Frame 1
Frame 2
function makeMenu() {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("menu", 10);
menu.attachMovie("menu_plate", "bg", 1);
menu.attachMovie("title", "title", 2); = Stage.width / 2; = Stage.height / 2;
menu.title._x = Stage.width / 2;
menu.title._y = (menu.title._height / 2) + 20;
i = 0;
while (i < menuArray.length) {
name = "Menu_" + i;
menu.attachMovie("menu_button", name, 3 + i);
menu[name]._x = Stage.width / 2;
menu[name]._y = 150 + (60 * i);
menu[name].name_txt.text = menuArray[i];
menu[name].onRelease = function () {
if (this.name_txt.text == "Credits") {
} else {
_root.effectColour = 11;
_root.gotoAndStop("Play Game");
menuArray = ["Play Game", "Credits"];
bitmap1 = new flash.display.BitmapData(100, 100, true);
bitmap2 = new flash.display.BitmapData(450, 420, false);
createEmptyMovieClip("h1", 1);
createEmptyMovieClip("h2", 2);
h1.attachBitmap(bitmap1, 10);
h2.attachBitmap(bitmap2, 10);
a = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
a.push(new flash.geom.Point());
effectColour = 1;
h1._visible = false;
onEnterFrame = function () {
a[0].y = a[0].y + 4;
a[1].x = a[1].x + 2;
a[2].x = a[2].x + 5;
a[2].y = a[2].y + 5;
a[3].y = a[3].y + 6;
a[4].x = a[4].x + 4;
bitmap1.perlinNoise(50, 50, 2, 50, false, false, effectColour, false, a);
m = new flash.geom.Matrix();
m.scale(4.5, 4.2);
bitmap2.draw(_root.h1, m);
Frame 12
function buildMap(map) {;
_root.attachMovie("empty", "tiles", 5);
_root.attachMovie("empty", "items", 6);
game.clip = _root.tiles;
game.clip2 = _root.items;
var _local6 = map[0].length;
var _local7 = map.length;
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local7) {
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local6) {
var _local2 = (("t_" + _local4) + "_") + _local3;
game[_local2] = new game["Tile" + map[_local4][_local3]]();
game.clip.attachMovie("tile", _local2, ((_local4 * 100) + (_local3 * 2)) + 10);
game.clip[_local2]._x = _local3 * game.tileW;
game.clip[_local2]._y = _local4 * game.tileH;
game.clip.attachMovie("char", "char", 10000);
char.clip = game.clip.char;
char.width = char.clip._width / 2;
char.height = char.clip._height / 2;
char.x = (char.xtile * game.tileW) + (game.tileW / 2);
char.y = ((char.ytile + 1) * game.tileH) - char.height;
char.clip._x = char.x;
char.clip._y = char.y;
game.clip.attachMovie("ozzy", "ozzy", 100009);
game.clip.ozzy.arms._visible = false;
attachMovie("beat_bar", "beatBar", 200);
beatBar._x = Stage.width / 2;
beatBar._y = 35;
scoreFormat = new TextFormat();
scoreFormat.bold = true;
scoreFormat.font = "Arial";
scoreFormat.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
game.clip.createTextField("score_txt", 5000, 10, 400, 200, 20);
game.clip.score_txt.text = "Score : " + game.currentScore;
game.clip.createTextField("songtxt", 500000, 10, 10, 300, 20);
game.clip.song_txt.text = "Song Info : The Devil Made Me Do It - by Yegor";
function changeMap(player) {
var _local3 = (("t_" + player.ytile) + "_") + player.xtile;
game.currentMap = game[_local3].newMap;
player.ytile = game[_local3].newchary;
player.xtile = game[_local3].newcharx;
player.frame = player.clip._currentframe;
buildMap(_root["myMap" + game.currentMap]);
function getMyCorners(x, y, player) {
player.downY = Math.floor(((y + player.height) - 1) / game.tileH);
player.upY = Math.floor((y - player.height) / game.tileH);
player.leftX = Math.floor((x - player.width) / game.tileW);
player.rightX = Math.floor(((x + player.width) - 1) / game.tileW);
player.upleft = game[(("t_" + player.upY) + "_") + player.leftX].walkable;
player.downleft = game[(("t_" + player.downY) + "_") + player.leftX].walkable;
player.upright = game[(("t_" + player.upY) + "_") + player.rightX].walkable;
player.downright = game[(("t_" + player.downY) + "_") + player.rightX].walkable;
function moveChar(player, dirx, diry, jump) {
if (Math.abs(jump) == 1) {
speed = player.jumpspeed * jump;
} else {
speed = player.speed;
getMyCorners(player.x, player.y + (speed * diry), player);
if (diry == -1) {
if (player.upleft && (player.upright)) {
player.y = player.y + (speed * diry);
} else {
player.y = (player.ytile * game.tileH) + player.height;
player.jumpspeed = 0;
if (diry == 1) {
if ((player.downleft && (player.downright)) && (!checkIfOnCloud(player))) {
player.y = player.y + (speed * diry);
} else {
player.y = ((player.ytile + 1) * game.tileH) - player.height;
player.jump = false;
game.clip.ozzy.arms._visible = false;
getMyCorners(player.x + (speed * dirx), player.y, player);
if (dirx == -1) {
if (player.downleft && (player.upleft)) {
player.x = player.x + (speed * dirx);
} else {
player.x = (player.xtile * game.tileW) + player.width;
if (dirx == 1) {
if (player.upright && (player.downright)) {
player.x = player.x + (speed * dirx);
} else {
player.x = ((player.xtile + 1) * game.tileW) - player.width;
player.clip._x = (game.clip.ozzy._x = player.x);
player.clip._y = (game.clip.ozzy._y = player.y);
player.clip.gotoAndStop((dirx + (diry * 2)) + 3);
player.xtile = Math.floor(player.clip._x / game.tileW);
player.ytile = Math.floor(player.clip._y / game.tileH);
if (game[(("t_" + player.ytile) + "_") + player.xtile].door && (player == _root.char)) {
