Frame 1
duplicateMovieClip ("/back", "bakkk", "600");
numasteroids = "0";
while (numasteroids < "3") {
setProperty("/asteroid", _visible , "0");
numasteroids = numasteroids + "1";
duplicateMovieClip ("/asteroid", "asteroid_" add numasteroids, numasteroids + "100");
loadVariablesNum ("text.txt", "0");
xspeed = "0";
score = "0";
yspeed = "0";
numberofasteroids = "3";
numberofrockets = "5";
extraman = "7500";
starlevel = "1";
ppp = "3";
shields = "0";
shieldcount = "75";
Frame 2
setProperty("/rocket", _x , "275");
setProperty("/rocket", _y , "200");
setProperty("/rocket", _rotation , "0");
xspeed = "0";
yspeed = "0";
Set("/trig:sin", "0");
Set("/trig:cos", "1");
if (numberofrockets < "1") {
gotoAndPlay (12);
setProperty("/shieldlevel", _xscale , shieldcount + "1");
Frame 3
numasteroids = "0";
if (("0" < starlevel) and (starlevel < "6")) {
ppp = "3";
if (("5" < starlevel) and (starlevel < "11")) {
ppp = "4";
if ("10" < starlevel) {
ppp = "5";
while (numasteroids < ppp) {
setProperty("/asteroid", _visible , "0");
numasteroids = numasteroids + "1";
duplicateMovieClip ("/asteroid", "asteroid_" add numasteroids, numasteroids + "100");
gotoAndPlay (4);
numberofasteroids = ppp;
starlevel = starlevel + "1";
shieldcount = shieldcount + "10";
if ("101" < shieldcount) {
shieldcount = "101";
setProperty("/shieldlevel", _xscale , shieldcount + "1");
Frame 4
setProperty("/shieldlevel", _xscale , shieldcount + "1");
Frame 5
oldxpos = getProperty("/rocket", _x);
oldypos = getProperty("/rocket", _y);
newxpos = oldxpos + xspeed;
newypos = oldypos + yspeed;
if ("515" < newxpos) {
newxpos = "35";
if (newxpos < "35") {
newxpos = "515";
if (newypos < "35") {
newypos = "365";
if ("365" < newypos) {
newypos = "35";
setProperty("/rocket", _x , newxpos);
setProperty("/rocket", _y , newypos);
setProperty("/rocket", _xscale , "12.5");
setProperty("/rocket", _yscale , "12.5");
counter = "0";
while (counter < "3") {
counter = counter + "1";
oldxpos_missile = getProperty("/missile_" add counter, _x);
oldypos_missile = getProperty("/missile_" add counter, _y);
xxxspeed = eval ("xxx" add counter);
yyyspeed = eval ("yyy" add counter);
newxpos_missile = oldxpos_missile + xxxspeed;
newypos_missile = oldypos_missile - yyyspeed;
if ("550" < newxpos_missile) {
newxpos_missile = newxpos_missile - "550";
if (newxpos_missile < "0") {
newxpos_missile = newxpos_missile + "550";
if (newypos_missile < "0") {
newypos_missile = newypos_missile + "400";
if ("400" < newypos_missile) {
newypos_missile = newypos_missile - "400";
setProperty("/missile_" add counter, _x , newxpos_missile);
setProperty("/missile_" add counter, _y , newypos_missile);
asteroidloop = "0";
while (asteroidloop < "5") {
asteroidloop = asteroidloop + "1";
asteroidradius = getProperty("/asteroid_" add asteroidloop, _width) * "0.66";
missileradius = "5";
rocketradius = "10";
asteroidpositionx = getProperty("/asteroid_" add asteroidloop, _x);
asteroidpositiony = getProperty("/asteroid_" add asteroidloop, _y);
delta_x = newxpos_missile - asteroidpositionx;
delta_y = newypos_missile - asteroidpositiony;
rocketposition_x = getProperty("/rocket", _x);
rocketposition_y = getProperty("/rocket", _y);
delta_rocketx = newxpos - asteroidpositionx;
delta_rockety = newypos - asteroidpositiony;
if (((delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y)) < ((asteroidradius + asteroidradius) * (missileradius + missileradius))) {
removeMovieClip("/missile_" add counter);
tellTarget ("/asteroid_" add asteroidloop) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
