - 1; _root.lipd._y = Gy + 1; _root.lipg._x = Hx; _root.lipg._y = Hy + 1; _root.clit._x = Px - 1; _root.clit._y = Py + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.lipd._x = Gx; _root.lipd._y = Gy + 2; _root.lipg._x = Hx; _root.lipg._y = Hy + 2; _root.clit._x = Px; _root.clit._y = Py + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.lipd._x = Gx; _root.lipd._y = Gy + 1; _root.lipg._x = Hx + 1; _root.lipg._y = Hy + 1; _root.clit._x = Px + 1; _root.clit._y = Py + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens == 5) { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } else { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 100)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivgirl < 150)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.6; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } else if ((sens != 5) and (149 < _root.nivgirl)) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2; _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 0.8; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.camelok = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((sens != 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.bouchd._visible = true; _root.bouchg._visible = true; _root.sonok = 1; } else { _root.bouchd._visible = false; _root.bouchg._visible = false; _root.sonok = 0; } }
Frame 577
son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.textebouton = "Try Again"; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.textebouton = "Rejouer"; } stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 196 MovieClip "im0" in Frame 577
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } }
Frame 578
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 308 MovieClip in Frame 578
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (60 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(3); } else if (_root.i == 30) { _root.k = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = true; _root.sourireg._visible = true; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = true; _root.bouchfermg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.oeild._visible = true; _root.oeilg._visible = true; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 1) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = true; _root.oeil1g._visible = true; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 2) { _root.oeild._visible = false; _root.oeilg._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = true; _root.oeil2g._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 20) { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } else { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 578
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 578
onClipEvent (load) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 160 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 578
onClipEvent (load) { if (0 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 579
stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 425 MovieClip in Frame 579
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 270; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 270; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (60 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(3); } else if (_root.i == 30) { _root.k = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = true; _root.sourireg._visible = true; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = true; _root.bouchfermg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.oeild._visible = true; _root.oeilg._visible = true; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 1) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = true; _root.oeil1g._visible = true; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 2) { _root.oeild._visible = false; _root.oeilg._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = true; _root.oeil2g._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 20) { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } else { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 579
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 579
onClipEvent (load) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 160 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 579
onClipEvent (load) { if (0 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 430 MovieClip in Frame 580
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 270; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 270; }
Frame 587
stop(); seinok = 0; cuisseok = 0; sexok = 0; gaugeok = 0; nippleok = 0; camelok = 0; gotoAndStop (597);
Instance of Symbol 435 MovieClip in Frame 588
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.choixmain == 1) { _root.main1._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main1._y = _ymouse + 240; } if (_root.choixmain == 2) { _root.main2._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main2._y = _ymouse + 240; } if (_root.choixmain == 3) { _root.main3._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main3._y = _ymouse + 277; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.choixmain == 1) { _root.main1._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main1._y = _ymouse + 240; } if (_root.choixmain == 2) { _root.main2._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main2._y = _ymouse + 240; } if (_root.choixmain == 3) { _root.main3._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main3._y = _ymouse + 277; } }
Instance of Symbol 436 MovieClip in Frame 588
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main1._x) and (_root.choixmain == 1)) { _root.main1._visible = true; _root.main2._visible = false; _root.main3._visible = false; Mouse.hide(); } else if ((95 < _root.main2._x) and (_root.choixmain == 2)) { _root.main1._visible = false; _root.main2._visible = true; _root.main3._visible = false; Mouse.hide(); } else if ((95 < _root.main3._x) and (_root.choixmain == 3)) { _root.main1._visible = false; _root.main2._visible = false; _root.main3._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main1._visible = false; _root.main2._visible = false; _root.main3._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main1._x) and (_root.choixmain == 1)) { _root.main1._visible = true; _root.main2._visible = false; _root.main3._visible = false; Mouse.hide(); } else if ((95 < _root.main2._x) and (_root.choixmain == 2)) { _root.main1._visible = false; _root.main2._visible = true; _root.main3._visible = false; Mouse.hide(); } else if ((95 < _root.main3._x) and (_root.choixmain == 3)) { _root.main1._visible = false; _root.main2._visible = false; _root.main3._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main1._visible = false; _root.main2._visible = false; _root.main3._visible = false;; } }
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 588
