Frame 3
FrameLoad = int(("100" / _totalframes) * _framesloaded);
tellTarget ("/loader") {
ifFrameLoaded (56) {
gotoAndPlay (23);
Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (3);
Frame 23
maze_x = "21";
maze_y = "23";
maze_w = "20";
maze_h = "20";
counter = "1";
other = "0";
worm_counter = "1";
speed = "5";
clk = "0";
wallsection_w = getProperty("/wallsection", _width);
wallsection_h = getProperty("/wallsection", _height);
Frame 24
if (start <> "1") {
life = "1";
duplicateMovieClip ("background", "background1", "2000");
setProperty("background1", _x , (maze_x + "5") + ((maze_w * maze_w) / "2"));
setProperty("background1", _y , (maze_y + "5") + ((maze_h * maze_h) / "2"));
tellTarget ("/background1") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Set("/background1:message", ("Clickeá COMENZAR" add "\r") add " para empezar a jugar");
gotoAndStop (23);
} else {
tellTarget ("/sounds") {
Frame 25
pause = "1";
run = "0";
object = "0";
run_time = "0";
if (nr_level == "1") {
score = "0";
life = "3";
call("Matrix" add nr_level);
Frame 27
counter = "1";
if ("0" < life) {
display_life = life;
level = ("Nivel" add " ") add nr_level;
} else if ("0" >= life) {
tellTarget ("/sounds") {
duplicateMovieClip ("background", "background1", "2000");
setProperty("background1", _x , (maze_x + "5") + ((maze_w * maze_w) / "2"));
setProperty("background1", _y , (maze_y + "5") + ((maze_h * maze_h) / "2"));
tellTarget ("/background1") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Set("/background1:message", ((("\r" add "\r") add "El juego termino") add "\r") add "Clickeá COMENZAR para jugar.");
start = "0";
if ("0" >= object) {
if (nr_level == "3") {
tellTarget ("/sounds") {
Set("/background1:message", ((("\r" add "\r") add "Congratulation ! You Win !") add "\r") add "Click START for a new game.");
start = "0";
nr_level = "1";
speed = "5";
} else if (nr_level < "3") {
tellTarget ("/sounds") {
duplicateMovieClip ("background", "background1", "2000");
setProperty("background1", _x , (maze_x + "5") + ((maze_w * maze_w) / "2"));
setProperty("background1", _y , (maze_y + "5") + ((maze_h * maze_h) / "2"));
tellTarget ("/background1") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Set("/background1:message", ((("\r" add "\r") add "Felicidades sos el ganador!") add "\r") add "Click en Comenzar para otro nivel.");
start = "0";
nr_level = nr_level + "1";
speed = speed - "2";
pause = "0";
Frame 28
time = getTimer();
if (run == "1") {
run_time = getTimer() + "10000";
run = "0";
clk = int(time / speed);
if (run_time >= time) {
state = "2";
kill = "0";
} else if (run_time < time) {
state = "1";
kill = "1";
while (ghost_nr >= counter) {
tellTarget ("/ghost" add counter) {
if ("0" < other) {
other = other - "1";
counter = counter + "1";
gotoAndPlay (27);
Frame 30
m1 = "11111111111111111111";
m2 = "1o..*1............o1";
m3 = "1c1111.111*1111.11.1";
m4 = "1.1....1......1..1.1";
m5 = "1...1111.1111.11.1.1";
m6 = "1.1..............1.1";
m7 = "1.1...";
m8 = "1.111.1......1.11111";
m9 = "1.....1.1..1.1.1*..1";
m10 = "**";
m10 = "";
m11 = "1...1.1.1001.1.....1";
m12 = "111.1...1111...11.11";
m13 = "1...1.1......1.*1..1";
m14 = "1.*.1.111111111111.1";
m15 = "1.1.1..............1";
m16 = "";
m17 = "1.1....1..1......1.1";
m18 = "1.1111.";
m19 = "1o.....1..*.1...*1o1";
m20 = "11111111111111111111";
Frame 31
m1 = "11111111111111111111";
m2 = "1o..*1............o1";
m3 = "1c1111.111.1111.11.1";
m4 = "1.1....1......1..1.1";
m5 = "1...1111.1111.11.1.1";
m6 = "1.1..............1.1";
m7 = "1.1...";
m8 = "1.111.1......1.11111";
m9 = "1.....1.1..1.1.1*..1";
m10 = "";
m10 = "";
m11 = "1...1.1.1001.1.....1";
m12 = "111.1...1111...11.11";
m13 = "1...1.1......1..1..1";
m14 = "1.*.1.111111111111.1";
