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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Animation Tutorial 5.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #34750

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)



































Once again another tutorial for the masses.  Yes I know what you
are thinking. PERSPECTIVE?  What does that have to do with Flash?
Well the answer is not much. It has A WHOLE LOT to do with design.
Design is a very important part of animation... perspective is also
a very important part of ANIMATION.  If you want to make a cartoon
you have to have drawing skills... and this tutorial will teach you
the basics of drawing in perspective and a few tricks to make it
easier to do in Flash.


Once again another tutorial for the masses.  Yes I know what you
are thinking. PERSPECTIVE?  What does that have to do with Flash?
Well the answer is not much. It has A WHOLE LOT to do with design.
Design is a very important part of animation... perspective is also
a very important part of ANIMATION.  If you want to make a cartoon
you have to have drawing skills... and this tutorial will teach you
the basics of drawing in perspective and a few tricks to make it
easier to do in Flash.
















What is Perspective?

What is Perspective?

Why is this useful?

Why is this useful?

What about looking up and down?

What about looking up and down?

So it's like Visual Math?

So it's like Visual Math?

How do I do Ovals and Circles?

How do I do Ovals and Circles?

Awww It's over?

Awww It's over?



What is Perspective?

For me this is an almost intuitive thing... I draw alot and I have
known the basics of perspective since I was very young.  Any
good animator is going to be a master of perspective and be
able to draw the same object from several different angles.
Lets start out with a simple object so I can explain the basics.
This looks like a cube but it's not... as you
already know... it is just lines.

What is Perspective?

For me this is an almost intuitive thing... I draw alot and I have
known the basics of perspective since I was very young.  Any
good animator is going to be a master of perspective and be
able to draw the same object from several different angles.
Lets start out with a simple object so I can explain the basics.
This looks like a cube but it's not... as you
already know... it is just lines.

First we start off with a horizon line... the horizon line is the eye
level of the viewer.

Here are a few examples of horizon lines and thier placement.

Here is a normal
eye level
horizon line.

This placement
make it seem
the viewer is looking

This placement
seems to look

First we start off with a horizon line... the horizon line is the eye
level of the viewer.

Here are a few examples of horizon lines and thier placement.

Here is a normal
eye level
horizon line.

This placement
make it seem
the viewer is looking

This placement
seems to look

Here is a more visual explanation of horizon lines.

Here is a more visual explanation of horizon lines.

Now to make a cube we deside if it is on the ground or in the air,
then we use our horizon line as a guide.  This is good to practice
on paper, you can play with it and make complex drawings.


Now to make a cube we deside if it is on the ground or in the air,
then we use our horizon line as a guide.  This is good to practice
on paper, you can play with it and make complex drawings.

Use the Square tool and
make a simple box like
this one.  Then make a
Point on your Horizon.
This point will be a your
Vanishing Point.  This is
very important to follow.


Use the Square tool and
make a simple box like
this one.  Then make a
Point on your Horizon.
This point will be a your
Vanishing Point.  This is
very important to follow.

Now you draw lines from the corners of the box to the vanishing

To make the cube simply
deside how DEEP it should
Hold your mouse over the
image to the left  to see .

Now you draw lines from the corners of the box to the vanishing

To make the cube simply
deside how DEEP it should
Hold your mouse over the
image to the left  to see .

Next you just have to clean up your guide lines and colorize
your cube...  for colors, or perhaps the best word is shadeing
you have to know where your light source is.  More on that later.

Hold your mouse over
this image to see how
to clean it up.

Next you just have to clean up your guide lines and colorize
your cube...  for colors, or perhaps the best word is shadeing
you have to know where your light source is.  More on that later.

Hold your mouse over
this image to see how
to clean it up.

You are more than likely thinking this is alot of work to draw
a simple cube... I mean come on it's not that hard...   that's true.
It's not that hard... but most people don't know the tricks.
Using the Horizon Line and Vanishing Point system, you can
make your art MUCH more visually apealling.  After some work
with this system it will become second nature. TRUST ME.
Anyway lets mix things up a bit and go a little more complex.
how about we add another  Vanishing Point?

You are more than likely thinking this is alot of work to draw
a simple cube... I mean come on it's not that hard...   that's true.
It's not that hard... but most people don't know the tricks.
Using the Horizon Line and Vanishing Point system, you can
make your art MUCH more visually apealling.  After some work
with this system it will become second nature. TRUST ME.
Anyway lets mix things up a bit and go a little more complex.
how about we add another  Vanishing Point?

When you add another vanishing point into the mix you get better
perspective..   Also the vanishing point does NOT have to be in the
picture...  Most of the time it will not be.

When you add another vanishing point into the mix you get better
perspective..   Also the vanishing point does NOT have to be in the
picture...  Most of the time it will not be.

Start with a strait line.
Then draw your block.
Hold your mouse here
to see what I mean.

Start with a strait line.
Then draw your block.
Hold your mouse here
to see what I mean.

