Frame 1
look = eval (false)();
c1 = 10;
s1 = 10;
m1 = 10;
r1 = 10;
k1 = 10;
n1 = 10;
o1 = 10;
v1 = 10;
l1 = 10;
d1 = 1;
sec = 0;
ho = 8;
night = 1;
t1 = 10;
etimer = 0;
a1 = "Welcome to sexx dating v1.2 make sure you don't go below zero with any girls ";
s = new Sound();
vol = 100;
laeuft = 0;
Frame 2
Frame 15
if (work == 1) {
who = random(10) + 1;
if (who < 4) {
setProperty("/rach", _x , 370);
money2 = "Rachel sees you working and loses interest in you.";
} else if (who < 8) {
setProperty("/kim", _x , 370);
money2 = "Kim sees you working and loses interest in you.";
} else if (who == 8) {
setProperty("/nic", _x , 370);
money2 = "Nicole sees you working and loses intrest in you.";
} else if (who == 9) {
setProperty("/rose", _x , 370);
money2 = "Rose sees you working and loses interest in you.";
} else {
money2 = " You make it out scotch free.";
makeit = random(4) + 1;
m1 = m1 + makeit;
money2 = money2 + ((" You make $" + makeit) + " working at the mall and lose 3 stamina. ");
t1 = t1 - 3;
if (work == 3) {
who = random(10) + 1;
if (who < 4) {
setProperty("/nic", _x , 370);
money2 = "Nicole sees you working and loses intrest in you.";
} else if (who < 8) {
setProperty("/rose", _x , 370);
money2 = "Rose sees you working and loses interest in you.";
} else if (who == 8) {
setProperty("/ava", _x , 370);
money2 = "Ava sees you working and loses interest in you.";
} else if (who == 9) {
setProperty("/lexi", _x , 370);
money2 = "Lexi sees you working and loses interest in you.";
} else {
money2 = " You make it out scotch free.";
makeit = random(4) + 1;
m1 = m1 + makeit;
money2 = money2 + ((" You make $" + makeit) + " working at the club and lose 3 stamina. ");
t1 = t1 - 3;
if (work == 5) {
who = random(10) + 1;
if (who < 4) {
setProperty("/ava", _x , 370);
money2 = "Ava sees you working and loses interest in you.";
} else if (who < 8) {
setProperty("/lexi", _x , 370);
money2 = "Lexi sees you working and loses interest in you.";
} else if (who == 8) {
setProperty("/rach", _x , 370);
money2 = "Rachel sees you working and loses interest in you.";
} else if (who == 9) {
setProperty("/kim", _x , 370);
money2 = "Kim sees you working and loses interest in you.";
} else {
money2 = " You make it out scotch free.";
makeit = random(4) + 1;
m1 = m1 + makeit;
money2 = money2 + ((" You make $" + makeit) + " working at the bar and lose 3 stamina. ");
t1 = t1 - 3;
if (work == 2) {
who = random(10);
if (who < 4) {
makeit = random(40) + 10;
m1 = m1 + makeit;
money2 = (" You make $" + makeit) + " playing the lotto, keep up the good work. ";
} else {
money2 = " You don't make any money playing the lotto.";
m1 = m1 - 3;
t1 = t1 - 3;
money2 = money2 + " You lose 3 stamina and $3 playing the lotto.";
if (work == 4) {
who = random(9);
if (who < 4) {
makeit = random(70) + 30;
m1 = m1 + makeit;
money2 = (" You make $" + makeit) + " selling drugs, keep up the good work. ";
} else {
makeit = random(35) + 15;
m1 = m1 + makeit;
money2 = (" You get caught trying to selling drugs and don't make as much $" + makeit) + " and the girls lose interest in you.";
y1 = random(6) + 1;
y2 = random(6) + 1;
y3 = random(6) + 1;
y4 = random(6) + 1;
y5 = random(6) + 1;
y6 = random(6) + 1;
r1 = r1 - y1;
k1 = k1 - y2;
n1 = n1 - y3;
o1 = o1 - y4;
v1 = v1 - y5;
l1 = l1 - y6;
t1 = t1 - 3;
money2 = money2 + " You lose 3 stamina by selling drugs.";
Frame 16
going = true;
if (walk < 3) {
setProperty("/rach", _x , 370);
talkname = "Rachel";
checker = r1;
} else if (walk < 6) {
setProperty("/kim", _x , 370);
talkname = "Kim";
checker = k1;
} else if (walk <= 7) {
setProperty("/nic", _x , 370);
talkname = "Nicole";
checker = n1;
} else if (walk <= 9) {
setProperty("/rose", _x , 370);
talkname = "Rose";
checker = o1;
mall2 = ("You run into " + talkname) + " at the mall";
Frame 17
going = true;
if (walk < 3) {
setProperty("/ava", _x , 370);
talkname = "Ava";
checker = v1;
} else if (walk < 6) {
setProperty("/lexi", _x , 370);
talkname = "Lexi";
checker = l1;
} else if (walk <= 7) {
setProperty("/rach", _x , 370);
talkname = "Rachel";
checker = r1;
} else if (walk <= 9) {
setProperty("/kim", _x , 370);
talkname = "Kim";
checker = k1;
bar2 = ("You run into " + talkname) + " at the bar";
Frame 26
going = true;
if (walk < 3) {
setProperty("/nic", _x , 370);
talkname = "Nicole";
checker = n1;
} else if (walk < 6) {
setProperty("/rose", _x , 370);
talkname = "Rose";
checker = o1;
} else if (walk <= 7) {
setProperty("/ava", _x , 370);
talkname = "Ava";
checker = v1;
} else if (walk <= 9) {
setProperty("/lexi", _x , 370);
talkname = "Lexi";
checker = l1;
club2 = ("You run into " + talkname) + " at the club";
Frame 27
_root.s.start(0, 999);
Symbol 15 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 20 Button
on (release) {;
if (_root.laeuft == 0) {
_root.s.start(0, 999);
_root.laeuft = 1;
Symbol 21 MovieClip Frame 1
PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100;
if (PercentLoaded != 100) {
bar._xscale = PercentLoaded;
} else {
gotoAndStop ("loaded");
Symbol 21 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 22 MovieClip Frame 1
if ( == true) {
gotoAndStop (1303);
Symbol 22 MovieClip Frame 1302
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 58 MovieClip Frame 20
if (_root.sec > 59) {
_root.sec = 0;
if (_root.ho > 12) {
_root.ho = 1;
if (_root.night == 2) {
_root.nights = "PM";
_root.night = 0;
} else {
_root.nights = "AM";
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 63 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.laeuft == 0) {
_root.s.start(0, 999);
_root.laeuft = 1;
Symbol 67 Button
on (press) {
_root.laeuft = 0;
Symbol 71 Button
on (press) {
_root.vol = _root.vol - 10;
if (_root.vol < 0) {
_root.vol = 0;
Symbol 75 Button
on (press) {
_root.vol = _root.vol + 10;
if (_root.vol > 100) {
_root.vol = 100;
Symbol 81 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (14);
Symbol 85 Button
on (release) {
_root.s.start(0, 999);
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 89 Button
on (release) {
_root.s.start(0, 999);
gotoAndStop (7);
Symbol 95 Button
on (release) {
etimer = 0;
gotoAndStop (13);
Symbol 99 Button
on (release) {
if ((ho > 7) && (nights == "AM")) {
