Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2574 · P5147

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #31792

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { function playFLV() { return g_flvVariable != undefined || g_flvURL != undefined; } function initPlayer() { if (g_initilized == undefined) { g_flvLoaded = false; g_isPlaying = false; g_isEnd = false; g_soundObj = new Sound(); g_soundVolume = g_soundObj.getVolume(); g_soundMute = false; if (g_flvVariable != undefined) { g_flvURL = eval(g_flvVariable); } if (!playFLV()) { g_currentFrame = _currentframe; g_seekStep = int(_totalframes / 20); if (g_seekStep < 50) { g_seekStep = 50; } _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!control.vt.isDragging) { g_isPlaying = g_currentFrame != _currentframe; g_currentFrame = _currentframe; } var _loc1 = g_isEnd; g_isEnd = _currentframe == _totalframes; if (g_isEnd) { if (g_endURL != undefined && !_loc1 && g_isEnd) { getURL(g_endURL, (_root.g_endURLTarget == undefined) ? '' : _root.g_endURLTarget); } } if (g_isEnd && !control.vt.isDragging) { if (g_isPlaying) { if (!(g_autoRewind || g_repeat)) { g_isPlaying = false; stop(); } else { changeCurrentFrame(1); if (!g_repeat) { g_isPlaying = false; stop(); } else { play(); } } } } updateControls(); }; if (!g_autoPlay) { g_autoPlay = true; stop(); } } else { if (g_flvURL != undefined) { control.vt.time.text = 'Streaming...'; g_currentTime = 0; g_netConnection = new NetConnection(); g_netConnection.connect(null); g_netStream = new NetStream(g_netConnection); g_videoObj.attachVideo(g_netStream); g_netStream.setBufferTime(5);; g_netStream.onStatus = function (infoObj) { switch (infoObj.code) { case 'NetStream.Play.Start': g_flvLoaded = true; g_videoObj._width = g_videoWidth; g_videoObj._height = g_videoHeight; if (!g_autoPlay) { g_netStream.pause(true);; g_isPlaying = false; } else { g_isPlaying = true; } break; break; case 'NetStream.Buffer.Full': break; case 'NetStream.Play.Stop': case 'NetStream.Seek.InvalidTime':; break; case 'NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound': control.vt.time.text = 'Stream not found.'; var _loc1 = new TextFormat(); _loc1.color = 16711680; control.vt.time.setTextFormat(_loc1); } }; g_netStream.onMetaData = function (infoObj) { g_totalTime = Math.floor(infoObj.duration); g_seekStep = g_totalTime / 20; if (g_seekStep < 5) { g_seekStep = 5; } }; } else { control.vt.time.text = '"' + g_flvVariable + '" not defined.'; var fmt = new TextFormat(); fmt.color = 16711680; control.vt.time.setTextFormat(fmt); } _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (g_totalTime != undefined) { var _loc2 = g_isEnd; g_isEnd = g_netStream.time >= g_totalTime; if (g_endURL != undefined && !_loc2 && g_isEnd) { getURL(g_endURL, (_root.g_endURLTarget == undefined) ? '' : _root.g_endURLTarget); } } if (g_isEnd && !control.vt.isDragging) { if (g_isPlaying) { if (!(g_autoRewind || g_repeat)) { g_isPlaying = false; g_netStream.pause(true); } else { changeCurrentFrame(0); if (!g_repeat) { g_isPlaying = false; g_netStream.pause(true); } else { g_netStream.pause(false); } } } } updateControls(); }; } g_initilized = true; } } function changeCurrentFrame(pos) { if (!playFLV()) { if (!(g_isPlaying && !control.vt.isDragging && pos < _totalframes)) { g_currentFrame = pos; gotoAndStop(pos); } else { g_currentFrame = 0; gotoAndPlay(pos); } } else {; } } function updateControls() { control.b_play.gotoAndStop(g_isPlaying ? 