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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Tekno 's Action Tutorial.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #35133

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


What recruits  will learn:




I'll teach you how to make sparks debri and 2 kinds
of explosions.

I'll teach you how to make different blasts and correct
physics for both pistol and larger guns. Also with shells




no not really like that...

First of all, I shall teach you the common explosion

Die you furry demon!

The explosion has gravity. Almost anything for
action effects has gravity, that is unless your in
space fighting giant gorillas.

okay. Basically an explosion is as if you were to
throw a couple of rocks in all different directions,
with smoke and fire trailing behind them.

ooo pretty


I think of it more as the explosion has 3 parts,
however the NoOb explosion only has one.

Dust shokwave and smoke,

Although you can make the NoOb explosion work
if you do it right.

add a ring of smoke and make it all gradient

But another type of explosion is more complicated

$200000 you say?

on your second frame you should also put on onion skin so you
can see what you have done before.
The first two boxes next to the trash can.

Make 3 layers on your canvas. On the top layer draw
a couple of sparks shooting out from somewhere.

occasionally, some sparks might glint in the light
more so some might appear out of nowhere

make more frames and continue animating your
sparks shooting out. Don't make them run
continuously though.

Also fading in color or alpha adds to the effect.

Keep in mind you should also have everything start
to fall and take on gravity at different points.
Nothing is in unison.

As everything begins to fall it should fade
out completely.

Also some sparks should gain length.

this skill sometimes works for when glass breaks too.

nothing is ever a complete line when it bounces

okay now the sparks should be completely gone.
unless your just doing plain sparks you can have
them last longer and bounce on the floor or so,
unless the material is soft or like grass

Lets see what you did now.



Go back to your first frame now, but on the
middle layer. this will be our smoke and debri.

first of all it depends on what your blowing up, really.

wood would break apart easily and be scorched.
However stone and cement would break off in
big chunks and small dust, then dirt and sand
would explode in clumps and trail millions of
small peices

So whatever your blowing up, I'm blowing up a box.

With a caged animal.

Just kidding a normal wooden box.

On your first frame your debri should come out in full
or half peices aswell as small ones. The scale some-
times depends on the power of the explosion too

okay your first frame should look something like this

Keep in mind the layer above with the
sparks shall be locked and/or invisible.

some lighting should impress the critics

now your debri should be flipping. Well, I mean it
was just launched forward by a firey bomb of doom.

if you don't want to do that then make it spin

smaller peices shall be turning into smaller peices
and everything should becoming apart, but not
too quickly.

Animators tip: make sure your fps is a
reasonable speed I use 16-18 most often.
nobody likes to do crap loads of animation.

continue having everthing crumble

to edit fps go to modify. document.
and you can edit it there

now gravity slowly takes on

extreme breaking action!

everything loses color


all gone

poor animal is too...

uh.. nevermind


Now lets see what we have:

no the animation..

Sorry about the running joke :P

Now if your above layer was hidden make it unhidden
and lets see what what we got

There we go..


Congratulations on your animation.

give yourself a pat on the back

We are not done though.


But fun at the same time for the good animator :D

now for part three, the actual boom!!

The first way

If u have ever played the game halo,you probably
have, the explosions are very realistic. They use
what is called particle erosion.(or something similar)
Only in 3D, sorry guys :(. But we can do something

yea duh, this is mastercheif

First of all make a new symbol, make it a movie clip

boy this guy was fun to draw

Draw these two animations in SEPERATE movie clips

Thats it, Shoot the movie clip!


now that wasn't so hard was it?

Also at the last frame of both movie clips we need to
do some action scripting.

Select the below script and paste it on the last frame
of your MC

MC=Movie clip, duh

all the animation is in the movie clips so most of it
is all done. Just folllow these steps.

So Copy and paste to make your own
uprising explosion

The big problem with this is though, is that it takes up
a lot of mb and it runs slow. But it looks good on fast
computers :D

Also when doing this type of explosion,
debri isn't too neccesary.

Now finish up your explosion

<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Helvetica" SIZE="21" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><B>Okay before you test your animation make sure you </B></FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Helvetica" SIZE="21" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><B>put the stop(); action like I said so in the last frame </B></FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Helvetica" SIZE="21" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><B>of both movieclips, otherwise the animation won&apos;t </B></FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Helvetica" SIZE="21" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><B>work right</B></FONT></P>


<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Helvetica" SIZE="21" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><B>lets see what you got:</B></FONT></P>

<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Helvetica" SIZE="21" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><B>now lets see it with the wood and the sparks!</B></FONT></P>

<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Helvetica" SIZE="21" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><B>now lets see it with Master Chief!</B></FONT></P>

I have made a small animaton for your enjoyment using
the stuff we learned and Master Chief

play it!