buying = false;
gotoAndStop (20);
} else if (((ho > 0) && (ho < 8)) && (nights == "PM")) {
buying = false;
gotoAndStop (20);
} else {
a1 = "The market is closed, it is open from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm";
Symbol 129 Button
on (release) {
if ((ho > 7) && (nights == "AM")) {
gotoAndStop (11);
} else if (((ho > 0) && (ho < 6)) && (nights == "PM")) {
gotoAndStop (11);
} else {
a1 = "The mall is closed, it is open from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm";
Symbol 154 Button
on (release) {
if ((ho > 7) && (nights == "PM")) {
gotoAndStop (18);
} else if ((ho < 4) && (nights == "AM")) {
gotoAndStop (18);
} else {
a1 = "The club is closed, it is open from 8:00 pm to 4:00 am";
Symbol 158 Button
on (release) {
drug2 = "Becareful doing drugs if your caught the girls will lose intrest in you.";
gotoAndStop (21);
Symbol 185 Button
on (release) {
if ((ho > 2) && (nights == "PM")) {
gotoAndStop (12);
} else {
a1 = "The bar is closed, it is open from 3:00 pm to Midnight";
Symbol 187 Button
on (release) {
_root.s.start(0, 999);
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 189 Button
on (release) {
if ((t1 < 3) || (m1 < 3)) {
a1 = "You don't have enought money or stamina to increase your Charm";
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
m1 = m1 - 1;
t1 = t1 - 3;
bbr = 1;
breath = random(s1);
f1a = breath;
f1b = "??";
f1r = "??";
f2a = "??";
f2b = "??";
f2r = "??";
f3a = "??";
f3b = "??";
f3r = "??";
gotoAndStop (5);
Symbol 191 Button
on (release) {
if ((m1 < 2) || (t1 < 3)) {
a1 = "You don't have enought money or stamina to increase your Charm";
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
m1 = m1 - 2;
t1 = t1 - 3;
str = 1;
t1a = "??";
t1b = "??";
t1r = "??";
t2a = "??";
t2b = "??";
t2r = "??";
t3a = "??";
t3b = "??";
t3r = "??";
t4a = "??";
t4b = "??";
t4r = "??";
t5a = "??";
t5b = "??";
t5r = "??";
st1 = "Simple game of Paper, Rock, Sissor. =) beats =(, =\\ beats =), =( beats =\\";
gotoAndStop (6);
Symbol 193 Button
on (release) {
if ((m1 < 3) || (t1 < 3)) {
a1 = "You don't have enought money to increase your Charm";
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
m1 = m1 - 3;
t1 = t1 - 3;
hp = c1;
hpmax = c1;
name = "Player";
hp1 = (c1 * 2) - 5;
hpmax1 = (c1 * 2) - 5;
name1 = "Clerk";
attack = 0;
damage = 0;
gotoAndStop (4);
Symbol 201 Button
on (release) {
if ((hp > 0) && (hp1 > 0)) {
attack = random(20);
if (attack >= 9) {
damage = random(4) + 1;
hp1 = hp1 - damage;
ba1 = "You bitch slap the Clerk for " + damage;
} else {
ba1 = " You swing at the Clerk and miss badly";
if (hp1 > 0) {
attack2 = random(20);
if (attack2 > 10) {
damage2 = random(3) + 1;
hp = hp - damage2;
ba1 = ba1 + (" The clerk bitch slaps you in the face for " + damage2);
} else {
ba1 = ba1 + " Clerk swings at you and miss badly";
} else {
gift = random(5) + 2;
ba1 = ba1 + (" You have knocked out the clerk and steal a gift. You increase your charm by " + gift);
c1 = c1 + gift;
if (hp < 0) {
ba1 = ba1 + " You have been knocked out by the clerk and get a shity gift. You increase your charm by 1";
c1 = c1 + 1;
Symbol 213 Button
on (release) {
if (bbr == 1) {
f1b = random(s1);
if (f1b < f1a) {
f1r = "Win";
bb1 = "You're right and your Charm increases by one, keep up the good work.";
f2a = random(s1);
} else {
f1r = "Lose";
bb1 = " You're wroung and your Charm stays the same, better luck next round";
f2a = random(s1);
} else if (bbr == 2) {
f2b = random(s1);
if (f2b < f2a) {
f2r = "Win";
bb1 = "You're right and your Charm increases by one, keep up the good work.";
f3a = random(s1);
} else {
f2r = "Lose";
bb1 = " You're wroung and your Charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
f3a = random(s1);
} else if (bbr == 3) {
f3b = random(s1);
if (f3b < f3a) {
f3r = "Win";
bb1 = "You're right and your Charm increases by one. You did some good today time to head back.";
} else {
f3r = "Lose";
bb1 = " You're wroung and your Charm stays the same. That's all you can do for now, time to head back.";
Symbol 215 Button
on (release) {
if (bbr == 1) {
f1b = random(s1);
if (f1b > f1a) {
f1r = "Win";
bb1 = "You're right and your Charm increases by one, keep up the good work.";
f2a = random(s1);
} else {
f1r = "Lose";
bb1 = " You're wroung and your Charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
f2a = random(s1);
} else if (bbr == 2) {
f2b = random(s1);
if (f2b > f2a) {
f2r = "Win";
bb1 = "You're right and your Charm increases by one, keep up the good work.";
f3a = random(s1);
} else {
f2r = "Lose";
bb1 = " You're wroung and your Charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
f3a = random(s1);
} else if (bbr == 3) {
f3b = random(s1);
if (f3b > f3a) {
f3r = "Win";
bb1 = "You're right and your Charm increases by one. You did some good today time to head back.";
} else {
f3r = "Lose";
bb1 = " You're wroung and your Charm stays the same. That's all you can do for now, time to head back.";
Symbol 234 Button
on (release) {
if (str == 1) {
t1a = "=D";
t1b = random(3);
if (t1b == 0) {
t1r = "Tie";
t1b = "=D";
st1 = "You say the same thing and your charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
} else if (t1b == 1) {
t1r = "Lose";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
t1b = "=\\";
} else if (t1b == 2) {
t1r = "Win";
st1 = " You say the right thing and your Charm goes up one, keep up the good work.";
t1b = "=(";
} else if (str == 2) {
t2a = "=D";
t2b = random(3);
if (t2b == 0) {
t2r = "Tie";
t2b = "=D";
st1 = "You say the same thing and your charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
} else if (t2b == 1) {
t2r = "Lose";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
t2b = "=\\";
} else if (t2b == 2) {
t2r = "Win";
st1 = " You say the right thing and your Charm goes up one, keep up the good work.";
t2b = "=(";
} else if (str == 3) {
t3a = "=D";
t3b = random(3);
if (t3b == 0) {
t3r = "Tie";
t3b = "=D";
st1 = "You say the same thing and your charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
} else if (t3b == 1) {
t3r = "Lose";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
t3b = "=\\";
} else if (t3b == 2) {
t3r = "Win";