if (shields == "0") {
if (((delta_rocketx * delta_rocketx) + (delta_rockety * delta_rockety)) < ((asteroidradius + asteroidradius) * (rocketradius + rocketradius))) {
tellTarget ("/rocket") {
gotoAndPlay ("crash");
Frame 6
gotoAndPlay (5);
if (numberofrockets < "1") {
gotoAndPlay (12);
if (numberofasteroids == "0") {
gotoAndPlay (3);
if (score == extraman) {
extraman = extraman + "7500";
numberofrockets = numberofrockets + "1";
tellTarget ("/bonus") {
if (shields == "1") {
shieldcount = shieldcount - "1";
if (shieldcount == "0") {
shields = "0";
tellTarget ("/rocket") {
gotoAndStop (1);
setProperty("/shieldlevel", _xscale , shieldcount + "1");
Frame 113
if (hiscore5 < score) {
gotoAndStop (114);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (118);
Frame 114
Frame 171
iii = "5";
while ("0" < iii) {
removeMovieClip("/asteroid_" add iii);
iii = iii - "1";
Frame 172
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 1
qqq = "0";
Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 2
qqq = qqq + "1";
xStep = random("6") - "3";
if (xstep == "0") {
xstep = "6";
yStep = random("6") - "3";
if (ystep == "0") {
ystep = -"3";
Astrotation = random("15") - "8";
if (Astrotation == "0") {
Astrotation = "8";
if (qqq < "1") {
astx = random("540") + "5";
asty = random("390") + "5";
rockx = getProperty("../rocket", _x);
rocky = getProperty("../rocket", _y);
while (((((rockx - "50") < astx) and (astx < (rockx + "50"))) and ((rocky - "50") < asty)) and (asty < (rocky + "50"))) {
rockx = getProperty("../rocket", _x);
rocky = getProperty("../rocket", _y);
astx = random("540") + "5";
asty = random("390") + "5";
_x = astx;
if (qqq == "1") {
size = "100";
} else if (qqq == "2") {
size = "66";
} else if (qqq == "3") {
size = "33";
_y = asty;
Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 3
astro_x = _x;
astro_y = _y;
if ("515" < astro_x) {
astro_x = "35";
if (astro_x < "35") {
astro_x = "515";
if ("365" < astro_y) {
astro_y = "35";
if (astro_y < "35") {
astro_y = "365";
_x = (astro_x + xstep);
_y = (astro_y + ystep);
_xscale = size;
_yscale = size;
_rotation = (_rotation + Astrotation);
Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 28
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 29
Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 30
if (qqq == "3") {
tellTarget ("../") {
numberofasteroids = numberofasteroids - "1";
tellTarget ("../") {
score = score + "250";
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 12 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 12 MovieClip Frame 19
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 24 Button
on (release) {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop ("preload");
Symbol 26 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 28 MovieClip Frame 1
sin0 = "0";
cos0 = "1";
sin1 = "0.0175";
cos1 = "0.9998";
sin2 = "0.0349";
cos2 = "0.9994";
sin3 = "0.0523";
cos3 = "0.9986";
sin4 = "0.0698";
cos4 = "0.9976";
sin5 = "0.0872";
cos5 = "0.9962";
sin6 = "0.1045";
cos6 = "0.9945";
sin7 = "0.1219";
cos7 = "0.9925";
sin8 = "0.1392";
cos8 = "0.9903";
sin9 = "0.1564";
cos9 = "0.9877";
sin10 = "0.1736";
cos10 = "0.9848";
sin11 = "0.1908";
cos11 = "0.9816";
sin12 = "0.2079";
cos12 = "0.9781";
sin13 = "0.225";
cos13 = "0.9744";
sin14 = "0.2419";
cos14 = "0.9703";
sin15 = "0.2588";
cos15 = "0.9659";
sin16 = "0.2756";
cos16 = "0.9613";
sin17 = "0.2924";
cos17 = "0.9563";
sin18 = "0.309";
cos18 = "0.9511";
sin19 = "0.3256";
cos19 = "0.9455";
sin20 = "0.342";
cos20 = "0.9397";