2 : 1); control.vt.syncIndicatorWithVideo(); } var g_fps = 30; var g_autoPlay = true; var g_autoRewind = true; var g_repeat = true; var g_skinColor = 13421772; var g_skinColorSaturation = 30; var g_videoWidth = 320; var g_videoHeight = 240; var g_initilized; var g_flvLoaded; var g_netConnection; var g_netStream; var g_videoObj; var g_totalTime; var g_seekStep; var g_soundObj; var g_soundVolume; var g_soundMute; var g_currentFrame; var g_isPlaying; var g_isEnd; initPlayer(); } movieClip 3 { } movieClip 5 { } movieClip 7 { } movieClip 9 { } movieClip 11 { } movieClip 13 { } movieClip 14 { } movieClip 15 { } movieClip 2 { frame 1 { _x = 0; setProperty('', _x, 0); _y = 0; setProperty('', _y, 0); var w = Stage.width; var marginBottom = _root.control._y - (vb_b._y + vb_b._height); var h = Stage.height - _root.control._height - marginBottom; vb_tl._x = 0; vb_tl._y = 0; vb_bl._x = 0; vb_bl._y = h - vb_bl._height; vb_l._x = 0; vb_l._y = vb_tl._y + vb_tl._height; vb_l._height = h - vb_tl._height - vb_bl._height; vb_t._x = vb_tl._x + vb_tl._width; vb_t.y = 0; vb_t._width = Stage.width - vb_tl._width - vb_tr._width; vb_tr._x = Stage.width - vb_tr._width; vb_tr._y = 0; vb_br._x = Stage.width - vb_br._width; vb_br._y = h - vb_br._height; vb_r._x = Stage.width - vb_r._width; vb_r._y = vb_tr._y + vb_tr._height; vb_r._height = h - vb_tr._height - vb_br._height; vb_b._x = vb_bl._x + vb_bl._width; vb_b._y = vb_bl._y + vb_bl._height - vb_b._height; vb_b._width = Stage.width - vb_bl._width - vb_br._width; if (_root.g_clickURL != undefined) { var vb_dummy = createEmptyMovieClip('vb_dummy', getNextHighestDepth()); var width = vb_r._x - (vb_l._x + vb_l._width); var height = vb_b._y - (vb_t._y + vb_t._height); vb_dummy._x = vb_l._x + vb_l._width; vb_dummy._y = vb_t._y + vb_t._height; vb_dummy.beginFill(16711680, 0); vb_dummy.moveTo(0, 0); vb_dummy.lineTo(width, 0); vb_dummy.lineTo(width, height); vb_dummy.lineTo(0, height); vb_dummy.lineTo(0, 0); vb_dummy.endFill(); vb_dummy.onRelease = function () { getURL(_root.g_clickURL, (_root.g_clickURLTarget == undefined) ? '' : _root.g_clickURLTarget); }; } } } movieClip 17 { } movieClip 19 { } movieClip 21 { } movieClip 24 { } movieClip 28 { } movieClip 30 { } movieClip 32 { } movieClip 34 { } movieClip 23 { frame 1 { function syncIndicatorWithVideo() { if (isDragging) { return undefined; } var _loc3 = vt_right._x + vt_right._width - vt_left._x - vt_ind._width; var _loc2; if (!_root.playFLV()) { _loc2 = vt_ind._width / 2 + _loc3 * (_root._currentframe - 1) / Math.max(1, _root._totalframes - 1); } else { if (_root.g_totalTime != undefined) { var _loc4 = Math.min(_root.g_netStream.time, _root.g_totalTime); _loc2 = vt_ind._width / 2 + _loc3 * (_loc4 / _root.g_totalTime); } else { _loc2 = vt_ind._width / 2; } } vt_ind._x = vt_left._x + _loc2; vt_progress._x = vt_left._x; vt_progress._width = _loc2 + vt_ind._width / 2; syncTimeWithVidio(); } function formatTimeElement(e) { var _loc1 = String(e); if (e < 10) { _loc1 = '0' + _loc1; } return _loc1; } function formatTime(time) { h = int(time / 3600); m = int(time / 60 % 60); s = int(time % 60); var _loc1 = formatTimeElement(m) + ':' + formatTimeElement(s); if (h > 0) { _loc1 = formatTimeElement(h) + ':' + _loc1; } return _loc1; } function syncTimeWithVidio() { if (_root.playFLV() && _root.g_totalTime == undefined) { return undefined; } var _loc3; var _loc2; if (!_root.playFLV()) { if (_root.g_fps != undefined) { _loc2 = Math.ceil(_root._currentframe / _root.g_fps); _loc3 = Math.ceil(_root._totalframes / _root.g_fps); } } else { if (_root.g_totalTime != undefined) { _loc2 = Math.min(_root.g_totalTime, Math.round(_root.g_netStream.time)); _loc3 = _root.g_totalTime; } } if (_loc3 != undefined && _loc2 != undefined) { text = formatTime(_loc2) + ' / ' + formatTime(_loc3); } time.text = text; } function seekToMousePos(x) { var _loc3 = vt_right._x + vt_right._width - vt_left._x - vt_ind._width; var _loc2 = x - vt_left._x - vt_ind._width / 2; if (_loc2 < 0) { _loc2 = 0; } if (!