Frame 1
function gosite() {
done = 0;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (done == 0) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
done = 1;
mol = 6.022E23;
music = new Sound();
music.loadSound("", false);
element = "gadolinium";
music_play = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2 MovieClip in Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
function off() {;
_root.music_play = 2;
function onn() {;
_root.music_play = 1;
var menu = new ContextMenu(); = false;
menu.builtInItems.reverse = false;
menu.builtInItems.rewind = false;
menu.builtInItems.forward_back = false;
menu.builtInItems.loop = false;
site = new ContextMenuItem("CheatFreak Online", _root.gosite);
musicoff = new ContextMenuItem("Music Off", off);
musicon = new ContextMenuItem("Music On", onn);
if (_root.music_play == 1) {
} else if (_root.music_play == 2) {
} = menu;
Frame 2
function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) {
var x;
var g;
var s;
var fv;
var sb;
var u;
var res;
var mb;
var mbc;
mb = "__mochibot__";
mbc = "";
g = (_global ? (_global) : (_level0._root));
if (g[mb + swfid]) {
return(g[mb + swfid]);
s =;
x = mc._root.getSWFVersion;
fv = (x ? (mc.getSWFVersion()) : ((_global ? 6 : 5)));
if (!s) {
s = {};
sb = s.sandboxType;
if (sb == "localWithFile") {
x = s.allowDomain;
if (x) {
x = s.allowInsecureDomain;
if (x) {
u = (((((((((((("http://" + mbc) + "/my/core.swf?mv=7&fv=") + fv) + "&v=") + escape(getVersion())) + "&swfid=") + escape(swfid)) + "&l=") + lv) + "&f=") + mc) + (sb ? ("&sb=" + sb) : "")) + (trk ? "&t=1" : "");
lv = ((fv > 6) ? (mc.getNextHighestDepth()) : ((g[mb + "level"] ? (g[mb + "level"] + 1) : (lv))));
g[mb + "level"] = lv;
if (fv == 5) {
res = "_level" + lv;
if (!eval (res)) {
loadMovieNum (u, lv);
} else {
res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv);
__com_mochibot__("39aa2072", this, 10301, true);
Frame 35
music_play = 1;
music.start(0, 1);
Frame 36
element_input.restrict = "a-z";
Frame 37
if (el == 1) {
ename = "Hydrogen";
(esym = "H");
(amass = 1.00794);
anum = el;
} else if (el == 2) {
ename = "Helium";
(esym = "He");
(amass = 4.002602);
anum = el;
} else if (el == 3) {
ename = "Lithium";
(esym = "Li");
(amass = 6.941);
anum = el;
} else if (el == 4) {
ename = "Beryllium";
(esym = "Be");
(amass = 9.012182);
anum = el;
} else if (el == 5) {
ename = "Boron";
(esym = "B");
(amass = 10.811);
anum = el;
} else if (el == 6) {
ename = "Carbon";
(esym = "C");
(amass = 12.011);
anum = el;
} else if (el == 7) {
ename = "Nitrogen";
(esym = "N");
(amass = 14.00674);
anum = el;
} else if (el == 8) {
ename = "Oxygen";
(esym = "O");
(amass = 15.9994);
anum = el;
} else if (el == 9) {
ename = "Fluorine";
(esym = "F");
(amass = 18.9984032);
anum = el;
} else if (el == 10) {
ename = "Neon";
(esym = "Ne");
(amass = 20.1797);
anum = el;
} else if (el == 11) {
ename = "Sodium";
(esym = "Na");
(amass = 22.989768);
anum = el;
} else if (el == 12) {
ename = "Magnesium";
(esym = "Mg");
(amass = 24.305);
anum = el;
} else if (el == 13) {
ename = "Aluminum";
(esym = "Al");
(amass = 26.981539);
anum = el;
} else if (el == 14) {
ename = "Silicon";
(esym = "Si");
(amass = 28.0855);
anum = el;
} else if (el == 15) {
ename = "Phosphorus";
(esym = "P");
(amass = 30.973762);
anum = el;
} else if (el == 16) {
ename = "Sulfur";
(esym = "S");
(amass = 32.066);
anum = el;
} else if (el == 17) {
ename = "Chlorine";
(esym = "Cl");
(amass = 35.4527);
anum = el;
} else if (el == 18) {
ename = "Argon";
(esym = "Ar");
(amass = 39.948);
anum = el;
} else if (el == 19) {
ename = "Potassium";
(esym = "K");
(amass = 39.0983);
anum = el;
} else if (el == 20) {
ename = "Calcium";
(esym = "Ca");
(amass = 40.078);
anum = el;
} else if (el == 21) {
ename = "Scandium";
(esym = "Sc");
(amass = 44.95591);
anum = el;
} else if (el == 22) {
ename = "Titanium";
(esym = "Ti");
(amass = 47.867);
anum = el;
} else if (el == 23) {
ename = "Vanadium";
(esym = "V");
(amass = 50.9415);
anum = el;
} else if (el == 24) {
ename = "Manganese";
(esym = "Mn");
(amass = 54.93805);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 25) {
ename = "Iron";
(esym = "Fe");
(amass = 55.845);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 26) {
ename = "Cobalt";
(esym = "Co");
(amass = 58.9332);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 27) {
ename = "Nickel";
(esym = "Ni");
(amass = 58.6934);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 28) {
ename = "Copper";
(esym = "Cu");
(amass = 63.546);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 29) {
(esym = "Zn");
(amass = 65.39);
ename = "Zinc";
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 30) {
ename = "Gallium";
(esym = "Ga");
(amass = 69.723);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 31) {
ename = "Germanium";
(esym = "Ge");
(amass = 72.61);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 32) {
ename = "Arsenic";
(esym = "As");
(amass = 74.92159);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 33) {
ename = "Selenium";
(esym = "Se");
(amass = 78.96);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 34) {
ename = "Bromine";
(esym = "Br");
