[Tools][Expand/Collapse All]Note that automatic extraction of ActionScript 3 is still pretty much unsupported by swfchan. AS1/AS2 works okay most of the time.Section 1 (1.19 KiB) ●
//buttonpl0x (com.adobe.ooas3.buttonpl0x)
package com.adobe.ooas3 {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.filters.*;
public class buttonpl0x extends Sprite {
public var shad:DropShadowFilter;
public var tf:TextField;
public var fmt:TextFormat;
public var tf1:TextField;
public function buttonpl0x(){
tf = new TextField();
tf1 = new TextField();
fmt = new TextFormat();
shad = new DropShadowFilter(2, 45, 0xC0C0C0, 0xFF, 1, 1, 1, 1);
fmt.size = 16;
fmt.bold = true;
fmt.color = 0;
fmt.align = "center";
this.graphics.drawRoundRect(0, 0, 60, 30, 5, 5);
tf.defaultTextFormat = fmt;
tf.width = 60;
tf.height = 24;
tf.y = 5;
tf.name = "x";
tf.mouseEnabled = false;
tf.selectable = false;
tf.text = "Test";
tf.filters = [shad];
fmt.size = 12;
tf1.defaultTextFormat = fmt;
tf1.name = "counter";
tf1.text = "1";
tf1.width = 60;
tf1.height = 20;
tf1.y = 32;
tf1.mouseEnabled = false;
tf1.selectable = false;
tf1.textColor = 0;
tf1.filters = [shad];
}//package com.adobe.ooas3
Section 2 (1.67 KiB) ●
//dropdownx (com.adobe.ooas3.dropdownx)
package com.adobe.ooas3 {
import fl.controls.*;
import flash.display.*;
public class dropdownx extends Sprite {
public var myComboBox:ComboBox;
public function dropdownx(){
myComboBox = new ComboBox();
public function addsimple(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){
var _local4:uint;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:String;
var _local7:Number;
myComboBox.move(_arg2, _arg3);
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _arg1.length) {
_local5 = 0;
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < myComboBox.length) {
myComboBox.selectedIndex = _local4;
_local6 = myComboBox.text;
_local7 = myComboBox.textField.textWidth;
_local5 = Math.max(_local7, _local5);
myComboBox.selectedIndex = -1;
myComboBox.dropdownWidth = (_local5 + 100);
public function addstuffandmove(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){
var _local4:uint;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:String;
var _local7:Number;
myComboBox.move(_arg2, _arg3);
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _arg1.length) {
_local5 = 0;
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < myComboBox.length) {
myComboBox.selectedIndex = _local4;
_local6 = myComboBox.text;
_local7 = myComboBox.textField.textWidth;
_local5 = Math.max(_local7, _local5);
myComboBox.selectedIndex = -1;
myComboBox.dropdownWidth = (_local5 + 100);
}//package com.adobe.ooas3
Section 3 (848 B)
//sidepl0x (com.adobe.ooas3.sidepl0x)
package com.adobe.ooas3 {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public class sidepl0x extends Sprite {
public var side:TextField;
public var num:Number;
public var fmt:TextFormat;
public function sidepl0x(){
side = new TextField();
fmt = new TextFormat();
fmt.size = 12;
fmt.bold = true;
fmt.color = 0xFFFFFF;
fmt.align = "center";
side.width = 60;
side.height = 14;
side.defaultTextFormat = fmt;
side.text = "x";
side.mouseEnabled = false;
side.selectable = false;
side.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
public function drawplz(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3){
this.graphics.drawRoundRect(0, 0, _arg1, _arg2, 5, 5);
}//package com.adobe.ooas3
Section 4 (1.09 KiB) ●
//soundcomplete (com.adobe.ooas3.soundcomplete)
package com.adobe.ooas3 {
import flash.events.*;
import flash.media.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public class soundcomplete extends Sound {
private var channel:SoundChannel;
public var isDone:Number;// = 0
public var moveTimer:Timer;
public var transf:SoundTransform;
public function soundcomplete(){
channel = new SoundChannel();
isDone = 0;
transf = new SoundTransform(0.5, 0.5);
private function soundCompleteHandler(_arg1:Event){
isDone = 2;
public function getChan():SoundChannel{
return (channel);
public function gimmie():Timer{
return (moveTimer);
public function playsnd(_arg1:Number){
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
isDone = 1;
_local2 = 1;
_local3 = (1000 - (1000 / _arg1));
if (_local3 < 0){
_local2 = (_local2 + (Math.abs(_local3) / 1000));
_local3 = 0;
moveTimer = new Timer(Math.round((1000 / _arg1)));
trace(Math.round((1000 / _arg1)));
channel = this.play(0, 0, transf);
}//package com.adobe.ooas3
Section 5 (96.04 KiB) ● ● ● ●
//MainTimeline (eartrain_rewrite25_fla.MainTimeline)
package eartrain_rewrite25_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.media.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.text.*;
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.system.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class MainTimeline extends MovieClip {
public var mSwitch:Boolean;
public var tehwinnames:Array;
public var ascselected;
public var teh:buttonpl0x;
public var questiontype:Number;
public var optionsFeedback;
public var bottomAsc:Number;
public var timing;
public var topDsc:Number;
public var notesids;
public var arl:TextFormat;
public var startx:Number;
public var anchorNote:Number;
public var pnotes:Number;
public var blue:Boolean;
public var starty:Number;
public var dscselected;
public var arr:Array;
public var speed:Array;
public var myanswer:Number;
public var sw:Boolean;
public var deactivated;
public var optionsDesc;
public var tehwin:Array;
public var qspeed:Number;
public var annoying:Array;
public var font:arial;
public var asc:Array;
public var tf:TextField;
public var correct;
public var red:Boolean;
public var fmt:TextFormat;
public var totaltiming:Number;
public var qlength:MovieClip;
public var missed:Boolean;
public var totalcorrect:Number;
public var options;
public var lastplaytime:Number;
public var tehbutt:nicebutton;
public var misses;
public var notes;
public var streaks;
public var noh:sidepl0x;
public var harmonicNotes;
public var vol:Number;
public var disablekeys:Boolean;
public var totalmisses:Number;
public var optInstrument;
public var optHarmonicselect;
public var targets:Array;
public var optionsHarmonic;
public var green:Boolean;
public var optionsAnchor;
public var topstreak:Number;
public var topAsc:Number;
public var total:Number;
public var optAnchor;
public var sidebutton:Sprite;
public var questions;
public var thingy:Sprite;
public var side:TextField;
public var optFeedback;
public var snd:soundcomplete;
public var num3:Number;
public var volumenob:MovieClip;
public var optselect;
public var num2:Number;
public var replays;
public var numback:Number;
public var streak:Number;
public var bottomDsc:Number;
public var target:DisplayObject;
public var num:Number;
public var feedback:TextField;
public var totalreplays:Number;
public var firstmiss:Number;
public var dsc:Array;
public var incorrect;
public var answer:Number;
public var optstats;
public var topstreaks;
public var optDescselect;
public var replay:Boolean;
public var snd1:soundcomplete;
public var code:Number;
public var optionsInstruments;
public var clicks:Number;
public var tune:soundcomplete;
public function MainTimeline(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
public function rememberStats(){
var _local1:String;
_local1 = "";
_local1 = (_local1 + (total + "|"));
_local1 = (_local1 + (totalmisses + "|"));
_local1 = (_local1 + (totalcorrect + "|"));
_local1 = (_local1 + (totalreplays + "|"));
_local1 = (_local1 + (totaltiming + "|"));
_local1 = (_local1 + (streak + "|"));
_local1 = (_local1 + (topstreak + "|"));
_local1 = (_local1 + (arrayToStr(streaks) + "|"));
_local1 = (_local1 + (arrayToStr(timing) + "|"));
_local1 = (_local1 + (arrayToStr(topstreaks) + "|"));
_local1 = (_local1 + (arrayToStr(replays) + "|"));
_local1 = (_local1 + (arrayToStr(questions) + "|"));
_local1 = (_local1 + (arrayToStr(correct) + "|"));
_local1 = (_local1 + (arrayToStr(misses) + "|"));
_local1 = (_local1 + (array2dToStr(incorrect) + "|"));
return (_local1);
public function buildSongs(_arg1:String){
var _local2:Array;
var _local3:RegExp;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:String;
var _local6:String;
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:Number;
var _local9:Number;
var _local10:Array;
var _local11:*;
_local3 = /./mg;
_local2 = _arg1.match(_local3);
_local4 = "";
_local5 = "";
_local6 = "";
_local7 = 0;
_local8 = 0;
_local9 = 0;
_local10 = new Array();
_local10.push(new Array());
_local11 = 0;
while (_local11 < _local2.length) {
if (_local2[_local11] == "|"){
} else {
if (_local2[_local11] == "@"){
_local10[_local7].push(new Array(_local4, strToArray(_local5), strToArray(_local6)));
_local4 = "";
_local5 = "";
_local6 = "";
_local8 = 0;
} else {
if (_local2[_local11] == "/"){
_local10[_local7].push(new Array(_local4, strToArray(_local5), strToArray(_local6)));
if (!_local2[(_local11 + 1)]){
_local10.push(new Array());
_local4 = "";
_local5 = "";
_local6 = "";
_local9 = 0;
_local8 = 0;
} else {
if (_local8 == 0){
_local4 = (_local4 + _local2[_local11]);
} else {
if (_local8 == 1){
_local5 = (_local5 + _local2[_local11]);
} else {
if (_local8 == 2){
_local6 = (_local6 + _local2[_local11]);
return (_local10);
public function mouseDown1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
qlength.startDrag(false, new Rectangle(17, 152, 50, 0));
public function asdf(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
myanswer = _arg1.target.name;
public function clearDots(){
var _local1:*;
green = false;
blue = false;
red = false;
if (target != null){
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < annoying.length) {
annoying = new Array(0);
targets = new Array(0);
public function letgo(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
if (disablekeys){
if (_arg1.keyCode == 17){
mSwitch = !(mSwitch);
if ((((_arg1.keyCode > 49)) && ((_arg1.keyCode < 61)))){
code = (_arg1.keyCode - 48);
if (code == 2){
myanswer = (mSwitch) ? 2 : 1;
} else {
if (code == 3){
myanswer = (mSwitch) ? 4 : 3;
} else {
if (code == 4){
myanswer = (mSwitch) ? 5 : 5;
} else {
if (code == 9){
myanswer = (mSwitch) ? 6 : 6;
} else {
if (code == 5){
myanswer = (mSwitch) ? 7 : 7;
} else {
if (code == 6){
myanswer = (mSwitch) ? 9 : 8;
} else {
if (code == 7){
myanswer = (mSwitch) ? 11 : 10;
} else {
if (code == 8){
myanswer = (mSwitch) ? 12 : 12;
} else {
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE){
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 191){
} else {
if (_arg1.keyCode == 222){
if (!num){
numback = 0;
arr = new Array(num, num2, new Array(num, (num + num2)), 0, (-1 * num2));
speed = new Array(qspeed, qspeed, qspeed, qspeed, qspeed);
public function drawPiano(){
var n:Number;
var skips:Number;
var i:*;
var note:Sprite;
var sharp:Sprite;
n = 0;
skips = -1;
i = 0;
while (i < pnotes) {
if (n > 6){
n = 0;
note = new letter();
note.x = (startx + (i * 17));
note.y = starty;
if ((((n == 3)) || ((n == 0)))){
skips = (skips + 1);
} else {
skips = (skips + 2);
note.name = ("" + skips);
note.buttonMode = true;
note.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:soundcomplete;
_local2 = (Math.abs((num - int(_arg1.target.name))) - 1);
if (answer == _local2){
myanswer = _local2;
_local3 = new (tehwin[int(_arg1.target.name)]);
_local3.transf = new SoundTransform(1, 0);
n = (n + 1);
i = (i + 1);
skips = -1;
n = 0;
i = 0;
for (;i < (pnotes - 1);(i = (i + 1))) {
n = (n + 1);
skips = (skips + 1);
if (n == 3){
} else {
if (n == 7){
n = 0;
skips = (skips + 1);
sharp = new ssharp();
sharp.x = ((startx + 13) + (i * 17));
sharp.y = (starty - 2);
sharp.name = ("" + skips);
sharp.buttonMode = true;
sharp.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:soundcomplete;
_local2 = (Math.abs((num - int(_arg1.target.name))) - 1);
if (answer == _local2){
myanswer = _local2;
_local3 = new (tehwin[int(_arg1.target.name)]);
_local3.transf = new SoundTransform(1, 0);
function frame1(){
volumenob.buttonMode = true;
qlength.buttonMode = true;
volumenob.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDown);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseReleased);
qlength.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDown1);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, letgo);
snd = new soundcomplete();
snd1 = new soundcomplete();
tune = new soundcomplete();
num2 = 0;
num3 = 0;
numback = 0;
sw = false;
code = 0;
disablekeys = false;
mSwitch = false;
replay = false;
missed = false;
firstmiss = -1;
teh = new buttonpl0x();
noh = new sidepl0x();
notes = new Array("m2", "M2", "m3", "M3", "p4", "Tri", "p5", "m6", "M6", "m7", "M7", "8");
notesids = new Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12);
qspeed = 1;
vol = (Math.round((((volumenob.x - 45) / 47) * 100)) / 100);
questiontype = 0;
optselect = 1;
optHarmonicselect = 0;
optDescselect = 0;
optFeedback = 0;
optAnchor = 0;
optInstrument = 0;
deactivated = new Array(0);
ascselected = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
dscselected = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
options = new Array("All", "Ascending", "Descending", "Asc / Desc", "Harmonic", "Random");
optionsHarmonic = new Array("Play Asc on Harmonic", "Play Desc on Harmonic");
optionsDesc = new Array("Play Desc songs on Desc", "Play Asc songs on Desc");
optionsFeedback = new Array("Show feedback after miss", "Don't display feedback");
optionsAnchor = new Array("Randomize first note.", "Anchor the first note.");
optionsInstruments = new Array("Piano", "Guitar", "Sine Waves");
asc = new Array(new Array(new Array("White Christmas", new Array(0, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1), new Array(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2)), new Array("Pink Panther", new Array(0, 1, 2, 1, -4, 1, 2, 1, 5, -1, -7, 3, 4, -1), new Array(4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2)), new Array("Chromatic", new Array(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), new Array(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2))), new Array(new Array("Silent Night", new Array(0, 2, -2, -3), new Array(1, 2, 2, 1)), new Array("FF7 Theme", new Array(0, 2, 2, 7, -2), new Array(1, 2, 2, 1, 2)), new Array("Frere Jacques", new Array(0, 2, 2, -4, 0, 2, 2, -4, 4, 1, 2), new Array(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2)), new Array("Batman", new Array(0, 2, 1, 5, -1), new Array(2, 2, 2, 1, 2)), new Array("Happy Birthday to You", new Array(0, 0, 2, -2, 5, -1), new Array(4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2))), new Array(new Array("Greensleeves", new Array(0, 3, 2, 2, 1, -1, -2, -3, -4), new Array(4, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 4, 4)), new Array("007", new Array(0, 3, 7, -1, -6, 3, 1), new Array(4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 4, 2)), new Array("Cradle Song", new Array(0, 0, 3, -3, 0, 3, -3, 3, 5, -1, -2, 0, -2), new Array(4, 4, 1, 4, 4, 1, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2)), new Array("Low Rider", new Array(0, 0, 3, 2, 2, -7, -2, 2, -2, 2), new Array(4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 3)), new Array("Xenogears: Valley Where wind is born", new Array(0, 3, -3, -4, 2, 2, 1, 0, -1), new Array(1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2))), new Array(new Array("Saints go marching", new Array(0, 4, 1, 2, -7, 4, 1, 2, -3, -4, 4, -2), new Array(4, 4, 4, 2, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2)), new Array("Cat Stevens: Morning has Broken", new Array(0, 4, 3, 5, 2, -3, -2, -2, 2, -2), new Array(2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1))), new Array(new Array("Here comes the bride", new Array(0, 5, 0, 0, -5, 7, -3, 1), new Array(2, 4, 4, 2, 2, 4, 4, 2)), new Array("La Marseilaise", new Array(0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 2, 0, 5, -3, -4), new Array(6, 6, 6, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2)), new Array("O Tannenbaum", new Array(0, 5, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0), new Array(2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4)), new Array("Pop goes the weasle", new Array(0, 5, 0, 2, 0, 2, 3, -3, -4), new Array(4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2)), new Array("Amazing Grace", new Array(0, 5, 4, -4, 4, -2, -2, -3, -2), new Array(4, 2, 4, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 4, 2)), new Array("Super Mario RPG", new Array(0, 5, 0, 0, -5, 2, 0, -2), new Array(2, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2))), new Array(new Array("Simpsons", new Array(0, 6, 1), new Array(2, 1, 2)), new Array("West Side Story: Maria", new Array(0, 6, 1, -7, 6, 1, 2, -3, 1, 2, -3, 1), new Array(3, 3, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 2)), new Array("Megaman 2: Dr. Wily's Castle", new Array(0, 6, -1, -2, -3, 3, -5, 1, 1), new Array(4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 4, 2, 2, 4))), new Array(new Array("Star Wars", new Array(0, 7, -2, -1, -2, 10, -5), new Array(2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2)), new Array("Superman", new Array(0, 0, 7, 0, 2, -2, -2, 2), new Array(2, 4, 2, 4, 4, 4, 3, 2)), new Array("Twinkle twinkle little star", new Array(0, 0, 7, 0, 2, 0, -2), new Array(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2)), new Array("Back to the future", new Array(0, 7, 5, -2, -1, -2, 2, -2, -2, 2), new Array(2, 1, 2, 1, 4, 4, 2, 4, 3, 2)), new Array("Saga Frontier Thema", new Array(0, 7, -2, 2, -5, 1, -5), new Array(4, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2)), new Array("??", new Array(0, 7, -4, -1, -2, 3, -1, -2, -1, 3, -7), new Array(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2)), new Array("Zelda 3: ??", new Array(0, 7, -7, 7, 5, -3, 1, -1), new Array(2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4))), new Array(new Array("Love Story", new Array(0, 8, -8, 8, -8, 1, -1, -2, 0, 0, 9, 0), new Array(4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4)), new Array("1942: Vangelis - conquest of paradise", new Array(0, 8, -3, -1, 1, 2, -3, -4), new Array(4, 2, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 2))), new Array(new Array("My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean", new Array(0, 9, -2, -2, 2, -2, -3, -2, -3), new Array(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2)), new Array("Midnight Clear", new Array(0, 9, -5, 3, -2, -3, -2, 2, -2), new Array(2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1)), new Array("He's a jolly good fellow", new Array(0, 9, 0, 0, -2, 2, 1, -1), new Array(2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 3)), new Array("Chopin Nocturne Op. 9-2", new Array(0, 9, -2, 2, -2, -2), new Array(4, 1, 4, 4, 2, 2)), new Array("FF7 Tifa's Theme", new Array(0, 9, -2, 2, -9), new Array(4, 4, 4, 4, 4)), new Array("Super Mario World", new Array(0, 9, 0, 0, -9, 9, 0, 0, -9, 9, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1, -2), new Array(4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 2, 2)), new Array("NBC", new Array(0, 9, -4), new Array(2, 2, 2))), new Array(new Array("Star Trek", new Array(0, 10, -1, -2, -2, -2), new Array(1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1)), new Array("Maman les petits bateaux", new Array(0, 10, -1, -2, -2, -8, 3, 5, -1, -4, 2, 2, 3, -2), new Array(4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4))), new Array(new Array("Willy Wonka: Imagination", new Array(0, 11, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -4), new Array(1, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2)), new Array("Nada Surf: Popular", new Array(0, 0, 11, -11, 0, 11, -14, 2, 0), new Array(4, 4, 2, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 2)), new Array("Bali Ha'i", new Array(0, 11, -1, 0, 0, 1), new Array(4, 4, 1, 4, 4, 2)), new Array("FF7: Vincent theme", new Array(0, 11, -4, 8, -8, 4, 4, -8, 4, 6), new Array(4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4))), new Array(new Array("Over the Rainbow", new Array(0, 12, -1, -4, 2, 2, 1), new Array(1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2)), new Array("Singing in the Rain", new Array(0, 12, -3, -2, -2, -3), new Array(1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 2))));
dsc = new Array(new Array(new Array("Fur Elise", new Array(0, -1, 1, -1, 1, -5, 3, -2, -3), new Array(4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 1)), new Array("Joy to the World", new Array(0, -1, -2, -2, -2, -1, -2, -2), new Array(2, 2, 4, 1, 4, 2, 2, 2)), new Array("??", new Array(0, -1, 1, 2, -2, -1, -2, 3, 0, -3, 3), new Array(2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 3, 4, 2)), new Array("L'amour est enfant de bohème", new Array(0, -1, -1, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0), new Array(2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 2, 2, 4, 2))), new Array(new Array("First Noel", new Array(0, -2, -2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 5, -1, -2, 0, 0, -2), new Array(4, 4, 1, 4, 4, 4, 2, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2)), new Array("Mary lamb", new Array(0, -2, -2, 2, 2, 0, 0), new Array(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2)), new Array("Beatles: Yesterday", new Array(0, -2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, -1, -2, 0), new Array(2, 3, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2))), new Array(new Array("Spangled Banner", new Array(0, -3, -4, 4, 3, 5), new Array(2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1)), new Array("Chrono Cross", new Array(0, -3, 3, -2, -3, 3, -1, -4, 2), new Array(2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2)), new Array("Beatles: Hey Jude", new Array(0, -3, 0, 3, 2, -7), new Array(1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1)), new Array("Frosty the Snowman", new Array(0, -3, 1, 2, 5), new Array(2, 2, 4, 4, 2))), new Array(new Array("Swing Low, Sweet Chariot", new Array(0, -4, 4, -4, 0, -3, -2), new Array(2, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4)), new Array("Guy Beart: L'eau vive", new Array(0, -4, 4, -4, 4, -4, 2), new Array(2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2))), new Array(new Array("Adeste Fideles", new Array(0, -5, 5, 2, -7, 9, -2, 2, 1, -1, -2), new Array(1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2)), new Array("Mozart: Eine kleine Nachtmusik", new Array(0, -5, 5, -5, 5, -5, 5, 4, 3), new Array(1, 4, 1, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2)), new Array("Zelda", new Array(0, -5, 5, 0, 2, 2, 1, 2), new Array(1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2)), new Array("FF8: Blue Fields", new Array(0, -5, 0, 2, -2, -3, 1), new Array(1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1))), new Array(new Array("Generic", new Array(0, -6, -1, 1, 6, -6, -1, 1), new Array(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2)), new Array("Blue Seven", new Array(0, -6, 0, -4, 1, 2, 1, -4, 0), new Array(2, 1, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 2, 2))), new Array(new Array("FlintStones", new Array(0, -7, 11, -2, -2, -7), new Array(2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1)), new Array("Steps To Heaven", new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, -7, 4, -2, -2, 0, 0), new Array(4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2))), new Array(new Array("Love Story", new Array(0, -8, 8, -8, 1, -1, -2, 0, 0, 9, 0), new Array(4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4))), new Array(new Array("Nobody Knows the Trouble I've seen", new Array(0, -9, 2, 3, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0), new Array(2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2)), new Array("Phantom of the Opera: Music of the Night", new Array(0, -9, 7, -7, 5, 2, 2, 1, -3, 5), new Array(2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2)), new Array("Il Etait un Petit Navire", new Array(0, 0, 0, -9, 9, 1, -1, 0, -2), new Array(4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 2))), new Array(new Array("FF Revenant Wings: ??", new Array(0, -10, -2, 2, 5, 2, 5, -2, -1, -2), new Array(2, 2, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4))), new Array(new Array("FF3 Celes", new Array(0, -11, 4, -7, 3, 4), new Array(4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4))), new Array(new Array("FFX: To Zanarkand", new Array(0, -12, 3, 4, 5, 2, 1), new Array(4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2))));
fmt = new TextFormat();
fmt.size = 16;
fmt.bold = true;
fmt.color = 0;
fmt.align = "left";
total = 0;
totalmisses = 0;
totalcorrect = 0;
totalreplays = 0;
totaltiming = 0;
streak = 0;
topstreak = 0;
timing = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
streaks = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
topstreaks = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
replays = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
questions = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
correct = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
misses = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
incorrect = new Array(new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
optstats = -1;
font = new arial();
arl = new TextFormat();
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arl.size = 16;
tf = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = arl;
tf.width = 90;
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tf.x = 275;
tf.y = 2;
tf.text = "Statistics";
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tf.selectable = false;
tf.embedFonts = true;
tf = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = arl;
tf.width = 90;
tf.height = 14;
tf.textColor = 0x333333;
tf.x = 490;
tf.y = 2;
tf.text = "Limit";
tf.mouseEnabled = false;
tf.selectable = false;
tf.embedFonts = true;
tf = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = arl;
tf.width = 90;
tf.height = 14;
tf.textColor = 0x333333;
tf.x = 5;
tf.y = 60;
tf.text = "Direction";
tf.mouseEnabled = false;
tf.selectable = false;
tf.embedFonts = true;
tf = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = arl;
tf.width = 90;
tf.height = 14;
tf.textColor = 0x333333;
tf.x = 5;
tf.y = 106;
tf.text = "Intrument";
tf.mouseEnabled = false;
tf.selectable = false;
tf.embedFonts = true;
tf = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = arl;
tf.width = 90;
tf.height = 14;
tf.textColor = 0x333333;
tf.x = 5;
tf.y = 147;
tf.text = "Volume";
tf.mouseEnabled = false;
tf.selectable = false;
tf.embedFonts = true;
tf = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = arl;
tf.width = 90;
tf.height = 14;
tf.textColor = 0x333333;
tf.x = 5;
tf.y = 189;
tf.text = "Speed";
tf.mouseEnabled = false;
tf.selectable = false;
tf.embedFonts = true;
tf = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = arl;
tf.width = 130;
tf.height = 14;
tf.textColor = 0x333333;
tf.x = 50;
tf.y = 240;
tf.text = "- Answer Choices -";
tf.mouseEnabled = false;
tf.selectable = false;
tf.embedFonts = true;
tf = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = arl;
tf.width = 130;
tf.height = 14;
tf.textColor = 0x333333;
tf.x = 50;
tf.y = 372;
tf.text = "- Visualization -";
tf.mouseEnabled = false;
tf.selectable = false;
tf.embedFonts = true;
startx = 20;
starty = 395;
clicks = 0;
pnotes = 20;
annoying = new Array(0);
targets = new Array(0);
green = false;
blue = false;
red = false;
feedback = new TextField();
feedback.defaultTextFormat = arl;
feedback.width = 135;
feedback.height = 100;
feedback.textColor = 0;
feedback.x = 400;
feedback.y = 320;
feedback.wordWrap = true;
feedback.mouseEnabled = false;
feedback.selectable = false;
feedback.embedFonts = true;
anchorNote = 18;
bottomAsc = 11;
topAsc = 23;
bottomDsc = 14;
topDsc = 26;
arr = new Array();
speed = new Array();
harmonicNotes = new Array();
public function parseOptions(_arg1:String){
var _local2:Array;
var _local3:RegExp;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:String;
var _local6:String;
var _local7:String;
var _local8:String;
var _local9:String;
var _local10:String;
var _local11:String;
var _local12:String;
var _local13:String;
var _local14:String;
var _local15:*;
_local3 = /./mg;
_local2 = _arg1.match(_local3);
_local4 = 0;
_local5 = "";
_local6 = "";
_local7 = "";
_local8 = "";
_local9 = "";
_local10 = "";
_local11 = "";
_local12 = "";
_local13 = "";
_local14 = "";
_local15 = 0;
while (_local15 < _local2.length) {
if (_local2[_local15] == "|"){
} else {
if (_local4 == 0){
_local5 = (_local5 + _local2[_local15]);
} else {
if (_local4 == 1){
_local6 = (_local6 + _local2[_local15]);
} else {
if (_local4 == 2){
_local7 = (_local7 + _local2[_local15]);
} else {
if (_local4 == 3){
_local8 = (_local8 + _local2[_local15]);
} else {
if (_local4 == 4){
_local9 = (_local9 + _local2[_local15]);
} else {
if (_local4 == 5){
_local10 = (_local10 + _local2[_local15]);
} else {
if (_local4 == 6){
_local11 = (_local11 + _local2[_local15]);
} else {
if (_local4 == 7){
_local12 = (_local12 + _local2[_local15]);
} else {
if (_local4 == 8){
_local13 = (_local13 + _local2[_local15]);
} else {
if (_local4 == 9){
_local14 = (_local14 + _local2[_local15]);
qspeed = int(_local5);
vol = int(_local6);
questiontype = int(_local7);
optselect = int(_local8);
optHarmonicselect = int(_local9);
optDescselect = int(_local10);
deactivated = strToArray(_local11);
ascselected = strToArray(_local12);
dscselected = strToArray(_local13);
optFeedback = int(_local14);
public function ascParseValues(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String, _arg4:Number){
var _local5:RegExp;
_local5 = /\-?\d+/g;
asc[_arg4][ascselected[_arg4]][0] = sanitize(_arg1);
asc[_arg4][ascselected[_arg4]][1] = intPlz(_arg2.match(_local5));
asc[_arg4][ascselected[_arg4]][2] = intPlz(_arg3.match(_local5));
public function parseUglyArray(_arg1:Array){
var _local2:String;
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