sin21 = "0.3584";
cos21 = "0.9336";
sin22 = "0.3746";
cos22 = "0.9272";
sin23 = "0.3907";
cos23 = "0.9205";
sin24 = "0.4067";
cos24 = "0.9135";
sin25 = "0.4226";
cos25 = "0.9063";
sin26 = "0.4384";
cos26 = "0.8988";
sin27 = "0.454";
cos27 = "0.891";
sin28 = "0.4695";
cos28 = "0.8829";
sin29 = "0.4848";
cos29 = "0.8746";
sin30 = "0.5";
cos30 = "0.866";
sin31 = "0.515";
cos31 = "0.8572";
sin32 = "0.5299";
cos32 = "0.848";
sin33 = "0.5446";
cos33 = "0.8387";
sin34 = "0.5592";
cos34 = "0.829";
sin35 = "0.5736";
cos35 = "0.8192";
sin36 = "0.5878";
cos36 = "0.809";
sin37 = "0.6018";
cos37 = "0.7986";
sin38 = "0.6157";
cos38 = "0.788";
sin39 = "0.6293";
cos39 = "0.7771";
sin40 = "0.6428";
cos40 = "0.766";
sin41 = "0.6561";
cos41 = "0.7547";
sin42 = "0.6691";
cos42 = "0.7431";
sin43 = "0.682";
cos43 = "0.7314";
sin44 = "0.6947";
cos44 = "0.7193";
sin45 = "0.7071";
cos45 = "0.7071";
sin46 = "0.7193";
cos46 = "0.6947";
sin47 = "0.7314";
cos47 = "0.682";
sin48 = "0.7431";
cos48 = "0.6691";
sin49 = "0.7547";
cos49 = "0.6561";
sin50 = "0.766";
cos50 = "0.6428";
sin51 = "0.7771";
cos51 = "0.6293";
sin52 = "0.788";
cos52 = "0.6157";
sin53 = "0.7986";
cos53 = "0.6018";
sin54 = "0.809";
cos54 = "0.5878";
sin55 = "0.8192";
cos55 = "0.5736";
sin56 = "0.829";
cos56 = "0.5592";
sin57 = "0.8387";
cos57 = "0.5446";
sin58 = "0.848";
cos58 = "0.5299";
sin59 = "0.8572";
cos59 = "0.515";
sin60 = "0.866";
cos60 = "0.5";
sin61 = "0.8746";
cos61 = "0.4848";
sin62 = "0.8829";
cos62 = "0.4695";
sin63 = "0.891";
cos63 = "0.454";
sin64 = "0.8988";
cos64 = "0.4384";
sin65 = "0.9063";
cos65 = "0.4226";
sin66 = "0.9135";
cos66 = "0.4067";
sin67 = "0.4067";
cos67 = "0.4067";
sin68 = "0.9272";
cos68 = "0.3746";
sin69 = "0.9336";
cos69 = "0.3584";
sin70 = "0.9397";
cos70 = "0.342";
sin71 = "0.9455";
cos71 = "0.3256";
sin72 = "0.9511";
cos72 = "0.309";
sin73 = "0.9563";
cos73 = "0.2924";
sin74 = "0.9613";
cos74 = "0.2756";
sin75 = "0.9659";
cos75 = "0.2588";
sin76 = "0.9703";
cos76 = "0.2419";
sin77 = "0.9744";
cos77 = "0.225";
sin78 = "0.9781";
cos78 = "0.2079";
sin79 = "0.9816";
cos79 = "0.1908";
sin80 = "0.9848";
cos80 = "0.1736";
sin81 = "0.9877";
cos81 = "0.1564";
sin82 = "0.9903";
cos82 = "0.1392";
sin83 = "0.9925";
cos83 = "0.1219";
sin84 = "0.9945";
cos84 = "0.1045";
sin85 = "0.9962";
cos85 = "0.0872";
sin86 = "0.9976";
cos86 = "0.0698";
sin87 = "0.9986";
cos87 = "0.0523";
sin88 = "0.9994";
cos88 = "0.0349";
sin89 = "0.9998";
cos89 = "0.0175";
sin90 = "1";
cos90 = "0";
Symbol 28 MovieClip Frame 2
theta = int(angle);
if ("360" < theta) {
theta = theta - (int(theta / "360") * "360");
if (("360" >= theta) and (theta >= "270")) {
sin = eval ("sin" add ("90" - (theta - "270"))) * (-"1");
} else if ((theta < "270") and (theta >= "180")) {
sin = eval ("sin" add (theta - "180")) * (-"1");
} else if ((theta < "180") and ("90" < theta)) {
sin = eval ("sin" add ("180" - theta));
} else {
sin = eval ("sin" add theta);
Symbol 28 MovieClip Frame 3
theta = int(angle);
if ("360" < theta) {
theta = theta - (int(theta / "360") * "360");
if (("360" >= theta) and (theta >= "270")) {
cos = eval ("cos" add ("90" - (theta - "270")));
} else if ((theta < "270") and (theta >= "180")) {
cos = eval ("cos" add (theta - "180")) * (-"1");
} else if ((theta < "180") and ("90" < theta)) {
cos = eval ("cos" add ("180" - theta)) * (-"1");
} else {
cos = eval ("cos" add theta);
Symbol 36 Button
on (keyPress "<Enter>") {
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 48 Button
on (keyPress "<Enter>") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