onClipEvent (load) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 160 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 588
onClipEvent (load) { if (0 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 596
if (_root.choixmain == 1) { gotoAndStop (566); } if (_root.choixmain == 2) { gotoAndStop (578); } if (_root.choixmain == 3) { gotoAndStop (573); }
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip in Frame 596
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.choixmain == 1) { _root.main1._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main1._y = _ymouse + 240; _root.main1._visible = true; _root.main2._visible = false; _root.main13_visible = false; } if (_root.choixmain == 2) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; _root.main1._visible = false; _root.main2._visible = true; _root.main13_visible = false; } if (_root.choixmain == 3) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; _root.main1._visible = false; _root.main2._visible = false; _root.main13_visible = true; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.choixmain == 1) { _root.main1._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main1._y = _ymouse + 240; _root.main1._visible = true; _root.main2._visible = false; _root.main13_visible = false; } if (_root.choixmain == 2) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; _root.main1._visible = false; _root.main2._visible = true; _root.main13_visible = false; } if (_root.choixmain == 3) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; _root.main1._visible = false; _root.main2._visible = false; _root.main13_visible = true; } }
Frame 597
t = 0; if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } stop(); if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 425 MovieClip in Frame 597
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 270; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 270; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (60 < _root.i) { _root.i = 0; _root.j = random(3); } else if (_root.i == 30) { _root.k = random(3); _root.i = _root.i + 1; } else { _root.i = _root.i + 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.j == 0) { _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 1) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = true; _root.sourireg._visible = true; _root.bouchfermd._visible = false; _root.bouchfermg._visible = false; } else if (_root.j == 2) { _root.bouched._visible = false; _root.boucheg._visible = false; _root.sourired._visible = false; _root.sourireg._visible = false; _root.bouchfermd._visible = true; _root.bouchfermg._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.k == 0) { _root.oeild._visible = true; _root.oeilg._visible = true; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 1) { _root.oeil0d._visible = false; _root.oeil0g._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = true; _root.oeil1g._visible = true; _root.oeil2d._visible = false; _root.oeil2g._visible = false; } else if (_root.k == 2) { _root.oeild._visible = false; _root.oeilg._visible = false; _root.oeil1d._visible = false; _root.oeil1g._visible = false; _root.oeil2d._visible = true; _root.oeil2g._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.i == 20) { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; } else { _root.ofd._visible = false; _root.ofg._visible = false; } }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 597
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 597
onClipEvent (load) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 160 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 597
onClipEvent (load) { if (0 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (0 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman - 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 179 MovieClip "im0" in Frame 597
onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.im0._visible = false; _root.im1._visible = false; _root.im2._visible = false; _root.im3._visible = false; _root.im4._visible = false; _root.im5._visible = false; _root.im6._visible = false; } else { _root.im0._visible = true; _root.im1._visible = true; _root.im2._visible = true; _root.im3._visible = true; _root.im4._visible = true; _root.im5._visible = true; _root.im6._visible = true; _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } if ((_root.langue == 2) and (_root.nivman == 200)) { _root.textefin = "Heee !!! tu aurais pu m'attendre ! Moi aussi je voudrais prendre mon pied !... t'es vraiment pas un bon coup ! "; } }
Instance of Symbol 446 MovieClip in Frame 598
onClipEvent (load) {; }
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip in Frame 601
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("son2"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t == 0) { son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (8 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 240 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 603
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl < 100) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; } else if (_root.nivgirl < 190) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.5; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 241 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 603
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 612
if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (603); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (663); } if (199 < _root.nivgirl) { gotoAndPlay (664); }
Frame 613
_root.main._x = _xmouse; _root.main._y = _ymouse; if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; } if (_root.main._x < 96) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 208 MovieClip in Frame 613
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 613
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Frame 622
if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (613); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (663); } if (199 < _root.nivgirl) { gotoAndPlay (664); }
Frame 623
_root.main._x = _xmouse; _root.main._y = _ymouse; if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; } if (_root.main._x < 96) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Frame 632
if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (623); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (663); } if (199 < _root.nivgirl) { gotoAndPlay (664); }
Frame 633
_root.main._x = _xmouse - 6; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 37; if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; } if (_root.main._x < 96) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 342 MovieClip in Frame 633
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 314; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 277; }
Instance of Symbol 240 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 633