var _local5:*;
_local2 = "";
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _arg1.length) {
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _arg1[_local3].length) {
_local2 = (_local2 + _arg1[_local3][_local4][0]);
_local2 = (_local2 + "|");
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _arg1[_local3][_local4][1].length) {
_local2 = (_local2 + (_arg1[_local3][_local4][1][_local5] + ","));
_local2 = (_local2 + "|");
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _arg1[_local3][_local4][2].length) {
_local2 = (_local2 + (_arg1[_local3][_local4][2][_local5] + ","));
if (_arg1[_local3].length != (_local4 + 1)){
_local2 = (_local2 + "@");
_local2 = (_local2 + "/");
return (_local2);
public function harmonicFunc(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < harmonicNotes.length) {
harmonicNotes = new Array();
public function makeTick(){
snd = new ticks();
snd.transf = new SoundTransform(vol, 0);
public function dscComboChange(_arg1:Event){
dscselected[_arg1.target.name] = _arg1.target.selectedIndex;
public function drawOptions(){
var optionsmess:Sprite;
var myBox:dropdownx;
if (getChildByName("optionsmess")){
optionsmess = new Sprite();
optionsmess.name = "optionsmess";
myBox = new dropdownx();
myBox.addsimple(options, 5, 75);
myBox.myComboBox.width = 100;
myBox.myComboBox.alpha = 100;
myBox.myComboBox.selectedIndex = optselect;
myBox.myComboBox.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, function (_arg1:Event):void{
optselect = _arg1.target.selectedIndex;
myBox = new dropdownx();
myBox.addsimple(optionsInstruments, 5, 120);
myBox.myComboBox.width = 100;
myBox.myComboBox.alpha = 100;
myBox.myComboBox.selectedIndex = optInstrument;
myBox.myComboBox.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, function (_arg1:Event):void{
optInstrument = _arg1.target.selectedIndex;
public function rep(){
if (!num){
var _local1 = replays;
var _local2 = (num2 - 1);
var _local3 = (_local1[_local2] + 1);
_local1[_local2] = _local3;
mSwitch = false;
numback = 0;
public function showLinks(){
var bigblackscreen:Sprite;
var offsetx:Number;
var offsety:Number;
var tf:TextField;
if (getChildByName("bigblackscreen")){
disablekeys = true;
bigblackscreen = new Sprite();
bigblackscreen.name = "bigblackscreen";
bigblackscreen.graphics.drawRoundRect(5, 5, 540, 490, 10, 10);
offsetx = 0;
offsety = 0;
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(200, 17, 0x333333);
noh.x = (10 + offsetx);
noh.y = (10 + offsety);
noh.side.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = " Ear Training Links";
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(200, 17, 0x222222);
noh.x = (10 + offsetx);
noh.y = (30 + offsety);
noh.side.textColor = 2267647;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = " Official website";
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:URLRequest;
_local2 = new URLRequest("http://www.trainear.com/");
navigateToURL(_local2, "_blank");
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(200, 17, 0x222222);
noh.x = (10 + offsetx);
noh.y = (50 + offsety);
noh.side.textColor = 2267647;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = " More Free Ear Training Software";
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:URLRequest;
_local2 = new URLRequest("http://www.trainear.com/Ear_Training_Software_Comparison_07_2008.php");
navigateToURL(_local2, "_blank");
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(200, 17, 0x333333);
noh.x = (10 + offsetx);
noh.y = (70 + offsety);
noh.side.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = " My Other Flash Apps";
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(200, 17, 0x222222);
noh.x = (10 + offsetx);
noh.y = (90 + offsety);
noh.side.textColor = 2267647;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = " Flash Speed Math Trainer";
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:URLRequest;
_local2 = new URLRequest("http://www.jimmyr.com/blog/Speed_Math_Trainer_Program_126_2006.php");
navigateToURL(_local2, "_blank");
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(200, 17, 0x222222);
noh.x = (10 + offsetx);
noh.y = (110 + offsety);
noh.side.textColor = 2267647;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = " Flash Hearing Test";
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:URLRequest;
_local2 = new URLRequest("http://www.jimmyr.com/blog/hearingloss.html");
navigateToURL(_local2, "_blank");
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(200, 17, 0x333333);
noh.x = (10 + offsetx);
noh.y = (130 + offsety);
noh.side.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = " My Websites";
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(200, 17, 0x222222);
noh.x = (10 + offsetx);
noh.y = (150 + offsety);
noh.side.textColor = 2267647;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = " Digg / Reddit / Delicious Mashup";
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:URLRequest;
_local2 = new URLRequest("http://www.jimmyr.com/");
navigateToURL(_local2, "_blank");
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(200, 17, 0x222222);
noh.x = (10 + offsetx);
noh.y = (170 + offsety);
noh.side.textColor = 2267647;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = " Free Writing Roleplay";
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:URLRequest;
_local2 = new URLRequest("http://www.eliteskills.com/rp/");
navigateToURL(_local2, "_blank");
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(200, 17, 0x222222);
noh.x = (10 + offsetx);
noh.y = (190 + offsety);
noh.side.textColor = 2267647;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = " Free Tech Video Tutorials";
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:URLRequest;
_local2 = new URLRequest("http://youtube.jimmyr.com/");
navigateToURL(_local2, "_blank");
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(200, 17, 0x222222);
noh.x = (10 + offsetx);
noh.y = (210 + offsety);
noh.side.textColor = 2267647;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = " Free Flash Cards App";
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:URLRequest;
_local2 = new URLRequest("http://www.buildquiz.com/");
navigateToURL(_local2, "_blank");
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(200, 17, 0x222222);
noh.x = (10 + offsetx);
noh.y = (230 + offsety);
noh.side.textColor = 2267647;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = " Free Education Online";
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:URLRequest;
_local2 = new URLRequest("http://education.jimmyr.com/");
navigateToURL(_local2, "_blank");
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(200, 17, 0x222222);
noh.x = (10 + offsetx);
noh.y = (250 + offsety);
noh.side.textColor = 2267647;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = " Download mp3s Free";
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:URLRequest;
_local2 = new URLRequest("http://www.jimmyr.com/mp3_search.php");
navigateToURL(_local2, "_blank");
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(200, 17, 0x222222);
noh.x = (10 + offsetx);
noh.y = (270 + offsety);
noh.side.textColor = 2267647;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = " Funny Pictures Blog";
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:URLRequest;
_local2 = new URLRequest("http://blog.jimmyr.com/");
navigateToURL(_local2, "_blank");
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(200, 17, 0x222222);
noh.x = (10 + offsetx);
noh.y = (290 + offsety);
noh.side.textColor = 2267647;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = " Free Streaming Anime";
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:URLRequest;
_local2 = new URLRequest("http://anime.jimmyr.com/");
navigateToURL(_local2, "_blank");
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(200, 17, 0x222222);
noh.x = (10 + offsetx);
noh.y = (290 + offsety);
noh.side.textColor = 2267647;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = " Google Translate Firefox Extension";
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:URLRequest;
_local2 = new URLRequest("http://blog.jimmyr.com/Unofficial_Google_Translate_Firefox_Extension_05_2008.php");
navigateToURL(_local2, "_blank");
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(30, 17, 0);
noh.x = 230;
noh.y = 360;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = " Exit";
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
disablekeys = false;
tf = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = arl;
tf.width = 250;
tf.height = 300;
tf.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
tf.x = 250;
tf.y = 15;
tf.wordWrap = true;
tf.text = "Check for the latest version of this ear trainer and get video and pictoral instructions on how to use it efficiently from the official website.\n\n\nIf you want information about other free ear training programs so you can practice Chord identification and other aspects this ear trainer doesn't cover, check my reviews of different ear training software\n\n\nDo you like this ear trainer? Checkout my other work, it's all not-for-profit useful goodness.";
tf.mouseEnabled = false;
tf.selectable = false;
tf.embedFonts = true;
public function sanitize(_arg1:String){
var _local2:RegExp;
_local2 = /(@|\|\/)/g;
return (_arg1.replace(_local2, ""));
public function startSong(){
var _local1:Event;
if (harmonicNotes.length > 0){
if (tune.gimmie()){
if (tune.isDone == 1){
tune.isDone = 0;
public function dscNewSong(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String, _arg4:Number){
var _local5:RegExp;
_local5 = /\-?\d+/g;
dsc[_arg4].push(new Array(sanitize(_arg1), intPlz(_arg2.match(_local5)), intPlz(_arg3.match(_local5))));
public function arrayToStr(_arg1:Array){
var _local2:String;
var _local3:*;
_local2 = "";
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _arg1.length) {
_local2 = (_local2 + (_arg1[_local3] + ","));
return (_local2);
public function mouseDown(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
volumenob.startDrag(false, new Rectangle(17, 105.8, 50, 0));
public function addDot(_arg1:Number, _arg2:String, _arg3:Sprite){
if ((((_arg2 == "green")) && (green))){
if ((((_arg2 == "red")) && (red))){
if ((((_arg2 == "blue")) && (blue))){
this[_arg2] = true;
thingy = _arg3;
thingy.name = _arg2;
target = getChildByName(("" + _arg1));
if (target.height < 42){
thingy.x = 1;
thingy.y = 20;
} else {
thingy.x = 5;
thingy.y = 50;
thingy.mouseEnabled = false;
public function importSettings(_arg1:String){
var _local2:RegExp;
var _local3:RegExp;
var _local4:String;
_local2 = /<ascSongs>([^<]*)/mg;
_local3 = /<([^>]*)>/mg;
_local4 = _arg1.match(_local2)[0].replace(_local3, "");
if (_local4.length > 0){
asc = buildSongs(_local4);
_local2 = /<dscSongs>([^<]*)/mg;
_local4 = _arg1.match(_local2)[0].replace(_local3, "");
if (_local4.length > 0){
dsc = buildSongs(_local4);
_local2 = /<options>([^<]*)/mg;
_local4 = _arg1.match(_local2)[0].replace(_local3, "");
if (_local4.length > 0){
_local2 = /<stats>([^<]*)/mg;
_local4 = _arg1.match(_local2)[0].replace(_local3, "");
if (_local4.length > 0){
public function tonesPlz(){
anchorNote = 18;
bottomAsc = 11;
topAsc = 23;
bottomDsc = 14;
topDsc = 26;
pnotes = 20;
tehwin = new Array(c3, c3s, d3, d3s, e3, f3, f3s, g3, g3s, a3, a3s, b3, c4, c4s, d4, d4s, e4, f4, f4s, g4, g4s, a4, a4s, b4, c5, c5s, d5, d5s, e5, f5, f5s, g5, g5s, a5, a5s, b5);
tehwinnames = new Array("c3", "c#3", "d3", "d#3", "e3", "f3", "f#3", "g3", "g#3", "a3", "a#3", "b3", "c4", "c#4", "d4", "d#4", "e4", "f4", "f#4", "g4", "g#4", "a4", "a#4", "b4", "c5", "c#5", "d5", "d#5", "e5", "f5", "f#5", "g5", "g#5", "a5", "a#5", "b5");
public function makeamess(){
var bigblackscreen:Sprite;
var offset:Number;
var i:*;
var myBox:dropdownx;
var tf:TextField;
var temp:Number;
disablekeys = true;
bigblackscreen = new Sprite();
bigblackscreen.graphics.drawRoundRect(5, 5, 540, 490, 10, 10);
tf = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = arl;
tf.width = 200;
tf.height = 20;
tf.textColor = 10070783;
tf.x = 15;
tf.y = 2;
tf.wordWrap = true;
tf.text = "Ascending Songs";
tf.mouseEnabled = false;
tf.selectable = false;
tf.embedFonts = true;
tf = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = arl;
tf.width = 200;
tf.height = 20;
tf.textColor = 10070783;
tf.x = 320;
tf.y = 2;
tf.wordWrap = true;
tf.text = "Descending Songs";
tf.mouseEnabled = false;
tf.selectable = false;
tf.embedFonts = true;
offset = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < asc.length) {
myBox = new dropdownx();
myBox.addstuffandmove(asc[i], 40, (20 + (i * 30)));
myBox.myComboBox.width = 100;
myBox.myComboBox.name = i;
myBox.myComboBox.alpha = 100;
myBox.myComboBox.selectedIndex = ascselected[i];
myBox.myComboBox.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, ascComboChange);
tf = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = arl;
tf.height = 20;
tf.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
tf.x = (10 + offset);
tf.y = (23 + (i * 30));
tf.text = notes[i];
tf.mouseEnabled = false;
tf.selectable = false;
tf.embedFonts = true;
temp = 145;
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(30, 17, 3346739);
noh.x = (temp + offset);
noh.y = (22 + (i * 30));
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = "Play";
noh.num = i;
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (!num){
num = anchorNote;
arr = clone(asc[_arg1.target.num][ascselected[_arg1.target.num]][1]);
speed = clone(asc[_arg1.target.num][ascselected[_arg1.target.num]][2]);
arr[0] = num;
numback = 0;
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(30, 17, 1127219);
noh.x = (((temp + 30) + 5) + offset);
noh.y = (22 + (i * 30));
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = "Edit";
noh.num = i;
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var boredofnaming:Sprite;
var blah2:TextField;
var blah:TextField;
var blah1:TextField;
var evt = _arg1;
boredofnaming = new Sprite();
boredofnaming.graphics.drawRoundRect(5, 5, 540, 390, 10, 10);
boredofnaming.alpha = 0.9;
boredofnaming.name = "boredofnaming";
boredofnaming.graphics.drawRoundRect(130, 90, 300, 200, 5, 5);
tf = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = arl;
tf.height = 200;
tf.width = 200;
tf.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
tf.x = 135;
tf.y = 95;
tf.text = "\n\nNotes:\n\n\n\nSpeed:";
tf.mouseEnabled = false;
tf.selectable = false;
tf.embedFonts = true;
blah2 = new TextField();
blah2.defaultTextFormat = arl;
blah2.height = 20;
blah2.width = 250;
blah2.textColor = 0;
blah2.background = true;
blah2.backgroundColor = 0xFFFFFF;
blah2.x = 135;
blah2.y = 95;
blah2.text = (asc[evt.target.num][ascselected[evt.target.num]][0] + "\n\nNotes:\n\n\n\nSpeed:");
blah2.mouseEnabled = true;
blah2.selectable = true;
blah2.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
blah2.embedFonts = true;
blah = new TextField();
blah.defaultTextFormat = arl;
blah.height = 20;
blah.width = 250;
blah.background = true;
blah.backgroundColor = 0xFFFFFF;
blah.textColor = 0;
blah.x = 135;
blah.y = 140;
blah.name = "thenotes";
blah.text = asc[evt.target.num][ascselected[evt.target.num]][1];
blah.mouseEnabled = true;
blah.selectable = true;
blah.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
blah.embedFonts = true;
blah1 = new TextField();
blah1.defaultTextFormat = arl;
blah1.height = 20;
blah1.width = 250;
blah1.background = true;
blah1.backgroundColor = 0xFFFFFF;
blah1.textColor = 0;
blah1.x = 135;
blah1.y = 190;
blah1.name = "thespeeds";
blah1.text = asc[evt.target.num][ascselected[evt.target.num]][2];
blah1.mouseEnabled = true;
blah1.selectable = true;
blah1.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
blah1.embedFonts = true;
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(30, 17, 6723891);
noh.x = 135;
noh.y = 230;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = "Play";
noh.num = evt.target.num;
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
playSongText(blah.text, blah1.text);
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(30, 17, 10053171);
noh.x = 170;
noh.y = 230;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = "Save";
noh.num = evt.target.num;
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
ascParseValues(blah2.text, blah.text, blah1.text, _arg1.target.num);
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(40, 17, 10040166);
noh.x = 205;
noh.y = 230;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = "Close";
noh.num = i;
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(50, 17, 6697881);
noh.x = 250;
noh.y = 230;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = "Delete";
noh.num = evt.target.num;
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
asc[_arg1.target.num].splice(ascselected[_arg1.target.num], 1);
ascselected[_arg1.target.num] = 0;
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(30, 17, 3355409);
noh.x = ((((temp + 60) + 5) + 5) + offset);
noh.y = (22 + (i * 30));
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = "Add";
noh.num = i;
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var boredofnaming:Sprite;
var blah2:TextField;
var blah:TextField;
var blah1:TextField;
var evt = _arg1;
boredofnaming = new Sprite();
boredofnaming.graphics.drawRoundRect(5, 5, 540, 390, 10, 10);
boredofnaming.alpha = 0.9;
boredofnaming.name = "boredofnaming";
boredofnaming.graphics.drawRoundRect(130, 90, 300, 200, 5, 5);
tf = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = arl;
tf.height = 200;
tf.width = 200;
tf.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
tf.x = 135;
tf.y = 95;
tf.text = "\n\nNotes:\n\n\n\nSpeed:";
tf.mouseEnabled = false;
tf.selectable = false;
tf.embedFonts = true;
blah2 = new TextField();
blah2.defaultTextFormat = arl;
blah2.height = 20;
blah2.width = 250;
blah2.textColor = 0;
blah2.background = true;
blah2.backgroundColor = 0xFFFFFF;
blah2.x = 135;
blah2.y = 95;
blah2.text = ("Untitled song for " + notes[evt.target.num]);
blah2.mouseEnabled = true;
blah2.selectable = true;
blah2.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
blah2.embedFonts = true;
blah = new TextField();
blah.defaultTextFormat = arl;
blah.height = 20;
blah.width = 250;
blah.background = true;
blah.backgroundColor = 0xFFFFFF;
blah.textColor = 0;
blah.x = 135;
blah.y = 140;
blah.name = "thenotes";
blah.text = ("0," + (evt.target.num + 1));
blah.mouseEnabled = true;
blah.selectable = true;
blah.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
blah.embedFonts = true;
blah1 = new TextField();
blah1.defaultTextFormat = arl;
blah1.height = 20;
blah1.width = 250;
blah1.background = true;
blah1.backgroundColor = 0xFFFFFF;
blah1.textColor = 0;
blah1.x = 135;
blah1.y = 190;
blah1.name = "thespeeds";
blah1.text = "2,2";
blah1.mouseEnabled = true;
blah1.selectable = true;
blah1.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
blah1.embedFonts = true;
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(30, 17, 6723891);
noh.x = 135;
noh.y = 230;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = "Play";
noh.num = evt.target.num;
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
playSongText(blah.text, blah1.text);
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(30, 17, 10053171);
noh.x = 170;
noh.y = 230;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = "Save";
noh.num = evt.target.num;
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
ascNewSong(blah2.text, blah.text, blah1.text, _arg1.target.num);
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(50, 17, 10040166);
noh.x = 205;
noh.y = 230;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = "Close";
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(80, 17, 3381606);
noh.x = 260;
noh.y = 230;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = "Make Default";
noh.num = evt.target.num;
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
ascNewSong(blah2.text, blah.text, blah1.text, _arg1.target.num);
ascselected[_arg1.target.num] = (asc[_arg1.target.num].length - 1);
i = (i + 1);
offset = 290;
i = 0;
while (i < asc.length) {
myBox = new dropdownx();
myBox.addstuffandmove(dsc[i], (40 + offset), (20 + (i * 30)));
myBox.myComboBox.width = 100;
myBox.myComboBox.name = i;
myBox.myComboBox.alpha = 100;
myBox.myComboBox.selectedIndex = dscselected[i];
myBox.myComboBox.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, dscComboChange);
tf = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = arl;
tf.height = 20;
tf.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
tf.x = (10 + offset);
tf.y = (23 + (i * 30));
tf.text = notes[i];
tf.mouseEnabled = false;
tf.selectable = false;
tf.embedFonts = true;
temp = 145;
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(30, 17, 3346739);
noh.x = (temp + offset);
noh.y = (22 + (i * 30));
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = "Play";
noh.num = i;
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (!num){
num = anchorNote;
arr = clone(dsc[_arg1.target.num][dscselected[_arg1.target.num]][1]);
speed = clone(dsc[_arg1.target.num][dscselected[_arg1.target.num]][2]);
arr[0] = num;
numback = 0;
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(30, 17, 1127219);
noh.x = (((temp + 30) + 5) + offset);
noh.y = (22 + (i * 30));
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = "Edit";
noh.num = i;
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var boredofnaming:Sprite;
var blah2:TextField;
var blah:TextField;
var blah1:TextField;
var evt = _arg1;
boredofnaming = new Sprite();
boredofnaming.graphics.drawRoundRect(5, 5, 540, 390, 10, 10);
boredofnaming.alpha = 0.9;
boredofnaming.name = "boredofnaming";
boredofnaming.graphics.drawRoundRect(130, 90, 300, 200, 5, 5);
tf = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = arl;
tf.height = 200;
tf.width = 200;
tf.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
tf.x = 135;
tf.y = 95;
tf.text = "\n\nNotes:\n\n\n\nSpeed:";
tf.mouseEnabled = false;
tf.selectable = false;
tf.embedFonts = true;
blah2 = new TextField();
blah2.defaultTextFormat = arl;
blah2.height = 20;
blah2.width = 250;
blah2.textColor = 0;
blah2.background = true;
blah2.backgroundColor = 0xFFFFFF;
blah2.x = 135;
blah2.y = 95;
blah2.text = dsc[evt.target.num][dscselected[evt.target.num]][0];
blah2.mouseEnabled = true;
blah2.selectable = true;
blah2.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
blah2.embedFonts = true;
blah = new TextField();
blah.defaultTextFormat = arl;
blah.height = 20;
blah.width = 250;
blah.background = true;
blah.backgroundColor = 0xFFFFFF;
blah.textColor = 0;
blah.x = 135;
blah.y = 140;
blah.name = "thenotes";
blah.text = dsc[evt.target.num][dscselected[evt.target.num]][1];
blah.mouseEnabled = true;
blah.selectable = true;
blah.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
blah.embedFonts = true;
blah1 = new TextField();
blah1.defaultTextFormat = arl;
blah1.height = 20;
blah1.width = 250;
blah1.background = true;
blah1.backgroundColor = 0xFFFFFF;
blah1.textColor = 0;
blah1.x = 135;
blah1.y = 190;
blah1.name = "thespeeds";
blah1.text = dsc[evt.target.num][dscselected[evt.target.num]][2];
blah1.mouseEnabled = true;
blah1.selectable = true;
blah1.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
blah1.embedFonts = true;
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(30, 17, 6723891);
noh.x = 135;
noh.y = 230;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = "Play";
noh.num = evt.target.num;
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
playSongText(blah.text, blah1.text);
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(30, 17, 10053171);
noh.x = 170;
noh.y = 230;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = "Save";
noh.num = evt.target.num;
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
dscParseValues(blah2.text, blah.text, blah1.text, _arg1.target.num);
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(40, 17, 10040166);
noh.x = 205;
noh.y = 230;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = "Close";
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(50, 17, 6697881);
noh.x = 250;
noh.y = 230;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = "Delete";
noh.num = evt.target.num;
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
dsc[_arg1.target.num].splice(dscselected[_arg1.target.num], 1);
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(30, 17, 3355409);
noh.x = ((((temp + 60) + 5) + 5) + offset);
noh.y = (22 + (i * 30));
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = "Add";
noh.num = i;
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var boredofnaming:Sprite;
var blah2:TextField;
var blah:TextField;
var blah1:TextField;
var evt = _arg1;
boredofnaming = new Sprite();
boredofnaming.graphics.drawRoundRect(5, 5, 540, 390, 10, 10);
boredofnaming.alpha = 0.9;
boredofnaming.name = "boredofnaming";
boredofnaming.graphics.drawRoundRect(130, 90, 300, 200, 5, 5);
tf = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = arl;
tf.height = 200;
tf.width = 200;
tf.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
tf.x = 135;
tf.y = 95;
tf.text = "\n\nNotes:\n\n\n\nSpeed:";
tf.mouseEnabled = false;
tf.selectable = false;
tf.embedFonts = true;
blah2 = new TextField();
blah2.defaultTextFormat = arl;
blah2.height = 20;
blah2.width = 250;
blah2.textColor = 0;
blah2.background = true;
blah2.backgroundColor = 0xFFFFFF;
blah2.x = 135;
blah2.y = 95;
blah2.text = ("Untitled song for " + notes[evt.target.num]);
blah2.mouseEnabled = true;
blah2.selectable = true;
blah2.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
blah2.embedFonts = true;
blah = new TextField();
blah.defaultTextFormat = arl;
blah.height = 20;
blah.width = 250;
blah.background = true;
blah.backgroundColor = 0xFFFFFF;
blah.textColor = 0;
blah.x = 135;
blah.y = 140;
blah.name = "thenotes";
blah.text = ("0," + ((evt.target.num + 1) * -1));
blah.mouseEnabled = true;
blah.selectable = true;
blah.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
blah.embedFonts = true;
blah1 = new TextField();
blah1.defaultTextFormat = arl;
blah1.height = 20;
blah1.width = 250;
blah1.background = true;
blah1.backgroundColor = 0xFFFFFF;
blah1.textColor = 0;
blah1.x = 135;
blah1.y = 190;
blah1.name = "thespeeds";
blah1.text = "2,2";
blah1.mouseEnabled = true;
blah1.selectable = true;
blah1.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
blah1.embedFonts = true;
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(30, 17, 6723891);
noh.x = 135;
noh.y = 230;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = "Play";
noh.num = evt.target.num;
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
playSongText(blah.text, blah1.text);
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(30, 17, 10053171);
noh.x = 170;
noh.y = 230;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = "Save";
noh.num = evt.target.num;
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
dscNewSong(blah2.text, blah.text, blah1.text, _arg1.target.num);
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(50, 17, 10040166);
noh.x = 205;
noh.y = 230;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = "Close";
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(80, 17, 3381606);
noh.x = 260;
noh.y = 230;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = "Make Default";
noh.num = evt.target.num;
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
dscNewSong(blah2.text, blah.text, blah1.text, _arg1.target.num);
dscselected[_arg1.target.num] = (dsc[_arg1.target.num].length - 1);
i = (i + 1);
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(100, 17, 0);
noh.x = 222;
noh.y = 400;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = "Exit Songs Editor";
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
disablekeys = false;
public function drawThingies(){
var thingies:Sprite;
if (getChildByName("thingies")){
thingies = new Sprite();
thingies.name = "thingies";
teh = new buttonpl0x();
tehbutt = new nicebutton();
teh.swapChildren(tehbutt, teh.tf);
teh.x = 4;
teh.y = 5;
teh.tf.text = "Play";
teh.buttonMode = true;
teh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (num){
teh = new buttonpl0x();
tehbutt = new nicebutton();
teh.swapChildren(tehbutt, teh.tf);
teh.x = 69;
teh.y = 5;
teh.tf.text = "Repeat";
teh.buttonMode = true;
teh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (firstmiss != -1){
teh = new buttonpl0x();
tehbutt = new nicebutton();
teh.swapChildren(tehbutt, teh.tf);
teh.x = 134;
teh.y = 5;
teh.tf.text = "My Ans";
teh.buttonMode = true;
teh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:Number;
if (firstmiss == -1){
_local2 = num2;
num2 = (myanswer + 1);
num2 = _local2;
teh = new buttonpl0x();
tehbutt = new nicebutton();
teh.swapChildren(tehbutt, teh.tf);
teh.x = 200;
teh.y = 5;
teh.tf.text = "Songs";
teh.buttonMode = true;
teh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
teh = new buttonpl0x();
tehbutt = new nicebutton();
teh.swapChildren(tehbutt, teh.tf);
teh.x = 200;
teh.y = 45;
teh.tf.text = "Options";
teh.buttonMode = true;
teh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
teh = new buttonpl0x();
tehbutt = new nicebutton();
teh.swapChildren(tehbutt, teh.tf);
teh.x = 200;
teh.y = 85;
teh.tf.text = "Help";
teh.buttonMode = true;
teh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:URLRequest;
_local2 = new URLRequest("http://trainear.com/My_EarTrainer_Pictoral_Guide_09_2008.php");
navigateToURL(_local2, "_blank");
teh = new buttonpl0x();
tehbutt = new nicebutton();
teh.swapChildren(tehbutt, teh.tf);
teh.x = 200;
teh.y = 125;
teh.tf.text = "Save";
teh.buttonMode = true;
teh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
teh = new buttonpl0x();
tehbutt = new nicebutton();
teh.swapChildren(tehbutt, teh.tf);
teh.x = 200;
teh.y = 165;
teh.tf.text = "Links";
teh.buttonMode = true;
teh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function mouseReleased(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
