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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #31483

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Medium Armor</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="tahoma" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">0</font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="tahoma" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">0</font></p>

















<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="8" color="#cccccc" letterSpacing="5.000000" kerning="0"><b>SPONSORED BY</b></font></p>






<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="10" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>25/25</b></font></p>

Starting Skills

Unlockable Skills

<p align="center"><font face="Georgia" size="20" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Cleric Skills</b></font></p>

(mouse over a skill icon to see its description)

Passive Skills

Select Game

Delete Saved Game

Delete Saved Game

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffe6" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Level 99</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#333333" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>The Den of Corruption</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#333333" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Standard</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#333333" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Hardcore - Tactical - Attrition</font></p>


<p align="center"><font face="Georgia" size="14" color="#333333" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>225%</b></font></p>


<p align="center"><font face="Georgia" size="14" color="#333333" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>2250005</b></font></p>



<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#333333" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Player</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#333333" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Barbarian</font></p>

Begin New Game

Click here to begin
Your progress will be saved
automatically in this slot.
Be aware that clearing your
browser cache will delete
your save file.



Highest Dungeon Rating:

Highest Dungeon Level:

<p align="left"><font face="Monotype Corsiva" size="12" color="#663300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>12345</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Monotype Corsiva" size="12" color="#663300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>2346718987321</b></font></p>

Highest Survival Wave:

<p align="left"><font face="Monotype Corsiva" size="12" color="#663300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>2346</b></font></p>

Click here to add a new character to the party

<p align="center"><font face="Georgia" size="18" color="#333333" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Warrior</b></font></p>





<p align="center"><font face="Monotype Corsiva" size="25" color="#333333" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">123456789012</font></p>

Custom Portrait

Custom Portrait

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="8" color="#333333" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>THE</b></font></p>



<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="11" color="#333333" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Blah Blah Blah kjdhashdkasjdhkahsdkajhdkas dhaksdhka h sajsj sjdhaskjdh ashjdka dshajkd ahsk dshajkdhak</font></p>

Conjuror class only available on

Create your party of adventurers







Game Options

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">LOW</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">MID</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">FULL</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">OFF</font></p>

Total Volume:

Sound FX Volume:

Music Volume:

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Checkbox Text</font></p>

Graphic Quality:

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">MED</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">HIGH</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">BEST</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">LOW</font></p>



<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">ON</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">OFF</font></p>

Combat Blur:

Portrait Highlight:


Tooltip Delay:

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">LOW</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">MED</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">LONG</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">NONE</font></p>

Adv. Pathfinding:

(disable if dungeon
movement is slow)

Game Credits

Monsters' Den: The Book of Dread by
Daniel Stradwick

Additional Character Art
Joe Calkins

Dwarf Faction Art by V Shane © 2001-2008

Beta Testers: ChaosBlade_DC (Daniel Cavael), Dark Nova, DesK333,
LightningLord, Obeliskos, ssamtheman, spacey, SwordPaladin (Biclops RPG Fan),
Torchwood, William R. Howell

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Some artwork taken from Stellar Stockart #1: Mythic Monsters, copyright © <sbr />Cracked Mirror Publishing. Used with permission. </font></p><p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">To learn more visit <font color="#ffffcc"><a href=""></a></font></font></p>

<p align="center"></p>


<p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="8" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>v1.0</b></font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="8" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>v1.0</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Georgia" size="17" color="#ff0000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Death&apos;s Champions</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">x 2 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Goblin Artificer</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">x 2 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Goblin Artificer</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">x 2 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Goblin Artificer</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">x 2 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Goblin Artificer</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">x 2 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Goblin Artificer</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">x 2 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Goblin Artificer</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ff6600" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Blazing Longsword of Eternal and Extreme Cuttiness</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="11" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">10 Damage</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="11" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">+1-3 Fire Damage</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="11" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">+2 Quickness</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="11" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">+3 Strength</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Usable: Warrior, Rogue, Mage, Cleric, Ranger</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="11" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Offhand Item</font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="11" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Level 1024</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#ffcc99" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Enchanted: Strength</font></p>


<p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">250</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#999999" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">by garin</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="14" color="#ffffdd" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Ensorcelled Blade</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="11" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Here is the incredibly valuable information that you&apos;re simply dying to read. Enjoy!</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Requires Melee Weapon</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>100 Power</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Effect increases with Intellect</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>An Interesting Tooltip Containing Much Information</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="11" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Here is the incredibly valuable information that you&apos;re simply dying to read. Enjoy!</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="14" color="#ffffdd" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Ensorcelled Blade</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="11" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Here is the incredibly valuable information that you&apos;re simply dying to read. Enjoy!</font></p>

Passive Skill

<p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="11" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Rank 0/24</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">All</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Recommend</font></p>



Party Inventory

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>45/45</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="11" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Status text goes here.</font></p>




<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="15" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Eugene</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#ffffcc" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Level 8 Warrior</b></font></p>

<p align="center"></p>

<p align="center"></p>





<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">99</font></p>


<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Statistics</font></p>





















<p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">99999</font></p>




<p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="11" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">999</font></p>


<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="11" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">SELECT NEW SKILLS</font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="8" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99</b></font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffcc" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Power Attack</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffcc" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Power Attack</b></font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffcc" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Passive Skill 1</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffcc" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Passive Skill 2</b></font></p>

Select New Skills


<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>8</b></font></p>


<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>45/45</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>0</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="8" color="#cccccc" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Level 99</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Georgia" size="10" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>The Den of Infinite Evil</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"> 0% CLEARED</font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"> EXPLORED 0%</font></p>




<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Health: 22 Damage: 22</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#663300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>New Dungeon</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#663300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Clear</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#663300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Explore</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#663300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Gear</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#663300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Heal</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#663300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Critical</b></font></p>


<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="8" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">NEXT LEVEL</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="8" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">EQUIPMENT</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="8" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">HEAL</font></p>

<p align="center"></p>

The Dreadfather falls, a foul-smelling smoke rising from the corpse. A trophy is hastily collected, as the glow of the Journeyman's Stone begins to fade. Thankfully, power enough remains to return the weary adventurers to the entrance of the dungeon.

The threat is over. Without his terrifying presence to unify them, his army will fall to infighting and the remnants will scatter.

In a small tavern, a man drinks, lamenting that his duties drive him to send so many to their doom. Soon he will have to search for another eager party of adventurers to set on his hopeless quest.

His reverie is interrupted by a sudden thump on the table, and a terrible stench assaults him. The canvas bag falls open to reveal its grisly contents, and he is faced with a nightmarish rictus grin.

'Let's talk about that reward..'

Exit Found!

Descend to the next level of the dungeon now?



<p align="center"><font face="Georgia" size="24" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Altar of Restoration</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Praying at the altar will fully recover your party&apos;s health and power, and revive any fallen. Each altar may be used only once.</font></p><p align="center"></p><p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Use this altar now?</font></p>

Finders, Keepers


<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>CONSUMABLES</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>WEAPONS</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>ARMOR</b></font></p>



<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">25/25 selected</font></p>

Click on items to deselect


The enemy's loss is your gain.


<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Praying at the altar will fully recover your party&apos;s health and power, and revive any fallen. </font></p><p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Each altar may only be used once.</font></p>

Delete Saved Game?

Are you sure you would like to delete this saved
game? You will not be able to recover it.



Retreat and Rest

Having fully cleared the previous dungeon level,
you may retreat there to rest and recover.
Health and Power will be fully restored for the
entire party. You may retreat only once per level.
Retreat now?

<p align="center"><font face="Georgia" size="24" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Hints and Tips</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Praying at the altar will fully recover your party&apos;s health and power, and revive any fallen. </font></p><p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Each altar may only be used once.</font></p>

Expedition Rating

Highest Level Reached
Total Clear, Explore %
Enemy Leaders Killed
Healing Shrines Used
Character Deaths
Party Defeats

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">1</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">100%</font></p><p align="center"></p><p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">11</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">57</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">755</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">2</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">1000</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">100%</font></p><p align="center"></p><p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">500</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">-250</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">-100</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">-1000</font></p>


<p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">25000</font></p><p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">x100%</font></p><p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">25000</font></p><p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">5500</font></p><p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">250</font></p><p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">100</font></p><p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">1000</font></p>


<p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">110000000</font></p>


<p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">220000000</font></p>


<p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">x225%</font></p>

Difficulty Multiplier


Select a difficulty level:


Monsters have normal health and damage.
Item loss on party defeat.
Score modifier: 100%


Monsters have increased health and damage.
Item loss on party defeat.
Score modifier: 150%


Monsters have reduced health and damage.
No penalty for party defeat.
Score modifier: 50%

Game over if the party is defeated. Score +25%

No power regeneration in combat. Score +50%

Player can't buy or sell any items. Score +20%

Total Score Modifier:

<p align="left"><font face="Georgia" size="18" color="#333333" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>225%</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Georgia" size="24" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Error</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Error Text</font></p>

Custom Portrait

Enter an image URL to set a custom portrait
(for best results, the image should be square)


Use custom portrait?


<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Results appears here</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="9" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">enter image url blahblah</font></p>

Special Encounter

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">&quot;We were surprised to see them.. and fatally slow to defend ourselves. When the last dwarf was slain, I found I was the last of my party still standing. I fear it is not for long. In my mind&apos;s eye all I can see is one of their pagan runes, growing ever larger. I am cursed to die.&quot;</font></p>

There is an injured man here.

"Will you let me join with you, for as long as I am able?"

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Player</b></font></p>


Ally Perishes

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Your ally, Jerome, has succumbed to his injuries and died. His last words were a whispered &quot;Thank you.&quot;</font></p><p align="center"></p><p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">The party build him a cairn from nearby loose stones, then continue on with their quest.</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Player</b></font></p>


Loot Settings

Automatically select these items for looting:

Unchecked item categories will still show in the
loot summary, but will not be selected.

Always select these, regardless of rarity:

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="15" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Eugene</b></font></p>

<p align="center"></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#ffffcc" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Level 8 Warrior</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">99%</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">99%</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">99%</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">120%</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="8" color="#cccccc" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">12</font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="8" color="#cccccc" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">12</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="13" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Skill Name</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>announce_text announce_text</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#ffffcc" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>announce_subtext</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="tahoma" size="6" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="6.000000" kerning="0"><b>WAVE 2</b></font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Skeleton Q50 &nbsp;</font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Skeleton Q50 &nbsp;</font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Skeleton Q50 &nbsp;</font></p>

These portraits display the status and
relative positions of your party members.
The character currently taking their turn is
indicated by a flashing gold outline around
their portrait.
Move the mouse over a portrait to view
more information on that target
(see right panel.)

(click anywhere on the screen to exit help)

These portraits display the status and
relative positions of your enemies.
Click on a portrait to use the currently
selected skill on that character.
Different skills have different criteria for
who they may target. Valid targets have a
flashing red outline. When the mouse is
over a valid target, all targets effected by
the skill will glow red.

The current character may
choose which of his active
skills to use here. The
mousewheel and keyboard
1-6 also select these skills.

The current skill's name.

Alternative turn actions

Important status announcements appear here.


Dmg Resist

Poison Resist

Stun Resist

The status of the character
currently taking their turn
is displayed here.

The status of the character
currently moused over is
displayed here.

The turn order is
displayed here. Characters
with a higher Quickness
stat act sooner. If the
mouse pointer is over a
portrait, the chararacter
glows yellow in this list.

Level Exit

Lurking Monsters

Restoration Shrine


These portraits display the status of your
party members. Click on a portrait to
manage their skills and equipment.

Percentage of monsters on
the current level slain.

Percentage of rooms on the
current level explored.

Current dungeon level.

If the level exit has been found,
you may click here to quickly descend.

The position of the party is indicated by the brightest room.
Click on a neighbouring room to travel there.  Entering rooms
which contain monsters will trigger a battle. Defeating the
monsters will earn you treasure.
You must find the level exit in order to progress further into
the dungeon. Lower levels are more difficult, so it is often best
to search out as much treasure as possible before continuing.

The current character.

Manage the party inventory here. To use/equip items, double-click the icon,
or drag it onto the paperdoll or character portrait. To discard items, drag the
icon onto the red 'X', or CTRL-Click on the icon. Discarded items cannot be
recovered. Party inventory is limited to 45 items, if the party is carrying more
than that, you will be required to discard some before continuining.

Discard button.

Current character's
To remove items,
double-click the icon
or drag it into the
inventory area.

View/Manage statistics and skills here.
Drag unlocked skills to the 'active' area on the left to use them in combat.
When spending stat points, shift-click to spend all remaining points at once.

Click the tabs to change between skills and statistics. If the current character has
Stat Points or Skill Points to spend, the tab will flash.

Click on a portrait to change the currently
displayed paperdoll.

Paperdoll: Current
character's equipped
items displayed
here for reference.

Item filter options (filter by rarity)

Items for purchase or sale are displayed here. Mouse over the icon to
show the item tooltip with full stats, or mouse over the item bar to trigger
comparison information on the player portraits.
Click an item entry to select it.
[Shortcut: CTRL-Click on item entry to immediately buy/sell it]

Click here to buy or sell the
currently selected item.
[Shortcut: Spacebar]

Item filter options (filter by type)

Switch between buying/selling

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="11" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Exemplifier-1</font></p>



<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="8" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">LOW</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="8" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">MID</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="8" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">FULL</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="8" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">TURN OFF</font></p>








<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Player</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Class</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>45/60</b></font></p>


<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="9" color="#333333" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Welcome to the Emporium, adventurer! </b></font></p><p align="center"></p><p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="9" color="#333333" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Found one of our portal scrolls, did you? We get most of our business that way. Best idea I ever had.</b></font></p>

The Emporium

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="14" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Buy Items</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#00ff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Brutal Groinguard of Strength</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="8" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">EQUIPPED BY RANDY</font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">250</font></p>

Select a campaign:

Next Campaign

Next Campaign

<p align="center"><font face="Georgia" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Spell Mastery!</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="9" color="#9900ff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Sabatons of the Valiant Crusader &nbsp;and</b></font></p><p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="9" color="#9900ff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>stuff</b></font></p>








A strange creature lurks in the shadows.

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">&quot;You have done as I asked. More for the promise of reward than compassion or justice, I suspect.</font></p><p align="center"></p><p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">&quot;But you shall have your reward. Take it and go now, leave me to my solitude.&quot;</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="10" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Shee</b></font></p>


Damage Reduction (Armor)

Poison Resistance

Stun Resistance


The Fall of Tellunos

The enemy host masses outside the city walls. We have precious
little time to prepare, and few resources.

Your party configuration will be stored when you begin, but battle progress will not be saved.

Man the Gates!

Man the Gates!

Buy Equipment

Buy Equipment

Manage Characters

Manage Characters

<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="9" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">99</font></p>



The Den of Corruption

The land is tainted by a
mysterious evil.
Could one group of
adventurers have
unexpectedly stumbled
upon the source?

The original Monsters' Den campaign,
with many new enhancements

The Den of Terror

An army is gathering.
Villains of every stripe flock
to the banner.
But to what end, and in
whose service?

A new dungeon quest

The city is under siege, faced
with insurmountable odds.
Hold back the endless
tide of monsters for as
long as you can.

A new survival mode

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Loading..</font></p>

The game has encountered a problem and cannot finish loading.
It might help to make sure you have the latest verion of Flash Player. Visit
Feel free to submit a bug report. If possible, include your Flash version and browser.

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Flash Version</font></p>

ActionScript [AS3]