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl < 100) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; } else if (_root.nivgirl < 190) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.5; } _root.gaugegirl._height = _root.nivgirl; _root.gaugegirl._y = ((200 - _root.nivgirl) + (_root.nivgirl / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 241 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 633
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 1; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Frame 642
if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (633); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (663); } if (199 < _root.nivgirl) { gotoAndPlay (664); }
Frame 643
if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 473 MovieClip in Frame 643
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.seind._x; Ay = _root.seind._y; Bx = _root.seind._x + _root.seind._width; By = _root.seind._y + _root.seind._height; Ex = _root.tsd._x; Ey = _root.tsd._y; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.seind._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.seind._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.seind._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.seind._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 1; _root.seind._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay - 2; _root.tsd._x = Ex; _root.tsd._y = Ey - 2; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 1; _root.seind._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 2; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tsd._x = Ex - 2; _root.tsd._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tsd._x = Ex; _root.tsd._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 2; _root.seind._y = Ay; _root.tsd._x = Ex + 2; _root.tsd._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax - 1; _root.seind._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax; _root.seind._y = Ay + 2; _root.tsd._x = Ex; _root.tsd._y = Ey + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seind._x = Ax + 1; _root.seind._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsd._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsd._y = Ey + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens != 5) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } if (200 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = 200; } }
Frame 652
if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (643); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (663); } if (199 < _root.nivgirl) { gotoAndPlay (664); }
Frame 653
if (199 < _root.nivman) { _root.main._visible = false;; }
Instance of Symbol 475 MovieClip in Frame 653
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; Ax = _root.seing._x; Ay = _root.seing._y; Bx = _root.seing._x + _root.seing._width; By = _root.seing._y + _root.seing._height; Ex = _root.tsg._x; Ey = _root.tsg._y; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { finx = _xmouse + 320; finy = _ymouse + 240; if ((((finx < (Ax - (_root.seing._width / 2))) or ((Bx - (_root.seing._width / 2)) < finx)) or (finy < (Ay - (_root.seing._height / 2)))) or ((By - (_root.seing._height / 2)) < finy)) { sens = 5; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 1; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 2; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) < 0)) { sens = 3; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 4; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 5; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && ((finy - deby) == 0)) { sens = 6; } else if (((finx - debx) < 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 7; } else if (((finx - debx) == 0) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 8; } else if ((0 < (finx - debx)) && (0 < (finy - deby))) { sens = 9; } debx = finx; deby = finy; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((sens == 1) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 1; _root.seing._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 2) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay - 2; _root.tsg._x = Ex; _root.tsg._y = Ey - 2; } else if ((sens == 3) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 1; _root.seing._y = Ay - 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey - 1; } else if ((sens == 4) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 2; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tsg._x = Ex - 2; _root.tsg._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 5) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tsg._x = Ex; _root.tsg._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 6) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 2; _root.seing._y = Ay; _root.tsg._x = Ex + 2; _root.tsg._y = Ey; } else if ((sens == 7) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax - 1; _root.seing._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex - 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey + 1; } else if ((sens == 8) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax; _root.seing._y = Ay + 2; _root.tsg._x = Ex; _root.tsg._y = Ey + 2; } else if ((sens == 9) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.seing._x = Ax + 1; _root.seing._y = Ay + 1; _root.tsg._x = Ex + 1; _root.tsg._y = Ey + 1; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if (sens != 5) { _root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1; } if (200 < _root.nivman) { _root.nivman = 200; } if (200 < _root.nivgirl) { _root.nivgirl = 200; } }
Frame 662
if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (653); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (663); } if (199 < _root.nivgirl) { gotoAndPlay (664); }
Frame 663
son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); stop();; if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.textebouton = "Try Again"; _root.textefin = "Shit !!! you'r cumming !... You'r really a very bad lover... You were unable to give me an orgasm..."; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.textebouton = "Rejouer"; _root.textefin = "Heee !!! tu aurais pu m'attendre ! Moi aussi je voudrais prendre mon pied !... t'es vraiment pas un bon coup ! "; }
Frame 664
t = 0; i = 0;
Instance of Symbol 208 MovieClip in Frame 664
onClipEvent (load) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.main._x = _xmouse + 320; _root.main._y = _ymouse + 240; }
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Frame 664
onClipEvent (load) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { if ((95 < _root.main._x) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { _root.main._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } else { _root.main._visible = false;; } }
Instance of Symbol 281 MovieClip in Frame 664