m15 = "1.1.1..............1";
m16 = "";
m17 = "1.1....1..1......1.1";
m18 = "1.1111.";
m19 = "1o.....1....1....1o1";
m20 = "11111111111111111111";
Frame 32
m1 = "11111111111111111111";
m2 = "1o...1............o1";
m3 = "1c1111.111.1111.11.1";
m4 = "1.1....1......1..1.1";
m5 = "1...1111.1111.11.1.1";
m6 = "1.1..............1.1";
m7 = "1.1...";
m8 = "1.111.1......1.11111";
m9 = "1.....1.1..1.1.1...1";
m10 = "";
m10 = "";
m11 = "1...1.1.1001.1.....1";
m12 = "111.1...1111...11.11";
m13 = "1...1.1......1..1..1";
m14 = "1...1.111111111111.1";
m15 = "1.1.1..............1";
m16 = "";
m17 = "1.1....1..1......1.1";
m18 = "1.1111.";
m19 = "1o.....1..*.1....1o1";
m20 = "11111111111111111111";
Frame 37
setProperty("/walls", _x , (maze_x + "5") + ((maze_w * maze_w) / "2"));
setProperty("/walls", _y , (maze_y + "5") + ((maze_h * maze_h) / "2"));
k = "1";
m = "";
while (k < (maze_h + "1")) {
i = "1";
m = m add eval ("m" add k);
while (i < (maze_w + "1")) {
read_x = i;
read_y = k;
index = ((k - "1") * maze_w) + i;
index = (maze_h * (read_y - "1")) + read_x;
MazeXYval = substring(m, index, "1");
if (MazeXYval eq "1") {
duplicateMovieClip ("/wallsection", "wallsection" add index, index);
setProperty("/wallsection" add index, _x , maze_x + (i * wallsection_w));
setProperty("/wallsection" add index, _y , maze_y + (k * wallsection_h));
if (MazeXYval eq "c") {
firststring = substring(m, "1", index - "1");
secondstring = substring(m, index + "1", "-1");
m = (firststring add " ") add secondstring;
duplicateMovieClip ("/character", "character1", index + "1000");
setProperty("/character1", _x , maze_x + (i * maze_w));
setProperty("/character1", _y , maze_y + (k * maze_h));
chr_x = i;
chr_y = k;
if (MazeXYval eq ".") {
object = object + "1";
duplicateMovieClip ("/littlescore", "littlescore" add index, index);
setProperty("/littlescore" add index, _x , maze_x + (i * maze_w));
setProperty("/littlescore" add index, _y , maze_y + (k * maze_h));
if (MazeXYval eq "*") {
object = object + "1";
duplicateMovieClip ("/bigscore", "bigscore" add index, index);
setProperty("/bigscore" add index, _x , maze_x + (i * maze_w));
setProperty("/bigscore" add index, _y , maze_y + (k * maze_h));
if (MazeXYval eq "0") {
firststring = substring(m, "1", index - "1");
secondstring = substring(m, index + "1", "-1");
m = (firststring add " ") add secondstring;
duplicateMovieClip ("/ghost", "ghost" add counter, index + "1500");
setProperty("/ghost" add counter, _x , maze_x + (i * maze_w));
setProperty("/ghost" add counter, _y , maze_y + (k * maze_h));
Set("adress_ghost" add counter, index);
Set("posg_x" add counter, i);
Set("posg_y" add counter, k);
ghost_nr = counter;
counter = counter + "1";
if (MazeXYval eq "o") {
duplicateMovieClip ("/worm", "worm" add worm_counter, index);
setProperty("/worm" add worm_counter, _x , maze_x + (i * maze_w));
setProperty("/worm" add worm_counter, _y , maze_y + (k * maze_h));
Set("posw_x" add worm_counter, i);
Set("posw_y" add worm_counter, k);
worm_nr = worm_counter;
worm_counter = worm_counter + "1";
i = i + "1";
k = k + "1";
Frame 39
read_x = newchr_x;
read_y = newchr_y;
index = (maze_h * (read_y - "1")) + read_x;
MazeXYval = substring(m, index, "1");
if (MazeXYval <> "1") {
if (MazeXYval eq "o") {
rand = random("20") + "1";
rand = rand - (int((rand - "1") / (worm_nr - "1")) * (worm_nr - "1"));
worm_counter = "0";
string = "";
while (worm_counter < worm_nr) {
worm_counter = worm_counter + "1";
temp_x = eval ("posw_x" add worm_counter);
temp_y = eval ("posw_y" add worm_counter);
string = string add worm_counter;
if ((newchr_x == temp_x) and (newchr_y == temp_y)) {
worm_counter_temp = worm_counter;
string = substring(string, "1", worm_counter - "1");
worm_counter = substring(string, rand, "1");