vol = (Math.round((((volumenob.x - 17) / 50) * 100)) / 100);
qspeed = ((4 * (Math.round((((qlength.x - 17) / 50) * 100)) / 100)) + 0.1);
public function guitarPlz(){
anchorNote = 18;
bottomAsc = 11;
topAsc = 23;
bottomDsc = 14;
topDsc = 26;
pnotes = 22;
tehwin = new Array(c2g, c2sg, d2g, d2sg, e2g, f2g, f2sg, g2g, g2sg, a3g, a3sg, b3g, c3g, c3sg, d3g, d3sg, e3g, f3g, f3sg, g3g, g3sg, a4g, a4sg, b4g, c4g, c4sg, d4g, d4sg, e4g, f4g, f4sg, g4g, g4sg, a5g, a5sg, b5g, c5g);
tehwinnames = new Array("c2", "c#2", "d2", "d#2", "e2", "f2", "f#2", "g2", "g#2", "a3", "a#3", "b3", "c3", "c#3", "d3", "d#3", "e3", "f3", "f#3", "g3", "g#3", "a4", "a#4", "b4", "c4", "c#4", "d4", "d#4", "e4", "f4", "f#4", "g4", "g#4", "a5", "a#5", "b5", "c5");
public function str2dToArray(_arg1:String){
var _local2:Array;
var _local3:Array;
var _local4:RegExp;
var _local5:*;
_local2 = new Array();
_local3 = new Array();
_local4 = /[^@\|]+/g;
_local3 = _arg1.match(_local4);
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3.length) {
return (_local2);
public function onstageplz(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
if (arr.length == 0){
tune.isDone = 0;
} else {
if (typeof(arr[0]) == "object"){
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < arr[0].length) {
this[(snd + _local2)] = new (tehwin[arr[0][_local2]]);
this[(snd + _local2)].transf = new SoundTransform(vol, 0);
this[(snd + _local2)].playsnd(speed[0]);
harmonicNotes.push(this[(snd + _local2)]);
this[(snd + _local2)].gimmie().addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, harmonicFunc);
tune = new s();
tune.gimmie().addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerFunc);
speed.splice(0, 1);
arr.splice(0, 1);
} else {
if (tehwin[(numback + arr[0])]){
tune = new (tehwin[(numback + arr[0])]);
numback = (numback + arr[0]);
arr.splice(0, 1);
tune.transf = new SoundTransform(vol, 0);
if (!speed[0]){
speed[0] = 2;
if ((((speed[0] < 0)) || ((speed[0] > 16)))){
speed[0] = 2;
tune.gimmie().addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerFunc);
speed.splice(0, 1);
public function ascNewSong(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String, _arg4:Number){
var _local5:RegExp;
_local5 = /\-?\d+/g;
asc[_arg4].push(new Array(sanitize(_arg1), intPlz(_arg2.match(_local5)), intPlz(_arg3.match(_local5))));
public function strToArray(_arg1:String){
var _local2:RegExp;
_local2 = /\-?\d+/g;
return (intPlz(_arg1.match(_local2)));
public function gp(){
var _local1:Array;
var _local2:Array;
var _local3:Array;
var _local4:Boolean;
var _local5:*;
var _local6:*;
_local1 = clone(notesids);
_local2 = clone(deactivated);
_local3 = new Array();
for (_local5 in _local1) {
_local4 = false;
for (_local6 in _local2) {
if (_local2[_local6] == _local5){
_local4 = true;
if (_local4){
} else {
if (_local3.length == 0){
num2 = -1;
if (optAnchor == 0){
if (optselect == 2){
num = (Math.round((Math.random() * (topDsc - bottomDsc))) + bottomDsc);
} else {
num = (Math.round((Math.random() * (topAsc - bottomAsc))) + bottomAsc);
} else {
num = anchorNote;
num2 = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local3.length - 1) - 0))) + 0);
trace(((("value = " + _local3[num2]) + " || num2 = ") + num2));
num2 = _local3[num2];
answer = (num2 - 1);
public function playSongText(_arg1:String, _arg2:String){
var _local3:RegExp;
_local3 = /\-?\d+/g;
numback = 0;
if (!num){
num = anchorNote;
arr = intPlz(_arg1.match(_local3));
speed = intPlz(_arg2.match(_local3));
arr[0] = num;
public function evalanswer(){
var _local1:Date;
var _local2:Number;
if (!num){
trace(((answer + " ") + myanswer));
if (answer == myanswer){
var _local3 = questions;
var _local4 = (num2 - 1);
var _local5 = (_local3[_local4] + 1);
_local3[_local4] = _local5;
if (missed){
_local3 = misses;
_local4 = (num2 - 1);
_local5 = (_local3[_local4] + 1);
_local3[_local4] = _local5;
_local3 = incorrect[(num2 - 1)];
_local4 = firstmiss;
_local5 = (_local3[_local4] + 1);
_local3[_local4] = _local5;
streak = 0;
streaks[(num2 - 1)] = 0;
} else {
_local3 = streaks;
_local4 = (num2 - 1);
_local5 = (_local3[_local4] + 1);
_local3[_local4] = _local5;
_local3 = correct;
_local4 = (num2 - 1);
_local5 = (_local3[_local4] + 1);
_local3[_local4] = _local5;
_local1 = new Date();
_local2 = (Math.floor(((_local1.getTime() - lastplaytime) / 10)) / 100);
totaltiming = (totaltiming + _local2);
timing[(num2 - 1)] = (timing[(num2 - 1)] + _local2);
if (topstreaks[(num2 - 1)] < streaks[(num2 - 1)]){
topstreaks[(num2 - 1)] = streaks[(num2 - 1)];
if (topstreak < streak){
topstreak = streak;
missed = false;
firstmiss = -1;
} else {
if (!missed){
missed = true;
firstmiss = myanswer;
numback = 0;
tune.isDone = 0;
num3 = num;
if (questiontype == 2){
questiontype = optHarmonicselect;
if ((((questiontype == 1)) && ((optDescselect == 1)))){
questiontype = 0;
num3 = (num3 - num2);
if (questiontype == 0){
if (!asc[answer][ascselected[answer]]){
arr = new Array(num, num2);
speed = new Array(qspeed, qspeed);
} else {
arr = clone(asc[answer][ascselected[answer]][1]);
speed = clone(asc[answer][ascselected[answer]][2]);
arr[0] = num3;
} else {
if (!dsc[answer][dscselected[answer]]){
arr = new Array(num, (num2 * -1));
speed = new Array(qspeed, qspeed);
} else {
arr = clone(dsc[answer][dscselected[answer]][1]);
speed = clone(dsc[answer][dscselected[answer]][2]);
arr[0] = num3;
mSwitch = false;
if ((((questiontype == 0)) && ((((num + myanswer) + 1) < 33)))){
addDot(((num + myanswer) + 1), "red", new reddot());
} else {
if ((num - (myanswer + 1)) > 0){
addDot((num - (myanswer + 1)), "red", new reddot());
if ((((questiontype == 0)) && ((optFeedback == 0)))){
addDot((num + num2), "blue", new bluedot());
} else {
addDot((num - num2), "blue", new bluedot());
if ((((questiontype == 0)) && ((optFeedback == 0)))){
feedback.text = ((((((((("Notes: " + tehwinnames[num]) + " to ") + tehwinnames[(num + num2)]) + "\nAnswer: ") + notes[answer]) + " (") + (answer + 1)) + ")\nSong:\n") + asc[answer][ascselected[answer]][0]);
if ((((questiontype == 1)) && ((optFeedback == 0)))){
feedback.text = ((((((((("Notes: " + tehwinnames[num]) + " to ") + tehwinnames[(num - num2)]) + "\nAnswer: ") + notes[answer]) + " (") + (answer + 1)) + ")\nSong:\n") + dsc[answer][dscselected[answer]][0]);
public function clone(_arg1:Object){
var _local2:ByteArray;
_local2 = new ByteArray();
_local2.position = 0;
return (_local2.readObject());
public function dscParseValues(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String, _arg4:Number){
var _local5:RegExp;
_local5 = /\-?\d+/g;
dsc[_arg4][ascselected[_arg4]][0] = sanitize(_arg1);
dsc[_arg4][ascselected[_arg4]][1] = intPlz(_arg2.match(_local5));
dsc[_arg4][ascselected[_arg4]][2] = intPlz(_arg3.match(_local5));
public function save(){
var bigblackscreen:Sprite;
var tf:TextField;
var output:String;
var options:String;
var blah1:TextField;
var blah2:TextField;
if (getChildByName("bigblackscreen")){
disablekeys = true;
bigblackscreen = new Sprite();
bigblackscreen.name = "bigblackscreen";
bigblackscreen.graphics.drawRoundRect(5, 5, 540, 490, 10, 10);
tf = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = arl;
tf.width = 500;
tf.height = 200;
tf.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
tf.x = 15;
tf.y = 15;
tf.wordWrap = true;
tf.text = "You can save all your songs and statistics using this import / export feature. Just copy the text under export and save it to a text file. When you want to resume where you left off, just paste the contents of the export file into the import box and click import.";
tf.mouseEnabled = false;
tf.selectable = false;
tf.embedFonts = true;
tf = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = arl;
tf.width = 400;
tf.height = 20;
tf.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
tf.x = 15;
tf.y = 170;
tf.wordWrap = true;
tf.text = "Export Import";
tf.mouseEnabled = false;
tf.selectable = false;
tf.embedFonts = true;
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(120, 17, 6697881);
noh.x = 20;
noh.y = 300;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = " Copy to Clipboard";
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(120, 17, 6723891);
noh.x = 290;
noh.y = 300;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = " Import Settings";
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (blah2.text.length > 0){
disablekeys = false;
output = "<ascSongs>";
output = (output + parseUglyArray(asc));
output = (output + "</ascSongs>\n");
output = (output + "<dscSongs>");
output = (output + parseUglyArray(dsc));
output = (output + "</dscSongs>\n");
options = "";
options = (options + (qspeed + "|"));
options = (options + (vol + "|"));
options = (options + (questiontype + "|"));
options = (options + (optselect + "|"));
options = (options + (optHarmonicselect + "|"));
options = (options + (optDescselect + "|"));
options = (options + (arrayToStr(deactivated) + "|"));
options = (options + (arrayToStr(ascselected) + "|"));
options = (options + (arrayToStr(dscselected) + "|"));
options = (options + (optFeedback + "|"));
output = (output + "<options>");
output = (output + options);
output = (output + "</options>\n");
output = (output + "<stats>");
output = (output + rememberStats());
output = (output + "</stats>\n");
blah1 = new TextField();
blah1.defaultTextFormat = arl;
blah1.height = 100;
blah1.width = 220;
blah1.background = true;
blah1.backgroundColor = 0xFFFFFF;
blah1.textColor = 0;
blah1.x = 20;
blah1.y = 190;
blah1.multiline = true;
blah1.name = "thenotes";
blah1.text = output;
blah1.mouseEnabled = true;
blah1.selectable = false;
blah1.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
blah1.embedFonts = true;
blah2 = new TextField();
blah2.defaultTextFormat = arl;
blah2.height = 100;
blah2.width = 220;
blah2.background = true;
blah2.backgroundColor = 0xFFFFFF;
blah2.textColor = 0;
blah2.x = 290;
blah2.y = 190;
blah2.wordWrap = true;
blah2.multiline = true;
blah2.name = "thespeeds";
blah2.text = "";
blah2.mouseEnabled = true;
blah2.selectable = true;
blah2.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
blah2.embedFonts = true;
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(30, 17, 0);
noh.x = 230;
noh.y = 360;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = " Exit";
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
disablekeys = false;
public function moreOptions(){
var bigblackscreen:Sprite;
var tf:TextField;
var i:*;
var checkboxer:checked;
var checkbox:unchecked;
if (getChildByName("bigblackscreen")){
disablekeys = true;
bigblackscreen = new Sprite();
bigblackscreen.name = "bigblackscreen";
bigblackscreen.graphics.drawRoundRect(5, 5, 540, 490, 10, 10);
tf = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = arl;
tf.width = 280;
tf.height = 350;
tf.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
tf.x = 250;
tf.y = 10;
tf.wordWrap = true;
tf.text = "The first option allows you to choose whether ascending melodies are played or descending melodies are played when a harmonic is missed.\n\nYou can disable descending songs and play ascending songs instead, just invert the interval in your head.\n\n\nYou can disable the information that appears in the right corner when you miss a note if you disable feedback.\n\n\nAnchoring the first note will cause it to be the same every question.\n\n\n\n\nThe last option will clear all statistics.";
tf.mouseEnabled = false;
tf.selectable = false;
tf.embedFonts = true;
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(120, 17, 10053171);
noh.x = 10;
noh.y = 300;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = " Delete All Statistics";
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
disablekeys = false;
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(30, 17, 0);
noh.x = 230;
noh.y = 360;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = " Exit";
noh.num = i;
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
disablekeys = false;
for (i in optionsHarmonic) {
tf = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = fmt;
tf.name = "x";
tf.x = 30;
tf.height = 22;
tf.width = 200;
tf.y = ((20 * i) + 10);
tf.mouseEnabled = false;
tf.text = optionsHarmonic[i];
tf.selectable = false;
if (optHarmonicselect == i){
checkboxer = new checked();
checkboxer.x = 10;
checkboxer.y = ((20 * i) + 15);
} else {
checkbox = new unchecked();
checkbox.x = 10;
checkbox.y = ((20 * i) + 15);
checkbox.num = i;
checkbox.buttonMode = true;
checkbox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
optHarmonicselect = _arg1.target.num;
for (i in optionsDesc) {
tf = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = fmt;
tf.name = "x";
tf.x = 30;
tf.height = 22;
tf.width = 200;
tf.y = ((20 * i) + 75);
tf.mouseEnabled = false;
tf.text = optionsDesc[i];
tf.selectable = false;
if (optDescselect == i){
checkboxer = new checked();
checkboxer.x = 10;
checkboxer.y = ((20 * i) + 80);
} else {
checkbox = new unchecked();
checkbox.x = 10;
checkbox.y = ((20 * i) + 80);
checkbox.num = i;
checkbox.buttonMode = true;
checkbox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
optDescselect = _arg1.target.num;
for (i in optionsFeedback) {
tf = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = fmt;
tf.x = 30;
tf.height = 22;
tf.width = 200;
tf.y = ((20 * i) + 140);
tf.mouseEnabled = false;
tf.text = optionsFeedback[i];
tf.selectable = false;
if (optFeedback == i){
checkboxer = new checked();
checkboxer.x = 10;
checkboxer.y = ((20 * i) + 145);
} else {
checkbox = new unchecked();
checkbox.x = 10;
checkbox.y = ((20 * i) + 145);
checkbox.num = i;
checkbox.buttonMode = true;
checkbox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
optFeedback = _arg1.target.num;
for (i in optionsAnchor) {
tf = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = fmt;
tf.x = 30;
tf.height = 22;
tf.width = 200;
tf.y = ((20 * i) + 205);
tf.mouseEnabled = false;
tf.text = optionsAnchor[i];
tf.selectable = false;
if (optAnchor == i){
checkboxer = new checked();
checkboxer.x = 10;
checkboxer.y = ((20 * i) + 210);
} else {
checkbox = new unchecked();
checkbox.x = 10;
checkbox.y = ((20 * i) + 210);
checkbox.num = i;
checkbox.buttonMode = true;
checkbox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
optAnchor = _arg1.target.num;
public function intPlz(_arg1:Array){
var _local2:*;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _arg1.length) {
_arg1[_local2] = int(_arg1[_local2]);
return (_arg1);
public function mq(){
if ((((num2 < 0)) || (!(num2)))){
numback = 0;
questiontype = 0;
if (optselect == 0){
arr = new Array(num, num2, new Array(num, (num + num2)), 0, (-1 * num2));
speed = new Array(qspeed, qspeed, qspeed, qspeed, qspeed);
} else {
if (optselect == 1){
arr = new Array(num, num2);
speed = new Array(qspeed, qspeed);
} else {
if (optselect == 2){
questiontype = 1;
arr = new Array(num, (num2 * -1));
speed = new Array(qspeed, qspeed);
} else {
if (optselect == 3){
num3 = Math.round(Math.random());
if (num3 == 0){
questiontype = 1;
arr = new Array(num, (num2 * -1));
speed = new Array(qspeed, qspeed);
} else {
arr = new Array(num, num2);
speed = new Array(qspeed, qspeed);
} else {
if (optselect == 4){
questiontype = 2;
arr = new Array(new Array(num, (num + num2)));
speed = new Array(0);
} else {
if (optselect == 5){
num3 = Math.round((Math.random() * 2));
if (num3 == 0){
questiontype = 1;
arr = new Array(num, (num2 * -1));
speed = new Array(qspeed, qspeed);
} else {
if (num3 == 1){
arr = new Array(num, num2);
speed = new Array(qspeed, qspeed);
} else {
if (num3 == 2){
questiontype = 2;
arr = new Array(new Array(num, (num + num2)));
speed = new Array(0);
public function timerFunc(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:Event;
tune.isDone = 0;
public function statOptions(){
var yplz:Number;
var i:*;
num3 = 0;
yplz = 20;
for (i in notes) {
noh = new sidepl0x();
if (optstats == i){
noh.drawplz(26, 17, 3368686);
} else {
noh.drawplz(26, 17, 3368601);
if (num3 > 6){
num3 = 1;
yplz = (yplz + 25);
noh.x = (250 + (27 * num3));
noh.y = yplz;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = notes[i];
noh.name = ("noh" + i);
noh.num = i;
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
optstats = _arg1.target.num;
noh = new sidepl0x();
if (optstats == -1){
noh.drawplz(26, 17, 3368686);
} else {
noh.drawplz(26, 17, 3368601);
noh.x = (250 + (27 * num3));
noh.y = yplz;
noh.buttonMode = true;
noh.side.text = "All";
noh.name = "noh-1";
noh.num = -1;
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
optstats = _arg1.target.num;
public function ascComboChange(_arg1:Event){
ascselected[_arg1.target.name] = _arg1.target.selectedIndex;
public function makeButtons(){
var buttonmess:Sprite;
var yplz:Number;
var n:Number;
var fail:Boolean;
var i:*;
var k:*;
var checkboxer:Sprite;
if (getChildByName("buttonmess")){
buttonmess = new Sprite();
buttonmess.name = "buttonmess";
yplz = 260;
n = 0;
for (i in notes) {
fail = false;
for (k in deactivated) {
if (deactivated[k] == i){
fail = true;
if (!fail){
teh = new buttonpl0x();
tehbutt = new nicebutton();
tehbutt.selectable = false;
tehbutt.name = i;
teh.swapChildren(tehbutt, teh.tf);
if (n > 6){
n = 0;
yplz = (yplz + 55);
teh.x = ((n * 65) + 20);
n = (n + 1);
teh.y = yplz;
teh.name = i;
teh.tf.text = notes[i];
teh.tf1.text = (i + 1);
teh.buttonMode = true;
teh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, asdf);
noh = new sidepl0x();
noh.drawplz(50, 17, 0xEEEEEE);
noh.x = 490;
noh.y = ((20 * i) + 20);
noh.buttonMode = true;
if (fail){
checkboxer = new checkboxy();
} else {
checkboxer = new checkboxchecked();
checkboxer.x = 2;
checkboxer.y = 4;
checkboxer.mouseEnabled = false;
noh.side.textColor = 0;
noh.side.text = (" " + notes[i]);
noh.name = ("noh" + i);
noh.num = i;
if (fail){
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:Number;
_local2 = deactivated.indexOf(_arg1.target.num);
if (_local2 > -1){
deactivated.splice(_local2, 1);
} else {
noh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function instrumentAssign(){
if (optInstrument == 0){
} else {
if (optInstrument == 1){
} else {
if (optInstrument == 2){
public function drawStats(){
var _local1:Sprite;
var _local2:TextField;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Sprite;
var _local5:*;
var _local6:Sprite;
if (getChildByName("statsmess")){
_local1 = new Sprite();
_local1.name = "statsmess";
_local2 = new TextField();
_local2.defaultTextFormat = arl;
_local2.embedFonts = true;
_local2.x = 275;
_local2.y = 67;
_local2.width = 210;
if (optstats < 0){
if (total > 0){
_local3 = (Math.floor(((totaltiming * 100) / total)) / 100);
} else {
_local3 = 0;
} else {
if (questions[optstats] > 0){
_local3 = (Math.floor(((timing[optstats] * 100) / questions[optstats])) / 100);
} else {
_local3 = 0;
if (optstats < 0){
_local2.text = ((((((((((((("Total: " + total) + " Streak: ") + streak) + "/") + topstreak) + "\nCorrect: ") + totalcorrect) + " Replays: ") + totalreplays) + "\nMissed: ") + totalmisses) + " AVGtime: ") + _local3);
} else {
_local2.text = ((((((((((((("Total: " + questions[optstats]) + " Streak: ") + streaks[optstats]) + "/") + topstreaks[optstats]) + "\nCorrect: ") + correct[optstats]) + " Replays: ") + replays[optstats]) + "\nMissed: ") + misses[optstats]) + " AVGtime: ") + _local3);
_local2.mouseEnabled = false;
_local2.selectable = false;
_local4 = new Sprite();
_local4.name = "txt";
for (_local5 in notes) {
_local2 = new TextField();
_local2.defaultTextFormat = arl;
_local2.x = ((15 * _local5) + 293);
_local2.y = 210;
_local2.width = 25;
_local2.height = 25;
_local2.text = notes[_local5];
_local2.embedFonts = true;
_local2.mouseEnabled = false;
_local2.selectable = false;
_local2.rotation = 90;
_local6 = new statbars();
_local6.x = ((15 * _local5) + 278);
_local6.y = 205;
if (optstats < 0){
_local6.height = ((1 - (misses[_local5] / (questions[_local5] + 0.0001))) * 90);
} else {
_local6.height = ((incorrect[optstats][_local5] / (misses[optstats] + 0.0001)) * 90);
_local6.width = 10;
public function puhlay(){
var _local1:Date;
_local1 = new Date();
lastplaytime = _local1.getTime();
firstmiss = -1;
feedback.text = "";
mSwitch = false;
missed = false;
addDot(num, "green", new greendot());
public function resetStatistics(){
var _local1:Date;
firstmiss = -1;
feedback.text = "";
mSwitch = false;
missed = false;
streak = 0;
total = 0;
totalmisses = 0;
totalcorrect = 0;
totalreplays = 0;
totaltiming = 0;
_local1 = new Date();
lastplaytime = _local1.getTime();
streaks = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
timing = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
streaks = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
topstreaks = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
replays = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
questions = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
correct = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
misses = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
incorrect = new Array(new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
topstreak = 0;
public function parseStats(_arg1:String){
var _local2:Array;
var _local3:RegExp;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:String;
var _local6:String;
var _local7:String;
var _local8:String;
var _local9:String;
var _local10:String;
var _local11:String;
var _local12:String;
var _local13:String;
var _local14:String;
var _local15:String;
var _local16:String;
var _local17:String;
var _local18:String;
var _local19:String;
var _local20:*;
_local3 = /./mg;
_local2 = _arg1.match(_local3);
_local4 = 0;
_local5 = "";
_local6 = "";
_local7 = "";
_local8 = "";
_local9 = "";
_local10 = "";
_local11 = "";
_local12 = "";
_local13 = "";
_local14 = "";
_local15 = "";
_local16 = "";
_local17 = "";
_local18 = "";
_local19 = "";
_local20 = 0;
while (_local20 < _local2.length) {
if (_local2[_local20] == "|"){
} else {
if (_local4 == 0){
_local5 = (_local5 + _local2[_local20]);
} else {
if (_local4 == 1){
_local6 = (_local6 + _local2[_local20]);
} else {
if (_local4 == 2){
_local7 = (_local7 + _local2[_local20]);
} else {
if (_local4 == 3){
_local8 = (_local8 + _local2[_local20]);
} else {
if (_local4 == 4){
_local9 = (_local9 + _local2[_local20]);
} else {
if (_local4 == 5){
_local10 = (_local10 + _local2[_local20]);
} else {
if (_local4 == 6){
_local11 = (_local11 + _local2[_local20]);
} else {
if (_local4 == 7){
_local12 = (_local12 + _local2[_local20]);
} else {
if (_local4 == 8){
_local13 = (_local13 + _local2[_local20]);
} else {
if (_local4 == 9){
_local14 = (_local14 + _local2[_local20]);
} else {
if (_local4 == 10){
_local15 = (_local15 + _local2[_local20]);
} else {
if (_local4 == 11){
_local16 = (_local16 + _local2[_local20]);
} else {
if (_local4 == 12){
_local17 = (_local17 + _local2[_local20]);
} else {
if (_local4 == 13){
_local18 = (_local18 + _local2[_local20]);
} else {
if (_local4 == 14){
_local19 = (_local19 + _local2[_local20]);
total = int(_local5);
totalmisses = int(_local6);
totalcorrect = int(_local7);
totalreplays = int(_local8);
totaltiming = int(_local9);
streak = int(_local10);
topstreak = int(_local11);
streaks = strToArray(_local12);
timing = strToArray(_local13);
topstreaks = strToArray(_local14);
replays = strToArray(_local15);
questions = strToArray(_local16);
correct = strToArray(_local17);
misses = strToArray(_local18);
incorrect = str2dToArray(_local19);
public function array2dToStr(_arg1:Array){
var _local2:String;
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
_local2 = "";
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _arg1.length) {
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _arg1.length) {
_local2 = (_local2 + (_arg1[_local3][_local4] + ","));
_local2 = (_local2 + "@");
return (_local2);
public function pianoPlz(){
anchorNote = 18;
bottomAsc = 11;
topAsc = 23;
bottomDsc = 14;
topDsc = 26;
pnotes = 22;
tehwin = new Array(c2p, c2sp, d2p, d2sp, e2p, f2p, f2sp, g2p, g2sp, a3p, a3sp, b3p, c3p, c3sp, d3p, d3sp, e3p, f3p, f3sp, g3p, g3sp, a4p, a4sp, b4p, c4p, c4sp, d4p, d4sp, e4p, f4p, f4sp, g4p, g4sp, a5p, a5sp, b5p, c5p);
tehwinnames = new Array("c2", "c#2", "d2", "d#2", "e2", "f2", "f#2", "g2", "g#2", "a3", "a#3", "b3", "c3", "c#3", "d3", "d#3", "e3", "f3", "f#3", "g3", "g#3", "a4", "a#4", "b4", "c4", "c#4", "d4", "d#4", "e4", "f4", "f#4", "g4", "g#4", "a5", "a#5", "b5", "c5");
}//package eartrain_rewrite25_fla
Section 6 (11.76 KiB) ● ●
//BaseScrollPane (fl.containers.BaseScrollPane)
package fl.containers {
import fl.core.*;
import fl.controls.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import fl.events.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class BaseScrollPane extends UIComponent {
protected var defaultLineScrollSize:Number;// = 4
protected var _maxHorizontalScrollPosition:Number;// = 0
protected var vScrollBar:Boolean;
protected var disabledOverlay:Shape;
protected var hScrollBar:Boolean;
protected var availableWidth:Number;
protected var _verticalPageScrollSize:Number;// = 0
protected var vOffset:Number;// = 0
protected var _verticalScrollBar:ScrollBar;
protected var useFixedHorizontalScrolling:Boolean;// = false
protected var contentWidth:Number;// = 0
protected var contentHeight:Number;// = 0
protected var _horizontalPageScrollSize:Number;// = 0
protected var background:DisplayObject;
protected var _useBitmpScrolling:Boolean;// = false
protected var contentPadding:Number;// = 0
protected var availableHeight:Number;
protected var _horizontalScrollBar:ScrollBar;
protected var contentScrollRect:Rectangle;
protected var _horizontalScrollPolicy:String;
protected var _verticalScrollPolicy:String;
protected static const SCROLL_BAR_STYLES:Object = {upArrowDisabledSkin:"upArrowDisabledSkin", upArrowDownSkin:"upArrowDownSkin", upArrowOverSkin:"upArrowOverSkin", upArrowUpSkin:"upArrowUpSkin", downArrowDisabledSkin:"downArrowDisabledSkin", downArrowDownSkin:"downArrowDownSkin", downArrowOverSkin:"downArrowOverSkin", downArrowUpSkin:"downArrowUpSkin", thumbDisabledSkin:"thumbDisabledSkin", thumbDownSkin:"thumbDownSkin", thumbOverSkin:"thumbOverSkin", thumbUpSkin:"thumbUpSkin", thumbIcon:"thumbIcon", trackDisabledSkin:"trackDisabledSkin", trackDownSkin:"trackDownSkin", trackOverSkin:"trackOverSkin", trackUpSkin:"trackUpSkin", repeatDelay:"repeatDelay", repeatInterval:"repeatInterval"};
private static var defaultStyles:Object = {repeatDelay:500, repeatInterval:35, skin:"ScrollPane_upSkin", contentPadding:0, disabledAlpha:0.5};
public function BaseScrollPane(){
contentWidth = 0;
contentHeight = 0;
contentPadding = 0;
vOffset = 0;
_maxHorizontalScrollPosition = 0;
_horizontalPageScrollSize = 0;
_verticalPageScrollSize = 0;
defaultLineScrollSize = 4;
useFixedHorizontalScrolling = false;
_useBitmpScrolling = false;
protected function handleWheel(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (((((!(enabled)) || (!(_verticalScrollBar.visible)))) || ((contentHeight <= availableHeight)))){
_verticalScrollBar.scrollPosition = (_verticalScrollBar.scrollPosition - (_arg1.delta * verticalLineScrollSize));
dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(ScrollBarDirection.VERTICAL, _arg1.delta, horizontalScrollPosition));
public function get verticalScrollPosition():Number{
return (_verticalScrollBar.scrollPosition);
protected function drawDisabledOverlay():void{
if (enabled){
if (contains(disabledOverlay)){
} else {
disabledOverlay.x = (disabledOverlay.y = contentPadding);
disabledOverlay.width = availableWidth;
disabledOverlay.height = availableHeight;
disabledOverlay.alpha = (getStyleValue("disabledAlpha") as Number);
public function set verticalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number):void{
_verticalScrollBar.scrollPosition = _arg1;
setVerticalScrollPosition(_verticalScrollBar.scrollPosition, false);
protected function setContentSize(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
if ((((((contentWidth == _arg1)) || (useFixedHorizontalScrolling))) && ((contentHeight == _arg2)))){
contentWidth = _arg1;
contentHeight = _arg2;
public function get horizontalScrollPosition():Number{
return (_horizontalScrollBar.scrollPosition);
public function get horizontalScrollBar():ScrollBar{
return (_horizontalScrollBar);
override public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (enabled == _arg1){
_verticalScrollBar.enabled = _arg1;
_horizontalScrollBar.enabled = _arg1;
super.enabled = _arg1;
public function get verticalLineScrollSize():Number{
return (_verticalScrollBar.lineScrollSize);
public function get horizontalScrollPolicy():String{
return (_horizontalScrollPolicy);
protected function calculateAvailableSize():void{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Number;
_local1 = ScrollBar.WIDTH;
_local2 = (contentPadding = Number(getStyleValue("contentPadding")));
_local3 = ((height - (2 * _local2)) - vOffset);
vScrollBar = (((_verticalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.ON)) || ((((_verticalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.AUTO)) && ((contentHeight > _local3)))));
_local4 = ((width - (vScrollBar) ? _local1 : 0) - (2 * _local2));
_local5 = (useFixedHorizontalScrolling) ? _maxHorizontalScrollPosition : (contentWidth - _local4);
hScrollBar = (((_horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.ON)) || ((((_horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.AUTO)) && ((_local5 > 0)))));
if (hScrollBar){
_local3 = (_local3 - _local1);
if (((((((hScrollBar) && (!(vScrollBar)))) && ((_verticalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.AUTO)))) && ((contentHeight > _local3)))){
vScrollBar = true;
_local4 = (_local4 - _local1);
availableHeight = (_local3 + vOffset);
availableWidth = _local4;
public function get maxVerticalScrollPosition():Number{
return (Math.max(0, (contentHeight - availableHeight)));
public function set horizontalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number):void{
