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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Harry Potter Chatroom.swf

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Flash #35939

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SilverSnake has joined the chat room...

REdHOTFirEprinceSs has joined the chat room...

SilverSnake: finally! our own private chat room!

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: right now lets get down to buzy-ness

REdHOTFirEprinceSs unzips dracos pants

SilverSnake: hell ya you know how i like it!

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: :0 <------8

SilverSnake: oh ya! but its prolly more like...

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: waiting

SilverSnake: :0 <--------------------------------------------------------------------8

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: dream on the silver snake isnt THAT big!

SilverSnake: why dream when i could just do this?

SilverSnake unbuttons ginnys blouse one button at a time

SilverSnake: do you unhook in the front or the back?

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: im not wearing a bra silly cakes ;)

SilverSnake looks down at ginnys bare chest

SilverSnake: my mistake moving on

~\tHeKiNg/~ has joined the chat room...

SilverSnake: who the fuck are you?

SilverSnake: fucker

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: cant you see? he's the king!

SilverSnake: the king of what?

SilverSnake: rock and roll?

~\tHeKiNg/~: i'm the king of whatever you want

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: ooo now im interested!

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: care to join us?

~\tHeKiNg/~: are you two cybering or something?

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: no we're fishing

~\tHeKiNg/~: eh?

theboywholived!!! has joined the chat room...

theboywholived!!!: hi ron

theboywholived!!!: hi ginny

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: ron?!

~\tHeKiNg/~: ginny?

SilverSnake: potter?

~\tHeKiNg/~: malfoy?!

SilverSnake: weasley?

theboywholived!!!: harry!

SilverSnake: thats pretty pathetic if the only name you can call out is your own potter

theboywholived!!!: hey!

~\tHeKiNg/~: hey is right!

~\tHeKiNg/~: i was about to cyber with my own sister! you showed up at the right time thanks harry!

theboywholived!!!: no problem

SilverSnake: say i think i know where this " king" thing is coming from...

~\tHeKiNg/~: shit!

SilverSnake takes a deep breath...

~\tHeKiNg/~: god damnet!


~\tHeKiNg/~: MOTHER FUCKER!!!!!!!!1111111




theboywholived!!!: so how's your summer been going ginny?


REdHOTFirEprinceSs: oh.... cant complain. you?

theboywholived!!!: i'm locked in a cramped room with no one else around...

theboywholived!!!: i'm having the time of my life!!!!


Hermione ^_^ has joined the chat room...

Hermione ^_^: Hi, everybody!


Hermione ^_^: Oh no...

~\tHeKiNg/~: oh yes

Hermione ^_^: Well you had  to have the most obvious screen name!


REdHOTFirEprinceSs: hey I  didnt know it was him!

~\tHeKiNg/~: will someone please...

~\tHeKiNg/~: SHUT THIS GOD DAMN MOTHER FUCKING SON OF A BITCH UP!?!?!?!?!?!?/1/1/1//!!??!/?!/?!/?!??1

Hermione ^_^: I think it'd be better to just wait it out.

~\tHeKiNg/~: well i think your stupid!

Hermione ^_^: Sheesh.  Someone's cranky...

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: can you blame him?

Hermione ^_^: I guess not.

SilverSnake: WEASLEY IS OUR KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~\tHeKiNg/~: finally...

SilverSnake cuts off orchestra

SilverSnake: whew

SilverSnake: i never get tired of that

Hermione ^_^: Well we do.

SilverSnake: oh mudblood

SilverSnake: i was so busy singing i didnt even know you came on!

Hermione ^_^: I have a name you know!

SilverSnake: ya i know

SilverSnake: but do you think i care?

Hermione ^_^: Of course you don't.

SilverSnake: now your gettin' it!

SilverSnake: lol!

~\tHeKiNg/~: lol? what in the fuck is that?

SilverSnake: good GOD kid!

theboywholived!!! whispers to ~|tHeKiNg/~: its gangster talk. you wouldn't understand...

~|tHeKiNg/~ whispers to theboywholived!!!: ah

SilverSnake: well i guess thats what you get for living in a dumpster all your life

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: hey! dont forget that i live there to!

SilverSnake: not for long you wont! eventually youll be chillin' at Malfoy Manor!

SilverSnake: which reminds me

SilverSnake: we were having a good time before these other fuckers showed up!

SilverSnake: how about we finish what we started, love?

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: oooo all right!

theboywholived!!!: NOOOOO!!!!

theboywholived!!!: now we have to watch them...

theboywholived!!!: no...

SilverSnake pulls down ginnys pants

theboywholived!!!: see them...

REdHOTFirEprinceSs cuts off dracos shirt with a pair of scissors

theboywholived!!!: uh-uh

theboywholived!!!: read them...?

SilverSnake rips ginnys panties off

theboywholived!!!: be in the presence of their... no...

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: oooooooooooo! :D

theboywholived!!!: uh...

REdHOTFirEprinceSs cuffs draco to the bed

theboywholived!!!: fuck it

theboywholived!!!: cybering

SilverSnake: got a problem with that?

theboywholived!!!: yes

SilverSnake: well too bad!