LESSON 1 Never go near unmarked crates

LESSON 1 Never go near unmarked crates

LESSON 1 Never go near unmarked crates

The second way

Though I really like the first way...

This time, u'll draw your entire explosion

this was an animation I made a long time ago
and I still use it because of lazyness

first you'll draw a flash of light throughout, because
when an explosion starts, it's not a smooth transition.
Take the game metal Slug for instance, on the
begining of their explosions, they just have a giant
white circle.

now the blast continues to uprise like most every
explosion. On the explosion on the right, more smoke
appears as though the bomb had too much
gunpowder. However this is your bomb, so there isn't
really any correct way.

now your explosion should slow down a bit..

and if u want a ring then make a ring, also shockwave
would work too. for more blast effects, or a crackle
bomb, things would start to be blowing up around
your explosion now

animation of a crackle:

Now all the smoke begins to appear and the fading

more smoke dissapearing..

and it's all gone. Add sound effects if you wish.

Lets see what we have:

and the other one:

Now the first one with debri:

And thats it

You deserve another
pat on the back

back to menu



Next I shall teach you the blast of a gun

first, a pistol

Guns were drawn curtosey of COFlash


where's the "whoosh"?

Now it's important to remember when you shoot a
pistol it doesn't stay hovering in the air.

But it would if you were in space fighting giant
space gorillas. However, so would the bullet.

use kickback, or I'll kick you

But it's hard to afford to go to space so, A gun needs

too small....

also you can shoot 30 times in a row with an itty bitty
pistol wistol. (if anyone seems offended by this.. it's
a joke)

I don't want to end up like that guy who made a
joke about halo 2 at BlockBuster and was almost
stabbed by a group of angry fans...

Now this is something you can shoot  30 times with!

Size always matters when holding a gun,
you don't want the gun to be bigger than your guy,
that is if your being realistic

Still need kickback though

use modify>shape>
soften fill edges

use Gradient


And now the blast. The blast is like a mini explosion
that lasts for no more than three frame, though barely
any smoke is created. Actually I never use smoke. But
thats me. It can be a gradient, two colors, or a line
All really depends on you.

use modify>shape>
soften fill edges
and a gradient

create symbol,
make alpha

use overlapping

Perfection on one kind of blast is good aswell, but your
not gonna redraw it each time so copy and paste is
almost required.

Okay lets start with the first frame

Now have your guy straighten his arms and have the
gun come to a complete stop.

he aims... and

the blast appears here and the kickback is produced

if anyone noticed, yes this is the wrong
sound for this gun but hey... come on

kickback continues

His arm is forced down from kickback

slows down

then after he goes back to the straightened position

lets see what we got

Once again anyone who points out
anything wrong with where how or
why the shell is coming out wrong
or something, I don't know EVERYTHING about guns ok?

now it's time to add the shell coming out of the gun


Gun straightens

Blast fires and shell is launched out

You can make the shell tinted bright slightly
because of the light coming from inside the gun

now the shell takes on gravity

remember that the shell isn't always going to fall in the same place

and the shell falls off the screen

lets see how it looks

okay. Now machine guns and automatics
are not too different

Auto's have kickback, but not as much, plus since
they are firing rapidly, your character won't have much
time to bring the gun back to it's normal
state like a pistol

first frame the gun is straightened

arms would almost always be positioned like this

then fire happens every two frames as
the gun slightly tils backwards

Then the gun straightens back out to load another clip

Now lets see it

Now the ammo shells

remember, no shells fall in the same place

your ammo is launched out in shot one and stays in
the air for some time

then takes on gravity later

and others are launched out for more shots

you get the drill

well thats all for automatics

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 519
Frame 520
Frame 688
Frame 698
Frame 731
Frame 753
Frame 791
Frame 840
Symbol 55 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 62 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (706); }
Symbol 74 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 219 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 220 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 230 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 282 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (519); }
Symbol 343 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (723); }
Symbol 378 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (770); }
Symbol 384 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (810); }

Library Items

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Symbol 378 ButtonUses:69 70 71 72 73Used by:Timeline
Symbol 379 TextUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 380 TextUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 381 TextUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 382 TextUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 383 TextUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 384 ButtonUses:69 70 71 72 73Used by:Timeline
Streaming Sound 1Used by:Timeline
Created: 16/5 -2019 09:25:35 Last modified: 16/5 -2019 09:25:35 Server time: 07/03 -2025 02:27:18