_horizontalScrollBar.scrollPosition = _arg1;
setHorizontalScrollPosition(_horizontalScrollBar.scrollPosition, false);
public function get horizontalLineScrollSize():Number{
return (_horizontalScrollBar.lineScrollSize);
public function set verticalPageScrollSize(_arg1:Number):void{
_verticalPageScrollSize = _arg1;
public function get verticalScrollPolicy():String{
return (_verticalScrollPolicy);
protected function setHorizontalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{
public function get useBitmapScrolling():Boolean{
return (_useBitmpScrolling);
protected function handleScroll(_arg1:ScrollEvent):void{
if (_arg1.target == _verticalScrollBar){
} else {
public function set verticalLineScrollSize(_arg1:Number):void{
_verticalScrollBar.lineScrollSize = _arg1;
public function get verticalScrollBar():ScrollBar{
return (_verticalScrollBar);
protected function setVerticalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{
public function set horizontalPageScrollSize(_arg1:Number):void{
_horizontalPageScrollSize = _arg1;
override protected function draw():void{
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES)){
if (contentPadding != getStyleValue("contentPadding")){
invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false);
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE, InvalidationType.STATE)){
public function set horizontalScrollPolicy(_arg1:String):void{
_horizontalScrollPolicy = _arg1;
override protected function configUI():void{
var _local1:Graphics;
contentScrollRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 85, 85);
_verticalScrollBar = new ScrollBar();
_verticalScrollBar.addEventListener(ScrollEvent.SCROLL, handleScroll, false, 0, true);
_verticalScrollBar.visible = false;
_verticalScrollBar.lineScrollSize = defaultLineScrollSize;
copyStylesToChild(_verticalScrollBar, SCROLL_BAR_STYLES);
_horizontalScrollBar = new ScrollBar();
_horizontalScrollBar.direction = ScrollBarDirection.HORIZONTAL;
_horizontalScrollBar.addEventListener(ScrollEvent.SCROLL, handleScroll, false, 0, true);
_horizontalScrollBar.visible = false;
_horizontalScrollBar.lineScrollSize = defaultLineScrollSize;
copyStylesToChild(_horizontalScrollBar, SCROLL_BAR_STYLES);
disabledOverlay = new Shape();
_local1 = disabledOverlay.graphics;
_local1.drawRect(0, 0, width, height);
addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, handleWheel, false, 0, true);
protected function calculateContentWidth():void{
public function get verticalPageScrollSize():Number{
if (isNaN(availableHeight)){
return (((((_verticalPageScrollSize == 0)) && (!(isNaN(availableHeight))))) ? availableHeight : _verticalPageScrollSize);
protected function drawLayout():void{
background.width = width;
background.height = height;
if (vScrollBar){
_verticalScrollBar.visible = true;
_verticalScrollBar.x = ((width - ScrollBar.WIDTH) - contentPadding);
_verticalScrollBar.y = contentPadding;
_verticalScrollBar.height = availableHeight;
} else {
_verticalScrollBar.visible = false;
_verticalScrollBar.setScrollProperties(availableHeight, 0, (contentHeight - availableHeight), verticalPageScrollSize);
setVerticalScrollPosition(_verticalScrollBar.scrollPosition, false);
if (hScrollBar){
_horizontalScrollBar.visible = true;
_horizontalScrollBar.x = contentPadding;
_horizontalScrollBar.y = ((height - ScrollBar.WIDTH) - contentPadding);
_horizontalScrollBar.width = availableWidth;
} else {
_horizontalScrollBar.visible = false;
_horizontalScrollBar.setScrollProperties(availableWidth, 0, (useFixedHorizontalScrolling) ? _maxHorizontalScrollPosition : (contentWidth - availableWidth), horizontalPageScrollSize);
setHorizontalScrollPosition(_horizontalScrollBar.scrollPosition, false);
protected function drawBackground():void{
var _local1:DisplayObject;
_local1 = background;
background = getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue("skin"));
background.width = width;
background.height = height;
addChildAt(background, 0);
if (((!((_local1 == null))) && (!((_local1 == background))))){
public function set horizontalLineScrollSize(_arg1:Number):void{
_horizontalScrollBar.lineScrollSize = _arg1;
public function get horizontalPageScrollSize():Number{
if (isNaN(availableWidth)){
return (((((_horizontalPageScrollSize == 0)) && (!(isNaN(availableWidth))))) ? availableWidth : _horizontalPageScrollSize);
public function get maxHorizontalScrollPosition():Number{
return (Math.max(0, (contentWidth - availableWidth)));
protected function setStyles():void{
copyStylesToChild(_verticalScrollBar, SCROLL_BAR_STYLES);
copyStylesToChild(_horizontalScrollBar, SCROLL_BAR_STYLES);
protected function updateChildren():void{
_verticalScrollBar.enabled = (_horizontalScrollBar.enabled = enabled);
public function set verticalScrollPolicy(_arg1:String):void{
_verticalScrollPolicy = _arg1;
public function set useBitmapScrolling(_arg1:Boolean):void{
_useBitmpScrolling = _arg1;
public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{
return (mergeStyles(defaultStyles, ScrollBar.getStyleDefinition()));
}//package fl.containers
Section 7 (2.36 KiB) ●
//CellRenderer (fl.controls.listClasses.CellRenderer)
package fl.controls.listClasses {
import fl.controls.*;
import flash.events.*;
public class CellRenderer extends LabelButton implements ICellRenderer {
protected var _data:Object;
protected var _listData:ListData;
private static var defaultStyles:Object = {upSkin:"CellRenderer_upSkin", downSkin:"CellRenderer_downSkin", overSkin:"CellRenderer_overSkin", disabledSkin:"CellRenderer_disabledSkin", selectedDisabledSkin:"CellRenderer_selectedDisabledSkin", selectedUpSkin:"CellRenderer_selectedUpSkin", selectedDownSkin:"CellRenderer_selectedDownSkin", selectedOverSkin:"CellRenderer_selectedOverSkin", textFormat:null, disabledTextFormat:null, embedFonts:null, textPadding:5};
public function CellRenderer():void{
toggle = true;
focusEnabled = false;
override protected function toggleSelected(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
override public function get selected():Boolean{
return (super.selected);
public function set listData(_arg1:ListData):void{
_listData = _arg1;
label = _listData.label;
setStyle("icon", _listData.icon);
override public function set selected(_arg1:Boolean):void{
super.selected = _arg1;
public function set data(_arg1:Object):void{
_data = _arg1;
public function get listData():ListData{
return (_listData);
override public function setSize(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
super.setSize(_arg1, _arg2);
override protected function drawLayout():void{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
_local1 = Number(getStyleValue("textPadding"));
_local2 = 0;
if (icon != null){
icon.x = _local1;
icon.y = Math.round(((height - icon.height) >> 1));
_local2 = (icon.width + _local1);
if (label.length > 0){
textField.visible = true;
_local3 = Math.max(0, ((width - _local2) - (_local1 * 2)));
textField.width = _local3;
textField.height = (textField.textHeight + 4);
textField.x = (_local2 + _local1);
textField.y = Math.round(((height - textField.height) >> 1));
} else {
textField.visible = false;
background.width = width;
background.height = height;
public function get data():Object{
return (_data);
public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{
return (defaultStyles);
}//package fl.controls.listClasses
Section 8 (569 B)
//ICellRenderer (fl.controls.listClasses.ICellRenderer)
package fl.controls.listClasses {
public interface ICellRenderer {
function setSize(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void;
function get listData():ListData;
function get data():Object;
function setMouseState(_arg1:String):void;
function set x(_arg1:Number):void;
function set y(_arg1:Number):void;
function set data(_arg1:Object):void;
function set selected(_arg1:Boolean):void;
function set listData(_arg1:ListData):void;
function get selected():Boolean;
}//package fl.controls.listClasses
Section 9 (983 B)
//ListData (fl.controls.listClasses.ListData)
package fl.controls.listClasses {
import fl.core.*;
public class ListData {
protected var _index:uint;
protected var _owner:UIComponent;
protected var _label:String;
protected var _icon:Object;// = null
protected var _row:uint;
protected var _column:uint;
public function ListData(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object, _arg3:UIComponent, _arg4:uint, _arg5:uint, _arg6:uint=0){
_icon = null;
_label = _arg1;
_icon = _arg2;
_owner = _arg3;
_index = _arg4;
_row = _arg5;
_column = _arg6;
public function get owner():UIComponent{
return (_owner);
public function get label():String{
return (_label);
public function get row():uint{
return (_row);
public function get index():uint{
return (_index);
public function get icon():Object{
return (_icon);
public function get column():uint{
return (_column);
}//package fl.controls.listClasses
Section 10 (4.61 KiB) ●
//BaseButton (fl.controls.BaseButton)
package fl.controls {
import fl.core.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import fl.events.*;
public class BaseButton extends UIComponent {
protected var _selected:Boolean;// = false
private var unlockedMouseState:String;
protected var pressTimer:Timer;
protected var mouseState:String;
protected var background:DisplayObject;
private var _mouseStateLocked:Boolean;// = false
protected var _autoRepeat:Boolean;// = false
private static var defaultStyles:Object = {upSkin:"Button_upSkin", downSkin:"Button_downSkin", overSkin:"Button_overSkin", disabledSkin:"Button_disabledSkin", selectedDisabledSkin:"Button_selectedDisabledSkin", selectedUpSkin:"Button_selectedUpSkin", selectedDownSkin:"Button_selectedDownSkin", selectedOverSkin:"Button_selectedOverSkin", focusRectSkin:null, focusRectPadding:null, repeatDelay:500, repeatInterval:35};
public function BaseButton(){
_selected = false;
_autoRepeat = false;
_mouseStateLocked = false;
buttonMode = true;
mouseChildren = false;
useHandCursor = false;
pressTimer = new Timer(1, 0);
pressTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, buttonDown, false, 0, true);
protected function endPress():void{
public function set mouseStateLocked(_arg1:Boolean):void{
_mouseStateLocked = _arg1;
if (_arg1 == false){
} else {
unlockedMouseState = mouseState;
public function get autoRepeat():Boolean{
return (_autoRepeat);
public function set autoRepeat(_arg1:Boolean):void{
_autoRepeat = _arg1;
override public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{
super.enabled = _arg1;
mouseEnabled = _arg1;
public function get selected():Boolean{
return (_selected);
protected function mouseEventHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_arg1.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN){
} else {
if ((((_arg1.type == MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER)) || ((_arg1.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP)))){
} else {
if (_arg1.type == MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT){
public function setMouseState(_arg1:String):void{
if (_mouseStateLocked){
unlockedMouseState = _arg1;
if (mouseState == _arg1){
mouseState = _arg1;
protected function startPress():void{
if (_autoRepeat){
pressTimer.delay = Number(getStyleValue("repeatDelay"));
dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.BUTTON_DOWN, true));
protected function buttonDown(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{
if (!_autoRepeat){
if (pressTimer.currentCount == 1){
pressTimer.delay = Number(getStyleValue("repeatInterval"));
dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.BUTTON_DOWN, true));
public function set selected(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (_selected == _arg1){
_selected = _arg1;
override public function get enabled():Boolean{
return (super.enabled);
override protected function draw():void{
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES, InvalidationType.STATE)){
invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false);
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE)){
protected function setupMouseEvents():void{
addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, mouseEventHandler, false, 0, true);
addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseEventHandler, false, 0, true);
addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseEventHandler, false, 0, true);
addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, mouseEventHandler, false, 0, true);
protected function drawLayout():void{
background.width = width;
background.height = height;
protected function drawBackground():void{
var _local1:String;
var _local2:DisplayObject;
_local1 = (enabled) ? mouseState : "disabled";
if (selected){
_local1 = (("selected" + _local1.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase()) + _local1.substr(1));
_local1 = (_local1 + "Skin");
_local2 = background;
background = getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue(_local1));
addChildAt(background, 0);
if (((!((_local2 == null))) && (!((_local2 == background))))){
public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{
return (defaultStyles);
}//package fl.controls
Section 11 (2.55 KiB) ●
//Button (fl.controls.Button)
package fl.controls {
import fl.core.*;
import flash.display.*;
import fl.managers.*;
public class Button extends LabelButton implements IFocusManagerComponent {
protected var emphasizedBorder:DisplayObject;
protected var _emphasized:Boolean;// = false
private static var defaultStyles:Object = {emphasizedSkin:"Button_emphasizedSkin", emphasizedPadding:2};
public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function;
public function Button(){
_emphasized = false;
override public function drawFocus(_arg1:Boolean):void{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:*;
if (_arg1){
_local2 = Number(getStyleValue("emphasizedPadding"));
if ((((_local2 < 0)) || (!(_emphasized)))){
_local2 = 0;
_local3 = getStyleValue("focusRectPadding");
_local3 = ((_local3)==null) ? 2 : _local3;
_local3 = (_local3 + _local2);
uiFocusRect.x = -(_local3);
uiFocusRect.y = -(_local3);
uiFocusRect.width = (width + (_local3 * 2));
uiFocusRect.height = (height + (_local3 * 2));
public function set emphasized(_arg1:Boolean):void{
_emphasized = _arg1;
override protected function draw():void{
if (((isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES)) || (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE)))){
if (emphasizedBorder != null){
setChildIndex(emphasizedBorder, (numChildren - 1));
public function get emphasized():Boolean{
return (_emphasized);
override protected function initializeAccessibility():void{
if (Button.createAccessibilityImplementation != null){
protected function drawEmphasized():void{
var _local1:Object;
var _local2:Number;
if (emphasizedBorder != null){
emphasizedBorder = null;
if (!_emphasized){
_local1 = getStyleValue("emphasizedSkin");
if (_local1 != null){
emphasizedBorder = getDisplayObjectInstance(_local1);
if (emphasizedBorder != null){
addChildAt(emphasizedBorder, 0);
_local2 = Number(getStyleValue("emphasizedPadding"));
emphasizedBorder.x = (emphasizedBorder.y = -(_local2));
emphasizedBorder.width = (width + (_local2 * 2));
emphasizedBorder.height = (height + (_local2 * 2));
public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{
return (UIComponent.mergeStyles(LabelButton.getStyleDefinition(), defaultStyles));
}//package fl.controls
Section 12 (326 B)
//ButtonLabelPlacement (fl.controls.ButtonLabelPlacement)
package fl.controls {
public class ButtonLabelPlacement {
public static const TOP:String = "top";
public static const LEFT:String = "left";
public static const BOTTOM:String = "bottom";
public static const RIGHT:String = "right";
}//package fl.controls
Section 13 (18.63 KiB) ● ● ●
//ComboBox (fl.controls.ComboBox)
package fl.controls {
import fl.controls.listClasses.*;
import fl.core.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import fl.data.*;
import fl.managers.*;
import fl.events.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.ui.*;
public class ComboBox extends UIComponent implements IFocusManagerComponent {
protected var _dropdownWidth:Number;
protected var highlightedCell:int;// = -1
protected var _prompt:String;
protected var isOpen:Boolean;// = false
protected var list:List;
protected var _rowCount:uint;// = 5
protected var currentIndex:int;
protected var isKeyDown:Boolean;// = false
protected var _labels:Array;
protected var background:BaseButton;
protected var inputField:TextInput;
protected var listOverIndex:uint;
protected var editableValue:String;
protected var _editable:Boolean;// = false
private var collectionItemImport:SimpleCollectionItem;
protected static const BACKGROUND_STYLES:Object = {overSkin:"overSkin", downSkin:"downSkin", upSkin:"upSkin", disabledSkin:"disabledSkin", repeatInterval:"repeatInterval"};
protected static const LIST_STYLES:Object = {upSkin:"comboListUpSkin", overSkin:"comboListOverSkin", downSkin:"comobListDownSkin", disabledSkin:"comboListDisabledSkin", downArrowDisabledSkin:"downArrowDisabledSkin", downArrowDownSkin:"downArrowDownSkin", downArrowOverSkin:"downArrowOverSkin", downArrowUpSkin:"downArrowUpSkin", upArrowDisabledSkin:"upArrowDisabledSkin", upArrowDownSkin:"upArrowDownSkin", upArrowOverSkin:"upArrowOverSkin", upArrowUpSkin:"upArrowUpSkin", thumbDisabledSkin:"thumbDisabledSkin", thumbDownSkin:"thumbDownSkin", thumbOverSkin:"thumbOverSkin", thumbUpSkin:"thumbUpSkin", thumbIcon:"thumbIcon", trackDisabledSkin:"trackDisabledSkin", trackDownSkin:"trackDownSkin", trackOverSkin:"trackOverSkin", trackUpSkin:"trackUpSkin", repeatDelay:"repeatDelay", repeatInterval:"repeatInterval", textFormat:"textFormat", disabledAlpha:"disabledAlpha", skin:"listSkin"};
private static var defaultStyles:Object = {upSkin:"ComboBox_upSkin", downSkin:"ComboBox_downSkin", overSkin:"ComboBox_overSkin", disabledSkin:"ComboBox_disabledSkin", focusRectSkin:null, focusRectPadding:null, textFormat:null, disabledTextFormat:null, textPadding:3, buttonWidth:24, disabledAlpha:null, listSkin:null};
public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function;
public function ComboBox(){
_rowCount = 5;
_editable = false;
isOpen = false;
highlightedCell = -1;
isKeyDown = false;
protected function drawList():void{
list.rowCount = Math.max(0, Math.min(_rowCount, list.dataProvider.length));
public function set imeMode(_arg1:String):void{
inputField.imeMode = _arg1;
public function get dropdown():List{
return (list);
public function get dropdownWidth():Number{
return (list.width);
public function sortItemsOn(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object=null){
return (list.sortItemsOn(_arg1, _arg2));
protected function onEnter(_arg1:ComponentEvent):void{
public function removeItemAt(_arg1:uint):void{
public function open():void{
currentIndex = selectedIndex;
if (((isOpen) || ((length == 0)))){
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.OPEN));
isOpen = true;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, addCloseListener, false, 0, true);
public function get selectedItem():Object{
return (list.selectedItem);
public function set text(_arg1:String):void{
if (!editable){
inputField.text = _arg1;
public function get labelField():String{
return (list.labelField);
override protected function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:uint;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:int;
isKeyDown = true;
if (_arg1.ctrlKey){
switch (_arg1.keyCode){
case Keyboard.UP:
if (highlightedCell > -1){
selectedIndex = highlightedCell;
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
case Keyboard.DOWN:
_local2 = Math.max(((calculateAvailableHeight() / list.rowHeight) << 0), 1);
_local3 = selectedIndex;
_local4 = ((highlightedCell)==-1) ? selectedIndex : highlightedCell;
_local5 = -1;
switch (_arg1.keyCode){
case Keyboard.SPACE:
if (isOpen){
} else {
case Keyboard.ESCAPE:
if (isOpen){
if (highlightedCell > -1){
selectedIndex = selectedIndex;
case Keyboard.UP:
_local5 = Math.max(0, (_local4 - 1));
case Keyboard.DOWN:
_local5 = Math.min((length - 1), (_local4 + 1));
case Keyboard.PAGE_UP:
_local5 = Math.max((_local4 - _local2), 0);
case Keyboard.PAGE_DOWN:
_local5 = Math.min((_local4 + _local2), (length - 1));
case Keyboard.HOME:
_local5 = 0;
case Keyboard.END:
_local5 = (length - 1);
case Keyboard.ENTER:
if (((_editable) && ((highlightedCell == -1)))){
editableValue = inputField.text;
selectedIndex = -1;
} else {
if (((isOpen) && ((highlightedCell > -1)))){
editableValue = null;
selectedIndex = highlightedCell;
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.ENTER));
if (editable){
_local5 = list.getNextIndexAtLetter(String.fromCharCode(_arg1.keyCode), _local4);
if (_local5 > -1){
if (isOpen){
inputField.text = list.itemToLabel(getItemAt(_local5));
} else {
selectedIndex = _local5;
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
public function set dropdownWidth(_arg1:Number):void{
_dropdownWidth = _arg1;
public function get editable():Boolean{
return (_editable);
override protected function focusInHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
if (editable){
stage.focus = inputField.textField;
protected function onStageClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (!isOpen){
if (((!(contains((_arg1.target as DisplayObject)))) && (!(list.contains((_arg1.target as DisplayObject)))))){
if (highlightedCell != -1){
selectedIndex = highlightedCell;
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
protected function handleDataChange(_arg1:DataChangeEvent):void{
override protected function keyUpHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
isKeyDown = false;
protected function onListItemUp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:*;
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onListItemUp);
if (((!((_arg1.target is ICellRenderer))) || (!(list.contains((_arg1.target as DisplayObject)))))){
editableValue = null;
_local2 = selectedIndex;
selectedIndex = _arg1.target.listData.index;
if (_local2 != selectedIndex){
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
public function removeAll():void{
inputField.text = "";
public function set selectedItem(_arg1:Object):void{
list.selectedItem = _arg1;
protected function highlightCell(_arg1:int=-1):void{
var _local2:ICellRenderer;
if (highlightedCell > -1){
_local2 = list.itemToCellRenderer(getItemAt(highlightedCell));
if (_local2 != null){
if (_arg1 == -1){
_local2 = list.itemToCellRenderer(getItemAt(_arg1));
if (_local2 != null){
highlightedCell = _arg1;
public function itemToLabel(_arg1:Object):String{
if (_arg1 == null){
return ("");
return (list.itemToLabel(_arg1));
public function addItemAt(_arg1:Object, _arg2:uint):void{
list.addItemAt(_arg1, _arg2);
public function replaceItemAt(_arg1:Object, _arg2:uint):Object{
return (list.replaceItemAt(_arg1, _arg2));
protected function showPrompt():void{
inputField.text = _prompt;
public function set rowCount(_arg1:uint):void{
_rowCount = _arg1;
public function get restrict():String{
return (inputField.restrict);
protected function setEmbedFonts():void{
var _local1:Object;
_local1 = getStyleValue("embedFonts");
if (_local1 != null){
inputField.textField.embedFonts = _local1;
public function sortItems(... _args){
return (list.sortItems.apply(list, _args));
public function set labelField(_arg1:String):void{
list.labelField = _arg1;
public function set editable(_arg1:Boolean):void{
_editable = _arg1;
public function set prompt(_arg1:String):void{
if (_arg1 == ""){
_prompt = null;
} else {
_prompt = _arg1;
public function get length():int{
return (list.length);
protected function drawTextField():void{
inputField.setStyle("upSkin", "");
inputField.setStyle("disabledSkin", "");
inputField.enabled = enabled;
inputField.editable = _editable;
inputField.textField.selectable = ((enabled) && (_editable));
inputField.mouseEnabled = (inputField.mouseChildren = ((enabled) && (_editable)));
inputField.focusEnabled = false;
if (_editable){
inputField.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onInputFieldFocus, false, 0, true);
inputField.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, onInputFieldFocusOut, false, 0, true);
} else {
inputField.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onInputFieldFocus);
inputField.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, onInputFieldFocusOut);
protected function onInputFieldFocusOut(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
inputField.removeEventListener(ComponentEvent.ENTER, onEnter);
selectedIndex = selectedIndex;
protected function passEvent(_arg1:Event):void{
public function get imeMode():String{
return (inputField.imeMode);
public function get labelFunction():Function{
return (list.labelFunction);
protected function calculateAvailableHeight():Number{
var _local1:Number;
_local1 = Number(getStyleValue("contentPadding"));
return ((list.height - (_local1 * 2)));
public function get selectedIndex():int{
return (list.selectedIndex);
override protected function focusOutHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
isKeyDown = false;
if (isOpen){
if (((!(_arg1.relatedObject)) || (!(list.contains(_arg1.relatedObject))))){
if (((!((highlightedCell == -1))) && (!((highlightedCell == selectedIndex))))){
selectedIndex = highlightedCell;
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
public function get selectedLabel():String{
if (editableValue != null){
return (editableValue);
if (selectedIndex == -1){
return (null);
return (itemToLabel(selectedItem));
public function get text():String{
return (inputField.text);
protected function onListChange(_arg1:Event):void{
editableValue = null;
if (isKeyDown){
protected function onToggleListVisibility(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (isOpen){
} else {
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onListItemUp, false, 0, true);
override protected function draw():void{
var _local1:*;
_local1 = selectedIndex;
if ((((_local1 == -1)) && (((((!((prompt == null))) || (editable))) || ((length == 0)))))){
_local1 = Math.max(-1, Math.min(_local1, (length - 1)));
} else {
editableValue = null;
_local1 = Math.max(0, Math.min(_local1, (length - 1)));
if (list.selectedIndex != _local1){
list.selectedIndex = _local1;
invalidate(InvalidationType.SELECTED, false);
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES)){
invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false);
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE, InvalidationType.DATA, InvalidationType.STATE)){
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.DATA)){
invalidate(InvalidationType.SELECTED, true);
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SELECTED)){
if ((((_local1 == -1)) && (!((editableValue == null))))){
inputField.text = editableValue;
} else {
if (_local1 > -1){
if (length > 0){
inputField.horizontalScrollPosition = 0;
inputField.text = itemToLabel(list.selectedItem);
} else {
if ((((_local1 == -1)) && (!((_prompt == null))))){
} else {
inputField.text = "";
if (((((editable) && ((selectedIndex > -1)))) && ((stage.focus == inputField.textField)))){
inputField.setSelection(0, inputField.length);
public function addItem(_arg1:Object):void{
public function get rowCount():uint{
return (_rowCount);
override protected function configUI():void{
background = new BaseButton();
background.focusEnabled = false;
copyStylesToChild(background, BACKGROUND_STYLES);
background.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onToggleListVisibility, false, 0, true);
inputField = new TextInput();
inputField.focusTarget = (this as IFocusManagerComponent);
inputField.focusEnabled = false;
inputField.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onTextInput, false, 0, true);
list = new List();
list.focusEnabled = false;
copyStylesToChild(list, LIST_STYLES);
list.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onListChange, false, 0, true);
list.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_CLICK, onListChange, false, 0, true);
list.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OUT, passEvent, false, 0, true);
list.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OVER, passEvent, false, 0, true);
list.verticalScrollBar.addEventListener(Event.SCROLL, passEvent, false, 0, true);
protected function positionList():void{
var _local1:Point;
_local1 = localToGlobal(new Point(0, 0));
list.x = _local1.x;
if (((_local1.y + height) + list.height) > stage.stageHeight){
list.y = (_local1.y - list.height);
} else {
list.y = (_local1.y + height);
public function get value():String{
var _local1:Object;
if (editableValue != null){
return (editableValue);
_local1 = selectedItem;
if (((!(_editable)) && (!((_local1.data == null))))){
return (_local1.data);
return (itemToLabel(_local1));
public function get prompt():String{
return (_prompt);
public function set dataProvider(_arg1:DataProvider):void{
_arg1.addEventListener(DataChangeEvent.DATA_CHANGE, handleDataChange, false, 0, true);
list.dataProvider = _arg1;
public function set restrict(_arg1:String):void{
if (((componentInspectorSetting) && ((_arg1 == "")))){
_arg1 = null;
if (!_editable){
inputField.restrict = _arg1;
protected function onTextInput(_arg1:Event):void{
if (!_editable){
editableValue = inputField.text;
selectedIndex = -1;
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
protected function onInputFieldFocus(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
inputField.addEventListener(ComponentEvent.ENTER, onEnter, false, 0, true);
public function getItemAt(_arg1:uint):Object{
return (list.getItemAt(_arg1));
override protected function initializeAccessibility():void{
if (ComboBox.createAccessibilityImplementation != null){
protected function drawLayout():void{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:Number;
_local1 = (getStyleValue("buttonWidth") as Number);
_local2 = (getStyleValue("textPadding") as Number);