function jump(player) {
player.jumpspeed = player.jumpspeed + player.gravity;
if (player.jumpspeed > (game.tileH - char.height)) {
player.jumpspeed = game.tileH - char.height;
if (player.jumpspeed < 0) {
moveChar(player, 0, -1, -1);
} else if (player.jumpspeed > 0) {
moveChar(player, 0, 1, 1);
function fall(player) {
if (!player.jump) {
getMyCorners(player.x, player.y + 1, player);
if ((player.downleft && (player.downright)) && (!checkIfOnCloud(player))) {
player.jumpspeed = 0;
player.jump = true;
game.clip.ozzy.arms._visible = false;
function checkIfOnCloud(player) {
var _local3 = game[(("t_" + player.downY) + "_") + player.leftX].cloud;
var _local2 = game[(("t_" + player.downY) + "_") + player.rightX].cloud;
if ((_local3 || (_local2)) && (player.ytile != player.downY)) {
function detectKeys() {
var _local2 = _root.char;
var _local3 = false;
if (Key.isDown(38) && (!_local2.jump)) {
_local2.jump = true;
_local2.jumpspeed = _local2.jumpstart;
game.clip.ozzy.arms._visible = true;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
_local3 = _root.moveChar(_local2, 1, 0);
} else if (Key.isDown(37)) {
_local3 = _root.moveChar(_local2, -1, 0);
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_local2.jumpspeed = 0;
_local2.jump = true;
if (_local2.jump) {
_local3 = _root.jump(_local2);
if (!_local3) {
} else {;
function init() {
buildMap(_root["myMap" + game.currentMap]);
_global.mi = 0;
function newBeat(num) {
name2 = "marker_" + _global.mi;
beatBar.attachMovie("mark" + num, name2, _global.mi);
beatBar[name2]._x = beatBar["p" + num]._x;
beatBar[name2]._y = beatBar["p" + num]._y;
beatBar[name2].n = num;
beatBar[name2].onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = this._x - 5;
if (this._x <= -160) {
function explode(n) {
frameList = ["", "red", "green", "blue", "grey"];
f = frameList[n];
tiles.attachMovie("shock", "shock", tiles.getNextHighestDepth());
if (tiles.shock.hitTest(tiles.char._x, tiles.char._y, true)) {
if (game.currentScore > 0) {
game.currentScore = game.currentScore - 50;
} else {
game.currentScore = 0;
} else {
game.currentScore = game.currentScore + 100;
game.clip.score_txt.text = "Score : " + game.currentScore;
attachMovie("Song_1", "song_1", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
song_1._x = -20;
song_1._y = 15;
myMap1 = [[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 5, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]];
game.TileClass = function () {
game.TileClass.prototype.walkable = false;
game.TileClass.prototype.frame = 20;
game = {tileW:30, tileH:30, currentMap:1, currentScore:0, totalScore:0};
game.Tile0 = function () {
game.Tile0.prototype.__proto__ = game.TileClass.prototype;
game.Tile0.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile0.prototype.frame = "norm";
game.Tile1 = function () {
game.Tile1.prototype.__proto__ = game.TileClass.prototype;
game.Tile1.prototype.frame = "wall";
game.Tile2 = function () {
game.Tile2.prototype.walkable = true; = true;
game.Tile2.prototype.frame = "red";
game.Tile3 = function () {
game.Tile3.prototype.walkable = true; = true;
game.Tile3.prototype.frame = "blue";
game.Tile4 = function () {
game.Tile4.prototype.walkable = true; = true;
game.Tile4.prototype.frame = "green";
game.Tile5 = function () {
game.Tile5.prototype.walkable = true; = true;
game.Tile5.prototype.frame = "grey";
char = {mi:0, xtile:7, ytile:5, speed:12, jumpstart:-25, gravity:3, jump:false};
Instance of Symbol 196 MovieClip [empty] "controller" in Frame 12
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Frame 25
h1._alpha = 0;
h2._alpha = 0;
score_txt.text = "";
score_text.text = "Stage score - " + game.currentScore;
total_score_text.text = "Total score - " + Number(game.totalScore + game.currentScore);
btn.onRelease = function () {
game.totalScore = game.totalScore + game.currentScore;
game.currentScore = 0;
h1._alpha = 100;
h2._alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop ("Catch");
Frame 30
function init() {;
beatSpeed = 7;
_root.effectColour = 15;
h2._alpha = 50;
_root.attachMovie("catch_HUD", "HUD", 10000);
_root.attachMovie("catch_player", "player", 20000);
HUD._x = -69;
player._x = 50;
player._y = 370;
player.turn = 0;
player.targetX = 50;
player.t = 0;
scoreFormat2 = new TextFormat();
scoreFormat2.bold = true;
scoreFormat2.font = "Arial";
scoreFormat2.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
scoreFormat2.align = "right";
_root.createTextField("score_txt", 500000, 345, 50, 105, 50);
_root.score_txt.multiline = true;
_root.score_txt.text = ("Score : \n" + game.currentScore) + " ";
h = (r = 0);
player.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.t > 0) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + (this.turn * 18);
} else {
this.turn = 0;
if (this._x < this.targetX) {
this._x = this._x + 20;
} else if (this._x > this.targetX) {
this._x = this._x - 20;
_root.score_txt.text = ("Score : \n" + game.currentScore) + " ";
function newBeat() {
if (_global.mi > 100) {
_global.mi = 20;
name2 = "marker_" + _global.mi;
_root.num = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4) - 1;
_root.num2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