newchr_x = eval ("posw_x" add worm_counter);
newchr_y = eval ("posw_y" add worm_counter);
tellTarget ("/character1") {
gotoAndPlay (37);
tellTarget ("/worm" add worm_counter_temp) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
tellTarget ("/sounds") {
tellTarget ("/worm" add worm_counter) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
tellTarget ("/character1") {
gotoAndPlay (50);
chr_x = newchr_x;
chr_y = newchr_y;
index = ((chr_y - "1") * maze_h) + chr_x;
if (MazeXYval eq ".") {
object = object - "1";
score = score + "1";
removeMovieClip("littlescore" add index);
firststring = substring(m, "1", index - "1");
secondstring = substring(m, index + "1", "-1");
m = (firststring add " ") add secondstring;
tellTarget ("/sounds") {
if (MazeXYval eq "*") {
object = object - "1";
score = score + "10";
removeMovieClip("bigscore" add index);
firststring = substring(m, "1", index - "1");
secondstring = substring(m, index + "1", "-1");
m = (firststring add " ") add secondstring;
run = "1";
tellTarget ("/sounds") {
if ((MazeXYval eq "0") and (kill == "1")) {
life = life - "1";
display_life = life;
tellTarget ("/sounds") {
tellTarget ("/character1") {
gotoAndPlay (21);
counter = "1";
while (ghost_nr >= counter) {
if (life >= "0") {
adress_ghost = eval ("adress_ghost" add counter);
posg_x = adress_ghost - (int((adress_ghost - "1") / maze_w) * maze_w);
posg_y = int(adress_ghost / maze_h) + "1";
dif_pos_x = chr_x - posg_x;
dif_pos_y = chr_y - posg_y;
MazeXY = eval ("MazeXY" add counter);
oldg_x = eval ("posg_x" add counter);
oldg_y = eval ("posg_y" add counter);
index = (maze_h * (oldg_y - "1")) + oldg_x;
firststring = substring(m, "1", index - "1");
secondstring = substring(m, index + "1", "-1");
if (MazeXY eq ".") {
m = (firststring add ".") add secondstring;
} else if (MazeXY eq "*") {
m = (firststring add "*") add secondstring;
} else if (MazeXY eq "o") {
m = (firststring add "o") add secondstring;
} else {
m = (firststring add " ") add secondstring;
index = (maze_h * (posg_y - "1")) + posg_x;
Set("MazeXY" add counter, substring(m, index, "1"));
firststring = substring(m, "1", index - "1");
secondstring = substring(m, index + "1", "-1");
m = (firststring add "0") add secondstring;
Set("posg_x" add counter, posg_x);
Set("posg_y" add counter, posg_y);
posg_abs_x = maze_x + (posg_x * maze_w);
posg_abs_y = maze_y + (posg_y * maze_h);
setProperty("/ghost" add counter, _x , posg_abs_x);
setProperty("/ghost" add counter, _y , posg_abs_y);
} else if ("0" >= life) {
gotoAndStop (1);
counter = counter + "1";
} else if ((MazeXYval eq "0") and (kill == "0")) {
counter = "1";
while (ghost_nr >= counter) {
posg_x = eval ("posg_x" add counter);
posg_y = eval ("posg_y" add counter);
dif_pos_x = chr_x - posg_x;
dif_pos_y = chr_y - posg_y;
if ((dif_pos_x == "0") and (dif_pos_y == "0")) {
if (kill == "0") {
life = life + "1";
display_life = life;
tellTarget ("/sounds") {
adress_ghost = eval ("adress_ghost" add counter);
posg_x = adress_ghost - (int((adress_ghost - "1") / maze_w) * maze_w);
posg_y = int(adress_ghost / maze_h) + "1";
dif_pos_x = chr_x - posg_x;
dif_pos_y = chr_y - posg_y;
} else if (kill == "1") {
if ("0" >= other) {
other = ghost_nr;
life = life - "1";
if (life >= "0") {
display_life = life;
tellTarget ("/sounds") {
tellTarget ("/character1") {
gotoAndPlay (21);
adress_ghost = eval ("adress_ghost" add counter);
posg_x = adress_ghost - (int((adress_ghost - "1") / maze_w) * maze_w);
posg_y = int(adress_ghost / maze_h) + "1";
dif_pos_x = chr_x - posg_x;
dif_pos_y = chr_y - posg_y;
} else if ("0" >= life) {
gotoAndStop (1);
MazeXY = eval ("MazeXY" add counter);
oldg_x = eval ("posg_x" add counter);
oldg_y = eval ("posg_y" add counter);
