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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Matt 's Anime Tutorial.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #38982

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

Want to learn how to draw Anime or
Manga characters? Listen up. I'm not from
Japan, it's not in my culture, but I spent
much of my time studying the Anime
design, and I would like to teach you what
I know. In this tutorial, you will learn how
to create faces, bodies, and other various
aspects of Anime. Take your time and and
keep practicing, and soon, you'll be much
better than me.

Start the tutorial

Start the tutorial

Matt's Anime

By Matt Kaiser







"Matt's Anime Tutorial"
Art and Animations by
Matt Kaiser
A special thanks to
Tadashi Ozawa
For inspiring me and giving me something to read.
Also thanks to Newgrounds
For hosting this, and Macromedia for creating this
wonderful program.
And YOU !



Always start with a circle...



Draw verticle and horizontal
guidlines as shown.




Draw out the chin from the
horizontal guideline.

Erase the lower arc of the circle
so it looks more like a head.

Draw another horizontal guideline halfway
between the first one and the chin, then
add ears as shown.

Now we will draw eyes. Use the guideline as
a base. You can try to copy mine, or go to
the eye section of this tutorial.



So you either followed the mini-tut or are
copying the eyes now. Once you have
finished with that, lets go on...

The lower you position the eyes, the
more kid-like the character becomes.

The eyebrows are very useful in expressing
emotions. Position them wisely as to what
you want your character to feel.

We will keep
ours at a
position for
the remainder
of the tutorial.

You can erase
the middle
guide now,
we're finished
with it.

For the nose, which will be positioned at the intersection
of the guidelines, we will draw a shadow at the bottom
and side (and a nostril if you would like).

Also draw this
guideline between the
nose and chin for the
mouth. After you do
this, you can erase the
nose guideline.




We are finished
with the
guidelines, you
can erase them
now. Now didn't
those help?

There are many different expressions you can make with a
mouth, see the mouth mini-tut for tips on how to do that.
The neutral mouth is here if you would like to draw it.



Now it's time for the hair. Make sure it's done in the right
proportions or it won't look right.

Hair isn't plastered
to your head, notice
how high any
persons hair goes
above the head.

Look at
other hair
styles in the
hair min-tut!

Lets move the head down some, and change the hair so we
can make a girl (considering the size and femininity of the
eyes). Okay, coloring the hair is tricky at first, but once you
get the hang of it, becomes pretty addicting. Lets start off
with a single color.

This looks like pretty flat hair, which means it
will be highlighted at the top, but have a
definite ledge in the front. We can color that
ledge using a darker variation of the hair color.

The next step is to highlight. We follow the
hairline, and since her hair is flat it won't have
too many. We can also add a shadow in her

Let's finish the hair with some added
effects, not completely necessary,
and then we can move on.

The face needs coloring as well, so let's
pick a skin color and get started, but
make sure to leave white in the eyes!

Add shading and highlights, and any
other various features, and voila. You
have just drawn an Anime head.
Let's name her Farmgirl.

I hope you didn't copy me exactly. Every
character is different. They don't all
have strange, curly,  brown hair. Some
are blond, with hair that goes up to the
ceiling and down to their shoes. She
could have been angry, green, and had
thin eyes. I showed you how to do all of
that, so go and experiment with faces,
colors, shading, etc., until you learn how
to make anything you want!

You may not always want to
look straight ahead. Angles add
a better touch to your drawing.
All you have to do now is focus
on the cheekbones, forehead
and the positioning of the facial

My last wish for you is to focus on perspective,
especially with the eyes. Always keep them aligned
with the head and with eachother, whether you are
looking straight on or at an angle.

Back to Main

Back to Main

Back to

Back to

How to draw eyes...


Start the mini-tut

Start the mini-tut

Eyes are actually much
easier than they appear.
Any geometric shape can
be converted into an eye.
(Rollover each Shape)

In this style, we usually see a thick upper
eyelid and a thin lower one. Eyelashes may
be showing or not, and the size of the eye
varies. The eyeball itself is very complex,
but again, can be anything. Add highlights
and shadows, and the eye will look great.



Mouths are our main medium
of expressing emotions. We
can be sad, happy, angry (like
the one shown on the title
screen), worried, frightened,
smug, etc. Each one, you will
notice, gives the mouth a
unique shape.

Try to guess each emotion. The better you can recognize
them, the better you can draw them.
(Rollover to see)

It is expressed here in a
basic grin, with teeth
together, it can also be
drawn with mouth open.

The mouth is frowning.
For more anguish, lower
the lip's edges more,
and/or open the mouth.

Upper teeth are
showing,the mouth is open,
the center of the lips are
pulled in. You can also
make the teeth clenched.

The mouth is off-center
and wide open, and the
toungue is raised very
high. The sides slope

One side of the mouth
dips lower than the
other, and the mouth is

The teeth are clenched
and the mouth is
almost closed. The
edges of the lips are
turned down.

Mouths are usually symmetrical, but
depending on the character, the
emotions can be expressed
asymmetrically, even if the character is
facing forward.

What do you want
to draw? Is it going
to be a fighter, a
kid? Or maybe a
doctor, or even a
monster. It's your
choice, but make
sure you position
the body correctly.
Start with a

variations of the
same skeleton.

Let's use the first
one for now. Notice
how each joint has
a different size. We
will use this to
measure the width
of our body parts. A
rough sketch would
look like this:

Clothing, whether
loose or tight,
should follow the
lines of the body.
Our man will be
wearing a suit.
Remember, use
those joints as
guides, this time for
wrinkles or turns in
the clothing.

Creases where
the clothing is
bunched or
pulled, and
added detail to
the stick, head,
feet, etc.

The colors should be
bright and vibrant,
and should be
related to the
character. Also,
notice that each
part is in the right
place, that the pants
are behind the shirt,
or the tie is inside
the jacket.

The colors should be
bright and vibrant,
and should be
related to the
character. Also,
notice that each part
is in the right place,
that the pants are
behind the shirt, or
the tie is inside the
jacket. And there you
have it, the body.

Mini Tutorials







Hair varies greatly depending on
the artist, and the story he/she
wants to tell. For the main
characters, the hair should never
be too exotic or insane. It should
be controlled, yet striking and
unique. The other characters,
however, have no preference.

Some conservative hairstyles.

Some exotic hairstyles.

Higlighting hair is easy, take this
sample for example. First, we will
make a shape for straight hair.

Now add the simple highlight. If you
are using a computer, just add a

Now add shading between the
strands of hair.

The higlights usually go in a zig-zag
pattern between the hair.

If you would like, add a gradient to
the highlight. And there you go, the
coloring is finished.


In Anime, hands always, and I
mean ALWAYS have meaning.
They can be flared to express
anxiety or happiness, clenched to
suggest anger, or on one's hips to
show pride. They will never be
limp, unless the character is
exausted. Let's begin...

Begin with a basic outline that only suggest
the distance that the fingers extend.

Make the fingers more defined, and draw in
the position of the knuckles.

Now define the joints even more, add nails
and knuckles, and you have a basic hand.

Other Open Hands.

Clenched Hands.


Feet tend not to change shape no
matter how they are moved. If
you can get the basic idea of a
foot down, you can draw it over
and over again from any angle.
Let's take a look...

Like the hand, start with an outline of
where the parts will go.

Looks like a shoe.

Draw in the toes.

Fix the shape if necessary, draw in the
anklebone, foot bones, and define the toes
and toenails

Other Feet.

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

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Created: 12/5 -2019 19:21:34 Last modified: 12/5 -2019 19:21:34 Server time: 18/02 -2025 21:55:06