_root.attachMovie("catch_dropping_symbols", name2, _global.mi + 100);
HUD["pump" + num2].gotoAndPlay("shoot");
_root[name2]._y = 0;
_root[name2]._x = (num2 * 80) + 50;
_root[name2].n = _root.num;
_root[name2].onEnterFrame = function () {
this._y = this._y + beatSpeed;
if (this._y >= 340) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.player)) {
if ((this.n == 0) && (player._rotation == 0)) {
game.currentScore = game.currentScore + 100;
rateText("good", this._x, this._y);
} else if ((this.n == 1) && ((player._rotation == 180) || (player._rotation == -180))) {
game.currentScore = game.currentScore + 100;
rateText("good", this._x, this._y);
} else if ((this.n == 2) && (player._rotation == -90)) {
game.currentScore = game.currentScore + 100;
rateText("good", this._x, this._y);
} else if ((this.n == 3) && (player._rotation == 90)) {
game.currentScore = game.currentScore + 100;
rateText("good", this._x, this._y);
} else {
game.currentScore = game.currentScore - 50;
if (game.currentScore < 0) {
game.currentScore = 0;
rateText("bad", this._x, this._y);;
function rateText(hit, x, y) {
attachMovie("rate_text", "rate_text", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
rate_text._x = x;
rate_text._y = y;
function movePlayer(h, r) {
if (h != 0) {
if (((player.targetX + h) >= 50) && ((player.targetX + h) <= 290)) {
player.targetX = player.targetX + h;
if (r != 0) {
if ((r != player.turn) && (player.turn != 0)) {
newTurn = (5 - player.t) + 5;
player.t = newTurn;
} else {
player.t = player.t + 5;
player.turn = r;
r = 0;
attachMovie("Song_3", "song_3", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
song_3._x = -20;
song_3._y = 15;
_global.mi = 20;
markerArray = ["red", "green", "blue", "grey"];
kList = new Object();
kList.onKeyDown = function () {
h = (r = 0);
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
h = -80;
r = 0;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
h = 80;
r = 0;
if (Key.isDown(88)) {
h = 0;
r = 1;
if (Key.isDown(90)) {
h = 0;
r = -1;
movePlayer(h, r);
Frame 42
score_txt.text = "";
score_text.text = "Stage score - " + game.currentScore;
total_score_text.text = "Total score - " + Number(game.totalScore + game.currentScore);
btn.onRelease = function () {
game.totalScore = game.totalScore + game.currentScore;
game.currentScore = 0;
gotoAndStop ("Isometric");
Frame 48
function init() {;
beatI = 0;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("tiles", 3);
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("beats", 4);
tiles.attachMovie("iso_wall", "iso_wall", 1);
attachMovie("iso_score", "iso_score", 999999999);
iso_score._y = 420;
tiles.attachMovie("iso_backing", "iso_backing", 2);
iso_score.onEnterFrame = function () {
this.score.text = "score:" + Number(game.currentScore);
tiles.iso_backing._x = -90;
tiles.iso_backing._y = 45;
x = 0;
while (x < 4) {
y = 0;
while (y < 15) {
if (y == 1) {
switch (x) {
case 0 :
name = "tile_F";
case 1 :
name = "tile_D";
case 2 :
name = "tile_S";
case 3 :
name = "tile_A";
} else {
name = (("tile_" + x) + "_") + y;
tiles.attachMovie("tile2", name, tiles.getNextHighestDepth());
tiles[name]._x = (y - x) * 30;
tiles[name]._y = ((y + x) * 30) / 2;
tiles[name].depth = ((((((y + x) * 30) / 2) * 300) + (y - x)) - 30) + 3;
if (y == 1) {
} else {
tiles._x = (beats._x = 100);
tiles._y = (beats._y = 100);
scoreFormat2 = new TextFormat();
scoreFormat2.bold = true;
scoreFormat2.font = "Arial";
scoreFormat2.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
scoreFormat2.align = "right";
game.clip.createTextField("songtxt", 500000, 10, 10, 300, 20);
game.clip.song_txt.text = "Song Info : Firestorm - War Chaos - by DJFirestorm";
function generateBackground() {
d = 0;
xp = 10;
yp = 7.5;
_root.attachMovie("empty", "backgroundTiles", 1);
y = 0;
while (y < 4) {
x = 0;
while (x < 4) {
_root[(("tileCol" + x) + "_") + y] = new Color();
name = (("t_" + y) + "_") + x;
backgroundTiles.attachMovie("menuTile", name, d);
backgroundTiles[name]._x = xp;
backgroundTiles[name]._y = yp;
xp = xp + 110;
_root[(("tileCol" + x) + "_") + y] = new Color(backgroundTiles[name]);
_root[(("tileCol" + x) + "_") + y].setRGB(Math.random() * 16777215);
yp = yp + 103.3;
xp = 10;
i = 0;
while (i < 4) {
y = Math.floor(Math.random() * 7);
x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9);
changeLights(x, y);
wait = setInterval(triggerLights, 75);
function triggerLights() {
y = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
changeLights(x, y);
function changeLights(x, y) {
tile1 = _root[(("tileCol" + x) + "_") + y];
tile2 = _root[(("tileCol" + (x + 1)) + "_") + y];
tile3 = _root[(("tileCol" + (x - 1)) + "_") + y];
tile4 = _root[(("tileCol" + x) + "_") + (y + 1)];
tile5 = _root[(("tileCol" + x) + "_") + (y - 1)];
i = 1;
while (i <= 5) {
tile = _root["tile" + i];
if (tile != undefined) {
tile.setRGB(Math.random() * 16777215);
function newBeat(bn) {
beatNumber = (3 - bn) + 1;
name = "iso_beat_" + beatI;
beats.attachMovie("iso_beat", name, beats.getNextHighestDepth());
beats[name].n = bn;
beats[name].active = true;
beats[name].jump = -20;
beats[name]._x = (16 - beatNumber) * 30;
beats[name]._y = ((16 + beatNumber) * 30) / 2;