st1 = " You say the right thing and your Charm goes up one, keep up the good work.";
t3b = "=(";
} else if (str == 4) {
t4a = "=D";
t4b = random(3);
if (t4b == 0) {
t4r = "Tie";
t4b = "=D";
st1 = "You say the same thing and your charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
} else if (t4b == 1) {
t4r = "Lose";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
t4b = "=\\";
} else if (t4b == 2) {
t4r = "Win";
st1 = " You say the right thing and your Charm goes up one, keep up the good work.";
t4b = "=(";
} else if (str == 5) {
t5a = "=D";
t5b = random(3);
if (t5b == 0) {
t5r = "Tie";
t5b = "=D";
st1 = "You say the same thing and your charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
} else if (t5b == 1) {
t5r = "Lose";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
t5b = "=\\";
} else if (t5b == 2) {
t5r = "Win";
st1 = " You say the right thing and your Charm goes up one, keep up the good work.";
t5b = "=(";
Symbol 236 Button
on (release) {
if (str == 1) {
t1a = "=\\";
t1b = random(3);
if (t1b == 0) {
t1r = "Win";
st1 = " You say the right thing and your Charm goes up one, keep up the good work.";
t1b = "=D";
} else if (t1b == 1) {
t1r = "Tie";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
t1b = "=\\";
} else if (t1b == 2) {
t1r = "Lose";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
t1b = "=(";
} else if (str == 2) {
t2a = "=\\";
t2b = random(3);
if (t2b == 0) {
t2r = "Win";
st1 = " You say the right thing and your Charm goes up one, keep up the good work.";
t2b = "=D";
} else if (t2b == 1) {
t2r = "Tie";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
t2b = "=\\";
} else if (t2b == 2) {
t2r = "Lose";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
t2b = "=(";
} else if (str == 3) {
t3a = "=\\";
t3b = random(3);
if (t3b == 0) {
t3r = "Win";
st1 = " You say the right thing and your Charm goes up one, keep up the good work.";
t3b = "=D";
} else if (t3b == 1) {
t3r = "Tie";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
t3b = "=\\";
} else if (t3b == 2) {
t3r = "Lose";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
t3b = "=(";
} else if (str == 4) {
t4a = "=\\";
t4b = random(3);
if (t4b == 0) {
t4r = "Win";
st1 = " You say the right thing and your Charm goes up one, keep up the good work.";
t4b = "=D";
} else if (t4b == 1) {
t4r = "Tie";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
t4b = "=\\";
} else if (t4b == 2) {
t4r = "Lose";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
t4b = "=(";
} else if (str == 5) {
t5a = "=\\";
t5b = random(3);
if (t5b == 0) {
t5r = "Win";
st1 = " You say the right thing and your Charm goes up one, keep up the good work.";
t5b = "=D";
} else if (t5b == 1) {
t5r = "Tie";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
t5b = "=\\";
} else if (t5b == 2) {
t5r = "Lose";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
t5b = "=(";
Symbol 238 Button
on (release) {
if (str == 1) {
t1a = "=(";
t1b = random(3);
if (t1b == 0) {
t1r = "Lose";
t1b = "=D";
st1 = "You say the wroung thing and your charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
} else if (t1b == 1) {
t1r = "Win";
st1 = "You say the right thing and your charm goes up by one, keep up the good work.";
t1b = "=\\";
} else if (t1b == 2) {
t1r = "Tie";
st1 = " You say the same thing and your Charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
t1b = "=(";
} else if (str == 2) {
t2a = "=(";
t2b = random(3);
if (t2b == 0) {
t2r = "Lose";
t2b = "=D";
st1 = "You say the wroung thing and your charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
} else if (t2b == 1) {
t2r = "Win";
st1 = "You say the right thing and your charm goes up by one, keep up the good work.";
t2b = "=\\";
} else if (t2b == 2) {
t2r = "Tie";
st1 = " You say the same thing and your Charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
t2b = "=(";
} else if (str == 3) {
t3a = "=(";
t3b = random(3);
if (t3b == 0) {
t3r = "Lose";
t3b = "=D";
st1 = "You say the wroung thing and your charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
} else if (t3b == 1) {
t3r = "Win";
st1 = "You say the right thing and your charm goes up by one, keep up the good work.";
t3b = "=\\";
} else if (t3b == 2) {
t3r = "Tie";
st1 = " You say the same thing and your Charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
t3b = "=(";
} else if (str == 4) {
t4a = "=(";
t4b = random(3);
if (t4b == 0) {
t4r = "Lose";
t4b = "=D";
st1 = "You say the wroung thing and your charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
} else if (t4b == 1) {
t4r = "Win";
st1 = "You say the right thing and your charm goes up by one, keep up the good work.";
t4b = "=\\";
} else if (t4b == 2) {
t4r = "Tie";
st1 = " You say the same thing and your Charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
t4b = "=(";
} else if (str == 5) {
t5a = "=(";
t5b = random(3);
if (t5b == 0) {
t5r = "Lose";
t5b = "=D";
st1 = "You say the wroung thing and your charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
} else if (t5b == 1) {
t5r = "Win";
st1 = "You say the right thing and your charm goes up by one, keep up the good work.";
t5b = "=\\";
} else if (t5b == 2) {
t5r = "Tie";
st1 = " You say the same thing and your Charm stays the same, better luck next round.";
t5b = "=(";
Symbol 262 Button
on (release) {
if (m1 < 2) {
a1 = "You don't have enought money to increase your Skill";
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
m1 = m1 - 2;
str = 1;
t1a = "??";
t1b = "??";
t1r = "??";
t2a = "??";
t2b = "??";
t2r = "??";
t3a = "??";
t3b = "??";
t3r = "??";
t4a = "??";
t4b = "??";
t4r = "??";
t5a = "??";
t5b = "??";
t5r = "??";
st1 = "Simple game of Paper, Rock, Sissor. =) beats =(, =\\ beats =), =( beats =\\";
gotoAndStop (10);
Symbol 268 Button
on (release) {
if (m1 < 3) {
a1 = "You don't have enought money to increase your Skill";
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
m1 = m1 - 3;
hp = s1;
hpmax = s1;
name = "Player";
hp1 = (s1 * 2) - 5;
hpmax1 = (s1 * 2) - 5;
name1 = "X-BoyFriend";
attack = 0;
damage = 0;
gotoAndStop (8);
Symbol 270 Button
on (release) {
if (m1 < 1) {
a1 = "You don't have enought money to increase your Skill";