on (keyPress "s") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
on (keyPress "<Right>") {
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 5
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 16
tellTarget ("../") {
numberofrockets = numberofrockets - "1";
tellTarget ("../") {
duplicateMovieClip ("/rocketexplosion", "rocket1", "777");
setProperty("/rocket1", _x , getProperty("/rocket", _x));
setProperty("/rocket1", _y , getProperty("/rocket", _y));
setProperty("/rocket1", _rotation , getProperty("/rocket", _rotation));
tellTarget ("../rocket1") {
tellTarget ("../") {
gotoAndStop ("preload");
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 32
Symbol 90 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 109 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 109 MovieClip Frame 5
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 110 Button
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
setProperty("/rocket", _rotation , getProperty("/rocket", _rotation) - "20");
rotate = getProperty("/rocket", _rotation);
if (rotate < "0") {
rotate = "360" + rotate;
Set("trig:angle", rotate);
Symbol 111 Button
on (keyPress "<Right>") {
setProperty("/rocket", _rotation , getProperty("/rocket", _rotation) + "20");
rotate = getProperty("/rocket", _rotation);
if (rotate < "0") {
rotate = "360" + rotate;
Set("/trig:angle", rotate);
Symbol 112 Button
on (keyPress "<Space>") {
tellTarget ("/missilesound") {
gotoAndPlay ("on");
shots = shots + "1";
if ("3" < shots) {
shots = "1";
duplicateMovieClip ("/missile", "missile_" add shots, shots);
setProperty("missile_" add shots, _x , getProperty("/rocket", _x));
setProperty("missile_" add shots, _y , getProperty("/rocket", _y));
setProperty("missile_" add shots, _rotation , getProperty("/rocket", _rotation));
Set(("missile_" add shots) add "_speedx", xspeed + ("10" * /trig:sin));
Set("xxx" add shots, xspeed + ("10" * /trig:sin));
Set(("missile_" add shots) add "_speedy", (-yspeed) + ("10" * /trig:cos));
Set("yyy" add shots, (-yspeed) + ("10" * /trig:cos));
tellTarget ("/missile_" add shots) {
Symbol 116 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 117 Button
on (keyPress "<Down>") {
if (shields == "0") {
tellTarget ("/rocket") {
gotoAndPlay ("play");
xspeed = xspeed + /trig:sin;
yspeed = yspeed - /trig:cos;
rotate = getProperty("/rocket", _rotation);
if (rotate < "0") {
rotate = "360" + rotate;
Set("trig:angle", rotate);
Symbol 118 Button
on (keyPress "s") {
if (shields == "0") {
if ("0" < shieldcount) {
shields = "1";
tellTarget ("/rocket") {
gotoAndStop ("shields");
} else {
tellTarget ("/nogas") {
gotoAndPlay ("nogas");
} else {
shields = "0";
tellTarget ("/rocket") {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 119 Button
on (keyPress "<Up>") {
if (shields == "0") {
tellTarget ("/rocket") {
gotoAndPlay ("abrake");
xspeed = xspeed - /trig:sin;
yspeed = yspeed + /trig:cos;
rotate = getProperty("/rocket", _rotation);
if (rotate < "0") {
rotate = "360" + rotate;
Set("trig:angle", rotate);
Symbol 120 Button
on (keyPress "a") {
if (shields == "0") {
tellTarget ("/rocket") {
gotoAndPlay ("abrake");
xspeed = "0";
yspeed = "0";
rotate = getProperty("/rocket", _rotation);
if (rotate < "0") {
rotate = "360" + rotate;
Set("trig:angle", rotate);
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 84
Symbol 139 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (118);
Symbol 146 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "mail", "POST");
gotoAndPlay (118);