_root.playFLV()) { var _loc5 = Math.min(_root._totalframes, Math.round(_loc2 * (_root._totalframes + 1) / _loc3) + 1); _root.changeCurrentFrame(_loc5); syncTimeWithVidio(); } else { var _loc4 = _loc2 * _root.g_totalTime / _loc3; _root.changeCurrentFrame(_loc4); syncTimeWithVidio(); } } var isDragging = false; var vt_dummy = createEmptyMovieClip('vt_dummy', getNextHighestDepth()); var width = vt_right._x + vt_right._width - vt_left._x; var height = vt_center._height; vt_dummy._x = vt_left._x; vt_dummy._y = vt_left._y; vt_dummy.beginFill(16711680, 0); vt_dummy.moveTo(0, 0); vt_dummy.lineTo(width, 0); vt_dummy.lineTo(width, height); vt_dummy.lineTo(0, height); vt_dummy.lineTo(0, 0); vt_dummy.endFill(); vt_ind.swapDepths(1); vt_ind.onPress = function () { if (_root.playFLV() && !_root.g_flvLoaded) { return undefined; } isDragging = true; if (_root.g_isPlaying) { if (!_root.playFLV()) { _root.stop(); } else { _root.g_netStream.pause(true); } } startDrag(this, false, vt_left._x + vt_ind._width / 2, vt_ind._y, vt_right._x + vt_right._width - vt_ind._width / 2 + 1, vt_ind._y); }; vt_ind.onReleaseOutside = function () { isDragging = false; stopDrag(); if (_root.g_isPlaying) { if (!_root.playFLV()) {; } else { _root.g_netStream.pause(false); } } }; vt_ind.onRelease = vt_ind.onReleaseOutside; vt_ind.onMouseMove = function () { if (!isDragging) { return undefined; } seekToMousePos(vt_ind._x); }; vt_dummy.onPress = function () { if (_root.playFLV() && !_root.g_flvLoaded) { return undefined; } var _loc2 = _xmouse; seekToMousePos(_loc2); }; } } movieClip 37 { frame 1 { stop(); onRollOver = function () { gotoAndPlay(2); }; onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndPlay(7); }; onReleaseOutside = onRollOut; } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 44 { frame 1 { stop(); onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndPlay(2); }; onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndPlay(7); }; onReleaseOutside = onRollOut; } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 36 { frame 1 { stop(); onRollOver = function () { s1.gotoAndPlay(2); }; onRollOut = function () { s1.gotoAndPlay(6); }; onReleaseOutside = onRollOut; } frame 2 { stop(); onRollOver = function () { s2.gotoAndPlay(2); }; onRollOut = function () { s2.gotoAndPlay(6); }; onReleaseOutside = onRollOut; } } movieClip 48 { frame 1 { stop(); onRollOver = function () { gotoAndPlay(2); }; onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndPlay(7); }; onReleaseOutside = onRollOut; } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 52 { frame 1 { stop(); onRollOver = function () { gotoAndPlay(2); }; onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndPlay(7); }; onReleaseOutside = onRollOut; } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 56 { frame 1 { stop(); onRollOver = function () { gotoAndPlay(2); }; onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndPlay(7); }; onReleaseOutside = onRollOut; } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 61 { } movieClip 63 { } movieClip 60 { frame 1 { function syncIndicator() { var _loc4 = track._width - ind._width; var _loc3 = ind._x - track._x - ind._width / 2; if (_loc3 < 0) { _loc3 = 0; } var _loc2 = Math.min(100, Math.max(0, (_loc3 / _loc4) * 100)); progress._x = 0; progress._width = track._width * _loc2 / 100; _root.g_soundVolume = _loc2; if (!