~\tHeKiNg/~: and i have a bigger problem with it!

~\tHeKiNg/~: ginny your my sister for gods sake show a little mercy! i think im gonna throw up!

SilverSnake hands weasley a paper bag

SilverSnake: there! put it over your ugly face! you dont see us, we dont see you

~\tHeKiNg/~ pretends not to hear that

~\tHeKiNg/~: ginny please! your a traitor to our family! you dont deserve to be a weasley!

SilverSnake sniffles

SilverSnake: no one deserves to be a weasley

~\tHeKiNg/~: hey! i'll take THAT as an insult!

SilverSnake: good thats how i meant it!

SilverSnake: weasle

~\tHeKiNg/~: ferret!

voldie_right_thurr has joined the chat room...

SilverSnake: now who the fuck is that?

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: fine! just leave me sitting here waiting!

REdHOTFirEprinceSs uncuffs draco and puts her clothes back on

SilverSnake: noooooooo!!!!!

voldie_right_thurr: BLAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!

voldie_right_thurr: I have you NOW potter!

theboywholived!!!: what...?

voldie_right_thurr: I saw your name listed in the "I'll swing either way" group list and tracked you down to this chat room!

theboywholived!!!: oh yeah

Hermione ^_^ whispers to theboywholived!!!: The "I'll swing either way" group list?

theboywholived!!! whispers to Hermione ^_^: i was just checking it out

theboywholived!!! whispers to Hermione ^_^: its not like i really will... you know... "swing either way"

Hermione ^_^ whispers to theboywholived!!!: This doesn't look too good on your part but I'll take your word for it.

theboywholived!!! whispers to Hermione ^_^: thanks!

voldie_right_thurr: Now... down to buzy-ness!

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: hey thats MY line!

voldie_right_thurr: Quiet you fool!

voldie_right_thurr points his want (not that wand you harry/voldemort shippers!) at potter!

voldie_right_thurr: AVADA KEDAVRA!

theboywholived!!!: um i dont think thats gonna work through a computer

voldie_right_thurr: Quiet you FOOL!

voldie_right_thurr has left the chat room due to an unexpected computer shut-dowm

theboywholived!!!: we win!

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: what do know...?

~\tHeKiNg/~: he killed his computer...

Hermione ^_^: I thought it only worked on living things...

SilverSnake: well you learn something new everyday i guess

Hermione ^_^: And then forget 80% of it!

~\tHeKiNg/~: huh?

SilverSnake: what the fuck?

Hermione ^_^: People forget 80% of what they learn every day.

Hermione ^_^: 80% of their entire lives.

~\tHeKiNg/~: is that why school lasts so long?

Hermione ^_^: Muggles go to school for 13 years, you know.

SilverSnake: wow muggles sure are stupid

theboywholived!!!: ya! muggles are stupid!

SilverSnake: shut UP potter!

SilverSnake: lol you guys are faggots im leaving

Hermione ^_^: It stands for "laugh out loud," Ron.

~\tHeKiNg/~: what does that STAND FOR?!

~\tHeKiNg/~: oh

SilverSnake: great the mudblood had to ruin the fun

SilverSnake: see you losers later

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: so that's it then?

SilverSnake: huh?

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: its just jump her, hump her, and then dump her right?

SilverSnake: oh ginny you know i love you ;)

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: you dont love me you just think im HOT!

SilverSnake: so?

SilverSnake: so?


SilverSnake: uh

SilverSnake: i'll remember you all in therapy bye!

SilverSnake has left the chatroom...

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: typical male

theboywholived!!!: what? I wouldnt do something like that!

theboywholived!!!: what about you ron?

~\tHeKiNg/~: uh

~\tHeKiNg/~: lol?

theboywholived!!!: hurray ron! your one step closer to speaking GANGSTER!

Hermione ^_^: Harry...

Hermione ^_^: IT'S NOT GANGSTER!

theboywholived!!! smirks/winks

theboywholived!!!: rrrrriiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.............

Hermione ^_^: Forget it.

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: well its good to know that at least your a decent guy harry

theboywholived!!!: thanks!

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: well i gotta go too bye you guys! :P

Hermione ^_^: Bye, Ginny!

theboywholived!!!: see ya!

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: oh and ron?

~\tHeKiNg/~: ya?

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: the chat room is CALLED draco and ginny how could you NOT know it was me?

~\tHeKiNg/~ has left the chat room...

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: figures

REdHOTFirEprinceSs: bye!

REdHOTFirEprinceSs has left the chat room...

theboywholived!!!: well... everything worked out

Hermione ^_^: What are you talking about, Harry?

theboywholived!!!: ron and ginny were stopped from cybering...

theboywholived!!!: voldemort was defeated... kind of...

Hermione ^_^: okay... And who would've predicted that Ron would suddenly walk out of the active chat room?

theboywholived!!!: and now we're alone

theboywholived!!!: in a chat room...

theboywholived!!!: wanna cyber?

Hermione ^_^: You know my parents have been sitting next to me the whole time.

theboywholived!!!: oh

theboywholived!!! has left the chat room...