(amass = 79.904);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 35) {
ename = "Krypton";
(esym = "Kr");
(amass = 83.8);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 36) {
ename = "Rubidium";
(esym = "Rb");
(amass = 85.4678);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 37) {
ename = "Strontium";
(esym = "Sr");
(amass = 87.62);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 38) {
ename = "Yttrium";
(esym = "Y");
(amass = 88.90585);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 39) {
ename = "Zirconium";
(esym = "Zr");
(amass = 91.224);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 40) {
ename = "Niobium";
(esym = "Nb");
(amass = 92.90638);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 41) {
ename = "Molybdenum";
(esym = "Mo");
(amass = 95.94);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 42) {
ename = "Technetium";
(esym = "Tc");
(amass = 98);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 43) {
ename = "Ruthenium";
(esym = "Ru");
(amass = 101.07);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 44) {
(esym = "Rh");
(amass = 102.9055);
ename = "Rhodium";
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 45) {
ename = "Palladium";
(esym = "Pd");
(amass = 106.42);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 46) {
ename = "Silver";
(esym = "Ag");
(amass = 107.8682);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 47) {
ename = "Cadmium";
(esym = "Cd");
(amass = 112.411);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 48) {
ename = "Indium";
(esym = "In");
(amass = 114.818);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 49) {
ename = "Tin";
(esym = "Sn");
(amass = 118.71);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 50) {
ename = "Antimony";
(esym = "Sb");
(amass = 121.76);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 51) {
ename = "Tellurium";
(esym = "Te");
(amass = 127.6);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 52) {
ename = "Iodine";
(esym = "I");
(amass = 126.90447);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 53) {
ename = "Xenon";
(esym = "Xe");
(amass = 131.29);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 54) {
ename = "Cesium";
(esym = "Cs");
(amass = 132.90543);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 55) {
ename = "Barium";
(esym = "Ba");
(amass = 137.327);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 56) {
ename = "Lanthanum";
(esym = "La");
(amass = 138.9055);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 57) {
ename = "Cerium";
(esym = "Ce");
(amass = 140.115);
anum = el + 1;
} else if (el == 58) {
ename = "Neodymium";
(esym = "Nd");
(amass = 144.24);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 59) {
ename = "Promethium";
(esym = "Pm");
(amass = 145);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 60) {
ename = "Samarium";
(esym = "Sm");
(amass = 150.36);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 61) {
ename = "Europium";
(esym = "Eu");
(amass = 151.965);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 62) {
ename = "Gadolinium";
(esym = "Gd");
(amass = 157.25);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 63) {
ename = "Terbium";
(esym = "Tb");
(amass = 158.92534);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 64) {
ename = "Dysprosium";
anum = el + 2;
(esym = "Dy");
(amass = 162.5);
} else if (el == 65) {
ename = "Holmium";
(esym = "Ho");
(amass = 164.93032);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 66) {
ename = "Erbium";
(esym = "Er");
(amass = 167.26);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 67) {
ename = "Thulium";
(esym = "Tm");
(amass = 168.93421);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 68) {
ename = "Ytterbium";
(esym = "Yb");
(amass = 173.04);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 69) {
ename = "Lutetium";
(esym = "Lu");
(amass = 174.967);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 70) {
ename = "Hafnium";
(esym = "Hf");
(amass = 178.49);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 71) {
ename = "Tantalum";
(esym = "Ta");
(amass = 180.9479);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 72) {
ename = "Tungsten";
(esym = "W");
(amass = 183.84);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 73) {
ename = "Rhenium";
(esym = "Re");
(amass = 186.207);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 74) {
ename = "Osmium";
(esym = "Os");
(amass = 190.23);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 75) {
ename = "Iridium";
(esym = "Ir");
(amass = 192.217);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 76) {
ename = "Platinum";
(esym = "Pt");
(amass = 195.08);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 77) {
ename = "Gold";
(esym = "Au");
(amass = 196.96654);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 78) {
ename = "Mercury";
(esym = "Hg");
(amass = 200.59);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 79) {
ename = "Thallium";
(esym = "Tl");
(amass = 204.3833);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 80) {
ename = "Lead";
(esym = "Pb");
(amass = 207.2);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 81) {