_root.g_soundMute) { _root.g_soundObj.setVolume(_loc2); } } var isDragging = false; ind._x = track._x + track._width - ind._width / 2; syncIndicator(); var dummy = createEmptyMovieClip('dummy', getNextHighestDepth()); var width = track._width; var height = track._height; dummy._x = track._x; dummy._y = track._y; dummy.beginFill(16711680, 0); dummy.moveTo(0, 0); dummy.lineTo(width, 0); dummy.lineTo(width, height); dummy.lineTo(0, height); dummy.lineTo(0, 0); dummy.endFill(); ind.swapDepths(1); ind.onPress = function () { isDragging = true; startDrag(this, false, ind._width / 2, ind._y, track._width - ind._width / 2, ind._y); }; ind.onReleaseOutside = function () { isDragging = false; stopDrag(); }; ind.onRelease = ind.onReleaseOutside; ind.onMouseMove = function () { if (!isDragging) { return undefined; } syncIndicator(); }; dummy.onPress = function () { ind._x = Math.max(track._x + ind._width / 2, Math.min(track._x + track._width - ind._width / 2, _xmouse)); syncIndicator(); }; } } movieClip 66 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 73 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 65 { frame 1 { stop(); onRollOver = function () { p1.gotoAndPlay(2); }; onRollOut = function () { p1.gotoAndPlay(6); }; onReleaseOutside = onRollOut; } frame 2 { stop(); onRollOver = function () { p2.gotoAndPlay(2); }; onRollOut = function () { p2.gotoAndPlay(6); }; onReleaseOutside = onRollOut; } } movieClip 16 { frame 1 { _x = 0; setProperty('', _x, 0); _y = Stage.height - _height; setProperty('', _y, Stage.height - _height); var atMarginRight = cb_right._x - at._x; var bSoundMarginRight = cb_right._x - b_sound._x; var vtRightMarginRight = cb_right._x - vt.vt_right._x; cb_left._x = 0; cb_right._x = Stage.width - cb_right._width; cb_center._x = cb_left._x + cb_left._width - 1; cb_center._width = cb_right._x - cb_center._x + 2; at._x = cb_right._x - atMarginRight; b_sound._x = cb_right._x - bSoundMarginRight; vt.vt_right._x = cb_right._x - vtRightMarginRight; vt.vt_center._x = vt.vt_left._x + vt.vt_left._width - 1; vt.vt_center._width = vt.vt_right._x - vt.vt_center._x + 2; vt.vt_ind._x = vt.vt_left._x + vt.vt_ind._width / 2; b_play.onRelease = function () { if (!_root.playFLV()) { if (!_root.g_isPlaying) {; } else { _root.stop(); } } else { if (!_root.g_flvLoaded) { return undefined; } if (!_root.g_isPlaying) { if (!_root.g_autoPlay) { _root.g_autoPlay = true; _root.g_netStream.pause(false); } if (_root.g_isEnd) { _root.changeCurrentFrame(0); } _root.g_netStream.pause(false); _root.g_isPlaying = true; } else { _root.g_netStream.pause(true); _root.g_isPlaying = false; } } }; b_stop.onRelease = function () { if (!_root.playFLV()) { _root.g_currentFrame = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (!_root.g_flvLoaded) { return undefined; } _root.changeCurrentFrame(0); _root.g_netStream.pause(true); _root.g_isPlaying = false; } }; b_backward.onRelease = function () { if (!_root.playFLV()) { var _loc3 = _root._currentframe - _root.g_seekStep; if (_loc3 < 1) { _loc3 = 1; } _root.changeCurrentFrame(_loc3); } else { if (!_root.g_flvLoaded) { return undefined; } var _loc2 = _root.g_netStream.time - _root.g_seekStep; if (_loc2 < 0) { _loc2 = 0; } _root.changeCurrentFrame(_loc2); } }; b_forward.onRelease = function () { if (!_root.playFLV()) { var _loc3 = _root._currentframe + _root.g_seekStep; if (_loc3 > _root._totalframes) { _loc3 = _root._totalframes; } _root.changeCurrentFrame(_loc3); } else { if (!_root.g_flvLoaded) { return undefined; } var _loc2 = _root.g_netStream.time + _root.g_seekStep; if (_loc2 > _root.g_totalTime) { _loc2 = _root.g_totalTime; } _root.changeCurrentFrame(_loc2); } }; b_sound.onRelease = function () { _root.g_soundMute = !_root.g_soundMute; b_sound.gotoAndStop(_root.g_soundMute ? 2 : 1); var _loc2; if (!_root.g_soundMute) { _loc2 = _root.g_soundVolume; } else { _loc2 = 0; } _root.g_soundObj.setVolume(_loc2); }; } }
Created: 18/5 -2019 11:19:46 Last modified: 18/5 -2019 11:19:46 Server time: 24/10 -2024 00:23:54