Hermione ^_^: See?  There's another example.  Harry just walks out...

Hermione ^_^: Now here I am sitting by myself...

Hermione ^_^: Talking to myself...

Hermione ^_^: That's Chaos Theory.

Hermione ^_^ has left the chat room...


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ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
stop(); stop();
Frame 4
Frame 4749
Frame 4751
Frame 4752
Frame 4753
Frame 4754
Frame 4755
Frame 4756
Frame 4761
Frame 4762
Frame 4763
Frame 4764
Frame 4765
Frame 4766
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on (release) {; }
Symbol 10 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.stop(); PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; if (PercentLoaded != 100) { setProperty(bar, _xscale , PercentLoaded); } else { gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 10 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 18 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 20 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4749); }
Symbol 269 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4751); }
Symbol 270 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4752); }
Symbol 271 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4753); }
Symbol 272 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4755); }
Symbol 273 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4756); }
Symbol 274 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4754); }
Symbol 276 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (5); }
Symbol 282 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4761); }
Symbol 285 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4749); }
Symbol 290 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4762); }
Symbol 295 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4763); }
Symbol 300 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4764); }
Symbol 305 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4765); }
Symbol 310 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4766); }
Symbol 312 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4751); }
Symbol 314 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4752); }
Symbol 316 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4753); }
Symbol 318 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4754); }
Symbol 320 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4755); }
Symbol 322 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4756); }

Library Items

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Symbol 262 TextUses:11Used by:Timeline
Symbol 263 TextUses:11Used by:Timeline
Symbol 264 TextUses:11Used by:Timeline
Symbol 265 TextUses:11Used by:Timeline
Symbol 266 TextUses:11Used by:Timeline
Symbol 267 TextUses:11Used by:Timeline
Symbol 268 TextUses:11Used by:Timeline
Symbol 269 ButtonUses:30Used by:Timeline
Symbol 270 ButtonUses:34Used by:Timeline
Symbol 271 ButtonUses:54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 272 ButtonUses:99Used by:Timeline
Symbol 273 ButtonUses:171Used by:Timeline
Symbol 274 ButtonUses:68Used by:Timeline
Symbol 275 TextUses:11Used by:276
Symbol 276 ButtonUses:275Used by:Timeline
Symbol 277 BitmapUsed by:278
Symbol 278 GraphicUses:277Used by:Timeline
Symbol 279 TextUses:11Used by:Timeline
Symbol 280 BitmapUsed by:281 311
Symbol 281 GraphicUses:280Used by:282
Symbol 282 ButtonUses:281Used by:Timeline
Symbol 283 GraphicUsed by:285 312 314 316 318 320 322
Symbol 284 TextUses:11Used by:285 312 314 316 318 320 322
Symbol 285 ButtonUses:283 284Used by:Timeline
Symbol 286 BitmapUsed by:287
Symbol 287 GraphicUses:286Used by:Timeline
Symbol 288 BitmapUsed by:289 313
Symbol 289 GraphicUses:288Used by:290
Symbol 290 ButtonUses:289Used by:Timeline
Symbol 291 BitmapUsed by:292
Symbol 292 GraphicUses:291Used by:Timeline
Symbol 293 BitmapUsed by:294 315
Symbol 294 GraphicUses:293Used by:295
Symbol 295 ButtonUses:294Used by:Timeline
Symbol 296 BitmapUsed by:297
Symbol 297 GraphicUses:296Used by:Timeline
Symbol 298 BitmapUsed by:299 317
Symbol 299 GraphicUses:298Used by:300
Symbol 300 ButtonUses:299Used by:Timeline
Symbol 301 BitmapUsed by:302
Symbol 302 GraphicUses:301Used by:Timeline
Symbol 303 BitmapUsed by:304 319
Symbol 304 GraphicUses:303Used by:305
Symbol 305 ButtonUses:304Used by:Timeline
Symbol 306 BitmapUsed by:307
Symbol 307 GraphicUses:306Used by:Timeline
Symbol 308 BitmapUsed by:309 321
Symbol 309 GraphicUses:308Used by:310
Symbol 310 ButtonUses:309Used by:Timeline
Symbol 311 GraphicUses:280Used by:Timeline
Symbol 312 ButtonUses:283 284Used by:Timeline
Symbol 313 GraphicUses:288Used by:Timeline
Symbol 314 ButtonUses:283 284Used by:Timeline
Symbol 315 GraphicUses:293Used by:Timeline
Symbol 316 ButtonUses:283 284Used by:Timeline
Symbol 317 GraphicUses:298Used by:Timeline
Symbol 318 ButtonUses:283 284Used by:Timeline
Symbol 319 GraphicUses:303Used by:Timeline
Symbol 320 ButtonUses:283 284Used by:Timeline
Symbol 321 GraphicUses:308Used by:Timeline
Symbol 322 ButtonUses:283 284Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"bar"Symbol 10 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 3 MovieClip


"loaded"Frame 2
"loaded"Symbol 10 MovieClip Frame 3
Created: 15/5 -2019 15:21:35 Last modified: 15/5 -2019 15:21:35 Server time: 07/03 -2025 03:04:38