Section 1
//AdLoader (CPMStar.AdLoader) package CPMStar { import flash.system.*; import flash.display.*; import*; public class AdLoader { private static var cpmstarLoader:Loader; public static function LoadAd(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):DisplayObject{ var _local3:String; Security.allowDomain(""); Security.allowInsecureDomain(""); _local3 = ""; cpmstarLoader = new Loader(); cpmstarLoader.load(new URLRequest(((((_local3 + "?poolid=") + _arg1) + "&subpoolid=") + _arg2))); return (cpmstarLoader); } } }//package CPMStar
Section 2
//ArmorIntro_393 (monstersdend_fla.ArmorIntro_393) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ArmorIntro_393 extends MovieClip { public function ArmorIntro_393(){ addFrameScript(125, frame126); } function frame126(){ this.stop(); MovieClip(parent).gotoAndStop(6); } } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 3
//BetaFunctionsPanel_175 (monstersdend_fla.BetaFunctionsPanel_175) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BetaFunctionsPanel_175 extends MovieClip { public var betaLevel:TextField; public var betaEquipment:TextField; public var betaHeal:TextField; } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 4
//BookCover_69 (monstersdend_fla.BookCover_69) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BookCover_69 extends MovieClip { public var options_button:SimpleButton; public var credits_button:SimpleButton; public var continue_button:SimpleButton; } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 5
//CharLocked_45 (monstersdend_fla.CharLocked_45) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CharLocked_45 extends MovieClip { public var logo:SimpleButton; } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 6
//ClassIcon_41 (monstersdend_fla.ClassIcon_41) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ClassIcon_41 extends MovieClip { public var bg:MovieClip; } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 7
//CorridorSegment_83 (monstersdend_fla.CorridorSegment_83) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CorridorSegment_83 extends MovieClip { public function CorridorSegment_83(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ this.stop(); } } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 8
//DifficultySelectBG_214 (monstersdend_fla.DifficultySelectBG_214) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class DifficultySelectBG_214 extends MovieClip { public function DifficultySelectBG_214(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ this.stop(); } } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 9
//EnchantOrbGlow_153 (monstersdend_fla.EnchantOrbGlow_153) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class EnchantOrbGlow_153 extends MovieClip { public function EnchantOrbGlow_153(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ this.mouseEnabled = false; } } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 10
//Eye1_7 (monstersdend_fla.Eye1_7) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Eye1_7 extends MovieClip { public function Eye1_7(){ addFrameScript(32, frame33, 91, frame92); } function frame92(){ if (Math.random() < 0.7){ this.gotoAndPlay("WaitLeft"); }; } function frame33(){ if (Math.random() < 0.7){ this.gotoAndPlay("WaitRight"); }; } } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 11
//Eye2_8 (monstersdend_fla.Eye2_8) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Eye2_8 extends MovieClip { public function Eye2_8(){ addFrameScript(71, frame72, 123, frame124); } function frame72(){ if (Math.random() < 0.7){ this.gotoAndPlay("WaitLeft"); }; } function frame124(){ if (Math.random() < 0.7){ this.gotoAndPlay("WaitRight"); }; } } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 12
//FadeScreenDarker_52 (monstersdend_fla.FadeScreenDarker_52) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class FadeScreenDarker_52 extends MovieClip { public function FadeScreenDarker_52(){ addFrameScript(5, frame6); } function frame6(){ this.gotoAndStop(6); } } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 13
//FGL_logo_64 (monstersdend_fla.FGL_logo_64) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class FGL_logo_64 extends MovieClip { public function FGL_logo_64(){ addFrameScript(24, frame25); } function frame25(){ this.stop(); } } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 14
//grid_marker_176 (monstersdend_fla.grid_marker_176) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public dynamic class grid_marker_176 extends MovieClip { public var owner_label:TextField; } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 15
//IconEnchantGlow_146 (monstersdend_fla.IconEnchantGlow_146) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class IconEnchantGlow_146 extends MovieClip { public function IconEnchantGlow_146(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ this.gotoAndStop(1); } } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 16
//InventoryProcessing_120 (monstersdend_fla.InventoryProcessing_120) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class InventoryProcessing_120 extends MovieClip { public function InventoryProcessing_120(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 29, frame30); } function frame1(){ this.stop(); } function frame30(){ this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 17
//KongIntro_378 (monstersdend_fla.KongIntro_378) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class KongIntro_378 extends MovieClip { public function KongIntro_378(){ addFrameScript(144, frame145); } function frame145(){ this.stop(); MovieClip(parent).gotoAndStop(6); } } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 18
//ListEntryBG_350 (monstersdend_fla.ListEntryBG_350) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ListEntryBG_350 extends MovieClip { public function ListEntryBG_350(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ this.stop(); } } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 19
//LoadingSymbol_50 (monstersdend_fla.LoadingSymbol_50) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class LoadingSymbol_50 extends MovieClip { public function LoadingSymbol_50(){ addFrameScript(3, frame4); } function frame4(){ this.gotoAndStop(4); } } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 20
//OnKongLoader_3 (monstersdend_fla.OnKongLoader_3) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public dynamic class OnKongLoader_3 extends MovieClip { public var sponsoredText:TextField; public var kongLogo:SimpleButton; public var biclopsLogo:SimpleButton; } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 21
//player_arrow_impact_279 (monstersdend_fla.player_arrow_impact_279) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class player_arrow_impact_279 extends MovieClip { public var hit:MovieClip; public function player_arrow_impact_279(){ addFrameScript(11, frame12); } function frame12(){ this.gotoAndStop(12); } } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 22
//PlayGameHint_76 (monstersdend_fla.PlayGameHint_76) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class PlayGameHint_76 extends MovieClip { public function PlayGameHint_76(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ this.mouseEnabled = false; this.mouseChildren = false; } } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 23
//poisonbubble_271 (monstersdend_fla.poisonbubble_271) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class poisonbubble_271 extends MovieClip { public function poisonbubble_271(){ addFrameScript(24, frame25); } function frame25(){ this.gotoAndStop(25); } } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 24
//QuestionMarkAnimated_323 (monstersdend_fla.QuestionMarkAnimated_323) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class QuestionMarkAnimated_323 extends MovieClip { public function QuestionMarkAnimated_323(){ addFrameScript(14, frame15); } function frame15(){ if (this.parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); }; } } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 25
//RoomTint_87 (monstersdend_fla.RoomTint_87) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class RoomTint_87 extends MovieClip { public function RoomTint_87(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ this.stop(); } } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 26
//shield_gleam_251 (monstersdend_fla.shield_gleam_251) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class shield_gleam_251 extends MovieClip { public function shield_gleam_251(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 14, frame15); } function frame15(){ this.gotoAndStop(15); } function frame1(){ this.gotoAndStop(1); } } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 27
//SkillIconBG_12 (monstersdend_fla.SkillIconBG_12) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SkillIconBG_12 extends MovieClip { public function SkillIconBG_12(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ this.stop(); } } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 28
//TableIntro_372 (monstersdend_fla.TableIntro_372) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class TableIntro_372 extends MovieClip { public var options_button:SimpleButton; public var credits_button:SimpleButton; public var continue_button:SimpleButton; public function TableIntro_372(){ addFrameScript(29, frame30); } function frame30(){ this.stop(); } } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 29
//TitleLogoLine_77 (monstersdend_fla.TitleLogoLine_77) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class TitleLogoLine_77 extends MovieClip { public var sponsorButton:SimpleButton; public var armorButton:SimpleButton; public var biclopsButton:SimpleButton; public var muteButton:MuteButton; } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 30
//vert_slash_276 (monstersdend_fla.vert_slash_276) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class vert_slash_276 extends MovieClip { public var slash:MovieClip; public function vert_slash_276(){ addFrameScript(11, frame12); } function frame12(){ this.gotoAndStop(12); } } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 31
//VolumeControl_330 (monstersdend_fla.VolumeControl_330) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class VolumeControl_330 extends MovieClip { public var sfx_selector:MovieClip; public var volCloseButton:SimpleButton; public var global_selector:MovieClip; public var music_selector:MovieClip; } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 32
//VolumeSelector_331 (monstersdend_fla.VolumeSelector_331) package monstersdend_fla { import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public dynamic class VolumeSelector_331 extends MovieClip { public var mid:TextField; public var low:TextField; public var off:TextField; public var full:TextField; } }//package monstersdend_fla
Section 33
//AccuracyRoll (AccuracyRoll) package { import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class AccuracyRoll extends MovieClip { private var frameCount:int;// = 0 public var accuracy:TextField; public function AccuracyRoll(_arg1:String=""):void{ frameCount = 0; super(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); accuracy.text = _arg1; } private function onFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ frameCount++; if (frameCount > 40){ if (parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); }; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); } else { if (frameCount <= 10){ this.alpha = (frameCount * 0.1); } else { if (frameCount > 30){ this.alpha = ((40 - frameCount) * 0.1); } else { this.alpha = 1; }; }; }; } } }//package
Section 34
//AdventurerJoinDialog (AdventurerJoinDialog) package { import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class AdventurerJoinDialog extends MovieClip { public var charName:TextField; public var yes_btn:MovieClip; public var dialogue:TextField; private var char:PC_Adventurer; public var charGraphic:CharGraphic; public var no_btn:MovieClip; public function AdventurerJoinDialog(_arg1:int):void{ char = new PC_Adventurer(dm.main.pc_party); switch (_arg1){ case Horde.greenskins: default: dialogue.text = "\"We came to end this madness, but we were ambushed, and my allies slain. I was able to avenge them, but not before being afflicted by the soul-twisting magicks of the orcs. I can feel it.. I do not have much time left. To die in battle is the only dignity left to me.\""; break; case Horde.undead: dialogue.text = "\"A great host of undead fell upon my party, and I was the only survivor. I was not unscathed, however.. my flesh pierced by a lich's black blade. The wound seeps and festers, and I know full well there is no recovering from such an injury. I can hope only for vengeance.\""; break; case Horde.creatures: dialogue.text = "\"Their attacks were relentless.. my allies and I fell beneath their raking claws and vile secretions. The creatures thought me dead, and I soon will be. I can feel the cursed poison in my blood.. before long it will reach my heart. But I refuse to go meekly into death's embrace.\""; break; case Horde.cultists: dialogue.text = "They appeared suddenly.. otherwordly monsters unlike any I have seen before. I was lucky to escape, my fellows cut down in seconds. They had not forgotten me, though. Their magics probed for me, found me, and.. hurt me. I am no longer whole, and know that I will not live long.\""; break; case Horde.dwarves: dialogue.text = "\"We were surprised to see them.. and fatally slow to defend ourselves. When the last dwarf was slain, I found I was the last of my party still standing. I fear it is not for long. In my mind's eye all I can see is one of their pagan runes, growing ever larger. I am cursed to die.\""; break; }; charName.text = char.charname; dmf.embolden(charName); charGraphic.setFrame(char.portrait); this.yes_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickYes); this.no_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickNo); dm.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); } function clickYes(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (parent != null){ dm.main.pc_party.members.push(char); dm.main.saveParty(); cleanup(); parent.removeChild(this); }; } function clickNo(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (parent != null){ cleanup(); parent.removeChild(this); }; } private function cleanup():void{ dm.stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); yes_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickYes); no_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickNo); } function reportKeyDown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER){ clickYes(null); } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ESCAPE){ clickNo(null); }; }; } } }//package
Section 35
//AllyDiedDialog (AllyDiedDialog) package { import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class AllyDiedDialog extends MovieClip { public var charName:TextField; public var yes_btn:MovieClip; public var dlg_text:TextField; public var charGraphic:CharGraphic; public function AllyDiedDialog(_arg1:PlayerCharacter):void{ dlg_text.text = (("Your ally, " + _arg1.charname) + ", has succumbed to his injuries and died. His last words were a whispered \"Thank you.\"\n\nThe party build him a cairn from nearby loose stones, then continue on with their quest."); charName.text = _arg1.charname; dmf.embolden(charName); charGraphic.setFrame(_arg1.portrait); yes_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickOkay); dm.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); } private function cleanup():void{ dm.stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); yes_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickOkay); } function clickOkay(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); cleanup(); }; } function reportKeyDown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if ((((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER)) || ((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ESCAPE)))){ clickOkay(null); }; } } }//package
Section 36
//Armor (Armor) package { public class Armor extends Equipment { private var _type:int;// = 0 static const medium = 1; static const light = 0; static const heavy = 2; static const special = 3; public function Armor(){ _type = 0; super(); item_name = "Armor"; item_level = 1; type = Armor.light; } override public function generateItem(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = false; _local3 = false; getItemModifiers(); if (item_rarity =={ if (dmf.randomNum(0, 100) >= 50){ _local3 = true; } else { _local2 = true; }; }; if ((((item_rarity == || (_local3))){ prefix = rollForPrefix(item_rarity); }; if ((((item_rarity == || (_local2))){ suffix = rollForSuffix(item_rarity); }; armor_rating = scaleArmorForLevel(Math.ceil((base_armor_rating * (1 + (base_armor_mod / 100))))); if (prefix >= 0){ applyPrefix(); }; if (suffix >= 0){ applySuffix(); }; if (((materials.length) && ((item_rarity < Item.purple)))){ material = rollForMaterial(item_rarity, materials); scaleArmorForMaterial(material); } else { material = -1; }; if (material >= 0){ item_name = ((materials[material] + " ") + item_name); }; if (prefix >= 0){ item_name = ((prefixes[prefix][0] + " ") + item_name); }; if (suffix >= 0){ item_name = ((item_name + " of ") + suffixes[suffix][0]); }; if (item_rarity == Item.grey){ item_name = ((grey_name + " ") + item_name); }; } public function get type():int{ return (this._type); } override public function getItemTypeString(){ return ("Armor"); } override public function applySuffix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = suffix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applySuffix(); } public function modifyBaseArmorForSlot():void{ var _local1:Number; if (!(base_armor_rating)){ return; }; _local1 = getModForSlot(slot); base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * _local1)); } public function set type(_arg1:int):void{ this._type = _arg1; } override public function itemStatsString(_arg1:String):String{ if (armor_rating){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (String(armor_rating) + " Armor Rating\n")); }; return (super.itemStatsString(_arg1)); } override public function applyPrefix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = prefix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applyPrefix(); } public function scaleArmorForMaterial(_arg1:int){ var _local2:*; _local2 = (1 + ((_arg1 + 1) * 0.05)); armor_rating = Math.round((armor_rating * _local2)); } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); prefixes.push(["Thick", 1.4]); prefixes.push(["Soothing", 5]); prefixes.push(["Purifying", 30]); suffixes.push(["Reflection", 10]); suffixes.push(["Tenacity", 30]); suffixes.push(["Might", base_item_stat_bonus]); suffixes.push(["Deftness", base_item_stat_bonus]); } } }//package
Section 37
//armor_buff_effect (armor_buff_effect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class armor_buff_effect extends MovieClip { public var shield:MovieClip; public function armor_buff_effect(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 4, frame5, 9, frame10, 49, frame50); } function frame10(){ this.shield.gotoAndPlay(2); } function frame1(){; } function frame5(){ this.shield.gotoAndStop(1); } function frame50(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 38
//armor_buff_sound (armor_buff_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class armor_buff_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 39
//arrow_fire_sound (arrow_fire_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class arrow_fire_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 40
//basilisk_sound (basilisk_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class basilisk_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 41
//battle_start2 (battle_start2) package { import*; public dynamic class battle_start2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 42
//BattleActionsBar (BattleActionsBar) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BattleActionsBar extends Sprite { public var retreat_all_skill:SkillIcon; public var pass_skill:SkillIcon; public var retreat_skill:SkillIcon; } }//package
Section 43
//Battlefield (Battlefield) package { import*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class Battlefield extends MovieClip { const PASS_TURN_DELAY = 600; const max_blur = 30; const color_white:uint = 0xFFFFFF; const pass_animation_frame = 11; const immune_animation_frame = 9; const blur_steps = 3; const stunned_animation_frame = 10; const miss_animation_frame = 8; const color_red:uint = 0xE90000; public var active_info_panel:BattleInfoPanel; public var currentWave:int;// = 1 var horde:Horde; private var errorCode:int;// = 0 public var skillbar:SkillBar; private var bonusAttacker:Character; var passing:Boolean;// = false public var bg:MovieClip; private var bonusAttackPending:Boolean;// = false var monsterTurnDelayTimer:Timer; var npc_portraits:Array; public var help_btn:HelpButton; var retreatAll:Boolean;// = false private var exitedSafely:Boolean; public var selected_skill_text:TextField; var turn:int;// = 0 var usedSkill:Boolean;// = false public var pc2:EmptyPortrait; public var target_info_panel:BattleInfoPanel; public var pc6:EmptyPortrait; public var pc1:EmptyPortrait; public var pc3:EmptyPortrait; public var pc4:EmptyPortrait; public var pc5:EmptyPortrait; private var numTargets:int;// = 0 var playerRegenTimer:Timer; private var exitTimer:Timer; var delayedHit:int;// = -1 var delayedHitsAttacker:Array; var delayedHitsDelay:int;// = 300 var pc_portraits:Array; var blurTimer:Timer; var playerTargetPos:int;// = -1 public var options_btn:OptionsButton; var hover:Character; public var messages:BattleMessageBox; var do_eor:Boolean;// = false var speedlist:Array; public var npc1:EmptyPortrait; public var npc2:EmptyPortrait; public var npc3:EmptyPortrait; public var npc4:EmptyPortrait; public var npc6:EmptyPortrait; public var npc5:EmptyPortrait; public var waveField:TextField; var phl:CurrentPortraitHighlight; var currentBlur:int;// = 0 public var initDisplay:InitiativeList; var pc_party:Party; var combat_grid:Array; var doLethalAnim:Boolean;// = false var delayedHitsSkill:Array; var doNothingTimer:Timer; var valid_targets:Array; var valid_targets_portraits:Array; var delayedHitsDamage:Array; private var bonusAttackTarget:Character; var turnDelayTimer:Timer; var hadMonsterDelay:Boolean;// = false var delayedHitsTarget:Array; public var actionsbar:BattleActionsBar; public static var damageSpongeMonster:MonsterCharacter; public static var damageSpongePlayer:PlayerCharacter; public function Battlefield(){ currentWave = 1; pc_portraits = new Array(); npc_portraits = new Array(); speedlist = new Array(11); turn = 0; combat_grid = new Array(3); valid_targets = new Array(); valid_targets_portraits = new Array(); playerTargetPos = -1; bonusAttackPending = false; errorCode = 0; do_eor = false; retreatAll = false; delayedHit = -1; delayedHitsDamage = new Array(); delayedHitsSkill = new Array(); delayedHitsTarget = new Array(); delayedHitsAttacker = new Array(); delayedHitsDelay = 300; currentBlur = 0; usedSkill = false; hadMonsterDelay = false; numTargets = 0; doLethalAnim = false; passing = false; super(); pc1.pos = 1; pc2.pos = 2; pc3.pos = 3; pc4.pos = 4; pc5.pos = 5; pc6.pos = 6; npc1.pos = 1; npc2.pos = 2; npc3.pos = 3; npc4.pos = 4; npc5.pos = 5; npc6.pos = 6; damageSpongePlayer = null; damageSpongeMonster = null; waveField.mouseEnabled = false; waveField.text = ""; addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added); } public function addNewPortrait(_arg1:Character):CharacterPortrait{ var _local2:CharacterPortrait; var _local3:String; var _local4:Array; var _local5:*; _local2 = new CharacterPortrait(); _local2.setChar(_arg1); if ((_arg1 is MonsterCharacter)){ _local3 = "npc"; _local4 = npc_portraits; } else { if ((_arg1 is PlayerCharacter)){ _local3 = "pc"; _local4 = pc_portraits; } else { return (_local2); }; }; _local5 = EmptyPortrait(getChildByName((_local3 + String(_arg1.pos)))); if (_local5 == null){ return (null); }; _local5.empty.addChild(_local2); _local2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mousedOverEvent); _local2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseMoveEvent); _local2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mousedOutEvent); _local4.push(_local2); _arg1.portraitRef = _local2; return (_local2); } private function updateCombatGrid():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:Character; _local1 = 0; _local2 = 0; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 3) { combat_grid[_local1] = new Array(4); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 4) { combat_grid[_local1][_local2] = null; _local2++; }; _local1++; }; for each (_local3 in pc_party.members) { AddCharToCombatGrid(_local3); }; for each (_local3 in horde.members) { AddCharToCombatGrid(_local3); }; } private function PlayerCanHit(_arg1:int){ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:PlayerCharacter; var _local5:MonsterCharacter; var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:*; _local4 = PlayerCharacter(speedlist[turn]); if (_arg1 > 6){ return; }; if (_arg1 < 1){ return; }; if (_arg1 > 3){ _local2 = (_arg1 % 4); } else { _local2 = (_arg1 - 1); }; _local3 = (Math.ceil((_arg1 / 3)) - 1); if (combat_grid[_local2][_local3] == null){ return; }; _local5 = MonsterCharacter(combat_grid[_local2][_local3]); if (MonsterCharacter(_local5).health <= 0){ return; }; if (MonsterCharacter(_local5).hiding){ return; }; if (MonsterCharacter(_local5).cannotTarget){ return; }; if (((skillbar.getSelectedSkill().targetsStunned) && (!(_local5.stunned_duration)))){ return; }; _local6 = ((_local5.summoned) || ((_local5 is mAetherguard))); if (((skillbar.getSelectedSkill().targetsSummoned) && (!(_local6)))){ return; }; if (((!((damageSpongeMonster == null))) && (!((damageSpongeMonster == _local5))))){ return; }; _local7 = PortraitFromCharacter(_local5); if (_local7 != null){ addPlayerTarget(_local5); }; } private function EndTurn(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; if (!(_arg1)){ speedlist[turn].hadCombatTurn = true; }; if ((speedlist[turn] is PlayerCharacter)){ if (((!((skillbar == null))) && (this.contains(skillbar)))){ removeChild(skillbar); }; if (((!((actionsbar == null))) && (this.contains(actionsbar)))){ removeChild(actionsbar); }; this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, onMouseWheelEvent); stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); selected_skill_text.text = ""; }; RemoveTargetInfo(); _local3 = 1500; if (passing){ _local3 = PASS_TURN_DELAY; passing = false; }; if (speedlist[turn].stunned_duration){ _local3 = PASS_TURN_DELAY; }; if ((((speedlist[turn] is PlayerCharacter)) && (((speedlist[turn].retreated) || (speedlist[turn].retreating))))){ _local3 = 600; }; turnDelayTimer = new Timer(_local3, 1); turnDelayTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, onTurnDelayComplete); turnDelayTimer.start(); } private function modifySkillDamage(_arg1:int, _arg2:Skill, _arg3:Character, _arg4:Character, _arg5:int, _arg6:Boolean){ var _local7:int; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; if (_arg3.invulnerable){ return (0); }; if ((((_arg3 is MonsterCharacter)) && (MonsterCharacter(_arg3).damageImmune))){ return (0); }; if (((_arg2.onlyDamagesUndead) && (!((_arg3.type == MonsterCharacter.undead))))){ return (0); }; if (((_arg2.splashDamageMultiplier) && (!(_arg6)))){ _arg1 = (_arg1 * _arg2.splashDamageMultiplier); }; if (((_arg2.undeadMultiplier) && ((_arg3.type == MonsterCharacter.undead)))){ _arg1 = (_arg1 * _arg2.undeadMultiplier); }; if ((((_arg4 is PlayerCharacter)) && (_arg1))){ _arg1 = PlayerCharacter(_arg4).multiplyDamageForTargetType(_arg1, _arg3.type); }; if (((((_arg2.damageBonusVsCreatureType) && (_arg1))) && ((_arg3 is MonsterCharacter)))){ if (_arg2.damageBonusVsCreatureType == MonsterCharacter(_arg3).type){ _arg1 = (_arg1 * _arg2.damageBonusVsCreatureModifier); }; }; if (_arg1){ _local7 = _arg3.damageAfterArmor(_arg1, _arg4); if (_arg2.ignoresArmor){ _arg1 = Math.max(_arg1, _local7); } else { _arg1 = _local7; }; }; if (((((_arg1) && ((_arg3 is MonsterCharacter)))) && (MonsterCharacter(_arg3).ethereal))){ if (_arg2.isPhysical()){ _arg1 = Math.round((_arg1 * (1 - (MonsterCharacter(_arg3).ethereal / 100)))); if (_arg1 == 0){ _arg1 = 1; }; }; }; if ((((_arg4 is PC_Barbarian)) && ((dmf.randomNum(0, 99) < PC_Barbarian(_arg4).brutality)))){ _arg1 = Math.ceil((_arg1 * 1.5)); addFloater(_arg4, "Brutality!"); }; doLethalAnim = false; if (((((_arg1) && (((((_arg2.addsPowerToLethality) || (_arg2.lethality))) || (_arg4.getLethality()))))) && (((!(_arg3.lethalityImmune)) || (DungeonMain.instantKill))))){ _local8 = _arg2.lethality; if (_arg2.addsPowerToLethality){ _local8 = (_local8 + _arg5); }; _local8 = (_local8 + Math.ceil((_arg4.getLethality() / numTargets))); _local9 = dm.randomNum(0, 100); if (_local9 < _local8){ _arg1 =; doLethalAnim = true; }; }; if (((_arg2.nonLethal) && ((_arg1 >={ _arg1 = ( - 1); }; return (Math.round(_arg1)); } function clickRetreatAll(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((speedlist[turn] is PlayerCharacter)){ if (pc_party.campaign == Campaign.SURVIVAL){ if (dm.main.battle_theme != null){ dm.main.battle_theme.fadeOut(0); }; dm.main.survivalDefeat(currentWave); return; } else { retreatAll = true; clickRetreat(_arg1); }; }; } private function splashDamageCheck(_arg1:Skill, _arg2:Character, _arg3:Character):Boolean{ if (_arg3 == null){ return (false); }; if (!(_arg1.splashHitsAllies)){ if (BattleFunctions.areEnemies(_arg3, _arg2)){ return (true); }; } else { return (true); }; return (false); } private function emptyClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = _arg1.currentTarget; if (((!((_local2 == null))) && ((_local2 is EmptyPortrait)))){ playerTargetPos = _local2.pos; RemoveTargetInfo(); _local3 = skillbar.getSelectedSkill(); useSkill(speedlist[turn], _local3, speedlist[turn]); }; } private function addFloater(_arg1:Character, _arg2:String):void{ var _local3:CombatFloater; _local3 = new CombatFloater(_arg2); = "floater"; if (_arg1.portraitRef != null){ _arg1.portraitRef.addChild(_local3); }; } private function initWave():void{ var _local1:CharacterPortrait; var _local2:MonsterCharacter; for each (_local1 in npc_portraits) { if (_local1 == null){ } else { if (_local1.parent != null){ _local1.parent.removeChild(_local1); }; _local1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mousedOverEvent); _local1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseMoveEvent); _local1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mousedOutEvent); }; }; Campaign.setForSurvivalWave(horde, currentWave); for each (_local2 in horde.members) { addNewPortrait(_local2); }; CalculateInitiative(false); updateCombatGrid(); initDisplay.refill(speedlist[turn]); messages.addMessage((("Wave " + currentWave) + " has arrived!"), "Defeat these enemies!"); waveField.text = ("WAVE " + currentWave); dmf.embolden(waveField); dmf.setLetterSpacing(waveField, 6); } public function ValidTargetsForPlayer(_arg1:Skill):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; var _local10:*; var _local11:*; var _local12:*; var _local13:PlayerCharacter; var _local14:MonsterCharacter; var _local15:PlayerCharacter; var _local16:MonsterCharacter; _local2 = speedlist[turn]; _local8 = false; _local9 = false; valid_targets.length = 0; valid_targets_portraits.length = 0; RemoveTargetInfo(); selected_skill_text.text = skillbar.getSelectedSkill().skillname; dm.embolden(selected_skill_text); if (_arg1.usesWeaponRange){ if (_local2.gear[Equipment.weapon]){ if ((_local2.gear[Equipment.weapon] is MeleeWeapon)){ _local9 = true; } else { if ((_local2.gear[Equipment.weapon] is RangedWeapon)){ _local8 = true; }; }; }; }; _local10 = PlayerCharacter(_local2).gear[Equipment.weapon]; if (!(_arg1.usable())){ selected_skill_text.textColor = color_red; return; }; selected_skill_text.textColor = color_white; if (_arg1.targetsEmpty){ addEmptyListeners(); return; }; if (_arg1.targetsSelf){ _local12 = PortraitFromCharacter(speedlist[turn]); if (((_arg1.targetsFriendlyFrontRow) && ((speedlist[turn].pos > 3)))){ if (IsPlayerMeleeBlocked(speedlist[turn])){ return; }; }; if (_local12 != null){ addPlayerTarget(speedlist[turn]); }; return; }; if (_arg1.targetsFriendlies){ _local5 = 0; for (;_local5 < pc_portraits.length;_local5++) { _local13 = pc_portraits[_local5].char_ref; if (PlayerCharacter(_local13).retreated){ } else { if (((_arg1.targetsSummoned) && (!(_local13.summoned)))){ } else { if (_arg1.resurrects){ if ((((Character(_local13).health > 0)) || ((_local13 is PC_Adventurer)))){ continue; }; } else { if (Character(_local13).health <= 0){ continue; }; }; if (((_arg1.targetsFriendlyFrontRow) && ((_local13.pos > 3)))){ //unresolved if } else { addPlayerTarget(_local13); }; }; }; }; return; }; if (_arg1.requiresVerticalGap){ if ((_local2 is PlayerCharacter)){ if (_local2.pos > 3){ _local15 = pc_party.memberInPos((_local2.pos - 3)); if (((!((_local15 == null))) && (!(_local15.isInactive())))){ return; }; _local14 = combat_grid[(_local2.pos - 4)][1]; if ((((_local14 == null)) || (_local14.isInactive()))){ _local14 = combat_grid[(_local2.pos - 4)][0]; }; } else { _local16 = combat_grid[(_local2.pos - 1)][1]; if (((!((_local16 == null))) && (!(_local16.isInactive())))){ return; }; _local14 = combat_grid[(_local2.pos - 1)][0]; }; if (_local14 != null){ PlayerCanHit(_local14.pos); }; return; }; }; if (((_arg1.rangedAttack) || (_local8))){ _local5 = 1; while (_local5 <= 6) { PlayerCanHit(_local5); _local5++; }; return; }; _local11 = IsPlayerMeleeBlocked(PlayerCharacter(_local2)); if ((((_local2.pos < 4)) || ((((_local2.pos > 3)) && (!(_local11)))))){ if (damageSpongeMonster != null){ PlayerCanHit(damageSpongeMonster.pos); }; _local3 = 0; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < 3) { if (combat_grid[_local5][1] != null){ if (Character(combat_grid[_local5][1]).health > 0){ if (Character(combat_grid[_local5][1]).hiding){ } else { _local3++; _local7 = Character(combat_grid[_local5][1]).pos; }; }; }; _local5++; }; if (_local3 == 1){ PlayerCanHit(_local7); } else { if (_local3 > 1){ if (_local2.pos < 4){ PlayerCanHit((_local2.pos + 3)); if ((_local2.pos + 4) <= 6){ PlayerCanHit((_local2.pos + 4)); }; if ((_local2.pos + 2) >= 4){ PlayerCanHit((_local2.pos + 2)); }; } else { PlayerCanHit(_local2.pos); if ((_local2.pos + 1) <= 6){ PlayerCanHit((_local2.pos + 1)); }; if ((_local2.pos - 1) >= 4){ PlayerCanHit((_local2.pos - 1)); }; }; } else { if (_local3 == 0){ _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < 3) { if (combat_grid[_local5][0] != null){ if (Character(combat_grid[_local5][0]).health > 0){ if (Character(combat_grid[_local5][0]).hiding){ } else { _local4++; _local7 = Character(combat_grid[_local5][0]).pos; }; }; }; _local5++; }; if (_local4 == 1){ PlayerCanHit(_local7); } else { if (_local4 > 1){ if (_local2.pos < 4){ PlayerCanHit(_local2.pos); if ((_local2.pos + 1) <= 3){ PlayerCanHit((_local2.pos + 1)); }; if ((_local2.pos - 1) >= 1){ PlayerCanHit((_local2.pos - 1)); }; } else { PlayerCanHit((_local2.pos - 3)); if ((_local2.pos - 2) <= 3){ PlayerCanHit((_local2.pos - 2)); }; if ((_local2.pos - 4) >= 1){ PlayerCanHit((_local2.pos - 4)); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } private function updateCurrentTurnHighlight():void{ var _local1:Character; _local1 = speedlist[turn]; if ((_local1 is PlayerCharacter)){ phl.x = EmptyPortrait(getChildByName(("pc" + _local1.pos))).x; phl.y = EmptyPortrait(getChildByName(("pc" + _local1.pos))).y; } else { if ((_local1 is MonsterCharacter)){ phl.x = EmptyPortrait(getChildByName(("npc" + _local1.pos))).x; phl.y = EmptyPortrait(getChildByName(("npc" + _local1.pos))).y; }; }; } private function IsPlayerMeleeBlocked(_arg1:PlayerCharacter):Boolean{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = 0; _local3 = false; if (_arg1.pos > 3){ _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 3) { if (combat_grid[_local2][2] != null){ if (PlayerCharacter(combat_grid[_local2][2]).isInactive() == false){ _local3 = true; }; }; _local2++; }; }; if (_arg1.gear[Equipment.weapon] != null){ if ((_arg1.gear[Equipment.weapon] is iSpear)){ _local3 = false; }; }; return (_local3); } function mouseMoveEvent(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ } private function addHydraHead(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:mHydraHead; var _local5:int; var _local6:*; _local2 = false; _local3 = 0; _local4 = new mHydraHead(_arg1); _local5 = horde.findEmptySlot(true); if (!(_local5)){ return; }; _local4.pos = _local5; AddCharToCombatGrid(_local4); horde.members.push(_local4); _local6 = addNewPortrait(_local4); _local4.portraitRef = _local6; } function unBlurDone(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ blurTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, unBlurStep); blurTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, unBlurDone); this.filters = null; } private function AddCharToCombatGrid(_arg1:Character):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; if (_arg1 == null){ return; }; if (_arg1.pos > 3){ _local2 = (_arg1.pos % 4); } else { _local2 = (_arg1.pos - 1); }; _local3 = (Math.ceil((_arg1.pos / 3)) - 1); if ((_arg1 is PlayerCharacter)){ _local3 = (_local3 + 2); }; combat_grid[_local2][_local3] = _arg1; } private function addAccuracyRoll(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:String; var _local3:AccuracyRoll; _local2 = String(_arg1); _local3 = new AccuracyRoll(_local2); _local3.x = 424; _local3.y = 427.5; addChild(_local3); } public function onTurnDelayComplete(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ var _local2:*; turnDelayTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, onTurnDelayComplete); updateAllBars(); doNothingTimer = new Timer(500, 1); doNothingTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, onDoNothingDelayComplete); doNothingTimer.start(); } private function PassTurn(){ var _local1:CharacterPortrait; _local1 = PortraitFromCharacter(speedlist[turn]); passing = true; messages.addMessage((speedlist[turn].charname + " passes."), ""); _local1.addAnimationFrame(pass_animation_frame, (PASS_TURN_DELAY + 500)); if (!(speedlist[turn].cancelPowerRegen)){ speedlist[turn].powerRegenMod = 2; }; _local1.update(); EndTurn(); } private function replaceChar(_arg1:Character, _arg2:Character):void{ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < horde.members.length) { if (horde.members[_local3] == _arg1){ horde.members[_local3] = _arg2; }; _local3++; }; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < 3) { _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < 4) { if (combat_grid[_local4][_local5] == _arg1){ combat_grid[_local4][_local5] = _arg2; return; }; _local5++; }; _local4++; }; } private function IncrementTurn():Boolean{ var i:*; var j:*; var players_alive:Boolean; var monsters_alive:Boolean; var next_turn:Boolean; var err_txt:*; var err_dlg:*; players_alive = false; monsters_alive = false; next_turn = false; errorCode = 6500; turn++; if (turn >= speedlist.length){ turn = 0; errorCode = 6501; i = 0; while (i < speedlist.length) { errorCode = 6502; if (((!((speedlist[i] == null))) && ((speedlist[i] is Character)))){ errorCode = 6503; speedlist[i].hadCombatTurn = false; }; i = (i + 1); }; }; errorCode = 6504; i = 0; while (i < horde.members.length) { if (horde.members[i].health > 0){ monsters_alive = true; }; i = (i + 1); }; errorCode = 6505; i = 0; while (i < pc_party.members.length) { if ((((pc_party.members[i].health > 0)) && ((pc_party.members[i].summoned == false)))){ if (PlayerCharacter(pc_party.members[i]).retreated == false){ players_alive = true; }; }; i = (i + 1); }; errorCode = 6506; if (((((horde.legendary) && ((horde.members[0] is mHydraBody)))) && ((horde.members[0].health <= 0)))){ monsters_alive = false; }; if (!(monsters_alive)){ horde.defeated = true; }; if (((players_alive) && (monsters_alive))){ next_turn = true; } else { next_turn = false; }; errorCode = 6507; if (next_turn){ try { initDisplay.turnOf(speedlist[turn], true); } catch(error:Error) { if (((DungeonMain.KONGREGATE) || (DungeonMain.BETA))){ err_txt = "An error has occurred. Please submit a bug report with the following information:"; err_txt = (err_txt + "\n\n"); err_txt = (err_txt + (("Update Turn Order Error: " + + "\n")); if (speedlist[turn] != null){ err_txt = (err_txt + (((((("turn: " + turn) + "/") + String((speedlist.length - 1))) + " - ") + speedlist[turn].charname) + "\n")); }; err_txt = (err_txt + (("errorCode: " + errorCode) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + ((("[" + error.errorID) + "] ") + error.getStackTrace())); err_dlg = new ErrorDialog("Error!", err_txt); dm.stage.addChild(err_dlg); }; } finally { var _local4:* = true; //unresolved jump 1; return (_local4); }; //unresolved jump }; return (false); } function blurDone(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ blurTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, blurStep); blurTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, blurDone); setBlur(max_blur); } private function playerRegenShown(_arg1:Event):void{ playerRegenTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, playerRegenShown); if (usedSkill){ return; }; PortraitFromCharacter(speedlist[turn]).update(); if (speedlist[turn].health <= 0){ EndTurn(); }; } function mousedOverEvent(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = CharacterPortrait(_arg1.currentTarget).char_ref; if (_local2 == null){ return; }; hover = _local2; UpdateInfoPanels(); initDisplay.highlightChar(_local2); drawEffectedTargets(); } public function cleanup():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; help_btn.cleanup(); options_btn.cleanup(); active_info_panel.cleanup(); target_info_panel.cleanup(); skillbar.cleanup(); if (dm.stage != null){ _local2 = dm.stage.getChildByName("tooltip_skill"); if (_local2 != null){ stage.removeChild(_local2); }; }; messages.cleanup(); removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, onMouseWheelEvent); if (stage != null){ stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); }; actionsbar.pass_skill.cleanup(); actionsbar.pass_skill.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickPassTurn); actionsbar.retreat_skill.cleanup(); actionsbar.retreat_skill.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickRetreat); actionsbar.retreat_all_skill.cleanup(); actionsbar.retreat_all_skill.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickRetreatAll); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < npc_portraits.length) { npc_portraits[_local1].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mousedOverEvent); npc_portraits[_local1].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseMoveEvent); npc_portraits[_local1].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mousedOutEvent); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < pc_portraits.length) { pc_portraits[_local1].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mousedOverEvent); pc_portraits[_local1].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseMoveEvent); pc_portraits[_local1].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mousedOutEvent); _local1++; }; initDisplay.cleanup(); initDisplay = null; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); } private function PortraitFromCharacter(_arg1:Character):CharacterPortrait{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; if ((_arg1 is PlayerCharacter)){ _local2 = pc_portraits; } else { _local2 = npc_portraits; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local2.length) { if (_local2[_local3].char_ref == _arg1){ return (_local2[_local3]); }; _local3++; }; return (null); } private function exitBlur(_arg1:TimerEvent=null):void{ blurTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, exitBlur); currentBlur = 0; blurTimer = new Timer(50, blur_steps); blurTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, blurStep); blurTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, blurDone); blurTimer.start(); } function onMouseWheelEvent(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((speedlist[turn] is MonsterCharacter)){ return; }; if ( > 0){ skillbar.decrementSkill(); } else { if ( < 0){ skillbar.incrementSkill(); }; }; ValidTargetsForPlayer(skillbar.getSelectedSkill()); if (hover != null){ drawEffectedTargets(); }; } private function addEmptyListeners():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:*; var _local3:PortraitHighlight; _local1 = 1; while (_local1 <= 6) { if (pc_party.memberInPos(_local1) != null){ } else { _local2 = getChildByName(("pc" + _local1)); _local2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, emptyClicked); _local3 = new PortraitHighlight(); = "highlight"; _local2.addChild(_local3); }; _local1++; }; } private function getEffectedTargets(_arg1:Character, _arg2:Skill):Array{ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:Array; _local5 = new Array(); if (_arg2.targetsSelf){ _local5.push(_arg1); } else { if (_arg2.hitsAllEnemies){ _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < horde.members.length) { _local5.push(horde.members[_local3]); _local3++; }; } else { if (_arg2.hitsAllFriendlies){ _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < pc_party.members.length) { _local5.push(pc_party.members[_local3]); _local3++; }; } else { if (_arg2.hitsAllMeleeRange){ _local5 = valid_targets; } else { if (_arg2.piercesColumn){ if (_arg1.pos < 4){ if (horde.memberInPos((_arg1.pos + 3)) != null){ _local5.push(horde.memberInPos((_arg1.pos + 3))); }; } else { if (horde.memberInPos((_arg1.pos - 3)) != null){ _local5.push(horde.memberInPos((_arg1.pos - 3))); }; }; _local5.push(_arg1); } else { if (_arg2.splashDamageMultiplier){ if (_arg1.pos < 4){ if (horde.memberInPos((_arg1.pos + 3)) != null){ _local5.push(horde.memberInPos((_arg1.pos + 3))); }; } else { if (horde.memberInPos((_arg1.pos - 3)) != null){ _local5.push(horde.memberInPos((_arg1.pos - 3))); }; if (_arg2.splashHitsAllies){ if (pc_party.memberInPos((_arg1.pos - 3)) != null){ _local5.push(pc_party.memberInPos((_arg1.pos - 3))); }; }; }; if (((!((_arg1.pos == 4))) && (!((horde.memberInPos((_arg1.pos - 1)) == null))))){ _local5.push(horde.memberInPos((_arg1.pos - 1))); }; if (((!((_arg1.pos == 3))) && (!((horde.memberInPos((_arg1.pos + 1)) == null))))){ _local5.push(horde.memberInPos((_arg1.pos + 1))); }; _local5.push(_arg1); } else { _local5.push(_arg1); }; }; }; }; }; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local5.length) { if (_local5[_local3].health <= 0){ _local5.splice(_local3, 1); _local3--; } else { if ((((_local5[_local3] is MonsterCharacter)) && (MonsterCharacter(_local5[_local3]).cannotTarget))){ _local5.splice(_local3, 1); _local3--; } else { if ((((_local5[_local3] is PlayerCharacter)) && (PlayerCharacter(_local5[_local3]).retreated))){ _local5.splice(_local3, 1); _local3--; }; }; }; _local3++; }; return (_local5); } private function checkAccuracyMiss(_arg1:Character, _arg2:Skill, _arg3:int, _arg4:Boolean, _arg5:Boolean=false):Boolean{ var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:int; var _local8:int; _local6 = false; _local7 = dm.randomNum(0, 99); _local8 = _arg1.getAccuracy(); if (_arg2.attacksWithAccuracyMod != 1){ _local8 = Math.round((_local8 * _arg2.attacksWithAccuracyMod)); }; if (((_arg2.piercesColumn) && (!(_arg5)))){ if (_arg4){ _local7 = (_local8 - 1); } else { _local7 = (_local8 + 1); }; }; if (_local7 >= _local8){ if (_arg1.canMissWith(_arg2)){ _local6 = true; } else { _local6 = false; }; }; if (((_arg1.canMissWith(_arg2)) && (_arg5))){ addAccuracyRoll(_local7); }; return (_local6); } private function onFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:Character; _local2 = 0; _local2 = (pc_portraits.length - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { _local3 = pc_portraits[_local2].char_ref; if (_local3 != null){ if (((_local3.summoned) && ((pc_portraits[_local2].alpha == 0)))){ pc_party.members.splice(_local2, 1); pc_portraits.splice(_local2, 1); }; }; _local2--; }; _local2 = (npc_portraits.length - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { _local3 = npc_portraits[_local2].char_ref; if (_local3 != null){ if (((_local3.summoned) && ((npc_portraits[_local2].alpha == 0)))){ horde.members.splice(_local2, 1); npc_portraits.splice(_local2, 1); }; }; _local2--; }; updateCombatGrid(); initDisplay.removeDead(); } private function addSummon(_arg1:Skill, _arg2:Character, _arg3:int):void{ var _local4:*; var _local5:Character; var _local6:CharacterPortrait; _local4 = _arg1.summonsCreatureClass; if ((_local4 is pShadowWolf)){ _local5 = new pShadowWolf(_arg2.level); } else { if ((_local4 is pShadow)){ _local5 = new pShadow(_arg2.level); } else { if ((_local4 is pManaSprite)){ _local5 = new pManaSprite(_arg2.level); } else { if ((_local4 is pBloodSprite)){ _local5 = new pBloodSprite(_arg2.level); } else { if ((_local4 is pWargolem)){ _local5 = new pWargolem(_arg2.level); } else { if ((_local4 is mVoidstalker)){ _local5 = new mVoidstalker(_arg2.level); } else { _local5 = new _local4.constructor(_arg2.level); }; }; }; }; }; }; _local5.pos = _arg3; if ((_arg2 is MonsterCharacter)){ horde.members.push(_local5); } else { PlayerSummon(_local5).party = pc_party; pc_party.members.push(_local5); if ((_arg2 is PC_Conjuror)){ if (PC_Conjuror(_arg2).aug_strength){ _local5.damage = (_local5.damage + Math.ceil((_local5.damage * (PC_Conjuror(_arg2).aug_strength / 100)))); }; if (PC_Conjuror(_arg2).aug_health){ _local5.health_max = (_local5.health_max + Math.ceil((_local5.health_max * (PC_Conjuror(_arg2).aug_health / 100)))); = _local5.health_max; }; }; }; AddCharToCombatGrid(_local5); _local6 = addNewPortrait(_local5); _local6.addPortraitAnimation(PortraitAnimation.summon); if ((_local5 is pShadow)){ _local6.setShadow(); }; } public function onDoNothingDelayComplete(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ var err_txt:String; var err_dlg:ErrorDialog; var next_turn:Boolean; var event = _arg1; try { errorCode = 5510; doNothingTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, onDoNothingDelayComplete); if (bonusAttackPending){ if (bonusAttackOn(bonusAttackTarget)){ return; } else { bonusAttackPending = false; }; }; errorCode = 5511; next_turn = IncrementTurn(); errorCode = 5512; } catch(error:Error) { if (((DungeonMain.KONGREGATE) || (DungeonMain.BETA))){ err_txt = "An error has occurred. Please submit a bug report with the following information:"; err_txt = (err_txt + "\n\n"); err_txt = (err_txt + (("End Turn Error: " + + "\n")); if (speedlist[turn] != null){ err_txt = (err_txt + (((((("turn: " + turn) + "/") + String((speedlist.length - 1))) + " - ") + speedlist[turn].charname) + "\n")); }; err_txt = (err_txt + (("next turn: " + String(next_turn)) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("bonusAttackPending: " + String(bonusAttackPending)) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("errorCode: " + errorCode) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + ((("[" + error.errorID) + "] ") + error.getStackTrace())); err_dlg = new ErrorDialog("Error!", err_txt); dm.stage.addChild(err_dlg); }; }; try { errorCode = 5513; if (next_turn){ RunTurn(); }; } catch(error:Error) { if (((DungeonMain.KONGREGATE) || (DungeonMain.BETA))){ err_txt = "An error has occurred. Please submit a bug report with the following information:"; err_txt = (err_txt + "\n\n"); err_txt = (err_txt + (("Next Turn Error: " + + "\n")); if (speedlist[turn] != null){ err_txt = (err_txt + (((((("turn: " + turn) + "/") + String((speedlist.length - 1))) + " - ") + speedlist[turn].charname) + "\n")); }; err_txt = (err_txt + (("next turn: " + String(next_turn)) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("errorCode: " + errorCode) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + ((("[" + error.errorID) + "] ") + error.getStackTrace())); err_dlg = new ErrorDialog("Error!", err_txt); dm.stage.addChild(err_dlg); }; }; if (!(next_turn)){ EndBattle(); }; } private function updateAllBars():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < npc_portraits.length) { npc_portraits[_local1].update(); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < pc_portraits.length) { pc_portraits[_local1].update(); _local1++; }; } function added(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:uint; var _local3:*; removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added); _local2 = 8; if (((DungeonMain.showHints) && (!(Dungeon.hintShown(_local2))))){ _local3 = new HintDialog("Battle Start!", "You have encountered a group of enemies, and must now face them in battle. \n\nFirst, set your party's formation by dragging their character portraits. Melee fighters should be in the front row, and more vulnerable ranged fighters or spellcasters in the back row. The front row protects the back row from enemy melee attacks.", true, true); DungeonMain.hints = (DungeonMain.hints + _local2); stage.addChild(_local3); dm.main.saveInterface(); }; if (DungeonMain.combatBlur){ entryBlur(); }; } private function UpdateInfoPanels(_arg1:Character=null){ if (_arg1 == null){ _arg1 = speedlist[turn]; }; if (turn != -1){ if (!(this.contains(active_info_panel))){ addChild(active_info_panel); }; active_info_panel.setChar(_arg1); }; if (hover != null){ if (!(this.contains(target_info_panel))){ addChild(target_info_panel); }; target_info_panel.setChar(hover); } else { if (this.contains(target_info_panel)){ removeChild(target_info_panel); }; }; } function delayedHitsTimerComplete(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:Character; var _local6:Character; var _local7:*; var _local8:Boolean; var _local9:int; if (delayedHit >= delayedHitsDamage.length){ return; }; _local2 = ""; updateAllBars(); _local3 = delayedHitsDamage[delayedHit]; _local4 = delayedHitsSkill[delayedHit]; _local5 = delayedHitsTarget[delayedHit]; _local6 = delayedHitsAttacker[delayedHit]; _local7 = PortraitFromCharacter(_local5); _local8 = checkAccuracyMiss(_local6, _local4, 0, false); if (_local8){ _local7.addAnimationFrame(miss_animation_frame, delayedHitsDelay); _local2 = "(Miss)"; dm.sound.playMissSound(_local4, _local6, true); } else { _local9 = doSkillDamage(_local6, _local5, _local3, _local4); addPortraitAnim(_local5, _local4, _local6); _local2 = String(_local9); }; delayedHit++; if (delayedHit >= delayedHitsDamage.length){ _local2 = (_local2 + " damage!"); }; messages.updateMostRecent("", (" + " + _local2)); } private function drawEffectedTargets():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:Array; var _local5:*; var _local6:CharacterPortrait; var _local7:PortraitEffected; removePortraitEffected(); if (!((speedlist[turn] is PlayerCharacter))){ return; }; _local1 = false; if (getChildByName("skillbar") == null){ return; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < valid_targets.length) { if (hover == valid_targets[_local2]){ _local1 = true; }; _local2++; }; if (_local1){ _local3 = skillbar.getSelectedSkill(); _local4 = getEffectedTargets(hover, _local3); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local4.length) { _local6 = _local4[_local5].portraitRef; _local7 = new PortraitEffected(); _local7.x = dmf.getGlobalX(_local6); _local7.y = dmf.getGlobalY(_local6); = ("ei" + _local5); bg.addChildAt(_local7, 1); _local5++; }; }; } public function powerPreview(){ var _local1:*; if ((speedlist[turn] is MonsterCharacter)){ return; }; PortraitFromCharacter(speedlist[turn]).endPowerCostPreview(); _local1 = skillbar.getSelectedSkill().power_cost; if (skillbar.getSelectedSkill().costsRemainingPower){ _local1 = speedlist[turn].power; }; PortraitFromCharacter(speedlist[turn]).startPowerCostPreview(_local1); } private function useSkill(_arg1:Character, _arg2:Skill, _arg3:Character, _arg4:Boolean=false):void{ var j:int; var lethality:int; var chars:Array; var miss:Boolean; var total_damage:int; var total_healing:int; var total_power_damage:int; var missed_targets:int; var res:Boolean; var attackTriggeredBonus:Boolean; var quicknessChange:Boolean; var staggerHits:Boolean; var staggerHitsDelay:int; var message1:String; var message2:String; var firstTarget:Boolean; var c:Character; var hits:int; var damage:int; var power_damage:int; var oldPower:*; var healing:int; var tchars:Array; var i:*; var second_index:*; var secondary:Character; var t:*; var splash_x:*; var splash_y:*; var splash_char:*; var summon_pos:int; var summon_row:*; var summon_col:*; var eepos:int; var old_chars_length:*; var swapTemp:int; var shuffleTargets:Array; var shuffleEmptyPrefix:String; var order:Array; var shufi:int; var newPos:int; var emptyP:EmptyPortrait; var movePortrait:*; var needHydraHeads:int; var hh:MonsterCharacter; var err_txt:*; var err_dlg:ErrorDialog; var temp_healing:int; var temp_damage:int; var oldPoison:int; var actual_damage:int; var actual_power_damage:int; var doPoisonAmount:int; var whirlwindPos:int; var whirlwindMove:Boolean; var whirlwindNewPos:Array; var wx:int; var wy:int; var empty:EmptyPortrait; var delayedHitsTimer:Timer; var regen:*; var bonusAttack:Boolean; var benedictionQuickness:int; var stun_chance:int; var stun_roll:int; var transformed:*; var pd:*; var pr:*; var suicide_dmg:int; var user = _arg1; var skill = _arg2; var target = _arg3; var isBonusAttack = _arg4; lethality = 0; chars = new Array(); miss = false; total_damage = 0; total_healing = 0; total_power_damage = 0; missed_targets = 0; res = false; attackTriggeredBonus = false; quicknessChange = false; staggerHits = false; staggerHitsDelay = 0; message1 = ""; message2 = ""; errorCode = 999; try { usedSkill = true; damage = skill.getDamage(); power_damage = skill.powerDamage; if (skill.powerRestore){ power_damage = -(skill.powerRestore); }; if (isBonusAttack){ bonusAttackPending = false; }; damage = Math.round((damage * user.buff_damage)); damage = Math.round((damage * user.debuff_damage)); if (damage){ damage = Math.round((damage * user.damageMod)); user.damageMod = 1; }; delayedHit = -1; delayedHitsDamage.length = 0; delayedHitsSkill.length = 0; delayedHitsTarget.length = 0; delayedHitsAttacker.length = 0; if (skill.hitsAllMeleeRange){ if ((user is PlayerCharacter)){ chars = valid_targets.concat(); } else { chars = BattleFunctions.findMonsterTargets(MonsterCharacter(user), skill, horde, combat_grid, pc_party); }; } else { if (skill.attacksTwoTargets){ staggerHits = true; staggerHitsDelay = 400; if ((user is PlayerCharacter)){ chars.push(target); } else { tchars = BattleFunctions.findMonsterTargets(MonsterCharacter(user), skill, horde, combat_grid, pc_party); tchars = cullIntimidatingTargets(tchars, skill); if (tchars.length == 1){ chars.push(target); chars.push(target); } else { if (tchars.length == 2){ chars = tchars; } else { if (tchars.length > 2){ chars.push(target); i = 0; while (i < tchars.length) { if (tchars[i] == target){ tchars.splice(i, 1); }; i = (i + 1); }; chars.push(tchars[dm.randomNum(0, (tchars.length - 1))]); } else { chars.push(target); }; }; }; }; } else { if (skill.piercesColumn){ if (target.pos > 3){ second_index = (target.pos - 3); } else { second_index = (target.pos + 3); }; if ((target is MonsterCharacter)){ secondary = horde.memberInPos(second_index); } else { secondary = pc_party.memberInPos(second_index); }; chars.push(target); if (secondary != null){ chars.push(secondary); }; } else { if (skill.hitsAllEnemies){ if ((user is PlayerCharacter)){ chars = horde.members.concat(); } else { chars = pc_party.members.concat(); }; } else { if (skill.hitsAllFriendlies){ if ((user is MonsterCharacter)){ chars = horde.members.concat(); } else { chars = pc_party.members.concat(); }; } else { if (skill.splashDamageMultiplier){ chars.push(target); t = target.pos; splash_x = 0; splash_y = 0; if (t < 4){ splash_x = (t - 1); } else { splash_x = (t - 4); }; if (t < 4){ splash_y = 0; } else { splash_y = 1; }; if ((target is PlayerCharacter)){ splash_y = (splash_y + 2); }; splash_char = validCharFromGrid((splash_x - 1), splash_y); if (splashDamageCheck(skill, user, splash_char)){ chars.push(splash_char); }; splash_char = validCharFromGrid((splash_x + 1), splash_y); if (splashDamageCheck(skill, user, splash_char)){ chars.push(splash_char); }; splash_char = validCharFromGrid(splash_x, (splash_y - 1)); if (splashDamageCheck(skill, user, splash_char)){ chars.push(splash_char); }; splash_char = validCharFromGrid(splash_x, (splash_y + 1)); if (splashDamageCheck(skill, user, splash_char)){ chars.push(splash_char); }; } else { if (skill.summonsCreatureClass != null){ summon_pos = 0; if ((user is MonsterCharacter)){ if (horde.members.length == 6){ return; }; summon_row = 1; while (summon_row >= 0) { summon_col = 0; while (summon_col < 3) { if (combat_grid[summon_col][summon_row] == null){ summon_pos = combatGridToPos(summon_col, summon_row); break; }; summon_col = (summon_col + 1); }; if (summon_pos > 0){ break; }; summon_row = (summon_row - 1); }; } else { if (playerTargetPos != -1){ summon_pos = playerTargetPos; playerTargetPos = -1; }; }; if (skill.hitsAllEmpty){ eepos = 1; while (eepos <= 6) { if ((user is MonsterCharacter)){ if (horde.memberInPos(eepos) == null){ addSummon(skill, user, eepos); }; } else { if (pc_party.memberInPos(eepos) == null){ addSummon(skill, user, eepos); }; }; eepos = (eepos + 1); }; quicknessChange = true; } else { if (summon_pos > 0){ addSummon(skill, user, summon_pos); quicknessChange = true; }; }; } else { chars.push(target); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; if (skill.attacksMultipleTimes > 1){ old_chars_length = chars.length; j = 1; while (j < skill.attacksMultipleTimes) { i = 0; while (i < old_chars_length) { chars.push(chars[i]); i = (i + 1); }; j = (j + 1); }; staggerHits = true; staggerHitsDelay = Math.round((1200 / chars.length)); }; if (skill.extraSpeedAttacks){ if (user.getQuickness() > target.getQuickness()){ staggerHits = true; staggerHitsDelay = Math.round((1200 / skill.extraSpeedAttacks)); j = 0; while (j < skill.extraSpeedAttacks) { chars.push(target); j = (j + 1); }; }; }; if (skill.swapPositions){ swapTemp = target.pos; target.pos = user.pos; user.pos = swapTemp; updateCombatGrid(); if (((!((target.portraitRef == null))) && (!((user.portraitRef == null))))){ swapPortraits(target.portraitRef, user.portraitRef); updateCurrentTurnHighlight(); }; }; oldPower = user.power; if ((((((user is PC_Mage)) && (skill.power_cost))) && ((dmf.randomNum(0, 99) < PC_Mage(user).mastery)))){ addFloater(user, "Spell Mastery!"); } else { user.reducePower(skill.power_cost); if (skill.costsRemainingPower){ user.power = 0; }; }; numTargets = chars.length; healing = skill.scaleHeal(skill.healing, numTargets); if (skill.shufflesEnemies){ order = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]; order = dm.shuffleArray(order); if ((user is PlayerCharacter)){ shuffleTargets = horde.members; shuffleEmptyPrefix = "npc"; } else { if ((user is MonsterCharacter)){ shuffleTargets = pc_party.members; shuffleEmptyPrefix = "pc"; }; }; shufi = 0; while (shufi < shuffleTargets.length) { newPos = order[shufi]; shuffleTargets[shufi].pos = newPos; emptyP = EmptyPortrait(getChildByName((shuffleEmptyPrefix + String(newPos)))); movePortrait = shuffleTargets[shufi].portraitRef; if (((!((movePortrait == null))) && (!((emptyP == null))))){ if (movePortrait.parent != null){ movePortrait.parent.removeChild(movePortrait); emptyP.addChild(movePortrait); movePortrait.addHoverListeners(); }; }; shufi = (shufi + 1); }; updateCombatGrid(); }; if (skill.hydraGrowHeads){ needHydraHeads = horde.needHydraHeads(); chars.length = 0; if (needHydraHeads){ for each (hh in horde.members) { if (!(needHydraHeads)){ break; }; if ((((hh is mHydraHead)) && (( <= 0)))){ hh.resetMonster(); mHydraHead(hh).togglePortrait(); hh.portraitRef.update(); chars.push(hh); needHydraHeads = (needHydraHeads - 1); }; }; while (((needHydraHeads) && ((horde.members.length < 6)))) { addHydraHead(user.level); needHydraHeads = (needHydraHeads - 1); quicknessChange = true; }; }; }; } catch(error:Error) { if (((DungeonMain.KONGREGATE) || (DungeonMain.BETA))){ err_txt = "An error has occurred. Please submit a bug report with the following information:"; err_txt = (err_txt + "\n\n"); err_txt = (err_txt + (("Skill target selection error: " + + "\n")); if (skill != null){ err_txt = (err_txt + (("skill: " + skill.skillname) + "\n")); }; if (speedlist[turn] != null){ err_txt = (err_txt + (((((("turn: " + turn) + "/") + String((speedlist.length - 1))) + " - ") + speedlist[turn].charname) + "\n")); }; if (target != null){ err_txt = (err_txt + (("target: " + target.charname) + "\n")); }; err_txt = (err_txt + (("errorCode: " + errorCode) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + ((("[" + error.errorID) + "] ") + error.getStackTrace())); err_dlg = new ErrorDialog("Error!", err_txt); dm.stage.addChild(err_dlg); }; }; firstTarget = true; hits = 0; try { for each (c in chars) { hits = (hits + 1); if (c == null){ } else { if (!((c is Character))){ } else { if (((( <= 0)) && (!((skill.resurrects == true))))){ } else { if ((((c is PlayerCharacter)) && (PlayerCharacter(c).retreated))){ } else { if ((((c == user)) && (skill.doesNotEffectSelf))){ } else { if (c.portraitRef == null){ c.portraitRef = PortraitFromCharacter(c); }; errorCode = 1; temp_healing = healing; if (skill.clonesPlayers){ if ((c is PlayerCharacter)){ createClone(PlayerCharacter(c)); quicknessChange = true; }; }; if (skill.forceRetreat){ if ((c is PlayerCharacter)){ PlayerCharacter(c).retreating = true; addFloater(c, "Fleeing!"); message2 = "Allies are fleeing the battle!"; }; }; errorCode = 2; if (skill.cannotDie){ addFloater(c, "Defiant!"); c.cannotDie = skill.cannotDie; c.cannotDieMin = skill.getDefianceHealth(); }; errorCode = 3; if (skill.invulnerable){ c.invulnerable = skill.invulnerable; }; errorCode = 4; if (skill.makeDamageSponge){ if ((c is PlayerCharacter)){ damageSpongePlayer = PlayerCharacter(c); } else { damageSpongeMonster = MonsterCharacter(c); }; addFloater(c, "Protecting!"); message2 = (c.charname + " is now protecting allies!"); }; errorCode = 5; if (skill.tempDamageResistance){ c.temp_damage_resistance = skill.tempDamageResistance; }; errorCode = 6; if (skill.powerRegenMod != 1){ c.powerRegenMod = (c.powerRegenMod * skill.powerRegenMod); }; errorCode = 7; if (skill.hidesTarget){ c.hiding = true; c.portraitRef.setHiding(true); }; errorCode = 801; if (skill.intimidating){ c.intimidating = true; }; errorCode = 802; temp_damage = modifySkillDamage(damage, skill, c, user, oldPower, (c == target)); errorCode = 9; if (skill.summonsWhirlwind){ whirlwindPos = c.pos; whirlwindMove = false; whirlwindNewPos = new Array(); if ((((horde.members.length < 6)) && (!((c is mDemon))))){ if (c.pos > 3){ wx = (whirlwindPos % 4); } else { wx = (whirlwindPos - 1); }; wy = (Math.ceil((whirlwindPos / 3)) - 1); if ((((wy > 0)) && ((combat_grid[wx][(wy - 1)] == null)))){ whirlwindNewPos.push(combatGridToPos(wx, (wy - 1))); }; if ((((wy < 1)) && ((combat_grid[wx][(wy + 1)] == null)))){ whirlwindNewPos.push(combatGridToPos(wx, (wy + 1))); }; if ((((wx > 0)) && ((combat_grid[(wx - 1)][wy] == null)))){ whirlwindNewPos.push(combatGridToPos((wx - 1), wy)); }; if ((((wx < 2)) && ((combat_grid[(wx + 1)][wy] == null)))){ whirlwindNewPos.push(combatGridToPos((wx + 1), wy)); }; }; if (whirlwindNewPos.length){ whirlwindMove = true; }; if (whirlwindMove){ c.pos = whirlwindNewPos[dmf.randomNum(0, (whirlwindNewPos.length - 1))]; updateCombatGrid(); if (c.portraitRef.parent != null){ c.portraitRef.parent.removeChild(c.portraitRef); }; empty = EmptyPortrait(getChildByName(("npc" + String(c.pos)))); if (empty != null){ empty.empty.addChild(c.portraitRef); }; summonWhirlwind(user, whirlwindPos); quicknessChange = true; } else { temp_damage = Math.round((temp_damage * 1.2)); }; }; errorCode = 99; if (((!(firstTarget)) && (staggerHits))){ if (delayedHit == -1){ delayedHit = 0; }; delayedHitsDamage.push(temp_damage); delayedHitsSkill.push(skill); delayedHitsTarget.push(c); delayedHitsAttacker.push(user); delayedHitsDelay = staggerHitsDelay; delayedHitsTimer = new Timer((staggerHitsDelay * (hits - 1)), 1); delayedHitsTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, delayedHitsTimerComplete); delayedHitsTimer.start(); } else { errorCode = 10; miss = checkAccuracyMiss(user, skill, total_damage, (missed_targets == 0), firstTarget); errorCode = 11; if (miss){ c.portraitRef.addAnimationFrame(miss_animation_frame, skill.portraitAnimationDuration); missed_targets = (missed_targets + 1); } else { errorCode = 13; if (skill.cancelPowerRegen > c.cancelPowerRegen){ c.cancelPowerRegen = skill.cancelPowerRegen; c.powerRegenMod = 1; c.buff_powerRegen = 0; }; if (skill.cancelHealthRegen > c.cancelHealthRegen){ c.cancelHealthRegen = skill.cancelHealthRegen; c.buff_healthRegen = 0; }; if (skill.woundsRestorePower){ c.woundsRestorePower = Math.max(skill.woundsRestorePower, c.woundsRestorePower); }; errorCode = 14; if (((skill.crippling) && ((skill.crippling > c.crippled)))){ c.crippled = skill.crippling; initDisplay.updateIcon(c); quicknessChange = true; }; errorCode = 15; if (skill.curse){ c.cursed = Math.max(skill.curse, c.cursed); }; errorCode = 16; if (skill.removesCurse){ c.cursed = 0; }; errorCode = 17; c.damageMod = Math.max(skill.targetDamageMod, c.damageMod); errorCode = 18; if (skill.buff_resistPoison){ c.buff_resistPoison = Math.max(c.buff_resistPoison, skill.buff_resistPoison); }; if (skill.buff_resistStun){ c.buff_resistStun = Math.max(c.buff_resistStun, skill.buff_resistStun); }; if (skill.buff_damageResist){ c.buff_damageResist = Math.max(c.buff_damageResist, skill.buff_damageResist); }; if (skill.buff_damageReflect){ c.buff_damageReflect = Math.max(c.buff_damageReflect, skill.buff_damageReflect); }; if (skill.buff_powerRegen){ c.buff_powerRegen = Math.max(c.buff_powerRegen, skill.buff_powerRegen); }; if (skill.buff_vampiric){ c.buff_vampiric = Math.max(c.buff_vampiric, skill.buff_vampiric); }; if (skill.buff_stun){ c.buff_stun = Math.max(c.buff_stun, skill.buff_stun); }; if (skill.buff_quickness){ c.buff_quickness = Math.max(c.buff_quickness, skill.buff_quickness); initDisplay.updateIcon(c); quicknessChange = true; }; errorCode = 19; if (skill.buff_damage > c.buff_damage){ c.buff_damage = skill.buff_damage; }; if (skill.buff_accuracy){ c.buff_accuracy = Math.max(c.buff_accuracy, skill.buff_accuracy); }; if (skill.buff_healthRegen){ regen = skill.buff_healthRegen; if ((((skill.increasesWith >= Skill.strength)) && ((skill.increasesWith <= Skill.intellect)))){ regen = skill.scaleHeal(skill.buff_healthRegen); }; c.buff_healthRegen = Math.max(c.buff_healthRegen, regen); }; if (skill.debuff_damageResist){ c.debuff_damageResist = Math.max(skill.debuff_damageResist, c.debuff_damageResist); }; if (skill.debuff_damage != 1){ c.debuff_damage = Math.min(skill.debuff_damage, c.debuff_damage); }; errorCode = 20; if (skill.resurrects){ if ( <= 0){ c.portraitRef.setAlive(); res = true; }; }; errorCode = 21; if ((((((user is PC_Ranger)) && ((c is MonsterCharacter)))) && ((dmf.randomNum(0, 99) < PC_Ranger(user).creatureLore)))){ if (c.debuff_damageResist < 40){ c.debuff_damageResist = (c.debuff_damageResist + 40); addFloater(c, "Creature Lore!"); }; }; errorCode = 22; oldPoison = c.poisoned; if (temp_healing){ c.portraitRef.setHealthPreview(-(temp_healing)); }; actual_damage = 0; errorCode = 22; if (temp_damage){ actual_damage = doSkillDamage(user, c, temp_damage, skill); }; errorCode = 23; if (power_damage){ c.portraitRef.setPowerPreview(power_damage); }; errorCode = 24; actual_power_damage = c.reducePower(power_damage); errorCode = 25; total_damage = (total_damage + actual_damage); total_power_damage = (total_power_damage + actual_power_damage); total_healing = (total_healing + c.increaseHealth(temp_healing, skill.resurrects)); errorCode = 0xFF; if (((!(bonusAttackPending)) && (!(isBonusAttack)))){ bonusAttack = false; if (((((((actual_damage) && (( > 0)))) && ((user is PC_Warrior)))) && ((dmf.randomNum(0, 99) < PC_Warrior(user).leadership)))){ addFloater(user, "Leadership!"); bonusAttack = true; }; if (((skill.allyBonusAttack) || (bonusAttack))){ bonusAttackPending = true; bonusAttackTarget = c; bonusAttacker = null; attackTriggeredBonus = true; }; }; errorCode = 2551; if ((((((skill is sClericHeal)) && ((user is PC_Cleric)))) && ((dmf.randomNum(0, 99) < PC_Cleric(user).benediction)))){ benedictionQuickness = c.getQuickness(); c.clearNegativeEffects(); if (benedictionQuickness != c.getQuickness()){ quicknessChange = true; }; addFloater(user, "Benediction!"); }; errorCode = 26; if (skill.stun_percent){ stun_chance = (skill.stun_percent + Math.ceil((user.getStunChance() / chars.length))); if (target.invulnerable){ stun_chance = 0; }; stun_roll = dmf.randomNum(0, 99); if (stun_roll < stun_chance){ c.portraitRef.stunAnim(); c.stun(1); if (!(skill.suppressStunAnim)){ c.portraitRef.checkStun(); }; }; }; errorCode = 27; doPoisonAmount = 0; if (skill.poisonDamage){ doPoisonAmount = (skill.scalePoison() + Math.ceil((user.getPoisonDamage() / chars.length))); }; if ((((user is PC_Rogue)) && (actual_damage))){ doPoisonAmount = (doPoisonAmount + Math.ceil((actual_damage * (PC_Rogue(user).poisoncraft / 100)))); }; if (doPoisonAmount){ if (c.poison(doPoisonAmount)){ c.portraitRef.setPoisoned(true); }; }; errorCode = 28; if (skill.damageAccuracy){ if (skill.damageAccuracy > c.accuracy_penalty){ c.accuracy_penalty = skill.damageAccuracy; }; }; errorCode = 29; if (res){ CalculateInitiative(false); initDisplay.insertChar(c, speedlist[turn]); }; errorCode = 30; if (((((skill.gainPowerFromKill) && (actual_damage))) && (!({ user.portraitRef.setPowerPreview(-(skill.gainPowerFromKill)); user.increasePower(skill.gainPowerFromKill); }; errorCode = 31; addPortraitAnim(c, skill, user); errorCode = 32; if (oldPoison < c.poisoned){ c.portraitRef.addPortraitAnimation(PortraitAnimation.poison); }; errorCode = 33; if (skill.removesPoison){ c.poisoned = 0; c.portraitRef.setPoisoned(false); }; errorCode = 34; if (((skill.powerDrain) && (actual_power_damage))){ user.portraitRef.setPowerPreview(-(actual_power_damage)); user.increasePower(actual_power_damage); user.portraitRef.addPortraitAnimation(PortraitAnimation.gainPower); }; errorCode = 35; if (skill.transformCreatureClass != null){ transformed = skill.transformCreatureClass; transformed.pos = c.pos; if ((c is MonsterCharacter)){ transformed.portraitRef = c.portraitRef; replaceChar(c, transformed); c.clearStatusEffects(); c.portraitRef.setChar(transformed, true); c.portraitRef.addPortraitAnimation(PortraitAnimation.transform); if (c == speedlist[turn]){ speedlist[turn] = transformed; }; c = transformed; quicknessChange = true; }; }; firstTarget = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; errorCode = 36; message1 = (((user.charname + " ") + skill.verbage) + "!"); if (total_power_damage > 0){ pd = (total_power_damage + " power "); if (skill.powerDrain){ pd = (pd + "drained"); } else { pd = (pd + "damage"); }; message2 = pd; } else { if (total_power_damage < 0){ pr = (-(total_power_damage) + " power restored"); message2 = pr; }; }; errorCode = 37; if (((skill.healing) || (healing))){ message2 = (total_healing + " damage healed"); }; if (((staggerHits) && (damage))){ if (missed_targets){ message2 = "(Miss)"; } else { message2 = String(total_damage); }; } else { if (((skill.damage) || (damage))){ message2 = (total_damage + " damage"); }; }; errorCode = 38; if (((chars.length) && ((missed_targets == chars.length)))){ message2 = "Miss!"; errorCode = 381; if (dm.sound != null){ errorCode = 3811; dm.sound.playMissSound(skill, user); }; } else { errorCode = 382; if (dm.sound != null){ errorCode = 3821; dm.sound.playSoundForSkill(skill, user); }; }; errorCode = 39; if (skill.killsUser){ suicide_dmg = ( + 1); user.portraitRef.setHealthPreview(suicide_dmg); user.reduceHealth(suicide_dmg); }; if (isBonusAttack){ message2 = (message2 + " (bonus attack)"); }; messages.addMessage(message1, message2); if (((!(res)) && (!(quicknessChange)))){ initDisplay.removeDead(); }; errorCode = 40; if (quicknessChange){ if (CalculateInitiative(false)){ errorCode = 41; initDisplay.refill(speedlist[turn]); }; }; errorCode = 100; } catch(error:Error) { if (((DungeonMain.KONGREGATE) || (DungeonMain.BETA))){ err_txt = "An error has occurred. Please submit a bug report with the following information:"; err_txt = (err_txt + "\n\n"); err_txt = (err_txt + (((("Skill use error: " + + " ") + error.message) + "\n")); if (skill != null){ err_txt = (err_txt + (("skill: " + skill.skillname) + "\n")); }; if (speedlist[turn] != null){ err_txt = (err_txt + (((((("turn: " + turn) + "/") + String((speedlist.length - 1))) + " - ") + speedlist[turn].charname) + "\n")); }; if (target != null){ err_txt = (err_txt + (("target: " + target.charname) + "\n")); }; if (c != null){ err_txt = (err_txt + (("hitting: " + c.charname) + "\n")); }; if (c != null){ err_txt = (err_txt + (("targets: " + chars.length) + "\n")); }; err_txt = (err_txt + (("errorCode: " + errorCode) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + ((("[" + error.errorID) + "] ") + error.getStackTrace())); err_dlg = new ErrorDialog("Error!", err_txt); dm.stage.addChild(err_dlg); }; } finally { UpdateInfoPanels(); EndTurn(isBonusAttack); doLethalAnim = false; }; } private function addPlayerTarget(_arg1:Character):void{ var _local2:CharacterPortrait; var _local3:*; var _local4:PortraitHighlight; _local2 = CharacterPortrait(PortraitFromCharacter(_arg1)); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < valid_targets.length) { if (valid_targets[_local3] == _arg1){ return; }; _local3++; }; valid_targets.push(_arg1); valid_targets_portraits.push(_local2); _local2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickAttack); _local4 = new PortraitHighlight(); = "highlight"; _local2.addChild(_local4); } private function summonWhirlwind(_arg1:Character, _arg2:int):void{ var _local3:Character; var _local4:CharacterPortrait; _local3 = new mWhirlwind(_arg1.level); _local3.pos = _arg2; horde.members.push(_local3); AddCharToCombatGrid(_local3); _local4 = addNewPortrait(_local3); _local4.addPortraitAnimation(PortraitAnimation.summonWhirlwind); } private function removeEmptyListeners():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local1 = 1; while (_local1 <= 6) { _local2 = getChildByName(("pc" + _local1)); _local2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, emptyClicked); _local3 = _local2.getChildByName("highlight"); if (_local3 != null){ _local2.removeChild(_local3); }; _local1++; }; } function clickRetreat(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((speedlist[turn] is PlayerCharacter)){ if ((((pc_party.campaign == Campaign.SURVIVAL)) && (!(speedlist[turn].summoned)))){ messages.addMessage((speedlist[turn].charname + " cannot retreat!"), "This battle is to the death."); return; }; if (PlayerCharacter(speedlist[turn]).canQuickRetreat()){ RetreatCharacter(speedlist[turn]); } else { PlayerCharacter(speedlist[turn]).retreating = true; messages.addMessage((speedlist[turn].charname + " is retreating."), ""); PortraitFromCharacter(speedlist[turn]).update(); EndTurn(); }; }; } private function CanPlayerHit(_arg1:PlayerCharacter, _arg2:MonsterCharacter):Boolean{ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; _local5 = 0; if (IsPlayerMeleeBlocked(_arg1)){ return (false); }; if (((!((damageSpongeMonster == null))) && ((_arg2 == damageSpongeMonster)))){ return (true); }; if (_arg2.pos > 3){ if ((((((((((((_arg2.pos == _arg1.pos)) || ((_arg2.pos == (_arg1.pos + 1))))) || ((_arg2.pos == (_arg1.pos - 1))))) || ((_arg2.pos == (_arg1.pos + 4))))) || ((_arg2.pos == (_arg1.pos + 3))))) || ((_arg2.pos == (_arg1.pos + 2))))){ return (true); }; return (false); //unresolved jump }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 3) { if (combat_grid[_local3][1] != null){ if ((((Character(combat_grid[_local3][1]).health > 0)) && (!(Character(combat_grid[_local3][1]).hiding)))){ _local5++; }; }; _local3++; }; if (_local5){ return (false); }; if ((((((((((((_arg2.pos == _arg1.pos)) || ((_arg2.pos == (_arg1.pos + 1))))) || ((_arg2.pos == (_arg1.pos - 1))))) || ((_arg2.pos == (_arg1.pos - 4))))) || ((_arg2.pos == (_arg1.pos - 3))))) || ((_arg2.pos == (_arg1.pos - 2))))){ return (true); }; return (false); } private function cullIntimidatingTargets(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Skill):Array{ var _local3:int; if (_arg2.hitsAllEnemies){ return (_arg1); }; if (_arg2.hitsAllFriendlies){ return (_arg1); }; if (_arg2.targetsSelf){ return (_arg1); }; _local3 = (_arg1.length - 1); while (_local3 >= 0) { if (_arg1.length == 1){ break; }; if ((_arg1[_local3] is PlayerCharacter)){ if (_arg1[_local3].intimidating){ _arg1.splice(_local3, 1); } else { if ((((_arg1[_local3] is PC_Rogue)) && (PC_Rogue(_arg1[_local3]).elusiveness))){ if (dmf.randomNum(0, 99) < PC_Rogue(_arg1[_local3]).elusiveness){ addFloater(_arg1[_local3], "Elusiveness!"); _arg1.splice(_local3, 1); }; }; }; }; _local3--; }; return (_arg1); } private function EndBattle():void{ var err_txt:String; var err_dlg:ErrorDialog; var r:int; var p:PlayerCharacter; var pAlive:Boolean; var pc:PlayerCharacter; var duration:int; try { if (pc_party.campaign == Campaign.SURVIVAL){ pAlive = false; for each (pc in pc_party.members) { if (pc == null){ } else { if ( <= 0){ continue; } else { if ((pc is PlayerSummon)){ continue; } else { pAlive = true; }; }; }; }; if (pAlive){ currentWave++; initWave(); RunTurn(); return; } else { if (dm.main != null){ if (dm.main.battle_theme != null){ dm.main.battle_theme.fadeOut(); }; dm.main.survivalDefeat(currentWave); }; return; }; }; for each (p in pc_party.members) { if (p == null){ } else { if ( <= 0){ } else { r = p.getReplenishing(); if (r){ p.increaseHealthByPercentage(r); p.increasePowerByPercentage(r); }; }; }; }; } catch(error:Error) { if (((DungeonMain.KONGREGATE) || (DungeonMain.BETA))){ err_txt = "An error has occurred. Please submit a bug report with the following information:"; err_txt = (err_txt + "\n\n"); err_txt = (err_txt + (("Replenish Error: " + + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("r: " + r) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("errorCode: " + errorCode) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + ((("[" + error.errorID) + "] ") + error.getStackTrace())); err_dlg = new ErrorDialog("Error!", err_txt); dm.stage.addChild(err_dlg); }; }; try { duration = 500; if (dm.main != null){ if (dm.main.battle_theme != null){ dm.main.battle_theme.fadeOut(duration); }; } else { if (parent != null){ if (DungeonMain(parent).battle_theme != null){ DungeonMain(parent).battle_theme.fadeOut(duration); }; }; }; exitedSafely = false; exitTimer = new Timer(duration, 1); exitTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, exitBattleTimer); exitTimer.start(); if (DungeonMain.combatBlur){ blurTimer = new Timer((duration - 150), 1); blurTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, exitBlur); blurTimer.start(); }; } catch(error:Error) { if (((DungeonMain.KONGREGATE) || (DungeonMain.BETA))){ err_txt = "An error has occurred. Please submit a bug report with the following information:"; err_txt = (err_txt + "\n\n"); err_txt = (err_txt + (("End Battle Timer Error: " + + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("errorCode: " + errorCode) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + ((("[" + error.errorID) + "] ") + error.getStackTrace())); err_dlg = new ErrorDialog("Error!", err_txt); dm.stage.addChild(err_dlg); }; exitBattleTimer(null); }; } private function convertPlayerPos(_arg1:int):int{ if (_arg1 < 4){ return ((_arg1 + 3)); }; if (_arg1 > 3){ return ((_arg1 - 3)); }; return (0); } private function RetreatCharacter(_arg1:PlayerCharacter):void{ _arg1.retreating = false; _arg1.retreated = true; _arg1.clearStatusEffects(); if (_arg1.summoned){ messages.addMessage((_arg1.charname + " disappears!"), "Unsummoned"); } else { messages.addMessage((_arg1.charname + " leaves the battle!"), ""); }; PortraitFromCharacter(_arg1).setRetreated(); initDisplay.removeDead(); EndTurn(); } function mousedOutEvent(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ hover = null; UpdateInfoPanels(); removePortraitEffected(); initDisplay.setNormalColors(); } function stopDragging(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:EmptyPortrait; var _local7:CharacterPortrait; var _local8:EmptyPortrait; var _local9:int; var _local10:*; var _local11:*; var _local12:*; var _local13:PlayerCharacter; var _local14:CharacterPortrait; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; _local4 = 0; _local5 = 500; if ((((_arg1 == null)) || ((_arg1.currentTarget == null)))){ return; }; _local7 = CharacterPortrait(_arg1.currentTarget); _local9 = 0; this.addChild(_local7); _local7.stopDrag(); _local10 = (_local7.x + (_local7.width / 2)); _local11 = (_local7.y + (_local7.height / 2)); _local12 = 0; while (_local12 < 6) { _local8 = EmptyPortrait(getChildByName(("pc" + String((_local12 + 1))))); _local2 = (_local8.x + (_local8.width / 2)); _local3 = (_local8.y + (_local8.height / 2)); _local4 = DistanceBetween(_local2, _local3, _local10, _local11); if (_local4 > 80){ } else { if (_local4 < _local5){ _local5 = _local4; _local6 = _local8; _local9 = (_local12 + 1); }; }; _local12++; }; if (_local5 == 500){ _local7.x = EmptyPortrait(getChildByName(("pc" + String(_local7.char_ref.pos)))).x; _local7.y = EmptyPortrait(getChildByName(("pc" + String(_local7.char_ref.pos)))).y; } else { _local13 = pc_party.memberInPos(_local9); _local14 = PortraitFromCharacter(_local13); if (_local13 != null){ _local13.pos = _local7.char_ref.pos; _local14.x = EmptyPortrait(getChildByName(("pc" + String(_local7.char_ref.pos)))).x; _local14.y = EmptyPortrait(getChildByName(("pc" + String(_local7.char_ref.pos)))).y; }; _local7.x = _local6.x; _local7.y = _local6.y; _local7.char_ref.pos = _local9; }; } private function doTurnRegen(_arg1:Character, _arg2:CharacterPortrait):Boolean{ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:String; var _local7:String; _local3 = 0; _local4 = 0; _local4 = _arg1.getPowerRegen(); if ((((_arg1 is PlayerCharacter)) && (pc_party.tactical))){ _local4 = 0; }; if (_arg1.cancelPowerRegen > 0){ _local4 = 0; _arg1.cancelPowerRegen--; }; _arg1.powerRegenMod = 1; if (_arg1.cancelHealthRegen > 0){ _local3 = 0; _arg1.cancelHealthRegen--; } else { _local3 = _arg1.getHealthRegen(); }; if (_arg1.poisoned){ _local5 = _arg1.poisoned; _local3 = (_local3 - _local5); if (_arg2 != null){ _arg2.addPortraitAnimation(PortraitAnimation.poison); }; _local6 = (((_arg1.charname + " takes ") + _local5) + " damage from poison!"); _local7 = ""; if (( + _local3) <= 0){ _local7 = (_arg1.charname + " has died!"); }; messages.addMessage(_local6, _local7); }; if (_arg2 != null){ _arg2.setHealthPreview(-(_local3)); _arg2.setPowerPreview(-(_local4)); }; _arg1.increaseHealth(_local3); _arg1.increasePower(_local4); UpdateInfoPanels(); return (true); } function exitBattleTimer(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ var _local2:Character; if (exitedSafely){ return; }; exitedSafely = true; if (exitTimer != null){ exitTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, exitBattleTimer); }; for each (_local2 in pc_party.members) { _local2.portraitRef = null; }; for each (_local2 in horde.members) { _local2.portraitRef = null; }; if (dm.main != null){ dm.main.PostBattle(horde, pc_party); } else { if (parent != null){ DungeonMain(parent).PostBattle(horde, pc_party); }; }; } private function doSkillDamage(_arg1:Character, _arg2:Character, _arg3:int, _arg4:Skill):int{ var inflicted:int; var targetPortrait:CharacterPortrait; var p:CharacterPortrait; var stun_chance:*; var stun_roll:*; var poison_dmg:*; var acc_dmg:int; var health_delta:int; var v_pc:int; var reflect:*; var curseAdd:*; var err_txt:*; var err_dlg:*; var c = _arg1; var target = _arg2; var damage = _arg3; var skill = _arg4; inflicted = 0; try { targetPortrait = PortraitFromCharacter(target); p = PortraitFromCharacter(c); if (((((damage) && ((target is PC_Mage)))) && ((dmf.randomNum(0, 99) < PC_Mage(target).shielding)))){ target.portraitRef.setPowerPreview(10); target.reducePower(10); addFloater(target, "Shielding!"); var _local6:* = 0; //unresolved jump 0; return (_local6); }; if (damage <= 0){ _local6 = 0; //unresolved jump 1; return (_local6); }; if (targetPortrait != null){ targetPortrait.setHealthPreview(damage); }; inflicted = target.reduceHealth(damage); if (target.woundsRestorePower){ target.portraitRef.setPowerPreview(target.woundsRestorePower); target.increasePower(target.woundsRestorePower); target.portraitRef.addPortraitAnimation(PortraitAnimation.gainPower); }; if (((((inflicted) && ((target is PC_Barbarian)))) && ((dmf.randomNum(0, 99) < PC_Barbarian(target).vengeance)))){ target.damageMod = Math.max(1.3, target.damageMod); addFloater(target, "Vengeance!"); }; if (((c.getStunChance()) && (!(skill.stun_percent)))){ stun_chance = Math.ceil((c.getStunChance() / numTargets)); if (target.invulnerable){ stun_chance = 0; }; stun_roll = dm.randomNum(1, 100); if (stun_roll <= stun_chance){ if (targetPortrait != null){ targetPortrait.stunAnim(); }; target.stun(1); if (((!(skill.suppressStunAnim)) && (!((targetPortrait == null))))){ targetPortrait.checkStun(); }; }; }; if (((c.getPoisonDamage()) && (!(skill.poisonDamage)))){ poison_dmg = Math.ceil((c.getPoisonDamage() / numTargets)); if (((target.poison(poison_dmg)) && (!((targetPortrait == null))))){ targetPortrait.setPoisoned(true); }; }; if (((c.getAccuracyDamage()) && (!(skill.damageAccuracy)))){ acc_dmg = Math.ceil((c.getAccuracyDamage() / numTargets)); if (acc_dmg > target.accuracy_penalty){ target.accuracy_penalty = acc_dmg; }; }; if (inflicted){ health_delta = 0; if (((skill.vampiric_percent) || (c.getVampiric()))){ v_pc = (skill.vampiric_percent + c.getVampiric()); health_delta = Math.ceil(((v_pc / 100) * inflicted)); if ((c is PlayerCharacter)){ health_delta = Math.min(health_delta, (c.health_max / 2)); }; if (p != null){ p.addPortraitAnimation(PortraitAnimation.gainHealth); }; }; if (((((target.getDamageReflection()) || (c.cursed))) && (inflicted))){ reflect = Math.round((inflicted * (target.getDamageReflection() / 100))); if ((target is MonsterCharacter)){ reflect = Math.min(reflect, (target.damage / 2)); }; if (c.cursed){ curseAdd = Math.round((c.cursed * inflicted)); if ((target is MonsterCharacter)){ curseAdd = Math.min(curseAdd, (target.damage / 2)); }; if (curseAdd > 0){ reflect = (reflect + curseAdd); if (p != null){ p.addPortraitAnimation(PortraitAnimation.curse); }; }; }; health_delta = (health_delta - reflect); }; if (p != null){ p.setHealthPreview(-(health_delta)); }; c.increaseHealth(health_delta); }; } catch(error:Error) { if (((DungeonMain.KONGREGATE) || (DungeonMain.BETA))){ err_txt = "An error has occurred. Please submit a bug report with the following information:"; err_txt = (err_txt + "\n\n"); err_txt = (err_txt + (((("Do Skill Damage error: " + + " ") + error.message) + "\n")); if (skill != null){ err_txt = (err_txt + (("skill: " + skill.skillname) + "\n")); }; if (c != null){ err_txt = (err_txt + (("user: " + c.charname) + "\n")); }; if (target != null){ err_txt = (err_txt + (("target: " + target.charname) + "\n")); }; if (targetPortrait == null){ err_txt = (err_txt + "targetPortrait = null\n"); }; if (p == null){ err_txt = (err_txt + "p = null\n"); }; err_txt = (err_txt + (("errorCode: " + errorCode) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("damage: " + inflicted) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + ((("[" + error.errorID) + "] ") + error.getStackTrace())); err_dlg = new ErrorDialog("Error!", err_txt); dm.stage.addChild(err_dlg); }; } finally { var _local8:* = inflicted; //unresolved jump 3; return (_local8); }; } private function RunTurn():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:Character; var _local6:CharacterPortrait; var _local7:Boolean; var _local8:Skill; var _local9:*; var _local10:Array; var _local11:Character; var _local12:Character; var _local13:int; var _local14:*; var _local15:*; var _local16:*; var _local17:int; var _local18:Array; var _local19:*; var _local20:*; var _local21:*; var _local22:SkillIcon; var _local23:*; _local4 = 0; errorCode = 1330; while ((((((((speedlist[turn] == null)) || ((speedlist[turn].health <= 0)))) || (speedlist[turn].hadCombatTurn))) || ((((speedlist[turn] is PlayerCharacter)) && (PlayerCharacter(speedlist[turn]).retreated))))) { IncrementTurn(); _local4++; if (_local4 > speedlist.length){ EndBattle(); }; }; errorCode = 1331; _local5 = speedlist[turn]; if (_local5.portraitRef == null){ _local5.portraitRef = PortraitFromCharacter(_local5); }; _local6 = _local5.portraitRef; if (_local5.temp_damage_resistance){ _local5.temp_damage_resistance = 0; }; if (_local5.cannotDie){ _local5.cannotDie--; }; if (_local5.invulnerable){ _local5.invulnerable--; }; if (_local5.hiding){ _local5.hiding = false; _local6.setHiding(false); }; if (_local5.woundsRestorePower){ _local5.woundsRestorePower = 0; }; if (((!((damageSpongeMonster == null))) && (( <= 0)))){ damageSpongeMonster = null; }; if (((!((damageSpongePlayer == null))) && (( <= 0)))){ damageSpongePlayer = null; }; errorCode = 1335; usedSkill = false; updateCurrentTurnHighlight(); errorCode = 1336; if ((((_local5 is PlayerCharacter)) && ((damageSpongePlayer == _local5)))){ damageSpongePlayer = null; } else { if ((((_local5 is MonsterCharacter)) && ((damageSpongeMonster == _local5)))){ damageSpongeMonster = null; }; }; UpdateInfoPanels(); errorCode = 1337; if ((((_local5 is MonsterCharacter)) && (hadMonsterDelay))){ if (_local6 != null){ _local6.update(); }; } else { _local7 = doTurnRegen(_local5, _local6); if (!(_local7)){ return; }; }; errorCode = 1338; if (_local5.stunned_duration > 0){ errorCode = 1339; _local5.stunned_duration--; if (_local6 != null){ _local6.addAnimationFrame(stunned_animation_frame, (PASS_TURN_DELAY + 500)); }; messages.addMessage((_local5.charname + " is stunned!"), ""); EndTurn(); return; }; if ((((_local5 is MonsterCharacter)) && (!(hadMonsterDelay)))){ errorCode = 1342; monsterTurnDelayTimer = new Timer(300, 1); monsterTurnDelayTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, monsterTurnDelayComplete); monsterTurnDelayTimer.start(); return; }; hadMonsterDelay = false; errorCode = 1350; if ((_local5 is PlayerCharacter)){ if (PlayerCharacter(_local5).retreating){ RetreatCharacter(PlayerCharacter(_local5)); return; }; if (retreatAll){ clickRetreat(null); return; }; }; errorCode = 1352; if ((_local5 is PlayerCharacter)){ playerRegenTimer = new Timer(500, 1); playerRegenTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, playerRegenShown); playerRegenTimer.start(); }; if ((_local5 is MonsterCharacter)){ errorCode = 1360; if (!(_local5.skills.length)){ PassTurn(); return; }; _local9 = null; _local10 = new Array(0); _local13 = 0; if (MonsterCharacter(_local5).mindless){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local5.skills.length) { _local8 = _local5.skills[_local1]; _local9 = BattleFunctions.findMonsterTargets(MonsterCharacter(_local5), _local8, horde, combat_grid, pc_party); if (_local8.makeDamageSponge){ _local14 = 0; _local15 = 0; while (_local15 < horde.members.length) { if (horde.members[_local15].health > 0){ _local14++; }; _local15++; }; if ((((_local9.length > 1)) || ((_local14 > 1)))){ _local10.push(_local8); }; } else { if (_local9.length >= 1){ _local10.push(_local8); }; }; _local1++; }; if (!(_local10.length)){ PassTurn(); return; }; if (_local10.length == 1){ _local8 = _local10[0]; } else { _local8 = _local10[dm.randomNum(0, (_local10.length - 1))]; }; _local9 = BattleFunctions.findMonsterTargets(MonsterCharacter(_local5), _local8, horde, combat_grid, pc_party); _local9 = cullIntimidatingTargets(_local9, _local8); _local12 = _local9[0]; if (((_local8.targetsFriendlies) && ((_local9.length > 1)))){ if (_local8.makeDamageSponge){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local9.length) { if (_local9[_local1].getEffectiveHealth() > _local13){ _local13 = _local9[_local1].getEffectiveHealth(); _local12 = _local9[_local1]; }; _local1++; }; } else { if (_local8.damage){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local9.length) { if (_local9[_local1].health > _local13){ _local13 = _local9[_local1].health; _local12 = _local9[_local1]; }; _local1++; }; } else { if (_local8.healing){ _local13 = 9999; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local9.length) { if (_local9[_local1].health < _local13){ _local13 = _local9[_local1].health; _local12 = _local9[_local1]; }; _local1++; }; }; }; }; _local11 = _local12; } else { _local11 = _local9[dm.randomNum(0, (_local9.length - 1))]; }; } else { _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local5.skills.length) { _local8 = _local5.skills[_local1]; _local9 = BattleFunctions.findMonsterTargets(MonsterCharacter(_local5), _local8, horde, combat_grid, pc_party); if (_local9.length >= 1){ _local10.push(_local8); }; _local1++; }; if (!(_local10.length)){ PassTurn(); return; }; _local16 = false; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local10.length) { if (((_local10[_local1].makeDamageSponge) && ((damageSpongeMonster == null)))){ _local8 = _local10[_local1]; _local16 = true; break; }; _local1++; }; if (!(_local16)){ _local17 = 0; _local18 = new Array(); _local1 = (_local10.length - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { if (_local10[_local1].aiPriority > _local17){ _local17 = _local10[_local1].aiPriority; _local18 = new Array(); _local18.push(_local10[_local1]); } else { if (_local10[_local1].aiPriority == _local17){ _local18.push(_local10[_local1]); }; }; _local1--; }; if (_local18.length){ _local10 = _local18; }; _local8 = _local10[dm.randomNum(0, (_local10.length - 1))]; }; if (((((!(_local8.power_cost)) && ((_local8.aiPriority == 5)))) && ((dm.randomNum(0, 500) > 250)))){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local10.length) { if (((_local10[_local1].power_cost) && (!(_local10[_local1].aiCastCount)))){ _local8 = _local10[_local1]; if (dm.randomNum(0, 500) > 250){ break; }; }; _local1++; }; }; _local9 = BattleFunctions.findMonsterTargets(MonsterCharacter(_local5), _local8, horde, combat_grid, pc_party); _local9 = cullIntimidatingTargets(_local9, _local8); _local12 = _local9[0]; if (((_local8.targetsFriendlies) && ((_local9.length > 1)))){ if (_local8.makeDamageSponge){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local9.length) { if (_local9[_local1].getEffectiveHealth() > _local13){ _local13 = _local9[_local1].getEffectiveHealth(); _local12 = _local9[_local1]; }; _local1++; }; } else { if (((_local8.damage) || (_local8.aiTargetHealthiest))){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local9.length) { if (_local9[_local1].health > _local13){ _local13 = _local9[_local1].health; _local12 = _local9[_local1]; }; _local1++; }; } else { if (_local8.healing){ _local13 = 9999; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local9.length) { if (_local9[_local1].health < _local13){ _local13 = _local9[_local1].health; _local12 = _local9[_local1]; }; _local1++; }; }; }; }; _local11 = _local12; } else { _local19 = false; if (_local8.damage){ if (_local8.aiTargetHealthiest){ _local13 = 0; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local9.length) { if (_local9[_local1].health > _local13){ _local13 = _local9[_local1].health; _local12 = _local9[_local1]; }; _local1++; }; } else { _local13 = 9999; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local9.length) { if (_local9[_local1].getEffectiveHealth() < _local8.damage){ _local11 = _local9[_local1]; _local19 = true; break; } else { if (_local9[_local1].getEffectiveHealth() < _local13){ _local13 = _local9[_local1].getEffectiveHealth(); _local12 = _local9[_local1]; }; }; _local1++; }; }; if (!(_local19)){ _local11 = _local12; }; }; if (!(_local19)){ _local11 = _local9[dm.randomNum(0, (_local9.length - 1))]; }; }; }; if (((!((_local8 == null))) && (!((_local11 == null))))){ useMonsterSkill(_local8, _local11); } else { PassTurn(); }; } else { if ((_local5 is PlayerCharacter)){ errorCode = 1400; if (_local5.summoned){ actionsbar.retreat_skill.setSkill(new sUnsummon(_local5)); } else { actionsbar.retreat_skill.setSkill(new sRetreat(_local5)); }; if (pc_party.campaign == Campaign.SURVIVAL){ actionsbar.retreat_all_skill.setSkill(new sMenuQuit(_local5)); } else { actionsbar.retreat_all_skill.setSkill(new sRetreatAll(_local5)); }; actionsbar.pass_skill.setSkill(new sPassTurn(_local5)); if (!(this.contains(actionsbar))){ addChild(actionsbar); }; this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, onMouseWheelEvent); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); errorCode = 1401; _local20 = skillbar.x; _local21 = skillbar.y; skillbar = null; skillbar = new SkillBar(); skillbar.x = _local20; skillbar.y = _local21; = "skillbar"; addChild(skillbar); errorCode = 1403; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local5.skills.length) { if (_local5.skills[_local1].active == false){ } else { _local22 = new SkillIcon(); _local22.setSkill(_local5.skills[_local1]); _local22.setOwner(PlayerCharacter(_local5)); skillbar.addIcon(_local22); }; _local1++; }; errorCode = 1405; powerPreview(); errorCode = 1406; ValidTargetsForPlayer(skillbar.getSelectedSkill()); errorCode = 1407; if (hover != null){ drawEffectedTargets(); }; errorCode = 1408; if (((DungeonMain.showHints) && (!(Dungeon.hintShown(64))))){ _local23 = new HintDialog("Player Turn", "It is your character's turn. A turn involves selecting a skill and then a target for the skill. Player characters start with three skills, but may later use up to six.\n\nIf you do not (or cannot) use a skill this turn, you may also Pass or Retreat. Pass means the character takes no action, but recovers power more quickly. Retreat causes the character to leave the battle, and can prevent the total defeat of the party.", true, true); DungeonMain.hints = (DungeonMain.hints + 64); stage.addChild(_local23); dm.main.saveInterface(); }; }; }; } function unBlurStep(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ setBlur((currentBlur - Math.round((max_blur / blur_steps)))); } private function addPortraitAnim(_arg1:Character, _arg2:Skill, _arg3:Character):void{ var _local4:CharacterPortrait; _local4 = _arg1.portraitRef; if (showImmune(_arg1, _local4, _arg2, _arg3)){ _local4.addAnimationFrame(immune_animation_frame, 1500); } else { if (_arg2.hasPortraitAnimation){ _local4.addAnimationFrame(_arg2.portraitAnimationFrame, _arg2.portraitAnimationDuration); }; if (((_arg2.showWeaponAnimation) && (_arg3.skills[0].specialAnimation))){ _local4.addPortraitAnimation(_arg3.skills[0].specialAnimation); }; if (_arg2.specialAnimation){ _local4.addPortraitAnimation(_arg2.specialAnimation); }; if (doLethalAnim){ _local4.addPortraitAnimation(PortraitAnimation.lethal); doLethalAnim = false; }; }; } private function bonusAttackOn(_arg1:Character):Boolean{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:PlayerCharacter; if (_arg1 == null){ return (false); }; if ( <= 0){ return (false); }; _local2 = new Array(); errorCode = 1800; if ((_arg1 is MonsterCharacter)){ if (bonusAttacker != null){ _local2.push(bonusAttacker); errorCode = 1890; } else { errorCode = 1801; for each (_local5 in pc_party.members) { if (_local5 == null){ } else { if ( <= 0){ } else { if (_local5 == speedlist[turn]){ } else { if (_local5.retreated){ } else { if (_local5.retreating){ } else { if (_local5.stunned_duration){ } else { if (_local5.gear[Equipment.weapon] == null){ } else { errorCode = 1802; if ((((_local5.gear[Equipment.weapon] is RangedWeapon)) || ((_local5.gear[Equipment.weapon] is MageWeapon)))){ _local2.push(_local5); } else { errorCode = 1803; if (CanPlayerHit(_local5, MonsterCharacter(_arg1))){ _local2.push(_local5); } else { continue; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; errorCode = 1805; if (_local2.length){ errorCode = 1810; _local4 = dmf.randomNum(0, (_local2.length - 1)); phl.x = EmptyPortrait(getChildByName(("pc" + _local2[_local4].pos))).x; phl.y = EmptyPortrait(getChildByName(("pc" + _local2[_local4].pos))).y; UpdateInfoPanels(); errorCode = 1812; useSkill(_local2[_local4], _local2[_local4].skills[0], _arg1, true); return (true); }; return (false); }; return (false); } private function combatGridToPos(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):int{ if ((((_arg2 < 2)) && ((_arg2 >= 0)))){ return (((_arg1 + 1) + (_arg2 * 3))); }; if (_arg2 < 4){ return (((_arg1 + 1) + ((_arg2 - 2) * 3))); }; return (-1); } private function RemoveTargetInfo():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:PortraitHighlight; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < npc_portraits.length) { npc_portraits[_local1].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickAttack); _local2 = PortraitHighlight(npc_portraits[_local1].getChildByName("highlight")); if (_local2 != null){ npc_portraits[_local1].removeChild(_local2); _local2 = null; }; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < pc_portraits.length) { pc_portraits[_local1].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickAttack); _local2 = PortraitHighlight(pc_portraits[_local1].getChildByName("highlight")); if (_local2 != null){ pc_portraits[_local1].removeChild(_local2); _local2 = null; }; _local1++; }; removeEmptyListeners(); removePortraitEffected(); } function monsterTurnDelayComplete(_arg1:Event):void{ hadMonsterDelay = true; monsterTurnDelayTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, monsterTurnDelayComplete); if (speedlist[turn].health <= 0){ hadMonsterDelay = false; initDisplay.removeDead(); EndTurn(); return; }; RunTurn(); } private function removePortraitEffected():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 12) { _local2 = bg.getChildByName(("ei" + _local1)); if (_local2 == null){ } else { bg.removeChild(_local2); }; _local1++; }; } private function validCharFromGrid(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):Character{ if (_arg1 > 2){ return (null); }; if (_arg1 < 0){ return (null); }; if (_arg2 < 0){ return (null); }; if (_arg2 > 3){ return (null); }; return (combat_grid[_arg1][_arg2]); } private function useMonsterSkill(_arg1:Skill, _arg2:Character){ PortraitFromCharacter(speedlist[turn]).setPowerPreview(_arg1.power_cost); useSkill(speedlist[turn], _arg1, _arg2); _arg1.aiCastCount++; } private function createClone(_arg1:PlayerCharacter):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:*; _local2 = false; _local3 = 0; _local4 = _arg1.getEvilClone(); if (_local4 == null){ return; }; if (_arg1.pos < 4){ _local4.pos = (_arg1.pos + 3); } else { if (_arg1.pos != 5){ _local4.pos = (_arg1.pos - 3); } else { _local6 = (_arg1.pos < 4); _local7 = pc_party.findEmptySlot(_local6); if (!(_local7)){ return; }; _local4.pos = convertPlayerPos(_local7); }; }; AddCharToCombatGrid(_local4); horde.members.push(_local4); _local5 = addNewPortrait(_local4); _local5.setClone(); } function reportKeyDown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE){ PassTurn(); } else { if (_arg1.charCode == 114){ clickRetreat(null); } else { if (String.fromCharCode(_arg1.charCode) == "1"){ skillbar.setSelectedSkillByPosition(1); } else { if (String.fromCharCode(_arg1.charCode) == "2"){ skillbar.setSelectedSkillByPosition(2); } else { if (String.fromCharCode(_arg1.charCode) == "3"){ skillbar.setSelectedSkillByPosition(3); } else { if (String.fromCharCode(_arg1.charCode) == "4"){ skillbar.setSelectedSkillByPosition(4); } else { if (String.fromCharCode(_arg1.charCode) == "5"){ skillbar.setSelectedSkillByPosition(5); } else { if (String.fromCharCode(_arg1.charCode) == "6"){ skillbar.setSelectedSkillByPosition(6); } else { if (((DungeonMain.debug) && ((_arg1.charCode == 107)))){ speedlist[turn].health = 0; initDisplay.removeDead(); EndTurn(); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; if (hover != null){ drawEffectedTargets(); }; } private function battleReady(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:Array; var _local7:MonsterCharacter; var _local8:String; messages.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, battleReady); messages.clearAll(); if (pc_party.campaign == Campaign.SURVIVAL){ currentWave = 1; initWave(); }; turn = 0; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); phl = new CurrentPortraitHighlight(); addChild(phl); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < pc_party.members.length) { pc_portraits[_local2].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging); pc_portraits[_local2].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging); if (this.contains(pc_portraits[_local2])){ removeChild(pc_portraits[_local2]); }; pc_portraits[_local2].x = 0; pc_portraits[_local2].y = 0; _local5 = EmptyPortrait(getChildByName(("pc" + String(pc_party.members[_local2].pos)))); if (_local5 != null){ _local5.empty.addChild(pc_portraits[_local2]); }; pc_portraits[_local2].addHoverListeners(); _local2++; }; actionsbar.pass_skill.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickPassTurn); actionsbar.retreat_skill.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickRetreat); actionsbar.retreat_all_skill.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickRetreatAll); UpdateInfoPanels(); updateCombatGrid(); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, onMouseWheelEvent); if (pc_party.campaign == Campaign.DELUXE){ if (horde.isCampaignBoss()){ addSpeechBubble(horde.members[0], "Interlopers. You will regret coming here."); } else { if (((horde.hasFearSower()) && ((dmf.randomNum(0, 100) < 75)))){ _local6 = new Array(); _local6.push("Shudder at the coming of the Dreadfather!"); _local6.push("These lands are ripe for the harvest."); _local6.push("You will know fear. Even if we must teach you."); _local6.push("There is no victory for you. Abandon hope."); _local6.push("You are not ready. You will never be ready."); _local6.push("We have built an unstoppable army, in thrall to terror. You cannot win."); _local6.push("Do you wish to see the pale flame of your life extinguished here, so far from your home?"); _local6.push("There is no going back for you. Your doom is here."); _local6.push("He would still welcome you, if only you would fear him. What you call courage is merely ignorance."); _local6.push("He is coming, and nothing you hold dear is safe."); _local6.push("Do not think you will rest in peace. We will amuse ourselves with you."); _local6.push("No god you call on will hear you. No strength of arms will prevail."); _local6.push("A new day has come, and everything you have loved is ended. Give in to despair."); _local7 = horde.members[(horde.members.length - 1)]; _local8 = _local6[dmf.randomNum(0, (_local6.length - 1))]; addSpeechBubble(_local7, _local8); }; }; }; RunTurn(); } function blurStep(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ setBlur((currentBlur + Math.round((max_blur / blur_steps)))); } function clickPassTurn(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((speedlist[turn] is PlayerCharacter)){ PassTurn(); }; } private function showImmune(_arg1:Character, _arg2:CharacterPortrait, _arg3:Skill, _arg4:Character):Boolean{ if (!(_arg1.invulnerable)){ return (false); }; if (_arg4 == _arg1){ return (false); }; if (_arg3.damage){ return (true); }; if (_arg3.stun_percent){ return (true); }; if (_arg3.poisonDamage){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function layoutBoard():void{ var _local1:EmptyPortrait; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:PlayerCharacter; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:int; var _local10:Skill; turn = -1; for each (_local4 in pc_party.members) { _local4.retreating = false; _local4.retreated = false; _local4.hadCombatTurn = false; if (!((_local4 is PC_Adventurer))){ _local8 = _local4.gear[Equipment.weapon]; _local9 = 1; if (_local4.skills[0] != null){ _local9 = _local4.skills[0].position; }; if (_local8 != null){ if ((_local8 is MeleeWeapon)){ _local4.skills[0] = new sWeaponAttack(_local4); } else { if ((_local8 is RangedWeapon)){ _local4.skills[0] = new sRangedAttack(_local4); } else { if ((_local8 is MageWeapon)){ _local4.skills[0] = new sMageAttack(_local4); }; }; }; _local4.skills[0].active = true; } else { _local4.skills[0] = new sUnarmedAttack(pc_party.members[_local2]); _local4.skills[0].active = true; }; _local4.skills[0].position = _local9; }; if ((_local4 is PC_Cleric)){ for each (_local10 in _local4.skills) { if ((_local10 is sClericSmite)){ _local10.stun_percent = PC_Cleric(_local4).wrath; }; }; }; _local7 = new CharacterPortrait(); _local7.setChar(_local4); if (_local4.pos == 0){ pc_party.setMemberPos(_local4, 1); }; _local1 = EmptyPortrait(getChildByName(("pc" + String(_local4.pos)))); _local7.x = _local1.x; _local7.y = _local1.y; _local4.portraitRef = _local7; this.addChild(_local7); _local7.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging); _local7.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging); _local7.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mousedOverEvent); _local7.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseMoveEvent); _local7.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mousedOutEvent); pc_portraits.push(_local7); }; _local2 = (horde.members.length - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { if (horde.members[_local2].summoned){ horde.members.splice(_local2, 1); } else { horde.members[_local2].clearStatusEffects(); horde.members[_local2].resetSkills(); horde.members[_local2].health = horde.members[_local2].health_max; horde.members[_local2].power = horde.members[_local2].power_max; horde.members[_local2].hadCombatTurn = false; addNewPortrait(horde.members[_local2]); }; _local2--; }; _local5 = "Adjust Party Formation"; _local6 = "Click here when ready to begin battle!"; messages.addMessage(_local5, _local6); messages.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, battleReady); selected_skill_text.text = ""; removeChild(actionsbar); removeChild(skillbar); removeChild(active_info_panel); removeChild(target_info_panel); CalculateInitiative(); initDisplay.turnOf(speedlist[0], false); } private function swapPortraits(_arg1:CharacterPortrait, _arg2:CharacterPortrait):void{ var _local3:EmptyPortrait; if (_arg1.parent != null){ _arg1.parent.removeChild(_arg1); }; if (_arg2.parent != null){ _arg2.parent.removeChild(_arg2); }; _local3 = EmptyPortrait(getChildByName(("pc" + String(_arg1.char_ref.pos)))); if (_local3 != null){ _local3.empty.addChild(_arg1); }; _local3 = EmptyPortrait(getChildByName(("pc" + String(_arg2.char_ref.pos)))); if (_local3 != null){ _local3.empty.addChild(_arg2); }; _arg1.addHoverListeners(); _arg2.addHoverListeners(); } private function setBlur(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:BlurFilter; _local2 = new BlurFilter(); _local2.blurX = _arg1; _local2.blurY = _arg1; _local2.quality = BitmapFilterQuality.LOW; this.filters = [_local2]; currentBlur = _arg1; } function clickAttack(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:Character; var _local5:*; _local4 = Character(CharacterPortrait(_arg1.currentTarget).char_ref); _local5 = skillbar.getSelectedSkill(); RemoveTargetInfo(); useSkill(speedlist[turn], _local5, _local4); } private function CalculateInitiative(_arg1:Boolean=true):Boolean{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:Array; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; var _local8:Character; var _local9:Array; var _local10:*; var _local11:int; var _local12:int; var _local13:*; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; _local4 = pc_party.members.concat(horde.members); _local7 = 0; _local8 = speedlist[turn]; _local9 = speedlist; speedlist = new Array(); _local2 = (_local4.length - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; _local3 = (_local4.length - 1); while (_local3 >= 0) { if (_local4[_local3] == null){ } else { _local11 = _local4[_local3].getQuickness(); if (_local11 == -1){ } else { if (_local11 >= _local6){ _local6 = _local11; _local5 = _local3; }; }; }; _local3--; }; speedlist.push(_local4[_local5]); _local4.splice(_local5, 1); _local2--; }; if (!(_arg1)){ _local12 = -1; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < speedlist.length) { if (speedlist[_local2] == _local8){ _local12 = _local2; }; _local2++; }; if (_local12 != -1){ turn = _local12; }; } else { turn = 0; }; initDisplay.setData(speedlist); _local10 = false; if (_local9.length != speedlist.length){ _local10 = true; } else { _local13 = 0; while (_local13 < _local9.length) { if (_local9[_local13] != speedlist[_local13]){ _local10 = true; break; }; _local13++; }; }; if (_local10){ updateCombatGrid(); }; return (_local10); } private function addSpeechBubble(_arg1:Character, _arg2:String):void{ var _local3:SpeechBubble; var _local4:Point; var _local5:Point; if (_arg1.portraitRef == null){ return; }; _local3 = new SpeechBubble(_arg2); _local4 = new Point(5, 59); _local5 = _arg1.portraitRef.localToGlobal(_local4); _local3.x = _local5.x; _local3.y = _local5.y; if (stage != null){ stage.addChild(_local3); }; } private function entryBlur():void{ setBlur(max_blur); blurTimer = new Timer(50, blur_steps); blurTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, unBlurStep); blurTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, unBlurDone); blurTimer.start(); } function startDragging(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ stage.addChild(CharacterPortrait(_arg1.currentTarget)); CharacterPortrait(_arg1.currentTarget).startDrag(); } public static function DistanceBetween(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:int):int{ var _local5:*; var _local6:*; _local5 = Math.abs((_arg1 - _arg3)); _local6 = Math.abs((_arg2 - _arg4)); return (Math.sqrt(((_local5 * _local5) + (_local6 * _local6)))); } } }//package
Section 44
//BattleFunctions (BattleFunctions) package { public class BattleFunctions { public static function findMonsterTargets(_arg1:MonsterCharacter, _arg2:Skill, _arg3:Horde, _arg4:Array, _arg5:Party):Array{ var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:Array; var _local10:*; var _local11:*; var _local12:*; var _local13:*; var _local14:*; var _local15:Array; var _local16:PlayerCharacter; var _local17:MonsterCharacter; var _local18:PlayerCharacter; var _local19:*; _local9 = new Array(0); _local12 = 0; _local13 = 0; _local14 = _arg1.pos; if (!(_arg2.usable())){ return (_local9); }; if (((!((_arg2.aiCastLimit == -1))) && ((_arg2.aiCastCount >= _arg2.aiCastLimit)))){ return (_local9); }; if (((_arg2.aiNotUnlessHurt) && (( == _arg1.health_max)))){ return (_local9); }; if (((_arg2.aiNotUnlessLowPower) && ((_arg1.power > 20)))){ return (_local9); }; if (((_arg2.aiOnlyWhenHordeDead) && ((_arg3.aliveCount > 1)))){ return (_local9); }; if (_local14 > 3){ _local12 = (_local14 % 4); } else { _local12 = (_local14 - 1); }; _local13 = (Math.ceil((_local14 / 3)) - 1); if (_arg2.targetsEmpty){ if (_arg2.summonsCreatureClass != null){ if (_arg3.members.length < 6){ _local9.push(_arg1); return (_local9); }; }; } else { if (_arg2.requiresVerticalGap){ if (_arg1.pos < 4){ _local17 = _arg3.memberInPos((_arg1.pos + 3)); if ((((_local17 == null)) || (_local17.isInactive()))){ _local16 = _arg4[(_arg1.pos - 1)][2]; if ((((_local16 == null)) || (_local16.isInactive()))){ _local16 = _arg4[(_arg1.pos - 1)][3]; }; }; } else { _local18 = _arg4[(_arg1.pos - 4)][2]; if ((((_local18 == null)) || (_local18.isInactive()))){ _local16 = _arg4[(_arg1.pos - 4)][3]; }; }; if (_local16 != null){ if (validTargetForMonster(_local16, _arg2)){ _local9.push(_local16); }; }; } else { if (_arg2.hitsAllFriendlies){ _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg3.members.length) { if (validTargetForMonster(_arg3.members[_local6], _arg2)){ if (_arg3.members[_local6] != _arg1){ _local9.push(_arg3.members[_local6]); }; }; _local6++; }; } else { if (_arg2.targetsFriendlies){ _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg3.members.length) { if (validTargetForMonster(_arg3.members[_local6], _arg2)){ if (_arg3.members[_local6] != _arg1){ _local9.push(_arg3.members[_local6]); }; }; _local6++; }; } else { if (_arg2.targetsSelf){ if (((!(_arg2.aiAllowSuicide)) && (( <= _arg2.damage)))){ return (_local9); }; _local9.push(_arg1); } else { if (_arg2.hydraGrowHeads){ if (_arg3.needHydraHeads()){ _local9.push(_arg1); }; } else { if (_arg2.rangedAttack){ _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg5.members.length) { if (validTargetForMonster(_arg5.members[_local6], _arg2)){ _local9.push(_arg5.members[_local6]); }; _local6++; }; } else { _local19 = false; if (_local14 < 4){ _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < 3) { if (_arg4[_local6][1] != null){ if ((((_arg4[_local6][1].health > 0)) && (!(_arg4[_local6][1].hiding)))){ _local19 = true; }; }; _local6++; }; }; if (Battlefield.damageSpongePlayer != null){ _local9.push(Battlefield.damageSpongePlayer); }; if ((((_local14 > 3)) || ((((_local14 < 4)) && (!(_local19)))))){ _local10 = 0; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < 3) { if (validTargetForMonster(_arg4[_local6][2], _arg2)){ _local10++; _local8 = Character(_arg4[_local6][2]); }; _local6++; }; if (_local10 == 1){ _local9.push(_local8); } else { if (_local10 > 0){ if (validTargetForMonster(_arg4[_local12][2], _arg2)){ _local9.push(_arg4[_local12][2]); }; if ((_local12 - 1) >= 0){ if (validTargetForMonster(_arg4[(_local12 - 1)][2], _arg2)){ _local9.push(_arg4[(_local12 - 1)][2]); }; }; if ((_local12 + 1) < 3){ if (validTargetForMonster(_arg4[(_local12 + 1)][2], _arg2)){ _local9.push(_arg4[(_local12 + 1)][2]); }; }; } else { if (_local10 == 0){ _local11 = 0; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < 3) { if (validTargetForMonster(_arg4[_local6][3], _arg2)){ _local11++; _local8 = Character(_arg4[_local6][3]); }; _local6++; }; if (_local11 == 1){ _local9.push(_local8); } else { if (_local11 > 0){ if (validTargetForMonster(_arg4[_local12][3], _arg2)){ _local9.push(_arg4[_local12][3]); }; if ((_local12 - 1) >= 0){ if (validTargetForMonster(_arg4[(_local12 - 1)][3], _arg2)){ _local9.push(_arg4[(_local12 - 1)][3]); }; }; if ((_local12 + 1) < 3){ if (validTargetForMonster(_arg4[(_local12 + 1)][3], _arg2)){ _local9.push(_arg4[(_local12 + 1)][3]); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; _local15 = new Array(); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local9.length) { if (BattleFunctions.skillBeneficial(_arg2, _local9[_local6], _arg3)){ _local15.push(_local9[_local6]); }; _local6++; }; return (_local15); } public static function areEnemies(_arg1:Character, _arg2:Character):Boolean{ if ((((_arg1 is PlayerCharacter)) && ((_arg2 is MonsterCharacter)))){ return (true); }; if ((((_arg1 is MonsterCharacter)) && ((_arg2 is PlayerCharacter)))){ return (true); }; return (false); } public static function validTargetForMonster(_arg1:Character, _arg2:Skill):Boolean{ if (_arg1 != null){ if ((_arg1 is PlayerCharacter)){ if (PlayerCharacter(_arg1).retreated){ return (false); }; if (((!((Battlefield.damageSpongePlayer == null))) && (!((Battlefield.damageSpongePlayer == _arg1))))){ return (false); }; }; if ((((_arg1 is MonsterCharacter)) && (MonsterCharacter(_arg1).cannotTarget))){ return (false); }; if (((_arg2.aiTargetOnlyLowHealth) && ((_arg1.getHealthPercent() >= 33)))){ return (false); }; if (((_arg2.targetsFriendlyFrontRow) && ((_arg1.pos < 4)))){ return (false); }; if (((_arg2.aiTargetsBackRow) && ((_arg1.pos <= 3)))){ return (false); }; if (((_arg2.makeDamageSponge) && (!((Battlefield.damageSpongeMonster == null))))){ return (false); }; if (((_arg2.targetsStunned) && (!(_arg1.stunned_duration)))){ return (false); }; if (((_arg2.targetsSummoned) && (!(_arg1.summoned)))){ return (false); }; if (_arg1.hiding){ return (false); }; if (_arg2.resurrects){ if ( <= 0){ return (true); }; return (false); }; if (((_arg2.healing) && (( >= _arg1.health_max)))){ return (false); }; if ( > 0){ return (true); }; }; return (false); } public static function skillBeneficial(_arg1:Skill, _arg2:Character, _arg3:Horde):Boolean{ var _local4:Character; _local4 = _arg1.char_ref; if (_arg1.aiAlwaysUse == true){ return (true); }; if (((_arg1.damage) && (areEnemies(_arg2, _local4)))){ return (true); }; if (((_arg1.vampiric_percent) && (( < _local4.health_max)))){ return (true); }; if (((_arg1.healing) && (( < _arg2.health_max)))){ return (true); }; if (((_arg1.powerRestore) && ((_arg2.power < _arg2.power_max)))){ return (true); }; if ((_arg1.tempDamageResistance > _arg2.temp_damage_resistance)){ return (true); }; if (((_arg1.powerDamage) && (_arg2.power))){ return (true); }; if (((_arg1.powerDrain) && ((_local4.power < _local4.power_max)))){ return (true); }; if (_arg1.clonesPlayers){ return (true); }; if (_arg1.shufflesEnemies){ return (true); }; if (_arg1.transformCreatureClass != null){ return (true); }; if (_arg1.cancelPowerRegen > _arg2.cancelPowerRegen){ return (true); }; if (_arg1.cancelHealthRegen > _arg2.cancelHealthRegen){ return (true); }; if (((_arg1.hydraGrowHeads) && (_arg3.needHydraHeads()))){ return (true); }; if (((_arg1.forceRetreat) && (areEnemies(_arg2, _local4)))){ return (true); }; if (((((_arg1.stun_percent) && ((_arg2.stunned_duration <= 0)))) && ((_arg2.getStunResist() < 100)))){ return (true); }; if (((_arg1.poisonDamage) && ((_arg2.getPoisonResist() < 100)))){ return (true); }; if (((((_arg1.lethality) || (_arg1.addsPowerToLethality))) && (!(_arg2.lethalityImmune)))){ return (true); }; if (((_arg1.removesCurse) && (_arg2.cursed))){ return (true); }; if (((_arg1.removesPoison) && (_arg2.poisoned))){ return (true); }; if (((_arg1.cannotDie) && (!(_arg2.cannotDie)))){ return (true); }; if (((_arg1.invulnerable) && (!(_arg2.invulnerable)))){ return (true); }; if (((_arg1.hidesTarget) && (!(_arg2.hiding)))){ return (true); }; if (((_arg1.intimidating) && (!(_arg2.intimidating)))){ return (true); }; if (_arg1.damageAccuracy > _arg2.accuracy_penalty){ return (true); }; if (_arg1.crippling > _arg2.crippled){ return (true); }; if (_arg1.woundsRestorePower > _arg2.woundsRestorePower){ return (true); }; if (_arg1.curse > _arg2.cursed){ return (true); }; if (_arg1.buff_resistPoison > _arg2.buff_resistPoison){ return (true); }; if (_arg1.buff_resistStun > _arg2.buff_resistStun){ return (true); }; if (_arg1.buff_damageResist > _arg2.buff_damageResist){ return (true); }; if (_arg1.buff_damageReflect > _arg2.buff_damageReflect){ return (true); }; if (_arg1.buff_healthRegen > _arg2.buff_healthRegen){ return (true); }; if (_arg1.buff_powerRegen > _arg2.buff_powerRegen){ return (true); }; if (_arg1.buff_vampiric > _arg2.buff_vampiric){ return (true); }; if (_arg1.buff_stun > _arg2.buff_stun){ return (true); }; if (_arg1.buff_quickness > _arg2.buff_quickness){ return (true); }; if (_arg1.buff_damage > _arg2.buff_damage){ return (true); }; if (_arg1.buff_accuracy > _arg2.buff_accuracy){ return (true); }; if (_arg1.buff_quickness > _arg2.buff_quickness){ return (true); }; if (_arg1.debuff_damageResist > _arg2.debuff_damageResist){ return (true); }; if (_arg1.debuff_damage < _arg2.debuff_damage){ return (true); }; if (_arg1.targetDamageMod != 1){ if (areEnemies(_local4, _arg2)){ if (_arg1.targetDamageMod < _arg2.damageMod){ return (true); }; } else { if (_arg1.targetDamageMod > _arg2.damageMod){ return (true); }; }; }; if (_arg1.makeDamageSponge){ if ((((_arg2 is PlayerCharacter)) && ((Battlefield.damageSpongePlayer == null)))){ return (true); }; if ((((_arg2 is MonsterCharacter)) && ((Battlefield.damageSpongeMonster == null)))){ return (true); }; }; return (false); } } }//package
Section 45
//BattleInfoPanel (BattleInfoPanel) package { import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class BattleInfoPanel extends MovieClip { const color_green:uint = 52275; const color_white:uint = 0xFFFFFF; const color_red:uint = 0xE90000; public var large_portrait:CharGraphic; public var poison_resist_number:TextField; public var name_label:TextField; public var accuracy_number:TextField; public var damage_resist_number:TextField; public var stun_resist_number:TextField; public var health_bar:NumericIndicatorHealth; public var regenHealthAmount:TextField; public var regenPowerAmount:TextField; public var level_label:TextField; var portrait_w;// = 20 public var power_bar:NumericIndicatorPower; var portrait_h;// = 20 public var description_label:TextField; public function BattleInfoPanel(){ portrait_w = 20; portrait_h = 20; super(); portrait_w = large_portrait.width; portrait_h = large_portrait.height; accuracy_number.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverIcons); damage_resist_number.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverIcons); poison_resist_number.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverIcons); stun_resist_number.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverIcons); accuracy_number.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutIcons); damage_resist_number.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutIcons); poison_resist_number.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutIcons); stun_resist_number.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutIcons); addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, mouseOutIcons); } public function setChar(_arg1:Character):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; name_label.text = _arg1.charname; dmf.embolden(name_label); level_label.text = ((("Level " + String(_arg1.level)) + " ") + _arg1.classname); UpdateDescription(description_label, _arg1); large_portrait.setChar(_arg1); regenHealthAmount.text = String(_arg1.getHealthRegen()); regenPowerAmount.text = String(_arg1.getPowerRegen()); = ((60 / 100) * _arg1.getHealthPercent()); health_bar.numbers.text = ((String( + "/") + String(_arg1.health_max)); = ((60 / 100) * _arg1.getPowerPercent()); power_bar.numbers.text = ((String(_arg1.power) + "/") + String(_arg1.power_max)); if (getChildByName("health_bar") == null){ addChild(health_bar); }; if (getChildByName("power_bar") == null){ addChild(power_bar); }; accuracy_number.text = (String(_arg1.getAccuracy()) + "%"); damage_resist_number.text = (String(_arg1.getDamageResist()) + "%"); poison_resist_number.text = (String(_arg1.getPoisonResist()) + "%"); stun_resist_number.text = (String(_arg1.getStunResist()) + "%"); _local2 = 0; if ((_arg1 is MonsterCharacter)){ _local2 = MonsterCharacter(_arg1).damage_resistance; } else { if ((_arg1 is PlayerCharacter)){ _local2 = PlayerCharacter(_arg1).getDamageReductionFromArmor(); }; }; _local3 = (_arg1.getPoisonResist() - _arg1.buff_resistPoison); _local4 = (_arg1.getStunResist() - _arg1.buff_resistStun); accuracy_number.textColor = getColorForText(_arg1.accuracy, _arg1.getAccuracy()); damage_resist_number.textColor = getColorForText(_local2, _arg1.getDamageResist()); poison_resist_number.textColor = getColorForText(_local3, _arg1.getPoisonResist()); stun_resist_number.textColor = getColorForText(_local4, _arg1.getStunResist()); } private function getColorForText(_arg1, _arg2):uint{ if (_arg2 > _arg1){ return (color_green); }; if (_arg2 < _arg1){ return (color_red); }; return (color_white); } private function mouseOutIcons(_arg1:Event=null):void{ var _local2:*; if (dm.stage != null){ _local2 = dm.stage.getChildByName("BattleInfoTooltip"); if (_local2 != null){ dm.stage.removeChild(_local2); }; }; } private function UpdateDescription(_arg1:TextField, _arg2:Character){ var _local3:String; if ((_arg2 is PlayerCharacter)){ _local3 = ""; } else { _local3 = (_arg2.description + "\n "); }; if (_arg2.lethalityImmune){ _local3 = (_local3 + "'Instant Kill' Immunity, "); }; if (((parent) && ((parent is Battlefield)))){ if (((((!((Battlefield.damageSpongePlayer == null))) && ((_arg2 is PlayerCharacter)))) && ((Battlefield.damageSpongePlayer == _arg2)))){ _local3 = (_local3 + "Protecting Allies! "); } else { if (((((!((Battlefield.damageSpongeMonster == null))) && ((_arg2 is MonsterCharacter)))) && ((Battlefield.damageSpongeMonster == _arg2)))){ _local3 = (_local3 + "Protecting Allies! "); }; }; }; if (_arg2.cancelPowerRegen){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("No Power Regeneration(" + _arg2.cancelPowerRegen) + "), ")); }; if (_arg2.cancelHealthRegen){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("No Health Regeneration(" + _arg2.cancelHealthRegen) + "), ")); }; if (_arg2.woundsRestorePower){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Wounds Restore Power(" + _arg2.woundsRestorePower) + "), ")); }; if (_arg2.intimidating){ _local3 = (_local3 + "Intimidating, "); }; if (_arg2.damageMod != 1){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Next Attack(" + Math.round((_arg2.damageMod * 100))) + "%), ")); }; if (_arg2.powerRegenMod != 1){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Temp Power Regen(" + Math.round((_arg2.powerRegenMod * 100))) + "%), ")); }; if (_arg2.cursed){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Cursed(" + (_arg2.cursed * 100)) + "%), ")); }; if (_arg2.temp_damage_resistance){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Temp Damage Resist(" + _arg2.temp_damage_resistance) + "), ")); }; if (_arg2.buff_resistPoison){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Buff Resist Poison(" + _arg2.buff_resistPoison) + "), ")); }; if (_arg2.buff_resistStun){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Buff Resist Stun(" + _arg2.buff_resistStun) + "), ")); }; if (_arg2.buff_damageResist){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Buff Damage Resist(" + _arg2.buff_damageResist) + "), ")); }; if (_arg2.buff_damageReflect){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Buff Damage Reflect(" + _arg2.buff_damageReflect) + "), ")); }; if (_arg2.buff_healthRegen){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Buff Health Regen(" + _arg2.buff_healthRegen) + "), ")); }; if (_arg2.buff_powerRegen){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Buff Power Regen(" + _arg2.buff_powerRegen) + "), ")); }; if (_arg2.buff_vampiric){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Buff Health Drain(" + _arg2.buff_vampiric) + "), ")); }; if (_arg2.buff_stun){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Buff Stun Chance(" + _arg2.buff_stun) + "), ")); }; if (_arg2.buff_quickness){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Buff Quickness(" + _arg2.buff_quickness) + "), ")); }; if (_arg2.buff_damage != 1){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Buff Damage(+" + (Math.round((_arg2.buff_damage * 100)) - 100)) + "%), ")); }; if (_arg2.buff_accuracy){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Buff Accuracy(" + _arg2.buff_accuracy) + "), ")); }; if (_arg2.debuff_damageResist){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Reduce Damage Resist(" + _arg2.debuff_damageResist) + "), ")); }; if (_arg2.debuff_damage != 1){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Reduce Damage(" + Math.round(((1 - _arg2.debuff_damage) * 100))) + "%), ")); }; if (_arg2.potion_damage_resist){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Potion Armor(+" + _arg2.potion_damage_resist) + "%), ")); }; if (_arg2.potion_damage_bonus){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Potion Damage(+" + _arg2.potion_damage_bonus) + "%), ")); }; if (_arg2.potion_poison_resist){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Potion Poison Resist(+" + _arg2.potion_poison_resist) + "%), ")); }; if (_arg2.potion_stun_resist){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Potion Stun Resist(+" + _arg2.potion_stun_resist) + "%), ")); }; if (_arg2.potion_quickness_bonus){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Potion Quickness(+" + _arg2.potion_quickness_bonus) + "), ")); }; if (_arg2.poisoned){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Poisoned(" + _arg2.poisoned) + "), ")); }; if (_arg2.accuracy_penalty){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Blinded(" + _arg2.accuracy_penalty) + "), ")); }; if (_arg2.crippled){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Slowed(" + _arg2.crippled) + "), ")); }; if (_arg2.stunned_duration){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Stunned(" + _arg2.stunned_duration) + "), ")); }; if (_arg2.cannotDie){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Defiant(" + _arg2.cannotDie) + "), ")); }; if (_arg2.invulnerable){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Invulnerable(" + _arg2.invulnerable) + "), ")); }; if ((((_arg2 is PlayerCharacter)) && (PlayerCharacter(_arg2).retreating))){ _local3 = (_local3 + "Retreating, "); }; if ((((_arg2 is PlayerCharacter)) && (PlayerCharacter(_arg2).retreated))){ _local3 = (_local3 + "Retreated, "); }; if (_arg2.hiding){ _local3 = (_local3 + "Hidden, "); }; if (_local3.length > 1){ _local3 = _local3.slice(0, (_local3.length - 2)); }; _arg1.text = _local3; } private function mouseOverIcons(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:BattleInfoPanelKey; mouseOutIcons(); _local2 = new BattleInfoPanelKey(); = "BattleInfoTooltip"; _local2.x = 130.5; _local2.y = (this.y + 10); dm.stage.addChild(_local2); } public function cleanup():void{ mouseOutIcons(); removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, mouseOutIcons); accuracy_number.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverIcons); damage_resist_number.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverIcons); poison_resist_number.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverIcons); stun_resist_number.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverIcons); accuracy_number.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutIcons); damage_resist_number.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutIcons); poison_resist_number.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutIcons); stun_resist_number.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutIcons); } } }//package
Section 46
//BattleInfoPanelKey (BattleInfoPanelKey) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BattleInfoPanelKey extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 47
//battlements_loop02 (battlements_loop02) package { import*; public dynamic class battlements_loop02 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 48
//BattleMessageBox (BattleMessageBox) package { import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class BattleMessageBox extends MovieClip { public var next_btn:BattleMessageScroller; public var previous_btn:BattleMessageScroller; var messages2:Array; var messages1:Array; var current:int;// = -1 public var line1:TextField; public var line2:TextField; public function BattleMessageBox():void{ current = -1; super(); messages1 = new Array(); messages2 = new Array(); previous_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, goPrevious); next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, goNext); previous_btn.doubleClickEnabled = true; next_btn.doubleClickEnabled = true; previous_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, doubleClickArrow); next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, doubleClickArrow); previous_btn.useHandCursor = false; next_btn.useHandCursor = false; previousEnabled(false); nextEnabled(false); } function doubleClickArrow(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ } public function clearAll():void{ current = 0; messages1.length = 0; messages2.length = 0; line1.text = ""; line2.text = ""; previousEnabled(false); nextEnabled(false); } public function addMessage(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):void{ current = messages1.length; messages1.push(_arg1); messages2.push(_arg2); displayCurrent(); } private function displayCurrent():void{ if ((((current < 0)) || (!(messages1.length)))){ return; }; display(current); } public function updateMostRecent(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):void{ var _local3:*; _local3 = (messages1.length - 1); if (_arg1.length){ messages1[_local3] = (messages1[_local3] + _arg1); }; if (_arg2.length){ messages2[_local3] = (messages2[_local3] + _arg2); }; display(_local3); } private function previousEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (((_arg1) && (!(this.contains(previous_btn))))){ addChild(previous_btn); } else { if (((!(_arg1)) && (this.contains(previous_btn)))){ removeChild(previous_btn); }; }; } function goNext(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ current = Math.min((current + 1), (messages1.length - 1)); displayCurrent(); } public function cleanup():void{ previous_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, goPrevious); next_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, goNext); previous_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, doubleClickArrow); next_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, doubleClickArrow); } private function display(_arg1:int):void{ line1.text = String(messages1[_arg1]); line2.text = String(messages2[_arg1]); dm.embolden(line1); dm.embolden(line2); if (_arg1 < (messages1.length - 1)){ nextEnabled(true); } else { nextEnabled(false); }; if (_arg1 > 0){ previousEnabled(true); } else { previousEnabled(false); }; } private function nextEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (((_arg1) && (!(this.contains(next_btn))))){ addChild(next_btn); } else { if (((!(_arg1)) && (this.contains(next_btn)))){ removeChild(next_btn); }; }; } function goPrevious(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ current = Math.max((current - 1), 0); displayCurrent(); } } }//package
Section 49
//BattleMessageScroller (BattleMessageScroller) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BattleMessageScroller extends SimpleButton { } }//package
Section 50
//BattleMusic (BattleMusic) package { import*; public class BattleMusic extends Music { public function BattleMusic(_arg1:Boolean=true, _arg2:Horde=null):void{ var _local3:Sound; super(); if (_arg2 == null){ _local3 = new rollingthunder_c(); } else { if (_arg2.legendary){ _local3 = new rollingthunder_c(); } else { if (_arg2.isCampaignBoss()){ _local3 = new morpheus_calls_loop02(); } else { if (_arg2.race == Horde.dwarves){ _local3 = new battlements_loop02(); } else { if (_arg2.race == Horde.undead){ _local3 = new black_mountain_loop01(); } else { if (_arg2.race == Horde.greenskins){ _local3 = new stormbringers_loop01(); } else { if (_arg2.race == Horde.creatures){ _local3 = new bonebreaker_loop03(); } else { if (_arg2.race == Horde.cultists){ _local3 = new hellwars_loop02(); } else { _local3 = new rollingthunder_c(); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; channel =, 99999); if (channel == null){ return; }; active = true; if (_arg1){ this.fadeIn(750); } else { this.setVolume(volumeSetting); }; } } }//package
Section 51
//beer_effect (beer_effect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class beer_effect extends MovieClip { public function beer_effect(){ addFrameScript(4, frame5, 49, frame50); } function frame5(){; } function frame50(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 52
//black_mountain_loop01 (black_mountain_loop01) package { import*; public dynamic class black_mountain_loop01 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 53
//blind_effect (blind_effect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class blind_effect extends MovieClip { public function blind_effect(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 19, frame20); } function frame1(){; } function frame20(){ this.gotoAndStop(20); } } }//package
Section 54
//blind_sound (blind_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class blind_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 55
//BloodRandom (BloodRandom) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BloodRandom extends MovieClip { public var f; public function BloodRandom(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ f = DungeonMain.RandomNum(1, this.totalFrames); this.gotoAndStop(f); } } }//package
Section 56
//blueburst (blueburst) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class blueburst extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 57
//bonebreaker_loop03 (bonebreaker_loop03) package { import*; public dynamic class bonebreaker_loop03 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 58
//buff_chant_sound (buff_chant_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class buff_chant_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 59
//buff_effect (buff_effect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class buff_effect extends MovieClip { public function buff_effect(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 44, frame45); } function frame1(){; } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 60
//buff_quickness_effect (buff_quickness_effect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class buff_quickness_effect extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 61
//BuyPanel (BuyPanel) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BuyPanel extends Sprite { public var consumablesTab:ItemModeTab; public var armorLightTab:ItemModeTab; public var allTab:ItemModeTab; public var buyDisabler:MovieClip; public var weaponsTab:ItemModeTab; public var buyList:ShopListScrolling; public var accessoriesTab:ItemModeTab; public var buyButton:MovieClip; public var armorMediumTab:ItemModeTab; public var armorHeavyTab:ItemModeTab; } }//package
Section 62
//BuySellTab (BuySellTab) package { import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BuySellTab extends MovieClip { public var tab_text:TextField; } }//package
Section 63
//BuySkillPanel (BuySkillPanel) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class BuySkillPanel extends Sprite { public var sk_icon:SkillIcon; public var bg:MovieClip; public var buyButton:SimpleButton; public var skill:Skill; public var sk_description:TextField; public var isSelected:Boolean;// = false public function BuySkillPanel():void{ isSelected = false; super(); bg.gotoAndStop("normal"); buyButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clicked); } public function setBlank():void{ if (this.contains(sk_description)){ removeChild(sk_description); }; if (this.contains(sk_icon)){ removeChild(sk_icon); }; removeButton(); cleanup(); } public function setSkill(_arg1:Skill):void{ if (_arg1 == null){ return; }; this.skill = _arg1; sk_icon.gotoAndStop(_arg1.iconFrame); sk_icon.setSkill(_arg1); sk_icon.setOwner(PlayerCharacter(_arg1.char_ref)); sk_icon.setUsable(_arg1.usable(true)); sk_description.mouseEnabled = false; sk_description.text = _arg1.skillname; dm.embolden(sk_description); } function clicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ((((parent == null)) || (!((parent is BuySkills))))){ return; }; if (BuySkills(parent).pointsFree > 0){ isSelected = true; BuySkills(parent).skillSelected(); setBlank(); }; } public function cleanup():void{ sk_icon.cleanup(); buyButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clicked); } public function removeButton():void{ if (this.contains(buyButton)){ removeChild(buyButton); }; } } }//package
Section 64
//BuySkillPanelR (BuySkillPanelR) package { public dynamic class BuySkillPanelR extends BuySkillPanel { } }//package
Section 65
//BuySkills (BuySkills) package { import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class BuySkills extends MovieClip { public var pass2_description:TextField; public var sk4:BuySkillPanel; public var cancel_btn:MovieClip; public var points_txt:TextField; public var pass1_button:SimpleButton; public var pass1_icon:PassiveSkillIcon; var char_ref:PlayerCharacter; var info_panel:CharInfoPanel; public var pass1_description:TextField; public var pass2_points:int;// = 0 public var pass2_icon:PassiveSkillIcon; public var pass1_points:int;// = 0 public var continue_btn:MovieClip; public var sk1:BuySkillPanel; public var sk2:BuySkillPanel; public var sk3:BuySkillPanel; public var sk5:BuySkillPanelR; public var sk8:BuySkillPanelR; public var sk6:BuySkillPanelR; public var sk7:BuySkillPanelR; var pointsFree:int;// = 0 public var pass2_button:SimpleButton; public function BuySkills(_arg1:CharInfoPanel=null){ pointsFree = 0; pass1_points = 0; pass2_points = 0; super(); if (_arg1 != null){ this.info_panel = _arg1; }; continue_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, continueClick); cancel_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, cancelClick); } private function updateSkillPoints():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; points_txt.text = String(pointsFree); dm.embolden(points_txt); if (!(pointsFree)){ _local1 = 1; while (_local1 <= 8) { _local2 = getChildByName(("sk" + _local1)); if (_local2 != null){ _local2.removeButton(); }; _local1++; }; if (contains(pass1_button)){ removeChild(pass1_button); }; if (contains(pass2_button)){ removeChild(pass2_button); }; }; } public function setChar(_arg1:PlayerCharacter):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; if (_arg1 == null){ return; }; char_ref = _arg1; _local3 = 1; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg1.skills.length) { if (_arg1.skills[_local4].unlocked){ } else { _local2 = getChildByName(("sk" + _local3)); if (_local2 == null){ } else { _local2.setSkill(_arg1.skills[_local4]); _local3++; }; }; _local4++; }; _local4 = _local3; while (_local4 <= 8) { _local2 = getChildByName(("sk" + _local4)); if (_local2 != null){ _local2.setBlank(); }; _local4++; }; if (_arg1.passive_skill_offense < 25){ pass1_description.text = _arg1.getPassiveSkillName(true); dmf.embolden(pass1_description); pass1_icon.updateSkill(_arg1, true); pass1_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, passive1Click); } else { removePassive1(); }; if (_arg1.passive_skill_defense < 25){ pass2_description.text = _arg1.getPassiveSkillName(false); dmf.embolden(pass2_description); pass2_icon.updateSkill(_arg1, false); pass2_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, passive2Click); } else { removePassive2(); }; pointsFree = _arg1.skill_points; updateSkillPoints(); } function cancelClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ this.cleanup(); if (parent != null){ stage.removeChild(this); }; } function continueClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 8) { _local3 = getChildByName(("sk" + _local2)); if (_local3 == null){ } else { if (((_local3.isSelected) && (!((_local3.skill == null))))){ _local3.skill.unlocked = true; }; }; _local2++; }; char_ref.passive_skill_offense = Math.min(25, (char_ref.passive_skill_offense + pass1_points)); char_ref.passive_skill_defense = Math.min(25, (char_ref.passive_skill_defense + pass2_points)); char_ref.skill_points = pointsFree; this.cleanup(); if (info_panel != null){ info_panel.updateValues(); }; if (stage != null){ stage.removeChild(this); }; } public function skillSelected():void{ pointsFree--; updateSkillPoints(); } private function passive2Click(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (((pointsFree) && (((char_ref.passive_skill_defense + pass2_points) < 25)))){ pass2_points++; pass2_icon.setSkillRank((char_ref.passive_skill_defense + pass2_points)); skillSelected(); if ((char_ref.passive_skill_defense + pass2_points) == 25){ removePassive2(); }; }; } private function removePassive1():void{ if (contains(pass1_description)){ removeChild(pass1_description); }; if (contains(pass1_icon)){ removeChild(pass1_icon); }; if (contains(pass1_button)){ removeChild(pass1_button); }; } private function removePassive2():void{ if (contains(pass2_description)){ removeChild(pass2_description); }; if (contains(pass2_icon)){ removeChild(pass2_icon); }; if (contains(pass2_button)){ removeChild(pass2_button); }; } public function skillDeselected():void{ pointsFree++; updateSkillPoints(); } public function cleanup():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; continue_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, continueClick); cancel_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, cancelClick); _local1 = 1; while (_local1 <= 8) { _local2 = getChildByName(("sk" + _local1)); if (_local2 != null){ _local2.cleanup(); }; _local1++; }; pass1_button.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, passive1Click); pass2_button.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, passive2Click); } private function passive1Click(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (((pointsFree) && (((char_ref.passive_skill_offense + pass1_points) < 25)))){ pass1_points++; pass1_icon.setSkillRank((char_ref.passive_skill_offense + pass1_points)); skillSelected(); if ((char_ref.passive_skill_offense + pass1_points) == 25){ removePassive1(); }; }; } } }//package
Section 66
//Campaign (Campaign) package { public class Campaign { public static const ORIGINAL = 1; public static const INFINITE = 3; public static const DELUXE = 2; static const WAVES:int = 20; public static const SURVIVAL = 4; private static function addWaveMonster(_arg1:MonsterCharacter, _arg2:int, _arg3:Horde):void{ if (_arg3.members.length < 6){ _arg1.pos = _arg2; _arg3.members.push(_arg1); }; } public static function getName(_arg1:int):String{ switch (_arg1){ case ORIGINAL: return ("The Den of Corruption"); case DELUXE: return ("The Den of Terror"); case INFINITE: return ("The Den of Endless Evil"); case SURVIVAL: return ("The Fall of Tellunos"); default: return ("The Den of Mysteriousness(??)"); }; } public static function getIntroText(_arg1:int):String{ switch (_arg1){ case ORIGINAL: default: return ("The party of adventurers make their way to the ancient ruin,\nequipped only with what meagre provisions the locals could spare.\n\nThe words of the village headman had filled them with a quiet\ndread, yet steeled their resolve. If the world is to be saved, they\nmust assault the dungeon and destroy the corruption lurking in its\ndepths.\n\nThey must enter the monsters' den."); case DELUXE: return ("'No man we've sent has returned whole.'\n\nThis was met with silence from the small group seated around\nthe tavern bench. Agitated, the speaker continued.\n\n'What crawls back is barely worth calling a man- their wits\nshattered, our best soldiers return as gibbering wrecks. If they\nreturn at all. Is any reward worth that?'\n\nBut the band of adventurers had made their decision.\n\n'We are not your craven soldiers. Give me the map and await our return.'\n\n'Have the reward ready.'"); }; } public static function getOutroText(_arg1:int):String{ switch (_arg1){ case ORIGINAL: default: return ("The demonic presence begins to fade, drawn back to whichever\nhellish realm spawned it. Not willingly, as its final scream of rage\nand pain shakes the dungeon to its very foundations.\n\nDebris begins to rain from the ceiling, and jagged chasms open in\nthe stone floor, revealing still deeper levels of the dungeon. That,\nhowever, must remain a mystery for another time. The heroes,\nvictorious in their quest, realize they must leave now lest their\nretreat be forever barred by the mounting piles of fallen rubble.\nBounding up the stairs, they find themselves passing back through\nall the levels in which they have fought, and bled, and which may\nyet become their tomb.\n\nFinally, desperately, they surge forth from the ruin's entrance, as\nthe dungeon collapses behind them in a final exhalation of dust and debris. Jubilance and disbelief.\n\nThey have succeeded, and they have survived."); case DELUXE: return ("The Dreadfather falls, a foul-smelling smoke rising from the corpse.\nA trophy is hastily collected, as the glow of the Journeyman's Stone\nbegins to fade. Thankfully, power enough remains to return the\nweary adventurers to the entrance of the dungeon.\n\nThe threat is over. Without his terrifying presence to unify them,\nhis army will fall to infighting and the remnants will scatter.\n\nIn a small tavern, a man drinks, lamenting that his duties drive\nhim to send so many to their doom. Soon he will have to search for\nanother eager party of adventurers to set on his hopeless quest.\n\nHis reverie is interrupted by a sudden thump on the table, and a\nterrible stench assaults him. The canvas bag falls open to reveal its\ngrisly contents, and he is faced with a nightmarish rictus grin.\n\n'Let's talk about that reward..'"); }; } public static function setForSurvivalWave(_arg1:Horde, _arg2:int):void{ var _local3:MonsterCharacter; var _local4:int; _arg1.members.length = 0; _local4 = 9; _local4 = (_local4 + Math.ceil((_arg2 / WAVES))); _arg2 = (_arg2 % WAVES); if (_arg2 == 0){ _arg2 = 20; }; switch (_arg2){ case 1: addWaveMonster(new mSkeleton(_local4), 4, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mSkeleton(_local4), 6, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mVampire(_local4), 2, _arg1); break; case 2: addWaveMonster(new mOrcBerserker(_local4), 4, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mOrcBerserker(_local4), 6, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mOrcChampion(_local4), 5, _arg1); break; case 3: addWaveMonster(new mCultNeophyte(_local4), 4, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mCultNeophyte(_local4), 5, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mCultNeophyte(_local4), 6, _arg1); break; case 4: addWaveMonster(new mDwarfCrossbow(_local4), 1, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mDwarfCrossbow(_local4), 3, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mDwarfVeteran(_local4), 5, _arg1); break; case 5: addWaveMonster(new mOrcBerserker(_local4), 4, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mOrcJuggernaut(_local4), 5, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mOrcBerserker(_local4), 6, _arg1); break; case 6: addWaveMonster(new mBoneHorror(_local4), 5, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mVampire(_local4), 1, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mLich(_local4), 2, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mVampire(_local4), 3, _arg1); break; case 7: addWaveMonster(new mDwarfCrossbow(_local4), 1, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mDwarfRunecaster(_local4), 2, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mDwarfCrossbow(_local4), 3, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mDwarfManiac(_local4), 6, _arg1); break; case 8: addWaveMonster(new mTroll(_local4), 5, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mOrcShaman(_local4), 1, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mGoblinArtificer(_local4), 2, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mOrcShaman(_local4), 3, _arg1); break; case 9: addWaveMonster(new mCultChosen(_local4), 4, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mCultWarrior(_local4), 5, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mCultChosen(_local4), 6, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mCultArcher(_local4), 2, _arg1); break; case 10: addWaveMonster(new mNecromancer(_local4), 2, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mSkeleton(_local4), 4, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mBoneHorror(_local4), 5, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mSkeleton(_local4), 6, _arg1); break; case 11: addWaveMonster(new mOrcSavage(_local4), 1, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mOrcSavage(_local4), 3, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mOrcChampion(_local4), 4, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mTroll(_local4), 5, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mOrcChampion(_local4), 6, _arg1); break; case 12: addWaveMonster(new mCultArcher(_local4), 2, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mCultArcher(_local4), 3, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mCultWarrior(_local4), 4, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mCultChosen(_local4), 5, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mCultWarrior(_local4), 6, _arg1); break; case 13: addWaveMonster(new mSkeletonArcher(_local4), 1, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mSkeletonArcher(_local4), 2, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mGhost(_local4), 4, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mGhost(_local4), 5, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mGhost(_local4), 6, _arg1); break; case 14: addWaveMonster(new mDwarfRunecaster(_local4), 1, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mDwarfRunecaster(_local4), 3, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mDwarfWarrior(_local4), 4, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mDwarfManiac(_local4), 5, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mDwarfWarrior(_local4), 6, _arg1); break; case 15: addWaveMonster(new mCultArcher(_local4), 1, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mCultPriest(_local4), 2, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mCultArcher(_local4), 3, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mCultEngine(_local4), 5, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mCultNeophyte(_local4), 6, _arg1); break; case 16: addWaveMonster(new mDwarfCrossbow(_local4), 1, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mDwarfRunecaster(_local4), 2, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mDwarfCrossbow(_local4), 3, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mDwarfVeteran(_local4), 4, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mDwarfVeteran(_local4), 5, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mDwarfVeteran(_local4), 6, _arg1); break; case 17: addWaveMonster(new mSkeletonArcher(_local4), 1, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mLich(_local4), 2, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mLich(_local4), 3, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mSkeleton(_local4), 4, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mBoneHorror(_local4), 5, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mBoneHorror(_local4), 6, _arg1); break; case 18: addWaveMonster(new mOrcShaman(_local4), 1, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mOrcSavage(_local4), 2, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mOrcShaman(_local4), 3, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mOrcBerserker(_local4), 4, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mOrcChampion(_local4), 5, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mOrcBerserker(_local4), 6, _arg1); break; case 19: addWaveMonster(new mCultArcher(_local4), 1, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mCultPriest(_local4), 2, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mCultArcher(_local4), 3, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mCultNeophyte(_local4), 4, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mCultChosen(_local4), 5, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mCultNeophyte(_local4), 6, _arg1); break; case 20: addWaveMonster(new mDwarfCrossbow(_local4), 1, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mDwarfPrince(_local4), 2, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mDwarfCrossbow(_local4), 3, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mDwarfWarrior(_local4), 4, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mDwarfWarrior(_local4), 5, _arg1); addWaveMonster(new mDwarfWarrior(_local4), 6, _arg1); break; }; } public static function getTintFrame(_arg1:int):int{ switch (_arg1){ case ORIGINAL: return (1); case DELUXE: return (2); case INFINITE: default: return (3); }; } } }//package
Section 67
//CampaignItemFragment (CampaignItemFragment) package { public class CampaignItemFragment extends Consumable { public function CampaignItemFragment(_arg1:int=1){ item_name = "Glowing Stone Fragment"; lore = "Retains magical residue from the journey to this place."; campaign_combiner = true; item_rarity =; icon_frame = 131; } override public function getWorth():int{ return (0); } } }//package
Section 68
//CampaignItemStone (CampaignItemStone) package { public class CampaignItemStone extends Consumable { public function CampaignItemStone(_arg1:int=1){ item_name = "Journeyman's Stone"; campaign_portal = true; item_rarity =; icon_frame = 132; } override public function getWorth():int{ return (0); } } }//package
Section 69
//CampaignPaneNew (CampaignPaneNew) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CampaignPaneNew extends Sprite { } }//package
Section 70
//CampaignPaneOriginal (CampaignPaneOriginal) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CampaignPaneOriginal extends Sprite { } }//package
Section 71
//CampaignPaneSurvival (CampaignPaneSurvival) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CampaignPaneSurvival extends Sprite { } }//package
Section 72
//CampaignSelect (CampaignSelect) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class CampaignSelect extends MovieClip { const FADE_OUT_FRAMES = 7; const FADE_IN_FRAMES = 15; public var nextButton:SimpleButton; private var campaign:int;// = 1 private var fadeOut:Boolean;// = false public var optionsButton:OptionsBookButton; public var pane:Sprite; public var continueButton:NewProceedButton; private var fadeIn:Boolean;// = false public function CampaignSelect():void{ campaign = Campaign.ORIGINAL; fadeIn = false; fadeOut = false; super(); nextButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, cycleClick); continueButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, continueClick); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); addNewPane(); } private function continueClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ cleanup(); dm.main.campaignSelected(campaign); } private function paneFadeIn():void{ fadeOut = false; fadeIn = true; } private function addNewPane():void{ var _local1:Sprite; if (campaign == Campaign.ORIGINAL){ _local1 = new CampaignPaneOriginal(); } else { if (campaign == Campaign.DELUXE){ _local1 = new CampaignPaneNew(); } else { if (campaign == Campaign.SURVIVAL){ _local1 = new CampaignPaneSurvival(); }; }; }; if (_local1 != null){ if (pane != null){ removeChild(pane); }; _local1.alpha = 0; _local1.y = 37; _local1.mouseEnabled = false; _local1.mouseChildren = false; addChild(_local1); pane = _local1; paneFadeIn(); nextButton.mouseEnabled = true; }; } private function cycleClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (campaign == Campaign.ORIGINAL){ campaign = Campaign.DELUXE; } else { if (campaign == Campaign.DELUXE){ campaign = Campaign.SURVIVAL; } else { if (campaign == Campaign.SURVIVAL){ campaign = Campaign.ORIGINAL; }; }; }; paneFadeOut(); } private function paneFadeOut():void{ fadeOut = true; fadeIn = false; nextButton.mouseEnabled = false; } public function cleanup():void{ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); continueButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, continueClick); optionsButton.cleanup(); } private function onFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ if (fadeOut){ pane.alpha = (pane.alpha - (1 / FADE_OUT_FRAMES)); if (pane.alpha <= 0){ pane.alpha = 0; fadeOut = false; addNewPane(); }; } else { if (fadeIn){ pane.alpha = (pane.alpha + (1 / FADE_IN_FRAMES)); if (pane.alpha >= 1){ pane.alpha = 1; fadeIn = false; }; }; }; } } }//package
Section 73
//Character (Character) package { import flash.display.*; public class Character { const power_max = 100; private var _intellect:int;// = 1 private var _power:int;// = 100 private var _type:int;// = 0 var cursed;// = 0 public var customPortrait:BitmapData; var invulnerable:int;// = 0 private var _potion_poison_resist:int;// = 0 private var _description:String;// = "" private var _charname:String; var skills:Array; var debuff_damageResist:int;// = 0 private var _dexterity:int;// = 1 private var _quickness:int;// = 50 var cancelPowerRegen:int;// = 0 private var _potion_quickness_bonus:int;// = 0 private var _accuracy:int;// = 95 var power_per_turn;// = 10 var cancelHealthRegen:int;// = 0 var crippled:int;// = 0 var hadCombatTurn:Boolean;// = false var cannotDie:int;// = 0 private var _classname:String; private var _level;// = 1 private var _damage_resistance:int;// = 0 public var customLoading:Boolean;// = false private var _damage:int;// = 0 private var _endurance:int;// = 1 var cannotDieMin:int;// = 1 private var _health_max:int;// = 50 var buff_damageResist;// = 0 var buff_quickness;// = 0 var buff_damage;// = 1 private var _stunResist:int;// = 0 private var _poisonResist:int;// = 0 var woundsRestorePower:int;// = 0 public var portraitRef:CharacterPortrait; private var _potion_stun_resist:int;// = 0 var buff_vampiric;// = 0 var damageMod;// = 1 private var _useCustomPortrait:Boolean;// = false private var _customPortraitUrl:String;// = "" private var _portrait:int;// = 1 var buff_stun;// = 0 var buff_resistStun;// = 0 var accuracy_penalty:int;// = 0 var lethalityImmune:Boolean;// = false var buff_healthRegen;// = 0 public var summoned:Boolean;// = false var temp_damage_resistance:int;// = 0 var buff_damageReflect;// = 0 var buff_accuracy;// = 0 private var _health:int;// = 50 var hiding:Boolean;// = false private var _pos:int;// = 0 private var _strength:int;// = 1 var buff_powerRegen;// = 0 var poisoned:int;// = 0 var powerRegenMod:Number;// = 1 var debuff_damage:Number;// = 1 private var _potion_damage_bonus:int;// = 0 var stunned_duration:int;// = 0 var intimidating:Boolean;// = false private var _potion_damage_resist:int;// = 0 var buff_resistPoison;// = 0 static const ACCURACY_MINIMUM = 10; public function Character(){ _level = 1; _health_max = 50; _health = 50; power_per_turn = 10; _power = 100; _damage = 0; _damage_resistance = 0; _type = 0; _description = ""; _strength = 1; _endurance = 1; _dexterity = 1; _intellect = 1; _quickness = 50; _accuracy = 95; _portrait = 1; _pos = 0; _poisonResist = 0; _stunResist = 0; summoned = false; _useCustomPortrait = false; _customPortraitUrl = ""; customLoading = false; skills = new Array(); stunned_duration = 0; accuracy_penalty = 0; poisoned = 0; powerRegenMod = 1; hiding = false; intimidating = false; cannotDie = 0; cannotDieMin = 1; cursed = 0; lethalityImmune = false; invulnerable = 0; temp_damage_resistance = 0; damageMod = 1; crippled = 0; cancelPowerRegen = 0; cancelHealthRegen = 0; woundsRestorePower = 0; buff_resistPoison = 0; buff_resistStun = 0; buff_damageResist = 0; buff_damageReflect = 0; buff_healthRegen = 0; buff_powerRegen = 0; buff_vampiric = 0; buff_stun = 0; buff_quickness = 0; buff_damage = 1; buff_accuracy = 0; debuff_damageResist = 0; debuff_damage = 1; _potion_damage_resist = 0; _potion_damage_bonus = 0; _potion_poison_resist = 0; _potion_stun_resist = 0; _potion_quickness_bonus = 0; hadCombatTurn = false; super(); } public function set health_max(_arg1:int):void{ this._health_max = _arg1; } public function get classname():String{ return (this._classname); } public function get endurance():int{ return (this._endurance); } public function set power(_arg1:int):void{ this._power = _arg1; } public function getHealthRegen(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ if (_arg1){ return (buff_healthRegen); }; return (0); } public function set classname(_arg1:String):void{ this._classname = _arg1; } public function set endurance(_arg1:int):void{ this._endurance = _arg1; } public function set damage_resistance(_arg1:int):void{ this._damage_resistance = _arg1; } public function get description():String{ return (this._description); } public function getVampiric(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ if (_arg1){ return (buff_vampiric); }; return (0); } public function set potion_damage_resist(_arg1:int):void{ this._potion_damage_resist = _arg1; } public function set poisonResist(_arg1:int):void{ this._poisonResist = _arg1; } public function getPowerRegen(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ if (_arg1){ return (Math.round(((power_per_turn + buff_powerRegen) * powerRegenMod))); }; return (power_per_turn); } public function genderPossessive(_arg1:Boolean=false):String{ if (_arg1){ return ("Their"); }; return ("their"); } public function get strength():int{ return (this._strength); } public function genderPronoun(_arg1:Boolean=false):String{ if (_arg1){ return ("They"); }; return ("they"); } public function get pos():int{ return (this._pos); } public function get health():int{ return (this._health); } public function get potion_stun_resist():int{ return (this._potion_stun_resist); } public function getAccuracy(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:int; if (_arg1){ _local2 = ((accuracy + buff_accuracy) - accuracy_penalty); } else { _local2 = accuracy; }; _local2 = Math.max(ACCURACY_MINIMUM, _local2); return (_local2); } public function set potion_quickness_bonus(_arg1:int):void{ this._potion_quickness_bonus = _arg1; } public function set type(_arg1:int):void{ this._type = _arg1; } public function getDamageReflection(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ if (_arg1){ return (buff_damageReflect); }; return (0); } public function getLethality(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ return (0); } public function get potion_damage_bonus():int{ return (this._potion_damage_bonus); } public function set strength(_arg1:int):void{ this._strength = _arg1; } public function set stunResist(_arg1:int):void{ this._stunResist = _arg1; } public function getHealthPercent():int{ return (Math.round((100 / (health_max / health)))); } public function getStunChance(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ return (0); } public function set pos(_arg1:int):void{ this._pos = _arg1; } public function getEffectiveHealth():int{ return (health); } public function getDamageResist(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ if (_arg1){ return (((buff_damageResist + temp_damage_resistance) + potion_damage_resist)); }; return (0); } public function set potion_poison_resist(_arg1:int):void{ this._potion_poison_resist = _arg1; } public function hasPowerForSkill(_arg1:Skill):Boolean{ if (_arg1.power_cost > power){ return (false); }; return (true); } public function increaseHealthByPercentage(_arg1:int, _arg2:Boolean=false):int{ var _local3:*; _local3 = Math.round((health_max * (_arg1 / 100))); return (increaseHealth(_local3, _arg2)); } public function set health(_arg1:int):void{ this._health = _arg1; } public function loadCustomPortrait():void{ var _local1:CustomPortrait; if (!(useCustomPortrait)){ return; }; customLoading = true; _local1 = new CustomPortrait(customPortraitUrl, customLoaded, customFailed); } public function stun(_arg1:int):Boolean{ var _local2:int; _local2 = getStunResist(); if (invulnerable){ return (false); }; if (dmf.randomNum(0, 99) >= _local2){ stunned_duration = _arg1; return (true); }; return (false); } public function getAccuracyDamage(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ return (0); } public function set potion_stun_resist(_arg1:int):void{ this._potion_stun_resist = _arg1; } public function getIntellect(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ return (this.intellect); } public function reduceHealthByPercentage(_arg1:int):int{ var _local2:*; _local2 = ((health_max / 100) * _arg1); return (reduceHealth(_local2)); } public function customLoaded(_arg1:BitmapData, _arg2:Character=null):void{ customLoading = false; customPortrait = _arg1; if (portraitRef != null){ portraitRef.update(); }; } public function set damage(_arg1:int):void{ this._damage = _arg1; } public function get charname():String{ return (this._charname); } public function set potion_damage_bonus(_arg1:int):void{ this._potion_damage_bonus = _arg1; } public function get accuracy():int{ return (this._accuracy); } public function set intellect(_arg1:int):void{ this._intellect = _arg1; } public function get health_max():int{ return (this._health_max); } public function get power():int{ return (this._power); } public function set level(_arg1:int):void{ this._level = _arg1; } public function get damage_resistance():int{ return (this._damage_resistance); } public function getPoisonDamage(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ return (0); } public function get potion_damage_resist():int{ return (this._potion_damage_resist); } public function get poisonResist():int{ return (this._poisonResist); } public function getDexterity(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ return (this.dexterity); } public function clearNegativeEffects():void{ stunned_duration = 0; accuracy_penalty = 0; poisoned = 0; if (damageMod < 1){ damageMod = 1; }; if (powerRegenMod < 1){ powerRegenMod = 1; }; if (temp_damage_resistance < 0){ temp_damage_resistance = 0; }; crippled = 0; cursed = 0; cancelPowerRegen = 0; cancelHealthRegen = 0; debuff_damageResist = 0; debuff_damage = 1; } public function getQuickness(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:*; _local2 = this.quickness; if (_arg1){ _local2 = (_local2 + ((buff_quickness + potion_quickness_bonus) - crippled)); }; _local2 = Math.max(_local2, 0); return (_local2); } public function poison(_arg1:int):Boolean{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; if (invulnerable){ return (false); }; _local2 = getPoisonResist(); if (_local2 >= 100){ return (false); }; _local3 = Math.round((_arg1 * (1 - (_local2 / 100)))); if (_local3 > 0){ poisoned = (poisoned + _local3); return (true); }; return (false); } public function set useCustomPortrait(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this._useCustomPortrait = _arg1; } public function set portrait(_arg1:int):void{ this._portrait = _arg1; } public function get potion_quickness_bonus():int{ return (this._potion_quickness_bonus); } public function get type():int{ return (this._type); } public function customFailed(_arg1:Character=null):void{ customLoading = false; customPortrait = null; if (portraitRef != null){ portraitRef.update(); }; } public function increaseHealth(_arg1:int, _arg2:Boolean=false):int{ var _local3:int; _local3 = health; if ((((_local3 <= 0)) && (!(_arg2)))){ return (0); }; health = (health + _arg1); if (health > health_max){ health = health_max; }; if (health < 0){ health = 0; clearStatusEffects(); }; if (((((_arg2) && ((_local3 <= 0)))) && ((health > 0)))){ clearStatusEffects(); }; return ((health - _local3)); } public function reducePower(_arg1:int):int{ var _local2:*; _local2 = power; power = (power - _arg1); if (power < 0){ power = 0; }; if (power > 100){ power = 100; }; return ((_local2 - power)); } public function getStunResist(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ if (_arg1){ return (((stunResist + buff_resistStun) + potion_stun_resist)); }; return (stunResist); } public function get stunResist():int{ return (this._stunResist); } public function set customPortraitUrl(_arg1:String):void{ this._customPortraitUrl = _arg1; } public function getEndurance(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ return (this.endurance); } public function get potion_poison_resist():int{ return (this._potion_poison_resist); } public function clearStatusEffects():void{ cannotDie = 0; invulnerable = 0; stunned_duration = 0; accuracy_penalty = 0; poisoned = 0; damageMod = 1; powerRegenMod = 1; temp_damage_resistance = 0; crippled = 0; cursed = 0; hiding = false; cancelPowerRegen = 0; cancelHealthRegen = 0; woundsRestorePower = 0; intimidating = false; buff_resistPoison = 0; buff_resistStun = 0; buff_damageResist = 0; buff_damageReflect = 0; buff_healthRegen = 0; buff_powerRegen = 0; buff_vampiric = 0; buff_stun = 0; buff_quickness = 0; buff_damage = 1; buff_accuracy = 0; buff_quickness = 0; debuff_damageResist = 0; debuff_damage = 1; potion_damage_resist = 0; potion_damage_bonus = 0; potion_poison_resist = 0; potion_stun_resist = 0; potion_quickness_bonus = 0; } public function reduceHealth(_arg1:int):int{ var _local2:int; if (invulnerable){ return (0); }; _local2 = health; health = (health - _arg1); if ((((health < cannotDieMin)) && ((cannotDie > 0)))){ health = Math.min(_local2, cannotDieMin); }; if (health <= 0){ health = 0; clearStatusEffects(); }; if (health > health_max){ health = health_max; }; return ((_local2 - health)); } public function get damage():int{ return (this._damage); } public function get intellect():int{ return (this._intellect); } public function get level():int{ return (this._level); } public function set dexterity(_arg1:int):void{ this._dexterity = _arg1; } public function set quickness(_arg1:int):void{ this._quickness = _arg1; } public function damageAfterArmor(_arg1:int, _arg2:Character):int{ return (_arg1); } public function get useCustomPortrait():Boolean{ return (this._useCustomPortrait); } public function getPoisonResist(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ if (_arg1){ return (((poisonResist + buff_resistPoison) + potion_poison_resist)); }; return (poisonResist); } public function get portrait():int{ return (this._portrait); } public function get customPortraitUrl():String{ return (this._customPortraitUrl); } public function genderSelf(_arg1:Boolean=false):String{ if (_arg1){ return ("Itself"); }; return ("itself"); } public function isInactive():Boolean{ if (health <= 0){ return (true); }; if (hiding){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function getStrength(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ return (this.strength); } public function getHealingBonus(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ return (0); } public function set charname(_arg1:String):void{ this._charname = _arg1; } public function get dexterity():int{ return (this._dexterity); } public function get quickness():int{ return (this._quickness); } public function canMissWith(_arg1:Skill):Boolean{ if (_arg1.alwaysHits){ return (false); }; if (_arg1.targetsFriendlies){ return (false); }; if (_arg1.targetsSelf){ return (false); }; if (_arg1.targetsEmpty){ return (false); }; return (true); } public function increasePowerByPercentage(_arg1:int):int{ return (increasePower(_arg1)); } public function increasePower(_arg1:int):int{ var _local2:*; _local2 = power; power = (power + _arg1); if (power > power_max){ power = power_max; }; return ((power - _local2)); } public function set accuracy(_arg1:int):void{ this._accuracy = _arg1; } public function getPowerPercent():int{ return (Math.round((100 / (power_max / power)))); } public function set description(_arg1:String):void{ this._description = _arg1; } } }//package
Section 74
//CharacterInfo (CharacterInfo) package { import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class CharacterInfo extends MovieClip { public var playerClass:TextField; public var playerName:TextField; public var customPortrait:DisplayObject; public var playerGraphic:CharGraphic; public function CharacterInfo():void{ } public function setChar(_arg1:Character):void{ if (_arg1 == null){ return; }; playerGraphic.setChar(_arg1); playerName.text = _arg1.charname; dmf.embolden(playerName); playerClass.text = _arg1.classname; } private function removeCustomPortrait():void{ if (customPortrait == null){ return; }; if (this.contains(customPortrait)){ removeChild(customPortrait); }; } } }//package
Section 75
//CharacterPortrait (CharacterPortrait) package { import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class CharacterPortrait extends MovieClip { const FADE_OUT_FRAMES = 30; const FADE_IN_FRAMES = 15; public var char_ref:Character; public var healthbar:HealthBar; var animationFrame:PortraitAnimationFrame; var hasCurseAnim:Boolean;// = false private var dead:Boolean; private var hoverEnabled:Boolean;// = false var hasGainHealthAnim:Boolean;// = false private var fadeIn:Boolean;// = false private var selectFX:PortraitSelect; public var graphic:CharGraphic; var animationDurationTimer:Timer; public var powerbar:PowerBar; var hasLethalAnim:Boolean;// = false public var nametag:TextField; private var fadeOut:Boolean;// = false var isHiding:Boolean;// = false public var level_glow:LevelUpGlow; var hasPoisonAnim:Boolean;// = false var animations:Array; var hasGainPowerAnim:Boolean;// = false private var poisoned:Boolean;// = false var timers:Array; static const HEALTHBAR_HEIGHT = 58; public function CharacterPortrait(){ poisoned = false; level_glow = new LevelUpGlow(); hoverEnabled = false; isHiding = false; animations = new Array(); timers = new Array(); hasCurseAnim = false; hasPoisonAnim = false; hasLethalAnim = false; hasGainHealthAnim = false; hasGainPowerAnim = false; fadeIn = false; fadeOut = false; super(); dead = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); this.mouseChildren = false; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); addHoverListeners(); } public function setClone():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = new ClonePortrait(); this.addChild(_local1); this.addSpecialAnimation(new clone_create_effect(), 1500); } public function setShadow():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = new ShadowPortrait(); graphic.addChild(_local1); } public function setPoisoned(_arg1:Boolean):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; if (((_arg1) && (!(poisoned)))){ poisoned = true; _local2 = new LightGreenBar(); _local2.x = healthbar.lightbar.x; _local2.y = healthbar.lightbar.y; _local2.height = healthbar.lightbar.height; _local2.width = healthbar.lightbar.width; =; healthbar.removeChild(healthbar.lightbar); healthbar.addChild(_local2); _local2 = new GreenBar(); _local2.x =; _local2.y =; _local2.height =; _local2.width =; =; healthbar.removeChild(; healthbar.addChild(_local2); } else { if (((poisoned) && (!(_arg1)))){ poisoned = false; _local3 = healthbar.getChildByName("bar"); _local4 = healthbar.getChildByName("lightbar"); = _local3.height; healthbar.lightbar.height = _local4.height; healthbar.removeChild(_local3); healthbar.removeChild(_local4); healthbar.addChild(healthbar.lightbar); healthbar.addChild(; }; }; } private function mouse_over(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mouse_out(null); if (DungeonMain.portraitHighlight){ selectFX = new PortraitSelect(); selectFX.x = 0; selectFX.y = 0; addChild(selectFX); }; } function specialAnimationDurationTimerComplete(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:MovieClip; _local2 = getTimerIndex(Timer(; if (_local2 < 0){ return; }; _local3 = animations[_local2]; if (_local3 != null){ if (this.contains(_local3)){ this.removeChild(_local3); }; if ((_local3 is curse_effect)){ hasCurseAnim = false; }; if ((_local3 is poisoneffect)){ hasPoisonAnim = false; }; if ((_local3 is lethal_effect)){ hasLethalAnim = false; }; if ((_local3 is gain_health_effect)){ hasGainHealthAnim = false; }; if ((_local3 is gain_power_effect)){ hasGainPowerAnim = false; }; _local3.stop(); animations.splice(_local2, 1); _local3 = null; timers.splice(_local2, 1); }; } private function removed(_arg1:Event):void{ hoverEnabled = false; mouse_out(null); removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouse_over); removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouse_out); removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removed); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); } public function setNameTag(_arg1:String){ this.nametag.text = _arg1; } public function setRetreated():void{ var _local1:RetreatedEffect; _local1 = new RetreatedEffect(); _local1.x = 0; _local1.y = 0; _local1.alpha = 0.5; = "r_effect"; addChild(_local1); floaterCheck(); fadeOut = true; } private function floaterCheck():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = getChildByName("floater"); if (_local1 != null){ dmf.childToTop(_local1); }; } private function getTimerIndex(_arg1:Timer):int{ var _local2:*; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < timers.length) { if (timers[_local2] == _arg1){ return (_local2); }; _local2++; }; return (-1); } public function setHealthPreview(_arg1:int){ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; _local2 = ( - _arg1); if (_local2 < 0){ _local2 = 0; }; if (_local2 > char_ref.health_max){ _local2 = char_ref.health_max; }; _local3 = ((100 / char_ref.health_max) * _local2); _local4 = healthbar.getChildByName("bar"); _local5 = healthbar.getChildByName("lightbar"); if (_arg1 >= 0){ _local4.height = ((HEALTHBAR_HEIGHT / 100) * _local3); } else { _local5.height = Math.round(((HEALTHBAR_HEIGHT / 100) * _local3)); }; } public function setPowerPreview(_arg1:int){ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; _local2 = (char_ref.power - _arg1); if (_local2 < 0){ _local2 = 0; }; if (_local2 > char_ref.power_max){ _local2 = char_ref.power_max; }; _local3 = ((100 / char_ref.power_max) * _local2); _local4 = powerbar.getChildByName("bar"); _local5 = powerbar.getChildByName("lightbar"); if (_arg1 >= 0){ _local4.height = ((HEALTHBAR_HEIGHT / 100) * _local3); } else { _local5.height = Math.round(((HEALTHBAR_HEIGHT / 100) * _local3)); }; } public function setHiding(_arg1:Boolean){ var _local2:*; if (_arg1){ if (!(isHiding)){ _local2 = new HidingEffect(); _local2.x = 0; _local2.y = 0; _local2.alpha = 0.5; = "hiding_effect"; addChild(_local2); floaterCheck(); }; isHiding = true; } else { isHiding = false; _local2 = getChildByName("hiding_effect"); if (_local2 != null){ removeChild(_local2); }; }; } private function mouse_out(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (selectFX != null){ if (this.contains(selectFX)){ removeChild(selectFX); selectFX = null; }; }; } public function update():void{ this.graphic.setChar(char_ref); this.setPoisoned((char_ref.poisoned > 0)); this.setNameTag(char_ref.charname); this.updateBars(); } private function onFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ if (fadeOut){ this.alpha = (this.alpha - (1 / FADE_OUT_FRAMES)); if (this.alpha <= 0){ this.alpha = 0; fadeOut = false; if (parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); }; }; } else { if (fadeIn){ this.alpha = (this.alpha + (1 / FADE_IN_FRAMES)); if (this.alpha >= 1){ this.alpha = 1; fadeIn = false; }; }; }; } public function setChar(_arg1:Character, _arg2:Boolean=false){ char_ref = _arg1; if (!(_arg2)){ update(); }; } public function setGlow():void{ if (!((char_ref is PlayerCharacter))){ return; }; if (((PlayerCharacter(char_ref).stat_points) || (PlayerCharacter(char_ref).skill_points))){ if (!(this.contains(level_glow))){ addChildAt(level_glow, 0); }; } else { if (this.contains(level_glow)){ removeChild(level_glow); }; }; } public function updateBars():void{ if (((dead) && (( > 0)))){ setAlive(); }; setHealth(char_ref.getHealthPercent()); setPower(char_ref.getPowerPercent()); checkStun(); } function animationDurationTimerComplete(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ animationDurationTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, animationDurationTimerComplete); if (this.getChildByName("anim") != null){ this.removeChild(animationFrame); }; animationFrame = null; } public function addAnimationFrame(_arg1:int, _arg2:int=1500){ if (animationFrame != null){ return; }; animationFrame = new PortraitAnimationFrame(_arg1); = "anim"; animationFrame.x = graphic.x; animationFrame.y = graphic.y; this.addChild(animationFrame); floaterCheck(); animationDurationTimer = new Timer(_arg2, 1); animationDurationTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, animationDurationTimerComplete); animationDurationTimer.start(); } public function addHoverListeners():void{ if (!(hoverEnabled)){ addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouse_over); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouse_out); addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removed); hoverEnabled = true; }; } public function setHealth(_arg1:Number){ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = healthbar.getChildByName("bar"); _local2.height = Math.round(((58 / 100) * _arg1)); _local3 = healthbar.getChildByName("lightbar"); _local3.height = Math.round(((58 / 100) * _arg1)); if (((( <= 0)) && (!(dead)))){ this.setDead(); }; } public function startPowerCostPreview(_arg1:int){ var _local2:*; _local2 = (char_ref.power - _arg1); if (_local2 < 0){ return; }; = ((HEALTHBAR_HEIGHT / 100) * _local2); } public function setAlive(){ var _local1:*; dead = false; _local1 = getChildByName("dead_effect"); if (_local1 != null){ removeChild(_local1); }; } public function addPortraitAnimation(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:MovieClip; if (!(_arg1)){ return; }; _local2 = PortraitAnimation.getAnimation(_arg1); if (_local2 != null){ _local2.gotoAndStop(1); addSpecialAnimation(_local2); floaterCheck(); }; _local2 = null; } private function addSpecialAnimation(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:int=1500){ var _local3:Timer; var _local4:int; var _local5:*; _arg1.x = graphic.x; _arg1.y = graphic.y; if ((_arg1 is curse_effect)){ if (!(hasCurseAnim)){ hasCurseAnim = true; } else { return; }; } else { if ((_arg1 is poisoneffect)){ if (!(hasPoisonAnim)){ hasPoisonAnim = true; } else { return; }; } else { if ((_arg1 is lethal_effect)){ if (!(hasLethalAnim)){ hasLethalAnim = true; } else { return; }; } else { if ((_arg1 is gain_health_effect)){ if (!(hasGainHealthAnim)){ hasGainHealthAnim = true; } else { return; }; } else { if ((_arg1 is gain_power_effect)){ if (!(hasGainPowerAnim)){ hasGainPowerAnim = true; } else { return; }; } else { if ((_arg1 is player_multi_slash)){ _local4 = dmf.randomNum(-20, 20); _arg1.rotation = _local4; } else { if ((_arg1 is revive_effect)){ _local5 = this.graphic.currentFrame; revive_effect(_arg1).gfx.gotoAndStop(_local5); } else { if ((((_arg1 is player_arrow)) && ((_arg2 == 750)))){ player_arrow(_arg1).spark.x = dmf.randomNum(15, 43); player_arrow(_arg1).spark.y = dmf.randomNum(15, 43); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; _arg1.gotoAndPlay(1); this.addChild(_arg1); _local3 = new Timer(_arg2, 1); _local3.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, specialAnimationDurationTimerComplete, false, 0, true); _local3.start(); animations.push(_arg1); timers.push(_local3); } public function setPower(_arg1:Number){ = ((HEALTHBAR_HEIGHT / 100) * _arg1); this.powerbar.lightbar.height = ((HEALTHBAR_HEIGHT / 100) * _arg1); } public function checkStun():void{ if (!(char_ref.stunned_duration)){ this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; } public function setDead(){ var _local1:DeadEffect; dead = true; setHealth(0); _local1 = new DeadEffect(); _local1.x = 0; _local1.y = 0; _local1.alpha = 0.5; = "dead_effect"; addChild(_local1); floaterCheck(); if (char_ref.summoned){ fadeOut = true; }; } public function stunAnim():void{ if (!(char_ref.stunned_duration)){ if (((((!((parent == null))) && (!((parent.parent == null))))) && ((parent.parent is EmptyPortrait)))){ EmptyPortrait(parent.parent).gotoAndPlay(2); }; }; } public function endPowerCostPreview(){ = this.powerbar.lightbar.height; } } }//package
Section 76
//CharCreationPanel (CharCreationPanel) package { import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class CharCreationPanel extends MovieClip { const animate_frames = 10; public var charLocked:MovieClip; var end_y;// = 0 public var portrait_left:SimpleButton; var portraits:Array; public var delete_button:SimpleButton; public var name_text:TextField; public var customPortraitButton:SimpleButton; public var portrait_right:SimpleButton; public var random_name_btn:MovieClip; var selected_portrait:int;// = 0 public var selected_class:int;// = 1 var lastRandomName:String; public var gender_icon:MovieClip; public var theText:TextField; var char:PlayerCharacter; var lowered_y;// = 0 var animating;// = false public var description_text:TextField; public var portrait:CharGraphic; public var class_text:TextField; public var class1:MovieClip; public var class2:MovieClip; public var class3:MovieClip; public var class4:MovieClip; public var class5:MovieClip; public var class6:MovieClip; var frame_count;// = 0 public var class7:MovieClip; public var skill_preview:SimpleButton; var start_y;// = 0 var slot:int;// = 1 public function CharCreationPanel():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; portraits = new Array(); selected_portrait = 0; selected_class = 1; slot = 1; animating = false; frame_count = 0; start_y = 0; end_y = 0; lowered_y = 0; super(); random_name_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, randomName); portrait_left.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, cyclePortrait); portrait_right.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, cyclePortrait); customPortraitButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, showCustomPortraitDialog); gender_icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, toggleGender); skill_preview.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, previewSkills); _local1 = 1; while (_local1 <= 7) { _local2 = getChildByName(("class" + _local1)); _local2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, setClass); _local2.gotoAndStop(_local1);; _local1++; }; delete_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, deleteChar); charLocked.logo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, kongClick); setLock(false); } public function updateFromChar():void{ name_text.text = char.charname; } public function finalize():void{ if (name_text.text != null){ char.charname = name_text.text; }; char.portrait = portraits[selected_portrait]; } private function updateClass():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; if (selected_class == PlayerCharacter.WARRIOR){ class_text.text = "Warrior"; description_text.text = "Warriors can wear the heaviest armor and excel at combat with melee weapons. They are difficult to kill and good at protecting more vulnerable members of the party."; } else { if (selected_class == PlayerCharacter.ROGUE){ class_text.text = "Rogue"; description_text.text = "Rogues inflict high damage in melee combat, but can also do well with a bow. They have many abilities which debilitate their foes. They may wear medium armor."; } else { if (selected_class == PlayerCharacter.RANGER){ class_text.text = "Ranger"; description_text.text = "Rangers are masters of ranged weapons and the lore of the wild. They prefer to fight from afar, where they can heal and support their allies. They may wear medium armor."; } else { if (selected_class == PlayerCharacter.MAGE){ class_text.text = "Mage"; description_text.text = "Mages use their arcane knowledge to destroy foes from afar and augment their allies. They can inflict a lot of damage, but may wear only the lightest armor."; } else { if (selected_class == PlayerCharacter.CLERIC){ class_text.text = "Cleric"; description_text.text = "Clerics are holy warriors who call upon divine powers to heal and support their allies or smite their enemies. They wear heavy armor but their weapon selection is limited."; } else { if (selected_class == PlayerCharacter.CONJUROR){ class_text.text = "Conjuror"; description_text.text = "Conjurors are masters of summoning magic, conjuring constructs to aid their allies and vex their enemies as well as calling forth temporary allies. They wear light armor."; } else { if (selected_class == PlayerCharacter.BARBARIAN){ class_text.text = "Barbarian"; description_text.text = "Barbarians are reckless, brutal fighters. Favoring melee weapons, they inflict high damage and hinder their enemies' ability to fight effectively. They wear medium armor."; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; if (((DungeonMain.LOCKED) && ((selected_class == PlayerCharacter.CONJUROR)))){ description_text.text = ""; setLock(true); } else { setLock(false); }; dm.embolden(class_text); class_text.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER; theText.x = (class_text.x - 23); _local1 = 1; while (_local1 <= 7) { _local2 = MovieClip(getChildByName(("class" + _local1))); if (_local1 == selected_class){; } else {; }; _local1++; }; selected_portrait = (selected_class - 1); updatePortrait(); } function previewSkills(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:PlayerCharacter; var _local3:SkillsPreview; if (selected_class == PlayerCharacter.WARRIOR){ _local2 = new PC_Warrior(); } else { if (selected_class == PlayerCharacter.ROGUE){ _local2 = new PC_Rogue(); } else { if (selected_class == PlayerCharacter.RANGER){ _local2 = new PC_Ranger(); } else { if (selected_class == PlayerCharacter.MAGE){ _local2 = new PC_Mage(); } else { if (selected_class == PlayerCharacter.CLERIC){ _local2 = new PC_Cleric(); } else { if (selected_class == PlayerCharacter.CONJUROR){ _local2 = new PC_Conjuror(); } else { if (selected_class == PlayerCharacter.BARBARIAN){ _local2 = new PC_Barbarian(); } else { return; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; _local3 = new SkillsPreview(_local2); stage.addChild(_local3); } function cycleClass(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:SelectArrow; if ((_arg1.currentTarget is SelectArrow)){ _local2 = SelectArrow(_arg1.currentTarget); } else { return; }; _local2.clicked(); if ( == "class_left"){ selected_class--; if (selected_class < 1){ selected_class = 5; }; } else { if ( == "class_right"){ selected_class++; if (selected_class > 7){ selected_class = 1; }; }; }; updateClass(); } function setClass(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 7) { _local3 = getChildByName(("class" + _local2)); if (_local3 == null){ } else { if (_arg1.currentTarget == _local3){ selected_class = _local2; }; }; _local2++; }; updateClass(); } private function updatePortraitsArray():void{ var _local1:int; portraits.length = 0; _local1 = 0; if (char.male){ _local1 = 1; while (_local1 <= 12) { portraits.push(_local1); _local1++; }; } else { _local1 = 14; while (_local1 <= 21) { portraits.push(_local1); _local1++; }; }; } public function createChar(_arg1:MouseEvent=null):void{ char = new PlayerCharacter(); gender_icon.gotoAndStop("male"); if (dmf.randomNum(0, 99) < 25){ toggleGender(null); }; randomName(); if (this.slot == 4){ selected_class = dmf.randomNum(4, 6); } else { selected_class = this.slot; }; selected_portrait = (selected_class - 1); updatePortraitsArray(); updatePortrait(); updateClass(); } function cyclePortrait(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:SelectArrow; if ((_arg1.currentTarget is SelectArrow)){ _local2 = SelectArrow(_arg1.currentTarget); } else { return; }; if ( == "portrait_left"){ selected_portrait--; if (selected_portrait < 0){ selected_portrait = (portraits.length - 1); }; } else { if ( == "portrait_right"){ selected_portrait++; if (selected_portrait > (portraits.length - 1)){ selected_portrait = 0; }; }; }; updatePortrait(); } public function cleanup():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; _local1 = 1; while (_local1 <= 7) { _local2 = getChildByName(("char" + _local1)); if (_local2 == null){ } else { _local2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, setClass); }; _local1++; }; random_name_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, randomName); portrait_left.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, cyclePortrait); portrait_right.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, cyclePortrait); customPortraitButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, showCustomPortraitDialog); delete_button.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, deleteChar); skill_preview.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, previewSkills); gender_icon.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, toggleGender); charLocked.logo.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, kongClick); } private function setLock(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_arg1){ if (!(contains(charLocked))){ addChild(charLocked); }; } else { if (contains(charLocked)){ removeChild(charLocked); }; }; } public function loadCustomPortrait():void{ portrait.setChar(char); } function animateFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; animating = true; frame_count++; if ((((frame_count > animate_frames)) || ((this.y == end_y)))){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, animateFrame); animating = false; return; }; _local2 = (end_y - start_y); _local3 = (_local2 / animate_frames); this.y = (start_y + (frame_count * _local3)); } private function showCustomPortraitDialog(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = new CustomPortraitDialog(char, this); stage.addChild(_local2); } function toggleGender(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (char.male){ char.male = false; gender_icon.gotoAndStop("female"); } else { char.male = true; gender_icon.gotoAndStop("male"); }; selected_portrait = (selected_class - 1); updatePortraitsArray(); updatePortrait(); if (name_text.text == lastRandomName){ randomName(); }; } private function kongClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{; } private function updatePortrait():void{ if (!(portraits.length)){ return; }; char.useCustomPortrait = false; portrait.setFrame(portraits[selected_portrait]); char.portrait = portraits[selected_portrait]; } function deleteChar(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; char = null; if (parent != null){ _local2 = parent.getChildByName(("empty" + slot)); if (_local2 != null){ _local2.y = this.y; }; this.y = -200; }; } function randomName(_arg1:MouseEvent=null):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:String; var _local4:*; _local2 = 0; _local3 = ""; _local4 = name_text.text; while ((((char.charname == null)) || ((((char.charname == _local4)) && ((_local2 < 100)))))) { _local3 = PlayerCharacter.randomName(char.male); if (!(PartyCreation(parent).isNameTaken(_local3))){ char.charname = _local3; }; _local2++; }; if (_local4 != _local3){ lastRandomName = _local3; }; name_text.text = char.charname; } } }//package
Section 77
//CharGraphic (CharGraphic) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class CharGraphic extends MovieClip { private var customPortrait:Bitmap; public var char_ref:Character; private var frame:int; public var custom:Boolean;// = false static const whirlwind = 89; static const sprite_green = 79; static const vampire = 25; static const dreadfather = 96; static const dragon = 44; static const sprite_red = 78; static const dwarf_scarred = 64; static const zombie = 21; static const golem = 81; static const warrior1 = 4; static const poison_drake = 48; static const fearSower = 95; static const loading = 76; static const cult_neophyte = 58; static const dwarf_crossbow = 63; static const skeleton = 23; static const empty = 74; static const wolf = 80; static const blank = 75; static const dwarf_veteran = 65; static const orc_woman = 39; static const adventurer = 70; static const orc_shaman = 37; static const dwarf_fruit = 66; static const lightning_drake = 49; static const cult_warrior = 51; static const orc_warlord = 35; static const voidstalker = 59; static const aetherguard = 54; static const bone_horror = 29; static const satyr = 94; static const dwarf_warlord = 67; static const ghost = 22; static const sprite_blue = 77; static const rogue1 = 5; static const hydraHead1 = 90; static const hydraHead2 = 91; static const lich = 28; static const hydraBody = 73; static const cult_engine = 57; static const orc_juggernaut = 36; static const beholder = 45; static const skeleton_archer = 24; static const minotaur = 72; static const death_knight = 26; static const barbarian1 = 7; static const gorgon = 71; static const necromancer = 27; static const cleric1 = 2; static const greebler = 47; static const conjuror1 = 6; static const arachnoid = 43; static const goblin = 33; static const dwarf_maniac = 61; static const ascendant = 55; static const cult_chosen = 56; static const orc = 31; static const dwarf_warrior = 62; static const orc_champion = 38; static const basilisk = 42; static const demon = 60; static const dwarf_runesmith = 68; static const cult_archer = 52; static const troll = 32; static const goblin_archer = 34; static const cult_priest = 53; static const gargoyle = 46; static const ranger1 = 1; static const mage1 = 3; public function CharGraphic(_arg1:int=1){ custom = false; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); setFrame(_arg1); } public function setChar(_arg1:Character, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ var _local3:CustomPortrait; this.char_ref = _arg1; if (_arg1.useCustomPortrait){ if (_arg1.customLoading){ setFrame(loading); }; if (((_arg2) || ((_arg1.customPortrait == null)))){ _local3 = new CustomPortrait(_arg1.customPortraitUrl, addCustomPortrait, addCustomFailed, _arg1); } else { addCustomPortrait(_arg1.customPortrait); }; } else { custom = false; removeCustomPortrait(); setFrame(_arg1.portrait); }; } public function setFrame(_arg1:int){ this.frame = _arg1; this.gotoAndStop(_arg1); } public function addCustomPortrait(_arg1:BitmapData, _arg2:Character=null):void{ if (((!((_arg2 == null))) && (!((_arg2 == char_ref))))){ return; }; removeCustomPortrait(); custom = true; setFrame(blank); customPortrait = new Bitmap(_arg1); customPortrait.smoothing = true; customPortrait.width = 58; customPortrait.height = 58; customPortrait.x = 0; customPortrait.y = 0; addChild(customPortrait); } function frame1(){ this.stop(); } public function addCustomFailed(_arg1:Character=null):void{ if (((!((_arg1 == null))) && (!((_arg1 == char_ref))))){ return; }; removeCustomPortrait(); setFrame(empty); custom = false; } private function removed(_arg1:Event):void{ removeCustomPortrait(); } private function removeCustomPortrait():void{ if (customPortrait == null){ return; }; if (this.contains(customPortrait)){ removeChild(customPortrait); }; customPortrait = null; } } }//package
Section 78