background.setSize(width, height);
inputField.x = (inputField.y = _local2);
inputField.setSize(((width - _local1) - _local2), (height - _local2));
list.width = (isNaN(_dropdownWidth)) ? width : _dropdownWidth;
background.enabled = enabled;
public function removeItem(_arg1:Object):Object{
return (list.removeItem(_arg1));
private function addCloseListener(_arg1:Event){
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, addCloseListener);
if (!isOpen){
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onStageClick, false, 0, true);
public function get dataProvider():DataProvider{
return (list.dataProvider);
public function get textField():TextInput{
return (inputField);
protected function setStyles():void{
copyStylesToChild(background, BACKGROUND_STYLES);
copyStylesToChild(list, LIST_STYLES);
public function set labelFunction(_arg1:Function):void{
list.labelFunction = _arg1;
protected function drawTextFormat():void{
var _local1:TextFormat;
_local1 = (getStyleValue((_enabled) ? "textFormat" : "disabledTextFormat") as TextFormat);
if (_local1 == null){
_local1 = new TextFormat();
inputField.textField.defaultTextFormat = _local1;
public function set selectedIndex(_arg1:int):void{
list.selectedIndex = _arg1;
public function close():void{
highlightedCell = -1;
if (!isOpen){
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CLOSE));
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onStageClick);
isOpen = false;
public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{
return (mergeStyles(defaultStyles, List.getStyleDefinition()));
}//package fl.controls
Section 14 (7.6 KiB) ● ●
//LabelButton (fl.controls.LabelButton)
package fl.controls {
import fl.core.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import fl.managers.*;
import fl.events.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.*;
public class LabelButton extends BaseButton implements IFocusManagerComponent {
protected var _labelPlacement:String;// = "right"
protected var _toggle:Boolean;// = false
protected var icon:DisplayObject;
protected var oldMouseState:String;
protected var mode:String;// = "center"
public var textField:TextField;
protected var _label:String;// = "Label"
private static var defaultStyles:Object = {icon:null, upIcon:null, downIcon:null, overIcon:null, disabledIcon:null, selectedDisabledIcon:null, selectedUpIcon:null, selectedDownIcon:null, selectedOverIcon:null, textFormat:null, disabledTextFormat:null, textPadding:5, embedFonts:false};
public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function;
public function LabelButton(){
_labelPlacement = ButtonLabelPlacement.RIGHT;
_toggle = false;
_label = "Label";
mode = "center";
protected function toggleSelected(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
selected = !(selected);
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE, true));
public function get labelPlacement():String{
return (_labelPlacement);
override protected function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
if (!enabled){
if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE){
if (oldMouseState == null){
oldMouseState = mouseState;
protected function setEmbedFont(){
var _local1:Object;
_local1 = getStyleValue("embedFonts");
if (_local1 != null){
textField.embedFonts = _local1;
override protected function keyUpHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
if (!enabled){
if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE){
oldMouseState = null;
dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.CLICK));
override public function get selected():Boolean{
return ((_toggle) ? _selected : false);
public function set labelPlacement(_arg1:String):void{
_labelPlacement = _arg1;
public function set toggle(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (((!(_arg1)) && (super.selected))){
selected = false;
_toggle = _arg1;
if (_toggle){
addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toggleSelected, false, 0, true);
} else {
removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toggleSelected);
public function get label():String{
return (_label);
override public function set selected(_arg1:Boolean):void{
_selected = _arg1;
if (_toggle){
override protected function draw():void{
if (textField.text != _label){
label = _label;
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES, InvalidationType.STATE)){
invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false);
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE)){
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE, InvalidationType.STYLES)){
if (((isFocused) && (focusManager.showFocusIndicator))){
public function get toggle():Boolean{
return (_toggle);
override protected function configUI():void{
textField = new TextField();
textField.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;
textField.selectable = false;
override protected function drawLayout():void{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:String;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:Number;
_local1 = Number(getStyleValue("textPadding"));
_local2 = ((((icon == null)) && ((mode == "center")))) ? ButtonLabelPlacement.TOP : _labelPlacement;
textField.height = (textField.textHeight + 4);
_local3 = (textField.textWidth + 4);
_local4 = (textField.textHeight + 4);
_local5 = ((icon)==null) ? 0 : (icon.width + _local1);
_local6 = ((icon)==null) ? 0 : (icon.height + _local1);
textField.visible = (label.length > 0);
if (icon != null){
icon.x = Math.round(((width - icon.width) / 2));
icon.y = Math.round(((height - icon.height) / 2));
if (textField.visible == false){
textField.width = 0;
textField.height = 0;
} else {
if ((((_local2 == ButtonLabelPlacement.BOTTOM)) || ((_local2 == ButtonLabelPlacement.TOP)))){
_local7 = Math.max(0, Math.min(_local3, (width - (2 * _local1))));
if ((height - 2) > _local4){
_local8 = _local4;
} else {
_local8 = (height - 2);
_local3 = _local7;
textField.width = _local3;
_local4 = _local8;
textField.height = _local4;
textField.x = Math.round(((width - _local3) / 2));
textField.y = Math.round(((((height - textField.height) - _local6) / 2) + ((_local2)==ButtonLabelPlacement.BOTTOM) ? _local6 : 0));
if (icon != null){
icon.y = Math.round(((_local2)==ButtonLabelPlacement.BOTTOM) ? (textField.y - _local6) : ((textField.y + textField.height) + _local1));
} else {
_local7 = Math.max(0, Math.min(_local3, ((width - _local5) - (2 * _local1))));
_local3 = _local7;
textField.width = _local3;
textField.x = Math.round(((((width - _local3) - _local5) / 2) + ((_local2)!=ButtonLabelPlacement.LEFT) ? _local5 : 0));
textField.y = Math.round(((height - textField.height) / 2));
if (icon != null){
icon.x = Math.round(((_local2)!=ButtonLabelPlacement.LEFT) ? (textField.x - _local5) : ((textField.x + _local3) + _local1));
override protected function initializeAccessibility():void{
if (LabelButton.createAccessibilityImplementation != null){
protected function drawIcon():void{
var _local1:DisplayObject;
var _local2:String;
var _local3:Object;
_local1 = icon;
_local2 = (enabled) ? mouseState : "disabled";
if (selected){
_local2 = (("selected" + _local2.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase()) + _local2.substr(1));
_local2 = (_local2 + "Icon");
_local3 = getStyleValue(_local2);
if (_local3 == null){
_local3 = getStyleValue("icon");
if (_local3 != null){
icon = getDisplayObjectInstance(_local3);
if (icon != null){
addChildAt(icon, 1);
if (((!((_local1 == null))) && (!((_local1 == icon))))){
public function set label(_arg1:String):void{
_label = _arg1;
if (textField.text != _label){
textField.text = _label;
dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.LABEL_CHANGE));
protected function drawTextFormat():void{
var _local1:Object;
var _local2:TextFormat;
var _local3:TextFormat;
_local1 = UIComponent.getStyleDefinition();
_local2 = (enabled) ? (_local1.defaultTextFormat as TextFormat) : (_local1.defaultDisabledTextFormat as TextFormat);
_local3 = (getStyleValue((enabled) ? "textFormat" : "disabledTextFormat") as TextFormat);
if (_local3 != null){
} else {
_local3 = _local2;
textField.defaultTextFormat = _local3;
public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{
return (mergeStyles(defaultStyles, BaseButton.getStyleDefinition()));
}//package fl.controls
Section 15 (11.81 KiB) ● ●
//List (fl.controls.List)
package fl.controls {
import fl.controls.listClasses.*;
import fl.core.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import fl.managers.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.ui.*;
public class List extends SelectableList implements IFocusManagerComponent {
protected var _labelField:String;// = "label"
protected var _rowHeight:Number;// = 20
protected var _cellRenderer:Object;
protected var _iconField:String;// = "icon"
protected var _labelFunction:Function;
protected var _iconFunction:Function;
private static var defaultStyles:Object = {focusRectSkin:null, focusRectPadding:null};
public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function;
public function List(){
_rowHeight = 20;
_labelField = "label";
_iconField = "icon";
public function get iconField():String{
return (_iconField);
protected function doKeySelection(_arg1:int, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3:Boolean):void{
var _local4:Boolean;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:Array;
var _local7:int;
var _local8:int;
_local4 = false;
if (_arg2){
_local6 = [];
_local7 = lastCaretIndex;
_local8 = _arg1;
if (_local7 == -1){
_local7 = ((caretIndex)!=-1) ? caretIndex : _arg1;
if (_local7 > _local8){
_local8 = _local7;
_local7 = _arg1;
_local5 = _local7;
while (_local5 <= _local8) {
selectedIndices = _local6;
caretIndex = _arg1;
_local4 = true;
} else {
selectedIndex = _arg1;
caretIndex = (lastCaretIndex = _arg1);
_local4 = true;
if (_local4){
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
override protected function drawList():void{
var _local1:Rectangle;
var _local2:uint;
var _local3:uint;
var _local4:uint;
var _local5:Object;
var _local6:ICellRenderer;
var _local7:Dictionary;
var _local8:Dictionary;
var _local9:Boolean;
var _local10:String;
var _local11:Object;
var _local12:Sprite;
var _local13:String;
listHolder.x = (listHolder.y = contentPadding);
_local1 = listHolder.scrollRect;
_local1.x = _horizontalScrollPosition;
_local1.y = (Math.floor(_verticalScrollPosition) % rowHeight);
listHolder.scrollRect = _local1;
listHolder.cacheAsBitmap = useBitmapScrolling;
_local2 = Math.floor((_verticalScrollPosition / rowHeight));
_local3 = Math.min(length, ((_local2 + rowCount) + 1));
_local7 = (renderedItems = new Dictionary(true));
_local4 = _local2;
while (_local4 < _local3) {
_local7[_dataProvider.getItemAt(_local4)] = true;
_local8 = new Dictionary(true);
while (activeCellRenderers.length > 0) {
_local6 = (activeCellRenderers.pop() as ICellRenderer);
_local5 = _local6.data;
if ((((_local7[_local5] == null)) || ((invalidItems[_local5] == true)))){
} else {
_local8[_local5] = _local6;
invalidItems[_local5] = true;
list.removeChild((_local6 as DisplayObject));
invalidItems = new Dictionary(true);
_local4 = _local2;
while (_local4 < _local3) {
_local9 = false;
_local5 = _dataProvider.getItemAt(_local4);
if (_local8[_local5] != null){
_local9 = true;
_local6 = _local8[_local5];
delete _local8[_local5];
} else {
if (availableCellRenderers.length > 0){
_local6 = (availableCellRenderers.pop() as ICellRenderer);
} else {
_local6 = (getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue("cellRenderer")) as ICellRenderer);
_local12 = (_local6 as Sprite);
if (_local12 != null){
_local12.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, handleCellRendererClick, false, 0, true);
_local12.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, handleCellRendererMouseEvent, false, 0, true);
_local12.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, handleCellRendererMouseEvent, false, 0, true);
_local12.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, handleCellRendererChange, false, 0, true);
_local12.doubleClickEnabled = true;
_local12.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, handleCellRendererDoubleClick, false, 0, true);
if (_local12["setStyle"] != null){
for (_local13 in rendererStyles) {
var _local16 = _local12;
_local16["setStyle"](_local13, rendererStyles[_local13]);
list.addChild((_local6 as Sprite));
_local6.y = (rowHeight * (_local4 - _local2));
_local6.setSize((availableWidth + _maxHorizontalScrollPosition), rowHeight);
_local10 = itemToLabel(_local5);
_local11 = null;
if (_iconFunction != null){
_local11 = _iconFunction(_local5);
} else {
if (_iconField != null){
_local11 = _local5[_iconField];
if (!_local9){
_local6.data = _local5;
_local6.listData = new ListData(_local10, _local11, this, _local4, _local4, 0);
_local6.selected = !((_selectedIndices.indexOf(_local4) == -1));
if ((_local6 is UIComponent)){
(_local6 as UIComponent).drawNow();
public function get iconFunction():Function{
return (_iconFunction);
public function set iconField(_arg1:String):void{
if (_arg1 == _iconField){
_iconField = _arg1;
override protected function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
var _local2:int;
if (!selectable){
switch (_arg1.keyCode){
case Keyboard.UP:
case Keyboard.DOWN:
case Keyboard.END:
case Keyboard.HOME:
case Keyboard.PAGE_UP:
case Keyboard.PAGE_DOWN:
moveSelectionVertically(_arg1.keyCode, ((_arg1.shiftKey) && (_allowMultipleSelection)), ((_arg1.ctrlKey) && (_allowMultipleSelection)));
case Keyboard.LEFT:
case Keyboard.RIGHT:
moveSelectionHorizontally(_arg1.keyCode, ((_arg1.shiftKey) && (_allowMultipleSelection)), ((_arg1.ctrlKey) && (_allowMultipleSelection)));
case Keyboard.SPACE:
if (caretIndex == -1){
caretIndex = 0;
doKeySelection(caretIndex, _arg1.shiftKey, _arg1.ctrlKey);
_local2 = getNextIndexAtLetter(String.fromCharCode(_arg1.keyCode), selectedIndex);
if (_local2 > -1){
selectedIndex = _local2;
override public function itemToLabel(_arg1:Object):String{
if (_labelFunction != null){
return (String(_labelFunction(_arg1)));
return (((_arg1[_labelField])!=null) ? String(_arg1[_labelField]) : "");
public function get labelField():String{
return (_labelField);
override protected function moveSelectionVertically(_arg1:uint, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3:Boolean):void{
var _local4:int;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:int;
_local4 = Math.max(Math.floor((calculateAvailableHeight() / rowHeight)), 1);
_local5 = -1;
_local6 = 0;
switch (_arg1){
case Keyboard.UP:
if (caretIndex > 0){
_local5 = (caretIndex - 1);
case Keyboard.DOWN:
if (caretIndex < (length - 1)){
_local5 = (caretIndex + 1);
case Keyboard.PAGE_UP:
if (caretIndex > 0){
_local5 = Math.max((caretIndex - _local4), 0);
case Keyboard.PAGE_DOWN:
if (caretIndex < (length - 1)){
_local5 = Math.min((caretIndex + _local4), (length - 1));
case Keyboard.HOME:
if (caretIndex > 0){
_local5 = 0;
case Keyboard.END:
if (caretIndex < (length - 1)){
_local5 = (length - 1);
if (_local5 >= 0){
doKeySelection(_local5, _arg2, _arg3);
public function set labelField(_arg1:String):void{
if (_arg1 == _labelField){
_labelField = _arg1;
public function set rowCount(_arg1:uint):void{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
_local2 = Number(getStyleValue("contentPadding"));
_local3 = ((((_horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.ON)) || ((((_horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.AUTO)) && ((_maxHorizontalScrollPosition > 0)))))) ? 15 : 0;
height = (((rowHeight * _arg1) + (2 * _local2)) + _local3);
override protected function setHorizontalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{
list.x = -(_arg1);
super.setHorizontalScrollPosition(_arg1, true);
public function set iconFunction(_arg1:Function):void{
if (_iconFunction == _arg1){
_iconFunction = _arg1;
public function get labelFunction():Function{
return (_labelFunction);
override protected function moveSelectionHorizontally(_arg1:uint, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3:Boolean):void{
override protected function setVerticalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{
super.setVerticalScrollPosition(_arg1, true);
protected function calculateAvailableHeight():Number{
var _local1:Number;
_local1 = Number(getStyleValue("contentPadding"));
return (((height - (_local1 * 2)) - ((((_horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.ON)) || ((((_horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.AUTO)) && ((_maxHorizontalScrollPosition > 0)))))) ? 15 : 0));
override protected function draw():void{
var _local1:Boolean;
_local1 = !((contentHeight == (rowHeight * length)));
contentHeight = (rowHeight * length);
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES)){
if (contentPadding != getStyleValue("contentPadding")){
invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false);
if (_cellRenderer != getStyleValue("cellRenderer")){
_cellRenderer = getStyleValue("cellRenderer");
if (((isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE, InvalidationType.STATE)) || (_local1))){
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.RENDERER_STYLES)){
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES, InvalidationType.SIZE, InvalidationType.DATA, InvalidationType.SCROLL, InvalidationType.SELECTED)){
override protected function configUI():void{
useFixedHorizontalScrolling = true;
_horizontalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.AUTO;
_verticalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.AUTO;
override public function get rowCount():uint{
return (Math.ceil((calculateAvailableHeight() / rowHeight)));
override protected function initializeAccessibility():void{
if (List.createAccessibilityImplementation != null){
override public function scrollToIndex(_arg1:int):void{
var _local2:uint;
var _local3:uint;
_local2 = (Math.floor(((_verticalScrollPosition + availableHeight) / rowHeight)) - 1);
_local3 = Math.ceil((_verticalScrollPosition / rowHeight));
if (_arg1 < _local3){
verticalScrollPosition = (_arg1 * rowHeight);
} else {
if (_arg1 > _local2){
verticalScrollPosition = (((_arg1 + 1) * rowHeight) - availableHeight);
public function get rowHeight():Number{
return (_rowHeight);
public function set labelFunction(_arg1:Function):void{
if (_labelFunction == _arg1){
_labelFunction = _arg1;
public function set rowHeight(_arg1:Number):void{
_rowHeight = _arg1;
public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{
return (mergeStyles(defaultStyles, SelectableList.getStyleDefinition()));
}//package fl.controls
Section 16 (10.4 KiB) ● ●
//ScrollBar (fl.controls.ScrollBar)
package fl.controls {
import fl.core.*;
import flash.events.*;
import fl.events.*;
public class ScrollBar extends UIComponent {
private var _direction:String;// = "vertical"
protected var inDrag:Boolean;// = false
protected var upArrow:BaseButton;
private var _pageScrollSize:Number;// = 0
protected var downArrow:BaseButton;
private var _pageSize:Number;// = 10
private var thumbScrollOffset:Number;
private var _maxScrollPosition:Number;// = 0
private var _scrollPosition:Number;// = 0
protected var track:BaseButton;
private var _minScrollPosition:Number;// = 0
private var _lineScrollSize:Number;// = 1
protected var thumb:LabelButton;
protected static const THUMB_STYLES:Object = {disabledSkin:"thumbDisabledSkin", downSkin:"thumbDownSkin", overSkin:"thumbOverSkin", upSkin:"thumbUpSkin", icon:"thumbIcon", textPadding:0};
public static const WIDTH:Number = 15;
protected static const DOWN_ARROW_STYLES:Object = {disabledSkin:"downArrowDisabledSkin", downSkin:"downArrowDownSkin", overSkin:"downArrowOverSkin", upSkin:"downArrowUpSkin", repeatDelay:"repeatDelay", repeatInterval:"repeatInterval"};
protected static const UP_ARROW_STYLES:Object = {disabledSkin:"upArrowDisabledSkin", downSkin:"upArrowDownSkin", overSkin:"upArrowOverSkin", upSkin:"upArrowUpSkin", repeatDelay:"repeatDelay", repeatInterval:"repeatInterval"};
protected static const TRACK_STYLES:Object = {disabledSkin:"trackDisabledSkin", downSkin:"trackDownSkin", overSkin:"trackOverSkin", upSkin:"trackUpSkin", repeatDelay:"repeatDelay", repeatInterval:"repeatInterval"};
private static var defaultStyles:Object = {downArrowDisabledSkin:"ScrollArrowDown_disabledSkin", downArrowDownSkin:"ScrollArrowDown_downSkin", downArrowOverSkin:"ScrollArrowDown_overSkin", downArrowUpSkin:"ScrollArrowDown_upSkin", thumbDisabledSkin:"ScrollThumb_upSkin", thumbDownSkin:"ScrollThumb_downSkin", thumbOverSkin:"ScrollThumb_overSkin", thumbUpSkin:"ScrollThumb_upSkin", trackDisabledSkin:"ScrollTrack_skin", trackDownSkin:"ScrollTrack_skin", trackOverSkin:"ScrollTrack_skin", trackUpSkin:"ScrollTrack_skin", upArrowDisabledSkin:"ScrollArrowUp_disabledSkin", upArrowDownSkin:"ScrollArrowUp_downSkin", upArrowOverSkin:"ScrollArrowUp_overSkin", upArrowUpSkin:"ScrollArrowUp_upSkin", thumbIcon:"ScrollBar_thumbIcon", repeatDelay:500, repeatInterval:35};
public function ScrollBar(){
_pageSize = 10;
_pageScrollSize = 0;
_lineScrollSize = 1;
_minScrollPosition = 0;
_maxScrollPosition = 0;
_scrollPosition = 0;
_direction = ScrollBarDirection.VERTICAL;
inDrag = false;
focusEnabled = false;
public function get minScrollPosition():Number{
return (_minScrollPosition);
public function set minScrollPosition(_arg1:Number):void{
setScrollProperties(_pageSize, _arg1, _maxScrollPosition);
public function setScrollPosition(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=true):void{
var _local3:Number;
_local3 = scrollPosition;
_scrollPosition = Math.max(_minScrollPosition, Math.min(_maxScrollPosition, _arg1));
if (_local3 == _scrollPosition){
if (_arg2){
dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(_direction, (scrollPosition - _local3), scrollPosition));
public function set scrollPosition(_arg1:Number):void{
setScrollPosition(_arg1, true);
public function get pageScrollSize():Number{
return (((_pageScrollSize)==0) ? _pageSize : _pageScrollSize);
public function set pageSize(_arg1:Number):void{
if (_arg1 > 0){
_pageSize = _arg1;
public function setScrollProperties(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number=0):void{
this.pageSize = _arg1;
_minScrollPosition = _arg2;
_maxScrollPosition = _arg3;
if (_arg4 >= 0){
_pageScrollSize = _arg4;
enabled = (_maxScrollPosition > _minScrollPosition);
setScrollPosition(_scrollPosition, false);
override public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{
super.enabled = _arg1;
downArrow.enabled = (track.enabled = (thumb.enabled = (upArrow.enabled = ((enabled) && ((_maxScrollPosition > _minScrollPosition))))));
protected function updateThumb():void{
var _local1:Number;
_local1 = ((_maxScrollPosition - _minScrollPosition) + _pageSize);
if ((((((track.height <= 12)) || ((_maxScrollPosition <= _minScrollPosition)))) || ((((_local1 == 0)) || (isNaN(_local1)))))){
thumb.height = 12;
thumb.visible = false;
} else {
thumb.height = Math.max(13, ((_pageSize / _local1) * track.height));
thumb.y = (track.y + ((track.height - thumb.height) * ((_scrollPosition - _minScrollPosition) / (_maxScrollPosition - _minScrollPosition))));
thumb.visible = enabled;
protected function thumbPressHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
inDrag = true;
thumbScrollOffset = (mouseY - thumb.y);
thumb.mouseStateLocked = true;
mouseChildren = false;
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, handleThumbDrag, false, 0, true);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, thumbReleaseHandler, false, 0, true);
protected function thumbReleaseHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
inDrag = false;
mouseChildren = true;
thumb.mouseStateLocked = false;
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, handleThumbDrag);
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, thumbReleaseHandler);
public function set pageScrollSize(_arg1:Number):void{
if (_arg1 >= 0){
_pageScrollSize = _arg1;
protected function handleThumbDrag(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:Number;
_local2 = Math.max(0, Math.min((track.height - thumb.height), ((mouseY - track.y) - thumbScrollOffset)));
setScrollPosition((((_local2 / (track.height - thumb.height)) * (_maxScrollPosition - _minScrollPosition)) + _minScrollPosition));
public function set direction(_arg1:String):void{
var _local2:Boolean;
if (_direction == _arg1){
_direction = _arg1;
if (isLivePreview){
_local2 = (_direction == ScrollBarDirection.HORIZONTAL);
if (((_local2) && (componentInspectorSetting))){
if (rotation == 90){
rotation = -90;
if (!componentInspectorSetting){
if (((_local2) && ((rotation == 0)))){
rotation = -90;
} else {
if (((!(_local2)) && ((rotation == -90)))){
rotation = 0;
public function set lineScrollSize(_arg1:Number):void{
if (_arg1 > 0){
_lineScrollSize = _arg1;
override public function get height():Number{
return (((_direction)==ScrollBarDirection.HORIZONTAL) ? super.width : super.height);
protected function scrollPressHandler(_arg1:ComponentEvent):void{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
if (_arg1.currentTarget == upArrow){
setScrollPosition((_scrollPosition - _lineScrollSize));
} else {
if (_arg1.currentTarget == downArrow){
setScrollPosition((_scrollPosition + _lineScrollSize));
} else {
_local2 = (((track.mouseY / track.height) * (_maxScrollPosition - _minScrollPosition)) + _minScrollPosition);
_local3 = ((pageScrollSize)==0) ? pageSize : pageScrollSize;
if (_scrollPosition < _local2){
setScrollPosition(Math.min(_local2, (_scrollPosition + _local3)));
} else {
if (_scrollPosition > _local2){
setScrollPosition(Math.max(_local2, (_scrollPosition - _local3)));
public function get pageSize():Number{
return (_pageSize);
public function set maxScrollPosition(_arg1:Number):void{
setScrollProperties(_pageSize, _minScrollPosition, _arg1);
public function get scrollPosition():Number{
return (_scrollPosition);
override public function get enabled():Boolean{
return (super.enabled);
override protected function draw():void{
var _local1:Number;
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE)){
_local1 = super.height;
downArrow.move(0, Math.max(upArrow.height, (_local1 - downArrow.height)));
track.setSize(WIDTH, Math.max(0, (_local1 - (downArrow.height + upArrow.height))));
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES, InvalidationType.STATE)){
override protected function configUI():void{
track = new BaseButton();
track.move(0, 14);
track.useHandCursor = false;
track.autoRepeat = true;
track.focusEnabled = false;
thumb = new LabelButton();
thumb.label = "";
thumb.setSize(WIDTH, 15);
thumb.move(0, 15);
thumb.focusEnabled = false;
downArrow = new BaseButton();
downArrow.setSize(WIDTH, 14);
downArrow.autoRepeat = true;
downArrow.focusEnabled = false;
upArrow = new BaseButton();
upArrow.setSize(WIDTH, 14);
upArrow.move(0, 0);
upArrow.autoRepeat = true;
upArrow.focusEnabled = false;
upArrow.addEventListener(ComponentEvent.BUTTON_DOWN, scrollPressHandler, false, 0, true);
downArrow.addEventListener(ComponentEvent.BUTTON_DOWN, scrollPressHandler, false, 0, true);
track.addEventListener(ComponentEvent.BUTTON_DOWN, scrollPressHandler, false, 0, true);
thumb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, thumbPressHandler, false, 0, true);
enabled = false;
public function get direction():String{
return (_direction);
public function get lineScrollSize():Number{
return (_lineScrollSize);
override public function setSize(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
if (_direction == ScrollBarDirection.HORIZONTAL){
super.setSize(_arg2, _arg1);
} else {
super.setSize(_arg1, _arg2);
public function get maxScrollPosition():Number{
return (_maxScrollPosition);
override public function get width():Number{
return (((_direction)==ScrollBarDirection.HORIZONTAL) ? super.height : super.width);
protected function setStyles():void{
copyStylesToChild(downArrow, DOWN_ARROW_STYLES);
copyStylesToChild(thumb, THUMB_STYLES);
copyStylesToChild(track, TRACK_STYLES);
copyStylesToChild(upArrow, UP_ARROW_STYLES);
public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{
return (defaultStyles);
}//package fl.controls
Section 17 (248 B)
//ScrollBarDirection (fl.controls.ScrollBarDirection)
package fl.controls {
public class ScrollBarDirection {
public static const HORIZONTAL:String = "horizontal";
public static const VERTICAL:String = "vertical";
}//package fl.controls
Section 18 (248 B)
//ScrollPolicy (fl.controls.ScrollPolicy)
package fl.controls {
public class ScrollPolicy {
public static const OFF:String = "off";
public static const ON:String = "on";
public static const AUTO:String = "auto";
}//package fl.controls
Section 19 (16.51 KiB) ● ● ●
//SelectableList (fl.controls.SelectableList)
package fl.controls {
import fl.controls.listClasses.*;
import fl.core.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import fl.data.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import fl.managers.*;
import fl.events.*;
import fl.containers.*;
import flash.ui.*;
public class SelectableList extends BaseScrollPane implements IFocusManagerComponent {
protected var invalidItems:Dictionary;
protected var renderedItems:Dictionary;
protected var listHolder:Sprite;
protected var _allowMultipleSelection:Boolean;// = false
protected var lastCaretIndex:int;// = -1
protected var _selectedIndices:Array;
protected var availableCellRenderers:Array;
protected var list:Sprite;
protected var caretIndex:int;// = -1
protected var updatedRendererStyles:Object;
protected var preChangeItems:Array;
protected var activeCellRenderers:Array;
protected var rendererStyles:Object;
protected var _verticalScrollPosition:Number;
protected var _dataProvider:DataProvider;
protected var _horizontalScrollPosition:Number;
private var collectionItemImport:SimpleCollectionItem;
protected var _selectable:Boolean;// = true
private static var defaultStyles:Object = {skin:"List_skin", cellRenderer:CellRenderer, contentPadding:null, disabledAlpha:null};