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
m1 = m1 - 1;
rlr = 1;
risk = random(c1);
r1a = risk;
r1b = "??";
r1r = "??";
r2a = "??";
r2b = "??";
r2r = "??";
r3a = "??";
r3b = "??";
r3r = "??";
gotoAndStop (9);
Symbol 271 Button
on (release) {
if ((hp > 0) && (hp1 > 0)) {
attack = random(20);
if (attack >= 9) {
damage = random(4) + 1;
hp1 = hp1 - damage;
ba1 = "You bitch slap the X-boyfriend for " + damage;
} else {
ba1 = " You swing at the X-boyfriend and miss badly";
if (hp1 > 0) {
attack2 = random(20);
if (attack2 > 10) {
damage2 = random(3) + 1;
hp = hp - damage2;
ba1 = ba1 + (" The X-boyfriend bitch slaps you in the face for " + damage2);
} else {
ba1 = ba1 + " The X-boyfriend swings at you and miss badly";
} else {
gift = random(5) + 2;
ba1 = ba1 + (" You have knocked out the X-boyfriend and improve your moves. You increase your skill by " + gift);
s1 = s1 + gift;
if (hp < 1) {
ba1 = ba1 + " You have been knocked out by the X-boyfriend and barely improve. You increase your skill by 1";
s1 = s1 + 1;
Symbol 282 Button
on (release) {
if (rlr == 1) {
r1b = random(c1);
if (r1b < r1a) {
r1r = "Win";
rl1 = "You're right and your Skill increases by one, keep up the good work.";
r2a = random(c1);
} else {
r1r = "Lose";
rl1 = " You're wroung and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
r2a = random(c1);
} else if (rlr == 2) {
r2b = random(c1);
if (r2b < r2a) {
r2r = "Win";
rl1 = "You're right and your Skill increases by one, keep up the good work.";
r3a = random(c1);
} else {
r2r = "Lose";
rl1 = " You're wroung and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
r3a = random(c1);
} else if (rlr == 3) {
r3b = random(c1);
if (r3b < r3a) {
r3r = "Win";
rl1 = "You're right and your Skill increases by one. You did some good today time to head back.";
} else {
r3r = "Lose";
rl1 = " You're wroung and your Skill stays the same. That's all you can do for now, time to head back.";
Symbol 283 Button
on (release) {
if (rlr == 1) {
r1b = random(c1);
if (r1b > r1a) {
r1r = "Win";
rl1 = "You're right and your Skill increases by one, keep up the good work.";
r2a = random(c1);
} else {
r1r = "Lose";
rl1 = " You're wroung and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
r2a = random(c1);
} else if (rlr == 2) {
r2b = random(c1);
if (r2b > r2a) {
r2r = "Win";
rl1 = "You're right and your Skill increases by one, keep up the good work.";
r3a = random(c1);
} else {
r2r = "Lose";
rl1 = " You're wroung and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
r3a = random(c1);
} else if (rlr == 3) {
r3b = random(c1);
if (r3b > r3a) {
r3r = "Win";
rl1 = "You're right and your Skill increases by one. You did some good today time to head back.";
} else {
r3r = "Lose";
rl1 = " You're wroung and your Skill stays the same. That's all you can do for now, time to head back.";
Symbol 301 Button
on (release) {
if (str == 1) {
t1a = "=D";
t1b = random(3);
if (t1b == 0) {
t1r = "Tie";
t1b = "=D";
st1 = "You say the same thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
} else if (t1b == 1) {
t1r = "Lose";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
t1b = "=\\";
} else if (t1b == 2) {
t1r = "Win";
st1 = " You say the right thing and your Skill goes up one, keep up the good work.";
t1b = "=(";
} else if (str == 2) {
t2a = "=D";
t2b = random(3);
if (t2b == 0) {
t2r = "Tie";
t2b = "=D";
st1 = "You say the same thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
} else if (t2b == 1) {
t2r = "Lose";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
t2b = "=\\";
} else if (t2b == 2) {
t2r = "Win";
st1 = " You say the right thing and your Skill goes up one, keep up the good work.";
t2b = "=(";
} else if (str == 3) {
t3a = "=D";
t3b = random(3);
if (t3b == 0) {
t3r = "Tie";
t3b = "=D";
st1 = "You say the same thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
} else if (t3b == 1) {
t3r = "Lose";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
t3b = "=\\";
} else if (t3b == 2) {
t3r = "Win";
st1 = " You say the right thing and your Skill goes up one, keep up the good work.";
t3b = "=(";
} else if (str == 4) {
t4a = "=D";
t4b = random(3);
if (t4b == 0) {
t4r = "Tie";
t4b = "=D";
st1 = "You say the same thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
} else if (t4b == 1) {
t4r = "Lose";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
t4b = "=\\";
} else if (t4b == 2) {
t4r = "Win";
st1 = " You say the right thing and your Skill goes up one, keep up the good work.";
t4b = "=(";
} else if (str == 5) {
t5a = "=D";
t5b = random(3);
if (t5b == 0) {
t5r = "Tie";
t5b = "=D";
st1 = "You say the same thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
} else if (t5b == 1) {
t5r = "Lose";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
t5b = "=\\";
} else if (t5b == 2) {
t5r = "Win";
st1 = " You say the right thing and your Skill goes up one, keep up the good work.";
t5b = "=(";
Symbol 302 Button
on (release) {
if (str == 1) {
t1a = "=\\";
t1b = random(3);
if (t1b == 0) {
t1r = "Win";
st1 = " You say the right thing and your Skill goes up one, keep up the good work.";
t1b = "=D";
} else if (t1b == 1) {
t1r = "Tie";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
t1b = "=\\";
} else if (t1b == 2) {
t1r = "Lose";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
t1b = "=(";
} else if (str == 2) {
t2a = "=\\";
t2b = random(3);
if (t2b == 0) {
t2r = "Win";
st1 = " You say the right thing and your Skill goes up one, keep up the good work.";
t2b = "=D";
} else if (t2b == 1) {
t2r = "Tie";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
t2b = "=\\";
} else if (t2b == 2) {
t2r = "Lose";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
t2b = "=(";
} else if (str == 3) {
t3a = "=\\";
t3b = random(3);
if (t3b == 0) {
t3r = "Win";
st1 = " You say the right thing and your Skill goes up one, keep up the good work.";
t3b = "=D";
} else if (t3b == 1) {
t3r = "Tie";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
t3b = "=\\";
} else if (t3b == 2) {
t3r = "Lose";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
t3b = "=(";
} else if (str == 4) {
t4a = "=\\";
t4b = random(3);
if (t4b == 0) {
t4r = "Win";