//CharInfoPanel (CharInfoPanel) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class CharInfoPanel extends MovieClip { public var stats_tab:InventoryTab; public var skills_tab:InventoryTab; var char_ref:PlayerCharacter; public var stats_panel:CharStatsPanel; public var skills_panel:CharSkillsPanel; public function CharInfoPanel(_arg1:PlayerCharacter=null){ var _local2:uint; super(); char_ref = _arg1; if (_arg1 != null){ setChar(_arg1); }; stats_tab.tab_text.text = "Statistics"; stats_tab.gotoAndStop(1); stats_tab.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickStatsTab); _local2 = (numChildren - 1); setChildIndex(stats_tab, _local2); skills_tab.tab_text.text = "Skills"; skills_tab.gotoAndStop(2); skills_tab.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickSkillsTab); removeChild(skills_panel); } public function setChar(_arg1:PlayerCharacter){ var _local2:uint; if (_arg1 == null){ return; }; char_ref = _arg1; stats_panel.char_ref = _arg1; skills_panel.char_ref = _arg1; updateValues(); if (parent){ _local2 = (parent.numChildren - 1); parent.setChildIndex(this, _local2); }; } function clickStatsTab(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ dm.childToTop(stats_tab); stats_tab.gotoAndStop(1); if (!(this.contains(stats_panel))){ addChild(stats_panel); }; if (this.contains(skills_panel)){ removeChild(skills_panel); }; dm.childToTop(stats_panel); skills_tab.gotoAndStop(2); updateTabFlashes(); } public function updateValues():void{ stats_panel.updateValues(); skills_panel.updateValues(); updateTabFlashes(); if (((!((parent == null))) && ((parent is Inventory)))){ Inventory(parent).updateStats(); }; } function clickSkillsTab(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ dm.childToTop(skills_tab); skills_tab.gotoAndStop(1); if (this.contains(stats_panel)){ removeChild(stats_panel); }; if (!(this.contains(skills_panel))){ addChild(skills_panel); }; dm.childToTop(skills_panel); stats_tab.gotoAndStop(2); updateTabFlashes(); } public function cleanup():void{ stats_tab.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickStatsTab); skills_tab.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickSkillsTab); stats_panel.cleanup(); skills_panel.cleanup(); } private function updateTabFlashes():void{ stats_tab.setFlasher((char_ref.stat_points > 0)); skills_tab.setFlasher((char_ref.skill_points > 0)); } } }//package
Section 79
//CharSkillsPanel (CharSkillsPanel) package { import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class CharSkillsPanel extends Sprite { public var idle3:SkillIconEmpty; public var active2:SkillIconEmpty; public var active3:SkillIconEmpty; var dragged_icon:SkillIcon; public var idle10:SkillIconEmpty; public var idle4:SkillIconEmpty; public var idle7:SkillIconEmpty; public var passiveDefense:PassiveSkillIcon; var char_ref:PlayerCharacter; public var newskills_button:TextField; public var idle8:SkillIconEmpty; var dragging:Boolean;// = false public var skillpoints_number:TextField; public var passiveOffense:PassiveSkillIcon; var start_drag_x;// = 0 var start_drag_y;// = 0 public var idle1:SkillIconEmpty; public var idle2:SkillIconEmpty; var num_active:int;// = 0 public var idle6:SkillIconEmpty; public var active1:SkillIconEmpty; var num_idle:int;// = 0 public var active4:SkillIconEmpty; public var active5:SkillIconEmpty; public var active6:SkillIconEmpty; public var idle5:SkillIconEmpty; public var idle9:SkillIconEmpty; public function CharSkillsPanel(_arg1:PlayerCharacter=null){ start_drag_x = 0; start_drag_y = 0; dragging = false; num_idle = 0; num_active = 0; super(); char_ref = _arg1; newskills_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, buySkillsClick); if (_arg1 != null){ updateValues(); }; } function buySkillsClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = new BuySkills(CharInfoPanel(parent)); _local2.setChar(char_ref); stage.addChild(_local2); } private function getActiveSkillInPosition(_arg1:int):Skill{ var _local2:*; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < char_ref.skills.length) { if (((char_ref.skills[_local2].active) && ((char_ref.skills[_local2].position == _arg1)))){ return (char_ref.skills[_local2]); }; _local2++; }; return (null); } private function removeSkillIcons():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; _local1 = 0; num_active = 0; num_idle = 0; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 6) { _local2 = getChildByName(("icon_active" + (_local1 + 1))); removeIcon(_local2); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 10) { _local2 = getChildByName(("icon_idle" + (_local1 + 1))); removeIcon(_local2); _local1++; }; } function startItemDragging(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:SkillIcon; var _local3:uint; var _local4:*; if (((!((_arg1.currentTarget.parent == null))) && ((_arg1.currentTarget.parent is SkillIcon)))){ _local2 = _arg1.currentTarget.parent; } else { return; }; _local3 = (numChildren - 1); setChildIndex(_local2, _local3); start_drag_x = _local2.x; start_drag_y = _local2.y; _local2.startDrag(); dragging = true; dragged_icon = _local2; _local4 = _local2.tooltip; if (_local4 != null){ _local2.mouseOutTarget(null); }; } private function removeIcon(_arg1:SkillIcon):void{ if (_arg1 == null){ return; }; if (this.contains(_arg1)){ removeChild(_arg1); };, startItemDragging);, stopItemDragging);, mouseDblClickSkill); _arg1.cleanup(); } public function updateValues(){ var _local1:*; var _local2:Skill; var _local3:SkillIcon; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; if (char_ref == null){ return; }; skillpoints_number.text = String(char_ref.skill_points); passiveOffense.updateSkill(char_ref, true); passiveDefense.updateSkill(char_ref, false); removeSkillIcons(); setDefaultAttack(); _local4 = 0; for (;_local4 < char_ref.skills.length;_local4++) { _local2 = char_ref.skills[_local4]; if (_local2 == null){ } else { if (!(_local2.unlocked)){ } else { if (num_active >= 6){ = false; }; if ({ _local1 = getChildByName(("active" + _local2.position)); if (_local1 == null){ continue; }; _local3 = new SkillIcon(); _local3.setSkill(_local2); _local3.setOwner(char_ref); _local3.x = _local1.x; _local3.y = _local1.y; = ("icon_active" + _local2.position); addChild(_local3);, startItemDragging);, stopItemDragging); = true;, mouseDblClickSkill); _local3.setUsable(_local3.skill_ref.usable(true)); num_active++; } else { _local1 = getChildByName(("idle" + (num_idle + 1))); if (_local1 == null){ } else { _local3 = new SkillIcon(); _local3.setSkill(_local2); _local3.setOwner(char_ref); _local3.x = _local1.x; _local3.y = _local1.y; addChild(_local3); = ("icon_idle" + (num_idle + 1));, startItemDragging);, stopItemDragging); = true;, mouseDblClickSkill); _local3.setUsable(_local3.skill_ref.usable(true)); num_idle++; }; }; }; }; }; } function mouseDblClickSkill(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:SkillIcon; if (_arg1.currentTarget.parent == null){ return; }; if (!((_arg1.currentTarget.parent is SkillIcon))){ return; }; _local2 = SkillIcon(_arg1.currentTarget.parent); if ({ = false; updateValues(); } else { if (num_active < 6){ = true; _local2.skill_ref.position = lowestAvailablePosition(); updateValues(); }; }; } private function lowestAvailablePosition():int{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 6) { if (getChildByName(("icon_active" + _local2)) == null){ return (_local2); }; _local2++; }; return (-1); } public function cleanup():void{ newskills_button.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, buySkillsClick); removeSkillIcons(); } private function setDefaultAttack():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; _local1 = char_ref.gear[Equipment.weapon]; _local2 = 1; if (char_ref.skills[0] != null){ _local2 = char_ref.skills[0].position; }; if (_local1 != null){ if ((_local1 is MeleeWeapon)){ char_ref.skills[0] = new sWeaponAttack(char_ref); } else { if ((_local1 is RangedWeapon)){ char_ref.skills[0] = new sRangedAttack(char_ref); } else { if ((_local1 is MageWeapon)){ char_ref.skills[0] = new sMageAttack(char_ref); }; }; }; } else { char_ref.skills[0] = new sUnarmedAttack(char_ref); }; char_ref.skills[0].active = true; char_ref.skills[0].position = _local2; } function stopItemDragging(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:SkillIcon; var _local4:*; _local2 = 0; _local3 = _arg1.currentTarget.parent; if (_local3 == null){ return; }; if (!((_local3 is SkillIcon))){ return; }; _arg1.currentTarget.stopDrag(); if (!(dragging)){ return; }; dragging = false; if ((((_local3.x == start_drag_x)) && ((_local3.y == start_drag_y)))){ return; }; _local4 = _local3.dropTarget.parent; if (_local4 == null){ return; }; if ( == "bg"){ _local4 = _local4.parent; if (_local4 == null){ return; }; }; if ((_local4 is SkillIcon)){ if ("idle") > -1){ if ({ if (_local3.skill_ref == char_ref.skills[0]){ updateValues(); return; }; = false; SkillIcon(_local4).skill_ref.position = _local3.skill_ref.position; SkillIcon(_local4) = true; }; updateValues(); } else { if ("active") > -1){ if ({ _local2 = _local3.skill_ref.position; _local3.skill_ref.position = SkillIcon(_local4).skill_ref.position; SkillIcon(_local4).skill_ref.position = _local2; updateValues(); } else { if (SkillIcon(_local4).skill_ref == char_ref.skills[0]){ updateValues(); return; }; _local3.skill_ref.position = SkillIcon(_local4).skill_ref.position; = true; SkillIcon(_local4) = false; updateValues(); }; }; }; } else { if ((_local4 is SkillIconEmpty)){ _local3.x = _local4.x; _local3.y = _local4.y; if ("idle") > -1){ if (_local3.skill_ref == char_ref.skills[0]){ updateValues(); return; }; if ({ = false; updateValues(); }; } else { if ("active") > -1){ = true; _local3.skill_ref.position = - 1)).valueOf(); updateValues(); }; }; } else { updateValues(); }; }; } } }//package
Section 80
//CharStatsPanel (CharStatsPanel) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class CharStatsPanel extends Sprite { const color_green:uint = 52275; const color_white:uint = 0xFFFFFF; const color_red:uint = 0xE90000; public var dexterity_inc:StatIncreaseButton; public var healthRegen_number:StatNumber; public var str_number:StatNumber; public var damage_number:StatNumber; public var poisonResist_number:StatNumber; public var quickness_number:StatNumber; public var end_number:StatNumber; var char_ref:PlayerCharacter; public var powerRegen_number:StatNumber; public var lethality_number:StatNumber; public var armor_number:StatNumber; public var accuracy_number:StatNumber; public var dex_number:StatNumber; public var statpoints_number:StatNumber; public var undo_btn:SimpleButton; public var reduction_number:StatNumber; public var int_number:StatNumber; public var intellect_inc:StatIncreaseButton; public var stunResist_number:StatNumber; public var endurance_inc:StatIncreaseButton; public var stun_number:StatNumber; public var blind_number:StatNumber; public var vampiric_number:StatNumber; public var poison_number:StatNumber; public var reflection_number:StatNumber; public var strength_inc:StatIncreaseButton; public function CharStatsPanel(_arg1:PlayerCharacter=null){ char_ref = _arg1; strength_inc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, statClick); endurance_inc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, statClick); dexterity_inc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, statClick); intellect_inc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, statClick); undo_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, undoClick); undo_btn.useHandCursor = false; if (this.contains(undo_btn)){ this.removeChild(undo_btn); }; if (_arg1 != null){ updateValues(); }; } function undoClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ char_ref.stat_points = char_ref.old_stat_points; char_ref.strength = char_ref.old_strength; char_ref.endurance = char_ref.old_endurance; char_ref.dexterity = char_ref.old_dexterity; char_ref.intellect = char_ref.old_intellect; if (((!((parent == null))) && ((parent is CharInfoPanel)))){ CharInfoPanel(parent).updateValues(); } else { updateValues(); }; if (this.contains(undo_btn)){ this.removeChild(undo_btn); }; } public function updateValues(){ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; if (char_ref == null){ return; }; if (char_ref.stat_points){ enableButtons(); } else { disableButtons(); }; if (char_ref.stat_points == char_ref.old_stat_points){ if (this.contains(undo_btn)){ this.removeChild(undo_btn); }; } else { if (!(this.contains(undo_btn))){ this.addChild(undo_btn); }; }; str_number.nlabel.text = String(char_ref.getStrength()); end_number.nlabel.text = String(char_ref.getEndurance()); dex_number.nlabel.text = String(char_ref.getDexterity()); int_number.nlabel.text = String(char_ref.getIntellect()); statpoints_number.nlabel.text = String(char_ref.stat_points); accuracy_number.nlabel.text = (String(char_ref.getAccuracy()) + "%"); quickness_number.nlabel.text = String(char_ref.getQuickness()); damage_number.nlabel.text = String(char_ref.getWeaponDamage()); armor_number.nlabel.text = String(char_ref.getArmorRating()); reduction_number.nlabel.text = (String(char_ref.getDamageResist()) + "%"); poisonResist_number.nlabel.text = (String(char_ref.getPoisonResist()) + "%"); stunResist_number.nlabel.text = (String(char_ref.getStunResist()) + "%"); healthRegen_number.nlabel.text = String(char_ref.getHealthRegen()); powerRegen_number.nlabel.text = String(char_ref.getPowerRegen()); vampiric_number.nlabel.text = (String(char_ref.getVampiric()) + "%"); stun_number.nlabel.text = (String(char_ref.getStunChance()) + "%"); poison_number.nlabel.text = String(char_ref.getPoisonDamage()); blind_number.nlabel.text = String(char_ref.getAccuracyDamage()); lethality_number.nlabel.text = (String(char_ref.getLethality()) + "%"); reflection_number.nlabel.text = (String(char_ref.getDamageReflection()) + "%"); reduction_number.nlabel.textColor = color_white; damage_number.nlabel.textColor = color_white; poisonResist_number.nlabel.textColor = color_white; stunResist_number.nlabel.textColor = color_white; quickness_number.nlabel.textColor = color_white; if (char_ref.potion_damage_resist){ reduction_number.nlabel.textColor = color_green; }; if (char_ref.potion_damage_bonus){ damage_number.nlabel.textColor = color_green; }; if (char_ref.potion_poison_resist){ poisonResist_number.nlabel.textColor = color_green; }; if (char_ref.potion_stun_resist){ stunResist_number.nlabel.textColor = color_green; }; if (char_ref.potion_quickness_bonus){ quickness_number.nlabel.textColor = color_green; }; str_number.tt_title = "Strength"; end_number.tt_title = "Endurance"; dex_number.tt_title = "Dexterity"; int_number.tt_title = "Intellect"; statpoints_number.tt_title = "Stat Points"; accuracy_number.tt_title = "Accuracy"; quickness_number.tt_title = "Quickness"; damage_number.tt_title = "Weapon Damage"; armor_number.tt_title = "Armor Rating"; reduction_number.tt_title = "Damage Reduction"; poisonResist_number.tt_title = "Poison Resistance"; stunResist_number.tt_title = "Stun Resistance"; healthRegen_number.tt_title = "Health Regeneration"; powerRegen_number.tt_title = "Power Regeneration"; vampiric_number.tt_title = "Health Drain on Hit"; stun_number.tt_title = "Cause Stun on Hit"; poison_number.tt_title = "Poison Damage on Hit"; blind_number.tt_title = "Accuracy Damage on Hit"; lethality_number.tt_title = "Instant Kill on Hit"; reflection_number.tt_title = "Damage Reflection"; str_number.tt_text = "Increases damage done with melee weapons."; end_number.tt_text = "Increases total health points."; dex_number.tt_text = "Increases damage done with ranged weapons."; int_number.tt_text = "Increases the effectiveness of magic."; statpoints_number.tt_text = "You may spend Stat Points to increase one of the character's four main statistics: Strength, Endurance, Dexterity or Intellect. A character gains three extra Stat Points each time they level up."; accuracy_number.tt_text = "Chance to hit with attacks in combat. Higher accuracy is always better, as it helps counteract Blind effects."; quickness_number.tt_text = "Determines turn order in combat. Characters with higher Quickness act sooner."; armor_number.tt_text = "The total of the Armor Rating on all the character's equipment. A higher armor rating grants a greater level of incoming damage reduction."; reduction_number.tt_text = "Damage the character receives is reduced by this amount."; poisonResist_number.tt_text = "Percentage reduction in the damage received from poison effects."; stunResist_number.tt_text = "Percentage chance of resisting stun effects."; healthRegen_number.tt_text = "Health regenerated during combat at the start of the character's turn."; powerRegen_number.tt_text = "Power regenerated during combat at the start of the character's turn."; vampiric_number.tt_text = "Damaging hits will return this percentage of damage caused back to the character as restored health. Vampiric effects cannot return more than half your total health in one turn."; stun_number.tt_text = "Percentage chance that damaging hits will stun the target. If attacking multiple targets or multiple times, the chance is divided amongst all targets."; poison_number.tt_text = "Damaging hits will add this amount of ongoing poison damage to the target. If attacking multiple targets or multiple times, the effect is divided amongst all targets."; blind_number.tt_text = "On a damaging hit, the target's accuracy is reduced by up to this amount. If attacking multiple targets or multiple times, the effect is divided amongst all targets."; lethality_number.tt_text = "Percentage chance that damaging hits will instantly kill the target. If attacking multiple targets or multiple times, the chance is divided amongst all targets."; reflection_number.tt_text = "This percentage of damage received is inflicted on the attacker."; damage_number.tt_text = "Damage for basic weapon attacks."; if (char_ref.gear[Equipment.weapon]){ _local1 = 0; _local2 = "stat"; damage_number.tt_text = (damage_number.tt_text + (("\n\n" + char_ref.gear[Equipment.weapon].damage) + " (weapon)")); if ((char_ref.gear[Equipment.weapon] is iDagger)){ _local1 = (char_ref.getStrengthDamageBonus() + char_ref.getDexterityDamageBonus()); _local2 = "strength+dexterity"; } else { if ((char_ref.gear[Equipment.weapon] is MeleeWeapon)){ _local1 = char_ref.getStrengthDamageBonus(); _local2 = "strength"; } else { if ((char_ref.gear[Equipment.weapon] is RangedWeapon)){ _local1 = char_ref.getDexterityDamageBonus(); _local2 = "dexterity"; } else { if ((char_ref.gear[Equipment.weapon] is MageWeapon)){ _local1 = char_ref.getIntellectDamageBonus(); _local2 = "intellect"; }; }; }; }; damage_number.tt_text = (damage_number.tt_text + ((((" + " + _local1) + " (") + _local2) + " bonus)\n")); } else { damage_number.tt_text = (("Base damage for attacks.\n\n " + char_ref.getUnarmedDamage()) + " (strength bonus)"); }; } private function disableButtons():void{ strength_inc.gotoAndStop(2); endurance_inc.gotoAndStop(2); dexterity_inc.gotoAndStop(2); intellect_inc.gotoAndStop(2); } private function enableButtons():void{ strength_inc.gotoAndStop(1); endurance_inc.gotoAndStop(1); dexterity_inc.gotoAndStop(1); intellect_inc.gotoAndStop(1); } public function cleanup():void{ strength_inc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, statClick); endurance_inc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, statClick); dexterity_inc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, statClick); intellect_inc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, statClick); undo_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, undoClick); strength_inc.cleanup(); endurance_inc.cleanup(); dexterity_inc.cleanup(); intellect_inc.cleanup(); str_number.cleanup(); end_number.cleanup(); dex_number.cleanup(); int_number.cleanup(); statpoints_number.cleanup(); accuracy_number.cleanup(); quickness_number.cleanup(); armor_number.cleanup(); reduction_number.cleanup(); reflection_number.cleanup(); poisonResist_number.cleanup(); stunResist_number.cleanup(); healthRegen_number.cleanup(); powerRegen_number.cleanup(); vampiric_number.cleanup(); poison_number.cleanup(); blind_number.cleanup(); lethality_number.cleanup(); damage_number.cleanup(); } function statClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:int; _local2 = false; if (!(char_ref.stat_points)){ disableButtons(); return; }; _local3 = 1; if (_arg1.shiftKey){ _local3 = char_ref.stat_points; } else { if (_arg1.ctrlKey){ _local3 = Math.floor(((char_ref.stat_points / 3) * 2)); }; }; if (_arg1.currentTarget.contains(strength_inc)){ char_ref.strength = (char_ref.strength + _local3); _local2 = true; } else { if (_arg1.currentTarget.contains(endurance_inc)){ char_ref.endurance = (char_ref.endurance + _local3); _local2 = true; } else { if (_arg1.currentTarget.contains(dexterity_inc)){ char_ref.dexterity = (char_ref.dexterity + _local3); _local2 = true; } else { if (_arg1.currentTarget.contains(intellect_inc)){ char_ref.intellect = (char_ref.intellect + _local3); _local2 = true; }; }; }; }; if (_local2){ char_ref.stat_points = (char_ref.stat_points - _local3); if (!(char_ref.stat_points)){ disableButtons(); }; if (((!((parent == null))) && ((parent is CharInfoPanel)))){ CharInfoPanel(parent).updateValues(); } else { updateValues(); }; if (!(this.contains(undo_btn))){ this.addChild(undo_btn); }; }; } } }//package
Section 81
//CleanSlate (CleanSlate) package { public class CleanSlate extends Consumable { public function CleanSlate(_arg1:int=1){ item_name = "Clean Slate"; lore = "It's not often you get a chance to start over."; reset_stats = true; item_rarity =; icon_frame = 84; } } }//package
Section 82
//ClickToScroll (ClickToScroll) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class ClickToScroll extends MovieClip { private var _scrolling:Boolean;// = false public function ClickToScroll():void{ _scrolling = false; super(); _scrolling = false; addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, down); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, up); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, out); } public function get scrolling():Boolean{ return (_scrolling); } private function out(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ _scrolling = false; } private function down(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ _scrolling = true; } public function cleanup():void{ removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, down); removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, up); removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, out); } private function up(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ _scrolling = false; } } }//package
Section 83
//clone_create_effect (clone_create_effect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class clone_create_effect extends MovieClip { public function clone_create_effect(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 44, frame45); } function frame1(){; } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 84
//clone_effect (clone_effect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class clone_effect extends MovieClip { public function clone_effect(){ addFrameScript(44, frame45); } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 85
//ClonePortrait (ClonePortrait) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ClonePortrait extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 86
//coins_sound (coins_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class coins_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 87
//CombatFloater (CombatFloater) package { import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class CombatFloater extends MovieClip { private const FLOAT_FRAMES:int = 45; private const Y_DISTANCE:int = 50; private const FADE_FRAMES:int = 5; private var text:String; private var original_y:int; public var floatText:TextField; private var frameCount:int; public function CombatFloater(_arg1:String="Blank"):void{ this.setText(_arg1); frameCount = 0; original_y = floatText.y; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); } public function remove():void{ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); if (parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); }; } public function setText(_arg1:String):void{ this.text = _arg1; floatText.text = _arg1; dmf.embolden(floatText); } private function onFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ frameCount++; if (frameCount > FLOAT_FRAMES){ remove(); } else { floatText.y = (original_y - ((frameCount / FLOAT_FRAMES) * Y_DISTANCE)); if (frameCount > (FLOAT_FRAMES - FADE_FRAMES)){ floatText.alpha = Math.max((floatText.alpha - (1 / FADE_FRAMES)), 0); }; }; } } }//package
Section 88
//confuse_effect (confuse_effect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class confuse_effect extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 89
//Consumable (Consumable) package { public class Consumable extends Item { private var _stack:int;// = 1 var restore_power:int;// = 0 var increase_dexterity:int;// = 0 var poison_resist:int;// = 0 var increase_strength:int;// = 0 var resurrect:Boolean;// = false var restore_health:int;// = 0 var reset_stats:Boolean;// = false var stun_resist:int;// = 0 var town_portal:Boolean;// = false var damage_resist:int;// = 0 var increase_intellect:int;// = 0 var damage_bonus:int;// = 0 var increase_endurance:int;// = 0 var campaign_combiner:Boolean;// = false var quickness_bonus:int;// = 0 var sneaky:Boolean;// = false var campaign_portal:Boolean;// = false public function Consumable(){ _stack = 1; restore_health = 0; restore_power = 0; resurrect = false; sneaky = false; reset_stats = false; town_portal = false; campaign_combiner = false; campaign_portal = false; increase_strength = 0; increase_dexterity = 0; increase_endurance = 0; increase_intellect = 0; damage_resist = 0; damage_bonus = 0; poison_resist = 0; stun_resist = 0; quickness_bonus = 0; super(); item_name = "Consumable"; item_level = 0; item_rarity = Item.grey; icon_frame = 1; } override public function itemStatsString(_arg1:String):String{ _arg1 = ""; _arg1 = (_arg1 + "Use: "); if (town_portal){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + "Teleport to the Emporium, to trade equipment and items\n"); }; if (reset_stats){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + "Reset a character's strength, endurance, dexterity and intellect to base amounts for level, recover all spent Stat points.\n\n(Tip: Shift-click on increase button to spend all remaining stat points, ctrl-click to spend 2/3)\n"); }; if (resurrect){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + "Revives a character\n"); }; if (sneaky){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + "Allows the party to pass by one enemy horde without being attacked\n"); }; if (restore_health){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("Restores " + restore_health) + "% maximum health\n")); }; if (restore_power){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("Restores " + restore_power) + "% maximum power\n")); }; if (damage_resist){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("Grants +" + damage_resist) + "% damage resistance for next battle\n")); }; if (damage_bonus){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("Grants +" + damage_bonus) + "% bonus damage for next battle\n")); }; if (stun_resist){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("Grants +" + stun_resist) + "% stun resistance for next battle\n")); }; if (poison_resist){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("Grants +" + poison_resist) + "% poison resistance for next battle\n")); }; if (quickness_bonus){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("Grants +" + quickness_bonus) + " quickness for next battle\n")); }; if (increase_strength){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("Permanently increase Strength by " + increase_strength) + "\n")); }; if (increase_endurance){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("Permanently increase Endurance by " + increase_endurance) + "\n")); }; if (increase_dexterity){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("Permanently increase Dexterity by " + increase_dexterity) + "\n")); }; if (increase_intellect){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("Permanently increase Intellect by " + increase_intellect) + "\n")); }; if (campaign_combiner){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + "Combine nine fragments into a Journeyman's Stone\n"); }; if (campaign_portal){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + "Teleport to the Sanctum, to face the Dreadfather\n"); }; _arg1 = (_arg1 + "\n(Cannot be used in combat)\n"); return (_arg1); } public function get stack():int{ return (this._stack); } public function set stack(_arg1:int):void{ this._stack = _arg1; } public function basicRevivePotion(){ item_name = "Weak Revival Potion"; restore_health = 1; resurrect = true; item_rarity =; item_level = 1; icon_frame = 6; } public function basicRejuvePotion(){ item_name = "Weak Rejuvenation Potion"; restore_health = 20; restore_power = 20; item_rarity =; item_level = 1; icon_frame = 7; } private function preventStatUndo(_arg1:PlayerCharacter):void{ _arg1.old_strength = _arg1.strength; _arg1.old_endurance = _arg1.endurance; _arg1.old_dexterity = _arg1.dexterity; _arg1.old_intellect = _arg1.intellect; _arg1.old_stat_points = _arg1.stat_points; } override public function getItemTypeString(){ return ("Consumable"); } override public function getWorth():int{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:*; _local1 = 50; _local1 = (_local1 * (1 + ((ITEM_VALUE_INCREASE_PER_LEVEL * item_level) / 100))); _local2 =; while (_local2 <= item_rarity) { _local1 = (_local1 * 1.75); _local2++; }; return (Math.round(_local1)); } public function basicPowerPotion(){ item_name = "Weak Power Potion"; restore_power = 20; item_rarity =; item_level = 1; icon_frame = 5; } public function basicHealthPotion(){ item_name = "Weak Healing Potion"; restore_health = 20; item_rarity =; item_level = 1; icon_frame = 4; } public function consume(_arg1:PlayerCharacter, _arg2:Party):Boolean{ var _local3:Boolean; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; _local3 = false; if (campaign_combiner){ if (stack >= 9){ _arg2.addToInventory(new CampaignItemStone()); this.stack = 0; _local3 = true; } else { _local3 = false; }; }; if (campaign_portal){ if (dm.main != null){ dm.main.goToSanctum(); }; return (true); }; if (reset_stats){ _arg1.stat_points = ((_arg1.level - 1) * PlayerCharacter.STATS_PER_LEVEL); _local6 = (1 + ((_arg1.level - 1) * PlayerCharacter.STATS_PER_LEVEL)); _arg1.strength = _local6; _arg1.endurance = _local6; _arg1.dexterity = _local6; _arg1.intellect = _local6; preventStatUndo(_arg1); _local3 = true; }; if (((resurrect) && (( > 0)))){ return (false); }; if (((sneaky) && ((_arg2.sneaking < 2)))){ _arg2.sneaking = 2; _local3 = true; }; if (((restore_health) && (_arg1.increaseHealthByPercentage(restore_health, resurrect)))){ _local3 = true; }; if ( > 0){ if (restore_power){ if (_arg1.increasePower(restore_power)){ _local3 = true; }; }; if (damage_resist){ _arg1.potion_damage_resist = Math.max(_arg1.potion_damage_resist, damage_resist); _local3 = true; }; if (poison_resist){ _arg1.potion_poison_resist = Math.max(_arg1.potion_poison_resist, poison_resist); _local3 = true; }; if (stun_resist){ _arg1.potion_stun_resist = Math.max(_arg1.potion_stun_resist, stun_resist); _local3 = true; }; if (quickness_bonus){ _arg1.potion_quickness_bonus = Math.max(_arg1.potion_quickness_bonus, quickness_bonus); _local3 = true; }; }; if (town_portal){ if (dm.main != null){ dm.main.goToShop(); }; _local3 = true; }; if (increase_strength){ _arg1.strength = (_arg1.strength + increase_strength); preventStatUndo(_arg1); _local3 = true; }; if (increase_endurance){ _arg1.endurance = (_arg1.endurance + increase_endurance); preventStatUndo(_arg1); _local3 = true; }; if (increase_dexterity){ _arg1.dexterity = (_arg1.dexterity + increase_dexterity); preventStatUndo(_arg1); _local3 = true; }; if (increase_intellect){ _arg1.intellect = (_arg1.intellect + increase_intellect); preventStatUndo(_arg1); _local3 = true; }; if (_local3){ this.stack--; if (this.stack <= 0){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < Party.MAX_INVENTORY) { if (_arg2.inventory[_local4] == this){ _arg2.inventory.splice(_local4, 1); }; _local4++; }; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < Party.MAX_OVERFLOW) { if (_arg2.overflow[_local4] == this){ _arg2.overflow.splice(_local4, 1); }; _local4++; }; }; }; return (_local3); } } }//package
Section 90
//CorridorConnectorH (CorridorConnectorH) package { import flash.display.*; public class CorridorConnectorH extends DoorIcon { public var gfx:MovieClip; public var tint:MovieClip; public function CorridorConnectorH(){ this.gotoAndStop(1); } override public function setAlpha(_arg1:Number):void{ tint.alpha = _arg1; gfx.alpha = _arg1; } override public function getAlpha():Number{ return (gfx.alpha); } public function setFloorTint(_arg1:int):void{ if (tint != null){ tint.gotoAndStop(_arg1); }; } } }//package
Section 91
//CorridorConnectorV (CorridorConnectorV) package { import flash.display.*; public class CorridorConnectorV extends DoorIcon { public var gfx:MovieClip; public var tint:MovieClip; public function CorridorConnectorV(){ this.gotoAndStop(1); } override public function setAlpha(_arg1:Number):void{ tint.alpha = _arg1; gfx.alpha = _arg1; } override public function getAlpha():Number{ return (gfx.alpha); } public function setFloorTint(_arg1:int):void{ if (tint != null){ tint.gotoAndStop(_arg1); }; } } }//package
Section 92
//cosmic_prison (cosmic_prison) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class cosmic_prison extends MovieClip { public function cosmic_prison(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 44, frame45); } function frame1(){; } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 93
//cosmic_prison_sound (cosmic_prison_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class cosmic_prison_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 94
//creature_slash (creature_slash) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class creature_slash extends MovieClip { public var blood:BloodRandom; public function creature_slash(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 44, frame45); } function frame1(){; } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 95
//creature_slash_sound (creature_slash_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class creature_slash_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 96
//creature_spear (creature_spear) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class creature_spear extends MovieClip { public var blood:BloodRandom; public var slash:MovieClip; public function creature_spear(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 44, frame45); } function frame1(){; } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 97
//creature_weapon (creature_weapon) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class creature_weapon extends MovieClip { public var blood:BloodRandom; public var slash:horz_slash; public function creature_weapon(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 44, frame45); } function frame1(){; slash.rotation = DungeonMain.RandomNum(-15, 15); } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 98
//CreditsScreen (CreditsScreen) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class CreditsScreen extends MovieClip { public var yes_btn:MovieClip; public var cerberus_link:SimpleButton; public var fglLogo:MovieClip; public var biclops_link:SimpleButton; public var biclopsLogo:SimpleButton; public function CreditsScreen():void{ biclops_link.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, biclopsClick); biclopsLogo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, biclopsClick); cerberus_link.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, cerberusClick); fglLogo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, fglClick); yes_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, exitClick); } function exitClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (this.parent != null){ cleanup(); parent.removeChild(this); }; } public function cerberusClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{""); } public function fglClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{""); } private function cleanup():void{ biclops_link.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, biclopsClick); biclopsLogo.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, biclopsClick); cerberus_link.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, cerberusClick); fglLogo.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, fglClick); yes_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, exitClick); } public function biclopsClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{""); } } }//package
Section 99
//CurrentPortraitHighlight (CurrentPortraitHighlight) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CurrentPortraitHighlight extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 100
//CurrentRoomIcon (CurrentRoomIcon) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CurrentRoomIcon extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 101
//curse_effect (curse_effect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class curse_effect extends MovieClip { public function curse_effect(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 49, frame50); } function frame1(){, 0.5); } function frame50(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 102
//curse_sound (curse_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class curse_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 103
//CustomPortrait (CustomPortrait) package { import flash.system.*; import*; import flash.display.*; import*; public class CustomPortrait { private var callbackFailure:Function; private var char_ref:Character; private var portraitLoader:Loader; private var isLoading:Boolean;// = false private var callbackSuccess:Function; public function CustomPortrait(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Function, _arg4:Character=null):void{ isLoading = false; super(); this.callbackSuccess = _arg2; this.callbackFailure = _arg3; if (_arg4 != null){ this.char_ref = _arg4; }; initLoader(); loadUrl(_arg1); } private function doneLoad(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:BitmapData; var _local3:Bitmap; isLoading = false; cleanupLoader(); _local3 = Bitmap(portraitLoader.content); if (_local3 != null){ _local2 = _local3.bitmapData; }; if (callbackSuccess != null){ callbackSuccess(_local2, char_ref); }; } private function loadUrl(_arg1:String):Boolean{ var host:String; var slash:int; var context:LoaderContext; var fullUrl:String; var u = _arg1; if (isLoading){ return (false); }; try { if (Security.sandboxType == "localWithFile"){ isLoading = false; return (false); }; if (portraitLoader.content != null){ initLoader(); }; host = u.substring(7, u.length); slash = host.indexOf("/"); host = host.substring(0, slash); context = new LoaderContext(); context.checkPolicyFile = true; Security.loadPolicyFile(""); fullUrl = ("" + u); portraitLoader.load(new URLRequest(fullUrl), context); return (true); } catch(error:Error) { isLoading = false; return (false); }; return (false); } public function cleanupLoader():void{ portraitLoader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, doneLoad); portraitLoader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, imageErrorHandler); } public function initLoader():void{ if (portraitLoader != null){ cleanupLoader(); }; isLoading = false; portraitLoader = new Loader(); portraitLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, doneLoad); portraitLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, imageErrorHandler); } private function imageErrorHandler(_arg1:IOErrorEvent):void{ isLoading = false; cleanupLoader(); if (callbackFailure != null){ callbackFailure(char_ref); }; } } }//package
Section 104
//CustomPortraitDialog (CustomPortraitDialog) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class CustomPortraitDialog extends MovieClip { public var yes_btn:MovieClip; private var char_ref:PlayerCharacter; private var loading:Boolean;// = false public var resultsText:TextField; public var image:Bitmap; public var load_btn:MovieClip; private var caller:Object; public var urlInput:TextField; public var no_btn:MovieClip; public function CustomPortraitDialog(_arg1:PlayerCharacter=null, _arg2:Object=null):void{ loading = false; super(); if (_arg1 != null){ this.char_ref = _arg1; } else { return; }; if (_arg2 != null){ this.caller = _arg2; } else { return; }; resultsText.text = ""; urlInput.text = char_ref.customPortraitUrl; loadImage(); yes_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, yesClick); no_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, noClick); load_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadClick); } private function loadImage():void{ var _local1:*; if (loading){ return; }; resultsText.text = "Loading.."; loading = true; _local1 = new CustomPortrait(String(urlInput.text), imageLoad, imageLoadFail); } private function removeImage():void{ if (image == null){ return; }; if (this.contains(image)){ this.removeChild(image); }; } private function noClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ char_ref.useCustomPortrait = false; remove(); } private function loadClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ loadImage(); } public function remove():void{ removeImage(); cleanup(); if (this.parent != null){ if ((caller is Inventory)){ Inventory(caller).selectChar(char_ref); } else { if ((caller is CharCreationPanel)){ CharCreationPanel(caller).loadCustomPortrait(); }; }; parent.removeChild(this); }; } private function addImage():void{ image.smoothing = true; image.width = 58; image.height = 58; image.x = 115; image.y = 175; addChild(image); } public function imageLoadFail(_arg1:Character=null):void{ loading = false; resultsText.text = "Image failed to load."; removeImage(); } public function cleanup():void{ yes_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, yesClick); no_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, noClick); load_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadClick); } private function yesClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ char_ref.useCustomPortrait = true; char_ref.customPortraitUrl = String(urlInput.text); if (image != null){ char_ref.customPortrait = image.bitmapData; }; char_ref.loadCustomPortrait(); remove(); } public function imageLoad(_arg1:BitmapData, _arg2:Character=null):void{ loading = false; resultsText.text = "Image loaded."; removeImage(); this.image = new Bitmap(_arg1); addImage(); } } }//package
Section 105
//dCheckBox (dCheckBox) package { import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class dCheckBox extends MovieClip { public var description:TextField; public var hitBox:Sprite; private var hover:Boolean;// = false public var checked:Boolean;// = false private var clickCallback:Function; public function dCheckBox(_arg1:Boolean=false, _arg2:String=""):void{ checked = false; hover = false; super(); checked = _arg1; description.mouseEnabled = false; mouseChildren = false; addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseClick); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOn); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOff); setDescription(_arg2); update(); } function mouseClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (checked){ checked = false; } else { checked = true; }; update(); if (this.clickCallback != null){ clickCallback(); }; } function mouseOn(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ hover = true; update(); } function mouseOff(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ hover = false; update(); } public function setDescription(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false, _arg3:uint=0xFFFFFF):void{ description.text = _arg1; if (_arg2){ dmf.embolden(description); }; description.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; description.textColor = _arg3; hitBox.width = ((description.x + description.width) + 10); } public function cleanup():void{ removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseClick); removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOn); removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOff); clickCallback = null; } private function update():void{ if (!(checked)){ if (hover){ this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; } else { if (hover){ this.gotoAndStop(4); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; }; } public function setCallback(_arg1:Function):void{ this.clickCallback = _arg1; } public function setChecked(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.checked = _arg1; update(); } } }//package
Section 106
//DeadEffect (DeadEffect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class DeadEffect extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 107
//debuff_effect (debuff_effect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class debuff_effect extends MovieClip { public function debuff_effect(){ addFrameScript(4, frame5, 44, frame45); } function frame5(){; } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 108
//debuff_sound (debuff_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class debuff_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 109
//destroy_item_sound (destroy_item_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class destroy_item_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 110
//Difficulty (Difficulty) package { public class Difficulty { static const TACTICAL = 2; static const HARDCORE = 1; static const EXTREME = 3; static const BEGINNER = 1; static const ATTRITION = 4; static const STANDARD = 2; public function Difficulty():void{ } public static function getMultiplier(_arg1:int, _arg2:uint):int{ var _local3:Number; _local3 = 100; if (_arg1 == BEGINNER){ _local3 = (_local3 * 0.5); } else { if (_arg1 == EXTREME){ _local3 = (_local3 * 1.5); }; }; if ((_arg2 & HARDCORE) == HARDCORE){ _local3 = (_local3 * 1.25); }; if ((_arg2 & TACTICAL) == TACTICAL){ _local3 = (_local3 * 1.5); }; if ((_arg2 & ATTRITION) == ATTRITION){ _local3 = (_local3 * 1.2); }; return (Math.round(_local3)); } } }//package
Section 111
//DifficultySelect (DifficultySelect) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class DifficultySelect extends MovieClip { public var checkHardcore:dCheckBox; public var beginner:MovieClip; public var optionsButton:OptionsBookButton; private var difficultySelected:int;// = 2 public var checkAttrition:dCheckBox; public var totalModifierLabel:TextField; public var checkTactical:dCheckBox; public var extreme:MovieClip; public var proceed:SimpleButton; public var standard:MovieClip; private var party:Party; public function DifficultySelect(_arg1:Party=null):void{ difficultySelected = Difficulty.STANDARD; super(); party = _arg1; standard.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, standardClicked); beginner.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, beginnerClicked); extreme.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, extremeClicked); standard.useHandCursor = true; beginner.useHandCursor = true; extreme.useHandCursor = true; updateHighlightedDifficulty(); checkHardcore.setDescription("Hardcore: ", true, 0x111111); checkAttrition.setDescription("Attrition: ", true, 0x111111); checkTactical.setDescription("Tactical: ", true, 0x111111); proceed.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, continueClicked); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); } private function updateHighlightedDifficulty():void{ standard.gotoAndStop(1); beginner.gotoAndStop(1); extreme.gotoAndStop(1); switch (difficultySelected){ case Difficulty.BEGINNER: beginner.gotoAndStop(2); break; case Difficulty.STANDARD: standard.gotoAndStop(2); break; case Difficulty.EXTREME: extreme.gotoAndStop(2); break; }; } private function getMods():uint{ var _local1:uint; _local1 = 0; if (checkHardcore.checked){ _local1 = (_local1 + Difficulty.HARDCORE); }; if (checkAttrition.checked){ _local1 = (_local1 + Difficulty.ATTRITION); }; if (checkTactical.checked){ _local1 = (_local1 + Difficulty.TACTICAL); }; return (_local1); } function beginnerClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ difficultySelected = Difficulty.BEGINNER; updateHighlightedDifficulty(); } private function continueClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ setDifficulty(difficultySelected); cleanup(); dm.main.difficultySelected(); } function standardClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ difficultySelected = Difficulty.STANDARD; updateHighlightedDifficulty(); } private function updateDifficultyNumber():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = Difficulty.getMultiplier(difficultySelected, getMods()); totalModifierLabel.text = (String(_local1) + "%"); dmf.embolden(totalModifierLabel); } private function onFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ updateDifficultyNumber(); } public function cleanup():void{ standard.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, standardClicked); beginner.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, beginnerClicked); extreme.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, extremeClicked); proceed.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, continueClicked); optionsButton.cleanup(); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); } private function setDifficulty(_arg1:int):void{ if (party != null){ party.difficulty = _arg1; party.difficultyMods = getMods(); }; } function extremeClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ difficultySelected = Difficulty.EXTREME; updateHighlightedDifficulty(); } } }//package
Section 112
//Dijkstra (Dijkstra) package { class Dijkstra { private var startNode:Number; private var numberOfNodes:Number; private var nodesLeft:Array; private var previousNode:Array; private var map:Array; private var infiniteDistance:Number; private var bestPath:Number; private var visited:Array; private var pathsFound:Boolean;// = false private var distance:Array; public static const NO_CONNECTION = 99999999; function Dijkstra(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number){ pathsFound = false; super(); this.infiniteDistance = NO_CONNECTION; this.startNode = _arg2; this.distance = new Array(); this.previousNode = new Array(); this.visited = new Array(); = _arg1; this.numberOfNodes =[0].length; this.bestPath = 0; this.nodesLeft = new Array(); } private function nodesNotVisited(_arg1:Array):Array{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = new Array(); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < this.numberOfNodes) { if (!(_arg1[_local3])){ _local2.push(_local3); }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } private function findBestPath(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array):Number{ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; _local3 = this.infiniteDistance; _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg2.length) { if (_arg1[_arg2[_local5]] < _local3){ _local3 = _arg1[_arg2[_local5]]; _local4 = _arg2[_local5]; }; _local5++; }; return (_local4); } public function findShortestPathTo(_arg1:Number, _arg2:int):Array{ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:int; if (!(pathsFound)){ this.findShortestPath(); }; _local3 = new Array(); _local4 = null; _local5 = _arg1; _local3.push(_arg1); _local6 = 1; while (((!((_local4 == this.startNode))) && ((_local6 < _arg2)))) { _local3.push(this.previousNode[_local5]); _local4 = this.previousNode[_local5]; _local5 = this.previousNode[_local5]; _local6++; }; if (_local6 >= _arg2){ _local3.length = 0; } else { _local3.reverse(); }; return (_local3); } public function findShortestPath():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < this.numberOfNodes) { if (_local1 == this.startNode){ this.visited[_local1] = 1; this.distance[_local1] = 0; } else { this.visited[_local1] = 0; this.distance[_local1] =[this.startNode][_local1]; }; this.previousNode[_local1] = this.startNode; _local1++; }; _local2 = 300; _local3 = 0; while (((this.somethingLeft(this.visited)) && ((_local3 < _local2)))) { this.nodesLeft = this.nodesNotVisited(this.visited); this.bestPath = this.findBestPath(this.distance, this.nodesLeft); this.updateDistanceAndPrevious(this.bestPath); this.visited[this.bestPath] = 1; _local3++; }; if (_local3 >= _local2){ }; pathsFound = true; } private function getResults():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; _local1 = new Array(); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < this.numberOfNodes) { _local1[_local2] = new Array(); _local3 = null; _local4 = _local2; _local1[_local2].push(_local2); while (_local3 != this.startNode) { _local1[_local2].push(this.previousNode[_local4]); _local3 = this.previousNode[_local4]; _local4 = this.previousNode[_local4]; }; _local1[_local2].reverse(); _local2++; }; } private function somethingLeft(_arg1:Array):Boolean{ var _local2:*; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < this.numberOfNodes) { if (!(_arg1[_local2])){ return (true); }; _local2++; }; return (false); } private function updateDistanceAndPrevious(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < this.numberOfNodes) { if (((!(([_arg1][_local2] == this.infiniteDistance))) || (([_arg1][_local2] == 0)))){ if ((this.distance[_arg1] +[_arg1][_local2]) < this.distance[_local2]){ this.distance[_local2] = (this.distance[_arg1] +[_arg1][_local2]); this.previousNode[_local2] = _arg1; }; }; _local2++; }; } } }//package
Section 113
//disintegrate_effect (disintegrate_effect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class disintegrate_effect extends MovieClip { public function disintegrate_effect(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 44, frame45); } function frame1(){; } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 114
//disintegrate_sound (disintegrate_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class disintegrate_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 115
//dm (dm) package { import flash.external.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class dm { static var stage:Stage; static var party:Party; static var sound:SoundControl; static var MeezGPF; static var main:DungeonMain; static var kongregate; public static function randomNum(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):int{ var _local3:*; _local3 = (Math.round((Math.random() * (_arg2 - _arg1))) + _arg1); return (_local3); } public static function copyArray(_arg1:Array):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:*; _local2 = new Array(_arg1.length); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local2.length) { _local2[_local3] = _arg1[_local3]; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } public static function shuffleArray(_arg1:Array):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:Array; var _local4:*; var _local5:Array; _local2 = new Array(); _local3 = new Array(_arg1.length); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local3.length) { _local3[_local4] = _arg1[_local4]; _local4++; }; while (_local3.length) { _local4 = dmf.randomNum(0, (_local3.length - 1)); _local5 = _local3.splice(_local4, 1); _local2.push(_local5[0]); }; return (_local2); } static function vector_length(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Number{ return (Math.sqrt(((_arg1 * _arg1) + (_arg2 * _arg2)))); } public static function joinArrays(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array):Array{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:*; _local3 = new Array(); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg1.length) { _local3.push(_arg1[_local4]); _local4++; }; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg2.length) { _local3.push(_arg2[_local4]); _local4++; }; return (_local3); } public static function childToTop(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer):void{ var _local2:*; if ((((_arg1 == null)) || ((_arg1.parent == null)))){ return; }; _local2 = (_arg1.parent.numChildren - 1); _arg1.parent.setChildIndex(_arg1, _local2); } static function vectors2angle(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; var _local10:*; _local5 = vector_length(_arg1, _arg2); _local6 = vector_length(_arg3, _arg4); if (_local5 != 0){ _arg1 = (_arg1 / _local5); _arg2 = (_arg2 / _local5); }; if (_local6 != 0){ _arg3 = (_arg3 / _local6); _arg4 = (_arg4 / _local6); }; _local7 = dot(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4); _local8 = (_local7 / (Math.sqrt(vector_length(_arg1, _arg2)) * Math.sqrt(vector_length(_arg3, _arg4)))); _local9 = Math.acos(_local8); _local10 = dm.radians_to_degrees(_local9); return (_local10); } static function radians_to_degrees(_arg1:Number):Number{ return ((_arg1 * (180 / Math.PI))); } static function dot(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ return (((_arg1 * _arg3) + (_arg2 * _arg4))); } public static function link(_arg1:String):void{ var url = _arg1; try {"", url, "_blank", ""); } catch(error) { navigateToURL(new URLRequest(url), "_blank"); }; } public static function embolden(_arg1:TextField){ var _local2:TextFormat; _local2 = _arg1.getTextFormat(); _local2.bold = true; _arg1.setTextFormat(_local2); } } }//package
Section 116
//dmf (dmf) package { import flash.external.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; public class dmf { public static function shuffleArray(_arg1:Array):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:Array; var _local4:*; var _local5:Array; _local2 = new Array(); if (_arg1 == null){ return (_local2); }; _local3 = new Array(_arg1.length); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local3.length) { _local3[_local4] = _arg1[_local4]; _local4++; }; while (_local3.length) { _local4 = randomNum(0, (_local3.length - 1)); _local5 = _local3.splice(_local4, 1); _local2.push(_local5[0]); }; return (_local2); } public static function getCurrentTimeString():String{ var _local1:Date; _local1 = new Date(); return (String(((((_local1.getHours() + ":") + _local1.getMinutes()) + ":") + _local1.getSeconds()))); } public static function randomNum(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):int{ var _local3:*; _local3 = (Math.round((Math.random() * (_arg2 - _arg1))) + _arg1); return (_local3); } public static function copyArray(_arg1:Array):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:*; _local2 = new Array(_arg1.length); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local2.length) { _local2[_local3] = _arg1[_local3]; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } public static function hasFlag(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint):Boolean{ if ((_arg1 & _arg2) == _arg2){ return (true); }; return (false); } public static function getGlobalY(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer):int{ var _local2:Point; _local2 = _arg1.localToGlobal(new Point(0, 0)); return (_local2.y); } static function vector_length(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Number{ return (Math.sqrt(((_arg1 * _arg1) + (_arg2 * _arg2)))); } static function vectors2angle(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; var _local10:*; _local5 = vector_length(_arg1, _arg2); _local6 = vector_length(_arg3, _arg4); if (_local5 != 0){ _arg1 = (_arg1 / _local5); _arg2 = (_arg2 / _local5); }; if (_local6 != 0){ _arg3 = (_arg3 / _local6); _arg4 = (_arg4 / _local6); }; _local7 = dot(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4); _local8 = (_local7 / (Math.sqrt(vector_length(_arg1, _arg2)) * Math.sqrt(vector_length(_arg3, _arg4)))); _local9 = Math.acos(_local8); _local10 = radians_to_degrees(_local9); return (_local10); } public static function joinArrays(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array):Array{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:*; _local3 = new Array(); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg1.length) { _local3.push(_arg1[_local4]); _local4++; }; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg2.length) { _local3.push(_arg2[_local4]); _local4++; }; return (_local3); } static function dot(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ return (((_arg1 * _arg3) + (_arg2 * _arg4))); } public static function numberToText(_arg1:int, _arg2:Boolean=false):String{ var _local3:String; _local3 = "number"; if (_arg1 == 0){ _local3 = "zero"; } else { if (_arg1 == 1){ _local3 = "one"; } else { if (_arg1 == 2){ _local3 = "two"; } else { if (_arg1 == 3){ _local3 = "three"; } else { if (_arg1 == 4){ _local3 = "four"; } else { if (_arg1 == 5){ _local3 = "five"; } else { if (_arg1 == 6){ _local3 = "six"; } else { if (_arg1 == 7){ _local3 = "seven"; } else { if (_arg1 == 8){ _local3 = "eight"; } else { if (_arg1 == 9){ _local3 = "nine"; } else { if (_arg1 == 10){ _local3 = "ten"; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; if (_arg2){ _local3 = _local3.toUpperCase(); }; return (_local3); } public static function boldText(_arg1:TextField){ var _local2:TextFormat; _local2 = _arg1.getTextFormat(); _local2.bold = true; _arg1.setTextFormat(_local2); } public static function distanceBetween(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:int):int{ var _local5:*; var _local6:*; _local5 = Math.abs((_arg1 - _arg3)); _local6 = Math.abs((_arg2 - _arg4)); return (Math.sqrt(((_local5 * _local5) + (_local6 * _local6)))); } public static function randomString(_arg1:Array):String{ return (_arg1[randomNum(0, (_arg1.length - 1))]); } public static function embolden(_arg1:TextField){ boldText(_arg1); } static function radians_to_degrees(_arg1:Number):Number{ return ((_arg1 * (180 / Math.PI))); } public static function arrayContains(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Object):Boolean{ var _local3:*; if ((((_arg1 == null)) || (!(_arg1.length)))){ return (false); }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { if (_arg1[_local3] == _arg2){ return (true); }; _local3++; }; return (false); } public static function link(_arg1:String):void{ var url = _arg1; try {"", url, "_blank", ""); } catch(error) { navigateToURL(new URLRequest(url), "_blank"); }; } public static function setLetterSpacing(_arg1:TextField, _arg2:int):void{ var _local3:TextFormat; _local3 = _arg1.getTextFormat(); _local3.letterSpacing = _arg2; _arg1.setTextFormat(_local3); } public static function italicText(_arg1:TextField){ var _local2:TextFormat; _local2 = _arg1.getTextFormat(); _local2.italic = true; _arg1.setTextFormat(_local2); } public static function childToTop(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer):void{ var _local2:*; if ((((_arg1 == null)) || ((_arg1.parent == null)))){ return; }; _local2 = (_arg1.parent.numChildren - 1); _arg1.parent.setChildIndex(_arg1, _local2); } public static function getGlobalX(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer):int{ var _local2:Point; _local2 = _arg1.localToGlobal(new Point(0, 0)); return (_local2.x); } } }//package
Section 117
//DoorIcon (DoorIcon) package { import flash.display.*; public class DoorIcon extends MovieClip { public var door_gfx:MovieClip; var room2:DungeonRoom; var room1:DungeonRoom; public function DoorIcon(){ this.gotoAndStop(1); } public function setAlpha(_arg1:Number):void{ this.door_gfx.alpha = _arg1; } public function getAlpha():Number{ return (this.door_gfx.alpha); } public function setVert():void{ this.rotation = 90; } } }//package
Section 118
//DownLevelDialog (DownLevelDialog) package { import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.display.*; public class DownLevelDialog extends MovieClip { public var yes_btn:MovieClip; public var no_btn:MovieClip; public function DownLevelDialog(){ this.yes_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickYes); this.no_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickNo); dm.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); } function clickYes(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Dungeon(parent).descend(); cleanup(); } function clickNo(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (parent != null){ cleanup(); parent.removeChild(this); }; } private function cleanup():void{ yes_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickYes); no_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickNo); dm.stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); } function reportKeyDown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER){ clickYes(null); } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ESCAPE){ clickNo(null); }; }; } } }//package
Section 119
//Dungeon (Dungeon) package { import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.display.*; public class Dungeon extends Sprite { const hintStart = 32; const hintShop = 0x0100; const tile_dungeon = 1; const hintBattle = 8; const tile_cave = 2; const hintInventory = 2; const hintDefeat = 4; const hintSave = 128; const hintLevel = 1; const hintTurn = 64; const hintHorde = 16; const bar_max_width = 147; var bossRoom:DungeonRoom; var a_tallrooms:Array; private var travelling:Boolean;// = false var previousLevelCleared;// = false private var currentRoute:Array; private var dungeonSavePending:Boolean;// = false public var portalScrollRoomIndex:int;// = -1 var entryRoom:DungeonRoom; var hint:HintDialog; var door_array:Array; var currentRoomIcon:CurrentRoomIcon; var a_chambers:Array; var moveArrow:Sprite; var shrines:Array; var race:int;// = 0 private var adjacencyMap:Array; var tileset:int; var a_galleries:Array; var exitRoom:DungeonRoom; var exit_found;// = false var a_largerooms:Array; var grid:Array; var dinterface:DungeonInterface; var a_corridors:Array; private var search2:Dijkstra; var chests:Array; var pc_party:Party; private var search:Dijkstra; var a_widerooms:Array; var dungeon_level:int;// = 1 private var adjacencyMap2:Array; var hordes:Array; var a_cells:Array; var currentRoom:DungeonRoom; var room_array:Array; static const grid_height = 15; static const GRID_SIZE = 20; static const SCREEN_Y_OFFSET = 15; static const grid_width = 26; static const SCREEN_X_OFFSET = 15; public function Dungeon(_arg1:Party=null, _arg2:int=1, _arg3:int=0, _arg4:Boolean=false){ dungeon_level = 1; race = 0; tileset = tile_dungeon; portalScrollRoomIndex = -1; room_array = new Array(); door_array = new Array(); hordes = new Array(); shrines = new Array(); chests = new Array(); exit_found = false; previousLevelCleared = false; dungeonSavePending = false; travelling = false; super(); if (_arg1 == null){ return; }; this.previousLevelCleared = _arg4; this.portalScrollRoomIndex = -1; dungeon_level = _arg2; pc_party = _arg1; dinterface = new DungeonInterface(); if (!(_arg3)){ race = Dungeon.getMonsterRace(_arg2, 0, _arg1.campaign); } else { race = _arg3; }; drawInterface(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); if (DungeonMain.showHints){ if ((((_arg2 == 2)) && (!(hintShown(hintLevel))))){ hint = new HintDialog("Level Up!", "You have descended to the next level of the dungeon, and your characters have grown in power. \n\nEach level they will gain points to increase their statistics and buy new skills.\n\nClick on a portrait to enter the Inventory screen and spend these points."); DungeonMain.hints = (DungeonMain.hints + hintLevel); }; if ((((_arg2 == 1)) && (!(hintShown(hintStart))))){ hint = new HintDialog("The Dungeon Map", "This is the Dungeon Map. From here, you move your party from room to room, encountering monsters and finding treasure while searching for the entrance to the next level of the dungeon.\n\nThe brightest room shows the current position of your party, while slightly dimmer rooms are those you can move to from your current position. Simply click on a room to move there.\n\nIf you can't figure out where to explore next, try clicking the 'Map Hint' button."); DungeonMain.hints = (DungeonMain.hints + hintStart); }; }; } function showCriticalPath(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < room_array.length) { if (room_array[_local2].criticalPath){ room_array[_local2].hintFlash(); }; _local2++; }; } public function useRest():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local1 = getChildByName("rest_dlg"); if (_local1 != null){ removeChild(_local1); }; if (entryRoom == null){ return; }; _local2 = entryRoom.getEntrance(); if (_local2 == null){ return; }; _local3 = new RestScreen(); addChild(_local3); pc_party.fullRecovery(); _local2.enableRest = false; _local2.removeGlow(); previousLevelCleared = false; if (parent != null){ DungeonMain(parent).saveParty(); DungeonMain(parent).saveDungeon(false); }; } private function saveClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (parent != null){ DungeonMain(parent).saveClick(_arg1); }; } public function exploreAll(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; foundExit(); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < room_array.length) { if (room_array[_local2] == null){ } else { room_array[_local2].explored = true; room_array[_local2].seen = true; }; _local2++; }; roomHighlights(true); } private function generateDoors():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:DoorIcon; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; var _local10:*; var _local11:*; var _local12:*; var _local13:*; _local10 = -1; _local11 = -1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < room_array.length) { _local2 = 0; for (;_local2 < room_array[_local1].adjacent.length;_local2++) { if (room_array[_local1] == null){ } else { if (room_array[_local1].adjacent[_local2] == room_array[_local1]){ } else { _local8 = room_array[_local1]; _local7 = room_array[_local1].adjacent[_local2]; if ((((_local7 is DungeonCorridor)) && ((room_array[_local1] is DungeonCorridor)))){ addCorridorConnection(_local7, room_array[_local1]); } else { _local6 = new DoorIcon(); _local6.x = 0; _local6.y = 0; _local6.room1 = _local8; _local6.room2 = _local7; _local12 = 0; _local13 = 0; if (_local7.grid_x >= (_local8.grid_x + _local8.getGridWidth())){ _local6.setVert(); _local12 = (_local8.grid_x + _local8.getGridWidth()); _local13 = _local8.grid_y; if ((((_local12 >= grid_width)) || ((_local13 >= grid_height)))){ continue; }; _local6.x = (SCREEN_X_OFFSET + (GRID_SIZE * (_local8.grid_x + _local8.getGridWidth()))); _local10 = -1; _local11 = -1; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local8.getGridHeight()) { _local9 = grid[_local12][(_local13 + _local3)]; if (_local9 == null){ } else { if (_local9 == _local7){ if (_local10 == -1){ _local10 = _local3; }; _local11 = _local3; }; }; _local3++; }; _local5 = ((_local10 + _local11) / 2); _local6.y = (SCREEN_Y_OFFSET + (GRID_SIZE * (_local8.grid_y + _local5))); } else { if (_local7.grid_y >= (_local8.grid_y + _local8.getGridHeight())){ _local12 = _local8.grid_x; _local13 = (_local8.grid_y + _local8.getGridHeight()); if ((((_local12 >= grid_width)) || ((_local13 >= grid_height)))){ continue; }; _local6.y = Math.round((SCREEN_Y_OFFSET + (GRID_SIZE * (_local8.grid_y + _local8.getGridHeight())))); _local10 = -1; _local11 = -1; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local8.getGridWidth()) { _local9 = grid[(_local12 + _local3)][_local13]; if (_local9 == null){ } else { if (_local9 == _local7){ if (_local10 == -1){ _local10 = _local3; }; _local11 = _local3; }; }; _local3++; }; _local5 = ((_local10 + _local11) / 2); _local6.x = (SCREEN_X_OFFSET + (GRID_SIZE * (_local8.grid_x + _local5))); }; }; if ((((_local6.x > 0)) && ((_local6.y > 0)))){ door_array.push(_local6); DungeonRoom(_local6.room1).addDoor(_local6); DungeonRoom(_local6.room2).addDoor(_local6); }; }; }; }; }; _local1++; }; } private function drawRooms():void{ var _local1:DungeonRoom; for each (_local1 in room_array) { if (_local1 != null){ this.addChild(_local1); }; }; } private function newCorridorConnection(_arg1:Boolean, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:DungeonRoom, _arg5:DungeonRoom):void{ var _local6:*; if (_arg1){ _local6 = new CorridorConnectorV(); } else { _local6 = new CorridorConnectorH(); }; _local6.room1 = _arg4; _local6.room2 = _arg5; _local6.y = _arg3; _local6.x = _arg2; _local6.setFloorTint(Campaign.getTintFrame(pc_party.campaign)); _arg4.addDoor(_local6); _arg5.addDoor(_local6); door_array.push(_local6); } private function validPathIndices(_arg1:Array):Boolean{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:int; _local2 = new Array(); for each (_local3 in _arg1) { _local2.push(room_array[_local3]); }; return (validPathRooms(_local2)); } private function updateInventoryCount():void{ dinterface.items_label.text = ((String((pc_party.inventory.length + pc_party.overflow.length)) + "/") + String(Party.MAX_INVENTORY)); if (pc_party.overflow.length){ dinterface.items_label.textColor = 0xFF0000; } else { dinterface.items_label.textColor = 0xFFFFFF; }; dm.embolden(dinterface.items_label); } private function addRoomToTypeArray(_arg1:DungeonRoom):void{ if ((((_arg1 is rCorridorV)) || ((_arg1 is rCorridorH)))){ a_corridors.push(_arg1); } else { if ((_arg1 is rCell)){ a_cells.push(_arg1); } else { if ((_arg1 is rChamber)){ a_chambers.push(_arg1); } else { if ((_arg1 is rLargeRoom)){ a_largerooms.push(_arg1); } else { if ((_arg1 is rGallery)){ a_galleries.push(_arg1); } else { if ((_arg1 is rTallRoom)){ a_tallrooms.push(_arg1); } else { if ((_arg1 is rWideRoom)){ a_widerooms.push(_arg1); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } private function portalScrollOnLevel():Boolean{ if (pc_party.attrition){ return (false); }; if ((dungeon_level % 2) != 0){ return (true); }; return (false); } private function isExistingRoomConnection(_arg1:DungeonRoom, _arg2:DungeonRoom):Boolean{ var _local3:*; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.doors.length) { if ((((_arg1.doors[_local3].room1 == _arg2)) || ((_arg1.doors[_local3].room2 == _arg2)))){ return (true); }; _local3++; }; return (false); } private function getRoomCount():int{ return ((room_array.length - a_corridors.length)); } private function PlaceRoom(_arg1:DungeonRoom):Boolean{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; _local4 = checkFootprintEmpty(_arg1); if (!(_local4)){ return (false); }; _arg1.x = (SCREEN_X_OFFSET + (_arg1.grid_x * GRID_SIZE)); _arg1.y = (SCREEN_Y_OFFSET + (_arg1.grid_y * GRID_SIZE)); fillGridForRoom(_arg1); room_array.push(_arg1); _arg1.setFloor(); _arg1.setFloorTint(Campaign.getTintFrame(pc_party.campaign)); _arg1.addFurniture(); addRoomToTypeArray(_arg1); return (true); } private function isDungeonTooSmall():Boolean{ if (room_array.length < 40){ return (true); }; if (getRoomCount() < 10){ return (true); }; return (false); } private function ConnectRooms(_arg1:DungeonRoom, _arg2:DungeonRoom, _arg3:int){ var _local4:*; var _local5:*; if ((((_arg2 == null)) || ((_arg1 == null)))){ return; }; if (_arg2.num_adjacent == DungeonRoom.max_adjacent){ return; }; if (_arg1.num_adjacent == DungeonRoom.max_adjacent){ return; }; if ((_arg1 is DungeonCorridor)){ if ((_arg2 is DungeonCorridor)){ _arg1.setAdjacentTo(_arg2); return; }; }; if (_arg2.num_adjacent == 0){ _arg1.setAdjacentTo(_arg2); return; }; if ((_arg1 is DungeonCorridor)){ if (_arg1.num_adjacent < 2){ _arg1.setAdjacentTo(_arg2); return; }; }; if ((_arg2 is DungeonCorridor)){ if (_arg2.num_adjacent < 2){ _arg1.setAdjacentTo(_arg2); return; }; }; _local4 = ((((_arg3 * room_array.length) + _arg2.floor_frame_number) + (_arg1.grid_x * _arg2.grid_y)) + (_arg2.grid_x * _arg1.grid_y)); _local5 = (_local4 % 10); if (_arg1.num_adjacent == 0){ _arg1.setAdjacentTo(_arg2); } else { if (_arg1.num_adjacent == 1){ if (_local5 >= 4){ _arg1.setAdjacentTo(_arg2); }; } else { if (_arg1.num_adjacent == 2){ if (_local5 >= 8){ _arg1.setAdjacentTo(_arg2); }; } else { if (_local5 >= 9){ _arg1.setAdjacentTo(_arg2); }; }; }; }; } private function ClearAllRoomEdges(){ var _local1:*; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < room_array.length) { if (room_array[_local1] == null){ } else { room_array[_local1].clearAdjacent(); }; _local1++; }; } private function GenerateSpecialEncounter():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:Array; var _local7:int; var _local8:DungeonRoom; var _local9:Horde; var _local10:int; _local1 = 0; if ((((pc_party.campaign == Campaign.ORIGINAL)) && ((dungeon_level == 9)))){ return; }; _local2 = 33; _local3 = 45; _local4 = 25; _local5 = 30; if (DungeonMain.BETA){ _local2 = 100; _local3 = 0; _local4 = 100; _local5 = 0; }; if (dmf.randomNum(0, 99) <= _local2){ _local7 = dmf.randomNum(0, 99); if (_local7 < _local3){ _local6 = getRandomRoomList(false); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local6.length) { if (roomValidForShrine(_local6[_local1])){ addSpecialShrineToRoom(_local6[_local1]); break; }; _local1++; }; } else { if (_local7 < (_local3 + _local4)){ if (dungeon_level == 1){ return; }; _local6 = getRandomRoomList(true); for each (_local8 in _local6) { if (_local8.criticalPath){ } else { if (roomValidForMonster(_local8)){ _local9 = new Horde(this.race, this.dungeon_level, 0, _local8, false, true); _local8.setHorde(_local9); hordes.push(_local9); _local9.mask = null; break; }; }; }; } else { if (_local7 < ((_local3 + _local4) + _local5)){ _local10 = dmf.randomNum(Encounter.RESCUE, Encounter.LURKER); if ((((pc_party.campaign == Campaign.ORIGINAL)) && ((dungeon_level == DungeonMain.MAX_LEVEL)))){ return; }; if ((((pc_party.members.length > 4)) || (pc_party.hasAlly()))){ _local10 = Encounter.LURKER; }; _local6 = getRandomRoomList(true); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local6.length) { if (roomValidForShrine(_local6[_local1])){ _local6[_local1].special = _local10; addSpecialIconToRoom(_local6[_local1]); break; }; _local1++; }; }; }; }; }; } private function buildAdjacencyMaps():void{ adjacencyMap = getAdjacencyMap(true); adjacencyMap2 = getAdjacencyMap(false); search = new Dijkstra(adjacencyMap, currentRoom.index); search.findShortestPath(); search2 = new Dijkstra(adjacencyMap2, currentRoom.index); search2.findShortestPath(); } public function useShrine():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Item; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:Consumable; var _local9:Array; var _local10:Enchantment; if ((((currentRoom.shrine == null)) || (currentRoom.shrine.used))){ return; }; _local1 = getChildByName("shrine_dlg"); if (_local1 != null){ removeChild(_local1); }; if ((currentRoom.shrine is RecoveryShrine)){ pc_party.fullRecovery(); pc_party.stat_shrines_used++; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < pc_party.members.length) { _local3 = dinterface.getChildByName(("char" + (_local2 + 1))); if (_local3 == null){ } else { CharacterPortrait(_local3).addPortraitAnimation(PortraitAnimation.heal); }; _local2++; }; } else { if (currentRoom.shrine.type == SpecialShrine.EQUIPMENT_BUFF){ _local4 = new Array(); for each (_local5 in pc_party.inventory) { if ((_local5 is Equipment)){ if (_local5.item_rarity != Item.white){ continue; } else { _local4.push(_local5); }; }; }; if (_local4.length){ _local6 = _local4[dmf.randomNum(0, (_local4.length - 1))]; _local7 = new _local6.constructor(dungeon_level, Item.purple); pc_party.removeFromInventory(_local6); pc_party.addToInventory(_local7);; }; } else { if (currentRoom.shrine.type == SpecialShrine.POTION_BUFF){ pc_party.addToInventory(new PotionBody()); _local9 = new Array(); _local8 = pc_party.getHealthPotion(false); if (((!((_local8 == null))) && ((_local8.stack >= 5)))){ _local9.push(_local8); }; _local8 = pc_party.getHealthPotion(true); if (((!((_local8 == null))) && ((_local8.stack >= 10)))){ _local9.push(_local8); }; _local8 = pc_party.getPowerPotion(false); if (((!((_local8 == null))) && ((_local8.stack >= 5)))){ _local9.push(_local8); }; _local8 = pc_party.getPowerPotion(true); if (((!((_local8 == null))) && ((_local8.stack >= 10)))){ _local9.push(_local8); }; if (!(_local9.length)){ } else { _local8 = _local9[dmf.randomNum(0, (_local9.length - 1))]; if ((_local8 is PotionPowerSmall)){ _local8.stack = (_local8.stack - 10); pc_party.addToInventory(new PotionWits()); } else { if ((_local8 is PotionPower)){ _local8.stack = (_local8.stack - 5); pc_party.addToInventory(new PotionWits()); } else { if ((_local8 is PotionHealthSmall)){ _local8.stack = (_local8.stack - 10); pc_party.addToInventory(new PotionBody()); } else { if ((_local8 is PotionHealth)){ _local8.stack = (_local8.stack - 5); pc_party.addToInventory(new PotionBody()); }; }; }; }; if (_local8.stack <= 0){ pc_party.removeFromInventory(_local8); };; }; } else { if (currentRoom.shrine.type == SpecialShrine.ENCHANTMENT){ _local10 = new Enchantment(dungeon_level, 0, true); pc_party.addToInventory(_local10);; }; }; }; }; currentRoom.shrine.used = true; currentRoom.shrine.fade(); dm.main.saveParty(); dm.main.saveDungeon(false); updateChars(); } function removed(_arg1:Event):void{ stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); } private function addRecoveryShrineToRoom(_arg1:DungeonRoom):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = new RecoveryShrine(); _local2.x = _arg1.getCenterHorz(); _local2.y = _arg1.getCenterVert(); _arg1.shrine = _local2; = _arg1; _arg1.setChild(_local2); shrines.push(_local2); _local2.mask = null; } function roomOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:DungeonRoom; if (travelling){ return; }; _local2 = DungeonRoom(_arg1.currentTarget); if (!(_local2.seen)){ return; }; currentRoute = null; removeMovementArrow(); } private function initGrid():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; grid = new Array(grid_width); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < grid_width) { grid[_local1] = new Array(grid_height); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < grid_height) { grid[_local1][_local2] = null; _local2++; }; _local1++; }; } private function drawInterface():void{ var _local1:CharacterPortrait; var _local2:*; var _local3:*; dinterface.x = 0; dinterface.y = 0; this.addChild(dinterface); dinterface.campaign_label.mouseEnabled = false; dinterface.campaign_label.text = Campaign.getName(pc_party.campaign); dm.embolden(dinterface.campaign_label); dinterface.level_label.mouseEnabled = false; dinterface.level_label.text = ("Level " + dungeon_level); dm.embolden(dinterface.level_label); if (DungeonMain.debug){ dinterface.explore_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, exploreAll); dinterface.newdungeon_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, newDungeonClick); dinterface.clear_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clearHordes); dinterface.gear_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, addDebugGear); dinterface.heal_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, debugHeal); dinterface.critical_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, showCriticalPath); dinterface.level_debug.text = ((("Health: " + MonsterCharacter.getHealthMax(dungeon_level)) + " | Damage: ") + MonsterCharacter.getBaseDamage(dungeon_level)); } else { if (dinterface.contains(dinterface.explore_btn)){ dinterface.removeChild(dinterface.explore_btn); }; if (dinterface.contains(dinterface.newdungeon_btn)){ dinterface.removeChild(dinterface.newdungeon_btn); }; if (dinterface.contains(dinterface.clear_btn)){ dinterface.removeChild(dinterface.clear_btn); }; if (dinterface.contains(dinterface.gear_btn)){ dinterface.removeChild(dinterface.gear_btn); }; if (dinterface.contains(dinterface.heal_btn)){ dinterface.removeChild(dinterface.heal_btn); }; if (dinterface.contains(dinterface.level_debug)){ dinterface.removeChild(dinterface.level_debug); }; if (dinterface.contains(dinterface.critical_btn)){ dinterface.removeChild(dinterface.critical_btn); }; }; if (DungeonMain.BETA){ if (!(dinterface.contains(dinterface.betaFunctions))){ dinterface.addChild(dinterface.betaFunctions); }; dinterface.betaFunctions.betaLevel.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, descendClick); dinterface.betaFunctions.betaEquipment.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, addBetaGear); dinterface.betaFunctions.betaHeal.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, debugHeal); } else { if (dinterface.contains(dinterface.betaFunctions)){ dinterface.removeChild(dinterface.betaFunctions); }; }; dinterface.rest_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, restButtonClick); dinterface.inventory_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, inventoryClick); dinterface.menu_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, menuClick); dinterface.hint_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, hintClick); dinterface.rating_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, ratingClick); this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added); this.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removed); updateInventoryCount(); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < pc_party.members.length) { _local3 = dinterface.getChildByName(("slot" + (_local2 + 1))); if (_local3 == null){ } else { if ((pc_party.members[_local2] is PC_Adventurer)){ } else { _local1 = new CharacterPortrait(); _local1.x = _local3.x; _local1.y = _local3.y; _local1.setChar(pc_party.members[_local2]); = ("char" + (_local2 + 1)); _local1.setGlow(); dinterface.addChild(_local1); pc_party.members[_local2].portraitRef = _local1; dinterface.removeChild(_local3); _local1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, portraitClick); }; }; _local2++; }; if (!(exit_found)){ if (dinterface.getChildByName("descend_button") != null){ dinterface.removeChild(dinterface.descend_button); }; }; if (((!(previousLevelCleared)) && (!((dungeon_level == 10))))){ removeRestButton(); }; } function roomOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:DungeonRoom; var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; var _local5:DungeonRoom; var _local6:Array; if (travelling){ return; }; _local2 = DungeonRoom(_arg1.currentTarget); if (_local2 == currentRoom){ return; }; if (!(_local2.seen)){ return; }; if (!(DungeonMain.pathfinding)){ if (currentRoom.isAdjacentTo(_local2)){ currentRoute = new Array(); currentRoute.push(currentRoom); currentRoute.push(_local2); drawMovementArrow(currentRoute); } else { removeMovementArrow(); return; }; }; _local3 = new Array(); _local4 = 999; if (((!((_local2.horde == null))) && (!(_local2.horde.defeated)))){ for each (_local5 in _local2.adjacent) { if (!(_local5.seen)){ } else { _local6 = findRouteTo(_local5, false); if (_local6.length < _local4){ _local4 = _local6.length; _local3 = _local6; }; }; }; }; if (validPathRooms(_local3)){ _local3.push(_local2); currentRoute = _local3; } else { currentRoute = findRouteTo(_local2); }; drawMovementArrow(currentRoute); } public function fullyCleared():Boolean{ var _local1:*; if (getHordesDefeated() == hordes.length){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < room_array.length) { if (room_array[_local1].explored == false){ return (false); }; _local1++; }; return (true); }; return (false); } private function addRoomListeners():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < room_array.length) { room_array[_local1].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, roomClick); room_array[_local1].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, roomOver); room_array[_local1].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, roomOut); _local1++; }; } private function addTreasureToRoom(_arg1:DungeonRoom, _arg2:Boolean):void{ var _local3:*; _local3 = new TreasureChest(pc_party, dungeon_level); if (_arg2){ _local3.loot.push(new PortalScroll()); portalScrollRoomIndex = _arg1.index; }; _local3.x = _arg1.getCenterHorz(); _local3.y = _arg1.getCenterVert(); _arg1.treasure = _local3; chests.push(_local3); _arg1.setChild(_local3); _local3.mask = null; } public function getIntroduction(_arg1:int):String{ var _local2:*; var _local3:String; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; _local2 = false; _local3 = "The party descend to the next level.\n\n"; if (pc_party.members.length == 1){ return (""); }; if ((((dungeon_level > DungeonMain.MAX_LEVEL)) && ((_arg1 == Horde.special)))){ return ((_local3 + "An uneasy peace holds in this area, as the dungeon's denizens come together to plot and scheme.")); }; _local4 = dmf.randomNum(0, (pc_party.members.length - 1)); if (dmf.randomNum(0, 100) < 8){ _local2 = true; } else { _local2 = false; }; if ((pc_party.members[_local4] is PC_Cleric)){ if (_local2){ _local3 = (_local3 + (((pc_party.members[_local4].charname + " performs a rite of battle.\n'") + Horde.nameForRace(_arg1, true)) + ", then? It makes little difference. Nothing may hinder the righteous.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.undead){ _local3 = (_local3 + (pc_party.members[_local4].charname + " scowls.\n'This place bears the taint of the undead.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.greenskins){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'There is heresy here. The greenskins and their false gods hold\nsway,' spits " + pc_party.members[_local4].charname) + ", growing incensed.")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.creatures){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'The creatures here are base, soulless things: the work of no higher\npower,' mutters " + pc_party.members[_local4].charname) + ".")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.cultists){ _local3 = (_local3 + (pc_party.members[_local4].charname + " appears distressed.\n'This place.. it is utterly corrupted by the heresies of the cultists.\nWe should not linger here.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.dwarves){ _local3 = (_local3 + (((("'The graven images of the dwarves. Those twisted parodies of true men lurk here.' says " + pc_party.members[_local4].charname) + ", disgust plain on ") + pc_party.members[_local4].genderPossessive()) + " face.")); }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { if ((pc_party.members[_local4] is PC_Warrior)){ if (_local2){ _local3 = (_local3 + (((pc_party.members[_local4].charname + " says 'An opportunity to test my prowess against ") + Horde.nameForRace(_arg1)) + " is welcome. To arms!'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.undead){ _local3 = (_local3 + (((("'It is plain that this is the domain of the undead. Be on your\nguard,' says " + pc_party.members[_local4].charname) + ", adjusting ") + pc_party.members[_local4].genderPossessive()) + " armor.")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.greenskins){ _local3 = (_local3 + (pc_party.members[_local4].charname + " points.\n'Look, there: the trappings of the orc. Stupid beasts, but\ndangerous. Stay close.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.creatures){ _local3 = (_local3 + (pc_party.members[_local4].charname + " inhales, then spits.\n'The stench of carrion. Whatever monsters lurk here, they shall not\nfind us so easy a meal.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.cultists){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'Ho, there- that emblem. The mark of the Cult of the Outward\nPath,' notes " + pc_party.members[_local4].charname) + ".\n'Our foes will not hail from this world alone.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.dwarves){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'The stonework here is different. Could this area belong to the dwarves?' asks " + pc_party.members[_local4].charname) + ".")); }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { if ((pc_party.members[_local4] is PC_Rogue)){ if (_local2){ _local3 = (_local3 + (((((((((pc_party.members[_local4].charname + " checks ") + pc_party.members[_local4].genderPossessive()) + " pack for provisions.\n'I just hope we're not fighting any more ") + Horde.nameForRace(_arg1)) + ".'\n") + pc_party.members[_local4].genderPronoun(true)) + " turns ") + pc_party.members[_local4].genderPossessive()) + " head sharply as a distinctive sound echoes down the corridor.\n'Well. I suppose I should have seen that coming.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.undead){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'Did you hear that?' asks " + pc_party.members[_local4].charname) + ", peering nervously into the gloom.\n'I have a bad feeling we're dealing with walking corpses, here.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.greenskins){ _local3 = (_local3 + (((pc_party.members[_local4].charname + " sniffs the air.\n'Did we take a wrong turn into a sewer? Oh, right.. orcs.'\n") + pc_party.members[_local4].genderPronoun(true)) + " sighs.")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.creatures){ _local3 = (_local3 + (pc_party.members[_local4].charname + " sits down heavily, taking a moment to rest.\n'Ugh, I think I may be sitting in monster droppings.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.cultists){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'This place doesn't feel right,' mutters " + pc_party.members[_local4].charname) + ".\n'It's those twisted cultists.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.dwarves){ _local3 = (_local3 + (pc_party.members[_local4].charname + " looks around appraisingly.\n'This is definitely dwarf work-- they can't live anywhere without embellishing it with their carvings. And where there are dwarves.. there's treasure.'")); }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { if ((pc_party.members[_local4] is PC_Mage)){ if (_local2){ _local3 = (_local3 + (((("At a gesture from " + pc_party.members[_local4].charname) + ", a glyph appears fleetingly in the air.\n'") + Horde.nameForRace(_arg1, true)) + ". There can be no doubt: my mastery of detection spells\nis complete.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.undead){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("Warning glyphs flash in the air about " + pc_party.members[_local4].charname) + ".\n'The dark arts are at work in this place. The dead walk.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.greenskins){ _local3 = (_local3 + (pc_party.members[_local4].charname + " concentrates for a moment.\n'The mystic arts are being practiced here, but weakly. This place\nmust be home to the vile orcs and their kin.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.creatures){ _local3 = (_local3 + (((pc_party.members[_local4].charname + " falters in ") + pc_party.members[_local4].genderPossessive()) + " preparation.\n'There is ancient power here. The creatures of the deep are drawn to\nit.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.cultists){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'The fabric of the aether has been rent,' states " + pc_party.members[_local4].charname) + ".\n'No doubt the work of those reckless amateurs, the Cult of the\nOutward Path.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.dwarves){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'I sense runic energies. It can only be agents of the Earthern Nations,' says " + pc_party.members[_local4].charname) + ".\n'What a pity they have allied themselves with our enemy.'")); }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { if ((pc_party.members[_local4] is PC_Ranger)){ if (_local2){ _local3 = (_local3 + (((("Examining the entrance, " + pc_party.members[_local4].charname) + " slowly nods.\n'There were ") + Horde.nameForRace(_arg1)) + " here, and recently. The signs of their passage\n are unmistakable.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.undead){ _local3 = (_local3 + (pc_party.members[_local4].charname + " crouches, noting debris strewn on the dank stone floor.\n'Nothing but bonemeal and crypt-dust. Undead.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.greenskins){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'I've found something! Look here: the spoor of greenskins,' calls " + pc_party.members[_local4].charname) + ", after examining the area.")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.creatures){ _local3 = (_local3 + (((pc_party.members[_local4].charname + " grows excited as ") + pc_party.members[_local4].genderPronoun()) + " scouts the immediate area.\n'There are tracks here.. creatures of many types. We have found\nourselves a hunt.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.cultists){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'Human footprints,' remarks " + pc_party.members[_local4].charname) + ".\n'Cultists?'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.dwarves){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'It doesn't take a master tracker to identify this place.' says " + pc_party.members[_local4].charname) + ".\n'There are definitely dwarves from the Eartern Nations nearby.'")); }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { if ((pc_party.members[_local4] is PC_Barbarian)){ if (_local2){ _local3 = (_local3 + (((pc_party.members[_local4].charname + " growls 'I will tear these ") + Horde.nameForRace(_arg1)) + " apart!'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.undead){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'This place is crawling with the dead. Can't they stay killed?' growls " + pc_party.members[_local4].charname) + ".")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.greenskins){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'Greenskins. I begin to wonder if we'll ever find a real fight in this hole!' says " + pc_party.members[_local4].charname) + ", scowling.")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.creatures){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'What kind of sty is this?' demands " + pc_party.members[_local4].charname) + ", kicking at debris strewn on the ground.\n'Some strange manner of beast. Foul tasting, no doubt.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.cultists){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'The gaudy emblems of the fanatics,' notes " + pc_party.members[_local4].charname) + ".\n'I am ill at ease around such madness.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.dwarves){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'I smell ale!' roars " + pc_party.members[_local4].charname) + ".\n'Let us take it from the half-men, come!'")); }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { if ((pc_party.members[_local4] is PC_Conjuror)){ if (_local2){ _local3 = (_local3 + (((pc_party.members[_local4].charname + " stares fixedly into the empty air.\n'There are ") + Horde.nameForRace(_arg1, true)) + " nearby. I have it from a reliable source.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.undead){ _local3 = (_local3 + (pc_party.members[_local4].charname + " falls silent.\n'Necromancy.. I can sense the souls in bondage. We will face the undead here.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.greenskins){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("I've seen enough Orc-pits in my time to know the look of one,' remarks " + pc_party.members[_local4].charname) + "\n'Greenskins live here.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.creatures){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'Creatures. I can hear them.' says " + pc_party.members[_local4].charname) + "\n'It's not a sound I'm likely to forget.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.cultists){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'Aetherbreachers,' sighs " + pc_party.members[_local4].charname) + ".\n'The signs are unmistakable. We will have to intervene- the dimensional boundary must be respected.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.dwarves){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'This is familiar enough,' says " + pc_party.members[_local4].charname) + ".\n'A dwarf-den. What could they be looking for, here?'")); }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { _local3 = (_local3 + (((pc_party.members[_local4].charname + " says 'There are ") + Horde.nameForRace(_arg1)) + " here.'")); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; _local3 = (_local3 + "\n\n"); _local5 = _local4; while (_local5 == _local4) { _local5 = dmf.randomNum(0, (pc_party.members.length - 1)); }; if (dmf.randomNum(0, 100) < 8){ _local2 = true; } else { _local2 = false; }; if ((pc_party.members[_local5] is PC_Cleric)){ if (_local2){ _local3 = (_local3 + (pc_party.members[_local5].charname + " intones a sonorous prayer.\n'Let our faith be our shield!'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.undead){ _local3 = (_local3 + (((("'Those lost souls will find peace this day,' promises " + pc_party.members[_local5].charname) + ",\n") + pc_party.members[_local5].genderPossessive()) + " countenance grim.")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.greenskins){ _local3 = (_local3 + (((((pc_party.members[_local5].charname + " grimaces.\n'The beasts will not defile this place much longer. We shall make\ncertain of it,' ") + pc_party.members[_local5].genderPronoun()) + " growls, hefting ") + pc_party.members[_local5].genderPossessive()) + " weapon.")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.creatures){ _local3 = (_local3 + (((pc_party.members[_local5].charname + " readies ") + pc_party.members[_local5].genderSelf()) + ".\n'Let us cleanse this foul menagerie.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.cultists){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'Heretics!' snarls " + pc_party.members[_local5].charname) + ".\n'Their work here is an affront: we must make an end of it.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.dwarves){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'Crude and misshapen things, a mockery of the divine!' snarls " + pc_party.members[_local5].charname) + ".")); }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { if ((pc_party.members[_local5] is PC_Warrior)){ if (_local2){ _local3 = (_local3 + (((pc_party.members[_local5].charname + " draws ") + pc_party.members[_local5].genderPossessive()) + " weapon.\n'Stay behind me. We will cut a path, no matter how many may come.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.undead){ _local3 = (_local3 + (pc_party.members[_local5].charname + " nods slightly.\n'Then let us lay them to rest.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.greenskins){ _local3 = (_local3 + (((pc_party.members[_local5].charname + " sharpens ") + pc_party.members[_local5].genderPossessive()) + " blade.\n'The clumsy brawn of those ragged brutes is little match for the\nfighting arm of a seasoned warrior. Let them come.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.creatures){ _local3 = (_local3 + (((pc_party.members[_local5].charname + " shifts ") + pc_party.members[_local5].genderPossessive()) + " weight.\n'It will take more than a monstrous rabble to slow us.\nCome, this way.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.cultists){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'The Cult of the Outward Path,' muses " + pc_party.members[_local5].charname) + ".\n'Let us see if the fiends they worship can protect them.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.dwarves){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'Their small size belies their strength,' remarks " + pc_party.members[_local5].charname) + ".\n'Banish any thoughts of an easy battle.'")); }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { if ((pc_party.members[_local5] is PC_Rogue)){ if (_local2){ _local3 = (_local3 + (pc_party.members[_local5].charname + " glances around.\n'Is it too late to go back?'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.undead){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'Great. My favorite,' snorts " + pc_party.members[_local5].charname) + ".")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.greenskins){ _local3 = (_local3 + (((pc_party.members[_local5].charname + " holds ") + pc_party.members[_local5].genderPossessive()) + " nose.\n'I suppose they won't smell any better after we kill them..'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.creatures){ _local3 = (_local3 + (pc_party.members[_local5].charname + " sighs.\n'More things that want to eat me.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.cultists){ _local3 = (_local3 + (((("'Religious types,' mutters " + pc_party.members[_local5].charname) + ", rolling ") + pc_party.members[_local5].genderPossessive()) + " eyes.")); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < pc_party.members.length) { if ((pc_party.members[_local6] is PC_Cleric)){ _local3 = (_local3 + (((("\n\n" + pc_party.members[_local6].charname) + " glares at ") + pc_party.members[_local5].charname) + ".")); break; }; _local6++; }; } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.dwarves){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'Some people might feel guilty about taking from someone smaller than themselves,' muses " + pc_party.members[_local5].charname) + ".\n'Not me.'")); }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { if ((pc_party.members[_local5] is PC_Mage)){ if (_local2){ _local3 = (_local3 + (pc_party.members[_local5].charname + " finishes an incantation.\n'I am prepared.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.undead){ _local3 = (_local3 + (pc_party.members[_local5].charname + " frowns.\n'The spawn of the dark arts. Despicable.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.greenskins){ _local3 = (_local3 + (pc_party.members[_local5].charname + " nods.\n'Communers with spirits and petty dabblers in the art. Precious\nlittle here to challenge me.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.creatures){ _local3 = (_local3 + (((pc_party.members[_local5].charname + " snaps shut ") + pc_party.members[_local5].genderPossessive()) + " spellbook.\n'Monsters and aberrations. I have some experience with their ilk.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.cultists){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'Meddlers! Fools!' rages " + pc_party.members[_local5].charname) + ".\n'They cannot begin to comprehend the forces they toy with.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.dwarves){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'Greed has ever been the downfall of the dwarves,' says " + pc_party.members[_local5].charname) + ".\n'No matter what bribes they have been offered, they will not halt us here.'")); }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { if ((pc_party.members[_local5] is PC_Ranger)){ if (_local2){ _local3 = (_local3 + (pc_party.members[_local5].charname + " smiles.\n'Easy prey.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.undead){ _local3 = (_local3 + (pc_party.members[_local5].charname + " nocks an arrow.\n'Unnatural foes, but they shall fall all the same.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.greenskins){ _local3 = (_local3 + (pc_party.members[_local5].charname + " appears disappointed.\n'Savages. They lack all finesse.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.creatures){ _local3 = (_local3 + (((pc_party.members[_local5].charname + " tests ") + pc_party.members[_local5].genderPossessive()) + " bowstring.\n'At last, worthy prey.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.cultists){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'Perhaps here I can find a fresh challenge,' remarks " + pc_party.members[_local5].charname) + ".")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.dwarves){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'The dwarves are hardy foes, don't underestimate them,' says " + pc_party.members[_local5].charname) + ".")); }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { if ((pc_party.members[_local5] is PC_Barbarian)){ if (_local2){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'My blade cries out for blood!' says " + pc_party.members[_local5].charname) + ", a little too loudly.")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.undead){ _local3 = (_local3 + (pc_party.members[_local5].charname + " grunts.\n'I will show these corpses how to die!'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.greenskins){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'Orcs?' " + pc_party.members[_local5].charname) + " spits.\n'Let us see who is the stronger.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.creatures){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'In my youth I wrestled many beasts,' says " + pc_party.members[_local5].charname) + "\n'I have only gotten stronger.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.cultists){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'Pah! Weaklings!' mutters " + pc_party.members[_local5].charname) + ".")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.dwarves){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'The dwarves are hardy foes, don't underestimate them,' says " + pc_party.members[_local5].charname) + ".")); }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { if ((pc_party.members[_local5] is PC_Conjuror)){ if (_local2){ _local3 = (_local3 + (pc_party.members[_local5].charname + " mutters in an ancient tongue, and a faint glow suffuses the air around him.\n'Let's get this over with.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.undead){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'Necromancy. It shames me to admit I dabbled with it in my youth,' says " + pc_party.members[_local5].charname) + " sadly.\n'I was a fool.'")); _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < pc_party.members.length) { if ((pc_party.members[_local7] is PC_Mage)){ _local3 = (_local3 + (((("\n\n" + pc_party.members[_local7].charname) + " scowls at ") + pc_party.members[_local5].charname) + ". 'Indeed.'")); break; }; _local7++; }; } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.greenskins){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'Greenskins? Be wary of their shamans, and the dark power they wield. I know it only too well.' says " + pc_party.members[_local5].charname) + " enigmatically.\n")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.creatures){ _local3 = (_local3 + (pc_party.members[_local5].charname + " looks up.\n'I have an interest in the creatures of the deep places. Perhaps I can learn something here.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.cultists){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'They are so close to the truth, but so woefully misguided,' sighs " + pc_party.members[_local5].charname) + ".\n'I pity them, more than anything. And yet they must be stopped.'")); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.dwarves){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("'The Earthen Nations? Here?' asks " + pc_party.members[_local5].charname) + ".\n'I suppose they were always difficult to trust.'")); }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { _local3 = (_local3 + (((pc_party.members[_local5].charname + " says 'We will defeat the ") + Horde.nameForRace(_arg1)) + ".'")); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; return (_local3); } function TestForAdjacentCorridorV(_arg1:DungeonRoom):Boolean{ if (_arg1 == null){ return (false); }; if ((_arg1 is rCorridorV)){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function updateChars():void{ var _local1:CharacterPortrait; var _local2:int; updateCleared(); updateRating(); updateInventoryCount(); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < pc_party.members.length) { _local1 = CharacterPortrait(dinterface.getChildByName(("char" + (_local2 + 1)))); if ((((_local1 == null)) || (!((_local1 is CharacterPortrait))))){ } else { pc_party.members[_local2].portraitRef = _local1; CharacterPortrait(_local1).update(); CharacterPortrait(_local1).setGlow(); CharacterPortrait(_local1).setHiding((pc_party.sneaking > 0)); }; _local2++; }; if (parent != null){ DungeonMain(parent).saveParty(); DungeonMain(parent).saveChars(); }; } function TestForAdjacentCorridorH(_arg1:DungeonRoom):Boolean{ if (_arg1 == null){ return (false); }; if ((_arg1 is rCorridorH)){ return (true); }; return (false); } private function updateCleared():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:*; _local1 = getClearedPercent(); dinterface.cleared_bar.label.text = ((" " + String(_local1)) + "% CLEARED"); dinterface.cleared_bar.bar_mask.width = Math.ceil(((_local1 / 100) * bar_max_width)); _local2 = "normal"; if (_local1 == 100){ _local2 = "complete"; }; dinterface.cleared_bar.holder.gotoAndStop(_local2); } private function GenerateMonsters():void{ var _local1:DungeonRoom; var _local2:*; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:Array; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:MonsterCharacter; var _local9:Horde; _local2 = 0; if (DungeonMain.nobaddies){ return; }; _local3 = (10 - hordes.length); _local4 = 0; if ((((pc_party.campaign == Campaign.ORIGINAL)) && ((dungeon_level == DungeonMain.MAX_LEVEL)))){ _local3--; } else { _local7 = getBossRoom(); addHordeToRoom(_local7, 1); bossRoom = _local7; _local4++; }; _local5 = getRandomRoomList(true); _local6 = 0; for (;_local6 < _local5.length;_local6++) { if (roomValidForMonster(_local5[_local6])){ addHordeToRoom(_local5[_local6]); _local4++; } else { continue; }; if (_local4 >= _local3){ break; }; }; if (pc_party.campaign == Campaign.DELUXE){ _local8 = new mFearSower(dungeon_level); for each (_local9 in hordes) { if ((((_local9.members.length == 6)) || ((_local9.members.length < 3)))){ } else { if (_local9.legendary){ } else { _local8.pos = _local9.findEmptySlot(true); _local9.members.push(_local8); break; }; }; }; }; } public function createFromDataArray(_arg1:Array, _arg2:int, _arg3:Array, _arg4:Boolean=false):Boolean{ var _local5:*; var _local6:DungeonRoom; var _local7:Boolean; var _local8:*; var _local9:Horde; this.race = race; this.tileset = tileset; this.previousLevelCleared = _arg4; initGrid(); initRoomArrays(); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg1.length) { _local6 = DungeonRoomData(_arg1[_local5]).toRoom(_arg4); PlaceRoom(_local6); if ((_local6 is rDemonRoom)){ bossRoom = _local6; }; if (_arg1[_local5].treasure){ _local7 = false; if (_local5 == portalScrollRoomIndex){ _local7 = true; }; if (pc_party.attrition){ _local7 = false; }; addTreasureToRoom(_local6, _local7); } else { if (_arg1[_local5].shrine){ if (_arg1[_local5].shrine == RecoveryShrine.TYPE_ID){ addRecoveryShrineToRoom(_local6); } else { addSpecialShrineToRoom(_local6, _arg1[_local5].shrine); }; } else { if (_arg1[_local5].special){ addSpecialIconToRoom(_local6); } else { _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < _arg3.length) { if (HordeData(_arg3[_local8]).roomIndex == _local5){ _local9 = HordeData(_arg3[_local8]).toHorde(); room_array[_local5].setHorde(_local9); hordes.push(_local9); _local9.mask = null; if (_local9.boss){ bossRoom = _local6; }; break; }; _local8++; }; }; }; }; _local5++; }; TestAllRoomEdges(); generateDoors(); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < room_array.length) { if (_arg1[_local5].isEntrance){ room_array[_local5].addEntrance(_arg4); entryRoom = room_array[_local5]; } else { if (_arg1[_local5].isExit){ room_array[_local5].addExit(); exitRoom = room_array[_local5]; }; }; _local5++; }; setIndices(); drawRooms(); drawDoors(); currentRoom = room_array[_arg2]; currentRoom.travelTo(true); roomHighlights(true); updateDemonRoom(); if (((previousLevelCleared) || ((dungeon_level == 10)))){ addRestButton(); } else { removeRestButton(); }; addRoomListeners(); return (true); } public function cleanup():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:*; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); dinterface.explore_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, exploreAll); dinterface.newdungeon_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, newDungeonClick); dinterface.clear_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clearHordes); dinterface.gear_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, addDebugGear); dinterface.heal_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, debugHeal); dinterface.critical_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, showCriticalPath); dinterface.rating_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, ratingClick); dinterface.inventory_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, inventoryClick); dinterface.menu_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, menuClick); dinterface.hint_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, hintClick); dinterface.descend_button.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, descendClick); dinterface.rest_button.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, restButtonClick); this.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added); this.removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removed); dinterface.help_btn.cleanup(); dinterface.options_btn.cleanup(); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < pc_party.members.length) { _local2 = dinterface.getChildByName(("char" + (_local1 + 1))); if (_local2 != null){ _local2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, portraitClick); }; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < hordes.length) { hordes[_local1].cleanup(); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < room_array.length) { room_array[_local1].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, roomClick); room_array[_local1].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, roomOver); room_array[_local1].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, roomOut); _local1++; }; dinterface.betaFunctions.betaLevel.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, descendClick); dinterface.betaFunctions.betaEquipment.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, addBetaGear); dinterface.betaFunctions.betaHeal.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, debugHeal); } private function clearHordes(_arg1:MouseEvent=null):void{ var _local2:*; if (!(DungeonMain.debug)){ return; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < hordes.length) { hordes[_local2].fade(); _local2++; }; hordeDefeated(null); } private function showDescendDialog():void{ var _local1:*; if (getChildByName("downlevel_dlg") == null){ _local1 = new DownLevelDialog(); = "downlevel_dlg"; addChild(_local1); }; } private function newDungeonClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ DungeonMain(parent).NewDungeonClick(_arg1); } public function removeMovementArrow():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = this; if (moveArrow == null){ moveArrow = _local1.getChildByName("arrow"); }; if (((!((moveArrow == null))) && (_local1.contains(moveArrow)))){ _local1.removeChild(moveArrow); moveArrow = null; }; } public function descend():void{ if (parent != null){ DungeonMain(parent).descendClick(null); }; } private function findRouteTo(_arg1:DungeonRoom, _arg2:Boolean=true):Array{ var _local3 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Array; var _local6:int; _local3 = 120; _local4 = new Array(); if (currentRoom.isAdjacentTo(_arg1)){ _local4.push(currentRoom); _local4.push(_arg1); return (_local4); }; if (!(DungeonMain.pathfinding)){ return (_local4); }; if (search == null){ buildAdjacencyMaps(); }; _local5 = search.findShortestPathTo(_arg1.index, _local3); if (((_arg2) && (!(validPathIndices(_local5))))){ _local5 = search2.findShortestPathTo(_arg1.index, _local3); }; for each (_local6 in _local5) { _local4.push(room_array[_local6]); }; return (_local4); } function CloseTreasureReport():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = getChildByName("treasure_report"); if (_local1 != null){ stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, treasureReportKeyDown); if (_local1.chest != null){ if (!(_local1.chest.looted)){ _local1.chest.fade(); }; }; _local1.take_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, treasureTakeClick); _local1.discard_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, treasureDiscardClick); _local1.cleanup(); removeChild(_local1); _local1 = null; }; if (parent != null){ DungeonMain(parent).saveInventory(); DungeonMain(parent).saveDungeon(false); }; updateInventoryCount(); } private function findCriticalPath():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; var _local3:Dijkstra; var _local4:Array; var _local5:int; var _local6:*; if ((((entryRoom == null)) || ((exitRoom == null)))){ return; }; _local1 = new Array(room_array.length); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < room_array.length) { _local1[_local2] = new Array(room_array.length); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < room_array.length) { if (_local2 == _local6){ _local1[_local2][_local6] = 0; } else { if (room_array[_local2].isAdjacentTo(room_array[_local6])){ _local1[_local2][_local6] = 1; } else { _local1[_local2][_local6] = Dijkstra.NO_CONNECTION; }; }; _local6++; }; _local2++; }; _local3 = new Dijkstra(_local1, entryRoom.index); _local3.findShortestPath(); _local4 = _local3.findShortestPathTo(exitRoom.index, 999); for each (_local5 in _local4) { DungeonRoom(room_array[_local5]).criticalPath = true; }; } private function getRandomRoomListIncreasingSize(_arg1:Boolean=false):Array{ var _local2:Array; _local2 = new Array(); if (_arg1){ _local2 = dm.joinArrays(_local2, dm.shuffleArray(a_corridors)); }; _local2 = dm.joinArrays(_local2, dm.shuffleArray(a_cells)); _local2 = dm.joinArrays(_local2, dm.shuffleArray(a_chambers)); _local2 = dm.joinArrays(_local2, dm.shuffleArray(a_widerooms)); _local2 = dm.joinArrays(_local2, dm.shuffleArray(a_tallrooms)); _local2 = dm.joinArrays(_local2, dm.shuffleArray(a_galleries)); _local2 = dm.joinArrays(_local2, dm.shuffleArray(a_largerooms)); return (_local2); } private function checkFootprintEmpty(_arg1:DungeonRoom):Boolean{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _arg1.getGridWidth()) { _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.getGridHeight()) { if (((((_arg1.grid_x + _local2) >= grid_width)) || (((_arg1.grid_y + _local3) >= grid_height)))){ return (false); }; if (grid[(_arg1.grid_x + _local2)][(_arg1.grid_y + _local3)] != null){ return (false); }; _local3++; }; _local2++; }; return (true); } private function addSpecialIconToRoom(_arg1:DungeonRoom):void{ var _local2:SpecialEncounterIcon; _local2 = new SpecialEncounterIcon(); = "specialIcon"; _local2.x = _arg1.getCenterHorz(); _local2.y = _arg1.getCenterVert(); _arg1.setChild(_local2); } private function RemoveUselessCorridors():Boolean{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; _local1 = false; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < room_array.length) { if ((((room_array[_local2] is DungeonCorridor)) && ((room_array[_local2].num_adjacent == 1)))){ if (room_array[_local2].getChildByName("entrance") != null){ } else { if (room_array[_local2].getChildByName("exit") != null){ } else { DeleteRoom(_local2); _local1 = true; }; }; }; _local2++; }; return (_local1); } private function onFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ if (dungeonSavePending){ dungeonSavePending = false; dungeonSave(); }; } function portraitClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; if (_arg1.currentTarget == null){ return; }; if (!((_arg1.currentTarget is CharacterPortrait))){ return; }; _local2 = PlayerCharacter(CharacterPortrait(_arg1.currentTarget).char_ref); dm.main.goToInventory(_local2); } private function isValidEntryPoint(_arg1:DungeonRoom):Boolean{ if (_arg1 == null){ return (false); }; if ((((_arg1 is DungeonCorridor)) && ((_arg1.num_adjacent > 1)))){ return (false); }; return (true); } function debugHeal(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ pc_party.fullRecovery(); updateChars(); } private function findEntryPoint():DungeonRoom{ var _local1:*; _local1 = 0; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < a_corridors.length) { if (!(isValidEntryPoint(a_corridors[_local1]))){ } else { if (a_corridors[_local1].num_adjacent == 1){ return (a_corridors[_local1]); }; }; _local1++; }; return (null); } private function addSpecialShrineToRoom(_arg1:DungeonRoom, _arg2:int=-1):void{ var _local3:*; _local3 = new SpecialShrine(_arg2); _local3.x = _arg1.getCenterHorz(); _local3.y = _arg1.getCenterVert(); _arg1.shrine = _local3; = _arg1; _arg1.setChild(_local3); shrines.push(_local3); _local3.mask = null; } function addDebugGear(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:Item; if (DungeonMain.debug == false){ return; }; pc_party.addDeluxeLoot(); pc_party.addAllOrangesFrom(new mGorgon(pc_party.level)); while (pc_party.inventory.length < Party.MAX_INVENTORY) { _local2 = TreasureChest.getItem(dungeon_level, Item.purple); if (TreasureChest.testItemSuitable(_local2, pc_party)){ pc_party.addToInventory(_local2); }; }; updateInventoryCount(); } private function setIndices():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < room_array.length) { room_array[_local1].index = _local1; _local1++; }; } private function addCorridorConnection(_arg1:DungeonRoom, _arg2:DungeonRoom):void{ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; _local7 = false; if (isExistingRoomConnection(_arg1, _arg2)){ return; }; if ((_arg1 is rCorridorV)){ if ((_arg2 is rCorridorV)){ _local7 = true; _local5 = _arg1.x; _local6 = Math.max(_arg1.y, _arg2.y); newCorridorConnection(_local7, _local5, _local6, _arg1, _arg2); } else { if ((_arg2 is rCorridorH)){ if (_arg2.y < _arg1.y){ _local7 = true; } else { if (Math.abs((_arg1.y - _arg2.y)) >= 40){ _local7 = true; } else { _local7 = false; }; }; _local5 = Math.max(_arg1.x, _arg2.x); _local6 = Math.max(_arg1.y, _arg2.y); newCorridorConnection(_local7, _local5, _local6, _arg1, _arg2); }; }; } else { if ((_arg2 is rCorridorH)){ _local7 = false; _local5 = Math.max(_arg1.x, _arg2.x); _local6 = _arg1.y; newCorridorConnection(_local7, _local5, _local6, _arg1, _arg2); }; }; } private function ValidateDungeonLayout(_arg1:Boolean=false):Boolean{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:Array; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; var _local10:*; var _local11:*; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; _local4 = false; _local5 = 0; _local6 = new Array(); _local7 = 0; _local8 = 0; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < room_array.length) { room_array[_local3].validate_id = -1; _local3++; }; while ((((_local5 < room_array.length)) && ((_local2 < room_array.length)))) { if (room_array[_local2].validate_id > -1){ _local2++; } else { _local6[_local8] = room_array[_local2].validate(_local8); _local5 = (_local5 + _local6[_local8]); if (_local6[_local8] > _local6[_local7]){ _local7 = _local8; }; _local8++; _local2++; }; }; _local3 = 0; for (;_local3 < room_array.length;_local3++) { if (room_array[_local3].validate_id != _local7){ if ((((((pc_party.campaign == Campaign.ORIGINAL)) && ((dungeon_level == DungeonMain.MAX_LEVEL)))) && ((room_array[_local3] == bossRoom)))){ room_array.length = 0; return (true); }; DeleteRoom(_local3); _local3--; _local4 = true; continue; } else { if (_arg1){ if ((((room_array[_local3] is DungeonCorridor)) && ((room_array[_local3].num_adjacent == 1)))){ DeleteRoom(_local3); _local3--; _local4 = true; continue; }; } else { if ((((((room_array[_local3] is DungeonCorridor)) && ((room_array[_local3].num_adjacent == 1)))) && (!((room_array[_local3].adjacent[0] is DungeonCorridor))))){ _local9 = room_array[_local3].adjacent[0]; _local10 = room_array[_local3].grid_x; _local11 = room_array[_local3].grid_y; if ((room_array[_local3] is rCorridorH)){ if ((((getRoomAtGridPos(_local10, (_local11 - 1)) == _local9)) || ((getRoomAtGridPos((_local10 + 1), (_local11 - 1)) == _local9)))){ DeleteRoom(_local3); _local3--; _local4 = true; continue; }; if ((((getRoomAtGridPos(_local10, (_local11 + 1)) == _local9)) || ((getRoomAtGridPos((_local10 + 1), (_local11 + 1)) == _local9)))){ DeleteRoom(_local3); _local3--; _local4 = true; continue; }; } else { if ((room_array[_local3] is rCorridorV)){ if ((((getRoomAtGridPos((_local10 - 1), _local11) == _local9)) && ((getRoomAtGridPos((_local10 - 1), (_local11 + 1)) == _local9)))){ DeleteRoom(_local3); _local3--; _local4 = true; } else { if ((((getRoomAtGridPos((_local10 + 1), _local11) == _local9)) && ((getRoomAtGridPos((_local10 + 1), (_local11 + 1)) == _local9)))){ DeleteRoom(_local3); _local3--; _local4 = true; continue; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; return (_local4); } private function pointlessBusyWork():void{ } function GoToInventory():void{ CloseTreasureReport(); dm.main.InventoryClick(null); } function added(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:*; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 4) { _local3 = CharacterPortrait(dinterface.getChildByName(("char" + _local2))); if (_local3 != null){ _local3.addHoverListeners(); }; _local2++; }; if (hint != null){ stage.addChild(hint); hint = null; }; } private function getRandomRoomList(_arg1:Boolean=false):Array{ var _local2:Array; _local2 = new Array(); _local2 = dm.joinArrays(_local2, a_largerooms); _local2 = dm.joinArrays(_local2, a_galleries); _local2 = dm.joinArrays(_local2, a_widerooms); _local2 = dm.joinArrays(_local2, a_tallrooms); _local2 = dm.joinArrays(_local2, a_chambers); _local2 = dm.joinArrays(_local2, a_cells); if (_arg1){ _local2 = dm.joinArrays(_local2, a_corridors); }; return (dm.shuffleArray(_local2)); } function restButtonClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ showRestDialog(); } private function finishMove(_arg1:int=0):void{ removeMovementArrow(); travelling = false; currentRoute = null; if (_arg1){ if (pc_party.roomMovedRegen(_arg1)){ updateChars(); } else { dm.main.saveParty(); }; }; roomHighlights((_arg1 > 0)); } private function descendClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ showDescendDialog(); } public function retreatFromMonsters(_arg1:Horde):void{ var _local2:*; if (_arg1 != null){ _arg1.gotoAndStop("normal"); }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < DungeonRoom.max_adjacent) { if (currentRoom.adjacent[_local2] == currentRoom){ } else { if (currentRoom.adjacent[_local2] == null){ } else { if (currentRoom.adjacent[_local2].explored){ currentRoom.travelFrom(); currentRoom.adjacent[_local2].travelTo(); currentRoom = currentRoom.adjacent[_local2]; roomHighlights(true); return; }; }; }; _local2++; }; } private function getHordesDefeated():int{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; _local1 = 0; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < hordes.length) { if (hordes[_local2].defeated){ _local1++; }; _local2++; }; return (_local1); } private function showRestDialog():void{ var _local1:*; if (!(previousLevelCleared)){ return; }; if (this.getChildByName("rest_dlg") == null){ _local1 = new RestDialog(); = "rest_dlg"; this.addChild(_local1); }; } private function initRoomArrays():void{ a_corridors = new Array(); a_cells = new Array(); a_chambers = new Array(); a_largerooms = new Array(); a_galleries = new Array(); a_tallrooms = new Array(); a_widerooms = new Array(); } public function satyrQuestComplete():void{ var _local1:SpecialEncounterIcon; var _local2:TreasureChest; currentRoom.special = 0; dm.main.saveDungeon(false); _local1 = SpecialEncounterIcon(currentRoom.getChildByName("specialIcon")); if (_local1 != null){ currentRoom.removeChild(_local1); }; _local2 = new TreasureChest(pc_party, (pc_party.level + 1), 4, 1, false); addTreasureReport(_local2, false); } private function getRoomAtGridPos(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):DungeonRoom{ if (_arg1 >= grid_width){ return (null); }; if (_arg2 >= grid_height){ return (null); }; if (_arg1 < 0){ return (null); }; if (_arg2 < 0){ return (null); }; return (DungeonRoom(grid[_arg1][_arg2])); } private function encounter(_arg1:DungeonRoom):Boolean{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:String; var _local5:String; var _local6:*; var _local7:AdventurerJoinDialog; var _local8:SpecialEncounterIcon; var _local9:Boolean; var _local10:SatyrQuestDialog; if (_arg1.isEntrance){ _local2 = _arg1.getEntrance(); if (_local2 == null){ return (false); }; if (_local2.enableRest){ showRestDialog(); return (true); }; } else { if (_arg1.isExit){ foundExit(); showDescendDialog(); return (true); }; if (_arg1.horde != null){ if (_arg1.horde.defeated){ return (false); }; if (pc_party.sneaking){ pc_party.sneaking = 1; return (false); }; _local3 = stage.getChildByName("tooltip_horde"); if (_local3 != null){ stage.removeChild(_local3); }; enterBattle(_arg1.horde); return (true); } else { if (_arg1.treasure != null){ addTreasureReport(_arg1.treasure); return (true); }; if (_arg1.shrine != null){ if (_arg1.shrine.used){ return (false); }; if (getChildByName("shrine_dlg") == null){ if (_arg1.shrine.type == RecoveryShrine.TYPE_ID){ _local5 = "Altar of Restoration"; _local4 = "Praying at the altar will fully recover your party's health and power, and revive any fallen. Each altar may be used only once.\n\nUse this altar now?"; } else { if (_arg1.shrine.type == SpecialShrine.EQUIPMENT_BUFF){ _local5 = "Mysterious Altar"; _local4 = "This altar is engraved with the words\n'MUNDANE BECOMES EXTRAORDINARY'\n\nUse this altar now?"; } else { if (_arg1.shrine.type == SpecialShrine.POTION_BUFF){ _local5 = "Mysterious Altar"; _local4 = "This altar is engraved with the words\n'TEMPORARY BECOMES PERMANENT'\n\nUse this altar now?"; } else { if (_arg1.shrine.type == SpecialShrine.ENCHANTMENT){ _local5 = "Mysterious Altar"; _local4 = "This altar is engraved with the words\n'A GIFT OF MAGIC'\n\nUse this altar now?"; }; }; }; }; _local6 = new ShrineUseDialog(_local5, _local4); = "shrine_dlg"; addChild(_local6); return (true); }; } else { if (_arg1.special){ if (_arg1.special == Encounter.RESCUE){ _local7 = new AdventurerJoinDialog(this.race); = "adv_dlg"; addChild(_local7); _local8 = SpecialEncounterIcon(_arg1.getChildByName("specialIcon")); if (_local8 != null){ _arg1.removeChild(_local8); }; _arg1.special = 0; dm.main.saveDungeon(false); return (true); } else { if (_arg1.special == Encounter.LURKER){ _local9 = (getHordesDefeated() == hordes.length); _local10 = new SatyrQuestDialog(_local9); addChild(_local10); return (true); }; }; }; }; }; }; return (false); } private function refreshRoomArrays():void{ var _local1:*; initRoomArrays(); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < room_array.length) { addRoomToTypeArray(DungeonRoom(room_array[_local1])); _local1++; }; } public function hordeDefeated(_arg1:Horde):void{ updateCleared(); updateDemonRoom(); buildAdjacencyMaps(); } function hintClick(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < room_array.length) { if (room_array[_local2].explored){ } else { if (room_array[_local2].seen){ room_array[_local2].hintFlash(); }; }; _local2++; }; } function treasureTakeClick(_arg1:MouseEvent){ var _local2:TreasureReport; var _local3:*; _local2 = TreasureReport(getChildByName("treasure_report")); if (_local2 == null){ return; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local2.icons.length) { if (_local2.icons[_local3].taking){ pc_party.addToInventory(_local2.icons[_local3].item_ref); }; _local3++; }; CloseTreasureReport();; if (pc_party.overflow.length){ GoToInventory(); }; } private function dungeonSave():void{ dm.main.saveParty(); dm.main.saveDungeon(false); } private function findExitPoint(_arg1:DungeonRoom):DungeonRoom{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:*; _local2 = getRandomRoomListIncreasingSize(true); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local2.length) { if (!(isRoomValidExit(_local2[_local3], _arg1))){ } else { if (_local2[_local3].num_adjacent == 1){ return (_local2[_local3]); }; }; _local3++; }; return (null); } private function roomValidForShrine(_arg1:DungeonRoom):Boolean{ var _local2 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; if (_arg1 == null){ return (false); }; if (_arg1.horde != null){ return (false); }; if (_arg1.treasure != null){ return (false); }; if (_arg1.shrine != null){ return (false); }; if (_arg1.special){ return (false); }; if (_arg1.isExit){ return (false); }; if (_arg1.isEntrance){ return (false); }; if ((_arg1 is DungeonCorridor)){ return (false); }; if ((_arg1 is rCell)){ return (false); }; _local2 = 5; _local3 = 0; for (;_local3 < shrines.length;_local3++) { if (shrines[_local3].room == null){ continue; } else { _local4 = shrines[_local3].room; }; if (Math.abs((_arg1.grid_x - _local4.grid_x)) < _local2){ return (false); }; if (Math.abs((_arg1.grid_y - _local4.grid_y)) < _local2){ return (false); }; }; return (true); } private function getAdjacencyMap(_arg1:Boolean):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:int; var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:int; _local2 = new Array(room_array.length); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < room_array.length) { _local2[_local3] = new Array(room_array.length); _local4 = false; if (((((_arg1) && (!((room_array[_local3].horde == null))))) && (!(room_array[_local3].horde.defeated)))){ _local4 = true; }; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < room_array.length) { if (((_local4) || (((((_arg1) && (!((room_array[_local5].horde == null))))) && (!(room_array[_local5].horde.defeated)))))){ _local2[_local3][_local5] = Dijkstra.NO_CONNECTION; } else { if (_local3 == _local5){ _local2[_local3][_local5] = 0; } else { if (room_array[_local3].isAdjacentTo(room_array[_local5])){ if (((!(room_array[_local3].seen)) || (!(room_array[_local5].seen)))){ _local2[_local3][_local5] = Dijkstra.NO_CONNECTION; } else { _local2[_local3][_local5] = 1; }; } else { _local2[_local3][_local5] = Dijkstra.NO_CONNECTION; }; }; }; _local5++; }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } private function GenerateTreasure():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:Array; var _local3:*; var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:*; var _local6:DungeonRoom; _local1 = dmf.randomNum(4, 6); _local2 = getRandomRoomList(false); _local3 = 0; _local4 = portalScrollOnLevel(); if (((!(pc_party.attrition)) && (!(_local4)))){ if (dmf.randomNum(0, 99) < 20){ _local4 = true; }; }; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local2.length) { _local6 = _local2[_local5]; if (((_local6.isExit) || (_local6.isEntrance))){ } else { if (_local6.horde != null){ } else { if (_local6.shrine != null){ } else { if (_local6.treasure != null){ } else { if (_local6.special){ } else { addTreasureToRoom(_local6, _local4); _local4 = false; _local3++; if (_local3 >= _local1){ break; }; }; }; }; }; }; _local5++; }; } function treasureReportKeyDown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER){ treasureTakeClick(null); } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ESCAPE){ treasureDiscardClick(null); }; }; } private function debugReport(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:DungeonRoom; _local2 = currentRoom; if (_local2 == null){ return; }; if ((((((_local2 is DungeonCorridor)) && ((_local2.num_adjacent == 1)))) && (!((_local2.adjacent[0] is DungeonCorridor))))){ }; } private function menuClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:FadeToBlack; _local2 = new FadeToBlack(); this.addChild(_local2); dm.main.dungeonMenuClick(_arg1); } private function getBossRoom():DungeonRoom{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:int; var _local3:Array; var _local4:DungeonRoom; _local2 = 0; _local3 = new Array(); _local3 = dm.joinArrays(_local3, dm.shuffleArray(a_largerooms)); _local3 = dm.joinArrays(_local3, dm.shuffleArray(a_galleries)); _local3 = dm.joinArrays(_local3, dm.shuffleArray(a_widerooms)); _local3 = dm.joinArrays(_local3, dm.shuffleArray(a_tallrooms)); _local3 = dm.joinArrays(_local3, dm.shuffleArray(a_chambers)); _local3 = dm.joinArrays(_local3, dm.shuffleArray(a_cells)); _local3 = dm.joinArrays(_local3, dm.shuffleArray(a_corridors)); for each (_local4 in _local3) { if (_local4.criticalPath){ continue; } else { if (!(roomValidForMonster(_local4))){ continue; } else { return (_local4); }; }; }; return (room_array[0]); } function addBetaGear(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:Item; if (!(DungeonMain.BETA)){ return; }; while (pc_party.inventory.length < Party.MAX_INVENTORY) { _local2 = TreasureChest.getItem(dungeon_level, dmf.randomNum(,; if (TreasureChest.testItemSuitable(_local2, pc_party)){ pc_party.addToInventory(_local2); }; }; updateInventoryCount(); } private function TestAllRoomEdges(){ var _local1:*; ClearAllRoomEdges(); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < room_array.length) { if (room_array[_local1] == null){ } else { if (room_array[_local1].num_adjacent == DungeonRoom.max_adjacent){ } else { TestRoomEdges(_local1); }; }; _local1++; }; specialEdgeTests(); } private function roomClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:DungeonRoom; var _local3:int; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; _local2 = DungeonRoom(_arg1.currentTarget); if (!(_local2.seen)){ return; }; if (pc_party.overflow.length){ _local5 = new WarningDialog("You are carrying too many items. You must enter the Inventory screen and discard some."); this.addChild(_local5); return; }; travelling = true; if (currentRoute == null){ currentRoute = findRouteTo(_local2); }; _local3 = 0; _local4 = 1; while (_local4 < currentRoute.length) { currentRoute[(_local4 - 1)].travelFrom(); currentRoom = currentRoute[_local4]; if (!(currentRoom.explored)){; _local3++; }; if (pc_party.sneaking == 1){ pc_party.sneaking = 0; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < pc_party.members.length) { _local7 = dinterface.getChildByName(("char" + (_local6 + 1))); if ((((_local7 == null)) || (!((_local7 is CharacterPortrait))))){ } else { _local7.setHiding((pc_party.sneaking > 0)); }; _local6++; }; }; if (currentRoom.travelTo()){ if (_local4 == (currentRoute.length - 1)){ finishMove(_local3); encounter(currentRoom); return; }; if (((!((currentRoom.horde == null))) && (!(currentRoom.horde.defeated)))){ if (encounter(currentRoom)){ finishMove(_local3); return; }; }; }; _local4++; }; finishMove(_local3); } public function roomHighlights(_arg1:Boolean=true):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:*; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:String; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < room_array.length) { if (room_array[_local4] == null){ } else { if (room_array[_local4].explored){ room_array[_local4].setAlpha(0.3); _local3++; } else { if (room_array[_local4].seen){ room_array[_local4].setAlpha(0.2); } else { room_array[_local4].setAlpha(0); }; }; }; _local4++; }; currentRoom.setAlpha(1); if (currentRoomIcon == null){ currentRoomIcon = new CurrentRoomIcon(); }; if (currentRoomIcon.parent != null){ currentRoomIcon.parent.removeChild(currentRoomIcon); }; currentRoomIcon.x = currentRoom.getCenterHorz(); currentRoomIcon.y = currentRoom.getCenterVert(); currentRoomIcon.width = ((currentRoom.getGridWidth() * GRID_SIZE) - 4); currentRoomIcon.height = ((currentRoom.getGridHeight() * GRID_SIZE) - 4); if (currentRoom.hasSpecial()){ currentRoom.addChildAt(currentRoomIcon, (currentRoom.numChildren - 2)); } else { currentRoom.addChild(currentRoomIcon); }; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < currentRoom.num_adjacent) { currentRoom.adjacent[_local5].setAlpha(0.6); _local5++; }; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < door_array.length) { if (((DungeonRoom(door_array[_local6].room1).seen) && (DungeonRoom(door_array[_local6].room2).seen))){ _local8 = door_array[_local6].room1.getAlpha(); _local9 = door_array[_local6].room2.getAlpha(); if ((((door_array[_local6] is CorridorConnectorH)) || ((door_array[_local6] is CorridorConnectorV)))){ door_array[_local6].setAlpha(Math.min(_local8, _local9)); } else { door_array[_local6].setAlpha(((_local8 + _local9) / 2)); }; } else { door_array[_local6].setAlpha(0); }; _local6++; }; _local2 = Math.round(((_local3 / room_array.length) * 100)); dinterface.explored_bar.label.text = (("EXPLORED " + String(_local2)) + "% "); dinterface.explored_bar.bar_mask.width = Math.ceil(((_local2 / 100) * bar_max_width)); _local7 = "normal"; if (_local2 >= 100){ _local7 = "complete"; }; dinterface.explored_bar.holder.gotoAndStop(_local7); updateCleared(); updateDemonRoom(); updateRating(); if (_arg1){ if (((!((currentRoom.horde == null))) && (!(currentRoom.horde.defeated)))){ dungeonSavePending = false; } else { dungeonSavePending = true; }; }; if (DungeonMain.pathfinding){ buildAdjacencyMaps(); }; } private function GenerateShrines():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:Array; var _local3:*; var _local4:int; _local1 = 2; if ((((dungeon_level > 3)) && ((dmf.randomNum(0, 99) < 35)))){ _local1 = 1; }; _local2 = getRandomRoomList(false); _local3 = 0; _local4 = 0; for (;_local4 < _local2.length;_local4++) { if (roomValidForShrine(_local2[_local4])){ addRecoveryShrineToRoom(_local2[_local4]); _local3++; } else { continue; }; if (_local3 >= _local1){ break; }; }; } private function validPathRooms(_arg1:Array):Boolean{ if (_arg1.length == 0){ return (false); }; if ((((_arg1.length == 2)) && (!(_arg1[0].isAdjacentTo(_arg1[1]))))){ return (false); }; return (true); } private function DeleteRoom(_arg1:int){ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; if (_arg1 >= room_array.length){ return; }; if (_arg1 < 0){ return; }; if (room_array[_arg1] != null){ _local2 = room_array[_arg1].grid_x; _local3 = room_array[_arg1].grid_y; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < room_array[_arg1].getGridWidth()) { _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < room_array[_arg1].getGridHeight()) { grid[(_local2 + _local4)][(_local3 + _local6)] = null; _local6++; }; _local4++; }; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < room_array[_arg1].num_adjacent) { DungeonRoom(room_array[_arg1]).setNotAdjacentTo(room_array[_arg1].adjacent[_local5]); _local5++; }; }; room_array.splice(_arg1, 1); } private function isRoomValidExit(_arg1:DungeonRoom, _arg2:DungeonRoom):Boolean{ var _local3 = ??pushnamespace ; _local3 = 6; if (_arg1 == null){ return (false); }; if (_arg1 == _arg2){ return (false); }; if (Math.abs((_arg1.grid_x - _arg2.grid_x)) < _local3){ return (false); }; if (Math.abs((_arg1.grid_y - _arg2.grid_y)) < _local3){ return (false); }; if ((((_arg1 is DungeonCorridor)) && ((_arg1.num_adjacent > 1)))){ return (false); }; return (true); } private function demonSpawnCheck():Boolean{ if (((!((bossRoom == null))) && (!((bossRoom.horde == null))))){ return (false); }; if (getHordesDefeated() == hordes.length){ return (true); }; return (false); } private function roomValidForMonster(_arg1:DungeonRoom):Boolean{ var _local2:*; if (_arg1 == null){ return (false); }; if (_arg1.horde != null){ return (false); }; if (_arg1.shrine != null){ return (false); }; if (_arg1.treasure != null){ return (false); }; if (_arg1.isExit){ return (false); }; if (_arg1.isEntrance){ return (false); }; if (_arg1.special){ return (false); }; if ((_arg1 is DungeonCorridor)){ if (dmf.randomNum(0, 1000) < 700){ return (false); }; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < DungeonRoom.max_adjacent) { if (_arg1.adjacent[_local2] == null){ } else { if (_arg1.adjacent[_local2] == _arg1){ } else { if (_arg1.adjacent[_local2].horde != null){ return (false); }; if (_arg1.adjacent[_local2].isEntrance){ return (false); }; }; }; _local2++; }; return (true); } private function fillGridForRoom(_arg1:DungeonRoom):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _arg1.getGridWidth()) { _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.getGridHeight()) { grid[(_arg1.grid_x + _local2)][(_arg1.grid_y + _local3)] = _arg1; _local3++; }; _local2++; }; } public function generateDungeon():Boolean{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; var _local10:*; var _local11:*; var _local12:DungeonRoom; var _local13:*; var _local14:*; var _local15:*; var _local16:*; var _local17:*; var _local18:*; room_array = new Array(); door_array = new Array(); bossRoom = null; currentRoom = null; entryRoom = null; exitRoom = null; initGrid(); initRoomArrays(); _local8 = false; _local9 = 0; _local10 = 0; if ((((pc_party.campaign == Campaign.ORIGINAL)) && ((dungeon_level == DungeonMain.MAX_LEVEL)))){ _local12 = new rDemonRoom(); _local14 = ((grid_width - _local12.getGridWidth()) / 2); _local15 = ((grid_height - _local12.getGridHeight()) / 2); _local12.grid_x = dmf.randomNum((_local14 - 2), (_local14 + 2)); _local12.grid_y = dmf.randomNum((_local15 - 2), (_local15 + 2)); PlaceRoom(_local12); bossRoom = _local12; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < grid_width) { _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < grid_height) { if (grid[_local1][_local2] != null){ } else { if (dmf.randomNum(1, 100) > 50){ _local16 = dmf.randomNum(0, 100); _local17 = (a_corridors.length > Math.round((room_array.length / 2))); if ((((_local17 == false)) && ((_local16 > 70)))){ if (dmf.randomNum(1, 100) > 50){ _local8 = false; } else { _local8 = true; }; if (_local8){ _local12 = new rCorridorV(); } else { _local12 = new rCorridorH(); }; _local12.grid_x = _local1; _local12.grid_y = _local2; PlaceCorridor(DungeonCorridor(_local12), true); } else { if (_local16 > 65){ _local12 = new rCell(); } else { if (_local16 > 50){ _local12 = new rChamber(); } else { if (_local16 > 35){ _local12 = new rTallRoom(); } else { if (_local16 > 20){ _local12 = new rWideRoom(); } else { if (_local16 > 10){ _local12 = new rLargeRoom(); } else { _local12 = new rGallery(); }; }; }; }; }; _local12.grid_x = _local1; _local12.grid_y = _local2; PlaceRoom(_local12); }; }; }; _local2++; }; _local1++; }; if (isDungeonTooSmall()){ return (false); }; TestAllRoomEdges(); _local13 = false; while (!(_local13)) { _local18 = ValidateDungeonLayout(false); if (isDungeonTooSmall()){ return (false); }; if (_local18){ TestAllRoomEdges(); } else { _local13 = true; }; }; refreshRoomArrays(); generateDoors(); entryRoom = findEntryPoint(); if ((((entryRoom == null)) || (!(entryRoom.num_adjacent)))){ return (false); }; entryRoom.addEntrance(previousLevelCleared); currentRoom = entryRoom; if ((((pc_party.campaign == Campaign.ORIGINAL)) && ((dungeon_level == DungeonMain.MAX_LEVEL)))){ } else { exit_found = false; exitRoom = findExitPoint(entryRoom); if (exitRoom == null){ return (false); }; exitRoom.addExit(); }; setIndices(); findCriticalPath(); GenerateSpecialEncounter(); GenerateShrines(); GenerateTreasure(); GenerateMonsters(); drawRooms(); drawDoors(); pc_party.stat_rooms_total = (pc_party.stat_rooms_total + room_array.length); pc_party.stat_rooms_explored++; currentRoom.travelTo(true); roomHighlights(true); updateDemonRoom(); addRoomListeners(); return (true); } private function drawDoors():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < door_array.length) { addChild(door_array[_local1]); _local1++; }; } public function addRestButton():void{ if (!(dinterface.contains(dinterface.rest_button))){ dinterface.addChild(dinterface.rest_button); }; } private function TestRoomEdges(_arg1:int){ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; _local5 = room_array[_arg1].getGridWidth(); _local6 = room_array[_arg1].getGridHeight(); _local7 = (room_array[_arg1].grid_x - 1); _local8 = room_array[_arg1].grid_y; if ((((_local7 >= 0)) && ((_local8 >= 0)))){ _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local6) { if (grid[_local7][(_local8 + _local2)] != null){ _local4 = grid[_local7][(_local8 + _local2)]; ConnectRooms(room_array[_arg1], _local4, _arg1); }; _local2++; }; }; _local7 = room_array[_arg1].grid_x; _local8 = (room_array[_arg1].grid_y - 1); if ((((_local8 >= 0)) && ((_local7 >= 0)))){ _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local5) { if (grid[(_local7 + _local2)][_local8] != null){ _local4 = grid[(_local7 + _local2)][_local8]; ConnectRooms(room_array[_arg1], _local4, _arg1); }; _local2++; }; }; } private function updateDemonRoom():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; if (pc_party.campaign != Campaign.ORIGINAL){ return; }; if (dungeon_level != DungeonMain.MAX_LEVEL){ return; }; if (bossRoom == null){ return; }; if ((bossRoom is rDemonRoom)){ _local1 = (getHordesDefeated() + 1); _local2 = Math.min((getHordesDefeated() + 1), bossRoom.totalFrames); if (bossRoom.currentFrame != _local2){ rDemonRoom(bossRoom).toFrame(_local2); }; if (demonSpawnCheck()){ addHordeToRoom(bossRoom, 1); }; }; } private function enterBattle(_arg1:Horde):void{ if (dm.main != null){ dm.main.beginBattle(_arg1); } else { if (parent != null){ DungeonMain(parent).beginBattle(_arg1); }; }; } private function specialEdgeTests():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:DungeonCorridor; var _local3:DungeonRoom; var _local4:*; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < room_array.length) { if ((((room_array[_local1] is DungeonCorridor)) && ((room_array[_local1].num_adjacent == 2)))){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < room_array[_local1].num_adjacent) { if ((room_array[_local1].adjacent[_local4] is DungeonCorridor)){ _local2 = room_array[_local1].adjacent[_local4]; } else { _local3 = room_array[_local1].adjacent[_local4]; }; _local4++; }; if (((((!((_local2 == null))) && (!((_local3 == null))))) && (_local2.isAdjacentTo(_local3)))){ room_array[_local1].setNotAdjacentTo(_local3, true); }; }; _local1++; }; } function linkClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{""); } private function inventoryClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ DungeonMain(parent).InventoryClick(_arg1); } public function drawMovementArrow(_arg1:Array):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:DungeonRoom; var _local4:*; var _local5:int; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; var _local10:*; var _local11:*; var _local12:*; var _local13:*; var _local14:*; var _local15:DoorIcon; removeMovementArrow(); if ((((_arg1 == null)) || (!(_arg1.length)))){ return; }; _local2 = 0xFFFFFF; moveArrow = new Sprite(); = "arrow"; moveArrow.mouseEnabled = false; moveArrow.mouseChildren = false; _local3 = _arg1[(_arg1.length - 1)]; _local4 = new MovementArrowHead(); _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg1.length) { if (((!((_arg1[_local6].horde == null))) && (!(_arg1[_local6].horde.defeated)))){ _local5++; if (!(pc_party.sneaking)){ _local2 = 0xFF0000; _local4.gotoAndStop("red"); break; }; }; _local6++; }; if (_local5 > 1){ _local2 = 0xFF0000; _local4.gotoAndStop("red"); }; if (_local2 == 0xFFFFFF){ if (!(_local3.explored)){ _local2 = 39423; _local4.gotoAndStop("blue"); } else { _local2 = 26367; _local4.gotoAndStop("blue"); }; }; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < (_arg1.length - 1)) { _local7 = (_arg1[_local6].x + Math.round(((_arg1[_local6].getGridWidth() * GRID_SIZE) / 2))); _local8 = (_arg1[_local6].y + Math.round(((_arg1[_local6].getGridHeight() * GRID_SIZE) / 2))); _local9 = _local7; _local10 = _local8; _local15 = _arg1[_local6].findDoorTo(_arg1[(_local6 + 1)]); if (_local15 != null){ if ((((_local15 is CorridorConnectorH)) || ((((_local15 is DoorIcon)) && (!((_local15.rotation == 0))))))){ _local9 = _local15.x; _local10 = (_local15.y + 10); } else { if ((((_local15 is CorridorConnectorV)) || ((((_local15 is DoorIcon)) && ((_local15.rotation == 0)))))){ _local9 = (_local15.x + 10); _local10 = _local15.y; } else { _local9 = (_local15.x + Math.round((_local15.width / 2))); _local10 = (_local15.y + Math.round((_local15.height / 2))); }; }; }; _local11 = (_arg1[(_local6 + 1)].x + Math.round(((_arg1[(_local6 + 1)].getGridWidth() * GRID_SIZE) / 2))); _local12 = (_arg1[(_local6 + 1)].y + Math.round(((_arg1[(_local6 + 1)].getGridHeight() * GRID_SIZE) / 2)));, _local2, 0.9);, _local8);, _local10);, _local12); _local6++; }; _local4.x = _local11; _local4.y = _local12; _local13 = Math.round(dm.vectors2angle((_local11 - _local9), (_local12 - _local10), 1, 0)); if (_local12 < _local8){ _local13 = -(_local13); }; _local4.rotation = _local13; _local14 = this; moveArrow.addChild(_local4); _local14.addChild(moveArrow); dm.childToTop(moveArrow); } public function foundExit():void{ exit_found = true; dinterface.addChild(dinterface.descend_button); dinterface.descend_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, descendClick); } private function addHordeToRoom(_arg1:DungeonRoom, _arg2:int=0):void{ var _local3:Horde; _local3 = new Horde(this.race, this.dungeon_level, _arg2, _arg1); _arg1.setHorde(_local3); hordes.push(_local3); _local3.mask = null; } public function removeRestButton():void{ if (dinterface.contains(dinterface.rest_button)){ dinterface.removeChild(dinterface.rest_button); }; } public function updateRating():void{ dinterface.rating_label.text = String(pc_party.getScore()); dm.embolden(dinterface.rating_label); } public function addTreasureReport(_arg1:TreasureChest, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ var _local3:String; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; if (_arg1.looted){ return; }; if (_arg2){ _local3 = "drop"; } else { _local3 = "chest"; }; _local4 = new TreasureReport(_local3); = "treasure_report"; _local4.chest = _arg1; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg1.loot.length) { _local4.addItemRef(_arg1.loot[_local5]); _local5++; }; _local4.take_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, treasureTakeClick); _local4.discard_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, treasureDiscardClick); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, treasureReportKeyDown); addChild(_local4); _local4.drawIcons(); } function reportKeyDown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE){ hintClick(_arg1); }; } function treasureDiscardClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ CloseTreasureReport();; } function ratingClick(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = new RatingDialog(pc_party); addChild(_local2); } private function getClearedPercent():int{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; _local1 = hordes.length; if (_local1 <= 0){ return (0); }; _local2 = getHordesDefeated(); return (Math.ceil(((_local2 / _local1) * 100))); } private function PlaceCorridor(_arg1:DungeonCorridor, _arg2:Boolean=false):int{ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:DungeonRoom; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:Boolean; var _local10:*; _local3 = 0; _local4 = _arg1.grid_x; _local5 = _arg1.grid_y; _local7 = (_arg1 is rCorridorV); _local8 = checkFootprintEmpty(_arg1); if (!(_local8)){ return (0); }; _local9 = false; if (_local7){ _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 2) { if (((((_local4 - 1) < 0)) || (((_local5 + _local3) >= grid_height)))){ return (0); }; _local6 = grid[(_local4 - 1)][(_local5 + _local3)]; _local9 = ((_local9) || (TestForAdjacentCorridorV(_local6))); if (((((_local4 + 1) >= grid_width)) || (((_local5 + _local3) >= grid_height)))){ return (0); }; _local6 = grid[(_local4 + 1)][(_local5 + _local3)]; _local9 = ((_local9) || (TestForAdjacentCorridorV(_local6))); _local3++; }; } else { _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 2) { if (((((_local4 + _local3) >= grid_width)) || (((_local5 - 1) < 0)))){ return (0); }; _local6 = grid[(_local4 + _local3)][(_local5 - 1)]; _local9 = ((_local9) || (TestForAdjacentCorridorH(_local6))); if (((((_local4 + _local3) >= grid_width)) || (((_local5 + 1) >= grid_height)))){ return (0); }; _local6 = grid[(_local4 + _local3)][(_local5 + 1)]; _local9 = ((_local9) || (TestForAdjacentCorridorH(_local6))); _local3++; }; }; if (_local9){ return (0); }; _arg1.x = (SCREEN_X_OFFSET + (_local4 * GRID_SIZE)); _arg1.y = (SCREEN_Y_OFFSET + (_local5 * GRID_SIZE)); fillGridForRoom(_arg1); room_array.push(_arg1); addRoomToTypeArray(_arg1); _arg1.setFloorTint(Campaign.getTintFrame(pc_party.campaign)); _local10 = 1; if (((_arg2) || ((dmf.randomNum(1, 100) > 20)))){ if (_local7){ _local5 = (_local5 + rCorridorV.grid_height); } else { _local4 = (_local4 + rCorridorH.grid_width); }; if (dmf.randomNum(1, 100) > 70){ _local7 = !(_local7); if (!(_local7)){ _local5 = (_local5 + (rCorridorV.grid_height - 1)); }; }; if (_local7){ _arg1 = new rCorridorV(); } else { _arg1 = new rCorridorH(); }; _arg1.grid_x = _local4; _arg1.grid_y = _local5; _local10 = (_local10 + PlaceCorridor(_arg1, false)); }; return (_local10); } public static function hintShown(_arg1:int):Boolean{ return (((DungeonMain.hints & _arg1) == _arg1)); } public static function getMonsterRace(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int):int{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:int; if (((!((_arg3 == Campaign.DELUXE))) && (((_arg1 % DungeonMain.MAX_LEVEL) == 0)))){ return (Horde.special); }; if (_arg1 == 1){ if (_arg3 == Campaign.ORIGINAL){ return (Horde.undead); }; }; _local4 = new Array(); _local5 = 1; while (_local5 <= 16) { if ((_arg2 & _local5) != _local5){ if ((((_local5 == Horde.dwarves)) && ((_arg3 == Campaign.ORIGINAL)))){ } else { if ((((_local5 == Horde.special)) && ((_arg3 == Campaign.DELUXE)))){ } else { _local4.push(_local5); }; }; }; _local5 = (_local5 * 2); }; if (!(_local4.length)){ return (Horde.undead); }; return (_local4[dmf.randomNum(0, (_local4.length - 1))]); } } }//package
Section 120
//DungeonCorridor (DungeonCorridor) package { public class DungeonCorridor extends DungeonRoom { public function DungeonCorridor(){ isCorridor = true; } } }//package
Section 121
//DungeonInterface (DungeonInterface) package { import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public dynamic class DungeonInterface extends MovieClip { public var cleared_bar:ProgressCleared; public var slot3:EmptyPortrait; public var campaign_label:TextField; public var slot1:EmptyPortrait; public var slot4:EmptyPortrait; public var level_debug:TextField; public var slot2:EmptyPortrait; public var explored_bar:ProgressExplored; public var options_btn:OptionsButton; public var help_btn:HelpButton; public var clear_btn:TextField; public var descend_button:MovieClip; public var menu_btn:MovieClip; public var level_label:TextField; public var betaFunctions:MovieClip; public var heal_btn:TextField; public var gear_btn:TextField; public var items_label:TextField; public var explore_btn:TextField; public var rating_btn:MovieClip; public var newdungeon_btn:TextField; public var hint_btn:MovieClip; public var rating_label:TextField; public var critical_btn:TextField; public var inventory_btn:MovieClip; public var rest_button:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 122
//DungeonLoading (DungeonLoading) package { import*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class DungeonLoading extends Sprite { private var text_contents:String; public var blinker:MovieClip; var channel:SoundChannel; public var proceed_btn:NewProceedButton; public var prose:TextField; var anim_frame:int;// = 0 private var proceed_fn:Function; public function DungeonLoading(){ anim_frame = 0; super(); this.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removed); } function frameAnim(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local3:*; if (anim_frame == 1){ startWriteSound(); }; _local2 = 4; _local3 = Math.min((_local2 * anim_frame), text_contents.length); prose.text = text_contents.substr(0, _local3); if (_local3 >= text_contents.length){ this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, frameAnim); endWriteSound(); }; anim_frame++; } public function allowProceed():void{ if (!(this.contains(proceed_btn))){ addChild(proceed_btn); }; if (this.contains(blinker)){ removeChild(blinker); }; setChildIndex(proceed_btn, (numChildren - 1)); if (proceed_fn != null){ proceed_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, proceed_fn); dm.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); }; } function removed(_arg1:Event):void{ this.removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removed); if (proceed_fn != null){ proceed_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, proceed_fn); }; this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, frameAnim); dm.stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); endWriteSound(); } private function startWriteSound():void{ channel = new writing_sound().play(0, 999); channel.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(SoundControl.volumeSetting); } public function setText(_arg1:String):int{ var _local2:int; text_contents = _arg1; prose.text = _arg1; _local2 = prose.textHeight; prose.text = ""; this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, frameAnim); return (_local2); } private function endWriteSound():void{ if (channel != null){ channel.stop(); }; } public function setCallback(_arg1:Function):void{ proceed_fn = _arg1; } function reportKeyDown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if ((((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER)) || ((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ESCAPE)))){ proceed_fn(null); }; } } }//package
Section 123
//DungeonMain (DungeonMain) package { import*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; public class DungeonMain extends MovieClip { var dungeon_theme:DungeonMusic; private var saveLevel:int; public var debug_label:TextField; var suspendSaving:Boolean;// = false private var interfaceSettings:SharedObject; private var cacheParty:SharedObject; var infiniteTransition:Boolean;// = false private var kongLoaded:Boolean;// = false var dungeonTimer:Timer; var battle:Battlefield; var dungeon:Dungeon; public var version_label:TextField; var creation:PartyCreation; var title_theme:TitleMusic; private var cacheDungeon:SharedObject; var loading:DungeonLoading; var recent_monsters:uint;// = 0 var inventory:Inventory; private var enterSavedBattleTimer:Timer; private var battleTimer:Timer; private var creationSlot:int;// = 0 private var saveRating:int; var battle_theme:BattleMusic; var level:int;// = 1 private var saveGold:int; var pc_party:Party; private var mochi:MochiBot; private var test2:int;// = 2 private var test1:int;// = 1 private var cacheInventory:SharedObject; static const nosaving = false; static const nobaddies = false; static const MAX_LEVEL:int = 9; static const APP_HEIGHT:int = 450; static const cacheSaves:Boolean = true; static const skillsUnlocked = false; static const debugitems = false; static const startAtLevel = 1; static const debug = false; static const instantKill = false; static const GAME_VERSION:String = "1.73"; static const APP_WIDTH:int = 550; static const BETA:Boolean = false; static var highLevel:int = 0; static var highScore:int = 0; static var LOCKED:Boolean = true; public static var kongregateSWF; static var tooltipDelay:uint = 1; static var bestSurvival:int = 0; static var OURWORLD:Boolean = false; static var pathfinding:Boolean = true; static var hints:uint = 0; static var portraitHighlight:Boolean = true; static var ANDKON:Boolean = false; static var KONGREGATE:Boolean = false; static var showHints:Boolean = true; static var ARMORGAMES:Boolean = false; static var combatBlur:Boolean = true; public function DungeonMain():void{ level = 1; recent_monsters = 0; kongLoaded = false; creationSlot = 0; infiniteTransition = false; suspendSaving = false; test1 = 1; test2 = 2; super(); addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added); debug_label.text = "Constructing.."; version_label.text = ((("FLASH PLAYER VERSION: " + String(Capabilities.version)) + " ") + String(Capabilities.playerType)); debug_label.text = "Initializing sound.."; dm.sound = new SoundControl(); debug_label.text = "Initializing game.."; dm.main = this; if (stage != null){ dm.stage = stage; }; if (kongCheck()){ KONGREGATE = true; } else { if (hostUrlContains("")){ ARMORGAMES = true; } else { if (hostUrlContains("")){ ANDKON = true; } else { if (hostUrlContains("")){ OURWORLD = true; }; }; }; }; if (((((((((KONGREGATE) || (ARMORGAMES))) || (ANDKON))) || (OURWORLD))) || (debug))){ LOCKED = false; }; if (KONGREGATE){ initKongregateAPI(); }; mochi = MochiBot.track(this, "a94f5633"); debug_label.text = "Registering aliases.."; registerAliases(); loadInterface(); bookIntro(); } function saveClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ saveAll(false); } private function updateHighScores(_arg1:int=-1):void{ var _local2:Boolean; if (_arg1 == -1){ _arg1 = pc_party.getScore(); }; _local2 = false; if (_arg1 > highScore){ highScore = _arg1; _local2 = true; }; if (level > highLevel){ highLevel = level; _local2 = true; }; if (_local2){ saveInterface(); }; } public function survivalDefeat(_arg1:int):void{ var msg:String; var wave = _arg1; if (battle != null){ battle.cleanup(); battle = null; }; if (wave > 1){ msg = (("The defenders fall, and the city is put to the torch.\n\nSongs will be written about the brave adventurers who stood in its\ndefense until the last, and the heroic deeds performed this day.\n\nThe task set before them was impossible, and yet " + String((wave - 1))) + " waves of\nattackers were slain. The enemy's victory was not without a price."); } else { msg = "The defenders fall, and the city is put to the torch.\n\nThe townsfolk had pinned their hopes on the ragged group of\nadventurers. Those hopes were woefully misplaced.\n\nNot a single wave of attackers were felled, and the enemy took\nthe city unopposed."; }; addLoadingScreen(msg, this.closeHardcoreDefeatDialog, false, true); if (wave > bestSurvival){ bestSurvival = wave; saveInterface(); }; try { if (((KONGREGATE) && (!((kongregateSWF == null))))){ kongregateSWF.stats.submit("HighestSurvivalWave", wave); }; } catch(e:Error) { }; } private function startDungeonTimer():void{ dungeonTimer = new Timer(50, 1); dungeonTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, generateDungeon); dungeonTimer.start(); } public function clearSaveCache():void{ cacheParty = null; cacheInventory = null; cacheDungeon = null; } public function saveInterface():void{ if (nosaving){ return; }; if ((((interfaceSettings == null)) || ((interfaceSettings.size == 0)))){ interfaceSettings = SharedObject.getLocal("interface"); }; = GlobalVolume.volumeSetting; = SoundControl.volumeSetting; = Music.volumeSetting; = QualitySelector.quality; = showHints; = hints; = combatBlur; = portraitHighlight; = pathfinding; = tooltipDelay; = highScore; = highLevel; = bestSurvival; interfaceSettings.flush(); } function kLoadComplete(_arg1:Event):void{ kongregateSWF =;; kongLoaded = true; } public function musicTitleTheme(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{ if (((!((title_theme == null))) && ({ return; }; stopMusic(); title_theme = new TitleMusic(true, _arg1); } public function saveInventory():void{ var _local1:SharedObject; var _local2:*; if (((nosaving) || (suspendSaving))){ return; }; if (((!(cacheSaves)) || ((((cacheInventory == null)) || ((cacheInventory.size == 0)))))){ _local1 = SharedObject.getLocal((("slot" + pc_party.save_slot) + "_inventory")); if (cacheSaves){ cacheInventory = _local1; }; } else { _local1 = cacheInventory; }; = new Array(pc_party.inventory.length); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < pc_party.inventory.length) {[_local2] = pc_party.inventory[_local2]; _local2++; }; = new Array(pc_party.overflow.length); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < pc_party.overflow.length) {[_local2] = pc_party.overflow[_local2]; _local2++; }; if (!(cacheSaves)){ _local1.flush(); _local1.close(); }; } public function saveChars():void{ var _local1:SharedObject; var _local2:PlayerCharacter; var _local3:PlayerCharacter; var _local4:int; if (((nosaving) || (suspendSaving))){ return; }; _local1 = SharedObject.getLocal((("slot" + pc_party.save_slot) + "_chars")); for each (_local3 in pc_party.members) { if ((_local3 is PC_Adventurer)){ _local2 = _local3; }; }; if (_local2 != null){ = _local2; } else { = null; }; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < 4) { saveChar(_local4, _local1); _local4++; }; _local1.flush(); _local1.close(); } private function proceedAnimate(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:FadeFromPage; _local2 = getChildByName("loadingPage"); if (_local2 != null){ _local2.animate(); }; if (!(_arg1)){ _local3 = new FadeFromPage(); addChildAt(_local3, (numChildren - 1)); }; } public function closeInventory():void{ inventory.cleanup(); removeChild(inventory); if (pc_party.campaign == Campaign.SURVIVAL){ } else { addChild(dungeon); saveParty(); saveInventory(); dungeon.updateChars(); }; } public function leaveShop(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = getChildByName("shop"); = _arg1; if (_local2 != null){ inventory = new Inventory(pc_party); _local3 = new TeleportTransition(_local2, inventory); stage.addChild(_local3); saveParty(); saveChars(); saveInventory(); _local3.setReady(); }; } public function creationFinished(_arg1:Party):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:PageTurn; var _local4:int; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; _arg1.version = GAME_VERSION; pc_party = _arg1; = _arg1; if (DungeonMain.debugitems){ _local4 = 0; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < 5) { _arg1.addToInventory(new PortalScroll()); _local4++; }; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < 9) { _arg1.addToInventory(new CampaignItemFragment()); _local4++; }; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < 10) { _arg1.addToInventory(new Enchantment(1)); _local4++; }; }; _local2 = getChildByName("creationPage"); if (_local2 != null){ PageTurn(_local2).animate(); }; if (pc_party.campaign == Campaign.SURVIVAL){ levelTo(10); = 100000; pc_party.inventory.length = 0; _local5 = new SurvivalPrep(); _local3 = new PageTurn(_local5); = "survivalPage"; this.addChildAt(_local3, (this.numChildren - 1)); stopMusic(1500); } else { _local6 = new DifficultySelect(pc_party); _local3 = new PageTurn(_local6); = "difficultyPage"; this.addChildAt(_local3, (this.numChildren - 1)); }; } function closeDefeatDialog(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local3:*; proceedAnimate(); musicDungeonTheme(); _local2 = 4; if (((((!(pc_party.beginner)) && (DungeonMain.showHints))) && ((Dungeon.hintShown(_local2) == false)))){ _local3 = new HintDialog("Defeat!", "You suffer a penalty for the defeat of the entire party.\n\nEach character loses an item of equipment, and up to two items are lost from party inventory."); DungeonMain.hints = (DungeonMain.hints + _local2); stage.addChild(_local3); saveInterface(); }; } private function checkRecentMonsters():void{ var _local1:uint; _local1 = 0; if (pc_party.campaign == Campaign.ORIGINAL){ _local1 = (((Horde.greenskins + Horde.undead) + Horde.cultists) + Horde.creatures); } else { _local1 = ((((Horde.greenskins + Horde.undead) + Horde.cultists) + Horde.creatures) + Horde.dwarves); }; if (recent_monsters == _local1){ recent_monsters = 0; }; } private function musicBattleTheme(_arg1:Horde):void{ stopMusic(); battle_theme = new BattleMusic(true, _arg1); } public function NewDungeonClick(_arg1:MouseEvent){ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; removeChild(dungeon); dungeon.cleanup(); _local2 = dungeon.race; dungeon = null; dungeon = new Dungeon(pc_party, level); _local3 = false; while (!(_local3)) { _local3 = dungeon.generateDungeon(); }; addChild(dungeon); } function closeHardcoreDefeatDialog(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (((!((loading == null))) && (!((loading.parent == null))))){ loading.parent.removeChild(loading); }; if (((!((dungeon == null))) && (!((dungeon.parent == null))))){ dungeon.parent.removeChild(dungeon); }; mainMenu(); } public function saveDungeon(_arg1:Boolean=true):void{ var _local2:SharedObject; var _local3:DungeonRoom; var _local4:Horde; if (((nosaving) || (suspendSaving))){ return; }; if (pc_party.campaign == Campaign.SURVIVAL){ return; }; if (((!(cacheSaves)) || ((((cacheDungeon == null)) || ((cacheDungeon.size == 0)))))){ _local2 = SharedObject.getLocal((("slot" + pc_party.save_slot) + "_dungeon")); if (cacheSaves){ cacheDungeon = _local2; }; _arg1 = true; } else { _local2 = cacheDungeon; }; = recent_monsters; = dungeon.race; = dungeon.tileset; = dungeon.exit_found; = dungeon.previousLevelCleared; = dungeon.portalScrollRoomIndex; = dungeon.currentRoom.index; = new Array(); for each (_local3 in dungeon.room_array) {; }; if (_arg1){ = new Array(); for each (_local4 in dungeon.hordes) {; }; if (dungeon.hordes.length >= 1){ = dungeon.hordes[0].members; }; if (dungeon.hordes.length >= 2){ = dungeon.hordes[1].members; }; if (dungeon.hordes.length >= 3){ = dungeon.hordes[2].members; }; if (dungeon.hordes.length >= 4){ = dungeon.hordes[3].members; }; if (dungeon.hordes.length >= 5){ = dungeon.hordes[4].members; }; if (dungeon.hordes.length >= 6){ = dungeon.hordes[5].members; }; if (dungeon.hordes.length >= 7){ = dungeon.hordes[6].members; }; if (dungeon.hordes.length >= 8){ = dungeon.hordes[7].members; }; if (dungeon.hordes.length >= 9){ = dungeon.hordes[8].members; }; if (dungeon.hordes.length >= 10){ = dungeon.hordes[9].members; }; }; if (!(cacheSaves)){ _local2.flush(); _local2.close(); }; } private function saveChar(_arg1:int, _arg2:SharedObject):void{ var _local3:PlayerCharacter; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Array; var _local6:Array; var _local7:Skill; var _local8:Array; var _local9:int; _local3 = pc_party.members[_arg1]; if (_local3 != null){ _local4 = new Array(); _local5 = new Array(); _local6 = new Array(); for each (_local7 in _local3.skills) { _local4.push(; _local5.push(_local7.position); _local6.push(_local7.unlocked); }; _local8 = new Array(Equipment.gearSlots); _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < Equipment.gearSlots) { _local8[_local9] = _local3.gear[_local9]; _local9++; }; if (_arg1 == 0){ = _local4; = _local5; = _local6; = _local8; = _local3; } else { if (_arg1 == 1){ = _local4; = _local5; = _local6; = _local8; = _local3; } else { if (_arg1 == 2){ = _local4; = _local5; = _local6; = _local8; = _local3; } else { if (_arg1 == 3){ = _local4; = _local5; = _local6; = _local8; = _local3; }; }; }; }; }; } public function beginBattle(_arg1:Horde, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ var err_txt:*; var err_dlg:ErrorDialog; var h = _arg1; var skipSave = _arg2; try { dungeon.mouseEnabled = false; dungeon.mouseChildren = false; battle = new Battlefield(); battle.pc_party = pc_party; battle.horde = h; if (!(skipSave)){ saveAll(true); }; suspendSaving = true; } catch(error:Error) { if (((DungeonMain.KONGREGATE) || (DungeonMain.BETA))){ err_txt = "An error has occurred. Please submit a bug report with the following information:\n\n"; err_txt = (err_txt + (("Init Battlefield error: " + + "\n")); if (h != null){ err_txt = (err_txt + (("horde: " + h) + "\n")); }; err_txt = (err_txt + (("suspend: " + suspendSaving) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + ((("[" + error.errorID) + "] ") + error.getStackTrace())); err_dlg = new ErrorDialog("Error!", err_txt); dm.stage.addChild(err_dlg); }; }; try { battleTimer = new Timer(1000, 1); battleTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, battleTimerFinished); battleTimer.start(); if ( != null){ dmf.childToTop(; }; h.battleAnim(); } catch(error:Error) { battleTimerFinished(null); }; } public function mainMenu(_arg1:Boolean=false, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:String; var _local6:HintDialog; debug_label.text = "Accessing main menu.."; suspendSaving = false; clearSaveCache(); _local3 = getChildByName("intro"); if (((!((_local3 == null))) && (contains(_local3)))){ removeChild(_local3); }; if (battle_theme != null){ battle_theme.fadeOut(500); }; if (dungeon_theme != null){ dungeon_theme.fadeOut(500); }; if (title_theme == null){ musicTitleTheme(); }; _local4 = new TitleScreen(); = "title"; addChild(_local4); if (!(_arg2)){ _local4.closeCover(); }; if (_arg1){ _local5 = "The quest has been completed, but the adventure is not over. \n\nYou may continue with your party, gaining power and items, as long as you wish.\n\nCheck the party inventory for bonus rewards!"; _local6 = new HintDialog("Infinite Mode Unlocked", _local5, false, true); stage.addChild(_local6); }; } private function campaignBossDefeated(_arg1:int):void{ var new_monsters:*; var campaign = _arg1; if (dungeon != null){ dungeon.cleanup(); if (dungeon.parent != null){ dungeon.parent.removeChild(dungeon); }; }; dungeon = null; infiniteTransition = true; pc_party.campaign = Campaign.INFINITE; pc_party.fullRecovery(); levelUp(); pc_party.removeQuestItems(); if (campaign == Campaign.ORIGINAL){ pc_party.addDemonLoot(); } else { if (campaign == Campaign.DELUXE){ pc_party.addDeluxeLoot(); }; }; checkRecentMonsters(); new_monsters = Dungeon.getMonsterRace(level, recent_monsters, pc_party.campaign); addToRecentMonsters(new_monsters); dungeon = new Dungeon(pc_party, level, new_monsters, true); addLoadingScreen(Campaign.getOutroText(campaign), this.proceedClick, true); updateHighScores(); try { if (((KONGREGATE) && (!((kongregateSWF == null))))){ if (campaign == Campaign.ORIGINAL){ kongregateSWF.stats.submit("original_quest_complete", 1); } else { if (campaign == Campaign.DELUXE){ kongregateSWF.stats.submit("deluxe_quest_complete", 1); }; }; kongregateSWF.stats.submit("any_quest_complete", 1); }; } catch(e:Error) { } finally { startDungeonTimer(); }; } private function kongCheck():Boolean{ var _local1:String; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:String; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:*; if (dm.stage == null){ return (false); }; _local1 = dm.stage.loaderInfo.url; _local2 = (_local1.indexOf("://") + 3); _local3 = _local1.indexOf("/", _local2); _local4 = _local1.substring(_local2, _local3); _local5 = (_local4.lastIndexOf(".") - 1); _local6 = (_local4.lastIndexOf(".", _local5) + 1); _local4 = _local4.substring(_local6, _local4.length); _local7 = dm.stage.loaderInfo.parameters; if ((((_local4 == "")) && ((_local7.kongregate == "true")))){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function loadInterface():void{ var _local1:ErrorDialog; debug_label.text = "Loading interface settings.."; interfaceSettings = SharedObject.getLocal("interface"); if (interfaceSettings.size > 0){ GlobalVolume.setVolume(; SoundControl.volumeSetting =; setMusicVolume(; if ( != null){ QualitySelector.setQuality(; }; showHints =; hints =; combatBlur =; portraitHighlight =; pathfinding =; tooltipDelay =; highScore = Math.max(highScore,; highLevel = Math.max(highLevel,; bestSurvival = Math.max(bestSurvival,; }; } public function descendClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; saveAll(false); suspendSaving = true; levelUp(); dungeon.cleanup(); removeChild(dungeon); _local2 = dungeon.race; _local3 = dungeon.fullyCleared(); dungeon = null; checkRecentMonsters(); _local4 = Dungeon.getMonsterRace(level, recent_monsters, pc_party.campaign); addToRecentMonsters(_local4); dungeon = new Dungeon(pc_party, level, _local4, _local3); if ((((pc_party.campaign == Campaign.ORIGINAL)) && ((level == MAX_LEVEL)))){ addLoadingScreen("The party descend to the next level.\n\nIn their quest they have battled many and experienced much, but\nthey find themselves unprepared for what awaits them here. Never\nyet have they encountered so palpable a sense of evil. It pervades\nthese halls, and lesser men would flee in terror at its touch.\n\nThese few, though, have not come so far only to falter at the last. They sense that they have reached their destination and victory\nnow lies within their grasp.\n\nWithout exchanging a word, the heroes know what they must do. Nothing in this place may be suffered to live.", this.proceedClick, true); } else { addLoadingScreen(dungeon.getIntroduction(_local4), this.proceedClick); }; startDungeonTimer(); } function battleTimerFinished(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ battleTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, battleTimerFinished); battle.layoutBoard(); if (this.contains(dungeon)){ removeChild(dungeon); }; addChild(battle); dungeon.mouseEnabled = true; dungeon.mouseChildren = true; musicBattleTheme(battle.horde); } private function added(_arg1:Event):void{ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added); if (stage != null){ dm.stage = stage; }; } public function bookIntro():void{ var intro:Intro; debug_label.text = "Starting intro.."; try { intro = new Intro(); = "intro"; addChild(intro); musicTitleTheme(false); } catch(e:Error) { if (((!((intro == null))) && (contains(intro)))){ removeChild(intro); }; mainMenu(false, true); }; } public function saveAll(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{ var i:int; var j:int; var saved:int; var enteringBattle = _arg1; if (((nosaving) || (suspendSaving))){ return; }; saved = 0; beginStatSubmit(); try { saveInterface(); saved = 1; saveParty(enteringBattle); saved = 2; saveChars(); saved = 3; saveInventory(); saved = 4; saveDungeon(); saved = 5; if (cacheSaves){ if (((!((cacheParty == null))) && ((cacheParty.size > 0)))){ cacheParty.flush(); }; if (((!((cacheInventory == null))) && ((cacheInventory.size > 0)))){ cacheInventory.flush(); }; if (((!((cacheDungeon == null))) && ((cacheDungeon.size > 0)))){ cacheDungeon.flush(); }; }; } catch(error:Error) { }; } public function beginStatSubmit():void{ var kongTF:TextField; if (pc_party.campaign == Campaign.SURVIVAL){ return; }; saveRating = Math.round(pc_party.getScore()); saveGold = Math.round(; saveLevel = Math.round(pc_party.level); try { if (((((KONGREGATE) || (debug))) && (!((kongregateSWF == null))))){ kongregateSWF.stats.submit("HighestRating", saveRating); kongregateSWF.stats.submit("HighestGold", saveGold); kongregateSWF.stats.submit("HighestLevel", saveLevel); kongregateSWF.stats.submit("HighestSurvivalWave", bestSurvival); if (pc_party.campaign == Campaign.INFINITE){ kongregateSWF.stats.submit("any_quest_complete", 1); }; if (debug){ kongTF = TextField(stage.getChildByName("kongTF")); if (kongTF == null){ kongTF = new TextField(); }; = "kongTF"; kongTF.text = ((((((dmf.getCurrentTimeString() + " Level: ") + saveLevel) + ", Rating: ") + saveRating) + ", Gold: ") + saveGold); kongTF.width = 450; kongTF.textColor = 1048575; kongTF.mouseEnabled = false; kongTF.x = 3; kongTF.y = 3; if (!(stage.contains(kongTF))){ stage.addChild(kongTF); }; }; }; } catch(error:Error) { }; } private function getLoadingScreen(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Boolean=false, _arg4:Boolean=false):PageTurn{ var _local5:*; var _local6:PageTurn; var _local7:*; loading = new DungeonLoading(); = "dungeonloading"; loading.setCallback(_arg2); _local5 = loading.setText(_arg1); loading.prose.y = ((APP_HEIGHT - _local5) / 2); if (_arg3){ _local7 = (((loading.prose.y + loading.prose.textHeight) + 15) - loading.proceed_btn.y); if (_local7 > 0){ loading.prose.y = Math.max(0, (loading.prose.y - _local7)); }; }; if (_arg4){ loading.allowProceed(); } else { loading.removeChild(loading.proceed_btn); }; _local6 = new PageTurn(loading); = "loadingPage"; return (_local6); } private function initKongregateAPI():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:String; var _local3:URLRequest; var _local4:Loader; debug_label.text = "Init Kongregate API.."; if (kongLoaded){ return; }; Security.allowDomain(""); Security.allowDomain(""); _local1 = LoaderInfo(root.loaderInfo).parameters; _local2 = ((_local1.api_path) || ("")); _local3 = new URLRequest(_local2); _local4 = new Loader(); _local4.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, kLoadComplete); _local4.load(_local3); this.addChild(_local4); } public function goToInventory(_arg1:PlayerCharacter=null){ inventory = new Inventory(pc_party); if (((!((dungeon == null))) && (this.contains(dungeon)))){ removeChild(dungeon); }; addChild(inventory); inventory.init(); if (_arg1 != null){ inventory.selectChar(_arg1); }; } private function levelTo(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:PlayerCharacter; pc_party.level = _arg1; this.level = _arg1; for each (_local2 in pc_party.members) { _local2.levelTo(_arg1); }; } public function goToShop():void{ var _local1:Shop; var _local2:*; inventory.cleanup(); saveAll(); clearSaveCache(); _local1 = new Shop(pc_party); = "shop"; _local2 = new TeleportTransition(inventory, _local1); stage.addChild(_local2); _local2.setReady(); } public function removeInventory():void{ if (inventory != null){ inventory.cleanup(); if (this.contains(inventory)){ removeChild(inventory); }; inventory = null; }; } private function levelUp():void{ var _local1:*; level++; pc_party.level++; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < pc_party.members.length) { if (level > pc_party.members[_local1].level){ pc_party.members[_local1].levelUp(); }; _local1++; }; pc_party.fullRecovery(); } private function stopMusic(_arg1:int=0):void{ if (_arg1){ if (title_theme != null){ title_theme.fadeOut(_arg1); }; if (battle_theme != null){ battle_theme.fadeOut(_arg1); }; if (dungeon_theme != null){ dungeon_theme.fadeOut(_arg1); }; } else { if (title_theme != null){ title_theme.stop(); title_theme = null; }; if (battle_theme != null){ battle_theme.stop(); battle_theme = null; }; if (dungeon_theme != null){ dungeon_theme.stop(); dungeon_theme = null; }; }; } public function beginSurvivalMode():void{ var _local1:FadeFromPage; var _local2:*; suspendSaving = false; saveAll(); clearSaveCache(); suspendSaving = true; pc_party.fullRecovery(); battle = new Battlefield(); battle.pc_party = pc_party; battle.horde = new Horde(); battle.horde.members.length = 0; battle.layoutBoard(); musicBattleTheme(battle.horde); this.addChildAt(battle, (this.numChildren - 1)); _local1 = new FadeFromPage(); addChildAt(_local1, (this.numChildren - 1)); _local2 = getChildByName("survivalPage"); if (_local2 != null){ PageTurn(_local2).animate(); }; } public function saveParty(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{ var _local2:SharedObject; var _local3:int; if (((nosaving) || (suspendSaving))){ return; }; if (((!(cacheSaves)) || ((((cacheParty == null)) || ((cacheParty.size == 0)))))){ _local2 = SharedObject.getLocal((("slot" + pc_party.save_slot) + "_party")); if (cacheSaves){ cacheParty = _local2; }; } else { _local2 = cacheParty; }; = _arg1; if (_arg1){ = pc_party.duplicate(); } else { = pc_party; }; if (pc_party.campaign != Campaign.SURVIVAL){ _local3 = pc_party.getScore(); updateHighScores(_local3); }; if (!(cacheSaves)){ _local2.flush(); _local2.close(); }; } public function difficultySelected():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; var _local3:String; var _local4:PageTurn; var _local5:*; recent_monsters = 0; _local1 = Dungeon.getMonsterRace(1, recent_monsters, pc_party.campaign); addToRecentMonsters(_local1); level = 1; if (DungeonMain.debug){ level = startAtLevel; pc_party.level = level; _local5 = 1; while (_local5 < level) { pc_party.levelUp(); _local5++; }; }; dungeon = new Dungeon(pc_party, level, _local1, false); _local2 = getChildByName("difficultyPage"); if (_local2 != null){ PageTurn(_local2).animate(); }; _local3 = Campaign.getIntroText(pc_party.campaign); if (_local3 == ""){ _local3 = ("Could not retrieve intro text for campaign " + pc_party.campaign); }; _local4 = getLoadingScreen(_local3, this.proceedClick); this.addChildAt(_local4, (this.numChildren - 1)); startDungeonTimer(); } public function loadGameMenu(){ var _local1:*; var _local2:PageTurn; _local1 = new LoadParty(); = "LoadParty"; _local2 = new PageTurn(_local1); = "loadPage"; this.addChildAt(_local2, (this.numChildren - 1)); } public function proceedClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ addChildAt(dungeon, (numChildren - 1)); proceedAnimate(); if (infiniteTransition){ saveAll(); infiniteTransition = false; mainMenu(true); } else { musicDungeonTheme(true); }; } private function addToRecentMonsters(_arg1:int):void{ if ((recent_monsters & _arg1) == _arg1){ recent_monsters = 0; } else { recent_monsters = (recent_monsters + _arg1); }; } public function startGame(_arg1:int=1){ var _local2:*; var _local3:PageTurn; var _local4:*; clearSaveCache(); this.creationSlot = _arg1; loadInterface(); _local2 = new CampaignSelect(); _local3 = new PageTurn(_local2); = "campaignPage"; this.addChildAt(_local3, (this.numChildren - 1)); _local4 = getChildByName("loadPage"); if (_local4 != null){ PageTurn(_local4).animate(); }; } public function generateDungeon(_arg1:TimerEvent=null):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; if (dungeonTimer != null){ dungeonTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, generateDungeon); }; _local2 = false; _local3 = 0; while (((!(_local2)) && ((_local3 < 5)))) { _local2 = dungeon.generateDungeon(); _local3++; }; if (_local2){ dungeonLoadingFinished(); } else { startDungeonTimer(); }; } public function PostBattle(_arg1:Horde, _arg2:Party):void{ var _local3:*; var _local4:PlayerCharacter; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:AllyDiedDialog; var _local8:*; var _local9:Boolean; var _local10:String; var _local11:Number; var _local12:TreasureChest; var _local13:Item; var _local14:MonsterCharacter; var _local15:MonsterCharacter; _local3 = false; battle.cleanup(); removeChild(battle); battle = null; suspendSaving = false; _local4 = PlayerCharacter(pc_party.getAlly()); if (_local4 != null){ _local6 = dmf.randomNum(0, 99); if ( > 0){ if (_local6 < 25){ _local7 = new AllyDiedDialog(_local4); dungeon.addChild(_local7); = 0; }; }; }; _local5 = (pc_party.members.length - 1); while (_local5 >= 0) { if (pc_party.members[_local5].summoned){ pc_party.members.splice(_local5, 1); } else { if ((((pc_party.members[_local5] is PC_Adventurer)) && ((pc_party.members[_local5].health <= 0)))){ pc_party.members.splice(_local5, 1); } else { pc_party.members[_local5].clearStatusEffects(); }; }; _local5--; }; _arg1.resetMembers(); _arg1.tooltip = null; addChild(dungeon); if (pc_party.isPartyDead()){ pc_party.stat_party_defeats++; if (pc_party.hardcore){ beginStatSubmit(); deleteSave(pc_party.save_slot); pc_party = null; _local8 = "The heroes have fallen. Jubilant shouts ring through the ancient\nhalls as the enemy celebrate their victory.\n\nThough the adventurers fought bravely and endured much, in the\nend it was not enough-- the forces of darkness proving too strong.\n\nThe only hope that remains is that another group of brave souls\nmay be found, to attempt once more to enter the monsters' den\nand penetrate its dark heart."; addLoadingScreen(_local8, this.closeHardcoreDefeatDialog, false, true); return; }; _local9 = pc_party.deathPenalty(); if ((((pc_party.campaign == Campaign.DELUXE)) && (_arg1.isCampaignBoss()))){ saveAll(); } else { dungeon.retreatFromMonsters(_arg1); }; if (pc_party.beginner){ _local10 = "The party has been defeated in battle. The enemy cheer over\nthe fallen bodies, exultant in their victory.\n\nTime passes.\n\nEventually, the bodies begin to stir. Were the enemy less successful\nthan they hoped, or is this a miracle-- an act of divine provenance?\n\nWhatever the explanation may be, our heroes have survived to\ncontinue their quest. There is hope yet."; } else { _local10 = "The party has been defeated in battle. The enemy pick over the\nfallen bodies, claiming a few choice items as trophies of their\nvictory.\n\nTime passes.\n\nEventually, the bodies begin to stir. Were the enemy less successful\nthan they hoped, or is this a miracle-- an act of divine provenance?\n\nWhatever the explanation may be, our heroes have survived to\ncontinue their quest. There is hope yet."; }; addLoadingScreen(_local10, this.closeDefeatDialog, false, true); if (_local9){ }; _local3 = true; } else { if (!(_arg1.defeated)){ if ((((pc_party.campaign == Campaign.DELUXE)) && (_arg1.isCampaignBoss()))){ saveAll(); } else { dungeon.retreatFromMonsters(_arg1); }; }; }; dungeon.updateChars(); if (_arg1.defeated){ _arg1.fade(); pc_party.stat_hordes_defeated++; if (_arg1.boss){ pc_party.stat_leaders_defeated++; }; if (_arg1.isCampaignBoss()){ campaignBossDefeated(pc_party.campaign); return; }; dungeon.hordeDefeated(_arg1); _local11 = 0.75; _local12 = new TreasureChest(pc_party, level, Math.round((_arg1.members.length * _local11)), _arg1.boss, true); if (((((_arg1.legendary) || ((_arg1.boss > 1)))) || (((((_arg1.boss) && ((pc_party.campaign == Campaign.INFINITE)))) && ((_arg1.race == Horde.special)))))){ for each (_local15 in _arg1.members) { if (((!((_local15 == null))) && ((((((((((_local15 is mHydraBody)) || ((_local15 is mGorgon)))) || ((_local15 is mMinotaur)))) || ((_local15 is mDreadfather)))) || ((_local15 is mDemon)))))){ _local14 = _local15; }; }; if (_local14 != null){ _local13 = _local14.getOrangeLoot(); } else { _local13 = _arg1.members[0].getOrangeLoot(); }; if (_local13 != null){ _local12.loot.length = 0; _local12.loot.push(_local13); //unresolved jump }; }; if ((((pc_party.campaign == Campaign.DELUXE)) && (_arg1.hasFearSower()))){ if (pc_party.needCampaignFragment()){ _local12.loot.push(new CampaignItemFragment()); }; }; if (_local12.loot.length){ dungeon.addTreasureReport(_local12, true); }; }; dungeon.updateRating(); if (!(_local3)){ musicDungeonTheme(); }; saveAll(false); } public function removeDungeon():void{ if (dungeon != null){ if (this.contains(dungeon)){ removeChild(dungeon); }; dungeon.cleanup(); dungeon = null; }; } public function goToSanctum():void{ var _local1:Horde; var _local2:*; inventory.cleanup(); saveParty(); saveChars(); saveInventory(); _local1 = new Horde(Horde.special, level, 1, null, true, false); _local1.addDeluxeBoss(); battle = new Battlefield(); battle.pc_party = pc_party; battle.horde = _local1; battle.layoutBoard(); musicBattleTheme(_local1); _local2 = new TeleportTransition(inventory, battle); stage.addChild(_local2); _local2.setReady(); } private function addLoadingScreen(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Boolean=false, _arg4:Boolean=false):void{ var _local5:PageTurn; stopMusic(200); _local5 = getLoadingScreen(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4); addChild(_local5); } public function InventoryClick(_arg1:MouseEvent){ goToInventory(); } private function dungeonLoadingFinished():void{ suspendSaving = false; saveAll(false); loading.allowProceed(); } public function campaignSelected(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:PageTurn; _local2 = getChildByName("campaignPage"); if (_local2 != null){ PageTurn(_local2).animate(); }; level = 1; creation = new PartyCreation(); creation.pc_party.save_slot = creationSlot; creation.pc_party.campaign = _arg1; _local3 = new PageTurn(creation); = "creationPage"; this.addChildAt(_local3, (this.numChildren - 1)); } public function dungeonMenuClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ saveAll(false); mainMenu(); } function maxGamesClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{""); } public function setMusicVolume(_arg1:Number):void{ Music.volumeSetting = _arg1; if (((!((dungeon_theme == null))) && ({ dungeon_theme.setVolume(_arg1); }; if (((!((battle_theme == null))) && ({ battle_theme.setVolume(_arg1); }; if (((!((title_theme == null))) && ({ title_theme.setVolume(_arg1); }; } private function hostUrlContains(_arg1:String):Boolean{ if ((((dm.stage == null)) && ((stage == null)))){ return (false); }; if (dm.stage.loaderInfo.loaderURL.indexOf(_arg1) != -1){ return (true); }; return (false); } private function enterSavedBattleTimerExpired(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Horde; enterSavedBattleTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, enterSavedBattleTimerExpired); _local2 = dungeon.currentRoom.horde; beginBattle(_local2, true); } private function musicDungeonTheme(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{ stopMusic(); dungeon_theme = new DungeonMusic(_arg1); } public function loadGame(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:SharedObject; var _local6:ErrorDialog; var _local7:PlayerCharacter; var _local8:PC_Adventurer; var _local9:*; var _local10:*; var _local11:FadeFromPage; var _local12:*; var _local13:*; var _local14:PageTurn; if ((((_arg1 <= 0)) || ((_arg1 > 3)))){ return; }; _local4 = false; loadInterface(); clearSaveCache(); _local5 = SharedObject.getLocal((("slot" + _arg1) + "_party")); if (((!((_local5 == null))) && ((_local5.size > 0)))){ if (cacheSaves){ cacheParty = _local5; }; _local4 =; pc_party = Party(; = pc_party; pc_party.save_slot = _arg1; this.level = pc_party.level; } else { _local6 = new ErrorDialog("Error!", "The party information could not be loaded."); dm.stage.addChild(_local6); }; _local5 = SharedObject.getLocal((("slot" + _arg1) + "_chars")); if (((!((_local5 == null))) && ((_local5.size > 0)))){ if ( != null){ pc_party.members[0] =; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < { pc_party.members[0].skills[_local2].active =[_local2]; pc_party.members[0].skills[_local2].position =[_local2]; pc_party.members[0].skills[_local2].unlocked =[_local2]; _local2++; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < Equipment.gearSlots) { pc_party.members[0].gear[_local2] =[_local2]; _local2++; }; pc_party.members[0].party = pc_party; }; if ( != null){ pc_party.members[1] =; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < { pc_party.members[1].skills[_local2].active =[_local2]; pc_party.members[1].skills[_local2].position =[_local2]; pc_party.members[1].skills[_local2].unlocked =[_local2]; _local2++; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < Equipment.gearSlots) { pc_party.members[1].gear[_local2] =[_local2]; _local2++; }; pc_party.members[1].party = pc_party; }; if ( != null){ pc_party.members[2] =; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < { pc_party.members[2].skills[_local2].active =[_local2]; pc_party.members[2].skills[_local2].position =[_local2]; pc_party.members[2].skills[_local2].unlocked =[_local2]; _local2++; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < Equipment.gearSlots) { pc_party.members[2].gear[_local2] =[_local2]; _local2++; }; pc_party.members[2].party = pc_party; }; if ( != null){ pc_party.members[3] =; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < { pc_party.members[3].skills[_local2].active =[_local2]; pc_party.members[3].skills[_local2].position =[_local2]; pc_party.members[3].skills[_local2].unlocked =[_local2]; _local2++; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < Equipment.gearSlots) { pc_party.members[3].gear[_local2] =[_local2]; _local2++; }; pc_party.members[3].party = pc_party; }; for each (_local7 in pc_party.members) { _local7.loadCustomPortrait(); }; if ( != null){ _local8 =; = pc_party; _local8.initAdvSkills(); pc_party.members.push(_local8); }; } else { _local6 = new ErrorDialog("Error!", "The character information could not be loaded."); dm.stage.addChild(_local6); }; _local5 = SharedObject.getLocal((("slot" + _arg1) + "_inventory")); if (((!((_local5 == null))) && ((_local5.size > 0)))){ if (cacheSaves){ cacheInventory = _local5; }; pc_party.inventory =; pc_party.overflow =; } else { _local6 = new ErrorDialog("Error!", "The inventory information could not be loaded."); dm.stage.addChild(_local6); }; _local5 = SharedObject.getLocal((("slot" + _arg1) + "_dungeon")); if (((!((_local5 == null))) && ((_local5.size > 0)))){ if (cacheSaves){ cacheDungeon = _local5; }; recent_monsters =; if ( >= 1){[0].members =; }; if ( >= 2){[1].members =; }; if ( >= 3){[2].members =; }; if ( >= 4){[3].members =; }; if ( >= 5){[4].members =; }; if ( >= 6){[5].members =; }; if ( >= 7){[6].members =; }; if ( >= 8){[7].members =; }; if ( >= 9){[8].members =; }; if ( >= 10){[9].members =; }; dungeon = new Dungeon(pc_party, this.level,; dungeon.portalScrollRoomIndex =; _local9 = dungeon.createFromDataArray(,,,; if (!(_local9)){ } else { if ({ dungeon.foundExit(); }; _local10 = getChildByName("loadPage"); if (_local10 != null){ _local10.animate(); }; addChildAt(dungeon, (numChildren - 1)); _local11 = new FadeFromPage(); addChildAt(_local11, (numChildren - 1)); if (((((_local4) && (!((dungeon.currentRoom.horde == null))))) && (!(dungeon.currentRoom.horde.defeated)))){ dungeon.currentRoom.horde.resetMembers(); dungeon.mouseEnabled = false; dungeon.mouseChildren = false; enterSavedBattleTimer = new Timer(2000, 1); enterSavedBattleTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, enterSavedBattleTimerExpired); enterSavedBattleTimer.start(); } else { musicDungeonTheme(true); }; }; } else { if (pc_party.campaign != Campaign.SURVIVAL){ _local6 = new ErrorDialog("Error!", "The dungeon information could not be loaded."); dm.stage.addChild(_local6); }; }; if (pc_party.campaign == Campaign.SURVIVAL){ _local12 = getChildByName("loadPage"); if (_local12 != null){ _local12.animate(); }; _local13 = new SurvivalPrep(); _local14 = new PageTurn(_local13); = "survivalPage"; this.addChildAt(_local14, (this.numChildren - 1)); } else { beginStatSubmit(); }; } public static function RandomNum(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):int{ var _local3:*; _local3 = (Math.round((Math.random() * (_arg2 - _arg1))) + _arg1); return (_local3); } public static function deleteSave(_arg1:int):void{ if (DungeonMain.debug){ }; clearObject((("slot" + _arg1) + "_party")); clearObject((("slot" + _arg1) + "_chars")); clearObject((("slot" + _arg1) + "_inventory")); clearObject((("slot" + _arg1) + "_dungeon")); } public static function registerAliases():void{ registerClassAlias("PartyAlias", Party); registerClassAlias("PlayerCharacterAlias", PlayerCharacter); registerClassAlias("PC_ClericAlias", PC_Cleric); registerClassAlias("PC_RogueAlias", PC_Rogue); registerClassAlias("PC_MageAlias", PC_Mage); registerClassAlias("PC_WarriorAlias", PC_Warrior); registerClassAlias("PC_RangerAlias", PC_Ranger); registerClassAlias("PC_ConjurorAlias", PC_Conjuror); registerClassAlias("PC_BarbarianAlias", PC_Barbarian); registerClassAlias("PC_AdventurerAlias", PC_Adventurer); registerClassAlias("DungeonRoomDataAlias", DungeonRoomData); registerClassAlias("HordeDataAlias", HordeData); registerClassAlias("MonsterCharacterAlias", MonsterCharacter); registerClassAlias("mDemonAlias", mDemon); registerClassAlias("mDreadfatherAlias", mDreadfather); registerClassAlias("mFearSower", mFearSower); registerClassAlias("mDeathKnightAlias", mDeathKnight); registerClassAlias("mNecromancerAlias", mNecromancer); registerClassAlias("mOrcJuggernaut", mOrcJuggernaut); registerClassAlias("mOrcWarlordAlias", mOrcWarlord); registerClassAlias("mDragonAlias", mDragon); registerClassAlias("mBeholderAlias", mBeholder); registerClassAlias("mCultEngineAlias", mCultEngine); registerClassAlias("mAscendantAlias", mAscendant); registerClassAlias("mZombieAlias", mZombie); registerClassAlias("mBoneHorrorAlias", mBoneHorror); registerClassAlias("mGhostAlias", mGhost); registerClassAlias("mSkeletonAlias", mSkeleton); registerClassAlias("mLichAlias", mLich); registerClassAlias("mVampireAlias", mVampire); registerClassAlias("mSkeletonArcherAlias", mSkeletonArcher); registerClassAlias("mTrollAlias", mTroll); registerClassAlias("mOrcBerserkerAlias", mOrcBerserker); registerClassAlias("mOrcChampionAlias", mOrcChampion); registerClassAlias("mOrcSavageAlias", mOrcSavage); registerClassAlias("mOrcShamanAlias", mOrcShaman); registerClassAlias("mGoblinArtificerAlias", mGoblinArtificer); registerClassAlias("mBasiliskAlias", mBasilisk); registerClassAlias("mArachnoidAlias", mArachnoid); registerClassAlias("mGreeblerAlias", mGreebler); registerClassAlias("mGargoyleAlias", mGargoyle); registerClassAlias("mPoisonDrakeAlias", mPoisonDrake); registerClassAlias("mLightningDrakeAlias", mLightningDrake); registerClassAlias("mCultWarriorAlias", mCultWarrior); registerClassAlias("mCultArcherAlias", mCultArcher); registerClassAlias("mCultChosenAlias", mCultChosen); registerClassAlias("mCultPriestAlias", mCultPriest); registerClassAlias("mCultNeophyteAlias", mCultNeophyte); registerClassAlias("mVoidstalkerAlias", mVoidstalker); registerClassAlias("mAetherguardAlias", mAetherguard); registerClassAlias("mDwarfManiacAlias", mDwarfManiac); registerClassAlias("mDwarfWarriorAlias", mDwarfWarrior); registerClassAlias("mDwarfVeteranAlias", mDwarfVeteran); registerClassAlias("mDwarfCrossbowAlias", mDwarfCrossbow); registerClassAlias("mDwarfRunecasterAlias", mDwarfRunecaster); registerClassAlias("mDwarfWarleaderAlias", mDwarfWarleader); registerClassAlias("mDwarfPrinceAlias", mDwarfPrince); registerClassAlias("mGorgonAlias", mGorgon); registerClassAlias("mMinotaurAlias", mMinotaur); registerClassAlias("mHydraBodyAlias", mHydraBody); registerClassAlias("mHydraHeadAlias", mHydraHead); registerClassAlias("mWhirlwindAlias", mWhirlwind); registerClassAlias("iDaggerAlias", iDagger); registerClassAlias("iSwordAlias", iSword); registerClassAlias("iAxeAlias", iAxe); registerClassAlias("iMaceAlias", iMace); registerClassAlias("iSpearAlias", iSpear); registerClassAlias("iBowAlias", iBow); registerClassAlias("iCrossbowAlias", iCrossbow); registerClassAlias("iStaffAlias", iStaff); registerClassAlias("iPlateHelmetAlias", iPlateHelmet); registerClassAlias("iPlateGlovesAlias", iPlateGloves); registerClassAlias("iPlateGreavesAlias", iPlateGreaves); registerClassAlias("iPlateBootsAlias", iPlateBoots); registerClassAlias("iPlateBreastplateAlias", iPlateBreastplate); registerClassAlias("iLeatherHatAlias", iLeatherHat); registerClassAlias("iLeatherGlovesAlias", iLeatherGloves); registerClassAlias("iLeatherLegsAlias", iLeatherLegs); registerClassAlias("iLeatherBootsAlias", iLeatherBoots); registerClassAlias("iLeatherChestAlias", iLeatherChest); registerClassAlias("iCLothHat", iClothHat); registerClassAlias("iClothGloves", iClothGloves); registerClassAlias("iClothlegs", iClothLegs); registerClassAlias("iClothShows", iClothShoes); registerClassAlias("iClothRobe", iClothRobe); registerClassAlias("iRingAlias", iRing); registerClassAlias("iCloakAlias", iCloak); registerClassAlias("iQuiverAlias", iQuiver); registerClassAlias("iParryingDaggerAlias", iParryingDagger); registerClassAlias("iShieldBucklerAlias", iShieldBuckler); registerClassAlias("iShieldTowerAlias", iShieldTower); registerClassAlias("iCenserAlias", iCenser); registerClassAlias("OffhandAlias", Offhand); registerClassAlias("pothealthsmall", PotionHealthSmall); registerClassAlias("potpowersmall", PotionPowerSmall); registerClassAlias("potrejuvesmall", PotionRejuveSmall); registerClassAlias("potreviveweak", PotionReviveWeak); registerClassAlias("pothealth", PotionHealth); registerClassAlias("potpower", PotionPower); registerClassAlias("potrejuve", PotionRejuve); registerClassAlias("potrevive", PotionRevive); registerClassAlias("potresist", PotionPoisonResist); registerClassAlias("potshield", PotionShield); registerClassAlias("potquickness", PotionQuickness); registerClassAlias("potbody", PotionBody); registerClassAlias("potwits", PotionWits); registerClassAlias("sneakscroll", SneakyScroll); registerClassAlias("tabula", CleanSlate); registerClassAlias("townportal", PortalScroll); registerClassAlias("enchant", Enchantment); registerClassAlias("CampaignItemFragmentAlias", CampaignItemFragment); registerClassAlias("CampaignItemStoneAlias", CampaignItemStone); } private static function clearObject(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:SharedObject; _local2 = SharedObject.getLocal(_arg1); if (_local2.size > 0){ _local2.clear(); _local2.flush(); _local2.close(); }; } } }//package