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.i = _root.i + 1; if (_root.i == 2) { _root.cache._visible = true; } if (_root.i == 4) { _root.cache._visible = false; } if (_root.i == 5) { _root.i = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 480 MovieClip "gaugeman" in Frame 664
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { _root.nivman = _root.nivman + 2; } _root.gaugeman._height = _root.nivman; _root.gaugeman._y = ((200 - _root.nivman) + (_root.nivman / 2)) + 13; }
Instance of Symbol 284 MovieClip in Frame 664
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("son4"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t == 0) { son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); son.start(); _root.t = _root.t + 1; } else { _root.t = _root.t + 1; } if (5 < _root.t) { _root.t = 0; } }
Frame 708
t = 0;
Instance of Symbol 481 MovieClip in Frame 708
onClipEvent (load) { son = new Sound(); son.attachSound("son3"); son.stop("son1"); son.stop("son2"); son.stop("son3"); son.stop("son4"); son.start(); }
Frame 743
stop();; if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.textebouton = "Start Again"; _root.textefin = " marvellous!!! I liked that very much! you are really a great lover! when let us start again? "; _root.textegagne = " you win the game "; } else if (_root.langue == 2) { _root.textebouton = "Rejouer"; _root.textefin = "Waouuuu !!! C'etait vraiment super et j'ai adoré !!! ... Quand est-ce qu'on recommence ?! "; _root.textegagne = " tu as gagné la partie "; }
Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bytes_totales = _level0.getBytesTotal(); _root["bytes_chargées"] = _level0.getBytesLoaded(); _root.bytes_rapport = Math.round((_root["bytes_chargées"] / _root.bytes_totales) * 100); _root.bytes_chargement_affichage = Math.round(_root.bytes_rapport) add " %"; if (_root.bytes_rapport == 100) {; stop(); } tellTarget (_root.barre_chargement_bytes) { gotoAndPlay(_root.bytes_rapport); };
Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 101
Symbol 22 Button
on (release) { langue = 1; gotoAndPlay (4); }
Symbol 26 Button
on (press, release) { gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 29 Button
on (release) { langue = 2; gotoAndPlay (4); }
Symbol 30 Button
on (press, release) { gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 47 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (6); }
Symbol 56 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 85 Button
on (press, release) { if (_root.langue == 1) { gotoAndStop (49); } else if (_root.langue == 2) { gotoAndStop (50); } }
Symbol 86 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (51); }
Symbol 114 Button
on (press, release) { gotoAndStop (51); }
Symbol 156 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (52); }
Symbol 157 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (58); }
Symbol 163 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (54); }
Symbol 166 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (55); }
Symbol 167 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (56); }
Symbol 169 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (53); }
Symbol 191 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (52); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (57); } }
Symbol 198 Button
on (release) { son.stop(); music.stop(); gotoAndStop (48); }
Symbol 201 Button
on (press) { _root.oeil0d._visible = true; _root.oeil0g._visible = true; _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; gotoAndPlay (59); }
Symbol 210 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (68); }
Symbol 211 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (69); }
Symbol 212 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (70); }
Symbol 213 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (71); }
Symbol 214 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (67); }
Symbol 215 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (73); }
Symbol 217 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (66); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (72); } }
Symbol 221 Button
on (press) { _root.oeil0d._visible = true; _root.oeil0g._visible = true; _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; gotoAndPlay (74); }
Symbol 222 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (66); }
Symbol 224 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (109); }
Symbol 225 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (110); }
Symbol 226 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (111); }
Symbol 227 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (112); }
Symbol 228 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (108); }
Symbol 229 Button
on (press) { if (_root.orgasm == 0) { gotoAndStop (114); } if (_root.orgasm == 1) { gotoAndStop (269); } }
Symbol 231 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (107); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (113); } }
Symbol 235 Button
on (press) { _root.oeil0d._visible = true; _root.oeil0g._visible = true; _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; gotoAndPlay (115); }
Symbol 237 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (107); }
Symbol 242 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (131); }
Symbol 244 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (132); }
Symbol 245 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (133); }
Symbol 246 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (134); }
Symbol 247 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (135); }
Symbol 248 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (136); }
Symbol 249 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (137); }
Symbol 250 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (130); }
Symbol 251 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (139); }
Symbol 252 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (147); }
Symbol 253 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (123); }
Symbol 254 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (140); }
Symbol 255 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (148); }
Symbol 256 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (124); }
Symbol 257 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (141); }
Symbol 258 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (149); }
Symbol 259 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (125); }
Symbol 260 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (142); }
Symbol 261 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (150); }
Symbol 262 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (126); }
Symbol 263 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (143); }
Symbol 264 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (151); }
Symbol 265 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (127); }