st1 = " You say the right thing and your Skill goes up one, keep up the good work.";
t4b = "=D";
} else if (t4b == 1) {
t4r = "Tie";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
t4b = "=\\";
} else if (t4b == 2) {
t4r = "Lose";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
t4b = "=(";
} else if (str == 5) {
t5a = "=\\";
t5b = random(3);
if (t5b == 0) {
t5r = "Win";
st1 = " You say the right thing and your Skill goes up one, keep up the good work.";
t5b = "=D";
} else if (t5b == 1) {
t5r = "Tie";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
t5b = "=\\";
} else if (t5b == 2) {
t5r = "Lose";
st1 = " You say the wroung thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
t5b = "=(";
Symbol 303 Button
on (release) {
if (str == 1) {
t1a = "=(";
t1b = random(3);
if (t1b == 0) {
t1r = "Lose";
t1b = "=D";
st1 = "You say the wroung thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
} else if (t1b == 1) {
t1r = "Win";
st1 = "You say the right thing and your Skill goes up by one, keep up the good work.";
t1b = "=\\";
} else if (t1b == 2) {
t1r = "Tie";
st1 = " You say the same thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
t1b = "=(";
} else if (str == 2) {
t2a = "=(";
t2b = random(3);
if (t2b == 0) {
t2r = "Lose";
t2b = "=D";
st1 = "You say the wroung thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
} else if (t2b == 1) {
t2r = "Win";
st1 = "You say the right thing and your Skill goes up by one, keep up the good work.";
t2b = "=\\";
} else if (t2b == 2) {
t2r = "Tie";
st1 = " You say the same thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
t2b = "=(";
} else if (str == 3) {
t3a = "=(";
t3b = random(3);
if (t3b == 0) {
t3r = "Lose";
t3b = "=D";
st1 = "You say the wroung thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
} else if (t3b == 1) {
t3r = "Win";
st1 = "You say the right thing and your Skill goes up by one, keep up the good work.";
t3b = "=\\";
} else if (t3b == 2) {
t3r = "Tie";
st1 = " You say the same thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
t3b = "=(";
} else if (str == 4) {
t4a = "=(";
t4b = random(3);
if (t4b == 0) {
t4r = "Lose";
t4b = "=D";
st1 = "You say the wroung thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
} else if (t4b == 1) {
t4r = "Win";
st1 = "You say the right thing and your Skill goes up by one, keep up the good work.";
t4b = "=\\";
} else if (t4b == 2) {
t4r = "Tie";
st1 = " You say the same thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
t4b = "=(";
} else if (str == 5) {
t5a = "=(";
t5b = random(3);
if (t5b == 0) {
t5r = "Lose";
t5b = "=D";
st1 = "You say the wroung thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
} else if (t5b == 1) {
t5r = "Win";
st1 = "You say the right thing and your Skill goes up by one, keep up the good work.";
t5b = "=\\";
} else if (t5b == 2) {
t5r = "Tie";
st1 = " You say the same thing and your Skill stays the same, better luck next round.";
t5b = "=(";
Symbol 328 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 330 Button
on (rollOver) {
mall2 = "Walk around the mall in search of a girl to talk with, takes 1 stamina.";
on (rollOut) {
mall2 = "Welcome to the Mall...";
on (release) {
if (t1 > 0) {
talking = 1;
walk = random(12);
if (walk < 10) {
gotoAndStop (16);
} else {
mall2 = "You walk around and don't find anyone";
} else {
mall2 = "You are too tired to walk around the mall right now.";
Symbol 336 Button
on (rollOver) {
bar2 = "Walk around the bar in search of a girl to talk with, takes 1 stamina.";
on (rollOut) {
bar2 = "Welcome to the Bar...";
on (release) {
if (t1 > 0) {
walk = random(12);
if (walk < 10) {
gotoAndStop (17);
} else {
bar2 = "You walk around and don't find anyone";
} else {
bar2 = "You are too tired to walk around the Bar right now.";
Symbol 348 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.sec > 59) {
_root.sec = _root.sec - 60;
if (_root.ho > 12) {
_root.ho = 1;
if (_root.night == 2) {
_root.nights = "PM";
_root.night = 0;
} else {
_root.nights = "AM";
if (_root.etimer > 20) {
if (_root.t1 > 19) {
_root.sleep1 = "You are completely rested.";
} else {
_root.etimer = 0;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 365 Button
on (rollOver) {
money1 = "Working at the Club Nicole and Rose are most likely to see you while there is a chance Ava or Lexi will see you as well.";
on (rollOut) {
money1 = "Chose one of the five places to work at, becareful any girl that sees you working will lose intrest in you.";
on (release) {
if (t1 > 2) {
work = 3;
gotoAndStop (15);
} else {
money1 = "You are too tired to work right now.";
Symbol 366 Button
on (rollOver) {
money1 = "Buy a lotto tick for $3 and have a chance to win $10-50.";
on (rollOut) {
money1 = "Chose one of the five places to work at, becareful any girl that sees you working will lose intrest in you";
on (release) {
if ((t1 > 2) && (m1 > 3)) {
work = 2;
gotoAndStop (15);
} else {
money1 = "You are too tired or don't have enought money to buy a lotto ticket right now.";
Symbol 367 Button
on (rollOver) {
money1 = "Working at the mall Rachel and Kim are most likely to see you while there is a chance Nicole or Rose will see you as well.";
on (rollOut) {
money1 = "Chose one of the five places to work at, becareful any girl that sees you working will lose intrest in you";
on (release) {
if (t1 > 2) {
work = 1;
gotoAndStop (15);
} else {
money1 = "You are too tired to work right now.";
Symbol 368 Button
on (rollOver) {
money1 = "Sell drugs for $30-100, but if any girl sees you it will hurt your relationship with them all.";
on (rollOut) {
money1 = "Chose one of the five places to work at, becareful any girl that sees you working will lose intrest in you";
on (release) {
if (t1 > 2) {
work = 4;
gotoAndStop (15);
} else {
money1 = "You are too tired to sell drugs right now.";
Symbol 371 Button
on (rollOver) {
money1 = "Working at the Bar Ava and Lexi are most likely to see you while there is a chance Rachel or Kim will see you as well.";
on (rollOut) {
money1 = "Chose one of the five places to work at, becareful any girl that sees you working will lose intrest in you.";
on (release) {
if (t1 > 2) {
work = 5;
gotoAndStop (15);
} else {