Section 124
//DungeonMusic (DungeonMusic) package { import*; public class DungeonMusic extends Music { var segment2:Sound; var segment1:Sound; var playingSegment:int;// = 0 public function DungeonMusic(_arg1:Boolean=true):void{ playingSegment = 0; super(); if (dm.main.pc_party.campaign == Campaign.ORIGINAL){ segment1 = new return_of_the_knights_b(); } else { if (dm.main.pc_party.campaign == Campaign.DELUXE){ segment1 = new fields_of_honor_loop01(); } else { if ((dm.main.pc_party.level % 2) == 1){ segment1 = new return_of_the_knights_b(); } else { segment1 = new fields_of_honor_loop01(); }; }; }; channel =, 99999); if (channel == null){ return; }; active = true; if (_arg1){ this.fadeIn(); } else { this.setVolume(volumeSetting); }; } } }//package
Section 125
//DungeonRoom (DungeonRoom) package { import flash.display.*; public class DungeonRoom extends MovieClip { public var shrine:MovieClip; public var floor:MovieClip; public var horde:Horde; private var _floor_frame_number:int;// = 0 public var criticalPath:Boolean;// = false private var _isExit:Boolean;// = false var doors:Array; private var _furniture_frame_number:int;// = 0 public var treasure:TreasureChest; public var special:int;// = 0 private var _grid_x:int;// = 0 private var _grid_y:int;// = 0 var validate_id:int;// = -1 public var tint:MovieClip; var isCorridor:Boolean; public var adjacent:Array; private var _seen:Boolean;// = false private var _explored:Boolean;// = false var isCorridorH:Boolean; private var _isEntrance:Boolean;// = false private var _index:int;// = 0 static const max_adjacent = 6; public function DungeonRoom(){ adjacent = new Array(); doors = new Array(max_adjacent); _grid_x = 0; _grid_y = 0; _furniture_frame_number = 0; _floor_frame_number = 0; _seen = false; _explored = false; special = 0; _isExit = false; _isEntrance = false; _index = 0; criticalPath = false; validate_id = -1; super(); isCorridor = false; isCorridorH = false; } public function get isEntrance():Boolean{ return (this._isEntrance); } public function set isEntrance(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this._isEntrance = _arg1; } public function getGridHeight():int{ return (0); } public function setAlpha(_arg1:Number):void{ this.alpha = _arg1; } public function getEntrance():EntryStairs{ var _local1:*; if (!(this.isEntrance)){ return (null); }; _local1 = getChildByName("entrance"); return (_local1); } public function isAdjacentTo(_arg1:DungeonRoom):Boolean{ var _local2:*; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < num_adjacent) { if (adjacent[_local2] == _arg1){ return (true); }; _local2++; }; return (false); } public function get explored():Boolean{ return (this._explored); } protected function setAlphaChildren(_arg1:Number):void{ if (treasure != null){ treasure.alpha = _arg1; }; if (horde != null){ horde.alpha = _arg1; }; if (shrine != null){ shrine.alpha = _arg1; }; if (isEntrance){ getChildByName("entrance").alpha = _arg1; }; if (isExit){ getChildByName("exit").alpha = _arg1; }; } public function hasValidTreasure():Boolean{ if (((!((this.treasure == null))) && (!(this.treasure.looted)))){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function addFurniture():void{ if (furniture_frame_number == 0){ furniture_frame_number = dmf.randomNum(1, this.totalFrames); }; this.gotoAndStop(furniture_frame_number); } public function set explored(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this._explored = _arg1; } public function realHeight():int{ return ((getGridHeight() * Dungeon.GRID_SIZE)); } private function resetDoors():void{ var _local1:DoorIcon; for each (_local1 in doors) { if (_local1 == null){ } else { _local1.gotoAndStop(1); }; }; } public function addEntrance(_arg1:Boolean):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:EntryStairs; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; _local2 = 0; this.isEntrance = true; this.furniture_frame_number = 1; _local3 = new EntryStairs(_arg1); = "entrance"; _local4 = (this.x + (this.realWidth() / 2)); _local5 = (this.y + (this.realHeight() / 2)); _local6 = false; if (isCorridor){ if (isCorridorH){ _local6 = false; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < doors.length) { if (doors[_local2].x >= _local4){ _local6 = true; }; _local2++; }; if (_local6){ _local3.rotation = 180; }; } else { _local3.rotation = 90; _local6 = false; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < doors.length) { if (doors[_local2].y >= _local5){ _local6 = true; }; _local2++; }; if (_local6){ _local3.rotation = 270; }; }; }; _local3.x = getCenterHorz(); _local3.y = getCenterVert(); this.setChild(_local3); } public function get seen():Boolean{ return (this._seen); } private function highlightDoor():void{ var _local1:DungeonRoom; var _local2:*; if (((!((parent == null))) && ((parent is Dungeon)))){ _local1 = Dungeon(parent).currentRoom; } else { return; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < doors.length) { if (doors[_local2] == null){ } else { if ((((doors[_local2].room1 == _local1)) || ((doors[_local2].room2 == _local1)))){ doors[_local2].gotoAndStop(2); }; }; _local2++; }; } public function cleanup():void{ } public function hasPathTo(_arg1:DungeonRoom):Boolean{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:Array; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; _local2 = new Array(); _local3 = new Array(); _local4 = false; _local2.push(this); while ((_local5 = _local2.pop())) { _local3.push(_local5); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < num_adjacent) { if (_local5.adjacent[_local6] != _local5){ _local4 = false; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _local3.length) { if (_local3[_local7] == _local5.adjacent[_local6]){ _local4 = true; }; _local7++; }; if (!(_local4)){ _local2.push(_local5.adjacent[_local6]); }; }; _local6++; }; if (_local5 == _arg1){ return (true); }; }; return (false); } public function clearAdjacent():void{ adjacent.length = 0; doors.length = 0; } public function hasSpecial():Boolean{ if (((!((this.horde == null))) && (!(horde.defeated)))){ return (true); }; if (((!((this.shrine == null))) && (!(shrine.used)))){ return (true); }; if (((!((this.treasure == null))) && (!(treasure.looted)))){ return (true); }; if (this.special){ return (true); }; if (this.isExit){ return (true); }; if (this.isEntrance){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function setHorde(_arg1:Horde):void{ this.horde = _arg1; = this; _arg1.x = getCenterHorz(); _arg1.y = getCenterVert(); = "horde"; if (_arg1.defeated == false){ this.setChild(_arg1); }; } public function set isExit(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this._isExit = _arg1; } public function setFloor():void{ var _local1:MovieClip; _local1 = MovieClip(this.getChildByName("floor")); if (_local1 == null){ return; }; if (floor_frame_number == 0){ floor_frame_number = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1.totalFrames); }; _local1.gotoAndStop(floor_frame_number); } public function get index():int{ return (this._index); } public function realWidth():int{ return ((getGridWidth() * Dungeon.GRID_SIZE)); } public function toTop():void{ var _local1:*; if (parent == null){ return; }; _local1 = (parent.numChildren - 1); if (parent.getChildByName("arrow") != null){ _local1--; }; parent.setChildIndex(this, _local1); } public function setFloorTint(_arg1:int):void{ if (tint != null){ tint.gotoAndStop(_arg1); }; } public function set seen(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this._seen = _arg1; } public function set furniture_frame_number(_arg1:int):void{ this._furniture_frame_number = _arg1; } public function getCenterVert():int{ return (((this.getGridHeight() * Dungeon.GRID_SIZE) / 2)); } public function roomData():DungeonRoomData{ var _local1:*; _local1 = new DungeonRoomData(); this.copyValuesTo(_local1); return (_local1); } public function validate(_arg1:int):int{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = 0; if (this.validate_id != -1){ return (_local2); }; this.validate_id = _arg1; _local2++; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < adjacent.length) { _local2 = (_local2 + adjacent[_local3].validate(_arg1)); _local3++; }; return (_local2); } public function travelTo(_arg1:Boolean=false):Boolean{ var _local2:DungeonRoom; seen = true; explored = true; if ((((parent == null)) && (!((parent is Dungeon))))){ return (false); }; for each (_local2 in adjacent) { if (_local2 != null){ _local2.seen = true; }; }; if (!(_arg1)){ if (treasure != null){ return (true); }; if (isExit){ return (true); }; if (isEntrance){ return (true); }; if (shrine != null){ return (true); }; if (this.special){ return (true); }; }; if (horde != null){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function setNotAdjacentTo(_arg1:DungeonRoom, _arg2:Boolean=true){ var _local3:*; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < adjacent.length) { if (adjacent[_local3] == _arg1){ adjacent.splice(_local3, 1); _local3--; if (_arg2){ _arg1.setNotAdjacentTo(this, false); }; return; }; _local3++; }; } public function setAdjacentTo(_arg1:DungeonRoom, _arg2:Boolean=true){ var _local3:*; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < adjacent.length) { if (adjacent[_local3] == _arg1){ return; }; _local3++; }; adjacent.push(_arg1); if (_arg2){ _arg1.setAdjacentTo(this, false); }; } public function set floor_frame_number(_arg1:int):void{ this._floor_frame_number = _arg1; } public function addExit():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:ExitStairs; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; _local1 = 0; this.isExit = true; this.furniture_frame_number = 1; _local2 = new ExitStairs(); = "exit"; _local3 = (this.x + (this.realWidth() / 2)); _local4 = (this.y + (this.realHeight() / 2)); _local5 = false; if (isCorridor){ _local2.gotoAndStop(1); if (isCorridorH){ _local5 = false; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < doors.length) { if (doors[_local1].x > _local3){ _local5 = true; }; _local1++; }; if (_local5){ _local2.rotation = 180; }; } else { _local2.rotation = 90; _local5 = false; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < doors.length) { if (doors[_local1].y >= _local4){ _local5 = true; }; _local1++; }; if (_local5){ _local2.rotation = 270; }; }; } else { _local2.gotoAndStop(2); }; _local2.x = getCenterHorz(); _local2.y = getCenterVert(); this.setChild(_local2); } public function getGridWidth():int{ return (0); } public function get isExit():Boolean{ return (this._isExit); } public function getCenterHorz():int{ return (((this.getGridWidth() * Dungeon.GRID_SIZE) / 2)); } public function set grid_x(_arg1:int):void{ this._grid_x = _arg1; } public function set grid_y(_arg1:int):void{ this._grid_y = _arg1; } public function get furniture_frame_number():int{ return (this._furniture_frame_number); } public function set index(_arg1:int):void{ this._index = _arg1; } public function getAlpha():Number{ return (this.alpha); } public function hintFlash():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = new RoomFlash(); _local1.x = this.x; _local1.y = this.y; _local1.width = (this.getGridWidth() * Dungeon.GRID_SIZE); _local1.height = (this.getGridHeight() * Dungeon.GRID_SIZE); if (isCorridor){ _local1.x = (_local1.x + 1); _local1.y = (_local1.y + 1); _local1.width = (_local1.width - 2); _local1.height = (_local1.height - 2); } else { _local1.x = (_local1.x + 2); _local1.y = (_local1.y + 2); _local1.width = (_local1.width - 4); _local1.height = (_local1.height - 4); }; _local1.alpha = 0.8; parent.addChild(_local1); } public function get floor_frame_number():int{ return (this._floor_frame_number); } public function get grid_y():int{ return (this._grid_y); } public function get grid_x():int{ return (this._grid_x); } protected function copyValuesTo(_arg1:DungeonRoomData):void{ _arg1.roomType = DungeonRoomData.getRoomTypeOf(this); _arg1.grid_x = this.grid_x; _arg1.grid_y = this.grid_y; _arg1.furniture_frame_number = this.furniture_frame_number; _arg1.floor_frame_number = this.floor_frame_number; _arg1.seen = this.seen; _arg1.explored = this.explored; _arg1.isEntrance = this.isEntrance; _arg1.isExit = this.isExit; _arg1.treasure = ((!((this.treasure == null))) && (!((this.treasure.looted == true)))); _arg1.special = this.special; if ((((this.shrine == null)) || (this.shrine.used))){ _arg1.shrine = 0; } else { _arg1.shrine = this.shrine.type; }; } public function setChild(_arg1:DisplayObject):void{ this.addChild(_arg1); } public function get num_adjacent():int{ return (this.adjacent.length); } public function findDoorTo(_arg1:DungeonRoom):DoorIcon{ var _local2:*; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < doors.length) { if ((((doors[_local2].room1 == _arg1)) || ((doors[_local2].room2 == _arg1)))){ return (doors[_local2]); }; _local2++; }; return (null); } public function travelFrom():void{ } public function addDoor(_arg1:DoorIcon):Boolean{ var _local2:*; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < doors.length) { if (doors[_local2] == _arg1){ return (false); }; _local2++; }; doors.push(_arg1); return (true); } } }//package
Section 126
//DungeonRoomData (DungeonRoomData) package { public class DungeonRoomData { private var _isExit:Boolean;// = false private var _roomType:int;// = 1 private var _explored:Boolean;// = false private var _treasure:Boolean;// = false private var _isEntrance:Boolean;// = false private var _shrine:int;// = 0 private var _furniture_frame_number:int;// = 0 private var _floor_frame_number:int;// = 0 private var _seen:Boolean;// = false private var _grid_x:int;// = 0 private var _grid_y:int;// = 0 private var _special:int;// = 0 static const chamber = 5; static const demonRoom = 9; static const tallRoom = 8; static const cell = 4; static const corridorV = 2; static const wideRoom = 3; static const gallery = 6; static const largeRoom = 7; static const corridorH = 1; public function DungeonRoomData(){ _grid_x = 0; _grid_y = 0; _furniture_frame_number = 0; _floor_frame_number = 0; _seen = false; _explored = false; _isExit = false; _isEntrance = false; _roomType = 1; _treasure = false; _shrine = 0; _special = 0; super(); } public function set grid_y(_arg1:int):void{ this._grid_y = _arg1; } public function get shrine():int{ return (this._shrine); } public function set shrine(_arg1:int):void{ this._shrine = _arg1; } public function get furniture_frame_number():int{ return (this._furniture_frame_number); } public function set furniture_frame_number(_arg1:int):void{ this._furniture_frame_number = _arg1; } public function get isEntrance():Boolean{ return (this._isEntrance); } public function set isEntrance(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this._isEntrance = _arg1; } public function get floor_frame_number():int{ return (this._floor_frame_number); } public function get treasure():Boolean{ return (this._treasure); } public function get explored():Boolean{ return (this._explored); } public function get roomType():int{ return (this._roomType); } public function get special():int{ return (this._special); } public function get grid_x():int{ return (this._grid_x); } public function get grid_y():int{ return (this._grid_y); } public function set isExit(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this._isExit = _arg1; } public function set floor_frame_number(_arg1:int):void{ this._floor_frame_number = _arg1; } public function set explored(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this._explored = _arg1; } public function set treasure(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this._treasure = _arg1; } public function get isExit():Boolean{ return (this._isExit); } public function set roomType(_arg1:int):void{ this._roomType = _arg1; } public function set special(_arg1:int):void{ this._special = _arg1; } public function set seen(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this._seen = _arg1; } public function get seen():Boolean{ return (this._seen); } public function toRoom(_arg1:Boolean):DungeonRoom{ var _local2:DungeonRoom; if (roomType == corridorH){ _local2 = new rCorridorH(); } else { if (roomType == corridorV){ _local2 = new rCorridorV(); } else { if (roomType == wideRoom){ _local2 = new rWideRoom(); } else { if (roomType == cell){ _local2 = new rCell(); } else { if (roomType == chamber){ _local2 = new rChamber(); } else { if (roomType == gallery){ _local2 = new rGallery(); } else { if (roomType == largeRoom){ _local2 = new rLargeRoom(); } else { if (roomType == tallRoom){ _local2 = new rTallRoom(); } else { if (roomType == demonRoom){ _local2 = new rDemonRoom(); } else { _local2 = new rCorridorH(); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; _local2.grid_x = this.grid_x; _local2.grid_y = this.grid_y; _local2.furniture_frame_number = this.furniture_frame_number; _local2.floor_frame_number = this.floor_frame_number; _local2.seen = this.seen; _local2.explored = this.explored; _local2.special = this.special; return (_local2); } public function set grid_x(_arg1:int):void{ this._grid_x = _arg1; } public static function getRoomTypeOf(_arg1:DungeonRoom):int{ if ((_arg1 is rCorridorH)){ return (corridorH); }; if ((_arg1 is rCorridorV)){ return (corridorV); }; if ((_arg1 is rWideRoom)){ return (wideRoom); }; if ((_arg1 is rCell)){ return (cell); }; if ((_arg1 is rChamber)){ return (chamber); }; if ((_arg1 is rGallery)){ return (gallery); }; if ((_arg1 is rLargeRoom)){ return (largeRoom); }; if ((_arg1 is rTallRoom)){ return (tallRoom); }; if ((_arg1 is rDemonRoom)){ return (demonRoom); }; return (0); } } }//package
Section 127
//EmptyCustomPortrait (EmptyCustomPortrait) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class EmptyCustomPortrait extends Sprite { } }//package
Section 128
//EmptyPortrait (EmptyPortrait) package { import flash.display.*; public class EmptyPortrait extends MovieClip { public var pos:int;// = -1 public var empty:MovieClip; public function EmptyPortrait(){ pos = -1; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 12, frame13); this.gotoAndStop(1); } function frame1(){ this.stop(); } function frame13(){ this.gotoAndStop(1); } } }//package
Section 129
//EnchantAnimation (EnchantAnimation) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class EnchantAnimation extends MovieClip { public function EnchantAnimation(){ addFrameScript(10, frame11); } function frame11(){ stop(); if (this.parent != null){ this.parent.removeChild(this); }; } } }//package
Section 130
//Enchantment (Enchantment) package { public class Enchantment extends Item { private var _enchantType:int;// = 0 static const STRENGTH = 1; static const REGEN_POWER = 53; static const REPLENISH = 51; static const POISON = 5; static const PROTECTION = 7; static const INTELLECT = 4; static const DEXTERITY = 3; static const ENDURANCE = 2; static const ENHANCEMENT = 50; static const RESISTANCE = 52; static const REGEN_HEALTH = 6; public function Enchantment(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=0, _arg3:Boolean=false):void{ _enchantType = 0; super(); this.item_level = _arg1; if (_arg2){ enchantType = _arg2; } else { if (_arg3){ enchantType = dmf.randomNum(ENHANCEMENT, REGEN_POWER); } else { enchantType = dmf.randomNum(STRENGTH, PROTECTION); }; }; icon_frame = iconForEnchantment(enchantType); item_name = ("Orb of " + nameForEnchantment(enchantType)); if (enchantType >= ENHANCEMENT){ item_rarity = Item.purple; } else { item_rarity =; }; } public function useOn(_arg1:Equipment, _arg2:PlayerCharacter, _arg3:Party):Boolean{ var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; _local4 = false; if ((_arg1 is Weapon)){ if (enchantType == PROTECTION){ return (false); }; } else { if (enchantType == POISON){ return (false); }; }; if (_arg1.enchantmentType){ return (false); }; _local4 = true; _arg1.enchantmentType = this.enchantType; _arg1.enchantmentValue = this.getValue(); switch (enchantType){ case STRENGTH: _arg1.mod_strength = (_arg1.mod_strength + _arg1.enchantmentValue); break; case ENDURANCE: _arg1.mod_endurance = (_arg1.mod_endurance + _arg1.enchantmentValue); break; case DEXTERITY: _arg1.mod_dexterity = (_arg1.mod_dexterity + _arg1.enchantmentValue); break; case INTELLECT: _arg1.mod_intellect = (_arg1.mod_intellect + _arg1.enchantmentValue); break; case POISON: _arg1.poisonDamage = (_arg1.poisonDamage + _arg1.enchantmentValue); break; case REGEN_HEALTH: _arg1.healthRegen = (_arg1.healthRegen + _arg1.enchantmentValue); break; case PROTECTION: _arg1.armor_rating = (_arg1.armor_rating + _arg1.enchantmentValue); break; case ENHANCEMENT: _arg1.multiplyStats(1.1); if ((_arg1 is Weapon)){ Weapon(_arg1).damage = Math.ceil((Weapon(_arg1).damage * 1.1)); }; break; case REPLENISH: _arg1.replenishing = (_arg1.replenishing + _arg1.enchantmentValue); break; case REGEN_POWER: _arg1.powerRegen = (_arg1.powerRegen + _arg1.enchantmentValue); break; case RESISTANCE: _arg1.resistPoison = (_arg1.resistPoison + _arg1.enchantmentValue); _arg1.resistStun = (_arg1.resistStun + _arg1.enchantmentValue); break; }; return (_local4); } override public function getItemTypeString(){ return ("Enchantment"); } override public function getWorth():int{ var _local1:Number; _local1 = 200; _local1 = (_local1 * (1 + ((ITEM_VALUE_INCREASE_PER_LEVEL * item_level) / 100))); if (enchantType >= ENHANCEMENT){ _local1 = (_local1 * 2.5); if (enchantType == ENHANCEMENT){ _local1 = (_local1 * 2); }; }; return (Math.round(_local1)); } public function set enchantType(_arg1:int):void{ this._enchantType = _arg1; } public function get enchantType():int{ return (_enchantType); } public function getValue():int{ var _local1:int; _local1 = 0; switch (enchantType){ case STRENGTH: case ENDURANCE: case DEXTERITY: case INTELLECT: _local1 = (1 + Math.floor((item_level / DungeonMain.MAX_LEVEL))); break; case POISON: _local1 = Equipment.scalePoisonDamage(5, item_level); break; case REGEN_HEALTH: _local1 = Equipment.scaleHealthRegen(2, item_level); break; case PROTECTION: _local1 = Equipment.armorScale(30, item_level); break; case ENHANCEMENT: _local1 = 10; break; case REPLENISH: _local1 = 20; break; case REGEN_POWER: _local1 = 2; break; case RESISTANCE: _local1 = 30; break; }; return (_local1); } override public function itemStatsString(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:int; _arg1 = ""; _local2 = getValue(); _arg1 = (_arg1 + "Use: Drag onto an equipped item to enchant it.\n\n"); switch (enchantType){ case STRENGTH: _arg1 = (_arg1 + ("Strength: +" + _local2)); break; case ENDURANCE: _arg1 = (_arg1 + ("Endurance: +" + _local2)); break; case DEXTERITY: _arg1 = (_arg1 + ("Dexterity: +" + _local2)); break; case INTELLECT: _arg1 = (_arg1 + ("Intellect: +" + _local2)); break; case POISON: _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("Poison: +" + _local2) + " (Weapons only)")); break; case REGEN_HEALTH: _arg1 = (_arg1 + ("Regenerate: +" + _local2)); break; case PROTECTION: _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("Protection: +" + _local2) + " (Armor only)")); break; case ENHANCEMENT: _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("Enhancement: +" + _local2) + "%")); break; case REPLENISH: _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("Replenishment: +" + _local2) + "%")); break; case REGEN_POWER: _arg1 = (_arg1 + ("Power Regeneration: +" + _local2)); break; case RESISTANCE: _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("Resistance: +" + _local2) + "%")); break; default: _arg1 = (_arg1 + "Blank Enchantment"); }; _arg1 = (_arg1 + "\n"); return (_arg1); } public static function iconForEnchantment(_arg1:int):int{ var _local2:int; _local2 = iconIdForEnchantment(_arg1); if (_local2){ return ((117 + _local2)); }; return (1); } public static function iconIdForEnchantment(_arg1:int):int{ switch (_arg1){ case STRENGTH: return (8); case ENDURANCE: return (6); case DEXTERITY: return (5); case INTELLECT: return (7); case POISON: return (4); case REGEN_HEALTH: return (1); case PROTECTION: return (3); case ENHANCEMENT: return (11); case REPLENISH: return (9); case REGEN_POWER: return (2); case RESISTANCE: return (10); default: return (0); }; } public static function nameForEnchantment(_arg1:int):String{ switch (_arg1){ case STRENGTH: return ("Brawn"); case ENDURANCE: return ("Perseverance"); case DEXTERITY: return ("Alacrity"); case INTELLECT: return ("Acumen"); case POISON: return ("Toxicity"); case REGEN_HEALTH: return ("Recuperation"); case PROTECTION: return ("Protection"); case ENHANCEMENT: return ("Enhancement"); case REPLENISH: return ("Replenishment"); case REGEN_POWER: return ("Power"); case RESISTANCE: return ("Resistance"); default: return ("Emptiness"); }; } } }//package
Section 131
//Encounter (Encounter) package { public class Encounter { public static const RESCUE:int = 1; public static const LURKER:int = 2; } }//package
Section 132
//EntryStairs (EntryStairs) package { import flash.display.*; public class EntryStairs extends Sprite { public var glow:StairsGlow; var enableRest:Boolean;// = false public function EntryStairs(_arg1:Boolean=false){ enableRest = false; super(); this.enableRest = _arg1; if (!(_arg1)){ removeGlow(); }; } public function removeGlow():void{ if (this.contains(glow)){ removeChild(glow); }; } } }//package
Section 133
//equip_bow_sound (equip_bow_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class equip_bow_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 134
//equip_shield_sound (equip_shield_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class equip_shield_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 135
//equip_sound (equip_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class equip_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 136
//equip_staff_sound (equip_staff_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class equip_staff_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 137
//equip_sword_sound (equip_sword_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class equip_sword_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 138
//Equipment (Equipment) package { public class Equipment extends Item { const base_accuracy_bonus = 10; const purple_armor_multiplier = 1.5; const base_item_stat_bonus = 1; private var _damageBonusVsCreatureType:int;// = 0 var white_chance;// = 15 var base_armor_mod:int;// = 0 private var _whoEquips:uint;// = 0 protected var materials:Array; private var _blind:int;// = 0 private var _suffix:int;// = -1 private var _poisonDamage:int;// = 0 private var _armor_rating:int;// = 0 private var _mod_intellect:int;// = 0 private var _material:int;// = -1 var grey_chance;// = 5 private var _accuracyBonus:int;// = 0 var blue_chance;// = 24 private var _mod_strength:int;// = 0 protected var prefixes:Array; private var _mod_dexterity:int;// = 0 private var _mod_quickness:int;// = 0 private var _enchantmentType:int;// = 0 private var _enchantmentValue:int;// = 0 private var _replenishing:int;// = 0 private var _slot:int;// = 0 private var _quickRetreat:Boolean;// = false private var _vampiric_percent:int;// = 0 private var _mod_healing:int;// = 0 private var _mod_endurance:int;// = 0 private var _armorBonusVsCreatureType:int;// = 0 var purple_chance;// = 1 private var _armorBonusVsCreatureModifier:Number;// = 1 private var _damageBonusVsCreatureModifier:Number;// = 1 var base_armor_rating:int;// = 0 private var _damageReflection:int;// = 0 private var _resistStun:int;// = 0 private var _resistPoison:int;// = 0 private var _healthRegen:int;// = 0 private var _lethality:int;// = 0 private var _prefix:int;// = -1 protected var suffixes:Array; private var _powerRegen:int;// = 0 protected var grey_name:String;// = "Damaged" var green_chance;// = 55 private var _causes_stun_percent:int;// = 0 static const boots = 4; static const weapon = 0; static const legs = 5; static const gearSlots = 9; static const back = 3; static const max_stat_for_purple = 4; static const offhand = 1; static const head = 8; static const ring = 2; static const ARMOR_SCALE_CONSTANT:Number = 0.2; static const gloves = 7; static const armor = 6; static var clericEquip:uint = 2; static var allEquip:uint = 4095; static var warriorEquip:uint = 8; static var barbarianEquip:uint = 32; static var rangerEquip:uint = 1; static var conjurorEquip:uint = 64; static var mageEquip:uint = 16; static var rogueEquip:uint = 4; public function Equipment(){ _slot = 0; grey_name = "Damaged"; grey_chance = 5; white_chance = 15; green_chance = 55; blue_chance = 24; purple_chance = 1; _material = -1; _prefix = -1; _suffix = -1; materials = new Array(); _whoEquips = 0; _enchantmentType = 0; _enchantmentValue = 0; _vampiric_percent = 0; _causes_stun_percent = 0; _poisonDamage = 0; _powerRegen = 0; _healthRegen = 0; _quickRetreat = false; _accuracyBonus = 0; _resistPoison = 0; _resistStun = 0; _damageReflection = 0; _blind = 0; _lethality = 0; _damageBonusVsCreatureType = 0; _damageBonusVsCreatureModifier = 1; _armorBonusVsCreatureType = 0; _armorBonusVsCreatureModifier = 1; _armor_rating = 0; base_armor_rating = 0; base_armor_mod = 0; _replenishing = 0; _mod_strength = 0; _mod_endurance = 0; _mod_dexterity = 0; _mod_intellect = 0; _mod_quickness = 0; _mod_healing = 0; super(); item_name = "Equipment"; slot = Equipment.gearSlots; item_level = 1; icon_frame = 1; } public function set slot(_arg1:int):void{ this._slot = _arg1; } public function setBlind(_arg1:int=10, _arg2:int=20):void{ this.blind = (this.blind + adjustStat(_arg1, _arg2)); } public function setPoisonDamage(_arg1:int=5):void{ this.poisonDamage = (this.poisonDamage + scalePoisonDamage(_arg1, item_level)); } public function set mod_endurance(_arg1:int):void{ this._mod_endurance = _arg1; } public function set enchantmentType(_arg1:int):void{ this._enchantmentType = _arg1; } public function generateItem(_arg1:int):void{ } public function set quickRetreat(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this._quickRetreat = _arg1; } public function get powerRegen():int{ return (this._powerRegen); } public function setPowerRegen(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=4):void{ this.powerRegen = (this.powerRegen + adjustStat(_arg1, _arg2)); } public function set lethality(_arg1:int):void{ this._lethality = _arg1; } public function set damageBonusVsCreatureModifier(_arg1:Number):void{ this._damageBonusVsCreatureModifier = _arg1; } public function rollForMaterial(_arg1:int, _arg2:Array):int{ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; if (_arg1 == Item.grey){ return (-1); }; if (_arg1 >= Item.purple){ return (-1); }; _local3 = Math.ceil((100 / _arg2.length)); _local4 = dmf.randomNum(0, 100); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg2.length) { _local6 = ((_local5 + 1) * _local3); if (_local4 <= _local6){ return (_local5); }; _local5++; }; return (1); } override public function getItemTypeString(){ return ("Equipment"); } public function set material(_arg1:int):void{ this._material = _arg1; } public function applySuffix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = suffix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; if (suffixes[_local1][0] == "Reflection"){ setDamageReflection(); return; }; if (suffixes[_local1][0] == "Tenacity"){ setResistStun(); return; }; if (suffixes[_local1][0] == "Accuracy"){ setAccuracy(); return; }; if (suffixes[_local1][0] == "Might"){ setStrength(); return; }; if (suffixes[_local1][0] == "Resilience"){ setEndurance(); return; }; if (suffixes[_local1][0] == "Insight"){ setIntellect(); return; }; if (suffixes[_local1][0] == "Deftness"){ setDexterity(); return; }; if (suffixes[_local1][0] == "Speed"){ setQuickness(); return; }; if (suffixes[_local1][0] == "Lethality"){ setLethality(); return; }; if (suffixes[_local1][0] == "Discretion"){ quickRetreat = true; return; }; } public function set powerRegen(_arg1:int):void{ this._powerRegen = _arg1; } public function get enchantmentValue():int{ return (this._enchantmentValue); } override public function itemStatsString(_arg1:String):String{ if (replenishing){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("Replenishes " + replenishing) + "% health and power at the end of every battle\n")); }; if (damageBonusVsCreatureType == MonsterCharacter.undead){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (Math.floor((damageBonusVsCreatureModifier * 100)) + "% damage to undead\n")); }; if (damageBonusVsCreatureType == MonsterCharacter.greenskin){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (Math.floor((damageBonusVsCreatureModifier * 100)) + "% damage to greenskins\n")); }; if (damageBonusVsCreatureType == MonsterCharacter.creature){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (Math.floor((damageBonusVsCreatureModifier * 100)) + "% damage to deep creatures\n")); }; if (damageBonusVsCreatureType == MonsterCharacter.human){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (Math.floor((damageBonusVsCreatureModifier * 100)) + "% damage to humans\n")); }; if (damageBonusVsCreatureType == MonsterCharacter.dwarf){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (Math.floor((damageBonusVsCreatureModifier * 100)) + "% damage to dwarves\n")); }; if (armorBonusVsCreatureType == MonsterCharacter.undead){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("+" + Math.floor(((armorBonusVsCreatureModifier * 100) - 100))) + "% normal damage resistance versus undead\n")); }; if (armorBonusVsCreatureType == MonsterCharacter.greenskin){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("+" + Math.floor(((armorBonusVsCreatureModifier * 100) - 100))) + "% normal damage resistance versus greenskins\n")); }; if (armorBonusVsCreatureType == MonsterCharacter.creature){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("+" + Math.floor(((armorBonusVsCreatureModifier * 100) - 100))) + "% normal damage resistance versus deep creatures\n")); }; if (armorBonusVsCreatureType == MonsterCharacter.human){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("+" + Math.floor(((armorBonusVsCreatureModifier * 100) - 100))) + "% normal damage resistance versus humans\n")); }; if (armorBonusVsCreatureType == MonsterCharacter.dwarf){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("+" + Math.floor(((armorBonusVsCreatureModifier * 100) - 100))) + "% normal damage resistance versus dwarves\n")); }; if (mod_strength > 0){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("+" + mod_strength) + " Strength\n")); }; if (mod_endurance > 0){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("+" + mod_endurance) + " Endurance\n")); }; if (mod_dexterity > 0){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("+" + mod_dexterity) + " Dexterity\n")); }; if (mod_intellect > 0){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("+" + mod_intellect) + " Intellect\n")); }; if (causes_stun_percent > 0){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (String(causes_stun_percent) + "% chance to stun target\n")); }; if (blind > 0){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("Reduces target's accuracy by " + blind) + "%\n")); }; if (lethality > 0){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (lethality + "% chance to kill target\n")); }; if (powerRegen > 0){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("+" + powerRegen) + " power regeneration\n")); }; if (healthRegen > 0){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("+" + healthRegen) + " health regeneration\n")); }; if (damageReflection > 0){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (damageReflection + "% damage reflection\n")); }; if (resistPoison != 0){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (resistPoison + "% reduced damage from poison\n")); }; if (resistStun != 0){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (resistStun + "% chance to resist stun\n")); }; if (vampiric_percent > 0){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("Drain health (" + vampiric_percent) + "% of damage)\n")); }; if (poisonDamage > 0){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("Apply " + poisonDamage) + " poison damage on hit\n")); }; if (accuracyBonus){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("+" + accuracyBonus) + " chance to hit\n")); }; if (mod_quickness > 0){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (("+" + mod_quickness) + " Quickness\n")); } else { if (mod_quickness < 0){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (mod_quickness + " Quickness\n")); }; }; if (quickRetreat){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + "Wearer may retreat instantly\n"); }; return (_arg1); } public function set healthRegen(_arg1:int):void{ this._healthRegen = _arg1; } public function adjustStat(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:Boolean=false):int{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:*; _local4 = 0; if (_arg3){ _local4 = ((item_level - 1) / DungeonMain.MAX_LEVEL); } else { _local4 = Math.min(1, ((item_level - 1) / DungeonMain.MAX_LEVEL)); }; _local5 = Math.round((_arg1 + (_local4 * Math.abs((_arg2 - _arg1))))); return (_local5); } public function SetRarity(_arg1:int){ var _local2:int; if (_arg1 >= 0){ this.item_rarity = _arg1; return; }; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, 100); if (_local2 <= grey_chance){ item_rarity = Item.grey; } else { if (_local2 <= (white_chance + grey_chance)){ item_rarity = Item.white; } else { if (_local2 <= ((green_chance + grey_chance) + white_chance)){ item_rarity =; } else { if (_local2 <= (((blue_chance + green_chance) + grey_chance) + white_chance)){ item_rarity =; } else { item_rarity = Item.purple; }; }; }; }; } public function setStunChance(_arg1:int=5, _arg2:int=10):void{ this.causes_stun_percent = (this.causes_stun_percent + adjustStat(_arg1, _arg2)); } public function get prefix():int{ return (this._prefix); } public function get vampiric_percent():int{ return (this._vampiric_percent); } public function get mod_intellect():int{ return (this._mod_intellect); } public function get armor_rating():int{ return (this._armor_rating); } public function get poisonDamage():int{ return (this._poisonDamage); } public function set suffix(_arg1:int):void{ this._suffix = _arg1; } public function get accuracyBonus():int{ return (this._accuracyBonus); } public function set blind(_arg1:int):void{ this._blind = _arg1; } public function set armorBonusVsCreatureModifier(_arg1:Number):void{ this._armorBonusVsCreatureModifier = _arg1; } public function get causes_stun_percent():int{ return (this._causes_stun_percent); } public function rollForPrefix(_arg1:int):int{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; if ((((_arg1 == Item.grey)) || ((_arg1 == Item.white)))){ return (-1); }; _local2 = Math.ceil((100 / prefixes.length)); _local3 = dmf.randomNum(0, 100); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < prefixes.length) { _local5 = ((_local4 + 1) * _local2); if (_local3 <= _local5){ return (_local4); }; _local4++; }; return (-1); } public function setStrength(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=3):void{ this.mod_strength = (this.mod_strength + adjustStat(_arg1, _arg2, true)); } public function get mod_healing():int{ return (this._mod_healing); } public function get mod_dexterity():int{ return (this._mod_dexterity); } public function get mod_quickness():int{ return (this._mod_quickness); } public function setLethality(_arg1:int=5, _arg2:int=10):void{ this.lethality = (this.lethality + adjustStat(_arg1, _arg2)); } override public function getWorth():int{ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _local1 = 100; _local2 = _local1; _local3 = (1 + ((item_level * ITEM_VALUE_INCREASE_PER_LEVEL) / 100)); _local2 = (_local2 * _local3); switch (item_rarity){ case Item.grey: _local2 = (_local2 * 0.75); break; case Item.white: default: break; case _local2 = (_local2 * 1.75); break; case _local2 = (_local2 * 2.5); break; case Item.purple: _local2 = (_local2 * 9); break; case _local2 = (_local2 * 12); break; }; if (material > 0){ _local2 = (_local2 * (1 + (material * 0.05))); }; _local2 = (_local2 * getModForSlot(slot)); if (powerRegen){ _local2 = (_local2 * 1.15); }; if (lethality){ _local2 = (_local2 * 1.1); }; if (enchantmentType){ if (enchantmentType >= Enchantment.ENHANCEMENT){ _local2 = (_local2 * 1.1); } else { _local2 = (_local2 * 1.05); }; }; return (Math.round(_local2)); } public function get mod_strength():int{ return (this._mod_strength); } public function multiplyStats(_arg1:Number):void{ mod_strength = Math.ceil((mod_strength * _arg1)); mod_endurance = Math.ceil((mod_endurance * _arg1)); mod_dexterity = Math.ceil((mod_dexterity * _arg1)); mod_intellect = Math.ceil((mod_intellect * _arg1)); mod_quickness = (mod_quickness + Math.ceil(Math.abs((mod_quickness * (_arg1 - 1))))); mod_healing = Math.ceil((mod_healing * _arg1)); vampiric_percent = Math.ceil((vampiric_percent * _arg1)); causes_stun_percent = Math.ceil((causes_stun_percent * _arg1)); poisonDamage = Math.ceil((poisonDamage * _arg1)); blind = Math.ceil((blind * _arg1)); lethality = Math.ceil((lethality * _arg1)); powerRegen = Math.ceil((powerRegen * _arg1)); healthRegen = Math.ceil((healthRegen * _arg1)); replenishing = Math.ceil((replenishing * _arg1)); accuracyBonus = Math.ceil((accuracyBonus * _arg1)); resistPoison = (resistPoison + Math.ceil(Math.abs((resistPoison * (_arg1 - 1))))); resistStun = Math.ceil((resistStun * _arg1)); damageReflection = Math.ceil((damageReflection * _arg1)); damageBonusVsCreatureModifier = (damageBonusVsCreatureModifier * _arg1); armorBonusVsCreatureModifier = (armorBonusVsCreatureModifier * _arg1); armor_rating = Math.ceil((armor_rating * _arg1)); } public function getItemModifiers():void{ prefixes = new Array(); prefixes.push(["Runed", 2]); suffixes = new Array(); suffixes.push(["Resilience", base_item_stat_bonus]); suffixes.push(["Insight", base_item_stat_bonus]); suffixes.push(["Speed", 5]); } public function set enchantmentValue(_arg1:int):void{ this._enchantmentValue = _arg1; } public function get damageReflection():int{ return (this._damageReflection); } public function getModForSlot(_arg1:int):Number{ var _local2:*; _local2 = 1; if (_arg1 =={ _local2 = 1; } else { if (_arg1 == Equipment.gloves){ _local2 = 1; } else { if (_arg1 == Equipment.legs){ _local2 = 1.2; } else { if (_arg1 == Equipment.armor){ _local2 = 1.5; } else { if (_arg1 == Equipment.head){ _local2 = 1.2; } else { if (_arg1 == Equipment.weapon){ _local2 = 1.5; } else { if (_arg1 == Equipment.offhand){ _local2 = 1.2; } else { if (_arg1 == Equipment.ring){ _local2 = 1.3; } else { if (_arg1 == Equipment.back){ _local2 = 1.1; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; return (_local2); } public function get replenishing():int{ return (this._replenishing); } public function get mod_endurance():int{ return (this._mod_endurance); } public function set mod_intellect(_arg1:int):void{ this._mod_intellect = _arg1; } public function get enchantmentType():int{ return (this._enchantmentType); } public function set damageBonusVsCreatureType(_arg1:int):void{ this._damageBonusVsCreatureType = _arg1; } public function setResistPoison(_arg1:int=20, _arg2:int=30):void{ this.resistPoison = (this.resistPoison + adjustStat(_arg1, _arg2)); } public function get lethality():int{ return (this._lethality); } public function get quickRetreat():Boolean{ return (this._quickRetreat); } public function setVampiric(_arg1:int=5, _arg2:int=7):void{ this.vampiric_percent = (this.vampiric_percent + adjustStat(_arg1, _arg2)); } public function get damageBonusVsCreatureModifier():Number{ return (this._damageBonusVsCreatureModifier); } public function set prefix(_arg1:int):void{ this._prefix = _arg1; } public function get material():int{ return (this._material); } public function usableString():String{ var _local1:String; if (whoEquips == allEquip){ return ("Usable: All"); }; _local1 = ""; if ((warriorEquip & whoEquips) == warriorEquip){ _local1 = (_local1 + "Warrior, "); }; if ((rogueEquip & whoEquips) == rogueEquip){ _local1 = (_local1 + "Rogue, "); }; if ((clericEquip & whoEquips) == clericEquip){ _local1 = (_local1 + "Cleric, "); }; if ((rangerEquip & whoEquips) == rangerEquip){ _local1 = (_local1 + "Ranger, "); }; if ((mageEquip & whoEquips) == mageEquip){ _local1 = (_local1 + "Mage, "); }; if ((barbarianEquip & whoEquips) == barbarianEquip){ _local1 = (_local1 + "Barbarian, "); }; if ((conjurorEquip & whoEquips) == conjurorEquip){ _local1 = (_local1 + "Conjuror, "); }; if (_local1 == ""){ return ("Usable: None"); }; _local1 = _local1.substr(0, (_local1.length - 2)); return (("Usable: " + _local1)); } public function set resistPoison(_arg1:int):void{ this._resistPoison = _arg1; } public function set vampiric_percent(_arg1:int):void{ this._vampiric_percent = _arg1; } public function set poisonDamage(_arg1:int):void{ this._poisonDamage = _arg1; } public function set armor_rating(_arg1:int):void{ this._armor_rating = _arg1; } public function setIntellect(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=3):void{ this.mod_intellect = (this.mod_intellect + adjustStat(_arg1, _arg2, true)); } public function get healthRegen():int{ return (this._healthRegen); } public function set whoEquips(_arg1:uint):void{ this._whoEquips = _arg1; } public function set accuracyBonus(_arg1:int):void{ this._accuracyBonus = _arg1; } public function get suffix():int{ return (this._suffix); } public function get armorBonusVsCreatureModifier():Number{ return (this._armorBonusVsCreatureModifier); } public function get blind():int{ return (this._blind); } override public function itemData():ItemData{ var _local1:ItemData; _local1 = new ItemData(); _local1.item_level = this.item_level; _local1.item_rarity = this.item_rarity; _local1.purple_num = this.purple_num; _local1.material = this.material; _local1.prefix = this.prefix; _local1.suffix = this.suffix; return (_local1); } public function set causes_stun_percent(_arg1:int):void{ this._causes_stun_percent = _arg1; } public function set armorBonusVsCreatureType(_arg1:int):void{ this._armorBonusVsCreatureType = _arg1; } public function scaleArmorForLevel(_arg1:int):int{ return (armorScale(_arg1, item_level)); } public function setAccuracy(_arg1:int=5, _arg2:int=15):void{ this.accuracyBonus = (this.accuracyBonus + adjustStat(_arg1, _arg2)); } public function setDamageReflection(_arg1:int=25, _arg2:int=45):void{ this.damageReflection = (this.damageReflection + adjustStat(_arg1, _arg2)); } public function rollForSuffix(_arg1:int):int{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; if ((((_arg1 == Item.grey)) || ((_arg1 == Item.white)))){ return (-1); }; _local2 = Math.ceil((100 / suffixes.length)); _local3 = dmf.randomNum(0, 100); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < suffixes.length) { _local5 = ((_local4 + 1) * _local2); if (_local3 <= _local5){ return (_local4); }; _local4++; }; return (-1); } public function setHealthRegen(_arg1:int=5):void{ this.healthRegen = (this.healthRegen + scaleHealthRegen(_arg1, item_level)); } public function set mod_healing(_arg1:int):void{ this._mod_healing = _arg1; } public function get damageBonusVsCreatureType():int{ return (this._damageBonusVsCreatureType); } public function set resistStun(_arg1:int):void{ this._resistStun = _arg1; } public function setQuickness(_arg1:int=3, _arg2:int=10):void{ this.mod_quickness = (this.mod_quickness + adjustStat(_arg1, _arg2)); } public function set mod_dexterity(_arg1:int):void{ this._mod_dexterity = _arg1; } public function setDexterity(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=3):void{ this.mod_dexterity = (this.mod_dexterity + adjustStat(_arg1, _arg2, true)); } public function get resistPoison():int{ return (this._resistPoison); } public function set mod_quickness(_arg1:int):void{ this._mod_quickness = _arg1; } public function applyPrefix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = prefix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; if (prefixes[_local1][0] == "Runed"){ setPowerRegen(); return; }; if (prefixes[_local1][0] == "Vampiric"){ setVampiric(); return; }; if (prefixes[_local1][0] == "Staggering"){ setStunChance(); return; }; if (prefixes[_local1][0] == "Unerring"){ setAccuracy(); return; }; if (prefixes[_local1][0] == "Venomous"){ setPoisonDamage(); return; }; if (prefixes[_local1][0] == "Blinding"){ setBlind(); return; }; if (prefixes[_local1][0] == "Soothing"){ setHealthRegen(); return; }; if (prefixes[_local1][0] == "Purifying"){ setResistPoison(); return; }; if (prefixes[_local1][0] == "Thick"){ armor_rating = Math.ceil((armor_rating * prefixes[_local1][1])); return; }; } public function get whoEquips():uint{ return (this._whoEquips); } public function get armorBonusVsCreatureType():int{ return (this._armorBonusVsCreatureType); } public function set mod_strength(_arg1:int):void{ this._mod_strength = _arg1; } public function get resistStun():int{ return (this._resistStun); } public function setEndurance(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=3):void{ this.mod_endurance = (this.mod_endurance + adjustStat(_arg1, _arg2, true)); } public function setResistStun(_arg1:int=20, _arg2:int=30):void{ this.resistStun = (this.resistStun + adjustStat(_arg1, _arg2)); } public function set damageReflection(_arg1:int):void{ this._damageReflection = _arg1; } public function set replenishing(_arg1:int):void{ this._replenishing = _arg1; } public function get slot():int{ return (this._slot); } public static function scalePoisonDamage(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):int{ return (Math.round((MonsterCharacter.getHealthMax(_arg2) * (_arg1 / 100)))); } public static function armorScale(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):int{ return (Math.ceil((_arg1 * (1 + ((_arg2 - 1) * Equipment.ARMOR_SCALE_CONSTANT))))); } public static function scaleHealthRegen(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):int{ return (Math.round((_arg1 * (PlayerCharacter.baseHealthForLevel(_arg2) / 100)))); } } }//package
Section 139
//ErrorDialog (ErrorDialog) package { import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class ErrorDialog extends MovieClip { public var yes_btn:MovieClip; public var bg:MovieClip; public var dlg_text:TextField; public var dlg_title:TextField; public function ErrorDialog(_arg1:String="", _arg2:String=""):void{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; super(); if (_arg1.length){ setTitle(_arg1); }; if (_arg2.length){ setText(_arg2); }; yes_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickOkay); dlg_title.y = (bg.y + 5); dlg_text.y = (dlg_title.y + 40); yes_btn.y = ((dlg_text.y + dlg_text.textHeight) + 18); _local3 = (bg.height / 200); _local4 = ((yes_btn.y - bg.y) + 26); bg.height = Math.round((_local4 * _local3)); _local5 = bg.y; bg.y = (((DungeonMain.APP_HEIGHT - _local4) - 130) / 2); _local6 = (_local5 - bg.y); dlg_title.y = (dlg_title.y - _local6); dlg_text.y = (dlg_text.y - _local6); yes_btn.y = (yes_btn.y - _local6); dm.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); } public function setTitle(_arg1:String):void{ dlg_title.text = _arg1; dm.embolden(dlg_title); } private function cleanup():void{ dm.stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); yes_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickOkay); } public function setText(_arg1:String):void{ dlg_text.text = _arg1; } function clickOkay(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (stage != null){ stage.removeChild(this); cleanup(); }; } function reportKeyDown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if ((((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER)) || ((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ESCAPE)))){ clickOkay(null); }; } } }//package
Section 140
//ExitStairs (ExitStairs) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ExitStairs extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 141
//FadeFromPage (FadeFromPage) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class FadeFromPage extends MovieClip { public function FadeFromPage(){ addFrameScript(39, frame40); } function frame40(){ this.stop(); if (parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); }; } } }//package
Section 142
//FadeScreen (FadeScreen) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class FadeScreen extends MovieClip { public function FadeScreen(){ addFrameScript(5, frame6); } function frame6(){ this.gotoAndStop(6); } } }//package
Section 143
//FadeToBlack (FadeToBlack) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class FadeToBlack extends MovieClip { public function FadeToBlack(){ addFrameScript(14, frame15); } function frame15(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 144
//feardeath_effect (feardeath_effect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class feardeath_effect extends MovieClip { public function feardeath_effect(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 34, frame35, 44, frame45); } function frame1(){, 0.75); } function frame35(){ this.stop(); } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 145
//fields_of_honor_loop01 (fields_of_honor_loop01) package { import*; public dynamic class fields_of_honor_loop01 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 146
//fire_effect (fire_effect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class fire_effect extends MovieClip { public var flames:fire_scroll; public function fire_effect(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 49, frame50); } function frame1(){; this.flames.x = DungeonMain.RandomNum(0, 240); } function frame50(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 147
//fire_scroll (fire_scroll) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class fire_scroll extends MovieClip { public function fire_scroll(){ addFrameScript(44, frame45); } function frame45(){ this.gotoAndStop(45); } } }//package
Section 148
//flames_sound (flames_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class flames_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 149
//freeze_sound (freeze_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class freeze_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 150
//frozen_effect (frozen_effect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class frozen_effect extends MovieClip { public function frozen_effect(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 44, frame45); } function frame1(){; } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 151
//frozen_wastelands_loop02 (frozen_wastelands_loop02) package { import*; public dynamic class frozen_wastelands_loop02 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 152
//gain_both_effect (gain_both_effect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class gain_both_effect extends MovieClip { public function gain_both_effect(){ addFrameScript(44, frame45); } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 153
//gain_health_effect (gain_health_effect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class gain_health_effect extends MovieClip { public function gain_health_effect(){ addFrameScript(20, frame21, 44, frame45); } function frame21(){ this.stop(); } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 154
//gain_power_effect (gain_power_effect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class gain_power_effect extends MovieClip { public function gain_power_effect(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 44, frame45); } function frame1(){; } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 155
//GlobalVolume (GlobalVolume) package { import*; import flash.utils.*; import*; public class GlobalVolume { static const fade_out_time = 500; static const volumeFull = 1; static const volumeMid = 0.5; static const volumeLow = 0.15; static const sound_fade_steps = 20; static const fade_in_time = 1000; static const volumeOff = 0; static var volumeSetting:Number = 1; static var fadeTimer:Timer; static var fadeFromSetting:Number = 0; public static function beginFade():void{ var _local1:*; if (volumeSetting == fadeFromSetting){ return; }; if (volumeSetting > fadeFromSetting){ _local1 = fade_in_time; } else { _local1 = fade_out_time; }; SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(fadeFromSetting); fadeTimer = new Timer(Math.round((_local1 / sound_fade_steps)), sound_fade_steps); fadeTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, fadeStep); fadeTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, fadeDone); fadeTimer.start(); } public static function mute():void{ setVolume(volumeOff); } public static function setVolume(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ fadeFromSetting = volumeSetting; volumeSetting = _arg1; if (_arg2){ beginFade(); } else { SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(_arg1); }; } static function fadeDone(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ fadeTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, fadeStep); fadeTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, fadeDone); SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(volumeSetting); } static function fadeStep(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = ((volumeSetting - fadeFromSetting) / sound_fade_steps); _local3 = (SoundMixer.soundTransform.volume + _local2); SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(_local3); } } }//package
Section 156
//GoldDisplay (GoldDisplay) package { import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class GoldDisplay extends Sprite { public var goldLabel:TextField; public var goldIcon:Sprite; public function GoldDisplay():void{ } public function setGold(_arg1:int):void{ goldLabel.text = String(_arg1); } } }//package
Section 157
//GreenBar (GreenBar) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class GreenBar extends Sprite { } }//package
Section 158
//heal1_sound (heal1_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class heal1_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 159
//healeffect (healeffect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class healeffect extends MovieClip { public function healeffect(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 44, frame45); } function frame1(){; } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 160
//healeffect_green (healeffect_green) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class healeffect_green extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 161
//HealthBar (HealthBar) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class HealthBar extends MovieClip { public var bar:RedBar; public var lightbar:RedBar; } }//package
Section 162
//HeavyArmor (HeavyArmor) package { public class HeavyArmor extends Armor { public function HeavyArmor(){ type = Armor.heavy; mod_quickness = (mod_quickness - 5); whoEquips = (Equipment.warriorEquip + Equipment.clericEquip); base_armor_rating = 27; grey_name = "Battered"; materials.push("Iron", "Steel", "Damascene", "Mithril", "Magesteel", "Planeforged"); } override public function getItemTypeString(){ return ("Heavy Armor"); } override public function applySuffix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = suffix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applySuffix(); } override public function itemStatsString(_arg1:String):String{ return (super.itemStatsString(_arg1)); } override public function applyPrefix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = prefix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; if (prefixes[_local1][0] == "Lightweight"){ mod_quickness = (mod_quickness + prefixes[_local1][1]); if (mod_quickness > 0){ mod_quickness = 0; }; return; }; super.applyPrefix(); } override public function getWorth():int{ return (Math.round((1.2 * super.getWorth()))); } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); prefixes.push(["Lightweight", 2]); } } }//package
Section 163
//hellwars_loop02 (hellwars_loop02) package { import*; public dynamic class hellwars_loop02 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 164
//HelpButton (HelpButton) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class HelpButton extends MovieClip { var target:DisplayObjectContainer; var helpscreen:MovieClip; public function HelpButton(){ addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clicked); } public function clicked(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (parent == null){ return; }; target = parent; if ((parent is DungeonInterface)){ helpscreen = new HelpScreenDungeon(); target = parent.parent; } else { if ((parent is Inventory)){ helpscreen = new HelpScreenInventory(); } else { if ((parent is Battlefield)){ helpscreen = new HelpScreenBattlefield(); } else { if ((parent is Shop)){ helpscreen = new HelpScreenShop(); }; }; }; }; if (helpscreen == null){ return; }; helpscreen.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, closeHelp); target.addChild(helpscreen); } function closeHelp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (helpscreen == null){ return; }; if (target == null){ target = parent; }; helpscreen.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, closeHelp); if (target.contains(helpscreen)){ target.removeChild(helpscreen); }; helpscreen = null; } public function cleanup():void{ removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clicked); } } }//package
Section 165
//HelpScreenBattlefield (HelpScreenBattlefield) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class HelpScreenBattlefield extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 166
//HelpScreenDungeon (HelpScreenDungeon) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class HelpScreenDungeon extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 167
//HelpScreenInventory (HelpScreenInventory) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class HelpScreenInventory extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 168
//HelpScreenShop (HelpScreenShop) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class HelpScreenShop extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 169
//hide3_sound (hide3_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class hide3_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 170
//HidingEffect (HidingEffect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class HidingEffect extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 171
//HintDialog (HintDialog) package { import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class HintDialog extends MovieClip { public var yes_btn:MovieClip; var checkboxEnabled:Boolean;// = true public var showCheck:dCheckBox; public var bg:MovieClip; public var dlg_text:TextField; public var dlg_title:TextField; public function HintDialog(_arg1:String="", _arg2:String="", _arg3:Boolean=true, _arg4:Boolean=false){ var _local5:Number; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; var _local8:*; checkboxEnabled = true; super(); if (_arg1.length){ setTitle(_arg1); }; if (_arg2.length){ setText(_arg2); }; yes_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickOkay); if (_arg3){ showCheck.setChecked(DungeonMain.showHints); showCheck.setDescription("Show hints and tips"); } else { removeChild(showCheck); checkboxEnabled = false; }; dlg_text.mouseEnabled = false; dlg_title.y = (bg.y + 5); dlg_text.y = (dlg_title.y + 40); yes_btn.y = ((dlg_text.y + dlg_text.textHeight) + 18); showCheck.y = yes_btn.y; _local5 = (bg.height / 200); _local6 = ((yes_btn.y - bg.y) + 26); bg.height = Math.round((_local6 * _local5)); _local7 = bg.y; if (!(_arg4)){ bg.y = (((DungeonMain.APP_HEIGHT - _local6) - 130) / 2); } else { bg.y = ((DungeonMain.APP_HEIGHT - _local6) / 2); }; _local8 = (_local7 - bg.y); dlg_title.y = (dlg_title.y - _local8); dlg_text.y = (dlg_text.y - _local8); yes_btn.y = (yes_btn.y - _local8); showCheck.y = (showCheck.y - _local8); dm.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); } public function setTitle(_arg1:String):void{ dlg_title.text = _arg1; dm.embolden(dlg_title); } private function cleanup():void{ dm.stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); yes_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickOkay); showCheck.cleanup(); } public function setText(_arg1:String):void{ dlg_text.text = _arg1; } function clickOkay(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ DungeonMain.showHints = showCheck.checked; yes_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickOkay); if (parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); } else { if ((((dm.stage == null)) && (!((stage == null))))){ dm.stage = stage; }; if (((!((dm.stage == null))) && (dm.stage.contains(this)))){ dm.stage.removeChild(this); }; }; if (dm.main != null){ dm.main.saveInterface(); }; cleanup(); } function reportKeyDown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if ((((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER)) || ((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ESCAPE)))){ clickOkay(null); }; } } }//package
Section 172
//Horde (Horde) package { import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.display.*; public class Horde extends MovieClip { var tooltip:HordeTooltip; private var mousingOver:Boolean;// = false private var mouseOverFrames:int;// = 0 public var members:Array; public var legendary:Boolean;// = false public var defeated:Boolean;// = false public var bg:MovieClip; public var boss:int;// = 0 public var level:int;// = 1 private var mousedOverEvent:MouseEvent; public var icon:HordeIcon; public var race:int;// = 1 public var room:DungeonRoom; static const dwarves = 16; static const cultists = 8; static const greenskins = 2; static const creatures = 4; static const special = 32; static const max_size = 6; static const undead = 1; public function Horde(_arg1:int=32, _arg2:int=1, _arg3:int=0, _arg4:DungeonRoom=null, _arg5:Boolean=false, _arg6:Boolean=false):void{ var _local7:int; var _local8:MonsterCharacter; var _local9:*; var _local10:int; var _local11:int; var _local12:int; var _local13:MonsterCharacter; var _local14:MonsterCharacter; var _local15:int; var _local16:Boolean; var _local17:Array; var _local18:*; var _local19:*; var _local20:*; var _local21:*; var _local22:*; members = new Array(); defeated = false; race = Horde.undead; level = 1; boss = 0; legendary = false; mousingOver = false; mouseOverFrames = 0; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 14, frame15, 29, frame30); _local7 = 0; _local9 = dmf.randomNum(2, 4); _local10 = -1; this.race = _arg1; this.level = _arg2; this.boss = _arg3; = _arg4; this.legendary = _arg6; _local11 = dm.main.pc_party.campaign; if (legendary){ icon.gotoAndStop(3); _local12 = dmf.randomNum(0, 100); if (DungeonMain.BETA){ _local12 = 99; }; if (_local12 < 33){ _local8 = new mGorgon(_arg2); _local8.pos = 2; _local10 = 1; members.push(_local8); } else { if (_local12 < 66){ _local8 = new mMinotaur(_arg2); _local8.pos = 5; _local10 = 1; members.push(_local8); } else { _local8 = new mHydraBody(_arg2); _local8.pos = 2; members.push(_local8); _local13 = new mHydraHead(_arg2); _local13.pos = 4; members.push(_local13); _local14 = new mHydraHead(_arg2); _local14.pos = 6; members.push(_local14); _local10 = 3; }; }; } else { if (boss > 0){ icon.gotoAndStop(2); if (!(_arg5)){ if (((((_arg2 % DungeonMain.MAX_LEVEL) == 0)) && (!((_local11 == Campaign.DELUXE))))){ if (_local11 == Campaign.ORIGINAL){ _local8 = new mDemon(_arg2); _local8.pos = 2; _local10 = 1; } else { _local15 = dmf.randomNum(0, 300); if (_local15 < 150){ if (_local15 < 75){ _local8 = new mDemon(_arg2); _local8.pos = 2; _local10 = 1; } else { _local10 = addDeluxeBoss(); }; } else { _local8 = getBoss(true); _local8.pos = 5; members.push(_local8); _local8 = getBoss(false); _local8.pos = 2; _local10 = 6; this.boss = 2; }; }; } else { _local16 = true; if (_local11 == Campaign.ORIGINAL){ if (_arg2 <= 4){ _local16 = true; } else { if (_arg2 <= 8){ _local16 = false; } else { _local16 = (dmf.randomNum(0, 1000) > 500); }; }; } else { if (_arg2 == 1){ _local16 = true; } else { _local16 = (dmf.randomNum(0, 1000) > 500); }; }; _local8 = getBoss(_local16); _local10 = 6; }; }; if (((!((_local8 == null))) && (!(_arg5)))){ if (_local16){ _local8.pos = 5; } else { _local8.pos = 2; }; members.push(_local8); _local7 = _local8.pos; _local9 = (_local9 + 2); }; }; _local9 = (_local9 + getRoomSizeModifier()); if ((_arg2 % DungeonMain.MAX_LEVEL) == 0){ _local9++; } else { if (_arg2 == 1){ _local9 = (_local9 - 1); }; }; _local9 = Math.min(_local9, 6); _local9 = Math.max(_local9, 1); if (_local10 != -1){ _local9 = _local10; }; while ((((members.length < _local9)) && (!(_arg5)))) { _local17 = new Array(6); _local18 = 0; while (_local18 < 6) { _local17[_local18] = (_local18 + 1); _local18++; }; _local17 = dm.shuffleArray(_local17); _local19 = 0; while (_local19 < 6) { if (_local17[_local19] == _local7){ } else { if (memberInPos(_local17[_local19]) != null){ } else { _local20 = (_local9 - members.length); _local21 = Math.round((75 / _local20)); if (dmf.randomNum(0, 100) <= _local21){ _local22 = _arg2; _local8 = GetMonsterForSlot(_arg1, _local22, _local17[_local19]); members.push(_local8); if (members.length == _local9){ break; }; }; }; }; _local19++; }; }; }; bg.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, hordeMouseOnTarget); bg.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, hordeMouseOutTarget); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); } public function battleAnim():void{ this.gotoAndPlay("battle");, SoundControl.volumeSetting); } private function getBoss(_arg1:Boolean):MonsterCharacter{ var _local2:MonsterCharacter; var _local3:int; _local3 = 0; if (race == Horde.special){ _local3 = dmf.randomNum(1, 5); }; if ((((race == Horde.undead)) || ((_local3 == 1)))){ if (_arg1){ _local2 = new mDeathKnight(level); } else { _local2 = new mNecromancer(level); }; } else { if ((((race == Horde.greenskins)) || ((_local3 == 2)))){ if (_arg1){ _local2 = new mOrcJuggernaut(level); } else { _local2 = new mOrcWarlord(level); }; } else { if ((((race == Horde.creatures)) || ((_local3 == 3)))){ if (_arg1){ _local2 = new mDragon(level); } else { _local2 = new mBeholder(level); }; } else { if ((((race == Horde.cultists)) || ((_local3 == 4)))){ if (_arg1){ _local2 = new mCultEngine(level); } else { _local2 = new mAscendant(level); }; } else { if ((((race == Horde.dwarves)) || ((_local3 == 5)))){ if (_arg1){ _local2 = new mDwarfWarleader(level); } else { _local2 = new mDwarfPrince(level); }; }; }; }; }; }; return (_local2); } public function needHydraHeads():int{ var _local1:int; var _local2:MonsterCharacter; _local1 = 0; for each (_local2 in members) { if ((((_local2 is mHydraHead)) && (( <= 0)))){ _local1 = (_local1 + 2); }; }; return (_local1); } protected function GetMonsterForSlot(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int):MonsterCharacter{ var _local4:MonsterCharacter; var _local5:*; var _local6:int; _local5 = (_arg3 > 3); if (_arg1 == Horde.special){ _local6 = dmf.randomNum(0, 99); if (((!((dm.main.pc_party == null))) && ((dm.main.pc_party.campaign == Campaign.ORIGINAL)))){ _local6 = dmf.randomNum(20, 99); }; if (_local6 >= 80){ _local4 = getUndead(_arg1, _arg2, _local5); } else { if (_local6 >= 60){ _local4 = getGreenskin(_arg1, _arg2, _local5); } else { if (_local6 >= 40){ _local4 = getCreature(_arg1, _arg2, _local5); } else { if (_local6 >= 20){ _local4 = getCultist(_arg1, _arg2, _local5); } else { _local4 = getDwarf(_arg1, _arg2, _local5); }; }; }; }; } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.undead){ _local4 = getUndead(_arg1, _arg2, _local5); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.greenskins){ _local4 = getGreenskin(_arg1, _arg2, _local5); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.creatures){ _local4 = getCreature(_arg1, _arg2, _local5); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.cultists){ _local4 = getCultist(_arg1, _arg2, _local5); } else { if (_arg1 == Horde.dwarves){ _local4 = getDwarf(_arg1, _arg2, _local5); } else { _local4 = new mGreebler(_arg2); }; }; }; }; }; }; _local4.pos = _arg3; return (_local4); } private function newTooltip(_arg1:MouseEvent):Boolean{ var _local2:*; var _local3:Array; var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:String; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; _local2 = 0; _local3 = new Array(); if (!(members.length)){ return (false); }; if (_arg1 == null){ return (false); }; _local5 = getHordeDescription(); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < members.length) { if (members[_local6].health <= 0){ } else { _local4 = true; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _local3.length) { if (_local3[_local7][0] == members[_local6].charname){ var _local8 = _local3[_local7]; var _local9 = 1; var _local10 = (_local8[_local9] + 1); _local8[_local9] = _local10; _local4 = false; break; }; _local7++; }; if (_local4){ _local3.push([members[_local6].charname, 1, members[_local6].portrait]); }; }; _local6++; }; tooltip = new HordeTooltip(_local5, _local3, boss, legendary); tooltip.mouseEnabled = false; tooltip.mouseChildren = false; = "tooltip_horde"; tooltip.setForEvent(_arg1); stage.addChild(tooltip); tooltip.mask = null; return (true); } public function fullRecovery():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < members.length) { members[_local1].clearStatusEffects(); members[_local1].health = members[_local1].health_max; members[_local1].power = members[_local1].power_max; _local1++; }; } function onFadeComplete(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ if (parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); }; } public function findEmptySlot(_arg1:Boolean):int{ var _local2:int; _local2 = 0; if (_arg1){ _local2 = 4; while (_local2 <= 6) { if (memberInPos(_local2) == null){ return (_local2); }; _local2++; }; }; _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 3) { if (memberInPos(_local2) == null){ return (_local2); }; _local2++; }; if (_arg1){ return (0); }; _local2 = 4; while (_local2 <= 6) { if (memberInPos(_local2) == null){ return (_local2); }; _local2++; }; return (0); } function hordeMouseOnTarget(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (room == null){ return; }; if (!(room.seen)){ return; }; mousingOver = true; mouseOverFrames = 0; mousedOverEvent = _arg1; } function frame1(){ this.gotoAndStop("normal"); } public function memberInPos(_arg1:int):MonsterCharacter{ var _local2:MonsterCharacter; if (_arg1 <= 0){ return (null); }; if (_arg1 > 6){ return (null); }; for each (_local2 in members) { if (_local2.pos == _arg1){ return (_local2); }; }; return (null); } private function getGreenskin(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:Boolean):MonsterCharacter{ var _local4:*; var _local5:MonsterCharacter; _local4 = dmf.randomNum(0, 100); if (_arg3){ if (_local4 <= 20){ _local5 = new mOrcChampion(_arg2); } else { if (_local4 <= 50){ _local5 = new mTroll(_arg2); } else { _local5 = new mOrcBerserker(_arg2); }; }; } else { if (_local4 <= 40){ _local5 = new mOrcShaman(_arg2); } else { if (_local4 <= 70){ _local5 = new mGoblinArtificer(_arg2); } else { _local5 = new mOrcSavage(_arg2); }; }; }; return (_local5); } public function get aliveCount():int{ var _local1:int; var _local2:Character; _local1 = 0; for each (_local2 in members) { if ( > 0){ _local1++; }; }; return (_local1); } public function fade():void{ var _local1:Timer; defeated = true; cleanup(); if (tooltip != null){ if (tooltip.parent != null){ tooltip.parent.removeChild(tooltip); }; }; this.gotoAndPlay("fade"); _local1 = new Timer(500, 1); _local1.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, onFadeComplete); _local1.start(); } private function getUndead(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:Boolean):MonsterCharacter{ var _local4:*; var _local5:MonsterCharacter; _local4 = dmf.randomNum(0, 100); if (_arg3){ if (_local4 <= 20){ _local5 = new mBoneHorror(_arg2); } else { if (_local4 <= 50){ _local5 = new mGhost(_arg2); } else { _local5 = new mSkeleton(_arg2); }; }; } else { if (_local4 <= 30){ _local5 = new mLich(_arg2); } else { if (_local4 <= 60){ _local5 = new mVampire(_arg2); } else { _local5 = new mSkeletonArcher(_arg2); }; }; }; return (_local5); } function frame15(){ this.gotoAndStop(15); } function frame30(){ this.gotoAndStop(30); } private function getCultist(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:Boolean):MonsterCharacter{ var _local4:*; var _local5:MonsterCharacter; _local4 = dmf.randomNum(0, 100); if (_arg3){ if (_local4 <= 40){ _local5 = new mCultWarrior(_arg2); } else { if (_local4 <= 80){ _local5 = new mCultNeophyte(_arg2); } else { _local5 = new mCultChosen(_arg2); }; }; } else { if (_local4 <= 60){ _local5 = new mCultArcher(_arg2); } else { _local5 = new mCultPriest(_arg2); }; }; return (_local5); } private function getDwarf(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:Boolean):MonsterCharacter{ var _local4:*; var _local5:MonsterCharacter; _local4 = dmf.randomNum(0, 100); if (_arg3){ if (_local4 <= 30){ _local5 = new mDwarfManiac(_arg2); } else { if (_local4 <= 70){ _local5 = new mDwarfWarrior(_arg2); } else { _local5 = new mDwarfVeteran(_arg2); }; }; } else { if (_local4 <= 60){ _local5 = new mDwarfCrossbow(_arg2); } else { _local5 = new mDwarfRunecaster(_arg2); }; }; return (_local5); } function hordeMouseOutTarget(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (tooltip != null){ tooltip.fade(); tooltip = null; }; mousingOver = false; mouseOverFrames = 0; } public function hydraSlots():int{ var _local1:int; var _local2:MonsterCharacter; _local1 = (0 + (6 - members.length)); for each (_local2 in members) { if ( <= 0){ _local1++; }; }; return (_local1); } public function cleanup():void{ bg.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, hordeMouseOnTarget); bg.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, hordeMouseOutTarget); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); } private function getCreature(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:Boolean):MonsterCharacter{ var _local4:*; var _local5:MonsterCharacter; _local4 = dmf.randomNum(0, 100); if (_arg3){ if (_local4 <= 40){ _local5 = new mArachnoid(_arg2); } else { if (_local4 <= 60){ _local5 = new mBasilisk(_arg2); } else { _local5 = new mGreebler(_arg2); }; }; } else { if (_local4 <= 35){ _local5 = new mPoisonDrake(_arg2); } else { if (_local4 <= 70){ _local5 = new mLightningDrake(_arg2); } else { _local5 = new mGargoyle(_arg2); }; }; }; return (_local5); } public function hasFearSower():Boolean{ var _local1:Boolean; var _local2:MonsterCharacter; _local1 = false; for each (_local2 in members) { if ((_local2 is mFearSower)){ _local1 = true; }; }; return (_local1); } public function addDeluxeBoss():int{ var _local1:MonsterCharacter; members.length = 0; _local1 = new mDreadfather(level); _local1.pos = 2; members.push(_local1); _local1 = new mFearSower(level); _local1.pos = 4; members.push(_local1); _local1 = new mFearSower(level); _local1.pos = 5; members.push(_local1); _local1 = new mFearSower(level); _local1.pos = 6; members.push(_local1); return (4); } public function resetMembers():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = (members.length - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { if (MonsterCharacter(members[_local1]).originalPos != -1){ members[_local1].pos = MonsterCharacter(members[_local1]).originalPos; }; if (members[_local1].summoned){ members.splice(_local1, 1); } else { if ((((members[0] is mDemon)) && ((_local1 > 0)))){ members.splice(_local1, 1); } else { if (((((legendary) && ((members[0] is mHydraBody)))) && ((_local1 > 0)))){ if ((members[_local1] is mHydraHead)){ if (members[_local1].pos == 1){ members.splice(_local1, 1); } else { if (members[_local1].pos == 3){ members.splice(_local1, 1); } else { if (members[_local1].pos == 5){ members.splice(_local1, 1); } else { members[_local1].resetMonster(); }; }; }; }; } else { members[_local1].resetMonster(); }; }; }; _local1--; }; } protected function getHordeDescription():String{ if (legendary){ return ("Legendary Monster"); }; if (race == Horde.undead){ if (boss){ return ("Death's Champions"); }; if (members.length <= 2){ return ("Wandering Bones"); }; if (members.length <= 4){ return ("Restless Dead"); }; return ("Undying Horde"); //unresolved jump }; if (race == Horde.greenskins){ if (boss){ return ("Warleader's Band"); }; if (members.length <= 2){ return ("Greenskin Patrol"); }; if (members.length <= 4){ return ("Savage Host"); }; return ("Orcish Legion"); //unresolved jump }; if (race == Horde.creatures){ if (boss){ return ("Ancient Ones"); }; if (members.length <= 2){ return ("Scavengers"); }; if (members.length <= 4){ return ("Hunting Pack"); }; return ("Beastly Horde"); //unresolved jump }; if (race == Horde.special){ if (boss){ if ((((members[0] is mDemon)) || ((members[0] is mDreadfather)))){ return ("Hellish Overlord"); }; return ("Diabolical Cabal"); } else { if (members.length <= 2){ return ("Honor Guard"); }; if (members.length <= 4){ return ("United Forces"); }; return ("Alliance of Evil"); }; //unresolved jump }; if (race == Horde.cultists){ if (boss){ return ("The Enlightened"); }; if (members.length <= 2){ return ("Cult Sentries"); }; if (members.length <= 4){ return ("Path Faithful"); }; return ("Planebreakers"); //unresolved jump }; if (race == Horde.dwarves){ if (boss){ return ("Earthlord's Retinue"); }; if (members.length <= 2){ return ("Mountain Guards"); }; if (members.length <= 4){ return ("Nations' War Party"); }; return ("Dwarven Regiment"); //unresolved jump }; return (Horde.nameForRace(race, true)); } private function onFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ if (mousingOver){ mouseOverFrames++; }; if (mouseOverFrames > Tooltip.delayFrames){ newTooltip(mousedOverEvent); mousingOver = false; mouseOverFrames = 0; }; } public function hordeData():HordeData{ var _local1:HordeData; _local1 = new HordeData(); _local1.roomIndex =; _local1.defeated = this.defeated; _local1.race = this.race; _local1.boss = this.boss; _local1.legendary = this.legendary; _local1.level = this.level; return (_local1); } protected function getRoomSizeModifier():int{ if (room == null){ return (0); }; if ((room is rCorridorV)){ return (-1); }; if ((room is rCorridorH)){ return (-1); }; if ((room is rCell)){ return (0); }; if ((room is rChamber)){ return (0); }; if ((room is rTallRoom)){ return (1); }; if ((room is rWideRoom)){ return (1); }; if ((room is rGallery)){ return (2); }; if ((room is rLargeRoom)){ return (2); }; return (0); } public function isCampaignBoss():Boolean{ var _local1:MonsterCharacter; if (!(boss)){ return (false); }; if (dm.main.pc_party.campaign == Campaign.INFINITE){ return (false); }; if (((!((room == null))) && ((room is rDemonRoom)))){ return (true); }; for each (_local1 in members) { if ((((_local1 is mDemon)) || ((_local1 is mDreadfather)))){ return (true); }; }; return (false); } public static function getEngineName():String{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:Array; var _local3:String; _local1 = new Array("Consecrator", "Retributor", "Assimilator", "Annihilator", "Exemplifier", "Admonisher", "Intensifier", "Augmentor"); _local2 = new Array("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"); _local3 = ""; _local3 = (_local3 + _local1[dmf.randomNum(0, (_local1.length - 1))]); _local3 = (_local3 + "-"); _local3 = (_local3 + _local2[dmf.randomNum(0, (_local2.length - 1))]); return (_local3); } public static function getNecromancerName():String{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:Array; var _local3:Array; var _local4:String; _local1 = new Array("Ner", "Zag", "Jal", "Sel", "Bal", "Dam", "Zel", "Sal", "Nar", "Mal", "Tral"); _local2 = new Array("'", "a", "e", "u", "o"); _local3 = new Array("gar", "zar", "thon", "sal", "tor", "thul", "thal", "bann"); _local4 = ""; _local4 = (_local4 + _local1[dmf.randomNum(0, (_local1.length - 1))]); _local4 = (_local4 + _local2[dmf.randomNum(0, (_local2.length - 1))]); _local4 = (_local4 + _local3[dmf.randomNum(0, (_local3.length - 1))]); return (_local4); } public static function getKnightName():String{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:Array; var _local3:String; _local1 = new Array("Ser ", "Sir ", "Lord ", "Black ", "Fell ", "Dread "); _local2 = new Array("Nigel", "Neil", "Niles", "Charles", "Boris", "Jethro", "Gerald", "Horace", "Stan", "Alan", "Hank", "Marty", "Trevor", "Trent", "Bruce", "Eugene", "Wally", "Harold", "Hamish", "Carlos", "Jeremy", "Jerome", "Jermaine", "Tito", "George", "Hans", "Chad", "Rupert", "Ruprecht", "Albert", "Alfred", "Phineas", "Brent", "Colin", "Travis", "Jarvis", "Elton", "Ernest"); _local3 = ""; _local3 = (_local3 + _local1[dmf.randomNum(0, (_local1.length - 1))]); _local3 = (_local3 + _local2[dmf.randomNum(0, (_local2.length - 1))]); return (_local3); } public static function nameForRace(_arg1:int, _arg2:Boolean=false):String{ if (_arg2){ if (_arg1 == Horde.undead){ return ("Undead"); }; if (_arg1 == Horde.greenskins){ return ("Greenskins"); }; if (_arg1 == Horde.creatures){ return ("Deep Creatures"); }; if (_arg1 == Horde.cultists){ return ("Cultists"); }; if (_arg1 == Horde.dwarves){ return ("Dwarves"); }; return ("Monsters"); //unresolved jump }; if (_arg1 == Horde.undead){ return ("undead"); }; if (_arg1 == Horde.greenskins){ return ("greenskins"); }; if (_arg1 == Horde.creatures){ return ("deep creatures"); }; if (_arg1 == Horde.cultists){ return ("cultists"); }; if (_arg1 == Horde.dwarves){ return ("dwarves"); }; return ("monsters"); } public static function getBeholderName():String{ return (getNecromancerName()); } public static function getGreenskinName():String{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:Array; var _local3:String; _local1 = new Array("Gral", "Grun", "Grun", "Kil", "Skar", "Krum", "Har", "Zug", "Kaz", "Bom"); _local2 = new Array("gog", "gul", "grul", "guk", "krul", "krag", "zog", "bog", "skag", "zak"); _local3 = ""; _local3 = (_local3 + _local1[dmf.randomNum(0, (_local1.length - 1))]); _local3 = (_local3 + _local2[dmf.randomNum(0, (_local2.length - 1))]); return (_local3); } public static function getDwarfName():String{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:Array; var _local3:Array; var _local4:String; _local1 = new Array("Gr", "Gl", "G", "Th", "Thr", "N", "D", "B", "Br"); _local2 = new Array("i", "u", "o", "oi", "ou", "ý", "ú", "á", "ö"); _local3 = new Array("n", "mli", "rin", "run", "din", "ld", "lin", "lun"); _local4 = ""; _local4 = (_local4 + _local1[dmf.randomNum(0, (_local1.length - 1))]); _local4 = (_local4 + _local2[dmf.randomNum(0, (_local2.length - 1))]); _local4 = (_local4 + _local3[dmf.randomNum(0, (_local3.length - 1))]); return (_local4); } public static function getDragonName():String{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:Array; var _local3:Array; var _local4:String; _local1 = new Array("Sm", "Br", "N"); _local2 = new Array("au", "auga", "aga", "alga", "aulga"); _local3 = new Array("g", "fen", "l", "n"); _local4 = ""; _local4 = (_local4 + _local1[dmf.randomNum(0, (_local1.length - 1))]); _local4 = (_local4 + _local2[dmf.randomNum(0, (_local2.length - 1))]); _local4 = (_local4 + _local3[dmf.randomNum(0, (_local3.length - 1))]); return (_local4); } public static function getLurkerName():String{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:Array; var _local3:String; _local1 = new Array("Sh", "Gh", "Sn", "Fh", "Ts"); _local2 = new Array("ee", "ib", "el", "ul", "eb", "im"); _local3 = ""; _local3 = (_local3 + _local1[dmf.randomNum(0, (_local1.length - 1))]); _local3 = (_local3 + _local2[dmf.randomNum(0, (_local2.length - 1))]); return (_local3); } } }//package
Section 173
//HordeData (HordeData) package { public class HordeData { private var _level:int;// = 0 private var _boss:int;// = 0 var members:Array; private var _defeated:Boolean;// = false private var _roomIndex:int;// = 0 private var _legendary:Boolean;// = false private var _race:int; public function HordeData(){ members = new Array(); _roomIndex = 0; _defeated = false; _race = Horde.undead; _level = 0; _boss = 0; _legendary = false; super(); } public function get level():int{ return (this._level); } public function set level(_arg1:int):void{ this._level = _arg1; } public function get race():int{ return (this._race); } public function get defeated():Boolean{ return (this._defeated); } public function set boss(_arg1:int):void{ this._boss = _arg1; } public function set defeated(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this._defeated = _arg1; } public function set race(_arg1:int):void{ this._race = _arg1; } public function get boss():int{ return (this._boss); } public function set roomIndex(_arg1:int):void{ this._roomIndex = _arg1; } public function set legendary(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this._legendary = _arg1; } public function get roomIndex():int{ return (this._roomIndex); } public function get legendary():Boolean{ return (this._legendary); } public function toHorde():Horde{ var _local1:Horde; var _local2:*; _local1 = new Horde(this.race, this.level, this.boss, null, true, this.legendary); _local1.defeated = this.defeated; _local1.members = this.members; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < members.length) { MonsterCharacter(_local1.members[_local2]).initSkills(); _local2++; }; return (_local1); } } }//package
Section 174
//HordeIcon (HordeIcon) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class HordeIcon extends MovieClip { public function HordeIcon(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ this.gotoAndStop(1); } } }//package
Section 175
//HordeTooltip (HordeTooltip) package { import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class HordeTooltip extends Tooltip { const boss_text = 16777164; public var tooltip_bg:Sprite; public var t2:TextField; public var t3:TextField; public var t5:TextField; public var t1:TextField; public var t6:TextField; public var t4:TextField; public var title_label:TextField; public var p1:CharGraphic; public var p2:CharGraphic; public var p3:CharGraphic; public var p5:CharGraphic; public var p6:CharGraphic; public var p4:CharGraphic; public function HordeTooltip(_arg1:String="", _arg2:Array=null, _arg3:int=0, _arg4:Boolean=false):void{ var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:TextField; var _local8:MovieClip; super(); if (_arg2 == null){ return; }; _local5 = _arg2.length; if (_arg1 == ""){ _arg1 = "Blank"; }; title_label.text = _arg1; dm.embolden(title_label); _local6 = (_local5 + 1); while (_local6 <= 6) { removeChild(getChildByName(("p" + _local6))); removeChild(getChildByName(("t" + _local6))); _local6++; }; _local6 = 1; while (_local6 <= _local5) { _local7 = TextField(getChildByName(("t" + _local6))); if (_local6 <= _arg3){ _local7.text = getString(_arg2, (_local6 - 1), true); _local7.textColor = boss_text; } else { if (_arg4){ _local7.text = getString(_arg2, (_local6 - 1)); _local7.textColor = boss_text; } else { _local7.text = getString(_arg2, (_local6 - 1)); }; }; _local8 = MovieClip(getChildByName(("p" + _local6))); _local8.setFrame(_arg2[(_local6 - 1)][2]); _local6++; }; tooltip_bg.height = ((39 + (_local5 * 30)) + 7); } private function getString(_arg1:Array, _arg2:int, _arg3:Boolean=false):String{ if (_arg2 >= _arg1.length){ return ("Blank"); }; if (_arg3){ return ((((("x " + String(_arg1[_arg2][1])) + " '") + _arg1[_arg2][0]) + "'")); }; return (((("x " + String(_arg1[_arg2][1])) + " ") + _arg1[_arg2][0])); } } }//package
Section 176
//horz_slash (horz_slash) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class horz_slash extends MovieClip { public var slash:MovieClip; public function horz_slash(){ addFrameScript(11, frame12); } function frame12(){ this.gotoAndStop(12); } } }//package
Section 177
//iAxe (iAxe) package { public class iAxe extends SteelEdgedWeapon { public function iAxe(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_name = "Greataxe"; slot = weapon; item_level = _arg1; whoEquips = ((Equipment.warriorEquip + Equipment.rangerEquip) + Equipment.barbarianEquip); twoHanded = true; icon_frame = 10; base_damage = axe_base_damage; mod_quickness = (mod_quickness - 15); grey_name = "Rusty"; if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 2; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Blood Harvester"; base_damage_mod = 50; setHealthRegen(); setVampiric(7, 12); icon_frame = 38; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Golden Axe"; base_damage_mod = 50; setStunChance(15, 25); setStrength(2, max_stat_for_purple); icon_frame = 39; } else { item_name = "Executioner"; base_damage_mod = 48; setLethality(3, 6); damageBonusVsCreatureType = MonsterCharacter.human; damageBonusVsCreatureModifier = 1.2; setStrength(2, max_stat_for_purple); icon_frame = 145; }; }; } override public function getWorth():int{ return (Math.round((1.4 * super.getWorth()))); } } }//package
Section 178
//iBow (iBow) package { public class iBow extends RangedWeapon { public function iBow(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_name = "Bow"; slot = weapon; item_level = _arg1; whoEquips = ((Equipment.warriorEquip + Equipment.rangerEquip) + Equipment.rogueEquip); twoHanded = true; icon_frame = 15; base_damage = bow_base_damage; grey_name = "Cracked"; if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 3; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "The Huntsman"; base_damage_mod = 50; damageBonusVsCreatureType = MonsterCharacter.creature; damageBonusVsCreatureModifier = 1.2; setAccuracy(); setLethality(); setPoisonDamage(); icon_frame = 53; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Manhunter Bow"; lore = "No man escapes the Manhunter"; base_damage_mod = 50; damageBonusVsCreatureType = MonsterCharacter.human; damageBonusVsCreatureModifier = 1.2; setStunChance(15, 20); setAccuracy(); icon_frame = 52; } else { if (_local2 == 3){ item_name = "Silencer"; base_damage_mod = 50; setBlind(15, 30); setStunChance(); setDexterity(); icon_frame = 146; }; }; }; } override public function getWorth():int{ return (Math.round((1.1 * super.getWorth()))); } } }//package
Section 179
//iCenser (iCenser) package { public class iCenser extends Offhand { public function iCenser(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_name = "Censer"; slot = offhand; item_level = _arg1; whoEquips = Equipment.clericEquip; base_armor_rating = 0; mod_healing = (item_level * 5); icon_frame = 63; grey_name = "Tarnished"; if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 3; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Inquisitor's Censer"; mod_healing = Math.round((mod_healing * 1.2)); setStrength(2, max_stat_for_purple); damageBonusVsCreatureType = MonsterCharacter.undead; damageBonusVsCreatureModifier = 1.3; icon_frame = 75; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Blessed Censer of the Exalted Priest-Lord"; mod_healing = (mod_healing * 2); setHealthRegen(); setResistPoison(50, 75); icon_frame = 76; } else { item_name = "Thurifer's Censer"; mod_healing = Math.round((mod_healing * 1.2)); armorBonusVsCreatureType = MonsterCharacter.undead; armorBonusVsCreatureModifier = 2; setResistPoison(40, 50); setPowerRegen(3, 5); creator = "Aensland"; icon_frame = 174; }; }; } override public function itemStatsString(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:*; _local2 = super.itemStatsString(_arg1); if (_local2.length){ _local2 = (_local2 + "\n"); }; _local2 = (_local2 + ("Special(Censer): Increases the effect of Healing abilities by " + mod_healing)); return (_local2); } override public function getWorth():int{ return (Math.round((1.18 * super.getWorth()))); } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); prefixes.push(["Vampiric", 10]); } } }//package
Section 180
//iCloak (iCloak) package { public class iCloak extends Armor { public function iCloak(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ type = Armor.light; mod_quickness = 0; whoEquips = Equipment.allEquip; base_armor_rating = 2; materials.push("Linen", "Wool", "Velvet", "Silk", "Suncloth", "Aetherweave"); SetRarity(_arg2); item_level = _arg1; item_name = "Cloak"; slot = Equipment.back; icon_frame = 55; if (item_rarity =={ return; }; modifyBaseArmorForSlot(); grey_name = "Threadbare"; if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 4; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Cloak of Flames"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * 3)); setStrength(2, max_stat_for_purple); setDamageReflection(40, 60); setQuickness(8, 15); icon_frame = 57; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Manashroud"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * 2)); setIntellect(2, max_stat_for_purple); setPowerRegen(5, 8); icon_frame = 58; } else { if (_local2 == 3){ item_name = "Shroud of Darkness"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * 2)); quickRetreat = true; setBlind(15, 25); setDexterity(2, max_stat_for_purple); icon_frame = 56; } else { item_name = "Shroud of Shifting Evermist"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * 2)); setDamageReflection(40, 50); setIntellect(1, 4); setPowerRegen(4, 6); creator = "Desk333"; icon_frame = 177; }; }; }; } override public function getItemTypeString(){ return ("Cloak"); } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); prefixes.push(["Vampiric", 10]); suffixes.push(["Discretion", 1]); } } }//package
Section 181
//iClothGloves (iClothGloves) package { public class iClothGloves extends LightArmor { public function iClothGloves(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_level = _arg1; item_name = "Gloves"; icon_frame = 31; slot = Equipment.gloves; modifyBaseArmorForSlot(); if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 3; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Thief's Gloves"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setDexterity(2, max_stat_for_purple); setBlind(); setQuickness(); icon_frame = 88; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Savant's Gloves"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setIntellect(2, max_stat_for_purple); setEndurance(); setPowerRegen(); icon_frame = 87; } else { item_name = "Sacred Gloves"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setIntellect(); setStrength(); setResistStun(); mod_healing = (item_level * 2); whoEquips = clericEquip; icon_frame = 158; }; }; } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); suffixes.push(["Accuracy", base_accuracy_bonus]); } } }//package
Section 182
//iClothHat (iClothHat) package { public class iClothHat extends LightArmor { public function iClothHat(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_level = _arg1; item_name = "Hood"; icon_frame = 33; slot = Equipment.head; modifyBaseArmorForSlot(); if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 4; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Facemask of the Bandit Chieftain"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setStrength(2, max_stat_for_purple); setDexterity(2, max_stat_for_purple); setPoisonDamage(2); icon_frame = 90; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Savant's Hood"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setIntellect(2, max_stat_for_purple); setEndurance(); setPowerRegen(); icon_frame = 89; } else { if (_local2 == 3){ item_name = "Sacred Hood"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setIntellect(); setStrength(); setAccuracy(); mod_healing = (item_level * 2); whoEquips = clericEquip; icon_frame = 160; } else { item_name = "Enlightening Hood"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * 1.4)); setIntellect(1, 3); setDamageReflection(27, 54); setBlind(20, 30); creator = "LightningLord"; whoEquips = ((clericEquip + mageEquip) + conjurorEquip); icon_frame = 175; }; }; }; } } }//package
Section 183
//iClothLegs (iClothLegs) package { public class iClothLegs extends LightArmor { public function iClothLegs(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_level = _arg1; item_name = "Trousers"; icon_frame = 34; slot = Equipment.legs; modifyBaseArmorForSlot(); if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 3; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Swashbuckler's Pantaloons"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setStrength(); setDexterity(); setQuickness(); icon_frame = 85; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Savant's Leggings"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setIntellect(2, max_stat_for_purple); setEndurance(); setPowerRegen(); icon_frame = 86; } else { item_name = "Sacred Leggings"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setIntellect(); setStrength(); setResistStun(); mod_healing = (item_level * 2); whoEquips = clericEquip; icon_frame = 159; }; }; } } }//package
Section 184
//iClothRobe (iClothRobe) package { public class iClothRobe extends LightArmor { public function iClothRobe(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_level = _arg1; item_name = "Robe"; icon_frame = 35; slot = Equipment.armor; modifyBaseArmorForSlot(); if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 3; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Sacred Vestments"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setIntellect(); setStrength(); setResistPoison(); mod_healing = (item_level * 2); whoEquips = clericEquip; icon_frame = 92; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Savant's Robe"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setIntellect(2, max_stat_for_purple); setEndurance(); setPowerRegen(); icon_frame = 91; } else { item_name = "Mystic's Infusing Robe"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setIntellect(2, max_stat_for_purple); replenishing = 50; setPowerRegen(); icon_frame = 161; }; }; } } }//package
Section 185
//iClothShoes (iClothShoes) package { public class iClothShoes extends LightArmor { public function iClothShoes(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_level = _arg1; item_name = "Slippers"; icon_frame = 36; slot =; modifyBaseArmorForSlot(); if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 3; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Lightstep Slippers"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setDexterity(2, max_stat_for_purple); setQuickness(5, 10); quickRetreat = true; icon_frame = 95; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Savant's Slippers"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setIntellect(2, max_stat_for_purple); setEndurance(); setPowerRegen(); icon_frame = 94; } else { item_name = "Sacred Slippers"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setIntellect(); setStrength(); setResistPoison(); mod_healing = (item_level * 2); whoEquips = clericEquip; icon_frame = 157; }; }; } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); suffixes.push(["Discretion", 1]); } } }//package
Section 186
//iCrossbow (iCrossbow) package { public class iCrossbow extends RangedWeapon { public function iCrossbow(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_name = "Crossbow"; slot = weapon; item_level = _arg1; whoEquips = ((Equipment.warriorEquip + Equipment.rangerEquip) + Equipment.rogueEquip); twoHanded = true; mod_quickness = (mod_quickness - 20); icon_frame = 67; base_damage = crossbow_base_damage; grey_name = "Worn"; if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 3; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Mystically Augmented Bolt-Throwing System Mk I"; lore = "This weapon is remarkably easy to handle."; base_damage_mod = 50; setAccuracy(15, 30); mod_quickness = 0; setDexterity(); icon_frame = 72; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Quarrel-Ender"; lore = "The most efficient way to end any argument."; base_damage_mod = 50; setBlind(10, 15); setPoisonDamage(); setLethality(7, 15); icon_frame = 71; } else { item_name = "Crossbones"; base_damage_mod = 50; damageBonusVsCreatureType = MonsterCharacter.undead; damageBonusVsCreatureModifier = 1.2; setDexterity(); setEndurance(); icon_frame = 147; }; }; } override public function getWorth():int{ return (Math.round((1.15 * super.getWorth()))); } } }//package
Section 187
//iDagger (iDagger) package { public class iDagger extends SteelEdgedWeapon { public function iDagger(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_name = "Dagger"; slot = weapon; item_level = _arg1; whoEquips = Equipment.rogueEquip; icon_frame = 16; base_damage = dagger_base_damage; mod_quickness = (mod_quickness + 5); grey_name = "Worn"; if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 3; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Pestilence Blade"; base_damage_mod = 30; setPoisonDamage(20); icon_frame = 41; resistPoison = -10; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Bloodseeker"; base_damage_mod = 35; setVampiric(10, 20); setAccuracy(); icon_frame = 40; } else { item_name = "The Shudderer"; lore = "It brings a pointy reckoning.."; base_damage_mod = 40; setStunChance(15, 25); icon_frame = 42; }; }; } override public function itemStatsString(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:*; _local2 = super.itemStatsString(_arg1); _local2 = (_local2 + "\nSpecial(Dagger): Gains bonus damage from both Strength and Dexterity"); return (_local2); } override public function getWorth():int{ return (Math.round((0.95 * super.getWorth()))); } } }//package
Section 188
//iLeatherBoots (iLeatherBoots) package { public class iLeatherBoots extends MediumArmor { public function iLeatherBoots(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_level = _arg1; item_name = "Boots"; icon_frame = 24; slot =; modifyBaseArmorForSlot(); if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 4; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Heavy Spineskin Boots"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * Math.round((purple_armor_multiplier * 1.5)))); setStrength(2, max_stat_for_purple); setEndurance(); setDamageReflection(40, 60); icon_frame = 99; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Assassin's Boots"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); damageBonusVsCreatureType = MonsterCharacter.dwarf; damageBonusVsCreatureModifier = 1.1; quickRetreat = true; setLethality(3, 5); whoEquips = (whoEquips - Equipment.clericEquip); icon_frame = 167; } else { if (_local2 == 3){ item_name = "Bloodsoaked Berserker's Boots"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setStrength(2, max_stat_for_purple); setEndurance(); setHealthRegen(); icon_frame = 170; } else { item_name = "Stalker's Boots"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setDexterity(2, max_stat_for_purple); setEndurance(); setHealthRegen(); icon_frame = 98; }; }; }; } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); suffixes.push(["Discretion", 1]); } } }//package
Section 189
//iLeatherChest (iLeatherChest) package { public class iLeatherChest extends MediumArmor { public function iLeatherChest(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_level = _arg1; item_name = "Jerkin"; icon_frame = 47; slot = Equipment.armor; modifyBaseArmorForSlot(); if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 3; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Bloodsoaked Berserker's Jerkin"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setStrength(2, max_stat_for_purple); setEndurance(); setResistStun(); icon_frame = 104; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Assassin's Jerkin"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); damageBonusVsCreatureType = MonsterCharacter.greenskin; damageBonusVsCreatureModifier = 1.1; setResistStun(30, 50); setLethality(3, 5); whoEquips = (whoEquips - Equipment.clericEquip); icon_frame = 166; } else { item_name = "Stalker's Jerkin"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setDexterity(2, max_stat_for_purple); setEndurance(); setHealthRegen(); icon_frame = 103; }; }; } override public function applySuffix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = suffix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applySuffix(); } override public function applyPrefix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = prefix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applyPrefix(); } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); } } }//package
Section 190
//iLeatherGloves (iLeatherGloves) package { public class iLeatherGloves extends MediumArmor { public function iLeatherGloves(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_level = _arg1; item_name = "Gloves"; icon_frame = 32; slot = Equipment.gloves; modifyBaseArmorForSlot(); if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 3; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Assassin's Gloves"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); damageBonusVsCreatureType = MonsterCharacter.undead; damageBonusVsCreatureModifier = 1.1; setResistStun(30, 50); setLethality(3, 5); whoEquips = (whoEquips - Equipment.clericEquip); icon_frame = 101; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Bloodsoaked Berserker's Gloves"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setStrength(2, max_stat_for_purple); setEndurance(); setPowerRegen(1, 2); icon_frame = 168; } else { item_name = "Stalker's Gloves"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setDexterity(2, max_stat_for_purple); setEndurance(); setHealthRegen(); icon_frame = 100; }; }; } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); prefixes.push(["Staggering", 10]); suffixes.push(["Accuracy", base_accuracy_bonus]); } } }//package
Section 191
//iLeatherHat (iLeatherHat) package { public class iLeatherHat extends MediumArmor { public function iLeatherHat(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_level = _arg1; item_name = "Helmet"; icon_frame = 48; slot = Equipment.head; modifyBaseArmorForSlot(); if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 3; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Assassin's Hood"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); damageBonusVsCreatureType = MonsterCharacter.human; damageBonusVsCreatureModifier = 1.1; setResistPoison(30, 50); setLethality(3, 5); whoEquips = (whoEquips - Equipment.clericEquip); icon_frame = 54; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Bloodsoaked Berserker's Hood"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setStrength(2, max_stat_for_purple); setEndurance(); setPowerRegen(1, 2); icon_frame = 169; } else { item_name = "Stalker's Hood"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setDexterity(2, max_stat_for_purple); setEndurance(); setHealthRegen(); icon_frame = 102; }; }; } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); } } }//package
Section 192
//iLeatherLegs (iLeatherLegs) package { public class iLeatherLegs extends MediumArmor { public function iLeatherLegs(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_level = _arg1; item_name = "Leggings"; icon_frame = 29; slot = Equipment.legs; modifyBaseArmorForSlot(); if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 3; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Bloodsoaked Berserker's Leggings"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setStrength(2, max_stat_for_purple); setEndurance(); setResistStun(); icon_frame = 97; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Assassin's Leggings"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); damageBonusVsCreatureType = MonsterCharacter.creature; damageBonusVsCreatureModifier = 1.1; setResistPoison(30, 50); setLethality(3, 5); whoEquips = (whoEquips - Equipment.clericEquip); icon_frame = 165; } else { item_name = "Stalker's Leggings"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setDexterity(2, max_stat_for_purple); setEndurance(); setHealthRegen(); icon_frame = 96; }; }; } override public function applySuffix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = suffix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applySuffix(); } override public function applyPrefix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = prefix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applyPrefix(); } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); } } }//package
Section 193
//iMace (iMace) package { public class iMace extends MeleeWeapon { public function iMace(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_name = "Mace"; slot = weapon; item_level = _arg1; whoEquips = ((((Equipment.warriorEquip + Equipment.clericEquip) + Equipment.rogueEquip) + Equipment.barbarianEquip) + Equipment.conjurorEquip); icon_frame = 13; base_damage = mace_base_damage; grey_name = "Battered"; if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 4; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Scepter of Grace"; base_damage_mod = 50; setPowerRegen(4, 6); setResistPoison(20, 30); setResistStun(20, 30); setIntellect(2, max_stat_for_purple); icon_frame = 43; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "The Punisher"; base_damage_mod = 60; setBlind(20, 30); setStunChance(15, 25); icon_frame = 44; } else { if (_local2 == 3){ item_name = "Inquisitor's Mace"; lore = "Destroy the abomination."; damageBonusVsCreatureType = MonsterCharacter.undead; damageBonusVsCreatureModifier = 1.5; base_damage_mod = 55; setStrength(2, max_stat_for_purple); icon_frame = 148; } else { item_name = "Mace of the Hill Giant"; lore = "The mace of the enormous Hill Giant!"; creator = "ChaosBlade"; base_damage_mod = 60; setStrength(2, 5); setStunChance(20, 25); setStrength(2, 5); icon_frame = 176; }; }; }; } override public function getWorth():int{ return (Math.round((0.9 * super.getWorth()))); } } }//package
Section 194
//InitiativeIcon (InitiativeIcon) package { import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class InitiativeIcon extends MovieClip { var start_y:int; var dying:Boolean;// = false protected var char_ref:Character; var nametext:String;// = "Error" var pos:int;// = 1 var target_y:int; var tcolor:uint;// = 0xFFFFFF public var pos_icon:InitiativePositionIndicator; public var name_label:TextField; public function InitiativeIcon(_arg1:Character=null){ tcolor = 0xFFFFFF; nametext = "Error"; pos = 1; dying = false; super(); addFrameScript(8, frame9, 9, frame10, 19, frame20, 20, frame21, 30, frame31, 39, frame40, 40, frame41, 49, frame50); if (_arg1 != null){ this.char_ref = _arg1; this.updateNow(); }; } public function fix():void{ if (name_label != null){ name_label.text = this.nametext; name_label.textColor = this.tcolor; }; if (pos_icon != null){ pos_icon.gotoAndStop(this.pos); }; } function setColor(_arg1:uint):void{ this.tcolor = _arg1; fix(); } function frame10(){ if (dying){ tcolor = 0; }; this.fix(); } function frame20(){ this.gotoAndStop(20); this.fix(); } function frame9(){ if (!(dying)){ this.gotoAndStop(9); }; this.fix(); } public function fade():void{ this.gotoAndPlay("fade"); } public function kill():void{ dying = true; fix(); if (this.currentFrame == 9){ this.gotoAndPlay("death"); }; } function frame21(){ this.fix(); } function frame31(){ this.fix(); } public function updateNow():void{ this.nametext = (((char_ref.charname + " Q") + char_ref.getQuickness()) + " "); this.pos = char_ref.pos; fix(); } public function res():void{ dying = false; fix(); this.gotoAndPlay("revive"); } function frame40(){ this.gotoAndStop(40); this.fix(); } function frame41(){ this.fix(); } public function getChar():Character{ return (char_ref); } function frame50(){ this.gotoAndStop(50); this.fix(); } } }//package
Section 195
//InitiativeList (InitiativeList) package { import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.display.*; public class InitiativeList extends MovieClip { const highlight_color = 0xFFFF00; const player_color = 0xFFFFFF; const entry_height = 15; const monster_color = 0xE90000; const dead_color = 0; private var icons:Array; private var turn_order:Array; public var bg:MovieClip; private var entry_data:Array; private var highlighted:Character; var turn:int;// = 0 var current:int; private var last_turn:Character; var frame_count;// = 0 var animate_frames;// = 10 static const MAX_ENTRIES = 25; public function InitiativeList(){ icons = new Array(); turn_order = new Array(); turn = 0; frame_count = 0; animate_frames = 10; super(); } function refillTimerComplete(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < icons.length) { if (bg.contains(icons[_local2])){ bg.removeChild(icons[_local2]); }; _local2++; }; icons.length = 0; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < turn_order.length) { _local4 = new InitiativeIcon(turn_order[_local3]); _local4.setColor(getColorFor(turn_order[_local3])); _local4.x = 0; if (_local3 > 0){ _local4.target_y = (entry_height * (_local3 + 1)); _local4.start_y = bg.height; _local4.y = bg.height; } else { _local4.y = (entry_height * _local3); _local4.target_y = _local4.y; _local4.start_y = _local4.y; _local4.gotoAndStop(1); _local4.fix(); }; icons.push(_local4); bg.addChild(_local4); _local3++; }; animate_frames = 30; frame_count = 0; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, animateFrame); } private function getColorFor(_arg1:Character):uint{ var _local2:uint; if (((!((highlighted == null))) && ((highlighted == _arg1)))){ _local2 = highlight_color; } else { if (!(shouldAdd(_arg1))){ _local2 = dead_color; } else { if ((_arg1 is MonsterCharacter)){ _local2 = monster_color; } else { _local2 = player_color; }; }; }; return (_local2); } private function buildTurnOrder(_arg1:Character, _arg2:Boolean=false):Boolean{ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; var _local10:int; _local5 = 0; _local6 = false; _local7 = false; turn_order.length = 0; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < entry_data.length) { if (entry_data[_local3] == _arg1){ _local5 = _local3; if (_arg2){ if (shouldAdd(last_turn)){ turn_order.push(last_turn); } else { _local7 = true; }; }; _local4 = _local5; while (_local4 < entry_data.length) { if (shouldAdd(entry_data[_local4])){ if (Character(entry_data[_local4]).hadCombatTurn == false){ turn_order.push(entry_data[_local4]); }; }; _local4++; }; break; }; _local3++; }; last_turn = _arg1; _local8 = turn_order.length; _local9 = MAX_ENTRIES; if (_arg2){ _local9 = (_local9 + 2); }; _local10 = 0; while ((((_local8 < _local9)) && ((_local10 < MAX_ENTRIES)))) { _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < entry_data.length) { if (shouldAdd(entry_data[_local3])){ turn_order.push(entry_data[_local3]); _local8++; if (_local8 >= MAX_ENTRIES){ break; }; }; _local3++; }; _local10++; }; return (_local7); } public function removeDead():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; _local3 = 0; _local4 = false; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < turn_order.length) { icons[_local1].start_y = icons[_local1].y; icons[_local1].target_y = icons[_local1].y; if ((((Character(turn_order[_local1]).health <= 0)) || ((((turn_order[_local1] is PlayerCharacter)) && (turn_order[_local1].retreated))))){ if (_local1 > 1){ _local3 = (_local3 + entry_height); }; icons[_local1].kill(); _local4 = true; } else { icons[_local1].target_y = (icons[_local1].target_y - _local3); }; _local1++; }; if (_local4){ animate_frames = 10; frame_count = -30; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, animateFrame); }; } public function setData(_arg1:Array=null){ if (_arg1 == null){ return; }; entry_data = _arg1; } public function highlightChar(_arg1:Character):Boolean{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = false; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < icons.length) { if (icons[_local3].getChar() != _arg1){ } else { if (icons[_local3].getChar().health <= 0){ } else { highlighted = _arg1; icons[_local3].setColor(highlight_color); _local2 = true; }; }; _local3++; }; if (_local2){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function refill(_arg1:Character):void{ var _local2:Boolean; var _local3:*; var _local4:Timer; _local2 = false; buildTurnOrder(_arg1); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < icons.length) { if (!(_local2)){ if (icons[_local3].getChar() == _arg1){ _local2 = true; }; } else { icons[_local3].fade(); }; _local3++; }; _local4 = new Timer(350, 1); _local4.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, refillTimerComplete); _local4.start(); } public function turnOf(_arg1:Character, _arg2:Boolean):void{ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; _local5 = false; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < icons.length) { if (icons[_local3] == null){ } else { if (bg.contains(icons[_local3])){ bg.removeChild(icons[_local3]); }; }; _local3++; }; icons.length = 0; _local5 = buildTurnOrder(_arg1, _arg2); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < turn_order.length) { _local6 = new InitiativeIcon(turn_order[_local3]); _local6.setColor(getColorFor(turn_order[_local3])); _local6.x = 0; _local7 = 0; if (_local5){ _local7 = (_local3 + 1); } else { _local7 = _local3; }; _local6.y = (entry_height * _local7); if (_arg2){ } else { _local6.gotoAndStop(1); _local6.fix(); }; icons.push(_local6); bg.addChild(_local6); _local3++; }; } function animateFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; frame_count++; if (frame_count < 1){ return; }; if (frame_count > animate_frames){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, animateFrame); return; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < icons.length) { if (icons[_local2].start_y == icons[_local2].target_y){ } else { if (icons[_local2].y == icons[_local2].target_y){ } else { _local3 = (icons[_local2].target_y - icons[_local2].start_y); _local4 = (_local3 / animate_frames); icons[_local2].y = (icons[_local2].start_y + (frame_count * _local4)); }; }; _local2++; }; } public function insertChar(_arg1:Character, _arg2:Character):void{ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; buildTurnOrder(_arg2); _local3 = 0; _local4 = -1; _local5 = false; _local6 = 0; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < turn_order.length) { _local4 = (_local7 + 1); icons[_local4].start_y = icons[_local4].y; icons[_local4].target_y = icons[_local4].y; if (turn_order[_local7] == _arg1){ insertIconAt(_local4, _arg1, _local3); _local3 = (_local3 + entry_height); _local5 = true; } else { icons[_local4].target_y = (icons[_local4].target_y + _local3); }; _local7++; }; if (_local5){ animate_frames = 10; frame_count = 0; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, animateFrame); }; } public function cleanup():void{ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, animateFrame); } public function setNormalColors():void{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:*; var _local3:Character; highlighted = null; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < icons.length) { if (icons[_local2] == null){ } else { _local3 = icons[_local2].getChar(); if ((((_local3 == null)) || (!(shouldAdd(_local3))))){ _local1 = dead_color; } else { if ((_local3 is MonsterCharacter)){ _local1 = monster_color; } else { _local1 = player_color; }; }; icons[_local2].setColor(_local1); }; _local2++; }; } private function insertIconAt(_arg1:int, _arg2:Character, _arg3:int):void{ var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:InitiativeIcon; _local6 = new InitiativeIcon(_arg2); _local6.setColor(getColorFor(_arg2)); icons.splice(_arg1, 0, _local6); _local6.x = 0; _local6.y = ((entry_height * _arg1) + _arg3); bg.addChild(_local6); _local6.res(); } public function setDead(_arg1:Character):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < icons.length) { if (icons[_local2].getChar() == _arg1){ icons[_local2].setColor(dead_color); }; _local2++; }; } public function updateIcon(_arg1:Character):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < icons.length) { if (icons[_local2].getChar() == _arg1){ icons[_local2].updateNow(); }; _local2++; }; } private function shouldAdd(_arg1:Character):Boolean{ if (_arg1 == null){ return (false); }; if ( <= 0){ return (false); }; if ((((_arg1 is PlayerCharacter)) && (PlayerCharacter(_arg1).retreated))){ return (false); }; return (true); } private function numOf(_arg1:Character):int{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < turn_order.length) { if (turn_order[_local3] == _arg1){ _local2++; }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } } }//package
Section 196
//InitiativePositionIndicator (InitiativePositionIndicator) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class InitiativePositionIndicator extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 197
//Intro (Intro) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class Intro extends MovieClip { private var sponsorIntro:MovieClip; public function Intro():void{ addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); } private function sponsorIntroClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (DungeonMain.ARMORGAMES){; } else {; }; } private function onFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ if (this.currentFrame == this.totalFrames){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); this.stop(); if (parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); }; dm.main.mainMenu(false, true); }; } } }//package
Section 198
//Inventory (Inventory) package { import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class Inventory extends Sprite { public var highlight1:MovieClip; var dragged_icon:InventoryIcon; public var highlight2:MovieClip; public var player_power_bar:NumericIndicatorPower; public var player_level_label:TextField; public var large_portrait:CharGraphic; public var party_items:InventoryPanel; public var info_panel:CharInfoPanel; public var portraits:Array; public var options_btn:OptionsButton; public var goldDisplay:GoldDisplay; var dragging:Boolean;// = false public var menu_btn:MovieClip; public var empty1:EmptyPortrait; public var empty4:EmptyPortrait; public var empty3:EmptyPortrait; public var help_btn:MovieClip; public var pc_party:Party; public var empty2:EmptyPortrait; public var player_name_label:TextField; private var initialised:Boolean;// = false var start_drag_x;// = 0 var start_drag_y;// = 0 public var exit_btn:MovieClip; public var player_health_bar:NumericIndicatorHealth; public var paperdoll:Paperdoll; public var statusbar:TextField; public var destroy:MovieClip; public var tooltipController:ItemTooltipController; public static var selectedChar:PlayerCharacter; public function Inventory(_arg1:Party=null):void{ portraits = new Array(); initialised = false; start_drag_x = 0; start_drag_y = 0; dragging = false; super(); if (_arg1 != null){ this.pc_party = _arg1; } else { this.pc_party = dm.main.pc_party; }; exit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, exitClick); menu_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, menuClick); destroy.gotoAndStop(1); destroy.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, destroyHover); large_portrait.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, customPortraitClick); statusbar.text = ""; tooltipController = new ItemTooltipController(); highlight1.mouseEnabled = false; highlight1.mouseChildren = false; highlight2.mouseEnabled = false; highlight2.mouseChildren = false; addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added); selectChar(pc_party.members[0]); } function added(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added); if (stage != null){ init(); _local2 = 2; if (((DungeonMain.showHints) && (!(Dungeon.hintShown(_local2))))){ _local3 = new HintDialog("Status and Inventory", "On this screen you can review and upgrade your characters' skills and statistics, as well as manage their equipment.\n\nEquip items you find by double-clicking their icon, or dragging to the paperdoll or character portrait. \n\nDiscard items by dragging them onto the red 'X' or click on them while holding the 'control' key.", true, true); DungeonMain.hints = (DungeonMain.hints + _local2); stage.addChild(_local3); dm.main.saveInterface(); }; }; } public function init():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; var _local3:*; if (initialised){ return; }; initialised = true; selectChar(pc_party.members[0]); goldDisplay.setGold(; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < pc_party.members.length) { if ((pc_party.members[_local1] is PC_Adventurer)){ } else { pc_party.members[_local1].old_strength = pc_party.members[_local1].strength; pc_party.members[_local1].old_endurance = pc_party.members[_local1].endurance; pc_party.members[_local1].old_dexterity = pc_party.members[_local1].dexterity; pc_party.members[_local1].old_intellect = pc_party.members[_local1].intellect; pc_party.members[_local1].old_stat_points = pc_party.members[_local1].stat_points; _local2 = getChildByName(("empty" + (_local1 + 1))); _local3 = new CharacterPortrait(); _local3.x = _local2.x; _local3.y = _local2.y; _local3.setChar(pc_party.members[_local1]); = ("portrait" + _local1); _local3.setGlow(); _local3.setHiding((pc_party.sneaking > 0)); removeChild(_local2); addChild(_local3); _local3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, portraitClick); portraits.push(_local3); pc_party.members[_local1].portraitRef = _local3; }; _local1++; }; updateInventoryPanels(); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, reportKeyUp); } function startItemDragging(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; if (_arg1.ctrlKey){ _local2 = InventoryIcon(_arg1.currentTarget.parent);, stopItemDragging); destroyItem(_local2.item_ref); return; }; if (_arg1.currentTarget.parent == null){ return; }; dragged_icon = InventoryIcon(_arg1.currentTarget.parent); dm.childToTop(dragged_icon); dm.childToTop(dragged_icon.parent); start_drag_x = dragged_icon.x; start_drag_y = dragged_icon.y; InventoryIcon(dragged_icon).startDrag(); dragging = true; stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkDropTarget); tooltipController.destroyTooltip(); _arg1.updateAfterEvent(); } public function consume(_arg1:Consumable, _arg2:PlayerCharacter){ var _local3:*; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; if ((_arg1 is CampaignItemFragment)){ statusbar.text = (((_arg2.charname + " combines the ") + _arg1.item_name) + "s."); } else { statusbar.text = (((_arg2.charname + " uses the ") + _arg1.item_name) + "."); }; _local3 = portraitFromCharacter(_arg2); _local4 = 0; if (((!((_local3 == null))) && (!((_arg1 is CleanSlate))))){ if ((_arg1 is SneakyScroll)){ } else { if ((_arg1 is PortalScroll)){ } else { if ((_arg1 is CampaignItemStone)){ } else { if ((_arg1 is CampaignItemFragment)){ } else { if (_arg1.resurrect){ _local4 = PortraitAnimation.revive; } else { if ((_arg1 is PotionPoisonResist)){ _local4 = PortraitAnimation.buff; } else { if (_arg1.restore_health){ _local4 = PortraitAnimation.heal; } else { if (_arg1.restore_power){ _local4 = PortraitAnimation.gainPower; } else { if (_arg1.damage_resist){ _local4 = PortraitAnimation.armorBuff; } else { _local4 = PortraitAnimation.buff; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; _local5 = -1; if ((_arg1 is SneakyScroll)){ _local5 = SoundControl.hideSound; } else { if ((_arg1 is PortalScroll)){ _local5 = SoundControl.summon; } else { if ((_arg1 is CampaignItemStone)){ _local5 = SoundControl.summon; } else { if ((_arg1 is CampaignItemFragment)){ _local5 = SoundControl.equipGeneric; } else { _local5 = SoundControl.potionSound; }; }; }; }; if (_local5 != -1){, 1, true); }; }; if (_arg1.stack <= 0){ _arg1 = null; }; updateStats(); updatePaperdoll(selectedChar); updateInventoryPanels(); if (_local4){ _local3.addPortraitAnimation(_local4); }; } public function removeItemFrom(_arg1:Item, _arg2:PlayerCharacter){ var _local3:Equipment; if (!((_arg1 is Equipment))){ return; }; _local3 = Equipment(_arg1); if (_arg2.unequip(Equipment(_arg1))){ updateStats(); updatePaperdoll(selectedChar); updateInventoryPanels(); statusbar.text = (((_arg2.charname + " removes the ") + _local3.item_name) + "."); } else { statusbar.text = (((_arg2.charname + " cannot remove the ") + _local3.item_name) + "."); }; } public function exitClick(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (pc_party.overflow.length){ statusbar.text = "Your party is carrying too many items. Discard some."; } else { dm.main.closeInventory(); }; } public function destroyItem(_arg1:Item):void{ var _local2:*; if (_arg1.item_rarity =={ statusbar.text = "Quest items cannot be destroyed."; } else { statusbar.text = (_arg1.item_name + " destroyed."); pc_party.destroyItem(_arg1);, 1, true); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (selectedChar.gear[_local2] == _arg1){ selectedChar.gear[_local2] = null; }; _local2++; }; _arg1 = null; }; tooltipController.destroyTooltip(); updateStats(); updatePaperdoll(selectedChar); updateInventoryPanels(); } public function setDraggable(_arg1:InventoryIcon):void{, startItemDragging, false, 0, true);, stopItemDragging, false, 0, true); } function destroyHover(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (((dragging) && (_arg1.buttonDown))){ destroy.gotoAndStop(2); } else { destroy.gotoAndStop(1); }; } private function menuClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:FadeToBlack; _local2 = new FadeToBlack(); this.addChild(_local2); dm.main.dungeonMenuClick(_arg1); } public function updateStats():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < portraits.length) { pc_party.members[_local1].recalculateMaxHealth(); if (portraits[_local1] == null){ } else { portraits[_local1].update(); portraits[_local1].setGlow(); portraits[_local1].setHiding((pc_party.sneaking > 0)); }; _local1++; }; = ((60 / 100) * selectedChar.getHealthPercent()); player_health_bar.numbers.text = ((String( + "/") + String(selectedChar.health_max)); = ((60 / 100) * selectedChar.getPowerPercent()); player_power_bar.numbers.text = ((String(selectedChar.power) + "/") + String(selectedChar.power_max)); if (parent != null){ }; } public function updatePaperdoll(_arg1:PlayerCharacter):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:uint; _local4 = (numChildren - 1); setChildIndex(paperdoll, _local4); tooltipController.destroyTooltip(); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Equipment.gearSlots) { _local2 = paperdoll.getChildByName(("slot" + String(_local3))); if (_local2 == null){ } else { paperdoll.removeChild(_local2); }; _local3++; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (_local3 == Equipment.weapon){ if (((!((_arg1.gear[_local3] == null))) && (Weapon(_arg1.gear[_local3]).twoHanded))){ paperdoll.offhand.gotoAndStop(2); } else { paperdoll.offhand.gotoAndStop(1); }; }; if (_arg1.gear[_local3] == null){ } else { if (_arg1.gear[_local3].slot == Equipment.gearSlots){ } else { if (_arg1.gear[_local3].slot != _local3){ } else { _local2 = new InventoryIcon(_arg1.gear[_local3], tooltipController); _local2.x = paperdoll.getSlotX(_arg1.gear[_local3].slot); _local2.y = paperdoll.getSlotY(_arg1.gear[_local3].slot); = ("slot" + String(_local3)); paperdoll.addChild(_local2); setDraggable(_local2); }; }; }; _local3++; }; info_panel.setChar(_arg1); } public function consumeFailed(_arg1:Item, _arg2:PlayerCharacter){ if ((_arg1 is CampaignItemFragment)){ statusbar.text = (("The " + _arg1.item_name) + " cannot be combined yet."); } else { statusbar.text = (((_arg2.charname + " cannot use the ") + _arg1.item_name) + " at this time."); }; updateInventoryPanels(); } public function selectChar(_arg1:PlayerCharacter){ var _local2:*; _local2 = 0; selectedChar = _arg1; tooltipController.setChar(_arg1); player_name_label.text = _arg1.charname; dm.embolden(player_name_label); player_level_label.text = ((("Level " + String(_arg1.level)) + " ") + String(_arg1.classname)); dm.embolden(player_level_label); = ((60 / 100) * _arg1.getHealthPercent()); player_health_bar.numbers.text = ((String( + "/") + String(_arg1.health_max)); = ((60 / 100) * _arg1.getPowerPercent()); player_power_bar.numbers.text = ((String(_arg1.power) + "/") + String(_arg1.power_max)); info_panel.setChar(_arg1); large_portrait.setChar(_arg1); updatePaperdoll(_arg1); party_items.updateFilter(); } private function enchant(_arg1:Item, _arg2:Enchantment, _arg3:InventoryIcon):Boolean{ var _local4:EnchantAnimation; if (_arg2.useOn(Equipment(_arg1), selectedChar, pc_party)){ pc_party.removeFromInventory(_arg2); updateStats(); updatePaperdoll(selectedChar); updateInventoryPanels(); statusbar.text = (((_arg1.item_name + " enchanted with the ") + _arg2.item_name) + "."); _local4 = new EnchantAnimation(); _local4.x = (paperdoll.x + _arg3.x); _local4.y = (paperdoll.y + _arg3.y); stage.addChild(_local4); return (true); }; updateInventoryPanels(); statusbar.text = (((_arg1.item_name + " cannot be enchanted with the ") + _arg2.item_name) + "."); return (false); } private function onPortrait(_arg1:InventoryIcon):CharacterPortrait{ var _local2:CharacterPortrait; if ((((_arg1 == null)) || ((_arg1.dropTarget == null)))){ return (null); }; for each (_local2 in portraits) { if (_local2 == null){ continue; } else { if (_local2 == _arg1.dropTarget){ return (_local2); }; if (_local2.contains(_arg1.dropTarget)){ return (_local2); }; }; }; return (null); } private function reportKeyUp(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.CONTROL){ destroy.gotoAndStop(1); }; } function portraitClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ selectChar(PlayerCharacter(CharacterPortrait(_arg1.currentTarget).char_ref)); } public function cleanup():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; if (help_btn != null){ help_btn.cleanup(); }; if (options_btn != null){ options_btn.cleanup(); }; if (exit_btn != null){ exit_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, exitClick); }; if (destroy != null){ destroy.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, destroyHover); }; if (menu_btn != null){ menu_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, menuClick); }; if (large_portrait != null){ large_portrait.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, customPortraitClick); }; if (stage != null){ stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, reportKeyUp); } else { dm.stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); dm.stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, reportKeyUp); }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < portraits.length) { portraits[_local1].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, portraitClick); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Equipment.gearSlots) { _local2 = paperdoll.getChildByName(("slot" + String(_local1))); if (_local2 != null){ _local2.cleanup(); }; _local1++; }; if (party_items != null){ party_items.cleanup(); }; if (info_panel != null){ info_panel.cleanup(); }; } public function useItemOn(_arg1:Item, _arg2:PlayerCharacter){ if ((_arg1 is Equipment)){ if (_arg2.equip(Equipment(_arg1))){ equipped(_arg1, _arg2); } else { equipFailed(_arg1, _arg2); }; } else { if ((_arg1 is Consumable)){ if (Consumable(_arg1).consume(_arg2, pc_party)){ pc_party.balanceInventory(); consume(Consumable(_arg1), _arg2); } else { consumeFailed(_arg1, _arg2); }; } else { updateInventoryPanels(); updatePaperdoll(selectedChar); statusbar.text = (("The " + _arg1.item_name) + " is not usable."); }; }; } public function checkDropTarget(_arg1:Event){ if (!(dragging)){ return; }; if (dragged_icon == null){ return; }; if (dragged_icon.dropTarget == null){ return; }; if (dragged_icon.dropTarget.parent == null){ return; }; if (dragged_icon.dropTarget.parent == destroy){ destroy.gotoAndStop(2); } else { destroy.gotoAndStop(1); }; } public function updateInventoryPanels():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:int; _local1 = 0; _local2 = 0; tooltipController.destroyTooltip(); _local3 = new InventoryPanel(pc_party, tooltipController); _local3.x = party_items.x; _local3.y = party_items.y; _local3.width = party_items.original_width; _local3.height = party_items.original_height; removeChild(party_items); party_items.cleanup(); party_items = null; party_items = _local3; addChildAt(party_items, (numChildren - 1)); setChildIndex(paperdoll, (numChildren - 1)); party_items.updateListeners(); _local4 = (pc_party.inventory.length + pc_party.overflow.length); party_items.updateCount(_local4); } private function reportKeyDown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.CONTROL){ destroy.gotoAndStop(2); }; } function stopItemDragging(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:Item; var _local4:*; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; var _local8:int; var _local9:int; var _local10:int; var _local11:int; var _local12:InventoryIcon; var _local13:PlayerCharacter; _local2 = 0; _arg1.currentTarget.stopDrag(); if (!(dragging)){ return; }; dragging = false; stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkDropTarget); _local3 = InventoryIcon(dragged_icon).item_ref; if ((((dragged_icon.x == start_drag_x)) && ((dragged_icon.y == start_drag_y)))){ return; }; _local4 = false; if (dragged_icon.dropTarget != null){ if ((((dragged_icon.dropTarget == destroy)) || (destroy.contains(dragged_icon.dropTarget)))){ _local4 = true; }; }; if (draggedOnPaperdoll(dragged_icon)){ if ((_local3 is Enchantment)){ _local5 = 0; _local6 = 500; _local7 = (dmf.getGlobalX(dragged_icon) + (dragged_icon.width / 2)); _local8 = (dmf.getGlobalY(dragged_icon) + (dragged_icon.height / 2)); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < Equipment.gearSlots) { _local9 = ((paperdoll.getSlotX(_local2) + 10) + paperdoll.x); _local10 = ((paperdoll.getSlotY(_local2) + 10) + paperdoll.y); _local11 = dmf.distanceBetween(_local9, _local10, _local7, _local8); if (_local11 > 20){ } else { if (_local11 < _local6){ _local6 = _local11; _local5 = _local2; }; }; _local2++; }; if (_local6 == 500){ updateInventoryPanels(); return; }; _local12 = InventoryIcon(paperdoll.getChildByName(("slot" + _local5))); if (_local12 != null){ enchant(_local12.item_ref, Enchantment(_local3), _local12); return; }; updateInventoryPanels(); return; } else { if (dragged_icon.parent == paperdoll){ updatePaperdoll(selectedChar); return; }; useItemOn(_local3, selectedChar); }; } else { if (_local4){ destroy.gotoAndStop(1); destroyItem(_local3); } else { if (onPortrait(dragged_icon) != null){ _local13 = PlayerCharacter(onPortrait(dragged_icon).char_ref); useItemOn(_local3, _local13); } else { if ((((party_items == dragged_icon.dropTarget)) || (party_items.contains(dragged_icon.dropTarget)))){ if (paperdoll.contains(dragged_icon)){ removeItemFrom(_local3, selectedChar); } else { updateInventoryPanels(); }; } else { updatePaperdoll(selectedChar); updateInventoryPanels(); }; }; }; }; _arg1.updateAfterEvent(); } public function equipFailed(_arg1:Item, _arg2:PlayerCharacter){ updatePaperdoll(selectedChar); updateInventoryPanels(); statusbar.text = (((_arg2.charname + " cannot equip the ") + _arg1.item_name) + "."); } private function draggedOnPaperdoll(_arg1:Object):Boolean{ if (_arg1 == null){ return (false); }; if (_arg1.dropTarget == null){ return (false); }; if (paperdoll.contains(_arg1.dropTarget)){ return (true); }; return (false); } private function customPortraitClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = new CustomPortraitDialog(selectedChar, this); this.addChild(_local2); } public function equipped(_arg1:Item, _arg2:PlayerCharacter){ statusbar.text = (((_arg2.charname + " equips the ") + _arg1.item_name) + ".");, 1, true); _arg1 = null; updateStats(); updatePaperdoll(selectedChar); updateInventoryPanels(); } private function getEquipSound(_arg1:Item):int{ if ((_arg1 is iSword)){ return (SoundControl.equipSword); }; if ((_arg1 is iAxe)){ return (SoundControl.equipAxe); }; if ((_arg1 is iDagger)){ return (SoundControl.equipDagger); }; if ((_arg1 is iMace)){ return (SoundControl.equipMace); }; if ((_arg1 is iSpear)){ return (SoundControl.equipSpear); }; if ((_arg1 is iBow)){ return (SoundControl.equipBow); }; if ((_arg1 is iCrossbow)){ return (SoundControl.equipCrossbow); }; if ((_arg1 is iStaff)){ return (SoundControl.equipStaff); }; if ((_arg1 is Shield)){ return (SoundControl.equipShield); }; if ((_arg1 is iParryingDagger)){ return (SoundControl.equipDagger); }; return (SoundControl.equipGeneric); } private function portraitFromCharacter(_arg1:PlayerCharacter):CharacterPortrait{ var _local2:*; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < portraits.length) { if (portraits[_local2].char_ref == _arg1){ return (portraits[_local2]); }; _local2++; }; return (null); } } }//package
Section 199
//InventoryIcon (InventoryIcon) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class InventoryIcon extends MovieClip { private var mousingOver:Boolean;// = false private var mouseOverFrames:int;// = 0 public var bg:Sprite; public var stack_size:TextField; var item_ref:Item; public var outline:MovieClip; var taking:Boolean;// = true private var mousedOverEvent:MouseEvent; public var recommendRating:int;// = 0 public var enchantGlow:MovieClip; var draggable:Boolean;// = false var tooltipController:ItemTooltipController; public function InventoryIcon(_arg1:Item=null, _arg2:ItemTooltipController=null){ draggable = false; taking = true; mousingOver = false; mouseOverFrames = 0; recommendRating = 0; super(); if (_arg1 == null){ return; }; if (_arg2 != null){ this.tooltipController = _arg2; }; enchantGlow.gotoAndStop(1); setItem(_arg1); } function mouseOverInventoryIcon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mousingOver = true; mouseOverFrames = 0; mousedOverEvent = _arg1; } function doubleClick(_arg1:MouseEvent=null):void{ var _local2:*; if ((parent is InventoryPanel)){ _local2 = Inventory.selectedChar; Inventory(parent.parent).useItemOn(item_ref, _local2); } else { if ((parent is Paperdoll)){ if ((parent.parent is Inventory)){ Inventory(parent.parent).removeItemFrom(item_ref, Inventory.selectedChar); } else { if ((parent.parent is Shop)){ Shop(parent.parent).removeItemFrom(item_ref, Shop.selectedChar); }; }; }; }; } function mouseMoveInventoryIcon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (mousingOver){ this.mousedOverEvent = _arg1; tooltipController.updatePositionFromEvent(_arg1); } else { mouseOverInventoryIcon(_arg1); }; } function mouseOutInventoryIcon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mousingOver = false; mouseOverFrames = 0; if (tooltipController != null){ tooltipController.destroyTooltip(); }; } public function setItem(_arg1:Item):void{ var _local2:int; if (item_ref != null){ cleanup(); }; this.item_ref = _arg1; this.gotoAndStop(_arg1.icon_frame); stack_size.mouseEnabled = false; outline.mouseEnabled = false; outline.mouseChildren = false; enchantGlow.mouseEnabled = false; enchantGlow.mouseChildren = false; if ((((item_ref is Consumable)) && ((Consumable(item_ref).stack > 1)))){ stack_size.text = String(Consumable(item_ref).stack); } else { if (this.contains(stack_size)){ removeChild(stack_size); }; }; outline.gotoAndStop((_arg1.item_rarity + 1)); bg.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverInventoryIcon); bg.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoveInventoryIcon); bg.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutInventoryIcon); if ((((_arg1 is Equipment)) || ((_arg1 is Consumable)))){ bg.doubleClickEnabled = true; bg.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, doubleClick); }; if ((_arg1 is Equipment)){ _local2 = (1 + Enchantment.iconIdForEnchantment(Equipment(_arg1).enchantmentType)); enchantGlow.gotoAndStop(_local2); } else { enchantGlow.gotoAndStop(1); }; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); } public function cleanup():void{ bg.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverInventoryIcon); bg.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoveInventoryIcon); bg.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutInventoryIcon); bg.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, doubleClick); if (draggable){ bg.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Inventory(parent.parent).startItemDragging); bg.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, Inventory(parent.parent).stopItemDragging); }; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); if (tooltipController != null){ tooltipController.destroyTooltip(); }; } private function onFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ if (mousingOver){ if (mouseOverFrames > Tooltip.delayFrames){ if (tooltipController != null){ tooltipController.showTooltip(mousedOverEvent, item_ref); if ((((((parent is InventoryPanel)) || ((parent is Paperdoll)))) && ((((item_ref is Equipment)) || ((item_ref is Consumable)))))){ tooltipController.enableDoubleClick(this, doubleClick); }; }; }; mouseOverFrames++; }; } } }//package
Section 200
//InventoryIconBg (InventoryIconBg) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class InventoryIconBg extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 201
//InventoryPanel (InventoryPanel) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class InventoryPanel extends Sprite { const icon_start_y = 40; const row_width = 15; const OVERFLOW_START_Y = 140; const ICON_WIDTH = 20; const ICON_HEIGHT = 20; const ICON_GAP = 4; public var sortRarity:InvFilter; public var filterAll:InvFilter; public var ignoreArmorBox:dCheckBox; public var sortType:InvFilter; private var processing:Boolean;// = false public var icons:Array; public var filterRecommend:InvFilterRecommend; public var filterWeapons:InvFilter; var original_height:int;// = 0 public var sortValue:InvFilter; public var filterMisc:InvFilter; public var filterUsable:InvFilter; public var sortLevel:InvFilter; public var sortDirection:MovieClip; private var pc_party:Party; public var filterArmor:InvFilter; public var count_label:TextField; public var workingAnim:MovieClip; var original_width:int;// = 0 public var sortNone:InvFilter; private var tooltipController:ItemTooltipController; static const SORT_LEVEL = 3; static const SORT_NAME = 5; static const SORT_VALUE = 6; static const SORT_RARITY = 4; static const FILTER_WEAPONS = 3; static const FILTER_MISC = 5; static const FILTER_RECOMMEND = 10; static const FILTER_ARMOR = 4; static const SORT_NONE = 1; static const FILTER_ALL = 1; static const SORT_TYPE = 2; static const FILTER_USABLE = 2; public function InventoryPanel(_arg1:Party=null, _arg2:ItemTooltipController=null):void{ icons = new Array(); processing = false; original_width = 0; original_height = 0; super(); original_width = width; original_height = height; this.tooltipController = _arg2; if (_arg1 == null){ this.pc_party = dm.main.pc_party; } else { this.pc_party = _arg1; }; setSortDirection(pc_party.sortAscending); filterAll.filterLabel.text = "All"; filterUsable.filterLabel.text = "Usable"; filterWeapons.filterLabel.text = "Weapons"; filterArmor.filterLabel.text = "Armor"; filterMisc.filterLabel.text = "Misc"; filterAll.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doFilterAll); filterUsable.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doFilterUsable); filterWeapons.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doFilterWeapons); filterArmor.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doFilterArmor); filterMisc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doFilterMisc); filterRecommend.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doFilterRecommend); sortNone.filterLabel.text = "None"; sortLevel.filterLabel.text = "Level"; sortType.filterLabel.text = "Type"; sortRarity.filterLabel.text = "Rarity"; sortValue.filterLabel.text = "Value"; sortNone.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doSortNone); sortType.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doSortType); sortLevel.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doSortLevel); sortRarity.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doSortRarity); sortValue.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doSortValue); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, perFrame); updateSort(false); updateIcons(); updateFilter(); updateRecommendOptions(); ignoreArmorBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, ignoreArmorClicked); ignoreArmorBox.setDescription("Ignore armor values when recommending items for this character", false, 0x999999); } public function updateSort(_arg1:Boolean=true):void{ var _local2:MovieClip; var _local3:Array; var _local4:uint; var _local5:uint; var _local6:Array; var _local7:Array; var _local8:Array; var _local9:*; processing = true; if (pc_party.invSort == SORT_NONE){ _local2 = sortNone; } else { if (pc_party.invSort == SORT_TYPE){ _local2 = sortType; } else { if (pc_party.invSort == SORT_LEVEL){ _local2 = sortLevel; } else { if (pc_party.invSort == SORT_RARITY){ _local2 = sortRarity; } else { if (pc_party.invSort == SORT_VALUE){ _local2 = sortValue; }; }; }; }; }; sortNone.gotoAndStop(1); sortType.gotoAndStop(1); sortRarity.gotoAndStop(1); sortLevel.gotoAndStop(1); sortValue.gotoAndStop(1); _local2.gotoAndStop(2); if (pc_party.sortAscending){ _local5 = Array.DESCENDING; _local4 = (Array.DESCENDING | Array.NUMERIC); } else { _local5 = 0; _local4 = Array.NUMERIC; }; if (pc_party.invSort == SORT_LEVEL){ _local3 = dm.joinArrays(pc_party.inventory, pc_party.overflow); _local3.sortOn(["item_level", "icon_frame", "item_name"], [_local4, _local4, _local5]); } else { if (pc_party.invSort == SORT_VALUE){ _local3 = dm.joinArrays(pc_party.inventory, pc_party.overflow); _local3.sortOn(["item_value", "item_level", "icon_frame"], [_local4, _local4, _local4]); } else { if (pc_party.invSort == SORT_NAME){ _local3 = dm.joinArrays(pc_party.inventory, pc_party.overflow); _local3.sortOn(["item_name", "item_level", "icon_frame"], [_local5, _local4, _local4]); } else { if (pc_party.invSort == SORT_RARITY){ _local3 = dm.joinArrays(pc_party.inventory, pc_party.overflow); _local3.sortOn(["item_rarity", "item_level", "icon_frame"], [_local5, _local4, _local4]); } else { if (pc_party.invSort == SORT_TYPE){ _local6 = pc_party.getConsumables(); _local7 = pc_party.getEquipment(); _local8 = pc_party.getMisc(); _local6.sortOn(["icon_frame", "item_name", "item_level"], [_local4, _local5, _local4]); _local8.sortOn(["icon_frame", "item_name", "item_level"], [_local4, _local5, _local4]); _local7.sortOn(["slot", "icon_frame", "item_name", "item_level"], [_local4, _local4, _local5, _local4]); if (pc_party.sortAscending){ _local3 = _local7.concat(_local8.concat(_local6)); } else { _local3 = _local6.concat(_local8.concat(_local7)); }; }; }; }; }; }; if (((!((_local3 == null))) && (_local3.length))){ pc_party.inventory.length = 0; pc_party.overflow.length = 0; _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < Party.MAX_INVENTORY) { if (_local3.length){ pc_party.inventory.push(_local3.pop()); }; _local9++; }; while (_local3.length) { pc_party.overflow.push(_local3.pop()); }; }; updateIcons(); if (_arg1){ updateFilter(); } else { processing = false; }; } private function doFilterRecommend(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (pc_party.invFilter == FILTER_RECOMMEND){ return; }; pc_party.invFilter = FILTER_RECOMMEND; updateFilter(); } private function doFilterArmor(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ pc_party.invFilter = FILTER_ARMOR; updateFilter(); } private function doSortLevel(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (pc_party.invSort == SORT_LEVEL){ toggleDirection(); } else { setSortDirection(false); }; pc_party.invSort = SORT_LEVEL; updateSort(); } private function updateRecommendOptions():void{ if (pc_party.invFilter == FILTER_RECOMMEND){ if (!(this.contains(ignoreArmorBox))){ addChild(ignoreArmorBox); }; if (Inventory.selectedChar != null){ ignoreArmorBox.setChecked(Inventory.selectedChar.ignoreArmorValues); }; } else { if (this.contains(ignoreArmorBox)){ removeChild(ignoreArmorBox); }; }; } private function doSortValue(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (pc_party.invSort == SORT_VALUE){ toggleDirection(); } else { setSortDirection(false); }; pc_party.invSort = SORT_VALUE; updateSort(); } private function perFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ if (((processing) && ((workingAnim.currentFrame == 1)))){ workingAnim.gotoAndPlay(2); dm.childToTop(workingAnim); } else { if (!(processing)){ workingAnim.gotoAndStop(1); }; }; } private function setSortDirection(_arg1:Boolean):void{ pc_party.sortAscending = _arg1; if (pc_party.sortAscending){ sortDirection.gotoAndStop("up"); } else { sortDirection.gotoAndStop("down"); }; } private function doFilterMisc(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ pc_party.invFilter = FILTER_MISC; updateFilter(); } private function doFilterWeapons(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ pc_party.invFilter = FILTER_WEAPONS; updateFilter(); } public function updateListeners():void{ var _local1:InventoryIcon; if ((((parent == null)) || (!((parent is Inventory))))){ return; }; for each (_local1 in icons) { Inventory(parent).setDraggable(_local1); }; } public function addItemRef(_arg1:Item):InventoryIcon{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; if (_arg1 == null){ return (null); }; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; _local4 = icons.length; if (_local4 < Party.MAX_INVENTORY){ _local3 = Math.floor((_local4 / row_width)); _local2 = (_local4 % row_width); _local5 = new InventoryIcon(_arg1, tooltipController); icons.push(_local5); drawIcon(_local5, _local4); return (_local5); }; if (_local4 < (Party.MAX_INVENTORY + Party.MAX_OVERFLOW)){ _local2 = (_local4 % row_width); _local6 = new InventoryIcon(_arg1, tooltipController); icons.push(_local6); drawIcon(_local6, _local4); return (_local6); }; return (null); } public function updateFilter():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:MovieClip; var _local3:InventoryIcon; var _local4:*; var _local5:int; var _local6:*; var _local7:Array; var _local8:Array; var _local9:Item; var _local10:*; var _local11:*; var _local12:InventoryIcon; _local1 = 0; processing = true; if (pc_party.invFilter == FILTER_ALL){ _local2 = filterAll; } else { if (pc_party.invFilter == FILTER_USABLE){ _local2 = filterUsable; } else { if (pc_party.invFilter == FILTER_WEAPONS){ _local2 = filterWeapons; } else { if (pc_party.invFilter == FILTER_ARMOR){ _local2 = filterArmor; } else { if (pc_party.invFilter == FILTER_MISC){ _local2 = filterMisc; } else { if (pc_party.invFilter == FILTER_RECOMMEND){ _local2 = filterRecommend; }; }; }; }; }; }; updateRecommendOptions(); filterAll.gotoAndStop("normal"); filterUsable.gotoAndStop("normal"); filterWeapons.gotoAndStop("normal"); filterArmor.gotoAndStop("normal"); filterMisc.gotoAndStop("normal"); filterRecommend.gotoAndStop("normal"); _local2.gotoAndStop("highlight"); for each (_local3 in icons) { if (this.contains(_local3)){ removeChild(_local3); }; }; _local4 = Inventory.selectedChar; if (_local4 == null){ return; }; _local5 = 0; if (pc_party.invFilter == FILTER_RECOMMEND){ _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < Equipment.gearSlots) { _local7 = new Array(); _local8 = new Array(); _local10 = _local4.gear[Equipment.weapon]; if (((!((_local10 == null))) && (_local10.twoHanded))){ //unresolved if } else { for each (_local3 in icons) { _local9 = _local3.item_ref; if (!((_local9 is Equipment))){ } else { if (Equipment(_local9).slot != _local6){ } else { if (!(_local4.itemUsable(_local9))){ } else { if ((((((_local6 == Equipment.weapon)) && ((_local9 is Weapon)))) && (Weapon(_local9).twoHanded))){ //unresolved if } else { _local3.recommendRating = _local4.evaluateEquipment(_local3.item_ref); _local7.push(_local3); }; }; }; }; }; _local11 = _local4.evaluateEquipment(_local4.gear[_local6]); if (_local7.length){ _local7.sortOn("recommendRating", (Array.DESCENDING | Array.NUMERIC)); for each (_local12 in _local7) { if (_local12.recommendRating > _local11){ drawIcon(_local12, _local5); _local5++; break; }; }; }; }; _local6++; }; } else { for each (_local3 in icons) { if (pc_party.invFilter == FILTER_USABLE){ if (_local4.itemUsable(_local3.item_ref)){ drawIcon(_local3, _local5); _local5++; }; } else { if (pc_party.invFilter == FILTER_WEAPONS){ if ((_local3.item_ref is Weapon)){ drawIcon(_local3, _local5); _local5++; }; } else { if (pc_party.invFilter == FILTER_ARMOR){ if ((_local3.item_ref is Armor)){ drawIcon(_local3, _local5); _local5++; }; } else { if (pc_party.invFilter == FILTER_MISC){ if ((((((((_local3.item_ref is Jewellery)) || ((_local3.item_ref is iCloak)))) || ((_local3.item_ref is Offhand)))) || (!((_local3.item_ref is Equipment))))){ drawIcon(_local3, _local5); _local5++; }; } else { drawIcon(_local3, _local5); _local5++; }; }; }; }; }; }; processing = false; } public function cleanup():void{ var _local1:InventoryIcon; for each (_local1 in icons) { _local1.cleanup(); }; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, perFrame); filterAll.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doFilterAll); filterUsable.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doFilterUsable); filterWeapons.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doFilterWeapons); filterArmor.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doFilterArmor); filterMisc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doFilterMisc); sortNone.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doSortNone); sortType.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doSortType); sortLevel.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doSortLevel); sortRarity.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doSortRarity); sortValue.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doSortValue); ignoreArmorBox.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, ignoreArmorClicked); } private function doSortNone(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (pc_party.invSort == SORT_NONE){ toggleDirection(); } else { setSortDirection(false); }; pc_party.invSort = SORT_NONE; updateSort(); } private function doFilterUsable(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ pc_party.invFilter = FILTER_USABLE; updateFilter(); } private function doFilterAll(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ pc_party.invFilter = FILTER_ALL; updateFilter(); } public function updateCount(_arg1:int){ var _local2 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local3 = ??pushnamespace ; _local2 = 0xFF0000; _local3 = 0xFFFFFF; if (_arg1 > Party.MAX_INVENTORY){ count_label.textColor = _local2; } else { count_label.textColor = _local3; }; count_label.text = ((_arg1 + "/") + Party.MAX_INVENTORY); dm.embolden(count_label); } private function doSortType(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (pc_party.invSort == SORT_TYPE){ toggleDirection(); } else { setSortDirection(false); }; pc_party.invSort = SORT_TYPE; updateSort(); } private function updateIcons():void{ var _local1:InventoryIcon; var _local2:Item; var _local3:Item; for each (_local1 in icons) { if (this.contains(_local1)){ removeChild(_local1); }; _local1.cleanup(); }; icons.length = 0; for each (_local2 in pc_party.inventory) { addItemRef(_local2); }; for each (_local3 in pc_party.overflow) { addItemRef(_local3); }; updateListeners(); } private function doSortRarity(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (pc_party.invSort == SORT_RARITY){ toggleDirection(); } else { setSortDirection(false); }; pc_party.invSort = SORT_RARITY; updateSort(); } private function ignoreArmorClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Inventory.selectedChar.ignoreArmorValues = !(Inventory.selectedChar.ignoreArmorValues); updateFilter(); } private function drawIcon(_arg1:InventoryIcon, _arg2:int):void{ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; _local3 = 0; _local4 = Math.floor((_arg2 / row_width)); if (_arg2 < Party.MAX_INVENTORY){ _local3 = (_arg2 % row_width); _arg1.x = (10 + (_local3 * (ICON_WIDTH + ICON_GAP))); _arg1.y = (icon_start_y + (_local4 * (ICON_HEIGHT + ICON_GAP))); } else { if (_arg2 < (Party.MAX_INVENTORY + Party.MAX_OVERFLOW)){ _local3 = (_arg2 % row_width); _arg1.x = (10 + (_local3 * (ICON_WIDTH + ICON_GAP))); _arg1.y = OVERFLOW_START_Y; }; }; this.addChild(_arg1); } private function toggleDirection():void{ setSortDirection(!(pc_party.sortAscending)); } } }//package
Section 202
//InventoryTab (InventoryTab) package { import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class InventoryTab extends MovieClip { public var tab_text:TextField; public var flasher:MovieClip; var flashing:Boolean;// = false public function InventoryTab(){ flashing = false; super(); this.gotoAndStop(1); flashing = true; } public function setFlasher(_arg1:Boolean=true):void{ if (((_arg1) && (!(flashing)))){ flasher.gotoAndPlay(1); flashing = true; } else { if (((!(_arg1)) && (flashing))){ flasher.gotoAndStop(1); flashing = false; }; }; } } }//package
Section 203
//InvFilter (InvFilter) package { import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public dynamic class InvFilter extends MovieClip { public var filterLabel:TextField; public function InvFilter(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 204
//InvFilterRecommend (InvFilterRecommend) package { import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public dynamic class InvFilterRecommend extends MovieClip { public var filterLabel:TextField; public function InvFilterRecommend(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 205
//iParryingDagger (iParryingDagger) package { public class iParryingDagger extends Offhand { public function iParryingDagger(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_name = "Parrying Dagger"; slot = offhand; item_level = _arg1; whoEquips = ((Equipment.rogueEquip + Equipment.warriorEquip) + Equipment.rangerEquip); base_armor_rating = 20; icon_frame = 17; grey_name = "Worn"; if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 2; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Bladeturner"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * 1.5)); setDamageReflection(); setEndurance(); mod_quickness = 10; icon_frame = 70; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Distracting Blade"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * 1.5)); setBlind(); setAccuracy(); setDexterity(); mod_quickness = 5; icon_frame = 149; }; }; } override public function applySuffix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = suffix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applySuffix(); } override public function itemStatsString(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:*; _local2 = super.itemStatsString(_arg1); return (_local2); } override public function applyPrefix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = prefix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applyPrefix(); } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); } } }//package
Section 206
//iPlateBoots (iPlateBoots) package { public class iPlateBoots extends HeavyArmor { public function iPlateBoots(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_level = _arg1; item_name = "Plate Sabatons"; icon_frame = 12; slot =; modifyBaseArmorForSlot(); grey_name = "Battered"; if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 3; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Stalwart Guardian's Sabatons"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * Math.round((purple_armor_multiplier * 1.2)))); setStrength(); setEndurance(); setHealthRegen(); icon_frame = 108; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Sabatons of the Valiant Crusader"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setIntellect(); setEndurance(); setPowerRegen(); icon_frame = 107; } else { item_name = "Indomitable Sabatons"; base_armor_rating = Math.round(((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier) * 1.5)); setEndurance(); setResistStun(20); setResistPoison(20); icon_frame = 142; }; }; } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); suffixes.push(["Discretion", 1]); } } }//package
Section 207
//iPlateBreastplate (iPlateBreastplate) package { public class iPlateBreastplate extends HeavyArmor { public function iPlateBreastplate(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_level = _arg1; item_name = "Breastplate"; icon_frame = 11; slot = Equipment.armor; modifyBaseArmorForSlot(); grey_name = "Battered"; if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 4; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Stalwart Guardian's Breastplate"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * Math.round((purple_armor_multiplier * 1.2)))); setStrength(); setEndurance(); setHealthRegen(); icon_frame = 114; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Breastplate of the Valiant Crusader"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setIntellect(); setEndurance(); setPowerRegen(); icon_frame = 113; } else { if (_local2 == 3){ item_name = "Indomitable Breastplate"; base_armor_rating = Math.round(((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier) * 1.5)); setEndurance(); setResistStun(20); setResistPoison(20); icon_frame = 141; } else { item_name = "Dragon Scale Mystical Breastplate"; base_armor_rating = Math.round(((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier) * 0.8)); lore = "The mystical properties of dragon skin give you uncommon speed and protection."; setEndurance(); setHealthRegen(5); mod_quickness = 0; setDamageReflection(20, 20); creator = "jciv"; whoEquips = (whoEquips + ((rogueEquip + barbarianEquip) + rangerEquip)); icon_frame = 179; }; }; }; } override public function applySuffix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = suffix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applySuffix(); } override public function applyPrefix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = prefix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applyPrefix(); } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); } } }//package
Section 208
//iPlateGloves (iPlateGloves) package { public class iPlateGloves extends HeavyArmor { public function iPlateGloves(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_level = _arg1; item_name = "Plate Gauntlets"; icon_frame = 14; slot = Equipment.gloves; modifyBaseArmorForSlot(); grey_name = "Battered"; if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 4; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Stalwart Guardian's Gauntlets"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * Math.round((purple_armor_multiplier * 1.2)))); setStrength(); setEndurance(); setHealthRegen(); icon_frame = 110; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Ogrish Gauntlets"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setStrength(2, max_stat_for_purple); setEndurance(); setStunChance(10, 20); icon_frame = 115; } else { if (_local2 == 3){ item_name = "Gauntlets of the Valiant Crusader"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setIntellect(); setEndurance(); setPowerRegen(); icon_frame = 109; } else { item_name = "Indomitable Gauntlets"; base_armor_rating = Math.round(((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier) * 1.5)); setEndurance(); setResistStun(20); setResistPoison(20); icon_frame = 140; }; }; }; } override public function applySuffix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = suffix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applySuffix(); } override public function applyPrefix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = prefix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; if (prefixes[_local1][0] == "Staggering"){ setStunChance(); }; super.applyPrefix(); } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); prefixes.push(["Staggering", 10]); suffixes.push(["Accuracy", base_accuracy_bonus]); } } }//package
Section 209
//iPlateGreaves (iPlateGreaves) package { public class iPlateGreaves extends HeavyArmor { public function iPlateGreaves(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_level = _arg1; item_name = "Plate Greaves"; icon_frame = 18; slot = Equipment.legs; modifyBaseArmorForSlot(); grey_name = "Battered"; if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 3; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Stalwart Guardian's Greaves"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * Math.round((purple_armor_multiplier * 1.2)))); setStrength(); setEndurance(); setHealthRegen(); icon_frame = 112; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Greaves of the Valiant Crusader"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setIntellect(); setEndurance(); setPowerRegen(); icon_frame = 111; } else { item_name = "Indomitable Greaves"; base_armor_rating = Math.round(((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier) * 1.5)); setEndurance(); setResistStun(20); setResistPoison(20); icon_frame = 139; }; }; } override public function applySuffix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = suffix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applySuffix(); } override public function applyPrefix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = prefix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applyPrefix(); } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); } } }//package
Section 210
//iPlateHelmet (iPlateHelmet) package { public class iPlateHelmet extends HeavyArmor { public function iPlateHelmet(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_name = "Plate Helm"; item_level = _arg1; slot = Equipment.head; modifyBaseArmorForSlot(); icon_frame = 2; grey_name = "Dented"; if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 3; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Stalwart Guardian's Helm"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * Math.round((purple_armor_multiplier * 1.2)))); setStrength(); setEndurance(); setHealthRegen(); icon_frame = 106; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Helm of the Valiant Crusader"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier)); setIntellect(); setEndurance(); setPowerRegen(); icon_frame = 105; } else { item_name = "Indomitable Helm"; base_armor_rating = Math.round(((base_armor_rating * purple_armor_multiplier) * 1.5)); setEndurance(); setResistStun(20); setResistPoison(20); icon_frame = 138; }; }; } override public function applySuffix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = suffix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applySuffix(); } override public function applyPrefix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = prefix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applyPrefix(); } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); } } }//package
Section 211
//iQuiver (iQuiver) package { public class iQuiver extends Armor { public function iQuiver(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ type = Armor.special; whoEquips = Equipment.rangerEquip; base_armor_rating = 0; materials.length = 0; SetRarity(_arg2); item_level = _arg1; item_name = "Quiver"; icon_frame = 64; slot = Equipment.back; grey_name = "Tattered"; setQuickness(8, 15); if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 2; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Basilisk-hide Quiver"; setDexterity(2, max_stat_for_purple); setQuickness(2, 5); setStunChance(10, 15); icon_frame = 65; } else { item_name = "Quickdraw Quiver"; setDexterity(2, max_stat_for_purple); setQuickness(10, 15); quickRetreat = true; icon_frame = 144; }; } override public function getItemTypeString(){ return ("Quiver"); } override public function getWorth():int{ return (Math.round((1.2 * super.getWorth()))); } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ var _local1:*; super.getItemModifiers(); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < prefixes.length) { if (prefixes[_local1][0] == "Thick"){ prefixes.splice(_local1, 1); break; }; _local1++; }; prefixes.push(["Staggering", 10]); prefixes.push(["Unerring", base_accuracy_bonus]); prefixes.push(["Venomous", 5]); prefixes.push(["Blinding", 10]); prefixes.push(["Vampiric", 10]); suffixes.push(["Lethality", 1]); } } }//package
Section 212
//iRing (iRing) package { public class iRing extends Jewellery { public function iRing(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_name = "Ring"; slot = ring; item_level = _arg1; grey_name = "Tarnished"; whoEquips = Equipment.allEquip; if (item_rarity =={ return; }; if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); if (item_rarity != Item.purple){ if (materials[material] == "Gold"){ icon_frame = 20; } else { if (materials[material] == "Silver"){ icon_frame = 21; } else { if (materials[material] == "Crystalline"){ icon_frame = 22; } else { if (materials[material] == "Obsidian"){ icon_frame = 23; } else { icon_frame = 21; }; }; }; }; }; } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 3; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Nature's Band"; setHealthRegen(); setPowerRegen(3, 5); setResistPoison(30, 40); icon_frame = 61; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Bone Ring"; setVampiric(); setStrength(); setDexterity(); accuracyBonus = 5; icon_frame = 62; } else { item_name = "Ring of Truth"; setEndurance(); setIntellect(); quickRetreat = true; icon_frame = 143; }; }; } override public function applySuffix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = suffix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applySuffix(); } override public function itemStatsString(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:*; _local2 = super.itemStatsString(_arg1); return (_local2); } override public function applyPrefix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = prefix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; if (prefixes[_local1][0] == "Protective"){ base_armor_rating = prefixes[_local1][1]; return; }; super.applyPrefix(); } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); prefixes.push(["Protective", 15]); prefixes.push(["Vampiric", 10]); } } }//package
Section 213
//iShieldBuckler (iShieldBuckler) package { public class iShieldBuckler extends Shield { public function iShieldBuckler(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_name = "Buckler"; slot = offhand; item_level = _arg1; whoEquips = (((Equipment.allEquip - Equipment.mageEquip) - Equipment.barbarianEquip) - Equipment.conjurorEquip); base_armor_rating = 50; mod_quickness = -10; icon_frame = 26; grey_name = "Worn"; if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 3; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Buckler of the Faded Legion"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * 1.25)); setHealthRegen(12); setEndurance(2, max_stat_for_purple); icon_frame = 73; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Foe-Holder"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * 1.5)); quickRetreat = true; setEndurance(); setStunChance(10, 20); icon_frame = 74; } else { item_name = "Trickster's Shield"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * 1.2)); setStunChance(); setBlind(); setDamageReflection(); icon_frame = 150; }; }; } override public function getWorth():int{ return (Math.round((1.1 * super.getWorth()))); } } }//package
Section 214
//iShieldTower (iShieldTower) package { public class iShieldTower extends Shield { public function iShieldTower(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_name = "Tower Shield"; slot = offhand; item_level = _arg1; whoEquips = (Equipment.warriorEquip + Equipment.clericEquip); base_armor_rating = 100; mod_quickness = -20; icon_frame = 28; grey_name = "Dented"; if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 3; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Aegis of the Immortal Champion"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * 1.3)); setResistPoison(50, 70); setResistStun(50, 70); setEndurance(); icon_frame = 37; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Retribution"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * 1.2)); setDamageReflection(50, 75); setStrength(2, max_stat_for_purple); setLethality(); icon_frame = 60; } else { item_name = "Sanctified Guardian"; base_armor_rating = Math.round((base_armor_rating * 1.2)); setEndurance(); setPowerRegen(); mod_healing = (item_level * 2); icon_frame = 151; }; }; } override public function itemStatsString(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:String; _local2 = super.itemStatsString(_arg1); if (mod_healing){ _local2 = (_local2 + (("Increases the effect of Healing abilities by " + mod_healing) + "\n")); }; return (_local2); } override public function getWorth():int{ return (Math.round((1.2 * super.getWorth()))); } } }//package
Section 215
//iSpear (iSpear) package { public class iSpear extends SteelEdgedWeapon { public function iSpear(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_name = "Spear"; slot = weapon; item_level = _arg1; whoEquips = (Equipment.warriorEquip + Equipment.rangerEquip); twoHanded = true; icon_frame = 49; base_damage = spear_base_damage; mod_quickness = (mod_quickness - 10); grey_name = "Bent"; if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; _local1 = 3; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Wicked Barb"; base_damage_mod = 50; setAccuracy(); setPoisonDamage(); setLethality(5, 10); icon_frame = 50; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Spear of the Fallen Emperor"; base_damage_mod = 40; setHealthRegen(); setPowerRegen(4, 6); setEndurance(2, max_stat_for_purple); icon_frame = 51; } else { item_name = "Ancients' Guardpike"; base_damage_mod = 45; setEndurance(2, max_stat_for_purple); setDamageReflection(); setResistStun(); quickRetreat = true; icon_frame = 152; }; }; } override public function itemStatsString(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:*; _local2 = super.itemStatsString(_arg1); _local2 = (_local2 + "\nSpecial(Spear): May make melee attacks past allies from the back row"); return (_local2); } override public function getWorth():int{ return (Math.round((1.35 * super.getWorth()))); } } }//package
Section 216
//iStaff (iStaff) package { public class iStaff extends MageWeapon { public function iStaff(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_name = "Staff"; slot = weapon; item_level = _arg1; whoEquips = (Equipment.mageEquip + Equipment.conjurorEquip); twoHanded = true; icon_frame = 66; base_damage = staff_base_damage; grey_name = "Warped"; if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 3; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Archmage's Channeling Staff"; base_damage_mod = 50; setPowerRegen(5, 10); setResistStun(40, 60); icon_frame = 68; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Luminescent Staff of the Enlightened Magus"; base_damage_mod = 50; setBlind(25, 35); setIntellect(2, max_stat_for_purple); icon_frame = 69; } else { item_name = "Staff of the Exiled Student"; base_damage_mod = 60; setIntellect(); setEndurance(); setVampiric(); icon_frame = 153; }; }; } override public function getWorth():int{ return (Math.round((1.13 * super.getWorth()))); } } }//package
Section 217
//iSword (iSword) package { public class iSword extends SteelEdgedWeapon { public function iSword(_arg1:int=1, _arg2:int=-1){ SetRarity(_arg2); item_name = "Longsword"; slot = weapon; item_level = _arg1; whoEquips = (Equipment.allEquip - Equipment.clericEquip); icon_frame = 3; base_damage = sword_base_damage; grey_name = "Notched"; if (item_rarity == Item.purple){ statsForPurple(); }; generateItem(_arg2); } protected function statsForPurple(){ var _local1 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local2:*; _local1 = 3; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, _local1); this.purple_num = _local2; if (_local2 == 1){ item_name = "Death's Edge"; lore = "To even touch the blade is to risk death."; base_damage_mod = 60; setLethality(10, 20); icon_frame = 45; } else { if (_local2 == 2){ item_name = "Mageblade"; base_damage_mod = 40; setPowerRegen(4, 6); setIntellect(); icon_frame = 46; } else { item_name = "Orcsbane"; base_damage_mod = 50; setAccuracy(); setEndurance(2, max_stat_for_purple); damageBonusVsCreatureType = MonsterCharacter.greenskin; damageBonusVsCreatureModifier = 1.3; icon_frame = 59; }; }; } override public function applySuffix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = suffix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applySuffix(); } override public function applyPrefix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = prefix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; if (prefixes[_local1][0] == "Consecrated"){ whoEquips = (whoEquips + Equipment.clericEquip); return; }; super.applyPrefix(); } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); prefixes.push(["Consecrated", 0]); } } }//package
Section 218
//Item (Item) package { public class Item { public var priceModifier:int;// = 0 private var _icon_frame:int;// = 1 public var playerOwner:PlayerCharacter; private var _lore:String;// = "" private var _item_rarity;// = 0 private var _purple_num:int;// = 0 private var _creator:String;// = "" private var _item_name:String;// = "Item" private var _item_level:int;// = 1 static const green = 2; static const white = 1; static const orange = 5; static const quest = 6; static const ITEM_VALUE_INCREASE_PER_LEVEL = 20; static const blue = 3; static const purple = 4; static const grey = 0; public function Item():void{ _item_level = 1; _item_name = "Item"; _icon_frame = 1; _lore = ""; _item_rarity = 0; _purple_num = 0; priceModifier = 0; _creator = ""; super(); } public function get purple_num():int{ return (this._purple_num); } public function get item_value():int{ return (getWorth()); } public function set purple_num(_arg1:int):void{ this._purple_num = _arg1; } public function set icon_frame(_arg1:int):void{ this._icon_frame = _arg1; } public function itemStatsString(_arg1:String):String{ return (_arg1); } public function getItemTypeString(){ return ("Item"); } public function get item_rarity():int{ return (this._item_rarity); } public function get item_level():int{ return (this._item_level); } public function itemData():ItemData{ var _local1:ItemData; _local1 = new ItemData(); _local1.item_level = this.item_level; _local1.item_rarity = this.item_rarity; _local1.purple_num = this.purple_num; return (_local1); } public function getWorth():int{ return (99); } public function get icon_frame():int{ return (this._icon_frame); } public function set lore(_arg1:String):void{ this._lore = _arg1; } public function set item_name(_arg1:String):void{ this._item_name = _arg1; } public function get creator():String{ return (this._creator); } public function get lore():String{ return (this._lore); } public function get item_name():String{ return (this._item_name); } public function set creator(_arg1:String):void{ this._creator = _arg1; } public function set item_rarity(_arg1:int):void{ this._item_rarity = _arg1; } public function set item_level(_arg1:int):void{ this._item_level = _arg1; } public static function textColorForRarity(_arg1:int):uint{ var _local2 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local3 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local4 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local5 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local6 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local7 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local8 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local9 = ??pushnamespace ; _local2 = 0xCCCCCC; _local3 = 0x66FF00; _local4 = 26367; _local5 = 0x9900FF; _local6 = 0xCC0000; _local7 = 0xFFFFFF; _local8 = 0xFF6600; _local9 = 0xFFFF00; if (_arg1 == Item.white){ return (_local7); }; if (_arg1 =={ return (_local3); }; if (_arg1 =={ return (_local4); }; if (_arg1 == Item.purple){ return (_local5); }; if (_arg1 =={ return (_local8); }; if (_arg1 =={ return (_local9); }; return (_local2); } } }//package
Section 219
//ItemComparison (ItemComparison) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class ItemComparison extends MovieClip { public var indicator:MovieClip; public var itemName:TextField; public function ItemComparison(_arg1:PlayerCharacter=null, _arg2:int=-1, _arg3:Equipment=null):void{ var _local4:Equipment; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; super(); if ((((_arg1 == null)) || ((_arg2 == -1)))){ return; }; _local4 = _arg1.gear[_arg2]; if (_local4 != null){ itemName.text = _local4.item_name; itemName.textColor = Item.textColorForRarity(_local4.item_rarity); dmf.embolden(itemName); if (_arg1.itemUsable(_arg3)){ _local5 = _arg1.evaluateEquipment(_local4); _local6 = _arg1.evaluateEquipment(_arg3); if (_local5 > _local6){ indicator.gotoAndStop("worse"); } else { if (_local6 > _local5){ indicator.gotoAndStop("better"); } else { indicator.gotoAndStop("equal"); }; }; } else { indicator.gotoAndStop("none"); }; } else { itemName.text = "None"; itemName.textColor = Item.textColorForRarity(Item.grey); dmf.embolden(itemName); if (_arg1.itemUsable(_arg3)){ if ((((((_arg2 == Equipment.offhand)) && (!((_arg1.gear[Equipment.weapon] == null))))) && (Weapon(_arg1.gear[Equipment.weapon]).twoHanded))){ indicator.gotoAndStop("blocked"); } else { indicator.gotoAndStop("better"); }; } else { indicator.gotoAndStop("none"); }; }; } } }//package
Section 220
//ItemData (ItemData) package { public class ItemData { private var _material:int;// = -1 private var _item_rarity;// = 0 private var _suffix:int;// = -1 private var _prefix:int;// = -1 private var _purple_num:int;// = 0 private var _item_level:int;// = 1 public function ItemData():void{ _item_level = 1; _item_rarity = 0; _material = -1; _prefix = -1; _suffix = -1; _purple_num = 0; super(); } public function get purple_num():int{ return (this._purple_num); } public function set purple_num(_arg1:int):void{ this._purple_num = _arg1; } public function set material(_arg1:int):void{ this._material = _arg1; } public function get suffix():int{ return (this._suffix); } public function get prefix():int{ return (this._prefix); } public function get item_rarity():int{ return (this._item_rarity); } public function get item_level():int{ return (this._item_level); } public function set prefix(_arg1:int):void{ this._prefix = _arg1; } public function get material():int{ return (this._material); } public function set suffix(_arg1:int):void{ this._suffix = _arg1; } public function set item_rarity(_arg1:int):void{ this._item_rarity = _arg1; } public function set item_level(_arg1:int):void{ this._item_level = _arg1; } } }//package
Section 221
//ItemDestroyTarget (ItemDestroyTarget) package { import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import*; import flash.display.*; public class ItemDestroyTarget extends MovieClip { var tooltip:Tooltip; function mouseOverTarget(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:Point; if (_arg1.buttonDown){ return; }; if (tooltip == null){ if (!(newTooltip())){ return; }; }; _local2 =; _local3 =; _local4 = Point(,; if ((_local4.x + tooltip.width) > DungeonMain.APP_WIDTH){ _local2 = (_local2 + (DungeonMain.APP_WIDTH - (_local4.x + tooltip.width))); }; if ((_local4.y + tooltip.height) > DungeonMain.APP_HEIGHT){ _local3 = (_local3 + (DungeonMain.APP_HEIGHT - (_local4.y + tooltip.height))); }; tooltip.x = _local2; tooltip.y = _local3; _arg1.updateAfterEvent(); } private function newTooltip():Boolean{ return (true); } function mouseMoveTarget(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:Point; if (_arg1.buttonDown){ return; }; if (tooltip == null){ if (!(newTooltip())){ return; }; }; _local2 =; _local3 =; _local4 = Point(,; if ((_local4.x + tooltip.width) > DungeonMain.APP_WIDTH){ _local2 = (_local2 + (DungeonMain.APP_WIDTH - (_local4.x + tooltip.width))); }; if ((_local4.y + tooltip.height) > DungeonMain.APP_HEIGHT){ _local3 = (_local3 + (DungeonMain.APP_HEIGHT - (_local4.y + tooltip.height))); }; tooltip.x = _local2; tooltip.y = _local3; _arg1.updateAfterEvent(); } function mouseOutTarget(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (tooltip != null){ removeChild(tooltip); tooltip = null; }; } } }//package
Section 222
//ItemModeTab (ItemModeTab) package { import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ItemModeTab extends MovieClip { public var tab_text:TextField; } }//package
Section 223
//ItemTooltip (ItemTooltip) package { import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class ItemTooltip extends Tooltip { public var tooltip_bg:Sprite; public var priceLabel:TextField; public var stats_label:TextField; public var name_label:TextField; public var item_ref:Item; public var gold:Sprite; public var level_label:TextField; public var enchanted_label:TextField; public var equipped_text:MovieClip; public var specialLabel:TextField; public var type_label:TextField; public var usable_label:TextField; public function ItemTooltip(_arg1:Item=null, _arg2:PlayerCharacter=null, _arg3:Boolean=false){ var _local4:*; var _local5:String; var _local6 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local7 = ??pushnamespace ; super(); if (_arg1 == null){ return; }; if (!(_arg3)){ removeChild(equipped_text); }; item_ref = _arg1; name_label.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER; name_label.text = Item(item_ref).item_name; dm.embolden(name_label); _local4 = name_label.height; name_label.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.NONE; if (_local4 == 16){ name_label.height = (_local4 + 5); } else { name_label.height = (_local4 + 2); }; setTextColor(); level_label.y = ((name_label.y + name_label.height) + 2); type_label.y = ((name_label.y + name_label.height) + 2); if (item_ref.item_level){ level_label.text = ("Level " + String(item_ref.item_level)); } else { if ((item_ref is Consumable)){ level_label.text = ("Stack: " + String(Consumable(item_ref).stack)); } else { removeChild(level_label); }; }; if (item_ref.item_rarity =={ type_label.text = "Quest Item"; } else { type_label.text = item_ref.getItemTypeString(); }; _local5 = ""; if (item_ref.lore != ""){ _local5 = (("\"" + item_ref.lore) + "\"\n\n"); }; _local5 = (_local5 + item_ref.itemStatsString("")); stats_label.text = _local5; stats_label.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER; stats_label.y = ((type_label.y + type_label.height) + 8); if ((((item_ref is Equipment)) && (Equipment(item_ref).enchantmentType))){ enchanted_label.text = ("Enchanted: " + Enchantment.nameForEnchantment(Equipment(item_ref).enchantmentType)); enchanted_label.y = ((stats_label.y + stats_label.height) + 8); usable_label.y = ((enchanted_label.y + enchanted_label.height) + 8); } else { removeChild(enchanted_label); usable_label.y = ((stats_label.y + stats_label.height) + 8); }; if ((item_ref is Equipment)){ usable_label.text = Equipment(item_ref).usableString(); } else { usable_label.text = ""; }; usable_label.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER; _local6 = 0xCC0000; _local7 = 0xFFFFFF; if (_arg2 != null){ if (_arg2.itemUsable(item_ref)){ usable_label.textColor = _local7; } else { usable_label.textColor = _local6; }; }; priceLabel.text = String(item_ref.getWorth()); priceLabel.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.RIGHT; priceLabel.y = ((usable_label.y + usable_label.height) + 2); gold.x = (priceLabel.x - 12); gold.y = (priceLabel.y + 4); specialLabel.y = priceLabel.y; if (item_ref.creator.length){ specialLabel.text = ("by " + item_ref.creator); } else { specialLabel.text = ""; }; tooltip_bg.height = ((priceLabel.y + priceLabel.height) + 4); } public function setTextColor(){ name_label.textColor = Item.textColorForRarity(item_ref.item_rarity); } override public function get realHeight():int{ return (this.tooltip_bg.height); } override public function get realWidth():int{ return (this.tooltip_bg.width); } } }//package
Section 224
//ItemTooltipController (ItemTooltipController) package { import*; public class ItemTooltipController { private var tooltip:ItemTooltip; private var c_tooltip:ItemTooltip; private var char_ref:PlayerCharacter; public function ItemTooltipController():void{ } public function destroyTooltip():void{ if (tooltip != null){ tooltip.fade(); }; if (c_tooltip != null){ c_tooltip.fade(); }; tooltip = null; c_tooltip = null; } public function showTooltip(_arg1:MouseEvent, _arg2:Item):void{ if (_arg1 == null){ return; }; if (_arg1.buttonDown){ destroyTooltip(); return; }; if (_arg2 == null){ return; }; if (tooltip != null){ if (tooltip.item_ref != _arg2){ destroyTooltip(); } else { return; }; }; if (((!((char_ref == null))) && ((_arg2 is Equipment)))){ if (((((!((char_ref.gear[Equipment(_arg2).slot] == null))) && (!((char_ref.gear[Equipment(_arg2).slot] == _arg2))))) && (char_ref.itemUsable(_arg2)))){ c_tooltip = new ItemTooltip(char_ref.gear[Equipment(_arg2).slot], char_ref, true); c_tooltip.mouseEnabled = false; c_tooltip.mouseChildren = false; = "c_tooltip"; if (dm.stage != null){ dm.stage.addChild(c_tooltip); }; }; }; tooltip = new ItemTooltip(_arg2, char_ref, false); tooltip.mouseEnabled = false; tooltip.mouseChildren = false; = "tooltip"; if (dm.stage != null){ dm.stage.addChild(tooltip); }; updatePositionFromEvent(_arg1); } public function setChar(_arg1:PlayerCharacter){ this.char_ref = _arg1; } public function enableDoubleClick(_arg1:InventoryIcon, _arg2:Function):void{ if (tooltip == null){ return; }; tooltip.doubleClickEnabled = true; tooltip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, _arg2, false, 0, true); } public function updatePositionFromEvent(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; if (tooltip != null){ tooltip.setForEvent(_arg1); if (c_tooltip != null){ c_tooltip.x = tooltip.x; c_tooltip.y = ((tooltip.y - c_tooltip.realHeight) - 2); if (c_tooltip.y < 0){ _local2 = Math.abs(c_tooltip.y); c_tooltip.y = (c_tooltip.y + _local2); tooltip.y = (tooltip.y + _local2); }; }; }; } public function removeTooltip(_arg1:MouseEvent, _arg2:Item){ if (((!((tooltip == null))) && ((tooltip.item_ref == _arg2)))){ destroyTooltip(); }; } } }//package
Section 225
//Jewellery (Jewellery) package { public class Jewellery extends Equipment { public function Jewellery(){ whoEquips = Equipment.allEquip; grey_name = "Tarnished"; materials.push("Silver", "Gold", "Platinum", "Obsidian", "Crystalline"); base_armor_rating = 0; grey_chance = 0; white_chance = 0; green_chance = 70; blue_chance = 29; purple_chance = 1; } override public function generateItem(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = false; _local3 = false; item_rarity = Math.max(, item_rarity); if (item_rarity =={ if (dmf.randomNum(0, 100) >= 50){ _local3 = true; } else { _local2 = true; }; }; getItemModifiers(); if ((((item_rarity == || (_local3))){ prefix = rollForPrefix(item_rarity); }; if ((((item_rarity == || (_local2))){ suffix = rollForSuffix(item_rarity); }; if (prefix >= 0){ applyPrefix(); }; if (suffix >= 0){ applySuffix(); }; if (base_armor_rating){ armor_rating = scaleArmorForLevel((base_armor_rating * (1 + (base_armor_mod / 100)))); }; if (((materials.length) && ((item_rarity < Item.purple)))){ material = rollForMaterial(item_rarity, materials); } else { material = -1; }; if (material >= 0){ item_name = ((materials[material] + " ") + item_name); }; if (prefix >= 0){ item_name = ((prefixes[prefix][0] + " ") + item_name); }; if (suffix >= 0){ item_name = ((item_name + " of ") + suffixes[suffix][0]); }; if (item_rarity == Item.grey){ item_name = ((grey_name + " ") + item_name); }; } override public function getItemTypeString(){ return ("Jewellery"); } override public function itemStatsString(_arg1:String):String{ if (armor_rating){ _arg1 = (String(armor_rating) + " Armor Rating\n"); }; return (super.itemStatsString(_arg1)); } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); suffixes.push(["Might", base_item_stat_bonus]); suffixes.push(["Deftness", base_item_stat_bonus]); } } }//package
Section 226
//lethal_effect (lethal_effect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class lethal_effect extends MovieClip { public function lethal_effect(){ addFrameScript(44, frame45); } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 227
//LevelUpGlow (LevelUpGlow) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class LevelUpGlow extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 228
//LightArmor (LightArmor) package { public class LightArmor extends Armor { public function LightArmor(){ type = Armor.light; mod_quickness = (mod_quickness - 0); whoEquips = Equipment.allEquip; base_armor_rating = 4; grey_name = "Threadbare"; materials.push("Linen", "Wool", "Velvet", "Silk", "Suncloth", "Aetherweave"); } override public function getItemTypeString(){ return ("Light Armor"); } override public function applySuffix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = suffix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applySuffix(); } override public function itemStatsString(_arg1:String):String{ return (super.itemStatsString(_arg1)); } override public function applyPrefix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = prefix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applyPrefix(); } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); } } }//package
Section 229
//LightGreenBar (LightGreenBar) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class LightGreenBar extends Sprite { } }//package
Section 230
//Lightning (Lightning) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Lightning extends MovieClip { public var flash:LightningFlash; public function Lightning(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){; } } }//package
Section 231
//lightning_sound (lightning_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class lightning_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 232
//LightningFlash (LightningFlash) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class LightningFlash extends MovieClip { public var lightning:RandomLightning; public function LightningFlash(){ addFrameScript(3, frame4); } function frame4(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 233
//Links (Links) package { public class Links { public static const KONG_HOME:String = ""; public static const KONG_GAME:String = ""; public static const ARMORGAMES:String = ""; } }//package
Section 234
//LoaderClass (LoaderClass) package { import CPMStar.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.external.*; import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class LoaderClass extends MovieClip { public var bar:MovieClip; public var clickPlayButton:SimpleButton; var loading:Boolean;// = false public var total_label:TextField; public var errorText:TextField; public var kongIntro:MovieClip; public var armorIntro:MovieClip; public var dungeonMain:MovieClip; public var loaded_label:TextField; public var adBox:MovieClip; public var onKong:MovieClip; static const SITELOCKED:Boolean = false; static const SITELOCK_URL:String = ""; public function LoaderClass(){ loading = false; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6); onKong.biclopsLogo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, biclopsClick); onKong.kongLogo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, kongClick); stage.showDefaultContextMenu = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); onKong.gotoAndStop(1); removeChild(clickPlayButton); if (((SITELOCKED) && (!(hostUrlContains(SITELOCK_URL))))){ removeChild(loaded_label); removeChild(total_label); removeChild(bar); errorText.text = ("Sorry, this version of the game will only run on " + SITELOCK_URL); errorText.textColor = 0xFFFFFF; } else { loading = true; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterLoaderFrame); if (hostUrlContains("")){ removeChild(adBox); } else { if (hostUrlContains("")){ onKong.gotoAndStop(2); removeChild(adBox); } else { onKong.x = -86; onKong.y = 53; if (hostUrlContains("")){ onKong.removeChild(onKong.sponsoredText); onKong.removeChild(onKong.kongLogo); onKong.y = -62; }; initializeAds(); clickPlayButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, playClick); }; }; }; } private function initializeAds():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:DisplayObject; if (hostUrlContains("")){ _local1 = 1052; _local2 = 15; } else { _local1 = 1429; _local2 = 501; }; if (Security.sandboxType != "localWithFile"){ _local3 = AdLoader.LoadAd(_local1, _local2); adBox.addChild(_local3); }; } function enterLoaderFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ if (loading){ updateText(_arg1); } else { if (hostUrlContains("")){ playClick(null); } else { if (hostUrlContains("")){ playClick(null); } else { addChild(clickPlayButton); }; }; }; } private function debugSandbox():void{ errorText.text = String(Security.sandboxType); } function frame6(){ this.stop(); } function kongClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var url:String; var e = _arg1; url = Links.KONG_HOME; try {"", url, "_blank", ""); } catch(error) { navigateToURL(new URLRequest(url), "_blank"); }; } function frame4(){ kongIntro.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, kongClick); } function frame5(){ armorIntro.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, armorClick); } function armorClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var url:String; var e = _arg1; url = Links.ARMORGAMES; try {"", url, "_blank", ""); } catch(error) { navigateToURL(new URLRequest(url), "_blank"); }; } function frame1(){ this.gotoAndStop(1); } private function playClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ clickPlayButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, playClick); if (contains(adBox)){ removeChild(adBox); }; if (contains(clickPlayButton)){ removeChild(clickPlayButton); }; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterLoaderFrame); if (onKong.kongLogo != null){ onKong.kongLogo.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, kongClick); }; onKong.biclopsLogo.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, biclopsClick); this.gotoAndStop(3); if (hostUrlContains("")){ this.gotoAndStop(6); } else { if (hostUrlContains("")){ this.gotoAndStop(6); } else { if (hostUrlContains("")){ this.gotoAndStop(5); } else { this.gotoAndStop(4); }; }; }; } private function updateText(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = stage.loaderInfo.bytesTotal; _local3 = stage.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded; loaded_label.text = (String(Math.round((_local3 / 0x0400))) + "kB"); total_label.text = (String(Math.round((_local2 / 0x0400))) + "kB"); bar.width = Math.round(((_local3 / _local2) * 550)); if (_local3 >= _local2){ loading = false; }; } private function hostUrlContains(_arg1:String):Boolean{ if (stage.loaderInfo.loaderURL.indexOf(_arg1) != -1){ return (true); }; return (false); } function biclopsClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var url:String; var e = _arg1; url = ""; try {"", url, "_blank", ""); } catch(error) { navigateToURL(new URLRequest(url), "_blank"); }; } } }//package
Section 235
//LoadParty (LoadParty) package { import*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class LoadParty extends MovieClip { public var party1:SaveGameStatusContainer; public var party3:SaveGameStatusContainer; public var party2:SaveGameStatusContainer; public var highestRatingField:TextField; public var highestWaveField:TextField; public var optionsButton:OptionsBookButton; public var highestLevelField:TextField; public function LoadParty():void{ DungeonMain.registerAliases(); party1.slot = 1; party2.slot = 2; party3.slot = 3; loadSlot(1); loadSlot(2); loadSlot(3); if (DungeonMain.highScore < party1.score){ DungeonMain.highScore = party1.score; }; if (DungeonMain.highScore < party2.score){ DungeonMain.highScore = party2.score; }; if (DungeonMain.highScore < party3.score){ DungeonMain.highScore = party3.score; }; if (DungeonMain.highLevel < party1.level){ DungeonMain.highLevel = party1.level; }; if (DungeonMain.highLevel < party2.level){ DungeonMain.highLevel = party2.level; }; if (DungeonMain.highLevel < party3.level){ DungeonMain.highLevel = party3.level; }; highestRatingField.text = String(DungeonMain.highScore); highestLevelField.text = String(DungeonMain.highLevel); highestWaveField.text = String(DungeonMain.bestSurvival); addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added); } function added(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local3:*; removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added); _local2 = 128; if (((DungeonMain.showHints) && (!(Dungeon.hintShown(_local2))))){ _local3 = new HintDialog("Saving", "Monsters' Den saves your progress automatically. You may quit at any time, and return to continue playing your game later.", true, true); DungeonMain.hints = (DungeonMain.hints + _local2); stage.addChild(_local3); dm.main.saveInterface(); }; } private function loadSlot(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:SharedObject; var _local3:SaveGameStatusContainer; var _local4:Party; var _local5:SharedObject; if ((((_arg1 < 1)) || ((_arg1 > 3)))){ return; }; _local3 = SaveGameStatusContainer(getChildByName(("party" + _arg1))); _local2 = SharedObject.getLocal((("slot" + _arg1) + "_party")); if (_local2.size > 0){ _local4 = Party(; if (_local4 == null){ _local3.emptySlot(); return; }; _local5 = SharedObject.getLocal((("slot" + _arg1) + "_chars")); if (_local5.size > 0){ if ( != null){ _local4.members[0] =; }; if ( != null){ _local4.members[1] =; }; if ( != null){ _local4.members[2] =; }; if ( != null){ _local4.members[3] =; }; }; if (_local3 != null){ _local3.setParty(_local4,; }; } else { _local3.emptySlot(); }; } public function deleteSlot(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:SaveGameStatusContainer; if ((((_arg1 < 1)) || ((_arg1 >= 4)))){ return; }; DungeonMain.deleteSave(_arg1); _local2 = SaveGameStatusContainer(getChildByName(("party" + _arg1))); if (_local2 != null){ _local2.emptySlot(); }; } public function menuClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (root != null){ dm.main.mainMenu(); cleanup(); dm.main.removeChild(this); }; } public function cleanup():void{ party1.cleanup(); party2.cleanup(); party3.cleanup(); optionsButton.cleanup(); } public function newGame(_arg1:int):void{ dm.main.startGame(_arg1); cleanup(); } } }//package