public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function;
public function SelectableList(){
_allowMultipleSelection = false;
_selectable = true;
caretIndex = -1;
lastCaretIndex = -1;
activeCellRenderers = [];
availableCellRenderers = [];
invalidItems = new Dictionary(true);
renderedItems = new Dictionary(true);
_selectedIndices = [];
if (dataProvider == null){
dataProvider = new DataProvider();
verticalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.AUTO;
rendererStyles = {};
updatedRendererStyles = {};
protected function drawList():void{
public function set allowMultipleSelection(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (_arg1 == _allowMultipleSelection){
_allowMultipleSelection = _arg1;
if (((!(_arg1)) && ((_selectedIndices.length > 1)))){
_selectedIndices = [_selectedIndices.pop()];
public function sortItemsOn(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object=null){
return (_dataProvider.sortOn(_arg1, _arg2));
public function removeItemAt(_arg1:uint):Object{
return (_dataProvider.removeItemAt(_arg1));
public function get selectedItem():Object{
return (((_selectedIndices.length)==0) ? null : _dataProvider.getItemAt(selectedIndex));
override protected function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
if (!selectable){
switch (_arg1.keyCode){
case Keyboard.UP:
case Keyboard.DOWN:
case Keyboard.END:
case Keyboard.HOME:
case Keyboard.PAGE_UP:
case Keyboard.PAGE_DOWN:
moveSelectionVertically(_arg1.keyCode, ((_arg1.shiftKey) && (_allowMultipleSelection)), ((_arg1.ctrlKey) && (_allowMultipleSelection)));
case Keyboard.LEFT:
case Keyboard.RIGHT:
moveSelectionHorizontally(_arg1.keyCode, ((_arg1.shiftKey) && (_allowMultipleSelection)), ((_arg1.ctrlKey) && (_allowMultipleSelection)));
public function get selectable():Boolean{
return (_selectable);
public function itemToCellRenderer(_arg1:Object):ICellRenderer{
var _local2:*;
var _local3:ICellRenderer;
if (_arg1 != null){
for (_local2 in activeCellRenderers) {
_local3 = (activeCellRenderers[_local2] as ICellRenderer);
if (_local3.data == _arg1){
return (_local3);
return (null);
public function getNextIndexAtLetter(_arg1:String, _arg2:int=-1):int{
var _local3:int;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:Object;
var _local7:String;
if (length == 0){
return (-1);
_arg1 = _arg1.toUpperCase();
_local3 = (length - 1);
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local3) {
_local5 = ((_arg2 + 1) + _local4);
if (_local5 > (length - 1)){
_local5 = (_local5 - length);
_local6 = getItemAt(_local5);
if (_local6 == null){
_local7 = itemToLabel(_local6);
if (_local7 == null){
} else {
if (_local7.charAt(0).toUpperCase() == _arg1){
return (_local5);
return (-1);
public function invalidateList():void{
override public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{
super.enabled = _arg1;
list.mouseChildren = _enabled;
public function get selectedIndices():Array{
return (_selectedIndices.concat());
public function set selectable(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (_arg1 == _selectable){
if (!_arg1){
selectedIndices = [];
_selectable = _arg1;
public function itemToLabel(_arg1:Object):String{
return (_arg1["label"]);
public function addItemAt(_arg1:Object, _arg2:uint):void{
_dataProvider.addItemAt(_arg1, _arg2);
public function replaceItemAt(_arg1:Object, _arg2:uint):Object{
return (_dataProvider.replaceItemAt(_arg1, _arg2));
protected function handleDataChange(_arg1:DataChangeEvent):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:uint;
_local2 = _arg1.startIndex;
_local3 = _arg1.endIndex;
_local4 = _arg1.changeType;
if (_local4 == DataChangeType.INVALIDATE_ALL){
} else {
if (_local4 == DataChangeType.INVALIDATE){
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _arg1.items.length) {
} else {
if (_local4 == DataChangeType.ADD){
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _selectedIndices.length) {
if (_selectedIndices[_local5] >= _local2){
_selectedIndices[_local5] = (_selectedIndices[_local5] + (_local2 - _local3));
} else {
if (_local4 == DataChangeType.REMOVE){
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _selectedIndices.length) {
if (_selectedIndices[_local5] >= _local2){
if (_selectedIndices[_local5] <= _local3){
delete _selectedIndices[_local5];
} else {
_selectedIndices[_local5] = (_selectedIndices[_local5] - ((_local2 - _local3) + 1));
} else {
if (_local4 == DataChangeType.REMOVE_ALL){
} else {
if (_local4 == DataChangeType.REPLACE){
} else {
selectedItems = preChangeItems;
preChangeItems = null;
protected function _invalidateList():void{
availableCellRenderers = [];
while (activeCellRenderers.length > 0) {
list.removeChild((activeCellRenderers.pop() as DisplayObject));
protected function updateRendererStyles():void{
var _local1:Array;
var _local2:uint;
var _local3:uint;
var _local4:String;
_local1 = availableCellRenderers.concat(activeCellRenderers);
_local2 = _local1.length;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local2) {
if (_local1[_local3].setStyle == null){
} else {
for (_local4 in updatedRendererStyles) {
_local1[_local3].setStyle(_local4, updatedRendererStyles[_local4]);
updatedRendererStyles = {};
public function set selectedItem(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:int;
_local2 = _dataProvider.getItemIndex(_arg1);
selectedIndex = _local2;
public function sortItems(... _args){
return (_dataProvider.sort.apply(_dataProvider, _args));
public function removeAll():void{
protected function handleCellRendererChange(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:ICellRenderer;
var _local3:uint;
_local2 = (_arg1.currentTarget as ICellRenderer);
_local3 = _local2.listData.index;
protected function moveSelectionVertically(_arg1:uint, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3:Boolean):void{
override protected function setHorizontalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{
var _local3:Number;
if (_arg1 == _horizontalScrollPosition){
_local3 = (_arg1 - _horizontalScrollPosition);
_horizontalScrollPosition = _arg1;
if (_arg2){
dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(ScrollBarDirection.HORIZONTAL, _local3, _arg1));
public function scrollToSelected():void{
public function invalidateItem(_arg1:Object):void{
if (renderedItems[_arg1] == null){
invalidItems[_arg1] = true;
protected function handleCellRendererClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:ICellRenderer;
var _local3:uint;
var _local4:int;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:uint;
if (!_enabled){
_local2 = (_arg1.currentTarget as ICellRenderer);
_local3 = _local2.listData.index;
if (((!(dispatchEvent(new ListEvent(ListEvent.ITEM_CLICK, false, true, _local2.listData.column, _local2.listData.row, _local3, _local2.data)))) || (!(_selectable)))){
_local4 = selectedIndices.indexOf(_local3);
if (!_allowMultipleSelection){
if (_local4 != -1){
_local2.selected = true;
_selectedIndices = [_local3];
lastCaretIndex = (caretIndex = _local3);
} else {
if (_arg1.shiftKey){
_local6 = ((_selectedIndices.length)>0) ? _selectedIndices[0] : _local3;
_selectedIndices = [];
if (_local6 > _local3){
_local5 = _local6;
while (_local5 >= _local3) {
} else {
_local5 = _local6;
while (_local5 <= _local3) {
caretIndex = _local3;
} else {
if (_arg1.ctrlKey){
if (_local4 != -1){
_local2.selected = false;
_selectedIndices.splice(_local4, 1);
} else {
_local2.selected = true;
caretIndex = _local3;
} else {
_selectedIndices = [_local3];
lastCaretIndex = (caretIndex = _local3);
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
public function get length():uint{
return (_dataProvider.length);
public function get allowMultipleSelection():Boolean{
return (_allowMultipleSelection);
protected function onPreChange(_arg1:DataChangeEvent):void{
switch (_arg1.changeType){
case DataChangeType.REMOVE:
case DataChangeType.ADD:
case DataChangeType.INVALIDATE:
case DataChangeType.REMOVE_ALL:
case DataChangeType.REPLACE:
case DataChangeType.INVALIDATE_ALL:
preChangeItems = selectedItems;
public function getRendererStyle(_arg1:String, _arg2:int=-1):Object{
return (rendererStyles[_arg1]);
override protected function setVerticalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{
var _local3:Number;
if (_arg1 == _verticalScrollPosition){
_local3 = (_arg1 - _verticalScrollPosition);
_verticalScrollPosition = _arg1;
if (_arg2){
dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(ScrollBarDirection.VERTICAL, _local3, _arg1));
protected function moveSelectionHorizontally(_arg1:uint, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3:Boolean):void{
public function set selectedIndices(_arg1:Array):void{
if (!_selectable){
_selectedIndices = ((_arg1)==null) ? [] : _arg1.concat();
public function get selectedIndex():int{
return (((_selectedIndices.length)==0) ? -1 : _selectedIndices[(_selectedIndices.length - 1)]);
override protected function draw():void{
override protected function configUI():void{
listHolder = new Sprite();
listHolder.scrollRect = contentScrollRect;
list = new Sprite();
public function addItem(_arg1:Object):void{
protected function handleCellRendererMouseEvent(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:ICellRenderer;
var _local3:String;
_local2 = (_arg1.target as ICellRenderer);
_local3 = ((_arg1.type)==MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER) ? ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OVER : ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OUT;
dispatchEvent(new ListEvent(_local3, false, false, _local2.listData.column, _local2.listData.row, _local2.listData.index, _local2.data));
public function clearRendererStyle(_arg1:String, _arg2:int=-1):void{
delete rendererStyles[_arg1];
updatedRendererStyles[_arg1] = null;
protected function handleCellRendererDoubleClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:ICellRenderer;
var _local3:uint;
if (!_enabled){
_local2 = (_arg1.currentTarget as ICellRenderer);
_local3 = _local2.listData.index;
dispatchEvent(new ListEvent(ListEvent.ITEM_DOUBLE_CLICK, false, true, _local2.listData.column, _local2.listData.row, _local3, _local2.data));
public function get rowCount():uint{
return (0);
public function isItemSelected(_arg1:Object):Boolean{
return ((selectedItems.indexOf(_arg1) > -1));
public function set dataProvider(_arg1:DataProvider):void{
if (_dataProvider != null){
_dataProvider.removeEventListener(DataChangeEvent.DATA_CHANGE, handleDataChange);
_dataProvider.removeEventListener(DataChangeEvent.PRE_DATA_CHANGE, onPreChange);
_dataProvider = _arg1;
_dataProvider.addEventListener(DataChangeEvent.DATA_CHANGE, handleDataChange, false, 0, true);
_dataProvider.addEventListener(DataChangeEvent.PRE_DATA_CHANGE, onPreChange, false, 0, true);
override protected function drawLayout():void{
contentScrollRect = listHolder.scrollRect;
contentScrollRect.width = availableWidth;
contentScrollRect.height = availableHeight;
listHolder.scrollRect = contentScrollRect;
public function getItemAt(_arg1:uint):Object{
return (_dataProvider.getItemAt(_arg1));
override protected function initializeAccessibility():void{
if (SelectableList.createAccessibilityImplementation != null){
public function scrollToIndex(_arg1:int):void{
public function removeItem(_arg1:Object):Object{
return (_dataProvider.removeItem(_arg1));
public function get dataProvider():DataProvider{
return (_dataProvider);
public function set maxHorizontalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number):void{
_maxHorizontalScrollPosition = _arg1;
public function setRendererStyle(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object, _arg3:uint=0):void{
if (rendererStyles[_arg1] == _arg2){
updatedRendererStyles[_arg1] = _arg2;
rendererStyles[_arg1] = _arg2;
public function invalidateItemAt(_arg1:uint):void{
var _local2:Object;
_local2 = _dataProvider.getItemAt(_arg1);
if (_local2 != null){
public function set selectedItems(_arg1:Array):void{
var _local2:Array;
var _local3:uint;
var _local4:int;
if (_arg1 == null){
selectedIndices = null;
_local2 = [];
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _arg1.length) {
_local4 = _dataProvider.getItemIndex(_arg1[_local3]);
if (_local4 != -1){
selectedIndices = _local2;
public function clearSelection():void{
selectedIndex = -1;
override public function get maxHorizontalScrollPosition():Number{
return (_maxHorizontalScrollPosition);
public function get selectedItems():Array{
var _local1:Array;
var _local2:uint;
_local1 = [];
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _selectedIndices.length) {
return (_local1);
public function set selectedIndex(_arg1:int):void{
selectedIndices = ((_arg1)==-1) ? null : [_arg1];
public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{
return (mergeStyles(defaultStyles, BaseScrollPane.getStyleDefinition()));
}//package fl.controls
Section 20 (8.11 KiB) ● ●
//TextInput (fl.controls.TextInput)
package fl.controls {
import fl.core.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import fl.managers.*;
import fl.events.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.*;
public class TextInput extends UIComponent implements IFocusManagerComponent {
protected var _html:Boolean;// = false
protected var _savedHTML:String;
protected var background:DisplayObject;
protected var _editable:Boolean;// = true
public var textField:TextField;
private static var defaultStyles:Object = {upSkin:"TextInput_upSkin", disabledSkin:"TextInput_disabledSkin", focusRectSkin:null, focusRectPadding:null, textFormat:null, disabledTextFormat:null, textPadding:0, embedFonts:false};
public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function;
public function TextInput(){
_editable = true;
_html = false;
override public function drawFocus(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (focusTarget != null){
public function set imeMode(_arg1:String):void{
_imeMode = _arg1;
override protected function isOurFocus(_arg1:DisplayObject):Boolean{
return ((((_arg1 == textField)) || (super.isOurFocus(_arg1))));
protected function handleKeyDown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER){
dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.ENTER, true));
public function set text(_arg1:String):void{
textField.text = _arg1;
_html = false;
protected function updateTextFieldType():void{
textField.type = (((enabled) && (editable))) ? TextFieldType.INPUT : TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;
textField.selectable = enabled;
public function get selectionEndIndex():int{
return (textField.selectionEndIndex);
public function get editable():Boolean{
return (_editable);
override protected function focusInHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
var _local2:IFocusManager;
if (_arg1.target == this){
stage.focus = textField;
_local2 = focusManager;
if (((editable) && (_local2))){
_local2.showFocusIndicator = true;
if (((textField.selectable) && ((textField.selectionBeginIndex == textField.selectionBeginIndex)))){
setSelection(0, textField.length);
if (editable){
public function get selectionBeginIndex():int{
return (textField.selectionBeginIndex);
public function set alwaysShowSelection(_arg1:Boolean):void{
textField.alwaysShowSelection = _arg1;
override public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{
super.enabled = _arg1;
protected function setEmbedFont(){
var _local1:Object;
_local1 = getStyleValue("embedFonts");
if (_local1 != null){
textField.embedFonts = _local1;
public function get horizontalScrollPosition():int{
return (textField.scrollH);
public function set condenseWhite(_arg1:Boolean):void{
textField.condenseWhite = _arg1;
public function set displayAsPassword(_arg1:Boolean):void{
textField.displayAsPassword = _arg1;
public function set horizontalScrollPosition(_arg1:int):void{
textField.scrollH = _arg1;
public function get restrict():String{
return (textField.restrict);
public function get textWidth():Number{
return (textField.textWidth);
public function get textHeight():Number{
return (textField.textHeight);
public function set editable(_arg1:Boolean):void{
_editable = _arg1;
public function get maxChars():int{
return (textField.maxChars);
public function get length():int{
return (textField.length);
public function getLineMetrics(_arg1:int):TextLineMetrics{
return (textField.getLineMetrics(_arg1));
public function get imeMode():String{
return (_imeMode);
override protected function focusOutHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
if (editable){
public function set htmlText(_arg1:String):void{
if (_arg1 == ""){
text = "";
_html = true;
_savedHTML = _arg1;
textField.htmlText = _arg1;
public function get text():String{
return (textField.text);
override public function get enabled():Boolean{
return (super.enabled);
public function get condenseWhite():Boolean{
return (textField.condenseWhite);
public function get alwaysShowSelection():Boolean{
return (textField.alwaysShowSelection);
override protected function draw():void{
var _local1:Object;
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES, InvalidationType.STATE)){
_local1 = getStyleValue("embedFonts");
if (_local1 != null){
textField.embedFonts = _local1;
invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false);
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE)){
protected function handleTextInput(_arg1:TextEvent):void{
dispatchEvent(new TextEvent(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, true, false, _arg1.text));
override protected function configUI():void{
tabChildren = true;
textField = new TextField();
textField.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, handleTextInput, false, 0, true);
textField.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, handleChange, false, 0, true);
textField.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, handleKeyDown, false, 0, true);
public function setSelection(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):void{
textField.setSelection(_arg1, _arg2);
public function get displayAsPassword():Boolean{
return (textField.displayAsPassword);
public function appendText(_arg1:String):void{
public function set restrict(_arg1:String):void{
if (((componentInspectorSetting) && ((_arg1 == "")))){
_arg1 = null;
textField.restrict = _arg1;
public function get htmlText():String{
return (textField.htmlText);
protected function drawBackground():void{
var _local1:DisplayObject;
var _local2:String;
_local1 = background;
_local2 = (enabled) ? "upSkin" : "disabledSkin";
background = getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue(_local2));
if (background == null){
addChildAt(background, 0);
if (((((!((_local1 == null))) && (!((_local1 == background))))) && (contains(_local1)))){
override public function setFocus():void{
stage.focus = textField;
protected function drawLayout():void{
var _local1:Number;
_local1 = Number(getStyleValue("textPadding"));
if (background != null){
background.width = width;
background.height = height;
textField.width = (width - (2 * _local1));
textField.height = (height - (2 * _local1));
textField.x = (textField.y = _local1);
public function set maxChars(_arg1:int):void{
textField.maxChars = _arg1;
public function get maxHorizontalScrollPosition():int{
return (textField.maxScrollH);
protected function drawTextFormat():void{
var _local1:Object;
var _local2:TextFormat;
var _local3:TextFormat;
_local1 = UIComponent.getStyleDefinition();
_local2 = (enabled) ? (_local1.defaultTextFormat as TextFormat) : (_local1.defaultDisabledTextFormat as TextFormat);
_local3 = (getStyleValue((enabled) ? "textFormat" : "disabledTextFormat") as TextFormat);
if (_local3 != null){
} else {
_local3 = _local2;
textField.defaultTextFormat = _local3;
if (_html){
textField.htmlText = _savedHTML;
protected function handleChange(_arg1:Event):void{
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE, true));
public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{
return (defaultStyles);
}//package fl.controls
Section 21 (163 B)
//ComponentShim (fl.core.ComponentShim)
package fl.core {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ComponentShim extends MovieClip {
}//package fl.core
Section 22 (511 B)
//InvalidationType (fl.core.InvalidationType)
package fl.core {
public class InvalidationType {
public static const SIZE:String = "size";
public static const ALL:String = "all";
public static const DATA:String = "data";
public static const SCROLL:String = "scroll";
public static const STATE:String = "state";
public static const STYLES:String = "styles";
public static const SELECTED:String = "selected";
public static const RENDERER_STYLES:String = "rendererStyles";
}//package fl.core
Section 23 (14.32 KiB) ● ●
//UIComponent (fl.core.UIComponent)
package fl.core {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import fl.managers.*;
import fl.events.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.system.*;
public class UIComponent extends Sprite {
protected var _enabled:Boolean;// = true
private var _mouseFocusEnabled:Boolean;// = true
protected var startHeight:Number;
protected var _height:Number;
protected var _oldIMEMode:String;// = null
protected var startWidth:Number;
public var focusTarget:IFocusManagerComponent;
protected var errorCaught:Boolean;// = false
protected var uiFocusRect:DisplayObject;
protected var _width:Number;
public var version:String;// = ""
protected var isFocused:Boolean;// = false
protected var callLaterMethods:Dictionary;
private var _focusEnabled:Boolean;// = true
private var tempText:TextField;
protected var invalidateFlag:Boolean;// = false
protected var _inspector:Boolean;// = false
protected var sharedStyles:Object;
protected var invalidHash:Object;
protected var isLivePreview:Boolean;// = false
protected var _imeMode:String;// = null
protected var instanceStyles:Object;
protected var _x:Number;
protected var _y:Number;
public static var inCallLaterPhase:Boolean = false;
private static var defaultStyles:Object = {focusRectSkin:"focusRectSkin", focusRectPadding:2, textFormat:new TextFormat("_sans", 11, 0, false, false, false, "", "", TextFormatAlign.LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0), disabledTextFormat:new TextFormat("_sans", 11, 0x999999, false, false, false, "", "", TextFormatAlign.LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0), defaultTextFormat:new TextFormat("_sans", 11, 0, false, false, false, "", "", TextFormatAlign.LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0), defaultDisabledTextFormat:new TextFormat("_sans", 11, 0x999999, false, false, false, "", "", TextFormatAlign.LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0)};
public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function;
private static var focusManagers:Dictionary = new Dictionary(false);
public function UIComponent(){
version = "";
isLivePreview = false;
invalidateFlag = false;
_enabled = true;
isFocused = false;
_focusEnabled = true;
_mouseFocusEnabled = true;
_imeMode = null;
_oldIMEMode = null;
errorCaught = false;
_inspector = false;
instanceStyles = {};
sharedStyles = {};
invalidHash = {};
callLaterMethods = new Dictionary();
tabEnabled = (this is IFocusManagerComponent);
focusRect = false;
if (tabEnabled){
addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, focusInHandler);
addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, focusOutHandler);
addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler);
addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler);
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hookAccessibility, false, 0, true);
public function drawFocus(_arg1:Boolean):void{
var _local2:Number;
isFocused = _arg1;
if (((!((uiFocusRect == null))) && (contains(uiFocusRect)))){
uiFocusRect = null;
if (_arg1){
uiFocusRect = (getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue("focusRectSkin")) as Sprite);
if (uiFocusRect == null){
_local2 = Number(getStyleValue("focusRectPadding"));
uiFocusRect.x = -(_local2);
uiFocusRect.y = -(_local2);
uiFocusRect.width = (width + (_local2 * 2));
uiFocusRect.height = (height + (_local2 * 2));
addChildAt(uiFocusRect, 0);
private function callLaterDispatcher(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:Dictionary;
var _local3:Object;
if (_arg1.type == Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE){
removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, callLaterDispatcher);
stage.addEventListener(Event.RENDER, callLaterDispatcher, false, 0, true);
_arg1.target.removeEventListener(Event.RENDER, callLaterDispatcher);
if (stage == null){
addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, callLaterDispatcher, false, 0, true);
inCallLaterPhase = true;
_local2 = callLaterMethods;
for (_local3 in _local2) {
delete _local2[_local3];
inCallLaterPhase = false;
private function addedHandler(_arg1:Event):void{
removeEventListener("addedToStage", addedHandler);
protected function getStyleValue(_arg1:String):Object{
return (((instanceStyles[_arg1])==null) ? sharedStyles[_arg1] : instanceStyles[_arg1]);
protected function isOurFocus(_arg1:DisplayObject):Boolean{
return ((_arg1 == this));
override public function get scaleX():Number{
return ((width / startWidth));
override public function get scaleY():Number{
return ((height / startHeight));
override public function set height(_arg1:Number):void{
if (_height == _arg1){
setSize(width, _arg1);
protected function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
protected function focusInHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
var _local2:IFocusManager;
if (isOurFocus((_arg1.target as DisplayObject))){
_local2 = focusManager;
if (((_local2) && (_local2.showFocusIndicator))){
isFocused = true;
public function setStyle(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{
if ((((instanceStyles[_arg1] === _arg2)) && (!((_arg2 is TextFormat))))){
instanceStyles[_arg1] = _arg2;
override public function get visible():Boolean{
return (super.visible);
public function get componentInspectorSetting():Boolean{
return (_inspector);
override public function get x():Number{
return ((isNaN(_x)) ? super.x : _x);
override public function get y():Number{
return ((isNaN(_y)) ? super.y : _y);
protected function setIMEMode(_arg1:Boolean){
var enabled = _arg1;
if (_imeMode != null){
if (enabled){
IME.enabled = true;
_oldIMEMode = IME.conversionMode;
try {
if (((!(errorCaught)) && (!((IME.conversionMode == IMEConversionMode.UNKNOWN))))){
IME.conversionMode = _imeMode;
errorCaught = false;
} catch(e:Error) {
errorCaught = true;
throw (new Error(("IME mode not supported: " + _imeMode)));
} else {
if (((!((IME.conversionMode == IMEConversionMode.UNKNOWN))) && (!((_oldIMEMode == IMEConversionMode.UNKNOWN))))){
IME.conversionMode = _oldIMEMode;
IME.enabled = false;
public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{
if (_arg1 == _enabled){
_enabled = _arg1;
public function setSharedStyle(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{
if ((((sharedStyles[_arg1] === _arg2)) && (!((_arg2 is TextFormat))))){
sharedStyles[_arg1] = _arg2;
if (instanceStyles[_arg1] == null){
protected function keyUpHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
public function set focusEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{
_focusEnabled = _arg1;
override public function set scaleX(_arg1:Number):void{
setSize((startWidth * _arg1), height);
public function get mouseFocusEnabled():Boolean{
return (_mouseFocusEnabled);
override public function set scaleY(_arg1:Number):void{
setSize(width, (startHeight * _arg1));
protected function getDisplayObjectInstance(_arg1:Object):DisplayObject{
var classDef:Object;
var skin = _arg1;
classDef = null;
if ((skin is Class)){
return ((new (skin) as DisplayObject));
if ((skin is DisplayObject)){
(skin as DisplayObject).x = 0;
(skin as DisplayObject).y = 0;
return ((skin as DisplayObject));
try {
classDef = getDefinitionByName(skin.toString());
} catch(e:Error) {
try {
classDef = (loaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition(skin.toString()) as Object);
} catch(e:Error) {
if (classDef == null){
return (null);
return ((new (classDef) as DisplayObject));
protected function copyStylesToChild(_arg1:UIComponent, _arg2:Object):void{
var _local3:String;
for (_local3 in _arg2) {
_arg1.setStyle(_local3, getStyleValue(_arg2[_local3]));
protected function beforeComponentParameters():void{
protected function callLater(_arg1:Function):void{
if (inCallLaterPhase){
callLaterMethods[_arg1] = true;
if (stage != null){
stage.addEventListener(Event.RENDER, callLaterDispatcher, false, 0, true);
} else {
addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, callLaterDispatcher, false, 0, true);
protected function createFocusManager():void{
if (focusManagers[stage] == null){
focusManagers[stage] = new FocusManager(stage);
override public function set visible(_arg1:Boolean):void{
var _local2:String;
if (super.visible == _arg1){
super.visible = _arg1;
_local2 = (_arg1) ? ComponentEvent.SHOW : ComponentEvent.HIDE;
dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(_local2, true));
protected function hookAccessibility(_arg1:Event):void{
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hookAccessibility);
public function set componentInspectorSetting(_arg1:Boolean):void{
_inspector = _arg1;
if (_inspector){
} else {
override public function set x(_arg1:Number):void{
move(_arg1, _y);
public function drawNow():void{
override public function set y(_arg1:Number):void{
move(_x, _arg1);
protected function checkLivePreview():Boolean{
var className:String;
if (parent == null){
return (false);
try {
className = getQualifiedClassName(parent);
} catch(e:Error) {
return ((className == "fl.livepreview::LivePreviewParent"));
protected function focusOutHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
if (isOurFocus((_arg1.target as DisplayObject))){
isFocused = false;