index = (maze_h * (oldg_y - "1")) + oldg_x;
firststring = substring(m, "1", index - "1");
secondstring = substring(m, index + "1", "-1");
if (MazeXY eq ".") {
m = (firststring add ".") add secondstring;
} else if (MazeXY eq "*") {
m = (firststring add "*") add secondstring;
} else if (MazeXY eq "o") {
m = (firststring add "o") add secondstring;
} else {
m = (firststring add " ") add secondstring;
index = (maze_h * (posg_y - "1")) + posg_x;
Set("MazeXY" add counter, substring(m, index, "1"));
firststring = substring(m, "1", index - "1");
secondstring = substring(m, index + "1", "-1");
m = (firststring add "0") add secondstring;
Set("posg_x" add counter, posg_x);
Set("posg_y" add counter, posg_y);
posg_abs_x = maze_x + (posg_x * maze_w);
posg_abs_y = maze_y + (posg_y * maze_h);
setProperty("/ghost" add counter, _x , posg_abs_x);
setProperty("/ghost" add counter, _y , posg_abs_y);
counter = counter + ghost_nr;
counter = counter + "1";
chr_abs_x = maze_x + (chr_x * maze_w);
chr_abs_y = maze_y + (chr_y * maze_h);
setProperty("/character1", _x , chr_abs_x);
setProperty("/character1", _y , chr_abs_y);
Frame 41
makepos = "0";
posg_x = eval ("posg_x" add counter);
posg_y = eval ("posg_y" add counter);
dif_pos_x = chr_x - posg_x;
dif_pos_y = chr_y - posg_y;
if (((clk / speed) - int(clk / speed)) == "0") {
if ("0" < other) {
dif_pos_x = "0";
dif_pos_y = "0";
if ((dif_pos_x == "0") and (dif_pos_y == "0")) {
if (kill == "0") {
life = life + "1";
display_life = life;
tellTarget ("/sounds") {
adress_ghost = eval ("adress_ghost" add counter);
posg_x = adress_ghost - (int((adress_ghost - "1") / maze_w) * maze_w);
posg_y = int(adress_ghost / maze_h) + "1";
dif_pos_x = chr_x - posg_x;
dif_pos_y = chr_y - posg_y;
} else if (kill == "1") {
if ("0" >= other) {
other = ghost_nr;
life = life - "1";
if (life >= "0") {
display_life = life;
tellTarget ("/sounds") {
tellTarget ("/character1") {
gotoAndPlay (21);
adress_ghost = eval ("adress_ghost" add counter);
posg_x = adress_ghost - (int((adress_ghost - "1") / maze_w) * maze_w);
posg_y = int(adress_ghost / maze_h) + "1";
dif_pos_x = chr_x - posg_x;
dif_pos_y = chr_y - posg_y;
} else if ("0" >= life) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (counter == "1") {
priority = random("20") + "1";
priority = priority - (int((priority - "1") / "4") * "4");
if (("0" < dif_pos_y) and ("0" < dif_pos_x)) {
if (run_time >= time) {
} else {
} else if (("0" < dif_pos_y) and (dif_pos_x < "0")) {
if (run_time >= time) {
} else {
} else if ((dif_pos_y < "0") and ("0" < dif_pos_x)) {
if (run_time >= time) {
} else {
} else if ((dif_pos_y < "0") and (dif_pos_x < "0")) {
if (run_time >= time) {
} else {
} else if (dif_pos_y == "0") {
if ("0" < dif_pos_x) {
if (run_time >= time) {
} else {
} else if (dif_pos_x < "0") {
if (run_time >= time) {
} else {
} else if (dif_pos_x == "0") {
if ("0" < dif_pos_y) {
if (run_time >= time) {
} else {
} else if (dif_pos_y < "0") {
if (run_time >= time) {
} else {
begin_read_string = (priority - "1") * "4";
i = "1";
while (("4" >= i) and (makepos eq "0")) {
substring = substring(string, begin_read_string + i, "1");
i = i + "1";
if (makepos eq "0") {
Set("last_direction" add counter, "0");
i = "1";
while (("4" >= i) and (makepos eq "0")) {
substring = substring(string, begin_read_string + i, "1");
i = i + "1";
MazeXY = eval ("MazeXY" add counter);
oldg_x = eval ("posg_x" add counter);
oldg_y = eval ("posg_y" add counter);
index = (maze_h * (oldg_y - "1")) + oldg_x;
firststring = substring(m, "1", index - "1");
secondstring = substring(m, index + "1", "-1");
if (MazeXY eq ".") {
m = (firststring add ".") add secondstring;
} else if (MazeXY eq "*") {
m = (firststring add "*") add secondstring;
} else if (MazeXY eq "o") {