Section 236
//LootSettings (LootSettings) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class LootSettings extends Sprite { public var checkWhite:dCheckBox; public var checkGrey:dCheckBox; public var checkConsumables:dCheckBox; public var checkEnchantments:dCheckBox; public var returnButton:MovieClip; public var checkBlue:dCheckBox; public var checkMediumArmor:dCheckBox; public var checkGreen:dCheckBox; public var checkHeavyArmor:dCheckBox; public var checkPurple:dCheckBox; public var checkLightArmor:dCheckBox; static const GREEN = 4; static const HEAVY = 128; static const WHITE = 2; static const ENCHANTMENTS = 0x0200; static const CONSUMABLES = 0x0100; static const MEDIUM = 64; static const LIGHT = 32; static const BLUE = 8; static const PURPLE = 16; static const GREY = 1; public function LootSettings():void{ checkGrey.setDescription("'Damaged'", true, Item.textColorForRarity(Item.grey)); checkWhite.setDescription("'Common'", true, Item.textColorForRarity(Item.white)); checkGreen.setDescription("'Magical'", true, Item.textColorForRarity(; checkBlue.setDescription("'Rare'", true, Item.textColorForRarity(; checkPurple.setDescription("'Unique'", true, Item.textColorForRarity(Item.purple)); checkLightArmor.setDescription("Light Armor"); checkMediumArmor.setDescription("Medium Armor"); checkHeavyArmor.setDescription("Heavy Armor"); checkEnchantments.setDescription("Enchantments"); checkConsumables.setDescription("Consumables"); initValues(); returnButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, returnClick); } private function returnClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ updateValues(); cleanup(); dm.main.saveParty(); if (parent != null){ if ((parent is TreasureReport)){ TreasureReport(parent).updateSettings(); }; parent.removeChild(this); }; } private function updateValues():void{ var _local1:uint; _local1 = 0; if (checkGrey.checked){ _local1 = (_local1 + GREY); }; if (checkWhite.checked){ _local1 = (_local1 + WHITE); }; if (checkGreen.checked){ _local1 = (_local1 + GREEN); }; if (checkBlue.checked){ _local1 = (_local1 + BLUE); }; if (checkPurple.checked){ _local1 = (_local1 + PURPLE); }; if (checkLightArmor.checked){ _local1 = (_local1 + LIGHT); }; if (checkMediumArmor.checked){ _local1 = (_local1 + MEDIUM); }; if (checkHeavyArmor.checked){ _local1 = (_local1 + HEAVY); }; if (checkConsumables.checked){ _local1 = (_local1 + CONSUMABLES); }; if (checkEnchantments.checked){ _local1 = (_local1 + ENCHANTMENTS); }; if ( != null){ = _local1; }; } private function initValues():void{ var _local1:uint; _local1 = 0; if ( != null){ _local1 =; }; if ((_local1 & GREY) == GREY){ checkGrey.setChecked(true); } else { checkGrey.setChecked(false); }; if ((_local1 & WHITE) == WHITE){ checkWhite.setChecked(true); } else { checkWhite.setChecked(false); }; if ((_local1 & GREEN) == GREEN){ checkGreen.setChecked(true); } else { checkGreen.setChecked(false); }; if ((_local1 & BLUE) == BLUE){ checkBlue.setChecked(true); } else { checkBlue.setChecked(false); }; if ((_local1 & PURPLE) == PURPLE){ checkPurple.setChecked(true); } else { checkPurple.setChecked(false); }; if ((_local1 & LIGHT) == LIGHT){ checkLightArmor.setChecked(true); } else { checkLightArmor.setChecked(false); }; if ((_local1 & MEDIUM) == MEDIUM){ checkMediumArmor.setChecked(true); } else { checkMediumArmor.setChecked(false); }; if ((_local1 & HEAVY) == HEAVY){ checkHeavyArmor.setChecked(true); } else { checkHeavyArmor.setChecked(false); }; if ((_local1 & CONSUMABLES) == CONSUMABLES){ checkConsumables.setChecked(true); } else { checkConsumables.setChecked(false); }; if ((_local1 & ENCHANTMENTS) == ENCHANTMENTS){ checkEnchantments.setChecked(true); } else { checkEnchantments.setChecked(false); }; } public function cleanup():void{ returnButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, returnClick); } public static function defaultValues():uint{ return ((((((((((GREY + WHITE) + GREEN) + BLUE) + PURPLE) + LIGHT) + MEDIUM) + HEAVY) + CONSUMABLES) + ENCHANTMENTS)); } } }//package
Section 237
//lose_power_effect (lose_power_effect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class lose_power_effect extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 238
//mAetherguard (mAetherguard) package { public class mAetherguard extends MonsterCharacter { public function mAetherguard(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.special; classname = "Planar Entity"; ethereal = 20; charname = "Aetherguard"; portrait = CharGraphic.aetherguard; mindless = true; description = "Slightly resistant to physical damage."; quickness = 50; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1.2)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 1.4)); initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttackWeapon(this)); skills.push(new sAetherLightning(this)); } } }//package
Section 239
//mage_staff_sound (mage_staff_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class mage_staff_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 240
//MageWeapon (MageWeapon) package { public class MageWeapon extends Weapon { public function MageWeapon(){ materials.push("Elm", "Oak", "Ash", "Yew", "Voidwood", "Planespine"); whoEquips = (Equipment.mageEquip + Equipment.conjurorEquip); } override public function getItemTypeString(){ return ("Mage Weapon"); } override public function applySuffix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = suffix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applySuffix(); } override public function itemStatsString(_arg1:String):String{ return (super.itemStatsString(_arg1)); } override public function applyPrefix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = prefix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applyPrefix(); } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); } } }//package
Section 241
//mArachnoid (mArachnoid) package { public class mArachnoid extends MonsterCharacter { public function mArachnoid(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.creature; charname = "Arachnoid"; classname = "Deep Creature"; portrait = CharGraphic.arachnoid; mindless = true; description = "Twisted fusion of man and spider. Tangles its enemies in webbing."; poisonResist = 25; quickness = 45; damage_resistance = 0; regenerate = 0; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 1)); initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttackWeapon(this)); skills.push(new sArachnoidWeb(this)); } } }//package
Section 242
//mAscendant (mAscendant) package { public class mAscendant extends MonsterCharacter { public function mAscendant(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.special; power_per_turn = Math.round((power_per_turn * 1.5)); regenerate = 10; charname = Horde.getBeholderName(); classname = "Ascended Human"; portrait = CharGraphic.ascendant; mindless = false; description = "Cult Leader. Defensive spellcaster. Regenerates."; accuracy = 150; damage_resistance = 0; poisonResist = 75; stunResist = 75; quickness = 50; lethalityImmune = true; damage = Math.round((damage * 1.2)); health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1.45)); if (((!(( == null))) && ({ health_max = (health_max * MonsterCharacter.EXTREME_HEALTH_MOD); }; health = health_max; initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sAscendantRanged(this)); skills.push(new sCelestialArmor(this)); skills.push(new sCelestialSpeed(this)); skills.push(new sCelestialAccuracy(this)); } } }//package
Section 243
//mBasilisk (mBasilisk) package { public class mBasilisk extends MonsterCharacter { public function mBasilisk(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.creature; classname = "Deep Creature"; charname = "Basilisk"; portrait = CharGraphic.basilisk; mindless = true; description = "Stuns with attacks."; quickness = 30; damage_resistance = 0; causes_stun_percent = 30; regenerate = 0; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 0.8)); initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttack(this)); skills.push(new sBasiliskPetrify(this)); } } }//package
Section 244
//mBeholder (mBeholder) package { public class mBeholder extends MonsterCharacter { public function mBeholder(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.creature; charname = Horde.getBeholderName(); classname = "Beholder"; portrait = CharGraphic.beholder; mindless = false; description = "Deep Creature Leader. Powerful spellcaster. Ignores armor."; accuracy = 150; damage_resistance = 0; poisonResist = 30; stunResist = 50; quickness = 40; lethalityImmune = true; damage = Math.round((damage * 1.5)); health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1.25)); if (((!(( == null))) && ({ health_max = (health_max * MonsterCharacter.EXTREME_HEALTH_MOD); }; health = health_max; initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sBeholderRanged(this)); skills.push(new sBeholderDrain(this)); skills.push(new sBeholderRecover(this)); } } }//package
Section 245
//mBoneHorror (mBoneHorror) package { public class mBoneHorror extends MonsterCharacter { public function mBoneHorror(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.undead; classname = "Undead"; poisonResist = 50; charname = "Bone Horror"; portrait = CharGraphic.bone_horror; mindless = true; description = "Undead. Lumbering, jagged monstrosity of bone. Reflects damage."; damage_reflection = 10; quickness = 20; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1.3)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 1.4)); initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttack(this)); } } }//package
Section 246
//mCultArcher (mCultArcher) package { public class mCultArcher extends MonsterCharacter { public function mCultArcher(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.human; classname = "Human"; power_per_turn = Math.round((power_per_turn * 1.5)); charname = "Protector"; portrait = CharGraphic.cult_archer; mindless = true; description = "Armored. Ranged attack."; quickness = 60; damage_resistance = 20; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 0.9)); health = health_max; initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterRangedAttack(this)); skills.push(new sCultistArrow(this)); } } }//package
Section 247
//mCultChosen (mCultChosen) package { public class mCultChosen extends MonsterCharacter { public function mCultChosen(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.human; classname = "Human"; power_per_turn = Math.round((power_per_turn * 1.5)); charname = "Chosen"; portrait = CharGraphic.cult_chosen; mindless = true; description = "Armored. Warrior/Spellcaster."; quickness = 40; damage_resistance = 20; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 1.2)); initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttackWeapon(this)); skills.push(new sCultistMeleeStun(this)); skills.push(new sCultistSever(this)); } } }//package
Section 248
//mCultEngine (mCultEngine) package { public class mCultEngine extends MonsterCharacter { public function mCultEngine(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.special; power_per_turn = Math.round((power_per_turn * 1.5)); charname = Horde.getEngineName(); classname = "Nexus Engine"; portrait = CharGraphic.cult_engine; mindless = false; description = "Sacred Icon. Gathers and stores planar energy."; accuracy = 120; damage_resistance = 35; poisonResist = 100; stunResist = 100; quickness = 10; lethalityImmune = true; damage = Math.round((damage * 1.55)); health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1.3)); if (((!(( == null))) && ({ health_max = (health_max * MonsterCharacter.EXTREME_HEALTH_MOD); }; health = health_max; initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttackWeapon(this)); skills.push(new sMonsterMeleeAE(this)); skills.push(new sEngineConduit(this)); skills.push(new sVoidCannon(this)); } } }//package
Section 249
//mCultNeophyte (mCultNeophyte) package { public class mCultNeophyte extends MonsterCharacter { public function mCultNeophyte(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.human; classname = "Human"; power_per_turn = Math.round((power_per_turn * 1.5)); charname = "Neophyte"; portrait = CharGraphic.cult_neophyte; mindless = false; description = "Sacrifice themselves to summon more powerful allies."; quickness = 35; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 0.8)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 1)); initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttackWeapon(this)); skills.push(new sTransformAetherguard(this)); } } }//package
Section 250
//mCultPriest (mCultPriest) package { public class mCultPriest extends MonsterCharacter { public function mCultPriest(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.human; classname = "Human"; power_per_turn = Math.round((power_per_turn * 1.5)); charname = "Acolyte"; portrait = CharGraphic.cult_priest; mindless = false; description = "Spellcaster. Summons planar entities."; quickness = 35; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 0.8)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 0.8)); initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterMagicAttack(this)); skills.push(new sCultistHeal(this)); skills.push(new sSummonVoidstalker(this)); } } }//package
Section 251
//mCultWarrior (mCultWarrior) package { public class mCultWarrior extends MonsterCharacter { public function mCultWarrior(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.human; classname = "Human"; power_per_turn = Math.round((power_per_turn * 1.5)); charname = "Guardian"; portrait = CharGraphic.cult_warrior; mindless = true; description = "Armored."; quickness = 45; damage_resistance = 20; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 0.9)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 0.9)); initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttackWeapon(this)); skills.push(new sCultistMeleeStun(this)); } } }//package
Section 252
//mDeathKnight (mDeathKnight) package { public class mDeathKnight extends MonsterCharacter { public function mDeathKnight(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.undead; poisonResist = 50; charname = Horde.getKnightName(); classname = "Fallen Knight"; portrait = CharGraphic.death_knight; mindless = false; description = "Undead Leader. Powerful warrior."; accuracy = 140; damage_resistance = 30; poisonResist = 50; stunResist = 75; quickness = 40; lethalityImmune = true; damage = Math.round((damage * 1.5)); health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1.3)); if (((!(( == null))) && ({ health_max = (health_max * MonsterCharacter.EXTREME_HEALTH_MOD); }; health = health_max; initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttackWeapon(this)); skills.push(new sMonsterMeleeAE(this)); skills.push(new sDeathKnightRally(this)); } } }//package
Section 253
//mDemon (mDemon) package { public class mDemon extends MonsterCharacter { public function mDemon(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); charname = "The Corruptor"; classname = "Demon"; type = MonsterCharacter.special; portrait = CharGraphic.demon; mindless = false; description = "Dungeon Lord. Source of the danger to this world."; accuracy = 140; damage_resistance = 20; poisonResist = 50; stunResist = 75; power_per_turn = 20; quickness = 50; lethalityImmune = true; damage = Math.round((damage * 1.5)); health_max = Math.round((health_max * 3)); if (((!(( == null))) && ({ health_max = (health_max * MonsterCharacter.EXTREME_HEALTH_MOD); }; health = health_max; initSkills(); } override public function getUniqueItems(_arg1:int):Array{ var _local2:Equipment; var _local3:Array; _local3 = new Array(); _local2 = new iRing(level,; _local2.item_name = "Signet of the Demonslayer"; _local2.lore = "Presented to honor those who freed the world from the demon's tyranny."; _local2.replenishing = 20; _local2.powerRegen = 5; _local2.resistPoison = 50; _local2.resistStun = 50; _local2.icon_frame = 116; _local3.push(_local2); _local2 = new iCloak(level,; _local2.item_name = "Demonhide Cloak"; _local2.lore = "Fashioned from the skin of the demon itself."; _local2.lethality = 4; _local2.armor_rating = _local2.scaleArmorForLevel(20); _local2.setStrength(3, 5); _local2.setEndurance(3, 5); _local2.setIntellect(3, 5); _local2.setDexterity(3, 5); _local2.icon_frame = 117; _local3.push(_local2); return (_local3); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttack(this)); skills.push(new sDemonDoubleAttack(this)); skills.push(new sDemonPoison(this)); skills.push(new sDemonClone(this)); } } }//package
Section 254
//mDragon (mDragon) package { public class mDragon extends MonsterCharacter { public function mDragon(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.creature; classname = "Dragon"; charname = Horde.getDragonName(); portrait = CharGraphic.dragon; mindless = false; description = "Deep Creature Leader. Attacks multiple enemies."; accuracy = 140; damage_resistance = 20; poisonResist = 0; stunResist = 75; quickness = 25; lethalityImmune = true; damage = Math.round((damage * 1.5)); health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1.6)); if (((!(( == null))) && ({ health_max = (health_max * MonsterCharacter.EXTREME_HEALTH_MOD); }; health = health_max; initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttack(this)); skills.push(new sDragonFlame(this)); skills.push(new sDragonTail(this)); } } }//package
Section 255
//mDreadfather (mDreadfather) package { public class mDreadfather extends MonsterCharacter { public function mDreadfather(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.special; classname = "Demon"; poisonResist = 75; stunResist = 90; charname = "Dreadfather"; portrait = CharGraphic.dreadfather; mindless = false; description = "Lord of Terror."; lethalityImmune = true; power_per_turn = 25; accuracy = 135; quickness = 55; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 3.5)); health = health_max; if (((!(( == null))) && ({ health_max = (health_max * MonsterCharacter.EXTREME_HEALTH_MOD); }; damage = Math.round((damage * 1)); initSkills(); } override public function getUniqueItems(_arg1:int):Array{ var _local2:Equipment; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Array; _local3 = (_arg1 / DungeonMain.MAX_LEVEL); _local4 = new Array(); _local2 = new iClothHat(level,; _local2.item_name = "Dreadfather's Visage"; _local2.lore = "Best not to think about how this was made."; _local2.armor_rating = _local2.scaleArmorForLevel(25); _local2.mod_strength = Math.ceil((3 * _local3)); _local2.mod_dexterity = Math.ceil((3 * _local3)); _local2.mod_intellect = Math.ceil((3 * _local3)); _local2.resistStun = 50; _local2.icon_frame = 135; _local4.push(_local2); _local2 = new Offhand(); _local2.item_level = this.level; _local2.item_rarity =; _local2.item_name = "The Book of Dread"; _local2.lore = "Dark secrets are held within."; _local2.powerRegen = 4; _local2.vampiric_percent = 10; _local2.mod_intellect = Math.ceil((4 * _local3)); _local2.setPoisonDamage(10); _local2.whoEquips = (Equipment.allEquip - Equipment.barbarianEquip); _local2.icon_frame = 136; _local4.push(_local2); return (_local4); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sDreadfatherDrain(this)); skills.push(new sDreadfatherRevive(this)); skills.push(new sForceRetreat(this)); } } }//package
Section 256
//mDwarfCrossbow (mDwarfCrossbow) package { public class mDwarfCrossbow extends MonsterCharacter { public function mDwarfCrossbow(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.dwarf; classname = "Dwarf"; poisonResist = 20; stunResist = 50; charname = "Crossbowman"; portrait = CharGraphic.dwarf_crossbow; mindless = true; description = "Armored. Ranged attack ignores enemy armor."; quickness = 35; damage_resistance = 20; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 0.9)); health = health_max; initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sDwarfCrossbowAttack(this)); skills.push(new sDwarvenAle(this)); } } }//package
Section 257
//mDwarfManiac (mDwarfManiac) package { public class mDwarfManiac extends MonsterCharacter { public function mDwarfManiac(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.dwarf; classname = "Dwarf"; poisonResist = 20; stunResist = 100; charname = "Dwarf Maniac"; portrait = CharGraphic.dwarf_maniac; mindless = true; description = "Charges the back row. Immune to stun."; quickness = 40; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 1.1)); initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttackWeapon(this)); skills.push(new sDwarfCharge(this)); skills.push(new sDwarvenAle(this)); } } }//package
Section 258
//mDwarfPrince (mDwarfPrince) package { public class mDwarfPrince extends MonsterCharacter { public function mDwarfPrince(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.dwarf; poisonResist = 20; stunResist = 75; charname = Horde.getDwarfName(); classname = "Mountain Prince"; portrait = CharGraphic.dwarf_fruit; mindless = false; description = "Dwarf Leader. Noble lord."; accuracy = 130; damage_resistance = 0; quickness = 40; lethalityImmune = true; damage = Math.round((damage * 1)); health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1.5)); if (((!(( == null))) && ({ health_max = (health_max * MonsterCharacter.EXTREME_HEALTH_MOD); }; health = health_max; initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttackWeapon(this)); skills.push(new sDwarfCrossbowAttack(this)); skills.push(new sDwarfSponge(this)); skills.push(new sDwarfPride(this)); skills.push(new sDwarvenAle(this)); } } }//package
Section 259
//mDwarfRunecaster (mDwarfRunecaster) package { public class mDwarfRunecaster extends MonsterCharacter { public function mDwarfRunecaster(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.dwarf; classname = "Dwarf"; poisonResist = 20; stunResist = 50; charname = "Runecaster"; portrait = CharGraphic.dwarf_scarred; mindless = false; description = "Defensive spellcaster."; quickness = 20; damage_resistance = 10; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 0.8)); health = health_max; initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttackWeapon(this)); skills.push(new sDwarvenAle(this)); skills.push(new sRuneProtection(this)); skills.push(new sRuneStrength(this)); } } }//package
Section 260
//mDwarfWarleader (mDwarfWarleader) package { public class mDwarfWarleader extends MonsterCharacter { public function mDwarfWarleader(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.dwarf; poisonResist = 20; stunResist = 75; charname = Horde.getDwarfName(); classname = "Battleforger"; portrait = CharGraphic.dwarf_warlord; mindless = false; description = "Dwarf Leader. Expert warrior. Heavily armored."; accuracy = 130; damage_resistance = 50; quickness = 30; lethalityImmune = true; damage = Math.round((damage * 1.35)); health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1.3)); if (((!(( == null))) && ({ health_max = (health_max * MonsterCharacter.EXTREME_HEALTH_MOD); }; health = health_max; initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttackWeapon(this)); skills.push(new sMonsterMeleeAE(this)); skills.push(new sDwarfOnslaught(this)); skills.push(new sDwarvenAle(this)); } } }//package
Section 261
//mDwarfWarrior (mDwarfWarrior) package { public class mDwarfWarrior extends MonsterCharacter { public function mDwarfWarrior(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.dwarf; classname = "Dwarf"; poisonResist = 20; stunResist = 50; charname = "Dwarf Warrior"; portrait = CharGraphic.dwarf_warrior; mindless = true; description = "Armored."; quickness = 30; damage_resistance = 30; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 0.8)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 1)); initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttackWeapon(this)); skills.push(new sDwarfPunishing(this)); skills.push(new sDwarvenAle(this)); } } }//package
Section 262
//mDwarfVeteran (mDwarfVeteran) package { public class mDwarfVeteran extends MonsterCharacter { public function mDwarfVeteran(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.dwarf; classname = "Dwarf"; poisonResist = 20; stunResist = 50; charname = "Dwarf Veteran"; portrait = CharGraphic.dwarf_veteran; mindless = true; description = "Recovers from injury."; regenerate = 7; quickness = 35; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1.2)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 1)); initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttackWeapon(this)); skills.push(new sDwarfHammerAE(this)); skills.push(new sDwarvenAle(this)); } } }//package
Section 263
//MediumArmor (MediumArmor) package { public class MediumArmor extends Armor { public function MediumArmor(){ type = Armor.medium; mod_quickness = (mod_quickness - 1); whoEquips = ((Equipment.allEquip - Equipment.mageEquip) - Equipment.conjurorEquip); base_armor_rating = 10; grey_name = "Patched"; materials.push("Leather", "Studded", "Scaled", "Trollhide", "Symbiotic", "Shiftsteel"); } override public function getItemTypeString(){ return ("Medium Armor"); } override public function applySuffix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = suffix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applySuffix(); } override public function itemStatsString(_arg1:String):String{ return (super.itemStatsString(_arg1)); } override public function applyPrefix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = prefix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applyPrefix(); } override public function getWorth():int{ return (Math.round((1.1 * super.getWorth()))); } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); } } }//package
Section 264
//MeleeWeapon (MeleeWeapon) package { public class MeleeWeapon extends Weapon { public function MeleeWeapon(){ materials.push("Iron", "Steel", "Damascene", "Mithril", "Magesteel", "Planeforged"); } override public function getItemTypeString(){ if (twoHanded){ return ("2H Melee Weapon"); }; return ("Melee Weapon"); } override public function applySuffix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = suffix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applySuffix(); } override public function applyPrefix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = prefix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applyPrefix(); } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); suffixes.push(["Might", base_item_stat_bonus]); } } }//package
Section 265
//mFearSower (mFearSower) package { public class mFearSower extends MonsterCharacter { public function mFearSower(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.special; classname = "Fearsower"; poisonResist = 50; stunResist = 50; charname = "Fearsower"; portrait = CharGraphic.fearSower; mindless = false; description = "Advance agent of the Dreadfather."; accuracy = 100; quickness = 60; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1.2)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 1.2)); initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttack(this)); skills.push(new sInstillFear(this)); skills.push(new sWither(this)); } } }//package
Section 266
//mGargoyle (mGargoyle) package { public class mGargoyle extends MonsterCharacter { public function mGargoyle(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.creature; classname = "Deep Creature"; type = MonsterCharacter.creature; charname = "Gargoyle"; portrait = CharGraphic.gargoyle; mindless = true; description = "Flying creature. Highly resistant to damage."; quickness = 60; damage_resistance = 80; poisonResist = 100; regenerate = 0; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 0.2)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 1)); initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttack(this)); skills.push(new sMonsterFlightAttack(this)); skills.push(new sMonsterStoneForm(this)); } } }//package
Section 267
//mGhost (mGhost) package { public class mGhost extends MonsterCharacter { public function mGhost(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.undead; classname = "Undead"; poisonResist = 100; stunResist = 100; ethereal = 80; charname = "Wraith"; portrait = CharGraphic.ghost; mindless = true; description = "Highly resistant to physical attacks. Ignores armor."; quickness = 60; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 0.3)); health = health_max; initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sGhostAttack(this)); skills.push(new sGhostTouch(this)); skills.push(new sGhostHide(this)); } } }//package
Section 268
//mGoblinArtificer (mGoblinArtificer) package { public class mGoblinArtificer extends MonsterCharacter { public function mGoblinArtificer(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.greenskin; classname = "Greenskin"; stunResist = 25; charname = "Goblin Artificer"; portrait = CharGraphic.goblin; mindless = true; description = "Ranged explosive attack. Hated by their kin."; quickness = 60; accuracy = 95; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 0.8)); health = health_max; initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sGoblinCrossbow(this)); skills.push(new sGoblinGrenade(this)); } } }//package
Section 269
//mGorgon (mGorgon) package { public class mGorgon extends MonsterCharacter { public function mGorgon(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.creature; classname = "Legendary Creature"; charname = "Gorgon"; portrait = CharGraphic.gorgon; mindless = false; description = "Renowned for her ability to turn her foes to stone."; accuracy = 140; quickness = 60; damage_resistance = 0; causes_stun_percent = 0; regenerate = 0; poisonResist = 50; stunResist = 100; lethalityImmune = true; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 4.3)); health_max = legendaryBonusHealth(_arg1); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 2)); initSkills(); } override public function getUniqueItems(_arg1:int):Array{ var _local2:Equipment; var _local3:Array; _local3 = new Array(); _local2 = new Offhand(); _local2.item_level = this.level; _local2.item_rarity =; _local2.item_name = "Head of the Gorgon"; _local2.lore = "Sever its head, and turn the power of the Gorgon against your enemies."; _local2.powerRegen = 5; _local2.resistPoison = 50; _local2.causes_stun_percent = 50; _local2.whoEquips = Equipment.allEquip; _local2.icon_frame = 130; _local3.push(_local2); _local2 = new iRing(level,; _local2.item_name = "Serpentine Band"; _local2.lore = "A trophy from the Gorgon."; _local2.setPoisonDamage(10); _local2.resistPoison = 50; _local2.setStrength(3, 6); _local2.setDexterity(3, 6); _local2.setQuickness(5, 10); _local2.whoEquips = Equipment.allEquip; _local2.icon_frame = 172; _local3.push(_local2); return (_local3); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sGorgonSlash(this)); skills.push(new sGorgonGaze(this)); skills.push(new sGorgonSnakes(this)); } } }//package
Section 270
//mGreebler (mGreebler) package { public class mGreebler extends MonsterCharacter { public function mGreebler(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.creature; classname = "Deep Creature"; charname = "Greebler"; portrait = CharGraphic.greebler; description = "Poisonous claws. Can attack at range."; quickness = 65; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 0.8)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 0.8)); poison_damage = Math.round((damage * 0.2)); initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttack(this)); skills.push(new sMonsterShadowStrike(this)); } } }//package
Section 271
//mHydraBody (mHydraBody) package { public class mHydraBody extends MonsterCharacter { public function mHydraBody(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.creature; classname = "Legendary Creature"; charname = "Hydra"; portrait = CharGraphic.hydraBody; mindless = false; description = "Regenerates health and heads."; accuracy = 95; quickness = 30; damage_resistance = 0; causes_stun_percent = 0; regenerate = 5; poisonResist = 40; stunResist = 50; lethalityImmune = true; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 3.3)); health_max = legendaryBonusHealth(_arg1); health = health_max; damage = 0; initSkills(); } override public function getUniqueItems(_arg1:int):Array{ var _local2:Equipment; var _local3:Array; _local3 = new Array(); _local2 = new iSword(_arg1,; _local2.item_name = "Hydra's Tooth"; _local2.lore = "Hastily bound, this razor-sharp tooth confers some of the Hydra's regenerative abilities on the wielder."; _local2.whoEquips = (Equipment.allEquip - Equipment.clericEquip); _local2.icon_frame = 133; Weapon(_local2).base_damage_mod = 100; _local2.setLethality(10, 15); _local2.setHealthRegen(10); _local2.generateItem(; _local3.push(_local2); _local2 = new iCloak(_arg1,; _local2.item_name = "Hydraskin Cloak"; _local2.lore = "Wrapping oneself in the skin of the Hydra is known to have recuperative effects."; _local2.whoEquips = Equipment.allEquip; _local2.icon_frame = 134; _local2.base_armor_mod = 300; _local2.setHealthRegen(10); _local2.powerRegen = 2; _local2.replenishing = 50; _local2.generateItem(; _local3.push(_local2); return (_local3); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sHydraGrowHeads(this)); } } }//package
Section 272
//mHydraHead (mHydraHead) package { public class mHydraHead extends MonsterCharacter { public function mHydraHead(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.creature; classname = "Legendary Creature"; charname = "Hydra Head"; if (dmf.randomNum(0, 100) > 50){ portrait = CharGraphic.hydraHead1; } else { portrait = CharGraphic.hydraHead2; }; mindless = true; description = "Regenerates health."; accuracy = 125; quickness = 40; damage_resistance = 0; causes_stun_percent = 0; regenerate = 5; poisonResist = 40; lethalityImmune = true; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1.3)); health_max = legendaryBonusHealth(_arg1); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 1.2)); initSkills(); } public function togglePortrait():void{ if (portrait == CharGraphic.hydraHead1){ portrait = CharGraphic.hydraHead2; } else { portrait = CharGraphic.hydraHead1; }; } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sHydraBite(this)); } override public function getOrangeLoot():Item{ return (null); } } }//package
Section 273
//MiscTooltip (MiscTooltip) package { import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class MiscTooltip extends Tooltip { public var tooltip_bg:Sprite; public var text_label:TextField; public var title_label:TextField; public function MiscTooltip(_arg1:String="", _arg2:String=""){ var _local3:*; super(); if (_arg1 == null){ _arg1 = "Blank"; }; if (_arg2 == null){ _arg2 = "Tooltip contents failed to load."; }; title_label.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER; title_label.text = _arg1; dm.embolden(title_label); _local3 = title_label.height; title_label.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.NONE; if (_local3 == 16){ title_label.height = (_local3 + 6); } else { title_label.height = (_local3 + 4); }; text_label.y = (title_label.y + title_label.height); text_label.text = _arg2; text_label.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER; tooltip_bg.height = ((text_label.y + text_label.height) + 12); } } }//package
Section 274
//miss_magic_sound (miss_magic_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class miss_magic_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 275
//miss_melee_sound (miss_melee_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class miss_melee_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 276
//miss_ranged_sound (miss_ranged_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class miss_ranged_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 277
//miss_thrown_sound (miss_thrown_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class miss_thrown_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 278
//mLich (mLich) package { public class mLich extends MonsterCharacter { public function mLich(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.undead; classname = "Undead"; poisonResist = 50; charname = "Lich"; portrait = CharGraphic.lich; mindless = false; description = "Undead. Spellcaster."; quickness = 35; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 0.8)); health = health_max; initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterMagicCold(this)); skills.push(new sLichStun(this)); skills.push(new sLichAE(this)); } } }//package
Section 279
//mLightningDrake (mLightningDrake) package { public class mLightningDrake extends MonsterCharacter { public function mLightningDrake(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.creature; charname = "Storm Drake"; classname = "Deep Creature"; portrait = CharGraphic.lightning_drake; mindless = true; description = "Flying creature. Has lightning attack."; quickness = 55; damage_resistance = 0; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 1.1)); initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttack(this)); skills.push(new sMonsterFlightAttack(this)); skills.push(new sLightningDrakeAE(this)); } } }//package
Section 280
//mMinotaur (mMinotaur) package { public class mMinotaur extends MonsterCharacter { public function mMinotaur(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.creature; classname = "Legendary Creature"; charname = "Minotaur"; portrait = CharGraphic.minotaur; mindless = false; description = "Half man, Half bull."; accuracy = 130; quickness = 50; damage_resistance = 0; causes_stun_percent = 20; stunResist = 100; regenerate = 0; lethalityImmune = true; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 6)); health_max = legendaryBonusHealth(_arg1); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 2.2)); initSkills(); } override public function getUniqueItems(_arg1:int):Array{ var _local2:Equipment; var _local3:Array; _local3 = new Array(); _local2 = new iAxe(_arg1,; _local2.item_name = "Minotaur's Axe"; _local2.lore = "The axe wielded by the mighty Minotaur."; _local2.whoEquips = ((Equipment.barbarianEquip + Equipment.warriorEquip) + Equipment.rangerEquip); _local2.icon_frame = 137; Weapon(_local2).base_damage_mod = 100; _local2.setStrength(1, 6); _local2.setEndurance(1, 6); _local2.generateItem(; _local3.push(_local2); _local2 = new Offhand(); _local2.item_name = "Minotaur Horn"; _local2.lore = "Makes a fine trumpet."; _local2.item_level = this.level; _local2.item_rarity =; _local2.setPowerRegen(2, 4); _local2.setHealthRegen(5); _local2.replenishing = 30; _local2.setResistStun(); _local2.setAccuracy(); _local2.quickRetreat = true; _local2.whoEquips = Equipment.allEquip; _local2.icon_frame = 181; _local3.push(_local2); return (_local3); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttackWeapon(this)); skills.push(new sMonsterMeleeAE(this)); skills.push(new sMinotaurLabyrinth(this)); } } }//package
Section 281
//mNecromancer (mNecromancer) package { public class mNecromancer extends MonsterCharacter { public function mNecromancer(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.undead; charname = Horde.getNecromancerName(); classname = "Arch-Lich"; portrait = CharGraphic.necromancer; mindless = false; description = "Undead Leader. Powerful spellcaster."; accuracy = 150; damage_resistance = 10; poisonResist = 50; stunResist = 30; quickness = 35; lethalityImmune = true; damage = Math.round((damage * 1.7)); health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1.4)); if (((!(( == null))) && ({ health_max = (health_max * MonsterCharacter.EXTREME_HEALTH_MOD); }; health = health_max; initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterMagicCold(this)); skills.push(new sNecroDrain(this)); skills.push(new sNecroSponge(this)); } } }//package
Section 282
//MochiBot (MochiBot) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.system.*; public dynamic class MochiBot extends Sprite { public static function track(_arg1:Sprite, _arg2:String):MochiBot{ var self:MochiBot; var server:String; var lv:URLVariables; var url:String; var req:URLRequest; var loader:Loader; var parent = _arg1; var tag = _arg2; try { self = new (MochiBot); if (Security.sandboxType == "localWithFile"){ return (null); }; parent.addChild(self); Security.allowDomain(""); Security.allowInsecureDomain(""); server = ""; lv = new URLVariables(); lv["sb"] = Security.sandboxType; lv["v"] = Capabilities.version; lv["swfid"] = tag; lv["mv"] = "8"; lv["fv"] = "9"; url = self.root.loaderInfo.loaderURL; if (url.indexOf("http") == 0){ lv["url"] = url; } else { lv["url"] = "local"; }; req = new URLRequest(server); req.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; req.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = lv; loader = new Loader(); self.addChild(loader); loader.load(req); } catch(error) { }; return (self); } } }//package
Section 283
//monster_arrow (monster_arrow) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class monster_arrow extends MovieClip { public var blood:BloodRandom; public var spark:monster_arrow_impact; public function monster_arrow(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 44, frame45); } function frame1(){; this.spark.x = dm.randomNum(15, 43); this.spark.y = dm.randomNum(15, 43); } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 284
//monster_arrow_drainpower (monster_arrow_drainpower) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class monster_arrow_drainpower extends MovieClip { public var blood:BloodRandom; public var spark:monster_arrow_impact; public function monster_arrow_drainpower(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 44, frame45); } function frame1(){; this.spark.x = dm.randomNum(15, 43); this.spark.y = dm.randomNum(15, 43); } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 285
//monster_arrow_impact (monster_arrow_impact) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class monster_arrow_impact extends MovieClip { public var hit:MovieClip; public function monster_arrow_impact(){ addFrameScript(11, frame12); } function frame12(){ this.gotoAndStop(12); } } }//package
Section 286
//monster_drain_effect (monster_drain_effect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class monster_drain_effect extends MovieClip { public function monster_drain_effect(){ addFrameScript(44, frame45); } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 287
//monster_magic_attack (monster_magic_attack) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class monster_magic_attack extends MovieClip { public function monster_magic_attack(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 44, frame45); } function frame1(){; } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 288
//monster_magic_sound (monster_magic_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class monster_magic_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 289
//monster_thrown (monster_thrown) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class monster_thrown extends MovieClip { public var blood:BloodRandom; public var spark:monster_arrow_impact; public function monster_thrown(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 4, frame5, 44, frame45); } function frame1(){; } function frame5(){ this.spark.x = dm.randomNum(15, 43); this.spark.y = dm.randomNum(15, 43); } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 290
//MonsterCharacter (MonsterCharacter) package { public class MonsterCharacter extends Character { private var _regenerate:int;// = 0 private var _mindless:Boolean;// = true private var _cannotTarget:Boolean;// = false private var _poison_damage:int;// = 0 private var _damage_reflection:int;// = 0 private var _damageImmune:Boolean;// = false private var _ethereal:int;// = 0 private var _vampiric_percent:int;// = 0 private var _originalPos:int;// = -1 private var _accuracy_damage:int;// = 0 private var _causes_stun_percent:int;// = 0 static const greenskin:int = 2; static const BEGINNER_HEALTH_MOD = 0.7; static const BASE_HEALTH = 100; static const EXTREME_HEALTH_MOD = 1.2; static const HEALTH_SCALE_RATE = 60; static const BASE_DAMAGE = 20; static const BEGINNER_DAMAGE_MOD = 0.75; static const DAMAGE_SCALE_RATE = 35; static const dwarf:int = 5; static const EXTREME_DAMAGE_MOD = 1.2; static const human:int = 4; static const special:int = 6; static const undead:int = 1; static const creature:int = 3; public function MonsterCharacter(_arg1:int=1){ _originalPos = -1; _regenerate = 0; _mindless = true; _ethereal = 0; _damageImmune = false; _cannotTarget = false; _vampiric_percent = 0; _causes_stun_percent = 0; _damage_reflection = 0; _accuracy_damage = 0; _poison_damage = 0; super(); this.level = _arg1; classname = "Monster"; health_max = getHealthMax(_arg1); damage = getBaseDamage(_arg1); } public function set damage_reflection(_arg1:int):void{ this._damage_reflection = _arg1; } override public function getHealthRegen(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:*; _local2 = Math.round(((regenerate / 100) * health_max)); if (_arg1){ _local2 = (_local2 + buff_healthRegen); }; return (_local2); } override public function getVampiric(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ if (_arg1){ return ((vampiric_percent + buff_vampiric)); }; return (vampiric_percent); } override public function getDamageReflection(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ if (_arg1){ return ((damage_reflection + buff_damageReflect)); }; return (damage_reflection); } public function get cannotTarget():Boolean{ return (this._cannotTarget); } public function resetSkills():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < skills.length) { skills[_local1].aiCastCount = 0; _local1++; }; } public function get poison_damage():int{ return (this._poison_damage); } public function get vampiric_percent():int{ return (this._vampiric_percent); } override public function getStunChance(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ if (_arg1){ return ((causes_stun_percent + buff_stun)); }; return (causes_stun_percent); } public function getGenericItems(_arg1:int):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:Equipment; _local2 = new Array(); _local3 = new iClothHat(_arg1,; _local3.item_name = "Victor's Laurels"; _local3.armor_rating = _local3.scaleArmorForLevel(6); _local3.setStrength(3, 5); _local3.setIntellect(3, 5); _local3.setPowerRegen(3, 4); _local3.setQuickness(5, 5); _local3.icon_frame = 154; _local2.push(_local3); _local3 = new iClothRobe(_arg1,; _local3.item_name = "Robe of Affliction"; _local3.armor_rating = (_local3.armor_rating * 2); _local3.setBlind(); _local3.setStunChance(); _local3.setVampiric(); _local3.setPoisonDamage(); _local3.setLethality(3, 5); _local3.setIntellect(); _local3.icon_frame = 173; _local2.push(_local3); _local3 = new iLeatherGloves(_arg1,; _local3.item_name = "Very Nimble Gloves"; _local3.armor_rating = (_local3.armor_rating * 2); _local3.setDexterity(5, 7); _local3.quickRetreat = true; _local3.setQuickness(5, 10); _local3.setLethality(); _local3.icon_frame = 156; _local2.push(_local3); _local3 = new iLeatherBoots(_arg1,; _local3.item_name = "Quicksilver Boots"; _local3.armor_rating = (_local3.armor_rating * 2); _local3.setStrength(3, 5); _local3.setDexterity(3, 5); _local3.setIntellect(3, 5); _local3.setBlind(); _local3.setQuickness(10, 15); _local3.icon_frame = 171; _local2.push(_local3); _local3 = new iPlateHelmet(_arg1,; _local3.item_name = "Omega Helm"; _local3.armor_rating = (_local3.armor_rating * 2); _local3.setEndurance(5, 7); _local3.setHealthRegen(); _local3.setLethality(); _local3.icon_frame = 155; _local2.push(_local3); _local3 = new iPlateGreaves(_arg1,; _local3.item_name = "Greaves of the Dwarf-King"; _local3.lore = "Uncomfortably tight."; _local3.armor_rating = (_local3.armor_rating * 2); _local3.setEndurance(4, 6); _local3.setResistStun(); _local3.setStunChance(12, 15); _local3.damageBonusVsCreatureType = MonsterCharacter.dwarf; _local3.damageBonusVsCreatureModifier = 1.3; _local3.armorBonusVsCreatureType = MonsterCharacter.dwarf; _local3.armorBonusVsCreatureModifier = 1.3; _local3.icon_frame = 162; _local2.push(_local3); _local3 = new iPlateGloves(_arg1,; _local3.item_name = "High Five"; _local3.creator = "Logan"; _local3.armor_rating = (_local3.armor_rating * 2); _local3.powerRegen = 5; _local3.accuracyBonus = 5; _local3.lethality = 5; _local3.causes_stun_percent = 5; _local3.mod_quickness = 5; _local3.icon_frame = 163; _local2.push(_local3); _local3 = new iRing(_arg1,; _local3.item_name = "Ring of Boundless Energy"; _local3.setPowerRegen(2, 4); _local3.replenishing = 100; _local3.setQuickness(5, 15); _local3.icon_frame = 164; _local2.push(_local3); _local3 = new iCrossbow(_arg1,; _local3.item_name = "Foe-Piercer"; _local3.lore = "Built by master craftsmen, in a long-forgotten age."; Weapon(_local3).base_damage_mod = 70; _local3.setQuickness(2, 5); _local3.setDexterity(3, 6); _local3.setLethality(5, 10); _local3.setStunChance(20, 30); _local3.icon_frame = 183; _local3.generateItem(; _local2.push(_local3); _local3 = new iStaff(_arg1,; _local3.item_name = "Staff of Destiny"; _local3.lore = "No man may harm the wielder."; Weapon(_local3).base_damage_mod = 70; _local3.armorBonusVsCreatureType = MonsterCharacter.human; _local3.armorBonusVsCreatureModifier = 5; _local3.setQuickness(5, 10); _local3.setIntellect(3, 6); _local3.setEndurance(3, 6); _local3.setHealthRegen(10); _local3.icon_frame = 182; _local3.generateItem(; _local2.push(_local3); _local3 = new iParryingDagger(_arg1,; _local3.item_name = "Mythic Shadow"; _local3.armor_rating = Math.round((_local3.armor_rating * 1.6)); _local3.setBlind(8, 11); _local3.setQuickness(10, 13); _local3.setStrength(2, 4); _local3.setPoisonDamage(10); _local3.creator = "Dark Nova"; _local3.whoEquips = Equipment.rogueEquip; _local3.icon_frame = 178; _local2.push(_local3); _local3 = new iQuiver(_arg1,; _local3.item_name = "The Magical Quiver of Archranger Bilko, Undead Hunter"; _local3.lore = "Bilko was one of the most legendary Rangers to have ever lived."; _local3.damageBonusVsCreatureType = MonsterCharacter.undead; _local3.damageBonusVsCreatureModifier = 1.2; _local3.setDexterity(2, 4); _local3.setIntellect(); _local3.setHealthRegen(10); _local3.setPowerRegen(5); _local3.creator = "SwordPaladin"; _local3.icon_frame = 180; _local2.push(_local3); return (_local2); } override public function getEffectiveHealth():int{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; _local1 = ((100 - getDamageResist()) / 100); _local2 = Math.round((health / _local1)); return (_local2); } override public function getDamageResist(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ if (_arg1){ return (Math.min(99, (((damage_resistance + buff_damageResist) + temp_damage_resistance) - debuff_damageResist))); }; return (Math.min(99, damage_resistance)); } public function get causes_stun_percent():int{ return (this._causes_stun_percent); } public function get regenerate():int{ return (this._regenerate); } override public function getAccuracyDamage(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ return (accuracy_damage); } public function get originalPos():int{ return (this._originalPos); } public function get damageImmune():Boolean{ return (this._damageImmune); } public function set cannotTarget(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this._cannotTarget = _arg1; } public function set accuracy_damage(_arg1:int):void{ this._accuracy_damage = _arg1; } public function get mindless():Boolean{ return (this._mindless); } public function get damage_reflection():int{ return (this._damage_reflection); } override public function getPoisonDamage(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ return (poison_damage); } public function set ethereal(_arg1:int):void{ this._ethereal = _arg1; } public function set poison_damage(_arg1:int):void{ this._poison_damage = _arg1; } public function legendaryBonusHealth(_arg1:int):int{ var _local2:Number; _local2 = (1 + ((level - 1) * 0.03)); return (Math.ceil((health_max * _local2))); } public function set vampiric_percent(_arg1:int):void{ this._vampiric_percent = _arg1; } public function set regenerate(_arg1:int):void{ this._regenerate = _arg1; } public function getUniqueItems(_arg1:int):Array{ var _local2:Array; _local2 = new Array(); return (_local2); } override public function reduceHealth(_arg1:int):int{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = health; _local3 = super.reduceHealth(_arg1); if ((((((health <= 0)) && ((_local2 > 0)))) && ((_local3 > 0)))){ }; return (_local3); } public function set causes_stun_percent(_arg1:int):void{ this._causes_stun_percent = _arg1; } public function initSkills():void{ } public function get accuracy_damage():int{ return (this._accuracy_damage); } public function set originalPos(_arg1:int):void{ this._originalPos = _arg1; } public function get ethereal():int{ return (this._ethereal); } public function resetMonster():void{ clearStatusEffects(); resetSkills(); health = health_max; power = power_max; } override public function damageAfterArmor(_arg1:int, _arg2:Character):int{ var _local3:int; _local3 = ((damage_resistance + buff_damageResist) - debuff_damageResist); if (_local3 >= 100){ _local3 = 99; }; if (_local3 != 0){ _arg1 = Math.round((_arg1 * (1 - (_local3 / 100)))); }; if (_arg1 <= 0){ _arg1 = 1; }; return (_arg1); } public function set damageImmune(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this._damageImmune = _arg1; } public function set mindless(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this._mindless = _arg1; } public function getOrangeLoot():Item{ var _local1:int; var _local2:Array; var _local3:Array; var _local4:Array; var _local5:int; var _local6:*; var _local7:ErrorDialog; _local1 = 50; _local3 = dmf.shuffleArray(getUniqueItems(level)); _local4 = dmf.shuffleArray(getGenericItems(level)); if ((((_local3 == null)) || (!(_local3.length)))){ _local2 = _local4; } else { if ((((_local4 == null)) || (!(_local4.length)))){ _local2 = _local3; } else { if (dmf.randomNum(0, 99) < _local1){ _local2 = _local3.concat(_local4); } else { _local2 = _local4.concat(_local3); }; }; }; if (_local2.length){ _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local2.length) { if (TreasureChest.testItemSuitable(_local2[_local5], dm.main.pc_party)){ return (_local2[_local5]); }; _local5++; }; return (_local2[0]); //unresolved jump }; if (((DungeonMain.KONGREGATE) || (DungeonMain.BETA))){ _local6 = "An error has occurred. Please submit a bug report with the following information:\n\n"; _local6 = (_local6 + "Orange loot generation error!\n"); _local6 = (_local6 + (((("monster: " + charname) + " (") + level) + ")\n")); if (_local3 != null){ _local6 = (_local6 + (("uniques: " + _local3.length) + "\n")); }; if (_local4 != null){ _local6 = (_local6 + (("generics: " + _local4.length) + "\n")); }; _local7 = new ErrorDialog("Error!", _local6); dm.stage.addChild(_local7); }; return (null); } public static function getBaseDamage(_arg1:int):int{ var _local2:*; var _local3:int; _local2 = (BASE_DAMAGE + Math.round(((_arg1 - 1) * (BASE_DAMAGE * (DAMAGE_SCALE_RATE / 100))))); if (_arg1 == 1){ _local2 = Math.round((_local2 * 0.7)); } else { if (_arg1 == 2){ _local2 = Math.round((_local2 * 0.8)); } else { if (_arg1 == 3){ _local2 = Math.round((_local2 * 0.9)); }; }; }; if (_arg1 > 9){ _local3 = Math.round((_local2 * ((_arg1 - 9) / 200))); _local3 = Math.min(_local3, (PlayerCharacter.baseHealthForLevel(_arg1) * 0.5)); _local2 = (_local2 + _local3); }; if ( != null){ if ({ _local2 = (_local2 * BEGINNER_DAMAGE_MOD); }; if ({ _local2 = (_local2 * EXTREME_DAMAGE_MOD); }; }; return (_local2); } public static function getHealthMax(_arg1:int, _arg2:Boolean=true):int{ var _local3:*; _local3 = (BASE_HEALTH + getHealthIncrease(_arg1, _arg2)); if (!(_arg2)){ return (_local3); }; if (_arg1 == 1){ _local3 = Math.round((_local3 * 0.7)); } else { if (_arg1 == 2){ _local3 = Math.round((_local3 * 0.8)); } else { if (_arg1 == 3){ _local3 = Math.round((_local3 * 0.9)); }; }; }; if ( != null){ if ({ _local3 = (_local3 * BEGINNER_HEALTH_MOD); }; if ({ _local3 = (_local3 * EXTREME_HEALTH_MOD); }; }; return (_local3); } public static function getHealthIncrease(_arg1:int, _arg2:Boolean=true):int{ var _local3:*; var _local4:int; _arg1--; _local3 = Math.round((_arg1 * (BASE_HEALTH * (HEALTH_SCALE_RATE / 100)))); if (_arg2){ _local4 = 10; if (((!(( == null))) && ({ _local4 = 8; }; if (_arg1){ _local3 = (_local3 + Math.round((_arg1 * (_arg1 / _local4)))); }; }; return (_local3); } } }//package
Section 291
//mOrcBerserker (mOrcBerserker) package { public class mOrcBerserker extends MonsterCharacter { public function mOrcBerserker(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.greenskin; classname = "Greenskin"; stunResist = 25; charname = "Orc Berserker"; portrait = CharGraphic.orc; mindless = true; description = "Attacks twice."; quickness = 60; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 1)); initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterDoubleAttack(this)); } } }//package
Section 292
//mOrcChampion (mOrcChampion) package { public class mOrcChampion extends MonsterCharacter { public function mOrcChampion(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.greenskin; classname = "Greenskin"; stunResist = 25; charname = "Orc Champion"; portrait = CharGraphic.orc_champion; mindless = true; description = "Orcish elite."; quickness = 45; damage_resistance = 10; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1.1)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 1.1)); initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttackWeapon(this)); skills.push(new sOrcSponge(this)); } } }//package
Section 293
//mOrcJuggernaut (mOrcJuggernaut) package { public class mOrcJuggernaut extends MonsterCharacter { public function mOrcJuggernaut(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.greenskin; charname = Horde.getGreenskinName(); classname = "Half-Troll"; portrait = CharGraphic.orc_juggernaut; mindless = false; description = "Greenskin Leader. Slow, hulking warrior. Regenerates."; accuracy = 120; damage_resistance = 0; poisonResist = 50; stunResist = 75; quickness = 45; lethalityImmune = true; regenerate = 10; damage = Math.round((damage * 1.5)); health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1.6)); if (((!(( == null))) && ({ health_max = (health_max * MonsterCharacter.EXTREME_HEALTH_MOD); }; health = health_max; initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttackWeapon(this)); skills.push(new sMonsterDoubleAttack(this)); skills.push(new sTrollHowl(this)); } } }//package
Section 294
//mOrcSavage (mOrcSavage) package { public class mOrcSavage extends MonsterCharacter { public function mOrcSavage(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.greenskin; classname = "Greenskin"; stunResist = 25; charname = "Orc Savage"; portrait = CharGraphic.orc_woman; mindless = true; description = "Strong ranged attack, but inaccurate."; quickness = 65; accuracy = 65; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 1.1)); initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sOrcAxeThrow(this)); skills.push(new sMonsterDoubleAttack(this)); } } }//package
Section 295
//mOrcShaman (mOrcShaman) package { public class mOrcShaman extends MonsterCharacter { public function mOrcShaman(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.greenskin; classname = "Greenskin"; stunResist = 25; charname = "Orc Shaman"; portrait = CharGraphic.orc_shaman; mindless = false; description = "Spellcaster. Heals allies and curses enemies."; quickness = 35; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 0.9)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 1)); initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttackWeapon(this)); skills.push(new sMonsterHeal(this)); skills.push(new sMonsterCurse(this)); } } }//package
Section 296
//mOrcWarlord (mOrcWarlord) package { public class mOrcWarlord extends MonsterCharacter { public function mOrcWarlord(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.greenskin; charname = Horde.getGreenskinName(); classname = "Orc Warlord"; portrait = CharGraphic.orc_warlord; mindless = false; description = "Greenskin Leader."; accuracy = 140; damage_resistance = 20; poisonResist = 25; stunResist = 75; quickness = 35; lethalityImmune = true; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1.5)); if (((!(( == null))) && ({ health_max = (health_max * MonsterCharacter.EXTREME_HEALTH_MOD); }; health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 1.6)); initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttackWeapon(this)); skills.push(new sWarlordRevive(this)); skills.push(new sWarlordFocus(this)); skills.push(new sWarlordBuff(this)); } } }//package
Section 297
//morpheus_calls_loop02 (morpheus_calls_loop02) package { import*; public dynamic class morpheus_calls_loop02 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 298
//MovementArrowHead (MovementArrowHead) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MovementArrowHead extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 299
//mPoisonDrake (mPoisonDrake) package { public class mPoisonDrake extends MonsterCharacter { public function mPoisonDrake(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.creature; charname = "Poison Drake"; classname = "Deep Creature"; portrait = CharGraphic.poison_drake; mindless = true; description = "Spits poison."; quickness = 45; damage_resistance = 0; poisonResist = 100; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 1)); initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttack(this)); skills.push(new sPoisonDrakeShot(this)); skills.push(new sPoisonDrakeAE(this)); } } }//package
Section 300
//mSkeleton (mSkeleton) package { public class mSkeleton extends MonsterCharacter { public function mSkeleton(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.undead; classname = "Undead"; poisonResist = 50; charname = "Skeleton"; portrait = CharGraphic.skeleton; mindless = true; description = "Undead. Fragile, but slowly mends."; quickness = 40; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1)); health = health_max; damage_resistance = -10; regenerate = 6; stunResist = 0; initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttackWeapon(this)); } } }//package
Section 301
//mSkeletonArcher (mSkeletonArcher) package { public class mSkeletonArcher extends MonsterCharacter { public function mSkeletonArcher(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.undead; classname = "Undead"; poisonResist = 50; charname = "Undead Archer"; portrait = CharGraphic.skeleton_archer; mindless = true; description = "Undead. Ranged attack. Fragile, but slowly mends."; quickness = 50; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1)); health = health_max; damage_resistance = -10; regenerate = 6; stunResist = 0; initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttackWeapon(this)); skills.push(new sMonsterRangedAttack(this)); } } }//package
Section 302
//mTroll (mTroll) package { public class mTroll extends MonsterCharacter { public function mTroll(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.greenskin; classname = "Greenskin"; stunResist = 25; charname = "Troll"; portrait = CharGraphic.troll; mindless = true; description = "Regenerates health. Slow. Strong attack."; quickness = 20; accuracy = 80; damage_resistance = 0; regenerate = 15; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1.2)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 1.6)); initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttackWeapon(this)); skills.push(new sMonsterPierce(this)); } } }//package
Section 303
//Music (Music) package { import*; import flash.utils.*; import*; public class Music { const fade_out_time = 500; const sound_fade_steps = 25; const fade_in_time = 1000; var channel:SoundChannel; var fadeInTimer:Timer; var active:Boolean;// = false var fadeStepCount;// = 0 var fadeOutTimer:Timer; static var volumeSetting = 0.15; public function Music(_arg1:Sound=null, _arg2:Boolean=true, _arg3:Boolean=true):void{ var _local4:*; fadeStepCount = 0; active = false; super(); if (_arg1 == null){ return; }; _local4 = 1; if (_arg2){ _local4 = 99999; }; channel =, _local4); if (channel == null){ return; }; active = true; if (_arg3){ this.fadeIn(); } else { this.setVolume(volumeSetting); }; } function musicFadeOutStep(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; fadeStepCount--; _local2 = (1 / sound_fade_steps); _local3 = (fadeStepCount * _local2); _local3 = (_local3 * volumeSetting); if (channel != null){ channel.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(_local3); }; } public function stop():void{ if (channel != null){ channel.stop(); }; active = false; } public function fadeIn(_arg1:int=1000):void{ if (channel == null){ return; }; channel.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0); fadeStepCount = 0; fadeInTimer = new Timer((_arg1 / sound_fade_steps), sound_fade_steps); fadeInTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, musicFadeInStep); fadeInTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, musicFadeInDone); fadeInTimer.start(); } public function setVolume(_arg1:Number):void{ if (channel == null){ return; }; _arg1 = Math.max(0, _arg1); _arg1 = Math.min(volumeSetting, _arg1); channel.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(_arg1); } public function mute():void{ setVolume(0); } function musicFadeInDone(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ fadeInTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, musicFadeInStep); fadeInTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, musicFadeInDone); if (channel != null){ channel.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(volumeSetting); }; } function musicFadeInStep(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; fadeStepCount++; _local2 = (1 / sound_fade_steps); _local3 = (fadeStepCount * _local2); _local3 = (_local3 * volumeSetting); if (channel != null){ channel.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(_local3); }; } function musicFadeOutDone(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ fadeOutTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, musicFadeOutStep); fadeOutTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, musicFadeOutDone); if (channel != null){ channel.stop(); }; } public function fadeOut(_arg1:int=1000):void{ if (channel == null){ return; }; active = false; fadeStepCount = sound_fade_steps; channel.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(volumeSetting); fadeOutTimer = new Timer((_arg1 / sound_fade_steps), sound_fade_steps); fadeOutTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, musicFadeOutStep); fadeOutTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, musicFadeOutDone); fadeOutTimer.start(); } } }//package
Section 304
//MuteButton (MuteButton) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class MuteButton extends MovieClip { public function MuteButton():void{ setGraphic(); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clicked); } public function setGraphic():void{ if (GlobalVolume.volumeSetting == GlobalVolume.volumeOff){ gotoAndStop("mute"); } else { gotoAndStop("on"); }; } private function clicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (GlobalVolume.volumeSetting > GlobalVolume.volumeOff){ GlobalVolume.volumeSetting = GlobalVolume.volumeOff; } else { GlobalVolume.volumeSetting = GlobalVolume.volumeFull; }; GlobalVolume.setVolume(GlobalVolume.volumeSetting); setGraphic(); if (dm.main != null){ dm.main.saveInterface(); }; } public function cleanup():void{ removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clicked); } } }//package
Section 305
//mVampire (mVampire) package { public class mVampire extends MonsterCharacter { public function mVampire(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.undead; classname = "Undead"; poisonResist = 50; charname = "Vampire"; portrait = CharGraphic.vampire; mindless = true; description = "Undead. Drains health."; quickness = 60; vampiric_percent = Math.floor((75 + (_arg1 * 0.5))); health_max = Math.round((health_max * 0.9)); health = health_max; initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttack(this)); skills.push(new sVampireAttack(this)); } } }//package
Section 306
//mWhirlwind (mWhirlwind) package { public class mWhirlwind extends MonsterCharacter { public function mWhirlwind(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.special; classname = "Whirlwind"; charname = "Whirlwind"; portrait = CharGraphic.whirlwind; description = "Localised weather event. Dissipates at end of round."; summoned = true; quickness = 0; accuracy = 0; damageImmune = true; cannotTarget = true; poisonResist = 100; stunResist = 100; health_max = 1; health = health_max; damage = 0; initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sDissipate(this)); } } }//package
Section 307
//mVoidstalker (mVoidstalker) package { public class mVoidstalker extends MonsterCharacter { public function mVoidstalker(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); summoned = true; type = MonsterCharacter.special; classname = "Planar Entity"; ethereal = 20; charname = "Voidstalker"; portrait = CharGraphic.voidstalker; description = "Slightly resistant to physical damage. Reduces target's accuracy. Can attack at range."; accuracy_damage = 30; quickness = 80; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 0.7)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 0.9)); initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sMonsterAttack(this)); skills.push(new sMonsterShadowStrike(this)); } } }//package
Section 308
//mZombie (mZombie) package { public class mZombie extends MonsterCharacter { public function mZombie(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); type = MonsterCharacter.undead; classname = "Undead"; poisonResist = 50; charname = "Zombie"; portrait = CharGraphic.zombie; mindless = true; description = "Undead. Slow, but tough. Has debilitating attacks."; quickness = 20; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 1.3)); health = health_max; initSkills(); } override public function initSkills():void{ skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sZombieAttack(this)); skills.push(new sZombieAE(this)); } } }//package
Section 309
//NewProceedButton (NewProceedButton) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class NewProceedButton extends SimpleButton { } }//package
Section 310
//NumericIndicatorHealth (NumericIndicatorHealth) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class NumericIndicatorHealth extends Sprite { public var bar:MovieClip; public var numbers:TextField; } }//package
Section 311
//NumericIndicatorPower (NumericIndicatorPower) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class NumericIndicatorPower extends Sprite { public var bar:MovieClip; public var numbers:TextField; } }//package
Section 312
//Offhand (Offhand) package { public class Offhand extends Equipment { public function Offhand(){ slot = offhand; } override public function generateItem(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = false; _local3 = false; if (item_rarity =={ if (dmf.randomNum(0, 100) >= 50){ _local3 = true; } else { _local2 = true; }; }; if (item_rarity == Item.grey){ item_rarity = Item.white; }; getItemModifiers(); if ((((item_rarity == || (_local3))){ prefix = rollForPrefix(item_rarity); }; if ((((item_rarity == || (_local2))){ suffix = rollForSuffix(item_rarity); }; if (prefix >= 0){ applyPrefix(); }; if (suffix >= 0){ applySuffix(); }; if (base_armor_rating){ armor_rating = scaleArmorForLevel((base_armor_rating * (1 + (base_armor_mod / 100)))); }; if (prefix >= 0){ item_name = ((prefixes[prefix][0] + " ") + item_name); }; if (suffix >= 0){ item_name = ((item_name + " of ") + suffixes[suffix][0]); }; } override public function getItemTypeString(){ return ("Offhand"); } override public function itemStatsString(_arg1:String):String{ if (armor_rating){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (String(armor_rating) + " Armor Rating\n")); }; return (super.itemStatsString(_arg1)); } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); suffixes.push(["Might", base_item_stat_bonus]); } } }//package
Section 313
//OnOffSelectorMenu (OnOffSelectorMenu) package { import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class OnOffSelectorMenu extends MovieClip { public var onLabel:TextField; public var isOn:Boolean;// = false public var offLabel:TextField; public function OnOffSelectorMenu():void{ isOn = false; super(); offLabel.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickOff); onLabel.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickOn); } public function setTo(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_arg1){ this.gotoAndStop("on"); } else { this.gotoAndStop("off"); }; this.isOn = _arg1; } function clickOn(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ setTo(true); } public function cleanup():void{ offLabel.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickOff); onLabel.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickOn); } function clickOff(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ setTo(false); } } }//package
Section 314
//OptionsBookButton (OptionsBookButton) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class OptionsBookButton extends SimpleButton { public function OptionsBookButton():void{ this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickedOn); } public function cleanup():void{ this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickedOn); } function clickedOn(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (stage != null){ stage.addChild(new OptionsScreen()); }; } } }//package
Section 315
//OptionsButton (OptionsButton) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class OptionsButton extends MovieClip { public function OptionsButton():void{ this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickedOn); } function clickedOn(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (stage != null){ stage.addChild(new OptionsScreen()); }; } public function cleanup():void{ this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickedOn); } } }//package
Section 316
//OptionsScreen (OptionsScreen) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class OptionsScreen extends MovieClip { public var pathfinding_selector:OnOffSelectorMenu; public var yes_btn:MovieClip; public var portrait_selector:OnOffSelectorMenu; public var quality_selector:QualitySelectorMenu; public var showHintsBox:dCheckBox; public var vc:VolumeControlMenu; public var tooltip_selector:TooltipSelectorMenu; public var blur_selector:OnOffSelectorMenu; public function OptionsScreen(){ this.yes_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, exitClick); vc.init(); showHintsBox.setChecked(DungeonMain.showHints); showHintsBox.setDescription("Show hints and tips"); pathfinding_selector.setTo(DungeonMain.pathfinding); blur_selector.setTo(DungeonMain.combatBlur); portrait_selector.setTo(DungeonMain.portraitHighlight); } function exitClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ DungeonMain.showHints = showHintsBox.checked; DungeonMain.combatBlur = blur_selector.isOn; DungeonMain.portraitHighlight = portrait_selector.isOn; DungeonMain.pathfinding = pathfinding_selector.isOn; if (parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); } else { if ((((dm.stage == null)) && (!((stage == null))))){ dm.stage = stage; }; if (((!((dm.stage == null))) && (dm.stage.contains(this)))){ dm.stage.removeChild(this); }; }; if (dm.main != null){ dm.main.saveInterface(); }; cleanup(); } private function cleanup():void{ yes_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, exitClick); blur_selector.cleanup(); portrait_selector.cleanup(); quality_selector.cleanup(); tooltip_selector.cleanup(); pathfinding_selector.cleanup(); } } }//package
Section 317
//PageTurn (PageTurn) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class PageTurn extends MovieClip { private var child:Sprite; public var page:MovieClip; public function PageTurn(_arg1:Sprite=null):void{ addFrameScript(1, frame2, 14, frame15); this.gotoAndStop(1); this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); if (_arg1 != null){ setChild(_arg1); }; } function frame15(){ this.stop(); this.remove(); } public function remove():void{ this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); if (((((!((child == null))) && (!((page == null))))) && (page.contains(child)))){ page.removeChild(child); }; if (parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); }; } function frame2(){; } public function onFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ if (currentFrame == totalFrames){ remove(); }; } public function setChild(_arg1:Sprite):void{ if (((!((child == null))) && (page.contains(child)))){ page.removeChild(child); }; this.child = _arg1; page.addChild(_arg1); } public function animate():void{ this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } }//package
Section 318
//Paperdoll (Paperdoll) package { import flash.display.*; public class Paperdoll extends Sprite { public var weapon:PaperdollEmptySlot; public var legs:PaperdollEmptySlot; public var ring:PaperdollEmptySlot; public var armor:PaperdollEmptySlot; public var gloves:PaperdollEmptySlot; public var offhand:PaperdollEmptySlot; public var boots:PaperdollEmptySlot; public var cloak:PaperdollEmptySlot; public var head:PaperdollEmptySlot; public function Paperdoll():void{ } public function getSlotX(_arg1:int):int{ var _local2:*; _local2 = 0; if (_arg1 == Equipment.head){ _local2 = head.x; } else { if (_arg1 == Equipment.armor){ _local2 = armor.x; } else { if (_arg1 == Equipment.gloves){ _local2 = gloves.x; } else { if (_arg1 =={ _local2 = boots.x; } else { if (_arg1 == Equipment.back){ _local2 = cloak.x; } else { if (_arg1 == Equipment.weapon){ _local2 = weapon.x; } else { if (_arg1 == Equipment.offhand){ _local2 = offhand.x; } else { if (_arg1 == Equipment.ring){ _local2 = ring.x; } else { if (_arg1 == Equipment.legs){ _local2 = legs.x; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; return (_local2); } public function getSlotY(_arg1:int):int{ var _local2:*; _local2 = 0; if (_arg1 == Equipment.head){ _local2 = head.y; } else { if (_arg1 == Equipment.armor){ _local2 = armor.y; } else { if (_arg1 == Equipment.gloves){ _local2 = gloves.y; } else { if (_arg1 =={ _local2 = boots.y; } else { if (_arg1 == Equipment.back){ _local2 = cloak.y; } else { if (_arg1 == Equipment.weapon){ _local2 = weapon.y; } else { if (_arg1 == Equipment.offhand){ _local2 = offhand.y; } else { if (_arg1 == Equipment.ring){ _local2 = ring.y; } else { if (_arg1 == Equipment.legs){ _local2 = legs.y; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; return (_local2); } } }//package
Section 319
//PaperdollEmptySlot (PaperdollEmptySlot) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class PaperdollEmptySlot extends MovieClip { public function PaperdollEmptySlot(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ this.gotoAndStop(1); } } }//package
Section 320
//Party (Party) package { public class Party { var overflow:Array; var members:Array; private var _stat_rooms_explored:int;// = 0 private var _difficultyMods:uint;// = 0 private var _stat_rooms_total:int;// = 0 private var _stat_party_defeats:int;// = 0 private var _gold:int;// = 0 private var _invFilter:int; private var _stat_shrines_used:int;// = 0 private var _difficulty:int; var inventory:Array; private var _stat_hordes_defeated:int;// = 0 private var _campaign:int;// = 1 var save_slot:int;// = 1 private var _level:int;// = 1 private var _version:String;// = "1.0" private var _sneaking:int;// = 0 private var _stat_member_deaths:int;// = 0 private var _stat_leaders_defeated:int;// = 0 private var _lootSettings:uint; private var _sortAscending:Boolean;// = true private var _invSort:int; static const MAX_INVENTORY = 45; static const SCORE_SHRINES = -150; static const MAX_OVERFLOW = 15; static const SCORE_DEATHS = -100; static const SCORE_DEFEATS = -1000; static const SCORE_LEVEL = 1000; static const max_size = 4; static const SCORE_LEADERS = 500; public function Party():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; members = new Array(); save_slot = 1; inventory = new Array(); overflow = new Array(); _level = 1; _campaign = 1; _difficulty = Difficulty.STANDARD; _difficultyMods = 0; _version = "1.0"; _sneaking = 0; _gold = 0; _stat_party_defeats = 0; _stat_member_deaths = 0; _stat_shrines_used = 0; _stat_hordes_defeated = 0; _stat_leaders_defeated = 0; _stat_rooms_explored = 0; _stat_rooms_total = 0; _lootSettings = LootSettings.defaultValues(); _invFilter = InventoryPanel.FILTER_ALL; _invSort = InventoryPanel.SORT_NONE; _sortAscending = true; super(); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 5) { addToInventory(new SneakyScroll()); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 5) { addToInventory(new PotionHealthSmall()); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 5) { addToInventory(new PotionPowerSmall()); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 5) { addToInventory(new PotionReviveWeak()); _local1++; }; if (DungeonMain.debugitems){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 5) { addToInventory(new CleanSlate()); _local1++; }; }; } public function set level(_arg1:int):void{ this._level = _arg1; } public function duplicate():Party{ var _local1:Party; _local1 = new Party(); _local1.save_slot = save_slot; _local1.level = level; _local1.campaign = campaign; _local1.difficulty = difficulty; _local1.difficultyMods = difficultyMods; _local1.version = version; _local1.sneaking = sneaking; = gold; _local1.stat_party_defeats = stat_party_defeats; _local1.stat_member_deaths = stat_member_deaths; _local1.stat_shrines_used = stat_shrines_used; _local1.stat_hordes_defeated = stat_hordes_defeated; _local1.stat_leaders_defeated = stat_leaders_defeated; _local1.stat_rooms_explored = stat_rooms_explored; _local1.stat_rooms_total = stat_rooms_total; _local1.lootSettings = lootSettings; _local1.invFilter = invFilter; _local1.invSort = invSort; _local1.sortAscending = sortAscending; return (_local1); } public function get difficultyMods():uint{ return (this._difficultyMods); } public function get campaign():int{ return (this._campaign); } public function get hardcore():Boolean{ return (((this._difficultyMods & Difficulty.HARDCORE) == Difficulty.HARDCORE)); } public function set difficultyMods(_arg1:uint):void{ this._difficultyMods = _arg1; } public function get stat_member_deaths():int{ return (this._stat_member_deaths); } public function setMemberPos(_arg1:PlayerCharacter, _arg2:int){ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:Boolean; var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:PlayerCharacter; var _local8:Boolean; _local5 = false; _local6 = false; for each (_local7 in members) { if (_local7.pos == _arg2){ _local5 = true; }; if (_local7 == _arg1){ _local6 = true; }; }; if (!(_local6)){ return; }; if (_local5){ _local3 = 1; while (_local3 <= 6) { _local8 = true; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < members.length) { if (members[_local4].pos == _local3){ _local8 = false; }; _local4++; }; if (_local8){ _arg1.pos = _local3; break; }; _local3++; }; } else { _arg1.pos = _arg2; }; } public function addDeluxeLoot():void{ addAllOrangesFrom(new mDreadfather(level)); } public function set campaign(_arg1:int):void{ this._campaign = _arg1; } public function destroyItem(_arg1:Item):Boolean{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = false; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Party.MAX_INVENTORY) { if (inventory[_local3] == _arg1){ (inventory[_local3] == null); inventory.splice(_local3, 1); _local2 = true; break; }; _local3++; }; if (!(_local2)){ _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Party.MAX_OVERFLOW) { if (overflow[_local3] == _arg1){ (overflow[_local3] == null); overflow.splice(_local3, 1); _local2 = true; break; }; _local3++; }; }; if (!(_local2)){ return (false); }; balanceInventory(); return (true); } public function get invSort():int{ return (this._invSort); } public function needCampaignFragment():Boolean{ var _local1:Item; if (campaign != Campaign.DELUXE){ return (false); }; for each (_local1 in inventory) { if ((_local1 is CampaignItemFragment)){ if (Consumable(_local1).stack >= 9){ return (false); }; return (true); } else { if ((_local1 is CampaignItemStone)){ return (false); }; }; }; return (true); } public function set stat_party_defeats(_arg1:int):void{ this._stat_party_defeats = _arg1; } public function getOverflowIndex(_arg1:Item):int{ var _local2:*; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < overflow.length) { if (this.overflow[_local2] == _arg1){ return (_local2); }; _local2++; }; return (-1); } public function set stat_member_deaths(_arg1:int):void{ this._stat_member_deaths = _arg1; } private function sameConsumableType(_arg1:Item, _arg2:Item):Boolean{ if ((((_arg1 is Consumable)) && ((_arg2 is Consumable)))){ if (_arg1.item_name == _arg2.item_name){ return (true); }; return (false); //unresolved jump }; return (false); } public function fullRecovery():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < members.length) { members[_local1].health = members[_local1].health_max; members[_local1].power = members[_local1].power_max; members[_local1].clearStatusEffects(); _local1++; }; } public function levelUp():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < members.length) { members[_local1].levelUp(); _local1++; }; } public function getConsumables():Array{ var _local1:Item; var _local2:Array; _local2 = new Array(); for each (_local1 in inventory) { if ((_local1 is Consumable)){ _local2.push(_local1); }; }; for each (_local1 in overflow) { if ((_local1 is Consumable)){ _local2.push(_local1); }; }; return (_local2); } public function get sneaking():int{ return (this._sneaking); } public function get beginner():Boolean{ return ((this._difficulty == Difficulty.BEGINNER)); } public function findEmptySlot(_arg1:Boolean):int{ var _local2:*; if (_arg1){ _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 3) { if (memberInPos(_local2) == null){ return (_local2); }; _local2++; }; }; _local2 = 4; while (_local2 <= 6) { if (memberInPos(_local2) == null){ return (_local2); }; _local2++; }; if (_arg1){ return (0); }; _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 3) { if (memberInPos(_local2) == null){ return (_local2); }; _local2++; }; return (0); } public function getTotalExplorePercent():Number{ return ((stat_rooms_explored / stat_rooms_total)); } public function get tactical():Boolean{ return (((this._difficultyMods & Difficulty.TACTICAL) == Difficulty.TACTICAL)); } public function set stat_leaders_defeated(_arg1:int):void{ this._stat_leaders_defeated = _arg1; } public function set invSort(_arg1:int):void{ this._invSort = _arg1; } public function isPartyDead():Boolean{ var _local1:*; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < members.length) { if ((((members[_local1].health > 0)) && ((members[_local1].summoned == false)))){ return (false); }; _local1++; }; return (true); } public function getMisc():Array{ var _local1:Item; var _local2:Array; _local2 = new Array(); for each (_local1 in inventory) { if ((_local1 is Equipment)){ continue; } else { if ((_local1 is Consumable)){ continue; } else { _local2.push(_local1); }; }; }; for each (_local1 in overflow) { if ((_local1 is Equipment)){ continue; } else { if ((_local1 is Consumable)){ continue; } else { _local2.push(_local1); }; }; }; return (_local2); } public function getLevelScore():int{ var _local1:int; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _local1 = 0; _local2 = getTotalExplorePercent(); _local3 = getTotalClearPercent(); _local1 = (_local1 + (level * SCORE_LEVEL)); _local1 = (_local1 * (_local2 + _local3)); return (Math.round(_local1)); } public function getAlly():PlayerCharacter{ var _local1:PlayerCharacter; for each (_local1 in members) { if ((_local1 is PC_Adventurer)){ return (_local1); }; }; return (null); } public function get gold():int{ return (this._gold); } public function deathPenalty():Boolean{ var _local1:*; var _local2:int; var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:Boolean; _local1 = false; fullRecovery(); if (this.beginner){ return (false); }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < members.length) { _local1 = ((members[_local2].loseRandomEquipment()) || (_local1)); _local2++; }; _local3 = dm.shuffleArray(inventory); _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local3.length) { if (_local4 >= 2){ break; }; if ((_local3[_local5] is Equipment)){ _local6 = destroyItem(_local3[_local5]); if (_local6){ _local1 = true; _local4++; }; }; _local5++; }; return (_local1); } public function memberInPos(_arg1:int):PlayerCharacter{ var _local2:PlayerCharacter; if (_arg1 <= 0){ return (null); }; if (_arg1 > 6){ return (null); }; for each (_local2 in members) { if (_local2.pos == _arg1){ return (_local2); }; }; return (null); } public function set difficulty(_arg1:int):void{ this._difficulty = _arg1; } public function get stat_hordes_defeated():int{ return (this._stat_hordes_defeated); } public function get level():int{ return (this._level); } public function scanForItemUpdates():Boolean{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; var _local8:int; return (false); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local1.length) { _local5 = Item(_local1[_local3]).item_level; if (_local5 > 9){ if ((_local1[_local3] is Weapon)){ _local7 = (30 * (_local5 - 1)); _local8 = Math.round((Weapon(_local1[_local3]).damage / (((_local5 - 1) * (_local7 / 300)) + 1))); Weapon(_local1[_local3]).damage = Weapon(_local1[_local3]).scaleWeaponDamageForLevel(_local8); } else { if ((_local1[_local3] is iPlateGloves)){ if (_local1[_local3].icon_frame == 108){ _local1[_local3].icon_frame = 110; } else { if (_local1[_local3].icon_frame == 107){ _local1[_local3].icon_frame = 109; }; }; }; }; _local6 = 0; if (_local1[_local3].mod_strength){ _local6 = _local1[_local3].mod_strength; if (_local6 <= Equipment.max_stat_for_purple){ _local1[_local3].mod_strength = 0; _local1[_local3].setStrength((_local6 - 2), _local6); }; }; if (_local1[_local3].mod_endurance){ _local6 = _local1[_local3].mod_endurance; if (_local6 <= Equipment.max_stat_for_purple){ _local1[_local3].mod_endurance = 0; _local1[_local3].setEndurance((_local6 - 2), _local6); }; }; if (_local1[_local3].mod_dexterity){ _local6 = _local1[_local3].mod_dexterity; if (_local6 <= Equipment.max_stat_for_purple){ _local1[_local3].mod_dexterity = 0; _local1[_local3].setDexterity((_local6 - 2), _local6); }; }; if (_local1[_local3].mod_intellect){ _local6 = _local1[_local3].mod_intellect; if (_local6 <= Equipment.max_stat_for_purple){ _local1[_local3].mod_intellect = 0; _local1[_local3].setIntellect((_local6 - 2), _local6); }; }; }; _local3++; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 4) { addToInventory(new CleanSlate()); _local3++; }; return (true); } public function roomMovedRegen(_arg1:int=1):Boolean{ var _local2:Boolean; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:PlayerCharacter; if (_arg1 <= 0){ return (false); }; _local2 = false; for each (_local5 in members) { if ( < _local5.health_max){ _local3 = Math.round(((_local5.getHealthRegen() * _arg1) / 3)); _local5.increaseHealth(_local3); _local2 = true; }; if (_local5.power < _local5.power_max){ _local4 = Math.round(((_local5.getPowerRegen() * _arg1) / 3)); _local5.increasePower(_local4); _local2 = true; }; }; return (_local2); } public function set invFilter(_arg1:int):void{ this._invFilter = _arg1; } public function get stat_party_defeats():int{ return (this._stat_party_defeats); } public function getHealthPotion(_arg1:Boolean=false):Consumable{ var _local2:Item; for each (_local2 in inventory) { if (_arg1){ if ((_local2 is PotionHealthSmall)){ return (Consumable(_local2)); }; } else { if ((_local2 is PotionHealth)){ return (Consumable(_local2)); }; }; }; return (null); } public function addDemonLoot():void{ addAllOrangesFrom(new mDemon(level)); } public function removeQuestItems():void{ var _local1:Item; for each (_local1 in inventory) { if (_local1.item_rarity =={ destroyItem(_local1); }; }; } public function set sneaking(_arg1:int):void{ this._sneaking = _arg1; } public function set stat_rooms_total(_arg1:int):void{ this._stat_rooms_total = _arg1; } public function get extreme():Boolean{ return ((this._difficulty == Difficulty.EXTREME)); } public function set stat_shrines_used(_arg1:int):void{ this._stat_shrines_used = _arg1; } public function set version(_arg1:String):void{ this._version = _arg1; } public function get stat_leaders_defeated():int{ return (this._stat_leaders_defeated); } public function get attrition():Boolean{ return (((this._difficultyMods & Difficulty.ATTRITION) == Difficulty.ATTRITION)); } public function removeFromInventory(_arg1:Item):Boolean{ var _local2:*; var _local3:int; _local2 = false; _local3 = getItemIndex(_arg1); if (_local3 >= 0){ inventory.splice(_local3, 1); _local2 = true; } else { _local3 = getOverflowIndex(_arg1); if (_local3 >= 0){ overflow.splice(_local3, 1); _local2 = true; }; }; if (_local2){ balanceInventory(); }; return (_local2); } public function hasAlly():Boolean{ var _local1:PlayerCharacter; for each (_local1 in members) { if ((_local1 is PC_Adventurer)){ return (true); }; }; return (false); } public function get difficulty():int{ return (this._difficulty); } public function set gold(_arg1:int):void{ this._gold = _arg1; } public function getPowerPotion(_arg1:Boolean=false):Consumable{ var _local2:Item; for each (_local2 in inventory) { if (_arg1){ if ((_local2 is PotionPowerSmall)){ return (Consumable(_local2)); }; } else { if ((_local2 is PotionPower)){ return (Consumable(_local2)); }; }; }; return (null); } public function set sortAscending(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this._sortAscending = _arg1; } public function set stat_rooms_explored(_arg1:int):void{ this._stat_rooms_explored = _arg1; } public function addToInventory(_arg1:Item):Boolean{ var _local2:int; if (_arg1 == null){ return (false); }; if ((_arg1 is Consumable)){ _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < inventory.length) { if (sameConsumableType(inventory[_local2], _arg1)){ inventory[_local2].stack++; return (true); }; _local2++; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < overflow.length) { if (sameConsumableType(overflow[_local2], _arg1)){ overflow[_local2].stack++; return (true); }; _local2++; }; }; if (inventory.length < Party.MAX_INVENTORY){ inventory.push(_arg1); return (true); }; if (overflow.length < Party.MAX_OVERFLOW){ overflow.push(_arg1); return (true); }; return (false); } public function get invFilter():int{ return (this._invFilter); } public function getItemIndex(_arg1:Item):int{ var _local2:*; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < inventory.length) { if (this.inventory[_local2] == _arg1){ return (_local2); }; _local2++; }; return (-1); } public function get stat_rooms_total():int{ return (this._stat_rooms_total); } public function set lootSettings(_arg1:int):void{ this._lootSettings = _arg1; } public function get stat_shrines_used():int{ return (this._stat_shrines_used); } public function get version():String{ return (this._version); } public function get sortAscending():Boolean{ return (this._sortAscending); } public function getScore(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:int; var _local3:Number; _local2 = 0; _local2 = (_local2 + getLevelScore()); _local2 = (_local2 + (stat_leaders_defeated * SCORE_LEADERS)); _local2 = (_local2 + (stat_member_deaths * SCORE_DEATHS)); _local2 = (_local2 + (stat_shrines_used * SCORE_SHRINES)); _local2 = (_local2 + (stat_party_defeats * SCORE_DEFEATS)); if (_arg1){ _local3 = Difficulty.getMultiplier(difficulty, difficultyMods); _local2 = Math.round((_local2 * (_local3 / 100))); }; return (_local2); } public function getEquipment():Array{ var _local1:Item; var _local2:Array; _local2 = new Array(); for each (_local1 in inventory) { if ((_local1 is Equipment)){ _local2.push(_local1); }; }; for each (_local1 in overflow) { if ((_local1 is Equipment)){ _local2.push(_local1); }; }; return (_local2); } public function get stat_rooms_explored():int{ return (this._stat_rooms_explored); } public function getTotalClearPercent():Number{ return ((stat_hordes_defeated / (level * 10))); } public function balanceInventory():void{ while (((overflow.length) && ((inventory.length < Party.MAX_INVENTORY)))) { inventory.push(overflow[0]); overflow.splice(0, 1); }; } public function unequipItem(_arg1:Equipment):Boolean{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; _local2 = false; _local3 = -1; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < members.length) { if (members[_local4].gear[_arg1.slot] == _arg1){ _local3 = _local4; break; }; _local4++; }; if (_local3 != -1){ if (addToInventory(_arg1)){ members[_local3].gear[_arg1.slot] = null; _local2 = true; }; } else { _local2 = true; }; return (_local2); } public function get lootSettings():int{ return (this._lootSettings); } public function addAllOrangesFrom(_arg1:MonsterCharacter):void{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:Item; _local2 = _arg1.getUniqueItems(level); for each (_local3 in _local2) { addToInventory(_local3); }; } public function set stat_hordes_defeated(_arg1:int):void{ this._stat_hordes_defeated = _arg1; } } }//package
Section 321
//PartyCreation (PartyCreation) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; public class PartyCreation extends MovieClip { var tooltip:Tooltip; public var optionsButton:OptionsBookButton; public var empty1:SimpleButton; public var empty4:SimpleButton; public var enter_button:SimpleButton; public var empty3:SimpleButton; var pc_party:Party; public var char3:CharCreationPanel; public var empty2:SimpleButton; public var char1:CharCreationPanel; public var char2:CharCreationPanel; var timerCount;// = 0 public var char4:CharCreationPanel; var addCharTimer:Timer; public function PartyCreation():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; var _local3:SimpleButton; timerCount = 0; super(); pc_party = new Party(); enter_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, enterClick); _local1 = 1; while (_local1 <= 4) { _local2 = CharCreationPanel(getChildByName(("char" + _local1))); _local2.slot = _local1; _local2.createChar(); _local3 = SimpleButton(getChildByName(("empty" + _local1))); if (_local3 != null){ _local3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, createClick); _local3.y = -400; }; _local1++; }; } public function isNameTaken(_arg1:String):Boolean{ var _local2:*; var _local3:CharCreationPanel; _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 4) { _local3 = CharCreationPanel(getChildByName(("char" + _local2))); if (_local3.char == null){ } else { if (_local3.char.charname == _arg1){ return (true); }; }; _local2++; }; return (false); } function createClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:CharCreationPanel; _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 4) { if (_arg1.currentTarget == getChildByName(("empty" + _local2))){ _local3 = CharCreationPanel(getChildByName(("char" + _local2))); if (_local3 != null){ _local3.createChar(); _local3.y = _arg1.currentTarget.y; _arg1.currentTarget.y = -200; }; }; _local2++; }; } private function charCount():int{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local1 = 0; _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 4) { _local3 = CharCreationPanel(getChildByName(("char" + _local2))); if (_local3 == null){ } else { if (_local3.char == null){ } else { _local1++; }; }; _local2++; }; return (_local1); } function enterClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:CharCreationPanel; var _local3:int; var _local4:WarningDialog; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; _local3 = charCount(); if (_local3 == 0){ _local4 = new WarningDialog(); _local4.setText("You must add some characters to your party before entering the dungeon."); addChild(_local4); return; }; pc_party.members.length = 0; _local5 = 1; while (_local5 <= 4) { _local2 = CharCreationPanel(getChildByName(("char" + _local5))); if (_local2 == null){ } else { if (_local2.char == null){ } else { if (((DungeonMain.LOCKED) && ((_local2.selected_class == PlayerCharacter.CONJUROR)))){ _local4 = new WarningDialog(); _local4.setText("The Conjuror class cannot be used on this site. Please select a different class before proceeding."); addChild(_local4); return; }; _local2.finalize(); _local6 = pc_party.members.push(convertClass(_local2.char, _local2.selected_class)); }; }; _local5++; }; this.cleanup(); dm.main.creationFinished(pc_party); } function addCharTimerTick(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ var _local2:*; timerCount++; _local2 = CharCreationPanel(getChildByName(("char" + timerCount))); if (_local2 == null){ return; }; if (_local2.char != null){ return; }; if (_local2.animating){ return; }; _local2.createChar(); } public function cleanup():void{ var _local1:*; enter_button.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, enterClick); empty1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, createClick); empty2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, createClick); empty3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, createClick); empty4.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, createClick); optionsButton.cleanup(); _local1 = 1; while (_local1 <= 4) { CharCreationPanel(getChildByName(("char" + _local1))).cleanup(); _local1++; }; } private function convertClass(_arg1:PlayerCharacter, _arg2:int):PlayerCharacter{ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:Boolean; var _local6:PlayerCharacter; _local3 = _arg1.charname; _local4 = _arg1.portrait; _local5 = _arg1.male; if (_arg2 == PlayerCharacter.WARRIOR){ _local6 = new PC_Warrior(pc_party); } else { if (_arg2 == PlayerCharacter.MAGE){ _local6 = new PC_Mage(pc_party); } else { if (_arg2 == PlayerCharacter.RANGER){ _local6 = new PC_Ranger(pc_party); } else { if (_arg2 == PlayerCharacter.ROGUE){ _local6 = new PC_Rogue(pc_party); } else { if (_arg2 == PlayerCharacter.CLERIC){ _local6 = new PC_Cleric(pc_party); } else { if (_arg2 == PlayerCharacter.CONJUROR){ _local6 = new PC_Conjuror(pc_party); } else { if (_arg2 == PlayerCharacter.BARBARIAN){ _local6 = new PC_Barbarian(pc_party); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; _local6.charname = _local3; _local6.portrait = _local4; _local6.male = _local5; _local6.useCustomPortrait = _arg1.useCustomPortrait; _local6.customPortraitUrl = _arg1.customPortraitUrl; _local6.customPortrait = _arg1.customPortrait; return (_local6); } function backClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ pc_party = null; if (((parent) && ((parent is DungeonMain)))){ this.cleanup(); DungeonMain(parent).loadGameMenu(); DungeonMain(parent).removeChild(this); }; } } }//package
Section 322
//PassiveSkillIcon (PassiveSkillIcon) package { import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class PassiveSkillIcon extends MovieClip { var tooltip:PassiveSkillTooltip; private var mousingOver:Boolean;// = false public var skillRank:TextField; private var mouseOverFrames:int;// = 0 public var char_ref:PlayerCharacter; private var mousedOverEvent:MouseEvent; private var offense:Boolean;// = true public function PassiveSkillIcon():void{ offense = true; mousingOver = false; mouseOverFrames = 0; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverTarget); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutTarget); this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added); this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); } function added(_arg1:Event):void{ this.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removed); } public function updateSkill(_arg1:PlayerCharacter, _arg2:Boolean):void{ this.char_ref = _arg1; this.offense = _arg2; this.gotoAndStop(_arg1.getPassiveSkillIcon(_arg2)); if (_arg2){ setSkillRank(char_ref.passive_skill_offense); } else { setSkillRank(char_ref.passive_skill_defense); }; } function mouseOverTarget(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mousingOver = true; mouseOverFrames = 0; mousedOverEvent = _arg1; } private function newTooltip(_arg1:MouseEvent):Boolean{ var _local2:int; var _local3:String; var _local4:String; _local2 = 0; if (offense){ _local2 = char_ref.passive_skill_offense; } else { _local2 = char_ref.passive_skill_defense; }; if (((!((parent == null))) && ((parent is BuySkills)))){ if (offense){ _local2 = (_local2 + BuySkills(parent).pass1_points); } else { _local2 = (_local2 + BuySkills(parent).pass2_points); }; }; _local3 = char_ref.getPassiveSkillName(offense); _local4 = char_ref.getPassiveSkillDescription(offense, _local2); tooltip = new PassiveSkillTooltip(_local3, _local4, _local2); tooltip.mouseEnabled = false; tooltip.mouseChildren = false; = "tooltip_skill"; tooltip.setForEvent(_arg1); if (stage != null){ stage.addChild(tooltip); return (true); }; return (false); } function mouseOutTarget(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (tooltip != null){ tooltip.fade(); tooltip = null; }; mousingOver = false; mouseOverFrames = 0; } function frame1(){ this.stop(); } function removed(_arg1:Event):void{ this.removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removed); if (this.tooltip != null){ mouseOutTarget(null); }; } public function cleanup():void{ this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverTarget); this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutTarget); this.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added); this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); } private function onFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ if (mousingOver){ mouseOverFrames++; }; if (mouseOverFrames > Tooltip.delayFrames){ newTooltip(mousedOverEvent); mousingOver = false; mouseOverFrames = 0; }; } public function setSkillRank(_arg1:int):void{ skillRank.text = (String(_arg1) + "/25"); } } }//package
Section 323
//PassiveSkillTooltip (PassiveSkillTooltip) package { import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class PassiveSkillTooltip extends Tooltip { public var tooltip_bg:Sprite; public var rank_label:TextField; public var text_label:TextField; public var title_label:TextField; public function PassiveSkillTooltip(_arg1:String="", _arg2:String="", _arg3:int=0){ if (_arg1 == null){ _arg1 = "Blank"; }; if (_arg2 == null){ _arg2 = "Tooltip contents failed to load."; }; title_label.text = _arg1; dmf.embolden(title_label); rank_label.text = (("Rank " + String(_arg3)) + "/25"); text_label.text = _arg2; text_label.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER; tooltip_bg.height = ((text_label.y + text_label.height) + 15); } } }//package
Section 324
//pBloodSprite (pBloodSprite) package { public class pBloodSprite extends PlayerSummon { public function pBloodSprite(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); classname = "Bloodsprite"; charname = "Bloodsprite"; portrait = CharGraphic.sprite_red; description = "Summoned."; quickness = 60; power_per_turn = 0; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 0.5)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 0.5)); skills.push(new sSummonAttack(this)); skills.push(new sSpriteRestoreHealth(this)); initSummonSkills(); } } }//package
Section 325
//PC_Adventurer (PC_Adventurer) package { public class PC_Adventurer extends PlayerCharacter { public function PC_Adventurer(_arg1:Party=null):void{ var _local2:int; super(); = _arg1; if (_arg1 != null){ this.level = _arg1.level; } else { this.level = 1; }; _local2 = Math.round((1 + (level * (STATS_PER_LEVEL + 1.5)))); strength = _local2; endurance = _local2; dexterity = _local2; intellect = _local2; quickness = 50; charname = randomName(true); playerclass = PlayerCharacter.ADVENTURER; classname = "Adventurer"; description = "Cannot be revived."; portrait = CharGraphic.adventurer; pos = 0; poisonResist = 25; stunResist = 50; health_max = getMaxHealth(); health = health_max; damage = getAdvDamage(); initAdvSkills(); } override public function canQuickRetreat():Boolean{ return (false); } public function getAdvDamage():int{ var _local1:int; _local1 = Weapon.scaleWeaponDamageForLevelNew(Weapon.sword_base_damage, this.level); _local1 = (_local1 + (strength * PlayerCharacter.DAMAGE_PER_STAT)); return (_local1); } override public function reduceHealth(_arg1:int):int{ var _local2:*; if (invulnerable){ return (0); }; _local2 = health; health = (health - _arg1); if ((((health < cannotDieMin)) && ((cannotDie > 0)))){ health = Math.min(_local2, cannotDieMin); }; if (health < 0){ health = 0; clearStatusEffects(); }; if (health > health_max){ health = health_max; }; return ((_local2 - health)); } override public function getEvilClone():MonsterCharacter{ return (null); } public function initAdvSkills():void{ var _local1:*; skills.length = 0; skills.push(new sAdventurerAttack(this)); skills.push(new sAdventurerThrow(this)); skills.push(new sAdventurerHeal(this)); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < skills.length) { skills[_local1].position = (_local1 + 1); skills[_local1].active = true; _local1++; }; } } }//package
Section 326
//PC_Barbarian (PC_Barbarian) package { public class PC_Barbarian extends PlayerCharacter { public static const OFFENSE_PER_POINT:int = 2; public static const DEFENSE_PER_POINT:int = 4; public function PC_Barbarian(_arg1:Party=null){ = _arg1; quickness = 55; health_max = getMaxHealth(); health = health_max; level = 1; charname = "Bruce"; playerclass = PlayerCharacter.BARBARIAN; classname = "Barbarian"; portrait = CharGraphic.warrior1; pos = 0; skills.push(new sWeaponAttack(this)); skills.push(new sBarbarianReckless(this)); skills.push(new sBarbarianCharge(this)); skills.push(new sBarbarianBrutalize(this)); skills.push(new sBarbarianPulverize(this)); skills.push(new sBarbarianJostle(this)); skills.push(new sBarbarianBoast(this)); skills.push(new sBarbarianWhirlwind(this)); skills.push(new sBarbarianPowerGain(this)); skills.push(new sBarbarianIntimidate(this)); skills.push(new sBarbarianLastStand(this)); setActiveSkillsDefault(); generateDefaultGear(); } override public function getPassiveSkillDescription(_arg1:Boolean, _arg2:int=-1):String{ var _local3:int; var _local4:String; _local3 = 0; if (_arg2 != -1){ _local3 = _arg2; } else { if (_arg1){ _local3 = passive_skill_offense; } else { _local3 = passive_skill_defense; }; }; if (_arg1){ _local4 = String(Math.round((OFFENSE_PER_POINT * _local3))); } else { _local4 = String(Math.round((DEFENSE_PER_POINT * _local3))); }; if (_arg1){ return ((((("Each skill rank:\n" + String(OFFENSE_PER_POINT)) + "% chance that an attack will cause 50% additional damage.\n\nCurrent: ") + _local4) + "%")); }; return ((((("Each skill rank:\n" + String(DEFENSE_PER_POINT)) + "% chance when damage received that damage inflicted next turn increases by 30%.\n\nCurrent: ") + _local4) + "%")); } override public function getPassiveSkillIcon(_arg1:Boolean):int{ if (_arg1){ return (14); }; return (13); } override public function getPassiveSkillName(_arg1:Boolean):String{ if (_arg1){ return ("Brutality"); }; return ("Vengeance"); } public function generateDefaultGear(){ this.gear[Equipment.armor] = new iLeatherChest(1, Item.grey); this.gear[Equipment.gloves] = new iLeatherGloves(1, Item.grey); this.gear[Equipment.legs] = new iLeatherLegs(1, Item.grey); this.gear[] = new iLeatherBoots(1, Item.grey); this.gear[Equipment.weapon] = new iAxe(1, Item.grey); } public function get brutality():int{ return (Math.round((OFFENSE_PER_POINT * passive_skill_offense))); } public function get vengeance():int{ return (Math.round((DEFENSE_PER_POINT * passive_skill_defense))); } } }//package
Section 327
//PC_Cleric (PC_Cleric) package { public class PC_Cleric extends PlayerCharacter { public static const WRATH_PER_POINT:int = 3; public static const BENEDICTION_PER_POINT:int = 4; public function PC_Cleric(_arg1:Party=null){ = _arg1; quickness = 45; charname = "Jeremy"; playerclass = PlayerCharacter.CLERIC; classname = "Cleric"; portrait = CharGraphic.cleric1; pos = 0; health_max = getMaxHealth(); health = health_max; skills.push(new sWeaponAttack(this)); skills.push(new sClericHeal(this)); skills.push(new sClericSmite(this)); skills.push(new sClericFlash(this)); skills.push(new sClericHealGroup(this)); skills.push(new sClericDamageBuff(this)); skills.push(new sClericRevive(this)); skills.push(new sClericAE(this)); skills.push(new sClericPurify(this)); skills.push(new sClericShield(this)); skills.push(new sClericMelee(this)); setActiveSkillsDefault(); generateDefaultGear(); } override public function getPassiveSkillDescription(_arg1:Boolean, _arg2:int=-1):String{ var _local3:int; var _local4:String; _local3 = 0; if (_arg2 != -1){ _local3 = _arg2; } else { if (_arg1){ _local3 = passive_skill_offense; } else { _local3 = passive_skill_defense; }; }; if (_arg1){ _local4 = String(Math.round((WRATH_PER_POINT * _local3))); } else { _local4 = String(Math.round((BENEDICTION_PER_POINT * _local3))); }; if (_arg1){ return ((((("Each skill rank:\n" + String(WRATH_PER_POINT)) + "% chance that the Smite spell will stun the target.\n\nCurrent: ") + _local4) + "%")); }; return ((((("Each skill rank:\n" + String(BENEDICTION_PER_POINT)) + "% chance that the Heal spell will remove all negative afflictions from the target.\n\nCurrent: ") + _local4) + "%")); } public function get benediction():int{ return (Math.round((BENEDICTION_PER_POINT * passive_skill_defense))); } override public function getPassiveSkillIcon(_arg1:Boolean):int{ if (_arg1){ return (5); }; return (4); } override public function getPassiveSkillName(_arg1:Boolean):String{ if (_arg1){ return ("Wrath"); }; return ("Benediction"); } public function generateDefaultGear(){ var _local1:Armor; var _local2:*; _local1 = new iPlateBreastplate(1, Item.grey); this.gear[_local1.slot] = _local1; _local1 = new iPlateGloves(1, Item.grey); this.gear[_local1.slot] = _local1; _local1 = new iPlateBoots(1, Item.grey); this.gear[_local1.slot] = _local1; _local1 = new iPlateGreaves(1, Item.grey); this.gear[_local1.slot] = _local1; _local2 = new iMace(1, Item.grey); this.gear[_local2.slot] = _local2; } public function get wrath():int{ return (Math.round((WRATH_PER_POINT * passive_skill_offense))); } } }//package
Section 328
//PC_Conjuror (PC_Conjuror) package { public class PC_Conjuror extends PlayerCharacter { public static const AUG_STRENGTH_PER_POINT:int = 2; public static const AUG_HEALTH_PER_POINT:int = 2; public function PC_Conjuror(_arg1:Party=null):void{ = _arg1; quickness = 40; charname = "Hubert"; playerclass = PlayerCharacter.CONJUROR; classname = "Conjuror"; portrait = CharGraphic.mage1; pos = 0; health_max = getMaxHealth(); health = health_max; skills.push(new sMageAttack(this)); skills.push(new sConjurorWolf(this)); skills.push(new sConjurorShadow(this)); skills.push(new sConjurorManaSprite(this)); skills.push(new sConjurorBloodSprite(this)); skills.push(new sConjurorWargolem(this)); skills.push(new sConjurorWhirlwind(this)); skills.push(new sConjurorBanish(this)); skills.push(new sConjurorHeal(this)); skills.push(new sConjurorArmor(this)); skills.push(new sConjurorRevive(this)); setActiveSkillsDefault(); generateDefaultGear(); } override public function getPassiveSkillDescription(_arg1:Boolean, _arg2:int=-1):String{ var _local3:int; var _local4:String; _local3 = 0; if (_arg2 != -1){ _local3 = _arg2; } else { if (_arg1){ _local3 = passive_skill_offense; } else { _local3 = passive_skill_defense; }; }; if (_arg1){ _local4 = String(Math.round((AUG_STRENGTH_PER_POINT * _local3))); } else { _local4 = String(Math.round((AUG_HEALTH_PER_POINT * _local3))); }; if (_arg1){ return ((((("Each skill rank:\n" + String(AUG_STRENGTH_PER_POINT)) + "% extra damage for summoned creatures' attacks.\n\nCurrent: ") + _local4) + "%")); }; return ((((("Each skill rank:\n" + String(AUG_HEALTH_PER_POINT)) + "% extra health for summoned creatures.\n\nCurrent: ") + _local4) + "%")); } public function get aug_strength():int{ return (Math.round((AUG_STRENGTH_PER_POINT * passive_skill_offense))); } override public function getPassiveSkillIcon(_arg1:Boolean):int{ if (_arg1){ return (8); }; return (9); } override public function getPassiveSkillName(_arg1:Boolean):String{ if (_arg1){ return ("Augment Strength"); }; return ("Augment Health"); } public function generateDefaultGear(){ this.gear[Equipment.head] = new iClothHat(1, Item.grey); this.gear[Equipment.armor] = new iClothRobe(1, Item.grey); this.gear[Equipment.gloves] = new iClothGloves(1, Item.grey); this.gear[Equipment.legs] = new iClothLegs(1, Item.grey); this.gear[] = new iClothShoes(1, Item.grey); this.gear[Equipment.weapon] = new iStaff(1, Item.grey); } public function get aug_health():int{ return (Math.round((AUG_HEALTH_PER_POINT * passive_skill_defense))); } } }//package
Section 329
//PC_Mage (PC_Mage) package { public class PC_Mage extends PlayerCharacter { public static const OFFENSE_PER_POINT:int = 1; public static const DEFENSE_PER_POINT:int = 1; public function PC_Mage(_arg1:Party=null){ = _arg1; quickness = 40; charname = "Errol"; playerclass = PlayerCharacter.MAGE; classname = "Mage"; portrait = CharGraphic.mage1; pos = 0; health_max = getMaxHealth(); health = health_max; skills.push(new sMageAttack(this)); skills.push(new sMageBolt(this)); skills.push(new sMageExplosion(this)); skills.push(new sMageAE(this)); skills.push(new sMagePrison(this)); skills.push(new sMageInvisibility(this)); skills.push(new sMageArmor(this)); skills.push(new sMageThorns(this)); skills.push(new sMageSword(this)); skills.push(new sMageTouch(this)); skills.push(new sMageDrain(this)); setActiveSkillsDefault(); generateDefaultGear(); } override public function getPassiveSkillDescription(_arg1:Boolean, _arg2:int=-1):String{ var _local3:int; var _local4:String; _local3 = 0; if (_arg2 != -1){ _local3 = _arg2; } else { if (_arg1){ _local3 = passive_skill_offense; } else { _local3 = passive_skill_defense; }; }; if (_arg1){ _local4 = String(Math.round((OFFENSE_PER_POINT * _local3))); } else { _local4 = String(Math.round((DEFENSE_PER_POINT * _local3))); }; if (_arg1){ return ((((("Each skill rank:\n" + String(OFFENSE_PER_POINT)) + "% chance that no power cost will be deducted when casting a spell.\n\nCurrent: ") + _local4) + "%")); }; return ((((("Each skill rank:\n" + String(DEFENSE_PER_POINT)) + "% chance that incoming damage will be nullified at the cost of 10 power.\n\nCurrent: ") + _local4) + "%")); } public function get mastery():int{ return (Math.round((OFFENSE_PER_POINT * passive_skill_offense))); } override public function getPassiveSkillIcon(_arg1:Boolean):int{ if (_arg1){ return (10); }; return (11); } override public function getPassiveSkillName(_arg1:Boolean):String{ if (_arg1){ return ("Spell Mastery"); }; return ("Shielding"); } public function generateDefaultGear(){ this.gear[Equipment.head] = new iClothHat(1, Item.grey); this.gear[Equipment.armor] = new iClothRobe(1, Item.grey); this.gear[Equipment.gloves] = new iClothGloves(1, Item.grey); this.gear[Equipment.legs] = new iClothLegs(1, Item.grey); this.gear[] = new iClothShoes(1, Item.grey); this.gear[Equipment.weapon] = new iStaff(1, Item.grey); } public function get shielding():int{ return (Math.round((DEFENSE_PER_POINT * passive_skill_defense))); } } }//package
Section 330
//PC_Ranger (PC_Ranger) package { public class PC_Ranger extends PlayerCharacter { public static const OFFENSE_PER_POINT:int = 2; public static const DEFENSE_PER_POINT:int = 1; public function PC_Ranger(_arg1:Party=null):void{ = _arg1; quickness = 55; charname = "Hamish"; playerclass = PlayerCharacter.RANGER; classname = "Ranger"; portrait = CharGraphic.ranger1; pos = 0; health_max = getMaxHealth(); health = health_max; skills.push(new sRangedAttack(this)); skills.push(new sRangerPenetrate(this)); skills.push(new sRangerRegen(this)); skills.push(new sRangerHeal(this)); skills.push(new sRangerHunt(this)); skills.push(new sRangerAE(this)); skills.push(new sRangerStun(this)); skills.push(new sRangerMultiMelee(this)); skills.push(new sRangerPoison(this)); skills.push(new sRangerFocus(this)); skills.push(new sRangerHaste(this)); setActiveSkillsDefault(); generateDefaultGear(); } override public function getHealthRegen(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:int; var _local3:*; _local2 = 0; if (vitality){ _local2 = (_local2 + Math.ceil((health_max * (vitality / 100)))); }; if (_arg1){ _local2 = (_local2 + buff_healthRegen); }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (gear[_local3] != null){ _local2 = (_local2 + gear[_local3].healthRegen); }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } override public function getPassiveSkillDescription(_arg1:Boolean, _arg2:int=-1):String{ var _local3:int; var _local4:String; _local3 = 0; if (_arg2 != -1){ _local3 = _arg2; } else { if (_arg1){ _local3 = passive_skill_offense; } else { _local3 = passive_skill_defense; }; }; if (_arg1){ _local4 = String(Math.round((OFFENSE_PER_POINT * _local3))); } else { _local4 = String(Math.round((DEFENSE_PER_POINT * _local3))); }; if (_arg1){ return ((((("Each skill rank:\n" + String(OFFENSE_PER_POINT)) + "% chance on attack to identify the target's vulnerability, reducing their damage resistance by 40 for the remainder of the battle.\n(This skill may reduce damage resistance below zero)\n\nCurrent: ") + _local4) + "%")); }; return ((((("Each skill rank:\n" + String(DEFENSE_PER_POINT)) + "% of maximum health added to base health regeneration.\n\nCurrent: ") + _local4) + "%")); } override public function getPassiveSkillIcon(_arg1:Boolean):int{ if (_arg1){ return (15); }; return (12); } override public function getPassiveSkillName(_arg1:Boolean):String{ if (_arg1){ return ("Creature Lore"); }; return ("Vitality"); } public function generateDefaultGear(){ this.gear[Equipment.head] = new iLeatherHat(1, Item.grey); this.gear[Equipment.armor] = new iLeatherChest(1, Item.grey); this.gear[Equipment.gloves] = new iLeatherGloves(1, Item.grey); this.gear[Equipment.legs] = new iLeatherLegs(1, Item.grey); this.gear[] = new iLeatherBoots(1, Item.grey); this.gear[Equipment.weapon] = new iBow(1, Item.grey); } public function get vitality():int{ return (Math.round((DEFENSE_PER_POINT * passive_skill_defense))); } public function get creatureLore():int{ return (Math.round((OFFENSE_PER_POINT * passive_skill_offense))); } } }//package
Section 331
//PC_Rogue (PC_Rogue) package { public class PC_Rogue extends PlayerCharacter { public static const ELUSIVENESS_PER_POINT:int = 3; public static const POISONCRAFT_PER_POINT:int = 2; public function PC_Rogue(_arg1:Party=null){ = _arg1; quickness = 70; charname = "Deepak"; playerclass = PlayerCharacter.ROGUE; classname = "Rogue"; portrait = CharGraphic.rogue1; pos = 0; health_max = getMaxHealth(); health = health_max; skills.push(new sWeaponAttack(this)); skills.push(new sRoguePoison(this)); skills.push(new sRogueCritical(this)); skills.push(new sRogueSneakAttack(this)); skills.push(new sRogueBlind(this)); skills.push(new sRogueOpening(this)); skills.push(new sRogueHide(this)); skills.push(new sRogueSap(this)); skills.push(new sRogueLuck(this)); skills.push(new sRogueFinisher(this)); skills.push(new sRogueCripple(this)); setActiveSkillsDefault(); generateDefaultGear(); } public function get elusiveness():int{ return (Math.round((ELUSIVENESS_PER_POINT * passive_skill_defense))); } override public function getPassiveSkillDescription(_arg1:Boolean, _arg2:int=-1):String{ var _local3:int; var _local4:String; _local3 = 0; if (_arg2 != -1){ _local3 = _arg2; } else { if (_arg1){ _local3 = passive_skill_offense; } else { _local3 = passive_skill_defense; }; }; if (_arg1){ _local4 = String(Math.round((POISONCRAFT_PER_POINT * _local3))); } else { _local4 = String(Math.round((ELUSIVENESS_PER_POINT * _local3))); }; if (_arg1){ return ((((("Each skill rank:\n" + String(POISONCRAFT_PER_POINT)) + "% of damage caused by weapon attacks is added to the target as poison.\n\nCurrent: ") + _local4) + "%")); }; return ((((("Each skill rank:\n" + String(ELUSIVENESS_PER_POINT)) + "% chance that enemies will not directly target the rogue for attacks, if other targets are available. The rogue can still be a secondary target of an area attack directed at someone else.\n\nCurrent: ") + _local4) + "%")); } public function get poisoncraft():int{ return (Math.round((POISONCRAFT_PER_POINT * passive_skill_offense))); } override public function getPassiveSkillIcon(_arg1:Boolean):int{ if (_arg1){ return (6); }; return (7); } override public function getPassiveSkillName(_arg1:Boolean):String{ if (_arg1){ return ("Poisoncraft"); }; return ("Elusiveness"); } public function generateDefaultGear(){ this.gear[Equipment.head] = new iLeatherHat(1, Item.grey); this.gear[Equipment.armor] = new iLeatherChest(1, Item.grey); this.gear[Equipment.gloves] = new iLeatherGloves(1, Item.grey); this.gear[Equipment.legs] = new iLeatherLegs(1, Item.grey); this.gear[] = new iLeatherBoots(1, Item.grey); this.gear[Equipment.weapon] = new iDagger(1, Item.grey); } } }//package
Section 332
//PC_Warrior (PC_Warrior) package { public class PC_Warrior extends PlayerCharacter { public static const LEADERSHIP_PER_POINT:int = 3; public static const ARMOR_PER_POINT:int = 2; public function PC_Warrior(_arg1:Party=null){ = _arg1; quickness = 50; health_max = getMaxHealth(); health = health_max; level = 1; charname = "Bruce"; playerclass = PlayerCharacter.WARRIOR; classname = "Warrior"; portrait = CharGraphic.warrior1; pos = 0; skills.push(new sWeaponAttack(this)); skills.push(new sWarriorPowerAttack(this)); skills.push(new sWarriorDefiance(this)); skills.push(new sWarriorAE(this)); skills.push(new sWarriorAdrenaline(this)); skills.push(new sWarriorHeal(this)); skills.push(new sWarriorShield(this)); skills.push(new sWarriorInspire(this)); skills.push(new sWarriorExecute(this)); skills.push(new sWarriorBloodlust(this)); skills.push(new sWarriorSpeedAttack(this)); setActiveSkillsDefault(); generateDefaultGear(); } override public function getPassiveSkillDescription(_arg1:Boolean, _arg2:int=-1):String{ var _local3:int; var _local4:String; _local3 = 0; if (_arg2 != -1){ _local3 = _arg2; } else { if (_arg1){ _local3 = passive_skill_offense; } else { _local3 = passive_skill_defense; }; }; if (_arg1){ _local4 = String(Math.round((LEADERSHIP_PER_POINT * _local3))); } else { _local4 = String(Math.round((ARMOR_PER_POINT * _local3))); }; if (_arg1){ return ((((("Each skill rank:\n" + String(LEADERSHIP_PER_POINT)) + "% chance that a successful attack by the Warrior will cause a random ally to perform a bonus attack on the same target.\n\nCurrent: ") + _local4) + "%")); }; return ((((("Each skill rank:\n" + String(ARMOR_PER_POINT)) + "% bonus to the Armor Rating gained from armor.\n\nCurrent: ") + _local4) + "%")); } override public function getPassiveSkillIcon(_arg1:Boolean):int{ if (_arg1){ return (2); }; return (3); } override public function getArmorRating():int{ var _local1:Number; _local1 = super.getArmorRating(); _local1 = (_local1 * (1 + ((ARMOR_PER_POINT * passive_skill_defense) / 100))); return (Math.ceil(_local1)); } override public function getPassiveSkillName(_arg1:Boolean):String{ if (_arg1){ return ("Leadership"); }; return ("Armor Proficiency"); } public function generateDefaultGear(){ var _local1:Armor; var _local2:*; _local1 = new iPlateHelmet(1, Item.grey); this.gear[_local1.slot] = _local1; _local1 = new iPlateBreastplate(1, Item.grey); this.gear[_local1.slot] = _local1; _local1 = new iPlateGloves(1, Item.grey); this.gear[_local1.slot] = _local1; _local1 = new iPlateBoots(1, Item.grey); this.gear[_local1.slot] = _local1; _local1 = new iPlateGreaves(1, Item.grey); this.gear[_local1.slot] = _local1; _local2 = new iSword(1, Item.grey); this.gear[_local2.slot] = _local2; } public function get leadership():int{ return (Math.round((LEADERSHIP_PER_POINT * passive_skill_offense))); } } }//package
Section 333
//player_arrow (player_arrow) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class player_arrow extends MovieClip { public var spark:MovieClip; public function player_arrow(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 44, frame45); } function frame1(){; this.spark.x = dm.randomNum(15, 43); this.spark.y = dm.randomNum(15, 43); } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 334
//player_mage_attack (player_mage_attack) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class player_mage_attack extends MovieClip { public function player_mage_attack(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 44, frame45); } function frame1(){; } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 335
//player_multi_slash (player_multi_slash) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class player_multi_slash extends MovieClip { public var hslash:MovieClip; public function player_multi_slash(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 11, frame12); } function frame12(){ this.stop(); this.gotoAndStop(12); } function frame1(){; } } }//package
Section 336
//player_power_slash (player_power_slash) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class player_power_slash extends MovieClip { public function player_power_slash(){ addFrameScript(11, frame12); } function frame12(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 337
//player_slash (player_slash) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class player_slash extends MovieClip { public var hslash:MovieClip; public function player_slash(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 11, frame12); } function frame12(){ this.gotoAndStop(12); } function frame1(){; } } }//package
Section 338
//PlayerCharacter (PlayerCharacter) package { public class PlayerCharacter extends Character { const CLONE_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER = 0.5; const CLONE_HEALTH_MULTIPLIER = 2; private var _passive_skill_defense:int;// = 0 private var _skill_points:int;// = 0 var retreated:Boolean;// = false private var _passive_skill_offense:int;// = 0 var retreating:Boolean;// = false var party:Party; private var _male:Boolean;// = true var old_stat_points:int;// = 0 protected var playerclass:int; var old_strength:int;// = 0 var old_intellect:int;// = 0 private var _stat_points:int;// = 0 var gear:Array; private var _ignoreArmorValues:Boolean;// = false var old_dexterity:int;// = 0 var old_endurance:int;// = 0 static const HEALTH_PER_ENDURANCE = 4; static const STATS_PER_LEVEL = 3; static const RANGER = 4; static const BARBARIAN = 6; static const SUMMON = 9; static const WARRIOR = 1; static const DAMAGE_PER_STAT = 2; static const CONJUROR = 7; static const CLERIC = 2; static const ADVENTURER = 10; static const MAGE = 3; static const ROGUE = 5; static var base_health = 50; public function PlayerCharacter(_arg1:Party=null){ gear = new Array(Equipment.gearSlots); _stat_points = 0; _skill_points = 0; _passive_skill_offense = 0; _passive_skill_defense = 0; _male = true; _ignoreArmorValues = false; retreating = false; retreated = false; old_strength = 0; old_endurance = 0; old_dexterity = 0; old_intellect = 0; old_stat_points = 0; super(); level = 1; classname = "Player"; portrait = CharGraphic.warrior1; pos = 0; if (_arg1 != null){ = _arg1; }; } public function getDexterityDamageBonus():int{ var _local1:*; _local1 = getDexterity(); return (getBonus(_local1)); } override public function getHealthRegen(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = 0; if (_arg1){ _local2 = (_local2 + buff_healthRegen); }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (gear[_local3] != null){ _local2 = (_local2 + gear[_local3].healthRegen); }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } public function get male():Boolean{ return (this._male); } public function get ignoreArmorValues():Boolean{ return (this._ignoreArmorValues); } override public function getVampiric(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = 0; if (_arg1){ _local2 = (_local2 + buff_vampiric); }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (gear[_local3] != null){ _local2 = (_local2 + gear[_local3].vampiric_percent); }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } public function set male(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this._male = _arg1; } public function set ignoreArmorValues(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this._ignoreArmorValues = _arg1; } public function multiplyDamageForTargetType(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):int{ var _local3:int; var _local4:Number; _local3 = 0; _local4 = 1; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (((!((gear[_local3] == null))) && ((gear[_local3].damageBonusVsCreatureType == _arg2)))){ _local4 = (_local4 * gear[_local3].damageBonusVsCreatureModifier); }; _local3++; }; return (Math.round((_arg1 * _local4))); } public function getPassiveSkillDescription(_arg1:Boolean, _arg2:int=-1):String{ if (_arg1){ return ("Generic Offensive Skill Description"); }; return ("Generic Defensive Skill Description"); } public function getMaxHealth():int{ var _local1:*; _local1 = getEndurance(); return (getHealthForEndurance(_local1)); } override public function getPowerRegen(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = power_per_turn; if (_arg1){ _local2 = (_local2 + buff_powerRegen); }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (gear[_local3] != null){ _local2 = (_local2 + gear[_local3].powerRegen); }; _local3++; }; return (Math.round((_local2 * powerRegenMod))); } public function equip(_arg1:Equipment):Boolean{ var _local2:Boolean; _local2 = itemUsable(_arg1); if ((_arg1 is Offhand)){ if (gear[Equipment.weapon] != null){ if (gear[Equipment.weapon].twoHanded){ _local2 = false; }; }; }; if ((_arg1 is Weapon)){ if (Weapon(_arg1).twoHanded){ if (gear[Equipment.offhand] != null){ _local2 = false; }; }; }; if (!(_local2)){ return (false); }; if (!(party.unequipItem(_arg1))){ return (false); }; if (gear[_arg1.slot] != null){ if (!(party.unequipItem(gear[_arg1.slot]))){ return (false); }; }; if (party.removeFromInventory(_arg1)){ gear[_arg1.slot] = _arg1; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function genderPossessive(_arg1:Boolean=false):String{ if (_arg1){ if (this.male){ return ("His"); }; return ("Her"); //unresolved jump }; if (this.male){ return ("his"); }; return ("her"); } public function loseRandomEquipment():Boolean{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:Array; var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; var _local5:Boolean; _local1 = new Array(); _local2 = new Array(); _local3 = new Array(); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (gear[_local4] == null){ } else { if ((((gear[_local4].item_rarity == Item.grey)) || ((gear[_local4].item_rarity == Item.white)))){ _local1.push(gear[_local4]); } else { if ((((gear[_local4].item_rarity == || ((gear[_local4].item_rarity =={ _local2.push(gear[_local4]); } else { if (gear[_local4].item_rarity == Item.purple){ _local3.push(gear[_local4]); }; }; }; }; _local4++; }; _local5 = false; if (_local1.length){ _local5 = destroyEquipment(_local1[dmf.randomNum(0, (_local1.length - 1))]); } else { if (_local2.length){ _local5 = destroyEquipment(_local2[dmf.randomNum(0, (_local2.length - 1))]); } else { if (_local3.length){ _local5 = destroyEquipment(_local3[dmf.randomNum(0, (_local3.length - 1))]); }; }; }; if (DungeonMain.debug){ }; return (_local5); } override public function genderPronoun(_arg1:Boolean=false):String{ if (_arg1){ if (this.male){ return ("He"); }; return ("She"); //unresolved jump }; if (this.male){ return ("he"); }; return ("she"); } private function getBonus(_arg1:int):int{ var _local2:*; _local2 = (_arg1 * DAMAGE_PER_STAT); return (_local2); } public function set stat_points(_arg1:int):void{ this._stat_points = _arg1; } override public function getAccuracy(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = accuracy; if (_arg1){ _local2 = (_local2 + (buff_accuracy - accuracy_penalty)); }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (gear[_local3] != null){ _local2 = (_local2 + gear[_local3].accuracyBonus); }; _local3++; }; _local2 = Math.max(ACCURACY_MINIMUM, _local2); return (_local2); } override public function getDamageReflection(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; _local2 = 0; if (_arg1){ _local2 = (_local2 + buff_damageReflect); }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (gear[_local3] != null){ _local2 = (_local2 + gear[_local3].damageReflection); }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } override public function getLethality(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; _local2 = 0; if (((DungeonMain.debug) && (DungeonMain.instantKill))){ return (100); }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (gear[_local3] != null){ _local2 = (_local2 + gear[_local3].lethality); }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } public function getPassiveSkillIcon(_arg1:Boolean):int{ return (1); } public function setActiveSkillsDefault():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; _local1 = 0; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < skills.length) { if (_local1 >= 3){ break; }; if (skills[_local2] != null){ skills[_local2].unlocked = true; skills[_local2].active = true; skills[_local2].position = (_local2 + 1); _local1++; }; _local2++; }; if (DungeonMain.skillsUnlocked){ _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < skills.length) { skills[_local2].unlocked = true; _local2++; }; passive_skill_offense = 25; passive_skill_defense = 25; }; } public function set passive_skill_defense(_arg1:int):void{ this._passive_skill_defense = _arg1; } public function getArmorRating():int{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; _local1 = 0; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (gear[_local2] != null){ _local1 = (_local1 + gear[_local2].armor_rating); }; _local2++; }; return (_local1); } public function get skill_points():int{ return (this._skill_points); } public function getPassiveSkillName(_arg1:Boolean):String{ if (_arg1){ return ("Generic Offensive Skill"); }; return ("Generic Defensive Skill"); } override public function getStunChance(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = 0; if (_arg1){ _local2 = (_local2 + buff_stun); }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (gear[_local3] != null){ _local2 = (_local2 + gear[_local3].causes_stun_percent); }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } override public function getEffectiveHealth():int{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; _local1 = ((100 - getDamageResist()) / 100); _local2 = Math.round((health / _local1)); return (_local2); } override public function getDamageResist(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:*; _local2 = 0; if (_arg1){ _local2 = (_local2 + (((buff_damageResist + temp_damage_resistance) + potion_damage_resist) - debuff_damageResist)); }; _local2 = (_local2 + getDamageReductionFromArmor()); if (_local2 >= 100){ _local2 = 99; }; return (_local2); } private function destroyEquipment(_arg1:Equipment):Boolean{ var _local2:*; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (gear[_local2] == _arg1){ gear[_local2] = null; return (true); }; _local2++; }; return (false); } override public function getAccuracyDamage(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (gear[_local3] != null){ _local2 = (_local2 + gear[_local3].blind); }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } public function getIntellectDamageBonus():int{ var _local1:*; _local1 = getIntellect(); return (getBonus(_local1)); } override public function getIntellect(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = this.intellect; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (gear[_local3] != null){ _local2 = (_local2 + gear[_local3].mod_intellect); }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } public function evaluateEquipment(_arg1:Equipment):int{ var _local2:int; var _local3 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local4:*; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; if (_arg1 == null){ return (0); }; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 5; if ((((playerclass == WARRIOR)) || ((playerclass == BARBARIAN)))){ if (((!((gear[Equipment.weapon] == null))) && ((gear[Equipment.weapon] is MeleeWeapon)))){ _local2 = (_local2 + (_local3 * _arg1.mod_strength)); } else { _local2 = (_local2 + (_local3 * _arg1.mod_dexterity)); }; _local2 = (_local2 + (_local3 * _arg1.mod_endurance)); } else { if (playerclass == ROGUE){ if (((!((gear[Equipment.weapon] == null))) && ((gear[Equipment.weapon] is MeleeWeapon)))){ _local2 = (_local2 + (_local3 * _arg1.mod_strength)); }; _local2 = (_local2 + (_local3 * _arg1.mod_dexterity)); _local2 = (_local2 + ((_local3 * _arg1.mod_endurance) * 0.8)); } else { if (playerclass == RANGER){ if (((!((gear[Equipment.weapon] == null))) && ((gear[Equipment.weapon] is MeleeWeapon)))){ _local2 = (_local2 + (_local3 * _arg1.mod_strength)); } else { _local2 = (_local2 + (_local3 * _arg1.mod_dexterity)); }; _local2 = (_local2 + ((_local3 * _arg1.mod_intellect) * 0.9)); _local2 = (_local2 + ((_local3 * _arg1.mod_endurance) * 0.8)); } else { if ((((playerclass == MAGE)) || ((playerclass == CONJUROR)))){ if (((!((gear[Equipment.weapon] == null))) && ((gear[Equipment.weapon] is MeleeWeapon)))){ _local2 = (_local2 + ((_local3 * _arg1.mod_strength) * 0.5)); }; _local2 = (_local2 + (_local3 * _arg1.mod_intellect)); _local2 = (_local2 + ((_local3 * _arg1.mod_endurance) * 0.8)); } else { if (playerclass == CLERIC){ if (getStrength() >= (getIntellect() * 0.8)){ _local2 = (_local2 + (_local3 * _arg1.mod_strength)); } else { _local2 = (_local2 + ((_local3 * _arg1.mod_strength) * 0.5)); }; _local2 = (_local2 + (_local3 * _arg1.mod_intellect)); _local2 = (_local2 + ((_local3 * _arg1.mod_endurance) * 0.8)); _local2 = (_local2 + (_arg1.mod_healing * 2)); }; }; }; }; }; _local4 = _arg1.mod_quickness; if (_arg1.mod_quickness < 0){ _local4 = (_local4 * 0.5); }; _local2 = (_local2 + _local4); _local2 = (_local2 + (_arg1.vampiric_percent * 0.5)); _local2 = (_local2 + (_arg1.causes_stun_percent * 0.6)); _local2 = (_local2 + (_arg1.damageReflection * 0.5)); _local2 = (_local2 + (_arg1.blind * 0.5)); _local2 = (_local2 + _arg1.lethality); _local2 = (_local2 + _arg1.replenishing); _local2 = (_local2 + (_arg1.poisonDamage * 1.5)); _local2 = (_local2 + (_arg1.powerRegen * 4)); _local2 = (_local2 + (_arg1.healthRegen * 2)); if (getAccuracy() < 100){ _local2 = (_local2 + _arg1.accuracyBonus); }; if (getPoisonResist(false) < 100){ _local2 = (_local2 + (_arg1.resistPoison * 0.5)); }; if (getStunResist(false) < 100){ _local2 = (_local2 + (_arg1.resistStun * 0.5)); }; if (_arg1.damageBonusVsCreatureModifier > 1){ _local2 = (_local2 * ((_arg1.damageBonusVsCreatureModifier + 3) * 0.25)); }; if (_arg1.quickRetreat){ _local2 = (_local2 * 1.1); }; _local5 = 1; if ((_arg1 is Weapon)){ _local2 = (Weapon.scaleWeaponDamageForLevelNew(_local2, _arg1.item_level) * _local5); _local2 = (_local2 + (Weapon(_arg1).damage * _local5)); }; if (!(ignoreArmorValues)){ if (playerclass == WARRIOR){ _local6 = 1.25; } else { if (playerclass == CLERIC){ _local6 = 1.1; } else { _local6 = 1; }; }; _local2 = (_local2 * ((1 + (Equipment.ARMOR_SCALE_CONSTANT * (_arg1.item_level - 1))) * _local6)); _local2 = (_local2 + (_arg1.armor_rating * _local6)); }; return (Math.round(_local2)); } public function canQuickRetreat():Boolean{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; _local1 = false; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (gear[_local2] != null){ if (gear[_local2].quickRetreat){ return (true); }; }; _local2++; }; return (false); } override public function getPoisonDamage(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (gear[_local3] != null){ _local2 = (_local2 + gear[_local3].poisonDamage); }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } override public function getDexterity(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = this.dexterity; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (gear[_local3] != null){ _local2 = (_local2 + gear[_local3].mod_dexterity); }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } override public function getQuickness(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = this.quickness; if (_arg1){ _local2 = (_local2 + ((buff_quickness + potion_quickness_bonus) - crippled)); }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (gear[_local3] != null){ _local2 = (_local2 + gear[_local3].mod_quickness); }; _local3++; }; _local2 = Math.max(_local2, 0); return (_local2); } public function getWeaponDamage():int{ var _local1:*; _local1 = 0; if (gear[Equipment.weapon] == null){ return (getUnarmedDamage()); }; if ((gear[Equipment.weapon] is iDagger)){ _local1 = (getStrengthDamageBonus() + getDexterityDamageBonus()); } else { if ((gear[Equipment.weapon] is MeleeWeapon)){ _local1 = getStrengthDamageBonus(); } else { if ((gear[Equipment.weapon] is RangedWeapon)){ _local1 = getDexterityDamageBonus(); } else { if ((gear[Equipment.weapon] is MageWeapon)){ _local1 = getIntellectDamageBonus(); }; }; }; }; return ((this.gear[Equipment.weapon].damage + _local1)); } public function set skill_points(_arg1:int):void{ this._skill_points = _arg1; } public function get stat_points():int{ return (this._stat_points); } override public function getStunResist(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; _local2 = stunResist; if (_arg1){ _local2 = (_local2 + (buff_resistStun + potion_stun_resist)); }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (gear[_local3] != null){ _local2 = (_local2 + gear[_local3].resistStun); }; _local3++; }; if (_local2 > 100){ _local2 = 100; }; return (_local2); } public function get passive_skill_defense():int{ return (this._passive_skill_defense); } public function set passive_skill_offense(_arg1:int):void{ this._passive_skill_offense = _arg1; } override public function getEndurance(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = this.endurance; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (gear[_local3] != null){ _local2 = (_local2 + gear[_local3].mod_endurance); }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } public function levelUp():void{ var _local1:int; level++; strength = (strength + STATS_PER_LEVEL); endurance = (endurance + STATS_PER_LEVEL); dexterity = (dexterity + STATS_PER_LEVEL); intellect = (intellect + STATS_PER_LEVEL); stat_points = (stat_points + STATS_PER_LEVEL); if (level <= 59){ skill_points++; }; _local1 = health_max; health_max = getMaxHealth(); health = (health + (health_max - _local1)); } public function getUnarmedDamage():int{ return ((getStrength() * 2)); } public function unequip(_arg1:Equipment):Boolean{ if (party == null){ return (false); }; if (party.addToInventory(gear[_arg1.slot])){ gear[_arg1.slot] = null; return (true); }; return (false); } override public function reduceHealth(_arg1:int):int{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = health; _local3 = super.reduceHealth(_arg1); if ((((((health <= 0)) && ((_local2 > 0)))) && ((_local3 > 0)))){ party.stat_member_deaths++; }; return (_local3); } public function getArmorModifierVersus(_arg1:int):Number{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:*; _local2 = 1; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (((!((gear[_local3] == null))) && ((gear[_local3].armorBonusVsCreatureType == _arg1)))){ _local2 = (_local2 * gear[_local3].armorBonusVsCreatureModifier); }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } public function getReplenishing():int{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; _local1 = 0; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (gear[_local2] != null){ _local1 = (_local1 + gear[_local2].replenishing); }; _local2++; }; return (_local1); } public function levelTo(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = level; while (_local2 < _arg1) { levelUp(); _local2++; }; } public function getEvilClone():MonsterCharacter{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local1 = new MonsterCharacter(level); _local1.charname = ("Dark " + this.charname); _local1.classname = ("Corrupted " + this.classname); _local1.type = MonsterCharacter.human; _local1.description = "A twisted shadow cast by the Corruptor's power."; _local1.level = this.level; _local1.summoned = true; _local1.lethalityImmune = true; _local1.portrait = this.portrait; if (this.useCustomPortrait){ _local1.useCustomPortrait = true; _local1.customPortraitUrl = this.customPortraitUrl; _local1.loadCustomPortrait(); }; _local1.health_max = Math.round((this.health_max * CLONE_HEALTH_MULTIPLIER)); = _local1.health_max; _local1.power_per_turn = this.getPowerRegen(false); _local1.strength = this.getStrength(false); _local1.endurance = this.getEndurance(false); _local1.dexterity = this.getDexterity(false); _local1.intellect = this.getIntellect(false); _local1.quickness = Math.max((this.getQuickness(false) - 5), 0); _local1.accuracy = this.getAccuracy(false); _local1.poisonResist = this.getPoisonResist(false); _local1.stunResist = this.getStunResist(false); _local1.pos = 0; _local1.mindless = false; _local1.ethereal = 0; _local1.damage_resistance = this.getDamageResist(false); _local1.vampiric_percent = this.getVampiric(false); _local1.causes_stun_percent = this.getStunChance(false); _local1.damage_reflection = Math.round((this.getDamageReflection(false) * 0.4)); _local1.accuracy_damage = this.getAccuracyDamage(false); _local1.poison_damage = this.getPoisonDamage(false); _local1.regenerate = Math.round(((this.getHealthRegen(false) / _local1.health_max) * 100)); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < skills.length) { if (((skills[_local2].active) && (skills[_local2].usable(true)))){ _local3 = new skills[_local2].constructor(_local1); _local3.damage = Math.round((skills[_local2].getDamage() * CLONE_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER)); _local3.requiresWeapon = false; _local3.requiresMelee = false; _local3.requiresRanged = false; _local3.requiresShield = false; if (_local3.usesWeaponRange){ if (((!((gear[Equipment.weapon] == null))) && ((((gear[Equipment.weapon] is RangedWeapon)) || ((gear[Equipment.weapon] is MageWeapon)))))){ _local3.rangedAttack = true; }; _local3.usesWeaponRange = false; }; _local1.skills.push(_local3); }; _local2++; }; return (_local1); } public function recalculateMaxHealth():void{ health_max = getMaxHealth(); if (health > health_max){ health = health_max; }; } override public function damageAfterArmor(_arg1:int, _arg2:Character):int{ var _local3:int; var _local4:Number; _local3 = getDamageResist(); _local3 = Math.round((getArmorModifierVersus(_arg2.type) * _local3)); _local3 = Math.min(_local3, 95); _local4 = (1 - (_local3 / 100)); if (_local3 != 0){ _arg1 = (_arg1 * _local4); }; if (_arg1 == 0){ _arg1 = 1; }; return (_arg1); } override public function getPoisonResist(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; _local2 = poisonResist; if (_arg1){ _local2 = (_local2 + (buff_resistPoison + potion_poison_resist)); }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (gear[_local3] != null){ _local2 = (_local2 + gear[_local3].resistPoison); }; _local3++; }; if (_local2 > 100){ _local2 = 100; }; return (_local2); } public function get passive_skill_offense():int{ return (this._passive_skill_offense); } override public function genderSelf(_arg1:Boolean=false):String{ if (_arg1){ if (this.male){ return ("Himself"); }; return ("Herself"); //unresolved jump }; if (this.male){ return ("himself"); }; return ("herself"); } override public function isInactive():Boolean{ if (retreated){ return (true); }; return (super.isInactive()); } override public function getStrength(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = this.strength; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (gear[_local3] != null){ _local2 = (_local2 + gear[_local3].mod_strength); }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } public function getStrengthDamageBonus():int{ var _local1:*; _local1 = getStrength(); return (getBonus(_local1)); } override public function getHealingBonus(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (gear[_local3] != null){ _local2 = (_local2 + gear[_local3].mod_healing); }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } public function getDamageReductionFromArmor():int{ var _local1:int; var _local2 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local3:Number; _local1 = getArmorRating(); _local2 = 250; _local3 = (_local2 * (1 + ((level - 1) * (Equipment.ARMOR_SCALE_CONSTANT + 0.05)))); return (Math.round(((_local1 / _local3) * 40))); } public function itemUsable(_arg1:Item):Boolean{ var _local2:Boolean; var _local3:Equipment; if (!((_arg1 is Equipment))){ return (true); }; _local2 = false; _local3 = Equipment(_arg1); if (_local3.whoEquips == Equipment.allEquip){ _local2 = true; } else { if ((((playerclass == PlayerCharacter.CLERIC)) && (((_local3.whoEquips & Equipment.clericEquip) == Equipment.clericEquip)))){ _local2 = true; }; if ((((playerclass == PlayerCharacter.WARRIOR)) && (((_local3.whoEquips & Equipment.warriorEquip) == Equipment.warriorEquip)))){ _local2 = true; }; if ((((playerclass == PlayerCharacter.ROGUE)) && (((_local3.whoEquips & Equipment.rogueEquip) == Equipment.rogueEquip)))){ _local2 = true; }; if ((((playerclass == PlayerCharacter.RANGER)) && (((_local3.whoEquips & Equipment.rangerEquip) == Equipment.rangerEquip)))){ _local2 = true; }; if ((((playerclass == PlayerCharacter.MAGE)) && (((_local3.whoEquips & Equipment.mageEquip) == Equipment.mageEquip)))){ _local2 = true; }; if ((((playerclass == PlayerCharacter.CONJUROR)) && (((_local3.whoEquips & Equipment.conjurorEquip) == Equipment.conjurorEquip)))){ _local2 = true; }; if ((((playerclass == PlayerCharacter.BARBARIAN)) && (((_local3.whoEquips & Equipment.barbarianEquip) == Equipment.barbarianEquip)))){ _local2 = true; }; }; return (_local2); } public static function randomName(_arg1:Boolean):String{ var _local2:Array; if (_arg1){ _local2 = new Array("Nigel", "Neil", "Niles", "Charles", "Boris", "Jethro", "Gerald", "Horace", "Stan", "Alan", "Hank", "Marty", "Trevor", "Trent", "Bruce", "Eugene", "Wally", "Harold", "Hamish", "Carlos", "Jeremy", "Jerome", "Jermaine", "Tito", "George", "Hans", "Chad", "Rupert", "Ruprecht", "Albert", "Alfred", "Phineas", "Brent", "Colin", "Travis", "Jarvis", "Elton", "Ernest", "Mitch"); } else { _local2 = new Array("Tiffany", "Matilda", "Jemima", "Morag", "Mildred", "Martha", "Suzanne", "Sharon", "Chantel", "Miriam", "Muriel", "Susan", "Pam", "Desiree", "Bertha", "Olga", "Peggy", "Freda", "Charlene", "Bessy", "Priscilla", "Aubrey", "Mariah", "Nancy", "Barbara", "Kathleen", "Cynthia", "Maureen", "Judith", "Tammy", "Sheila", "Joyce", "Regina", "Wanda"); }; return (_local2[dmf.randomNum(0, (_local2.length - 1))]); } public static function baseHealthForLevel(_arg1:int):int{ return (getHealthForEndurance((1 + (_arg1 * STATS_PER_LEVEL)))); } public static function getHealthForEndurance(_arg1:int):int{ return ((base_health + ((_arg1 - 1) * HEALTH_PER_ENDURANCE))); } } }//package
Section 339
//PlayerSummon (PlayerSummon) package { public class PlayerSummon extends PlayerCharacter { public function PlayerSummon(_arg1:int=1):void{ playerclass = PlayerCharacter.SUMMON; summoned = true; this.level = _arg1; health_max = getSummonHealth(_arg1); damage = getSummonDamage(_arg1); } override public function getDamageResist(_arg1:Boolean=true):int{ var _local2:*; _local2 = 0; if (_arg1){ _local2 = (_local2 + ((buff_damageResist + temp_damage_resistance) - debuff_damageResist)); }; _local2 = (_local2 + damage_resistance); if (_local2 >= 100){ _local2 = 99; }; return (_local2); } override public function canQuickRetreat():Boolean{ return (true); } override public function reduceHealth(_arg1:int):int{ var _local2:*; if (invulnerable){ return (0); }; _local2 = health; health = (health - _arg1); if ((((health < cannotDieMin)) && ((cannotDie > 0)))){ health = Math.min(_local2, cannotDieMin); }; if (health < 0){ health = 0; clearStatusEffects(); }; if (health > health_max){ health = health_max; }; return ((_local2 - health)); } override public function getEvilClone():MonsterCharacter{ return (null); } protected function initSummonSkills():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < skills.length) { skills[_local1].position = (_local1 + 1); skills[_local1].active = true; _local1++; }; } public static function getSummonHealth(_arg1:int):int{ var _local2:int; _local2 = baseHealthForLevel(_arg1); return (_local2); } public static function getSummonDamage(_arg1:int):int{ var _local2:int; _local2 = Weapon.scaleWeaponDamageForLevelNew(Weapon.sword_base_damage, _arg1); _local2 = (_local2 + ((1 + (_arg1 * PlayerCharacter.STATS_PER_LEVEL)) * PlayerCharacter.DAMAGE_PER_STAT)); return (_local2); } } }//package
Section 340
//pManaSprite (pManaSprite) package { public class pManaSprite extends PlayerSummon { public function pManaSprite(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); classname = "Manasprite"; charname = "Manasprite"; portrait = CharGraphic.sprite_blue; description = "Summoned."; quickness = 60; power_per_turn = 0; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 0.5)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 0.5)); skills.push(new sSummonAttack(this)); skills.push(new sSpriteRestorePower(this)); initSummonSkills(); } } }//package
Section 341
//poison_drake_sound (poison_drake_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class poison_drake_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 342
//poison_sound (poison_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class poison_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 343
//poisoneffect (poisoneffect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class poisoneffect extends MovieClip { public function poisoneffect(){ addFrameScript(4, frame5, 49, frame50); } function frame5(){, 0.75); } function frame50(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 344
//PortalScroll (PortalScroll) package { public class PortalScroll extends Consumable { public function PortalScroll(_arg1:int=1){ item_name = "Portal Scroll"; town_portal = true; item_rarity = Item.purple; icon_frame = 84; } override public function getWorth():int{ return (0); } } }//package
Section 345
//PortraitAnimation (PortraitAnimation) package { import flash.display.*; public class PortraitAnimation { static const poison = 16; static const cosmicPrison = 15; static const swoopAttack = 61; static const explosion = 13; static const cultistArrow = 57; static const playerSlash = 28; static const summonWhirlwind = 79; static const summonSlash = 31; static const regenBuff = 7; static const monsterBeer = 85; static const armorBuff = 4; static const fearDeath = 71; static const fire = 11; static const quicknessBuff = 6; static const playerPowerSlash = 30; static const creatureWeapon = 51; static const monsterDrain = 98; static const protectAllies = 20; static const monsterArrow = 55; static const buff = 3; static const revive = 2; static const defiance = 21; static const debuff = 14; static const blind = 9; static const clone = 100; static const mageAttack = 25; static const web = 70; static const holyDamage = 10; static const transform = 81; static const disintegrate = 99; static const creatureSlash = 50; static const playerMultiSlash = 29; static const restore = 42; static const curse = 8; static const freeze = 12; static const lethal = 17; static const runeStrength = 86; static const playerArrow = 26; static const fireBuff = 5; static const runeProtection = 87; static const ghostAttack = 60; static const gainHealth = 41; static const monsterThrown = 58; static const lightning = 18; static const gainPower = 40; static const creatureBite = 59; static const creatureSpear = 52; static const monsterThorns = 90; static const playerUnarmed = 27; static const confuse = 72; static const heal = 1; static const runePower = 88; static const summon = 80; static const powerDrain = 39; static const monsterMagic = 56; public static function getAnimation(_arg1:int):MovieClip{ var _local2:MovieClip; if (_arg1 <= 0){ return (null); }; _local2 = null; switch (_arg1){ case heal: _local2 = new healeffect(); break; case revive: _local2 = new revive_effect(); break; case buff: case quicknessBuff: case monsterThorns: case regenBuff: _local2 = new buff_effect(); break; case runeProtection: case runePower: _local2 = new rune_protection(); break; case runeStrength: _local2 = new rune_strength(); break; case armorBuff: case protectAllies: case defiance: _local2 = new armor_buff_effect(); break; case summonSlash: _local2 = new summon_slash(); break; case confuse: _local2 = new confuse_effect(); break; case debuff: _local2 = new debuff_effect(); break; case poison: _local2 = new poisoneffect(); break; case curse: _local2 = new curse_effect(); break; case blind: _local2 = new blind_effect(); break; case holyDamage: _local2 = new smite_effect(); break; case lethal: _local2 = new lethal_effect(); break; case fire: case explosion: case fireBuff: _local2 = new fire_effect(); break; case lightning: _local2 = new Lightning(); break; case freeze: _local2 = new frozen_effect(); break; case cosmicPrison: _local2 = new cosmic_prison(); break; case fearDeath: _local2 = new feardeath_effect(); break; case playerArrow: _local2 = new player_arrow(); break; case playerSlash: _local2 = new player_slash(); break; case playerMultiSlash: _local2 = new player_multi_slash(); break; case playerPowerSlash: _local2 = new player_power_slash(); break; case mageAttack: _local2 = new player_mage_attack(); break; case summon: _local2 = new summon_effect(); break; case transform: _local2 = new transform_effect(); break; case summonWhirlwind: _local2 = new summon_whirlwind(); break; case powerDrain: _local2 = new lose_power_effect(); break; case gainPower: _local2 = new gain_power_effect(); break; case gainHealth: _local2 = new gain_health_effect(); break; case restore: _local2 = new gain_both_effect(); break; case creatureSlash: case creatureBite: case swoopAttack: case ghostAttack: _local2 = new creature_slash(); break; case creatureWeapon: _local2 = new creature_weapon(); break; case creatureSpear: _local2 = new creature_spear(); break; case monsterMagic: _local2 = new monster_magic_attack(); break; case monsterArrow: _local2 = new monster_arrow(); break; case cultistArrow: _local2 = new monster_arrow_drainpower(); break; case monsterThrown: _local2 = new monster_thrown(); break; case web: _local2 = new web_effect(); break; case disintegrate: _local2 = new disintegrate_effect(); break; case monsterDrain: _local2 = new monster_drain_effect(); break; case monsterBeer: _local2 = new beer_effect(); break; case clone: _local2 = new clone_effect(); break; }; return (_local2); } } }//package
Section 346
//PortraitAnimationFrame (PortraitAnimationFrame) package { import flash.display.*; public class PortraitAnimationFrame extends MovieClip { public function PortraitAnimationFrame(_arg1:int=0){ this.gotoAndStop(_arg1); } } }//package
Section 347
//PortraitEffected (PortraitEffected) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class PortraitEffected extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 348
//PortraitHighlight (PortraitHighlight) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class PortraitHighlight extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 349
//PortraitSelect (PortraitSelect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class PortraitSelect extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 350
//potion_sound (potion_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class potion_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 351
//PotionBody (PotionBody) package { public class PotionBody extends Consumable { public function PotionBody(_arg1:int=1){ item_name = "Body Enhancement Elixir"; lore = "Sometimes referred to as 'Juice'"; increase_strength = 5; increase_endurance = 5; item_rarity =; icon_frame = 4; } } }//package
Section 352
//PotionHealth (PotionHealth) package { public class PotionHealth extends Consumable { public function PotionHealth(_arg1:int=1){ item_name = "Healing Potion"; restore_health = 75; item_rarity =; icon_frame = 4; } } }//package
Section 353
//PotionHealthSmall (PotionHealthSmall) package { public class PotionHealthSmall extends Consumable { public function PotionHealthSmall(_arg1:int=1){ item_name = "Weak Healing Potion"; restore_health = 40; item_rarity =; icon_frame = 80; } } }//package
Section 354
//PotionPoisonResist (PotionPoisonResist) package { public class PotionPoisonResist extends Consumable { public function PotionPoisonResist(_arg1:int=1){ item_name = "Snake's Blood Potion"; restore_health = 20; poison_resist = 100; item_rarity =; icon_frame = 77; } } }//package
Section 355
//PotionPower (PotionPower) package { public class PotionPower extends Consumable { public function PotionPower(_arg1:int=1){ item_name = "Power Potion"; restore_power = 75; item_rarity =; icon_frame = 5; } } }//package
Section 356
//PotionPowerSmall (PotionPowerSmall) package { public class PotionPowerSmall extends Consumable { public function PotionPowerSmall(_arg1:int=1){ item_name = "Weak Power Potion"; restore_power = 40; item_rarity =; icon_frame = 81; } } }//package
Section 357
//PotionQuickness (PotionQuickness) package { public class PotionQuickness extends Consumable { public function PotionQuickness(_arg1:int=1){ item_name = "Elixir of Speed"; quickness_bonus = 20; item_rarity =; icon_frame = 78; } } }//package
Section 358
//PotionRejuve (PotionRejuve) package { public class PotionRejuve extends Consumable { public function PotionRejuve(_arg1:int=1){ item_name = "Rejuvenation Potion"; restore_health = 75; restore_power = 75; item_rarity =; icon_frame = 7; } } }//package
Section 359
//PotionRejuveSmall (PotionRejuveSmall) package { public class PotionRejuveSmall extends Consumable { public function PotionRejuveSmall(_arg1:int=1){ item_name = "Weak Rejuvenation Potion"; restore_health = 40; restore_power = 40; item_rarity =; icon_frame = 83; } } }//package
Section 360
//PotionRevive (PotionRevive) package { public class PotionRevive extends Consumable { public function PotionRevive(_arg1:int=1){ item_name = "Revival Potion"; restore_health = 75; resurrect = true; item_rarity =; icon_frame = 6; } } }//package
Section 361
//PotionReviveWeak (PotionReviveWeak) package { public class PotionReviveWeak extends Consumable { public function PotionReviveWeak(_arg1:int=1){ item_name = "Weak Revival Potion"; restore_health = 30; resurrect = true; item_rarity =; icon_frame = 82; } } }//package
Section 362
//PotionShield (PotionShield) package { public class PotionShield extends Consumable { public function PotionShield(_arg1:int=1){ item_name = "Elixir of Protection"; damage_resist = 20; stun_resist = 50; item_rarity =; icon_frame = 79; } } }//package
Section 363
//PotionWits (PotionWits) package { public class PotionWits extends Consumable { public function PotionWits(_arg1:int=1){ item_name = "Elixir of Enhanced Wits"; increase_dexterity = 5; increase_intellect = 5; item_rarity =; icon_frame = 5; } } }//package
Section 364
//power_up_sound (power_up_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class power_up_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 365
//PowerBar (PowerBar) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class PowerBar extends MovieClip { public var bar:MovieClip; public var lightbar:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 366
//ProgressCleared (ProgressCleared) package { import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ProgressCleared extends MovieClip { public var label:TextField; public var bar_mask:MovieClip; public var holder:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 367
//ProgressExplored (ProgressExplored) package { import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ProgressExplored extends MovieClip { public var label:TextField; public var bar_mask:MovieClip; public var holder:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 368
//pShadow (pShadow) package { public class pShadow extends PlayerSummon { public function pShadow(_arg1:int=1){ var _local2:int; super(_arg1); classname = "Shadow"; charname = "Shadow"; description = "Summoned. Acts as decoy or curses enemies."; portrait = CharGraphic.warrior1; if (((!((dm.main == null))) && (!((dm.main.pc_party == null))))){ if (dm.main.pc_party.members.length){ _local2 = dmf.randomNum(0, (dm.main.pc_party.members.length - 1)); portrait = dm.main.pc_party.members[_local2].portrait; }; }; quickness = 50; power_per_turn = 0; health_max = 1; health = health_max; damage = 0; skills.push(new sShadowCurse(this)); skills.push(new sShadowCure(this)); initSummonSkills(); } } }//package
Section 369
//pShadowWolf (pShadowWolf) package { public class pShadowWolf extends PlayerSummon { public function pShadowWolf(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); classname = "Creature"; charname = "Dire Wolf"; portrait = CharGraphic.wolf; description = "Summoned."; quickness = 55; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 0.6)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 0.8)); skills.push(new sSummonAttack(this)); initSummonSkills(); } } }//package
Section 370
//punch_sound (punch_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class punch_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 371
//pWargolem (pWargolem) package { public class pWargolem extends PlayerSummon { public function pWargolem(_arg1:int=1){ super(_arg1); classname = "Wargolem"; charname = "Wargolem"; portrait = CharGraphic.golem; description = "Summoned. Animated stone and steel."; quickness = 20; damage_resistance = 50; health_max = Math.round((health_max * 0.6)); health = health_max; damage = Math.round((damage * 0.7)); skills.push(new sSummonAttack(this)); skills[0].specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.playerSlash; skills.push(new sWargolemHarden(this)); initSummonSkills(); } } }//package
Section 372
//QualitySelector (QualitySelector) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class QualitySelector extends MovieClip { public var best:TextField; public var low:TextField; public var high:TextField; public var med:TextField; private static var _quality:String = "HIGH"; public function QualitySelector():void{ best.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickBest); high.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickHigh); med.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickMed); low.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickLow); addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added); } function added(_arg1:Event):void{ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added); setQuality(quality); updateGraphic(); } function clickMed(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ setQuality(StageQuality.MEDIUM); updateGraphic(); } function clickHigh(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ setQuality(StageQuality.HIGH); updateGraphic(); } function clickLow(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ setQuality(StageQuality.LOW); updateGraphic(); } public function cleanup():void{ best.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickBest); high.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickHigh); med.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickMed); low.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickLow); } function clickBest(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ setQuality(StageQuality.BEST); updateGraphic(); } private function updateGraphic():void{ if (stage.quality == "LOW"){ this.gotoAndStop("low"); } else { if (stage.quality == "MEDIUM"){ this.gotoAndStop("med"); } else { if (stage.quality == "HIGH"){ this.gotoAndStop("high"); } else { if (stage.quality == "BEST"){ this.gotoAndStop("best"); }; }; }; }; } public static function setQuality(_arg1:String):void{ _quality = _arg1; if (dm.stage != null){ dm.stage.quality = _arg1; }; } public static function get quality():String{ return (_quality); } } }//package
Section 373
//QualitySelectorMenu (QualitySelectorMenu) package { public dynamic class QualitySelectorMenu extends QualitySelector { } }//package
Section 374
//RandomBones (RandomBones) package { public dynamic class RandomBones extends RandomFrame { public function RandomBones(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 375
//RandomFloor (RandomFloor) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class RandomFloor extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 376
//RandomFrame (RandomFrame) package { import flash.display.*; public class RandomFrame extends MovieClip { public function RandomFrame():void{ var _local1:int; super(); _local1 = dmf.randomNum(1, this.totalFrames); this.gotoAndStop(_local1); } } }//package
Section 377
//RandomGear (RandomGear) package { public dynamic class RandomGear extends RandomFrame { public function RandomGear(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 378
//RandomLightning (RandomLightning) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class RandomLightning extends MovieClip { public var f; public var r; public function RandomLightning(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ f = dm.randomNum(1, this.totalFrames); this.gotoAndStop(f); r = dm.randomNum(0, 359); this.rotation = r; } } }//package
Section 379
//RangedWeapon (RangedWeapon) package { public class RangedWeapon extends Weapon { public function RangedWeapon(){ materials.push("Elm", "Oak", "Ash", "Yew", "Voidwood", "Planespine"); } override public function getItemTypeString(){ return ("Ranged Weapon"); } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); prefixes.push(["Venomous", 5]); suffixes.push(["Deftness", base_item_stat_bonus]); } } }//package
Section 380
//RatingDialog (RatingDialog) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class RatingDialog extends MovieClip { public var yes_btn:MovieClip; public var subtotal:TextField; public var kongSubmitButton:MovieClip; public var total:TextField; public var col1:TextField; public var col3:TextField; public var col2:TextField; public var difficulty:TextField; public function RatingDialog(_arg1:Party=null){ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; var _local8:int; var _local9:int; super(); yes_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickOkay); kongSubmitButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickSubmit); if (((!(DungeonMain.KONGREGATE)) && (!(DungeonMain.debug)))){ removeChild(kongSubmitButton); }; if (_arg1 != null){ _local2 = _arg1.level; _local3 = Math.round(((_arg1.stat_rooms_explored / _arg1.stat_rooms_total) * 100)); _local4 = Math.round(((_arg1.stat_hordes_defeated / (_local2 * 10)) * 100)); _local5 = (_local3 + _local4); _local6 = _arg1.stat_member_deaths; _local7 = _arg1.stat_shrines_used; _local8 = _arg1.stat_party_defeats; _local9 = _arg1.stat_leaders_defeated; _arg1.getLevelScore(); col1.text = ((((((((((_local2 + "\n") + _local4) + "\n\n") + _local9) + "\n") + _local7) + "\n") + _local6) + "\n") + _local8); col2.text = ((((((((((Party.SCORE_LEVEL + "\n") + _local3) + "\n\n") + Party.SCORE_LEADERS) + "\n") + Party.SCORE_SHRINES) + "\n") + Party.SCORE_DEATHS) + "\n") + Party.SCORE_DEFEATS); col3.text = (((((((((((((_arg1.level * Party.SCORE_LEVEL) + "\nx") + _local5) + "%\n") + _arg1.getLevelScore()) + "\n") + (_local9 * Party.SCORE_LEADERS)) + "\n") + (_local7 * Party.SCORE_SHRINES)) + "\n") + (_local6 * Party.SCORE_DEATHS)) + "\n") + (_local8 * Party.SCORE_DEFEATS)); subtotal.text = String(_arg1.getScore(false)); difficulty.text = (("x" + String(Difficulty.getMultiplier(_arg1.difficulty, _arg1.difficultyMods))) + "%"); total.text = String(_arg1.getScore(true)); }; } function clickOkay(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); cleanup(); }; } function clickSubmit(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ dm.main.beginStatSubmit(); } private function cleanup():void{ yes_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickOkay); kongSubmitButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickSubmit); } } }//package
Section 381
//rCell (rCell) package { public class rCell extends DungeonRoom { static var grid_height = 2; static var grid_width = 2; override public function getGridHeight():int{ return (grid_height); } override public function getGridWidth():int{ return (grid_width); } } }//package
Section 382
//rChamber (rChamber) package { public class rChamber extends DungeonRoom { static var grid_height = 3; static var grid_width = 3; override public function getGridHeight():int{ return (grid_height); } override public function getGridWidth():int{ return (grid_width); } } }//package
Section 383
//rCorridorH (rCorridorH) package { import flash.display.*; public class rCorridorH extends DungeonCorridor { public var gfx:MovieClip; static var grid_height = 1; static var grid_width = 2; public function rCorridorH(){ isCorridorH = true; } override public function getGridHeight():int{ return (grid_height); } override public function setAlpha(_arg1:Number):void{ gfx.alpha = _arg1; tint.alpha = _arg1; setAlphaChildren(_arg1); } override public function getGridWidth():int{ return (grid_width); } override public function getAlpha():Number{ return (gfx.alpha); } override public function setChild(_arg1:DisplayObject):void{ addChild(_arg1); } } }//package
Section 384
//rCorridorV (rCorridorV) package { import flash.display.*; public class rCorridorV extends DungeonCorridor { public var gfx:MovieClip; static var grid_height = 2; static var grid_width = 1; override public function getGridHeight():int{ return (grid_height); } override public function setAlpha(_arg1:Number):void{ gfx.alpha = _arg1; tint.alpha = _arg1; setAlphaChildren(_arg1); } override public function getGridWidth():int{ return (grid_width); } override public function getAlpha():Number{ return (gfx.alpha); } override public function setChild(_arg1:DisplayObject):void{ addChild(_arg1); } } }//package
Section 385
//rDemonRoom (rDemonRoom) package { import flash.display.*; public class rDemonRoom extends DungeonRoom { public var rune1:MovieClip; public var rune2:MovieClip; public var rune6:MovieClip; public var rune8:MovieClip; public var rune9:MovieClip; public var rune7:MovieClip; public var rune3:MovieClip; public var rune4:MovieClip; public var rune5:MovieClip; static var grid_height = 5; static var grid_width = 5; override public function getGridHeight():int{ return (grid_height); } override public function getGridWidth():int{ return (grid_width); } public function toFrame(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; this.gotoAndStop(_arg1); _local2 = 1; while (_local2 < _arg1) { _local3 = getChildByName(("rune" + _local2)); if (_local3 == null){ } else { _local3.gotoAndPlay(1); }; _local2++; }; } } }//package
Section 386
//RecoveryShrine (RecoveryShrine) package { import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.display.*; public class RecoveryShrine extends MovieClip { var used:Boolean; var room:DungeonRoom; public static const TYPE_ID = 1; public function RecoveryShrine(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); used = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } function onFadeComplete(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ if (parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); }; } function frame1(){ this.gotoAndStop(1); } public function fade():void{ var _local1:Timer; used = true; this.gotoAndPlay(2); _local1 = new Timer(500, 1); _local1.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, onFadeComplete); _local1.start(); } public function get type():int{ return (TYPE_ID); } } }//package
Section 387
//RedBar (RedBar) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class RedBar extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 388
//RestDialog (RestDialog) package { import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.display.*; public class RestDialog extends MovieClip { public var yes_btn:MovieClip; public var no_btn:MovieClip; public function RestDialog(){ this.yes_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickYes); this.no_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickNo); dm.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); } function clickYes(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (((!((parent == null))) && ((parent is Dungeon)))){ cleanup(); Dungeon(parent).useRest(); }; } function clickNo(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (parent != null){ cleanup(); parent.removeChild(this); }; } private function cleanup():void{ dm.stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); yes_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickYes); no_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickNo); } function reportKeyDown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER){ clickYes(null); } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ESCAPE){ clickNo(null); }; }; } } }//package
Section 389
//RestScreen (RestScreen) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class RestScreen extends MovieClip { public function RestScreen(){ addFrameScript(14, frame15, 30, frame31); } function frame15(){ if (((!((this.parent == null))) && ((this.parent is Dungeon)))){ Dungeon(this.parent).updateChars(); Dungeon(this.parent).removeRestButton(); }; } function frame31(){ if (this.parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); }; } } }//package
Section 390
//RetreatedEffect (RetreatedEffect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class RetreatedEffect extends Sprite { } }//package
Section 391
//return_of_the_knights_b (return_of_the_knights_b) package { import*; public dynamic class return_of_the_knights_b extends Sound { } }//package
Section 392
//revive_effect (revive_effect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class revive_effect extends MovieClip { public var gfx:CharGraphic; public function revive_effect(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 44, frame45); } function frame1(){; } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 393
//rGallery (rGallery) package { public class rGallery extends DungeonRoom { static var grid_height = 4; static var grid_width = 3; override public function getGridHeight():int{ return (grid_height); } override public function getGridWidth():int{ return (grid_width); } } }//package
Section 394
//rLargeRoom (rLargeRoom) package { public class rLargeRoom extends DungeonRoom { static var grid_height = 4; static var grid_width = 4; override public function getGridHeight():int{ return (grid_height); } override public function getGridWidth():int{ return (grid_width); } } }//package
Section 395
//rollingthunder_c (rollingthunder_c) package { import*; public dynamic class rollingthunder_c extends Sound { } }//package
Section 396
//RoomFlash (RoomFlash) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class RoomFlash extends MovieClip { public function RoomFlash(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9); } function frame9(){ if (this.parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); }; } } }//package
Section 397
//rTallRoom (rTallRoom) package { public class rTallRoom extends DungeonRoom { static var grid_height = 4; static var grid_width = 2; override public function getGridHeight():int{ return (grid_height); } override public function getGridWidth():int{ return (grid_width); } } }//package
Section 398
//rune_protection (rune_protection) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class rune_protection extends MovieClip { public function rune_protection(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 44, frame45); } function frame1(){; } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 399
//rune_strength (rune_strength) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class rune_strength extends MovieClip { public function rune_strength(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 44, frame45); } function frame1(){; } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 400
//rWideRoom (rWideRoom) package { public class rWideRoom extends DungeonRoom { static var grid_height = 2; static var grid_width = 4; override public function getGridHeight():int{ return (grid_height); } override public function getGridWidth():int{ return (grid_width); } } }//package
Section 401
//sAdventurerAttack (sAdventurerAttack) package { public class sAdventurerAttack extends Skill { public function sAdventurerAttack(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = none; active = true; damage = _arg1.damage; power_cost = 0; skillname = "Attack"; verbage = "attacks"; iconFrame = 17; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.playerSlash; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Melee attack for " + getDamage()) + " damage.")); } } }//package
Section 402
//sAdventurerHeal (sAdventurerHeal) package { public class sAdventurerHeal extends Skill { public function sAdventurerHeal(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = none; active = true; targetsFriendlies = true; hitsAllFriendlies = true; rangedAttack = true; removesPoison = true; healing = (_arg1.health_max * 0.2); power_cost = 70; iconFrame = 10; skillname = "First Aid"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.heal; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Heal all allies for " + healing) + " and cure them of poison.")); } } }//package
Section 403
//sAdventurerThrow (sAdventurerThrow) package { public class sAdventurerThrow extends Skill { public function sAdventurerThrow(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = none; active = true; rangedAttack = true; damage = (_arg1.damage * 0.75); power_cost = 20; skillname = "Bow Attack"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); iconFrame = 15; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.playerArrow; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Ranged attack for " + getDamage()) + " damage.")); } } }//package
Section 404
//sAetherLightning (sAetherLightning) package { public class sAetherLightning extends Skill { public function sAetherLightning(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiTargetsBackRow = true; rangedAttack = true; power_cost = 50; damage = Math.round((char_ref.damage * 0.8)); splashDamageMultiplier = 0.7; skillname = "Ion Bolt"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.lightning; } } }//package
Section 405
//sArachnoidWeb (sArachnoidWeb) package { public class sArachnoidWeb extends Skill { public function sArachnoidWeb(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiCastLimit = 1; rangedAttack = true; hitsAllEnemies = true; damage = 0; power_cost = 80; attacksWithAccuracyMod = 0.75; crippling = 15; damageAccuracy = 20; skillname = "Web"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.web; } } }//package
Section 406
//sAscendantRanged (sAscendantRanged) package { public class sAscendantRanged extends Skill { public function sAscendantRanged(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; rangedAttack = true; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 1)); power_cost = 10; ignoresArmor = false; damageAccuracy = 10; skillname = "Energy Flare"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.holyDamage; } } }//package
Section 407
//SatyrQuestDialog (SatyrQuestDialog) package { import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class SatyrQuestDialog extends MovieClip { public var charName:TextField; public var yes_btn:MovieClip; public var dialogue:TextField; private var questComplete:Boolean; public var charGraphic:CharGraphic; public function SatyrQuestDialog(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{ charName.text = Horde.getLurkerName(); dmf.embolden(charName); charGraphic.setFrame(CharGraphic.satyr); questComplete = _arg1; if (!(_arg1)){ dialogue.text = "\"You are not one of them. Come closer.\n\n\"This place was my home, before these monsters arrived. Now, I am an exile, hunted like vermin. Destroy them for me, every last one. In return, I will give you what I have pilfered from their supplies.\""; } else { dialogue.text = "\"You have done as I asked. More for the promise of reward than compassion or justice for me, I suspect.\n\n\"But you shall have your reward. Take it and go now. Leave me to my solitude.\""; }; this.yes_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickYes); dm.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); } function clickYes(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (parent != null){ if (questComplete){ Dungeon(parent).satyrQuestComplete(); }; cleanup(); parent.removeChild(this); }; } private function cleanup():void{ dm.stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); yes_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickYes); } function reportKeyDown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER){ clickYes(null); } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ESCAPE){ clickYes(null); }; }; } } }//package
Section 408
//SaveDeleteDialog (SaveDeleteDialog) package { import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.display.*; public class SaveDeleteDialog extends MovieClip { public var yes_btn:MovieClip; var slot:int;// = 0 public var no_btn:MovieClip; public function SaveDeleteDialog(_arg1:int=0){ slot = 0; super(); this.slot = _arg1; this.yes_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickYes); this.no_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickNo); dm.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); } function clickYes(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (((!((parent == null))) && ((parent is LoadParty)))){ LoadParty(parent).deleteSlot(slot); cleanup(); parent.removeChild(this); }; } function clickNo(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); cleanup(); }; } private function cleanup(){ yes_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickYes); no_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickNo); dm.stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); } function reportKeyDown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ESCAPE){ clickNo(null); }; } } }//package
Section 409
//SaveGameEmpty (SaveGameEmpty) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SaveGameEmpty extends SimpleButton { } }//package
Section 410
//SaveGameStatus (SaveGameStatus) package { import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class SaveGameStatus extends MovieClip { var slot:int;// = 1 public var difficultyNumber:TextField; public var campaignText:TextField; public var del_btn:SimpleButton; public var load_btn:SimpleButton; var level:int;// = 1 var score:int;// = 0 public var char3:CharacterInfo; public var char1:CharacterInfo; public var scoreField:TextField; public var char2:CharacterInfo; public var levelText:TextField; public var rulesText:TextField; public var char4:CharacterInfo; public function SaveGameStatus():void{ slot = 1; level = 1; score = 0; super(); DungeonMain.registerAliases(); char1.mouseEnabled = false; char1.mouseChildren = false; char2.mouseEnabled = false; char2.mouseChildren = false; char3.mouseEnabled = false; char3.mouseChildren = false; char4.mouseEnabled = false; char4.mouseChildren = false; levelText.mouseEnabled = false; campaignText.mouseEnabled = false; rulesText.mouseEnabled = false; scoreField.mouseEnabled = false; difficultyNumber.mouseEnabled = false; } public function setParty(_arg1:Party, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ var _local3:String; var _local4:PlayerCharacter; var _local5:String; var _local6:*; var _local7:CharacterInfo; _local3 = ""; for each (_local4 in _arg1.members) { _local4.loadCustomPortrait(); }; level = _arg1.level; score = _arg1.getScore(true); levelText.text = ("Level " + level); dmf.embolden(levelText); campaignText.text = Campaign.getName(_arg1.campaign); dmf.embolden(campaignText); if (_arg1.beginner){ _local3 = "Beginner"; } else { if (_arg1.extreme){ _local3 = "Extreme"; } else { _local3 = "Standard"; }; }; _local5 = ""; if (_arg1.hardcore){ _local5 = "Hardcore"; }; if (_arg1.tactical){ if (_local5.length){ _local5 = (_local5 + " - "); }; _local5 = (_local5 + "Tactical"); }; if (_arg1.attrition){ if (_local5.length){ _local5 = (_local5 + " - "); }; _local5 = (_local5 + "Attrition"); }; if (_local5.length){ rulesText.text = ((_local3 + "\n") + _local5); } else { rulesText.text = _local3; }; difficultyNumber.text = (String(Difficulty.getMultiplier(_arg1.difficulty, _arg1.difficultyMods)) + "%"); dmf.embolden(difficultyNumber); scoreField.text = String(score); dmf.embolden(scoreField); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < 4) { _local7 = CharacterInfo(getChildByName(("char" + (_local6 + 1)))); if (_arg1.members[_local6] != null){ _local7.setChar(_arg1.members[_local6]); } else { removeChild(_local7); }; _local6++; }; } } }//package
Section 411
//SaveGameStatusContainer (SaveGameStatusContainer) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class SaveGameStatusContainer extends MovieClip { private var scrolling:Boolean;// = false public var slot:int;// = 1 public var empty_panel:SimpleButton; public var empty:Boolean;// = false public var status:SaveGameStatus; public function SaveGameStatusContainer():void{ empty = false; slot = 1; scrolling = false; super(); status.load_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, loadClick); status.del_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, deleteClick); empty_panel.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, emptyClick); empty = false; removeChild(empty_panel); } public function emptySlot():void{ if (empty){ return; }; if (this.contains(empty_panel)){ return; }; empty = true; setHidden(); addChild(empty_panel); } function emptyClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (parent != null){ LoadParty(parent).newGame(slot); }; } function loadClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ dm.main.loadGame(slot); } public function get level():int{ return (status.level); } function deleteClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:SaveDeleteDialog; if (((!((parent == null))) && ((parent is LoadParty)))){ _local2 = new SaveDeleteDialog(slot); = "dialog"; parent.addChild(_local2); }; } private function setHidden():void{ removeChild(status); } public function cleanup():void{ status.load_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, loadClick); status.del_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, deleteClick); empty_panel.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, emptyClick); } public function setParty(_arg1:Party, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ if (_arg1 == null){ emptySlot(); return; }; empty = false; status.setParty(_arg1, _arg2); } public function get score():int{ return (status.score); } } }//package
Section 412
//sBarbarianBoast (sBarbarianBoast) package { public class sBarbarianBoast extends Skill { public function sBarbarianBoast(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = none; alwaysHits = true; rangedAttack = true; aiCastLimit = 0; damage = 0; power_cost = 30; crippling = 20; iconFrame = 66; allyBonusAttack = true; skillname = "Boast"; verbage = ("begins to " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.debuff; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Targets any enemy. Does not miss. The target is demoralized, and receives a penalty to Quickness (up to " + crippling) + ") for the remainder of the battle. In addition, a random ally is goaded into action and performs a bonus weapon attack on the target.")); } } }//package
Section 413
//sBarbarianBrutalize (sBarbarianBrutalize) package { public class sBarbarianBrutalize extends Skill { public function sBarbarianBrutalize(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = weapon; damage = 0; power_cost = 50; addWeaponDamage = true; requiresMelee = true; scaleWeaponDamage = 1; debuff_damage = 0.7; iconFrame = 52; skillname = "Dismember"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); showWeaponAnimation = true; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.debuff; } override public function description():String{ return ((((((("Melee attack for " + (scaleWeaponDamage * 100)) + "% weapon damage (") + getDamage()) + "). Reduces enemy damage by ") + Math.round(((1 - debuff_damage) * 100))) + "% for the remainder of the battle.")); } } }//package
Section 414
//sBarbarianCharge (sBarbarianCharge) package { public class sBarbarianCharge extends Skill { public function sBarbarianCharge(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = weapon; damage = 0; addWeaponDamage = true; scaleWeaponDamage = 1.6; power_cost = 35; requiresMelee = true; requiresVerticalGap = true; stun_percent = 50; iconFrame = 65; skillname = "Charge"; verbage = "charges the enemy!"; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.playerPowerSlash; } override public function description():String{ return ((((((("Charge an enemy directly ahead, attacking for " + Math.round((scaleWeaponDamage * 100))) + "% weapon damage (") + getDamage()) + "). Attack has +") + stun_percent) + "% chance to stun the target. There must be an empty vertical space between the user and the target.")); } } }//package
Section 415
//sBarbarianIntimidate (sBarbarianIntimidate) package { public class sBarbarianIntimidate extends Skill { public function sBarbarianIntimidate(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = none; aiCastLimit = 0; damage = 0; power_cost = 70; targetsSelf = true; intimidating = true; buff_quickness = 10; iconFrame = 67; skillname = "Intimidate"; verbage = "is an intimidating presence"; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Enemies will prefer to attack targets other than the user for the remainder of the combat. In addition, user's Quickness is increased by " + buff_quickness) + ".")); } } }//package
Section 416
//sBarbarianJostle (sBarbarianJostle) package { public class sBarbarianJostle extends Skill { public function sBarbarianJostle(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = none; aiCastLimit = 0; damage = 0; power_cost = 10; targetsFriendlies = true; swapPositions = true; iconFrame = 59; skillname = "Jostle"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); } override public function description():String{ return ("Swap position with target ally."); } } }//package
Section 417
//sBarbarianLastStand (sBarbarianLastStand) package { public class sBarbarianLastStand extends Skill { public function sBarbarianLastStand(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = none; requiresLowHealth = true; requiresMelee = true; damage = 0; addWeaponDamage = true; scaleWeaponDamage = 2; lethality = 20; power_cost = 40; iconFrame = 14; skillname = "Last Stand"; verbage = ("makes a " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.playerPowerSlash; } override public function description():String{ return ((((("May only be used when below 20% health. Perform a melee weapon attack on the target for 200% normal damage (" + getDamage()) + ") and +") + lethality) + "% chance to kill the target instantly.")); } } }//package
Section 418
//sBarbarianPowerGain (sBarbarianPowerGain) package { public class sBarbarianPowerGain extends Skill { public function sBarbarianPowerGain(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; aiCastLimit = 0; targetsSelf = true; woundsRestorePower = 100; power_cost = 0; iconFrame = 72; skillname = "Enrage"; verbage = "is fuelled by rage"; } override public function description():String{ return ("If the user takes damage before their next turn, their power is completely restored."); } } }//package
Section 419
//sBarbarianPulverize (sBarbarianPulverize) package { public class sBarbarianPulverize extends Skill { public function sBarbarianPulverize(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = weapon; damage = 0; power_cost = 55; iconFrame = 71; requiresMelee = true; addWeaponDamage = true; scaleWeaponDamage = 1.2; debuff_damageResist = 20; skillname = "Pulverize"; verbage = "pulverizes the enemy"; showWeaponAnimation = true; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.debuff; } override public function description():String{ return ((((((("Weapon attack for " + (scaleWeaponDamage * 100)) + "% weapon damage (") + getDamage()) + "). Damages the target's armor and exposes their weak spots, reducing their damage resistance by ") + debuff_damageResist) + " for the remainder of the battle.")); } } }//package
Section 420
//sBarbarianReckless (sBarbarianReckless) package { public class sBarbarianReckless extends Skill { public function sBarbarianReckless(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = none; aiCastLimit = 1; damage = 0; power_cost = 20; targetsSelf = true; buff_damage = 1.5; debuff_damageResist = 50; iconFrame = 58; skillname = "Reckless Fury"; verbage = ("is consumed with " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.buff; } override public function description():String{ return ((((("Increase damage dealt by " + Math.round((buff_damage * 100))) + "%, but reduce damage resistance by ") + debuff_damageResist) + ". Lasts for the remainder of the battle.")); } } }//package
Section 421
//sBarbarianWhirlwind (sBarbarianWhirlwind) package { public class sBarbarianWhirlwind extends Skill { public function sBarbarianWhirlwind(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = weapon; damage = 0; addWeaponDamage = true; requiresMelee = true; usesWeaponRange = true; scaleWeaponDamage = 1; splashDamageMultiplier = 0.7; splashHitsAllies = false; power_cost = 65; iconFrame = 5; skillname = "Whirlwind"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.playerSlash; } override public function description():String{ return ((((("Perform a melee weapon attack (" + getDamage()) + " damage) on a target in range, and a lesser attack for ") + Math.round((getDamage() * splashDamageMultiplier))) + " damage on every enemy adjacent to the target.")); } } }//package
Section 422
//sBasiliskPetrify (sBasiliskPetrify) package { public class sBasiliskPetrify extends Skill { public function sBasiliskPetrify(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiCastLimit = 2; hitsAllMeleeRange = true; power_cost = 65; damage = 0; stun_percent = 100; skillname = "Petrify"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); } } }//package
Section 423
//sBeholderDrain (sBeholderDrain) package { public class sBeholderDrain extends Skill { public function sBeholderDrain(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiNotUnlessHurt = true; aiTargetHealthiest = true; rangedAttack = true; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 0.5)); vampiric_percent = Math.floor((100 + (level * 1))); power_cost = 40; ignoresArmor = true; skillname = "Steal Soul"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.monsterDrain; } } }//package
Section 424
//sBeholderRanged (sBeholderRanged) package { public class sBeholderRanged extends Skill { public function sBeholderRanged(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; rangedAttack = true; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 1.3)); power_cost = 70; ignoresArmor = true; skillname = "Disentegrate"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.disintegrate; } } }//package
Section 425
//sBeholderRecover (sBeholderRecover) package { public class sBeholderRecover extends Skill { public function sBeholderRecover(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiNotUnlessLowPower = true; targetsSelf = true; damage = Math.round((_arg1.health_max * 0.1)); powerRestore = 100; power_cost = 0; skillname = "Channeling"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.gainPower; } } }//package
Section 426
//sCelestialAccuracy (sCelestialAccuracy) package { public class sCelestialAccuracy extends Skill { public function sCelestialAccuracy(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; aiCastLimit = 1; damage = 0; power_cost = 40; targetsFriendlies = true; hitsAllFriendlies = true; buff_accuracy = 20; skillname = "Celestial Guidance"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.buff; } } }//package
Section 427
//sCelestialArmor (sCelestialArmor) package { public class sCelestialArmor extends Skill { public function sCelestialArmor(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; aiCastLimit = 1; damage = 0; power_cost = 40; targetsFriendlies = true; hitsAllFriendlies = true; buff_damageResist = 20; skillname = "Celestial Protection"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.armorBuff; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Caster gains an additional " + buff_damageResist) + "% damage resistance for the remainder of the battle.")); } } }//package
Section 428
//sCelestialSpeed (sCelestialSpeed) package { public class sCelestialSpeed extends Skill { public function sCelestialSpeed(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; aiCastLimit = 1; damage = 0; power_cost = 40; targetsFriendlies = true; hitsAllFriendlies = true; buff_quickness = 10; skillname = "Celestial Motion"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.buff; } } }//package
Section 429
//sClericAE (sClericAE) package { public class sClericAE extends Skill { public function sClericAE(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.intellect; aiCastLimit = 0; magicStrength = 0.5; damage = getBaseMagicDamage(magicStrength); rangedAttack = true; hitsAllEnemies = true; power_cost = 55; iconFrame = 26; skillname = "Litany of Pain"; verbage = ("intones the " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.holyDamage; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Magic area attack. Inflicts " + getDamage()) + " damage to all enemies.")); } } }//package
Section 430
//sClericDamageBuff (sClericDamageBuff) package { public class sClericDamageBuff extends Skill { public function sClericDamageBuff(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = none; targetsFriendlies = true; rangedAttack = true; power_cost = 30; targetDamageMod = 1.75; iconFrame = 42; skillname = "Anoint"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.buff; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Target party member deals " + Math.round((targetDamageMod * 100))) + "% normal damage on next attack.")); } } }//package
Section 431
//sClericFlash (sClericFlash) package { public class sClericFlash extends Skill { public function sClericFlash(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = intellect; magicStrength = 0.3; damage = getBaseMagicDamage(magicStrength); onlyDamagesUndead = true; rangedAttack = true; hitsAllEnemies = true; power_cost = 40; damageAccuracy = 30; alwaysHits = true; iconFrame = 13; skillname = "Holy Light"; verbage = ("calls down " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.blind; } override public function description():String{ return ((((("Reduce all enemies' accuracy by " + damageAccuracy) + "% for the remainder of the battle. Deals ") + getDamage()) + " damage to Undead. Always hits.")); } } }//package
Section 432
//sClericHeal (sClericHeal) package { public class sClericHeal extends Skill { public function sClericHeal(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = intellect; nonCombat = true; skillname = "Heal"; targetsFriendlies = true; rangedAttack = true; healing = 40; power_cost = 25; removesPoison = true; iconFrame = 9; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.heal; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Restore " + scaleHeal(healing)) + " health to one member of your party. Cures poison.")); } } }//package
Section 433
//sClericHealGroup (sClericHealGroup) package { public class sClericHealGroup extends Skill { public function sClericHealGroup(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = intellect; nonCombat = true; targetsFriendlies = true; hitsAllFriendlies = true; rangedAttack = true; removesPoison = true; healing = 20; power_cost = 60; iconFrame = 10; skillname = "Heal All"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.heal; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Restore " + scaleHeal(healing)) + " health to every member of your party. Cures poison.")); } } }//package
Section 434
//sClericMelee (sClericMelee) package { public class sClericMelee extends Skill { public function sClericMelee(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = weapon; damage = 0; addWeaponDamage = true; scaleWeaponDamage = 2; power_cost = 60; requiresMelee = true; iconFrame = 4; skillname = "Fervor"; verbage = ("attacks with " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.playerPowerSlash; } override public function description():String{ return ((((("Melee attack for " + (scaleWeaponDamage * 100)) + "% weapon damage (") + getDamage()) + ")")); } } }//package
Section 435
//sClericPurify (sClericPurify) package { public class sClericPurify extends Skill { public function sClericPurify(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = none; targetsFriendlies = true; hitsAllFriendlies = true; rangedAttack = true; power_cost = 20; removesPoison = true; removesCurse = true; buff_resistPoison = 50; iconFrame = 45; skillname = "Purify"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.buff; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Removes poison and curse effects from all party members, and increases their poison resistance by " + buff_resistPoison) + " for the remainder of the battle.")); } } }//package
Section 436