Symbol 266 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (144); }
Symbol 267 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (152); }
Symbol 268 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (128); }
Symbol 269 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (145); }
Symbol 270 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (153); }
Symbol 271 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (129); }
Symbol 272 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (138); }
Symbol 273 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (146); }
Symbol 274 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (122); }
Symbol 276 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (130); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (154); } }
Symbol 286 Button
on (press) { _root.oeil0d._visible = true; _root.oeil0g._visible = true; _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; gotoAndPlay (270); }
Symbol 293 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (303); }
Symbol 294 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (304); }
Symbol 295 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (305); }
Symbol 296 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (306); }
Symbol 297 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (302); }
Symbol 298 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (308); }
Symbol 300 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (301); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (307); } }
Symbol 304 Button
on (press) { _root.oeil0d._visible = true; _root.oeil0g._visible = true; _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; gotoAndPlay (309); }
Symbol 305 Button
on (release) { _root.oeil0d._visible = true; _root.oeil0g._visible = true; _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; gotoAndPlay (309); }
Symbol 306 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (301); }
Symbol 309 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (371); }
Symbol 310 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (372); }
Symbol 311 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (373); }
Symbol 312 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (374); }
Symbol 313 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (370); }
Symbol 315 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (381); }
Symbol 316 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (376); }
Symbol 320 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (369); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (375); } }
Symbol 324 Button
on (press) { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; _root.oeild._visible = true; _root.oeilg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (378); }
Symbol 325 Button
on (press) { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; _root.oeild._visible = true; _root.oeilg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (377); }
Symbol 327 Button
on (press) { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; _root.oeild._visible = true; _root.oeilg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (379); }
Symbol 330 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (369); }
Symbol 334 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (376); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (380); } if (((_root.nippleok == 1) and (_root.gaugeok == 1)) and (_root.nivman < 200)) { gotoAndPlay (383); } }
Symbol 344 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (423); }
Symbol 345 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (416); }
Symbol 346 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (410); }
Symbol 347 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (424); }
Symbol 348 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (425); }
Symbol 349 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (426); }
Symbol 350 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (427); }
Symbol 351 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (422); }
Symbol 352 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (404); }
Symbol 354 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (404); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (428); } }
Symbol 364 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (513); }
Symbol 365 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (514); }
Symbol 366 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (515); }
Symbol 367 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (516); }
Symbol 368 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (512); }
Symbol 370 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (523); }
Symbol 371 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (518); }
Symbol 374 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (511); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (517); } }
Symbol 378 Button
on (press) { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; _root.oeild._visible = true; _root.oeilg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (520); }
Symbol 379 Button
on (press) { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; _root.oeild._visible = true; _root.oeilg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (519); }
Symbol 380 Button
on (press) { _root.ofd._visible = true; _root.ofg._visible = true; _root.oeild._visible = true; _root.oeilg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (521); }
Symbol 381 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (511); }
Symbol 383 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (518); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (522); } }
Symbol 389 Button
on (press) { _root.oeil0d._visible = true; _root.oeil0g._visible = true; _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; gotoAndPlay (524); }
Symbol 396 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (568); }
Symbol 397 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (567); }
Symbol 398 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (569); }
Symbol 399 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (570); }
Symbol 401 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (571); }
Symbol 402 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (578); }
Symbol 403 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (573); }
Symbol 404 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (579); }
Symbol 409 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (566); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (572); } }
Symbol 414 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (575); }
Symbol 415 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (574); }
Symbol 416 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; gotoAndStop (576); }
Symbol 417 Button
on (press) { gotoAndStop (566); }