m = (firststring add "o") add secondstring;
} else {
m = (firststring add " ") add secondstring;
index = (maze_h * (posg_y - "1")) + posg_x;
Set("MazeXY" add counter, substring(m, index, "1"));
firststring = substring(m, "1", index - "1");
secondstring = substring(m, index + "1", "-1");
m = (firststring add "0") add secondstring;
Set("posg_x" add counter, posg_x);
Set("posg_y" add counter, posg_y);
posg_abs_x = maze_x + (posg_x * maze_w);
posg_abs_y = maze_y + (posg_y * maze_h);
setProperty("/ghost" add counter, _x , posg_abs_x);
setProperty("/ghost" add counter, _y , posg_abs_y);
priority = priority + "1";
Frame 47
if (makepos eq "0") {
posg_y = posg_y + "1";
index = (maze_h * (posg_y - "1")) + posg_x;
MazeXYvalg = substring(m, index, "1");
last_direction = eval ("last_direction" add counter);
if (last_direction eq "U") {
MazeXYvalg = "1";
if ((MazeXYvalg eq "1") or (MazeXYvalg eq "0")) {
posg_y = posg_y - "1";
makepos = "0";
} else {
Set("last_direction" add counter, "D");
makepos = "1";
Frame 48
if (makepos eq "0") {
posg_x = posg_x + "1";
index = (maze_h * (posg_y - "1")) + posg_x;
MazeXYvalg = substring(m, index, "1");
last_direction = eval ("last_direction" add counter);
if (last_direction eq "L") {
MazeXYvalg = "1";
if ((MazeXYvalg eq "1") or (MazeXYvalg eq "0")) {
posg_x = posg_x - "1";
makepos = "0";
} else {
Set("last_direction" add counter, "R");
makepos = "1";
Frame 49
if (makepos eq "0") {
posg_y = posg_y - "1";
index = (maze_h * (posg_y - "1")) + posg_x;
MazeXYvalg = substring(m, index, "1");
last_direction = eval ("last_direction" add counter);
if (last_direction eq "D") {
MazeXYvalg = "1";
if ((MazeXYvalg eq "1") or (MazeXYvalg eq "0")) {
posg_y = posg_y + "1";
makepos = "0";
} else {
Set("last_direction" add counter, "U");
makepos = "1";
Frame 50
if (makepos eq "0") {
posg_x = posg_x - "1";
index = (maze_h * (posg_y - "1")) + posg_x;
MazeXYvalg = substring(m, index, "1");
last_direction = eval ("last_direction" add counter);
if (last_direction eq "R") {
MazeXYvalg = "1";
if ((MazeXYvalg eq "1") or (MazeXYvalg eq "0")) {
posg_x = posg_x + "1";
makepos = "0";
} else {
Set("last_direction" add counter, "L");
makepos = "1";
Frame 56
delay = getTimer() + "500";
Symbol 6 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 12 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 35
Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 37
Symbol 40 Button
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
if ((life >= "1") and (pause == "1")) {
newchr_x = chr_x - "1";
newchr_y = chr_y;
tellTarget ("/character1") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 41 Button
on (keyPress "<Right>") {
if ((life >= "1") and (pause == "1")) {
newchr_x = chr_x + "1";
newchr_y = chr_y;
tellTarget ("/character1") {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 42 Button
on (keyPress "<Up>") {
if ((life >= "1") and (pause == "1")) {
newchr_x = chr_x;
newchr_y = chr_y - "1";
tellTarget ("/character1") {
gotoAndPlay (6);
Symbol 43 Button
on (keyPress "<Down>") {
if ((life >= "1") and (pause == "1")) {
newchr_x = chr_x;
newchr_y = chr_y + "1";
tellTarget ("/character1") {
gotoAndPlay (16);
Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 39
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 64 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget ("/sounds") {
if (start <> "0") {
if (pause == "1") {
gotoAndStop (23);
pause = "0";
} else {
gotoAndPlay (27);
pause = "1";
Symbol 68 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget ("/sounds") {
call("Matrix" add nr_level);
start = "1";
if (("0" >= life) or ("0" >= display_life)) {
life = "3";
nr_level = "1";
gotoAndPlay (23);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (25);