money1 = "You are too tired to work right now.";
Symbol 373 Button
on (release) {
if (r1 < 1) {
gotoAndStop (27);
} else if (k1 < 1) {
gotoAndStop (27);
} else if (n1 < 1) {
gotoAndStop (27);
} else if (o1 < 1) {
gotoAndStop (27);
} else if (v1 < 1) {
gotoAndStop (27);
} else if (l1 < 1) {
gotoAndStop (27);
} else {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 375 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (11);
Symbol 381 Button
on (release) {
if (going) {
if (checker <= 10) {
atta = 50;
} else if (checker < 30) {
atta = 90;
} else if (checker < 60) {
atta = 120;
} else {
atta = checker * 1.25;
att = random(atta);
att = att - c1;
if (att > c1) {
mall2 = talkname + ":: umm... yea your not really my type, at all.";
} else {
mall2 = talkname + ":: <Smiles at you> It was nice talking to you, see you around.";
if (talkname == "Rachel") {
r1 = r1 + (random(2) + 1);
if (talkname == "Kim") {
k1 = k1 + (random(2) + 1);
if (talkname == "Nicole") {
n1 = n1 + (random(2) + 1);
if (talkname == "Rose") {
o1 = o1 + (random(2) + 1);
going = false;
Symbol 382 Button
on (release) {
if (going) {
if (checker <= 10) {
atta = 50;
} else if (checker < 30) {
atta = 90;
} else if (checker < 60) {
atta = 120;
} else {
atta = checker * 1.25;
att = random(atta);
att = att - s1;
if (att > s1) {
mall2 = talkname + ":: umm... yea your not really my type, at all.";
} else {
mall2 = talkname + ":: <Giggles at you> Your sweet, I'll see you around.";
if (talkname == "Rachel") {
r1 = r1 + (random(2) + 1);
if (talkname == "Kim") {
k1 = k1 + (random(2) + 1);
if (talkname == "Nicole") {
n1 = n1 + (random(2) + 1);
if (talkname == "Rose") {
o1 = o1 + (random(2) + 1);
going = false;
Symbol 383 Button
on (release) {
if (going) {
if (checker <= 10) {
atta = 100;
} else if (checker < 30) {
atta = 180;
} else if (checker < 60) {
atta = 240;
} else {
atta = (checker * 1.25) * 2;
att = random(atta);
att = att - (c1 - s1);
ch = c1 + s1;
if (att > ch) {
mall2 = talkname + ":: umm... yea your not really my type, at all.";
} else {
mall2 = talkname + ":: <Grins at you> Mmmm.";
if (talkname == "Rachel") {
gotoAndStop (19);
if (talkname == "Kim") {
gotoAndStop (23);
if (talkname == "Nicole") {
gotoAndStop (22);
if (talkname == "Rose") {
gotoAndStop (24);
going = false;
Symbol 387 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (12);
Symbol 392 Button
on (release) {
if (going) {
if (checker <= 10) {
atta = 50;
} else if (checker < 30) {
atta = 90;
} else if (checker < 60) {
atta = 120;
} else {
atta = checker * 1.25;
att = random(atta);
att = att - c1;
if (att > c1) {
bar2 = talkname + ":: umm... yea your not really my type, at all.";
} else {
bar2 = talkname + ":: <Smiles at you> It was nice talking to you, see you around.";
if (talkname == "Rachel") {
r1 = r1 + (random(2) + 1);
if (talkname == "Kim") {
k1 = k1 + (random(2) + 1);
if (talkname == "Lexi") {
l1 = l1 + (random(2) + 1);
if (talkname == "Ava") {
v1 = v1 + (random(2) + 1);
going = false;
Symbol 393 Button
on (release) {
if (going) {
if (checker <= 10) {
atta = 50;
} else if (checker < 30) {
atta = 90;
} else if (checker < 60) {
atta = 120;
} else {
atta = checker * 1.25;
att = random(atta);
att = att - s1;
if (att > s1) {
bar2 = talkname + ":: umm... yea your not really my type, at all.";
} else {
bar2 = talkname + ":: <Giggles at you> Your sweet, I'll see you around.";
if (talkname == "Rachel") {
r1 = r1 + (random(2) + 1);
if (talkname == "Kim") {
k1 = k1 + (random(2) + 1);
if (talkname == "Lexi") {
l1 = l1 + (random(2) + 1);
if (talkname == "Ava") {
v1 = v1 + (random(2) + 1);
going = false;
Symbol 394 Button
on (release) {
if (going) {
if (checker <= 10) {
atta = 100;
} else if (checker < 30) {
atta = 180;
} else if (checker < 60) {
atta = 240;
} else {
atta = (checker * 1.25) * 2;
att = random(atta);
att = att - (c1 - s1);
ch = c1 + s1;
if (att > ch) {
bar2 = talkname + ":: umm... yea your not really my type, at all.";
} else {
bar2 = talkname + ":: <Grins at you> Mmmm.";
if (talkname == "Rachel") {
gotoAndStop (19);
if (talkname == "Kim") {
gotoAndStop (23);
if (talkname == "Ava") {
gotoAndStop (25);
if (talkname == "lexi") {
gotoAndStop (28);
going = false;
Symbol 425 Button
on (release) {
a1 = "Rachel tells you about one of her friends she also likes";
rach = 1;
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 426 Button
on (rollOver) {
club2 = "Walk around the mall in search of a girl to talk with, takes 1 stamina.";
on (rollOut) {
club2 = "Welcome to the Club...";
on (release) {
if (t1 > 0) {
walk = random(12);
if (walk < 10) {
gotoAndStop (26);
} else {
club2 = "You walk around and don't find anyone";
} else {
club2 = "You are too tired to walk around the bar right now.";
Symbol 478 Button
on (rollOver) {
if (win) {
_root.puzz = "BAM you hit a walk go back to the start.";
win = false;
Symbol 480 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.puzz = "Make it to the end without touching the walls.";
win = true;
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 482 Button
on (rollOver) {
if (win) {
_root.puzz = "BAM you win.";
gotoAndStop (33);
} else {
_root.puzz = "You touched a wall go back to the start";
Symbol 487 Button
on (rollOver) {
if (win) {
_root.puzz = "BAM you hit a walk go back to the start.";
win = false;
Symbol 488 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.puzz = "Make it to the end without touching the walls.";
win = true;
Symbol 489 Button
on (rollOver) {
if (win) {
_root.puzz = "BAM you win.";
gotoAndStop (69);
} else {
_root.puzz = "You touched a wall go back to the start";
Symbol 491 Button
on (rollOver) {
if (win) {
_root.puzz = "BAM you win.";
} else {
_root.puzz = "You touched a wall go back to the start";
Symbol 494 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 494 MovieClip Frame 68
Symbol 494 MovieClip Frame 69
Symbol 495 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.puzz = "Make it to the end without touching the walls.";
win = true;
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 496 Button
on (rollOver) {
if (win) {
_root.puzz = "BAM you win.";
gotoAndStop (33);
} else {
_root.puzz = "You touched a wall go back to the start";