Symbol 420 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (573); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (577); } }
Symbol 426 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; gotoAndPlay (580); }
Symbol 438 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; gotoAndPlay (589); }
Symbol 439 Button
on (press) { _root.ofermd._visible = true; _root.ofermg._visible = true; _root.bouched._visible = true; _root.boucheg._visible = true; gotoAndPlay (598); }
Symbol 440 Button
on (press) { _root.choixmain = 1; gotoAndPlay (588); }
Symbol 441 Button
on (press) { _root.choixmain = 2; gotoAndPlay (588); }
Symbol 442 Button
on (press) { _root.choixmain = 3; gotoAndPlay (588); }
Symbol 449 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (613); }
Symbol 450 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (623); }
Symbol 451 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (633); }
Symbol 452 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (654); }
Symbol 453 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (644); }
Symbol 454 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (603); }
Symbol 455 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (655); }
Symbol 456 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (645); }
Symbol 457 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (656); }
Symbol 458 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (646); }
Symbol 459 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (657); }
Symbol 460 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (647); }
Symbol 461 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (658); }
Symbol 462 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (648); }
Symbol 463 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (659); }
Symbol 464 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (649); }
Symbol 465 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (660); }
Symbol 466 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (650); }
Symbol 467 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (661); }
Symbol 468 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (651); }
Symbol 469 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (662); }
Symbol 470 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (652); }
Symbol 471 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (653); }
Symbol 472 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (643); }
Symbol 474 Button
on (rollOver, rollOut, press, release) { if (_root.nivman < 200) { gotoAndPlay (613); } if (199 < _root.nivman) { gotoAndStop (663); } }

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [son4]
Symbol 2 Sound [son3]
Symbol 3 Sound [son2]
Symbol 4 Sound [son1]
Symbol 5 Sound [music]
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:7
Symbol 7 MovieClipUses:6Used by:Timeline
Symbol 8 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 9 ShapeTweeningUsed by:11
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:11
Symbol 11 MovieClipUses:9 10Used by:Timeline
Symbol 12 FontUsed by:13
Symbol 13 EditableTextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 15 FontUsed by:16 17 27 28 199 220 234 280 282 303 322 339 356 377 386 412 424 477 485
Symbol 16 TextUses:15Used by:Timeline
Symbol 17 TextUses:15Used by:Timeline
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:22 29
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:22 29
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:22 29
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:22 29 85 86 94 114 156 157 198 215 222 229 237 242 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 253 256 259 262 265 268 271 274 298 306 315 316 330 345 346 352 370 371 381 402 403 404 417 440 441 442 449 450 451 454
Symbol 22 ButtonUses:18 19 20 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 23 GraphicUsed by:24 30
Symbol 24 MovieClipUses:23Used by:Timeline
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:26 31
Symbol 26 ButtonUses:25Used by:Timeline
Symbol 27 TextUses:15Used by:Timeline
Symbol 28 TextUses:15Used by:Timeline
Symbol 29 ButtonUses:18 19 20 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 30 ButtonUses:23Used by:Timeline
Symbol 31 MovieClipUses:25Used by:Timeline
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 33 FontUsed by:34 108 109 110 111 112 113 115 116 117 118 119 120 121
Symbol 34 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 35 FontUsed by:36 37
Symbol 36 EditableTextUses:35Used by:Timeline
Symbol 37 EditableTextUses:35Used by:Timeline
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:39 122 161 183 193 194 195 208 218 232 275 277 308 323 332 335 336 342 353 375 384 387 410 413 419 421 422 425 430 435 437 473 475
Symbol 39 MovieClipUses:38Used by:Timeline
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:41 388
Symbol 41 MovieClipUses:40Used by:Timeline
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:43
Symbol 43 MovieClipUses:42Used by:Timeline
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:45 162
Symbol 45 MovieClipUses:44Used by:Timeline
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:47 56 130 163 169 184 210 214 224 228 293 297 309 313 364 368 396 397 452 453 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472
Symbol 47 ButtonUses:46Used by:Timeline
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:49 57 324 325 378 379 414 415
Symbol 49 MovieClipUses:48Used by:Timeline
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:51
Symbol 51 MovieClipUses:50Used by:Timeline
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:53 165
Symbol 53 MovieClipUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 55 MovieClipUses:54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 56 ButtonUses:46Used by:Timeline
Symbol 57 MovieClipUses:48Used by:Timeline
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:59
Symbol 59 MovieClipUses:58Used by:Timeline
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:61 141 286
Symbol 61 MovieClipUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:63 187 251 252 254 255 257 258 260 261 263 264 266 267 269 270 272 273
Symbol 63 MovieClipUses:62Used by:Timeline
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:65 66
Symbol 65 MovieClipUses:64Used by:Timeline
Symbol 66 MovieClipUses:64Used by:Timeline
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:68 203
Symbol 68 MovieClipUses:67Used by:Timeline
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:70 369
Symbol 70 MovieClipUses:69Used by:Timeline
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:72 204
Symbol 72 MovieClipUses:71Used by:Timeline
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:74 146
Symbol 74 MovieClipUses:73Used by:Timeline
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:76 314
Symbol 76 MovieClipUses:75Used by:Timeline