beats[name].onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = this._x - 10;
if ( {
this._y = this._y - 5;
if (this._x < ((this.n - 5) * 30)) {
game.currentScore = game.currentScore - 50;
if (game.currentScore < 0) {
game.currentScore = 0;
if ((this._x < ((this.n - 2) * 30)) && (this._x > ((this.n - 4) * 30))) {
tile = _root.tiles[tileArr[this.n - 1]];
if (tile._currentframe != 2) { = false;
game.currentScore = game.currentScore + 100;
} else {
this._y = this._y + this.jump;
this.jump = this.jump + 2.5;
if (this._x < ((this.n - 8) * 30)) {
function makePossitive(n) {
if (n > 0) {
if (n < 0) {
attachMovie("Song_2", "song_2", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
song_2._x = -20;
song_2._y = 15;
kList = new Object();
kList.onKeyDown = function () {
if (Key.isDown(65)) {;
if (Key.isDown(83)) {;
if (Key.isDown(68)) {;
if (Key.isDown(70)) {;
tileArr = ["tile_A", "tile_S", "tile_D", "tile_F"];
Frame 60
score_text.text = "Stage score - " + game.currentScore;
total_score_text.text = "Total score - " + Number(game.totalScore + game.currentScore);
btn.onRelease = function () {
game.totalScore = game.totalScore + game.currentScore;
game.currentScore = 0;
Frame 67
onMouseDown = function () {
gotoAndStop ("Menu");
Symbol 20 MovieClip [tile2] Frame 7
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 47 MovieClip [shock] Frame 14
Symbol 47 MovieClip [shock] Frame 28
Symbol 47 MovieClip [shock] Frame 42
Symbol 47 MovieClip [shock] Frame 56
Symbol 49 MovieClip [catch_player] Frame 1
Symbol 54 MovieClip [catch_dropping_symbols] Frame 1
Symbol 54 MovieClip [catch_dropping_symbols] Frame 10
Symbol 54 MovieClip [catch_dropping_symbols] Frame 20
Symbol 54 MovieClip [catch_dropping_symbols] Frame 30
Symbol 57 MovieClip [rate_text] Frame 19
Symbol 57 MovieClip [rate_text] Frame 40
Symbol 75 MovieClip [range_beat_bar] Frame 1
Symbol 80 MovieClip [range_guitar_arm] Frame 1
Symbol 82 MovieClip [range_rock_beam] Frame 31
Symbol 103 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 105 MovieClip [Song_3] Frame 1
Symbol 105 MovieClip [Song_3] Frame 2
beatUpdate = setInterval(_root.newBeat, 1500);
Symbol 105 MovieClip [Song_3] Frame 416
_root.beatSpeed = 8;
beatUpdate = setInterval(_root.newBeat, 700);
Symbol 105 MovieClip [Song_3] Frame 1210
Symbol 105 MovieClip [Song_3] Frame 1254
Symbol 108 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 2
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 74
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 145
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 196
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 213
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 231
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 249
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 285
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 303
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 322
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 357
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 375
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 393
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 429
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 487
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 504
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 537
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 573
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 609
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 645
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 663
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 681
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 717
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 753
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 806
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 834
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 858
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 879
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 950
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 982
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1022
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1041
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1057
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1076
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1095
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1112
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1126
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1166
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1184
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1220
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1238
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1256
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1292
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1310
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1328
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1345
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1364
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1400
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1435