Symbol 498 Button
on (rollOver) {
if (win) {
_root.puzz = "BAM you win.";
gotoAndStop (49);
} else {
_root.puzz = "You touched a wall go back to the start";
Symbol 501 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.resul = false;
Symbol 501 MovieClip Frame 48
Symbol 501 MovieClip Frame 49
_root.resul = true;
Symbol 502 Button
on (rollOver) {
puzz = "Find you way through the maze without touching the wall. The timer will start when you get to the start button, if you touch a wall you'll have to start over.";
on (release) {
if (!resul) {
good = false;
setProperty("/p1", _x , 800);
setProperty("/p1", _x , 370);
} else if (!good) {
which = random(r1);
setProperty("/p1", _x , 800);
if (which < 10) {
setProperty("/rach1", _x , 370);
} else if (which < 20) {
setProperty("/rach2", _x , 370);
} else if (which < 30) {
setProperty("/rach3", _x , 370);
} else if (which < 40) {
setProperty("/rach4", _x , 370);
} else if (which < 50) {
setProperty("/rach5", _x , 370);
} else {
setProperty("/rach6", _x , 370);
good = true;
r1 = r1 + (random(5) + 1);
Symbol 503 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 509 Button
on (release) {
buying = "false";
ket1 = "Small Candy";
ket2 = "Small Animal";
ket3 = "Single Rose";
ket4 = "Large Candy";
ket5 = "Large Animal";
ket6 = "Dozen Roses";
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 511 Button
on (release) {
if (!buying) {
cost = 3;
ming = 1;
maxg = 3;
chance = 10;
pass = 4;
market2 = " Who do you want to give $3 candy to?";
buying = true;
ket1 = "Rachel";
ket2 = "Kim";
ket3 = "Nicole";
ket4 = "Rose";
ket5 = "Ava";
ket6 = "Lexi";
} else if (m1 > cost) {
m1 = m1 - cost;
trys = random(chance);
if (trys > pass) {
r1 = r1 + (random(maxg) + ming);
market2 = "Rachel likes the gift and increase her intrest in you";
} else {
market2 = "Rachel dislikes the gift and you don't increase";
} else {
market2 = "You don't have enought money";
Symbol 512 Button
on (release) {
if (!buying) {
cost = 5;
ming = 1;
maxg = 5;
chance = 10;
pass = 4;
market2 = " Who do you want to give $5 animal to?";
buying = true;
ket1 = "Rachel";
ket2 = "Kim";
ket3 = "Nicole";
ket4 = "Rose";
ket5 = "Ava";
ket6 = "Lexi";
} else if (m1 > cost) {
m1 = m1 - cost;
trys = random(chance);
if (trys > pass) {
k1 = k1 + (random(maxg) + ming);
market2 = "Kim likes the gift and increase her intrest in you";
} else {
market2 = "Kim dislikes the gift and you don't increase";
} else {
market2 = "You don't have enought money";
Symbol 513 Button
on (release) {
if (!buying) {
cost = 7;
ming = 1;
maxg = 7;
chance = 10;
pass = 4;
market2 = " Who do you want to give the $7 rose to?";
buying = true;
ket1 = "Rachel";
ket2 = "Kim";
ket3 = "Nicole";
ket4 = "Rose";
ket5 = "Ava";
ket6 = "Lexi";
} else if (m1 > cost) {
m1 = m1 - cost;
trys = random(chance);
if (trys > pass) {
n1 = n1 + (random(maxg) + ming);
market2 = "Nicole likes the gift and increase her intrest in you";
} else {
market2 = "Nicole dislikes the gift and you don't increase";
} else {
market2 = "You don't have enought money";
Symbol 515 Button
on (release) {
if (!buying) {
cost = 6;
ming = 2;
maxg = 5;
chance = 10;
pass = 3;
market2 = " Who do you want to give $6 candy to?";
buying = true;
ket1 = "Rachel";
ket2 = "Kim";
ket3 = "Nicole";
ket4 = "Rose";
ket5 = "Ava";
ket6 = "Lexi";
} else if (m1 > cost) {
m1 = m1 - cost;
trys = random(chance);
if (trys > pass) {
o1 = o1 + (random(maxg) + ming);
market2 = "Rose likes the gift and increase her intrest in you";
} else {
market2 = "Rose dislikes the gift and you don't increase";
} else {
market2 = "You don't have enought money";
Symbol 516 Button
on (release) {
if (!buying) {
cost = 10;
ming = 2;
maxg = 7;
chance = 10;
pass = 3;
market2 = " Who do you want to give $10 animal to?";
buying = true;
ket1 = "Rachel";
ket2 = "Kim";
ket3 = "Nicole";
ket4 = "Rose";
ket5 = "Ava";
ket6 = "Lexi";
} else if (m1 > cost) {
m1 = m1 - cost;
trys = random(chance);
if (trys > pass) {
v1 = v1 + (random(maxg) + ming);
market2 = "Ava likes the gift and increase her intrest in you";
} else {
market2 = "Ava dislikes the gift and you don't increase";
} else {
market2 = "You don't have enought money";
Symbol 517 Button
on (release) {
if (!buying) {
cost = 15;
ming = 3;
maxg = 15;
chance = 10;
pass = 3;
market2 = " Who do you want to give #10 flowers to?";
buying = true;
ket1 = "Rachel";
ket2 = "Kim";
ket3 = "Nicole";
ket4 = "Rose";
ket5 = "Ava";
ket6 = "Lexi";
} else if (m1 > cost) {
m1 = m1 - cost;
trys = random(chance);
if (trys > pass) {
l1 = l1 + (random(maxg) + ming);
market2 = "Lexi likes the gift and increase her intrest in you";
} else {
market2 = "Lexi dislikes the gift and you don't increase";
} else {
market2 = "You don't have enought money";
Symbol 527 Button
on (release) {
if ((m1 > 9) && (t1 > 2)) {
m1 = m1 - 10;
t1 = t1 - 3;
dru = random(9) + 1;
s1 = s1 + dru;
if (dru < 5) {
y1 = random(6) + 1;
y2 = random(6) + 1;
y3 = random(6) + 1;
y4 = random(6) + 1;
y5 = random(6) + 1;
y6 = random(6) + 1;
r1 = r1 - y1;
k1 = k1 - y2;
n1 = n1 - y3;
o1 = o1 - y4;
v1 = v1 - y5;
l1 = l1 - y6;
drug2 = "Your caught doing drugs and the girls loss intrest in you, you increase your skill by " + dru;
} else {
drug2 = "You take the pills and dont get caught you increase your skill by " + dru;
} else {
drug2 = "You don't have enought money to do drugs.";
Symbol 528 Button
on (release) {
if ((m1 > 9) && (t1 > 2)) {
m1 = m1 - 10;
t1 = t1 - 3;
dru = random(9) + 1;
c1 = c1 + dru;
if (dru < 5) {
y1 = random(6) + 1;
y2 = random(6) + 1;
y3 = random(6) + 1;
y4 = random(6) + 1;
y5 = random(6) + 1;
y6 = random(6) + 1;
r1 = r1 - y1;
k1 = k1 - y2;
n1 = n1 - y3;
o1 = o1 - y4;
v1 = v1 - y5;
l1 = l1 - y6;
drug2 = "Your caught doing drugs and the girls loss intrest in you, you increase your charm by " + dru;
} else {
drug2 = "You smoke the joint and dont get caught you increase your charm by " + dru;
} else {
drug2 = "You don't have enought money to do drugs.";
Symbol 529 Button
on (release) {
if ((m1 > 9) && (t1 > 2)) {
m1 = m1 - 10;
t1 = t1 - 3;
dru = random(9) + 1;
if (dru < 5) {
y1 = random(6) + 1;
y2 = random(6) + 1;
y3 = random(6) + 1;
y4 = random(6) + 1;
y5 = random(6) + 1;
y6 = random(6) + 1;