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 78 MovieClipUses:77Used by:Timeline
Symbol 79 FontUsed by:80 81 87 88 182 197 216 219 230 233 238 279 299 302 319 321 331 338 341 355 372 376 382 385 407 411 418 423 443 476 484 486
Symbol 80 EditableTextUses:79Used by:Timeline
Symbol 81 EditableTextUses:79Used by:Timeline
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:85 86 94 114 156 157 198 215 222 229 237 242 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 253 256 259 262 265 268 271 274 298 306 315 316 330 345 346 352 370 371 381 402 403 404 417 440 441 442 449 450 451 454
Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:85 86 94 114 156 157 198 215 222 229 237 242 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 253 256 259 262 265 268 271 274 298 306 315 316 330 345 346 352 370 371 381 402 403 404 417 440 441 442 449 450 451 454
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:85 86 94 114 156 157 198 215 222 229 237 242 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 253 256 259 262 265 268 271 274 298 306 315 316 330 345 346 352 370 371 381 402 403 404 417 440 441 442 449 450 451 454
Symbol 85 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 86 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 87 EditableTextUses:79Used by:Timeline
Symbol 88 EditableTextUses:79Used by:Timeline
Symbol 89 FontUsed by:90 91
Symbol 90 TextUses:89Used by:Timeline
Symbol 91 TextUses:89Used by:Timeline
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:93 175 307 436 446
Symbol 93 MovieClipUses:92Used by:Timeline
Symbol 94 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:96 207
Symbol 96 MovieClipUses:95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 97 GraphicUsed by:98
Symbol 98 MovieClipUses:97Used by:Timeline
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:100 158
Symbol 100 MovieClipUses:99Used by:Timeline
Symbol 101 GraphicUsed by:102
Symbol 102 MovieClipUses:101Used by:Timeline
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:104 159 160 176 177 236 240 241 281 480
Symbol 104 MovieClipUses:103Used by:Timeline
Symbol 105 GraphicUsed by:106
Symbol 106 MovieClipUses:105Used by:Timeline
Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 108 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 109 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 110 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 111 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 112 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 113 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 114 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 115 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 116 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 117 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 118 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 119 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 120 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 121 TextUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 122 MovieClipUses:38Used by:Timeline
Symbol 123 GraphicUsed by:124 127
Symbol 124 MovieClipUses:123Used by:Timeline
Symbol 125 GraphicUsed by:126
Symbol 126 MovieClipUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 127 MovieClipUses:123Used by:Timeline
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:129
Symbol 129 MovieClipUses:128Used by:Timeline
Symbol 130 MovieClipUses:46Used by:Timeline
Symbol 131 GraphicUsed by:132 164
Symbol 132 MovieClipUses:131Used by:Timeline
Symbol 133 GraphicUsed by:134 166 167 200 211 212 225 226 294 295 310 311 365 366 398 399
Symbol 134 MovieClipUses:133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 135 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 136 MovieClipUses:135Used by:Timeline
Symbol 137 GraphicUsed by:138 168 201 209 213 227 235 296 312 367 389
Symbol 138 MovieClipUses:137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 139 GraphicUsed by:140 202
Symbol 140 MovieClipUses:139Used by:Timeline
Symbol 141 MovieClipUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 142 GraphicUsed by:143 170
Symbol 143 MovieClipUses:142Used by:Timeline
Symbol 144 GraphicUsed by:145 188 221
Symbol 145 MovieClipUses:144Used by:Timeline
Symbol 146 MovieClipUses:73Used by:Timeline
Symbol 147 GraphicUsed by:148 171
Symbol 148 MovieClipUses:147Used by:Timeline
Symbol 149 GraphicUsed by:150 172
Symbol 150 MovieClipUses:149Used by:Timeline
Symbol 151 GraphicUsed by:152 223
Symbol 152 MovieClipUses:151Used by:Timeline
Symbol 153 GraphicUsed by:154 155
Symbol 154 MovieClipUses:153Used by:Timeline
Symbol 155 MovieClipUses:153Used by:Timeline
Symbol 156 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 157 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 158 MovieClipUses:99Used by:Timeline
Symbol 159 MovieClipUses:103Used by:Timeline
Symbol 160 MovieClipUses:103Used by:Timeline
Symbol 161 MovieClipUses:38Used by:Timeline
Symbol 162 MovieClipUses:44Used by:Timeline
Symbol 163 ButtonUses:46Used by:Timeline
Symbol 164 MovieClipUses:131Used by:Timeline
Symbol 165 MovieClipUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 166 ButtonUses:133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 167 ButtonUses:133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 168 ButtonUses:137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 169 ButtonUses:46Used by:Timeline
Symbol 170 MovieClipUses:142Used by:Timeline
Symbol 171 MovieClipUses:147Used by:Timeline
Symbol 172 MovieClipUses:149Used by:Timeline
Symbol 173 GraphicUsed by:174 189
Symbol 174 MovieClipUses:173Used by:Timeline
Symbol 175 MovieClipUses:92Used by:Timeline
Symbol 176 MovieClipUses:103Used by:Timeline
Symbol 177 MovieClipUses:103Used by:Timeline
Symbol 178 GraphicUsed by:179 196 278
Symbol 179 MovieClipUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 180 GraphicUsed by:181
Symbol 181 MovieClipUses:180Used by:Timeline
Symbol 182 EditableTextUses:79Used by:Timeline
Symbol 183 MovieClipUses:38Used by:Timeline
Symbol 184 MovieClipUses:46Used by:Timeline
Symbol 185 GraphicUsed by:186 239
Symbol 186 MovieClipUses:185Used by:Timeline
Symbol 187 MovieClipUses:62Used by:Timeline
Symbol 188 MovieClipUses:144Used by:Timeline
Symbol 189 MovieClipUses:173Used by:Timeline
Symbol 190 GraphicUsed by:191 192 217 231 243 276 283 284 285 300 301 320 334 343 354 357 374 383 401 408 409 416 420 426 438 439 474 481
Symbol 191 ButtonUses:190Used by:Timeline
Symbol 192 MovieClipUses:190Used by:Timeline
Symbol 193 MovieClipUses:38Used by:Timeline
Symbol 194 MovieClipUses:38Used by:Timeline
Symbol 195 MovieClipUses:38Used by:Timeline
Symbol 196 MovieClipUses:178Used by:Timeline
Symbol 197 EditableTextUses:79Used by:Timeline
Symbol 198 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 199 EditableTextUses:15Used by:Timeline