Start with a strait line.
Then draw your guides.
Hold your mouse here
to see what I mean.

I'm sure you see the useful ways this can be used and that you
will get good looking drawings from it.  but keep in mind that so
far this has been pretty basic.
Now we are going to mix things up and add a 3rd side.  On a cube
you will see the TOP when it is BELOW the Horizon Line, and you
see the BOTTOM when it is ABOVE the Horizon Line.

!!!REMEMBER!!!  The Horizon Line is the EYE LEVEL of the Viewer.

I'm sure you see the useful ways this can be used and that you
will get good looking drawings from it.  but keep in mind that so
far this has been pretty basic.
Now we are going to mix things up and add a 3rd side.  On a cube
you will see the TOP when it is BELOW the Horizon Line, and you
see the BOTTOM when it is ABOVE the Horizon Line.

!!!REMEMBER!!!  The Horizon Line is the EYE LEVEL of the Viewer.

That's right ANOTHER Vanishing Point... as you can see here when
we are REALLY drawing in perspective every line in the cube has
it's own vanishing point... this is true perspective. at least for this.

Ok... now  we have the tools...
What kind of cool stuff can
we make with perspective?
Well... you can make great
cities with cubes like this.
turn the page to see.

That's right ANOTHER Vanishing Point... as you can see here when
we are REALLY drawing in perspective every line in the cube has
it's own vanishing point... this is true perspective. at least for this.

Ok... now  we have the tools...
What kind of cool stuff can
we make with perspective?
Well... you can make great
cities with cubes like this.
turn the page to see.

In my opinion Perspective is like Visual Math... If things don't add
up correctly  thought that isn't always a bad thing... but usually it
is IF you made the mistake by accident.
Now that I have associated perspective with math...
Lets show you why I say this...  Just let me warn you this stuff gets
confusing so take it slow if you have to.  No shame in not catching
on the first time... keep practicing.
But again after a while even this stuff becomes second nature.

In my opinion Perspective is like Visual Math... If things don't add
up correctly  thought that isn't always a bad thing... but usually it
is IF you made the mistake by accident.
Now that I have associated perspective with math...
Lets show you why I say this...  Just let me warn you this stuff gets
confusing so take it slow if you have to.  No shame in not catching
on the first time... keep practicing.
But again after a while even this stuff becomes second nature.

Lets say you want to make a checker board floor... and you want
EVERY tile to look like it's the same size.  like this.

Lets say you want to make a checker board floor... and you want
EVERY tile to look like it's the same size.  like this.

Well first off you draw your Horizon Line, you decide on your  tile
size, you then put in your Vanishing Point and some guide lines.

Well first off you draw your Horizon Line, you decide on your  tile
size, you then put in your Vanishing Point and some guide lines.

Then after you have your main pieces you draw a X in the tile that
you just drew... and you draw a guide line to the vanishing point.

Then after you have your main pieces you draw a X in the tile that
you just drew... and you draw a guide line to the vanishing point.

Then you draw another line that intersects the point where the
new guide line crosses the outside of the tile... yeah confusing.

Then you draw another line that intersects the point where the
new guide line crosses the outside of the tile... yeah confusing.

After you get that line drawn draw a  NEW line for a new row of tiles.
do this same prossess in all 4 directions to make a checker board.

After you get that line drawn draw a  NEW line for a new row of tiles.
do this same prossess in all 4 directions to make a checker board.

Notice that after you draw a few lines you can make your guides
longer and save yourself some work.

Notice that after you draw a few lines you can make your guides
longer and save yourself some work.

What else can this be used for?  Cause to be honest you don't
really have much NEED to make a checker board floor.
Well you can use this system for windows with even spacing,
telephone poles,  cars, buildings, space stations...
Pretty much anything that repeats in a set pattern can use
this system.. play around with it... and just remember it's another
tool in your toolbox, and if you want to make something great...
You need alot of tools.
If you think that last bit was hard... this next part will have you
scratching your head for sure...

What else can this be used for?  Cause to be honest you don't
really have much NEED to make a checker board floor.
Well you can use this system for windows with even spacing,
telephone poles,  cars, buildings, space stations...
Pretty much anything that repeats in a set pattern can use
this system.. play around with it... and just remember it's another
tool in your toolbox, and if you want to make something great...
You need alot of tools.
If you think that last bit was hard... this next part will have you
scratching your head for sure...

This is pretty  complex when done by hand but Flash makes it very
simple indeed. Just make a circle and squash it. ..  VERY SIMPLE.
But I'm going to show you how to do it by hand anyway... just cause
I'm wierd like that...

This is pretty  complex when done by hand but Flash makes it very
simple indeed. Just make a circle and squash it. ..  VERY SIMPLE.
But I'm going to show you how to do it by hand anyway... just cause
I'm wierd like that...