//sClericRevive (sClericRevive) package { public class sClericRevive extends Skill { public function sClericRevive(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = intellect; aiCastLimit = 0; nonCombat = true; targetsFriendlies = true; rangedAttack = true; healing = 20; power_cost = 75; removesPoison = true; resurrects = true; iconFrame = 47; skillname = "Revive"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.revive; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Revives fallen party member with " + scaleHeal(healing)) + " health.")); } } }//package
Section 437
//sClericShield (sClericShield) package { public class sClericShield extends Skill { public function sClericShield(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = none; aiCastLimit = 1; damage = 0; power_cost = 55; targetsSelf = true; invulnerable = 1; powerRegenMod = 0; iconFrame = 19; skillname = "Shield of Faith"; verbage = ("is enclosed in a " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.armorBuff; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Caster takes no damage until " + char_ref.genderPossessive()) + " next turn. Caster recovers no power at beginning of next turn.")); } } }//package
Section 438
//sClericSmite (sClericSmite) package { public class sClericSmite extends Skill { public function sClericSmite(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = intellect; magicStrength = 0.75; damage = getBaseMagicDamage(magicStrength); rangedAttack = true; power_cost = 30; undeadMultiplier = 2; alwaysHits = true; iconFrame = 44; skillname = "Smite"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.holyDamage; } override public function description():String{ return ((((("Ranged magic attack for " + getDamage()) + " damage. Deals ") + Math.round((undeadMultiplier * 100))) + "% damage to undead. Always hits.")); } } }//package
Section 439
//sConjurorArmor (sConjurorArmor) package { public class sConjurorArmor extends Skill { public function sConjurorArmor(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; aiCastLimit = 1; damage = 0; power_cost = 40; targetsFriendlies = true; hitsAllFriendlies = true; buff_damageResist = 15; iconFrame = 69; skillname = "Eldritch Aegis"; verbage = ("conjures an " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.armorBuff; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Conjure a shield of force around all allies, increasing their resistance to damage by " + buff_damageResist) + "% for the remainder of the battle.")); } } }//package
Section 440
//sConjurorBanish (sConjurorBanish) package { public class sConjurorBanish extends Skill { public function sConjurorBanish(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; damage = 100000; rangedAttack = true; targetsSummoned = true; power_cost = 20; iconFrame = 70; skillname = "Banish"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.disintegrate; } override public function description():String{ return ("Instantly destroy a summoned enemy creature."); } } }//package
Section 441
//sConjurorBloodSprite (sConjurorBloodSprite) package { public class sConjurorBloodSprite extends Skill { public function sConjurorBloodSprite(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; aiCastLimit = 0; damage = 0; power_cost = 50; targetsEmpty = true; summonsCreatureClass = new pBloodSprite(char_ref.level); iconFrame = 60; skillname = summonsCreatureClass.charname; verbage = ("summons a " + summonsCreatureClass.charname); } override public function description():String{ return ("Summon a Bloodsprite to an empty square on your side of the battlefield. Bloodsprites are weak fighters, but can heal your party."); } } }//package
Section 442
//sConjurorHeal (sConjurorHeal) package { public class sConjurorHeal extends Skill { public function sConjurorHeal(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = intellect; targetsFriendlies = true; targetsSummoned = true; rangedAttack = true; healing = 30; power_cost = 25; powerRestore = 50; removesPoison = true; removesCurse = true; skillname = "Refresh Energies"; iconFrame = 9; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.restore; } override public function description():String{ return ((((("Restore " + scaleHeal(healing)) + " health and ") + powerRestore) + " power to a friendly summoned creature. Removes poison and curse effects.")); } } }//package
Section 443
//sConjurorManaSprite (sConjurorManaSprite) package { public class sConjurorManaSprite extends Skill { public function sConjurorManaSprite(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; aiCastLimit = 0; damage = 0; power_cost = 50; targetsEmpty = true; summonsCreatureClass = new pManaSprite(char_ref.level); iconFrame = 61; skillname = summonsCreatureClass.charname; verbage = ("summons a " + summonsCreatureClass.charname); } override public function description():String{ return ("Summon a Manasprite to an empty square on your side of the battlefield. Manasprites are weak fighters, but can restore power to your party."); } } }//package
Section 444
//sConjurorRevive (sConjurorRevive) package { public class sConjurorRevive extends Skill { public function sConjurorRevive(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = none; aiCastLimit = 0; nonCombat = true; targetsFriendlies = true; rangedAttack = true; healing = (_arg1.health_max * 1000); power_cost = 75; removesPoison = true; resurrects = true; powerDamage = 100; iconFrame = 47; skillname = "Call Soul"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.revive; } override public function description():String{ return ("Revives fallen party member with full health but no power."); } } }//package
Section 445
//sConjurorShadow (sConjurorShadow) package { public class sConjurorShadow extends Skill { public function sConjurorShadow(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; aiCastLimit = 0; damage = 0; power_cost = 30; targetsEmpty = true; hitsAllEmpty = true; summonsCreatureClass = new pShadow(char_ref.level); iconFrame = 62; skillname = "Wall of Shadows"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); } override public function description():String{ return ("Summon a Shadow to every empty square on your side of the battlefield. Shadows act as decoys, and can curse the enemy or remove curses from your allies."); } } }//package
Section 446
//sConjurorWargolem (sConjurorWargolem) package { public class sConjurorWargolem extends Skill { public function sConjurorWargolem(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; aiCastLimit = 0; damage = 0; power_cost = 60; targetsEmpty = true; summonsCreatureClass = new pWargolem(char_ref.level); iconFrame = 68; skillname = summonsCreatureClass.charname; verbage = ("summons a " + summonsCreatureClass.charname); } override public function description():String{ return ("Summon a Wargolem to an empty square on your side of the battlefield. Wargolems are heavily armored and ideal for forming a protective line."); } } }//package
Section 447
//sConjurorWhirlwind (sConjurorWhirlwind) package { public class sConjurorWhirlwind extends Skill { public function sConjurorWhirlwind(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.intellect; aiCastLimit = 0; magicStrength = 1; damage = getBaseMagicDamage(magicStrength); power_cost = 40; alwaysHits = true; rangedAttack = true; summonsWhirlwind = true; iconFrame = 64; skillname = "Vortex"; verbage = ("summons a " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.confuse; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Summon a whirlwind to attack any single enemy, causing " + getDamage()) + " damage and knocking them into an adjacent empty square. If there are no adjacent empty spaces, the whirlwind dissipates immediately but inflicts an additional 20% damage.")); } } }//package
Section 448
//sConjurorWolf (sConjurorWolf) package { public class sConjurorWolf extends Skill { public function sConjurorWolf(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; aiCastLimit = 0; damage = 0; power_cost = 40; targetsEmpty = true; summonsCreatureClass = new pShadowWolf(char_ref.level); iconFrame = 63; skillname = "Dire Wolf"; verbage = "summons a Dire Wolf"; } override public function description():String{ return ("Summon a Dire Wolf to an empty square on your side of the battlefield. Dire Wolves are expendable close range fighters."); } } }//package
Section 449
//sCultistArrow (sCultistArrow) package { public class sCultistArrow extends Skill { public function sCultistArrow(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; rangedAttack = true; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 0.5)); powerDamage = 25; power_cost = 75; skillname = "Draining Shot"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.cultistArrow; } } }//package
Section 450
//sCultistHeal (sCultistHeal) package { public class sCultistHeal extends Skill { public function sCultistHeal(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiCastLimit = 1; targetsFriendlies = true; hitsAllFriendlies = true; rangedAttack = true; healing = Math.round((_arg1.health_max / 6)); powerRestore = 20; power_cost = 100; removesPoison = false; skillname = "Energy Flow"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.restore; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Restore " + scaleHeal(healing)) + " health to one member of your party. Cures poison.")); } } }//package
Section 451
//sCultistMeleeStun (sCultistMeleeStun) package { public class sCultistMeleeStun extends Skill { public function sCultistMeleeStun(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 1.2)); power_cost = 40; stun_percent = 60; skillname = "Impact"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.creatureWeapon; } } }//package
Section 452
//sCultistSever (sCultistSever) package { public class sCultistSever extends Skill { public function sCultistSever(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; aiCastLimit = 1; damage = 0; rangedAttack = true; hitsAllEnemies = true; attacksWithAccuracyMod = 0.5; power_cost = 60; cancelPowerRegen = 4; skillname = "Sever"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.debuff; } } }//package
Section 453
//sDeathKnightRally (sDeathKnightRally) package { public class sDeathKnightRally extends Skill { public function sDeathKnightRally(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiCastLimit = 1; targetsFriendlies = true; hitsAllFriendlies = true; rangedAttack = true; power_cost = 25; buff_damage = 1.25; healing = Math.round((_arg1.health_max / 6)); skillname = "Rally"; verbage = "rallies his troops"; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.buff; } override public function description():String{ return (""); } } }//package
Section 454
//sDemonClone (sDemonClone) package { public class sDemonClone extends Skill { public function sDemonClone(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiCastLimit = 1; aiPriority = 99; damage = 0; rangedAttack = true; hitsAllEnemies = true; alwaysHits = true; clonesPlayers = true; power_cost = 50; skillname = "Dark Mirror"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.clone; } } }//package
Section 455
//sDemonDoubleAttack (sDemonDoubleAttack) package { public class sDemonDoubleAttack extends Skill { public function sDemonDoubleAttack(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 0.6)); power_cost = 40; attacksTwoTargets = true; skillname = "Demonic Rage"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.creatureSlash; } } }//package
Section 456
//sDemonPoison (sDemonPoison) package { public class sDemonPoison extends Skill { public function sDemonPoison(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiPriority = 1; rangedAttack = true; power_cost = 30; damage = 0; poisonDamage = Math.round((_arg1.damage / 6)); damageAccuracy = 15; crippling = 10; skillname = "Touch of Corruption"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.poison; } } }//package
Section 457
//sDissipate (sDissipate) package { public class sDissipate extends Skill { public function sDissipate(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; aiAlwaysUse = true; killsUser = true; targetsSelf = true; alwaysHits = true; damage = 0; power_cost = 0; skillname = "Dissipate"; verbage = "dissipates"; } } }//package
Section 458
//sDragonFlame (sDragonFlame) package { public class sDragonFlame extends Skill { public function sDragonFlame(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; rangedAttack = true; hitsAllEnemies = true; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 0.6)); power_cost = 30; hasPortraitAnimation = true; portraitAnimationFrame = 6; skillname = "Flame Breath"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation =; } } }//package
Section 459
//sDragonTail (sDragonTail) package { public class sDragonTail extends Skill { public function sDragonTail(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 0.8)); power_cost = 40; hitsAllMeleeRange = true; hasPortraitAnimation = true; portraitAnimationFrame = 4; skillname = "Tail Swipe"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.creatureWeapon; } override public function description():String{ return (""); } } }//package
Section 460
//sDreadfatherDrain (sDreadfatherDrain) package { public class sDreadfatherDrain extends Skill { public function sDreadfatherDrain(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiNotUnlessHurt = false; aiTargetHealthiest = true; aiPriority = 3; rangedAttack = true; damage = _arg1.damage; vampiric_percent = Math.floor((100 + (level * 1))); power_cost = 5; ignoresArmor = true; skillname = "Drain Will"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.monsterDrain; } } }//package
Section 461
//sDreadfatherRevive (sDreadfatherRevive) package { public class sDreadfatherRevive extends Skill { public function sDreadfatherRevive(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiCastLimit = 3; aiOnlyWhenHordeDead = true; aiPriority = 7; targetsFriendlies = true; hitsAllFriendlies = true; doesNotEffectSelf = true; rangedAttack = true; healing = char_ref.health_max; power_cost = 50; removesPoison = true; resurrects = true; skillname = "Master's Bidding"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.revive; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Revives fallen party member with " + scaleHeal(healing)) + " health.")); } } }//package
Section 462
//sDwarfCharge (sDwarfCharge) package { public class sDwarfCharge extends Skill { public function sDwarfCharge(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 1.5)); power_cost = 35; requiresVerticalGap = true; stun_percent = 50; skillname = "Charge"; verbage = "charges forth!"; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.creatureSlash; } } }//package
Section 463
//sDwarfCrossbowAttack (sDwarfCrossbowAttack) package { public class sDwarfCrossbowAttack extends Skill { public function sDwarfCrossbowAttack(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 0.8)); skillname = "Dwarven Crossbow"; rangedAttack = true; power_cost = 20; ignoresArmor = true; verbage = ("fires " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.monsterArrow; } } }//package
Section 464
//sDwarfHammerAE (sDwarfHammerAE) package { public class sDwarfHammerAE extends Skill { public function sDwarfHammerAE(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 1.2)); power_cost = 50; stun_percent = 30; splashDamageMultiplier = 0.7; splashHitsAllies = false; skillname = "Hammer Slam"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.creatureSlash; } } }//package
Section 465
//sDwarfOnslaught (sDwarfOnslaught) package { public class sDwarfOnslaught extends Skill { public function sDwarfOnslaught(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; aiCastLimit = 1; damage = 0; power_cost = 40; targetsFriendlies = true; hitsAllFriendlies = true; buff_quickness = 30; skillname = "Onslaught"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.buff; } } }//package
Section 466
//sDwarfPride (sDwarfPride) package { public class sDwarfPride extends Skill { public function sDwarfPride(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiCastLimit = 1; targetsFriendlies = true; hitsAllFriendlies = true; cannotDie = 1; power_cost = 50; skillname = "Dwarven Pride"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.armorBuff; } } }//package
Section 467
//sDwarfPunishing (sDwarfPunishing) package { public class sDwarfPunishing extends Skill { public function sDwarfPunishing(_arg1:Character):void{ char_ref = _arg1; damage = _arg1.damage; power_cost = 40; debuff_damage = 0.5; skillname = "Punishing Blow"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.creatureWeapon; } } }//package
Section 468
//sDwarfSponge (sDwarfSponge) package { public class sDwarfSponge extends Skill { public function sDwarfSponge(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; damage = 0; power_cost = 20; targetsFriendlies = true; rangedAttack = true; targetsFriendlyFrontRow = true; makeDamageSponge = true; skillname = "Fealty"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.protectAllies; } override public function description():String{ return (""); } } }//package
Section 469
//sDwarvenAle (sDwarvenAle) package { public class sDwarvenAle extends Skill { public function sDwarvenAle(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiCastLimit = 1; aiNotUnlessHurt = true; targetsSelf = true; healing = Math.round((_arg1.health_max * 0.6)); buff_damageResist = 10; damageAccuracy = 15; power_cost = 40; skillname = "Dwarven Ale"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.monsterBeer; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Restore " + scaleHeal(healing)) + " health to one member of your party. Cures poison.")); } } }//package
Section 470
//SelectArrow (SelectArrow) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SelectArrow extends SimpleButton { } }//package
Section 471
//SellPanel (SellPanel) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SellPanel extends Sprite { public var sellDisabler:MovieClip; public var sellList:ShopListScrolling; public var sellButton:MovieClip; public var allTab:ItemModeTab; public var equippedTab:ItemModeTab; } }//package
Section 472
//sEngineConduit (sEngineConduit) package { public class sEngineConduit extends Skill { public function sEngineConduit(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; aiCastLimit = 1; aiNotUnlessLowPower = true; rangedAttack = true; targetsFriendlies = true; hitsAllFriendlies = true; powerRestore = 50; power_cost = 50; iconFrame = 1; skillname = "Conduit"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.gainPower; } } }//package
Section 473
//sForceRetreat (sForceRetreat) package { public class sForceRetreat extends Skill { public function sForceRetreat(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiCastLimit = 2; aiTargetOnlyLowHealth = true; aiPriority = 10; rangedAttack = true; forceRetreat = true; alwaysHits = true; power_cost = 20; skillname = "Creeping Dread"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.fearDeath; } } }//package
Section 474
//sGhostAttack (sGhostAttack) package { public class sGhostAttack extends Skill { public function sGhostAttack(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; damage = _arg1.damage; power_cost = 0; ignoresArmor = true; skillname = "Attack"; verbage = "attacks"; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.ghostAttack; } } }//package
Section 475
//sGhostHide (sGhostHide) package { public class sGhostHide extends Skill { public function sGhostHide(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiCastLimit = 1; aiNotUnlessHurt = true; damage = 0; healing = Math.round((char_ref.health_max / 2)); power_cost = 50; targetsSelf = true; hidesTarget = true; skillname = "Vanish"; verbage = "fades from view"; } override public function description():String{ return (""); } } }//package
Section 476
//sGhostTouch (sGhostTouch) package { public class sGhostTouch extends Skill { public function sGhostTouch(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; damage = 0; power_cost = 40; powerDamage = 30; stun_percent = 25; curse = 0.3; skillname = "Spectral Touch"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.curse; } } }//package
Section 477
//sGoblinCrossbow (sGoblinCrossbow) package { public class sGoblinCrossbow extends Skill { public function sGoblinCrossbow(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 0.5)); power_cost = 0; rangedAttack = true; attacksTwoTargets = true; skillname = "Repeating Crossbow"; verbage = "shoots"; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.monsterArrow; } } }//package
Section 478
//sGoblinGrenade (sGoblinGrenade) package { public class sGoblinGrenade extends Skill { public function sGoblinGrenade(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; rangedAttack = true; damage = char_ref.damage; power_cost = 30; splashDamageMultiplier = 0.6; splashHitsAllies = true; skillname = "Grenade"; verbage = ("hurls " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.explosion; } override public function description():String{ return (""); } } }//package
Section 479
//sGorgonGaze (sGorgonGaze) package { public class sGorgonGaze extends Skill { public function sGorgonGaze(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; rangedAttack = true; hitsAllEnemies = true; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 0.3)); stun_percent = 100; power_cost = 15; skillname = "Petrify"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); } } }//package
Section 480
//sGorgonSlash (sGorgonSlash) package { public class sGorgonSlash extends Skill { public function sGorgonSlash(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; damage = _arg1.damage; power_cost = 0; skillname = "Raking Claws"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.creatureSlash; } } }//package
Section 481
//sGorgonSnakes (sGorgonSnakes) package { public class sGorgonSnakes extends Skill { public function sGorgonSnakes(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; rangedAttack = true; hitsAllEnemies = true; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 0.6)); poisonDamage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 0.5)); power_cost = 25; skillname = "Nest of Vipers"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.creatureSlash; } } }//package
Section 482
//ShadowPortrait (ShadowPortrait) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ShadowPortrait extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 483
//Shield (Shield) package { public class Shield extends Offhand { override public function generateItem(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = false; _local3 = false; if (item_rarity == Item.grey){ item_rarity = Item.white; }; getItemModifiers(); if (item_rarity =={ if (dmf.randomNum(0, 100) >= 50){ _local3 = true; } else { _local2 = true; }; }; if ((((item_rarity == || (_local3))){ prefix = rollForPrefix(item_rarity); }; if ((((item_rarity == || (_local2))){ suffix = rollForSuffix(item_rarity); }; if (base_armor_rating){ armor_rating = scaleArmorForLevel((base_armor_rating * (1 + (base_armor_mod / 100)))); }; if (prefix >= 0){ applyPrefix(); }; if (suffix >= 0){ applySuffix(); }; if (prefix >= 0){ item_name = ((prefixes[prefix][0] + " ") + item_name); }; if (suffix >= 0){ item_name = ((item_name + " of ") + suffixes[suffix][0]); }; } override public function getItemTypeString(){ return ("Shield"); } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); prefixes.push(["Thick", 1.4]); } } }//package
Section 484
//Shop (Shop) package { import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class Shop extends Sprite { public var sellMode:int;// = 1 private var portraits:Array; public var goldDisplay:GoldDisplay; private var partyGold:int;// = 0 public var empty1:EmptyPortrait; public var empty3:EmptyPortrait; public var empty4:EmptyPortrait; public var empty2:EmptyPortrait; private var initialised:Boolean;// = false public var bubble:SpeechBubble; public var purpleCheck:dCheckBox; public var playerGraphic:CharGraphic; public var blueCheck:dCheckBox; public var paperdoll:Paperdoll; private var buyItems:Array; public var sellTab:BuySellTab; public var playerClass:TextField; public var inventoryCount:TextField; public var playerName:TextField; public var buyPanel:BuyPanel; public var buyTab:BuySellTab; public var buyMode:int;// = 100 public var optionsButton:OptionsButton; private var earnedGold:int;// = 0 private var comparisons:Array; public var pc_party:Party; public var buying:Boolean; public var greenCheck:dCheckBox; public var sellPanel:SellPanel; public var helpButton:HelpButton; public var exitButton:MovieClip; public var tooltipController:ItemTooltipController; static const BUY_ARMOR_LIGHT = 4; static const BUBBLE_X = 10; static const BUBBLE_Y = 118; static const BUY_ALL = 100; static const BUY_ARMOR_HEAVY = 2; static const BUY_CONSUMABLES = 5; static const SELL_EQUIPPED = 2; static const SELL_ALL = 1; static const BUY_ACCESSORIES = 1; static const BUY_ARMOR_MEDIUM = 3; static const BUY_WEAPONS = 0; public static var selectedChar:PlayerCharacter; public function Shop(_arg1:Party=null):void{ portraits = new Array(); buyMode = BUY_ALL; sellMode = SELL_ALL; initialised = false; partyGold = 0; earnedGold = 0; super(); if (_arg1 != null){ this.pc_party = _arg1; } else { this.pc_party = dm.main.pc_party; }; partyGold =; initialised = false; tooltipController = new ItemTooltipController(); generateBuyItems(); addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init); } public function removeItemFrom(_arg1:Item, _arg2:PlayerCharacter){ var _local3:Equipment; if (!((_arg1 is Equipment))){ return; }; _local3 = Equipment(_arg1); if (_arg2.unequip(Equipment(_arg1))){ if (_arg2 == selectedChar){ updatePaperdoll(_arg2); }; addSellItems(); }; } public function updatePaperdoll(_arg1:PlayerCharacter):void{ var _local2:InventoryIcon; var _local3:int; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Equipment.gearSlots) { _local2 = InventoryIcon(paperdoll.getChildByName(("slot" + String(_local3)))); if (_local2 != null){ paperdoll.removeChild(_local2); }; _local3++; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Equipment.gearSlots) { if (_arg1.gear[_local3] == null){ } else { if (_arg1.gear[_local3].slot == Equipment.gearSlots){ } else { if (_arg1.gear[_local3].slot != _local3){ } else { _local2 = new InventoryIcon(_arg1.gear[_local3], tooltipController); _local2.x = paperdoll.getSlotX(_arg1.gear[_local3].slot); _local2.y = paperdoll.getSlotY(_arg1.gear[_local3].slot); = ("slot" + String(_local3)); paperdoll.addChild(_local2); if (_local3 == Equipment.weapon){ if (Weapon(_arg1.gear[_local3]).twoHanded){ paperdoll.offhand.gotoAndStop(2); } else { paperdoll.offhand.gotoAndStop(1); }; }; }; }; }; _local3++; }; } private function updateBuyTabs():void{ buyPanel.allTab.gotoAndStop(2); buyPanel.weaponsTab.gotoAndStop(2); buyPanel.consumablesTab.gotoAndStop(2); buyPanel.accessoriesTab.gotoAndStop(2); buyPanel.armorLightTab.gotoAndStop(2); buyPanel.armorMediumTab.gotoAndStop(2); buyPanel.armorHeavyTab.gotoAndStop(2); if (buyMode == BUY_ALL){ buyPanel.allTab.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (buyMode == BUY_WEAPONS){ buyPanel.weaponsTab.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (buyMode == BUY_CONSUMABLES){ buyPanel.consumablesTab.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (buyMode == BUY_ACCESSORIES){ buyPanel.accessoriesTab.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (buyMode == BUY_ARMOR_LIGHT){ buyPanel.armorLightTab.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (buyMode == BUY_ARMOR_MEDIUM){ buyPanel.armorMediumTab.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (buyMode == BUY_ARMOR_HEAVY){ buyPanel.armorHeavyTab.gotoAndStop(1); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; addBuyItems(); buyPanel.buyList.resetHandle(); } private function clickSellTabEquipped(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ sellMode = SELL_EQUIPPED; updateSellTabs(); } private function updateInventoryCount():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; _local1 = (pc_party.inventory.length + pc_party.overflow.length); _local2 = (Party.MAX_INVENTORY + Party.MAX_OVERFLOW); inventoryCount.text = ((String(_local1) + "/") + String(_local2)); dmf.embolden(inventoryCount); } private function clickBuyTabArmorMedium(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ buyMode = BUY_ARMOR_MEDIUM; updateBuyTabs(); } private function getBuyItems():Array{ var b:Array; var i:int; var err_txt:*; var err_dlg:ErrorDialog; b = new Array(); try { if (buyMode == BUY_ALL){ i = 0; while (i < buyItems.length) { if (buyItems[i].length){ b = b.concat(buyItems[i]); }; i = (i + 1); }; } else { if ((((buyMode >= 0)) && ((buyMode <= BUY_CONSUMABLES)))){ b = buyItems[buyMode]; } else { throw (new Error("invalid buy mode")); }; }; } catch(error:Error) { if (DungeonMain.KONGREGATE){ err_txt = "An error has occurred. Please submit a bug report with the following information:"; err_txt = (err_txt + "\n\n"); err_txt = (err_txt + (("Get Buy Items Error: " + + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("buyMode: " + String(buyMode)) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("b.length: " + String(b.length)) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("greenChecked: " + greenCheck.checked) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("blueChecked: " + blueCheck.checked) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("purpleChecked: " + purpleCheck.checked) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + ((((("[" + error.errorID) + "] ") + error.message) + " ") + error.getStackTrace())); err_dlg = new ErrorDialog("Error!", err_txt); dm.stage.addChild(err_dlg); }; } finally { var _local4:* = b; //unresolved jump 1; return (_local4); }; } private function sellTabClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ buying = false; updateTabs(); } public function showComparisons(_arg1:Item):void{ var _local2:PlayerCharacter; var _local3:ItemComparison; var _local4:CharacterPortrait; if ((_arg1 is Equipment)){ removeComparisons(); comparisons = new Array(); for each (_local2 in pc_party.members) { if ((_local2 is PC_Adventurer)){ } else { _local3 = new ItemComparison(_local2, Equipment(_arg1).slot, Equipment(_arg1)); comparisons.push(_local3); _local4 = _local2.portraitRef; if (_local4 != null){ dm.stage.addChild(_local3); _local3.x = _local4.x; _local3.y = _local4.y; }; }; }; }; } public function removeComparisons():void{ var _local1:ItemComparison; for each (_local1 in comparisons) { if (_local1.parent != null){ _local1.parent.removeChild(_local1); }; }; } private function getWelcomeText():String{ var _local1:String; var _local2:int; _local1 = ""; _local2 = dmf.randomNum(1, 100); if (_local2 < 20){ _local1 = (_local1 + "Welcome to the Emporium, adventurer!\n\n"); _local1 = (_local1 + "Found one of our portal scrolls, did you? We get most of our business that way."); } else { if (_local2 < 40){ _local1 = (_local1 + "Sorry, didn't see you come in. What can I help you with today?"); } else { if (_local2 < 60){ _local1 = (_local1 + "Welcome to the Emporium! Whatever it is you need, we have it."); } else { if (_local2 < 80){ _local1 = (_local1 + "Ah, adventurers! You've come to the right place."); } else { _local1 = (_local1 + "Welcome, welcome. Have a look around, our range is extensive. Maybe I can take some treasures off your hands?"); }; }; }; }; return (_local1); } public function selectChar(_arg1:PlayerCharacter){ selectedChar = _arg1; tooltipController.setChar(_arg1); playerGraphic.setChar(_arg1); updatePaperdoll(_arg1); playerName.text = _arg1.charname; dmf.embolden(playerName); playerClass.text = _arg1.classname; } private function addBuyItems(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{ var b:Array; var gotten:Boolean; var oldY:int; var item:Item; var showEntry:Boolean; var sle:ShopListEntry; var err_txt:*; var err_dlg:ErrorDialog; var retainPosition = _arg1; b = new Array(); gotten = false; try { buyPanel.buyList.setShop(this); oldY = buyPanel.buyList.scrollHandle.y; buyPanel.buyList.empty(); b = getBuyItems(); gotten = true; for each (item in b) { if (item == null){ } else { showEntry = true; if ((((item.item_rarity == && ((greenCheck.checked == false)))){ showEntry = false; } else { if ((((item.item_rarity == && ((blueCheck.checked == false)))){ showEntry = false; } else { if ((((item.item_rarity == Item.purple)) && ((purpleCheck.checked == false)))){ showEntry = false; } else { showEntry = true; }; }; }; if (showEntry){ sle = new ShopListEntry(item, tooltipController, null, true, this); if (sle != null){ buyPanel.buyList.addEntry(sle); } else { throw (new Error(("invalid sle for item " + item.item_name))); }; }; }; }; buyPanel.buyList.finishedAdding(); if (retainPosition){ buyPanel.buyList.moveHandleTo(oldY); buyPanel.buyList.update(); }; } catch(error:Error) { if (DungeonMain.KONGREGATE){ err_txt = "An error has occurred. Please submit a bug report with the following information:"; err_txt = (err_txt + "\n\n"); err_txt = (err_txt + (("Add Buy Items Error: " + + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("buyMode: " + String(buyMode)) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("b.length: " + String(b.length)) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("greenChecked: " + greenCheck.checked) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("blueChecked: " + blueCheck.checked) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("purpleChecked: " + purpleCheck.checked) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + ((((("[" + error.errorID) + "] ") + error.message) + " ") + error.getStackTrace())); err_dlg = new ErrorDialog("Error!", err_txt); dm.stage.addChild(err_dlg); }; }; } private function addBubble(_arg1:String):void{ if (bubble != null){ bubble.fade(); }; bubble = new SpeechBubble(_arg1); bubble.x = BUBBLE_X; bubble.y = BUBBLE_Y; addChild(bubble); } public function buyClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var refreshedItems:Boolean; var buyItem:Item; var g:int; var messages:Array; var messageText:String; var invFullString:String; var i:int; var j:int; var consumClass:*; var consum:Item; var err_txt:*; var err_dlg:ErrorDialog; var e = _arg1; if (buyPanel.buyList.selectedEntry == null){ return; }; refreshedItems = false; removeComparisons(); buyItem = buyPanel.buyList.selectedEntry.item_ref; g = buyPanel.buyList.selectedEntry.price; try { if ((((pc_party.inventory.length >= Party.MAX_INVENTORY)) && ((pc_party.overflow.length >= Party.MAX_OVERFLOW)))){ invFullString = "You're carrying too many items."; if (dmf.randomNum(0, 100) > 50){ invFullString = "You look a little overburdened already.."; }; addBubble(invFullString); return; }; if (partyGold < g){ addBubble("Sorry, you can't afford that."); return; }; if ((((buyItem is Consumable)) && ((Consumable(buyItem).stack > 1)))){ Consumable(buyItem).stack--; } else { i = 0; while (i < buyItems.length) { j = 0; while (j < buyItems[i].length) { if (buyItems[i][j] == buyItem){ buyItems[i].splice(j, 1); break; }; j = (j + 1); }; i = (i + 1); }; }; addBuyItems(true); refreshedItems = true;; if ((((buyItem is Consumable)) && ((Consumable(buyItem).stack > 1)))){ consumClass = buyItem; consum = new consumClass.constructor(); pc_party.addToInventory(consum); } else { pc_party.addToInventory(buyItem); }; partyGold = (partyGold - g); updateGold(); updateInventoryCount(); messages = new Array(); if ((buyItem is Consumable)){ messages.push((("Demand for these keeps rising. I just recently had to raise the price on that " + buyItem.item_name) + ".")); messages.push((("A " + buyItem.item_name) + "? One of our most popular items! Can barely keep them on the shelves.")); } else { messages.push((("A " + buyItem.item_name) + ", excellent choice.")); messages.push((("" + buyItem.item_name) + ", one of our most popular items.")); messages.push((("Enjoy your new " + buyItem.item_name) + ".")); messages.push((("You won't be disappointed with that " + buyItem.item_name) + ".")); messages.push((("I let you have that " + buyItem.item_name) + " for a song. Don't spread it around.")); messages.push((("Thanks for shopping at the Emporium! Here's your new " + buyItem.item_name) + ".")); messages.push((("Here's your " + buyItem.item_name) + ", pleasure doing business with you.")); messages.push((("You want a " + buyItem.item_name) + "? I hear a lot of good things about these.")); messages.push((("Remember to tell your friends where you got that impressive new " + buyItem.item_name) + ".")); messages.push((("That's one " + buyItem.item_name) + ". Can I help you with anyone else?")); messages.push((("A fine selection. I had an eye on that " + buyItem.item_name) + " myself.")); }; messageText = messages[dmf.randomNum(0, (messages.length - 1))]; addBubble(messageText); } catch(error:Error) { if (DungeonMain.KONGREGATE){ err_txt = "An error has occurred. Please submit a bug report with the following information:"; err_txt = (err_txt + "\n\n"); err_txt = (err_txt + (("Buy Click Error: " + + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("item: " + String(buyItem)) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("mode: " + String(buyMode)) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("refreshed: " + refreshedItems) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + ((("[" + error.errorID) + "] ") + error.getStackTrace())); err_dlg = new ErrorDialog("Error!", err_txt); dm.stage.addChild(err_dlg); }; }; } public function cleanup():void{ var _local1:CharacterPortrait; buyPanel.buyList.cleanup(); sellPanel.sellList.cleanup(); exitButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, leaveClick); buyTab.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, buyTabClick); sellTab.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, sellTabClick); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); greenCheck.cleanup(); blueCheck.cleanup(); purpleCheck.cleanup(); sellPanel.sellButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, sellClick); buyPanel.buyButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, buyClick); if (bubble != null){ bubble.fade(); }; dm.stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, hotKey); optionsButton.cleanup(); helpButton.cleanup(); removeComparisons(); for each (_local1 in portraits) { _local1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, portraitClick); }; } function portraitClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ selectChar(PlayerCharacter(CharacterPortrait(_arg1.currentTarget).char_ref)); } private function updateGold():void{ goldDisplay.setGold(partyGold); } private function hotKey(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:String; var _local4:int; var _local5:ErrorDialog; if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE){ if (buying){ buyClick(null); } else { sellClick(null); }; } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.F1){ _local2 = dm.stage.getChildByName("debugPanel"); if (_local2 != null){ if (dm.stage.contains(_local2)){ dm.stage.removeChild(_local2); }; } else { _local3 = ""; _local4 = -1; if (buying){ _local4 = buyPanel.buyList.entries.length; } else { _local4 = sellPanel.sellList.entries.length; }; _local3 = (_local3 + (((Capabilities.os + " ") + Capabilities.language) + "\n")); _local3 = (_local3 + (((Capabilities.version + " ") + Capabilities.playerType) + "\n")); _local3 = (_local3 + (("Audio: " + Capabilities.hasAudioEncoder) + "\n")); _local3 = (_local3 + "\n"); if (buying){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("buying: " + buying) + "\n")); }; if (buyMode == BUY_ALL){ _local3 = (_local3 + (("buyMode: " + buyMode) + "\n")); } else { _local3 = (_local3 + (((("buyMode: " + buyMode) + ", mode items: ") + buyItems[buyMode].length) + "\n")); }; _local3 = (_local3 + (("sellMode: " + sellMode) + "\n")); _local3 = (_local3 + (("list entries: " + _local4) + ", ")); if (buying){ if (buyPanel.buyList.pane == null){ _local3 = (_local3 + "pane null"); } else { _local3 = (_local3 + (("pane children: " + buyPanel.buyList.pane.numChildren) + ", ")); _local3 = (_local3 + (("pane height: " + buyPanel.buyList.paneHeight) + "\n")); _local3 = (_local3 + (("pane x: " + buyPanel.buyList.pane.x) + ", ")); _local3 = (_local3 + (("pane y: " + buyPanel.buyList.pane.y) + "\n")); if (buyPanel.buyList.pane.parent != null){ _local3 = (_local3 + "pane parent: true\n"); } else { _local3 = (_local3 + "pane parent: false\n"); }; }; } else { if (sellPanel.sellList.pane == null){ _local3 = (_local3 + "pane null"); } else { _local3 = (_local3 + (("pane children: " + sellPanel.sellList.pane.numChildren) + ", ")); _local3 = (_local3 + (("pane height: " + sellPanel.sellList.paneHeight) + "\n")); _local3 = (_local3 + (("pane x: " + sellPanel.sellList.pane.x) + ", ")); _local3 = (_local3 + (("pane y: " + sellPanel.sellList.pane.y) + "\n")); if (sellPanel.sellList.pane.parent != null){ _local3 = (_local3 + "pane parent: true\n"); } else { _local3 = (_local3 + "pane parent: false\n"); }; }; }; _local3 = (_local3 + (((((("g: " + greenCheck.checked) + ", b: ") + blueCheck.checked) + ", p: ") + purpleCheck.checked) + "\n")); _local5 = new ErrorDialog("Debug Information", _local3); = "debugPanel"; dm.stage.addChild(_local5); }; }; }; } private function onFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ if (buying){ if (buyPanel.buyList.selectedEntry == null){ buyPanel.buyDisabler.alpha = 1; buyPanel.buyDisabler.mouseEnabled = true; } else { buyPanel.buyDisabler.alpha = 0; buyPanel.buyDisabler.mouseEnabled = false; }; } else { if (sellPanel.sellList.selectedEntry == null){ sellPanel.sellDisabler.alpha = 1; sellPanel.sellDisabler.mouseEnabled = true; } else { sellPanel.sellDisabler.alpha = 0; sellPanel.sellDisabler.mouseEnabled = false; }; }; } private function getSellItems():Array{ var list:Array; var it:Item; var fullInv:Array; var player:PlayerCharacter; var err_txt:*; var err_dlg:ErrorDialog; try { fullInv = pc_party.inventory.concat(pc_party.overflow); for each (it in fullInv) { if (it != null){ it.playerOwner = null; }; }; if (sellMode == SELL_ALL){ list = fullInv; } else { if (sellMode == SELL_EQUIPPED){ list = new Array(); for each (player in pc_party.members) { if (player == null){ } else { for each (it in player.gear) { if (it != null){ it.playerOwner = player; list.push(it); }; }; }; }; } else { throw (new Error(("invalid sell mode: " + sellMode))); }; }; } catch(error:Error) { if (DungeonMain.KONGREGATE){ err_txt = "An error has occurred. Please submit a bug report with the following information:"; err_txt = (err_txt + "\n\n"); err_txt = (err_txt + (("Get Sell Items Error: " + + "\n")); if (sellPanel.sellList.entries != null){ err_txt = (err_txt + (("entries: " + String(sellPanel.sellList.entries.length)) + "\n")); }; if (list != null){ err_txt = (err_txt + (("list: " + String(list.length)) + "\n")); }; err_txt = (err_txt + ((((("[" + error.errorID) + "] ") + error.message) + ", ") + error.getStackTrace())); err_dlg = new ErrorDialog("Error!", err_txt); dm.stage.addChild(err_dlg); }; } finally { var _local4:* = list; //unresolved jump 1; return (_local4); }; } private function outIcon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ removeComparisons(); } private function clickBuyTabArmorHeavy(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ buyMode = BUY_ARMOR_HEAVY; updateBuyTabs(); } private function clickBuyTabWeapons(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ buyMode = BUY_WEAPONS; updateBuyTabs(); } public function init(_arg1:Event=null):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:String; var _local4 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:HintDialog; if (initialised){ return; }; initialised = true; buying = true; buyTab.tab_text.text = "Buy Items"; sellTab.tab_text.text = "Sell Items"; updateGold(); greenCheck.setDescription("'Magical'", true, Item.textColorForRarity(; blueCheck.setDescription("'Rare'", true, Item.textColorForRarity(; purpleCheck.setDescription("'Unique'", true, Item.textColorForRarity(Item.purple)); greenCheck.setChecked(true); blueCheck.setChecked(true); purpleCheck.setChecked(true); greenCheck.setCallback(checkFilters); blueCheck.setCallback(checkFilters); purpleCheck.setCallback(checkFilters); buyPanel.buyList.setTooltipController(tooltipController); exitButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, leaveClick); buyTab.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, buyTabClick); sellTab.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, sellTabClick); dm.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, hotKey); updateTabs(); selectChar(pc_party.members[0]); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < pc_party.members.length) { if ((pc_party.members[_local2] is PC_Adventurer)){ } else { _local5 = getChildByName(("empty" + (_local2 + 1))); _local6 = new CharacterPortrait(); _local6.x = _local5.x; _local6.y = _local5.y; _local6.setChar(pc_party.members[_local2]); = ("portrait" + _local2); _local6.setGlow(); pc_party.members[_local2].portraitRef = _local6; removeChild(_local5); addChild(_local6); _local6.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, portraitClick); portraits.push(_local6); }; _local2++; }; sellPanel.sellButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, sellClick); buyPanel.buyButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, buyClick); if (pc_party.campaign == Campaign.SURVIVAL){ _local3 = "Buy whatever you need."; } else { _local3 = getWelcomeText(); }; bubble.setText(_local3); buyPanel.allTab.tab_text.text = "Show All Items"; buyPanel.weaponsTab.tab_text.text = "Show Weapons"; buyPanel.accessoriesTab.tab_text.text = "Other Equipment"; buyPanel.armorLightTab.tab_text.text = "Light Armor"; buyPanel.armorMediumTab.tab_text.text = "Medium Armor"; buyPanel.armorHeavyTab.tab_text.text = "Heavy Armor"; buyPanel.consumablesTab.tab_text.text = "Potions & Misc"; buyPanel.allTab.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickBuyTabAll); buyPanel.weaponsTab.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickBuyTabWeapons); buyPanel.accessoriesTab.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickBuyTabAccessories); buyPanel.armorLightTab.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickBuyTabArmorLight); buyPanel.armorMediumTab.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickBuyTabArmorMedium); buyPanel.armorHeavyTab.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickBuyTabArmorHeavy); buyPanel.consumablesTab.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickBuyTabConsumables); sellPanel.allTab.tab_text.text = "Show Inventory"; sellPanel.equippedTab.tab_text.text = "Show Equipped"; sellPanel.allTab.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickSellTabAll); sellPanel.equippedTab.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickSellTabEquipped); updateInventoryCount(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); _local4 = 0x0100; if (((DungeonMain.showHints) && ((Dungeon.hintShown(_local4) == false)))){ _local7 = new HintDialog("Emporium", "Visiting the Emporium gives you an opportunity to buy and sell items. You can switch between buying and selling using the tabs at the top of the screen, as well as filter which items are displayed.\n\nYou can press the space bar to buy/sell the currently selected item, or Ctrl-click to buy/sell an item instantly."); DungeonMain.hints = (DungeonMain.hints + _local4); dm.stage.addChild(_local7); dm.main.saveInterface(); }; } private function clickBuyTabConsumables(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ buyMode = BUY_CONSUMABLES; updateBuyTabs(); } public function leaveClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var e = _arg1; if (pc_party.campaign == Campaign.SURVIVAL){ = partyGold; dm.main.saveParty(); dm.main.saveInventory(); dm.main.saveChars(); parent.removeChild(this); } else { try { if (((DungeonMain.KONGREGATE) && (!((DungeonMain.kongregateSWF == null))))){ DungeonMain.kongregateSWF.stats.submit("TotalGold", earnedGold); }; } catch(e:Error) { } finally { cleanup(); dm.main.leaveShop(partyGold); }; }; } private function clickBuyTabArmorLight(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ buyMode = BUY_ARMOR_LIGHT; updateBuyTabs(); } public function sellClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var sellItem:Item; var owner:PlayerCharacter; var g:int; var refreshed:Boolean; var messages:Array; var messageText:String; var err_txt:*; var err_dlg:ErrorDialog; var e = _arg1; if (sellPanel.sellList.selectedEntry == null){ return; }; sellItem = sellPanel.sellList.selectedEntry.item_ref; owner = sellPanel.sellList.selectedEntry.equipper; g = sellPanel.sellList.selectedEntry.price; refreshed = false; try { removeComparisons(); if ((((sellItem is PortalScroll)) || ((g <= 0)))){ addBubble("Sorry, I'm not buying that."); return; }; if (((!((owner == null))) && ((sellItem is Equipment)))){ owner.gear[Equipment(sellItem).slot] = null; if (owner == selectedChar){ updatePaperdoll(owner); }; } else { if ((((sellItem is Consumable)) && ((Consumable(sellItem).stack > 1)))){ Consumable(sellItem).stack--; } else { pc_party.removeFromInventory(sellItem); }; }; earnedGold = (earnedGold + g); partyGold = (partyGold + g); updateGold(); updateInventoryCount();; addSellItems(true); refreshed = true; messages = new Array(); if ((sellItem is Consumable)){ messages.push((("Oh, a " + sellItem.item_name) + "? Excellent. Hard to keep these in stock.")); messages.push((("Thank you! We have customers asking for a " + sellItem.item_name) + " all the time. The going price just keeps on rising.")); } else { if (sellItem.item_rarity == Item.grey){ messages.push((("Hmm. That " + sellItem.item_name) + " isn't much to look at, but maybe I can find a buyer.")); messages.push((("Alright, I'll buy the " + sellItem.item_name) + ", but I'm really doing you a favor here.")); messages.push((("Got a lot of use out of that " + sellItem.item_name) + ", did you? Look at the state it's in!")); messages.push((("I prefer not to deal in damaged goods, but I'll take the " + sellItem.item_name) + " this time.")); } else { if (sellItem.item_rarity =={ messages.push((("Well now!. That " + sellItem.item_name) + " is an impressive item.")); messages.push((("That " + sellItem.item_name) + " is going to put a dent in my funds. Worth every penny, though.")); messages.push((("Don't see a lot of people willing to part with an item as good as that " + sellItem.item_name) + ".")); messages.push((("That one's going in the display case! \"Get your " + sellItem.item_name) + ", only at the Emporium!\".")); messages.push((("Never even seen a " + sellItem.item_name) + " before. I have a lot of clients who'll want to hear about this!")); } else { messages.push((("Yes, I'll buy the " + sellItem.item_name) + ".")); messages.push((("Happy to buy that " + sellItem.item_name) + " from you.")); messages.push((("I'm sure I can find a buyer for that " + sellItem.item_name) + ".")); messages.push((("I'll take the " + sellItem.item_name) + " off your hands.")); messages.push((("That's a fair price for a " + sellItem.item_name) + ".")); messages.push((("Had a customer looking for a " + sellItem.item_name) + " like this.")); messages.push((("Always plenty of demand for a good " + sellItem.item_name) + ".")); messages.push((("I'll have no problem moving this " + sellItem.item_name) + ".")); }; }; }; messageText = messages[dmf.randomNum(0, (messages.length - 1))]; addBubble(messageText); } catch(error:Error) { if (DungeonMain.KONGREGATE){ err_txt = "An error has occurred. Please submit a bug report with the following information:"; err_txt = (err_txt + "\n\n"); err_txt = (err_txt + (("Sell Click Error: " + + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("item: " + String(sellItem)) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("mode: " + String(sellMode)) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("refreshed: " + refreshed) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + ((("[" + error.errorID) + "] ") + error.getStackTrace())); err_dlg = new ErrorDialog("Error!", err_txt); dm.stage.addChild(err_dlg); }; }; } private function clickBuyTabAll(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ buyMode = BUY_ALL; updateBuyTabs(); } public function equipItem(_arg1:Item, _arg2:PlayerCharacter):void{ if (((_arg2.equip(Equipment(_arg1))) && (!(buying)))){ addSellItems(); updatePaperdoll(_arg2); }; } private function clickSellTabAll(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ sellMode = SELL_ALL; updateSellTabs(); } private function generateBuyItems():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; _local1 = 0; buyItems = new Array((BUY_CONSUMABLES + 1)); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < buyItems.length) { buyItems[_local1] = new Array(); _local1++; }; _local2 = 2; _local3 = 1; _local4 = 3; _local5 = 3; if (pc_party.campaign == Campaign.SURVIVAL){ _local2++; _local3++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_WEAPONS].push(new iSword(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_WEAPONS].push(new iSword(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_WEAPONS].push(new iMace(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_WEAPONS].push(new iMace(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_WEAPONS].push(new iDagger(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_WEAPONS].push(new iDagger(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_WEAPONS].push(new iAxe(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_WEAPONS].push(new iAxe(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_WEAPONS].push(new iSpear(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_WEAPONS].push(new iSpear(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_WEAPONS].push(new iStaff(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_WEAPONS].push(new iStaff(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_WEAPONS].push(new iBow(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_WEAPONS].push(new iBow(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_WEAPONS].push(new iCrossbow(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_WEAPONS].push(new iCrossbow(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_HEAVY].push(new iPlateHelmet(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_HEAVY].push(new iPlateHelmet(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_HEAVY].push(new iPlateBreastplate(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_HEAVY].push(new iPlateBreastplate(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_HEAVY].push(new iPlateGloves(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_HEAVY].push(new iPlateGloves(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_HEAVY].push(new iPlateGreaves(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_HEAVY].push(new iPlateGreaves(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_HEAVY].push(new iPlateBoots(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_HEAVY].push(new iPlateBoots(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_MEDIUM].push(new iLeatherHat(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_MEDIUM].push(new iLeatherHat(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_MEDIUM].push(new iLeatherChest(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_MEDIUM].push(new iLeatherChest(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_MEDIUM].push(new iLeatherGloves(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_MEDIUM].push(new iLeatherGloves(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_MEDIUM].push(new iLeatherLegs(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_MEDIUM].push(new iLeatherLegs(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_MEDIUM].push(new iLeatherBoots(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_MEDIUM].push(new iLeatherBoots(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_LIGHT].push(new iClothHat(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_LIGHT].push(new iClothHat(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_LIGHT].push(new iClothRobe(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_LIGHT].push(new iClothRobe(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_LIGHT].push(new iClothGloves(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_LIGHT].push(new iClothGloves(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_LIGHT].push(new iClothLegs(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_LIGHT].push(new iClothLegs(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_LIGHT].push(new iClothShoes(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_LIGHT].push(new iClothShoes(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_ACCESSORIES].push(new iRing(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_ACCESSORIES].push(new iRing(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_ACCESSORIES].push(new iCloak(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_ACCESSORIES].push(new iCloak(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_ACCESSORIES].push(new iParryingDagger(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_ACCESSORIES].push(new iParryingDagger(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_ACCESSORIES].push(new iShieldBuckler(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_ACCESSORIES].push(new iShieldBuckler(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_ACCESSORIES].push(new iShieldTower(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_ACCESSORIES].push(new iShieldTower(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_ACCESSORIES].push(new iCenser(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_ACCESSORIES].push(new iCenser(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { buyItems[BUY_ACCESSORIES].push(new iQuiver(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { buyItems[BUY_ACCESSORIES].push(new iQuiver(pc_party.level,; _local1++; }; if (pc_party.campaign != Campaign.SURVIVAL){ addConsumable(new PotionHealth(), _local4); addConsumable(new PotionPower(), _local4); addConsumable(new PotionRevive(), _local4); addConsumable(new SneakyScroll(), 1); if (dmf.randomNum(0, 100) < 20){ addConsumable(new PotionPoisonResist(), 1); }; if (dmf.randomNum(0, 100) < 20){ addConsumable(new PotionRejuve(), 1); }; if (dmf.randomNum(0, 100) < 20){ addConsumable(new PotionShield(), 1); }; if (dmf.randomNum(0, 100) < 20){ addConsumable(new PotionQuickness(), 1); }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local5) { buyItems[BUY_CONSUMABLES].push(new Enchantment(pc_party.level, 0, false)); _local1++; }; addPurple(); if (dmf.randomNum(0, 100) < 50){ addPurple(); }; }; } private function buyTabClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ buying = true; updateTabs(); } private function addPurple():void{ var _local1:Item; _local1 = TreasureChest.getItem(pc_party.level, Item.purple); if (_local1 != null){ if ((_local1 is Weapon)){ buyItems[BUY_WEAPONS].push(_local1); } else { if ((_local1 is LightArmor)){ buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_LIGHT].push(_local1); } else { if ((_local1 is MediumArmor)){ buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_MEDIUM].push(_local1); } else { if ((_local1 is HeavyArmor)){ buyItems[BUY_ARMOR_HEAVY].push(_local1); } else { buyItems[BUY_ACCESSORIES].push(_local1); }; }; }; }; }; } private function clickBuyTabAccessories(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ buyMode = BUY_ACCESSORIES; updateBuyTabs(); } private function checkFilters(_arg1:MouseEvent=null):void{ if (buying){ addBuyItems(); } else { addSellItems(); }; } private function addConsumable(_arg1:Consumable, _arg2:int):void{ _arg1.stack = _arg2; buyItems[BUY_CONSUMABLES].push(_arg1); } private function updateTabs():void{ if (buying){ updateBuyTabs(); buyTab.gotoAndStop(1); sellTab.gotoAndStop(2); dmf.childToTop(buyTab); if (this.contains(sellPanel)){ this.removeChild(sellPanel); }; if (!(this.contains(buyPanel))){ this.addChild(buyPanel); }; } else { updateSellTabs(); buyTab.gotoAndStop(2); sellTab.gotoAndStop(1); dmf.childToTop(sellTab); if (this.contains(buyPanel)){ this.removeChild(buyPanel); }; if (!(this.contains(sellPanel))){ this.addChild(sellPanel); }; }; } private function updateSellTabs():void{ sellPanel.allTab.gotoAndStop(2); sellPanel.equippedTab.gotoAndStop(2); if (sellMode == SELL_ALL){ sellPanel.allTab.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (sellMode == SELL_EQUIPPED){ sellPanel.equippedTab.gotoAndStop(1); }; }; addSellItems(); sellPanel.sellList.resetHandle(); } private function addSellItems(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{ var sellList:Array; var oldY:int; var it:Item; var sle:ShopListEntry; var err_txt:*; var err_dlg:ErrorDialog; var retainPosition = _arg1; try { sellPanel.sellList.setShop(this); oldY = sellPanel.sellList.scrollHandle.y; sellPanel.sellList.empty(); sellList = getSellItems(); for each (it in sellList) { if (it == null){ } else { if ((((it.item_rarity == && (!(greenCheck.checked)))){ continue; } else { if ((((it.item_rarity == && (!(blueCheck.checked)))){ continue; } else { if ((((it.item_rarity == Item.purple)) && (!(purpleCheck.checked)))){ continue; }; }; }; sle = new ShopListEntry(it, tooltipController, it.playerOwner, false, this); sellPanel.sellList.addEntry(sle); }; }; sellPanel.sellList.finishedAdding(); if (retainPosition){ sellPanel.sellList.moveHandleTo(oldY); sellPanel.sellList.update(); }; } catch(error:Error) { if (DungeonMain.KONGREGATE){ err_txt = "An error has occurred. Please submit a bug report with the following information:"; err_txt = (err_txt + "\n\n"); err_txt = (err_txt + (("Add Sell Items Error: " + + "\n")); if (sellList != null){ err_txt = (err_txt + (("entries: " + String(sellPanel.sellList.entries.length)) + "\n")); }; if (sellList != null){ err_txt = (err_txt + (("sellList: " + String(sellList.length)) + "\n")); }; err_txt = (err_txt + ((("[" + error.errorID) + "] ") + error.getStackTrace())); err_dlg = new ErrorDialog("Error!", err_txt); dm.stage.addChild(err_dlg); }; }; } } }//package
Section 485
//ShopListEntry (ShopListEntry) package { import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class ShopListEntry extends Sprite { public var ownerLabel:TextField; public var priceLabel:TextField; public var bg:MovieClip; public var price:int; public var gold:Sprite; public var item_ref:Item; public var ico:InventoryIcon; public var itemLabel:TextField; public var equipper:PlayerCharacter; public var shop:Shop; public var tooltipController:ItemTooltipController; public static const FIXED_HEIGHT:int = 30; public function ShopListEntry(_arg1:Item=null, _arg2:ItemTooltipController=null, _arg3:PlayerCharacter=null, _arg4:Boolean=true, _arg5:Shop=null):void{ var _local6:Number; super(); select(false); if (_arg1 == null){ return; }; this.item_ref = _arg1; if (_arg2 == null){ return; }; this.tooltipController = _arg2; if (_arg3 != null){ this.equipper = _arg3; }; = _arg5; itemLabel.mouseEnabled = false; priceLabel.mouseEnabled = false; ownerLabel.mouseEnabled = false; gold.mouseEnabled = false; ico.tooltipController = _arg2; ico.setItem(_arg1); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverIcon); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutIcon); itemLabel.text = String(_arg1.item_name); itemLabel.textColor = Item.textColorForRarity(_arg1.item_rarity); dmf.embolden(itemLabel); if (equipper){ ownerLabel.text = ("Equipped by " + equipper.charname); } else { ownerLabel.text = ""; itemLabel.y = 8; }; price = _arg1.getWorth(); if (_arg4){ price = Math.round((price * 3)); if (_arg1.priceModifier == 0){ _local6 = ((dmf.randomNum(0, 30) - 15) / 100); _arg1.priceModifier = Math.round((_local6 * price)); }; price = (price + _arg1.priceModifier); }; priceLabel.text = String(price); priceLabel.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.RIGHT; gold.x = (priceLabel.x - 12); doubleClickEnabled = true; addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, doubleClick); } public function select(_arg1:Boolean=true):void{ if (_arg1){ bg.gotoAndStop("selected"); } else { bg.gotoAndStop("normal"); }; } private function mouseOverIcon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (shop != null){ shop.showComparisons(item_ref); }; } private function doubleClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (shop == null){ return; }; if (!(shop.buying)){ if ((((shop.sellMode == Shop.SELL_EQUIPPED)) && (!((equipper == null))))){ shop.removeItemFrom(item_ref, equipper); } else { if (shop.sellMode == Shop.SELL_ALL){ shop.equipItem(item_ref, Shop.selectedChar); }; }; }; } private function mouseOutIcon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (shop != null){ shop.removeComparisons(); }; } public function cleanup():void{ removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverIcon); removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutIcon); removeEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, doubleClick); } } }//package
Section 486
//ShopListScrolling (ShopListScrolling) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class ShopListScrolling extends Sprite { const HANDLE_Y_MIN:int = 15; const HANDLE_Y_MAX:int = 205; public const VISIBLE_HEIGHT:int = 220; private var scrolling:Boolean;// = false public var scrollBar:Sprite; public var scrollDown:ClickToScroll; private var handleGrabPos:int;// = 0 public var visibleArea:Sprite; private var scrollingDown:Boolean;// = false public var scrollUp:ClickToScroll; public var pane:Sprite; private var scrollingUp:Boolean;// = false public var scrollHandle:Sprite; public var entries:Array; public var selectedEntry:ShopListEntry; public var paneHeight:int;// = 0 public var maskSprite:Sprite; public var shop:Shop; public var tooltipController:ItemTooltipController; public function ShopListScrolling():void{ scrolling = false; handleGrabPos = 0; scrollingUp = false; scrollingDown = false; paneHeight = 0; super(); entries = new Array(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, frame); addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removed); scrollHandle.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startScroll); scrollBar.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickBar); } private function entryClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 =; if (_local2 == null){ return; }; if ((_local2 is InventoryIcon)){ _local2 = _local2.parent; }; unselect(); selectedEntry = _local2;; if (_arg1.ctrlKey){ if (shop != null){ if (shop.buying){ shop.buyClick(null); } else { shop.sellClick(null); }; }; }; } public function resetHandle():void{ moveHandleTo(HANDLE_Y_MIN); update(); } private function removed(_arg1:Event):void{ removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removed); stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopScroll); } public function addEntry(_arg1:ShopListEntry):void{ var err_txt:*; var err_dlg:ErrorDialog; var s = _arg1; try { entries.push(s); pane.addChild(s); s.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, entryClick); } catch(error:Error) { if (DungeonMain.KONGREGATE){ err_txt = "An error has occurred. Please submit a bug report with the following information:"; err_txt = (err_txt + "\n\n"); err_txt = (err_txt + (("Add Entry Error: " + + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("s: " + String(s)) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + ((((("[" + error.errorID) + "] ") + error.message) + " ") + error.getStackTrace())); err_dlg = new ErrorDialog("Error!", err_txt); dm.stage.addChild(err_dlg); }; }; } private function clickBar(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = Math.round(((scrollBar.height - scrollHandle.height) / 2)); if (scrollBar.mouseY < scrollHandle.y){ moveHandleTo((scrollHandle.y - _local2)); update(); } else { moveHandleTo((scrollHandle.y + _local2)); update(); }; } private function frame(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local3:int; var _local4:*; _local2 = 25; if (scrolling){ if ((((this.mouseX < (pane.width - _local2))) || ((this.mouseX > (this.width + _local2))))){ stopScroll(null); update(); } else { _local3 = Math.round(this.mouseY); moveHandleTo((_local3 - handleGrabPos)); update(); }; } else { _local4 = 5; if (scrollUp.scrolling){ moveHandleTo((scrollHandle.y - _local4)); update(); } else { if (scrollDown.scrolling){ moveHandleTo((scrollHandle.y + _local4)); update(); }; }; }; } public function setShop(_arg1:Shop):void{ = _arg1; } private function stopScroll(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (stage != null){ stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopScroll); }; scrolling = false; } public function empty(_arg1:Boolean=true):void{ var e:ShopListEntry; var i:int; var c:*; var err_txt:*; var err_dlg:ErrorDialog; var updateAfter = _arg1; try { unselect(); for each (e in entries) { if (e == null){ } else { if (e.parent != null){ e.parent.removeChild(e); }; e.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, entryClick); e.cleanup(); }; }; entries.length = 0; finishedAdding(); i = 0; while (i < pane.numChildren) { c = pane.getChildAt(i); if ((c is ShopListEntry)){ pane.removeChild(c); c.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, entryClick); ShopListEntry(c).cleanup(); }; i = (i + 1); }; if (updateAfter){ resetHandle(); }; } catch(error:Error) { if (DungeonMain.KONGREGATE){ err_txt = "An error has occurred. Please submit a bug report with the following information:"; err_txt = (err_txt + "\n\n"); err_txt = (err_txt + (("Empty List Error: " + + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("entries: " + String(entries.length)) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + ((((("[" + error.errorID) + "] ") + error.message) + " ") + error.getStackTrace())); err_dlg = new ErrorDialog("Error!", err_txt); dm.stage.addChild(err_dlg); }; }; } public function cleanup():void{ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, frame); scrollHandle.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startScroll); scrollBar.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickBar); scrollUp.cleanup(); scrollDown.cleanup(); empty(false); } public function finishedAdding():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:DisplayObject; var _local3:Number; var _local4:int; _local1 = 0; for each (_local2 in entries) { if (_local2 == null){ } else { _local2.x = 0; _local2.y = _local1; _local1 = (_local1 + ShopListEntry.FIXED_HEIGHT); }; }; paneHeight = _local1; _local3 = (VISIBLE_HEIGHT / paneHeight); _local4 = (HANDLE_Y_MAX - HANDLE_Y_MIN); if (paneHeight < VISIBLE_HEIGHT){ _local3 = 1; }; scrollHandle.height = Math.round((_local3 * _local4)); } public function setTooltipController(_arg1:ItemTooltipController):void{ var _local2:ShopListEntry; this.tooltipController = _arg1; for each (_local2 in entries) { if (_local2 == null){ continue; } else { _local2.tooltipController = _arg1; }; }; } public function moveHandleTo(_arg1:int):void{ _arg1 = Math.max(HANDLE_Y_MIN, _arg1); _arg1 = Math.min((HANDLE_Y_MAX - scrollHandle.height), _arg1); scrollHandle.y = _arg1; } private function setMasks():void{ setChildIndex(maskSprite, (numChildren - 1)); pane.mask = maskSprite; } public function update():void{ var frac:Number; var maxBarHeight:int; var scrollBarHeight:int; var scrollY:int; var minY:int; var err_txt:*; var err_dlg:ErrorDialog; frac = 0; try { moveHandleTo(scrollHandle.y); maxBarHeight = (HANDLE_Y_MAX - HANDLE_Y_MIN); scrollBarHeight = (maxBarHeight - scrollHandle.height); scrollY = (Math.round(scrollHandle.y) - HANDLE_Y_MIN); frac = (scrollY / scrollBarHeight); if (scrollBarHeight == 0){ frac = 1; }; minY = (VISIBLE_HEIGHT - paneHeight); pane.x = 0; pane.y = Math.round((frac * minY)); if (pane.y > 0){ pane.y = 0; } else { if (pane.y < minY){ pane.y = minY; }; }; if (!(this.contains(pane))){ addChild(pane); }; setMasks(); } catch(error:Error) { if (DungeonMain.KONGREGATE){ err_txt = "An error has occurred. Please submit a bug report with the following information:"; err_txt = (err_txt + "\n\n"); err_txt = (err_txt + (("Scroll Update Error: " + + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("scrollHandle: " + String(scrollHandle.y)) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("frac: " + String(frac)) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + ((((("[" + error.errorID) + "] ") + error.message) + " ") + error.getStackTrace())); err_dlg = new ErrorDialog("Error!", err_txt); dm.stage.addChild(err_dlg); }; }; } private function startScroll(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopScroll); scrolling = true; handleGrabPos = Math.round((this.mouseY - scrollHandle.y)); } public function unselect():void{ if (selectedEntry != null){; selectedEntry = null; }; } } }//package
Section 487
//ShrineUseDialog (ShrineUseDialog) package { import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class ShrineUseDialog extends MovieClip { public var yes_btn:MovieClip; public var headerText:TextField; public var no_btn:MovieClip; public var bodyText:TextField; public function ShrineUseDialog(_arg1:String="", _arg2:String=""):void{ if (_arg1 != ""){ headerText.text = _arg1; dmf.embolden(headerText); }; if (_arg2 != ""){ bodyText.text = _arg2; }; this.yes_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickYes); this.no_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickNo); dm.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); } function clickYes(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (((!((parent == null))) && ((parent is Dungeon)))){ cleanup(); Dungeon(parent).useShrine(); }; } function clickNo(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (parent != null){ cleanup(); parent.removeChild(this); }; } private function cleanup():void{ yes_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickYes); no_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickNo); dm.stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); } function reportKeyDown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER){ clickYes(null); } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ESCAPE){ clickNo(null); }; }; } } }//package
Section 488
//sHydraBite (sHydraBite) package { public class sHydraBite extends Skill { public function sHydraBite(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; rangedAttack = true; damage = _arg1.damage; power_cost = 25; skillname = "Attack"; verbage = "attacks"; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.creatureBite; } } }//package
Section 489
//sHydraGrowHeads (sHydraGrowHeads) package { public class sHydraGrowHeads extends Skill { public function sHydraGrowHeads(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; hydraGrowHeads = true; alwaysHits = true; resurrects = true; damage = 0; power_cost = 30; skillname = "Regenerate Heads!"; verbage = "regenerates heads"; } } }//package
Section 490
//sInstillFear (sInstillFear) package { public class sInstillFear extends Skill { public function sInstillFear(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; rangedAttack = true; stun_percent = 100; power_cost = 35; crippling = 100; skillname = "Instill Fear"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.fearDeath; } } }//package
Section 491
//Skill (Skill) package { public class Skill { var showWeaponAnimation:Boolean;// = false var requiresRanged:Boolean;// = false var swapPositions:Boolean;// = false var undeadMultiplier:Number;// = 0 var nonCombat:Boolean;// = false var clonesPlayers:Boolean;// = false var char_ref:Character; var shufflesEnemies:Boolean;// = false var invulnerable:int;// = 0 var makeDamageSponge:Boolean;// = false var killsUser:Boolean;// = false var debuff_damageResist:int;// = 0 var increaseRate:Number;// = 1 var onlyDamagesUndead:Boolean;// = false var aiNotUnlessLowPower:Boolean;// = false var crippling:int;// = 0 var removesPoison:Boolean;// = false var aiTargetsBackRow:Boolean;// = false var skillname:String;// = "Skill" var cancelPowerRegen:int;// = 0 var forceRetreat:Boolean;// = false var requiresMelee:Boolean;// = false var cancelHealthRegen:int;// = 0 var targetsSummoned:Boolean;// = false private var _power_cost:int;// = 0 var hidesTarget:Boolean;// = false var iconFrame:int;// = 1 var aiCastLimit:int;// = -1 var transformCreatureClass:MonsterCharacter;// = null var cannotDie:int;// = 0 var targetDamageMod;// = 1 var curse;// = 0 var costsRemainingPower:Boolean;// = false var vampiric_percent:int;// = 0 var poisonDamage:int;// = 0 var attacksTwoTargets:Boolean;// = false var buff_damageResist:int;// = 0 var addsPowerToLethality:Boolean;// = false var hitsAllEnemies:Boolean;// = false var hasPortraitAnimation:Boolean;// = false var requiresShield:Boolean;// = false var splashHitsAllies:Boolean;// = false var requiresLowHealth:Boolean;// = false var aiNotUnlessHurt:Boolean;// = false var specialAnimation:int;// = 0 var powerDamage:int;// = 0 var increasesWith:int;// = 5 var buff_quickness:int;// = 0 var portraitAnimationDuration:int;// = 1500 var aiOnlyWhenHordeDead:Boolean;// = false var unlocked:Boolean;// = false var ignoresArmor:Boolean;// = false var buff_damage:Number;// = 1 var aiAllowSuicide:Boolean;// = false var portraitAnimationFrame:int;// = 0 var requiresVerticalGap:Boolean;// = false var woundsRestorePower:int;// = 0 var healing:int;// = 0 var tempDamageResistance:int;// = 0 var buff_vampiric:int;// = 0 var active:Boolean;// = false var gainPowerFromKill:int;// = 0 var extraSpeedAttacks:int;// = 0 var usesWeaponRange:Boolean;// = false var lethality:int;// = 0 var splashDamageMultiplier:Number;// = 0 var scaleWeaponDamage;// = 1 var magicStrength:Number;// = 0 var damageBonusVsCreatureModifier;// = 1 var buff_stun:int;// = 0 var position:int;// = 1 var aiTargetOnlyLowHealth:Boolean;// = false var allyBonusAttack:Boolean;// = false var buff_resistStun:int;// = 0 var targetsStunned:Boolean;// = false var targetsFriendlies:Boolean;// = false var buff_healthRegen:int;// = 0 var hitsAllMeleeRange:Boolean;// = false var piercesColumn:Boolean;// = false var buff_damageReflect:int;// = 0 var removesCurse:Boolean;// = false var buff_accuracy:int;// = 0 var summonsWhirlwind:Boolean;// = false var requiresWeapon:Boolean;// = false var targetsEmpty:Boolean;// = false var damage:int;// = 0 var targetsSelf:Boolean;// = false var hydraGrowHeads:Boolean;// = false var verbage:String; var damageBonusVsCreatureType;// = 0 var damageAccuracy:int;// = 0 var hitsAllEmpty:Boolean;// = false var aiTargetHealthiest:Boolean;// = false var buff_powerRegen:int;// = 0 var hitsAllFriendlies:Boolean;// = false var attacksMultipleTimes:int;// = 0 var aiAlwaysUse:Boolean;// = false var powerRegenMod:Number;// = 1 var doesNotEffectSelf:Boolean;// = false var debuff_damage:Number;// = 1 var stun_percent:int;// = 0 var nonLethal:Boolean;// = false var suppressStunAnim:Boolean;// = false var aiCastCount:int;// = 0 var powerRestore:int;// = 0 var health_cost:int;// = 0 var targetsFriendlyFrontRow:Boolean;// = false var intimidating:Boolean;// = false var summonsCreatureClass:Character;// = null var unarmedAttack:Boolean;// = false var aiPriority:int;// = 5 var alwaysHits:Boolean;// = false var resurrects:Boolean;// = false var powerDrain:Boolean;// = false var rangedAttack:Boolean;// = false var addWeaponDamage;// = false var buff_resistPoison:int;// = 0 var attacksWithAccuracyMod:Number;// = 1 static const intellect:int = 4; static const strength:int = 1; static const dexterity:int = 3; static const endurance:int = 2; static const level:int = 6; static const weapon:int = 5; static const none:int = 0; public function Skill(){ skillname = "Skill"; verbage = ("uses " + String(skillname)); iconFrame = 1; active = false; position = 1; unlocked = false; nonCombat = false; aiCastLimit = -1; aiCastCount = 0; aiNotUnlessHurt = false; aiTargetHealthiest = false; aiNotUnlessLowPower = false; aiAllowSuicide = false; aiTargetsBackRow = false; aiTargetOnlyLowHealth = false; aiAlwaysUse = false; aiOnlyWhenHordeDead = false; aiPriority = 5; increasesWith = Skill.weapon; increaseRate = 1; requiresWeapon = false; requiresMelee = false; requiresRanged = false; requiresShield = false; unarmedAttack = false; requiresLowHealth = false; _power_cost = 0; health_cost = 0; damage = 0; healing = 0; buff_resistPoison = 0; buff_resistStun = 0; buff_damageResist = 0; buff_damageReflect = 0; buff_healthRegen = 0; buff_powerRegen = 0; buff_vampiric = 0; buff_stun = 0; buff_quickness = 0; buff_damage = 1; buff_accuracy = 0; debuff_damageResist = 0; debuff_damage = 1; targetDamageMod = 1; damageAccuracy = 0; crippling = 0; rangedAttack = false; usesWeaponRange = false; targetsFriendlies = false; targetsSelf = false; targetsEmpty = false; hitsAllEmpty = false; hitsAllFriendlies = false; hitsAllEnemies = false; hitsAllMeleeRange = false; piercesColumn = false; splashDamageMultiplier = 0; splashHitsAllies = false; doesNotEffectSelf = false; requiresVerticalGap = false; targetsFriendlyFrontRow = false; targetsStunned = false; targetsSummoned = false; powerRegenMod = 1; powerDamage = 0; powerDrain = false; gainPowerFromKill = 0; powerRestore = 0; woundsRestorePower = 0; clonesPlayers = false; summonsWhirlwind = false; shufflesEnemies = false; swapPositions = false; lethality = 0; costsRemainingPower = false; addsPowerToLethality = false; intimidating = false; hidesTarget = false; summonsCreatureClass = null; transformCreatureClass = null; makeDamageSponge = false; tempDamageResistance = 0; cancelPowerRegen = 0; cancelHealthRegen = 0; forceRetreat = false; nonLethal = false; undeadMultiplier = 0; onlyDamagesUndead = false; vampiric_percent = 0; stun_percent = 0; alwaysHits = false; allyBonusAttack = false; attacksMultipleTimes = 0; attacksWithAccuracyMod = 1; extraSpeedAttacks = 0; attacksTwoTargets = false; curse = 0; removesCurse = false; killsUser = false; hydraGrowHeads = false; poisonDamage = 0; removesPoison = false; resurrects = false; cannotDie = 0; invulnerable = 0; ignoresArmor = false; scaleWeaponDamage = 1; addWeaponDamage = false; magicStrength = 0; damageBonusVsCreatureType = 0; damageBonusVsCreatureModifier = 1; hasPortraitAnimation = false; portraitAnimationFrame = 0; portraitAnimationDuration = 1500; specialAnimation = 0; showWeaponAnimation = false; suppressStunAnim = false; super(); aiPriority = 5; } public function description():String{ return ("Blank skill description"); } public function isPhysical():Boolean{ if (skillname == "Magic Attack"){ return (false); }; if (((((((unarmedAttack) || (addWeaponDamage))) || (requiresMelee))) || (requiresRanged))){ return (true); }; if ((char_ref is PlayerSummon)){ return (true); }; if ((char_ref is PC_Adventurer)){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function getCostString():String{ var _local1:*; if (((costsRemainingPower) && (power_cost))){ _local1 = (("Requires " + power_cost) + " power\n Uses remaining power"); } else { if (costsRemainingPower){ _local1 = "Uses remaining power"; } else { if (power_cost){ _local1 = (("Uses " + power_cost) + " power"); }; }; }; return (_local1); } public function getDamage():int{ var _local1:PlayerCharacter; var _local2:int; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; _local1 = null; _local2 = damage; if (((!((char_ref == null))) && ((char_ref is PlayerCharacter)))){ _local1 = PlayerCharacter(char_ref); }; if (((unarmedAttack) && (!((_local1 == null))))){ return (_local1.getUnarmedDamage()); }; if (((addWeaponDamage) && (!((_local1 == null))))){ _local3 = _local1.getWeaponDamage(); _local3 = (_local3 * scaleWeaponDamage); _local2 = (_local2 + Math.round(_local3)); }; if (((((((damage) && (!((_local1 == null))))) && (!((increasesWith == Skill.none))))) && (!((increasesWith == Skill.level))))){ _local4 = getStat(increasesWith); if (_local4 > 0){ _local2 = (_local2 + getScaledDamage(_local4)); }; }; return (_local2); } public function scaleHeal(_arg1:int, _arg2:int=1):int{ var _local3:*; var _local4:int; var _local5:*; if (_arg1 <= 0){ return (0); }; _local3 = getStat(increasesWith); if (_local3 > 0){ _local5 = (1 + (((_local3 - 1) * 0.05) * increaseRate)); _arg1 = Math.round((_arg1 * _local5)); }; _local4 = (_arg1 + Math.round((char_ref.getHealingBonus() / _arg2))); return (_local4); } public function get power_cost():int{ return (this._power_cost); } private function getStat(_arg1:int):int{ var _local2:*; _local2 = 0; if (_arg1 == Skill.strength){ _local2 = char_ref.getStrength(); } else { if (_arg1 == Skill.dexterity){ _local2 = char_ref.getDexterity(); } else { if (_arg1 == Skill.endurance){ _local2 = char_ref.getEndurance(); } else { if (_arg1 == Skill.intellect){ _local2 = char_ref.getIntellect(); } else { if (_arg1 == Skill.level){ _local2 = (1 + (char_ref.level * PlayerCharacter.STATS_PER_LEVEL)); }; }; }; }; }; return (_local2); } private function getScaledDamage(_arg1:int):int{ var _local2:int; var _local3:Number; _arg1--; _local2 = (30 * (char_ref.level - 1)); _local3 = ((_arg1 * increaseRate) * (_local2 / ((PlayerCharacter.STATS_PER_LEVEL * char_ref.level) * 2))); if (magicStrength > 0){ _local3 = (_local3 * magicStrength); }; return (Math.round(_local3)); } public function usable(_arg1=false):Boolean{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:int; var _local5:PlayerCharacter; if ((char_ref is PlayerCharacter)){ _local2 = PlayerCharacter(char_ref).gear[Equipment.weapon]; _local3 = PlayerCharacter(char_ref).gear[Equipment.offhand]; if (((requiresWeapon) && ((_local2 == null)))){ return (false); }; if (((requiresMelee) && (!((_local2 is MeleeWeapon))))){ return (false); }; if (((requiresRanged) && (!((_local2 is RangedWeapon))))){ return (false); }; if (((requiresShield) && (!((_local3 is Shield))))){ return (false); }; if (summonsCreatureClass){ _local4 = 0; for each (_local5 in PlayerCharacter(char_ref).party.members) { if (_local5 == null){ } else { if ((((_local5 is PlayerSummon)) && (( <= 0)))){ } else { _local4++; }; }; }; if (_local4 >= 6){ return (false); }; }; }; if (requiresLowHealth){ if (char_ref.getHealthPercent() > 20){ return (false); }; }; if (char_ref.power < power_cost){ return (false); }; return (true); } public function scalePoison():int{ if (((!((increasesWith == Skill.none))) && (!((increasesWith == Skill.weapon))))){ return ((poisonDamage + getScaledDamage(getStat(increasesWith)))); }; return (poisonDamage); } public function getDefianceHealth():int{ var _local1:*; _local1 = 1; if (((!((char_ref == null))) && ((char_ref is PlayerCharacter)))){ _local1 = char_ref.getEndurance(); }; return (_local1); } public function set power_cost(_arg1:int):void{ this._power_cost = _arg1; } public static function getBaseMagicDamage(_arg1:Number):int{ var _local2:*; _local2 = Math.round(((Weapon.staff_base_damage * 2.2) * _arg1)); return (_local2); } } }//package
Section 492
//SkillBar (SkillBar) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class SkillBar extends Sprite { public var slot3:SkillIconEmpty; var icons:Array; public var slot2:SkillIconEmpty; var selected_id:int; var sih:SkillIconHighlight; public var slot5:SkillIconEmpty; public var slot1:SkillIconEmpty; public var slot4:SkillIconEmpty; public var slot6:SkillIconEmpty; static const max_skills = 6; public function SkillBar(){ icons = new Array(); super(); icons.length = 0; selected_id = 0; sih = new SkillIconHighlight(); addChild(sih); } public function incrementSkill(){ var _local1:*; _local1 = (selected_id + 1); if (_local1 >= icons.length){ _local1 = 0; }; setSelectedSkill(_local1); } public function setSelectedSkill(_arg1:int):void{ sih.x = icons[_arg1].x; sih.y = icons[_arg1].y; selected_id = _arg1; Battlefield(parent).powerPreview(); } public function setSelectedSkillByPosition(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < icons.length) { if (icons[_local2].skill_ref.position == _arg1){ setSelectedSkill(_local2); Battlefield(parent).ValidTargetsForPlayer(icons[_local2].skill_ref); break; }; _local2++; }; } public function cleanup():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < icons.length) { icons[_local1].cleanup(); icons[_local1].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, skillClick); _local1++; }; } public function decrementSkill(){ var _local1:*; _local1 = (selected_id - 1); if (_local1 < 0){ _local1 = (icons.length - 1); }; setSelectedSkill(_local1); } public function addIcon(_arg1:SkillIcon):Boolean{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:SkillIconEmpty; if (icons.length < max_skills){ _local4 = SkillIconEmpty(getChildByName(("slot" + _arg1.skill_ref.position))); if (_local4 == null){ return (false); }; _arg1.x = _local4.x; _arg1.y = _local4.y; icons.push(_arg1); _arg1.setUsable(_arg1.skill_ref.usable()); addChild(_arg1); _arg1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, skillClick); reOrderByPosition(); setSelectedSkill(0); return (true); }; return (false); } public function skillClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < icons.length) { if (icons[_local2] == SkillIcon(_arg1.currentTarget)){ setSelectedSkill(_local2); Battlefield(parent).ValidTargetsForPlayer(icons[_local2].skill_ref); break; }; _local2++; }; } public function getSelectedSkill():Skill{ var _local1:*; _local1 = null; if (selected_id < icons.length){ _local1 = SkillIcon(icons[selected_id]).skill_ref; }; return (_local1); } private function reOrderByPosition():void{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local1 = new Array(); _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 6) { _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < icons.length) { if (icons[_local3].skill_ref.position == _local2){ _local1.push(icons[_local3]); }; _local3++; }; _local2++; }; icons = _local1; } } }//package
Section 493
//SkillIcon (SkillIcon) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class SkillIcon extends MovieClip { var tooltip:SkillTooltip; private var mousingOver:Boolean;// = false private var mouseOverFrames:int;// = 0 var char_ref:PlayerCharacter; public var bg:MovieClip; private var mousedOverEvent:MouseEvent; var skill_ref:Skill; var tt_text:String; var tt_title:String; public function SkillIcon(){ mousingOver = false; mouseOverFrames = 0; super(); bg.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverTarget); bg.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutTarget); this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added); this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); } function added(_arg1:Event):void{ this.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removed); } public function setUsable(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_arg1){ bg.gotoAndStop(1); } else { bg.gotoAndStop(2); }; } public function setSkill(_arg1:Skill){ if (_arg1 == null){ return; }; this.skill_ref = _arg1; tt_text = skill_ref.description(); tt_title = skill_ref.skillname; this.gotoAndStop(_arg1.iconFrame); if (((!((skill_ref.char_ref == null))) && ((skill_ref.char_ref is PlayerCharacter)))){ this.char_ref = PlayerCharacter(skill_ref.char_ref); }; } function mouseOverTarget(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mousingOver = true; mouseOverFrames = 0; mousedOverEvent = _arg1; } private function newTooltip(_arg1:MouseEvent):Boolean{ var _local2:String; var _local3:String; var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:Boolean; if (skill_ref != null){ _local4 = false; if (skill_ref.requiresWeapon){ _local2 = "Requires Weapon"; if (char_ref.gear[Equipment.weapon] != null){ _local4 = true; }; } else { if (skill_ref.requiresMelee){ _local2 = "Requires Melee Weapon"; if (((!((char_ref.gear[Equipment.weapon] == null))) && ((char_ref.gear[Equipment.weapon] is MeleeWeapon)))){ _local4 = true; }; } else { if (skill_ref.requiresRanged){ _local2 = "Requires Ranged Weapon"; if (((!((char_ref.gear[Equipment.weapon] == null))) && ((char_ref.gear[Equipment.weapon] is RangedWeapon)))){ _local4 = true; }; } else { if (skill_ref.requiresShield){ _local2 = "Requires Shield"; if (((!((char_ref.gear[Equipment.offhand] == null))) && ((char_ref.gear[Equipment.offhand] is Shield)))){ _local4 = true; }; }; }; }; }; if (skill_ref.increasesWith != Skill.none){ if (skill_ref.increasesWith == Skill.weapon){ _local3 = "Effect increases with Weapon Damage"; }; if (skill_ref.increasesWith == Skill.level){ _local3 = "Effect increases with Level"; }; if (skill_ref.increasesWith == Skill.strength){ _local3 = "Effect increases with Strength"; }; if (skill_ref.increasesWith == Skill.intellect){ _local3 = "Effect increases with Intellect"; }; if (skill_ref.increasesWith == Skill.endurance){ _local3 = "Effect increases with Endurance"; }; if (skill_ref.increasesWith == Skill.dexterity){ _local3 = "Effect increases with Dexterity"; }; }; _local5 = false; if ((((char_ref.power > 0)) && ((char_ref.power >= skill_ref.power_cost)))){ _local5 = true; }; tooltip = new SkillTooltip(tt_title, tt_text, _local2, _local4, _local3, skill_ref.getCostString(), _local5); tooltip.mouseEnabled = false; tooltip.mouseChildren = false; = "tooltip_skill"; tooltip.setForEvent(_arg1); if (stage != null){ stage.addChild(tooltip); return (true); }; return (false); }; return (false); } function mouseOutTarget(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (tooltip != null){ tooltip.fade(); tooltip = null; }; mousingOver = false; mouseOverFrames = 0; } public function setOwner(_arg1:PlayerCharacter){ this.char_ref = _arg1; } function removed(_arg1:Event):void{ this.removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removed); if (this.tooltip != null){ mouseOutTarget(null); }; } public function cleanup():void{ this.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added); bg.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverTarget); bg.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutTarget); this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); } private function onFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ if (mousingOver){ mouseOverFrames++; }; if (mouseOverFrames > Tooltip.delayFrames){ newTooltip(mousedOverEvent); mousingOver = false; mouseOverFrames = 0; }; } } }//package
Section 494
//SkillIconEmpty (SkillIconEmpty) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SkillIconEmpty extends Sprite { } }//package
Section 495
//SkillIconHighlight (SkillIconHighlight) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SkillIconHighlight extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 496
//SkillsPreview (SkillsPreview) package { import flash.text.*; import*; import flash.display.*; public class SkillsPreview extends MovieClip { public var passive2:PassiveSkillIcon; public var start2:SkillIcon; public var start1:SkillIcon; public var start3:SkillIcon; public var class_label:TextField; public var unlock4:SkillIcon; public var unlock5:SkillIcon; public var unlock2:SkillIcon; public var unlock3:SkillIcon; public var unlock8:SkillIcon; public var unlock1:SkillIcon; public var unlock6:SkillIcon; public var unlock7:SkillIcon; public var continue_btn:MovieClip; public var passive1:PassiveSkillIcon; public function SkillsPreview(_arg1:PlayerCharacter=null){ var _local2:*; var _local3:SkillIcon; var _local4:String; super(); _local2 = 0; if (_arg1 != null){ class_label.text = (_arg1.classname + " Skills"); dm.embolden(class_label); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 11) { _local4 = "null"; if (_arg1.skills[_local2] != null){ _local4 = _arg1.skills[_local2].skillname; }; _local2++; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 3) { _local3 = SkillIcon(getChildByName(("start" + String((_local2 + 1))))); if (_local3 != null){ _local3.setOwner(_arg1); _local3.setSkill(_arg1.skills[_local2]); }; _local2++; }; _local2 = 3; while (_local2 <= 10) { _local3 = SkillIcon(getChildByName(("unlock" + String((_local2 - 2))))); if (_local3 != null){ _local3.setOwner(_arg1); _local3.setSkill(_arg1.skills[_local2]); }; _local2++; }; }; passive1.updateSkill(_arg1, true); passive2.updateSkill(_arg1, false); continue_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickOkay); } private function cleanup():void{ continue_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickOkay); } function clickOkay(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ continue_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickOkay); if (dm.stage != null){ dm.stage.removeChild(this); cleanup(); }; } } }//package
Section 497
//SkillTooltip (SkillTooltip) package { import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class SkillTooltip extends Tooltip { public var tooltip_bg:Sprite; public var requires_label:TextField; public var text_label:TextField; public var title_label:TextField; public var power_cost_label:TextField; public var increase_label:TextField; public function SkillTooltip(_arg1:String="", _arg2:String="", _arg3:String="", _arg4:Boolean=false, _arg5:String="", _arg6:String="", _arg7:Boolean=false){ var _local8:*; var _local9:*; super(); if (_arg1 == null){ _arg1 = "Blank"; }; if (_arg2 == null){ _arg2 = "Tooltip contents failed to load."; }; title_label.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER; title_label.text = _arg1; dm.embolden(title_label); _local8 = title_label.height; title_label.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.NONE; if (_local8 == 16){ title_label.height = (_local8 + 5); }; _local9 = ((title_label.y + title_label.height) + 4); if (_arg3 != null){ requires_label.y = (_local9 - 3); _local9 = (_local9 + (requires_label.height + 3)); requires_label.text = _arg3; dm.embolden(requires_label); if (_arg4){ requires_label.textColor = white_text; } else { requires_label.textColor = red_text; }; } else { removeChild(requires_label); }; if (_arg5 != null){ increase_label.y = (_local9 - 3); if (_arg3 != null){ increase_label.y = (increase_label.y - 4); }; _local9 = (_local9 + (increase_label.height + 3)); increase_label.text = _arg5; } else { removeChild(increase_label); }; text_label.y = (_local9 + 3); text_label.text = _arg2; text_label.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER; _local9 = ((text_label.y + text_label.height) + 4); if (_arg6 != null){ power_cost_label.y = (_local9 + 6); _local9 = (_local9 + (2 + power_cost_label.height)); power_cost_label.text = _arg6; dm.embolden(power_cost_label); if (_arg7){ power_cost_label.textColor = white_text; } else { power_cost_label.textColor = red_text; }; } else { removeChild(power_cost_label); }; tooltip_bg.height = (_local9 + 15); } } }//package
Section 498
//slash1_sound (slash1_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class slash1_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 499
//sLichAE (sLichAE) package { public class sLichAE extends Skill { public function sLichAE(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiCastLimit = 1; rangedAttack = true; hitsAllEnemies = true; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage / 4)); poisonDamage = Math.round((_arg1.damage / 6)); power_cost = 60; skillname = "Poison Cloud"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.poison; } } }//package
Section 500
//sLichStun (sLichStun) package { public class sLichStun extends Skill { public function sLichStun(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; if (_arg1.level == 1){ aiCastLimit = 0; } else { aiCastLimit = 2; }; rangedAttack = true; hitsAllEnemies = true; alwaysHits = true; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage / 4)); stun_percent = 50; power_cost = 75; skillname = "Fear of Death"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.fearDeath; } } }//package
Section 501
//sLightningDrakeAE (sLightningDrakeAE) package { public class sLightningDrakeAE extends Skill { public function sLightningDrakeAE(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiPriority = 7; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 0.8)); power_cost = 60; hitsAllMeleeRange = true; skillname = "Lightning Arc"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.lightning; } } }//package
Section 502
//sMageAE (sMageAE) package { public class sMageAE extends Skill { public function sMageAE(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.intellect; aiCastLimit = 0; magicStrength = 0.7; damage = getBaseMagicDamage(magicStrength); rangedAttack = true; hitsAllEnemies = true; power_cost = 55; iconFrame = 40; skillname = "Electrical Storm"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.lightning; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Magic area attack. Inflicts " + getDamage()) + " damage to all enemies.")); } } }//package
Section 503
//sMageArmor (sMageArmor) package { public class sMageArmor extends Skill { public function sMageArmor(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; aiCastLimit = 1; damage = 0; power_cost = 25; targetsSelf = true; buff_damageResist = 40; iconFrame = 19; skillname = "Arcane Armor"; verbage = ("summons " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.armorBuff; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Caster gains an additional " + buff_damageResist) + "% damage resistance for the remainder of the battle.")); } } }//package
Section 504
//sMageAttack (sMageAttack) package { public class sMageAttack extends Skill { public function sMageAttack(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = weapon; unlocked = true; damage = 0; addWeaponDamage = true; rangedAttack = true; power_cost = 0; skillname = "Magic Attack"; if ((_arg1 is PlayerCharacter)){ verbage = (("fires a bolt from " + PlayerCharacter(char_ref).genderPossessive()) + " staff"); } else { verbage = "fires a staff bolt"; }; iconFrame = 32; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.mageAttack; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Ranged magic attack with equipped weapon. Causes " + getDamage()) + " damage.\n\n[Skill cannot be removed]")); } } }//package
Section 505
//sMageBolt (sMageBolt) package { public class sMageBolt extends Skill { public function sMageBolt(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.intellect; magicStrength = 1; damage = getBaseMagicDamage(magicStrength); rangedAttack = true; power_cost = 25; stun_percent = 25; iconFrame = 37; skillname = "Freeze"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.freeze; } override public function description():String{ return ((((("Ranged magic attack for " + getDamage()) + " damage. ") + stun_percent) + "% chance to stun the target.")); } } }//package
Section 506
//sMageDrain (sMageDrain) package { public class sMageDrain extends Skill { public function sMageDrain(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; rangedAttack = true; hitsAllEnemies = true; damage = 0; powerDamage = 20; powerDrain = true; power_cost = 50; iconFrame = 54; skillname = "Power Siphon"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.monsterDrain; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Drains up to " + powerDamage) + " power from each enemy.")); } } }//package
Section 507
//sMageExplosion (sMageExplosion) package { public class sMageExplosion extends Skill { public function sMageExplosion(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.intellect; aiTargetsBackRow = true; magicStrength = 0.8; damage = getBaseMagicDamage(magicStrength); rangedAttack = true; power_cost = 35; splashDamageMultiplier = 0.7; splashHitsAllies = true; skillname = "Fireball"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); iconFrame = 55; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.explosion; } override public function description():String{ return ((((("Ranged magic attack for " + getDamage()) + " damage. Characters (including allies) in adjacent squares take ") + Math.round((getDamage() * splashDamageMultiplier))) + " damage.")); } } }//package
Section 508
//sMageInvisibility (sMageInvisibility) package { public class sMageInvisibility extends Skill { public function sMageInvisibility(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; aiCastLimit = 0; damage = 0; power_cost = 30; targetsFriendlies = true; rangedAttack = true; hidesTarget = true; iconFrame = 16; skillname = "Invisibility"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); } override public function description():String{ return ("Target may not be directly attacked until their next turn."); } } }//package
Section 509
//sMagePrison (sMagePrison) package { public class sMagePrison extends Skill { public function sMagePrison(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.intellect; rangedAttack = true; stun_percent = 100; alwaysHits = true; tempDamageResistance = 40; magicStrength = 0.3; damage = getBaseMagicDamage(magicStrength); power_cost = 30; skillname = "Cosmic Prison"; verbage = ("conjures a " + skillname); iconFrame = 39; suppressStunAnim = true; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.cosmicPrison; } override public function description():String{ return ((((("Encase the target in an arcane prison, causing " + getDamage()) + " damage. The target is stunned, but gains ") + tempDamageResistance) + "% damage resistance until their next turn. Does not miss.\n\n(Note: If the stun effect is resisted, the damage resistance bonus still applies)")); } } }//package
Section 510
//sMageSword (sMageSword) package { public class sMageSword extends Skill { public function sMageSword(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = weapon; damage = 0; power_cost = 75; iconFrame = 4; requiresMelee = true; addWeaponDamage = true; rangedAttack = true; scaleWeaponDamage = 1; attacksWithAccuracyMod = 0.75; attacksMultipleTimes = 4; skillname = "Ensorcelled Blade"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.playerMultiSlash; } override public function description():String{ return ((((((("Four ranged attacks with equipped melee weapon on any target. (" + getDamage()) + "x") + attacksMultipleTimes) + " damage)\nAttacks are made at ") + Math.round((attacksWithAccuracyMod * 100))) + "% of user's current accuracy.")); } } }//package
Section 511
//sMageThorns (sMageThorns) package { public class sMageThorns extends Skill { public function sMageThorns(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; damage = 0; power_cost = 25; targetsFriendlies = true; rangedAttack = true; buff_damageReflect = 100; iconFrame = 41; skillname = "Flickering Flames"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.fireBuff; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Target reflects " + buff_damageReflect) + "% of damage taken back onto attacker for the remainder of the battle.")); } } }//package
Section 512
//sMageTouch (sMageTouch) package { public class sMageTouch extends Skill { public function sMageTouch(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.intellect; magicStrength = 1.35; damage = getBaseMagicDamage(magicStrength); rangedAttack = false; power_cost = 25; iconFrame = 35; skillname = "Incinerate"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation =; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Close range magic attack. Causes " + getDamage()) + " damage to a single target in melee range.")); } } }//package
Section 513
//Smash (Smash) package { import*; public dynamic class Smash extends Sound { } }//package
Section 514
//sMenuQuit (sMenuQuit) package { public class sMenuQuit extends Skill { public function sMenuQuit(_arg1:Character){ increasesWith = none; char_ref = _arg1; iconFrame = 74; skillname = "Quit Battle"; } override public function description():String{ return ("End the current battle and return to the main menu."); } } }//package
Section 515
//sMinotaurLabyrinth (sMinotaurLabyrinth) package { public class sMinotaurLabyrinth extends Skill { public function sMinotaurLabyrinth(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiCastLimit = 1; aiPriority = 8; damage = 0; power_cost = 20; rangedAttack = true; hitsAllEnemies = true; alwaysHits = true; shufflesEnemies = true; skillname = "Labyrinth"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.confuse; } } }//package
Section 516
//smite_effect (smite_effect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class smite_effect extends MovieClip { public function smite_effect(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 44, frame45); } function frame1(){; } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 517
//sMonsterAttack (sMonsterAttack) package { public class sMonsterAttack extends Skill { public function sMonsterAttack(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; damage = _arg1.damage; power_cost = 0; skillname = "Attack"; verbage = "attacks"; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.creatureSlash; } } }//package
Section 518
//sMonsterAttackWeapon (sMonsterAttackWeapon) package { public class sMonsterAttackWeapon extends Skill { public function sMonsterAttackWeapon(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; damage = _arg1.damage; power_cost = 0; skillname = "Attack"; verbage = "attacks"; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.creatureWeapon; } } }//package
Section 519
//sMonsterCurse (sMonsterCurse) package { public class sMonsterCurse extends Skill { public function sMonsterCurse(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiCastLimit = 2; rangedAttack = true; damage = 0; power_cost = 25; curse = 0.5; skillname = "Curse"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.curse; } } }//package
Section 520
//sMonsterDoubleAttack (sMonsterDoubleAttack) package { public class sMonsterDoubleAttack extends Skill { public function sMonsterDoubleAttack(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 0.65)); power_cost = 25; attacksTwoTargets = true; skillname = "Double Attack"; verbage = "attacks savagely"; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.creatureWeapon; } } }//package
Section 521
//sMonsterFlightAttack (sMonsterFlightAttack) package { public class sMonsterFlightAttack extends Skill { public function sMonsterFlightAttack(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; rangedAttack = true; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 0.9)); power_cost = 30; skillname = "Flying Attack"; verbage = "swoops down on the enemy"; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.swoopAttack; } } }//package
Section 522
//sMonsterHeal (sMonsterHeal) package { public class sMonsterHeal extends Skill { public function sMonsterHeal(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; targetsFriendlies = true; rangedAttack = true; healing = Math.round((_arg1.health_max * 0.6)); power_cost = 40; removesPoison = true; skillname = "Heal"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.heal; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Restore " + scaleHeal(healing)) + " health to one member of your party. Cures poison.")); } } }//package
Section 523
//sMonsterMagicAttack (sMonsterMagicAttack) package { public class sMonsterMagicAttack extends Skill { public function sMonsterMagicAttack(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; rangedAttack = true; damage = _arg1.damage; power_cost = 0; skillname = "Arcane Bolt"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.monsterMagic; } } }//package
Section 524
//sMonsterMagicCold (sMonsterMagicCold) package { public class sMonsterMagicCold extends Skill { public function sMonsterMagicCold(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; rangedAttack = true; damage = _arg1.damage; power_cost = 0; skillname = "Deathly Chill"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.freeze; } } }//package
Section 525
//sMonsterMeleeAE (sMonsterMeleeAE) package { public class sMonsterMeleeAE extends Skill { public function sMonsterMeleeAE(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 0.8)); power_cost = 55; hitsAllMeleeRange = true; skillname = "Hew"; verbage = "hews through the enemy"; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.creatureWeapon; } override public function description():String{ return (""); } } }//package
Section 526
//sMonsterPierce (sMonsterPierce) package { public class sMonsterPierce extends Skill { public function sMonsterPierce(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; damage = Math.round((char_ref.damage * 0.9)); power_cost = 40; piercesColumn = true; skillname = "Spear Lunge"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.creatureSpear; } override public function description():String{ return (""); } } }//package
Section 527
//sMonsterRangedAttack (sMonsterRangedAttack) package { public class sMonsterRangedAttack extends Skill { public function sMonsterRangedAttack(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 1)); skillname = "Arrow"; rangedAttack = true; power_cost = 20; verbage = ("fires " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.monsterArrow; } } }//package
Section 528
//sMonsterShadowStrike (sMonsterShadowStrike) package { public class sMonsterShadowStrike extends Skill { public function sMonsterShadowStrike(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; rangedAttack = true; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 1.1)); power_cost = 60; skillname = "Shadowstrike"; verbage = "strikes from the shadows"; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.creatureSlash; } } }//package
Section 529
//sMonsterStoneForm (sMonsterStoneForm) package { public class sMonsterStoneForm extends Skill { public function sMonsterStoneForm(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiCastLimit = 1; aiNotUnlessHurt = true; targetsSelf = true; cannotDie = 1; healing = Math.round((0.5 * _arg1.health_max)); power_cost = 50; skillname = "Stone Form"; verbage = ("enters " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.armorBuff; } } }//package
Section 530
//SneakyScroll (SneakyScroll) package { public class SneakyScroll extends Consumable { public function SneakyScroll(_arg1:int=1){ item_name = "Scroll of Deception"; sneaky = true; item_rarity =; icon_frame = 84; } override public function getWorth():int{ return (Math.round((super.getWorth() * 1.5))); } } }//package
Section 531
//sNecroDrain (sNecroDrain) package { public class sNecroDrain extends Skill { public function sNecroDrain(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiNotUnlessHurt = true; rangedAttack = true; targetsFriendlies = true; damage = _arg1.damage; vampiric_percent = Math.round((200 + (level * 1.5))); powerDamage = 50; powerDrain = true; power_cost = 10; skillname = "Drain Minion"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.monsterDrain; } override public function description():String{ return (""); } } }//package
Section 532
//sNecroSponge (sNecroSponge) package { public class sNecroSponge extends Skill { public function sNecroSponge(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; damage = 0; power_cost = 30; targetsFriendlies = true; rangedAttack = true; targetsFriendlyFrontRow = true; makeDamageSponge = true; skillname = "Servitude"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.protectAllies; } override public function description():String{ return (""); } } }//package
Section 533
//sOrcAxeThrow (sOrcAxeThrow) package { public class sOrcAxeThrow extends Skill { public function sOrcAxeThrow(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 1)); rangedAttack = true; power_cost = 20; skillname = "Axe"; verbage = ("throws " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.monsterThrown; } } }//package
Section 534
//sOrcSponge (sOrcSponge) package { public class sOrcSponge extends Skill { public function sOrcSponge(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiCastLimit = 2; damage = 0; power_cost = 50; targetsSelf = true; makeDamageSponge = true; skillname = "Challenge"; verbage = ("issues a " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.protectAllies; } override public function description():String{ return (""); } } }//package
Section 535
//SoundButton (SoundButton) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class SoundButton extends MovieClip { var sound_enabled:Boolean;// = true public var control:VolumeControl; public var sound_icon:MovieClip; public function SoundButton(){ sound_enabled = true; super(); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickedOn); iconTest(); } public function removeControl(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{ if (control == null){ return; }; if (!(_arg1)){ iconTest(); }; if (stage.contains(control)){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, controlMouseOut); stage.removeChild(control); control.cleanup(); control = null; }; } function clickedOn(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (control != null){ return; }; createControl(); } private function soundOn(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{ sound_icon.gotoAndStop("on"); } public function cleanup():void{ this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickedOn); removeControl(true); } private function createControl():void{ if (control != null){ removeControl(); }; control = new VolumeControl(this); control.y = (this.y - (control.height - this.height)); control.x = this.x; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, controlMouseOut); stage.addChild(control); } private function iconTest():void{ this.sound_enabled = (GlobalVolume.volumeSetting > 0); if (sound_enabled){ soundOn(); } else { soundOff(); }; } private function soundOff(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{ sound_icon.gotoAndStop("off"); } function controlMouseOut(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Boolean; _local2 = false; if ((((control.mouseX > control.width)) || ((control.mouseX < 0)))){ _local2 = true; }; if ((((control.mouseY > control.height)) || ((control.mouseY < 0)))){ _local2 = true; }; if (_local2){ removeControl(); }; } } }//package
Section 536
//SoundControl (SoundControl) package { import*; import*; public class SoundControl { var channels:Array; static const smite = 54; static const poisonDrake = 81; static const poison = 75; static const cosmicPrison = 74; static const monsterMagicAttack = 61; static const playerSlash = 64; static const destroyItem = 20; static const armorBuff = 90; static const punch = 67; static const monsterClaws = 66; static const potionSound = 15; static const equipMace = 5; static const thrown = 69; static const monsterArrow = 63; static const buff = 58; static const debuff = 77; static const blind = 78; static const web = 80; static const clone = 99; static const disintegrate = 68; static const miss_ranged = 111; static const miss_melee = 110; static const equipBow = 7; static const powerUp = 56; static const equipGeneric = 1; static const equipSpear = 6; static const battleStart = 40; static const equipStaff = 10; static const curse = 76; static const freeze = 52; static const flames = 53; static const playerArrow = 62; static const equipSword = 2; static const miss_magic = 113; static const pageTurn = 42; static const equipShield = 9; static const equipAxe = 3; static const playerMagicAttack = 60; static const lightning = 51; static const monsterSlash = 65; static const writing = 41; static const equipDagger = 4; static const lootItem = 21; static const heal = 57; static const basilisk = 82; static const miss_thrown = 112; static const hideSound = 16; static const summon = 100; static const equipCrossbow = 8; static const whirlwind = 73; static var volumeSetting = GlobalVolume.volumeFull; public function SoundControl():void{ channels = new Array(); } public function playSoundForSkill(_arg1:Skill, _arg2:Character):void{ var _local3:int; if ((((_arg1 == null)) || ((_arg2 == null)))){ return; }; _local3 = getSoundForSkill(_arg1, _arg2); if (_local3){; }; } function finishedSound(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = (channels.length - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { if (channels[_local2] == null){ } else { if (channels[_local2].channel =={ channels[_local2].channel.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, finishedSound); channels.splice(_local2, 1); }; }; _local2--; }; } public function getSoundForSkill(_arg1:Skill, _arg2:Character):int{ if (_arg1 == null){ return (0); }; if (_arg1.hidesTarget){ return (hideSound); }; if (_arg1.curse){ return (curse); }; if (_arg1.unarmedAttack){ return (punch); }; if ((_arg1 is sBasiliskPetrify)){ return (basilisk); }; if ((_arg1 is sPoisonDrakeAE)){ return (poisonDrake); }; if ((_arg1 is sPoisonDrakeShot)){ return (poisonDrake); }; if ((_arg1 is sConjurorWhirlwind)){ return (whirlwind); }; return (0); } public function getMissSound(_arg1:Skill, _arg2:Character):int{ var sound_id:int; var anim:int; var w:*; var err_txt:*; var err_dlg:ErrorDialog; var sk = _arg1; var user = _arg2; sound_id = -1; try { if (sk.hidesTarget){ var _local4:* = hideSound; //unresolved jump 0; return (_local4); }; anim = sk.specialAnimation; if ((((user is PlayerCharacter)) && (sk.showWeaponAnimation))){ w = PlayerCharacter(user).gear[Equipment.weapon]; if (w != null){ if ((w is MeleeWeapon)){ anim = PortraitAnimation.playerSlash; } else { if ((w is MageWeapon)){ anim = PortraitAnimation.mageAttack; } else { if ((w is RangedWeapon)){ anim = PortraitAnimation.playerArrow; }; }; }; }; }; if (sk.unarmedAttack){ anim = PortraitAnimation.playerSlash; }; switch (anim){ case PortraitAnimation.creatureSlash: case PortraitAnimation.creatureSpear: case PortraitAnimation.creatureWeapon: case PortraitAnimation.playerSlash: case PortraitAnimation.playerMultiSlash: case PortraitAnimation.playerPowerSlash: sound_id = miss_melee; break; case PortraitAnimation.monsterThrown: sound_id = miss_thrown; break; case PortraitAnimation.playerArrow: case PortraitAnimation.monsterArrow: case PortraitAnimation.cultistArrow: sound_id = miss_ranged; break; }; if (sound_id == -1){ sound_id = miss_magic; }; } catch(error:Error) { if (DungeonMain.KONGREGATE){ err_txt = "An error has occurred. Please submit a bug report with the following information:"; err_txt = (err_txt + "\n\n"); err_txt = (err_txt + (("Miss Sound Error: " + + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("id: " + sound_id) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("sk: " + String(sk.skillname)) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("user: " + String(user.charname)) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + ((("[" + error.errorID) + "] ") + error.getStackTrace())); err_dlg = new ErrorDialog("Error!", err_txt); dm.stage.addChild(err_dlg); }; } finally { var _local6:* = sound_id; //unresolved jump 2; return (_local6); }; } private function idCheck(_arg1:int):Boolean{ var _local2:SoundEffect; if (_arg1 == playerSlash){ return (true); }; if (_arg1 == monsterSlash){ return (true); }; if (_arg1 == playerArrow){ return (true); }; if (_arg1 == monsterArrow){ return (true); }; for each (_local2 in channels) { if (_local2 == null){ } else { if ( == _arg1){ if (((!(( == null))) && (( < 0.5)))){ return (false); }; }; }; }; return (true); } public function play(_arg1:int, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Boolean=false):void{ var _local4:Sound; if (_arg1){ _local4 = soundFromConstant(_arg1); playSound(_local4, _arg2, _arg1, _arg3); }; } public function playSound(_arg1:Sound, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:int=-1, _arg4:Boolean=false):void{ var channel:SoundChannel; var effect:*; var err_txt:*; var err_dlg:ErrorDialog; var fx = _arg1; var vol = _arg2; var id = _arg3; var overrideLimits = _arg4; if (fx == null){ return; }; try { if (((!(overrideLimits)) && (!(idCheck(id))))){ return; }; vol = (vol * volumeSetting); channel =, 1); if (channel != null){ channel.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(vol); channel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, finishedSound); effect = new SoundEffect(channel, id); channels.push(effect); }; } catch(error:Error) { if (DungeonMain.KONGREGATE){ err_txt = "An error has occurred. Please submit a bug report with the following information:"; err_txt = (err_txt + "\n\n"); err_txt = (err_txt + (("Play Sound Error: " + + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("id: " + id) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + (("fx: " + String(fx)) + "\n")); err_txt = (err_txt + ((("[" + error.errorID) + "] ") + error.getStackTrace())); err_dlg = new ErrorDialog("Error!", err_txt); dm.stage.addChild(err_dlg); }; }; } public function soundFromConstant(_arg1:int):Sound{ var _local2:Sound; switch (_arg1){ case equipGeneric: _local2 = new equip_sound(); break; case equipStaff: _local2 = new equip_staff_sound(); break; case equipSword: case equipDagger: case equipMace: case equipAxe: case equipSpear: _local2 = new equip_sword_sound(); break; case equipBow: case equipCrossbow: _local2 = new equip_bow_sound(); break; case equipShield: _local2 = new equip_shield_sound(); break; case whirlwind: _local2 = new whirlwind_sound(); break; case pageTurn: _local2 = new turn_page_sound(); break; case potionSound: _local2 = new potion_sound(); break; case hideSound: _local2 = new hide3_sound(); break; case destroyItem: _local2 = new destroy_item_sound(); break; case lootItem: _local2 = new coins_sound(); break; case battleStart: _local2 = new battle_start2(); break; case writing: _local2 = new writing_sound(); break; case lightning: _local2 = new lightning_sound(); break; case freeze: _local2 = new freeze_sound(); break; case poison: _local2 = new poison_sound(); break; case flames: _local2 = new flames_sound(); break; case curse: _local2 = new curse_sound(); break; case blind: _local2 = new blind_sound(); break; case armorBuff: _local2 = new armor_buff_sound(); break; case punch: _local2 = new punch_sound(); break; case playerMagicAttack: _local2 = new mage_staff_sound(); break; case monsterMagicAttack: _local2 = new monster_magic_sound(); break; case powerUp: _local2 = new power_up_sound(); break; case playerArrow: case monsterArrow: _local2 = new arrow_fire_sound(); break; case smite: _local2 = new summon1_sound(); break; case clone: case summon: _local2 = new summon2_sound(); break; case web: _local2 = new web_squirt_sound(); break; case playerSlash: case monsterSlash: _local2 = new slash1_sound(); break; case monsterClaws: _local2 = new creature_slash_sound(); break; case heal: _local2 = new heal1_sound(); break; case buff: _local2 = new buff_chant_sound(); break; case debuff: _local2 = new debuff_sound(); break; case cosmicPrison: _local2 = new cosmic_prison_sound(); break; case disintegrate: _local2 = new disintegrate_sound(); break; case thrown: _local2 = new thrown_sound(); break; case basilisk: _local2 = new basilisk_sound(); break; case poisonDrake: _local2 = new poison_drake_sound(); break; case miss_melee: _local2 = new miss_melee_sound(); break; case miss_ranged: _local2 = new miss_ranged_sound(); break; case miss_thrown: _local2 = new miss_thrown_sound(); break; case miss_magic: _local2 = new miss_magic_sound(); break; }; return (_local2); } public function playMissSound(_arg1:Skill, _arg2:Character, _arg3:Boolean=false):void{ var _local4:int; if ((((_arg1 == null)) || ((_arg2 == null)))){ return; }; _local4 = getMissSound(_arg1, _arg2); if (_local4){, 1, _arg3); }; } } }//package
Section 537
//SoundEffect (SoundEffect) package { import*; public class SoundEffect { public var channel:SoundChannel; public var id:int; public function SoundEffect(_arg1:SoundChannel, _arg2:int):void{ = _arg1; = _arg2; } } }//package
Section 538
//sPassTurn (sPassTurn) package { public class sPassTurn extends Skill { public function sPassTurn(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = none; iconFrame = 24; skillname = "Pass Turn"; } override public function description():String{ return ("This character takes no action this turn. Power regeneration rate is increased for this round.\n\n[Shortcut: space bar]"); } } }//package
Section 539
//SpecialEncounterIcon (SpecialEncounterIcon) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SpecialEncounterIcon extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 540
//SpecialShrine (SpecialShrine) package { import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.display.*; public class SpecialShrine extends MovieClip { private var _type:int;// = 2 var used:Boolean; var room:DungeonRoom; public static const EQUIPMENT_BUFF = 2; public static const ENCHANTMENT = 4; public static const POTION_BUFF = 3; public function SpecialShrine(_arg1:int=-1){ _type = 2; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); used = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); if ((((_arg1 >= EQUIPMENT_BUFF)) && ((_arg1 <= ENCHANTMENT)))){ _type = _arg1; } else { _type = dmf.randomNum(EQUIPMENT_BUFF, ENCHANTMENT); }; } function onFadeComplete(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ if (parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); }; } function frame1(){ this.gotoAndStop(1); } public function fade():void{ var _local1:Timer; used = true; this.gotoAndPlay(2); _local1 = new Timer(500, 1); _local1.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, onFadeComplete); _local1.start(); } public function get type():int{ return (_type); } } }//package
Section 541
//SpeechBubble (SpeechBubble) package { import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.display.*; public class SpeechBubble extends MovieClip { private const FADE_FRAMES = 10; public var dialogue:TextField; private var fadingIn:Boolean;// = false public var bg:Sprite; private var timer:Timer; private var fadingOut:Boolean;// = false public function SpeechBubble(_arg1:String=""):void{ fadingIn = false; fadingOut = false; super(); setText(_arg1); this.alpha = 0; addEventListener(Event.ADDED, added); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enter_frame); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouse_over); } public function added(_arg1:Event):void{ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED, added); fadingIn = true; timer = new Timer(6000, 1); timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, timerComplete); timer.start(); } private function mouse_over(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (((fadingIn) || (fadingOut))){ return; }; fade(); } public function enter_frame(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Number; if (fadingIn){ _local2 = (this.alpha + (1 / FADE_FRAMES)); this.alpha = Math.min(_local2, 1); if (this.alpha == 1){ fadingIn = false; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enter_frame); }; } else { if (fadingOut){ _local2 = (this.alpha - (1 / FADE_FRAMES)); this.alpha = Math.max(_local2, 0); this.y = (this.y + 20); if (this.alpha == 0){ fadingOut = false; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enter_frame); removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouse_over); if (parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); }; }; }; }; } public function fade():void{ timer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, timerComplete); fadingIn = false; fadingOut = true; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enter_frame); } function timerComplete(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ fade(); } public function setText(_arg1:String):void{ dialogue.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER; dialogue.text = _arg1; dm.embolden(dialogue); bg.height = (dialogue.height + 13); } } }//package
Section 542
//sPoisonDrakeAE (sPoisonDrakeAE) package { public class sPoisonDrakeAE extends Skill { public function sPoisonDrakeAE(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; skillname = "Venomous Cloud"; hitsAllMeleeRange = true; power_cost = 55; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 0.5)); poisonDamage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 0.5)); damageAccuracy = 25; verbage = ("sprays a " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.poison; } } }//package
Section 543
//sPoisonDrakeShot (sPoisonDrakeShot) package { public class sPoisonDrakeShot extends Skill { public function sPoisonDrakeShot(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; rangedAttack = true; power_cost = 30; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 0.7)); poisonDamage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 0.5)); skillname = "Venom"; verbage = ("spits " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.poison; } } }//package
Section 544
//sRangedAttack (sRangedAttack) package { public class sRangedAttack extends Skill { public function sRangedAttack(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = weapon; unlocked = true; damage = 0; power_cost = 0; addWeaponDamage = true; rangedAttack = true; requiresRanged = true; iconFrame = 15; skillname = "Ranged Attack"; verbage = "shoots"; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.playerArrow; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Ranged attack with equipped weapon. Causes " + getDamage()) + " damage.\n\n[Skill cannot be removed]")); } } }//package
Section 545
//sRangerAE (sRangerAE) package { public class sRangerAE extends Skill { public function sRangerAE(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = weapon; aiCastLimit = 0; damage = 0; power_cost = 60; rangedAttack = true; requiresRanged = true; hitsAllEnemies = true; addWeaponDamage = true; scaleWeaponDamage = 0.5; attacksMultipleTimes = 2; attacksWithAccuracyMod = 0.7; iconFrame = 29; skillname = "Hail of Arrows"; verbage = "unleashes a hail of arrows"; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.playerArrow; } override public function description():String{ return ((((((("Perform two ranged attacks for " + Math.round((scaleWeaponDamage * 100))) + "% weapon damage each (") + getDamage()) + " damage) on every enemy. Attacks are made at ") + Math.round((attacksWithAccuracyMod * 100))) + "% of user's current accuracy.")); } } }//package
Section 546
//sRangerFocus (sRangerFocus) package { public class sRangerFocus extends Skill { public function sRangerFocus(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; targetsSelf = true; power_cost = 0; powerRestore = 25; iconFrame = 46; skillname = "Focus"; verbage = "finds inner focus"; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.gainPower; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Recover " + powerRestore) + " power.")); } } }//package
Section 547
//sRangerHaste (sRangerHaste) package { public class sRangerHaste extends Skill { public function sRangerHaste(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = none; aiCastLimit = 1; targetsFriendlies = true; hitsAllFriendlies = true; rangedAttack = true; alwaysHits = true; buff_quickness = 20; power_cost = 30; iconFrame = 57; skillname = "Swiftness"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.quicknessBuff; } override public function description():String{ return ((("All members of the party gain +" + buff_quickness) + " to Quickness for the remainder of the battle.")); } } }//package
Section 548
//sRangerHeal (sRangerHeal) package { public class sRangerHeal extends Skill { public function sRangerHeal(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.intellect; nonCombat = true; targetsFriendlies = true; rangedAttack = true; removesPoison = true; healing = 20; power_cost = 30; iconFrame = 9; skillname = "Healing Lore"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.heal; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Restore " + scaleHeal(healing)) + " health to one member of your party. Cures poison.")); } } }//package
Section 549
//sRangerHunt (sRangerHunt) package { public class sRangerHunt extends Skill { public function sRangerHunt(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.weapon; addWeaponDamage = true; usesWeaponRange = true; requiresWeapon = true; damage = 0; scaleWeaponDamage = 1.1; damageBonusVsCreatureType = MonsterCharacter.creature; damageBonusVsCreatureModifier = 2; lethality = 10; power_cost = 30; iconFrame = 34; skillname = "Hunter's Prowess"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); showWeaponAnimation = true; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Weapon attack for slightly increased (" + getDamage()) + ") damage, with +10% chance to kill target outright. Deals double damage to deep creatures.")); } } }//package
Section 550
//sRangerMultiMelee (sRangerMultiMelee) package { public class sRangerMultiMelee extends Skill { public function sRangerMultiMelee(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.weapon; damage = 0; power_cost = 55; iconFrame = 4; requiresMelee = true; addWeaponDamage = true; scaleWeaponDamage = 1; attacksMultipleTimes = 3; attacksWithAccuracyMod = 0.6; ignoresArmor = true; skillname = "Force of Nature"; verbage = ("is a " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.playerMultiSlash; } override public function description():String{ return ((((((("Three melee weapon attacks on a single target at " + Math.round((attacksWithAccuracyMod * 100))) + "% of user's current accuracy. (") + getDamage()) + "x") + attacksMultipleTimes) + " damage.) Ignores armor.")); } } }//package
Section 551
//sRangerPenetrate (sRangerPenetrate) package { public class sRangerPenetrate extends Skill { public function sRangerPenetrate(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.weapon; damage = 0; power_cost = 30; scaleWeaponDamage = 1; addWeaponDamage = true; rangedAttack = true; requiresRanged = true; piercesColumn = true; iconFrame = 33; skillname = "Pierce"; verbage = "fires a piercing shot"; showWeaponAnimation = true; } override public function description():String{ return ((((("Ranged attack for " + (scaleWeaponDamage * 100)) + "% weapon damage (") + getDamage()) + "). Hits up to two targets in a vertical line.")); } } }//package
Section 552
//sRangerPoison (sRangerPoison) package { public class sRangerPoison extends Skill { public function sRangerPoison(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = intellect; increaseRate = 0.7; damage = 0; power_cost = 30; poisonDamage = 4; requiresRanged = true; addWeaponDamage = true; rangedAttack = true; iconFrame = 3; skillname = "Envenomed Arrow"; verbage = ("fires an " + skillname); showWeaponAnimation = true; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.poison; } override public function description():String{ return ((((("Ranged weapon attack (" + getDamage()) + " damage). Applies ") + scalePoison()) + " poison damage.")); } } }//package
Section 553
//sRangerRegen (sRangerRegen) package { public class sRangerRegen extends Skill { public function sRangerRegen(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.intellect; targetsFriendlies = true; rangedAttack = true; removesPoison = true; buff_resistPoison = 100; buff_healthRegen = 10; power_cost = 35; iconFrame = 50; skillname = "Nature's Balm"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.regenBuff; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Grant target immunity to poison and +" + scaleHeal(buff_healthRegen)) + " health regeneration per turn for the remainder of the battle.")); } } }//package
Section 554
//sRangerStun (sRangerStun) package { public class sRangerStun extends Skill { public function sRangerStun(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = weapon; rangedAttack = true; requiresRanged = true; damage = 0; addWeaponDamage = true; scaleWeaponDamage = 0.75; stun_percent = 100; power_cost = 40; iconFrame = 30; skillname = "Pin"; verbage = "pins the enemy"; showWeaponAnimation = true; } override public function description():String{ return ((((("Ranged attack for " + (scaleWeaponDamage * 100)) + "% weapon damage (") + getDamage()) + ") which stuns the target.")); } } }//package
Section 555
//sRetreat (sRetreat) package { public class sRetreat extends Skill { public function sRetreat(_arg1:Character){ increasesWith = none; char_ref = _arg1; iconFrame = 23; skillname = "Retreat"; } override public function description():String{ return ("Retreat this character from the battle. Takes one full turn.\n\n[Shortcut: r]"); } } }//package
Section 556
//sRetreatAll (sRetreatAll) package { public class sRetreatAll extends Skill { public function sRetreatAll(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = none; iconFrame = 25; skillname = "Full Retreat"; } override public function description():String{ return ("Retreat all characters from the battle. Takes one full turn."); } } }//package
Section 557
//sRogueBlind (sRogueBlind) package { public class sRogueBlind extends Skill { public function sRogueBlind(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = none; damage = 0; power_cost = 40; damageAccuracy = 50; stun_percent = 50; alwaysHits = true; iconFrame = 11; skillname = "Flash Powder"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.blind; } override public function description():String{ return ((((("Reduce target in melee range's accuracy by " + damageAccuracy) + "% for the remainder of the battle. ") + stun_percent) + "% chance to cause stun. Does not miss.")); } } }//package
Section 558
//sRogueCripple (sRogueCripple) package { public class sRogueCripple extends Skill { public function sRogueCripple(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = weapon; damage = 0; power_cost = 25; crippling = 100; iconFrame = 53; addWeaponDamage = true; usesWeaponRange = true; requiresWeapon = true; nonLethal = true; scaleWeaponDamage = 0.5; skillname = "Cripple"; verbage = "launches a crippling attack"; showWeaponAnimation = true; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.debuff; } override public function description():String{ return ((((("Special weapon attack for a maximum of " + (scaleWeaponDamage * 100)) + "% weapon damage (") + getDamage()) + "). This attack will not kill the target. If the attack hits, it reduces the target's Quickness to zero for the remainder of the battle, forcing them to act last in the turn order.")); } } }//package
Section 559
//sRogueCritical (sRogueCritical) package { public class sRogueCritical extends Skill { public function sRogueCritical(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = weapon; damage = 0; power_cost = 30; addWeaponDamage = true; usesWeaponRange = true; requiresWeapon = true; ignoresArmor = true; scaleWeaponDamage = 1.1; iconFrame = 12; skillname = "Pierce Defenses"; verbage = "finds a weak spot"; showWeaponAnimation = true; } override public function description():String{ return ((((("Weapon attack for " + Math.round((scaleWeaponDamage * 100))) + "% weapon damage (") + getDamage()) + "). Ignores target's armor.")); } } }//package
Section 560
//sRogueFinisher (sRogueFinisher) package { public class sRogueFinisher extends Skill { public function sRogueFinisher(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = none; damage = 1; requiresWeapon = true; targetsStunned = true; usesWeaponRange = true; lethality = 100; power_cost = 30; iconFrame = 14; skillname = "Coup de Grâce"; verbage = ("delivers the " + skillname); showWeaponAnimation = true; } override public function description():String{ return ("Instantly kill a stunned enemy. Target must be in weapon range."); } } }//package
Section 561
//sRogueHide (sRogueHide) package { public class sRogueHide extends Skill { public function sRogueHide(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = none; aiCastLimit = 0; damage = 0; power_cost = 20; targetsSelf = true; hidesTarget = true; targetDamageMod = 2; iconFrame = 16; skillname = "Hide"; verbage = "hides"; } override public function description():String{ return ((((("User may not be target of attacks until " + char_ref.genderPossessive()) + " next turn.\n\nIn addition, user will inflict ") + Math.round((targetDamageMod * 100))) + "% of normal damage on their next attack.")); } } }//package
Section 562
//sRogueLuck (sRogueLuck) package { public class sRogueLuck extends Skill { public function sRogueLuck(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = none; targetsFriendlies = true; hitsAllFriendlies = true; rangedAttack = true; alwaysHits = true; buff_accuracy = 30; power_cost = 20; iconFrame = 22; skillname = "Thief's Luck"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.buff; } override public function description():String{ return ((("All members of the party gain +" + buff_accuracy) + " to accuracy for the remainder of the battle.")); } } }//package
Section 563
//sRogueOpening (sRogueOpening) package { public class sRogueOpening extends Skill { public function sRogueOpening(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = weapon; aiCastLimit = 0; damage = 0; power_cost = 40; iconFrame = 51; requiresMelee = true; addWeaponDamage = true; scaleWeaponDamage = 0.75; allyBonusAttack = true; skillname = "Create Opening"; verbage = "creates an opening"; showWeaponAnimation = true; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Melee attack for 75% weapon damage (" + getDamage()) + "). If it hits, a random ally performs a bonus weapon attack on the target.")); } } }//package
Section 564
//sRoguePoison (sRoguePoison) package { public class sRoguePoison extends Skill { public function sRoguePoison(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = intellect; increaseRate = 0.7; damage = 0; power_cost = 20; poisonDamage = 4; iconFrame = 3; requiresWeapon = true; addWeaponDamage = true; usesWeaponRange = true; skillname = "Poison"; verbage = ("applies " + skillname); showWeaponAnimation = true; } override public function description():String{ return ((((("Weapon attack (" + getDamage()) + " damage). Applies ") + scalePoison()) + " poison damage.")); } } }//package
Section 565
//sRogueSap (sRogueSap) package { public class sRogueSap extends Skill { public function sRogueSap(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = weapon; damage = 0; power_cost = 40; addWeaponDamage = true; requiresMelee = true; scaleWeaponDamage = 0.5; powerDamage = 75; iconFrame = 52; skillname = "Sap Strength"; verbage = "saps the enemy's strength"; showWeaponAnimation = true; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.powerDrain; } override public function description():String{ return ((((((("Melee attack for " + (scaleWeaponDamage * 100)) + "% weapon damage (") + getDamage()) + "). Reduces enemy power by ") + powerDamage) + ".")); } } }//package
Section 566
//sRogueSneakAttack (sRogueSneakAttack) package { public class sRogueSneakAttack extends Skill { public function sRogueSneakAttack(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = weapon; damage = 0; power_cost = 30; iconFrame = 8; requiresMelee = true; addWeaponDamage = true; rangedAttack = true; scaleWeaponDamage = 1.2; skillname = "Sneak Attack"; verbage = ("performs a " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.playerSlash; } override public function description():String{ return ((((("Melee weapon attack on any target for " + (scaleWeaponDamage * 100)) + "% weapon damage (") + getDamage()) + ").")); } } }//package
Section 567
//sRuneProtection (sRuneProtection) package { public class sRuneProtection extends Skill { public function sRuneProtection(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; aiCastLimit = 1; damage = 0; power_cost = 40; targetsFriendlies = true; hitsAllFriendlies = true; buff_damageResist = 15; skillname = "Rune of Protection"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.runeProtection; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Caster gains an additional " + buff_damageResist) + "% damage resistance for the remainder of the battle.")); } } }//package
Section 568
//sRuneStrength (sRuneStrength) package { public class sRuneStrength extends Skill { public function sRuneStrength(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; aiPriority = 5; aiCastLimit = 1; damage = 0; power_cost = 40; targetsFriendlies = true; hitsAllFriendlies = true; buff_damage = 1.2; skillname = "Rune of Strength"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.runeStrength; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Caster gains an additional " + buff_damageResist) + "% damage resistance for the remainder of the battle.")); } } }//package
Section 569
//sShadowCure (sShadowCure) package { public class sShadowCure extends Skill { public function sShadowCure(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; aiCastLimit = 0; targetsFriendlies = true; removesCurse = true; killsUser = true; alwaysHits = true; rangedAttack = true; damage = 0; power_cost = 100; iconFrame = 75; skillname = "Balance Karma"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.curse; } override public function description():String{ return ("Sacrifice this shadow to remove a curse from a friendly target."); } } }//package
Section 570
//sShadowCurse (sShadowCurse) package { public class sShadowCurse extends Skill { public function sShadowCurse(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; aiCastLimit = 0; killsUser = true; alwaysHits = true; rangedAttack = true; damage = 0; power_cost = 100; curse = 0.5; iconFrame = 14; skillname = "Hex"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.curse; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Sacrifice this shadow to place a curse(" + Math.round((curse * 100))) + "%) on an enemy target. Does not miss.")); } } }//package
Section 571
//sSpriteRestoreHealth (sSpriteRestoreHealth) package { public class sSpriteRestoreHealth extends Skill { public function sSpriteRestoreHealth(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.level; targetsFriendlies = true; hitsAllFriendlies = true; rangedAttack = true; power_cost = 50; removesPoison = false; healing = Math.round((_arg1.health_max / 3)); iconFrame = 10; skillname = "Bloodfont"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.heal; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Restore " + healing) + " health to each member of the party.")); } } }//package
Section 572
//sSpriteRestorePower (sSpriteRestorePower) package { public class sSpriteRestorePower extends Skill { public function sSpriteRestorePower(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; targetsFriendlies = true; hitsAllFriendlies = true; doesNotEffectSelf = true; rangedAttack = true; power_cost = 50; powerRestore = 15; iconFrame = 46; skillname = "Manafont"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.gainPower; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Restore " + powerRestore) + " power to every other member of the party.")); } } }//package
Section 573
//sSummonAttack (sSummonAttack) package { public class sSummonAttack extends Skill { public function sSummonAttack(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = none; active = true; damage = _arg1.damage; power_cost = 0; skillname = "Attack"; verbage = "attacks"; iconFrame = 17; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.summonSlash; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Melee attack for " + getDamage()) + " damage.")); } } }//package
Section 574
//sSummonVoidstalker (sSummonVoidstalker) package { public class sSummonVoidstalker extends Skill { public function sSummonVoidstalker(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiPriority = 9; targetsEmpty = true; summonsCreatureClass = new mVoidstalker(char_ref.level); power_cost = 60; skillname = "Void Portal"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); } } }//package
Section 575
//StairsGlow (StairsGlow) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class StairsGlow extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 576
//StatIncreaseButton (StatIncreaseButton) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class StatIncreaseButton extends MovieClip { public function StatIncreaseButton(){ addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverTarget); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutTarget); this.gotoAndStop(2); } function mouseOverTarget(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (this.currentFrame == 1){ this.gotoAndStop(3); }; } function mouseOutTarget(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (this.currentFrame == 3){ this.gotoAndStop(1); }; } public function cleanup():void{ removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverTarget); removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutTarget); } } }//package
Section 577
//StatNumber (StatNumber) package { import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class StatNumber extends Sprite { var tooltip:MiscTooltip; private var mousingOver:Boolean;// = false private var mouseOverFrames:int;// = 0 public var nlabel:TextField; private var mousedOverEvent:MouseEvent; var tt_text:String; var tt_title:String; public function StatNumber(){ mousingOver = false; mouseOverFrames = 0; super(); nlabel.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverTarget); nlabel.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutTarget); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); } function mouseOverTarget(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mousingOver = true; mouseOverFrames = 0; mousedOverEvent = _arg1; } private function newTooltip(_arg1:MouseEvent):Boolean{ tooltip = new MiscTooltip(tt_title, tt_text); tooltip.mouseEnabled = false; tooltip.mouseChildren = false; = "tooltip_stats"; tooltip.setForEvent(_arg1); stage.addChild(tooltip); return (true); } function mouseOutTarget(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (tooltip != null){ tooltip.fade(); tooltip = null; }; mousingOver = false; mouseOverFrames = 0; } public function cleanup():void{ nlabel.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverTarget); nlabel.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutTarget); mouseOutTarget(null); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); } private function onFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ if (mousingOver){ mouseOverFrames++; }; if (mouseOverFrames > Tooltip.delayFrames){ newTooltip(mousedOverEvent); mousingOver = false; mouseOverFrames = 0; }; } } }//package
Section 578
//SteelEdgedWeapon (SteelEdgedWeapon) package { public class SteelEdgedWeapon extends MeleeWeapon { override public function applySuffix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = suffix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applySuffix(); } override public function applyPrefix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = prefix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; if (prefixes[_local1][0] == "Sharp"){ base_damage_mod = 10; return; }; super.applyPrefix(); } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); prefixes.push(["Sharp", 1.1]); } } }//package
Section 579
//stormbringers_loop01 (stormbringers_loop01) package { import*; public dynamic class stormbringers_loop01 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 580
//sTransformAetherguard (sTransformAetherguard) package { public class sTransformAetherguard extends Skill { public function sTransformAetherguard(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiCastLimit = 1; aiPriority = 10; aiAllowSuicide = true; damage = _arg1.health_max; targetsSelf = true; transformCreatureClass = new mAetherguard(char_ref.level); power_cost = 100; skillname = "Breach Aether"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); } } }//package
Section 581
//sTrollHowl (sTrollHowl) package { public class sTrollHowl extends Skill { public function sTrollHowl(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiCastLimit = 1; hitsAllEnemies = true; rangedAttack = true; power_cost = 50; alwaysHits = true; powerDamage = 25; stun_percent = 50; skillname = "Howl of Rage"; verbage = ("lets loose a " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.powerDrain; } override public function description():String{ return (""); } } }//package
Section 582
//summon_effect (summon_effect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class summon_effect extends MovieClip { public function summon_effect(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 44, frame45); } function frame1(){; } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 583
//summon_slash (summon_slash) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class summon_slash extends MovieClip { public function summon_slash(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 44, frame45); } function frame1(){; } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 584
//summon_whirlwind (summon_whirlwind) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class summon_whirlwind extends MovieClip { public function summon_whirlwind(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 44, frame45); } function frame1(){; } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 585
//summon1_sound (summon1_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class summon1_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 586
//summon2_sound (summon2_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class summon2_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 587
//sUnarmedAttack (sUnarmedAttack) package { public class sUnarmedAttack extends Skill { public function sUnarmedAttack(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = strength; unlocked = true; unarmedAttack = true; damage = 0; power_cost = 0; iconFrame = 18; skillname = "Unarmed Attack"; verbage = "attacks"; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.playerUnarmed; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Unarmed melee attack. Inflicts " + PlayerCharacter(char_ref).getUnarmedDamage()) + " damage.\n\n[Skill cannot be removed]")); } } }//package
Section 588
//sUnsummon (sUnsummon) package { public class sUnsummon extends Skill { public function sUnsummon(_arg1:Character){ increasesWith = none; char_ref = _arg1; iconFrame = 73; skillname = "Unsummon"; } override public function description():String{ return ("Remove this summoned creature from the battlefield.\n\n[Shortcut: r]"); } } }//package
Section 589
//SurvivalPrep (SurvivalPrep) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class SurvivalPrep extends Sprite { public var beginButton:SimpleButton; public var optionsButton:OptionsBookButton; public var shopButton:SimpleButton; public var manageButton:SimpleButton; private var shop:Shop; public function SurvivalPrep():void{ manageButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickManage); shopButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickShop); beginButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickBegin); } private function clickBegin(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ cleanup(); dm.main.beginSurvivalMode(); } private function clickManage(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ dm.main.goToInventory(); } public function cleanup():void{ if (shop != null){ shop.cleanup(); shop = null; }; optionsButton.cleanup(); } private function clickShop(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (shop == null){ shop = new Shop(); = "shop"; }; dm.main.addChild(shop); } } }//package
Section 590
//sVampireAttack (sVampireAttack) package { public class sVampireAttack extends Skill { public function sVampireAttack(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; damage = _arg1.damage; rangedAttack = true; power_cost = 30; hasPortraitAnimation = true; portraitAnimationFrame = 5; skillname = "Vampire Bite"; verbage = "strikes from the shadows"; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.creatureSlash; } } }//package
Section 591
//sWargolemHarden (sWargolemHarden) package { public class sWargolemHarden extends Skill { public function sWargolemHarden(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = none; damage = 0; power_cost = 100; targetsSelf = true; invulnerable = 1; iconFrame = 19; skillname = "Harden"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.armorBuff; } override public function description():String{ return ("Wargolem becomes immune to damage until next turn."); } } }//package
Section 592
//sWarlordBuff (sWarlordBuff) package { public class sWarlordBuff extends Skill { public function sWarlordBuff(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiCastLimit = 1; targetsFriendlies = true; hitsAllFriendlies = true; rangedAttack = true; power_cost = 25; buff_quickness = 20; buff_damageResist = 10; skillname = "Battle Plan"; verbage = ("implements " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.buff; } override public function description():String{ return (""); } } }//package
Section 593
//sWarlordFocus (sWarlordFocus) package { public class sWarlordFocus extends Skill { public function sWarlordFocus(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiNotUnlessLowPower = true; aiCastLimit = 1; targetsSelf = true; power_cost = 0; powerRestore = 75; skillname = "Survey"; verbage = "surveys the battlefield"; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.gainPower; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Recover " + powerRestore) + " power.")); } } }//package
Section 594
//sWarlordRevive (sWarlordRevive) package { public class sWarlordRevive extends Skill { public function sWarlordRevive(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; aiCastLimit = 2; targetsFriendlies = true; rangedAttack = true; healing = char_ref.health_max; power_cost = 70; removesPoison = true; resurrects = true; skillname = "Reinforce"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.revive; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Revives fallen party member with " + scaleHeal(healing)) + " health.")); } } }//package
Section 595
//sWarriorAdrenaline (sWarriorAdrenaline) package { public class sWarriorAdrenaline extends Skill { public function sWarriorAdrenaline(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = none; aiCastLimit = 1; targetsSelf = true; power_cost = 25; buff_resistStun = 100; buff_damage = 1.3; iconFrame = 48; skillname = "Adrenaline"; verbage = "feels a burst of adrenaline"; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.buff; } override public function description():String{ return ((("User gains immunity to Stun effects and " + Math.round(((buff_damage - 1) * 100))) + "% bonus damage for the remainder of the battle.")); } } }//package
Section 596
//sWarriorAE (sWarriorAE) package { public class sWarriorAE extends Skill { public function sWarriorAE(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = weapon; damage = 0; addWeaponDamage = true; requiresMelee = true; scaleWeaponDamage = 1; power_cost = 60; hitsAllMeleeRange = true; iconFrame = 5; skillname = "Cleave"; verbage = "cleaves through the enemy"; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.playerSlash; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Perform a melee weapon attack (" + getDamage()) + " damage) on all targets in melee range.")); } } }//package
Section 597
//sWarriorBloodlust (sWarriorBloodlust) package { public class sWarriorBloodlust extends Skill { public function sWarriorBloodlust(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = weapon; damage = 0; addWeaponDamage = true; scaleWeaponDamage = 1.1; power_cost = 30; requiresMelee = true; gainPowerFromKill = 50; iconFrame = 36; skillname = "Bloodlust"; verbage = ("is filled with " + skillname); showWeaponAnimation = true; } override public function description():String{ return ((((((("Melee attack for " + Math.round((scaleWeaponDamage * 100))) + "% weapon damage (") + getDamage()) + "). If this attack kills the target, the attacker gains ") + gainPowerFromKill) + " power.")); } } }//package
Section 598
//sWarriorDefiance (sWarriorDefiance) package { public class sWarriorDefiance extends Skill { public function sWarriorDefiance(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = endurance; aiCastLimit = 0; damage = 0; power_cost = 30; targetsSelf = true; cannotDie = 1; iconFrame = 6; skillname = "Defiance"; verbage = "shouts in defiance!"; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.defiance; } override public function description():String{ return ((((("User may not be reduced below " + getDefianceHealth()) + " health until ") + char_ref.genderPossessive()) + " next turn.")); } } }//package
Section 599
//sWarriorExecute (sWarriorExecute) package { public class sWarriorExecute extends Skill { public function sWarriorExecute(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = weapon; aiCastLimit = 0; damage = 0; addWeaponDamage = true; requiresMelee = true; costsRemainingPower = true; addsPowerToLethality = true; power_cost = 0; iconFrame = 14; skillname = "Execute"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.playerPowerSlash; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Melee weapon attack (" + getDamage()) + " damage). The character's remaining power is added as percentage chance of killing the target outright.")); } } }//package
Section 600
//sWarriorHeal (sWarriorHeal) package { public class sWarriorHeal extends Skill { public function sWarriorHeal(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = endurance; increaseRate = 1.5; nonCombat = true; targetsSelf = true; removesPoison = false; healing = 20; power_cost = 40; iconFrame = 9; skillname = "Resolve"; verbage = "finds the strength to continue"; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.heal; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Character recovers " + scaleHeal(healing)) + " health.")); } } }//package
Section 601
//sWarriorInspire (sWarriorInspire) package { public class sWarriorInspire extends Skill { public function sWarriorInspire(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = none; aiCastLimit = 1; targetsFriendlies = true; hitsAllFriendlies = true; rangedAttack = true; power_cost = 15; buff_damage = 1.2; iconFrame = 27; skillname = "Inspire"; verbage = "inspires the party"; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.buff; } override public function description():String{ return ((("All party members' damage is increased by " + Math.round(((buff_damage - 1) * 100))) + "% for the remainder of the battle.")); } } }//package
Section 602
//sWarriorPowerAttack (sWarriorPowerAttack) package { public class sWarriorPowerAttack extends Skill { public function sWarriorPowerAttack(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = weapon; damage = 0; addWeaponDamage = true; scaleWeaponDamage = 1.3; power_cost = 40; requiresMelee = true; iconFrame = 4; skillname = "Power Attack"; verbage = ("performs a " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.playerPowerSlash; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Melee attack for 130% weapon damage (" + getDamage()) + ")")); } } }//package
Section 603
//sWarriorShield (sWarriorShield) package { public class sWarriorShield extends Skill { public function sWarriorShield(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = none; damage = 0; power_cost = 60; targetsSelf = true; requiresShield = true; targetsFriendlyFrontRow = true; makeDamageSponge = true; tempDamageResistance = 25; iconFrame = 19; skillname = "Shield Wall"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.protectAllies; } override public function description():String{ return ((("User receives +" + tempDamageResistance) + "% damage resistance and is sole target of enemy attacks until his next turn. Other party members may still take damage from area attacks. Can only be used in the front row of the party formation.")); } } }//package
Section 604
//sWarriorSpeedAttack (sWarriorSpeedAttack) package { public class sWarriorSpeedAttack extends Skill { public function sWarriorSpeedAttack(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = weapon; aiCastLimit = 0; damage = 0; addWeaponDamage = true; power_cost = 75; requiresMelee = true; extraSpeedAttacks = 2; iconFrame = 49; skillname = "Overwhelm"; verbage = "overwhelms the enemy"; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.playerMultiSlash; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Melee weapon attack (" + getDamage()) + " damage). If the warrior has higher Quickness than the target, warrior performs two bonus weapon attacks on the same target.")); } } }//package
Section 605
//sWeaponAttack (sWeaponAttack) package { public class sWeaponAttack extends Skill { public function sWeaponAttack(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = weapon; unlocked = true; damage = 0; addWeaponDamage = true; power_cost = 0; skillname = "Melee Attack"; requiresMelee = true; verbage = "attacks"; iconFrame = 17; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.playerSlash; } override public function description():String{ return ((("Melee attack with equipped weapon. Inflicts " + getDamage()) + " damage. \n\n[Skill cannot be removed]")); } } }//package
Section 606
//sWither (sWither) package { public class sWither extends Skill { public function sWither(_arg1:Character):void{ char_ref = _arg1; increasesWith = Skill.none; damage = 0; rangedAttack = true; power_cost = 30; cancelPowerRegen = 3; cancelHealthRegen = 3; skillname = "Wither"; verbage = ("casts " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.debuff; } } }//package
Section 607
//sVoidCannon (sVoidCannon) package { public class sVoidCannon extends Skill { public function sVoidCannon(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; rangedAttack = true; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage * 1)); power_cost = 75; ignoresArmor = true; piercesColumn = true; skillname = "Void Cannon"; verbage = ("uses " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.disintegrate; } } }//package
Section 608
//sZombieAE (sZombieAE) package { public class sZombieAE extends Skill { public function sZombieAE(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; skillname = "Noxious Cloud"; hitsAllMeleeRange = true; power_cost = 65; damage = Math.round((_arg1.damage / 4)); poisonDamage = Math.round((_arg1.damage / 4)); damageAccuracy = 25; verbage = ("emits a " + skillname); specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.poison; } } }//package
Section 609
//sZombieAttack (sZombieAttack) package { public class sZombieAttack extends Skill { public function sZombieAttack(_arg1:Character){ char_ref = _arg1; damage = _arg1.damage; powerDamage = 10; power_cost = 0; skillname = "Attack"; verbage = "attacks"; specialAnimation = PortraitAnimation.creatureSlash; } } }//package
Section 610
//tab_flash (tab_flash) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class tab_flash extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 611
//TeleportTransition (TeleportTransition) package { import flash.display.*; public class TeleportTransition extends MovieClip { private const stopFrame = 15; private var oldChild:DisplayObjectContainer; private var newChild:DisplayObjectContainer; private var ready:Boolean;// = false public function TeleportTransition(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer=null, _arg2:DisplayObjectContainer=null):void{ ready = false; super(); addFrameScript(14, frame15, 15, frame16, 40, frame41); this.ready = false; oldChild = _arg1; newChild = _arg2; } function frame15(){ } public function setReady():void{ this.ready = true; if (this.currentFrame == stopFrame){ this.gotoAndPlay("continue"); }; } public function beginContinue():void{ var _local1:*; if (this.ready){ _local1 = oldChild.parent; if (_local1 != null){ _local1.removeChild(oldChild); _local1.addChild(newChild); }; if ((newChild is Shop)){ Shop(newChild).init(); }; }; } public function remove():void{ if (parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); }; } function frame16(){ this.beginContinue(); } function frame41(){ this.stop(); this.remove(); } } }//package
Section 612
//ThinButtonBG (ThinButtonBG) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class ThinButtonBG extends MovieClip { public function ThinButtonBG(){ this.gotoAndStop(1); this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added, false, 0, true); this.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removed, false, 0, true); } function added(_arg1:Event):void{ this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOn); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseOn); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOff); } function mouseOn(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ this.gotoAndStop(2); } function mouseOff(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ this.gotoAndStop(1); } function removed(_arg1:Event):void{ this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOn); this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseOn); this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOff); } } }//package
Section 613
//thrown_sound (thrown_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class thrown_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 614
//TitleMusic (TitleMusic) package { import*; public class TitleMusic extends Music { public function TitleMusic(_arg1:Boolean=false, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ var _local3:int; var _local4:*; super(); if (_arg2){ _local3 = 6000; } else { _local3 = 2000; }; _local4 = new frozen_wastelands_loop02(); channel =, 99999); if (channel == null){ return; }; active = true; if (_arg1){ channel.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0); }; if (_arg1){ this.fadeIn(_local3); } else { this.setVolume(volumeSetting); }; } } }//package
Section 615
//TitleScreen (TitleScreen) package { import flash.text.*; import*; import flash.display.*; public class TitleScreen extends MovieClip { public var options_button:SimpleButton; public var versionText:TextField; public var logoLine:MovieClip; private var opening:Boolean;// = false public var credits_button:SimpleButton; public var buttonHintText:TextField; private var closing:Boolean;// = false public var cover:MovieClip; public var continue_button:SimpleButton; public function TitleScreen():void{ closing = false; opening = false; super(); addFrameScript(9, frame10, 39, frame40); init(); this.gotoAndPlay(1); mouseEnabled = false; mouseChildren = false; } private function clearButtonHint():void{ buttonHintText.text = ""; } function creditsClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ addChild(new CreditsScreen()); } private function init():void{ var _local1:String; continue_button = cover.continue_button; options_button = cover.options_button; credits_button = cover.credits_button; if (!(continue_button.hasEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN))){ continue_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, continueClick); }; if (!(continue_button.hasEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER))){ continue_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, continueMouseOver); }; if (!(continue_button.hasEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT))){ continue_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, buttonMouseOut); }; if (!(credits_button.hasEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN))){ credits_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, creditsClick); }; if (!(credits_button.hasEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER))){ credits_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, creditsMouseOver); }; if (!(credits_button.hasEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT))){ credits_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, buttonMouseOut); }; if (!(options_button.hasEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN))){ options_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, optionsClick); }; if (!(options_button.hasEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER))){ options_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, optionsMouseOver); }; if (!(options_button.hasEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT))){ options_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, buttonMouseOut); }; if (DungeonMain.ARMORGAMES){ if (logoLine.contains(logoLine.sponsorButton)){ logoLine.removeChild(logoLine.sponsorButton); }; if (!(logoLine.contains(logoLine.armorButton))){ logoLine.addChild(logoLine.armorButton); }; if (logoLine.contains(logoLine.biclopsButton)){ logoLine.removeChild(logoLine.biclopsButton); }; } else { if (DungeonMain.ANDKON){ if (logoLine.contains(logoLine.sponsorButton)){ logoLine.removeChild(logoLine.sponsorButton); }; if (logoLine.contains(logoLine.armorButton)){ logoLine.removeChild(logoLine.armorButton); }; if (!(logoLine.contains(logoLine.biclopsButton))){ logoLine.addChild(logoLine.biclopsButton); }; } else { if (!(logoLine.contains(logoLine.sponsorButton))){ logoLine.addChild(logoLine.sponsorButton); }; if (logoLine.contains(logoLine.armorButton)){ logoLine.removeChild(logoLine.armorButton); }; if (logoLine.contains(logoLine.biclopsButton)){ logoLine.removeChild(logoLine.biclopsButton); }; }; }; if (!(logoLine.sponsorButton.hasEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN))){ logoLine.sponsorButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, sponsorClick); }; if (!(logoLine.armorButton.hasEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN))){ logoLine.armorButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, sponsorClick); }; if (!(logoLine.biclopsButton.hasEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN))){ logoLine.biclopsButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, biclopsClick); }; if (!(this.hasEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME))){ this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); }; _local1 = ("v" + String(DungeonMain.GAME_VERSION)); if (DungeonMain.KONGREGATE){ _local1 = (_local1 + "k"); } else { if (DungeonMain.ARMORGAMES){ _local1 = (_local1 + "a"); }; }; if (DungeonMain.BETA){ _local1 = (_local1 + "\nBETA"); } else { if (DungeonMain.debug){ _local1 = (_local1 + "\nDEBUG"); }; }; if (versionText != null){ versionText.text = _local1; dmf.embolden(versionText); }; clearButtonHint(); } private function optionsMouseOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ buttonHintText.text = "Options"; } public function animationFinished():void{ this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); if (parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); }; cleanup(); } public function continueClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ clearButtonHint(); cleanup(); DungeonMain(parent).loadGameMenu(); opening = true; this.gotoAndPlay("open"); } private function continueMouseOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ buttonHintText.text = "Play Game"; } function frame10(){ this.stop(); this.mouseEnabled = true; this.mouseChildren = true; } function optionsClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ addChild(new OptionsScreen()); } public function sponsorClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (DungeonMain.ARMORGAMES){; } else {; }; } private function creditsMouseOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ buttonHintText.text = "Credits"; } function frame40(){ this.stop(); this.animationFinished(); } private function cleanup():void{ continue_button.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, continueClick); continue_button.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, continueMouseOver); continue_button.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, buttonMouseOut); credits_button.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, creditsClick); credits_button.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, creditsMouseOver); credits_button.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, buttonMouseOut); options_button.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, optionsClick); options_button.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, optionsMouseOver); options_button.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, buttonMouseOut); logoLine.sponsorButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, sponsorClick); logoLine.armorButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, sponsorClick); logoLine.biclopsButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, biclopsClick); logoLine.muteButton.cleanup(); } private function buttonMouseOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ clearButtonHint(); } public function closeCover(_arg1:MouseEvent=null):void{ mouseEnabled = false; mouseChildren = false; closing = true; this.gotoAndStop(this.totalFrames); init(); } private function onFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ if (closing){ this.gotoAndStop((this.currentFrame - 1)); if (currentFrame == 10){ closing = false; init(); mouseEnabled = true; mouseChildren = true; dm.main.removeDungeon(); dm.main.removeInventory(); }; } else { if (opening){ if (this.currentFrame == this.totalFrames){ animationFinished(); }; }; }; } public function biclopsClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{""); } } }//package
Section 616
//Tooltip (Tooltip) package { import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.display.*; public class Tooltip extends Sprite { const red_text = 0xCC0000; const white_text = 0xFFFFFF; const grey_text = 0xCCCCCC; const purple_text = 0x9900FF; const green_text = 0x66FF00; const blue_text = 26367; private var fadeOut:Boolean;// = false private var fadeIn:Boolean;// = false private var fadeCount:int;// = 0 static const DELAY_SHORT:uint = 1; static const DELAY_MEDIUM:uint = 2; static const DELAY_NONE:uint = 0; static const FADE_IN_FRAMES = 5; static const DELAY_LONG:uint = 4; public function Tooltip():void{ fadeIn = false; fadeOut = false; fadeCount = 0; super(); addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added, false, 0, true); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame, false, 0, true); } private function added(_arg1:Event):void{ fadeIn = true; this.alpha = 0; fadeCount = 0; } public function get realHeight():int{ return (this.height); } public function fade():void{ fadeIn = false; fadeOut = true; fadeCount = 0; } public function get realWidth():int{ return (this.width); } private function onFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ if (fadeOut){ this.alpha = (this.alpha - ((1 / FADE_IN_FRAMES) * fadeCount)); fadeCount++; if ((((this.alpha <= 0)) || ((fadeCount > FADE_IN_FRAMES)))){ fadeOut = false; if (parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); }; }; } else { if (fadeIn){ this.alpha = (this.alpha + ((1 / FADE_IN_FRAMES) * fadeCount)); fadeCount++; if (this.alpha >= 1){ fadeCount = 0; fadeIn = false; }; }; }; } public function setForEvent(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:Point; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7 = ??pushnamespace ; if (_arg1 == null){ return; }; _local2 =; _local3 =; _local4 = Point(_local2, _local3)); _local5 = _local4.x; _local6 = _local4.y; _local7 = 5; if (((_local4.x + this.realWidth) + _local7) > DungeonMain.APP_WIDTH){ _local5 = (_local5 + (DungeonMain.APP_WIDTH - ((_local4.x + this.realWidth) + _local7))); }; if (((_local4.y + this.realHeight) + _local7) > DungeonMain.APP_HEIGHT){ _local6 = (_local6 + (DungeonMain.APP_HEIGHT - ((_local4.y + this.realHeight) + _local7))); }; this.x = Math.floor(_local5); this.y = Math.floor(_local6); } static function get delayFrames():int{ if (DungeonMain.tooltipDelay == DELAY_NONE){ return (0); }; if (DungeonMain.tooltipDelay == DELAY_SHORT){ return (5); }; if (DungeonMain.tooltipDelay == DELAY_MEDIUM){ return (15); }; if (DungeonMain.tooltipDelay == DELAY_LONG){ return (25); }; return (0); } } }//package
Section 617
//TooltipSelectorMenu (TooltipSelectorMenu) package { import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class TooltipSelectorMenu extends MovieClip { public var low:TextField; public var off:TextField; public var long:TextField; public var med:TextField; public function TooltipSelectorMenu():void{ long.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickLong); med.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickMed); low.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickLow); off.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickOff); setFrame(); } public function setFrame():void{ if (DungeonMain.tooltipDelay == Tooltip.DELAY_NONE){ this.gotoAndStop("off"); } else { if (DungeonMain.tooltipDelay == Tooltip.DELAY_SHORT){ this.gotoAndStop("low"); } else { if (DungeonMain.tooltipDelay == Tooltip.DELAY_MEDIUM){ this.gotoAndStop("med"); } else { if (DungeonMain.tooltipDelay == Tooltip.DELAY_LONG){ this.gotoAndStop("long"); }; }; }; }; } function clickMed(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ this.gotoAndStop("med"); DungeonMain.tooltipDelay = Tooltip.DELAY_MEDIUM; } function clickLong(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ this.gotoAndStop("long"); DungeonMain.tooltipDelay = Tooltip.DELAY_LONG; } function clickLow(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ this.gotoAndStop("low"); DungeonMain.tooltipDelay = Tooltip.DELAY_SHORT; } public function cleanup():void{ long.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickLong); med.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickMed); low.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickLow); off.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickOff); } function clickOff(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ this.gotoAndStop("off"); DungeonMain.tooltipDelay = Tooltip.DELAY_NONE; } } }//package
Section 618
//transform_effect (transform_effect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class transform_effect extends MovieClip { public function transform_effect(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 14, frame15, 44, frame45); } function frame15(){ if (((!((this.parent == null))) && ((this.parent is CharacterPortrait)))){ CharacterPortrait(this.parent).update(); }; } function frame1(){; } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 619
//TreasureCategoryTake (TreasureCategoryTake) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class TreasureCategoryTake extends MovieClip { public var take:Boolean; public function TreasureCategoryTake():void{ take = true; addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clicked); } function clicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ take = !(take); if (take){ this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; TreasureReport(parent).takeSettingsChange(TreasureCategoryTake(_arg1.currentTarget)); } public function cleanup():void{ removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clicked); } } }//package
Section 620
//TreasureChest (TreasureChest) package { import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.display.*; public class TreasureChest extends MovieClip { var looted:Boolean;// = false var loot:Array; var chest_level;// = 1 var hordeLoot:Boolean;// = false static const POTION_CHANCE = 20; public function TreasureChest(_arg1:Party=null, _arg2:int=1, _arg3:int=0, _arg4=false, _arg5:Boolean=false){ var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:Item; loot = new Array(); chest_level = 1; looted = false; hordeLoot = false; super(); addFrameScript(59, frame60, 74, frame75); chest_level = _arg2; hordeLoot = _arg5; if (_arg4){ _local6 = false; while (((!(_local6)) && (!((_arg1 == null))))) { _local7 = getItem(_arg2, Item.purple); if (testItemSuitable(_local7, _arg1)){ loot.push(_local7); _local6 = true; }; }; }; GenerateItems(_arg1, _arg3); } function frame75(){ this.stop(); } private function GenerateItems(_arg1:Party, _arg2:int){ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:Item; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; _local3 = 0; _local4 = 0; _local5 = null; if (!(_arg2)){ _arg2 = dmf.randomNum(1, 4); }; while (loot.length < _arg2) { _local5 = getItem(chest_level, -1, false, hordeLoot); if (testItemSuitable(_local5, _arg1)){ loot.push(_local5); }; }; if (dmf.randomNum(0, 99) < POTION_CHANCE){ _local6 = dmf.randomNum(1, 2); _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _local6) { _local5 = getItem(chest_level, -1, true); loot.push(_local5); _local7++; }; }; } function onFadeComplete(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ if (parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); }; } public function fade():void{ var _local1:Timer; looted = true; this.gotoAndPlay(61); _local1 = new Timer(500, 1); _local1.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, onFadeComplete); _local1.start(); } function frame60(){ this.gotoAndPlay(1); } public static function getItem(_arg1:int=-1, _arg2:int=-1, _arg3:Boolean=false, _arg4:Boolean=false):Item{ var _local5:Array; var _local6:*; _local5 = GetItemTypes(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4); _local6 = dmf.randomNum(0, _local5.length); return (_local5[_local6]); } public static function testItemSuitable(_arg1:Item, _arg2:Party):Boolean{ var _local3:int; var _local4:*; if (_arg1 == null){ return (false); }; if (_arg2 != null){ _local3 = 0; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg2.members.length) { if (_arg2.members[_local4].itemUsable(_arg1)){ _local3++; }; _local4++; }; if (_local3 > 0){ return (true); }; return (false); }; return (false); } private static function GetItemTypes(_arg1:int, _arg2:int=0, _arg3:Boolean=false, _arg4:Boolean=false):Array{ var _local5:Array; var _local6:*; _local5 = new Array(); if (((_arg3) || ((((_arg2 == -1)) && ((dmf.randomNum(0, 99) < POTION_CHANCE)))))){ _local5.push(new PotionHealthSmall(_arg1)); _local5.push(new PotionHealthSmall(_arg1)); _local5.push(new PotionHealthSmall(_arg1)); _local5.push(new PotionPowerSmall(_arg1)); _local5.push(new PotionPowerSmall(_arg1)); _local5.push(new PotionPowerSmall(_arg1)); _local5.push(new PotionRejuveSmall(_arg1)); _local5.push(new PotionRejuveSmall(_arg1)); _local5.push(new PotionReviveWeak(_arg1)); _local5.push(new PotionReviveWeak(_arg1)); _local5.push(new PotionHealth(_arg1)); _local5.push(new PotionPower(_arg1)); _local5.push(new PotionRejuve(_arg1)); _local5.push(new PotionRevive(_arg1)); _local5.push(new PotionPoisonResist(_arg1)); _local5.push(new PotionShield(_arg1)); _local5.push(new PotionQuickness(_arg1)); if (_arg4){ _local5.push(new SneakyScroll()); _local5.push(new SneakyScroll()); }; _local5.push(new Enchantment(_arg1)); _local5.push(new Enchantment(_arg1)); return (_local5); }; _local5.push(new iDagger(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iDagger(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iSword(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iSword(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iAxe(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iSpear(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iMace(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iMace(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iStaff(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iStaff(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iBow(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iBow(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iCrossbow(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iPlateHelmet(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iPlateGloves(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iPlateGreaves(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iPlateBoots(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iPlateBreastplate(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iLeatherHat(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iLeatherGloves(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iLeatherLegs(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iLeatherBoots(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iLeatherChest(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iClothHat(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iClothGloves(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iClothLegs(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iClothShoes(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iClothRobe(_arg1, _arg2)); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < 2) { _local5.push(new iRing(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iCloak(_arg1, _arg2)); _local6++; }; _local5.push(new iQuiver(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iParryingDagger(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iShieldBuckler(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iShieldTower(_arg1, _arg2)); _local5.push(new iCenser(_arg1, _arg2)); return (_local5); } } }//package
Section 621
//TreasureReport (TreasureReport) package { import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class TreasureReport extends MovieClip { const icon_gap:int = 4; var chest:TreasureChest; var icons:Array; public var takeDisabler:Sprite; public var bg:MovieClip; public var discard_btn:MovieClip; public var selected_count_label:TextField; public var settings_btn:MovieClip; public var weapons_lbl:TextField; public var consumables_lbl:TextField; private var comparisons:Array; public var take_btn:MovieClip; public var armor_lbl:TextField; var tooltipController:ItemTooltipController; public function TreasureReport(_arg1:String="chest"){ icons = new Array(); super(); tooltipController = new ItemTooltipController(); settings_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, settingsClick); this.gotoAndStop(_arg1); } private function updateSelectedCount():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:*; _local1 = 0; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < icons.length) { if (icons[_local2].taking){ _local1++; }; _local2++; }; selected_count_label.text = (((String(_local1) + "/") + String(icons.length)) + " selected"); if (_local1){ takeDisabler.alpha = 0; takeDisabler.mouseEnabled = false; } else { takeDisabler.alpha = 1; takeDisabler.mouseEnabled = true; }; } public function updateSettings():void{ var _local1:Party; var _local2:InventoryIcon; var _local3:Item; var _local4:int; var _local5:Boolean; _local1 = dm.main.pc_party; for each (_local2 in icons) { if (_local2 == null){ } else { _local3 = _local2.item_ref; _local4 = _local3.item_rarity; _local5 = false; if ((((_local4 == Item.grey)) && (!(dmf.hasFlag(_local1.lootSettings, LootSettings.GREY))))){ _local5 = setUnselected(_local2); } else { if ((((_local4 == Item.white)) && (!(dmf.hasFlag(_local1.lootSettings, LootSettings.WHITE))))){ _local5 = setUnselected(_local2); } else { if ((((_local4 == && (!(dmf.hasFlag(_local1.lootSettings, LootSettings.GREEN))))){ _local5 = setUnselected(_local2); } else { if ((((_local4 == && (!(dmf.hasFlag(_local1.lootSettings, LootSettings.BLUE))))){ _local5 = setUnselected(_local2); } else { if ((((_local4 == Item.purple)) && (!(dmf.hasFlag(_local1.lootSettings, LootSettings.PURPLE))))){ _local5 = setUnselected(_local2); } else { if ((((_local3 is LightArmor)) && (!(dmf.hasFlag(_local1.lootSettings, LootSettings.LIGHT))))){ _local5 = setUnselected(_local2); } else { if ((((_local3 is MediumArmor)) && (!(dmf.hasFlag(_local1.lootSettings, LootSettings.MEDIUM))))){ _local5 = setUnselected(_local2); } else { if ((((_local3 is HeavyArmor)) && (!(dmf.hasFlag(_local1.lootSettings, LootSettings.HEAVY))))){ _local5 = setUnselected(_local2); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; if (!(_local5)){ _local2.alpha = 1; _local2.taking = true; }; }; }; updateSelectedCount(); } private function settingsClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:LootSettings; _local2 = new LootSettings(); addChild(_local2); } public function takeSettingsChange(_arg1:TreasureCategoryTake):void{ } public function drawIcons():void{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:Array; var _local3:Array; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local8 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local9:*; var _local10:*; _local1 = new Array(); _local2 = new Array(); _local3 = new Array(); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < icons.length) { if (icons[_local4] == null){ } else { if (icons[_local4].item_ref == null){ } else { if ((icons[_local4].item_ref is Weapon)){ _local2.push(icons[_local4]); } else { if ((icons[_local4].item_ref is Equipment)){ _local3.push(icons[_local4]); } else { _local1.push(icons[_local4]); }; }; icons[_local4].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickedIcon); icons[_local4].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, overIcon); icons[_local4].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, outIcon); }; }; _local4++; }; _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; _local7 = 18; _local8 = 54; _local9 = (consumables_lbl.y + _local7); _local10 = (bg.x + 30); removeChild(consumables_lbl); removeChild(weapons_lbl); removeChild(armor_lbl); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local1.length) { _local5 = Math.floor((_local4 / 12)); _local6 = (_local4 % 12); _local1[_local4].x = (_local10 + (_local6 * (_local1[_local4].width + icon_gap))); _local1[_local4].y = (_local9 + (_local5 * (_local1[_local4].height + icon_gap))); addChild(_local1[_local4]); _local4++; }; if (_local1.length){ _local9 = (_local9 + _local8); addChild(consumables_lbl); }; weapons_lbl.y = (_local9 - _local7); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local2.length) { _local5 = Math.floor((_local4 / 12)); _local6 = (_local4 % 12); _local2[_local4].x = (_local10 + (_local6 * (_local2[_local4].width + icon_gap))); _local2[_local4].y = (_local9 + (_local5 * (_local2[_local4].height + icon_gap))); addChild(_local2[_local4]); _local4++; }; if (_local2.length){ _local9 = (_local9 + _local8); addChild(weapons_lbl); }; armor_lbl.y = (_local9 - _local7); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local3.length) { _local5 = Math.floor((_local4 / 12)); _local6 = (_local4 % 12); _local3[_local4].x = (_local10 + (_local6 * (_local3[_local4].width + icon_gap))); _local3[_local4].y = (_local9 + (_local5 * (_local3[_local4].height + icon_gap))); addChild(_local3[_local4]); _local4++; }; if (_local3.length){ addChild(armor_lbl); }; updateSettings(); } private function setUnselected(_arg1:InventoryIcon, _arg2:Boolean=false):Boolean{ var _local3:Party; var _local4:Boolean; _local3 = dm.main.pc_party; _local4 = true; if ((((_arg1.item_ref is Consumable)) && (dmf.hasFlag(_local3.lootSettings, LootSettings.CONSUMABLES)))){ _local4 = false; }; if ((((_arg1.item_ref is Enchantment)) && (dmf.hasFlag(_local3.lootSettings, LootSettings.ENCHANTMENTS)))){ _local4 = false; }; if (((_arg2) || (_local4))){ _arg1.taking = false; _arg1.alpha = 0.3; return (true); }; return (false); } private function removeComparisons():void{ var _local1:ItemComparison; for each (_local1 in comparisons) { if (_local1.parent != null){ _local1.parent.removeChild(_local1); }; }; } private function overIcon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:Item; var _local3:Party; var _local4:PlayerCharacter; var _local5:ItemComparison; var _local6:CharacterPortrait; if (parent == null){ return; }; _local2 = _arg1.currentTarget.item_ref; _local3 = dm.main.pc_party; if ((_local2 is Equipment)){ removeComparisons(); comparisons = new Array(); for each (_local4 in _local3.members) { if ((_local4 is PC_Adventurer)){ } else { _local5 = new ItemComparison(_local4, Equipment(_local2).slot, Equipment(_local2)); comparisons.push(_local5); _local6 = _local4.portraitRef; if (_local6 != null){ stage.addChild(_local5); _local5.x = _local6.x; _local5.y = _local6.y; }; }; }; }; } public function addItemRef(_arg1:Item):int{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; if (_arg1 == null){ return (-1); }; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Party.MAX_OVERFLOW) { if (icons[_local3] == null){ _local4 = new InventoryIcon(_arg1, tooltipController); icons.push(_local4); return (_local3); }; _local3++; }; return (-1); } public function cleanup():void{ var _local1:*; settings_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, settingsClick); removeComparisons(); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < icons.length) { icons[_local1].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, overIcon); icons[_local1].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, outIcon); icons[_local1].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickedIcon); icons[_local1].cleanup(); _local1++; }; } function clickedIcon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:InventoryIcon; _local2 = InventoryIcon(_arg1.currentTarget); _local2.taking = !(_local2.taking); if (_local2.taking){ _local2.alpha = 1; } else { setUnselected(_local2, true); }; updateSelectedCount(); } private function outIcon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ removeComparisons(); } } }//package
Section 622
//turn_page_sound (turn_page_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class turn_page_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 623
//WarningDialog (WarningDialog) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class WarningDialog extends MovieClip { public var yes_btn:MovieClip; public var dlg_text:TextField; public function WarningDialog(_arg1:String=""){ if (_arg1.length){ setText(_arg1); }; yes_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickOkay); } private function cleanup():void{ yes_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickOkay); } public function setText(_arg1:String):void{ dlg_text.text = _arg1; } function clickOkay(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ yes_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickOkay); if (parent != null){ parent.removeChild(this); cleanup(); } else { if (((!((stage == null))) && (stage.contains(this)))){ stage.removeChild(this); cleanup(); }; }; } } }//package
Section 624
//Weapon (Weapon) package { public class Weapon extends Equipment { private var _twoHanded:Boolean;// = false var base_damage_mod:int;// = 0 var base_damage:int;// = 0 private var _damage:int; static const dagger_base_damage = 14; static const crossbow_base_damage = 16; static const axe_base_damage = 22; static const bow_base_damage = 14; static const mace_base_damage = 14; static const spear_base_damage = 20; static const sword_base_damage = 15; static const staff_base_damage = 14; public function Weapon(){ _twoHanded = false; base_damage = 0; base_damage_mod = 0; super(); item_name = "Weapon"; slot = weapon; grey_name = "Damaged"; } override public function generateItem(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; _local2 = false; _local3 = false; if (item_rarity =={ if (dmf.randomNum(0, 100) >= 50){ _local3 = true; } else { _local2 = true; }; }; getItemModifiers(); if ((((item_rarity == || (_local3))){ prefix = rollForPrefix(item_rarity); }; if ((((item_rarity == || (_local2))){ suffix = rollForSuffix(item_rarity); }; if (prefix >= 0){ applyPrefix(); }; if (suffix >= 0){ applySuffix(); }; damage = scaleWeaponDamageForLevel((base_damage * (1 + (base_damage_mod / 100)))); if (((materials.length) && ((item_rarity < Item.purple)))){ material = rollForMaterial(item_rarity, materials); scaleDamageForMaterial(material); } else { material = -1; }; if (material >= 0){ item_name = ((materials[material] + " ") + item_name); }; if (prefix >= 0){ item_name = ((prefixes[prefix][0] + " ") + item_name); }; if (suffix >= 0){ item_name = ((item_name + " of ") + suffixes[suffix][0]); }; if (item_rarity == Item.grey){ item_name = ((grey_name + " ") + item_name); }; } override public function getItemTypeString(){ return ("Weapon"); } override public function applySuffix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = suffix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applySuffix(); } public function get damage():int{ return (this._damage); } public function set twoHanded(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this._twoHanded = _arg1; } override public function itemStatsString(_arg1:String):String{ _arg1 = (_arg1 + (String(damage) + " damage\n")); return (super.itemStatsString(_arg1)); } override public function applyPrefix():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = prefix; if (_local1 < 0){ return; }; super.applyPrefix(); } public function scaleWeaponDamageForLevel(_arg1:int):int{ return (scaleWeaponDamageForLevelNew(_arg1, item_level)); } public function get twoHanded():Boolean{ return (this._twoHanded); } public function set damage(_arg1:int):void{ this._damage = _arg1; } override public function getItemModifiers():void{ super.getItemModifiers(); prefixes.push(["Staggering", 10]); prefixes.push(["Unerring", base_accuracy_bonus]); prefixes.push(["Venomous", 5]); prefixes.push(["Blinding", 10]); prefixes.push(["Vampiric", 10]); suffixes.push(["Lethality", 1]); } public function scaleDamageForMaterial(_arg1:int){ var _local2:*; _local2 = (1 + ((_arg1 + 1) * 0.05)); damage = Math.round((damage * _local2)); } public static function scaleWeaponDamageForLevelNew(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):int{ var _local3:int; var _local4 = ??pushnamespace ; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:*; _local3 = MonsterCharacter.getHealthMax(_arg2, false); _local4 = 5; _local5 = (_local3 / _local4); _local6 = (_arg1 / sword_base_damage); _local7 = Math.round((_local5 * _local6)); return (_local7); } } }//package
Section 625
//web_effect (web_effect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class web_effect extends MovieClip { public function web_effect(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 44, frame45); } function frame1(){; } function frame45(){ this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 626
//web_squirt_sound (web_squirt_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class web_squirt_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 627
//whirlwind_sound (whirlwind_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class whirlwind_sound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 628
//VolumeControl (VolumeControl) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class VolumeControl extends MovieClip { var soundButton:SoundButton; public var sfx_selector:VolumeSelector; public var volCloseButton:SimpleButton; public var global_selector:VolumeSelector; public var music_selector:VolumeSelector; public function VolumeControl(_arg1:SoundButton=null):void{ init(_arg1); if (volCloseButton != null){ volCloseButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickedClose); }; } public function init(_arg1:SoundButton=null):void{ if (_arg1 != null){ soundButton = _arg1; }; global_selector.setFrameFromVolume(GlobalVolume.volumeSetting); sfx_selector.setFrameFromVolume(SoundControl.volumeSetting); music_selector.setFrameFromVolume(Music.volumeSetting); } function clickedClose(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ volCloseButton.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickedClose); if (soundButton != null){ soundButton.removeControl(); } else { if (stage != null){ this.cleanup(); stage.removeChild(this); }; }; } public function adjustVolume(_arg1:VolumeSelector, _arg2:Number):void{ if (_arg1 == global_selector){ GlobalVolume.setVolume(_arg2); dm.main.saveInterface(); } else { if (_arg1 == music_selector){ dm.main.setMusicVolume(_arg2); dm.main.saveInterface(); } else { if (_arg1 == sfx_selector){ SoundControl.volumeSetting = _arg2; dm.main.saveInterface(); }; }; }; } public function cleanup():void{ global_selector.cleanup(); sfx_selector.cleanup(); music_selector.cleanup(); } } }//package
Section 629
//VolumeControlMenu (VolumeControlMenu) package { public dynamic class VolumeControlMenu extends VolumeControl { } }//package
Section 630
//VolumeSelector (VolumeSelector) package { import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.display.*; public class VolumeSelector extends MovieClip { const vol_mid = 2; const vol_off = 0; const vol_full = 3; const vol_low = 1; public var mid:TextField; public var low:TextField; public var off:TextField; public var full:TextField; public function VolumeSelector():void{ full.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickFull); mid.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickMid); low.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickLow); off.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickOff); } private function setFrame(_arg1:int):void{ if (_arg1 == vol_off){ this.gotoAndStop("off"); } else { if (_arg1 == vol_low){ this.gotoAndStop("low"); } else { if (_arg1 == vol_mid){ this.gotoAndStop("mid"); } else { if (_arg1 == vol_full){ this.gotoAndStop("full"); }; }; }; }; } function clickFull(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = GlobalVolume.volumeFull; setFrame(vol_full); if (parent != null){ VolumeControl(parent).adjustVolume(this, _local2); }; } function clickLow(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = GlobalVolume.volumeLow; setFrame(vol_low); if (parent != null){ VolumeControl(parent).adjustVolume(this, _local2); }; } function clickMid(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = GlobalVolume.volumeMid; setFrame(vol_mid); if (parent != null){ VolumeControl(parent).adjustVolume(this, _local2); }; } public function cleanup():void{ full.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickFull); mid.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickMid); low.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickLow); off.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickOff); } function clickOff(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = GlobalVolume.volumeOff; setFrame(vol_off); if (parent != null){ VolumeControl(parent).adjustVolume(this, _local2); }; } public function setFrameFromVolume(_arg1:Number):void{ if (_arg1 == GlobalVolume.volumeOff){ setFrame(vol_off); } else { if (_arg1 == GlobalVolume.volumeLow){ setFrame(vol_low); } else { if (_arg1 == GlobalVolume.volumeMid){ setFrame(vol_mid); } else { if (_arg1 == GlobalVolume.volumeFull){ setFrame(vol_full); }; }; }; }; } } }//package
Section 631
//VolumeSelectorMenu (VolumeSelectorMenu) package { public dynamic class VolumeSelectorMenu extends VolumeSelector { } }//package
Section 632
//writing_sound (writing_sound) package { import*; public dynamic class writing_sound extends Sound { } }//package