r1 = r1 - y1;
k1 = k1 - y2;
n1 = n1 - y3;
o1 = o1 - y4;
v1 = v1 - y5;
l1 = l1 - y6;
drug2 = "Your caught give drugs and the girls loss intrest in you";
} else {
y1 = random(9) + 1;
y2 = random(9) + 1;
y3 = random(9) + 1;
y4 = random(9) + 1;
y5 = random(9) + 1;
y6 = random(9) + 1;
r1 = r1 + y1;
k1 = k1 + y2;
n1 = n1 + y3;
o1 = o1 + y4;
v1 = v1 + y5;
l1 = l1 + y6;
drug2 = "You give the pills and dont get caught you increase your intrest with all the girls";
} else {
drug2 = "You don't have enought money to do drugs.";
Symbol 561 Button
on (rollOver) {
puzz = "Find you way through the maze without touching the wall. The timer will start when you get to the start button, if you touch a wall you'll have to start over.";
on (release) {
if (!resul) {
good = false;
setProperty("/p1", _x , 800);
setProperty("/p1", _x , 370);
} else if (!good) {
which = random(n1);
setProperty("/p1", _x , 800);
if (which < 10) {
setProperty("/nic1", _x , 370);
} else if (which < 20) {
setProperty("/nic2", _x , 370);
} else if (which < 30) {
setProperty("/nic3", _x , 370);
} else if (which < 40) {
setProperty("/nic4", _x , 370);
} else if (which < 50) {
setProperty("/nic5", _x , 370);
} else {
setProperty("/nic6", _x , 370);
good = true;
n1 = n1 + random(5);
Symbol 605 Button
on (rollOver) {
puzz = "Find you way through the maze without touching the wall. The timer will start when you get to the start button, if you touch a wall you'll have to start over.";
on (release) {
if (!resul) {
good = false;
setProperty("/p1", _x , 800);
setProperty("/p1", _x , 370);
} else if (!good) {
which = random(k1);
setProperty("/p1", _x , 800);
if (which < 10) {
setProperty("/kim1", _x , 370);
} else if (which < 20) {
setProperty("/kim2", _x , 370);
} else if (which < 30) {
setProperty("/kim3", _x , 370);
} else if (which < 40) {
setProperty("/kim4", _x , 370);
} else if (which < 50) {
setProperty("/kim5", _x , 370);
} else {
setProperty("/kim6", _x , 370);
good = true;
k1 = k1 + (random(5) + 1);
Symbol 641 Button
on (rollOver) {
puzz = "Find you way through the maze without touching the wall. The timer will start when you get to the start button, if you touch a wall you'll have to start over.";
on (release) {
if (!resul) {
good = false;
setProperty("/p1", _x , 800);
setProperty("/p1", _x , 370);
} else if (!good) {
which = random(o1);
setProperty("/p1", _x , 800);
if (which < 10) {
setProperty("/rose1", _x , 370);
} else if (which < 20) {
setProperty("/rose2", _x , 370);
} else if (which < 30) {
setProperty("/rose3", _x , 370);
} else if (which < 40) {
setProperty("/rose4", _x , 370);
} else if (which < 50) {
setProperty("/rose5", _x , 370);
} else {
setProperty("/rose6", _x , 370);
good = true;
o1 = o1 + (random(5) + 1);
Symbol 683 Button
on (rollOver) {
puzz = "Find you way through the maze without touching the wall. The timer will start when you get to the start button, if you touch a wall you'll have to start over.";
on (release) {
if (!resul) {
good = false;
setProperty("/p1", _x , 800);
setProperty("/p1", _x , 370);
} else if (!good) {
which = random(v1);
setProperty("/p1", _x , 800);
if (which < 10) {
setProperty("/ava1", _x , 370);
} else if (which < 20) {
setProperty("/ava2", _x , 370);
} else if (which < 30) {
setProperty("/ava3", _x , 370);
} else if (which < 40) {
setProperty("/ava4", _x , 370);
} else if (which < 50) {
setProperty("/ava5", _x , 370);
} else {
setProperty("/ava6", _x , 370);
good = true;
v1 = v1 + (random(5) + 1);
Symbol 685 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (18);
Symbol 687 Button
on (release) {
if (going) {
if (checker <= 10) {
atta = 50;
} else if (checker < 30) {
atta = 90;
} else if (checker < 60) {
atta = 120;
} else {
atta = checker * 1.25;
att = random(atta);
att = att - c1;
if (att > c1) {
club2 = talkname + ":: umm... yea your not really my type, at all.";
} else {
club2 = talkname + ":: <Smiles at you> It was nice talking to you, see you around.";
if (talkname == "Ava") {
v1 = v1 + (random(2) + 1);
if (talkname == "Lexi") {
l1 = l1 + (random(2) + 1);
if (talkname == "Nicole") {
n1 = n1 + (random(2) + 1);
if (talkname == "Rose") {
o1 = o1 + (random(2) + 1);
going = false;
Symbol 688 Button
on (release) {
if (going) {
if (checker <= 10) {
atta = 50;
} else if (checker < 30) {
atta = 90;
} else if (checker < 60) {
atta = 120;
} else {
atta = checker * 1.25;
att = random(atta);
att = att - s1;
if (att > s1) {
club2 = talkname + ":: umm... yea your not really my type, at all.";
} else {
club2 = talkname + ":: <Giggles at you> Your sweet, I'll see you around.";
if (talkname == "Ava") {
v1 = v1 + (random(2) + 1);
if (talkname == "Lexi") {
l1 = l1 + (random(2) + 1);
if (talkname == "Nicole") {
n1 = n1 + (random(2) + 1);
if (talkname == "Rose") {
o1 = o1 + (random(2) + 1);
going = false;
Symbol 689 Button
on (release) {
if (going) {
if (checker <= 10) {
atta = 100;
} else if (checker < 30) {
atta = 180;
} else if (checker < 60) {
atta = 240;
} else {
atta = (checker * 1.25) * 2;
att = random(atta);
att = att - (c1 - s1);
ch = c1 + s1;
if (att > ch) {
club2 = talkname + ":: umm... yea your not really my type, at all.";
} else {
club2 = talkname + ":: <Grins at you> Mmmm.";
if (talkname == "Ava") {
gotoAndStop (25);
if (talkname == "Lexi") {
gotoAndStop (28);
if (talkname == "Nicole") {
gotoAndStop (22);
if (talkname == "Rose") {
gotoAndStop (24);
going = false;
Symbol 694 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 738 Button
on (rollOver) {
puzz = "Find you way through the maze without touching the wall. The timer will start when you get to the start button, if you touch a wall you'll have to start over.";
on (release) {
if (!resul) {
good = false;
setProperty("/p1", _x , 800);
setProperty("/p1", _x , 370);
} else if (!good) {
which = random(l1);
setProperty("/p1", _x , 800);
if (which < 10) {
setProperty("/lexi1", _x , 370);
} else if (which < 20) {
setProperty("/lexi2", _x , 370);
} else if (which < 30) {
setProperty("/lexi3", _x , 370);
} else if (which < 40) {
setProperty("/lexi4", _x , 370);
} else if (which < 50) {
setProperty("/lexi5", _x , 370);
} else {
setProperty("/lexi6", _x , 370);
good = true;
l1 = l1 + (random(5) + 1);