Symbol 200 MovieClipUses:133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 201 ButtonUses:137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 202 MovieClipUses:139Used by:Timeline
Symbol 203 MovieClipUses:67Used by:Timeline
Symbol 204 MovieClipUses:71Used by:Timeline
Symbol 205 GraphicUsed by:206 287
Symbol 206 MovieClipUses:205Used by:Timeline
Symbol 207 MovieClipUses:95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 208 MovieClipUses:38Used by:Timeline
Symbol 209 MovieClipUses:137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 210 ButtonUses:46Used by:Timeline
Symbol 211 ButtonUses:133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 212 ButtonUses:133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 213 ButtonUses:137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 214 ButtonUses:46Used by:Timeline
Symbol 215 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 216 EditableTextUses:79Used by:Timeline
Symbol 217 ButtonUses:190Used by:Timeline
Symbol 218 MovieClipUses:38Used by:Timeline
Symbol 219 EditableTextUses:79Used by:Timeline
Symbol 220 EditableTextUses:15Used by:Timeline
Symbol 221 ButtonUses:144Used by:Timeline
Symbol 222 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 223 MovieClipUses:151Used by:Timeline
Symbol 224 ButtonUses:46Used by:Timeline
Symbol 225 ButtonUses:133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 226 ButtonUses:133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 227 ButtonUses:137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 228 ButtonUses:46Used by:Timeline
Symbol 229 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 230 EditableTextUses:79Used by:Timeline
Symbol 231 ButtonUses:190Used by:Timeline
Symbol 232 MovieClipUses:38Used by:Timeline
Symbol 233 EditableTextUses:79Used by:Timeline
Symbol 234 EditableTextUses:15Used by:Timeline
Symbol 235 ButtonUses:137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 236 MovieClipUses:103Used by:Timeline
Symbol 237 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 238 EditableTextUses:79Used by:Timeline
Symbol 239 MovieClipUses:185Used by:Timeline
Symbol 240 MovieClipUses:103Used by:Timeline
Symbol 241 MovieClipUses:103Used by:Timeline
Symbol 242 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 243 MovieClipUses:190Used by:Timeline
Symbol 244 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 245 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 246 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 247 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 252 ButtonUses:62Used by:Timeline
Symbol 253 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 254 ButtonUses:62Used by:Timeline
Symbol 255 ButtonUses:62Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 257 ButtonUses:62Used by:Timeline
Symbol 258 ButtonUses:62Used by:Timeline
Symbol 259 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 260 ButtonUses:62Used by:Timeline
Symbol 261 ButtonUses:62Used by:Timeline
Symbol 262 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 263 ButtonUses:62Used by:Timeline
Symbol 264 ButtonUses:62Used by:Timeline
Symbol 265 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 266 ButtonUses:62Used by:Timeline
Symbol 267 ButtonUses:62Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 271 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 272 ButtonUses:62Used by:Timeline
Symbol 273 ButtonUses:62Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 276 ButtonUses:190Used by:Timeline
Symbol 277 MovieClipUses:38Used by:Timeline
Symbol 278 MovieClipUses:178Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 280 EditableTextUses:15Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 282 TextUses:15Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 284 MovieClipUses:190Used by:Timeline
Symbol 285 MovieClipUses:190Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 290 GraphicUsed by:291 292 304 305
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Symbol 294 ButtonUses:133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 295 ButtonUses:133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 296 ButtonUses:137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 297 ButtonUses:46Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 300 ButtonUses:190Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 303 EditableTextUses:15Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 305 ButtonUses:290Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 310 ButtonUses:133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 311 ButtonUses:133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 312 ButtonUses:137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 313 ButtonUses:46Used by:Timeline
Symbol 314 MovieClipUses:75Used by:Timeline
Symbol 315 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 316 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 317 GraphicUsed by:318 340
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Symbol 322 EditableTextUses:15Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 325 ButtonUses:48Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 333 MovieClipUses:328Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 336 MovieClipUses:38Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 346 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 347 ButtonUses:326Used by:Timeline
Symbol 348 ButtonUses:326Used by:Timeline
Symbol 349 ButtonUses:326Used by:Timeline
Symbol 350 ButtonUses:326Used by:Timeline
Symbol 351 ButtonUses:326Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 361 MovieClipUses:360Used by:Timeline
Symbol 362 GraphicUsed by:363 373 380
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Symbol 365 ButtonUses:133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 366 ButtonUses:133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 367 ButtonUses:137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 368 ButtonUses:46Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 371 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 383 ButtonUses:190Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 385 EditableTextUses:79Used by:Timeline
Symbol 386 EditableTextUses:15Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 388 MovieClipUses:40Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 441 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 442 ButtonUses:82 83 84 21Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 459 ButtonUses:46Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 477 EditableTextUses:15Used by:Timeline
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Instance Names

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Created: 18/5 -2019 14:57:04 Last modified: 18/5 -2019 14:57:04 Server time: 06/11 -2024 01:59:55