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound {Smash}
Symbol 2 GraphicUsed by:7
Symbol 3 FontUsed by:4 19 20 26 57 90 91 92 181 195 196 197 198 200 338 362 363 368 415 416 418 423 425 447 448 449 450 452 453 454 460 465 466 467 468 469 475 476 478 480 484 485 486 487 488 490 492 495 496 497 498 500 501 504 505 506 550 551 619 620 621 622 623 624 626 627 628 629 630 631 634 637 639 640 641 642 643 645 646 648 649 650 651 658 662 664 665 670 674 692 693 709 719 722 723 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 753 754 755 756 757 771 976 984 986 987 989 990 999 1000 1001 1009 1012 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1079 1087 1095 1096 1097 1103 1104 1114 1117 1125 1129 1132 1133 1134 1136 1139 1140 1142 1144 1145 1157 1159 1161 1169 1172 1176 1181 1182 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1192 1193 1194 1197 1198 1199 1205 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1213 1214 1216 1219 1220 1228 1234 1237 1238 1294 1525 1526 1527 1528 1559 1560 1561 1562 1572 1580 1581 1582 1593 1607 1608 1609 1610 1613 1614 1615 1616 1624 1636 1665 1672 1676 1725 1726 1727 1728
Symbol 4 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:7
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:7
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:7
Symbol 7 MovieClip {ItemModeTab}Uses:2 4 5 6Used by:1552 1556
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:15 154 337 361 444 464 499 557 596 598 607 608 672 764 997 1039 1070 1112 1236 1254 1267 1274 1282 1340 1551 1642 1644 1650 1651 1680 1708  Timeline
Symbol 9 BitmapUsed by:10
Symbol 10 GraphicUses:9Used by:11
Symbol 11 MovieClipUses:10Used by:15 608
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:14
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:14
Symbol 14 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.RoomTint_87}Uses:12 13Used by:15 591 593 597 598 599 602 603 604 608 615
Symbol 15 MovieClip {CorridorConnectorV}Uses:8 11 14Used by:Timeline
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:17  Timeline
Symbol 17 MovieClipUses:16Used by:Timeline
Symbol 18 FontUsed by:4 19 20 57 195 196 197 362 363 418 423 447 448 449 450 460 466 467 468 469 475 476 485 486 487 488 506 550 551 619 620 621 622 623 624 626 627 628 629 630 631 634 637 639 640 641 642 643 645 646 648 649 651 658 662 670 674 692 693 709 719 742 755 757 771 976 984 986 987 990 999 1000 1001 1009 1012 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1035 1036 1037 1087 1095 1096 1097 1103 1114 1129 1169 1181 1182 1185 1188 1192 1193 1205 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1213 1214 1216 1219 1220 1228 1234 1237 1238 1294 1525 1526 1527 1528 1560 1561 1562 1572 1580 1581 1582 1593 1608 1609 1636 1725 1727
Symbol 19 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:Timeline
Symbol 20 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:Timeline
Symbol 21 FontUsed by:4 19 20 22 25 56 57 62 165 177 178 182 195 196 197 336 362 363 368 402 403 404 405 418 419 420 423 425 447 448 449 450 460 466 467 468 469 475 476 485 486 487 488 495 496 504 505 506 550 551 619 620 621 622 623 624 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 634 637 639 640 641 642 643 645 646 648 649 651 658 662 670 674 686 687 690 692 693 696 701 704 706 707 708 709 712 719 724 725 726 727 728 742 749 755 757 771 976 984 986 987 990 992 999 1000 1001 1009 1012 1015 1018 1021 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1035 1036 1037 1040 1080 1083 1087 1095 1096 1097 1099 1101 1103 1106 1114 1118 1121 1129 1135 1137 1143 1147 1157 1159 1161 1169 1173 1179 1181 1182 1185 1188 1192 1193 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1213 1214 1216 1219 1220 1228 1234 1237 1238 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1256 1257 1258 1259 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1294 1525 1526 1527 1528 1530 1531 1532 1534 1540 1554 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1572 1580 1581 1582 1593 1594 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1608 1609 1636 1725 1727
Symbol 22 TextUses:21Used by:24
Symbol 23 GraphicUsed by:24
Symbol 24 ButtonUses:22 23Used by:Timeline
Symbol 25 TextUses:21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 26 EditableTextUses:3Used by:Timeline
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:41
Symbol 28 FontUsed by:29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1706
Symbol 29 TextUses:28Used by:41
Symbol 30 TextUses:28Used by:41
Symbol 31 TextUses:28Used by:41
Symbol 32 TextUses:28Used by:41
Symbol 33 TextUses:28Used by:41
Symbol 34 TextUses:28Used by:41
Symbol 35 TextUses:28Used by:41
Symbol 36 TextUses:28Used by:41
Symbol 37 TextUses:28Used by:41
Symbol 38 TextUses:28Used by:41
Symbol 39 TextUses:28Used by:41
Symbol 40 TextUses:28Used by:41
Symbol 41 ButtonUses:27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40Used by:60
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:43 44
Symbol 43 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.Eye1_7}Uses:42Used by:53
Symbol 44 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.Eye2_8}Uses:42Used by:53
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:49
Symbol 46 ShapeTweeningUsed by:49
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:49
Symbol 48 ShapeTweeningUsed by:49
Symbol 49 MovieClipUses:45 46 47 48Used by:53
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:53
Symbol 51 FontUsed by:52
Symbol 52 TextUses:51Used by:53
Symbol 53 MovieClipUses:43 44 49 50 52Used by:55
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 55 ButtonUses:53 54Used by:60 515 549
Symbol 56 TextUses:21Used by:60
Symbol 57 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:60
Symbol 58 BitmapUsed by:59
Symbol 59 GraphicUses:58Used by:60
Symbol 60 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.OnKongLoader_3}Uses:41 55 56 57 59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 62 TextUses:21Used by:63
Symbol 63 MovieClipUses:61 62Used by:Timeline
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:66
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:66
Symbol 66 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.SkillIconBG_12}Uses:64 65Used by:145 176  Timeline
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:145 176 414
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 79 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:145 176 1339 1386 1456
Symbol 81 GraphicUsed by:145 414
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:145 176 414
Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 85 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 89 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 90 TextUses:3Used by:145
Symbol 91 TextUses:3Used by:145
Symbol 92 TextUses:3Used by:145
Symbol 93 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 94 GraphicUsed by:145 176 414
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 97 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 98 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 101 GraphicUsed by:145 176
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:145 176
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 105 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 108 GraphicUsed by:145 176
Symbol 109 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 111 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 112 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 113 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 115 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 117 GraphicUsed by:145 176 414
Symbol 118 GraphicUsed by:145 176
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 120 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 121 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 123 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 124 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 125 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 126 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 127 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:145 434 655 1631 1634
Symbol 129 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 130 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 131 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 132 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 133 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 134 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 135 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 136 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 137 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 138 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 139 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 140 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 141 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 142 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 143 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 144 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 145 MovieClip {SkillIcon}Uses:66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144Used by:183 983 985 1218  Timeline
Symbol 146 GraphicUsed by:147
Symbol 147 MovieClip {SkillIconEmpty}Uses:146Used by:153 758  Timeline
Symbol 148 GraphicUsed by:151
Symbol 149 GraphicUsed by:151
Symbol 150 GraphicUsed by:151
Symbol 151 MovieClip {SkillIconHighlight}Uses:148 149 150Used by:Timeline
Symbol 152 GraphicUsed by:153
Symbol 153 MovieClip {SkillBar}Uses:152 147Used by:1233  Timeline
Symbol 154 MovieClip {FadeScreen}Uses:8Used by:183 1085 1088 1115 1123 1126 1130 1151 1170 1183 1190 1195 1611
Symbol 155 GraphicUsed by:183 493 515 994 1085 1088 1090 1115 1123 1126 1127 1151 1183 1190 1195 1200 1611
Symbol 156 BitmapUsed by:157
Symbol 157 GraphicUses:156Used by:158 763 998 1039 1537 1576
Symbol 158 MovieClipUses:157Used by:183 493 515 994 1085 1088 1090 1115 1123 1126 1127 1151 1183 1190 1195 1200 1611 1650
Symbol 159 GraphicUsed by:183 493 515 994 1085 1088 1115 1123 1126 1127 1151 1183 1190 1611
Symbol 160 GraphicUsed by:163
Symbol 161 GraphicUsed by:163
Symbol 162 GraphicUsed by:163
Symbol 163 MovieClip {ThinButtonBG}Uses:160 161 162Used by:166 688 691 705 713 993 1016 1019 1022 1081 1084 1100 1102 1107 1119 1122 1150 1174 1180 1541 1555
Symbol 164 GraphicUsed by:166
Symbol 165 TextUses:21Used by:166
Symbol 166 MovieClipUses:163 164 165Used by:183 493 515 994 1115 1130 1151 1170 1195 1611
Symbol 167 GraphicUsed by:176 540 1055 1448 1639
Symbol 168 FontUsed by:169 1567
Symbol 169 EditableTextUses:168Used by:176
Symbol 170 GraphicUsed by:176
Symbol 171 GraphicUsed by:176
Symbol 172 GraphicUsed by:176
Symbol 173 GraphicUsed by:176
Symbol 174 GraphicUsed by:176
Symbol 175 GraphicUsed by:176
Symbol 176 MovieClip {PassiveSkillIcon}Uses:66 167 169 170 171 75 172 108 173 82 117 174 94 175 118 103 80 101Used by:183 758 994
Symbol 177 TextUses:21Used by:183
Symbol 178 TextUses:21Used by:183
Symbol 179 FontUsed by:180 184 199 201 397 431 445 471 473 482 494 618 669 988 1002 1078 1086 1094 1113 1116 1124 1128 1131 1152 1156 1158 1160 1165 1166 1168 1171 1184 1191 1196 1570 1584 1590
Symbol 180 EditableTextUses:179 545Used by:183
Symbol 181 TextUses:3Used by:183
Symbol 182 TextUses:21Used by:183
Symbol 183 MovieClip {SkillsPreview}Uses:154 155 158 159 145 166 176 177 178 180 181 182Used by:Timeline
Symbol 184 TextUses:179Used by:381
Symbol 185 GraphicUsed by:189 370 382 392 436
Symbol 186 GraphicUsed by:189
Symbol 187 GraphicUsed by:189
Symbol 188 GraphicUsed by:189 370 374 382 392 436 591 593 599 602 603 604 998 1004 1112 1232 1317 1331 1339 1356 1361 1371 1380 1390 1393 1414 1434 1457 1543 1587 1659
Symbol 189 ButtonUses:185 186 187 188Used by:365
Symbol 190 FontUsed by:191 192 367 372 373 375 376 377 378 379 380 408 432 433 531 1162 1163 1164 1585 1586 1619 1620 1625 1626 1629 1630 1632 1633 1662 1663 1669 1670 1675
Symbol 191 TextUses:190Used by:194
Symbol 192 TextUses:190Used by:194
Symbol 193 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 194 ButtonUses:191 192 193Used by:365
Symbol 195 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:365
Symbol 196 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:365
Symbol 197 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:365
Symbol 198 TextUses:3Used by:365
Symbol 199 EditableTextUses:179 545Used by:365
Symbol 200 TextUses:3Used by:365
Symbol 201 EditableTextUses:179 545Used by:365
Symbol 202 GraphicUsed by:364 1190 1195 1576 1611
Symbol 203 BitmapUsed by:204
Symbol 204 GraphicUses:203Used by:361
Symbol 205 BitmapUsed by:206
Symbol 206 GraphicUses:205Used by:361
Symbol 207 BitmapUsed by:208
Symbol 208 GraphicUses:207Used by:361
Symbol 209 BitmapUsed by:210
Symbol 210 GraphicUses:209Used by:361
Symbol 211 BitmapUsed by:212
Symbol 212 GraphicUses:211Used by:361
Symbol 213 BitmapUsed by:214
Symbol 214 GraphicUses:213Used by:361
Symbol 215 BitmapUsed by:216
Symbol 216 GraphicUses:215Used by:361
Symbol 217 BitmapUsed by:218
Symbol 218 GraphicUses:217Used by:361
Symbol 219 BitmapUsed by:220
Symbol 220 GraphicUses:219Used by:361
Symbol 221 BitmapUsed by:222
Symbol 222 GraphicUses:221Used by:361
Symbol 223 BitmapUsed by:224
Symbol 224 GraphicUses:223Used by:361
Symbol 225 BitmapUsed by:226
Symbol 226 GraphicUses:225Used by:361
Symbol 227 BitmapUsed by:228
Symbol 228 GraphicUses:227Used by:361
Symbol 229 BitmapUsed by:230
Symbol 230 GraphicUses:229Used by:361
Symbol 231 BitmapUsed by:232
Symbol 232 GraphicUses:231Used by:361
Symbol 233 BitmapUsed by:234
Symbol 234 GraphicUses:233Used by:361
Symbol 235 BitmapUsed by:236
Symbol 236 GraphicUses:235Used by:361
Symbol 237 BitmapUsed by:238
Symbol 238 GraphicUses:237Used by:361
Symbol 239 BitmapUsed by:240
Symbol 240 GraphicUses:239Used by:361
Symbol 241 BitmapUsed by:242
Symbol 242 GraphicUses:241Used by:361
Symbol 243 BitmapUsed by:244
Symbol 244 GraphicUses:243Used by:361
Symbol 245 BitmapUsed by:246
Symbol 246 GraphicUses:245Used by:361
Symbol 247 BitmapUsed by:248
Symbol 248 GraphicUses:247Used by:361
Symbol 249 BitmapUsed by:250
Symbol 250 GraphicUses:249Used by:361
Symbol 251 BitmapUsed by:252
Symbol 252 GraphicUses:251Used by:361
Symbol 253 BitmapUsed by:254
Symbol 254 GraphicUses:253Used by:361
Symbol 255 BitmapUsed by:256
Symbol 256 GraphicUses:255Used by:361
Symbol 257 BitmapUsed by:258
Symbol 258 GraphicUses:257Used by:361
Symbol 259 BitmapUsed by:260
Symbol 260 GraphicUses:259Used by:361
Symbol 261 BitmapUsed by:262
Symbol 262 GraphicUses:261Used by:361
Symbol 263 BitmapUsed by:264 265
Symbol 264 GraphicUses:263Used by:361
Symbol 265 GraphicUses:263Used by:361
Symbol 266 BitmapUsed by:267
Symbol 267 GraphicUses:266Used by:361
Symbol 268 BitmapUsed by:269
Symbol 269 GraphicUses:268Used by:361
Symbol 270 BitmapUsed by:271
Symbol 271 GraphicUses:270Used by:361
Symbol 272 BitmapUsed by:273
Symbol 273 GraphicUses:272Used by:361
Symbol 274 BitmapUsed by:275
Symbol 275 GraphicUses:274Used by:361
Symbol 276 BitmapUsed by:277
Symbol 277 GraphicUses:276Used by:361
Symbol 278 BitmapUsed by:279
Symbol 279 GraphicUses:278Used by:361
Symbol 280 BitmapUsed by:281
Symbol 281 GraphicUses:280Used by:361
Symbol 282 BitmapUsed by:283
Symbol 283 GraphicUses:282Used by:361
Symbol 284 BitmapUsed by:285
Symbol 285 GraphicUses:284Used by:361
Symbol 286 BitmapUsed by:287
Symbol 287 GraphicUses:286Used by:361
Symbol 288 BitmapUsed by:289
Symbol 289 GraphicUses:288Used by:361
Symbol 290 BitmapUsed by:291
Symbol 291 GraphicUses:290Used by:361
Symbol 292 BitmapUsed by:293
Symbol 293 GraphicUses:292Used by:361
Symbol 294 BitmapUsed by:295
Symbol 295 GraphicUses:294Used by:361
Symbol 296 BitmapUsed by:297
Symbol 297 GraphicUses:296Used by:361
Symbol 298 BitmapUsed by:299
Symbol 299 GraphicUses:298Used by:361
Symbol 300 BitmapUsed by:301
Symbol 301 GraphicUses:300Used by:361
Symbol 302 BitmapUsed by:303
Symbol 303 GraphicUses:302Used by:361
Symbol 304 BitmapUsed by:305
Symbol 305 GraphicUses:304Used by:361
Symbol 306 BitmapUsed by:307
Symbol 307 GraphicUses:306Used by:361
Symbol 308 BitmapUsed by:309
Symbol 309 GraphicUses:308Used by:361
Symbol 310 BitmapUsed by:311
Symbol 311 GraphicUses:310Used by:361
Symbol 312 BitmapUsed by:313
Symbol 313 GraphicUses:312Used by:361
Symbol 314 BitmapUsed by:315
Symbol 315 GraphicUses:314Used by:361
Symbol 316 BitmapUsed by:317
Symbol 317 GraphicUses:316Used by:361
Symbol 318 BitmapUsed by:319
Symbol 319 GraphicUses:318Used by:361
Symbol 320 BitmapUsed by:321
Symbol 321 GraphicUses:320Used by:361
Symbol 322 BitmapUsed by:323
Symbol 323 GraphicUses:322Used by:361
Symbol 324 BitmapUsed by:325
Symbol 325 GraphicUses:324Used by:361
Symbol 326 BitmapUsed by:327
Symbol 327 GraphicUses:326Used by:361
Symbol 328 BitmapUsed by:329
Symbol 329 GraphicUses:328Used by:361
Symbol 330 BitmapUsed by:331
Symbol 331 GraphicUses:330Used by:361
Symbol 332 BitmapUsed by:333
Symbol 333 GraphicUses:332Used by:361
Symbol 334 BitmapUsed by:335
Symbol 335 GraphicUses:334Used by:361
Symbol 336 TextUses:21Used by:337
Symbol 337 MovieClip {EmptyCustomPortrait}Uses:8 336Used by:361 1183  Timeline
Symbol 338 TextUses:3Used by:361
Symbol 339 BitmapUsed by:340
Symbol 340 GraphicUses:339Used by:361
Symbol 341 BitmapUsed by:342
Symbol 342 GraphicUses:341Used by:361
Symbol 343 BitmapUsed by:344
Symbol 344 GraphicUses:343Used by:361
Symbol 345 BitmapUsed by:346
Symbol 346 GraphicUses:345Used by:361
Symbol 347 BitmapUsed by:348
Symbol 348 GraphicUses:347Used by:361
Symbol 349 BitmapUsed by:350
Symbol 350 GraphicUses:349Used by:361
Symbol 351 BitmapUsed by:352
Symbol 352 GraphicUses:351Used by:361
Symbol 353 BitmapUsed by:354
Symbol 354 GraphicUses:353Used by:361
Symbol 355 BitmapUsed by:356
Symbol 356 GraphicUses:355Used by:361
Symbol 357 BitmapUsed by:358
Symbol 358 GraphicUses:357Used by:361
Symbol 359 BitmapUsed by:360
Symbol 360 GraphicUses:359Used by:361
Symbol 361 MovieClip {CharGraphic}Uses:204 206 208 210 212 214 216 218 220 222 224 226 228 230 232 234 236 238 240 242 244 246 248 250 252 254 256 258 260 262 264 265 267 269 271 273 275 277 279 281 283 285 287 289 291 293 295 297 299 301 303 305 307 309 311 313 315 317 319 321 323 325 327 329 331 333 335 337 8 338 340 342 344 346 348 350 352 354 356 358 360Used by:364 430 625 763 1190 1195 1215 1297 1359 1576 1611  Timeline
Symbol 362 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:364
Symbol 363 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:364
Symbol 364 MovieClip {CharacterInfo}Uses:202 361 362 363Used by:365
Symbol 365 MovieClip {SaveGameStatus}Uses:189 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 364Used by:371  Timeline
Symbol 366 GraphicUsed by:370 382
Symbol 367 TextUses:190Used by:370 382
Symbol 368 TextUses:21 3Used by:370 382
Symbol 369 GraphicUsed by:370 382
Symbol 370 Button {SaveGameEmpty}Uses:185 366 367 368 369 188Used by:371
Symbol 371 MovieClip {SaveGameStatusContainer}Uses:365 370Used by:381
Symbol 372 TextUses:190Used by:374
Symbol 373 TextUses:190Used by:374
Symbol 374 Button {OptionsBookButton}Uses:372 373 188Used by:381 435 1167 1589 1635
Symbol 375 TextUses:190Used by:381
Symbol 376 TextUses:190Used by:381
Symbol 377 EditableTextUses:190 389Used by:381
Symbol 378 EditableTextUses:190 389Used by:381
Symbol 379 TextUses:190Used by:381
Symbol 380 EditableTextUses:190 389Used by:381
Symbol 381 MovieClip {LoadParty}Uses:184 371 374 375 376 377 378 379 380Used by:Timeline
Symbol 382 MovieClipUses:185 366 367 368 369 188Used by:Timeline
Symbol 383 GraphicUsed by:387 396 417 1008 1576 1650
Symbol 384 GraphicUsed by:387 396
Symbol 385 GraphicUsed by:387 396
Symbol 386 GraphicUsed by:387 396
Symbol 387 MovieClipUses:383 384 385 386Used by:Timeline
Symbol 388 GraphicUsed by:392 436
Symbol 389 FontUsed by:377 378 380 390 408 437 438 439 440 1076 1162 1163 1164
Symbol 390 TextUses:389Used by:392 436
Symbol 391 GraphicUsed by:392 436
Symbol 392 ButtonUses:185 388 390 391 188Used by:435  Timeline
Symbol 393 GraphicUsed by:430
Symbol 394 GraphicUsed by:395
Symbol 395 MovieClipUses:394Used by:430
Symbol 396 Button {SelectArrow}Uses:383 384 385 386Used by:430
Symbol 397 EditableTextUses:179 545Used by:430
Symbol 398 GraphicUsed by:401
Symbol 399 GraphicUsed by:401
Symbol 400 GraphicUsed by:401
Symbol 401 MovieClipUses:398 399 400Used by:430
Symbol 402 TextUses:21Used by:407
Symbol 403 TextUses:21Used by:407
Symbol 404 TextUses:21Used by:407
Symbol 405 TextUses:21Used by:407
Symbol 406 GraphicUsed by:407
Symbol 407 ButtonUses:402 403 404 405 406Used by:430 1535
Symbol 408 EditableTextUses:190 389Used by:430
Symbol 409 GraphicUsed by:411
Symbol 410 GraphicUsed by:411
Symbol 411 MovieClipUses:409 410Used by:414  Timeline
Symbol 412 GraphicUsed by:414
Symbol 413 GraphicUsed by:414
Symbol 414 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.ClassIcon_41}Uses:411 117 75 94 81 82 412 413Used by:430  Timeline
Symbol 415 TextUses:3Used by:417
Symbol 416 TextUses:3Used by:417
Symbol 417 ButtonUses:383 415 416Used by:430
Symbol 418 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:430
Symbol 419 TextUses:21Used by:422
Symbol 420 TextUses:21Used by:422
Symbol 421 GraphicUsed by:422 1290 1293 1550
Symbol 422 ButtonUses:419 420 421Used by:430
Symbol 423 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:430
Symbol 424 GraphicUsed by:429
Symbol 425 TextUses:21 3Used by:429
Symbol 426 BitmapUsed by:427
Symbol 427 GraphicUses:426Used by:428
Symbol 428 ButtonUses:427Used by:429
Symbol 429 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.CharLocked_45}Uses:424 425 428Used by:430
Symbol 430 MovieClip {CharCreationPanel}Uses:393 395 361 396 397 401 407 408 414 417 418 422 423 429Used by:435
Symbol 431 TextUses:179Used by:435
Symbol 432 TextUses:190Used by:434
Symbol 433 TextUses:190Used by:434
Symbol 434 Button {NewProceedButton}Uses:432 433 128Used by:435 1077 1167 1589  Timeline
Symbol 435 MovieClip {PartyCreation}Uses:392 430 374 431 434Used by:Timeline
Symbol 436 MovieClipUses:185 388 390 391 188Used by:Timeline
Symbol 437 TextUses:389Used by:441
Symbol 438 TextUses:389Used by:441
Symbol 439 TextUses:389Used by:441
Symbol 440 TextUses:389Used by:441
Symbol 441 MovieClipUses:437 438 439 440Used by:1077  Timeline
Symbol 442 GraphicUsed by:443
Symbol 443 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.LoadingSymbol_50}Uses:442Used by:Timeline
Symbol 444 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.FadeScreenDarker_52}Uses:8Used by:493 515 994 1112
Symbol 445 TextUses:179Used by:493
Symbol 446 GraphicUsed by:451 470 477 489 1529
Symbol 447 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:451
Symbol 448 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:451
Symbol 449 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:451
Symbol 450 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:451
Symbol 451 MovieClip {VolumeSelectorMenu}Uses:446 447 448 449 450Used by:456
Symbol 452 TextUses:3Used by:456
Symbol 453 TextUses:3Used by:456
Symbol 454 TextUses:3Used by:456
Symbol 455 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 456 MovieClip {VolumeControlMenu}Uses:451 452 453 454 455Used by:493
Symbol 457 GraphicUsed by:458 607 609 695 1041 1328 1344 1371 1523
Symbol 458 MovieClipUses:457Used by:464 1308
Symbol 459 GraphicUsed by:464
Symbol 460 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:464
Symbol 461 GraphicUsed by:462 1084
Symbol 462 MovieClipUses:461Used by:464
Symbol 463 GraphicUsed by:464 750
Symbol 464 MovieClip {dCheckBox}Uses:458 8 459 460 462 463Used by:493 673 1130 1167 1200 1576  Timeline
Symbol 465 TextUses:3Used by:493
Symbol 466 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:470
Symbol 467 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:470
Symbol 468 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:470
Symbol 469 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:470
Symbol 470 MovieClip {QualitySelectorMenu}Uses:446 466 467 468 469Used by:493
Symbol 471 TextUses:179Used by:493
Symbol 472 GraphicUsed by:493
Symbol 473 TextUses:179Used by:493
Symbol 474 GraphicUsed by:493
Symbol 475 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:477
Symbol 476 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:477
Symbol 477 MovieClip {OnOffSelectorMenu}Uses:446 475 476Used by:493
Symbol 478 TextUses:3Used by:493
Symbol 479 GraphicUsed by:493
Symbol 480 TextUses:3Used by:493
Symbol 481 GraphicUsed by:493
Symbol 482 TextUses:179Used by:493
Symbol 483 GraphicUsed by:493
Symbol 484 TextUses:3Used by:493
Symbol 485 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:489
Symbol 486 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:489
Symbol 487 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:489
Symbol 488 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:489
Symbol 489 MovieClip {TooltipSelectorMenu}Uses:446 485 486 487 488Used by:493
Symbol 490 TextUses:3Used by:493
Symbol 491 GraphicUsed by:493
Symbol 492 TextUses:3Used by:493
Symbol 493 MovieClip {OptionsScreen}Uses:444 155 158 159 445 166 456 464 465 470 471 472 473 474 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 489 490 491 492Used by:Timeline
Symbol 494 TextUses:179Used by:515
Symbol 495 TextUses:21 3Used by:515
Symbol 496 TextUses:21 3Used by:515
Symbol 497 TextUses:3Used by:499
Symbol 498 TextUses:3Used by:499
Symbol 499 ButtonUses:497 498 8Used by:515
Symbol 500 TextUses:3Used by:503
Symbol 501 TextUses:3Used by:503
Symbol 502 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 503 ButtonUses:500 501 502Used by:515
Symbol 504 TextUses:21 3Used by:515
Symbol 505 TextUses:21 3Used by:515
Symbol 506 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:515
Symbol 507 GraphicUsed by:514
Symbol 508 GraphicUsed by:509
Symbol 509 MovieClipUses:508Used by:514
Symbol 510 GraphicUsed by:511
Symbol 511 MovieClipUses:510Used by:514
Symbol 512 GraphicUsed by:513
Symbol 513 MovieClipUses:512Used by:514
Symbol 514 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.FGL_logo_64}Uses:507 509 511 513Used by:515
Symbol 515 MovieClip {CreditsScreen}Uses:444 155 158 159 494 495 166 496 499 503 504 505 506 514 55Used by:Timeline
Symbol 516 BitmapUsed by:517
Symbol 517 GraphicUses:516Used by:528 1650
Symbol 518 GraphicUsed by:519
Symbol 519 MovieClipUses:518Used by:521
Symbol 520 GraphicUsed by:521 524 527 1454
Symbol 521 ButtonUses:519 520Used by:528 1650
Symbol 522 GraphicUsed by:523
Symbol 523 MovieClipUses:522Used by:524
Symbol 524 ButtonUses:523 520Used by:528 1650
Symbol 525 GraphicUsed by:526
Symbol 526 MovieClipUses:525Used by:527
Symbol 527 ButtonUses:526 520Used by:528 1650
Symbol 528 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.BookCover_69}Uses:517 521 524 527Used by:552
Symbol 529 GraphicUsed by:530
Symbol 530 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.PlayGameHint_76}Uses:529Used by:552
Symbol 531 EditableTextUses:190Used by:552
Symbol 532 GraphicUsed by:549
Symbol 533 GraphicUsed by:536
Symbol 534 GraphicUsed by:536
Symbol 535 GraphicUsed by:536
Symbol 536 MovieClip {MuteButton}Uses:533 534 535Used by:549
Symbol 537 BitmapUsed by:538
Symbol 538 GraphicUses:537Used by:539
Symbol 539 MovieClipUses:538Used by:540
Symbol 540 ButtonUses:539 167Used by:549
Symbol 541 BitmapUsed by:542
Symbol 542 GraphicUses:541Used by:543 548
Symbol 543 MovieClipUses:542Used by:548
Symbol 544 GraphicUsed by:548
Symbol 545 FontUsed by:180 199 201 397 546 618 1002 1086 1093 1111 1128 1166 1168 1590
Symbol 546 TextUses:545Used by:548
Symbol 547 GraphicUsed by:548
Symbol 548 ButtonUses:543 544 546 542 547Used by:549
Symbol 549 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.TitleLogoLine_77}Uses:532 536 540 548 55Used by:552
Symbol 550 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:552
Symbol 551 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:552
Symbol 552 MovieClip {TitleScreen}Uses:528 530 531 549 550 551Used by:Timeline
Symbol 553 BitmapUsed by:554 595
Symbol 554 GraphicUses:553Used by:557
Symbol 555 GraphicUsed by:557
Symbol 556 GraphicUsed by:557
Symbol 557 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.CorridorSegment_83}Uses:8 554 555 556Used by:Timeline
Symbol 558 GraphicUsed by:559
Symbol 559 MovieClip {DungeonRoom}Uses:558Used by:Timeline
Symbol 560 BitmapUsed by:561 562 563 564
Symbol 561 GraphicUses:560Used by:571
Symbol 562 GraphicUses:560Used by:571
Symbol 563 GraphicUses:560Used by:571
Symbol 564 GraphicUses:560Used by:571
Symbol 565 BitmapUsed by:566 567
Symbol 566 GraphicUses:565Used by:571
Symbol 567 GraphicUses:565Used by:571
Symbol 568 BitmapUsed by:569 570
Symbol 569 GraphicUses:568Used by:571
Symbol 570 GraphicUses:568Used by:571
Symbol 571 MovieClip {RandomFloor}Uses:561 562 563 564 566 567 569 570Used by:591 593 599 602 603 604
Symbol 572 GraphicUsed by:591 593 599 602 603 604
Symbol 573 GraphicUsed by:591
Symbol 574 BitmapUsed by:575 1320 1419
Symbol 575 GraphicUses:574Used by:591 593 599 602 603 604
Symbol 576 GraphicUsed by:579
Symbol 577 GraphicUsed by:579
Symbol 578 GraphicUsed by:579
Symbol 579 MovieClip {RandomBones}Uses:576 577 578Used by:591 593 599 602 603 604
Symbol 580 GraphicUsed by:591 593 599 602 603 604
Symbol 581 GraphicUsed by:591
Symbol 582 GraphicUsed by:591 603
Symbol 583 GraphicUsed by:587
Symbol 584 GraphicUsed by:587
Symbol 585 GraphicUsed by:587
Symbol 586 GraphicUsed by:587
Symbol 587 MovieClip {RandomGear}Uses:583 584 585 586Used by:591 593 599 602 603 604  Timeline
Symbol 588 GraphicUsed by:591 593 599 602 604
Symbol 589 GraphicUsed by:591 593 599 602 603 604
Symbol 590 GraphicUsed by:591 599 602
Symbol 591 MovieClip {rCell}Uses:188 571 14 572 573 575 579 580 581 582 587 588 589 590Used by:Timeline
Symbol 592 GraphicUsed by:593 599 602
Symbol 593 MovieClip {rChamber}Uses:188 571 14 572 580 579 575 587 589 592 588Used by:Timeline
Symbol 594 GraphicUsed by:597
Symbol 595 GraphicUses:553Used by:596
Symbol 596 MovieClipUses:8 595Used by:597 598
Symbol 597 MovieClip {rCorridorH}Uses:594 596 14Used by:1267  Timeline
Symbol 598 MovieClip {rCorridorV}Uses:8 596 14Used by:Timeline
Symbol 599 MovieClip {rGallery}Uses:188 571 14 572 590 580 575 579 587 589 588 592Used by:Timeline
Symbol 600 BitmapUsed by:601 1323
Symbol 601 GraphicUses:600Used by:602 604
Symbol 602 MovieClip {rLargeRoom}Uses:188 571 14 572 575 601 590 589 579 587 588 580 592Used by:Timeline
Symbol 603 MovieClip {rTallRoom}Uses:188 571 14 572 580 582 579 575 589 587Used by:Timeline
Symbol 604 MovieClip {rWideRoom}Uses:188 571 14 572 579 587 580 575 601 589 588Used by:Timeline
Symbol 605 GraphicUsed by:606
Symbol 606 MovieClipUses:605Used by:607
Symbol 607 MovieClip {DoorIcon}Uses:8 606 457Used by:1070  Timeline
Symbol 608 MovieClip {CorridorConnectorH}Uses:8 11 14Used by:Timeline
Symbol 609 MovieClip {RoomFlash}Uses:457Used by:Timeline
Symbol 610 BitmapUsed by:611
Symbol 611 GraphicUses:610Used by:615
Symbol 612 GraphicUsed by:615
Symbol 613 GraphicUsed by:614
Symbol 614 MovieClipUses:613Used by:615
Symbol 615 MovieClip {rDemonRoom}Uses:611 14 612 614Used by:Timeline
Symbol 616 GraphicUsed by:617
Symbol 617 MovieClipUses:616Used by:625 638 644 647 652  Timeline
Symbol 618 EditableTextUses:179 545Used by:625
Symbol 619 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:625
Symbol 620 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:625
Symbol 621 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:625
Symbol 622 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:625
Symbol 623 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:625
Symbol 624 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:625
Symbol 625 MovieClip {HordeTooltip}Uses:617 618 619 361 620 621 622 623 624Used by:Timeline
Symbol 626 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:638
Symbol 627 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:638
Symbol 628 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:638
Symbol 629 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:638
Symbol 630 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:638
Symbol 631 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:638
Symbol 632 TextUses:21Used by:633
Symbol 633 MovieClipUses:632Used by:638
Symbol 634 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:638
Symbol 635 GraphicUsed by:636
Symbol 636 MovieClipUses:635Used by:638 710 1583
Symbol 637 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:638
Symbol 638 MovieClip {ItemTooltip}Uses:617 626 627 628 629 630 631 633 634 636 637Used by:Timeline
Symbol 639 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:644
Symbol 640 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:644
Symbol 641 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:644
Symbol 642 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:644
Symbol 643 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:644
Symbol 644 MovieClip {SkillTooltip}Uses:617 639 640 641 642 643Used by:Timeline
Symbol 645 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:647
Symbol 646 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:647
Symbol 647 MovieClip {MiscTooltip}Uses:617 645 646Used by:Timeline
Symbol 648 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:652
Symbol 649 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:652
Symbol 650 TextUses:3Used by:652
Symbol 651 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:652
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Symbol 654 GraphicUsed by:763
Symbol 655 MovieClipUses:128Used by:763
Symbol 656 GraphicUsed by:673
Symbol 657 GraphicUsed by:660
Symbol 658 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:660
Symbol 659 GraphicUsed by:660 663
Symbol 660 MovieClip {InvFilter}Uses:657 658 659Used by:673
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Symbol 662 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:663
Symbol 663 MovieClip {InvFilterRecommend}Uses:661 662 659Used by:673
Symbol 664 TextUses:3Used by:673
Symbol 665 TextUses:3Used by:673
Symbol 666 GraphicUsed by:668
Symbol 667 GraphicUsed by:668
Symbol 668 MovieClipUses:666 667Used by:673
Symbol 669 TextUses:179Used by:673
Symbol 670 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:673
Symbol 671 GraphicUsed by:672
Symbol 672 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.InventoryProcessing_120}Uses:8 671Used by:673
Symbol 673 MovieClip {InventoryPanel}Uses:656 660 663 664 665 668 669 670 464 672Used by:763  Timeline
Symbol 674 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:763
Symbol 675 GraphicUsed by:677
Symbol 676 GraphicUsed by:677
Symbol 677 MovieClip {ItemDestroyTarget}Uses:675 676Used by:763  Timeline
Symbol 678 GraphicUsed by:684
Symbol 679 GraphicUsed by:680
Symbol 680 MovieClipUses:679Used by:684
Symbol 681 GraphicUsed by:683
Symbol 682 GraphicUsed by:683
Symbol 683 MovieClip {PaperdollEmptySlot}Uses:681 682Used by:684  Timeline
Symbol 684 MovieClip {Paperdoll}Uses:678 680 683Used by:763 1576  Timeline
Symbol 685 GraphicUsed by:688
Symbol 686 TextUses:21Used by:688
Symbol 687 TextUses:21Used by:688
Symbol 688 MovieClip {HelpButton}Uses:163 685 686 687Used by:763 1039 1233 1576  Timeline
Symbol 689 GraphicUsed by:691
Symbol 690 TextUses:21Used by:691
Symbol 691 MovieClipUses:163 689 690Used by:763 1200 1576
Symbol 692 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:763
Symbol 693 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:763
Symbol 694 GraphicUsed by:697
Symbol 695 MovieClipUses:457Used by:697  Timeline
Symbol 696 EditableTextUses:21Used by:697
Symbol 697 MovieClip {NumericIndicatorHealth}Uses:694 695 696Used by:763 1215  Timeline
Symbol 698 GraphicUsed by:702
Symbol 699 GraphicUsed by:700
Symbol 700 MovieClipUses:699Used by:702  Timeline
Symbol 701 EditableTextUses:21Used by:702
Symbol 702 MovieClip {NumericIndicatorPower}Uses:698 700 701Used by:763 1215  Timeline
Symbol 703 GraphicUsed by:705
Symbol 704 TextUses:21Used by:705
Symbol 705 MovieClip {OptionsButton}Uses:163 703 704Used by:763 1039 1233 1576
Symbol 706 TextUses:21Used by:763
Symbol 707 TextUses:21Used by:763 1576
Symbol 708 TextUses:21Used by:763 1576
Symbol 709 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:710
Symbol 710 MovieClip {GoldDisplay}Uses:709 636Used by:763 1576
Symbol 711 GraphicUsed by:713
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Symbol 1613 TextUses:3Used by:1618
Symbol 1614 TextUses:3Used by:1618
Symbol 1615 TextUses:3Used by:1618
Symbol 1616 TextUses:3Used by:1618
Symbol 1617 GraphicUsed by:1618
Symbol 1618 MovieClip {BattleInfoPanelKey}Uses:1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1619 TextUses:190Used by:1635 1679
Symbol 1620 TextUses:190Used by:1635
Symbol 1621 GraphicUsed by:1635
Symbol 1622 BitmapUsed by:1623
Symbol 1623 GraphicUses:1622Used by:1635
Symbol 1624 TextUses:3Used by:1635
Symbol 1625 TextUses:190Used by:1628
Symbol 1626 TextUses:190Used by:1628
Symbol 1627 GraphicUsed by:1628
Symbol 1628 ButtonUses:1625 1626 1627Used by:1635
Symbol 1629 TextUses:190Used by:1631
Symbol 1630 TextUses:190Used by:1631
Symbol 1631 ButtonUses:1629 1630 128Used by:1635
Symbol 1632 TextUses:190Used by:1634
Symbol 1633 TextUses:190Used by:1634
Symbol 1634 ButtonUses:1632 1633 128Used by:1635
Symbol 1635 MovieClip {SurvivalPrep}Uses:1619 1620 1621 1623 1624 374 1628 1631 1634Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1636 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:1638
Symbol 1637 GraphicUsed by:1638
Symbol 1638 MovieClip {AccuracyRoll}Uses:1636 1637Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1639 MovieClip {TeleportTransition}Uses:167Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1640 GraphicUsed by:1641
Symbol 1641 MovieClip {PortraitSelect}Uses:1640Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1642 MovieClip {FadeFromPage}Uses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1643 MovieClip {summon_whirlwind}Uses:760 1431Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1644 MovieClip {FadeToBlack}Uses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1645 GraphicUsed by:1650
Symbol 1646 FontUsed by:1647 1649
Symbol 1647 TextUses:1646Used by:1649
Symbol 1648 TextUsed by:1649
Symbol 1649 MovieClipUses:1646 1647 1648Used by:1650
Symbol 1650 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.TableIntro_372}Uses:383 158 1645 1649 517 521 524 527 8Used by:1651
Symbol 1651 MovieClip {Intro}Uses:8 1650Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1652 GraphicUses:1286Used by:1653 1659
Symbol 1653 MovieClipUses:1652Used by:1659
Symbol 1654 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1659
Symbol 1655 GraphicUsed by:1659
Symbol 1656 GraphicUsed by:1659
Symbol 1657 GraphicUsed by:1659
Symbol 1658 ShapeTweeningUsed by:1659
Symbol 1659 MovieClip {PageTurn}Uses:188 1653 1654 1655 1656 1652 1657 1658Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1660 BitmapUsed by:1661
Symbol 1661 GraphicUses:1660Used by:1666
Symbol 1662 TextUses:190Used by:1666
Symbol 1663 TextUses:190Used by:1666
Symbol 1664 GraphicUsed by:1666
Symbol 1665 TextUses:3Used by:1666
Symbol 1666 MovieClip {CampaignPaneOriginal}Uses:1661 1662 1663 1664 1665Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1667 BitmapUsed by:1668
Symbol 1668 GraphicUses:1667Used by:1673
Symbol 1669 TextUses:190Used by:1673
Symbol 1670 TextUses:190Used by:1673
Symbol 1671 GraphicUsed by:1673
Symbol 1672 TextUses:3Used by:1673
Symbol 1673 MovieClip {CampaignPaneNew}Uses:1668 1669 1670 1671 1672Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1674 GraphicUsed by:1679
Symbol 1675 TextUses:190Used by:1679
Symbol 1676 TextUses:3Used by:1679
Symbol 1677 BitmapUsed by:1678
Symbol 1678 GraphicUses:1677Used by:1679
Symbol 1679 MovieClip {CampaignPaneSurvival}Uses:1674 1619 1675 1676 1678Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1680 MovieClipUses:8Used by:1708
Symbol 1681 GraphicUsed by:1682
Symbol 1682 ButtonUses:1681Used by:1708
Symbol 1683 GraphicUsed by:1708
Symbol 1684 GraphicUsed by:1685
Symbol 1685 MovieClipUses:1684Used by:1703 1708
Symbol 1686 GraphicUsed by:1687
Symbol 1687 MovieClipUses:1686Used by:1702 1708
Symbol 1688 GraphicUsed by:1689
Symbol 1689 MovieClipUses:1688Used by:1696 1702 1703 1708
Symbol 1690 GraphicUsed by:1691
Symbol 1691 MovieClipUses:1690Used by:1696 1702 1703 1708
Symbol 1692 GraphicUsed by:1693
Symbol 1693 MovieClipUses:1692Used by:1696 1702 1703 1708
Symbol 1694 GraphicUsed by:1695
Symbol 1695 MovieClipUses:1694Used by:1696 1702 1703 1708
Symbol 1696 MovieClipUses:1689 1691 1693 1695Used by:1708
Symbol 1697 GraphicUsed by:1708
Symbol 1698 GraphicUsed by:1699 1708
Symbol 1699 MovieClipUses:1698Used by:1708
Symbol 1700 GraphicUsed by:1708
Symbol 1701 GraphicUsed by:1703
Symbol 1702 MovieClipUses:1687 1689 1691 1693 1695Used by:1703
Symbol 1703 MovieClipUses:1701 1685 1702 1689 1691 1693 1695Used by:1708
Symbol 1704 GraphicUsed by:1705
Symbol 1705 MovieClipUses:1704Used by:1708
Symbol 1706 TextUses:28Used by:1707
Symbol 1707 MovieClipUses:1706Used by:1708
Symbol 1708 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.KongIntro_378}Uses:1680 1682 8 1683 1685 1687 1696 1697 1699 1700 1689 1691 1693 1695 1703 1705 1698 1707Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1709 GraphicUsed by:1710
Symbol 1710 MovieClipUses:1709Used by:1724
Symbol 1711 SoundUsed by:1724
Symbol 1712 SoundUsed by:1724
Symbol 1713 GraphicUsed by:1724
Symbol 1714 SoundUsed by:1724
Symbol 1715 SoundUsed by:1724
Symbol 1716 GraphicUsed by:1724
Symbol 1717 SoundUsed by:1724
Symbol 1718 SoundUsed by:1724
Symbol 1719 GraphicUsed by:1724
Symbol 1720 GraphicUsed by:1721
Symbol 1721 MovieClipUses:1720Used by:1724
Symbol 1722 SoundUsed by:1724
Symbol 1723 SoundUsed by:1724
Symbol 1724 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.ArmorIntro_393}Uses:1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1721 1722 1723Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1725 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:1729
Symbol 1726 TextUses:3Used by:1729
Symbol 1727 EditableTextUses:3 18 21 1227Used by:1729
Symbol 1728 EditableTextUses:3Used by:1729
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Instance Names