Here is a drawing to let you know how to do a circle in perspective
Yes it's not perfect but it was drawn by hand... anything done by a
computer is going to be perfect... some would say TO PERFECT...
the guides go along the perspective...  The key here is dividing the
distance up so you know where the circle should be in perspective

Here is a drawing to let you know how to do a circle in perspective
Yes it's not perfect but it was drawn by hand... anything done by a
computer is going to be perfect... some would say TO PERFECT...
the guides go along the perspective...  The key here is dividing the
distance up so you know where the circle should be in perspective

Ok to start out you make a square and divide it like the first pic
then you draw a line from the dividing lines again like the first
pic.  then you draw 2 lines from the intersection point to the outer
lines of the box. .. like the 2nd picture.  After that you draw another
line from the intersection points of those lines an the box. See pic
3.  Your circle should be a curve that hits all the points shown on
the 4th pic.  draw this in perspective to get a perfect hand drawn
circle in perspective.

Ok to start out you make a square and divide it like the first pic
then you draw a line from the dividing lines again like the first
pic.  then you draw 2 lines from the intersection point to the outer
lines of the box. .. like the 2nd picture.  After that you draw another
line from the intersection points of those lines an the box. See pic
3.  Your circle should be a curve that hits all the points shown on
the 4th pic.  draw this in perspective to get a perfect hand drawn
circle in perspective.

To be honest there is alot more that could be said about this.
But unfortunately I will have to make a character perspective
tutorial some other day.  I think if you didn't know much about
perspective before seeing this you have learned enough and
should take a break and try drawing some stuff... and those of
you who already knew this stuff I hope it was a good refresher.
By the way I'm working on putting a Flash Help Portal up on my
site so that anyone can post thier unfinished work and get
FEEDBACK... not just a blam.  I think if people are serious about
making good Flash they need a place to display thier bad Flash.

To be honest there is alot more that could be said about this.
But unfortunately I will have to make a character perspective
tutorial some other day.  I think if you didn't know much about
perspective before seeing this you have learned enough and
should take a break and try drawing some stuff... and those of
you who already knew this stuff I hope it was a good refresher.
By the way I'm working on putting a Flash Help Portal up on my
site so that anyone can post thier unfinished work and get
FEEDBACK... not just a blam.  I think if people are serious about
making good Flash they need a place to display thier bad Flash.

In closing I would like to invite everyone to my
website to test out my portal system... It is still
being worked on but is coming along.
I would like to say to everyone who wants to make good artwork
be it Flash, pencil, sculping, or quilt making... that with anything
worth doing is going to take some time and energy to get good
at.   My suggestion is EXAUST yourself on things you love to do.
You either have school or some job that you spend most of your
time working at.  Come home and find something contructive to
do.   Stop SPENDING time and start INVESTING it into something.

In closing I would like to invite everyone to my
website to test out my portal system... It is still
being worked on but is coming along.
I would like to say to everyone who wants to make good artwork
be it Flash, pencil, sculping, or quilt making... that with anything
worth doing is going to take some time and energy to get good
at.   My suggestion is EXAUST yourself on things you love to do.
You either have school or some job that you spend most of your
time working at.  Come home and find something contructive to
do.   Stop SPENDING time and start INVESTING it into something.

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Symbol 232 TextUses:39Used by:277
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Symbol 234 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 235 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 236 TextUses:39Used by:275
Symbol 237 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 238 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 239 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 240 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 241 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 242 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 243 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 244 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 245 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 246 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 247 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 248 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 249 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 250 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 251 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 252 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 253 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 254 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 255 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 256 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 257 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 258 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 259 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 260 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 261 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 262 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 263 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 264 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 265 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 266 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 267 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 268 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 269 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 270 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 271 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 272 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 273 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 274 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 275 MovieClipUses:234 175 170 176 166 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274Used by:277
Symbol 276 GraphicUsed by:277
Symbol 277 ButtonUses:231 175 170 176 166 232 233 275 276Used by:Timeline
Symbol 278 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 279 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 280 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 281 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 282 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 283 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 284 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 285 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 286 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 287 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 288 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 289 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 290 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 291 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 292 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 293 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 294 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 295 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 296 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 297 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 298 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 299 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 300 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 301 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 302 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 303 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 304 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 305 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 306 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 307 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 308 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 309 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 310 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 311 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 312 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 313 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 314 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 315 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 316 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 317 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 318 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 319 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 320 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 321 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 322 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 323 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 324 TextUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 325 ButtonUses:79 80 81Used by:326
Symbol 326 MovieClipUses:325 141 142Used by:Timeline
Symbol 327 TextUses:7Used by:329
Symbol 328 TextUses:7Used by:329
Symbol 329 ButtonUses:3 4 5 6 8 9 327 328Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"music"Frame 2Symbol 73 MovieClip
"bar"Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip


"chapters"Frame 3
"loaded"Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 3
Created: 16/5 -2019 16:11:36 Last modified: 16/5 -2019 16:11:36 Server time: 18/02 -2025 22:17:37