public function set mouseFocusEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{
_mouseFocusEnabled = _arg1;
public function getFocus():InteractiveObject{
if (stage){
return (stage.focus);
return (null);
protected function validate():void{
invalidHash = {};
override public function get height():Number{
return (_height);
public function invalidate(_arg1:String="all", _arg2:Boolean=true):void{
invalidHash[_arg1] = true;
if (_arg2){
public function get enabled():Boolean{
return (_enabled);
protected function getScaleX():Number{
return (super.scaleX);
protected function getScaleY():Number{
return (super.scaleY);
public function get focusEnabled():Boolean{
return (_focusEnabled);
protected function afterComponentParameters():void{
protected function draw():void{
if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE, InvalidationType.STYLES)){
if (((isFocused) && (focusManager.showFocusIndicator))){
protected function configUI():void{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
isLivePreview = checkLivePreview();
_local1 = rotation;
rotation = 0;
_local2 = super.width;
_local3 = super.height;
var _local4 = 1;
super.scaleY = _local4;
super.scaleX = _local4;
setSize(_local2, _local3);
move(super.x, super.y);
rotation = _local1;
startWidth = _local2;
startHeight = _local3;
if (numChildren > 0){
protected function setScaleX(_arg1:Number):void{
super.scaleX = _arg1;
protected function setScaleY(_arg1:Number):void{
super.scaleY = _arg1;
private function initializeFocusManager():void{
if (stage == null){
addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedHandler, false, 0, true);
} else {
public function set focusManager(_arg1:IFocusManager):void{
UIComponent.focusManagers[this] = _arg1;
public function clearStyle(_arg1:String):void{
setStyle(_arg1, null);
protected function isInvalid(_arg1:String, ... _args):Boolean{
if (((invalidHash[_arg1]) || (invalidHash[InvalidationType.ALL]))){
return (true);
while (_args.length > 0) {
if (invalidHash[_args.pop()]){
return (true);
return (false);
public function setSize(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
_width = _arg1;
_height = _arg2;
dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.RESIZE, false));
override public function set width(_arg1:Number):void{
if (_width == _arg1){
setSize(_arg1, height);
public function setFocus():void{
if (stage){
stage.focus = this;
protected function initializeAccessibility():void{
if (UIComponent.createAccessibilityImplementation != null){
public function get focusManager():IFocusManager{
var _local1:DisplayObject;
_local1 = this;
while (_local1) {
if (UIComponent.focusManagers[_local1] != null){
return (IFocusManager(UIComponent.focusManagers[_local1]));
_local1 = _local1.parent;
return (null);
override public function get width():Number{
return (_width);
public function move(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
_x = _arg1;
_y = _arg2;
super.x = Math.round(_arg1);
super.y = Math.round(_arg2);
dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.MOVE));
public function validateNow():void{
invalidate(InvalidationType.ALL, false);
public function getStyle(_arg1:String):Object{
return (instanceStyles[_arg1]);
public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{
return (defaultStyles);
public static function mergeStyles(... _args):Object{
var _local2:Object;
var _local3:uint;
var _local4:uint;
var _local5:Object;
var _local6:String;
_local2 = {};
_local3 = _args.length;
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local3) {
_local5 = _args[_local4];
for (_local6 in _local5) {
if (_local2[_local6] != null){
} else {
_local2[_local6] = _args[_local4][_local6];
return (_local2);
}//package fl.core
Section 24 (7.21 KiB) ● ●
//DataProvider (fl.data.DataProvider)
package fl.data {
import flash.events.*;
import fl.events.*;
public class DataProvider extends EventDispatcher {
protected var data:Array;
public function DataProvider(_arg1:Object=null){
if (_arg1 == null){
data = [];
} else {
data = getDataFromObject(_arg1);
protected function dispatchPreChangeEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Array, _arg3:int, _arg4:int):void{
dispatchEvent(new DataChangeEvent(DataChangeEvent.PRE_DATA_CHANGE, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4));
public function invalidateItemAt(_arg1:int):void{
checkIndex(_arg1, (data.length - 1));
dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.INVALIDATE, [data[_arg1]], _arg1, _arg1);
public function getItemIndex(_arg1:Object):int{
return (data.indexOf(_arg1));
protected function getDataFromObject(_arg1:Object):Array{
var _local2:Array;
var _local3:Array;
var _local4:uint;
var _local5:Object;
var _local6:XML;
var _local7:XMLList;
var _local8:XML;
var _local9:XMLList;
var _local10:XML;
var _local11:XMLList;
var _local12:XML;
if ((_arg1 is Array)){
_local3 = (_arg1 as Array);
if (_local3.length > 0){
if ((((_local3[0] is String)) || ((_local3[0] is Number)))){
_local2 = [];
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local3.length) {
_local5 = {label:String(_local3[_local4]), data:_local3[_local4]};
return (_local2);
return (_arg1.concat());
//unresolved jump
if ((_arg1 is DataProvider)){
return (_arg1.toArray());
if ((_arg1 is XML)){
_local6 = (_arg1 as XML);
_local2 = [];
_local7 = _local6.*;
for each (_local8 in _local7) {
_arg1 = {};
_local9 = _local8.attributes();
for each (_local10 in _local9) {
_arg1[_local10.localName()] = _local10.toString();
_local11 = _local8.*;
for each (_local12 in _local11) {
if (_local12.hasSimpleContent()){
_arg1[_local12.localName()] = _local12.toString();
return (_local2);
//unresolved jump
throw (new TypeError((("Error: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert " + _arg1) + " to Array or DataProvider.")));
public function removeItemAt(_arg1:uint):Object{
var _local2:Array;
checkIndex(_arg1, (data.length - 1));
dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.REMOVE, data.slice(_arg1, (_arg1 + 1)), _arg1, _arg1);
_local2 = data.splice(_arg1, 1);
dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.REMOVE, _local2, _arg1, _arg1);
return (_local2[0]);
public function addItem(_arg1:Object):void{
dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, [_arg1], (data.length - 1), (data.length - 1));
dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, [_arg1], (data.length - 1), (data.length - 1));
public function sortOn(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object=null){
var _local3:Array;
dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.SORT, data.concat(), 0, (data.length - 1));
_local3 = data.sortOn(_arg1, _arg2);
dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.SORT, data.concat(), 0, (data.length - 1));
return (_local3);
public function sort(... _args){
var _local2:Array;
dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.SORT, data.concat(), 0, (data.length - 1));
_local2 = data.sort.apply(data, _args);
dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.SORT, data.concat(), 0, (data.length - 1));
return (_local2);
public function addItems(_arg1:Object):void{
addItemsAt(_arg1, data.length);
public function concat(_arg1:Object):void{
public function clone():DataProvider{
return (new DataProvider(data));
public function toArray():Array{
return (data.concat());
public function get length():uint{
return (data.length);
public function addItemAt(_arg1:Object, _arg2:uint):void{
checkIndex(_arg2, data.length);
dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, [_arg1], _arg2, _arg2);
data.splice(_arg2, 0, _arg1);
dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, [_arg1], _arg2, _arg2);
public function getItemAt(_arg1:uint):Object{
checkIndex(_arg1, (data.length - 1));
return (data[_arg1]);
override public function toString():String{
return ((("DataProvider [" + data.join(" , ")) + "]"));
public function invalidateItem(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:uint;
_local2 = getItemIndex(_arg1);
if (_local2 == -1){
protected function dispatchChangeEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Array, _arg3:int, _arg4:int):void{
dispatchEvent(new DataChangeEvent(DataChangeEvent.DATA_CHANGE, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4));
protected function checkIndex(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):void{
if ((((_arg1 > _arg2)) || ((_arg1 < 0)))){
throw (new RangeError((((("DataProvider index (" + _arg1) + ") is not in acceptable range (0 - ") + _arg2) + ")")));
public function addItemsAt(_arg1:Object, _arg2:uint):void{
var _local3:Array;
checkIndex(_arg2, data.length);
_local3 = getDataFromObject(_arg1);
dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, _local3, _arg2, ((_arg2 + _local3.length) - 1));
data.splice.apply(data, [_arg2, 0].concat(_local3));
dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, _local3, _arg2, ((_arg2 + _local3.length) - 1));
public function replaceItem(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object):Object{
var _local3:int;
_local3 = getItemIndex(_arg2);
if (_local3 != -1){
return (replaceItemAt(_arg1, _local3));
return (null);
public function removeItem(_arg1:Object):Object{
var _local2:int;
_local2 = getItemIndex(_arg1);
if (_local2 != -1){
return (removeItemAt(_local2));
return (null);
public function merge(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local2:Array;
var _local3:uint;
var _local4:uint;
var _local5:uint;
var _local6:Object;
_local2 = getDataFromObject(_arg1);
_local3 = _local2.length;
_local4 = data.length;
dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, data.slice(_local4, data.length), _local4, (this.data.length - 1));
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3) {
_local6 = _local2[_local5];
if (getItemIndex(_local6) == -1){
if (data.length > _local4){
dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, data.slice(_local4, data.length), _local4, (this.data.length - 1));
} else {
dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, [], -1, -1);
public function replaceItemAt(_arg1:Object, _arg2:uint):Object{
var _local3:Array;
checkIndex(_arg2, (data.length - 1));
_local3 = [data[_arg2]];
dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.REPLACE, _local3, _arg2, _arg2);
data[_arg2] = _arg1;
dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.REPLACE, _local3, _arg2, _arg2);
return (_local3[0]);
public function invalidate():void{
dispatchEvent(new DataChangeEvent(DataChangeEvent.DATA_CHANGE, DataChangeType.INVALIDATE_ALL, data.concat(), 0, data.length));
public function removeAll():void{
var _local1:Array;
_local1 = data.concat();
dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.REMOVE_ALL, _local1, 0, _local1.length);
data = [];
dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.REMOVE_ALL, _local1, 0, _local1.length);
}//package fl.data
Section 25 (311 B)
//SimpleCollectionItem (fl.data.SimpleCollectionItem)
package fl.data {
public dynamic class SimpleCollectionItem {
public var label:String;
public var data:String;
public function toString():String{
return ((((("[SimpleCollectionItem: " + label) + ",") + data) + "]"));
}//package fl.data
Section 26 (862 B)
//ComponentEvent (fl.events.ComponentEvent)
package fl.events {
import flash.events.*;
public class ComponentEvent extends Event {
public static const HIDE:String = "hide";
public static const BUTTON_DOWN:String = "buttonDown";
public static const MOVE:String = "move";
public static const RESIZE:String = "resize";
public static const ENTER:String = "enter";
public static const LABEL_CHANGE:String = "labelChange";
public static const SHOW:String = "show";
public function ComponentEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false, _arg3:Boolean=false){
super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3);
override public function toString():String{
return (formatToString("ComponentEvent", "type", "bubbles", "cancelable"));
override public function clone():Event{
return (new ComponentEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable));
}//package fl.events
Section 27 (1.21 KiB) ●
//DataChangeEvent (fl.events.DataChangeEvent)
package fl.events {
import flash.events.*;
public class DataChangeEvent extends Event {
protected var _items:Array;
protected var _endIndex:uint;
protected var _changeType:String;
protected var _startIndex:uint;
public static const PRE_DATA_CHANGE:String = "preDataChange";
public static const DATA_CHANGE:String = "dataChange";
public function DataChangeEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Array, _arg4:int=-1, _arg5:int=-1):void{
_changeType = _arg2;
_startIndex = _arg4;
_items = _arg3;
_endIndex = ((_arg5)==-1) ? _startIndex : _arg5;
public function get changeType():String{
return (_changeType);
public function get startIndex():uint{
return (_startIndex);
public function get items():Array{
return (_items);
override public function clone():Event{
return (new DataChangeEvent(type, _changeType, _items, _startIndex, _endIndex));
override public function toString():String{
return (formatToString("DataChangeEvent", "type", "changeType", "startIndex", "endIndex", "bubbles", "cancelable"));
public function get endIndex():uint{
return (_endIndex);
}//package fl.events
Section 28 (528 B)
//DataChangeType (fl.events.DataChangeType)
package fl.events {
public class DataChangeType {
public static const ADD:String = "add";
public static const REMOVE:String = "remove";
public static const REMOVE_ALL:String = "removeAll";
public static const CHANGE:String = "change";
public static const REPLACE:String = "replace";
public static const INVALIDATE:String = "invalidate";
public static const INVALIDATE_ALL:String = "invalidateAll";
public static const SORT:String = "sort";
}//package fl.events
Section 29 (1.3 KiB) ●
//ListEvent (fl.events.ListEvent)
package fl.events {
import flash.events.*;
public class ListEvent extends Event {
protected var _index:int;
protected var _item:Object;
protected var _columnIndex:int;
protected var _rowIndex:int;
public static const ITEM_DOUBLE_CLICK:String = "itemDoubleClick";
public static const ITEM_ROLL_OUT:String = "itemRollOut";
public static const ITEM_ROLL_OVER:String = "itemRollOver";
public static const ITEM_CLICK:String = "itemClick";
public function ListEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false, _arg3:Boolean=false, _arg4:int=-1, _arg5:int=-1, _arg6:int=-1, _arg7:Object=null){
super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3);
_rowIndex = _arg5;
_columnIndex = _arg4;
_index = _arg6;
_item = _arg7;
public function get rowIndex():Object{
return (_rowIndex);
public function get index():int{
return (_index);
public function get item():Object{
return (_item);
public function get columnIndex():int{
return (_columnIndex);
override public function clone():Event{
return (new ListEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, _columnIndex, _rowIndex));
override public function toString():String{
return (formatToString("ListEvent", "type", "bubbles", "cancelable", "columnIndex", "rowIndex", "index", "item"));
}//package fl.events
Section 30 (946 B)
//ScrollEvent (fl.events.ScrollEvent)
package fl.events {
import flash.events.*;
public class ScrollEvent extends Event {
private var _position:Number;
private var _direction:String;
private var _delta:Number;
public static const SCROLL:String = "scroll";
public function ScrollEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){
super(ScrollEvent.SCROLL, false, false);
_direction = _arg1;
_delta = _arg2;
_position = _arg3;
override public function clone():Event{
return (new ScrollEvent(_direction, _delta, _position));
public function get position():Number{
return (_position);
override public function toString():String{
return (formatToString("ScrollEvent", "type", "bubbles", "cancelable", "direction", "delta", "position"));
public function get delta():Number{
return (_delta);
public function get direction():String{
return (_direction);
}//package fl.events
Section 31 (19.11 KiB) ● ● ●
//FocusManager (fl.managers.FocusManager)
package fl.managers {
import fl.core.*;
import fl.controls.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.*;
public class FocusManager implements IFocusManager {
private var focusableObjects:Dictionary;
private var _showFocusIndicator:Boolean;// = true
private var defButton:Button;
private var focusableCandidates:Array;
private var _form:DisplayObjectContainer;
private var _defaultButtonEnabled:Boolean;// = true
private var activated:Boolean;// = false
private var _defaultButton:Button;
private var calculateCandidates:Boolean;// = true
private var lastFocus:InteractiveObject;
private var lastAction:String;
public function FocusManager(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer){
activated = false;
calculateCandidates = true;
_showFocusIndicator = true;
_defaultButtonEnabled = true;
focusableObjects = new Dictionary(true);
if (_arg1 != null){
_form = _arg1;
_arg1.addEventListener(Event.ADDED, addedHandler);
_arg1.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED, removedHandler);
public function get showFocusIndicator():Boolean{
return (_showFocusIndicator);
private function getIndexOfNextObject(_arg1:int, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3:Boolean, _arg4:String):int{
var _local5:int;
var _local6:int;
var _local7:DisplayObject;
var _local8:IFocusManagerGroup;
var _local9:int;
var _local10:DisplayObject;
var _local11:IFocusManagerGroup;
_local5 = focusableCandidates.length;
_local6 = _arg1;
while (true) {
if (_arg2){
} else {
if (_arg3){
if (((_arg2) && ((_arg1 < 0)))){
if (((!(_arg2)) && ((_arg1 == _local5)))){
} else {
_arg1 = ((_arg1 + _local5) % _local5);
if (_local6 == _arg1){
if (isValidFocusCandidate(focusableCandidates[_arg1], _arg4)){
_local7 = DisplayObject(findFocusManagerComponent(focusableCandidates[_arg1]));
if ((_local7 is IFocusManagerGroup)){
_local8 = IFocusManagerGroup(_local7);
_local9 = 0;
while (_local9 < focusableCandidates.length) {
_local10 = focusableCandidates[_local9];
if ((_local10 is IFocusManagerGroup)){
_local11 = IFocusManagerGroup(_local10);
if ((((_local11.groupName == _local8.groupName)) && (_local11.selected))){
_arg1 = _local9;
return (_arg1);
return (_arg1);
public function set form(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer):void{
_form = _arg1;
private function addFocusables(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{
var focusable:IFocusManagerComponent;
var io:InteractiveObject;
var doc:DisplayObjectContainer;
var i:int;
var child:DisplayObject;
var o = _arg1;
var skipTopLevel = _arg2;
if (!skipTopLevel){
if ((o is IFocusManagerComponent)){
focusable = IFocusManagerComponent(o);
if (focusable.focusEnabled){
if (((focusable.tabEnabled) && (isTabVisible(o)))){
focusableObjects[o] = true;
calculateCandidates = true;
o.addEventListener(Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE, tabEnabledChangeHandler);
o.addEventListener(Event.TAB_INDEX_CHANGE, tabIndexChangeHandler);
} else {
if ((o is InteractiveObject)){
io = (o as InteractiveObject);
if (((((io) && (io.tabEnabled))) && ((findFocusManagerComponent(io) == io)))){
focusableObjects[io] = true;
calculateCandidates = true;
io.addEventListener(Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE, tabEnabledChangeHandler);
io.addEventListener(Event.TAB_INDEX_CHANGE, tabIndexChangeHandler);
if ((o is DisplayObjectContainer)){
doc = DisplayObjectContainer(o);
o.addEventListener(Event.TAB_CHILDREN_CHANGE, tabChildrenChangeHandler);
if ((((((doc is Stage)) || ((doc.parent is Stage)))) || (doc.tabChildren))){
i = 0;
while (i < doc.numChildren) {
try {
child = doc.getChildAt(i);
if (child != null){
} catch(error:SecurityError) {
i = (i + 1);
private function getChildIndex(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer, _arg2:DisplayObject):int{
return (_arg1.getChildIndex(_arg2));
private function mouseFocusChangeHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
if ((_arg1.relatedObject is TextField)){
private function focusOutHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
var _local2:InteractiveObject;
_local2 = (_arg1.target as InteractiveObject);
private function isValidFocusCandidate(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:String):Boolean{
var _local3:IFocusManagerGroup;
if (!isEnabledAndVisible(_arg1)){
return (false);
if ((_arg1 is IFocusManagerGroup)){
_local3 = IFocusManagerGroup(_arg1);
if (_arg2 == _local3.groupName){
return (false);
return (true);
public function findFocusManagerComponent(_arg1:InteractiveObject):InteractiveObject{
var _local2:InteractiveObject;
_local2 = _arg1;
while (_arg1) {
if ((((_arg1 is IFocusManagerComponent)) && (IFocusManagerComponent(_arg1).focusEnabled))){
return (_arg1);
_arg1 = _arg1.parent;
return (_local2);
private function sortFocusableObjectsTabIndex():void{
var _local1:Object;
var _local2:InteractiveObject;
focusableCandidates = [];
for (_local1 in focusableObjects) {
_local2 = InteractiveObject(_local1);
if (((_local2.tabIndex) && (!(isNaN(Number(_local2.tabIndex)))))){
private function removeFocusables(_arg1:DisplayObject):void{
var _local2:Object;
var _local3:DisplayObject;
if ((_arg1 is DisplayObjectContainer)){
_arg1.removeEventListener(Event.TAB_CHILDREN_CHANGE, tabChildrenChangeHandler);
_arg1.removeEventListener(Event.TAB_INDEX_CHANGE, tabIndexChangeHandler);
for (_local2 in focusableObjects) {
_local3 = DisplayObject(_local2);
if (DisplayObjectContainer(_arg1).contains(_local3)){
if (_local3 == lastFocus){
lastFocus = null;
_local3.removeEventListener(Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE, tabEnabledChangeHandler);
delete focusableObjects[_local2];
calculateCandidates = true;
private function addedHandler(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:DisplayObject;
_local2 = DisplayObject(_arg1.target);
if (_local2.stage){
private function getTopLevelFocusTarget(_arg1:InteractiveObject):InteractiveObject{
while (_arg1 != InteractiveObject(form)) {
if ((((((((_arg1 is IFocusManagerComponent)) && (IFocusManagerComponent(_arg1).focusEnabled))) && (IFocusManagerComponent(_arg1).mouseFocusEnabled))) && (UIComponent(_arg1).enabled))){
return (_arg1);
_arg1 = _arg1.parent;
if (_arg1 == null){
return (null);
private function tabChildrenChangeHandler(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:DisplayObjectContainer;
if (_arg1.target != _arg1.currentTarget){
calculateCandidates = true;
_local2 = DisplayObjectContainer(_arg1.target);
if (_local2.tabChildren){
addFocusables(_local2, true);
} else {
public function sendDefaultButtonEvent():void{
defButton.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.CLICK));
public function getFocus():InteractiveObject{
var _local1:InteractiveObject;
_local1 = form.stage.focus;
return (findFocusManagerComponent(_local1));
private function isEnabledAndVisible(_arg1:DisplayObject):Boolean{
var _local2:DisplayObjectContainer;
var _local3:TextField;
var _local4:SimpleButton;
_local2 = DisplayObject(form).parent;
while (_arg1 != _local2) {
if ((_arg1 is UIComponent)){
if (!UIComponent(_arg1).enabled){
return (false);
} else {
if ((_arg1 is TextField)){
_local3 = TextField(_arg1);
if ((((_local3.type == TextFieldType.DYNAMIC)) || (!(_local3.selectable)))){
return (false);
} else {
if ((_arg1 is SimpleButton)){
_local4 = SimpleButton(_arg1);
if (!_local4.enabled){
return (false);
if (!_arg1.visible){
return (false);
_arg1 = _arg1.parent;
return (true);
public function set defaultButton(_arg1:Button):void{
var _local2:Button;
_local2 = (_arg1) ? Button(_arg1) : null;
if (_local2 != _defaultButton){
if (_defaultButton){
_defaultButton.emphasized = false;
if (defButton){
defButton.emphasized = false;
_defaultButton = _local2;
defButton = _local2;
if (_local2){
_local2.emphasized = true;
private function deactivateHandler(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:InteractiveObject;
_local2 = InteractiveObject(_arg1.target);
public function setFocus(_arg1:InteractiveObject):void{
if ((_arg1 is IFocusManagerComponent)){
} else {
form.stage.focus = _arg1;
private function setFocusToNextObject(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
var _local2:InteractiveObject;
if (!hasFocusableObjects()){
_local2 = getNextFocusManagerComponent(_arg1.shiftKey);
if (_local2){
private function hasFocusableObjects():Boolean{
var _local1:Object;
for (_local1 in focusableObjects) {
return (true);
return (false);
private function tabIndexChangeHandler(_arg1:Event):void{
calculateCandidates = true;
private function sortFocusableObjects():void{
var _local1:Object;
var _local2:InteractiveObject;
focusableCandidates = [];
for (_local1 in focusableObjects) {
_local2 = InteractiveObject(_local1);
if (((((_local2.tabIndex) && (!(isNaN(Number(_local2.tabIndex)))))) && ((_local2.tabIndex > 0)))){
private function keyFocusChangeHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
showFocusIndicator = true;
if ((((((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.TAB)) || ((_arg1.keyCode == 0)))) && (!(_arg1.isDefaultPrevented())))){
private function getIndexOfFocusedObject(_arg1:DisplayObject):int{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
_local2 = focusableCandidates.length;
_local3 = 0;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local2) {
if (focusableCandidates[_local3] == _arg1){
return (_local3);
return (-1);
public function hideFocus():void{
private function removedHandler(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:DisplayObject;
var _local4:InteractiveObject;
_local3 = DisplayObject(_arg1.target);
if ((((_local3 is IFocusManagerComponent)) && ((focusableObjects[_local3] == true)))){
if (_local3 == lastFocus){
lastFocus = null;
_local3.removeEventListener(Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE, tabEnabledChangeHandler);
delete focusableObjects[_local3];
calculateCandidates = true;
} else {
if ((((_local3 is InteractiveObject)) && ((focusableObjects[_local3] == true)))){
_local4 = (_local3 as InteractiveObject);
if (_local4){
if (_local4 == lastFocus){
lastFocus = null;
delete focusableObjects[_local4];
calculateCandidates = true;
_local3.addEventListener(Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE, tabEnabledChangeHandler);
private function sortByDepth(_arg1:InteractiveObject, _arg2:InteractiveObject):Number{
var _local3:String;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:String;
var _local7:String;
var _local8:String;
var _local9:DisplayObject;
var _local10:DisplayObject;
_local3 = "";
_local4 = "";
_local8 = "0000";
_local9 = DisplayObject(_arg1);
_local10 = DisplayObject(_arg2);
while (((!((_local9 == DisplayObject(form)))) && (_local9.parent))) {
_local5 = getChildIndex(_local9.parent, _local9);
_local6 = _local5.toString(16);
if (_local6.length < 4){
_local7 = (_local8.substring(0, (4 - _local6.length)) + _local6);
_local3 = (_local7 + _local3);
_local9 = _local9.parent;
while (((!((_local10 == DisplayObject(form)))) && (_local10.parent))) {
_local5 = getChildIndex(_local10.parent, _local10);
_local6 = _local5.toString(16);
if (_local6.length < 4){
_local7 = (_local8.substring(0, (4 - _local6.length)) + _local6);
_local4 = (_local7 + _local4);
_local10 = _local10.parent;
return (((_local3 > _local4)) ? 1 : ((_local3 < _local4)) ? -1 : 0);
public function get defaultButton():Button{
return (_defaultButton);
private function activateHandler(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:InteractiveObject;
_local2 = InteractiveObject(_arg1.target);
if (lastFocus){
if ((lastFocus is IFocusManagerComponent)){
} else {
form.stage.focus = lastFocus;
lastAction = "ACTIVATE";
public function showFocus():void{
public function set defaultButtonEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{
_defaultButtonEnabled = _arg1;
public function getNextFocusManagerComponent(_arg1:Boolean=false):InteractiveObject{
var _local2:DisplayObject;
var _local3:String;
var _local4:int;
var _local5:Boolean;
var _local6:int;
var _local7:int;
var _local8:IFocusManagerGroup;
if (!hasFocusableObjects()){
return (null);
if (calculateCandidates){
calculateCandidates = false;
_local2 = form.stage.focus;
_local2 = DisplayObject(findFocusManagerComponent(InteractiveObject(_local2)));
_local3 = "";
if ((_local2 is IFocusManagerGroup)){
_local8 = IFocusManagerGroup(_local2);
_local3 = _local8.groupName;
_local4 = getIndexOfFocusedObject(_local2);
_local5 = false;
_local6 = _local4;
if (_local4 == -1){
if (_arg1){
_local4 = focusableCandidates.length;
_local5 = true;
_local7 = getIndexOfNextObject(_local4, _arg1, _local5, _local3);
return (findFocusManagerComponent(focusableCandidates[_local7]));
private function mouseDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:InteractiveObject;
if (_arg1.isDefaultPrevented()){
_local2 = getTopLevelFocusTarget(InteractiveObject(_arg1.target));
if (!_local2){
showFocusIndicator = false;
if (((((!((_local2 == lastFocus))) || ((lastAction == "ACTIVATE")))) && (!((_local2 is TextField))))){
lastAction = "MOUSEDOWN";
private function isTabVisible(_arg1:DisplayObject):Boolean{
var _local2:DisplayObjectContainer;
_local2 = _arg1.parent;
while (((((_local2) && (!((_local2 is Stage))))) && (!(((_local2.parent) && ((_local2.parent is Stage))))))) {
if (!_local2.tabChildren){
return (false);
_local2 = _local2.parent;
return (true);
public function get nextTabIndex():int{
return (0);
private function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.TAB){
lastAction = "KEY";
if (calculateCandidates){
calculateCandidates = false;
if (((((((defaultButtonEnabled) && ((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER)))) && (defaultButton))) && (defButton.enabled))){
private function focusInHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{
var _local2:InteractiveObject;
var _local3:Button;
_local2 = InteractiveObject(_arg1.target);
if (form.contains(_local2)){
lastFocus = findFocusManagerComponent(InteractiveObject(_local2));