"bar"Frame 1Symbol 17 MovieClip
"loaded_label"Frame 1Symbol 19 EditableText
"total_label"Frame 1Symbol 20 EditableText
"clickPlayButton"Frame 1Symbol 24 Button
"errorText"Frame 1Symbol 26 EditableText
"onKong"Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.OnKongLoader_3}
"adBox"Frame 1Symbol 63 MovieClip
"kongIntro"Frame 4Symbol 1708 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.KongIntro_378}
"dungeonMain"Frame 6Symbol 1729 MovieClip {DungeonMain}
"tab_text"Symbol 7 MovieClip {ItemModeTab} Frame 1Symbol 4 EditableText
"gfx"Symbol 15 MovieClip {CorridorConnectorV} Frame 1Symbol 11 MovieClip
"tint"Symbol 15 MovieClip {CorridorConnectorV} Frame 1Symbol 14 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.RoomTint_87}
"kongLogo"Symbol 60 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.OnKongLoader_3} Frame 1Symbol 41 Button
"biclopsLogo"Symbol 60 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.OnKongLoader_3} Frame 1Symbol 55 Button
"sponsoredText"Symbol 60 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.OnKongLoader_3} Frame 1Symbol 57 EditableText
"bg"Symbol 145 MovieClip {SkillIcon} Frame 1Symbol 66 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.SkillIconBG_12}
"slot1"Symbol 153 MovieClip {SkillBar} Frame 1Symbol 147 MovieClip {SkillIconEmpty}
"slot2"Symbol 153 MovieClip {SkillBar} Frame 1Symbol 147 MovieClip {SkillIconEmpty}
"slot3"Symbol 153 MovieClip {SkillBar} Frame 1Symbol 147 MovieClip {SkillIconEmpty}
"slot4"Symbol 153 MovieClip {SkillBar} Frame 1Symbol 147 MovieClip {SkillIconEmpty}
"slot5"Symbol 153 MovieClip {SkillBar} Frame 1Symbol 147 MovieClip {SkillIconEmpty}
"slot6"Symbol 153 MovieClip {SkillBar} Frame 1Symbol 147 MovieClip {SkillIconEmpty}
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"unlock1"Symbol 183 MovieClip {SkillsPreview} Frame 1Symbol 145 MovieClip {SkillIcon}
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"unlock6"Symbol 183 MovieClip {SkillsPreview} Frame 1Symbol 145 MovieClip {SkillIcon}
"unlock7"Symbol 183 MovieClip {SkillsPreview} Frame 1Symbol 145 MovieClip {SkillIcon}
"unlock8"Symbol 183 MovieClip {SkillsPreview} Frame 1Symbol 145 MovieClip {SkillIcon}
"continue_btn"Symbol 183 MovieClip {SkillsPreview} Frame 1Symbol 166 MovieClip
"passive1"Symbol 183 MovieClip {SkillsPreview} Frame 1Symbol 176 MovieClip {PassiveSkillIcon}
"passive2"Symbol 183 MovieClip {SkillsPreview} Frame 1Symbol 176 MovieClip {PassiveSkillIcon}
"class_label"Symbol 183 MovieClip {SkillsPreview} Frame 1Symbol 180 EditableText
"playerGraphic"Symbol 364 MovieClip {CharacterInfo} Frame 1Symbol 361 MovieClip {CharGraphic}
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"scoreField"Symbol 365 MovieClip {SaveGameStatus} Frame 1Symbol 201 EditableText
"char1"Symbol 365 MovieClip {SaveGameStatus} Frame 1Symbol 364 MovieClip {CharacterInfo}
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"char4"Symbol 365 MovieClip {SaveGameStatus} Frame 1Symbol 364 MovieClip {CharacterInfo}
"status"Symbol 371 MovieClip {SaveGameStatusContainer} Frame 1Symbol 365 MovieClip {SaveGameStatus}
"empty_panel"Symbol 371 MovieClip {SaveGameStatusContainer} Frame 1Symbol 370 Button {SaveGameEmpty}
"party1"Symbol 381 MovieClip {LoadParty} Frame 1Symbol 371 MovieClip {SaveGameStatusContainer}
"party2"Symbol 381 MovieClip {LoadParty} Frame 1Symbol 371 MovieClip {SaveGameStatusContainer}
"party3"Symbol 381 MovieClip {LoadParty} Frame 1Symbol 371 MovieClip {SaveGameStatusContainer}
"optionsButton"Symbol 381 MovieClip {LoadParty} Frame 1Symbol 374 Button {OptionsBookButton}
"highestLevelField"Symbol 381 MovieClip {LoadParty} Frame 1Symbol 377 EditableText
"highestRatingField"Symbol 381 MovieClip {LoadParty} Frame 1Symbol 378 EditableText
"highestWaveField"Symbol 381 MovieClip {LoadParty} Frame 1Symbol 380 EditableText
"bg"Symbol 414 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.ClassIcon_41} Frame 1Symbol 411 MovieClip
"logo"Symbol 429 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.CharLocked_45} Frame 1Symbol 428 Button
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"class3"Symbol 430 MovieClip {CharCreationPanel} Frame 1Symbol 414 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.ClassIcon_41}
"class5"Symbol 430 MovieClip {CharCreationPanel} Frame 1Symbol 414 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.ClassIcon_41}
"class4"Symbol 430 MovieClip {CharCreationPanel} Frame 1Symbol 414 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.ClassIcon_41}
"class6"Symbol 430 MovieClip {CharCreationPanel} Frame 1Symbol 414 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.ClassIcon_41}
"class7"Symbol 430 MovieClip {CharCreationPanel} Frame 1Symbol 414 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.ClassIcon_41}
"customPortraitButton"Symbol 430 MovieClip {CharCreationPanel} Frame 1Symbol 417 Button
"portrait_left"Symbol 430 MovieClip {CharCreationPanel} Frame 1Symbol 396 Button {SelectArrow}
"theText"Symbol 430 MovieClip {CharCreationPanel} Frame 1Symbol 418 EditableText
"skill_preview"Symbol 430 MovieClip {CharCreationPanel} Frame 1Symbol 422 Button
"description_text"Symbol 430 MovieClip {CharCreationPanel} Frame 1Symbol 423 EditableText
"charLocked"Symbol 430 MovieClip {CharCreationPanel} Frame 1Symbol 429 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.CharLocked_45}
"empty1"Symbol 435 MovieClip {PartyCreation} Frame 1Symbol 392 Button
"empty2"Symbol 435 MovieClip {PartyCreation} Frame 1Symbol 392 Button
"empty3"Symbol 435 MovieClip {PartyCreation} Frame 1Symbol 392 Button
"empty4"Symbol 435 MovieClip {PartyCreation} Frame 1Symbol 392 Button
"char1"Symbol 435 MovieClip {PartyCreation} Frame 1Symbol 430 MovieClip {CharCreationPanel}
"char2"Symbol 435 MovieClip {PartyCreation} Frame 1Symbol 430 MovieClip {CharCreationPanel}
"char3"Symbol 435 MovieClip {PartyCreation} Frame 1Symbol 430 MovieClip {CharCreationPanel}
"char4"Symbol 435 MovieClip {PartyCreation} Frame 1Symbol 430 MovieClip {CharCreationPanel}
"optionsButton"Symbol 435 MovieClip {PartyCreation} Frame 1Symbol 374 Button {OptionsBookButton}
"enter_button"Symbol 435 MovieClip {PartyCreation} Frame 1Symbol 434 Button {NewProceedButton}
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"off"Symbol 451 MovieClip {VolumeSelectorMenu} Frame 1Symbol 450 EditableText
"global_selector"Symbol 456 MovieClip {VolumeControlMenu} Frame 1Symbol 451 MovieClip {VolumeSelectorMenu}
"music_selector"Symbol 456 MovieClip {VolumeControlMenu} Frame 1Symbol 451 MovieClip {VolumeSelectorMenu}
"sfx_selector"Symbol 456 MovieClip {VolumeControlMenu} Frame 1Symbol 451 MovieClip {VolumeSelectorMenu}
"hitBox"Symbol 464 MovieClip {dCheckBox} Frame 1Symbol 458 MovieClip
"description"Symbol 464 MovieClip {dCheckBox} Frame 1Symbol 460 EditableText
"med"Symbol 470 MovieClip {QualitySelectorMenu} Frame 1Symbol 466 EditableText
"high"Symbol 470 MovieClip {QualitySelectorMenu} Frame 1Symbol 467 EditableText
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"low"Symbol 470 MovieClip {QualitySelectorMenu} Frame 1Symbol 469 EditableText
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"offLabel"Symbol 477 MovieClip {OnOffSelectorMenu} Frame 1Symbol 476 EditableText
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"med"Symbol 489 MovieClip {TooltipSelectorMenu} Frame 1Symbol 486 EditableText
"long"Symbol 489 MovieClip {TooltipSelectorMenu} Frame 1Symbol 487 EditableText
"off"Symbol 489 MovieClip {TooltipSelectorMenu} Frame 1Symbol 488 EditableText
"yes_btn"Symbol 493 MovieClip {OptionsScreen} Frame 1Symbol 166 MovieClip
"vc"Symbol 493 MovieClip {OptionsScreen} Frame 1Symbol 456 MovieClip {VolumeControlMenu}
"showHintsBox"Symbol 493 MovieClip {OptionsScreen} Frame 1Symbol 464 MovieClip {dCheckBox}
"quality_selector"Symbol 493 MovieClip {OptionsScreen} Frame 1Symbol 470 MovieClip {QualitySelectorMenu}
"blur_selector"Symbol 493 MovieClip {OptionsScreen} Frame 1Symbol 477 MovieClip {OnOffSelectorMenu}
"portrait_selector"Symbol 493 MovieClip {OptionsScreen} Frame 1Symbol 477 MovieClip {OnOffSelectorMenu}
"tooltip_selector"Symbol 493 MovieClip {OptionsScreen} Frame 1Symbol 489 MovieClip {TooltipSelectorMenu}
"pathfinding_selector"Symbol 493 MovieClip {OptionsScreen} Frame 1Symbol 477 MovieClip {OnOffSelectorMenu}
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"cerberus_link"Symbol 515 MovieClip {CreditsScreen} Frame 1Symbol 503 Button
"fglLogo"Symbol 515 MovieClip {CreditsScreen} Frame 1Symbol 514 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.FGL_logo_64}
"biclopsLogo"Symbol 515 MovieClip {CreditsScreen} Frame 1Symbol 55 Button
"continue_button"Symbol 528 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.BookCover_69} Frame 1Symbol 521 Button
"credits_button"Symbol 528 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.BookCover_69} Frame 1Symbol 524 Button
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"versionText"Symbol 552 MovieClip {TitleScreen} Frame 1Symbol 550 EditableText
"versionText"Symbol 552 MovieClip {TitleScreen} Frame 19Symbol 551 EditableText
"floor"Symbol 591 MovieClip {rCell} Frame 1Symbol 571 MovieClip {RandomFloor}
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"floor"Symbol 593 MovieClip {rChamber} Frame 1Symbol 571 MovieClip {RandomFloor}
"tint"Symbol 593 MovieClip {rChamber} Frame 1Symbol 14 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.RoomTint_87}
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"tint"Symbol 597 MovieClip {rCorridorH} Frame 1Symbol 14 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.RoomTint_87}
"gfx"Symbol 598 MovieClip {rCorridorV} Frame 1Symbol 596 MovieClip
"tint"Symbol 598 MovieClip {rCorridorV} Frame 1Symbol 14 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.RoomTint_87}
"floor"Symbol 599 MovieClip {rGallery} Frame 1Symbol 571 MovieClip {RandomFloor}
"tint"Symbol 599 MovieClip {rGallery} Frame 1Symbol 14 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.RoomTint_87}
"floor"Symbol 602 MovieClip {rLargeRoom} Frame 1Symbol 571 MovieClip {RandomFloor}
"tint"Symbol 602 MovieClip {rLargeRoom} Frame 1Symbol 14 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.RoomTint_87}
"floor"Symbol 603 MovieClip {rTallRoom} Frame 1Symbol 571 MovieClip {RandomFloor}
"tint"Symbol 603 MovieClip {rTallRoom} Frame 1Symbol 14 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.RoomTint_87}
"floor"Symbol 604 MovieClip {rWideRoom} Frame 1Symbol 571 MovieClip {RandomFloor}
"tint"Symbol 604 MovieClip {rWideRoom} Frame 1Symbol 14 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.RoomTint_87}
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"gfx"Symbol 608 MovieClip {CorridorConnectorH} Frame 1Symbol 11 MovieClip
"tint"Symbol 608 MovieClip {CorridorConnectorH} Frame 1Symbol 14 MovieClip {monstersdend_fla.RoomTint_87}
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