ename = "Bismuth";
(esym = "Bi");
(amass = 208.98037);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 82) {
ename = "Polonium";
(esym = "Po");
(amass = 209);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 83) {
ename = "Astatine";
(esym = "At");
(amass = 210);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 84) {
ename = "Radon";
(esym = "Rn");
(amass = 222);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 85) {
ename = "Francium";
(esym = "Fr");
(amass = 223);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 86) {
ename = "Radium";
(esym = "Ra");
(amass = 226);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 87) {
ename = "Actinium";
(esym = "Ac");
(amass = 227);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 88) {
ename = "Thorium";
(esym = "Th");
(amass = 232.0381);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 89) {
ename = "Protactinium";
(esym = "Pa");
(amass = 231.03588);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 90) {
ename = "Uranium";
(esym = "U");
(amass = 238.0289);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 91) {
ename = "Neptunium";
(esym = "Np");
(amass = 237);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 92) {
ename = "Plutonium";
(esym = "Pu");
(amass = 244);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 93) {
ename = "Americium";
(esym = "Am");
(amass = 243);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 94) {
ename = "Curium";
(esym = "Cm");
(amass = 247);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 95) {
ename = "Berkelium";
(esym = "Bk");
(amass = 247);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 96) {
ename = "Californium";
(esym = "Cf");
(amass = 251);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 97) {
ename = "Einsteinium";
(esym = "Es");
(amass = 252);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 98) {
ename = "Fermium";
(esym = "Fm");
(amass = 257);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 99) {
ename = "Mendelevium";
(esym = "Md");
(amass = 258);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 100) {
ename = "Nobelium";
(esym = "No");
(amass = 259);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 101) {
ename = "Lawrencium";
(esym = "Lr");
(amass = 262);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 102) {
ename = "Rutherfordium";
(esym = "Rf");
(amass = 261);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 103) {
ename = "Dubnium";
(esym = "Db");
(amass = 262);
anum = el + 2;
} else if (el == 106) {
ename = "Newgroundium";
esym = "Ng";
anum = 164;
amass = 1337;
} else if (el == 104) {
ename = "Chromium";
(esym = "Cr");
(amass = 51.9961);
anum = 24;
} else if (el == 105) {
ename = "Praseodymium";
(esym = "Pr");
(amass = 140.90765);
anum = 59;
Frame 38
grams = 1;
gram_input.restrict = "0-9.";
Frame 39
tehmass = gramz + " grams of";
if ((int(moles * 100) / 100) == 1) {
mole = "1 mole!";
} else if ((int(moles * 100) / 100) != 1) {
mole = (int(moles * 100) / 100) + " moles!";
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip in Frame 40
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = random(91) + 60;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (timer <= 0) {
} else {
Frame 41
if (moles == 1) {
mole = "1 mole of";
} else if (moles != 1) {
mole = (int(moles * 100) / 100) + " moles of";
atoms = (moles * mol) + " atoms!";
Symbol 4 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 4 MovieClip Frame 2
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 13 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 18 Button
on (release) {;
Symbol 22 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 1
bar._xscale = 0;
bar2._xscale = 0;
PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100;
PercentLoaded2 = ( / * 100;
if ((PercentLoaded != 100) || (PercentLoaded2 != 100)) {
bar2._xscale = PercentLoaded;
bar._xscale = PercentLoaded2;
} else {
gotoAndStop ("loaded");
Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 28 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 30 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 30 MovieClip in Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndStop (2);
this.useHandCursor = false;
on (rollOut) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 41 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 49 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 58 Button
on (press) {
moles = grams / amass;
if (isNaN(moles)) {
grams = "Invalid Mass";
} else if ((moles <= 0) || (grams <= 0)) {
grams = "Invalid Mass";
} else if ((grams < 1E-5) || (grams > 3376918036)) {
grams = "Invalid Mass";
} else {
gramz = grams;
Symbol 61 Button
on (press) {
moles = (grams * 1000) / amass;
if (isNaN(moles)) {
grams = "Invalid Mass";
} else {
gramz = grams * 1000;
Symbol 64 Button
on (press) {
moles = (grams / 1000) / amass;
if (isNaN(moles)) {
grams = "Invalid Mass";
} else {
gramz = grams / 1000;
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 17
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 77 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 83 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 88 Button
on (press) {