if ((lastFocus is Button)){
_local3 = Button(lastFocus);
if (defButton){
defButton.emphasized = false;
defButton = _local3;
_local3.emphasized = true;
} else {
if (((defButton) && (!((defButton == _defaultButton))))){
defButton.emphasized = false;
defButton = _defaultButton;
_defaultButton.emphasized = true;
private function tabEnabledChangeHandler(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:InteractiveObject;
var _local3:Boolean;
calculateCandidates = true;
_local2 = InteractiveObject(_arg1.target);
_local3 = (focusableObjects[_local2] == true);
if (_local2.tabEnabled){
if (((!(_local3)) && (isTabVisible(_local2)))){
if (!(_local2 is IFocusManagerComponent)){
_local2.focusRect = false;
focusableObjects[_local2] = true;
} else {
if (_local3){
delete focusableObjects[_local2];
public function set showFocusIndicator(_arg1:Boolean):void{
_showFocusIndicator = _arg1;
public function get form():DisplayObjectContainer{
return (_form);
private function sortByTabIndex(_arg1:InteractiveObject, _arg2:InteractiveObject):int{
return (((_arg1.tabIndex > _arg2.tabIndex)) ? 1 : ((_arg1.tabIndex < _arg2.tabIndex)) ? -1 : sortByDepth(_arg1, _arg2));
public function activate():void{
if (activated){
form.stage.addEventListener(FocusEvent.MOUSE_FOCUS_CHANGE, mouseFocusChangeHandler, false, 0, true);
form.stage.addEventListener(FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE, keyFocusChangeHandler, false, 0, true);
form.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, focusInHandler, true);
form.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, focusOutHandler, true);
form.stage.addEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, activateHandler, false, 0, true);
form.stage.addEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE, deactivateHandler, false, 0, true);
form.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);
form.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler, true);
activated = true;
if (lastFocus){
public function deactivate():void{
form.stage.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.MOUSE_FOCUS_CHANGE, mouseFocusChangeHandler);
form.stage.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE, keyFocusChangeHandler);
form.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, focusInHandler, true);
form.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, focusOutHandler, true);
form.stage.removeEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, activateHandler);
form.stage.removeEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE, deactivateHandler);
form.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);
form.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler, true);
activated = false;
public function get defaultButtonEnabled():Boolean{
return (_defaultButtonEnabled);
}//package fl.managers
Section 32 (873 B)
//IFocusManager (fl.managers.IFocusManager)
package fl.managers {
import fl.controls.*;
import flash.display.*;
public interface IFocusManager {
function getFocus():InteractiveObject;
function deactivate():void;
function set defaultButton(_arg1:Button):void;
function set showFocusIndicator(_arg1:Boolean):void;
function get defaultButtonEnabled():Boolean;
function get nextTabIndex():int;
function get defaultButton():Button;
function get showFocusIndicator():Boolean;
function setFocus(_arg1:InteractiveObject):void;
function activate():void;
function showFocus():void;
function set defaultButtonEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void;
function hideFocus():void;
function findFocusManagerComponent(_arg1:InteractiveObject):InteractiveObject;
function getNextFocusManagerComponent(_arg1:Boolean=false):InteractiveObject;
}//package fl.managers
Section 33 (426 B)
//IFocusManagerComponent (fl.managers.IFocusManagerComponent)
package fl.managers {
public interface IFocusManagerComponent {
function set focusEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void;
function drawFocus(_arg1:Boolean):void;
function setFocus():void;
function get focusEnabled():Boolean;
function get tabEnabled():Boolean;
function get tabIndex():int;
function get mouseFocusEnabled():Boolean;
}//package fl.managers
Section 34 (304 B)
//IFocusManagerGroup (fl.managers.IFocusManagerGroup)
package fl.managers {
public interface IFocusManagerGroup {
function set groupName(_arg1:String):void;
function set selected(_arg1:Boolean):void;
function get groupName():String;
function get selected():Boolean;
}//package fl.managers
Section 35 (5.83 KiB) ● ●
//StyleManager (fl.managers.StyleManager)
package fl.managers {
import fl.core.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.text.*;
public class StyleManager {
private var globalStyles:Object;
private var classToDefaultStylesDict:Dictionary;
private var styleToClassesHash:Object;
private var classToStylesDict:Dictionary;
private var classToInstancesDict:Dictionary;
private static var _instance:StyleManager;
public function StyleManager(){
styleToClassesHash = {};
classToInstancesDict = new Dictionary(true);
classToStylesDict = new Dictionary(true);
classToDefaultStylesDict = new Dictionary(true);
globalStyles = UIComponent.getStyleDefinition();
public static function clearComponentStyle(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String):void{
var _local3:Class;
var _local4:Object;
_local3 = getClassDef(_arg1);
_local4 = getInstance().classToStylesDict[_local3];
if (((!((_local4 == null))) && (!((_local4[_arg2] == null))))){
delete _local4[_arg2];
invalidateComponentStyle(_local3, _arg2);
private static function getClassDef(_arg1:Object):Class{
var component = _arg1;
if ((component is Class)){
return ((component as Class));
try {
return ((getDefinitionByName(getQualifiedClassName(component)) as Class));
} catch(e:Error) {
if ((component is UIComponent)){
try {
return ((component.loaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition(getQualifiedClassName(component)) as Class));
} catch(e:Error) {
return (null);
public static function clearStyle(_arg1:String):void{
setStyle(_arg1, null);
public static function setComponentStyle(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Object):void{
var _local4:Class;
var _local5:Object;
_local4 = getClassDef(_arg1);
_local5 = getInstance().classToStylesDict[_local4];
if (_local5 == null){
_local5 = (getInstance().classToStylesDict[_local4] = {});
if (_local5 == _arg3){
_local5[_arg2] = _arg3;
invalidateComponentStyle(_local4, _arg2);
private static function setSharedStyles(_arg1:UIComponent):void{
var _local2:StyleManager;
var _local3:Class;
var _local4:Object;
var _local5:String;
_local2 = getInstance();
_local3 = getClassDef(_arg1);
_local4 = _local2.classToDefaultStylesDict[_local3];
for (_local5 in _local4) {
_arg1.setSharedStyle(_local5, getSharedStyle(_arg1, _local5));
public static function getComponentStyle(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String):Object{
var _local3:Class;
var _local4:Object;
_local3 = getClassDef(_arg1);
_local4 = getInstance().classToStylesDict[_local3];
return (((_local4)==null) ? null : _local4[_arg2]);
private static function getInstance(){
if (_instance == null){
_instance = new (StyleManager);
return (_instance);
private static function invalidateComponentStyle(_arg1:Class, _arg2:String):void{
var _local3:Dictionary;
var _local4:Object;
var _local5:UIComponent;
_local3 = getInstance().classToInstancesDict[_arg1];
if (_local3 == null){
for (_local4 in _local3) {
_local5 = (_local4 as UIComponent);
if (_local5 == null){
} else {
_local5.setSharedStyle(_arg2, getSharedStyle(_local5, _arg2));
private static function invalidateStyle(_arg1:String):void{
var _local2:Dictionary;
var _local3:Object;
_local2 = getInstance().styleToClassesHash[_arg1];
if (_local2 == null){
for (_local3 in _local2) {
invalidateComponentStyle(Class(_local3), _arg1);
public static function registerInstance(_arg1:UIComponent):void{
var inst:StyleManager;
var classDef:Class;
var target:Class;
var defaultStyles:Object;
var styleToClasses:Object;
var n:String;
var instance = _arg1;
inst = getInstance();
classDef = getClassDef(instance);
if (classDef == null){
if (inst.classToInstancesDict[classDef] == null){
inst.classToInstancesDict[classDef] = new Dictionary(true);
target = classDef;
while (defaultStyles == null) {
if (target["getStyleDefinition"] != null){
defaultStyles = target["getStyleDefinition"]();
try {
target = (instance.loaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition(getQualifiedSuperclassName(target)) as Class);
} catch(err:Error) {
try {
target = (getDefinitionByName(getQualifiedSuperclassName(target)) as Class);
} catch(e:Error) {
defaultStyles = UIComponent.getStyleDefinition();
styleToClasses = inst.styleToClassesHash;
for (n in defaultStyles) {
if (styleToClasses[n] == null){
styleToClasses[n] = new Dictionary(true);
styleToClasses[n][classDef] = true;
inst.classToDefaultStylesDict[classDef] = defaultStyles;
inst.classToStylesDict[classDef] = {};
inst.classToInstancesDict[classDef][instance] = true;
public static function getStyle(_arg1:String):Object{
return (getInstance().globalStyles[_arg1]);
private static function getSharedStyle(_arg1:UIComponent, _arg2:String):Object{
var _local3:Class;
var _local4:StyleManager;
var _local5:Object;
_local3 = getClassDef(_arg1);
_local4 = getInstance();
_local5 = _local4.classToStylesDict[_local3][_arg2];
if (_local5 != null){
return (_local5);
_local5 = _local4.globalStyles[_arg2];
if (_local5 != null){
return (_local5);
return (_local4.classToDefaultStylesDict[_local3][_arg2]);
public static function setStyle(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{
var _local3:Object;
_local3 = getInstance().globalStyles;
if ((((_local3[_arg1] === _arg2)) && (!((_arg2 is TextFormat))))){
_local3[_arg1] = _arg2;
}//package fl.managers
Section 36 (112 B)
//a3 (a3)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class a3 extends soundcomplete {
Section 37 (115 B)
//a3g (a3g)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class a3g extends soundcomplete {
Section 38 (115 B)
//a3p (a3p)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class a3p extends soundcomplete {
Section 39 (115 B)
//a3s (a3s)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class a3s extends soundcomplete {
Section 40 (118 B)
//a3sg (a3sg)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class a3sg extends soundcomplete {
Section 41 (118 B)
//a3sp (a3sp)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class a3sp extends soundcomplete {
Section 42 (112 B)
//a4 (a4)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class a4 extends soundcomplete {
Section 43 (115 B)
//a4g (a4g)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class a4g extends soundcomplete {
Section 44 (115 B)
//a4p (a4p)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class a4p extends soundcomplete {
Section 45 (115 B)
//a4s (a4s)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class a4s extends soundcomplete {
Section 46 (118 B)
//a4sg (a4sg)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class a4sg extends soundcomplete {
Section 47 (118 B)
//a4sp (a4sp)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class a4sp extends soundcomplete {
Section 48 (112 B)
//a5 (a5)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class a5 extends soundcomplete {
Section 49 (115 B)
//a5g (a5g)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class a5g extends soundcomplete {
Section 50 (115 B)
//a5p (a5p)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class a5p extends soundcomplete {
Section 51 (115 B)
//a5s (a5s)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class a5s extends soundcomplete {
Section 52 (118 B)
//a5sg (a5sg)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class a5sg extends soundcomplete {
Section 53 (118 B)
//a5sp (a5sp)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class a5sp extends soundcomplete {
Section 54 (107 B)
//arial (arial)
package {
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class arial extends Font {
Section 55 (112 B)
//b3 (b3)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class b3 extends soundcomplete {
Section 56 (115 B)
//b3g (b3g)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class b3g extends soundcomplete {
Section 57 (115 B)
//b3p (b3p)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class b3p extends soundcomplete {
Section 58 (112 B)
//b4 (b4)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class b4 extends soundcomplete {
Section 59 (115 B)
//b4g (b4g)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class b4g extends soundcomplete {
Section 60 (115 B)
//b4p (b4p)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class b4p extends soundcomplete {
Section 61 (112 B)
//b5 (b5)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class b5 extends soundcomplete {
Section 62 (115 B)
//b5g (b5g)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class b5g extends soundcomplete {
Section 63 (115 B)
//b5p (b5p)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class b5p extends soundcomplete {
Section 64 (118 B)
//bluedot (bluedot)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class bluedot extends Sprite {
Section 65 (115 B)
//c2g (c2g)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class c2g extends soundcomplete {
Section 66 (115 B)
//c2p (c2p)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class c2p extends soundcomplete {
Section 67 (118 B)
//c2sg (c2sg)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class c2sg extends soundcomplete {
Section 68 (118 B)
//c2sp (c2sp)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class c2sp extends soundcomplete {
Section 69 (112 B)
//c3 (c3)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class c3 extends soundcomplete {
Section 70 (115 B)
//c3g (c3g)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class c3g extends soundcomplete {
Section 71 (115 B)
//c3p (c3p)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class c3p extends soundcomplete {
Section 72 (115 B)
//c3s (c3s)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class c3s extends soundcomplete {
Section 73 (118 B)
//c3sg (c3sg)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class c3sg extends soundcomplete {
Section 74 (118 B)
//c3sp (c3sp)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class c3sp extends soundcomplete {
Section 75 (112 B)
//c4 (c4)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class c4 extends soundcomplete {
Section 76 (115 B)
//c4g (c4g)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class c4g extends soundcomplete {
Section 77 (115 B)
//c4p (c4p)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class c4p extends soundcomplete {
Section 78 (115 B)
//c4s (c4s)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class c4s extends soundcomplete {
Section 79 (118 B)
//c4sg (c4sg)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class c4sg extends soundcomplete {
Section 80 (118 B)
//c4sp (c4sp)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class c4sp extends soundcomplete {
Section 81 (112 B)
//c5 (c5)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class c5 extends soundcomplete {
Section 82 (115 B)
//c5g (c5g)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class c5g extends soundcomplete {
Section 83 (115 B)
//c5p (c5p)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class c5p extends soundcomplete {
Section 84 (115 B)
//c5s (c5s)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class c5s extends soundcomplete {
Section 85 (112 B)
//c6 (c6)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class c6 extends soundcomplete {
Section 86 (175 B)
//CellRenderer_disabledSkin (CellRenderer_disabledSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class CellRenderer_disabledSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 87 (163 B)
//CellRenderer_downSkin (CellRenderer_downSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class CellRenderer_downSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 88 (163 B)
//CellRenderer_overSkin (CellRenderer_overSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class CellRenderer_overSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 89 (199 B)
//CellRenderer_selectedDisabledSkin (CellRenderer_selectedDisabledSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class CellRenderer_selectedDisabledSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 90 (187 B)
//CellRenderer_selectedDownSkin (CellRenderer_selectedDownSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class CellRenderer_selectedDownSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 91 (187 B)
//CellRenderer_selectedOverSkin (CellRenderer_selectedOverSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class CellRenderer_selectedOverSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 92 (181 B)
//CellRenderer_selectedUpSkin (CellRenderer_selectedUpSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class CellRenderer_selectedUpSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 93 (157 B)
//CellRenderer_upSkin (CellRenderer_upSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class CellRenderer_upSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 94 (142 B)
//checkboxchecked (checkboxchecked)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class checkboxchecked extends Sprite {
Section 95 (127 B)
//checkboxy (checkboxy)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class checkboxy extends MovieClip {
Section 96 (121 B)
//checked (checked)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class checked extends MovieClip {
Section 97 (163 B)
//ComboBox_disabledSkin (ComboBox_disabledSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ComboBox_disabledSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 98 (151 B)
//ComboBox_downSkin (ComboBox_downSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ComboBox_downSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 99 (151 B)
//ComboBox_overSkin (ComboBox_overSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ComboBox_overSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 100 (145 B)
//ComboBox_upSkin (ComboBox_upSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ComboBox_upSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 101 (115 B)
//d2g (d2g)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class d2g extends soundcomplete {
Section 102 (115 B)
//d2p (d2p)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class d2p extends soundcomplete {
Section 103 (118 B)
//d2sg (d2sg)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class d2sg extends soundcomplete {
Section 104 (118 B)
//d2sp (d2sp)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class d2sp extends soundcomplete {
Section 105 (112 B)
//d3 (d3)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class d3 extends soundcomplete {
Section 106 (115 B)
//d3g (d3g)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class d3g extends soundcomplete {
Section 107 (115 B)
//d3p (d3p)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class d3p extends soundcomplete {
Section 108 (115 B)
//d3s (d3s)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class d3s extends soundcomplete {
Section 109 (118 B)
//d3sg (d3sg)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class d3sg extends soundcomplete {
Section 110 (118 B)
//d3sp (d3sp)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class d3sp extends soundcomplete {
Section 111 (112 B)
//d4 (d4)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class d4 extends soundcomplete {
Section 112 (115 B)
//d4g (d4g)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class d4g extends soundcomplete {
Section 113 (115 B)
//d4p (d4p)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class d4p extends soundcomplete {
Section 114 (115 B)
//d4s (d4s)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class d4s extends soundcomplete {
Section 115 (118 B)
//d4sg (d4sg)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class d4sg extends soundcomplete {
Section 116 (118 B)
//d4sp (d4sp)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class d4sp extends soundcomplete {
Section 117 (112 B)
//d5 (d5)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class d5 extends soundcomplete {
Section 118 (115 B)
//d5s (d5s)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class d5s extends soundcomplete {
Section 119 (115 B)
//e2g (e2g)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class e2g extends soundcomplete {
Section 120 (115 B)
//e2p (e2p)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class e2p extends soundcomplete {
Section 121 (112 B)
//e3 (e3)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class e3 extends soundcomplete {
Section 122 (115 B)
//e3g (e3g)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class e3g extends soundcomplete {
Section 123 (115 B)
//e3p (e3p)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class e3p extends soundcomplete {
Section 124 (112 B)
//e4 (e4)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class e4 extends soundcomplete {
Section 125 (115 B)
//e4g (e4g)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class e4g extends soundcomplete {
Section 126 (115 B)
//e4p (e4p)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class e4p extends soundcomplete {
Section 127 (112 B)
//e5 (e5)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class e5 extends soundcomplete {
Section 128 (115 B)
//f2g (f2g)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class f2g extends soundcomplete {
Section 129 (115 B)
//f2p (f2p)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class f2p extends soundcomplete {
Section 130 (118 B)
//f2sg (f2sg)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class f2sg extends soundcomplete {
Section 131 (118 B)
//f2sp (f2sp)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class f2sp extends soundcomplete {
Section 132 (112 B)
//f3 (f3)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class f3 extends soundcomplete {
Section 133 (115 B)
//f3g (f3g)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class f3g extends soundcomplete {
Section 134 (115 B)
//f3p (f3p)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class f3p extends soundcomplete {
Section 135 (115 B)
//f3s (f3s)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class f3s extends soundcomplete {
Section 136 (118 B)
//f3sg (f3sg)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class f3sg extends soundcomplete {
Section 137 (118 B)
//f3sp (f3sp)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class f3sp extends soundcomplete {
Section 138 (112 B)
//f4 (f4)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class f4 extends soundcomplete {
Section 139 (115 B)
//f4g (f4g)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class f4g extends soundcomplete {
Section 140 (115 B)
//f4p (f4p)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class f4p extends soundcomplete {
Section 141 (115 B)
//f4s (f4s)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class f4s extends soundcomplete {
Section 142 (118 B)
//f4sg (f4sg)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class f4sg extends soundcomplete {
Section 143 (118 B)
//f4sp (f4sp)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class f4sp extends soundcomplete {
Section 144 (112 B)
//f5 (f5)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class f5 extends soundcomplete {
Section 145 (115 B)
//f5s (f5s)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class f5s extends soundcomplete {
Section 146 (139 B)
//focusRectSkin (focusRectSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class focusRectSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 147 (115 B)
//g2g (g2g)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class g2g extends soundcomplete {
Section 148 (115 B)
//g2p (g2p)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class g2p extends soundcomplete {
Section 149 (118 B)
//g2sg (g2sg)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class g2sg extends soundcomplete {
Section 150 (118 B)
//g2sp (g2sp)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class g2sp extends soundcomplete {
Section 151 (112 B)
//g3 (g3)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class g3 extends soundcomplete {
Section 152 (115 B)
//g3g (g3g)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class g3g extends soundcomplete {
Section 153 (115 B)
//g3p (g3p)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class g3p extends soundcomplete {
Section 154 (115 B)
//g3s (g3s)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class g3s extends soundcomplete {
Section 155 (118 B)
//g3sg (g3sg)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class g3sg extends soundcomplete {
Section 156 (118 B)
//g3sp (g3sp)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class g3sp extends soundcomplete {
Section 157 (112 B)
//g4 (g4)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class g4 extends soundcomplete {
Section 158 (115 B)
//g4g (g4g)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class g4g extends soundcomplete {
Section 159 (115 B)
//g4p (g4p)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class g4p extends soundcomplete {
Section 160 (115 B)
//g4s (g4s)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class g4s extends soundcomplete {
Section 161 (118 B)
//g4sg (g4sg)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class g4sg extends soundcomplete {
Section 162 (118 B)
//g4sp (g4sp)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class g4sp extends soundcomplete {
Section 163 (112 B)
//g5 (g5)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class g5 extends soundcomplete {
Section 164 (115 B)
//g5s (g5s)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class g5s extends soundcomplete {
Section 165 (121 B)
//greendot (greendot)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class greendot extends Sprite {
Section 166 (115 B)
//letter (letter)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class letter extends Sprite {
Section 167 (127 B)
//List_skin (List_skin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class List_skin extends MovieClip {
Section 168 (130 B)
//nicebutton (nicebutton)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class nicebutton extends MovieClip {
Section 169 (115 B)
//reddot (reddot)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class reddot extends Sprite {
Section 170 (109 B)
//s (s)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class s extends soundcomplete {
Section 171 (184 B)
//ScrollArrowDown_disabledSkin (ScrollArrowDown_disabledSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollArrowDown_disabledSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 172 (172 B)
//ScrollArrowDown_downSkin (ScrollArrowDown_downSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollArrowDown_downSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 173 (172 B)
//ScrollArrowDown_overSkin (ScrollArrowDown_overSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollArrowDown_overSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 174 (166 B)
//ScrollArrowDown_upSkin (ScrollArrowDown_upSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollArrowDown_upSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 175 (178 B)
//ScrollArrowUp_disabledSkin (ScrollArrowUp_disabledSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollArrowUp_disabledSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 176 (166 B)
//ScrollArrowUp_downSkin (ScrollArrowUp_downSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollArrowUp_downSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 177 (166 B)
//ScrollArrowUp_overSkin (ScrollArrowUp_overSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollArrowUp_overSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 178 (160 B)
//ScrollArrowUp_upSkin (ScrollArrowUp_upSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollArrowUp_upSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 179 (157 B)
//ScrollBar_thumbIcon (ScrollBar_thumbIcon)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollBar_thumbIcon extends MovieClip {
Section 180 (160 B)
//ScrollThumb_downSkin (ScrollThumb_downSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollThumb_downSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 181 (160 B)
//ScrollThumb_overSkin (ScrollThumb_overSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollThumb_overSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 182 (154 B)
//ScrollThumb_upSkin (ScrollThumb_upSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollThumb_upSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 183 (148 B)
//ScrollTrack_skin (ScrollTrack_skin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ScrollTrack_skin extends MovieClip {
Section 184 (115 B)
//ssharp (ssharp)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class ssharp extends Sprite {
Section 185 (121 B)
//statbars (statbars)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class statbars extends Sprite {
Section 186 (166 B)
//TextInput_disabledSkin (TextInput_disabledSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class TextInput_disabledSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 187 (148 B)
//TextInput_upSkin (TextInput_upSkin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class TextInput_upSkin extends MovieClip {
Section 188 (121 B)
//ticks (ticks)
package {
import com.adobe.ooas3.*;
public dynamic class ticks extends soundcomplete {
Section 189 (126 B)
//unchecked (unchecked)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class unchecked extends MovieClip {