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1454
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1472
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1508
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1526
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1544
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1580
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1615
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1633
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1652
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1688
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1707
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1723
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1728
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1732
Symbol 109 MovieClip [Song_1] Frame 1815
Symbol 121 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 169 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 182 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 182 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndStop ("idlr");
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 29
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 35
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 78
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 92
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 101
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 106
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 151
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 165
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 174
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 179
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 222
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 236
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 245
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 250
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 281
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 290
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 299
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 308
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 317
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 322
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 336
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 340
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 344
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 348
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 353
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 362
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 371
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 388
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 397
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 407
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 411
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 415
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 419
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 426
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 434
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 443
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 461
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 470
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 480
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 484
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 488
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 492
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 499
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 507
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 516
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 533
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 542
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 552
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 556
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 560
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 564
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 571
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 579
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 588
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 604
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 609
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 614
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 632
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 640
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 645
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 650
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 668
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 676
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 681
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 686
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 704
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 713
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 718
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 723
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 740
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 747
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 752
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 757
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 775
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 784
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 789
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 794
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 812
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 820
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 825
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 830
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 848
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 856
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 861
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 866
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 884
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 964
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 982
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1018
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1036
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1054
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1090
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1109
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1118
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1126
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1135
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1162
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1180
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1198
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1216
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1234
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1252
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1270
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1288
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1306
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1325
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1352
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1361
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1387
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1395
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1432
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1441
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1450
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1459
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1468
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1477
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1486
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1495
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1504
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1513
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1522
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1531
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1540
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1549
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1559
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1568
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1577
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1586
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1595
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1604
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1621
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1639
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1656
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1675
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1687
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1701
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1715
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1729
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1741
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1746
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1751
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1756
Symbol 192 MovieClip [Song_2] Frame 1890
Symbol 288 MovieClip Frame 141
gotoAndPlay ("bb");
Symbol 366 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 378 Button
on (press) {;
Symbol 379 Button
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 364 MovieClip in Symbol 382 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
PercentLoaded = int((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100);
if (PercentLoaded != 100) {
} else {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
PercentLoaded = int((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100);
if (PercentLoaded != 100) {
} else {
Symbol 382 MovieClip Frame 130
Symbol 382 MovieClip Frame 140;
Symbol 401 Button
on (release) {
h1._alpha = 100;
h2._alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop ("Play Game");
Symbol 406 Button
on (release) {
h1._alpha = 100;
h2._alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop ("Catch");
Symbol 413 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("Isometric");